#babe you may be a criminal but i still love you
maedre13 · 1 year
mama I'm in love with a criminal
Jonathan Sims is a private investigator, a damn good one if he may say so. He has a penchant for the weird cases, for finding things other people do not, and for making even the most careful criminal spill their secrets.
It is for this reason that the police occasionally hires him as a consultant. Most recently, due to rumours in the underworld about a new coup planned by The Ghost, a master thief known for his ability to disappear into thin air.
Enter Martin K. Blackwood, who is planning the last coup of his life, to steal the shining eye of Kairo as a betrothal gift for the love of his life.
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🌈CM Pride Challenge🏳️‍⚧️
Hey everyone, I’m back with another monthly challenge! For the months of May AND June, I am formally challenging any willing writer to take a stab at writing fanfiction including LGBTQA+ PRIDE using their choice of Criminal Minds characters! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!Please check out the Rules below the Keep Reading.
There are a LOT of prompts below the cut, so keep going!
(**This is NOT a request list for me—this is a prompt list of other writers! Feel free to request from someone else, and be sure to let them know about the challenge!)
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General Prompts 🏳️‍🌈
Coming out is so much harder the second time
Describe Character’s first kiss with the same gender
Describe Character(s) spending a day at a Pride parade
The team realizes that A&B were more than roommates
Penelope goes a little overboard on rainbow decorations at Characters’ wedding
Character's marriage mutually comes to an end when they come out... now what?
Character comes out at the same time they announce their new relationship to the team
Character A fears it’s too late for them to live authentically, and B assures them that’s not true
Character A gifts B something colored like their pride flag because “the colors reminded me of you”
Child realizes that not every kid has two moms/two dads and they have a lot of questions about it
Queer characters have a hard time deciding what their child should call them and come up with fun ideas
Character A goes to a LGBT bar with B as a wingperson (or maybe they want them, themselves?)
Anything else you can think of!
More prompts (transgender, assorted, dialogue) below!
Transgender Prompts 🏳️‍⚧️
Character A helps B get their first tailored dress/suit
Character A helps B shave and/or put on makeup
The couple is looking for gender neutral nicknames
Character A buys B specialty gender affirming lingerie
Character is casually referred to with an appropriately gendered nickname for the first time
Characters are renewing their vows and redoing their wedding photos following a coming out
Character A walks in on B wearing a new gender-affirming outfit and surprises them with an enthusiastic compliment
The team throws Character an impromptu first birthday party following their coming out (how did they get a banner so fast?!)
Character A buys B a gender affirming but stereotypical gift (sports jersey, neon pink purse, etc.) that they would otherwise hate (but find absolutely hilarious)
Specific Prompts 💝
[Bisexual] Character gets irritated when people reduce their sexuality to their current partner
[Bisexual] Character A is in a M/F relationship with B and worries that their queer identity will become invisible dating them
[Asexual] Characters explore different forms of non-sexual intimacy
[Asexual] Characters are both asexual but too nervous to tell one another. They awkwardly attempt to have sex but end up laughing at how ridiculous they feel.
Dialogue Prompts 💐
“Are they… flirting?” “Big time.”
“I got to fall in love with you twice.”
“To be seen is to be loved." "I see you.”
“Be gay, do crimes.” “Aren’t you a cop?”
“There is no heterosexual explanation for that.”
“Life is very different once you find your people.”
“Cardinals and hydrangeas can change. Why not you?”
“You're still the person I love. Nothing will change that.”
“We both wear pants. Makes it easier to kick your ass.”
“It’s never felt like this before. I've never felt like this before.”
“I guess it makes sense now why it never worked out with my exes.”
Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at? ("She" by Dodie)
“You can kiss a hundred boys in bars, shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling ... Well, good luck, babe. You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.” ("Good Luck, Babe!" by Chappell Roan)
Rules ❤️🧡💚💙💜🖤🤎
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character. AUs and crossovers are more than welcome.
Tag me in the fic, or send the link to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check.Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
The Masterlist of fics will be posted around June 30. If you finish after that, no problem - just send me the fic once you’re done and I’ll add it after-the-fact!
Feel free to message me if you want help developing a plot, have any questions, or just want to gush about your fic. I’m happy to help, and I’m happy you’re here ❤️
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🌈Happy writing! 🏳️‍⚧️
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melodic-haze · 1 month
"Your eyes..."
"Mm? What about them?"
"They're really pretty."
You hear your partner laugh airily, her voice rich and seductively raspy and so very addictive. You see those beautiful eyes of hers crease from the reflection of the mirror as she puts her contact lenses on carefully. Once she was done with that, she turned around and made her way to the edge of the bed, where you laid under the sheets after your.. activities not so long ago.
"Why, thank you," she says. "They are rather lovely, aren't they?"
You nod because it's the truth, "Yeah. Though, you say that but you hide them before you head outside. Why?"
The Stellaron Hunter shrugs with that ever-so-serene smile on her face, "Can't a woman be mysterious, honey? Maybe my reasonings aren't as interesting as you--" her hand quickly moves to tap your nose before dropping to hold your hand, "--seem to think."
"Aren't they, though?" You raise an eyebrow in scepticism, "I'd like to think I know you well enough by now—you're not the type to do things 'by chance'."
Her expression gives nothing away, even as you continued to stare at her and scrutinised her to find even a sliver of a reaction. You loved your girlfriend, you really did, but she was so hard to read most of the time that you found it frustrating. And she knew about it too! Hell, she even said that she understood and she wasn't mad that you found that part of her frustrating, but still.
But then you see her smile widen a fraction, and you can't help but narrow your eyes.
"You're trying to gauge my reaction to your question, right?"
"And failing miserably, yeah."
"Then there's your answer."
You sit up, eyebrows furrowed and your tone confused, "You're going to have to clarify for me, babe."
Her hand then comes up to your cheek, her palm unbelievably smooth, soft and lacking of any callouses thanks to the gloves she wears. Her thumb gently swiped under your eye as she spoke, "'Eyes are the windows to your soul'. Familiar with the turn of phrase?"
You nod, bringing her palm closer to your lips to kiss it before answering, "Me and everyone else in the universe, probably. Why?"
"I don't like it."
You blink at the admission—while she did have her opinions, and even acted on some of them if it didn't affect Elio's script, she was never someone that really verbalised her likes and dislikes beyond simple things such as her liking coats and playing the violin.
"You don't?"
She shrugs as she lets her hand drop down, "I suppose I would much rather not, ah.. let anyone see beyond that window of mine. Such a sensitive thing is my property, after all."
Then it's you, who reaches for her hand, "But I thought you prided yourself in letting Elio dictate your every move. That's like.. the equivalent of letting him taking hold on the property you say you're defending."
"Oh, but that is where you're wrong, darling."
"Really? Why?"
Her face gets closer to yours and she presses a brief peck on your cheek, and you can smell a mix of her perfume and your shampoo clinging onto her.
"I may walk the path that Destiny has laid out for me," she presses her forehead on yours, such an intimate gesture coming from a wanted criminal that you probably would have been surprised if it weren't for your intimate familiarity, "but it is you, who has control of my heart. Why do you think I take off my contact lenses in the comfort of your presence?"
You couldn't help the wide smile on your face as you lightly slapped her shoulder, though you didn't pull away, "You are SO cheesy when you want to be."
"I do try my best to make up for lost time. And speaking of..."
The both of you look at the time on your phone laying on the bedside table; it's almost five in the morning.
..You can't help that slight bitterness within you, "I just wish we didn't have to sneak around like this."
"In due time, we won't have to." You both lean in at the same time for a short while before pulling back, "No matter what the outcome may be, I swear to you that we will be together in the end."
"We better. Now go," you gently push her off you, "I need to look like I haven't been in a suspicious state of undress and you need to scram before the others detain you outside of your boss' plans."
She smiles again as she steps back and puts her gloves on, though this time it's a lot more genuine.
A lot more open. All for you and you only.
You turn around, away from her, to get out of your bed and over to the closet before--
You don't bother to look back, "Yes?"
"I love you."
Such a soft admission from someone so.. so seemingly emotionally unavailable beyond that glossy magenta veneer of smiles.
Despite all the sneaking around and the conflict, moments like these make you think it's all worth it in the end.
You hear something whirr softly as she hums in question, "Hm?"
"I love you too."
The whirring fades, and you look back to where she was before.. to find nobody there. It was as if she was never here.. and as if she never heard your response.
But you're sure she knew.
You're sure she knew you loved her too.
(And if Silver Wolf's weirded-out messages of Kafka spacing out like she was in some kind of sickeningly sweet daydream indicated anything, it was that you were absolutely fucking right.)
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angelfic · 11 months
Hi babes!, I was wondering if I could request a Lorenzo Berkshire fic from the event?, here’s the thingy!, forbidden love + prompt 18!, sorry if this was a little confusing I have never requested something from a event 😭, but please and thank you!!,
- oh and!, if it’s okay could you pick out an emoji for me ?, to be like an emoji anon!!, that’s it!! <333
hi, angel!! thank you sm for the request, not confusing at all, my love! writing this has made me realise there’s a criminally small number of lorenzo fics :( am very happy to oblige haha how’s the 🍓 emoji?
lorenzo berkshire x reader + forbidden romance + “yeah, I love you. so what?”
➺ part of my 2k milestone writing game
You’re struggling with keeping all of your limbs inside the invisibility cloak you borrowed from Harry when Peeves glides into the empty classroom. You freeze in place until he floats his way back out, all the while singing what you’re sure is some kind of stupid limerick.
Okay, so you stole the cloak and it’s after curfew and if Peeves catches you, you’re in a million different kinds of trouble. Nevertheless, you relax slightly when you’re alone again, remaining under the cloak to consult the Marauder’s Map that you also may have taken without express permission. Okay, any permission at all.
Scanning the unfolded piece of parchment, your eyes land on Lorenzo’s name which seems to have stopped in place at… the classroom that you’re in.
You look up to find the classroom still empty, but before you can get up to investigate, a set of arms wraps around you from behind and you gasp, barely able to contain a shriek of fright.
You wriggle out from under the invisibility cloak, turning around on the table you’re perched on to find Lorenzo grinning at you, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“What the fuck, Enzo?!” you whisper-scream, smacking his arm. He merely giggles and brings your legs around on the table so you’re facing him, hands remaining on your thighs. He leans in to press a chaste kiss against your lips and you quickly kiss him back before pulling away to look at him, confused. “How the hell did you see me under the cloak?”
“Your shoe laces were hanging out the bottom, love,” he explains, smirking as he looks down at the untied pair of converse you quickly pulled on when you snuck out of your dorm in pyjamas.
You frown at the offending laces, swinging ur legs back and forth between where Lorenzo stands. “Have to remember that for next time.”
“Why does there have to be a next time?” Lorenzo groans, voicing his frustrations about your very secret relationship yet again. “I don’t want to have to see you in dark classrooms or broom cupboards or anywhere secret. I still don’t understand why we can’t just tell people.”
“You know why, Enzo,” you say gently, tracing circles on the back of his hand with your finger. “My friends would freak out, your friends would freak out…”
“Okay, well, my friends can sod off,” Lorenzo says, matter-of-fact as he holds up two fingers and starts checking them off. “And your friends love me. There we are. Easily solved.”
You can’t help letting out a laugh at that and you drop your head onto Lorenzo’s shoulder to stifle your snorting. “My friends don’t love you, they just hate you the least.”
“What I’m hearing is that they don’t hate me the most,” he murmurs, peppering kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. “I’m taking that as a win.”
“You just don’t give up, do you?” you sigh, shivering from the brushing of his lips against your collarbone. “They’re just- Shit! Peeves!”
You push Lorenzo off you, startling him when you point to the giggling poltergeist who floats above the two of you. Before he can begin shrieking about the two of you and wake up the entire castle, Lorenzo whips out his wand and casts ‘Langlock’, causing whatever Peeves was about to say to turn into choking gurgles.
“You better keep quiet, you meddling little-” Lorenzo cuts himself off when Peeves zooms out of the classroom, clearly having lost interest in the situation at hand since he can’t weigh in on it. “Well, it was a good effort.”
“We had a good run,” you agree, frowning at the wall that Peeves just passed through. “And by tomorrow the entire school is going to know I love a Slytherin boy. Merlin, I’ll be the laughing stock of Gryffindor. Not as bad as the exile sentence into the mountains you’ll be getting though.”
“I can hardly breathe for laughing,” Lorenzo says drily, although his lips turn up into a reluctant smile. “There’ll be no exile, because they’re going to have to deal with it. Yeah, I love you. So what? Like I said, they can sod off.”
Knowing full well that Peeves is going to be making his rounds at every table in the Great Hall during breakfast, you have no doubt Lorenzo will be having to endure a similar conversation to you with his own friends. “I’d love to see you tell them exactly that,” you grin.
“Sit at the Slytherin table with me tomorrow and you will,” Lorenzo says cheekily, shifting you closer by your hips. You loop your arms around his neck and drop a kiss onto the tip of his nose.
“Not even if Godric Gryffindor himself came and kicked me off my table.”
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itsmattchou · 1 year
like sweet chocolate ice cream !
pairing: seventeen maknae line x gn!reader warnings: probably profanity i swear too much, reader is implied to be shorter than mingyu, canon typical seungkwan violence in chans section, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: just cute things the boys would do in a relationship! notes: started this thing in march and finally finished like a week ago. first post kinda nervous🥴 shoutout to my beautiful gf for helping me with this!💗
hyung line version
seokmin - has thousands of petnames for you. he knows you have a name. but calling you solely by your name is too boring for him- so he just resorts to petnames. but always using the same ones isn't good enough for him either, as no single petname alone could express his love for you perfectly. so he just uses every single one and switches them up every time: honey, baby, babe, darling, love, sweetheart, sunshine, pumpkin, flower, … you get the thrill. he calls you every pretty word he knows. will get offended if you don't switch up your petnames for him from time to time too.
mingyu - rests his head on yours. no matter how tall you are, there's a good chance he's still taller than you. and he absolutely loves loves LOVES it. he does that annoying thing tall people tend to do- purposely putting stuff you need on the highest shelf so you have to ask him to get it for you (he loves feeling needed)- but his favorite thing he can do because his height allows him to is resting his head on yours whenever he gives you a random back hug. and he does it every time he hugs you. and he hugs you all the time. your head isn't for you to use, it's just "mingyus headrest" at this point.
minghao - remembers everything you tell him about. whatever you're telling him, he is always 100% paying attention. whenever you ramble about something, may it be about a show you like, about the book you've read recently or just something that happened at work- he slurps up every piece of information as if he was dying of thirst. minghao thinks of you as one of the most important parts of his life, therefore he "should treasure everything about you, even your opinion on the sweater your boss wore today" (his words, not yours). you do find it endearing, of course you do, but it's still a bit creepy when he remembers stuff you can't even recall ever talking about…
vernon - only watches shows with you. he is your typical introverted, quality time as love language, chilled kinda guy. he enjoys simply existing next to you, he doesn't even need to talk to you. your presence next to him is already enough for him to be super happy- but he also knows it can get quite boring to do only that. so he just puts a show on for you two to watch! vernon refuses to watch a single episode without you and stops the second he sees you asleep next to him and 100% expects you to do the same thing whenever he falls asleep first. he's always on the lookout for new shows for the two of you to watch and has made a list for it. he really likes to call it "your thing".
seungkwan - is your personal hypeman. this man is simply so fun and precious. he loves when you talk to him about your day, your ideas, your worries, your everything- he also likes that he's able to do the exact same thing with you. but he not only listens, he also encourages you and hypes you up. for every little thing. you wore the green sweater today? AWESOME! you want to try a new lip tint? GO AHEAD! you show him lyrics you wrote? YOU SLAYED! karaoke night? YOU'RE BEYONCÉ! he's so proud of you and can't help but be your lil cheerleader boyfriend. he still gives you the "criminal offensive side eye" from time to time tho. nobody's safe.
chan - updates you on everything. there's nothing chan loves more than spending time with you. dates, cuddling or just silently enjoying each others presence: he's down for everything, as long as it means being with you. of course he can't spend every second of his life by your side (sobbing), so whenever he's not around you he resorts to texting you. "wonwoo hyung just sneezed" "seungkwan hyung just kicked hoshis kneecaps" "seungcheol hyung just told me to put my phone down" he updates you on everything that happened, doesn't even matter how important it is. also has that goofy smile on his face his hyungs make fun of him for whenever you text
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spidernuggets · 4 months
Hey, I've been reading your stuff for a while and I was wondering if I could request number 16 from the quote prompt list. Once again I think this will be great as usual <3
Jason Todd x Reader
Notes: HBOTitans!Jason Todd based while he was still Robin
"Why do you care? You could've just walked away"
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You and Jason never got along really well. You hated his guts but at the same time, you didn't.
