#back from da dead n back on my bullshit!!!
pachimation · 2 years
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working overtime, taking a quick a smoke break
+ bonus doodles
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606 notes · View notes
honey-riley · 2 months
Love You To Death || S.R. || 4 || NFWMB
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WARNINGS: This contains two war crimes (whoopsie) but so does Modern Warfare, so don’t fry me pls and thanks 😛 I don’t want to spoil anything, but the war crimes are: Execution without trial/ability to surrender, and opening fire in a civilian congested area (idk the proper term for it), death, minor gore, betrayal, HEAVY MENTIONS OF DV.
wc: 2.1k
A/N: Ben, am I right? 🙄 I had to put the cut in a different place bc it starts out pretty rough. Anyway, I love y'all, my ask me is open if you have any requests or questions about literally anything!! And a big big big thank you for almost 250 followers!! I didn't even realize that I had so many lol. Thank you so so so much.
3 || 4 || 5
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In the morning, Honey woke up with a pounding headache, a black eye, and a few other bruises. She opened her sore eyes, watching Ben’s chest rise and fall. Tears pricked her eyes as she tried to move, but her body was far too sore to want to work. She powered through, gritting her teeth and getting out of bed. She went into the bathroom, shutting the door. Glancing down, she noticed the dent in the wood of the door, from where her head had been slammed into it months ago. She glanced in the mirror, taking in the bruises and marks. The broken blood vessels that wrapped around her green irises, the purple that marred the skin around her eye, going up onto the bridge of her nose. There was no way of hiding this.
She shed her clothes, starting the shower, getting it warmed up. While she waited, she looked at the big bruise on her upper thigh, which would be easier to hide. She let out a sigh, stepping into the shower. 
As the hot water pounded against her skin, leaving it red and irritated, she sat down on the floor, curling her knees to her chest. Tears stung her eyes before rolling down her cheeks, mixing with the water that poured down around her. She rested her forehead on her knees, tearing herself apart internally. 
Was zum Teufel habe ich getan, um das Universum so zu verärgern? (What the hell did I do to piss off the universe like that?) 
About 20 minutes had passed before the water had started to run cold. She got out, got dressed, and put her uniform on. She covered the bruises on her face to the best of her abilities, but the broken blood vessels in her eyes were a dead giveaway. She shook her head, trying to get her mind in the right place. She had to go to work. She needed to get ready. She went into the bedroom, gently placing a soft kiss against Ben’s cheek before leaving. She got onto base, and into the briefing room. The rest of the team was already there and waiting, so Honey found a spot away from the team as much as possible. “Good morning, Sergeant.” Laswell smiled softly. Honey gave her a nod in response, mumbling a greeting back. 
“So, to start the briefing, we have intel that there has been a connection between Makarov and someone close to the team. We aren’t sure yet, so whatever you do: do not point fingers.” Laswell started. Everyone in the room looked over at Honey, and it made her gut sink. This was the last thing that she needed. 
Honey choked back the whimper that was threatening to escape, closing her eyes.
“Now, because Makarov is eliminated, we are unsure who the intel is going to and who is in control. The Konni group has attachments, and we are aware.” Price said, his voice gruff. He cleared his throat, crossing his arms. Honey could feel everyone's eyes digging into her, and that’s when she broke. She stood up, leaving the room, tears racing down her cheeks. To the team’s surprise, Ghost was the one to stand up and go after her. Chasing after her, he quickly caught up, grabbing her by the shoulders and pinning her to the cold, brick wall. The back of her head slammed against it as she was forced to look up at him. “Fuck you. Fuck you.” Ghost growled, his voice deep and full of hurt. “I didn’t do anything!” She whimpered, trying to push him off of herself. “That’s bullshit! You fucker. I knew we never should have recruited you. Fuck you.” Ghost yelled, making the team rush out of the briefing room. Soap immediately shoved Ghost off of Honey. “Back the fuck up! We don’t know if it’s her! We don’t have any proof!” Soap growled, grabbing Ghost by the shoulders. 
Ghost let out a growl, pushing Soap off of himself. He grabbed Honey by the jaw, making her look up at him. That’s when he noticed the bruising around her eye. He let go of her, stepping back. “You’re not off the hook.” He muttered, walking away. The team checked up on Honey, but she was too shaken to explain everything. 
“What happened to your eye? Was that Ghost?” Gaz asked, gently guiding her jaw upwards to look at him. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. “No, my.. My boyfriend.” She sniffled softly, wiping her tears away. “I’m sorry.” She added, starting to sob. Gaz pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her tightly and running his hand along the slicked back portion of her bun. 
“Why don’t ya move in wit’ me fer the time bein’? Just till ye get back on yer feet.” Soap offered softly. She looked up at him, desperately wanting out, but not wanting to be a burden. She slowly nodded, letting out a breath. “I’m so sorry.” She sniffled, wiping her tears away. Soap gently brought her into a hug, rubbing her back. 
About a week later, Honey was moving out from her house. She was packing her things, grabbing her stash of money that was under the mattress. Ben was at work, so she had a little bit of time to get her things packed and ready. As she lifted the mattress, she saw a few manilla envelopes that were new. She grabbed one of them, opening it up. 
The next words she saw were Vladimir Makarov. 
Her breath caught in her throat, grabbing all of the files and immediately calling Soap.
“Hey. Can you come over? Please.” Honey panicked, her breaths coming in heaves. 
“Aye, I’m on my way. Jus’ gimme 10 minutes.” Soap replied, standing up and rushing out of his house. He barely had time to put his shoes on or anything, but he got there within the 10 minutes that he promised. When he got there, Honey answered the door, leading him upstairs. 
“Ben and Makarov.” She whispered, tears pricking her eyes. 
"Alrigh’. Let's grab those files and get out of here. I'll call tha others and have them meet us at tha base. We cannae stay here any longer." Soap says calmly, trying to reassure Honey.
She nodded, following Soap out. They grabbed what little she had packed, got it loaded into Soap’s truck, and made their way onto base. An emergency briefing was immediately planned, and as soon as they stepped foot on base, they were sent to the briefing room. 
“Alright. This changes everything. Honey is now a walking target, as well as the rest of us. Because Ben has been found out, that means he’ll be after Honey.” Laswell stated, looking at the files. “How do we know she doesn’t have a part in this? She could have planted the files. They could be faked. She could be trying to get us off of her ass.” Ghost muttered, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. He had an intense look in his eyes, something was simmering under the surface, and they all knew that dam was about to break. 
“You’re right, we don’t know, but we don’t have any proof of that. We will get the files authenticated.” Price replied, leaning against the table, his weight on his knuckles as he stood. Soap nodded, looking over at Gaz, who agreed. “Please, get them authenticated.” Honey replied, wanting them to see the truth. She wanted to be believed. 
“But what.. How did he know that you were joining the team?” Ghost questioned. 
“He’s the one who landed me the job.” Honey whispered. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as everything lined up and played out in front of her. 
The team went silent, the air thickening as they thought about that response. Was she telling the truth? That was the most pressing question in everyone’s mind. It all lined up almost too much. 
“Well, we’ll find out soon.” Price sighed, putting the files together and putting them in another envelope.
The following days, tensions got thicker and heavier, all of that weight pressing down on Honey’s chest. She laid in the bed in Soap’s guest bedroom, staring up at the ceiling. It felt like there was this ten ton weight constantly on her chest. She hadn’t really moved out of bed since Price excused her for the time being. She blinked away tears as bile bubbled up in her chest, threatening to spill. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she fought the urge to puke.  
There was a soft knock on the door, drawing her attention away from the ceiling. She glanced over as Soap came in. “They were authentic. No foul play or anythin’. Ye’re right.” Soap said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. Honey nodded, staring up at the ceiling again. 
“I’m sorry for all of this,” He added, rubbing his forehead. 
“At least ye’ll be out of here soon. You’ve got wha’? Three months left ‘ere on the team?” Soap asked. Honey nodded, choosing to stay silent. She felt hurt, betrayed, but she understood. She was the newcomer on the team, they had every right to think she was suspicious. But at the same time, she was sick of always being voted against, vetoed, thrown away at the last second. She just wanted to stay in one place for once, but everything felt so impossible. “I might leave the military.” She whispered, rubbing her forehead. Soap tsked at that. She was a good soldier, a good person, and she knew what she was doing, so for her to leave the military, that would be bad for everyone around her. But, he couldn’t be selfish. She had the right to choose what she wanted to do with her life, and he couldn’t choose that for her. 
“Hon, I understan’ but think about all the missed opportunities. Ye could get paid to see the world.” Soap said softly. 
“No, what I get paid for is taking the lives of people.” Honey replied, letting out a sigh as tears pricked her eyes. This was always the hardest part of the job, knowing that you’re a government assigned murderer. She knew that she only took out bad people, but one person’s enemy is another person’s hero. 
“These people have families, Soap. Just like you and me.” She whispered, her German accent getting a little thicker as she got emotional. 
“I understan’. And I think about tha’ a lot.” Soap replied, resting his hand on her arm. 
During the passing week, Honey laid low at Soap’s house, and they kept each other safe. The team had announced that Ben was now a target — and targets needed to be taken out. Honey was assigned with taking out Ben, which was a hard thing for her to do. 
This was the man that she loved, the man that also treated her like shit, but she loved him. They had been together for so long, but now, here she was, sitting on a roof with Ghost right next to her, watching as Ben made his coffee rounds. 
“Let me take the shot. You sit back.” Ghost murmured. “I was assigned to take the shot, I’m supposed to take it.” Honey replied, shaking her head as she looked through her scope. 
“I don’t care. You’re not going to shoot him. It’s harder than it looks.” Ghost replied. She let out a long sigh, feeling like this was a nasty game of ‘you took my kill, I’ll take yours’. She complied, scooting back a little. They waited until Ben sat down, focused on his phone. They waited for all of the civilians to move out of the way and clear before Ghost took the shot. Screams erupted as Ben’s head was literally blown off, and Honey let out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding. Tears pricked her eyes and she put her head down, resting it on the roof, next to her rifle. 
"Heilige Scheiße. (holy shit.)” She mumbled, taking a deep breath. Ghost watched the area, making sure that there were no other possible threats before he slowly looked over at Honey, putting his hand on her back.
“Time to move.” He said, guiding her to stand. She took her rifle, standing on her feet, looking down at Ben’s body that was across the street.
“Don’t look.” Ghost grunted, grabbing her bicep and leading her away. Honey felt sick to her stomach, her face paling as she let out a deep breath. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, but she kept moving. This was her job, Ben was a target, and this was necessary for more people to live and be safe. That didn’t get rid of the pain, though. It still hurt her.
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Trust Me -- Part 2
02/06/2021: Wow, uh, wow. This one got me. Almost started crying at the cheesy ending. I will cringe at it in precisely two months from now. Thank you guys SO much for all the positive feedback of PART 1, it really helped me finish this part. Without you guys, this would have been still sitting in my drafts. There's lowkey a bit of pressure in this actually being GOOD, so I'm sitting here with a bit of Imposter SyndromeTM and crossing everything I can cross that you guys like it. I can't tell whether I went overboard or not, though... I guess that's for you guys to tell me lmao.
Also, these commas can be pried from my very cold, extremely dead, fingers.
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! For the first time in almost ever, I'm a bit very nervous to post this -- I hope you enjoy it!!
Tagging: @marshmallow--3 // @yourlocalfrenchie // @rahdaleigh // @sofiewithat /// @iceboundstar // @mythandmagik // @itseivwhore // @pink-polarfox // @missbenzayb // @ct-5445 // @timbreavery // @dacian-assassin // @thepalaceofmelanie // @asilverraven // @huntheimpossible // @eclectic--assassin // @thehistorynut19 // @ta-ka-shi-ma // @roki3chocoa // @fandomsfanman // @le-nottibianche // @bandit-brunsmeier // @starmoji1 // @spocktheestallion // @salty-thembo // @missingfrye // @xdeimos // If you want to be tagged, let me know!!
Warnings: Lots of swearing, a bit of graphic violence, implicit mention of sexual assault (I hope it's not a spoiler to say that this does not actually happen, but the idea is used as manipulation. It's not done well, but I'm blaming that on the character being a horrible liar, instead of me sucking at write arseholes), implied character death.
Pairing: Edward Kenway x F!Reader
Assassin's Creed Mobile Masterlist
Red Dead Redemption 2 Mobile Masterlist
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The neighbouring ship was chaotic. The opponents were drunk on victory, so slipping through unnoticed was easy. The hard part was going to be staying undercover until you could free Edward and the rest of the crew without anyone falling casualty. “Strip them of their weapons and take them to the brig!” You heard the Quartermaster yell. Thinking quickly, you moved to Edward; if you knew where his weapons were, escaping could be much easier. People were already pulling out his pistols and cutlasses, fortunately dumping them in your arms. Looking around, you pulled away to hide them in an inconspicuous barrel for later.
You weren’t planning on staying long.
Quickly rejoining the group, you took hold of one of your crew members -- you recognised him as one named Jonah -- at the back of the crowd, keeping your face covered lest they accidentally reveal your identity. You kept your eye on Edward’s tense shoulders the entire time, heading below deck and to the rows of cells at the end of the ship.
As you gently pushed Jonah into the cell, someone slammed the door shut, chucking the ring of keys your way. “Lock ‘em up.” Swallowing, you nodded, feeling uncomfortable under their gaze while turning the key in the lock. Taking them out of your hands, a mop and bucket was shoved in its place. “You’re on cleaning duty, starting upstairs; let’s go.” With one last glance, your eyes scoured for Edward before they all disappeared from view.
There was this crushing anxiety he just couldn’t shake. It rendered him almost motionless, crouched in the corner of the cell, picking at his sleeves. There was a commotion heading towards them; he was in for company he was not in the mood for.
Heavy footsteps gave away the visitor. “We searched your boat.” His crew parted to clear a view as Charles Marlowe relaxed against the cell bars. “We found your woman.”
Edward’s eyes snapped to Marlowe’s as he clenched his jaw, almost daring him to say more.
With a chuckle and a disgusting grin, he brought out a small knife to clean. “Don’t you want to know where she is?”
“I expect you’d would tell me regardless.”
“I would advise against winding me up, Kenway. I could always take my anger out on her instead.”
It took a second for Edward’s arms to fly through the bars, constricting around Marlowe’s throat. “What have you done with her?”
Although cold metal pressed against his jaw, he didn’t ease up.
“She’s waiting for me very nicely... in my cabin.”
Edward didn’t have to think very hard to infer his meaning.
“I’ll kill you if you touch her. I’ll kill you.” Growling, he held impossibly tighter, for if he was here, he wasn’t there.
“With your actions come consequences, Kenway. And you might not be the one paying for them.”
A dilemma came to mind: delay him to keep him away from you, or risk the consequences of his revenge?
Somewhat luckily, he didn’t need to choose.
Before Edward could comprehend that he loosened his grip, Marlowe slipped out of his grasp. The distraught Captain pressed himself against the bars, anger drenching his expression as he heaved out breaths. His captor laughed. “You’re very good at empty threats, Kenway.”
“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” His cold tone streaked through the crew, setting hairs on end. They had never heard their Captain like this before; so angry, so dangerous.
It terrified them.
“That remains to be seen. In the meantime…” With a mocking whistling tune, Marlowe spun on his heels and began to walk away.
“Come back here, bilge rat!” He pulled harshly against the cell door. “Don’t you dare touch her!”
“Then you better stay in line.”
As he disappeared from view, Edward’s emotions overwhelmed him, frustrated tears coming to his eyes. He turned to a solid wall, slamming the side of his fist against it and yelled.
Fear, anger, guilt, and grief echoed around the brig.
Collapsing against the wood, he hid his face in his hands, aiming to either calm himself or hide his inevitable breakdown.
“Finish up downstairs.” Nodding affirmatively, you picked up the mop bucket and eagerly headed beneath deck, having to consciously slow down to avoid suspicion. You were glad you were disguised in the uniform of Marlowe’s crew instead of the rags of the common sailors aboard; it would’ve made the job much harder than it had to be.
Keeping a level head, you walked past the cell holding your family and placed the mop bucket against the wall, scanning the deck.
Sighing in relief, you realised that you were alone with your crew at last. As you pulled the covering off of your face, you shushed frantically, the cell almost erupting into cheers. You gestured for them to part, eyeing Edward, almost balled up in the corner of the cell. “Hey, Ed,” you whispered, watching as his head snapped up to you, eyes widening.
Scrambling up, he strode to the bars in a second, reaching through the gaps to hold you. “Thank Christ…” he exhaled in relief, bringing your forehead to his lips between the bars. You pulled away after a few moments, sharing relieved glances. “Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?” he asked, eyes scanning you for any sign of injuries.
“No, no, I’m okay. Are you alright? Did we lose anyone?”
“I’m... fine; I haven’t done a head count yet.”
You didn’t reply, watching as Jonah came up to tap Edward on the shoulder. “Capt’n?”
He turned around, withdrawing his hands as Ryan came into view. “I can’t find my da’.” His voice was barely stable, cheeks stained with tear tracks. For a second, you both exchanged sorrowful glances.
Edward crouched down, ruffling his hair. “He’ll be around, lad. We just have to find him. Maybe he’s escaped and is planning his own rescue mission for us.”
Ryan nodded, wanting to believe him. Meanwhile, Edward stood and brought Jonah close, leaning to whisper in his ear. He withdrew, a willing but uncertain look on his face. Both retreated back into the small crowd.
“What did you tell him?” you asked.
“...That he has to look after Ryan now.”
You squeezed your eyes shut to stave off tears. “Shit.”
His fingers gently grazed your cheek. “Are you sure you’re alright? Does Marlowe know you’re here?”
Frowning, you shook your head. “I wouldn’t have thought so; if he did, I’d be stuck in there with you.”
His expression was nearly unreadable, but you could sense his anxiety. “I saw him come from here a few moments ago. What was he saying?”
“He…” Pausing for a moment, Edward swallowed. “Just Templar bullshit.”
You scoffed at the notion. “Of course he did. Look, I know how to get out of this.”
“I’ll take anything at this point.” Although his tone was sarcastic, you could tell that for the first time, he didn’t know what to do.
“He needs to die.”
Edward froze, brows narrowing, realising your intention. “No, Y/N, no.”
