#basically comic bookmarks
dumbhirano · 1 year
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fullsunfilm · 11 months
svt hyung line’s reaction to surprise kisses
felt like i needed to write tonight so here we go!!
svt x gn!reader, all fluff (again x2)
wc: ~800
read the maknae line ver
he’s distracted when you strike. he’s doing the dishes, scrubbing away at the grimy plates when he jumps from a small peck on the back of his neck. as you attempt to escape, he tears off the comically large rubber gloves and chases after you. when he catches you, he basically wrestles you into a hug, laughing as you whine and playfully hit his chest. he doesn’t let you go until after he finishes pressing a loving kiss on your lips and leaving a few love bites on your neck.
jeonghan isn’t the type to let things go easily. so when you pretend he has a bit of shaving cream left on his face only to kiss his jaw and dash off, he’s already formulating a plan to get revenge. at jun’s birthday party the next day, he purposely brushes his cupcake a bit too close to your face. when he offers to help you clean up, he presses his mouth to your cheek and kisses the frosting off, laughing as you go red in front of your friends.
you mess with joshua, you get what’s coming to you. you surprise him in the pool, while he’s lounging on the sidelines for a bit and sipping on a juice box. you leap at him from under the water, splash him, and press a chaste kiss on his nose before diving under once more and swimming off. he returns the favor after a couple hours, when you’re standing by the poolside. he asks for your hand, which you happily give in order to prevent him from completely turning into a prune. he’s waited hours for this moment. with a strong tug, he yanks you into the pool and catches you in his arms, laughing and peppering kisses along your pouty face.
when you surprise him with a soft kiss to his cheek, he immediately wraps his arms around you and locks you in place. he smirks. and then he starts to tickle. he doesn’t stop, no matter how many times you try to use the excuse that you’re going to pee yourself if he keeps going. he continues to torture you, taunting you and getting payback for the lack of a proper kiss. for a moment, you think you actually are going to pee yourself, but he stops before you do and stares at you expectantly. you sigh teasingly. there’s only one way out of being tickled to death by jun. with a huff, you press a long kiss to his lips, feeling him rest his arms around you and melt into the kiss.
the two of you are in the middle of a duet, dancing lazily. he doesn’t notice your mischievous smile for the longest time, completely focused on the movements and the choreography. when there’s a moment in the dance where the two of you are facing each other closely, you suddenly rush forward and press a quick kiss to his lips. he breaks, body refusing to move even as the song continues on. when the choreographer asks him what’s wrong, he flushes red and tries to play it off. he requests a break and playfully scolds you the entire time, even with his reddened face in his hands.
in the middle of his league game, wonwoo suddenly feels a set of lips meet his cheek. he doesn’t seem to be affected, only reacting with a soft hum. his hands and eyes stay focused on the screen. you huff, suspecting that he’s immune to your surprises. after his game ends, while you’re laying on the couch reading your favorite book, he pulls the book out of your hands, shoves the bookmark in, and dives onto the couch with you. the two of you spend the next hour cuddling and kissing. you learn that he won his league game after he doubled down and sped through his lane, motivated by your kiss.
while he’s bopping his head to one of the tracks he put together, you press a quick kiss to his temple. he’s surprised. he didn’t even know that you were in the room, thanks to bumzu leaving the door slightly ajar for you on his way to the bathroom. you laugh when he reacts, eyes wide and mouth open. he’s happy to see you, and he’s certainly happy to receive a kiss. a smile blooms on his face and he pulls you in close for a hug before he unplugs his headphones and lets you listen in on his newest work.
a/n: ive been having the biggest writer’s block lately when it comes to some of the longer fics i’m writing.. but i just felt like i needed to write something, so have this! i’ll probably finish up a maknae line version later this week :]
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nephilimbrute · 2 months
How do you get your ideas? And what’s the hardest thing to Do when you start drawing
1. i've been asked this a lot of times and honestly....i dunno. like i just cuddle with my marina plush and close my eyes and suddenly an idea pops into my head
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example: these stupid comics. idk i think i'm just naturally funny/creative
something you've probably seen a lot is me combining a piece of media with another piece of media (skullgirls/splatoon, portal/splatoon, etc.) (ignore that it's just splatoon). this just happens because i'm so hyperfixated on something i need to become more obsessed /hj
i Do take inspiration from other artists. DONDRR was a huuuge inspo of mine, his style really helped with how i draw those silly comics. i keep some art from my fav artists bookmarked for me to look back if i ever need inspo
my fyp on tiktok is like, FULL of edits and animations. really cool stuff on there. and there's plenty of animation memes/trends on there if you ever wanna follow one (i plan on it, but first i need to learn how to animate again and do tweening...and get motivation)
another thing is listening to music, all kinds of it (i avoid taylor swift and country music). from doopees to tyler the creator, i basically just sift through the folders in my brain's file cabinets and see what character fits the song. (p.s. marina fits so many mitski songs to me it's crazy)
i just keep a mindset of "(sees cool art) wow! i wanna be like them!"...and also i'm an overthinker so
anyways. next question. definitely drawing the perspective because i can't do that for SHIT. if i can't get it right then i'll totally Butcher the whole idea. i'm supposed to do warmups and thumbnail sketches but i keep forgetting to. and also...trying to keep my attention On the drawing because i get distracted Sooooo Fuckin Easy
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
I don't even play call of duty but you have dragged me along into the ghostsoap fandom with all the amazing art 👀 any fic / content recs for a new crew member of the RSS Ghostsoap???
