#bailing back to my house for a couple hours
So, it looks like my excited post earlier this week about getting a bunch of writing done was... premature. 
The dogs I’m looking after are completely untrained. I didn’t realise this going in, but apparently my friend is horrifically lax with them - the dogs have no concept of boundaries, they don’t know basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, or even fucking ‘no’, they beg for food so aggressively that one of them keeps jumping up to put his paws on the table top when I’m trying to eat (and my friend was like ‘oh yeah, sorry, that’s my fault, i feed them bits off my plate a lot, teehee!’ when I asked about it in an email). 
I also can’t get a decent fucking amount of sleep, because the dogs are usually allowed to sleep on the bed. If I try to sleep any time past 5 am, the dogs jump around on the bed and dig at me with their paws to get me up, because that’s when my friend usually gets up for work and the dogs think that’s their play time. If I try to keep them out of the bedroom, they howl and scratch at the door. It’s not even seven o’clock in the morning here, and I already have a fucking migraine, because the husky cross has been barking all morning every time I’m not actively patting her. Apparently I’m not allowed to eat breakfast or scroll Tumblr, I must be Patting The Dog at every single waking moment. 
I’ve gotten a lot of work done on outlining stories - I have the rough outlines done for about four different updates on various fics - but at this rate, they’re not actually getting written and edited until I get home this weekend. It’s just not going to happen. I can’t focus for long enough to string a decent sentence together without one of these hairballs throwing a fit. 
I’m not really mad at the dogs, because I know it’s not their fault and they’re just doing what they’ve been taught to do. I am however fairly mad at my friend right now, for having such poorly trained dogs and for completely understating the issue when she first talked to me about looking after them. I think she was hoping that this could become a semi-regular arrangement since she usually goes away at least once every summer, but right now, I cannot imagine ever agreeing to do this again. This feels less like a staycation and more like some particularly cruel divine punishment. 
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loviingpedri · 6 months
hi:) can u pls write a fic where trent has a secret gf (there’s no reason to keep her a secret, he just likes having her to himself and wants their relationship to be just theirs for a while) but his friends/brothers notice him always ditching them to meet/call ‘someone’ and they start teaching him like damnn are u in love or something??? thank you :)
secret lover - trent a.a
prompt: request
warnings: grammar issues
credits to all owners for images
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trent was the best boyfriend. you couldn’t ask for someone better than him.
he prioritized you. he valued you. to him, his whole life is you.
keeping his dedication to you, it was a mutual agreement to be a secret couple. you loved it. it was adorable how you would be far away from him in a bar while he tried to sneak away to see you. how he would hide his phone when he got your messages. or when he simply left parties very early because he couldn’t bear to be without you.
of course it was getting suspicious. how he would step out of team dinners for almost 20 minutes to call you. his absence at places weren’t going to be dismissed either.
“hey trent. are you going to my place later for some games?”
“i don’t think so, mate. got some things to do.” once again, his friends were disappointed that he was ditching them again.
“what’s going on with you trent? that’s like the tenth time you bailed on us. don’t tell me you’ve met someone and haven’t thought to tell us.” the suspicion was rising once again.
“of course not. you’re my best mate, i can’t keep secrets from you.” lying through his cheeky smile, trent had relief wash over him as his friends just kept walking.
deciding to cancel your movie night since it was getting hard to keep your relationship a secret now, trent had decided to go to his friend’s house. if trent didn’t go there, they would come to him. and hiding was not a safe option for you.
“i’ll take some time to call you, yeah?” it wasn’t trent without dedicating some of his fun time towards you. it was hard for him to simply leave. he wanted to be with you every chance he could get.
“don’t worry about it. just have fun.” you kissed him goodbye and watched him leave.
trent took his sweet time getting there. it was the effort of being there, not how he got there.
“no way, trent actually came to join in on the fun.” getting out of his car, he was instantly met with shock.
“don’t push it mate.” after an hour of just playing straight video games and snacking, trent was missing you bad. he excused him to go call you.
“hey babe, how’s it going?” seeing your face made him instantly smile.
“not bad. just beat all of them in mario kart though. i’m a professional.”
“i see you got a new hobby now.”
“yeah. i might stay another hour, but i do miss you a lot.”
unexpectedly, his friends all heard the last sentence.
“do you have a special someone on the other line?” he was shocked, he just turned off the phone without even hanging up.
“what are you on about?” acting dumb was not his speciality.
“said you missed someone, i wonder who.”
“just my mom. don’t overthink it.”
“you’ve been ditching us for the past 2 months to go see your mom? don’t lie trent, you’ve been talking to someone.” he was in a sticky situation. he had no more words to say.
“trent, are you in love? you’re turning red a little bit.” just the thought of you made him light up.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he touched the back of his head in nervousness.
“arnold is really in love.”
all of a sudden, you broke into a laugh which was heard in the silent room. that laugh was definitely not from his mother as they’ve met her before. trent cursed at himself for not hanging up as his friends demanded to meet you. the secret was finally out.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
The hot seat.
Synopsis: You decide to attend a speed dating event in the city where you're deployed. Simon “Ghost” Riley, your lieutenant, is also there.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,595
I got this idea after a friend told me she matched with one of her colleagues on Tinder.
Want more?
“Why don’t you just give it a try?” One of your friends suggested, “It’s not like you’ll be committing to anything.”
And when you told them there are other ways to meet new people, such as dating apps, they laughed so hard that you felt offended. “You don’t trust your own shadow,” one of them said, “how could you possibly trust a couple of pictures and a few messages before meeting a stranger?”
They were right; not only had it been months since your last date, but your trust issues weren’t helping. So you listened to your friends and decided to give it a shot. This could be your opportunity to get “back on the horse.”
They wanted to come to your house a few hours before to advise you on what to wear—it seems like it wasn’t just you who had trust issues. “You have a thing with self-sabotage,” one of them admitted, “and we don’t want you to portray yourself as less than who you really are.” A bolt claim from Jessica, the master of self-sabotage, who kept bailing her partner out of jail because he was constantly breaking into people’s houses.
You politely declined, promising to do your best. You chose a little black dress, opaque tights, and black heels. You let your hair down for once, since the army wouldn’t let you, and applied some make-up—but not too much—to enhance your features.
The speed dating event is held in a trendy downtown bar. The room is crammed with small tables, each with two chairs facing each other. You take a deep breath and walk over to the registration desk. You sign up, fill out a form with your information, and they hand you a name tag.
“This Is What You Came For” plays over the speakers, and you can’t help but wonder what made the DJ choose that song. What did I come here for, Rihanna? You think to yourself. To tell a stranger in three minutes about my food preferences and favourite colour? Is that what will ensure compatibility?
Your nerves start to kick in, so you rush to the bar. Your options are limited to beer or wine, according to the bartender. When you ask why, he starts narrating the horrors he’s seen of people attempting to calm their nerves with shots before the speed date. You choose wine and turn to face the people you’re about to meet in three-minute rounds. A few catch your eye; some look intimidated, while others appear overconfident and exuberant. “Peacocks”, as you call them.
The event organiser announces the beginning of the event, and you make your way to your assigned table. Dread grips you. What if you don’t meet anyone interesting? What if everyone you talk to is dull or uninteresting? You take a seat and wait for the event to start.
The first guy who sits down is a health freak, to put it mildly. He gets up at 4 a.m., lifts “hard” for two hours, goes to work, and waits until his next workout at around 6 p.m. He says he likes chicken because of its high protein content and asks what your favourite food is, to which you respond, “Haribos,” to piss him off.
The next one is a cryptocurrency investor. Enough said.
The third guy is a motivational speaker. You’re unsure about the “motivational” part, but he’s undeniably a “speaker.” He doesn’t. Stop. Talking. He only asks for your name, which you don’t have to say because it’s written on your tag. He then starts mumbling about books he’s read and the importance of a proper and consistent morning routine. He and Mr Health Freak could have easily become soul mates, you think to yourself.
Three minutes pass like hours, and you lower your head to the table. This was a mistake. Coming here was, as you suspected, a bad idea.
“I see you’ve already given up.” The man in front of you comments with a smile.
You look up and meet his gaze. He is tall and well-built, with short blonde hair and dark brown eyes. But it’s his sleeve tattoo that draws your attention.
It’s familiar to you. You’ve seen it before, peeking through a military uniform and tactical gloves.
Simon “Ghost” Riley.
You’d never seen him without his mask, but his build, voice, and tattoos are distinct. Your heart is racing as you struggle to remain calm. He, too, appears surprised. Did he not recognise you at first because of your make-up and hair?
Well, it seems like he recognises you now. But you’re not supposed to acknowledge his true identity; doing so might destroy everything he’s worked so hard to keep hidden all these years. It may also jeopardise your professional relationship.
But, my God, he’s hot. He’s exactly as you imagined him, if not better. It’d be best to act as cool as possible. Ignorant, stupid, call it whatever you want—just don’t reveal his identity. There are tens of thousands of people named Simon, and you are not supposed to give your surname to the other person here. So all you know about him is his name. He could be any of the other “Simons” out there.
You immediately put on a happy-go-lucky face and smile, trying to muster the courage to date your lieutenant for three minutes.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you reply, trying to play it cool.
He fidgets in his seat, still feeling uneasy. You need to act quickly.
“Yes, I’m about to give up,” you moan and pout, “so please, for the love of God, be a decent one.”
He lets out an awkward chuckle. “I’m not sure about that,” he says.
“Oh, really?” You exclaim, raising your eyebrows, “Unless you speak nonchalantly about yourself, chuck twelve egg yolks in the morning, or boast about imaginary coins, you’re good.”
“Ah,” he says hesitantly, “no, I prefer my eggs cooked.”
“Boiled, scrambled, or sunny side up?”
“I don’t mind as long as they’re cooked properly.” He responds, and you raise your fist to your mouth.
“I assume no runny egg whites?” You ask, making a disgusted face.
“Christ, no.” He smiles and shakes his head.
He appears more at ease now, thinking you haven’t identified him.
But then another problem arises. When dating, one of the first questions you usually ask is about the other person’s occupation.
“So, Simon,” you say, “what do you do for a living?”
“I, um, work as an operator,” he replies. “And you?”
That was a wise move on his part. He knows you’ll relate if he discloses his primary occupation, and you’ll start speculating. So he decided to reveal his side job. Although he is not completely honest with you, which could be interpreted as a red flag, there is a serious reason behind his answer.
“I’m a sergeant in the military,” you admit.
He nods and smirks but doesn’t ask a follow-up question.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I’m not very good at this.”
“Neither am I,” you chuckle, “but I can help you.”
“Thank you,” he says.
“Do you prefer cats or dogs, Simon?”
“I like both,” he says, “I can’t have a preference for animals; they aren’t eggs.”
“Phew!” You exclaim, theatrically placing the back of your hand on your forehead, “most of the men I met today hate cats!”
“Yeah,” Simon agrees. “I believe it’s because they don’t have control over them like dogs.”
“I feel bad for most of the women in here,” you say, looking around, “for settling for such controlling personalities.”
“How do you know I’m not controlling?” He asks, his brow furrowed.
“Men whose job is to order soldiers around, tend to live a more chilled lifestyle.” You elaborate.
“Order soldiers?” He asks, and you immediately stiffen up. “How do you know I order soldiers at my work?”
“I, um, assume you do because of your profession.” You stutter and look down at your lap.
“I said I’m an operator,” he smirks, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed, “but I never said what kind of operator I am.”
Your chair has turned into a hot seat all of a sudden.
“From what you know, I could be a heavy machinery operator.” He adds, his smile widening.
You blush and turn to look at the clock; time’s almost up.
He leans forward to the table. “Why such eagerness to end our date, sergeant?” he whispers, “I thought we were doing so well.”
You raise your head to look at him. “I’m sorry, Lt.,” you admit, “I just didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“I appreciate that,” he says, “but knowing that you know who I am is already uncomfortable, don’t you think?”
You look down again, and he continues.
“Perhaps it would have been better to acknowledge the elephant in the room from the beginning.” He explains.
You let out a sigh. “You’re right,” you say, “I should have been more honest.”
He nods, and the bell rings for your next date. Simon gets up from his chair and smiles at you.
“Normally, I’d end this with a nice to meet you,” he says, “but in this case, it’s more of a nice getting to know you better,” he adds, extending his hand for a handshake.
You stand up and take his hand in yours. “Likewise, Lt.,” you say, smiling.
“See you tomorrow,” he says.
“For another date?” You joke, “You move too fast, Simon.”
“For the best military drill of your life,” he corrects you with a smirk, “for thinking you could fool me so easily.”
Part 2 ->
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auras-moonstone · 7 months
hiiiii!!! there aren’t enough jack imagines, so could you do and actress!reader x jack? just a cute fluff bc jack is suck a lover boy 💗 thanks!!!
happy birthday — jack champion
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word count: 1,216
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n surprises her boyfriend, jack, on his 19th birthday party.
warnings: none, just fluff!
author's note: i meant to post this yesterday bc of jack's bd, but i wasn't able to finish it :( by the way, hope we get the mandatory pic with the 19 balloons.
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JACK HAD ALWAYS LOVED CELEBRATING HIS BIRTHDAY, but this year his excitement had been on another level because there was a special someone he was looking forward to celebrate it with--his girlfriend of almost a year, Y/N. So, imagine how disappointed he was when she informed him she wasn't going to make it.
"Are you sure you can't do anything about it?" Jack asked hopeful as he facetimed his girlfriend, who was away in another country filming a movie.
"I'm sorry, love. I wish I could go, but you know how shootings are, I can't just bail." she pursed her lips at the disappointed expression painted on Jack's face.
Jack tried to put on his most convincing smile and nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's not your fault, I just miss you."