“‘No’ was an option in Nassau, but we don’t have that choice--”
“No, there must be another way -- “
“There is no other way! This is our only chance--”
“Are you hearing me?! He--”
“Do you understand the situation we’re in?!”
“No, Y/N, please--”
“All it takes is--”
“Just LISTEN to me!” He hissed through gritted teeth, grasping your arm to give it a sharp shake to stop you talking over him. The shock threw you into silence. Lowering his voice, he continued. “If you make so much as one mistake, he won’t just kill you; he’ll make you wish you were dead. Please, please, don’t do this.”
You were stunned. You’ve never seen him so adamant about staying your blade. The desperation in his tone threw you off; you’ve never heard him this serious -- this frantic -- before.
Edward grabbed one of your hands in both of his, bringing your knuckles to rest against his lips. “I love you… with everything I have; I can’t lose you. Not if I can help it,” he murmured, closing his eyes. Your heart broke as you watched a tear escape, trailing down his skin.
“Okay, okay.” You rarely saw Edward cry, and when you did, it was usually due to either drinking or laughing. He took a small, shuddering breath, trying to compose himself.
“We wait for Adé. Then we’ll think about Marlowe.”
“Alright, okay. Hey...” you caressed his jaw. “I’m okay. We’ll be okay. Trust me.”
You heard ruckus above the deck. “Someone’s coming.” Both of you broke away like shrapnel, Edward sitting himself on the floor while you mopped, facing the wall.
And that was how things were.
A couple of weeks had passed since the crew was abducted from the Jackdaw. Everyone had been forced to labour on the deck, doing various jobs, from scrubbing floors to adjusting sails to everything in between. Adé was nowhere to be seen; whether he was hidden on deck and still strategising, or God forbid, something worse, you didn’t know.
A few didn’t make it.
Keeping your identity hidden was becoming increasingly difficult as time went on, of both being a woman and lover of the imprisoned Captain. You had, however, been able to gather intel of Marlowe from the crew that despised him. Each day further validated your belief that this man would be much better off dead; the crew have no loyalty except out of fear, and you could work with that.
You understood Edward’s fear, but it would be selfish of you to stand back and not do anything, watching as almost everyone on the ship suffered; if you did nothing, you would regret it for the rest of your days.
One particular morning was extremely hot, extremely dry, and extremely labour intensive. You were almost halfway through your journey, and you knew you were running out of time. Something had to happen, and soon, or you would never make it to the end of the year.
After the first week, the crew joined the common sailors around the ship, performing average labour over hours. There was barely time to rest, eat, or drink; he could tell that this was wearing him down more than any form of torture.
The sun’s rays beat down on the nape of his neck as midday approached. Orders were to scrub the floor. He had a brush in his hand the size of a polishing brush, sharing a bucket with four other members of his crew. Each time he made eye contact with one of them, he’d give them a reassuring look; they’d all get out of this, he just needed a plan.
Doors were haphazardly flung open, Marlowe revealing himself from his cabin, followed by an entourage of his closest crew. They clumsily made their way across the ship, bumping into those scrubbing the deck, only to send them a look as if it was their fault in the first place.
One of them knocked over a bucket of water, spilling the liquid across the wood. Edward looked up to observe the situation. It belonged to his crew, including Jonah and Ryan. Marlowe stopped, his stare set on the ones kneeling, completely ignoring the real culprit. “You.” He crooked his finger towards Ryan. “Get up.”
With a petrified look on his face, Ryan stumbled to his feet, shaking like a leaf. “It wasn’t--”
Marlowe put his hand up, a warning to shut up. “It was your bucket, was it not?”
“Y-Yes, but--”
“So it was your responsibility, correct?”
“It’s a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, boy.”
“... Yes, sir.”
Marlowe turned to call to his second in command. “Get the cat.”
Edward’s heart stopped. By now, the ship had dropped to complete silence. They wouldn’t… he was only a boy. Marlowe was sadistic, but he wouldn’t be that evil, would he?
Before he could stop himself, Edward found himself standing protectively in front of Ryan. The child gripped onto his sleeve as he was pushed behind his Captain by the arm. “Why don’t you give a punishment to someone who deserves it?”
Marlowe held a neutral expression. “You’re right…” With a wave of his hand, arms snaked themselves around Edward’s, pulling him away from the others, restraining his movements.
Edward’s eyes flitted to Ryan for a split second; he was pulled to sit beside Jonah before he gained any more unwanted attention. Marlowe came to stand in front of him, unpinning his cape from around his shoulders. It fell into someone’s arms, who carried it away. Although his limbs were pulled harshly behind him, he held his head high, a hard expression in his eyes.
Undoing his cuffs, Marlowe smirked. “I believe you deserve twenty, in place of that boy…” Without warning, a fist came into contact with Edward’s sternum. If it weren’t for the arms holding him upright, the force would have sent his knees buckling. As he regained his breath, he glared at Marlowe. “Another twenty is in order for disobedience…” Another strike winded him again, this one seemingly worse than before. Keeled over, hair blocking his vision, he almost didn’t notice Marlowe leaning into his ear. “Then, about as many as I deem fit…”
Standing up straight, he shook out his hand. “Get him ready.”
Edward stumbled as he was half-dragged across the deck to the main mast. His chest and face collided with the post, the wood almost burning his skin. His arms were pulled taut above his head, rope quickly entwining itself around his wrists. He gave them an experimental tug, his heart skipping a beat when he found not even an inch of give.
Oh, fuck.
Hands gripped the back of his shirt, swiftly tearing it open. His muscles tensed as the sunlight hit his skin. Closing his eyes, he steeled himself with a breath.
The first strike licked his skin, the force shoving him against the post, ripping open stripes of flesh. Pain shot across his back. Biting a back a groan, Edward clenched his jaw. Sweat trailed down his temples, arms straining against the ropes.
Resting his forehead against the post, he prepared for the next lash.
But the strike never came.
Ooh, boy.
You were shocked at yourself for a moment, your hand firmly wrapped around Marlowe’s extended wrist, the cat of nine tails trickling Edward’s blood onto the back of your hand.
“I demand satisfaction.”
Gasps and muttering littered the crowd, and you kept to yourself the true realisation of what you’ve done.
You’ve challenged Marlowe to a duel.
“Don’t…” Edward looked over his shoulder, voice loud enough for only you to hear.
You spared him a side glance, urging him to quiet down.
Instead of the expected anger, Marlowe chuckled. “Alright; who demands it?”
You pulled off your face covering and hat, the sun hitting the skin on your face fully for the first time in two weeks. “Naturally, me.”
He hummed darkly, eyes narrowing with recognition. “Naturally.” He began to unsheathe his sword.
“I thought you were a man of tradition; are pistols not your forte?” You raised an eyebrow, challenging him.
After a prolonged glance, metal clicked back into its leather hold. “You really don’t know what you’re getting into, my dear.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“... Let’s get this over with.”
Your heart pounded. This was such a stupid move.
But it was also your only move.
Hiding your own fear, you held eye contact with Marlowe. With trembling fingers, you drew your own pistol, gifted to you by Edward from your last birthday. It was very much your lucky charm, and you hoped it wouldn’t fail you now.
“Ten paces, on my count.” You had no idea who the voice belonged to, nor did you have the current emotional capacity to care. Pulling the hammer down on your pistol, you turned your back to Marlowe. A blank was fired, the echoing shot a signal to start moving.
It was almost deadly quiet.
This was stupid, this was a bad idea. You won’t make it.
An unexpected shot rang out. You dropped to the floor, a pain beginning to blossom in your side.
Marlowe had cheated. Internally, you scoffed. Of course he did.
Although it stung, you were surprised at how bearable the pain was, given you just got shot.
Or did you?
You lay still, partly in shock and partly to plan what to do next.
“What are you all looking at? Get back to work!”
“Y/N? Y/N/N!” You heard Edward’s voice crack. “You cheating bastard!”
“Now, now, Kenway. Don’t forget the position you’re in.”
Floorboards creaked as someone approached. Pistol miraculously still in hand, you waited for as long as possible. Just a little longer....
A shadow shaded your face from the sun. Without thinking, you turned, aimed, and shot.
Marlowe stared back, glassy eyed, blood trickling down his nose.
A moment later, he collapsed.
No one dared to move, choosing to stare at the body in front of them, not quite believing that he was dead.
The monster of a man was dead.
After the adrenaline ebbed away, you sighed heavily. “Glad that’s over.” A hand came into view, offering assistance to stand up. You locked eyes with someone who should have made himself known a long time ago. “Adé!” Accepting the help, you smirked. “Great timing.”
You quickly moved to Edward to begin untying the knots around his wrists. “What the fuck were you thinking?!” he exclaimed, exertion clear in his eyes.
“I’m sorry for worrying you--”
“Worrying me?” One wrist freed, he deftly moved to the other. “When I saw you lying there, I felt as if I had died!”
You sighed. “I needed to do something, lest you became more bone than back.”
“That was the most stupid plan I’ve ever seen in my life.” His hands free, he paid no heed to his own wounds and immediately tried to inspect yours. “You were so irresponsible--”
Bringing his face to yours, you stopped him talking with a kiss.
He diffused immediately, finally processing that you were in front of him, alive, and Marlowe was the one dead on the floor. Melting into you, the tension in his muscles dissipated, replaced only with relief. He broke apart from you, burying his face in your neck, his arms wrapped around you tightly.
“If the plan worked, it couldn’t have been that stupid,” you remarked.
“I’m so sorry.” His words were mumbled into your shoulder.
“You were looking out for me; I would have done the same if the roles were reversed.” You hugged him back, recoiling when he suddenly flinched in pain. “Oh, God, I’m sorry.”
“Shall we just accept each other’s apologies and call it a day?”
You laughed. “That would be good.”
Turning to the hands on deck, you raised your pistol in the air. “It’s over, lads! We can go home!”
You held your side, the pain greatly subsided under the amount of other emotions you were feeling; joy, relief, but also grief. Not for Marlowe, but for the ones that didn’t see this day.
You made a vow there and then; a vow to live your life the way they would have lived.
With joyful, carefree fun.
With the ability to live in the moment.
With gratitude for what you still have that they lost: For some, love, and for others, life.
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.9)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4] [CH.5] [CH.6] [CH.7][CH.8] previous chapters
[CH.10] next chapter (unavailable on tumblr but avaliable on wattpad!)
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You wait outside the nurse's office beside Jay in complete silence. You were both waiting for someone to burst out the door in front of you to rest assure Jungwon's condition.
"You can go to class, I'll stay and wait for Jungwon." Jay broke the noiseless lounge as his eyes laid flat on the grim grey floor. You were willing to stick around but realized  it would be better if you were to just leave. Jungwon probably wouldn't want to see you after the minor argument. You simply nodded your head and left without another word.
When you had arrived in your astronomy class you carefully explained yourself, explaining Jay would be gone for most of the afternoon. Your teacher listened intently and understood every word well. Sitting in your usual spot, a wave of frustration washes over you once you remember Sunghoon had stolen your book for the class. You could only hope the new interesting concept of the class would jog your mind off of things to which it did. However, as the class came to a close you couldn't help birdwatch Jay's desk. Jay's absence for the entire class continued to make you worry about Jungwon and his condition.
Sending yourself out of the class in a daze, you began to join the trail of the halls. You met Nana and Dahee walking out of their class at the same time to your surprise, "Oh! Y/N!" With an abrupt slide to slow down you let the two girls catch up to you, "Sorry we couldn't eat lunch with you and Hyesun, we went to track tryouts." Nana gleefully explained.
"It's fine, I had detention for half of lunch and then got caught up in something..." Your head going straight back to Jungwon, "We should all be apologizing to Hyesun right now..." Immediately you got reminded about what Hyesun had mentioned to you earlier, "Hey, Dahee... I actually really need to speak to you about something in private." You asked shamelessly.
Nana looked at you both suspiciously but ultimately respected the privacy you desired, "I'll get going to my last class then, girls." She tapped both of your shoulders before joining the flowing current of the hallway.
You went with Dahee to a more private space, under one of the stairwells of the school. "Dahee, Hyesun told me about you and Sunghoon..." You trailed off, hoping you didn't have to say much more as to what you were about to say.
"So you do like him?" Dahee gasped happily to your surprise, "Don't worry I'm not that into him yet... But you should've told us a long time ago!" She nudged you gently in the elbow.
"Yeah! Sorry about that..." You lied with deep despise. You now had to act like you liked Sunghoon and that was the worst feeling ever, "I'll tell you about it later then, you should get going!" You cut the conversation very short so Dahee could both get to her class in time.
"I will! See you!" She waved in a much brighter mood now that you told her you supposedly liked someone for the first time forever.
"Dear Lord, what am I getting myself into?" You muttered furiously. Were you really going the extra mile to protect your friends over some gut feelings? You were literally praying to God that you would receive some sort of reserved spot in heaven for the shadow work you were doing. That is until you were interrupted by a somberly slow clap and a couple of shoes that clacked against the stairs above you.
"Wasn't expecting such a plot twist..." Sunoo came into clear view after reaching the final step at the bottom of the staircase. This was now the second time you were caught being heard by people separate from your plan. "So you didn't like Jungwon, but Sunghoon?!" He giggled in interest and cheap pity. He seemed rather thrilled to overhear your bullshit.
"I..." You could not come up with a reply in fear of both outcomes. By telling the truth or carrying out the lie to people, you were putting yourself in a very sticky situation.
"Dahee and Sunghoon were hitting it off so well the other day, it's a shame you're in the way..." Sunoo made an overly exaggerated glum face to piss you off, "You don't actually like him now, do you?" Sunoo caught on to your intentions, circling around you, "You're just doing it to save her, yes?"
You remained silent, causing Sunoo to stop right behind you where you felt the heat of his body getting closer.
"You're a lot smarter than some girls... It's enticing really... Perhaps that's why the boys are so fond of you?" Sunoo snaked around his arm to have the dull edge of his nail touch the flesh of between your jaw and neck. Slowly he etched a line down until it was right against your throbbing pulse.
You pulled away in shock as to how scandalous the act was, "I need to go... I'm supposed to check on Jungwon." You stepped away to face Sunoo in an abrupt manner.
"I heard about Jungwon's situation from Jay," He held the sharpest part of his chin between his index and middle finger, "Jungwon will just continue to get sick. He's so malnourished."
"Malnourished?" You echoed Sunoo.
"He chose to end up like that." Sunoo walked toward you again but this time passing you, with his shoulder slightly bumping yours, "Don't pity him, darling."
You shuddered. Sunoo was the most mysterious with his hints. He was the hardest to read between the lines with. For some reason, only he out of the boys influenced your thinking pattern.
After school and a mediocre meal at dinner, you regretted not at least peeping your head by the nurse's office just once that afternoon. Jungwon had probably been released from health watch but you thought you could've come to terms with him that evening. It was unsatisfying as you didn't feel any closure between the war of words you had with him. What wasn't helping was the stress you also had from Sunghoon.
The daylight vanished rather quick in the colder season of the year and dusk approached rather faster than a candle blowout. Since Sunghoon didn't set a specific time, you just headed out with not a glance at the clock. Your guess was to sneak out as soon as the sun came falling down. Due to the hallway monitors of your school during the late evening, it suddenly became an obstacle you had not planned for. You were confused yourself as to how Sunghoon could sneak out at this time of day, surely sneaking out super late at night was possible but not in the evening. Eventually, you took a trip out of a window on the bottom floor of the dormitory to bypass one of the school monitors.
You were well aware of how idiotic you looked running down the concrete steps and toward the very back of your school where the shadows of the forest shined brightly. You didn't see Sunghoon at all insight which was making your heart thump in fear and anger. There was no way this guy was going to set you up like this? You bit around random parts on the inside parts of your mouth as the sky grew darker every few seconds. With no one around and nothing around to do as you waited for Sunghoon, you approached the line between the woods and open grass field. You began to get deja vu of Jungwon which made you nervous as you felt the same wispy grass tickle at your calves.
"You actually came?" Sunghoon's voice rang in the open air from behind you,  scaring the literal hell out of you.
"Y-yes I did." You sighed as to how close you were to exploring that forest, "Let's just get to the point." You turned your head back just for him to be in your personal space, you almost lost your balance trying to add some room.  
"Walk with me." He ignored your jump into things while crossing the boundary between the skylight of dusk and the darkness of the woods.  With hesitation and no clue as to what was about to go down, you followed him. "What did you want to hear from me again?" He asked carelessly with hands in his pockets as he guided you over a pile of soil and dead leaves.
"Kyungeun." You answered bluntly. "Why is she tied down to you?"
"That son of a bitch. She told you, huh?" He rolled his eyes in dear annoyance, "I guess you could say I have some information about her that would totally diminish her image." He kicked and crunched around a couple of leaves as he dragged his feet. You remembered Jaeyun had told you Kyungeun had secrets, perhaps that was it? Were you allowed to ask him about it?
Making a mental note to ask Kyungeun about it later you brisked forward to the next question, "Okay? But you said she'd be of no use to you when you get your hands on Dahee... What exactly did you mean?" Your heart thumped in loud eagerness as you move behind Sunghoon.
"She doesn't taste as good." Sunghoon paused to have you hear him clearly, "Her blood."
Your face heated up, a vibrant blush sparkling your face before the sickening realization hit you, "D-don't tell me..." The horror spreading like wildfire in your body from your head downwards. You were frozen to the very core as all the puzzle pieces came together. All the times including the gash on Kyungeun's neck, the warnings Sunoo gave, and Heeseung licking your hand... It wasn't just Sunghoon who was a vampire, it was all of the boys...
What Sunghoon faced you with a gentle eyes he withdrew the small book from inside his blazer, making your ankles shake. "I suppose you'll know why I took this now." He shook the book before throwing it in front of you with pity. You simply watched the book plop on the bed of dead leaves before your shoes in no ability to process or produce words. You didn't even feel like picking up the book as you were afraid of reading it's horrific contents.
"W-well you won't be getting your hands on Dahee any time soon." You tremble with a paralyzing fear as you tried to speak. You were regretting the bold comment, for fuck sakes the boy standing before you could kill you right then and there.
He stepped closer and closer to which you stepped further and further. "Well, then I guess I'll keep Kyungeun under my power until the day she dies." His scornful laugh made you shudder painfully. In full defeat, you were sincerely helpless. You felt you couldn't run nor report the boys, who would ever believe you? You began questioning how you even got in this position.
