#ayyyy two fics in two days!!
juliaswickcrs · 1 day
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"Trust me, it's not personal." "Feels kind of personal."
taglist: @bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather
@arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @kingsmakers @noratilney
@stanshollaand @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse
@misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
@princessmadelines @impales @waterloou @thatmagickjuju
MARVEL TAGLIST: @notxjustxstories @themaradwrites
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guiltyasdave · 3 months
like snow on the beach
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pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
word count: ~2.8k
summary: You're on a work trip with your boss, who you don't like and who you're convinced doesn't like you either. Unfortunately, there's only one bed.
tags/warnings: only one bed trope (ayyyy), fluff, idiots in love, alternating povs, reader has hair that drips down her neck after showering at one point but there are no texture or color descriptors, able-bodied reader, no use of y/n, my nonexistent knowledge of colombian geography which i'm asking you to ignore for the sake of this silly story THANK YOU
a/n: my entry for the summer lovin' challenge brought to us by queens @pedgito, @chaotic-mystery and @amanitacowboy <3 i got the moodboard you see in the header and the location by the water. i'm also posting a little early but i'm too excited and it's almost midnight here so i think it's gonna be fine hehe
biggest love to @sizzlingcloudmentality who held my hand through writing this and patiently listened to all my complaints lol. i love drinking more caffeine than pedro and writing with you while getting distracted by cats <3
dividers by @plum98!
find my full masterlist here and follow @guiltyasdavenotifs to get notified when i post a new fic :)
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You’re hot, too hot. 
It’s disorienting, as you blink awake, slow to get your bearings. Arms are wrapped around you, caging you in, engulfing you in the warmth of the body pressed against your back. Hot air is fanning against your neck, accompanied by a scratching sensation on the sensitive skin. 
Your surroundings are unfamiliar, faded wallpaper in an unappealing shade of green and light filtering in through the battered up blinds. It comes back to you in pieces, the motel you’re staying at, the small Colombian town where you’re hoping to get a hold of one of the Cali cartel men. 
The obnoxious scent of Peña’s aftershave is flooding your nostrils, paired with the traces of tobacco that follow him everywhere he goes. It’s honestly embarrassing, how easily you recognize it.
It clicks into place now. The arms around you, the warmth. The scratch that you now realize is his mustache as he’s breathing against your neck.
You start wriggling around, causing the man behind you to stir, a confused groan coming out slightly muffled, his mouth still so close to your skin. He lets go of you after a second, allowing you to turn around and glare at him. 
His face is already forming his signature annoyed scowl, an expression that you’re more than well acquainted with.
“What the hell are you doing?!” 
He sounds different like this, voice still thick with sleep, a hint of the disorientation that you’ve shaken off by now. 
“What am I doing? I woke up with your arms around me, Peña.” 
He blinks, shifting to sit up and lean against the headboard. You mirror him, putting as much space between you as the rather small bed frame allows. 
“Sorry,” he allows after a beat, running a hand through his hair, tousling the mess of black strands that has formed in his sleep. “That wasn’t… appropriate. I apologize.” 
If you weren’t as annoyed right now, you’d probably think that he looks adorable like this. The you from a few months ago would most likely go wild at seeing Javier Peña right after waking up, after he held you in his arms no less. 
The you from a few months ago hadn’t experienced what an asshole of a boss he could be yet, hadn’t been taken off investigations again and again, because Peña thought you weren’t ready. She also hadn’t heard about his terrible reputation with women, hadn’t been subjected to all the office gossip that surrounded him yet. 
Now, after days of practically begging him to take you along on this trip because the whole investigation was based on information that you had gathered, you’re stuck in this motel room with him. Something about your booking of two single rooms accidentally having been processed as one double room, with no other rooms available because of course there weren’t. 
Peña had offered to sleep on the ground, or in the car, but you had waved him off, thinking about how often he had complained how his back was getting worse the older he got on the drive here. You hadn’t expected to wake up to him all but wrapped around you. 
Maybe a small, very small part of you is still going wild about it. A part that you can easily swallow down though. He’s objectively attractive, yes. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s an asshole.
“Just forget it,” you mumble, heat rising belatedly in your cheeks. Gathering your clothes for the day, you flee to the bathroom, eager to wash the whole decidedly weird situation off your body and out of your mind. You’re here because you have a job to do, not to get flustered around your boss. 
When you reemerge, wet strands of your hair dripping down your neck, he’s already dressed, clasping his hands in a way that almost seems nervous. If you weren’t pretty convinced that Javier Peña isn’t physically able to get nervous. 
“I– I’m really sorry,” he repeats, raising from the worn down arm chair he’s been sitting in. “I didn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable position. I’m not– I’m not exactly used to sharing a bed.”
A scoff leaves you at that. Sure, Agent Peña, who’s notorious for sleeping with his informants and with at least half of the female staff of the American embassy, isn’t used to sharing his bed. 
“Don’t worry about it, Peña.” 
You turn away before he can reply, collecting your notes on the investigation that you hope will come in helpful eventually. You don’t catch the remorseful look in his eyes, or the way they linger on you as you open the door, the early morning light illuminating your figure.
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It’s another day filled with nothing but waiting and growing frustration, just like the one before. The sun is beating down on the car that you’re occupying, the heat suffocating even with the windows rolled down and the cool bottle of water that you’re pressing against your neck.
Minutes tick by, turning into hours that go by too quickly and seem to last forever at the same time. Peña is surprisingly quiet, not goading you in the way you had expected him to. 
“Maybe the information was bad,” you mumble eventually, sinking deeper into the car seat. The leather is sticking uncomfortably to your skin and you can’t shake the growing feeling that you’ve insisted on coming out here for nothing.
He slowly turns his head in your direction, regarding you through the dark tint of his aviators. 
“I looked at it. We wouldn’t be here if it was bad.” 
You huff, your patience running short and shorter at the subtle indication of his superiority, his quiet arrogance, always so fucking sure of himself.
“You weren’t exactly thrilled about coming here, remember?”
He raises a brow, a hint of impatience on his own features.
“I wasn’t thrilled about you coming here.” 
You roll your eyes, openly scowling at him now. 
“It’s my intel.”
“Doesn’t make it less dangerous, does it?” 
Biting your lip, you force your blood to not boil over. He’s still your boss, at the end of the day, someone you probably shouldn’t start cussing out, no matter how openly he underestimates you and how badly it annoys you. And you’re gonna have to share that wretched bed with him again tonight. 
Javier watches your face, watches you swallow down your anger, watches your teeth digging into your plush bottom lip. He understands your frustration, understands that no part of this trip is turning out the way you expected it to. 
You’re still new to the workfield, not yet experienced with the hours upon hours of waiting, more often than not without a satisfying result to show for it. If he’s being honest with himself, he isn’t mad about it this time. He’ll rather have you frustrated than in danger. 
You want to prove yourself, you’ve made that abundantly clear. You work hard, determined to bring in results, hungry for praise. It’s not that he doesn’t see that, doesn’t think that you’re capable. But he’s seen enough, enough injuries, enough psychological trauma, enough deaths, to know that he wants you far away from that side of your work. 
Even if that means you’re angry at him more often than not, a glint of bitterness in your eyes every time he refuses to send you out yet again. 
After another few hours, accompanied by the increasing rumbling in both your stomachs, he finally calls it quits for the day. 
“We can drive back to Bogotá tomorrow,” he quietly offers on the way back to the motel, after picking up food for the both of you and refusing to let you pay for your share. “Gather more information, see why we didn’t find anything.”
You huff in return, irritated about the whole situation. The one chance you had to convince him to take you seriously, and this is what you get. “Fine,” you agree, gritting your teeth. Maybe your intel was bad. Maybe you just aren’t that good at your job.
“Keep to your side of the bed tonight,” you grumble later, after the bored woman at the reception told you that there still aren't any other rooms available. 
“Of course,” he sighs, sliding under the covers with the biggest possible distance from you.
You nod, closing your eyes and willing for sleep to take you, but it’s a losing game. You toss and turn, feeling both too hot and too cold at the same time, unable to find a comfortable position and to get the voices in your head to shut up. 
When you roll over yet again, his voice rings through the dark, somewhat agitatedly asking what’s wrong. 
“Nothing,” comes your frustrated reply, pressing your face deeper into the cushion, your eyes squeezed shut. After a few more breaths and zero sign of your brain slowing down, you turn towards him, only able to make out his silhouette in the dark. Your judgment is probably hazy with how tired you are, but the words are out of your mouth before you can think them over.
“Can I ask you a question, Agent Peña?” 
“Javier is fine.” 
Your heart gives a tiny flutter, despite your conflicted feelings about him, despite the question that you’re about to ask. 
“Why do you not like me?” 
It’s inappropriate, especially right now, lying in the dark and sharing a fucking bed with him. But you think that if you don’t ask now, you probably never will, and you need to know. 
“Why would you think that I don’t like you?” 
You huff, squinting at him. “It’s pretty obvious. You don’t trust my work, you never send me to go out, dismiss my intel most of the time–” 
It’s silent for a long time, safe for his quiet breaths. 
“That’s not–” He sighs deeply, turning his head towards you as well. “That’s not true. You’re making it about yourself when you shouldn’t. I treat you exactly like your colleagues, you’re the one taking it personal.” 
It’s curt, dismissive. Laced with carefully feigned indifference, bordering on coldness. Too carefully. You didn’t think he’d lie to you if you asked him this directly, but here you are. 
Blinking back angry tears, you roll onto your back again, unseeingly staring at the ceiling. You don’t understand why it hits you like this. You’ve had shitty bosses before, far worse than Peña. You’ve just never wanted them to like you the way you want him to. 
“Good night, Agent Peña.” You turn onto your other side, your back towards him. 
“Good night,” comes his solemn reply. 
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You don’t wake up with his arms around you again, thankfully, but he hasn’t exactly kept to his side of the bed either. One hand is curled over your shoulder, like he had to reach out and hold onto you in his sleep. 
You’re the one taking it personal. 
Clearly he hasn’t been reaching for you specifically. It’s probably just second nature for him, something that usually goes well with the women sharing his bed. 
You’re able to shake his hold off without waking him up, something that you’re grateful for. 
When he wakes and repeats how he thinks you should abandon the investigation, you don’t argue. It’s a quiet affair, packing up and getting ready to leave. 
Sitting in the driver’s seat, he turns to you, his brow furrowed into that moody expression you’ve gotten used to. “I’ve been thinking,” he begins, eyeing you warily. “We’re not far from the ocean right now. Have you been to the beach since you came to Colombia?” 
You raise an eyebrow in mild suspicion, curious where he’s going with this. 
“I haven’t been out of Bogotá since I landed there. But–” 
His eyes grow softer, his hand twitching like he almost reached out towards you. 
“No buts. At least then it won’t have been a total waste of time to come here, right?” 
The dig towards you, towards the reason you drove all the way out here for nothing isn’t lost on you. You don’t have it in you to argue against it, so you just nod, staring straight ahead. 
Javier realizes how badly you misunderstood his words as soon as they’re out of his mouth and he sees your face. He doesn’t know how he consistently manages to fuck up his interactions with you like this. It’s not him, the blundering, the words constantly coming out all wrong, but you make him nervous in a way that he hasn’t experienced in years. 
He starts driving, hopeful to somehow still be able to turn this trip around. There’s a whole day on the road ahead of them, and he’d much rather spend those hours without feeling like he’s made you hate him. 
You do soften at the sight of the ocean, the sound of waves rolling against the shore having a soothing effect almost instantly. It’s beautiful, the water a brilliant blue, the sun glittering on the surface. You can’t be mad right now, not even at Javier, who’s keeping his distance, letting you wander along the shore by yourself. 
You focus on taking in the scenery, hoping to somehow take it with you to when you’re back in your bleak, government issued apartment, staring at the vastness of gray buildings that is of Bogotá. 
When you turn back to him, his eyes are already on you, less tense, more open than you’re used to. You don’t know how long they’ve been lingering on you, how little attention he had been paying to the nature surrounding you. How good it had felt, to see you like this, without the usual distaste in your face that you have come to regard him with most of the time. The silhouette of you against the bright sky, your skin glowing under the beaming sun. 
“Thank you,” you say, actually smiling at him. A spark of warmth grows in his chest. “This was a good idea, I– I enjoyed it.” 
“I’m glad.” He eagerly returns the smile, allows himself to reach out and graze one finger against the soft skin of your hand. Finding himself unable to stop touching you, now that he’s had a taste of it.
Confusion crosses your face before you quickly avert your eyes, but you don’t pull away. It gives him a sliver of hope, that maybe you’re starting to understand what he doesn’t know how to tell you. 
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After a mostly quiet drive back, both of you too exhausted to talk much, Javier drops you off at your apartment, his hand once again hovering over yours before you get out. 
“Good night,” he breathes, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. After a moment of hesitation, he continues on. “You– you’re doing good work. Don’t beat yourself up over this, okay?” 
You manage a nod, murmuring thank you, Javier before opening the car door and stepping out onto your street, illuminated by the glow of yellow lights. You only realize that you used his first name by the time that your apartment door falls shut behind you. It doesn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. 
Breathing in the familiar scent of your own place, a deep relief washes over you, reveling in the knowledge that you’re gonna sleep in your own bed tonight, alone. You turn on your shower, eager to let the warm water soothe your muscles, stiff from spending the entire day in a car. 
When you exit the bathroom, wrapped into a towel and with a cloud of steam accompanying you, your answering machine is blinking. You press the button to let the message play, moving through your apartment to put on your comfiest sleepwear and ready to fall straight into bed. 
You stop in your tracks when Javier’s voice rings through the room, tripping over the words in a way that’s difficult to associate with the calm, self-assured man that you know. 
