#baby shady
charmsponies · 1 month
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It’s MOVIE NIGHT for the My little ponies 🍿🎥📺
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imreadydollparts · 1 year
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BBE Baby Shady
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lepusrufus · 5 months
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I for one believe in Shadowzel having parallel stories of getting fucked over by Shar and Vlaakith in every AU supremacy, this time shitty mothers edition.
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bruciemilf · 7 months
hiii ily tell some more abt silly little bruce wayne
Baby Bruce gets kidnapped. A lot
Luckily for all involved, it happens when he’s a little too young to comprehend what kidnapping IS. It does seem rather odd that mama and papa fire cooks, gardeners, and drivers so often.
(‘Fire’ is the childproof version of ‘we slaughtered these bastards in the basement’)
Thomas is very protective over him and has huge doubts about leaving him unattended. It’s just kind of hard being around your child when you reek of murder all the time
Alfred can handle it, but there’s a collective mourning in the fact that he HAS to.
Very shy kid; Aside from Oliver and Harvey, he never made a lot of friends, but then again, his parents don’t have that many either. He has his uncle Oz and his stuffed toys, and Alfie, and that’s alright with him
I think Thomas and Martha would love for him to have some, but you just can’t be too sure, ever
I think he’d make good friends with Alberto Falcone; Thomas knows an unwanted child when he sees one, so Carmine’s little son is always welcomed around.
“you know, you’re nothing like your dad” for Alberto, that’s a compliment.
Martha was an expert marksman and definitely thought him how to handle guns, but she always made a game out of it. Can’t be too harsh with the baby
Bruce was a mafioso baby let’s be real
Thomas was big on spoiling him, but he also made it clear Gotham didn’t have favorites; She can, thought, pick sides sometimes.
After he and Martha get killed, Bruce wonders why she didn’t pick theirs.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Finders Givers | Prompted by @aellafreya
Some may call it a dangerous thing. Some may argue for its ability to lead you to the truth of things. Some may claim it leads you to temptation, to regret, to suffering.
Steve Harrington, was curious.
He’d found the source of his curiosity while visiting a bar he’d planned on purchasing. It wasn’t a huge establishment. Or a well known one. Not exactly big bucks in the making but it was sat in a prime location atop a cellar that led to miles of underground tunnels which frankly.
He wanted.
He wanted them and not for legal reasons either. The tunnels weren’t on any official city map, predating them, Robin and Nancy, his right hand, and his researcher, found them by pure chance while on a fun little jaunt through the local libraries.
Fun being a stretch for Robin, but she needed to hang out with another woman her own age. And so did Nancy.
But he wanted those tunnels, they stretched all over the damn city, with just a little bit of work they could pop up anywhere, perfect for many a less than legal activity.
So many by-chance happenings had led him to that ratty little bi-fold leather wallet. Wasn’t even quality leather either. It looked old too, black with an embossed devil head pattern that probably came from some truck stop somewhere.
He could have just handed it in to the owner he was trying to buy out, could have even thrown it away, but curiosity was a devil sometimes. So there he was, sat down at one of the many tables in that little bar while one of his people did the majority of his work for him (honestly what’s the point of having people if they cant do your work for you?) perusing the contents and feeling more and more depressed by the second.
First, there was a wad of coupons and a single quarter in there instead of bills, which was never a good sign.
Second, a single, solitary, sad, badly rolled little joint.
Third. A single bank card with Mr E J Munson on it. Not even a credit card, just. A debit. Which statistically didn’t mean great things about this person’s credit score. Could just mean the owner was trying to avoid debt, but… doubtful.
Fourth, a stick of gum.
Fifth, a guitar pick.
Sixth, a library card, oof couldn’t even afford to buy the books.
An expired driver’s license desperately in need of renewal registered to Edward Joseph Munson, the photo made him look like he’d just gotten out of jail or some shit, his hair a terrible buzzcut and eyes too big, too dark, and too haunted to be anything else, but then that was just sometimes how those photos turned out. He could have been a totally innocent man!
It had his address on it, a few descriptors, height half an inch shorter than Steve himself, brown hair, brown eyes, male, 140lbs at point of issue (he’d been seventeen), date of issue, issuing State, along with a date of birth, clocking him at a year older than Steve, twenty nine, and… that he was apparently a donor.
And finally, a month old pay stub from a local fast food joint. So minimum wage worker at best.
It was… kind of sad really. Steve actually looked up the address on his phone, just for curiosities sake, because he was already in deep enough to look through a guy’s wallet, might as well google the poor saps address, just in case he felt charitable enough to drop it off on the way back to the high rise.
Oh there was that deep sadness some people might yell ‘I told you so’ about.
It wasn’t bad. But it sure as shit wasn’t good either. Steve knew of at least six bottom dweller drug dealers that operated out of that block, which explained the joint.
And also made him sadder about the joint, the weed probably wasn’t even all that good.
