#bc ric grayson is dumb
oikawas · 6 years
Number 6 Bruce and Jason PEAS
“No one’s going to hurt you.”
Getting dosed with Fear Toxin is something that is commonplace among the Bats, especially afters all their years of defending Gotham in the dead of night. It’s the reason why the Medbay cots have restraints attached to them, and indirect cause of so many scratches and indentations in the Cave. It’s the only thing other than sleep that can make them relive all their past traumas so viciously and wholly, be it falls, gunshots, deaths.
But for all its commonality, none of them have ever seen Jason Todd high on the toxin. And when they finally do, it’s not something they ever wish to experience again, for secrets have a funny way of bleeding out when there are tears in your eyes and your throat has gone raw. 
It begins as a normal Friday night: an Arkham breakout. 
Such a mess warrants an ‘all hands on deck’ response, which is how Jason finds himself hopping rooftops with Robin nipping at his heels. Batman and Nightwing are already on the scene, putting out proverbial fires as they come, and the rest of them have been tasked with rounding up all the missing convicts. 
“I have three here,” Spoiler chirps, oddly cheerful for someone dealing with escaped prisoners. Jason momentarily wonders how she does it, so consistently and with so much...emphasis. “All subdued, and waiting on cops.”
“I have six by Gina’s Pizzeria on Fifth Avenue, waiting on cops,” Red Robin reports, sounding sluggish. “They just had to pick an off day to break out of Arkham, huh?” 
“Everyday is an off day for you, RR,” Nightwing supplies helpfully, coupled with the background noises of a body hitting the ground. There is a shout somewhere. “At least today wasn’t an especially off day.”
“Oh, you say that now, but you should’ve seen him this morning,” Signal mutters, and Jason’s lips quirk up at the disgruntled tone. He loves team-ups on Tim. “He put salt in my tea. What kind of heathen does that to a man’s tea?” 
“Blasphemy,” Steph fake-gasps. In her distance, they can all hear sirens approaching. 
“Electric chair for the not-so-baby bat,” Jason chimes in. “Salt infractions are punishable by death in good ol’ Gotham.”
“Got any pointers?” Tim asks, none too gently. They’re still working past their bloodied memories, and Jason can accept it for what it is. While he spent time with Damian and Duke, sometimes Steph and Cass, Tim isn’t in Gotham enough for them to try and mend bridges. 
And Jason, truth be told, isn’t sure if he’d want to. Dick and Tim are different from the others, a reminder of the dark stain in their family’s history that they all created together, willingly or not. And while some things can be put behind them, Jason is a sore reminder of everything they all so desperately tried to ignore in favour of the good. 
“Yeah. Cremation,” he veers to the left, finally spotting the man he and Damian had been chasing down for a solid seven blocks. “Very helpful in preventing zombies.”
“Hood,” Batman admonishes, but its softened around the edges in a way that indicates the old man is amused. Jason pretends to doesn’t warm him inside-out, to hear that soft adoration even now after years of fighting. To know he can still do that, pull that affection from the Dark Knight himself.  
“Eyes on Scarecrow,” Damian interrupts. “And if you intend on dying, Red Robin, do hurry. And make sure to make a spectacle of it.”
Jason lets loose a short laugh and cuts his comm before Tim can cuss them off, reaching over to ruffle Damian’s hair in appreciation. The two of them, surprisingly, have gotten closer since Damian’s unscheduled visit with his mother. After Damian had trailed Selina and Bruce, and Talia’s ‘duel’ with the Cat, the heiress had called Jason and pulled a promise to take care of Damian from him. 
And he intends to keep it.
Jason gets a half-smile as a reward for the ribbing of their mutually ‘disliked’ brother, and there is a few heartbeats of peace before all goes wrong.
In hindsight, they probably shouldn’t have let their guards down so close to a recurring villain. And as the older brother in the equation, he definitely should’ve been on top of everything as soon as they touched down on the ground, but as it stands, Damian is in the direct path of a suddenly thrown canister and there’s no time to pull him out of the way. The motion itself would prove futile if and when the gas releases, which left only one option in Jason’s mind. 
