#battle of hogwarts centric
aftgficrec · 1 year
Do you have anything for settings outside of cannon?? Like au's or completely different universes
(Preferably neil centered but not exactly a necessity)
Ahhh there are many amazing AUs in our fandom, and of course a high percentage star Neil Josten. Generally, canon themes are still woven throughout the stories. Also check out AUs on our tags page where you can explore by theme. -A
a small sampling of AU themes:
single parent aus here
more band aus here
sitcom/romcom vibes here
long no exy aus here
new Hogwarts aus here
staff recs Mermay here
florist/tattoo artist andreil here
andreil enemies to lovers here
some Neil-centric AUs:
famous Neil (no exy) here
Neil as barista/waiter/bartender here
Neil with wings and lots of magic here
Oblivious ace-disaster Neil here
quirky Neil like ‘WUTBF’/‘Quicksand’ here
fics like ‘A Different Matter’ here
‘Neil’s Guide to Stalking Your Neighbor’ here
‘Dear Advice Guy’ here (complete)
‘The bittersweet between my teeth’ here
‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ here
‘Point Nemo’ here
‘still’ here
‘12 Ways to Woo a Minyard’ and ‘Deadly Affections’ here
Perennial by notyouranswer [Rated T, 11373 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil downloaded a dating app (at Matt's insistence) to make some friends, but accidentally rejected a stranger right in front of him. Mild chaos ensues leading to conversations over coffee and a walk in the park.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: bullying
Into The Deep by Fortheloveofexy [Rated E, 21435 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2023, Locked]
Part 1 of Tales From Foxhole Aquarium 
Neil Josten stares at the large building in front of him, his mouth twisted into a small frown. Yesterday, Browning had handed him a manila folder containing his new name, his new life. Included in that file had been a note, the same slightly crumpled note he’s holding in his hand now, with the name of his new employer. Foxhole Aquarium. Ask for David Wymack.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: animal abuse, tw: implied/referenced character death, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks
NB: fic art of merAndrew by @fortheloveofexy
Only Fools Fall. by Random2002 [Rated T, 19789 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2023]
Neil tests how faithful his clients partners are. Roland is a client; he's worried about his boyfriend. It isn't long until Neil notices some serious rifts in the relationship he is meant to test.
tw: child abuse
White Hands by doodlingstuff [Rated T, 23308 Words, Complete, May 2023]
Neil's life isn't exactly a life except for Stuart, trying to cheer him up, and his paintings, whenever he's inspired. Andrew's life isn't exactly a life except for his family and his volunteering work, keeping him afloat as the time goes by. When Andrew stumbles into Neil's life unwillingly, both will learn one day at a time that they still have reasons to fight and dreams to fulfill. --- Another take on Artist!Neil and Bartender!Andrew full of soft and fluff.
tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: heavily referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm 
If Neil, Then Fox by AlrightDarlin (WhoopsOK) [Rated T, 12838 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
Neil Josten’s machine warns him Aaron Minyard needs his help, but Neil isn’t prepared for the way Andrew Minyard is about to turn his life upside down.
tw: murder, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied character death, tw: drug use, tw: violence
Professor Neil series by HalfpintPeach [Rated G/T, Collection with 2 complete works, updated Feb 2023]
Part 1: Necessary Losses [T, 9783 Words, Complete, 2023] Neil's grad students invite their Exy-obsessed professor out to one of the most anticipated matches of the Exy Season, the Dallas Palms vs the Denver Yellowjackets. Neil is excited to join to watch his husband and one of his best friends battle it out on the Exy court.
Part 2: Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day [G, 3640 Words, Complete, 2022] Neil has one of the worst days and Andrew is able to make it a little bit better. Welcome to my Professor Neil and Professional Exy Player Andrew world! 
I'll be a Brand New Day by especiallythezefronposter [Rated T, 15519 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil meets a man who looks a lot like his least favorite teammate, Aaron Minyard, and it ends up changing his life. (A Winter Soldier AU, because this fandom deserves a Winter Soldier AU)
tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: gun violence, tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: nightmares
Unlucky Lies by Winterlynne_Norvic [Not Rated, 26365 Words. Complete, 2019]
Neil hates being a demon. Andrew hates Neil. Their lives are hell, but maybe with each other it doesn't have to be.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: temporary major character death, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: demonic possession, tw: bullying, tw: assault, tw: attempted rape, tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: car accident, tw: canonical character death, tw: eating disorders
Neighbours series by transjorts [Collection, Rated T, Complete, 2021]
Part 1: Cat Burglar [6393 Words, AFTG Exchange Spring 2021] Neil has settled into his quiet life in Palmetto with a job at Barnes and Noble and a friend called Matt. But someone was breaking into his apartment and stealing his stuffed animals. What kind of fuckery is this?
tw: implied/referenced child abuse 
Part 2: Foxes and Fruitcake [12819 Words] Neil dives deep into Minyard-Hemmick family drama, plays exy and eats fruitcake.
tw: involuntary outing 
You're different than the others by Kml19 [Rated M, 21024 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil works for the Moriyamas from inside the prisons as a guard, he doesn't think much about his own life, he is just glad that he is alive. That is until he meets a new prisoner that may change how he sees things.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: assault
NB: inspired by @requiemofkings’ artwork of prison guard Neil and inmate Andrew
Allurement by sundowne [Rated E, 20323 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2023]
"You think I would use my allurement on you?" "You're not?" - A vampire AU in which Neil needs a new goalie and Andrew needs someone to feed from, so they strike a deal.
tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Remember! Proplifting is Shoplifting! by Mystrana [Rated T, 3697 Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2022]
Neil works at the garden center. He hates his job. Andrew is an amateur gardener who enjoys tormenting garden center employees. Somehow, he makes Neil's job better.