“Hey, it’s Javier. You– you’re probably showering, or already asleep. I just– I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings these past days, or– or any day, really. I wanted you to know that. You’re good at what you do, you really are, but– I worry about you, I guess. And I know that I shouldn’t, that I shouldn’t treat you differently. It’s– it’s not because I don’t like you. I like you too much, if anything, and– and now I know what it’s like to sleep next to you, and– anyway, I’m– shit, I’m making a fool of myself. Just– just call me back. Please.”
Your hand finds your phone as soon as the recording ends.
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thank you for reading! as always, reblogs, comments and asks are love and absolutely make my day <3
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A/N: ayyyy I’m back with part two of my previous fic i spend all my days trying to forget her face. Dialogue might get confusing, sorry 😭😭
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she’s so hard to erase, i don’t think she can be replaced
warning for angst and a bittersweet ending. you die at the end. please read part 1 for context!
The moon bathed the alchemy commission in its silver light as the doctor sat alone on its worn down docks. Waves gently crashed onto the pillars supporting the harbor below. How did I even get here? They thought.
Their feet took them to the deserted commission after a heart wrenching encounter with a ghost of their past. Specifically speaking, a woman resembling someone long gone.
Jingliu… The doctor looked up into the starry sky to the full moon hanging above. Even centuries later, they felt a pang in their chest. I can’t help but think of you every time I gaze at a full moon like this.
The strange woman from earlier… even if it was Jingliu, she didn’t seem to recognize them. She spoke no words and her facial expression didn’t change. In fact, there was no sign of familiarity at all. She didn’t even chase after [Name] as they walked away hurriedly with tears threatening to fall from their eyes.
The doctor regrets that they never actually became close with Jingliu. At the time, keeping their distance seemed right and logical, but now the pain of loss has subsided. All that’s left is wistful regret and longing. If they had been closer, would Jingliu have remembered them? [Name] didn’t realize they were crying again until they felt warm tears slide down their cheeks.
A snap of a twig cuts the silence, causing [Name]’s head to whip around at the sudden sound. A Mara-struck soldier has creeped up behind them. Their blade was held above their head to make a fatal blow. Before the doctor could react, they heard the all too familiar whistling of a blade, and the monster was cut in two. The monster crumbled to dust, revealing a blindfolded woman with her sword in hand.
Speechless, [Name] sat there with their eyes wide and lips slightly agape. Of all the people to save them, it had to be her.
“…Jingliu.” They spoke softly. There was no denying it now, it had to be her. Why else would she be here saving them right now? Hope flared in [Name]’s chest that Jingliu could remember them, even if it was just the slightest bit. But their hopes were quickly crushed the moment she spoke.
“So you know who I am,” Jingliu responded in a monotone voice. She still gripped tightly onto her sword, a sign that she was still on her guard.
I guess that was to be expected. The doctor smiled sadly. After all, I am but a mere stranger to her.
“You could say that.” [Name] was half expecting Jingliu to hold her sword against their throat and demand answers, but instead she sheathes her sword and simply sits beside them on the dock a few inches away.
“It’s been centuries since I last set foot openly on the Luofu,” Jingliu says. “Most people do not remember me, or do not dare utter my name. You say it as if you knew me personally. You don’t shy away from the taboo surrounding me.”
The doctor lets out a dry laugh and looks into the distance. “Of course not. I did know you personally for a good few hundred years. Although we weren’t close, I know you aren’t as bad as people label you to be.”
Jingliu remains silent. [Name] feels her eyes linger on their melancholic expression through the black fabric over her gaze.
“When I bumped into you earlier, I felt a strange sadness tug at my heart.”
[Name] suddenly turns towards her. Sadness? So something might be left after all…
“Is there anything else you feel?” The doctor poked.
“…” Jingliu pauses briefly. “There is… regret, though I am not sure why.”
Regret? But what did she have to regret with me? It piqued the doctor’s interest even more. “Can you remember more? Anything at all? You shouldn’t have anything to regret with me.”
Now it’s Jingliu’s turn to let out a dry laugh. “How can you be so sure? You said so yourself that we weren’t close. How do you know I wasn’t hiding something from you?”
As she said those words, a memory flashed in her mind, hitting her like lightning.
The memory was overall blurry, but Jingliu knew where she was. She was transported to a warm day near the training grounds of the Cloud Knights. The sky is blue and cloudless, with the ocsssional starskiff sailing through the sky. The sun is warm and the breeze is gentle on her skin. She could immediately tell that this memory took place during a simpler time in her life.
Jingliu was resting under a tree, leisurely chatting away with someone beside her. Instinctively, she knew their name. [Name].
[Name] was happily chatting about something that happened earlier that day. Their smile was captivating to Jingliu. It warmed her heart and felt more radiant than the sun hanging high in the sky. Their laughter was melodic and made her chest flutter.
She felt at ease with [Name]. There was no “Sword Champion,” no “Master,” no “Transcendent Flash,” but simply “Jingliu.” With [Name], Jingliu could relax from her duties and breathe easy for a while; It felt different than when she was with the High Cloud Quintet.
A thought came to her on that warm day. It flashed in her mind for a mere second, but it made her realize something. Jingliu simply thought, “I wonder what it would be like to see their smile everyday for the rest of my life.” Then it clicked.
Am I…in love with [Name]?
The realization filled her with excitement. Her heart felt like it would burst with butterflies. But that also filled her with a dreadful uneasiness.
For once, her goals and desires clashed with each other. To grow stronger to rival the heavens, or to stay for her love on the Xianzhou? Her heart argued one side, and her rationality took the other.
Ultimately, Jingliu decided that this crush of hers cannot get in the way of her goal. She made up her mind to cast her silly feelings aside, but that didn’t stop her from longing for their affections every single day until she became mara-struck. Then… she forgot everything about [Name].
No wonder she regrets.
Jingliu regrets even more now. She regrets forgetting [Name] entirely.
Jingliu clenched the side of her head in pain as the memory ended. She felt like she was suffocating under the tides of these old, forgotten emotions overwhelming her at once.
“Jingliu?! Are you okay?!” [Name] reached out their hand but stopped short of coming into contact with her. The same feelings that kept their distance from the swordswoman long ago made them hesitate.
When Jingliu’s breathing resumed to normal and her painful headache subsided, she looked up at [Name]. Because she recovered her memories, the Mara struck and her blindfold dissipated. [Name] could clearly see into her pained crimson eyes for the first time in centuries. Jingliu spoke in a quiet voice, “…how is it possible that we weren’t close?”
“We always kept our relationship professional.” [Name] averted Jingliu’s gaze, looking back to the calm moonlit sea in front of them.
“But… I remember talking with you. I remember falling in love with you.”
Time seemed to stop once again as those words fell from Jingliu’s lips. There was no way, absolutely no way, that all this time she liked [Name] back. No, she loved them back the same way they have for all these lonely years.
So all that pain [Name] shouldered out of thinking Jingliu wouldn’t ever spare a glance at them like that, was for naught? Maybe it was foolish of them to blot the idea out right away instead of even confessing first. [Name] could feel their heart starting to bleed from this old, self-inflicted wound they’ve made onto themselves.
But a part of what [Name] thought about Jingliu not prioritizing romance must be true, or else she would’ve confessed her feelings at some point.
“…I’m sorry that I claim to love you but have also forgotten you.”
Jingliu’s apology brings [Name] out of their thoughts. She wasn’t ever the person to coward away, so she looked straight into [Name]’s eyes. But vulnerability and sincere remorse was present in her voice. [Name] shook their head. “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I understand. After all, I kept my distance from you purposefully, because I didn’t think you’d feel the same way.”
Jingliu’s eyes widened. “The same way? Then you mean you loved me too?”
“Very much,” [Name] placed their hand on top of Jingliu’s. “I have loved you for all these years, even after you were long gone.”
“I think about you every night when I look at the moon. I think about you when I watch Jing Yuan train his apprentice, because I used to watch you train him in the same way. I think about you when I tend to patients who’ve hurt themselves in battle. I never forgot you for a moment.”
It feels like a stab to Jingliu’s heart to know that [Name] always thought of her. They both loved each other yet… she just forgot everything. It fills her with guilt. She also thinks that maybe she shouldn’t have simply wished for [Name] to make a move first.
“Our circumstances are very different now,” [Name] continued. “Even if we do love each other still, we can’t be together. I’m sure you know that too.”
“It won’t be long until I’m Mara-struck myself. I’ve been living for a long time now,” they smiled with sad acceptance. “It’s better for us if we both moved on.”
Silence. Jingliu knows in her heart that it’s the cruel truth. Truly, they were both scared of the consequences of their feelings, and they paid the price with guilt and years of painful longing.
“Before we say goodbye, allow me one last thing.”
Jingliu gently cupped [Name]’s cheek and pulled them for a soft, tender kiss. It felt as if all of her unspoken emotions were finally being shared after ages of being hidden away, tucked into the deepest corners of her heart. [Name] returned her sentiment by kissing her back with the same passion. They’ve waited all this time for such a simple, fleeting act.
They pulled away reluctantly, still feeling the warmth of each other’s lips. They stayed close in tranquil silence, basking in the last few moments they had with each other.
“Goodbye, my love.”
The Transcendent Flash was gone as swiftly as she came. There was no trace of her ever being there besides the relief in the heart of the doctor who now sat alone at the docks.
There wasn’t a need to really hold on much longer. The build up of memories started taking its toll on [Name], and now that their final wish has been fulfilled, they can rest.
It is said that the doctor lived out the rest of their years happy and light of burden. They succumbed to the Mara peacefully without losing the rest of their sanity to becoming a monster.
One day, they hope to reunite with their lover in the stars when her goal too, is fulfilled.
title is from “forget her” by girl in red.
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grimalkinmessor · 9 months
Mikalight for the ask game! :D
Hi Moon :D
when i started shipping it: Before I'd even finished my Death Note rewatch honestly—I only binge a max of six episodes a day so I didn't even remember what Mikami looked like when I started reading fics that mentioned him. Deadass I thought he had a moustache, I was so convinced in my old memories before I saw him on screen again 😭 BUT YES I read TrashKing's Composure before I finished the series again and found their dynamic there intriguing :3
my thoughts: They just bring a sort of Riza & Roy, Barty & Tom, Crim & Alessio, Aro & Jane vibe to the table that I really enjoy ✨ The Mastermind™ and their feral attack dog—Light says "Bark" and Mikami goes "At what tone, pitch, and volume; poodle or rottweiler?" and that's just SO much to play with >:3 IT'S ABOUT THE SERVITUDE 🤌🤌 THE IMAGE OF LIGHT SITTING CLEAN AND ARROGANT IN HIS THRONE AND MIKAMI STANDING PROUD BESIDE HIM COVERED IN BLOOD 😩🙏 Mikami is Light's favorite little pet and Light is Mikami's everything.
what makes me happy about them: They are soooo unwell your honor 💕 Two freak ass nerds both thinking they're more righteous than they are. Mikami could probably snap Light in half over his knee (dude is JACKED) but he won't 🥰 They're what I need when I want Light pampered and spoiled and getting everything he wants.
what makes me sad about them: THEIR DEATHS. DEAR GOD CANON DID THEM SO DIRTY, MIKAMI ESPECIALLY 😭😭 There is no dignity in death INDEED
things done in fanfic that annoy me: Honestly? (Don't hate me for this one Moon (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•)) I don't like how often L is brought up or mentioned in Mikalight fics. Like Mikami is L's replacement in Light's heart, like he sees L in Mikami—they're literally nothing alike 😭 They both have black hair but if that's the only thing you need to be L's replacement then Matsuda would make the cut. Besides; if I open a Mikalight fic, I want the focus to be on Mikami and Light :') If I wanted Lawlight I'd have gone to the Lawlight tag instead, you know?
things i look for in fic: Mikami being obsessed and Light viscerally enjoying his obsession. That's it :3 I want Mikami to be the devoted pursuer and Light to be the deity deigning to touch him out of amusement and curiosity. I like Light in control and Mikami being super horny about it ✨
who I'd be comfortable with the ending up with: For Light, I like him with pretty much everyone lol (have that man running from his harem 24/7), though L and Ryuk are definitely at the top of the list ;3 For Mikami.... it's harder, because I only like him with other people in situations where Light isn't a factor at all, such as they've never met or Light just doesn't exist. Save for maybe Near, because I think captor/captive is always a fun trope 💫 But with Light there (and specifically in Kira Wins AUs) I tend to like him with either Matsuda or Misa, because I can see both of those relationships turning antagonistic >:3 Mikalight is pretty much the only DN ship I have that doesn't have SOME form of chafe to it, so anything else would need to be made interesting for me to ship it.
my happily ever after for them: Kira wins, Mikami uses his eyes and tenacity to become Light's right hand man, and then they spend the rest of time being righteously evil with Light directing and Mikami wielding the scythe—which he is then reward for by Light allowing him to use his mouth and hands and sometimes cock to make his Kami-sama feel good 😌💖
who is big spoon/little spoon: TOUGH QUESTION. Because if it's in a No Death Note AU and they were both,,,normaler, I'd say Mikami. But in any other circumstance I'd say Light, if only because Mikami kneeling between his legs while Light works is practically the same thing as being the little spoon when you think about it :3
what is their favorite nonsexual activity: Not to get super soft all of a sudden, but probably talking. Mikami is canonically very intelligent as well, even if I think his smarts come more from diligent study than any born-in ability like Light's—they've probably read a lot of the same books and I imagine them sitting in comfortable quiet reading together and occasionally looking up to speak their thoughts about the book aloud, which leads them into calm but intriguing discussions. When they're not being murderous psychos, I think they're both actually quite calm and content people, so things like going for a morning run, drinking coffee together, and reading in the same room are definitely their favorite moments otherwise 💗
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prince-liest · 2 years
hi hello i discovered your bnha fics on ao3 like two days ago and have been DEVOURING them omg i love the way you write hawks and miruko so much!!!!
ayyyy, tysm and welcome!! honestly I'm delighted people are still out there enjoying ly BNHA fic—Hawks and Rumi, my beloveds... I hope you have a good reading spree!! ^_^
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morning-moonstruck · 2 years
WIP Word Search Tag Game
tagged by kit, @catboysooyoung
Rules: search for the words given by whomever tagged you within your wip(s) and post them for us to see! Then tag as many people as you want and give them five words to find in their works.
ayyyy, first time doing this, and for once I have wips! ish. wips-ish. I sadly still have not written down many—they’re all stuck up in my head atm. but this should be fun anyway, so thanks for tagging me, kit!!  
