#bbg how do you think he learned to play?
wanton-votaress · 5 months
I think I’m succumbing to that trashy teen girl trope of wanting to date a guy in a band. The catch is instead of playing bad rock, all their gigs are at renfaires
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4-leaf-cloverr · 1 year
Hejsjirrijdjdisjdjddj I really liked the fic dw! I’m really bored rn so I’m requesting something else 😭 can I please have pjsk boys x reader who loves video games and is really good at them? Tysm for answering my other one and only so this if you really want to <3
Omg I'm an epic gamer myself (the only games I play are stupid roblox obbies, mobile games with a shit ton of ads and project sekai) so I should be able to do this >:)
PJSK boys with a s/o that's good at video games!
《◇ AKITO ◇》
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☆-> he's pretty surprised at your epic gamer skills
☆-> attempts to learn how to play whatever game is your favorite and plays against you
☆-> will probably buy you some merch of your favorite video game (unless it's a stupid mobile game like spiral roll or something 💀)
☆-> he tries not to rage when losing a game for you
《♤ RUI ♤》
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☆-> he enjoys watching you play through the entire game
☆-> pulling all nighters to complete a game with him; he's your butler and gets you food/drinks as you beat each level
☆-> he's a bitch: he'll tease you and make you lose your concentration sometimes when you're playing
《♡ TOYA ♡》
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☆-> he plays with you sometimes! He's also pretty good at video games so its great to have someone who plays at around your level
☆-> "bbg do you want to put your minecraft bed next to mine 🥺🥺🥺" "Y/N what the fuck-"
☆-> if you like playing strategy games, you'll probably get obliterated by Toya tho, he's the best at those😦
《☆ TSUKASA ���》
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☆-> "HAHAHA! Trust me, I can play this game easily!" he dies in the first few seconds of playing and blames it on the controls
☆-> yea he sucks at video games, but his confidence is wayyyy too high to actually make him think that he sucks
☆-> he's your biggest cheerleader when you're trying to speedrun a game but his screaming sometimes ruins it
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crabonfire · 2 years
unsure if it’s been done before, or if you’re comfortable with it, but mercs as parents ? :]
the way I gasped when I saw this bcs omg yes!!!! mercs as parents babeyyy B)
Mercs as parents!
characters: all mercs!!
warning: none!! some are a tiny bit sad but still hapy
NOTE!!! sorry this is very...long overdue. when exams came out I just got writers block, I had to focus on exams...thank god they are ending in a couple days GAHSHHDHDHFHF
also some are shorter than others...m very sorry bbg :(
• aw
• I don't know this is honestly really cute
• he has some... Doubts. Like any parents do, but seeing the happiness on your face and your child(ren) s face whenever you talk to him? that makes all the worry go away baby.
• such a good dad. he smothers them with love and affection, definitely pretends to be santa claus on Christmas (if you celebrate it) and teaches those kids to be tough.
• DEFINITELY takes them out to play baseball. your kids are baseball fans take it or leave it.
• I really don't have much to say other than the fact he'd be a great dad, I think this will teach him a lot about himself and make him a better person, I love dad scout.
• I feel like he'd be a bit too aggressive on the child(ren) at first, not understanding how fragile they can be until he really sees them.
• he's much more gentle and quiet around them, trying his best not to scare them.
• I think he has some gender role problems to deal with, so talk through it with him.
• but anyways, he's a great dad honestly. he cradles them and plays with them everyday, making sure that they are always happy.
• he may not understand much of a child's need or their limits, and you two may fight about that. But understand that he will definitely learn, give him time, he is trying his best.
• he's not good at comforting, but he's great at pep talks and hyping his kids up!!!
• he teaches them to be brave and strong, telling them stories from when he was in war. Its all fake, but who cares honestly.
• overall decent dad, just needs to change some of his habits.
• Super understanding parent.
• I feel like he went through a ton as a child, explaining why he acts childish sometimes, so I think he's be a very understanding parent when it comes to his kids.
• very patient, and fun!!
• I bet for a fact that the kids love him, spoils them a shit ton.
• he loves to draw with them, putting their drawings up in your shared bedroom so he can admire them when he wakes up.
• he's a bit doubtful of his ability to parent, he thinks he's a bit too unprepared. But as long as your here, he's not too worried.
gosh I love pyro
• this guy was SO PUMPED when you two decided to have kids
• but oh boy is he anxious.
• he will not drink ever around them.
• he's quite sweet to his kids, calling them lad or lassie, along with cute ass nicknames because he just loves them so much.
• loves to hug them and carry them whenever you go out, piggy back rides, princess carry, whatever it is, he loves it.
• he likes to mess around with them a lot, and probably the type of dad to go with their kids dumb ideas even though they might go horribly wrong or are just stupid.
• he loves his family. does he think he's a bad parent sometimes? Yeah, but every parent does. You just give him a hug and he'll forget all about it.
my man fr!
• i love misha :( my big mercenary man misha:((( I love him sm....
• gosh I'm smiling as I'm typing this ok
• he's the best dad ever.
• he's strict, of course he is. but you've seen this man in the comics, he knows when to let loose.
• he cooks for them everyday, making them school lunches, teaches them Russian, and teaches them to defend themselves if it needed to be done.
• he's also so sweet, and he tells you and his kids he loves them everyday. Heavy is not embarrassed, why should there be a need to be embarrassed? He loves you guys.
• he loves to read them stories before bed, and he loves to give them bear hugs and carry them.
• when the kid(s) saw him, he was scared that the kid(s) would be scared of him. But when they hugged him and gave him a bright smile, he melted into a puddle and chuckled, giving them a forehead kiss.
is the reason I love heavy because my dad left me for 7 years of my life and even as he came back he still didn't give me affection till this very day? maybe. but we'll never truly know.
• Hshdhdhjfjfjfj men. I LOVE. MEN.
• ueeuueue....ue...:(...ueue,,,uee!!! ;(((
• so...so sweet. MAN.
• calls them all sorts of nicknames.
• this man has never had any doubt in his life.
• he will kiss, hug, carry, cradle, comfort, just smother them with so so much love.
• makes inventions for them, and if any of them are ever interested in engineering his heart will explode due to happiness.
• he spoils those mfs so much you gotta tell him off sometimes. He's honestly so sweet it hurts.
• he will take so many pictures, and have them on both a physical album, and one he keeps in a camera he made himself. So that incase one is lost, he still has the other.
• I...I don't know man. He's the perfect dad. I genuinely don't know what else to write.
engie..kiss me challenge? UM...sir why do you as a man have cute lips? for me to kiss them? whore
• hell nah.
• he probably just wants one kid, he thinks more than one is a mistake LMAOOOO
• he's not very affectionate, not that he doesn't want to be, but he's scared to overwhelm the child.
• overall tho, he's actually quite sweet.
• he'll leave the affection up to you, but of course he will spend time with the kid...its his kid too after all 💀
• he likes to call them nicknames too, and likes to ruffle their hair a lot.
• probably will only bond with their kid over scientific stuff or whatever the kids into, he has to tone down the insanity a bit, but they are sweet together. The kids a bit messed up like he is to be honest, and he finds that endearing.
"Papa look!! I drew an anatomically accurate heart! Do you like it?"
