#basically study in pink superiority
cowardnthief · 2 years
my autism brain going feral when i find a new tv show to watch in 3 days, overanalyse, force everyone to watch and forget about after a week, only to rediscover it a month later
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prismaticpichu · 1 month
Hi pichu!!! <3
I see a lot of people make headcanons that Sephiroth's eyes dilate like a cats' bc of the way his eyes are, but I NEVER see people think about the other stuff it'd mean!
Like wouldn't he also be colorblind since cats have different vision than we do? And I'm not an expert on cat-vision lol, but a quick Google search of what cats see show blurred peripheral vision too :o (but idk if that'd really be super accurate 😭💔)
so basically, what-if Sephiroth had bad vision lmfao 💀💔
Heya, friendo!!! Hope you’re doing well!!!
LMAO this is for real something that’s crossed my mind too!! 🤣🤣 Like, yes, he does have those slitted pupils… but what does that actually mean??? Welp, let’s see!!!
*does a quick google search as well, double-checking some sources*
“Scientists used to think cats were dichromats – able to only see two colors – but they're not, exactly. While feline photoreceptors are most sensitive to wavelengths in the blue-violet and greenish-yellow ranges, it appears they might be able to see a little bit of green as well. In other words, cats are mostly red-green color blind, as are many of us, with a little bit of green creeping in” - Wired.com
“What colors can cats see? Cats primarily see muted shades of blue-violet and yellow-green but are unable to perceive red, orange, and brown.” - TheWildest.com
What’s bolded in pink is what I find the most interesting, bc it made me think of two REALLY interesting things:
1. Sephiroth can’t see Genesis’s stylish red outfit. Ouch!!
2. Sephiroth cannot see the color of the blood he sheds, nor the angry orange that SWALLOWED NIBELHEIM WHOLE… ouch.
In terms of peripheral vision…!
“Cats have a wider field of view — about 200 degrees, compared with humans' 180-degree view. Cats also have a greater range of peripheral vision, all the better to spot that mouse (or toy) wriggling in the corner.” - LiveScience.com
“Depth perception in vertical slit pupils is even better than in round pupils because the smaller animals are closer to the ground. Additionally, having vertical slits allows them to better hunt at night, thus, these animals are more likely to be nocturnal.” - DirtyClassroom.com
“Predatory animals with vertical slit pupils, like cats and many snakes, can maintain sharp focus across the horizontal field of view and more accurately judge distance to their prey. Horizontal slit pupils, on the other hand, sacrifice image sharpness at the left and right edges in return for wider peripheral vision.” - LifeScience.com
Okay!! So we know that Sephiroth has vertically-slitted pupils, meaning that his depth perception is more enhanced than ours!! 😂 Cats, on top of that, also have better peripheral vision than us rounded-pupil folk!! This man truly is superior lmaooooooooo!!
HOWEVER, it is just really funny to imagine Sephiroth needing glasses xDD Like… the strongest fella in all the land needing to slide on some spectacles in order to read a menu dhdhdhdhdhh!!! Them darn WORDS!! 🤣
Anyyywhoooo, this has been your impromptu research session from Professor Pichu 😂❤️ Plz feel free to take out an independent study material for the rest of class!
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The Heathers+Veronica play D&D
What a surprise, another random AU that I came up with
So one day the gang is hanging out and JD mentions that he wants to play D&D with them and he thinks it would be fun
Everyone but Chandler is all for it while she, like usual, is being a bitch about it
'Its a nerd game and I'm not a nerd' and 'It sounds boring'
Eventually Mac uses her puppy-dog eyes which makes Chandler relent and agree to play the stupid nerd game
JD DMs while The Heathers, Veronica, Betty and Martha play
He's the kind of DM that goes all out, spending untold amounts of money on minis and other kinds of shit
Eventually the day arrives where they start playing
They enter the room and holy shit JD decked the place out
He put blackout curtains on all the windows and turned the lights off so the room is pitch black besides the candlelight of a chandelier he hung on the ceiling
He put a fancy looking blood red tablecloth over the table
At each seat there is a set of dice in each person's assigned color (The obvious for the Heathers and Veronica, Pink for Martha and Purple for Betty)
They aren't the cheap plastic ones no, they are the metal ones that are as sharp as a knife
JD himself is wearing a gray cloak that covers his face
They sit down and JD begins the campaign
The premise is simple, they are students at a magical academy where a series of murders has happened recently, and they have decided to take it upon themselves to investigate it
However, there is a twist
One of them is the murderer, and it is their job to make it to the end of the school year and graduate, thereby being able to flee the investigation and live freely
Of course, they don't know that the killer is one of them, except for the one who was assigned the role
He starts by going over each of the player's characters
Betty drew a picture of everyone's characters to get an idea of what they all look like and she shows off the picture when they introduce themselves
The Heathers are all named Hecate bc of course they had to have the same name in D&D too
There's Hecate Carnation, Hecate Dahlia, and Hecate Magnolia
(Their last names are all different kinds of flowers bc their actual name, Heather, is a type of flower so they thought it would fit)
HC is a Sorcerer who comes from a long line of powerful magic users and came to the academy like her parents and grandparents before her to hone her skills
She looks pretty much like what she looks like IRL and she acts like how she did in High School, acting superior to everyone bc she thinks she is
She thinks that solving this simple Murder Mystery case won't be a problem for someone as talented as her
So basically she's Claire from I'm In Love with the Villainess
HD is a Wizard (Or Witch ig, the class name is Wizard but she's a girl sooo) who came to the academy to learn the Wizarding arts from the talented professors the academy employs
HD also looks like IRL Duke, but much taller and with longer sleek hair compared to Duke's short curly hair
HD acts as the check to HC's id, being the ego and the one who can rationally look at a situation and make the best course of action from there
She's not very good with emotions, however, and can struggle to act appropriately in emotional situations
HM is a Druid who hopes to get some hands-on experience with the Druidic Work while studying
She is the superego to the other two's id and ego, the one who can look at a situation with both emotion and logic and determine the best course of action from there
She also looks generally like IRL Mac, but she has light brown hair compared to blonde and is a bit less muscular and more well endowed in certain areas
The Hecates joined the investigation as they are obviously the most capable of doing so, and as such they have a responsibility to be apart of it
Veronica is Vadina Siannodel, a High Elf Cleric
She picked Cleric bc she just knew that the Heathers were gonna do some dumbass shit and she was gonna need to bail them out with her healing
She is also the only one of them to pick a non human race
She joked Duke should pick a dwarf bc she's so short and Duke elbowed her in the stomach
She looks kinda like Frieren from that anime (She watched it with Duke around the time JD said he wanted to play so it influenced a lot of her character choices)
Vadina is a model student, the one who always aces her exams and does everything she can to help those at the academy to prove those who didn't want her there wrong
The academy is generally only open to humans and other races, especially half-elves and other mixed races, are looked down upon and by and large not accepted to it
But, because of Vadina's overwhelming academic talent she was admitted despite the prejudice at the academy
But with the murders occurring, many suspect the non-human students of being the murderer, especially Vadina, who many assume to be behind the attacks as an attempt to off her academic competition, and so she joined the investigation to prove her innocence
Martha is Megara Deepcrest, the Warlock, who made a deal with the demon Jami for power in exchange for the occasional sacrifice (animal, not human)
While everyone assumes that she is the one who did it, she knows that it wasn't her bc her patron desires the blood of fauna, not humanoids, and this school ain't big enough for two Warlocks
Everyone is just kinda stunned bc they assumed she would be a Druid or something but they did not expect Martha the Warlock who sacrifices animals in elaborate rituals every full moon to maintain her power
She looks nothing like Martha, she is a tall, lanky figure who wears a cloak which covers all but her hands, which reveal an elaborate tattoo on each palm and her fingers are covered with rings with unknown gemstones in the center
She is not in the uniform of the academy but all the professors are too scared of her to say anything
Finally Betty is Barnabas the Bard
Out of everyone Betty is taking this the least seriously, she heard the stereotype of bards seducing everyone and thought that was hilarious and decided to make her whole character around it
She put all of her stats into making sure that her seduction rolls would have the highest chance of being succesful
It kinda ruins the whole vibe JD had going on but whatever as long as she's happy
Her plan is to figure out who the murderer is then seduce them into not killing anymore
Once JD got all of their character descriptions he had to decide which of them is the murderer
He ruled out Martha immediately because it would be too obvious, he couldn't think of a motivation that would fit Betty's, and Veronica, while giving him a reason to pick her as the murderer, would probably have more fun trying to find them instead of being them
That left him with the Heathers, which works as they had created their characters together as a well-oiled machine, so by throwing a wrench into it he could make it more difficult
He settled on Mac bc he thought it would be unexpected, but then he realized that she is a terrible liar so he switched to Duke who agreed to be the murderer
Duke is smart enough to know how to cover her tracks and has that element of chaos that would make it more fun
HD's motivation is that the wizard track was overcrowded with students who weren't born with magical abilities and were forced to study, and it made it hard to stand out, so she eliminates other students, knowing that the school would turn their attention to the wizarding track, where she would be able to show them how talented she really is and hopefully be placed into higher-level classes
She also knows that even if the other three get suspicious, the other two Heathers would never suspect her and that infighting may allow her to get away with things
**Line break bc tumblr is dumblr**
So from there the campaign starts
They meet once a week, Wednesdays at 5:30 to 8:30 at JD's, Betty's and Martha's house in what became referred to as the D&D room
It starts with the group forming after the 3rd murder this month and an overview of all the evidence found so far
So far there had been 9 total murders over the school year
JD put a dossier on all of the students on the table and had all the players look over it
They quickly discovered that all 9 students had been in the Wizarding Track, but besides that they had little in common
They had a range of academic scores, came from a variety of different backgrounds and had varying social standings
The group came to the consensus that their culprit was probably in the Wizarding Track
They decide to then get a list of everyone currently enrolled in the Wizarding Track from the School Dean, to which Duke suggests that they also find anyone who used to be in the Wizarding Track as well
By doing that Duke hoped to increase the suspect pool and introduce the idea that it might not be someone directly in the Wizarding Track
They get the list from the Dean and in total there are 30 students in the Wizarding Track and 9 Former Students who transferred out
The group goes back to HC's dorm and they discuss the game plan
Vadina says that they need to eliminate suspects one by one and narrow down their options, which everyone agrees too
HC tries immediately eliminating HD form the list, arguing that if she was the killer she wouldn't be part of the investigation, but Vadina counters back that this could be a cover up and a chance for her to mislead them
Duke is sweating bullets and trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible but thankfully both Chandler and Mac stick up for her and even Betty and Martha think it would be unlikely that someone would join the investigation if they were the killer
That discussion stops when Chandler threatens to make Veronica sleep on the couch if she keeps accusing Duke so she backs off
From there, they spend each session looking into one or more of the suspects, interrogating them and comparing their testimonies against the evidence, and eliminating those from the list who could not possibly be the killer
Chandler rolls so many Nat 1s and she swears up and down that the dice are rigged (They totally are, JD and Duke both thought it would be funny to see her get mad over it when she didn't even wanna play in the first place)
Much to JD's horror, Betty's seduction strategy works more often than not and despite his attempts to put a stop to it, she always finds a way around them
JD (speaking as the NPC): "I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not attracted to women"
Betty: "Ya wanna bet?" Out of character "JD, If I roll a Nat 20 and add that with my +5 bonus can I still seduce him?"
JD (Done with her bs): "Sure why not"
Betty: rolls a nat 20
JD (Doing just fine he lied he's dying inside): "You all watch as Barnabas somehow seduces a gay guy, and as JD regrets all of his life choices"
It becomes Mac's mission to make as many animal friends as possible and to stop Martha from sacrificing animals to her demon overlord
Whenever they have to fight an enemy that is even remotely animalistic, Mac tries to roll for Animal Friendship and to make it her friend
Like one time they were fighting this Tabaxi (Cat person) and Mac tried to use Animal Friendship, arguing that even tho its humanoid its still a cat and therefore an animal
She ends up somehow becoming friends with an Owl Bear and she plans to use it to smell some cloth left by the killer and track the killer
Duke acts quickly by sending a quick text to JD while hiding her phone under the table so no one sees saying that she does something to agitate the Owl Bear, sending it into a frenzy which allows Duke to kill it, saving herself
When the party questions JD on that he says that somebody did something to anger the bear
Mac got pretty upset after this so after that session they all went out for ice cream
Over the course of the sessions Veronica becomes more and more suspicious of Duke but no one believes her despite the mounting evidence that points to her involvement
Sometimes at the start of sessions JD will add that another student died, sometimes just a random that they hadn't gotten too or one they had decided wasn't the killer, but sometimes it would be someone they heavily suspected, forcing them to question themselves further
Eventually they get who they think is the culprit and they are arrested and the group thinks they won, only for JD to start the epilogue where he says that because of all of the deaths that she caused, Hecate Dahlia was able to stand out more among her class, allowing for her to be placed in the upper classes and get a better job once leaving university, and that she lived the rest of her life guilt-free for both the murderers and the innocent person she condemned to death by framing them for the murders she committed
Veronica jumps out of her chair screaming that she knew it the whole time but the rest of them didn't believe it and that she was right and they were wrong
Mac, Betty and Martha look betrayed
Chandler storms out of the room and tells Duke that she's sleeping on the couch for a while
Meanwhile Duke and JD are just cackling about how they actually got away with it
Duke ends up sleeping on the couch for a month before Chandler lets her back in
Whenever someone brought it up Chandler would get pissy and they would say "But I thought you didn't wanna play the stupid nerd game Chan-Chan?" and she would only get more pissed off
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Could I request Prompt #1 w/ Smoker? Honestly there’s just not enough of him out there… And I’m a sexy or smut 🍆 kind of gal, but if you’d rather write something sweet for this, I’d be down for that too ☺️
And congratulations on 200! That’s definitely not nothing. It’s a milestone and you should celebrate it.
This is part of the follower milestone event
Hello Anon,
Thank you! I feel like I always have to play everything down. 200 is definitely not nothing!
Yes, poor smoky is begging for it with his shirt open but he doesn't get enough attention 🥺 but he needs it so bad! This one kind of escalated in length, I am sorry
And its 18+ so minors don't click on that.
White night
Smoker's worst nightmare is coming true: he needs to attend a dreadful marine ball! And Tsuru even assigned him a date to take. What should he even do with one of those noble brats of high birth?
Angsty, shy Smoker and some light smut
Smoker was the most uncomfortable he was in a long, long time. Put him on a battlefield, beat him up and shoot holes in him - he was fine with that. Put him in a suit and he wanted to get executed instantly. The bowtie around his neck seemed to choke him and he hated dress shirts on purpose. Even if it was the official gala uniform, he hated it. The marine gala uniform for his rank was basically a fine suit with vest, bow tie and his medals and rank signs. He forgot he even had half of these. Valor? When?
