#bahubali fanfic
mahi-wayy · 4 months
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It was still dark in the morning sky, even the fucking birds were asleep and Bhalla was waiting for his mother to arrive in the room where she has called him to talk about something. He really was tired of being the only one with the braincell in the circus affectionately known as the Mahishmati royalty.
He leans back against the wall, rubbing his face to brush off the sleep still heavy in his system.
This meeting was illogical, apparently Sivagami has something to discuss about the marriage proposal and while Bhalla was kind of looking forward to the marriage it didn't mean his mother suddenly could endanger lives of a people by sending them to wake him up after a night of listening to his father throwing drunk tantrums.
He almost killed the poor boy for knocking on his door, he hates getting up early. Bahubali was the sunshine, the early bird, he was happy in the darkness and comfort of night thank you very much.
Bhalla shuts up the internal monologue and straightens when the doors are pushed open and his mother walks in.
“Ma, what happened that you had to meet me at this hour?”
“You are aware that the proposal has been sent to Suryagarh right?”
“Yes mother, it has been four days if I remember correctly.”
“Which is the point of this meeting.”
Bhalla was a little confused, no he was not dumb to not understand his mother usually but Sivagami loved talking in circles which he did not feel like solving like four in the morning or something.
So he remained silent and waited for her to continue.
“It's been four days and we have yet to receive any reply from them. I don't appreciate this behaviour nor the fact that their princess doesn't seem to be in the capital or hurrying back according to my informers.”
Now, Bhallaladeva knew his mother had a tendency to be ridiculous, his whole family had it and he had understood and accepted the fact when he was like ten but this was beyond her usual behaviour.
Devsena really traumatised the woman with her behaviour and he finds it just a little amusing, just a little.
“Ma, maybe it's something important holding her up, maybe wait for a little while longer?”
He really wasn't feeling like going princess hunting, the preparations for his coronation were tiring enough but the look he received told him he had no say in the matter and she knew that he knew.
“Find her, if I find her reasons justified, maybe I will forgive her.”
Seriously, fuck his life.
“As you wish mother.”
He says before bowing his head and striding out of the room, this was NOT going to be fun, by evening he has information on where the princess was and just the name of the place sparked his curiosity.
The perfect princess of Suryagarh, the one everyone wanted was in Singhpuram. Interesting.
He doesn't give his mother the exact location but he does tell her he will be meeting the princess and make sure she understands the gravity of the situation or whatever, he zoned out a little when Sivagami was going on and on.
After that conversation, finally, after months of visiting the place, Bhallaladeva sets out for Singhpuram again, this time on a personal agenda one might say.
The place was as chaotic as he remembered, if not more, his eyes scanned his surroundings lazily. He was familiar with the ins and outs of the place, which happens when you are searching for a man all over the said place.
A over the top cheer from the wild crowd makes his ear ring for a solid minute before he hears it, the sound of footsteps just above him, along with the heavy anklets those feet most probably had wrapped around them.
But the shouts and absolute cheers around him made him lose track of it more easily than he would like he admit.
The disappointment didn't stay for much because soon enough, he could make out a female silhouette standing at top of a platform, she turned around and he almost spat out his drink in surpise.
Dressed in a light golden skirt which had slits to let her legs free, a matching fitting blouse, hair flowing wildly, face decorated with makeshift golden tattoos and art along with all kinds of hand jewellery decorating her hand which held the glass of alcohol she splashed around on the men surrounding her, was Mohini.
Yes, the oh so good and perfect princess was dancing in a damn bar and it amused the older Mahishmati prince a lot more than it should have offended him.
That was because of two reasons, one was plain interest, the sight in front of him clearly told-no screamed that Mohini was anything but the reputation that precedes her.
Second, he has noticed the dropping man not because the woman was ridiculously pretty, of course she was but it was because the said beauty has slit their throats.
He gulped the last of his drink before walking towards the crowd, he was an imposing figure which meant he easily either had people giving him way or he simply pushed them out of the way, as he made his way towards her.
Bhalla was good at reading people, he knew and loved that he had the ability because this very ability was the one who told him that the woman was purposely triggering the animals in the name of men around her.
The way her hips moved, the way she looked at the crowd, the way she merely existed in the moment would drive even the toughest of the saints crazy, he was just a man with a heart and functional pair of eyes.
Her next move made him chuckle out loud even if the crowd downed the noise. She drank from a glass and offered the same to a man, who drank it eagerly of course only for him to fall down. Now while everyone think it was her effect, Bhalladeva saw the man's face slowly blue, those plump lips coloured in red were covered in poison
He would have not admitted this for anyone else but for her, he does. Bhalladeva, the crown prince of Mahishmati, the future king of one of the most powerful kingdoms ever, was getting smitten to his last bone.
His thoughts break when she collides with him, her feet missing the edge of the stage and slipping down, right into him.
Bhalla's body acts before his mind, his hand coming to wrap around her waist, one of his legs stepping back to brace the impact and keep them both standing, her hands holding his shoulders, their chest pressing together and her lips colliding with his neck.
She pulls back from him in a second, flipping back her hair as the crowd roared around them before a sign of recognition crosses her eyes and she smirks.
The crowd chants her name as he lifts her up and sets her back on the raised stage, she doesn't spare him more than a glance before turning around, her skirt brushing his face and suddenly he wasn't sure if the sting in neck was from the poison or the death grip he knew the woman walking away from the all the eyes would have on him soon enough.
taglist : @warnermeadowsgirl @mayakimayahai @jkdaddy01 @vijayasena @voidsteffy [let me know if you wanna be added]
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veerasposts · 6 months
you know what I miss rn? The niche desi fandoms that were hyperactive for a while and slowly fizzled out. So many friendships were born out of these fandoms. There three that were the most impactful out of these for me. So RIP Bahubali Fandom, RRR Fandom and Ponniyin Selvan Fandom. Also are y'all still sneaking out here?
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allari-ammayi · 3 months
When r u going to post another chapter of butta bomma?? I just read it and I'm hooked... If possible please add me to the taglist 🥺
Hii!! Of course, I'm so glad you enjoy my work!! I was actually kind of busy with school, but I'll try to upload a little more often since I'm back now! ALSO, WE'RE SO CLOSE TO THE EVENTS OF THE FIRST MOVIE!?! AHH, I'M SO EXCITED!!! (Also, this casually might be the best chapter I've ever written)
Butta Bomma
A. Bahubali x Reader x B. Deva
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The Language Barrier
Synopsis: In which several misunderstandings lead to Bahubali realising that Y/n clearly needs help with understanding the Mahismathi language, so being the chivalrous person he is, he offers Y/n to appoint a language tutor for her. When Y/n finds out who her language tutor is, her life falls downhill.
10.2k Words (Buckle in)
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It was a mahimahi afternoon like any other, and as usual, everyone was indoors, busy with duties or school, which meant no one had any time to entertain the dutiless Y/n. Y/n strolled through the palace courtyard, the warmth of the sun kissing her skin as she scanned her surroundings. 
A bored sigh escaped her lips as she searched for something, anything, to alleviate her boredom. Then, like a beacon of hope, the corner of her eye spotted something far too familiar to her. Something that had gotten her in quite the mischief and trouble with the elder prince of Mahismati. 
A fruit-laden tree standing proudly in the corner of the courtyard was practically singing temptations to Y/n, telling her to approach it. No one was around, though it didn’t matter even if they were, Y/n didn't mind.
It was Bhallaladeva who tortured her and Y/n couldn’t see him anywhere, which she confirmed with a smirk. Probably busy pouring his privilege over some poor servants, Y/n thought. 
With a mischievous glint in her eye, she swiftly tucked the end of her half-saree into her waist and began her ascent up the tree. 
As Y/n reached for the fruit, stepping onto a branch and grabbing another for support, Bhallaladeva happened to be passing by. Deep in thought, Bhalla was walking to his royal chambers on a higher floor, quite fast-paced, when he caught sight of Y/n perched in the tree. 
Bhalla was so lost in thought, that he had dismissed it as something normal, even though it was, but his mind quickly snapped back into place and he gasped before he did a lighting of a double-take. 
He backtracked and leaned over the balcony railing, dumbfounded by the sight before him. His brows furrowed at the girl who had the end of her tongue sticking out as she tried to reach some fruit, and he thought to himself, ‘What the hell is this monkey doing now?!’
"What in the world are you doing up there!?" Bhalla shouted down to her, his tone a mix of disbelief and concern.
Y/n shot her face up and startled by the sudden appearance of the one person who she hoped wouldn’t catch her like this, she nearly lost grip on the branch and balance on her foot for a moment, before regaining her posture. 
Bhalla's momentary panic prompted an instinctual reaction, his hand reaching out down towards, without him even realising it before quickly retracting. Bhalla was far too high to do anything. Bhalla’s eyes were wide and a relieved sigh escaped his lips, his fleeting sense of relief washed over him when Y/n steadied herself, but it was quickly replaced by irritation at her recklessness.
"For a monkey, you have horrible tree-climbing skills, you know!" he scowled, his frustration evident in his tone.
Y/n bristled at his insult, her own temper flaring in response. "It's none of your business what I'm doing up here!" she shot back, her voice tinged with defiance.
"What do you mean? I saw you climbing the tree like a lunatic!" Bhalla retorted, his frustration mounting at Y/n’s audacity, 
Y/n was confused by his anger. Not even Bhalla realised how frustrated he was. It hadn’t even occurred to him how worried he was for some fruit-obsessed monkey. 
Y/n glared up at him, “As I said, your royal snarkiness, none of your business!” Y/n sounded each of the last four words out and ended her retort with a bang. Bhalla could almost applaud her audacity. 
“Well, I’ll have you know, stranger from the ‘far land of Mexico’, As the elder Prince of Mahismathi, everything that happens within the kingdom’s walls is quite literally my business!” He shouted back down at her, gripping the railing of the balcony. 
Y/n ground her teeth in utter annoyance. Why did this prince have to constantly involve himself in everything Y/n-related!?
“Ugh!” Y/n exclaimed, balling her free hand into a fist, “This doesn’t even concern you, you nosy prince!” Bhalla was quite taken aback when he heard this. His brows furrowed and his lips parted. 
“Nosy?” Bhalla muttered to himself, “What the hell did she mean ‘Nosy’? Me - Nosy?” Bhalla rubbed his nose absent-mindedly, assuming Y/n had insulted his nose. Bhalla, confused, questioned for a moment whether Y/n’s monkey brain was causing her blindness.
“I think you’d be delighted to know Monkey, that I am considered, if not,” Bhalla shouted, “One of Mahismathi’s most handsome men with a perfectly sculpted nose!” Y/n looked at Bhalla like he was an idiot, a mild hint of confusion crossed her face at Bhalla’s strange response.
“What is this man-whore even on about?” She muttered to herself, Bhalla leaned down the balcony to signal to Y/n that he didn’t hear what she said, Confusion clouded Bhalla's features as he struggled to make sense of Y/n’s words.
“That’s great to know Your Highness, be sure to tell that to the next person you’re off to torture, however, it does nothing to help the situation at hand!” She shouted back, her throat starting to hurt with the shouting she had to do to keep the conversation.