Unthinkingly, he throws himself between the canister of Fear Toxin and Damian with his back to Scarecrow, shoving the boy backwards only a few seconds before he hears the telltale hiss of the gas infiltrating the air and, subsequently, his mask. 
To his credit, Damian doesn’t even hesitate before shielding his face, eyes wide behind the white-out lenses of the mask with what he thinks to be realization. Jason grits his teeth against the shivers already beginning to make their way up and down his spine, and is barely able to catch Damian calling for aid.
“…ood? Hood!” 
Somewhere behind them there is motion as Cassandra lands and sends Scarecrow flying into a pile of crates. How she got there so fast, Jason isn’t sure, but the world is beginning to spin and there are embers in the corners of his eyes and fuck. Everything begins to smell like ashes and blood, and he can somehow taste betrayal on his tongue. 
“Hood!” Damian shouts again, and when this is all over Jason will resent the clear fear in his voice. It’s so, so easy to forget how young the boy is, but in times like this…times like this, Jason wishes he could forget. Wishes Damian didn’t have to be out here with the rest of them.
His knees hit the ground the same moment he feels his fingers begin to bleed, callused skin splitting open in the face of persistent abuse. He thought he was sure that his hands were fine, but the panic inlaid in his mind overrides any sense of logic as he curls in on himself, deadly intent focused on not alarming Damian any further. 
“…Father! Father, he was hit with Fear T–” 
And just like that, Jason is fifteen all over again and screaming and locked in a coffin with nothing but the blood on his skin and the belt around his hips. He doesn’t register anything other than a concerned murmur before his mind breaks from the intense pressure of fragmented memories; already a fragile thing, the imposed trauma rips through him with the subtlety of a bomb going off. 
Shoulders bent, his fingers scrape against what he thinks to be the coffin’s lid in a desperate attempt to find purchase, instead only managing to amplify the pain in his fingers. The wet touch of fresh blood does nothing to deter him, and it’s with near inhuman strength that he pushes off whoever is trying to hold him down.
It was Cass, he’ll later find out, as Bruce looks through his pockets, desperately, for their latest strain of the antidote. Tim, Steph, Duke, and Dick had stayed behind to deal with the Arkham mess, and the comms were off for a thin veneer of privacy. 
(Nobody wants to know his demons, because his demons were so staunch with blood and sacrifice that it would horrify even the most seasoned of heroes.)
Someone manages to take off his leather jacket, he thinks, because he can feel the cool touch of a cape against the nape of his neck but all he can think is he’s trapped, he’s dead, he’s lost, he needs–
“Dad!” Jason sobs, voice cracking in panic. He’s trapped in a coffin. He’s stuck with the Joker and a traitor and in a foreign country. “Dad, Dad I’m here! I’m in here! Please, I’m scared, I’m scared…” 
Damian freezes in both shock and what he perceives to be dismay, and next to him Cass frowns in worry. But both of them have nothing on Bruce, who sucks in a breath so sharp it could slice his throat open, lips parting around a single utterance of ‘son’. 
Jason hasn’t called Bruce ‘dad’ since coming back from the grave. But this, right now…he’d somehow forgotten how many times he’d screamed ‘Dad’ between climbing out of that damned coffin and the fatal car crash that would steal his memories from him. 
“Please please please please,” Jason chants, and the syllables crash into each other like waves against an outcrop of rocks, so similar to the man himself. “B-Bruce where are you? I don’t wanna be stuck in here I don’t!” 
They jerk with the effort it takes to keep the second Robin stationary; Jason is nearly Bruce’s size, and it’s no easy feat, keeping him down. Not with the shock flowing through them over seeing their most steadfast so thoroughly dismantled. 
“I’m sorry about Shelia!” Jason yells, a vain effort to get someone, anyone, to listen. “I...I don’t...all I’ve ever needed was you, Dad, please, I’m sorry...”
“Jason,” Bruce whispers, so soft, so scared. This is a display of all the trauma that stood between them, an open sea of all the times Bruce has failed his second-born. A sea so violent that it drowns both of them whenever they brave it, takes them into its darkness before spitting out even hollower versions of the men who went down under.
But not this time. 
