#back pain ormond
d34dg1rl5 · 7 months
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Opening your eyes you take in your surroundings. You're in Ormond. Quickly you decide to look for a totem since you're running Inner Strength.
After some while of running sround you finally find a totem in the corner of the killer shack. But you weren't alone. Mikaela also just arrived at the shack and started to work on the totem, she probably runs a Boon perk.
"Uhm, Mikaela... Could I maybe have this totem? I have Inner Strength, I could-" She glances at you and grunts. "Why don't you go find another totem?" You tilt your head. She never has been so mean, but maybe she had a bad day. You nod. "Yeah true..." You sigh and decide to work on a gen for now, you're sure you'll find another totem somewhere else on the map.
Just as you work on the gen, Jake rushes towards your gen - he's injured. Quickly you get up and try to heal him, but he backs away. "Don't touch me, I don't need your help!" You raise an eyebrow. "But. You're injured?" He starts to work on the gen and continues to groan in pain. You decide to also continue working on the machine. "Jake, I really hate to bug you, but you really should-" "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone!"
Quietly you let go of the issue and shake your head. What's up with him? Did he also have a bad day? A bad trial? More than one bad trial? Well, you didn't want to push any further... The gen is repaired and Jake takes off, leaving you behind, confused and thinking.
After some time you see a totem behind some crates and you quickly destroy it, unlocking Inner Strength. Well, at least something positive!
After some while the killer had downed it's first victim - Jake. You didn't feel to bad... He didn't want to get healed after all! Soon after Jake got hooked another scream erupted from within Ormond. Mikaela also met her demise. She also got hooked. You didn't meet the fourth survivor yet. Let's just hope they didn't have a bad day aswell...
Just as you were thinking that you run into said survivor. It was David. With a thud you fell on your butt. "Oh David! I'm sorry, I didn't see you-" "Quit the bullshit! Everybody knows you're working with the killer!" Your eyes went wide. "What? What are you talking about? I never worked together with any killer!" How could he say that?? What did he mean by 'everyone'??
He pushed you out of the way and makes his way over to the hooked survivors. You look after him as you could feel hot tears starting to run down your cheeks. "What the fuck..."
You trot over the map. Mikaela and Jake had been saved a while ago but you had lost your fighting spirit for this trial already. And you didn't meet the killer yet.
Let's analyze this! You were friends with some of the nicer killers like Susie, Rin, Anna, Carmina, Trickster and even Danny.
Susie is a nice girl, always listening to you and talking to you about all kinds of stuff. Like the rest of the Legion she is always down for the weirdest shenanigans.
Anna is a big woman, her hugs are almost bone crushing yet she always takes care of you outside of the trials telling you different russian fairy tales.
Even though you were friends with Rin, she is more reserved than Susie or Anna. You love to style her hair and learn more about japanese culture. But most of the time she rather wants to be alone than have any company. In all honesty she is ashamed of how she looks. Poor girl...
Carmina is a nice company. Sometimes you chill in her realm, watching her feeding the crows and paint new pictures. One time she surprised you with a picture of you she drew. You liked it alot and she was happy, letting out a proud croak.
Trickster. A hard case. Yes, you were some kind of friends with him. He LOVES talking about himself, his incredible shows, his murders and everything involving him in general. This man is in love with himself and sometimes it's annoying as fuck but you stick around because you're the only survivor he still kind of tolerates.
And the last person - Danny. Infamously known as Ghostface. He is really something. A deadly and quiet stalker, always there when you need him. He also is narcissistic but not as much as Trickster. He likes to talk about the murders he commited when he wasn't in the entitys world. You couldn't see his face but everytime he talked about this topic you could swear he has a big ass smile plastered on his face. And to admit this you kind of have a weakness for the masked stalker.
Looking around you decide to go for the gen in Ormond. Someone has already started to work on it but the killer has destroyed it. Just as you sit down Mikaela comes running towards you and groans in pain. "Heal me!" You get up and look at her. "You could ask me nicely instead..." Not waiting for her answer you still start to patch her up as she backs away and pushes you back, running out of the house.
You gasp as you fall against a hard thing. Immediately an arm wraps around your neck. "Hey doll... What's up? Didn't see you all trial, it was about time, don't you say?" Danny. Of course. Why didn't you notice that sooner...
"Please hook me. I want this trial to be over." He huffs. "You're no fun." He removes his arm and puts a hand onto his hip, making him look a little bit like a Karen. "Hm... I'll get back to you."
After some time Danny downed Jake, Mikaela and David, having them laying on the floor. You were still working on the gen in Ormond, not able to concetrate. The gen had blown up many times even though you were REALLY trying to make it work. Maybe todays events just got to your head...
Danny comes back and grabs your arm. Without questioning him you follow and see your fellow survivors laying on the ground, whincing in pain losing a lot of blood. David looks up to you. "(Y/n)! Heal- I fucking knew it... You're working with the killer! I fucking knew it!!" Mikaela and Jake look at you with looks of disapproval, annoyance and hate. All mixed feelings, but not good ones.
Danny grins and kneels down in front of David. "Heh.. I'll be right back." He brings Jake to the hook and then Mikaela. They get sacrificed immediately. Like promised, Danny comes back. You were still standing there, not knowing what to do. You WANTED to heal David, but after him being an asshole and just treating you like shit you were starting to question things.
Danny chuckles and hands you his knife. "Now (Y/n)... Why don't you show David what you think about his mean mean behaviour earlier? I think he needs to be punished..." He puts his head on your shoulder. "C'mon... Make me proud..."
You look at Danny and grab the knife tightly in your hand kneeling down in front of David. "David...", you start. David huffs. "You're a fucking traitor... You're the reason we always lose when we're teamed up with you... Sometimes I wish you were fucking dead. Forever."
Those words hurt. Like someone plunging multiple needles in your heart. David was always a guy who loved to brag about his fights but he was there when needed in trials. But now. You despise him. You really do.
You look at the knife in your hand, knuckles white from gripping the knife so hard. David grins. "You're weak... I knew you-" Before the brit could finish his sentence you plunged the knife in his neck, making him bleed even more. He gurgles for a few seconds before closing his eyes. Now he was really dead. Not sacrificed and not mori'd... At least not by a killer.
You slowly get up and look at your now bloody hands. From behind you you could hear slow claps. Slow claps. Just like a villain in a superhero movie. You turn around.
"Damn... I really didn't think you would be able to do that... Yet you proofed me wrong. Interesting..." He smiled and takes the knife from you, cleaning it from Davids blood. Danny sighs. "Saw how they treated you earlier... I couldn't let that go 'unseen'." He sits down on one of the benches, manspreading. Quickly he pats his thigh. Not even knowing what you're doing you sit down on his thigh and let your head fall against his shoulder.
"I didn't even see you.." Danny nods. "Of course. I am Ghostface, I am a master at staying hidden." He sighs and puts his hand on your head soothingly caressing your hair.
"I didn't think survivors could be like this... Y'all are supposed to stick together when a killer is trying to. Well kill you." You sigh audibly. "I was confused and then I thought they were referring to my friendships with some of the killers including you... I didn't even know you were the killer until Mikaela pushed me into you."
"Yeah, what a move."
The wind is blowing and you shiver. Danny notices this and holds you closer to him. "Cold, are we?" He move his free hand to his mask and. Removes it?! You have never seen Danny without his mask and he looks really pretty... You look at him.
"You must trust me a lot to remove your mask..." He smiles a cheeky smile. "Think whatever you want about this. You should get the hatch as a little reward. For killing David and basically doing the dirty work for me." You just nod and get off his thigh. He grabs his mask but isn't putting it on just yet.
After a while of looking for the hatch you finally find it in the killer shack. "I'll see you around. If you want it or not."
With that he pushes you into the hatch grinning. Just before you get engulfed in the black fog, you see him putting his mask back on.
What will the others think?
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strawberry-eden · 24 days
violence solves (most) problems — danny johnson x reader
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↪ summary — you're relatively new in the fog, having been here just long enough to get a hold on the working order of this place when you catch the unfortunate eye of the most obsessive man on the planet, who decides that you're going to be his newest plaything.
or, your first encounter with the notorious ghostface killer goes very poorly.
↪ tags — canon typical violence, swearing, crack treated seriously, blood & injury, obsession at first sight, gender neutral pronouns/description for reader, no use of y/n, and danny's weird way of flirting
↪ word count — 2.4k
a/n: i wrote this originally way back in february but i found it again and figured i would share with the class. inspired by a cool piece of art i saw on twitter that ended up spiraling from there. enjoy!
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The cold air of Mount Ormond ski resort bites angrily at your bare face, your shallow breaths manifesting in puffs of white fog as you fight to keep giant spidery talons from spearing through your torso. A low, guttural growl sounds from all around you and nowhere all at once, your arms shaking from effort as a particularly hard shove from the entity forces your hooked shoulder to shift, sending a ripple of white-hot agony through your body. “Fuck!”
This is your first match of the day. Not a single generator has been done and none of your teammates have been hooked yet. If anybody is coming for you, you can’t see through the cage the entity’s talons have created around you, itching to close in and take you back the campfire. You’re half tempted to let her do it.
You barely register the second pair of hands that appears and bats her away until they’re gently pulling you down from the hook by your armpits, holding you up until you’re steady on your feet. You blink away a few stray tears to look up at the face of your savior. “No offense, kiddo, but you look like shit,” says Bill.
You almost shrug instinctively but stop yourself last second. “A little bit taken. I feel like shit,” you mutter. He shoots a cautious glance over his shoulder, then takes you by the arm and leads you away from the hook towards a safer spot to patch you up. You can’t help but flit your gaze all around the area, searching for that haunting white mask or floating strips of leather, wondering if you’re being watched from somewhere.
Bill catches your paranoid expression and frowns. “Christ, what’d you do to him?”
Unable to hide your frustration, you round on Bill with an exasperated cry, “I don’t know! He just—” You make a vague gesture. “Set his eyes on me and decided he wanted me dead! I haven’t even touched a gen yet, for fuck’s sake.”
Bill pulls you behind a boulder secluded somewhere in a corner of the resort. You squint at the shape of the killer shack some ways away, trying to get your bearings. Bill whistles lowly. “Maybe he’s just trying to get an easy win, then. Lord knows it’s working. The rest of us are struggling to keep up.”
You collapse into a bloody pile into the snow, leaning against the rock and pressing a hand against your wounded shoulder while he pops open his medkit. “Yeah, well. I’m still pissed about it.”
“Oh, we all are,” he replies. “Nobody likes being down a teammate this early on. You got anything to help you out?”
Your face scrunches in confusion. “What?”
He raises a grayed eyebrow. “You know, like that trick David pulls to endure pain, or how that girl Laurie hides glass in her sleeves. They teach you any of that?”
“Uhh… No?”
Bill curses under his breath. “You’re kidding, right?” He curses again, louder this time when you shake your head. He digs into one of his many pockets, pulling out something that he clutches tightly in his palm, then motions for you to extend your hand. He places something smooth and warm into it, closing your fingers around the object. “Hide it well, okay? If he sees it, it’s game over. And make sure you don’t. Miss. That was my second chance, and I’m giving it up so you a better shot. If you end up fumbling, I’m never gonna let you live it down.”
Bill holds your gaze until you give a slow nod, retracting his hands as he returns to rustling around the supplies in his medkit. When you open up your fingers, you are greeted by your own reflection looking back at you from a small, sharp piece of glass. It’s almost shaped like a knife if you turn it right. “What do I do with it?” You ask curiously.
