#bc sometimes i'm just lazy and don't want to go searching for it
onlythebravest · 10 months
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deliberate-disguises · 11 months
WHEN Ao3 comes back up (by the higher power, I KNOW they'll survive this! For now I, and all of us, must hold back from opening it until the Ao3 people say they're in the clear), here are reasons why Ao3 is superior than Wattpad and ff.net (and maybe livejournal if anyone is still using it--dear Lord, I feel old):
TAGS. Ao3 has tags that allows us to have a clearer guess on what we're stepping into. Plus, people can go wild on tags and it's always amusing to see. Wattpad has tags, too, but it's not the same.
Filters. I dislike Wattpad's filter. It confuses me a lot. Ao3 has better and extensive filter. We can filter tags we want to see and tags we don't want to see. We can also use the "search words" bar (or something like that) and that has saved me when I can't remember the title and/or the author but I remember certain sentence(s) in the summary. Ff.net's filter is just ... too limited.
Let's admit it, Ao3 does not have ads. Ugh, ff.net sometimes has ads popping out in the middle of a fanfic (really, right in front of my salad?) and it's absolute hell. I don't know about Wattpad but last time I checked, you might have to deal with ads before going to the next chapter.
Ao3 allows us to see the whole fic if we want to, not just chapter by chapter. I set my own account to show entire work and it's a blessing when I find a multi-chaptered locked fics (aka fics that can only be read if you have an account). I don't have the patience to press "next chapter" button.
Lastly, IT'S DOWNLOADABLE. IN SEVERAL FORMATS. I personally like reading on my phone, so I usually download the .epub or .mobi format. If it's over 50k words and/or it's that good, I'd leave a kudos (usually as a guest because I'm too lazy to sign in), and then download it so I can read when I'm offline.
Okay, bonus, this one is for the writers: FORMATTING. You can have footnotes!! Actual working footnotes! And embedded links! I don't think ff.net and Wattpad have that. For example, JAFF (Jane Austen Fanfic, bc I'm on a P&P roll) writers who like to add footnotes are adorable! I love seeing how they took time researching it and I get to know interesting tidbits about that era without having to fall into a rabbit hole (I'm the type to hyperfixate.)
Those are my reasons. Praying for Ao3 admins and my fellow Ao3 writers and readers.
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· request ·:*¨༺ Ghost Hunter ↳ Give me a character + a classic trope (time loop, one bed, etc.)
remus x angsty jaded reader "i don't do love" kind of thing. perhaps her parents fight and don't love each other?
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ You and Remus are scared of love.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 shitty writing 𖦹 gn!reader no pronouns used 𖦹 hurt/comfort 𖦹 i cried writing this 𖦹 but i cry all the time, so take that with a grain of salt 𖦹 remus doesn't like himself :( 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 1.8k
༻¨*:· join my 100 follower celebration! ·:*¨༺
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You were never one to love—you had no room for it. You had your life planned out to a T: You would go to school, get good marks, and work your way through the ministry until you had enough power to instill change in the Wizarding World.
Love was a waste of time. You knew it would only leave you an empty, broken person. Love would turn your world upside down only to have it come crashing, bursting into flames on the way.
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You stayed quiet and completed your work. You wrote and read like time was running out—like it was smoke, and its tendrils were slowly seeping through the gaps in your hands, escaping the grasp of your fingertips.
You didn't giggle and blush when a pretty boy talked to you; you didn't stay up late talking about the exchange with your dormmates. You stayed up reading about and studying the laws of the world you were part of. You stayed up thinking about how you could solve the injustice people faced in this life. That's what was most important—helping others.
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You were in your seventh year when you met him. You wandered into the library searching for an astronomy book—you always were fascinated by the stars. They were something you would stare at when everything became too much. Sometimes you wished you were a star—you would shine just as bright as all the other stars, and people would love and cherish you. But there was no time for thinking nonsense like that. The stars were distant, yet so impactful because they were consistent—they stayed. Love didn't stay like the stars did. You witnessed it firsthand. Two people slowly falling out of love was heartbreaking. Still, you watched as your parents began to fight more and leave things unsaid, even though they vowed to solve every argument. They promised to love each other 'till the end of time, and yet, here they were—out of love and broken.
You walked up to Madam Prince, "Do you have any books on astronomy?" You asked softly. 
The woman smiled, "Remus can help you with that," She pointed to a tall boy reading Little Women.
"Hm?" He asked, alerted at the use of his name.
"Astronomy book?" You asked with a small smile.
He nodded, closed his book, and led you down one of the many aisles filled with books.
Remus was quiet as you walked, not wanting to disrupt whatever was occupying your thoughts.
You were the one to break the silence, "Don't you love the stars?"
Remus's steps stuttered for a second, "Uh, yeah," He nodded, "They're pretty."
You hummed in agreement.
"Here," Remus said as you arrived at the Astronomy section of the library. 
You smiled kindly, and, for a moment, you stared into his amber eyes, flecks of yellow dancing around the pools of welcoming green. Your eyes followed the white scars on his face, "If you don't mind my asking, where are the scars from?"
Remus looked down and cleared his throat, "I'd, er—" He paused, avoiding eye contact, "I'd rather not talk about them."
You nodded, "That's okay," You leaned closer to him, "Y'know, I have some scars of my own." 
You showed him your hand, "I got this one from when I fell on gravel," You pointed to a small scar, smiling. "I've got one on my knee, too. Mum says I've always been clumsy," You laughed.
Remus smiled.
"Y'know, I like scars," You were still smiling, "I think they're like little short stories about people."
Remus smiled, "You seem like a nice person."
You nodded, "A lot of people tell me that. I don't really think so, but we're our own worst critic, right?"
Remus's heart squeezed, "Yeah. If you need anything, I'll be at the front."
"Sounds good," You spoke.
'What a wonderful girl.' Remus thought to himself before wandering back down the aisle to the front of the library.
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The whole encounter flipped your world upside down. You knew it was a bad idea, but you couldn't stop yourself from walking into the library whenever possible. You were sure that love was like a string on a sweater—if you pulled the loose end, it would unravel, leaving a ball of yarn in your hands, unsure of how to fix it. But time froze when he looked at you, and your heart smiled when he talked. How could you not fall in love with Remus Lupin? 
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You spent a lot of time with him the following month. You would meet up every night after he finished volunteering at the library—9:00 sharp.
"You're very easy to talk to," You confessed, smiling.
Remus shrugged, "A lot of people say that," He yawned, "I guess people find me comforting. I don't believe it, but we're our own worst critic, right?" He smirked and looked at you expectantly.
You let out what you hoped was a convincing laugh as your heart dropped, "Add me to the list of people."
Your heart sank—he was like this with everyone. You read into things too much, and now you felt foolish. That's all love ever was, right? Something for foolish people. You thought you were different, but it became clear. You weren't wanted by him.
You waved as you stood, "I must get going, Remus—it's getting late."
And this was your world crashing as it fell, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. That didn't mean you weren't going to try.
Your first instinct was to avoid him, and that's precisely what you did. You stopped showing up every night. It went from every day to five days a week, then three, then two, then none. 
"I'm just busy," You told him.
That didn't mean it hurt him any less.
You thought that seeing him less would make your feelings stop. It only made you think of him more. Thoughts of Remus Lupin tortured your brain every second of the day. He would invade your dreams, and everything reminded you of him.
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"Oh, hi," You whispered. You figured Remus wouldn't be at the library. Why would he be? You stopped showing up a week ago. So, why was he here? 
"Have you been avoiding me?" He looked hurt—he was hurt.
You vehemently shook your head, "No—" You sighed, "I just... didn't want to see you."
Your eyes went wide, realizing what you just said, but before you could fix it—correct the words—he was walking out of the library, ignoring your pleas and calls of his name.
The following week, you were the one to wait. As expected, he didn't show up. You just needed to explain to him why you said those words, tell him it was because you were scared to fall in love. 
Your best bet was the Great Hall. Upon entering, you couldn't spot his head of sandy hair. You did, however, recognize his friends. 
You walked up to them. 
"Well, hello," The one with the long black hair said—if you recall correctly, his name was Sirius. Yes, Sirius. "How can I help you on this fine evening?"
You cleared your throat, "I'm looking for Remus."
Sirius crossed his arms, shooting a look to James, "Why?"
