#barbie big city big dreams spoilers
itsaboutspies · 3 years
im actually really disappointed with the big city big dreams dolls (like, more than usual) youre telling me that the only rafa doll comes in a set with daisy and teresa??? AND the fact that theres even dolls for daisy and teresa, who are probably in the film for all of 30 seconds and are not at all relevant to the plot, and not a single doll for emmie, a major character in the film???? i cannot respect these choices
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michaelgovehateblog · 3 years
i saw the new barbie film in the cinema today and it was great and i loved it and the songs were amazing, but also i very much feel the need to mention that these two?
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theyre very gay for each other
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kinglesbian420 · 3 years
I can't say anything without spoilers, but it really looks like Barbie Big City Big Dreams is challenging Diamond Castle's title of Gayest Barbie Movie
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tigris-types · 3 years
How to fix Barbie: Big City Big Dreams
Give it more screen time.
And I have some ideas how to fill up that screen time, spoilers below.
So this movie was only an hour and I feel the story was trying be similar to Rockn Royals with spotlight solo at the end, but it didn't have as strong of a story as Rockn Royals. More screen time could help with this, but I think changing the conflict a little would work too. Here is how I see my "rewrite" going:
Movie opens up the same with the daydream and meeting Brooklyn. They still arrive a day early, but they don't become best friends right away. They figure out nicknames and start to unpack. They sing about what their goals are for the program. Brooklyn sees this as a stepping stone to Broadway, Malibu sees this as an opportunity to extend her viewership by gaining more skills (continuing the goal from princess adventure). Both want the spotlight solo and know of it beforehand. This song sets up their motivations and our expectations for the plot.
They finish unpacking, still have time left in the day, and even though they are competitors, and Brooklyn has lost friends over competition before (as mentioned in the song), she agrees to show Malibu around New York. They become friendlier towards each others, but idk if I would want to use Before US here or not. (I think I have a better place for it)
The conversation happens on the subway as it does, they make their pact. And Barbie doesn't fall asleep, she is on California time, and shouldn't get tired until after Brooklyn who is on NY time. Brooklyn however mentions jet lag and how her mom is a pilot so she knows if they don't return now, Malibu will regret it the next day.
This is where we get Malibu sleeping in as they attend the first day. They have the announcement for the spotlight solo and the hint that Lee is more than she seems. Malibu is falling behind and they sing Work It. Ken calls, Barbie mentions how she doesn't know how Brooklyn does it, and he suggests she asks her. Ken also says, "I believe you can be anything" because I think it would be a funny way to bring in the tag line for Barbie dolls.
Anyways, she she ends up asking Brooklyn, and even though they are competitors, Malibu says competition is about bringing out the best in each other. So Brooklyn helps, they become better friends and then you have Before Us, but more focused on surviving class than exploring New York.
The song ends with one of the teachers praising Malibu and Brooklyn is just a twinge jealous. As they leave class, they run into Gato and meet Rafa. Now that classes have begun, it makes since he would already have dresses prepared (instead of on the first day, cause that made no sense to me).
Brooklyn and Malibu go the park, try on the dresses, they work with spinning, maybe we should mention this to Rafa. Same as movie.
They return to class and reminders for auditions for the spotlight solo are either heard or seen in posters. Malibu and Brooklyn comment on how they both want it, but it would be even better if they could win it together. (This line is a set up for later)
They meet Lee at the cafeteria and her identity is revealed, same as the movie. And idk, I feel like there should be another song here, maybe about Brooklyn's and Lee's past and how fame isn't all that great. This is a musical, and there could have been more songs.
The day next Lee's dad comes and they have their confrontation. Rafa films class and the accident. Malibu assures Brooklyn it is an accident and while she mostly believes her, Brooklyn does know competition can do crazy things to people. She suspious, but brushes it off.
In this version, I'm not sure how Good Vibes would work. Maybe the lyrics are rewritten and its about lifting each other up instead. It's a call back to how Malibu asked Brooklyn for help, and now Malibu can help Brooklyn. Both girls help Rafa with the spinning-shimmer dresses, and Malibu helps Brooklyn with cruth choreography for the spotlight solo audition.