If You Knew What I Know by interstellarflowers [Rated G, 12361 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil runs a relationship advice column, and Andrew is a skeptic.
Whiskey Sour by maqicien [Not Rated, 6,870 Words, Complete, 2022]
In which Neil is a bartender and Andrew is the crime lord that owns the bar.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: assault, tw: blood/gore, tw: murder
jellyroot and many other causes of catastrophy series by jeanmorexu (papencuts), papencuts [Rated M, Collection with 2 complete works, AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2019]
Part 1: (a comprehensive guide to princes and knights and how not to acquire jellyroot) [10959 Words] Neil is a young prince of Palmetta. When he was just a boy, he was saved by a mysterious kid from a thug. Neil isn't sure who he is, or why he did what he did. That is, until he sees him again and this time, he's going to get some answers.
tw: homophobia, tw: assault
Part 2: united under kingdom, and unto each other [​​2099 Words]
“Can you imagine what this would do the crown? Backwater boxing matches, associating with drunkards, and criminals… These bruises, Andrew, gods… People are going to think I beat you.” “No one is going to think that. It’s almost assumed that you like me to beat you.”
NB: knight and prince art prompt by @requiemofkings
CVS by anxietycorner [Rated G, 38689 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2023]
Neil had always worked the night shift alone. A co-worker couldn't hurt, right?
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: abuse, tw: child abuse, tw: torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: ptsd, tw: flashbacks, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: vomit, tw: alcohol, tw: bullying 
Dirtyhands Neil art by @prince-peachie
spiderman au art by @rainbowd00dles
tattoo artist!neil comic by @jordanshenessy here and here 
the little siren au art by @allfortheslay25, wip 1, pre render
jellyfish Neil au comic by @emry-stars-art, also here
pirate Neil art by @heymrstargazer
winged Neil art by @mistykaru here, here, here, here and here
escaped single father Jean with baby Neil art by @estavs
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ladiesofhpfest · 5 months
Friday Fic Recs
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After an unintended hiatus from fic recs between December and now, the Ladies of HP Fest is back with Friday Fic Recs! This week, all our recs come from our monthly mini in honor of Molly Weasley!
Fic Recs for Friday the 19th of January, including part of the summary from the author. Come join us on Discord for more!
Hands of Time by @charmsandtealeaves, G, 772 words. Summary; Almost eighteen years after losing her brothers in the first wizarding war with Voldemort, Molly Weasley makes the conscious choice to love and let go.
A Love Unbegotten by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. T, 604 words. Summary: Molly steps up to fight Bellatrix, only to fall apart when all is done and dusted.
Tears of a Gryffindor by @nena-96. G, 2066 words. Summary: Molly Weasley believes she’s not worthy of being a Gryffindor after the battle of Hogwarts. She doesn’t want to cry, but even the strongest Gryffindors cry.
The Beetle & the Bull by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. M, 567 words. Summary: Rita returns home with big news.
Woodland by QueenofStormySkies aka @pixiedustandpetrichor, G, 1063 words. Summary: Molly Prewett has always looked after her brothers.
Even Mother Hens have Ghosts by @clueless-anxious-ghost-of-hayhay. T, 1298 words. Summary: Molly faces the closet with the Boggart, prepared to face her fears. Little does she know what it'll become. And worse, how she'll react.
We Are Family by @snarkygranger1-blog. G, 1164 words. Summary: Molly pays Hermione and Fleur a visit and clears the air.
Loss and Love by @piximera-fic. G, 826 words. Summary; The news of the loss of her best friend made Molly realise she shouldn't waste more time.
We won, but at what cost? by @lucigoo. T, 1354 words. Summary: Molly looks at her empty table, a table that should have been full with all 7 of her children (8 with Harry) but now it's empty.
Lioness by @midnightstargazer. T, 1324 words. Summary: Everyone expected Molly Prewett to end up in Hufflepuff, but the Sorting Hat had other ideas.
A Little to the Left by @turanga4. T, 777 words. Summary: A possible explanation for how, exactly, Molly Weasley née Prewett went from no fighting whatsoever to, um, killing the strongest Dark witch in Britain within 30 seconds of her first joining the fray.
Thank you to all our authors who posted works for Bellatrix Black Lestrange and Molly Weasley day! Our next monthly mini is on 1 February, in honor of Fleur Delacour!
We would love to receive recs in the ask box or in the rec channel on our Discord server. Almost any fic that is female-centric is welcome (exception: fics that feature explicit underage sexual content). We look forward to sharing more recs with you!
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midnightstargazer · 2 months
I'm super excited for the @ladiesofhpfest, and I can't wait to share with what I've been working on with y'all! Here are some sneak peeks at what I've got planned for each theme:
Mothers and Daughters
There will hopefully be two fics, a (mostly) fluffy one about Astoria raising Scorpius and a very angsty one about Barty Crouch Jr.'s mother and her decision to take his place in Azkaban. The Mrs. Crouch one is still a WIP - I only got the idea a few days ago - but hopefully it will be ready in time.
