#babe wake up new comfort character just dropped
taeminie · 1 year
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“You’re so cute. So damn cute. Nothing in this whole world is cuter.”
FOURTH NATTAWAT as GUN My School President (2022-)
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toaster-fire-art · 2 years
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Wu Xi!!!
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bonus version with the veil and a close up <3
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sprnklersplashes · 1 year
Lynn Loud aroace with ADHD (real)
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solemntitty · 7 months
if nothing else (despite yanno. first emo male character with deathmania boots and also he's hot) i'm glad i got rizzley because he. oh my god. the fucking flowing water domain. piece of cake with him
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goldenageofwireless · 2 years
takoyama ptr2 the character ever
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axnrxn · 1 year
if you're comfortable with it; 141 team (+ maybe konig/alejandro) accidentally hurting their partner??
Accidentally Hurting You (141, Alejandro Vargas, and König x GN!reader)
Dark fic, angst and some fluff (varied ratios depending on the character), declarations of love
TW: Angst, ptsd, mentions of graphic violence, war stories, mentions of death/blood.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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You wake up at the sounds of whimpering from the man next to you. Simon has been having vivid nightmares since Las Almas. You felt helpless, you hated seeing him suffer. You got hurt and it’s haunted him ever since.
“Simon” you whisper softly, gently touching his cheek.
Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he crushed your lingering hand in his own. You yelped from the excruciating pain.
“It’s me, baby, it’s me!” You yelled, unable to hide the immense pain you were in.
Finally, Simon’s fearful eyes were transformed by guilt.
“Shit- fuck. I’m so sorry, love. Fuck” His voice broke, finally realizing what happened.
“It’s okay, babe, I’m here.” You repeated it like a mantra, attempting to soothe him and yourself at the same time.
Your hand throbbed, but you didn’t attempt to move it just yet. His hand began to shake, his breath ragged. Then he sat up quickly, letting you collapse onto the bed where he once was under you.
“Fuck- I… M’sorry, love. Fuck.” He whispered, unable to look you in the eye before rushing out of the bedroom.
Finally, the pain in your hand set in. You let the tears fall silently, the throbbing in your hands too intense to ignore. It was best if Simon didn’t see you like this.
You stifled your tears and left your room as well, deciding to get an ice pack to soothe the pain. You saw Simon on the couch, arms resting on his knees, hunched over. You could hear his sniffling as you reached into the freezer for ice.
You sat down next to him and slowly draped your arm behind his back. He tensed, freezing under your touch. But then his shoulders slowly dropped back down. He still avoided your gaze, his head in his hands.
"I'm sorry. 'M gonna keep hurting ye, love. That's all I do, hurt people. Hurt you." His voice was small and breathy, like he struggled to push out enough air.
"This isn't your fault, Si. It isn't who you are, you're just hurting. And you'll keep hurting if you don't believe you can stop. You'll get there. It just takes time, baby." You assured, maintaining your composure as he broke in front of you.
You crawled into his lap, under his hunched form, and buried your face into his stomach. You felt his tears pelt your cheeks as you laid under him, keeping your eyes closed as the storm passed. You spared him from your gaze, knowing that it would only push him further over the edge. Finally, the rain on your face ceased, leaving quiet sniffles and shaky sighs above you.
"I don't think 'm gonna ever be okay. I don't know why you're with me." He said quietly.
"I'm going to be with you forever, Si. I know what you've been through, I would never expect you to be okay 100% of the time." He looked at your hand as you spoke. "And that's okay. I'm strong, too. I know what I've gotten into. Let me be strong for you, you're not alone in this anymore." You finished your mini pep talk by taking his hand in your injured one, doing your best to ignore the twinge of pain that the contact initiated.
He sighed and leaned back, pulling your hand to his heart. "I don't deserve you..." he said, slowly regaining his composure.
"Because I love your ass, obviously." You teased, trying to lighten the mood.
He grumbled a bit before letting your hand go. "I'm gonna get you a new ice pack and some Advil." He said, standing up from the couch.
"And I love you too," he added as he walked away.
"I love you more than anything, Simon Riley." You whispered to yourself. But you knew he heard it.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
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Shrapnel from one of his blasts hits you
"Fuck, love, 'm so sorry." Soap apologized breathlessly above you, chest heaving from running to you so quickly.