When they return to school, the Barbies are called into the dean's office. Malibu is expelled for sabotage and is told she will be on the 7pm flight out of New York (idk times, it just needs to be dramatic) Malibu walks out sadly as Brooklyn walks in. Malibu is too sad to say a word to her and walks off screen to her dorm. Rafa tries to call out but doesn't follow. Brooklyn talks to the Dean, and as she leaves the office Lee walks up and says she just saw Malibu packing her things, whats going on? Brooklyn explains and exclaims how she knew it all along that Malibu was out to get her. Rafa and Lee try to comfort her and Lee tries to say how maybe it's like her situation and things aren't what they seem. Brooklyn doesn't want to hear her it and sings Playground of Our Dreams.
Rafa and Lee talk, they remember the video, Rafa goes to the Dean as Lee tries to find Brooklyn (gotta repair that friendship). The Dean is shocked at the video and agrees to reenroll Malibu but her flight is about to take off soon. But luckily, someone knows a pilot!
Brooklyn calls her mom to stall the flight and she meets up with Malibu at the airport. She interrupts a phone call between Malibu and her parents as Malibu tells them the bad news. Brooklyn explains, and then Malibu tells her parents the good news. Her parents also decide to fly out to New York to support both of them in the spotlight solo auditions. (Basically Malibu stays in New York and doesn't return home because that made no sense.)
They return to school, and we see Lee confronting her dad. As it turns out, after Brooklyn went to get Malibu, Lee confronted her dad about it like in the movie. Expect this takes place at night instead during the day. She also now has audio evidence to her dad admitting what he did (a nod to spy tech from Spy Squad but this time its from Rafa).
The next scene is Malibu and Brooklyn practicing for the spotlight solo. It's a montages and they sing See You at the Finish Line. They are competing against on another, but together at the same time. The song ends with them preforming on the audition stage. The Dean commends them on their effort but says only one can have the spotlight and results will be posted tomorrow.
It says Barbie Roberts. But the girls have an idea, since it's both their names, both of them should get the spotlight. Lee says she might be able to make that work and Rafa says he has the perfect costumes for them.
Lee goes to her Dad who is talking with the Dean and is in the process of trying to cancel the spotlight since his daughter didn't get it (or try to change the candidate to someone more worthy, like his daughter! He says as she walks up to him). As Lee walks up,, the Dean gets a call and excuses herself. Lee then threatens to release the audio of her Dad admitting his interference if he doesn't back down. He back downs and then complains about business and how he was "only" trying to help "his little girl shine". The Dean returns and say their MC of the even just got sick and they need a replacement or Lee's Dad might get his wish.
Lee then steps up and says she could MC, she does know Emmie Lee after all. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Lee makes it possible for both Barbies to have the spotlight, and she introduces them like in cannon. This time, it makes sense why she is hosting. They sing Big City Big Dreams, and when the camera pans to both their families it's also makes sense they are there.
Movie ends, curtains draw, and that's how I would fix this movie.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Have you ever done a craft that you found on Pinterest? I did dabble with some water painting a few years ago during Christmastime, actually. I made a few different Christmas poster things inspired by ones I saw on there. Like, they had different Christmasy quotes or song lyrics and some had pictures of Christmas trees or something. Do you get scrapbooking layout ideas from anywhere? I don’t do scrapbooking. What do you do to wipe off the dust from ordinary life? I’m always cleaning under the keys on my laptop. Are you content with mystery, or do you wish you knew everything? Uhh. I wouldn’t want to know everything. I like continuing to learn and discover new things. There’s also things I never want to know. I also like mystery in the sense of surprises. Like, I hate spoilers and I don’t want to know what any presents are before I open them.  What do you do when someone irritates you on Facebook? If I see an annoying or stupid post I just keep scrolling.