Senior Sweethearts
Come join me in an AU where a few things go differently in DH and, as a result, Andromeda gets to grow old surrounded by her loved ones. Also featuring a very sweet friendship between Andromeda and Astoria.
Out and Proud
For last year's fest I broke Emmeline Vance's heart in a fic titled Midnight Rain. This year, she meets Hestia Jones and gets another chance at love and happiness.
Women of the House of Black
For this theme, I'm exploring one of my favorite headcanons: that Iola Black, who was disowned for marrying a Muggle several generations ago, was never forgotten by the women of the family, and her story was passed down as a cautionary tale.
Character Chic
A character sketch of Marietta Edgecombe. What sort of person is she? Why did she betray the D.A.? How does she move on with her life with broken trust, gaps in her memory, and a mistake she made at sixteen permanently scarred onto her face?
Marauders Era Misses
I've been promising an Emmeline-centric first war fic for a while, and it's finally on its way! Despite being a very background character in canon, she's someone I have a lot of headcanons about - and here, I'll be delving into aspects of her story that I've alluded to but didn't fully explore in other fics, especially Midnight Rain and To Have Loved and Lost.
Women of Color
An eighth year fic starring Padma Patil, who returns to Hogwarts after the battle to finish her education and figure out what comes next. How do you go back to your ordinary life after a year like the one she and her peers have just been through?
Rebels and Renegades
The fic version of this Tumblr post: Dorcas Meadowes and Marlene McKinnon as Riddle Era women who remember Voldemort from their school days and are among the first to join the Order of the Phoenix. This is still very much a WIP and will probably be the longest fic I write for the fest - but luckily, the theme isn't until August, so I've still got plenty of time!
Next Gen Girlies
This was actually the first one I wrote for this summer's fest, featuring Molly and Lucy Weasley. The two sisters are very different people, but they love and support each other nevertheless. It's also yet another excuse for me to delve into the topic of squibs, which apparently I just can't stay away from.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hello! Can I ask for any recs that are draco malfoy-centric and gen/romance not central to the plot? I dont know if this is too specific😅
Hi there! I don’t usually read Gen stuff but I do have some great Draco-centric fics to share. As you’ll see below I’ve recced multiple works by @blamebrampton and would strongly recommend checking her full catalogue!
The Pensieve Project by curiouslyfic (T, 7k)
Of the 116 Hogwarts students who took part in the final battle, only five are officially invited to the Ministry's first annual memorial. For everyone else, there's the Pensieve Project.
And Save Me From Bloody Men by blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
Tidings of Comfort by blamebrampton (G, 10k)
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. Luckily for Draco Malfoy, London has places where the tired can rest and recover.
All Roads Lead Home by @dracogotgame (G, 15k)
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
Little Red Courgette by blamebrampton (T, 31k)
When this season's purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 47k)
“Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.” “What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
A Young Radical's Guide to Love by blamebrampton (T, 66k)
Memories of the war are still fresh, which is all the excuse Decent People need to do appalling things. In this quietly waged conflict, Draco Malfoy is happy to be on the right side of things for once, and even happier to find he’s not alone.
There Is Always the Moon by @firethesound (T, 159k)
Draco's life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it's simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he'd worked so hard to build, there's only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time. (A remix of If the Sun Goes Black by pasdexcuses)
Bonus: two Harry pov fics you might enjoy:
Turn From Stone by harryromper (M, 45k)
Harry knows there’s nothing he can do to stop Hermione (war hero, historian, author of the reissued “Hogwarts: A History”) once she sets her mind to something. Even an extremely risky last-ditch effort to restore the ancient castle and lay its newest ghosts to rest. What he wasn’t counting on was her insistence that Draco Malfoy be part of the plan.
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered (G, 65k)
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations.
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inevitablestars · 22 days
HEY LINDS this is my Official Attempt to sway you towards perciver i hope you like it and that it doesnt turn you off them forever, now first off!
general relationship potential:
percy and oliver are in the same year and as far as we know they are the only boys in gryffindor in their year which makes them not only roommates but also the only boys in their room. for seven years.
percy is incredibly misunderstood by his whole family pretty much always, they all avoid him or are rude to him or just misunderstand him completely. with oliver's proximity its very likely hes the first person ever in percys life to properly observe him and understand him!!!
percy is the most career driven singleminded ambitious motherfucker in gryffindor.... second only to oliver!!! who is the most quidditch obsessed bitch on this planet and arguably has more solid career goals of anyone in that entire series. they are hyperfocused! they are girlbossing! they are not getting a wink of sleep bc they both get so lost in their work they forget what time is!
classic jock/nerd combo except oliver is a jock who is secretly a nerd (think of all the quidditch stats!!) and percy is a nerd who is secretly a jock (percy is a master spellcaster and nobody can convince me otherwise, that man fought multiple death eaters on his own at the battle of hogwarts and you do not get that kind of skill from just sitting behind a desk)
idk theres honestly a lot of directions one could take them but theyve just got so much chemistry and so much in common but also different and theyve got so much potential
(in my head they are the definition of autism/adhd solidarity but i know that not everyone hcs them that way which is cool too)
now for fic recs!!!