"'M okay, Johnny, it was an accident. Just shite luck," you grimaced, pressing harder on the gash in your side. It had just missed your ceramic plates, entering your side where there was only soft material protecting.
"I shoulda made sure you were far enough, fuck, I thought you were, dammit" he scolded himself as you bled.
Ghost had begun to use his emergency medkit to patch you up, no longer concerned about enemies nearby as Johnny's blast had wiped a pretty large area. It would take at least 15 minutes before any reinforcements arrived, so stopping the bleed temporarily would be the goal.
Johnny finally bent down, shielding you from the sun as he took your hand that had previously pressed into your wound.
"'M sorry for this, love. Eyes on me while L.T. patches ye, 's gonna hurt." He demanded, keeping your hand firmly in his.
"Good news, Soap, 's just a bit of shrapnel, nothing major. Just a nick, lots of blood, though." Ghost announced. "Sorry about this, (c/n), ain't giving ya pain killers til we're outta here. Need you sharp." Ghost said, before you felt your side light up in pain.
You couldn't help crying out, Soap immediately provided his sleeve for you to bite down on.
"Shh love, yer doin' so good." Soap's accent thickened, comforting you. His voice always making you feel safe.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the sound of Soap's voice rather than his words as he attempted to talk you through it.
"Good job, (c/n), it's over. Ye did good, it's okay." Soap said, finally getting your attention.
You sighed, feeling your side throb. You didn't look, feeling Ghost place medical tape over some gauze. Soap grabbed your arm opposite the side of your gash and supported your entire weight as he stood with you, his hand around your torso. You leaned into his neck as much as you could, trying to steady yourself as your blood loss finally reached your head.
"I got ye, love. Lean on me. L.T.?" Ghost grabbed your other arm, slinging it across his own shoulders, crouching to make sure he didn't force you to extend to his height and pull on your wound.
Soap leaned his head towards your ear and whispered "I ain't gonna let anything happen to ye. I love ye so much, 'm dyin' before you, dammit."
You smiled a bit at his silly promise at the end and replied "I love you, too, Johnny," with your remaining energy. You can't remember what happened after that.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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"Fuck! Dammit, they got (c/n)." Gaz shouted into his comms.
You leaned on Gaz's shoulder as he dragged you through the narrow side streets of Amsterdam.
"(c/n), how copy?" Price asked you through your earpiece.
"Pretty shite, Captain," you replied through gritted teeth.
"Get (c/n) to the car with our cartel friend, Gaz." Price ordered.
"Copy" Gaz replied as he readjusted his grip on you.
You could see him poorly hiding the stress on his face, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to drag you towards Price and Laswell.
"I'm gonna get you out of here, (y/n). C'mon, just a bit further." Gaz urged, talking to himself more than you.
"Fuck, I'm sorry, Kyle." You panted, struggling to stay semi-upright as the blood loss blacked out your vision.
"Stay with me, (y/n)" Gaz pleaded, letting you fully rest your weight on him.
Noticing you were on the verge of passing out in the street, Gaz picked you up bridal style and continued making his way to the car.
"Talk to me, darling. Anything. Say anything, keep your eyes open."
"Mmm , can't" you groaned into his shoulder.
"C'mon, you can do it," worry lacing his voice as he attempted to pick up his pace.
"Well, I love you lots. And I'm not hungry anymore," you declared, not fully coherent.
He laughed a bit at your last remark, "I love you, too, darling."
"I'll marry you when this is all over, promise." you said, fully a puppet to your subconscious.
"What was that?" Gaz said, not able to process your words. Then it hit him.
"Well, shit, I'd better ask you when we get out of here, yeah?" He said, finally in range of the car with Laswell and Price.
John Price
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Gets you shot by not calling your shot in time
You grasped your shoulder tightly as you hid behind cover, your back pressed against the rooftop door you had shut behind you.
"(c/n), how copy?" Price asked over comms.
"I'm hit, right shoulder, 0-6," you replied, already using your free hand to rip open your medkit as you bled all over the stairwell.
"Stay put, 2-6, on my way."
