#bbq recept
bbqbastard · 1 year
Heerlijke gemarineerde Aziatische Kipsaté op de BBQ
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miquella-dalzell-1988 · 4 months
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rustic barbecue bbq wedding on the bar sign and roses courtney bowlden photography
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brick-wigmore-1975 · 4 months
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rustic barbecue bbq wedding on the bar sign and roses courtney bowlden photography
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seizoenenblog · 4 months
Heerlijke Oosterse Spareribs van de Yakiniku Tafelgrill
Heerlijke Oosterse Spareribs: Ben je op zoek naar een heerlijk Oosters gerecht dat je kunt bereiden op de Yakiniku Tafelgrill?
Heerlijke Oosterse Spareribs: Ben je op zoek naar een heerlijk Oosters gerecht dat je kunt bereiden op de Yakiniku Tafelgrill? Dan zijn deze Oosterse spareribs perfect voor jou! Met hun smaakvolle marinade en sappige vlees, zullen deze spareribs zeker indruk maken op je gasten. Het geheim achter deze smaakvolle spareribs is de juiste combinatie van deze marinade. De Oosterse marinade zit…
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micheltaanman-blog · 2 years
Gebraden kippen klok
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moonselune · 3 months
Hii, do you have any headcanons for the companions at the beach? (Let's pretend it's during the story and the companions decide to take a (deserved) break for a day so Astarion can actually stay in the sun lol)
omg omg omg omg yes I'm going to write this as more of a headcanony rambling list because the THOUGHTS I HAVE
he is sunbathing and don't you dare stand over him he will gut you
he is not putting on sun cream because 'the burn is worth it'
irl he just wants to feel the consequence of the sun on his skin, to feel it one more time
but he will just tell everyone that he is too gorgeous to burn
he is bright red at the end of the day but its worth it - though not so much when Shadowheart says his sunburn isn't worth one of her healing spells.
She would 1000% dive for cool rocks and shells and bring them back to companions, the less receptive they are, the more she brings them as if to prove something
que Minthara, Astarion and Lae'zel having piles of shells and rocks near them
starts a volleyball match, the volleyball becomes a flaming meteor by the end of it because of how competitive she gets
plays chicken in the water with Shadowheart on her shoulders vs Lae'zel with Minthara on her shoulders - Min'zel lose because they are too strategic.
pouts when told it is time for them to go home and runs back in the sea, telling them '5 more minutes!"
Smothered in sun cream
shades and floppy hat does not give a single fuck
Gale is having a day off, mage hand fanning him with a ridiculously large fan.
says he isn't going to of the bbq because he always cooks yet gets involved some how
definitely a backseat cook
"I mean I haven't seen anyone in Waterdeep do it that way, but you are the blade of frontiers after all"
She has found everyone the best beach spot - she doesn't care that it is an extra ten miles from camp the companions will appreciate it
Finds it hard to relax but eventually does after a bottle of wine or two - thanks to shadowheart
She even gets roped into beach games, which she tries to dominate but eventually loses - though she always blames her teammate for it.
Despises the sun so whenever she is resting she is in permanent shade,
She also had the big shades and big hat, the fact she is matching with Gale is just an unfortunate coincidence (Gale's fault of course)
Builds a sand fortress with Lae'zel.
Much like Minthara, is very practical about it all
Does some laps in the sea
Surprise tackles her companions into the sea, to see how they would react.
This does not go down well with Shadowheart who has just gained her confidence in swimming again
Lae'zel makes it up to her by making a sand fortress
It's a prototype for her own Gith fortress one day but she guesses shadowheart can lay claim to it for today if it means she'll stop complaining about her hair getting wet
Chows down at the bbq and joins Karlach in the sea when its time to go - she enjoyed the beach more than she thought she would.