Ever since you joined the Titans, you and Jason began this extremely competitive rivalry. Who can knock the other one fastest during sparring. Who can come up with a better strategy. Christ, who can get to the bathroom the first in the morning.
You don't really know when this started. You knew Jason had a tendency to judge people before he got to know them. But you wanted to be his friend when you first met.
And you couldn't doubt that Jason was real attractive. Even when he was trying to one up you in everything, you couldn't help but admire how skilled he was.
Sure, you'd somehow show your appreciation to his abilities, but it's been over a year, and he still hates you. So you hate him, too. You don't know why he hates you. You didn't do anything wrong to him when you joined, but sometimes these things happen. And you told yourself not to let it get to you, but he can be so aggravating sometimes, and you hate that you don't truly hate him as much as he may hate you.
"Alright, and Jason and Y/N, you two will be paired together to scout the area for the wanted convicts." Dick demands during the current debriefing.
A mishap occurred in Gotham Prison, and a load of felons and criminals escaped, scurrying all over Gotham. Dick gathered a meeting with the other Titans to round up these convicts and return them to the prison.
"Hell no," Jason said. "Pair them with Rachel. I'll go with Gar or- or anyone!"
"Love ya too," you bite back sarcastically, rolling your eyes.
Dick sighs in annoyance. "Listen, the two of you need to get along. These are just a couple of convicts. You'll be fine. You'll improve with your training if you learn how to fight together without fighting each other! We're not switching pairs, and that's that." He says, walking out of the room before Jason could complain again, the other members following suit, leaving you and Jason remaining in the debriefing room.
"Hey. Stay out of my way, or I'll throw you in Gotham Prison with the other convicts," Jason threatens.
You threw your hands up in defence. "Ooh, so scary. Don't clip a wing out there, birdie," you snarl as Jason storms out.
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You rolled your eyes. Not even an hour into patrol, and Jason ran off on his own.
"Holy shit," you whisper, looking at the dark, isolated streets below.
A group of criminals dressed in prison uniforms, about 12, were spread across the gloomy streets, drinking booze that the most likely have already stolen.
Suddenly, a fight breaks out. You squinted your eyes and saw a familiar red and green figure, kicking some of their asses.
"For crying out loud, is this guy allergic to a plan or something. One of them could literally pull out a flamethrower from out his ass." You complain to yourself, watching Jason in action.
You can hear his cocky voice in the back of your head tell you that you're overthinking this, followed by some pet name he always gives you.
Impressively, Jason seemed to have it under control. You wanted to either sit back and watch or simpmy walk away. But he's still one guy against twelve. And he's still your teammate.
"For fuck- UGH," you groaned, jumping after him, joining the fight.
"Late to the party, sweetheart," he says, earning a scoff from you.
Most convicts seemed inhumanly buff, others quite lanky, but still able to pack a punch.
Luckily, both you and Jason were well trained and already knocked out almost all of the men.
"I got seven down!" Jason remarks, panting as he punches out another guy. "Might wanna catch up, babe," he yells over to you.
"Would you shut up for 5 minutes, Robin!" You yell back, kicking the ass of another criminal, marking your 4th knockout. "You know, you don't have to be an asshole about everything!" You bark, turning to face him. "You're better than me, okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear? Well, there you go!"
Jason stood a distance from you, speechless. He joked around many times to make you say that he was better than you. But he didn't mean it. He always thought you were better than him. You were barely trained when you first joined, and yet you fought so well. He admitted to himself that you were badass and that he wanted to be as a fast of a learner as you.
You scanned around the area, out of breath after your quick rant. But then you pause. "Eleven," you whisper.
Jason looks up at you. "What?" He asks.
"Eleven. There's- There's eleven here. There were twelve convicts. Where's the last guy??" You say, beginning to panic.
Jason's eyes widen. "Behind you!" He screams. You swiftly turn, and you're met with a tall, very muscular and gruff man, charging towards you. He runs past you, heading towards Jason.
With his keen reflexes, Jason throws one of his Rs, aiming for the leg. It lands perfectly as the man screams in agony, falling over. Jason stabs another R blade into the other leg, proceeding to kick him in the face with his boot, knocking him out completely.
"Shit," Jason sighs, looking around at the scene. Before he was about to link in with the others through the comms, he notices you in the distance just standing there, your back facing him.
"S/n?" He calls out, but you don't reply. He sees your arms move in front of you, and his eyebrow raises in confusion.
Your arms fall limp to your sides, and in one hand, you hold a long, bloody knife.
"S/N!" Jason yells out, running towards you, holding onto you tightly before you could fall to the ground.
Jason stutters out a string of curses, trying to apply pressure to your wound. "You're- You're gonna be okay, Y/n... Okay? I- I already called Dick and the others, they'll be here, just- just stay awake! You can do that, yeah? You're so strong, just stay awake, please!" He begs, his clothes drenching in your blood.
"I.. I can't, Jay," you weakly whisper out, muffled by your painful whimpers. Your eyes started to get heavy, and all the noise began to fade. All you could hear were the other Titans running up to you and Jason's voice yelling at you to stay awake.
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You thought you were dead. You felt dead. But your eyes open to a very bright light. You groan, blinking away the burning sensation in your eyes.
"Sweetheart? Shit, okay, you're okay," a voice says in relief.
As your vision unblurs, you can make out Jason's face hovering over yours.
You groan something to him, and he repeats a few confused "what? What did you say?"
"Jesus, take this thing off me," you repeat, referring to the oxygen mask on your face. Jason complies, removing the mask and gently rubbing your face, smoothing out the red dents that the mask left on your skin.
"Shit, how long was I out for?" You ask.
"Two days," Jason replies, sitting in the seat beside your bed.
"My everywhere hurts, and I can't feel anything at the same time," your voice was rasp, and your eyes were tired.
"I could've handled them myself, babe. What were you even thinking?" He said, slightly annoyed but didn't want to stress you in your current state.
"That you were my teammate, and that it was my job to help you," you weakly reply back.
Jason just stares back at you. "Why do you care? You could've just walked away."
You let out a dry laugh. "That was my initial thought. Look, I know you hate me, but at least give me some credit here."
He looks at you dumbfounded. "I don't... I don't hate you.." He admits.
You face slightly scrunches up. "What? I... Then why are you always trying to beat me in everything? I tried- I wanted to be your friend but- but you just..."
"You started it!" He childishly says back. "You kept showing off at how much better you were at fighting than me ever since you got here."
Your face softens. "I just... I just wanted to impress you," you quietly tell him. "I saw you sparring with Gar while you were blindfolded. You were so amazing, and- and I just wanted to be like you," you confessed. "I don't hate you either."
Jason's shoulders slumped. All this time, he thought you were trying to show that you were better than him. But you were trying to impress him? You were admiring him?
He understands the situation if Dick were in his place. Hell, everyone looked up and wanted to be like Dick. Never in his life has someone told him that they wanted to be like him. To be like Jason Todd.
Jason sighs. "I'm sorry, babe." He says, his head hanging low.
You lightly shook your head. "Nah, it's okay. But please, kill it with the pet names."
Jason laughs. "Why? Careful, sweetheart, you might make yourself look like you like like me," he teases, trying to get a reaction out of you.
But you only turn your head away from him, not answering. You thought this was a subtle reaction, but it got Jason raising his brows and leaning forward.
"Do you actually?" He asks genuinely.
You shook your head. "Forget about it. It was just a thing." You try to push away the topic.
He pauses. "Would it just be a thing if I said I felt the same?" He carefully asks.
Your head faces him, eyebrows knit together. "What-"
You're quickly interrupted as Jason stands from his chair, hovering over you and placing his lips against yours, one hand cradling your fave as the other holds him up above you.
You were too tired and weak to raise your hands to his neck, but strong enough to kiss him back, your lips perfectly synchronising with his.
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I feel like i made that ending a little rushed, but the scenario was playing on repeat in my head and really wanted to add it in!!!
ALSO, it really makes my day knowing that you've been reading my stuff for a while, Anon!!! Hope u enjoyed your requested fic!!! 🙏🫶
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amberjazmyn · 8 months
matthew gray gubler one shot
𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 - what's so funny? 
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 - none whatsoever 
𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 - you were filming your boyfriend, matthew gray gubler for your Instagram story and he kept on messing up the introduction of his own name, making himself laugh over and over again. 
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 - whilst i still haven't seen criminal minds, i'm falling in love with m.g.g and i will be making sure i watch criminal minds no matter what because i think i'm slowly starting to crush on dr spencer reid. 
- - -
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"--i'm sorry babe!" matthew giggles as he burst out into laughter again in the middle of his sentence as you groan 
"what is so funny, matthew?" you whine, lowering your phone as you stop filming him as he starts dying of laughter, heavily convinced that tears of laughter are now welling up in his eyes 
"i don't know!" he giggles out as his entire body shakes as the laughs create the jerking movements as you couldn't help but also start laughing with your boyfriend 
"you are such an idiot, matthew!" you say in between your giggles as you set your phone down, moving closer to your boyfriend who was standing in front of the white wall in front of your guys' office space 
"but i'm your idiot," matthew speaks softly, fully recovered from his hysterical laughing fit, his mouth tickling the baby hairs that rest against your ear, making you flinch due to the ticklish sensation 
"yes, that you are, my darling boy!" you whispered back, your arms resting against matthew's shoulders as he smiled brightly, pushing you closer to him, your eyes widening as you knew exactly where this was heading and, you were liking it 
however, it seemed as if matthew was just being cheeky. 
"do you think we could try again for your insta story?" matthew pulls back as you huff, rolling your eyes but nodded your head and smiled 
"of course, we can baby! just, don't laugh at nothing again please!" you giggle out as he nods his head, not promising anything as you bite your tongue, giving your boyfriend a head-nod, letting him know you were filming 
"...howdy, i'm matthew gray gubler and--" matthew just started hysterically laughing again
 this then causes you to groan loudly and you flip the camera to your face as you shake your head, flipping back to matthew only to see him literally crying tears of laughter this time. his entire body folded in half, his arms around his stomach as he tries to stop his laughter at seemingly nothing. 
"WHAT IS SO FUNNY MATTHEW?!" you screech, whining as you finish the instagram video as matthew's hysterical laughter is the last thing heard in the video before it stops for you had decided to post it to your story anyway - thinking that yours and his fans would find it hilarious 
whatever matthew had found so funny was maybe never to be found out, however, every time you watched that video, it brought you unexplainable joy. whilst matthew couldn't explain why he was hysterically laughing in all of those failed instagram story attempts that had been saved to your camera roll, you couldn't explain why each one of them made you so happy and joyful. and, at the end of the day, the reasoning as to why no longer mattered was because it was your boyfriend in his happiest state of mind - with you, the love of his life. 
- - - 
decided to take a break with my spn boys and girls and do one for my favourite criminal minds actor. i may start to include some criminal minds actors and characters because i'm wanting to start watching it! so look out for some spn and criminal minds imagines! 
ily xx
word count; 652
119 notes · View notes
yellowistheraddest · 1 year
LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT, i present to you 9 drawing requests with accompanying commentary...
request one:
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honestly its not a crime but they are criminally curious to learn the rich history of Dallas in 1963! i mean arent you curious, you should google what happened there on november 22nd!!!
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request number 2:
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OH BABY you know i love making people feel :( my most popular post is characters crying so i was supposed to have fun with it but 3 people hugging - dude, i was no the verge of insanity and in the end pearl just kinda got swallowed up and disappeared.
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request tres:
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coming from the last drawing i was still on the 'lmao get sad' bandwagon, and simon and athena they have lived through somethings so once again i drew people crying :D so heres a drawing of little athena and her goth uncle having a nice little hug and nothing ever went wrong
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request četiri:
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by now everyone should know that my favourite AU is these two bastards meeting before phoenix became a lawyer; ya know so he doesnt need to break his back trying to learn law as an art student - not that he learns much as he doesnt know what a cross examination is in his first case,,
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request pénte:
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this request marked the second day of drawing.
now,, i might have not read the request before i drew sooo i kinda just drew them taking a selfies at a steel samurai con so i kindly edited the second drawing to contain a peace sign. [the plush is the hellish creature named the iron infant [from AAI i think] and i bet its like the worst character in the franchise and these two will definitely burn it when they get home]
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request numero sześć:
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now i swore to never post kissing on here so i spare myself of the cringw when i look back later, so just dont read the first half and enjoy the way i found out you cant really draw flicking without making a comic. like the motion is so small yet so powerful how do you draw that?!?!?!?!?!? this looked miles better in my brain...
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request shtatë:
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you know what else is like rocks? big frozen chunks of ice, like the one here :D
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request huit:
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ah the t4t to end all t4ts. ron is definitely a guy to fall at first sight and bro desiree is the definition of girlboss
also people forget that larry was rons coworker and i need more content of those two because they are just wildly opposite
[edit: ''sir are good'' HUH??? brother i need to go to sleep and just not draw for the next millenia]
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now we have arrived at the end of our trip...
you may be thinking "yellow, you said that there were 9 drawings!"
YES, but no.. theres probably a reason behind this but when i opened my inbox and saw this was like a game character who was stun locked. i mean look at this, aka request number NINE:
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love ya to death, babes, but please get some rest because i think you forgot to write in the characters you wanted to see. despite that i decided to draw what you requested:
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now just imagine whichever characters you waant in those places! wait was your request an investment so you can have an infinite amount of ships inserted into this pose???
anywho, ummmmm.. yeah Now we have reached the end - but do not fear, im not dying or going away. im still going to be here on my ace attorney bullshit as long as my brain can stand.
sadly i have to say GOODNIGHT, LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FELLOW CONTORTIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT. may we meet once again when the planets align and it rains in the greatest depths of the ocean o7
629 notes · View notes
hongcherry · 2 years
In Your Web || jjk (m)
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"Jungkook’s nightly patrol should be focused on catching criminals. Instead, he’s too occupied with his girlfriend and his webs."