His large hands fumbled with the flower corsage he was supposed to give the girl that had to spend the evening with him. She was a princess or something. At least Tashigi felt as uneasy as him. She got pressed into a dress that was not at all her style, in a bright pink shade and shining applications. Her date for the evening would be an officer of similar rank that Garp picked.
So your dad and some marine admiral made you go to one of those boring marine balls were uptight, unsocial marine officers had to show to the public that they were civil people instead of devil power wielding savages on par with the pirates they hunted.
You would have to spend the evening with "the white hunter", he looked about as funny as eating a bowl of screws, so you didn't have great expectations about the evening. At least he looked hot, in a grumpy older guy with excellent physique kind of way. You had read about him in the newspaper when he managed to bring in some big, bad pirates. For some reason, his shirt was never closed.
Your father had assured you that the man was maybe a little rough, but a good man. He protected the upstanding citizens of the world and was far less prone to convoluted marine politics than most. Just recently, he managed to bring back a group of children that had been kidnapped, so you hoped that he wasn't a bad guy, despite his reputation as being cruel.
As you get out of the carriage you put on your best good princess smile as you make your way to the foyer. He was hard to miss, you could already see his white hair and a pillar of smoke in the crowd.
Ugh, here we go. Another evening of boring war stories. It was undeniable though that he looked splendid. The cut of the uniform accentuated his broad, muscular build and made him look almost handsome. His hair was neatly groomed and his piercing white eyes were mesmerising. Only his scowl and the cigar in his mouth destroyed the picture a little bit. He seemed as unhappy to attend this ball as you were.
"You must be vice-admiral Smoker, I am- " you tried to greet him. He didn't hear you. Instead, he grunted something at a small woman, who bowed like she was his subordinate.
"Goddammit Tashigi wear your glasses!" He berated her. What a stern guy. The woman flipped a pair of glasses from the top of her head down in front of her eyes and studied a vase with a bouquet very closely, apologising.
You tried again but he didn't react. Either he only heard barked orders from his superiors, or he was half deaf from all the shooting and the bellow of his own voice. Maybe both. You decide to lay protocol aside for a second and poked a finger into his side. Irritated, he looked down.
You clear your throat and say in the loudest and clearest way possible: "you must be vice admiral smoker! I am pleased to meet you. I am princess y/n, as Admiral Tsuru surely told you."
"Oh, uh I am vice admiral smoker, at your service!" It seemed like he wanted to salute you, but stopped his hand.
"I know" you said. Now that he's facing you he looks more like a nervous school boy than a weathered soldier. And he was a giant. Your eyes were level with the white flower in his buttonhole. You saw his nervous hands mistreating the delicate flower bouquet he was supposed to give you, but likely forgot he had.
"Oh thank you so much, what a beautiful colour" you said, pointing at the corsage in his hands. With widened eyes, he looked at the gift and nods.
"Yes of course" and motioned to put it around your wrist. He didn't take his gloves off, nor did he greet you properly. He is lucky that you're not one of those hags that end whole careers over societal missteps. He was really trying hard to get the small band onto your wrist, but even the tips of his fingers were still too clumsy and the corsage seemed to develop a mind of it's own. You gently took it out of his huge paws and put it on your wrist. The flowers were already creased and crushed. "Lovely " you comment. He may be a lion on the battlefield but on this marble floor he seemed more like a lamb. You will have your hands full tonight maneuvering this oaf through all the rules and protocols no one taught him about, so that he didn't embarrass you or himself.
"Vice-admiral, let's go to the buffet until the dancing starts. I imagine you are far too busy to attend these frivolous parties often, let me show you around." He manages to swallow and nod, you hope he understood what you were saying. Follow my lead and this won't turn into a disaster.
He didn't know if he was lucky or absolutely doomed. Maybe both could be true. He was just letting off some steam disciplining Tashigi, when a tiny woman appeared with the aura of a leader. She looked short and fragile, her speech was melodic and overly polite, but sharp as a blade. He felt in every inch of his body that she was here to get him through it, and if he didn't cooperate she would be able to destroy him through means he couldn't even grasp. He had a faint flashback to his first drill instructor.
He couldn't help but notice her noble face and regal posture, completing the fine beauty of a woman who was intelligent and cunning. She looked like she was used to giving orders and having those carried out.
He remembered to hold out his arm for her just in time and she took it. Her grasp wasn't strong, but she took the lead, gently tugging in the direction they had to go. The woman had balls and the spirit to back it up. He respected that. Maybe Tsuru picked her just for those qualities.
She led him around showing him the buffet and explaining the dishes and their properties to him like he already knew that. She somehow, without saying anything or gesturing, made a waiter appear with a whiskey on ice for him while she took a glass of sparkling wine. It was damn good whiskey, Smoker had to admit. He relaxed a little.
The buffet was an abundance of fine dishes and snacks: There were fine tartelettes, a selection of cheeses from all four seas, exotic fruit, roasts and seafood. His head spun and he couldn't remember half of it, wasn't sure if he had to. Simultaneously she greeted uncountable pairs of very important people, dukes and duchesses, barons, industrial magnates, professors and whatnot. He was relieved whenever he met someone he knew - and wasn't on bad terms with. Vice-Admiral Jonathan from G-8 was there, being stuffed by his wife with food, Tsuru was there, looking as grumpy and mean as ever but nodding to him benevolently when she saw him and the princess. Admiral Sengok was glued to the buffet and greeted Smoker warmly, his mouth full of crackers and cheese. Maybe the strict rules aren't as strict for everyone.
The princess was single handedly leading the evening for both of them, he barely had to speak, she did it for him, ending most sentences with "don't you think, Vice Admiral?" Or "as I'm sure the Vice admiral would agree". All he had to do was nod and try to smile. They had crossed the ballroom once from end to end and had greeted most of the other guests. The princess led him to a corner and drank from her glass, observing the room.
"So Vice-Admiral.Smoker, now that you've had your first glance at the party, do you find it acceptable?" He asked him with an easy smile.
"Yeah, I...guess. very acceptable indeed." He had to wreck his brain not to fall back to his surely more than inappropriate way of speaking.
"You know you don't have to call me vice admiral all the time, I don't really care for the title. Just Smoker is fine" He told her. "And I am not good at this whole fancy party thing.
She gave him a warm, beautiful smile, sending electricity through his body.
"I noticed" she said, chuckling. "That's why I am going to be blunt: I know you're not the kind of man who likes to be here, but I see that you are honestly trying. I respect that. I assure you that I will help you get through this evening smoothly and we will leave at the earliest hour we can. So we just need to dance a little and we can excuse ourselves, get back to our lifes."
He nodded, dumbfounded because of the sudden change of manners. Her voice, before formal and polite, adapted a more playful and relaxed tone. Was this the way she usually spoke?
Smoker had to swallow and make a confession: "I can't dance."
"Dear Vice-Admiral, I am shocked!" She put her hand on her mouth and widened her eyes in pretend surprise. "Don't worry about that, we will mostly dance waltz tonight, you just need to make the basic steps and I'll lead you."
He almost told her that the man was supposed to lead, but he realized it would have been stupid.
"I know the basic steps. Tsuru send me to a crash course last week." He admitted. "But I'm not good at it."
"If I may be so nosy, why does Tsuru want you here?" You asked him the question that burned in your mind. It made no sense to push someone who wasn't suitable, if that guy was just strong he could clobber pirates in a lower rank, so there must be more to him.
"Don't know." He grunts. "Ask her."
"I will" you said, already planning your approach to find out.
"Why are you in the marine, Smoker?" You decided to just ask him. You had asked the question a few times now and the answers were all very telling.
"I just want to spread justice. Root out all those who wreak havoc in the world." His voice got louder as he spoke, turning a few heads. He seemed to really mean it, maybe he wasn't as bad as most others, who just wanted the power that came with it.
"The music is starting. Let's dance." You said as you lead him to the dance floor, where others already waited.
Dancing. Was. Hard.
It was a pain to look where he stepped, it was almost impossible to time his steps with the music and the hardest thing of all was holding that small, beautiful woman in his arms without going crazy. One hand on her back, one holding her hand - he never got so near to that kind of woman, let alone one he was actually getting interested in. Her charm and cunning weren't lost on him, no matter how many defenses he had built against personal drama over the years.
The music was pleasant and the princesses ballgown swung elegantly from her hand, where it was held by a small loop. He could get into this. Could get into her - but he had to remind himself that he was just a Marine brute, built for fighting and hunting, and not good for much else. She was used to gentlemen courting her, the finer things in life, politics and polite conversation. All things he didn't know. His heart sank a little as he realized this evening was all he had. But he would make it count, it was even acceptable that he court his partner, even a little. It was what everyone wanted after all. As they danced and she gently led him across the dancefloor, he indulged in staring at her and imagining a future he would never have.
You were smiling, this was going far better than you had anticipated. The marine oaf turned out to be a man with principles, but no mind for politics. He understood the importance however and cooperated with you, making this more pleasant and easy.
His hand was big and warm on your back as you danced and held your hand with great care, your small hand was completely engulfed in his. Once you got used to his tough demeanor, you could really get into his marine-soldier charm. Later, you would have to look up more of those pictures of his bare chest.
The music stopped, so after a few dances it was time for a break. You lead him back to the buffet to get another drink and told him how good he was doing.
"Thank you" he smiled, looking proud of himself and helping himself to another whiskey.
"What is over there?" He asked, bending down to you.
"Oh, the garden" you answered. "People basically just stroll there and there are some benches."
"I could use a bit of fresh air..." he said, waiting for you to weigh in.
"Of course, it's more quiet out there, let's take a walk" you say and take his arm again. Usually the gardens were the territory of lovers, hiding from the prying eyes of the public. But he didn't need to know that.
The gardens where lush and in full bloom. Huge hedges created many secret spots and over everything hung the sweet scent of the flowers and herbs, especially strong in the colder evening air.
You took random turns, not really looking where you were going, just enjoying the break and relative calm out here.
You heard a little to late the giggling and sighing of lovers around a corner in the maze of hedges - and suddenly you and Smoker stood in front of a half naked pair of young nobles, fooling around in the darkness on a bench.
You could hear him gasp as the couple giggled and retreated further into the foliage - it was not exactly a faux pas, just a frivolous encounter the two must have expected.
"Let's go down here" you nervously said as you lead him around a different bend.
"Where they...?" Smoker asked huskily.
"Yes" you answer, watching the big man blush like a teenager. His pale skin and white hair did nothing to hide his pink cheeks.
"The garden is also the place for lovers" you told him.
"Lovers..." he mumbled.
"They are usually not able to meet in private because of chaperones and rules or just distance, so it's an open secret that people enjoy each others company in the gardens." You informed the clueless soldier.
"And we are here..." he growled in an ominous tone.
"Just walking here is also fine" you told him, unsure of what he was thinking about.
The two of you stopped - there was a dead end with a bench in some kind of alcove, a perfect spot for some secret fun. You couldn't deny that the guy was hot and was probably a special experience in the sheets.
"Do you want to sit down? No one will see us here" You asked in hushed tone.
"Yes" he pressed out. He seemed nervous, so he must have understood your offer.
He sat down beside you in the stone bench and began staring at the path to his feet. You leaned a bit against him, but felt his body tense, and you wanted to move away again when his hand wrapped around you and pulled you close.
He looked at you, his pale.eyes glinting in the faint light of the lamps.
"Is this...uhm...like the, uhm, couple from before?" He stammered, his face red now.
"If you want to" you answer lightly, hearing him pant. What a strange man, you were used to charming noble men who talked all the time and said nothing, he talked little and told you so much.
He looked like he was about to panic, but he pressed a hot kiss to your lips nonetheless. Even his lips where rough, it was part of his charm. You laid your arms around his neck and kissed him back, inviting his tongue into your mouth. He was inexperienced, but passionate. He drew you onto his lap and devoured your mouth like a starving man. He panted and grunted as his hands were gliding of your body aimlessly.
You could fully straddle his lap and he still had to bend down to kiss you - and he still aimed lower, kissing a trail to your jaw and down your neck. You could already feel his erection through his pants as he bucked his hips against you.
Button by button, you opened his shirt to reveal that chest you already saw in the papers. His skin was white like marble, making him look like a statue in the pale light.
You would have loved to savour him more, but an encounter in the garden had to be quick, or the next couple came around the corner. You opened his pants, unable to see him clearly in the darkness.
He was panting and growling unintelligible things when he pulled his pants down and began fingering you under your skirts.
"No time" you whispered in his ear as you already guided his cock inside you. Maybe you should have studied him more closely before - the sudden stretch of his sheer size made you gasp in surprise. He moaned loudly, a little too loud for your taste, and you put your mouth on his to stifle his uncontrollable moans while you began moving up and down.
His eyes looked like he was in sweetest agony while his chest rumbled with his deep voice.
You were almost caught by some other guests strolling past, but both of you were so eager you were cuming almost immediately. Disheveled and breathless you stumbled away from the onlookers to sort yourselves out and not let anything on.
He couldn't believe what had just happened. In the course of a single evening he found the perfect woman and made love to her - two things he thought would never happen. Her body was so soft and sweet, he felt like a feral beast when he couldn't hold back anymore. There was not enough time for anything in that moment, his head still spun and he was unable to speak as he watched her smooth her hair and set her dress right again. He wanted to tell her how much he wanted her, but the words weren't there. She was too good for him, anyway. She was charming and eloquent, beautiful and noble, while he was little more than a dog in human form.
He stumbled through the rest of the evening in a haze of desire and denial, not knowing what to feel or do. They stayed silently together, leaning against each other, until people started to leave, among them her father and siblings who than called her to go home with them.
"I...thank you for tonight" he managed to say. "You should get back to your life" he repeated her words from earlier this evening. His heart almost burst as she whispered: "I have to thank you, Smoker. If you are in the area, come visit me sometime."
He felt her slip something the pocket of his suit before she vanished. He stood there, lost, not wanting this evening to end.
Just a day later smoker was back with the G-5, back in his usual attire and already whipping the idiots back into shape. He still couldn't fathom that he had felt impossible bliss as he was making love with a real princess. Only the note he kept in his pocket was telling him it had been real. A little piece of paper with her name on it. It smelled like her perfume and was drawn in the direction she was. She has invited him to find her - and he was still debating whether he was even worth it.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Came across this tweet that mentioned a book named Black Athena and that they talked about it on a classics thesis and i am like....why are discussing things about colour again?? What about ethnicity and basic things like historical records??