This is his time to shine
This is his BBQ
He burns everything
Yes its not how they do it in waterdeep but what does Gale know ( a lot apparently)
Plays it off as a foreign sword coast culture
nobody believes him but nobody says anything
plays mermaids with Karlach
is also very competitive when it comes to volleyball
falls asleep in the sun afterwards and Shadowheart puts sun cream patters on him
isn't mad about it
Tells everyone that she is not getting in the water
After 5 minutes of being there she is in the water
Halsin does turn into a porpoise to help her swim (no secret meaning behind it because it turns out Shadowheart is in fact a terrible open water swimmer)
She's the one with the cold flask of cocktails and wine topping everyone up
She won't admit it but perhaps she gave Wyll one too many 'juice drinks' and that's why the food burned
Joins the shade with Minthara, draws a sun cream penis on Wyll but then feels bad
When Lae'zel shows her her apologetic sand fortress she is actually touched and puts a shell on it
Scratch runs through it 0.5 seconds later
Man just fucks off in porpoise form after helping shadowheart learn how to swim
They accidentally leave without him
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camillasgirl · 12 days
The King and Queen will visit Australia and Samoa
Their Majesties The King and Queen will undertake an Autumn Tour from Friday 18th – Saturday 26th October 2024. This will include a Royal Visit to Australia, State Visit to The Independent State of Samoa and attendance at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2024. 
The King’s visit to Australia will be His Majesty’s first to a Realm as Monarch, whilst the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa is the first The King will attend as Head of the Commonwealth. In both countries, Their Majesties’ engagements will focus on themes designed to celebrate the best of Australia and Samoa, as well as reflecting aspects of The King and Queen’s work.  
In Australia, His Majesty, as Head of State, accompanied by Her Majesty The Queen, will visit Parliament House, in Canberra, where Their Majesties will be welcomed by the Prime Minister, Mr Anthony Albanese. His Majesty will address a reception attended by political and community leaders, and prominent Australians who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in a variety of fields, including health, arts, culture and sports. Their Majesties will pay their respects to the Fallen, laying a wreath at the Australian War Memorial and visiting the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander memorial, ‘For Our Country’. The King and Queen will conduct a Fleet Review of the Royal Australian Navy, in Sydney Harbour. 
On the theme of sustainability, The King will visit CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, meeting firefighters and learning more about the centre’s work to combat the bush fires which devastate millions of hectares of Australian land each year. Their Majesties will tour the National Botanic Gardens, home to the largest living collection of Australian native plants in the world, where they will learn about Indigenous plant use. They will also hear from staff and volunteers about how climate change is affecting biodiversity.
The King, who has this year been receiving treatment for cancer, will meet Professor Georgina Long and Professor Richard Scolyer, both Australians of the Year, and will hear about the work they do to help those affected by melanoma, one of Australia’s most common cancers. 
Meanwhile, Her Majesty’s programme will also reflect the themes of her wider work, including her passion for encouraging reading and literacy and her desire to raise awareness of domestic and family violence. At a library in Sydney, Her Majesty will meet children participating in a Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition workshop. In Canberra, The Queen will join a discussion on domestic and family violence, with some of those whose lives been affected by it, and experts who work in the field. Her Majesty will also meet representatives of GIVIT, a charity which matches donors with those in need, of which she is Patron.
Their Majesties will attend a community BBQ in Western Sydney, sampling a range of produce from across New South Wales, experiencing the cultural diversity of Australian communities and meeting local residents. The King will also meet Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives and groups to learn about their work in supporting local community and strengthening culture. 
Their Majesties’ State Visit to Samoa will celebrate the warm bilateral relationship between the two countries, which has been further strengthened by Samoa’s hosting of CHOGM 2024. The King and Queen will receive a formal welcome to the country, in the form of an ‘Ava Fa’atupu ceremony, before meeting Samoans at an engagement to highlight aspects of Samoan traditions and culture. His Majesty will also spend time with young people and community and faith leaders. 
The King’s programme will, in addition, reflect the theme of sustainability and biodiversity, in support of one of the key themes of CHOGM – ‘A Resilient Environment’, and the meeting’s focus on oceans. His Majesty will visit both a mangrove forest and a National Park, witnessing the work which is carried out by local communities to restore and protect both these vital ecosystems. He will also plant a tree in Samoa’s Botanical Garden, marking the opening of a new area within the site, which will be called ‘The King’s Garden’.  Meanwhile Her Majesty’s engagements will again focus on the wider themes of her work. The Queen will visit an aoga faifeau (traditional Samoan Pastor’s School) to see first-hand how pupils are taught to read and write. Her Majesty will also visit the Samoa Victim Support Group, an organisation which assists survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse, where she will learn more about the services the group provides to those in crisis.