Bill wheezes out a laugh. “Stab him with it, obviously.” You bite back a painful hiss when he begins stitching your wounds back together, which he apologizes for under his breath. “But don’t just swing it around all willy-nilly, you gotta wait until he isn’t expecting it—like when he’s got you slung over his shoulder like a sack of meat thinking you’re gonna be an easy kill. Then, you take your opportunity to prove him wrong and stab it right into his shoulder. Always shocks ‘em so bad they drop you then and there. Gives 'em a taste of their own medicine, which they don’t like too much, y’know?”
You stare thoughtfully at the shard. If it’s such an effective tactic, then why in the world hasn’t anybody told you about it? You can’t help but feel a bit betrayed.
“Doesn’t always work, though,” he says, pulling the question straight from your mind. “After a while, they start to expect it, which means you gotta change it up. Start playing stealthier, like Zarina or Jake—the guy’s got an iron will. Real impressive. I have no idea he’s even hurt until I realize he’s left a streak of blood halfway across the map.”
This is all too much information to ingest when you feel about five seconds away from dying via blood loss. “Got it,” you mumble breathlessly.
Bill blanks at you. “You didn’t retain a thing I just said.”
"I got all the important parts."
“Sure you did,” he huffs. He starts opening up some gauze, when all of a sudden, his head shoots up and his whole body goes rigid. Bill’s wide eyes find your alarmed ones, and all that he’s able to get out before all hell breaks loose is, “Run.”
There’s an almost imperceptible rustle of clothing that doesn’t reach your ears. You’re frozen in place, barely given enough time to register the command as you watch him jump to his feet. “What?”
“God damnit, kid, I said run—!”
“There you are,” a third voice purrs, and you barely get a glimpse of the knife that glints maliciously at you just before it’s buried in Bill’s back. The hoarse scream that’s torn from the older man’s throat echoes hauntingly in your ears as it digs in deeper, forcing him against the ground. Dark red splatters across the snow when Ghostface violently wrenches it out of him.
Your shoulder cries out as you feebly scramble backwards, every little cut and bruise on your body flaring in pain as you awkwardly clamber back to your feet. Ghostface steps clean over Bill, who groans in pain on the ground, and the shard in your sweaty hand suddenly feels a thousand times heavier.
You can hear the simper in his voice when he says, “You didn’t forget about little old me, did you?” He wraps his gloved fingers around the bloody knife, wiping it clean with one swipe. “Oh, darling, I’m hurt.”
You’re running before you even know it. The cold air stings your lungs with each intake, your muscles burning with every step. You don't have a clue where you’re headed until you’re tearing through the killer shack, narrowly avoiding crashing into the generator that sits in the middle. You don’t need to look to know that he’s right behind you if the sounds of crunching snow and throaty laughter are anything to go by, and when your bare fingers find the splintered slab of wood sitting against the doorway, you waste no time throwing it down behind you.
You stop and turn to shout obscenities towards your assailant, but he’s nowhere to be found. You blink, and a knife is suddenly jammed between your ribs. “You should really look behind you sometimes,” Ghostface says coolly, pressing the blade deeper in emphasis and relishing in the way you whimper in pain. “Maybe you would have actually seen me go around the side of shack. Kind of embarrassing to fall for that, you know.”
“Fuck you.”
He tsks, ripping the knife out of your side and effectively taking away the only thing keeping you upright, letting you fall to the ground in a bloody heap. You look up at him through hazy eyes, looking like a dark mist against the pale gray sky, the screaming white mask being the only thing to come into focus. “You know, I don’t usually do this—”
You watch as one of his hands dives underneath his cloak, searching around for something for a solid five seconds until he pulls out a small handheld camera with a muted A-ha!
“—but I like you, so I’m willing to make an exception.”
“An exception?" You spit out a wad of blood and saliva. "What the hell are you—”
The air is unceremoniously knocked out of your lungs when he plops himself down on your stomach, knees caging you in and pinning your hands against the snow. You flinch when the glass shard hidden in your sleeve pinches the skin of your wrist.
Gloved fingers firmly grip your jaw and force you to turn toward the camera lens as he leans in close, the scent of cheap cologne assaulting your senses and filling up your head. You swear the smell alone would kill you before he ever could.
“Smile,” he breathes into your ear, and you’re blinded by the flash that goes off when he clicks the camera. You’re busy recoiling in the aftermath while he gazes quietly at the picture in the viewfinder, blinking away the green and purple splotches in your vision. Still gripping your jaw, he forcefully turns your head to show it to you.
The picture looks about exactly how you’d expect it to turn out. You're staring wide-eyed at the camera in shock and fear, blood seeping from your various wounds and soaking into your clothes. His mask takes up the entire left side of the photo, but if you look hard enough, you think you can spot a pair of dark eyes staring into the lens—they’re squinted at the edges, like he’s actually smiling underneath it as he casually holds up a peace sign.
"Say, you weren't a model or anything before this, were you? 'Cause damn." He lets out a low whistle. "This one’s definitely going in my collection.”
He takes one last, long look at the picture before tucking the camera back into his coat and stands, allowing the blood to resume flowing through the veins in both of your arms again as they’re overcome by that numb, prickly feeling. Too hurt and exhausted to resist, you limply allow him to maneuver you into a sitting position, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as he effortlessly hauls you up onto his shoulder.
"Alright, playtime's over," he huffs. "Duty calls, blah blah blah, you know how it is. Ain't no rest for the wicked."
Something smooth and sharp slides into your palm from the depths of your sleeve. Catching a glimpse of your reflection in it’s surface, you let out a gasp that Ghostface assumes must be from the sight of the giant meat hook that appears at the corner of the shack, because he gently pats the backs of your thighs in what you assume is meant to be reassurance.
"Now, don't you worry, sweet-pea," he says, “the next time you and I get matched up, I promise I’ll play nice. Maybe if you’re good, I’ll even let you escape, yeah?” He laughs, and you can feel it vibrating through your ribcage. “After I kill your friends, of course.”
You grip the glass so tight in your palm, it digs into your fingers, drawing blood. You see your own eyes staring back at you through a thin stream of red, wild and angry and terrified, Bill’s words bouncing around in your skull as you raise the shard and slam it hard into the back of his shoulder, digging in viciously and twisting.
He inhales sharply, hands immediately losing their grip on you as he drops down to one knee, letting you slide off of his shoulder and land face-first in the snow. You push yourself up to your hands and knees, then to your feet, and glance nervously over your shoulder.
You meet those same eyes that had peered gleefully at you in the picture, no longer hiding behind that wretched mask as it lays by your feet in the snow, but they’re not squinting like they were before. They’re wide, pupils shrunken into tiny pinpricks as they bore into you, nostrils flaring and lips curling into a grimace as he reaches behind him and rips out the glass. Blood sprays from the wound in an arc, a fury so deep and animalistic roiling in his guttural tone as he ...
... Laughs.
Something dangerous glitters within his irises as he turns to face you. What catches you most off-guard, though, is that he's actually handsome underneath the mask—he's younger than you thought, with long lashes and full lips. A tiny scar marks the corner of his mouth, and it stretches slightly as he bares his teeth in a wide, manic grin.
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" He drops the glass shard and stands, and you're screaming at your body to move, but you can't. You just watch as he slowly reaches out to collect his mask and knife, refusing to take his eyes off of you even once. It's like it's just his gaze keeping you pinned. "The gift that keeps on giving?"
A loud buzzer sounds from somewhere in the distance. You flick your gaze away for just a moment to check which direction it came from, and by the time you look back, he's already secured the mask back in place.
"I'll tell you what," he begins, tilting his head at you curiously. "Let's make a bet. If you can last until your friends get alll the gens done, I'll let you go."
You swallow thickly. "And if I can't?"
Silence. You don't need to see his face to know that he's smiling. "You wanna find out?"
Strangely enough, a part of you almost does.
He lunges then, but you’re already on the move, adrenaline as well as an odd cocktail blend of terror and exhilaration pushing your body past its limits in a last-ditch effort at escaping this trial with your life.
You probably won’t, but you’re definitely gonna give him a run for his money—you figure that you've earned at least that much.
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idanceinthegraveyard · 9 months
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Yandere Trickster x gn reader
Warning; yandere and obssesive behavious, blood and again stabby stab stab.
"Sing for me Songbird."
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The fog tinkered with your memories, leaving nothing behind but your name.  It probably wanted to make sure you focused on the pain and suffering that will come with every trial you will be forced to participate in.
The realm was harsh, cold and dark. It was a torture, but even there you found something that kept you sane. It was a song, or at least a melody. It has been stuck in your head ever since you got here. Not even that damn entity knew how to get rid of it. Your stiff from cold fingers fumble with the generator. You were humming the oh so familiar tune. It kept you sane, helped you calm down and you didn’t even know the words or the whole song. Just the same old tune, humming it like a broken record. Oh if you only knew, that not only this tune but also your pretty raw screaming was a music to his ears. Every match he waited for you. Every single one. You have no idea how much disappointment he had to endure when you weren’t there. His muse, his songbird. He just can’t wait to hear you make those sweet sounds, or to see the sweet crimson seep out of your stab wounds. It was beautiful, just like you. His only problem was that you didn’t even pay attention to him outside of those trials. You wound him. You should be honored, he gives you his time of the day, why can’t he get yours? The Ormond was cold, frosty grass crunching under your feet. The freezing hurt your tongue and throat. Painful but refreshing even if there was a light scent of smoke. The horn of the generator pulled you out of your thoughts, white lights signaling it was done. You smiled proudly, ready to get up and head to another one. Rubbing your hands you tried to give them so warmth. No heartbeat, no rising adrenaline, no killer. You breath on your hands, a light puff of white could appear. 
A scream echoed through the still air, your heart sank. With lips trembling you found yourself humming. You silently backed away from the generator.
Everything was going good, why now? Your heart started to race, anxiety creeping in. Head pounding with stress but you kept humming. Then a knife flew next to you, screaming loudly and you turned around to see the sinister smile of the famous trickster. You couldn’t run, this time fear made you stop dead in your tracks. “Oh my, a fan I see? How charming, how about an autograph hm?” He got closer, your face twisting in fear and confusion as you tried to force your body to move as far away as you physically could.
“Oh how lovely you hum, and the screams! My, the screams! I could say I’m obsessed.” Your back was met with one of the walls. Face twisted, in silent terror as the man got closer. You hated the trickster, he loved to torture you, you didn’t even want to know what he got planned for you this time. “Oh we are going to have so much fun this time, and don’t bother screaming. You are the last one.” He pinned you to the wall, his warm breath fanning across your face. He was so close, too close. You tried to shrink yourself, to be as small as you could to escape. His face drew in closer, the coldness of the air didn’t bother you anymore, in fact you swear the weather shifted and you felt hot and then his lips touched yours. The kiss felt long, passionate and sweet with a coppery after taste as he drew away.
“Now sing for me, Songbird” White pain blossomed in your stomach and you soon found out why you tasted copper. Trickster had stabbed you, slowly making the cut deeper.
You felt your warm blood drip from your mouth and you could help but grant his wish. You screamed with all the energy you had left.
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teaspoonnebula · 2 years
You are a time traveller.
After some terrible mishaps in the course of your wanderings through the past, you inadvertently change the flow of history. When you return to your original time, it's a different world from the one you left.
Politics, art, science, technology, each has deviated from the world you grew up in, often not for the better. You try time and time again to travel back in time and set things right, undo the damage you have caused.
After hundreds of attempts - victory! You end up returning to a present day that is almost exactly like the one you left.
Except the famous literary characters by Arthur Conan Doyle are called Sherrinford Hope and Dr Ormond Sacker. ** (This is really what Arthur Conan Doyle nearly called them, seriously.)