“What?” Bhalla shouted,
“I said, you royal-!” Y/n, a little too passionate about what she was going to say, had paid no mind to which branch she grabbed, and rather than grabbing the one that would prevent her demise, Y/n put her weight onto the twig-like branch. 
“Hey-!” Bhalla tried to call out her stupid move, reaching his hand far out, but it was too late. The twig snapped with a horrifying sound and with Y/n putting her weight on it, her leg slipped. Bhalla’s heart practically stopped, his eyes were wide in horror and he was not breathing, but instead, staring in terror. 
But Y/n was a smart young girl, very capable of tree-climbing. Before she could fall to her potential death, her reflexes caused her to grab hold of the branch she had slipped from. 
Y/n was hanging for her life and with one quick swing, she was back on her feet, on the branch. Bhalla felt his heart alleviate as he placed a hand on his extremely fast-beating heart. His eyes closed in relief as a relieved sigh escaped him.
“As I was saying-” Y/n began, putting a finger up, but before she could say another word, Bhalla had silenced her with the look on his face. 
Y/n could feel his anger in the form of heat all the way down from where she was. Bhalla said nothing, but simply pointed down, instructing her to immediately get off the tree. Y/n frowned.
“What!? Why?” Y/n attempted to retort, but Bhalla was having none of it, his hands balled into fists and in a heavy authority manner, pointed to the sky and in a powerful voice said,
“As the elder prince of Mahismathi, I command you to step down now!” Y/n glared.
“No.” She spat, quietly like a stubborn child, but Bhalla heard exactly what she said. 
“Y/n of the far land of Mexico, I swear to god, the sky, the very earth of this kingdom which I will soon rule and all that is holy, if you don’t step down from the tree right now, I will do something that will make you regret having ever climbed that tree,” This sent a shiver through Y/n’s spine and she grinned.
“Oh yeah, What exactly is it you’ll do Your Highness?” She smirked. Bhalla expression of pure anger dissolved into a cruel and evil smirk, shivering Y/n to her bone. Bhalla’s smirk was dangerous.
“I’ll have this and every other mango tree in Mahishmati cut down immediately.” Bhalla said victoriously, “Fruits can be grown of course, outside of kingdom walls, where you’ll never be able to reach them.” 
Bhalla’s grin widened when Y/n gulped and immediately began her descent from the tree. He placed his elbows on the railing as he watched Y/n descend, his grin growing wider at the silly girl. When Y/n reached the ground, Bhalla smirked and began walking away without another word, except for one final warning, 
“And if you ever decide to climb another tree when there’s no one around, I hope you’re ready to bid goodbye to them all together!” He shouted loud enough for her to hear, not turning back and simply walking straight ahead. Y/n watched Bhalla’s retreating figure and glared, her brows furrowing and the frustration and heat in her body increased. As Bhalla left, Y/n stuck her tongue out at him and poked faces at him. Bhalla smiled to himself, knowing exactly what Y/n was doing, despite not even being able to see her. 
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“Erm, that’s very interesting, Bahu, do tell more…” Y/n pathetically muttered. She and Gowri were on a walk when Y/n was noticed by Bahubali who had approached her for a chat. 
Their initial greetings and formalities quickly made way for Bahu's long talks about Mahimsathi’s politics. All it took was for Y/n to ask Bahu how he was doing, for him to say, tired, and for Y/n to ask, oh no, why so? 
That was all it took for Bahu to begin his long complex talk about Mahismati’s political structure and his duties as prince. Bahu was talking way too quickly, using words Y/n had never even heard of that surely didn’t exist where she came from, rambling about politics. 
“And of course, you’d know the grand chancellor, one of the few who stood by Queen Mother when she first ascended the throne. I’d assumed he would stand by the new act that stated the opposite of what we have been following as a kingdom for over sixty years, despite how horrible it was, but he instead stood against it. 
He claimed that it was practically a tradition, but what does he know, that old nut. I reckon he only stood by Queen Mother, fearing death.” Baahubali rambled, so fast, so quick, so complex, Y/n was lucky if she caught one or maybe even two words of what he was saying. She was simply laughing nervously and nodding, hoping that he wasn’t asking her any questions. 
“Haha, yeah, yeah, true that,” Y/n muttered, her jaw starting to hurt from the way she was smiling so widely. 
“But of course, you agree with me, the grand chancellor was even against keeping you here, stating you could’ve been a foreign imposter, trying to get into our secrets and then backstab us. But you’re lucky that no one stood by him on that one or they would’ve voted to have you killed. Took a lot of convincing but he relented to letting you stay, but you’re a lucky one, the majority was quite all right with you staying, but to be honest, they also thought you were some kind of holy angel sent by the gods to save you and to have you tried or to even suspect you of misdeed would be a horrible sin. It’s actually kind of funny, but you do of course look like angels so I wouldn’t blame them too much,” Bahu gave a little shy laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from Y/n, a slight pink tinge appearing on him. Y/n simply smiled and nodded.
‘Just smile and nod,’ Y/n thought, ‘Smile and nod.’ 
“And later today, you have a meeting with the council, your Highness, and following that-” As Y/n and Bahu were engaged in their conversation, a certain other royal happened to walk by them in the balcony opposite them. 
Bhalla, who had a dozen servants following behind him, informing him of his schedule for the day was walking close by. The servant struggled to keep up with Bhalla’s fast pace but when Bhalla noticed a certain mischief-maker from the corner of his eye, he looked in Y/n’s direction and found a monkey. 
He grinned, ready to throw a casual snarky remark her way when he noticed Bahubali and her engaged in a conversation. Bhalla grimaced but when he saw the awkward and nervous look on Y/n’s face and her obvious look of struggle, Bhalla raised an eyebrow, a look of mild confusion glazing over his features. 
At once, he raised a hand, signalling for the servants to keep quiet for a moment. The servants, instantly understanding, immediately shut up and stepped back when Bhalla motioned for them to leave with a wave of his hand. The servants immediately left after handing Bhalla a scroll of his lined-up events that he held his hand out for. 
Bhalla narrowed his eyes in an attempt to make out what was happening as he opened the scroll and held it up in front of his face to hide him from his brother’s and Y/n’s view. He occasionally took peeks from the side or the top of the scroll, attempting to unpuzzle the look on Y/n’s face. 
“But as I was saying, I’m starting to think it’s about time that the chancellor retired and spent time with his grandkids rather than trying to protect the ‘traditions’ of Mahismathi. But it’s good to know not a lot of people support him anymore. He used to have a whole horde of people who had his back, but, you know, as people age, they start to lose support. It’s normal, but of course, you would know all this, am I right, being from such a small kingdom that there’s barely any texts or information about ‘the far land of Mexico’? Speaking of which, I’d love to visit the far land of Mexico one of these days, it seems like a wonderful place if someone like you is from it. When do you reckon is the best time for me to go?” Bahu asked and Y/n smiled, laughed and nodded. 
“Ha ha… Yeah… Of course, yes…” Bahu raised an eyebrow.
“So…?” He asked, tilting his head, “Are you going to answer me or what?” He laughed. Y/n gulped, her worst fears came to life and he did ask a question. Y/n’s brows furrowed and her eyes ran across the room,
“Erm… That sounds very interesting, Bahu, I’m sure Mahismati politics are very tiring.” Y/n answered plainly like a machine, hoping her extremely plain and neutral tone somehow managed to answer Bahu’s question. Bahu’s confused look had instantly dissolved, only to be replaced by an understanding grin. 
Bahu had Y/n figured out. He’d suspected something like this from the start, but only now was his theory confirmed.
There had to be some kind of slight language barrier between him and Y/n. Between Y/n and Mahismathi. That’s why there had always been a slight struggle to help Y/n fit into Mahisamthi. How could she fit in if she didn’t even know how to fully communicate with others? 
Bhalla, who had been watching this whole situation unfold, also instantly understood Y/n’s situation. But rather than a caring grin appearing on his face like Bahu’s, a much more evil and cruel smirk began to form. 
Oh, he was going to have a blast. Bhalla sniggered to himself but when Y/n’s eyes flew over to where Bhalla stood, Bhalla shot to the side to hide himself behind a pillar. When Y/n looked back at a smiling Bahu, Bhalla turned back and with a plan in his head, left the two. 
Following Bhalla’s departure, Bahu, not wanting to stress the nervous Y/n out, moved the conversation to something she could easily talk to him about, making sure Y/n didn’t realise what he was doing. 
Bahu, like Bhalla, also had a plan in his mind. The only difference was, was that the elder prince planned to endlessly tease the poor girl about her language skills, while the younger planned to summon a literacy tutor for Y/n sometime. 
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As Y/n did when she had nothing better to do, which was most of the time, she sat by the pond, cutting a mango for herself. She admired the pond’s surface and its fish, peace filling her up until she heard a certain agonising voice. 
“Quite the pond, eh, Monkey?” Y/n suppressed a groan but allowed herself to roll her eyes, her peaceful state instantly being replaced by one of annoyance.
“Yes, it’s definitely a pond, your snarkiness, 10 points for your observation skills,” Y/n muttered. Bhalla neared and leaned his shoulder against the large rock that Y/n sat by, as he folded his arms and slightly crossed his legs, standing.
“Quite truly I must say, this is probably one of the most stunning ponds on the palace grounds, truly serene and so beautifully formed, like the eye of a jewel, something like the art of work you would expect from a mastermind like Vishwakarma. Personally, I truly enjoy his works,” 
Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed. What was Bhalla talking about? Why was he talking like this? So fast and with words Y/n had never heard of. Bhalla, as Y/n had observed through her stay and from watching Bahubali movies, was a person who took his time to get his point across. 
“Tell me, stranger from ‘the far land of Mexico’, which of Vishwakarma’s works do you admire the most?” Bhalla grinned victoriously as Y/n stared at him, dumb-founded.
“Oh pardon my rudeness, I completely forgot to mention which Vishwakarma I was even conversing with you about. My tastes in architecture extend far beyond Mahismathi architects, to the points of heavenly ones, and when I mention Vishwakarma, I assure you, I meant the craftsman deity and the divine architect of the devas.” 
Y/n stared at him with a blank look. When Bhalla’s smirk grew, the realisation hit her like a meteor and she frowned. 
“Ha ha, very mature you snarkiness, mocking someone for simply not knowing a language.” Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Ah, the wit of a commoner. How refreshing.” Bhalla said, looking up at the sky, before looking back down at the girl, “Tell me, monkey, do you practice your sarcasm in front of the mirror every morning, or does it come naturally?"
"Why, thank you for noticing. I do take pride in my quick tongue. Can't say the same you would feel for your quick temper." She added, quietly. Bhalla gave a look of offence.
“Temper? I'll have you know, Monkey, I'm as cool as a cucumber compared to the hot-headed peasants I deal with on a daily basis."
"Oh, I'm sure. But let's not pretend you're not just a spoiled prince who's used to getting his way." She seethed.
"Spoiled?” Bhalla gave a hollow laugh, “Hardly. I've had to fight tooth and nail for everything I have. Can't say the same for someone who spends her days lounging by a pond, cutting mangoes." Y/n gaped at his audacity, her patience having run dry.
