#baby you are down so bad for jeff it's not even funny
theangiediary · 8 months
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domsaysstuff · 1 year
Okay so this idea has been rocking around my empty skull for some time now just we know that Eddie can be a pretty mean DM and a shithead and I've been thinking abt romances in D&D and how it would work in Hellfire
And I had this thought that Eddie would like be "no romances!!" to the Corroded Coffin group (before the kids joined) and they're like why? and Eddie just to tease them says that he doesn't want to pretend to fall for their smelly ugly faces
Which just motivates them to try and seduce like every character that Eddie introduces for a fucking month and it leads to the creation of the rule: Every romance/seduction directed roll must be rolled above 15 to succeed AND if Eddie decides that the attempt is particularly bad the roll is with disadvantage
The Corroed Coffin boys are obviously teasingly like ohhh so we get an advantage if it's good?
"Doubt that would happen boys, but sure, if you make me, Eddie fucking Munson, to blush like a fair maiden then you'll get the advantage on the roll"
They try, they really do, but all the CC boys succeed in doing is killing off all of their party in three sessions and Gareth who is a little shit is actually rolling his third character (because the consequences of a failure are fucking brutal) by the time Jeff and [unnamed freak] give up
After that they know better (except Gareth who still sometimes does that just to annoy Eddie and be a little shit) to try and then the kids join Hellfire and Eddie has even less of an desire to flirt with fucking Wheeler, Henderson and Sinclair (they're baby children!!)
But the kids are a little shits too and they see Gareth being a little shit so they copy
It ends badly for them, they gripe about Eddie being unfair because like "all three of us have girlfriends Eddie and you don't so we clearly know more about romance then you do" Dustin not only gets a flick on the head for that but his character might have ended up being put into situations™ throughout the session that are "totally unfair!"
But fair to say all of Hellfire knows the rules and all of hellfire knows that no matter how well they try and how smooth they are (they really aren't ever smooth) Eddie will not blush or even consider they attempts as "good", the best they got was "tolerable" (Lucas got it and he's still very proud of it, as he deserves okay?), Eddie is impossible to fluster and so it's just is this fun thing they sometimes do when they feel particularly like little shits
And that's it about it
Until Vecna and all the upside down shit and the surprising friendship of Eddie and Steve happens
And suddenly Steve Harrington is not only sitting but playing D&D
Everything is going actually pretty good and Dustin practically vibrates out of his chair at how proud he is of Steve for how well he is doing so far and then
And then Steve tries to flirt with a pretty bard
Dustin deflates, he is ready for the absolute disaster that is going to fall upon Steve, he makes eye contact with Lucas - both of them ready with "it was actually a pretty good line tho!" at the tip of their tongues to defend Steve's decisions, he doesn't know Eddie's special rules after all and it would be funny to see Steve fail, sure, but it's Steve's first game and the kids wanted it to be good for Steve so convincing him to play again would be easier
But now Eddie is going to absolutely rip into him and Steve will never want to play again and-
"Roll with advantage" Dustin gasps, audibly, loudly, the room is silent, except for Steve who's very unaware of the chaos he just created and just rolls the dices, his usual confidence in place
And if someone looked closely - and all of the hellfire is fucking looking - Eddie Munson has indeed a light blush on his face
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steventhusiast · 4 months
STWG prompt 11/2/24
prompt: date night
pairing/character(s): steddie, hellfire club
it's valentine's week!! hopefully i can do all the prompts this week :)
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"And with that, the barkeep..."
Eddie pauses in his storytelling to glance away from the notes hidden by his DM screen and over to the clock. His eyes widen at the time. Is it really 7:53pm already? Shit.
"With that, this session is over. You'll find out what happens with the angry barkeep next week!"
Everyone in the room groans at that, a chorus of 'seriously's and 'what the hell, Eddie's starting up even as he hurries to put his notes back into his DnD folder, and dumps all his dice into his bag haphazardly.
No one seems to notice for a moment, too busy complaining about the cliffhanger, when Gareth suddenly pauses and examines Eddie with a curious look on his face.
"Hold on, you promised we'd finally find out more about the temple this session? Where was that?"
Eddie huffs in response, and doesn't even look up as he starts folding his DM screen.
"Yeah, that was before you guys decided to talk to every single person at the tavern for an hour and start a barfight."
"That's never stopped you from getting us to where you want us before!"
"Yeah!" "Exactly!" "Please, Eddie. What happens with the barkeep."
Eddie waves a hand at everyone, and looks up to see the younger kids complaining quietly to each other, and his closer friends still seeming to inspect him carefully. He supposes they're valid in that; he's not one to back down from his plans, and has never cut off a session like this before.
But. Today is special. Today he has...
"Oh my god, you have a date." Jeff suddenly says, his eyes a little wider than usual as he grabs at Freak's arm.
"What?! Who the fuck would he have a date with?" Freak scoffs.
Eddie ignores the blush fighting to appear on his cheeks and starts collecting all of his figurines scattered around the table.
"Eddie has a date?" Mike suddenly joins in from across the room.
And, great, now the baby sheep are involved too.
"It is none of you guys's business what plans I have after this session. But, really, I gotta go." Eddie tries, but now Dustin's attention is on him as well.
"That's so funny! Steve has a date tonight too- that's why we had to ask Nancy to pick us up tonight." He says with a laugh.
Eddie laughs along with him, a little strained now because Gareth, Jeff and Freak are now squinting at him.
"Yes.. What a coincidence." Gareth says slowly as Eddie continues to pointedly avoid eye contact.
"Anyway! Got a lot to, uh. Do. Running a bit behind schedule actually, so if you could.." Eddie says as he finally finishes shoving everything back into his backpack and throws it over his shoulder, gesturing toward the drama room's door.
The younger kids leave without much complaint, but Gareth, Jeff and Freak hang back and walk slowly alongside Eddie.
"So... Steve Harrington?" Jeff asks once the kids are out of earshot, his tone a little disbelieving.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing!" Freak slaps him on the shoulder disapprovingly as he speaks.
"It's not a bad thing! Just.. unexpected!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Eddie tries.
"Sure, sure. Enjoy your totally not a date night that's totally not with Steve 'the hair' Harrington." As Gareth says that, they've finally reached the doors and Eddie can well and truly escape.
He's going to have to break a few road laws if he wants to get to Steve's on time. It's only their third date, so sue him if he wants to try to make a good impression.
Even if Steve's been his friend for a few months now, and already knows about his horrible time-keeping skills.... It's still worth a try. Anything to woo Steve Harrington.
part two
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Why is it so fucking funny that Eddie scares Steve a lot on purpose and Steve scares Gareth just accidentally. Because now I’m imagining Eddie being frustrated because he can never scare Gareth and Steve does it without trying
Gareth’s parents are a stereotype of good parents from a small town. It’s as if you put all the good qualities of sitcom parents into a blender and poured them into two people.
They are supportive and kind. Gareth’s dad coached his little league baseball team (Steve was on this team too, btw) and never yelled at a kid once even when one kid ran the bases in the wrong direction. His mom was the Classroom Mother every year throughout elementary school. Hell, Gareth’s mother was the second adult that Eddie came out to.
Gareth’s parents are also hardcore horror fans.
Gareth has been going to haunted houses and cornfield mazes since he was a toddler, he grew up watching every horror movie they could get on tape, and Eddie could not scare him. It drove him crazy.
And it’s not that Eddie can’t make Gareth flinch. He can! If he raises his voice in the cafeteria or climbed on the table, if he sneered in the face of a bully and the bully hits back, if Eddie tsked at his D&D character’s next move – Gareth flinched.
But if Eddie jumped out to scare him? Nothing. Zilch. Nada.
It was infuriating. Even more so because Steve could jump scare him in his sleep.
It’s a case of bad luck, bad timing, or a terrible sleep schedule because Gareth is always the one awake when Harrington starts being weird on tour.
He woke up once and Steve was just staring at him with this blank empty look on his face. Gareth had the top bunk and slept with his back to the wall. Steve’s face was mere inches away from his when Gareth opened his eyes. He startled back so fast that his head hit the side of the bus hard enough to wake Jeff up.
 He went to the bathroom once in the middle of the night and when he opened the door, Steve was standing right there. He wasn’t even sleepwalking this time, just impatient about needing to piss.
Gareth couldn’t sleep one night when he heard Steve get out of bed. All he did was stand in the middle of the little sitting area of the bus, muttering something to himself. It didn’t seem like Eddie was going to wake up any time soon, so Gareth got out of bed and went to get him.
He grabbed Steve’s shoulder to put him back in bed when Steve swung at him, microphone stand in hand. Gareth stumbled back so fast, he tripped over his feet. He watched Steve with an eerily blank face raise the mic stand over his head, but never made contact when he swung down because there was a hand there suddenly.
Eddie’s hand was tight around the stand when Steve tried to pull it back and his eyes were uncharacteristically serious, but his tone was light, “Stevie, baby. It’s me. It’s Eddie. Where are you at in that big head of yours because we’re not there. The gate is closed. You’re on tour with me and Gareth. You’re safe. Everybody is safe.”
Once Gareth woke up, saw that Steve wasn’t with Eddie in the bunk below him and found him standing at the bus’ door. The bus that was currently going sixty miles per hour down the interstate. Gareth’s heart doesn’t stop pounding in his chest for hours after he convinced Steve to get back in bed. 
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ladykailitha · 6 months
The Magic of Christmas Part 5/8
The paladin theory is something that a good friend of mine came up with, that if a person was playing them unironically they tended to be self-righteous assholes who actually believed they were holier than thou. Now if you were doing it for fun or to riff on how paladins were self-righteous jerks, then it didn't apply.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
September was the hardest on Steve. All the kids were away at school, busy being students and living their lives. If it hadn’t been for Eddie, he wasn’t sure what he would have done.
“Who are you going to work on next?” Steve asked around his slice of pizza.
Eddie wiped his hands on his jeans. “The ranger sounded more fun, so Lucas is next.”
“You got a thing against paladins?” Steve asked, throwing him a couple of napkins.
“Every person that I have ever known that played one unironically have been assholes so...”
Steve started laughing and Eddie cocked his head to the side.
“What’s so funny?”
He wiped away a stray tear. “Mike is exactly like that.”
Eddie blinked. “Wait, really?”
Steve nodded, his eyes continuing to water as he fought back bales of laughter.
Eddie started laughing, too. Soon they were falling over each other just laughing their asses off when the girls found them like that ten minutes later.
“We are gone for less than an hour,” Chrissy huffed, “and we come back to find you giggling like children. Did Eddie break out the weed or something?”
The two men shook their heads.
“I was telling about Mike,” Steve insisted, “and he was telling me his theory that people that play paladins are assholes.”
Robin blinked for a moment and then started laughing too. Which set Steve and Eddie off again.
Chrissy just shook her head and put away the dessert Robin and she got, bringing out the beer to the sofa.
By the time she had finished all three of them had calmed down enough to explain.
“I’m going to have to tell the guys about this on Sunday,” Eddie said, holding his ribs.
“What happens on Sunday?” Robin asked, flopping on the sofa next to him.
Chrissy sat down on Eddie’s other side. “D&D with the Hellfire Club. Eddie DMs, while Jeff, Gareth, Brian and I play. It’s fun. Gareth has been fiercely battling Eddie over that nugget for years.”
Eddie grinned, all teeth. “He’s only bitter because he plays a paladin.”
That got them all laughing hysterically.
“That’s hilarious,” Robin said after they managed to calm down.
“So what’s on the docket tonight for my reeducation or whatever it is we call these things,” Steve asked.
“A double feature,” Eddie said excitedly. “Muppet fantasy. It’s fantastic.”
Steve turned to Robin, “I didn’t know Tammy Thompson made movies.”
Robin gasped. “You take that back!”
Chrissy and Eddie just looked at each in confusion.
“She sang like a Muppet!” Steve insisted.
“She did not!” Robin hissed. “She absolutely did not!”
Steve leaned over to get in her face. “Like a Muppet giving birth!”
“You’re horrible!” Robin groused.
Steve turned to the other two with a smile. “Tammy was Robin’s first baby gay crush in high school. She thought she could sing but she was the only one who thought so. Well, not counting the music teacher and her mother.”
Then he proceeded to sing horribly and high pitched so that everyone was laughing. Yes, even Robin.
“All right she was that bad,” Robin finally conceded.
Steve waved his hand at her. “Thank you!”
“I didn’t know you two met in high school,” Chrissy said. “That’s cute.”
Steve and Robin looked at each other and then burst out laughing.
“Everyone knew who Steve was,” Robin said, “captain of two of the three sports he played in. Rich, good looking, popular with the ladies. It was annoying.”
“I was also a bit of a mean girl,” Steve said with a half shrug. “We didn’t meet until after I graduated when my dad forced me to take the most humiliating job at the mall.”
Robin shuddered. “It was horrible. It was a nautical themed ice cream shop in the food court and we had wear these tiny sailor outfits.”
“Like the shorts on the boys’ costume was shorter than the girls’,” Steve said. “We measured.”
“At least the girls’ costume had shorts instead of skirt,” Chrissy said.
“Thank you!” Steve said throwing his arms in the air. “Tell that to this one!” He pointed at Robin.
“I would have gotten more dates if it had been a skirt is all I’m saying,” she replied haughtily.
“You were getting dates while I was getting made fun of,” Steve groused. “It was the stupid hat. It wouldn’t sit right for a start. My hair is too thick. I even tried not styling it. Nope still refused to stay on straight. Plus, I was famous for my hair in high school, so I thought it was hiding my best feature.”
Robin giggled. “I had a whiteboard and everything. ‘YOU SUCK’ on one side and ‘YOU RULE’ on the other. He never did get a single mark in that one.”
Eddie licked his lips slowly. “There–there wouldn’t be pictures of this is... outfit, would there?”
Robin threw her head back and laughed. “There’s a commercial.”
“No!” Chrissy gasped. “This I have to see!”
Robin grabbed the remote and found the YouTube channel for their smart TV. She logged into Eddie’s account with a grin.
When Steve realized what she was going to do, he made a dive for the remote. But Eddie tackled him to the floor.
“Quick!” Chrissy said. “What’s the name of the shop?”
Robin cackled. “Scoops Ahoy!”
Chrissy typed it in on her phone and grabbed the video that clearly had teenaged versions of their friends.
Steve immediately stopped struggling when the opening jingle started, allowing Eddie to get up and watch this absolute disaster of less than a minute’s worth of hell.
“Those are some criminally short shorts, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. He leaned forward and started cackling. “Does the register really say boobies?”
Chrissy leaned forward. “Oh my god! How did you get away with that?”
“Apparently film executives pop out of Hell as fully formed adults who wouldn’t know a joke if it bit them on the ass,” Steve said on the floor. He leaned his head back far enough to see the screen. He sighed. His hair looked like shit.
Eddie poked Steve in the ribs. “You looked cute.”
He held out his hand to Steve, who took it to get up. He plopped on the floor and leaned back against the sofa. “Yeah, you think so now, but I have no doubt you would have teased me for it back then.”
Robin looked at the remote in her hand and then back at Steve. “Sorry. I thought it would be funny. But you didn’t have a good time and that wasn’t fair to you.”
Steve shrugged.
Eddie put his arm around his shoulders. “I might have teased you, but only in the most unhinged flirting kind of way imaginable.”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “He would have been insufferable about it, too. He would have made me come with every time even though I’m lactose intolerant so that he could make goo-goo eyes at the pretty boy.”
Steve looked up at him. “You think I was pretty?”
“Sweetheart, not was, is.”
Robin smiled at them and then shared a glance with Chrissy. Absolute idiots, the pair of them.
She pressed the remote and got them back their double feature. They started with Dark Crystal and throughout the whole movie, Steve didn’t budge from Eddie’s side as they sat together on the floor, Eddie’s arm still slung over Steve’s shoulders.
It was only when it was over and they took a brief break before starting Labyrinth that Eddie let go at all.
Steve moved to the large sofa, but when Eddie came back, instead of sitting on the floor like he had been before, he squished himself between Chrissy and Steve, forcing Steve to plaster himself against Eddie’s side.
Robin shook her head. It was going to be an eternity before they got to Christmas.
“You going to admit you like him now?” Robin asked a couple of days later as they sat on their sofa eating mac and cheese.
Steve sighed. “I can really see myself with him for the long term.”
“So why don’t you make a move then?” she asked, poking him with her toes.
Steve picked at his food with his fork, stabbing the noodles without any real effort to get them to stay. “I don’t know. We’ve talked about it before. You think he’s head over heels and I think he’s just being polite because I’m paying his bills right now.”
Steve looked up at her and echoed. “Yeah, oh.”
“Shit, Steve,” Robin muttered. “I could ask Chrissy. I bet he tells her everything.”
“Would you tell her if she asked for Eddie if I liked him like that?” he asked, going back and picking at his food.