The snarling creatures surely should’ve snatched us up, that’s been the pattern—[n ot everyone bi tes, but we all f e ed]—yet I never thought of the plants. Stupid, since that’s how we met, not even the first time, but time and again, some giant carnivorous flower or shrub with too many teeth, or spatting out paralyzing poison, or just plain old stickers in the grass on the exact day we both, simultaneously but separately, lost our shoes. We could handle the fauna alone, but the mutating flora? Our weakness.
Now her feet hurt less than her shoulder, which Lee Hyunsung carefully tends to behind her. He swipes ointment over her wounded skin, and she flinches from the chill of the ointment. His fingers are gentle, butterfly touches atop the deep scratches. After he wraps her shoulder with scraps of fabric, she rolls her shoulder, testing out the mobility, and thanks him.
“Where’d you get the medicine?” she asks. “There’s nothing like that back in Geumho Station.”
“It was a gift,” he says, then fumbles out the rest, “from my, um, sponsor.”
“Ah,” she says. “Didn’t know sponsors did that. Good, though.”
Here is where you and I, dear reader, are going to explore what the Fool card represents and how Kim Dokja barely fills the card’s role.
And how I, foolishly, will still claim Kim Dokja as the Fool of my personal ORV tarot deck.
This card is not about falling.
It is not about mockery or derision or scorn or tearful frustration for a young man who’s too distracted by everything around him to notice that he’s about to step off a cliff. Save such harsh disapproval for the Reversed Fool, who may well deserve it.
Instead, this card relishes in the Fool’s naivety and curiosity. This is a card for those on a brand-new journey, starting fresh, and exploring. The sky is blue and he is free.
reap / cost
ah, these two didn’t show up in any of my wips. that just makes me wanna use them now though :>
These are all ORV fics/meta, believe it or not. Tearful for “tear” is a bit of a stretch, but it’s the most recent wip that uses it, so I’m going with it conscious-free.
I’ll tag @vaphelion and @rainbowsrambles. Feel free to ignore the tag, but if you want to play the game, next five words are: star, worn, shame, grant, challenge.
And of course, anyone not tagged can play too.
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tookishrogue · 2 years
talk to me
what?? two fics in two days??? shocking! anyway, enjoy!! 
pairing: Boromir x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of verbal abuse
A/N: ASKJDSG I’M SO SORRY THIS IS LATE @scyllas-revenge​ I FEEL AWFUL! anyway side note, reader is roughly his age but much shorter than him (I picture her as like 5′4-ish versus however tall he is, 6′something I think?), she isn’t like a kid/teen or anything! just smol bc height differences >>>> taglist: @blueberryrock​, @scyllas-revenge​, @zalie​, @to-be-frank-i-dont-care​, @justmemyselfandthefridge​, @heckin-music-dork​, @frodo-with-glasses​!
     Y/N wiped at her ever-blurring eyes as the icy cold water of the river pulled at her from all different directions, nearly causing her to stumble. She was making her way to her sacred place, a fallen tree on the edge of the river. To others, it seemed like a disaster waiting to happen, its limbs and leaves being tugged at by the rapids like a child at his mother’s skirts. The foliage around it was almost entirely made of brambles and leaves of other trees; a few Sweet Williams blooming from a gaping hole in one of the limbs. Their intoxicating scent had tempted many a fool, causing more than a few injuries in their pursuit. 
     The tree itself was only half the danger. To cross the river, one had to traverse the rapids in the center that could easily lead to drowning, avoid slippery, moss-covered stones hidden in the shadow-covered water, and carefully cross the roots jutting out from the stubborn old tree. Algae and water-moss flowed around its base, barely exposing a small root just sturdy enough to use as a foothold. An identical vine lured in brave victims; at first glance, it seemed more stable than the waterlogged root, but would hold no foreign weight. A second root jutted out just above the first, perched diagonally; another perfect foothold. Finally, the trunk: several feet off the ground, slick with moss and covered in brambles. The leaves from its fallen limbs and other plants covered a very small yet comfortable hiding place, the perfect spot for staying out of sight. Wildflowers framed the inside, growing between cracks in the wood, making the space seem more hospitable, if not oddly comforting.
     To Y/N, their subtle, sweet scent and foreboding outward appearance of the tree comforted her, something she desperately needed after a particularly harsh scolding. After an hour of overly harsh words followed by a look of pure disgust aimed directly at her, she was exhausted. Her eyes were streaming, hot tears stinging her face as she expertly avoided the nearly-invisible traps before her. Reaching the trunk, she pulled herself into the saddle-like, cradling arch behind the foliage, leaning against it hard for support. She was finally alone, finally able to remove her mask. She pushed her face into her hands and screamed, sobbing harder than she ever had. Outside of the fight, her dearest friend, Boromir, was leaving Gondor on a journey. She had no idea what it was, or when he’d be back, but she knew from his tone when he’d told her that he may never come back. Her barely-muffled cries echoed down the river, undoubtedly alarming more than a few creatures.
     She had only been alone for a few precious moments before hearing loud, fumbling footsteps from the other side of the river. Y/N rolled her eyes, her grief and pain turning to annoyance. Peace and privacy were rare gifts in the bustling city she called home, especially thanks to her ever-prying family. A quiet, soothing hum came from whoever hovered outside, a familiar tune from her childhood taught to her by a friend. Boromir.
     His boots sloshed and she could hear him stumble over the stones as he made his way towards her. She held her breath. Not even he could soothe her pain now, though he would inevitably try, bless him. Silence. Her heart pounding in her ears, begging for air. The sounds of the rapids dancing around heavy boots. The fabric of her sleeve rustling as she wiped at her eyes. Finally, more splashing and the scent of ale and fresh air, a clear sign it was him. A large, gloved hand pulled back the mess of tangled vines and leaves, revealing the familiar face of her dearest -- and only -- friend. He beamed at her, truly happy to see her. He quickly noticed her red, glassy, swollen eyes and tear-stained cheeks. His face fell, causing her to cry even more. 
     “Oh! Hey, hey! It’s alright, dear one. What happened?” 
     As she explained through hard, heavy sobs, Boromir struggled to climb up onto the limb in an attempt to sit next to her. Too tall for the small hollow, he bumped his head against another limb. As he reacted, his shoulder-length hair got caught on the brambles. Despite herself, Y/N laughed. He chuckled too, glad to see her smiling, albeit at his expense. “I don’t know how you can fit in here without destroying the place. I’m not that much taller than you.”
     “It’s a matter of grace I suppose,” she grinned, her face slowly falling back to her previous sullen expression. Boromir shifted closer to her, practically folding himself in half in the process. After several minutes of comedic fumbling, he leaned his back against the trunk and wrapped his arm around her. She moved closer, glad for the warmth and gentle affection. Leaning her head on his collarbone, she sighed. “I don’t want you to go.” Her voice was small, she herself barely hearing her near-silent whisper. 
     Boromir frowned and leaned his head against hers. “I know. I don’t either. My father--”
     Y/N huffed. “I know. I’m sorry, but I’m sick of him. He mistreats you. We should just…leave. Escape from it all. Do you think…do you think I could come with you? I’d stay out of trouble, I promise. I’ll fight if I have to, you know I’m good! Better than you, anyway,” she joked. “Think about it -- we could leave together. No one would care. My family wouldn’t notice, and even if they did they’d probably be glad to be rid of me.”
     Silence. Boromir’s heart beating. Her mind racing. Brief flashes of hope. Anxiety. Love. 
     “It’ll be dangerous.”
     “I don’t care. I want to be there with you. I can help.”
     Boromir smiled, his cheeks smushed against the top of her head. “I’ve always admired your courage. I know not what will come, but you will no doubt be of great help. I’ll protect you. No matter the cost.”
     “We’ll protect each other.” 
     Y/N smiled up at him and gave him a quick kiss. Boromir embraced her, holding her tight. They would never be apart again.
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scribblehoneybee · 5 years
Open Up My Heart
[ for @deareliza-edits - “You look amazing tonight.” ]
Henrik sneaks another glance at Chase, fully aware that the whole restaurant can probably tell he’s blushing. He had been so shocked when Chase opened the door in an actual suit that he couldn’t even manage a proper compliment. Even now his brain is going in circles. He doesn’t usually get flustered like this.
But Chase doesn’t usually look this good.
Damn, he cleans up well.
His usually shaggy, faded hair had been cut and re-dyed a brilliant lime green. He even trimmed his beard up. And the suit - it was simple enough, a navy jacket and slacks over a white button up - but Henrik had never seen him in anything fancier than a t-shirt before tonight.
Chase catches him staring again and gives him an amused look, “What, do I have something on my face?”
“No it’s- it’s nothing,” Henrik stammers, blush deepening. He tries to down some wine to ease his nerves, but only manages to choke. Gods, he’s making a complete fool of himself.
“You sure?” Chase asks, seeming almost painfully genuine, “Because you uh, haven’t really said anything all night. Which is kinda weird for you - no offense.”
“None taken,” Henrik manages, clearing his throat and taking another sip of wine. He didn’t even realize he hadn’t been talking, he was too busy trying not to stare at his date. “I guess I’m just… a bit out of it tonight. Nothing a bit of wine and good food won’t fix!”
Chase doesn’t look convinced, uncharacteristic worry creasing his brow, “If you’re not feeling it, we can get our stuff to go and just eat it at your place. I should’ve asked before dragging you someplace so stuffy after work.”
“No!” he exclaims, covering his mouth when a few people turn to look their way. “It’s fine Chase, really. I love this, you didn’t do anything wrong,” he continues, softer this time, “And as for my… state…”
A soft touch on his hand causes him to look up. Chase is staring right at him with those beautiful blue eyes, looking at him with all the love in the world. Henrik swears his soul leaves his body for a moment.
Henrik takes a breath - Like a bandaid, he tells himself, “You look… amazing tonight. I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. Every time I catch a glance my brain just freezes up, which isn’t exactly ideal for making polite conversation.”
Chase’s eyes go wide and his cheeks flush so dark that Henrik can tell even under the dim lights. He stammers for a moment, trying to work out a response, before he just starts laughing.
“What? Why are you laughing?”
“You’re just-” Chase says breathlessly between giggles, “So fucking weird. God, I love you.”
“How am I weird??” Henrik can’t help but laugh too - Chase’s giggles are contagious.
“We’ve been dating for like… four months? And you’re still getting this flustered??”
Henrik hides his face, feeling more than a bit embarrassed, “Well you’re the one who has been holding out. I didn’t even know you owned a suit - I wasn’t prepared!”
That only makes Chase laugh harder, “Holy shit, Henrik-” he coughs a few times, trying to regain some composure. “I just got it. Marv kept dragging me for underdressing for our dates, so I decided to change things up a bit.”
Of course it was Marvin’s doing, Henrik thinks, finally calming down enough to take another long sip of his wine. “Well let him know that his ‘dragging’ was effective for once.”
“Are you kidding? His ego doesn’t need that shit,” Chase laughs, swirling his own glass of wine.
They continue talking for some time, and the waiter comes and goes, bringing their food and pouring more wine.
By the end of the meal, they’re both satisfied and on the far side of tipsy. They sit on a bench nearby while they wait for their taxi.
“Hey, Henrik?” Chase says, leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss to his neck.
“Hm?” Henrik hums with a smile, eyes closed.
“I love when you look at me like you were earlier. I don’t think anyone’s ever looked at me like that.”
Henrik turns and pulls Chase in for a warm, tender kiss. When he pulls away, he smiles, “I feel sorry for them, then. They clearly have no idea what they’re missing.”
“Oh shut up,” Chase huffs with a grin, laying his head on Henrik’s shoulder.
Henrik chuckles and kisses Chase’s hair.
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katzuyas · 6 years
dazzle me with gold
from the start | ao3 | previous part
"At night, when I woke up from my bad dream," Yuuri starts, "I heard footsteps outside your chambers. Someone was inside the manor, Vitya. Someone who should not have been here."
"Maybe it was just a guard?" Victor tries, but falls silent when Yuuri squeezes him in his arms.
"Do not play a fool with me," Yuuri warns. "I know there is something brewing here that you do not wish me to know, but... I do have eyes and I do have ears, Vitya. The person from last night, they crashed into the armour in the corridor and fled, so I couldn't see who it was, but it was not a guard. Please, believe me."
"I do, my love, I do," Victor quickly says. He falls silent for a moment, considering, and then gives: "I will ask the captain to patrol the halls at night. Just to be safe."
Yuuri breathes a little easier then. He is far from happy with the situation, scared of the unknown threat, but the promise of action from Victor's lips does allow him some relief.
"Vitya, I..." Yuuri forges on. "I did not want to ask you this, but I feel that I must. For both of our sakes."
"Ask whatever you wish, my love," Victor replies. "There are no secrets I would willingly wish to keep from you."
Yuuri swallows thickly at the honesty in Victor's voice. It is something so light, so free when Victor gives it. Why is it different when it's Yuuri's turn to return the favour?