“Well, at least I'm not using my power to intimidate foreigners with my language. Can't say the same for you, can we?!” 
With that final bang, Y/n shot up from her spot, and gave one final annoyed glance to Bhalla, before storming away. Bhalla stared at her retreating figure and gave a soundless, light chuckle.
Blinded by her own fury, it didn’t take Y/n long before she bumped head-first into the younger prince. 
Bahubali caught her by the arm and gently helped her back onto her feet. 
“Oh, hi Bahu…” Y/n greeted awkwardly with a nervous chuckle. Bahu grinned.
“What seems to be the matter, Y/n you seem a lot more on on fire today than usual,” Bahu gave a light chuckle.
Y/n fidgeted with her half-sari and glanced around to make sure no one was around, before looking back up at him.
“You see, it's just that…” Y/n gulped, and Bahu leaned in closer, “I just have a bit of trouble with communication here. The way I spoke back in my time- I mean–! Back in my kingdom is pretty different to how people speak in Mahismathi.” Bahu nodded along, understandingly,
“I see,” He urged her to go on,
“And someone seems to have understood that, and now won’t stop mocking me for it,” Y/n said, annoyed at just the thought of Bhalla. Bahu smiled.
“I see Bhalla has also figured out your language barrier,” Bahu said, thoughtfully. Y/n went red in the face,
“You mean-!?”
“Well,” Bahu gave a sigh, “it’s not the most unobvious thing in the world. I actually only figured it out this morning.” Y/n, still red in the face, threw her face into her hands out of embarrassment. “Oh, Y/n,” Bahu gave her a calming rub on her back,
Y/n looked up at Bahu,
“How about I arrange a language tutor for you?” Bahu suggested, and Y/n’s eyes went wide. She remembered her etiquette tutor that Bhalla had arranged for her and she shook her head like her world depended on it, her eyebrows furrowed. 
“Respectfully, absolutely not.” Y/n said, adamant. 
Bahu’s eyes softened, “I promise I’ll pick out someone who’s truly willing to get on level with you.” He said sweetly looking down at Y/n with such caring eyes that made her swear she could have swooned. Bahu’s eyes brought her way back to when she watched Varsham for the first time.
Y/n gave a nervous and hollow chuckle, “A-Alright, Bahu, if you say so.” As much as she tried to avoid eye contact with the Prince, she simply could not look away from his eyes. The same eyes that had all the ladies in the nation in a chokehold for almost two decades.
“Brilliant, I’ll have someone- top of the class- picked out for you, and you can begin your tutoring as soon as this weekend!” He announced joyously.
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"Ah, if it isn't the wandering scholar from 'Mexico.' How fares your study of our culture, Monkey?" Y/n spun around on her heel to face the one person whom she was most delighted to meet. 
"Quite well, your royal snarkiness. I've learned a lot, especially about how not to treat people." Y/n said, her voice flowing with glee over the aspect that soon, she would start attending language classes and eventually wouldn’t be the object of Bhalla's ridicule.
"Oh, delightful. In that case, allow me to expand your knowledge further.” Bhalla grinned, "Indeed, one must ponder the intricate complexities and unparalleled magnificence of this realm’s architectural splendour, meticulously crafted by hands of exceptional prowess and minds of unparalleled brilliance. Perchance, your intellectual faculties may find themselves inadequate in grasping such sublime intricacies."
Y/n narrowed her eyes in frustration, "Are you serious? Again with the fast-talking? Very mature, Bhalla."
“What's the matter? I thought you were here to learn. Surely a scholar like you can keep up." He smirked, clearly enjoying himself.
Y/n groaned, "I'm here to learn, not to decipher your verbal puzzles. But I suppose that's too much to expect from someone who takes pleasure in mocking others."
Bhalla smiled, mockingly, "Mocking? Oh no, this is merely a lesson. Think of it as... advanced study."
Y/n narrowed her eyes in mock confusion, "Advanced study? More like a desperate attempt to show off. What's wrong, Bhalla? Need to feel superior to someone?"
"Superior? Hardly. Just demonstrating the vast chasm between our respective eruditions. But don’t worry, Monkey, you’ll bridge it. Eventually."
"The only chasm here is the one in your manners. But I suppose that's too much to ask from a prince who's used to getting his way."
"Ah, so quick with the barbs. Maybe there's hope for you yet. But tell me, how does it feel to be out of your depth?" Bhalla leaned down a little to get on level and face to face with Y/n, who narrowed her eyes,
“Out of my depth? Please. I've handled more complex things than your inflated ego."
"Ego? It’s not ego if it’s justified. But I understand if it's hard for you to grasp that, given your… limited experience." Bhalla said with a tone of judginess, eying Y/n up and down.
"Limited experience? Says the man who’s spent his life behind palace walls. Try stepping out into the real world for a change."
"The real world? I’ve seen more of it than you ever will, Monkey. But don’t worry, I’m sure your books will keep you company." Bhalla said pathetically, in a pitiful tone, riling Y/n up even more.
"Better books than the company of a conceited prince. At least books don't talk back with meaningless drivel."
"Meaningless drivel? Perhaps to you. To those who understand, it's wisdom. But you’ll get there. One day."
"I’ll pass, thanks. I prefer my wisdom to come without the side of arrogance." She said with a huff.
"Call it confidence. But I forget, you're not used to dealing with people of my stature."
"And you're not used to dealing with people who see through your facade. But don't worry, I’ll be here to remind you." Y/n gave a caring smile, dripping with sarcasm.
"I look forward to it, Monkey. Your attempts at wit are... entertaining if nothing else."
"Glad to be of service, your royal snarkiness. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have better things to do than waste my time with a pompous prince." Before Y/n could leave, she turned to face Bhalla one last time, the enthusiasm back in her eyes, “Besides, your royal snarkiness, I suggest you enjoy mocking my tongue while it lasts.” Yn/ said victoriously, before leaving. Bhalla stared at her, confusion gripping him.
“What?” He asked himself, “Monkey! Get back here at once and explain what you mean!” He shouted, but Y/n, too far to care, went her way.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“Ah, Bhalla, there you are,” Bahu called to his cousin, Bhalla, who had arrived at the training area, following his confused exchange with Y/n.
“Bahubali.” Bhalla greeted, his mind still straying to the thought of what Y/n might’ve meant.
“I see you’re a bit distracted today,” Bahubali questioned when the duo began their swordplay. Bhalla wasn’t as sharp that day, his moves were slower, and he was clearly distracted by something. 
“Oh, yes, I suppose so,” Bhalla said, looking over at Y/n in the distance who was happily chatting away with her friends while eating fruit. 
“Care to share why, Your Highness?” Bahubali asked with a grin, as he let out a groan, successfully hitting Bhalla’s sword to the point of his defeat.
Bhalla picked up his sword and stepped towards Bahubali, who listened kenly,
“Do you know what’s going on with that monkey today?” Bhalla asked, directing his gaze towards the bubbly Y/n. Bahubali followed Bhalla’s gaze until his eyes landed on Y/n. 
“Oh, Y/n.” Bahu said, 
“Yeah- That- That girl. Y/n monkey or l/n or whatever. Do you what’s gotten into her today?” Bhalla asked, his patience a little more dry than usual. Bauhbali looked at Bhalla, smiling,
“Ah, I see she’s mentioned it to you. She’s definitely a little more happy today because of it, huh?” Bhalla’s eyes shot to Bahu as they returned to their sparring positions, starting another round of swordplay.
“Mentioned what?” Bhalla asked, his usual sparing skills faltering.
“I’ve arranged a literature tutor for her, to help her learn our language better after I saw how distressed she was at not being able to fit in.” With what Bahu said, Bhalla’s sword move failed, causing Bahu to effortlessly win another round.
“What??” Bhalla narrowed his eyes in confusion.
At the very lowest pit of Bhalla’s stomach, a weird feeling began brewing. A strange feeling, that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Perhaps it was frustration, Bhalla thought. But why? He doesn’t know. 
Why was he feeling frustrated that Bahubali had arranged Y/n's language tutoring lesson without him knowing and that Y/n seemingly was able to confide in Bahu about her troubles and not Bhalla when in reality none of this concerned him and it was none of his business? Especially when considering that Bhalla tended to be the root of most of Y/n’s problems. 
But Bhalla still felt frustrated. He didn’t even know why. 
Any normal person could have immediately figured out that it could even possibly be... Slight jealousy? But Bhalla was not a normal person. 
Was he frustrated that Y/n felt she could confide about her language issues in Bahu and not him? And how she seemingly instantly accepted help when Bahu offered and how Bahu took it upon himself to offer her the classes.
Bhalla, overcome with this unknown emotion, looked back at Bahu and said, “That monkey doesn’t need a tutor,” 
Bhalla didn’t even know why he was interfering in this matter, which didn’t even affect him. But he couldn’t help it. Bahubali’s eyebrows furrowed lightly.
“What’s wrong bhalla?” Bahu asked, “Besides, how will Y/n ever blend in if she doesn’t even speak the tongue?”
Bhalla, in a fit of ‘frustration’ and impatience, proceeded to say something so impulsively, that it hadn’t even registered in his head.
“Whatever, I’ll take it upon myself to teach her, alright!?”
Bhalla hadn’t even realised what he said till a smile grew on Bahubali’s face.
“Even better. I promised Y/n I would get her someone who could get on level with her.” Bahubali said, “If you will excuse me, brother, I must go and inform the tutor that he need not teach Y/n anymore.”
As Bhalla observed Bau’s leaving figure, he finally understood what he said, his eyes wide. 
‘Oh my god, what the hell did I just do’ Bhalla thought, face-palming.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
And so, for the week that followed, Y/n wasted not a single chance to flaunt to Bhalla that soon, she would also be on his level in terms of language. Her lessons were the only thing she could think about as her brain overflowed his excitement and anticipation. 
Bhalla on the other hand, didn’t know whether to laugh or sob, because only he and Bahu knew that he was the ill-fated person to teach Y/n the ways of the Mahismathi tongue. 
Y/n, however, had no clue who her teacher was. Bahubali, during another encounter with Y/n, did mention to her that someone else had volunteered to tutor her. Someone very highly prestigious and even overqualified. The news filled Y/n with so much joy that she wrapped her arms around Bahubali, giving him a very sweet goodbye as he left on a mission that Sivagami assigned him to.
Y/n was overjoyed and didn't shy away from any opportunity to rub it into Bhalla’s face, unknown to her that this ‘Overqualified, and highly prestigious’ person was the last person she wanted to see.
So on the fated day of Y/n’s first class, she excitedly hopped to the grand palace library.
The library, usually full of hustle and bustle with scholars and such running around, being pitch quiet should’ve been her first red sign. But Y/n went on, her determination unmatched. She tip-toed inside the empty library and ventured far deep in, hoping to find her tutor. Y/n looked around the empty and somewhat eerie library when she felt something smack her on the back of her head from behind. 
“Ow!” Y/n turned around, and when she did, she wished she hadn’t. There stood, the last person she wanted to see. 