"Me, too, J. So much." she swallowed the lump that began forming on her throat. Seeing his puppy brown eyes turn glossy was heartbreaking, and the weight of the guilt was crushing her. "Maybe we can facetime when you blow the candles?"
"Of course, babe." he smiled weakly. "I'm sorry for being like this. I know you don't have a choice, and I hate seeing how the guilt is eating you. I promise I'm not mad, and I know that if you could, you would be taking the first flight back home to me. I love you."
"You're allowed to feel sad, J. Don't apologize." Y/N checked the time and let out a curse. It was almost 1AM, and she was going to be late. "Sorry, babe, I've got to go. Have fun, okay? I love you. Happy birthday."
When they hung up, Y/N grabbed her suitcase and left the place she had been staying at while she filmed the movie. Once she arrived to the airport and did the check-in, she texted Jack's mom.
hii, i'm about to board the plane! how's jack?
not going to lie, he's crushed but he'll love the surprise, don't worry❤️
i hate lying to him :( but you're right. i'll see you in a couple of hours!
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JACK’S FRIENDS DRAGGED HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR A WALK AS HIS FAMILY SET EVERYTHING FOR THE BIRTHDAY PARTY. For someone who loved his birthday, he was looking gloomy and not thrilled at all to go on with the party. His friends were tempted to spoil the surprise, just to get the sad frown off Jack’s face, but they knew that his blue mood was going to go away in a couple of minutes.
“Man, you’re going to spend so much birthdays together. And even though Y/N’s not here physically, she’s still going to make sure she’ll be there celebrating with you, even if it's through a phone.” one of his friend bumped him in the shoulder.
“No, I know. It’s not just because it’s my birthday, it’s because I haven’t seen her in a while and I was hoping this could be the excuse we needed to see each other.” his gaze was focused on the broken cobblestones.
“We get it, we do. But you know better than any of us how the industry works.”
He did. He really understood that the situation was beyond Y/N’s hands. She couldn’t abandon set just because her boyfriend was celebrating his birthday. But still, it didn’t make him miss her any less.
When Jack and his friends entered his house again, his mood lifted up a little. Even though his special girl wasn't there, his family and friends came to spend his day with him and that warmed his heart.
“This looks amazing! Thank you.” he said in a cheerful voice as he looked around. The living room was decorated with colourful balloons and confetti thrown on ground. Glued to the wall, there were garlands that read ‘Happy Birthday’ and golden balloons with the number 1 and 9. “I’m going to take a picture for Y/N/N.”
“There’s one more surprise.” his mother exclaimed excited.
Jack frowned but before he could say anything, two hands were covering his eyes from behind him. The tall boy stiffened, he couldn’t see the person but their scent was one he knew all too well. His heart threatened to leap out of his chest as the voice whispered in his ear, “Surprise, birthday boy”
He turned around and quickly lifted her up in his arms, crushing her into a tight hug. “You’re here!” he exclaimed in shock. Y/N gave him a 'I'm right here' smile and then laughed.
“Of course I’m here! I was never going to miss my boyfriend’s birthday.” she said against his neck.
“It never even crossed my mind that you might have been lying.” he laughed in disbelief.
“Well, I hope not. I act for a living, remember?” Y/N said teasingly. Her heart almost exploded at the way Jack was looking at her—sparkling eyes clouded by adoration.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” Jack showed her the smile she adored and had missed so much. He didn't care that his family's eyes were on them, he grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her into a kiss. “Did you always know you were coming or was it recent?”
“Babe, I would’ve never missed your birthday. I told the directors I was coming here weeks ago. We made sure to film the majority of my scenes so that these days they could focus on the ones I wasn’t in.” she explained.
“That’s why you have been so exhausted the past days, you were working your ass off so that you would be able to come and see me?” Jack swore he was about to cry at the revelation.
“And I would do it again.” she said in a confident tone. The way Jack’s face lit up when he saw her? She would do anything to keep him looking at her that way. “Anyways, enough about my very romantic gesture.” she joked. “Let’s celebrate your birthday.”
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IT WAS ALMOST ELEVEN WHEN Y/N AND JACK WERE FINALLY SETTLED INTO THE BED. The girl was trying her best not to fall asleep, while the boy had energy to spare. He was just too happy that tiredness didn’t creep into his body. He was still on cloud nine from his amazing day.
“Thank you for being here. I had the best birthday ever.” Jack smiled widely, resting his head on her shoulder.
“I’m glad, love.” she said with eyes closed as she started playing with his hair, making him sigh contently. “By the way, I’m sorry for making you feel sad when I told you I wouldn’t make it. I hate lying to you and seeing you disappointed was heart wrenching, and I’m truly sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, babe. Your intentions were good. Besides, it was totally worth it.” Jack assured her. “I get to end my day with you, and tomorrow I’ll wake up next to you. I’m living my best life.”
Y/N smiled at his sweet words and bent her head down to press a kiss to his nose. “I love you so much.”
He raised his head and press a kiss to her soft lips. “But I love you more."
"Mmm no, this month I win the battle." she laughed.
Jack grinned like a love-sick puppy, still not believing what she had done for him. "True."
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AU - You’re in love with your best friend Eren Jaeger, but he seems to be interested in somebody else.
Tags: Pining. Friends to lovers. Fem bodied reader. For any skin, POC friendly <3
Warnings: Eventual smut. Minors DNI with pt. 2
Length: pretty short. this is pt. 1
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“She looks nothing like me. 
So why do you look so happy?
I know now, if I tried to change, 
Somehow, you’d end up with her anyway.”
\opposite, Sabrina Carpenter\
A whole city. Endless festivities, adventures, movies, people bustling about on a Friday night. But you stared out the window alone. 
Tears slipped down your face as you buried your face into your sweater, the sleeves damp from all the tears you’d already cried. It still smelled like him. You felt like a mess. You felt ugly. You sniffed again, stretching your jaw to see just how puffy your face was. 
Your phone buzzed: You checked it, feeling your skin crawl when you saw his name on the bright white screen. 
Eren <3: Y/n, why aren’t you answering me?
A few hours ago:
It was Friday night and he’d bailed on you, on your plans. Eren said he was feeling ill. So imagine your surprise when you saw him at the mall with another girl that same night. She looked nothing like you, from her hair, to her skin, to her eyes. She was giggling as he held her waist.
And there you were, standing with two reusable bags hanging off your arms, filled with items for him, staring into a picture of a beautiful couple— a picture that you didn’t belong in. 
You were at the mall, buying him silly hair clips so you could pin them on his gorgeous brown hair, before helping him with his skincare. You’d planned to go over to Eren’s place that night. Eren always slacked on his skincare whenever he was sick. And you were about to hurry back to your car, which had fresh produce in the driver’s seat. You were worrying about the food spoiling before you could cook tonight, for him. …But then you saw them, and it wasn’t a trick, it was undeniable: Eren cupped her face and you felt your heart drop. Green jealousy exploded in your body, betrayal and shock coursing through your veins. You wanted to run away. You wanted to scream. You wanted to disappear. Eren pressed his lips to hers, his hands above her butt, pulling her flush against his body. You turned and walked away, tears already hitting the ground. 
Your phone buzzed again. 
Eren <3: Y/n?
You: Why didn’t you just tell me the truth.
Eren <3: WHAT How did you end up at the same mall that I went to? There’s like a dozen in this city.
Eren: Hello?
Eren: are you mad?
Eren: I didn’t mean to lie, Y/n. It’s just that Isabella asked me out, and I knew you’d be mad if I canceled plans to hang out with somebody else… You know you’re my best friend.
You didn’t know what was worse. The fact that Eren had totally missed the apology mark, or that he’d thought you’d be like an understanding wingman for him. 
You muffled a scream, feeling totally helpless, totally jealous, totally hurt. 
You: I can’t be friends with you anymore, I’m sorry. I just need to be away from you. You haven’t realized how much you’ve hurt me, for months now. So this is goodbye.
Eren: …What??
You: Please just leave me alone. Don’t try to reach me, in any way. Congrats on your date. 
Eren: Y/n, what are you talking about?! 
Eren: I called you, answer the next time I call
Eren: Y/n… come on. I’m coming over.
You: Eren, don’t. 
Eren: Too bad. My best friend is upset. I’m gonna be there for her.
Your heart ripped even further. You didn’t think it was possible for it to hurt even more, but now you knew: Eren would only ever see you as a best friend. 
You: I said leave me alone. If you show up, I won’t answer. I’ll call security.
You finally clicked out of his contact, his name changed to its rightful title.
Dumbass: Are you being serious right now??
You: I’m leaving now. Leave me alone. Please.
You deleted his contact. You went around your house and grabbed all of Eren’s belongings: his spare toothbrush, his scrunchie, his stuffed teddy bear. You threw it all in a bag. 
It was time to get over the love of your life. 
— 3 months later —
“Jean. I think I’m in love with her.”
“So that’s why you haven’t fucked anybody in months,” Jean replied, swirling cream into his coffee. 
“These have been the hardest months of my life, without her.” Eren groaned. His hair was down, and he wore sweats in the campus cafe. He was a hot mess.
“Dude, she was your best friend, what happened?” 
“I… I don’t even know. She just said I was hurting her? For months? And that she couldn’t do it anymore… I fucked up, Jean. She’s beautiful, intelligent, and kind. I miss her so bad.”
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— Pt. 1 End, cause I need to fucking sleep —
AN: yo this is rushed as fuck. 
It’s not thought out. It’s unlike my usual work, and tbh I don’t like it. 
But like. Hope you enjoyed?! 
Pt. 2 comes out if y’all want it. You can just comment if you want a pt. 2 :)
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writercole · 2 years
The Confession
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Summary: Jake found her. Now what's he going to do?
Words: 1510
Warnings: Physical assault, confession of feelings, lying
A/N: I can't believe this is the end. I'm technically drafting this post before the series even starts for you guys so I have no idea how much you're going to even like it. But I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Aside from Sounds of Someday, I think this is my favorite.
Tag list is done. Please follow @coleslibrary and turn on notifications for story updates.
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Jake paced on the sidewalk, trying to figure out what to do. He’d finally gotten his mom to give up Y/N’s location. It was a fight that took a three hour lecture about hypocrisy and waiting too long, but she relented, threatening to disown him if he hurt her adoptive daughter again. He’d planned a speech before he got on the plane, rehearsed it for the several hour flight, but now that he was here, he had no idea what to say. On his third lap around the block, he finally got the courage to walk up to the door and knock, deciding to just wing it.
The door swung open to reveal a bleach blonde man a couple inches shorter than Jake, one he’d met only a time or two. “Billy,” he grumbled.
“Bagman,” Billy spat, leaning his forearm on the door frame. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk to Y/N,” Jake told him, raising his chin and daring him to deny the request, “and it’s Hangman.”
“She ain’t here,” Billy informed him, “and I doubt she’d want to talk to you anyway.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means, Bagman, that she didn’t want you to know where she was for the last month. She told me that you’d fucked her over for the last time and that she was done with you.”
“Fucked her over?” Jake scoffed. “Are you sure you don’t have the two of us confused? I’m not the one who bailed on her four months ago after trying like hell to dull her spark for a year.”
“I didn’t bail on her,” Billy denied, “she broke up with me.”
“You were leaving her and you know it. Now just tell me where she is before I beat it out of you.”
“I don’t know why you’re even making a fuss over an easy whore,” Billy sneered. “You could get anyone you want, or so I hear. Though I have to say, it’s some damn good pussy for an easy whore.”
Jake didn’t even realize he was moving. He saw red as soon as the words exited Billy’s mouth, his arm cocking back and pushing his fist into Billy’s jaw with enough force to knock the man backwards several steps.
Tires squealing on asphalt was the only thing that stopped Jake from swinging again.
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She was rushing out of the house to handle an issue on base when Billy finally showed up to talk. Instead of telling him to come back, she told him to sit in the kitchen and wait for her. She didn't plan on being gone for almost an hour. She groaned in frustration when she finally climbed back into her car.
She was halfway back when her phone alerted her to camera activity on her porch. She checked it at a stoplight and swore when she saw that Jake was standing at the door talking to Billy. Unmuting the video, she listened to their argument as she drove, speeding and taking corners much faster than she should have. She pulled into the driveway and saw Jake swing, hitting Billy in the jaw.
“Shit,” she swore again, rushing out of her car and into the middle of the two men. “What is going on?”
“He just showed up here and punched me!” Billy accused, rubbing his jaw and shooting daggers at Jake.
“I came over here to talk to you and this guy,” Jake explained, pointing at Billy in the doorway, “wanted to start shit and called you an easy whore. So yes, I punched him.”
“I never said that!” Billy shouted, stepping towards Jake. “He’s the one who called you a whore.”
“You son of a bitch!” Jake yelled, lunging for Billy.
She grabbed Jake’s arm and he stopped in his tracks, taking a step behind her. She turned to face him with tears in her eyes. “What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is that guy,” Jake spat, “is a total jerk and you deserve someone better. Someone who respects you and would treat you like a queen.”
“And who would that be, Jake? I don’t exactly have a whole lot of options.”
“He’s just running his mouth so that he can sleep with you,” Billy goaded from behind her, “that’s all he’s ever wanted from you. Why he thinks you’re easy, I’ll never know.”
“You lying bastard!” Jake shouted as he pushed her away, pulling his fist back to hit Billy again, stopping when something got between them.
Valkyrie stood between them and pushed Jake back, reaching in her pocket and unlocking her phone. She navigated to the recording of the argument and pressed play, Billy’s voice clear as day repeating the words he was denying. She stared him down, daring him to tell her that the recording was wrong.
“Please stop lying, Billy,” she growled as she locked her phone.