CHOGM 2024
The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa will bring together delegations from 56 countries across Africa, the Caribbean and Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. The overall theme of this year’s meeting is: ‘One Resilient Common Future: Transforming Our Common Wealth’.
In His Majesty’s first Commonwealth Day message as Sovereign, in March 2023, The King said of the Commonwealth: ‘Its near-boundless potential as a force for good in the world demands our highest ambition; its sheer scale challenges us to unite and be bold.’ CHOGM 2024 will see some of that ambition and unity on display with an emphasis on resilience across 4 key areas – resilient societies and peoples, resilient democratic institutions, a resilient environment and resilient economies. 
As Head of the Commonwealth, The King, accompanied by The Queen, will attend the CHOGM Opening Ceremony and will host a Dinner for Commonwealth Heads of Government. The King will also host a Reception for New Heads of Government and will attend the CHOGM Business Forum to hear about progress on sustainable urbanisation and investment in solutions to tackle climate change. 
Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment is one of CHOGM’s key themes, and Her Majesty will attend a side event to the Women’s Forum on the subject of ‘Advocating for Women and Girls in the Commonwealth’, with a focus on eliminating violence against women and improving health. 
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binaryjayne · 2 months
More Venko. Forever Venko. I am STUCK on this pair.
First off, I wrote a thing. It's this thing right here:
After the war, the Alliance and press catch wind of their relationship and decide to "redo" their wedding, making it an enormous event in the process. Both James and Kaidan want just a tiny bit of it for themselves.
Pairing: Kaidan Alenko X James Vega | rated G | 2.5k words | Part of the Honeymoon series
Spoilers for my Honeymoon series (and this fic in particular), but honestly, if anyone read the first smutty one-shot, there's nothing new or surprising below this line.
Okay. So, in this fic, both of them have an idea of how they want their proposal and wedding to go. Let's walk through Kaidan's first:
He got his suit tailored.
He made a reservation at a fancy restaurant.
He hired a violinist.
Does any of this sound like something James would be into? No, I really don't think so. I'm not saying James is simple, but he certainly has simple tastes. James values his connections to people over anything else. It's important to him that the people he loves are happy.
Would that proposal make Kaidan happy? Absolutely.
James? Not so much.
That approach to him would be stuffy and too much. Kaidan would find it romantic and understated, while James would find it over the top. He'd find more romance in an impromptu proposal on the back porch of their home while stargazing under a blanket. Granted, he's never going to not be thrilled at whatever Kaidan's proposal was, because at the end of the day he was always going to say yes (ignoring the fact that they're already married). But a little more consideration for what he might like would be nice.
I mean, a violinist? Really, Kaidan?
Now James' wedding plans:
Backyard BBQ
Only friends and family
Tattooed wedding rings
There's no spectacle, no expectation, just good food and good company. Would James love it? Yes. Would Kaidan love it?
So why does James think he'd hate it? Well, he doesn't, but he feels like Kaidan deserves more than something as casual as a backyard get-together. Kaidan deserves the violinist and the fancy dinner and the ring in the champagne flute. Those are big gestures that show just how much you love that person. Just because he doesn't find it particularly personal, doesn't mean they aren't traditional gestures for a reason. James doesn't want to be on the receiving end of that kind of affection, but Kaidan certainly deserves that type of luxury.
He doesn't realize that Kaidan would be thrilled to be surrounded by his friends in a tiny ceremony. There's no expectation to be a certain person or act a certain way. Moments like an exchange of vows should be private and only shared with your loved ones. He might want something a little more than a backyard BBQ, but under no circumstances would he hate a small reception at the orchard. No cameras, no titles, just love.
Oh, and he'd want real rings, but could be convinced to get a tattooed one as well.
So why am I highlighting this? Because they've only been together for a year, give or take a few months, and they're still learning about each other. It's why the whole thing turns into a fight because they don't truly know where they stand with one another, only knowing they're in love. They're trying, they want it badly, and yet they keep missing the mark.