Bruce takes off his belt determinedly and hands it to Cass, a pointed look instructing her to keep searching for the antidote. Jason continues to thrash and cry so openly, carving whole pieces of Bruce out and setting them aflame right there at their feet. This is the closest he’s gotten to the truth about Jason’s rebirth in all their years, and so desperately he wishes it could be different. Wishes it was Jason sharing this willingly, in an effort to mend, an effort to move forward.
But wishes are for men who have time and right now, Bruce has none.
Ignoring the flailing limbs as best he could, Bruce gathers Jason in his arms, softly shushing the boy and beginning to rock him the same way he had done years ago, after every nightmare filled with memories of a broken home. Jason shudders against him, still sobbing brokenly about how badly he hurt, and Bruce…
Bruce feels a bloodlust so vicious he can feel it pushes against the seams of his skin, his soul, and if the Joker had been anywhere near him, Bruce would rip the flesh off his bones with nothing but his teeth and anger. Not even the Gods themselves could’ve stopped the man from tearing apart the Clown Prince limb from limb, from a death so brutal there would be nothing left for the Underworld to punish. 
“Bruce,” Jason whimpers, and somewhere in his toxin-addled brain, there is a pause in the onslaught. He recognizes the arms holding him close, recognizes the tenor of the voice humming to him, recognizes the lips that press a gentle kiss to his hairline. “B, you came. Papá...”
And through his own budding tears at the call in Jason’s mother-tongue, Bruce says, “always. I’ll always come. No one’s going to hurt you. Not anymore, chum.” 
“I was so scared,” Jason blubbers, but through the tears staining his cheeks, there is an attempt at a smile; it takes Bruce’s heart in its grasp and squeezes and squeezes and squeezes until he’s sure there’s nothing left in its hold. How dearly he loves this boy. “But I…I knew you’d come. I always knew.”
And there’s the flash of the Robin who thought Bruce held the world in his hands, is a God, is a good man. There is the Robin--the Jason--who believed in Bruce. In his father. 
Bruce aches with a fierce love, and a longing for a bridge that’s barely there. 
Suddenly, Jason goes slack, his eyes rolling back in his head as the boy is finally given the sweetness of unconsciousness. Bruce startles badly, and glances to the side to find Cassandra holding an empty syringe with a sympathetic smile on her face. 
“Can we…take him home now?” She asks, and he knows the two siblings have their differences but they are bonded by family and she loves him, in a way, and it shows by how softly she strokes his matted hair now. 
Bruce gives her a tired smile, arms full of his lost son. 
“Yes…yes, let’s get him home.”
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grayson-euphoria · 2 years
Young Justice S04EP25 ~ MY OPINION
Well.... First of all, I don't think they are going to wrapped it up, there's so MUCH going on, so many things and we don't even get to see what's happening with things they left unfinished in season 3. Outsiders? Who knows what they are up to? I miss Cassie, Tim and Jaime so much :( Markovia? We got a little glimpse, but I really thought it would be more relevant. Justice League an UN? It was SUCH a big deal last season, and I expect great things from Black Lightning but well.... Jason Todd? I SWEAR TO GOD IT WAS BAIT WHAT THEY DID TO US. Why did they show him to us? It was just a cameo? Why make him speak then? I hate everyone. And I could go on and on and on, even in this season there are a LOT of loose ends... So I'm not expecting anything great for the last episode, maybe another cliffhanger and next season they're going to leave all this stuff without a real solution AGAIN.
Moving on, I can't really get invested in the plot because I feel they're going to leave it unfinished AGAIN, like they did with Vandal Savage, but anyways I am still pretty much involved emotionally with the OG team and....
Now, I DO believe he pulled an Artemis and he is not really dead, just faking it bc he is SMART AF and KNOWS he is not going to win against so many kryptonians.... But I'm mad they're recycling the "faking my own death" plot line.