"Oh mein gott, zhis is quite beautiful! The detail... Amazing work mein schatz :) ruffles their hair "
• he doesn't understand or relate to children much, but he tries, he really does. He will spend days trying to find a solution to make your child feel better if they were ever sad. He's a good dad, and he will try to be the best if he can.
aww he's so baby girl
• aw baby girl
• definitely has a lot of doubts, but he's happy.
• like medic, probably just wants one kid.
• if it was a girl he'd definitely call them "daddy's little girl"
• he's always smiling around them, they just make him so happy.
• he's honestly struggling every day, having to ask you for comfort or advice on if he's doing it right. Doing what right you ask? Parenting.
• but just be there with him through it all, he's a great dad just anxious.
• he talks to his kid about how to survive in the wild, showing them his collection of cool yet a bit weird stuff from his past work experiences. Some are a bit...too weird. Remind him to not show the kid the animal eyes he has in a jar from that one time he fought off a radioactive iguana.
• him and the kid get along pretty well, to be honest...he's starting to change his mind about only having one kid.
• sobs
• he doesn't want to...at first.
• well,,,he doesn't want to mess up like he did before. How he left scout, left his past behind, he doesn't want to do that to you because of his cowardness.
• but in the end, he loves you, and he loves the child, so he will try his best.
• he's a great father, have you seen him in that one Christmas comic?
• he will smother that child with love and gifts, and will train them to be kind at a young age.
• he's still extremely doubtful of his ability, but just comfort him. he's doing great, he just can't seem to understand that right now.
• but he's sweet, he loves them, and you, and isn't embarrassed to admit it (like misha!!!)
• he's a bit distant from the child at first, but as time goes by it'll all be fine. he doesn't want to hurt his child, not again.
sobs. Great dad, major issues.
YAY!! sorry I haven't written in months,,exams.
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glowingmin · 5 months
analyzing the adjuration ravio board
i unfortunately have an abysmal zoom so i've Enhanced the writing for bits I couldn't quite read but anyways LETS GET INTO IT. WITNESS THE ANALYSIS FROM AN IDIOT WHO BASICALLY ONLY KNOWS THE LORE OF FOUR SWORDS.
@not-freyja hi i hope you like this insane loveletter to adjuration (idk how else to. share it. yay)
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alright starting off with the timeline and all the looping fuckeries (motherfucker got more arrows than an ikea checkout lane)
time is scratched out and replaced with sapling. because of the war of eras? nickname yipee?
the music notes linking time to wind must refer to how the song of time sent time back and left that timeline w/o the hero's spirit
the triforce linking legend to time has to mean something but my minimal zelda lore knowledge is leaving me to die. ik its the downfall timeline, so is it a reference to how the triforce got Fucked Up by pig man? did it get messed up??? never actually played cards meaning to learn /reference
there's so many scribblies around hyrule (i love the hearts on the 'i's its adorable). hyrule found the book and thats why he gets loops?
[ hi revision glowmin here. had a thought: what if there's multiple timelines that branch out from when rulie first used the book. what if the first visit wasn't legend. how many fractured timelines could that one event have caused ]
from chapter 49: “So this entire situation is Rulie’s fault?” Twilight’s side moves as he talks and Hyrule leans away from him, falling into Wind instead." haha no don't dump all the fault on hyrule you're so sexy aha /reference
'dink does something fucky' has me cackling. is wild's existence caused by dink? three question marks, 3 parts of the triforce, mmmm that is cooking?? or could just be irony
that line also points to rulie again so i Think this has something to do with. the blood curse. that i only know about from fanfiction.
ALSO THE LINE CONNECTING RULIE TO WARS!! IS SCRATCHED OUT!! (also from chapter 49: "Dead, lightning bug,” Ravio soothes. “He’s dead, you killed him.”)
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who's dink is it anyways
the line about four's shadow has me. okay listen i don't remember the chapter but i KNOW there was a line abt the yiga talking about a small town forge. is that four's home from minish cap.
bc back when they met ravio the first (? i forgor) time, ravio told four to remind him about some dark magic (??) book. i thought this would be to revive shadow. is it. is it to revive red instead??
i am not okay abt red death
okay back to the flowchart: shit they haven't been to skyloft yet. i did not realize that until now
'palace' you mean the fucking TONGS FOUR SWORD PALACE??
the line drawn to the underlined dark link beneath time: 'hylia said "mouth of the river". i think this could either be time or sky. time bc he breaks the timeline into 3, sky bc he literally got cursed for being too cool
rulie: i am going to fucking SCREAM. the line from cia to rulie has 'why' written next to it and that's what i wanna know!! 'not safe' is in a fucking box!! underlined question marks!! ravio bbg please.
oh and 3 x's but idk if thats more triforce analogy or just. there to be There
recycled ganon had me cackle. inconsistent dates tho,,, is that like. linking up to why they're going in reverse in wild's time? bc twilight is the direct predecessor iirc???
wind: i cannot read what it says next to dead. looks like,,, 'masko' maybe? evidence of there being a dark: i have not beaten wind waker yet but I HAVE got the master sword. is the time lock shenanigan at the bottom of the ocean dink's fault or the master sword's fault.
i know like 2 things from hyrule warriors: traitors are cringe and cia apparently is creepy. thats probs why talking about dark versions of him is 'personal'. i wonder what 'safe' means in this context; safe to visit? safe to rule out? shaking ravio like a paper bag.
wild drives ravio to apple juice alcoholism more at 11. it is personal is underlined. is it wild's dark? rulie's dark? why are they going backwards? are they going to show up in wild's hyrule for when he DIES because they're going backwards? bro what is up with kyle.
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the visits lets fucking go
revision glowmin again. We’re not at visit 9. I have no clue why I thought we were there. Migraines are shit.
visits 2 and 3 being about shadow and red. dont look at me i'm crying | visits 2 and 3 are in the same order both for ravio and the links. hmmmmm that's Odd
visit 6 'got em' what did you get ravio. huh?? you silly merchant man what did you get??? it certainly wasn't bitches
this is the part of the lore board that i actually fucking. bro the circles this is running me through is insane. like how do i even analyze this its making my headache die so we're just gonna spitball.
it. kind of goes in reverse? not really but kinda?? visit 9 is first for all the links, but last for ravio. is this linked to wild's visits being in reverse?
if it ends at 9 i'm gonna throw a sock at my wall
for visit 5 on ravio's side it looks like it says pregnant. ik it doesn't but i cannot make out what it is
[ revision glowmin here again. its research. why did i think it said pregnant. that has literally nothing to do with the fic. ]
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crying begins because i can barely ready any of this so bear with me here (BEAR WITH ME!!)
the first like. act of the fic summarized in 1 easy (/s /lh) flowchart. they see the what? rooms? runes? ruins? rains? god i'm illiterate
starting panic for the Dark. singular. i forgor how/if they figured out it was just one.
ravio crossing out where wild should be in the timeline is sending me. i think he's got shit from all 3 timelines in his hyrule (yadda yadda A GAME THEORY) so that would explain why they all just cross each other out.
