#bad cognition
mentalisttraceur · 2 years
Honestly the social media aspect of this site is harmful for me.
If I was perfectly able to
approach this as a place to share my perspective and then
spend a reasonable budget of my time and energy to reply to good engagement, but
not feel compelled to sink time and energy into correcting or mitigating bad cognition or replying to bad engagement,
then I could have a healthy relationship with the social media aspects of a blogging site.
But as-is, often when I come here I feel compelled to check notes on what I posted previously, and then I feel compelled to reply to those notes or to something on the blogs of the people who left those notes.
I end up rewarding bad engagement with attention, and also spending a lot of time on random spur-of-the-moment things.
Even this post is an example of this problem. I didn't come here with a plan or vision for a post like this. This does not fit into my bigger-picture goals. I came here for something that could've been taken care of in five seconds, and the thoughts of this post and the desire to post it are just a reaction to how I ended up spending a substantial chunk of my time here.
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pixierainbows · 5 months
Pixie have good bad day, both.
went to plant store today with guardian Librarian ! Pixie really happy get time with guardian Librarian ! and ! also really like go to plant store
Pixie get pretty pretty flower plants !!! and a very happy tomato plant !!!
and ! Pixie look very carefully for to get good plants for guardian Wizard too , who could not go plant store because guardian Wizard have work hard
too late for pictures today but will get pictures later
but also . stranger person just walk right up to Sunshine and petted Sunshine and make Pixie sick …
but is good example of Pixies disabled brain , how Pixie brain move much much too slow to stop people and not can just TELL people afterwards either , Pixie nonverbal, not can speak at all .
guardian Librarian stop other stranger person from doing same .
Pixie very grateful when guardians protect Pixie and Sunshine
and but ... happy new baby plants for play with !!!
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youaskedfurret · 11 months
The lack of media literacy in the baldurs gate fandom is astounding. There's a good ending for Astarion and a bad ending for him and people keep picking the bad ending for him and being shocked when he's mean to them LMAO.
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columboscreens · 1 year
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jewreallythinkthat · 6 months
The insanity of what I've just read in the antisemitism tag. People talking about how the one Jewish state, Israel, must be destroyed and is evil, but also "antisemitism is evil" in the same sentence is mind-blowing.
I mean, I guess if they're tagging it as hastag antisemitism, they are self aware right? Right??
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likeabxrdinflight · 5 months
tired of early 20-somethings acting like harry potter was never good or had no value in its day like shut the fuck up half of you weren't even there when it peaked
#sit with the cognitive dissonance like the rest of us or shut up honestly#was it a product of its time yes#was it's author a very basic neoliberal white lady from a country with a long and unchecked imperialist history yes#was the story influenced by said neoliberal worldviews and unexamined biases obviously#does any of that make it a bad story or an unimaginative world no#you can pick apart any fantasy world if you try hard enough#harry potter was a good telling of the hero's journey written in the format of seven mystery novels set against a fantasy backdrop#we can certainly talk about its flaws or how the author's biases leaked onto the page#but stop acting like it was never good and there was never a reason those books resonated with people#it's condescending for one thing and again- if you're younger than like...24-25 you didn't actually experience the heyday of the books#if you're 25 now you'd have been like 8 or 9 when the last book came out and probably weren't reading them yet#you might remember the latter half of the movie era but you have no idea how much it was the BOOKS that drove its popularity#never before and never since has any book series had the fanfare that harry potter did and that didn't happen for no reason#so find a way to make peace with that instead of acting intellectually superior because you grew up with percy jackson instead#this 'well MY generation's preferred childhood book series is morally superior to YOURS so I'm better than you' shit drives me up a wall#like get over yourself honestly#...sorry had to get that off my chest there was this youtube video and it was irritating me
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an artist’s struggle
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mxtxfanatic · 9 months
Ngl, I’m actually pretty uncomfortable reading my old posts defending the goodness of the common people and their right to defend themselves—as persecuted groups or as individuals—from hierarchical tyranny, given how easily in this current irl moment a not-insignificant amount of people have fallen into supporting an active genocide, because I cannot separate this from how much pushback I got (and still sometimes get) for being consistent in my politics
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stuckinapril · 4 months
Shadowed a very pissed off neurologist today. It was so hot
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grechsblog · 10 days
some sort of incoherent thought process had occurred but do you guys think Beige Moms (mothers who dont buy their children colorful toys/clothes because it wars with their 'aesthetic') exist in isat universe but instead of bleak colors they dont bother with different shades. do you get side-eyes about wearing too many different shades at once like people here do with colors actually
.....do you think theres a discourse in some newspapers about that.
