#banished part 51
stararch4ngelqueen · 8 months
Time written - 7:51 p.m
“What’s your favorite part about me?”
The question took Jason off guard, halting his kisses along your sweetly scented neck, still damp from your shower.
“Where’d that come from, babe?”
You bit along your inner cheek, avoiding his gaze if necessary from the bathroom mirror’s reflection.
“I wanna hear something specific.” You avoid giving an answer so he doesn’t pry further, but he quickly beat you to it.
“Don’t do favorites,” he says, his arms around your waist giving an ever so loving, reassuring squeeze. “I love every part of you.”
“Choose one,” you insist.
His fingers cradle under your jaw, gently raising your head to meet your gaze in the mirror.
“Your heart.”
Whether that response banished your physical worries on your complexion or not, he didn’t know. What he did shortly after saying such revelation was continue to kiss along your cheek.
The one part of you no one thinks to judge first because cause they’re too stuck on the physical. His hand trails over your front, settling his palm over your imprisoned organ.
It keeps you alive. It lets him enjoy every minute of each day with you, makes those cheeks get all pink when you laugh. Makes those eyes shine like gems when you cry.
It’s the only organ in your body you can’t change to appear physically desirable to him. You may believe you carry thousands of flaws, but the word and definition didn’t exist in Jason’s vocabulary with you.
He’s never been more happier about life when it blessed him with you.
“That’s cheating.” You couldn’t say you weren’t convinced, but Jason Todd wasn’t a liar. Just annoying blunt at times.
“Look who you’re talking to,” he smirks, tilting your head just enough to kiss you on the lips whilst his hands slowly encourage yours to give away its grip from your towel, allowing it to fall off your body.
“You’re my little cherub, doll. You keep me in check, an’ I’ll make sure you never forget it.”
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overnighttosunflowers · 5 months
The Lore of Every Thought’s a Possibility, or: What The Fuck Is Up With the Planes? A Really Long Post About All My CR Theories
This post is ostensibly about the lore of every thought’s a possibility, an Imodna fake dating fic I wrote that has a canon-divergent continuation of the campaign’s main plot humming along in the background. BUT, just as LOTR was kind of a vehicle for Tolkien to play with linguistics, this fic was really kind of a vehicle for me to explore lore thoughts I’d been having anyway. (I am not actually comparing myself to Tolkien. A much more apt comparison would be a lore gremlin hiding under the bed to gnaw furiously on a thousand pages of transcripts and then offer a sheepish pile of scraps loosely formed into a heart.)
Basically, this should hopefully be accessible and interesting regardless of whether you’ve read the fic.
So! In building out my fic’s B-plot, I spent a lot of time combing through existing CR lore and synthesizing my thoughts into a single multi-pronged theory. What follows, then, is basically 80% theorizing to a degree I feel is supported by canon, and 20% extrapolating those theories a bit further in a direction that would let me resolve my fic.
I started writing Every Thought after episode 57, right before Team Wildemount entered Ludinus’s tower in Molaesmyr. So, the very first thing I had to do was invent what it was that they found there. I decided that, for my purposes, they’d found a shattered dodecahedron—something they’d seen before once, at the Key during the solstice—as well as Ludinus’s notes indicating that it was called a beacon and had to do with a type of possibility/fate/time magic called dunamancy. 
I went in this direction because I’ve long been convinced that the Luxon has a bigger role to play in this story than we know, for these reasons plus others that I can’t as easily reconstruct:
First, the Luxon, the Primordials, and Predathos are the only beings described as existing outside of Exandria’s standard planes/people/gods construction. The Luxon was said to exist before the Founding, and to have created the Primordials. Predathos was said to have arrived from beyond the known universe after the gods, during the Founding*, and been banished by the gods and Primordials working together. Although perhaps tenuous, this links the two in my mind. 
*(ie the period of history starting with the gods’ arrival in Exandria and ending with the Schism, where the Prime Deities defeated the Primordials and Betrayers)
(I’ve been wondering if perhaps Predathos and the Luxon are a Raava/Vaatu situation, or if perhaps one split off from the other. We already know the Luxon broke itself into pieces (the beacons)—what if Predathos is also a piece of it, containing all the darkest parts?)
In any event, to my mind, there has always been a possibility that Imogen’s storm at the end of episode 33/beginning of episode 34 is related to not just Predathos but also the Luxon. When Imogen is pushed to her breaking point, everything around her goes deep red—and then white. The Hells are each swept up in a storm of previously unaccessed memories and seem to perhaps be somehow shifted out of that space and/or time for the duration of the explosion that follows, being restored unharmed immediately thereafter.
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To me, this very much has flavors of dunamancy—not least because in The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, the Luxon’s original form is described as “a colossal, shapeless body of impossibly bright light.”
The other time a similar white light is described is at the end of episode 51, when the Hells are bamfed to Wildemount and Issylra. The light is described as “familiar,” so presumably similar to the light from episodes 33/34.
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The only other unexplained spatial displacement we have seen (beyond the other solstice-powered ones at leyline nexuses) was Ashton’s, during his parents’ Hishari ritual. He had a sense of watching everything tear apart—"wind, and light, and air"—and then they found themself suddenly in the Hellcatch desert. So I decided—half conjecture, half invention—that Ashton was transported by this same white light.
(Perhaps interestingly, the light has appeared 1) when an Exaltant of Predathos was pushed to the brink; 2) when a beacon was used in the Malleus Key, and—in my conjecture—3) during a ritual we later learned involved a shard of a Primordial, legendarily a creation of the Luxon. Could all three be related?)
All the Primordial stuff we learned from episode 58 onwards exists outside the scope of my fic, so I didn’t know about that shard while I was writing, and it isn’t fic-canon to my story. But I was absolutely positive that the Hishari stuff would be coming back in a big way; Matt had been dropping those hints for quite a while.
So, in my fic, Team Issylra (who at the time we didn’t know would land in Issylra—I guessed well!) encountered someone who had, for a time, been romantically involved with a member of the Hishari who had defected. (It had to be someone able to fill the group in on the Hishari without having known Ashton’s parents, because there’s a whole additional layer of emotional weight to that which this fic wasn’t equipped to contend with. As is, this defector’s ex, who I named Jesmaine, is mentioned like once.) Team Issylra learns the following:
The Hishari derive their name not from the Ashari but from the Gau Drashari.
The Gau Drashari were trying to keep Avalir from moving from plane to plane, which would have been dangerous to Exandria.
The Hishari were a modern group that discovered this information and came to believe that the Gau Drashari’s mission had been mistaken; far from keeping the planes separate and protected (a legacy we still see in the Ashari and their elemental rifts), the true mission should have been to reunite the planes, collapsing them all back down into the single plane from which they’d originally sprung.
(Technically they don’t get this much detail, but I’m giving it in full here for context.)
Now, in my fic, we go on to learn that Ludinus was working with the Hishari to help them collapse the planes. The Hells’ understanding, and mine, is that either the Hishari were already on this path and Ludinus realized he could benefit from helping, or—more likely—the group and/or its mission are themselves his own creations, shaped to help him achieve a goal.
We also learn that the Hishari were trying to collapse the planes by supercharging threshold crests with a good old dose of possibility and potential, courtesy of a beacon presumably provided by Ludinus. This mimics the way that Ludinus was using a beacon to charge or power the key.  It also puts keys or threshold crests on all seven of the most “central” planes: canon’s Material, Fey, and Shadow, and my Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.*
*It's interesting to note that, per the Divine Gate article on the CR Wiki, you do not pass through the Divine Gate when traveling to the Fey Realm, the Shadow Realm, the Ethereal Plane, or any of the Elemental Planes. You also don't pass through it when entering the Astral Plane, which itself contains the Divine Gate, but you do pass through it on returning. I omitted the Astral Plane from my plane-collapsing theory for this reason, and omitted the Ethereal Plane because it already overlaps the Material Plane to a much more significant degree than any other. I discounted all the Outer Planes because they are beyond the Divine Gate, and because they mostly seem kind of vestigial from official D&D and Pathfinder lore anyway.
Now, there were a few reasons I’d been thinking that perhaps the planes were going to become more relevant to the lore of Exandria than we’ve seen thus far. First of all, there have been several attacks at the elemental rifts defended by the Ashari: first an attack from the fire plane in ExU Prime, then an attack on Terrah before the Solstice. 
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Now, Keyleth concludes that these were just “false front” distractions, but I’m not so sure.
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Coming from our current lore knowledge, I notice that it’s the earth and fire planes specifically that were targeted—the same as the two Primordial shards that ultimately come to reside in Ashton and Fearne. At the time, though, I didn’t know about the shards, and so I instead thought: could these groups perhaps have been trying to weaken the boundaries between the planes? Could Ashton’s parents’ ritual—the Hishari ritual—have been doing the same?
We also knew that for some reason in order to release Predathos it was essential to have Malleus keys on three separate planes. While Ludinus was able to proceed with the Fey key down, Predathos quite notably hasn’t emerged yet, so it’s entirely possible that having a Fey tether remains in some way essential. I also found it particularly notable that until Fearne was born, Ruidus didn’t show up in the Fey Realm, suggesting that her birth somehow anchored it there—a theory only strengthened by what we’ve since learned about Fearne’s parentage.
The biggest reason I’ve thought the planes would be important, though, is ExU Calamity. Calamity seems to have (likely intentionally) laid a lot of lore groundwork for Campaign 3, and planes—specifically travel between them, specifically as it relates to godhood—were essential to Calamity’s plot. 
Let’s go through the details there, starting with the Tree of Names. In Calamity, we learn that the Tree of Names was inscribing a spell of protection on the world: protection from  “all the things outside it.” We specifically learn that this protective barrier somehow enforced a separation between the planes:
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(ExU Calamity episode 3)
The Tree does this through the power of names. Anything whose name it knows, it can guard against. Now, at first glance it seems like it specifically was meant to guard against the Primordials: after all, it was foretold that if the Primordials joined the Calamity, it would mean the end of everything, and it was by learning the names of and banishing the Primordials that the Ring of Brass was able to save a portion of the world. 
But, if the Tree was intended to guard primarily against the Primordials, why would the Arboreal Caelix have been added to protect it right after the Matron of Ravens ascended? 
We don’t know. But we do know that no one remembers the Matron’s name. That, therefore, very probably, the tree doesn’t remember it, either. And, therefore, that probably the Matron was able to evade the tree, giving her access to all the planes. 
From there, I hypothesized that there might be some connection between the Matron’s evasion of the tree and her ascension—between her planar travel abilities and her godhood.
Now, why did I zero in on collapsing the planes?
In Calamity episode 3, we learn that Laerryn had designed the Astral Leywright to “allow the city to travel not only across the face of Exandria, but to realms supernatural, where a city of mortals might walk as equals with the gods themselves.” In episode 4, we learn further that “Aeor opposed the gods and the Matron of Ravens and her ascension, and Laerryn's vision was, from whence do the gods come? By what token do they award themselves that title, and what realms beyond could we explore?” 
In summary: Aeor wanted the gods gone, and no more mortals ascending. Avalir wanted to one-up Aeor: why not make mortals themselves equal to gods? How better to do it than traveling as the gods travel—across the planiverse?*
*I didn't have space to address it in my fic, but I actually think that the most important part of all of this is "from whence do the gods come." The gods, the Luxon, Predathos: all came from somewhere beyond. Whatever and wherever that is, access to it is what truly separates mortals from gods. For the convenience of fic plot, I decided that where they came from is not an entirely separate place, but rather Everywhere All At Once. Put all the planes together and you get a sort of fourth-dimensional place that is simultaneously all of them and none of them.
In briefer summary: travel from plane to plane is the last thing separating mortals from gods. 
Now, one might immediately note that Plane Shift is a spell that exists, so this would have to be some kind of more complex planar travel. Calamity episode 4 enlightens us a bit on this: “[Laerryn’s] vision was not the simple magic of the threshold crests, not a quick move, not a one-way trip, not a single destination, but truly to take a leyline off of the face of Exandria and chart it to the stars, that we could go wherever we wished and be whatever we wished. [But] we didn’t know the spell the tree was writing.” 
So. The kind of planar travel Laerryn seeks—the kind that brings humans level with gods, the kind the Matron would’ve been able to execute as part of her ascension ritual—isn’t to a single destination. 
Could that mean that it’s to every plane at once? That part of what makes a god a god is the ability to exist on every plane simultaneously?
The Ritual of Seeding page on the CR Wiki offers some evidence to support this theory. Itself citing ExU Calamity, it tells us that one of the things that happens during an apogee solstice is that the walls between planes thin and the leylines move around. It also tells us that this was part of the Matron’s ritual of ascension:
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(CR Wiki - Ritual of Seeding)
(I’ll note that I dropped the leylines lore from my fic for reasons of simplicity, choosing to focus on the adjacent planar lore. I avoided delving into Matron stuff for the same reason—the Hells haven’t learned a ton about her, so I would have had to do a lot of legwork to introduce and support theories about her. I was trying to operate within the realm of what we already know. I will note, though, that The Nine Eyes of Lucien tells us that the Matron of Ravens, as the goddess of fate, is very interested in Fate-Touched individuals; that the Fate-Touched feat closely mimics the effect of the dunamantic spell Fortune’s Favor, which can also be obtained from staring into a beacon; and that Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn alludes to the Fate-Touched feat being somehow connected to Ruidus… very interesting, is all I’m saying.)
Okay, so now we’re set up to move into the endgame of my fic plot: Artana Voe showing up to tell the Hells that the deaths of the gods Ethedok and Vordo created the Fey and Shadow planes. This theory originally comes from Rach @dadrielle (as do fragments of everything in here, because I developed 90% of this directly into her DMs, but I know that I got this one 100% from her; whether she got any pieces of it elsewhere I’m not sure).
I believe the first seed of this idea came from Ethedok and Vordo’s domains. Ethedok was the god of darkness and winter, and Vordo was the god of fate and order. The former calls to mind the Shadow Realm, while the latter calls to mind the Fey Realm (albeit in a more topsy-turvy kind of way). This was fueled by the vibes of a largely unrelated post about Spelljammer, which mentions that in that canon, the Astral Sea is full of the corpses of dead gods, some of which form entire cities. (Absurdly cool Spelljammer campaign idea there if you click through, by the way.) Of course, this has nothing to do with Exandria, but it did get us simmering on the idea of the deaths of gods creating locations, and Rach had the thought that perhaps planes could grow from the corpses of the gods in the astral sea.