Bhallaladeva. The elder son of the queen of Mahismathi Sivagami Devi, and the only son of Bijjaladevi. 
Y/n’s eyes went wide when she saw Bhallaladeva stand there, unpleasantly grumpy as he crossed his arms.
“What’re you doing here?” She bitterly spat, 
Bhallaladeva eyed her, “This happens to be my family library, so I could dance here if I wanted to.” He said, just as bitterly. 
Y/n, sensing the oncoming verbal sparring between her and Bhalla, quickly dismissed him, not wanting to waste her time, “Whatever, your snarkiness, I have better things to be doing right now like finding my tutor,” She said, grumpily.
Before she could huff and stomp away, Bhallaladeva, in a dead and annoyed voice said,
“The tragic fate of being your tutor, monkey, is unfortunately my own.”
“What??” Y/n turned around, her eyes narrowing in both confusion and annoyance at Bhalla’s use of the ancient tongue.
“Oh right, you’re an idiot.” Bhalla said, “What I meant to say, monkey, is that the unlucky man who’s your tutor? That’s me.”
Y/n’s mouth fell open at once and all that dread she couldn’t even comprehend came flooding back.
“WHAT!?” She screamed at once, her mind too occupied to give any mind to being quiet. Bhalla stared at her, unimpressed, “You’re the over-qualified, prestigious, highly-exclusive volunteer who never gives anyone lessons?” Bhalla sighed,
“Well, what do you expect? I’m the elder prince for goodness sake. I received the highest quality of education and clearly, one on this planet is boss enough to be tutored by the prince.” He said, before eyeing the furious Y/n with boredom, “Well, clearly except you of course. Congratulations, monkey, how do you feel, being the first person ever to have the prince spend his precious hours teaching you language?” 
“It feels bloody awful!” Y/n seethed, her anger now replacing her excitement.
“Same here,” Bhalla said quietly, annoyed. Y/n spun on her heel at once and headed back to the front of the library, “Oi monkey, where’re you going??”
Y/n spun back to face Bhalla briefly, “If you must know, I’m going to visit Bahubali, and tell him that I will NOT have you as my tutor and that I’d be willing to be tutored by literally any other living being in this kingdom than you!” She shouted.
Bhalla grimaced, “I expect you’ll have some trouble with that considering now that Bahubali has been sent on a quest to a different region,” Y/n’s frown fell and she remembered Bahubali telling her about his mission.
“So what does that mean,” Y/n said in a breathless voice.
“That, monkey, means either you wait a month for him to return, which you clearly seem incapable of, or you’re stuck with me for two weeks,” Bhalla said, almost somewhat enjoying Y/n’s suffering.
Y/n rolled her eyes and groaned, “Please just end my misery,” she said pathetically as she smacked her forehead, walking towards a table near the back of the library.
Bhalla grinned as he watched her go, “This’ll be fun.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
And so began Y/n’s lessons with Bhallaladeva. To say Bhalla was a strict teacher was a heavy understatement. Bhalla’s teaching methods made Y/n’s old etiquette teacher look easygoing. Bhalla forced Y/n to be up and at it by four in the morning, and only let her go to bed at eleven, under the condition that she had finished her work. The only breaks she would receive were thirty minutes every three hours, and breakfast, lunch and dinner were all also served in the library. 
Bhalla always spoke too fast and preferred to teach by pacing around with a textbook in one hand and the other hand behind his back, often causing Y/n to not understand a single thing, resulting in her struggling to focus and badly failing every simple assignment. 
Yes, Bhala always did get on Y/n’s bad side but this was a whole new level. Y/n had never seen such a strict and focused side to Bhalla unless he was training. Yes, that’s what he reminded her of. Him when he was training. He was so concentrated and fast, that at some point Y/n simply gave up. 
Near the end of the first week of their lessons, following Y/n’s silent defeat in making an attempt to understand anything, the severe lack of sleep finally caught up to her. 
As usual, Bhalla walked back and forth, reading from a textbook as he lectured Y/n- except that’s what he thought was happening. Y/n, however, had long gone asleep. Y/n’s only justifications were that:
a.) Bhallaladeva was insane
b.) Sleeping for only four to five hours a night for a week ought to make anyone fall asleep mid-day
c.) Bhallaladeva was insane
d.) Her tutor didn’t even teach properly.
e.) Bhallaladeva was insane
f.) Having nothing truly stimulating was of course going to make her fall asleep.
Also, Bhallaladeva was insane.
But Y/n was a smart girl, if she was going to break rules and casually fall asleep in class, she had to do it the right way. She positioned herself in a perfect form that made her look like she was crouched over writing when in reality she was fast asleep. 
Bhallaladeva, who was too busy reading off of scrolls, hadn’t noticed for the first thirty minutes of Y/n falling asleep, but when almost an hour had passed, and Y/n made no effort to make any snarky remark, sarcastic sentence or a single annoyed groan, Bhalla grew suspicious.
“I’m surprised you’ve been able to go an hour without a single jab, monkey. Impressive.” Bhalla said, standing in front of Y/n, authoritatively. When Y/n failed to respond, owing to the fact that she was strolling somewhere in dreamland, Bhalla raised an eyebrow.
“Really? No sarcastic retort?” He questioned her, but when Y/n kept her potion the same, Bhalla felt something was off, “What’re you even writing with that amount of focus, I’m not even saying anything relevant for you to write?” 
Again, no response from Y/n. Bhalla’s brows furrowed and he used a rolled-up scroll to poke Y/n’s head. When nothing happened, he pushed a bit of her hair off her face and tucked it in behind her hair, and what he saw made his eyes go wide with shock.
That little monkey was asleep.
As annoyed as Bhalla was at her audacity, he couldn’t help a little smile that grew on his lips. Y/n’s face was so calm and serene, not many times before had he seen her face like that. Generally, when he did, it was because she hadn’t seen him. The only expressions Bhalla saw on Y/n when they talked were either annoyance or outright rage, but to be fair, he was the one who kept provoking the girl. It was a weird joy if you could call it even that. If even Bhalla knew why he kept poking and prodding her every day. Was it to get a reaction out of her? Perhaps because she was the only one who gave him that type of reaction. No one else in the kingdom would be daring enough to treat Bhalla the way Y/n treated him. 
Her breathing was so serene and her facial features were that of a rabbit. Bhalla’s finger, which was still behind Y/n’s ear from when he tucked her hair back, slid down her cheek slightly.
She sure had soft skin. Very… Very pretty. 
Bhalla smiled softly, without realising it. He was lost in the trance of Y/n’s sleeping face but was instantly brought back to earth with the flicker of a candle. Bhalla shot up straight and looked around, giving an awkward cough. He gulped and looked back at Y/n, a frown forming on his face.
Now what to do with this sleeping monkey? 
Bhall grinned, before reaching down to Y/n’s level. His lips hovered over her ear before he let out the scream of an army general entering battle.
Y/n’s entire figure shook awake at once, startled. 
“FIRE!?” Her eyes were wide and she was covered in a cold sweat, her eyes prancing around, looking for the fire. When she failed to see a fire, she looked back at Bhalla, who had his arms crossed with a menacing look on his face, standing in front of her.
“Had a nice nap in the middle of my lecture, Monkey?” Bhalla said, sourly, “You know, many would kill to have the elder prince of Mahismathi give them free private literature lessons.” He said, narrowing his eyes at the girl who was trying to regain her breath.
Y/n looked back up at him, her eyes narrowed with annoyance leaking out of her every pore. 
Bhalla observed her face, the serenity he saw earlier was gone, replaced by the Y/n he constantly picked catfights with. 
“You say ‘elder prince of Mahismathi’ quite often, your royal snarkiness but you don’t seem to be showing it in actions, anywhere.” She spat,
"Is that so? Perhaps you’re too distracted by your penchant for daydreaming to notice my brilliance." Bhalla gloated,
Y/n stared at his audacity, "Brilliance? More like tediousness. Your lectures could put a hyperactive child to sleep."
"Ah, I see. The problem lies with my teaching style, not with the inattentive student who can’t keep her eyes open." Bhalla retorted,
"Maybe if you made your lessons half as interesting as you make your insults, I’d stay awake." Y/n jabbed back, her anger at Bhalla for the past week starting to rise up.
"Perhaps if you spent more time studying and less time devising retorts, you might actually learn something," Bhalla said with a roll of his eyes,
"Studying what? Your inflated ego?” Y/n said with narrowed eyes, and mock curiosity, “Sorry, I’m not interested in that subject."
"Inflated ego?” Bhalla said with a hollow laugh at Y/n’s audacity, “Coming from the girl who thinks she’s too good to have the prince as her tutor? That’s rich."
"I never asked for a prince.” Y/n seethed, “Especially not one who seems to enjoy tormenting his students."
"Torment? I’m merely trying to instil some discipline. Something you clearly lack."
"Discipline? More like sadism.” Y/n frowned, “Face it, Bhalla, you’re just taking pleasure in making my life difficult."
“And you, Monkey, are taking pleasure in defying me at every turn.” Bhalla said, “It’s almost endearing."
"You know what, you snarkiness, maybe the problem isn't with me at all.” Y/n stood up, her voice raising, “Maybe you're just a terrible teacher."
It was no longer harmless banter between the two. Tensions were rising neither of them was kidding around anymore.
"Oh really? And what would you know about teaching? You can barely keep your eyes open, let alone absorb any knowledge," Bhalla retorted, offended.
"Maybe if you weren't so full of yourself, I'd actually learn something!" Y/n said, leaning in.
"Full of myself? You think this is about me? It's about your lack of focus, your inability to grasp even the simplest concepts!" Bhalla said, frowning, also leaning in.
"I am focused!” Y/n admitted, “But it's hard to learn when all you do is belittle me!" 
"Belittle you? I'm trying to make you see how far behind you are! There are children who can do things you can't even comprehend!"
Y/n showed a tiny glint of hurt in her eyes, “That's not fair, Bhalla. I’m trying my best!" Her voice trembled with anger and hurt.
Bhalla’s voice raised till he was shouting, "Your best? Your best is pathetic! You’ll never succeed at this rate! You lack, focus, interest, determination, and brain, and at this very rate, you show no progress to achieve anything! I've wasted so many hours on you, watering the plant in your head so vigilantly, yet it shows no sign of growth!" His voice echoed through the library, instantly silencing Y/n, who stood there, too shocked for words.
Y/n stood there and stared at him with wide eyes, full of hurt and anger mixing in her expression as the silence filled the library. 
“Maybe the plant doesn’t grow because the soil is poisoned by your cruelty.” Y/n managed to say, in a quiet and trembling voice, as a tear dropped from her eye.
Y/n gathered her things at once and stormed out of the library as Bhallaladeva’s face contorted with a mix of slight regret and stubbornness, but he remained silent. 
He watched the girl race out of the library, the sound of her anklets echoing throughout the library, leaving an uneasy silence in her wake.
In a fit of humiliation, and dejectedness, Y/n ran to the one spot that gave her true peace.
The secluded pond. 
The afternoon sun was practically burning her skin off, but Y/n paid no mind, seeking shade under the oversized banana leaf that hung high over her usual sitting place.