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g0blintears · 4 months
Dark Devotion [Yandere! Dead By Daylight x Reader]
Summary: You are a mystery to both the survivors and killers within the fog. A servant of darkness, a creature created by the entity itself, you are the shadow behind the scenes that provides the survivors with the necessities they need to survive, while also assisting killers with the weapons they need to sacrifice. You are a servant void of humanity, but not one that seeks out despair. An empty slate that perhaps just needs to be taught a little bit of hope and empathy to help the survivors escape once and for all.
Three. Prove Thyself
The trial at Ormond was a close call. The last gen had popped. Dwight, along with Claudette and Steve, were all on their last hooks, and the killer had placed the hex: "no one escapes death" somewhere on the map. Fortunately the new killer wasn't good, however, he wasn't exactly terrible either. Those knives he carries around were easy enough to dodge, especially when looping, but the trial was still difficult with Yun-Jin still learning the ropes of survival.
Still, despite all odds Dwight was still able to escape with Yun-Jin and Steve. Unfortunately he couldn't say the same for Claudette. Although three escapes counts as a win, he still felt like it was a loss. The male hated when someone would die in the trials. Being the smart one, and one of the first to arrive in the fog, he was always seen as the leader. So if anyone died during his trial, he felt like he let his teammates down.
Obviously Claudette knew the risks of taking the killer off of him so he could help the generators progress just a little bit faster, but he still felt responsible for her death. Hopefully in the next trial all four survivors can escape.
Dwight cringed in pain.
"Ow!" He hissed, one hand cradled his wounded stomach while the other fiddled through the medical cabinet. Right. He was still injured. Just before exiting through the portal, the killer managed to get one last hit on him, resulting in Dwight appearing in the medical cabin to deal with his injuries.
As he hurriedly took out items, Dwight wondered where you were. Usually when survivors escaped the trials with an injury, you would be waiting for them in the medical cabin to heal their wounds for the next trial, however, you were nowhere to be seen. So Dwight took it upon himself to at least stop the bleeding before he passed out.
Pressing a wet rag against his torso, Dwight took out a few gauzes, towels, and disinfecting sprays. His dark brown eyes searched for the pain medication, but as he gazed up at the shelves, he felt a wave of dizziness wash over. Gripping the counter, the male took a few shaky deep breaths. His eyes moved back to the shelf full of pills.
Reaching up, the male felt more blood seep out of his stomach, causing him to let out a sharp yelp. His grip loosened on the counter and he felt his body stumble back.
The male was about to hit the floor until he felt firm arms wrap around his torso. Dwight's eyes widened. The feeling of the stranger's arms, it was familiar.
He looked over his shoulder. To his relief, his dark brown eyes met your chilly [eye color] stare.
The male tried to smile, but the pain in his stomach felt unbearable. "Agh!" He grunted, his hand gripping at his blood stained shirt.
Looking over at the closest empty bed, you firmly held onto the man and guided him over to the rows of cots just right of the medical cabinets. Helping him sit upright, you took a seat on the rolling chair beside the bed, and faced him.
"Could you take off your shirt?"
Dwight's face flushed, but he gave a curt nod and began to unbutton his shirt. As he took off his tie and shook off the white collared shirt, the male couldn't help but nervously gaze over at you as you took off your glove. No matter how many times he's been through the healing process, Dwight could never get used to your touch.
Dwight wasn't sure when exactly his feelings began to blossom into a crush. Was it before Feng showed up? Or after David's arrival? Time was nonexistent in the fog, and when he didn't remember his many deaths from the trials, his memories and feelings just meshed into a blur. Although he couldn't remember when his feelings developed, Dwight did know why.
The male watched as your hand began to glow. Although your expression was void of emotion, he could still see the focus in your eyes. Those eyes that were always vacant of expression, were pools of [eye color] that he always found to be a beautiful safe haven from all of his anxieties.
You were a being created from the darkness of the fog. A creature that served the very entity that would bring him and his friends despair, but despite all that, you always held such a peaceful aura around you that Dwight felt himself attracted to.
In his life before the fog, Dwight was always the punchline to someone's shitty joke. The smart one that people took advantage of. The one people looked at with eyes filled with arrogance and disgust. But you? Your eyes were always empty. You never once showed him hostility or looked to him for advice. You never once mocked him or asked him for favors with a fake smile and a sickly sweet voice. You were always real with him.
Around you, Dwight felt free of judgment and responsibility. Your presence was always calm, and your emotions always transparent. Of course, it was transparent because you didn't seem to have the capability to feel, but nonetheless he liked that you were always honest and that he could just be himself without worry.
He did have to admit though, he wished you were able to show emotions and thought. What sort of things would you like and dislike? What did you look like when you smiled or cried? What would you take interest in?
Who would you take an interest in?
Dwight's face heated up at the thought. No, he couldn't think like that. He had been in the fog long enough to know you held little to no regard for him or any of the other survivors. Your loyalty remained with the entity.
Dwight's eyes watched as you pressed a cold hand to his wound. His breath hitched in his throat and a low hiss left his lips. An icy yet soothing energy flowed into his open flesh. It was a sharp burning feeling that melted at his insides, but it slowly eased away the pain.
Dwight let out a shaky breath. His wound hurt like hell, but he couldn't fight off the blush that rose to his cheeks. Your fingers pressed against his skin felt good in the most shameful way. He had to admit, he wasn't proud of how happy he was by a simple skin-to-skin contact, but when it comes to you, healing was the only way he'd ever get to feel close to you.
It was a cruel reality Dwight had to face, but one that he's learned to live with. You couldn't possibly harbor his mutual feelings for you, but that wouldn't stop him from crushing on you, and with that, Dwight took any interaction with you to heart.
"So how has your day been?" He asked in an attempt to break from his thoughts.
Peering up, you glanced at Dwight briefly before moving back at your glowing grey hand, "It's been well. I've been busy assisting the two new additions get familiar with the camp. They both seem to be adjusting well to their surroundings."
Dwight nodded, "That's good. The new killer is, um, interesting."
"Indeed. He has yet to get a 4K, but his progress has been better than other killers in the past." Shifting your hand, you applied pressure to his wound once more; causing the male to flinch. "Proceeding with the outer healing process. Please don't move."
Dwight nodded, his eyes observing as your hand glowed and continued to mend his wounds.
"It's amazing how fast you can heal others." He commented, his eyes moving over to meet your eyes.
You looked at him briefly before turning back to his wound, "Compared to the natural human regeneration process, I suppose it seems quick, but for me it takes time. I need to disinfect the wound on the inside, restore cells, and use my own stored energy to speed up time and heal your body from the inside-out."
"That sounds complicated."
"Not at all. It's what I was made to do. I need to ensure all survivors are healthy to continue on in the trials otherwise the entity will be displeased with the sacrifice." Removing your hand from his body, you swiveled your chair away from the bed. "You are healed." You stated, before making your way to the medical cabinet to put away all of the stuff Dwight had previously pulled out.
As you cleaned up, Dwight glanced down at where your hand once laid. Instead of a bleeding wound, the male found nothing but clear skin. Placing a hand where his injury was, Dwight strained a smile. Yeah, it's what you were made to do.
"But still, you work hard, and I think it's really admirable how much energy you use just to keep me- I mean, everyone, alive."
You looked over your shoulder, your eyes meeting Dwight's gaze. The male pursed his lips, but didn't shy away from looking at you.
"You're just so calm and straightforward. Always doing so much for the other survivors even if not all of them are nice to you. Compared to someone like me, I think you're amazing."
Dwight looked at you with sincerity. He wanted you to know how much he appreciated you, even if you were just doing the bare minimum, even if you literally hold no emotions for him or the others, he wanted you to know he genuinely liked you and the presence you had in the fog.
But as he predicted, you didn't seem to understand.
"It's not hard work at all. It's what I was made to do."
Dwight sighed, but he nodded. Yeah, he figured as much, but he still hoped that you may have understood him by some miracle. But miracles didn't happen in the fog.
The two of you continued to stand in silence for a moment. Dwight, looking down defeated in thought, and you, staring at him with a nonchalant expression. All was silent until you decided to speak.
"You may put your shirt back on."
Turning back to you, Dwight's face flushed red, "R-right. Sorry."
Putting on his shirt and tie, Dwight got off the bed and followed you to the door. Stepping out onto the porch, the male scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous chuckle.
"So, umm...thank you. For, you know, healing me."
"It is not a problem. If you have any other injuries or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me. If I am not available, you can always wait for me at the survivor's main hall cabin."
Taking a few steps back, Dwight allowed you to exit the medical cabin. He watched as you gently closed the door behind you and turned to face him.
"Did you still need something?"
Dwight let out a cough.
"If you need any help, I wouldn't mind helping you restock the store again."
The male fidgeted with his fingers as he looked at you thoughtfully. Although you may not understand his feelings, he still enjoyed being around you. He wanted to spend more time with you. To say he was desperate was an understatement. Dwight enjoyed your presence and wanted to be with you every chance he got.
So when he looked deeply into your vacant [eye color] eyes, Dwight already knew what you were going to say.
"Today I'm going to the killer's shack to restock merchandise, so your assistance will not be needed."
Dwight's smile faded, but he expected as much. Those hollow orbs of [eye color] were like an empty shell of a person. You couldn't and wouldn't ever understand him. That's where Dwight would always snap out of his own fantasies. You weren't human. You couldn't reciprocate his feelings no matter how many times he stayed by your side.
Dwight forced out a strained smile. "Alright. Some other time then."
You gave a curt nod and headed for the forest; making your way to the killer's side of the camp.
Dwight could only watch longingly as you walked away, his eyes trailed after you until you disappeared within the trees.
With a sigh, the male turned around and walked down the porch steps, making his way to his own cabin. As he walked down the pebbled path, Dwight heard a voice call out to him.
"Hey, Dwight!"
The male snapped his attention forward, his eyes moving over to the group of survivors sitting by the campfire. The one who called out to him was Zarina. With a grin, the Lebanese woman motioned for the man to come closer.
"Hey, come sit with us."
Dwight's eyes widened a bit in surprise. It wasn't like the survivors here were mean or two-faced to him like the people back in his life before the fog, but the survivors didn't really call out to him too often unless they needed advice or help.
Dwight purses his lips. Yeah, they most definitely wanted something from him. Why else would they call for him? The male wanted to just shake his head and continue walking, but he knew as the leader he couldn't just up and abandon the others when they needed him.
Letting out a small sigh, Dwight reluctantly walked up to the group and sat beside Adam.
Dwight looked at the group with a nervous smile. His eyes went around the campfire to the different survivors sitting in a circle until his vision focused on Yun-Jin Lee.
"Oh, hey again." Dwight acknowledged, a bit surprised to see her within the group. "I see you've met the others."
Yun-Jin smiled softly, her eyes moving to the other survivors who had welcomed her with open arms. "Yes, everyone's been very kind to me."
Dwight nodded. "That's good. How've you been holding up in the trials? Our last trial I've been focused on looping so I couldn't really help guide you through the gens as I promised." Dwight then grimaced at the memory of the killer setting his goal primarily on him, leaving Yun-Jin to fend for herself on an unknown map. Turning to look at Yun-Jin, the male sent her an apologetic frown, "I'm sorry about that."
At his words, Yun-Jin's eyes widened and she was quick to shake her head, "No, it's fine. I understand. I'm still not good with the generators, but I'm learning with time."
"That's good."
Dwight nodded, his eyes then wandered over the group. The entire circle was quiet, all of them looking at one another as though they were having some kind of telepathic conversation. It made Dwight worry. What was going on?