“Hey Robbie?” His long time friend and platonic soulmate turned her bored gaze over to him, she’d been playing angry birds on her phone, he could hear the war cries of those birds every time she launched one. “We done any charity this quarter?”
“Mmmmmnmnnnnoooooo?” It always looked good to the public for a rich guy like him to do charity work. Wouldn’t look too deeply into him if he was seen publicly doing good. “Unless you count telling Dustin to go wild in that nerd shop last week as ‘charity’, your child nearly emptied the damn shop.”
“Nah that was his birthday present, can’t call that charity.” He wasn’t going to reiterate that Dustin wasn’t his child. He was basically mom at that point.
“Alright, so what’re you thinking?” She sat up, turning to face him properly, putting her phone screen down on the table “Sponsoring something? A drive? There’s this cute little animal shelter in Japan called HEART I read about last month, ran by just a woman and her husband working with volunteers, could be a good thing to donate to? Helping animals is always good for PR.”
“…Those sound way better than what I was thinking, this guy’s wallet is bumming me out.” The expression on her face could have probably put grumpy cat to shame. “Pick one of your choices and do something with it, whichever you want. Imma do something about this wallet.” It didn’t have to be a big PR stunt, the fact that he was doing it on the DL as well? It always came back around all sunshine and roses because people believed it was totally selfless.
Didn’t do it for PR, couldn’t be doing it for PR, he hadn’t announced it.
It was always for PR. Always. The reaction just took a little longer to circulate and people were suckers.
“Just give it back to him? That should be charity enough. It’s like nine bucks to replace a driver’s license, you’re saving him nine bucks. Charity.”
“For someone who started out poor, you’re awful, Robin Buckley. Deal with this bar thing for me would you? I’m going to go on an adventure.” Curiosity was a powerful thing!
“Alright but if you come home with another stray I’m suing!”
“That was—”
“Seven times Steve! Seven!!” It wasn’t his fault that he struggled to see teenagers down on their luck. And four of them were two sets of siblings so it technically counted as one time per set, and one came with Nancy so—!
“Fine!” –So, he wouldn’t argue.
Empires weren’t built with throw away people who held no loyalty to you although he did have many of those on staff. Empires like his were built on the foundation of family, and while the one he’d grown up with was a little bit lacklustre, the one he’d built was perfect.
So he wouldn’t argue, he knew she loved them just as much as he did, in her own way, and that any additions would be welcomed with open arms.
Steve didn’t take the car. Although he probably should have, he knew at least three of his people would be following him, keeping an eye on him for safety reasons. At a distance of course but they’d be tailing him for the sake of safety.
That neighbourhood wasn’t safe. No matter if he had a weapon on him or not, it wasn’t safe for people like him.
People with visible wealth.
The watch on his wrist alone was probably worth more than some of the buildings in that neighbourhood, and it wasn’t exactly early in the day either. The sun setting made for an excellent ‘rich person in the wrong goddamn neighbourhood’ future police report.
But he made it to his destination unscathed.
The fast food joint from that pay stub. He even double checked the address on it. The chances of this Edward Munson being there were low, but that was fine, he just wanted to check it out. The atmosphere in there, the management styles, he’d hang out in the corner, get a cheap coffee and people watch for a while. See how fun Edward's work life was so he could add it to his decision making tree.
Curiosity really was one depressing little bitch baby.
The manager on staff was loud. Rude. Sexist. And he was pretty sure he’d made one of the staff cry because she’d hurried out very quickly rubbing at her face and sniffling. The temptation to put out a hit on him? High. But no, that was a lot for one asshole… maybe he’d just send Jane out, let the kid take his knees out.
She deserved a little bastard ba—
Someone beat him to it. A commotion later started by someone with a lot of hair, hair that’d been put up in a net and half hidden beneath the uniform’s god awful mustard yellow cap. It’d been two hits, the guy hitting him, and the manager hitting the floor, blood pouring from a very broken nose, spectacular.
The rest of the staff looked on in wide eyed horror, one yelping “Eddie, holy shit!” as the man pulled his cap off to reveal all that hair. “You’re so fired!”
“Didn’t need this shit show anyway! Chris an I quit, peace out assholes!!” Eddie. Eddie. Steve rose to his feet. Godawful coffee forgotten in the face of the mystery Edward, who caught his eye once before continuing on his way, all big brown frankly beautiful Bambi eyes, less haunted but still so big, full, kissable lips, and god, so much hair, going in the same direction as the blonde who’d disappeared to probably go and cry.
Eddie did need that job. He really needed that job. Steve had seen the state of his wallet. He needed that job, or at least he needed the paycheque that came from that job. Couldn’t even afford to buy his own books! He rented them, he rented books.
God, Robin was gonna judge him so bad for the person he was about to become.
Part 2
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livetogether--diealone · 11 months
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oh he's speaking
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vicsy · 3 months
chalex / care ❤️
"Oh my god."