Also why make him fake his death with a rock? A ROCK, I'm so TIRED to see him die this way, it's so unoriginal and dumb, and GOSH he should wear a helmet at this point
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WARNING if they turn this in a Young Justice "Ric Grayson" arc I'M GOING TO CATCH A PLANE AND FIGHT THEM PERSONALLY
I just wanted Wally back and now I'm worried about my boy and rocket..... *sigh*
The only part that made me laugh was when Dick said "YOU SHALL NOT PASS", he looked so happy and it was hilarious, let's not lie to ourselves
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bluebeetle · 3 years
ooo those comic asks let's go 1, 2, 9, 12, 15, 23, 34, 42 sorry that's so much i just want your comic takes
answering this was difficult bc my cat decided she needed to walk all over me and my laptop the moment you sent this
1. How has DC/Marvel/publishing company wronged you, specifically?
oh god in many ways. For dc:
>making talia evil >making cass evil and then ignorable
>making jason suddenly an antihero with no development to go from villain to hero
>letting babs walk again
>the whole mess with wally west after the reboot and the two wallys. also he hasnt talked to pied piper YET ITS BEEN YEARS
>almost everything about the n52 reboot honestly
>countdowns existence but esp the plotpoint where they took my fave minor character pied piper and handcuffed him to trickster and then had trickster be homophobic to him for most of the 52 issues; this is not treated as a bad thing. also trickster has known pied piper for years and was never homophobic before i hate dan didio
for marvel:
>constantly making the comics more like the MCU pls fucking STOP i hat you so much
>trying to make loki evil again. die.
>everything theyve done to wanda. everything. but esp making her not related to magneto again. or the incest thing in ultimates. ugh
2. What character death for the sake of drama was the worst?
dc: hmmmm most of the deaths i can think of i dont mind. i guess most ppls deaths in Heroes in Crisis, esp roy's. that was so dumb ugh. not big on them killing damian but the writing in batman and robin was rly good so it makes up for it. im sure theres someone im forgetting--oh WAIT
bart allens death in the flash it sucked so bad and one of his creators was so upset and died before bart allen was revived. that one definitely that one.
i blocked it from my mind
9. What’s the worst plotline you’ve read?
oh boy. does all star batman and robin count its rly bad ghhgf i also didnt rly get checkmate (2021). also i guess theres a lot of talias bad writing that i went thru for damian ):
for marvel uhhhh i dont read enough marvel so i have nothing to say. maybe when i read house of M well say that one lol. i did read some of civil war in middle school?
12. Are there any comics you’ve read knowing they’re bad and why?
not many. all star batman and robin bc its so bad its funny. parts of rhato for that jason content but ive never finished it and i think rhato vol 2 isnt always bad.
for marvel, nah
15. Tell me about a plotline that could have been interesting if anyone else wrote it.
anything devon grayson does tbh like dealing with dicks stress over murder and guilt or him being romani (Tho him not knowing is dumb). it was so bad and racist ugh. other than that I think the spyral and ric grayson arcs coulda been good if they were like, combined maybe? and shorter. lmao
also the current robin 2021 run tbh... i think the idea of a tournment and damian grappling with guilt could be fun but the writer cares waaaaaay too much about his ocs to give damian real breathing room
speaking of damian: teen titans 2016 coulda been SO fun if they werent so racist and wanting to make damian a bad guy for caring about immigrants and people of colour lol. i rly loved what few good moments he had with wally, emiko, jackson, and the others.
for marvel... mybe trial of magneto coulda worked if the writers cared about magneto and wanda lol. or x-factor 2020 it had some good ideas but was ruined by the writers weirdness about akihiro and david... like just the racism combined with weird views of bi men lol
23. If you could erase one comic book from canon, what would it be?
oh this one is so hard.... either heroes in crisis (wally being a mass murderer) or batgirl 2011--no more abled babs she doesnt exist.
or countdown. i rly fucking hate countdown.
for marvel idk. can i just destroy the mcu instead
oh wait. ultimates avengers. pls i dont want to think about the ultimates universe maximoff twins ever AGAIN
34. Which retcon do you hate the most?
for DC, four come to mind:
>Parallax isn't Hal Jordans fault
so if u dont know hal jordan back in the 90s broke down after his city was destroyed by doomsday and he lost many loved ones. as a result he went full on villain (parallax) and ended up destroying most of the green lantern corps and caused the zero hour event
he then was killed and later came back as the hero spectre, basically being a ghost hero and trying to atone for his actions he did in the lowest point of his life
anyways later on geoff johns got the reins and revived Hal and said it wasn't hal's fult at all, he was just possessed by an evil space bug made of fear, the real Parallax.
aaaand i hate that. I hate taking away Hals role in everything and making him a victim. I dont mind the other retcons Geoff Johns did to GL lore--hell i prefer it because he really fleshed things out and added the other colours and explained the weakness to yellow even!--but I think it all could have been done without stripping Hal of any wrong doings or guilt. Its rly lame.