Do you think your hair looks better natural or dyed? I think it looks much better dyed red.  Do your parents disrespect you? My parents are respectful, pretty chill people. I mean, we get in disagreements and bicker sometimes, who doesn’t, but I wouldn’t say they disrespect me. Have you found that love covers over a multitude of sins? I mean, you can love someone but that doesn’t excuse their toxic, bad behaviors. It doesn’t mean people can treat you or others cruelly just because you love them. What was the last Grand Opening you went to? Hm. I don’t know if I’ve ever been to a grand opening. Not that I can think of at the moment. Do you have anything coming up tomorrow? Nope. What’s one thing that makes your stomach hurt? I’m lactose intolerant, so having dairy will definitely do that. Otherwise, I just have stomach issues and get stomachaches and pains for whatever reason. Ever had a living nightmare? These past few years in particular. Do you have a lot of haters? Ha. I’m so irrelevant. I’m sure I’m not even on anyone’s radar for them to feel that strongly about me. Outside of my family, I feel people are indifferent to me. I don’t make a big impression. 
Do you think successful people always come with a pack of haters? Yes. There are people who can’t stand to see successful, happy people. They want to try and tear them down. There’s also just a lot of trolls who think it’s fun to hate on people. Do you have supernatural abilities? Uh, no. Do you kick yourself when you make mistakes? Do you say, “I wish I would have” a lot? All the damn time. There’s so much I wish I did and didn’t do and I’m always kicking myself so to speak for it.  Are you doing the most you can with your life? Not even. I’ve completely let these past few years pass me by as I just waste away.  Do you let people walk on you? I’ve had it happen in the past. Are you ok? I always just wanna start belting out to MCR when a question like this comes up. Do you have a friend you miss right now? Former friend, yeah. Do you ever write snail mail to your friends? I don’t have any friends anymore, but nah dude. I’ll send you a text or hit you up on social media if I need to reach you, ha. Do you make your life look better than it is on Facebook? I guess in a way because I don’t post personal shit. I used to post like sad quotes and lyrics and images back in the day, but I stopped doing that years ago. I very rarely post anything anymore and when I do, it’s something funny or #relatable that I saw and shared to my timeline. Or a check-in to somewhere if I think it’s of interest. Mostly; though, I’m just on there scrolling through my feed and “liking” things here and there. Do you feel God’s presence regularly? Yes. Do you experience chronic pain? Yes. Do you believe God loves you and is rooting for you? I know He does. Have you ever dreamt that you were falling? Ugh, yes. Worst feeling. I hate that feeling of jolting awake.  What would your dream career be? I have no idea. Are you a daydreamer? ”You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” Do you daydream so much that you wonder if there’s anyone who doesn’t? Uhh, I wouldn’t say that. My daydreaming is more me zoning out and dwelling  about things from the past, thinking about current things, or imagining up scenarios.  Do you ever just sit and daydream for awhile? My mind just wanders off like that. Is the snow falling where you are right now? It doesn’t snow here. :( What is your favorite part of nature? The beach, particularly the ocean. Though, we all know I’m not about getting into the ocean. That deep water and the creatures that dwell down there aren’t for me. Just thinking about that... :O I do love looking out at the ocean and just watch/listen to the waves crash in and out. It’s very, very calming. I let my thoughts get swept away with the waves. I also love the cool, ocean air and smell. Do you wish you could be a world traveler? Yes. Do you wish you could live in another city for a year? Ooh. That would be nice. I actually want to move to another city permanently. What city would you like to visit? There’s countless places I want to visit. What has been your favorite city that you’ve visited? Various ones in California.  If you had kids, would you take them to Disney World? Pfft, I’d go now if I could. I don’t need kids for that, ha. I’m the big kid. I love Disneyland, so I’m sure I’d love Disney World as well. Have you ever stood in line to get a Disney character’s autograph? Yeah. As a kid and as an adult, haha. My favorite was a few years ago when we got pictures with Chewbacca and Darth Vader.  Do you own a birthday crown? No. How long does it usually take your hair to dry? Do you dry it naturally or blow-dry it? I just let it air dry. It takes forever, though. Do you straighten your hair? Not anymore. I used to. Do you sleep with a teddy bear? I have a few stuffed animals on my bed that always just sit on my bed. Would you consider yourself a free spirit? No. Do you need to clean out your closet? I actually just did that a couple weekends ago. Do you watch YouTube videos regularly? Yep, everyday.  