Among the silence, Zarina was the first to speak.
"So, Dwight, how have you been?"
The male looked at her in confusion, "Um, okay? I guess." He then shook his head, "Is there something you guys needed, or...?"
Min groaned. "Look, let's cut to the chase. How well do you know the entity's servant?"
Dwight looked at her in surprise. You? Why did they want to know about you?
The male scratched his cheek, "Pretty well, I guess? I sometimes help them with restocking and we have small talk, usually on my end, but that's about it. Why?"
This time, Adam cut in.
"Have they ever shown you emotion?"
Dwight furrowed his brows, "Not really. They're usually neutral to everything. Whenever I ask how they're doing they always give the same response."
Min looked at him to elaborate.
"Which is...?"
"They say 'well,' usually. But wait, why are you guys asking me all of these questions? What's going on? Is there a problem with them?"
The group looked at one another. Upon making eye contact with each other, they all seemed to have come to agreement to tell the anxious leader their plans.
"We think we might be able to change them." Zarina answered, causing Dwight's eyes to widen in shock.
Wait, what?
"Change them? What do you mean? How?"
Min shrugged her shoulders, "Being friendly, I guess. Sharing our emotions, thoughts, basically teaching them how to be more human."
"I don't think it'll work, but the others think it's worth a shot." Adam shrugged.
"What made you guys come to this conclusion?"
Min pointed to the silver haired newcomer, "Yun-Jin actually brought up a pretty good point about them. They don't hate us- actually, let me rephrase that. They don't gain anything from us. So, why not take their neutral stance to our advantage?"
"So we decided to come up with a plan to change them into being more human, or at the very least have some connection so we can persuade them to help us." Zarina added. "Since you're the leader and have been here the longest, we figured we'd ask you to help us with this experiment."
Dwight looked at the group in bewilderment. A chance to change you? Was that even possible? Ever since his feelings for you had bloomed, the male had taken any chance he got to spend it with you, but you never seemed to change. You were always stoic. You never gave your thoughts or opinions on anything, always leaving Dwight to fill in the blanks.
But maybe that's where he's been going about it all wrong.
Dwight's eyes widened in thought. He then moved his attention over to the group. "Are you guys sure you want to go through with this plan, and that it will work?"
Zarina pursed her lips. "We don't know, that's why we're asking you. We figured we would ask you since you seem to have the most experience with them."
"We did plan on asking you, then Claudette, Jake, and Meg to help as well." Felix added, "But we wanted to hear from you first."
Dwight bit his lower lip. A chance to get closer to you, to make an actual connection.
If what they said was true, that you had no gain from hurting them and simple existed on a neutral stance, then perhaps it wouldn't hurt to try. But first, they needed proof that you had the capability to learn empathy and adapt into human nature.
The male straightened up in his seat.
"Well, if this plan of yours is going to be in motion, first you need to reconsider the people who have been here the longest. Claudette is a good idea since she's very understanding and patient by nature, but Jake is more neutral with them and he is kind of hard to get through. As for Meg, that's just a bad idea. If anything it should be people who have a better relationship with them, or at least a more neutral stance."
Zarina nodded. "That makes sense."
Min then raised a brow, "So does that mean you're in?"
Dwight smiled, a light of determination flickered in his dark brown eyes. "I will try my best."
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rootsofdread · 1 year
Hiii! Always glad to see new dbd blogs!!
May i request Wraith, Nurse, Joey and Susie with a big tryhard s/o, who's pretty much throwing the game the moment they know it's them? Like they are a pain in the ass for every other killer, but for those they r just going around giving free hits n' hooks, never finishing gens, following the killer around and so on.
Feel free to skip this one if u don't feel comfortable writing it and good luck!! I'll be looking forward for all of your future posts :D
so glad to see you too! i hope i don't disappoint with my posts <33
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Philip Ojomo / The Wraith:
Philip is always confused about it, to be honest. He knows you do it because you love him — that, he'd never be confused about. It's the fact that you let him kill you every time…Ultimately, though, he supposes that he prefers that over someone else killing you. He needs to protect you, and if this is the way he has to do it, then he'll accept it.
He does enjoy the help, though, like when you block exits for others when he uncloaks behind all of you. He likes sending you to be with the other survivors for just that reason. And to make sure you don't accidentally blow his cover.
Or he'll use you to draw out the others by either leaving you down or putting you on a hook. He cloaks and stays nearby to wait for your signal. That, and he prefers being close to you to watch out for you.
He will insist on you staying behind him when he's chasing everyone else around, to make sure you don't get in his way. Both so he doesn't hurt you when you don't expect it, and to ensure precision against everyone else.
He's always especially protective of you around other killers. He knows your antics must make you a popular target for the more aggressive of them. He's always looking out for you.
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Sally Smithson / The Nurse:
Sally wishes you wouldn't offer yourself up for sacrificing, at least not so easily. She loves you and prefers not to hurt you. But she will, if you want it. She appreciates that you're willing to do anything to help her get ahead.
She will ask that you stay out of the way while she works, she rathers you stay out of danger until it's necessary. She saves you for last.
She does enjoy seeing you take a break from other trials with her, more free to run around and do what you like. She finds it sweet that you trust her so much.
She feels a bit bad when she blinks away from you on accident, and always looks back to check on you. She always does her best not to leave you too far behind, she doesn't like making you catch up with her.
It does make her feel quite special knowing you give all the other killers a hard time, and only give wins to her. She's not used to so much devotion from somebody. Loyalty. It means so much to her, honestly.
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Joey / The Legion:
Joey loves it, because it gives him so many opportunities to show off, both to you and to other survivors, by getting you in on the trick he wants to pull off. He is delighted having a partner who'll just hand trials to him, it fuels his ego.
He will specifically tell you to give everyone else a hard time, knowing you’re already doing that and would just do it anyway. He just likes to encourage you. Plus, he kind of likes seeing all the other killers’ blood boil over how much of an ass you are. It makes him proud.
He kinda likes having a groupie that follows him around and helps him with kills. It brings him back to his brief days in Ormond before being taken into the fog: where he felt like he was on top of the world for killing someone, taking matters into his own hands.
He’ll use you to screw with the other survivors, try to earn their trust by seeming like he doesn’t have a favorite, downing and hooking you in front of them, only to viciously betray that little bit of trust he’d taken just minutes later.
It does amuse him when you try to be a pain before you realize it’s him in your trial. When you smack into and taunt the mysterious killer, you'll hear him chuckle a bit. He gives you a headstart before running after you, still laughing a little.
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Susie Lavoie / The Legion:
Susie honestly finds it adorable that you'll do anything to give her a win but give every other killer such a hard time, it makes her feel special and she loves that. It sends her into a very huggy giggle fit when she sees you being such a pain in the ass for everyone else.
She probably uses it to tease other killers. "Well, if you weren't so mean, maybe you'd catch a break!" — things like that. She knows it's not true, she just hopes it frustrates them even more.
Like Joey, she really enjoys showing off in front of you by mindgaming other survivors, catching them off guard, mori'ing them. Anything she thinks you'll be impressed by during a trial, she'll do it and will always be looking over at you and waving.
She'll often ask you to go scout out where the other survivors are in a trial and sell them out to her, because she knows she can count on you to help her.
She always thanks you for taking hits very sweetly, and will thank you with a kiss when she throws you onto a hook. If there are other survivors alive, she'll hang around for a little while to make sure nobody comes to save you. And to chat.
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tiredmako · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering could we get either a Frank Morrison or Ghostface x reader story where they’re in a relationship and they find out either Frank/Danny got injected with Blights serum.
Reader is then worried about him and rushes to try help him recover from the serums pain? And maybe the other killers seeing that being shocked that a survivor is caring for a killer. If that makes sense and isn’t too much!
Thank you 🤍
⭒kisses for my killer ~ frank morrison⭒
woahhhh sorry this took like forever to right... my play that im in is coming up and ive been pretty busy with that, but tech week is next week so ill be extra busy then but after im free for like!!! ever but anyways 2nd tumblr fic! woohoo ALSO! i had to do a ton of research on blight lore but it was super confusing but i promise i tried my best.... sorry if shes not perfect ;( also not proofread
the woods surrounding the survivor's campfire were dark and lonely. it was an ideal place for some sort of horrible crime- a child to get snatched up, a murder, or in this case, a betrayal.
whenever y/n wandered into the woods in hopes of ending up in ormond, they had a heavy pit in their stomach. if they were caught by another survivor- or worse, ended up in the wrong realm, they were done for. other survivors were already beginning to get suspicious about why they were sneaking out so much, and the lie of 'looking for offerings' was beginning to fail as they often came back with little to show for their long disappearance. if the other survivors found out why they were gone for so long, y/n would never live through another trial. y/n would forever have to keep their dirty little secret. no, not that secret. not the 'i left you on hook because i couldn't get to you in time' while in reality they were just too scared type of secret. a secret dirtier then that.
frank morrison. y/n being romantically involved with frank morrison was their dirtiest secret. a survivor and a killer. somebody who would spend eternity killing, and somebody who would be a victim to it all. not exactly the best pairing.
despite the... not so good circumstances, they still found their ways to love each other in secret. whether it be frank giving them the hatch or y/n helping him recover from a frenzy, they knew that no matter how small their action was it meant worlds to the other. such as in their last trial- they were with susie. after she'd massacred y/n's friends, she allowed them to hop into the hatch without a scratch on their skin. y/n knew for a fact that frank had something to do with this, which is why they'd decided to risk visiting ormond to say thank you. what they didn't expect, was to see frank before they'd even wandered out of the gloomy woods.
"frank?!" they yelped as he stumbled towards them.  his mask was long gone, and a panicked look was etched onto his face."are you okay? what happened?" he was limping and tripping over his own feet- clearly not in the best shape. he practically collapsed on top of them, y/n doing their best to hold him up.
"that stupid.." frank coughed violently as y/n began to slowly rub his back. "the fucking freak. blight. he tried to..." he leaned into them, gasping for breath. "experiment on me, or something." he'd ran away from the blight as fast as he could, but obviously had some disadvantages.
"what was it?"
"i don't know!" frank snapped, hugging them tightly. "fuck." he breathed out heavily. "i... sorry."
"no, frank, i'm so sorry..." they murmured, squeezing him tightly. "i don't know what to say, god that's so horrible." they gently rocked him. "you don't have to worry, though. he's not here, he can't hurt you. where were julie, susie, and joey?"
"they were in their own trials!" he gripped onto the back of their shirt tightly, allowing y/n to sit them both on the ground. his body was draped over theirs as they peppered kisses along his cheek and neck in an attempt to comfort him.
"well, he's not here anymore, okay? he can't touch you, i won't let him. i'll... beat him up, or something."
"you? you'll beat him up?" frank snickered, slowly beginning to calm down in their arms.
"or something like that." they rested their chin on his shoulder as he relaxed against them. "either way, you don't have to worry about him. you have a little team of people who'll keep you safe, yeah?"
"yeah, guess i do." frank paused, thinking for a minute. he squeezed them a bit tighter as he quietly spoke- his voice nearly silent. barely above a whisper. "i love you."
y/n smiled. "i love you more, frank."
off in the distance, joey, susie, and julie were watching in surprise. they knew from frank that him and y/n were in some sort of relationship, but the last thing the three of them expected was for y/n to be this... sweet on him. frank was a ruthless killer, yet here he was being cuddled and cooed at by a survivor. it was shocking to say the least, but in a sweet way. seeing that two victims of the entity were able to still find a light in the entity's realm filled the other three with some sort of... hope.
a hope for something better.
like + reblog for kisses <3
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phonkscribes · 2 years
Dead Last.