“What? Baby, you can’t believe this guy. He’s dicked you around for how long now?” Billy rebutted, taking a step towards her.
Jake stepped up behind her, staring daggers at the man trying to bargain his way back into Y/N’s arms.
“Get out, Billy. You can’t own up to your actions, even when they’re on video. We’re done. Over. Go find yourself another easy whore,” she repeated, her words sharp and final. 
“Fine,” Billy spat as his eyes became fiery, “but don’t come crawling back to me when this piece of shit breaks your heart.” 
Before Jake could make a move, she had pulled her fist back and released it right into Billy’s nose. 
“Get. Out. Of. My. House,” she sneered as she looked down on him.
Billy turned and stomped away, firing up his car and peeling out of her driveway. She turned to Jake with slumped shoulders and watery eyes, looking up at his face in exhaustion.
“How did you find me?” she asked.
“Now, don’t be mad,” he prefaced, “but Mom told Phoenix when she called looking for information.”
“Why are you here, then, Hangman?” she sighed.
“You didn’t say goodbye when you left,” he said.
“Really? You’re here because I didn’t say goodbye?” she scoffed. “I told you that Simpson needed me -”
“No, he didn’t,” Jake interrupted. “Simpson didn’t call you back. You called him to get you out.”
“I don’t want -”
“You need to tell me why you left,” he whispered, “please. I have to know why you ran away.”
She sighed again, squeezing her eyes shut. “You have to know? Okay, fine. I heard you talking to Suze. Telling her that we weren’t together and that she didn’t need to be jealous. I couldn’t take it. I thought…” she trailed off, biting her lip and tapping her foot as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I thought that something had shifted the day before, that we had something. I know we said no feelings but I was right. I fell in love with you and you don’t feel the same way. So I left. You could have your time with Suze and I could get away and not have to see it.”
“Is that all you heard?” he questioned quietly, searching her face for answers.
“What else did I need to hear? You said plenty,” she snapped, her gaze finally meeting his again, fire burning behind the tears.
“I did say plenty, but you didn’t hear all of it,” he replied as he stepped towards her, hooking his finger under her chin to keep her focus. “I told Suze that it would never happen with her. That it was a mistake that I was ever with her and that you were the one I wanted by my side. 
“You see, it happened so slowly that I didn’t realize it. When Suze approached me, I looked for you, I tried to find you so that I could get away from her without my family asking me why I was pissed. When I finally found you, you were leaving. In that moment, when you were running away, I knew I was a goner. You jumped into that cab and you took my heart with you. I’ve barely been able to breathe since you’ve been gone.
“I know I said that I wasn’t trying to marry you, but that’s changed, Y/N. I’m hopelessly in love with you and I don’t want to spend another day without you by my side.” 
Tears started falling down her cheeks, the fire in her eyes had died out only to be replaced with hope and longing. “Don’t mess around with me,” she said, her voice wavering with emotion.
“I would never dream of it,” he assured her, his thumbs brushing the tears from her face. “You’re it for me, Y/N. And if you say no, if you tell me to get out and never come back, I will. But I really hope you don’t. I hope you give me the chance to be the man you have always deserved.”
“Jake,” she mumbled as she gazed up at him.
“Kiss me.”
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Everything: @thelastpyle @deangirl93 @evergreencowboy @katelyn--renee @fictional-affairs @paintlavillered @buckys-zomdoll @polireader @b3autyfuldisast3r @welcometothefandommultiverse @mlovesstories @supraveng @xoxabs88xox
Top Gun: @princessmisery666 @evansrogerskitten @bradshaw-fanclub @saiyanprincessswanie @luckyladycreator2 @princessphilly @ahockeywrites @clints-lucky-arrow @wildbornsiren @shanimallina87 @fuckyeahhangman @blue-aconite @hope-love-equality2 @peachiicherries @marvelousmermaid @therebeccaw @green-socks @imjess-themess @jostystyles @mayhem24-7forever @callsignaries @a-reader-and-a-writer @ahopelessromanticwritersworld
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ahedderick · 7 months
Outdoor School
@oceanfloorfires I don't want to derail a perfectly good snake post, so I will write a separate one to explain Outdoor School. I hope this doesn't end up being TOO many details.
I have no idea how widespread this phenomenon is across the usa or the world, but it is a long tradition here in Maryland. There is a camp facility owned by the 4H club that is used for OS for a couple of weeks in September and October. There are simple cabins with rows of bunks, a bath house, a cafeteria, and several larger buildings. The idea is to get kids in their last year of elementary school out into the woods from Monday to Friday one week in the fall.
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As a chaperone I was in charge of a cabin full of about 12 girls, half from our school and half from a different one. The girls I knew were pretty easy to handle, because I was a frequent volunteer in school and they knew me. The others - were a handful at times.
Parent chaperones did not have to attend any of the classes or activities, and in fact some of them had to scamper off to go to work. THAT must have been tough. I chose to go on all activities that had hikes, and a few of the classes.
The camp site is gorgeous. The weather is always surprisingly chilly, because it is one climate zone colder than home. The "classes" were absolutely terrible. They had to rely on volunteers to teach, and they got what they paid for. For example . . . no, I need to go take my medicine.
{pause for tranquilizers}
Ok, the one hike took them through the forest and also a gorgeous bog.
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They paused in the forest to talk to the kids about the vegetation, and confidently told the children that. that. that a club moss (lycopodium) was a baby pine tree. *breaks down sobbing*
On another hike, a different instructor pointed dramatically at a small mountain laurel and told the kids it was a blueberry bush. The LOOK my daughter gave me. There was an actual lowbush blueberry right there. There was also a cranberry bush with one or two little cranberries on it. We had to point it out to the instructor, who said "Hunh. Maybe that IS a cranberry."
That aside. There were many good things. Showing up at the cafeteria three times a day to get a good meal that I didn't have to cook OR clean up was utterly splendid. I loved those cafeteria ladies. I hope they didn't find it unnerving that I beamed radiantly every time they handed me a tray of mediocre-but-nourishing food. One night we had movie night. They set up the projector and the screen in the middle of the cleared area. We were sitting in the dark, surrounded by an impressively large forest, watching a fun movie. Good times.
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One dinner I tried sitting with the other chaperones instead of with my campers. It took me three days before I realized that chaperones were sitting separately. Oh, well. Someone came in and told the lady sitting across from me that "Lee" was outside having a meltdown. She rolled her eyes and started to get up reluctantly. "Um, would that be 'Lee' from [our school]?" I asked. Yes, it was.
"I'll handle this," I snapped, and Woman plunked back down. I did not punch her (but I wanted to). I went outside and found Lee sobbing like her heart would break. She was INTENSELY homesick. Neither of her parents could drive, and there was no other family member able to come (over an hour away from our town) get her. She had called home and begged to be picked up, but they couldn't. I held her and started Talking. How proud I was that she had made it Three Whole Days already. How strong she was! How proud she would be when - not if! - she made it to the last day. And didn't her older brother bail and go home when he did OS? My, wouldn't that be something, for her to succeed where Brother had failed. By the end of this she had subsided from sobbing to sniffling gently. She did indeed manage to complete the week. I told her and her chaperone that any further Issues should be directed to me, because I knew her and her family.
The last evening they gathered all the campers in the main building for skits (the less said, the better) and entertainment. The last thing was a spoooooooky story about the ghosts of the family that originally lived on the land when it was a farm and they still haunt the campground to this very day!!! The kids were scared silly (in a good way). We walked back through the dark (there were no outside lights anywhere) to our cabin. There were about four girls clinging to me, and the others were clumped very closely around. Campers going all different directions were hooting and yelling in the distant darkness.
Next morning the kids packed up, swept the cabin, and everybody went home. It was, overall, a good experience, give or take some late-night shenanigans. I was glad I did it. I missed the cafeteria ladies for weeks.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Caveat: Jeff Clarke x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @witches-unruly-heart @telepathay @iworldlywriter @caffeinatedwoman @winchesterszvonecek @whateversomethingbruh @burningpeachpuppy @upsteadlogic @skyesthebomb @neapolitantoebeans @olymosity @stxrryswvrld @courtney-elizabeth93
Bail - Jeff doesn’t expect you to stick around after he’s arrested.
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Despite how thankful Jeff is to be on bail, it comes with caveats and one of them is the tracking anklet.
The damn thing chafes like a bitch.
Not only that, his particular model needs charging on a daily basis, which means for almost two hours a day he has to sit next to an electricity outlet, trying to figure out a way to entertain himself. The suspension doesn’t help, through times of trouble he’s always immersed himself in work, now he doesn’t even have that. He busies himself instead by fixing up things around the house, the leaky faucet, the creaky door, the bookshelf that leans just a little to the right. When he burns through that list, he turns his attention to the garden. He’s been meaning to fix it up for a while, he’s just never had the time until now.
Rocco becomes his helper, when he sees Jeff digging, he gets involved too. That dog is his saving grace throughout his suspension, the two of them go running together, hangout in the park. Rocco doesn’t care about his misery, he just wants to play and that helps Jeff forget about his predicament.
There are other issues with the tracking anklet. It tends to get in the way when things get heated. The two of you discover there are certain positions, certain acts that you have to rethink because it either agitates him, or irritates you. He finds it immensely frustrating.
It’s not just that, he clips it on everything, tables, chairs, doorframes. He’s lost count of the amount of times he’s fantasied about taking a hammer to the device, or using bolt cutters.
“I hate it.” He tells you one night as he cooks dinner. You’re sitting on the counter with a glass of wine as he chops ingredients on the counter. “I want to tear it off and toss it in the river.”
You both know what the underlying issue is. It’s Lisa. That anklet is a constant reminder of the grip she has on him, the fact she holds his life in her hands. She could stop this case at any time, tell the truth but she won’t, she likes having him in this position, at her mercy.
You both know she killed Hayes, you both know she’s framing Jeff, the problem is there isn’t a damn thing the two of you can do to prove it. As much as he wants to fight it he can’t, if he shows up on her doorstep, he’s intimidating a witness and that just adds to the charges. He’s had to talk you out of trouble a couple of times, when you’ve had the car keys in your hands ready to march over there and give her a piece of your mind. He doesn’t want this to drag you down, to fuck up your life because truthfully he knows that would just be icing on the cake for Lisa.
“Come here.” You say softly and Jeff sets the knife down, before slotting into the space between your legs. You wrap your arms around him, holding him close and he buries his face into the curve of your neck, inhaling the scent of your perfume. The aroma of jasmine floods his senses, soothing over his raw nerves as he cradles you close.
“You and Rocco are the only things that are keeping me sane right about now.” He murmurs against your skin. “I don’t know what I’d do without the two of you.”
“You won’t ever have to.” You assure him, your forehead coming to rest upon his. “Me, Rocco, everyone at 51, we’re here for you. We’ve got your back.”
Love Jeff? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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charmingsoa · 1 year
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■ Gunslinger ■                    Ch. 5
✶ Jax Teller/OC multi-chapter story ✶
🀰 Taglist available🀰
(TW: Mentions of rape, physical abuse) 
@cindsvibes​ @sweet--catrastrophe  @stephv213  @itspdameronthings​ @neverland14353​​  @sweetdispositionsss​ @fandom-oneshots-etc​ 
My eyes shot up once I felt the weight fall onto my body – his gloved hand slapping onto my mouth in order to keep me silent. The shadow from the streetlight giving the room enough glow to see the man’s features. I tried to scream, hit, and kick – only making the man more furious. With each blow that came from his fist, my willpower shrank more and more. I could feel his hand run down my body, pulling at my flannel shorts and underwear. His voice was that of a young man – somewhere in his early 20s – sending shivers down my spine as he spoke. His lips forcing themselves onto my body as I laid there, tears pouring from my eyes. The last time this happened was the night I left Alabama. I told myself that I would never let someone put me through a situation like this. Yet, I was powerless. His assailant stood off to the side, a gun pointed to my head as his partner raped me. I recognized the gun toting man right away – he was there the night Georgie stopped me in the parking lot.
“Carter – sweetheart – you need to tell us who did this to you.”
I watched as Jax paced the wooden floor behind Wayne – his ringed fingers threading through his hair. Unser arrived about 30 minutes before Jax – his eyes widening once he saw me on Tig’s couch. “I don’t know.” I muttered.
Unser let out a sigh, “Anything, darling. Can you tell me anything – maybe what they were wearing, if they had any ink that you could recognize, anything at all?” Tears fell as I shook my head.
What was the use of saying anything. The worst thing that could happen is that they would be arrested and then bailed out within hours due to lack of evidence. I already refused to go to the hospital. I wasn’t going to have the staff at St. Thomas look at me with pity and then even question if I’m telling the truth. I fucked people on film for a living – the damage inside of me had been done a long time of ago. Plus, I sat in the shower for over an hour before attempting to drive to Tig’s. As soon as I knew they were gone – I locked myself in the bathroom – tearing my clothes off and stepping under the scalding water. I’d already been through the whole rape kit exam – I didn’t want to go through the process again. I was supposed to be strong – I made myself out to be this strong woman, a bitch at times. I did this so people wouldn’t mess with me or my child.