You began to strip off your vest, peeling away layers until only your undershirt was left on your top half. You maneuvered around your shoulder, refusing to move it for the fear of aggravating the burning sensation even further.
The lower stairwell door opened, you grabbed your sidearm immediately in your functioning hand.
"Just me, (c/n), stand down." Price announced, knowing you were a sitting duck after being shot from your perch.
"Fuck, John, what were you waiting for? I could've taken that shot, why'd you wait so fucking long?" You asked breathlessly, frustrated with your captain.
"Laswell ordered it, not me, love. I'm sorry, at least let me help you out of here." Price replied, his voice low. His eyes were filled with guilt as he got closer to you. "I've got Gaz on the lower entrance, so I've bought us some time. Let me have a look at you." He assured, wavering between captain and partner mode.
His personalities blurred together, it was both a command and a loving insistence. You loved his commanding nature, but hated it at the same time. How you felt both like his soldier and his partner. It made your stomach do uncomfortable flips.
"He got me good, right through my shoulder." You said, scooting towards him to give him a better look.
Price studied your shoulder for a minute, inspecting the entry wound and looking behind you for an exit wound. After wiping away the copious amounts of blood, he located an exit wound. It wasn't too bad considering you'd been shot by an enemy sniper. You got lucky.
"Just clipped the top of you, luckily. Took a chunk, but didn't make a big hole." Your captain stated.
His gaze softened as it met yours. "I'm sorry about this, love. I am so sorry. It's on me."
"We've all got our orders, yeah? You couldn't do anything." You tried to reassure him, but he wasn't having it.
"I shouldn't have waited for the call. I should've made it anyway," he muttered, starting to focus on patching you up enough to escort you out before you lost too much blood.
"Well, you're here now to piece me back together, at least. I expect special treatment when we return to base, Captain." You teased, causing Price to shake his head, amused.
"You'll be getting bed rest, love. What more could you want?"
"Breakfast in bed, obviously," you replied coyly.
"I'll see what I can do, then." He said with a laugh.
"I love you."
"I love you too, (y/n)."
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You rolled around the grappling mat with König on top of you. You straddled his waist, attempting to lift his right arm to slide your foot under it and roll into an arm bar. His strength threatened to topple you over as he bucked his hips, attempting to throw you off balance. Eventually, his attempts succeeded.
"Ahaha, yes! I've got you now!" He declared excitedly. His thighs caged you, long enough to engulf your entire torso, as his hand pinned both your wrists above your head, effortlessly.
Your pride bubbled within you, refusing to tap out. You began to struggle under König's weight, unable to even move him an inch as all 200+ pounds pressed onto your middle.
You huffed, kicking your legs wildly and trying to twist onto your side to throw him off of you. You didn't want to lose again. In one of your twists, you succeeded to turn to your side, but failed to throw König off. His weight was shifted entirely into your side, causing you to yelp.
"Scheiße! I'm so sorry, liebling." König panicked, immediately getting off of you like you were the most fragile piece of glass and he had just cracked you. You could see the panic and guilt in his eyes immediately as he assessed you.
"Fuck, I'm okay, 's my fault." you hissed, your pride wounded anyway. You wanted to curl up into a ball.
"Liebling, you can't keep going like that, I don't want to hurt you." König insisted, still too afraid to touch you.
"I just can't keep fucking losing, I can't be weak." You whispered, frustrated and on the verge of tears.
"And you won't be. That's why you train with me, ja? I'm the strongest, so if you beat me, you beat everyone." König assured you in a matter-of-fact tone.
You knew he was right, but it still stung. You felt like you didn't have enough time, which just made you want to train with the goal to win rather than to learn. He sensed it, so he finally mustered the courage to lightly brush your cheek with the back of his hand.
"I'll make sure you're safe, liebling. Always. Are you okay to try again on me?"
"Yeah, but can you just hold me for a bit?" "Ya, of course."
You scooted your back towards his chest, his arms and legs completely encircling you as he let you curl into him.
"I love you, König," you mumbled into his sleeve.
"I love you, too, liebling," he replied, resting his cheek lightly on top of your head as he hugged you tighter.
Alejandro Vargas
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"Again." Alejandro ordered.