ooohhh hi! here are some fics I'd recommend:
Pattern Breaker by mothbeast -- a re-imagining of the MW2 reboot with emphasis on what is and isn't inevitable
Affirmative, Sir by Wixiany -- an all-timer for me, 141 has a mole so Ghost and Soap shack up together at safe houses and so on. great character study
Widow of War by goth_iterations -- an AU where Ghost and Soap are on opposite sides, Ghost is a bastard and he's fixated on Soap
Where the Moonlight Meets the Sea by MildLimerence -- in progress I think? it's a mer AU, which isn't usually my jam but this one slaps. this art is for it
Poison Apple by surveycorpsjean -- comms banter. trust me
Something in the Orange by insomniamemoirs and RandomWordsAndStormyDays -- this is reboot ghostsoaproach where Ghost and Soap are together, then Roach is found alive, then there is a great deal of drama
gasoline in your heart by whisperwarm -- newfound ghostsoap collides with established ghostkönig with endgame polycule
some blogs and artists to check out:
bluegiragi -- has some very cool monster au stuff
amikoroyaiart -- gorgeous art, they draw quite a bit of '09 as well <3
yooo-lets-go -- their art is iconic, certainly not limited to ghostsoap either
spiltspit -- art + some spicy
valiants -- art largely in comic strips
hurrraaid -- has an extremely cool monster hunter au
@galacticgraffiti -- bestie beloved and certified ghostsoap enthusiast (+ art and fic)
@patchmates -- bestie beloved and certified cod enthusiast (+ art and fic)
I hope that's a good starting point? basically just went through my ao3 bookmarks and blogs off the top of my head so 👉👈 if for some reason you want ghostroach recs I can do my best in that department as well lmk o7
anyone else can add onto this of course, I'm probably forgetting crucial fics/blogs
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sparklecarehospital · 4 months
not worthy of a full-on devlog, but the homepage now displays your bookmark (with series, volume, and page number included) so you can immediately jump to your bookmark and not have to go all the way to the comic reader to get back to reading. basically makes accessing your bookmark as easy as one click when you open the home page
this may sound like a pretty small detail but it definitely improves the reader experience :]
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elwenyere · 1 year
Crafting Comments on Fics
So with Comment Fest approaching - and with the possibility of bot-generated comments undermining the value of reader-writer engagement - I thought it might be helpful to provide a short explanation of some different approaches I use in crafting comments, in order to identify a few places to get started for anyone who has wanted to leave more (or more detailed) comments but who feels unsure how to get going. 
This is far from an exhaustive list, and the categories are designed to allow for a mix-and-match construction with varying levels of development (from basic to more elaborate). At the heart of it, I think of commenting as a practice of paying attention to what I notice in a story and then crafting language to share those observations with the writer. So each of these categories starts from something we might notice when we read.
1. Affect: how the fic affected you/made you feel
This is a great place to start if commenting feels intimidating, because you’re drawing from your own emotional responses. A basic template might be something like “_____ made me ________.” You can pick a particular moment (the scene with the tooka infestation, the kiss in the Denny’s parking lot, the moment we realize character x was dead the whole time, etc.) or focus on the fic as a whole; and you can describe the effect in simple terms (made me cry, smile, laugh, feel soft, etc.) or extravagant ones (made me want to roll myself into the sea, made me feel like I had ascended to a new astral plane, shook me so deeply it registered a 10.3 on the Richter scale). The idea is to take one or more responses you had to the fic and let the writer know what they were/what about the story produced them. 
2. Memory: what from the fic has stuck with you
If a story has an especially strong effect on you, you might also let the author know what particular moments, lines, or images are going to linger in your mind after you finish reading. After identifying the detail(s) you want to flag (if you were going to bookmark this fic with a note to remind Future You which one it is, what image or scene or plot premise or line of dialogue would go in the “the one with the ___________” slot?), you can describe the way it’s sticking with you in general terms (I’m still thinking about it, chewing on it, rotating it like a Hot Pocket in a microwave), or you can point to some of the reasons why it’s sticking with you (it captures character x’s whole deal so well, it reminds me of y moment in the film/tv show/comic, it crystallizes a larger theme in the story so effectively). 
3. Appreciation: what in the fic seems beautiful, artful, striking
In this approach you’re giving a writer a sense of what stood out to you aesthetically about the story: the moments that made you feel like “put a frame around that fucker because I want to keep staring at it.” This category can feel tricky because there might be terminology specific to the form that we’re not familiar with, so it can feel hard to describe what exactly makes a moment strike us as well-crafted. But we might think about the appreciation approach as having a basic template: “_____ is so ________.” The first slot can be either general (the whole story, a larger scene, the way the author writes dialogue or description or a major character) or very specific (copying and pasting a particular line or passage, identifying a pattern of imagery, pointing out the way the author narrates a specific kind of experience). And the second slot can be just one adjective (beautiful, visceral, unsettling, powerful, stunning, lyrical) or a more elaborate evaluation (so effective at conveying emotions, so hard-hitting after the slow build-up, so vivid I feel like I’m actually there). 
4. Discovery: what the fic showed you/made you think about
Sometimes you read a fic that makes you think about the media/the ship/the characters in a new way, and that’s a really powerful thing to share with the writer. As with the other approaches, you can frame this in terms of the fic as a whole or pull out particular lines or plot points, and you can either describe the effect on your thinking in general terms (this changed my brain chemistry, this blew my mind, this is canon for me now) or in specific ones (I’d never thought about x moment in the film that way before, but now I’m going to think about it that way every time; the line where character x says y was like a lightbulb moment for me - it clarified so much about x’s motivations; I would never have thought about this show as being about z theme, but after reading this fic, I’m seeing z everywhere). 
So there you have it: a non-exhaustive list of things we notice about stories and some ways to talk about that. I hope it’s helpful. And of course, when in doubt or when pressed for energy, a string of emojis, a keyboard smash, or an all-caps “I LOVED THIS!!!” are also wonderful ways to share a little love with fic writers.
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spacedlexi · 1 month
Hi, I read your Violetine fanfic and I LOVED it, I was wondering if you had any recommendations on any good Violetine stories that you’ve liked? And do you plan on writing more in the future? Just wondering.