'wind said shit' that's a good observation. is this as in he said STUFF or as in he cursed and actually said the shit word. important distinction. maybe Wind says something in the war of eras??
the question mark between cia and rulie. is that dink. whats up with the question marks after hyrule. does that imply that it fucking disappears at some point?? or do they just not know
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the part where i think ravio's mental state went wewewewewewewwoowowwowow
'evil god hylia?' the Potential though. i don't think its gonna happen but man that'd be a twist. how do you stop the reincarnation of your lover's soul: fucking kill all of them
'evil blink' is that. vaati?? nvm it says evil link i'm illiterate again oopsies!! now we know how ravio came up with dink. cooked
'inconsistent travel more than one person in control' yeah fucking kohga is in on this. drag him ravio
'resurrected monsters by blood curse/blessing' is this related to hyrule's blood curse. i don't think dink wants to revive ganon so what does he need the blood for. is he wanting to ascend to godhood?? vague sputtering sounds
one timeline makes sense when we hear abt why ravio didn't tell everyone about red's death. still sad but that line paired with 'so we keep going forward [...] no counting on do-overs [...] one step at a time [...] together [...] or not at all' really hits home.
this took 3 hours but yeah i'm Normal about this
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walpu · 3 months
Aventuriene is one of my favorite character and a favorite make character. Honestly, I'm not a fan of male HSR characters. I love Luka, but now Aventuriene scored him higher. Blade and Dan Heng are interesting but I don't super love them, I do like em though. At first I dislike Dr. Ratio becouse he seemed to me judgemental, but then I realise I misunderstood him and Penecony even made me love his character. I know that's lots of fans Sino for Jung Yuan and Sunday, but in my opinion they are to overted and I think their design is boring.
Now here is what I love about Aventuriene. At first, I liked his design but I was also neutral to him. I wasn't fan of his personality but after watching the play troughs (since I'm taking a break from playing the game) I changed my mind. I like how realistically Aventuriene is written. I realize that there still others HSR characters written realistically, but honestly Aventuriene is the male character that is written like a real person, and not just as fan service. Of course that's is my personal opinion and I understand if you have the different one.
I genuinely think that Aventurine is probably the best written character in hsr. Since 2.0 it was pretty obvious hoyo handles his character well, the leaks only confirmed it, but holy shit, they did so good in 2.1. They managed to deliver his story and make him sympathetic but without overdoing it to the point when it feels like a tearjerker. Like, you look at him and think "yes, it's a very realistic trauma response. yes, he has a lot of conflicted feelings about pretty much everything, from his religion to his own life and I would probably feel like that too". Honestly I'm so happy Shaoji was the main writer for Penacony arc even if he caused me a lot of stress lmao
I remember the first time I saw Aventurine's design I thought he looks cool. I also remember me and my friend joking that he looks like he's Reigen Arataka coded. I named him mr scammer and all that 💀 People make mistakes okay. Then I learned he's from the IPC and said yeah you lost me here I don't fuck with capitalists. Then the whole "slave" tattoo discussion started and he caught my attention again, then the 2.0 happened and well.
I like the rest of the male cast too tho and for a very long time Gepard was my favorite, so I didn't plan on pulling for Aven since I already have a blonde preservation bbg. Well, things change 💀 I get yiu about Ratio, I wanted to punch him the first time I saw him but like. Affectionately. He was funny af to me. I like the way they handle his character so far tho and I honestly have a lot of thoughts about his arc.
I think the thing with a lot of hsr characters, both male and female, is that we didn't have enough time with them yet. Which is not a bad thing since the story has basically just begun. It may be more noticeable for the male characters since its fewer of them tho. Plus the Lofu storyline was a bit messy in general tbh, I hope they'll handle it better in the future. Since we now have the POV switch mechanic, there are a lot of great opportunities to let us understand the characters better.
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justiceformeplease · 1 year
iiif youre not too busy could u do some daron malakian x male reader hcs :? I don't really have anything specific in mind, I'm just so content starved of this man 🙏🙏🙏 tysm and have fun writinggg
Im so sorry if this is a bit late like 2-3 days bc i ended up forgetting about it I'm so sorry 😭😭 and I'm sorry if this is shit and not up to your standards but I'm trying my best 🩵🩵ALSO ALSO I'm sorry if this isn't much but i tried as best as i could and if you don't like it or maybe even would like something else don't be afraid to ask i am open to like ideas??thoughts but ye
Ok first i feel like Daron would defo try teaching you guitar if you can't play. AND IT MAKES ME THINK OF THAT ONE VIDEO ON TIKTOK, where there is this couple and the guy is wearing the guitar while the other dude is behind him and playing (if that even makes sense 💀💀
If you can play guitar you two would probably play together and stuff or if you play another instrument you would teach him how to play it
Before you guys started dating (or just super good friends or even when dating hahshshs) he would cancel any plans just so he can see you even if it's just for a few hours
You guys would be at a cafe and you would be talking while he just looks at you with the look of pure love and just HDJYBAIAXHSKNYK
The moment he sees or notices you're upset he drops whatever the hell he is doing to come and comfort you and give you words of affirmation
I feel like he would hug you alot (if you like physical touch) and he'd give you kisses on the cheek as well if he were to leave to go somewhere
Ok another thing about physical touch, if he were to leave for a long time to go perform at a concert and you can't tag along well the night before he leaves you guys would cuddle so much and just never leave each others side the whole day
But if you can tag along he almost never leaves your side and drags you along to wherever he is going when he is backstage but when on stage you watch at the side supporting him and during the concert he would look at the side of the stage to try and find you AND WITH HIS PUPPY DOG EYES LIKE AHHH (I'm dearly sorry I'm just trying to feed into your and my delusions 😔)
He would 100% write a song specially made just for you
Probably would go on like alot of adventures with you maybe like going to visit cool places, taking walks along beautiful hills
This take me to another point i feel like on dates he would go like to the arcade, coffee shop or even like perhaps on a field, but obviously maybe once in a while would take you to a nice restaurant
Would love learning about your culture and teaching you his (bc who wouldn't love that 🤷🏻‍♂️)
Did I mention words of affirmation ? .ok ye i did but like still
Loves you so much and he says it any chance he gets to
Also here is a pic of bbg Daron
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nightfallsolace · 2 years
Hi can you do Andrew, Luca and Mike reacting to their s/o being a drummer and they play heavy metal songs?