It takes time, sooooo much time to truly know your partner, and they got married in the middle of a war, as figureheads in the middle of that war. There wasn't any time to do anything besides cling to the fact that what they had was real and would fight tooth and nail for it to survive.
They have more in common than they think, but are two very stubborn people. I've written them specifically to have trouble communicating, because I'm a dick like that. But if Kaidan would stop interrupting, and if James would stop acting on knee-jerk reactions, they'd find more success at getting to know each other.
So they keep screwing up. They're going to stumble, they're going to be selfish, they're going to misinterpret the needs of one another. And you know what? That's okay. They've decided they want to be together and are willing to put in the work to make it successful. They're not perfect, no relationship is, but growing together is what is going to make them woven together in a way that makes sense for them both.
Will it work? Who's to say, but they're trying. They want to make each other happy, but it takes time for them to truly know just how to do that.
But there's time now, hard-fought and well-earned time. Giant spectacle of a wedding or stargazing at the orchard, as long as their together, it's time well spent.
So that's my thought process. The explanation is probably longer than the three or so paragraphs that it pertains to, but there we go.
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andoutofharm · 2 years
Actually I’ve decided if I think about the shrine show too hard I will explode. The comeback after seven years. The surprise and joy they experienced at the reception to the announcement. The fact that, after Frank’s podcast appearance, we now know they first conceived this return in 2017, after playing together for the first time in years. At a bbq at Gerard’s house. The fact that so much has happened since then: The Foundations of Decay. An entirely new stage set and design. The return and reworking of old songs. (new songs ready. studio time in 2023. the documentary. all that is still to come.)
Shrine was the midpoint between the initial 2017 reunion of MCR as friends playing together, all the way to 2022 when they played a show to one of their largest audiences ever (an ocean of burning souls) and Gerard dressed as Joan of Arc and has “never seen it like that before”, and they’re still MCR as friends playing together. Shrine was the catalyst of all of that. it was the spark that set it all off, the that made them realize they could still do this but also that we still wanted (and still needed) this.
The Shrine show is what put MCR on the road to one of the most joy-filled tours we’ve ever seen from them: one where they’re doing it for themselves, the way they want to do it. Where they’re having fun in ways they never have before. Where their children and families are there supporting them and holding their hands on stage. Where they’re not in the darkness anymore: they’re opening up the windows. The light is coming in.
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jungle-angel · 3 months
Round One Of Fourth of July Prompts
Ah one of my favorite times of the year!!!! AT LAST!!!!! Taking requests for Top Gun Maverick (any character), Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Catch 22 (Hulu), Salem's Lot, Lessons In Chemistry and Yellowstone.
Shenanigans ensuing while grocery shopping for the big barbecue
Trying to recreate a vintage pie recipe and their grandmother having to show'em how it's done
Line dancing at the barbecue
Fixing a beat up old flag for their school or family friend
Sneaking across to the next state for fireworks
Shenanigans ensuing while cleaning the yard for the barbecue
Making a hilarious sparkler tik tok for their s.o
Baby's first Fourth of July
Epic pool party
"We're here, there's beer, LETS DRINK IT ALL!!!!"
Their best friend trying to do a kegstand and screaming "THIS IS 'MERICA!!!"
Everybody jumping in the truck for an emergency liquor run
Finding the cutest outfit for the baby
"Oh God there's so much meat!!!"
Going to a classic car show or participating in one
4th of July airshow
Kitchen chaos with the siblings/in-laws
Smores by the campfire
"I dunno if the kids should be doing firecracker shots"....."Relax they're virgin firecracker shots"
The baby thinking that dad's/grandpa's drink was apple juice
The kids sneaking desserts from the table
Proposing to their s.o during the fireworks
Their s.o joining the kids in the bouncy castle
Making a Tide slip n slide down the hill
Getting to see a Revolutionary War reenactment and the kids getting to see all the exhibits that go with it
Making a cocktail out of red, white and blue Mountain Dew and an ungodly amount of vodka
Hosting a glow in the dark rave party after the barbecue
Pre-celebration canoe trip
Celebrating at the lake house
4th of July pranks
"You think the aliens are gonna join us this year?"