You live by a code most would abandon in these circumstances, where death isn’t an escape and a nameless goddess hungers. It’s a rare trait to find amongst people, especially those that have died time and time again. When the gates are powered and you’re abandoned by your peers, you don’t think that anyone would notice. Let alone the people that put you in that spot.
Assorted killers reacting to an abandoned reader.
Legion / Frank Morrison
Legion is as thick as nails, nothing can get between them, even if things got rough. That much was true on that night in the store when they took turns killing that janitor. He’s disappointed to see that your ‘team’ won’t extend a hand to save one of their own like how the Legion would to him. Ace runs out the door, not even looking back as you lay on the cold floor of Ormond.
“I bet that hurts real bad”, he teases, putting a foot on your back to keep you from struggling.
He wants to hear what you’ll say in response, to see how you’ll beg or plead for your life. You’re whimpering, crying— he can see the steam rise from your cheeks. The pain he’s talking about isn’t physical, but you’re trying your best to hold it in. In some ways, he could feel for you, in others he could not. That’s just how things are around here. You stick your neck out for someone and then it gets you killed.
“That’s what happens when you try and play hero, dumbass”, he grabs you, hoisting you up and over his shoulder.
He has a quota to meet, a number to fill so that bitch in the sky doesn’t give him or any of his friends shit later. He doesn’t feel bad for putting you on the hook, watching as the claws sink into your sides as you die. Although he does feel… something. The next trial that you see him he doesn’t bother you so much, choosing to hit you while he’s in his frenzy before leaving to find the bigger fish. If Ace happens to be with you, he’s sure to tunnel him out.
It’s his way of being nice, hoping you don’t catch on when he does this one thing.
The Ghostface / Danny Johnson
You’d been running with Yun-Jin towards the gates as the timer ticked down. She’d been right at your side until she hadn’t. As you went to look over your shoulder he was right there. The ribbons on his hood billowed as he cut through the night, breaking his shroud as he tore into your side. You’d been exposed and you didn’t even notice, nor did the producer bother to tell you. As Danny wipes his blade he looks down at you pitifully, tutting I’m disappointment as your fellow survivor left you for dead.
“You should’ve seen your face”, he taunts, chuckling as you try and recover, “But that was fun”
You sit there, gasping for air as he squats down to pat your shoulder, which has a hook shaped hole through it. You cry out from the pain, but he coos, as if there was an adorable puppy before him and not your sweaty, bleeding body.
“Isn’t that tough?”, he picks you up and starts walking.
You’re sure you’re dead, not bothering to struggle as you sniffle. It tugs at his heartstrings, it really does. You’re lucky he thinks you’re so cute! Otherwise, he’d have killed you a lot sooner, which he probably should’ve done to that bitch Yun-Jin! He walks along, straining his ears as you try and not to cry at your defeat. The hatch is near as the two of you pick up on the sound of the angelic singing. The Ghostface sets you down just in front of it.
“Since I’m feeling generous… just this once, I’ll let you go”, hope starts to seep through that look of despair etched onto your features. It stirs something within him.
You start to crawl, pulling yourself forward as he thinks about shutting it in your face. How would you look if he stole away your only means of escape? Danny wants to see what that’d look like, the terror reinstalled in your eyes as you inch closer and closer.
“Th- Thank you..”, you tell him, looking up into the eyes of the mask.
Ah… next time. Definitely next time.
Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr.
He’d caught you by the shack, using his saw to cut through your middle as Dwight had made the mistake of throwing the pallet down to block your path. It was a mistake, he’d heard the saw and reacted when he saw the red stain. The look of regret is as plain as day as he runs, pain struck across his face as he leaves you behind. Max didn’t think much of survivors, but he could understand better than anyone what it felt like to be caught and punished rather than betrayed. He watched Fairfield leave as your blood spilled all across the wooden floorboards. The sounds of your panicked, frustrated breaths mixing with his labored growls filled the air.
So that’s it eh?
He looks down at you, waiting to see how you might react, if you’d yell or cry out. With the leader gone, it was just you left. If he put you on the hook, you’d die, as simple as that. He moves, stepping over your body to break the pallet. The wood splinters as it falls, collecting besides you as he goes to pick you up. It’s not uncommon, he’s seen it happen before a thousand times but it’s always so… he doesn’t know the words to place it. You didn’t deserve that, he reasons. Max carries you off to the gate where he saw the scratch marks fade off to.
He’s says something, tries to at least, but is unable to. It comes out as a small grunt, as he picks you up. You wonder why he’s being so nice. Usually he’s so intent on getting people off the farm and into the next match. You pat his back, a quiet thank you as he gently drops you off on the floor. He doesn’t say anything, just watches, revving up his chainsaw to carry him off to go close the hatch if he can find it.
He thinks you’re cool, like a hero from one of his shows. You’re too kind to kill, too brave, too good. He’d have felt better about doing it if you were a scum bag.
Pig / Amanda Young
You tried your best to keep everyone alive, but no amount of heals or pallets can prevent the inevitable. It’s not that they didn’t try. All of you try, fighting to stay alive in the face of cruelty, but alas. The reverse bear traps didn’t find them to be agreeable. Either your friends fell victim to the saw trap or to the blade of Miss Amanda Young. You’re the only one who managed to get the trap off in time, so by Amanda’a standards, you’ve earned your life. That didn’t stop you from trying to save your friends from their graves.
At the end, she meets you in her workshop, eyeing you curiously. There was no favoritism, no second chances aside from the one you got. They all had every opportunity to survive and failed. Watching you now, she feels a shred of sympathy. A few years ago, she was the same just like you, eyes wide and afraid of dying. You’ve earned your life, proven by the lack of a trap on your head. She beckons you to follow her, as she already knows a way out.
“Don’t think too hard about it”, she says, noting your apprehension to follow her like a good survivor.
She’s indifferent for the most part, with the slightest hint of being proud of you. You may not be disciple worthy, but you held quite a bit of promise in her eyes. Should you ever turn to the dark side, she’d love to mentor you. You jump through the hatch as she waves goodbye, silent as she studies the expression on your face as you depart.
Shape / Michael Myers
You were the obsession this trial, and as much as he would’ve loved to kill you just then and there, he knew it’d serve him better to let you go. There were so many times where he could’ve just offed you had he felt like it. Though evil personified had other plans, such as dealing with the gnats flying around you. They really were just flies, swarming you when they needed help, when their wounds couldn’t be staunched caused by his knife. Picking them off one by one wasn’t hard, with how quickly he was able to catch up to them as they worked hard to complete their tasks. He reveled in the way that you watched their bodies hit the floor. You were next.
You were next and there was nothing you could do to stop it. As the last survivor, he was more than eager to track you down, playing the same game he played with his little sister. He stalked you through the halls of his childhood home, you sprinted up the stairs and towards the window, but he was faster. The shape was content with the way your throat fit in his hand when he held you up and pinned you to the wall. You slammed back quite nicely, your grunt of pain being drowned out by a scream.
The wet squelch of your guts wet his hand, your blood dripping down from the hilt and making the handle sticky. He didn’t mind, didn’t seem to care as he watched you with interest. Your death seemed to fascinate him almost as he pushed it deeper into your struggling body. He set you down when you were done, finally done with this trial. Somehow… he liked it. The way you squirmed, how you didn’t quite accept it as it was happening. He’ll be sure to save you for last the next time he sees you.
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creatureshrieks · 9 months
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Yes, Michael had become irritated at Frank's special treatment towards the survivor. He doesn't understand why he decided to be nice or give them special privileges. He doesn't get that he's doing it purposely to make Michael jealous. So he's dragged the said survivor through every realm by their hair, stopping until he finally reaches Ormond. They're cut up, bleeding and lethargic, riddled in stabs and with their legs rendered useless due to broken bones. Michael tosses them into the main building, their sobs and gasps filling the otherwise silent place. He waits for Frank to show himself.
@pumpkinstabs || Michael & Frank || unprompted.
If there's one thing Frank was, it was a nuisance. An irritating dick. A bastard. He liked to piss people off, even those he supposedly cared about. Didn't matter if the two of them were just friends, romantic partners, or just people that fucked when they felt they had time to spare - given the chance, Frank would find some way to dig under their skin. It wasn't just for entertainment, though making someone jealous certainly was amusing to watch, but Frank used this all as a means of... research. He liked to know how people reacted, how they thought. Liked to know what made them tick. Made it easier to interact with them, figure out what words to use, what actions got them to pay attention.
For Michael, though? Frank didn't even need to go this far, letting a Survivor escape without much injury, scampering through trials as if Frank had no intention of letting harm befall them. Even threw them into the hatch on the odd occasion just to dig the point in a little deeper. Of course, word spread as he figured it would. Survivors talked and people watched. Michael always watched, the fucking that stalker he was. He knew Michael would start to get ticked off, he was just surprised it took as long as it did.
The main building was empty when Michael arrives. At least it appeared so, given the fact none of the Legion were milling about on the ground floor, the otherwise peaceful silence broken by uneasy breaths and held back sobs. It was enough of a commotion to alert Frank, however, who appeared soon after to peer over the banister on the second floor. He takes a second to appraise the scene, his own grin hidden behind the mask's.
" Jesus, Michael, what'd you do? "
He's quick to skip down the stairs and towards the Survivor crumpled on the ground, bleeding out onto his floor. He crouches down beside them and rolls them back and forth, tugging them in awkward angles to inspect Michael's handiwork without much care. The Survivor only whimpers and pleads.
Frank turns his head upwards to look at Michael.
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" What'd they do to piss you off, big boy? Stab your other eye? "
Playing innocent, as if he wasn't the cause of their pain.
" You know, I'm kind of offended. I like this Survivor, why'd you have to go and break them? "
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d34dg1rl5 · 7 months
Corpse Bride
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It's icy in Mount Ormond. Quietly you make your way across the snowy paths and reach the ski lodge. The legions domain.
From inside the house you could hear chatter and music. Sounds like they're having a good time. Maybe you were just a nuisance to them? Yes, they were your friends and yes, they care about you. But maybe they don't always want to deal with your problems and fears.
Just as you turned around Susie spots you. "(Y/n!) What are you doing out here? Come join us!" She grabs your hand and pulls you inside. Julie waves at you and Joey greets you with a "'Sup." Frank quickly puts back on his mask crossing his arms. "You look like shit."
You sigh and sit down enjoying the warmth emerging from the furnace. "It's just been a rough trial... Nea kept stunning me with pallets and I think I'm gonna have a bruise.."
Susie looks at you with sympathy. "Aww, poor you... I know excactly what it feels like... Don't we all?" She looks at her friends and earns Julies agreement. "Yeah, some survivors really are a pain in the ass.. Especially Nea and Feng." She takes a piece of the pizza laying in front of her.
Joey agrees aswell and talks about his experiences with toxic survivors.
Something seems weird about Frank today... He isn't his usual cocky and snarky self. He gives you glances from time to time, even though you can't see his face you can feel his eyes on you.
You look at the others. "I think I'll head back to my realm... I feel ... Weird." Susie looks at you. "Aww, already? Alright then, do you want me to walk you back?" You shake your head. "Aw, no, you don't need to." Susie nods and gets up to hug you. "Alright then, see you!"
Youwalk out the lodge and sigh looking around walking back in your realm. Suddenly you get the feeling of someone following you. You turn around taking out your knife. "Who goes there!?"