You turned back to your target, firing your sidearm. You barely hit the target last time, but this time, you completely missed. You huffed in frustration, dropping your clip and reloading it with a new one.
"I can't fucking do this, Ale." You complained, starting to feel tears well up in your eyes.
"You can and you will, cariño." He reassured you, his eyes hard with determination to push you to success.
"I fucking can't!" you shouted. "I just fucking can't anymore." Your voice broke as the tears flowed.
His eyes softened as he noticed he pushed you too far. He quickly made his way towards you taking the gun from your hands and setting it on the table beside you.
"Hey, hey, look at me. You could do it before, so you can do it again." He said softly.
You hadn't been able to shoot properly since breaking your wrist and receiving a concussion from a particularly nasty car accident you were in while chasing narcos. You were lucky to be alive and to have only escaped with the injuries you did.
"But what if I can't? What if I'm permanently fucked up, Ale?" You asked, unsure if you'd ever fully recover.
"Then you're fucked, cariño. I need you to try for me. I need you to be able to defend yourself again. Las Almas is no place to be defenseless, yes?" His voice was serious, low and demanding.
"Fuck, I know." You replied.
"So come on. Again,” He ordered, only this time he positioned himself behind you, guiding your stance. He widened your feet and turned your shoulders, his hand stablizing your wrist with one hand as he peered over your shoulder.
You pulled the trigger. You hit nearly directly in the center.
"See? Just need to get back into it." Alejandro smiled at you as you turned towards him.
"Thank you, Ale. I love you so much," you professed, your eyes glossy.
"Te quiero también, cariño." (I love you too, sweetheart.)
A/N: Sorry for the delay! I'm taking a lot of exams and working on some quantum physics total wavefunction equations (aka crying over math about an electron that literally no one cares about). I'm taking care of the requests in my drafts before I work on my draft of the fic from the poll.
If my Spanish is terrible, I’m sorry. I’m still learning, so if I fuck up just let me know how to fix it.
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Nimona headcanons cause I love this chaotic little family
I’ve seen a lot of people say Ambrosius is a morning person and Bal is a night owl 
And I have to respectfully disagree 
Will Bal pull some all-nighters in the lab? Absolutely 
But this man is the most early bird coded character I’ve ever seen in my entire life 
When he isn't fully invested in a project he can't stay up past 10 pm
He wakes up at 6 am refreshed and barely needs caffeine 
I’ve also seen a lot of people say he’s a dedicated coffee drinker but something about this man screams “Coffee gives me migraines” 
Ambrosius on the other hand 
That’s an insomniac if I’ve ever seen one 
He’ll get ready for bed around 9 and then stay up til 3 in the morning
Poor babe needs coffee in an IV
He used to wake up really early back in the institute cause he was forced to run a mile every minute he was late to class 
And he’s a heavy sleeper so after the wall came down and he quit being a knight he wouldn't wake up before 1 pm even with Bals help 
And Nimona is just as bad 
Most nights Ambrosius will leave the room because he moves a lot when he can’t sleep and Bal is a light sleeper 
He’ll sit in the living room watching tv while trying to sleep and most of the time Nimona will join him 
Every once and a while Bal will find them laying on top of each other on the couch and will take them back to their respective beds 
And if you’re wondering what their favorite show to watch together is it’s those house-flipping shows 
But not for the reason you think
Most people watch those shows cause they think it’s inspiring 
Ambrosius and Nimona talk about how terrible these people are at their jobs  
They’ll go on hour-long rants about how these people are stripping the houses of everything that made them a home
(Ambrosius is a sentimental bitch and would be a maximalist after leaving the institute prove me wrong)
When Nimona is bored she’ll go into the city disguised as Bal or Ambrosius 
And she’ll fool literally everyone it’s a pretty common occurrence for the boys to be at home and then they hear the other swearing like a damn sailor because there are already news articles about it
The only people she can’t fool are Bal and Ambrosius 
Bal will shut them down almost immediately 
They’ll walk over to Bal and won’t even get a word out before Bal says “Shift back Nim you’re freaking me out”
They always make a big deal out of being caught making big decorations like “I’m getting better and one day I’ll fool you” 
And he’ll hum in agreement but he knows that it doesn’t matter how good he gets or how observant he is he’ll be able to fully copy every little detail 
The details that Bal has spent the past decade and a half remembering  
You know the little things like how he can’t say Bal or Nimona’s names without smiling even when he’s pissed
Or how he scrunches his nose when he laughs 
Ambrosius always acts like Nimona tricked him
He’ll let them get comfortable in the character and then he’ll drop the bomb 
Something small and inconspicuous like “Hey Nim do you want pizza for dinner?” and they’ll excitedly proclaim “Hell yeah pizza!” 
