#bcs he looks beautiful all day everyday anyways
strniohoeee · 2 months
chris has a fat crush on reader but since he's scared of his feelings he just teases her / mistreats her bc he won't accept the fact that he has a crush but nick puts him in his place
Blue Flats
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris always had a thing for teasing Y/N, but what happens when he takes it too far? Annoyed by his actions she vowed to never speak to Chris again, but will it change when all that was done is forgiven? 👤
Warnings⚠️: None, this is lowkey enemies to lovers if you SQUINT. I kind of loved this one had me giggling and what not ☝🏽🤓. Hope you enjoy babesss🫶🏽
Song for imagine: There Goes My Baby- The Drifters
There goes my baby
Moving on down the line
Wonder where, wonder where, wonder where
She is found
Most 20 year old men would say their biggest fear is something stupid like crashing their new car, or getting a parking ticket. But for some reason Chris’ only fear was you. Well that sounds…. Scary? He liked you alot, well actually that was an understatement. A day without you was like a year without rain.
He yearned to see your smile light up a room, and to hear your annoying laugh that somehow made his heart burst with joy. Fighting back a smile every time he saw you or anytime your name was mentioned. He was scared of commitment and was scared of ruining things with someone he liked so much.
Everyday was a constant battle that started many years ago. For a long time Chris hated you, he found you annoying and anal about everything. A goody who was scared of the outside world. Constantly teasing you with his friends like throwing pebbles at you when you would walk by. To say Chris was an asshole was an understatement.
“Chrissss stop it” Y/N yelled as she played a very unwanted game of tug-o-war with Chris for her shiny blue ballet flats
Danging them above her head, as he was surprisingly taller than her at his 10 year old age.
“Or what? Going to cry to mommy?” He asked her tauntingly as his friends laughed behind him
“You’re being so mean to me” The young girl replied hurt and mainly embarrassed by the crowd now surrounding them
“Snitches get stitches” He replies lifting the shoes higher
“You spit gum in my hair! I had every right to taddle to your mom” She squeaked as she jumped to attempt and snatch her shoes from his grasp
“No one likes you anyways” He replies pushing her away
“Just give me my shoes” She replies as tears threatened to spill from her eyes
“Since you want them so bad then get them” He states as he chucks them over his shoulder into a puddle of brown water
Y/N’s beautiful blue flats completely destroyed by Chris’ careless actions
As the crowd cleared out, Y/N looked over at Chris as she wiped her now dirty hands across her face to clear her tears out.
“I hate you Chris, I never want to see you again” She replied running home with her dirty shoes in her hands
Flashback over
His mind often went to that day. He couldn’t fathom the idea of liking you because you know girls had cooties at that age. So instead he teased you in hopes that you would think it was funny and would catch on.
However he should’ve known that wasn’t the case as you were a very sensitive person since you could open your eyes. Constantly kicking himself over the whole ordeal. Except in Sophomore year of high school when his crush made his heart feel like a tight rubber band ready to snap.
He had to talk to you and clear all this up, or any chance with you would be doomed. So when he approached you and you actually treated him like a normal human being, he felt even worse. Wincing at the cringey apology he decided was right, he felt an instant weight off his shoulders when the words “it’s water under the bridge” left your lips.
Like a record scratch, a pause in time, a slo mo from a cheesy rom com. His eyes slowly blinked as you smiled at him. Patting his shoulder and offering him a term of endearment. That changed his feelings towards you even more. Even after what he did to you, you had still been nice to him.
So as you walked away in those blue ballerina flats that were oh so similar to the ones from when you were a kid. He only had one thought in his mind…..” I have got to get her”
Yet as the both of you got close, not by choice might I add. Nick and Y/N had became best friends in junior year, so he always found his way to be near the girl. You would think he tried his best to ask you out.
But nope, instead he continued to tease you and mistreat you. Often bantering as you both crossed each others path. And even with their fame they stood friends with the flourishing girl. Splitting time between LA and Boston.
As they got more fame though they rarely came back to Boston as much as they used to. However it was Fourth of July which meant they’d be back in town. And lucky for Chris this meant sleepovers with you…. Well more like sleepovers with Nick, but he would still find a way to shimmy himself in and tease you.
Even while in LA if you and Nick were on the phone he’d waste no time throwing a jab at you. Nick often puts himself on mute to curse Chris out. Something you found funny and just the slight laugh Chris would hear would have him on cloud 9. He would even comment under your instagram posts. Many foolish boyish comments that had the young girl blushing and giggling.
Sliding into the island chair in his mom’s kitchen he grabbed a few chips and shoved them in his mouth. His mom is cooking some pasta in preparation for the fourth of July party that had just begun. Most of their close family and friends in their yard talking and laughing over the music playing. Their block is full of young kids running around and laughing, chasing each other with water guns and playing tag.
“Chris don’t spoil your appetite sweetheart” His mom stated as she handed a pan of food over to her friend to take outside
“Yeah Chrissy poo don’t mess up your appetite” Matt came in mocking him
“Beat it asshole” Chris replied shoving Matt’s hand off his shoulder
Rushing in the back door was Y/N.
Sliding around the island
“Is there anything I can help you with?’ She asked their mom
“Oh no sweety I’m all good here, thank you” She replied as she strained the pasta
“If you do need any help do ask” She says smiling at Mary Lou
“Still a brown noser even out of school” Chris states tossing a chip in his mouth
“At least she asked me if I needed help unlike you, so knock it off” Mary states looking over at Chris with a stern face
Rolling his eyes, he took a sip of his pepsi as Y/N smirked at him
“Hey, do you happen to know where Nick is?” She asked their mom
“Actually I don’t, but feel free to search the house for him” She replies to the girl
“I am shocked you don’t know where he is, you practically live up his ass” Chris replies sticking his tongue out at Y/N
“Real mature Chris’’ His mom states as she turns around and give him the stern mom look
“You better apologize to Y/N right now” She states turning her back to him
“What it was just-” but he was soon cut off
“Now! Christopher” She states sternly
Scoffing and rolling his eyes, he obliges and says he’s sorry
“Apology accepted Christopher” She replies sticking her tongue out at him. She knew he hated being called by his first name.
Sliding out of the kitchen Y/N soon disappeared to some part of the house to retrieve Nick.
That whole night consisted of Y/N and Chris bantering. Spitting watermelon seeds down each others shirts, Chris tripping her, and even pushing her into the pool ‘accidentally’
Now in the kitchen his parents made him clean up the kitchen with Y/N because they couldn’t take the childish behavior. They wanted them to talk it out and come back out once all issues were resolved.
“Why are you such an asshole?” She suddenly asks him as he poured himself something to drink in his red solo cup
“Am not” He states sipping on his pepsi
“After the childhood bullying from you. You would think you would have changed” She replies spraying down the counter and cleaning it
“I was a child and you take things too serious” He replied looking over at her
“And you are 20, so the stupid teen boy bullshit should have ended” She says slamming the counter drawer shut
“It’s all harmless my god you are still so anal” He replied drying the dishes
“So do you just like hate me?” She asks the boy
This causes him to get nervous, grabbing his drink and sipping it slowly he takes a while to answer.