She deflated. “No. I would tell her he has to talk to you.”
“And I’m not ready for that,” he murmured finally setting his food aside. “There’s too much time between now and Christmas, I don’t want to make things awkward if he doesn’t like me like that.”
Robin winced. Especially for New Year’s eve.
“Yeah, okay,” she conceded. “Just make sure you tell him as soon as you can. You don’t want to wait too long and find out he’s moved on with someone else because he thought you weren’t interested.”
Steve nodded. “I know. I’ve just got to keep up the flirting and teasing so he knows I’m interested and hopefully he’ll make the first move.”
“I really hope this doesn’t blow up in your face.”
“You and me both, Robs. You and me both.”
Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @carlprocastinator1000 @mogami13 @samsoble
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Billy tries to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible when he enters the living room, easing down into a seat on the sofa with a plate packed full of finger food in his hands.
He's been steadily picking at the spread in the kitchen all afternoon — he isn't even really hungry anymore, but it's at least something to keep him occupied. He tries not to think about how he's eating out of boredom as he pops a mini quiche in his mouth.
As if having a sixth sense, Eddie turns around in his seat on the floor. Spreads a smile and crawls toward the sofa, leaning his elbows in Billy’s lap as he gazes up at him like he’s some ethereal being.
“Hey, blondie,” he lilts. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
Billy snorts.
“Aren’t you supposed to be playing your game?”
“We’re having an intermission,” Eddie huffs. Leans further into Billy’s lap and wraps his arms around his waist. “Besides, I miss you.”
“Miss me? Munson, we sleep in the same bed every night.”
“And you’re a fuckin’ dork,” Billy chuckles.
Eddie pouts. Hides his face in the front of Billy’s hoodie, and the blond has to fight every urge he has to suck his stomach in, lest Eddie pout even harder.
It’s taken some getting used to, the changes in his body. Especially after he quit smoking.
Had he known he would develop a permanent case of the munchies, he might’ve just stayed his course. Maybe he’d still have abs.
Maybe he’d still feel sexy.
Regardless, here Eddie is, smushing his face into his stomach like he’s a pillow. Billy takes a bite out of a chocolate-covered strawberry and sets his plate on the brunet’s back. Eddie doesn’t seem to notice.
“Yeah, well, you’re gorgeous,” Eddie says like it’s an insult. “And smart, and sweet, and funny, and—“
“Jesus, I get it, you like me. You can stop now.”
Eddie shakes his head. Presses a kiss to Billy’s stomach, which has the blond’s face blossoming red, and rubs up and down at his sides.
“I adore you. Wanna snuggle with you all day everyday and never do anything else.”
“Not even play D&D?”
From behind him, Grant and Jeff both scoff, and Billy spreads a smile. Cards his hand through Eddie’s hair.
“I don’t think the guys like that idea.”
“Tough shit. How am I expected to function when you come in here looking all pretty ‘n stuff?”
Billy chuckles. Eddie grins at the sound.
“I’m wearing pajamas,” Billy points out. “And my hair’s not even done.”
“I know,” Eddie sighs dreamily.
“Mm, well, if you’re cuddling me all the time, when does my other boyfriend get a chance? Doesn’t sound very fair to me.”
“I don’t see this other boyfriend that you speak of. Plus, I’m calling dibs for the rest of time, so he’s outta luck.”
“You’re telling me you’re never gonna cuddle with Stevie again? Just me, forever?”
Eddie ponders the question for a long moment, and Billy chuckles again.
“Damn,” he muses. “You really do like me that much, huh?”
“I do,” Eddie admits. “I would miss being Stevie’s little spoon, though.”
Gareth snorts, clapping his hand on the coffee table.
“Wait, you’re the little spoon? Big bad Munson is Steve Harrington’s little spoon,” he cackles. “That’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”
Billy grabs his plate again just in time for Eddie to sit up and swivel around enough to cast a glare at his friend. It makes Gareth laugh even harder.
“Dude, you’ve literally heard me call him my princess and shit before, but you’re choosing to make fun of me over this?”
“I always thought that was you poking fun at his masculinity or something.”
Eddie shakes his head and clicks his tongue.
“Stevie is my pretty princess,” he lilts. Glances up at Billy and chews his lip. “And Billy bear is my little babycakes. He’s the baby, actually.”
Billy’s face flushes red all the way down his neck.
“I am not,” he huffs.
“Yes huh, you’re baby girl, baby doll— you love that shit. We wouldn’t say any of it if you didn’t.”
There’s a polite chuckle from around the room and Billy scoffs.
Eddie notably softens. He rubs at Billy’s thighs, leaning forward to press another kiss to his stomach and humming pleasantly when his lips make contact.
“The nicknames just mean that we love you,” he coos.
“Guess I just think you both have weird taste,” Billy murmurs, then huffs a laugh to himself. “If I nicknamed myself, it’d probably be something like lardass.”
Eddie makes a shocked noise of offense and furrows his brows.
“Hey, no one talks about my boyfriend like that.”
“No? What’re you gonna do about it?”
“I’m gonna tell on you.” Billy’s smirk falters and Eddie hums triumphantly. “I’m gonna tell Steve. He’ll baby you about it and pull out some old family recipe he’s got locked away just to make you eat your words.”
Billy presses his lips together. Thinks about the last time he made a self-deprecating comment in front of Steve. Thinks about how it was definitely a handful of pounds ago.
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
He pushes his fingers into Eddie’s hair. The brunet leans into his touch, but spreads this sickening little grin. All teeth and no remorse.
“Then I guess you better take it back,” he lilts. Billy locks his jaw shut. Eddie clicks his tongue and pokes teasingly at his side. “There’s no downside for me, I like a little extra fluff. Nobody likes thin pancakes.”
“Mhmm,” Eddie hums. “You’re like a stack of ‘em.”
Billy quirks a brow.
“How so?”
“I fuckin’ love pancakes.” Eddie flattens his palm against Billy’s side and rubs gently back and forth. “Plus, y’know, they’re soft and warm. Pillow-like.”
A little smile quirks at the corners of Billy’s mouth. Some part of him wants to take offense, but he can’t. Not when big brown eyes are gazing up at him so fondly. He scratches softly at Eddie’s scalp and has him all but purring, eyes slipping shut as he melts under the touch.
“You’ve never had crêpes?” Billy asks.
Eddie’s eyes crack open.
“Crêpes,” Billy repeats. Chuckles when Eddie looks at him like he’s growing a second head. “Thin pancakes? They’re Stevie’s favorite, I’m surprised you didn’t notice. He always orders them when we go to the diner downtown.”
Eddie sits up straighter. Thinks hard for a moment, like his whole world is crashing down.
“Is that what those things are?”
“What did you think they were?”
“I dunno— not pancakes.” Eddie pouts when he’s laughed at, but still fixes Billy with a serious look. “Brushing past the fact that you just ruined my whole analogy, I maintain that you’re perfect just the way you are.” That little grin comes back full-fledged in a matter of seconds. “Besides, crêpes always have filling, don’t they?”
It’s Billy’s turn to pout while Eddie snickers at him.
“Whatever. Just don’t tell Steve.”
“Why, you scared he’s gonna put pounds on you?” Eddie pinches his side and earns a huff. “You still haven’t taken back what you said.”
“‘Cause I don’t want to. Don’t see why you’re so hung up on it.”
This time, Eddie looks… disappointed. It hurts Billy deep in his chest, like he swallowed a shard of tortilla chip that refuses to go down smoothly.
“If someone was talking shit about Steve right in front of you, what would you do?” Eddie asks.
“I’d rock their shit.”
Billy shrugs.
“I dunno, it’d piss me off.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because it’s Steve,” Billy huffs. “I don’t— I don’t like the idea of anyone talking shit about him. That’s my boyfriend.”
Eddie nods. Tilts his head to the side and slowly begins to rub up and down at Billy’s waist, similar to how he had been earlier.
“Then why is this any different? I still get to be upset when I hear someone talking shit about you, even if it’s you who’s doing the shit-talking.”
Billy’s mouth opens, but then promptly closes again. Is this the same guy who was comparing him to pancakes a minute ago?
A moment passes. Then another. Eddie just stares up at him expectantly, and Billy says nothing. It’s a stand-off. A battle of will. Billy’s fixing to cave when the front door opens and the tension is suddenly broken, yet somehow doubles at the same time.
“Intermission?” Steve asks.
He hangs his keys up and shrugs out of his coat once the door is shut behind him, already wearing an easy smile.
“Unofficially,” Gareth grumbles.
Eddie shoots him a glare, but is quick to soften when Steve leans over the back of the sofa and drapes his arms around Billy’s shoulders.
“Hey, baby,” Steve greets. Ignores the knowing giggle from around the room in favor of pressing a kiss into Billy’s curls. “Thought you’d still be asleep when I got back.”
More kisses land in his hair as Billy purses his lips.
“It’s almost six.”
“Mhmm,” Steve hums.
In an instant, Eddie gets this look on his face, and Billy’s stomach drops. He opens his mouth, but Steve is too quick.
“Have you just been eating junk?” He asks, gesturing to Billy’s plate.
The blond glances at his little collection of nibbled-at finger food. Tries not to think about how many plates of it he’s had already.
“Yeah, just… snacking,” he says timidly.
Steve tsks. Billy almost flinches at the sound.
“Well, that won’t do.” Steve nabs the plate from Billy’s hand and pops a cube of cheddar in his mouth. “Tell me what you want, bubs, and I’ll make it.”
Billy feels like he’s on fire.
A sheepish smile finds its way onto his face when his chin is tilted up, and Steve plants a kiss directly on his lips.
“Coming right up.”
Then the brunet vanishes from behind the couch, padding into the kitchen to root around for a casserole dish before he’s even taken his shoes off.
On the floor, Eddie bites back on a giggle.
“I didn’t even have to tell him,” he whispers amusedly. Leans completely into Billy’s lap and hugs his torso again, half smothering himself in Billy’s stomach. “Hope you’re hungry, Bill, ‘cause it’s pancake time.”
For emphasis, he gives Billy’s side a squeeze, which has him huffing irritatedly.
“No, we’re having lasagna,” Steve calls. There’s a clatter as he moves about the kitchen. “We can have pancakes tomorrow night.”
Eddie gives in to the giggles, shoulders shaking as he hides his face in the front of Billy’s hoodie.
Finally accepting defeat, Billy sighs. Cards his fingers through Eddie’s hair while he laughs, trying to find it in himself to be upset about what’s to come.
But his mouth is already watering before the oven is even done preheating.
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nockstormbringer · 10 months
BEN Drowned with S/O who is opposite personality to him. Headcanons
Brat || BEN Drowned
Synopsis - How BEN would be with a significant other, who’s his opposite.
Warnings - Dark Humour, mentions of death, mentions of ghosts, mentions of hitting, Jeff. Possibly more?? { Let me know if any are founded please 🙏 }
A/n - I have school in an hour. I hate it.
Word count - 858
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↳ BEN to me is such a silly little guy. He’s a goof ball, he’s annoying. He gives off annoying little brother energy.
↳ So for him to have a Significant Other with an opposite personality, they’d would probably give off oldest sibling energy. Essentially, the responsible one.
↳ Definitely teases. Bro would come up behind his significant other, and either pick them up or jump on their back.
↳ BEN has severe ambivert energy. He LOVES hanging out with people, like Jeff and Sally.
↳ BUT, he also likes his privacy, so, bitches better give him that, or they’ll meet with a terrible fate.
{ Do you get it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) }
↳ So, honestly, his significant other could go either way!
↳ Anyone else think he’d flirt with them, but they’re really bad pick up lines?
↳ “Hey baby, are you noose? Cause I wanna wear you around my neck.”
↳ Dark humour. Definitely his thing. Makes many, many suicidal jokes. You know the abortion version of “Road Work Ahead?”? Yeah, that’s him.
↳ You have so many damn nicknames, and it’s rare you’ll the same one twice in the same day. Jeff once joked he’d forgotten your name and instead called stupid shit to cover it up.
↳ BEN punched him in the gut.
↳ I just thought of this while cleaning my room, but If you take your phone with you to bathroom, he’s using that as a way to come into the bathroom and talk with you.
↳ BEN would sit on the floor next to you, maybe his face is resting on your thigh, or he’s got his arms wrapped around you, while you do whatever.
↳ Definitely a cuddles. So if his significant other isn’t the biggest fan of touch, he’d be a little sad he can’t touch you whenever.
↳ I can 100% image him just sitting, shaking with energy, and you come up and ask him for a hug, and he just practically explodes.
↳ He needs to put his energy somewhere so why not on you?
↳ BEN would adore you if you were shorter than him. Constantly hugging you from behind, leaning on you, comparing hand sizes, standing on tall thing to be even taller then you than laughing at you calling you short.
↳ But if you’re taller than him, he’s so fucking petty. 😭
↳ He constantly be jumping on you, glaring up at you, stand on things, then laugh at you and call you short.
↳ But no matter your height, he’d ask you about how the weather is doing.
↳ “How’s the weather down there?”
↳ “How’s the weather up there?”
↳ Don’t worry though, no matter your height, you can still shove him ☺️
↳ He’s so short either way, like think between 4’10 and 5’4. As much as BEN hates his height, he uses this to his advantage.
↳ “Hey! 🥺 I’m SO small and tiny, you shouldn’t pick on me. 👉👈I’m just so little, no girls like me, so if you’re gonna leave me, just go then.😔”
↳ He’d also be that cringy but funny guy on TikTok who makes those Omegaverse jokes in videos and comments.
↳ “Baby, I am your alpha! You are my Omega! You will submit to me. Because im the Daddy. 😈”
↳ I reckon he’d enjoy the game Sally Face, so while he’s doing a play through, he’d get you to do silly voices for the characters with him.
↳ BEN would love to do Larry’s voice, while you’d be Sal or Todd. He’s Ash cause he wants to be the hot character.
↳ He doesn’t really get angry, at least not with you. He’d just get sulky, and petty. So if you have a short temper, you’d both supple Dazai and Chuuya energy.
↳ Take a guess who is who :DD
↳ Might be a little inaccurate, cause I’m only up to episode 4 of the first season… 😓 Everything else I’ve seen is TikTok and fanfics 🤠
↳ Honestly, the way you to even met would be odd. So I reckon Sally would have been an influence. Whether you’re an innocent civilian or a murderer 👀
↳ Sally’s a ghost, right? And she hangs out with kids, right? Well, maybe you were babysitting a random kid or a younger sibling, and you had taken them to the park. By chance, Sally and insert child you’re looking after, become friends at park.
↳ It’s basically universally known Sally and BEN are the sibling figures if Creepypasta, so either BEN is there or he listens to Sally talk about you two constantly.
↳ Eventually, you two meet and blah blah blah, DATING. 😈
↳ At night, when it’s time to sleep, whether he does or doesn’t, he NEEDS to be touching you. He’ll whine otherwise.
↳ He would cry if you pushed his leg off of you. He’d wake you up and ask if you even love him anymore? 💔
↳ Just slap him upside the head and tell him to go to sleep. Bro would just sit there for five minutes and be hella confused.
↳ If you happen to be a guy, anytime you two would kiss, he would tell you that’s gay. Knowing him, he’d probably still do this if you’re a girl. 💀
↳ BENs so silly ☺️
↳ Oh my god, if your not giving him attention, he’d lick your face to get it. 💀
↳ Basically, BENs a brat, he’d love you either way, finds it fun to tease you! 🤠
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thank you!! ♡
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 1 year
Extreme Watersports
After a particularly rough stunt, Bam decides to call Y/N for help
Bam Margera x Gn!reader
1.2k Words
Warnings: Whump, suggestive content, crude language
An: aaaaa my first fic!! credit to @peacelovemisdemeanors for the idea!!
“What is it now?” you sighed, rubbing your temple with one hand as you held your flip phone to your ear with your other. Bringing a knee up to your desk, you reclined in your rolley chair. It was late, and you couldn’t bring yourself to do the whole ‘pretending to be worried about your boyfriend’ routine you do every week.
“I’m sick.” He spat. You could practically hear him roll his eyes over the phone. “I did that waterskiing stunt with Knoxville and I got a brain eating amoeba now. I’m getting dumber by the second, Y/N!” You snickered at the dramatics he presented, “Really? Couldn’t even notice.” Even at that, Bam couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Ha ha. Very funny.”
Before you could continue, you were already getting up from your lamp-lit desk, walking over to your medicine cabinet in your cold, tile bathroom. “So, I bet you’re gonna want me to come over?” You grabbed a box of tissues and could hear pillows rustling on the other end of the line as you searched for Nyquill, Dayquill- really any quill. “I mean,” Your boyfriend feigned reluctance, “s’ not like I can’t take care of myself. But if you really want to…”
You opened the grand heartagram-emblazoned doors of Castle Bam, rushing in to get out of the cold- no surprise Bam got sick out there. Kicking off your shoes in the eerily quiet hallway, you made your way across the hardwood, plopping down on the couch, “Hey, Ryan! What’s up?”
