#ayaka thirsts.
vmp3ater · 19 days
jealous makeout w ayaka that turns into sex!!!
- 🐡
sub ayaka x dom gn reader
making out with ayaka while being so jealous. she’s just so popular in inazuma you just can’t help but feel this way!
fingering her while you kiss her because you don’t think she’s earned enough. two fingers into her cunt while a thumb is circling around her clit. shes squirming to your hand while she wraps her arms around your neck to keep you closer to her
pulling back from the kiss with a string of saliva connecting from both of your mouths, whispering filthy nothings into your ear while she whines and clamps around your fingers
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vrncaes · 10 months
Omg yes and ayaka doesn’t think much of it..
she thinks you just miss her so much and that you worry a lot, her little mind cannot understand that you just feel so possessive of her :(
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blood-orange-juice · 11 months
Genshin mains stereotypes post, let's go.
Childe mains: do not provoke
Yae mains: mean bisexuals. occasional mean lesbian
Ayaka mains: played since beta
Alhaitham mains: thirst
Scaranation: best art in fandom
Kaeya mains: lore analysis lore analysis lore analysis. in this essay I will
Hu Tao mains: actually clear the abyss sometimes
Dottore mains: dead dove do not eat (also best comic strips)
Arlechhino mains:
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sea-lanterns · 7 months
Silly Empress au thought!
So we know and love how some of the Courtesans top their Empress, and others have a more equal form of intimacy. But imagine if some of the other girls wanted to give topping the Empress a try?
It would probably start casually, just Keqing posing a passing question to Beidou, simply asking if the other woman would mind telling her how to best please their Empress as the top. Which starts put with just Beidou giving pointers to be more assertive and things of that nature.
Soon it reaches out, soon Yelan is showing Ganyu how to tie shibari knots. Dehya is taking Nilou out strap shopping. And Ningguang having Ayaka practice on her when they aren't too busy.
All of this being the first time all the Courtesans can keep a secret from the Empress. Leaving our poor girl none the wiser to the multitude of sexual training arcs going on for her.
And just imagine the Empress' surprise when one day she goes to her quarters, just to find all of them, every single Courtesan waiting for her. All sporting their own strap-ons and a mix confident smirks and nervous smiles.
Oh what a night our dear Empress would have with all of them wanting to show off how well they can please her.
…Yeah the Empress is not walking for a while.
The Empress is capable of domming Ganyu, Keqing, Nilou, Ayaka, and Shenhe (on some days), but if those courtesans were to suddenly find an interest in topping, the Empress is screwed. (Literally) There goes the Empress’ switch privileges (╥﹏╥)
nsfw under the cut—————————
No because the Empress is so confused as to how her more submissive courtesans were suddenly tying her up and fucking her brains out. All wearing strap ons as they fill every inch and crevice of the Empress’ body till she’s stuffed to the brim with silicone.
You have Ganyu eagerly tying you up with what she learned from Yelan, while Nilou is spreading your legs apart and thrusting brutally into your cunt like how Dehya does—
And Keqing is making you suck off her shaft while Ayaka is pinching your nipples in between her fingers. All of these things which they’ve learned from the more dominating courtesans of the harem, and leaving you all confused because when did these girls get so bold?!
You could barely form a coherent thought as each of the subbier girls start to quicken their actions, going rougher, going harder, all the while your dominating courtesans watch from the sidelines. Proud to see their “students” use what they learn to utterly wreck your body even more.
Of course, the subbier girls of the harem are not as proficient as the doms as they run out of stamina pretty quickly. Not to fret, however! As the moment each girl takes a quick rest break, the dominating courtesans decide it’s best to take it from here and show them just how good they are at destroying their Empress.
You’re already exhausted and overstimulated from how the submissive courtesans played with you, but now it came to the real sex part, as each dominant courtesan takes their position over your trembling body.
Yeah, the submissive girls topping you was just foreplay to the others. The real fun begins now…
A/N: wrote this without any proofreading. Just pure thirst and thoughts.
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mmorw · 2 years
Now I think about the pregnant Ayato who makes Alpha do his every whim with tears in his eyes, saying that because of Alpha's intemperance, they ended up in this situation
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cw: just fluff, omegaverse n mpreg alr 🙄, and short thirst. first part!
!! English is not my first language 🤘 any spelling or grammatical errors, notify by dm.
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“I can do it!” Ayato stretched out his shaking hands towards the messy papers taken between your digits, as if he was able to take them even if he had his fucking boba tea cup not in the way of holding them.
“No, you are fine like that.” you muttered under your breath, your hands moving the papers away to read them on the polished wooden table. Meanwhile, your partner simply gave a high angry sigh, leaning equally on the cushion beneath him once he watched you with his relaxed eyes.
Since Ayato's pregnancy was discovered and announced, Inazuma had nearly gone crazy, mainly because of the luxuries given throughout the clans and organizations by the eager arrival of a new heir, especially if it came from the head of the Kamisato Clan.
you had no choice but to start taking care of his jobs and errands at headquarters, stupid whims of his like buying or making his damn boba tea at three in the morning or stopping by any fucking store with baby stuff, only to take every single item of every single. fucking. garment.
is almost despicable, he takes advantage of that, of course he does! And although he wants to feel like he's participating in something, it's more than clear that he just sleeps and relaxes while stroking his belly all day long.
It's... a nice thing to see, really. An omega as sweet and cute as Ayato, carrying your child and then, between the two of you, raising the pup- taking the time to withdraw from the clans to leave the responsibility to Ayaka and enjoy some family time.