She sat there, watching the ripples on the surface of the usually peaceful pond. The ripples practically reflected the inner turmoil she felt in her own heart. 
Silent, fat tears, dropped from her eyes, one by one as Y/n hugged her knees, leaning her shoulder against the giant rock that sat beside her. She cried softly, sniffling occasionally, watching as the tears that fell from her eyes created more ripples in the pond. 
The sun soon began to set, and the blue sky turned pink, but Y/n remained the same. 
She knew Bhalla was cruel, but she didn’t expect that he would have said something like that. She should have expected it, but she didn’t. Why? 
Soon, her tears came to an end when a wave of tiredness washed over her and her eyelids began to shut, feeling too heavy to keep them open. 
As the sun began to set in, so did Bhalla’s nervousness.
For as long as Y/n had been sitting by the pond, letting her tears soak into the water, Bhalla had been locked in his chamber, ordering no one to enter. Once the doors to his chambers shut, his frown dissolved and a smirk grew on his lips. 
He hummed a tune to himself as he made his way to his balcony. 
"This ought to help her." He said to himself with a grin, referring to his ‘outburst’ earlier. It hadn't yet occurred to Bhalla that using a strong Mahismathi military motivation tactic designed your emotionless old men on a young girl, foreign to Mahismatic and full of emotion, simply trying to learn a language might not have been the best idea. 
It worked wonders on the training grounds, so surely it ought to work just as well with her. Right? Bhalla's initial delight came to an all too sudden halt at that thought. It would work, right? 
And so, as Bhalla relaxed and laid back on his grand armchair on the balcony, munching away on an apple, he was once again in deep thought, a slight sense of doubt and nervousness began to grow at the deepest pit of his heart and brain. 
As the sun began setting, the initially slight sense of doubt and nervousness grew, eating him away, till he was back up on his feet, frantically pacing around his room, biting at his fingernails in tension. 
Bhalla was acting very strange and unlike himself. The elder prince of Mahismati who was known for his composure and having the ability to not tense over problems was now pacing back and forth around his room, biting his nails in worry about a simple girl. 
Something Bhalla would have never done if Y/n had never appeared. 
Perhaps something was changing…? 
‘Did I do too much?’ Bhalla asked himself 'Did she get upset?’
Only now, Bhalla realised that his tactic might’ve done the opposite of what he meant it
to do.
After wrecking his brain for much longer than he would’ve wanted to, Bhalla came to a conclusion to check up on Y/n. 
His ego wouldn’t allow him to admit he cared, he simply wanted to check up on her and make sure she hadn’t done something stupid like running away from anger, but even if she did, Bhalla didn’t care, he was a strong prince!  (Maybe he cared just a bit…)
Just as Bhalla threw open the doors to his chamber to leave and find Y/n, there stood at his doorstep, three royal servants, holding a large platter of fruit for Bhalla. Before Bhalla could dismiss them and tell them he didn’t want any, an idea struck his head. 
He observed the glossy shine of the freshly plucked fruits with great care. Bhalla grinned slightly. Bhalla thought of the countless amount of times that Y/n had gotten herself into silly situations for them. 
He silently signalled the servants to follow him with the fruit platter with a wave of his hand. Starting from the first atom of the palace to the last, Bhalla looked everywhere for Y/n, searching every inch of the grounds for the girl, and yet, she was nowhere to be found. 
Bhalla felt a pang of terror, thinking his silly little assumption that Y/n could’ve run away earlier was true. Even if it was, Bhalla didn’t know why he felt this way, horrified at what could happen to her. 
But his terror came to a quick end when he felt the wind Russell the trees above, singing a song of lure for Bhalla. 
The pond. 
Of course, it was the first place he should’ve looked for her. Bhalla made his way to the pond and when he got close, he noticed the hunched-over figure of the young girl, sitting on the edge of the pond, leaning side-ways against a big rock. 
Bhalla smiled slightly. She was still here, within the palace walls, where he could see her. 
Bhalla didn’t look back at the servants and instead silently ordered them to leave with another wave of his hand. The servants obeyed, they placed the platter onto the grass, bowed, and left. 
Bhalla crossed his arms behind his back and stepped towards Y/n. As he neared her, he saw her form more clearly, she was shivering out of her wits, the cold night hair clearly taking a toll on her. 
When he was only three steps away from Y/n, his foot landed on a twig, and with a sharp snap, instantly alarmed the sleeping Y/n, who awoke at once, startled. 
Y/n looked at the surface of the pond, the rippling surface calming down to reveal the figure of Bhallaladeva’s reflection on the water. She buried her face into her knees and sniffled. 
Bhalla’s eyes softened and he took a prompt seat next to Y/n. 
Day by day, Bhalla was going stranger. He even went as far as to lower himself to the level of a stranger, someone who was practically nothing against him. He paid absolutely no mind to getting his expensive fabric dirty because all that was on his mind was the girl. 
Bhalla was silent for a second, unsure of what to say, when he decided to first help her get warm. He removed the detached draped part of his dhoti that covered his chest and awkwardly laid it over Y/n’s shivering body, revealing his upper body to the cold. 
“Were you crying?” Bhalla asked after another moment of silence. Y/n quickly sniffled and wiped away her tears as a fresh batch was on the verge of leaking out. She frantically shook her head,
“No, of course not.” Y/n said, in what she hoped was not her crying voice, “I don’t cry just by getting yelled at by some- some- some - random… prince… guy… person, who can’t even teach well.” Y/n said, stuttering and sniffling. 
Bhalla’s eyes grew soft and a tiny smile tugged at the end of his lips. Somewhere, deep within his heart, a place he didn’t even know existed, a tiny part of it found Y/n in this state to be kind of cute. 
The way she had clearly been sobbing her eyes out but refused to admit it. It was cute. Y/n sniffled and shuffled away from Bhalla, pushing her body further against the giant rock. Bhalla was not one to back down. When Y/n shuffled away, he shuffled close to her. 
It took him an awkward minute to figure out what he wanted to say and how he wanted to say it. That’s right. What did he want to say? Why was he even here rather than simply letting her die her death? 
“Listen, I really didn’t mean to make you so upset, it’s just a thing we do in training, we yell at the trainees to help them and make them better, to encourage them to keep going. I just- I just assumed it would work for you as well. I really didn’t mean to make you upset. I just wanted to help you get better.” 
In a moment of weakness, all that he wanted to say, accidentally slipped out from his mouth. Bhalla had no time to think about what he had just said, before Y/n spun her head around, so fast that it surprised even him for a second. Y/n looked at him with rage.
“so you couldn’t tell the difference between an emotionless middle-aged meat shield and a young girl who isn’t even from here!?” Y/n yelled.
Bhalla opened his mouth to say something, perhaps a snarky remark or a justification, but nothing came out. Bhallaladeva was speechless. 
Lost for his words. Instead, the corner of his eye caught sight of the massive fruit platter that the servants had broken their backs to help him carry around the entire palace. 
Bhalla reached for a mango from the platter and tossed it to his other hand where he displayed it in front of Y/n’s face. Y/n gasped, her mouth already starting to water and the twinkle returning to her eyes, making Bhalla grin. 
“A little birdy told me,” Bhalla said, “That monkeys love fruits and are willing to forgive their tutors for yelling at them in exchange for some royal quality mangos? Freshly plucked, might I add?” Y/n smiled a little and looked at Bhalla to urge her to take the mango. 
She took the mango into her hands,
“Alright fine,” Y/n muttered, her features softened and she looked down at her mango, “I’m sorry as well,” She admitted, looking back up at Bhalla with glossy eyes, “I just didn’t have enough focus or determination. I promise I’ll start doing better.”  
Y/n peeled her mango and began eating away at it.
Bhalla looked at Y/n, admiring her ability to admit her fault when in reality, it was never her fault. It was Bhalla. He didn’t understand Y/n enough to be able to teach her properly. 
He forced her into military training-type lessons and expected her to learn. A massive wave of guilt washed over Bhalla as he watched Y/n happily eat. 
Y/n, noticing the grim look on Bhalla's face, smiled and reached for some fruit, offering some of his own fruit to him. Y/n held her hand out with the fruit, but what came next, was something she never expected. 
Bhalla, not tearing his eyes from Y/n’s took the fruit out of her hand, put it aside and instead, took a hold of her hand. He held her hand with both of his and looked Y/n straight in the eyes. 
“Y/n,” Bhalla said, his voice filled with sincerity, so much so that it amazed Y/n a little, even the fact that he called her by her name. 
Now that Y/n thought about it, this was the first time he had ever called her by her name. Y/n’s name felt nice on Bhalla’s tongue. It felt sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted before, 
“I’m truly, really sorry. I promise- the fault is all mine. I still remember the amount of determination and excitement to learn you had when you first started lessons, and I- with my military tactics practically crushed all of it. 
It was my fault. For a student to excel, it is first and foremost the teacher’s job to understand the student. 
I failed to do that. But I never meant to hurt you. I know we have our fair share of differences, but I… I want you to know that I wouldn’t even dream of hurting you in such a way. And I promise I’ll do much better to teach you from now onwards. Please forgive me…”
There was silence between the two. The wind rustling the leaves above them was the only sound as they stared into each others’ eyes. Y/n’s brows furrowed ever so slightly at the sincerity in Bhalla’s voice. Y/n was completely taken aback. 
This was the last thing she expected from someone like Bhalla. 
She wasn’t expecting Bhallaladeva, the older prince of Mahimathi, the future tyrant, murderer of his mother and brother, and the person who tortures Devasena and tries to kill his brother’s son to do something like that.
That someone like him would apologise to such a simple girl from the bottom of his heart. 
To get on her level to feel such emotion. 
“Alright, enough with the heart-to-hearts Bhalla, you’re starting to freak me out,” Y/n said quickly, breaking the silence with a nervous chuckle, “Now take some fruit and admire the pond.” 
Bhalla smiled and shuffled closer to Y/n, taking the fruit he had put aside. The two admired the still pond for a moment before Y/n asked,
“Oh by the way, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Y/n began, Bhalla turned to face her, “How in the world was the library empty every time we had lessons?? Usually in the library, there are too many people, roaming.” 
Bhalla let out a nervous chuckle at Y/n’s words. Bhalla sighed and looked down at the pond, smiling.
“I-... I actually had the library emptied and ordered everyone to stay out for the two weeks, so… so you could study freely.” Bhalla muttered, quite hesitantly. 
Y/n’s eyes widened at the thoughtfulness and grinned, knowing she’s got to have had some kind of positive change on him. It amazed Y/n how humble Bhalla was being. 
She knew for a fact that the Bhallaladeva she saw on the silver screen wouldn’t have done a single thing that the Bhalla now was doing. 
He wouldn’t do any of this, and if Y/n was being honest, the Bhalla in theatres would have forgotten about her existence the few seconds after meeting her. 
But this Bhalla, the one in front of her who was feeling flustered at the prospect of caring for someone - he was different. He potentially could be someone else in the future. Someone who doesn’t go on to betray his family and torture the kingdom. 