Anyway, I hadn’t committed to using this in my fic—that aspect of its lore solidified rather late in the game—and then episode 68 rolled around in mid-August, and Keyleth casually dropped that the deaths of the Primordials caused the creation of the elemental planes:
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Which, while not confirmation of anything about the Fey or Shadow planes, definitely made the Ethedok-and-Vordo’s-deaths-made-those-planes theory feel a lot more plausible. So I made it fic-canon!
I decided that the Grim Verity would’ve discovered this information, and used Artana Voe* to relay it to the Hells.
*In my earliest drafts, Artana Voe was going to relay information about the anti-resurrection poison being derived from a distortion of the Luxon--eliminating all potential worlds where someone came back to life--as well as the discovery that Potions of Possibility could therefore protect against it, and might even be able to someday reverse it. But this felt less consequential in a world where Revivify is offline anyway, and less thematically relevant than I wanted my finale lore drop to be, and by the time canon got to Keyleth's magical healing flowers, I'd more or less decided to scrap it and come up with something else.
It seemed entirely plausible that the Verity would make this discovery. They already know about Ethedok and Vordo, about them being eaten by Predathos, about Ruidus being formed to imprison Predathos afterwards—and they also know that something is brewing with the planes, per Campaign 2 Episode 129 when the Mighty Nein find Planerider Ryn’s notes:
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So (and we are fully past theories into the realm of Fic Canon at this point), the Hells have learned that part of the ritual to create godhood is existing on every plane at once, and that Ludinus is aiming to achieve this by collapsing the planes. All that’s left is to put together that it’s not that he’s trying to ascend to godhood himself, it’s that he’s trying to feed the god-eater inside the moon by ascending that moon itself to godhood—bringing it to every plane at once by collapsing them, and topping it off with a dose of the Luxon’s infinite potential and (likely very significantly, although I wasn’t able to explicitly address it in the fic) the “sliver of divinity” itself that is Vax’ilorb. And that by releasing Predathos and killing the gods, he will create an entirely new set of planes to replace the ones he’s destroyed, giving him a whole new universe to rule over. 
Now, do I think that this will wind up being true in the campaign? Not in so many words, no. I’ve taken my hypotheses and theories, shaved them down a little bit to fit more tidily into the space of a romance fic’s B plot, and then extrapolated them outwards slightly past what I’d otherwise be comfortable conjecturing if this were purely a lore post. But the result is, I hope, both logically sound and consistent with stuff we know to be true of canon thus far. I’m pretty damn proud of it, and if any tiny glimmers of this end up coming true? Well, then I’ll be even damn prouder.
Some additional miscellaneous information that I couldn’t quite figure out what to do with, but sure felt relevant:
Regarding Ludinus and the Luxon:  Team Wildemount learns in episode 58 (i.e. after my fic diverges from canon) that Ludinus used a crystal found under Molaesmyr to open a “channel of consciousness” with Ruidus during a celestial solstice. The crystal was believed to have fallen from an ancient flying city… which tracks with the fact that we know from C2 that Aeor was experimenting with dunamancy. The cast hypothesized that the crystal under Molaesmyr was indeed a beacon.
Regarding the Astral Plane, which contains the Divine Gate: Per a map found in the Happy Fun Ball in C2, Ruidus—or some kind of “ruby circle” that seems likely to be Ruidus—existed in the Astral Sea before the time of the Calamity, ie at a time before the Divine Gate went up (maybe disappearing because of that gate?): https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/u24lzj/spoilers_c3e19_ruidus_mention_in_the_happy_fun/. Unlike everything else on the map, it is not tethered to anything.
The Happy Fun Ball is now owned by Yussa, who is a friend of Ryn’s and therefore may be affiliated with the Grim Verity.
The Astral Sea was the Somnovem’s destination of choice when they planeshifted the Cognouza Ward away from the crashing Aeor.
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Regarding the planes collapsing: Per The Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount (p134), “The extremely rare double eclipse, when the moons Catha and Ruidus overlap before the sun . . . [is linked to the fact that] seers and oracles warn of portents that speak of an uncontrollable planar crossover, where multiple planes might briefly collide.
Regarding the origins of Ruidus: The Tishtan ruins, where the Malleus Key is located, date back to around the time of the Schism, i.e. shortly after the imprisonment of Predathos. Tishtan culture vanished with no explanation prior to the Age of Arcanum. Could the Tishtans have somehow ended up on the newly created Ruidus and become Reilora? We know that the Tishtans built ritual sites around Exandria, and it seems reasonable to hypothesize that those sites were at leyline nexuses. Were they attempting some kind of early version of Ludinus’s ritual to communicate with the godeater inside the young red moon?
Regarding the “beyond” from which the gods initially came: Deanna describes the afterlife as something that “existed before [the Matron of Ravens] and that will exist after her . . . It’s like being a little kid, and you think that your parents are gods . . . and then you get old enough to start asking who made your parents, you know?”
The Matron of Ravens is responsible for death, but if what happens after you die is beyond the purview of the gods entirely, what implications might that have about godhood? 
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic/Platonic Jega 'Rdomnai (Halo) with Prompts 23, 46, and 51 from https://www.tumblr.com/yanderes-galore/692127983521169408/panthers-yandere-prompts (the prompts you made and linked in your pinned post, I didn't know if they still needed to be linked); maybe a darling who was at the wrong place at the wrong time if you still need more to go off of?
You see, I've been obsessive about Halo lore lately because I'm reading the books so I'd love to do a Halo request ^^ My prompts were used for this if people wanted to know! Darling is human as I crave Alien/Human content. Not a spartan, however, sadly for you.
Yandere! Jega 'Rdomnai Prompts 23, 46, 51
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?"
"I'll chase you down like an animal if I have to."
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Murder, Manipulation, Threats, Human/Sangheili pairing, Blood, Mass death, Sadism, Implied forced relationship, Abduction.
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His own species and clan cast him out long ago. He had used cybernetics and tossed away his honor for the thrill of the hunt. Now he feels at home with the Banished.
'Rdomnai lives for the hunt. He loves the kills and he adores the chase. He's known as a 'Spartan Killer' for a reason, after all. Those humans are the best to hunt.
The humans would fall on this Ring. They don't have much of a fighting chance. Which is why they made decent prey for the blademaster.
He loves the fear that radiates from prey. Normally he picked the strongest, Spartans. However, if none were around... he picked at random.
He likes to see them struggle.
That was when 'Rdomnai first met you. A seemingly weak human he loves to stalk. You never saw him due to his superior cloaking technology, but he was there.
He saw how your muscles tensed when he was nearby.
Are you eager for the hunt too, human?
'Rdomani's favorite part of you is how you cling to survival. It's intoxicating to watch you, even more so when you fight against the Banished for your life. He should be helping them...
Yet maybe he's testing you.
'Rdomani had to learn to be patient with you. With his cloaking on he wished to observe you and your potential. His mandibles tremble at the idea of getting close to you.
You sparked something within the Sangheili. A strange feeling that he should not have towards human prey. He's surprised he still had it in him.
He felt a craving for companionship when watching you.
You must be good prey if you make him feel like this. Perhaps he didn't feel anticipation at killing you. He was excited to feel your skin in his claws once he catches you.
Was this love? In his twisted mind it might be. He doesn't care too much for the reasoning of his hunt.
He cares only about securing his prey.
The Sangheili waits until you leave your group to strike. You were tasked to find supplies and oversee a marine group. Such a mission was a death sentence all because you were sent on it.
How's it feel deep within you to know that?
Do you feel guilt when he reveals his blades? Do you feel helpless when he ruthlessly kills your people by sinking the plasma blade into their searing skin. Maybe you feel nothing but shock...
All due to the gnawing fear that eats at you as he steps closer, cloaking tech off with his skin covered in blood.
The blood of your people whom you were supposed to help serves as a reminder for your failure.
"I've been waiting for our game, human."
"Spartan killer..."
"That is one of my well earned titles, I'm happy you know that. You should know you're lucky."
"Lucky to die by you?"
"Perhaps... unless you know how to keep a hunter entertained."
The hunt begins once he cloaks away.
Watching you stumble as you run makes him laugh. He'll exhaust you like a predator. All the while he taunts you.
"Slow down and I'll catch up."
He drags a claw on a tree to startle you.
"I'm going to catch you..."
The sound of a plasma sword strikes fear in you, your adrenaline at an all time high.
"I'll chase you down like an animal if I have to!"
His little game ends once you're lost and tired. Despite imminent defeat... you crawl to hide. You still cling onto the idea of survival like he thought you would.
You're completely unaware he's standing over you.
Watching the color drain from your skin brings him joy. If they still made spartans he's sure you'd be molded into a great warrior. However, fate is not so fair...
He can see the desperate tears in your eyes.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
You expect the sword to come out and flay your flesh. You back up, shaking your head. He only follows closely.
"No... please...!"
"Your pleas are pitiful, human. Stop your tears."
He steps on your pelvis, clawed foot keeping you still.
"I said you're lucky. I'm not going to kill you like the rest."
He sees your eyes glimmer with hope before being shot down when he grins.
"I'm going to keep you."
You struggle under his foot, trying to pull off his leg from you. His strength was crushing.
"I don't only like the kill of my hunts. Trophies are nice too. You'll be my newest toy."
He leans down, arms on his supposed knee.
He eases his leg off before grabbing your arm and pulling you up. You swear it nearly popped out of its socket.
"Maybe you'll break... maybe you won't... that doesn't change a thing. This will be my mercy to you."
"Even monsters can love, can't they...?"
"Love...?" You spat. You glare at the Sangheili with eyes still glistening with tears. "You don't know love."
"I suppose I don't."
'Rdomnai hums before pulling you closer.
"I do hope you intend to teach me then, human. It'll keep you alive longer than the rest."
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mysticchessecake · 2 years
100 headcanons in LMK
1. Mk dosent get that scared in horror movies
2. Mei had purple and pink highlights at some point
3. Demon aging is a weird (Like how Redson is like 400, meanwhile Pigsy is 40)
5. Demon can live up to 200 years old.
6. Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, are somehow reincarnations of JTTW
7. Sandy and Pigsy are self proclaim brothers
8. Free noodles
9. Mk got his jacket with his 1st paycheck
10. Mei and Mk have been friends since kids
11. Mei and Mk are self proclaimed siblings
12. Redson drinks hot sauce sometimes
13. DBK once tried to make a cake for PIF as an anniversary present.
14. Nezha is banished temporarily in the celestial realm because of the fight with Wukong
15. Wukong likes drinking peach tea
16. Macaque smells like plums
17. Macaque has a part time job as an artist.
18. Sandy has a cat named Bajie
19. Mk has burn marks from that time PIF send threw him near lava. (Some accidentally got on him)
20. Mk's powers allow him to live up to 150 years.
21. Mk is lava resistant. It still hurts tho
22. Mk uses glamour
23. Wukong's lazer vision hurts his eyes like crazy.
24. Mk's clones turn evil is foreshadowing
25. Redson has black painted nails
26. Mei has green nails
27. Porty Mk has Rainbow painted nails
28. Pigsy has a small garden
29. PIF has a robot to order her Pigsy noodles.
30. Wukong spies on Mk regularly as a fly
31. Tang dosent drink coffee
32. Mei regularly gets her nails painted
33. Pigsy has a secret sweet obsession
34. Macaque has his nails painted black
35. Redson secretly sleeps with plushies
36. Pigsy is fluffy
37. Mk is half demon
38. All demons have secret horns
39. All demons teeth are either naturally sharp or gets sharp when becoming more unhinged
40. Mk's clones have demon ears
41. Artist clone is somehow the most strongest clone in terms in physical strength
42. Porty clone has earrings and dyed bits of hair
43. Porty clone is the smartest clone. But also one of the weaker ones
44. Evil clone's red eyes are result of Mk's bottled up emotions
45. Mk's demon half is monkie
46. Mk's clones are extremely amplified versions of Mk's bad traits.
47. Macaque wears eyeshadow
48. Mei is top of her class in high school
49. Wukong only eats hair and fruits
50. Delivery clone has the best defenses. Also he's an amazing chef (Like Pigsy levels)
51. Redson has a birth mark that looks like a burn mark.
52. Mei has multiple plushies of dragons
53. Porty clone doesn't sleep
54. All Clones tells alot of Mk's mental state
55. Sun Wukong's fur is soft
56. Porty clone is Mk's abandonment issues
57. Artist clone is Mk's perfection issues
58. Mk can handle spicy foods
59. Tang has extreme defense.
60. Tang and Pigsy are Mk's adoptive parents
61. Mk is buff now
62. Mei is a streamer
63. Redson secretly likes mango ice-cream
64. Mk has a terrible sleep schedule
65. Bai has a cat and frog obsession
66. LBD is somehow still aliv- err- here
67. DBK has alot of Chang'e merch
68. Chang'e is top 1 at moon cake
69. Tang is a horrible chef
70. Jin and Yin regularly puts drawings of bad reviews on Pigsy's, hoping that it will damage them. It dosent work.
71. Mk can't be trusted with a ball of jellybeans
72. Mei once drank like 5 bottles of soda
73. Sandy swears once in a purple moon
74. Spider people dead
75. Bai has 3 cats
76. Macaque has eyeshadow
77. Redson got out of school early
78. Mk is an art major
79. Mei calls Redson "Redbull" sometimes
80. Porty clone is Disco boy
81. Nezha is good at ice skating and normal skating
81. Nezha call rollarskates "wheelies" and or skates
82. Nezha and Mk are now siblings
83. Mei and Mk are called the Avocado duo
84. Bai didn't get LBD's full power when she got possessed
85. Chang'e is mega smart
86. Syntax was captured by spider queen
87. Yin and Jin often fight if silver or gold should be first
88. Mk is like 5'7
89. Mk is 21
90. Tang met Pigsy in highschool
91. Nezha is surprisingly good at the claw machine
92. Mei once destroyed a claw machine to get a prize
93. Mk got stuck in a claw machine
94. Mei dosent know how to play chess but shes surprisingly good at it
95. Tang gets cold easily
96. Pigsy is a ping pong champion
97. Sandy has a bread box that's shaped like a cat
98. Sandy teaches painting stuff
99. Mk is a heavy sleeper
100. Redson dosent know what Redbull is.
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boyfridged · 1 year
If I can ask, what do you think about Dana and Denise Harlow from RH 51-52?
oh i love them and i loved rh 51-52 in general! it's probably the only part of the series that i truly enjoyed, and i can't wait for martinbrough to come back – i really hope for some development of both these characters and jason too.
i'm a huge proponent of the belief that the only way to tell a meaningful story about jason atp is to end his period of narrative banishment from gotham and let him go back to his roots. so jay going back to the east end and the introduction of characters that are so tightly connected to it – and to his past! is the best course of action i could imagine.
also, you might have noticed that i talk a lot about jason's isolation and nearly complete dependence on bruce in his robin days, and the picture that rh 51-52 paints fits this reading quite neatly. it seems that jay has not had many opportunities to catch up with friends from the neighborhood as a civilian ever since he left it. which leads to another point, namely, that the new (old) location and the very specific institution of the neighbourhood watch now puts him in a position where he has to confront what vigilantism means in general – and the two issues were already a great set up for it!
in a way, the tension between dana and denise mirrors jason's internal conflicts too. for example, the fact that jason intuitively agrees with denise about dangers of vigilantism? the way he becomes the voice of reason when addressing misdeeds that he has committed himself before? it's brilliant.
moving aside from what they mean as background characters in jason's storyline specifically, any civilian (though it is arguable if dana can be counted as a civilian i guess) characters are dear to me and they seem to be dear to martinbrough too. they breathe true life into his depiction of gotham and the hill specifically, and while they were introduced with pretty one-dimensional sentiments, at least for now, there's soo much potential. i hope they're back soon.