>Babs can walk again!
ok not rly a retcon bc she was still shot but i hate it i hate it so much die die die die die die die die
>Jason was actually a rly mean, stupid, and bad robin and no one liked him and his death was inevitable
He had his momentts of violence, yes but his anger had a trigger; he wasnt angry all the time, he was a sweet and intelligent kid who loved Bruce a lot and had a rocky relationship with Dick at first but they did eventually get along. He had a few friends, knew the titans, and was well liked by his family.
too many stories stress his violence and impulsiveness and make him out to be a bad person with at least trying to explore why he is that way and sympathsize with him.
not only that but the treating of his death as inevitable or his fault or anything like that frustrates me so fucking much bc the weight of death in the family, of its aftermath and a lonely place of dying, of under the red hood, really hinges on the fact that jasons death was a tragedy, one that shook Bruce like no other. because he lost his child who he loved!!!!!
wait fourth one
>theres two wally wests with the same powers
super lame. shoulda either made the black wally into bart allen with some explaination for the fake name or just kept the black wally and given him white wallys memories and stuff. maybe aged him up idk. it was such a cop out
for marvel. well we all kn ow what its gonna be
42. What’s a fandom trope you hate?
oh boy.
>Dick and/or Damian get rescued by the mean racists by Bruce and/or Tim and/or Jason. Cass and Duke are mysteriously absent.
>Bruce has all his kids with him! Who's Cassandra? (....who's duke?)
>Jason was manipulated by the big mean Talia into hating his dad. He has never done anything wrong in his life, its all Talia who hates Bruce so much she wants to marry him or something idk i never read a talia comic in my life
>Redhead jason. let it fucking DIE
>tim is the best robin ever and a lil uwu bean and damian and jason are just soooo mean and always wrong esp damian whos 10
>whats a woman
>did you guys know you make Dick hot without making him a '''''slut'''' esp since hes an SA victim.....
>im so tired of jokes about republican wally esp since none of these ppl have ever read his flash run or even know who linda park or hartley rathaway are
>making jack drake way more abusive than he actually is in canon (hes neglectful at times yes) for sad white boy points or making jason a victim of CSA for sad white boy points (also you guys know someone doesnt have to have been assaulted to hate sexual assault right????)
>making tim asian and jason latino. holy racist stereotypes batman
im sure theres WAY more i could do but theyve been blocked out of my mind for now
for marvel tbh i dont deal with the marvel fandom much so!
the most i could say is
>forgetting loki is bi and genderfluid bc they wanna fuck a white cishet boy
i did all of this and realised i only talked about dc and had to go back and add marvel btw jvfdhghfdhgfdh
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corner-stories · 3 years
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Jason Todd (yes, i will confess that I was once a Jason Todd fangirl)
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I hate to say it but Jason has changed so much over the years that I don't really like him anymore. I liked him pre-flashpoint bc he was an absolute bastard but also better written, but nowadays i don't really dig him
Admittedly I absolutely like the Arkham Knight portrayal of him because Troy Baker is an incredible actor but also instead of making him a sassy snarker they just lay on the angst and idk, i like it a bit more
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Tim and Cassie (wonder girl)
my ultimate favorite character™:
Steph or Cass or Tim. I love them all equally.
prettiest character:
I gotta admit i'm a sucker for Babs and her hot librarian look
my most hated character:
When writers attempt to make Bruce the ultimate badass who can predict every move he just gets boring for me. Also writers who gloss over his occasional mistreatment of his children really gets on my nerves.