“No, but you’re just easy to pick on” He states, screwing his eyes shut he mentally kicks himself in the head for that.
Scoffing at him she threw the rag down
“How mature.. You haven’t changed much Chris” She says rolling her eyes at him
“And neither have you, still a cry baby” He says shrugging his shoulders
What the fuck was he doing? Was all he kept thinking. Why was he being such a dick? Subconsciously pushing her away out of fear.
“I should’ve listened to Elena Sophomore year of high school” She states harshly as she begins to walk out the kitchen
“Yeah? And what amazing advice did two face Elena give?” He asks her
“To never forgive you for your actions because you’ll always stay the same… a bully” She replies shaking her head and storming off
Slipping right past Nick, sniffling as she wiped her eyes. Avoiding contact with him and heading out their front door
“Hey Y/N-” Nick began as his eyes followed you out the front door. Not getting to finish his sentence before you were out the front door.
Storming into the kitchen, to say he was shocked that Chris was in there was an understatement.
“What did you do now?” Nick asked Chris, watching as his eyes stared into his red solo cup
“Nothing” He replied guilty as hell
“Y/N practically ran out our door crying, so you must have done something to upset her” He says
“Crying?” Chris asks shaking his head
“You are such a moron. You need to come to your senses and stop being a complete dick. You have the biggest crush on Y/N, and your actions are pushing her far away. She likes you a lot too, but she will not stick around much longer for this cringey childlike behavior.” Nick states jamming his pointer finger onto the counter
“I’m scared Nick, what if I mess things up. You know how scared of commitment I am” Chris replied looking up at his brother
“If you don’t fix this now yall’s relationship will forever be fucked” He states
“I don’t know what to do” Chris exclaims
“Talk to her and apologize for being an asshole” He says getting frustrated with his younger brother
“I know, but what do I even say?” He asks his brother
“I don’t know, but what I do know is that your answer isn’t at the bottom of that cup, so put it down and go make it up to her.” Nick states as he walks to their back door
“Shit! You’re right” Chris states snapping out of it
Placing the cup on the counter Chris rushes out the front door. Locking eyes with the back of your head. You were sitting on the curb in front of their house.
Reluctantly he walked down the steps and approached you. Slowly sitting down he looked over at you.
“Hey” he stated as he sat
Looking over at him, Y/N rolled her eyes and straightened her posture
“Here to bully me some more?’ She asks him
“What? no…no “ He states furrowing his eyebrows
“So then what do you want?” She asks rudely
“I want to apologize” he replies looking over at her
“Well don’t say it if you don’t mean it” Y/N states
“Well I truly am sorry for everything I’ve ever done. Nothing I’ve ever said about you is true. I've been a complete asshole since I was 10. And I’m aware of it. And I’m so glad you forgave me in high school because…..because….”
But Chris suddenly stopped his ramble, he couldn’t form his next sentence. It became all too real as he looked into your eyes. Yours were searching for an answer and he was slowly panicking inside.
Its like those scenes in a movie where the main character is experiencing something traumatic and everything around them slows down and you only see the panic start to grow in their eyes. And their heartbeat quickens. Well yeah that was Chris right now.
But everything his brother just told him shot at his brain like speeding arrows. Piercing his memory with what just took place.
“Because I LIKE YOU, and I have always liked you since we were kids. And the moment you forgave me in Sophomore year all I could think about was getting you to be mine. But I’m an idiot because I’m so scared of commitment. I’m scared of ruining something that’s good and hurting not only myself but you as well. So I thought pushing you away and teasing you would be better. Because even if you did hate me you’d always be around for Nick and I’d always have my chance to slither in and annoy you. Because you’re the only person I want to spend my life with. And I know I’ve been a piece of shit to you for basically our whole lives, but I wish I could show you how I see you. You’re breathtakingly gorgeous, and you’re funny, and kind, and very smart. Your smile lights up a whole room and your laughter fills me with happiness. And it’s like…it’s like this love I have for you is bottling up in my chest and it’s like a rubber band ready to snap. And I guess… I guess I’m just….im just too scared to have admitted that to you a long time ago. So once again I’m sorry and if you hate me I get that; so just say the words and I’ll leave” He states never breaking eye contact with you
“I do… I do hate you” Y/N responds and his heart sinks to his stomach. Like a punch to the face, but to say he deserved this was a severe understatement
“I hate you because…. How could you wait so long to tell me those things? That you like me and that you think all those wonderful things about me?” She responds looking into his eyes for a deeper answer
“Christopher I have liked you since the day you cut my pigtails in second grade and I even liked you when you destroyed my favorite blue flats. It actually hurt me that I still liked you. So when you came to me in sophomore year, basically asking for forgiveness, I thought forgiving, you would be the doorway to you, asking me out or even telling me how you truly feel” Y/N states as Chris’ eyes saddened once more
“ and I’m sorry I wish I was able to man up and tell you this before, but I was so scared so scared of your reaction and so scared of losing you but then I realize doing this actually pushed you further” He responded as he scooted closer to the young girl
“I like you a lot Chris” she responded as she looked deeper into his blue eyes
“And I like you a lot Y/N” he responded leaning in closer
And before you know it the young attractive pair had shared a loving and passionate kiss. A kiss outlined by the sparkles of the fireworks in the sky. His hand caressing her cheek as large fireworks blew up around them. The light casting a colorful reflection against them.
Making them fall deeper in love with one another. Who knew that it would be those damn blue ballerina flats that would have haunted him forever?
The End
Boy do my fingers hurt from typing away on this laptop. I don’t know I kinda fuck with this one 🤭. Thank you all once again for the support. I LOVE YALL SOOO MUCH 🥺🖤🖤
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brotherwtf · 3 days
has anyone done this yet? Gale who makes androids for people who are lonely, usually for their pleasure, until he's commissioned to make an android named "Bucky" and can't help but fall in love with him
he made Bucky for a lovely woman, one who smiled and said she longed for someone like her husband, a pilot whom she lost, wanted someone she could grow old with
she requests someone tall and broad, charming and has an easy smile, laughs at her jokes no matter how stupid, has the ability to keep up with her when she's drinking
Gale thought this would be like every other android he's made, it definitely starts off that way, but when he has the shell made, something quite handsome, and he starts to program a personality does Gale start to notice something going wrong
Bucky talks easy, that's what his client wanted, he was brave, his hardwiring had him as a pilot, but that also meant he had the bravery to talk to Gale whenever he was working on him
Bucky would ask Gale how his day was, would offer advice if he noticed Gale's shoulders getting tense or his expression going firm, would try to make him laugh when Gale was silent for large chunks of time. It made Gale's heart bloom in a way he wasn't sure he should feel
Almost everyday Bucky found a new thing to compliment Gale on, told him he was a genius for making him, said he was really strong whenever Gale lifted his frame towards his workbench, commented on how the setting sun made Gale's hair look especially beautiful
Gale tried not to let it get to his head, this was all his programming, Gale had made him like this, but he still couldn't stop the effect it had on him
One day, Bucky asks Gale what will happen when he's fully built, and Gale has to sadly explain that he has to give Bucky to his client, he was paid to make him. This of course makes Bucky sad, he mopes for the rest of the day and doesn't talk to Gale, which makes him nervous
before Gale turns Bucky off for the evening, he asks him what's wrong, and Bucky kisses him, grabs his head clumsily and presses their lips together. Gale's shocked and he pulls away, looking at John with wide eyes
"why did you do that? Bucky, you can't do that," Gale says and Bucky's expression turns exasperated again
"isn't that what humans do when they love something? that's what I've seen, did I do something wrong?" Bucky asks and Gale can't breathe
"yes, but Bucky you can't..."
