#bc apparently i can't be trusted to tag things
dailyloopdeloop · 5 days
loop and mirabelle. That's it that's the ask
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DAY 84: enrolled in the gossip wars
#codacheetah#isat#loop isat#mirabelle isat#isat spoilers#vaguely. mostly for the tags#i think it'd be sooo funny if like. loop and mirabelle postcanon.#loop has rejoined the party somewhat recently and they are not at all adapting. to be honest. reunion probably happened too soon#bc they are a siffrin which means they are disgustingly sentimental. their ass is not taking the time to discover themself as a new person.#do you really think loop is gonna take their own advice.lol.#lmao even#Ok so anyways i think the party and loop would have a weird thing going on#like theyre all extremely grateful to loop. and they trust loop through the general basis of theyre apparently very dear to siffrin#but fucking nobody knows what to make of this bitch. odile knows they are hiding Something but she has no certain evidence to pin it down.#isabeau can't catch loop alone for more than 5 seconds. has the distinct sense they're avoiding him and he does not know why#bonnie....well tbh i think they'd vibe with loop. bonnie win.#mirabelle. i think she wouldn't really like loop? not at first anyways#do you remember in sasasap mirabelle telling siffrin(loop) that for a long time she thought they were a callous sort of person#bc they never took anything seriously at all. like the whole journey didnt mean anything. until they took an eye for bonnie#i think mirabelle would catch a similar vibe towards loop(lol.) bc like#like loop's main presence in the group is negging siffrin and being weird and dodgy around everyone else#i don't even think they'd be mean to the others but they would do everything in their power to throw the party zero bones#so all mirabelle has to go on for loop is that they're kind of a dickhead to her friend and that they're not receptive to normal group#social activities. i think being on the receiving end of mirabelle's kindness would make loop kind of sad and she'd pick up on it#but like. loop is inexplicably important to siffrin. she doesn't know the details bc neither of them want to talk at all about the loops#and i think siffrin would be especially dodgy abt talking about loop in the interrim between them rejoining and them being Presumed Dead#so mirabelle tries a new strategy to bridge the gap between her and loop. the power of Mutual Haterism#more specifically i think mirabelle would get the impression of loop as being much more of a bitch than they actually are#due to the aforementioned siffrin negging#so like. maybe that's just how they socialize maybe they'd be down to talk about hot takes and gossip a bit
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coulsonlives · 1 year
#my friend and i broke up#she's still on w the whole 'i have this' malingering and attention seeking behaviour and i tried to be sympathetic but she shut me out#her parents apparently even let her see a psychiatrist (that shit's expensive) and she did but she got a different dx now she's mad#and she doesn't want to see a counsellor. i sent her resources for what she (thought) she had and she won't even look at em#she said it's 'big psychiatry' so she didn't trust it?? i wish i was making this up#the links i sent weren't even affiliated with any doctors or psychiatrists!!#they were literally support links and pages from a reputable site for people with this disorder and pages that helped confirm if you had it#SHE REFUSED TO LOOK AT ANYTHING#SHE ONLY WANTED TO SEE THINGS THAT REINFORCED HER DELUSION#heLLO YOU YOURSELF WANTED TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN BC YOU GOT THE WRONG ANSWER ITS A NO??#i feel like i'm going to be sick i feel horrible#i'm angry and hurt and frustrated and i don't know how to help her outta this so i feel like a useless pos#i'm so done?? done done done#the sad thing is i can't even tell 100 percent if she's actually sure she has something based on super wrong symptoms or#if she's intentionally faking#i just went thru and blocked a lot of blogs too..#because i'm starting to notice a LOT of this on tumblr too and it jumps out like a sore thumb now esp in certain communities#idk if i have it in me to see all these people in the same exact boat whether it's intentional or they actually don't get what's goin on#i'm not using certain community/label tags in my posts anymore and taking em out of my previous posts#mental health cw#rant#vent#tbd#malingering cw#munchausen cw
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islandofsages · 5 months
Hey ! Can I ask for a male!reader that is a 4th or 3rd year at the NRC (in the dorm you want), and Yuu, Grim and Ortho after seeing him just decided to adopt him like their father ?
The reader is the definition of a good father, and Yuu, Grim and Ortho made him sign the adoption contract (give by Azul).
(Maybe the reader can be the boyfriend of Idia ?)
I just want a reverse adoption with Grim, Yuu and Ortho bc they need a good father.
characters: ortho, yuu and grim with fourth year male reader
tags: platonic, fluff, fic format
warnings: none
author's notes: sorry i didnt do the characters separately, i think they would have similar reactions. also reader isnt with idia bc im keeping this blog fairly romance-free :) thank you for giving me an excuse to write fourth year reader tho, the concept is so interesting and fun to explore!! and hes not in any specific dorm, wanted to keep it ambiguous hehe. honestly this whole thing was my own spin so word count: 974 words
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You haven't gone back to NRC in a while. Despite the absolute chaos that goes on way more than often in that school, you’ve grown to harbor fondness for that familiarity. Luckily, you're due for a report of the progress of your internship. Instead of merely sending an email to your professor, you’ll go meet up with him yourself and check up on your underclassmen (maybe even get to know the freshmen) in the meantime.
You are just one of the many seniors of NRC but you found that your dorm members are quite fond of you for whatever reason. So when you come back for that short time period, a few of them come to greet you and catch up with you. Apparently, the abandoned dorm is now occupied by not one but two new students. You didn't even know there was an abandoned dorm!
“One of them can't even use magic and came from a different universe or something? And one of them is literally a magical monster! The school totally got weirder when you left, (Y/N),” one of your dorm members explains. You try to imagine it in your head. Yeah, no, if nobody told you that’s exactly what happened, you wouldn’t have known. You only believe the dorm member because you trust them enough.
“Oh, and remember Idia? The one with the robot brother? He’s a housewarden now. And his brother's a student now. He's an actual freshman,” more gossip makes their way to you. Your eyes widen at the news. You feel like you may remember them, the Shroud brothers - you could tell Idia was trying really hard to stay on the down low so you did him a favor and left him alone for the most part.
You don’t stay at your dorm for very long - you did come to NRC for a reason - and that was to send in that report of yours. Though you already dropped it off before checking up on your underclassmen, you plan just walking around school and taking in the sights that were once so familiar to you. And you haven’t even really graduated yet.
You walk down the hallways and say hi to whoever you recognize, basking in that comfortable familiarity. Some friendlier students stop to chat with you and to be perfectly honest, you feel a little old compared to everyone. You don’t mind but what’s rubbing it in is how some of the students are calling you “Dad” to tease you. You know they’re being playful for the most part but you can’t help but feel a little awkward with the nickname.
Then you run into those three.
You recognize the younger Shroud brother - hard not to with his flames for hair - but you can only guess the other two are the new students occupying that abandoned dorm; one’s uniform seems foreign and the other is not even remotely humanoid. They're definitely eye-catching, especially together. And apparently, you're pretty eye-catching too, with the way they lay their eyes on you while you were talking to another student.
The younger Shroud brother leads the group as they make their way to you excitedly. You're already preparing yourself for what you assume is a normal conversation with these kids. Too bad normal is the wrong thing to expect from these three, you will come to know.
“(Y/N)! You’re back at school!” The younger Shroud - Ortho, that’s his name - exclaims as he flies slightly upwards, happy to see you again. The other two look at you curiously, head tilted to the side and all. You offer them a jolly laugh as you tell the other two who you are and update all of them of how your internship is going. They’re eerily silent when you’re relaying your story but you appreciate not being interrupted. ‘What polite freshmen,’ you thought.
Until they aren’t, because they interrupt you with-
“Can you adopt us?!”
Their eyes twinkle as they clasp their hands together and gaze at you with their best puppy-eye look. Oh, they’re being genuine. This is escalating way too quickly - the nickname was weird enough, you’re not sure what to feel about a bunch of age-ambiguous freshmen wanting a fellow (though presumably older) student to adopt them. You sigh and put on your best smile so as to not disappoint them.
Truth be told, it really isn’t as bad or weird as it sounds. People were already teasing you about it so might as well run along with it. But still. Legally adopting these freshmen would still be too much for you to handle. After all, you’re still going to be preoccupied with your internship. You won’t be present for most of their school years and the last thing you want to be is a father who forgot to bring the milk back home.
You tell them you will think about it, in case they were actually joking and you’re somehow dumb enough to not catch on. They agree to allow you to take your time… but then they start muttering about “getting a contract from Azul” and you immediately step in to stop them from taking any drastic measures.
After that whole ordeal, you leave school more exhausted than you thought you would be. After all, three freshmen literally asked you to become their father and adopt them and were about to get you to agree to some contract.  But then, you find out, they turn out to be the best children you’ve ever had. 
They can be a handful, sure - Ortho is way too curious for his own good sometimes, Grim can’t sit still and picks fights with people often, and Yuu is… Yuu. Being a single father is definitely not the easiest thing to do with them as your children.
Yet you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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good-vs-evo · 2 months
oooh i was just tryna find some huayin content because i was bored and a little tired and wanted to cheer myself up AND GUESS WHAT
i thought tumblr was a safe place for me to be insane and queer and have a good time w my silly little rarepairs and polycules and hcs
but apparently. i can't ask for one place to be silly lmao there are ppl on tumblr still being like haters... for ships they could easily avoid? and putting it... under the huayin tag? which is, you know. the uh. the intention is kind of confusing. esp since ppl search up that tag w the intent to consume content related to their personal interests and probably don't want to see ppl hating on what they enjoy in the process <3
once again i don't really see the point in so avidly hating a ship that ur tagging it... in hopes that ppl who ship it will see it? because... they're ppl who ship it... and will likely not agree w u... and will likely just see u as another hater... and either ignore or fight and like where will that get anyone? sincerely? and hating an artist so much like w so much passion i think there are better things in life to do such as: find an artist u do like and move on!!
but i digress i just. i wanted to make a lil post w my hcs for them bc i <3 huayin hehe
reusing some from my long post abt all the rarepairs and polycules i ship!
hua cheng rarely got sick, but when he did, he wasn't worried (he knew yin yu would take good care of him)
both yin yu and hua cheng know how to cook, so they make each other meals when they know the other is too busy to remember to cook for themselves
yin yu can read hua cheng's handwriting! possibly the only person on heaven, hell, and earth who can, he's really used to seeing his messy scribbles and has learned how to decipher them
hua cheng was kind of a xie lian gatekeeper for a while, but he regaled yin yu with stories and let yin yu into his temple dedicated to xie lian
e'ming trusts yin yu and likes him to equal levels to xie lian
they have some little odd creatures of mysterious background that they keep and raise together in paradise mansion
yin yu asked hua cheng to teach him how to draw and paint and hua cheng has little lessons for him when they're both free
yin yu's interested in different kinds of masks, so hua cheng gifted him a room and funds to invest in new ones
they have chill time once a month when they're required to leave their work to just spend an entire day together
hua cheng's love language to yin yu is acts of service and gift giving
yin yu's love language to hua cheng is acts of service (no wayyy) and touch
hope u enjoy :) and also wishing u a nice day :D
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ashes-writing · 2 years
burnin for you pt two | stranger things ; g.emerson
A/N ; So uh... I swear, this is not the chapter I intended to write when I sat down earlier but... I really wanted to give Gareth a moment or two to shine. And I personally feel like he definitely gets mean/mouthy and has anger issues, hates to see people being picked on. So... I guess this chapter stemmed from that. So if you wanna see a grumpy drummer get protective over a 'princess' type.. That is this.
ALSO OMG Y'ALL HAVE ME CRYING RN HAPPY TEARS BC LIKE... i did not think anybody would even look at this when I posted it. The fact that people did and they actually seemed to want to see more, like.. fuck, I'm blown away. emotions, man. Thank you thank you thank you so much you don't know how much it means to me. The feedback and stuff really does help and you don't know how much it inspires me.
Pairing ; Gareth Emerson x Sweet!girly!rich reader.
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; 
pt one - two - three - four found by clicking since tumblr can't be trusted to show my shit in the tags and it's hit or miss..
set in season four but none of the unholy terrors of the upside down will be happening here. eddie will not be dying. huuuuge note here. Gareth's actions within stem from my own personal headcanons about him having anger issues. And being v.v protective -especially when he's close to someone. Reader, i'll remind you is sweet!girly!rich fem reader. With soooo much insecurity, i s2g. There are reasons for this that are hinted at -will be hinted at. This is gonna be a bit of a slow burn with heaps of sexual tension starting from the next chapter, most likely. Not an intense slow burn but it's not racing towards the finish line either. A jog. that's what this is.