“You can... sign these things for a bit.” you handed him some ready documents, dragging them with your index finger to a corner where he was sitting, passing him a check mark with his initial and a pen so that he could give his word to the document read by you.
Ayato didn't even complain, his hands eagerly took the objects and he gently leaned forward, his belly resting on his crossed legs as his beady relaxed eyes quickly returned to rearranging the given mess.
You couldn't blame him, oh no no, of course not, with that teary face and furrowed brows when you just got the news of the medical results and yes, a rather anticipated but forgotten pregnancy knocking on your doors as if it were arrival on a stork.
but ah, maybe it was the fault of you two tho.
You didn't take care of the unexpected and now you were the servant of your beloved mate because the brat didn't want Thoma to take care of him or he would start crying and yelling at you to take care of one way or another. Between having to see your responsibilities as Clan Chief, along with Ayato's whims and leading an entire federation across the country; it was a complete mess.
“If you knew how to behave yourself, this wouldn't have happened.”
“shut up and keep signing.”
Ha, maybe you shouldn't have said that if you didn't want an Ayato sobbing tenderly at your side just right now.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year
Arguments- Ayato
featuring:- Kamisato Ayato, fem!Y/N warnings:- angst, fluff, a small argument a/n:- and this, is my birthday gift to @kazuuaki , happy birthday bestie! <3 Enjoy your day! (Was originally gonna make this a breakup but changed my mind~) It's short, I know- but it's all i managed to do
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“You should take a break, ‘Yato. You’ve been working for hours nonstop.” You said, concerned about your boyfriend. He seemed like he’d had enough, the expression on his face anything but pleasant. Wanting him to unwind for a bit, you suggested, “Maybe we could go for a short walk along the beach? That would surely freshen you up a bit.” 
“Get out.” he said coldly, eyes never leaving the countless papers scattered around his desk. “You’re disturbing me. These papers have to reach the Shogun by nightfall, I don’t have to time to rest, and you’re suggesting a walk? Idiot. Can you not see how busy I am?” He hadn’t had a break in ages, was completely sleep deprived (like me), big bags under his eyes and incredibly pissed off in general, increasing your worry for him. You tried again. “‘Yato, that’s why I’m saying you should relax for a bit. Some fresh air would do you good, you’re very agitated right now.” “Of course I am!” He snapped, slamming his hands on his cluttered desk as he stood to look at you. “You’ve been such a nuisance recently, you know that? Always nagging me, ‘Yato do this, ‘Yato do that. Can’t you take a hint and leave me alone?”
He missed the hurt that flashed in your eyes as you swiveled around. “Alright, Ayato, I’ll leave you alone.” You immediately left and banged the door shut behind you. And leave him alone you certainly did.
It was early dawn, and the cold grey light filtered through the windows of Ayato’s dark office. He’d been there the entire night, and had just managed to dispatch that set of papers to Inazuma City. Leaning back in his chair, he thought of how you’d scold him for his unhealthy habits, before he remembered the way he’d snapped at you, and the hurtful things he’d said. Shit, he didn’t mean any of that, if anything, it touched him how you always looked out for him. He really owed you an apology, big time. He walked out of the office for the first time since yesterday’s lunch, and went straight to your quarters, knocking on the door. “Love, are you there? Can I talk to you?” He received no response. “Love?” He tried again.
Just then Thoma passed by, confused on seeing Ayato knocking fruitlessly on your door. “Milord, [Y/N] isn’t here. I believe she mentioned yesterday night that she was going out for a bit, somewhere around Watatsumi Island? It was weird, but she was also acting weird so I let her be. She also added that she had some urgent business there.”
 “Oh..” Ayato murmured. “Alright.” But his heart did not calm down, the bad feeling in the pit of his stomach increasing. You two were dating. Surely you’d come back, right? Right?
Wrong. It had been days, yet you still hadn’t returned. Ayato grew more and more worried with every passing hour. Were you safe? You hadn’t been ambushed or anything, had you? Were you upset? Were you angry with him? Had he really messed up that bad? Surely he didnt… 
A week passed, and Ayato couldn’t take it anymore. He handed over the duties of the Yashiro Commission to Ayaka for a while, and set off for Watatsumi Island on a waverider in the dead of night. It took him an entire day to reach there, frantically searching for his beloved along the way. The moment he docked on the shores of Watatsumi Island, he immediately started searching around for your whereabouts, not even caring about hunger or thirst. Fear was the only thing he felt, a fear of you leaving him. The soldiers looked so confused on seeing the Yashiro Commissioner running around, but did not question it. One helpful recruit told him that she was wandering near the Sangonomiya Shrine, and off he was. 
“[Y/N]!” He exclaimed, on finally, finally, catching sight of you sitting beneath a tree, a butterfly perched on your finger. The loud sound he made startled away the butterfly, and you looked up at him, before getting up and walking away without a word. “[Y/N], wait please, can I talk to you, please?” He pleaded, catching up to you. You merely shook off his hand and continued walking. “Why are you here, Kamisato Ayato.” You said coldly. “Your wish was for me to leave you alone, and I did that. Why are you following me then?” “[Y/N], I messed up, I know, can you please hear me out? I never meant any of that, I really didn’t, I swear. I was just really anxious and irritated and worried, and I let it out on you. I swear, I’ve been regretting it with every fibre of my being. I love you, you know that, I love you so much, you can never be a nuisance to me, in fact, you’re my saving grace. If I could take back everything I said, if I could turn back time, I would. [Y/N], please, could you forgive me? Please come back to me? I can’t live without you…”
Your eyes involuntarily softened as you stepped back a bit to observe him. He seemed even more tired and upset than the last time you’d seen him, if that was even possible. But this time, there was desperation painted on his features. “Ayato, you really hurt me, you know that right? I was worried for you, all I was trying to do was help you out. So when you snapped at me, I felt really terrible.” You told him quietly. He instantly said, “I know, I realised that. You have no idea how much I appreciate you always looking out for me. I never ever wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry… I’m really, really sorry [Y/N].” He whispered.