"I love you, I love you and I want to kiss you. is that wrong? Gale, is it wrong?" Bucky asks.
Gale wants to scream that it's not wrong, wants to beg Bucky to touch him, but he knows that he can't have him, knows that he has to give him away to his client, so he averts his eyes and turns Bucky off, can't look at him as he goes to bed
anyway thinking that Gale has some hella conflicted emotions bcs Buckys not backing down, keeps trying to flirt with him and tries to kiss him like Gale never turned him down, and he has to face the fact that he's also falling in love with Bucky
so when his client comes to get Bucky, he has to make a choice. She hasn't paid, so Gale can turn her down, say he's keeping Bucky, but risk never getting another client again, or he could give Bucky away and lose what he's fallen in love with.... decisions decisions
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yawujin · 4 months
Can I request the dr v3 boys w/ their s/o being the ultimate Florist, pretty please? 💐
here you go potato!!!
request | v3 boys x the ultimate florist
type | light hearted , fluff , established relationship, non killing game , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
supports your small flower shop by buying bouquets for the vase in his office regularly
perfume with floral notes will always remind him of you
takes you on dates to flower gardens
you bought him a beautiful carnelian brooch he usually wears on his blazer
yes i hc that shuichi loves to wear pins and brochs how could you tell?
rantaro amami ♡
lots of picnic dates settled in the middle of a vast field with different types of flowers scattered everywhere
or better yet, on top of a hill during spring, when all the cherry blossoms bloom
gives you a book of pressed exotic flowers he found on his travels
you love to make him flower crowns and he loves to wear them
K1B0/kiibo ♡
memorizes each and every one of your fav type of flower and arranges them into a bouquet
enjoys folding origami flowers whenever he's bored bc they remind him of you
compliments you on your ultimate quite often
thinks you look the happiest whilst tending to the various plants and flowers in your garden
korekiyo shinguji ♡
if you get flustered around him
he'll say "your cheeks are as red as a rose, how cute~"
bye ik it's cliché but it's so good
he's also a fan of the symbolism in flowers so you two tend to talk about that
kaito momota ♡
would call you some cute nickname like 'moonflower'
also goes into buy flowers from your shop to support you
he is v proud of you everytime you come home excited, saying how you made some really good sales
your anniversary gift was a messy, but cute, portrait of you and him holding hands wearing flower crowns.
"it isn't much but," kaito hands the portrait over to you, "i hope you like it anyway."
gonta gokuhara ♡
you asked him if it was possible to put a few smaller flowers into his bug enclosure
ofc he said yes
he likes taking you on dates where you're outside and surrounded by flowers
you'll be walking when he points out a few bees nestling into a flower to retrieve its nectar
you're both so happy and the outdoorsy date went so well
you like to sneakily put a flower in his long hair while he's sitting, looking over his notes
ryoma hoshi ♡
you two started dating because of that one time he picked some dandelions for you
"it was the only flower that was around...so"
you were absolutely charmed
you brought him bouquets all the time to celebrate him winning a tennis match
"all these flowers and nowhere to put them..." you exhale. you had brought home a bunch of leftover flowers from your shop but had overestimated the amount of vases you had.
"use this." he pointed at one of his many trophies. a joke, of course.
he bought you a few more vases and you thank him profusely
kokichi ouma ♡
"can you smoke flowers?" the question came out of the blue
kokichi w h a t
you explain to him that yes it's possible but why?
he laughs. "oh, no reason..."
you later found him trying to roll crushed flower petals into a joint
he hates how quickly flowers die and finds it a little bit of a hassle to take care of them so
he usually folds you various types of paper flowers and colors each one in with their respective color.
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Chapter 9
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!dreamwalker!reader/female!human!reader
CW: wholesome fluff, a good amount of angst, lo'ak being nosy lol jk he's genuinely trying to look after neteyam, descriptions of masturbation, TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of depressive symptoms, reader meeting neteyam in her avatar body, neteyam and reader vent to each other about their struggles, sensitive themes, hurt/comfort, cuddling, sexual tension, kissing, sexual content, mentions of sexual fluids, neteyam slightly begging to mate with reader, foreplay (i don't know if it counts but it definitely is teasing in a sexual way). Tell me if I missed something ♡
Hello, my cute little readers! I got a little better in terms of my fibro flare up and have been feeling a little better emotionally/mentally these days, so, I was able to write again. There's a slight chance that some paragraphs are a bit confusing. I didn't fully proofread it. I'm sorry, my babies, I'm really tired right now, really achy, still. And I'm extremely hungry and there's some delicious homemade orange cake in front of me waiting to be eaten 😍 I've already eaten two pieces of it and drank a full cup of coffee with milk but I NEED to eat more bc I'm still starving and I love cake and coffee 🤤 idk about other countries but it's a tradition that we have here in Brazil to eat cake and drink coffee, together 🤍 anyways I gotta shut up now lol Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'd love to read your lovely comments down below 👉🏻👈🏻 I love y'all SO MUUUCH 😘 
Slightly proofread.
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Chapter 8
No way out of your quicksand
But I can breathe underneath
Take your love, cover me
Pull me down, pull me down
You are wonderful
You've taken all of my heart
It was so worth the fall
Don't let go
Quicksand (Bridgit Mendler)
Today you felt anxious but excited. It was your first day off in a week. You were gonna Dreamwalk in your Avatar today. But you were not gonna be on a solo mission this time. Neteyam would be by your side. You two had planned to meet each other next to the river you always loved to play in. You had always loved running water.
Having Neteyam around felt like a breath of fresh air to you since you never truly felt at home amidst other human beings and, after so many years, it started to feel like a joke to you to insist on trying to fit into a society that seemed to not even want you there, in the first place. Most people behaved towards you like you were weird in some way. Neteyam never made you feel that way. You did not know if it was in view of the fact that he was na'vi or if it was just because he was in love with you.