He battles against his heart, against the conscience and the fear, and says: "Everyone considers your mother a threat here. You warned me against her and so did your aunt. I understand that she is not a good person, not someone to trust. I believe you. But that belief makes me question why haven't you simply forced her to return to her family home? Why hasn't your father?"
"Have you heard of the expression 'keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer', my Yuuri?" Victor asks back. "That is exactly what this is. I allow her to stay, because while she is under my roof I retain some sort of control over her actions. I know her every move, her every conversation: with whom she talks, about what, how long."
"How on earth...?" Yuuri asks, somewhat incredulous.
"Oh, I don't do it personally, none of that," Victor says. "It's the servants, my love. They know all that happens around the manor and they report to me whenever something out of the ordinary occurs."
As Victor speaks, Yuuri recalls the warnings of Lady Babicheva. She spoke to him of the servants, that she did. She cautioned him against trusting any of them, urged him not to speak truthfully, not to give them power.
Now, as Victor tells Yuuri of his little spies, Yuuri realizes how right Lady Yulianna was in her warnings.
"And you trust what they report?" Yuuri asks. "You fully believe their words? What if, what if your mother inspires more loyalty in them than the heir who has only just returned home after a years' long absence?"
"I wouldn't worry about that, my Yuuri," Victor answers, careless of the danger that Yuuri presents before him. "The only thing servants answer to is gold. And they know who holds the purse strings around the estate. It is not my mother, not anymore."  
"I hope you are right," Yuuri replies, but he is hardly convinced.
He wishes to believe, wishes to trust those that surround them, trust Ilia and Pavel, and young Kenjirou, and the dark haired maid who always brings him supper. But Lady Babicheva's words sound true in his mind. She is right, as shrewd as her thinking seems to be – she is correct. If loyalty of the servants is so trivial it can be bought with gold, who can tell whose gold they will like better? Whom will they serve?
In the dark of the chest, cradling Victor against him, Yuuri knows what he must do. It is the exact thing that Lady Babicheva asked of him, and only now does Yuuri see the need for her actions.
Victor needs help.
He might not need Yuuri to fight his battles for him, no. That Victor can do splendidly on his own. But what he might need, and what Yuuri must be willing to offer him without hesitation, is his unyielding support. His trust. His protection, should it be required. His confidence, loyalty, love – ones that cannot be bought with no amount of gold.
Because Yuuri cannot be bought. He, and he alone, is the only true person that Victor can confide in, Yuuri realizes. He is the only one whom Victor can truly trust, who does not have ulterior motives and is only guided by his affection and equal trust in Victor.
And he keeps betraying that trust by lying to him.
The guilt and heartache at that thought take Yuuri's breath away.
"I'm sorry," he whispers suddenly, "Vitya, I'm so sorry that I've been hiding so much from you. I asked for your trust time and time again, and yet you've never even once betrayed mine. You've been nothing but supportive, nothing but kind and yet I've deceived you with half-truths and lies. I'm so sorry, Vitya, I'm so–"
"What are you speaking of, my Yuuri?" Victor asks, turning back in Yuuri's arms even if it's too dark to see anything.
"My dream, the one I woke up from," Yuuri says and swallows hard. "It wasn't just a dream. It was a memory. A... a memory of how I got my powers."
"Your healing?" Victor sounds confused. "Were you not born with it like the rest of us?"
Yuuri gives a little bitter laugh that sounds far too heartbroken in his own ears. He stifles it, chokes it in his throat with a sharp breath he takes through his nose to say: "No, I was not."
Blindly, Yuuri lifts his hand and in the darkness trails his fingers over Victor's cheek, his ear, to cup the side of his face and bring their foreheads together.
"Please, listen to my story, Vitya."
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switch-writer · 3 years
Take it back. (Childe + Diluc + Kaeya)
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A/N: AYYYY IM BACK FROM MY GRAVE. So, Ngl, I got this request months ago around the time I started genshin impact, so, I’m so sorry this took so long! My writing inspiration went away and my schedule got really busy so I just pushed it off for the longest time. However, even with my busy schedule, panicking of Christmas being 4 to 5 days away, along with my messed up sleeping schedule as of recently, I pushed this fic out to have it out of the way! I hope this is oki since I was speed writing, panicking, and first time writing Childe. Along with the fact I haven’t wrote a bunch recently. But I hope this Anon enjoys this! <3
Word Count: 1719 (not including edits I made later)
Warnings: Pure fluff, Tickles, swearing (I don’t think I swore this fic but just in case)
Well, granted, this was an unexpected pairing to see, let alone actually hanging out when it’s off time or completely unneeded. However, the traveler managed to drag Childe to Mondstadt despite the odds. Especially since the harbinger apparently has been stalling a trip there for a while to check on a few recruits. So, here they were.
Of course The Traveler, or rather Aether, had introduced him to a few people along with pointing out a few places in the main town. However, they happened to run into the cavalry captain. Which, you’d think he’d be hesitant on trusting the fatui member so easily…
Welllll, they just sorta…clicked personality wise, there wasn’t much of a fight with gaining trust it seemed when it came to Kaeya. Deep down he was planning on being careful with this, but was definitely willing to get along with Childe. While Tartaglia was completely alright with this, not even a lot of hesitation. Why?
The traveler knew Kaeya, along with the personalities clicking. But mostly the first part. He was willing to trust the traveler’s judgment here.
So, conversations flowed as they did, both the ginger and darker navy haired male got along finely, Aether of course sooner or later got dragged away by those wishing to hang around with him, despite his insistence, Kaeya happened to convince him all was well. Though, of course the blonde immediately made both the harbinger and captain promise to meet them somewhere by the end of the night. That happened to be a certain bar.
Now, granted, it wasn’t Kaeya’s first choice. Aether just dropped the name, Childe mentioned he’s only heard good things about the drinks, and the two agreed. Well, at least him and Diluc are on… Ehh terms. They’re starting to warm up to one another once more… well, as much as they could while being still distanced.
Soon, it was nightfall. After hours of the tavern actually. However, they just began to head over, especially since they both knew Aether would get there later than after hours from being swooped away a bunch. Plus, it was a lot more peaceful.
“You know, you didn’t seem to enjoy the idea of the Angel’s Share at first.” Childe decided to point out, walking with Kaeya who had his hand loosely in his pocket. “Heh. It isn’t that whatsoever. It just happens that my brother works there.” “And that’s a bad thing?” Childe asked curiously, not seemingly catching on.
“Nono. It’s just he doesn’t have a very fond view of me. Of course he tolerates me occasionally, however, still touchy.”
Childe gave a nod, thinking over those words for a moment before smiling slightly. “So, in response, you take a harbinger into the tavern with you?” The ginger joked with Kaeya, causing the knight to let out a small chuckle. “Yep. That’s the plan.” Kaeya spoke out before walking to the door of the Angel’s Share, giving a knock on the stern wooden door.
. . .
“Hm, well, perhaps not then—“ the door swung open, revealing a slightly tired but still working vision wielder. “Ah, nevermind! Lovely to see you brother.” Diluc scoffed as he rubbed his eyes, seemingly slightly distracted as he stepped aside, allowing Kaeya and Childe in.
Though, Kaeya seemed to have a small realization once he entered the tavern with the harbinger… it’s just the fact Childe was a harbinger. Diluc wasn’t a fan of the fatui whatsoever if he had to guess, so add that to the other realizations he had today. So, the ginger and raven haired man took a seat at the bar, the red head humming as he went behind the bar.
“What do you both want as we wait for Aether?” “Dandelion Wine please! I’ve heard good things about that here.” Diluc gave a nod, beginning to make Childe’s drink as Kaeya spoke up. “I’ll have the same.” “Mhm. Assumed so.” The bartender replied to his brother, preparing the drinks and being quick with it.
Soon, the two charming and more social individuals were chatting with their drinks in hand, sharing conversation and keeping it going for a while. Childe finally took a sip of his, smiling at the unique flavor compared to what he’s used to in Liyue or his hometown. “Huh. Tastes nice, rumors were definitely true.” Diluc nodded, deciding to give a decent reply and make some conversation.
“Mhm, I’m sure it’s different from what you’re used to in Snezhnaya.”
Hold up one moment- Diluc was aware he was from Snezhnaya and yet didn't seem to care..? “Hm? You aren’t bothered by a Fatui Harbinger in your tavern, brother?” The cryo wielder asked curiously, the redhead cracking a smirk. “Mhm. The Traveler let me know in advance, unlike yourself. Aether spoke well of him despite his…ahem. Flaws.”
The ginger snickered at that comment as he took another sip of his drink, ‘minding his own business’… and by that I mean he’s completely listening in for amusement. “Heh. Well, what can I say? You aren’t always the kindest, Brother.” Kaeya took a shot at Diluc, making the redhead snap his head over to him.
“Take it back.” Kaeya let out a snicker at this immediate reaction, smirking as he set down his drink. “Make me then.”
Childe and Diluc shared a moment of eye contact, Childe immediately picking up his drink as the man with a pyro vision jumped the counter, tackling his brother. “Ah! Wait, what are you-“ “You happen to still be ticklish, Kaeya?”
Silence filled the room for a few seconds before Diluc started to scribble his fingers onto Kaeya’s sides, causing the knight to break into giggles. Though, Kaeya was refusing to go down so easily considering he began to shove Diluc off, making his brother have a hard time reaching him or standing his ground.
However, something put a stop to this as two hands grabbed Kaeya’s wrists, forcing his hands away from the bartender and above his head. “Hehe. Oh you both truly are something. Hope you don’t mind if I perhaps join this silly game of yours?” The harbinger asked with a grin starting to appear on his face.
“I- Wahait! Childe! Surely there’s a way to change your mind on who’s side you’re— gah! Tahahaking! Brohohother!”
With Childe joining Diluc, making this a team effort, Diluc decided to get it back on track and once more began digging his wiggling fingers into Kaeya’s sides, all while the ginger held Kaeya’s hands over his head.
“Wahahait! Thihihis isn’t fahahair!” “Pff- who said this was supposed to be fair? You insulted me, so you pay the price.” Diluc stated firmly, all while a smile began to form on his face, glancing over at Childe. “You wish to assist me with him?”
“Oh, it’d be an honor to join the fun.” Childe jokingly replied, using one hand to continue holding Kaeya’s hands above his head, his free hand started to poke and massage into Kaeya’s ribs, making him start to laugh gently, squirming about and such.
“Thank you, Childe. I tell you, he’s so squirmy and then he whines about everything, including this despite him insulting me without an issue.” Diluc chatted casually as if he wasn’t wrecking his brother, which Childe snickered at. Though, he didn’t do much other than that, after all, he whines whenever this type of thing would happen. Can’t be super hypocritical.
“D-DihihiLUHUC!” Kaeya began to squeal at the feeling of his hips now being squeezed by no one other than his usually more standoffish man he called his brother. “Yes, Kaeya?” “STOHohop thihiHIHIS! I CAHAHAN’T HAHAhahandle this!”
“Well, he did ask you to take it back Kaeya, so do tell us, do you take it back?” Childe chimed in with a teasing manner, Diluc appreciating the playful tone the hydro wielder had, considering it perfectly suited with the scenario.
“IHIHI- Ohohokahahay! Maybe it wahahAHAS TOO MUHUHUC! BUHUT THIHIS IHIHIHIS MEHEHERCILESS!” The cryo user spoke through his slightly squeaky laughter, trying to squirm away, though with Childe’s grip? Nope. Not a chance.
“Hm. Perhaps a little bit, what do you think?” “Hmmm… I dunno, I don’t think he fully apologized. More or less snarked off to you, Diluc.” Tartaglia spoke out his opinion, well, his opinion to attempt to get Kaeya murdered by tickles, just as he would do with his siblings when tickling broke out whenever he visited home. “I- I’M SOHOHORRY! JUHUHUST— PLEHEHehease hahave m-meheHERCY!”
Kaeya couldn’t manage his laughter or thrashing at this point, his hips being massaged into the sensitive point of the bone and skin by his brother was becoming extremely unbearable considering how sensitive he was and the length of time this was going on for.
“Hm. Fair enough apology.” The bartender finally declared, his fingers and skilled hands coming to a stop, crossing his arms as he stared down at his now reduced to giggles brother. That also being said, the harbinger also got up from the floor with a grin. “You alright down there?”
“Yeheheah. Suhurprising considering how cruel you both wehere to me.” The charmer from Mondstadt answered with a playful glare, sitting up from his place on the ground as he stumbled to his feet. “Now, if you excuse me, I need to have a good drink after that ruthless experience.” Kaeya joked as he added onto his previous sentence, walking over to the counter, leaning on it as he picked up the shiny glass.
The harbinger, while he never would’ve expected this, it was…different. It was nice to see such an event happen between two people who normally didn’t want to talk to each other often. Not to mention being able to help take down the knight. Ha! Oh what a turn of events.
However, it surprisingly didn’t lurk on what had happened, an occasional tease shot towards Kaeya and his squealing and thrashing but a fun time. Not to mention Aether soon joined the three… though, who’s to say he wasn’t watching from afar most of the time? Which, even the blonde had to admit it was nice to see them all having a decent time together.
Needless to say, it was all a cheerful night between all of them, even if it started off rough and the traveler was spectating from the second floor for some of their antics.
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Notes: Ayyyy finally making progress, only one more request to go! For the request/commission for @ticklish-sidekick! ^^ This is set after my fic No Secrets In Friendship, and is essentially a sequel of sorts. 
Summary: Felix had thought telling Victor he liked tickling would be the worst part. He hadn’t accounted, however, for the aftermath. 