I watched as Unser spoke with Jax, their eyes glancing towards me at times. I felt like a lion in a cage. Everyone kept looking at me, asking if I was okay. I would say that I was fine – breaking down seconds later. I knew they all meant well but I wasn’t fine. I was putting on a front that kept falling after every response. Georgie Caruso had broken me…
I spent the night and the next couple days at Tig’s house – too afraid to go back to my own. Jax kept asking me, almost forcing me at one point to stay with him but everyone knew where Jax lived. Georgie could have his men posted outside of Jax’s house, thinking that would be the place I felt most safe. I hadn’t seen Madison since earlier that day – my heart breaking each time she asked when I was picking her up. I couldn’t have her see me looking the way I did. No kid deserves to see their mom with their face busted and bruised. Jax had filled Gemma and Clay in on what happened – Gemma stopping by each day after dropping Maddie off at pre-school. I had become a hermit at this point – I showered 3-4 times a day, scrubbing my skin until it was raw. I could still feel his hands and lips on my skin – the contents of my stomach coming up each time I thought about it. I wasn’t eating. Each noise scared me. Luann was blowing up my phone but I couldn’t have her seeing me this way either. Georgie not only broke my soul but he took away my livelihood. Sure, I had sex with people on screen for a living, but I couldn’t stand someone touching me now.
“Baby, you have to eat.” Gemma pushed the bowel closer to the edge of the table.
I sat curled into Tig’s couch, only moving when I needed to use the bathroom. Gemma had shown up, receiving a call from Tig asking her to make sure I was okay so he could help Jax with some things. Jax had remained distant. My built-up anger going head-to-head with his rage a couple nights ago. He had shown up before Tig was back, trying to get me to tell him anything. I shied away at first but I became angrier the more he pressed. Minutes later we were at each other’s throats, words that we surely didn’t mean being thrown at one another. Even though he was the club’s VP, Tig basically threw him out of the house. I could hear Jax’s anger through the windows as he vented.
“I’m not hungry, Gemma.”
She sat there for a moment before hastily taking the bowel away, her heels clicking against the wood. I flinched at the sound of the ceramic cracking in the sink – Gemma letting out an exhausted sigh. She took a moment to collect herself before walking back towards the couch, sitting on the edge of the cushion. “Carter-“Her voice calm. “Darlin, you can’t keep doing this to yourself.” I glanced at her. “You went through something that a woman should never have to go through. You have every right to be frustrated, angry, and sad. I know you and I don’t see eye-to-eye on most things, but I love and care about you, sweetheart. You remind me so much of myself but you have something that I could never have.” She slowly grabbed my head, her thumb streaking the dry skin. “You have the courage and strength to get through this. You have a gift from God – that little girl is gonna give you the strength you need. She needs her mother and we both know you need her.” I wiped away the tears that fell. “You can bounce back from this – you can show those fucking bastards that you aren’t afraid. I know it’ll be hard but you have me. You have the club and Luann. Carter, you have Jackson. Let him help you too…”
I found the courage to leave Tig’s house a few days later. My heart pounded as I got closer to my house – flashbacks of the awful night searing through my brain. I needed this though. I needed to get back to who I was before. My daughter deserved to finally be home. Gemma and Tig helped me with my bags, Tig making sure to go through the house before I entered. The house was still intact – myself being the only thing damaged. I slowly made my way into my bedroom, the clothing from that night thrown on the bedroom floor. Spots of blood shown on the carpet – left over as I hurried to the bathroom.
“You okay, darlin?” I jumped at the sound of Gemma’s voice. “Shit, I’m sorry.” I brushed it off as I stepped further into the room. The pictures of Maddie that I had sitting on the night stand were thrown on the floor – the glass busted from the beautiful frames. The bedspread and sheets were hanging off the bed, blood stained and ruined. My breathing sped up as the thoughts returned. The flashbacks telling my brain a story – the sounds of their grunts as they forced their bodies onto mine. The way they tried to sweet talk me only to turn around and say things that no woman should be told. The way they laughed as I laid there – helpless and destroyed.
“Mother fucker!” I pulled at the sheets, yanking them off the bed in a fit of rage. The lamp that sat on the nightstand was the next victim – the tiffany glass shattering as it collided with the wall. Tig’s boots stomped up the stairs as he looked on with Gemma. I took a seat on the bed, my head pooling into my hands as I cried. Maybe it was too early to be back. Maybe I needed an extra day or week before coming back here. I wouldn’t be able to look at this room – this house – the same way again. “Maybe you guys should leave.” I looked at the two. “It’s about time to pick up Maddie anyway.”
“I’m not leaving you hear alone, Carter.” Tig’s voice holding strong.
“Anita can pick her up.” Gemma spoke next. “We can’t leave you like this Carter.”
I wiped my face, a chuckle slipping past my lips. “I’ll be fine.” My eyes locking with theirs. “I’m just gonna clean up a little and make sure everything is set for when Maddie comes home.” They looked at me confused. “I’ll be okay – you guys have babysat me enough and you need to get on with your lives.”
It took them 20 minutes to finally leave – both having me assure them that I was okay before they left. I waved them goodbye before the smile I held dropped, closing the door behind me. I walked back to my room, pulling the suitcase from the closet. I took my time pulling the clothes off the hangers, emptying the drawers, folding everything as neat as possible. I made sure to grab all the important documents from the top dresser drawer before moving into Madison’s room. Her clothes joined mine, grabbing the toys she loved the most before I started loading everything into my car. I bought the house when Jax and I separated – a house for just Madison and myself. It was the cutest little house – right out of a magazine. I didn’t have to worry about neighbors or the traffic from the main road. My daughter was able to safety play in the front yard – even spending the night under the stars during the summer if the weather allowed. This home was to keep her safe but it no longer felt that way.
I gave the house a once over before reaching into my pocket – feeling the small matchstick between my fingers. I walked over to the sink, the crumpled papers staring back at me. Taking a deep breath - the stick was lit – the orange flames slowly rising.
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girldewar · 2 months
🥰 or 😭 or 😵‍💫 <33333
woe! timbrady be upon ye. this is from a teenage runaway thing i was working on a couple years ago that i'd really love to revisit but unfortunately sort of left my brain in 2022 :/
It’s a nothing night, some random house show with a no-name high school band that was put on by a friend of a friend of a friend who Josh is maybe trying to fuck. Tim agreed to go because he’s seventy percent of Josh’s impulse control, and because if he didn’t, he’d be spending his Friday night fruitlessly dialing Shane for calc answers.
But it’s been an hour and the band’s just started their set, finally, now that everyone’s high enough that the singer’s whispery excuse for vocals sound revelatory instead of shitty. Josh disappeared half an hour ago with the girl, the friend’s friend’s friend, and Tim is standing sort of toward the edge of the crowd, largely uninterested in showing up to practice tomorrow with a bunch of extra bruises from the mosh pit.
He shoves the last of his gas station bag of Ruffles in his mouth, and he pulls out his phone. His messages are barren, Josh having ignored the rosy-cheeked emoji Tim shot him about ten minutes after he vanished. Besides that, the last thing Tim sent anyone was the house’s address, which has likewise gone unanswered. Tim flicks his phone off and slips it back in his pocket, frowning lightly. Pulls it out again unconsciously and feels the crease between his eyebrows deepen when the lock screen still comes up empty.
It’s not like he’d owed a response, obviously, but Tim’s not used to being ignored. For a moment he debates the merits of stepping outside just to leave a voicemail, but he wouldn’t be able to get back inside. Josh got them in the first time, and Tim’s pretty sure plus-ones don’t get priority re-entry.
He’s pulled the thread back up to double-text, because fuck it, honestly, he’s too bored and a little wasted for this, and anyway he has a faint headache coming on, when a voice says, too loud and too close to his ear, “Someone keeping you waiting?”
Tim bites down on a ridiculous grin. “Just this guy. Said he’d meet me here but he’s running late.”
Hands settle on his hips briefly before lifting up and away, rubbing over Tim’s upper arms. “Well that’s rude of him.” Tim can hear his smile. “What an idiot, bailing on a guy like you.”
“Oh yeah? A guy like me, huh?” Tim gives it another second for the incredulous laughter to bubble up, and then he spins around. He is sure his face is ridiculous. He’s smiling incandescently and his cheeks are flushed from the crowd and it’s so good to see Brady that he can barely remember to breathe. “Hey there.”
Brady’s smiling a little dumb and open-mouthed. His eyes are clear. He must have driven here from his parents’ house. “Hey. Sorry about that. Dinner ran late.”
Tim shrugs. His headache’s completely cleared up now and everything. “Just glad you’re here now.”
“Yeah,” Brady says, drawing it out a little and looking around. “This is kinda ass, isn’t it?”
Tim shrugs again. He’s feeling very magnanimous. “You’re just too sober to appreciate it.”
“Don’t actually know if that makes it better.” Brady doesn’t wait for an answer, and Tim doesn’t really want to give one anyway. He’s not sure why he’s defending it. He’s only here for Josh, and it’s not like Josh is around to hear them talking, now. But Brady — and this is why Brady is the best, why Tim texted him to come along instead of Shane or Jacob or, god forbid, Drake — Brady leans in close and breathes hot into Tim’s ear. “You wanna get out of here?” He puts on an affect so it’s a joke.
Tim swallows. His face hurts from smiling. “Where are you gonna take me?”
“Dunno.” Brady’s hands are back on his hips. “I know this real nice place near here, great food, sit-down service.”
“Sounds fancy,” Tim hedges.
“Well,” says Brady. He pulls back so they’re a normal distance apart. A safe distance. “Worth it, for a guy like you.”
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Stress Relief Part Seven
Previous Part | Masterlist |  Next Part
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only.
Notes: The first few chapters aren’t explicit, so I’ll add the necessary labels when they’re needed.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; explicit sexual content - rough sex, vaginal sex, unsafe sex, creampie, oral sex (female receiving)
Summary: You were surprised to learn an hour into the drive that Marcus Pike not only knew a lot of Ariana Grande, but he liked to sing under his breath. You didn’t say a word; you were just listening, and fighting to keep your stupid little grin off of your face whenever Marcus glanced over at you. You knew that he must’ve clocked your amusement when he made a point of belting Dangerous Woman as loudly and as badly as possible.
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You’d gotten a tip from Bouchard—a good one. He’d been vengeful, and pissed when Mouquin hadn’t come through with anything: bail, lawyers, not a goddamn thing. They’d tried, too. He’d had you and your team reach out to her known-associates stateside, any single name that they could think of. Nothing. 
The tip took you to a shop. The shop took you to a dealer. The dealer had you and Marcus heading to New York, with a promise of help from the NYPD and the Antiquities Trafficking Unit.
Marcus was behind the wheel, and you were more than happy to play the part of navigator. He hardly needed your help outside of the GPS. You were surprised to learn an hour into the drive that Marcus Pike not only knew a lot of Ariana Grande, but he liked to sing under his breath. You didn’t say a word; you were just listening, and fighting to keep your stupid little grin off of your face whenever Marcus glanced over at you. You knew that he must’ve clocked your amusement when he made a point of belting Dangerous Woman as loudly and as badly as possible. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“Jeez, Pike,” You shook your head, “We oughta start doing team karaoke nights.”
“Soon as this case is solved, we will,” Marcus chuckled. You glanced over to find Pike watching you with a soft, warm look. It seemed almost fond. You didn’t have to admonish him, or tell him to keep his eyes set forward, because he turned back to the road, fingers drumming over the steering wheel.
“What’ve you got over there?” He asked. You could always lie. He was driving, he wouldn’t just reach out and take it to confirm that you were telling the truth. Still, you found yourself sort of wanting to tell him the truth.
“Moquin’s file,” You said.
Marcus was quiet for a moment. Then, “Would’ve thought you had that thing memorized by now.” 
“It’s been a while since I looked at it. The team’s started to connect a few dots, cold cases that had his MO but were left off of the list because we all thought he was rotting in hell.” 
“Have you connected any dots yet?” 
“...Not yet,” You admitted. “But it’s early.” 
You were only able to get through a couple more lines before Marcus hedged, “Why don’t you put that down for a while? Playlist is feeling a little dead. Here.” 
He reached out, taking the phone up from the console and holding it out to you. You glanced at it, brows raising, before hesitantly taking it from him. Before you could question it, Marcus reached out, sliding his hand between your lap and the file. Your muscles twitched beneath his fingers, and your brows rose as his knuckles brushed against you. You watched as he blindly reached back, setting the file on the seat behind himself. 
“...Subtle,” You commented, turning back to the phone and swiping through a few songs. “...Do you know much Betty Who?” 
“Nope,” Is Marcus’ chipper reply, “But I’m happy to learn.” 
“All set in here?” 
You looked up from your notes at his question, nodding. 
“The team ready?” You asked. 
“Yeah, waiting at the precinct. They’ve got TAC for us.” 
“Great. I forgot my monogrammed bulletproof vest at home.” 
He smiled, taking a few steps back to allow you to step into the hall of the safe house that the two of you had been set up in for the time being. It was a cruddy little apartment in Brooklyn—a one bedroom with a narrow bed that you were certain you’d have to talk Marcus into taking later. The ride from the safe house to the precinct was fairly quiet. You couldn’t speak to why Marcus wasn’t talking, either to fill the air with light chatter or to mutter the lyrics to 7 Rings under his breath. 
You greeted the captain as you approached, thanking her as she passed over your TAC and only half-listening as she ran over the briefing—entry points, potential exit points, notable suspects and items to keep an eye out for. 
“Here,” You heard. You glanced back, giving Marcus a small smile as he adjusted your fastening to be a touch tighter.
“Thank you.” 
You didn’t...Dislike Marcus. You hadn’t completely disliked him before, even the two of you had locked horns. He was...knowledgeable; a brilliant agent, and a great leader. He was a sweet guy. But the fact that you’d come to respect him as a boss and like him as a person was a leap forward from where you’d been at the beginning of the case. It wasn’t a bad thing by any means, but it made doing your job, honing in on the case, the facts, just a little harder.
It made his little glance, his soft, “Remember what I said,” As you got ready for the raid a little more difficult. 
It made going against Pike’s orders a touch harder, too. 
But it didn’t stop you the way that it should’ve. --
When you found yourself with a gun pointed at you at point-blank range at the Sunset Park Terminal, it wasn’t a surprise by any means—but it wasn’t a nice place to be, either.