"Wh-why does it have to be them? Can't you just live without blood?!" You cried pathetically as you backed into a hard tree.
"And end up like Jungwon?" Delight crept onto Sunghoon's white face as yours grew in confusion, "He hasn't drunk blood in months, he's so weak to the point where he can't even stand sometimes..." Sunghoon went on to speak his mind, "Heeseung and I were convinced he was messing around you for your blood."
Your eyes shot wide open in disbelief, "Well he's clearly not like you if he's abstaining from blood."
"It's true... Something changed in him recently after he started talking to you. Perhaps he has fallen for a mortal?"
"Go to fucking hell." You muttered at a volume that wasn't loud enough for Sunghoon to hear.
"As soon as I sensed your presence that day in the library, I knew you would fall down this rabbit hole." He hummed while bending to have your eyes both at the same level. "Curiosity killed the cat."
You held your tongue with no desire to respond to Sunghoon as the closeness was now more than dangerous. But your muted self only gave Sunghoon the opportunity to proceeded to taunt you. He began caging you against the tree, causing you to press up against the rough wood where you couple feel every detail of the bark on your back.
"I remember Heeseung telling Jaeyun and I about just how good the blood from finger tasted... How about a deal?" He caught your attention as you met eyes with him. A full set of upper teeth being exposed between his rosy lips. If there was one thing you had been taught by the caregivers of your school, it was to never make deals with the devil. You knew exactly what kind of bargin Sunghoon had in store for you "I'll leave your friends in peace if you promise me this," He said with a small lean forward so that his chin rested on your collarbone earning a gasp from you,
"You'll give me your blood in exchange for theirs."
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Dating Harry Potter and being Sirius Black's daughter...
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your parents had your big brother, called jaden, 2 years before your mother got pregnant of you
sirius was there until you were 3 months old
but then he was sent to azkaban
and the person that most loved you in the hole world couldn’t be with you
you grow up and, when you were 8 years old, your mother got married with another man
and in a few months, you were going to have 2 more brothers
well, your mom never gave you too much love and attention, and now with the twins, looked like everything just got worse
you already missed your brother, and him knowing about your mother, he just got back from hogwarts to see you, because you needed someone to take care of you
the time passed and you got your letter from hogwarts
all you could hear from your brother, his friends and literally EVERYONE, was about a boy at your year
“the boy-who-lived”
like, who’s that boy ???????? maybe your future husband but fine
no one explained to you about his nickname
and you just gave up about it
at the train, you were with your brother an his friends
two of them were fred and george weasley
you three got along at the moment they talked about a new prank they were creating and you helped them 
fred said that you should meet their brother, Ron, from your year
and you just thought “why not ???”
the twins got out of the cabin with you and looked for their brother, finding him with a boy and a girl 
“ron, you should meet this girl, you’re gonna like her”
and with that they closed the door and let you there with another 3 people that you never heard of - that’s what you thought
the four of you were together all the time after that 
but then the three of them went for griffindor and you started getting worried, thinking that you were going to hufflepuff with your brother
but you went to griffindor with them 
and were happy to be with them but kinda sad that you weren’t together to your brother
the years went and you just got closer and closer to the golden trio and the twins 
at your forth year, you were so worried with harry, that it took you to develop a few different feelings for him 
and before the first task, you went to see him, and you got too much worried with him 
you accidentally kissed him 
and after that, you guys were together - kinda dating
but anyone at hogwarts knew about your father - except for the twins, they found out when you were talking with jaden about what happened with the golden trio at your third year 
and when the weasleys invited you to go to the order of the phoenix, you couldn’t be more happy about it
c'mom you’re going to meet your father
the unique person that you have the dream to meet
so, before your fifth year start, molly, arthur, fred and george went to your house to take you to “their place”
of course you didn’t tell for your mother that you were going to meet your father
maybe that’s because she hates him - you didn’t knew about harry potter because sirius is his godfather
and she believed all the bullshit that the minister was talking at the prophet daily
but you believed harry and dumbledore
and that just made her angrier with you
so she was kinda happy that you were leaving even before what she expected
all the way to the order of the phoenix, the twins tried to keep you calm, but nothing worked
and when you got out of the car, you were literally screaming on the inside 
molly told you to go to the bedrooms, where your friends were, because they were having the reunion and you should wait
so, fred and george toke your bags to the room you would share with hermione and ginny 
while you went to see your boyfriend harry
after you saw everyone, molly called everyone for dinner
the golden trio went before you and you were already crying just to see harry and sirius hugging from the stairs
the moment that sirius saw his daughter, so beautiful, he gave you his best smile ever
your heart skipped a beat 
you hugged each other like your lives depended on that
everyone - except for the twins, molly, arthur and remus - were so confused
harry and ron looked at each other like "WHAT IS HAPPENING??????"
while fred and george were almost crying with their best friend so happy meeting her father for the first time
well, at dinner, the twins kinda forgot that you didn't told for your father about your boyfriend yet 
"so harry..." "when are you taking [y/n] to that date you said yesterday ?"
harry, hermione, ron, [y/n], ginny and remus looked at them with their eyes almost out of their faces
molly that was behind them, slapped their heads and you facepalmed yourself 
sirius chocked at his food and looked at you
"sweet, what are they talking about ?" 
if a look could kill, the twins would be dead
"i- we didn't wanted you to know about it at that way..."
"well w-we a-are d-d-da-dating..."
sirius looked at you two with a face without expression 
'why don't i just kill myself rIGHT NOW???????' that's what you were thinking
"thank god, my daughter is dating harry, i can't think anyone better then him to date her. i just hope he takes care of her..."
"s-sure, don't worry"
after dinner you almost killed fred and george
bur everything went well
and you couldn't be happier 
they're your family after all 
(i think i'll do an imagine about the reader meeting sirius, send at my inbox if you would like it)
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Trade ya
based on this ask
TW//Slight violence and a mention of blood
Macaque slipped back into the theatre after his little chat with the Monkey Kid.
Boy howdy, that kid had some explaining to do, to his companions. If only he could stick around and watch that mess unfold. But he had to retrieve his lamp.
Honestly, that was easier than he thought it would be.
Wich was concerning.
As Macaque walked over to the stage he paused for a moment, where was (y/n) is all this?
The Monkey King was off doing his own thing for a while, and he'd assumed his kid would be hanging around Mk and his friends, yet the amber-furred monkey wasn't with them when they had entered the theatre.
Did Mk literally forget one of his friends? damn, he was starting to become like the Hero...
despite everything that's happened between them since the whole 'I stole the Monkey Kings powers from Mk and broke his trust leaving him emotionally distressed' thing, he actually wanted to get to know his kid(and maybe convince them to join him)the week of stalking wasn't enough for him to say the least.
Disregarding the thought (though not entirely) he make is way back to the remains of the lap.
And with a little magic it was good an new!
Fuck ya!
As he admirered his handy work for s little longer and sound of clapping caught is attention. Wiping his head around he saw the wired guy in a pin strip suit form the play, if Macaque remembered correctly this was the guy that game my the *Skeleton Key.
"My my, that was such a magnificent performance!"
"Ha, ya well it's over, t-this was the last show actually"
Oh he did not like this for a single second. His fur was standing on there ends screaming for him to just leave.
Just as Macaque was about to use the shadows to escape, in a flash of icy blue light the guy was now behind him, and the next thing he know he was being picked up by the neck and for some reason couldn't, fucking move.
What the actual hell is happening???
"Lady Bone Demon would like a word with you~"
In the blink of an eye, the scenery changed form the damaged auditorium he'd rented out to and underground cave with mechanical parts and machines everywhere.
Just one wif of the musty roten air and he knew he was in the Spider Queens lair. But it looked different then it had been that last time he was there.
Then again it's been centuries since he was last there.
He was shortly let go by the insane suite wareing guy and rubbed his neck where it had been grabbed. And just like that the guy disappeared, leaving the Lady Bone Demon in his stead.
"Why greetings Macaque, its beet long since we last spoke"
" not long enough if you ask me"
The white haired lady let out a hum of acknowledgement as she circled the monkey.
"Soo any particular reason why you got one of your brain dead servents to get me?" Macaque questioned, pulling back a bit not wanting to be in her immediate range.
Up purely tactical.
"Ah, well it's come to my attention that you poses something of grate use to me" her icy gaze fixed on the lamp.
"Ya not happening" Macaque said flatly, he went though a lot to get his hands on this thing and he wasn't going to part with it so easily. Besides what ever the Lady Bone Demon was planning, would spell doom for the world as they know it.
Macaque my be a bad guy in some sense, maby even be considered an antihero-that was just more of an ass on a good day- but he wasn't one for wold domination.
In the past he just wanted to wreck heaven with his dear beloved friend befor his change of heart, not enslave mankind. They just wanted to prove there worth nothing more. But this bitch, na she was jack shit crazy. It took the combined forces of Demons and celestials alike to seal her away, himself being one of said demons.
"Ohh what a shame, looks like I'll be keeping this little one then"
In a puff of smoke (y/n) collapses on the foor to her, there fur slightly matted with blood and a visible gash on the left eye.
Similar to where his was-
It wasn't deep and wouldn't cause damage, but it still needed treatment.
Holy hell is this where (y/n) was all this time?
Macaques mind was going a mile a minute but he kept his poker face.
"And I sould care about some random kid because?"
"Oh~ Don't play dumb with me, Six Eared Macaque. You know exactly who this little one is" she started using her powers for lift the amber-furred monkey off the ground there one good (color) eye glosed over and hazy.
"After all this is your child"
"Hate to brake it to ya, but I don't have a kid"
"My sources say other wise"
Several screens descended for the walls and around them, all flicked to like to reveal footage of Macaque during his little stalking mission when he first planed to steal the Monkey Kings powers and found out about his long lost kid, and then some other footage of his watching them from the shadows.
Oh, oh no.
"I had my suspension on the Luner New Years, but your reaction solidify's my assumption"
Wha- shit his poker face slipped! Shiiiit
"So I'll ask again, the lamp or your child- they won't die persay, but I think the underground market would pay a hefty sum for one of such unique lineage"
His heart was beating faster than he thought possible, wait why would it be doing that! He shouldn't care! Should he?
Glancing between the lamp and (y/n)'s beaten form Macaque made a decision he might soon come to regret.
(Y/n) was having a good evening, well that was until the Spider Queens minions jumped them while on there way to the theater to meet up with the others(minus Sandy, what he had cats to take care of!)
When the first woke up it was in a dingy cell. And the next thing they knew the Spider Queen tried to get information about the Monkey Kings whereabouts.
"Ya right like the peach loving old man tells me anything! So if you could kindly let me on my marry way that would be fantastic"
You realy needed to know when to such your mouth or just give total bullshit information because Queeni had gotten pissed, and tried to beat the information out of you.
The Lady Bone Demon had to pry the spider off you. Saying you still had a use befor you blacking out.
When they woke for a second time everything was hazy, and there was muffled talking almost like they where under water.
Water was nice, you should learn to swim! It seems like fun! Maby you could get Mk or Mai to teach you.
After all the Monkey King was a shitty swimmer- wait no he was crap as under water fights, but wouldn't that require swimming as well-
Uh oh, was you being moved? Nooo das no gooood stop!
Ughhh why won't the muffin voices stop! And why can't I feel my eye!
Y E S spelles yes
E Y E S spells eyes how did that one guy get that confused, and you is moving again ST 0 p
Wait this was more comfy than before, is that red? Oh my moons it is! It's so soft!
And soft it was and you drifted to a more comfortable rest this time.
The third and final time (y/n) woke, they weren't in a cell, or had a hazy mindset. Areas not that hazy, but this time it was more so due to medicine than pain.
In fact they lay on a plush mattress, with equally soft pillows and nice heavy blankets tossed other them.
As (y/n) sat up they winced in pain slightly.
Looking down they take notice of the bandages, and a slitting head- and there are bandages on your eye as well fucking perfect.
"Good to see your up" a voice greated. Wiping their head to the side, there stood Macaques with a slight concerned look on his face.
Wha- owowowowowowowow
Probably shouldn't be moving so fast as (y/n) winced in pain again.
As (y/n) tried to steady themselves again and think of a retort, and side of the bed diped and a hand was placed oh your forehead, whilst the other heaped your arm.
"What are you-" "checking to see if you're fever spiked " "I has a heaver?" "Fever, and yes it set is last night after a particularly nasty infection" "oh"
"Wait, why are you-"
"The Bone bitch had you, i-i couldn't just let her harm you any more than she already had"
"That's dumb, you're dumb"
"Okay back to sleep with you"
"Where am I?" "One of my safe houses, now sleep"
Sleep but what if...
"I-its okay, it'll be okay I'll be here when you wake again"
(y/n) blinked at him.
"I promise" he said softly as he guided you back down to the pillow, he retucked you in and was about to leave when (y/n) caught his hand.
Well fuck
Uhhh, you know what he's had a long fucking day himself he needs some sleep too.
So discarding his scarf to the side, as well as some armor plating and his shoes, Macaque got into the bed himself and just used himself. As he made himself comfortable, back tuned away for his pup a single thought echoed in his head.
'Im a fucking dad now, geat'
*Skelton Keys are said to open any door, plus the cannon key had a skull on it so why not?
UwU Anon you have no idea what this means, you have water my crops cleared my skin and my mind is sane!
I was originally planing to have this thing where the spider queen captured the reader/oc and used the robo parasight to make them a follower, but this, this is so much better sksksksksksk
I did most of this on mobile and my auto correct is bitchy 🙃
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fkingsteverogers · 3 years
Tell Me We’ll Be Just Fine
A/N: A couple points: 1) I made a new blog for these writings to make them easier to find 2) I have a tag list! lmk if you want to be added to it 3) For my non US babes and others, your third amendment rights say you can’t be forced to house soldiers. Long Story Short 
Contains TFATWS Episode 5 spoilers
With John Walker being Honorably Discharged after an International Incident, you’re stuck under house arrest.  (The United States Government would tell you house arrest is too strong of a word, it’s simply Strongly Advised you stay in your apartment.) You want to scream from the rooftops that you had nothing to do with him, that it was all an act, but you’re being Strongly Advised, so that’s not an option. You hope, wherever he is, Bucky is having a better time than you are. 
Five Days; Eastern Europe:
Bucky is not having a good time. They’re in a country where everyone wants them dead, holed up in a shitty motel and all he can think of is the absolutely devastated look on your face when he walked out the door. It makes him brood. 
“You have to talk about her sometime.” 
“Whoever makes you frown like that.” 
“‘M not frowning. What do you know about it anyway? You’re single.” So maybe he was being an ass about it. You were so far away, probably cuddled up with John or Steve, and he was here, sitting in a motel room with Sam. John Walker was probably feeling you up right now, running his hand over those beautiful thighs of yours as you kissed him, making soft little noises--he clenches his fist so hard he breaks the bowl he’d been holding, splattering rice and beans all over the floor cracked tile floor. 
“Yo, man, what the fuck?!” 
Day One; New York City: 
Steve’s allowed to visit, because of course he is. He flashes some badge and the guards (who are Strongly Advising you), stand down. “Why are you here, Stevie?” And you hate that you still call him Stevie. Stevie is what you called him on the quiet nights when you two were alone and he was still yours. Steve gives you his sad smile and you want to fall into his arms, to sob into his chest and tell him how you fucked it all up. You don’t. 
“Just go, Stevie.” 
Four Days; Eastern Europe: 
Sam goes to do some surveillance, announcing that he “couldn’t deal with this shit,” leaving Bucky alone in the shitty room they were sharing. Before he’d been deployed, he would’ve spent an afternoon alone in a hotel curled up with a pretty girl or a handsome boy. During the war, he’d spend a quiet day catching up on some sleep or rereading a well loved copy of The Hobbit. During his Hydra days (which he hated thinking about but also couldn’t stop thinking about), there really weren’t days off. There were days where he killed and days where he didn’t. Since then, he’d spent most of his days off trying to remember how to be a human. 
You had made those days feel like living again. And now you were John’s girl, dressed all pretty up for him and everything. Bucky’d been fucking stupid to think you’d want someone like him, someone damaged, someone with blood on his hands. You were good and soft and pretty. You spoke four languages and had probably read every book ever written. 
You’d been good enough for Steve. 
He breaks another bowl and has to lay down after.
Day Three; New York City: 
You glare down the solider that’s sitting in your kitchen, eating a sandwich. “This is violating my Third Amendment Rights, you know.” 
The smug bastard grins and keeps eating his sandwich. 
Two Days; Louisiana: 
“That shield’s the closest thing I’ve got left to a family, so when you retired it, I felt like I had nothing left.” 
The mission had gone down as well as any of their missions go, they’d been shot at, gotten out by the skin of their teeth. Sam left to go back home as soon as he could, Bucky followed. Where else did he have to go?
“You have her.” 
He didn’t, not really. 
“I don’t want to talk about her, Sam.” Bucky tosses the shield, scowling deeply. 
Sam sighs, catching the shield. He turned to face his friend, were they friends?, and looked him up and down. “Yeah, you do.” So maybe Bucky does want to talk about you, about how betrayed he feels by you choosing Walker over him. The government hadn’t been powerful enough to stop some gossip magazine from publishing a spread of you and Walker, you in a little red sundress that makes you look incredible and his hand on your thigh. There’s some bullshit story about how you met and had been so enamored with him you’d asked him for coffee on the spot.
 It makes Bucky physically sick with rage. 
Day Four; New York City: 
After four days of being Strongly Advised, you’re ready to start pulling out your hair. The news is nonstop coverage of what happened to John Walker, the green beret who had gone crazy and killed a man in a moment of grief induced rage. And to top it all off, People released a spread that makes you want to scream. The whole shoot hadn’t been your idea, some government publicist had insisted it was necessary to sell the story. In reality, it’d been five hours with John’s hands all over you, grinning like the cat that got the cream. During a break, he’d asked you about Steve, his tone suggesting something that was none of his business. 
“You don’t get to talk about Steve.” John had smirked at you, running his tongue over his teeth. It clearly annoyed him, someone thinking he wasn’t good enough for something. “What about your wife, John?” A look of surprise crosses his face but it’s gone in a moment, the mask he wears to keep people out back in place. 