I am sorry, I gave up after reading almost half of the post. I went to goodreads to check the ratings of Black Athena. It has a rating of 4,12 / 5 and while almost a majority or at least half of the commentators attribute “irrational conclusions” and “wild leaps of logic” and “factual mistakes in the evidence” to the author, most rate the book highly because it is “thought-provoking” and challenges “white-centrism”. So they are rating high a scientific book with confirmed false information that they themselves point out!
According to a comment, the author claims Aristotle had stolen his philosophical work from the Library of Alexandria, but he apparently means Aristotle’s ghost, because Aristotle had died before the library was founded.
Another comment, coming from a pink guy from the north, for he was certainly more pink than white, like many of the self-claimed northern whites actually are, said that it was a good read that must be right because (modern) Greeks don’t look white to him anyway.
I just…
The Greek civilisation has long been stripped from its people. It has been denied its layers and its right to external influences, like all civilisations have, and which are more than normal for a civilisation existing for that long. Its closer descendants (if saying “rightful” makes you get the hives) have been marginalised, mocked and explicitly fought against, to the point that their input is rarely considered.
The irony is that most of these people unabashedly acknowledge the political motivations behind the classics studies that have overshadowed the research that is founded on pure investigation for an objective historical truth.
You have to understand that most of these people do not care about the Greeks, old or new. They have transformed the Greek civilisation into a status of superiority in their minds and thus try to claim it for the political interests they are involved with.
If they are white supremacists, then the first Greeks arrived to Greece from the northern steppes. If they are POC activists or woke whites fighting for the establishments of equal rights (most of whom are breastfed in the west too btw as actual eastern and indigenous POC people rarely have such insecurity in their cultural background), then the Greeks were POC or blacks coming from Africa first thing, whose fake whiteness had been inscribed by the white west for centuries.
The Greeks are anything the speaker wants them to be at any given time or according to the thesis they envision to write, except for ancestors of the current Greeks, not only for various reasons (modern Greeks are too white for POC and wokes’ tastes and too POC for the pink people’s tastes, much like the Ancient Greeks, I suspect) but most importantly because the existence of modern Greeks requires the acknowledgment of a realistic historicity that is not at all convenient to all these people and their aspirations to cement their political ideology or the ethnic / racial / cultural group they belong to as the superior one on the imaginary basis of an idealised and uncontested archetype.
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unboundwanderers · 2 years
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//THE PINK DOCTOR\\ Intro Variant.
Pink soaks up all the 80s to 90s nonsense of Doctor Who. He wears the patchwork coat of colors taken from his Sixth Incarnation. It's cotton and looks very comfortable- but the outfit and his fashion sense are AWFUL. Pink is a modern take on what a classic 80's Doctor would look like, and how he would function. Despite his colorful attire, Pink is sassy, bumptious, melodramatic, and above all stubborn- instantly believing himself superior to almost anyone he encounters. He often attempts to browbeat others into submission with his savage wit and his grammarian interest in language.
BELOW ARE PROMPTS FOR THE PINK DOCTOR. He works best with someone who acts more like his nurse than like an actual friend. The Doctor may have a young face, but his age is showing. His adventures are full of that 90s sci-fi goodness that you'd find in a good Big Finish Audio story- or on Star Trek The Next Generation. He's a space fairing wizard, and he'll outplay you before you even knew you were playing.
FIRST MEETING PROMPTS / SOLO ADVENTURE PROMPTS >In Which your Muse meets The Doctor and works with him collaboratively (or antagonistically) during a one-off adventure. As mentioned in my rules- I write a lot of my threads like "Micro-D&D campaigns" in which our muses go on an adventure! Here are some prompts that follow that concept. These are basic ideas- they can always be discussed and plotted further.
PATIENT OF WAR: There is an all-out war on YOUR CHARACTER's planet. However, it isn't with any of the members of your race, it's between two races- The Viyrans... and THE DALEKS. You don't know much about The Viyrans, except that they belong to some kind of hospital ship... that's what the symbols on their spacecraft indicated. You soon begin to learn more when you meet a man called The Doctor... who gets involved very quickly in the happenings.
DEATH TO THE DOCTOR: There's been a grizzly murder. The Mayor (leader-type figure) of the city YOUR CHARACTER is visiting has been murdered. The Local authorities say it was a man called THE DOCTOR who committed such an act of perpetration. For your character, things get all sorts of complicated when you MEET The Doctor, and he reveals some shocking things about the current city staff.
THE TIN MEN: YOUR CHARACTER has been pulled into a pocket universe called THE LAND OF FICTION, which is currently at war with a monstrous foe: One who's turning all those familiar fictional characters into an emotionless killer. You meet THE DOCTOR, who's also been pulled into the Land, now the two of you must work together to figure out who's pulled them there, and why... before they're caught and upgraded too.
PROMPTS IN WHICH YOUR CHARACTER IS TRAVELLING WITH THE DOCTOR. >In Which your muse is either taken on one journey or is a full-fledged member of The TARDIS crew. Either way, your Character, and The Doctor will arrive into a situation, aid or assist in any way they can, or at the very least- escape danger.
THE UNSLEEPING CITY: The TARDIS lands in New York, except it's not like New York- it's inhabited by magical creatures who live between fake New York and Real New York! The TARDIS just landed on a particular side... but Your Character & The Doctor discover that not all is as it appears in The Upside Down City.
NEVERLAND: The TARDIS lands in a research station that is studying the most peculiar thing: People that think they're from Alice and Wonderland! The White Rabbit, The Mad Hatter- and even... well... Alice herself. But is this a mystery? A scientific Enigma? Or is it just the cheese in one big, elaborate trap?
THE CONVERSION OF THE DALEKS: The Cybermen are finally making a tactical strike upon The Daleks. Except, they're doing it at a point in both races' history where it shouldn't have happened- someone is causing a temporal enigma... and The Doctor brings YOUR CHARACTER along to find out what it is.
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emamgraphic · 2 years
Chila Lynn
Chila Lynn is a popular singer who was born in Havana. After studying classical piano and music over eight years at the Manuel Saumell School, where she finished her basic level studies, she was only three years old when she enrolled in the Alejandro Garca Caturla Elementary School of Music. She started writing his first songs as a youngster and won several honors in musical contests.
She enrolled at upper middle school Amadeo Roldán in 2005, and there she excelled in piano and music contests, taking home top honors and awards. Princess Tiana was voiced by Later, who sang Randy Newman songs in the Walt Disney film Tiana and the Toad. While preparing for the release of her first album, Real Woman, Chila Lynn finished her studies at the National Superior Conservatory of Music and Dance at the University of La Sorbonne in Paris.
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Take part in singing the songs in which "Tiana," the Disney princess who stars in the 2010 Spanish edition of Tiana and the Toad, is heard. Pink, Jamie Scott, and James Morrison all contributed songs to her first album, Real Woman, which was released in 2012. The most significant musical influences on Chila Lynn are Mary J. Blige, Nina Simone, Alicia Keys, and Aretha Franklin.
The songs on Chila Lynn's first album are framed in the soul-pop of black American origins, a style that can only be performed by musicians with the musical prowess of Chila, who has an excellent voice and an interpretational ability that astounds given her young age. With the present and a Motown undercurrent, Chila Lynn's music transports listeners to a more affluent period when value reigns supreme and the future seems bright.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here!
Donate to Higher Ground HERE!
Song for this Chapter - (X) 
A/N: Posted a day early because a few people asked me to, I think y’all are going to like this chapter :)
* “So what’s your pick (Y/N/N)?”
* You turn to your right, seeing Tyler’s grinning face.
* “Pick for what?” You take another modest sip from your glass.
* Conner’s throwing a party at his house since his parents will be gone all weekend.
* Half the school must be here, his house is almost as big as the Cullen’s
* Tyler exchanges a look with Conner and Mike and grins.
* The three of you and Angela are sitting in his Dad’s study, drinking his finest brandy
* You’ve just been taking very small polite sips to throw off any suspicions
* The upside to being a vampire: you can’t taste anything other than blood so the alcohol just tastes like water
* The downside: you stay drunk until you force yourself to throw it up
* “F*ck, Marry, Kill: me, Conner, and Mike.”
* You wrinkle your nose and Angela laughs
* “Gross questions like that are why I don’t sit with you guys at lunch anymore.” The others laugh and you take a sip of you drink as Tyler grins
* “It’s a game, everyone’s gone except you”
* Have they? You’ve been pretty tuned out, Jessica and Bella left to go to the bathroom like 20 minutes ago.
* To add, you haven’t seen either Edward, Emmett, or Rosalie since you all came together in the jeep.
* Things are still...different between you and Edward
* He’s not outwardly hostile towards you or anything but...
* He doesn’t smile at you anymore
* Not like he used to, with that carefree boyish grin
* Just thinking about it gets you down
* You were fairly surprised when he said he would come with you, Rosalie and Emmett to Conner’s party.
* You were less surprised when he basically abandoned you as soon as you got into the house
* You’ve been trying to see if you can hear any of your friends in the house but you haven’t been able to distinguish any voices yet
* You sigh, holding your drink out to Mike
* “Marry,” the bright grin on his face almost makes you feel bad.
* “Kill, kill” your drink sways as you point to Tyler and Conner.
* Another roar of laughter
* “Hey that’s not fair, you can’t kill both of us!” Tyler protests, you roll your eyes moving to stand
* “Fine F*ck Conner, kill Tyler. Angela you wanna come with I’m going to the bathroom”
* You want to go see what’s holding Jessica and Bella up, but you don’t want to leave Angela alone with three boys.
* Mike’s here, and nothing would probably happen, Conner and Tyler are flirts but you like to think they wouldn’t do anything like that.
* Still you don’t want to risk it.
* She nods, gulping down the rest of her drink. Following you out.
* “Did you hear that?! They said they would f*ck me!” You hear Conner shout triumphantly after you’ve closed the door
* “Yeah but they said that they would kill you first, doesn’t count” Mike says, you hear the clink of ice as you assume he pours another drink
* ��Oh getting arrogant just because they said they would marry you huh?”
* “Bet he wishes it was Bella who said she would marry him.”
* You roll your eyes holding out your hand to Angela
* “So we don’t get lost.” She smiles as she takes it. You have to practically slither through the crowd
* Conner’s house is needlessly complicated. Hallways that don’t lead anywhere and so many closets.
* The O’Malleys really should have hired Esme to design their house
* “Ah, there they are!” You see Jessica and Bella leaning against the railing of the second floor. It looks like they’re talking to someone-
* Oh it’s Edward
* Jessica notices you and works her way over to you
* But your eyes are glued to Edward and Bella, they haven’t even noticed you yet. Or that Jessica left them.
* Bella’s eyes are twinkling as she looks up at him, her cheeks are tinged pink, and Edward-
* He’s got a sparkle in his eye, his mouth quirked in that boyish lopsided grin.
* So that smile is really just for her now
* They really do look good together
* “Hey what’s wrong?” You didn’t even notice Jessica was standing in front of you.
* Are you crying right now? No of course not, you can’t cry.
* “Nothing! We were looking for you and Lauren. Mike and Tyler are playing this game that I think you two would be very into” you give her a sly wink and she blushes
* “I thought we came to go to the bathroom.” Oh sh*t you did use that as your excuse.
* “Well I didn’t wanna be obvious yknow?” You say to Angela, catching another glimpse of Bella and Edward behind her, looks like she’s laughing at something he said. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
* You turn your attention back to Angela who’s nodding.
* “Jessica why don’t you show her where it is, you just went right?” Jessica’s eyebrows thread together
* “Yeah I did but-“ she doesn’t want to leave you alone. Before you can reassure her you’ll be fine you feel someone throw their arms around you
* For a second your heart skips a beat.
* Edward?
* “Oh my god babes you look so cute, we have to take a picture together!”
* Oh it’s just Lauren
* Wait why are you disappointed? This is perfect.
* “Of course I was just looking for you!” You nod to Jessica and Angela. “We’ll meet you both back at Conner’s dad’s home office.”
* Jessica gives you a reluctant look but nods, leading Angela into the crowd.
* You take one last glance at Edward and Bella, from here he almost looks human.
* This is the way things are supposed to be.
* “Hey Lauren, wanna do some shots?”
* Lauren has her faults, but she’s always down for anything you might suggest. It’s kind of weird, but she reminds you a little of Alec.
* So you’re a little impressed when she finds a several bottles of vodka hidden in a various books.
* “Conner’s mom has a drinking problem, shhhhh don’t tell anyone”
* Yeah you kinda figured
* “We brought vodka!!” She shouts when she enters the study earning cheers from the rest of the boys.
* Looks like Jessica and Angela aren’t back yet.
* Lauren stole your spot on the armchair so she could flirt with Tyler. You sigh sitting carefully on top of the desk.
* “You leave with one girl and come back with another, how do you do it?” Conner’s got a devilish grin as he leans in to ask you.
* You drink straight from the bottle.
* You’re going to play a drinking game, anytime any of these boys try’s to flirt with you you take a drink.
* “I’m really hot.” You say bluntly
* Conner and Mike laugh
* “Yeah-I mean, yeah you definitely are.” Mike stutters
* If you were human you would probably be nervous by this situation, you’re basically sitting on the desk between Mike and Conner. Mike is on the end of the sofa, and Conner is sitting next to you in the office chair.
* But now that you’re a vampire, you could kill both of these boys with a simple flick of your wrist
* “So what’s going on between you and Cullen really?” Mike asks and you remember the look on Edward’s face when he was talking to Bella.
* “Nothing, we’re just friends” even less than that at this point. You’re just someone who lives in his house
* you’re worried they’re going to press further on the issue and all the emotions you’ve kept sealed away will come out overflowing.
* But they don’t, maybe Conner senses somethings happened because instead he says:
* “So you would f*ck me huh?” You laugh
* “Oh my god are you still stuck on that?”
* “And you said you would marry me?” Mike is grinning so wide he’s actually grinning.
* “You guys are ridiculous.” You’re laughing so hard you cover your mouth.
* “Alright, out of the entire friend group, f*ck, marry, kill, who are your picks?” Conner leans a bit closer, you wonder if he’s been eating healthier lately, he doesn’t smell nearly as bad as he used to.
* It’s still pretty bad, but now there’s a sweeter herbal undertone
* “Hmmm you guys go first I have to think” you lightly shove Conner by the shoulder and he actually rolls back a bit.
* “Alright hmmm-“ he rubs his chin in mock thought “well marry you of course-“
* “Of course” you nod taking another swig of Vodka
* “F*ck Mike”
* “What?” Mike is genuinely flustered and you grin
* “It’s that golden retriever vibe he gives off right?” You say and Conner nods
* “Exactly! Also he looks like a good cuddler.”