You had always preferred to live among plants, insects, songs, books, animals… on your own little world, since you were a little girl. Everybody used to call you a daydreamer, saying you had your head on the clouds. When you were a child, you did not let that get under your skin. That's the beauty of childhood wonder, it has a lot of wisdom in it that we seem to forget, once we start growing up. Your little self never cared about those "demonstrations of care and concern" (that were nothing but condescending criticism and you never understood why people tried to conceal that fact if it was so obvious) because you knew you were not crazy or completely oblivious to reality like they used to say. Your fun and whimsical inner world was what felt like home to you, not the everyday mundane routine, the protocols that seemed ridiculously stupid to you, the shallow conversations and gossip… the over-all human society. It fucking sucked, if you were going to be totally honest. 
It's not that you hated your own kind. No. It's just that you hated the way they built their empires, throughout history, the tainted legacy the ancestors left for the ones to come in the future - like a dying Planet, for example -, because of their own stupidity and recklessness.
You knew you were not harming anyone - yourself included - despite always engaging in daydreaming, all alone, with your earbuds on or just staring at a beautiful landscape and your grip on reality was still in check. Your grip on reality was actually so tight, your fingers would get hurt and start to bleed sometimes, because reality is a double bladed sword. It keeps you safe and stable, it is needed for you to not go bonkers, but it also cuts you deep with its sharp edges.
Neteyam prepared to go out today to meet you during the day for the first time after the both of you became mates. It was just like Eywa had blessed him as he was able to finish all his duties to the clan and his training a little earlier than the usual today. Or maybe the Great Mother had nothing to do with it and it was all Neteyam making the greatest effort ever just to be able to spend some time with you in the daylight and finally see you in your na'vi body again. He missed seeing you like that. He missed the way your tail would wag softly showing you were feeling happy, he missed looking at your stripes and thinking they were the most beautiful stripes he had ever seen and most of all, he missed admiring the way you loved his planet, the way you respected and appreciated Eywa instead of hurting her.
When Neteyam was taking his bow and arrows and putting them on his back, ready to go into the woods to meet you, Lo'ak approached him, suspicious.
"Where are you going, bro?"
"To the forest. Maybe I can hunt for some food and if I'm lucky I'll bring us some good meat for dinner." Neteyam smiled and gave his younger brother a head pat, rapidly walking out of the Sully's hut door
Lo'ak wanted to yell something to his older brother, something like "I know there's something you're not telling me" but he did not. If Neteyam was hiding something, it would probably not be something that would harm him - Neteyam. Everybody knew how responsible - to the point of being annoying, sometimes - Neteyam was. Lo'ak used to get Neteyam into trouble all the time back when they were just teenagers and he was trying not to do that as much as he used to, even though he was not exactly doing a great job - he was doing a terrible job, actually - but he was still trying. He would still keep an eye on his older brother - "It seems like the tables have turned, huh?" Lo'ak thought - but he would leave him alone to do whatever he was going to do in the forest. He knew Neteyam did not have much free time for himself and he sometimes felt sorry for him, seeing him so tired and even stressed out really often because of his Olo'eyktan to be training and his responsibilities as the older brother. Lo'ak used to hold some grudges on his older brother when he was younger but now he understood that Neteyam actually struggled a lot too.
Neteyam pretended to not notice anything when he was leaving home but he did not fail to see the mistrust on Lo'ak's face. That was something he would have to deal with sooner than he wanted to, he acknowledged. He also thought about how his mother would react when she eventually finds out that her son, the future Olo'eyktan of their tribe, was in a relationship with a human girl. Neteyam did not want to disappoint his mother. He knew how proud she was of him and it hurt to think that she could start to think badly of him. He tried his hardest to whoosh those thoughts away.
The Pandoran sun shone bright up in the sky, its rays reflecting on your bioluminescent freckles, making them a little more evident on your skin. The soothing sound of the leaves dancing with the pleasant wind and the water running in the nearby river filled the atmosphere around you. You walked slowly towards Neteyam, adrenaline dancing around in your belly in a bittersweet motion.
When Neteyam looked at you, it was like lightning had struck him. Not a destructive kind of lightning but a good one, sweet in its intensity, falling strongly all over him. Neteyam was seeing you in your Avatar for the first time after you had become his mate.
Your mouth was somewhat open, revealing your upper teeth and your na'vi (Avatar?) fangs. Your gaze revealed how much you had anticipated that moment, how much you stayed up when you should be sleeping, thinking about finally being able to see the look in Neteyam's face when he saw you in your Avatar. You knew he had watched you while you were Dreamwalking too many times before but you never got to see the admiration in his eyes when he did so as he had been stalking you, not letting you know he was around. You had wished to see his beautiful golden eyes captivated by you for so long. You wanted to feel pretty and desired like that. And now you were finally experiencing it as Neteyam looked almost dumb with enchantment while he stared at you. But cute dumb, you know? So damn cute…
You stared back at him as you took the last steps towards the place where he stood, as if he was frozen.
Neteyam felt like he was not able to move as he took in how beautiful you looked. He had never seen your na'vi body so close to his own body and it felt overwhelmingly good to do so. His sweet yawne finally belonged to him and he could now touch you and hold you in the physical form he found you most beautiful in. It's not like he did not think you were madly beautiful and hot in your human body, he always wanted to pin you down and make love to you while he was close to your human form, but nothing compared to seeing you in your na'vi form, the form where you smiled the most, where you seemed so much more alive and full of lust for experiencing the world around you. That made you even prettier. Happiness looked pretty on you.
Neteyam was na'vi and his people did not have as many severe mental struggles like humans did but there were rare cases where some na'vi who went through terrible trauma in their lives did become uninterested in fighting their dark thoughts and they did become extremely depressed, though they could be cured from that illness through rituals that healed the spirit, performed by their clan's Tsahìk.
Neteyam was not blind or oblivious to things that were obvious to the naked eye. He knew that nobody would break down and cry as often as you did, only minutes after waking up in the morning, while getting ready for work etc if this person was not in an enormous amount of pain, the kind of pain that made them wish to disappear and never be found again. Thinking about his mate feeling that kind of sorrow made him feel like his heart was being torn into pieces, blood spilling from it like water spills from a fountain.
The reason why Neteyam was so determined to convince you to transfer your consciousness to your na'vi body forever was not some selfish wish, it was not just because he wanted to take you to his tribe and have you be his mate, be able to bond with you through tsaheylu every night and get to love your body, sharing his affection and sexual pleasure with you as well as feeling your own through the bond - even though that thought did wake up a raw, intense desire and need inside of him and he just could not stop himself from fantasizing about that while stroking his cock when he could be all by himself without any chance of disturbance. Neteyam also wanted to give you the opportunity to live a blissful and fulfilling life, a life where you would laugh way more often than cry. If he knew someone that deserved nothing less than that, that person was you.
If in the worst case scenario, you still felt so bad after you had your consciousness transferred to your na'vi body, Neteyam planned to ask his mother to perform a ritual that heals the spirit on you. Thinking about that, he suddenly felt anxious and he felt his heart tightening inside his chest. Neteyam had been trying not to worry about the fact that it would be extremely hard to convince his mother to accept you as his mate and perform the ritual of transference of consciousness on you but that thought had been eating him alive constantly, ever since he talked to you for the first time, outside of the laboratory’s kitchen window.