YAAAAYY im so glad you liked it!!!
i bookmark fics on ao3 for recommendation here :) i have a bunch of fics open at the moment that i will one day get through but these are my faves atm
READ AFTERMATH!! the clemvi in it isnt the focus but its such a good clem healing fic everyone is written so well 😭😭 i think its my fave out of all of them 🥺💕 (warning its still currently updating. the only fic on the list that isnt complete but its just that good)
and i am currently writing a new fic right now 😏 its gonna take me a while which is why i havent talked about it much 💀 but im writing a 2 week fic. its basically completely outlined and im almost done with chapter 1 (which is over 9000 words unedited 💀 i kind of want them to feel like full eps), but i dont plan on posting it until its finished since itll take so long and i dont want to leave people waiting for as long as the last one took between chapters 🫣 (when its done i'll release it chapter by chapter probably weekly). heres some snippets from the first chapter 😏 im having a lot of fun with it actually its like im getting whole new episodes 😭 i plan on it being 14 chapters one for each day. real slow burn 😏
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i actually have a lot of ideas written out in my notes but havent decided if they should be comics or fics or boards 🤔 all these outlines just sitting around... 😔 one day...
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royal-ruin · 9 months
f1 fanfic recs (part __) max / charles
other f1 fic rec lists here f1 fic rec masterlist here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
i feel obligated to note that i don't read very much lestappen unfortunately so this list won't be very long or very thorough. i know another creator on tumblr @ jennarations published a very long one somewhat recently (?).
do i have to chart the constellations in his eyes? by adoreddaisies (~1k)
[He was tired. Charles was oh-so-tired. All he really wanted to just take a nap. Before he could close his eyes, he felt strangely familiar fingers tugging at his helmet strap. He opened his eyes – he didn't realise he had closed them – and found blue eyes staring back at him.
The rest is still unwritten by Snooks10 (~1k)
[Max ran, like his husbands life depended on it.
Weaving his way around the paddock, murmurs of a black flag and unresponsive boring through the crowds. All he could do was get to Charles.]
OR Charles is in surgery and Max is terrified.
I couldn't do it without you by freed0m98 (~4k)
The one where Max and Charles have been married for two years now, and everyone finds out when Charles has an accident.
it was the end of a decade, but the start of an age by charlotte_2005 (~6k)
[The video is four minutes and eighteen seconds long. Max remembers exactly how it goes: the images were seared onto his memory long before he had to deal with each frame being ‘conclusively analysed’ by idiots on the internet.]
Max and Charles are outed in the worst way possible.
*Viva la Miami by Fabby (~8k)
Max raced all over the world and was used to different climates. But there was something about Miami’s sticky, muggy, make-your-phone-screen-fog-up kind of scorching heat that made him feel fucking crazy.
It made him want to strip naked and jump in the bright blue water surrounding his hotel.
It made him want to fuck.
OR: Max and Charles hook up for the first time, and it's very different than what Max had pictured.
basically pure smut, enjoy.
Deserving by WeaglesAndBrobeans (~16k)
Together for two years now, can Charles and Max weather the 2021 season together?
Azerbaijan Abnegation by ProngsfootxJily (~17k)
[Charles stares at him intently, “Last time was an anomaly.”
Not for the first time, Max recalls the awkward swell of humiliation after Charles had told him to stop. The hairs on the back of his neck prickle at the memory of everything that followed, “Yeah, that better not happen again.”]
After Monaco, Max thought he’d made up his mind about Charles, and their little arrangement.
They’re in Azerbaijan and Charles is everywhere: in his head, in his messages, in his hotel room…
Will Max be able to hold onto his resolve, or will his attempts at self-denial only prolong the inevitable?
i'm not gonna lie, i don't remember reading this one at all, but it was in my bookmarks so i hope i knew what i was doing.
*every other sunday by Anney (~34k)
[The grainy pictures are pieced together like a crude comic strip, sketching a poorly thought-out narrative arc that somehow made it onto the front page of every sleazy newspaper. 
EXPOSED!: The secret gay double-life of F1 driver Max Verstappen]
Max navigates the aftermath of being outed in the press, and Charles is always there.
*I'll Be Right Beside You by Fabby (~50k)
[Max stared at Charles’ closed eyes and how they twitched in his sleep. Objectively, Max knew that Charles was probably the most beautiful man he had ever seen. But... this was Charles.
Charles Leclerc. 
Big, cry-baby Charles. 
Sauber #2 driver Charles. 
When did he decide that Charles The Driver would become Charles The Boyfriend? 
He wishes he could remember. ]
OR: The self-indulgent Amnesia AU that nobody asked for. This is my love story to Charles Leclerc, thank you for coming along. Warning: this fic may break you.
*If I Could Call You Half Mine by amarynas (~64k)
[Pierre Gasly, 29, and Charles Leclerc, 27, have announced their engagement this morning in a heartfelt Instagram post.  Gasly stated he couldn’t be happier and can’t wait to spend his future with the love of his life by his side.  Leclerc, who is currently the defending champion for his team Red Bull Racing and on a good path to win his third championship title in this 2025 season, said that he is blessed to get to marry his best friend.  The two Formula 1 drivers were the second couple to ever openly come out and disclose their relationship to the public three years ago, after already dating in secret for two years. This had happened just six months after fellow F1 drivers Max Verstappen, 27, and Daniel Ricciardo, 36, had openly disclosed their relationship. Now the public can’t help but wonder: When will those two lovebirds announce their engagement?]
Max and Charles found a place to fit their affair into their lives, where it sits comfortably between secret hotel room meetups and not-so accidental touches in the paddock. But everything changes when Pierre asks Charles to marry him, and Charles says yes.
warning: lestappen have an affair and are cheating on pierre and daniel respectively. i love this fic even though i don't love the cheating. i had a ton of mixed feelings while reading this and i actually loved that. highly recommend reading it. can't listen to "moth to a flame" the same anymore.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Hi Zoe, I saw a few asks before about a physical edition of Scarlet Lady, I'm curious how you are planning to go about it? For now I saw you talk about volume one, are you planning to make one season = one volume? Will there be any changes to the current comics? (Like color, bonuses etc.) thank you in advance!
