#bas talks
evanbuckleykinard · 17 hours
my favorite personal tommy headcanon is that he builds and collects model helicopters and airplanes
i also love the idea that there’s this one model he’s wanted to get for awhile now, but he just hasn’t pulled the trigger on it for some reason
cue buck, who has seen these models and has heard tommy talking about this model and so he gets it for him as a surprise and he just gets to watch tommy light up when he hands it to him
bonus points if they have a date where buck builds a lego set while tommy builds his model
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basrice · 1 year
might move blogs idk i want a new system for posting art and rbs cause im not a fan of the way ive organized stuff here and on my personal but also i want these urls if i make a new one
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boypanadol · 1 year
cleans glasses. goes outside. they get rained on. suffers. cleans glaases [repeats in a sisyphean fashion]
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theabigailthorn · 6 months
My next big creative project just got greenlit!
Last year we made The Prince, and it was a gamechanger - next year I'm making a sexy horror comedy vampire movie!
Can't wait to get started on this one lol. Also thank you?! This happened because people went so gaga for The Prince. It's phenomenal.
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eefaevie · 6 months
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the show must go on
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lotus-pear · 8 months
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i think you guys are onto smth..
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i unironically got invested in this HELP
#WHERES THE FIC AT IF SOMEONE WRITES THIS I WILL PAY THEM A HUNDRED DOLLARS😭😭#kunikida serving the country while dazai's serving cunt😔#dazai was born to malewife but forced to manipulate and i think that's the greatest tragedy of bsd#anyway some facts i would like to share abt this au thay i came up w while drawing!!#takes place in 1939 (start of wwii) and there was a mandatory draft that required one male over eighteen from each house to serve#both of them are still twenty two and had been engaged for abt two years before getting married that year#newlyweds! unfortunately kuni had to go fight and they were seperated :(#before the war kunikida was a math teacher at the local high school and dazai obviously managed the household and didn't work#he's hopeless at cooking and meal prep even w recipie books so they either get those prepackaged meals or kuni makes dinner when he gets ba#so like when he's making lunch for kunikida he normally just packs a basic sandwich w raw fruit#kunikida always appreciates the effort even tho hes probably sick of having the same thing everyday but he won't complain abt it#when kunikida joined the army he was relieved that the mess hall had better food than dazai#he was the only one in his platoon that never complained abt the food so his fellow soldiers assumed it was bc he came from a tough bg#when in reality he was just used to being poisoned on a daily basis from his dumbass husbands cooking and was hardly fazed from army ration#they write to each other although its more dazai sending and kuni receiving bc hes off fighting and doesnt have time to write back#dazai talks abt life on the homefront and how he has to grow a victory garden (everything is DYING HE CANT EVEN RAISE TOMATOES)#and kuni writes abt his fellow soldiers and how the war is going and when he thinks he'll be home and how he misses sleeping in a bed#ANYWAY yea thought i'd share sry for infodumping in the tags again#this post is for like the four ppl that care abt this specific flavor of knkdz so hopefully this gets four notes at least#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#dazai osamu#osamu dazai#kunikida doppo#doppo kunikida#kunikidazai#knkdz#lotus draws#bro sry for posting at two in the morning i couldnt sleep until i got this out of my head they have infested my brain
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ryllen · 6 months
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.+💚. Green .💚+.
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prodogg · 9 months
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She’s baby, my pookie, my poor little meow meow, my blorbo and my beloved mochi muncher.
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basrice · 2 years
hello i probablu wont be posting a lot of finished works cause i realized that i sometimes stress myself out over it and start drawing stuff with posting in mind and wanna focus more on personal original art but i will absolutelu post sketches of aoex 🧍‍♂️
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anonymous-dentist · 29 days
Part Five of the Catboy in the Village AU
Parts: One | Two | Three | Four
Before Cellbit can start any kind of investigation, he passes out from hunger. (Four days without eating will do that, he supposes...)
It's sort of just... quick. He's sitting up in bed so Roier can braid his hair, and then his head and eyes are all fuzzy, and then he's in a different bed with no Roier and with an absolutely killer migraine.
He groans and rolls onto his side and pulls his blanket over his head, because he knows that there's somebody watching him. He can feel their (her) eyes on him, and they're making him feel even more sick than he already feels.
"You're an idiot," the queen declares.
Cellbit just hisses at her. She doesn't deserve his words.
He can practically hear her eye roll. Wood creaks from next to his bed, footsteps clicking against the cold stone floor, and then a light 'creeeeak' as a cabinet is opened on the far side of the room. Grumbling from the queen- insults, mostly. Clinks and clatters as she searches for something.