Tag List ; @musichealsscars @aries-arcade @allelitesmut @hcloangcls @krys-orion @rampagewriting --absolutely ignore if you prefer bb and @scoobiessnacks are the only ones I have to tag bc they're on my taglist. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Stranger things, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; the jocks. they are the warning. there is a confrontation. There is a fight. There is the teeniest mention of blood/injury. There is a v.v. insecure reader. more internal pining on both sides but no real... romantic type stuff... yet.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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“You.” your nose wrinkles with disgust as you tilt your head slightly and shield your eyes from harsh sunshine above. Mason Allen is standing there, but he’s not alone. No, he’s got two of his idiot friends with him because apparently, stupidity and being an actual creep are  spreading diseases. You swallow hard as the three of them step closer. Surrounding you.
“Relax.” Mason’s voice is quiet. His eyes drag over you longer than necessary. Long enough that you pass over from discomfort to real fear. He steps closer to you. Gently guides your chin up to make you look at him and he’s giving you that plastic fake grin when he does it and you just feel so sick… You shove his hand away with disgust and this only makes him step even closer. There’s an angry gleam in his eyes. It’s scary as hell.
“I’ll scream…” you trail off, eyes darting around yet again and finding no one, “ I bite.” you mumble quietly.
And you will. You do. But you’re hoping to fuck that whatever this is, it doesn’t come to that.
Your stomach does a lazy flip.
“You’ve been hanging all over that fuckin little freak like a bitch in heat since you got here. It’s disgusting. I just wanna know what he has that I don’t, sweetheart.”
You rub the bridge of your nose. Now there’s annoyance mixing in with your fear and neither of those are emotions you handle well at all. They both tend to make you mouthy as all hell. And this is not a good time for that to crop up.
This could go very,very badly if you get mouthy.
Before you even have a second to stop and think about it, your eyes are scanning the parking lot a third time, searching for anybody who looks even a little familiar, a little safe.
You’re mainly hoping to find Gareth but you’re pretty sure he was gone the second the bell rang. He doesn’t usually hang around after school for no reason. Except on Hellfire night and that wasn’t tonight. And given that you don’t know for sure what he drives just yet, you can’t tell if you’re right or not.
“C’mon, doll. Answer the guy. We’re just curious. Y’know Carver beat his ass once, right? Last year, actually.” Mason rubs his chin thoughtfully, gazing at you. That stupid fucking pervy gleam in his eyes the entire time. “You really want a pussy like that, doll?”
Carver. That prick. The one who gave you an entire ten minute lecture on those ‘satanists and their fucking cult’. The one who seems to be something of a wannabe cult leader himself. He pretends to be one of those white knight types but there’s something about him that just makes you a little afraid of the guy. The only jock that you’ve met lately that you’re not afraid of at all is the kid Lucas, you babysit for his mother regularly.
But then you stop and think about it, you’re afraid of a lot of things. Insecure as hell. 
“Why would you want that when you can have this, hm?” Mason gestures to yourself. And you’re trying so,so hard to bite your tongue, to keep the sarcasm in check so this doesn’t go off the rails somehow.
“ He’s not an asshole who likes to gang up on somebody and scare the living shit out of them, for starters?” you list it off. But you’re in full blown panic mode, so naturally, you don’t stop there. Between the anger and the fear, your mouth is about to land you in serious shit.
Or so you think.
“You’ve been with him almost two weeks. You gotta be gettin tired of the freaks by now. How do you know you don’t like me, hm?  You never really gave yourself a chance. You were under him from the word go.”
“Better him than you.” you mumble.
“What the fuck did you just say?” he asks, clenching his fist.
“You’re ugly,deaf and stupid? Damn. Somebody really pissed in your gene pool, didn’t they?” you retort and somehow, while you’re feeling feisty enough to do it, you shove him out of your way and you’re running.
Your only goal is to put as much distance as you can between you and Mason Allen. In the process of running away, you collide with Gareth, who was coming around the side of the building from the shop class on the back side. 
“You know I’m right, buddy. You know it, Gare.” Jeff insists. He catches sight of you in a full on blind run and he’s about to nudge Gareth. “Case in point… Do you really think she’d keep seeking you out if she didn’t like you at least a little?”
“We both know what’s going to happen.” Gareth insists, still totally unaware of you, approaching at break-neck speed. He’s looking down at writing covered sneakers. “Just leave it alone, damn it.” he snaps calmly.
“Yeah, I know what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna keep being weird around her til she just leaves you alone. Look, she’s not exactly the most confident… Kinda like somebody else I know.”
And then, it happens.
Gareth glances up to look around, see if he can spot you in the parking lot anywhere and he sees you alright, you’re running straight for him, full-throttle like you’ve got the hounds of hell right behind you.
You collide with him and before he can brace himself and keep you upright, you’re on top of him and his back is against the ground. And he bites back a groan because this is… Not going to help him and the situation he’s in with his little dumb crush on you and he knows it. The way you fell straddling his hips is going to haunt his memory for a long time. Even after you’ve come to your senses and abandoned him and the guys for a chance to be popular.
“C’mon. Run, now.” you’re stumbling over your words as you scramble to pull yourself off of him and trying to pull him off the ground too. Gareth is looking at you with a brow raised, taking in the way you were just running like your life depended on it, the widened panic deer-in-the headlights look on your face, all of it. And he just knows.
Somewhere at the bottom of it all, Mason Allen is involved. The guy’s been sniffing around since your first day. Popping up. Watching you. It’s creepy as hell, it never fails to piss Gareth off and his rants and tangents since this all began and Mason developed his odd fixation on you are nothing short of legendary. It’s just a matter of time until no amount of telling himself this is not his business won’t be enough anymore.
Gareth has been diligently  telling himself that this is not his problem and sooner or later, you will wind up among the popular kids and hell, you might even date Mason at some point, pretty girls always go for his type, don’t they?
But seeing you so freaked out. The shake he felt as it raced through your body when you ran into him, nearly knocked him down just now, it starts to sink in.
You’re actually terrified of the guy. Of a lot of people in general, come to think of it. You disguise it with disdain, disgust and sarcasm but the fact remains. 
And the anger he’s been telling himself he  doesn’t have a right to feel because you’re not his girl, that all comes rushing to the surface real quick.
When this happens, he pretty much decides to hell with running. If the guy scares you this fucking bad, maybe it’s time to put a stop to the him.
Drumsticks and Gareth’s notebooks are shoved at Jeff in haste. “Keep her over here, alright?”
“Gare, wait. There’s fucking three of them, idiot.” Jeff tries to reason but Gareth isn’t listening. He’s probably hit that black out level, the one where he’s not thinking, he’s just angry.
“Keep her over here.” his voice is deathly calm when he turns around to look back at Jeff. 
It hasn’t been this calm since way back in sixth grade, right before he completely messed Jason Carver’s face up. What’s surprising is that everyone seems to have forgotten just how scary an angry Gareth Emerson can actually be since then. He’s calmed down a lot since. He tries so hard to avoid fights. Even to a point where he just let Jason beat him up last year.
Jeff sees you about to make a run for it and go after Gareth but he swings his arm out in front of you. “Oh hell no. You’re not going back over there, alright?”
His tone is firm. You swallow hard and nod.
Eddie makes his way out of the back of the school and as soon as he sees what’s about to go down, he rubs his hand over his face. When he spots Dustin, he whistles to signal him over.
“There’s three of ‘em. Me and Jeff need to go help Gare, alright? Gare told Jeff to keep her,” he glances at you, “over here. You’re gonna do that, alright, Henderson?”
“O-okay.” Dustin nods, a little worried because he doesn’t know what the hell is going on. His gaze settles on you and you’re biting the edge of your thumb, you look freaked out. “What happened?”
“Stupid fuckin Mason. Again. I… I collided into Gareth and tried to get him to run but he stormed over there.”
Dustin grins to himself. 
The way Gareth protests to anyone who will listen in Hellfire about the two of you not being a thing, this is only proving everyone else right.
“I need to go over there. This is my fault. And like.. He’s the only friend I..” you’re upset, you’re scared and you’re disgusted with yourself because this is completely your fault. There is no mistake. You’re about to lose the only friend you really have, all because you were too pathetic to stand up for yourself.
,, This is precisely why no one ever stick around.” the thought comes and it doesn’t help. Not a bit.
“It’s not your fault. I mean if you were egging it on, I’d say I agree but you’re not. Also, he’s not your only friend, okay? I’m your friend too.” Dustin answers quietly.
“It is my fault. If I would have just been brave enough to deck the guy in the first place..” you glance over just in time to see Gareth put his entire body into Mason’s which sends him sprawling back and doesn’t stop Gareth. Not even a little.
Gareth is straddling him now, he’s got him pinned. “You’re gonna leave her alone… Right, Mason?” he asks, snarling the words as he holds onto the front of the other guy’s shirt. Mason is about to flip him but Gareth uses the fact that he’s actually got muscular legs and more strength in them than anyone really seems to realize to his advantage and he grips Mason’s sides, keeping him from flipping them. “You’re always talkin about us… You guys are the creeps. Not us.” he spits when he says it. “Pickin on somebody who can’t do anything because that’s so manly, right?” he lets go of Mason’s shirt and lets him hit the dirt of the schoolyard.
Jeff and Eddie went over to help out, but so far, Gareth has kept the upper hand. Ducking punches thrown, coming up with his own harder ones, a stray punch or two landing with him but he doesn’t seem to notice. 
They’re shocked because the last time Gareth got this angry was all the way back in middle school and it took years for any of the jocks to even consider pissing him off again. Some of them who haven’t forgotten the whole thing still keep a pretty wide berth when it comes to Gareth.
Two of Mason’s buddies act as if they’re going to go help and triple team Gareth but Jeff and Eddie grab hold of them and hold them off with a smirk. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, hm?” Jeff asks, smirking at the one he’s got hold of. Eddie chuckles. “No, no no.. Three on one, that’s not fair, right? You’re gonna stay right here, buddy.” he tells the one he’s grabbed and holding back. “This is gonna happen, bud. Just accept it.”
Gareth happens to look up just as you come running over to try and stop it from getting out of hand and this is what kind of calms him down a little and brings him back to reality. The angry haze begins to clear out and he pulls himself up off of Mason, wiping the back of his hand across his bloodied mouth. “Don’t even look her way again.” is the last thing he tells Mason Allen and Mason waves his hands defensively when he doesn’t answer quick enough and Gareth looks like he’s going to punch him one more time because of it. “Okay, alright. Fuck. I won’t even look at her.” he insists, but at this point it’s as if he’s pleading more than anything, there’s a slight shake to the jock’s voice that has Eddie snickering and Jeff chuckling quietly with amusement.
With the potential that the fight was seen, the jocks scatter away, retreating to the gym. Gareth’s taking deep breaths to calm down. “Dude, you want your emergency inhaler?” Jeff asks when he sees Gareth trying to catch his breath. “Just to be safe, man. I’ll go get it.”
“Yeah.” Gareth answers, panting, digging down into his jeans. He tosses the keys in Jeff’s general direction and Jeff bends down to scoop them up then he takes off towards the truck Gareth drives. You make your way over, wincing and grimacing as you catch sight of the busted lip and the bruise on his cheek.
And you’re conflicted because seeing him get that angry was scary, but on the other hand, if you’d been braver, if you’d stood up for yourself to begin with back around the third day when Mason made this a pattern, it wouldn’t have happened.
You’re worried about him. He could have gotten seriously injured if things had gone just a little differently.
“You didn’t have to do that.” you mumble softly. “I should’ve.. I should’ve done something.”
Gareth shrugs. He really doesn’t say anything. Neither do you.
But you have to do something. You untie the pink silk scarf tied into your ponytail and you step up to him cautiously, holding it out. You wince and you gingerly press the fabric against his mouth. It’s not ice, but it’ll get some of the blood off. 
“Dustin?” you motion the younger boy over.
You nod to your own bag discarded on the lawn because it was too heavy and you needed to run fast and get the hell out of dodge minutes ago. “There’s a dollar in the pocket. Go get me something cold out of the vending machine, please?”
“On it.” Dustin makes his way over to the dropped bag and picks it up, finding the money. Then he takes off for the gym.
Gareth’s breathing is back to normal and he’s calming down, but he’s kind of thrown for a loop because you didn’t see everything you just saw and run like hell. Or decide that maybe giving in and just hanging out with them was the better idea.
As it sinks in for him, he’s staring up at you. 
“I can go if you want.” you mumble quietly, your stomach twisting as you say it.