* “Definitely a little spoon”
* “Definitely”
* Mike looks like he’s going to combust from the attention from how red his face is.
* “Kill.... I guess kill Edward, the less competition the better” Conner gives you a meaningful look
* Well you don’t know how to feel about that so you just take another swig of Vodka. The more you drink the easier it’ll come out later right?
* “Your turn Mike.”
* “Marry Bella-“
* “Of course” you and Conner say in unison, clinking your bottle to his glass after you do.
* “Fuck you, kill Edward”
* “Damn no love for Edward at all huh?” You say with a gasp of surprise.
* You’re a little annoyed he didn’t pick Jessica.
* You like Bella and all, and her shy bookworm thing is kinda cute, but Jessica is clearly the superior choice.
* “Don’t deflect now that it’s your turn.” Conner lightly bumps your knee against yours
* Wait when did he move from the chair and sit beside you on the desk?
* You roll your eyes and take another swig of vodka
* “Marry Jessica,” they both sputter at that, Conner actually spits out his drink mid gulp.
* Ew Gross.
* “Fuck Conner, Kill Mike.”
* Conner does a fist pump and Mike looks genuinely hurt.
* “I’m sorry Mike but it’s either marriage or kill, there’s no in between.”
* Mike pouts, before sitting up straighter
* “I bet I’m a better kisser than Conner.”
* You take a long drink of Vodka
* “No way dude, you and I both used to date Lauren and I don’t think she would have dated me again after you if you were a better kisser”
* “That was in middle school! I had braces back then!”
* “Yeah, that’s why you’re so bad at kissing.” Conner says matter of factly taking a sip of his Dad’s brandy straight from the decanter
* “No, I had to lea-“
* “Oh my god would you both shut up?” You shout and let out a huff of annoyance before reaching out and grabbing Mike by the collar of his shirt, tugging him forward
* Your lips meet his briefly, your eyes are closed, and his are open. He adjust to the situation quickly, cupping your cheek and tilting his head slightly
* Not bad
* You break away, turning to Conner, he’s a bit more ready than Mike. He cups your face with both hands, mouth parting slightly as one of his hands slides into your hair.
* You break away sweetly, with one last peck.
* “Conner’s better” you say the bottle of vodka already on your lips. Conner’s laughing while Mike protests.
* “What-no, I wasn’t ready, I want another chance!” You roll your eyes as he looks at you expectantly
* “Fin-“ he breaks you off with his lips, this time is better than the last. He’s standing, and the angle adds to the technique, his hand is on the back your neck, tilting your chin up with the other
* Oh wow.
* You’re a little dazzled when you break apart. Jessica is one lucky girl.
* “Wait if he gets another chance I want one too.” Conner protests, you just nod dumbly.
* That was a really good kiss. You feel all warm and fuzzy.
* Before you can think Conner wraps an arm around your waist tugging you close, he dips you back before kissing you. You open your mouth from the surprise and he takes the opportunity to sweep his tongue in.
* You’re seeing stars, and then abruptly you’re yanked by the shoulder.
* Oh does Mike want another turn?
* Without even opening your eyes you kiss the person who pulled on your shoulder.
* These lips feel different then Mike’s, almost-sticky? Or is it slippery? They smell different too like boiled broccoli-
* Oh shit
* You hesitantly open your eyes, only to see a very shocked Jessica
* “Oh my god” you pull back quickly, cupping your hand over your mouth so you don’t kiss anyone else by accident “I’m so sorry Jess- I didn’t-“
* Before you can finish someone tugs your arm, you vaguely understand what’s happening, one of your arms grasped by a very strong hand and your other carrying a bottle of vodka.
* It’s Edward, you recognize the blue collared shirt he’s wearing, you bought him that shirt last year for his birthday.
* “E-Edward? Wait where-“ you turn to the side to see Jessica who’s standing very still, your eyes briefly meet Bella’s and they flash with-hurt?
* What did you kiss her too when you weren’t paying attention?
* “H-hey Edward that hurts!” If he heard you he doesn’t seem to care, dragging you through the party and through the cluster of people all along the front yard
* You’re vaguely aware of the stares your way. You both must look pretty weird, or at least like a couple of kids dying to f*ck
* All you can see when you look straight forward is Edward’s back. His broad shoulders and the slender curve of his back.
* For some reason, the safest place you can imagine is the middle of Edward’s back. You bet it’s so warm and safe to be nestled there.
* You bet it’s the place Bella feels the most safe in
* A prickle of irritation burns in you. And in your impatience when Edward starts to slow you wrap your arms around his waist-
* “(Y/N), what are you-“ He grumbles, but you don’t pay it any mind, you nestle your head in his back, right below the spot between his shoulder blades. Breathing his scent in deeply.
* Edward always smells so good, like Argon oil and Rosemary
* You feel him sigh, his hand resting over yours that are intertwined on his stomach
* You stay like that for a moment, you’re not sure how long, it might have been hours
* But it feels too soon when Edward pulls away from you.
* The whine of protest that’s building in the back of your throat dies when you see his face
* “Hey, what’s wrong, why are you upset?” A hand lifts to cradle Edward’s face. His mouth is pinched into a frown and his eyes... they look so sad
* Your compassion only seems to irritate him further because he shakes your hand off of his face
* You’re a little hurt, and very confused
* “What were you doing in there?” You can tell from the way his voice trembles he’s barely contains his anger
* “We were playing a game” you say in a small voice. Edward gives out a bitter laugh
* “And what game was that, spin the bottle?”
* “Who’s the better kisser actually” you mumble, looking down at your shoes feeling a little embarrassed
* “You can’t even imagine the vile thoughts they were-“ he cuts himself off, averting his gaze from you
* You feel like a bucket of cold water got dumped on you
* They’re your friends. You were just having a good time. It was all just harmless fun wasn’t it?
* oh god you kissed Jessica! Jessica your best friend.
* How are supposed to face her now
* “Have you been drinking?” He asks, tugging the bottle hanging limply from between your fingers.
* It’s almost empty, less than a quarter left.
* “H-hey I didn’t drink all of that, Lauren drank quite a bit too, and I’m pretty sure it was already half empty when we got it.” Edward raises an eyebrow and you avert your eyes. You’ve going through too much to handle facing him head on.
* “(Y/N), what’s going on, this isn’t like you” He let’s out a long sigh.
* Why did you drink so much?
* Maybe if he wasn’t so wrapped up in that human he would realize-
* Realize what? Where was that sentence going?
* You remember seeing Edward and Bella talk, the smile he gave her-
* No you can’t think about that right now
* “Nothing’s going on,” he looks at you skeptically and you look back to the ground “I just-I just want you to be happy Eddie.”
* He scoffs
* “You have a funny way of showing it.” He’s about to move back but your hand reaches out to stop him, resting on his forearm
* “No I really want you to be happy Edward, and I see the way you look at her-“
* “What?”
* “And I want you to know that it’s okay!” Your eyes stay fixed on his chest, the pocket of his shirt. “I know everyone around us, including Carlisle, have been hoping we would end up together, but don’t worry about that. You can say it was me if you need to, and-“
* He stops you by placing both of his hand on your face, your eyes meeting his.
* “What are you talking about?”
* This time you’re the one that scoffs
* “Bella of course,” he lets out some noise of disbelief, a mix of a scoff and a snicker
* “Bella? You think I love Bella?” He’s laughing at you! The criminal is laughing at you!
* “Im not stupid Edward!”
* “When have I ever said I have feelings for Bella?”
* “You don’t have to! I see the way you look at her! Like just now-when you were up by the stairwell, you looked at her like she was the only person in the room.”
* He doesn’t scoff now and he averts his eyes. You feel your heart sink a little.
* It’s okay, this is for the best.
* Bella’s going to give him everything he wants.
* Even a baby.
* You can’t give him that.
* “Oh my god Bella! She probably has the totally wrong idea! We have to go back, we have to-“ you’re already moving when you feel Edward grasp your arm, holding you back.
* Your eyebrows thread together in confusion
* “Edward what are you doing? We have to-“
* “I don’t love Bella” he interrupts.
* You’re confused, and then you’re angry.
* Is he lying to you? Straight to your face after you’ve already told him you know everything? Why even bother? What is he trying to save his pride or something, because you’re 100% sure that Bella’s feeling it just as much as he is
* “You don’t need to lie to me Edward-“
* “I’m not lying!” He tugs you closer, the bottle of vodka falling to the ground with a clang.
* You’re caged in his arms, each of his hands is holding your by the elbow. His gold eyes look straight into yours
* “There’s only one person I’ve ever loved,” a gentle smile curls onto his mouth. “They’re impossibly stubborn, when they get an idea in their mind. And they have no sense of self preservation whatsoever.”
* This sounds like Bella. Is this a trick or something?
* His eyes get warm as he looks down at you, his lips twitching as his smile widens
* “But they’re also very compassionate, they’re someone with endless amounts of hope, and everything around them is so-different- so fun! They make me feel....”
* he’s been inching closer this entire time, your chest is practically pressed against his.
* “Human” he finishes with a grin
* His forehead presses against yours and you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach.
* “I’m in love with you, (Y/N), it’s always been you.”
* Before you have time to process the bombshell Edward just dropped on you, Edward moves an inch closer and places his lips over your own.
* Your eyes are open at first, mostly from shock, but they drift close when Edward’s hand trails down the edge of you face, resting on your cheek.
* His kiss is so different from Mike and Conner’s kisses.
* Their kiss had been passionate, almost possessive.
* But Edward’s kiss- his kiss makes you feel safe.
* His hand rests on the small of your back, the other lightly touches the side of your face.
* It’s firm, but you know if you didn’t like his touch, if you wanted it to stop, you could end it anytime.
* He’s leaving you an escape
* He’s still your Edward, Your kind, considerate Edward.
* If you were human tears would prickle the corner of your eyes.
* Instead you stand on your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him in even closer.
* You’re seeing stars when he finally pulls away, and in your daze you actually follow him, stealing one last peck.
* You stand tall, looking straight into his eyes, he’s got the biggest goofiest grin you’ve ever seen
* Even goofier than the one he had when you said you would move with him to Forks.
* “Um, so how was I compared to Mike and Connor?”
* You roll your eyes, he’s still trying to lighten the mood with dumb jokes
* You doubt he needs you to answer. He knows you loved it. He’s so happy he’s glowing. You feel almost feel dizzy looking at him.
* And there’s a million things you want to say to him, but you don’t say any of them.
* Instead you lean over and puke all over his shoes.
* “That bad huh?”
* “Was it just me, or were they like really cold?” Mike asks, his lips still feel a little numb
* “Yeah, but I kind of liked it, it’s like ice play.” Conner grins, and then spares a glance to his friend “How you doing over there Jess thinking of coming down anytime soon?”
* Jessica’s got the widest goofiest grin on her face, her fingers trailing her lips every so often.
* Bella sits beside her with her mouth pinched into a frown
* “It’s always the blonde’s that have all the fun” She mumbles
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom​
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clericofsune · 3 years
How to Play as Sasha Waybright in DnD 5e
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I finally got around to watching Amphibia, and I’ve elected the build the best character by a wide margin: Sasha Waybright. Sasha is the Brawn to Marcy’s Brains and Anne’s Heart. As the physical powerhouse of the trio, we need to be scarily effective in combat. After all, we’re a former cheerleader turned war criminal.
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Sasha’s a human, but the girls are all connected to the three gems that powered the Calamity Box. Marcy is connected to the green gem of wisdom, Anne is connected to the blue gem of empathy, and Sasha is connected to the pink gem of strength. Sasha’s eyes glow pink when she performs feats of superhuman strength, like prying Barrel’s Warhammer from the hide of a monster. As such, we’ll label Sasha as a Variant Human for +1 STR/+1 CON, Athletics proficiency, and the Dual Wielder Feat. Later, we’ll drop an ASI on the Skilled feat for proficiency in Deception, Persuasion, and Perception. We’ll drop a third ASI on the Tough Feat for more HP so we can handle a fight better.
For your background, you’re a cheerleader and had a garage band back home. I’ll call her an Entertainer for Acrobatics and Performance.
Sasha is selfish, but has a strict obsession with order and control. I’d label her as Lawful Evil. Remember, evil doesn’t just mean setting puppies on fire. It means loyalty to one’s own desires over the good of society.
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Sasha’s whole thing is control, and nothing lets her exert control over the battlefield as much as the Battle Master. You could make a case for Brute Fighter since it deals extra damage or Champion Fighter for their exceptional critical damage capability, but the Battle Master aligns the most with how Sasha approaches a fight. As a Fighter, we’ll give her proficiency in Insight and Intimidation, as well as the Dueling fighting style to strengthen her damage output with one-handed weapons.
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STATS STR 20 DEX 14 CON 20 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 12
BASIC BUILD HP: 264 AC: 19 PP: 16 NoA: 4 Hit Dice: 20d10 Maneuver DC: 19
SKILLS Acrobatics (+8) Athletics (+11) Deception (+7) Insight (+6) Intimidation (+7) Perception (+6) Performance (+7) Persuasion (+7)
FEATS Dual Wielder Skilled Tough
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Action Surge. Double the number of weapon attacks you can make in a turn twice per long rest. Combat Superiority. You have 6 superiority die that are d8s. Extra Attack. You can make four weapon attacks as a single action. Know Your Enemy. Study an enemy to discern their Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Armor Class, Hit Points, Class Level, or Fighter Level, and whether it’s above, below, or equal to your own. Improved Combat Superiority. Your superiority die become d12s. Indomitable. Reroll a failed saving throw three times per long rest. Maneuvers. You can choose 9 maneuvers from the Battle Master Maneuvers list. Relentless. When you roll Initiative with no Superiority Die, gain 1 Superiority Die. Second Wind. Recover 1d10 + 20 HP as a bonus action. Student of War. Proficiency in one set of Artisan’s tools of your choice.
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I’m satisfied with the character build. We have all we need to control the battlefield. I can’t tell if Sasha will get gem powers like Anne, but from what she’s demonstrated by the season 2 finale, this is a pretty good parallel to her abilities she’s shown so far.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
war paint | 3 | captain
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 27,765 words / 10 chapters
summary: Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (spin off of in cinders)
tags: mulan AU, secret identity, romance, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, some violence, eventual smut
The first few weeks of your enlistment were inarguably the worst you’d ever lived.
If not on patrol, soldiers were awakened before dawn every morning and marched to the training pitch behind the castle where you drilled in different formations with various weapons. You were run through exercises that seemed designed to drop anyone with less than iron willpower, then set to menial tasks like cleaning the barracks or repairing any damaged weapons or equipment. The midday meal was the first break in your day, followed immediately by training in basic first aid and survival skills, then by more weaponry drills that took you until the dinner bell.