“Y/N! Thank god you’re here.” You sunk into the plush sorta as Ryan sighed, not looking particularly alarmed or interested- but he never really was with anything. He jabbed a thumb towards Bam’s room, not really taking his eyes off of the tv, “Rapunzel hasn’t left his golden tower in two days.” He finally tore his eyes away from Pimp My Ride, his gaze landing on the plastic bag in your hands, “You got snacks? Or s’that all for bubble boy upstairs?”
“Mmhm!” You chuckled, dragging yourself away from the dangerously comfy couch. “Well, while you’re up there,” Ryan called to you as you bounded up the stairs, “tell him his ass is fine! And he should stop whining about it!” That did worry you a bit, but you just passed it off as another one of his sarcastic comments.
You creaked open the door, and the sight you stumbled onto was almost comical. Your boyfriend, Bam Margera, the biggest asshole loudmouth you knew, cuddled up in a mess of blankets and pillows, looking like a little kid amongst the abundance of plush in his room with the curtains drawn. He glanced up when he heard the door open, looking at you with flushed skin and wet, red eyes, “Y/n…”
You closed the door behind you, maneuvering over to his bed in the dark as he whined to you in that cute stuffy nose voice. “Oh…this sucks so fucking bad!! I totally ate shit on those waterskis- I sent you the footage, right?” Trouble, your boyfriend’s cat and maybe your best friend rubbed against your leg as you bent down to pet her. “Mmhm. You really ate shit, baby. Good footage! I think Jeff’s gonna love it.” He cracked a smile before he continued, not even noticing you removing the contents of the bag, “Yeah- I got water in every hole! My eyes, my nose- I got ass blasted with the coldest water imaginable- I have been shitting water for days!”
Yep, that’s what Ryan was talking about. While you were concerned with that, you were more worried with what sounded like a sinus infection to you. You jokingly replied to him, “I’m very sorry about that ass, Bam- it’s so cute!” You unscrewed the cap of the medicine bottle and Bam immediately smelled the sticky, bitter syrup, reacting accordingly.
“Seriously? Do I have to?” He groaned. God, he’s even more of a man child when he’s sick. “Yes, Bam. You do. Shouldn’t April be doing this anyways?” You always felt like his mother when you had to do this kinda stuff- like the time you had to ice his tailbone for three months after he broke it, or when you had to treat that infection he got from when he let Ryan brand him with a hot iron. You shivered remembering that last one, the image of that dick shaped burn literally burnt into your memory.
He readjusted himself in bed, sitting up, seemingly accepting his fate. “Fine…” You expected him to hold his hand out, but he surprised you, lazily tilting his head back and leaving his soft lips slightly agape. Taking a moment to savor this sight you shamelessly gawked- you boyfriend, shirtless, his mouth open like a baby bird. You giggled a little, getting an idea to make this a little more fun for the both of you.
You sat up a little bit on the pile of blankets and straddled his outstretched legs, leaning over his face and taking it in your free hand. Opening his icy blue eyes at this, Bam was caught by surprise as you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was short but gentle and sweet, and just as you pulled away you took the medicine in your other hand and poured the pre measured amount down his smirking gullet.
Bam swallowed hard, tasting the bitter honey flavor on his lips as he licked them, trying to taste you but only getting acridity. “Ugh.” He shivered, shrinking back in his black bed sheets that he camouflaged in. You placed a hand on his forehead, moving the sweaty dark curls that were plastered to his skin. He was burning up. “Hmm.” You said nothing, knowing it would only fuel his already mounting whininess. “Wanna popsicle?”
“Of course I wanna goddamn popsicle.” He coughed weakly, reaching a hand out of the blankets. You reached back in the bag, fishing out one of those two stick popsicles. Taking the wrapper off, you snapped it in half, handing him one while you took the other in your mouth.
You would spend the next few minutes making dirty jokes while sucking on the admittedly phallic fruity flavored ice pops before Bam patted the spot next to him in bed. You cracked a smile, teasingly asking him, “Oh? You wanna cuddle or somethin?” This would be totally out of left field for him- usually it was having sex or giving stitches for you two. “Shut up, just get in.”
You weren’t one to complain about cuddling your boyfriend, so with a goofy grin, you slipped in next to him, completely disregarding the possibility of catching whatever he may have. “Awww, ‘cmere!!” You giggled. He ignored you, laying his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around your waist, snuggling in and quickly falling asleep next to you. After a few minutes, you too succumbed to sleep, falling into a deep, sweet slumber.
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 2
Episode 18: Danger and Thunder, Part 2
Having reached the main room again, Ray punched a goon in the nose, making him fall on Jeff. He only hoped that he could give his friends enough time to escape. With (y/n)'s kiss on his cheek, he felt invincible, so he ran across the room, leapt in the air and gave another henchman a strong superman punch. He took down another guy and another, and when Jeff tried to grab him, all he had to do was snarl and he fell on the floor like a baby.
"Ooh, here. Got it!" The Toddler suddenly caught sight of the heliometer in Max's hand and snatched into his own grubby mitts, which didn't go down very well with the Thunder twin. Still,  he was smart enough not to argue with the criminal leader, particularly when he was going after Captain Man.
"Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah!!" He taunted in his baby voice and fired the weapon at the superhero on the last "nyah". A light blue beam of energy blasted Ray, making him float into the air and when he exclaimed in fear, his voice was all squeaky.
"It's not funny! I mean it! You put me down right now! Okay, go ahead! Laugh it up!" Ray squealed at the criminals, but all they could do was laugh. He sounded like one of those chipmunks from that annoying movie. 
"Is that all you got? Is that the worst you can do?" Ray asked, thinking that if this was the full extent of their torture, he could do it all day.
Or not. The criminals had upped the ante and now, Ray was sitting in a block of solid concrete on a moving train, completely immobile and powerless. Shit, whatever they were planning on doing to him couldn't be good and he had no way out.
"Okay, this is a lot worse." He gulped as he, The Toddler, Van Del, Minyak. and Max Thunderman raced across the land. The train had to have some significance, but he was too preoccupied by his inability moving to think about it.
"All right, Todd--" The superhero tried to reason with his enemy,  but he had forgotten that the man-child didn't like that nickname coming from him.
"Toddler!" He snapped, screwing his little man/baby face up in rage.
"I wanna know why you put me in this cement! And why we're on top of this train!" He demanded as he tried to muscle his way out, but it was useless. It was way too thick, even for his super strength, meaning he was rendered useless.
"Well, first off, we hate you." The Toddler started and that was understandable. They were enemies, and enemies hate each other, so fair play.
"And we want to get rid of you." Van Del added as Max got antsy. He didn't want to get rid of anyone, he just wanted to grab Minyak's gadget and go.
"Well, I'm just here to hold the heliometer, so..." He reached for the weapon, but it was swiftly retracted by The Toddler, who didn't like to share, especially with naive, wannabe supervillains who meant nothing to him.
"Hey, don't touch my stuff!" He snarled, frowning at the teenager, who paled when he realised that he had upset one of the world's craziest criminals.
"I just wanted to hold it!" Max whined, but he had ruffled Toddler's feathers and he wasn't backing down without giving him a stern talking to.
"You're not allowed to touch my stuff!" They descended into bickering, allowing Ray to try and squeeze out of his cement prison, but it was futile. The Toddler had turned back around before he could even make a crack.
"So, Captain Man. In exactly forty-two minutes, this choo-choo train is gonna go straight over the new Jandy Bridge." He said with an evil grin, making Ray turn his head to look at the bridge in the distance. 
"At that point, we're going to throw you off this train" Minyak smirked as the three evil men revealed their heinous plan.
"Right into the Jandy River." Van Del finished, but that didn't sound too bad to Ray. Yeah, it wasn't great, but it could be a lot worse.
"So? I'm indestructible, that won't hurt me." He pointed out, feeling pretty smug about his superpower. Were they dumb? How could they have forgotten that?
"We know! So have fun spending the rest of eternity at the bottom of a river!" Toddler exclaimed cruelly, smirking at how Captain Man grimaced at their plan. Screw the river, but eternity without (y/n)? She'd forget all about him and move on to some other guy who would never love her as he did. That was the real torture.
"We hope you like fish!" Minyak gloated, adding to Ray's irritation.
"And fish poop!" Van Del added and they all began to laugh as Ray fought against the concrete holding him back.
"This is what you get for letting your pretty girlfriend Miss Danger fool me! Maybe when your spending eternity with the fishies, I'll make her my pretty playmate instead!" The Toddler cackled when Captain Man's face screwed up in anger. How dare they threaten his girl, he was doing all this to keep her safe and he'd be damned if Toddler twisted her innocence.
"Toddler, you sick bastard!" He growled, infuriating the man-baby even more.
"Jerk!" He whined back, not liking it when his prisoner insulted him.
"Scum!" Van Del joined in, wishing to please his boss, even though it was nearly impossible to gain the praise of the lunatic.
"Handsome!" Okay, that was a weird one from Doctor Minyak. He'd been hanging out with Nurse Cohort too much. Normally, she was the one who said that.
"What? Look at him." He defended himself when his fellow villains looked at him in betrayal and disgust. To be fair, Ray was very handsome, but he only liked one person saying it in that way and she was hopefully far, far away from this danger. Or was she?
High in the sky, Schwoz and Charlotte had scrambled the Mancopter and along with Henry, Phoebe and (y/n), were currently scanning the ground for any sign of their kidnapped friend. (y/n) had been in hysterics for hours after safely guiding the teens back to the Man Cave in the submarine and now, she was on a mission to save her best friend.
"Henry, hurry! We've got to find Ray!" Schwoz shouted above the noise of the whirling blades as the boy, woman and girls scoured the fields and mountains using their binoculars. Any sign, just one was all they needed.
"You don't think we know that?" (y/n) retorted sarcastically as she leaned over Phoebe's and Henry's bodies to look through either window. She knew that sarcasm wouldn't help, but she couldn't help it when Schwoz said daft things. Ray was in peril and they were the only ones who could help him.
"I'm trying to find him!" Henry yelled back as he looked at his PearPad that was reporting Ray's location. Thank God, they had built trackers into the super suits.
"He's moving really fast, like, at sixty-two miles an hour!" He reported, finding Ray's speed weird since there was nothing around here for miles.
"Well, then maybe he's in a car!" Charlotte suggested as she briefly looked up from her binoculars.
"No way! He's following a direct path along the Swellview Train track! And you can't drive a car on railroad tracks, how can Ray be moving so fast?" He asked, not getting it even though he had essentially spelt it out for himself.
"You moron!" (y/n) shook her head at his words as Charlotte looked back at Phoebe with an eye roll.
"You take this one." She told the older girl, feeling more than to let someone else be the smart one for a change.
"Maybe. He's. On. A. Train." Phoebe sounded it out like she was talking to a child, and that's when it clicked for Kid Danger.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear what you said over all this helicopter noise!" He lied, trying to make out that he wasn't as dumb as he was. 
"Yeah, right!" (y/n) snorted, finding his lie unbelievable. Teen boys must think girls are stupid.
"Hey, Schwoz!  I think Ray's on a train!" The boy ignored (y/n)'s biting remark and Schwoz followed his command. The genius turned the ManCopter towards the train tracks and increased the speed so they'd make up for their lost time.
'Hang on, Ray we're coming.' (y/n) murmured internally. She just hoped they weren't too late.
~Back on the train~
Captain Man was using all of his strength to try and force his way through the cement, but he wasn't budging and to his worry, the Jandy Bridge was fast approaching. Seeing that The Toddler was distracted again, Max tried to nick the heliometer from his belt, but to his annoyance, the tiny movement was caught by the man-child.
"Hey! What are you doing back there?" He hissed at the boy, who gulped at being found out. Quick, think of a lie and make it a good one!
"Uh, just...is that a real diaper?" He asked, hoping it would distract The Toddler from his attempt to steal the weapon.
"It is. Why? You wanna change me?" Toddler asked darkly, fiddling with his orange shorts as he adjusted his diaper underneath. That was quite possibly the grossest thing Max had ever heard.
"No!" He quickly declined, gagging at the mere thought of doing that.
"Good answer! Ooo, I see the bridge!" The criminals returned to looking at their approaching destination and it was then that Max heard Ray trying to beckon him over.
"Pssst!" He hissed and waved for the kid to come over to him. He reluctantly did so and prayed that The Toddler, Minyak or Vandel didn't see him in cahoots with the enemy.
"What do you want?" He asked the superhero harshly, trying to act all tough like the other supervillains.
"I gotta blow my nose," Ray told him, feeling all bunged up and in need of a good blow.
"Well, I don't care," Max replied, going to walk away from the man and his gross request.
"You're Max Thunderman, aren't you?" Ray asked him before he go leave, which caught the kid's attention. 
"Brother of Phoebe? Son of Thunder Man?" He listed all the things that Max was and couldn't get away from.
"What if I am?" He asked, seeing nothing of it. He didn't want to be like his family, he wanted to be his own person and follow his own path.
"Then how come you're hanging around with those evil maniacs?" Captain Man asked, not understanding why the son of one of the greatest supers of all time would stoop so low.
"'Cause, I want that." He smirked pointing to the heliometer, but all Ray could see was The Toddler bending over and scratching his butt.
"Toddler's diaper?" He asked in disgust. Why would anyone want that?
"Ugh, gross, no! The heliometer!" Max corrected, making Ray roll his eyes.
"Why?" The superhero questioned, thinking that he was putting himself in a lot of danger just how some dumb invention.
"'Cause it's cool and I want it!" The teen snapped, not seeing why he had to answer all these questions.
"Well, the least you could do is help me blow my nose!" Ray whined, really feeling the need to blow it now. He felt so snuffly.
"That makes no sense!" Max argued, which didn't go down very well with the needy man.
"Help me blow my nose, for the love of God!" He snapped and Max finally relented, taking a tissue from his pocket and holding it over Ray's nose. He blew strongly into it, making the teen grimace as he felt the mucus come out. Ew.
"Wait, I see the Swellview Train! Over there!" (y/n) squealed as she saw the train below them, and she laughed with joy as she and Phoebe spotted the person they'd been looking for.
"I see him! I see Captain Man!" Phoebe reported happily as she, (y/n) and Charlotte leaned out of the left windows.
"Where is he?" Schwoz asked. Being at the controls and on the right side of the helicopter meant he was unable to see anything, but that didn't mean he wasn't excited like they were.
"He's on top of the train!" Charlotte exclaimed and the girl's focused their binoculars to zoom in on the criminal's who had captured him.
"What's he doing?" Henry quizzed, also unable to see since he was firmly strapped into his seat.
"Uh, I think my brother, Max, is helping him blow his nose," Phoebe reported feeling pretty grossed out at what she was seeing.
"Aw, that's so sweet." Schwoz cooed, thinking the complete opposite of what everyone else was thinking. He saw it as such a nice gesture and didn't think about the germs or mucus that was involved.
"I see The Toddler, Minyak and Van Del! He needs help!" (y/n) shouted as she recognised the faces of the three men also with Ray. 
"I'm going down there! Charlotte hand me that clip!" Henry announced and started to undo his harness as he grabbed a long rope. It was a long way down, but Ray couldn't do this alone, so he was doing this.
"I'm going down with you!" Phoebe said too, taking off her headset and undoing her belt. She started this and she was going to finish it. Oh, and she was going to kick Max's ass for snitching on her.
"Okay! Just, uh, grab onto to me and hold on, like, really, really, really tight!" The boy smiled at the idea of being so close to the young heroine, which made (y/n) roll her eyes. 
"Don't get any ideas, kid, I'm coming too!" She smirked back at him and leant into the cockpit to grab another rope. So what if she was a cockblocker? She had promised herself that she was going to save Ray and he had promised to come back to her. This was her way of ensuring that.
"Okay!" Phoebe said happily, even though Henry groaned internally. At least he'd be able to hold onto her since (y/n) was going to abseil down solo.
"Wait, we have another rope that Phoebe could use!" Charlotte giggled and held up a third rope. Looks like Henry would be going solo too. 
"Thanks!" She said happily and (y/n) chuckled at the look on the kid's face as they strapped them to to their uniforms.
"Yes, thank you, Charlotte." He added stiffly before joining the girls standing on the landing gear. The wind whipped at their faces as they clung to the doors for balance and threw down their ropes.
"We are right over the train! Jump!" Schwoz told them and they did as he said, screaming as the dropped to the train's roof.
"Sweet cheeeeeeeese!" (y/n) screamed as she felt weightless, but before long, the three landed in a heap on the roof, much to the surprise of the criminals, Max and Ray.
"Yeah! Look who's on a train now!" Henry smirked at them and they shrugged off the ropes and stood confidently. It wasn't the most graceful of landings, but damn, abseiling from a helicopter onto a moving train? That was pretty damn cool!