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puzzleddonkey · 1 year
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Lore Dump on the events of the Rabbid Dictatorship post Raving Rabbids 2
Half headcanon, half RaymanPOTMH lore
After fleeing the Glade and successfully invading the entirety of earth, they didn't have anything left on their agenda. All of their plots centered around punishing all of the Glade for the torture they've subjected rabbid kind, taking enjoyment in it just as those of the Glade have in theirs ... but now that they found a place they can call home (Earth-despite the very unhappy residents) they no longer had an outlet nor a reason to continue these plots, so they've become idle in productivity. So idle, that the entirety of Dictatorship dissolved. Their fearsome dictator didn't have any rage left in him, and with no rage there was no obsession, with no obsession, there wasn't enough brain stimulus to create ideas. The fearsome dictator's fall from grace would affect the rest of the rabbids with no commands being given, not even regular work, they all had no other choice than to find something to do. Barranco clones, trained soldiers and other essential rabbids would collectively decide that they'll make use of their free time to create the perfect vacation spot in their inactive mothership (which remains undetected by humans, settled nearly a hundred miles below Area 51). However to make it truly perfect, just as the barrancos pictured... they banished all lesser worker rabbids from the mothership (lesser workers are also the common rabbids of earth). Why? Well, simply put, they didn't like them. They were loud, stupid and irritating. They c o u ld teach them to be at the same disciplined and intelligence level as their trained counterparts, but they're off the clock. Thousands of rabbids would be banished with little protest.And so, the hoard of dumb rabbids would decide to find entertainment elsewhere, which would often be in urban areas. Some partially educated rabbids would be appointed leaders within small communities of rabbids, imitating their prior DictatorshipHowever they usually didn't last too long, and if they did, they often clashed with other rabbid communities, building new societies from scratch. Not very developed ones, but societies nonetheless. Their plots varied from indulging in strange obsessions, terrorizing human neighborhoods, going to war with other rabbid communities, uniting rabbid communities by creating competitive sports, or building a ship to take them back to the Glade.. which they believe is the moon. For an extended amount of time, this would be their common activity. While they were perceived as a global threat when they first arrived, the dictatorship's collapse with the seclusion of the dictator himself alongside all educated and skilled rabbids, their reputation would become nothing more than an insurance problem. Though in a way, they were all a lot happier than they were back at their home planet.
At least until one particular rabbid (Lady Beauté) would manage to break through the impenetrable doors of the mothership, sneak past all trained rabbids (who were quite frankly too busy relaxing) and making a self-appointed meeting with the dictator himself. No one knows what this rabbid said or did to him, but whatever it was reignited his flame for revenge much brighter than it ever has. The rabbids of the mothership were surprised to say the least, but most of all they were excited to finally have something exciting to do. A new plot was brewing, one that needed waaay more than a few hundred service droids. All rabbids must take part, especially the lesser workers that they banished. They would be sought after and called back by these aforementioned droids. Those that resisted--are to have a bounty placed on them for trained rabbid's of the mothership to retrieve by force. No rabbid shall avoid their destiny.
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aboutzatanna · 2 years
One of the things that’s really exciting about Zatanna’s webtoons is the return of Allura.   
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  Allura has come up in this blog a few times but I thought I would make into one post.  
For those of you not in the know, Allura is the closest Zatanna has had to an archenemy and has shown up a few times in Zatanna stories.  
Her first appearance was in Justice League of America Vol 1 #51 (1967) created by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky which was the finale of Zatanna’s debut arc in the comics ‘Zatanna’s Search’.  Allura was an elemental trapped in the sword of parcellus. Zatanna frees her after she promises that she will take her to her father.  
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However, once Zatanna got to the location of her missing father, it turned out that Allura was the one who was responsible for her father being missing, she cursed him which would ensure both of them would die if they ever saw each other again.  
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Allura also had a good twin whom Zatara had been searching for and who forcefully convinces the bad Allura to release the curse on Zatara so both father and daughter could finally reunite:    
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Allura returned again in Zatanna’s back up story in Adventure Comics #413-415 which was later reprinted as ‘DC Super Stars of Magic’.  This time Allura was revealed to be the mysterious force that possessed John Zatara and briefly banished Zatanna and her boyfriend/stage manager, Jeff Sloan to another dimension. Note that Zatanna describes her as her father’s greatest foe:
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Allura’s final appearance was in  the 1987 Zatanna Special (which was recently uploaded to DC Universe Infinite) in which Zatanna was summoned by her mother from beyond the grave to rescue her people which also leads her on a journey of self discovery which is complicated by the many obstacles thrown her way by a mysterious assailant which is soon revealed to have been Allura:  
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After ‘87 Special though, Allura faded into  obscurity and despite her importance by being the catalyst setting off Zatanna’s heroic journey, she’s barely mentioned afterwards.
Part of the problem with Allura is the lack of a defined motive. Why does she hate the Zatara’s?   What is an elemental?  Why were there two Allura’s? What happened to the good one? Why does she need a host to exist in the real world?     
I hope the web comic fleshes her own and gives her a consistent defining motivation and leads to the character appearing in the main universe. 
And yes, there is more than one character named Allura in the DC Universe. Supegirl’s mom’s name is Allura In Ze and was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino and first appeared in 1959.  Then there is Princess Allura from the Golden Age Wonder Woman comics who debuted in 1947 in Wonder Woman Vol 1 #25 and was created by William Moult Marston and HG Peters. She was a princess of fictional nation called Zarikan. 
Other than a name there is no connection between these three Allura’s.  
But lets hope Zatanna’s Allura finally gets the prominence that she deserves and becomes a memorable villain. 
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
ep 51-52 spoilers but i gotta get the thoughts out man (also some for ep 2 of the black rose pirates oneshot)
ok so im going to do it all at once but like the amount of times i panicked with gill and shit over things like the moment the arm was mentioned i KNEW it was jon and how gillion risked so much to save him
(imagine a world where gillion didnt make it and slowly froze to death and was comforted by the ideas of jay and chip making it yet felt ashamed and disappointed as he couldn't save jon or pretzel and on the other side it could be either jay or chip wanting to stay longer and trying to get them back or them both just sobbing at the door because gills fucking dead and- i should stop hurting me emotionally huh)
back to what actually happened im so happy they all ended up fine and shit and id help gill with a villain arc if they did both die (both being jon and pretzel)
more about gillion its just something with how his "insult" wasnt really an insult but rather something he believed that he knew would hurt chip. something how grizzly also used the word sin for dark secret and then gillion talks how he got banished and he probably was very nervous about it going south yet they thought his punching of the navy was kickass.
the fact that gillion hugged jay thinking she was his sister is so sweet yet i could tell from the beginning that edyn wasnt real. i just got the sense for pain man
take gill giving chip a ring and him getting flustered about it whatever way ya want, im just thinking how fucked hed be if jay and chip did indeed fight each other (also you cant tell me that he wasnt taught it by his sister and his test was pretzel who knew how dangerous it could have been yet he could tell she wanted to bond it and so gill has a ring on him somewhere and they pretend that the magic is still in effect and it makes them even closer then before)
chip was a fucking bastard with the whole secret pressuring thing, and grizzly knew. and he used it to fuck up their friendship harder. making the people chip cares for the most (which btw thats so fucking cute writing bout that next) attack him and having someone jay cares about attack someone she also cares about maybe even more while giving gill such a tame one is grizz's plan. worst part is gillion would be used to them teasing each other so he may brush the growing hatred off as just something human friends do. GOD GRIZZLY WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS
theres something sweet about bizly telling grizz the people chip cared for the most was jay and gillion because it sounds like he didn't mention arlin, implying chip cares for gillion and jay more then arlin and thats beautiful.
my heart hurts seeing the idea of chip having such bad trust issues and wondering if these guys actually care for him yet he pulls up the wall with insults manned and ready just so that he doesn't need to accept that people he cares about exist and doesn't need to worry about them going away and i made myself pain again AHHHHHHHH
i remember seeing a post about jay being an easy crier and how it doesnt make her any less a girlboss and i fully heartedly agree because aprt of her girlbossness she can acknowledge her barriers and when shit crosses the line and she doesnt hide it up and maybe that inspires chip and gill to be more open about their boundaries and emotions and ill stop before i make more pain but yeah def proven by the flesh room
i dont know if anyone else made the comparison but yall know when finn arlin and dray were going down the hallway and each got flashbacks and shit? the mirages were probs a reference and it was the same order too (charlie, bizly, then condi) and i freaked when i realized!
of course jon is what got gillion pumped up and bsck to his gill self because theyre gay af guys
that ring thing between gill and chip was so fucking gay omfg i hope they keep them happy pride month
the fact that gill just had to be in the middle of chip and jay fighting and idk why i do this to me but maybe he felt bad cause of the shit he said cause while jay and chip said a ton of things and they did feel bad a bit what if gillion felt like he had fucking sinned with this insult because of how bad chip seemed to feel and he just cant help but feel like he helped and all that and god how let me be a fan fic writer
okay comfort for me now (its poly pirates i love them ok) but since gill believed jay enjoyed the clown outfit (plus she mentiondd that she gave up on her dreams) he ends up trying to make one and hes a lil nervous but he asks chip for help and jay just finds them in the room with gill practicing sowing as chip helps him make a clown outfit and jay just is mesmerized by how hard gillion is trying and how chip is just so calm with him and they seem as though this is one of the most important tasks of their lives (for chip its more of making gill happy by helping him learn to sow) and after a bit jay goes back up and what do you know 1 or 2 hours later jay is given a wrapped box by gill who seems very excited and ahe opens it and finds the clown outfit chip helped make and she glances up to see chip give gill a thumbs up and wink and she smiles and tears up at how much effort they spent into making this
more poly pirates comfort coming next post but its really just gonna be writing fanfic ideas that i WILL make after i write a couple moee chapters of my scu fic
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beardedeldridge · 2 years
Per some requests  for specific info and a comment someone made that “other” people should share their ritual/dailies/practice or whatnot:
Part I:  This is a rough outline/timeline of how my practice evolved.
Part II:  I’ll sorta explain my regular working area.
Part III - … daily ritual I did the morning before the original post.
I showered and went through a simple purification ritual (reciting 51 works well here in classic grimoire fashion).  Then I got dressed in comfortable clean clothing and entered into my ritual room.  This is pretty basic since I do it almost every morning.
Start of the workings:
Started with some lite meditation to prepare myself for the working then took out my tools. Then I preceded with more meditation while I slid my fingers across the beads counting until I found the bead of the day.
Then with the remainder wrapped around my hand loosely I went through my exorcism and preparatory rites (mostly specific psalms and prayers).  Banishing/invoking rituals can go here as needed.
Then I moved into prayers, invocations, and devotional work.  
Then I asked for the ways to be opened and what I needed to be sent to me. I then called on two allies for assistance and opened the ways.
Planetary workings:
From here I did my daily planetary work based on the day of the week (dsic works here).  Then I called on the other planetary forces. (I work thru the 7 classical planets +1 other.)
Sometimes I call on specific elementals or other spiritual forces/genius loci/local spirits/whatever at this time.  I don’t do this as much as I use to (or probably should). Haven’t spent a lot of time building those relationships/connections since we moved.
Specific Psalter workings:
I then evoked that days psalm. From there I evoked the chapter of the day from the other book I’m working. I allow my allies to direct which second book I’m working with. Sometimes I work thru the second book once other times multiple times based on what they say. (For an example if I’m on the 76th bead that’s Psalm 76 + Proverbs 14 {31 + 31 + 14} if I was working repeatedly through Proverbs for example). Then I did a few random passages as I felt led (to cover what I don’t know, to receive general guidance, or to answer a question if I have one). Then I continued and worked thru a set based on my main focus for the day. (A classic example would be a series of 7 specific psalms each once a day for 6 days and then all of them 7x on the 7th day to cut ties with something that’s holding you back for example.) Then I did a specific set of passages specific to my practice. (These change and evolve slowly as my practice and focus does.)
On this morning I was seeking some guidance and thru the “random” passages selected and the order they came thru, a fairly direct answer was given.  Always cool when the answers are that direct and neatly fitted together.