"I'm a friend of his. I need to talk to him," You huffed.
Sirius quirked his brow, "So why had he never mentioned you?"
Your heart squeezed, "Did he ever mention meeting someone in the library? At nine every night?"
Sirius shook his head, and your heart ached. He never mentioned you.
"Think he's in the library, dollface," Sirius said.
Remus was sitting in the secluded area of the library that you had grown familiar with. He looked up at you and frowned.
"Remus?" You were quiet, trying not to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere.
"I thought you didn't want to see me," He mumbled.
You sat next to him, "No, I do want to see you. My words came out wrong."
He waited for an explanation.
"You see, I've always known what I wanted to do with my life. Love was never part of the plan because I thought it was an illusion. I thought love was for foolish people who think someone will love them forever and they will love them back. I have no path to follow for the first time in a long time. I have no course to take, but when I find out what I want to do next, I want you to be part of it." Your breath was uneven, "What I'm trying to say is I'm in love with you. I was scared of that—I am scared of that. Because it's so scary that you could find something—someone so sacred and you could pour all your love into them, and they could leave. Or you could leave. It's scary that you could fall out of love at any moment, or maybe not," Your hands were shaky, "Maybe it takes time to fall out of love, I'm not sure. I'm only sure that I love you," You looked at him, "You don't have to feel the same way. I just—I needed to tell you."
He didn't meet your gaze. You sat in silence for what felt like hours, tears ready to fall if he didn't say anything. And he didn't. He sat staring straight ahead, not talking to you.
You stood up, "Okay," Tears rolled down your cheeks, "Anything you'd like to say?" Your words broke, and your chest became tight, "At all?"
He shook his head.
"Okay, then. See you around, Remus."
And this was your world bursting into flames.
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To say you were hung up would be an understatement. Love had fucked with your life, and as you sat in your empty compartment on the way to your broken home, you couldn't help but think about him. He turned your world upside down, and you would probably never see him again. How pathetic. 
Though you tried to talk to him the month following your confession, he didn't reciprocate the conversation. His responses were one-worded and simple like he was trying to end the conversation as fast as he could.
You were staring out the train window when the door clicked.
"You can sit here if you want," You said monotonously, hoping to deter the person.
They sat down anyways.
"You know what?" His voice startled you.
"Remus, I don't want to talk to you," You huffed, crossing your arms.
"Love is scary," He continued, "Especially when you find someone perfect."
Your brows furrowed, wondering where he was going.
"And you're scared you're not enough for them—you're terrified that you're too much of a burden or a monster. You're afraid they can do better— you know they can do better. So, when I fell in love with an amazing person like you, I was scared. I know I'm not enough, and it's selfish of me to tell you on the train ride home after we've graduated, but I just needed you to know."
You sighed, "Remus, you are my everything. You are more than enough."
You looked at him, "I love you."
A smile grew on his face, reflecting his heart, "I love you too."
Yes, love was scary, but now, in the arms of someone you love, it became sacred. 
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༻¨*:· thank you for reading, my lovelies ·:*¨༺
Mutuals ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭*༺ ♡‧₊˚ @sw34terw34ther @puppy-coded @nyxxxxxxxx @masivechaos @evergreenlover @forourmoons @lucasnclair @hvlyregulus @mad-elia @lgwifey @cremexcoffee @ell0ra-br3kk3r @innerloverpainter @woahlifehitsyahuh
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lizartss · 16 days
hi liz :)) i was wondering if u could talk a bit abt your art process when u have a moment? u mentioned that u have a hard time visualising things once, so i was wondering how u go abt creating new pieces? like inspo, references, finding ur style
i also have a hard time w visualising so i can only directly copy pics rn, hoping to get away from that :’) and i havent seen any other artists mention this, so anything u have to say is rlly helpful 🙏
i loveee ur new itafushi so very cute !!! hope ur well <3333
Hi Rin! Thank you for this ask?!! I feel a 10k word essay spilling out of my veins rn.. JKJK I’ll try keep it concise (but it is 6am so pls forgive).
So pretty much most of my pieces (that are not studies) start with some kind of story/scene behind them (like rather than a visual idea). Then I think about how I would make it come to life in a movie. But because I can't be drawing a million frames daily trying to animate, I think about how I can capture this story (plot/emotion/vibes(?)) in a single frame. I would say a typical process would be something like: story idea -> look up references -> draw. I do rely quite heavily on references though so it can be a bit hard to capture exactly what I want, so that mostly comes from tweaking facial expressions/hand positions/minor changes in posture (these things do convey A LOT of emotion though). but tbh I don't always do this, sometimes I settle for just good enough lol.. Sometimes references just don't do it and that's when I do stuff from scratch, good example for this is when I drew Yuuta Maki and Megumi from your dance AU. In this case I basically move the characters around until my brain says, yes this is correct and also using my irl experience to help guide me. It takes a long time to figure out though so I don't do it often, it's something I really need to work on.
Sometimes I also just have no ideas at all, in which case its more look up references -> get an idea/draw random refs until an idea sticks in my head. Like the new itafushi sketches I did has a theme to it but it initially started off with me just trying to draw different things bc I had no idea at all. Then I drew something which sparked a thought in my head then it was back to looking for references based on this story I was trying to tell. BUT also sometimes I just really like how a reference looks and I want to put that down on paper. Like example of this is the itafushi one shot I want to write, it was inspired entirely by a single shot composition I really liked in a show and I just need to draw it. Story comes later whatever lmao
TBH previously (like before I quit and picked up drawing again months back) I never used to do this at all. I would just draw people looking pretty and that's it (which there is nothing wrong with that either btw! I still do it sometimes, especially in my sketchbook). But I have found a lot of inspiration in Gege Akutami and Tatsuki Fujimoto's works. I fell in love with how they were telling their stories and I know they're both movie buffs and incorporate a lot of cinematic elements in their work. (and like going off on a tangent, the csm anime adaption is so top tier because they literally made it look like a live action movie which like how. And I mean jjk s2 as well has some very cool cinematic scenes and I'm just like ughhhhhh, btw Shota Goshozono is so goated) I think I can go on for miles about this. Anyway that's what made me kinda move more towards telling stories > drawing pretty pictures.
In terms of references I definitely do the good ol Pinterest. Sometimes google, but sometimes also movies and tv shows. I try to combine multiple references when I'm drawing (if I'm not being lazy), I think it goes a long way in making your work look more interesting. Also no one talks about how it takes SKILL to find references honestly. And sometimes it's so awkward, like I'd rather die than have someone look at my search history when looking for references. So if you feel like you're looking up something weird, no you aren't.
umm okay that's already way too long so TT I hope that at least address something. and I am sooo excited to see you draw!! I can't wait to see more of your work, drawing or writing <3 Also please just ask me more questions if I'm not making sense orz
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sanitysfalll · 9 months
Sally Face Headcanons!!!
⚠️Sorry if you don't agree with this it's just my opinion and what I think! I've been obsessed with this fandom recently and I wanted to write this down bc I was bored. DISCLAIMER!! I am adding some nsfw in this because yes. I will put it at the end lol. I'm only gonna be doing Sal Fisher in this post but I might be doing other characters. Also I'm sorry if the Grammer is bad I'm just really tired and lazy rn lol also this is way out of order but idfc. And I will most likely update this so don't expect this to be done lol (thanks to @givemethesleep)⚠️
Background (some of this is searched off Google lol): As a small kid Sal loved dogs! But that would quickly change.. while Sal was at a picnic with his mom (Diane) someone tried killing him.. it was a part of a group of murderers across the country, killing children to protect the longevity of their goals. (The endless one) Kenneth Phelps (intrestingly Travis's dad) killed Diane. He was the leader of the 'Devourers of God' in Nockfell. one of the cultists who was wearing a dog mask tried to kill Sal by using a shotgun. It was unsuccessful though because Sals mom managed to shield him from the gunshot, dying in the process, but the pellets that pierced through her skin still took out half of Sals face. He went to physical therapy for 3-4 years because of that. It was hard keeping his own spit in his face, let alone food or water. He got really insecure about the way he looked or ate so he got a prosthetic mask. His first one fully pink because his mom's favorite color was pink before she died. When the mask broke by his so called 'friends' he got a new one. He still wanted some pink to be included so he attached a pink piece that broke off his old one.