“Olivia isn’t part of the deal. I thought we could be friends,” he spits the word out like it’s dirty, “but clearly you’re not interested in that, clearly you’re interested in--” 
“Be careful how you finish that sentence, John.” Your voice is low, betraying the landmine he’s almost stepped on. Given the chance, you’d stab John Walker in his pretty face. Decades in prison means nothing when the love of your life abandoned you and the man you thought you could count on ran out. (So maybe you were thinking about Bucky, it doesn’t actually matter.)
Bucky had been a solid presence in a sea of uncertainty. He’d made you feel safe and okay. After Steve’s departure and the death of Tony, the only member of your family left, solid and safety had been in short supply. He’d showed up, ate his cold beans in silence in the kitchen, and hadn’t left. He’d made you laugh in a way you hadn’t in months. You’d developed a routine, Bucky would wake up before you and boil water for tea, you’d stumble out and cook something to serve as breakfast, and you’d both go about your days. In the evenings, you’d come together, talk about the stupid shit that had happened during the day, watch a movie on Friday nights, and go to bed. It was nice to have a routine, something and someone you could depend on. 
The nights had been quiet since he left. 
Twelve Hours; New York City: 
Bucky’s plane lands and he breathes a sigh of relief. 
It’s raining when he steps out of the airport, a down pour by anyone’s standards. Fine by him, less people to avoid. He manages to make it to the little coffee shop outside your apartment without getting too soaked. Going up there wasn’t an option, not when you were probably angry with him for running out. So he sits, drinks endless cups of coffee and watches. 
“She takes it two creams, no sugar, if you want to bring it up to her.” Bucky turns and finds himself face to face with Steve. His friend looks old, but happy, at peace even. There’s so much he wants to say, he wants to ask Steve why he left, what he thought about Walker. He wants to punch him or throttle him or hug him. Bucky wants a long fucking hug. 
“I don’t think she wants to see me, punk.” Steve sits, shaking his head. 
“I didn’t think she wanted to see me, either. Sometimes she doesn’t know what’s good for her..” 
Before Bucky can reply, before he can really process what Steve is saying, he gets a text from Sam and he’s off to save the world again.
Day Five; New York City: 
Because the universe hates you, you can’t even use your phone to entertain yourself. Someone leaked your personal number and it hadn’t stopped ringing since. And, since the internet has no nuance, they’re mostly death threats. You’re reading a book when the guards who are Strongly Advising you abandon their posts. There’s something going on, something that no one bothers to inform you about. 
You go back to reading your book. Hopefully Bucky’s not being thrown through a wall. 
Thirty Minutes; New York City: 
Bucky gets thrown through a wall. 
It fucking hurts and he’s dizzy after. Like can’t-walk-straight-am-I-actually-drunk-dizzy. Sam, the useless bastard, loads him into a taxi, tells him he’ll be fine, and gives the driver your address. Bucky’s dimly aware of this fact, aware of the fact that this poor man is driving him, a bleeding super solider, to the one place he wanted to be but wasn’t welcome. 
Two Minutes; New York City: 
The guards aren’t back by the time the downstairs buzzer starts ringing incessantly. You’re in the middle of your book, right at the moment where the head-strong damsel and the Lord she hated are about to kiss. You try to ignore it, With a groan, you stomp down to the doors. 
Standing there, half supported by Vasily, the Russian cabbie (who is definitely into some shady business), is Bucky. 
Now; New York City: 
You thank Vasily, telling him you’ll pay for the cab when you see him on Friday for Shabbat, and take the bleeding Bucky into your arms. Bucky mumbles something, clearly speaking Russian but too lowly for you to actually understand. Vasily glares at him, muttering curses as he stalks away. 
Dragging Bucky up to your sixth floor apartment means sharing a run in with Daisy Mae, your elderly neighbor who’s 90% blind and enjoys loitering in the elevator. She seems to take offense to Bucky mumbling Russian children’s songs to himself. 
“Speak English dear, not Communism. We’re in the United States.” 
“Mind the business that pays you, Daisy Mae.”
She hmphs, but doesn’t say anything else. Bucky, for his part, gives a rousing performance of the Russian alphabet. Finally, you get Bucky into your apartment and unceremoniously drop him on your couch. 
It’s not long before he falls asleep, leaving you to stare at him for hours, wondering just what he’s going to say when he wakes up. 
When he does wake up, it’s to the scent of your soap, sweet watermelon that always leaves an aching in the pit of his stomach. Waking up on your couch, smelling your soap, and listening to you cook feels like a dream. How many times had he thought about this exact moment while he was with Sam? Soon enough you’d turn the corner from the kitchenette and smile at him, that beautiful smile that never failed to make him feel a little dizzy. 
And then he’d wake up in a shitty hotel room, listening to Sam take a shit through the paper thin walls. 
He waits, but when you appear, you’re frowning anxiously. And God, you’re so fucking beautiful. You’re wearing a pair of tiny sleep shorts that expose your long legs to his greedy eyes. Your hair is pushed back off your face, exposing the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen. 
Steve was a lucky man, to be able to love you.  Maybe one day he’ll find a woman like you to love, if he’s lucky. Has he ever been lucky?
Bucky looks confused when you appear holding tea. “Hi.” He doesn’t say anything back, just frowns back. Your mind races, realizing he probably doesn’t want to see you, that he was dropped off here by some well meaning friend, and he was going to get up and walk out the door again. 
“At least let me clean you up before you go.” Bucky nods wordlessly, looking like he’s still a little stunned. He takes a seat at the kitchen table as you pull down the first aid kit you’d put together when Steve was still here. There’s a cut above his eyebrow that’s still oozing a little blood. It’s in such a place you have to situate yourself between his legs in order to get to it. 
It’s quiet while you work, Bucky’s never been a man of many words and now he’s probably trying to figure out how to tell you you’re never going to see him again. As soon as he’s cleaned up well enough that you’re satisfied he won’t die sitting at your kitchen table, you step away to admire your handy work. Bucky’s left hand, his metal hand, catches your wrist and pulls you back to him. It holds you there while his right hand comes up to cup your face, running a thumb over your cheekbone. 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
He’s not sure what possesses him when he pulls you back into him. All he knows is if he doesn’t get you close, if he doesn’t tell you how fucking beautiful you are, he won’t be able to breathe. You make a little noise of exasperation, your gorgeous lips parting. “I mean it.” “Bucky…” You try to pull away but he holds you there, studying every inch of your face and committing it to memory. There’s an electricity between the two of you, it feels like the air is charged enough to light that stupid snail lamp you’d bought from Arrow or whatever that store you loved was called. “Bucky…” You repeat, your voice softer, in a tone he can’t quite describe
Before either of you can move or say anything else, the door swings open to reveal Sam and Torres, flanked by three soldiers. None of them take notice of what feels like a very compromising position. 
“Oh good, you’re here, Sargent Barnes. You're all being moved to a safe house. Pack enough for an indeterminate amount of time.” 
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jrwiyuri · 3 years
List of shit we need to bring back / start as a fandom:
Dad schlatt (with whoever tbh, Fundy, Tubbo, Tommy, idfc just bring it back it was cool!)
Glattbur (i just think it was funny. Also the fanart of Ghostbur seeing alivebur in the after life was cool as shit)
Mexican Dream
Nikis bakery
Weird ass theories we had (L’Manburg members were all like teens in war, wilbur was just pretending to be Ghostbur and had like.. idfk sharpie on his skin?? That kind of bullshit we would spew out of no where and where half of us were like ‘yup this makes sense’ and and the other half were like ‘literally what the fuck are you talking about??’)
Dreamon hunters (and also include sapnap in it more it’s cool)
When people used to think about what the different characters would be like as ghosts (around when Ghostbur was first introduced and we were like ‘yooo new concept?’. Revived a lil bit when Tommy died but I’m talking about people who weren’t dead)
The funny little aus where the dsmp was real life things such a school or a subway or a mall or something!!
Misferns dynamic
Also Tubbo and Fundy dynamic besides just in the dreamon hunters
Tales from the smp (this is a personal attack towards Karl Jacobs /j)
Think we should bring back specifically the election era and specifically the vibes of when they built the White House
How cool pogtopia looked. I mean I love the arc but tbh you guys could just draw the little ravine and I’d be set I think it looks so cool :))
Karl Jacob time traveler theories that everyone else thought was annoying because it was like taking away from actual plot (idc about actual plot tho Karl jacobs is actually going to solve every problem on the dsmp I predict <3)
Karlnapity… bring it back please- they’re still happy together I swear
Fanart of George as king. I’m sure there’s plenty probably should just follow more people who draw George but still
Funboo ice cream shop vs puffychu flower shop
Funboo in general :(
Puffychu in general :(
Eret adopting Fundy (still so sad this never happened)
TUBBO adopting Fundy (funny as shit, also a lil upset this never happened lmao)
Philza adopting fundy 🤔🤔 (a little trickier but like their relationship gets better so yknow- it’s possible pre Wilbur revival times. I mean he doesn’t actually need to adopt fundy but more content with them as grandson grandfather, yknow?)
Fundy was taken- I don’t care that it’s dead in cannon Fundy deserves love god dammit!!
Early soft L’Manburg Tommy & early batshit insane L’Manburg Tubbo. We were all in the phase of Tommy being loud and annoying while Tubbo like da bee n shit that we never got to draw them like this 😔
Wilbur being petty towards Eret and Dream cause he didn’t really roleplay trauma yet so he was kinda just like “grrr bark bark”
Specifically the manburg flag. Just the flag, I think that it looked cool :)
No Fundy angst only him being mischievous :))
Dream XD. I know this isn’t old but I feel like we moved past this too fast- maybe I don’t follow the right people tho idk 😔👊
Lmanburg anthem but where people created their own other verses. I know that it’s actually been finished by Ghostbur but ignore that
Guys I just rlly want people to talk more about the funny little things we had early days when people were allowed to be less in character or just didn’t have trauma with each other (like the Wilbur vs Dream quiz thing. That was so fun!! We can’t have that shit current day dsmp ):< )
Dsmp aus where the members literally just fuck off and say no thanks and go to a completely different server (like fundy moving to cogchamp n shit)
The rust sever. I know it’s not actually dsmp and also that it’s dead but everyone had cool designs n shit man;;
The different Tubbo personas (personal favorite is drugbo- or whatever one that was in the mines lol)
Capetian sparkles is tubbos dad
The big ass lore we created for the first tales of the smp??! How robin was like non-binary and Dream was immortal and corpse was going to be Robins dad and how the people played were all ancestors to the current them and all of that shit!!! Guys holy fuck please bring this back omg;;
Sam nook- please, bring my boy back
Tommy vs Team rocket but it wasn’t the angsty shit or anything no it was just comedic moments of Niki and Jack somehow not being able to fuckin kill Tommy
Also team rocket in general guys talk about this more
The Niki Tommy Tubbo dynamic during pogtopia era that didn’t last super long
More bad being a dad to Sapnap
Bring up the bad and Skeppy soulmates thing / share cannon lives? I don’t even know if this is still canon or was ever actually cannon but who cares bring it back!!
People with their pets except it’s not Tommy with Henry it’s like literally anybody else (I love Henry and Tommy but I feel like we didn’t draw a lot of content with people with their pets?)
Tubbos many jobs. I think we need a list of all the ins Tubbo has lol (I actually think there is one idfk where the hell it would be!)
Smelly Wilbur. Just the fact that he’s probably canonically stinky which is funny
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
43, 45, 51, and 98 where Shuichi’s s/o who died in the killing game was actually the mastermind? it doesn’t have to be in that order btw
Ohhh wow we’re going for MAXIMUM angst here!
43) “You’re dead to me.” 45) “Why do you look at me like that?” 51) “I thought you died.” 96) “Just shut the hell up.” 98) “I thought you loved me.”
“It’s kinda strange how we didn’t see any blood during [y/n]’s execution, is it not?” Tsumugi brought up. “Unlike every other blackened so far, we didn’t see them actually die in front of us. I don’t know...it’s just my guess. I could be wrong..”
“No, you might be onto something, Tsumugi.” Shuichi cut in, looking towards your empty podium solemnly. Ever since your death, he missed you dearly and struggled to push forward through this game without you by his side...knowing you aren’t here to hold or comfort him when he needed it.
His heart ached every time he thought of you and how you became executed for...trying to save his life.
Condemning you for the crime hurt the most..but you reassured him it was okay. He had to keep facing the truth no matter how painful it was.
But now that he discovered more about the academy, and stood here for a final trial to uncover the mastermind and the truth of Rantaro’s death...he brought up something else:
The unusual circumstances regarding your execution.
Unlike the others--where the culprit’s exact moment of death and their corpses were shown...in yours, you were only pulled back into darkness, never to be seen again. And your room key was tossed in front of Shuichi, who was on his knees in grief and despair.
He didn’t know why that was so..but it gave him hope that you somehow survived.
“Maybe they..teleported out of their execution?” Himiko proposed. “Or maybe they found an exit?”
“We thought Kirumi did..until we realized Monokuma was mocking her desperation to escape. Speaking of which....you’ve been awfully quiet ever since we started talking about [y/n].” Shuichi shot a pointed glare at the family of robotic bears. “Why is that?”
“Huh? I just like hearing ya chat about your dearly-departed lover!” Monokuma giggled. “But maybe my adorable Monokubs can take it from here~!”
“E-Ehh??” Monophanie squeaked in surprise, looking around. “What are we discussing??”
“If [y/n]’s somehow alive or not,” Monosuke explained. “Not that it really matters..I thought yous was chattin’ about the mastermind! [Y/n] is dead and that’s that.”
“You seem awfully defensive. Do you know something we don’t about [y/n]’s execution?” Shuichi pressed. “You’ve all participated in the ones prior...but you weren’t anywhere to be found during theirs.”
“I mean uhh..” Monotaro started to sweat. “W-We Monokubs like to work “behind the scenes” sometimes..y-you know! We could’a chopped [y/n] to bits!”
“But we didn’t! We didn’t even lay a claw on them!” Monophanie blurted out, only for her eyes to widen as she realized her slip-up. “I-I mean..uh..o-oh no...”
“Wait, so you participated in their execution...yet you didn’t hurt them? Why’s that?”
“U-Uh..oh I’m gonna be sick again-”
“No, it’s your memories that are wrong. Because I remember a lot of minor details...including the fact you were all present during that trial,” the detective pointed out. “But you suddenly vanished afterwards. Tell me, what really happened to [y/n]? What made them so different from the rest of us?”
At that point, the Kubs were freaking out, though they forced themselves to calm down as their “father” waved the detonator around threateningly.
‘I wonder..why would the Monokubs only spare [y/n] if they’re suppose to be against us? If it’s what I fear..then--’
Suddenly, Shuichi’s whole body tensed up as an overwhelming feeling of dread overtook him. He tried to halt the thought, but it was too late...
His one fear, something he refused to believe in yet couldn’t rule out...
“Shuichi..I..share a similar concern,” K1B0 remarked. “Is it possible that..[y/n] was only spared because they’re....?”
“The mastermind?” Maki finished, which plunged the whole trial room into a tense silence.
“...I-I...I hate that’s a possibility..I wish it wasn’t..” Shuichi put a hand over his chest, feeling that familiar ache in his heart returning as he glanced back at your portrait. “I don’t wanna believe that someone I loved, who gave their life to protect me, could do all of this. [Y/n]..if this is true, please stop hiding...come out and face me!”
Everyone was stunned by his raised tone of voice, though Monokid only laughed hysterically.
“Man that’s a stupid-ass theory! Even stupider than Monodam!” He cackled. “Sheesh just get over it!! Who gives a rat’s ass if they’re the mastermind, huh!?! The dead can’t speak for shit, so it’s useless!”
“No. It’s not useless..because [y/n] isn’t dead!! They’re alive and listening via the Nanokumas right now!” With tears streaming down his face, Shuichi gripped the podium tightly. [Y/n]..I thought you loved me. If you still do...you’d come out and-”
“Fine. I can’t keep this up anymore...I’m so sorry, Shuichi.”
Everyone in the room gasped upon seeing an Exisal descend from the ceiling, landing right behind your portrait. The cockpit then opened, revealing none other than-
“Ta-da~ Here I am! Alive and well!” You jumped off and pushed the portrait to the floor, glancing around at everyone’s stunned expressions...before your eyes landed on Shuichi. “Why do you look at me like that?”
“Why..? I thought you died..” He mumbled, his hands trembling. As much as he wanted to run into your arms...he stayed still. “I was so..broken after losing you..I-I couldn’t eat or sleep for days, and...and only now you decide to show up?! Why?”
But all you could do was smile and sigh. “I know, sweetheart, but I had to stay..out of sight. I needed to keep this game going at all costs--”
“Just shut the hell up. You don’t get to “sweetheart” me anymore..”
You blinked in surprise, stunned by the bitterness in his tone.
“So you admit you’re the mastermind. Is this all it is...it’s all just a game to you?! A game of bullshit rules?! Kaede was innocent..yet you framed her for Rantaro’s death, didn’t you?!”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but..you’re dead to me.” More tears leaked from his eyes as he bowed his head, unable to look at you anymore. “I forgave you before, because I still loved you. But I can never forgive you for the suffering you’ve put me and everyone else through...b-but why, [y/n]? Why make us suffer? Make me suffer?? Who is this game being shown to?!!”
“...huh? It’s..not obvious to you all yet?”
“Wh-What?” He looked up, confused.
“What do you mean?” Maki scowled. “You better answer us..or else I’ll-”
“Kill me? Yeah, yeah I got you, “Miss Assassin”..” You put your hands up, your smile--which held no sympathy or remorse--never wavering. “Shuichi unveiled many small truths, but this big truth will be a REAL shocker!”
Nothing could prepare anyone for what you said next:
"Everything you know about this game, this world, and yourselves....is fictional!”
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aerynwrites · 5 years
Job Gone Wrong - Javier Peña x Reader
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Author’s Note: How could I resist the urge to use this gif?? ugh, this man DOES THINGS TO ME. Anyway, I was VERY, inspired by this post from @spacedadheadcanons (Thank you so much for letting me use it!) and also thanks to @theforceofdarkandlight pretty much INSISTING that I write this 😂 Love you Lauren you da best ❤ And an even more special Thanks to my beta readers @anniebombannie and @amberthefiredemon y’all are so fun and amazing and make this whole process to much easier! love you guys!
p.s. I do NOT speak spanish. I literally punched stuff into SpanishDict! and hoped for the best lol, so i apologize to everyone who can speak/read spanish this is probably butchered XD
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Reader gets stabbed, mentiosn of blood, sticthes, cursing, re-injury, kising, angst and fluff.