This has to be too much for him. It has to be.
“No. It’s fine.” he mutters quietly.
You nod. Dustin comes running back over with a cold drink and you hold it against Gareth’s lip. “You shouldn’t have done that. I..I should have done something about it myself.”
“Do what, exactly? He would’ve had his friends waiting. That’s how those assholes operate.” Gareth answers quietly. Hissing at the cold against the heat in his busted lip. Trying to cringe away a little because of it, only to have you step a little closer, just enough that he’s slightly towered over you and your body’s just barely grazing his. The cotton candy scent of your perfume gives him something to focus on and he breathes in and out slowly.
“I know, just..” you take a deep breath. “It’s my fault.”
“But it’s not. You didn’t ask the guy to be a fucking creep.” Gareth states quietly.
You shrug. But you don’t say anything because you don’t know what to say. You only know what you feel and  you feel like this is all your fault somehow.
“He didn’t… do anything, right?” Gareth asks, tensing up.
“No, no. No. I ran.” you reassure him. You back the cold drink away from his mouth and grimace, shaking your head.
“Good.” he takes a deep breath or two, relieved. Wincing because his lip is throbbing and he feels like shit after the adrenaline has started to wear down. He’s eyeing the aluminum can in your hand and you pop the tab, holding it out to him. “H-here.”
When he takes it, his fingers brush your hand and for the millionth time, it feels like someone’s just dragged a live wire over him. He takes a sip of the drink and holds it out to you.
You don’t realize how big this is yet. Gareth’s not the one who shares everything easily. The fact that he’s sharing a Dr. Pepper with you right now is definitely a bigger deal than he makes it seem or that you even realize it is just yet.
“Did you drive here?” he asks quietly. You shake your head. “Uh uh. Walked.”
“Do you uh… Do you want a ride home?” he asks quietly.
You nod. If he takes you home, you can at least get him cleaned up a little better.
“Yeah. Only if you don’t mind and it’s no trouble, though.” you stumble over your words. You’re relieved because you know at least two of the jocks happen to live out near the same area as you and you always see them driving past when you’re walking.
Gareth steps closer because something else is starting to sink in. You’re never outright asking for anything nor will you say yes to anything without tacking on “Only if I’m not bothering you” or some variation of it at the end. And he’s starting to realize that really, really bothers him too. Makes him want to find anybody who ever made you feel like you have to make yourself small or whatever it is you’re trying to do and show them how it feels.
And he realizes finally that he can’t just continue on keeping you at an arms length. And he really doesn’t want to, either. Even if all he ever gets is friendship, it’s better than nothing, right?
He decides then and there that yes… yes, it is.
“Hey, Emerson.. We’re going ahead to Grants. Just come by when you get her home.” Jeff calls out and as says it, he nudges Eddie. “Doesn’t have a crush on her my ass, right?”
Eddie laughs, nodding. “Cmon. I gotta stop by Reefer’s on the way.”
– ( an hour later )
“You’re sure this is okay… Right?” you ask him for the third time and Gareth chuckles quietly as he nods. He brings the truck to a stop behind Eddie’s van at the curb of Grant’s house. You’d cleaned out his lip and fussed over the bruise. More than once during the amount of time he was in the house you live in, he got the feeling that you were alone there a lot.
When he asked you about it, you told him your parents were always away with your dad’s work. You acted like it wasn’t a big deal at all but he could tell it bothered you. So, he’d asked again if you wanted to come with him and watch the band practice in Grant’s basement. He’d had to really convince you that it would be fine, that he wasn’t angry about everything that happened in the schoolyard, that no one was, but he managed to and you’d agreed to come back with him. 
After changing of course. And if he thought the little soft sundresses in their varying pastel hues were something of a distraction, he had not prepared himself at all for the sight of you in a pair of shorts and a soft pink sweater that hung off of one shoulder with the sleeves hanging over your hands slightly.
Because he’d damn near forgotten to breathe when he saw you.
Your hair was out of it’s usual ponytail and bow and it was loose, a little wild.
He was still trying to decide which way he liked you better.
Distracted as hell and nearly turned down the wrong damn street when he got to the part of town Grant lived in just because you were sitting in his passenger seat. 
“I’m telling you, it’s fine. C’mon.” he chuckles quietly and you nod. He gets out and makes his way around to help you out of the truck. The two of you make your way into Grant’s basement via the door on the side of the house and Grant’s immediate response is to grin and high five him and say that he wished he hadn’t missed the whole fight.
Gareth shrugs it off.
Eddie smirks and nods to you. “Decided to come with you finally?”
“Yeah.” he answered, glancing back at you where you’re sitting on an old sofa in the corner. He drags his hand through soft,curly hair and shuffles his feet. “Don’t start shit.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Gare.” Eddie laughs, giving the shorter boy a friendly shove. “C’mon. Let’s play.” he tells the others as he picks up his guitar. You watch as Gareth takes a seat on his stool behind his old drum kit. Scooting forward on the sofa a little more as they cue up a song you haven’t ever heard before, but it’s a little catchy. 
You’re bouncing your foot with the music and smiling.
You feel a little more relaxed for once. Hopeful.
Maybe if nothing else, you can finally make friends again…
But there’s that nagging doubt in your mind too… What if you push him away too somehow? What if he’s not what you’ve got yourself thinking he is and the same shit that happened to you before, in your old school, happens again?
All you can do is see where everything goes. Carefully.
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shittyelfwriter · 7 months
ALRIGHTY here we are at weeks three and four for the santa clauses series! I did not rewatch a second time because genuinely, these melted my brain. anyway, lets get into it below the cut!
So apparently according to the tsc tag, episode 3 that I missed last week is a sort of filler episode? OH BROTHER REALLY
Normally I would not complain bc I miss old format, 20-23 episode series but because I know this Isn't That? DREAD. how are you going to plot well and good in 7-8eps if some are filler? that is just SO condensed, my guy
Counterpoint to people who were sad about it but: I thought the teen romance was annoying and I'm GLAD they ended it even JUST for a bit (it will come back to haunt again, trust. It’s a disney series ffs.) Whoever is writing this needs to ask a teen about how they talk nowadays. This is not it.
I also think we're driving the whole "Buddy is terrible at everything" punchline WAY past its breaking point. Which I would argue was last season entirely, but. At the very latest, last episode with how heavy on cringe it was. Yes, EVEN for kids/teens.
Again, they are not antagonizing Magnus Antas enough for me to hate him. waaaaay too funny to be a villain. I can't take him seriously and DON'T want to
The way that Noel keeps sideyeing the Betty cutout as if to say "do you see this shit?" during his brunch with the Clauses SENT me tbh. That's bernelle coded and I love it
I do not know why Disney gets OFF on the Clauses being absolutely inept parents but I wish they would stop
LOVING the exterior shots of the workshop and Elfsburg. As someone who has POURED over all available screenshots from the movies of those I am LIVING for new angles (even though I do NOT think bernelle would live that close to the Workshop, but it doesn't seem like Betty and Noel can POOF like Bman and Elle can (and do))
I don't know why there are TWO instances of a "misspoken turn of phrase" in this episode but neither were funny and TWO OF THEM was REALLY bad
Crossing guard callback? For what? (okay, shrug I GUESS dot meme)
Why does this specific franchise always have to make EB SO WEIRD. WHY. Nothing about this is funny it's just off-putting. Just like the previous EB flirting with Carol's MARRIED MOM in tsc3
This Carol and La Befana scene was actually very good. LOVE it when they actually just let the characters be HONEST with each other. Women supporting women core. Even if Carol's reason for being mad at her was really shallow and obviously stems form Carol's lack of identity as Mrs. Claus because they just cannot wrap that plot point from last season up.
THE LETTERS DEPARTMENT. It looks dope but HATE the explanation for it. Half assed as hell. WARNING! Rant incoming: like from what I know a LOT of postal services have little lore stories about how they get the letters to Santa. WHY COULDNT WE JUST SAY THERE ARE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN SANTA AND OTHER ADULT PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE FOR OTHERS AS WELL? Why is this series so obsessed with making everything only powered by magic and never by others (yes, humans) who want to keep the spirit alive as well? It feels like magic is being used as an "explain it all away" crutch narratively. Even in season 1, the "solution" to mass consumerism wasn't for people to be kind to each other and do little things to keep the magical parts of Christmas alive, it was to show the world that magic was real. Season 2 so far, the answer to everything is also just magic. I'm hoping that maybe the B plot with Kris will touch on this. Because as it stands right now, it feels like the writers are talking out of both sides of their mouth. Commercial Christmas is bad, but Kris is a loser for having a Santa theme park. Like?? Homogenization of Christmas is the Big Bad at large, but also up at the Pole they are trying to find ways to do the same thing to be "current". CHRISTMAS IS MULTIFACTED. It is both secular and religious! That is OKAY, I don't even think "woke" people are arguing about that. Sheesh.
Can't believe I'm micro rambling IN my ramble post. New achievement unlocked omg
The way Magnus Antas picks up on modern slang so quickly practically puts Scott to shame. Good for him
AGAIN, the misturn of phrase jokes. DEAD. Not funny. STOP
If they are going to make Sandra so op that she can just Wanda Maximoff chaos magic "I just say something when I'm mad and it happens, anything I want with no negative impact on me" I will not find that swag. That is in fact Mary Sue territory, lads
Sandra's little outburst @ La Befana was giving magical nepo baby for a moment there. Oof. "Too bad I'm just naturally more skilled than you even though I'm new and you've been a witch forever" girl SHUT. UP. You are like a little baby. Also that is so mad disrespectful like no WONDER La Befana is wanting you to slow tf down. You fly off the handle WAY to easily and we ALL know you lose control when you do! Okay loose cannon! Werk!
Riley. Girl. "we never see each other" you were just up at the Pole?? Like. OFTEN?? This is so stupid of a breakup but they are teenagers so go off kids, be dysfunctional or what have you. Rah rah, as Jack would say
Episode four now, lord help us. God has cursed me for my (loving this one Christmas movie series) hubris and my work (watching it's hellish series spin off) is never finished
"Reversing a transformation is never a guarantee" what is this La Befana? the Sims? Sounds like transformation ray odds. Magic is not THAT unpredictable, even by in-universe logic
ARE YOU SO FUCKING FR RN. SO BERNARD IS MARRIED TO A SENIOR CITIZEN AND CURTIS. FUCKIN VAPORIZED?? FROM STRESS? WHAT'S NEXT? Lemme guess, Judy joined the circus. Quintin is a crypto investor or works for Tesla. WHAT ARE WE D O I N G
Not Scott moving the scissors like he's afraid Buddy will shank him or others?? SIR
So they just con him? As though that's a long term solutio-- OH MY GOD NOT SCOTT USING SANDMAN'S SAND ON SANDMAN HIMSELF?? that's ILLEGALE?? According to tsc3 lore: "We legendaries can't use magic on each other?" I am so bewildered by the level of retcon occurring before my very eyes at BREAKNECK speed
Sandra doesn't need magic she needs THERAPY for her ANGER ISSUES bruh. Damn. She doesn't need a rage room (in someone's house too I might add? okayyyy) she needs to learn to process like a normal human being wtf
Scott being able to look like his normal self whenever he wants and they just didn't tell him? For like. 25 years? Like its clear that by the series standards, the elves think he's a total moron. But it pendulums hard and fast between "haha funny joke" and "damn they really think he ain't shit, huh"
Edie being a fashion diva is such a serve she's grown on me this season ngl
"I had to teach him how to do all the Legendaries jobs" Scott I know you're waffling, absolutely FUMBLING but what the FUCKKKKK is that excuse??? What's Cal going to do? Be EVERY Legendary? TERRIBLE AWFUL HATE IT UNINSPIRED. Not to mention, SOME OF THE OTHER LEGENDARIES MIGHT NOT TAKE THAT NEWS WELL. Some might even feel THREATENED
"The man I die for in my sleep every night" UM? Noel? You okay there bud? Holy heck
Do you guys think according to this new lore Edie made Jack's suit? because me thinks PERHAPS
Magnus Antas is kind of popping off, damn. Like I think if the gnomes hadn’t given him MAJOR delusions of grandeur and an ego trip, he could have stayed totally a vibe. But stop giving the Santas snow powers and reconning Jack holy SHIT dude. First Scott now him? HATE IT
The way they made Scott and Cal look when "invisible" is Not a Good Look heck. Its like a bad picsart filter
These Scott visions. I get why, its through the Santa magic, right? But dang its corny
So Scott knows Magnus Antas is back now. Okay. They got away from him. Lost visual on Olga, have a bad feeling she somehow sneaked into the sleigh. Weird cliffhanger but EVERY episode has been like that so far
Final thoughts: I feel like they're definitely trying to make this season take itself less seriously, but I feel like the trade off is that the writers are taking too many liberties for diversions from source material and are therefore, losing the plot entirely and retconning movie lore at will and convenience. Tl;dr, it's messy. Concepts are fun until things just become so irreverent they fall apart or lean into entirely unfunny territory. Which is just a hallmark of T*m All*n brand humor, tee em, but you know.