Face details: most of his face looked like it was burnt but it was really just some massive scar that he got from the wound. His right eye was missing so he had a fake eye to cover it up. His nose was deformed and he was missing a bit of his cheek on the right side of his face, creating a dent in his face. He was also missing a little bit of his mouth, on the same side. It showed a bit more of his jaw than normal.
Age: 15-22 (28 at death) (5 when his mom died)
Birthday: December 20tb, 2976
Ethnicity: caucasian with some distant northern asian
Death (ngl I cried when I found out): he died at 6:33pm, 2004. Cause of death is Electrocution
Personality: he was a pretty laid back guy. He is kinda shy when you first meet him but he warms up to you pretty fast. He has grown to have a phobia of dogs so he will most likely dislike going to other people's houses.
Sexuality: bisexual 💜💙💓 (fem lean)
Gender: (biological) boy (what he goes by) demiboy or gender fluid
Pronouns: mostly he/him/himself but he doesn't really care
Dating: he is pretty clingy. He loves having someone play with his hair! It's really relaxing and soothing for him. He has a sensitive scalp so please give him head rubs! He loves it! He will play his guitar and sing for you! His voice is soothing with a little bit of a New Jersey accent sense that's where he was born. He loves movie dates.
⚠️nsfw warning!!! Don't read if you don't like that!!⚠️
Role: he is definitely a switch. He loves making you feel good but will be bottom if wanted.
Kinks: I swear this man has a praise kink... call him a good boy I beg you!!! He sometimes likes bondage and definitely likes edging, especially when it's being done to him. He unknowingly has a mommy/daddy kink.
Other: you got boobs? Yeah not anymore! There his new pillows! Along with your thighs male or female. He loves to cuddle. His neck is sensitive so neck kisses are a must! He tries to be a giver but fails because he is always to shy to give you stuff because he doesn't know you like it or not. He isn't that good at blowjobs because some of his mouth is missing but he tries his best..
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airenyah · 10 months
get to know me ask game
considering i was tagged by 4 different people (@lurkingteapot, @recentadultburnout, @telomeke, @nongnaos -- thank you guys <3) in the last two-ish weeks i think it's about time i finally get to this. sorry i'm late dfkgkldfgkldf
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag some people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing [it's just so much more comfy lbr] // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair [i had red highlights as a child and i've gone blonde twice] // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails [sort of -- i used to for quite a while bc it's the only thing stopping me from my horrible nail biting habit but unfortunately i got lazy during lockdowns and now i hardly paint them anymore] // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument [i've played the violin on and off since i was 5 years old (currently at 3 years of lessons since my last break), i also played the piano from age 7 to 19 and the recorder from age 6 to 15 (that is soprano recorder, alto recorder, tenor recorder and even bass recorder for a semester or so)] // I am artistic [i'd say so... i mean i'm not the most talented person but i HAVE worked as a professional graphic designer for a year and a half and i sometimes make gifs (if you want to see them then search for the tag meine grafiken on my blog)] // I know more than one language [lmao i mean... i'm not a monolingual english speaker so... ok but in all seriousness: my native language is german/austrian dialect and obviously i know english. part of my family is italian so i know conversational italian as well (plus it's one of my working languages at uni). i can understand conversational norwegian and i'm slowly starting to understand more and more conversational thai (i'm at a point where i can watch a lot of shows without subtitles and understand the main plot, even if i miss some details) i had french in school and remember some basics (like how to introduce myself and some specific vocabulary like colours or numbers) and i've also looked into korean so i can read it and i know some basic grammar and a few words here and there] // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim [perks of being part italian means that unlike most austrians i actually learned how to swim in the mediterranean sea hehehe] // I enjoy writing [kinda?? i enjoyed writing stories in school but i never really write in my free time although sometimes i think i'd like to. but then when i sit down to do it i just never have any ideas and so i give up] // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing [i went to an elementary school with a music focus which is why i played 3 instruments and my class was also a choir. i also took group singing lessons at the local music school in my teens. if i had the time and the money i'd get some solo singing lessons. i've considered looking into it for the coming winter semester] // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends [i love them so much 🥺🥺🥺] // I travel during work or school breaks [i love traveling internationally when i can afford it. i also travel within austria sometimes, especially since they introduced the klimaticket which is a ticket that lets you use a whole bunch of public transports from trains to trams to busses all around austria. every few months i go visit my friend who studies in southern austria] // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year [i don't really care much for dating and relationships tbh] // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years [we met at summer camp 12 years ago and we're celebrating our 10 year anniversary of being best friends this winter -- hi @magsimags ily] // my parents are together [i don't understand how but somehow they've made it work for lthe past 30ish years idk] // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends [i mean if it comes up or if they actively ask for it then sure] // I have made an online friend [a few actually, i've made quite a few online fandom friends and then i also have a few online language tandem friends] // I met up with someone I have met online [i've met up with a bunch of language tandem partners irl that i found online first. as for my tumblr mutuals, there are 4 in total that i've seen irl -- you know who you are <333]
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise [let me be clear, it was bc i pulled an all-nighter or was suffering from insomnia. NOT bc i'd voluntarily get up at an insane hour in the morning to watch the sun rise. plus in the winter it's a lot easier to watch the sun rise without meaning to bc if you happen to have class or work early in the morning you might actually get to see it rise while you're on your way there] // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars [one time during summer camp we spent the night on a field underneath the stars, it was very lovely] // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me [i like spring!! i like summer!! i like warmth!! chirping means it's spring or summer and warm!!!!] // I enjoy the smell of the beach [i spent a significant amount of time at the mediterranean sea when i was a child and i miss the sea so fucking much. unfortunately austria is a landlocked country] // I know what snow tastes like [it snows in the winter in austria, you can bet your ass i've eaten snow as a child] // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms [only in the summer tho and when i'm safe and sound inside and it's not keeping me up in the middle of the night when i'm trying to sleep] // I enjoy cloud watching [kinda!! i mean the sky is so pretty like!!!!] // I have attended a bonfire [not big ones but we regularly had fires at summer camp] // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean [idk if i'd say i find mystery in the ocean but i sure find it fascinating] // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend [around certain people i absolutely turn into the mom friend, but not around everyone so i won't make this red] // I live by a certain quote [yeah "wenn's passt, dann passt's". it's tricky to translate, something like "if it's a good fit, it'll work out". the literal meaning is "if it fits, it fits" or "if it works out, it works out"] // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep [sometimes?????] // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
since i'm late to the party i have absolutely no idea who's gotten tagged already so if you've done this already or don't want to do it at all feel free to ignore!!
tagging: @solo-silenzio @magsimags @newyearknwwme @killiru @gaym3bo1 @elnotwoods @swabianhotpocket @cornflowershade @gillianthecat
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toxictoxicities · 10 months
thank you for answering me. It was really cool seeing your response. Also I love the comment about Suns not crying to Pebbs. It's funny. Though I know I'm more of a sunstone shipper-- but again, I got to be the weirdest little fandom person ever and think about how tiny Pebbs is portrayed in the fandom, looming over, or straddling Suns and how they're portrayed in the fandom. I can't just be normal. Also I am still new to fandom, and haven't played the game, so I am still learning lore and stuff. I remember it saying that Pebbles in the beginning was difficult to respect authority, so I liked that angle; because he didn't bow to authority, because he questioned, and challenged Suns, suns felt like he wasn't just some means of worship. but ANYWAY, I KNOW YOU LOVE SIGNAL LIGHTS, AND I DO LOVE How Sig and Suns can be with each other! They are very much on Stable Even Ground. And hearing Suns say they learned from the best (aka Sig). That's so cute! Little gay robots making little cats together. Especially disabled cats (looks at spearmaster and hunter). Anyway, it's so amazing that you replied to my little comment. And again I just--- Suns. Suns is good, and they deserve to be given love and taken care of sometimes. And especially the baking bread. Even if they can't eat it. The idea of Suns baking bread is the cutest thing ever and Suns-- if they had more human hobbies, would absolutely bake.