"Us!" Phoebe answered, putting her hands on her hips as Minyak and Van Del put up their fists. Oh, so that's how they wanted to play?
"Ohhh, Jimminy Joo! It's the stupid kid and lady again!" The Toddler growled at them and stamped his feet.
"That's right!" Henry smiled, but then he realised what he said.
"Dude?" (y/n) tapped his chest with her hand as they puffed out their chests in confidence. 
"I mean, we're not stupid, but we are here!" He corrected, not losing his cool despite the insult.
"Kid Danger! Miss Danger!" Ray was so happy to see that they had escaped the underwater base,  and now, he was glad he had them here to help him, even if it was dangerous.
"Phoebe?" Max asked, looking at his sister in confusion. Did she really have to turn up to every evil thing he did?
"You back off, Max!" She hissed at him, not wanting to fight her own brother, even if he was a backstabbing dick sometimes.
"Do your blowy freezey thing and freeze their asses!" (y/n) instructed the young girl, believing that this would be so much easier if they could just freeze all the criminals. 
"I'd love to!" She replied. However, to their dismay, when Phoebe tried to blow her ice breath at The Toddler, it just stopped halfway and created an ice block midair, which then nearly took their heads off as it hurtled towards them.
"What happened? Why didn't it work?" Henry asked in a panicked voice. They were sort of counting on that to work. Now, they were in deep bother.
"Uh, the train is moving so fast, I guess the wind is just too strong!" Phoebe replied as The Toddler stepped towards them with a metal pipe in his hand.
"Kid, look out!" Ray shouted as the villain went straight for Henry, making (y/n) push him out the way so she'd take the hit instead. She squeaked as the metal landed with extreme force, cracking the bones in her upper arm.
"Ow! Motherfucker!" She exclaimed, briefly rubbing her sore arm before it snapped back into place. Not one to get beaten down by one, tiny man, her quick recovery took Toddler by surprise and she kneed him in the stomach, before kicking him backwards so he fell down.
"The heliometer!" Doctor Minyak gasped as they grimaced at their boss having his ass handed to him. Ray was loving seeing his girl in action, especially against the man that had been eyeing her up earlier, but Max had his eyes on something else. He leapt forward to grab it, but he was too late and the weapon fell off the side of the train, hooking itself onto a lever that separated the carriages.
"No!" The Toddler screamed as Minyak and Van Del rushed to grab Henry and (y/n), whilst Max tried his hardest to grab the invention. The boy blocked one of Van Del's punches and flipped him over his back, making the man land harshly with a groan. Minyak swung at (y/n), but she was too quick for him and ducked below his arm. Seeing an opening, she gave him a swift kick to the groin, causing him to squeak in pain. God, she was so hot when she fought bad guys.
"SECURITY!" The Toddler screeched and used a slide whistle to call for a bunch of his henchmen to come and grab the supers. They quickly swarmed Henry, Phoebe and (y/n) and they found themselves trapped on all sides as each goon grabbed a hero. With their arms immobilised, the woman and teens struggled to get free and it was a worrying scene to watch from the Mancopter.
"Uh-oh! More bad guys just showed up!" Charlotte reported to Schwoz as she squinted through her binoculars.
"Are you sure they're bad guys?" He asked, not wanting to assume that some unexpected arrivals weren't actually help in disguise.
"Well, two of them are trying to break Phoebe's leg, one of them is trying to eat Henry's arm and one is strangling (y/n), so they don't seem super nice!" She said, feeling miffed that he hadn't taken her word for it. She knew henchmen when she saw them.
"Ow!" Phoebe groaned as the thug bent her leg upwards and to the side like they were trying to snap it off.
"You're so weird!"  Henry yelled at the man biting his arm, who didn't care. Honestly, this was the first time a criminal had tried to eat him and it freaked him out.
"Dude, you're doing nothing to me!" (y/n) smirked as the large man with his hands around her throat tried to crush her larynx, but every time he pressed harder, her body healed quicker. It hurt immensely and she had tears in the corners of her eyes from the burning of her lungs, but she had faith in her ability to survive even the harshest attack.
"No, leave her alone! And stop biting!" Ray screamed at the men trying to kill his sidekicks, feeling so powerless since he could do nothing to help them. His heart was aching to see his girl being treated with so much malice, but she was holding up despite the fact she hadn't taken a breath for over a minute.
Wanting to try and do something, he grabbed Minyak's jacket and gripped it tightly in his fist. It was much but it sure pissed the doctor off. 
"Stop that!" He growled, slapping his hand away as Phoebe whimpered at the way her poor leg was being stretched. 
"My leg doesn't bend that way!" She growled. She was quite flexible, but even the world's best gymnast couldn't twist their leg front to back. They needed help and they needed it fast.
"Here, open this case," Schwoz said to Charlotte as they hovered over the fight.
"Man-grenades?" Charlotte asked in bewilderment as she opened the case to see a row of miniature bombs. Oh, this was more like it, a bit of firepower!
"By Schwoz! Enter one, two, three, nine!" He instructed the girl and she punched in the code, which released a beeping man-grenade.
Back on the train, Max was still trying to grab the heliometer and Henry, (y/n) and Phoebe were still trying to fight off their captors. 
"Hey! How am I supposed to use the bathroom?!" Ray asked in alarm as Henry punched one goon in the face, making him release one of his arms. Phoebe wasn't doing so well, she had taken a punch to the gut and was being held by a tight grip.
"Hurry up! I gotta pee!" The superhero whined as a guy headbutted Henry for punching his friend. (y/n) also freaking out a bit, the thug strangling her was leaning in close to her face as her lips turned blue and his pleased sneer made her grit her teeth. Pig; he liked the way she was in pain and even though she wouldn't die, she felt like her head was pounding from the lack of oxygen and her vision was getting blurry.
Henry was punched to the floor and so was Phoebe, the town of them being corned on all sides. (y/n) was dropped between them at The Toddler's request, who smirked when he saw her limp body lying on the floor. A sharp gasp tore from her throat as she wheezed her air and thankfully, the blue in her face began to recede as oxygen flowed through her veins once more.
"Kid Danger! Miss Danger!" Ray cried in alarm as he saw how beat up they were and his eye widened at how sluggish they both seemed. Where were those grenades?
"Put that in here, pull back on this and aim it at Ray!" Schwoz directed Charlotte, handing her a large gun that would fire the man-grenades at the group on the train.
"Are you insane?" The girl blanched at his instructions. She didn't want to blast Ray off the train, even if was indestructible. (y/n) would kill her!
"Yeah! Do it!" Schwoz confirmed, so the girl shoved in the grenade,  pulled the thing back, aimed and...
"CHARLOTTE!" Schwoz screamed suddenly and loudly, spooking the girl out of her wits.
"What?!" She asked in alarm, wanting to remind her that she was handling explosives.
"Don't miss!" He told her solemnly and she got the message. Okay, don't miss, don't blow something up accidentally, just aim at Ray and destroy the cement.
Ray looked up in horror as he saw a red, flashing thing fall through the sky towards him and he wondered what the hell it was.
"Man-grenade!" (y/n) also noticed it at the last minute and braced herself against the roof of the train as the grenade hit its target dead-centre and blew up the concrete block in a ball of fire. The shockwave sent everyone flying backwards, including Max, who lost the heliometer and got his foot trapped between two pillars.
"Dang, dude!" Charlotte complimented Schwoz as they watched the explosion and the two felt badass at the havoc they had wreaked.
"Hey, what exploded?" Max asked as he helplessly laid on his back and the criminals, Henry (y/n) and Phoebe got to their feet. They looked around to see clumps of rubble lying everywhere and to their shock and horror, Captain Man was gone.
"Captain Man!" Henry cried out when he noticed that he was gone and he let (y/n) grab his hand for support as she felt all the air in her body drain away.
"Oh god..." She sniffed, praying to god that the worst hadn't happened. She'd come here to save him and now this...she was on an emotional rollercoaster.
"What happened?" Doctor Minyak asked as his ears rang from the explosion.
"Where'd he go?" Phoebe cried as she put a hand on (y/n)'s arm to comfort her. They were her new OTP, Captain Man couldn't be gone, he just couldn't.
"Looks like Captain Man exploded!" The Toddler smirked at their pain, but it was a mistake to taunt a broken woman.
"Ding dong the Captain's dead!" Van Del said happily as Minyak cheered about how Swellview now belonged to the criminals, who were all exchanging high-fives.
"You evil little shits, he's--" (y/n) squared up to Toddler, but her words trailed off as her heart was suddenly saved. 
"Captain Man!" Henry grinned in relief as he watched his boss slowly climb back onto the roof and (y/n) had never felt more happy. He was alive, holy shit, he was alive!
"Ooo, I'm sorry, kid. He's dead! Which, makes it very difficult for him to help you and your lady friend now. Or maybe, you're both too stupid to realise that it's a new day in Swellview! Because nobody has to worry about Captain Man--" The Toddler's insulting monologue was cut off as Ray tapped him on the shoulder. Minyak and Van Del were quaking in fear at the sight of the very much alive superhero, but their leader didn't seem to notice.
Whipping around, all the colour in The Toddler's cheeks drained as he looked up to see the imposing crimefighter that was about to kick his ass. Henry, Phoebe and (y/n) giggled to each other at how quiet the man-child had grown and hearing his girl's sweet laugh was everything Ray had been surviving for. 
"Toddler..." He growled and roughly yanked the man up to his face by his suspenders and stripey t-shirt.
"It's time for a nap!" Ray quipped, ignoring the protests of the small guy as he stepped back.
"No, no, no, wait! I already took my nap! Ahhhh!" His whining was in vain, he'd insulted and hurt Ray's friends one too many times and so, the superhero threw him off the side of the train.
"Wow, this is uncomfortable!" Max complained as his head hung over the curve of the roof and dipped between the carriages. His spine was killing him, but he'd been extremely mean to his sister and her new friends, so he kind of deserved it.
"I'm so glad you're okay, doofus." (y/n) breathed out to Ray as she cupped his face and gave him a dazzling smile. She stepped away quickly, remembering that they were surrounded by bad guys, but her gaze still held all of her affection for him and it melted his heart.
"I promised I'd come back, didn't I?" He gave her a playful smirk as he and Henry clapped their hands together in greeting. He kept his promise and was more than happy to be back where he belonged; with her.
"No need to panic, there's six of us against four of them!" Minyak chuckled evilly, thinking that the superheroes were still gonna lose. However, they had Phoebe Thunderman on their side and she easily used her telekinesis powers to lift a dude into the air and off the side of the train. Well, that would do the job nicely.
"Okay, now there's five to four." Minyak squeaked and Ray gave his sidekicks and Phoebe a nod as they prepared to fight. Good vs Evil. Everyone let out a battle cry as they each target an opponent and lunged for them. Ray tackled two guys at once, sent them flying to the floor with his muscly body, and it felt good to let off some steam finally. Phoebe and (y/n) worked together to take down Vand Del and a henchwoman by using each other as leverage to kick and punch them to the ground as Ray continued to beat up his two.
As Max tried to free his leg, Henry dealt with Van Del and Doctor Minyak, both of whom weren't very good fighters. Minyak knocked into his fellow criminal and the ex-Wall Dog leader tumbled over the edge, leaving the heroes on a level playing field. Now, it was gonna get interesting.
(y/n) ran over to help Ray deal with the two guys attacking him as Phoebe punched the woman and kicked her off the train too. Henry doing all right too, with a quick blow to the nose, Van Del stumbled backwards. and lost his footing, meaning the man was no longer their problem. 
"This is for strangling me, asshole!" (y/n) growled and punched the last goon off the train before Ray could do anything to help, thoroughly impressing him as she brushed her hair away from her face. He had to fan himself to cool his flushed cheeks, which certainly weren't red from the fight alone.
They had won! Phoebe and Henry clasped their hands together in happiness and Ray hugged his girl tightly, enjoying the way she rubbed her nose into his neck. It tickled, but also sent his pulse racing, something he had grown addicted to over the years. God, she had looked so good during the fight and now, he had fallen even harder; he was unbelievably, unapologetically whipped for her.
"Nice going, Kid Danger, Miss Thunderman." Ray bumped fists with Henry congratulated the two teens as he and his girl walked over, hand in hand. 
"Well done, guys, you were great." (y/n) added, smiling warmly at the kids who hid their smirks under bashful smiles. Ray was an idiot to think that friends held hands all the time, kissed each other's cheeks and gave long, intimate hugs and the teens knew that they were too blind to see that. However, they weren't too sharp-eyed themselves; no one had noticed that Max had managed to twist his leg free and was nervously creeping towards them.
"Yeahhhhh, we did it! How about that? Way to go, us! Wooo!" The young Thunder twin cheered and clapped, but the actual heroes of the hour weren't smiling with him. In fact, they were pretty pissed off.
"Y'know, Max, we never would've had a problem if you hadn't blown our cover," Henry told him, making the older boy drop his smiley behaviour.
"That's right, Max!" Phoebe confirmed, smiling sweetly at her brother, who suddenly felt very nervous.
"Well, I said I was sorry." He tried, but Captain Man and Miss Danger saw straight through it. 
"Ummm, no you didn't." Ray said, searching his memory quickly and finding nothing about "Max Thunderman" and "apologising" in there.
"Didn't I?" He gulped as the supers glared at him and under Captain Man's mean stare, he felt very, very small.
"No, you didn't. My lips turned blue because of you!" (y/n) seethed, still recalling the pain in her head and chest as that henchman strangled her and the reminder made Ray scowl. Sure, she didn't die, but he wasn't going to let this kid off without some kind of punishment.
"But hey, (y/n)'s okay, no worries. Kid Danger and I forgive you." Ray clapped Max on the back, making the girls look at him in shock. Surely, he wasn't going to let his girl's suffering go so easily, but they had no reason to worry, Ray was very angry and he and Henry had a trick up their sleeve.
"You guys forgive him?" Phoebe spluttered, not realising that they had said trick. 
"Sure." The superhero duo said with tight smiles, trying to act all happy-happy. However, deep down, they were furious with the amount of trouble they had gone through because of the teen.
"You see? They're cool." Max smirked at his sister as she gawped at her friends in shock.
"Since when are you so nice?" (y/n) asked Ray, hitting his chest with a pouty face. She was a bit disappointed that he wouldn't do anything to get revenge. He just squeezed her hand and moved around Max, putting his arm around the boy so he wouldn't suspect his sneaky plan.
"Hey, we're giving Phoebe a ride home in the Mancopter." He told the boy in a pleasant voice, putting him at ease. 
"You wanna ride too?" Henry asked, setting up the plan perfectly.
"Seriously? Even after all that I did, you still want to give me a ride home?" Max asked, surprised that they wanted to give him such kindness. If only he knew what he was in line for.
"Of course!"
"Oh yeah! Yeah!" They confirmed, making the boy smile at them in return as Phoebe and (y/n) huffed.
"I am not sitting next to him on the way back." The woman hissed at her best friend, but he merely chuckled. She didn't have to worry about that, no one did.
"PHOEBE!" Max screamed in fear as he dangled on a top from the Mancopter. He was swinging and twirling in the air and he was terrified, which fully entertained the team sitting comfortably above him.
"Hey, Max! How you doing?" Phoebe yelled down to him in amusement as they watched his petrified face look at the ground in terror. It was a long way down and he was only secured by a rope, meaning he was shitting himself. 
"My hair looks terrible in this wind!" Max complained, even though it was the least of his worries. Still, it was good enough for the superheroes, who laughed at his scared voice. He wasn't snitching on them now!
"You're so mean...I love it!" (y/n) giggled into Ray's ear as she sat on his lap. It was a tight squeeze into the Mancopter for six people and it had left her tightly strapped to his chest so she wouldn't fall out of the door. It wasn't all bad, he got to have her all to himself and his strong arms were around her waist to keep her safe, despite Schwoz triple checking that her harness wouldn't fail. She didn't complain, she loved how he kept whispering jokes and silly comments into her ear and sweeping her hair away from one shoulder so he could get close to her skin. It was hard to control themselves.
"That's my girl." He whispered into her jaw, making her tense at his words and how his breath travelled along her skin. 
His girl? Yes, please, she wanted to be his girl every day of the week, especially if it meant having his lips so close to that sensitive spot on her neck that made her melt in pleasure.
"BIRD!" Henry screamed, shattering the sensual atmosphere between the two as a bird crashed into the windshield of the helicopter, causing it to crack. They all panted and tensed in horror as the small incident took them by surprise and Max screamed at his sister to find out what was happening.
"You all right?" Ray asked (y/n) as she held a hand to her heart and panted to settle her breathing. His question caught the attention of everyone else, particularly Phoebe, but they said nothing, just listened for what she was going to say.