You had been partners with Javier Peña and Steve Murphy for a little over a year at this point, and you had managed to get Javier into a relationship within about seven months of that time. To say you were surprised was more than an understatement. You had been pining after your fellow DEA agent pretty much the second you laid eyes on him, but you were quick to learn that he was not a relationship guy. 
He found what seemed like a new woman every night, slept with her, and then kicked her out before the birds started chirping in the early morning light. It was a routine you had learned very quickly due to the horrifyingly thin walls of your shared apartment building. So, when about two months into your transfer, the obscene sounds from next door stopped, it caught you off guard. You had almost wanted to ask Javier about it, but you knew that conversation would be awkward, so you let it be. However, you didn’t fail to notice the extra attention the agent started to give you soon after. The lingering gazes, the gentle grazes he gave your lower back as he scooted by you, and you definitely couldn’t ignore when he started to bring you coffee every morning, prepared just the way you liked. 
Steve let out a low chuckle as Javier walked away after just delivering your morning cup of coffee, having to talk to the ambassador about something.
“What?” you questioned, sipping slowly at the warm drink in your hands.
Steve just shook his head, “You both are just oblivious as hell,” he says, a smirk adorning his lips.
Your brows furrowed together, “What do you mean? He’s just being nice.”
You knew your words were bullshit, but what did Steve expect you to do? Fall down at Javier’s feet and confess your undying love?
Steve rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, “You both are like two lovesick puppies but are too stubborn to admit it.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “Yeah well, you know how he is…he doesn’t do the relationship thing. I wouldn’t stand a chance,” you sigh bitterly.
Steve shrugs his shoulders, hands clasped together and resting on his stomach, “I don’t know…a little bird told me that a certain DEA agent has caught feelings for you.”
And that was the day you found out Javier Peña had feelings for you too. You had resolved that day to tell him how you felt, but he had beaten you to it when he knocked on your apartment door with a pizza and beer in hand. 
The rest was history as they say.
Since then, you two had been together happily. You both had flaws you had to work through but you did it together, hell it only took him a couple of weeks to convince you to move in with him since you practically live with him anyways with how much you stayed over. And of all of this lead you here, chasing down two of Escobar’s men through a local Comuna with Steve. Javier had been away for almost a week working with Carrillo on another lead. The news had made both you and Javier upset, never having been away from each other more than a day or two, but you knew it had to be done. So, you both had to settle for phone calls each night instead. But now you were missing Javier even more, he was usually the one to run after targets while you ambushed them, but now that you were the one running after them you realized just how out of shape you were. You had gotten separated from Steve somewhere along the way but had managed to stay on the Narcos’ tail, sighing in relief when you reached a dead end, corning the man in a small courtyard. 
“Pon tus manos arriba donde pueda verlas!” you commanded, gun raised and aimed at the perp in front of you.
He looked at you menacingly before dropping his gun and raising his hands above his head.
“¡ no te muevas!” you say, telling the man not to move as you approached him, gun still aimed while pulling the cuffs from your belt. 
You slowly approached him and commanded him to turn around before grabbing one of his hands and pulling it roughly behind his back, clicking one of the cuffs around his wrist. But before you could get his other hand down, he was ripping it from your grasp and grabbing something from his belt. It all happened so fast. One minute you were about to arrest the guy and the next he had turned around and drove a knife into your side before running off.
You let out a pained gasp as a sharp jolt shot through your side, “Motherfucker!” you cursed, hand immediately pressing into your side as you stumbled slightly, pressing your other hand against the wall for stability. You felt the thick and warm liquid run from your side and through your fingers, coating them in a dark crimson.
“Shit,” you whisper at first, “fuck!” you exclaimed, hand slamming against the wall next to you as the reality of the situation sank in. 
You had just lost your main lead to the case and gotten stabbed in the process, and you didn’t know where Steve was. This was just great. As if he could read your mind, you heard rapid footsteps followed by a familiar voice calling out your name.
“I’m over here!” you call, finally seeing Steve round the corner and his eyes widened at the red stain blossoming on your white shirt, “fucker stabbed me before he ran off,” you hiss as Steve approaches pulling his jacket off and replacing your hand with the fabric instead, trying to staunch the bleeding. 
“Are you okay? Can you walk?” he asks frantically. 
You nod, surprisingly it didn’t hurt all that much, you suppose the adrenaline pumping through you had something to do with that, “Yes, I’m fine, let’s just get the hell out of here before more trouble finds us,” you breathe, and let Steve lead you back to the car.
You let out a sigh as you carefully strip off your blood-stained shirt in favor of one of Javier’s clean ones lean back into the multitude of pillows you threw on the bed. Steve had just walked you to your and Javier’s apartment after a trip to the hospital and a dose of painkillers. 
“Remember to take these every six hours, and then your antibiotics twice a day,” Steve reminded you, pressing the bottles into your hands after you unlocked the doors, “And don’t rip your stitches, last thing we need is another trip to the hospital,” he teases.
you roll your eyes, and give the man a mock salute, “Sir, yes sir!” before walking into your apartment and closing the door.
Okay so maybe the painkillers were doing a little more than just taking the pain away. You mostly felt tired, but it was also mixed with a slightly fuzzy feeling in your mind. Just as you were about to crawl under the covers and get some much-needed rest you heard the door to your apartment open and close, followed by the jingling of keys being tossed onto the counter.
“Sweetheart?” Javier’s baritone voice drifted through the apartment.
A smile immediately lit up your face and you quickly, but carefully, swung your legs off the side of the bed and walked into the living room, eyes instantly falling onto a disheveled but relaxed looking Javier.
“Javi! You’re back!” you say, voice thick with relief as you walk over and wrap him in a hug.
His face falls instinctively to the crook of your neck and he takes in a deep breath, “I miss you so much, mi amor,” he whispers, hands coming to rest on your waist as he leaves a soft kiss to the junction of your neck and shoulder.
You can feel him start to push you backwards slightly and you pull away from the embrace looking at him questioningly, “Javi, babe what are you-“ 
Before you can finish Javier pushes you somewhat roughly into the wall behind you, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you while I was gone,” he breathes, mouth moving from you neck to your jaw.
“I missed you too Javier,” you gasp as his mouth finally meets yours, days of longing and emotions poured into this single action. 
Javier’s hands drift from ups up to your sides, gripping you roughly through his thin t-shirt you were wearing, right over your newly injured side. You let out a loud gasp, pleasure and pain, and your foggy mind can’t tell which is more important in this moment. 
“Did you put this one for me?” he asks, voice thick with want and need, “because you look so fucking-“ his words catch in his throat as he squeezes your side once more, and his brows knit confusion as a new and unfamiliar warmth meets his hand. He pulls away from you slightly, ignoring your whine at the loss of contact and his eyes widen at the sight before him. 
His hand is covered in a thin coat of blood, as he pulls it away from the crimson stain on your shirt, “What the fuck? (y/n), what they hell is this?” he exclaims, voice rising several octaves as he takes your wrist in his non bloody hand and pulls it away from your body to get a better look at your now bleeding side.
You let out an indignant huff, “Some asshole stabbed me earlier today, nothing major now-“ you reached out for him again, wanting to feel his lips on your again, “Come here. I can’t even feel it!” you assure.
Javier lets out an angry sigh, shoving your grasping hands away and instead pulls you over to sit on a stool in the kitchen, “Stop! You got fucking stabbed? And you didn’t tell me?” he asks, anger and concern lacing his words as he hurriedly digs under the sink for the med kit he had there.
You roll your eyes, “I’m fine! Plus, I just got home a few minutes before you did, how was I supposed to tell you?” you argue.
Javier doesn’t say anything in return, he instead rushes back over to where you are sitting, med kit in hand. He quickly lifts your shirt up and over your head to inspect the damage. The bandages are soaked completely through with blood and he gently lifts up the bottom edge of your sports bra to unwrap the dirty bandages. 
“Why didn’t you tell me as soon as I walked in the door? It should have been the first thing you told me!” he scolded; voice harsher than he meant for it to be. You sighed and slumped over in your seat slightly, shame filling you at his words, “I’m sorry Javi,” you whisper, hand running through his hair lightly.
His heart was racing at the thought of what happened to you, and the fact that he wasn’t there when it happened. As he unwrapped the last layer, he cringes slightly at the damage he sees. It’s actually not as bad as it seemed, some of the stitches had just ripped from where he had been a little rough with you. he felt a pang of guilt shoot through him.
“No, I’m sorry, look at what I did,” he mutters, pulling the supplies he’d need from the med kit and setting them on the counter. 
You opened your mouth to refute his apology but were silenced with a quick peck to the lips instead. Javier brought a hand up to rest on your cheek and gently ran his thumb over your cheek bone, “Just…let me fix you up okay? Then I’ll order some food and we can relax.” Your eyes found his, flooded with concern but also bursting with love as he stared back at you.
You gave him a small smile, turning your head to press a kiss to the palm of his hand and nodded, “Okay.”
Javier gave you a small smile before kneeling down to your side and set to work on patching you up. He cleaned away the blood before disinfecting the area and carefully placing a few stitches back where they needed to be. He took notice of how you barely flinched as he threaded the needle through your skin and let out a small chuckle before tying a knot and cutting the thread.
“They must have you on some pretty strong painkillers,” he comments, now wrapping the bandages around your torso.
You let out a giggle, “I was telling you the truth when I said it didn’t hurt,” you begin, “But I think I’m just a badass, because it didn’t hurt when I actually got stabbed either,” you say, a large smile on your face. 
Javier finishes wrapping the bandages securing them with some medical tape before standing so you were looking up at him. he let out a small chuckle and gently placed his hands on your hips, “Yeah well you’re my badass,” he says playfully, pulling you in for a sweet kiss. 
You smile into the kiss, his moustache tickling your upper lip slightly before you pull away and rest your head against his chest, sighing contentedly. You both just stayed in that position for a while, his hands on your hips and your arms wrapped loosely around his waist, relishing in each other’s presence after a week of not seeing one another. 
You finally broke the silence, “Can we order from that pizza place a few blocks over? I didn’t realize how hungry I was until you mentioned food,” you said shyly.
Javier just gave you a bright smile and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before pulling you up from the stool, “Anything for you amado,” he says gently.
You smile at his sweet words and follow him as he leads you over to the couch and sits you down, “Stay here I’ll be right back.” 
You nod and watch as he scurries off the bedroom, emerging moments later in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, his arms filled with pillows and blankets. You feel your heart swell as he comes over and places the pillows down near the armrest and motions for you to lay down before tossing the blanket over you. you gave him a warm smile as he went to go order the pizza before returning back to the living room and sitting down, pulling your legs into his lap and turning on the TV.
He gently strokes your legs over the covers, and you intertwine one of your hands with his free one, “You’re too sweet to me Javi,” you say quietly.
Javier looks over to you, and shakes his head, “Nothing is ever too much for you mi amor,” he says sweetly before leaning over, mindful of your injured side, and kissing you sweetly before pulling away and taking your hand in his again. 
“I love you Javi,” you say quietly, eyes on the TV.
Javier smiles, squeezing your hand gently as his other hand still stroked your leg slowly, a certain calm peace settling over him as he sat on the couch with the woman he loved.
“I love you too.” 
Steve watched as Javier walked into the embassy the next day, straight to his desk and dialing the phone. He was still as he waited for whoever it was to pick up then he caught Steve’s eye and turned away from him, as they answered. “Hey, yes I know I just left,” he casts Steve another glance and lowers his voice, Steve had to strain to hear the conversation.
 “Did you remember to take your pain killers?” Javier paused, “And the antibiotics?” he paused again, “Yes I know you can take care of yourself, I just wanted to make sure,” he defends, “Okay, yes, I will grab some on the way home, love you,” he says finally and hangs up the phone, turning to return to his desk across from his partners.
Steve gives him a shit eating grin, leaning back in his chair, he opens his mouth to say something, but Javier stops him with an accusing finger, “Not a fucking word,” word he bites. 
Steve fights to hold back a laugh and puts his hand up in mock surrender, “Okay Peña, but I will say I never took you for the mother hen type,” he smirked.
Javier wouldn’t admit it, and he definitely wouldn’t show it in front of the other guys at work, but Steve knew how much he cared about you. He had to hold back another laugh as he ducked to avoid the folder thrown his way, finally laughing at the disgruntled look Javier sent his way.
Oh yeah, he wasn’t fooling anybody...He was smitten.
Permanent Tag: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @stillreadingfantasy @jokersdoll​ @simonsbluee​
Pedro Tag: @fleurdemiel145​ @sargesbestgirl @lustriix​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @longitud-de-onda​ @jellyfishpoptart​ @ah-callie​ @mutantsandproud​ @pascalisthepunkest​
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elysiashelby · 4 years
In Another World - T. Shelby Imagine Ch. 2
Paring: (Eventual) Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 2, 522
Summary: Aliena Welsh has been living in the universe of the show Peaky Blinders for 2 months now. She’s beginning to make a life and a home for herself, but she’s been avoiding calling Thomas by his name. And he wants to know why.
A/N: So, I forgot to add something very important. I am not from Liverpool. I do not know the proper way scousers talk. I’ve done some research and watched movies, but I will not advocate that it’s perfect. I’d love to get my readers’ opinions on it, and if enough responses come back saying that I shouldn’t show her accent in the writing- it will be gone! Also, this is the pronunciation of Aliena ( A Lee ay nah ). Thanks for reading!
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So, I've been with the Shelby's for two months now! It has definitely been something! I mean Polly is very strict and for the first couple of days I was taking care of John's kids, she was watching over me like a hawk. I mean I didn't mind and I totally appreciated it. I dealt with me own family members, meaning I could've dealt with them however I wanted but these weren't me kids to punish. So, that's where Polly helped me out. She set me boundaries. 
With the cooking, I learned a lot of things. Like how to make eggs and bacon and sausage for breakfast. I can basically make anything Polly has taught me for the past 2 months. I also clean the house regularly. I do the sweeping, moping, the trash, and the laundry. I honestly don't mind. What's fun is that Polly found out that I didn't know UK currency and how it worked and she taught me it along with Finn. But, Finn actually already knew how to count money. He was 10, of course he did! He was there so that Polly could keep an eye on ‘em. 
I'm currently working on buying our weekly groceries for the main house, and for John. For the main house, Polly helps me out, but for John's house, I have to figure it out on me own.   
I was doing the kids' laundry as I watched over them. Katie, the eldest at 7, was helping me along with her sister Ilsa, who was 6. Robert, who was 4, was playing with his younger brother John, who was 3. I found out that John had knocked up Martha when they were 16, resulting in little Katie. They had Ilsa a year later, waited 2 years and had little Robert, and then baby John Jr. was a result of John Sr.’s vacation days during the war. 
I was scrubbing harshly against a stain when I noticed things had gotten out of hand. "Robbie, don't hit your brother so hard! You'll regret it when you're older. Katie, dear, you need to space out the clothes more! Ilsa, you need to scrub that spot harder." I shouted at them. 
Ilsa huffed. "Aliena, I want to go play! Why can't I?" 
"It's not that you can't, sweetheart. It's just- I need your help. I have to take care of all of your clothes along with your father's, along with your uncles’ and aunt's clothes. I would have your brothers do the same if they were any older, but they aren't. They would just mess the clothes up or not wash them right. So, as much as it pains me to prevent you from playing, I need your help, alright?" 
She groaned loudly. "Fine! But only because you need me." She muttered while sporting a big pout. 
I chuckled at her and reached over to pinch her pout. She flinched at it. 
"Aliena, why would I regret it?" Robbie shouted. 
"What?" I asked with my eyes squinting as I tried to get a good look at him. 
He ran towards me, which made Johnny follow. "Why would I regret hitting this annoying bugger?" He repeated while pushing his brother's head. 
I tsked at his antics. "You'll regret it because he'll grow bigger one day and give you a beating back. Mark my words, he'll learn to get you when you're weak!"
"No, he wouldn't!"
"Oh, but he would! It's what siblings do you see. I'm not telling you to never hit 'em because I know that's how you both play, but just don't make each other cry. Okay?"
Robbie tilted his head as if in deep thought before agreeing and running off with his brother. 
I sighed knowing that he probably told me a blag. 
Speaking of blags, you know that story I fed Thomas when I first arrived here was total bullshit, right? The truth is me whole family, nieces and all, are back in California in one house. Me da and ma aren't dead. Me sister doesn't have a husband, but does have a daughter. Me brother doesn't have a wife, but actually has 4 kids. Me da's brother is not mental, but lives with me gran. I forgot the reason why. And me mum still talks to her family all while maintaining the mentality that they are jealous of her because she's a stay-at-home mum. Also, I was dead-on about me body being younger. I had to have been 16, at most, because when I was 18 me features began to be more defined, and now I was stuck with this baby face again. 
When we were all done with the laundry, it was late afternoon. I made us all lunch, and then let them all run abar with their friends with the expectation of little Johnny. Him and I were going back over to Polly's. He once asked me about this decision, and I told him it was because he was too young. He pouted and groaned, but accepted it nonetheless. 
I opened the door to the house and he bolted right in. I laughed at the sight. I went straight away to the kitchen and put on an apron. I had to, ironically, make sandwiches for the boys. Finn probably found something to eat or Polly made him something, but it was my responsibility to feed the older Shelby brothers. 
"Finn, take care of your cousin while I go 'n feed your brothers!" I shouted as I finished making the last sandwich. 
I put a plate on top of the other holding two sandwiches and I had the third one set on its own plate, ready to be served. I opened the door by hitting it with me bum. I was instantly overwhelmed by the yelling and shouting of countless men that were in the betting shop. I had to weave me way through clumps of men as well as maintaining awareness of all their movements, so that they don't bump into me! 
John was closest even though he was actually the farthest. But he was the only one out of his office. Always near the blackboard that one.  
"John, I have your lunch!" 
He smiled at me while taking the plate. "Thanks, love!"
I nodded in return. Then, I went for Arthur's office. I knocked, he saw me, and told me to come in. 
"Here's your lunch, Arthur." I separated the plates and got one of the two sandwiches to place on the plate. 
"Ah! Finally, some fuckin' food! I swear Aliena, you make a mean sandwich. Thanks, doll." Arthur said before taking a huge bite. 