Between your extra training with Nishimura and the time you had to invest in sneaking off to use the lavatory or a spot to bathe in private, you were hardly resting. Even the time you did spend bathing, you spent in a constant state of anxiety, wondering if a random bunk check would reveal you missing. You hadn't chanced more than a wild, lightning fast scrub down in weeks.
At the end of the first week, you’d collected your enlistment fee with hands blistered from sword work, and it took you longer than you’d ever admit to count it out, stopping every few seconds when your eyes drifted involuntarily shut. You’d been happy to send it off to your family, though, with a short note that told them you were doing well.
Which was, of course, a lie.
You weren’t exactly the most popular among the kingsguard thanks to the show you’d put on when you arrived, and you had the misfortune of dorming in the same room as Nishimura. Despite Captain Bakugou’s warnings, he’d gone out of his way to make life uncomfortable for you, slipping bugs into your sheets and loudly discussing you in less than flattering terms well within earshot.
More than that, you were terrible at nearly everything and it was obvious. Kaminari helped you to the best of his ability, and so did Sero, the guard who’d poked fun at your age at the castle gates. Neither of them, however, could make up for the fact that as a woman, you were somewhat smaller and slighter, and hadn’t had the same opportunities building up muscle mass as men your age. Every sword felt like an anvil in your hands; lifting a mace like hauling a boulder.
The only thing you seemed to excel at was the first aid trainings. You found yourself listening with rapt attention as the court physician walked your battalion through wrapping injuries and cleaning wounds, noting which easily obtained herbs and flowers could slow blood loss or ease pain. Kaminari was always eager to pair with you during the practical exercises, as you were among the least likely to accidentally poison him with the wrong herbs. It was gratifying to be good at at least one thing.
Your favorite part of castle service, though, was the patrols.
After your first month of training, you’d been assigned thrice-weekly patrol routes and found that it was like wading into a cool river on a hot day. Patrols got you out of whichever drills were happening at the time and took you out from under Captain Bakugou’s purview and behind the relative safety of the castle walls.
Though monotonous, you only had to walk a specific route throughout the castle with a partner, and you were rarely supervised. On your first patrol with Kaminari, you also found that patrols were - for him - more of an opportunity to make social calls.
“L/N,” he said, nearly the minute you stepped inside the castle walls. “We’ve got an excellent route today.”
You raised an eyebrow in question.
He chuckled, gesturing you along. “Come on, our first stop is right over here.”
“Our first stop?” you echoed.
Kaminari grinned and grabbed your sleeve, pulling you into a side door. On the other side sat a cramped office stuffed with bright fabrics and colorful spools of thread. A woman with shocking pink hair hunched over a spill of pretty silk, working tiny, perfect stitches into the fabric.
“Mina!” Kaminari boomed and the woman sat up with a smile.
“Denki!” she said, reaching over to hug him. “It’s been a while since patrol took you over here! I have so much to tell you!”
Kaminari laughed and pulled you forward. “Me too. Mina, this is L/N! He lied about his age and wormed his way into the kingsguard.”
You whirled on him. “I’m old enough to be in the guard!”
The absolute wrong gender, but definitely the right age.
He gave you an innocent look. “I’m just passing on the popular opinion.”
Mina chuckled. “Oh, ignore him, L/N. We all do. It’s quite nice to meet you.”
Kaminari whined but Mina just laughed again, redirecting his attention to the dress she was making, saying it was for the princess-to-be. Apparently, Prince Shouto’s bride had been a kitchen girl that Mina and Denki had both been acquainted with, and they talked eagerly of the wedding they’d both been invited to and the food that would be there.
“Think old Bakugou will show up?” Kaminari asked at one point, making himself comfortable at Mina’s workstation. Mina met this with a shrug.
You gave them both a questioning look. “Why would the captain be invited?”
Kaminari turned to you conspiratorially. “Captain Bakugou and the prince grew up together - they’re something like old friends. Plus, Bakugou’s a marquis, he’s probably got an invitation just for political reasons.”
“He’s a marquis?” you asked. That explained the Lord appellation on your contract, then. “Why join the palace guard if he’s titled?”
Kaminari shrugged. “Probably not enough opportunity to torture innocent civilians in Musutafu. If he wants to hold the land, he’s got to be nice to them, hasn’t he?”
You grimaced, thinking of all the drills he’d run you through since you’d gotten here. That definitely wouldn’t endear him to anyone.
“Speaking of our favorite captain,” Mina said conversationally, “I heard he’s been meeting with the prince more often than usual.”
“Wedding stuff?” Kaminari asked, but Mina shook her head.
“As if he’d touch that mushy shit with a ten foot pole. He wouldn’t know romance if it pranced in front of him wearing a soldier’s uniform. No, I heard it’s because a bunch of papers and other valuables went missing from the prince’s study last Thursday night.”
Your mind wandered back to last Thursday, wondering if you’d been on patrol when it had happened. You only dredged up a memory of snuggling down into your bunk, relieved that Nishimura and his goon friend Hasumi were out on their own patrol and your bed was thankfully bug free.
Kaminari’s eyebrows went up. “Important papers?”
Mina raised a thin shoulder. “From what I heard, it seemed to be a weird selection. A couple letters, some wedding arrangements. But a land treaty disappeared as well. They think it’s a spy.”
Kaminari whistled. “Bet old Baku is pissed this happened on his watch. No wonder he’s been in such a foul mood lately.” He turned to you. “Don’t you think he’s been a little too happy when one of us gets clipped by the wrong edge of the sword?”
You thought back to his threats in the mess hall. “He seems normal enough to me.”
Kaminari mulled that over. “I suppose he’s usually that awful.”
Mina smiled. “Talking of which, shouldn’t you be getting on with your patrol? I’d hate to find out what he’d do if he found out you were in here gossiping.”
A spike of panic stabbed through your heart and you grabbed Kaminari’s sleeve. “Excellent observation, Mina. We really should be going. It was wonderful to meet you!”
You tugged Kaminari roughly back through the doorway. You thought it was a testament to his own fear of the captain that he went willingly enough.
The rest of your patrol proved uneventful, however, Bakugou thankfully never being alerted to your social stop. Your patrol ended just after the dinner bell and you ate quickly in the mess hall, then rushed off to the training pitch.
Today was also the last day of your punishment for fighting in the mess hall on your first day, and you thought dreamily of all the rested muscles and extra time you’d have on your hands once extra training ended. You might be able to sneak off to bathe at a normal time of the evening instead of in the dead of night, starting tomorrow.
Your good cheer faded quickly, however, as you arrived at the pitch to find Captain Bakugou there.
Nishimura was just behind you and he stopped short at your side. “Where’s our usual drill officer?” he demanded.
A horrible grin cut into Bakugou’s features, bearing his sharp canines. He looked like a wolf ready to tear into a nest of rabbits, and your stomach flipped. “Ojiro’s off duty tonight. Thought I’d see if you’d learned your lesson myself.”
You inhaled sharply, and Bakugou caught it, laughing. “Thought I’d forgotten about you two fucks, didn’t you?”
You lowered your gaze and took a deep, steadying breath. Just tonight. You just had to get through tonight and you would be free.
Nishimura seemed to steel himself as well, sweeping a hand through his dark hair. “What are our drills tonight, Captain?”
Bakugou’s crimson gaze flickered over you both. “Fight me.”
You looked up, startled. “Fight you?”
He looked you over disdainfully. “You’re a goddamn soldier, you telling me you can’t fight? Didn’t seem to stop you in the mess hall.”
You bit your lip, but Nishimura stepped forward, that violent gleam in his eye. “Yes, sir.”
Bakugou grinned. “I’m gonna fucking wipe this field with you.”
Nishimura didn’t dare correct his superior, but his hand went quickly to his sword and he leaned forward eagerly. Before you even had time to blink, the clash of metal rang out across the field and Bakugou had Nishimura on the defensive, pushing him back into step with you. You hadn’t even seen him go for his sword.
Swearing, you fumbled for your own blade, whipping it out just in time to catch the swipe Bakugou aimed at your side. You stumbled under the force of the strike, tripping backwards.
Nishimura growled and lunged again, but Bakugou was faster, parrying his attack and following up with his own. A low chuckle escaped him as he caught Nishimura with the back edge of his blade, winding him and sending him staggering back.
Bakugou whipped back to you, targeting you with another fast swipe that you barely caught in time. The strength of his blow almost knocked your sword from your grasp, shuddering up your arm and leaving you gasping.
“What the fuck are you in the kingsguard for if you won’t fight?” he snarled. Another swipe came your way and again you barely caught it. Your heart beat frantically in your chest and you tried to duck out of range of his arm.
“Come back here, pretty boy,” Bakugou taunted, advancing on you, but Nishimura cut in with another attack. Bakugou whipped the edge of his blade up again, faster than your eye could follow, catching the strike. You caught the curl of that savage grin on the corner of his mouth again before he moved, ducking under Nishimura’s arm and twisting his blade. It slid along the edge of Nishimura’s sword with an awful screech, then caught the hilt at an angle, ripping it straight out of Nishimura’s grip.
A kick from Bakugou had Nishimura on the ground and just as quickly he twisted back around, stalking back towards you. Your heartbeat quickened in fear as he approached, crimson gaze burning into you.
“You don’t belong here if you can’t face me,” he ground out. “Fight me or I’m discharging you. That’s a fucking order.”
You trembled, but lifted your blade. You needed the money to send back to your parents. It was too early to be discharged - if you left now, they’d have no way of clearing the debt.
You thrust your sword forward but Bakugou dodged easily. You quickly flicked through all the maneuvers you’d been drilling the past month, and followed up with a lunge. Bakugou grinned, flicking it aside with a quick twist of his wrist.
“Put your back into it, shrimp,” he demanded.
You gripped your sword with both hands, bringing it down on him with all the force you had in you. Bakugou deflected, and before you knew what was happening, your sword was rent from your grasp, skidding along the dirt of the pitch behind you.
The flat of Bakugou’s sword came up to tip your chin up to him.
“Pathetic,” he spat, “you fight like a damn woman.”
Your hands curled into fists at your sides. Bakugou’s sharp eyes caught it and he smirked. “You gonna punch me, pretty boy?”
You struggled to tamp down the hot anger bubbling up inside you like a spring from the earth. “No, sir.”
He eyed you distrustfully, pressing the flat of his blade into your chin a little harder. “I’d think seriously about what the fuck you think you’re doing here. This is the kingsguard and I don’t need weak little shits like you endangering the royal family or your fellow soldiers.”
You stared back at him, not daring to speak. Your blood rushed in your ears and your heart hammered wildly in your chest.
After a long moment he lowered his blade, sheathing it back at his hip. He looked over at Nishimura, who was delicately picking himself up off the ground.
“Disappointing,” Bakugou said roughly. “I’ve seen enough here. You’re both dismissed - back to your dormitories.”
You nodded, backing away from him. Nishimura stalked off, and you turned and picked your way gingerly back across the field, stopping only to pick up your sword and tuck it back into the belt at your waist. You set off slowly for the barracks, something like hot tears stinging at the back of your eyes.
You didn’t look back, but you swore you could feel a pair of crimson eyes on you as you slipped quietly through the dark.
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I’m still working on the NSFW Alphabet for Enigma/Edward Nashton/Riddler-Before-He-Was-Riddler from “Arkham Origins,” and it’s going to take some time because of my work schedule being the PITA that it is...
However, I do have some snippets of an Arkham Knight!Riddler x female!Reader fic I’ve been working on here and there over the last few weeks. 
Now, these are not beta-read, so there may be some mistakes, and some things might change or be added or rearranged, etc. when I do get around to proof-reading the complete fic, but the basic idea of each snippet won’t change from here on to the finished product. 
The general concept behind this fic is what would it take for AK!Riddler to, well, get his shit together? We all know how he started out as a snack -- or more accurately, a damn MEAL:
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then became a...well, a hot mess (still adorable, though):
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Possibly having someone in his life who actually appreciates him and shows him some affection could get him to clean himself up? Because we all know this boy is most likely touch-starved and would probably cry if someone was actually sweet to him, and he’d probably do whatever he could to be as presentable as possible to keep them around -- anything to keep them from vanishing from his life and leaving him all alone and unwanted again.
Anyway, here are the three (non-beta’d!) snippets from the fic:
Snippet 1:
Initially, Edward told himself it was for his own good. He was Gotham’s one true genius so why shouldn’t he take better care of himself? Cloning was not possible, nor was there any way to transfer the human consciousness into a machine. All of this meant there was only ONE Edward Nigma, and he deserved to look and feel his absolute best. 
Besides, he thought it was yet another way to one-up anyone who opposed him. Yes, of course he could look just as put together as anyone else -- or better. He was superior in every possible way after all.
It had all started with a comment from Selina as she was leaving to take care of the job Edward had assigned to her.
“You know, Eddie,” she said, turning to look at him over her shoulder. “Ladies like men who don’t smell like a car repair shop.”
With that, she was gone and Edward was, at first, not even registering what she had said to him. But it did creep into his thoughts faster than he would have liked, and he analyzed every piece of it. Why would Selina say such a thing? Then again, most people said pointless -- or more accurately, stupid -- things. Normally, he would have disregarded and forgot about it as he went about his work, but it nagged at him like a mathematical equation without a proper solution.
Taking a break from working on some new Riddlerbots, Edward went to the bathroom to locate anything he had on hand to take care of the headache he was currently dealing with. He found a bottle of Aspirin in the medicine cabinet, but when he closed the door, he stared at his reflection for a moment (When was the last time he’d given himself a proper glance in a mirror?)
As Edward took the Aspirin, he remembered Y/N was coming to see him that day -- soon, actually. Perhaps a shower would be a good idea? She would probably appreciate it if he didn’t smell like a car repair shop. And he probably would feel better being clean. Could help him think a little more clearly.
As he showered, Edward told himself this was primarily for his benefit and he wasn’t trying to impress Y/N -- or anyone for that matter. Deep down, though, he knew this was part of something he didn’t quite understand, something dealing with Y/N, something he hadn’t experienced before. That part of him was too afraid at that time to come forth and propose an answer to this dilemma. This was unfamiliar territory, something that wasn’t logical or scientific but emotional and...no, that “strange” part of him needed to stay quiet if he wanted to keep his thoughts together.
This was nothing. Nothing was going on. Everything was normal. And no, Edward didn’t feel relieved when Y/N complimented him on his appearance upon arriving. Taking a shower and putting on nice, clean clothes had nothing to do with gaining her approval. He did it for himself, to give himself a “refresh” before getting back to work. He wasn’t aiming to please or impress anyone, remember? Not even Y/N.