It feels like this series is doing everything and nothing. It wants woke points, but immediately doubles back and makes fun of those same things. It wants us to feel empathy for these characters, and immediately makes them insufferable. I am so confused as to what the takeaway is supposed to be. It all feels so poorly executed--the series retcons itself constantly, not to mention the movies. I want it to be fun, and to take it at surface value, but if you know literally anything about the movies, that becomes a challenge to do. I'm just so confused dude.
I will be shocked if this gets a third season. Truly.
Also, I miss Betty too, Noel. Wish this whole season was about HER shenanigans, instead.
So. See you all next week then?
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twotiime2 · 9 months
Reality Adjustment, Pt. 3
[[ Discord RP log to follow. This one is a lot of dialogue, and it just gets domestic from here.
Still features themes of unreality and being unable to trust your own perceptions, now includes a brief hospital scene, mentions of cranial surgery and descriptions that may be uncomfortable to some people, amnesia via medical procedure mishap, mention of mind-altering substances and previous, warned-for scenes.
If anything else pops up and I haven't mentioned it, please let me know for revised tagging purposes. ]]
"Simon, wake up!"
"He's still showing erratic theta activity."
"Apply the stabilizer."
"We can't, another dose could kill him!"
"I think he's regaining cognition function. Alpha is up 42%. Beta too."
"Get him out of that thing! We can't afford to lose our most reliable field test operative to a glitch!"
"There was no glitch, everything's reading properly."
"Like hell, I saw that code spike, Alan!"
"Okay, a small glitch."
"He's normalizing. Still showing massive BCS, though."
"Can we treat it?"
"No. Synaptic pathways were scrambled across several CogSec bands."
"You can do this!"
"I'm picking up increased beta and delta, sir, along a … a secondary waveform?"
"Could be a possession."
"No, these systems are hardlocked, after what happened."
"I think I can inload something through the secondary signal!"
"That's gibberish."
"No, I mean, I think we can use this as a backdoor to upload a regenerative neurovirus!"
"I'm still hearing bullshit, Doug."
"Just a little longer!"
"His heart is starting to give out, sir!"
"What!? Why!?"
"He's entered some kind of hyperdream state."
"That's not possible…"
"Who's on his feed!?"
"Nobody, he isn't even on a line anymore! He stabilized, remember!?"
"Somebody tell me what the hell is going on!"
"Please wake up."
His eyes opened, painfully and with much effort. The light was dim and he was wearing only a white hospital gown. Numerous electrodes were connected to his temples, neck, and chest. He was on an IV drip and his head hurt like hell. Simone, wearing a white t-shirt with black short sleeves, and black jeans, with one black shoe with white laces and one white shoe with black laces, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, slept in a chair nearby his bed. She looked to be a little older than he expected, without her maid's outfit on. Otome, wearing a black tuxedo t-shirt, a black leather collar with a silver heart loop hanging from the front, and a black goth-doll skirt with numerous buckles and straps hanging from it, slept next to her. Though silent, Invader Zim was playing on the TV in his private hospital room.
- - - -
Simon tried to sit up, groggy and with a massive headache, while taking in his environment. That- what he thought he remembered hearing briefly- seemed familiar… and there was Otome, and apparently Simone as well, though in much more Consensus-appropriate attire. She was still very cute, if he could be honest with himself.
His right arm lifted to try and feel his left shoulder and hand, assess if there had been any real (Real?) damage from those dreams, before he adjusted himself to be properly sitting up, comfortably, in the hospital bed. He didn't end up in the hospital a lot, so it was kind of scary, and also kind of novel. Was the Union watching him right now? Were they going to send in a doctor or nurse now that he was awake? He didn't want to disturb those girls, yet… and hoped Simone was some kind of shapeshifter, or actual spirit, or something, so that she could be a little cat again at some point.
- - - -
There was, indeed, a male nurse - in white, with the Medical Services badge he could barely manage a vague recollection of for the Union's medical staff, on his left breast and right shoulder. He came in carrying a tablet and stylus, wearing a few items in little pouches on his belt. He, too, seemed concerned about disturbing the girls and kept his voice to a loud whisper.
"Welcome back, Mr. Castor. We thought maybe we'd lost you. We've been monitoring your situation from the station outside… you seem to be doing better. Cognitive function seems to be returning to normal, for the most part. Prognosis is good. Do you feel up to a few minor tests?"
- - - -
"Like I haven't heard that before…" he muttered to himself, in response to the 'we thought maybe we'd lost you'. He hadn't, though.
"I- yeah, I guess. Pretty sure my brain's still really fried, though- I don't remember anything but that 90s sim life, or alternate reality, or whatever the fuck it counts as at this point…" Simon ran a hand through his hair, grimacing at his tender scalp. "But- yeah."
- - - -
The nurse nodded and gently removed various things from Simon's person before helping him to his feet. He even had a walker, in case he needed to lean, and it was helpful. He felt like he hadn't been on his feet in a week. This was also when he learned that he was wearing two gowns, one facing the other, so he was covered thoroughly, rather than bare-assed to the world.
The nurse gave a nod to the girls' sleeping spots and said quietly, "You'll be back before she even knows you were gone. This way."
And he led Simon from the room.
- - - -
Singular she. So the nurse couldn't see one of them. That was fine; better off that way, probably. Simon felt so weak, leaning on that walker, but he couldn't deny the utility of its support, and followed the nurse to where they were going without much comment. Had he eaten anything solid in that time?
Probably not. He was probably as weak, physically, as he felt.
- - - -
The tests were pretty basic… follow the light with your eyes, reflex response, hearing test, check for any signs of partial paralysis, basic cognitive function (point to and name the giraffe, count from one to ten and back, etc). It quickly became apparent that he was being checked for any signs of brain damage, stroke, or other related conditions.
Then they ran into the hard questions…. What year is it? Who is the president? What's your mother's name? What's your wife's name? What's your address? Your birthday?
The hard ones.
- - - -
Very hard ones. He based one on the information from his dreams, sparse as it was.
2023? Dunno. Took a minute, he didn't know his mom- Michelle, maybe? He had a wife??? Dunno. June fifth.
He had told the nurse his brain was still fried in 90s juice.
- - - -
Correct. Fair enough. Correct. No, that was part of the test. Fair. Good.
Given that they knew Simon was missing large portions of his memory, he passed with flying colors. He was informed that some of the agents in QDivision were working on a way to bring his brain back up to speed, but that - sadly - any memories he had gained during the incident would remain as if they'd really happened. There wasn't anything more they could do about that (though he did piece together from context that some of the horrifying 'reality-hopping' he'd experienced throughout his 'life' had been the result of numerous psychotropic drugs and emergency processing code used during the incident, that would likely have been interpreted by his brain as radical dream-like departures from the simulation's reality).
He was also informed, with a very gentle 'I'm so sorry, but there's been a complication' tone, that something unexplained about the incident - some quirk of the chemical compounds running through his system, combined with the physical trauma of what he was going through and the circuitry that had been implanted in his cranium prior to their emergency removal (so he had had implants, but didn't anymore) - had somehow caused his right iris to take on a crimson hue that was deeply unnatural looking, and that they'd been unable to correct without a fully cybernetic ocular implant - and they didn't want to put him through any major surgeries right after what happened. Especially since they were still figuring out if the initial error had been the result of the hypercram device or something about his previous cybernetics arrangement interacting with the device in an unexpected way.
Simon was offered a return to his room, a prescription for headache medications and - since the incident had damaged his vision - he'd require glasses or contact lenses from now on… at least until he decided to have the cybersurgery, if he chose to replace the damaged eye and wanted to have both of them replaced.
- - - -
He asked for a mirror to check things out for himself, as the news that he had a naturally bright red eye actually brought a grin to Simon's face. He didn't need any more cybersurgery unless it was to make the other eye BSOD blue. He could handle glasses, given the sim had him using them for most of his life up until this point.
"So… maybe they can get me my native memories back, but otherwise the memories I got from the sleepteaching are permanent. …I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, honestly."
What he did know was that his mind had at least some idea of where he was and what happened, given the initial scenario he woke up in with Otome and Loane and the info he got from their quiet conversation. If any of this was actually happening.
"…You know, they're gonna have to reassign Loane, since I don't know a HIT Mark from a flashy thing anymore."
- - - -
The nurse (or maybe he was a doctor and this was just what MS doctors wore?) checked his tablet for a moment, before saying, "I don't see any loans mentioned for you, agent. You'll have to speak to someone in fiscal for that, I'm afraid."
Interestingly, his natural eye color looked very much like that strong - almost comically so - blue, already.
"I'll put in an inquiry and have someone from there reach out to you, if you like. In the meantime, I'm sure Ms. Otome can bring you up to speed on things like your address and phone number. Just stay at home for a while, no active duty for 30 days, and no reporting in to the office for at least 14 of those, understand? I know you field guys like to stay busy, but your mind needs time to heal and on top of all the psychological trauma, you're also still recovering from a major cranial surgery and cybernetics removal procedure. The fact that you can walk, talk, and know your own name is nothing short of a minor miracle, Mr. Castor."
- - - -
Simon frowned at him not recognizing Agent Loane's presence; that must've been a quirk of some kind, but he still felt the need to ask, "If Loane isn't a name you recognize, do I even have a field partner? …Man."
He shook his head, feeling for the surgical scars or marks that may have been left, with one hand. "I gotta say, a lot of the shit I saw while under was fuckin' weird… Maybe it was just some lady doctor filling Otome in while I was out…"
It didn't explain those fucked up subliminals or the image of Otome as a living blow-up doll, but, well, the Union had a "reasonable" explanation for just about everything, didn't they?
He'd have to keep in mind all of the things he had said to Simone, and thought about during that brief period.
"…Can I get some kind'a manual or something for how cellphones and computers work now?"
- - - -
"I'm sure you'll be able to Google anything like that, as the need arises. YouTube's full of useful stuff, as well, just be careful about scam channels in your feed."
Boy, those were some words.
- - - -
"…Man, I have no idea what you're recommending to me. What happened to Dogpile?"
- - - -
"I don't know of anyone with that code name. Why don't I get you set up with your prescriptions and get you back to your room, so you can get dressed and head on home? Standard Medopticon."
- - - -
Simon frowned harder. "…This is what I meant by needing a goddamn manual. All my info about the internet is a quarter-century out of date."
He grumbled to himself, but relented for the doctor to take him back to the hospital room so that he could dress and go home.
- - - -
He chuckled, "I see what you mean. I'll leave that kind of recuperative therapy to Ms. Otome."
The doctor saw him back to the room, where he found only Otome (Miss Otome?) sleeping in a chair. He was shown where his clothes were, where the bathroom was, and encouraged to take the walker with him, until he felt strong enough to walk and maneuver on his own. He was then left to his own devices and told that the medications and his new glasses (all prescribed based on medical scans) would be waiting for him at the front desk in about fifteen minutes.
After the doctor left the room, a flush came from the restroom and Simone emerged, slicking her hands with sanitizer gel.
When she saw Simon, she lit up and hugged him tightly. "There you are!"
- - - -
Being that he was still in the double-gown and using a walker, Simon was not prepared to hug Simone back- and had actually been a little disappointed when he didn't see her next to Otome, so was relieved when she came out of the bathroom at all. He held her with one hand and tried to take in what she smelled like while she smushed him in a bear hug.
"Hey," he kept his voice low so as not to wake Otome, "…are you real? Or am I talking to a girl only I can see and hear? Be honest with me."
- - - -
She was wearing a smell that mixed …. hand sanitizer… with some kind of light strawberry shampoo and a perfume of some kind - very lightly applied - that smelled a little like candy or cookies or something else edible and sweet. She was about 5'2" to his 6'2", and warm to the touch. She certainly seemed real.
She, too, kept her voice down. "I'm real. Are you real?"
- - - -
He screwed up one side of his mouth at her, skeptical. "The doctor couldn't see you. You came out of the bathroom after he left. That's pretty conspicuous."