Yes, the plan is 1 Volume = 1 Season, with Volume 5 having the finale episodes, so, extra thiccccc.
I have edited the pages to fix spelling errors and made a few changes so subtle that I can't even remember them, as well as trying to make old pages more legible. And there are bonus images and commentary to fill in the blank spots left by page bonuses.
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^Here's an example bonus pictures I made for "The Pharaoh". It's the picture Alix joked about sharing with the class of Marinette dressed as Scarlet Lady, and Plagg dressed as the Black Cat statues that the group walks past at the end of the episode.
Because mixam (the ones who'll be making these books) needs pages divisible by 4, I do have some full color pages for the Volumes that happened to not fit that number nicely (so far it's just Volume 2), so look forward to that. I think I'll share those pages later this week.
Additionally, the chapters got new "headers" since they're in a new format:
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^Ivan finally got his moment!
So, it's not as easy as just throwing it into a PDF and giving it out like that. I want this to be a special gift for anyone who's willing to put down money for my content - they deserve something extra for their interest, which is also why I'm not trying to spoil everything.
As for the status of everything: - Volume 1: Final Walk-through. I've gone through one draft and added a few things to match changes I made to other volumes, so after I complete a few commissions I'll be ordering in another (hopefully final!) draft. One book costs me about $60 to order, but that's because I'm not ordering in bulk. But it does mean I take plenty of time between ordering draft. - Volume 2: 2nd Draft. Volume 1 had very few errors in its first draft but Volume 2 had quite a lot, starting with the cover being so dark it was basically a black blob with green eyes (the covers are the different heroes). So I've been editing saturation on the cover and need to print just the cover locally to find the right balance. Additionally, there were a handful that accidentally got cut off, so I needed to fix those. The cover is really the biggest thing holding things up. - Volume 3: Ready for it's 1st Draft. Again, these are expensive, and after the debacle with Volume 2 I want to test print Volume 3's cover to make sure it doesn't have the same problem since it also has a lot of black. - Volume 4: Only the pages have been edited. That means I need to do chapter covers, extras, chibis, and page fillers, as well as the cover. - Volume 5: Same as Volume 4, as well as not being done with the season.
Additionally, I'm not out here trying to get sued, so I need an original product to sell with the book being a "freebie". I don't do a lot of original content, so any suggestions would be appreciated. A print? Charm? Bookmark? Stickers?...pencil?
Then there's obviously the store to use, launching a page, creating marketing materials~ All super fun -_-
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simon-roy · 5 months
The idea of logging on a colonized alien planet brings my mind back to the planet Lalonde from Peter F. Hamilton's Night's Dawn books - a world that had very hard wood as its only meaningful export, and was also stuck developing its economy from agriculturalism (due to investment shortages, though).
All this is to say - Hey! What are some foundational inspirations for your sci fi verse? You gotta have some like recommendations of classic or older sci-fi for us, right? What are some of your suggestions of books and authors to read?
OK SO - My sci-fi tastes have sort of ended up in some very specific niches. Growing up, I was a Larry Niven +Jerry Pournelle man, in part because my dad amassed a huge collection of their books - then gave 90% of them away before i was old enough to read them. So one of my teenage missions was rebuilding that library, trash and all!
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Stuff like Footfall, Ringworld, Gil "The Arm" Hamilton, Protector (yes i attempted to name a comic series similarly, and paid for it) "The Mote in God's Eye"... you name it, I read fuckloads of these books. And while they tend to land on a sort of human chauvinist "mankind will win based on his inherent adaptive human-ness, and the aliens will fail because of their rigid alien-ness", this shit was very foundational to me.
Their more collaborative series, The Man-Kzin Wars and War World, also loom large in my teenage mind. The Man-Kzin wars are super fun - humans meet a race of tiger-men, and go from being NWO peaceniks to roughneck cat-skinners in a generation! PEACE AND LOVE WONT DEFEAT TIGER MEN!
Similarly, war world (like lots of that 70s/80s military sci fi) was a sort of catch-all for western military nerds to play with their favorite factions - it was a planet where all the un-ruleable ethnic groups and nationalities had been deported by the authoritarian earth government, and left to rot... until a race of genetically engineered fascist super men land on the world, and start trying to rule the place. Pretty fun shit.
As I got older, I turned hard into William Gibson, and read the absolute shit out of both the Neuromancer trilogy and the Bridge trilogy, as well as his short stories. Bruce Sterling was part of that wave for me, too, and I religiously sought his old paperbacks out too. In terms of novels, "Distraction" is my favorite coherent Sterling Novel - though the short stories in the "Schismatrix" novel/collection of his remain my absolute favorite space opera pieces.
At this age, too, I found my top-top fave Sterling Stories - "Taklaman" and "Bicycle Repairman", both gritty pseudo-cyberpunk stories of the highest degree, in this collection:
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This thousand-plus page collection of short stories and novellas was basically my bible for a few years - i put sticky notes on each story i loved and meant to return to, until the book was so festooned with sticky note bookmarks i abandoned the practice altogether. If you have the chance, just buy this book and chew on it for a few years.
As i got into my 20s, Charles Stross became my lode star - his books like Accelerando and Glasshouse were total game changers for me. They come with their own peculiarities, but I loved his transhuman/posthuman musings (or at least i was obsessed with his stuff for a good few years - the venn diagram of his obvious interests and my own overlapped enough that his books were great fodder for a growing sci-fi loving brain).
But since then, my main literary squeeze has been the great man, JACK VANCE. Working on Prophet, my friend @cmkosemen made a remark about how much the early issues of the series reminded him of a book series called "Planet of Adventure" or "the Tschai Cycle", by Jack Vance. The book has a beautifully simple setup - a man from an entirely undescribed spacefaring human civilization crash-lands onto a weird planet. But on that planet, he finds four separate civilizations, each who possess a population of enslaved humans, culturally and physically molded to the needs of their masters. And each book of this series covers our generic hero's interactions with each bizarre expoitative culture. I was extremely intrigued.