You sighed, extending your arms, hugging him tightly. “Come here, ‘Yato.” , and his heart nearly burst on hearing that nickname again after more than a week. He buried his face in your neck, relishing that warm and soft embrace of yours after so long. You gently ran your hands through his hair. “Apology accepted. But you better not do it again, or else-” “I won’t.” He quickly said. “Did I tell you how much I love that nickname?”
You returned with him to the Yashiro Estate, and ever since then, Ayato had been so much sweeter, always minding his words, and spoiling you rotten, despite your protests. But you accepted it, happy to be with your caring boyfriend again.
hehe kazu, i hoped you liked it, even tho its not much :)
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anantaru · 1 year
hello hello <3 would you by any chance have some miko thirsts stored away in that lovely mind of yours?
sure, i added two other characters as well <3 cw. a sprinkle of dacryphilia, fem! reader
yae miko using a vibrator on you because she loves to see you cry <3 you can feel the vibrations ring from your clit to your stomach until hitting your tits, your erect nipples being immensly responsive to each touch. "keep your eyes on me." miko purrs in an almost sympathetic tone towards you, rubbing the vibrator back and forth your delicate cunt as making sure to tease your entrance, but never completely satisfying your cravings. She‘s extending her free hand to one of your tits to playfully pinch it, the rough tenderness of her fingerpads had you in a daze, your head thrown back. Her touch was like no others, it was perpetual, everlasting like her beauty.
impatiently rubbing your pussy over arlecchino‘s thigh because she treasures how wholly dedicated you are towards her. If you call her 'lord' she‘s smirking, expanding her warm hands to your jolting hips so she could cordially rub your pussy over her thigh on her own— you’re just not fast enough in her eyes! the raw material of her pants had you left sore and it stung a little bit but was lastly overthrown by the euphoric pleasure that crashed over you. She‘s absolutely ravenous to see tiny tears bubble out of your pretty eyes, to have them cover your cheeks because then she‘s certain you enjoy it, because then you ravel in your overstimulation, get faster, let your squishy flesh soil her pants while you‘re slanting your hips a bit forward so you could stimulate your clit a bit better.
using ayaka‘s face as much as you desire while carelessly riding her tongue, relentlessly rolling your hips over her wet muscle to chase your satisfying orgasm. You were drenching wet, feeling filthy and slightly embarrassed when you let your eyes fall to see her cheeks being greatly stained with your slick, her nose being dug into your clit and adding onto the blissful infatuation she imposed on you. how ayaka was delivering, more so showing her hunger for you, how she needed to taste you more while grabbing onto your thighs to pull you further close. The room you were in, a moment frozen in time and only being dedicated to you and your pleasure. You‘re wiggling your pussy onto the tip of her tongue, the smothered noises your cunt made had you quite flustered but ayaka enjoyed them since it was her who was the cause of it. <3
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absolutebl · 1 year
BL Best of 2022 - quick picks
Best KBL: Semantic Error
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Best Thai BL: Bad Buddy (remember for me this falls into 2022) 
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Best JBL: this was the hardest pick for me because Japan came back SWINGING this year. So... I cheated. 
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Best traditional live action yaoi? Minato’s Laundromat 
Best modern BL? Takara & Amagi 
Best for me, personally? Old Fashion Cupcake 
Best Taiwan BL: My Tooth Your Love although I really adored DNA Says Love You and About Youth, the one fudged the beginning and the other the end (both are still v HEA) so My Tooth was the most consistent. 
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Best director: Kato Ayaka (Old Fashion Cupcake) she did a fucking phenomenal job, and yes she had two killer actors to work with, but I am such a sucker for those long shots plus the sensual foods close ups? GIIRLLLLLLLL. Gah! 
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Best kiss: honestly we had so many good kisses this year I have multiple blog posts going on the subject. But I am handing it over to the one that stuck in my head the most, Billy & Seng’s up against that chain gate with the damn blue towel sticking out of his back pocket in Secret Crush On You. 
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The desperation was just insane. But I might have given it to OFC if they hadn’t already won the director category. And I flipping LOVE the Kissable Lips boys BTS smiley kiss from 304: 100% should have been on screen for us.
Best erotic moment: The shower neck make out kiss from side couple RainPayu in Oh! My Sunshine night. 
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Runner up: VegasPete and the “ass to waist ratio” kiss in their kinky chain scene. 
Best O scene: Oh the whole LITA special, they knew what they were doing. Doesn’t stop me being annoyed by the whole thing, tho. 
Best cuddles: I mean it should got to 12% because, well, ENDLESSLY spectacular cuddles from SantaEarth but for me it was Star in My Mind’s cuddle+glare. I love me a vicious little “mine” moment. 
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Best eye contact/soulmating/eyefucking: FirstKhao in The Eclipse although Japan did great work with THIRST this year (bit more one sided, that one). 