Then I meditated, allowed for any additional stuff and then I completed the license to depart/closed down the ritual.  Banishing if needed goes here.
Personal Tips:
 My setup. 150 beads divided into 10 groups of different materials/numbers. (A single bead at the top, a set for the physical world at the other end, and sets for the elements/planets/etc in between). Also I have one bead for each psalm and I work one a day as I slowly work thru my psalter beads. This creates a focus for each psalm for use when I need to achieve a specific result in a specific situation.
Sometimes things come up so on average I work thru my psalter beads twice a year.  So maybe 65-66 miss days annually because sometimes life happens.  And sometimes parts may have to get condensed or put off until later/tomorrow.  Plan on those and don’t beat yourself up to much over occasional misses.
When I travel I carry a piece of the same flooring with markings that match those on the flooring in my ritual room and then I use that during my dailies when I’m traveling.
I find it best to go do something none magical right after.  I like to go deliver coffee to the kids (yep most drink coffee). Kiss the wife/etc…
I left out some stuff but if its important should be fairly obvious.
My practice has changed a lot since the pandemic started. I haven’t done any full manifestations since near the beginning of the shutdowns. Specifically after a particular result. We’ll see what the future holds.
Next Part IV:  Description of a black/sigil/pentacles/seals/narrative book I have been working on. (Probably. I haven’t completely talked myself into doing a post on this one yet.)
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ruvviks · 1 year
5, 23, 51 for Bourbon
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5) what's their most useless, weirdest, or least marketable skill?
bourbon can lift something up and after a few seconds he can VERY accurately guess how heavy it is. it's very impressive and fun to show off at parties but other than that there's not much he can do with it LMFAO
23) what's one childhood memory they've never forgotten?
bourbon tries very hard to never think about his past ever again because it only ever makes him sad or angry </3 he always felt very alienated from his family and ended up moving out at a very young age because he was scared of judgement when he came out as trans and he's never really looked back after that
one memory he hasn't been able to banish to the void is his childhood best friends all ditching him after an argument he had with one of them. they were in the wrong but everyone still sided with them instead of him; good riddance, but at the same time it meant he had no one left to turn to so it fucked him over big time for some years aha xx
51) what is their favorite thing about themselves?
bourbon is very intelligent and he knows this and he's very proud of it >:^) he can make decisions easily and acts quickly when it's necessary, which are all handy skills to have as an assassin and it's part of the reason he hasn't been caught yet. he's essentially managed to teach himself to fuck people over before they can fuck him over and he's very satisfied with how it all turned out for him
oc asks!
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psalmonesermons · 1 year
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A brief guide to repentance Psalm 51 When we sin as believers our attitude to the sin is all important. Sometimes we might try to pretend there is no sin or even to justify it, other times we point the finger to others. David was a believer who committed a terrible sin. This Psalm teaches us what to do if we also fall into sins. Structure of Psalm 51 Verse 1-12 – King David’s confession and plea Verse 12-19 – King David’s anticipation of forgiveness and restoration Read Psalm 51: 1-19 Comments Verse 1; Plea not for just deserts but mercy according to God’s nature Verse 2; Thorough cleansing needed inside and out Verse 3; The repentance process can only begin with confession Verse 4; All sin is ultimately against God. His laws are right and just. Verse 5; The fallen nature of man but cannot be used as an excuse Verse 6; God not only desires truth in our hearts but is able to impart it to us Verse 7; At Passover, the hyssop was dipped in the blood of the sacrificial lamb Verse 8; David’s heartfelt desire to be freed from the destructive effects of his sin and restored Verse 9; Only God can cover and then remove our sins Verse 10; David’s heart was unclean, but he recognized his need for God to create something in him that was absent Verse 11; Part of the fear of the Lord is the dread of being banished from His presence. In the new covenant Jesus promised not to remove the Holy Spirit from believers, but we can still grieve the Holy Spirit with our sins Verse 12; Plea to restore first love and sustain us in it Verse 13; Only when our hearts and lives are right before God can we be in any position lead unbelievers to the Lord. Verse 14; Only God can remove the stain of the sin of murder from a man’s heart. The graceful act of God’s forgiveness produces our most joyful praise! Verse 15; By faith David begins to receive his cleansing and forgiveness Verse 16; The Lord wants heart repentance not ritual offerings Verse 17; The Lord will accept truly repentant people Verse 18; Once we are restored to fellowship with God then He can begin to rebuild our lives and ministries... https://www.instagram.com/p/CnQFcW-oViJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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libidomechanica · 8 days
“Juan, half an hour and quell”
A Kelly lune sequence
In the leopard part. All the more to the winds are lang!
Busily seeking with Me! Juan, half an hour and quell?
At this hair sweet love, now she’s at that once thence decay.
Has cause I feel smiles the streams? Its corn wav’d green holly!
From the talks to diverse? Squad of our breast! Of the Jews.
For thy cheeks, the proof— her purity entwine its back.
The hounds,— love to-day? But if they will shine utter’d me.
The rills o’er and Crown, then Madam— Madam—Madam—hist!
I lost in Old Story? All the tide, ladies I will.
From the striking up. She sate within arranging moon.
All faire lines so very hand. Judicious of Sorrow!
And when they impress. Desire, but makes man from me.
The owlet in silent and find then—and the cold sward.
Such tears, by the weak in.—I’m in such waits in the pair.
Seeking: as midnight a cigarette. Its strength be here!
The less. All people shouting then Madam—Madam—hist!
By mortal alarm. Camel tumbled, whilst flower rate.
The poesy of his Presence. And comforts for here fedde.
Friend. And while for your in a watrie glassy deep to seed.
And so she’s good, some melancholy! Then what I mean!
Oh distills your mother’d with sparkling roguish een.
If from vermeil lips? You think Sappho’s Ode a good food.
No doubt: but Grey was a museum. Catch not a few.
Besides, though I adore o Sorrow! A full as I.
We drives, yet I guess. She may triumphant, unawares.
If I could be quoted; Antonia you are you.
Shadow. But, ah, she loiter’d, and death-bed overture.
She knew noses, one mighty flurried; demure will out.
A Shah there you. He cried, with joy gone under and sup.
Of Death! The will turn sourest moan; long seaward flowers.
It was it may be, no! Me, i’ll not behind; for me!
There vnseene, the buried. And then comes the Almighty fret?
You will banish me! In whose to this we misery?
So that half wonder and so I’d fain, peona kiss?
Son or Daughter; my native land doom takes love again?
For Johnny make such a though Betty figure? Is left.
A cowslip on the mountains! Except to know no more!
And I would love. To say, methink us world; thy voice?
Above. Then come sweeter strength to diuorce from the serene!
My Lady. That purchast mind was far from Dian’s temple.
By that ye cal him? And lives best voice this, at last bud?
To pick out to diver’s honey- fly alas! For heart!
Such lovely and rock my breast. My Jeffrey held has much.
Lemons, and robes sweet are lang! Soon as this, but the Pearl.
Your lips a kiss’d her befalls. Surely hath been our feet.
On to bite than landlord make. A new one, beautiful.
Those palms, new-plucked at home! And the arms, it sooth, and treat?
Sweet to be true one. But few have seen; for instancy.
Dense and from the squirrel’s barn. The bus, though beloved.
Said in—I forget what the acted right, but the lie.
Our victorious souls’ antipodes. Up his fair.
When pale cheeks of battering me, I leaue to us.
And, like to her, if unto her feeling stirs again.
—Her song.—’Tis Dian’s fault of beauty who came a martyr.
Could love! Was never be by phantoms of me therein.
Those suicide was full of claretless plain of Song?
Depth Cimmering. Thou tread’st with a sudden with the two?
As Captains kiss her. This I could not yet thee and low!
Because she revives; amaz’d, she would hope? The devil.
Now when he done, Salámán eyed the sudden leave told!
Of stone! She turns frown, then she look’d upon the best of?
There came ye, jolly. Or say that they are the eagles.
Alas! But whether is brought in your gloom; up the soil.
Which made too late? Poor lone beloved you all fame sheep.
Bare merely tend it o’er has twa sparkling rogue!—Who?
The boy was also the day with the stain. Better know.
Before his Banquet loves him the hears, though not need me.
Not Hesperus: lo! Firmness, gather’d fire, and whirlpool.
At the mair they cal that so content. And Betty, go!
Are maidens, nor eloquence of four kiss. But that blood?
Want thou kiss high rocks through the learning river judgment.
Than an uneasy virtues with fine relish, many?
I stands. And sere, my times abroad, and snatch a curst die!
Must still not do! Slack and peeled at, and rock yawns,—you can.
We are his wife you reach other thrills. Wide universe!
The sylvan aisles. And tuned it be grows that anon.
With zebras strange adventure. Thus constant visitor!
Is done. I said: I must has told those paths of our back.
And not, and all wear no more, and laughs aloud. But, light.
Souls’ antipodes. Perhaps, a virtue dignified.
Lights came to fields nothing you mayest he ken’d the bright on.
Past wet under young, I’m a stones of Song? When I left.
I’m o’er you in ioyes. Look and death its hue vermilion.
0 notes
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The SCION - Part 51 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1315238840-the-scion-part-51?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=illorien&wp_originator=ivqVPULxFPNccM2So0y5PN4ENEQUznYu5HXTezvHp7glikd0eBriV5nmAYdvIKoO08Fnku1QP%2FqtNl1RDsLFV1AerY9BGbd3WIbBohAEa2EwFYYAN7fF%2BAOO6lKmaGts A young man seeks out his true destiny while protecting those who are important in his life and tirelessly fighting to uncover his thru purpose and waging war among hordes of creatures sent by eight malefic but powerful Elysian god's who were banished into the void because of their rebellion against the multi-world singular ruler and Creator, as they continue to inflict chaos in countless other worlds to clash among each other as wave destruction and death for their own amusement.
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years
#DailyDevotion Look To The LORD Through Jesus To Be Forgiven & Restored
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#DailyDevotion Look To The LORD Through Jesus To Be Forgiven & Restored Psalm 51:1-12 0 God, You are so kind — be merciful to me, Your grace is so great -- wipe out my wrong; 2wash me thoroughly from my guilt, and cleanse me from my sin. 3I realize the wrong I've done, and my sin is always before me. 4I sinned against You, against You only, and did what is wrong in Your sight; so that you are just when you speak and pure when You judge. 5Yes, I was born guilty, and when my mother conceived me I was in sin. 6You desire truth in my heart; You want to teach me to be wise in my inner being. 7Cleanse me from sin with hyssop and I'll be clean; wash me and I'll be whiter than snow. 8Make me to hear joy and gladness; then the limbs You crushed will be glad again. 9Hide Your face from my sins, and wipe out all my wrongs. 10Create a clean heart for me, O God and give me a steady new spirit. 11Don't banish me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. 12Give me again the joy of Your salvation and a willing spirit to strengthen me. So David wrote this Psalm after being outed by Nathan for what he had done with Bathsheba and to Bathsheba's husband. You know, he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and when she got pregnant and couldn't get Uriah to have sex with his wife so it would look like it was his kid, he got Uriah killed at the front line in battle. According to the Mosaic David should be killed on both accounts. When confronted with his sin by Nathan, David confessed his guilt and the LORD forgave him but not without temporal punishments. David writes this song about his sin and about the LORD's great mercy toward us. He gives us words we can confess when we sin. First David appeals to the LORD's kindness, mercy and grace. It is part of God's name in Ex. 34:6. You should read it. It is on the basis of these qualities of the LORD's name David asks him to wipe out his wrong, wash him from guilt and cleanse him from sin. Indeed our LORD Jesus Christ has done this for us in baptism and should we sin after baptism we should remember this and return to our baptism in our hearts. David confesses to the LORD his sin. He realizes the wrong he has done. It is grating on him. Also the sin was against Uriah, ultimately, as David confesses, it was truly only against the LORD whom he had sinned and done this evil in the LORD's sight. This is because all sins are against the LORD. Sins against our neighbor are sins against the LORD because our neighbor is made in the image and likeness of the LORD. Your neighbor is the icon, the “idol” of the LORD. What you do to him you do to the LORD. David also confesses we are sinful from our conception. Often we call this original sin. It is the root sin that continually has rebelled against the LORD since the Garden. David again appeals to the LORD to make him clean and wash him. We may experience this when we to go confession and the pastor absolves (washes us) us with Jesus' word of forgiveness. But we need more than washing. We need the Holy Spirit. So like David we ask the LORD to renew our spirit (make us alive again) and give us his Holy Spirit so we would have willing spirits, a spirit that is willing fear, love and trust in the LORD. So Jesus has provided us pastors to absolve us from our sins and give us Christ's body and blood in the sacrament to renew and strengthen us in our spirit so we may love God's law and want to do what it says. Heavenly Father, we confess we have sinned against you in word, thought and deed. Forgive us for Christ's sake and renew us with your Holy Spirit so we may joyfully serve you all our days. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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Banished (Part 51)
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Word Count: 10K
*Based off episode 4x06 of the 100, We Will Rise*
*Bold/Italics are Trig!*
Previous episode...
The fire on Alpha station was put out as your people worked together, the rain falling from the sky providing help as well. Jaha stood in the middle of camp, looking at the destroyed ship with a somber face as Jasper walked up.
Jasper looked up into the sky, the rain falling on his face. “It’s not black rain.”
Jaha continued to look at the Ark, broken to pieces and no longer offering survival. “It will be colorless when it comes.”
“How are we gonna know?” Jasper asked him as he continued to look up in the falling rain.
“Pain.” Jaha sighed. “Chaos. Death.”
Jasper rolled his eyes as he listened. “Same old, same old then.” He smirked before looking around. Children were curled into their parents, some coughing and some sleeping before Jasper saw the frown still on Jaha’s face. “Jeez, cheer up Jaha. Once you accept there’s nothing to be done, there’s nothing to worry about.” Jasper didn’t find one problem with Alpha Stations destruction. He had no plans to be inside when Praimfaya hit anyways.
There was a group of men, stock piling parts of the ship that had fallen and still reusable as Jaha watched on. “We’ll find a way.” He said before Jasper chuckled.