You didn’t think about it in the moment. It was something that would come up later, when you had to file the report; when you had to sort through the details with your therapist; when you had to compartmentalize it for yourself, sort it into the mental folder of ‘times you almost died at work’.
But in the moment, you just held still. You looked into the eyes of the man pointing the gun at you. You maintained even breathing, despite the fact that your heart was pounding rapidly. And then, when you had the chance—when he flinched, when he blinked—you sprung into action. You twisted his wrist, and he howled in pain as he let go, sending the gun skittering to the floor. It was only a moment before you had him on the ground, on his knees.
You were already rounding to grip his wrists, reciting his rights. You faltered as you glanced up, catching sight of Pike—of his stony face, of the warning there. You knew that you were in for it. You couldn’t even imagine the warmth that he’d regarded you with just a few hours before—you found yourself almost straining to remember it. You wanted to remember it; after having a gun pointed at you, you were grappling for something kind. But after acting out, you weren’t going to get anything like that from Pike, you were certain. 
“We’ll meet you there,” Pike told the head of the New York team before he rested his hand on your shoulder, steering you toward your car. To almost anyone else, it seemed like Pike just wanted to have a quick strategy chat. But you felt the way that he gripped your shoulder; he was on the edge of heaving you by your TAC vest. 
You ducked into the car that the two of you had rolled up in and tugged on your seatbelt. You could feel the anger and heat rolling off of Pike in waves as he got in. You were expecting him to let you have it the second he got into the car, but he said nothing. He just started the car and drove. He didn’t look at you, or start the lecture you were anticipating. 
You didn’t ask any questions as Pike drove the car to the safe house. You didn’t ask, you didn’t push, you didn’t goad him like you might’ve at the beginning of the weekend, like you might’ve at the start of the case—or even like you might’ve at the diner.
You were out of the car first, you were into the apartment first, and Marcus slammed the door shut behind the two of you.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” He snapped.
You held steady, watching Marcus.
“We were going to lose him—” You started.
“Then we would’ve found him again!” Marcus’ voice was thick with anger, and he was clearly fighting to keep his voice low, to keep from alerting your neighbors, “This case is not coming at an expense of your life—”
“I’m fine.”
“You had a gun pointed at your head.”
“I handled it!”
Marcus reached out, gripping your TAC vest, “You could’ve died,” He seethed, staring imploringly in your eyes, “And for what?”
“A solid lead.”
“Is that what you think I want? A solid lead and a dead agent?”
Your stomach dropped with shame at the rage and irritation muddling Pike’s features. You took in a few deep breaths, trying to find the right words to say.
I’m sorry wouldn’t cut it; It won’t happen again would be a lie; You gonna take me off the case? would seem like a slap in the face.
“Is that what you think I want.” 
“...What do you want?” Maybe it was a stupid question, considering how close you two were still, how tightly he was gripping you.
When you kissed, you came together harshly. Your lips met with sharp pressure. Marcus’ hands tugged more tightly at your vest, hauling you against him. Your hands scrambled at the velcro on his TAC, ripping it open between the two of you and pushing it off. He reached for yours in kind, shoving it off of your shoulders. You shook it off, tossing it away before you reached down, palming his hardening cock through his trousers. You squirmed, grunting at the lingering sting as he gave your lip a harsh tug with his teeth.
You grappled artlessly with one another before you found yourself shoved face-first against the wall. You reached down, lowering your pants hurriedly as Marcus crowded up behind you. You were certain that he was going to just press into you, but you felt him push your thighs apart and spit on your pussy. You shuddered, rolling your hips down against his mouth and panting as he leaned up to chase the growing slick there. Marcus eased a finger into you, curling it and flexing it before sliding in another. He turned his head, nipping at your thigh before sucking on the spot. You cursed softly, glancing back to look at Marcus. Your stomach flipped as you found his eyes closed, lips parted as he lapped at you around his fingers. He leaned away a little, laying another nip on your ass before he eased his fingers back out.
Marcus straightened up, resting one hand on the back of your neck as he pressed his cock into you. You groaned, resting your head against the wall and closing your eyes. He didn’t give you long to adjust to the sensation, the weight and girth of him before he was pulling out and plunging back into you. You groaned loudly, your mouth falling open as he pounded into you.
“Fuck,” You moaned, reaching back and sliding your hand into his hair. He groaned in kind, pressing his face into your neck as he kept his sharp pace. Your heart stuttered in your chest as he took hold of your hands, intertwining your fingers before pressing them against the wall in front of you. His pace was relentless; the crush of his body was suffocating; the grip on your hands tightened as he sank his teeth into your shoulder. 
There were moments when you thought that you imagined what happened. But then you felt the soreness between your thighs; you felt the nip he laid on your thigh or ass or shoulder throb just a touch; you felt his cum drip out of you, just a bit. It would draw your attention away from the matter at hand, away from the interrogation, from the updates being given by the New York team. It made your body go hot. You fought not to fidget in front of the others—the suspects, your fellow officers, him.
The ride back to the safe house that evening was as quiet as it had been before, but the air didn’t hold the same tension. You were tired, and aching. The day’s events were beginning to catch up with you. In the moment, what you had done had felt right and justified, but Marcus had been right. You could’ve died. 
Marcus ordered takeout from a little place around the corner, waiting for it as you showered. You took your time, taking stock of your body. You had a darkening bruise on your shoulder, and could just make out the edge of another on your inner thigh. The sight sent a shiver down your spine. 
Convincing Marcus to sleep in the same bad as you hadn’t taken as much coaxing as you’d expected. You just hooked your fingers in the pockets of his sweatpants, tugged him in just a little and asked nicely. Maybe he’d felt guilty for the tone he’d taken with you earlier, or how roughly he’d grabbed and held you. But Marcus had dutifully trailed you to bed and climbed in beside you, careful and gentle in a way that had seemed unfathomable just hours ago. 
You watched him in the dim light of the room, eyeing the flash of heat on his face as he eyed the blossoming bruise on your shoulder. He dipped his head, brushing a penitent kiss to the skin. You reached up, tenderly combing your fingers through his hair. 
“I’m sorry,” You murmured. He sighed softly, nuzzling against you. 
“So am I,” He mumbled. “I shouldn’t have allowed my emotions to cloud my professional judgement.” 
Your stomach churned with nerves, and you swallowed thickly, fingers flexing against his scalp. 
“Do you want to take back what happened?” You hedged. 
“That’s impossible.” 
“But if you could?” 
“...No,” Marcus shook his head. It had taken a moment, but it was definitive and warm. It lifted a weight from your chest. You slid your head down to his cheek, sweeping your thumb along his cheekbone.
“I wouldn’t, either.” Your gaze swept his face, biting your lip. “...You gonna take me off the case?”
You winced as Marcus groaned, reeling away and settling back against the pillows as he scrubbed at his eyes. 
“I should,” He mumbled. 
“...Three strikes,” He warned. “And you are out. I’m not standing for this again.” 
“Understood.” You rolled over, snuggling into his side and curling an arm around his middle. “Though I sort of enjoyed being reprimanded.” You gave him a cheeky grin as Marcus’ gaze lowered to you, a soft smile curling his lips. He reached down, smoothing his hand over your thigh before giving it a cheeky pinch. You squirm against the sting before you settle your head down, closing your eyes. It was only a moment before Marcus’ hand splayed across your thigh, his thumb gently sweeping over the stinging skin. 
Tag list: @missredherring​ ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​ ;  @paintballkid711​ ; @massivecolorspygiant​ ; @blueeyesatnight​; @recklessworry​ ; @amneris21​ ; @ew-erin​ ; @youngkenobilove​ ; @carbonated-beverage​​​​ ; @lorecraft​ ; @moonlightburned​ ; @milf-trinity​ ; @nolanell​ ; @millllenniawrites​ ; @dihra-vesa​​ ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​​ ; @missswriter​ ; @thembosapphicclown​ ; @brandyllyn​ ; @wildmoonflower​ ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ ; @mad-girl-without-a-box​ ; @winchestershiresauce ; @writefightandflightclub​ ; @elen-aranel​
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jtargaryen18 · 2 years
Barber & Weiss ~ Chapter 4
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Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
Words: 4.7K
Pairing: Dark Andy Barber x Dark Mike Weiss x Reader
Warnings: Expletive use. References to drug dealing, drug use, and embezzlement. Dubious consent, mild coercion, sexual blackmail, contract for sex as repayment, theft. Explicit sexual content to include face-sitting and double penetration.
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Summary: You run the office at Barber & Weiss and love your job and employers. When your drug-dealing boyfriend gets in trouble with a loan shark, you’re hesitant to embezzle money from the law firm to bail him out. But he promises you he’ll be able to return the money quickly, before someone notices it’s gone. What’s going to happen to you when your boyfriend is arrested and your bosses know about your theft?
The day your firm won the Fields’ case was cause for celebration.
The three of you had spent many nights at Andy’s house working long hours on that case, going over endless possibilities and theories. Mike could unearth anything anyone tried to keep hidden with uncanny precision. Last week he had brought a huge dry-erase board over to Andy’s house, marking it up with your combined ideas.
Andy didn’t seem to mind that. He got into it. Did it bother him Mike ended up shirtless in those suspenders he loved so much?
It did. Oh, you could tell. Eventually, it was time for each evening to end. You stayed there with Andy, and neither you nor Mike missed the smirk he wore as he watched his partner leave each night.
Yeah, there was some underlying tension there as the weeks passed.
As the court dates approached, the three of you spent a lot of time together working on that vital case there in Andy’s home. The evening usually ended the same way. The three of you in the guest room. In the living room. In the kitchen. One night they laid you out on Andy’s dining room table like a buffet, tormented and fucked you until you were dozing. You slept through someone carrying you to bed, slept through to the next morning.
It was a tired you’d grown accustomed to. You yawned there at your desk, waiting for them to get back. You probably could have learned the verdict of the case on social media. But you couldn’t fool either of them. Especially, Andy. They’d know if your reaction to the verdict wasn’t genuine and you didn’t want to disappoint them.
Mike strutted into the office first that evening and you grinned. Andy followed him, barely holding back a smile and confirming your suspicions.
“You won?” you asked excitedly.
“We won,” Andy told you, grinning.
Running out from behind the desk, you gave each of them a hug. You had to keep it polite because there were others in the office. A couple of secretaries, various interns. It was the reason all three of you made an effort not to act any differently than you had before your private arrangement.
It was almost the end of the day. All of you who worked for the firm gathered as the two of them went over the verdict and the likely sentencing. They thanked you all for your efforts and told you all to go home early.
When you caught Andy’s eye, thinking to go back to your desk, he winked at you. “That goes for you too.”
You went back around your desk to get your things. Andy followed you.
“We’ll be right behind you,” he said low in your ear. Then he pressed a credit card into your hand. “Order takeout. Anything you want. We’re celebrating tonight.”
You smiled, nodded. “Thank you.”
You left with the others, getting in your car, and headed first for the store to get some things you were aware you needed. Your mind was on what would make a good dinner tonight. Winning the case was special.
In the last few weeks since your arrangement began, you were learning a lot about your bosses. Mike loved spicy food, lighter and healthier dishes. Then he indulged in expensive scotch. Andy favored decadent dishes, rich in flavor and heavier. His poison was good whiskey, particularly fine bourbon.
When it came to sex? You grinned to yourself as you thought about their individual preferences there.
Your younger boss was up for anything all the time. He enjoyed tormenting you with his mouth and hands until you were incoherent mess and then he’d fuck you. Mike loved pushing you to the edge until you were in tears, until you were so eager for the release he withheld from you that you’d beg him to let you come. And if you tried to get Andy to intercede for you, he’d get Andy to hold you down and torture you even more.
Andy was a little older and more romantic. It was important to him to set the mood. Even on crazy busy nights when you were all sorting through notes, trying to find a new angle on the case, it was the little things Andy did. He’d sit next to you on the couch, pull your feet into his lap to massage them and he was so good at that. When he knew you were tired from a long day at the office, or from their attentions the night before, he’d serve you dinner or run you a bath. Andy enjoyed sex as much as any man, but he appreciated intimacy. And he had the advantage of having you live in his home. No matter how the evening went, if Andy was there, you felt taken care of, safe.
More than once you felt grateful that it was a temporary arrangement and that feelings weren’t involved. How would a woman ever choose between the two gorgeous men?
As you got back into your car, some ideas came to you. You were so caught up in coming up with a celebratory dinner, that you weren’t as aware of your surroundings as you should have been.
There was a wonderful Spanish restaurant that Andy talked about, but you’d never been there. The staff were so friendly. All you’d had to do was drop Andy’s name and they helped you put together a dinner of sumptuous, exotic Catalan coast seafood. They’d even sold you white wine that they recommended with the meal. Oh, it cost a fortune but from what they told you it was light and flavorful which would make Mike happy. But it was upscale and from one of Andy’s favorite restaurants.
In short, you were pretty damn proud of yourself.
It wasn’t until you’d pulled up in the driveway with everything that you felt it. You felt like someone was watching you.
Before it could occur to you to be nervous about that, Andy pulled in behind you with Mike next to him in his Audi. They were talking away in there, no doubt still preening about the case. Everything else was forgotten as you climbed out of your car, running around to the other side to grab dinner.
Strong arms came around, grabbing the larger bags. Andy snuck a kiss before letting you get the rest.
“I love your idea for dinner,” he told you. That smile had your heart racing. You loved making Andy happy. Of the two of them, he was always harder to impress.
“I was hoping so,” you told them, smiling.