Twenty-nine - 85k - Endrina
percy weasley-centric fic that is honestly one of the most creative interpretations of him ive ever read, it goes deep into his past and his canonic decisions and stuff but theres a twist to it that is just gold, also its a whodunit where oliver's been framed for murder and only percy knows hes innocent its very very good and definitely played a huge part in me falling in love w percy's character
A New Life - 89k - AnotherAuthor, myroaringtwenties
percy and oliver meet post-war and help each other get their lives moving forward again, its very well written and very sweet but mind the tags its kinda heavy at points, it doesnt shy away from how hard the war was on everyone but the community that the weasleys and the quiddich players have is very warm and i love it
At least he has great abs - 12k - Irisen
this one is a cute shorter nonmagic soulmate au where oliver is a famous footballer and percy is a politician and they end up being soulmates, its very funny and light and i just enjoy it
(also i am technically writing a perciver fic rn its called Rely On Me and the first two chapters are up on ao3 but its my first fic attempt and i havent updated it all summer bc Life so pls dont feel obligated to read it i just felt like it would be weird if i didnt mention it)
anyway! i hope you enjoyed this if nothing else and if you read these or find other perciver fics or just wanna talk about em lmk bc i am always down to talk perciver i love them with my whole heart and soul <3
josephine hello. is this from literally ten months ago? perhaps it is. but i'm here now.... you mentioned perciver earlier and it reminded me that this has been sitting in my inbox for SO LONG
alright let's get into this
• iconic of them to be alone in a dorm for seven years together that already screams soulmates
• you're so right these two get their minds set on something and they're going to get it they're going to achieve whatever they want (tbh i already think they should put that energy toward like Getting Together but i distress)
• nerd jocks! a slay tbh
• i see the autism adhd thing i get it
• i also think like yeah i agree they have a lot in common when you dig into them but from one glance it's like ? these two? really? but then you see who they are at their core and it's like oh of course how could you think anything else (i have a lot of characters and dynamics that this sorta concept applies to i get it)
also love the inclusion of fic recs which i will check out when i am back to reading <3 consider myself convinced (it did not take much you already convinced me by just sending this ask)
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turanga4 · 9 months
hey! Can you rec me some good slice of life trio- centric friendship stories?
Hello hello!
I don't have an exhaustive list, at all, but here are a few....
Hogwarts years:`
Where There's a Will by aloneintherain is a sad, gorgeous, HILARIOUS look at the Golden Trio friendship over the years as Harry grapples with the burden of being the Boy Who Lived whose life is in peril.
Two I'd recommend from Floreat Castellum are Crocodile Heart and The Third Task.
Shameless self rec: Boggart is a Minor Canon Divergence that examines how the three of them relate to one another Harry's third year.
Orphanages by Floreat Castellum is a missing moment in the Tent that tugged at my heartstrings.
I adore how pebblysand represents Ron and Hermione in Castles although obviously there's more going on in that long fic than just Trio friendship.
Proof, by orphan_account: Harry-centric, but Hermione and Ron are very present as he grapples with what to do next, a year after the War.
All Your Seasick Sailors by copper_dust is a lovely little meditation set shortly after the battle.
Shameless self rec except SOME shame cuz whoa the head-hopping: my first foray into hp fan fic, After The War, is a hot mess in many ways, but there's much Trio representation.
Multiple timeframes: calamitous love and insurmountable grief by meliebee has some just jaw-droppingly good little trio moments and insights, especially in chapters one, three, and four. My perhaps absolute FAVORITE statement ever made about their dynamic is in this one:
Harry wakes from nightmares and the others may never know but Hermione and Ron do, will sit by him with shoulders pressed together, will know how his heart is made of mostly ghosts and will love him anyway.
Would love to see what others rec, too!
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tabbytabbytabby · 4 months
Staring Down My Two Halves In The Glass
Word Count: 8,274 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Harry Potter
Relationship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley & Percy Weasley
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Flashbacks, First Dates, Love Confessions, Breaking Up & Making Up, Battle of Hogwarts, Undercover, Percy Weasley Needs a Hug, Percy Weasley-centric, Secrets, Fred Weasley Lives, Minor Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley, Forgiveness, Mentioned Albus Dumbledore
Summary: Percy has a secret. One he can't speak about to anyone outside of a few people in order to keep those he cares about safe. But that secret costs him everything: his family, his friends, and the man he loves. Until one night he gets a letter and with it the way out he was looking for.
Read on AO3
For the Be Careful What You Wish For space for @badthingshappenbingo. Card under the cut.
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smilingformoney · 10 months
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Severus Snape has a habit of destroying all the good relationships in his life. But when one rears its head in the form of a child, he finds himself questioning the choices he’s making.
An OC story surrounding Snape’s daughter, and his complicated relationship with her mother.
Part I: Soul of Ice is completed and available on Ao3 and WattPad
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After four years studying abroad, Abigail Snape returns home to her family and discovers that no matter how far she goes, she'll always be her father's daughter.