What’s your favorite coffee shop? Starbucks. Is your Pinterest page cluttered? I have a few pinned things, but I don’t use Pinterest much for that. I use it to find and save photos for my phone background, typically. Do you want to start a collection? I have a few collections. Are you a role model? Would you consider yourself a good example? No. Are you a leader or a follower? I feel like I’m just sitting on the sidelines watching the crowd go by.  Who’s your favorite person? Not a person, but my doggo. (: Who have been your favorite American Idol contestants? I liked a few from the first few seasons like Adam Lambert, David Archuleta, Tim Urban, and of course, Kelly Clarkson. Did you used to name your Barbies? Yep. What unnatural hair color looks best on you? I love dyeing my hair red. Is your life boring? ”I need another story, something to get off my chest. My life is kind of boring, need something that I can confess.” Do you usually feel better around people or alone? Depends. I like spending time with my family, but I also need my alone time. Is there a broken relationship in your life that you want to fix? Oh, like the friendships I ruined a few years ago because I’m a shitty person? I wouldn’t even know where to begin at this point. Like...what could I even say. I know they’re hurt and probably hate me, and I don’t blame them at all. They deserved more than I what I gave them. The more time goes by, the worse it is. I still don’t feel like I’m in the right headspace to try and fix things. Like...I don’t think things would change and we’d end up in the same spot because I’m still a mess. And I feel horrible for feeling this way, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to. :X I wish I went about things differently, most definitely, but having some people out of my life now is the worst thing.... Do you ever think about Heaven? Yes. Are you ready for Heaven yet? I pray it’s not my time, yet.  Are you afraid of where you’re going to go? I pray I go to heaven when it is my time. Do you have a tree outside your window? Yes. Do you feel better now than you did last night? I feel the same, really. Is your sleep schedule messed up? Ohhhh yeah. It has been for years. It switches up, though. Still all bad, but different. Like, currently my bedtime is like 5, sometimes 6, in the morning and I sleep until 1. Does your body have any problems with it? It has a lot wrong with it. Are you doing ok spiritually? I’m working on strengthening my relationship with God. Have you taken any huge risks lately? No. Silence or songs? I don’t like complete silence ever. I need something, whether it be the TV, YouTube, or music. I sleep with the TV on for that reason (and for some light because I can’t have it completely dark either). Tea or coffee? Coffeeeee. Books or movies? I enjoy both. Do you ever watch your favorite movies from when you were a kid? Disney movies are timeless. ^If you were going to do that, what would you watch? Something Disney. Do you ignore rude people or do you call them out? I’ll talk shit about them to myself or someone I’m close with like my mom, ha. I don’t confront people. Well, unless it’s someone I’m close to who says or does something rude. Do you have trouble staying organized? With my life, yes. It’s showing externally now; though, too. My room has gotten cluttery and I hate it. It never used to be that way.  What has been your most favorite adventure? All the trips I’ve taken. What has been your greatest mistake? I’ve made a long list of ‘em. Are you happy with your life right now? No. Do you take anything to make your feel better? ”I take prescriptions to make me feel a-okay I know it’s all in my head.” Sorry, ya’ll know I’m always breaking out into song. Anyway, I currently don’t take any anti-depressants or anti-anxiety pills. Are your parents still together? Yes. What color socks do you have on? White. Are you under a blanket right now? I have one wrapped around me. Are you hopeful? :/
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levi-ish · 7 years
13 going on 30 Spider-Man AU
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so I had this idea in my head for a while and just thought that this would be really cool to write about
And I’m really sorry. English is not my first language
if you haven’t watched this movie yet PLEASE WATCH (it’s my favorite don’t even get me started) 
SPOILERS AHEAD // hope you like it <3
Ok, let’s start then (this starts in the 80s)
so you and Peter have been best friends since ever 
started with you being next door neighbours and outcasts at school
Peter was this really skinny nerdy boy and you were awkard and really smart  
you had this habit to share sweets (RAZZLES) and to greet each other in another languages
“Arrivederci” “Au revoir”
your relationship was based on mutual trust and weird stuff that only you two understood
seriosly you could almost talk telepathically
Peter had this hobby to take pictures around and sometimes he even took them for the school paper and some of you 
you have ever wanted to work on your favorite magazine (Poise) editorial and you have like all of their editions
the story really starts when you had the yearbook shoot in your 13th birthday and turns out B A D
but you don’t get too sad ‘cause Peter said that it looked good 
“don’t worry Y/N, it can’t be worse than mine. I actually sneezed!”