Simon held her at arm's length and examined her a little more closely. …Still young, still cute. He reached up and tested a theory by petting her head and then scratching behind her ear like he would have if that kitten were here.
- - - -
She looked confused and blushed a little. "Is… is this… are we… having a moment?"
- - - -
Frownnn. "…No... While I was out, I was hearing your voice while there was this kitten present. She had my eyes and was black and white, kinda like you, so I thought I'd check." He turned from her, shrugging, and hobbled over to his clothes so that he could get dressed in whatever had been given to him, before Otome woke up. He continued talking to Simone, though. "You kept telling me to wake up, and fight them. 'They' were 'in my dreams'." Of course he did air quotes, if only with one hand.
"And then there was the dreamscape where you were a maid on an airship run by a cat."
- - - -
She seemed a little disappointed that they weren't having a moment, but tried - and failed - not to let it show. "Soooo… you dreamed I was a talking cat? And a maid? Or was I a maid with a cat? Or, I guess, a cat wearing a mad suit?"
She blinked as he began to dress, and turned around to face away from him. "So, uh… what about Otome? Do you guys… I mean… did you dream about-- no… do you… do you stroke her ears like that?"
- - - -
He shrugged. "No; Honestly, her whole maid thing kind of weirded me out- she takes it really seriously, and I have no idea what that's about. When she tried to explain it to me, my work partner pulled a gun on the kitten I was holding, so that all kinda went out the window. Didn't really get an explanation, come to think of it."
At least it was casualwear and not his suit. Simon rolled the cuffs of his overlong jeans up to where they were comfortable and out of the way, but when he straightened, he got a little lightheaded and had to hold on to the walker again. Definitely need to eat soon.
"I think it was more like, the cat was symbolic of you or something? And while it was present, I could hear your voice, but it didn't talk per se." He paused to pull a graphic tee-shirt on over his head; he didn't recognize the image on it, but it was probably cool nerd shit regardless. "The airship part was you, with pigtails, in a maid outfit, being a maid for the airship, and the airship captain was a totally different cat. I'm not sure what was up with that, but we had a pretty heavy conversation about heroes and how nobody is gonna do something hard- so if you're inclined to, you gotta do the hard thing, and set the example for everyone else. I had a lot of thoughts about the Union during that conversation."
- - - -
"You uh… have a thing for maids, I think."
She grinned sheepishly. "Was I preeeetty?"
- - - -
The gowns got folded up and placed in whatever counted as a bin for dirty clothing.
"As pretty as you are now. Which is very pretty," he held up a finger with his interjection, tilting it at her slightly for emphasis, "But, you gotta remember, I have no idea what our relationship or anything is right now. You could be my sister, for all I know. So, like, take it easy, maybe?"
Simon was being very flippant about this concept, but, not knowing his relationship to other people was one of the things he hated most about all this reality-hopping.
- - - -
She muttered something under her breath, grumbling about taking it any way she could get it, but it was so soft and quiet, he might not have heard it right.
Otome stirred and woke, looking at the bed, then up at Simon. Her face was one of disbelieving delight and she scrambled to get out of the chair, rushing to hug him very gently. "Simon!! You're awake! You're okay! I knew you'd wake up, I just knew it!"
- - - -
That mumbled comment had his eyebrow raised at her, but when he went to turn around, Otome woke up and caught him with a gentle hug. Simon patted her between her shoulders with one hand, while the other rested on her pink hair.
"I- yeah, sorry, I figured you needed some rest since you were out so hard… Doc's given me the all-clear t'go home, at least? But I'm gonna need prescription glasses again, unless I get my eyes replaced at some point, and I'm not allowed to go in to the office for the next couple weeks. No ops for at least a month, too, even if I do go in. Can't say I'm complaining so far."
- - - -
She grinned and booped his nose very gently, "I like the evil eye. They said you had suffered some kind of retinal damage and it messed up one of your eyes worse than the other, but… I kinda like it. It's very… you." She laid her head on his chest. "You scared me. I thought maybe you'd… I mean, I know you like the cutting edge stuff, but… there's always the risk that you won't come home, you know?"
- - - -
He grinned back, though did feel guilty when she laid against him, letting his grin fade. "I… yeah. Did the docs tell you what to expect…?"
Simon also looked for Simone again, or maybe that kitten, still hoping that he wasn't the only one who could see and interact with her.
- - - -
Simone, whose name he hadn't actually verified yet, was sitting on his hospital bed and playing with the computer thing that monitored him, licking the electrode sucker discs and sticking them to various parts of her forehead and face.
Otome looked up at Simon. "Just that, if you ever woke up, you'd probably be bed ridden for a few days and could have some serious memory loss and some… implanted?…. memories, instead? And that I should take care of you and help you figure things out. They said that you might be stuck in the 90's, in your head. Buuuut…."
She played lightly with his collar as her voice got softer. "… if you're going to be trapped in bed for a few days, I could always… you know… take care of you? I still have that costume… remember the one?"
She absently fidgeted with the metal heart loop on her color.
Behind her, Simone waggled her eyebrows.
- - - -
Simon rolled his eyes at Simone. He did not have a Maid Thing, shut uppppp.
"Well, uh, good news is I'm not bedridden," he began gently, "Bad news is, I definitely do not remember anything about our relationship besides what happened in my crazy dreams." He very carefully extricated her hand from the collar of his shirt. "And I have no idea how my phone or computer work. Because I'm under the impression I was in fact living in the 90s with a totally different life."
Still, he held her hand and her back comfortably. "I also have the feeling that outfit may be service industry oriented, given some of what I dreamt about?"
- - - -
"Well… yes. It's that one maid outfit we got me at Otakon? Wait, you… don't… remember… " She searched his eyes. "Us?"
Simone now had one electrode stuck over each of her closed eyes, seven on her forehead, three on each cheek, one on her chin, and was slurping on the IV's water bag by leaning in to the IV stand with her head tilted up and the line in her mouth, like a gerbil with a sippy cup.
- - - -
If this moment weren't terribly meaningful to Otome, it would have been so dissonant in tone as to make Simon cackle. To his credit, he managed to hide his amused smile at Simone's shenanigans very quickly.
He patted Otome's back and then rubbed it gently. "…No."
"But- while I was out, I woke up in my bedroom a couple different times, and both times you were my really cute and diligent and familiar maid, if that helps at all? I… can guess we were probably in a relationship. Or. Are."
He would let her slip and step away if she needed to.
Simone really acted like a silly kid.
- - - -
Otome swallowed hard and just nodded quietly, letting herself step away. She was doing her best to keep whatever she was feeling under wraps, and was pretty good at it. Simone was slowly pulling things from herself and watching Otome with deep sympathy and sadness in her eyes. She knew exactly how Otome was feeling and how hard it was.
Otome cleared her throat and offered a forced smile. "At least you can teach me how things used to be in the 90's, and I can show you things like Youtube."
- - - -
His eyes held that same amount of sympathy, even if he didn't truly understand either girl's pain. He at least felt really bad for putting them through it, even if he couldn't help it.
"The guys at QDiv are working on a way to get my head caught back up, if it helps… But, yeah- showing me how all the tech works now would be stellar. I think any of my stories would be pretty outdated for you, though."
He rubbed the back of his head, feeling awkward and embarrassed.
- - - -
"Everything about you is outdated right now. Even that red eye. I wore that first, you copycat," popped off Simone, playfully.
Otome, on the other hand, took Simon's hand in hers. "We'll go slow. Until you feel ready… to… find your way back to your life again."
- - - -
Simon pouted at Simone. He didn't even know her when he got his eyes changed to be exactly how he wanted, with the Agency- if that even really happened. He still couldn't be sure. Nobody who wasn't there would be able to corroborate anything that he believed happened… Karl probably would never acknowledge it, and Connor was gone or dead or something, and the Agency didn't exist in this reality at all; he would have to check on HunterNet, at the very least. When he could find it.
Coming back to the possibly-present, Simon rubbed his thumb over Otome's knuckles gently, and he hoped in a way that was comforting for her. He'd have to ask her about Simone's being real when she wasn't still shell-shocked from the realization that he didn't know her at all. "I mean- It'd be great if I could remember," he waved his hand around vaguely, "this! I'd really love to. That's just- I dunno, my egg's all scrambled and overwritten and they've gotta dig through my archived files to try and find a backup of the save that got deleted from my head. But I'm still the same guy, fundamentally, even if I've got different life experience. We… I'm sure it'll be fine."
He didn't do a very good job of sounding convincing.
- - - -
Simone said very softly, hands up as if making a show of backing off, "Sorry, bad time."
Otome visibly tried to take heart from what he said. She really wanted to believe that the worst was over, and that this was a healing process. She took a deep breath and nodded to herself. "One day at a time… two weeks at home might be really good for you. And two more weeks at the office but taking it easy could help, too. Who knows? I can show you how to log in to your private accounts at home. I know at least one of them, you used as a journal. That could help too. And I'll walk you through, like, wifi and different kinds of charge cables and streaming services and stuff. Okay?"
She gripped his hand more tightly. "Let's go home, Simon. There's someone very special who I'm sure has been worried sick about you, and now I get the extremely rare and unique honor of getting to introduce you two to each other for the first time! Not something I ever thought I'd have to do, and it's silly as hell, but… it used to be a very you thing, so…. maybe it'll be good for you. You're the only grown ass man I've ever met who still had an active and ongoing friendship with their imaginary friend."
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
shdhdbsjebh- I loved the modern!fuck boy! Aegon a.u sm!! It just scratches my brain fr 🤭 and bc I can and nonnie said I can, I think I WILL do a blurb so I hope I do it justice!
Aegon Targaryen the second. How do you even begin to explain Aegon Targaryen the second?
Man child? Yes.
Trust fund baby? Yes.
Totally obnoxious? Yes.
And the total bane of your entire existence? Yes.
You've known him since middle school when he dropped into your school when his insanely rich C.E.O father - and his very young, almost too young - wife moved to the big city of New York. You normally weren't the one to judge as you also came from an insanely wealthy family but even then, there was something off about him. The way he would smirk at you if you so much as stuttered a single word durning an important presentation. Or got just one mark down from his on a test, quiz, or even a simple homework assignment. Not that he even would try, he much rather cut school to smoke week or ditch homework and sneak out to clubs where he could easily get in when he was underaged. And you still feel the same about him years later.
"I can't believe your dad actually let you open a speak easy," you say. You and him had unfortunately been paired up for an almost months long project worth eighty percent of your grade and he had somehow managed to drag you from your house to his club he had opened to apparently show his father he could be responsible.
"What?" He says, faking shock. "I do know responsibility. I am going to be the heir someday."
"Oh? Is that so?"
"You know it."
You sit in silence as you begin to watch men and women go on the stage and do basically strip teases. You roll your eyes.
"Oh, come on," Aegon says, nudging you, "you can't tell me you are this uptight that going up there and dancing isn't fun!"
"It looks fun," you admit, "but this project is worth a lot and I don't particularly like you-"
He cuts you off. "I don't particularly like you either, little miss perfect. But I like fun!"
You sigh. " you know...I have moves."
Aegon takes your drink and before you can argue, he says, "show me then." But you can tell he is only joking.
"You don't actually think i'd go up there, do you?"
He shakes his head. "Not a chance."
Of course.
"Fine. Guard my drink."
As you dance, you miss Aegon getting up and his eyes following you as you do a dance.
"Who's that girl?" A person asks, just as hypnotized as Aegon was.
He stares you in shock and awe. "I have no idea."
A few hours later, you were now semi-carrying a very drunk Aegon back to your place. Why were you carrying your long time drunk enemy back to your place instead of his own? Well, as fate would have it, your New York pent house was just six minutes walking distance from Aegon's club. Much easier and quicker to get to. You sit him on the bed in your guest room you had set up.
The next morning, as you cook breakfast, you decide to text Aegon and tell him to get the hell out of your house.
You: morning, loser! Now, get out of my house! :)
Aegon: my head hurts.
You: didn't ask plus I don't care. Now. Get out of my house!
Aegon: are you cooking bacon?
You: For me.
Aegon: what? I don't get anything? You wound me.
You: awe, beat my still bleeding heart. The only thing you're going to get is a splash of bleach if you don't get your smelly ass out of my bed and leave!
Aegon: jesus, alright, alright. I'm going. Where is your shower?
You: down the hall to the right. You can't miss it.
Aegon couldn't help it. After his shower, he came out to the kitchen, grabbing a plate. Sure enough, you had enough for two. He smirked as an idea formed in his head. You were currently "burning" the guest room sheets after he had slept in them so you would be gone for at least four minutes....