Y/n's smile faltered for a moment thinking about the fact that the man in front of her could do such horrendous things in the future, should she fail her mission. This same person would go on to terrorise the kingdom and get killed by his brother’s son. 
Y/n’s eyes glossed over with a sense of pity. True, she did feel pity from the very start, before she even arrived in Mahimathi, but now that she had gotten to know Bhalla on a personal level, it wrecked her heart to think about his future. 
But then she remembered. All she had to do was slightly direct his path to a better one. She could save him from his horrid fate.
Y/n smiled softly and looked at Bhalla with such soft eyes that they pulled something in Bhalla’s heart.
“Thank you, Your Highness,” Y/n said, softly, her voice quiet but caught by Bhalla, who smiled. His eyes found Y/n’s and for a moment they shared eye contact before Bhalla quickly redirected his look to something- anything other than Y/n’s eyes. 
Bhallas, put his face into his hand as he let out a laugh, he could barely look in her eyes for a few seconds without a weird feeling erupting in his stomach. 
“You’re very much welcome, Monkey,” Bhalla said, a feeling growing in his heart, pulling at his heartstrings, making him feel pathetic, and Y/n laughed
Neither Bhalla nor Y/n realised what this would’ve meant or what this weird feeling in Bhalla’s heart was whenever he looked into Y/n’s eyes. Bhalla had a slight hunch, but being the egoistic prince he was, he continued to deny it.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭➜ @vellipo-mellaga , @mellaga-karagani @bhalare-vichitram , @ghal-ghal , @bitchy-bi-trash @vijayasena , @celestesinsight @houseofbreadpakoda @slutdreams @eclecticprincecollector @a-goblin-named-cherry @signed-manny @angstylittleb1tch @tulipmagnoliaisme @jkdaddy01 @channniesslefttt @toomanyfanficsbruh @reebibii @outofst1le @goldenharrysworld @warnermeadowsgirl 《If you wish to be part of the taglist, please let me know in the replies!》
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miladysproblems · 2 months
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The happy bahubali ending i wanted T.T I cant this is so cute
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myvarya · 2 months
~The Unspoken Vow~
-Kalki x FemOc-
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It was a regular day, people doing their labour, bounty hunters running here and there to catch the victims. It was a usual sight for the people in Kashi. They say it was the first city in the world to appear, and was famous for its beautiful temples, now even if you try to even hear the name of god, you won't be able to.
The city was bustling with sellers shouting, some were selling things that were supplied from the complex, some were selling human slaves.
Between the crowd a girl was sneaking secretly, so nobody could detect her. She secretly went to one of the stalls and sneakily stole one banana, and a fresh bottle of water. When she tried to sneak away she heard “Hey the total is 5000 units, pay and then take it!” she immediately stopped and turned around to see a bulky man, with a long beard and a pot belly, he is scary. She gulped and started running for her life.
It was not her first time stealing, hell she even stole from the complex, but always had that nervous feeling while doing that, she didn't want to get caught, she knew what happened to those who were caught, she didn't want that fate.
While running she entered an alleyway, bumping into people didn't stop her, she still ran. What she didn't see was that a tall man, and bumped into his chest. She was waiting for fall but didn't feel the impact, but she felt an arm wrapping around her waist. She opened her eyes to see two beautiful brown orbs, the most beautiful browns to ever come in contact with.
Her trance broke when she heard a shout, that pot belly was still behind her. She was about to run, when that man stopped her still looking at her. “Leave me..!” she wishper shouted. That man put hand on his chest and said “Hayee..” and as if he was about to faint. She looked at him weirded out.
“HEY YOU THIEF!” she heard a loud shout only to see the man, he was looking dangerous, she again gulped, she hadn't even eaten the food she stole from the stall. She is not ready to die. She was trying to get the grip of the man she bumped into.
“you had the audacity to run away with things that are way more valuable than your life!" The stall owner shouted. “I...I..” she stuttered, “Cat got you tongue huh!” he started coming closer to her. But was stopped by the man she bumped into, “Leave her she is with me.,” “I don't care, she stole things that are valuable for me, if she doesn't have the money..” the man took a look at her. “She has a really pretty face, she can work as a slave to pay off to the debt.” he completed smirking disgustingly.
By the time he completed the sentence, he was punched in the face by the mysterious man, and was held by the collar, the man gulped and said “listen I will pay 5000 units for her, you take the units I take the girl?” he said nervously and smiled.
The man again looked at the girl, who..who enchanted his heart, Nope he is not letting her go. Without looking at the man he punched him in the head, only to make him unconscious.
The girl wide eyed was surprised, the mysterious man slowly walked towards her, smiling like an idiot. “I let go of 5000 units for you, remember you are going to pay me the double amount of that..” he said bending a little, because she was short according to him.
She was still weirded out by the stranger, leaned away, he put a strand of her hair behind her ear, that was disturbing him to take a look at her features, “I am Bhairava..” whispered his name,
“Priya... Supriya..” she answered back.
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So umm this was the introduction, I really don't know if people are going to read it, if it doesn't reach the audience, it's ok, I will post it on Wattpad.
If anybody likes it let me know if they want another chapter. And also it my first time on Tumblr so I am new to these things.
Mastelist. Chapter 1.
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ekpriyasi · 3 months
Prabhas x fem oc
( incomplete love but stronger than complete one)
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ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ,
Everyday now, literally everyday... I sit in this corner of my room grieving , grieving 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 grieving. For all that could have been, for all things that are not.
Do I deserve this . Yes! Probably i do. this is the punishment i should get for falling for you.
All those days and year of holding your hand, admiring how you smile, adoring how just simple things make you blush , how you become a brat when it comes to food but a darling when it comes to anything else, how everyday i wait for smallest message , how you changed from being a total shy boy to a fully talkative best friend in 7 yrs.
Your innocent eyes, lazy gummy smile, adorable childish . I saw them and that's why i could not my stupid heart to fall in love with you. I knew it was wrong but risk was love ,for sure.
I dreamed how life would feel with you, for days for year till the time I gathered courage to shout and tell everyone i love you, tell you that         " 𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙝𝙖𝙨.. 𝙔𝙚𝙨                             𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ..𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪                       𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨"
I was ready tell you this... Waiting for seven years has made me weak i could not do this anymore , i could not hide this anymore. I knew you never wanted love you were clear. I know you told me thousand times prabhas that how important friend i am to you. But that was the problem prabhas i was only your friend but you were my world . I didn't wanted to lose you so kept my secret but i could not anymore.
That when my life turned , that when the world shattered for me. When you invited me to your house saying you have a surprise.. A surprise that came like storm and destroyed the house of my hope..
And then I realized that probably this was my fate , your love was never mine, never will be.
You were my savior. I want to tell you that i am scared, i scared of losing you but then again... You were never mine.
I didn't know love until I met you. I didn't know how to pray until I loved you. And I didn't know how much I loved you until I learned how to let you go.
Yes i am letting you go from my heart. to the place where you belong to be. You belong with me, Maybe in another world or lifetime, but I know you belong with me
Should I be grateful or should I curse the fact that despite all misfortune I can still feel love...
I am going prabhas ... I am going.... I don't know what to say to you expect that it tore my heart out of my body saying goodbye to you in person so writing this letter to you... Happy marriage buddy ♡
I knew from the moment I met you I would spend a lifetime missing you. But I choose it for me i am sorry..i ran behind the need of your love but it was always there in you ,in your friendship. It's not your fault, never was.
I am leaving you , leaving this world.. Because I am afraid I will love you forever and we will still never be in the same room again.
I hope you know that I always want you to be happy. Parul is a nice girl love her forever. At last i just want to tell you these lines of my favorite song
" 𝘴𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘮𝘰𝘩𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘢𝘺𝘢𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘩𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘪 𝘫𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪 𝘫𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪 𝘱𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘯 𝘬𝘪 𝘺𝘢𝘢𝘳𝘪 𝘮𝘦𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘩𝘪 𝘵𝘰, 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪 𝘒𝘪𝘵𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘪 𝘥𝘦 𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘫𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪 𝘫𝘶𝘥𝘢𝘢𝘪 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘳𝘢𝘣 𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘫𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘢𝘮 𝘥𝘪𝘺𝘢 "
ʏᴏᴜʀ's ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ
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esbee-01 · 3 months
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My Favorite Still from my first Baahubali Comic Ayanika
Read the full comic now on Fanon!
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carminavulcana · 3 months
Ho di u take bahubali FF request?
Yes, I do! I'm dying to write Baahubali fanfic again. I'm in the process of writing the really sad one I posted about earlier this month. But yeah, please send me any prompts and requests for Baahubali fics 🙏🏻
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willowwhispers01 · 1 year
I AM BACK!! And i want some Bahubali x reader and Bhaskar Bose x reader content.
Like Where is it!? Why no one write fanfics for these three!!
( Amrendra Bahubali and Mahendra Bahubali) x Reader
Bhaskar Bose x Reader
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voidsteffy · 2 years
Hi! Loved your SSR Villain and MB response!
Here's the final question for you to answer (+ a request for a fanfic for you to add to your list)
Q) If, hypothetically, SSR were to announce an entire DVD boxset with ALL of his movies in 4K Ultra HD and also w/ English subs, with extra material featured such as bloopers, behind the scenes, deleted scenes, Director's Commentary, interviews, etc ..... would you buy it?
For the fanfic request, it was originally a request I sent for @fangirlshrewt97, but because she hasn't watched all of SSR'S movies (only RRR and the Bahubali movies), I thought I'd request it to you instead since you have actually seen his entire filmography. So here it goes!
The request fanfic is called "SSR'S Bewildering Birthday Bonanza" and is about all of Jakanna's characters from all his movies trying to hold a suprise birthday party for their Jakanna, but shenanigans begin and chaos starts! I'd love you to do this fanfic, or at least get inspired by it! Thanks!
answer for the first question:
I wouldn't buy the dvd set because dvd players have gone extinct for the past five years. But if there was any useable version of this, then I would buy it! I love the creative process of making a movie and the passion behind it more than anything so HELL YEAH SIGN ME UP!
also, I will get working on the fanfic request and post it when my test schedule opens up some time pockets for me💗
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
amrendra bahubali x reader (kya din aa gaye hai mere)
summary- it wasn't often your husband wanted to rest in your lap, and you were not gonna say no. But what will happen when the clever attackers finds that as the best time to sneak attack on you two?
The whole kingdom was filled with a news- a group, formed within the kingdom itself wants the king dead. And the king knew that some of his own people are included in that clan. Bahubali didn't want to take a chance and put his kingdom in danger, his own family. It wasn't a doubt that the whole Mahishmati didn't look at you two as if you weren't straight out of a mythology. Supporters of Bijjaldev and Bhallal weren't any less who wanted to do nothing but end Bahubali and his wife, the queen. So he stayed up awake at nights, planning out all the ways he could take down the clan- busy enough to not even meet his guest he brought over after a trip around his kingdom, the princess of kuntala kingdom, Devsena. It wasn't until Katappa urged bahubali that he should take a night of rest and he will put an extra set of guards around the palace corridors and near the king and queen's room. That he will be on the stroll himself.