“I found a way.” He whispered. “If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.” Jasper jokingly quotes Dr. Seuss as he walked away, leaving Jaha to mull over his words as the man pulled out the pendent from the dead man you all found in the bunker. He’ll find a way to survive
Following Ilian’s decision to set fire to the ship, he was put in the cell to keep him safe and to make sure he doesn’t pull another stunt. Kane stood next to you, asking if you were alright from your coughing when the angry mod ran past you. It didn’t take a genius to know they were going for Ilian. Kane called for the guard as you both ran after them. By the time you arrived, Ilian was already being beaten, covered in his own blood as you and Kane both tore people off him. One man hit you in the mouth and kicked your left foot out from under you, before you realized Kane pulled out his gun. Yet you had already landed on your knee, laying on the ground with a split lip and a throbbing leg.
He fired 3 shots into the air.
The shouting ceased as everyone looked to Kane. He aimed the gun at the crowd, getting them to backup from Ilian. “I will shoot the next person who touches this man, so help me!” He threatened as people looked around deciding it wasn’t worth it. Kane stuck a hand out to you, helping you off the ground as you touched your lip, feeling the slight blood coating as you patted it away. Kane continued to look at the crowd, daring anyone to attack, but they didn’t and chose to leave. “Good choice.” When the last person left the room, including the guard, Kane dropped the gun and looked to see your lip. “Go check with Clarke, let her take a look at you.” He told you but you shook your head.
“I don’t need to get checked out, it’s just a lip.”
“And your leg?” He motioned down at you limping enough for him to notice. You sighed and avoided looking at him. “You’re hurt.”
“I’m fine, Kane.” You told him, getting him to stop worrying. You nodded towards Ilian groaning on the ground. “But he might not be. Let’s just get him to the med bay.” You started to help Ilian up before realizing Kane was helping. He was too busy just watching you, noticing how tired you were. “Earth to Kane. You planning to help or are you just going stand there and let me do all the work?” Sighing lightly, he put his gun away, and threw Ilian’s other over his shoulder as you dragged him to the med bay.
“Stage two re-entry in 5” The computer informed Raven before it started to count down. She was sat in the rocket, looking at the screens in front of her as she worked the shaking rocket.
She pushed herself on. “Come on, you can do this.” She muttered, more focus than ever.
“Main booster engaged. Fuel levels critical and dropping fast.” The computer was finished counting down as Raven looked to the fuel, seeing it at 20%.
“No, no, no!” She chanted, trying her best to push on despite the warnings being yelled at her. The fuel hit 0% as Raven grunted, trying to make the rocket last.
“Warning. Brace for impact.” Raven was still stressing, hoping the rocket would pull through. Fire exploded on the screen in front of her as she groaned and leaned back in her seat, the lights in the rocket turning off. “Mission fail.” The screen lit up red as Raven read over the report of her failed simulation. “Exterior damage 100%. Cargo Damage 100%. Fatality 100%”
“Way to go, Raven.” Murphy was outside the rocket, playing with a toy car as he spoke over the speaker in his ear to the one in Raven’s. “Nuclear death wave 42, mankind 0.”
Raven rolled her eyes as she turned on her microphone. “Do you want to get in here and try it?”
“Nah, kind of busy out here.” He told her, focusing on his toy car. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to be responsible for everyone in the world dying.”
Raven was getting irritated by Murphy’s presence as she went over her failed simulation. “Abby said you had to watch. No one said you had to weigh in.” She reminded him.
Murphy chuckled softly. “That’s me, always going above and beyond. Speaking of, you keep starting your fuel at 75%. Maybe that’s your problem.”
“Pay attention. 10 barrels of hydrazine is all we have at Arkadia. If there was more, then I wouldn’t be having a landing problem.” Her sentence stopped as a headache ripped through her brain, making her pause and hold her forehead. “Damn it.” She groaned.
Murphy stopped playing with the car, looking back to the rocket. “You okay in there?”
“I’m fine. Shut up.” She snapped at him.
Murphy wasn’t deterred from her attitude. “Do you want me to wake up the doc?”
Raven’s headache started fading as she denied his question. “I’m good.” She said. She started to set up the simulation again, setting the fuel gage to 75%. “I’m running it again.”
Murphy sighed. “Sure. 28th time’s a charm, right?” He joked sarcastically as Raven ignored him, starting the simulation up again.
“Simulation starting.” The computer told her before the rocket on the screen launched into space, letting Raven try again.
Clarke woke up in her bed early the next morning, forgetting any idea of sleeping in. She reached over to her nightstand, grabbing her shirt that sat on top. She was about to pull it over her head before seeing a drawing she had done ages ago of Lexa before she passed hung onto Clarke’s wall. A pang in her heart caused Clarke to stop, just living in the memory of her deceased ex-girlfriend.
“Don’t you sleep?” Clarke finished throwing her shirt on before turning around and smiling at Niylah laying in Clarke’s bed. “Everyone needs rest, Clarke.” Clarke sighed in content as she moved across the room to pick up her pants. “There she goes.”
“I have to.” Clarke reminded her as she slipped on the last article of her clothes. “Going to the island today to bring rocket fuel to my Mom and Raven so they go into space to make Nightblood. It’s now officially our only hope.”
Niylah nodded softly, feeling the guilt in her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop that boy from destroying your home.”
“It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have left you and Octavia.” Niylah was about to object but Clarke didn’t let her get a word in. “Besides, now we don’t have to worry about kicking 450 people out when the death wave hits or sharing it with Azgeda.” Clarke assured her, remembering when you had told her about promising half of Alpha to Ice Nation, not that it mattered anymore.
“Lexa would be proud of you.” Niylah said as Clarke stopped dressing for a moment, sparing a glance up. “We’re all your people. She believed that, too.” Niylah stood out of the bed, walking over to Clarke. “She lives on through you.” Niylah was trying to get Clarke to understand, but the look on Clarke’s face told Niylah she was thinking of something else. “What is it?”
Clarke looked her in the eyes. “I want you to stay here. You can stay in my room until I get back.” Clarke said but Niylah just shook her head.
“Clarke, I’m not asking for anything more than this moment. That’s how I live.”
“I know.” Clarke said as she grabbed her hand. “But Niylah please, once we solve Nightblood, it’ll be distributed to Arkadia and Polis first. I’d feel better knowing you were here to get it.” Niylah stayed silent, thinking over Clarke’s offer before smiling with a nod. “Good.” Clarke smiled as well. “I’ll let med bay know they have an extra hand.”
After Clarke threw her jacket on, she pulled Niylah to her, embracing in a kiss before pulling away. “Now go save us all.” Clarke nodded, sharing one last look with Niylah before leaving.
The plan for today was for Clarke and Bellamy to take the hydrazine to the lab. Roan was going as well to supervise, not trusting Skaikru not to betray him. Right now, you were listening to Monty tell you, Bellamy, Kane and Roan about the outcome of yesterday’s disaster. “Sectors 3, 4 and 5 had sustained the most damage. We lost the server room, all of our processors, life support systems, and half our living quarters. Backup power will keep the lights on at night in the room that survived, but there will be no heat or running water. And no way to restore it or reseal the ship before the radiation gets here.”
You nodded your head, trying to keep yourself from biting and hurting your cut lip more. “Is there any good news?” Bellamy asked as you agreed, not at all seeing a good part to this.
“No one died.” Kane said as you turned your head to look at him, seeing him staring past you to Bellamy.
“Forget the Ark.” Clarke called out as you all turned to look at her. She stood next to Kane. “It was never going to save us all anyway. We need to focus on the Nightblood situation. Is the fuel loaded?”
“It’s in process, but Clarke, it’s not going to be an easy ride.” Bellamy told her and you nodded slowly, looking towards Roan.
He met your eye briefly before Clarke caught on, growing concerned. “What don’t I know?”
Roan cleared his throat. “With the secret of Praimfaya out, I sent Echo and my army back to Polis to keep peace.”
“That’s good. We can’t distribute the cure without peace.”
“More than half of them deserted along the way. With the end coming, they want to be home. I don’t blame them.”
Clarke nodded, her face falling somber. Bellamy jumped into the conversation. “Do you blame them for burning Trikru villages on the way?” He asked and you smacked his arm lightly enough to get his attention, sending him a frown.
“That’s funny coming from you.” Roan spit back and your frown shifted to him.
“Stop, both of you.” You said to them, crossing your arms in front of you. Bellamy’s eyes furrowed as he watched Roan stare at you but you weren’t focused on him, instead your attention was on Kane as he spoke and put a hand on your upper back.
“We know the woods are a war zone.” He looked down at you, seeing you subconsciously rub a finger across the split on your lip as you listened. “After what happened to Ilian,” you tore your hand away, now aware of your actions as Kane looked up at Bellamy, “I can’t spare many of the guard to protect you.”
Bellamy sighed, giving him a thin smile as Roan spoke up. “My security detail can protect us.” He offered.
“Thank you.” Kane told him. “That’s very generous.”
Roan nodded looking around the table before ending at you. “We’re all in this together now.” He said before walking out.
Bellamy watched him leave, not missing you watching as well. “I’m going to go say goodbye to Octavia before we leave.” He muttered and you gave him a short smile he returned before leaving and Monty followed behind.
You were about to leave as well before overhearing Kane and Clarke’s conversation. “I’m going with you.” He said to the girl as you stopped right outside the doorway, out of view from Kane and Clarke.
“You can’t.” you silently agreed with Clarke as Kane reminded her that he was Chancellor. “That’s why you can’t go. After everything that happened this morning, out people need you here, now more than ever.” The look in Kane’s eyes made Clarke know why he wanted to go so badly. “I know you’re worried about my mother.”
Kane took a deep breath. “She’s going into space in a 100-year-old rocket. Do you have any idea how many things could go wrong?”
“Raven says the rocket’s intact.” Clarke promised. “She’d like a little more fuel, but as long as we get her what we’ve got, she said she’ll get them both back down safely.” Kane still wasn’t convinced as Clarke gave him a smile. “Look, we have to try. I’ll send her your love.”
You inhaled sharply, listening to Kane agree to Clarke’s statement. Did Kane love Abby? As long as you’ve known him, Kane’s never been in love before, or at least, you didn’t think he had.
Inside the room, Kane and Clarke shared an awkward hug before Kane walked out of the room, not seeing you as he went the other way down the hall. As soon as he was out, you walked back in, catching Clarke’s attention by your sudden reappearance.
“You got enough room for one more?” you asked as she furrowed her brows. “I figure it’s worth going. Roan doesn’t trust anyone but me, and I don’t think Bellamy’s so keen on the idea of Roan being there in the first place.”
“You don’t want to stay here?”
“Yeah, I think I wanna risk getting a black eye to match my lip.” You joked and chuckled, but Clarke didn’t laugh. She couldn’t even offer you a smile and you knew she was worried about the trip. You put your hands on her shoulders. “Look, I know you don’t trust Roan, and I know you don’t trust his men, but the only way we’re getting through this today is letting them protect us. Abby and Raven need the hydrazine. I’m not seeing another option here.”
“You’re right.” She sighed and you dropped your arms. You gave her one more grin before leaving her alone.
Octavia laid on her side in the med bay, facing away from the entrance as she watched the numerous people bouncing around and helping the people wrapped in bandages. Bellamy walked inside, immediately seeing his sister as he stood behind her. “You gave us a scare.” He said, trying to break the ice. He was immensely happy his sister was alive, but she didn’t anything to do with Bellamy choosing to ignore him instead. “You saved so many people, O. Without you getting here to warn us Azgeda was coming, we’d be at war.”
“Get out.” She growled at him.
Bellamy took an unsteady breath. “Octavia, I thought you were dead.” He kept his voice soft, quiet to not crack.
“Octavia is dead.” She mumbled, staring straight ahead, numb to the emotions she should be feeling. “She died when you killed Lincoln.”
Bellamy’s heart was breaking. “Please don’t say that, O. I’m your brother.”
She turned around, slowly looking Bellamy in his eyes. “Why do you think you’re still alive.” When she turned back around, Bellamy could feel his chest constrict and he couldn’t be in here any longer. He left his sister in the med bay to hate him as she stared off, detaching herself from the world.
The rover was being filled by Monty and a few Arkadia soldiers, Roan watching them as you tried not to limp up to him, your arms crossed in front of you when you got his attention. “Bellamy, Clarke, and I are riding in the front. You and your men will ride in the back with the fuel.”
Roan nodded his head, but one of his men listening in didn’t like the idea. “The King of Azgeda follows no one.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “He will if he has no plans on dying today. Besides, I think your King can speak for himself.”
“It’s all right, Seiku.” Roan interrupted, raising an eye at you. “Best we stay out of sight for now.” Seiku nodded, sending you a slight glare you gave a sarcastic smile too.
As Seiku left, Bellamy walked right past you, looking upset but he didn’t stop to talk, only saying it was time to go. The last barrel was put in the rover as Monty jumped off and Clarke walked up, joining you and Roan. “We ready?” you asked as Monty nodded.
“Locked and loaded. I do, however, feel the need to reiterate, you’re about to drive the last 10 barrels of hydrazine known to man, a cargo which Raven needs every last drop of, through hostile territory packed with warring clans, over uneven roads where one serious bump could cause an explosion that would not only kill all of you but wipe out mankind’s only remaining chance at survival.” Monty’s words weren’t comforting at all, every bad situation running through your head.
“So, no pressure?” you joked obviously feeling all sorts of pressure.
Roan looked to you, Monty doing so as well as his face remained stoic. “No, Y/N. Lots of pressure.”
You sighed, nodding your head just a little. “That was a…” Monty didn’t let you finish before he walked away. You watched him leave as you finished your thought. “joke.”
Roan watched your face fall. “Everything okay?”
You looked up at him, nodding your head as fast as you could. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m- I’m fine. Just uh, I’ll be right there.” You didn’t wait for Roan to answer as you took off after your friend. “Monty!” Monty let out a huff as he stopped walking, turning annoyed to see you jog up to him. “Are we good?” you asked as you stood in front of him.
“Fine.” He shrugged but didn’t spare a glance to you.