"Hi, muntxatan." (male mate) Neteyam's heart started beating quickly and it almost came out of his throat when he heard you calling him your mate in his people's language as you stopped in front of him and smiled widely, your eyes narrowing slightly. Those torturing thoughts about his mother trying to tear the both of you apart quickly were washed away from his mind by your presence. It was hypnotizing to him.
"Yawntu… You're just so beautiful. So insanely beautiful." Neteyam smiled, his eyes shining, still bewitched by you, and pushed you roughly against his body. He hugged you tighter than he ever did before since he knew he wouldn't hurt you by doing so when you're Dreamwalking. The size difference between the both of you was not that substantial anymore. His chin rested on the top of your head as he held you strongly against his body.
His roughness did not hurt you, on the contrary, it made you feel safe and protected to have his big - currently not huge, just big - arms around you, keeping your body close as your head was against his chest, your eyes shut and you could hear his heart beating fast. It made you indescribably happy to know that you were the reason for that quick heartbeat. You curled your lips up, smiling peacefully.
Peace. You spent so much time without feeling that but, after you accepted becoming Neteyam's mate, finally defeating your cruel fears, you started to feel peaceful way more often than you had ever felt in your life, even more often than you did when you were little.
Neteyam distanced your bodies a bit, still putting his hands on the sides of your arms, right below your shoulders and announced:
"Come! There's a place I wanna take you to." He took your hand and started walking in front of you, excitedly leading you somewhere 
"Where are you taking me?" You smiled and chuckled softly, curious
"You'll see." It was all he said
Neteyam made you feel excited about little things, like you were just a child again, a feeling you hadn't felt in so, so long. After Neteyam came to your life, it was like he painted vivid colors on your once all too white and dull canvas. You almost shivered at the reminder that you nearly ruined your chance to have a love so pure and true such as this one because of fear of the unknown and refusal of getting out of your comfort zone.
After walking through the rainforest with you for a little while, Neteyam stopped in front of a tall, large tree and you soon recognized it. Its branches had clusters that were full of some beautiful fruits that reminded you of blueberries that used to exist on Earth, before they went extinct.
"Here. Do you recognize this tree? I've seen you look at it so many times. Were you wondering if the yovo fruits are safe to eat?"
"Yeah." You smiled bashfully "They look delicious."
"And they are. They're safe to eat, yawne. We can eat some now, if you want to." Neteyam smiled kindly at you. The fact that he remembered small details about you made your heart melt. 
"I'd love that, Teyam."
Neteyam smiled, unbelieving.
"What did you call me?"
"Teyam…?" You furrowed your eyebrows "It's just a nickname I came up with for you… Do you hate it?" You contorted your features in a way that showed him you were feeling slightly insecure and embarrassed 
"No! I love it, yawntutsyìp! I love it." He smiled and chuckled "I just wasn't expecting it. I love that my muntxate is calling me by a special nickname. Feels intimate." Neteyam came closer to you and held your face with both his beautiful strong blue hands
You looked up at his face with doe eyes and waited as you knew what was coming. You could feel it. The sneaky butterflies started flying inside your belly again.
Neteyam kissed you slowly, crushing his soft wet lips against yours. He pressed his lips on your mouth again and again for a short amount of time but it was enough to make your legs feel weak.
"Come, oeyä muntxate. I'll help you climb the tree."
Neteyam did as he said and soon enough you both were sitting on the wooden "floor" of the tree, sharing yovo fruits and eating them.
You two started to chill and talk about everyday life. It felt so good. It felt familiar, just like any relationship you had had before with a human guy, but better. So much better. Your alien boyfriend - mate? It felt so weird to say it like that… - made you feel things that none of your ex human boyfriends could ever dream to do. Neteyam made you feel understood. He did not judge you. He made you feel at home. Neteyam was becoming home for you.
You started to tell him how sad and done with everything you sometimes felt. Well, not sometimes… It happened all the time, even though it got better now that Neteyam was in your life. But you did not want to make him worry about you.
"You know, sometimes I feel like that too."
"What do you mean?" You questioned
"Like there's so much chaos inside that I just wanna talk to someone and vent. But I'm always so busy. There never seems to be time to find someone to do that with."
You were slightly surprised. 
"Yeah, me too. Always too busy." You sighed "And exhausted, to be honest. Both physically and mentally."
"Well, I do have way more stamina than humans do" You laughed at Neteyam's teasing "But some nights I come home from training and after taking care of my siblings, really, really tired too. And I don't mean only physically."
"We have some stuff in common, don't we?" You pointed out, smiling
"We certainly do." He smiled back
You felt good knowing that.
Neteyam laid on the floor, right by your side.
"I'm full" He let out a laugh that sounded lovely in your ears while stroking his stomach.
"Me too." You laid on the floor too, just like Neteyam had just done. Your belly felt pleasantly filled up "But these fruits are so good I'd still eat a dozen of them." You playfully said, laughing
"Do you want more? I can get you some more." Neteyam gently offered
"No, it's okay, Teyam. I'm good for now." You smiled at him
Neteyam smiled back, showing no teeth, a soft, enamored look in his feline amber eyes.
You two spent some time together in comfortable silence.
"Oeyä muntxate?"
"Yeah?" You looked at him and let out a relaxed sigh, smiling softly
"Oel ngati kameie." He said, with vulnerable sincerity in his eyes
It seemed like he was gazing inside your very soul. Like his golden eyes could see something in you nobody else could. Like he saw who you truly were. Like Neteyam saw the good and bad and the ugly and the greatness and the doubts and the fears and the uniqueness and the ordinary parts of you, like he saw all of you, and it did not scare him off to see your dark side. You could feel he was staying for both your virtues and your vices. And maybe that's what "Oel ngati kameie" meant, when said to the one you're choosing to be your mate. Means connecting to someone in a raw, deep way, a way that nobody else is able to. A way that allows you to see the other person's flaws but not be afraid of them and try to find a way out. A way that allows you to see the grace in every little detail that that other soul has, to see the beauty in them that they themselves could never see.
"Oel ngati kameie…" You finally said, smiling, still not believing he had said those words to you
Neteyam smiled brightly while gazing into your eyes. He always looked deep inside your eyes… It felt almost too much but it still had just the right amount of intensity for it to be deliciously alluring instead of overwhelming.
Neteyam took your hand and intertwined your fingers on his. You felt the touch of his warm hand burning your skin in a pleasant way. After a few seconds, he kissed the back of your hand tenderly. You kept staring at both your hands glued together for a while.
"I wanna cuddle with you, oeyä muntxate." His voice brought your attention back to his face.
You could hear nervousness and need in his tone.
"Sure, yawne."
You were starting to really like calling Neteyam by na'vi pet names. The na'vi language was incredibly pleasing to the ears, in your opinion.
Neteyam started moving your body carefully, so you could lay on your side and when you obeyed, laying in said position, he himself laid on his side and pulled you in, making your body be as close to his as he could, your ass against his clothed member. 