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Soon thereafter, I found my current absolute favorite book - "THE DRAGON MASTERS". A book about an isolated medieval world... which gets visited, once every few generations, by a black pyramid starship, flown by a reptilian race known as the Greph. The greph capture humans to (surprise surprise) breed them into hyper specific slaves... who in turn become Greph-like in their thinking and demeanours. But the last time the BLACK PYRAMID landed, a bunch of angry medieval dudes stormed the thing, blew it up, and captured a bunch of greph... who became the breeding stock for a whole new human world of slave labour. By the time we meet this planet, the two rival lords of the human-populated regions have been breeding greph slave warriors, or "dragons", for generations, for combat against one another. But soon, the black pyramid will return...
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I love this book I even spent a good few months during covid talking with the Vance Estate and several publishers about developing it into a graphic novel, but nobody could quite agree on how it could get made with old Simon getting a paycheque... so sadly it fell apart. There are concept drawings floating around my patreon and other corners of the internet. But one day I'll use 'em...
My other favorite books of his, to name a couple of the MANY books of his I love:
THE BLUE WORLD: A caste system of humans, descended from a crashed prison ship, live on floating settlements on an ocean planet, paying protection to a giant long-lived intelligent crustacean. But one man is tired of giving up all his crops to this tyrannical megafauna...
THE MIRACLE WORKERS: Rival lords on a planet descended to medieval tech (surprise surprise) fight using armies... and rival SORCERORS who employ the powers of suggestion to voodoo each others' warriors... but when facing non-human intelligences, these sorceror's skills fall short.
But there are heaps more, and I love most (thought not all) of the ones i've read. They're generally short, concise, and full of all sorts of bizarre bullshit.
THere are more books i've read and enjoyed in my life, of course, but these are the core ones that I think of when I think of my career as a sci-fi reader... let me know what your top recs are!
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pebiejeebies · 9 months
Made her “normal” vs monster/bestial comparison!! + height comparison + color palette comparison
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(This is an oc for the Objectfied comic au im making! I will explain her role soon..!)
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(Adding this just in case you aren’t interested in reading my infodumping below :P I basically got a bit too excited and wrote down a lot of details abt her lol—)
The full sets of her pronouns jic: Xe/Xem/Xer/Xeirs/Xerself — She/Her/Hers/Herself
Aaand.. maybe I’ll sneak in a neopronoun :3c Cub/Cubs/Cubself
Now let’s get onto some character design study! Let’s start with her limbs!
I was going to make her limbs white, which aesthetically didn’t look nice, so instead of white limbs, I thought maybe I make it the colors OF the stripes, with the white slightly showing, and if your wondering how her limbs turn from normal to tiger.. let me demonstrate..!
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That’s basically how her limbs change color, her limbs originally have dark stripes with a slightly lighter rest of the skin, depending on how much she turns into a tiger is how much the colors show!
The paws on the normal limbs are different from the tiger ones, I couldn’t make the paws the exact same color as the limbs so I made it lighter (since I didn’t show it in the reference above, I didn’t put it’s color in the palette)
Her tail completely shifts into nothing just like her fur on her neck, I thought it would be cool if I added small stripes along her neck where the fluff comes but I thought it was a little too much, since the limbs were already showing off the cool stripes, yk?
Plus, if you noticed, the more normal version of her is more awkward and shy, to the point she doesn’t even know what pose she should make! But the more she shows off her bestiality, the more confident and proud she is! Since tigers are very strong and confident, I thought it would be cool to make her lose/gain that confidence based on how normal/bestial she is!
Her claws can unsheathe, which is why I demonstrated it in the reference above btw
To disguise her stripes, she said she was just born with this “odd beauty mark pattern” which wasn’t exactly a lie, some people would fall for it, and some got suspicious but didn’t think too much about it
And uhh about my older sonas, (Fuorzy, Bookmark, and Portal) I’ll see which ones I’m gonna stick with since I think I’m losing my hype for Bookmark
And to end everything, she is one of my (favorite) sonas now, as she really shows off everything I have!
I am a white tiger therian, very VERY skinny, I have glasses (my old ones were circle glasses), freckles, I always feel confident and happy when I shift into Xue, aka my theriotype, and in reality I am a very shy and awkward person!1!
I thought it would be such a perfect idea to add my theriotype in my sona because I got SO MUCH therian energy off of Dynamite! Which inspired me to make my own oc and lore and au and… yeah you get my point.. <:D (I actually shifted earlier today and yesterday after months of nothing which felt so refreshing, I thought I lost my connection for a while!)
Woah! That was a bit too much hahahahhahahaaaaaaa— uhh I hope this feeds you well! I think I got possessed by a grammar demon or something but wow I didn’t even misspell that much, I may have worded some things wrong but bear with me, it’s a struggle I deal with every day :,)
Ilysm if you are still reading this/p, I’d love any fanart of my ocs so tag me if you draw xer! <3
(Tagging @ch0cocrave, @facelessthefreak and @hollow8007 since y’all rebloged/commented on the first post <3)
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zombiigrll · 29 days
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.ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.2K
꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ this one is a kinda short, at least compared to what the rest of the series will be, just because its an introduction to the series :3 hope you still enjoy <3 !!!
masterlist here!
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ever since the start, you were by yourself. and by the start, you don't mean the apocalypse, you mean your life. you never really knew your parents because they were never home. there was just babysitter after babysitter, and those babysitters never really cared about you either. and when the end of the world happened, you were old enough to be home alone.
so, you were always alone.
you'd been on the road forever. you never found a home, and you weren't exactly looking for one. sure, you came across people and they had offered for you to stay, but you didn't trust anyone.
but you knew it couldn't stay like this forever.
you had decided, next time you came across a place that seemed trustworthy, you'd attempt to join. you had decided that months ago, and of course, you hadn't come across anyone or anything since. just to your luck, right?
you frequently talked to yourself. you weren't crazy, but it was to keep yourself content. and also partially in case anyone could hear.
as you were walking, you found a roamer stuck in the mud. you laughed a bit, walking so you could see its face. you could spot a gunshot wound through its neck, and its legs looked slightly puffed out, like it was soaking up the wet mud.