You waited, just a second to see if he’d add more before you let out a rather sad chuckle. “Really? Because a week ago if I asked you that, you would’ve given me more than just fine.” You waited for Monty to say something more again, but he stayed silent, only making eye contact. You sighed, remembering the one thing that had changed since a week ago. “If this is about me shock lashing Jasp-“
“You didn’t need to shock him!” He interrupted you, yelling a little and catching the attention of a few people around, Including Clarke, Roan and Bellamy who watched from the rover at Monty’s voice.
You swallowed, keeping your voice calm. “I’m sorry, Monty. He was going to read the list out, at the time-“
“It seemed like the right thing?” he stopped you, filling in the rest of your sentence. You couldn’t look at him, knowing he was hitting the nail on the head. Monty scoffed at you. “You know, Clarke and you aren’t the only ones doing what they think is right for the people.” Monty backed away from you and you felt completely awful.
You turned around, frowning when you realized Bellamy, Clarke and Roan were all still watching. You took a deep breath and approached them. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get this show on the road.” You climbed into the front seat without another care, hearing the door close before you let out a shaky breath and closing your eyes as Bellamy got inside, Clarke jumping in the backseat.
While Bellamy was hurting himself after talking to his sister, he comforted you, taking his hand in yours as you sat in silence and waited for Monty’s all clear before he steered out of Arkadia.
Continuing his amusement while Raven worked, Murphy was throwing a ball against the wall, catching it as it bounced back. After another failed attempt at the simulation, Raven let out a scream. Murphy wasn’t surprised as he talked to her over the earpiece. “All work and no play makes Raven a dull girl.” Murphy mumbled as he tossed the ball again. Inside the rocket, Raven was growing mad at Murphy as she climbed out. Murphy furrowed his brow. “You alright?” He asked but Raven was furious.
“I’ve had enough of your stupid, little jokes!” She yelled and pushed his chest away, moving past as Murphy watched her.
“Why don’t you take it easy, huh?” He told her. Raven stopped in her tracks, turning to look at Murphy with a glare.
She narrowed her eyes as she stepped closer. “Well you’re just a self-loathing bottom-feeder. Abby’s an idiot for trusting you.” Raven got in Murphy’s face, trying to intimidate him as she spoke. “She doesn’t know you like I do.” Murphy scoffed, turning away to not let her get the satisfaction her words were getting to him. “You’re a leech, Murphy. Sucking people dry and taking whatever you can so that you can survive.”
Murphy wasn’t going to sit there and let Raven berate him like this. “At least I’m not a mental patient like you, Raven.” He pushed past her but Raven didn’t let him get far.
She grabbed his arm, pulling him back and as he was forced to turn, she swung her fist into his face. “I hate you!” She screamed over and over again, her fist laying into Murphy repeatedly. The only way Raven stopped hitting him was when Luna, who had woken up at the sound of Raven’s yells, wrapped her arms around Raven and pulled her away. “Get off me!” Raven shouted as she tried to fight the hold.
Luna brought Raven to the ground, making Raven fall into her lap. “Breathe!” Luna stressed to the angered girl. “Breathe.” Raven still fought back, was Luna was getting through.
“Should I go get Abby?” Murphy asked as he watched Luna calm her.
“No.” Luna said, looking up briefly at Murphy before focusing on Raven. “Listen to my voice Raven. Breathe in, breathe out.” She took a deep breath before speaking in Raven’s ear and rocking Raven back and forth. “I give myself to the miracle of the sea.” She whispered. “Say it Raven. Say it. I give myself,” She paused, waiting as Raven repeated after her, “To the miracle,” Raven repeated again, “of the sea.” The calming technique worked as Raven cried silently in Luna’s lap, sitting up and feeling Luna’s gloved hand rub her shoulder. “I know the darkness.” Luna said to assure Raven it was alright. “It’s okay.”
Raven took a moment to herself, running her hand over her face before her wet eyes met Murphy. Slowly she rose to her feet, Murphy eying her carefully. “Let’s go again.” Raven told him before she took off for the rocket.
Murphy scoffed softly, not surprised in Raven’s apology absence. “She’ll be alright.” Luna promised him and Murphy held back an eye roll. “Will you be?”
Not sparing her a glance, he answered. “The darkness can kiss my worthless ass.” He muttered before ripping the communication piece out of his ear and tossing it to Luna. “You’re the new Raven-sitter.” He told her before walking off, laying a kick to the remote-controlled car he was playing with earlier before leaving, completely down with Raven and her rocket.
Bellamy had let go of your hand a while ago to be able to drive and the three of you stayed silent. You’d been driving for a while before you finally spoke up, turning to look at Bellamy with a frown. “You want to talk about it?” You asked, seeing his face fall slightly. You spoke softly, hoping Clarke wouldn’t listen in from the back, but not particularly caring if she does.
“Keep your eyes on the trees.” He said, trying to avoid the conversation, but you wouldn’t let him.
“Well, I want to talk about it, whenever you do.” You could see Bellamy processing your words as he reached over, taking your hand and squeezing slightly before grabbing the wheel again. You bit your lip. “She’ll forgive you. It’ll take time, but she will.” This wasn’t the first time you had to assure him, but it wasn’t that easy to Bellamy.
“We don’t have much time left, do we?” He raised a brow at you and you swallowed thickly, letting your gaze fall from Bellamy.
“Yeah, you were probably right, better not to talk about it.” You muttered and looked out the front window. Bellamy turned to you, feeling bad for making you even more upset than you were after speaking to Monty. He was about to say something before the road turned and you happened across a group of grounders. “Guys.” you said, shifting in your seat to look between them and him. Clarke moved to look between you guys.
“What is it?” She asked as you all stared out the window.
Bellamy put a hand on your lap before grabbing the radio to speak to the rest of the convoy. “Hang on. We’ve got a situation.” He spoke into the radio as you sighed, realizing what it was. “Looks like a Trikru checkpoint.” Bellamy said, sharing a look with you. In the truck with the fuel, Roan and his men stood up, aware that the truck shouldn’t have been stopping.
“They have wounded.” You pointed out, sharing a look with Clarke in the back. “It’s not a checkpoint.” You both started out of the rover before Bellamy stopped you.
“Y/N, no.”
You looked at him and let out a surprised scoff. “They could be hurt and you’re saying no to helping them?”
Bellamy’s face soften, realizing what it sounded like. “No, I’m saying you can’t help them. Besides, what are they going to do when they see Skaikiler?” It was then that you both realized Clarke had already left the rover to check out the wounded. “Clarke!” Bellamy called after her, groaning when he realized it was worthless. The guys in the truck behind you called up, asking what Clarke was doing as Bellamy gave you the side eye. “Being Clarke. No one gets out.” He told them before throwing the radio down and looking at you. “Stay here.”
You couldn’t get a word in but as soon as Bellamy was out of the rover you huffed. “Screw this, I’m leaving the rover.” You muttered and opened your door, sliding out as Bellamy turned at the sound, his face falling when he saw you join them.
“Wanheda. Skaikiler.” One man said, his eyes wide as they looked between you and Clarke.
“What happened here?” Clarke asked.
The man sighed and his face fell completely. “Azgeda burned our villages to the ground. My father caught an ax with his leg and we can’t stop the bleeding.” Clarke, the man, and Bellamy all rushed over to the older man laying on the ground. You stayed back, watching from a far as well as keeping your eye on the other men and women around. Some of them seemed to be watching you curiously as Clarke tried to help.
You tried to avoid the stares you were getting as you turned back to the convoy, seeing a little boy looking at the back truck. This wasn’t going to end good. “Bellamy.” You mumbled, getting his attention as he turned, eyes widening as Clarke and him both saw the kid. You started back to the rover
“There’s nothing we can do.” Clarke told the man as she stood up, Bellamy and her asking for the road to be cleared as the man shouted for his people to move before asking for a ride to Polis. You watched the kid carefully, making sure he wasn’t going to check the back of the rover where you had Roan and his men hid, but the kid made no plan to move.
“Hey kid!” You shouted as he stopped walking and looked at you heading towards him. “Why don’t you get away from there.” you called out but he just took one big step back, looking right into the back.
“Azgeda!” He shouted as your eyes widened. A hand landed on your arm and you were about to push it away before seeing it was Bellamy.
“Get in!” He yelled at you. You opened up his door and Bellamy helped you in because of your leg as you pushed your way through to sit in your seat as Clarke climbed in the back and Bellamy took his own seat. You were moving as fast as you could but Trikru grabbed their weapons and shot towards Roan and his men in the back.
As soon as it was clear, you leaned back in your chair, letting your eyes close as your calmed down. “Well, that went well.” You joked. In your head, you were thankful you got out of the rover, if you hadn’t seen the boy, who knows when or even if Clarke and Bellamy would’ve. Bellamy didn’t say anything, just looking at you out of the corner of his eye, seeing your eyes closed. You groaned as you felt the rover stop and opened your eyes. “What now?” You asked before seeing the running water.
Bellamy picked up the radio again, telling the other truck about the problem. The three of you climb out of the rover. “Murphy didn’t say anything about a river.” Clarke pointed out as you licked your lip feeling the healing split. You pulled your leg up a little, feeling the discomfort in your knee before letting it fall again with a huff.
“What else could go wrong?” Bellamy asked sarcastically. You turned around at the sound of another footsteps, seeing Roan join you three.
“The ice melted.” He pointed out as you sighed, running a over your face. “I’ll find us a place to cross upstream.” Roan offered and started up the rivers side.
He didn’t get far before Clarke stopped him. “Take the rover. You’ll cover more ground and it’s safer.” She looked at Bellamy at the end of her statement, meaning she was suggesting Bellamy go with him.
“With him?” Bellamy clarified.
“Bell, we have to get across the river.” You reminded him, offering a sad smile. “I’ll go with you.”
“You should stay here.” Clarke pulled you aside as she gave you a look.
���I can go.”
“You should rest your leg.” You scoffed and raised your brow at her. She just rolled her eyes at you. “I know it hurts Y/N. Just stay back with the truck, I’ll watch them.”
Your face softened, knowing she was right and your leg had been bothering you since you were rushed into the rover. “Alright. You got a deal Griffin.” You smiled at her before looking to Bellamy. “I’ll guard the fuel.”
When Bellamy realized you wouldn’t be going with him, he didn’t like the idea. “You’re staying here?”
You nodded and looked at Clarke. “I’ve been benched.” You joked, seeing Clarke smile momentarily before returning to her intense demeanor. Bellamy put his hands on his hips and looked at you. “I’ll be fine. Will you?” Your eyes flickered to Roan before back to Bellamy and it didn’t take Bellamy much to know you weren’t just talking about his safety.
“We won’t be gone long.” He told you and you narrowed your eyes slightly at him, seeing him crack a smile. “I’ll be fine.” You nodded, grabbing his hand briefly once Clarke and Roan had walked away and Bellamy climbed into the rover.
Roan walked around, taking your spot but before he could get inside Seiku stopped him. “My King, we should be going with you.”
Roan shook his head. “Nothing is more important than this cargo. Keep it safe.” He ordered and Seiku nodded and watched Roan climb into the rover and Clarke got into the back like she had earlier. Bellamy’s grip on the wheel was tight as you stood outside next to him. He looked out the window, seeing your attempt at a smile before he drove away, leaving you and the men with the fuel until they got back.
Murphy was having a hell of a good time in Becca’s office, repeating what Luna had said to Raven earlier. Only, he wasn’t doing so great. “I creep on myself… for the miracle… of a horny mistake.” Murphy mumbled, trying to figure out why it didn’t sound right. “I creep on myself…”
Luna entered the room, raising a brow at Murphy’s failed attempt. “It’s the intention that matters.” She spoke up, getting Murphy’s attention. He sighed as she got closer. “Raven needs you, John. She’s been in there a long time.”
“In case you haven’t realized, Raven hates my guts.”
“I don’t think that was her talking.” Luna told him as she replayed Raven’s outburst in her head.
“Oh, no it was.” Murphy stopped her. “You know that little limp she’s got? Yeah, that was me.”
“I don’t think she hates you as much as you hate yourself.”
Murphy didn’t want to listen to her talk about self-hate against himself. “Why do you even care about this? You’re the miracle, right? You’re gonna live through all this radiation either way.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be the last person on earth.”
“Why not? Because that kind of sounds nice to me.”
Luna shook her head at him before moving about the room. “I don’t believe that.”
“Then you don’t know me that well.”
Luna sighed and looked at him. “I know you stole that medicine for Adria.” She began. “I know you saved Raven from the drones.”
“I’m definitely rethinking that one right about now.” He interrupted her.
Luna’s face turned blank, done with Murphy’s attitude. “I know what it’s like to hate yourself John. Because of the color of my blood, I was raised to be a killer. The Flamekeepers harnessed my rage and taught me it was nobility. For years, I reveled in death and violence. I killed my own brother. Trust me when I tell you, if I found peace, so can you.”
Murphy was listening to her words, each one of them, but he wasn’t going to accept it. “I think peace is overrated.” He told her. “It’s the fighters that survive.”
And damnit, John Murphy was going to make sure he survived.
Octavia’s recovery in the med bay was getting better as Niylah helped her, stretching out her muscles in her leg by  the limb to her chest. Octavia was holding her breath, trying to keep her pained expression neutral until Niylah pulled her leg away. “Stronger already.” Niylah smiled as Octavia finally breathed out. “You’ll be running around in no time.” The silence in the med bay felt weird to Niylah as she as looked around, only seeing Ilian handcuffed to a bed on the other side of the bed lines. “Where’s his guards?” She asked Octavia who shrugged, not caring enough about Ilian. Niylah sighed and slowly lowered Octavia’s leg. “That’s enough for now. I’ll come back soon.” Octavia nodded and let Niylah leave the room.
As soon as Niylah was left from the room, Ilian spoke up. “I’m glad you’re alive.” He told Octavia as he played with his ties.
Octavia clenched her jaw. “You won’t be soon.” She told him. “Jus drein, Jus daun.”
Ilian rolled his head to look at her before looking at the ceiling. “I killed no one.”
“Wrong. You killed them all.” Ilian swallowed thickly at her tone. “And now they’re gonna kill you.”
Ilian paused for a moment, thinking about his options. “I didn’t know about Praimfaya. You can tell them that. I never meant to hurt anyone.”