I don't hate Bruce but some certain writers just make him very intolerable imo
my OTP:
my NOTP:
Y'know as a kid I was very very into Wonderbat due to the DCAU so now no other Bruce ship really does it for me
favorite episode:
Recently I reread Teen Titans: Year One and the very layered portrayal of Dick's complicated relationship with Bruce (when he's barely sixteen even!) really spoke to me.
saddest death:
The OG Death in the Family comic still breaks my heart
favorite season:
Red Hood: Lost Days i.e what I think of when I think of Jason Todd
least favorite season:
lol remember Ric Grayson?
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
I think I've already established I don't really love the sassy snarky Jaybird of recent. A good Jason Todd doesn't need Roy Harper to be character assassinated to stand out
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Uhhhhh I formally reject this question to not get any more angry anons then I will already have
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Listen I barely even know what DC is doing with Cassandra Cain rn but my instincts say that she deserves better
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Bc I haven't mentioned my fondness for pre-Flashpoint Jason enough I will confess my soft spot for JayDonna.
Especially because pre-Flashpoint they definitely bonded over the shared experience of dying and being reborn. Also that one NTT issue where Donna leads a squad with him in it has a very great character moment where Jason reminds her that she should stop treating him like he's Dick Grayson and it helps bring Donna back to earth when she struggles with leadership.
God, I can't believe I was dumb enough to believe that Titans United would build upon this dynamic.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
ehhhh can't think of anything rn
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Hey i'd just like to say i'm the anon who sent that ask to hood-ex about the humor in the new nightwing run and you pretty much expressed in a much clearer way my problems with it so far. It's only been two issues so I'm willing to give it a chance ofc but idk. The character voice so far is a bit goofy to me. Like i like that we're going for a socially conscious dive into how to fight crime but dick's reactions last issue came off as like idk like it's the first time he ever gave deep thought about how to fight social injustices himself. Like he did have a trust fund at some point, right? It's not like it's the first time he had money. And it's not like he was especially privileged before bruce to not give this a thought esp since he ended up in the system himself. So?????? Like i know this is probably bc it's written by a white man who only realized this later in life himself but idk... maybe i'm just raising my eyebrow bc i grew up in a country w/ corrupt politicians and rampant poverty so i'm projecting a bit haha.
Hey project away if it incites the thinking of thinkie thoughts, I say. Or something more cohesive. You get it.
But anyway yeah, like, I’m with you and Emily in that I’m just trying to keep some perspective and remind myself that its only two issues in and it might just be taking Taylor some time to find his footing. And to be fair, I’d much rather be complaining about this sorta thing than complaining about characters constantly guest-starring in Dick’s book for the sole purpose of telling him how terrible he is at having amnesia. That was getting old. 
And idk, I think its also an issue of.....maybe I’m giving Taylor’s work here more scrutiny and less of a chance because I’m borrowing cynicism from previous runs and from fanon trends in general? Like I just mean, if all other things were equal, this sorta thing wouldn’t bug me SO much but BECAUSE it comes in the wake of massively shitty plots at Dick’s expense like the Ric Grayson arc after following the Spyral arc after following Forever Evil, etc, etc......like it probably wouldn’t stand out as much IF we were getting some actual Good Dick Grayson Content from elsewhere, y’know? But its been 84 years and our crops need watering, our pores need cleansing and so we’re just like....uh, this ain’t it so far. Might not be the worst, but its still not what we were hoping for, and personally, I think that’s all right to say and express. 
But y’know like......don’t get me wrong. There’s room in comics and fanfic for goofy Dick Grayson, or a Dick Grayson who even while being extremely smart and competent has his dumb moments, stuff like that. That’s true of EVERY character though, and its just the scales have been tipped so far for so long in just the one direction JUST in terms of Dick’s character and not any of the Batfam or Titan related characters around him that like....we kinda just have no patience for that sorta thing at the moment. Balance things out with a lot more content on the flip side of things where he’s actually afforded some respect and dignity by other characters and his narratives, and like.....I’m not even gonna blink at Dick having a Dude Where’s My Car moment, y’know? Because in and of itself, its not that big a deal. Its that its ALL we ever seem to get that makes it a big deal and me like hmmmm what if you guys wrote this consummate professional and extremely skilled, knowledgeable and well-loved character as though he were actually extremely skilled, knowledgeable and well-loved. What would that look like? Can we try that look on for a minute, maybe give it a shot? 
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