When Felix had first admitted to Victor that he liked tickling, he had expected the other to reject him, or at the very least avoid him from sheer awkwardness alone. When Victor not only accepted him, but confessed that he didn’t really mind the tickling, he thought it was possible he had died and this was some crazy fantasy his mind had constructed as a consolation prize. When Victor had agreed to let him tickle him, Felix was sure of it.
After their first session, an odd, hesitant silence had fallen over the subject, both of them too shy to bring it up again. The image of Victor squirming and laughing, his nose crinkled in mirth, was stuck in Felix’s brain. There was something oddly satisfying about knowing that it was him that had brought him to that, the simple touch of his own fingers.
Victor had said he would be okay with a repeat of their session at the time, but somehow Felix felt even more awkward broaching the subject now. He still wasn’t used to someone being okay with this interest of his, and he wasn’t sure how much was too much. Once a week? Two weeks? Should he wait a month until another session or was a couple days long enough? He was painfully aware of how vague and fragile their agreement was, and he didn’t want to push it by asking to tickle Victor again so soon after the last time.
It has been about two weeks since Felix had told Victor everything and tied him up, and he was on the verge of just coming out and saying something about it. They were doing homework in Victor’s living room, a bowl of half-eaten chips in the living room—although homework was a loose word for what they were doing. Victor had his phone open in his lap, and Felix was doodling little figures in the margins of his notebook, too distracted to think about math at the current moment—not that he was ever in the mood to think about math.
Every once in a while Victor would laugh at something on his screen, a stunted chuckle that had Felix’s gaze snapping up to him like a moth that’s just spied a flame. He thought he was being subtle about it, but after the fifth time Victor met his gaze, the echo of a smile still lingering over his features.
Felix flushed, quickly glancing back down again and formulating a long, convoluted excuse in his head, when Victor spoke up first.
“Hey, uh, I was wondering… well, I was wondering if we could talk?”
This was it. The long awaited rejected, Victor did think he was weird, and all of their last session had just been out of pity for his friend. Felix’s fingers gripped his pencil a little tighter. “Oh yeah? Is it about this week’s assignment, because if so, I hate to break it to you but I’m just as lost as you are.”
There it was again, that half-formed laugh, only this time it was tense with nerves. “No, no, it’s not about math. It’s about… ah, this is kind of embarrassing. But, you know when you… uh, when you tickled me?”
There was a pause. “Yes. I’m aware.”
Victor wasn’t looking at him, curling his knee to his chest and fiddling with the cuff of his pants anxiously. “I said at the time that I would be okay with doing another session, and I meant it. I mean, last time we kind of got cut off anyway, so it might be nice to have a continuation of that. Only if you want, of course, you don’t have to if you’re not in the mood or—”
“Of course I want to!”
Victor blinked at the enthusiastic response, and Felix coughed, embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his neck, determinedly staring at a spot on the far wall. “I mean, yes, I do. Want to, that is. It’s kind of silly, I was actually gonna bring it up to you, but I thought maybe it was just me and I was being weird or—”
“Hey.” A hand was placed on his knee and Felix reluctantly glanced back into Victor’s understanding gaze. “We’ve been over this, remember? You’re not weird, and your interests aren’t weird either. I mean, I’ve been thinking about it just as much as you have, so if anything, we’re both weird.”
“Oh.” For some reason, the idea that Victor had somehow enjoyed their session just as much as Felix had not occurred to him. He felt like someone had clicked pause on him, and it took him a couple seconds to think of an intelligent answer to that. “Y-You have?”
Victor’s cheeks grew redder and he nodded a bit reluctantly. “Y-Yeah? Is that… I don’t know, weird? Sorry, I’m still new to this whole thing, I’m not really sure what the protocol is.”
Snorting, Felix rolled his eyes. “I don’t think there is protocol, man, it’s tickling. But yeah, I would—I mean, yes, I would definitely be interested in another session, if you wanted.”
Victor smiled, a small, hesitant thing, and suddenly Felix felt a million times better. It was as though a weight had been lifted off of him, his earlier anxiety replaced with different nerves now, the fluttery, excited kind. This was really happening.
They waited a week before they decided to set up a session. Felix spent most of that week stuck in a pit of nerves. It was strange; Victor was supposed to be the vulnerable one here, and yet Felix couldn’t help but feel like he was exposing himself as well. Not in a bad way, though. It felt good to share this secret with someone else.
Victor’s flushed smile on the day of when he sat down on his bed certainly added.
Victor couldn’t stop smiling. It would disappear for a couple seconds only to reappear, helplessly, a second later. It was honestly kind of endearing, if Felix was being honest. Possibly it wasn’t normal to think about your best friend in those terms, but Felix decided that was a revelation for another day.
“So,” Felix started, smiling too. It was hard not to in face of Victor’s innocent nervousness. “I thought it might be fun to do this session a little differently. If you’re okay with that, of course.” Before Victor could say anything, he slid his backpack off, his motions jerky with anxiety. He started pulling different objects out, hairbrushes, toothbrushes, feathers, a bottle of lotion. Admittedly, it probably hadn’t been the best idea to impulse buy all of it before discussing the idea with Victor, but he had been shopping for groceries anyway, and the items were in his basket before he could think it through.
A quick glance up at Victor presented him with more confusion than the immediate rejection Felix had expected. He picked up the hairbrush skeptically. “Does tickling include personal care now, or am I just behind on the times yet again?”
The comment, filled with such Victor-like normalcy, helped to settle a bit of Felix’s nerves. He snorted, grabbing the hairbrush back. “Trust me, if it did, I would not be the guy to help you out there. No, this is, ah, for tickling, actually.” He looked at Victor for permission before gently taking the other’s hand, and ran the brush over it carefully. Victor jumped a bit, his fingers curling instinctively.
“Oh shit,” he muttered, his grin widening. “That actually does kind of tickle. And all the rest of these are also for…?”
“Tickling, yes,” Felix filled in for him. He scribbled his fingers teasingly over Victor’s palm as he spoke and the other spluttered over a soft laugh, jerking his hand back quickly and rubbing the sensation away on his jeans. 
Felix raised a brow. “You know, if you can’t even handle that, I don’t know how you’re going to make it through an actual session.”
“Oh shut up,” Victor said, shoving his shoulder lightly to hide his clear embarrassment at the teasing. “How do you even know about all this stuff anyway? I don’t suppose there’s some article online for it, is there?”
When Felix didn’t immediatelly deny his statement, Victor’s eyes widened. “Oh my god, there is, isn’t there? Is this…. I mean, well, are there other people with this same interest?”
“A lot of people, actually,” Felix said, rubbing the back of his neck. “There’s writing out there for it, art and videos and stuff. That’s how I know about the hairbrush, and the tools in general. I’m not really involved in any of it myself, but yeah, there’s a whole community out there.”
“Huh.” Victor sat back on the bed, a contemplative look on his face. He didn’t seem disgusted or put off by the idea, which was a good sign in Felix’s opinion. “A whole community of people who like tickling. That’s honestly kind of cute, as a concept.”
Felix flushed a bit, averting his gaze quickly. It was weird. For so long this love of his had been a part of himself he had been forced to keep secret, and yet here Victor was, talking about it casually as though the subject weren’t weird or forbidden. It was kind of nice, albeit flustering.
“Uh, yeah,” Felix agreed quickly. There was an anxious part of him that was still nervous about staying on the subject for too long; as though Victor’s acceptance was a frightened deer Felix didn’t want to scare away. Maybe he would garner the courage to discuss everything one day, but not now, not today. “So. How do you want to do this?”
Fifteen minutes and one awkward, detailed discussion later, Victor shifted a bit on the bed, trying to switch to something comfortable given the current circumstances. He had been curious about the different positions there were to try out, and so Felix had suggested this. He lay on his stomach, his arms pulled behind him, with his wrists and ankles bound together. It was a lazy hogtie of sorts, and they had decided on using old scarves of Felix’s mom instead of rope, to provide an added layer of comfort. Jump rope, they had discovered last time, was not the best when it came to struggling.
“You remember the rules?” Felix asked, coming to sit behind him, near his feet. Victor inhaled sharply, his toes curling.
They had discussed the vaguer details for their session last week. Last time they had kept it fairly simple, not wanting to overdo anything. They were both so new to this, after all. This time, however, Victor wanted a challenge.
Victor nodded, as much as he could, his heart racing with excitement and nerves. “I remember.”
“The safeword is ‘pineapple’. Call it, and everything stops. But—” Felix tossed him a cheeky grin. “If you do, you risk a punishment on the other end.”
It was a loose term, punishment. Two minutes of tickling on a spot of Victor’s choice (in this case, his sides) if he chose to call the safeword. If anything, it was almost a reward. The real punishment would be the loss of pride. Victor tossed him back as confident a look as he could muster, considering the circumstances. “Don’t worry, I think I can take it. It’s just a bit of tickling, after all.”
Felix quirked a brow. “I have a feeling you’re gonna regret those words soon.”
And, as Felix begun, Victor found that he almost hoped he did.
Nails curled against his soles, barely grazing his sock, though Victor could feel it as sharply as though Felix had a direct connection to his nerve endings. It was when they started to move, wiggling and scratching over his arches, that he felt giggles start to build up in his throat. He bit his lip, trying to hold back the uncontrollable noises desperate to escape, but he was finding it more and more difficult as time went on.
“You know laughing isn’t against the rules, right?” Felix teased, dragging a finger in gentle circles over his foot. It wasn’t too bad when compared to the tickling on his other foot, but the persistence of it drilled through Victor’s concentration. “It’s only going to make it easier for me if you try to hold back.”
“S-Shut uhup!” Victor squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to explain that once he started laughing, there would be no way to stop, but there was no way he’d be able to explain all that without breaking. He jumped when curious fingers explored under his toes, a giggle slipping out between his pressed lips.
“See, there you go! Don’t try to hold it in, it’s just going to make it tickle worse.”
Both feet now, nails teasing at that sensitive spot under his toes. He shifted, attempting to protect one foot with the other. Every time, however, Felix would simply tickle the new foot until he was forced to move it away again. It was an impossible system, which was most likely the point. Each second that went by preyed on his resistance, until finally he couldn’t help the stream of laughter that escaped him.
“Fehehelix!” he whined, tugging reflexively against the bonds. In a way, the scarves almost seemed worse than the ropes. There was just enough give to allow Victor the illusion of freedom, but not enough to let him actually escape Felix’s stupidly effective nails. “C-C’mohohon!”
“C’mon on what?” It was clear Felix was loving this, a fact Victor might have been more irritated with if he himself wasn’t loving it just as much. “I don’t know how you expect me to help you if you don’t finish your sentences.”
An annoyed groan slipped out between the giggles. “Ihihi dohohon’t knohohow, juhuhust—F-Fehehelix, plehease, ihit tihickles!”
“Did you expect it not to?”
Despite the innocence to his words, Victor could practically hear the smirk on his face. He was about to attempt a snarky remark in reply when he felt a tug and realized with dread and excitement that his socks were no longer on his feet. “W-Wait, Felix, hold on—”
Felix dragged a finger along his bare soles, an action that tickled far more than it should have and served as an excellent reminder of just how bad this was going to be. “Hmm? Something you wanted to say?”
It was a good question, one Victor wasn’t sure he had the answer to. What did he want? Not for Felix to stop, at least not yet. Instinctually, his body begged him to end this now, give him a reprieve from the tickling before it had even started, but there was a greater part of him that refused to listen.
It was possible he needed this just as much as Felix.
“Just… go easy on me?”
Felix’s gaze softened for a moment, though Victor couldn’t see it from his position. There was the slightest of pauses before he replied, “Well, I don’t think I can when even this—” he scribbled fingers over his soles suddenly and Victor yelped, jerking his foot away from his hand—“is too much for you to handle, but I’ll try my best. Though, if it does get to be too much—”
“Say pineapple,” Victor replied quickly. “I know, I know. Just… get on with it, if you’re going to.”
“And I thought I was supposed to be the one who likes all this tickling stuff,” Felix replied wryly. “You’re almost more eager than me.”
Victor blushed, but didn’t have a chance to protest as Felix held true to his word. He had thought it was bad with the socks on, but this was infinitely worse. It had never occurred to him how long Felix’s nails were before—he had never had a reason to. Now though, he couldn’t stop focusing on it.
“Fahaha, gah—mmmehehehe ahaha Fehehelix! Ohoho shihihit!” He curled his hands into tight fists, trying to think clearly through the electric sparks shooting along his nervous system. He found himself grateful for his position which allowed him to hide the rampant blush spreading like wildfire across his face. His words came out slightly muffled as a result, but the message was still clear. “Ohohoho m-my gahahahad!”
“So this is a good spot,” Felix noted casually, teasing at his arch with a couple fingers. “And clearly here is—”
“NahahAHAT THEhehehe tohohoes, shihihihit—”
“No interruptions, I’m trying to focus here.” Felix dug his thumb lightly into his sole in reprimand and Victor squeaked, his protests breaking off into frantic giggles. “Now, where was I? Ah right. Where else can I try? I wonder…”
Experimentally, Felix placed his thumb and forefinger on either side of his heel, moving them around in gentle circles. There was a surprised choking noise from the squirming mess on the bed, and Victor’s foot jerked quickly out of Felix’s grasp.
“Wait, wait, hohold on,” Victor replied, nervous anticipation rushing his words on. “Not there, c’mon, no—ahAH!”
He jumped when the fingers were back, on both feet this time. Victor had never before considered heels to be a ticklish area on the body, but there was something about the way Felix’s fingers moved, like he massaging his nerve endings, that had him nearly jumping out of his skin. His hands strained fruitlessly to try to push away the cruel touch, but they always stopped just short—the beauty and frustration of this particular form of bondage.