six girls walks down the corridor like it was a catwalk and stops right in front of you
oops, forgot to tell you that Y/N really wanted to be popular and those girls used her for homework and projects
Peter knew about that and tried to warn you but guess what, you didn’t listen
the leader of their gang (Tom-Tom) usually approached you two to make fun of Peter and you used to follow her lead, laughing together
shitty habit i know
and on that they she told you that her group and your crush Flash Thompson wouldn’t come over to your party unless they finish their group project 
so you say you would do it for them ‘cause you’re too naive to see bad in people
when you come home you start to get ready for your party, doing your makeup and picking a outfit that would fit better with the mean girls even putting some tissues on your top to look like you have boobs but nobody needs to know that
so while getting ready you read the last edition of Poise magazine and saw a story saying that the 30s are the best years of your life and claims that you want to be 30
“30, flirty and thriving.”
then you go down to your basement where the party would be held and put your jam on
I’m talking about Thriller ‘cause you know the whole choreography
when Peter arrived he just watched you dance because he is so fuCKING CUTE AND NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED
then he gives you the big box with a pink lace on top that is your present 
“You know how you always wanted a Barbie Dream House? Well, I decided to make you your own Y/N Dream House”
you just stare to the big doll house that he built by himlsef and made just for you, showing all the rooms and faces from old pictures cut and glued to little dolls 
then he sprinkles wishing dust all over the little roof and you close your eyes to make a wish by the time the doorbell rings
you began to panic and put the house away like it meant nothing and Peter just looks at you with his big doe eyes and feels his heart starting to break
the party starts and all of your guests are in the basement 
Tom-Tom starts to be mean to Peter and you again follow her lead so he goes upstairs 
then again, Tom-Tom comes into scene and suggests to play 7 minutes in heaven and says to you that Flash is dying to kiss you, but doesn’t closes the closet door before asking you where is her project and puts a blindfold in your eyes
Tom-Tom’s gang and Flash’s friends starts to leave the party and Tom-Tom finds Peter and says that you were waiting for him in the closet
so when he opens the door he sees you with a smile eye-to-eye and his world lights up
“I thought you weren’t gonna come”
he’s just so happy to hear that that he entrelaces your fingers together and leans in for a kiss, never making it because you called him “Flash” 
it all goes downhill when you see that it’s Peter and everybody is gone and you started to blame him and locked yourself on the closet
you slides down the shelf where the Y/N Dream House is and starts to hit your head back, making the whole shelf move and some wishing dust to fall on you while you keep saying:
“I wanna be 30“
Here’s where the shit goes REALLY crazy
You wake up in a bed that isn’t yours and a flat that isn’t yours either
you find a mirror and sees that the reflection isn’t the same too
then you find a weird nude guy calling you sweetbun
you leave your flat in your pajamas after you saw his thingy and finds a blonde woman standing in front of a car and screaming at her phone and telling you to get in
so you starts to find out a lot of things about you and it comes to your mind that your wish was fulfilled. You are now 30 and were the editor of the Poise magazine, best friends with Tom-Tom (now you call her Lucy) and prom queen with Flash as prom king.
but then you starts to miss Peter and wonder where he is, so you ask your secretary to find him
when she does you leave the office and runs across the city to find his flat and knock on his door
“You’re not chinese”
you just stares at him and realizes that Peter isn’t a skinny nerdy guy. Now he’s tall and strong, with abs showing on his shirt and his wavy hair is now pulled back giving a whole new and hotter look.
then your panic comes back when he tells you that you’re not best friends anymore and you find yourself sitting in a bench while holding a fluffy pillow and drinking a glass of water
when you calm down you two go back to your apartment and you find your yearbook seeing the pictures of prom and Tom-Tom’s gang that you turned out to be their leader
“This is incredible, I can’t believe that I got everything I’ve ever wanted” “Yeah Y/N, you got it all. Congratulations.”