I'm too lazy to draw a reply so- I might as well also warn with spoilers bc I've played all campaigns, read broadcasts and pearls- the lot- I'm a fucken nerd XDD you can ask @revolvius and he'll tell you I'm god with the Rainworld geoguesser (too bad it's down rn tho :(
Yeah throughout Spearmasters campaign we get a shit ton of broadcasts between Sigs and Suns, Suns coming over to Sigs searching for support and all that jazz. Being defiant and such is mentioned to be a common trait for new iterators, it being referred to as a phase. Pebbles just happens to be quite more driven to be independent not wanting to be told what to do.
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This trait is why Pebbles works with Suns in the first place because Suns - in sliverist groups- is the one asking the big questions no one wants to talk about such as "is it truly wrong to break the self destruction taboo" which probably was appealing to Pebbles to follow behind the footsteps of an older iterator who had similar ideals and researching into something Pebbles would want to sink his teeth into to be independent from what every other sliverist was thinking. Hell even his local group dissed on him because once again- sliverist despite wanting to follow SOS still held the taboo higher than actually trying to figure out SOS solution
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(EP being Pebbles, Erratic Pulse)
Anyways yeah with this in mind I reckon Pebbles would heavily look up to Suns, worship not being the word I'd use but certainly I don't think Pebbles would go against Suns- he only does when confronted about his mistakes which he admits later on he only did it out of shame.
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Sooo I won't lie there is some sort of tone with Suns being held so highly- despite there not being much evidence I would love to see Suns city and see if it is bigger than other iterators ect
can only infer Suns status with what's around him.
I mean there's also this- Pebbles always coming to Suns for guidance but never vise versa. It shows that Suns had a higher status or rep to Pebbles- portrayed as wise when they are only intelligent.
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Also in Emergence, they can in fact eat bread ^^ , upgrades people upgrades
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mujori · 2 years
Hello! I love your edits so much. I was wondering how do you make your gifs not look so crunchy/pixelated? Do you have a tutorial by any chance?
hi anon!! thank you and i appreciate it :-)
The big part I reckon on getting my stuff smooth is recording my footage at a consistent 60fps. I barely do any editing work on my gifs other than cropping it since ReShade/GShade does all the work for me. In Photoshop’s Save for Web tab, the dither and sizing settings will also make a difference on how it’ll look visually when exporting.
If you (and others) want to read more on how my work/thought process through making gifs, feel free to read more as there is a long wall of text ahead lol
but a TL;DR: record your footage at 60fps, or speed your videos/gif up if it isn't 60fps, and in the 'Save for Web (Legacy)' window of Photoshop; size down your gif to under 8-10mb, max out the colours, play with the dither settings & save.
also be sure to check out the gif-making community here on tumblr if you want to learn more. they have plethora of guides, have a google and add "tumblr" to the end of your search. here's a really good guide here from xec if you wanna have a read-through.
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there are so many ways on doing this, but i've learned this way since i was like 13 and it stuck with me ever since and there may be better and more convenient ways of doing so 💀 also i'm using photoshop 2021. any version of photoshop will work as long there is a 'Save for Web' tab.
Record your footage at 60fps if you can.
As I said before, recording in 60fps contributes a lot to the smoothness of the gif. You can use whatever recording software you have handy, even the sims 4 inbuilt video recorder will work. but i think the default framerate for that is 30fps (at max settings), but i believe you can configure the text file for it. whatever, just make sure your computer is capable of running and recording shit at 60fps consistently lol
But if that isn't the case, there are ways to making it look smooth like speeding the video up by a bit (before importing into PS), or by changing the frame delay to around 0.03-0.05s in the (frame animation) timeline. play around with it to see what works & looks best. be prepared to have a lot of patience for testing😀😀😀😀😀
^^This really depends on what the subject matter is in your gif! you can get away with speeding up scenic shots, but it might not so much with highly mobile sims (theoretically). again, play around with the speeds to see what looks good.
Import your video via File > Import > Video to Layers then do whatever edits you want to the gif like said above blahblahblah and then File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy)
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in the settings i use the preset GIF 128 (Dithered) then max out the colour to 256(!!!) and sometimes the dither settings. you can play around with what works/looks best for the gif by changing the dither effect, deleting colours from the colour table, etc. i sometimes just stick with these default settings bc i'm lazy as hell and everything looks the bloody same anD 90% OF MY GIFMAKING TIME IS SPENT ON WAITING FOR THIS BLOODY WINDOW TO FINISH LOADING EVERY TIME I MAKE A MINOR ADJUSTMENT TO A SETTING AND AKSJDFHASKJDFNADJKFNRE
anyways here is an in-depth guide by anue on what each setting does (desktop site redirect, sry mobile users). they also have other great guides if you want to have a look.
Sizing down your gif to adhere to the 10mb Tumblr gif cap
uhh do this before adjusting the dither settings/deleting colours from the colour table since sizing it down can affect those settings.
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I usually have my gifs at around 7-10sec/~300frames & so the raw gif tends to be very large so i resize them down to about 30-40%, or when the gif file is under 8-10mb -- 10mb being the maximum gif size for Tumblr!! tumblr increased the size cap a few years ago from 3mb, so don't worry about having to size it down to below 3mb like how other guides say. go fucken wild!!!
and save yayyy wahoooo yippeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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straighttxhell · 6 months
Get to know me! 💋
So,, @the-type-a tagged me in this like 8 months ago and never got a chance to do it cause tumblr kept deleting the draft but I am procrastinating doing my final project to graduate college so here goes nothing
Thanks for the tag and feel free to do it again cause lmao it's been a whike
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
No I wanna get a spider gwen tattoo but I dont have a ton of money rn
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Pastel pink 🩷
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Spinach Pasta
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:27 pm (when i started, its 11:50 now)
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, and Aquarius rising.
I also have Venus and Mars in Scorpio so that pretty much sums up why I'm insane.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
I really enjoy cockney accents, Daniel Kaluuya's in particular. Maybe it's just his voice.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
Yes, I accidentally stabbed my thigh, also accidentally cut it with a blade, and my legs are covered in permanent bruises from when I danced.
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
Every time I do it I get smth different, so either INTP or ISFP??
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
📺 - Favourite show?
The Office probably, or Community, I really like sitcoms
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Isn't everyone??
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, I am one of those ppl that want to meet like their one true love and get married and spend our entire lives together
😳 - Do you like your name?
It triggers me a little so I don't like to be called by it but I like the name by itself a lot
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Like a beige green, I hate it but it came like that and am too lazy to paint it
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My mom liked it thats it lol
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
This month hopefully, my ceremony isn't until January tho
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Yeah I have the normal ones, two in my left ear and one in my right ear so I can freely forget to wear earrings Id add a pick but I dont want to
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Veeeery dark brown
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
A messy bun, I like having it down although it's mostly hot here so that's not possible, and sometimes I do have to put it in a bun cause my hair is really really thin and straight so it tangles incredibly easy and it takes me a good 5 minutes to brush it and I tend to be in such a hurry every morning I simply can't afford to do that
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes I didn't know tho lol I was 14 and drinking funny tasting grape juice at sleepovers, my friends thought I knew lol uhmm but yeah after that I stopped until I was 18 and back from quarantine
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Don't take me as a role model please, but yes and I love getting drunk, I've never blacked out but I do remember every now and then funny memories like huh I forgot I did that 🥰 Also I've only once drank so much I puked it all up next morning
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Roaches?? Not trying to get too deep
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Hot. I hate not being able to move bc of cold, my body aches so bad when its cold.
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Cloudy, rainy and not cold, like eventually the sun comes out yknow
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
2 cats!! And my sister has 2 dogs but they're also kinda mine ig
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
No idea, I am way too sleep deprived to notice at the end
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Drawing, painting, video editing and designing, anything creative
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
New York 😭😭😭 if i had a visa also Id love to stay at the plaza hotel
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Probably Taylor Swift?? or the Spice Chalk Stretch Naked Wokfe boots
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
PINTEREST, a girl without pinterest is an angel without wings..