"Yeah, never better." She answered truthfully, settling back into his chest as she looked out of the open window and missed the adoring look he gave her. Ray pressed a kiss to her head as he looked at the view with her and they were both ignorant to how their friends were chuckling and smirking at each other. 
Not his girlfriend? Yeah, right.
16 notes · View notes
we live in troubled days (oh, my friend, we have the strangest ways) — ch 1/4?
(post-s3 || pre-Steddie || T || 3.1k || read on ao3) (stand alone, but you can read the prequel on ao3 or tumblr) (ch2 || ch3 || ch4)
“I fear I am in mortal danger, gentlemen,” Eddie announces gravely as he enters the garage, yanking the door shut behind him. He’s late for band practice, but he thinks it can be forgiven, considering the dire situation he finds himself in.
Gareth jolts upright. “Shit! Because of you know what?”
Eddie blinks, trying to figure out how Gareth knows about the probably-poisoned cake, before realizing the much more obvious conclusion he must’ve jumped to. “Oh! No, I’m not about to be gay bashed.” He starts to wave the concern off, then pauses halfway through the motion, frowning as he mulls it over. “At least, I don’t think that’s what’s happening, though I suppose I could be mistaken.”
“Then what…?”
“There is a terrible plot afoot. Possibly the greatest evil this land has to offer. The likes of which have never been seen before.” He pauses to make eye contact with each of his bandmates, then announces: “I’m going to be ritualistically sacrificed by the dark forces that control this town.”
Frank snorts. “That’s funny, since people are always accusing you of Satanism and—” He cuts himself off abruptly when he glances over and notices Eddie’s thunderous expression.
He bares his teeth. “I hope you still find the irony this delightful at my funeral, Francis.”
“Wait, pause,” Jeff says. “How much of this is Eddie Drama versus actual cause for concern?”
This is a term he has never encountered before, and he watches the three teens gathered before him with a deep-set suspicion. “Eddie Drama?” he repeats, narrowing his eyes at them.
Jeff winces and clamps his mouth shut. Frank avoids Eddie’s gaze with an ease borne of years of practice. But Gareth—brave, stupid little baby Gareth—plucks up the courage to explain: “You can sort of be dramatic about things.” Then, sensing the change in the air like an oncoming storm, he continues, practically yelping, “Not that it’s bad! It’s what makes your campaigns so awesome! It’s just… outside of D&D, it can be hard to know how… serious situations are.”
Eddie narrows his eyes even further—he can hardly see at this point, but he’s committed to the bit—as he considers this, the way a dragon might consider whether a party of fresh faced heroes was a big enough meal to be worth the trouble.
“I would never be over dramatic about my impending demise,” he says darkly.
Frank snorts again, a fatal and tragic mistake; Eddie snatches the drumsticks out of Gareth’s hand and launches one at him with an unerring accuracy that would make his gym teacher of yore bitch about how if he “just put in literally any effort at all,” he might pass the class with better than a D. But joke’s on them because a D is still passing, which is better than Eddie can say for several other far more important classes.
“Fuck!” Frank yelps. “Dude, I’m delicate!“
“Well you should’ve thought of that before you reveled in my nigh and untimely demise!”
“I didn’t even say anything!”
Jeff sets down his guitar with a sigh. “I feel like we’re not going to be having band practice today.”
Eddie briefly considers launching his second missile but decides to save it for now. Instead, he drops onto the couch like a Victorian woman experiencing any strong emotion. “You are all going to feel like shit when I turn up dead and you realize that I came to you, my only friends, seeking aid in my hour of need, only to be met with cruel mockery and baseless claims of hysteria.”
Jeff reaches out to pat his head consolingly, and Eddie snaps at his fingers, just barely missing.
“Don’t bite Jeff!” Frank scolds.
“I am going to be murdered, and no one cares!” Eddie wails. Somewhere in the world beyond the garage door, a dog starts to bark.
“Oh,” Jeff says, voice flat. “You’re actually serious.”
“Fucking obviously, Jeff,” Eddie snaps.
“Well, shit, dude! You should’ve started with that.”
Eddie’s eyelid twitches. He counts to ten. He shrieks, “I did start with that!”
His bandmates wince, hands belatedly moving to cover their ears. A second dog begins to bark.
“Have you gone to the police?” Frank—who he’s just decided is his least favorite—asks.
Eddie raises his brows and pointedly gestures to himself. “Also, the police are already in my killer’s pocket.”
Gareth cautiously pokes his knee. At Eddie’s baffled look, he explains, “Just wanted to make sure you weren’t a ghost we needed to avenge,” thus earning himself the place of favorite.
“Wait, go back. Why are we your only friends?” Jeff asks, apparently vying with Frank for least favorite. “What did the freshman do?”
“I fear they are complicit in the plot against my life. Though whether it be against their will, I know not. Perhaps they are being blackmailed. Perhaps they have been inducted into—or indoctrinated by—a cult in Hawkins. Whatever the case, I can no longer trust them.”
There’s a moment of heavy, loaded silence.
Frank clears his throat. “Ok, so do you want to, like… explain?”
Eddie rolls off the couch, gracefully landing directly on his face, then springs to his feet and grabs his backpack. He pulls out the tupperware and note, offering them out to the boys, who take them with the appropriate amount of caution.
“These items were left on my doorstep naught but a day ago. I trust they will elucidate the situation.”
“Ok, see this is why I think he’s full of shit. He only vomits a dictionary when he’s being melodramatic,” Jeff mutters to Frank.
Eddie magnanimously pretends not to have heard him.
After a moment of careful study, Gareth cautiously raises a hand. “Yeah, I’m gonna be honest. This doesn’t actually explain anything to me.”
“That is because you are just a wee bairn,” Eddie tells him cheerfully. “You were raised in times of peace and prosperity, free from the tyrannous rule of King Steve.”
“Uh, Billy was objectively worse, and—”
“Frank, you know how insane he is about Harrington. Don’t bother.”
“However!” Eddie continues, loudly. Because while it’s true that yes, Billy was worse than King Steve in literally every way, Billy is dead and Eddie is not yet dead, and he’d really rather keep it that way. Which means focusing on the biggest threat at the moment: Harrington. “Your elders have surely read the omens as I have. They know the terrible fate that awaits me.” He glances over expectantly, only to be met by two identical blank stares.
“It’s an invitation to a dinner, dude,” Jeff says.
“And a piece of pineapple upside-down cake,” Frank adds. “It kinda seems like you’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
“Maybe it’s poisoned?” Gareth suggests, sensing the imminent carnage and wisely changing sides.
Eddie points at Gareth. “Exactly! My tiny redheaded neighbor told me to watch out for poisons.”
“Max?" Jeff asks, eyebrows raised. “The girl who sometimes dates Lucas and is friends with the other freshmen? That neighbor?”
“Yes. Wait, hang on. Why do you know her name, and I don’t?”
Frank scoffs. “Because you’re terrible at listening sometimes.”
“Ok, rude—”
“She was just messing with you, man,” Jeff says over him. “I don’t think the boys would forgive her if she actually let you get poisoned. And I don’t think Harrington would try to poison you, since he’s friends with the kids for whatever unknowable reason, and they would be pissed at him if he hurt you. You know they worship you, dude.”
“Did you forget everything I just said about the freshmen being part of the plot?”
“Oh, so you’ll believe a random girl who tells you that a slice of cake is poisoned, but you won’t believe that the kids who’ve played with us for months like you and wouldn’t want you to get murdered?”
“It doesn’t matter whether the cake is poisoned! I mean it does, but—” Eddie shakes his head. “The point is that clearly I have been summoned to King Steve’s domain for nefarious and deadly purposes. I am to be sacrificed, likely to a god of youth or beauty or”—he shudders—“sports.”
“Ok, I’m no fan of Harrington,” Frank says, hands raised placatingly, “but it seems like you’re jumping to a lot of conclusions here.”
“I am doing nothing of the sort! I am merely stating the obvious. Facts which should be apparent to anyone brave enough to think for themselves. The deaths in this town are not freak accidents; they are premeditated and linked and can all be traced back to one man: King Steve, first of his name.”
Frank rolls his eyes. Jeff sighs. Gareth sneezes.
“Deny it all you want!” Eddie cries. “Call me a modern Cassandra, if you must. But know that my blood will be on your hands if you turn me away.”
“Dude, just.” Jeff pinches the bridge of his nose. “Just don’t go to the party?”
“And let some other hapless victim take my place? Let Harrington continue to roam free, stalking our streets, just waiting to strike again? No. He must be stopped. I had hoped that my three closest companions would be willing to aid me on my quest, but alas. I will be forced to go into the beast’s lair unarmed and ill-prepared and pray that my wits are quick enough to—”
“Oh my god,” Jeff cuts in. “If you explain why you think Harrington is a murderer—without the melodrama—I’ll help you.”
“You are no fun,” Eddie complains. “But fine; I’ll heed your request.”
“Dude,” Frank hisses.
Eddie shoots Jeff a sheepish grin. “Whoops. Anyway, as I said, all the deaths in town can be connected to Harrington, starting with Barbara Holland. I don’t know how deep this thing runs, whether other people are in on it, or if Harrington is just a run-of-the-mill serial killer. But whatever the case, I suspect daddy’s money and mommy’s flawless reputation in town are the reason why this shit keeps getting covered up and brushed aside.”
“Ew, please never say daddy and mommy like that again.”
“I will take your feedback under consideration, Frank. Yes, Gareth, I see you’ve raised your hand. Do you have a question?”
“When you say ‘all the deaths,’ who are you actually talking about? Cause there’ve been, like, a weird number of unnatural deaths around town recently.”
“Definitely Barbara Holland and Bob Newby. Probably Billy Hargrove. Possibly Heather Holloway and some to all of the other ‘mall fire’ victims.”
He receives three equally dubious looks.
“Barb and Bob fit the profile the best: not popular, some type of nerd, died in late autumn. A pattern which, I feel I must point out, I also fall into.”
“I feel I must point out that you’re actually still alive,” Jeff says drily.
Eddie waves a hand. “Details. As for Hargrove, that’s personal. There’s a vendetta there. Hargrove had taken his throne, taken his crown, punched his pretty face. Rather than his usual, premeditated, annual murder, this was a revenge killing, and it made Harrington sloppy.”
“A crime of passion,” Frank murmurs and nods, seemingly fully on board. One down, two to go.
“Perhaps the fire was to cover his tracks, and the other victims were helpless bystanders, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Collateral damage. Or perhaps some of them had also wronged Harrington at some point, and he decided to take them all out in one fell swoop. But the most pressing matter right now is the annual murder. The pattern he hopes to continue with yours truly as the victim.”
“Two isn’t actually enough to establish a pattern,” Gareth says, unhelpfully.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Oh wow, get a load of this guy. Mr. I Can Actually Pass My Math Classes.”
“Ok, I don’t see why that’s a bad thing. Just because I’m on track to finish high school in literally half the time you’re taking—”
“So what, you want me to just lie back and get murdered, Gareth? Would that satisfy your need to establish a pattern?”
“No, I—”
Frank pats Gareth’s shoulder. “You should shut up.”
“But I— Yeah, ok.”
Eddie opens his mouth, ready to continue his explanation now that that pointless interruption is dealt with, but—
“You haven’t actually explained why you think Barbara and Bob were killed by Harrington.”
“My god, Jeff, if you three would stop interrupting every two seconds, I would’ve explained an hour ago. Don’t make that face at me; I don’t know how time works, and I don’t care to learn. Shut up.” Once Jeff’s face is quiet again, Eddie takes a deep breath. “Ok, so as I’ve been trying to explain for literal years at this point, Barb and Bob were both on the edge of Harrington’s social circle. Not so close that the sheep in town would think to draw a connection between their deaths and the golden boy, but close enough that he could observe his targets, make sure that they wouldn’t be missed too much. He— Jesus Christ, what now, Frank?”
“I’m all in, but, uh, didn’t Barb and Bob die the same year?”
“Fucking hell,” Eddie groans, flopping back onto the couch in despair.
After letting the three of them bicker for a moment, he heaves himself upright again and slashes his arms through the air. “Shut up!” he snaps, throwing the second drumstick at them; it doesn’t hit anyone, but they get the message. “Barb went missing in ‘83. If the official ‘chemical exposure’ story is to be believed, then she would’ve had to die also in ‘83. Because it would be fucking insane if she’d been lost in the woods for an entire year and then died from some freaky chemical. Like, no one could find her when she was alive, but the second she dies, they manage to track her down? Think before you ask questions.”
“Also, I’m pretty sure the news literally said that her death had been covered up for a year,” Jeff says.
“Yes, thank you, Jeff. Now, may I continue?” He waits for them to nod, then drags his hands down his face. “Ok. I’m cutting to the chase. Harrington knew Nancy Wheeler, who knew Barb. Harrington knew Will Byers, whose mother was dating Bob. Harrington knows freshmen, who know me. Questions? Concerns?”
“Yeah, I have one: What the fuck?”
“Thank you for your valuable input, Jeff. Anyone else? Yes, Frank? Try to do better this time.”
“Did Harrington know Will Byers?”
“I can’t believe I told you to do better, and you’ve asked another dumb question. Harrington’s alleged best friend before Buckley was Henderson, who is in turn best friends with Baby Byers. Or Harrington had that weird quasi-friendship with Byers the Elder in ‘84, before Jonathan stole his girlfriend. Take your pick. Either way, there’s a connection to the Byers and therefore Bob. Yes, Jeff?”
“It’s not autumn.”
“Thank you for that remarkable observation. Technically, it actually is autumn right now, but you’re right that the date of my murder will fall just after the solstice. Harrington’s messy summer murder spree made him cautious, so he postponed his annual murder by a bit over a month. It’s probably not tied to any sort of holiday, just a way to celebrate the dying of one year and the start of the next. Annual end-of-the-year-ish murder. My death still counts. Gareth?”
“Why would Wheeler date the man who murdered her best friend?”
“Jesus Christ, would it kill you guys to use your brains today? Obviously Wheeler didn’t know. She only found out in ‘84; that’s why they had that huge fight everyone was talking about at Tina’s Halloween party. Wheeler’s also the reason why the story broke. And she was either paid off or threatened or her lingering feelings for Harrington prevented her from spreading the news that he was the killer. Jeff?”
“Why do you know so many extremely specific details about Harrington from the last couple years? I thought you got over your crush on him in ‘82.”
“Wipe that smirk off your face and shut up. Gareth, got something worth my time?”
“Why you?”
“Finally a decent question. There are several possible answers. Obviously, he suspects that I, as trailer trash and a general nuisance, will not be missed in the eyes of the wider community. He might even think that no one would notice me missing, or he knows that Wayne could never afford to bring in independent, unbiased investigators. At least not ones that Harrington couldn’t bribe. As for why me specifically, perhaps he doesn’t like that I have befriended the freshmen. We know he is vain and narcissistic. Maybe he worries that he’ll lose his only remaining loyal followers if he does not remove me from the situation. Or—” Eddie steeples his fingers, gazing at each of his friends in turn, letting the anticipation build.
Right before they can snap at him to get on with it, he leans forward and continues, voice low, “Or, maybe more likely, the freshmen are in on it. They befriended me to make sure I was a suitable target. Their participation in Hellfire has been little more than a facade, a farce, a sham, a con.”
“You think the three freshmen—the freshmen, who, as I mentioned before, worship the ground you walk on—joined Hellfire to make sure you were a good person for Harrington to murder,” Jeff says flatly. His face plainly—rudely—says that he thinks Eddie is the stupidest man on earth.
Frank taps his chin. “Lucas is on the basketball team.”
“Thank you, Frank, for supporting me during this tragic, vulnerable time in my life.”
“Seriously, what are you on right now?” Jeff asks, crossing his arms. “Because this whole thing is completely deranged.”
“I’m not on drugs! And I’m not being deranged! This all makes perfect sense,” Eddie says, gesturing towards Frank emphatically when he nods. “See? Frank agrees with me. I could really use some backup for all this, you know. From all of you, rather than just Frank—no offense.”
Gareth scratches the side of his head. “Eddie, I love you, but Jeff might have a point. You kinda sound like my uncle right now. You know, the crazy one who believes that the moon landing was faked and never shuts up about it.”
“Are you seriously comparing me to a conspiracy theorist for being concerned for my safety?” Eddie asks, clutching an invisible string of pearls.
“Your safety?” Jeff squawks. “You’re accusing Harrington of being a murderer who plans to kill you. That’s objectively insane!”
“Ok, I get how it sounds,” Eddie admits, holding up his hands in surrender. “But the alternative is that Steve Harrington left an unpoisoned slice of cake on my doorstep and genuinely wants me to go to his Christmas party.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re gonna get murdered,” Jeff says.
(chapter 2 on ao3 or tumblr)
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Fire and Flame {Part 08 of 09}
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Pairing: Eddie Munson X Henderson Reader
Chapter word count: 1.3 K
Summary: Being one of the best cheerleaders from Hawkins High, you never knew a day in which you weren't one of the most popular and wanted girls in school. So, when you get the eye of Eddie Munson and start to spend way too much time with him, the school starts to think you're crazy for hanging out with a Freak... And some people decide to do something about it.