Especially not Y/N.
Or so he thought.
Snippet 2:
Something was different when Edward put someone else before anything of his, namely his work. Had it been anyone else, he’d have tossed a bunch of insults and told them never to bother helping him again. 
However, with Y/N, it was completely different -- and he didn’t even realize it at first.
She was carrying a box of mechanical parts to bring to Edward to aid in constructing new robots, and he had warned her to be careful, to not overload the box or it would be too heavy for her. While carrying the box of gears, wires, and metal bits, she tripped over her own feet and fell forward. The box toppled over onto the floor, spilling the contents everywhere, and she collapsed on her left forearm and knee.
“I told you to be careful!” Edward growled as he rushed over.
“I’m sorry!” Y/N said, pushing herself up and looking at the mess. “I don’t think I broke anything--”
“Let me be the judge of that.”
Y/N fully expected Edward to examine the scattered parts to see if they had sustained any damage but he went right by them. Kneeling down beside her, he gently took her left arm and briefly studied the scratched skin. 
“I don’t think it’s broken,” Edward said as he carefully felt her forearm and elbow. “And your knee….”
“I think it’s ok,” Y/N said as she moved to sit. “It hurts, though.”
Edward placard his hands on Y/N’s left knee, feeling around and noting how she winced several times. 
“Not broken,” he said. “But most certainly will be sore and bruised for a while. Here…let’s get you up.”
Edward let Y/N put an arm around him to steady her as he helped her to stand. Of course, her left knee ached far too much for her to walk on her own, so he continued to guide her to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry about the stuff,” Y/N said, looking and sounding as guilty as she felt.
“Don’t worry about it,” Edward said absent-mindedly as he located some clean bandages and antiseptic cream. “Most of it probably won’t even be needed for what I’m doing now, and I can always acquire more. In fact...I have more in storage.”
Edward turned on the faucet and tested the water until it was comfortably warm, then he gingerly took Y/N’s left arm and began cleaning it with soap. It stung a little but she tolerated it, studying his highly focused expression and wondering if this was even happening? He truly wasn’t upset that she dropped the box of bits and pieces? She just couldn’t wrap her head around it, and doubted that anyone would believe her without proof.
Edward dried Y/N’s arm with a clean towel before tossing it in the trash. After applying some antiseptic cream to a strip of bandage, he proceeded to wrap it around her arm, covering the wound. 
“There…” Edward said, admiring his handiwork. “How does that feel?
“Good,” Y/N said.
“Now for your, uh, knee.” Edward swallowed, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “It...doesn’t appear to be bleeding so...I think we can just put, um, ice on it. Unless you think it needs to be looked at?”
“No, I think it’s fine. Ice is fine. Thank you.”
Edward nodded before clearing his throat and reaching out to Y/N.
“Come,” he said. “Let me help you to the couch.��
Snippet 3:
“Ok, who are you and what did you do with Eddie?” asked Selina as she looked Edward over incredulously.
It appeared that Edward finally got his shit together and was taking care of himself. Not only was he free of grime and grease, he was dressed in rather impressive attire: black dress shirt, green gloves, green trousers, and dark brown boots. Even his hair was cut and styled differently as it was shorter with subtle layering, the offset part causing bangs to fall over most of his forehead and just above his brows. 
Another noteworthy change was Edward’s weight. Instead of surviving on snacks and coffee, he must have been eating actual food again as he was no longer skin and bones. Actually, he looked a little bit...toned? Was he back to his old routine of perfectly planned, ultra-healthy, balanced meals coupled with a decent amount of exercise? Selina remembered he used to get up early in the and exercise almost right away most days of the week. It helped him “get focused” before even having coffee, he had said.
“What are you going on about?” Edward asked in an agitated tone. “Nevermind. It’s nonsense anyway.”
“Personality is still the same,” Selina muttered as she followed Edward to a workbench.
Once he was done explaining in excessive, almost condescending detail the particulars of the items she needed to steal for him, she decided to ask some questions.
“So, tell me, Eddie,” Selina began, turning to him. “What inspired you to finally start looking like a professional criminal mastermind as opposed to an overworked grease monkey?”
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Edward said, before clearing his throat and straightening, a smug smile on his face. “I came to the long overdue conclusion that, as Gotham’s one true genius and Batman’s superior, I should look after myself and be presentable. What’s on the outside should reflect what’s going on inside, so to speak. I mean, what a waste of a brilliant mind such as mine to live in a body akin to a starving, filthy rat scurrying about in the sewers?”
“So you are basically telling me you did this for yourself,” Selina said resisting the urge to roll her eyes at Edward’s narcissistic ramblings. “Are you sure you didn’t do this for any other reason?”
“Like what?” Edward asked, clearly puzzled by such a question.
“Hmm...well, let me ask this: Has Y/N seen your ‘transformed’ self?”
Selina noted how Edward’s blue eyes lit up upon hearing Y/N’s name, and suddenly, his obnoxious personality changed to a much more amiable one.
“She likes it,” Edward said with a bright smile. “Her compliments about my appearance go hand in hand with her compliments about my genius. It’s wonderful having someone around who actually appreciates my existence.”
“I take it that her approval means a lot to you then?”
“Of course! Considering she’s the only person who treats me with respect, I think she deserves the privilege of having me listen to, accept, and sometimes take her advice.”
Selina smirked as she had received the answer to her question.
“Well then, I must be going, Eddie,” she said as she turned to leave. “I’ll get you what you requested in no time.”
“Yes, please do,” Edward said sternly, going back to his arrogant tone. “My request should be of the utmost importance compared to whoever else you’re working with at the moment.”
“Yes, yes, Eddie, of course. Bye!”
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citadelspires · 3 years
since I’m more or less back in business I feel it’s past time I ramble about another au I will (probably) never write. I’ll start off simple with an amphibia owl house au I was thinking up last night at work. (slight disclaimer that I have not seen any of season 2 yet so this is with exclusively information through the end of season 1). Concept below the cut cause it’s a pretty extensive one.
The concept starts at the same point the owl house does, more or less. Camila is concerned, Luz is getting sent to summer camp etc. etc. This time she gets distracted by an unusually pink frog hopping into the woods, and decides she probably has time to go chase after it. So she follows it into the woods until she suddenly trips over something and falls to the ground, turning around she sees it to be a music box sticking out of the forest floor. Curious, she digs it up and starts examining it. She thinks it’s really pretty and she’s about to open it when she hears voices coming from nearby and goes to check it out.
She finds Willow and Amity in a small clearing, think essentially the scene in the actual owl house where she sees them for the first time, except here they’re both human, though Luz doesn’t know them because they both go to some pretentious private school, Amity because she’s a Blight so she had to, and Willow because she got a scholarship for it and didn’t have the heart to tell her dads she didn’t really want to go. The scene plays out in a similar fashion to how it does in the actual show, with the exception that this time without the magic element Luz doesn’t feel the need to keep hiding and instead marches up from her hiding place to chew out Amity for being a jerk. Unfortunately she stumbles on a tree root as she approaches and, still holding the music box, accidentally pops the lid open.
So that’s how the three of them get transported to Amphibia. I like the idea of taking the setup and world of Amphibia, which we’ve seen through the lens of the characters that got transported all being close “friends”, and coming at it from a different perspective, i.e. one of them is a complete stranger to the other two and the two that do know eachother are already not on very good terms going in. (Amity and Willow have essentially the same history in the au that they do in toh).
Luz is dropped right in the middle of Newtopia, and while she’s very excited about the prospect of a fantasy adventure, she’s also pretty worried that she has no idea how to get back home, and she doesn’t take to the city as well as Marcy did. Part of this is due to her having her doubts about the ruler of Amphibia, who in this case is not Andrias, but Lilith(I understand Belos is probably a more fitting character for the role but I just don’t know enough of his character or really care about him enough to implement him, so Lilith it is! She’s more interesting for the setup anyway, depending on what Andrias’ weird master thing ends up being, maybe that would be a belos type deal but honestly I’d probably just not implement that part into this. If you can’t tell this is much less a “amphibia but with the owl house cast” and more of a actual approach to writing something new with the old setting and characters).
This is mostly due to the fact that, while wondering around the city attracting suspicious stares from newts that have never seen someone like her before, she ends up bumping into a newt who appears to be running from the majority of the city guards. They both fall down and Luz helps her stand up, a showing that is enough to convince the guards that, whatever the weird creature is, it’s in league with the felon, so they begin chasing her too. The criminal newt, who is of course Eda, takes pity on her and brings her along to her hideout, where she meets a weird little robot that insists she refer to him as King. He begins to declare that his full title is “King of...” and then kinda falters off as he seems to realize he actually isn’t quite sure what he is. Luz gives Eda a concerned Look but she just kinda shrugs it off and says he always does that.
Luz finds out that Eda deals in the trade of questionable artifacts and considers herself pretty lucky to find someone like that as soon as she did, and she asks if Eda knows anything about a music box, describing it as best as she can, because she didn’t really think to take any pictures. For her part, Eda is pretty sure what it is, and that’s the moment where she resolves to watch over Luz, at first just because she’s Concerned the box is back in Amphibia, though it eventually ends up that she gets a soft spot for the kid.
Though Luz doesn’t find out a good deal of this until later, and it’s gradually, Eda is still Lilith’s sister here, meaning that yes, she had equal claim to the newtopian crown, but the history of the crown never sat well with her (i.e. she finds out newtopia was built on the foundation of bloody conquest, along with the fact that it’s encouraged they want to get back to that point and nopes out of there). While she’s on her way out she starts off her new life of stealing shiny things by grabbing a weird little statue that had always seemed kinda off to her. She figures she could sell it at least, but while looking over it after escaping she realizes that it isn’t a statue at all, but what she decides must have been a defective robot from newtopia’s past, being much smaller and more... expressive? Than it should have been. For some reason she decided to try fixing it, and though it took a good deal of time she eventually got it to work again, which is how she came to be friends with King.
Luz’ story is largely slice of life relationship building with her, Luz, and King, until the point where the path to the valley opens, and the three of them go on what Luz finds out is an annual trip Eda takes around the valley to see if she can find anything interesting to add to her stand, as well as find new customers in the valley. Luz figures if she has a shot at finding either of the two girls she came with, and hopefully the box too, it would be on that trip.
Willow gets thrown into Toad Tower before she even realizes what’s happening to her. She has no idea where she is, didn’t even get a good look at Luz before the teleportation happened back on earth, and is overall not having a great time. She’s not convinced she’s not dreaming until she’s literally tossed into her cell and the impact hurts enough that she’s sure she’s really there. At first she believes she’s alone in her cell until she hears an awe-filled voice ask what she is and why she’s there. She isn’t able to figure out where the voice is coming from until a tiny blue frog jumps up on her hand. She introduces herself as a human, which gets him very excited, and he introduces himself as Gus, explaining that he was thrown in prison for “almost kind of knowing things he shouldn’t” as he put it.
It turns out Gus is something of a scholar, though he admits that most frogs are more inclined to call him a crazed conspiracy theorist. All of his studies have to do with mysterious other worlds and their inhabitants, which he has always been stubbornly insistent do exist. He’s overjoyed that he finally has “a real life specimen!!” and Willow is excited enough at the idea that there might be someone who actually knows what happened to her that she lets that comment slide. She quickly finds out what the meaning behind his weird prison sentence is, as she brings up getting sent to this world from another, and he attempts for a wise nod as he goes “ah yes, you must have experience an encounter with the calamity bucket.” Still he’s kind of helpful and he and Willow get along pretty well, so they end up hanging out together for the rest of the story, he basically tags along everywhere with her Jiminy Cricket style.
Amity has arguably the hardest time adjusting to the world she suddenly finds herself in, as she ends up in the forest on the outskirts of Wartwood, and promptly determines that this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to her. Despite having the box that “weird girl” used to send them here, opening it and closing it over again provided no help at all, and trying to go into Wartwood provided even less. Still being in Full Blight mindset she is really haughty and superior and the townspeople do not take it well. Even deducing Toadstool as the only persons superficial enough to potentially care about her status, she can’t get anything out of him cause he views her as a massive publicity risk, which he’s already not doing super well at.
The only frogs in the village that seem to not turn away from her immediately are a mischievous pair of frog twins that joke around and mess with her, and though it’s all lighthearted she’s stubborn enough at first that when they do offer to help her out she flat out refuses them. Eventually between living in a cave and their hanging around her whenever she’s in town anyway she’s worn down enough that she begrudgingly accepts their offer of help.
Not being Blights in this au has done a good deal in the way of making Edric and Emira happier. While they’re just as much of tricksters as they always are, and they occasionally overstep a little in their jests, they’re quick to apologize, and lack any of the actual malice behind their knack for causing trouble. The two of them run one of the stands in the marketplace, something they get Amity to help out with eventually as the town warms up to her. The two of them find it easier to grow closer to Amity than the rest of the town does, maybe it’s cause they’re the only ones who have really tried, or maybe it’s cause they’ve got a reputation for being trouble in the town already anyway. Whatever it is Amity gets begrudgingly closer to them until she eventually refers to them as her siblings once, and though they refuse to let her hear the end of it for a few days, they’d been calling her their little sister since the beginning, and while Amity had been certain for a long time they were just doing it to mess with her she starts to like it eventually.
Like in Amphibia, the three girls all represent one aspect of the Heart, Strength, Mind trio. Figuring out what those all are takes a lot more for these girls than it does for the amphibia trio though. The focus of this story is less on the relationships the characters have, though that is definitely a part of it, and more on the attributes their assigned to and the personal growth they have. Each of them holds the attribute that is both their strongest and most repressed. The three all hold themselves at very little value in the areas they’re actually the strongest in, and through their journey in Amphibia they start to learn.
Willow had always believed that strength was an inherently negative thing. Strength equated to power, and people who had power used it to hurt others, without fail. People like, well, Amity. She prefers gentleness and peace, and to her that and strength is mutually exclusive. She reacts to the concept that she could be charging the box with the attribute of strength very negatively.
Through her time in Amphibia she gets to learn that her strength can come in different forms, and while she is undeniably strong physically, her physical strength is nothing compared to her emotional resolve and capacity to extend that emotional resolve in the strength of heart to pick up the people around her when they need it. She does, though, get to learn that power isn’t something that is inherently evil, and even that if she uses the strength she has to protect the things that are important to her, that doesn’t mean she’s forsaken any of the things believes.
aka she gets to punch a heron in the face. Boscha (captain of toad tower) is very impressed, though she pretends she isn’t. Speaking of Boscha, she gets to experience a similar development to Willow, but more on the reverse side of the coin. Having always been powerful, and that having always been enough to make her more important than everyone else, Willow strikes her as weak at first, given her lack of aggression. The longer she stays stuck with Willow though, the more she comes to realize some important things, foremost among them being that Willow could totally kick her ass, and just chooses not to, which isn’t something Boscha understands at all, and Willow ends up teaching her how to be more of a person than a weapon, even just leading by example.
