#backstory hc
lowtarei · 2 years
@magicmetslogic asked:
Duke and alexei for the ask game! And maybe duke and flynn....and of course, some Raven, mayhaps with Estelle
OH BOY DO I HAVE LOTS OF HCS FOR THESE TWO!! [vespy spoilers ahead // Raven & Estelle here]
so personally, I don't think they'd ever crossed paths or otherwise had any connection before the war (with Alexei having spent pretty much his whole adult life climbing the ranks as a soldier, while Duke was effectively raised by Elucifur & even before that I imagine he had a very isolated early childhood on account of him being so different) but once the fighting kicked off, Alexei was the first member of the Imperial Knights to reach out to Duke, and the one who recruited him!
Elucifur had wanted to fight on the side of the humans from the very start of the conflict (as he strongly disagreed with those Entelexeia who wanted to solve the blastia problem once and for all by simply eliminating all humans) but while he had always been fascinated with & loved humans, he was also wise enough to know that most of them would only be frightened & mistrustful if they saw his true form (and while I hc he also had a 'krityan' form like Khroma, he wouldn't have been able to keep up the illusion while fighting, and imo his wasn't nearly as refined as hers); for this reason he & Duke fought independently of the human forces. However, it was impossible to completely avoid all contact, and in one of those battles they were spotted by Alexei (still a lowly captain at that point) who recognised Duke as 'human' and chased after before they could leave the area. Alexei encouraged Duke to join forces with the Imperial Knights (as they were drastically short on fighters strong enough to go up against Entelexeia; even at this point Alexei had an excellent eye for combat talent & he didn't especially care who his fighters were or where he came from as long as they were on the same side). 
Duke had no desire to accept this offer at first (convinced that he was Too Different to ever work alongside humans) but Elucifur thought it was a splendid idea & encouraged him to at least try (as coordination between their forces could only benefit all of them, but also he just thought that Duke should make more friends lmao) so in the end Duke acquiesced. Of course, Duke lacked any kind of identification to prove he was who he claimed to be and the enlistment office couldn't just accept people on good faith (especially since no one had ever heard of him before & he definitely didn't look old enough), but Alexei once again stepped up and personally vouched for Duke, smoothing everything over and insisting that Duke be placed into his own unit. Alexei lacked the high social status of the officers who came from old nobility, but he was highly respected on the battlefield by now and his word counted for a lot; Duke definitely wasn't the only soldier to be given Alexei's blessing like this (actually i just had A Thought, that maybe Flynn's father was another of those war-time promotions & that was a factor in Alexei's later treatment towards Flynn.... but i digress). 
Unsurprisingly, Duke never fit in among the soldiers (tho tbf, didn't make much effort to try); Alexei was the only person who continued to solicit his company, and Duke found that he didn't mind their occasional conversations (as Alexei was one of the only humans he'd met who wasn't visibly bothered by his strange appearance & mannerisms, and who seemed willing to listen to him). They weren't quite friends, exactly, but Alexei definitely had some genuine captain-to-subordinate fondness for Duke and wanted to see him succeed, while Duke had tentatively come to trust him-- as an ally in battle, certainly, and perhaps verging on something deeper and more personal.
It was during the war years that Alexei picked up lots of little scraps of knowledge about Entelexeia & Apatheia & the Geraios Age from Duke (who stubbornly remained a loner despite Elucifur's constant prodding to Make Some Friends); it was never Duke's intention to teach Alexei these things but it also didn't occur to him to hide it, as he had no idea it wasn't common knowledge to most humans (after all, Elucifur & many other elder Entelexeia had been around during times when it was). At the time, Alexei wasn't making any Big Plans, but he knew important information when he heard it and he paid very close attention, absorbing as much of Duke's strange esoteric knowledge as he possibly could (...without appearing too suspiciously interested, as he didn't want to scare Duke off & lose his support as a soldier).