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Best cinematography: Cherry Blossoms After Winter, I know, I know, but you know how I feel about yaoi, nostalgia and cinematic storytelling. 
Best boohoo snot bubble I’m dazed and crying: Eternal Yesterday, every fucking episode, Choco Milk Shake (I hate you Strongberry, I love you Strongberry), To My Star 2 (I just hate you and you are not forgiven). 
Most beloved character: Shin MY PRECIOUS BEAN SPROUT 
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Best Pair: The Parks although I am also crazy about the To My Star and Kissable Lips boys. I really want more from all of them. Madness that it’s all Korea. 
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Best Ensemble: The Eclipse had a killer cast but I expect that from GMMTV. So for all it was a mess of a story Cutie Pie wins best casting from me. All 3 couples had such good chemistry. I don’t think any other multi-couple shows out of Thailand were that on point, not even KP. 
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Best siblings//family: My Ride, gotta hand it to the gay uncles and all the queer friends and the adopted son. Although DNA Says Love You was pretty darn great too. 
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Best Food: There were so many food ones this year (Ocean Likes Me, Old Fashion Cupcake, La Cuisine, but none were as good food-wise as Bite Me last year) so the one where I actually wanted to eat stuff the most? What Zabb Man. What can I say? I love sweets and ramen, but Thai food is my last best hope in life. 
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Best song: Eternal Yesterday’s OST Sunshower by Ayumu Imazu. I can’t believe Japan beat out Korea but I am sorry I just really fucking adore that song. I’m sucker for that raw slightly rough voice combined with Japan’s brusque style (and PINK hair). 
But Leo’s I still from Happy Ending Romance is a close fucking follow up, that boy is dripping slightly-evil honey even in falsetto, he’s a perennially ignored goddamn gift to Kpop. 
I do A LOT of best of lists, this is just the beginning. Also if you have a request of a top 10 of 2022 or any best of... name the tope lists, let me know in an RP or a comment. 
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vmp3ater · 2 months
ayaka being a good girl for u as usual but you tease and edge her anyways bc shes cute when she cries and begs 💞
(continuing the sea animal theme!! can I be 🐡 anon?)
sub ayaka x dom gn reader
ayaka lets her whines fill the room freely while your fingers thrust into her cunt, squirming as the pads of your fingers graze up against her sweet spot so well. the pleasure felt more intense because you’ve already edged her one time, she doesn’t know how much more she can take. she’s been a good girl for you!
when you edge her again, she’s whining out how badly she wants to cum, how badly she needs it. but you ignore her pleas and continue edging her, kissing her neck to tease her. she just looks so cute when she begs and whimpers, so don’t give in just yet <3
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hello, I wanted to make an ask, if you are accepting of course. How about the women of Inazuma being caught on a bad day by the male reader looking deep into their eyes and talking "I need you to sit on my face, no time for explanations" and if they do, he stays there serving them until they get better
Facesitting headcanons with Inazuma girls!
A/N: Hi Anon! Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy!
Characters: Raiden Ei // Sangonomiya Kokomi // Nagonahara Yoimiya // Yae Miko // Kuki Shinobu // Kujou Sara // Kamisato Ayaka
CW: Male!Reader
NSFW under the cut.
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"Listen. I need you to sit on my face, right now. No time to explain."
Yae Miko
“Hm… I will take you up on that offer, little one.”
Miko steps closer, and pulls your chin up with her hand. As you see the pure thirst in her eyes, you feel all the confidence you once had leave your body. She grabs your collar, and pulls you by it towards the bed. 
Your tongue was numb by the time Miko was feeling better. 
Kujou Sara
“Alright… ? Lead the way…”
Poor Sara, she’s so oblivious. She realizes what this is about only when you pull her panties aside and dive in. 
“What are you d- Ah!”
Five minutes of clit sucking were able to make her forget not only the troubles of the day, but her name as well.
Sangonomiya Kokomi
She gets a little shy and scurries away, returning with two of her favorite toys - a leashed collar and a pair of handcuffs. 
"Just don't hold back, please."
You need a strong pair of arms for this. She'll get very squirmy after two orgasm, desperate to get her overstimulated pussy away from your merciless tongue. Kokomi wants you to stop only when she literally passes out from your assault on her folds. 
Kuki Shinobu
She nods, and leads you to the couch. After you get into position and start serving her cunt, she can't help but notice that tent you pitch in your pants. She sets your cock free so she gets something nice to look at while you work your tongue. 
Yet Shinobu has quite a lot of frustration to get rid of, and your dick seems so lonely. It's just standing there, hard and throbbing with a perfect pair or round, sensitive balls at the base, just begging for her attention. Her Vision lights up, and you know how it goes from here… 
"Ugh, stop crying! Or do you want me to give you a real reason to cry?" 
Nagonahara Yoimiya 
Her mood instantly lifts. She chuckles, and drags you by the wrist to the bed. No point wasting time, she thinks. 
“T-thanks y/n… ah… m-means a lot…”
Being the good girl she is, Yoimiya will feel a little guilty about having all the pleasure to herself. So, she’ll lean down and voluntarily choke on your cock (as much as your tongue allows her to). Every oral session with her turns into a sixty-nine, as the girl just can’t keep her hands and throat away from you.
Raiden Ei
She licks her lips, and approaches you. Her hands start to circle around your chest, lightly teasing your clothed nipples. 
“How thoughtful of you, my love. But I’m afraid…”
You gasp as she presses against you, hand clasped firmly around your hardening length. She leans down to your ear.