🕸 Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(f)
🕸 Rating/Genres/AUs: M(18+); Heavy on the fluff, smut; spiderman au, college au, SBaFL au
🕸 Warnings: dom!jk, they love kissing each other 🤷, unprotective sex (be safe everyone!), oral(m), fingering, reader is restrained at one point, rough sex, cum swallowing, light cum play, dirty talk, cocky!jk, jk's cheesy but what's new?
🕸 Word Count: 10k (yassss!!!! *pats self on back*)
🕸 Credits: [betas] @hoebii Mel babe D: thank you for staying by my side. you're a reminder that good people still exist. i love u bby 🥺 n ty for the great ideas on describing jk in his suit n for yn's contact name heh; @jeonjcngkook Jords, thank you for all your help and thought you put into beta'ing! i learned new things from you! | [banner] @missgeniality SIYAAAAA!!!!! this banner is so fun to look at!!! you took my vision and make it a reality! ty for offering your talented services to me! it looks so G O O D
🕸 Storyline: This fic can be read as a standalone, but it does contain specific references to events from Seeing Double, Prepare for Trouble as well as Warning Signs. However, it doesn’t affect the overall plot... It does give a few spoilers though.
🕸 Author's Note: Happpppy birthday, Jungkook! May your day be filled with laughter and smiles and love and and and an—sklgjavf 💖 u a star
They're back!!!!! Thank you everyone for being patient as I finished my semester and found my motivation again. I've had this idea for a long time, so I'm glad it's finally being brought to life! This was meant to be a short fic, but I've really been wanting to write a long one lately... which has been a struggle D: So I'm very proud of myself for actually writing so much! Anyway, enjoy!
Please reblog and share your thoughts/comments with me as they make me happy hehe 😊 I reply!
SBaFL universe  | bts masterlist
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The cold metal beneath your hands sent a shiver throughout your body. Despite the chilly material, you gripped it firmly as you ascended what you hoped was a sturdy ladder.
Maybe agreeing to meet on a rooftop at night wasn’t the wisest decision. The experience would’ve been better if the weather wasn’t so cold. Regardless, you didn’t want to back out now.
The day was uneventful. You had only attended your classes before finishing up some homework. Occasionally, you would sneak in some time to watch something on YouTube. Although that was entertaining, it was only temporary as you were brought back to reality when your eyes found your uncomplete homework.
College wasn’t as exciting as you had heard it was. You weren’t a part of any groups that frequented parties, so perhaps that was the reason... not that you needed to be in order to have fun. You were content with the group of friends you had. However, the issue was your friends were busy with their own academia too. You were rarely in the same room with all of them.
After thirty minutes of restless tossing and turning, you had sprung from your bed and rang Jungkook. You didn’t want to stare at your bedroom walls anymore. You hadn’t seen him much today either—had only seen him at lunch since he had his own classes to attend and was playing catch-up with his homework. You figured he was out doing his usual Spidey duties despite it being half past midnight. Judging by the windy feedback that came from the other end when he answered, your suspicion was confirmed.
As you neared the rooftop, you glanced up. A familiar figure stood at the top of the ladder with their hand stretched out. You grabbed it and held it tightly as you were pulled up effortlessly.
The roof was flat and belonged to a deserted commercial building. In spite of it being in the middle of construction, it was nearly finished so you weren’t too worried about it collapsing. The road beneath wasn’t any livelier—enough cars to offer the buzz of passing vehicles, but not so much to be the dominant sound in the area. From this height, they appeared to be toy cars children would play with. You could imagine kids with controllers guiding their cars through a makeshift track. Albeit a lot more organized.
The first thing you saw when your feet touched the ground were two white teardrop shapes. The familiarity brought a wave of comfort washing over you.
“I feel like I should be asking for your autograph,” you teased the hero before you.
Spider-Man chuckled, using your hand that was still grasped in his to bring you closer. He removed his mask with his other hand and shined a playful smile in your direction. His hair was tousled and unkempt due to being squashed beneath the mask. He looked cute.
“I’ll give you one,” Jungkook replied and carefully tucked his mask into the waistband of your jeans. Your arms wrapped around his waist, and you peered up at him with a faint grin.
“How much do you think I could make off of it?”
Jungkook cocked an eyebrow up, the corner of his lip twitching as he tried to suppress a smirk.
“You won’t be able to make anything off of it,” he answered and lowered his head.
“I beg to differ,” you snickered. “I saw people trying to sell pieces of your webs you leave behind for a hefty amount.”
“Gross,” he murmured before resting his forehead against yours.
“Mhm,” you hummed in agreement. Before you could change topics, Jungkook spoke again.
“What I meant was, you won’t be able to make anything off it because it won’t be tangible.”
Confused, you started to move back to look at him, but Jungkook kept you close.
“What do you-”
Without warning, Jungkook surprised you by pressing his lips upon yours. The kiss was gentle and had you relaxing in his arms. Even though being kissed by Jungkook was nothing new to you, his kisses always had your brain short-circuit.
Jungkook moved away too soon, but only to connect his lips to your neck. Your mouth fell open as your breathing intensified under his touch, his lips kissing just beneath your jaw. Despite the unexpected action, your body reacted quickly. You tangled a hand in his locks when he nipped at your cool skin. The breezes that tangled your hair caused goosebumps to rise across your arms and you cuddled closer to his body for warmth.
After a few more kisses, you felt his tongue glide across your neck. His movements were slow; he took his time to trace patterns on your skin while he gently massaged the sides of your body. 
The light motions of his hands combined with the languid glides of his tongue had you squirming. You bit your lower lip to suppress your giggles from the sensations.
Jungkook grinned against your skin at your reaction and dug his fingers into your waist to keep you from escaping his grasp. Instead of pulling away after a moment, he opted for kissing toward your ear. 
“That was a one-of-a-kind autograph. Only for you, baby,” he whispered, his breath tickling at your skin.
Your eyes opened suddenly when you realized he had spelled his name on your neck with his tongue. 
Jungkook withdrew from you and laughed at the startled expression settled on your face. His eyes lingered on the sheepish look since he found it amusing.
Though at his laugh, you hastily composed yourself again.
“T-thank you?” you said, unsure what to say, yet you were weak at the knees from his actions. It always felt good to be reminded you were his. 
Jungkook responded by pecking your cheek.
“’Course. How was your day?” he asked, hands still palming your sides absentmindedly.
“Dull,” you sighed. You reached up to tuck a strand of hair from his face that was blown by the wind. “Was yours good?”
Jungkook shrugged. “It wasn’t bad. The night’s kind of slow tonight, too.”
You stayed silent as your gaze danced across his face, admiring his soft features that were lit by the moonlight. His dark eyes bore into yours, lips tugged in a small smile. He tilted his head as he got lost in his own thoughts. Although he was looking at you, he wasn’t truly seeing you. The hand that had trailed up to his hair earlier slowly started to twist a few strands between your fingers. 
Your eyes began to trail downward. His red and blue suit stretched snuggly around his toned frame. As if hypnotized, the hand playing with his hair slid down to his chest, touching his firm muscles from over the fabric. It put you at ease from the known feeling.
His breathing became irregular when he felt your hands trace the intricate patterns of his suit. You were grateful you were able to feel the unique spandex material in comparison to the cheap counterfeits being sold.
When your hands traveled lower, he drew in a sharp breath. His kneading on your body stopped.
“Is this why you called to ask where I was?” His tone was playful though a little strained. He tried to keep his heart rate steady so as to not be affected by your wandering hands. “You knew I was on patrol.”
“I had a feeling,” you admitted softly, flickering your gaze up to meet his own but continuing your hand south.
“I’m supposed to be looking for bad guys,” Jungkook attempted to regain his sense of control. “You’ve already distracted me enough.”
“You said tonight was a slow one,” you said and stopped your hand from going past his pelvis.
“Y-yes, but I should still keep an eye out.”
You gave him a teasing smile and gradually pulled away from him, watching him closely as he released a deep breath with a faintest frown. His hands fell to his sides.
 “Are you sleepy?” Jungkook asked, changing the topic abruptly while his fingers tapped against the top of his thighs. You weren’t sure if he was anxious, excited, or nervous about something.
“No. Are you?” you replied suspiciously. His question was innocent, yet you had a feeling he asked for a reason.
Jungkook shook his head at the question then glanced around the rooftop. You followed his gaze and looked to the right to see a higher part of the building. The roof had two levels.
“Wait here for a second,” he instructed. With speed, he began to fire webs that connected from the wall to the rooftop’s floor.
You watched in puzzlement for a few seconds before you realized what he was doing.
It was odd to see your boyfriend spin his own web, yet it was fascinating nonetheless. He’s never done this in front of you. However, you figured by his deft hands, he had done this before. Watching him, you became grateful his webs didn’t shoot out of his ass. What if he farted and—?! Alright, brain. That’s enough. You weren’t sure if you really wanted to see that. Just the image made you giggle and cringe simultaneously. 
“Bet you could catch a lot of flies with that,” you mused, attention focused on him again instead of your questionable thoughts.
Jungkook glanced your way and paused, a knowing grin on his lips. “I’m planning to catch something else.”
“Yeah?” you wondered playfully.
Jungkook hummed as he finished what he was up to. The web wasn’t anything special in terms of design. It appeared to be like any other web, but larger—as if looking through a magnifying glass. You wondered if it would stick to your fingertips and collapse like the ones at home.
Jungkook walked down from the top, strangely balancing—or not so considering his powers—on the slanted material.
“Alright. Come here, baby,” he called for you. He stood near the edge of the web, hand stretched out as he waited for you to join him.
You shuffled your feet, uncertain if going on the web was the best choice. Sure, Jungkook was standing perfectly fine on it, but was it really robust enough to handle the both of you?
“Any slower and I’m going to pull you here,” he complained.
“My pace hasn’t stopped you before,” you huffed, all movements halted.
Jungkook laughed lightly and shook his hand in hopes it’d get you to come quicker, “Yeah, but I’m trying to be a gentleman this time.”
“I’m not sure I’m going to be as stable as you on that, Koo,” you said. Your steps were small and hesitant.
“Don’t worry. I got you,” he reassured.
You took a deep breath as you placed your hand in his. The first step was scary, and you held onto Jungkook’s hand with a deadly grip. The web dipped slightly at your weight but stayed taut for the most part. The strength of it surprised you. You knew Jungkook’s webs were not easy to break but relying on them for flooring and being tangled up with them were different.
“There you go,” Jungkook smiled as he led you to the center carefully. Similar to a real spider’s web, it was slightly sticky, and you had to tug your legs up a little harder than normal to walk. You wondered if you ran and jumped on the web if you would stick to it like a fly. Though, you had a gut feeling Jungkook had already tested that theory in the past.
Jungkook guided you to sit down, slinging an arm over your shoulder and resting his head against yours. The warmth from his body felt comforting in the chilly night and it reminded you how thankful you were to simply be able to snuggle against him. You wondered how long you could stay like this without interruptions.
“Is college what you expect it to be like?” Jungkook asked, voice soft and blending with the breezes.
“Sort of,” you shrugged. “Lots of studying and sorority parties I never attend.”
He chuckled, laying back against the web. One leg was bent and his arms outstretched. You followed his lead. Your head rested against his arm, and you pressed your side against his. You both stared up at the starless sky. It was a shame the city lights were concealing the twinkling stars.
“Except the one,” Jungkook argued teasingly, recalling that night’s events after the Halloween party.
A faint blush crept on your cheeks and Jungkook patted your head blithely.
“How’s Aunt May?” You tried to change the subject.
Jungkook let it slide and answered, “She had her first baking class last weekend. She said she really liked it and plans to make me her taste-tester.”
“Well, aren’t you lucky,” you replied and glanced at him. His face scrunched up briefly. “Why that face? You’re getting free desserts!”
“Did you not hear when I said it was her first class? Plus, I fear I may lose my amazing physique if she feeds me everything she tries to bake.” Jungkook’s tone was light, but you knew there was some truth behind his words.
You laughed and you sat up to look down at him. He had moved his other hand to be tucked under his head sometime during your conversation. He looked so peaceful lying on his web in the middle of the night. Even when his lips were in a tight smile, he still made your heart race. 
“Hey, don’t underestimate Aunt May’s skills. She could be a prodigy when it comes to baking. And just bring the food to class. Students love free food.”
“Ah, you’re so smart,” he said and gently tugged you back down with one hand. You tucked your body against his side, one leg draping itself over his straightened limb. Jungkook raised his head slightly to look down at you with an adoring expression. He just wanted to be close to you while he could. He was enjoying the calm night. It wasn’t every day he could have these moments with you.
“Someone has to be,” you kid.
“Yah! Jagiya,” he whined and threw his head back against the web. The wind blew some of his hair into his face, but Jungkook didn’t bother with moving the strands. He let them sway in the breeze.
“Truth hurts, huh, Koo?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes and hugged your body.
“You’re being a brat,” Jungkook huffed.
You giggled, enjoying the light bickering. “I’m sorry.”
You tilted your head with a pout, placed a hand on his chest, and tapped your fingers in a rhythm to get his attention.
“Kookie,” you said, voice slightly higher than normal when he didn’t look at you. Jungkook didn’t budge. He stubbornly kept his gaze locked on the dark sky. 
Sighing, you leaned up and squished his cheeks with your hand. His lips pursed involuntarily at the act and a whine of protest left him. He shook his head, but there wasn’t enough force to actually break away.
“Do you forgive me?” you asked.
After a few seconds of silence, you pecked his pouty lips.
“I think you’re very smart,” you complimented and gave him another quick kiss.
“And funny,” you continued, accompanied by a third kiss. “And caring. And handsome. And sexy. And cute. And the best boyfriend in the wor- Hmph!”
Jungkook had stayed still as you showered him with compliments. He tried to suppress the smile forming with each kiss you placed on his lips. His heart was beating faster the more attention you gave him.
Hearing enough, he quickly leaned up and smashed his lips against yours, hand tangling in your hair to stop you from pulling away.
Your hand on his face eased as your eyes fluttered shut when he started to move his mouth.
Jungkook pressed you flushed to his body. His legs wrapped around yours as he kept you in his tight grip.
With a gasp, you receded from the kiss.
“Is that a yes?” you questioned breathlessly.
“No,” he replied, chest heaving slightly. “I just wanted you to shut up.”
He tugged your head back down and connected your lips once more. This time, you successfully moved from him.
“Now who’s being the brat?” you huffed.
Jungkook laughed, lips a little swollen and eyes filled with love and lust. He reduced his grip on you and let his legs sprawl beneath your body. 
You adjusted yourself so you were straddling him. His hands came up to rub your thighs, eyes following you as you leaned over him. You carefully pushed all his hair out of his face as Jungkook stared at you quietly.
The quietness was tranquil and neither of you felt the need to fill it. Perhaps with someone else, it might have been awkward. You might have fidgeted under the silence or tried to ask generic questions to fill the space. Though with Jungkook it was different. Being in his presence was all you needed to feel content.
Jungkook studied you. It was harder to see your face as your back was against the sky, the moonlight not having a way to illuminate your features. Despite this, he knew your face was in its most relaxed state. Your movements were unrushed and gentle, indicating how serene you felt. Even if he couldn’t see your face clearly, your eyes sparkled in the darkness that had him mesmerized by your beauty. He couldn’t see the stars in the sky, but he only needed you to be the light in his life.
“You’re pretty,” you whispered as you slowly moved the last few strands from his face.
Jungkook was drawn from his thoughts by your comment.