“Felix, Felix, Fehehehelix—ah!” Victor snorted, his face scrunched up in a grin. “Mm, ehehe, plehease, ahaha! Sohohomething ehehelse!”
The fingers paused at his words and then disappeared entirely. Victor’s relief only lasted a second as Felix parroted his words. “ ‘Something else’, huh? Well, if you insist. You may learn to regret your words, though.”
“W-What does that mean?” Victor asked nervously, shifting on the bed. His position made him feel a bit like a worm squirming around on a hook and waiting for his fate—he doubted worms ever had to worry about tickle torture, though. He tried to glance back to see what Felix was doing, and noticed the flash of a label on some kind of tan bottle before it disappeared from his line of sight. “What is that?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Felix assured him cheerily. “You asked for something else, and I have delivered.”
“You’ll find out soon, don’t worry.”
Something wet and cold pressed against Victor’s feet and he twitched away from it. It felt like some sort of liquid that Felix dutifully massaged onto his feet (Victor would be hard-pressed to admit how much that alone tickled). There was something about the feel and scent of it that was vaguely familiar.
“Is that lotion?”
“Ding, ding, ding, you win a trip to Las Vegas! Thank you for participating on our gameshow, What Common Household Items Can I Use To Tickle My Best Friend Out Of His Mind.” Felix snapped the bottle shut, tossing it dismissively over to the other side of the bed. He pulled his bag over, rummaging around inside for something Victor couldn’t see. “Come back next week to try for a roundtrip!”
Victor rolled his eyes. It was incredible how even now, Felix was still Felix. “You know, you’re not as funny as you think you ahahAHAHARE—SHIHIHIT!”
Nothing could have prepared him for the sensation of bristles sliding across his soles, the lotion unfairly aiding their movement. Victor let out a yelp, bursting into wild and desperate laughter as he attempted to pull his foot away. Felix had anticipated this, however, and held calmly onto his foot, curling his fingers around his toes and pulling them back in the process. There way no way to escape, and Victor faced the consequences.
“Oh really?” Felix asked, raising a brow as he dragged what was apparently a hairbrush over his soles, his arches, the ball of his foot; nowhere was safe it seemed. “If I’m not funny, how come you’re laughing so much? It seems to me that you think I’m hilarious.”
It was impossible to think, let alone form a reply, with this new assault on his nerves sending Victor into grander heights of hysteria. His laughter raised several pitches, and he shook his head back and forth, the only way he could think to deal with such intense sensations.
Hairbrushes, he decided, should really come with a warning on them—“Not to be used on feet under any circumstances”.
“You know, this seems to be a particularly bad spot,” Felix noted, glancing down towards the ball of his foot. “I wonder what would happen if I just…..”
Trailing off, Felix gripped his toes, holding them back and stretching the skin—leaving Victor entirely exposed. He dragged the brush over the spot curiously, barely touching the skin, just to hear Victor’s breath hitch in anticipatory giggles. And then, without warning, he resumed his rapid pace, jerking the brush over his foot in a way that should have hurt. However, due to the lotion’s influence, instead it just tickled, badly, and Victor could feel the safeword on the tip of his tongue. Yet, for some reason, he didn’t use it. Not yet.
“Tickles, huh?” Felix said, the traitor.
Victor couldn’t even finish the sentence, his mind entirely stuck on the devastating sensation. No matter how many times the bristles swept over his feet, he was never prepared. His shoulders trembled with laughter and he cackled helplessly into the mattress, his other foot flapping wildly in protest.
Felix continued the devastating method for at least a minute, and Victor was on the brink of ending it when he finally stopped, allowing the other a break. Victor breathed in a sigh of relief, huffing out tired laughs as phantom tickles kept his toes tightly clenched.
“That,” he declared, pointing a finger accusatively back at him. “Was mean. And uncalled for.”
“You didn’t say the safeword,” Felix shot back in return.
Victor glared back at him, mostly because he was right. It wasn’t very convincing with the bright blush spreading across his cheeks, or the silly grin he couldn’t quite shake. “Shut up. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t still mean.”
Felix hummed disbelievingly, but instead of arguing further, he set the brush down, skittering a couple fingers over his soles as he talked. “Well, I assume your lack of protest means you’re ready for the final stage?”
Victor snorted, for much different reasons than before. “ ‘Final stage’, god—you sound ridiculous, you know that?”
“Hey, hey, none of that attitude,” Felix chided, poking under his toes just to hear him yelp. “I don’t think you want to provoke the guy who has you tied down.”
“Maybe that’s what I want,” Victor mumbled shyly, just loud enough for the other to hear.
It was possible he had imagined it, but he could have sworn he saw Felix’s ears tinge pink at the comment. Felix quickly glanced away and towards his feet again, however, focusing himself on the goal. He tugged the bag over to him once more, exchanging the brush for some new mystery tool. “Well, if that’s the case, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t comply with your wishes?”
There was a click as a rhythmic buzzing sound filled the air, leaving Victor with only a moment to dwell in his confusion before spinning bristles were pressed under his toes, and any and all comprehensive thoughts he might have had before that moment left him.
Though the brush had been bad, the vibrations were intense in an entirely new way than before. It was like shockwaves being sent through his system, some mixture of ticklish and pleasant all at once. He pressed his face into the mattress, attempting to muffle the seemingly endless stream of giggles that wracked him. He attempted to curl his toes, but that only served to trap what he had eventually come to the conclusion was a toothbrush.
“E-Ehehehe Fehehehelix ohohoho m-my gahahahad!” He couldn’t even squirm, too exhausted from earlier. The most he could manage was a helpless twitch every once in a while when the toothbrush skimmed over a new spot. “Ihihihihit tihihihihihickles plehehehehease!”
“You know what to say to get it to stop,” Felix trilled, though there was a soft edge to his teasing. Something about the happy crinkle at the edge of Victor’s eyes and the flushed glow of his smile set butterflies scattering through his stomach. He was so caught up in the feeling that he didn’t notice when Victor’s laughter pitched as the bristles settled on the spot in-between his last two toes, his feet jerking about desperately. The other boy was going crazy, the sensations far too much to bear when combined with everything else, especially on such a bad spot. He managed another minute, before suddenly he couldn’t take it anymore.
“P-Pihihihineapple, pihihineapple, ohoho mihihi gahahad!” he squeaked, frantically trying to push Felix’s hand away with one foot. He had never realized quite how sensitive that particular spot was, but he was discovering it a bit too clearly now.
Immediatelly, Felix stopped, fumbling for the switch and flicking it off. Victor let out a relieved sigh, giggling tiredly into the sheets as he tried to rub one foot with the other to get rid of the leftover tickles. Felix set the brush down, helping to rub the feeling out. “Are you okay?”
Victor quickly nodded, flashing back a grin so cute that Felix’s heart nearly stopped in his chest. “Y-Yeheah, I’m good. That just really tickled, holy shit.”
“The electric toothbrush is an unexpected, but effective contender in the art of tickling,” Felix agreed with an answering grin. The grin turned slightly more devious after a second, a fact Victor was quick to pick up on, tensing nervously.
“Remember the punishment for giving in?”
He did, now, and his giggles started back up all over again from anticipation alone. “H-Hold on, wait—”
“If you really don’t want me to, we won’t,” Felix interrupted, reaching over and gripping his hands in reassurance. “It’s totally up to you man.”
Victor considered refusing off principle, but he found that, despite how exhausted he was, despite how intense it had been, he did want to. He squeezed Felix’s hand back.
“Do it.”
And really, who was Felix to say no to that cute smile?
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pffbts · 3 years
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↬genre: slice of life; fluff ; crack; hint of a love triangle ; loads of tension.
↬characters: jealous!wen junhui x reader | support: kim mingyu (plays a big role)
↬w.c: 4K
↬author`s note: sorry for the delay but this is basically junhui making your knees weak or you just want to beat his ass. this fic can go two ways―it`s yours to decide. also this is a re-write because the last attempt wasn`t reaching my heart. so i`m writing this again :) hope you enjoy this read! (btw i would strongly suggest you to read mingyu`s version before you jump onto this)
↬synopsis: there are 13 boys who lives in your town where each of them have each of their own colours. some you know in person & some from afar so one day you sat down deciding to describe each of their colours absorbing all of their goodness and all of their flaws. you wondered what if someone in some other town ever thought of questioning when they looked at these boys, that―what if we lived in the same town?
☍ seungcheol | jeonghan | joshua | junhui | soonyoung | wonwoo | jihoon | seokmin | mingyu | minghao | seungkwan | vernon | chan
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[03:37 PM] [meet him at the dawn & he`ll take you to places you`ve never seen]
―standing opposite of the road, that day you saw him getting out of the newly opened chinese restaurant of the town. he was wearing a white shirt with two of the top buttons undone, the edges carelessly tucked in a freshly washed denim jeans to wind up with it. dashing as always, junhui had spared a listless glance at you and with his shoulders wide, he tucked his palms into both of his jean`s pockets.
you, on the other hand, didn`t smile at him but rather let your eyes widen a bit unconsciously. in split second, when you realized what had happened, you retreated back from keeping any kind of eye contact with him.
from the corner of your eyes, you could somehow make out that he was clearly smirking on his own. his little smirk was so palpable that it traverse through the air stirring up something in you along with the sudden heat splashing across your cheeks & neck. that feeling didn`t leave your body and waited a long time to fade until you finally reached back home.
you didn`t know much about junhui, as a matter of fact. surely you`ve seen him once in a while but that was it. you didn`t know what kind of person he was exactly apart from the fact that he was extremely beautiful. he was, if you weren`t mistaken, quite a silent heartthrob of the town.
he also, isn`t the type to talk much. that is to say, you have never seen him talk whenever you`ve spotted him on the street or anywhere in the local market. he didn`t study at your school and his place too, was far from your own so spotting him at your street wasn`t a regular thing until one fine day it happened out of nowhere.
you were out to go rent some dvd because the dvd player had been sitting under dust for a long time at your place. it was one of those day when iconic black and white movies which both you and your mother were equally fond of clenches you two in its tight hold so she gave you a little push to go grab some mutual favourites from the dvd rent shop down the street.
wearing a soft pink shorts and a white shirt typically bigger for your built, you walked out of your place to the dvd rent shop. swinging both of your arms on your side, you did a few little skips while walking. it was quite evident that you were in good spirit and why shouldn`t you be? a movie night and your mother was making your favourite dish tonight being the combo treat is not something of a regular thing in this household.
long after walking, you stood in front of the shop. keeping your eyes on the open sign, you push the door inside and soon you heard a peal of laughter already filling up the shop to the brim of it.
the laughter was as if it welcomed you to the shop but for some reason, you could recognize a single voice among the two.
you stop for a second, slowing down the motion of you closing the door and kept on listening to the laughters. in the slip of a quick second, you recognized it to be mingyu`s but you couldn`t see him right away.
whipping your head around, you tried detecting the direction from which it came until you heard a cough from the part-timer and the growing string of your attention rips right then.
bowing a bit to the part-timer who worked at the cash counter, you slowly walked through the shelves filled with all kind of dvds. your ears were perked up at the sound of giggles and laughter now a little bit on a lower note.
the part-timer probably sent the owner of those laughters a warning glance to maintain the silence.
you, on the other hand, still couldn`t find the movie you were looking for. walking listlessly, your eyes staring up and down the rows of shelves soon your back makes a sudden contact with something hard and warm.
for a moment you thought it would be mingyu and a lift at the corner of your mouth surfaces.
turning your neck around, you had to crane it up a bit to look at whom you stumbled upon considering in your head you thought it would be mingyu probably playing around with you and with his gigantic height your actions were sort of a reflex.
but as soon as you realized whom you stumbled onto, you quickly turned around and jumped three feet away from him.
“oh?”, with wide eyes junhui watches you jump back and then as he leans a bit by putting up one of his palm, he finally greets you, “hi.” the wide of his eyes cease within seconds replacing them into soft creases around the corners.
his voice carried an essence of mirth and from the looks of it, he clearly recognized you considering he has seen you quite a few times ― sometimes even when you`re not aware of his presence.
you bow a bit and give him a crooked smile although your eyes were so nervous, it couldn`t keep a single second of contact with his own until your eyes fixated on something familiar―it was the head peaking from behind junhui―of mingyu`s.
a wave of relief ran through your system as you, instead of returning junhui`s wave, put up your own palm and greeted mingyu. your friend`s eyes turn into crescents as he comes from behind the boy you just met and places his own palm against yours. you smiled up at him and he returns it as always.
seeing how junhui was left behind, mingyu turned around and stood next to you while placing his arm around your shoulder. a very familiar act. nothing you should be surprised of at this point.
“jun, meet_____, she lives across my street.”
you bow at junhui again. but in your head, you were wondering how did mingyu know him. at school, you`ve not really seen him around your friend and you, yourself haven`t really seen him that much. but without any further wait, mingyu answers the said question in your head.
“_____ meet wen junhui. he got transferred to our school few weeks ago and has newly joined the basketball team last week! have you seen him?”
“ah no―i think?” you answer back very unsure of your fading memory.
“mingyu said that you are quite a regular at the bleachers cheering for this buddy right here,” junhui speaks up for a first time after all this while. he pointed at mingyu while he utters those last words.
you flushed a bit at the mention of you being at the bleachers while you watch mingyu play. but it`s just, you are always there to support your friend. you don`t really make any sound while you`re at it though. most days, you just sit back and watch mingyu play. it`s not a secret that you very much adore his basketball skills.
“it`s nothing really..,” you squeeze out a carefree laughter although it ended up sounding like a nervous one, “i just…watch and,” with a shrug you continue, “maybe clap sometimes.”
junhui only chuckles as you finish. it looked like as if he caught you in your act. it really wasn`t looking nice for you now but at least you had mingyu`s arm around you so you stopped feeling a bit out of place, plus junhui was clearly a stranger. why must you care so much for what he thought?