"Jeez, calm down... Pussy." You hear a familiar voice say and a snarky chuckle. "You're a killer, you shouldn't be afraid of shit in here." Frank steps out from the darkness and looks at you. "What are you doing here?", tilting your head in confusion. "Walking you home I guess."
He takes out a cigarette of his pocket and lights it. Hiw does he even have that stuff in the realm? Maybe he asked the Entity for it.. He notices you eyeing the cigarette. "Want one?" Thinking about it for a second you nod.
"Yeah, gimme one." He hands you one and puts his lit cigarette to yours and lights it. "Heh." You blush slightly and try to avoid his gaze.
"You look brutal, by the way. Real sick." You look at him. "Huh?" "Your outfit. You know. Killer look. Real sick." You look down at yourself and sigh. You were some kind of zombie, just not just thinking about brains and intestines all the time. You actually were still human. To some extent at least. Your body however looks like a nightmare. Your skin was pale with deep wounds littered over your body. Your right eye was a milky white while the other eye was still intact. You hated how you looked.
"Maybe to you. I hate this body..." He sighs and puts a hand on your back. "I was always into zombies." He nudges you and you can't overhear a flirty tone in his voice.
Frank and you walk next to each ither for a few minutes in silence until you reach your realm - a church with a dark and old looking graveyard at the backside. The churchs roof is destroyed and crows circle the cross on top of it.
"I'll see you around, corpse bride~" He grins and turns to walk away, disappearing in the thick fog surrounding the church.
A/N: IM RLLY MAD CUZ YESTERDAY I WROTE HEADCANONS FOR DBD KILLERS REACTING TO A FEM!SURVIVOR WITH A PANIC ATTACK AND I UPLOADED IT AND IT WAS JUST GONE. Like i tried everything (log out and in again, refresh my page, look at queue, privacy settings, etc.). Its just gone and im so sad 😭😔
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 6/14
Have you seen our LIMITED EDITION Fantom shirts yet??
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Alora: Witch Princess GN -  Kayden Phoenix & Phineas Conrad
Alora is one of the five Possibles, a princess that may become the true princess of Citadel. These Possibles were found, trained in their magical energies, and took classes together in the palace; all in preparation for the Majo Majo Celebration. The Possibles completes tests in a magical carnival to see who the one true princess is.
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At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender GN -  Shou Arai
At age 30, Shou Arai came to a realization; they had no gender. Now they were faced with a question they'd never really considered: how to age in a society where everything is so strongly segregated between two genders? This autobiographical manga explores Japanese culture surrounding gender, transgender issues, and the day to day obstacles faced by gender minorities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with a lighthearted, comedic attitude.  
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Bettie Page #1 -  Mirka Andolfo, Luca Blengino, Elisa Ferrari & Joseph Michael Linsner
It's la dolce vita for Bettie! Beautiful Bettie has been cast as the lead of a film shooting in Rome, but before she can experience the sights and sounds of Italy, shady-looking thugs try to kidnap her! Why? Well, Bettie happens to be the spitting image of another woman...a woman who's in BIG trouble with trouble-making types! Can Bettie negotiate her way through a madcap adventure of mistaken identity and star-crossed love, Italian-style?
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Dead By Daylight #1 (of 4) - Nadia Shammas, Dilon Snook & Ivan Tao
PREQUEL COMIC BASED ON THE BEST-SELLING HORROR GAME, DEAD BY DAYLIGHT! When the rebellious FRANK crashes into the lives of JULIE, JOEY and SUSIE, together they'll unleash bloody chaos onto the sleepy, dead-end town of Ormond. Witness the terrifying origins of THE LEGION.
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Death Drop: Drag Assassin #1 -  David Hazan & Alex Moore
Death Drop, a hitman turned drag queen, enters a race against time to find her missing drag sister as a mysterious rash of killings and disappearances spreads across the city. With the specter of her former mentor haunting her every step, Death Drop must decide how far she is willing to be pulled back into a life of violence in order to protect her community in this supernatural queer noir.
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The Faint Of Heart GN -  Kerilynn Wilson
Not that long ago, the Scientist discovered that all sadness, anxiety, and anger disappeared when you removed your heart. And that's all it took. Soon enough, the hospital had lines out the door. June is an exceptional high schooler, though not in the way you'd expect. She is the only one in town who still has her heart. When she looks at her heartless family and friends, she knows she can't become one of them. But the pressure, loneliness, and heartache are mounting, and it's becoming harder and harder to be the only one with a heart. And then June comes across an abandoned heart in a jar. The heart in the jar intrigues her, it baffles her, and it brings her hope. June wonders if the heart can be used to revitalize her sister. But the heart also brings her Max, a classmate with a secret of his own: though he had his heart removed, he is starting to feel again-and it hurts. June will have to choose between a boy she barely knows-a boy who's in pain-and the sister she loves dearly-who feels nothing. But will her own heart rip in two in the process?
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Family Style: Memories Of An American From Vietnam GN -  Thien Pham
Originally posted on Instagram, this young adult graphic novel details the author's childhood immigration to America with his family, through the lens of particularly meaningful food and meals. Thien's first memory isn't a sight or a sound. It's the sweetness of watermelon and the saltiness of fish. It's the taste of the foods he ate while adrift at sea as his family fled Vietnam. After the Pham family arrives at a refugee camp in Thailand, they struggle to survive. Things don't get much easier once they resettle in California. And through each chapter of their lives, food takes on a new meaning. Behind every cut of steak and inside every croissant lies a story. And for Thien Pham, that story is about a search - for belonging, for happiness, for the American dream!
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Frank Frazetta’s Mothman #1 (of 5) - Tim Hedrick, Luis Guaragna & Andrea Mutti
From 1966 to 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, several witnesses reported seeing a man-sized, winged creature with glowing red eyes. Circa 1980, Frank Frazetta painted his iconic work "Mothman." Now you will learn the truth-and it's weird. Emmy nominee Tim Hedrick (Avatar: The Last Airbender) and artist Andrea Mutti (British Paranormal Society) bring you the next expansion of the FrazettaVerse!
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Gnome & Rat GN -  Lauren Stohler
Gnome and Rat are best friends who live together in a charming forest. Rat enjoys drinking tea and finishing crossword puzzles. And Gnome... well, Gnome likes to polish his pointy red hat and eat delicious sausages. Join these funny friends on their various adventures, whether it's celebrating Hat Day, perfecting magic tricks, or tracking down a new signature hat for Gnome. Whatever their antic, these two know exactly how to have a good time: with each other.
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Haunt You Til The End #1 -  Ryan Cady & Andrea Mutti
In a not-so-far future rife with climate disasters and worldwide instability, an eccentric billionaire and his crew-a disgraced journalist, a radical doctor, a TV demonologist, and a squad of hard-bitten military contractors-set out to prove the existence of life after death. But even if their mission is a success, the truth behind the "most haunted place on earth" may not be the comforting revelation the world is hoping for.
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Intertwined: The Last Jewish Daughter Of Kaifeng #1 -  Fabrice Sapolsky,  Fei Chen, Ho Seng Hui & Fred Pham Chuong
In time for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month as well as Jewish American Heritage Month, fan-favorite series INTERTWINED is back with a 64 page special dedicated to the only Asian Jewish character in comics: the new Spirit of Water! After the events of the original INTERTWINED series, Leah Ai Tian's life has changed drastically. She had been dragged in Juan Jin's adventures with the Spirits of WuXing against her will and Lady Xia passed on the mantle of Champion of the Water Element to her right before she was murdered. Now, Leah fights along the Spirits of the Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal to preserve the balance of the universe while fully living her Jewish faith. But her past has come back to haunt her. Why did she really leave Kaifeng and China? And what do Mob Lord Yuk-Long wants so much that he sent his goons all the way to Chinatown New York to find her?
INTERTWINED: THE LAST JEWISH DAUGHTER OF KAIFENG is a fast paced action adventure tale dealing with deep real life issues: the meaning of faith in a country that, at that time, doesn't recognize Judaism as a religion, the condition of women in the early 1970s and freedom of choice.
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Klik Klik BOOM #1 -  Doug Wagner, Douglas Dabbs & Matt Wilson
Meet Sprout, a mute assassin who communicates exclusively through polaroid pictures. Being raised by her doomsday-prepping grandfather in the rolling hills of Idaho, Sprout has never been around other people, watched TV, or seen clothes outside of Army fatigues. Now she's headed to the big lights of New York City to avenge her grandfather's murder, but will the city's mesmerizing glitz and glam help her succeed-or be the death of her?
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Legends Of The Pierced Veil: Izuna GN -  Saverio Tenuta & Carita Lupattelli
Since the dawn of time, the Izuna wolves have been entrusted as guardians against Japan's evil spirits, protecting the veil that keeps the spirit world of the Kami and the human world separate. One day, a dark force known as the Noggo appears, spreading infection throughout the spiritual plane. As the Izuna battle against the Noggo's invasion of their land, an Izuna cub is born in the form of a young human girl. Can the Izuna protect the Veil from the threat that could come from within?
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Lizard Prince & Other South American Stories GN  -  Kate Ashwin & Kel McDonald
Cursed princes, doomsday prophecies, and a fateful nighttime visit from a legendary sorcerer-these are just a few of the ancient tales whispered in the forests of South America, retold in this beautifully drawn comics treasury! This anthology series features modern takes on folklore from across the continent, for a wide-ranging fireside collection of thrills and spooky chills. Featuring the work of Shadia Amin, Coni Yovaniniz, Verónica Alvarado, and more!
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The Love Report GN -  Beka & Maya
BFFs Grace and Lola talk about everything related to romance-and have lots of questions: What about the mysterious allure of the popular girl at school? And the rebellious goth with the reputation? And boys. They don't quite understand what makes some school romances soar to legendary heights, while other flirtations fizzle. Lola has an idea-they'll observe, study, and analyze all the couples at their Junior High-and compile their findings as The Love Report. Surprises await them, and force them to learn to see beyond appearances in this fast-paced series opener. They'll also discover secrets between themselves.
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LSBN GN -  Emma Jayne
A lesbian mech rom-com graphic novel by Ignatz and Prism Award-winning cartoonist Emma Jayne! After many grueling years of defending against colossal, violent creatures, the machine that will turn the conflict in humanity's favor is nearing completion... until the war unexpectedly comes to a sudden, peaceful resolution. The world rejoices. However, two women fall into crisis as their life's work becomes obsolete. Commander Sugimoto and her lead engineer Mischa Polyakov have spent nearly every waking moment together since the project's inception, but without the pretense of their careers and world-ending calamity, do they have a reason to stay in one another's lives?
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MTG Planeswalkers: Noble #1 -  Stephanie Williams, Daniel Warren, Dave Rapoza, Alberto Locatelli, Lea Caballero, Arianna Consonni, Raúl Angulo & Jahnoy Lindsay
Planeswalkers Karn and Ral Zarek team up to navigate the lonely and often treacherous space between flesh and machine...Meanwhile, a romantic outing featuring Jace and Vraska? The circumstances are less than ideal, however, and even perilous!
Between fan-favorite pairings and unexpected, exciting alliances, the stellar creative team of Stephanie Williams (Nubia: Queen of the Amazons), Daniel Warren and Dave Rapoza (Steve Lichman), Alberto Locatelli, Lea Caballero, Arianna Consonni, and Raúl Angulo take readers to unforgettable realms in the Magic Multiverse!
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Mexica: Aztec Princess GN  -  Kayden Phoenix & Fernanda Lozada 
Mexica's princess initiation has begun. She's given three riddles and ventures out of Aztlán with her pet ocelot, Elote, to find the prizes. Unbeknownst to her, she fights a neighboring tribe thinking they're apart of the princess initiation. Mexica unknowingly saving the kingdom and ultimately returning as Aztlán's crowned princess.