“... that your nimble tongue is the least you can offer me, yes?”
The archon will pull you into her Plain of Euthymia. After she’s done with you, your unconscious, limp and completely fucked out body will be dropped right on your bed. 
Kamisato Ayaka
Ayaka blushes, and looks down.
“Would you… really do it for me?”
She doesn’t want to take off her dress, so you’ll be working underneath the fabric. Ayaka really likes it, because it makes her imagination work. And the filthy, wet noises of you sucking and just devouring her folds certainly make her mind work overtime. She’s going to try and pleasure you as well, but her pussy is just too sensitive, so your dick will be left alone, leaking precum and throbbing at every beautiful whine that falls from her lips. 
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Thanks for reading!
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shanieveh · 1 year
BACK TO DECEMBER — reading club !
scaramouche x gn!reader
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NAME—an achiever all their life, this new school was more laidback than previously but that did not mean you loved it more. as the memories of the past haunts you at your wake, all the supposed academical achievements you easily got were all the more useless, and the reading club becomes a comfort
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KAMISATO AYAKA — the popular girl and president of the reading club. every guy has been in love with but also secretly has a crush the biggest crush on a girl, and will probably be kicked out once her strict rich parents heard about this, she gets high grades and often speaks of her brother abroad and his hot european bodyguard
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KAVEH — a multitalented man who regularly breaks up with his boyfriend and roommate, alhaitham. he also gives you amazing love advice that he never follows and no matter what he tweets online he will be the first to knock at your door and comfort you on your off days.
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XIAO — who will gladly beat up the person you are tweeting about so you can just shut up (affectionate) is also the campus emo boy but will soon be replaced by a certain transferee student. xiao doesn't care about doing well in school for he is a billionaire's son and most likely will be rich his whole life
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YOIMIYA — silly girl who dreams of the cottage core lesbian aesthetic. also has a bunch of hit posts from her random rambles online and a favorite of the elementary students. she wishes to help you about your emotions, but she is too busy being an icon and a legend
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VENTI — a poetic song writer who creates masterpieces that makes fun of all of his friend's sorrowful and miserable lives. often gets low scores on purpose to get the teacher fuming at him and often braids your hair and becomes a parlor when you cry over the past.
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KAEYA — who acts like the biggest playboy but never in a relationship, he often creates thirst posts in tiktok but too shy to talk to anyone who actually develops feelings for him. he is also friends with so many people, all of which describes him as mysterious entity. he also probably knows your whole life story before you setting a foot in your new school
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MONA — only went to the reading club when she realized how heavily financially supported it is by its rich sponsors. she makes tarot card readings online and does a manifestation subliminal affirmations every time an exam is near and even gave you rose quartz and believes you will be with your lost love because of it
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BACK TO DECEMBER — masterpost || late night drinking buddies
SUMMARY: you were childhood bestfriends with scaramouche, and with many unanswered confessions and one sided goodbyes, you both meet again, but now he wears a cold glance even turning agressive when his eyes wander yours, and it all came down the day he became the top of your class, beating you and rejoicing in success. his smile was because of your pain. maybe you could turn back time where promises actually never broke, and love was a beautiful thing.
TAGLIST: @yukiipc @wanderchive @user11918163805279 @gekkow @moon-320 @meowmeowmau @mine-lu @sunaaa @lxkeeeee @faaariiii-world @lazy-sanns @sketcheeee @divinechicha @virette
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keisurou · 2 years
keep it in. || thoma x f!reader (mdni)
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this is an early unplanned thirst post for @ittorakii’s birthday (because my special baby deserves the best). although i’m very rusty because it’s the first time writing in months and i’m writing this on my phone at midnight, so yeah; it’s not that good ;—; but alas, i gotta start somewhere <3
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       “i thought i saw them come this way..”
      ayaka’s voice is soft as usual from the other side of the door, and her quick steps retreating away brings a small sense of relief.
      a very, very tiny one.
      you barely have enough time to catch your breath before you feel thoma shift again, his hands coming up to wipe away the strands of hair falling over your face, damp with sweat. his touch on your skin is soft and careful, a stark contrast to his actions that landed you in your current predicament. it’s hard to glare at him when he looks at you like that—brows drawn together, teeth dragging over his bottom lip as he lets out little pants with each roll of his hips as he fucks into you deeper. “c’mon, give me one more—just to be sure,”
      the protest is on the tip of your tongue. you’re too far gone to talk back about the specifics, and thoma even more so. one more was three orgasms ago; one more was before you both had moved from the desk to the bed.
      you whimper at a particular hard thrust and he grins down at you, unabashed, with another mean roll of his hips. the sound is pornographic and the way it seems to echo throughout the room has you keening and lifting your hips to meet him halfway.
      “th—thoma, no more,” your throat feels dryer than usual and you’re forced to stop talking as he leans down to kiss you sweetly. “i can’t—can’t cum again—”
      “baby, you gotta keep it in,” you almost sob, choking when you feel his fingers slip between your folds to skirt around your aching clit and you find yourself bucking your hips up, grinding against his for any sort of friction. “need to keep it—fuck, need to make you a mommy—”
      shouldn’t we start a family?
      you had thought he had said it innocently enough, it was thoma, after all. maybe it was your fault; maybe you shouldn’t have responded the way you did, with the teasing lilt in your voice as you leaned in to brush your lips along his jaw, effectively pressing yourself flush against him. why don’t we get to it?