You sat in front of the mirror, unwrapping the heavy saree along with the day's work. Being a queen wasn't easy either. And to your dismay, your king were missing from the bed from past so many nights. More than the lack of his presence, you were concerned about his wellbeing. Bahubali wasn't this stressed even for a war, but enemies on the inside are more harmful, and he knew that well.
About ten minutes later, when you were set to sleep alone, the huge gates of your room opened and entered your husband. His posture was dull, his eyes heavy. You sat up again, and his muscular figure sat next to you. "Can I rest with you tonight?" he asked, keeping his head on your shoulder.
Bahubali wasn't the one to lose consciousness when he sleeps. It was a ritual- when he asked you, specifically, to rest with him, he really wanted to lose himself in dreamland, away from reality. You patted his cheek, chuckling. "What a silly thing to ask your own wife" you said and got up. "You should wear the night clothes, and I will set the pillows out on the swing in balcony. Let's sleep in the moonlight" you touched your forehead with Bahubali, earning a tired smile from him.
Ever since you heard the news of the clan, you kept an extra set of daggers and spikes hidden in your clothes at all times- just the matter of time until your husband catches them. As soon as the setting was done, you leaned your back comfortably against the handle of the swing. Bahu came and sat near your extended leg, turning around and putting his head on your thighs as if it was him turning against the world and hiding in your lap. You smiled and ran your fingers through his curls, lulling him to sleep in the cool winds of moon.
"Sing for me" he muttered and you smiled at the faint memory. He met you when you, the princess herself, were strolling the borders of your kingdom, singing that song. You both got in a fight- and he fell in love with you when you left a huge cut from your sword on his back. You ran your finger on his now a scar.
"Khoya Hain Khoya Hain Khoya Hain Khoya Dil Aise
Leharon Mein Leharon Mein Khoyi Ho Boonde Yaar Jaise
The wind picked up its pace and there were soft snores coming from your husband. By the time you ended singing the part, you felt..weird. There was an unsettling volcano starting to form inside you. Before you could think, your hand reached at your back and pulled a knife, cutting the neck of an intruder standing behind you on the edge of balcony. It didn't take you long to realize that Katappa mistakenly placed the members of clan as your guards.
At the loss of your voice, Bahu squirmed under you. Your attention went back to him, keeping a close touch on your spikes and surroundings.
"Taaron Mein Chamke Jiski Do Aankhein Main Hi Toh Hu Na Jharno Mein Gaayu Main Jheelon Se Bolu Aa Kar Tu Sunn Na"
Two more intruders came at a time in front of you and you aimed the spikes at them, ripping the flesh of their skin. You were able to fight them from your sitting spot easily, but it was hard that your husband won't wake up from the noise they were making. You needed to call Katappa. You placed the silent whistle in your mouth, blowing it with force- katappa gave it to you for whenever you weren't able to escape.
"Tere Liye Saansein Chale Aa Jee Le Tu Sang Saajna Sunn Le Zara Tujhe Piya Dildaar Maine Chuna"
Your hands slid back in Bahu's hair before he could wake up. Your soft voice pushed him from the edge again as you visibly saw the contorted lines of stress disappear from his forehead. You saw three more intruders climb up the balcony and you pulled out your daggers. Before you could throw them off the railing, three arrows from the back pierced the heart of two them- the archer missed one of the intruder. And his attack came straight at you. You pushed the dagger up his stomach and held his mouth as so he won't emit a noise. When you felt Bahu moving in your lap, you continued the song.
"Jane Kahan Se Aa Gaya Le Ke Tu Pyar Ka Aashiyan Ha Zara Aazama Tu Kahe Toh Mita Du Ye Jaan"
You threw the intruder off the railing with that. Katappa soon came in view as he hurried up near you. Another set of eight intruders came from all the edges of railing, and katappa slashed four of them in a blink. The archer shot down two of them again- but the remaining two made their way to you. Bahu turned in your lap, as Katappa and the archer realized that their king were right there, and finally having a night of sleep. The distraction threw you off and you caught the intruders attacking you just in time. You did slit the leg of one and stabbed the side of other but Katappa held their mouths and threw them down the balcony- so Bahu won't wake up.
Katappa lit up the torches when he made sure no more intuder were left to come anymore- and you finally saw the face of the archer. Devsena stood their, her face holding an expression that you couldn't tell. "Devi, who are you?" she asked you. Under you Bahu whined unconsciously, urging you to keep singing. You smiled and kissed his forehead, finishing your song.
"Sun zara, too sangariyara"
Katappa smiled to himself as he realized what you were doing. You ran your hand through his curls, when Bahu flipped again, the scar visible on his bare back. Devsena gasped.
"Saanwara, tu hai mera"
"She is the wife of King Amrendra Bahubali, Queen Y/n Devi." Katappa said as you smiled, patting your husband's back as he snored peacefully. Bahubali can know about the whole ordeal tomorrow- for now, he needs to sleep.
tagging- @cursedcursives @aasthuu @a-really-hot-caterpillar @thewinchestergirl1208 @dumdaradumdaradum @stanleykubricks @bromance-minus-the-b @chaanv @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @budugu @rambheemlove
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mahi-wayy · 4 months
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ : A. Bahubali x Fem!OCs x B. Deva
ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ & ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ : Bahubali. @mayakimayahai @warnermeadowsgirl
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs : Bahubali and Bhallaladeva being bros, chaos, alcohol consumption, seduction, implied smut and an open ending.
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ : 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 the prince duo of mahishmati encounter some beautiful mysterious women (Or) 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 catching saketa wasn't the first time Bhalladeva and Bahubali stepped in Singhpuram.
“Can you explain why you are both a whole day late?”
Bahubali and Bhallaladeva were two of bravest and strongest men anyone can encounter but right now they both were just two sons obediently taking their mothers scolding like the good boys they were supposed to be.
Key word being supposed to, they have been both on assignment since past week. It was very simple: get in a disguise, tour the neighbouring areas and report back to their mother.
Simple right? yeah well you see they were supposed to arrive early mornings of yesterday but here they are arriving at dusk of today.
Bhalla can even feel his hair still wet from the hurried bath he has taken before joining his mother; his brother was a minute late.
“Answer me. Where were you?”
Bahubali starts, his signature innocent look setting in his feature while Bhalla also lets the younger one take the lead.
“I swear we were planning on arriving yesterday but Bhalla was tired from the day.”
The said male clears his throat behind him and Bahu takes the hint immediately.
“I mean both of us were, so we took an overnight stay. It's not like we were running around with girls or something. We really were tired ma.”
Sivagami gives him an ‘I don't believe it’ look and Bahubali just makes an even more of a kicked puppy face, if possible.
“I know it was a lot more than just a simple overnight stay, something happened for sure otherwise there is no way you two would go straight to a bath instead of coming to me with your versions of an analysis.”
“Ma we were out for a week and-”
Bahubali shuts up immediately at the look he receives, he wasn't gonna fool her with this one.
“It's nothing ma, the place we stayed at had a bar and we both drank a bit and slept at the place close to the bar so we weren't exactly very fresh when we arrived. Not enough to present yourselves as princes of this empire.”
Bhalla swears he can feel the stars shooting from Bahu's eyes hitting him in the face but he doesn't let the mask crack as Sivagami remains ever so suspicious of them.
But before the next accusation came a guard interrupted them.
“Some women have came looking for the princes your majesty.”
The guard informs and it makes all three of them frown, women have come looking for them? Like it would have not been surprising if it was for Bahubali, the females following him had the same courage levels but Bhalladeva too? His type of girls weren't exactly good news but hey no judging, he just liked to play with danger.
Them mixing together won't end well. For anyone.
Sivagami gave them another nasty look before walking out, her gaze a clear order for them to follow her. It takes them less than five minutes to arrive where the females were.
The doors are pushed open in sync with the announcement of the three entering, Bhalla looks up to see the women only for his feet to freeze in place making his brother collide in his back before he peeked around him and spoke out before he even realised.
The first female turns, wearing a black blouse and wrapped in a red saree, hair open, eyes adorned with khol and jewellery decorating her figure as she waved at them.
Bhalla said making the second one stop fixing her hair and turn her head she was dressed in a much darker blue saree with a matching blouse, her khol and hair style matching with Aarna but wearing a lot of jewellery then the female.
“Greetings to the Mahishmati royalty.”
Both the males said turning around simultaneously, to come face to face with a familiar blank eyes and perfect smile. Dressed in an all black look with dark leaning aura and minimal jewellery, her hair tied back.
“You know them?”
Sivagami's question doesn't receive answers as her son visibly experiences what she thinks to be flashbacks.
“This will be a disaster.”
Bhalla was against the idea, staying the night in Singhpuram was literally an invitation for their mom to never let them hear the end of it and NOT in a good way.
“Can you please just calm down Bhalla, it's fine, we will make it till tomorrow morning chil.”
The older one just raised a brow.
“Okay fine afternoon, happy? I am not dropping the drinks for this, it's not like I feel like drinking very frequently anyways.”
With that he walks off to the drinks while Bhalla decides to just sit down and throw back his head and relax till his brother eventually passes out.
“Got a drink?”
He asked at the counter, the man turned around, gave him a once over and offered him a small glass. Interesting.
He knocks it off.
“A bigger one.”
The man looks him up and down again before another glass is offered bigger than the last one but that irritates him a little, so he knocks it off again.
“A little more? I'm a bit thirsty.”
The man offered him the whole jar this time and immediately pulled it back when he went to strike down too.
“You got the money?”
He pulls out the bag of coins, purposely moving it so the sound catches people's eyes before slamming it down.
The shop manager immediately went to take up the coins but stopped seeing the look on his face and stood back up, pulling at the rope revealing pots and pots of liquor.
“The drinks are on me.”
He shouts before picking up a bunch of marbles and throwing them towards the urban pots, breaking them easily and a shower of liquor was started.
All the men around him praise and thank him, he enjoys it, just a little. He does turn his head in his brother's direction only to receive a typical Bhalla being annoyed by Bahu look before the man covers his face with a cloth and goes back to trying to sleep.
Bahubali turns his head when the man calling him taps his shoulder.
“...there is more than just liquor.”
And intrigues him even more, pushes the man out of his field on sight when a rope wrapped figure comes into view.
He drowns one of the glasses as the rope starts to unwrap and the first thing he sees are hand, soft gentle, jewellery clad three pairs of hands.
Next thing that comes into view are eyes, kohl lined, sharp and hypnotising, molten honey like three pairs of eyes.
The three girls all step put immediately and he gets only seconds to give them a once over. One was wearing a black blouse and deep maroon salwar with designs being in lighter shade of the same colour, one wore a blue blouse and yellowish and red salwar and the last one went with a grey blouse and black salwar with maroon design.
All wore silver jewellery with their hair tied up.
Hai Rat Mai Yeh Nasha Tera Tera
Dil Ko Tere Pyar Ne Ghera Ghera
It's starts of as dance between those three, a choreography that their bodies remembered well enough for it to be visible like this.
Hontho Se Hontho Pe Koi Nishani
Tu De Jaa De Jaa..
Mujh Se Hi Mujh Ko OOO Yaara Chura Ke
Tu Le jaa Le jaa..