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Mighty Marvel Team-Up Spider-Man: Animals Assemble! GN - Mike Maihack
When the Avengers are assembled to contain a super threat in New York City, Spider-Man is given the most important job of all: to make sure all the Avengers' super pets are safe! Spider-Man wants in on the bad guy fighting action, but with great power comes great pet sitting. Featuring fan favorite Avengers like Captain America, Captain Marvel, and Black Panther, this fun and funny original graphic novel sees the mighty web-slinger teaming up with the most unlikely of heroes to save the day!  
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My Dear Curse-Casting Vampiress GN Vol 1 -  Chisaki Kanai
The world is full of vampires. Supernatural creatures who drain the blood from humans without mercy-fighting such beings is the foundation of Isuzu Osaka's life. But humanity is losing the war, and so desperate times call for desperate measures...And so, Isuzu sets out to strike a deal with a powerful vampiress whose beauty drives all who gaze upon her insane in the hopes of protecting his friends...
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Night Fever GN -  Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips & Jacob Phillips 
Who are you, really? Are you the things you do, or are you the person inside your mind? In Europe on a business trip, Jonathan Webb can't sleep. Instead, he finds himself wandering the night in a strange foreign city with his new friend, the mysterious and violent Rainer, as his guide. Rainer shows Jonathan the hidden world of the night, a world without rules or limits. But when the fun turns dangerous, Jonathan may find himself trapped in the dark-the question is, what will he do to get home? NIGHT FEVER is a pulse-pounding Jekyll-and-Hyde noir thriller about a man facing the darkness inside himself.
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Nuking Alaska GN -  Peter Dunlap-Shohl
Nuking Alaska is an unnervingly funny tale of life in Alaska during the tensest times of the Cold War. It recounts the surprising and tragicomic details of the nuclear threats faced by Alaskans, including Project Chariot in the late 1950s and early 60s, the near-nuclear disaster caused by the Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964, and the 1971 test of a nuclear warhead on the island of Amchitka. Alaskan resident Peter Dunlap-Shohl shares the terrible consequences that these events and others had for humans and animals alike, all in the service of "atoms for peace."
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Parallel TP -  Matthias Lehmann
Karl Kling's story is one of revelations, and these he has addressed in a letter to his daughter, Hella, who had disowned Karl many years ago. Karl's letter is a cri de coeur from a father to a daughter he never really got to know, and he comes clean to her about his failed marriages, his fractured family relations--and his love for men.
Taking place between the end of World War II and the 1980s, Parallel chronicles Karl's efforts to comply with social norms in order to keep his sexuality a secret. It also paints a picture of a life torn between conformity and rebellion, and the cruel realities of twentieth-century German society, where homosexuality was proscribed and punishable until 1994. Matthias Lehmann poignantly depicts the story of a decades-long yearning to live an open and free life, and the price Karl and those he loves must pay for it. It is also a story of finding the courage to finally tell the truth no matter the obstacles...or the cost.
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Prophecy Complete Edition GN -  Ran Kuze
The mind twisting thriller series that was adapted into a life action film, is now in a new complete omnibus format! A newspaper-masked vigilante who broadcasts his acts of vengeance before committing them. A newly-formed police division tackling the new frontier of internet-based crime. As the sun rises on the Era of Information, can a group of people who found themselves at the bottom of the food chain rattle society through the web and avenge a fallen friend?
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Barbaric: Queen Of Swords #1 -  Michael Moreci, Corin Howell & K.J. Diaz
Spinning out of the pages of BARBARIC comes an all-new, standalone, rip-roaring fantasy adventure, filled with mayhem, humor, and a bloodthirsty weapon that just won't stop talking! Serra is a witch with a checkered past; Ka is an assassin with an agenda all her own, and Deadheart is a barbarian who wants to bash everyone in her path. They'll have to unite their unique skills to track down a powerful foe who's tied their lives together. Get ready to meet your new favorite instrument of death-the evil Ga'Bar, whose spirit is now trapped in Deadheart's sword!
Discover the origin of the dark magic that turned Soren into the tattooed witch she is today, in this totally new story, the perfect place to step into the world of BARBARIC for the first time!
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Reggie: Kid Penguin GN -  Jen de Oliveira
Fans of Babymouse and Owly will love this early graphic novel series about the everyday adventures and high jinks of Reginald "Reggie" Guinn, a little kid penguin with a big personality! Reggie is just like any other kid: always looking for fun and adventure! But Reggie's curious, playful side sometimes gets him into trouble. Like when he tries to give himself a haircut before picture day...and ends up gluing his feathers back on his head! Or when he sneaks a mouthful of cookie dough from the kitchen... then feels the sun baking cookies in his tummy! Or when his babysitter puts him on a kid leash while they walk to the park... and he rebels by acting like a dog!
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Santa Latina Superhero GN -  Kayden Phoenix & Eva Cabrera 
Santa lives in Wexo, a made-up bordertown in Texas. With elections coming up, the tension rises as the conservative frontrunner, Illena Chavez-Estevez, AKA ICE, wants to start a race war in the town. On the Domino side, we have La Politica running. Comadre, the mentor and veteran, ends up recruiting Santa for La Politica's campaign and as the racial tensions rise in the town, Santa learns what it means to be patriotic while harnessing her Mom's military past. When civilians start getting stolen, Santa finds her voice and strength to raid the detention camps and take down ICE.
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Spider-Man: Fake Red GN -  Yusuke Osawa
Yu's new high school is kind of awful. He's failing his classes and striking out socially. Everything changes when he finds one of Spider-Man's costumes abandoned in an alleyway. At first, it's fun to put on the costume and play hero, but when powerful enemies start to appear, Yu quickly realizes he's out of his element. Still, with Spider-Man nowhere to be found, the city needs someone to save it...
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The Prophet GN -  A. David Lewis, Kahlil Gibran & Justin Renteria
First published in 1923, Khalil Gibran's The Prophet is unquestionably the most popular work of free verse published in the English language during the 20th century. The slender book tells the story of exiled Almustafa, leaving his refugee home of Orphalese after twelve years of banishment. Before he goes, however, he has words of wisdom for the people who took him in. This graphic adaptation features a faithful rendering of the original text with a flashback sequence that explains the prehistory of Almustafa and an afterword by A. David Lewis.
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This Is Not My Story HC -  Ryan Uytdewilligen & David Huyck
The brave captain of a tiny spaceship is surrounded by flying saucers. Though the situation appears dire, he knows just what to do... um, wait! The brave captain-ahem, boy-tells the author to stop the action: He's got it all wrong. This is not the boy's story. He belongs in a different story. The author considers this. Then he begins again, with a story about Cattle King Carl, the quickest cattle wrangler in the West... No! Still not the boy's story? Hmm. Is he a dragon-slaying knight? No! A vampire's next victim? No! A boy going on a date? No! Will the author ever come up with the right story?
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Twisted Tales: Part Of Your World GN -  Stephanie Kate Strohm, Liz Braswell, Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews
Discover a new side of The Little Mermaid in this darkly romantic reimagining of the classic Disney film! It's been five years since the infamous sea witch defeated the little mermaid... and took King Triton's life in the process. Ariel is now the voiceless queen of Atlantica, while Ursula runs Prince Eric's kingdom on land. But when Ariel discovers that her father might still be alive, she finds herself returning to a world-and a prince-she never imagined she would see again. Ursula has been making the most of her role as princess: With the kingdom-and Prince Eric-under her spell, the sea witch has been plotting, scheming, and waging war. And after the disguised sea witch catches wind that Ariel has resurfaced, her thirst for power threatens both land and sea. It's up to Ariel to overthrow the murderous villain before Ursula can destroy her home, her prince, and the world she once longed to be a part of.
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Void Rivals #1 -  Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici & Matheus Lopes 
War rages around the Sacred Ring, where the last remnants of two worlds have collapsed around a black hole in a never-ending war.  However, when pilot Darak and his rival Solila both crash on a desolate planet, these two enemies must find a way to escape together. But are they alone on this strange planet? And what dark forces await that threaten the entire universe? 
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Why I Adopted My Husband GN -  Yuta Yagi
As a gay couple living in Japan (where gay marriage is not yet legal), Yuta and Kyota have found a unique loophole in order to live together and support one another financially, legally and medically; Kyota adopted Yuta. This nonfiction manga depicts how they met, living together, discussions with their parents, and their future anxieties and determination as they strive for independence and equal rights under Japanese law.
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Xino #1 -  Chris Condon, Nick Cagnetti & Matt Lesniewski
Because the future is getting weirder everyday, we give you XINO #001-the first of three OVERSIZED, 40-PAGE intra-ocular lozenges of subversive, surrealist science-fiction to cure your awful awareness of it all. Try not to worry-the insertion process will be guided by the megawatt brilliance of Oni's brightest talents (past, present, and future) as they slowly tune your hopes, dreams, desires, paranoia, alienation, anxiety, and adrenaline to produce the desired results. In our first exploratory outing: Rising stars Melissa Flores (The Dead Lucky, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) & Daniel Irizarri (Judge Dredd) surgically activate the hidden dimensions of the human senses; cult phenoms Christopher Condon (That Texas Blood) and Nick Cagnetti (Pink Lemonade) debut the world's first intravenous video game system; Underground radicals Jordan Thomas (Weird Work) and Shaky Kane (Bulletproof Coffin) surveil the suburbs for signs of covert infiltration, and master cartoonist and foundational Oni creator Phil Hester (Gotham City: Year One, The Coffin) returns to the fold to leave his deepest mark yet!
Whatcha picking up this week, Fantom Fam?
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haysprite · 1 year
can we hear some of your headcanons about frank :)
OMG YES !!! I feel like my interpretation of him is like really different than other people's, but its finnnneee :o) Also there's a lot so brace yourself 👍 I also wanted to focus more on just him this time around since I've already done a HC dump about him and Julie !
• AuDHD also go brrr (I’ll be real I’ve hit all four of em with this lmfao)
• Has a really high pain tolerance! He could break a bone or somethin and literally try to walk it off despite the other’s protests. 
• ON THE OTHER HAND THO, he is PATHETIC when it comes to getting sick (which isn’t often, but that means it hits him HARD when he does). Talk about man colds fr 🙏 The other three tend to make fun of him for this, but Julie still takes care of him cause she finds it a bit funny and wants to help her silly bf out.
• Absolutely loves being the center of attention, so he defo tries to impress anyone around him
• He really did enjoy playing basketball and being on Fairview’s team! He didn’t really get along with most of his team, but he was pretty good at the sport and being on the court was sometimes freeing for him. Was also a p good excuse to stay away from home.
• Dropped out of school early into his senior year, punching that referee was simply his final straw
• During the car ride to Ormond, he defo tried to run away while Clive was stopped to get some gas, but got caught pretty quickly. Frank may be strong, but Clive was stronger, and managed to force him back into the car. The rest of the ride was pretty silent after this
• Absolutely loves hoodies and jackets, and is rarely seen without one (whether he’s wearing it or just has it on hand). They’re just comfy, what can I say
• Loves the thrill of fights, which he gets into a bit more often than he probably should. Also tends to be the one to throw the first punch.
• He is NOT a morning person whatsoever. It takes him forever to finally drag his ass out of bed. He’s more of a night person, both for the peacefulness and because there’s more potential to cause some mayhem without getting caught.