An OC-centric story surrounding Snape, his wife and their three daughters five years after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Part II: Professor Snape II is in progress on Ao3
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Further reading:
One-shots following Severus and Persephone in their spy era are available on Ao3
Miscellaneous one-shots are available on Ao3
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Amortentia and Armistices
Amortentia and Armistices https://ift.tt/OBFze4a by AnGalley Eleven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger receives a letter from Brakebills University. Words: 1718, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Hermione Granger and the Quest for Time Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Magicians (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, George Weasley, 23rd Timeline Quentin Coldwater, 23rd Timeline Alice Quinn (The Magicians), 23rd Timeline Eliot Waugh, 23rd Timeline William "Penny" Adiyodi, 23rd Timeline Julia Wicker, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Ginny Weasley, Henry Fogg Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Quentin Coldwater Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Rewrite, Amortentia Potion (Harry Potter), Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Forced Relationship, Forced Marriage, Forced Pregnancy, Post-War, Time Skips, Canon-Typical Violence, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Harry Potter is Dead, Voldemort Dies (Harry Potter), Ilvermorny, MACUSA | Magical Congress of the United States of America, Immigration & Emigration, Love Potion/Spell, Mental Health Issues, Janus Thickey Ward (Harry Potter), voluntary institutionalization, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Divorced Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Past Brainwashing, Ron Weasley Bashing, POV Hermione Granger, Brakebills (The Magicians), Adult Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger-centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, No Smut, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Flawed Hermione Granger, Dark Hermione Granger via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/WYoidpD March 14, 2024 at 09:48AM
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evesaintyves · 2 years
If Lupin and Tonks had survived the battle do you think their relationship would’ve lasted
i love this question. this isn't something that gets much discussion within the remadora fandom.
i lean toward no. i think lupin and tonks would have had a very difficult time of it after the war for a lot of reasons.
it's hard to say exactly what the political/legal/social landscape would have looked like in the first few years after the battle of hogwarts, but i think it's reasonable to think that even if the legal status of werewolves changed immediately (doubtful), their position in society would be much slower to shift. (it's worth pointing out, because in lupin-centric fics it usually gets glossed over, that it makes sense to be afraid of werewolves! werewolves are dangerous!) so, after the war, lupin is likely still unemployable and kind of a pariah. it's likely that tonks will have lost friends over it, and would be treated differently at work and in any social spaces where people know who her husband is. probably also very difficult for lupin to participate in the public/social aspects of parenting, and school-age teddy is likely to see social fallout from this, too.
those things alone are a huge strain on a relationship, and then there's the fact that lupin is likely to continue agonizing and self-destructing over them. everything he feared their relationship would mean for tonks & teddy is still going to be true. lupin is deeply traumatized and has a ton of maladaptive behaviors toward other people that are clearly evident in canon (manipulativeness, dishonesty, keeping people at a distance, bottling his emotions - and this is the tip of the iceberg that's visible in the books, you can certainly extrapolate a lot more) and i think it's unrealistic to imagine that his epiphany in the last book changed all of this. dude needs therapy, probably a lot of it. being in a relationship with lupin would fucking suck.
meanwhile, tonks is quite young, and canon suggests she has idealistic views about love. she's experienced a huge amount of change in her society, her career and her personal life in a very short time, she's definitely traumatized as well, she's got a baby, she's probably the sole breadwinner, AND she's got all of lupin's issues—psychological and social and health and supernatural issues—to deal with. that is a LOT. sooner or later, once all the big feelings of a new relationship start to die down, staying together is going to be a ton of hard, ugly work for both of them. even healthy partnerships would struggle to survive stuff like this—and i don't think lupin and tonks' relationship seems particularly healthy.
divorce isn't really ever mentioned in hp canon, so who knows what options lupin and tonks would feel like they had, but if they did stay together i feel like they'd be in for some very unhappy times.
i should say, and i think this is evident in my work, that the doomedness of lupin and tonks' relationship is one of my favorite things about it. as much as i like them as characters and feel very real huge feelings about the way things went for them, i wouldn't change the fact that they died, nor do i really enjoy imagining a happy ending for them. the brevity and irony and cruelty and mistakes and regrets and wasted time, and the crater of grief they would have left in the lives of the people who loved them, are all part of what makes their little window of time together fascinating to explore.
that said, don't think it would have been such a tragedy if they made it through the war and broke up. especially if they could still amicably co-parent and move on with their lives. sometimes a relationship is beautiful and special and important and worthwhile, and then it runs its course and ends. most relationships are not lifelong relationships. i don't regret the time i spent with people i used to love, nor do i wish i'd stayed in the relationships that fell apart. sometimes people give each other a few years of love and joy and that's enough. remadora, as a story, is a great reminder to savor what you have, and make peace with the things you don't, because right now might be all there is for you.
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cyprus-green · 2 years
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Rated E: Smut, Violence, Mental Health
Relationships: Draco x Hermione, Neville x Luna, Harry x Ginny, Narcissa x Lucius
Tags: #Thriller #Mystery #Draco-centric #Enemies-to-lovers #Morally Grey Draco #Morally Grey Hermione #eventual smut #battle magic #Post-Azkaban Draco #light Ron-bashing #everyone has trauma #darkish fic #BAMF Draco #BAMF Hermione #minor character death (s)
Memento Mori-- Summary
During the Second Battle of Hogwarts, a violent and mysterious curse devastates both sides of the war. Voldermort is finally defeated, and the now zealous Order of the Phoenix stands victorious.
In a moment of rage and insubordination the Order kills nearly all the remaining Death Eaters left in the castle.
Nearly all.
Because Draco Malfoy? He's found barely alive in the rubble of Hogwarts. His hasty Wizengot trial quickly becomes an international spectacle.