Alexei's observations played a major part in bringing word of Elucifur's true nature back to Emperor Krunos XIV, which in turn led to the imperial order to have Elucifur assassinated just after the war was won; Alexei was likely given this task personally after his rapid rise in rank during the war years, though he drastically underestimated the depth of Duke's devotion (& perhaps even hoped that if Elucifur was removed from the picture then Duke might stay on as a Champion of the Empire). Of course, Duke responded to the assassination by storming the palace, confronted and threatened the aging Emperor, and then disappeared into the wilderness with Dein Nomos. Afterwards, it was Alexei who made the call to scrub Duke's name from the war records (both his status as a 'hero' & that final treasonous confrontation)-- partly because Alexei saw the very real danger for a major panic if word got out that a single man could subdue the entire royal guard & threaten the emperor at swordpoint, and partly to eliminate any evidence that he had been the one who got Duke involved in the first place, but also out of lingering respect & because he knew he could take Duke at his word when Duke stated that he had no desire for any further contact with human society (so he wasn't likely to be a threat, certainly not worth the losses they would sustain if they tried to capture him).
The decade that passed since their last encounter saw Alexei's cynicism towards the system & his ambitions grow exponentially, until he came to believe that change for the better could only be achieved if he wiped out the old leadership entirely and seized power for himself; in the present, Alexei views Duke only as an obstacle to his success and has no compunctions about having him killed by the time he sets the trap at Baction. Duke on the other hand views Alexei only with contempt; he couldn't care less who takes control of the human governments & cities, but he does Very Strongly Oppose basically everything else Alexei is doing (murdering the few remaining Entelexeia to harvest Apatheia; reviving the Hermes Blastia projects & forcing a CotFM to overuse their powers & overstimulating the Aer Krene; raising Zaude; etc) so he arrives at Baction resolved to stop Alexei.
...and it was also Alexei's role in Elucifur's death that left Duke so thoroughly convinced that humans could truly never be trusted, and would never change their ways... a resolve that Yuri cracks, which in turn leaves Duke even more conflicted; he's been here before and he knows how this ends, but there's also something different about Yuri, and what if he's wrong...?
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bluegiragi · 7 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
more backstory that i wrote up for patreon heh:
Simon and Tommy had a complicated relationship as brothers. 
At a young age, Simon basically wrote himself off as a lost cause, and did the best he could to make sure at least Tommy had a chance to be a functioning human being. After all, Tommy was the gentler brother, the dreamer, the one who looked like their mother (who'd walked out on them years ago to escape their father). But Tommy got bitter, got sick of the one always being protected, being babied. He lost respect for Simon, for the way he wouldn't fight back, and in a twisted way, grew closer to his father as a way to learn how to be powerful, strong. It backfired, and Tommy got wrapped up in some bad business.
Simon's kid brother died while he was deployed. He got the news in the letter, and it broke him in a big way. In the story timeline, it was years and years ago but it still hurts like hell whenever Simon thinks about him. 
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haliaiii · 3 months
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reading up on argenti’s lore
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cable-salamder · 2 months
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Geo stuff because I miss him and I’m salty about a lack of backstory so I’m putting him through my own backstory regiment instead: Misery
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+ A vague timeline because I realized maybe making a solid ref for myself is… not that bad of an idea
- Geo’s hair getting dyed dark is like, to remove him from looking “too geckle” (I know that they don’t have hair shush) and they didn’t let him cut it because why would they?
- The reason why Geo is actually really strong is not only because of his genetics (the Munce side, I suppose) but also because he has literally been doing that for a long period of his life. I might make some more stuff that has to do with his backstory (and I’d love to hear what other people’s ideas are!!).
But the gist is. to me, Geo has come a long way to where he is when we actually first see him in DR.