“but even that bit is enough. after all, ______ & me, we`ve been friends since childhood. our mothers are best friends too! we even get to have weekly get-togethers every sundays.”
as new information for junhui`s ear comes to surface, you quickly looked over at him who now wore an indifferent expression as if somewhat a spark of jealousy lay across his chest. but when he saw you looking at him, he caught your gaze with his warm ones with that very recognizable smirk climbing onto his mouth making you think that he is clearly skilled at hiding his sudden change of emotions.
you stare at him for a good few seconds, feeling yourself getting braver as you have already caught him slip his cool awhile ago. clearly, in junhui`s head, he really didn`t want mingyu to continue so he spoke up.
“that`s good to know. but the question is will i get an invite someday?” he was asking mingyu the question but his eyes were all on you and at the same time he was observing how mingyu`s attention never faltered from upon your face.
you finally looked up to meet with your friend`s eyes on you and with one of his brows perked up, mingyu asked you as you did so, “that sounds good, doesn`t it? we should talk to our mothers for a permission though?”
you nod and add, “sure, that doesn`t sound bad. the more the merrier.”
absolutely not, you think back in your head, you definitely don`t like lots of people around you. no offense to junhui but you`re not exactly good with strangers or people in general.
“and what about cheering for me sometimes at the bleachers sometimes?” junhui leans against the shelf lightly and breaks the on-going conversation between you and mingyu with a sudden heated question.
“ayyyy that she will do of course. every friend of mine is _____`s friend so of course she`ll cheer for you, jun. although i`m a little special so i`ll get more cheers, right?” mingyu bent down and moved his face infront of you with the silliest smile on his face.
this boy, you thought, you`re really enjoying this, aren’t you?
you wanted mingyu to read your eyes but you were unsure if he was just putting up an act or simply being oblivious.
you close your eyes a bit and put up a pressed smile on your face as you thought about how mingyu clearly didn`t understand what junhui was trying to do here and on top of all that, he didn`t even let you speak before jumping onto answering the question for you.
you thought, maybe that`s what friends do. clearly, you were wrong in this.
“hahaha, sure, i mean why not―although i don`t know how much me cheering will help. i don`t even cheer, i just, like i said,” you huffed and leaned a bit to your side after turning your attention from mingyu`s child-like expression to junhui`s attentive ones, “i only sit and watch.”
junhui mirrors your act of leaning and replies.
“that`s very much enough.”
the line that forms on his lips gives his cheeks a lift. his eyes looks pure and yet with that built, you couldn`t really pinpoint what you should be feeling.
you didn`t know if you wanted to laugh or cry right at that moment. he was clearly copying mingyu right there but he added a little bit of his own spice in it.
you only nodded and smiled through the dilemma and made sure there`s nothing on your face that would give you how hot and bothered you were with just the presence of junhui infront of you.
“anyway,” gently pushing mingyu by his shoulders who was previously bending down to look at you face to face, “i need to get some dvds. so can i….look for them now?” raising your brows, you trail off looking at both of the boys as they nod and give you the space to choose.
but mingyu`s arm remained on your shoulder as you walked towards the shelf and junhui―he only moved away from his previous spot a bit. so now that you were standing in front of the shelf of dvds, you were stuck in-between two clearly much taller for their age boys.
sighing microscopically, you reached out your arm and pulled out a dvd of a sleeper-hit movie from decades ago―one of yours and your mother`s favorite.
“_____ you like this movie too?” junhui asks suddenly. his voice sounded slightly different this time. also, the sudden slip of your name from his mouth caught you by surprise for a moment. this was actually the first time he called you by your name if you could recall every interaction with him.
eventually, this particular moment resurfaces once in a while when junhui crosses your head sometimes.
“hmm, i do! you….” you reply.
“same, i do like it too―actually, it`s my mother`s favourite and―”
“mine too! it`s my mother`s favourite too!” you cut him off, declaring right away with an excitement in your tone with a sudden sense of familiarity very loud in the air between both of you.
junhui only blinks. his eyes a little bit wide and the smile which was now less smirk-like climbs on his mouth.
“ohhh junhui, both you & _____ have some similar taste, huh?” mingyu and his annoying self chirped in, which you obviously didn`t pay any heed to. you only replied with a “is that something very interesting to you?” but only in your head.
as if mingyu was about to reply, you turned around to look up at jun and let him continue clearly ignoring mingyu and his big mouth.
seeing how now your attention is all on him, junhui skipped the previous act of smile and giggled and if you could clearly remember it`s been a long time you`ve heard such a sweet giggle in a while.
“ah well i`ve watched it once with her when it was on television one day. i love the story of the leads and how even though they had to face all those hurdles, they didn`t falter in their discipline and way of life. it was…uplifting to me, i guess? staying grounded. loved that.”
“i understand. the feelings are mutual.”
this time the smile was genuine. you were glad that this time you weren`t nervous, that you could smile without stuttering through your thoughts although everything about junhui was distracting you. from his handsome built, his face to now having been discovered his soft giggle (it kept on replaying on your head for some unknown reason) and him, being this close to you right now wasn`t helping at all.
“that sounds very deep.” mingyu states. this time both you and junhui hum at the same time at him, not ignoring him.
“so did your mother tell you to rent it or….?” junhui asks.
“no, well, actually yes―both me and my mother thought of having a movie night. the dvd player at home is gathering only dust so we thought to have some good use of it.”
“oh so auntie must be making some good foods too, right?” this time mingyu joins in.
“ah yes, she `s making my favourite dish,” you spare him a glance before replying back.
“ah then what should i pick up…now that _____ has already picked up one from my bucket list today.”
junhui gifted you a look from the corner of his eyes while the well-known smirk adorned the corner of his mouth and he strolls across the makeshift corridor in-between the two large shelves softly drumming his fingertips on each of the spines of dvds placed in order.
“ah i`m sorry if you want you can keep it,” you brush off mingyu`s arm around your shoulder and walk a little bit towards junhui, “i can take some others, it`s not like this is the only one i needed anyway.”
the boy whom you just got to know spun on his heels with his arms now behind him crossed and he leans in to come closer to your face. a little bit closer and you could feel his breathe over you.
“same goes for me but _____what if we make a deal?”
“a deal?” you question him, curiosity hitting you from behind.
junhui hums.
“tell me about it.”
“what if you give me the dvd after you & auntie,” junhui looks at mingyu for a second, his eyes mischievous as he uses your friend`s addressing term for your mother and continues after placing his gaze upon you once again, “finish watching the movie and i pay for both of our rentals.” his focus on you remained until the end, or maybe a little bit after that. his eyes burned into you and you felt like you couldn`t run away from them, yet.
you were not going to lie but this proposal came like a shock. the giving of  the said dvd in question to junhui after you`ll be done with it wasn`t the main shocker at all―it was the fact that he was offering to pay for both his and yours rental for this dvd.
suddenly, you heard mingyu`s footsteps from behind you. junhui straightens his back and watches your friend coming close to you. he only shrugs when he looks down at you. you didn`t know what kind of expression mingyu wore but you wish it was nothing major.
“oi jun―” you close your eyes right then and exhale before turning around your body to face your friend but mingyu cut you off, although you don`t know if it was intentional or just simple coincidence, “are you hitting on ______? dude you just met her.”
there you go. that`s it. just what you were fearing.
clearly, his voice had a certain strain at the back of his throat but he covered it up with his playful voice. a voice which carried a laughter which could be both mockery or sound as fake as possible. you didn`t know if junhui noticed it but being grown up with mingyu since toddler days, you could make it out very well.
you put your palms on top the denim clad chest of your friend, calming down whatever you wanted to calm down.
at the same time, you only heard junhui chuckle behind you. you couldn`t make out if it was an evil one or a natural one but the smug on his face was evident in his voice.
“hey it`s fine.” you say, your voice wasn`t reaching the octave you intended.
“looks like big boy`s a little jealous that me & ____ are hitting it off as good friends already?”
“it`s not about being good friends….hitting on someone and being good friends is different.”
“i was just trying to put on a good impression on her, gyu.” junhui, this guy , he was clearly enjoying this. but if his intentions were good then you didn`t see any problem with it.
“i don`t mind that at all but just so you know, _____ isn`t someone who`ll sway that easily. she`s a tough nut to crack.”
you almost laughed at mingyu`s words―it looked as if he was speaking from experience but you just shook your head and turned around. both of your arms now raised up in the air stopping both boys from having a fight here solely because of you for some stupid reason.
“it`s okay, it`s all fine.”
you looked up at junhui and continued in a calm voice “thank you for the offer, junhui, but i`ll pay for my own rent or else my mother will question about it and i`m really not in a mood to explain such stuff to her and about giving the dvd to you―” you give him a soft smile and said further, “i`ll send it to you through mingyu considering you hang out with him these days, okay?”
you nod up at mingyu who was previously looking at junhui. but when he saw you were looking at him, he switched from his squinting eyes combined with a sour pout to a completely different expression, the kind he gives you as if it`s only reserved for you―typically a warm one.
mingyu closes his eyes for a second and nods.
“i hope we`re clear now?”
“i was just playing around, _____, don`t worry,” junhui raised both of his arms up as if surrendering and continued “there`s no bad intentions here.”
in junhui`s head he was obviously being a good person and so was mingyu. junhui walked over to mingyu and playfully circled his arms around your friend and puts his other hand on top of his chest rubbing it playfully.
you let out a small laugh and saw mingyu lowering his eyes to stare up at junhui through his lashes and rolled his eyes before elbowing his new buddy in his sternum. junhui only yelps letting out a wheeze.
and, with that the dvd rental shop got filled up to laughters yet again until the sudden intentional cough from the part-timer made both of these playful boys shush down with each of their forefingers on top of their individual lips.
rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you walked across the shelves and picked another two old classics and went to the counter to pay for the rents.
mingyu picked up a newly released movie he was looking forward to last spring and junhui picked out two recent but a little older movies.
after you were done with the payment and all, you were about to walk out of the shop and waved a goodbye to the boys who were still paying. mingyu ran a bit to the door to hold it for you.
but before the door would completely close on you, your eyes moved over at junhui who was still standing at the counter―he was waiting for the changes but his face was turned towards you and he was looking at you with a now unknown gaze. you couldn`t really make out what it was but for some reason it made you a little bit sad.
but before he could witness the curve of your mouth for him, he closed his eyes for a second and smiled at you. your eyes widen at this and instantly without knowing you smiled back at him fully.
and that was it.
that was the last time you met junhui at that close proximity. you had seen him at the basketball court, you had seen him at random street. some day or night your eyes have met with each other and sometimes they didn`t, but his smile had burned through the surface of mind. some time, at some random time, you`ll suddenly get a flash back of his smirk or that fleeting smile he gave you before you closed the door on both of your first meet.
also you knew that mingyu probably made sure junhui never gets to have any closure with you. there`s been couple of times when you`ve found jun across the corridors of the school, simply hanging around and before anything can happen mingyu had circled his arm around junhui dragging his focus away from you who`d just be passing by to deliver some copies of homework to the teacher`s rooms.
you didn`t question this.
afterall, mingyu himself was in a dilemma of sorting out his feelings for you. he would probably do anything until you accept him in your life as something more than just childhood friends but even junhui never made sure to take any attempt, other than casual glances.
well, that`s what you know. it not like you know everything that the future holds. maybe one day you`ll meet him again when mingyu`s not around and you both will have conversations that never happened or waited for the right moment to have anything grow out of the seeds sown in this new friendship.
but for now, it`s okay. maybe someone from another town will catch feelings for him better, it`s not like you`ve him bounded by some string of fate.
it`s okay wherever you stand now when it comes to your relationship with junhui.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
are you doing a leo birthday fic
I sure am! Happy National Nutter Butter Day, everyone! O’Knutzy credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“You’re the worst.”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” Finn tried—and failed—to harmonize as he and Logan held the final note. Leo shoved his head further under his pillow and scooted down so he was nothing but a lump beneath the covers.
“How long did you two practice that?” he asked.
“About fifteen minutes. Fish kept screwing up the nickname order.” A heavy weight flopped onto Leo’s lower back and he groaned as Logan wrapped his limbs around his torso.
“It’s called creative license,” Finn sighed before joining the pile.
Leo tried to wiggle out, but he was well and truly stuck. “Y’all are crushing my ribs.”
“Y’all,” they said at the same time, both snickering.
“It’s my birthday, you’re not allowed to be mean.”
“Aw, baby.” His back popped as Finn cuddled into his side, shoving a shoulder under Leo’s arm and beaming up at him. “Happy birthday, I love you!”
“Fuck off and let me sleep.” Despite his words, Leo couldn’t hide his smile.
“Oh, I see dimples,” Finn singsonged. Logan’s fingers drummed along Leo’s ribs and he burst into laughter, flailing wildly under their combined weight until he nearly launched Logan off the bed.
“Bonjour, mon rayon de soleil.” Logan leaned down and kissed his nose, then peppered his whole face with kisses until Leo playfully pushed him away. “We have breakfast.”
Leo raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I don’t smell smoke.”
“We didn’t cook,” Finn snorted, laying his head on Leo’s shoulder and looping a leg around his thigh. “But we did find beignets.”
Leo froze and blinked at him. “Did you—did you just say ben-yets?”
He bit his lip, taking a deep breath. “Harzy, I love you, but you’re officially not allowed to speak for the rest of the day.”
“Why?” Finn turned on his stomach and pouted. “I got you breakfast.”
“It’s beignets, mon rouge,” Logan said, drawing out the ‘ayyyy’ sound.