"oh, hello little guy!" you giggled, poking the roamer with your machete. "how're you doing?"
the roamer reached out, trying to grab at you. you made faces at it and waited to see if it'd pull itself out of the mud. but, it didn't. the mud was basically fused with its legs, it was kind of half mud half roamer.
'well, obviously not too well.' you thought, shrugging at the realization, and quickly stabbing it through the middle of its skull, putting it out of its misery.
you thought a lot when you found roamers. like, how different their lives were from yours. because you knew that their life obviously had ended from the apocalypse, but somehow for you, your life felt as if yours had started because of the apocalypse. you never felt wanted until now. you've had more people ask for your help now than before.
but that didn't really matter much to you anymore. you felt happier now than before, too.
you walked further through the forest, looking around for anyone or anything, but you couldn't find anything. the forest looked endless and you could've sworn you were in there for days now.
but then, you found a section cleared out of the forest. there was a large blanket on the ground, and boxes around it. you curiously walked over, examining the odd surroundings.
you were curious if anyone was nearby. the place looked fairly clean, so it had to be used by somebody.
"hellooo?" you called out loudly, looking around for someone. "is anyone heree?"
no response.
'well, maybe i can stay here for the night.' you thought, throwing your backpack on the ground as you sat down on the blanket.
you pulled the boxes closer to you, taking a look inside. there were comics. tons of them. you hadn't really seen any comics in months, maybe years. apparently this is where they had gone.
you started taking the comics out, trying to find one that didn't have a bookmark in it so you could read it without worrying about whoever owns it finding out you were messing with it, and there was only one.
"someone's catching up on their reading." you blew a raspberry as you started reading the book.
you got tired pretty quick. you hadn't read in ages, so you felt like you were mostly making things up from the comics pictures. you set it down next to you and laid back on the blanket, taking in the clear, starlit sky.
you loved night time, while you found that others were scared of it. roamers came out more at night, so you understood. but it was always so peaceful for you. you could count stars, make shapes out of clouds, so much. it was all so beautiful to you, despite the world being full of such horrendous things.
you could feel yourself starting to fall asleep on the blanket, and you knew you weren't in an exactly safe area, but you still let yourself fall asleep.
you surprisingly woke up. it was only a couple hours later from what you could tell, but you still felt well rested.
you got up and began re-assembling the area, putting the comics back in the order you found them, moving the boxes back, and straightening out the blanket as it was before.
you picked up your backpack and began putting it on as you continued to walk further into the woods.
your walk was pretty clear, too. you hadn't seen any walkers since the one that was partially made out of mud, which made it clear to you that you had to have been close to some sort of civilization.
you continued walking, and you finally made it to the road. you couldn't see the end of either side, so you decided to follow the 'right is right' saying.
you started walking, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone that could potentially hurt you, and keeping your machete in hand as you made your way across the road. the further you walked down the road, the more noises you heard. it sounded just like distant conversation, which gave you more reason to believe your suspicions were correct.
you also had heard the sound of roamers, but not a lot of them. it only sounded like two. you finally walked far enough to spot that there was in fact a community, and two roamers.
the roamers were close to the gate, but still a distance away from it as well. you got close to the roamer with your machete, but just before you could shoot it, someone else did.
you couldn't spot where, just that it was somewhere upwards. you glanced around and saw a watch tower, but you couldn't tell if anyone was inside of it. you walked further, and just barely dodged a bullet.
"jesus christ!" you yelled, crouching down and throwing your hands above your head.
you looked back up and noticed that someone was climbing down what you could assume was just a ladder. the gates flung open and you spotted an older man walking out. he was holding a pistol, had slicked back hair, and a pretty clean beard.
"who are you?" the man asked, pointing the gun toward you.
you nervously walked a bit closer standing with your hands up. "fuck, uh, my name is y/n."
he notices your fear, putting his gun down so he appears less scary. he nods before continuing. "how many walkers have you killed?"
you calmed down at the sight of his civility. "uhm, i wasn't keeping track. a lot, i guess?"
"how many people have you killed?" he asks, furrowing his brows as he speaks.
"...20?" you nervously answer, a tone of uncertainty in your voice. "maybe less, maybe more. again, i wasn't really keeping track.."
the man nods his head again, understandingly. "why?"
"i've only killed people who were threatening me. i'd never kill anyone if they didn't do something bad." you answered his final question, feeling a bit more content afterward.
he smiles at you, holstering his gun away before crossing his arms. "i'm rick grimes. welcome to alexandria."
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nimona-week · 9 months
Nimona Week 2024 FAQ
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What is this?
Nimona Week is a celebration of our favorite shapeshifting sidekick, in both her movie and comic incarnations. We're hoping to encourage new art and fics (of any length!), but we're also happy to see fic recs and art recs of existing fanworks (just remember to reblog/otherwise properly credit the artist!).
When is it?
Nimona Week will take place from Sunday, March 31 to Saturday, April 6, 2024. Those dates were chosen because March 31st is both Trans Day of Visibility and Easter Sunday in 2024, and @zyrafowe-sny couldn't resist a resurrection joke.
That said, it's never "too late" to be inspired or post fanworks. We'll try to reblog tagged posts during actual Nimona Week, so keep that in mind if you decide to post early or late.
Are there prompts?
Yes! There are three to choose from each day and some alternate prompts as well. This post has the final prompts and explains the tagging system. Many thanks to @candyskiez for helping finalize the list.
Are there event graphics?