      “gonna cum—,” your voice stutters off into a soundless wail as his thumb pets at your clit, quick and insistent. you lift a hand to your breast, squeezing at the flesh; pinching and flicking at the aching peaks as thoma watches, almost as if entranced. “thoma, ’m gonna—”
      “yeah baby, i know,” he buries his cock in you to the hilt, eyes straying from your breasts to the soft jiggle of your belly and down to the apex of your thighs where smears of cum and arousal have seeped through and coated along the skin. the image comes to him, unbidden—of you with your big, round belly and heavy, leaking tits—and he whines, hunching forward as he fucks into you, hips stuttering. “you’re gonna look so good—so fucking hot and all mine,”
      you can’t help but moan at his words, and you squeeze around him involuntarily, milking his cock until he’s spilling into your warm cunt fast and hard, giving you every last drop. all you needed to do now was keep it all in.
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anexistingexistence · 11 months
Assigning the Redacted cast Genshin mains because somebody has to.
Asher: Just wants to play Fu Hua, but she doesn't exist here, so this man is a Dps Barbara main just to cause chaos.
Sweetheart: Was a Jean main until Itto came out.
Milo: Was turned into a Gorou main once Sweetheart got Itto. He didn't play the game before then and sarcastically hates Sweetheart's constant "dog boy" jokes.
Angel: The thirstiest Raiden main to ever be a Raiden main.
David: ...That man mains Diluc and Angel gives him so much shit for it (and, to be fair, he doesn't even really "main" Diluc, seeing how David hardly plays the game).
Darlin: Geo Traveler because they want to piss off Angel.
Lovely: A Keqing main who still believes she has real cat ears.
Sam: Noelle main because claymore characters are the only ones slow enough for him to keep track of and he needs the shield because otherwise he will perish.
Vincent: A Eula main. Obviously.
Gavin: A Rosaria/Yelan main. Again, obviously.
Damien: "Stop fucking healing me" the Hu Tao main.
Lasko: Sucrose main turned Heizou main.
Huxley: His main is Itto, but his best built character is Nahida.
Freelancer: A Sayu main who strictly refers to her as "the lazy avatar."
Kody: A (very badly built) Xiao main.
Blake: Wanderer main. I will not elaborate.
Bestie: Yae Miko main because they enjoy thirsting over fictional characters.
Sunshine: Ayaya main who only refers to her as "Ayaya."
Elliott: Ayato main because he likes how well he and Ayaka play together. Switches mains to support Sunshine's.
Starlight: Yanfei main (no idea why tho).
Avior: "This is a what game?"
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sea-lanterns · 1 year
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dehya with a size kink (nsfw)
biting miko, hu tao, shenhe and columbina (sfw)
jealous boss ei (nsfw)
jean and thigh riding (nsfw)
minimal bondage with beidou, yelan, ningguang, dehya, miko, ei and sara (nsfw)
being yelan and the qixing women’s plaything (nsfw)
kisses with ei (sfw)
tied up and edged by lisa (nsfw)
being ei and miko’s bratty bunny (nsfw)
riding the electro girls while doing their makeup (nsfw)
hickey prank with miko and arlecchino (nsfw)
rare threesome pairs (nsfw)
jealous birthday sex with ei (nsfw)
dancer nilou w/ the imperial harem (sfw)
the imperial harem in sumeru (sfw)
courtesan ningguang marking you up w/ imperial harem (sfw)
dehya, beidou and shenhe competing for your attention w/ the imperial harem (sfw)
eula and ayaka join the imperial harem (sfw)
walking around in your underwear home alone w/ arlecchino (nsfw)
various genshin women zipping up your dress (sfw)
columbina and arlecchino threesome (nsfw)
the courtesans getting jealous over a plushie (sfw)
women who grunt and women who whimper (nsfw)
the empress cockwarming her courtesan(s) during a meeting (nsfw)
furina’s strap game (nsfw)
the courtesans fighting over who’s lap you sit on/who sits on your lap (sfw)
slasher! beidou fucking you on her pickup truck (nsfw)
boobs, ass or thighs with the courtesans (nsfw)
bathing slasher beidou and ei (sfw)
ranking the final girls from the slasher au based on survival rate (sfw)
the sub courtesans learning to top the empress (nsfw)
the sub courtesans learning to top the empress 2 (nsfw)
arlecchino, sara and shenhe meeting their newborn child for the first time (sfw)
various genshin women packing lunches for their children (sfw)
furina taking care of pregnant reader (sfw)
do the genshin women pass nnn? (nsfw)
helping relieve jean’s horniness in her office (nsfw)
various genshin women in a cowgirl au (nsfw)
yae miko comforting you while you have nightmares (sfw)
genshin women opening a water bottle for you (sfw)
sucking off nighttime layla when daytime layla suddenly emerges (nsfw)
introverted and extroverted girlfriend dynamics (sfw)
genshin women who drive and genshin women who are a passenger princess (sfw)
genshin women peeling oranges for you (sfw)
how the readers and genshin women from my most popular aus spend valentine’s day (sfw and nsfw)
riding loser nerd! navia at her house while she tutors you (nsfw)
letting loser nerd! navia suck your tits (nsfw)
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208 notes · View notes
theswaggyrat · 2 years
Foreign Acquaintances
Ayato x Fem!Reader // Genshin Childhood Lovers cw ~ soft angst // childhood lovers // inazuma spoilers ? // unedited tw ~ none !! plot - childhood lovers reunited, yet your eyes seem so cold and distant. and when did you forget his name ? when did you forget him ? part 1 ; part 2
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Your fingers tangled themselves into the folds of your kimono as you hesitantly crossed through the city crowd. It had been a while since your last stroll within the grounds of Ritou. Shogunate soldiers mingled about the shadows of the city, watching it in secrecy; it was honestly quite eerie, and you could never shake the feeling that they were always watching you. You had not a clue where the feeling originated from, but it drove you restless — you felt misplaced.