You receive a call telling you about a Poise party at night and you invite Peter to come and he says that he’ll think about it
by the night you starts to get ready ala 80′s style and find thongs in your HUGE closet
“Can you tell I’m wearing underwear? ‘Cause I totally am”
when you get to the party you find Lucy and asks for a drink
“ I'll have a Pina Colada, not virgin. Wanna see my ID? Totally have it!”
then your boss comes to you and starts to panic about people starting to leave so you get an idea and go to the DJ
Thriller starts to play and you go to the middle of the dance floor, doing the choreography
starting to feel uncomfortable alone, you find Peter in the crowd and your heart skips a beat, your feet in a hurry to get him and making him dance with you
and literally everybody starts to dance too and your boss is so happy
but Peter says he need to leave and you hold hands for a second and your whole body heats up, having a weird sensation by the time he lefts
time passes and one night you’re outside a restaurant with Lucy and you see Peter walking by and ask what he’s doing there
then a beautiful ginger girl appears on his side and he introduces her as his fiancée, Mary Jane
your heart breaks a little and you feel numb for a second
you come back to your reality when the naked guy appears on your side and started to talk to Peter and his fiancée
Peter then leave and Lucy tells you to go to the naked guy’s (Alex’s) flat to play games
when you get there you suggests battleship and he starts to kiss your ear and you don’t know what to do while he keeps flirting
then he starts to striptease and do a weird dance and you look away trying to hide your shame
“Put your penis away, I don’t want to see it again!”
as the days goes by you start to realize what an awful person you’ve become on this alternative universe. You found that you have been screwing your coworkers husband and things that you never knew you could do
feeling bad, you go to Peter’s apartment and ask him if he wanted to go for a walk
you start to talk about the future and his wedding plans 
then curiosity strikes you and you finally ask him about what happened to your friendship
you watch the pain in his eyes while he tells you about your 13th party 
he says that you threw the Y/N Dream House that he spent 3 weeks building at him and never talked to him again
you feel awful
you became a monster after all
after that night you crash into your parents house and locks yourself in the same closet from your birthday party and realizes that the Y/N Dream House isn’t there
so you hit your head purposely on the same shelf and your parents find you in there
the morning after your mother makes you pancakes with blueberry eyes 
“If you were given one do over anything in your life what would it be?” “Nothing” “Really?” “Really.” “But did you ever make a big mistake... a huge one that could change your life... what about that?” “Well, Y/N, I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes but I don’t regret any of them” “How come?” “Because If I haven’t had make them I wouldn’t have learned how to do things right.”
going through the pages of your yearbook you see that Peter was the one who took the pictures and a huge idea comes into your mind
you hire Peter to do a photoshoot with people recreating those pictures and have lots of fun while doing that
he can’t take his eyes off of you and his hearts melts a little whenever you laugh
you even dance together under the fake snow while doing the winter dance shoot
he even gives you a white peony while doing the class of 2004
later that day you two started to talk about the past and you two get Razzles and go for a walk 
“Hey Peter, tell me something. What color is my tongue?” “Is red, I don’t know... red?” “Red red or Razzles red?”
then you two started to compete who would go higher on a swingset 
it was beautiful ‘till you two fell
and it was beautiful again when you landed on his chest and his hand started to caress your bare sholder sending you chills on your spine
“Hey, you got arm hair” “Never got quite that reaction before.”