I said "you're welcome" with a rather embarrassed smile and left. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. Now, I was holding one plate in my hand. I inhaled largely and puffed my cheeks as I exhaled. 
'I swear I'll never get used to 'em.' I thought.  
I walked over to Thomas' office, knocked, and was allowed to come in. I turned the knob and took in the sight. Thomas Shelby kept his head down, inspecting his documents while nursing a ciggie that was in-between his two fingers resting there with his arm bent on the desk. 
"Your lunch, Mr. Shelby." I whispered as I set his plate down. 
He didn't even lift his head as he muttered "thank you." So, I just left. 
I wiped my hands on me apron, walked back into the main house, and closed the doors behind me. I walked back into the kitchen and tossed me apron on a chair. 
"Finn, is your cousin still alive?"
"Good! Keep him that way for the next two to three hours!"
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After serving lunch to the boys, I had to start cleaning the house. I beat the dirt out of rugs, I swept away dirt, and moped the floors afterward. When I was done with that I was taking down clothes that I've just washed yesterday. Then, I got ready to start ironing them, but mid through it was around 4 o'clock. 
I had to stop and go find the rest of John's kids. I got little Johnny and walked back to the flat, but when I got there, I found all three of them waiting outside of the door. I was able to start dinner with ease that night. Katie helped me make chicken soup. She was always so adorable. It took little over an hour. I ate with them, and then told Ilsa it was her night to wash the dishes. 
She’s so stubborn, reminds me of meself. I bet she’ll be a boss feminist when she gets older. I can imagine her now, marching for Women’s Rights. 
Anyway, I ran over back to the main house and helped Polly finish making their dinner. It was basically chopping and peeling. When she didn't need me anymore, I had to go back to the kids. I was up with them 'till 8:30 and then I had to tuck them into bed. I got done by 9, but little Johnny came out abar three times before settling down. When I was confident they were all asleep, I tidied up the house a little more. I just put away a toy or two that they'd missed. 
It was 11:37 in the night when John got home. He thanked me and gave me a pound before sending me on me way. With a pep in my step, I trod over back to the main house. 
I got me key to unlock the door, stepped in, and then locked it. With a key still in me hand, I rested against the door. Me hand with the key was clutching on the doorknob for dear life, me body thudded softly as it collided with the door. I closed me eyes and let out a heavy sigh. I rested there for what seemed like an eternity. But I got meself back up. I took the pins out of me hair that finally managed to form and maintain a proper bun. Me cheeks puffed as I exhaled and I shook out me hair. I put me pins in me coat pocket as I made me way to the couch. Me body just plopped down and I just relaxed. 
Me feet and back soon started to ache. So, I took off me shoes and socks, and started massaging me feet and rolling my ankles. I followed up by cracking me back, and then going upstairs to me room. I started placing everything nicely and where they were supposed to be. I changed into pajamas, which was just a dress. I attempted to fall asleep in bed, but ended up failing. Instead, I went downstairs, grabbed the tub, heated up some water, and drew meself a bath in me own room. 
The only way we could cleanse ourselves here was in a tub. It wasn't installed into the house, oh no! It was quite literally a grey tub, and I have to use another tub for me hair. When I was done, I poured me hair water down the kitchen drain, and then worked me way with the water I used for me body. Afterward, I settled down in front of the fire that was in the living room. I sat in front of it while wringing the water out of me hair. The crackling of the fire as well as its heat was comforting. So much so that I found meself dozing off. 
It was during that allotted time that a hand suddenly shook me. Frightened, I gasped, rolled on to my knees from leaning on me thighs, and tried to focus on the person who jolted me awake. 
"You know, you'll end up catching a cold if you go to sleep with wet hair right away?" Thomas said while kneeling down beside me. "And your hair will be a pain to deal with if you don't brush it soon." 
I nodded while looking at him with hooded, unfocused eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Shelby." My voice sounded hoarse like I actually had been just awoken from a nap when in reality all I did was close me eyes for a second. Me eyes kept wanting to close. I chose to rub me arms to keep me awake. 
"Do I make you uncomfortable, Ms. Welsh?" He asked while properly sitting down next to me. 
I squeezed me eyes shut, silently cringing. I knew I was making it obvious, but I figured that he was used to it. Hell, even Arthur and John don't talk to him without minding themselves. 
With a tight grip on me arms and an equally tight smile I said, "No, not uncomfortable, Mr. Shelby. But I am intimidated by you." 
He nodded silently. "Intimidation is often used as another word for fear."
I giggled at his words. "It's actually a synonym for frighten or terrify, but also overawe. Which means to be impressed by someone to like the point of speechlessness." Me hands were now an active part in our small conversation.
Only reason I knew that was from searching up the word so much! 
"So, am I correct to assume you're telling me you're impressed by me, Ms. Welsh?"
I pursed me lips while leaning me head to the side, resting on me arms that had been crossed on top of me bent knee. "I guess. What I'm really trying to say is that… I don't know actually. I just don't want to cross a line with you, in all honesty. If I were to say something wrong- like a mispronunciation! Arthur and John would 'ave a laugh and a joke, but my expected reaction from you is silence. Silence can be the most daunting thing."
Thomas hummed while looking at me silently. 
I couldn't stop a giggle and pointed at him. "See! Like that! Are you just being understanding, or are you judging me?" I laughed even more afterward, and then I yawned. 
Through squinted eyes, I saw Thomas smirk. It was small. I'm sure it was really a half-assed smile. 
 "I see that you call my brothers by their names. Even though I insisted from the moment we met for you to call me by my name, you don't. Is this the reason why?"
I hummed. "I guess. I mean, well, you're my boss. I figure you have to use, you know, the proper terms. It's my first job 'n all! I didn't want to do anything to mess up." I said while tracing over the patterns in the carpet. 
"Well, from the way I see it, I am your boss and your boss is giving you an order." 
I tried to stifle my giggle and hide me smile, but it didn't do much since he had eyes and ears. "Fine. Thomas."
After that, he went up to his room. Me fatigue was oddly gone yet at its worst at the same time. It took me another hour before I managed to drag meself up and sleep on the couch.
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston @nemesis729​
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thecutside · 4 years
Summer loving - JJ x Reader - Chr 1
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Summary: You and Sarah had been best friend forever. Your fathers were friends and business partners, resulting in the two of you meeting often ever since you were little kids and you spending a lot of summers with her on the island. And a lot has changed since you were there last summer. Sarah was now hanging out with the pogues and you were quite nervous to meet them. Apart form that you had developed a small crush on JJ trough all the pictures and stories you got from Sarah. The upcoming summer was going to be an interesting one for sure. (Warning - it’s a slooowburn)
Read the Prologue first!
A/N: First of all thank you all so much for the support on the prologue! It really means a lot to me. I hope you all wil like the first real chapter and I would love to hear what you think about it! I’m quite happy with how it turned out so I'll hope you enjoy it. xx 
Words: 2.3K
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mentions of sex
“Y/n you’re here!” 
Before you could register the body running towards you, you were almost tackled by Sarah as she wrapped you in a hug.
“I’ve missed you so much.” She exclaimed, still hugging you. “This summer is going to be amazing. I’ve got all these things planned and everyone is so exited to meet you.”
“I’ve missed you too!” You laughed as Sarah finally let go of you.
As Sarah rambled on about what you would be doing during the next few weeks you looked around. Not much had changed since you last were here. The only difference was, that now, there were a lot more tourists than during Christmas. The docks were buzzing with all the workers and hopelessly lost visitors. It made you feel at home. You had missed the island and all of its charms.
You spend whole ride to Sarah’s house listening to all the things she had planned. 
“Okay so you definitely need to learn how to surf.”
“Why? You never liked surfing before.” You noted with a hint of sarcasm.
“Well yeah that was before I tried it.” She said as she rolled her eyes at you.
“And you know who would be the perfect teacher for you?” 
“JJ!” She grinned and began to laugh when she saw your eyes widen.
“No way I’m doing that.” You sputtered. “And for you information I have no desire to learn how to surf.”
“Well that’s a shame because I already asked JJ if he would teach you and he agreed.” She announced proudly. “It would be a good way to get to know each other, since he is the only one you’ve never met before.”
“You did WHAT?” You yelped. “Oh my god I hate you.” You said as you buried your hand in your hands “You are going to be the dead of me Cameron.”.
After you had arrived and greeted Ward and Rose, Sarah showed you your room. You usually bunked up together, but since you were staying for a longer time this summer you had agreed to stay in one of the spare rooms. According to Sarah it had nothing to do with the fact that John B stayed over quite often, but you didn’t buy her bullshit.
“It’s fine Sarah. I get it. You just need to get your John D.” You joked and quickly dodged the hand that came flying to your head. 
“Excuse you! At least I’m getting some.” She replied before giving you a wink and disappearing down the hall. 
“I’ll be in my room if you need me. We’re leaving at six tonight, don’t be late.” She shouted before you heard her door fall into the lock.
You were going to meet the others at The Wrack, the restaurant owned by Kiera’s parents, for dinner, giving you the afternoon to unpack all of your things and settle in. Your room was situated next to Sarah’s with a bathroom the two of you shared on the opposite side of the hallway. 
You plopped onto the bed for a second before you got to work putting away all of your things. After you were done you decided to take a quick shower and get ready before you guys would leave for dinner. 
Just before six Sarah barged into you room.
“You ready Y/N?” She asked you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You replied with a small smile.
“Lets go then.” 
You had decided to walk to the restaurant since you were going to John B’s afterwards for your ‘welcome party’ and you had agreed to spend the night there. That way you wouldn’t have to worry about getting home after drinking.
When The Wreck came in to sight you unconsciously slowed down. Your nerves suddenly taking over. What if they would not like you. You would ruin the whole summer for everyone. Your mind was already making up every possible scenario how you would screw everything up when Sara took your hand and gave you a reassuring squeeze. She knew how nervous you were to meet the crew. 
“It’s alright Y/N.” She said as she gave you a smile and pulled you to the entrance. The restaurant was packed with customers and you and Sarah had to squeeze your way past the people waiting to be too seated, excusing yourself but still earning some dirty looks from them. John B spotted the two of you coming in and waved to get you attention.
“Over here!” He shouted, quickly being shushed by Kiera before she shot her dad an apologetic look. 
You walked over to the table and Sarah introduced you to the group.
“Y/N the crew, the crew Y/N.” She said as she gestured between you and them. She quickly gave John B a kiss before plopping down on the empty seat next to him.
“Nice to meet and re-meet all of you.” You joked, earning yourself a laugh from the group sitting at the table. 
“It good to see you again Y/N.” Kiera smiled at you and patted the seat next to her “Come sit.” 
You sat down between her and Pope, John B sitting across form you. Pope gently nudged you shoulder once you were seated.
“Long time no see.” He said with a smile on his face. 
“Yeah it is good te be back.” You smiled back.
Opposite from Pope JJ scraped his throat to get your attention.
“Well, since apparently I’m the only one you’ve never met, I’m JJ.” He said while stretching out his hand to shake yours.
“Nice to finally meet you JJ, I’ve heard a lot about you.” You grinned.
“Okay now that everyone’s introduced, the most important part of this evening.” John B said with a smirk “What are we going to eat?”
The rest of the dinner went by smoothly and you were surprised how easily the group absorbed you. It started with you and John B bonding over your love for cheesy fries and within half an hour you were all talking and laughing together. As you had promised yourself, you made sure to tell some embarrassing story’s about Sarah from when you were younger to get your revenge on her.
You were laughing at one of JJ story’s about him working as a busboy with an enormous hangover and you felt this was your moment to strike.
“You know that makes me think of the first time Sarah and I convinced the bartender we were allowed to drink at some business event from our parents.” You laughed. 
Sarah’s head immediately snapped your way.
“Y/N don’t you da..” She threatened you but was quickly muffled by John B’s hand in front of her mouth.
“Halfway through the evening she somehow lost one of her heels and ended up limping around like an idiot before throwing up in one of the bushes.” You continued regardless of Sarah and making everyone but her burst laughing.
“You know Y/N,” JJ laughed “you are exactly what we needed. These are the stories we never hear from Sarah.” 
His comment made you smile way too hard and you felt the butterflies come alive in your stomach. You surely had it bad for this boy. 
“Okay guys I think it is time to go now.” Sarah proposed, cheeks red form embarrassment.
“You wish is my command, Cinderella” JJ joked before quickly making his way to the exit of the restaurant and blowing a kiss to Sarah as she flipped him off. 
The rest of the crew followed him to the van while you and Sarah stayed behind to pay, since you insisted on paying this time.
“You really have a death wish now do you Y/N.” Sarah joked and poked you in your side, making you jump.
“What can I say, I could not not tell them this amazing story.” You smirked at her. 
The ride to John B was not long, but with six people in the van is was a little cramped. Pope had called shotgun, which left you, Kiera, Sarah and JJ seated in the back. When you entered pretty much all the seating space was taken. You stood there a little hopeless before JJ noticed you.
“You know you can sit on my lap if you want.” He said and wiggled his eyebrows. Leaving you speechless for a second. You were starting to turn red as you opened and closed your mouth trying to find something to say.
“I euh..” 
“Kidding Y/N, I’ll scoot over.” He said laughing. 
“Oh my god can you keep it in your pants for once Maybank” Kiera jokingly complained.
You seated yourself in the narrow space next to him, being squeezed between him and the side of the van, your cheeks still red with embarrassment. 
During the ride you tried not to focus too much on how you body was pressed to JJ. Your shoulders and thighs were touching and every time the van sped up you got pressed together even more. JJ did not seem to notice, as he was talking with Sarah, but you could not help yourself. Your heart was definitely racing harder than usual.
When you looked out of the window you noticed how the houses you passed seemed to get smaller and less comfortable with every passing minute. You had never really been to this side of the island before and it felt like a whole new world opened up to you. The reality outside of Figure Eight.��
John B rolled into the driveway and everyone made their way over to the house to plop down on the porch. Kiera went inside to get drinks and handed them to everyone. 
As Sarah opened her beer, she raised it to make a toast. 
“To the newest member of the crew, Y/N!” 
“To Y/N!” Everyone echoed and that was the beginning. 
The evening started with one of JJ stupid drinking games to, according to him, ‘get things going’.
“Okay so if you roll 1, 3 or 5 you drink that many sips and if you roll 2, 4 or 6 you get to choose who has to drink the amount of sips.” He explained as if it was one of the most difficult games known to humans.
“So basically you just drink a lot?” You remarked.
“Yeah that’s the idea smart ass.” He pointed out. “We’re here to gave a good time, not a long one.” 
The game went on for way too long, until Kiera accidentally dropped the dice between the planks of the wooden deck and you were forced to stop. By that time everyone was pretty drunk already and it was getting quite late. John B and Sarah had gone into the house to ‘get some more to drink’, but when JJ went to check on them he shut the door as soon as he opened it.
“Jeez get a room already.” He grumbled before sitting back down with the rest.
“Fuck of JJ.” you heard John B form inside “You’re just jealous.” Followed by a giggle form Sarah and the slamming of a door.
“Thats my que.” Pope cringed and got up. “Good night everyone see you tomorrow.”
“Yeah I’m leaving too.” Kiera said and got her things to follow Pope. “Bye guys.”
“Be safe! Use protection!” JJ shouted to them as they walked away, causing Kiera to flip him off before they disappeared into the night. 
Now that they were gone, you realised how tired you actually were. It had been a long day and you were ready to roll into bed.
“Allright I’m going to bed too.” You yawned and got up to walk into the house. 
“Wait you’re sleeping here too?” JJ questioned you surprised.
“Yeah?” You answered not understanding what the problem was. “Sarah said I could sleep on the pull out.” 
“Well I’m staying over too.” He explained but due to the alcohol in your system in took a while before you realised what he meant. 
‘Oh..” Was all you could bring out. 
“It’s alright I’ll just sleep in one of the hammocks.” JJ said with a timid smile already getting up.
“No, no it’s alright.” You said as you reached for his arm to stop him “We’ll just share the bed. You can’t sleep outside.” 
“If you don’t mind.” He smiled. “Otherwise I can always sleep on the floor.”
“No it’s fine JJ.” You assured him.
The both of you went inside and got ready for bed. Sarah had dropped off some stuff you could borrow from her earlier today, to make sure you could change into something more comfortable and brush your teeth. When you walked out of the bathroom JJ was already lying on the bed scrolling trough is phone. He was just wearing some short sweatpants that he apparently had lying around and you took a minute to admire the view. 
“Take a picture, I’ll last longer.” He quipped as he put his phone aside to look at you. 
When you realised he caught you staring you felt your cheeks turning red. You quickly switched off the light so he wouldn’t notice and made your way over to the bed and got in. 
You laid awkwardly next to each other for a moment before you forced yourself to get over it and focus on getting some actual sleep.
“Goodnight JJ.” You whispered as you turned to your side, your back facing him. 
“Goodnight.” He whispered back.
You felt the blanket shift as he turned as well and within minutes you heard his breath steadying. You could feel the heat his body radiated against your back and you were surprised how comforting it felt. Of course you had shared a bed with someone before, but this time felt different and before you knew it you felt yourself drifting off into a deep sleep. 
Taglist (let me know if you would like to be added)
@sspidermanss​ @treestarrrrrrrr​ @http-cherries​ @imsad05​ @obssesedweirdo​
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.10
a/n: do ya’ll love Gei? because this chapter is dedicated for Gei <3
warnings: this cannot be read solo, flamboyance
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 11
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased​​ @infinite-universe-love​​ @dirtypride​ @blackymomo03​ @azzie @purple-rabanito​
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“I’m sorry but Endeavor’s schedule is still full. If you’d like to set a meeting with him, it would have to wait till next week.” Burnin answered over the phone.
It was now 2 days since the rather nice date with the chief. You could’ve done this yesterday but the chief had insisted you take the day off. Not sure what his intentions were, you took the opportunity nonetheless. Spending it with your family was the best choice. (Mostly for Nomura’s cooking though...)
Now, you were nested in your cubicle. Face buried in a day’s pile of delayed work. Disappointed that the arson case would have to be moved once more. Maybe the HPSC would take interest in this? Probably not. Still, you wrote down a note to call Mera just in case you were sick and tired of the dead ends.
“In that case, schedule me a 20 minute meeting with him. You can choose when and what time.” You replied and ended the call.