Your lungs started to do a poor job at helping you breathe now that the both of you were so close. You got nervous as you two had, yes, cuddled before, when you were in your human body, but he was never behind you like that, his body glued to yours. You knew he could feel your ass on his cock. Your heart was beating at the speed of light.
It did not take long for you to start to feel Neteyam was now fully erect, his cock pressed against your ass. You felt the inner walls of your pussy start to twitch and you got all wet, your juices spreading over your panties. Neteyam was so big and thick and your body responded like crazy to him.
It was a violent, invincible desire that made Neteyam cling so much to you, all the time. It would burn his insides, making him yearn for you, for your touch, for your warmth. There was no rational explanation inside his head for it. Neteyam could not understand it, he could only feel it covering all his being, exuding from his eyes whenever he looked at you, touched you, kissed you… He knew you could tell how much he was thirsty for you almost all the time. But Neteyam did not care about being so vulnerable. He wanted you to know what you did to him. Maybe like that you would surrender sooner and give yourself to him completely already. He felt so impatient. Everyday it was getting harder and harder for him to not take you in his arms and mate with you. This wait was killing him, day by day. It was like a slow and agonizing death. And now that he could smell your sweet juices so vividly, he felt like he could no longer hold back.
Neteyam pushed you even closer to him. You whimpered softly, the feeling of his huge, girthy cock pressed against your butt was divine.
Neteyam got you crazily wet just so quickly that it never failed to surprise you. He was like quicksand to you; you could try and run as much as you wanted but you would always end up being swallowed by his love.
"I need you so much, muntxate…" He cried out softly in your ear while rubbing his hard cock on your ass. "You're all wet for me. You smell so good, it's intoxicating." He sniffed the air, savoring your natural scent just like it was the most mouthwatering thing he had ever felt filling his sensitive nostrils "Please, lemme make you mine completely, my sweet yawne. Please…"
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elf-osamu · 2 years
[ masterlist ] [ event ] [ reblogs are v v v appreciated ]
fluff, romantic relationship, lucifer, mammon, barbatos x gn!reader
warning(s) : mammon’s one is kinda sad at first ?? mostly bc he’s overthinking things ☹️ probably he’s a bit ooc but idc he’s gorgeous regardless (let’s say you two are at the start of your relationship in this one-shot).
words count : 2587 words
request: “howdy may i rq an obey me scenario with this prompt —> “wow i really can’t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look.” gn! mc says it ! would like it to be with lucifer, mammon and barbatos. maybe something like them rambling and asking if mc is listening and they drop that line ^ thank youu”
a/n : AA FINALLY AN OBEY ME REQUEST 🫶🏻 i love those characters with all of my heart, aND THIS PROMPT IS SO GOOD, it’s one of my favorites !! thank you for requesting btw <33 and i apologize for the long wait :( i had no time to write between school and personal matters. anyway, just so you know, lucifer’s and mammon’s ones are soooo long while barbato’s is auite short, i kinda rushed it because i felt bad since i’ve been neglecting requests lately 😭😭 (yeah this is the second time i’m posting this)
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as the student council vice president, lucifer is well known among the royal academy of diavolo’s demons and angels: although being a composed individual most of the time, he has also an intimidating and almost cruel side to him because of his status, hence why many demons fear him. his fierce, self-assured demeanour is somewhat entrancing, capturing everyone’s gaze in an unbreakable trance, plus his aura of pride is something inevitable in everyday life.
this is not to mention his complicated past and the authority he possesses thanks to lord diavolo, which — according to many demons and a few angels — give more might to his persona.
although sometimes you were the main cause of many troubles in the past, now you can consider yourself quite privileged to be in his good graces. as his partner you have access to a vulnerable part of him that not everyone has a chance to see, where his pride comes off and his insecurities and annoyances emerge, and you can afford to be bold with him.
this very day, he is complaining about a bunch of ‘inferior’ demons who have caused a rather bothersome fuss during curses and hexes class, knocking out a student, giving a headache to your beloved: lucifer knows perfectly well how to put someone in their place, even forcefully if necessary, however it doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel pressured and tired after doing his duty.
the stress derived from all of his responsibilities, and from the piles of paperwork stubbornly sitting on his desk nearly every day, highly increases over time.
now the two of you are in his study, lucifer is rereading the report about today’s incident he just finished to write while you intently watch him work, helping him here and there. frowing in displeasure, he keeps changing a few sentences, wondering how the hell he’s going to survive this afternoon.
however, you can’t help but admire his handsome features: his black eyes shine with a reddish light, they are a little jaded but also alive; his rosy lips form a straight line, emphasizing his concentration, but no less beautiful; his cheeks are covered with a slight sheen of blush, probably due to his weariness; what to say, his demonic beauty is undoubtedly striking.
being too busy with your thoughts, you don’t realize he’s trying to get your attention to what he has been saying for the past few minutes.
“[name], are you listening to me?” he asks, lips slightly parted at your silence.
it’s almost funny, the fact that he completely ignores the reason of your quietness.
“[name].” at this point, lucifer’s voice is filled more with worry than irritation. why aren’t you responding to him? is something the matter?
as he’s about to ask another question, you snap back to reality, slowly turning to your senses.
you try to say something to seem completely nonchalant, but your voice — hoarse from nervousness — betrays you, and you can’t help but observe again your partner, who is frowing even more than before. if that’s possible.
you sigh, in defeat with yourself, and a genuine grin makes its way onto your face. “wow, i really can’t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look”.
at first, he doesn’t really process those words.
although his gaze is fixed on your figure, his mind is fuzzy from all the work he’s currently doing, almost as if he were in a dream-like state, not at all focused on the present world. there’s silence for a few seconds in the room you two are in, and you’re asking yourself if you need to bring lucifer back to reality. but when you’re about to talk to him, you shift slightly on your sit, and his brain registers the movement.
so, suddenly, realization hits him. perhaps, too suddenly.
if it weren’t for his majestic pride, he’d cover his face, now completely red — but, doing so would be admitting his confused (but contented) mood derived from the sound of your words, which is inadmissible to him. so, all he can do is pretend that he’s not impressed by what you have said, even if his body is betraying him: in addition to the blush on his face and neck, his eyes are filled with astonishment and his lips, slightly parted again, form a small circle, defining his astonishment.
finally, he glares at you — taking back a part of his self-control — and seems to be lost in thought, probably wondering how he should face the situation without feeling too embarrassed; you can almost see the gears of his brain working wildly, desperately trying to find a simple solution.
and then, his eyes sparkle.
never underestimate a demon, especially if it’s lucifer. have you flustered him? well, be prepared, because he’ll pay you back in the same coin.
he adjusts himself on his scarlet armchair, which highlights his shimmering eyes, and leans towards you, over his desk. you can tell by his look that, if you let him speak, his words will be the death of you. and there’s no way you’ll allow it.