MUAHAHAHA I've been getting so many requests, it's absolutely amazing, I've now learned and researched on e v e r y idv characters including backstory, lore, and facts, so ask away!! <33
THIS IS LONG sorry i got carried away, i love them sm,
TW!! Cursing 
Identity V Characters reacting to their s/o being a drummer that plays heavy metal songs
Andrew Kriess
-OK SO LIKE, i think Andrew would be the type of guy who listens to calming music, like lo-fi or ambient music, 
-he never really considered listening to heavy metal, he had heard of the name, but never actually its song,
-that is until, you somehow managed to have a whole fucking drum set in match, 
-it was LOUD, you had played War Ensemble by slayer,
-Andrew had been shocked by the sudden volume of the music which made him mess up a calibration, but it was fine since you still had the hunter stunned
-You guys ended up in a 4 man win
-what you had did in the match spread like wild fire among the survivors and hunters
-AND HOLY FUCK did you become the center of attention, mostly about the whole drum thing, on how it was even logically possible, but others asked on the music,
-You spend the entire rest of the day explaining to everyone on how you had done such an act
-(Don't you dare ask me for an explanation on how I don't know either its just game logic)
-After all of it you were e x s a u s t h e d so you went over to the kitchen to make yourself a strong black coffee with extra sugar, and went outside in the garden,
-you found Andrew there sitting on a bench by the flowers, and you approached him,
-The two of you sat in an comfortable silence, until you decided to initiated a conversation that is, 
-you had asked him about what he did, and the details about him, he was hesitant to answer at first, but slowly began to open up,
-poor bbg thought you were going to call him weird for his profession and looks so he was hesitant to say so :((
-but did you? fuck no, you already thought his fit was rad as fuck and knowing about what his profession is made it even better,
-”Seriously? that's literally so cool!! tell me more”
-he was blushing, his reaction is absolutely adorable <33 the only other person he would talk with these things about were Aesop, so he was glad to have someone else who didn't judge him for it
-Gosh darn i lave this man so much 
-In the end of such things a strong friendship bloomed between you two, Andrew had also taken a liking to heavy metal, and you had thought him how to play the guitar, and the two of you would preform songs together, (in private, he’s still shy <33) 
Luca Balsa
-You see, i see this man being into rock and heavy metal, so instant vibing,
-He was downed in a match and was about to get ballooned when you started playing
-You were halfway through the song when you noticed that Luca was still there,
-you changed one of the lyrics to "run" and glanced at Luca, hoping he would,
-and thankfully he did, he ran away just as you had finished your song, and it was down to the last chiper,
-you had lost the hunter, and all the chipers were done,
-you were at the back of the map so you sprinted towards the exit, hoping that everyone had already escaped,
-but much to your dismay, you found luca being chased by the hunter,
-you swerved the hunters attention away from luca and towards you,
-you saw luca still wasnt running, why the fuck was he not sprinting towards the exit like any normal person would? Yeah sure you might might get chaired but you still could escape trough the dungeon, even if the chances are slim, there was still a chance
-instead, he grabbed you hand and schoked the hunter before wooshing towards the exit
-the two of you escaoed levaing a raging hunter behind
-after the match you wanted to confront the prisoner on why he didnt run, but he got to you first
-you had explained to him how you manage to have such a large instrument conclude, the mechanics, and how it was made, (NO ONE ASK ME HOW)
-He was fascinated by how it worked, noting down each and every detail on it,
-after explaining about your instrument, he had asked about what genre of music it was, and everything about it, which you happily answered,
-you told him everything from the music, how its classified as "heavy metal" the style, the history, the famous singers and bands, everything
-by the end of it all, he was in-love (with what exactly? ;)))
-Achievement Unlocked: Rookie Recruiter
-Punk Luca omg <33 (drawing this)
-Trough the power of Monster energy drinks and ear-raping music, the two of you formed a strong bond
-and sexual tension
Mike Morton
-He was walking past your room when he heard music playing
-curious, he peeked over the crack of the door, slowly opening it to get a better view,
-he stayed there the whole time listening
-when you finnaly finished you screamed with joy, you had been practicing that song for so long, and yoy finally perfected it,
-you trew your stuff around screaming with joy,
-clapping came from you door, and you looked to see the acrobat, Mike Morton standing there
-you shrieked out of suprise “WHY THE FUCK— HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE???”
-He laughed and told you he had been there the whole time,
-your face flushed, “what if i messed up?? Didnt you think about that??
-He simply smiled and said ok, before asking if he gould go in
-you groaned in respond and answered yes,
-hear me out, despit mike being in a circus with all the boisterous music, I think he would enjoy music like, Orchestras and symphonies, but he would be open to other types of music
-he had mostlikely heard rumors abou the “magic drum set” but never reaaly saw it in person
-when he did doe he tought it was some magic trick, like the ones they did in the circus,
-but after the match you had explained it wasnt
-whenever your practicing or making a new song he would be there and listen, making comments and a pick up line evey now and then which would make you mess up
-dont get mad hes just having a bit of fun <33
-he wants to hear everything you play,
-i know i said he'd probably be into like, mozart or some shit but i genuinely think he would experiment with what music he listents to alot,
-if we were talking about a mordern mike he would be on discover weekly on spotify for new songs
-he would in my mind, do tricks to the music, idk why i think i do, i just do,
-helps you alot,
-might be into the aesthetic its a 50/50 chance
-but still, punk mike idk i like it
-you guys would most likely be causualy friends,
-hey maybe even more than that
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nian-7 · 7 months
hehehehe hiii yugeenn, I’m doing the thingg LMAO
anyways I’d like a matchup with Hypmic, (both romantic and platonic) ProSekai (platonic only) and honkai star rail (both romantic and platonic)
You already know my personality bbg.
I’m kidding here♡
nickname - mon!!
Zodiac - Aquarius
Character gender doesn’t matter bbg !!
-jewelry making (more just bracelets)
-collecting things ( lil Sanrio blind box figures :], manga, just anything that I like i wanna collect )
-anything cute
-Horror games
-jirai kei fashion
-the unknown
-how overly paranoid I am.
-hearing ppl eat with their mouths open
-ppl tapping their fingers.
Usually just kinda quiet if I’m by myself and even sometimes with friends, usually pretty paranoid, sleepy. I kinda struggle to express myself. sometimes I get kinda loud when I’m having fun with my friends
enjoy, mon!! i hope you like it!
I match you with... (platonically)
Jyushi Aimono!
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-Jyushi would be the perfect friend for you to have. He doesn't mind whether you're quiet or loud around him, just as long as you're a genuinely good friend of his, he will cherish you!
-Although he does have a different style than you, he really likes how you dress! He thinks it's cute and would like to try it for himself sometime if he builds up enough courage to ask you about it.
-He loves that you have plushies as well! It makes him so happy knowing Amanda can have some friends as well.
-He tells Amanda all about you and how much fun he has with you! She'd practically know everything about you with how much he tells her. He's just super happy to have another friend he can cherish.
-The poor guy can't handle any horror games and any time you try to convince him to play one, he psychs himself out and gets too scared to even attempt to play.
-He cherishes all the bracelets you make for him and he gets really upset when he thinks he's lost one. He'd doesn't want them ever to break because he'd feel terrible about it.
I match you with... (romantically)
Ichiro Yamada!
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-Ichiro is the perfect boyfriend for you. He also enjoys anime and would love to see your manga or figure collection! He lets you ramble on about whatever series you'd like as long as he can do the same!
-He'd be very reassuring for you seeing as he's got pretty stable. No matter how paranoid you are, he'll be doing his best to calm you back down, reassuring you that he's got you and nothing bad will happen.
-Not too into Sanrio but he's willing to learn about it through you when you show him it. He's not too sure exactly what it is and has probably only known about Hello Kitty but, he'll be sure to ask about it. His favorite is likely to end up being Gudetama.
-He'll wear any bracelets you make for him no matter what it looks like. Whenever someone asks him about it, he smiles and tells them that his lovely partner made them for him!
I match you with... (platonically)
Minori Hanasato!
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-Minori also loves cute things just like you! She hopes you and her dog are able to get along because well, he's quite cute!
-She probably also has an interest in Sanrio and would love to see your collection. She probably likes My Melody the most and thinks they're all just too adorable!
-She thinks it's fun to doodle with you or even just watch you draw. It's always exciting to her to see your progress on any of your drawings!
-She tries to help you express yourself better and always tries to be there for you when you need it. She doesn't want you to feel like she's never there or a bad friend so she can be a bit of a worry wart because of that.
I match you with... (platonically)
March 7th!