He understands those gaze well enough, the raw desire and charm shining in them as the females trapped everyone around him into the beautiful illusion their dance was.
The first one to approach him when he slides down from the shoulders of the men holding him up was the one in blue, climbing up like a tree while the one with grey gets a hold of his hand and he twirls her in order to get her closer.
Maan Le Ye Man Le Teri Ki Baaton Ne Kiya
Bin Piye Mujhey Sharabi Re
He lets himself nose at the length of her neck while also feelinv another nose nuzzle in his own neck and a pair of hand around his abdomen and that just makes him smile.
Tu Hi Kholey Saarein
Taalein Sun Le Jaaney Jaana
Tu Hi Mere Dil Ki Chaabi Re
Bahubali chuckles under his breathe when he's first pulled by the blue one, getting tugged by the grey one and ends up landing in black one's arms before all three back him up and crowding his personal space.
Pyaalein Ye Tan Ke Aa
Peelu Mai Jam ke
Tu Mera Mera
The girls pull him again and his time he lets himself flow, first trailing his cheek up the grey's arm, then being pushed gently for his face to come in contact with the blue one's back, only then to be pushed towards the black one. His frame sliding from her shoulder and stopping at her waist.
Hai Rat Mai Yeh Nasha Tera Tera
Dil Ko Tere Pyar Ne Ghera Ghera
They continue to fool around before the black one breaks away from the small group, her feet taking her towards a familiar figure which only makes Bahu smirk and turn back to the rest two girls.
Kya Baaju Hai Tere
Mujhko Inme Jeena
Bhalla's eyes snap open for two reasons, the song being sung too close to him and the person climbing him up.It's a woman, very beautiful one at that and was all over him.
Jo Jaadu Hai Tujh Mai
Hoga Wo Kahi Na
He gets up to move away, pushing that lady away gently but he immediately gets tugged back to fall in his previous seat. He is barely catches her expression before she's turning and free falling on him, her arms reaching behind her to touch whatever part of him he reached.
Tu Hai Sehera Jaisa Mujhey
Tujh Mai Hi Kho Jaana
Maira Tu Ho Na Ho
Mujhey Tera Hi Ho Jana
She turns again, her face inches away from him, their breathe mixing together as she slides her thump on his lip, her hands tugging his face forward.
Mazey Le Le aaaaa
Only to press a liquor glass against his lips and let him go, joining back her girls dancing in th centre of the place.
Bahubali, while all this was happening, seems to have got a little more drunk and got the hold of the rope these three where originally wrapped in.
He swings it easily, taking off his hat, before throwing it aiming directly for the three waists he saw infront of him and succeeded while Bhalla drank on drink after another.
Pyar Ke Ye Teekhein Meethein
Teer Na Chala Re
Jaan Meri Jaan Maan jaa
The younger prince and the three dancers are wrapped in ropes, tightening them as close as humaly possible.
Pyaalein Ye Tan Ke Aa
Peelu Mai Jam ke
Tu Mera Mera
One pair of lips was tracing the base of his neck, another pair of lips is pressed against his pulse point and one pair of lips was trailing against his jaw before all of them are untangled with just one tug.
Hai Rat Mai Yeh Nasha Tera Tera
Dil Ko Tere Pyar Ne Ghera Ghera
Bhalladeva manages to catch two of them, the one with blue blouse and one with grey blouse, the one wil black one was wrapped around his brother.
It ends with the girls leanding them away from the crowd to a personal room, the one in black laying down on a bed first, followed up both the princes, the older one's lips coming to her neck and the younger ones teeth biting her kamarband and pulling in aside to pepper kisses.
The other joining them by pulling first the younger one away and having him shrug off his top while the other one takes it upon herself to get the older male free of his vest.
“Bhalla!! Bahu!!”
Both the males come back to the present at their mother's booming voice.
“Where are you two lost? I asked how do you know them? Don't tell me you did some stupidity last night.”
They knew them yes, by face and lot of other things but seeing them here was beyond shocking.
They woke up in bed alone the following morning, cursing each other and the hangover headache with no signs of them. They would have forgotten them if not for that liquor shop owner to hand them a small note with their names scribbled on it and six rings.
That currently rested on three of each prince's fingers, feeling heavier than a bison.
While Bahu was having this monologue his brother decided to speak up.
“Ma, what are you saying!? Why would we ever?”
Bhalla was never more thankful for his gift of white lying like he was today.
“They are right your highness, we are just some dancers, they stayed at our place last night. Nothing more.”
Aarna answers and Bahu sees his end right infront of his eyes, with hands of his own mother. Wow.
“And by our place she means the place we practise, a old abandoned house in the small village not very far from the Mahishmati border. We usually don't let people stay like this because they mainly come from the bar nearby but they seemed tired and I recognized your elder son.”
Kaalika adds and Bahu almost falls from the relief, the lie was totally believable.
“Thank you for letting my sons a shelter but why have you come here?”
“They said you needed dancers for the court and some people to manage festivals.” Kamini speaks this time.
“We haven't been doing very well for some time now, all that you see on us now is the last of what we own, the nearby village kicked us out too. So we would be very greatful if Mahishmati can have some mercy on us.”
The way Aarna sounded almost had Bahu reach out for comfort if not for Bhalla knocking his hand off before it could rise properly.
Their mother seems to think for a while before answering.
“You three gave my sons shelter when they needed it so I will consider you however being a part of Mahishmati court in any form requires more than what meets the eye so you three have to prove your worth. For now you can stay in the extra quarters for the servants.”
The three females thank the older woman with joined hands and bowed hands before they walk out. The boys breathe a sigh of relief only for a shiver to run up their spines when Aarna and Kamini pass by them.
Aarna's hand trailing down Bhalla's back and Kamini's trailing up Bahu's as they walked past them. As for Kaalika she chooses to wink at them before turning and leaving with her girls.
Yeah they were totally screwed.
taglist : @warnermeadowsgirl @mayakimayahai @vijayasena
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allari-ammayi · 1 year
Butta Bomma
A. Bahubali x Reader x B. Deva
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When bookworm Y/n reluctantly succumbs to her friends' movie night and watches "Bahubali," she discovers a newfound empathy for the much-despised Bhallaladeva, igniting an unexpected connection between their souls. Following the loss of her grandmother, Y/n inherits a mysterious red amulet that transports her to an unimaginable world. Her assigned mission: to alter the destinies of her beloved character. In the heart of Mahismati, Y/n's undercover adventures bring her closer to the royal brothers, determined to reshape their fates for the better. As bonds deepen, romance blooms and Y/n faces a dilemma: will their feelings jeopardize her mission? Will it even matter in the end?
This story contains themes of death and bereavement, violence, toxic relationships, emotional turmoil, travelling worlds, ¿isekai?, romantic conflicts, identity crisis, moral dilemmas, possible sexual content in later chapters, themes of betrayal, political intrigue, power struggles, intense emotional situations, and complex moral decisions, exploration of familial and romantic relationships, warfare, injury, and graphic violence. Let me know if I missed any!
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𝐀𝐫𝐜 ⌗𝟏
The Interesting Perspective
The New World
The Angel Lady
The Harsh Interrogation
The Monkey Woman
The Snarky Prince
The Etiquette Lessons
The Language Barrier
The Political Genius
The Mahismati Festival
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𝐀𝐫𝐜 ⌗𝟐
𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 ⌗𝟏➜
The Scripted Starting
The Dancing Beauty
The Affectionate Prince
The Gruesome Battle
The Vitory Horror
𝐀𝐫𝐜 ⌗𝟑
𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 ⌗𝟐➜
The Dangerous Thoughts
The Kuntala Quest
The Royal Gardens
The Deciding Day
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𝐀𝐫𝐜 ⌗𝟒
𝐁𝐚𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢'𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞➜
The Kuntala Journey
The Charming Princess
The Kuntala Palace
The Dreamer Boy
The Hunting Party
The Krishna Pooja
The Marriage Proposal
The Silent Attack
The Lady’s Choice
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠➜
The Rejoiced Couple
The Wedding Night
The Jealous Banishment
The Back-Stabber
The Final Sob
The Honoured Dead
𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠➜
The Stubborn Prince
The Jealous Husband
The Painful Coronation
The Run-Away Wife
The Reunited Lovers
The Old Beginnings
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𝐀𝐫𝐜 ⌗𝟓
𝐁𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐚'𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞➜
The Library Roaming
The Compensating Gifts
The Hidden Portrait
The Risky Plan
The Portrait Showing
The Insistent Girl
The False Confession
The Impulsive Promise
The King’s Confession
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠➜
The Defeated King
The Heart Problems
The Exiled Duo
The Discontent Girl
The Confidential News
The Sweet Embrace
𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠➜
The Impressive Queen
The Romantic King
The Revealed Secret
The Destroyed Amulet
The Two-Faced Liar
The Tragic End
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭➜ @vellipo-mellaga , @mellaga-karagani @bhalare-vichitram , @ghal-ghal , @bitchy-bi-trash @vijayasena , @celestesinsight @houseofbreadpakoda @slutdreams @eclecticprincecollector @a-goblin-named-cherry @signed-manny @angstylittleb1tch @tulipmagnoliaisme @jkdaddy01 @channniesslefttt @toomanyfanficsbruh @reebibii @outofst1le @goldenharrysworld @warnermeadowsgirl
《If you wish to be part of the taglist, please let me know in the replies!》
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This story contains elements of fantasy, adventure, and emotional depth, but be aware of potential triggers, including violence, grief, and complex relationships. Reader discretion is advised.
Does anyone want an OC version if they're not interested in y/n?
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foolgobi65 · 7 years
Avantika falls down a waterfall, meets a boy and saves the world.
i … wr ite … baahubali fanfiction now … sorry literally everyone who follows me for that not baahubali content. shoutout to @avani008​ who read thru this and encouraged me to write for the first time in 5 million years. find this on ao3!!!!
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
ok the ao3 account request just got approved so I moved my bahubali/rrr fanfics over to a new account
my ao3 username is ess_kay, I have 1 bahubali related fic and the ram x reader smut fic on there
also I’m gonna see if I can have the entire rambheem fic written out before I post it so that’ll take a while before it appears on my account
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Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Favorite color : I've been told may times that black isnt a color, so... Navy blue i guess? I also like green.
Currently reading : Mostly fanfics. Having a dead brain time so I can't really pay attention to anything
Last songs : I was listening to Teeth by 5sos this morning. And Woman by Doja cat, Candy store from heathers, and Soap by Melanie Martinez.
Last series: Mo dao zu shi. It has my brain in a lock and threw away the key. 乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ
Last movie: I'm not all to big on movies, but the last one was probably "Bahubali"
Currently working on: does it count if I promise I'll get bact to the WIP's someday? 💀 I do have a time travel fic for BNHA in the works but it doesn't do anything? Same goes for Mdzs, baby WWX won't let me write
Tagging: do it if you want to no pressure ❤️ @goodineffableomens @goldencorecrunches @summershouto @todofam-incorrect-quotes @superbat @naoyukiko @a-gay-shipper247 @todo-izu @yllzboohcultivationworld
Thanks for the tag @mdzs-owns-my-ass-i-guess
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