Yes! @violet-prism-creatively has done amazing work. This post has the prompt list, banners you can use for posts, graphics for fic and art recs, and participant/completionist badges.
What can I make?
You can make or write basically anything: haikus, limericks, 100 word drabbles, ficlets, long fics, traditional art, digital art, gifsets, cosplay, embroidery, etc.
Is there an AO3 Collection?
Yes! The AO3 Collection for new fanworks will open sometime on March 30th (just ahead of Nimona Week). You can add fics directly and can also add bookmarks with links to other kinds of fanworks (Tumblr posts with art, etc).
What about existing fanworks?
You are welcome to recommend existing fanworks that match the prompts, including your own. Those will need to be tagged appropriately, and of course, the artist/writer needs to be properly credited. Click on the links below for more details and graphics.
Guide to Fic Recs | Guide to Art Recs
What if I'm not interpreting a prompt correctly?
We are not policing people's interpretations of the prompts. If a prompt inspires you to create, that's fantastic!
What about Goldenheart/Blackloin?
This event is Nimona-centric, but there will be a Goldenheart-focused event later this year. Fanworks for this event can absolutely include Ballister and Ambrosius (or other characters!) in addition to Nimona, but we want to keep her in the spotlight.
If you are interested in organizing Goldenheart Week, please reach out to @zyrafowe-sny. :)
Are there any other Nimona fandom events?
YES! There's a @nimonabigbang. Sign ups for writers are open through March 1st and sign ups for artists are open through April 1st.
What about...?
Feel free to send an ask if you have additional questions. We will also be updating the FAQ as needed.
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kastlenetwork · 10 months
Hi! So I'm pretty new to the kastle fandom and wanted to know if there are any like- classic fics or interviews or memorable moments in panels and cons (with the actors) that I should know about? I know about the interviews that are on the kastle wikifandom page but only because I've read them.
helloooo! welcome to the family! it's been quite quiet lately, but frank and karen are always in our hearts lolol and every now and then there's a little resurgence, so that's nice. umm first up interviews. there's a lot of little quotes here and there that were a big deal. we didn't get many interviews of the two of them together, if i remember correctly. i think two comic cons were pretty exciting.
here are some interviews from comic con 2017 yup
this is a cute clip from last year, where deborah talked about how jon's intense but really uplifted her. and that they want to work together again.
(i'm looking at kastle's wikifandom and, really, the big interview quotes all seem to be there.)
“ … just in terms of whether this is Jon’s story to tell or my story to tell, you just want to kind of be respectful of everybody’s contributions. Jon and I have certainly felt that there is room for a romantic story in there. And there were certainly scenes where we took it farther in some takes than we did in other takes. We’ll have to sort of wait and see what the editors chose, and how far they decided to push it. But we as actors allowed for that possibility.” -deb cinemablend
deborah and jon were both supporters, but deborah was always including frank into karen's romantic potentials:
“But all of the romance I’ve gotten to play, with any of the characters in the series, whether that’s Frank or Matt, they all come from a need. From a lonely person, a person who doubts whether she is deserving of love.” -deb collider
“I like that Karen can say, ‘How far down this road of violence of revenge do you go before you’re ripped apart?’ and he can look at her and go, ‘I’m already ripped apart. And you are, too.‘” -deb 92.1 bobfm
“When professor [Jeph] Loeb [Marvel TV head] told me we were gonna do a series on The Punisher,” Bernthal continued, “first thing i asked him is would I have the pleasure and the honor to work again with one of the most honest, the most kind, and the most talented actors I’ve ever had the privilege to work with.” --jon ew
oh! karen page being announced for the punisher. very cute.
"i just want to say, you guys don't love him as much as i do" was very exciting when it happened lmaoooo. the hope for kastle was high.
i'll be honest up front and say, i tend to forget a lot of stuff? so, basically, i can read a fic and then read it again months later and it's like a brand new experience. which is both a blessing and a curse. so, i basically just zoomed through my bookmarks to try and find some things?? 😩😩
(i'm scanning my bookmarks and.............a lot of them are basically just smutfdjklgsdfjglkdfjglkdfjg)
ballads for a dead man ❤❤ [three parts, unfinished] Safe up in the mountains with Frank following a bloody showdown in Hell's Kitchen, Karen wonders just how much more complicated things between them can get. She's about to find out.
these heavy words, your open heart 😘😘 (this was a kastlechristmas gift to me from @carry-the-sky 😊❤) “You told me once that I was honest. That I don’t lie to you. But the hospital—you asked me to start over, and I said I didn’t want that.” Karen sucks in a breath. Frank’s eyes are still on her, wide and bright. It’s the most vulnerable she’s ever seen him look. “I lied,” he says.
The Reporter  [kinda iconic ❤👀] Force Recon missions keep Marines isolated, entrenched for long periods in covert locations. They rarely received visitors, and in Frank’s long experience, the visitors were almost never civilians, let alone gorgeous blondes with mile long legs and sky blue eyes. Frank was trying not to stare. They all were. Well, everyone except Bill, who’s face had just split into a shit-eating grin.
The Flower Cam [oh god, the flower cam! i just remembered!! ❤] It had been a long time since there had actually been any flowers in the window. She must have trashed the white roses after his latest bullshit at the hospital with Madani and the kid. Good. Good for her. She should forget about him. But still… Frank couldn’t help but check every once in a while.
actually just, everything in their ao3. i have all this bookmarked.
(..................god, my bookmarks are really all smut. this says a lot about me.)
Castle’s Auto Shop ❤❤ yes. yep. Karen Page is in need of a car mechanic. Castle’s Auto Body Shop seems a reasonable choice. There’s just one problem: This little auto shop has become a well-known spot where less than honorable people to go get their car fixed…only to have justice find them at the next stop light. Having her brother’s truck fixed there means Karen will have to own up to a few secrets in her past.