Mike led the way, opening the door and disabling the alarm system. The case was all they could talk about as you all headed for the kitchen, working together to get dinner unpacked and served up. Mike was quick to get into the wine, encouraging you to drink up as you helped get everything plated.
Over dinner, they told you how everything went leading up to the verdict. Both were pretty proud of themselves, and they deserved to be. You’d all been working on the case for months.
“With this we should be able to get bigger cases,” Mike mused as the three of you got seated at the dining room table. “This is next level.”
Andy cocked a brow at him. He was always the realist, but he was having a trouble keeping a smile from his lips at the thought. “Maybe so,” he said after a moment.
“We can take on other cases that matter,” Mike pointed out. “We’ve got a winning team.”
You had to agree with that. Each of them was good lawyers but together? They were a pretty formidable force in the courtroom.
You raised your glass to them. “The best team I’ve ever worked for.”
They cut each other a look and you quickly took a drink. You’d meant it. Or did they think you only said it because of the arrangement?
Andy shook his head. “You’re part of this team. You put in as many hours as we did on the Fields case. Not sure we could have pulled it off without you.”
You had to laugh. “I’m not a brilliant lawyer like the two of you. If I was able to help, I’ll take that.”
“You’re still important to us,” Mike told you, charming you with a grin.
By the time you’d finished eating, you were all a couple of glasses of wine in, which was plenty for you. Still, you gathered the dishes and tried to clean up. You’d just put your own plate in the sink when someone pressed into you from behind and carefully took it from your hands and placed it in the sink.
Heated kisses pressed into the side of your neck. Something else that was heated pressed into your lower back.
“Leave them,” Mike purred into your ear.
Andy had said you were all celebrating tonight. What did they have in mind for you?
When Mike ground himself into you, you shivered. All their attentions over the last few weeks had you conditioned to their touch. There were times in the office when one of them winked at you passing by your desk and you turned into a needy puddle in your chair.
What had you become?
Normally, this was the part where they took this to Andy’s guest room unless one or both of them were too impatient. But something felt different tonight, you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
Mike’s hands slid up your waist, sliding over your breasts as he continued to layer kisses down your neck. Your thighs clenched in anticipation, you just couldn’t help it.
When Mike scooped you up to carry bridal style, you licked your lips to watch Andy loosen his tie and pull it free from his shirt. He followed Mike who carried you back into the living room where Andy had built a nice fire in the fireplace. It was cooler this evening, the chill of fall in the air.
When Andy went to pull the drapes closed, you knew they meant to stay there. It wasn’t the first time. But the coffee table had been moved and a comforter had been put down in front of the fire.
Carefully lowering you onto it, you shivered at the warmth from the cheery blaze in front of you. From the hunger in two sets of blue eyes on you.
What were they up to?
“Hang on,” Mike told you, dashing out of the room.
Andy toed off his shoes and sat next to you on the comforter. His smile did things to your insides as he toyed with the strap of your dress shoes, careful in removing it. Then he removed the other, pressing a kiss to your knee as he did.
As his hands smoothed up your calves, fingertips just skimming under the hem of your skirt, Mike returned with the unopened bottle of wine in an ice-filled bucket. There were three fresh glasses in his hand.
“You’re trying to get me drunk,” you teased them. “Is that it?”
“No.” Andy crawled closer, a long arm reaching behind you to unzip your skirt. “Today was a good day for us. Tonight is all about you.”
Mike filled a glass for you, held it to your lips as Andy worked the skirt down your body. The wine was sweet on your tongue, almost as sweet as the grin Andy wore when he saw what was under your skirt.
And what wasn’t under there.
Hooking one long finger at the edge of your black stocking, he pulled it to snap back against your skin. The lace tops gripped your thighs, but there were no panties to hide the glistening flesh between them. You sucked in a breath at the excited look that earned you.
“The whole day?” Andy wondered aloud with a grin.
You nodded. “If we didn’t win the Fields case, I thought maybe it would cheer you up.”
And you were a little nervous about it because you’d never done anything like that in your entire life.
Mike joined the two of you on the comforter, encouraging you to finish your wine. Once you had, he took the glass from you with one hand as the other slid up your thigh and into your wet heat. You gasped as his fingers explored you, teasing circles around your clit.
“You’ve been thinking about celebrating too, huh?” Mike looked so pleased.
Leaning in, Mike claimed your lips in a heated kiss as Andy moved closer. Someone was unbuttoning your blouse as Andy’s lips teased your neck. The brush of whiskers and heated lips, the feel of Andy’s hands as he pulled off your blouse and bra pushed up the need you’d battled all day. Had your body weeping, clenching for them.
You’d never been that into sex until now. Before sex was good, depending on your partner, but it had been almost as transactional as your current situation. Sex helped you move things from a hook up to a relationship. Maybe one day you’d find someone that cared about you, wanted to spend their life with you. If the sex was good, all the better.
Now? Either of your lawyers could make you melt with a glance.
Two sets of hands skimmed over your body, and you shivered. When Mike’s lips blazed a trail down your jaw to your neck, Andy’s mouth claimed yours as a finger traced around one of your nipples. When it tightened into a hard little peak, he covered it with his mouth. As Mike chained kisses over your neck and shoulder, he slid a finger into your channel. And you tried to clench around that digit. It wasn’t enough.
You didn’t mean for the whine to escape your lips, but it did. Mike eased back from you with a knowing smirk. His fingers made quick work of the buttons of his dress shirt, and you couldn’t take your eyes off him as he stripped it off. While Andy teased your breast, his fingers skimming the tender flesh at your inner thigh, Mike resumed teasing your pussy. When he slid two fingers inside you, teasing your walls, you were breathless and needy.
Mike stole a kiss. “Want to try something new tonight?” he whispered against your lips.
Andy paused at the question before stripping off his own shirt.
Mike’s fingers slid in and out of you in a way he knew would make you squirm. His lips were warm on yours.
“Use your words, beautiful,” he prompted you.
“What did you… want to try?” you managed to ask.
His large fingers pulled free of you, and you whined again. A single finger slid on the wetness between your lower lips, carefully, and slid back to your other entrance. You froze at the unfamiliar touch.
You didn’t miss the warning look Andy shot him. Wrapping his arms around you, he eased you back into his solid warmth. His lips were gentle on your shoulder. “Easy,” he whispered.
Mike was nothing if not tenacious. His finger lightly traced around that tight ring as he brushed more careful kisses over your lips.
“Never tried anything like that, huh?” he asked.
“No,” you whispered as his finger continued his campaign.
“Mike…” Andy started.
Pulling back to gaze into your eyes, Mike’s smile was gentle. “Want to try? If you really don’t like it, we’ll stop.”
Andy cut him another look.
“I’ll stop,” he corrected. “But if you relax, and trust me, this just might be amazing for all three of us.”
It was then when it occurred to you what he wanted. And Andy wasn’t interfering yet. You knew he absolutely would if he thought you were uncomfortable. It was the biggest reason that you nodded.
“Lay back, Andy,” Mike directed.
And Andy did, keeping his gaze on you. His gaze was caring, willing you to trust him.
“Okay, baby,” Mike purred in your ear. “Why don’t you sit on Andy’s face? Be a good girl for him while I go get something.”
Tipsy on lust and wine, you didn’t resist when they moved you over Andy. Embarrassment burned and gave way to desire as his strong hands wrapped around your thighs and situated you just where he wanted you. With his mouth, he started burning you down. The tip of his tongue traced around your clit until you were fighting his hold. He held you there to tease around your entrance, making you desperate for more in a short period of time.
You weren’t even aware that Mike had returned until you felt him behind you, the heat of his excitement drawing your attention to the way his hands skimmed over your back, feather light. While Andy took you apart with his mouth, started fucking you with that talented tongue, Mike had goose flesh rising down your back. Those hands smoothed over your hips, and ass. The delicacy of his touch combined with the wicked slide of Andy’s tongue to make you crazy. Your hands clawed at Andy’s thick hair, and you unwittingly moved your hips with him, wanting more of that.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the small white tube in Mike's hand. When Mike’s finger slid slowly between the globes of your ass, you shivered. Tingles of pleasure were already racing through your bloodstream from Andy’s efforts. That finger was slick, circling the untried ring of your ass with care. Mike kept that touch light, tempting.
Their attentions pushed you to the edge of release. You were a desperate thing straddling Andy’s face with Mike’s finger pushing carefully into your other opening. You felt good. You were so close…
Pressing up against you, Mike’s heat seeped into you. His lips teased your ear. “You gonna come on Andy’s tongue, beautiful?”
You gasped when he pulled the lobe of your ear between his lips. His finger pushed a little deeper into your ass.
“The sooner you come for us, the sooner you can ride his cock, baby,” Mike whispered. “I know you want him to fill that little pussy right now.”
Between those words and Andy’s teasing tongue, you came hard. Your cries had Andy moaning into the center of you, intensifying the waves that shook you to your core. While you rode out that euphoria, Mike worked a second finger into your ass. By the time you were aware of that slight stretch and burn, it wasn’t uncomfortable. It did remind you how empty your pussy felt.
Mike held you there and you felt Andy shifting beneath you. He was frantically undoing his slacks, pushing them down with his boxers. With Mike’s help, he eased you down his body until you felt the heated stalk of his cock against the wet flesh that craved it.
“Andy, please…” you begged. You wanted more and Mike’s teasing fingers were doing a lot to push your craving higher.
“I’ve got you,” Andy whispered with your juices shining off his lips and beard. His color was high as he positioned you over his cock, he and Mike guiding you to sink down on it. Andy stretched your walls, filled you up just the way you needed right now.
You were so full, rotating your hips to take all of Andy and reveling in how fucking wonderful he felt. His hands gripped your hips, guiding you to slowly start moving on him. Your movements didn’t dislodge Mike’s fingers. The fullness as he pressed a third finger into you, combined with Andy’s length, had your heart racing in excitement.
Like any woman, you’d thought about taking two men at once. You never thought you’d ever have the opportunity. But as you slid up and down on Andy’s cock and Mike’s fingers fucked your ass, you wanted more. You needed more.
When those fingers left you, you unapologetically whined. Andy took advantage of the moment to fuck up into you with firm quick strokes. You heard the sound of a zipper, felt Mike shifting behind you. When he moved behind you, pressing the head of himself at the opening of your ass you froze. Andy slowed down, his heated gaze meeting yours.
“Anything hurts,” he said in a breathy voice, “or you don’t like it, tell me. We’ll stop.”
You were struggling to breathe as Mike pushed past that tight ring. It stung.
“Tell me you understand,” Andy said gently.
You winced, as Mike’s slick cock pushed in a little further. But you nodded.
You clenched around Andy as Mike worked his way into you. It was uncomfortable at first and your hands clutched Andy’s shoulders tightly.
“Look at me,” Andy bid you. “Breathe, okay? Breathe. Try to relax.”
You did and once Mike was fully seated in you, the sting eased. When Mike began to move, he slid easily enough with the help of the lubricant. Andy watched you but didn’t move, allowing you to adjust.
“Oh, fuck,” Mike muttered behind you. “Your ass feels incredible, baby.”
It was feeling a lot better and after a couple of moments, you were moving with him. At that, Andy started moving in you again and the feeling of being impaled on both of them was unreal. The thought of what you were doing made you a slave to whatever they wanted. Two sets of hands gripped your ass. Two cocks worked into you, hitting every pleasure point you possessed.
Mike’s hand clutched in your hair, using it to pull your head back. With your neck bared to his teasing mouth, he took advantage as Andy bounced you on his cock. Mike worked into you from behind with care. You could tell he was holding back.
“You’re so good to us, baby,” Mike whispered into your skin. “Taking us both. You look so good riding our cocks… You feel like heaven.”
Andy, like you, seemed beyond speech. His lips gaped open as he watched you, pulling you down on his cock again and again. When he eased you down to him, his mouth claimed yours. You could taste yourself on his lips. When you couldn’t breathe anymore, you broke the kiss. Andy dipped his head to capture one of your nipples with his mouth. The wet lash of his tongue had you unraveling again, clenching around both of them as the orgasm rode you as hard as your two lovers were.
You were wilted between them, but they weren’t done. Their motions intensified as they chased their own release. Lying against Andy, you let them dominate you as they thrust into you faster and faster.
Mike reached his end first, pulling free of you and shooting his warm release all over your ass. Andy stayed seated inside of you, his cock punching up into you until a sob tore from his throat and he pumped his release into you like it was the last thing he’d ever do.
Andy’s heart was a steady cadence in your ear once you collapsed over him. His breath was as rushed as yours and his hands skimmed over your back with infinite care. Soft kisses pressed into your hair as he held you.
You felt the linen of Mike’s shirt as he wiped his release from your skin. Leaning up, he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. You knew he was about to leave and you felt bad you were so out of it at the moment.
“You heading out?” Andy’s voice was a rumble beneath you.
“I think I’ll crash here for the night,” Mike sounded tired.
Andy’s hands froze. Blowing out a sigh, he rolled to his side and eased you onto the comforter. You stretched, got comfortable. Andy pulled the comfort over you to keep you from being chilled without him.
“I’ll be back for cuddles in just a minute,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your ear. You heard a little shuffling before you drifted off to sleep.
Andy pulled on his slacks as he led Mike from the living room. It wasn’t a conversation their girl needed to hear.
His girl.
Mike had pulled on his boxers, followed Andy to his home office.
Scrubbing a hand down his face, the smell of her was all over him, Andy regarded his partner.
“Is there a problem?” Mike asked, arms folded across his tatted chest. “With me staying over?”
“We didn’t talk about that,” Andy pointed out.
“There are a lot of things we didn’t talk about,” Mike came back.
Andy shook his head, heading for the mini bar to the side of his desk. He knew where this was going. He just didn’t want to have this discussion.