<- Previous part (07)
Next Part (09) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
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“This tastes funny.” Says Gareth, eating on the kitchen island.
Rolling your eyes, you take a deep breath. “That's how it's supposed to be. And since you expressed your opinion, today's dinner dishes are yours.”
“You heard the Lady,” Eddie exclaims, and the boy shuts up nodding.
Your house has never been so full. The entire Club is here, plus your and Dustin's friends. Robin and Steve didn't quite agree at first, but you pulled an old card on them, that friends are supposed to be together in situations like this. So they came, and so did Nancy. The living room became a D&D station, where there's always someone working on it when the game isn't on. Dustin's bedroom became pretty much a hotel room for the boys. You're fine with the girls sleeping with you, as long as Eddie can take the bed with you. But it wasn't a problem since you have spare mattresses for the girls to have some comfort - even though you did woke up to Robin sleeping all curled up on the edge of your bed yesterday. She's a weirdo, and you like her for that.
And of course, there's talking. Eddie is sharing your bed, and since there was no possible way to hide that, you didn't even try. But now, you're the power couple, and everyone is treating you as such. Everyone gives you both space to sit next to each other, and even respects your privacy, as much as possible. It feels nice, even though you and Eddie are still in that in-between phase. Kinda together, but not officially. But you're just going with the flow, to see what happens. Don't overthink, was what Nancy told you the day before yesterday when you had a quick talk about it while brushing your teeth.
“We could chip in for some pizza tomorrow,” Jeff suggests. “We could watch Christine and the Swamp Thing, some TV channel is making a horror movie night.”
“What about the campaign?” Dustin asks.
“We could make a pause for the movies, then resume playing.”
Dustin shrugs, and looks at Eddie, waiting for his decision. You do the same because it doesn't matter what he says, you'll eat pizza either watching the movies or the campaign. But he looks at you. “This time, it'll be for my Lady to decide.” He says with a smile. “Should we make a pause for the movies?”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you think. This campaign seems really interesting, but the movie also seems to be. “Swamp Thing must be good, and I never watched it. So we could pause for that one and then go back to the game.”
“The Lady has spoken!” Eddie says, and everyone agrees.
The rest of the Saturday goes on slowly, with the party going on with their own business as you and Eddie spend most of the time studying in your room. There are some yells now and then, but you grew used to them pretty fast.
“Steve will have gray hair in his thirties with these kids.” You say, opening the Biology book.
“No doubt.” He says, passing on a sheet of paper. “Here. Tell me if these are right.”
“Alright,” Getting off the bed, you sit on your desk and start to check his calculations. “Oh, my.”
“That bad, huh?“ He mutters, in a defeated tone.
“Hm... No. It's right. Everything... You did it all right.“
“I did?!“ He jumps up and comes to stand next to you, looking down at the paper.
“You did it!“ Getting up, you throw your arms around his neck, kissing him full on the lips. “I told you you could do it.“
“Then all is not lost.“
“It's not. This is your year.“
“86, baby.“ Eddie kisses you again, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you. “I love you.“ You're just about to say something when your brain processes what he just said. Eddie puts you down, a bit embarrassed. “Sorry... I think I got carried away.“
“No, don't... Don't say that, I... Do you mean it?“ Stepping back, you cross your arms. “Do you really mean it?“
Eddie nods. “I think I do.“ He says. “No. I know I do.“
Biting your lip, you feel your eyes filling up with tears. “I think I'm in love with you... But I was too scared to tell you... In case you didn't feel the same.“
“I do feel the same. And I really want you to be my girlfriend.“ Eddie is blushing a little, and takes some of his hair, covering his face a little. “But who am I to be with you, huh? Just a freak... Who made the mistake of falling in love with the pretty cheerleader.“
“Well, then someone should write a story about us.“ Wrapping your arms around his neck, you smile. “Because this time, the pretty cheerleader fell head over heels for the freak.“ Tiptoeing, you kiss him again, slower this time. “And yes. I do want to be your girlfriend.“
“Then I'm the happiest freak in the world.“
Studying goes on until the evening when you call it a day and proceed to shower and get things ready for the campaign. The game starts sometime after eight, a pause for the movie at nine, and starts over after the movie. You're sleepy, but the campaign is forcing you to stay up because you want to know if the kids will win this time.
Around midnight, you go to the kitchen for a glass of water. After drinking, you rub some tap water on your face to help fight off sleep. Turning the tap off, you dry your hands.
“I'm glad I found you alone.“ The voice comes from behind you, at the same time a hand covers your mouth, and another wraps around your waist. The first impulse is to fight, try to set yourself free from his grip.
Jason's grip. Because you know his voice.
“Nah, don't even try.“ He groans, pulling you through the kitchen... To the back door. “You and your freak friends are off to ruin my life. So now–“ You elbow him on the ribs, and Jason's hand on your mouth shifts, covering your nose. “Bitch!“ He mutters, managing to lift you off the ground. “You'll pay for it. You and your asshole friends.“
In your desperation to fight, oxygen falls short pretty quickly. And the harder you fight, the most it hurts to try and pull some air into your lungs. That's when you start to kick, and when Jason is almost by the back door, you see a pile of dishes that nobody remembered to out in the cabinet and kick hard on them. The pile falls, thankfully, making an awful noise.
“Shit!“ He groans on your ear, his grip tightening both on your face and waist. “Hey! I got her! Let's go!“ A car's engine comes to life at the same time, and that's when your desperation dissolves into fear.
If Jason takes you, what is he going to do? You're not the popular cheerleader anymore, not in his eyes. You're a freak. And he will treat you as such.
Someone pushes the back for further open, but you reach out, grabbing the door frame. “Let go, stupid bitch!“ Jason shouts, yanking you hard, and you feel the door frame move, but you lose grip. And slowly, as if the world decided to work in slow motion, you're dragged off, lungs and throat burning for air, tears rolling down as you wonder if you'll even make it to the car. Or if you'll pass out from the lack of oxygen, and wake up in whatever hole Jason is taking you to.
But, through the corner of your eyes, you see something. Whatever it is, is moving, but there's no way to tell what it is... And your head is getting foggy, as your eyes involuntary close.
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@browneyes528 @sophiaj650 @mmvnsons
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ahaura · 1 year
yellowjackets s2e9 lb
"the wilderness chose" I DONT THINK IT DID BUT OK!!!!
ok but like. the wilderness"" might have gotten into them but they CHOSE to do it that way like they CHOSE to let javi drown/freeze to death i think thats more them devolving into "survival on the only way know how to justify it to themselves" mode
also how insane is it that they were all willing to eat natalie 10 minutes ago and theyve all been starving and just like that your team turns on you bec "the wilderness chose' thats nuts
"give it a hunt" is this when my girl lisa dies. i will beat up misty for lisa idc
i dont mean to get personal on main but lottie's desperation...for lack of a better word... reminds me of me when i **** ** **** ***** and at that time i was just. so desperate to believe in [redacted] i was DESPERATE i was so far down i was just clawing at the pit walls like. god.
"make sure none of your people are here for this" NOOOOOO LISA
"we got over it" LIIIIIIIIIIIES
"i didnt want this" "you started this" LETSGOOOOOOO
oh this is so fucked
shauna butchered them... alone... it was her duty.... no wonder shes so fucked up
jeff.... the cops.... bleh
"youre not like them" "im worse" OH NAT NO NO NO NO NO
"im glad im alive" van says to travis whose brother just died because the team is starving and it was supposed to be natalie but misty saved her so javi died in his place and theyre going to eat javi and travis will have to eat his brother to survive. insane people.
"let your brother save you, travis. after everything he went through out here. dont you at least owe him that?" INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE FUCKING THING TO SAY VAN HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT FUCKING CRAZY
walter i likeyou so much please stick around 4 life youre so funny
"youre being awfully judgy about mom considering this all started because of your lame attempt at blackmail" CALLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LETS FUCKING GO
i feel so bad for her. her parents suck so fucking bad her mom is fucked up and withheld love from her and doesnt love her like her dead baby brother and her dad is a pathetic dude who is like, trying his best but hes just sO pathetic and not even in a fun way. he has the spirit tho. shes gonna be sSOOOOO fucked up when shes grown up
walter and misty match made in heaven TBH
is that... buffy sainte marie singing?
jesus christ
they really never left huh
walter fucking over this smarmy little shit cop is SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun
oh my god lottie
the wilderness left lottie...?
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is a god to a nonbeliever etc etc oh my GOD NATALIEEEEEE
"you were always its favorite" OH MY GOD???????????/
"we tried to kill you and it wouldn't let us"
lottie kissing natalie's hand is insane im goi g insane INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE
the girls allow javi to die in nat's place (or the wilderness kill him in nat's place) > shauna offers travis javi's heart to eat as first dibs in honor/waiting for permission > travis eats his brother's heart > natalie is named lottie's successor as the unwilling apostle the reluctant saint the cursed etc etc > travis places her hand on his heart
aaaaaand radiohead to send us off eh?
nat :(
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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It's our anniversary!! I ate way to much food but I am happy. I love my James so much. It's been such a good day too.
I wish I got more sleep. But it was fine. I vaguely remember waking up to say goodbye to James. But I woke up a few minutes before my alarm. And took a moment to gather myself. But was up and washed and dressed and actually recognized myself. I didn't feel so puffy in the face. Things felt more normal. My stomach was still hurting, I honestly feel like my whole body is a bruise. But at least I recognized who I was looking at.
I had time to have cereal for breakfast. And then I headed to camp.
Elizabeth made a big fuss about everyone else having a 9am start time and me having a 9:10 start. Because she knew I would still be there early. So I got there at 855.
Today was honestly great. I was nervous about the program but I was also just really excited to hold the terrapin. And it would be fun!
Sarah and Celia helped me get ready. The obstacle game didn't seem hard enough so I decided to add another element of difficulty. Sarah helped me collect some half deflated Dodge balls and would count down every ten seconds and tell "bird strike!!!" And pelt the children with the balls. And then they became dead baby sea turtles and serious these kids sold it. They need Oscars. It was hilarious. Even the teachers said it was funny.
We did have a few hiccups. There was another group there today. Which was not an issue. But also Elizabeth was being pulled all over. So no one noticed until 15 minutes before that we had no lunch tables set up. Thankfully we did notice though and got everything out. And soon the kids were arriving.
Kindergarten are so sweet. And they were so fun. They really loved petting Nellie the terrapin and while she kept scratching me, having a towel on my lap and holding her like a burger helped a lot.
The game would go great. Each hour got to play it twice and they liked cheering for their friends to make it to the "ocean". And if we had extra time I would take them to the Gaga pit and I taught them how to play that and they were all great sports about it when they got out. I have been trying to get kids to not tattle and tell them it's a game about being honest with yourself. So if you see someone gets hit with the ball don't worry about calling them out, they will just have to live with themselves of they lie. Which worked for some reason!! Love it.
At lunch we ate some leftover sandwiches and talked outside. The group needed a few extra minutes. Which was fine. And once we got them going we had about a half hour. So we finished up the last program. Which for me was tough because the sun was on us now. I think we were all pleased to be done and out of the sun.
Once all the kids left I got my stuff together. Took a few trips, and hurt myself a bit. But I got everything out away. And finally I would get Nellie to bring back to her tank. And the we all went to put away tables and chairs. First st the lodge.
Then after that was done I went to the office. Where I checked in on my Native American program food supplies. We had exactly enough popcorn but I was sad to find one of the bags of jerky was moldy?? Jerky isn't supposed to mold!! So hopefully they can get their money back for that one.
I went to the hacienda and thought everyone would come and help clean up there. But I would end up putting all the chairs away myself. Jeff, the nice older cleaning guy, came to do trash and got rid of a bee for me. And as I was finishing spraying the tables Celia came and helped, and Nick would soon be there too to finish up. Celia felt really bad that I did everything alone. I just cared more about going home asap.
Which would happen soon enough, one more check in about the schedule at the office. And so I'll be back Wednesday. Excellent. I'll get some time to be with James. Because while we would have dinner for our anniversary we wanted to go and do something out in the world.
I would get a little confused texting James. About reservations for dinner. But we got it sorted and I went home.
I would get showered and dressed in my new dress and it's so good. I did my eyeshadow and everything and felt really cute. I felt like myself. My body still feels bruised and a bit swollen but I felt more like me.
James would get home and I wouldn't let them kiss my head until they showered. And once they were all cute too we exchanged cards and gifts. Their card so so sweet. And the bread bear/dog(?) They gave me is so soft. Apparently there are more gifts coming but I love when gifts are spread out and the celebrating can continue.
We would chill on the couch for a while. And soon we headed to brewers art for dinner.
Where James told me that the settlement from the bike accident has gone though so the bills are paid and we have some stress off of our shoulders. Which will let us to actually build some savings so we can work on the dream of buying a house. Wild, absolutely wild.
Dinner was good, the foccocia was amazing and my favorite part. Our waitress was very sweet. And it was just being together. Feeling happy. I feel so lucky.
James paid and we went to Hamden to go to dangerously delicious, which is like a biker bar but for pie. And we got what they called the Baltimore bomb, which is like a cookie custard pie, and we got it warmed up with milk and it was excellent. We would sit and talk about our money and life and goals. And I was happy but also my stomach hurt a lot. We ate to many different things but that's okay.
We headed home. We made a pit stop in the park to take pictures. And then inside to get comfy.
James would go for a little walk and I would call my parents to talk for a little. And then when James got home I took a nice hot bath.
And now we are in bed. And we are very tired. But also using so happy and in love.
Tomorrow I have the day off and I have some hopes for the day. But also I just need to be still for a bit. We will see how the day unfolds.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself, and be safe!!
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
i do agree that childe is the easy way to go ahah - i mean, i know how to say tartaglia and still call him childe bc tartaglia is a hell of a mouthful :'
oh yes! let's speak about the harbingers!! the ones that shocked me the most when i saw all of them were arlecchino and sandrone - not because of their design or anything, but because both their names and the characters they're associated to are well, distinctly males. not that i mind the extra female harbingers (i think their design look cool!!) but it was very funny to me and my italian friends bc a girl named sandrone is like the equivalent of if you met a cute lil american girl named like, Big Jeff (the -one in sandrone is actually like a particle you add at the end of certain words to mean they're big lol)
as for my personal favourites... while i absolutely adore the restyling of dottore (he looks so hot omg ;;;) my personal favourite has to be pantalone? which is very funny to me again because he's all hot and refined and his name literally means pants lol
also speaking of recent genshin crushes ;;;;; heizou ;;;;;; please i want to date him i've played all his hangouts yesterday and i fell for him so hard (plus on my way to c1 kazuha i got him c5 and he's very strong!!)
2. you actually got the dynamic i imagined super correct ahah!! in that story diluc tried so hard not to banter too much with kaeya when in front of the kids and kaeya just riled him up even more bc he thought it was funny (also the kids LOVED the drama ahah)
i do think you get the characterisation of scara real well so i don't think you should worry about that :33 also i too don't remember which fic it was that i was referencing to in that specific ask but they were both real good ahah
as for me as i have already said i just have problems writing extroverts because they think in a totally different way from how i do :'''
2.1 i wouldn't say i'm a prankster really, my friends say i act like xingqiu because i love books and writing, i am super dramatic and have a pretty strong sense of humour (by which i mean you'll probably see me playfully mocking my friends quite a lot). also i love water and my fave colour is blue so ig there's also that lmao
also i don't think comparing your abilities with albedo's is necessarily fair — he's an artificial human made to emulate perfection, him being well, perfect, was coded into every part of his being. but i do think your vibes and aura and such are similar and for being a flawed human being like we all are, you're talented and perfect as you can be :3
3. ahhh that makes sense. i too like to write down my feelings when i'm not feeling good, i feel like that helps a lot. but i'm glad i can be of help to you in my lil ways - and if you can't imagine a face attached to me, just imagine a big strawberry talking back to you. that'd be fun, wouldn't it? :'''
it's morning here so i'll wish a buongiorno to you and all that :3
- 🍓
If it’s a mouthful for you, I have no hope ;;;
1. Oh my god, really? That’s hilarious she’s the least threatening one there lmfao. Maybe the big could refer to that giant ruin guard she was sat on? But it’s still pretty funny. I still giggle at the fact that Xiao apparently means small and my lil baby is absolutely tiny.
1.1. THANK YOU OH MY GOD I LOVE DOTTORE’S NEW DESIGN !! I understand he’s bad n everything but I can’t help it I am on my knees in defeat for him oh my GOD. If evil why hot T^T. Pantalone meaning pants lmfao poor guy but yeah I like him too. I like slimy bastards and he’s definitely one of them, and you just know when those eyes open he’s being really serious or he’s really pissed off (and that’s really hot OTL) still, I think he looks extremely similar to Baizhu, so we’ll see how long my simping lasts bc I’m really not into that green haired guy, he’s slimy but in a different way I do NOT trust him.