It takes them a second to realize they’ve been played and when they do they never make a big deal about it
They normally just mumble a curse or two and walk away with their tail between their legs (literally)
The first time Nimona tried to trick Ambrosius was when he was having one of those days 
You know the days when even breathing feels like a fucking battle
This was in a really awkward period too
Like right after Nimona and Ambrosius started trusting each other but right before they really started to get to know each other 
But she knew the boys well enough to know if Bal came home to a sad Ambrosius then he’d be in a bad mood for the rest of the day 
And she knows that the only thing that can cure a mopey Ambrosius is Bal 
She walked into the room and started talking to Ambrosius and was kind of surprised and a little bit peeved about how well she was fooling him
Until he said “You can drop the act Nim I know it’s you” 
They kind of just sat in that silence for a minute until Nimona said the first thing that came to her mind 
“You want me to find my sax?” 
Bal shouldn’t have been surprised to find Nimona disguised as him serenading Ambrosius with the worst freestyle jazz he’s ever heard (which is saying something)
He didn’t even say anything he just sat down and cuddled the love of his life while watching their kid try and play the sax while breakdancing
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ghl-osty · 5 months
babe wake up new comfort character just dropped-
…babe go back to bed comfort character just died
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writtenonreceipts · 11 months
@cassianappreciationweek thanks for hosting this event!  This is the only thing I have prepared for the week.
We are keeping with a mini tradition I’ve found I love with character/ship weeks--baby fics. Enjoy.
no tag list, it’s pretty short...
Cassian Week Day Two: Yvette
The babe made a small noise akin to a newborn fawn. Something soft and mewling.  Something new and fragile.
"Alright little one," Cassian murmured. He brushed a finger over her smooth, rosy cheek. "You're alright."
She gave a half-hearted yawn and wiggled in his grasp. Barely more than five hours old and the babe had already exhausted herself. 
She only had a dark tuft of hair on her head that Cassian hoped would lighten to the burnished gold over her mother.  Her eyes too were darker than his.  Maybe they would lighten too.  Lighten to that steel gaze of silver fire.  Just like her mother.
“You’re going to be so loved, you know that?” he said.  He adjusted the blanket wrapped around the babe so it was snug around her.  She was so small he could keep her balanced with just one arm, her head fitting almost perfectly in his hand.  “You’re mama’s been waiting so long to meet you.”
Scrunching her nose, the babe blinked open her eyes.  Cassian lifted his daughter up so she was eye level.  She squirmed as tears began to well in her eyes and then, too soon, she elicited a sharp cry.
“Hey, hey,” Cassian crooned.  He tucked her against his chest, keeping her tight and warm.  “We’ve gotta let mama rest.  She worked hard to get you here, you know.”
Through the blankets, Cassian could feel the small shudder of wings.  It had been easy to guess that Yvette would be born with wings.  After the events with Nyx and everything that followed with Nesta’s magic--both of their fears had remained.  It was impossible not to worry even with the comfort of knowing what the magic had granted them too.
Cassian eased Yvette against him so he could run a gentle hand along her back, soft and sure.  The babe whimpered again but not as furious.
“I’ve got you,” Cassian said.  He pressed a kiss to Yvette’s forehead, marveling at the smooth skin.
Here he was: a battleworn bastard with too many scars to count and holding a baby.  His baby.  When all his life he’d never thought he would have a mate, let alone a child.  And here she was safe and sound in his arms.
“I’ve got you sweet girl.”
Slowly, Yvette eased back to sleep.  She let out a little hiccup and burrowed against him.  Cassian knew she would need to feed soon, but Nesta was still asleep and he certainly didn’t want to wake her, not yet.