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
City by far, I've spent all my life in the city and wouldn't stand not having everything I have here
Tagging: @spnyuri @queer-cosette and idk who is still active here but whoever wants to do it
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blnk338 · 9 months
yes!!!!! everything sings!!!!!!!
i think theyre tying the search for that one planet with uranus unusual tilt it has! dont quote me on that im not 100%
and yes omg like EPIC 201912552 b !a planet that jwst has managed to possibly detect signs of a molecule named dimethyl sulfide !!!which is only produced by for life , specifically phytoplankton!!
or the fact that Ton 618 is so massive that we cant even comprehend it fully!!!!! speaking of, the fact that we’re now using pulsars to search for blackholes using gravitational waves is so cool!!!! (LIGO) this will change everything!!!
also space anon is alright with me!! im just lazy so i’ll sign them off with the saturn emoji lol
ive seen it mentioned a handful of times, from what i understand, there's no more development on that as of right now (not that they've stopped looking for it, just that they don't have much of an update. space is more of an art than a science, sometimes)
i hadn't even heard of EPIC 201912552-- that's so fucking cool and such a cool sign for possible (probable, if you ask me) life out there
I've heard of the pulsars and I'm so excited but I'm even MORE excited to find out exactly how many black holes are near us and possibly what the great attractor is. i think the pulsars are going to be such a cool way to figure it out
one of my favorite things ever is that we might even be able to properly see zombie stars up close now because of current development and we might actually get to collect more data on them and figure out if there was POSSIBLY something before the big bang. i think i went into this in a different post (and i will go over it again bc i love talking about it PLEASE PLEASE lmk if you want me to talk abt it bc i will) but considering some aspects of the universe, there's not a lot of explanation for certain stars and clusters UNLESS there was something before the big bang 14 billion years ago
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Head empty.... Only thoughts are of ditzy airheaded lamb-girl darling... Literally too spaced out to survive on their own. God please give me more details on that I'm begging you
I went overboard with this lol I hope you enjoy anon, I actually have had several reqs for more lambgirl/Scara content bc apparently you guys really liked that one which was a pleasant surprise lol. I love the dynamic between an extremely airheaded, absent-minded dumbass that just wants to be loved like a lambgirl and someone of Scara's personality, it works so well and comically at the same time.
Also me? Making something that actually ends kind of sweet? More likely than you think!
Also also "do sheep have heats" is now present in my google search history
It's no wonder most cultures made shepherding a full-time job, if you don’t watch them, sheep will find a way to get themselves killed. They're clumsy, clunky, tend to knock things over, and generally just kinda zone out half the time, staring off into space. That being said, they can be clingy, actually, if they know you well enough, they'll just kinda go wherever you go, munching on what they can all the while. Nonetheless, lambs are very loving and can be super affectionate, no matter what -- again, simple minded. Their brain merely knows, this person is my master, and I love my master! That's all they need to know. And sheep hybrids are no different.
For poor Scara's lambgirl, he'd never admit that he likes that about you, but he subtly... encourages your tendencies. He sees it as your nature... a simple creature that knows who it belongs to and doesn't question it, only follows behind loyally, and really, that's the way things should be. So he doesn't ever discourage you from following, it comes naturally to little lambgirl -- when he stands up, you do too, and follow behind without a word, although he'll gesture, which is how you get a lot of communication. And when you do follow, he doesn't snap at you the way he does when you don't, so you know that it's the right thing, what you're supposed to do.
Because also, sometimes your poor, poor dumb little mind can forget a lot of words. It's a known trait about lamb hybrids, and yet another reason why people tend to neglect their kind -- they sometimes revert to the most simple of states, becoming nonverbal, and may struggle to understand words, and take time to process them. For someone who, according to that one Fatui agent, doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, he actually adjusts to the nonverbal fairly easily, view it as a good thing that you have synched so well to what's expected.
It's all standard for humans, but you know without ever being taught, you can sense what he wants. Despite the apathetic facial expressions and lack of even looking at you, you know, a little "come hither" gesture of the finger tells you to get closer, a pat to the thigh means to sit on his lap, a thumb on your lips and and a lazy downward nod means get on the floor and suck him off. You learn quickly, you're proud of yourself for doing so.
And little lambs are, best of all, so dumb they have no idea when they're being blatantly manipulated, or Pavlov'ed, in such a direct and obvious way that not even the dumbest of hybrids besides them would fall for it. He likes that about you. The only thing he likes more than that, that heavily ties into that... is that lambs crave affirmation, affection, praise. Lambs love, and they want to feel loved, they'll do anything for it. So he makes you scramble and bend over backwards for the very, very, very rare occurance that is a word of praise (if it can be called that -- it's usually more like a backhanded compliment), or an affectionate gesture. And he uses the inverse -- cold neglect -- to manipulate and condition you.
Which is easy -- you see, in your... limited intellectual capacity, two words have supreme ruling over your self-esteem and your entire emotional state: good and bad. More complex words don't have quite the impact as those two, since you understand good and bad as very simple concepts, the rest you kind of have to think about, and thinking is not your strong suit. "Good" and "bad" have obvious, easy to grasp, powerful meanings to you, and a significant impact. So he makes use of those words quite a bit -- the way your face lights up and your ears perk up when he tells you you've been good, and the way your eyes fill with little tears and your ears fall flat against your head when he snarls that you're bad. You don't want to be a bad lamb, do you? No, you want to be good. Master calling you good is the highest honor, the greatest pride your brain can conceive of, and you work day in and day out to earn it. So when you've been bad, and are told to sleep on the floor, sit on the floor by his feet, when you get no pats to the head or fingers absent-mindedly running through the wool of your ears -- when you're deprived of touch, affection -- it's cruel and hurts in the deepest of ways. And likewise, earning that privilege back, being told you can sleep in the bed again, sit on his lap again, when you get the touches back, it fills you with joy, even if he tells you the little bleats of happiness are annoying. He treats it like a privilege too -- you've learned your lesson, he says, so he thinks he can stand the sight of you again enough to let you back to being closer.
And corporeal punishment is the only form of behavior enforcement you understand, so it's a given that he goes overboard with it -- gets you to associate it with bad. Good lambgirls get crumbs of affection, rare words of slight praise, bad lambgirls get bent over the desk and belted so hard they can't sit right. Again, you want to be good, and the physical pain is just there to remind you why. He also likes to grab you by the tail -- it's obnoxious, he says, always twitching and wiggling, and he gets some entertainment out of catching you off-guard and making you let out those shrill little baa's of surprise.
All that being said, lambs are... easily distracted. Lambgirl darling's fuzzy little ears perk up over a sound off in the distance, and while he's not looking you end up wandering down the hall of the big, maze-like Fatui building... you never find the source, but suddenly you find yourself very lost and very alone without Master and you panic, sniffling as tears come rolling down your face and bleating in distress, desperately trying to find your way back, eventually crumbling to the floor and just bleating all the while. It's through that bleating he eventually finds you, or perhaps you draw the attention of others who then come inform him where you are -- furious at your disappearance and being made to waste time looking for you, but even he of all people can't quite bring himself to kick you when you're down, so to speak -- you're already blubbering and crying and you come running to him once you see him, so he just barks at you about how stupid you were, how you made him waste his time, how you should feel lucky he even bothered coming to look for you.
He wouldn't tell you how badly he panicked when he looked up and you weren't there, mind running over all the possible ways your dumbass might have gotten yourself hurt in such a short time. And the other agents know better than to let you in on how he more or less summoned the entire present forces to demand they drop everything they were doing and search until you were found. He just insists that your collar needs a cowbell, one that's loud and clear that will signal when you're moving. Next time you get distracted, he'll hear the cowbell rattle when you stand up, and snap at you to sit your ass back down or else.
And speaking of the others, most of the time he's never certain when someone is going to come barging in, since half of these worthless dimwits, as he calls the people he works with, don't think to knock. You two once learned that the hard way and now you have to lock the door before you blow him at work. In front of other people, he's definitely not going to show you the slightest bit of attention, and avoids it at work in general, but occasionally allows you a headpat here or there. You seem to really like those, he thinks. Your little eyes close and you tilt your head, longingly leaning into the touch. It's your instinct.
And archons help anyone that dares harm or even insult you in any way. You're occasionally, as aforementioned on the hybrid post, allowed to run errands or perform simple tasks for others. You've fucked up a lot, actually, but he only tells you you fucked up if it's a task or assignment for him. If it's with other people, regardless of whether you performed the task correctly or not, he says it was good. This has... not resulted in good things for some of the other members. You hand them something blatantly wrong or clearly made an error, and they open their mouth to chastise you, but stop short at the death glare sent their direction -- he mutters that you did good, rubs your head... and adds a right? to the end of it, looking up at the poor victim of your forgetfulness. Adds through gritted teeth to "tell her she did a good job you dumbfuck." And they always do. You're happy to have earned the approval of the others, they're all really nice to you, for some reason, even though they look oddly nervous when they're talking to you. When they come to him later in private to complain because there was a serious mistake that will cost them time and money, they're just met with an apathetic "Deal with it."