Sentenced to Azkaban for 25 years, Draco is given an opportunity for a new life by a most unlikely source:
The girl he tormented as a child. The woman he's been harbouring feelings for, for years now. The Golden Girl, herself. Death Eaters' Bane. A perfect vision of The Angel of Death.
Hermione Jean Granger.
Get out of Azkaban in exchange for hunting down the most deadly Death Eaters, who ever lived? Help Hermione Granger avenge her parent's murder? Get a second chance at life?
If only it were that simple...
Cover Art by incomparable @mariyand-r
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Banner credit to @crazybutgoodand @fantalfart
Today's theme is NIGHT AND DAY.
First up is @elosieevans lovely exploration of eventful NIGHTs for a much-maligned character and a hopeful rarepair/trio!
Title: Facts, According to Percy Weasley Creator: EloiseEvans Subtheme: Night Rating: T Word count: 1,694 Giftee: @krethes Warnings/tags: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley, Marcus Flint/Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint, Bill Weasley (mentioned), Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Quidditch, Battle of Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter), Fred Weasley Lives, Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter), Quidditch Player Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley-centric, Gay Percy Weasley, Spy Percy Weasley, Minor Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley  Read it on AO3!
In opposition (and so attraction) we have @krethes considering DAY through daydreams (day-wet-dreams?) and soulmates!
Title: daydreaming into the night Creator: @krethes Sub-theme: Day Rating: E Word count: 14,131 Giftee: @elosieevans Warnings/tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Divorced Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley, Widower Draco Malfoy, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Wet Dream, Daydreaming, Excessive Drinking, Cigarettes, magic weed, Older Characters, Soulmates, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Background Ginny/Blaise/Pansy, Background Wolfstar, Some people are alive who canonically died don't come for me, POV Alternating Read it on AO3!
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ladiesofhpfest · 7 months
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It's time for Friday Fic Recs with the Ladies of HP Fest! Last week we didn't have any as we were celebrating our monthly mini for Minerva McGonagall - this week our rec list is a summary of all the fabulous fics we got for Minerva day!
Fic Recs for Friday the 8th of December, including part of the summary from the author. Come join us on Discord for more!
Back to the pavilion by @abihastastybeans. G, 1.2k words. Summary: A day in the life of Minerva McGonagall.
Hello Tabby by SnarkyGranger1. G, 204 words. Summary: Crookshanks introduces himself to Minerva's Tabby.
Minerva's Promises by @nena-96. G, 995 words. Summary: Thoroughout her life Minerva McGonagall had made many promises, and one broken promise.
De Aegypto by @squibstress. T, 1.3k words. Summary: Minerva takes a nighttime flight with an old love.
The Hogwarts Letter by @midnightstargazer. G, 974 words. Summary: More than twenty years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall finds herself faced with an unexpected task: delivering a Hogwarts letter to Dudley Dursley's oldest child.
Parables by @turanga4. G, 973 words. Summary: The evening post made her mother cry and she understood it right that instant. A handsome, stiff envelope, the color of a beach dune. On the back, a carmine seal like a spot of seeping blood. She knew in other families, it wouldn’t be like that. Minerva gets a letter on her eleventh birthday.
We have one more fic rec for Minerva, coming to you from an anon in our inbox!
7. Just a Random Tuesday by Twisted Biscuit. On FFN, K+, 58.5k words. Summary: A VERY long Tuesday in the life of Minerva McGonagall. With rampant Umbridgeitis, uncooperative Slytherins, Ministry interventions, an absent Dumbledore and a schoolwide shortage of Hot Cocoa, it’s a wonder she’s as nice as she is.
Thank you to all our authors who posted works for Minerva McGonagall day! Our next monthly mini is a week from today for Angelina Johnson!
We would love to receive recs in the ask box or in the rec channel on our Discord server. Almost any fic that is female-centric is welcome (exception: fics that feature explicit underage sexual content). We look forward to sharing more recs with you!
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saintsenara · 1 year
You are both hilarious and insightful, so…I’ve created a second edition of my ship ask:
Classic: Neville/Luna
Niche: Snape/Narcissa
Tastefully deranged: Voldemort/one of his horcruxes
Deranged: Umbridge/Filch
Crack: Fudge/Margret Thatcher, who canonically tried to throw him from a window (quite an enemies to lovers opener…)
thank you for the ask anon! these are amazingly deranged...
neville longbottom/luna lovegood
i have the toxic trait of really disliking fanon!luna. my girl is not a dreamily misunderstood clairvoyant, dispensing pearls of folksy wisdom. she's a conspiracy theorist.
which is to say, show me a neville/luna where they're both being sweet and taking edibles and talking about, idk, how plants are our friends, and it's a no.
show me neville returning to his pre-war awkward passivity and therefore unsure about what to do in the face of luna coming home with "evidence" that seed oils destroy the magical core and the battle of hogwarts was a hoax, and i'll tune in.
narcissa malfoy/severus snape
i sincerely think this is implied by canon - how do you know where he lives, eh, narcissa? - and that it's probably one of the better relationships either of them ever have. after all, they are aligned on how children should be raised [not as death eaters], what relationship to have with your in-laws [bella and wormtail, you are not wanted here], and what to do with a toxic boss [lie to his face]. all things that matter.
and let's be honest, lucius malfoy has selfish-in-bed vibes, but severus "i will sacrifice everything for even a crumb of your regard" snape? oh, he fucks.