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-March just radiates cuteness and she loves all things cute! She's gotta love Sanrio and plushies.
-Says she can't pick a favorite Sanrio and she's just got a small plushie collection with a few of them. She always wants to show you any sort of new cute collectable she's gotten from her adventures.
-She'd love to make bracelets with you! Just teach her how and she'll make a bunch for you! She keeps them all in a special place in her room so that she can look back and remember how fun it was to make them with you!
-March can agree with you on the spiders part. She couldn't stand anything with that many legs and she'll be screaming with you the whole time. Dan Heng has to come in and kill it for the both of you even when it's the smallest one you've ever seen.
I match you with... (romantically)
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-Luocha is a kind man and so whenever you get anxious or paranoid, he's always there to talk you down from it, soothing your worries and helping you calm down.
-He enjoys listening to you talk about your interests and doesn't mind if you're loud. He's truly glad you're comfortable with him and it makes him smile.
-He'll attempt to make a bracelet with you, likely putting his name on it and giving it to you to wear. Make him a matching one with your name on it and he'll cherish it as he keeps it on his wrist for as long as he can.
-He enjoys seeing all your plushies and finds it cute when you show them to him while you both are laying in bed together. Whether they be characters or not, he thinks you're just adorable while you show him.
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donsgraveyard · 6 months
Nightwolf is the only thing I truly desire and so learning more about Native American culture to understand bbg better, was wondering if you have any headcannons relating to his culture? If he grew up on a reservation, went to rez Partys what he was like younger, all that. (If you want to ofc and I LOVE your art 💞💞💞)
I’m overjoyed to be asked about Nightwolf and I’ll gladly give you head canons, however, if you’d like to learn more about Native Cultures or related topics, I’m not really the person to come to if that’s what you’re expecting. My knowledge is fairly limited as I’m still learning about it myself!! But !! I’ll do my best to give you some Nightwolf head canons about him in general and how I think he was a teenager!
— I think Nightwolf is not a very social person and he was especially not social when he was a kid/teen. He probably didn’t go to a lot of parties unless it was like his siblings party or smth or like a family thing or gathering on the reservation, but even then he didn’t talk to anyone unless they approached him first
NW always had a strong attachment to his culture through his parents and just his general love for history and past events… he’s a huge history nerd but you’d never know that cause he’s not gonna talk to you
He read a lot too when he was young I think… like he always had a new book to read and he would sit off on the side reading it in class or at home or wherever and he loves reading murder mysteries and fiction/non-fiction historical stories
I also have this idea Grey Cloud had a sister, but she passed away from illness the night Grey Cloud was gifted the Nightwolf mantle so that’s always been a mixed memory for him… especially since he wasn’t there to say bye to her….
Grey also has a brother and his niece and nephews are his brothers kids… NW loves his little nephews and niece, he wishes he could see them more often, but being Nightwolf demands his full attention. He enjoys telling them stories of his adventures and showing them his abilities he has from being Nightwolf, which somehow always blows his nephews and niece away no matter how many time he shows them.
Last one!!! As a teenager he killed at playing the drums and guitar… they were passed down from his parents who were in a band when they were teens themselves, and now Grey loves to play music and will forever and always love music !! He can’t play much anymore tho…
I hope these were like up to ur expectations and weren’t boring but I have like a HUNDRED more head canons and thoughts about Nightwolf
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drifloonz · 1 year
Blue and rosa (separately) having a s/o that has a team of fairy types? I really love fairy types there so cute and deadly at the same time (also can s/o's ace be a sylveon?)
i have had many asks about the main actual canon pokemon characters tht rnt pokepasta ones rotting in my inbox and i feel so bad so im gunna answer this one . I am so sorry anon. probably the last thing i'll write for today
Anyways also writing this finally bc rosa is my bbg ( i used to identify with her whenever i imagined myself in my head... and shes my favorite protag ) and i need to write for her it is a primal need!!! ive been playin thru bw2 slowly as well . . . anyways.
blue / rosa with a fairy specialist s/o who's ace is a sylveon!
♡ you likely met him at the battle tree in alola to test your teams mettle, and regardless of how the outcome turned out, he was very intrigued by how you fought and talked to you a little after it.
♡ blue definitely knows fairy types exist, but he's like, never used a fairy type in his life whatsoever. he barely knows much about them.
♡ this is why when you battled him he probably had no clue what to do for type matchups and whatnot. Woops. ok maybe "no clue" is a little rough, he's definitely at least encountered a few fairy types, but he is very. Not knowledgeable about them regardless.
♡ once he learns their weaknesses and strengths ( courtesy of you, probably ), he finds it really interesting and also funny. tiny little fairy pokemon are supereffective against dragon???? and fighting?? and dark????? and only has two types its weak to????? damn. maybe he should think about training a fairy type, but none of them really fit his vibe. ...although, alolan ninetails looks nice, even if he always does prefer arcanine. unfortunately, there is no fairy-type arcanine, and he'd never replace his own anyways.
♡ he might also get an alolan sandslash as a counter to fairy types LMAO ( he also has owned a sandslash before, but doesn't use it as often anymore... so it's a nice reminder. )
♡ he respects your commitment to the type regardless. not his cup of tea - the type, and committing to one type like gym leaders, some trainers, and sometimes champions do - but it's really interesting to see how you fight with your team.
♡ and the sylveon too... he's never seen one'a those. heard of it, but never seen one. he's fond of the eeveelutions, and is also similarly fond of your sylveon. gives it little pets and scritches sometimes if he's walking past it. yours is a real competent fighter and also an eeveelution, so he likes it by default. plus apparently, sylveon only evolves when given proper affection, which is proof of you two's bond.
♡ when you two properly become a thing - likely from him constantly asking you to talk and hang out with him and him covering up wanting to hang out as "getting advice" from you for fairy types - he starts to learn a lot more about fairy types, since he sorta has to, being your boyfriend and all - he can't let you down with his knowledge. he's also been training some pokemon to counter your fairy types when you two battle, even though only really one of his own pokemon on his main team is susceptible to fairy types. he also did probably get that alolan ninetails, courtesy of you breeding one for him or him just finding one on his own.
♡ fairy types are very affectionate and he gets used to this very quickly - if any of your 'mons are out when he comes to your place, they'll usually rush to see him and nuzzle him. it's very cute and funny to you.
♡ you two's pokemon also lightheartedly play with each other a little, and the clashing aesthetics are really funny. his machamp playing with a slurpuff or something like that is very very funny to watch.
♡ despite the pretty opposite vibes you two ( probably ) have, you get along fairly well. even though blue is blue, so he's obviously gunna tease you and irritate you on purpose sometimes. you seem to respond well to it, though.
♡ regardless of how he acts though, he wouldn't trade you for the world, and it's very clear. he's very happy with you :D
( sorry the relationship side is lacking i entirely didn't read the s/o part in this ask for a hot minute so these r last minute additions WOOPS )
♡ rosa is also a fairy type specialist in part! not like, entirely i'd think. so ig she's not a specialist, but yknow! she's the champion of unova in current day ( along with being a famous actor and celebrity of sorts and whatnot, similar to diantha a little ), and champions usually don't have 100% consistent teams, but do usually have one or more focused types, and fairy is one of hers, along with psychic and normal. and also grass if you really wanna stretch that having two grass types means its a more focused type in her team, which technically, but not as much as the other 3.