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thisisnotkitty · 11 months
random matpat things that i think could be ness coded:
-theater major / aspiring actor
-mirror matt also mentioned he had a degree in neuroscience i think?? or psych? but yeah big brain ness
-diet coke enjoyer... worryingly so
-likes standardized tests
-he does the LOOORRRE thing matpat does whenever someone says the word
-"thats just a theory" is definitely his catch phrase and everybody knows it. like people will say it with him at this point, he says it that much
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crackerzaf · 2 months
The cycle is never over
Trigger warning:
When she was a kid, she didn't understand it, but now she knows, and she knows that she's just part of the cycle.
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Mimzy's mother, Ruth, was fiercely protective of her daughter, never allowing anyone to take advantage of her while she was around. Ruth's presence was a constant shield, ensuring that Mimzy's career was managed with an iron fist and that no one could exploit her. Ruth's vigilance kept the darker aspects of Hollywood at bay, and Mimzy, though pushed relentlessly, was kept safe from the industry's more nefarious elements.
However, everything changed when Mimzy turned 18. After a severe falling out, Ruth abandoned her, taking all of Mimzy's money and leaving her to navigate the brutal world of Hollywood alone. Without her mother's protection, Mimzy was thrust into an environment rife with predatory behavior and exploitation.
Naive and inexperienced, Mimzy struggled to secure roles and manage her career. She trusted the men around her, who saw her vulnerability as an opportunity. They convinced her that casting couch sessions were essential to maintaining her star status. This deceitful manipulation marked the beginning of her downfall.
In her early 20s, the media caught wind of these casting couch sessions. The scandal exploded, with headlines painting her as a willing participant rather than a victim. This public shaming further damaged her reputation and mental health, driving her deeper into addiction and depression.
The absence of her mother's protective oversight left Mimzy exposed to Hollywood's darkest facets. Her once-bright career prospects dimmed as she spiraled into despair, her life unraveling in the wake of exploitation and betrayal.
What a way to come back to posting backstory. Am I right, all seriousness guys. This is a very serious subject, and the last thing I want is for anyone to think I don't take the subject matter seriously but I do it might have never happened to me but I've done research reading and watching many documentaries of actress and their experiences in 1920s.
Ignore if you don't care about updates!
Side note: sorry I haven't done anything on tumblr idk why I think I'm just avoiding writing the alastor and dad comic tbh so I'm gonna put a pin in it for now and will see when I come back to that
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amaranthdahlia · 7 months
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paranormal brothers
WOO finally shigaraki twins art dump lesgoo
first off heres a facial study+headcanon thingy i did of these two cus theyre fun to make !!!
theyre not complete i think..? since i couldnt come up w anymore hcs 😭😭 i wanted more. anhways yeah also ofc things might change btw!
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(this is actually a revised version but i dont wanna show yall the old one bc its bad hahdj)
anyways, doodles go!!!
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andddd old art from 2022!! which u can tell cus of the age hc lol.(
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
I've seen many people stating that Airi is implied as transfem, and many saying it's merely a headcanon, but I haven't been able to find evidence to support either side as I have no idea of where that notion comes from. Do you know about any event/card stories or symbolism that could imply that she's transgender? Thanks in advance.
oooh this is a really interesting one for me actually! so straight off the bat, no airi is not canonically or implied trans. that said, a queer (in her case, trans specifically) reading of her story is totally valid, much like Toya's backstory for an in-game example, and for out of game examples stuff like Rin in Love Live! School Idol Project or Gwen in the Spider-Verse movies (these two support a trans reading, whilst Toya's story supports a more general queer reading).
I think the main cause of the reading comes from her fes story! While her childhood is first talked about in the first chapter of RE:START From Here!, it's very brief and the specific parts about her personality and presentation aren't much of the focus, aside from an incredibly short interaction between Airi and her mother where Airi thinks the idol on TV is cute and her mother tells her that there's nothing stopping her from being like that, then a similar interaction with her younger sister where she decides that she wants to be an idol.