Outdoor movie after the fireworks
Dancing by the bonfire
"Darlin I think I ate way too much bbq"
The babies trying to help with the decorating
Having to go to the store with at least a hundred dollars worth of empties the next day
"I think Speedy the Turtle had a little too much to drink, he's covered in red, white and blue glitter"
Making red, white and blue glitter bombs
"Oh my God it looks like America threw up on a Hawaiian shirt and you're wearing it"
A 4th of July teddy or stuffie for the little one
Picking the grill master for the cookout
"Keep your mitts off that huckleberry pie! That's for dessert later!"
Finding a cardinal and a blue jay in the backyard tree on the morning of 4th of July
Red white and blue flowers for their family and friends
4th of July rodeo
Watching the sunset before the fireworks
Having a backyard wedding reception on the 4th
Something old, something new, something borrowed and something red, white and blue
"No daddy don't worry, the aliens aren't gonna get us"
"No, this is a special tree for school!!!"
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just-a-carrot · 9 months
Hi Carot!
Finally binge played the whole main game and side games (except for T2A2G, which was the first game I played)
I think I had a different emotional journey in OW than most players; I was interested in Orlam from the beginning.
I’m aromantic and don’t enjoy the situation where a love interest already has a hardcore crush on the protagonist (though I could sympathize with Iggy’s struggle about how blurry the line between romantic intimacy and sexual one is for allo/allo people), so a character who’s not involved in the love triangle somehow being a love interest seems interesting for me.
I’m not sure that you were expecting people to find out what exactly happened between Genzo and Orlam (something romantically or/and sexually intimate) before Arc 3, but I could tell there was something more than just a bully and his victim going on between them.
For example, in the BBQ scene where Orlam tried to hint at Genzo's sexuality and the conversation from the first Orlam’s revenge, the combination of dirty jokes and the mention of "after-prom" were so obvious.
I was fully convinced that Genzo didn't just bully Orlam awfully but also broke his heart when fake guilt-tripping Genzo in Kiddie Kruise mentioned that Orlam helped him after the loss of his sight. Why would a victim help a powerless bully? Orlam’s body sitting on a bed instead of lying is a dead giveaway (pun intended).
After the disappearance of Genzo in Arc 3, I thought Iggy would find out Orlam turned out to be a monster and was going to cry, so the choices caught me off guard. Choosing a man whose heart was broken by your friend over the forementioned friend who has a crush on you? SIGN ME UP ALREADY. (Don’t get me wrong, I like Genzou, but I'm here for THE INTENSE GAY DRAMA) (I’m also here for THE COMPLICATED TRIC TRANSMASC DRAMA) (but they once caught my eye PHYSICALLY and tried to pop it out MY EYEBALLS WANT TO STAY IN THEIR SOCKETS COMFY HELLO???????)
The emotional roller coaster ride of the end of Arc 3 was WILD, and his relationship with Iggy was also a good surprise, so when I reached Arc 5.15, seeing he's suffering from something I would never experience was really painful.
Whe I played Save the Last Dance, I figured out the way to get End 2 out by the hint (the player should gain points) and Orlam’s personality; he loves being in a dominant position and fears betrayal.
The game makes you trick him to get the wrong hope that Genzo will choose him over Iggy and stab him in the back (figurative language) (technically he stabbed him in the front this time). That's exactly what he did to him on the after-prom.
Now we know Arc 2 Genzo was not a ordinary person who was traumatized by the experience of killing someone he knew from his childhood; he killed someone who's happy in his last second of life because the man who once broke his heart cried for him.
Their fucked up relationship is one of my favorite parts of the game, and I'm also happy for the sidegame version of Orlam, who is no longer suffering from his feelings (we could see he's still bitter about Genzo, but as long as they're not trying to kill each other literally, I’ll take that as a win).