“I know you are,” he said with a cheesy grin.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Jungkook gripped your thighs firmly with a shake of his head. You shut your mouth with a pout, not in the mood to disagree anymore.
Jungkook let out a small laugh at your expression and wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you on him again.
“Can’t believe you’re all mine, baby,” he whispered. His lips ghosted yours as he pushed the hair that fell into your face. He held his hand in your hair and stroked the side of your face with his thumb tenderly.
Your heartbeat quickened with each second that passed by with Jungkook staring at you. Your faces were so close, yet no one made a move.
“May I keep you out a little longer?” Jungkook asked kindly.
You nodded, a smile on your lips. Although you had class tomorrow, you didn’t want to leave Jungkook’s embrace.
“You may.”
Jungkook wasted no more time and kissed you for the umpteenth time that night. Though, you could never get enough of his kisses as they always had you feeling giddy.
He moved his lips languidly against yours, tracing your lower lip with his tongue slowly so as to soak up this moment like a sponge. He wanted to remember the taste of your lips, the feel of your skin under his hands, the weight of your body on his.
His tongue met yours and he crept his hands down your sides following the curve of your body, loving the way your legs squeezed his waist at the feel of his hands roaming your hips.
Your hair fell around his face and Jungkook could feel a few strands tickling his cheeks, but he didn’t care to move them.
Jungkook’s hands slid up to grab your ass. He gripped it roughly, which caused you to press your lower half over his.
You inhaled sharply when Jungkook did it again.
One of your hands caressed the side of his face while the other trailed up and down his torso. You could feel every bump and curve of his toned body due to the tight spandex of his suit. You pressed your body harder against his to feel more of him. There was always something so attractive when he donned his suit. You rolled your hips at the thought of having the hero beneath you all to yourself.
“You remember what you said to me that night of the party?” Jungkook questioned between breaths when you both broke away from the heated kiss.
You gave him a puzzled look, mind going blank momentarily as you lifted yourself to see him better.
Jungkook smirked and answered for you, “You said I looked sexy in my suit.”
You glanced away from him meekly. Not only did you think it now, but you also thought it then too. As if Jungkook could read your mind, he continued.
“Do you think I look sexy in it now?”
Jungkook already knew the response from the way you tucked your chin to your chest. He just wanted you to admit it verbally. Gently, he moved your face, so you were looking at him again. He waited for your answer.
Reluctantly, because you knew it was what he wanted to hear, you answered, “Yes.”
“You wanted me to fuck you with my suit on,” he recalled with a sinister smile and slid his hand back to rest on your ass. “And I sort of did then, but it didn’t really satisfy your idea, right, baby?”
You stared down at him with rapt attention, hands pressed on his chest. You remembered how his attire had been around his thighs, which only had exposed his torso. He was right in that it didn’t give the same effect as when it covered him completely. The more you thought of him fully dressed having his way with you, the more you could feel your panties dampening.
“Speak to me,” he encouraged, a hand lightly tapping your ass to get your attention.
“Yes, I remember. You’re right,” you replied hurriedly.
“What if I told you I wore a different suit today?” he wondered aloud. “You still want me to fulfill that dream of yours?”
For some reason, you were suddenly shy. You wanted it, yes, but you felt a little ashamed of the thought. You were sure Jungkook had made the suit tight so he could maneuver easily, not to be ogled at. Yet here you were. The idea of him being fully suited up and making you a moaning mess was tempting. 
“I- I don’t know,” you murmured and averted your gaze.
“Why so shy?” he asked, voice softer than before.
“I feel I shouldn’t want to,” you trailed off.
“But I want to,” Jungkook reassured and put emphasis on himself. “I want to fuck you in my suit.”
“B-but you wear this to be a hero,” you began to argue, peering at the material, “not to satisfy some fantasy of mine.”
Jungkook shook his head and moved your head to look at him. “What if you weren’t the only one with that fantasy?”
You pressed your lips together, unsure if he was just saying that. Not only were you still hesitant, you now felt bad for ruining the mood. Your shoulders slumped at the realization.
“I’m not just Spider-Man in this suit. I’m Jeon Jungkook, your boyfriend, and you helped me see that,” he continued to try to erase your doubts when he saw your shoulders sag.
You listened to him silently. 
“Plus, you’re telling me heroes can’t have a little fun?” His light tone etched away a sliver of your uncertainty. “Don’t feel guilty for how you feel. You’re not the only one who thinks I look ‘hotter than ghost peppers’ in my suit.”
Your eyes widened at his reply, not anticipating hearing such a comment. Jungkook chuckled at your reaction.
“My favorite from last week was being told I was ‘so hot even milk can't wash it down’.”
You shook your head with a smile and a small laugh–a mixture of disbelief and amusement. His words made you feel better.
“People have an interesting way with words online,” he shrugged as if he was used to it. He probably was at this point in his hero career.
“So, what do you say?” Jungkook asked and raised a hand to graze your lower lip with his thumb. His eyes dropped down briefly to watch the way your mouth parted when he rubbed your lip delicately. “Will you help your boyfriend pass some time while he’s on patrol?”
“I thought you were supposed to be looking out for criminals,” you huffed teasingly when you recalled his earlier replies. You were grateful Jungkook was there to lift your spirit back up. 
To him, he wasn’t bothered by your hesitancy. He was just happy to talk you through the little speed bump. The mood was never ruined.
“I am,” he retorted and removed his hand from your face. “I already got one.”
A gasp left your lips when a hand came down on your ass abruptly, your fingertips digging into his chest in response.
“I’m not a criminal,” you scoffed when you realized the action implied he had deemed you as one. “What crime did I commit?”
“You stole my heart. I say that’s quite a big crime.”
You blinked at him dumbfoundedly.
“You did not just-”
“You have the right to remain silent-”
“You’re not a police officer.”
Jungkook exhaled dramatically, “You gotta work on your roleplay skills, babe.”
You rolled your eyes and nudged him. Jungkook laughed, visibly proud of his comment.
“Didn’t know you were into that,” you mused.
Jungkook shrugged. “Never tried, but I’m not going to say no if you wanted to try it.”
Even though his tone was light, you could tell from the way his eyes widened out of curiosity that he was being serious.
“Maybe in the future,” you suggested and leaned down.
“I’m looking forward to it,” he said before your lips met his.
Jungkook squeezed your ass, pressing your hips to his more.
Your hips began to slowly circle as the kiss deepened, tongues tangling against each other. You suppressed the moans bubbling in your throat every time your clit caught friction. You felt the bulge underneath you growing with each swivel of your hips and it had your heart pumping quicker.
Jungkook’s hands moved from your ass to your hips, guiding their movements while pushing his own up to meet your body more. You moaned into his mouth at the rougher feeling.
Jungkook pulled away with a sharp inhale, chocolate eyes dark with lust.
“Mask on or off?” Jungkook panted.
As much as you loved seeing his handsome face, you wanted to try something different.
Jungkook smirked and plucked his mask from your jean’s waistline.
“Other people would love to be in my position,” you thought out loud as you eyed him retrieving his mask. Although you didn’t mean to gloat, a part of you did feel a little ego boost at the statement.
“Don’t wanna think of other people,” Jungkook said. “Just wanna think of you, baby. Just you. Only you. This is only for you.”
Your heart warmed at his rambling, and you captured his lips with yours tenderly, both hands cradling the sides of his face as if he was your anchor in a restless ocean.
“For us,” you corrected into the kiss.
Jungkook smiled, giving you an extra peck on the lips after you moved away.
You rubbed his chest lightly as he pushed his hair back off his forehead before tugging the mask over his head. Being unable to see his face had a strange feeling bubbling in your chest. Here was the hero you often saw on the screens. He was untouchable to many, yet he was laying beneath you.
Though this was not your first time being with him with his mask on, knowing what was to come had your heart racing for a different reason and it excited you. Maybe it was the idea that no one but you were able to have Spider-Man like this—to have Jungkook like this—or maybe you were anxious to try something new with him. Whatever the reason, you suddenly felt your body grow warmer.
“Hi, Spidey,” you teased with a smile once the mask was secured on him.
Jungkook chuckled at your casual tone and transferred his hands to your waist.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he replied whilst he kneaded your hips softly. “’M can’t wait to see you fall apart for me.”
Your cheeks heated at his comment. You leaned down, giving him a kiss through his mask. Despite not being able to directly feel his lips upon yours, the thought was there at least. Your hands traveled between his legs when you gave him a quick kiss.
Jungkook sighed at the feel of your hand on top of his hardening cock.
You palmed him above his clothing, eyes casting down to outline his hard-on. The soft touches had Jungkook tightening his grip on your hips.
Not wanting to have all the attention, Jungkook glided his hands up your chest until he cupped your breasts through your shirt. He massaged them gently, causing you to arch your back into his soothing touches.
Your hand on his crotch pressed harder against him. Jungkook shuddered at the pressure.
“Take these off for me,” Jungkook murmured and tugged on one of your belt loops.
You nodded and carefully climbed off him to remove your jeans, forgetting you were on top of the web Jungkook spun earlier.
“Is this going to, uh, hold us?” you questioned, feeling unsure how to bring up the topic without feeling a little strange. Because who would have thought you would fuck your boyfriend on top of a giant web?
“Definitely,” he said confidently and leaned up on one elbow. He patted the web as if to show its sturdiness. “We can go as wild as we want.” 
There was cockiness to his tone as he raised his eyebrows up with a crooked grin. He was definitely already prepared to have you sore tomorrow.
Another blush crept on your face at his words. “How ‘wild’ are you imagining, Koo?”
Jungkook hummed as if in thought. He gestured for you to climb back on him, and you did as he answered, “Until you’re fucked dumb and whining for my cock.”
“Jungkook,” you gasped at his choice of words. Really, you don’t know why you were taken aback. His vocabulary has always been more vulgar when he was consumed with lust. It was different from his usual easy-going, joking behavior. Perhaps it was because you hadn’t heard him speak to you like this in a while. With your schedules, you hadn’t had the chance to have an intimate moment with him.
“I’ll make you feel so good, you’ll be craving my dick for days,” he continued, just to watch you become more flustered. 
Jungkook laughed at your bashful expression. He slid a hand between your legs and began to circle your clit through your panties.
“Don’t you want that, baby?” he cooed and increased his speed. Your hips jolted at the sensation, and you placed your hands on his chest with a small moan.
“To be so needy for my cock that you can’t think of anything else?”
His words had your panties getting wetter. The thought had your heart racing, and you nodded your head at his question. 
Jungkook smiled beneath his mask and moved his finger to rub through your folds. A smirk formed when he felt your damp panties. Your hips started to grind against his fingers, needing to feel more of his sinful touches.
Jungkook kept the same pace for a little longer, watching as your hips got more frantic as you grew more desperate.
“Need more,” you whined and started to reach down to lead his fingers where you wanted him, but Jungkook grabbed your wrist instead.
“Did you miss my cock so much that you forgot your manners?” Jungkook scolded, not truly mad with you.
“Please,” you said unhesitant. “Give me more.”
“I just want you to beg until you can’t take it anymore,” Jungkook confessed, which had your eyes widening. “But I’ve already kept you out so late that I’ll have to do that another time.”
You felt your body relax at that, not having the patience to have him deny you longer. He hasn’t done much, yet you were eager to feel him for the first time in a while.
Jungkook watched you for a moment as he took in your relieved expression. “I’m just too nice to you, huh?” He chuckled lowly but didn’t let you reply.
Jungkook pushed aside your panties and eased one finger inside. You were wet enough from his previous actions that his fingers slid in with no resistance, making Jungkook groan.
He pumped his finger steadily and it wasn’t long before he quickly added another one. The slight stretch from it had your inhaling deeply. His slow motions had you wanting more, but you stayed still as you let him continue. You had missed his touch.
Jungkook slowed his pace, almost coming to a complete stop as he gently spread his fingers. You gasped at the feeling and pressed your thighs against his body. A hand came down and wrapped itself around his wrist. You didn’t adjust his hand but just gave it a squeeze to let him know how good it felt. 
Jungkook’s lip quirked in a small smile at you. He pressed his fingers together, pumped them a few times, then spread his fingers again. His actions repeated at the same unhurried pace. While it felt pleasing, it wasn’t enough to push you over the edge. However, before you could request more, Jungkook retreated. You keened at the loss of his touch.
He ignored your cry and pushed the lower half of his suit down. Normally, his attire was a one-piece, but this one was different. He had several outfits he had experimented with, all with different designs.
“Think you can take over?” Jungkook questioned as he exposed his hard cock. He wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft and tightened his grip. His lips parted at the feeling. 
Your eyes glanced down, walls clenching around nothing when you saw his precum leaking from his tip.
You nodded and started to adjust your position, but Jungkook interrupted you.
“Where’s that sweet voice of yours, baby?”
“Yes,” you verbally answered; it earned you a content nod from Jungkook.
“Come on then, need to feel you around me,” he groaned, dick throbbing with need.
You obeyed and moved so you were hovering over his tip.
Jungkook rubbed his tip through your slicken folds, smearing his precum along them. His lips were parted; his eyes focused on how easy it was to do so. After a few more glides, he aligned himself and bucked his hips slightly until he pushed the head of his cock inside your soaked pussy. 
A small yelp escaped your lips at the stretch. Understanding the message, you sank down slowly, both your moans ringing out in unison at the feeling of each other.
“Fuck,” Jungkook cursed beneath you. His eyebrows were furrowed together.
Without wasting another second, you began to slide up until just his tip remained before sliding back down gradually with another moan.
Jungkook had his hands resting on your waist, trying not to force your hips down faster.
“Y-you’re big,” you gasped with your eyes closed. Your head was starting to cloud with the pleasure his cock was giving you.
“Thanks, cutie,” Jungkook said playfully through a breathy laugh. His voice sounded a little stiff as he tried to keep his moans at bay so that he could hear yours better.
His tone tore you from your haze for a moment and you hit his chest half-heartedly. Jungkook laughed and rubbed your waist, unaffected by the faux scolding.
“Love the way you fit around me,” Jungkook added and thrusted up harshly once. He told himself to let you set the pace, but he couldn’t help it. You were just so tight around him.
“Ah!” you gasped at his sudden movement. Jungkook smirked at your reaction.
At his action, you increased your speed. You sank up and down his cock faster and you threw your head back at the way he filled you so blissfully. Your arms were behind you, fingertips grazing the top of Jungkook’s thighs as you bounced with vigor.
Jungkook bent his knees slightly so you could grab his thighs better for support. Once you had a solid hold, you started to rock your hips quicker.
Jungkook reached up and dragged your shirt up until it was gathered at the top of your chest. He pushed your bra up as well, tucking your shirt under the bra’s seam so it stayed put. With your breasts exposed, Jungkook greedily stared at the way they bounced with each of your movements.
Seeing you on top with your back arched slightly from the position of your arms and breasts moving had him let out a curse. He needed to release this pent-up feeling in his chest.
Without notice, Jungkook halted your hips and flipped you over. You both bounced slightly with the action and for a moment, you worried the web was going to snap. However, the thought disappeared when Jungkook forced your hands above your head.
You stared at him above you, eyes glued to the two oval shapes in his mask.
“I would turn you over so I could see that pretty ass of yours, but I know my baby girl wants to see me. Am I right?” he crooned.
“Y-yes,” you agreed.
“Since you wanted me fully suited as I fuck you, I think it’s only right for me to do this,” he trailed off. You realized what he meant a little too late. He had already adhered your wrists to the web below.