Cellbit's stomach twists and groans from hunger. Gods, what he'd give to be in his kitchen right now with Roier making dinner less than an arm's length away from him. Smoke in Cellbit's lungs, flavor already burning his tongue, fresh bread from the bakery across the street in front of him as an appetizer.
"There's soup on the table next to you," the queen says.
But it isn't Roier's soup, is the thing. It's probably poisoned. Or, worse, it's gross. Not enough meat, probably. Possibly even vegan, eugh.
How would the queen react if Cellbit told her that he only eats dishes with human flesh cooked into them? Would that be enough for her to send him home?
...Probably not, considering she seemed more upset about him being bad at escaping prison than him actually being in prison in the first place. That opens a whole bag of worms in itself, because how in the world does the queen know about Alcatraz when Cellbit's own in-laws don't? How long has she been stalking him for?
"If you need something lighter, I can have the kitchens send up some bread or crackers," the queen continues.
"I'm not hungry," Cellbit grumbles.
He's gone for longer than four days without food. During the war, it wasn't until Bad picked him up and taught him what his claws and fangs were good for that Cellbit started having dinner more than once a week. When he was put in solitary confinement in prison, he wasn't given food at all, and he was in that cell for at least five days at a time.
He's gone for longer than four days, so it has to be something in the castle that has made Cellbit so weak. Maybe it's something in the air, some kind of magic the queen is employing to try and break him down. The bed sheets might be laced with sickness runes. The guards constantly following Cellbit and Roier around might be warlocks in league with whatever demon is haunting the castle.
"Right," the queen sarcastically says. "You're not hungry. You just passed out after not eating for four days for no reason."
Cellbit bristles so literally that his ears tent the blanket above his head. He grits his teeth together and, not for the first time, he wishes that he still had his claws.
"Exactly," he grits out. He flexes his fingers, pretending the air he's scratching is the queen's stupid (identical) face. "So. Leave."
"I'm good, actually," the queen lightly responds. She sounds beyond pissed off, but she also sounds as calm as can be expected of royalty. Ugh. "I'm going to order some bread for you in just a moment."
Cellbit's ear twitches. "No."
"You're an alchemist, yes? You know what happens when you take a potion on an empty stomach. This might be the healer's quarters, but I will not have you throwing up all over her floor."
Cellbit pulls a bit of his blanket over and away from one of his eyes so he can glare at the queen properly.
"I'm not going to throw up," he scoffs. Who does she think he is?
Now that he can see the queen, he's even more annoyed. More than that, though, he's confused because... why? Why is she here? What kind of warden pays this much attention to their prisoner?
She's rooting through a large wooden cupboard filled with things Cellbit recognizes from his own supplies back home: healing potions, powdered unicorn's horn, phoenix feather, faerie dust.
"When you passed out, you hit your head pretty hard on one of your bedposts," the queen explains, ignoring him entirely. "Your husband has requested that you be given something to help with your pain, and you know that you can't take that without something in your stomach. Stop being stubborn."
"I'm not being stubborn," Cellbit huffs. "And I'm not in pain. So."
He isn't lying; he feels just fine. The only thing hurting is his stomach, and that's normal with starvation. He's more than used to the feeling by now.
"So you're going to take one dose of this potion to make your husband happy."
Oh, and now she's blackmailing him with Roier's emotions. Great.
Unfortunately for the queen, Cellbit knows his husband well enough to know that, if Roier wanted him to take a potion, he would be in the room force-feeding it to him himself. He wouldn't have Cellbit's current number one worst enemy try and do it, he isn't that cruel.
...Now that Cellbit thinks of it, where is Roier?
A bolt of panic grips Cellbit around his heart and he sits up in a flash, blanket flying off of him as his entire body tenses. His ears stick up on end, straining for any sign of Roier. Nothing.
"Where is he?" Cellbit demands.
He looks around the room and sees absolutely nothing that he can use as a weapon. Great. It's fine. It's fine! He can just-
Cellbit's vision swims, and he feels himself tipping to the side and off of the bed. The queen shouts, but he can't hear whatever she says over the sound of nothingness as he loses consciousness for the second time that day.
It takes much less time for him to wake up this time. He's up and trying to get to his feet within seconds of hitting the floor, his ears flat against his head and his eyes wide with panic as he fully decides that the queen may have, in fact, killed Roier. She had Cellbit drugged and she had Roier killed and now she's going to keep Cellbit in a much worse cell and she's going to torture him until he agrees that he's her brother and-
He's shocked back to reality as a blanket is dropped over his head from above. What?