BINGED, MY GOD that must have taken so long I feel hghgjgy even aside from the long main game playing all the side games would take a while too 🤣💦 I am both impressed and honored that you'd play through everything like that LOL
and I'm very happy you like Orlam!! Orlam is such an interesting character for me personally just from a reception point of view as he's gone from a char no one seemed to like to the most popular char of the entire game... (and often with such intensity that I feel a tad overwhelmed at times jjgjfhg 💦). but I do find his story in general to also be one of the most interesting and he's easily the one I've always had the most fun writing and his scenes are always some of my favorites LOL there's a reason I spent so freaking long making sure the climax of his character arc, so to speak, in 5.15 was the best i could absolutely do 🥺
I don't really talk about the whole Genzou and Orlam thing outside of the game itself much. for one, because it's one of the many things I kinda would rather leave open to interpretation and for people to take away whatever they want from it (similar to some of the other stuff i don't go into detail much, such as some specific moments of all of their pasts, some of the chars' reasons for doing things, etc). and for another, because I don't really wanna romanticize it at all (and honestly feel uncomfortable if I see ppl doing so) so I mostly just avoid it in general jghgjgh to me they are awful for each other in every way, which is why I love how tragic and awful the whole thing is, but I don't like pushing it more than that LOL I do enjoy their dynamic in the AU-ish side games though as in those games I tend to head canon most of the Most Awful things as not having happened so they're not as toxic but they still clash horrendously which just makes for funny banter
I'm very happy you enjoy their tragedy and drama though dhdhdh sob this whole game is just pure convoluted drama laced with a bit of horrible death and a few bad jokes I swear 🤣💦 and tbh it grew more convoluted as production went on because both arcs 3 and 4 turned out a lot different from how I'd planned (4 especially). I still think 4 might be my favorite of all the arcs just because of how serendipitously I feel it all came together and also how much it broke my heart... though arc 5 once it's fully finished might take its place just because I love how it brings all the chars' arcs to their heights (and also I think the production value is the best LOL). Arc 3 though was where the game finally started to get a bit of traction (and also took such a huge turn) so I've always been fond of it, too
I feel like I might have gotten off track with this answer though that might be due to the aforementioned bit about me generally avoiding talking about those two too much so I instinctively veered LOL but I really am glad that you've enjoyed the game and its chars and all its tragic horrible drama so much!! 😭💦 And also thank you for taking the time to write out such a long and thoughtful message!! 💕
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seizoenenblog · 1 year
Zalm en asperges van de barbecue
Zalm en asperges van de barbecue is een heerlijk en gezond gerecht. Verse asperges zijn seizoen groenten (vanaf Februari tot eind Juni).
Zalm en asperges van de barbecue is een heerlijk en gezond gerecht. Uiteraard smaakt het nog beter als je lekker buiten kunt genieten van de zonnige dagen. Als bijgerecht heb ik deze keer gekozen voor krielaardappelen met schil uit de oven met een zelfgemaakte dressing. Verse asperges zijn seizoen groenten (vanaf Februari tot eind Juni). Superlekker en makkelijk om klaar te maken. Heb je deze…
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
established buddie spec — wedding??? I kinda love the idea of them getting engaged but both wishing they could just… not invite their parents. So instead Bobby/Athena are hosting a bbq at their place one afternoon, so they’re just like ‘lets just get everyone to meet us at the courthouse an hour earlier and the bbq becomes our reception’ since pretty much everyone they want to invite is gonna be there anyway. A few others from LA get invited too, obvs, like Pepa and Carla, and Eddie’s sad his abuela can’t be there, but they call her afterwards and she gives her blessing
Also Eddie’s parents, who are *trying* to be better post S7 after Eddie reams them out for taking Chris the way they did (PLEASE, tv show, please let him yell at them), still don’t get this *thing* Eddie has with Buck and consider him the ‘idiot man-child who turned [their] son gay’, but Buck’s just like ‘this *thing* is now a marriage and also I’m adopting your grandchild, get wrecked Helena’
Buck forgets to mention anything to his parents at all
getting soooooo many parent asks lolol. I am honestly VERY attached to my firehouse wedding idea, but I could see how a last-minute firehouse wedding could also mean the parents don't get to attend hahaha so sure!!!!
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peppermintquartz · 7 months
I want to be a paper plate writer.