“too bad i need to be in another a class in, like, five minutes,” you blatantly lie, checking your wristwatch, and getting up. you lean just a little to give lucifer a quick peck on the lips. “well, see you later, pretty boy”, you wink at him and leave the room in a hurry, without giving him enough time to process what has happened.
yet again, he’s stunned by how you’ve called him.
the avatar of pride may be confident and assertive, but his heart can only flutter when someone is genuinely complimenting him. especially if it’s you.
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“… and so he blamed me! me, do ya understand? he, without hesitation, cursed the great mammon in front of the whole class! what an outrageous thing to do, don’t ya think!?”.
one interesting thing about the avatar of greed is that, despite his attempts to play it cool, he’s not confident about himself. thinking about it, it can’t but make sense: he’s driven by his multiple desires — money, for example — and craves them every time there’s a minimal absence of those, including external approval; he needs to be seen and accepted by everyone.
admitting it out loud would probably never be an option, considering his stubborn nature, but mammon would do anything to make you smile or laugh at his jokes — anything. he wants to be worthy of your attention — because in his mind he’s not deserving of love, particularly yours. of course, if you asked him something about this matter, he’d say the opposite — he’s everything but good at communicating his needs.
getting to know the demon hasn’t been an easy task, but with time you’ve managed to discover that there’s a soft side to him — a kind, warm heart behind his usual carefree mask.
despite all these thoughts spinning in your head, in this moment you are still fascinated by mammon’s temper and gestures: his hands, shaken, are moving quickly in the air, a slight pout is adorning his face, and his eyes are glimmering in bitter frustration — the sky of the devildom is reaching his darkest shade of colour while he looks vigorous yet ethereal.
“… handsome”, you murmur, as if talking to yourself.
mammon suddenly stops in his tracks, a slight embarassed expression appearing on his face.
“oh? what did ya say?” he asks, confused yet hopeful, thinking that maybe he has misheard you — because how could someone like you view him as nothing but that? sure, you’re his partner, however the fear of not being seen and loved for who he really is… is always present.
you sigh and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder. “wow, i really can’t speak, huh? ah, must be because of how pretty you look…”.
the noises of the night fill the atmosphere between you two in this moment; mammon’s brain has stopped working and, honestly, you can’t blame him: saying that he’s taken aback by your remark would be a great understatement to describe the current situation.
the avatar of greed is feeling so many emotions in so little time — his heart is pounding stronger than ever, you can almost hear its soft sound, and a reassurance which he has never felt so intensely is hugging his chest. these sensations are something he would gladly immerse himself into, a new type of greed to add to his long and interminable list, a new need.
unfortunately, the clock is ticking and mammon doesn’t want you to see his true self, not in a moment so embarassing for him, not like this — though he would love to indulge in this sweet pleasure for a while longer.
“you— human! what are ya thinking, speaking like that to your first demon? ya sure are bold! i’ll close one eye for this time, so consider yourself lucky tonight, because the great mammon won’t be so gentle in the future!”
a quick laugh escapes from your lips and, before he can question it, you grab his jaw with one of your hands, so his eyes can only be directed towards you.
“mammon, sweetheart, drop the act. you are making a fool of yourself and, although you’d be so entertaining to watch right now, you need to realise that i love you, truly.”, your gaze softens and you smile at him, making his heart melt. “it’s okay to not understand why you are cared about — but i want you to know that you are important to me, so, so fcking much. we’re in this together — aren’t we? then, will you allow me to show why and how i’m going to love and take care of you, mh?”.
mammon remains still as you finish your speech; his unsteady breath, however, betrays him.
“[name], i… thank you”, he says, unsure on how to continue his response.
“talk your feelings out, if you feel like it. i’m not a judge here,” you reassure him.
his gaze shifts for a moment, symbolising his indecision, but then it returns to yours. “i’m… i am glad to have ya in my life, [name]. but, well, i suppose i have one request to make”.
your smile turns suddenly into a smirk, finally happy to see your boyfriend taking courage to express his feelings.
“yes, dear?”.
“be greedy with me,” he pauses, slowly breathing in and out to not mess up his next words. “indulge in my sin whenever you can, day by day, and don’t leave anything behind. spare nothing, let the greed take control over you, like i’ll do with you from now on”.
“oh now, now, who is the bold one?” you murmur, getting closer to him. “you’re extremely covetous, mammon, and this is one of the many things which i appreciate about you. i already made a pact with you, so i don’t see a problem with your request. i accept it”, and you kiss him, as if you’re sealing the deal.
who would have thought that one of the greatest demons of all the realms could feel such things for a human?
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despite being barbatos’s partner, it’s not quite often that you’re invited over lord diavolo’s castle to spend time with two of the most powerful demons in the devildom. the reason why is actually pretty simple: your lover’s life is full of events to attend and favors to give. his presence is requested by every kind of beings, alongside his trusted services to the devildom’s prince, resulting in little to no space left for your meetings. the same can be said for you, since your school life isn’t exactly giving you energy to talk to him either — so you could say you two are fair.
this evening is different from the usual, since you were invited for dinner — a rare, but pleasant occasion to find yourself in. the one who has arranged it all is, nevertheless, lord diavolo himself: though he often acts oblivious of his requests, he has a keen eye for his butler’s mental state — so it would have been only a matter of time before he found out about barbatos’ single desire to relieve his stress… you.
using the “celebration” of your school achievements as an excuse, diavolo set up these hours in his magnificent mansion just for the two of you — saying that he’s attended elsewhere and oh so unfortunately he won’t be able to remain with you even for a while longer.
this is the premise of the current moment — you are quite literally squeezing your boyfriend, hugging him from behind, while he prepares his nightly skincare routine. he’s looking at himself in the mirror, dark green eyes are inspecting his state: his hands are on both sides of the sink, slightly supporting his robust and elegant figure; his torso is covered by a black tank top — something you’d rarely have the chance to see, considering barbatos’ extreme care for a professional appearance; his cold but soft skin seems bright, almost shining, under the tender lamp’s light.
his lips are smartly moving, giving life to his thoughts, however you are too focused on him to pay attention to his words.
the sudden call of your name wakes you up, but only for a second.
his eyes meet yours in the mirror. “are you listening to me?”.
“mmh mh”, you nod, not registering his question at all, and continue to admire him in silence.
obviously, he’s completely aware of it — after all, he’s the demon who can see through both the past and future.
with a swift movement of his body, he turns to face you, making you cling to his waist.
with his right hand, he gently holds your chin between his fingers. “would you like, my love, to share your thoughts on the matter? you seem rather unfocused tonight, wouldn’t you agree?”.
you swallow, waiting for your confidence to come back. then, you try to give back the same energy of his — since you wouldn’t like to lose to his antics, not again.
“damn, i really can’t speak right now, huh? must be because of how pretty you look, barbatos. it’s actually not fair”.
although you don’t look nearly as self-assured as him, you regain a bit of your control when you notice a hint of hesitation and bewilderment on his face.
he scoffs, looking away from your eyes — and doing so makes it evident that his ears are bright red. you catch the opportunity right away, moving his hair away from the sensitive skin.