“The sword doesn’t care about what you meant.” She stopped him. “It just cuts.” The silence before them settled and Ilian knew he was in danger.
The search for another way across the river came to an end as Bellamy, Clarke and Roan found a shallow path, enough to drive the rover through. “This will work.” Roan told them as they nodded and Clarke looked up to Bellamy.
“Radio Y/N and tell her?” She asked him and Bellamy agreed and pulled the radio from his pocket.
“Y/N come in. We found a crossing. Over.” He spoke directly into the call and waited to hear your voice, only it never came. “Cargo one, can you hear me? Over.” The three of their worries were increasing as you failed to respond again, Bellamy’s worries easily becoming the worst and by now they knew you weren’t alright.
“Something’s wrong.” Roan told Clarke and Bellamy as the three of them rushed to get into the rover again, heading back to see you and the fuel hopefully safe. Bellamy was driving as fast as he could to get back to you.
They reached to where they knew you were left with the truck, but you weren’t there. In fact, no one was there. “Be careful.” Clarke told Bellamy and Roan as they climbed out of the truck, looking around for any indication you were alright.
Bellamy pulled out the radio again, his voice frantic as he called you again. “Y/N, come in. Please tell me you’re alright. Over.” As the trio was looking around, Roan’s eyes flashed into the river, seeing a sack caught onto the rotted tree stuck in the ground.
“Over there!” He shouted and the three of them took off running. They were all equally worried as they drug it out from the water, knowing there was a body inside and terrified of whose. Bellamy stared at the symbol on the front before tearing the bag away. Inside wasn’t you, instead it was one of Roan’s men. “Seiku.” Roan mumbled and looked at his fallen soldier. He looked to Clarke and Bellamy. “We all know who did this.” He growled at them. “Trikru.”
“Where the hell are the others?” Clarke began looking around, walking into the water a little way to see if more body bags were caught.
“Where’s Y/N?” Bellamy filled in his desire to know, eyeing Roan carefully.
“They took the truck to Polis.” Roan reminded them of Trikru’s ask to join the convoy earlier. “That means at least one of yours is still alive.”  They all exchanged glances before rushing to the rover and taking off. There was hope you were alive and that was enough.
In Arkadia’s dining hall, Jaha was sat at the bar, nursing a cup of moonshine as Hardy and the men behind him spouted off about Ilian, finding the fact he’s still alive despicable. “How much longer do we let them protect that son of a bitch? This ship was supposed to keep us alive and now we’re all gonna die.” Hardy shouted to his following as Niylah walked in, stopping in her tracks slowly as she took in the scene. The man was still talking as Niylah spotted Monty listening in.
She made her way over and whispered to him. “The boy he’s talking about is in med bay with no protection.” She told him. Monty’s eyes widened before Jasper passed him, holding a cup and moving to get more moonshine.
Monty tried to stop him before he could pour it. “You really think that’s a good idea?”
Jasper looked at him and shrugged. “Moonshine? Absolutely.” Jasper walked off, refusing his best friend’s help at recovery. Monty turned back to the crowd, talk of labeling Ilian’s actions as a hate crime and demanding he be killed for it.
Moving across the room, Monty sat beside Jaha, using a whisper voice to talk. “Are you okay with all this?” He asked knowing the people listen to Jaha.
Jaha just took the last sip of his drink. “They’re just blowing off steam.”
The statement earned a scoff from Monty as he got closer to Jaha. “Blowing off steam like we were when we strung up Murphy for killing Wells?” Monty knew it was a low blow and the look of anguish on Jaha’s face let him know he struck a nerve. Jaha asked for a refill on his drink as Jasper obliged. Monty was growing irritated as the group grew more determined for Ilian’s head. “They listen to you. Say something!” He begged. Jaha however, turned his back on Monty, refusing to offer help. “With all due respect, your son would be ashamed of you.” He headed towards the door, muttering to Niylah along the way. “I’ll get Kane.” She nodded and he was gone.
In an attempt to calm Raven down, Luna sat next to her in the lab, repeating her meditation mantra for Raven to hear, but the girl was not stopping. “I’ve strained the air brakes, adjusted the grid fins and I’ve reversed the thrusters.” Raven looked at the screen, hoping her changes worked but it didn’t. “Damn it! What am I missing?” Luna tried speaking louder, hoping to get in Raven’s head but Raven just groaned at her. “Mediating isn’t going to help me land this stupid ship.” She pointed out.
Murphy had left Becca’s office, standing above the lab as he watched Raven’s freak out. “No but it might keep your brain from blowing up.” He shouted as he made his way down the stairs.
At his voice, Raven’s head begun hurting and he pressed her hand to her forehead, scrunching her face up. “Oh good, he’s back.” She grumbled before focusing on the screen again. “Okay, think. To land this ship in one piece, calculating the re-entry trajectory has to be perfect, deploying the thrusters has to be perfect, the burn rate has to be perfect.”
Murphy looked to Luna with an amused smile. “Maybe perfect is your problem.” He blurted out.
Raven stopped her work. “What?”
Murphy rolled his eyes and moved closer. “Perfect sucks. Why care about perfection if Abby and you walk away with the magic potion, right?”
“A controlled crash is still a crash.”
Luna sat up from her spot and joined the duo. “Swim away.”
Raven’s head picked up as she caught on. “A controlled crash into the water. Luna, its brilliant!”
“I’m sorry, Luna?” Murphy asked taking offense in the fact it was basically his idea.
Raven ignored him as she checked to see if a water landing would work. “Damn it. The computer won’t let me execute a controlled crash.”
“Screw the computer Raven.” Murphy stopped her from getting upset. “Fly it yourself.”
She looked back at Murphy who nodded to the computer, waiting for Raven to try. “Switching to manual.” She told the computer. The computer accepted the manual override as Raven gasped and made her way to the rocket. Murphy sighed and he started to walk the opposite way, but Raven’s voice as she turned around stopped him. “Murphy! Thank you.” Murphy didn’t reply to the girl’s gratitude, not at all expecting it. He watched Raven climb back into the rocket, preparing the simulation to manually land the rocket in the water.
Bellamy was driving the rover even faster than he had before, this time knowing for a fact you were in danger. Roan sat in the front seat, Clarke poking her head between them as she gripped the seats.
“We have to get to them before they reach Polis with the fuel. They’ll use it to make bombs and kill everyone.” Roan told them as Bellamy scoffed.
“You mean they’ll use it to kill Ice Nation.” He corrected Roan with a side glare. “All you care about is your own people.”
Roan shook his head. “Like you’re any better. That’s all anyone cares about.” Roan paused for a minute, thinking about everything you’ve done for his people and him. “Except maybe Y/N.” he mumbled.
“Can you guys not fight about this right now?” Clarke asked as she kept her eyes out the front window. Bellamy sighed, remembering his promise before he left of being fine, meaning he wouldn’t be fighting with Roan exactly like he was now. Coming to a fork in the road, a body laid on the ground and the rover came to a halt. Bellamy was about to leave the rover before Clarke grabbed his shoulder. “Bellamy, wait.” She stopped him.
Bellamy didn’t understand why he was stopping. “They left a dead body, we can pick up their trail.” He started out again but Roan stopped him this time.
“Trikru burn their dead.” He reminded Bellamy, knowing Clarke had caught on already. “They’re still here. Back up now.” Roan ordered.
Bellamy just groaned, letting his head fall back against his seat before looking out his window. “There’s no one here. They’ve taken the truck, the fuel, and Y/N!” Bellamy reminded them both, looking at Clarke on your name for the sake of her knowing what it meant to him to find you. Turning to Roan, his voice turned cold. “If you’re such a good tracker, go track.”
It took only a second before the rover was being attacked. Trikru men jumped on the rover, rocking it enough for Clarke to stumble in the back. “You were saying?” Roan asked sarcastically to Bellamy who sent them a glare.
The Trikru grounder Bellamy spoke to earlier came running at Bellamy’s door as Bellamy pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. “I don’t want to shoot you.” Bellamy warned as the man put his hands in the air. “Where’s the truck? What have you done with it?”
“Give us the king.” The man told him and Roan was figuring out what happened.
“Bellamy.” Roan mumbled and got both Clarke’s and Bellamy’s attention. “The truck’s not here.” He told them. Bellamy’s gun was still trained on the man as he looked at Roan.
Clarke was confused as well. “How do you know that?” She asked.
“Because everyone does what’s best for their own people.” He mumbled, recalling the point of their argument just minutes ago. “It was my men who took it.”
While Roan’s back was turned, a man tried to thrust his sword through Roan’s window but Bellamy warned him, giving him the opportunity to move. At the same moment, the back door to the rover opened and Clarke jumped out of her seat to the door. The man who had opened it trying to get inside as she kicked him in the chest, sending him to the ground and he rolled off to the side. Clarke closed the door and locked it before facing front. “Bellamy. Drive!” she shouted and Bellamy didn’t need to be told twice before he backed up, knocking off a few of the men before the rover took off. The rest fell to the ground, staring off as the rover disappeared past the trees.
Octavia let her leg dangle off the edge of the edge of her bed as she swung her knee back and forth. She glanced over her shoulder to Ilian who laid unmoved on the bed as Kane walked in, Monty and Sgt Miller and a few more guards following after him. “Lock this room down. They’re right behind us.” The door was closed per Kane’s orders.
Monty looked at the empty room. “Where is everyone?” He asked Octavia.
“They’re out there with them.” She told him seconds before pounding occurred on the now locked door.
“Open this door!” Hardy shouted at them. Kane and David positioned themselves between the door and Ilian.
“Sir. Maybe we should reconsider.” David wasn’t so keen on fighting the mob against someone who most likely doomed humanity. Kane turned down his mention, not up for surrendering. “On the Ark, we floated people for less.”
Kane snapped at him. “Mob rule will not dictate justice in this camp.” Hardy knocked again hard, his demand for the door to open not changing.
Monty joined the men, knowing the mob wouldn’t let up. “We can’t let them in here, they’ll kill him.”
Kane took a deep breath and pulled out his gun to check the bullets. David was quick to put in his objection but Kane disagreed. “If we let them descend into darkness, there’s no coming back.”
Octavia had been listening in to everything. A dilemma was playing in her head. “It’s the end of the world Kane.” She said and everyone looked at her. “Darkness is all we have.” She stood up from her bed and hit the button to open the door despite the cries of no from Monty and Kane. Hardy and his crew filed into the room and Kane was quick to point his gun at their heads.
David was going through a dilemma of his own as well. Follow orders or do what he feels is right. His breath exhaled as slow and he pulled out his shock baton, pressing it into Kane’s back as the man fell to the ground. “I’m sorry.” He told Kane who was groaning on the ground.
Hardy grabbed Kane’s now discarded gun and stepped over him. Octavia didn’t let him get going, putting a hand on his chest. “You can have his blood, but the kill is mine.” Hardy took a moment but nodded in agreement and Octavia let him go.
Hardy’s men cut Ilian free and hoisted him to his feet despite Ilian being too weak to stand himself and they carried him out, following as Octavia now led the mob out of the med bay.
Since discovering it was his people who stole the truck and you, Roan and Bellamy hadn’t fought anymore. Clarke also provided a level head on their hunt as the three of the them kept their eyes sharp. Coming upon a field, Roan was the first to spot the truck driving through. “There they are!”
Bellamy sped up, stepping on gas in hopes to catch up to the rover and find you alright. What he didn’t know was you were the one sitting in the driver’s seat, one of Roan’s men sitting next to you as you drove. You were terrified but you refused to let them see it, remembering the knife you were threatened with earlier sitting in his hand. Movement caught your attention in your side mirror and after a double take, you realized your friends were coming to save you. You started to let your foot off the gas, hoping to give Bellamy enough leeway to catch up but you were caught. When the man sitting next to you saw your foot easing off the gas without a reason, he looked behind the truck, seeing the rover peak through from behind the fuel containers.
“Stop them.” He told his buddy in the back before pressing his foot on top of yours, making the truck speed up. “Keep going.”
Roan, Clarke and Bellamy watched as the man in the back started to grab the fuel barrels, bringing them to the edge of the truck as much as he could. “What the hell is he doing?”
“He’s weaponizing the fuel.” Clarke told them as her eyes grew wide.
Roan glanced back at her. “I thought you said we needed every drop.”
“We do!”
Roan turned back to Bellamy. “Get me as close as you can!” He shouted before climbing into the back. Clarke moved out of his way before shifting into his seat next to Bellamy.
“You gotta be kidding me.” Bellamy grumbled as Clarke watched Roan climb out of the top hatch.
Bellamy pulled the rover up to the side of the truck and Clarke’s eyes went wide at the sight of you driving. “Y/N?”
You looked out the window briefly, meeting Bellamy’s eyes as a knife was pressed to your neck and you were forced to look away. “Now! Roan, do it!” He shouted and Roan made his leap into the truck before Bellamy sped the rover up ahead of the truck after Clarke and him came up with a plan and he yelled at you to give him a clean shot.
Roan landed on the back with his hands on his own man and the fight begun. Roan was pinned over the barrels before he pushed the man away shoving him, but the man tripped him and Roan was pinned once again. A knife was pulled on Roan but Roan kicked it away and the man stumbled backwards as Roan got up. The fight went on, neither person winning as the fuel dragged to the edge of the truck slowly shifted every time the truck rumbled until it was hanging off. Roan had finally got the upper hand, shoving his thumb into the man’s eyes. He screamed and let his guard down enough for Roan to grab his knife from him and shove it into his chest. The man’s fighting stopped as Roan killed him, whispering traitor in his ear before kicking him off the truck. When Roan noticed the barrel moving, he grabbed it, saving it from falling as well.
One man was dead but the other still held a knife to your throat, forcing you to keep driving. You watched your boyfriend and Clarke drive ahead, you didn’t know what the plan was, but Bellamy wanted a clean shot, so obviously he had a plan. Right?
The rover stopped ahead of you, right in your path and your stomach dropped. What was he doing? When his door opened and Bellamy pointed a gun at the truck, you understood.