then you two started to smile at each other like the two dorks you were in the past and he leans in to kiss you
it was magical, every second of it. You just wished you could stay like that forever
when the day of the presentations came, you were super nervous to show your ideas ‘cause you were afraid about the opinions
so Lucy presents first and it wasn’t very well
and when you present your project, everybody go crazy about it and loving the idea of the class of 2004
but Lucy wasn’t very happy and goes to your office to find out that you were the one that was selling Poise ideas to Sparkle, the rival magazine
Peter goes to your office to talk to you and finds Lucy, who said to him that you changed your mind about his pictures and hired someone more professional 
so you decided to go to his apartment to tell him that everybody loved his photos and you find Mary Jane wearing one of his shirts
the special one that he was wearing when they kissed on the playground
and she tells you that she will tell him when he gets back from picking up his tux and that they’re getting married on the next day
your heart completly breaks
the next day when you go to work you find out the whole floor empty and everybody packing from their offices
your boss tells you that Sparkle published your story and you find out that Lucy did it and she throws in your face all of the bad things you have done and how you sold all of the Poise stories to Sparkle
feeling worse than ever you decided to go to Peter’s wedding and calls a cab
later on you find out that the cab driver is actually Flash Thompson and just jumps out of it running like crazy
when you arrived at Peter’s yard you entered the house and ran to his old room, finding he knotting his tie while looking at the window
he looks at you and you can swear you saw a sparkle in his eyes
and you did
so you tried to tell him that Lucy was talking about a person that wasn’t you anymore
“It doesn’t matter what Lucy said. I stopped trusting her after she stole my poprocks on the third grade.”
you can’t help but smile at him and his dorkness
“Peter, I have to believe that if you knew that... if in your heart you really really knew that, you wouldn’t be getting married to someone right now, unless that someone were me”
he doesn’t look at you and you begin to panic already regretting but feeling like going on.
you started to miss his eyes and every blink looks like an eternity
“Y/N, I’m not gonna lie to you... I’ve felt things this past weeks that I didn’t know that I could feel anymore.”
you feel a smile forming on your lips but disappearing right after he completes his sentence.
“But I’ve realized in this past few days... you can’t just turn back time”
when you question him about it, he said that he’d moved on and you had too. And when he mentions Mary Jane you think about how good she is to him and can’t feel comfortable about the view of him wearing that tux and being ready to say “yes”
so you started to cry
then he opens his closet and you see the Y/N Dream House, feeling a knot involving all of your internal organs and or fingers start to tremble
you cry even more
it still have the wishing dust all over the plastic roof and you feel your heart warms at the thought of him putting it all over
he gives it to you and you hold the dream house in your arms, trying to feel it like one of his hugs and smile at him
“I’ll be fine, go on! I’m just crying because I’m happy... I-I want you to be so so happy”
talking a deep breath, your voice starts to shake while he gives you a sad smile
“I love you, Peter. You’re my best friend”. 
when you put your hand on the doorknob he took an audible deep breath
“Y/N, I’ve always loved you”
and your mind lingers on the word “loved” 
he loved you, but now he loves Mary Jane
so you go down the stairs and sit in the front yard, still holding the Y/N Dream House
the wedding music started playing and every melody sounded lower than your heart breaking a little more while your chest felt so heavy that it could send you to the ground in a blink
you started to play with the objects in the little rooms on the doll house and the wind started to blow against your face
you didn’t even care, your mind was only focused on how you wanted to be with Peter
and suddently there was wishing dust all over the ar, flying around you as your eyes were closed, trying to fight against the tears
you started to hear a song that wasn’t a wedding song and tried to open your eyes, being stopped by a blindfold
as you took it off, you saw that you were back again in that closet in your 13th birthday party and a warm feeling was all over you
Peter opened the closet door and you attacked him with a hug and kissed him
on his lips!
“Wow, you really know what you’re doing!”
you smiled at him and grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs and found Tom-Tom in the middle of it
you saw the group project that you did by yourself in her hands and ripped it appart, smirking at her and running again
“C’mon Peter, we’re gonna be late!” “For what?” “You’ll see!”
as the years passed, you and Peter only grew stronger and loving each other even more
the wedding music was now played for you two while you walked down the aisle and find his marvelous smile waiting for you
soon you two moved to a brand new house
Y/N and Peter Dream House
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