♡ for reference, the two teams ive made for her are serperior, meloetta, flaaffy/ampharos, audino, musharna, and weavile.
while the second team is alcremie, diancie, sylveon, shiny braixen/delphox, indeedee, and a shiny lilligant. which there are at least 3 fairy types in there and also 3 normal or psychic types. she travels the world a lot which is why she has pokemon from diff regions, for the record
♡ anyways into the actual headcanons i just wanted to get ppl to know my Current Day rosa hcs and ideas a little more for some better grasp on her
♡ since rosa herself has a sylveon, she finds you having one very endearing and cute! maybe the two of you met because she was walking with hers and yours sensed another sylveon and rushed to meet hers?
♡ regardless, she's very endeared to all of your fairy types - she's never seen every fairy type, since they aren't very common in unova at all, only 3 unovan pokemon having the type and one of those only being a mega pokemon, and the other being two pokemon from the same evolutionary line ... along with the fact that the whimsicott line used to just be acknowledged as a grass type before fairy type was a new discovery.
♡ but she's fallen in love with the fairy types she's seen in kalos when she went there for a vacation and even caught a couple! she thinks they're extremely cute and fun, and also POWERHOUSES. which is something she loves - cute or elegant pokemon that can wreck shop, especially cuz' people underestimate them.
♡ happy to give any and all of your fairy types attention and pets. if you'd like, you can certainly ramble to her about all of them and she'll be happy to listen - she always loves listening about how people's pokemon act and how they caught them... things like that. she'll also get easily excited and impressed by any fairy types you show her that she's never seen!
♡ she'll be happy to have casual battles with you and your fairy types sometimes - there's no big seriousness to it though, mostly just having fun. if it were an official champion battle she'd probably be trying her hardest to kick your ass, but since it's just for fun she doesn't care about bringing her 100% A game to it.
♡ regardless of who wins, the two of you are just laughing and heading back to a pokemon center, and afterwards all of your team get some much-needed treats and pets after the battle.
♡ you two do end up hanging out casually and for fun a lot like this, and after a particularly nice hang out at the ferris wheel in nimbasa city, one of you two confesses and then start dating, i'd like to think. all because you two's sylveons met on a fateful day...
♡ she's very happy with you, and loves battling casually or just hanging out with you two's pokemon. your teams get along very well with hers, and she gets along very well with you too. it comes very naturally.
♡ will invite you to her vacations/business trips to other regions if you wanna come with! she specifically loves kalos, but galar and sinnoh are also places she likes to visit from time-to-time... galar also has a bunch of cute fairy pokemon that you two can catch and look at! she got her alcremie and indeedee from there, after all. indeedee's remind her of audino, too...
♡ spoils your sylveon absolutely rotten, and it can't get enough of it. honestly it'd probably be funny if your sylveon started to like her more than you. or at least acted like it. and her sylveon would probably be the same but with preferring you LMAO. the sylveons both probably get a little jealous of eachother sometimes, but nothing serious.
♡ have fun with your celebrity gf because she loves you unconditionally and Will give you little kisses on the nose by the way and listen to anything you want to talk about.
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tervaneula · 9 months
First of i wanna deeply thank you and your friend for making such a great one-shot (idc if it's little or big it- still a fic and i will shower it with love)
Firstly i got smashed by your beautiful art of F!leo and damn it's gonna be a lie if i said it doesn't make me feel comfy right away 🩷
I didn't know it was snow day which it made me super confused as for why bbg would feel slight of cold even after getting buried under all those blankets!
I love how even tho Leo's buried under the blankets like a gremlin he open his non existing ears to listen if kids are there, remind me of radar xD
Leo smelling coffee and wanting a cup but fighting wither to leave his comfy bed and walk to get one is such a mood!! I feel him! Especially when he doesn't give a rat ass for wearing identical socks!!
Now am gonna be honest here i NEVER had pop tart nor any toaster pastries type so i don't know if it's good with coffee or nah.
But i bet the moment f!mikey & lil mikey are now the 'Mom' who take care of certain stubborn family members *cough* *cough* Donnie and leos *cough*
100% bet that f!leo is watching " family feud "
CJ sneaking in and hide under F!leo's blankets makes my heart melt especially thinking he couldn't get to do this often in the bad timeline future 😢
And the part where he sneak his feet into f!leo made it so hard for me to imagine it happens because F!LEO'S FEET'S SO BIG!! HE'S LIKE LITTLE BIG FOOT. OGZGOZGODOXG
Again, CJ talking ab his day of building snowman, snow horse - i didn't know this's a thing - and did they even play snow fight? Because my money is on future boy, he'll DESTROY THEM!!
It makes me happy seeing F!leo getting less burdens and his guilt is slowly melting away, he's on his path of healing and everybody are helping in, his brother, his dad... Everyone🩵
This one-shot is something i didn't know i needed, truly thank you very much!✨
Words just cannot describe the mere size of the grin that appears on my face every time I see a review from you THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH HAHGFD I LOVE READING YOUR THOUGHTS SM
The "waking up to a chill even though you're buried under a mountain of blankets" is based on real life events XD My apartment is drafty and because I can't keep my face under the blankets, some winter mornings I wake up with a cold-to-the-touch nose and it doesn't even have to be snowing outside!
I've tasted pop-tarts once and they were sweet so they pair up with coffee very well 😎
Family Feud omg yeah it's probably that one, it sounds perfect sdjfshf
THE SOCKS ARE LOOSE they're on the bigger side even on Leonardo so Casey's feet fit in there just fine!! XD I'm a woollen sock connoisseur and lemme tell you if the socks are too tight they feel horrible and aren't even that warm, so loose is the way to go 🙌
And yes a snow horse!!! We built those all the time as children and hey here's a picture of a famous Finnish snow horse 😏
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You're so right about the snow fight!!! Casey and April teamed up and they were unbeatable >:D
Last but not least, yes oh my god it's so important to me to let Leonardo heal and rest and learn TO JUST EXIST ;_; Thank you for finding joy in it, too, and again thank you sm for reading and commenting I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED THIS LITTLE FIC <3
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alarrytale · 6 months
Happy Sunday Marte! I’ve found one funny gay site on IG (unfortunately it’s in my motherlanguage with memes which only people from my country would understand so I’m not gonna share it) and eventho I’m a straight woman, I’ve laughed a lot and it instantly became my favourite site there. And this site also got me into thinking about HL - well mostly about Louis to be honest. Like yes, we don’t know about their roles in their relationship and more likely they are versatile, I can’t help myself but I mostly see Louis as the top one because like f.e. (and these examples are from that IG site how the author - gay himself - defines top gays) he’s the tinier one, his known manspreading, very often visible bulge, he’s the messy one or the fact he’s not into self-care that much if at all…..I mean in like every third post I just saw Louis and I was so close not tag him in the comment section under those posts because what a shame he’s not known in the community in my country because he has everything why gays would love him. And so it got me into thinking how lthq wants more male fans and so Louis has to have this laddy lad image doing laddy lad stuff and talking about punk rock and indie music etc etc. I’m aware his CO is not coming any time in the nearly future and he also has bbg on his back for so long but if at least they’d let him be more himself and take adventage from his top energy, it might help him to get more males into the fandom from at least in the lgbt community. Like how come there are so many queer male fans when it comes to Harry but those male queers are harder to find in Louis fandom. Oh isn’t it because hshq let Harry be more himself and so eventho he has to play it to his het side of fandom, he’s also playing it to his queer side. While Louis’ image is straight laddy lad.