What we learn from this is that Airi used to be a tomboy when she was younger, and was short tempered and aggressive, and often got into fights with boys (though in the interaction we are shown she does this to defend her little sister). She also discovered idols and decided she wanted to be one too, just as cute as the one on TV, which is the total opposite to how she was then. In terms of Airi's backstory serving as a trans allegory? I think you could get something out of this, though the allegory (intentional or not) is far more pronounced in her fes story. You could definitely view this flashback as her starting to realise she's a trans girl, and that she wants to be more girly. Especially when her sister says that Airi's just like the idol on TV, and she has a moment of realisation that she wants to be one too.
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Now onto her fes story. First I'll just mention a little fandom thing. So back in 2021 when Airi's fes card was initially released, a fan translation (pictured) was posted to youtube that mistranslated her as being transgender. It was a error made by the translator where instead of saying how the boys she fought with called her a "too cute for a monster", she said they called her a "too cute for a boy". The translation was deleted a long time ago, but for some reason people still bring it up, even now. I think this is where a lot of misinterpretation over her being canonically trans comes from.
Now onto the actual fes story. In the first part of the story, Airi looks back on the interactions with her sister that we saw in Re:start, thinks that she'd love to see the look on her younger self's face if she could see herself now, which creates her fragment sekai. In the second part, after talking with her younger self for a bit, she calls little Airi a tomboy, and she's visibly uncomfortable with this. Present-day Airi then realises this past version of her must be from around the time she started to be bothered by how people viewed her as "rambunctious" or a tomboy. She also mentions that when she decided to become an idol she started ignoring boys teasing her about it, confirming that her tomboy personality and presentation was a source of mockery.
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The most interesting part is that Airi says when she started wearing cute and girly clothing to school, she was mocked for it. Although the text explicitly states that for Airi, she was a GNC girl who was uncomfortable with her presentation and wanted to be more girly, this is literally something that has happened with Mizuki, who is all-but-stated canonically transfem. The rest of the story is Airi explaining what being an idol is like and her experiences to her younger self, who then proudly proclaims that she's going to become an idol.
As I said, the text explicitly states that she's a tomboyish girl before she decided she wanted to become an idol and wear cute clothes, which strongly suggests that she's cisgender (of course, she could be a GNC trans girl who came out when she was very young, but this is not canon). However, the fes story overall, and particularly the 3 lines of dialogue pictured above, strongly support a trans reading.
Airi was teased for wearing cute clothes, and while the text doesn't state it outright, you shouldn't have to be told that these were typically girly or feminine clothes, especially given the tshirt and dungarees that Airi wears on her child L2D model. As stated earlier, this exact same thing has happened with Mizuki, although the reactions from classmates and the girls themselves were slightly different on the account of Mizuki being canonically transgender. Airi is annoyed that her classmates think the cute clothes clash with her personality and make fun of her for it, but in Mizuki's case she questions if it's okay for her to wear such clothes because people think it's weird for her to be wearing it (the reason for it being weird is left unstated, but it's presumably because her classmates knew her as a boy at this point in time). Nonetheless, this mirrors the experiences of so many trans people in real life, who are mocked by the general public due to not fitting into the box of gender norms dictated by society.
Airi affirming that she's a girl is definitely the standout line here, though. It shows us how insecure little Airi was with her presentation, and how she wanted people to think of her as a proper, cute girl, instead of a "monster". So while Airi is not canonically trans, the text strongly supports her being read as such. It doesn't take a genius to work out how you could apply Airi growing up as a more masculine tomboy, then realising she wants to be a cute idol, then being teased for dressing in a traditionally feminine way is an allegory for a trans experience, intended or not.
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Also absolutely not solid evidence of anything at all, but I often see people point out that Airi's trained The Strongest Idol Smile! 4* has a trans flag color palette, something we've seen in Mizuki cards before. However this is very likely unintentional and just done for artistic effect, the pink ribbons on the card are actually red on the costume (and you can tell in some parts of this artwork too). Still think it's a neat end to this post though.