• Though he’s the leader of the Legion, most of the plans and ideas come from Julie and Joey, since they actually like to think plans through unlike Frank, who will jump straight into something without giving it a second thought. He’s got zero impulse control lets be fr
• Hates the quiet, he either has to have music playing or be talking to somebody or else he just feels uncomfortable
• Has quite a few tattoos, though the only one ever really visible is the one on his neck. Got his first tattoo at 15 and loved the rush he got from getting one. I feel like he got his neck tattoo right before being dragged to Ormond at (roughly) 17. He had to be sneaky about getting them, ofc, but he’s always been pretty good at faking IDs and lying about his age (hence why he’s able to get his hands on alcohol n shit p easily).
• He’s a bit of a flirt, having a pretty charming nature to him, which he defo uses to his advantage when he needs to get out of sticky situations
• Not trusted behind the steering wheel, so Julie or Joey are always the ones to drive everyone places, which he’s a bit annoyed by, but he got over it eventually
• Has a lil collection of random trinkets he’s saved throughout his life, like things he’s stolen from every foster home he’s been through, random shit he’s found on the ground, gifts given to him by his friends, etc
• Whenever he was relocated, he would ALWAYS research as much as he possibly could about where he was being sentenced to. He found the history behind certain places really interesting, especially if there were any murders or creepy shit involved, and it also helped him plan out ways to get out of there as quickly as possible.
• Absolutely hates Clive with the PASSION. He did nothing but ignore Frank, no matter how hard he tried to get his attention. Frank picked a lot of verbal fights with him, some of them almost escalating into something physical, but Clive wasn’t afraid to fight back and stopped each fight pretty quickly.
• Got kicked out about half a year after turning 18, but he didn’t really care since he basically lived at the lodge anyway. Just meant he was finally free from living with Clive permanently
• He has a funny older brother / younger sister relationship with Susie. They’ll do shit like yelling at each other from across the lodge about what kind of pizza they should get, or walking into the room the other is in only to stand there silently before turning off the lights and BOOKING it. They annoy each other a lot, but they do it out of love (platonic obv) lmfao
• He and Joey do stupid shit like wrestling, arm wrestling, or straight up fights to see who’s stronger. Despite Frank being the one to initiate most of these, Joey wins a good 90% of the time unless he’s really caught off guard.
• Would do literally anything for Julie <3 He is so pathetically in love with her. I feel like Susie bugged him a lot about this before he and Julie started dating, calling him out whenever she caught him staring at Julie for too long or just teasing him about it
• Is REALLY bad at comforting his friends when they’re feelin down, but he tries his best 👍 It’s either him threatening to kick the ass of whoever made them upset, or just being silent and letting them vent cause he doesn’t really know how to respond
• Got super excited when he found out Julie also loved slasher films and learning about serial killers, and was really happy about finally having someone to talk about this shit with. They have movie nights a lot where they watch stupid slasher films for sure !
• It takes a lot to calm him down when he’s angry. Though his friends are sometimes able to help, most of the time they have to leave him be and let him punch or break some shit to release his anger.
• He always feels really bad whenever he blows up at one of his friends, he just struggles with actually apologizing about it. Julie is helping him a lot with this, and even though progress is slow, he’s slowly learning and getting better at it
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mara-xx217 · 2 years
can I ask for a continuation to the “killer accidentally pulling the pants/skirt off a survivor and seeing their panties” from the other anon? with amanda, sadako, susie and the artist?
Ngl, I do enjoy this scenario a little too much lol
Warnings: Ya get Pantsed, No NSFW, Just Embarrassing, A bit of a Killjoy at the End
Amanda Young/the Pig
'Talk shit, get hit' should be a personal motto for her, for she's both a receiver of this justice and a dealer in it as well.
You talked shit, running around and distracting her from her priority targets. Once again, Amanda allowed her anger to overtake her and cloud her judgement. Only, this time...
You were the recipient of the oncoming justice.
One wrong move, once mistimed vault over a pallet and Amanda had juust enough time to-
There goes your pants and your dignity. It was enough to make her laugh audibly, genuinely, from the chest. A cackle that caused your ears to burn and your priorities get all messed up.
Run? Hide? Drop to your knees?
You dropped to your knees.
And she kept laughing.
Sadako Yamamura/the Onryō
Anger. Hatred. It's all she felt anymore. And you were pissing her off.
Just out of her reach. Just out of grasp... She wanted to sink her fingers into your flesh, make you scream, make you see things that would make your mind bleed and your heart stop beating.
You need to watch the tape-!
Or come closer...!
So close-! She almost has you-!
The tips of her fingers graze your shirt and manage their way to the waistband of your pants-
And pulls them down to your mid-thigh.
Silence. No movement, no pain or death, then-
A laugh.
A light one, not so different to the sound of windchimes on a gentle breeze. Not a mockery of a human voice, taunting or depraved, but childish and light.
When was the last time she's felt something like that...?
Susie/the Legion
Frustrated, frustrated- INFURIATED!
Her heart slammed in her throat as she chased you. Through the Lodge, to the Shack, back to the Lodge, around some rocks-
Susie released a frustrated scream.
All airs of control and careful planning flew to the wayside. She threw her head down and sprinted at you, as fast as her legs would carry her.
You were tackled onto the snowy ground. Susie didn't have much of a grip on you, having thrown her body clumsily against yours. You were nearly back onto your feet when she grabbed you by the back of your pants.
She pulled down your pants-
You scream and kicked her in the face. Susie didn't let go.
And so you dragged her across Ormond, attached to your legs and trying to rip your pants down, underwear and all.
It was fucking cold.
Carmina Mora/the Artist
Your back and legs were covered in an inky substance. Carmina nearly had you several times, but you slipped out of her grasp every time.
You shrugged off her crows, you narrowly avoided her attacks. She wanted to paint the sandstone bricks red-brown with your blood-
She hates the way you kick and scream, like a disobedient child. Or a victim being stolen away-
Seeing your underwear when she attempted to pull you from the Shack window did nothing to her bring up old, lost feelings.
Childish glee
Laments of the past
The hope for more
An act of violence and silencing-
The inky appendages she used to grasp a hold of you fell away. Lifeless and heavy, not unlike ink being spilled from a well.
Carmina looked down at the bloody, mangled stumps at the end of her arms and wondered-
Where have they gone?
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine
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dead-by-mending · 1 year
Do you have any favorite headcanons for a Frank x Kate ship?
Not much honestly. I'm kinda new to this kind of stuff to be honest. But here's at least a little something :
How they met : Kate was in the same trial as you see in Legion's trailer (where Frank fakes being a survivor to get David). When she saw him, she wasn't impressed at first, but then they all discovered the deep wound mechanic and were completly lost against it. Plus it was even more painful than a regular hit, and combined with Ormond's cold, it was even worse. On Frank's side, he didn't really care. He was still with Julie back then, so for him, Kate was just another survivor. He did find her very pretty though.
First time they were nice to eachother : Frank usually does good in trials. When he doesn't, he just gets slightly angry. But if the survivors brag about it, it gets worse. And even worse after he broke up with Julie. After that, he started throwing tantrums in the basement, smashing lockers and chests. Kate witnessed one of those, and her kind soul felt really bad for him. This time, he even threw his mask on the wall (and she was surprised to find him quite handsome...). When he noticed her, he told her, not so politely, to go away, but she refused. He started to threaten her with his knife, but she still didn't moved. He was just confused until the EGC finished, and the Entity took her. The next trial they met, he let her take the hatch.
When did they started dating : Once, Kate spotted Frank looking over the campfire, and, while no one was watching, she decided to go talk to him. Once again, he was really confused as to why a survivor would be so nice to him. She told him that a few survivors like her quickly realised that most killers were forced to do this by the Entity, and were as tortured as they were, if not even more. While he knew she was right, Frank couldn't believe her. To make him know he can trust her, she took his hand in hers. At first, he got surprised by how warm it was. Then he just let her continue because he somehow liked it. They were silent all the while, just looking at eachother. Then Frank just gave in, took off his mask, and kissed her on her lips.
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On the eighth day of fluffmas, queendee gave to you... ugly sweaters with Jake park
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Jake Park (dbd) x reader
Gender neutral reader
Warnings: survivor! Reader, ugly sweaters, relationship could be platonic or romantic, slight killer bashing, a brief mention of puke.
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Digging through the chest that the entity gifted you, you found a sweater. It wasn't the moat fashionable sweater, apparently taking the looks of an "ugly sweater." The material looked warm enough for you to bear through the harsh winter months. The design was simple with a pattern of something in relation to your favorite hobby.
You knew not to complain about the looks of the clothes that were gifted to you or it would end up making you wear your bathing suit the next time you get transported to Ormond.
Sliding the sweater over your head and arms, you feel the warmth of the thick wool embrace your body. You hear a quiet, amused chuckle coming from behind you as you turned around to see Jake wearing his own version of an ugly sweater.
"Entity gifted you that to wear for the winter?"
Jake walked closer to you as his eyes looked at the obnoxious design of your sweater. You were too cold to care about the male in front of you finding humor in the tragic choice of design.
"At least it's better than freezing to death. Well, I mean I'd rather freeze than deal with another trap from Trapper."
You joked dryly as Jake laughed in response to your humor. His hands were buried in his pockets for warmth as he responded with equal humor.
"I'd rather freeze than deal with Plague's red vomit. At least Trapper's traps only cause pain."
You nod in agreement before tucking your hands under your sweater, your eyes slightly watered from the harsh cold wind breezing against your face.
It was an interesting thing to see a quiet survivalist like Jake have a fondness over a person like you who has a knack of finding a way to laugh while being in a sadistic game for the entity.
"True. Or getting moried by Blight. The whole thing isn't my Forte as well."
The both of you began to walk back towards the campfire, continuing with the morbidly playful banter of some of the things the both of you experienced while trapped in the fog.
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ziracona · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for Jeff? Not enough people write fic about DBD's best boy!
Sure! Here’s a few:
He’s a good cook and a good baker. One of those little wood boxes on his counter full of index cards of recipes he took down by hand from friends and family and acquaintances, friendly diner owners, farmers market vendors, etc.
One of the nicest and chillest people you’ll ever meet. Very calm and rational. Big on second chances and not judging people by first impressions. Some of this is spiritual, some personal disposition, and some because of how people treated him growing up as a very intimidating looking teddy bear inside guy. Would have always wanted a rescue, but largely picked Alice because of how ‘unadaptable’ she was and what she’d been through, and how pitpulls in general are treated. He knew he had the commitment and time to help her, and she deserved somebody to.
Jeff’s Jewish. He wasn’t raised religiously Jewish in Ormond, but some of his dad’s side of the family was, and after breaking ties with his abusive mother as an adult, reconnected more with his heritage. Has a mix of cultural and religious history and attachments and thoughts as a result of all of this.
Tank in a fight. Not as fast or good at technical sides as Laurie, Jake, David, or Kate, but can outlast almost anyone. Part of this is experience, but a lot of it is just that he’s a big guy. Part of why people go down with 1 hit in horror movies is they’re all skeletons. Fat people can take way more hits, because if a thin person is stabbed it hits organs, if a fat person is hit they got built in armor it has to get through first. This has made him very formidable in stall fights back in the realm. Doesn’t hurt he’s very physically strong, and used to pain.
Actually likes to clean. Makes him feel very zen, and he just finds problem solving of kinds like that fun. Keeps a very clean house. Takes really good care of his hair and beard too.
Is aromantic. He’s known that for a long time. Really really wanted a family, because of how shit his was growing up, but spouse hasn’t ever been a hardcore part of that goal. Like, he would not be dead set against that if it just happened to work out, but it would have to be an unusual set of circumstances. Always kind of thought he would someday adopt, or something like that. I guess he did.
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