He glanced over his shoulder where Nesta was still sprawled on the bed. Thankfully it didn’t look as though Yvette’s fussing disturbed her.  Good.  He wanted Nesta to rest.  She’d been on bedrest the last three weeks of the pregnancy and the labor had been long and arduous.  But Nesta, full of that strength and power that Cassian so admired her for, had endured.
Cassian strode out onto the balcony attached to their room and overlooked the city.  It was quickly approaching dawn and pale gold and pink light scattered across the sky.  A few stars still lingered off in the distance, but they were quickly disappearing.  It was a new day full of new promises.
He dropped a kiss to Yvette’s head and stared out over his home.  He marveled at it all.  They were safe and they were together.  Just as they should be.
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fefflerone · 2 months
Babe wake up new comfort character just dropped
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crabonfire · 1 year
Hey, I can I please request for something tf2 Engie related, more specifically, with an gn s/o reader who has… An almost obsessive hoard of stuffed animals decorating their room??? I just think it’d be silly lmao, have a lovely day/night!!
Engie with a plushie obsessed gn! reader :)
character: engineer
note: mental health has dropped to the lowest point this year and I realized writing has actually helped my mind process and get through everything so...I'm back for now. I'm sorry for uh, lack of posts even after I said I'd post start of the new month, shit hasn't been good. I hope you enjoy this babe! I love my plushies, s/o just like me fr.
This is more of a drabble I guess. The reader has a lot of traits like I do with my own personal plushies so, I'm sorry if it's not accurate, it's just how I personally treat my plushies :)
Warnings: none
• When the text is in italic, engie is speaking as a plushie!!!
• He was surprised to find your room adorned with plushies first time you offered him in. There were small ones, ones that rest atop your dresser, your table. Some were bigger, all collected over your bed as you slept. You had huge ones too, those stereotypical big Teddy bears kids usually get, you had one that you'd lie on when days were rough.
• He didn't find it weird or anything, in fact he understood where it came from. Tons of people find comfort in plushies, especially cute ones with adorable features.
• He didn't comment on it at first, just thought it was cute.
But as you two grew closer and he spent more time in your room, he grew to truly understand your love for these plushies.
You'd name them and hug them on bad days, sometimes just because you felt like it. When he'd sleep in your room, you'd give every one of those plushies a kiss, and him one too, and he always finds that trait of yours melts him every time.
There had been moments where he wakes up in the morning before you do to the sight of you cuddling them, and it makes him feel a tiny bit jealous, but he finds it endearing nonetheless.
• If you talk to your plushies, honestly, he finds it funny. Often times he does it too.
"How come you hug those plushies more than you hug me?"
"You can't blame me. They're super soft, isn't that right Baymax?"
He turns his head to your plushie, shaking his head and taking it in his hands, facing it towards you over his face and making a silly voice to try and speak for it.
"I know I'm soft, but you shouldn't neglect your boyfriend like that!"
"Exactly. Thank you Baymax."
You simply snicker, rolling your eyes.
• He buys you cute little key chained plushies usually, but on the rare occasion he comes by a cute one you could hold in your hands, he'd present it to you after work and have such a cute smile on his face. Excited to see you giggle and beam at him with those sparkling eyes.
And he loves it when you grin as he explains what the plushie's name is.
"This is Cory. He's a little bear I found on the street, I'd take care of him on my own but...you know me, I'm always workin'."
"Oh Engie...he's so cute."
"Well, thank you kindly! You're cute, too."
• He loves how soft you get over your plushies, he also loves how dramatic you are with them sometimes. Giving them insane backstories or making them "fight", honestly he finds it pretty funny and a nice distraction.
• And sometimes when he misses you or you two get in a fight, he finds himself holding one of your plushies and melting in their plush. He gets why you have em honestly.
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cherryblossom-chopper · 11 months
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》Lazy Mornings《
Content: Usopp Fluff. Ambiguous Reader.
Inspired by @ochizokulevy
————— ୨୧ —————
Gentle morning light filtering through the window brings you out of a heavy sleep. Squinting your eyes open, you're met with the comforting weight of Usoop's arm resting on your stomach. You wiggle your arm out from the blankets and rest your hand overtop his. Your fingers trace his dark skin, relishing in the warmth of his body.