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
Vaggie: Alastor, what the hell!?
Charlie: You can't hit a kid!
Alastor: That child was acting like an insufferable brat. Someone had to set it straight.
Charlie: It doesn't matter! You don't hit kids, that's no way to teach them to behave!
Alastor: Well, that's how I was raised.
Vaggie: Who the hell raised you?
Alastor: My mother's murderer.
Charlie: ...
Vaggie: ...
Everyone else in the hotel: ...
Husk: ...Yup, that tracks.
Alastor: ??? :)
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jupitersmoon167 · 2 days
This is such a self indulgent idea, but humor me:
CoD x PJO crossover where John Price had a kid with one of the Greek goddesses during his early military days, and as hard as he tried to raise his kid, they were always put second over his job.
While he’s out on deployment, he gets a call. He learns that his home was seemingly broken into and his kid is missing. He uses all his resources and connections to try and find his kid, thinking that it was enemies of his that kidnapped his kid as a way to get back at him. But after months of searching, he comes up with nothing. No calls, no leads, nothing. After a year of searching, he gives up hope and mourns the loss of his kid, wishing he had been a better father to them.
It isn’t until a few years later when he’s Captain of TF141 that he finds out his kid is alive and learns why they left all those years ago and the truth of the other half of their parentage and that he and his child might be more alike in ways John wished weren’t true.
Edit: More thoughts on this here
Please come to my ask box with questions or ideas about this I need to rant about this idea with someone anyone please I beg
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appeypie · 1 year
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refs for my skyward sword prequel thing that ive been thinkin about for a whileee...
most of the details are in my head but there's a little bit about them on my artfight page ^_^
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relic-seeker · 2 months
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some lemms plus hc designs for him throughout time
his design from my fic is there now too although sketchy & unlabelled :-)
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 month
I just had a really horrible headcanon spawning:
Sakura whose only friend when he was a kid was a stray kitty— small, abandoned and black and white, just like him— that he would feed and follow around. The kitty was the only one who was kind to him and he was the only one who the kitty allowed to touch it.
And then one day a bunch of kids surrounded it and started messing with it. They pocked it and picked it up, shaking it like a doll. And when the cat defended itself, the one who was holding it threw it away.
The cat hit the wall and rolled to the street— A car rushed over it.
The kitty, Sakura's first and only friend, died. Sakura was just arriving when he saw his kitty fly to the traffic.
And that's why he actually hates people ganging up in someone. It's not for what people used to do to him, thought he hates that too. It's for the kitty who couldn't protect itself.
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ghosted-jazz · 11 months
Mans was so busy playing S tier trombone he missed *check notes three kidnappings, half the island getting cursed and Bek befriending a statue. I love him so much
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quetzalpapalotl · 4 months
The problem with being a villian fan is that is easy for people to forget that they are characters too and not just plot devices. This happens a lot in fic, but also even in the original material as well.
Like sometimes you do need someone do show up and do heinous things for the sake of the plot and I don't mind grabbing the guy who already proved to have no morals. But just because someone would be willing to do any bad thing doesn't mean they would do every bad thing. And this isn't about saying that ny blorbos aren't that bad, but about saying that they are also characters with their own inner world and motivation.
So for example, if a villian's motivation is revenge on one particular guy and they don't care who their trample in order to achieve their goals, they would not jeopardize their plans just to go out of their way to mess with some other guy if they haven't been shown to enjoy being needlessly cruel to people outside the scope of their revenge.
And if you really need said villian to try to fuck with the random guy for plot reasons, you can try to manufacture a motive out of what makes sense for the characters. Idk, maybe they have a short temper and the guy pressed their buttons the right way. But leaving it at "this guy does bad things so might as well" is lazy writing. (I mean characters who do bad things for the lols very much exist but that's not every villian and even then, they also have their own particular traits).
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lumi-cherries · 3 months
eichi booba
that is all
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EICHI BOOBA [applause]
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