“If you said that in New Orleans, you’d be smited where you stood,” Leo laughed, pulling Finn in for a quick kiss. “But you got real beignets? Not shitty donut ones?”
“Oui. Viens ici, Peanut, they’re going to get cold.” Logan clambered out of bed and hauled Leo up by the hands with a dramatic groan, then leaned up for a kiss of his own. He tasted like toothpaste and powdered sugar.
“Did you already have some?”
“We snuck a couple.” Finn tossed him a sweatshirt from the chair in the corner of their room and smacked his rear lightly before opening the bedroom door just a crack. Something mischievous played at the corner of his mouth—Leo wondered what could be so great about beignets to a man who couldn’t even say the word correctly. “Ready?”
The door swung open and light flooded into their bedroom; someone blew a kazoo, and the whole living room erupted into noise. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
They had beignets, but not some oily store-bought monstrosities; no, the smell alone should have tipped him off to the truth as his mother stood in the middle of the room with a wide plate in her arms.
“Oh my god,” he whispered, leaning on the doorway as tears prickled in his throat. “Oh my god.”
“Surprise!” his father laughed, blowing the kazoo again with a bright grin. “Happy birthday, kiddo.”
“Aw, Nutter Butter,” Finn pulled him in for a hug as the first tear dripped down his face. “Are these happy tears?”
“They better be,” his mother teased, setting the plate down. “Come here, baby, I need a hug from my birthday boy!”
“How did you do this?” Leo asked. He nearly melted in her arms as his dad joined the hug as well. They felt like home, and for a moment he imagined a warm breeze floating through their kitchen.
“I nearly had to duct-tape Lo’s mouth shut,” Finn said. “He almost told you about fifty times.”
“It wasn’t fifty,” Logan scoffed. “Ten at most.”
“How long have you been here?” Leo pulled away and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of Finn’s sweatshirt. “This is—this is crazy.”
“We flew in yesterday morning and we’re here for three more days so we can watch the game.” His father ruffled his hair and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “We couldn’t just skip your birthday!”
“Which one of you did this?” Leo narrowed his eyes at his boyfriends, who looked everywhere but at him. “This feels like a Logan thing. No wonder you were acting weird!”
“It was…a team effort,” Finn conceded. “But mostly Lo. I ran interference.”
Leo sniffled again. “I love you both so much.”
“Oh, get over here, you troublemakers,” his mother said, waving her hand at them. “This is a family hug, after all.”
Leo allowed himself to be squished between four pairs of arms before a thought struck him. “Hey, mama?”
“That’s me.”
“Guess how Finn says ‘beignets’.”
She stood back a bit and gave Finn a once-over, then sighed. “Sweetheart, I don’t think I wanna know.”
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sugarybitterness · 2 years
🍦 🌞 🤲
ayyyy lesgo
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
wAh i’m not too sure.. i have quite a few fluff fics but i guess sweetest has to be the swll blurb where reader calls nat mama and wanda mommy for the first time.!! i think a lot of people found the series through that particular post:)
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
crack of dawn lmfao i have written shit at like 2am-5am and it’s my best productive period
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
ofc!! you get two actually, my mama!emily fic as well as the next scarletwidow life lessons chap
mama!emily wip
later that night, when emily was tucking you in, she asked about how you felt meeting the team.
“it was okay.. they all seem nice, i liked jj..” you let out a small yawn before continuing. “she’s pretty, like a princess.. don’t you think so mommy?”
emily can’t help the wide smile that forms across her face at your words.
scarletwidow life lessons - mama!
things had been going good, great even. the last thing anyone expected was a giant curveball that seemingly halted all progress you had made.
you suppose it was only natural for ellie to feel this way, she was young and could barely remember much of your mom and dad. whilst you had a handful of treasured memories you held onto to dearly, she had almost none. you did your best to always remind her of your parents, how much they loved and cared for you both.
yet, you couldn’t help the full force of shock and betrayal that crashes over you when ellie calls natasha “mama.”
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mediapuppy · 3 years
Ayyyy guess who’s not dead! I know it’s been quite a bit since I’ve touched this blog and I’m so sorry for that, especially since I just kind of disappeared without a word.  Thank you so much to everyone for all the asks and messages, it means so much to me that people still check in and appreciate the silly, awful little things I’ve written!!  Along with that, even more than a year later I still get kudos and comment notifications almost every day without fail on my silly fics.  What’re ya’ll still doing reading those?! To everyone asking: yes I’m all good, I’m just a big tired college student who just today has knocked out editing on a five page paper and did eight pages of another, and that’s on top of masters apps and regular reading and everything else.  The semester’s rounding out and once it’s done I’m really hoping to release some more silly little writings!!!  I had one big unfinished project left for THSC that was half-written and just as awful as everything else I’ve given this long-dead fanbase, but I’ve also really gotten into another obscure tiny fanbase that I’m dying to write some content for (bonus points if you can guess what it is.  Hint: it features my favorite tropes as the two main characters, an emotionally-stunted and eager to please office worker who’s more golden retriever than man and his also emotionally constipated, coffee-addicted, kick-ass gal of a co-leader.  Expect work of them soon, if you can guess who they are I might take a request for them for the first fic) Basically just thank you so much everyone for the continued support on my work.  The fact I still get kudos and comments on them even a year later just blows my mind, because those things were labors of love to myself and I never ever expected anybody to like them even half as much as they do.  I hope everyone’s having an awesome end to the weekend and staying safe!!!
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Orbit | Spencer Reid x Reader Platonic
Ayyyy this is for @veraiconcos fic writer palooza! I had a ton of fun working on this, check out their post for more details!
Summary: Since joining the BAU you have easily become one of Spencer’s best friends, and he is terrified he is going to lose you. (Gender neutral reader, platonic soulmates). 
Category: Fluff
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR 4x24-5x01. 
Word Count: 1830
As with all of my Galaxy Universe fics, the plot for this fic is fully standalone! If you like this relationship, I have a whole bunch of content that you can find in my  GALAXY MASTERLIST
Spencer Reid didn’t have to be a genius to know he was sporting some abandonment issues. In his defense, though, he had been left by too many prominent people in his life and he was only 27 years old.
Even though he had only known you for a short while, you had easily secured a spot as one of his favorite people. As much as he enjoyed spending time with you and liked that he could be unapologetically himself, it terrified him that he could be so comfortable with you.
He wanted to shut down and shut you out, not let you see the broken pieces left by his father, Elle, and Gideon, but every time he tried you would do something so unapologetically you that it was impossible to stop feeling like the universe had created the two of you for the sole purpose of knowing the other.
It was the twinkle in your eye when you would remind Morgan that you were authorized to carry a larger gun than he was. It was the way you perched on Spencer’s desk while debating the best way to eat an Oreo. It was the pen you always carried that Spencer suspected was for him because you preferred pencil.
You were the one person Spencer felt most relaxed around, and there was still the looming possibility that you could choose to leave.
It wasn’t until the Anthrax case that Spencer realized how much he was afraid of you leaving. When he woke up in the hospital Morgan was the only one there, and your absence was the first thing he noticed. He should have felt grateful that Morgan had chosen to stay and he felt guilty that he was upset about your absence until you showed up with as many jello cups as you could possibly carry.
“Oh good, you’re awake. Red or green?” Your words had been so casual and comfortable, exactly what Spencer needed as Derek filled him in on how the case had ended. You listened quietly from his other side, spooning sugary gelatin into your mouth.
Spencer wanted to tell you then how much he was afraid of you leaving, but he also didn’t want to speak it into existence. He decided to keep his mouth shut about it, let the secret fester in his soul until he figured out a better way to deal with it.
Then you went to Canada.
At first you were on the streets with Derek and Emily while Spencer stayed at the precinct to go over victimology. You called him right after you were done talking to the locals and on your way to meet back up with Morgan and Prentiss.
“I don’t know, Spence. Something about this feels off,” you told him when he asked how it had gone.
“How so?” he trusted your instincts, if you were able to pinpoint your source of uncertainty it could help him nail down the victimology.
“Everyone out here is being hyper vigilant. Nobody’s wandering off on their own, as far as I can tell. I don’t think this is just some guy who killed 10 people. There’s something bigger going on here, we just have to figure out what.”
As a man of science, Spencer was still working out how you knew the things you did from just a gut feeling. He wasn’t surprised when you were right.
Once the team had a better scope of things at the farm, Hotch assigned you and Spencer to learn as much as you could about Lucas Turner. After coming up empty in the house, it was your idea to check the barn. A comfortable, but serious silence fell between you as you found what you were looking for.
You were looking over his shoulder at the crayon drawing he was holding when Hotch came to check in on your findings.
“Hey Hotch,” you called to your unit chief as he started walking away, “do you ever get the feeling that a case isn’t going to end well?” Spencer wondered what cosmic events had to have occurred to give him the pleasure of knowing someone who mirrored his own thoughts so perfectly.
“Keep looking,” Hotch had said sternly before leaving, “this girl needs us.”
“That wasn’t the answer I was hoping for,” you sighed, turning back to the collection of objects in the barn.
“What did you want him to say?”
“Something validating, I guess. Sure, this girl needs us and I’m not saying we won’t find her, but even if she’s alive there’s still what- a hundred victims already dead? A hundred victims with families and lives. A hundred people…”
You were right, Spencer knew that. If he had learned anything while working with you, it was that your gut feelings usually had some merit to them. If you were feeling like this wasn’t going to end well, it probably wasn’t. He wondered if you would stay with the BAU if you were right, and with that came back the creeping fear he had been trying to avoid.
He didn’t have time to dwell on the fact that he hadn’t processed his issues with your abandonment he wasn’t even sure was coming.
You took the Metro home with him, he didn’t have to ask to know that you were too tired to drive and could take the metro back to work once you were better rested.
“Spencer,” you had murmured sleepily from the seat next to him in the almost empty car.
“This might sound really stupid, but do you ever feel like we were meant to be friends?”
Spencer swore his heart skipped a beat. All the mathematical equations in the world couldn’t explain the way you seemed to know exactly what he was thinking.
“There's an old Buddhist saying that when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making,” he quipped, “but yes. I do.”
“So you think we’re soulmates?” you smirked.
“Assuming one perfect soulmate exists for every person on the planet and you’re in the same age range as your soulmate, there’s still 500 million potential candidates. Mathematically speaking, of course.”
Your eyes sparked at the debate, though your eyelids were still heavy “I thought there was 500 years of prep work behind it though. 500 years is long enough to filter through 500 million. That’s one million a year.”
“If I wasn’t convinced we were soulmates before, your math skills have sealed the deal.”
“Of course they have. I’m smarter than I look,” you boasted.
“Is intelligence something you can determine by appearance?”
“You tell me, genius. I think you look pretty smart.”
“You know, (y/n), I think you’re just as smart as I am,” he told you honestly. You furrowed your brow in confusion.
“Are you kidding? I failed high school Algebra twice.”
“Academic achievement isn’t the only way to measure intelligence,” he reminded you, “the way your brain works is exceptional.”
“Not right now, it isn’t. I feel like mush. Do cases stop hitting this hard once you’ve been doing this for a while?”
“No, my brain feels like mush too.”
“Go home and get some sleep, ok?” you instructed when it was your stop. Spencer waved as you walked away.
He saw you again sooner than he thought, insomnia not allowing him to sleep so he was the first to receive JJ’s call. He took the Metro to your apartment, knocking on the door until you answered. He was surprised at how quickly you were ready to go, knocking your elbow into his as you left your building to go back into work.
“Old habits, I guess,” you shrugged when he brought it up. It ended up being the most casual interaction of your day, another whirlwind of a case happening with the whole team running on not much sleep.
While Spencer stayed with Dr. Barton to go over medical charts, you went to the school with Morgan and JJ to protect Jeffrey. It was irrational, he knew, but he couldn’t help but wish you were still with him to work on building the profile.
He didn’t want to admit it (he wanted the team to focus on the gunned down unsub and Dr. Barton), but he was glad you were the first one by his side when you finally made it back to the doctor’s house. You stayed with him, even when he told the team about Hotch. In fact, you didn’t leave his side the entire ambulance ride and his time at the hospital.
JJ came into his hospital room a few times to update the two of you on Hotch’s situation, and every time he expected you to leave with her but you didn’t. When he was released from the hospital you drove him home, helping him up to his apartment. Once he was settled, you busied yourself making his home more accessible for the injured man.
Spencer felt sort of awkward as you hummed to yourself, and rightly so. You hadn’t spent much time outside of work together and now he was stuck on his couch with limited mobility. All things considered though, he really didn’t want you to go. He didn’t want you to leave his apartment, he didn’t want you to leave the BAU, and he didn’t want you to leave his life like so many other people that he cared about had.
In a stroke of genius, he realized that he had to tell you. He had to open up the possibility for you to stay to figure out if you were going to leave.
“(y/n)?” he called to you as you finished up putting away his clean dishes in the kitchen.
“What’s up?”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
There was a moment of silence that Spencer quickly realized was you moving through his small apartment to grab your bag before you happily joined him on the couch, sitting down carefully as to not jostle his leg.
“Of course I would, did you think I was leaving?”
Spencer blushed, “I don’t know… people who I care about have a tendency to leave.” He watched your features soften.
“Spencer,” you started, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you.”
You didn’t need to clarify further, you both knew the weight your words held and it relieved the tension Spencer had been sporting since the beginning of your friendship like a weighted blanket relieves anxiety.
“Do you want to watch this movie I got from the library about alien abductions in Alaska? I’ve heard it’s super creepy and I didn’t really want to watch it alone anyways.”
Spencer grinned at your suggestion, “there was actually a study that showed that people who claimed to be abducted by aliens were predisposed to sleep paralysis and hypnosis. Should we order some food? When was the last time you ate?”
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