Jungkook grabbed your ankles next, pulling your legs apart then webbing them as well. He had you sprawled on top of his web, and he couldn’t feel more proud of himself. Here you were—exposed and leaking with arousal in front of him, unable to move.
“Don’t you look divine right now,” he praised arrogantly. His eyes traveled every inch of your body, and you were incapable of shielding yourself from his greedy eyes.
Even though you couldn’t see his face, you still knew the facial expression he was sporting underneath the mask and the thought had you squirming. You had never been this restrained in such an intimate moment with him, but your trust in him didn’t make you nervous. Instead, you just felt your body heat rapidly.
“Caught in my web,” he whispered as if in wonder at the beautiful sight. One of his hands raked down your body, tweaking one of your nipples before moving to the inside of your thigh. “Just ready for me to use you.”
“Please,” you begged.
“Would you like that?” he asked, low and husky. 
“Yes, Jungkook,” you answered truthfully. “Want you to fuck me dumb.”
Jungkook smiled and positioned himself, so he was hovering over you, his tip resting at your entrance.
“That, I can do,” he chuckled. 
He eased into you again. The snug feeling around his cock had him clutching the webbing next to your head.
Jungkook didn’t stay nestled against you for long. His pace wasn’t as fast as he could go, but he’d rather use his strength than his speed at the moment.
You moaned loudly, staring up at your boyfriend with his famous red and blue mask. Although you probably had forgotten you weren’t in the privacy of four walls, Jungkook didn’t.
He felt he should’ve told you to be quieter, but he really didn’t want to. He loved the sounds you were making, knowing he was the one causing them. He pushed away the concern he had briefly and gave you a particular rough thrust which earned him a heavenly cry from your lips. It was as if he was challenging the universe for someone to hear you.
Your body was pushed up with each shove of his hips. However, since you were tied down, you didn’t actually move much.
“Look at you,” Jungkook rasped and glanced down at where you were both connected. He could feel your walls clench around him and he groaned. “Letting me take you however I want.”
The more he pondered on that, the faster his pace got. 
“Shit, you look so pretty,” he hissed. He grabbed your bouncing breasts, squeezing them as he slammed his hips against yours. The hold on your breasts was slightly painful, but the feeling between your legs was too delightful to notice for long.
“You feel s-so good, Kookie,” you stammered through gasps. Your hands were balled into fists, wanting to touch him but not having the ability to do so.
Jungkook moved his hands from your breasts so he could grip your hips. He leaned back slightly and guided your hips to his while he thrusted forward.
Your back arched, head pushing onto the web at the new feeling. You could feel him slide against the spot that had you seeing stars.
Jungkook’s eyes were gazing from your open mouth to your bouncing breasts then to where he was pounding into you. He couldn’t decide where to look as he fucked into you.
A part of him wished he could take a picture of how captivating you looked right now. The egotistical side of him wanted to show it to his friends—to brag about how well he could fuck you. How good you were to him to let him use your body for his pleasures. You were his good girl. And as much as he wanted to indulge in his own selfish pleasures longer, he remembered that you needed to be spoiled too.
Jungkook adjusted himself so he was hovering over you again. He lifted his mask just above his nose and slotted his mouth on your right nipple while a hand massaged your left breast. The feeling of his warm tongue circling the nub had you whining his name and clenching around him again.
Jungkook hummed, happy to hear how much you were enjoying his mouth on you.
You tugged on the restraints. You just wanted to rip off his mask and tangle your fingers in his locks like you usually do.
Jungkook flickered his tongue over your hardened nipple before nipping at it. The action had you gasping and pushing your chest to his face. Jungkook smiled against your skin before finding your other nipple and repeating the motions. The saliva left by Jungkook’s mouth was cooling in the chilly air, hardening your nipple. 
While he was playing with your breasts, he kept up the rocking of his hips. The feeling of his big cock rubbing against your walls combined with his tongue had you near your climax.
“Jungko- Baby I-” you babbled, trying to form a full sentence. “Close,” you ended up saying instead.
“Go on, pretty girl. Come around me,” he permitted and briskly moved away from your chest. He tugged the mask down again before getting into a stable position. Without warning, he pulled out and thrusted back in harshly.
You cried, eyebrows knitting together as your body jerked upward from his force.
Jungkook stared down at you intensely, focused on getting you to come. His force was brute, no longer slow like before. Suddenly his hands were back on your breasts again.
Each slap of his hips had you trudging closer to the edge. Your eyes were half-lidded, mouth hung open as you breathed heavily. Your mind was only focused on him—the rocking of his dick in your cunt, the pleasure of his hands on your chest, and the sound of his bated breathing.
“There’s that fucked out look I wanted,” he jested through pants, but you barely registered his words through your hazy pleasure.
“Just for me,” he said. “Only I can see that look, right, jagiya?”
You whined, the energy to reply barely there. For once, Jungkook didn’t require an answer. He knew your thoughts were too occupied just by the expressions on your face.
Jungkook felt your walls tense up, sucking him back in greedily. After a few more thrusts, you came with a loud cry of his name. Your legs seized at the force of your orgasm while his name fell off your tongue like a mantra. Jungkook loved every moment of it, hearing the way you said his name so breathlessly was music to his ears.
He basked in the glory he felt at having you unravel because of him.
“Want to see your pretty mouth filled with my cum,” he husked and pulled away from your cunt.
He straddled your face and sunk his cock between your lips hurriedly.
You eagerly hallowed your mouth, bobbing your head around his heavy cock. Jungkook moaned watching you suck him off so earnestly.
“That’s it,” he praised, breathing increasing with each glide of your mouth.
“I’m close,” he murmured and slotted his fingers in your hair.
Your eyes locked on his mask, groaning around his dick at seeing the hero above you.
Jungkook tilted his head back briefly when he felt your tongue run just beneath his head, where his tip meets his shaft.
“Oh, fuck,” he shuddered. “Should have you suck my cock more.”
You hummed in satisfaction at his words, which caused Jungkook to tighten his grip on your hair at the sensation. The vibrations from your throat pushed him closer to his release.
Soon, Jungkook was emptying his load in your mouth. His hand was fisted in your hair as he pushed his hips to your face fully. His cock slid down your throat and you gagged slightly at the sudden feeling. Jungkook found the sound arousing, letting another curse fall from his lips. 
He withdrew from you, some of his cum still spilling from his cock. You quickly inhaled a breath before sticking your tongue out again. Jungkook rested his tip on it and pumped his shaft, head lolling to the side as he panted. His cum landed on your tongue and Jungkook’s gaze was glued to the sight. He loved seeing you dripping with his cum—whether it be in your cunt or in your mouth.
Jungkook slid his tip into the cum pooling on your tongue before running his tip along your upper lip, painting it white.
When you felt Jungkook nudge your jaw, you swallowed.
His gaze lingered on his cum on your lip. However, the sight was soon gone when you swiped your tongue over it.
Jungkook wanted to stay over you as he caught his breath, but he knew you were probably uncomfortable, so he carefully moved off of you. With one hand, he yanked his mask off to reveal his face. His forehead was beaded in sweat while some of his hair stuck to his forehead.
“You still carry that pocketknife with you?” he asked. He knew you had carried one for protection after everything that happened with Kangdae and Seokjin. He wasn’t too happy about it initially since he didn’t want you to be in any fights, but after your constant refusals, he relented. After all, he rather you be able to protect yourself if he couldn’t be there to protect you.
“Back pocket,” you said and nodded to your discarded jeans.
Instead of Jungkook getting up to grab them like you thought he would, he simply shot a web and brought them to him.
“Thought the webs were sturdy,” you joked, voice a little hoarse. “How can a tiny pocketknife cut it?”
“It’s not as easy as you may think,” he replied and switched it open. He began to meticulously saw at the webs around your wrists.
“Doesn’t this mean any criminal can just cut through your webs?”
“If they have the time and strength, yes. My webs aren’t invincible,” he answered calmly, not irritated with your curiosity. “Hence, why I try to web their arms down. And normally, one swipe of the web won’t break through it. They’ll be in handcuffs before they can free themselves.”
“We’re going to be here for a while, huh?” you sighed, the euphoric feeling ebbing away at the idea of being exposed to the icy weather longer.
Jungkook glanced at your almost-naked body as if reading your mind. Sheepishly, he gently adjusted your bra and shirt to cover your torso. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything about your lower half since he had webbed you at the ankles.
“Maybe start there instead?” you suggested when you saw him glance at your legs.
Jungkook nodded and followed your advice.
The wait for Jungkook to free you didn’t last as long as you had expected. He had made sure to pay extra attention to where he slid the knife, and you were freed without a scratch. He then helped you put on the rest of your clothes.
“I’ve missed you,” he said softly as he sat next to you, rubbing at your wrists and ankles while you both regained some energy.
“I’ve missed you, too,” you replied and gave him a kind smile that had his heart melting.
“Have you thought about what I asked you a few weeks ago?” he wondered, hope lingering in his voice.
Jungkook had come to your dorm one day, seemingly nervous about something. You had worried it had to do with him being the masked hero or maybe even Aunt may. Your roommate had left the dorm to give you both space, sensing the uneasy atmosphere. Turns out, he had spent a few weeks looking at apartments for you both and had scribbled a few down he thought you might like. With the end of the year approaching, it was time to move out of your dorm as they were mainly for freshmen. You could move into a different dormitory, but it would be nicer not to. However, you hadn’t looked anywhere yet.
You were pleasantly surprised at Jungkook’s research. You were so touched by his efforts that he earned himself several kisses that day.
“I did,” you answered. “I like the one that has all those trees. They had a nice floor plan, and the price is doable if we split the cost.”
Jungkook’s mouth widened into a big grin as you spoke.
“I liked that one, too,” he concurred.
“Should I make an appointment to go look at it?”
“Yeah. That sounds good to me.”
Jungkook leaned forward and pressed his lips tenderly on yours. You giggled at his reaction.
“I didn’t think you’d be this excited to look at apartments,” you said and poked his cheek.
“I’m more excited to just see you more often,” he admitted. “Plus, Yoongi’s music distracts me sometimes.”
“You think I won’t distract you?” you asked playfully.
“Oh, you definitely will,” he murmured, eyes drifting to your lips momentarily. “But at least you’d be a fun distraction. Yoongi’s an old man trapped in a young body. Full of grunts and complaints.”
You laughed, nudging him to scold him.
“Imagine how hurt he’d be if he heard you say that.”
Jungkook swatted his hand in the air, pushing away the thought. “He’d probably be glad to get rid of me.”
“How so?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Too many Code Purples,” he explained and gave you a wink.
You scoffed at him, remembering how Code Purple was what he told Yoongi when he wanted alone time with you.
“I haven’t heard you use it that often,” you said. Jungkook halted his massaging on your wrists when you interlaced your fingers together.
“That’s because I do it before you come over,” he explained, leaning closer to your face with a charming smile and a few wiggles of his eyebrows.
You giggled and squeezed his hands. “That poor man.”
“I should just be blaming you for being too irresistible,” Jungkook replied.
“Alright, Casanova,” you joked with a smile. He simply pecked your lips in response. 
After a moment of silence, you wondered out loud, “Do you know if Yoongi is staying on campus if you move?”
Jungkook rubbed small circles on the back of your thumb with his own.
“Actually, I overheard him talking with Hoseok. I think they’re going to try to room together off campus. Maybe I can get Yoongi to move into the same complex as us.”
“That would be nice,” you said happily. You liked the thought of having your privacy with Jungkook, but still being able to be near your friends.
Jungkook hummed, his mood not as cheerful as before. You tilted your head in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” he replied dismissively.
“Hey, you can talk to me,” you reassured and shook his hands.
“I know,” he said and offered you a small smile. However, he still didn’t give an explanation.
You searched his face, recalling what was said before he looked upset. And then it clicked.
“It’s Hobi, isn’t it?”
At the way his shoulders tensed slightly, you knew you were right.
“He isn’t bad, Koo,” you frowned.
Jungkook didn’t have a favorable opinion of Hoseok since he found he was involved in that group with you. Despite Hoseok helping you both out in the end, Jungkook couldn’t shake the dislike he felt toward the man. You, on the other hand, were still friends with him. Much to Jungkook’s disapproval.
“I just don’t trust him,” Jungkook huffed and looked away from you.
“You’re not going to trust him if you keep glaring at him every time he’s within a ten-foot radius of you.”
“It happens involuntarily,” he grumbled, shoulders slumping. You wished you didn’t find him so cute when he pouted.
“Well, maybe just start thinking of the positives about him when you see him instead? Like how he brought us those donuts one day. Wasn’t that nice?” you tried to persuade him.
“He brought lemon ones,” he said with a disgusted look. “I hate lemon.”
“He also bought chocolate,” you laughed softly at how adamant he was about disliking the cheery man.
Jungkook shrugged, not seeming to care about that addition to the truth.
“Next time, I’ll let him know not to bring lemon,” you said. “Even though I love lemon.” You sighed dramatically as if just the thought pained you deeply.
Jungkook eyed you carefully. You knew he was torn between wanting you to be happy with your lemon treats versus wanting Hoseok to be scolded.
“I’ll bring you lemon donuts instead,” he argued.
You smiled at his childish behavior. He really was cute when he pouted.
You agreed too quickly for Jungkook to appreciate his counterattack. He now felt manipulated into buying you donuts.
“You’re a menace,” he huffed.
“Actually, I’m fairly certain Spider-Man is more of a menace than me. Didn’t you hear? He’s sticking his eight legs where he shouldn’t be,” you taunted him, recalling the ridiculous news articles you’ve read online.
Jungkook understood your reference and scoffed lightly.
“It takes a menace to know a menace,” he said.
“Is that so?”
You smiled at him.
“You’re cute,” you observed, which caused him to frown.
“I think it’s past your bedtime. You’re getting delusional,” he said and started to move away from you.
You let him go, eyes following his figure as he stood up. He stretched his arms over his head, mouthing dropping open in a yawn.
“You ready to head back?” he asked politely.
You nodded.
Jungkook held a hand out for you and helped you to your feet. You stumbled a little from the uneven surface, but Jungkook held you securely so you didn’t fall. Once you stood up, you could feel the soreness between your legs—reminding you of what occurred just minutes ago. Jungkook’s demeanor was different now than before and it emphasized there were multiple sides to him that people didn’t know… and would never know.
“Did you drive here?”
“No,” you shook your head, causing Jungkook to frown.
“Yn, I told you not-”
“It was nice out and the walk isn’t far,” you attempted to reason and stared up at him with puppy eyes. Jungkook didn’t back down from his firm stare.
“It’s too dangerous, okay? If you don’t feel like driving, I can pick you up.”
Not wanting to start an actual argument, you simply said okay. That was going to be an issue to discuss later.
Jungkook must have also not been up for an argument since he didn’t press you on the topic. He sighed and pulled his lips in a smile, trying to lighten the suddenly gloomy mood. He pressed a kiss to your head.
“Let’s go then,” he said; he tugged his mask over his head and then picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms tightly around his neck.
Swinging with him wasn’t as fun as people imagined it to be. It wasn’t your preferred transportation since it often left you a little dizzy and disoriented. Jungkook was aware of the effects and swung slower than he usually did.
“Are you doing okay?” he asked after a few swings.
“I’m okay,” you reassured, your body still clung to his and eyes closed.
“Almost there,” he replied and kept his focus on getting back safely.