He doesn't let anyone have supervision over you, though, not anymore. In the beginning, he used to every now and then, when he had something important to do, tell some subordinate to watch you in his absence. Can't have you running off. They never watched you very closely, though, and one time you got too curious and rummaged through various things and shelves and objects and, well, you overturned a shelf that came crashing down on you -- cut you badly, broke a bone, and the guy in charge of watching you had decided to go waste time elsewhere, and so by the time Master got back, you were still there on the floor, trapped under it, sniffling and crying and letting out the most pathetic and soft of bleats, whimpering Master over and over. You don't remember much after it was pulled off of you, there was yelling and clanging as objects were being hurled across the room, but you never saw that other agent again. And now, he never leaves you under someone else's care.
Behind closed doors -- in the comfort of living quarters -- he's still... himself, but not quite as mean. The rubs are longer, the praise feels more like actual praise. When you go to bed at night, provided you've earned your right to sleep beside him, you might summon the courage to ask how you were today -- a careful question, with only two possible answers that you could understand, but your spirit will be uplifted or shattered by the response, so it weighs heavily on you, as you spend every waking moment aiming for one answer. He'll act irritated that you'd ask, it's a stupid question, but that's expected coming from a stupid creature, he says. But nonetheless he'll reassure you, in an agitated mutter that, at least for today, you were good. Maybe one day, a little lambgirl can only dream, your master might even say he loves you.
You think about that a lot when you're getting fucked, because sex is a part of love, right? Maybe you're working towards that, so you give it your all, you ride well and suck well and do every little thing you're commanded to do. Even when the ropes and clamps and the hands on your throat hurt. In fact, you think you've started to like it. Your body has started to respond to the pain, your insides clench at the thought. You feel bad about the heats, since you're wasting Master's time, but as he says, someone has to take care of you (which isn't true, you think -- he could just leave you to suffer. Maybe he doesn't know that? Surely if he knew that he wouldn't waste time taking care of you, right?). Sheep heats last quite a while, too, and you feel bad for being so lewd, bleating with your ass up in the air and whimpering, but he doesn't seem to hate it too much, since he fucks you throughout it, even takes a few days to do work from home. Grabs onto your big wooly ears like handlebars and fucks into you from behind. He says the bleating is annoying... but when you tried to hold it back, he told you he didn't say you could stop. You don't want to annoy him, but you don't want to do something you weren't told to, either... whatever earns his love.
Yes, you want to be loved. But could you ever earn such a thing? Do you deserve it? Could you ever deserve it? You're not sure. Master's love seems like such an honor, such a wonderful thing it would be unreal. That's why, when you finally summon the courage to ask, for once your brain works in a rather complex, roundabout sort of way. When you sit up in the middle of the night and nudge him awake, hovering over him in the dark, you don't ask if he loves you, instead you ask do you think could you ever love me? It's the most complex thought you've ever had, probably, because you know you're too afraid of rejection to ask outright, and this way he's more likely to say yes, and even if he doesn't love you now, a "yes" means you can work towards it, right?
So the resulting silence and the scrunched up, irritated facial expression, after a moment, makes a sort of pain and shame spread through your chest, and you wish you hadn't asked, but before you can apologize he just says that I wouldn't keep your worthless, useless ass around and would've kicked you back out on the street a long time ago if I didn't, shut up, go the fuck to sleep and don't wake me up for your stupid questions. Slams your body back down onto the bed -- facing away from him, your back to his chest, so you can't see his face. It's not a direct answer, but you don't need one -- for once, you were smart enough to understand. He just huffs in irritation when your stumpy little puffball tail wiggles around with joy, tells you to stop it so he can sleep.
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Hello! Is it okay if I ask for a monster match? If it isn't just delete request!
So em... Biologically I'm a/my pronounce is a she/her. I'm 5'3 or 5'4 (not sure). I'm a heterosexual (but I look gay as f-). I love studying arts (music, architecture and etc.). A bit of history nerd and sometimes (almost every time) overthinker. I keen watching TV shows, anime, documentaries and honestly anything. I'm a wierd combo of introvert & extravert. Prefer staying at home and living my 'raccoon in the dumpster' life. Veeeeery touchy (with concent ofc). That type of a person to hold a frog, call it Garry and claim that it's your knew friend. (Love snakes, spiders and a lot more of wild animals that a lot of people dislike). Good looking flying living creatures are my weakness.
A bit about my look (spoiler I'm fabulous) ((maybe)). I have short dark brownish hair. Blue and green eyes. Small chest and a good looking 🍑. Prefer mens clothing (POCKETS AND FREEDOM TO THE WAIST) but I don't mind feminine.
I'm searching for someone a bit of opposite of me (looking opposite too but honestly doesn't really matter), so he could push me sometimes when I get too lazy or smt. And sometimes to walk me bc my home is my fortress (again home dumpster racoon). Preferably WAY taller then me (I need a pillow). Someone that can tolerate my sometimes (a lot of times) childishness. I don't really care about what type of monster he is. As long as he ok with me being me.
Thank you ahead! ♥️💓
Levi - M Harpy x F Human (Reader) // SFW Monster Match
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Anon monster match <3 I hope you love him!
Matches under the read more!
Content: SFW/Citrus; flirting, intimate embraces (cuddling, kissing), mentions of dating/courtship, creating a nest, use of endearment “sweetheart”, allusions to sexual intimacy
Masterlist // Monster Match Info + Masterlist // My Ko-Fi
Levi approached you first.
Though after his confession of being captivated by you - returning to the old museum in the hopes of stumbling into you once again, no recollection of him came to mind, and you would have remembered him.
Who wouldn’t?
Delicately feathered, shimmering with navy tips and darkened to near ebony closer to his chest. Long legs with talons clicked on the polished floor, but only the presence settling carefully beside you had roused you from staring toward the hanging artwork.
As rare as days out were of your own volition, you would never tire of reading the plaques and learning more with each visit. You hadn't moved for almost an hour when soft feathers tickled against your arm and in his attempt to create distance, they ruffled and stroked closer.
He may have approached you first with his chest puffed out and his head turned to focus only on you, but you were the one to speak, undeterred from staring at the wall opposite.
"Do you like it? This piece?"
His breath left him in a quiet exhale, enough to finally lure your attention to the broad expanse of his frame - failing in curling himself smaller, tracing the gentle sloping of his forehead down to his nose with a warmer stare.
In a voice as gentle as him, the stranger, as he was then, rasped, "sorry?"
"It's nothing special, is it?"
Rising from the low bench had you leaning against him - for the slightest and most fleeting of moments, relishing in the heat of his feathers, before he stood with you.
So close, his wing extended like a guiding arm, you couldn't help but reach to trace over them until he trembled.
Overstepping hardly made the best first impression, with little idea of how sensitive his wings may be, but the harpy stepped closer, lips curling. "Walk around with me?"
Your decision was made even before asking, "how much do you know of the artwork?"
"Very... very little."
Many afternoons passed in a close embrace, though you were hesitant to have him accompany you home. For however much you adored a day out, you loved time spent indoors far better, and the evening came around by your invitation to share your favourite films with him.
Even still, you doubted he enjoyed them.
(You had a slight suspicion he watched them not only to have you tucked against him, but to see your delight in whispering the memorised script.)
The incredibly brief tour of your open-plan home led you into your bedroom to change into something comfier, hesitating there too long.
You returned to a sight you'd never forget, and one reinforcing the love you had for him.
"Do you mind?"
Levi bounced unsteadily on his thin legs, surrounded by a mess of cushions and blankets; a hastily arranged nest. Using those same sheets you had readied earlier on the sofa, too, and you were struggling for words.
"We've had our days out," he murmured, extending an arm to draw you close. "Now, I just want you. Is that okay?"
You tiptoed to whisper, "perfect."
Some weeks felt longer than others. Little could rouse you now beyond the dimensions of your bed - not even the quiet ringing of your phone. The screen would brighten with the warm photo of dappled feathers, your boyfriend reminding you of your plans for the day. 
You hadn't forgotten.