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mentalisttraceur · 2 years
Mutually Assured Blocking
I've decided I will just counter-block by default now. I'm done giving blockers exactly the consideration and kindness they didn't give me.
If you're someone who has a history with me, especially if you are positive towards me or "on my side" and I remember that, I am likely to make an exception. Or if I feel very compassionate about it, I might make an exception.
But otherwise, if I notice that you've blocked me, I will probably immediately block you back.
Of course, you should block me if you want! Make your online experience better for you. I'll even take it on board as genuine criticism of my behavior or personality if I find out!
But you don't get the option to talk to me if I cannot talk back. You don't get to use my posts as soapboxes if I don't get to use yours. Blocking is an asymmetric act and I'm done altruistically gifting you that asymmetry. If being blocked by you offends me or evidences bad cognition, I'm going to make my online experience better for me.
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pixierainbows · 2 months
what's your favorite part of animal crossing?
Everybody like Pixie and want is friends with Pixie ! is very very not-like in-person people who mostly not like pixie .
And ! Pixie can play with no help ! most other games get too complicated for Pixie to play alone …
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seapiglet · 1 year
I've seen a LOT of shaming going round at the moment, both here and on twitter, of people who are seeking out good omens spoilers, mostly by those who have watched the new episodes in advance. despite what neil and david and michael may have said on the subject, it's rubbing me the wrong way! so I feel the need to make a potentially unpopular post about
(and accessibility) 🤚🏼
now I cannot speak for everybody here but as an autistic person with ocd I actually !prefer! being spoiled ahead of time and will frequently read the entire wiki article for a show I'm about to watch (though weirdly CANNOT skip ahead with books?) in order to alleviate anxiety around the unexpected. trust me when I say that knowing what will happen in advance *enhances* the experience for me and I have yet to regret being deliberately spoiled, even when it comes to my absolute favourite things on earth, things I may have been waiting months and months (or in this case years) for. in fact, the longer I've had to wait, the more the feeling of gut-twisting anxiety and uncertainty beds down in my system and makes itself a very unwelcome house guest.
it's all very well insisting that everybody just be patient and ~wait and see~ but for a lot of neurodiverse folks this can be a very unsettling prospect. personally, I don't like surprises! I don't crave the sensation of being shocked by an unforeseen twist! it makes me do a panic! even the thought of it makes me feel deeply uncomfortable.
we're not simply throwing our toys out the pram because we WANT something and we WANT IT NOW (shout out to verruca salt). there is a soothing comfort and stability to predictability that is difficult to explain to somebody who doesn't experience this.
at this point I should mention that OBVIOUSLY not all neurodiverse/autistic/diagnosed-ocd people feel this way but that doesn't negate the fact that a lot of us do and there's not much we can do about it.
I'm aware that everybody's currently moralising about the rightness/wrongness of illicitly distributing and trading nuggets of forbidden information like crack-laced pokemon cards* (surely in this fandom everything should exist in a grey area?) but please don't jump on this as an opportunity to prove who's the most terribly righteous and which of us gets to wear the Super Duper Bestest Fan Neil's Favourite prefect badge for the day. devolving into needless factions and one-upmanship so near to the official airdate does nobody any good.
on another personal note (this is the 👂🏼♿accessibility♿👂🏼bit) I was due to attend one of the screenings and now can't due to the apparent lack of subtitles. pleeeeeaase think of accessibility, amazon. please? some of us have severely messed up ears and/or auditory processing disorders - it's not hurting anybody to have the words up on the screen but it excludes many of us if you don't.
again, if you think it's terrible and wrong to want to be spoiled or to share spoilers you are well within your rights to think that, and of course I encourage anybody who is participating in a bit of blackmarket spoiler dealing to utilise ALL the tags you can think of to keep it secret (keep it safe), or simply leave it to the DMs, but I really don't see the good in shaming others who feel differently.
uhh thank you and good day 🎩
(*hopefully that still scans - my references are as ancient and ephemeral as my knee cartilage)
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wheelie-sick · 28 days
"everyone can read theory! it's not that hard!!"
me: *on page 10 of the communist manifesto and already has 3 pages of notes trying to comprehend what the fuck this guy is saying* *has spent multiple hours reading the first 10 pages*
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