By the time you stepped foot in your dorm, it was nearly four in the morning. Your roommate was passed out when you quietly entered your room. Jungkook had dropped you off, giving you an affectionate kiss and ensuring you felt stable before he left.
Although the late night was catching up to you, you forced yourself to do your nighttime routine. It just felt odd not to. You climbed into bed quickly after.
Out of habit, you grabbed your phone to check it. There was a notification from Jungkook.
Love Bug 4:09am i hope u sleep well. u def made my patrol a lot more fun tonight
A smile crept on your face, and you held your covers closer to your body.
Menace (loving) 4:16am I had a fun time too. Does this mean you’ll let me go on patrol with you more often? 😌
Love Bug 4:20am its tempting…but i rather we go on a date instead
Menace (loving) 4:22am Maybe soon?
Love Bug 4:25am i can make that happen
Love Bug 4:25am now go to sleep baby. talk to you tomorrow
Menace (loving) 4:26am Alright, alright. Goodnight, handsome 😊
Love Bug 4:27am good morning (;
You chuckled at his reply, remembering it was nearly 4:30 in the morning. You locked your phone, set it on your nightstand, and finally fell asleep after a long day.
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When you woke up the next day, you were greeted with a wide bunny-esque smile in your view.
Despite not getting a lot of sleep, Jungkook had woken up early to buy you lemon donuts. Your roommate was on her way to class when Jungkook visited, so she let him in.
He was bizarrely cheerful considering his lack of sleep and while you wanted to be annoyed at having been woken up early, you couldn’t be mad when he seemed so joyful.
You both had your fair share of donuts—he had almond—before snuggling on your bed and falling asleep again.
This time when you were woken, you were irritated. You just wanted to sleep but there was a loud ringing close to you. It took you a few moments to realize what that noise was.
Class was about to start soon.
Jungkook was still half asleep when he tried to keep you in bed, whining for you to skip class just this once. You did contemplate it, but in the end, you forced yourself to get ready.
Jungkook had watched you silently as you got ready and when it was time to go, he walked you to class. You took a mental note to book the apartment tour soon after he left you. The idea of living with Jungkook brought a smile to your face as you sat down in class, mind wandering to the man you could see yourself with for a lifetime.
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For those who want to share their thoughts/comments anonymously, please consider filling out my SBaFL survey c:
Also, yes, my inspo did come from this scene hehe. Thank you for reading! And special thanks to those who joined the taglist for the fic ✨ I got a lot more than I anticipated, so I'm grateful!
Again, happy birthday Jeon Jungkook! 💜
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY. Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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beestriker015 · 1 year
Loving and protective Black Widow x male s/o
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S/o is Natasha’s husband, whom she met several years ago when he joined the Avengers.
After introducing himself to his new teammates, s/o quickly caught the attention of Black Widow, who was instantly charmed by his kind smile and upbeat personality.
As time went on since s/o first joined the team, Natasha began falling in love with him, eventually gathering the nerve to ask him out after some encouragement from the others.
“Hey s/o…I l-like you. Would you want to…m-maybe…go out with me?”
Much to her surprise and glee, s/o accepted with a happy smile plastered on his face.
“Of course Nat, I’d love to go out with you! I’ve actually wanted to ask you out myself for a while now.”
And with that, Natasha and s/o began dating.
Natasha is very lovey dovey with her boyfriend, much to the shock and surprise of her teammates.
Physical contact and general displays of affection is constant, oftentimes to the chagrin of the other Avengers.
“Jeez, why don’t you two lovebirds just go get a room already?.”
Tony says in annoyance at the sight of s/o and Natasha cuddling on the couch with her arm wrapped around her boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Oh shut it Tony. He’s my boyfriend and we can do whatever we want!”
Natasha says with a glare, making Tony walk away feeling a little intimidated.
As loving as she is of s/o, Natasha is also very protective of him and their relationship.
If anyone were to make any remarks about s/o or his and Natasha’s relationship, she will go up to them and force them to apologize through means of intimidation.
Should s/o ever get hurt, his girlfriend will rush to his side as fast as humanly possible and care for him as a mother would her child.
“Calm down Nat. It’s just a bullet wound, it’ll get better.”
S/o says with a pained voice as Natasha disinfects his wound.
“You got shot! How can you be so nonchalant about this babe?! I swear when I find whoever shot you, I’m gonna-”
She’s cut off by s/o, who quickly quiets her by gently kissing her on the cheek.
“Babe, I know how protective of me you can get, especially whenever I get hurt, but I’m ok. Please try to calm down Nat, I hate seeing that beautiful face of yours so angry.”
He says with a sweet little smile that makes Natasha’s heart melt.
“A-alright s/o, a-anything for you.”
She says while incredibly flustered by her boyfriend’s words.
“I love you Natasha, and I love how protective you are of me.”
S/o says as his girlfriend finishes taking care of his wounds.
Natasha looks at her boyfriend with wide eyes before pulling him into a passionate kiss.
When they separate for air, she stares lovingly into s/o’s eyes with a smile.
“I love you too s/o.”
Eventually, after over a year of dating, s/o decided it was time to pop the question to Natasha after spending a romantic evening together.
“Natasha, I love you more than anyone or anything in the whole universe. Being with you has made me the happiest guy alive, and I’d love nothing more than to be with you forever.”
He gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring.
“Natasha Romanoff, will you marry me?”
Without a single shred of hesitation, Natasha smiled widely and accepted s/o’s proposal with happy tears in her eyes.
Now if Natasha was protective of s/o when they were dating, she is really protective of him now that they’re married.
It is mandatory that she goes with s/o whenever he has a mission, and nobody can tell her otherwise.
God help any villain or criminal who hurts her husband in any way, as although she may not have superpowers, Natasha can still kick some serious ass.
After every mission, cuddle sessions are a must, which can sometimes leads to more…intimate moments between Natasha and s/o.
One time, the other Avengers saw s/o exit his and Natasha’s shared room with messy hair and a huge hickey on his neck.
S/o turned to see his teammates all staring at him weirdly.
He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Looks like somebody got some action last night. That’s a nice love bite you’ve got there s/o.”
Clint says with a laugh and a smirk.
Realization hits as s/o blushes from embarrassment.
The others laugh and snicker as well, but are soon silenced by a glare coming from Natasha, who is suddenly standing behind her husband.
S/o smiles and turns around, pulling his wife into a hug.
“Good morning Nat.”
She returns his smile and hugs him back.
“Good morning to you too s/o, I love you.”
S/o smiles and gives his wife her morning kiss.
“I love you too Nat.”
Even though Natasha can be extremely protective of her husband, s/o enjoys it and loves her just as much as she does him.
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queersouthasian · 5 months
Listen guys, I just wanted to say this, may not to be important but needs to said:
that's it, that's the post...ok let me elaborate
As the saying goes, "you have to be the villain in someone's story for them to be the hero", and this may not be the most fitting sentence in context to WAY but in a way it is. Listen, why do we love characters like vegas/kiyoi/charn but dislike the dr from sign or way to be specific?? Interesting question right?
Vegas/Kiyoi/Charn are not "evil" characters, they are not supposed to be looked over or hated 'cause of whatever they did (killing for Vegas, bullying for kiyoi and Charn being the evil lawyer) 'cause their motive to commit a crime outweigh the consequences of the crime itself. Why did Vegas kill people?? He was from the minor family who were always overshadowed by the major, lived with his abusive ass mf dad, was raised and treated like an animal and when the final fallout with pete happens, he realises he treated pete the exact same way he was treated all these years, like an animal (pls don't even treat animals like that) and the realisation alone made THE vegas beg to Pete. Even though Vegas is a murderer, a criminal, people can sympathize with him 'cause he has a convincing story of extreme physical and emotional abuse to tell, his story perfectly explains him as a person and doesn't matter how bad/evil he is, people still cry out for him, people still feel the pain 'cause to some extent, people can relate to it. Same for kiyoi and Charn (I am not elaborating but there are many psychological takes on kiyoi here which are really good)
Now this solid back story lacks in the case of Dr and Way. Even if Way was not the "Enigma", he would still be a very annoying character, he is not the cool "loki" rather actually annoying lmao, mostly because nothing about way, till now, can explain what he did, like why did he hypnotise and manipulate babe?? FOR 10 YEARS?? why did he have to manipulate everyone against Charlie and Jeff about the car accident??? He was suspicious of Charlie, but actually he wasn't. He didn't know anything about him, did no research about him, did not have any reason, technically, to doubt him cause he had zero proof about Charlie or even jeff doing something, he just wanted to cut both off 'cause jealousy. He even saved the bfs in the last ep just 'cause babe was there, if only charlie was there or someone else with him, he would have left them. And I am not even kidding. Remember how after knocking the guy out, way goes "come on, Babe" totally refusing to acknowledge charlie being there. He could have just went "let's go" or "come on guys" but no. And if he infact is the enigma, then that just adds up to the selfishness and nothing. I am not saying that a character needs a dramatic backstory to explain their wrongs but way has...nothing. like from all perspectives he would have won, he did not have a loss. Also the biggest deception is literally from his part. The fact that not only babe, but literally every character including jeff - charlie, trust him, the fact that he tries to come off as a concerned friend but actually is just a manipulative bitch with victim complex, and to make it worse his "love" is more of a "possession" like unfiltered unsexy possession lmao. Exactly like the doctor. Both don't have any reason to do anything they did, they just want to see the world burn but not in the "oh the world is shitty" Charn way rather they are the upper hand and basically are toying with things for their pleasure.
Nothing worse than a character being merciless to people for no reason, they are either sociopaths or just rich and this would have been a great thing in crime/thriller genre not romance.
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nozunhinged · 6 months
10 (5) BL Boys I Want Carnally
"If you want to play, consider yourself tagged!" said @ginnymoonbeam and I took that personally.
Hot damn I'm so excited. I don't even know of I'm doing this right but I need these boys in a single post. Also, I only have five (5) bc I'm fairly new to BL dramas but those five I want so carnally they count at least tenfold.
Let's goooooooo!!
1. Boeing (Only Friends) / Mond Tanutchai
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I dedicated a whole ass essay to the stuff his character did to me as you can read here. I think thats enough of an explanation as to why he takes the No. 1 spot.
2. Tharn (The Sign) / Babe Tanatat
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The things BABE - not Tharn the character - does to me is next level. My infatuation for Mond walked so the one for Babes could run. I almost wanted him to have the top spot although The Sign has only been running since like yesterday. I'm so delulu about him, I regularly need to mentally slap myself and remember that he is a living breathing human being with a life. I'm so glad The Sign is still running.
3. Daou Pittaya
I watched Love In Translation but what got me was Daous buzzcut and his bedroom eyes on Insta. I have a REALLY bad weakness for buzzcut-boys. So no character, just irl attraction here.
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4. Prom (Playboyy) / Shell Thakrit
Prom, The Daddy Dom Of My Dreams. Cute, soft, glasses but oh so naughty. You do not want to mess with him. Please show me your leash collection, smother me in aftercare and let all of my switch-dreams come true. Let me use your pretty frame to tie you up. Soothe my bruises with soft kisses. I don't care if you're a (potential) criminal, where do I sign so we can make an appointment for our first session.
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5. Fan Zerui (Kiseki: Dear To Me) / Hsu Kai
You have no idea how much I am in need of a gangster who turns into a baby girl just for me. Well I didn't know before until Zerui turned up on my screen and awakened all of this in me.
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Yai (The Sign) / Gap Jakarin
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I may not have the brain capacity to simp for 10 boys but the list wouldn't be complete without at least one (1) gorgeous tiddy holder and the only reason I chose Yai is because he's also funny AF and his GF is so damn hot.
If you see this consider yourself tagged and flood your moots TLs with gorgeous men hehe
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
[ 𝟐𝟑 : 𝟑𝟔 ] 𝐈'𝐌 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐀 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇... ── suna rintaro.
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Your darling thought it would be romantic to take you on a date in Halloween and u were okay with it, but didn't expect for him to take you to the local graveyard...
with. suna rintaro x gn! reader. | 0.423k words
blog links. masterlist | asks/requests | general
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it was almost twelve o'clock and your boyfriend and you were walking on a dark, dry grass path towards the ancient building in front of u. there were no clouds in the sky and a light shivering breeze moved past the trees' foliage.
"i should have imagined you'd bring me somewhere like this, specially on halloween."
with an amused smirk in his face, suna asked: "why? don't you find it romantic?"
"of course i do rin. we are seconds before trespassing an abandoned graveyard in the middle of the night; we could even end up arrested! why wouldn't i find it romantic?"
"as much as i love you, i'm not that fond of your sarcasm, darling~"
"well, 'know what? as much as i love you, i am not fond of your criminal tendencies." u said giving him a pointed look.
"c'mon babe, we ain't doing nothing wrong..."
"suna, i may be not be the sharpest tool in the shed but i'm 100% sure that entering in the most quietly way possible on a semi-private zone with an abandoned building it's not legal at all, much less at these hours.
"birdy, listen to me, even if this little church has been 'abandoned', there's still people that visits their loved ones and no one says nothing."
at this point, your boyfie was trying his best making up excuses for this not to seem as bad as it is and make you enjoy ur date.
"yeah, but they don't come and do that at almost twelve o'clock, do they? 'cause i don't see anybody but us here."
after staring at each other for a moment, rintaro let out a loud sigh and said: "look... just, just help me extend this shitty blanket and sit down."
minutes later, you were resting against an old tree with suna's head laying on your lap.
maybe this wasn't so bad at the end.
with your hands playing with soft, dark hair and gazd meeting those vivid green eyes of his, the small amount of fear you had of being arrested was slowly fading with the sound of the children's joyful laugh doing trick-or-treat in the neighborhood streets.
relaxing little by little, you felt a peck landing on your jaw, followed with a kiss in the lips and a "happy halloween, my love" in a low, but adoring voice coming from your lover's mouth.
"happy halloween, rin." there, accompanied by the well-cared graves and ur soulmate presence, you let yourself enjoy one of the memories that'll stay forever in your heart.
© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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cleoluvrr · 1 year
The Last Days of Summer VIII (Rafe Cameron x Heyward!OC)
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Warnings: violence, underage drinking, drug use, verbal abuse, jealousy, forbidden relationship, enemies to lovers, gaslighting + manipulation
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Synopsis: Stuck in a situation she never dreamed of, Neriah Heyward blurs the line between Kook and Pogue; Rafe Cameron a witness.
word count: 2.5k+
It was a very sullen summer after that day. The island mourned equally all around, the loss of Sheriff Peterkin, John B, and Sarah Cameron leaving a large impact on everyone who knew and loved them. 
The search for Sarah and John B had been fruitless, there was boat and no bodies, the two of them presumed dead by the hands of the tropical storm. The sheriff still had no justice, my brother and his friends telling everyone who will listen that John B was framed and the real killer is still out there. The police were still investigating, I’d walked past the station multiple times to see Ward Cameron in and out on various occasions.
School was dreadful for both Pope and I. I couldn’t go a day without hearing something about Sarah being corrupted by Pogues or how my brother was best friends with a criminal. I hear whispers about it every time I go to the club, my time there now kept to a minimum to avoid the constant reminder of John B’s death.
“Hey,” Londyn says. I raise my eyebrows at her, head leaning on my head as I pick at the food in front of me. “Cheer up.”
“I’m cheered.” I respond flatly. “Very cheered.”