Looking at the time, it was almost lunch and you were set to meet with Gei. His workplace was only 10 minutes from your area and you could afford to take your time knowing this day wasn’t as heavy as the rest. Your phone dinged with a notification from the man himself.
Gei is the Best: Honey boo boo. Is it alright if you drop by the hospital first? I have this patient that just WON'T sit still for the love Beyonce >:(
You: Sure :) Need me to lower his BP? That might do the trick.
Gei is the Best: YAS! YOU DA BEST. Imma inform the receptionist. See you in a few! Lunch is on me <3
Taking your things, you informed Tsukauchi that you’d be out for the rest of the day. Upon hearing Gei’s name, he chuckled and asked for you to wait. Opening his desk drawer, he handed you a sealed envelope and told you to hand it to him.
“What’s this?”
“It’s some pictures of a recent guy I caught. He might find the man’s composition interesting. His quirk was body manipulation. It somehow failed and his quirk backfired on him. Try to imagine a human pretzel except… you can’t untangle him.” Tsukauchi explained. The slight look of amused disgust on his face.
“He does find these things interesting. So you’ll be asking him to fix the guy?”
“Yeah. Called him a while ago so he’ll be expecting that.”
After a few more small talk, you excused yourself and made your way to your car. Everything was going well till you saw the chief talking with another officer. Not wanting to have a chat with him, you turned and took the long way towards the parking area.
Now that you were on the road, you stopped at a red light and wore your ear piece. Using your car’s touch screen monitor, you clicked on Overhaul’s contact. It was lunch time, he surely didn’t have any schemes at this time.
“Problem child.” He answered after the second ring.
“Birdman.” You smiled at the pet names. “When are you free to test the earpiece?”
“Unfortunately my schedule is full today. Would tomorrow work?”
“Sure. What time are you available?”
“Lunch will do. Drop by the Shie Hassaikai. We can eat together.”
You did not intend to but your foot stepped on the brakes. Did you just hear him right? The car behind you honked his horn and that made you snap out of your daze. Remembering that he was still on the other line, you shook your head and tried to contain your curiosity.
“You’re not going to kidnap me, are you?”
“I’m more than capable of doing so.” The slight rise of his tone made your stomach feel ticklish. Your hands now held tightly on to the steering wheel, waiting for his next words. “But I’d rather not.”
“(favorite food). And you have a deal.” You turned towards the nearing hospital. Your mouth silently repeated ‘oh my god’ till you saw a parking spot.
“Till then, Problem child.”
When the call ended, you slammed on the brakes once more and shrieked. Feeling your blood pressure rising from the conversation, you placed your hand on your chest. A faint blue glow forming on your palms. Your rapid beating heart and incoming hyperventilation died down.
“Holy shit. It’s been a while since I used that on myself.”
Stepping out of the car, you walked towards the entrance of the hospital. The guard grinned as he saw you approaching. He knew who you were so you were able to skip the log book. Passing by the receptionist, she greeted you and said Gei was waiting in his office.
In the hallway, you could hear the sounds of shoes running around and a few announcements every now and then. Stopping at a window, you observed a few nurses helping some patients. Most of them had tubes connected to their bodies but none of them looked to be in pain. The machines inside were white and you could see how the liquids were gently shaking.
“OH MY LORD!” You turned around and looked at the direction of the scream. “WILL YOU SIT STILL?! I SWEAR TO THE ALMIGHTY FATHER JAY-Z, IF YOU DO NOT SIT STILL I WILL HAVE TO USE THIS ON YOU!”
Running towards his office, you immediately opened the door only to find Gei in his white coat. His hair a shriveled mess, a syringe with clear white liquid, and the patient hiding behind the sofa.
“Close the door baby girl!” He yelled and lunged towards the patient. Somehow he was able to grab a hold of the hospital gown. Tugging the male into his hold, he turned to face you. “Your quirk please!”
Not wanting to anger Gei, you hurriedly made your way to the two people. Placing your hand on to the male’s chest, both of you saw how his shoulders relaxed. The crazed demeanor was now replaced with one of calm. You felt a tug on your palm and quickly adjusting your control, you increased his blood pressure till he was deemed stable.
You and Gei led the man to the sofa to where he sat down. Keeping your hand on his chest, you maintained control as Gei did his usual magic. Now that you were able to assess the patient, you saw the dislocation his arm had. His sleeves had hidden it from sight.
Watching as your friend used his quirk, the dislocation began to fix itself till it was finally back to normal.
“Now that that’s over with, put him to sleep boo.” Gei said while he walked towards his desk and paged a nurse to come get the patient.
Lowering the blood pressure even more, you felt the patient losing his consciousness. When his head fell, you had finished your job. Making him lean onto the sofa, you closed his eyelids and observed his breathing. It was steady and even. Not long after, a soft snore erupted from the sleeping man.
“What exactly just happened?”
“The way his arm was dislocated made it rather painful. Told him if he would relax, I could ease the pain by a tiny bit. Lord of quirks, the man panicked and began his episode.” Gei explained as he fixed his coat and poured alcohol into his palms. When the nurse arrived, he assisted in carrying the patient into the bed.
“Busy day?” You relaxed on to the chair and held a throw pillow.
“Oh honey no. Nothing I can’t handle. Your presence only made things quicker.” He exaggerated a wink. “Remind me why you didn’t pursue the medical world?”
“I retain information badly. And to top it off, my quirk just makes me into a human sphygmomanometer. It’s helpful but it works better with the police force in times of raids.”
“Well, if yo happy with yo job then do what you do boo.” Taking his coat off, he hung it on his chair and began to keep the files and paper works. Remembering the file in your bag, you reached for it and tossed it onto his table. When Gei saw the penmanship, he nodded and placed it in his drawer. “Send him my thanks and a hug as well~”
Now that Gei was ready, the both of you were now walking in the lobby. A bunch of other nurses greeted him with his hard earned title. Doctor.
“Dr. Hanayaka. Don’t forget your appointment with patient 247 later today.”
“Yes yes. I have it on my sched. Now puh-leaz! I am on break and I need to refresh my beauty with this lady over here.” He winked at the nurse who simply shook her head with amusement. “Go do your thing now, love.”
“It’s amazing how they put up with you.” You commented as both of you exited the building.
“Of course~ I have the charm, the look, and the wits.” He snapped his finger with each description he had for himself. “All I need now is a man.”
Unlocking your car, the both of you got in and drove to the restaurant he had in mind. It wasn’t too far from both your offices so you didn’t mind. It didn’t take too long before you found yourself seated in a comfortable booth by the window with menus in hand. Choosing one of their best sellers, the waitress was quick to get your orders.
“So… how was the date two nights ago?” Gei was in full gossip mode now.
“It ended pretty well.” A smirk formed on your face.Recalling how the chief experienced a bad stomach ache was satisfying. “The food was fine and luckily he didn’t cause a scene since his food made his stomach go bad.”
“Who was he anyway?” He titled his head. He knew you were too busy to even casually date or even try one of those speed dating things. If there was one man he knew you were interested in but it was too obvious you were still blind that the feelings were growing. “You never told me his name, never mentioned how you met, or even his age. Did you meet in Sinder?”
“Don’t freak out or whatever.” Upon seeing him nodding his head, you let out a long and tired sigh. “It’s my chief.”
Gei held on to his chest and began to hyperventilate. His face morphed into one with disgust and disbelief. Even made fake puking sounds to add to his reaction.
“Oh. Heyll. No.” His voice went a range higher. “Sis. Why the hell you go out with that man? You ain’t got no daddy issues! And don’t go tellin’ me no man would take interest in you cause thaz bullshit.”
“It was either that or I get 10 more cases. I already have too much on my hands. Two of which are major.” You explained and sunk deeper onto the chair. “It’s fine, though. The dinner ended on a nice note. His stomach ache was just so bad that he practically pushed me out of his car.”
Gei’s mind went ticking. The chief asks you out on a date, the date ends on a disaster for him but a success for you. Staring at your happy face, he lifted his fleek eyebrow and placed one knee on top of the other. Leaning onto the arm rest and pouting.
“Tell me, baby girl, whatdyu the day before the date?”
“Me and the chief met up with Overhaul for a quick meeting. Then he got mad cause the chief cut me off and then he dropped me home to let me take a shower cause he said I smelled like him.”
“And what does your brain have to say about that?” Gei asked. A sly smile on his face.
“Not much.” You shrugged your shoulders. “He was right, though. I smelled like beetroots.”
“Oh good lord.” Gei uttered to himself. “Beyonce, if you’re out there, bless this oblivious woman…”
“BUT, the waiter at the restaurant was pretty attractive.” Seeing how Gei shimmied his shoulders and leaned in closer was always fun. “I didn’t get his name, though. However, he had pretty cool hair. Like, arrows for the ends.”
“In that case, imma make a reservation.” He smacked his lips just in time for the food to be served.
The rest of the meal was light and fun. Occasional teasing from him which you didn’t take to heart. You had asked him how his job was and his patients, he in turn asked for updates about cases you could speak freely about in public. Now that the food was gone, he reached for his neon pink wallet to hand over the payment.
“By the way, I’m free tomorrow.” He added with a slight jump. “Wanna stop by this new cafe that opened down the block?”
“I can't. I'm meeting Overhaul tomorrow.”
“You say that so casually as if he isn’t a class-B villain.” He pointed out. “Look me straight in the eye and tell me your heart doesn’t skip a beat when you see him.”
And you did. Straight up told him that it did not. However, you still told him that he would sometimes catch you off guard and end up stuttering or catching your breath. All you’re flamboyant friend could do was to send a prayer to his queen that you would one day realize that you were slowly falling for the villain.
Lucky for him, his prayers would be answered soon enough.
Sadly, it came with a cost.
another date but this time with Overhoe himself? wew~ the possilities..
do you guys have any questions? feel free to comment and ill gladly answer them :) take care and i hope you guys like this chapter <3
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dearlazerbunny · 4 years
Can I have Kylo for fluff alphabet please? Thank you!
All of them?! I mean if you ~insist~
(Alphabet prompt here)
Kylo x Reader Fluff ABCs 💜
Activities: Free time is scarce, so he’ll mostly visit you at night when the two of you can curl up in bed, watch the stars, and talk about anything and everything. Technically it’s always night in space, but when he’s with you the black seems to dim a little, and the stars shine brighter. It’s the best sort of night, the ones that make you think there are as many possibilities as there are planets in the sky.
Beauty: Kylo LOVES your smile. You smile so easily, whereas he can count on one hand the number of times he’s smiled in the pas year- each time because of you. And he still has to remind himself how to breathe anytime he makes you smile.
Comfort: He’s excellent at holding you close and just letting you cry it out, running his fingers through your hair, and keeping his lips pressed to the top of your head so you know he’s there. Sometimes he’ll tell stories- the same ones his mother told him, about adventures in space and good defeating evil and how hope makes the universe turn. He doesn’t know if he believes in those old stories anymore- but he knows you do.
Dreams: Somewhere quiet, somewhere far away from any war or light side and dark side and Jedis and metal monstrosities that destroy planets on a whim. It’d be a simple house- maybe in a forest, set away from a tiny village- with just enough space for the two of you and maybe... maybe a child. The three of you would lie in the tall grass- a little boy or girl tugging on his mother’s clothes and giggling at the feeling of the dirt beneath his feet- and tell new stories. Because now he doesn’t need those old stories telling him about light and hope- he has his own, sitting right in front of him.
Equal: Kylo is not used to someone standing up to him and calling him on his bullshit. Kylo cannot remember the last time someone called him “Ky” without having a rather vicious meeting with the glowing end of his lightsaber. Kylo definitely isn’t used to someone being in his personal space- a touch on his arm, holding hands, a leg wrapped around his when the two of you are in bed. He might a six-foot-something menace in all black and a scary sword, but you have an infinite amount of little ways of telling him that he is not the boss of you. Period.
Fight: Fighting is loud- there’s a good amount of yelling and stomping around. Most of it stems from insecurities: he can’t get it out of his head that you aren’t going to drop him on a whim someday when you realize how broken he is; you hate that he’s constantly diving headfirst into a war where you can’t do anything to protect him. One night, after a particularly horrible bout, you voice the idea that the insecurities get smaller when the trust gets bigger. So now, any argument, big or small, is only over when the two of you can look at each other and honestly say, “I trust you.”
Gratitude: He knows you’re doing... something, but he doesn’t really realize how much until one day he’s sitting with you, your fingers intertwined, laughing at something ridiculously stupid and only funny to the two of you, and he’s looking at you and how your eyes sparkle when you laugh and he notices he hasn’t heard any of the voices in his head since you started giggling. He’ll tell you later- he wants to hear your laugh for just a little bit longer.
Honesty: Kylo definitely keeps secrets- mostly his fears. He’s scared you’ll leave him, that one day you’ll walk away and won’t come back. He wants a future with you- not just a future, but an endgame- and every day it seems less and less likely. He worries he isn’t what you deserve. He’s scared he’ll hurt you accidentally; he’s terrified he’ll hurt you intentionally. He’s never told you any of this, but the funny thing is- you kind of already know.
Inspiration: You’ve changed him for the better, and keep doing so every day. Much like the realization from Gratitude, he won’t quite know the extent of it until one day it smacks him in the face and he finally thinks, oh.
Jealousy: Yes, and it’s something the two of you have to work on. Constantly. To his credit, he went from hunting down one of your work friends in the middle of the night after he gave you a hug in the mess hall to (occasionally) haltingly and frustratingly voicing his feelings. It’s progress, and you’re willing to stick by him for however long it takes.
Kiss: Your first kiss was incredibly tentative, soft, and barely there. You weren’t quite sure it even had happened, except Kylo’s look of absolute shock clued you in that it very much did. Then about five seconds later you realized that was probably Kylo’s first kiss. Ever. He doesn’t really get it at first- he’s stiff and awkward and at one point frustratingly blurted out ‘but what do I do with my hands.’ He’s much better now. Practice makes perfect after all, and let’s be real, kissing this man is a hardship you are more than willing to bear.
Love Confession: He wanders into your room one night, antsy and agitated and very thrown off by... something. You don’t know what, because he refuses to tell you- just paces your room clenching and unclenching his fists while you desperately try to figure out what’s wrong. Eventually, he faces you, bewildered, looks you dead in the eye, and says I love you- which spirals you into a cacophony of relief, giddiness, happiness, and laughter all in about five second’s time. While he’s looking put out from you laughing at him, you kiss him on the lips once... twice... and say, I know.
Marriage: He thinks he’d like to marry you someday. It’d be simple- you’d carry a bouquet of wildflowers, maybe with some braided in your hair as well. The rings would both be a beautiful smoky grey, and yours has a small piece of his kyber crystal set in the center. He doesn’t know who would be there... Hux? The two of you are friends. The people you work with... well, they don’t know about you. He knows it’s impossible, but he always pictures his mother there too, to give you away.
Nicknames: Kylo isn’t really one for nicknames. You call him Ky, love, babe when you want to get a rise out of him- but every so often, in the dead of night, when you’re half asleep and not quite sure if you’re dreaming it, he’ll pull you close and whisper my queen before pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
On Cloud Nine: Nobody knows. Not a single soul. Have you seen that man’s poker face? Hux and Phasma can guess something is up, but that something being ‘Kylo Ren in love’ is so far out of the realm of possibility that it doesn’t even make the top 101 Things That Might Be Going On With Ren. You think it’s hilarious, and also kind of sweet- he saves that side of himself for you and you only.
PDA: See the above. PDA is not a thing with him, for a multitude of reasons: he has an image to maintain, he doesn't want you to get hurt if potentially being used against him, he simply doesn’t know how to initiate such things. You respect his want for privacy- you don’t want to be rumor mill fodder either. But on the very few occasions you find yourselves out and alone together, you’ll give him a peck on the mask where his cheek would be. That’s enough for you.
Quirk: I don’t know if the Force counts as a quirk, but it definitely makes you laugh when he decides to do stupid party tricks in an effort to cheer you up (think Aang and his marble trick in A:TLA 😂). In the back of your mind, you can’t help but imagine him doing the same innocent magic tricks to the delight of your son or daughter someday.
Romantic: He’s romantic while having no sense of traditional romance. If you mention a favorite flower, there’ll be a vase of them in your room the next day. When you tease him for doing something sweet, he just looks baffled. “You said you liked these. So I procured some. You’re welcome?” The fact that he doesn’t get how much his gestures actually mean makes them that much sweeter.
Support: Kylo thinks you could probably end this whole war single-handed if they plopped you down in the middle of the battlefield. Not that he’d ever test that theory. But if someone has the capability of making him start thinking of things like a future, they have more power in their fist than he does with the entirety of the Force.
Thrill: Considering this is all still fairly new to Kylo, even something like kissing the back of his hand sends him into shutdown mode for a second or two. You’re taking it slow. It took him a whole two months to even get used to the idea of holding hands on the regular.
Understanding: Kylo worries this is an area he’s lacking in. What he doesn’t know is that he instinctively knows when you need a hug, picks up on your moods before you even know what that mood is, and often knows what you’re thinking before you say it. He doesn’t think highly enough of himself to say that he knows someone as wonderful as you so intimately, but the truth is he’s pretty much got you on lock.
Value: You are everything. If he knew there would be no repercussions, and you’d be safe, he would drop everything and move to that little house in the forest with you, War, Skywalkers, and Snoke be damned. At some point, he stopped fighting this war to rid himself of his past and started fighting it so that you and he might have a future.
Wild Card: You have a tendency to pull hair whenever you get really frustrated, so Kylo offered to let you play with his instead- obviously, you are infinitely more careful with him than you are yourself. This eventually morphed into you being able to craft Disney-princess-worthy braids and updos with his hair. Sometimes he’ll let you tuck a flower in it if he really wants to see you laugh.
XOXO: This poor man is touch s t a r v e d. The second you start being physically affectionate with him, he never wants you to stop- laying by his side, holding your hand, playing with his hair, wrapping himself around you. Not that anyone outside of the two of you would have any idea.
Yearning: You aren’t a Force user, but you’re connected to the point where when he’s away on a mission, he can send you a thought or a feeling to let you know he’s thinking of you. More than once you’ve felt the slight sensation of his fingers on your cheek or him walking beside you, even though he’s lightyears away.
Zeal: if you and Luke Skywalker were standing side by side, and he could only reach one of you, he’d grab you by the hand, start running, and never let go.