Just as you placed the truly disgusting sheets into the washer, your phone dings. When you take it out, it's a notification from twitter. @therealaegont has tagged you in (1) post. You roll your eyes as you press on the notification.
It takes you to a post with a picture. A picture of the food he was eating. The food you had cooked. He had tagged your username and put the caption as love it when my wife makes me breakfast :)
You make a disgusted face before going to reply.
Not your wife, fuck face :)
A couple moments after you press send, you hear faint laughing from the other room.
This was going to be a long project.
OMG NONNIE I LOVE THIS !!!! gahhhhd this was so good, is it wrong that I want more ?! that slow burn romance is real & making me feral 😫🥵🥵🥵
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capybaraonabicycle · 11 months
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I'll send it in as an ask bc replying in tags is too much of a hassle now, bit basically it was one of the best doctor/rose fics i've ever read, and i failed to save it and now i can't find it anywhere no matter how hard i try. Worst thing is, i can't even remember if o read it in English or in Russian, i was so invested in the story and the writing was so organic the language kind of melted away, it was projected directly into my brain. It had a motiff with stargazing and images you see on the Moon, so i think it was rpobably called something like Moon Rabbit, but there's nothing on ao3 with that title.
It starts with Rose and Ten golfing (i think) somewhere in space, and it's early days for Ten so Rose didn't have time to adjust to the change so she's a bit apprehensive and keeps trying to see Nine in him and it was all tied up into the Moon imagery somehow? Suddenly she gets a call from Mickey telling her to come home asap and not tell the Doctor, so she does, and there's Nine (!) alive and well. They meet up in secret from Ten and he tells her that "no Rose wtf i didn't just transform into another dude, i was beamed away from the TARDIS and this one's an imposter (basically confirming all of her fears from just after the regeneration) and he's civil with Mickey? couldn't be me" (ok this part i might've imagined afterwards lmao, but it's basically right, he convinces Rose by perfecrly matching Nine's character, which, for Rose, is more Doctor-y than Ten ever was so the latter has to be the fake one right?)
There's this whole angsty thing about how she missed him and how hard it was for her to adjust to the regeneration, and the matter of trust was explored really well bc she doesn't really know who to trust like 70% of the fic, and then there's the Doctor (Ten, who's the real one obv) who is hurt by the fact that she would just go against him like that but he understands why she would do that, the dynamics and emotions were just *chef's kiss*
Turns out that "Nine" is a unique model of a TARDIS from the Time War so it can shapeshift and pretend better than other TARDIS's apparently and also read minds (that's how it's able to trick Rose). Also turns out that TARDIS's could be male or female (i wasn't with the author on this one) and this new TARDIS was male and our TARDIS was female, so when the dude learned that most of the TARDIS's were gone after the war he came to the conclusion that he had to breed to make new TARDIS babies? (i'm even less with the author here, but when i'm describing it it sounds even worse than i remember, it was much more elegant and i guess reasonable in the original text) Of course our TARDIS doesn't want that bc the process kinda sucks, i guess it was dangerous for her? i don't remember. But yeah, once the Doctor and Rose sort their thing out they have to hunt the dude TARDIS down and get rid of him. At the end he passes through time i guess and an early human glimpses him in the sky like a fallen star and comes up with a fictional story about a warrior and a maiden this warrior was chasing or something, and that's how humanity started making stories.
This fic is SO GOOD despite the weird bits, and i will forever be sad that i didn't think to bookmark it or something. I'll leave this here, firstly bc i think it answers some of the questions you might have and retelling is better than nothing, and secondly because maybe someone will see this post and recognise the fic - unlikely but i can't pass up this chance of finding it
Oh wow that sounds amazing! Mostly the trust part! It would be SO easy to make a companion doubt that the other is the Doctor when you can perfectly pose as an incarnation they know better. Because they're human and us humans, we like to cling to what we know. That concept is just - Idk I feel like it's slightly blowing my mind and now I really want to read this fic.
I agree on the TARDIS thing. In my mind it is uncommon for a TARDIS to have a gender at all. I believe 'our' TARDIS does have a gender but she just ran with it and picked one because the human strays kept going on about it. So her gender's basically 'she/her' - pronouns plus the colour blue with some mischief sprinkled in - or something; you know what I mean.
Plus, I am a tentative fan of the loom thing so if timelords already don't get 'born' I do not believe TARDIS-s would mate for reproduction at all. I would rather assume a TARDIS gets made when there's an imbalance in the space-time-continuum on the quantic level that gets augmented by randomly appearing resonance and then the moment the TARDIS appears it has always been existing since the dawn of time. Or something along those lines. Probably the process can be fabricated some way and timelords have perfected exploiting it. Like they do.
Not like I have been thinking much about TARDIS genders OR reproduction, tbh. In my mind they just are 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, apart from those points that fic sounds absolutely amazing and I think I would also love those moon metaphors. So if someone knows it and could send it to us, that would be great? <3
I also totally get the 'I have no idea what language this was in' feeling, I have that all the time. Not with dw fic though because so far I have read 1 work in German and 1 work in translated Russian and half a work in French and all the other times I strictly stick to English. It just works better in that language for me and there is an abundance of fic in English anyway :) We are so blessed to be in a huge fandom. Although a tiny one WOULD make finding your fic a lot easier.
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katya-goncharov · 10 months
thank you @emzwolf for tagging me in this. I hope it's okay that I'm responding like a week late lol
were you named/named yourself after anyone?
not my first name, but my middle name is theresa and apparently that's after a character in a film my parents liked. I can't actually remember what the film was called (I've never watched it) but I think it might have been a czech film? and I know the character gets killed off bc that's the first thing I asked my parents when they told me I was named after her!
when was the last time you cried?
either having a breakdown over my work scheduling me for too many overtime hours without even asking me, or that one book I read recently where the ending absolutely wrecked me (both were in like july so I can't remember what was most recent!)
do you have kids?
no but I want to one day!
do you use sarcasm a lot?
i quite like using it but i don't know if i'm that good at it!
what's the first thing you notice about people?
i'm not the most observant, so i guess just whether they seem like someone i could vibe with and get on with, or someone i shouldn't quite trust
what's your eye colour?
any special talents?
i guess i'm quite creative and good at crafty stuff, but I don't know if i'm better than the average person! same with creative writing (though i did get shortlisted for a national creative writing prize once! but by national i mean scotland which isn't exactly a massive country)
scary movies or happy endings?
i guess both! i've got quite into horror movies recently, but i do like knowing that characters are going to be all right too
where were you born?
baden-württemberg, germany - though I moved to the uk when I was like 4 months old. but i spent a gap year living in the city where i was born again after i left school
what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, crafting i guess. i don't have many outdoorsy hobbies - i used to take riding lessons, but i can't afford to anymore
have any pets?
not at the moment. i had guinea-pigs as a kid, and i'd love to adopt some cats as soon as i'm able, but i'm still a student and renting, so it's difficult at the moment
what sport do you play/have you played?
i'm not super sporty - i have really bad hand/eye co-ordination which makes traditional sports quite difficult. like i said i used to ride, and i was into sailing and rowing as a kid too, but that's about it! oh, i also had ballet lessons till i was 10, if that counts
how tall are you?
i'm not actually sure and i'm on a train right now so i can't look it up - sorry!
favourite subject at school?
english I guess. i also really loved home economics, but only when we did cooking (half the time it was just classes on hygiene which was boring!)
dream job?
I really don't know! i guess i'd love to be a writer, at least part time, and then maybe do something else for just a few hours a week that involved seeing people but wasn't too socially draining. maybe something to do with history or children's books
tagging: @goblincoreinfp @freakwiththeknifecollection @faithdeans @lunaroceanic @schuerk-wie-schurke (as always, absolutely no pressure though!)
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Not sure about the muse dash plagiarism allegations, but that aside I completely agree with anon. Damn and Solmare has a history of abandoning old games so I'm fucking scared and I can't even expressed my distress bc there will always be someone who jumped in to defend and asked me to be "more understanding" or some shit. Pls the only reason I download nb is to continue the main story, which I spent the previous *year* trying to level up my cards to do that??? That aside I legitly do not give a shit about other nb functions.
Also TW got rhythm (and I also suck at it) but at least I don't need to ace the rhythm to continue reading the main story, and the amount of rhythm battles do not overwhelm the amount of stories like nb???
We're not understanding for Solmare's bullshit here and have never been heh it's a huge company with 1 mln monthly revenue from mobile apps only apparently, not a small indie company to be understanding of, and they're notorious on treating people like shit, their games like hustle.
The way Nightbringer was introduced is awful to players who invested in preparation for S5, especially after hiding for a year that the original has been discontinued already year ago. People get tricked and scammed and... uh, let's only say they're still completely uncritical and howling with awe at Solmare's every move. I would have a comment for that, but that'd be kind of too vulgar to post it without a community label heh
People are always claiming that other gacha are worse, but no, they're not even close to be so openly scamming players as for example Voltage does with their Switch ports. (In general I'm quite horrified how people have been conditioned to trust and love companies blindly.)
There's also the uncertainty of the original's future considering the fate of other apps that were killed to have their assets pumped as bonuses for expensive UR cards. When people were worried about the original, it was always brushed off as fear mongering, and even now we've been proven right in the worst possible way, it seems the fandom didn't learn shit. But knowing Solmare, I'm honestly as scared as you are.
About gameplay, I figured that tapping blindly does get me land more points than actually trying to hit things, so... not sure if it gets me far, but I'm not going to do anything more ever.
Feel free to join the "fan"club, you can absolutely use my haters club tag heh
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Looking at all of your asks so far makes me realize now why so many people were upset with Ep 8 of KP calling it a filler ep and upset that they “wasted” a episode that could have been perfectly used on that one couple 🥴 or that could have been used to developed the story further ……?
But what surprised me was the fact that some “KP” fans were upset too. And I was like, I want more of their lovey dovey sweet scenes and I wanted more deep conversations between them, call me cliche but I wanted those moments where you get to know your partner and what they love and what they hate. Their favorite drinks, meals, places to visit & many other stuff. So I was actually so happy to see some of it on Ep 8 and I was so taken aback by the fact that a lot of people were genuinely upset. Also a lot of people on TW are very verbal and explicit about certain scenes or how they wanted more NC scenes and proceeded to detail you what they wanted and it’s 😐. Like I enjoy a good scene and I read some ao3 stuff so I’m not like completely against it and I don’t think it’s bad to write your horniest thoughts it’s just that there are other sites made to do this , what made me even more uncomfortable was the fact that sometimes they would tag MA or literally write stuff about them under their posts. There are certain lines that as fans we shouldn’t cross. The fiction to reality is the main one, add to this the whole thing where they asked that one fan that saw mile if a girl was with him, the accusations towards Po having a thing with that guy. At the end of the day what these people want is for MA to fulfill some type of fantasy, and trust and believe that even if one of them turned out to be queer but not in a relationship that satisfies their fans those same fans would be the first to turn their backs on them, which is the saddest thing of all bc you would believe that having people that ship you with another male they would be the first people to support you if you were Really in a relationship with another Man. All I know is that even tho this is fucked up it is what the Thai industry caters too ( and I’m new in this) but seeing as to how companies have their actors do so many things to sell that illusion to fans is just messed up, and on top of that I may be wrong so correct me if I am but I’ve seen some famous CP’s with at least one underaged/ slightly of age partners and those are the ones that put me off the most, but apparently are the ones that appeal to people the most and the difference is very big from 9 to 12 yrs of difference between them which I find so disturbing. Oh wow I went off tangent but yeah MA were the first ones to really grab my attention and until then I will be supporting them fully. Together or individually they have my heart.💕
The BL fandom is garbage. It's full of children who have a Peter Pan complex who somehow are incredibly obsessed with the sexual behavior and fetishization of gay men at the same time. It's a very interesting dichotomy because these two things are not alike. At this point, no one can convince me that these fans aren't contributing to and supporting the fetishization of these men. I can't be convinced. Based on what I've seen and how the people in this fandom respond when you talk about it, these people are absolutely guilty of all of this. These people are foaming at the mouth and weak in the knees at the idea that they're getting to see two men engage in softcore porn. Like, they're losing their minds at the idea that they're about to see something like that and we're supposed to believe this isn't fetishization?
Honestly, I knew this place was weird when I saw people counting down the days until Barcode turned 18 so they can ship him with Jeff. Now, that is incredibly weird and disturbing. I absolutely judge people who do things like that because that's just downright disturbing and predatory. Why are you counting down the days until a minor turns 18 anyway? Why are you so excited for them to suddenly become 'legal?' Why is that even a thing in your mind? All it tells me is that you've always had impure, inappropriate thoughts in your mind about said minor and now you can legally tell the world about them because there's no fear of backlash anymore.