He never left your mind.
Though the gentle knocking at your door made you turn deeper into your pillows. When the door creaked open, your smile tucked into the sheets soon to be pulled from your body. 
Not too long ago - not long enough after your first date, really, you had gifted Levi a key of his own. His courtship passed quickly and you were smitten, but he had opened the hastily folded tissue paper and frowned.
"Oh. Oh, I... thank you." 
By reflex alone, you moved to snatch the key, already rasping, "it was a mistake-" 
Feathers tickled your cheeks, lips soft against yours. His laughter never failed to soothe your nerves and he spread his arms wide around you. "I already have a key. I walk you home almost every night. Who do you think unlocks the door?" 
With it official then, it warranted a sweeter kiss, and the same greeted you now with warm hands coaxing you from the sheets. His quiet sigh resonated like a sharp twinge in your chest until you remedied it by stroking up through his feathered chest, just how he liked. 
"You coming out today, sweetheart?" 
Little more than a whine was your answer, a pout beckoning a kiss. Routine warned of quiet tutting - of pleading and compromise (often in your favour), but today you wanted nothing more than to finish the documentary you started the other night with him, not to go outside. 
Arms slipping beneath you earned a scowl. "I'm not going." 
Levi grinned. "Looks like you're going somewhere." 
This became the compromise; an understanding that though you loved to waste the day drowsy and warm, the nest he added to with every visit in your lounge welcomed you both. There was less chance of talons dragging against your legs, and more space for him to nestle tight. 
"We'll have a quiet day today," he murmured. "Next weekend, we're going somewhere nice. My treat - you can't say no." 
"We'll see." Levi pinched your waist and you smothered your smile into his wing, only for it to widen when his breath caught. You slipped your fingers lower down his stomach. "That's next weekend. Right now, we're laying together, and I still have too many clothes on. Want to help with that?"
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hyacinthian-chateau · 2 years
Hi! Um this is a bit awkward for me since this is my first time requesting, but I've been following your acc for a while so when I saw your match up event I wanted to participate :> Also congrats on hitting 200 followers :D
I would like to be matched up with a male character but a female is okay as well!
I don't have that many hobbies, but I do often read and play video games when I have free time(mostly genshin, honkai and persona), i also really like listening to music especially melanie martinez, alec benjamin and a bit of vocaloid songs as well. I'm not a very sporty person :( but I do enjoy playing badminton from time to time.
As for personality I am an INFP and rather quiet person but can be really loud and active with the right people. My friends often use the word confident to describe be since I've been in school pageants and when it comes to school reports. I like to think that I'm a good listener and good at giving advice when my friends or anyone is going through something. I find honesty and loyalty very attractive in a person even though sometimes I don't want to accept the truth. I'm also a giant sloth. I'm almost always lazy wanting to play games instead of actually doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Also a bit passive aggressive and get angry pretty easily.
I really like physical affection(I'm touch starved bc of Covid) and warm and long hugs. I also really like watching anime and music. I love love love ice cream and pizza, I haven't had those in a while. I love cats and dogs as well.
I hate horror, I get scared way too easily. Whenever I'm interested in a horror games I don't usually play I just search it up and watch on youtube, yes I am that much of a coward. Another thing I hate is roaches and spiders. I despise them. I also hate it when people talk behind my back, be it about me or my friends. Two-faced people, if they have a good reason I'll forgive them. And lastly I hate being pressured.
That's all! Thank you and congrats again on hitting 200!
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Itto, 。・:*:・゚☆
You and Itto had been an anticipated couple.
To the general inhabitants of Inazuma, Arataki Itto was considered one of two things: an imposing young man who prided himself on having the blood of the Crimson Oni in his veins. And on the other hand, he was regarded as an untameable ruffian who tended to run into trouble. But most would agree that even after being designated as an 'unemployed delinquent' and having his vision taken during the vision hunt decree, the leader of the Arataki gang remains as optimistic and upbeat ever.
From a young age, Itto had always been on friendly terms with other kids, and that included you--He still remembers how you would adorably hold onto his sleeve until he had to eventually leave to run a few errands for Grandma Oni. The platinum-haired boy had been such a constant presence in you and your sibling's life that even he’s watched you grow into a fine individual as the years passed. Both you and the statuesque man were so close that he was always welcomed to your family home, despite not sharing immediate relations.
The said Oni and you are so close that he even knew several of your secret quirks such as how you passed the time listening to music hailing from distant lands, your secret preference to occasionally indulge in treats such as ice cream or mushroom pizza, or how you always try to tough it out when reading Junkichi's newest horror-centric publication. He especially likes to keep you on your toes by pranking you with a rather realistic-looking papier-mâché spider he made with some kids--Majority of the time it ends with you chasing his laughing form with a broomstick.
Aside from your humorous mannerisms, Your academic prowess and considerate nature are some of the many things that Itto greatly admires. He's seen you drafting several contracts for multiple businesses and presenting various ideas during the meeting of the Tri-Commissions. Many people would agree that you were emotionally intuitive, and the l man can attest to that. There are times when Geo-user isn't feeling like his confident self, and yet you are there to listen and provide either sound advice or reassurance until he reverts to his old boisterous self.
Although the said man looks quite intimidating and slightly blunt, he turns soft when you are involved. The leader of the Arataki gang doesn't like to take sides if you get into an argument and instead prefers to duke it out with an Onikabuto beetle fight; You both agree that the loser has to hug the winner as an apology. Furthermore, Random people on the street have seen him turn all pouty after you had sought out Kazuha's help with a commission. But worry not! It's fairly easy to cheer up the said Oni with a well-placed compliment about his hair or treat him to a bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen at Shimura's. At times you wonder if Itto is an Oni considering that he acts akin to a big, excitable pup rather than an intimidating demon. What's unfortunate is how much of a hopeless cause he is when it comes to romance; Surely he can't be that dense. Right?
It’s during the summer festival that he witnesses how close you seem to be with a shared acquaintance of yours. The statuesque man can't help but feel a flare of discontent when he watches you accept a small trinket from the Kamisato’s housekeeper who had finished playing a Kingyo-sukui (Goldfish scooping) game. He grows all the more agitated when you and the Pyro-user share a few inside jokes and some snacks. Yes, he knew you and the said man go way back, having worked closely with one another multiple times. Obviously, you had the right to talk and hang out with anyone but…had you always been that familiar with the Kamisato's Housekeeper? It…was disheartening.
It's only when he accompanies you home after the festivities that Itto comprehends that the odd and unsettling sensation in his stomach was indeed jealousy. The thought of you sharing a gentle and intimate moment or holding unto another person's arm seemed to make him more miserable than irritated. It's only when you are about to pass through the gates of your home that he catches your hand. He stutters through his words and his usually piercing voice takes a quieter and nervous tone as he clumsily admits that he loves you more than a friend should. He would have gone on a lengthy tangent until you interrupt him with a bright grin and respond with an 'I love you'.
Instantaneously, the man lets out a delighted laugh and easily sweeps you into a hug, spinning you a few times before finally setting your smaller figure down--He finds himself grinning so wide that his mouth is starting to hurt. Before parting for the night, you had graced the much larger man with a chaste kiss on the cheek before abashedly wishing him a good night and disappearing behind the wooden gates. After the Geo-user has returned to his abode and settled into bed that he finds himself unable to sleep, his mind drifting back to the rather adorable expression on your face then getting all flustered at the sudden turn of events. He's not a religious man by any means but that night he is thanking all gods dwelling in Celestia. The platinum-haired man is unable to sleep well that night and gets up before the roosters could even crow. He had been planning to be the first one that greets you that morning but he quickly fumbles with his words when you casually by-pass greeting him. With another peck on his reddening cheek and a coy grin adorning your lips, you can't help but tease him lightly upon seeing the shadows under his crimson eyes.
Wah, Today looks to be the usual busy day at work. Oh, but it seems someone's here to visit you…
╰ ☆☆☆☆╮
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Note: Thank you so much for taking part in this event and the kind works. I have re-edited this match-up countless times because I write too much. Apologies for taking so long--I've gotten a bit sick after having gone on a brief vacation. We hope to see you here again! :)
Additional Notes: Hanetsuki is an old Japanese game similar to modern day badminton, although it is played with but rectangular wooden paddles (hagoita), a shuttlecock (hane), and no net.