Happy Sunday to you too, anon!
Glad you're having fun on that site!
I think it's so interesting that this fandom got such different views on H and L. I see people fight about who tops and bottoms daily, who's the dominant one and who's the submissive. I think it's okay to view them either this or that way, and it's okay to prefer this type of fic or that, but the way this fandom is divided into two camps or sides on this issue is so sad. It's gotten too far and it's so childish. I think people should grow up and both camps need to be able to deal with seeing feminised artwork versions of both H and L without going off on a tangent. Seriously. There is no right or wrong side, so learn to deal with people who are of different opinions.
Anyway, i think what you see as top energy is him trying to bring out and use his masc side to appear straight. It's to attract straight males to him as an artist. Queer men will see right through that. They'll see it as posturing, see signs of toxic masculinity and be averse to his signs of homophobia. Harry is queercoding and showing signs of queerfriendliness. Queer men feel safe with H. I think L is between a rock and a hard place in terms of who to cater to, and how it will be percieved. He's doing a bit of everything right now. Is it because he can't totally commit to the bit, or because it's not authentic? There are different opinions on this.
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broomiies · 2 years
another thing abt the prev post that shouldn't be in the tags:
"this [the entire thing about being queerbaited by Stranger Things s4 v2] isn't a bad take because the cast members hinted at byler & the duffer brothers said we would get a confirmation about will's sexuality"
cast members can hint at byler all they want. doesn't mean it's gonna become canon though. cast members can't control what happens in the show they ACT IN. their job isn't to change everything in the script – that's the writer's job. their entire job is to write the show. actors can ship their characters all they want, but at the end of the day, that doesn't mean it's gonna become canon! they can improvise & add little things to a scene, but trying to rewrite a whole episode to add something isn't their job
and abt the confirmation of will's sexuality ... we got that? it was in the show? during the car scene AND the kitchen scene with jonathan? pls take into account that will is a softspoken, 15 year old boy in the 80s. he's not just gonna come out and blatantly say "i'm gay and i like mike!" to anybody, really. not only is it The Eighties, but that's just not in character for him – even if ST took place in more modern times, he still would not just say that?? the car scene is there for a reason!! it's not just for him to talk to mike about his relationship with el!! it's for us to VERY CLEARLY SEE that will likes his best friend!! quite literally why else would he be silently crying but playing it off like hes just looking out the window? because he likes el? THAT'S HIS SISTER??
"and sometimes, when you're different from other people, you feel like a mistake." HELLOOOOOOOO???? there could not be a more relatable quote for queer people that take notice in how "different" they are compared to the cishet "norm" in society.
then the kitchen scene in e9?? literally that entire scene was about jonathan letting will know that he will always love him, and nothing could ever change that. gay or not, he's still his little brother & he still loves him dearly.
"and i think, right now, we need to talk more than ever. things are getting a lot more complicated [being gay, liking mike, but being unable to do anything about it] than legos stuck up the nose."
"i dont want you to forget that i'm here, and i'll always be here. no matter what. because you're my brother, and i love you. there is nothing in this world — absolutely nothing — that will ever change that."
like?? could those be any more clear?
honestly, all of this boils down to taking things at face value, not understanding the phrase "show, don't tell" , and learning what the term "queerbaiting" is & just running it into the ground without actually taking time to soak in what it really means
you know what would be queerbaiting? all of this set up for it to go nowhere.
but guess what! there's another season CONFIRMED to be in the making that comes in 2 years! we have time! the story isn't over! this is how storytelling is when there's more to come, bbg💀
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anyway until we learn how The Winchesters ties back into canon, I'm chosing to think that towards the end, John, Mary, and their gang defeat the big bad guy, and as they celebrate, bbg (or a side demon/monster) is like "Actually, you did exactly what he wanted. You didn't win."
And when John and Mary asks what do they mean, we get a cryptic line like;
Bad guy: "When you give a child a toy..."
*Cut to someone writing in a notebook. We see him from the side, only the middle of the body*
Bad guy (off-camera, as the camera slowly pan up): "he plays with it." (the camera stops on Dean's face as he's writing)
*A hand snatches the notebook away from Dean."
Dean (rises up his head): "What the..?" (surprised) "Cas?!"
*We now see Castiel, who was reading what Dean wrote. He looks up*
Castiel: "Dean..."
Dean: "What's going on?!"
End of episode.
Then next episode, entire Cas' pov, where we learn that something weird has been happening and he had to figure out what, they found out it has something to do with John and Mary Winchester, so cas has to go investigate back then, and that's how we learn that Dean was writing some fanfiction of his parents, and somehow was changing the past by doing so. And by changing the past, Dean was changing the future, and his rewriting led to he and Sam having a very different life, and so most of the things they did after stopping the apocalypse didn't happen at all. And now some threats were never stopped, and more importantly, they never stopped Chuck, so he's back in control.
The following episodes are a back and forth between dean and cas (maybe sam too following when the show is set for dean) trying to stop Chuck's plan and fighting some monsters, and John and Mary -who learned that something shouldn't have happened and it's now putting the world (in the future) in danger- trying to figure out what changed, how to fix it, and fighting some monsters. Interactions between past and present happen, as John and Mary help set up things that'll be useful in the future for Cas and Dean. Eventually, John and Mary learn that their relationship is what's causing troubles, and they learn what their relationship and future should really be. So now they have to chose between their love, and the world.
Then either they chose the world and it ties back into canon, either they chose both and we've got a whole alternate universe being born.
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
tf boys + dnd headcanons (bc i clearly have nothing better to do)
pairings: benny miller / reader (romantic) but platonic w the rest of the tf boys
word count: i’m typing this in the post itself good luck fuckers
summary: i got nothing y’all. just know that benny & will have a little extra info idk why
a/n: i’m semi-new to dnd but i’m armed w the player’s handbook and google so i will do my best
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benny: i think dnd was a guilty pleasure for him during high school. yeah he was seen as a Hot Popular Guy™️ and played football and baseball, but there is and always has been a nerd living in that heart of gold. had one (1) set of dice he used for every campaign and even kept them with him when deployed. he joined a campaign for the first time in years after coming back from The Mission That Shall Not Be Named™️. creating new characters & a homebrew or two became a way for him to cope with everything that happened there and heal.