Much to Willow’s complete disbelief, (she swears to Luz the box is broken and they’re doomed), Amity is the heart. Amity doesn’t really believe it either. Strength would’ve been Okay, but personally she would’ve picked the attribute of intelligence for her. It was like the box went through all the effort of looking into their souls and didn’t even bother to check her report card. Ludicrous. It doesn’t help her that her time in wartwood is miserable for a good deal of the start. For the first time in her life Amity isn’t perfect, and it’s all because there’s nothing to be perfect at in this stupid little town. She should have all the frogs praising her superiority, but literally None Of Them are impressed by her in the slightest. They didn’t even have a school!
The only thing Amity took to quickly in Wartwood was the town motto, resolving that she would be even slower to respect the citizens of Wartwood than they would her. This started off a bit of a rivalry between her and the town, but the longer she had the horrible influence of her parents replaced by the well meaning nagging from her frog siblings, and the more time she spent not being perfect because for once in her life she literally couldn’t be, she started to think it wasn’t so bad after all, and the little rivalry between her and the town became much less of a real one, and a lot more of the friendly banter type, though she couldn’t recall ever making a concious choice to do so it just sorta... happened.
Eventually she starts to think about the school she was initially so annoyed didn’t exist, and begins to wonder if really no one is gonna do anything about it being in ruins. Eventually, she starts going over to the ruined building and reading to whatever kids in wartwood were in the mood to listen. before she knew it she had built up the closest thing to a school Wartwood had in a while, and where she once would have felt a smug pride, she only felt a casual happiness that was new to her, but not entirely unpleasant.
Luz never would have considered herself good at any of the three options. She knows she’s not strong so that’s out. All the kids at school think she’s weird and she has no friends so she really doesn’t think the whole “heart” thing works in any capacity. But the only thing left besides that would be intelligence, and she’s had enough students and teachers alike call her out for being an idiot that she’s absolutely confident that isn’t it. It doesn’t help that since she’s with Eda, who actually knows what the box is, she ends up worrying over what she’s supposed to be from the very start. She spends a lot of the time before the valley opens up thinking the box made a mistake, and since she didn’t have any of the attributes it wanted it wouldn’t work again at all.
In the end she only finds out what she’s supposed to be through process of elimination. Knowing Willow is strength and Amity is heart she finally comes to the realization that she’s supposed to be intelligence, and her confidence crumbles. Of all the options that’s the one she’d been hoping it wouldn’t be the most. How could so many people be wrong after all? It was pretty unanimous back home that she didn’t really have much going on upstairs, and after hearing it enough time she had gotten around to believing it. Her path in the story  largely focuses on coming to terms with her own worth, despite her insecurities and the weight of everything she’s ever heard to the contrary constantly on her mind.
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bookstantrash · 4 years
A/N: Sorry for disappearing, I promise I have not given up on this fic. Life is kinda of a mess right now. The College Entrance Exams Season has just begun, and I’ve been studying nonstop, which leaves me with little time to write and a brain overheated due to excessive studying.
Good news tho! So far, I have been accepted in the two colleges I’ve already applied for, which leaves me with just The Big Scary Exam in January which also has a second phase that is FIVE DAYS AFTER ACOSF IS RELEASED. And which is pretty much my dream college
But let’s talk about happy things. Get comfortable and enjoy the long overdue Part Four!
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In which she makes a friend, Part Four
Cassian woke up in the late afternoon. After a silently breakfast with Nesta, he went to report to Devlon and go over the papers he had left piling up in his absence. Nesta had gone to her room — probably to take a bath and change out of the leathers — and he had not seen her since. He had promptly fallen asleep as soon as his head had hit the pillow, his aching muscles and wings screaming for some well deserved rest.
Cassian debated whether to knock on Nesta’s door or not as he splashed some cold water on his face. He had decided he was going to help her, he just didn’t know how to do that without seeming as if he was just following orders from Feyre. Nesta was not a burden. Would never be. At least not for him. He was going to do this right and make up for the two months he was away.
Gathering his courage, he softly knocked on her door, straining his ears to listen to something that would indicate that she was in her bedroom. When he heard nothing, not even her breathing, he remembered the stone bench. The weather was sunny — with “sunny” in Illyria meaning that the grey sky was more or less free of clouds and the cold not as unforgiving as usual. However, when he opened the front door and stepped outside, he did not see Nesta but the young Illyrian he had seen earlier, Kaelin.
Cassian stayed quiet, taking the opportunity to inspect the kid, which was so busy writing something down in a piece of paper — Cassian could see him biting his lip in concentration and pushing back a stray curl that kept falling on his eyes — that didn’t take notice of his arrival. Kaelin was a question mark that had suddenly appeared in his life. Cassian didn’t know who the Illyrian was, but if Nesta had chosen to trust him — to take him under her care when she could not deign to care for herself — then he was going to trust her decision. And he would ask Kaelin to work with him to help Nesta heal.
“You know, if you’re thinking of growing your hair maybe you should have something to tie it back” Cassian said, clearing his throat to warn Kaelin of his presence.
Kaelin almost fell from the bench in surprise, quickly raising to greet him.
“Please, there’s no need for that” Cassian pleaded, interrupting Kaelin before he did the formal salute “You are living here now, you may address me informally”.
“Yes, sir” he hesitantly answered, as if unsure if he should be treating his superior like that.
The younglings usually liked Cassian. He did teach a lot of them to fly and played with them whenever he had the chance. But Kaelin was in the phase where training got harder, tougher. When the Camp Lords started to separate those who had potential and those who would only be another number in the army.
“Isn’t it better to write inside? The bench looks uncomfortable” Cassian tried, hoping to gain the kid’s trust.
“Nesta said...she said it’s good to read out loud while you write” the tip of Kaelin’s ears turned soft pink “I didn’t want to disturb you, sir”
Nesta was teaching Kaelin how to read.
Cassian didn’t know what to do with this new information. He had really missed a lot on two months.
“I wouldn’t be woken by your voice. I usually sleep like the dead”.
“When I can actually sleep” Cassian thought. His dreams usually turned into nightmares, and he only slept well when he was near the point of passing out from fatigue. Like today.
“Oh, I see. Nesta gave me one of the military books in your living room to practice, I hope that’s fine” the young Illyrian knotted his eyebrows in confusion “She said she didn’t have any books I could read”.
“No, I don’t think she has” Cassian allowed himself a small smile, thinking about the dirty romance novels he knew Nesta liked. He didn’t think they’d have been proper for Kaelin “Feel free to take any books you like. I’ll see if I can get hold of less boring ones for you”.
“I don’t want to burden you!!” he quickly said “Really, they’re not boring. A bit hard to understand, but I usually write down the words I don’t know and Nesta helps me later”.
“It’s not a bother. I was planning to get some books for Nesta. She reads a lot and I think she may have run out of books now”.
Cassian tried to calm Kaelin, making sure it was nothing out of his way. He knew how it felt when you had nothing and people offered you things. The first time he had received a present, a solstice gift from Rhysand’s mother, he had been afraid to accept and had cried afterwards, once he was alone. He could only imagine how it was for the Kaelin. An orphan who once had some and suddenly was stripped of even the little things he had to call his own.
“You and Nesta... you seem close” he tried to appear nonchalant, laying the ground for his intention of gathering Kaelin’s aid.
“She’s nice” he answered, pushing the stray curl away again.
“How has she been? Has she been going out a lot?” Cassian cringed internally at how desperate he sounded, but he could not deny how worried he was that Nesta was not back when it was beginning to darken.
“I’ve know Nesta for two, three months at most”.
“And?” Cassian inquired.
“She does not eat much. Started going out recently” Kaelin eyed him in suspicion “I don’t know if I should be talking with you, sir, about her. I know that I wouldn’t like to have someone talking about me behind my back. Specially with someone who had left me alone for months”.
Cassian realised that, in this conversation, he was the enemy. Kaelin knew Nesta, but had no reason whatsoever to trust Cassian, ranks in the army be damned.
“I was busy. Commander stuff” he didn’t want to talk about how a civil war was most likely to happen.
Kaelin’s only answer was to raise an eyebrow in question, an act that reminded Cassian so much of Nesta that he was momentarily thrown back. Was his idea about to go down the drain before he had even tried it out?
“I wouldn’t have left if wasn’t really necessary”.
“I didn’t doubt you” Kaelin said, the corners of his mouth raising slightly.
Cauldron, he couldn’t believe how he was being played by a teenage boy.
“And I guess I know what you’re trying to do” Kaelin commented, gathering the book, tucking the piece of paper inside it and pocketing the pencil.
“If you know it, then are you willing to be my helping hand?” Cassian remembered why he usually stuck with training the younglings. They didn’t have smart comebacks.
“I cannot possibly train Nesta. I only know the basics I’ve learnt as a kid. But you sir, are a legend” Kaelin’s eyes sparked in admiration.
Mikael had told Kaelin stories about the Commander of the Illyrian armies. Of how an orphan who was supposed to be a foot soldier had the biggest killing power in Illyria’s history.
“I’m willing to do anything to make Nesta happy” Kaelin’s expression saddened “She is not doing well. And I own her my life. It’s the minimum I can do”.
“Thank you. I think she’d listen more to you than me” Cassian stretched his wings “First things first then kiddo. Could you tell me where she is? It’s getting late and she should have someone accompany her back”.
Kaelin gave him a wide smile, and before Cassian could do anything, got airborne.
“Don’t worry about it!! I always walk Nesta back!!”
And with a last goodbye shout, Kaelin flew away to meet Nesta at Cauldron knows where, leaving Cassian no option but to enter the house and get dinner ready.
To say dinner had been awkward was an understatement.
Cassian didn’t remember ever being so tongue tied before. Nesta had also kept quiet for most of the meal. Kaelin, however, did enough talking for both of them.
The kid had completely lost all shyness regarding Cassian, although he still added ‘sir’ sometimes when it seemed he was going overboard. Keeping his word to help Cassian with Nesta, Kaelin had talked nonstop about the things that had happened in those two months. Cassian learned that Nesta cooked quite well — “Illyrian culinary is different from high Fae but she learned so fast! It didn’t even feel like the food had been kept in the ice box for so long!” — and that she also knew how to sew — “She fixed all my clothes! They fit perfectly now! It feels as if they’re brand new!”.
Cassian would be pleased to just sit there and listen to Kaelin praise Nesta and tell all her hidden abilities, but he saw the way her pointed ears were getting pink and how she stuffed food in her mouth to avoid getting asked more questions. So he changed topics to Kaelin’s training, and he swore he saw Nesta silently thank him by the way her grey blue eyes softened.
The rest of the dinner run smoothly. He was also relived to see Nesta getting a second helping of food. Cassian could bet that she had not had lunch and, as a result, was starving.
He had made rice with cooked vegetables, along with fish seasoned with baniwa, a pepper based sauce. He had also left some fish without baniwa, not knowing whether Nesta liked her food spicy or not. He was happy to see that she choose the fish with the sauce and decided to stick with solid food, not taking any of the Imu Yanisa Kiyauriri he had offered, in case her stomach was not well.
After quietly washing the dishes while Nesta dried them — she had just gotten up and grabbed the kitchen rag, not sparing him a glance as she took the clean plate from his hand — Cassian locked himself in his room, hoping to get a good night’s sleep.
However, lucky was not on his side. He tossed and turned on his bed for hours, until finally giving up sleep and moving to his desk to go over the training schedule and other minor documents. Maybe work would tire him out enough to get maybe three or four hours of sleep.
Cassian was in the middle of a report regarding the preparations for the Blood Rite when he felt a shiver running down his spine. A faint sensation of panic came forth, and he was momentarily thrown back. Shrugging it off as fatigue, he turned back to the paper. But the sensation did not disappear. Had someone gotten over the wards somehow?
“Oh, screw this” he cursed, raising from his chair and opening his bedroom door.
Looking in the living room’s direction, he saw Kaelin completely passed out in the couch, sleeping on his stomach, his wings twitching in his sleep and drooling. The kitchen was clear as well, the same with the outdoor patio and the bathroom. The sensation got fainter, and he almost gave up when he walked by Nesta’s bedroom.
Cassian felt that panic rise within him once again. Felt that sensation of dread and helplessness knock him with full force. Without thinking, he opened her door, all reason flying out of his head to knock or call her from outside. Once inside, the first thing he notice was how cold the room was. She had not lit the fireplace, but it for sure was not due to lack of firewood. Why had she chosen to bury herself under multiple fur blankets then?
Second thing he took notice of was that said blankets had been thrown to the floor. And that Nesta was painting, fists tightly closed beside her body.
“Nesta...” Cassian breathed, slowly approaching the bed. He could see her eyes moving frantically under eyelids. The sensation was stronger now, threatening to consume him. He could not imagine how Nesta felt. Tried not to think why he also felt it.
“No...get away...” she murmured feverishly in her sleep “Take me. Take me instead”
Cassian smelled smoke, and he realised that Nesta’s fists were burning the sheets were they touched, her skin damp with sweat.
“Ness....” Cassian knew that you should not wake up someone when they were having a nightmare, not when they were letting their power lose. That indicated that the person had lost all sensation of reality and imagination, and could hurt whoever approached them. But Cassian could not see her suffering and just do nothing.
Gently, he kneeled beside her bed, and tentatively run his thumb across her forehead.
“You’re safe Nesta. Breath.” he murmured, bringing his other hand to her clenched fists, squeezing in reassurance, the fire around them not hurting him.
“It’s my fault...my fault” she whimpered, and sorrow and guilty hit Cassian just like earlier.
“Shhh.... Nobody can harm you” his thumb kept caressing her, trying to transmit comfort through his touch.
“I’m sorry...” she took a sharp breath, and Cassian could feel she tremble slightly.
“Nesta. Nesta.” he willed her hand to open, clutching it on his “Hush now xe r-endy, I’m here. Îebyr pe ixê.”
He kept talking in Illyrian, and she started to calm down, her breath coming in regularly and some tension leaving her body.
“That’s it sweetheart. You’re safe” Cassian tucked the blankets over Nesta, getting her comfortable.
“Cassian...stay” she grabbed his hand, eyes half open and laced with sleep, her strange and mysterious power faintly shinning on them.
“I will stay until you fall asleep” he replied.