Alex hears Charles before he spots him sidestepping Fernando's ridiculous scooter, weaving through the Saturday paddock crowd and beelining towards the entrance of the Williams motorhome, which had just enough luck not share the fate of McLaren's. The weekend promises to be shit on a stick but something's gotta give. Alex is grateful for small miracles like the one he's currently trying to prevent from jumping out of his rather capable hands.
"Found him chewing on a plant in catering," Alex quips and as soon as he does, Leo finally wiggles his way out, leaping into Charles' waiting arms. "Little guy gave you quite a heart attack, yeah?"
Charles can't really respond, busy being under the merciless attack of puppy kisses all over his face and Alex can't help a smile, endlessly endeared. It's the cute puppy factor, he half-convinces himself, shirking his hands into his jean pockets. Charles yelps when Leo bites him on the chin and Alex's heart wraps itself in fondness. Definitely, it's just the dog, not the one enduring all the slobbering. Sure.
"Oh my god, Leo! I don't know how he got out," Charles says, breathless with relief. He tucks Leo into his chest and Alex notices how much the puppy's grown, no longer fitting in the palm of Charles' hand. Leo starts bumping his snout at the chain Charles wears around his neck. Alex stares at the picture perfect for entirely too long. "I almost lost my mind looking for him before you texted me. Thank you so much, Alex. You're my hero. This could have been a disaster."
"Well, I do have a zoo," Alex enunciates and Charles laughs, so bright and open, his face all scrunched up as if he's looking at the sun but that's just Alex is front of him. Just the little ol' him. "Solving an animal related crisis is sort of a given. So yeah, any time, mate. If you ever need any help, I'm your guy."
An underdog for your dog, Alex's mind provides and he bites the inside of his cheek.
Charles looks like a dream in a white, baggy t-shit and those abysmal jeans, holding a puppy to his chest like it's the most precious creature in the world. And it's a dream catered specifically to Alex, wired straight to his synapses, and his mind veers dangerously close to the pits of yearning. Every week is a losing battle as it is. Alex can't compete.
He kind of freezes, momentarily stumped, when Charles goes in for a quick hug. Which is fine and super normal thing to do, he's high on emotion, whatever. Leo gets inevitably sandwiched between their chests. Alex eventually figures his way back into the basics of human interaction and wraps one arm awkwardly around Charles, then places his other hand on Charles' forearm in a makeshift attempt at a barrier. The usual hubbub of a race weekend passes them by and Alex hopes to keep his wits about him while he's got 'em. At the back of his mind, he registers the press of something cold and wet to the underside of his jaw.
Leo's sneeze goes off like a tiny bomb.
"Oh, Leo," Charles sighs apologetically, rocking back and out his embrace. Alex doesn't mind some dog snot. He lets his touch linger, fingers tucked into the crook of Charles' elbow, next to Leo's tiny paws. "Thanks again, Alex. For taking care of Leo for me."
"No worries, Charles."
Alex wishes he didn't need to let go but they've got to race and he can't keep staring at Charles' lovely, mole-dotted face all fucking day. He plasters on a smile that digs into his cheeks way too hard and his hand falls limply to his side in quiet surrender. Alex wishes for unattainable and watches Charles head back to his team, to his red car, to the people who worship the ground he walks on. Before he disappears around the corner, Charles turns, carefully grabbing Leo's tiny paw, and waves Alex goodbye with it.
Alex wishes it wasn't just about the dog.
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it.
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heckyeahponyscans · 6 months
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G1 My Little Pony folder
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multiversal-pudding · 1 month
Enough fics of Sebastian’s lover/spouse going down and infiltrating/storming the facility to find him well actually not bc I love that s$&!
Do you know what I wanna see
I wanna see a fic where Sebastian’s MOTHER goes and raises hell looking for her long-dead son-
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charmsponies · 2 months
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🩷💛🕶️ Shady 🕶️💛🩷
(Featuring Baby Shady~ Their hair color is everything to me 🥰🥰)
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shadyteacup · 1 year
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
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sidhewrites · 2 months
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Lovely wall ya got there
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queen-ofheartss · 4 months
If Armand has zero fans I’m dead, someone pls save my baby cause he needs therapy and ACTUAL LOVE 😭
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goatpaste · 1 year
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Wahoo, thank you to those who indulged me and my sudden need to draw G1 ponies again <3
look at my horsies boy >:3
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Omg how funny would it be if like, the end-credits scene for Ahsoka was Ezra going to visit Zeb because Filoni if you don't give me the brothers reunited I swear and they're catching up outside the house and Zeb is like "yeah no my life's been pretty good, except Sasha can't grow a decent meiloorun" and the normal people will be like ooh, Sasha, who's she, wonder if she's pretty, and we're gonna be like hanging off the ceiling crying screaming throwing up bc Sasha? Sasha!?!?!! and then Kallus comes out the house and he's like "I heard you slandering my meilooruns Garazeb, they might look funny but they taste fine" and the crowd goes WILD
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