“Riah, babe, you cannot be sad forever.” 
“Sorry for mourning my friend.” I push the plate away from me, no longer feeling hungry. Londyn sighs as she rises out of her chair, moving to stand behind me.
“You know that’s not what I meant.” She says, wrapping her arms around me. She rests her head on my shoulder and pouts at me. “You never want to leave the house and you’ve barely talked since that day. You guys weren’t even that close.” I scoff, pushing her off me.
“I practically grew up with him, Londyn. I’ve known him longer than you.” I feel slightly offended at her comment. “He was my first kiss. He may have pissed me off more often than not but I still cared about him.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” 
“No, you shouldn’t have.” I repeat irritably.
My phone rings for the tenth time that day, a blocked number popping up on the screen. I sigh, rejecting the call coming from the buzzing phone immediately. I repeat the motion three more times, ultimately shutting off my phone completely after the fourth call.
“Is that Rafe again?” I nod, setting my head on her dining room table tiredly. “Jesus Christ. He’s still calling you?” Londyn asks in disbelief.
“At least ten times when he’s sober, twenty if he’s high.” I say. “I prefer it over the actual stalking, which he also does.”
Since Sarah and John B went missing, Rafe has been harassing me nonstop. It was obsessive, stalkerish at the least. I’ve caught him waiting outside my school at least four times since it started. He drives past my house every other day, sometimes staking out to see if I’m going to appear. I couldn't go to Brye’s house, it was too close to Tannyhill. I barely go to the Island Club, dodging him was nearly impossible.
He calls and calls until I’m sure he’s blue in the face. Filling my voicemail box with messages about how he’ll leave me alone if I just talk to him. I’m not sure if that will actually stop the constant attempts at contacting me or just fuel him to do it more. I’m certain that my brother’s acts of vandalism on his property only makes it worse.
Londyn’s house is the only place he hasn’t been. He doesn’t know where she lives, so this is my safe place. I haven’t told my parents, nor am I planning to, but I’m sure my brother is somewhat aware of the situation. If he is, he hasn’t said anything, far too occupied with school and whatever it is he, Kie, and JJ do these days.
“Maybe I should just talk to him…” I say turning on my phone a few hours later, lying next to Londyn on her soft bed. She looks at me incredulously. 
“That is a terrible idea.” 
I told her what happened with Rafe at Midsummers and it took a lot of convincing for her to not tell her parents, and nearly begging on my knees for her not to go to the police when I showed her pictures of the bruises he left me. They were still there, the marks had faded over the week but still visible to the naked eye.
She was livid, and rightfully so I suppose. I never heard her say as many swear words in the years I’ve known her than in that moment. It's quite understandable that she doesn’t want me to contact him.
“Maybe it is.” I agree. The Apple logo lights up on my screen as my phone loads. “But I cannot live like this anymore.”
She says nothing as I unlock my phone, opening up the contacts app. I hesitate for a moment, unsure if I should even do it, if it really is a bad idea. My phone rings again in my moment of hesitation, the device vibrating in my hand. I let it ring a few times before swiping the answer button, pressing the screen to my ear.
‘Put it on speaker.’ Londyn mouths to me. I wave her off.
“Hello?” I say. I hear nothing on the other end but silence. “Hello?” I repeat.
“Neriah?” I hear a familiar voice answer back. 
“You finally answered. I’ve been calling nonstop.”
“I’m aware.” I responded shortly. I hear his footsteps over the speaker, the phone picking up the sound of him pacing back and forth.
“Why have you been avoiding me? It’s been driving me crazy, y’know.” He says. “I don’t like it when people ignore me, Neriah.”
“What do you want, Rafe?”
“I need to see you. I need to see you right now.” I almost laughed at his demand, shaking my head at the curious girl lying next to me.
“That’s not happening.” I say into the microphone. “Ever.” I clarify.
“Well, I need it to happen. Or I’m going to do something bad. Really bad.” He threatens vaguely. “I don’t want to do anything bad. Do you want that, Neriah?”
“Rafe, you sound like a child right now. What do you want?”
“I’m not a child! I’m a man! I’m a fucking man, Neriah.” He snaps into the speaker, the volume of his voice in my ear causing me to flinch. 
“Okay. Did you call me so you can throw a temper tantrum?” I ask, feeling annoyed with myself for giving in and answering the phone.
“I’m gonna show my dad. I’m gonna show him that I’m a fucking man. I’m more of a man than he is. I’m gonna show fucking Rose, that bitch.” He goes on, not hearing what I just asked. “I’m gonna show you. I’m gonna show you that I’m not a child. I need you to see it in person.” 
“I’m not sure what you mean by that, but I think I’ll pass.” I scrunch up my face, cutting my eyes at Londyn. She tells me to put it on speaker again but I ignore her request. 
“Please, Neriah.” He begs, sounding more anxious as the call continues. I can’t tell if he’s high or not.
“Rafe, you assaulted my brother, you assaulted me, and you’ve been harassing me non-stop. Why the hell would I want to be anywhere near you?”
“I’m sorry!” He says, desperate for me to give him a chance. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I was just so angry. You made me so angry, I just couldn’t control myself. But I’m so sorry. I promise I’m not like that anymore. You just keep ignoring me and I need for you to come see me and then I’ll leave you alone.” He rambles on senselessly, repeating how sorry he is over and over.
“No, Rafe!” I raise my voice. “I don’t want to see you right now. I want you to stop calling me, I want you to stop sitting outside my school like a creep, I want you to stop driving by my fucking house! Leave me the hell alone.” 
The other end of the phone is silent for a minute and I almost think he hung up the phone. He starts chuckling on the other end of the phone, the sound of his pacing footsteps halted.
“You see, princess.” Rafe says, his voice quite ominous. The atmosphere of the call changed suddenly. “I can’t do that.”
“What do you mean you can’t do that? Just stop doing it.”
“No, no. You don’t understand, which I know is hard for you sometimes.” He implies that I’m stupid, which I scoff at. “I was trying to be nice. I was trying to give you a choice, but clearly you aren’t smart enough to make the right one. That’s okay though, because I can make it for you. I guess I’ll have to start doing that more often.”
“Excuse me?” I say. He laughs again.
“I want to see you. I need to see you. So that’s what I’m going to do.” He states matter of factly. “I don’t have to wait outside your house, or your school, or the club. I know where you are at all times, even when I’m not there.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’ll see you soon, princess.” He chuckles darkly, my heart tightening at the sound. “You looked very pretty today.” That’s the last thing he says before hanging up the phone.
I pull the phone away from my face slowly, looking at the device in shock and confusion.
“What did he say?” Londyn inquires, sitting up from her previous position.
I say nothing, staring at the blank screen silently with goosebumps forming all over my skin.
Rafe stopped calling after that. He stopped driving by my house and waiting outside my school. He stopped leaving notes at my door and showing up at my favorite places to hang out. I actually hadn’t seen him or heard from him in days, which was rather unusual as of lately.
It only made me more uneasy.
I kept my head on a swivel after that call, even more than before. Pope noticed my increased paranoia, eyeing me strangely when I would run inside the store anytime a dark truck drove by a little too slowly. He still didn’t ask, and I didn’t plan on telling him either.
My dad made me deliver groceries after I got home from school, barely giving me time to change out of my uniform before sending me off to Figure 8 in his boat. Pope was gone somewhere with his friends, no surprise there, and left me to help my parents with the store. 
The weather was still humid, the sticky heat leaving my thighs covered in sweat, slick as they rubbed together on the walk up to the club. I would have worn jeans had the weather allowed for it, the feeling of chafing uncomfortable in my dark denim shorts. I dropped off the handfuls of bags to the customers, greeting them politely before exiting the building.
My heart stops when I spot the boat, the vehicle occupied by none other but the person I had been avoiding so carefully. 
He catches my frozen figure in his gaze, smiling darkly at me as he watches me back away. I break into a sprint in the way I just came when I see him stand up, running around the club to get to the parking lot where hopefully someone will see me.
I hear him fast approaching behind me, his shoes slapping hard against the pavement as he gains on me. The parking lot is dark, the light of the sun barely peeking over the horizon. My heart pounds against my chest as I hear him get closer and closer, pushing myself to make my legs go faster. I’d never run so fast in my life.
Suddenly, I’m thrown hard against a car, the sound of my body hitting the metal loud in the quiet parking lot.
The wind is knocked out of me, elbow throbbing from the impact. I notice the model of the car and my stomach lurches, knowing exactly who owns it. Before I can recover, Rafe pushes me against the car with his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams.
“Shh, shh.” He hushes me, looking around the parking lot before setting his gaze on me again. “Calm down. I don’t want to hurt you.”
I bite into his palm as I twist in his hold. He hisses in pain and curses loudly, but he doesn’t remove his hand.
“Let me go!” I say, voice muffled by his palm.
He ignores my request, opting to open the back door of the car with his free hand as he drags me towards him. I turn away in defiance, his grip on my body unwavering as he pulls me into his front. I try to use my body weight to my advantage and drop myself to the ground like my father taught me, praying that his self-defense lessons actually come in handy.
“Stand up and get in the car.”
My attempts are in vain, Rafe’s muscles straining against my arms and back as he lifts me back up. He shoves me towards the open door, shushing me as he takes another look around the parking lot. I plant my kicking legs against the side of the car, using all my strength to push against the vehicle. 
“Get in the damn car, Neriah!” He says into my ear. He sounds fed up as he tries to restrain my lower limbs. “Stop fighting me!”
He backs up which causes my legs to suddenly drop from the car and back under me. He uses the opportunity to shove me into the car, breathing heavily from the struggle. I land on my stomach, turning over to kick at him again. The blonde was ready this time, catching my ankles and shoving my feet into the car.
I push my feet against the door as he moves to shut it but he’s stronger, my legs giving out at the force he uses it to slam it. I sit up quickly, harshly tugging on the door handle to escape. When it doesn’t open I try the other side. Before I can climb into the front seat Rafe gets into the car, clearly anxious.
I grab my phone out of my pocket, ready to call the police when it is snatched away and thrown into the front seat. He and I make eye contact and my heart beats a mile a minute at the sight of his hard face staring at mine. He looks far from happy, shoulders tense and eyes dark.
For the first time in a long time, I was afraid of Rafe Cameron; afraid of how far he’ll go if he doesn’t get his way.
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fighter s/o with bloodlust hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (20/04/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter-only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hii can i request some headcanons for hunter x fighter!reader, reader who mAY have a bit of bloodlust and gets too carried away when fighting (im talking laughing and they get hit and smiling like a criminal with their nose bleeding :>
"you could've DIED-"
"they asked for it,,"”
warning(s) ; references to violence, gore and bloodlust / non-sexual sadism
you will end up giving this poor boy grey hair before he’s 20 at the rate you’re going
like he’s constantly playing defence to keep you away from people that fit your fighting demographic (usually twats who could do with a good smack about)
every time you go out together he’s just waiting for you to end up sparring with someone — like it’s gotten to the point where he carries a collection of healing glyphs and potions on him whenever you’re on a date
he knows you can fend for yourself but he still has a mini heart attack whenever you come back with a broken limb or bloody nose or missing tooth
you’re there grinning away talking about how he should see the other guy — meanwhile hunter’s panicking and grabbing your face (gently) to inspect the damage
sometimes he gets why you’d want to fight certain people and he’ll back you up but most of the time he’d rather not have to leap into the midst of battle in his daywear to stop you from getting blood all over the shirt you’d just bought yesterday
initially was more than a little perturbed by how gleeful you are when it comes to shedding blood and how easily you brush off some pretty hard hits (and the laughing still gets to him some times) but nowadays he’s kinda used to it and won’t bat an eye when you start damn near skipping away from some blood-covered someone-or-other
does find you pretty badass though when you’re fighting and if you turn to grin and wink at him — or start flirting — when you’re in the middle of a fight then he will go pretty red in the face
a lot of your post-fight exchanges go along the lines of:
“why did you do that? you could have died!” / “they asked for it!” / “babe they are three times your size and they just punched a hole through a stone wall.” / “and??”
your couple catchphrases are: “well i made it out alive, didn’t i?” & “barely!”
you drive this poor boy mental but he loves you to bits — yes that includes your thinly veiled bloodlust and that sadistic side that comes out when someone pisses you off
you’re a package deal and he’s not going to turn down a badass fighter spouse just because of a little mean streak
but also somebody please get this man a paracetamol and a spa day because he needs it
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HOT 100 HCs: Emily Prentiss
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Friends. Colleagues. I am starting a new thing (but not ending any old things, don't worry babes). I'm calling it HOT 100 Headcanons. Basically, I've created playlists for characters that include all the songs that they love and/or have shaped them in some way. I take cues from the canon characters (for example, canon Emily was a rocker in high school, so her playlist includes quite a bit of rock).
I don't know if anyone else will enjoy this or care about it and, frankly, I don't care. I really enjoyed making it, and I really do believe it's doing deep dives like this that help you really get to know a character (or your HC of them, anyway). Enjoy, if you're into that kind of thing!
HOT 100 HCs: Emily Prentiss
Note(s): When I think of the Criminal Minds characters, I always think of them as being Elite Team-age in the present. If Paget Brewster’s age roughly equals Emily’s, then Emily joined the BAU when she was 36/37. If we move the Elite Team timeline up so it starts in 2024, she’d have been born in 1987. That’s the date I work from when calculating these Hot 100 Lists.
(Also, the first parentheses is the date the song was released. The second is the age Emily was when it was released.)
Nat King Cole, “Nature Boy” (March 29, 1948) (N/A)
Emily’s grandfather didn’t have tapes or CDs at his chalet in the French Alps, but he did have a turntable, and Nat King Cole was one of his favorites to spin. Now it always reminds Emily of him. She still likes to spin Nat King Cole and dance with you in the living room.
2. Édith Piaf, “Milord” (May 8, 1949) (N/A)
Another record straight from her grandfather’s house. They listened to a lot of Édith Piaf, but this was her favorite as a little girl. She thought it was funny, and it helped her learn how to do uvular trills, since French wasn’t her first language.
3. Juliette Gréco, “Sur les quais du vieux Paris” (October 1951) (N/A)
Little Emily didn’t get to go to Paris much, mostly just as a stopover on the way to her grandfather’s. But whenever her grandfather brought her back to her mom, he’d take her around Paris for a day, and she always thought it was the most magical place in the world.
4. Georges Brassens, “Je Me Suis Fait Tout Petit” (February 2, 1956) (N/A)
Her grandfather played classical-style guitar and loved the work of Georges Brassens. He often played it and sang for Emily. Georges Brassens was a significantly better singer than her grandfather was, but sometimes Emily wishes she had a recording of her grandfather instead of Brassens. Nevertheless, listening to it still reminds her of sitting with him on the hillsides while he played.
5. Léo Ferré, “L’affiche rouge” (February 1961) (N/A)
Another favorite of Emily’s grandfather. He was a star of French chanson, a folk music tradition driven heavily by lyrics, almost like poetry put to music. Her grandfather would sometimes read her the poems first and then play her the songs afterward.
6. Marie Laforêt, “Marie douceur, Marie colère” (1966) (N/A)
One of Emily’s first favorite rock songs. She heard this version long before she even knew who Mick Jagger was and, to this day, she could defend in a dissertation-length essay why Marie Laforêt’s lyrics are better than the original.
7. Jacqueline Taieb, “Le cœur au bout des doigts” (1967) (N/A)
A dancing-in-the-living-room standby for Emily at her grandfather’s.