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Actually i don't get Reki at all. Like even in the first ep he was worse even than Shadow and i'm not talking abt Cherry, Joe and Adam. And he was ok and loved skating. But like... if your friend is better than you, then you get depressed and making your friend feel guilty abt you not being good enough? I didn't even ship Reki and Langa, they are just giving me only friendship vibes, but i'm still sad, wtf writers did with his character?
Yeah, same. Like, sorry, I just don’t think Reki’s character can be redeemed for me personaly at this point.  
Like what should I even stand for in his character? I do not respect his life position at all. Like I dislike Makoto for being a shadow and not wanting anything in his life, but hey, at least he’s genuinely happy for Haru’s success. I adore Rin who never gave up and dove into the hardest challenge possible from the start to get on Haru’s level, cause he wanted to swim with him for the rest of his life and he got there. And then there’s this..  it’s like.. he loves to skate, but apparently not enough, cause his doesn’t want it, if he isn’t the best at it, so he’d rather... not skate at all? He wants to be as cool and on the same level with “naturally talented ones” and wants to compete with Langa, but he doesn’t want to do anything for it or search for his own unique style or smth to beat them in another way? And on top of that he’s also sad about seeing Langa succeeding? The whole thing is... like.. no, thank you?
Like are they really gonna go with the “you made me want to be great at this like you, but if only you are great at this, than screw both you and this?” lolz. Even if they will go with the psychological block bc of his friend’s injury, it’s gonna be lousy af now. It’s like is there even a route left which could make him look...ahem... presentable at this point? Idk.
I also was right about the fact that he’s the type who prolongs the whining instead of doing things, unlike some other characters who were in his position too; realistic maybe he is, but I don’t want it, honestly, like I see such things every day and I do not like it.
From what I’ve seen in the tag some are already trying to apply here like 50 mental disorders to excuse him and stuff like “it’s realistic” and at this point I’m honestly used to people on the internet using mental disorders not for spreading awareness, but bc they’re thinking it’s “trendy”, which is a cringe galore and shame on you. But it still makes me kinda sad all the time. Also there’s nothing unrealistic about not giving up and getting where you want, it’s just harder for, to say, “ordinary” people, that’s why most rarely choose this option (although it’s for you to decide if you’re ordinary or not, cause everyone can be extraordinary, you just need to find it in you). Anyways, drowning in a self pity is not the trait I’ve ever found appealing in people, along with the constant comparing yourself to others.
Sadly many prefer to use these excuses to get out of everything along with being lazy or jealous, esp the young generation. At this point, it’s like the same thing as with this other fandom. Like, sometimes when someone is trying to hit someone because he saw that he’s more talented than him, that just means that he’s an asshole, there’s no need to come up with ridiculous excuses to justify this and try to make him a hero. And sometimes ppl are just jealous, as simple as that. And no, not everyone is like that. At this point ppl on social media are like... fuck your hard-working characters, who are inspired by talent and do not give up on trying to prove yourself even if the whole world is against them. Let’s promote being emo and how it’s okay to spend your life on walking around telling everyone how you’re a useless trash, like this will help you in life.
Also if seeing someone succeed, esp your best friend, makes you sad, might want to reconsider the way of living your life. Just saying.
Also since when you have to be the best just to enjoy doing what you love doing? I’m like... personaly I do not get it. Looking at my vids 10 years ago they look like utter trash, but I tried and tried and yeah, I might not reach some levels of mega talented ppl, but hey, I’m still trying and searching for stuff I can improve all the time and watch talented ppl tutorials like “holy fuck, you can do that?”.
But hey, at least he doesn’t want to only make boards, he wants to compete... (or does he? I’m honestly not sure at this point lol)... I mean, there’s... that. but I thought, when he’s gonna realize it, he’s gonna be back on track, but n.o. xD back to self pity. ok then. Some go like “its only been 3 episodes” and I’m like “this... ain’t a 24 episodes anime tho..(?)”.
So far I’m just confused about what are writers intentions with some characters are. Like the most interesting ones at least for me are technically a background for some reason idk. I was literally sad about the wasted amount of screentime on Reki being.. well, nothing new.
Sad part about this is that people like this also need a constant reassuring to the point of them just sucking your life out of you, too, so I honestly do not know how to deal with this life position. Ppl like this have a tendency to never be happy, so Langa would just have to run after him and feed him with compliments for the rest of his life to water his tiny self-esteem or say smth “don’t give up, don’t give up, fighting”? It’s like... well, ok. Friendship, yeah, but ship? Nah, not for me. Also I do not smell any huge romance there tbh, and from Reki’s side this is all just a mess tbh.
The saddest part was that he saw that Langa won after his yelling and he didn’t care for that. Like Rin was mopping bc he wanted to swim with Haru, so when he saw that Haru wanted to swim with him, too, that was it for him. And that’s the problem all the viewers who watched Free! got hit with while watching this. My DMs are literally all about “why do I not feel anything about them?” or “sometimes cute, but smth doesn’t hit me shipping wise”. Cause I think most expected for some reason that he would also put Langa first, but at the end, they’re not on the same track, bc their priorities are different.
I actually think it was just mistake for all of our Free! hommies including me to go at it from the wrong point of view and from the beginning expecting it shipping wise to be like that one other Utsumi’s work. I mean, she’s just a director there, not also on the storyboard or anything else. Should’ve gone watching it with a clear head. The main ship just does not hit any spots for me either. And my heart does not lie there at all. I do blame Free! for this, cause it’s like impossible to compare bc of those our scenes, I keep seeing, but at the same time, they do not hold up not to the dynamic, not to anything at this point. Like I do not know where they’re going with them, but this is just not my type of a ship in general and definitely not the one I can go crazy about. I honestly do not think 3 episodes can change that. It’s says a lot if at this point I do not even care much for their reconciliation, I’m like.. tell me about the seniors’ drama tho xD So I’ll stick with my side ships.
Also, unrelated to the question, but did Adam seriously just went and hit Cherry with a board in the face?!!!! (THE FUCK DUDE?) Like, this was definitely not how I thought this was gonna go. I also kinda felt like Cherry was in love with Adam in the past. All in all this was like a... strange episode, at this point I just feel sorry for my baby Langa, Joe and Cherry were very cute (esp at the end) and my god Cherry is hot, but like I also want something complex pls, so idk I’m  still waiting for the Adam/Tadashi shananigans.
At this point I’m like “I love watching this, but what am I watching?” haha supernatural skating soup opera it is then. 
Also I just love Langa my dude, my man. How he’s such a puppy in real life, but so freaking hot when he skates??!!! T_T 
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tetsumii · 3 years
ohhh ok ok, if u don't mind me asking, what timezone are you in? i'm in GMT + 8 :0
and omg i wish i could watch anime all day!! i mean sometimes its all i want to do and sometimes i have too much to do to watch it :/, regardless i never get to watch all day because my parents established a rule of 2 hrs of screen time everyday (except when i write, i can use my laptop all day to write my fics n stories) + no i have not seen sk8, but i've been wanting to!! on aot and black clover rn tho
and here it's morning (8:30 am) and i just had noodles for bfast + my coffee (which is basically 10% coffee, 40% milk, n 50% sugar LOL)
so so far my day's been good!! hope it stays that way too IM SORRY FOR THE V LONG ASK but random thought do u like / listen to broadway? :0
oh no worries! i just searched mine up and my timezone is gmt -7!
ahhh icic! for me personally, it sometimes is hard for me to get back into anime bc i tend to completely stop watching to focus on school so when i have free time (such as if i'm on break) it's kinda hard for me to get back into it and then there are just times i just go through major lazy periods where i just don't do anything :// this happens when i do writing too :((
u should watch sk8!! so far v good it gets the sumi stamp of approval😌 and aot is SO GOOD OH MY GOD that show literally had me hooked from the very beginning and it's AMAZINGGG do u have a fav character so far?
PLSSS LITERALLY ME WITH MY ICED COFFEE also try honey instead of sugar !! honey makes everything sm better (i love to use honey as my sweetener for things hehe :))
yayayay i'm glad ur day is going well so far!! DONT APOLOGIZE ABOUT THE LONG ASK BESTIE I LOVE TALKING TO U PLS and i have never listened to broadway :00 where should i start if i wanna start listening to it ??
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