And Cassian spent the rest of the night and early morning sitting on her bedroom floor. Holding her hand. And when the first of rays of sunlight appeared, he let go of her hand.
And he left Nesta’s room.
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Demonising Femininity
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🤍 Disclaimer- In this article, we are mostly talking about femininity in the aspect of make-up, fashion, etc. Stereotypically feminine and masculine things are a social construct, and it is okay for anyone of any gender to engage in their preferred form of expression.
“You run like a girl.”
“Man up.”
These two sentences both talk about behaving like a certain gender, yet one is uplifting, while the other is an insult. It’s not hard to guess which is which.
We know that misogyny exists, and being a woman in itself comes with a lot of challenges. But it’s even worse when one is traditionally feminine.
So, what is femininity?
The concept of femininity varies across cultures, but it is generally the various characteristics and traits that are attributed to women. However, as these are personality traits, they can be exhibited by anybody regardless of gender. According to popular belief, it includes sensitivity, tenderness, kindness, passiveness, etc. In the modern world, it is also equated with the combination of wearing make-up, being concerned about their physical appearance, and ambition. But there isn’t a real definition of femininity as it is pretty much a spectrum encompassing certain traits. These certain personality traits and characteristics got gendered because society had a specific role for each gender, and they evolved these traits to better adapt to those particular roles. While both masculine and feminine traits can be found in everyone in various combinations, society expects men to show more masculinity, and women to show more femininity.
When and how did it get demonised?
Misogyny can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece, with the myth of Pandora’s box, where Pandora opened the box and unleashed misery upon mankind. Therefore the blame for all of man’s problems was placed upon the shoulders of a woman, and it all went downhill from there. As the original colonizers, the Greek spread this tale into the places they conquered, and misogyny took root in all the cultures around. This idea of women being inferior was also propagated by the tale of Adam and Eve in the Old Testament, where Eve made Adam eat the forbidden apple, which led to the downfall of man.
In the 1950s in the USA, women who had taken up civilian jobs during world war 2, were now expected to go back to being housewives, or taking up more ‘feminine’ jobs which would ultimately pay less. Due to this, in the second wave of feminism that started in the early 1960s, women rioted and started dressing and acting more ‘masculine’ in the hopes of being taken seriously by their male counterparts, and getting the jobs they needed. This meant that they denounced make-up and high heels and other such ‘feminine’ things.
So presenting as more masculine in that era was unfortunately required for women to empower themselves. But why do we still look down on those who present themselves in a feminine fashion today? We see it everyday; women who wear more make-up are considered shallow, women who like to dress in pink and have blonde hair are considered to be stupid and childish, and those who conform to this kind of femininity and are ambitious are chalked up to be mean and selfish, especially in the media.
In common teenage coming-of-age movies, and young adult fiction, the antagonist is generally a stereotypically feminine and preppy girl, while the protagonist is more of a tomboy and an outcast. The antagonist is made to be a villain with only their own motives in mind, with no other personality traits whatsoever. Though this does not embody what femininity means, it still depicts the appearance of hyper femininity as something that should be shunned. This is common even in movies targeted towards other audiences, such as Dreamworks' 'Shark Tale', where one female fish is strongly ambitious, while being concerned about her physical appearance. However, she is given the role of the villain, while the female love interest is, to be frank, bland and more passive, with her whole personality being just the love interest.
This kind of stereotyping women into two very strict boxes damages us more than we think. People knowingly or unknowingly absorb a lot of concepts from the media, and when we are presented with the idea that being ambitious and rocking a pink outfit = bad, while being passive and dressing down makes them more interesting, we apply this in our day to day life as well. But this narrative is absolutely wrong, because women cannot be pushed into such strong stereotypes. People are complex beings, and with each person's personality being so drastically different, it goes without saying that the same applies to women.
Studies have found that women who wear more make-up in their workplace are less likely to be given a promotion, solely because of their make-up. It is commonly viewed that women who wear heavy make-up are considered to be less competent than the other female workers. But this is a misconception, as the productivity of a person is in no way related to the amount of make-up they wear, or the way they choose to dress.
Another way this is expressed is that parents allow their daughters to play with ‘boy’s’ toys and games, but the same is not applicable the other way around. Sons are rarely given dolls and Barbies to play with, for the reason that it will somehow make them less masculine. What scares people so much about femininity?
Demonising femininity affects the mentality of almost everyone. It pits women against women, and pushes back the feminism movement as well. In the end, only the patriarchy benefits from this. Femininity being labelled as something that is evil has given rise to the ‘not like other girls’ and ‘pick-me girls’ trope.
The ‘not like other girls’ trope is basically when a girl, typically a pre-teen or teenager, believes that she is different from other girls because she is not into mainstream pop music, or doesn’t wear make-up and dresses.
Okay, she believes that she’s different. What’s wrong with that?
The problem is that when this phrase is used, it’s usually in the context that the girl being referred to is better than other girls just because she doesn’t wear make-up. The phrase puts down the entire gender, while trying to compliment one girl in a back-handed way. Dressing in a different way isn’t a reason to put a person on a pedestal, and it builds up a superiority complex for something that is pretty much inane. The phrase doesn’t even bring into consideration the personality of the girl in question as well as the personalities of the other girls.
This also results in internalised misogyny, since the girl believes she is better than other girls because she is being as masculine as possible, hence leading to the conclusion that being a girl in itself is bad. Internalised sexism, according to Wikipedia, is when an individual enacts sexist actions and attitudes towards themselves and people of their own sex. They further propagate the ideals and behaviour imposed upon them by their oppressors. This causes a bigger divide within women, as they subconsciously put down other women who do not conform to the patriarchy, and they tend to believe gender biases in favour of men.
This kind of mentality is hard to shake out, and it is damaging in both the short and the long run. Embracing your ‘feminine’ side is something that’s not only fun to do, but it also makes us human. Being feminine is not something to be ashamed of, or something to be demonized. The whole idea plays into the patriarchy. The ideology of ‘live and let live’ is very important in this aspect. We shouldn’t put down women just because of the way they dress. Many aspects of femininity help make us better people, and that is something we should celebrate.
We should no longer have to be apologetic or embarrassed for our femininity. We deserve to be respected for all our femaleness.
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heyitsbugette · 5 years
The Clique AU
Inspired by @unmaskedagain HBIC AU. I added some salt at first in my reblogs, but I can't be rude to them ideas and overwritte mines. Btw, i recommend HBIC AU and I will support, so... The Clique can be considered an HBIC's AU.
⨾ Prologue ─ 」
✦ Next.
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A rising star
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is so much more than a simple flower, she's the ultimate rose, the pink diamond.
She's always charismatic, and with her big talent she open herself bigger opportunities that expanded with the praise of Gabriel Agreste, the acceptance of Audrey Bourgeois and the attention of Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. The entire school knew that by common sense it was not an intelligent movement to be against the new queen, it was basic survival.
Well, well, well... It seems that not everyone took the message.
Bustier's class always saw the sweet and serene side of the young woman, not knowing that she with her wicked smile would lead them to their execution.
When they choose to cut the wrong ties, and claimed Lila as their new Everyday Ladybug.
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The birth of an alliance
The French-Chinese girl knew perfectly that to have total control over her empire she needed to expand. She learned a lot from her legacy as Ladybug, and she did so, she took under her mantle the strongest elements of the school, the predators.
First Chloe Bourgeois, the Mayor's daughter, the wealthiest girl in school and the one who can made things happen. Along with her as a pack, Sabrina Raincomprix; the loyal jewel worthy of her position.
Then Luka Couffaine. The most attractive young man in Paris, talented musician par excellence, a good guy who was fired from his own band by the lies told by a certain Italian. He is not stupid, he knew.
He saw red, and hurting by the betrayal of his own sister, he decided to make them pay...
Kagami Tsurugi and Felix Graham de Vanily entered the scene at the same time when decided to transfer. Them already tired of the passivity of Adrien Agreste, tired of his speeches of moral superiority, did not blink twice before joining forces with the alphas of the pack.
Marc Anciel later entered the game, much more confident and full of tricks to reveal. The naughty one.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg was sheltered by the squad once he redeemed himself, once he admitted that Lila's lies were pure garbage. when she claimed that the poor redhead had stolen her art by making him see as his own, a piece of art the poor boy was so proud ... And no one believed in him.
❛❛ And though Lila Rossi is great... She does not have this power. People literally cower, Lila can't do that. ❜❜
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The full crown
Marinette would not let herself be beaten, she is surrounded by strong, intelligent and capable people, she is full of connections and of course, she's not impressed when Adrien Agreste enters the game. The mean bitch knows that he is a child surrounded by beasts, he has no chance to fuck with the queen.
She is beautiful, fierce, she is Ladybug.
Luka was always genuinely kind, but he knows that the world will not work in his favor if he does not respect himself, Marinette taught him to give himself courage, to become a diamond in the rough.
Felix, Kagami and Chloe were always surrounded themselves with powerful, cold and ruthless people. They know well how to manipulate the masses and often make fun of Lila's pathetic attempts to social climb.
Sabrina is so much more, is the person of tender appearance that can genuinely destroy you. She is organized and lethal, very interested in crimology.
She studies criminal profiles and is interested in psychology, serving as a weapon in the squad so that shit will do not get out of control.
Marc is the demon dressed as an angel, a lovely mermaid who will drag his victim to his downfall if they dare to touch his friends.
Nathaniel was the most recent acquisition of the squad, the artist. Who with his works and his talent became a beautiful ruby ​​for the crown.
He knows how to imitate letters of his enemies, create false evidence to frame them, and at his disposal a great art material to prepare the show.
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❛❛ See us mark our territory, as I follow in her train. I was victim, I was quarry... Now I shake my mane. ❜❜
How can you outsmart the apex predator?
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vinylroadsjunction · 4 years
No Gem Roads: NSR (Part I) (updated)
If they were gems, NSR would be:
DJ Subatomic Supernova: Tektite or Galaxite
Tektites/ Galaxites aren’t mentioned or seen in SU, but I headcanon they could be astrology experts tasked with studying new planets to colonize, trace interstellar routes, and they operate widely in astronomy and/or other scientific fields
Tektites / Galaxites might as well be the Peridots’ superiors, but they generally feel smarter than everyone (and they won’t make you forget it).
Tektite come in black, green, brown or gray. DJ SS main color theme is blue, but the expanse of outer space technically is a black shade.
Tektite and Galaxite have speckles of shiny or white on the surface that look like stars, similarly to DJ SS’s orb head.
Tektite is a gem formed by natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impacts. If you consider the cracks on his helmet, DJ SS head is basically contained in a glass orb (you can even see the broken empty orb as a decoration in-game).
Tektite is also a gem of very small size, being millimeters to centimeters big. Which is pretty fitting for Subatomic Supernova in personality and name.
Needless to say… DJ SS gem location would be his own head. Alludes to intelligence and being full of himself.
Sayu: Akoya Pearl
As a pearl, Sayu is mainly crafted for servitude, with the exception that she was specifically made to be an entertainer instead of a secretary or a footman. She sings and dance on request, often during Diamonds’ balls or for the higher caste of gems in Homeworld.
As an Akoya pearl, Sayu is a step higher than common pearls in the gem hierarchy. Her personality also deviates from the more refined, subservient gems, being more bubbly and cheerful for appeal. She’s also granted a bit more freedom than most pearls.
Because she’s so popular in Homeworld, she has managers (sayu’s team) that help get her performances done.
Akoya pearls are made in Japan and are seawater pearls. Which is pretty fitting for a mermaid themed after a Japanese idol singer.
Akoya pearls come in different colors, among them white, pink, blue and black. They fit with Sayu’s natural color scheme (plus black for her ‘rave’ form).
The gem is located on her chest. She’s mainly driven by emotions.
Remi: Phlogopite
Gem is related to limit-breaking. In a way, there’s no limit to Remi’s imagination when he draws (as its shown in game while designing Sayu progressively stronger forms).
In this AU he’s be more of a manager/helper/roadie. He keeps things organized, instructs Sayu on performances and help set the stage for her concerts.
It’s very likely he and the rest of the Sayu crew are under orders of higher caste gems. Their job is get the performance done but it’s the higher caste gems who commission Sayu’s performances and make demand.
His gem is located on his forehead and he’s the “head” of operation, but he cooperates with the rest of the crew.
Tila: Strawberry Quartz
Gem is said to fill heart with love, awaken to true love and improve trust. It alludes to Tila’s loving personality, a trait she shares with Sayu.
When in-game she’s Sayu’s voice actress, here she’s more of a singing teacher and writes her songs. Sometimes she’s the backup singer.
Her gem is located on her throat, alluding to her pretty voice and singing talent.
Dodo: Benitoite
Gem symbolizes absorption of new information and knowledge, increasing survival. A more ‘accessory’ kind of stone, since he often carries accessories with him (uses a sword). He’s the ‘choreographer’ for Sayu and tasked with teaching her the dance moves.
he’d also be Sayu’s bodyguard and is the only one who can summon a sword weapon.
Gem is located on the back of his right palm.
Sofa: Cotswold stone
Cotswold stone is a sedimentary yellow colored rock. The name derives from the region of the same name in England, which is a popular sightseeing area. Sofa in-game is Sayu’s video editor, which is a visually inclined work.
Sofa would aid in the presentations for Sayu’s concerts.
His gem is located on his navel. He’s quite jolly and friendly.
 Yinu: Golden Coral / Golden Moonstone
Not as widely known as its red/pink versions, Golden Coral symbolizes success and prosperity. It’s a gemstone that gives the ‘talent’ necessary for winning a high position, which fits with Yinu’s ‘prodigy’ status.
Alluding to their fight in-game in which Yinu’s classical music is progressively taken over by her mother’s EDM, I headcanon that Golden corals are a step lower than the more commonly known, stronger Red/Pink corals and thus they answer to them. Luckily for Yinu, she has a much healthier daughter/mother relationship with her Red Coral.
As a Golden Moonstone, the gem helps deepen family ties, heal the wounds of the heart and the color is primarily whiteish-yellow, which fits with Yinu’s color scheme and hints her relationships with her parents.
Yinu’s gem is located over on her nose ( it would be the “middle leaf” of her facial marking).
Yinu’s Mother: Red coral
Sure, you won’t find red coral around a park like Natura since it’s, well… coral, but the red color and branch-like ramifications are very similar to Yinu’s mother’s sharpened hair during her game boss fight.
Red coral helps make work prosperous, guide people correctly (as a mother guides her children), grab a good match/passionate romance (hinting to her late husband) and coral is also used as an amulet for babies.
Red corals are often implemented as gardeners, but a small number can also perform and make music, often classical.
Her gem placement would be the back of her head. She’s attached to certain aspects of her past.
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