details abt (one of) benny’s character(s):
half-orc barbarian-bard multiclass, affectionately known as a bardbarian
college of lore + berserker pathways
himbo af and benny laughs a lot when he gets to act out said himboness
character has a tendency to start bar fights if his talent is questioned, and usually it’s beating them with his fists and/or lute. there’s an npc that owns an instrument shop the half-orc frequents that gives him a glare every time but will always repair or replace said lute
uses vicious mockery against the BBG (big bad guy) every time they face a new one and the guys have never laughed so hard at benny’s random insults
focuses more on utility spells bc it’s just that easy for him to beat the hell out of someone with fists and weapons. becomes a jack of all trades kind of guy (similar to irl) and enjoys the “oh shit he can do that?” questions when he pulls off an intricate
when you offhandedly mention dnd night with your friends while planning for a date, benny’s eyes go wide. “you play dnd?! why didn’t you tell me earlier, lovebug? i love dnd!” precious baby boy will gush abt his first campaign back in high school and find his first set of dice to show you. he’s excited bc dnd is now another thing you can do together as a couple. will ask if you two can make characters with interlocking backstories 🥺
will: he didn’t play in high school but knew some guys in basic training that played who explained the basics to him and his first thought was “oh benny would love this” bc he knows his brother that well benny never had the heart to tell will that he had been playing dnd for years before will told him abt it so will takes credit for introducing benny to dnd. didn’t join a campaign but a character was built & he was gifted a set of dice from that group’s dm in case he ever wanted to start. ends up taking this character with him when he joins one of your campaigns and enjoys it a lot more than he thought he would
details abt will’s character:
goliath male, abt 7’8” and 300ish lbs bc he a big chonk
ranger-fighter multiclass — “warrior who used martial prowess and nature magic to combat threats on the edge of civilization” & “master of martial combat, skilled with a variety of weapons and armor” (pg. 45, dnd player’s handbook)
you can’t tell me that william miller wouldn’t enjoy the FUCK out of this combo without your pants catching fire
favored terrain: mountain, forest at level 6, and arctic at level 10
fighting style: two-weapon fighting
archetype: beast master. prefers a wolf, hawk, or mule companion but isn’t too picky
less of an emphasis on strength (goliath characters already get +1 to strength & rangers need more dexterity and wisdom anyways); instead, put his higher stat rolls into dex, wisdom, and constitution
you mention dnd early in getting to know will partly to just make conversation (and to snuff out whether he was the kind of guy to look down on the game as a whole). he tells you abt benny and a few of his army friends that played, and that he didn’t consider himself a player bc he hadn’t used his character yet. you called bullshit and, after getting him to play once, discovered that will would make a fabulous dm. his memory? impeccable. session plans? infallible, no matter what the party can improvise. is somehow always able to steer the party in the direction he needs them to go without being forceful. no one has ever heard a “you can certainly try” sound so encouraging yet foreboding at the same time.
frankie: poor man is absolutely clueless. he joins in on the dnd fun bc he saw how excited benny was and figured that it would be better than sitting at home by himself watching western reruns. ends up being inspired by said westerns (namely “the rifleman”) when creating his character and is crossing his fingers the entire time hoping that no one calls him on the similarities. despite the emphasis placed on charisma, he’s drawn to the paladin class bc of their self-chosen holy quest and the desire to vanquish evil (trauma 🥺). is learning how spells work as he goes and is frequently apologizing for holding up the session bc of this.
details abt frankie’s character:
half-elf paladin male
neutral good alignment
worships helm, god of protection (forgotten realms)
strength & charisma highest stats
protection fighting style
takes the oath of vengeance — “a solemn commitment to punish those who have committed a grevious sin” (phb, pg. 87). the character’s own purity is inferior to serving the justice they believe is required. to me, this just SCREAMS frankie
with the guidance of helm, his character became the sole caretaker to a child whose village was slaughtered by his character’s sworn enemy. strives to defeat said sworn enemy both in the name of his adopted son’s lost family & simply bc helm was like “dude you gotta stop this guy” shortly before frankie’s character found the child
has a bunch of healing & defense spells instead of combat spells bc why would he need combat spells if he can just fuck someone up with a weapon of choice?
santiago: like frankie, santi was absolutely clueless. but unlike frankie, he did a fuck ton of research during the days leading to the first night of the campaign. he he showed up after actually having done research with a well-rounded character with fitting stats and an intriguing backstory. does what a lot of men can’t and won’t by giving the party a female that is a genuine badass and respected for her badassery instead of being talked down to simply bc she’s a female. enjoys putting feline tendencies into his rp and the guys make cat jokes a lot.
details abt santiago’s character:
female tabaxi monk, way of the open hand
chaotic neutral alignment
was raised in the monastery and became a teacher in the ways for a short time. left the monastery after her curiosity revealed corruption within the ranks & was only allowed to leave freely under the condition of not telling anyone what she found
she was called back to teach when a sickness took down a lot of the elders and despite the reluctance, when she learned her mentor was sick, she went back. taught until his death and is in search of a medicine to save the monastery
her curiosity is fueled by her passion to learn everything she can. sometimes this gets her into some shenanigans but nothing too bad
triple frontier taglist: @pedropasscals @max--phillips @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @obirain @themarcusmoreno @catsnkooks @battletales @darthadeline @jedi-mando @book-of-anarchy @andysficrecs @purelypascal @whovianwar @lv7867 @kaermorons @princess76179 @greeneyedblondie44
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sokkas-honour · 3 years
hi bbg can i get a platonic tdp and romantic lok ship please? i'm a 5'0 filipino disaster bi, an infp, and a ravenclaw. according to my brother i'm "very passionate about things and while you can be sorta reserved but definitely capable of expressing yourself when you want especially over art" i love listening to music, (song)writing, and learning whatever i can (languages, science, and criminal justice are my faves) but art takes up my heart. i hope this is enough, tysm and congrats on 400 ! :)
ofc you can bby. i think you’ll be surprised at what i have to say hehe
-> ship masterpost
for lok, i ship you with...
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i know you didn’t see it coming but hear me out, hear me out.
asami may seem reserved but she’s actually very open with her feelings and isn’t afraid to talk about them but she’ll always respect your boundaries when it comes to talking about your feelings. she’ll always wait for you to be comfortable to open up and when you do, she’ll always drop everything to listen to you.
she adores listening to your fits of passion on your interests, they always make her day. she’s more than happy to listen to you rant and gush on them at any time of the day, wether it be at the breakfast table or while she’s tinkering in her workshop.
you two will have dates where you’ll be in the same room but working on different things. you might be painting while she’s sketching, or writing while she’s tinkering, just dates where you enjoy each other’s presence.
during said dates, she’ll take a break from whatever she’s doing to come see what you’re doing and she always loves it. she’ll like sneak her arms around waist and place a small kiss on your cheek on on top of your hair.
dates in general with her are so unique and fun. sometimes it’s racing and boy does it get competitive, sometimes it’s her teaching you how to drive a motorcycle, sometimes it’s a simple night out to a jazz club (do those exist???).
she loves how small you are, i mean she’s a 6’0 goddess and your tippy toes are barely enough to kiss her. the height difference is just adorable to everyone.
and for the dragon prince platonic ship...
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claudia !!
from the chat you didn’t seem to guess?? but this just makes so much sense???
yall are both chaotic and your own forms of disasters.
just like asami, claudia is very open and she’s always been able to see past your reserved attitude, she always knew you were a softy filled with emotions.
yall are both absolute nerds and you make sure everyone knows it. you both spend hours in the library reading books on various topics and then just excitedly tell each other about what you read.
so many dinner table conversations on our recent readings, it bores soren so much because he doesn’t understand the point in spending free time in a library but always gets a little bonk in the head from his sister.
yall are both passionate about your respected subjects and constantly share that passion with each other. sometimes you’ll make claudia write songs with you, they aren’t always good but they’re still fun memories, sometimes she’ll show you some dark magic.
when you two are together, everyone in the same hall as you can hear you two just going in tangents on the topic of the day.
also days out in nearby fields just talking and reading and you playing your songs.
i love your friendship and i very much want it 😌
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