“Such as?” he asked, pulling out two glasses and pouring bourbon.
“When we came up with this, deal,” Mike said, “I guess I just assumed we’d get equal time with her.”
Handing him a glass, Andy drank from his own. “You know why she has to stay here, Mike. Your place isn’t safe. No offense.”
His partner nodded, his gaze dropped. He had no argument to make there.
“That’s why I don’t see why my staying here is a problem,” Mike went on. “It would give me more time with her. Even the playing field.”
“You want more sex?” Andy tried, hoping that was what Mike was getting at but suspecting that wasn’t his motivation.
“No. I want more time with her,” Mike explained. “It’s not just about sex. Not anymore. She’s more than that to me.”
Andy knew.
“I don’t know,” Andy stalled, having more bourbon.
“What’s the problem?” Mike wanted to know. “We have three-way sex pretty often. Why would actually sleeping together be an issue?”
Mike went further than Andy expected. He could see the younger lawyer asking to sleep next to her in the guest room. But was he really suggesting they all share a bed?
Tired as he was, Andy’s mind still spun. “Here and there I guess it would be okay. But often? People talk.”
Mike rolled his eyes, setting the glass of alcohol on Andy’s desk untouched. “How many nights have I been over here until midnight or after, huh? We’re partners in a law firm. No one would give a shit.”
“I really don’t want some of your friends showing up,” Andy admitted. "I don't want them around her."
“Fuck, are you really going to bring up Ali stopping by here last week?” Mike asked, his frustration growing. “It wasn’t drugs. I paid him to dig up some dirt for me. It was part of the reason we won the case today in case you don't remember.”
“I still don’t want anyone like that around my house,” Andy warned. “Or her.”
That stopped him, had Mike pacing and raking a hand through his sandy hair.
“Look,” Mike said after a minute. “When we came up with this idea, it sounded great. But I didn’t immediately grasp the advantages you have in this situation. I want more.”
Draining his glass, Andy regarded his partner.
“She can’t be at my place,” Mike said before he could. “I know that. But I’m sick of being a guest star in the bedroom while we ride this contract out. I want equal time. I deserve that.”
“Mike,” Andy struggled with what he wanted to say. “If I agree to this, it’s just until the six months is up.”
Mike stopped, his brows rose. “And then?”
Andy blew out an exhale.
“And then the contract is up,” Andy told him. “She will have kept her end of the arrangement. She’s then free to do what she wants. Choose who she wants.”
Andy just hoped to God she chose him.
“That include living here?” Mike demanded.
Yes. Andy hoped she’d want to stay.
Mike shook his head. “I can’t match that. And I’m… I’m sorry, I’m not willing to just let you have her.”
“Excuse me?”
“I have a lot to offer her too.” Mike meant it.
Andy knew he did and he was younger.
But how were they going to deal with the situation?
“So how does this play out?” Andy threw it back at him.
Mike studied him for a moment, thinking. That razor-sharp mind was going a mile a minute. It was one of Mike’s strengths. And weaknesses. Mike so easily got lost in his head. Feelings? He didn’t navigate so well.
“When the contract is over,” Mike said finally, “we leave it up to her.”
Oh, it sounded good. But Andy knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.
“Whoever she chooses, the other one just needs to accept it,” Mike said flatly. And with the way his chin lifted when he said it, Andy knew he intended for their girl to choose him.
Andy nodded.
But he had a very different plan.
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
In The Moment
.🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
In the rare moments Anakin has time to be with you he wants to spend each second in your attention. You just want to bask in the time with him, even if you're busy with work.
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
YN had been pondering over a new bill she and Bail had been working on for the past couple of weeks. They’d both been trying to find a spin to the proposal so that the other Senators wouldn’t reject it outright. Bail was tasked with finding support, YN was tasked with writing the present proposal. An endeavor that appeared to be a little difficult, since she had to find a good balance between being presentable and approachable as well as being commanding and not a pushover. This would be an easier task if her husband wasn’t acting extremely dramatic. Like a touch starved tooka begging for cuddles.
“Ani… I have to finish this proposal. I promise we’ll spend some time together soon.” YN looked to her lover, who was currently face down on her couch whining.
“That could be hours. I missed you, and when I finally get time away you’re too busy for my love.” Anakin dragged his body up and made his way to stand behind his wife. Burying his head in the crook of her neck.
“I’m never too busy to love you, but I do have a duty to do my job well.” YN turned her head to his, lifting her hand to his cheek. “Besides, I know you just want to act dramatic for the sake of my undivided attention.”
“You wound me.” He sighed. “You and Ahsoka both.”
“Oh love, if I wanted to bring in Ahsoka to wound you, I’d mention the sand line.” YN laughed as he faked an offended gasp.
“That was a smooth line and you know it!” He smiled at her. Going in to kiss her neck, making her laugh.
“Of course it was. Now shoo. I’m almost done.” YN patted him away, and rolled her eyes at his groan. “It won’t take more than a few minutes, I promise.”
So he went back to the couch and just stared at his wife. Her hair was no longer in its regal updo, but she was still in her formal attire. It seemed she went from meeting to work with no rest in between. Usually he’d bring it up, but YN had always been adamant that she would rest when the work was done.
“Annnd…. Done! I think this is a good proposal, not too bossy but moving and commanding enough. Hopefully by the next vote we’ll have swayed more than enough to our side.” YN leaned back in her chair and rubbed her neck. She tilted her head to her husband and smiled.
Soon they were both back in each other’s arms, resting together on her bed and talking about their lives, his head on her chest listening to her heartbeat. YN wanted to know how he and his troops were doing during the seemingly never ending onslaught of fighting they did. And Anakin, though he found politics a little irritating and boring, loved to listen to his wife talk about trying to change things for the better. He always got lost in her voice.
“Anakin… do you ever think about the future?” YN asked as she twirled his hair between her fingertips.
“Sometimes. The boys and I don’t really like to talk about it, don’t want to jinx it.” Anakin shrugged. YN kissed his forehead.
“I think about when my term is up. About having a house in the lake country on Naboo, just the two of us. Maybe having a baby or two.” YN smiled at the ceiling, before her twirling fingers stopped and she sighed. “But sometimes it makes me sad.”
“Sad?” He lifted his head in worry.
“I wonder if it’s just a fantasy. That eventually I’ll be woken up to a cruel reality where you’re dead or something worse.” YN’s voice cracked. Anakin reached up and caressed her face.
“YN… I’m not going anywhere. I promise you. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but I’ll always be here. I won’t let us be apart.” He tried to reassure her.
YN kissed him, he wrapped his arms around her waist to bring her closer. They were uncertain of the future, but they still had the now to be together.
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Yes I love Padme. She's just not in this. Basically you replace Padme, just put yourself in her place during the prequals. I'll probably do more with Anakin, so there might be more changes to canon.
.🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
My name is whatever you decide And I'm just gonna call you mine - mark lee scenario
hi! my life has been so hectic lately i can’t find the time to write as much :( apologies for the lack of content. Once things get better, I’ll make it up to you! 
As always thank you for your support!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine. credit to original owner)
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Mark is a man with very good patience, one proof of that is the fact that he managed to stay bestfriends with Lee Haechan through the years even when the latter all but drives him near close to insanity. 
He is what most girls and some guys would say the type of guy written by a woman, he’s smart, talented, very down to earth and pretty much everything good. The engagement party free pass type, the guy you would have no doubts taking home to meet the parents. 
If anyone ask if he had any thorns on his side, something that would crack that perfect imagine. His answer would be simple: you. 
What started out as a simple joke (from Haechan) turned into years worth of teasing, from both you and his friends. He made a tiny mistake of asking who was the cute girl in class and the next thing he knows, Haechan was hunting down searching through the internet looking for your name until he could finally identify Mark’s mystery girl. 
As far as they knew you shared a couple of classes with Mark making you the same age as him. From that, Haechan started his hunt. He had a long list of candidates on who the girl might be, at this point Mark has told him to drop it at least fifteen times but of course Haechan is already way too invested. 
It happened one night at a party you happen to attended, coincidentally Mark agreed to come out even though he wanted to stay in and finish some of his works. 
Good thing he changed his mind, because the moment you walked in his eyes were glued on you. Jaw slacked, eyes locked in. Haechan was the first one to notice the lovestruck look on his bestfriend’s face. He didn’t have to look that far anymore because it turns out you would be the one introducing yourself to them. 
From then on Mark’s friends never gave that topic a rest, and somewhere along the way they got you riding in on the joke; his crush on you. 
It was half joke and half not to Mark, you really are one of the prettiest girl he has ever met. The way you carry yourself, the confidence both attracts him and could possibly someday the death of him. 
“Give it here” Mark mumbles, already fed up with your antics so early in the morning
“Let me read over, I’ll cross check your notes” you say, skimming through his paper. He’s top of the class so it was pretty useless to do this, Mark is nothing if not thorough. You doubt you’d find any mistake on his paper but you tease him anyways
“You’re funny, why don’t I do yours after?” he replies, finally succeeding in snatching his paper back.  
“Good idea, why don’t you do me after?” feigning innocence as you watch the guy roll his eyes, not even sparing you a glance. At this point he’s used to the teasing, even when it’s 8am in the morning and he’s running on 4 hours of sleep. 
“Yea sure, after you correct your paper. I just saw atleast three errors on that” he nods his head at the paper on the table “No shit, really? I thought I was done with this” you mumble, turning your attention to your paper instead totally missing the small smile on Mark’s face. 
“What are you doing this weekend?” you ask him after class
“Stay home, catch up on some work”
“There’s a party” “At the Neo House, I know. Haechan wouldn’t shut up about it” he cuts you off, already gathering his stuff and you following after him. He waits until you get up first and walk out the room. 
“Am I going to see you there or are you going to bail again? It’s no fun without you around” you tell Mark
“You mean it’s no fun to not have any one to pick on”
“I do it out of love, be flattered”
Hot and cold, that’s what it’s like with Mark. Sometimes you wonder just how far can you joke about your feelings until it becomes real. You admit there are times when it feels like you’re already half way there but then you think maybe he doesn’t really feel that way about you anymore. 
So your escape route every time, you joke about it. You make it seem like you’re just teasing but more times there are moments he makes your heart skip a beat with his little action he’s probably not aware of. 
Things you noticed he does without thinking. Like one time you dropped your pen on the floor and leaned down to get it, seeing Mark’s hand cover the edge of the table so you won’t accidently bump into it. Or that time the two of you were walking outside campus to get snacks, he pulled you to the side switching places with you so he’s the one walking closer to the street where the cars were passing by. 
How can you not feel like there’s some truth to the ‘joke’ when he does all those things for you? But you knew better than to give meaning to it. Mark’s a gentleman, you know he’d do it for others too.
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 “Mark! You’re here!” You squealed the moment you spot him from the crowd, as far as he could tell you were already drunk. Taking the cup from your grasp then downing the remaining content himself. 
“Yah, that was mine”
“And you’re drunk, you should get some water” he strictly tells you, pulling you towards the kitchen by your arm. You didn’t even fight against him, sending a sly smile to your friends while walking away
“Here, drink this” he says, passing the bottle he opened. It’s like instinct at this point to him, to take care of you. 
“You know, this is why they say you like me. You always do things for me without me asking for it”
“Maybe because it’s the right thing to do, don’t think too much about it”
You just laughed at his statement, Mark would only be like this to you. So brazen yet so caring. 
“Oh but I will, keep being like this to me I might end up falling for you for real”
This time Mark didn’t say anything back, he just watched you take the drink. Passing the half empty bottle back to him. “Don’t blame me if I get too attached to you” you joked, booping him on the nose before walking or rather wobble out the kitchen to join the party once again.
He sees you greet a couple of guys, immediately recognizing his friends. He knows they won’t let anything happen to you so he lets you be, getting a non alcoholic drink for himself. 
He wasn’t suppose to come out tonight but then he received a text from Haechan that you’re here. And Haechan thought it was his duty to keep his bestfriend updated even though Mark never asked, when Haechan mentioned there’s a guy who keeps making advances at you he immediately got up from his bed to change and go to the Neo House.
And that’s how he found himself sitting in the kitchen, keeping a careful eye on you from afar while he converses with the other guys. 
A little later that night, Mark found you by the beer pong table. In the middle of a heated game between Jaemin and Jeno on the other side while Haechan is on your team
“Yah! You never get it in” Haechan screams when you didn’t make the shot “Shut up, you never take the drink anyways! I drank the last like 5 cups” you say as you pick up the red cup Jeno managed to get the ball in, again. 
Before the cup reaches your lips though, it was taken from your grasp. Feeling someone standing behind you. A hand resting on your hip the other holding the red cup
“Would you look at that, Mark Lee to the rescue” Jeno smirks, watching his older friend down the drink before sending you a quick glare. The rest of the boys letting out a laugh. 
He was acting cold, only towards you but they knew better. This was him trying to keep his cool. 
“Uh oh I’ve been caught” you giggle, fully resting yourself backwards. Mark catching your full weight in fear you might fall on the floor, “I think it’s time to call it a night”
“Are you driving?” Jaemin asks Mark, “No, but I’ll take this one back to her place first. See you later” he said bidding a quick goodbye to his friends before throwing your arm around his shoulder to support you. 
It’s not the first time he took you home after a night of partying. Most times you agree to go out because you know he’d be there to make sure you get home safely, granted that’s a bit selfish to make Mark take care of you but you never really asked him. It’s his first instinct to make sure you’re safe and okay. 
When he got to your apartment, he punches in the code guiding you to your room before gently setting you on the bed. He leaves a glass of water and some medicine on your bedside table, plugging your phone in the charger before checking to see if you’re sleeping. 
Then he goes home. 