lord voldemort/his horcruxes
this one obviously has several potential manifestations...
voldemort/the non-living objects the horcruxes are made from:
if you can find a way to fuck a tiara, full respect to you.
nagini's a lesbian, so she ignores all advances and flirts with the malfoys' peahens instead. importantly, she has only ever been a snake and the fantastic beasts films don't exist.
voldemort/the victims
i have a soft spot for the potential of tom riddle/myrtle warren, because i was also an annoying and dramatic teenage girl, and sometimes those girls should be allowed a little crush on the hottest boy in school at a treat.
tom riddle/tom riddle sr.? well, voldemort does have unbelievable daddy issues...
voldemort/hepzibah smith? only if he got a payrise for doing it.
voldemort/unknown locket and diadem murders? why not.
voldemort/lily potter? hot, but he was too busy simping for james [no he did not face you "like a man, straight backed and proud", he ran into the hall without a wand, flailed, and then died] to notice the potential.
voldemort/frank bryce? i'm not entirely sure that soul baby had the ability to fuck, but if there's anyone who knows enough magic to try...
tomcest should appeal to me - and frequently does - because if there's anyone who would consider the only suitable partner for himself to be - well - himself, it's lord voldemort.
i am someone who is quite critical of the default sexual dynamics in a lot of voldemort-centric slash [especially tomarrymort], which i often find to replicate a lot of heteronormative ideas about queer sex. voldemort is generally written as exclusively topping, largely - it seems - because many authors and readers equate taking that position with being in control of/more powerful than the bottom.
i prefer a dark lord who'll try anything, because enjoying getting railed doesn't make you any less capable of being a terrorist. and, luckily, there are lots of fics which feel the same way, and i've had lots of great conversations with other voldemort enjoyers about it.
but, one thing i think is worth being aware of is that a significant percentage of bottom!voldemort fics are tomcest, which - in my opinion - kind of defeats the point of saying that bottoming doesn't automatically require a relinquishing of power or a choice of passivity - obviously voldemort would be prepared to be passive with himself.
what i'd like to see more of is a voldemort who doesn't think the way he likes to get fucked reveals passivity at all, whether he's with himself or not, but atm i'm finding tomcest isn't entirely bringing it to me.
argus filch/dolores umbridge
i reckon this would be quite mutually fulfilling, actually. they do caretaker/headmistress role-play. i.e. their jobs.
cornelius fudge/margaret thatcher
fudge is elected in 1990, which means he gets to meet thatcher while she's on her way out, seeing betrayal around every corner. hurt/comfort for dayysssss.
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broomsticks · 1 year
women of the house of black rec list: gifts for me edition!
apparently i have a brand or smth
a rec list for @womenofthehouseofblack fest 🖤
double drabbles
💛 Narcissa/Minerva: yule never guess (how much you mean to me) [chapter 4: soft] by @nanneramma & nocturn 💛 Narcissa/Lily Evans Potter: Like Steam by nocturn ❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Andromeda: the simple lack of her by @fantasyborn ❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Tonks: Masks & Morsels by @vdoshu 
misc (poetry and art)
💚 Bellatrix/Charity Burbage: [ART] I am not the same as them. by @digthewriter 💛 Narcissa-centric: A flower amongst stars by @bluesundaycake 
longer reads
💛 Andromeda/Lily: don't wake the stars by @girl-with-goats 🧡 Andromeda-centric: The Waves by @nanneramma ❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Andromeda: Absinthe (and a candy apple) by spellingqueenbee ❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Rodolphus: Sweet, Glorious Madness by The_Shift ❤️‍🔥 Walburga/Orion: Hate, lead the way! by @black-sparroww ❤️‍🔥 Tonks/Sirius: Throwing Rocks by @black-sparroww
double drabbles
💛 Narcissa/Minerva: yule never guess (how much you mean to me) [chapter 4: soft] by @nanneramma & nocturn
what a wonderfully written yuletide reunion! the build, the atmosphere, the tension! masters of microfic formats at work here.
💛 Narcissa/Lily Evans Potter: Like Steam by nocturn
mmmm STEAMMMYY. hogwarts era secret relationship perfection.
❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Andromeda: the simple lack of her by @fantasyborn. She’s dressed for the occasion: ball gown and mask obscuring her features. She blends in. No one knows she’s here. She just – she needs to see Bella.
the desperation, the tension, the hurt! also, i'm still not over how perfect this title is. <3
❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Tonks: Masks & Morsels by @vdoshu 
“I’ve caught you again, my little morsel”: oh no i’m in danger dot gif. i requested regency au and wow did these two fics deliver!!
misc formats (poetry and art)
💚 Bellatrix/Charity Burbage: [ART] I am not the same as them. by @digthewriter
Charity/Bellatrix - who is at mercy of whom? -- OMG THIS PAIRING!
💛 Narcissa-centric: A flower amongst stars by @bluesundaycake
Narcissa comes to terms with being different -- beautiful imagery and lovely feelings-realization!
longer reads
💛 Andromeda/Lily: don't wake the stars by @girl-with-goats || 3k, T
a first wizarding war-ish battle of hogwarts au! i love all the little moments we get to see between the two of them, both in the present day and in flashbacks, and the there was only one bed setup was SO good.