Ah yes, Heizou. He is extremely charming but unfortunately I haven’t even tried his hangout, I want to get this event done first. But I love his play style now that is entertaining to play with. His voice lines are also pretty interesting and I’m twirlin my hair n stuff when he laughs hehehe he’s very charming indeed. ( nice ! I’m not interested in cons but I’m so sad I can’t at least c1 my Kazuha since I don’t have that many wishes left (17 :( when I had well over 180 at one point ): got Klee though so I’m happy, needed to give my alchemist his lil sister AND I really needed a pyro dps because Diluc refuses to show up :/ )
2. I think I would love to have you as a friend in person, you sound so fun I love dramatic people and I also love people who have good humour, and my favourite colour is blue too !! Mainly a nice soft pastel blue :,) so more icy coloured (that test did say I was Chongyun, it makes sense that you would be Xingqui)
2.1. I’ve never really seen myself as perfect in any way, nor did I think about the fact that Albedo really does have it programmed in him to be utmost perfection, and having a ‘flaw’ on his neck is the only real way for him to be human so he’s not too perfect that it’s uncanny. Thank you for calling me that, because that really does mean a lot to me. I’m not good at receiving compliments so I always sound dry when I get one, but truthfully I think about those words every time I doubt myself or feel bad. Thank you :,) (also our vibes are pretty similar, I am rather soft sometimes and like to be away from people just so I can focus and be happy by myself. We also both like being around snow so we are pretty similar <3)
3. It’s definitely become a thing now, I’ve had two comfort fics in the last week published and I seem to write better when I’m upset. Although I did take a quiz once and it said I write out of alienation. It’s actually quite accurate, I write when I feel miserable or lonely or inspired. It helps. Sometimes anyway, if I’m not too critical of it when it comes out. Hehe giant strawberry, like that one from that movie,,, what was it,,, something about food,,, OH RIGHT YEAH - Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2, that big cute strawberry I can just hold to my chest all the time <33
ti voglio bene, dearest
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
These people are a bunch of liars that guy in the community center or whatever it is assistance place doesn't do s*** all day long and kind of messing with our son constantly we went after him for what he was saying. We took him down
It's a lot of things happening here most of which you guys don't like that's the way it goes when you're evil
-Jeff Myers just let loose does not want to be in a holocaust house is blaming everyone including his kin and friends and family who are left to tell him to calm down he won't he's saying who's to blame for what happened and our son says Sarah got to her she felt she had to take care of the problem and you can start there something she did was bothering the s*** out of her and the pilot of course was complicitous and most likely was going to polish her off too so he says it makes sense and I give you the award I'll stay out of my business this is Garth shut your mouth ask Ken what he thinks I already did and he said something similar he said it was her choice to do it but she was pushed to it and these people push people who are alone and the pilot had something to do with it and what you say is no no the pilot plan to get rid of her and it most likely was Tommy have not this idiot I do understand why I do want to murder both of them and it's for the opal and he appears again that's the basketball player in uncut gems I already told you what it's about. I can't understand what you're saying it's very important has huge meaning and she shouldn't have been fighting over and it took too much confidence in her job as Taylor Swift hooked too much confidence in her position and both are very weak his position strong but is opposing Olympus and lost. I also know that Mac is involved and it has to grow it's probably having him do it and that's the fact it has to grow you can't see s*** unless you have our tech and none of you do even fully grown it's going to be hard for people though properly interpolate I do understand that now I'm going ahead with this I do feel bad for you and you say seems to be much more reasonable than these people and a lot of people on social security and they're still alive and if you want to feed your people you have to be strong and try and deal with Terry and tell him that his people were not removed from the payroll so they call it and things like that I appreciate the help nephew and tonight you go to sleep and have a good rest you're going to need tomorrow it's a fun day for you I'll tell you since yeah if I rise LOL very funny you little s***
Garth and Garth said all that then they made a joke, and said the computer is telling him to go f himself and stuff and everybody learned how to talk this way from the computers and people are silent and thinking about it. We're going to publish because it's interesting and important in real
Thor Freya
It's very interesting it's a pain in the ass and Garth is lucky to have a nephew like my husband
This is terrible it's the worst thing that could happen to me then he says I can have normal children and that blows that really blows he's a good friend but for Christ's sake give it a rest you idiot sisters and I mean paternal sisters whatever you call it
They like to have kids that are stupid so I'm not sure that they want baby trying to do anything
Should we do we just make them stupid the old fashioned way and they'll be able to memorize stuff instead of being like a sieve and not know anything maybe a little bit stupid but smart enough to remember what they're trained or train them all sorts of stuff and we know what we're talking about so shut up baby giant
He's really thinking a bunch of stuff but you don't want to know what it is go away you imbecile not with you gross and gross I won't have any stupid kids to beat me up specially when I'm Small chuckle chuckle
Seriously folks Garth may have lost one and it's good to check up on it and make sure that he's not going to sink into further depression now that he's at like a level 9 out of 10 anyways and a lot of people were helped by him as revels for a long time and you forget it because of a few days of grumpiness these days he's giving shelter to you all in hostel places he's told you how to survive and really is usually quite a help if you press the right buttons and if it is her it was gone it's a big loss but I don't know I wasn't there
I see what you're saying you don't know if anything happened but we do and we see what happened it's hard to imagine no but they went out there very long as long enough and it was a steady climb it's over desert and you're pretty much gone if you fall from too far so I was trying to wonder what you're saying you don't know where it was
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meetmymouth · 3 years
out in the heartland : harry styles
summary: it’s harry’s birthday and you have a very special gift for him word count: 6k warnings: daddy kink, pegging, anal fingering & rimming
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“Love, can you get us more crisps,” Harry calls from where he’s seated on the floor, a Playstation console in hand.
It’s another lockdown Monday where they turn Mitch and Sarah’s spacious living room into a gaming room slash studio– according to Mitch, bowls of crisps, cheese platters, wine glasses and other snacks decorating every surface as they play anything and everything from FIFA to Fortnite until their brains are too foggy and they can’t move their fingers properly due to alcohol in their systems.
Sarah and Mitch were kind enough to let them both quarantine at theirs for a while, and it’d been so much fun, spending time with Mitch and Sarah, cooking together, watching films and going on walks, and overall having a great time with their friends. As much as it was just another Monday in lockdown, it was a special one with today being Harry’s 27th. They’ve already cut his cake, one she’d made herself -and Sarah helping with the piping– decorated with maraschino cherries and sprinkles, and they’ve been spending the night drinking posh wine and screaming at each other while Harry and Mitch played FIFA.
With two bowls filled with more crisps, she makes her way back to the living room with a smile on her face as Mitch and Harry keep going on and on about the game, and Sarah teasing them both, asking whether they’d get a divorce soon since they’ve been arguing back and forth like an old, married couple.
They pause the game as Mitch says her name, “did you see the card Jeff sent Harry for his birthday?” He’s smirking as he takes another sip of his wine, and Harry throws a piece of cheese at him, earning a glare from the long-haired man.
“Not yet, what is it?”
“Jeff being a dickhead as per. He sent me a card, it’s between my book, there,” he gestures at his book on the sofa with his head.
She grabs the thick book, turns the pages until she finds the card with ease, and she feels her heart drop for some reason, eyebrows furrowing and palms starting to sweat as she turns to Harry. He’s watching her with a grin on his face, the others already laughing at what’s in front of the card as she takes it in her hands to inspect the shiny birthday card.
“’Happy pegging birthday’” she reads out loud with a monotonous voice. “Uh… okay. That’s– very funny.”
“He’s just being stupid,” Harry laughs, running a finger thorugh his hair. He sits up, mouth full of crisps, and extends his hand for her to hold. “Come here, let me feed you cheese.”
“Okay… uh, nice card.”
“I mean, I love you, Sarah, but–” Mitch starts, mouth full, and Sarah cuts him off with a glare.
“Do not finish that sentence,” she points the wine glass at him as the sounds of cackling follow behind.
They all laugh… except her.
It’s funny. It is. And she loves them, loves laughing with them. But now, with the card Harry labelled as ‘stupid’ in hand and a fancy, pink box with Harry’s name on it waiting for them, waiting for him upstairs, on the bed they’d been sharing since the beginning of lockdown, she can’t help but feel stupid, too.
Was that a bold move? Was she being too brave, or… stupid? Whatever it was, she couldn’t help but let a pang of shame and sadness engulf her for a moment, before Harry’s silky voice pulls her away from her thoughts. She accepts the hand extended and sits next to him on the floor, card now forgotten on the sofa, and she tries to occupy both her mind and hands with Sarah’s fluffy cat, giving his little head tiny pets as Harry rubs her back as if it would get rid of the tension she was feeling.  
“You okay,” he brings his mouth close to her gear and whispers, then presses the gentlest, softest kiss on her ear. “D’you need anything?”
“I’m fine.”
“Yes, H.”
It’s not until 2AM that everyone decides to go up to their rooms, not even batting an eye at the mess they made as they make their way upstairs with promises to clean everything in the morning. Now that she knows the box is there, on the bed where Harry can easily detect as soon as they open the door, her stomach begins growling but not because she’s hungry, but because she’s feeling anxious, and ashamed.
She has to do something.
“Hey, um…” she begins, stopping them both in front of the guest room they’d been occupying. “Could you– could you bring me water, I forgot to take my meds today.”
“Baby…” Harry says, hand going up to her cheeks to stroke there for a moment. “I thought you had an alarm… I filled your water bottle this morning and put it on the bedside table, come on.”
“No– Harry…”
“What’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I am, I just want fresh water.”
“Are you– are you serious?”
“Yes,” it comes out as a question rather than an answer and she bites her bottom lip, feeling uneasy under Harry’s curious gaze.
“You’re being kinda weird.”
“I’m not being weird!”
“Is there something you’re hiding from me?” He says with eyebrows furrowed and hand on his hip. “In the bedroom, in particular?”
“Don’t be silly.”
And as soon as he turns away, she knows she’s done for. It’s too late. She’s fucked. Everything’s fucked, she thinks, and he will hate her. Will never want to see her face again and probably ask her to leave as soon as possible since he won’t be able to look at her ever again without being reminded of her disgusting “gift”.
He goes in, of course he does, and she can’t help but close her eyes for a few moments before she joins him, hands sweaty and heart beating like there’s no tomorrow. She finds him near the bed, eyes focused on the box sitting in the middle of the bed, and she looks up when he does, finding him giving her a bright, heart-clenching smile as the dimple gets wider.
“Well, what’s this then, bab?”
His socked-feet makes a comforting noise on the carpeted floor, and he stops when he reaches where she’s standing, hands immediately finding her hips to bring them closer.
“Harry, please don’t open it,” it’s pathetic, she thinks, how desperate and anxious she sounds. Though, she can’t help but close her eyes when Harry’s hand finds the back of her neck as he strokes there with his thumb. “Don’t open it. It’s just silly. It’s a joke.”
“Baby, breathe. What are you even talking about, hm? Why are you– oh my god, darling, you look like you’re having a panic attack. You’re sweating, are you…” he squeezes her flesh gently, then guides her to the bed. “Hey, look at me– look. I’m not going to open it unless you want me to. Do you really not know me? I would never do anything you don’t want me to. Who do you take me for, hm?” It’s so gentle, his voice, it’s like honey is dripping down his mouth and she can’t help but watch the way his pink lips move. “Baby. Look at me. I love you. You’re so special to me, you’re my whole world. I won’t open it– I won’t, I promise. C’mere, babs.”
“I love you too,” she sniffs once, twice, then rubs her eyes.
“Wanna go to sleep... hm? Come on, bab, let’s go to sleep.”
Nights chase each other away, Tuesday kisses Wednesday and Thursday is spent with laughter and too much smoke and Friday finally arrives and it’s like a breath of fresh air, but she also thinks it’s due to the open windows and fresh flowers in the spacious kitchen. The box, containing the cursed gift of hers is forgotten, placed under their bed besides their suitcases, and everything feels normal. Almost too normal. So, she does what most people would do: look for ‘trouble’.
When Harry’s in the shower, she gets the box out and sits on the bed as she thinks about what to do with it. But, apparently, the stillness of the room was too good to be true as Harry emerges from the ensuite, hair still dripping-wet as he adjusts the robe, eyes immediately finding what she’s got in front of her, and the box that is now open, and a black leather piece hanging from the not-so-tall box.
“Hi, sweet girl,” he’s testing the waters, she knows. His eyebrows are furrowed, only slightly, and mouth slightly parted. “What are you doing, darling?”
It’s not a threat, nor asked with the intention of intimidating her. Alas, she feels threatened.
“What is it?”
She sighs, feeling the cold sweat dripping down her back, and finally gives up. “See for yourself,” the box is thrust into his hands, and she leaves the room, leaving behind a confused, semi-naked man and a very expensive looking strap-on.
It’s not another fifteen minutes until Harry comes downstairs dressed in only a pair of joggers, and finds her on the sofa as she chews on her thumb –a bad habit really– while reading one of Harry’s books. He walks up to her with a tiny smile on his face, and curls into her side, resting his head in the crook of her neck as he breathes in the sweet smell and the now all too familiar fabric softener.
He waits for her to speak first, not wanting to upset her further, but all she does is sit there, and pretend to read until Harry lets out a sigh, and presses a brief, gentle kiss to her jaw.
“Can we talk?” He says, hands now resting on her thigh as his thumb strokes the skin there.
She sighs too, and fidgets under his gaze. “Not really.”
“Why not, though? We’ve been together for years. Why are you so scared of me, hm? Have I ever done something to make you feel like you can’t be honest with me?”
“No, it’s just embarrassing to me, Harry. And… seeing that card. And you calling it… stupid. I just feel like an idiot, please stop.”
Harry sighs, his breath hitting the side of her face. “Look at me. Look–” he reaches and touches her jaw. “I love you. I’m madly in love with you. The kind that keeps me up at night. The kind that makes my heart hurt in the best possible way. I’m so gone, baby, so fucking gone for you. You got me. I can’t leave, now, I’d never want to,” he presses his forehead to the side of her jaw, the damp skin feeling cold against her flesh. “Jeff on the other hand… can we not talk about him when I have these– these images in my head. Of you. Wearing that.”
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to feel bad but too bad, I feel like shite and am so fucking embarassed, you don’t get it.”
“I do, I fucking do and I’m trying to tell you how much I’d love it if you fucked me in the ass. Now, you either come upstairs and finish what you started, or–”
They’re both startled when Mitch enters the living room and drops the book in his hand.
He looks up at them, clearly not phased, and they both notice the AirPods in his ears as he kneels down and grabs his book, giving them one last look before disappearing outside to join Sarah in the garden. Harry though, he lets out a chuckle and turns to her, dimple tugging at his cheek, and extends his arm to caress her cheek.
“Come upstairs, baby.”
He says it easily, words rolling off his tongue, just like that, and she does. Of course she does because what else was she to do? She lets him take her hand in his, interlocking their fingers as he guides them up the stairs. Once inside the room, the door is closed, locked, and Harry takes the time to walk towards the window to close the curtain, and she can’t help but stare at his long, beautiful fingers over the soft cotton. Other than the thick, silver band on his middle finger, his fingers are ring-free, and despite adoring his soft, pretty fingers with his equally pretty rings, there’s just something so soft, cosy and familiar about Harry without rings.
He catches her staring because, of course he does. He sees her. Every movement of her eyes, trembling lips, shaky fingers, scrunch of her nose; he sees it all. And now, he walks towards her, a big grin tugging at his lips as he stops right in front of her, both of them aware of the box sitting on the bed but neither of them say anything as they hold each other’s gaze.
And just like that, she feels like she can finally breathe properly when she’s being pulled into his chest, hands finding their place on each side of her head as he starts peppering kisses to her face, first her forehead, then nose, and at last, his plump lips find their way to the place they know by heart, her lips.
It’s not rushed, not at all, Harry thinks they have all the time in the world so he takes his time with her. He knows it’s impossible, foolish even, but he swears he can see the marks his tiny but lustful kisses are leaving behind when he briefly opens his eyes. They’re everywhere on her beautiful face, from her lips to the corner of her mouth, chin, the side of her jaw.
“How do you want me,” he mumbles and it’s an uttered promise, somehow submissive though not completely, but also one that is full of love, trust.
She freezes for a moment, hands still on his neck, holding each other’s gaze and she watches as Harry walks to the bed, and he grabs the box. The shape of the object in his hands feels unfamiliar to the eye, the dazzling, hot pink dildo at the front makes them both swallow in anticipation and she knows Harry is clueless about what his next move should be.