To put it blatantly, you did not remember much after a few years ago. You had awoken in a strange home, accompanied by a young girl who treated you whilst you regained strength. The loss of memory — or so you were told — was due to an encounter with treasure hoarders. If it were not for the likes of a woman with the name “Kamisato Ayaka”, you might have been dead. You had not the need to question it much, and overtime you grew to realize just how much impact she had on the townsfolk.
Your stomach rumbled low and hungrily, yearning for something to quench your stomach’s thirst. Street markets were popped along in rows against the roads edge, workers waving a majority of tourists over; but Ritou citizens knew just how unflattering their food was, with a quality that slugs off when touched with a pint of pure water.
Homely food was more preferable than any of the Ritou accommodations though. So you spun the other way, interlacing your hands together as you wandered off.
You had originally visited the city in hopes of finding a new hair piece to go with your outfit. Leisure time had come about and you took the chance to shop around with pleasure, but unfortunately found yourself empty handed. Sure, they were not a necessity; but they were at the least flattering to the eye.
The Kamisato Family were the ones who generously donated a small home to you while you worked your way back into society after the incident. Mainly the daughter, albeit you’ve been told the eldest made a few investments from time to time. You found it odd how the eldest were never to be seen in person. Stories were spread that his hair was as smooth as silk and his icy orbs were not only piercing, but captivating enough to drown in — you had yet to see him in person yourself, but you would assume the latter for now.
You stepped down onto a small stone path that trailed further into a small bamboo forest, just passing your house. It was not much, but it was the only home you knew, or rather remembered. Clicking against the stone as you walked was another figure, tall and slim. The outlines curved about to present a silhouette of a elegant character, taking each step on gracefully. If it were not for the numerous accounts where you found herself reading the rules of aristocracy, you would not be so elegantly refined yourself — and you also would have began to run. Yet the as the shadows shoulders stayed low and their chin held high, you felt no need to; you knew they would not dare hurt you.
You slowed your pace, allowing the man to stroll beside you and pass if he must. Then you turned your head to eye the man. His hair fell down his back, delicately brushed and tinted with a frosty glare. His jaw was set firm and his orbs pierced your own as he gazed back.
Could it be? The Kamisato Ayato? Perhaps the latter was correct, and you expected far too less of him.
Oddly, when his pupils dilated and his iris shrunk, you felt a familiar rush of adrenaline wash over you. Goosebumps surfaced beneath the veil of your kimono and you gulped aloud.
“y/n? l/n y/n?”
His voice was strictly posh and smooth but still sent waves of relaxation fizzling about your mind. And for a moment, he had distracted you from an oddity of sorts.
Whose last name did he call you? He had known your name justly so, if he was truly a Kamisato; but your last name was Zhào, far from… l/n.
“It is Zhào y/n, to be exact.” You smiled quaintly as you greeted him so. “Do you perhaps happen to be Kamisato Ayato? I am greatly in your fortune,” you quipped, bowing your head respectfully. When your eyes flit back to his face, you had left him agape.
“Either I am very insane, or my dear sister is a liar,” he huffed, folding his arms over his chest. Ayato’s eyes gazed at you longingly, and you knew not why, but you wished for more.
“I am sorry, Sir Kamisato, but I am afraid you may have the wrong woman,” you stated, shuffling further from him. It was unfortunate when you felt his skin against your own, reeling you back in as he took your wrist.
Ayato averted his eyes to the side momentarily, aiding you with a moment of silence as you began to collect your thoughts. The eldest Kamisato son was causing quite the scene, and you must admit you were glad no one was close enough to hear. “You don’t remember me,” he muttered. His grasp on your loosened just enough for you to slip away, but out of curiosity, you stayed.
“My sister, Ayaka. You know her, yes?” Ayato queried with a soft-spoken tone blanketing his worry. You were slow to answer, unsure of how to go about answering under his tensed gaze.
“I do. She saved my life.”
“She-“ His orbs narrowed slightly as he bit his tongue, sharply cutting himself off. “And you have no memory? Of anything?”
You chuckled briefly, awkwardly nodding to appease him. “I suppose. Were you not told?”
As the man’s brows creased, your gaze softened and you realized there must be more to it; what were you not being told? Sure, you never questioned it — you were without memory and were cared for quite well — but maybe everything was going too great. Why had you not thought indifferent for just a second?
“I had not been. I have been betrayed by my most beloved sister, it seems,” he sighed. Ayato’s features faltered and fell swollen. “After all this searching, and you barely waver when you see me.”
There was definitely much more beneath the surface. Had you known Kamisato Ayato for much longer? And why did it feel so satisfying with his touch pressed against your skin?
“Sir Kamisato, pray tell I knew you?” You asked curiously, slipping your wrist away to conceal behind your waist.
Ayato refocused his eyes on you and examine your figure. “Could it be..?” He pondered, avoiding your question. “Your vision. You do not have it?”