All I know is that I want MA far, far away from the entire BL industry as a whole. Just move on from it and only deal with mature dramas and opportunities, because a lot of the things I've seen from this fandom in general are sick. As someone who's in the minority of LGBT+ people in this fandom, it's not a good feeling to be surrounded by cishet people fetishizing gay people. It's an icky, gross feeling because you just know they don't care about your wellbeing out there in the real world where it actually matters and when it actually counts. Plus, these actors are not here to satisfy whatever weird fantasy these fans have. This is why people look down on BL dramas as a whole. Not because they're elitist and pretentious, but because the industry itself promotes this weirdness and the fans eat it up by supporting the industry that does it in the first place. It's like I've said before - why would the BL industry stop producing this type of content when the fans have already proven they're supportive of it? Why would they stop producing this type of content when the fans have proven that they don't actually care about the story just as long as two mildly attractive men are pushing the boundaries of these sex scenes by engaging in borderline porn? They don't care about the sole female characters in these shows being villainized and demonized. They don't care about literally anything else, and the BL industry is going to keep it coming.
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ourbastardofsorrows · 4 years
literally it does not matter how often people compliment my singing, my heart glows every time someone does
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
For the sharing a bed ask bc I can't remember for the life of me if I've sent one to you yet 🙈 'they took turns sharing it while the other was on watch' or however exactly that one was worded ❤️❤️
aaa tysm for the prompt! i loved it and i hope you enjoy! continuing with the no plot just vibes agenda~
send me a prompt
rated: g | words: 3679 | tags: royai, there was only one bed, shelter from the storm, snowstorm, tending to wounds, comfort, fluff
read on ao3
Exhaustion followed both occupants of the crumbling bothy like a shadow. It clung to them, slowing their movements, as if it was physically attached to their ankles like two weights. Booted feet were dragged across the polished, undulating stones underfoot, worn down after years of use, and finally came to stop in the centre of the main room.
Years of use didn’t warrant years of upkeep apparently, Riza thought, as she did a sweep of the building. It was not in the best condition however it was still standing, and it was shelter from the storm outside. That was all Riza was currently concerned with.
There were only two rooms, plus a bathroom with a functioning sink and toilet – surprisingly enough. The pipes grunted and groaned, screaming in protest at being used, but it worked and was clean. A worn plaque above the sink indicated the water was drinkable as well, which was the best news she’d heard all day. A small blessing in this wretched situation they’d found themselves in.
To counteract that thought, at that exact moment, a howling gust of wind rattled the door thoroughly and whistled through the cracked class of the windows to its left and right. The Colonel whipped around to stare, partly in fright and partly because he was on edge. They both were. The sudden scream that sounded as the wind tried to force its way inside through the glass made Riza jump as well.
They shared a look and the Colonel’s lips pressed into a thin line.
“So much for the famed northern hospitality,” he muttered. His words held a bite to them, however Riza was unsure whether it was directed at the situation itself or at anyone in particular.
It wasn’t anyone’s fault they’d found themselves in this situation, however it was not ideal, nor was it pleasant. The first point on their ‘bad things that have happened today’ list (at this point, they were up to around number six) was a snowstorm had rendered their transport from the station in North City to the town they were supposed to be visiting useless. The truck owner boasted it was an all-terrain, all-weather vehicle, that he was handpicked by the military for transport because of his “beauty’s” prowess. He quickly stopped bragging though and started muttering angrily at his prized possession, kicking the tyre in fury as it sat pitifully in a snowy ditch, unable to escape the confines of it. It was safe to say his “beauty” fell short of the mark for the two soldiers. No amount of pushing from the three of them would shift it. However, they had deadlines to meet, so were forced to say their goodbyes and go ahead on foot.
There was no way they’d make it in time but at least they could honestly say they had tried when questioned.
It was by a stroke of luck they’d stumbled upon a walker’s bothy. Night was creeping in quickly, especially with the ongoing snowstorm. The world was turning greyer by the second and when Riza spotted it, she made a beeline straight for the shelter. The wind was too loud to talk over, but the Colonel saw her beckoning gesture and nodded, following behind her without question, already trusting her judgement and thought process.
The main room housed a single wooden bedframe with no mattress. There was another spot where another bed frame should be, but only half it remained. It had been broken in half. Whether that had been from an accident, an act of vandalism, or due to the passage of time, Riza wasn’t sure. Not that it would be of any use to them split in half, but simple curiosity had the Colonel searching the rest of the small building for the other half. There was a large stone fireplace that was bereft of any wood, they noticed with dismay, however after venturing through to the second room on the left, there was a massive pile of it within. It was a supply for the winter months for anyone who needed it, so the piece of paper tacked to an old corkboard on the wall said. There were two chairs placed around the fire and some cast iron cooking utensils stacked in a neat pile upon the hearth, lifting their spirits slightly. They had rations from the truck driver that would not require their use, but the sight of them was still a positive.
“I think we’ll be safe enough to sleep here tonight,” she announced, ignoring the Colonel’s petulant comment.
“Lieutenant,” he called quietly to her, catching her attention. When she turned her head, he gestured to one of the chairs. “You should rest.” He glanced down at her feet, and Riza knew exactly what he was thinking.
She’d stumbled and twisted her ankle while they walked. The pain had eased completely the more she’d walked, so Riza assumed it would be fine. Now they’d stopped, it was throbbing in time with her pulse. It appeared to be worse than she’d thought.
Just what they needed.
She sighed and mentally added that as number seven to their list.
Sitting on one of the chairs, Riza sighed quietly in relief as it lessened the pressure on her injured joint. The Colonel followed suit and he too sounded extremely relieved to finally sit down.
“What a day,” he muttered, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.
Riza hummed in agreement, causing him to reopen his eyes and glance tiredly over at her. She shifted in place, feeling a shiver travel down her spine.
Without a word, the Colonel stood and ventured into the other room. He came back with arms full of firewood and started the process of arranging them within the fireplace. After a single snap the fire roared to life, filling the room with a soft orange glow and warmth. A few minutes later the invading bite of the winter chill was beginning to alleviate and Riza could feel her muscles relaxing.
“Do you think there will be anything outside waiting for us?”
His question was so sudden as he stared into the fire that it took Riza a moment to process it.
The Colonel blinked and tore his eyes away from the dancing flames. He repeated his question as he turned to look at her, expression serious.
“Like what?”
“What about bears?” He looked genuinely concerned.
Riza blinked at him. “Probably. I think so, yes.” She faintly recalled hearing stories about the size and might of the bears in the north but elected not to bring it up. She didn’t think that would have been beneficial or productive in that moment, especially not after recognising a faint glint of fear that was discernible in the Colonel’s eyes.
“Do you think we should be concerned?”
Riza glanced over her shoulder at the door as it rattled on its hinges. “I don’t think so. We’ll be safe in here.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Do you know any bears that can open doors?” Both her brows lifted as she regarded him.
“I know a bear could open that door,” he scoffed, jerking his head towards it. “It’s hardly a strong line of defence.”
That was true. One more gust of wind might snap it off one of the hinges. The top one rattled playfully to emphasise his point.
“I think we’ll be okay, sir,” Riza replied smoothly, trying to keep her amusement out of her tone.
The Colonel scowled at her anyway. Apparently she hadn’t been entirely successful.
Riza chuckled upon seeing his expression. “City boy,” she muttered to herself, her tone light and playful.
“I would say it was a legitimate concern,” he replied haughtily.
“You also thought there were bears in the woods outside my father’s house.”
“I think my point still stands.”
“Bears do not exist in every wooded area and forest, Roy.” She rolled her eyes at him in amused exasperation, momentarily forgetting herself.
It was so easy talking to him like this. The two of them were alone together and stuck in a predicament that neither could have ever predicted or conjured up, yet here they were. It was surreal, but it was nice. Despite everything that had happened today she was still relatively happy. She was grateful to be with him. Ideally, she’d have neither of them stranded in a snowstorm, however she was glad he was here. If there was anyone she’d want to be stranded with, it would be him.
After she’d realised her minor slip up, Riza paused and glanced over at him, noting his soft expression and smile. It was so genuine and happy that she didn’t cringe or apologise. She didn’t feel the need to.
“We sound like we did when we were children,” he replied.
Riza felt her own nostalgic smile spread across her face. “We do.”
“I’ll take first watch,” he offered.
Riza opened her mouth to protest but he’d already shoved a threadbare blanket he’d found towards her. Riza didn’t particularly want to use it – she had no way of knowing how clean it was – however the building was not heated in the slightest, aside from the fire. It was built for hikers who were well prepared with sleeping bags, which they were not. For survival, Riza had to accept any kind of warmth she could get.
“You need to rest that ankle,” he added.
She nodded and took the blanket from him. Riza settled herself on the hard, wooden bedframe so she was facing into the room. It was warmer than facing the cold stone of the wall beside the bed.
He glanced over at her expectantly.
“Watch out for those bears.”
* * * * * * * *
The wind had died down throughout the night at least. Roy had been partly joking when he brought up the bears that may be lurking outside for them, however now that he’d put the idea inside his own head, he couldn’t help but take an extra glance every now and then out the window.
Just in case.
It was worth bringing it up to hear the Lieutenant’s laugh. To hear her accidentally call him by his first name. It had been so worth it.
To whittle away the time his mind tried its best to summon a plan of attack against any bear that did appear, going over how he would react and how he would fend one off, but Roy had come to only one conclusion after about half an hour of plotting. It was folly. There was absolutely no way he’d be able to take on a bear. His eyes narrowed at the rickety old door and took solace in the fact the doorway looked too small for a bear to fit through. They were safe from them so long as they stayed inside, and that was good enough for him.
Now the bear appearance dilemma, likely or not, had been put to bed, Roy’s thoughts turned towards the Lieutenant. He glanced down at her ankle as she lay sound asleep, remembering how she’d stumbled and fallen in a snowdrift. Insisting she was fine, they’d pressed on. They didn’t have much choice in the matter anyway, but he was still concerned. He had a strong inkling she was suffering for it as they travelled. A sprained ankle under normal conditions would ease with rest, but that was not a luxury they’d been afforded as they traversed the snowy landscape to safety. Snowdrifts up to their knees were common and Roy had felt dead on his feet when they finally came to a stop inside this shelter.
That was one blessing of the day, at least. He’d simply laughed at their luck, shaking his head, now they were safe beneath shelter, dry, and out of the storm.
But if he’d felt tired down to his bones, then he couldn’t imagine how the Lieutenant must have felt upon their arrival.
Steadying his resolve, Roy determined there was no imminent danger. No bears coming through the night to get them. Now the storm had eased, looking through the shards of the window, Roy could see the gorgeous landscape splayed before him, illuminated by the moonlight, and enhanced by the heavy snow. It looked a lot more inviting than it had a few hours ago.
He wouldn’t, but he was tempted to wake up the Lieutenant to show her how beautiful it looked.
Roy smiled to himself, the thought dredging up an old memory from their past. He faintly recalled doing something similar when he’d experienced his first winter at the Hawkeye house. He’d ran to her room without a thought, excited and eager to show her how the dark forest outside had transformed into a silvery white and green wonderland.
It had been something he’d been desperate to share with her.
A tired voice called to him, and Roy immediately lost his interest in the world outside. He turned, seeing the Lieutenant blink tiredly at him.
“Lieutenant,” he greeted, an air of concern about him. He hadn’t expected her to wake so soon, and if she did, he knew she’d want to take over watch duties.
She shot him a small smile, placating his nerves somewhat. Pushing herself up into a seated position, the Lieutenant stretched her arms over her head.
“How’s the ankle?”
She grimaced, but only slightly. “Better now that I’ve taken my weight off it.”
That didn’t answer his question entirely. “Is there any pain?”
She was silent as she looked down at her legs. “It does throb every now and again. That’s what woke me up.”
Roy nodded, dismayed to hear she was in pain. If he could take it away, he would, but they didn’t have painkillers in their first aid kits. The only thing that would help was a support, which the Lieutenant had already put on after gently easing her boot off. She didn’t react to the angry red hue of her skin, but Roy felt his stomach tense. It hadn’t looked good. The compression support had been slipped on slowly, but Roy saw the way her eye twitched twice and how her jaw clenched while obviously trying to conceal any kind of pain.