"Roier is fine," the queen gently says. She's above him now, too- on the bed, probably, why? Is she trying to smother him? "He's the one who brought you here. He and the healer went to get some ice from the kitchens. She was going to go by herself, but he wanted to make sure she wouldn't try and poison you."
What a hero. Of course Roier would worry about the ice being poisoned, he and Cellbit both know a hundred ways to poison someone. It's hard not to know how to poison people in the potion business.
...But she's lying. The queen is lying. She hasn't told Cellbit the truth once since she first barged into his store.
...But the blanket over Cellbit's head is really heavy. Was it this heavy before? No, right?
Cellbit kneads his fingers into the knees of his trousers. He twists his wedding ring around his finger. His nose twitches. His lungs hurt.
"Still works," the queen mutters. What does that mean?
A few short, yet excruciatingly-long, moments of blanket and panic later, the door to the room slams open, and a pair of beautifully-familiar boots thud towards Cellbit. A second later, the blanket is ripped off of his head, and there's Roier holding a bowl of ice and looking so handsomely concerned.
"Gatinho..." he breathes.
And then he scowls and plops onto the ground in front of Cellbit, cross-legged. He puts the bowl down on his lap, leans forward, and grabs Cellbit by the face with both hands and squishes his cheeks together.
"I fucking told you to eat!" he shouts, only halfway angry. He squishes Cellbit's cheeks harder. "And now you are on the floor. Why are you on the floor, eh?"
"He fell," the queen responds. She's still on the bed, cross-legged herself, with her chin resting against her fist. "He wanted to search for you."
Roier 'awww's once before gently shaking Cellbit's head back and forth.
"What have I told you?" he scolds. "I'll always come back for you. Even when I die, I'll just haunt you as a sexy ghost. I'm not letting any stupid queen get rid of me?"
"Hey!" the queen protests.
Cellbit smiles, though, and he reaches up to place his hands over Roier's.
"Desculpe, guapito," he says.
Roier smiles back, his anger slowly fading from his face.
"Your forehead is all purple," he tells Cellbit. "Come here..."
He takes the blanket off of the floor and wraps it around a handful of ice cubes. It's a lumpy cold mess, but it's sweet, so Cellbit doesn't complain too much as Roier softly presses the makeshift ice pack against Cellbit's forehead.
Cellbit leans into his touch, eyes fluttering shut. He bites back a happy little purr. (Not in front of the queen...!)
Someone else walks into the room, but Cellbit couldn't care less about them. They have to be the healer, but there's nothing wrong with him. Nothing he can't fix himself with the right ingredients, anyway.
He cracks an eye open and glares up at the queen, who looks... thoughtful. Uh-oh.
"I'm not taking the potion," he tells her. "I don't drink anything I don't make myself."
The queen shrugs. "That's fine, then. There's a cauldron on the other side of the room. Right, Niki?"
She looks over her shoulder, and Cellbit can just barely make out a head of pink hair. Must be 'Niki', then. The healer.
"That's right!" the healer agrees. "You can use what you want! It's all in here somewhere!"
Roier leans in close and whispers, "That's Niki. She talks a lot about empanadas."
Cellbit's stomach grumbles at the mention of food, and he groans.
"Please don't mention food right now," he sighs, voice low.
"Mmm, or I can, and you'll eat something and we can go back to our room," Roier hums. He tenderly strokes Cellbit's cheek. "I'm in the mood for empanadas right now, actually. Ah, or mixiotes... or gorditas..."
Cellbit slumps forward against Roier's shoulder, bringing the ice with him.
"Guapito, please..." he whines.
"If you're hungry, I can have any of that made for you," the queen offers.
A growl bubbles up from Cellbit's throat, but Roier covers it up with a loud, "Ah! But how do we know you won't put poison in it, hmm?"
"Because I wouldn't poison my brother or my brother-in-law? That would be ridiculous!"
"Mhmm. But how can we be sure?"
"Let Roier cook for the both of us," Cellbit says. "That way, we know for sure that it'll be safe."
A beat. And then:
"Are you being serious right now?" the queen demands. "That was why you wouldn't eat? Because your husband wasn't cooking it for you?"
Cellbit turns his head to glare up at her. "You would starve yourself, too, if you had to go from his cooking to someone else's. His food is perfect. He could be a professional, you know."
The queen looks absolutely shocked. Positively bewildered. Confused beyond all belief. Angry, too. Annoyed.