Blood and Bone ❤❤❤! this is the fic that has seared itself into my brain. i've never once forgotten this. iconic. Frank Castle is a boxer at the top of his game. Laconic and anti-social, he has a reputation for being an incredibly-tough interview. Karen Page is a sports reporter trying to prove herself in a male-dominated field. She's done playing games--trying to be the "Cool Girl" who caters to the male fantasy--and now she's on a mission to take no shit. "For a while, the fact that an interview with Castle lasting longer than 5 minutes even existed was big news. Splashed all over the message boards—circulated among boxing and Castle fans alike. The very concept that someone actually got the man to sit down for more than a breath of time and give multiple-sentence answers to a question—it was huge. Massive. It was the only thing Castle fans could talk about. Until three months later, when Frank Castle disappeared. Then that was the news. It was the only news."
this is hard lmaoo how ludicrious. i have about seven collections from some of our events, as well. there's loads of good stuff in there:
kastlesmutweek 2018
kastlesmutweek 2019
kastlechristmas 2018
kastlechristmas 2019
kastlechristmas 2020
kastlechristmas 2021
kastlechristmas parent collection
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kakasakuzine · 5 months
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This post contains some basic project information. For more detailed info, please visit our carrd 🌸⚡️
Zine Essentials
Bambi & Birdie
What is a zine?
A zine is a collection of artwork, stories, and sometimes additional creative works, all focused on a particular theme and created by fans, assembled into a small book! Often, in addition to the zine itself, projects like this include merchandise such as stickers, prints, and charms.
Zine Type
P4P, meaning this zine will be priced at the cost of production. Any profits will go to a charity that will be announced before pre-sales open.
Zine Focus & Theme
The focus of this zine will be the romantic relationship between Haruno Sakura and Hatake Kakashi from Naruto. The theme of the zine will be seasons, and the zine will be divided into quarters, each one thematically focused on a particular season.
Will this Zine have merch?
Absolutely! Our exact merchandise will be decided during the contributor pitch process.
Content FAQ
Will this zine be NSFW?
This zine will be a mix of both SFW and NSFW works. All works will come with appropriate warnings and NSFW works will be marked on the contents page.
Will the zine allow underage content?
SFW works can portray characters of any age. NSFW works will be required to portray characters as 18+.
Will there be any other content restrictions?
We won't be allowing omegaverse, self-inserts, or reader-inserts, and all pieces must focus on KakaSaku.
Are AUs allowed?
Narutoverse AUs are allowed. This means you are free to play with eras and tropes as you please so long as you do so within the universe of Naruto.
Is AI art/fic allowed?
Absolutely not. Any use of AI will result in immediate removal from the project and a ban from all future projects involving the mods.
Participation FAQ
Who's allowed to participate?
Anyone 18+! We do ask that anyone who supports the Israeli occupation of Palestine and/or the Russian invasion of Ukraine does not apply.
Do I need zine experience to participate? Am I more likely to be accepted if I have it?
Not at all! You'll need writing/art samples to apply, but zine experience is irrelevant and won't factor into applications.
How many contributors will you be accepting?
Not including guests and mods, we have spots for: • 24 Artists • 6 Authors • 3-4 Merch Artists
What types of work will we be allowed to pitch?
All roles will be allowed to pitch both SFW and NSFW ideas. Artists may pitch page-illustrations, 4 page comics, and spreads. Authors may pitch 2k and 4k fic ideas. Merch Artists may pitch stickers, pins, charms, prints, bookmarks and more!
How will contributors be compensated?
Sales allowing, all contributors will receive a full physical contributor bundle free of charge. If we don't reach the sales goal necessary to facilitate this, all contributors will receive free copies of whichever items they worked on. Additionally, regardless of the outcome of the zine, all contributors will recieve a free digital bundle and a discount code for any additional items ordered.
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fic rec friday 27
welcome to the twenty-seventh fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. Toaster by @admiralcanthackett
Lance cannot for the life of him think of the word in English. ~ Hunk is used to it, Keith is not and realizes Lance is more capable than he first thought.
polyglot lance loml. there was a point in time when admiralcanthackett (once thenakednymph) when pumped out more voltron fics than i did, and fae were fucking AWESOME at it. i was hooked on faer every word. im pretty sure i bookmarked almost every fic fae wrote!! this one is sweet because its very team as family, and lance appreciative. 
2. Raindrops on roses by @zipadeea
"Lance, you can't just add 'space' to everything, just because we're in, well, space." "Oh c'mon, it works, though! Spaceship, Space Mall, Space Dad-," "What?" "Shiro is our Space Dad, Keith. Obviously. Sheesh, I thought you were smart."
The paladins call Shiro Space Dad. Shiro knows this. Here's four times they say it out loud, and the one time Shiro's finally okay with it.
yall remember how popular baby lance was?? like him getting deaged by a monster ray or whatever?? well i do. there used to be this comic that floated around about it too and it was fucking adorabale. well this one is so fucking cute it makes you yell a little!! the fic is actually focused on shir as a space dad, and his relationships with the paladins, and you can really see this young adult growing into himself via the love he has for the people on his team. i fuckn love this fic
3. Video Chats by @tomminowrites
Not long after leaving to join the Blades, Keith stops by the castleship to catch up with Voltron.The visit was going normally, until the Red paladin lets slip that he's been video calling one of the paladins fairly regularly - unknown to rest of the team.
poor fucking lance 💀 he gets HUMILIATED in this one. his whipped ass gets absolutely dunked on and deservedly so. i literally love them
4. where & how we’ll land by xintong
The first time Keith meets Lance is also the first time they kiss. It all goes downhill for him from there.
i love this one (childhood friends to lovers always Gets to me) but the first meeting has me in tears bc lance’s first appearance was basically just this: 
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and that is his character. so it was perfect
5. Something Made, Something Given by @ardett
Shiro notices the bandages on Lance’s fingers.
seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress lance seamstress la -- im going insane but i really do love tailor lance its so important to me. that and shiro & lance fics are always superior
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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