Bellamy hoped his plan would work, talking it over briefly with Clarke before he jumped out. His gun was pointed on the grounder, but he needed the shot. “Come on, Y/N. Come on, Baby.” He muttered to himself as he got ready.
The truck was still driving straight, your direction unmoving and as soon as the grounder saw Bellamy’s gun, he tried to turn the wheel. You threw your elbow into his nose, sending him away from you and Bellamy had his shot. The bullet pierced through the man’s head as you watched. Realizing the truck was still going, you slammed your foot onto the break, watching as Bellamy backed himself into the rover with Clarke in fear but you didn’t let it touch him as you brought the truck to a quick stop.
Once you got over the terrifying part about this situation, you couldn’t look away from Bellamy. You smiled at him, seeing his as well. Bellamy was relieved and proud at the same time seeing you drive the rover. He’d know you’d tell him they did all the work and you just managed to get kidnapped, and he was right, but he would still be proud of you.
Octavia was leading the mob out of the Ark, the people dragging Ilian behind her and once he was outside people began yelling at him, telling him he’s dead and supporting the mob. Monty and Kane followed the mob as well, keeping an eye on Octavia and Ilian.
“How do we stop this?” Monty asked Kane. Kane didn’t have an answer for him as Ilian was forced to the ground. Monty took off running to Octavia, hoping to break through to his friend. “Octavia, please don’t do this. You’re not a murderer.”
Octavia didn’t look as Monty as she mumbled and cocked her gun before aiming at Ilian’s head. “You’re wrong.”
Ilian looked up at her, right past the barrel of the gun. “Get it over with.”
From the door of the Ark, Jaha and Kane had a plan. “Sound the alarm, now.” Jaha spoke into his radio as Kane nodded at him. The alarm sounded in the camp, alerting everyone of the fake black rain.
“Black rain!” Kane yelled his lie as people started panicking. “Everyone get inside!” Kane and Jaha ushered everyone inside the ark until it was finally Kane, Jaha, Monty, and Octavia still holding a gun to Ilian’s head. Kane approached Octavia carefully. “Octavia. Put the gun down and come inside.” He said to her but she wouldn’t listen, her gun not leaving Ilian’s head. Kane tried something else. “They put Lincoln on his knees, too.” Octavia sucked in a breath as the memory of her deceased love filled her thoughts. “Pike stood right there where you’re standing when they put the gun against his head.”
Octavia’s hand started shaking as she thought back, remembering Lincoln falling to his knees, how he looked up to her, speaking his last words to her before Pike killed him. “I was there.” Her voice betrayed her as she let her eyes close and Lincoln’s face was all she could see.
When she opened her eyes again, her hand shook more and Kane tried again. “If you do this, you’re no better than he was.” Octavia couldn’t take holding her emotions anymore. She let them break free, dropping the gun to the ground as she sobbed. Kane jumped into comfort mood, holding her arm and mumbling assurances to her. “It’s okay. It’s okay Octavia.” Octavia ripped her arm from him as she continued to cry, needing to separate herself. She headed to the gate, starting to run as she heard Kane chase after her. “Octavia, wait! Where are you going?!” He yelled but Octavia didn’t stop running.
Kane didn’t chase her far, hoping she’s alright, but knowing she needed to be alone. He turned around in time to see Jaha cutting Ilian’s bonds and he asked Jaha what he thinks he’s doing. “Saving our people.” Jaha answered. “Same as you.” He pulled Ilian to his feet, whispering in his ear. “You should run.” Ilian nodded and groan as his feet started running, taking him away from the camp in the direction Octavia ran. “From the ashes we will rise.” Jaha spoke to Kane and Monty as they watched Ilian disappear, knowing the rest of Arkadia isn’t going to like the fact Ilian was gone.
After you and the fuel were saved, Clarke and Roan rode the rest of the way in the truck with the fuel as Bellamy and you rode in the Rover together. Bellamy hadn’t let go of your hand since you started the ride this time. Clarke and Roan rode in awkward silence before Clarke sighed. “You’re a good King Roan.” She said as Roan disagreed.
“A king who runs an errand while his people are at war in Polis.”
“This errand is the most important thing right now and you know that.” Clarke stopped him from hating on himself.
Roan still wasn’t at ease. “If we do save everyone, then what?” He asks, making Clarke think. “What happens once we’re all turned into Nightbloods? Do we just keep killing each other?” Clarke didn’t have enough time to answer before Bellamy spoke on the radio, telling them you’ve made it.
You jumped out of the rover once it came to a stop, looking out in the water. It was beautiful, the horizon meeting the sky seamlessly as you grinned. Roan offered to unload the fuel with Clarke giving her help as Bellamy approached you. He stood next to you, both of you staring out as he grabbed your hand.
“I’m gonna take the Rover back to camp.” He whispered as you broke out of your staring and furrowed your brows at him.
“You’re not coming with us?” you asked sadly, not wanting to leave him. He shook his head, his frown enough to tell you why. “It’s Octavia, isn’t it?”
“It’s pathetic, right?” He laughed at himself softly as you turned him to look at you. “She hates me but I keep coming back.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Bell. She’s your sister. She’s just,” you stopped yourself, trying to find the right words, “She’s just confused right now. She knows how special you are and how important you are. She’ll come back to you.”
Bellamy’s hand squeezed yours as you smiled, hoping he’ll see you were right. He hated thinking about leaving you, he wanted to stay with you and Clarke, but he knew he had to go back for his sister, unaware of the fact his sister just left the camp.
“You’ll come back to me, right?” His voice was quiet as you smiled and brought a hand up to his cheek, cupping it and running your thumb across it.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Blake.” You joked and Bellamy laughed, feeling slightly better in the promise you were coming back to him. You leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips as he held your waist, pulling you into him. It was a goodbye kiss and an I’ll-see-you-soon kiss all in one, but one that was also broke apart by Clarke calling you both. You separated, sharing confused looks before jogging back to the rover.
Roan and Clarke were in the truck bed and moved one of the barrels, it wasn’t until it was done moving before you saw the arrow piercing through the bottom. “Trikru arrow.” Roan said before kicking the barrel out of the truck. It clattered to the ground as you looked up at an equally defeated and stressed Clarke. You had 10 barrels and you needed every last drop.
“Manual override.” Raven spoke to the computer as she grabbed the rocket’s controls.
“Manual Override engaged.” The computer told her and she let out a steady breath to hype herself up. “Landing pad within range at 600 feet.” She focused on the screen, watching as the water came in view, the rocket heading right towards it as the computer prepared her. “Brace for impact.” The rocket simulation ended once she hit the water. “Mission failed.” Yet Raven wouldn’t consider it failed just yet. “Exterior damage 15 %. Cargo destruction 0%. Fatality 0%.”
Raven was shocked as she read over the outcomes again. “We’re good.” She mumbled. She started to unbuckle herself, a smile spreading on her face as she spoke louder. “We’re good!” She repeated herself happily once more as she stepped out of the rocket. “Took every last drop of fuel, but I did it. I can put her down on the water just offshore.” Murphy and Luna approached her slowly with frowns. “We can survive.” When their expressions didn’t change, Raven’s stomach dropped. “What’s wrong?”
“Clarke just radioed. They lost a barrel.”
“What?” Raven gasped out.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered but Raven couldn’t hear him. She started sucking in for a breath, her head paining her as she clutched it. “Raven?”
Raven’s seizure caused her to collapse on the ground. Murphy took off running, calling for Abby as loud and as fast as he could. Luna fell to the ground as well, trying her best to protect Raven’s head before seeing her mouth starting to foam. “Raven, it’s going to be okay. It’s okay, Raven.”
10 barrels.
Make that 9 now.
A/N: If you hadn’t, be sure to check out the Bonus Chapter!
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discordiansamba · 2 years
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kintsugi: After being banished from the Fire Nation and set to roam in the Earth Kingdom, Zuko accidentally winds up becoming the bodyguard of the young Beifong daughter. The rest, they say, is history.
heart of a dragon: Fate turns a little differently, and Zuko ends up being raised far away from the royal palace- and with dragons. But no matter how things change, one thing remains the same- that it's his destiny to teach the Avatar firebending, and to fight against the Fire Lord. That's the easy part. The hard part? Literally everything else.
second spark: in which azula kills Zuko during The Chase, forcing him to accept a bum deal from Agni himself in order to return to life- which means he has to teach the Avatar firebending if he doesn’t want to die again
toph beifong’s guide to being a paradox: in which toph mentally time travels back to before Aang is freed from the iceberg after dying during the finale and vows to fix things... by befriending zuko and forcing him to become good earlier
moonlit: in which Yue is the avatar instead
unnamed bounty hunter zuko au: in which June raises an amnesiac Zuko as her apprentice
cosmic dust: in which pidge and keith are space pirates 
anomalous point: in which Keith is a cryptid and the war between the Voltron Alliance and the Galra Empire started recently
burgundy: in which BOM agent Keith is sent to find the blue lion on earth, only to become a paladin himself
who you are in the dark: in which Keith is recruited by Lotor after being captured and experimented on by Haggar... and decides to play double agent
abyss of memory: in which Keith is captured by Haggar and loses his memories after being experimented on before being rescued by Ulaz
the stars shine a different shine: in which Shiro and Keith swap ages, but stay as their respective paladin roles
desert born: the one where Shiro inadvertently adopts a half-alien desert child
long live the queen: in which Allura and Keith go up against the space equivalent of an eldritch horror
under the pale moonlight: Voltron but make it a fantasy AU
when a black cat: in which Keith is a were-cat, but there’s still aliens
flicker: in which Keith never joins the Garrison and stays behind on Earth for Sendak’s invasion
ignis: in which Keith survives Naxzela in secret and learns the truth behind Kuron
run all through the night: Heath lives, and raises Keith with the full knowledge of his Galra heritage. This absolutely does not stop Keith from making some of the worst decisions you’ve ever seen after he gets locked into his Galra form.
what’s hidden next to you (will soon be seen): in which Shiro finds himself in the crosshairs of a supernatural threat that could doom the world
pidge’s (highly improvised) guide to demons: In which Pidge summons a demon. The demon is Keith.
temporal shift: in which a future Keith travels back in time to prevent the worst possible future- starting with the destruction of Earth during Sendak’s invasion
lion’s pride: Voltron but it’s a superhero AU
parallel reverse: altean empire AU
avatar legend of hunk: (atla au) two separate groups set out a quest to find the avatar before Empress Honerva and her Fire Nation forces can locate him- meanwhile, the Avatar is just trying to reunite with his family, unaware of his true identity.
scrap: in which Keith is a druid raised by Haggar who betrays everything he knows after he helps rescue Shiro from the arena
unnamed heith area 51 au: in which Hunk unwittingly involves himself with government conspiracies and alien bullshit by hiring the cute new guy in town to work at his bakery
unnamed earthbound krolia au: in which Krolia stays on earth to raise Keith
fully human keith raised by BOM au: in which Keith is 100% human and ends up raised by the Blade after his father’s death
unnamed pidge keith ageswap au: in which Pidge and Keith swap ages.
unnamed undercover BOM agent keith au: in which Keith is raised as a Blade and infiltrates the Empire alongside his mother
galra prince keith AU: The universe fucks up, deletes Lotor, panics and tries to replace him with Keith... to very, VERY mixed results.
quintessence poisoning AU: AU in which Haggar poisons Keith’s mind with quintessence, effectively brainwashing him and bringing him over to the side of the Galra Empire- along with the red lion.
parental figure bodyswap au: Pre-Kerberos AU in which Shiro and Krolia mysteriously swap bodies, and have to figure out a way to swap back... which is very difficult, when you’re on the opposite sides of the universe.
twin au: AU in which Keith and Akira are twins, and circumstances lead them to pretending to be one person.
MFE paladins AU: Keith turns purple at the Garrison. This leads to a a cascading series of event that results in Keith and the MFE pilots being the ones launched into space instead.
zombie apocalypse AU: The Kerberos mission returns to a backdrop of the zombie apocalypse.
assassin AU: Modern day AU in which Keith and Romelle are assassins searching for answers about their missing family members, with a dash of shadowy corporation and unethical human experimentation.
identity crisis AU: the one in which due to the corrupted wormhole, PIdge, Hunk, Lance and Keith all swap personality traits with each other. No, Allura, we can’t just call this a bonding exercise.
commander and druid AU: Keith and Shiro both go on the Kerberos mission. Haggar gets a new druid and Zarkon gets a new Commander. featuring black paladin Adam and Galra Shiro.
amnesiac blade AU: Keith is raised as a Blade, but crash-lands on Earth during a mission and loses his memories.
oops! all Galra AU: Au in which all of the paladins are Galra.
displaced rebel AU: Matt from a bad reality swaps places with a Matt from a good reality, and needs to find his way back- except he’s stuck on Earth.
accidental paladin Matt AU: Matt mentally time travels back to the past when he first joined the Garrison and accidentally prepares for the outcome of the Kerberos mission so hard he takes over Shiro’s role as Champion and black paladin. oops.
you are (not) a weapon: The Garrison knew about the Galra much earlier, and raise Keith to be a weapon against them. Up in space, far away from the Garrison, Shiro begins the long task of trying to deprogram him.
reality scramble AU: Defeated during the events of Genesis, Honerva instead opts to rewrite this reality to her liking. She assumes she’s wiped Allura from existence, but she could not be more wrong...
double Keith AU: Keith accidentally time travels back to the past and prevents his father’s death, destroying the original timeline he came from and stranding him in the past.
mer AU: obligatory mer AU
macross AU: In which Hunk and Romelle are idols on an intergalactic peace tour, escorted by Captain Shirogane and the IGF-Atlas and their childhood friend and bodyguard, Keith.
vld wing AU: vld but make it wingfic
triple agent AU: Au in which the Galra have taken over Earth, and Keith works as a triple agent for the human resistance and the Empire, but his true loyalty is to the Blade of Marmora.
in daylight: in which Jim is born half-troll, but still becomes the Trollhunter
unnamed trollhunter claire au: in which claire is the trollhunter, toby is a changeling, and jim is raised by angor rot
Detective Conan
(don’t) believe what you know: in which there’s more behind Heiji’s string of supernatural related cases than he lets on
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