You were taken aback by many things, but mainly such an idea that you had the token of bearing a vision. “Please, Sir Kamisato. How crude of you, honestly,” you scoffed, pursing your lips as your eyes wandered over his body. “No, I do not.” Your e/c orbs settled upon the vision he bore, wrapped around a decorative rope that waved around his waist.
“The Vision Hunt Decree,” he muttered solemnly. You cocked your head in awe. You knew well of it, but surely you had not been a part of it — that was plain ridiculous. Miss Kamisato would never lie to you.
Would she?
Rather sudden and unexpectedly, Ayatao’s fingers found themselves lacing between yours; you were quite surprised, to say the least, and a soft heat surfaced atop your cheeks. “Sir Kamisato, I-“
You stuttered about as Ayato examined you. He was searching for something when he gazed into your eyes, and you could not tell what when he furrowed his brows and momentarily clutched your hand tighter than before. Your fingers tingled a pleasant sort of delight within his hand; but then he let go and retracted himself from you, and the feeling quickly diminished.
“I do not know if I can fix this,” Ayato whispered, his icy orbs feeling much more cool than they should of. “There will be a chance you don’t remember and…”
“Sir Kamisato?”
He sighed defeatedly and turned away; and as he spoke, you could hear the pain interlaced with every word. It left you quivering in sorrow as you reached your hand toward him briefly. How you yearned to bring a smile to his face.
“You’re no longer mine to hold, y/n.”
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blueparadis · 2 years
ONE. I write for a variety of fandoms. I mainly write n.sfw & dc, and rarely sfw; if your suggestions interest me I'll take it without further thought. You can refer to this post if you have any doubts regarding thirsts & suggestions vs requests. you can send thirsts/suggestions for drabbles, scenarios and headcanons (0.5k -1k) and headcanons ( 4 characters ).
TWO. ⁰¹do not send me n.sfw suggestions if you're a minor or ⁰²don't have an age indicator in your blog or ⁰³it's stated: “closed”. I'll decline it, even if its piques my interest.
THREE. I'll not write sequels of any fics but that doesn't mean you can't send your thoughts, you definitely can send your after thoughts. I might write about it, maybe a drabble but generally I don't think I'm built for part twos.
FOUR. I'll write fandom!versions of a headcanon post that I HAVE previously done for another fandom. Suggestions of characters for headcanons for “part two”/ different fandom!version is welcomed. All characters I write are adults, that is, twenty years of age and above. expansion of fandoms can be found at the end of this post.
FIVE. I use third person pov/second person pov with she/her pronouns ( preferably f!sub!reader ) Some of my works are in the second person with afab!reader/fem!dom!reader. Each posts have proper content warnings so read carefully before proceeding. since my default is f!reader, I'll stick to that if you don't specify it.
I do not take requests anymore unless it is for an event I make but I do take suggestions.THIRSTS ARE ALWAYS ENTERTAINED.
I also do writing commissions. You can view the details HERE. And if you want to tip me, here is my ko-fi.
Since I'm a multifandom blog i do not have much hard no's for characters. so, if you have doubts shoot an ask if I'll be willing to write on them or not. that being said. I DO WRITE SAPPHIC CONTENT, THAT IS, FEMALE CHARACTERS ( with fem!reader / afab!reader ) ARE ACCEPTABLE TOO.
I’LL WRITE ABOUT : —» SFW + N.SFW, DC — yandere, taboo topics ( incest ), porn without plot, porn with plot, (heavy) angst, major character death, polyamory, fluff, hybrids, a/b/o dynamics, dubcon, various bdsm plays and hard kinks like cnc . . . ANYTHING EXCEPT - bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, rape, vore,scat-play.
ANIMANGAS :: although I've listed my favs but i'm flexible with most of the characters. fandoms listed here are open for suggestions and thirsts.
NON-ANIMANGA —» stranger things, wednesday, game of thrones, house of the dragon.
→ bleach [ ukitake jushiro, urahara kisuke,shinji hirako, yoruichi,rukia kuchiki, byakuya kuchiki]
→ tokyo revengers [ chifuyu matsuno, manjiro sano, sanzu haruchiyo, haitanis, kokonoi hajime, inui seishu, izana kurokawa, wakasa imaushi, yuzuha shiba.]
→ genshin impact [ kaveh, xiao, kaeya alberich, thoma, zhongli, childe, ayato kamisato, al-haitham, pantalone.] [ Arlecchino, Ayaka, Candace , Columbina, Nilou,Raiden shogun,Yelan ]
→ jujutsu kaisen [ uthahime iori, shoko ieiri, geto suguru, inumaki toge, yuuta okkotsu, higuruma hiromi.]
→ chainsawman [ yoshida hirofumi, aki hayakawa,power,quanxi]
→ kimetsu no yaiba [ tengen uzui, sanemi shinazugawa, nezuko, mitsuri.]
→ attack on titan [ armin artlet, eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, pieke finger, annie leonhart, levi ackerman.]
→ haikyuu [ sakusa kiyoomi, atsumu miya, sugawara koushi, oikawa tooru.]
→ blue lock [anri teieri, hyoma chigiri, nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, reo mikage, oliver aiku,itoshis, isagi yoichi ]
→ boku no hero academia [ aizawa shouta, shigaraki tomura, keigo takami.]
OTHERS → honkai star rail, spy x family, hell's paradise, vinland saga, tokyo ghoul, castlevania, yuukoku no moriarty , vanitas no carte, gangsta, kuroko’s basketball, obey me, tougen anki, psycho pass, buddy daddies, wind breaker, opla.
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