“Why don’t you try and get a few hours sleep,” the Lieutenant offered. “I think I’ll be up for a while now.” She swung her legs around and to the floor, visibly wincing when her sore ankle contacted the floor. Another appeared when she tried to stand, but Roy quickly scrambled towards her.
“Please, stay seated,” he insisted. “You shouldn’t be walking on that ankle.”
The Lieutenant shot him a strained smile. “That doesn’t bode well for us for tomorrow,” she quipped.
Roy opened his mouth to reply, but she was right. Still, hewas right. She shouldn’t be walking on that ankle.
“Regardless,” he admonished, placing his hands on her shoulders as a gentle restraint to keep her in place. “All the more reason to remain seated and keep resting it then, right?” Triumph flashed through him, and he smirked when the Lieutenant’s lips pursed, because she knew he was right.
“You can’t sleep on the floor, though,” she warned.
His shoulders fell in defeat, glancing down at the bed. His mind rejoiced with the idea that sprung into it, however it was so far out the realm of what was appropriate that it was completely out of the question.
Roy retracted his hands as the Lieutenant placed both hands by her sides and effortlessly slid herself backwards, so her back came to rest upon the stone wall behind her. She made herself comfortable and looked at him expectantly, patting the space beside her to indicate he should join her and sit.
Even if it wasn’t appropriate to share a bed with his Lieutenant, Roy only needed to take one look around them both and remember where they were. This day was already bizarre enough. What was one more occurrence to add to that list?
He wouldn’t particularly class it as sharing a bed with her either. They would both be sitting upright, looking out at the room, with considerable distance in place between them.
“We can take turns with the blanket,” she smirked as she handed it over.
Roy snorted lightly and gratefully received her offering. The room was warm enough with the fire but the stone behind his back still stubbornly clung to the icy temperatures from outside, refusing to accept the warmth they’d provided the room. Wrapping it around his shoulders, Roy settled back in place and made himself comfortable.
He woke with a start a few hours later. His head jerked upright and swung left and right, unseeing as he still tried to shake the vision from his dreams.
“Colonel? Colonel!”
He paused for a second, recognising the voice. It was from someone he thought he’d lost in his dream.
“Roy,” the Lieutenant called to him.
It was enough to surprise him, that it brought him back to the present. Glancing to his right, he saw his Lieutenant still seated next to him, eyes wide and concerned.
“Are you okay?” Her eyes were searching his, moving back and forth frantically as she scanned his face with worry.
“Yes,” he breathed, trying to get a hold of his racing heart to slow it down. He was all right. She was all right. They were safe. He gulped down air, trying to get enough into his lungs and take away the fear that had both restricted them and wrapped tightly around his heart. “Just… A bad dream.”
The Lieutenant nodded in understanding and patted his forearm. That was when Roy realised she didn’t remove it, and that it had been there the entire time.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Roy shook his head. “It’s okay,” he breathed. “Thank you, though,” he quickly added. “It was just… the usual,” he offered. The usual nowadays was him losing someone dear to him. The Promised Day had not been kind on his mind. To this day he still suffered, and he didn’t particularly want to relive it after it was so fresh. His reply was code enough that the Lieutenant knew exactly what he was referring to. They’d already been open about what their ‘usual’ nightmares consisted of nowadays.
As suspected, realisation dawned upon her features, and she nodded in sympathy.
“I… I need some time before I can sleep again,” he admitted. There was no shame in his voice though, not with her. Never with her. They were both very well acquainted with the reasons the other struggled to sleep. “You should try for a while.”
“Okay,” she acquiesced. She gave his forearm a squeeze and again, she didn’t remove it. “Wake me if you need anything, all right?” She waited for him to verbally agree with her. Only once he did, did the Lieutenant’s eyes close.
Watching her do so caused Roy’s brow to furrow slightly in confusion.
She must have moved closer to him as he slept, because where there had been about two feet of distance between them before, there was now mere centimetres. Just enough distance for the Lieutenant’s head to loll and fall against his shoulder comfortably as she slept.
He’d been startled awake, so Roy hadn’t realised he’d initiated it. In sleep, his head had bowed and rolled to the side, seeking out her presence. After shifting closer, the Lieutenant had eased him from his uncomfortable position and lifted his head to lie upon her shoulder.
Now recovered from the turmoil of his dream, Roy smiled down at her and relished in the comfort her presence brought him. The weight of her head against him eased his mind and slowed his racing pulse. He could breathe easier with her lying against him. A peace washed over his body, relaxing his taught muscles, and soothing his very soul.
Despite their predicament, he was glad she was here with him.
The grip she had on his forearm loosened, so Roy snaked his hand over to it, hooking their fingers together and holding on tightly. The Lieutenant stirred next to him, disturbed from sleep.
“Sorry,” he whispered, “it’s okay. It’s just me.” He gave her hand a quick squeeze.
There was a brief pause with no reply, then the Lieutenant’s grip on him tightened and remained.
“Okay,” she exhaled peacefully. She moved next to him, shuffling closer, which Roy was more than happy to indulge in.
As she was lulled back to sleep, her grip on his hand slackened but Roy never let her go. He anchored himself to her.
They’d get through this and get home. Not that she’d allow it of course, but Roy would carry her through the snow with that ankle if need be to ensure their safety. It had been the day from hell professionally, however ending it with the two of them curled together on that uncomfortable bed, gripping onto one another, was not bad in the slightest. Roy thought that was the closest to heaven he was ever going to get.
* * * * * * * *
Their luck must have finally been turning for the better, as that morning a group of hikers entered the bothy loudly, laughing and joking with one another, while Roy helped the Lieutenant strap up her ankle. They were offered food and directions to the nearest town, which was only two miles away. The group set off with them, insistent on offering their help and support, and even assisted the Lieutenant with some painkillers as well.
After the day of travel they’d had before, it brightened up both soldier’s moods somewhat as they set off again through the snowy northern landscape with their new company.
Thankfully, they didn’t come across any bears.
They made it to the town in one peace and called North City Headquarters for assistance. And also requested back up for that assistance.
Just in case.
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woozisnoots · 4 years
Hello alex! Maybe I'm to early for having a emergency request but I haven't really going anywhere outside my house beside buy groceries and I haven't socialize properly in months (maybe there is a bunch of people can relate). It's stressing and make me mentally exhausted for months 😭😭😭 can I request something like joshua fluff or wonwoo fluff that can comfort us? And I get it if you can't do it since I think I'm to early for asking. Anyway hope you have a nice day ❣️
no ofc it’s not too early! pls, i want to do this for you guys 🥺💓 these are meant to be small so i ended up doing both. i hope you enjoy and if you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox and dms are always open!
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𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧!
° pairing: joshua x reader, wonwoo x reader ° genre: fluff! ° word count: 1214 ° warnings: none! ° tagging: @jaeyoonurl bc she has a thing for j*shua hong
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— joshua
in the scenario that you and joshua are living together in a small apartment complex, he does the slightest bit to annoy you whether it be intentional or not
like he’ll either make you stay in bed with him  longer than usual so you’d be late to a zoom class / meeting
or he’d purposefully flick you behind the ear while you’re cooking which causes you to accidentally pour more than just a pinch of salt on your eggs 
since josh owns that little projector that has slides of all the different constellations, he would turn it on right before you guys go to sleep as you lay next to each other on the bed and just stare at the stars from your ceiling
he loves making jewelry to pass the time while you guys watch netflix together. and wants nothing more than receiving an accessory that you made yourself
“joshua hong, please!” you fling your arms up to reach for the object now in joshua’s hands, much to your avail. “it’s literally so ugly. i beg you, please don’t wear it!” the little jump you add doing nothing but exhaust your energy. 
you knew it was bad idea, you should have trusted your gut the minute joshua left to get the groceries. forty-five minutes was just not enough time for you to possibly make a small thank you gift for you boyfriend. a token to say, ‘this is what three years has gotten us.’
“but you gave it to me!” joshua refutes back. you let your guard down, breathing rapidly in order to catch your breath from the unnecessary movement of having to keep up with him. he, on the other hand, took this as an opportunity to run, sprint away from your wrath and make a clean line for the bathroom before shutting the door to securely lock it in place. 
joshua hears your wallowed out screams coming from the other side and softly chuckles under his breath, wondering when you’ll ever get used to his childish antics at times. he safely unravels his hands to reveal the tiny object. and he can’t help but smile wide, ear to ear, and think, ‘so that’s why i felt something pointy.’ 
you’ve given up at this point. by now, he’s probably already seen your gift and for all you know, everything is doomed. your hand laid flat on top of the door, deciding whether to shrivel in front of him now or wait until he confronts you first. yet, he’s able to make that decision for you as he abruptly opens the door causing you to fall forward straight into his arms. 
“why, hello gorgeous,” you watch from underneath him, the corner of his lip rising up to form a cheeky smirk. you squint your eyes menacing at the thought that he could possibly be wearing the horrid gift you made. tilting your head to the side, you open one eye to catch a glimpse of green hanging from joshua’s left ear. he turns his head just slighty so you could get a better look. “you’ve really out done yourself, if i had anything to say about it. though i have to say, i didn’t think you’d go for the cute food aesthetic. i thought you hated avocados.”
blood immediately rushes towards your cheeks and hide your face from joshua’s vision but he was too quick. using his brute strength, he pulls your weight so you’re standing in front of the mirror, back facing him. your mind spirals as you feel joshua tuck strands of your hair behind your ear. “awe lookie, i knew you’d be wearing the other one,” he says before deliverying a small peck to your cheek, leaving you a scrambled mess. “what a perfect anniversary gift.”
— wonwoo
spending time with wonwoo during quarantine would be rather quiet and simple, but that doesn’t mean your time spent together is boring
having little to nothing to do all day makes you realize how much renovations you guys can do around your home
your morning conversations over breakfast would be about different home décor that you found on amazon and you would end up having such a fun time talking about it because you guys turn them into little debates over if the items are actually necessary 
that being said, wonwoo would be so willing to buy anything that would fill your guys’ boredom. and yes, that would include getting two separate desks, possibly four computer screens, two headsets, two light up keyboards for the heck of it, and of course: two very comfortable gamer chairs
no, he would not let you win at any games for freebies — you gotta earn that shit
out of all the days of the week, nothing was ever reserved for sundays. truly, every day was a free day — lounging around, doing chores, testing new cooking hacks to see if they actually worked. but sundays especially were just extra... boring. the very end of the week with absurd nothing to do. which has led you to spend this sunday morning in front of your dual computer screens with your boyfriend joining you on the other side of the desk.
“damn it!” you exclaim, lightly slamming the keys on your keyboard due to this endless frustration boiling inside of you since you’ve started playing. “how do i keep losing... it’s club penguin for fucks sake!”
your hands collect your face with pure dread and exhaustion, wondering how your supreme logic failed you during card jitsu. you hear a hearty chuckle coming from wonwoo sitting across from you. “the cards are just in my favor, sweetheart.”  he eyes you as he takes the warm cup of coffee to his lips to take a sip. “how about, best two out of three to see who has to make breakfast?” the huskiness of his voice growing deeper with each word, leaving you in trace for just a moment. 
you ponder at the bet, looking back between the screen showcasing your pink penguin and your beautiful barefaced boyfriend, ultimately coming to a decision. “what about. i watch you wipe out your penguin foes for the next few rounds and then we can make breakfast together,” you suggest instead, your mind thinking far beyond your apparently lousy deck of cards. 
“fine by me,” wonwoo shrugged, adjusting himself comfortably to his seat. you silently admire him from where you are, noticing how notably meticulous he was being when he’s focused. wonwoo’s eyes captures yours but gives you a puzzled look. “are you not gonna come over here?” he quietly asks. 
the simple question makes your head drop, feeling embarrassed as you try hard not to show him how flustered he made you. regardless, your legs move without you having to think it over. and instead of sitting on the small space that he left for you on his chair, you move his arm aside to face him before straddling your legs and sitting on his lap. 
wonwoo, completely unfazed, takes his free arm not holding his mouse and tugs you in closer to his chest so you can lay your head on his shoulder. for the remainder of your morning, your eyes slowly start to droop to the sound of penguin screams and victory. 
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annoyingfobbie · 2 years
regarding your tags on that honda civic post you're gonna have to trust my memory on this cause i can't find the source rn but i think vicky said she was literally like, the only woman on tour and that the pics of everyone in their underwear were apparently from some prank thing? i'm almost sure she said it on instagram a good while ago
youre def right, i was just confused at first bc her hair looks curly in the ponytail and i dont remember her bangs being long like that but i'm pretty sure thats her dress anyways lol
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