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thousandsunnywrites · 4 years
Mister Sun
⤷ ficlet
part 1 |  part 2
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Ace x f!reader; romantic
⤷ synopsis: The only way to calm yourself down was by listening to Mister Sun by Barney. Sounds cute right? Don’t be a clown. This is a n g s t.
⤷ word count: 1,6k
⤷ a/n: aHHHHH heres my comeback from my hiatus 😎hope y’all liked it, i was writing when it was 4 AM and i downtripped to lots of sad songs, remembering how good and youthful life was before I became a boring old hag. das all folks, lemme know what u think as always! (((also im trying this new format just for ficlets/og works teehee)))
“Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,” Ace cooed as his rough fingers gently combed through your hair, “please shine down on me.” You shift on his lap, clearly still startled from the nightmare, but unwinding as he continues his humming while swaying lightly. 
He was so warm against the cold night.
“You feeling better?” His head lulled a bit to the side, his loud yawn permeating the night air. Guilt bloomed in your chest for waking him up in these delicate hours, but you couldn’t help but need comfort. Your late mother always sang Barney’s song to calm you when you were younger, so naturally it was the only way to unravel your nerves, despite it being a child’s song.
“Thanks for doing this, I know it’s not really your style.” You briefly apologized. He waved it off. 
“No biggie, anything for my girl.” He grinned, his toothy smile shining against the moonlit sea. Your giggle follows right after, his smiles always made you feel like everything was gonna be okay. 
“Love you babe,” you dreamily sigh, still high off broken sleep. 
“I know.”
You nestled your head on the meatiest part of his thigh, and fell asleep. When silence pervaded the air, he pulled you tight to him and closed his eyes. The tranquility of the night made you follow suit a bit after.
All things continued well, you went fishing with Ace the next morning, catching a bigger fish than him and bragging about it to Marco. 
“Cheater!” Ace kept chanting as he demanded a rematch. “You just got lucky, lemme show you how it’s really done.” Grumbling, you acquiesced to his ramblings and hooked on bait.
“Ho,ho. You’re going down, lover boy.” You bore your sole into the wood of the deck, readying yourself for battle. 
“Ready!” He counted down, “Set! Go!”
Fishing lines cast into the sea, a brief moment passing by before a fish tugs on your line first. Messily reeling it in, your feet trip over themselves, cursing as the rod slipped through your sweaty grip. Meanwhile, Ace grunted as he fought against his big catch before victoriously reeling it in. As much as you hate admitting it, you lost.
“Yeah!!” Ace rejoiced, admiring his fish, “we’re eating good tonight boys! Fire up the grills!” The resounding cheers of the crew followed after.
Moments like these, seeing everyone, especially Marco, merrily hammered with booze and seeing Ace mingling with the crowd, occasionally falling asleep, yet his smile never fading. It was moments like these that you wished never left because eventually everything becomes a distant memory.
As a little girl, you believed nightmares disappear after mom sings you to sleep. As an adult, you realized nightmares are never really gone; instead it slowly builds itself in a steady, continuous stream until it becomes real.
It became hell.
The marines took Ace. 
Whitebeard rampaged.
And one thing leads to the other, you find yourself alongside his little brother on the battlefield. Ace looked disparaged sitting atop of the execution platform, protected by the best of the best.
“Ace!” With a determined look raging through his pupils, he grit his teeth and dug his fingernails through the log he was carrying, “We’ll save you! Y/n and I, we’ll save you!” His promise rang throughout the battlefield, commencing the beginning of the end.
The battle ensues, one thing leads to another and Ace is free, running towards freedom. 
Until Akainu provokes him.
“Ha, the loser from the dead generation finally met his time.” The magma man inched closer as the flames flickered off of Ace’s body, angry.
“Take that back.” Ace growled, his white-knuckled fist engulfed in his flames. 
Akainu snickered. “In other words, he’s an eternal loser who will never surpass Roger. Making all his underlings call him ‘old man’ and ‘father’ or whatever.... he got stabbed because his stupid ‘sons’ believed every word he said.”
“The old man gave us a place where we belong,” Ace lunged forward, fist in front, swallowed with rage, “don’t make fun of the old man who saved my life!”
He dodged gracefully, turning on his heel to jab Ace in the rib. They exchange punches, the belligerent admiral having the upper hand due to Ace’s lagging and recklessness. Akainu’s eyes shifted from the fire fist to the strawhat. 
Perfect, he thought, time to end this.
He leaped in the air towards Luffy, the magma on his fist leaving a trail behind him and a smile as wide as ever. He won.
His fist never connected with the strawhat. 
It bore a hole through Ace instead.
Even better.
Overwhelming dread filled the battlefield, especially in Luffy’s unwavering faith, because holy shit you’re not supposed to see right through him. “Ace!” Marco called from the other side, soaring to his side while everyone froze in fear as they watched the events unfold. Whitebeard can only watch in lament, knowing that he did all that he could and it still wasn’t enough. Luffy promised to save him, but why does it feel like he’s the one Ace saved? 
He was there, within your reach. Why couldn’t you do anything? Why didn’t you do anything?
How could you let him die? Out of all the things you could’ve done for him, you cried.
He was right there.
You rushed into the rumbling battleground, skidding against the concrete to plant yourself next to him. Luffy’s head whipped to you, holding Ace in his shaking arms. “Y-y/n,” Luffy trembled, and the look in his eyes said it all. He’s dying.
Ace exchanged a few incoherent words with Luffy, so melancholic that he went into shock, mouth agape as his eyes rolled back into his skull.
Swapping places with Luffy, you held Ace’s head on your lap. “Hey, don’t cry,” he brushed the hair clinging to your wet face, “don’t make that face. Doesn’t look like you.” He joked as you pulled him closer to your chest with your foreheads touching and hands shaking as it was on either side of his cheeks, screaming in frustration as tears stained the ground and shamelessly dripped over his face. The warm air contrasted with the coldness of Ace’s body.
“You’re gonna be fine,” your eyes scanned for a doctor, “you’re gonna live, you’ll be fine!” You called out to the nearest medic, asking them to save him. 
“I’m sorry ma’am, it’s already too late, not much to do!”
“Bullshit! You’re a fucking doctor right? What kind of a doctor can’t even save a man dying in front of him?” 
Scared, the poor doctor frantically skirted away, while Ace stared into your orbs, admiring them one last time. “No need to be upset,” he nuzzled his cheek against your thigh, “he can’t save me. Nobody can. My insides are fried.”
“Don’t talk like that!” If he wasn’t injured, you would’ve slapped the living shit out of him. “You’re not dying. I refuse. Get up.” 
“It’s no use.”
You heave up his weight, slinging his arm over your shoulder, only to come crashing back down. The others watched in pity because all you can do was repeatedly punch the ground in dismay like a child throwing a tantrum.
“You can make it!”
“Luffy promised we’d save you and I intend to keep my word.”
While watching you trying to save him in vain, unconscious tears wet his cheeks as he bit his lip. It broke his soul to know that he has to leave you like this and there’s nothing he can do to help you. He wants to live. For you. But he knows better than to dream, especially in the condition he’s in. He haphazardly tapped your face with the fading strength he had. 
“Y/n, calm down. I’ll be fine. Please don’t cry. Listen to me, yeah?” 
You nodded, knowing it was a lie, but acquiescing to hear your lover. 
“God, I’m so tired Y/n.” He took a shallow breath before continuing, “I wanna sleep but I don’t wanna go.” I don’t want to leave you alone, hangs on his lips.
This was the end of the line. You knew it was. His stagnant breaths told you so.
All of your movements stop, frustration replaced with empty acceptance. Ace can’t remember you like this, you thought, it’d only be harder for him. “Go ahead,” you manage to show him a forced smile, contrasting against your red nose and puffy eyes, telling him it’s okay. It’s okay to go. He was not nearly convinced, but it was getting harder to fight the sleep overwhelming his crisp body.
“Go sleep,” you encouraged once more, “I’ll be here for you, waiting for you.” You choked on the words as his smile relaxed, eyes fluttering shut. 
“Love you, y/n.”
“I know.”
“Thank you for loving me.”
Clenching your fists, you bit the insides of your cheeks, hoping to drown out the deafening world. Everyone was screaming, but your heart screamed louder. Don’t go, your heart pleaded, I need you. Please don’t leave me. 
But you knew better, Ace would’ve wanted to know that you’d be okay without him. You had to be strong. For him.
This is all that I can do for him.
Before all life left his body, you sang to him one last time, hoping it would provide him as much comfort as it did for you.
“Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun. Please shine down on me.” 
The wind gushed by, taking his last breath with it. The end of the beginning was concluding, clearing a new path for a new era in its place. The war raged, filled with metal clashing and the wailing of crestfallen loved ones. 
His vivre card burned, crumbling into thin air, as if it never existed.
Please wake me up from this nightmare.
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Mount Everest Ain't Got Shit On Us (Fezco x fem!reader, part 10.)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you’ll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like a scary example of what will happen when you don’t obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
A/N: x
Warnings: Fight Club! Wohoo, here we fucking gooo.
Word Count: 2.1 K
Read the rest here, babe:  PART 1  PART 2  PART 3  PART 4  PART 5  PART 6  PART 7  PART 8  PART 9
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
Tagging: @charmed-asylum, @jeyramarie, @pantherxrogers
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Sometimes all you need in your life is some silence and calm time to think everything through. It’s not like you try to reach some nirvana or shit, but you need to think. Sometimes a thing happens that totally fucks up your perception of reality and you just cut yourself off from the outside world.
You want to just ride to the school on a bike, listening to some music or the birds singing, to feel the wind in your hair and to escape the reality for a slight moment. And when it’s all said and done, you reach the solution you were searching for and your life just continues. Sometimes when your friends try to help you, they just make everything much, much worse than it was before. 
You couldn't just stand Rue's rambling about Fezco feeling terrible. She didn't shut up the whole time, so in the middle of the third paragraph and fourth sentence, you got up, pushed your tray to hers violently, rolling your eyes and taking the earbuds out of your bag, walking off the scene. You loved Rue and Jules like your sisters, but that shit was too much for you to handle at that moment. 
Naturally, you did not expect to find a friend in Kat Fernandez at that given moment. It did not matter she is a plus size girl - she had so much confidence that even the most popular girls were friends with her. 
She silently approached you when she took a notice that you're not talking with Rue for a week and when Ash told you that you’re not talking to Fezco either. You knew each other, but no as much to be called friends.
“Hey, bitch.” - She said loudly in front of your empty table at the cafeteria. You could hear her through the music playing in your earbuds - the entire cafeteria could hear her. 
“Hi, Kat?” - You asked her/greeted her. You took the earbuds out of your ears as she and her boyfriend, a slim boy who looked even more tired than Fezco, sat down next to you. - “Do you need my notes from biology or what?” 
“Oh, shut up. You're just looking down, bitch, I'm not going to let you sit alone. I’m not a bitch.” - Kat sighed dramatically and all of a sudden, Lexi sat beside you, then Cassie sat at your table as well and the last one to the freak show was Maddy, the mad queen herself.
Excuse you, since when were you friends with those popular girls? You didn't have a single fucking idea. But you were just scared at that moment to make a move against their invasion.
“We heard that shit went down between Fez and you, girl. I’m so sorry. You were as cute as me and Nate.” - Maddy took your hand to her palm, looking you in the eyes, swinging those fake lashes. One more swing and you were sure that they would fall fucking off. That day was too much for you. WHAT. THE. FUCK. - “How are you feeling, babe?” - She asked with too much affection in her voice. They were all fake as fuck. 
“I think I’m... Fine. How do you know that? And I didn’t break up with him, I just wanted some alone time.” - You carefully took the hand off Maddy’s palm, ready to run off with all of your food back to Rue and Jules. They were both watching you - Rue’s expression was similar to vomiting and Jules had a brain freeze.
“Oh, you know, the people tell and everybody just adds something to the story. I heard that you’re preggy.” - Kat answered while she was peeling her orange. 
“I heard that some of Fezco’s friends tried to cut your throat.” - Cassie added to the flame with a serious tone. 
“And I heard that he cheated on you with that ginger from senior year. Is it real?” - Maddy asked with her eyes popped the fuck out, you had a strong tendency to tell her that she should calm those fucking eyeballs down.
“None of these is fucking true. Not a shitty bit. Jesus.” - You sighed with a sour voice and for everything just getting better, Nate fucking Jacobs was heading to your table. You felt sick at that moment and your day was ruined. You could handle bullshit of those primadonnas, but you knew before he came to your table that Nate is too much of an asshole for you to handle. 
But you didn't know how much bullshit his manners will cause.
“And we meet again.” - Nate smiled at you while he leaned to kiss his girlfriend’s temple. Oh boy, you never got violent tendencies, but you would swear to fucking God that you are ready to punch him at any moment. 
“How pleasurable.” - You gritted, watching him down with a disgusted look.
“So you finally realized what’s good for you?” - Nate sighed and leaned to you. Oh, you were aware of what he is doing. That fucker was trying to make you feel small, to intimidate you because he was that big, strong boy and you were just a small girl. Too bad for him it didn't work. 
Also, was that fucker giving you proposals just in front of Maddy or not? You realized in the next minute - Maddy didn't know that you and Nate have already met. At Fezco’s shop. But Kat did. Aaand... She was talking to Ethan, so she did not hear anything that that piece of shit had said. 
How could two people be so lonely in a full cafeteria, sitting surrounded by many people? Was it even possible?
“I told you that Fezco is a zero who makes himself look better than he is. There are particularly... Better boys.” - He licked his lips slowly and you felt ready to vomit all over the table. And thank God for Rue at that moment.
"Hey Y/N." - Rue appeared behind Nate's back. - "Can I talk to ya? We... Ugh... Need to talk about dat... Thingy..." - She stuttered. You nodded with grace, grasping the food off the table, immediately running back to your beloved table. - "Okay, ya glad that I saved ya? And holy fuck man, what was he tryin' to do?"
"He's suggesting things. This was for the second time this happened. Fezco would have killed him on the spot." - You looked behind your back, still seeing Nate with his grinning face. At least he was looking into Maddy's face and his eyes were a small inch before being craved out of the eyeballs.
"Well fuck me, fuck ya and fuck Nate then. He heard it. Got him on da phone, so he heard all of da shit." - Rue gave you her hand over your shoulder. You opened your mouth with a scared face. Nathan was dead. - "Now I know why was so pissed."
"You were standing behind Nate the whole time? Jesus fucking Christ, Rue, use your brain sometimes." - You put your tray on the table and sat next to Jules. Jules smiled at you with love and smoothed your shoulder.
"Man, I can't choose when ma bros call me. And he was just checkin' dat ya safe." - Rue muttered when she made the pills into small pieces, mixing it into her yogurt again.
"I should really speak to him, shouldn't I?" - You asked silently, looking Rue to her eyes. She raised her eyebrows and watched you as if you were a dumb fuck.
You didn't even have to go for Fezco to his shop - he was just casually standing outside the school, watching the entrance, smoking a cigarette. He looked even more tired than he did ever before, he was out of his mind completely.
But his face softened when he saw you in your hoodie, just standing there and watching him. Your eyes started to water as you walked to him to hug him. You missed him so much - you missed his smile, his tired baby blue eyes, his scent, and his raspy voice. By the moment he hummed into your ear, you were already crying into the crook of his neck. How could you miss someone so fucking much?
"Are ya alright, baby girl?" - Fezco whispered after a few seconds. You nodded between the sobs. 
He was holding you like there was no tomorrow. He would never say that one person can make him feel as much as you did. Any drug has ever made him feel so alive as your presence did, the warmth in his heart basically every time you have touched him and the bliss when you kissed him. ANy drug was as addictive as you. 
You haven’t seen each other in two weeks. If you weren't in front of the other people, even he would most probably cry. And Fezco knew that he will cry, he had so many things to be sorry for. 
But then you felt him tense up. Nate has left the school, his hand hazily over Maddy’s shoulder. You could see Nathan’s face go a bit paler when he saw you with Fezco. 
“No, no, no, baby boy, no.” - You begged quietly, but it was for nothing. Fezco already made his decision. And if Nate wasn't able to accept it the nice way, he needed to understand in the worse way. That was just Nate's decision.
"We are havin' this conversation for the last fuckin' time, amigo. I tell ya. One more gross word on ma girl, one more look at her and you're fuckin' dead. I had enough of ya bullshit, dawg." - Fezco almost run into Nate and caught the hem of Nate's shirt, tearing him away from Maddy who screamed and jumped few feet to the side with her hands over her mouth and watched both of them with tears in her eyes.
"Do you even realize that all of those people can just tell that you were threating me? Or you're too dumb for this, you ugly fuck?" - And that was that. Nate fell on the ground when Fezco gave him a good hit to the jaw. Everyone was watching their fight. Nate was obviously winning over Fezco with his tall American football body.
But Fezco wasn't willing to give up that easily. He was fighting for your dignity and honor at the moment. Fezco couldn't just lose. In the end, they both stood three feet away from each other. Fez's white polo shirt was bloody as hell, his knuckles were violet and he couldn't open one of his eyes. And Nate didn't look any better. But you and Maddy were quick to stand between them.
"I told you that you shouldn't do that. He's going to the police and you'll end up in jail." - You whispered and took his face to your palm gently.
"What the fuck was that? Are you kidding me, Fezco? What the hell?!" - Maddy yelled at you and you wanted to tell her that you're sorry, but Fez was faster.
"Try to tell yo boy that he shouldn't try to get another girl's panties when he has a girl. Go on. This happened twice." - Fezco answered and spit our blood on the pavement. Maddy stood straight for a second before she turned to Nate, she started to scream in Spanish at him - she was talking about some sex tape and releasing it. You and Rue took Fezco to the car before the teachers could see anything before any trouble could start.
"How could ya be angry at that angel?" - Rue laughed our loud and shove a few strands of her hair behind her ear while she drove the car. Jules sat next to her and you were in the backseat with Fezco's head on your lap. He was watching you and his left eye was crying. You couldn't tell about the other one clearly. - "He just fought with Nate fucking Jacobs. For ya. You're hella lucky."
"And he almost got himself knocked out. But he's my brave warrior." - You ran yours over the short hair on his head. Yeah. You loved him. No matter if he was a dealer or not, you loved him. And he had no problem with fighting other guys just because of you.
So you didn't have any talk. You just... Accepted the fact of what source of his money was. Because that's what people who are completely blind with love do.
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