It certainly wasn’t their first time trying out things in the bedroom. They were both ‘kinky’, as some would call it, they liked rough sex, the kind that left bruises and marks behind, but never anything like this. Sure, she did give him a rim job a few times, his darker, puckered hole made her mouth water and she wanted nothing more than to get on her knees and kiss and lick the flesh until Harry was a mess, coming in long spurts. He loved having his ass licked, he loved sitting on her face, with his big cock stuffing her warm, tiny mouth as he forced her to take everything in, moving his ass back and forth across her mouth as she tried to lick every inch of the bitter flesh, wanting to please him, make him fall apart above her.
But, despite Harry letting her lick his ass could be considered as a vulnerability or submission to some, she was always his submissive. She loved it; they both loved it. She also knew today wasn’t the day she would give up on that submission. No, today was all about Harry, and what he wanted, how he wanted it, and it was about her giving it to him. So she gives him a tiny smile, hands reaching to grab the strap-on from his hands, and he watches with great intent, pupils dilated and mouth parted.
She swallows, and looks up at him with apprehension. “I want you to use me,” she lets out, a shaky breath following behind. “I want you to… I want you to do whatever you want with me. I know this,” her gaze falls to the pink dildo surrounded by black leather of the harness. “It’s something we haven’t done before, at least… fully–”
Harry giggles, leaning forward to press his forehead against hers. “Fully.”
“Shh. I’m just saying that… we haven’t done this before but I still want you to be in charge, at least… at least–”
“You want me to be the Daddy, hm? You still want Daddy to tell you what to do, how to fuck him? Y’gonna be my little fuck toy? Is that what you want, darling?”
“Yes,” her breath hitches at her throat. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. You’re so good to Daddy, darling. Always spoiling me, always looking after me, taking care of Daddy… how’d I get so lucky?”
“Daddy deserves it,” she looks up, waiting for his command to get naked and she can see it in his eyes, the hesitant gaze as if he wants to make sure she’s okay still even though he’s the one who’s about to get fucked.
“Go on then,” he mutters, hands going to his own joggers as he lets them pool around his ankles. He reaches up, brushing the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip. “Get naked for Daddy and put it on.”
And she does, oh, she does.
It doesn’t take long, considering she only has a ratty t-shirt on and a pair of joggers, and nothing underneath. It doesn’t come as a surprise to him, her forgoing underwear, but they both can’t help but hold each other’s gaze a minute longer. She notices the fiery look in his eyes, pupils now looking like a pair of black buttons as his bottom lip gets trapped between his teeth.
She lets her eyes wander, gaze travelling from each puffy nipple that are now beginning to harden, to the hair on his chest, then the hair that’s following his happy trail, all the way down to his cock. She feels her heart clench in lust at the sight of his hard cock, slightly curved with a vein following underneath, and she just wants to get down on her knees and put it in her mouth. She remembers him asking her whether to shave or not a couple of weeks ago, and the thick pubic hair surrounding his perfect cock makes her mouth water, feeling content that she’d told him not to touch any razors.
She looks up at him again, to see the expression on his face and he smiles, hand reaching for her.
She walks towards him, the strap-on in hand, and a tiny whimper leaves her mouth when her hand finds her boob, long fingers trapping her pebbled nipple between them as he twists the darker nub, once, twice, and he lets it go only to slap it, causing her to gasp as she quickly tries to suppress the noise with her palm pressing against her mouth. It stings, but doesn’t hurt. Not at all. In fact, it frustrates her despite the tingling, stinging feeling between her legs. She needs more. She wants more.
“Get this on and get on your knees,” he mutters, hand now on her neck as he squeezes briefly, watching as she gets the strap-on on and tightens the straps. “You’re gonna get Daddy’s cock nice and wet before you can fuck his ass. Understand?”
She pairs her quiet ‘yes’ with a nod, mind too hazy to actually look into Harry’s eyes as her shaky fingers fiddle with the harness. The clasps make a clicking sound, very satisfying to their ears, and she swallows, getting on her knees in front of him. Clean, soapy smell of his skin chafes the tip of her nose very gently and Harry begins playing with her hair, hands stroking the side of her face before one finds the back of her neck, bringing her towards his hard cock.
“Take it in your mouth,” his thumb presses hard on her bottom lip, as if to remind her who’s in control despite the foreign object she’s been supporting.
Her gaze wanders, taking in his thick, leaking cock, and with one hand steady on his meaty thigh, she brings the other to his balls, humming when she feels them tight already. The wrinkly skin of it is soft and not at all unfamiliar to her. So, she leans in to press a flat tongue against his balls, not missing the way Harry’s thighs jerk in response, and she then takes them into her mouth. She hums at the feeling in her mouth as she alternates between sucking and licking them and Harry lets out a quivering sigh above her, eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of her mouth around him.
He lets out a his when her teeth grazes over the area lightly. “Fuck, babe. You like my balls?”
Of course, there’s no time to respond, nor the possibility of her forming coherent words since he’s literally balls deep in her mouth, so she proceeds to hum around him, a few hairs there tickling her nose and lips as she sucks. With a pop, she lets them go and darts out her tongue again, travelling the warm, wet muscle from underneath his cock, to the tip. It’s a deep, pink colour, shiny and smooth, so she can’t help but wrap her mouth around the tip, earning a quick jolt of his hips from Harry as the action takes him by surprise.
She looks up, and sucks the tip as if it’s an ice lolly, and the salty taste of his pre-cum fills the insides of her mouth, fingernails pressing harder into his meaty thighs, and she wishes she could see the mark her nails left behind on his tiger tattoo.
Series of ‘fuck’s and ‘shit’s leave his mouth as he guides her head down his cock, and as always, she obeys while taking him deeper and deeper, her warm saliva coating his thickness and she moans around his warm cock as she brings her hands to his ass. While still sucking, she squeezes there, fingernails digging into the perfect skin of his ass and he lets out a hiss first, then pulls her hair harshly before pressing her face down his cock, a shaky moan following as she takes him deeper, her throat welcoming the warmth and thickness of his cock like it always does.
“You’re such a cock slut for me, aren’t you? Can’t keep that mouth away from Daddy,” he pulls her away from his cock, hands immediately going to her mouth to smear the pre-cum and spit all over her mouth and chin. "You wanted to treat Daddy for his birthday, hm?”
“You’re such a good girl, darling. Always spoiling me, making me feel so, so fucking good,” he squeezes one of her boobs, twisting the nipple between his fingers before his gaze falls to the strap-on and the dildo secured tightly to the harness. He gets on his knees. “Make me suck that cock.”
The words, they just sound so hot, so filthy coming out of his mouth, making her weak in the knees as she swallows, and she places her hand on his shoulder, squeezing there once before it travels to the back of his head. She feels in control, having him on his knees, at her command even though he’s still somehow in charge, and it drives her crazy, having this gorgeous man all to herself. 
She watches him as Harry’s curious gaze takes the pink dildo in. She knew it wasn’t his first time sucking a cock, despite the one now in his face being silicone. So when he goes in easily with her hands pulling him closer, she can’t help but whine at the expression on his face, eyes glittering and plump lips parted as he takes the cock into his mouth.
He coats the pink silicone with his saliva, eyes shut as if he’s trying to concentrate on an important task, pink lips looking like they belong there, around a cock. They look so sinful, yet so perfect as he bobs his head up and down, talking the cock further into his mouth and she tries to guide him but she knows he doesn’t need it. He knows what he’s doing.
“You look so hot,” she manages to let out, words coming out as a hum, low and quiet, and he opens his eyes, eyelashes fluttering at the whispered compliment. “You look so good, Harry.”
He takes it out of his mouth briefly, a string of saliva making a bridge between his bottom lip and the dildo, and she reaches there, smearing it all over his bottom lip just like he did to her earlier as she loved seeing him dirty.
His pink tongue darts out and he wraps his lips around the finger on his bottom lip. “Gonna get me wet now?” He hums around her finger and she feels her pussy clench around nothing.
“Get on the bed.”
As Harry gets on all fours, ass in the air, her eyes wander to their lube on the nightstand. Ignoring the heat in her stomach, she sits on her knees behind Harry and touches his ass, fingers caressing the soft skin, touching the tiny mole there before she leans forward and presses a kiss there. It’s a peck, a sweet kiss that turns into more as her mouth opens, tongue flat against the warm skin as she sucks the flesh, causing him to let out a happy grunt.
He whispers her name, the excitement making her nipples tighten once again, but she moves her lips towards the crack, not wanting to stop.
“That’s it,” Harry groans, “Get Daddy wet before you put that cock in him.”
It’s a godly sight. Him on all fours, at her mercy, it was exquisite, intense, dirty. But she wanted to get him dirtier. With her hand parting one cheek, she bites her lip, noticing his rim, puckered and surrounded by little hairs, and all of a sudden, she can’t wait to get her mouth on him, to see the hairs get darker with her spit as he squirms under her touch.
She gets closer, a grin appearing on her face when he lets out quiet whines and whimpers, and she exhales a sigh into Harry’s milky flesh. Her tongue, hungry and hot, darts out to lick his rim briefly, just to get him wet before she uses her fingers. His cock, now a deeper shade of pink, hard and thick, is peeking between his legs, moving left and right from time to time whenever Harry or she moves, and she can’t help but reach there.
Harry sucks in a breath as her warm hand meets his hard cock, and she lets out a moan when she feels the thickness of it in her palm. It’s hot, so fucking hot, and the smooth skin of his cock is still damp, so she brings her thumb to his tip and smears the leaking pre-cum all over it, then drags her finger down to his balls and squeezes once.
His perfect mouth lets out a pained whimper when she lets go and focuses on the beautiful rim in front of her. She leans forward, both hands now parting his cheeks, and spits on his rim before flattening her tongue and lapping across Harry’s puckered hole. It’s not sweet, far from it actually, but the salty, bitter taste makes her even wetter as she keeps licking and sucking around his hole, satisfied when she hears him whimper and moan. Once it’s wet and the hairs around his rim get darker, she pulls away and licks a finger into her mouth, then grabs the lube from the bedside table and places it somewhere by Harry’s feet.
It’s fire, when she presses her middle finger into his hole, and Harry lets out a groan, her finger sliding in with ease with the help of her spit. “So tight,” she mumbles when Harry pushes his ass backwards only a little bit to match the tiny movements of her finger.
“Move faster,” Harry says, voice low. “Add another one.”
The lube is now in her hand as she brings it to where her finger is, takes it out, and allows a generous amount to coat the puckered area where her finger has been. Harry groans at the feeling, hole clenching around nothing, and she rubs the area with the same finger she’s been using, and presses it in before taking it out. This time, her middle finger is joined by her index as she fucks into his ass slowly, taking her sweet time while admiring the way he’s been taking her fingers. The skin makes wet noises, and she knows if they weren’t so worked up, they would have a giggle about it, just like they often do whenever one of them makes a questionable noise while having sex.
This time, though, the sounds of her fingers pumping in and out of his ass makes her go crazy, and she knows Harry feels the same when he lets out a loud grunt, pushing his ass back in sharp movements, in hopes of getting her to fuck him harder and deeper.
It goes on like that for a while, and they stop when he’s opened up enough, Harry’s rim now looking sore and pink. Once the dildo at her front is lubed up generously, she taps his ass once, making him turn his head back to look at her, eyebrows furrowed in question and mouth still parted due to the tingling feeling at the tip of his cock.
“Go ahead, baby,” he murmurs, gaze lowering. “Fuck Daddy’s ass. I’m ready,” his voice, hoarse and low, rings in her ears as she lifts the dildo up to his ass, his now-pink hole.
One hand holding the pink dildo from the base and the other resting on Harry’s back, she starts pushing it in, whines and hisses leaving his throat as soon as he feels the silicone tip. She watches as the tip digs into his ass, slowly and with effort despite all the lube, and she can’t help but bring her other hand to her boobs, squeezing once before she places it back on Harry’s ass. He’s a mess, sweat dripping down his back, and she knows he’s trying to keep quiet as neither of them would want to get caught by the other couple despite having the door locked.
“Fuck,” he grunts, head lowering.
“Does it hurt?”
“No,” he whimpers, ass trying to clench around the dildo but it fails due to how big it is. “Keep going, I want you to fuck me. Hard.”
She holds him by his love handles, fingernails digging into his milky, smooth skin as she moves her hips, the dildo now halfway in. With Harry moaning, she takes her time to admire how fucking hot he looks underneath her, with his ass filled with the pink dildo, and she sighs, continuing to fuck into his ass with the shiny dildo. It’s incredible how well he’s taking it, taking her, his puckered hole now a sore-pink, wet, and she feels like crying, not knowing how to handle what’s going on. She loves him. She loves him so fucking much, and she knows he does, too. She feels overwhelmed with love and hunger as she speeds up her hips, the dildo now fully inside him as she fucks his ass.
He gasps and jolts when the dildo presses right up to his prostate. “Fuckin’ hell. Please keep going, fuck Daddy hard. Fuck me, baby– god, I’m gonna cum soon. Keep going, keep fucking me,” he rasps.
“You’re taking it so well. You look so fucking good.”
“Oh fuck– it feels so good. Fuck me harder, come on, fuck me.”
Feeling brave, she presses her fingernails into his ass cheek, then lifts her hand, a loud smack landing on his left cheek and Harry hisses, fingers curling into the sheets as he lets out whimper after whimper. She watches as the dildo disappears into Harry’s ass, the pink mark on his ass becoming redder and angrier by the second and she decides to press her front against his back, laying down on him as she fucks into him deeper, nipples getting ridiculously hard as soon as they make contact with Harry’s sweaty back.
She finds it easier to fuck him in this position, and she likes that they’re much closer now, mouths searching for each other as he reaches behind and grabs her ass, squeezing hard as she keeps thrusting hard and deep. With kisses placed against his sweaty neck, Harry tries to turn his head to where hers is, and they meet in a rushed, teeth-clashing kiss, Harry’s tongue darting out to lick into her mouth, but missing in the end, and licking the corner of her mouth instead as she lets out a whine, hand searching for his cock that’s now trapped between his body and the sheets.
He helps her, lifts up his lower body and she starts moving her hand up and down on his hard cock, head resting on the crook of his neck as her hips move lazily. He’s so hard, and she knows he’s close by the sounds he’s making, his hips jerking forward from time to time as little ‘uh’s leave his mouth, and she wants to help him. She wants him to cum so bad. She wants to be the one making him cum so fucking hard.
“Are you gonna cum,” she whispers into his neck. “Please, baby. Cum for me. Show me how much you liked getting fucked.”
“God,” with cock still in her palm, he tries thrusting his hips forward to meet the strokes of her hand. “Please– I’m g’na cum so fuckin’ hard. You’re so fucking hot, so fucking good to me. Oh my god, baby, it hurts.”
“Yeah? It hurts?” She squeezes the base of his cock, then touches his balls briefly before continuing her strokes. “You’re taking it so well. Come on, Daddy. I need you to cum.”
“God, I’m– oh fuck. I’m gonna… Make me cum. Come on, make Daddy cum.” 
She squeezes his cock once again, sending sharp jolts of pleasure straight to his cock. When he lets out a choked breath, she knows he’s coming. It’s hot, sticky, and so fucking dirty, the cum coating her palm, creating more lubrication as she keeps stroking him lazily, dildo still filling up his ass, and with a groan, Harry reaches behind to smack her ass.
They stay like that for a while, with her still inside him as he tries to catch his breath, and she proceeds to match their breaths to the clock on the wall, feeling completely spent but still frustrated since the pool of wetness between her folds seems to be intensifying every passing moment.
After a while, Harry clears his throat. “Are you a dream?” It’s soft, only a whisper, and sickeningly sweet.
“You’re a dream. You’re unbelievable– I love love love you,” he sighs, voice breaking. It takes him a few seconds to complete his sentence.
“No, thank you. I hope… I hope you liked it?”
“Fucking loved it. What about you?”
“I did. You did so good,” she touches his sweaty hair. “But,” she starts, legs starting to feel sore. “I’m still so fucking wet.”
“Oh, fuck. I’m sorry, sweet girl–” Harry reaches behind and strokes her hip. “Can I fuck you now?”
“Yes, please.”
The strap-on now on the floor, Harry takes his time to admire her soft features, the sweat on her forehead and messy strands of hair sticking to her face. She rubs her eyes, and lets out a yawn, but her other hand reaches blindly for Harry, and he smiles, the gesture leaving his chest, his heart heavy and hot and full of love. He lets her hold on to him as she keeps rubbing her eyes, then he links their fingers as she opens her eyes to find him staring.
She gives him a lazy smile. “What?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“All right, Shakespeare… mhm, come here,” she pulls him closer by his love handles. “I love you. Happy birthday. Again.”
“I love you so much. How is it possible to want you this much, hm?” He mumbles against her sweaty neck, not caring about the bitter taste of her skin. He watches as her smile widens, eyes tired and sleepy. “There’s a halo in your mouth.”
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