No it doesn't mean I want to write on paper plates. It's just, like, some people write elegant prose so meticulously crafted that their writing is art, and deserve to be lauded for the artistry and thought and care that goes into it. Their writing is fine china. But most people won't use fine china for daily life.
Everyone has used a paper plate, I bet. If you've ever been to a party or a BBQ or a casual wedding reception or you were making art in kindergarten, you'd have used a paper plate. I want my writing to be paper plates. I know my strengths aren't in being all literary and crafty and elegant. I'm just a common Singaporean Chinese woman in her forties. I have everyday concerns and simple thoughts. I think about what to make for dinner and why my cats are bastards who scratch my sofa and why I have to wake up so early to go to a job I don't enjoy all that much.
And I bet there's a lot more people who understand what I write because of that.
Paper plate writing. That's what I wanna make.
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Random ENA headcannons Part 1: the more down-to-earth ones
Idk what the world is actually called (or if it even has a canon name) but in my little mindspace, I call it the Pixelgonal Plane. :3
You already know I’m of the opinion that ENA is autistic, but I think she’s also dealing w/ something that’s been trauma-blocked from her memory (which honestly could be anything; this world is W I L D).
Moony strikes me as that one blunt, flippant chaotic-ring-leader-type older friend/sister who’s prolific in pushing you around a little, but underneath all that is ride-or-die supportive. Beyond that, I’m gonna go ahead and peg her as autistic/ADHD as well because I think she seems to have low empathy (and general trouble comforting others, which is smthing I relate to). However, she’s been around ENA long enough that she has a solid grasp of what she’s feeling at a given time, and knows when to pause the ribbing. She’s good at being there when ENA needs a good dose of humor to lighten her mood, or just general company.
Uh. Phindoll would listen to Wellerman.
Related: ENA would listen to Kinneret (music artist).
Moony kinda wants to help ENA in a more long-term way, but doesn’t really know how to do that constructively, so she’ll just try something out here and there - and she succeeds in TSW. :3 That’s basically how I interpret the ending of TSW - the journey changed/healed something within ENA.
(Prepare for some ✨major projection✨ hehe) You can touch ENA, but she prefers/gets more from receiving shorter forms of physical interaction (more prolonged forms she just finds awkward), and also prefers at least a brief amount of beforehand notice so that’s it’s not done completely out of the blue, y’know? She herself, however, can be quite touchy-feely w/ others she knows at least somewhat, and is overall more receptive to any form of touch if she’s the one initiating it and you’re like. doing something in return.
ENA’s the more empathy-oriented of the duo. Her mood follows its own wavelength, but if someone’s experiencing a strong emotion near her, that wavelength can be thrown off. She’ll either comfort someone via physical means (i.e. hugging them w/ her whole body; she’s p tall), or sometimes all she needs to do is look at them gently.
ENA and PeppermENA (Dream BBQ ENA) are siblings.
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kelsxaballerini · 8 months
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The Bride and Groom have their first dance to Mine by Taylor Swift (performed live by Taylor at the reception).
The Bride and her Father share a dance to My Little Girl by Tim McGraw.
The Groom and his Mother share a dance to Stand By Me by Ben E. King.
Selection of party music below the cut:
The Kinda Love We Make - Luke Combs
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Mr Brightside - The Killers
Wagon Wheel - Darius Rucker
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Yours - Russell Dickerson
Man I Feel Like A Woman - Shaina Twain
Wonderwall - Oasis
Piano Man - Billy Joel
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Die A Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
Marry You - Bruno Mars
Butterflies - Kacey Mustgraves
Dance The Night - Dua Lipa
We Found Love - Rhianna
Here Tonight - Brett Young
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) Whitney Houston
Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) Stevie Wonder
September - Earth, Wind & Fire
Dancing Queen - Abba
Speechless - Dan and Shay
Come and Get Your Love - Redbone
Can’t Hold Us (feat. Ray Dalton) - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole
Hey Ya! - Outkast
Pony - Ginuwine
What My World Spins Around - Jordan Davis
Can’t Stop the Feeling - Justin Timberlake
Shut Up and Dance - Walk The Moon
Crazy in Love (feat. Jay-Z) - Beyoncé
Dancing Away With My Heart - Lady A
DJ is available for requests
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