For the rest of the weekend Mark’s phone was radio silent, he assumed you’re still recovering from your hangover and is probably still asleep like the rest of his friends. 
He did some work, even did the laundry to pass some time and enjoy the peaceful day to himself. It was already almost evening when he hears a knock on the door. 
Peeking to see who it was, he sees you standing on the other side of his door continously knocking on the door. 
“You should really learn how to wait” he tells you when he opens the door, meanwhile you just shoot him a smile before walking inside.
“My roommate is not home and we don’t have any grocery at home”
“You want me to cook?” Mark asks, making sure it’s what you meant with that 
“Oh god no, you’re good at everything but I’ve heard enough horror stories of you in the kitchen. I’ll cook, do you have ramen?” you didn’t even wait for an answer, already walking towards the kitchen. He’s not sure whether to take that as a diss or a compliment. 
You cooked ramen for the both of you, even friend some eggs to make it a complete meal. It was near dinner time anyways. 
“What do you do when you’re alone? Who cooks?”
“I can cook”
“Uh huh, I’d believe it when I see it”
“I can cook ramen, or I order. Haechan cooks when he comes over” Mark answers, hearing a chuckle from you. “Come over at mine when you want. I usually cook dinner alone, my roommate mostly stays out but I don’t like ordering that much so I make food” you offer
“Okay” he answers, the silence wasn’t awkward or anything like that. In fact it was comforting. Sometimes you feel the need to fill in the silence but not right now, not with Mark. 
The two of you worked in silence, cleaning up the dishes after you were done with it. You rinse while he wipes the bowls and pans. 
“Hey Mark, Can I ask you something?”
“Do you ever get annoyed with me?” it was out of the blue, but you were curious. It also felt like the only appropriate time to ask him this. 
“Why’d you ask?” he glances over to you “You know, when I joke around and tease you something like that. I don’t do it to be mean” you mumble
For the first time in years, Mark watches you be shy around him. You’re never like this around him. 
Mark catches himself smiling at you, throwing the towel over his shoulder to cross his arm. This time turning to the side to look at you, noticing his actions you look over at him. A bit surprised to find him already looking at you, 
“What’s with that look on your face?” you ask
“You’re cute when you’re shy” he mumbles, his voice low and a smirk on his lips. You can feel your knees buckle a bit, resting your side on the counter to support yourself. 
“You didn’t answer me though” you tell him
It’s like someone flipped the switch because the next thing you know you’re trapped between the counter and Mark. Both of his hands resting beside your hip, effectively trapping you in place. 
Not sure if you could handle looking straight into his eyes, you look around the room behind him. Anywhere but him
“I’m right here, where are you looking at?” he whispers, lifting your chin up with his hand
“Uh I... I’m just...”
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” he laughs, finding this entertaining. The one times he decides to do the teasing and you’re already this flustered. He can’t help but smile at you adoringly. 
The feelings he had for you never really went away. Yes he acts all cold and nonchalant around you but deep inside he wanted you. He just wasn’t sure if you felt the same way or it was all a joke to you. 
So now he’s betting, hoping the odds to be in his favor. Right now, looking at you he really do thinks he has a chance. Either that or your gaze is making him crazy, there’s no way you don’t feel even a little bit for him. 
“So safe to say you weren’t annoyed?” you mumbled, blinking up at Mark. This time the guy lets out a hearty laugh, arms snaking around your waist to pick you up and twirl you gently. Your arms going around his shoulders securely.
Still he didn’t give you an answer, he just looked at you with a gentle smile 
“Yah, I’ll keep on doing it if don’t give an answer” you jokingly threatened him, pushing away but he pulls you back in. 
“No, I don’t mind. You can bother me all you want” he says, with this you feel your cheeks heat up. You were so used to be the one to do the teasing but never on the receiving end. 
Nothing really prepared you for this. To see Mark like this, hear him speak like this. For years you kept your feelings at bay but not anymore. Not tonight, tonight to let it all fall. 
“You know, I do like you like for real. When Haechan told me you liked me but I first talked to you you were so cold me I thought he was joking. I was genuinely hurt” you tell him, 
“You like me?” Mark asks “That’s all you heard?”
“No, sorry sorry. I was only like that because the guys wouldn’t give it a rest and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable” he admits. 
“For real?” you ask him, Mark nods at you “We could’ve been dating already this whole time, why why did we never give this a try sooner?” you ask to no one in particular. Mark laughs at your statement before drawing you in for another hug. 
The two of you just smile at each other, no music was playing but you were swaying gently back and forth. Bringing his hand up to caress your cheek, 
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, but next time don’t ask just do it. You have my full permission” 
Then he was kissing you. You can feel him smile against your lips, doing the same. You’re not sure how long the two of you were kissing but some time during that, Mark picks you up once again to set you on the counter. Standing in between your legs. His arms on your hips and yours holding his arms. 
When the two of you finally broke apart you say, “This would sound evil but I want to prank Haechan, like let’s pretend to get in a fight and not talk to each other”
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julessworldd · 2 years
If you have time, please could you do one with poly guns where they go out drinking after being in the studio and get arrested but she was so worried about them that she's mad when she finds out and let's them stew in the silent treatment?
Warnings: drunk behavior, cussing, arguing, jealousy, kinda toxicish? Depends how you read it. Anyways enjoy <33
The boys were working on there double album before they started touring again. I was so happy for them and growing success, I was their #1 supporter! I was at home trying to deep clean, Duff and Izzy usually help me but they’ve been so busy. Billy Idol’s White wedding was finishing up as I rubbed the counters down. 12AM, the stove clock read, “I really hope they’re not piss drunk”, looking at the freshly mopped floor. I grabbed a Coke out of the fridge, before sitting down in the living room.
Skid Row was being interviewed on MTV, I watched it for a good while before dozing. 3:45AM, Tv was playing gray telling me it was too damn late. I looked at the door, not one pair of shoes weren’t there. “What the fuck?” I groaned, something wasn’t right. The phone rang, making my stomach drop. “Please don’t be in the hospital or jail. For the love of God!” “Y/n, baby! Thank god you’re awake. We need you to be bail us out” Duff said, I could tell he was drunk but slowly coming to. “God damn it! What happened?”, I sighed. “Too much liquor, just hurry please”, Duff said. “I’m gonna murder you, idiots”, I hung up. I got dressed and grabbed some bail money.
“I’m here to bail Guns N Roses out”, I sighed. “They still have 2 hours until they can leave the drunk tank. But you can pay the bail now”, the lady officer smiled. “That’s fine. Can you tell the big blonde that if this happens again at least tell me it’s gonna be a good while. Acting like he’s gonna be traded for smokes”, I rolled my eyes. Lady grinned, “Do you want some coffee, love?” “Please. If you don’t mind”, I sat down.
“Y/n, oh thank god you came!”, Duff said. “Y/n, baby!”, Axl grinned. “Let’s go, I’m exhausted!”, I walked towards the car. It was 6:48AM when we got home and I wanted nothing more to sleep until 5pm.
“Good night, don’t bother me! Unless you’re bleeding and death is gripping you tight”, I said walking upstairs to my room. I haven’t slept there in 3 yrs. Sleeping with one of the boys always. But I was beyond pissed. “We fucked up”, Izzy said.
It was 4:30, when I I woke up or felt like seeing those idiots. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, Slash and Duff were at the table with notepads, “Hey baby” Slash said. I grabbed my cup down and a couple tea bags(your choice of tea). “Y/nn”, Duff sang. I walked out to the pool, ignoring them. I walked back inside as Steven and Duff were cooking dinner. “We’re making your favorite, sugar”, Duff said with a smile on his face. I slammed my door, deciding to call Nikki. Motley was back in town for a bit, Nikki was like my older brother. “Hey Nikki, are you busy?”
I threw a pair of leather pants, hunter green crop top, Doc Martens on. Teased my hair a bit, finishing my winged eyeliner. “Perfect timing, baby. Here’s your plate”, Duff. “Later”, I skipped to living room, shutting the door as Nikki pulled up. “So what’s bothering my little peanut?”, Nikki asked. “The boys got arrested last night for being too damn drunk. It was 3am when Duff called begging to be bailed out”, I sighed. “I’m sorry, should have called me I would have got ‘em”, Nikki smiled. “I still would be pissed, Nik but thank you for the offer”, I replied.
“Just wish they would stop acting like kids at times. It’s getting annoying dealing with them piss drunk, I have five drunks to control. God, you think Axl’s ego and attitude is bad when he’s sober. Fuck me, it’s worse when he’s plastered, Izzy isn’t better. Duff’s seven foot ass with my 4 foot ass”, I ran a hand through my hair. “I’m sorry, Princess. Just breathe, enjoy the ride”, Nikki said patting my knee. Nikki pulled up to the house, “Hey call me if you need me to come get you. I got a huge empty house, you know?”, Nikki smiled, hugging me. “Thanks Nik, you’re the best!”, I kissed his cheek. It was 10:30pm, everyone would be up still. Might as well face em, might not be as drunk as last night.
Five heads spun as I opened the door, “Care to enlighten us on why you pulled up with Nikki?”, Axl asked. “Care to enlighten me on why caused you guys to end up in jail last night?”, I spat back. “We were having fun”, Izzy said. “Same here”, I walked upstairs, slamming my door. 15 minutes later, I heard a knock. “What now?” Duff opened the door, giving me “I’m sorry for fucking up” smile. “Michael”, I said, shutting my calendar. “I’m sorry for last night and making you bail us out. I should have controlled us better, just that we’re so close to finishing the albums. We got happy and went over board”, Duff said sitting on the bed. “Ya think, McKagan?”
It was silent, Duff laid his head on my lap, tracing my thighs. “Can you ever forgive us? I hate when you’re upset with us” “I guess, I understand you guys are happy and can’t wait to tour again. But you guys are in your late twenties, you gotta grow up some. It’s getting exhausting taking care of you guys piss drunk and high as a fucking kite”, I sighed, playing with Duff’s hair. “I promise to do better and grow up some for you. I’m sorry we’ve treated you this way, you are an Angel for putting up with us much as you do”, Duff kissed my tummy that was showing. “Apology accepted, D. Sorry for missing dinner” “it’s okay it wasn’t as good without you here. Did Nikki feed you at least?”, Duff asked. “Yup, gremlin was fed before midnight”, I giggled. “Damn he remembered”, Duff kissed my thighs.
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sunnibearr · 1 year
CHAPTER EIGHT — it isn't a date
— coffees and books | written chapter wc: 671
— warnings: typos, mostly not proofread sorry, lmk if there's anything else! :)
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A week passed since Changbin confronted you about the fact you had been avoiding him. It has also been a week since the two of you made plans to hang out, just the two of you. The period of time was far too long and dreadful for you to function normally. Your brain was constantly on high alert, oh but thus is due next week this and I'll need to ask someone to cover my shift that. You couldn't stop yourself from coming up with reason to bail on your friend, even after recruiting the help of Momo and - her instagram famous -, fashionista friend to pick your outfit. You definitely couldn't back out now, especially when they were on their way over.
So, with as much strength as you could muster, you pushed yourself off of your sofa - the indent in the plush seat a telltale sign of just how long you'd really spent agonizing over the situation. With stiff legs and an aching back you made your way to the snacks littering your kitchen counter, grabbing bowls from the cabinets and pouring the contents of russling bags into clanking dishes. It almost muffled the one sound you had been dreading, staccato knocks against the door of your apartment. You're just glad Minho is at her boyfriend's house and not witnessing the absolute mess that you are.
Another set of sharp knocks ring out through the apartment, this time louder and more insistent than the last. "Yn?" You groan, sauntering over to meet your fate with a bag of sweets in hand. Maybe some sugar will placate your nerves.
"Hi, sorry, didn't hear over the- uh- things," You say as you liok at the pair on the other side of the door, allowing them to enter as you gesture to all of the snacks and their empty packets scattered around the kitchen.
You almost forget that it isn't just Momo who had come to visit, a deeper voice vibrating through the floor as your set various plates ands bottles on your coffee table. "It's nice to meet you, by the way! I'm Felix." You whipped your head around, voice caught in your throat. Wide eyes staring at the man who, now that you have taken the time to look at closer, didn't seem to be all that fashionable. You guess his outfit was definitely flattering on him but it was simple - a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Though, you shouldn't judge him yet, most of the guys you know would put on a week old, stained tshirt and worn out, old sweatpants and call it 'fashion' so, Felix's outfit is definitely a lot better. Okay, perhaps you can see how he's good at fashion and stuff but he still has the incredibly difficult challenge of helping you. Helping the person that Yeji once called "unhelpable" because you had rejected all of her outfit ideas for a date.
"It isn't a date." You repeated, a playfully annoyed look settling on your face. Felix is, well, an angel to put it simply. The three of you spent a couple hours chilling, just talking and eating and, occasionally, watching a movie that someone had clicked on in the background. Then, of course, you moved to the bedroom where Felix got talking about all of his technical fashion terms.
"Can I look through your wardrobe?" He asked so nicely before bombarding you with brutally honest comments about your clothes. He made sure you understood which articles of clothing were unflattering on you and "would make you look like a whale" but he also announced all of the pieces that made you look good. He really had skills at this because, in less than three hours, he had two outfits laid out on the bed for you. Two outfits that you were absolutely in love with and, of course, he had convinced you to have mini photoshoots in both of them, to help you decide which one you felt the most comfortable and confident in.
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— author's note: hmmm, Felix guest role!! yippee!! fashion major Lix is such a yummy concept i had to do it 🙏
— taglist (open): @septicrebel @moon-320 @ameliesaysshoo @mynameisnotlaura @amara-mars @smoltika @qveenbibi @amara-mars @neohyxn @luxurystark-jackson @ghogsy-com
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