🧡 Andromeda-centric: The Waves by @nanneramma || 3k, M
Go walk into your dawn, you snotrags, tell 'em we never cared Go tell 'em how we fucked you up and, oh my God, it's so unfair We were the winter nights so you could be the morning snow Your life begins by leaving and our love is shown in the letting go
i’ve said forever that the amazing devil’s Chords is the Bad ParentTM apologia fic i want to see exist if i thought for a second it wouldn't kill me to write, so, forever grateful to nan for writing this. tedromeda, druella & andromeda, andromeda & tonks... canon compliant from pre-marauders era to post-DH, what an incredible character study.
❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Andromeda: Absinthe (and a candy apple) by spellingqueenbee || 6k, E
December 1970. One of them is getting ready for war. One of them is preparing to leave her family behind. Neither of them knows that this is their last Christmas holiday together.
impeccable characterization, incredible prose! creepy and monstrous and terrifying and beautiful!
❤️‍🔥 Bellatrix/Rodolphus: Sweet, Glorious Madness by The_Shift || 2k, E
femdom bella 😈 this fic is primarily rodolphus/rabastan but there’s enough bellatrix here that i feel comfortable — compelled! — to rec it. love her in this so much!
❤️‍🔥 Walburga/Orion: Hate, lead the way! by @black-sparroww || 5k, E
firstly: some of the most amazing walburga art i’ve ever seen??? secondly: so much depth to the background relationships: kreacher and walburga, sirius and walburga, blood purity, gender roles... such a good story for such an complicated character.
❤️‍🔥 Tonks/Sirius: Throwing Rocks by @black-sparroww || 10k, E
Tonks has never been one to idly stand by and watch good people suffer in solitude. She pays Sirius an unexpected visit on her day off with the plan to make his time at Grimmauld Place a little easier.
trapped-in-grimmauld-place sirius is understandably broody, but this fic somehow manages to make it fun and so hot! tonks is an absolute delight, love their rapport, love me some german speaking blacks, and this extended smut scene is so good.
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fanfictionfangirl · 3 months
Slytherin!Dick and why it won't happen 😭
(from me)
I want to cry. Dick Grayson literally has all the traits, the charisma, the pride, leadership skills and loyal personality traits that Slytherin is literally one of the houses he should belong to (let's be really he could go for any of them). And since I haven't found a single Slytherin!Dick fic, I decided to write one on my own.
Since I've decided to throw the whole Batfam into this, and I've decided that Damian is the only one who wouldn't just replace Harry and rain chaos into the world, he's got the honor of being the same age.
Now, since this is supposed to be a Dick-centric fic, I have to go back in time, where it makes sense for him to join Hogwarts. Through a lot of researching shenanigans and rabbit holes, I've come to the conclusion that he would have started his first school year in 1977. ...do you know what also is in 1977? The First Wizarding War. Not only that, but Harry's parents and Snape are still at Hogwarts. Which, awkward, but more importantly, WE'RE IN THE LATER HALF OF THE FREAKING WAR!!!!! And that's no problem, really, outside of giving me fascinating material to work with, a very interesting environment and Hogwarts being canonically unattacked, this only has perks.
Except, this is a war about pure-blood supremacists. Specifically, Slytherin graduates are in an all-time frenzy about getting rid of everyone who isn't as genetically "perfect" as them, which is a moral battle that leads to most major decisions made during that time.
Do you also know what this means?
It means that Slytherin is a pool of bigotry right now.
And guess who really has something against discrimination?
Dick Grayson.
Do ALSO know what that means?
It means that even if Dick is a perfect Slytherin, right now, in this social climate, there is nothing he could possibly be other than a Gryffindor!!!!!! I DON'T WANT DICK TO BE A GRYFFINDOR, I LITERALLY MADE THIS FIC SO HE WOULD BE A SLYTHERIN, DAMNIT!!!!!! And I can't even change my timeline anymore (I really don't want to rearrange history, I'd have to fill the plot holes and I'm not interested) because I'm now invested in Dick living in the war era. Even if he's 11 and Damian isn't even born yet. I'm invested, I literally have Tim partially ready to go, and he's like 3 right now.
... welp, that was a rant. Honestly, I'm just upset that there's still not going to be a Slytherin!Dick fic. I mean, the moment Dick gets to be a Slytherin, he's the main protagonist, the light of the show, the center piece really. A sunshine charmer, good with words, a leader, smart, a Quidditch prodigy (because if he can fly, he's doing acrobatics up there) social goblin that patches people together and makes it work. Obviously, kid Dick has anger issues, his birth parents are dead, Bruce is on the other side of the continent, and he's once again living with entirely unfamiliar people. Dear reader, this story writes itself. Give this a friction of plot and it's running on its own. Which is what I would love to read and write. That is, if there wasn't this FREAKING WAR. I love this war, but damnit does the social climate divide everyone from the Slytherins. Which would be fine, but I repeat, they're bigots! There's no way that the sorting hat would look at what is right now a radical supremacist environment and put in an eager and determined equality fighter. That would be like throwing oil into a fire. The explosion would never be worth it. So, Dick would end up in Gryffindor (freaking Gryffindor! Listen, I'm prejudiced and as such have something against Gryffindors) because I don't believe in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw Dick, and as part of an overeager house, he accidentally drags an army of friends with him. Which wouldn't be bad if I had any idea on what to do with them.
Either way, I'm now left with discovering what the frick I want to do with this. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm so open to it.
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