8. Patty Pravo, “La bambola” (May 1968) (N/A)
Emily didn’t discover this one until she lived in Italy, but it’s a perfect sad song, great for dramatically belting in your room or in the car. Which is exactly what she did for months after the asshole of a boy who knocked her up dropped her and she had to go through the abortion process almost alone.
9. Maxime Le Forestier, “San Francisco” (1971) (N/A)
One of the “newest” records her grandfather owned. He only conceded to buying it because Maxime Le Forestier covered so much of Georges Brassens’ work. He ended up loving it. Emily’s first instinct is still to pronounce “San Francisco” like Le Forestier does in this song.
10. Meat Loaf, “I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” (October 21, 1977) (N/A)
Inexplicably, Meat Loaf is one of the only English-speaking artists that Emily’s grandfather liked.
11. Lio, “Le Banana Split” (November 1979) (N/A)
Her grandfather hated this song so much, but she loved it, so he bought it for her anyway. Teeny baby Emily could not get enough of the word “banana,” in any language.
12. Grover Washington, Jr., “Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers)” (1980) (N/A)
Emily’s mom loves Bill Withers. One of Emily’s best memories of childhood is dancing to this song with her mom. Now her favorite memory is dancing to it with you at your wedding.
13. Yazoo, “Only You” (August 16, 1982) (N/A)
A regular on Emily’s mom’s boom box when Emily was young.
14. Metallica, “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (July 27, 1984) (N/A)
Discovered during *Emily's teen rock era.*
15. Madonna, “Into the Groove” (July 15, 1985) (N/A)
Emily’s mom is a big Madonna fan, so there was a lot of Madonna in little Emily’s house.
16. Siouxsie and the Banshees, “Cities in Dust” (April 21, 1986) (N/A)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
17. Berlin, “Take My Breath Away” (May 13, 1986) (N/A)
Top Gun was Emily’s mom’s favorite movie for a solid decade of her childhood, so Emily was very familiar with the music. This song was her favorite.
18. Alannah Myles, “Black Velvet” (March 14, 1989) (1)
Emily will tell you that she remembers being young and trying on her mom’s makeup in front of the mirror to this song.
19. Metallica, “Enter Sandman” (August 12, 1991) (3)
Discovered during *Emily's teen rock era.*
20. Nirvana, “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (September 26, 1991) (3)
Didn’t discover Nirvana until her teen years, but Nevermind remains one of her favorite albums of all time.
21. Lara Fabian, “Je Suis Malade” (1994) (6)
Tiny little Emily heard this in a café in Paris with her mom and begged her mom to buy it on vinyl so she could bring it to her grandfather’s. Her mom obliged, mostly to shut her up, and Emily spent all summer listening to it. It was the first song that ever gave her chills. She still knows every word, still loves to belt it in the car, and still swears up and down that Lara Fabian’s version is better than Celine Dion’s.
22. Tori Amos, “Cornflake Girl” (January 31, 1994) (6)
Emily’s mom went through a real Tori Amos phase. Little Emily genuinely thought this song was about cereal and asked her mom to play it over and over again.
23. Beck, “Loser” (March 1, 1994) (6)
Little Emily loved the slide guitar and that the song said “loser,” which her mom did not let her call anyone.
24. Bush, “Comedown” (December 6, 1994) (7)
Emily was late to discover a lot of ‘90s and 2000s rock because it was hard to access non-mainstream American music abroad, but when iTunes came around when she was 13 or 14, she spent an ungodly amount of her mom’s money buying songs and albums, including this one.
25. Collective Soul, “December” (March 15, 1995) (7)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
26. April March, “Le Temps de l’amour” (October 20, 1995) (8)
Another favorite from her French summers. A sneak peak of later punk rock Emily.
27. April March, “Chick Habit” (October 20, 1995) (8)
Emily lords it over every gay she knows that she knew this song from the original album and not from But I’m a Cheerleader. But she does love But I’m a Cheerleader… This was her favorite CD for a solid year or more.
28. The Smashing Pumpkins, “Bullet with Butterfly Wings” (October 23, 1995) (8)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
29. OMC, “How Bizarre” (January 1, 1996) (8)
A favorite track on Emily’s favorite CD, Now That’s What I Call Music! 3.
30. Backstreet Boys, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” (May 6, 1996) (8)
All the kids knew this one, in any country Emily visited or lived in.
31. Khaled, “Aïcha” (November 1996) (9)
Emily’s mom was the U.S. ambassador to Oman for a few years during Emily’s childhood. Emily learned Arabic quickly and tried very hard, as she did in all the places she lived, to fit in seamlessly with the people around her. So, of course, the songs she sang and danced to with her friends were the ones popular in Oman at the time.
32. Third Eye Blind, “Jumper” (April 8, 1997)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
33. Rachid Taha, “Ya Rayah” (August 5, 1997) (9)
Another favorite of Emily and her friends during her time in Oman. They even had a little choreographed dance they did all together.
34. Will Smith, “Miami” (October 3, 1997) (9)
Tiny Emily genuinely thought she was the baddest little bitch in the world for knowing all these lyrics, despite having never been to Miami or a club or anything.
35. Britney Spears, “...Baby One More Time” (January 12, 1999) (9)
Honestly, what ‘90s kid didn’t have a formative moment with a Britney Spears song?
36. Buena Vista Social Club, “Chan Chan” (September 16, 1997) (9)
Emily was an adult when she discovered Buena Vista Social Club, but they’re one of her very favorites on vinyl now. She started listening to them while she learned Spanish in college.
37. Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” (October 4, 1997) (9)
Discovered during *Emily’s teenage rock era*
38. Hakim, “Wala Wahed” (1998) (10)
Emily’s mom was transferred to Cairo in 1998, where Emily had to start over again–but thankfully not with a completely new language. She really liked sha’bi music, and her best friend’s dad played drums in a jeel band.
39. Less Than Jake, “All My Best Friends Are Metalheads” (January 1, 1998) (11)
One of Emily’s earlier alt finds. She loved it.
40. Cher, “Believe” (October 19, 1998) (11)
Another favorite of Emily’s mom’s. On repeat in little Emily’s kitchen in Cairo.
41. Alaa Zalzali, “Akli Tar” (1999) (11)
Emily was obsessed with this song and the whole album because it combined two languages she knew and loved: Arabic and French.
42. Crazy Town, “Butterfly” (November 4, 1999) (12)
Emily loved this song so much, and she jokes that looking back it should have been a huge flag that she was gay.
43. A Perfect Circle, “Judith” (January 1, 2000) (12)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
44. Anastacia, “I’m Outta Love” (February 29, 2000) (12)
Even Emily’s hard little rock heart still loved a pop anthem.
45. Pascale Machaalani, “Nour El Chams” (June 25, 2000) (12)
All the girls in Cairo wanted to be Pascale Machaalani. Think of her as the Beyoncé of Emily’s preteen years.
46. Rage Against The Machine, “Renegades” (December 5, 2000) (13)
One of the first rock songs Emily discovered and fell in love with. She still knows all the words.
47. Staind, “Outside” (May 22, 2001) (13)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
48. System of a Down, “Toxicity” (September 4, 2001) (13)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
49. Noir Désir, “La vent nous portera” (September 11, 2001) (13)
Even when she lived in the Middle East, Emily still spent summers with her grandfather in France. As always, he’d let her have a day in Paris when she flew in, and she always visited a music store to buy all the new French alt albums she could find.
50. Hoobastank, “Crawling In The Dark” (November 20, 2001) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
51. Saliva, “Always” (January 1, 2002) (14)
Emily’s mom considered sending her to therapy because she listened to this song so much.
52. Seether, “Driven Under” (January 1, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
53. Seether, “Fine Again” (January 1, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
54. Sum 41, “The Hell Song” (January 1, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
55. Mango, “La rondine” (July 9, 2002) (14)
Wildly popular while Emily lived in Italy. Think of him as the Peter Gabriel of Italian music.
56. Chevelle, “The Red” (October 8, 2002) (14)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
57. Audioslave, “Cochise” (November 17, 2002) (15)
Italy Emily was baby rocker Emily, but she wasn’t very external about it because the Catholic church was not a fan.
58. Evanescence, “Bring Me To Life” (March 4, 2003) (15)
Another song that was on repeat for Emily post-abortion. Sweet baby Emily was so depressed and honestly really needed to go to therapy. She wouldn’t say she likes the song now, exactly, but it brings her back to a specific time and place that were very formative for her.
59. Linkin Park, “Lying from You” (March 25, 2003) (15)
A classic teenager Linkin Park moment.
60. The Darkness, “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” (July 7, 2003) (15)
*Emily’s teenage rock era*
61. Three Days Grace, “I Hate Everything About You” (July 22, 2003) (15)
Emily will tell you that this song is what she felt like most of the time in Italy, trying really hard to fit in, trying to like boys, really liking girls, all-in-all having a terrible time.
62. Jet, “Are You Gonna Be My Girl” (September 15, 2003) (15)
Emily jokes that this one also should have been a dead giveaway that she liked girls.
63. Keane, “Somewhere Only We Know” (May 10, 2004) (16)
She will never admit it, but this song still makes her cry.
64. Seether, “Remedy” (January 1, 2005) (17)
Emily is a little embarrassed about liking Seether so much, but she really does.
65. Negrita, “Rotolando Verso Sud” (January 21, 2005) (17)
A favorite of Emily’s after she and her mom moved back to the States in 2004. She felt very out of place, which makes sense considering she’d grown up across several countries. She found a lot of comfort in listening to music in her other languages, since she didn’t really get to hear it spoken anymore.
66. Negramaro, “Estate” (February 7, 2005) (17)
By this point, Emily's deep in her rebellious rocker phase. Because it’s Emily, her dramatic rocker music is in several languages, though.
67. System of a Down, “Lonely Day” (November 22, 2005) (18)
Technically not a teenager anymore, an adult. But now her music taste is pretty solidly set on rock (with some variations here and there).
68. Rihanna, “SOS” (April 10, 2006) (18)
Not usually a big pop fan, but she has a huge soft spot for Rihanna. Particularly this song because she says that’s how obsessive she is about you. It always makes you laugh.
69. AFI, “Prelude 12/21” (June 6, 2006) (18)
She’s a drama queen, she just won’t admit it.
70. My Chemical Romance, “Teenagers” (19)
*Emily’s adult rock era*
71. Fall Out Boy, “Thnks fr th Mmrs” (January 1, 2007) (19)
Yes, even Emily likes listening to Fall Out Boy sometimes.
72. Avril Lavigne, “Girlfriend” (April 17, 2007) (19)
Okay, but who doesn’t love Avril Lavigne?
73. Linkin Park, “Given Up” (May 14, 2007) (19)
Adult Emily still loves Linkin Park. It’s nostalgic now.
74. Vampire Weekend, “A-Punk” (January 29, 2008) (20)
*Emily’s adult rock era* (but make it less dramatic and depressing than usual)
75. Max Gazzè, “Il Solito Sesso” (February 29, 2008) (20)
Sure, she’s in college, but she still loves Italian music and keeps up with her friends from Italy. Plus, she’s starting to accept that she likes girls, and the girls love it when she speaks Italian.
76. Katy Perry, “I Kissed a Girl” (June 17, 2008) (20)
Loves this song for very obvious reasons. Plus, when this came out there wasn’t really much queer girl music and Emily was in her feral, fresh-out-of-the-closet baby lesbian era.
77. Halestorm, “Mz. Hyde” (April 9, 2012) (24)
Oof. Big ol’ crush on Lzzy Hale.
78. Superheaven, “Youngest Daughter” (April 5, 2013) (25)
Once a rocker, always a rocker.
79. Indila, “Tourner Dans Le Vide” (February 24, 2014) (26)
Emily is a huge fan of Indila because her music sounds like a combination of French and Arabic, and it reminds of her childhood.
80. Highly Suspect, “Lydia” (July 17, 2015) (27)
Big fan of Highly Suspect.
81. K. Flay, “Blood In The Cut” (April 17, 2017) (29)
Hearkening back to her dramatic-ass punk-rock youth.
82. Polo & Pan, “Cœur croisé” (May 19, 2017) (29)
Emily loves Polo & Pan. They’re her go-to for international air travel. Something about their music just feels like whimsy and adventure to her.
83. Pomme, “Ceux qui rêvent” (October 6, 2017) (29)
Emily is a dramatic French woman at heart, and you love her for it.
84. Beck, “Dreams” (October 13, 2017) (30)
Beck? Of course she loves Beck. She’s loved Beck since “Loser” came out when she was six.
85. Death Cab for Cutie, “Northern Lights” (August 17, 2018) (30)
For when she’s in her feels.
86. Muse, “Pressure (feat. UCLA Bruin Marching Band)” (November 9, 2018) (31)
It’s Muse. Duh.
87. Alice Merton, “Roots” (January 29, 2019) (31)
Loves this because (a) it’s a fun song and (b) she really relates to the lyrics.
88. Vanille, “Suivre le soleil” (June 7, 2019) (31)
Her go-to for when you’re driving on vacation in the French Riviera. Coincidentally, you don’t know that she’s ever been more attractive driving a convertible with a sun hat on blaring French music that she knows all the words too while treating you to a vacation on the Mediterranean Sea.
89. The Black Keys, “Go” (June 28, 2019) (31)
The Black Keys lean a little blues-rock for Emily usually, but their music is just so damn catchy. Plus, you love them, and that makes her love them.
90. Harry Styles, “Watermelon Sugar” (December 13, 2019)
Loves this song for one reason and one reason only: she heard it was about eating a girl out. She hasn’t heard Billie Eilish’s “LUNCH” yet and, honestly, you’re afraid to show her.
91. The Strokes, “Why Are Sundays So Depressing” (April 10, 2020)
She loves The Strokes. And, also, she thinks Sundays are depressing because she knows she’ll have to leave you and go back to work the next day.
92. cleopatrick, “THE DRAKE” (March 11, 2021) (33)
A current fave. Plus she likes that their Spotify artist description is just “guitar band.” She thinks that’s hilarious.
93. Halestorm, “Back From The Dead” (August 18, 2021) (33)
Emily is, through and through, a Lzzy Hale girl. She was 21 when their first album came out and had a massive crush on Lzzy.  Didn’t know if she wanted to be her or be with her. Lowkey still doesn’t know. You tease her about it relentlessly.
94. Muse, “Will Of The People” (June 1, 2022) (34)
Muse, because duh.
95. Madelline, “dopamine - Version Française” (May 12, 2023) (35)
Still a sucker for French pop all these years later.
96. KennyHoopla, “YOU NEEDED A HIT//” (May 19, 2023) (35)
KennyHoopla brings her straight back to her 2000s rock roots, and she’s obsessed.
97. Mother Mother, “To My Heart” (September 15, 2023) (35)
A new discovery for Emily, but she’s really into them right now.
98. Mammothor, “Inside Out” (December 15, 2023) (36)
*Emily’s adult rock era*
99. St. Vincent, “Broken Man” (February 29, 2024) (36)
Emily loves St. Vincent. She’s not much of a concert person, but you did take her to see St. Vincent for her birthday once and she was over the moon.
100. Doña Manteca, “Tengo una Debilidad” (May 10, 2024) (36)
You found them on TikTok before their album came out and sent it to her. She pre-ordered their album on vinyl, and it’s her favorite thing to dance with you to right now.
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