He grumbles softly in his sleep, making you glance up at him. Usopp's face scrunches for a moment before settling back into a comfortable neutral expression as if he's fighting himself to stop waking up.
Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you subtly roll over to face your partner. You push a loose strand of hair from his face when his face twitches. Your fingers trace from his hairline to his cheek, down to his jawline. With feathery fingers, your hand moves down to the goatee on his chin. You smile to yourself, feeling Usopp's features with loving hands.
"Babe," Usopp whines in a sleepy tone, "Let me snooze." He tugs you into his chest and nuzzles you.
You lean into his soft chest, pressing your cheek against his pec. Your arm rests on his waist, and you tenderly rub his back. "Sorry," you mumble sheepishly, "You're just a cutie."
Usopp hums with a grin, "Not as cute as you." He swiftly rolls over with you in his grasp. He settles onto his back with you held to his chest. Usopp sighs with his eyes still closed.
"Better?" you ask, smirking. When Usopp hums in response, you get comfortable, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. Wanting his affection, you start pressing gentle kisses against his skin.
Usopp takes a sharp breath and plants his hands on your sides. "Stop it, that tickles," he complains playfully, squeezing your sides.
You squeak and push yourself up, resigning to pressing kisses all over his face. "I just like giving your kisses," you say between smooches.
He chuckles and leans back into bed, letting you pepper him in your love. "We should probably go get breakfast soon," Usopp says, stretching his arms above you both.
"Maybe, but I'm not done loving on you," you protest, pressing a sloppy kiss into his cheek. Your stomach rumbles at the thought of breakfast, but the allures of your partner's warmth and comfort entice you.
"But coffee," Usopp protests through a yawn. Usopp's hands reach your hips, and his thumbs massage your skin.
You drop your entire weight onto him, attempting to pin him in bed. "Can't we have a lazy day in bed?" you ask, locking your fingers behind his neck.
Usopp huffs, grinning at you. "If you let me get coffee, I'll bring some back to bed for you," he says, attempting to bargain with you, "I'll bring you some breakfast too."
Pouting a little, you mull over his offer. "Then you're staying in bed with me, at least for the morning," you counter.
"Sure, baby," Usopp coos, gently head-butting your forehead with his. Near effortlessly, Usopp rolls you off of him. Clearly, your deadweight didn't affect him much.
"Hurry back, my love," you say, snuggling back under your blankets, preparing yourself for a saccharin-sweet morning.
————— ୨୧ —————
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fruityenderman · 2 years
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Babe wake up new comfort series just dropped !!
[ID: traditional fanart of rats smp characters. There are half body drawings of oli, sniff, lizzie, scott, acho, and Oliver. And 2 full body drawings of shubble, and bek. End ID.]
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queercodedvillains · 3 months
Wake up babes, new chapter of mallrats just dropped <3
Mallrats (23114 words) by QueerCodedVillains Chapters: 3/9 Fandom: Naruto, Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Deidara/Sasori (Naruto), background kakuzu/hidan Characters: Sasori (Naruto), Deidara (Naruto), Hidan (Naruto), Kakuzu (Naruto) Additional Tags: SasoDei Week 2023 (Naruto), 90'S, Akatsuki - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Claire's AU, Mafia AU, If You Squint - Freeform, we are taking liberties translating the akatsuki into a modern setting here, Drug Use, Drug Dealing, Blood and Violence, POV Alternating, Bottom Deidara (Naruto), Top Sasori, BDSM, Impact Play, Praise Kink, Edging, Orgasm Control, Overstimulation, Sasori is still a puppet master but only in the loosest terms, if you catch my drift, Shibari, Suspension, Fucking Machines, Porn With Plot, Hurt/Comfort, Bratting, brat taming, Dom/sub Series: Part 1 of Mallrats Cinematic Universe Summary: In which the Akatsuki are 90's mallrats by day, crime syndicate by night. All the best criminals have a day job to launder their rent money, but the real fun only starts once they're off the clock.
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a-dizzy-fool · 11 months
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babe wake up new comfort character just dropped
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rudebusterrr · 9 months
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Wake up babe new comfort character just dropped (and buddy too)
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