"You are. Ridiculous," she stammers out. "But... fine. Yes! You should have just asked from the beginning! Oh my gods! You should have asked!"
She continues ranting about how silly Cellbit is for not trusting her despite them literally being family, which is absolutely ridiculous because, A, they aren't family, and, B, she literally knocked him out and kidnapped him and his husband and is holding them both captive.
But Cellbit doesn't listen. Instead, he thinks. Once he's back on his feet, he can actually start investigating. And then? He and Roier can go.
His stomach grumbles again; Roier giggles and pokes at Cellbit's belly and starts listing out potential dinner options in order of Cellbit's favorites to his least favorites.
...But first, dinner.
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sexygaywizard · 7 months
I got to be honest I am NOT a mutual who accepts and loves your interests as my own. I like you but the weird clown girl is going in the blocked tags
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letters-to-rosie · 3 months
honestly this is probably just because I recently referenced it in a paper for my prof who's a big Marx fan but the family structures in Piltover/Zaun remind me of the passage in the communist manifesto where they're like the traditional family structure is only something you get to have if you're bourgeois because capitalism's destroyed it
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someone: whatcha thinking about?
me: oh, not much (the homoerotic subtext between Jet and Zuko)
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temeyes · 25 days
do you think they'll someday release a pinoy operator? seeing gaz have gen z humor fills me:))
IN MY MIND,,,, Gaz is half-filipino. so to me, he counts as a Filipino operator <3
i don't think i mentioned it here on tumblr, but i've hc'ed Gaz to be half filo because he just gives off the energy he would be?? ALSO, KYLE IS A COMMON ASS FILO NAME?? SO IT MAKES SENSE AHSHASHA (to me at least......)
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bistaxx · 7 months
... Will you guys please let me talk about hgduo/gossipduo/mockingjays/ whatever they are called a little more pleaseeeeeeeeee, they make me unwell and I want to get my thoughts about them out of my head- or more specifically about them from Bad's point of view!
There's a familial air to it, but it's just not true to define it like that- and that doesn't make what they DO have any less powerful or significant- They have a unique bond and that continues to be true, even during painful times like this.
Cellbit WAS Bad's responsibility at one point, and that time came and went- he got him through the war and into adulthood ( aka 18 years old or close to it.) They meet again as old friends and generally respect each other as such... but even so Bad can't deny he still feels some duty to watch over the man once he starts crumbling- much like how Cellbit as well can't help but reach out to Bad during this time.
but there's limits.
like- Bad for years had and still wants to protect Cellbit, he's had an influence on him, he taught him how to survive, he himself acknowledges he has some responsibility over Cellbit, looking at Cellbit right now feels like looking in a mirror, he doesn't like having to give up on him, but if it's between him and the kids he's choosing the kids every time... and he knows there is no simple way to save someone who refuses to let themself be saved.
And it hurts! It hurts seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to let him burn! It hurts watching someone he cares for falling down the same path he is! It hurts knowing he's hurting others the way it did for him seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to choose his kids over his protege/ student/ former responsibility/ the kid he watched over years ago/ old friend/ his 'something'!
Like, cc!Bad brought up this internal mental tier list that q!Bad has- I still deeply believe that q!Cellbit is quite high up there even if he'll never be at the level his kids are at- like he loves Cellbit enough that he ACTUALLY CONSIDERED putting parts of his months long plan at risk to save him- even if it was just during the stress of that moment that still means a LOT from Bad- but he was always going to choose his kids in the end!
Based on what I know of q!Bad (which is admitably not a lot lol) there is next to nothing that'd convince him to give up on his kids- with Cellbit he's able to see that he can't help him because Cellbit sadly does not want to be saved- and for Bad that means he simply has to accept it even if he really doesn't like it- the emotions from that night have processed and he's looking at the situation from a more logical and resolute perspective. If it means him and Cellbit may one day clash, then with a heavy sigh so be it....
but if it was Dapper or Pomme... I just don't feel certain in saying he'd be able to come to that conclusion, especially not after one night. Even if it would be the 'smart' thing to do. It's one of the key differences between the dynamic he has with them vs Cellbit...
But, in a perfect situation, he would've done everything to save them both.
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Anyway thanks for reading, posting this at hell hours so my beloved mutuals won't see my hgduo ramblings but tagging this anyway for other people to see LMAO-
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taichouu · 2 months
I love the phenomenon where your little freak character has a homoerotic rival/enemy that is your friend's little freak character. Haha mutual you are my in law !
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