“ah! if only the others saw you, the formidable barbatos, right now! you wouldn’t be feared so much,” you teasingly comment, preparing for his next move.
“i wouldn’t be so daring if i were in your place, [name]”, barbatos remarks jokingly — but you can never be so sure when it comes to him: as proof you have his piercing gaze fixated on your face, which conveys a message that you couldn’t otherwise pick up.
“well- i guess i’ll make it up tomorrow! aren’t you tired? it’s been an exhausting day — let’s watch a movie!” you suddenly suggest, not resisting to his towering yet fascinating aura.
he sighs as you quickly evade from his arms, though he’s suppressing a smile.
barbatos supposes he can let one person to make fun of him.
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[ do not copy, translate, repost, etc. | by @ elf-osamu ]
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 1 year
Ok hi so I saw that you wanted requests and I had an Idea so how about it’s the readers birthday and he treats her with everything and he is Ykyk all day with her bc it’s her birthday and she needs to be treated like a princess orrr if you don’t like that one maybe like she has bin super mad all day and having attitude without him and he just fucks it out of her the only reason I say that is because everyone and everything is making me mad rn
Surprise | Tom Kaulitz
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you were woken up by soft kisses on your neck, you stirred and giggled because of the ticklish feeling.
“happy birthday, baby.” you heard tom’s deep voice say as he kept kissing your neck. you smiled, your eyes fluttering open.
he didn’t even give you the time to thank him because he stood up, “wait here.”
you waited for him on your bed as you heard noises downstairs, before seeing him come back with a tray, two plates on it with waffles, a coffee for him and an apricot juice for you.
your eyes lighted up at the sight, “thank you so much!” you said as he gave you your plate.
“no need to thank me, you just have to relax today.” he said starting to eat his waffles, “so what do you have in mind for today?”
you shrugged, your birthday wasn’t that important to you, “nothing really.”
“well, thank god you have me, i have all planned.” tom smiled cheekily as he literally inhaled his food.
you giggled at the sight of his full mouth, “and wha would that plan be?”
“well, we chill out until noon, we lunch, i’ll order take out since i won’t make you cook and you know that if i cook we could probably die. then, we will go to that escape room you wanted to visit during the afternoon.”
you jumped up when you heard about the escape room, a bright smile on your face, “the zombie apocalypse one? really?!”
tom nodded, “yeah, you wanted to go but i was always busy so i thought that we could go today.”
you literally jumped on him, hugging him tightly as you kissed his cheek repeatedly, “thank you! thank you thank you thank you.”
he laughed kissing the side of your forehead, “it’s not the end, after we come back from the escape room, we have dinner, so wear something nice and sexy.” he whispered the last part in your ear, squeezing your ass cheek.
you squealed at his touch, “yes! now let’s go shower!”
after eating the chinese take out, you got ready to go to the escape room. it basically consisted in trying to find the cure for the virus without getting caught by zombies.
tom loved seeing you happy, how you were so excited while entering and how you were so focused on winning, even though you were about to get caught several times, infact if it wasn’t for him, you would’ve lost.
but still, he loved seeing your joy, it made his heart warm. he wanted to make you feel this happy everyday.
“i totally sucked!” you said with a sad voice before laughing with tom as you got inside your house.
“well baby, we won anyway. now go get dressed.” he spanked your ass as you walked past him, going into the bathroom first for a shower.
you got dressed with a long black dress, it had a high split from your upper thigh, the front had an heart shape while the back was completely open. you wore your high heels, jewellery, your black eyeshadow and eyeliner and you were ready to go.
you went downstairs, tom was already there waiting for you. he wore a black elegant shirt, something he usually never did, and of course his black baggy pants.
his mouth hanged open as he looked at you, “oh. my. fucking. god.” he commented and you blushed when he made you do a spin on yourself before placing his hands on your hips.
“you’re beautiful, meine schatz.”
your heart fluttered at his words, “and you’re handsome.”
you both stared at each other before kissing deeply, an intimate kiss that was about to become more if you wouldn’t stop it since tom pushed you against the wall and wrapped his hand around your neck.
“we’ll save it for later.” he blinked, before grabbing your hand and taking you to the car.
“okay so, now you have to wear this.” after awhile he said showing you a blindfold.
“uhm, why?” you asker ed furrowing your eyebrows.
“uhm, cause i said so?” he said sarcastically, “just do it.”
you did as he said as he parked the car. he left and went to open your car, helping you walk.
“where are we?” you asked as you heard the sound of waves and then the sound of wood under your shoes, “is it a pier?”
tom stayed quiet before stopping in his tracks.
“happy birthday, love.” he said one last time before taking the blindfold off you, revealing a massive yacht infront of you with all the people you loved on it.
“surprise!” they yelled clapping their hands.
you started to tear up, covering your mouth before turning to tom and hugging him, “t-this is beautiful. i love you.”
“i love you too, that’s why i did this.” he said stroking your hair, “i want you to feel this special everyday.”
you guys exchanged another kiss, this time it was sweet and tender, it described and held your love in it. your heart was full of joy, it could’ve exploded.
“c’mon love birds, get in and let’s eat!” bill yelled making everyone laugh.
you and tom walked towards them, beginning to live a beautiful night that you’ll never forget.
a/n: hope you like it! <3
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ricegobbler · 7 months
ok so this is part 2. Uhm. I should’ve done this sooner but I’ve been busy😢 good news is im opening requests soon! Ok anyways enjoyyy! (Prob gon make a pt.3)
Oh and btw I’m like having a tiny break rn so I made this out of boredom. So everytime I post smth is mostly bc of boredom😢
Yall might be like “why are you making posts even if your requests r closed?” Like i said, im bored and every post i post is made when i have a break. My breaks dont rlly last long so yeah. And doing requests with only like and hour break or smth isn’t enough time in my opinion, srry. (Hope that made sense..)
(Breakdown, Soundwave, Shockwave)
Warnings‼️: mentions of figthing(s)
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-One of our favorite strong boys☺️
-honestly, just like knockout, he would be interested in meeting you but since he’s in the medbay he’s gonna have to hear about you from rumors or Starscream.
-The first time he saw you was at a meeting, you didn’t interact at all, but he atleast saw you and thought you were beautiful.
-I honestly could see this man day dreaming abt u in the med bay like:
Knockout organizing his supplies in the Medbay, “Breakdown, why are you so silent all of a sudden?-“ turns around to see Breakdown day dreaming. “Oh primus..” Knockout mumbled..
Random silence in the Medbay.
“Y/n is so pretty..” Breakdown suddenly said, leaving Knockout just face planting himself.
-Then the day finally came, the day he finally had a chance to speak to you.
-you were coming into the Medbay, wounded from a fight against the Autobots. As you came in you met optics with Breakdown, then Knockout.
-After Knockout fixed you up, Breakdown quickly started a conversation with you.
“Hello,” Breakdown started, your optics widen a bit at the sudden voice but you turn around and see the blue mech look at you sweetly, “hello?…you’re Breakdown, right?..” you ask a little awkwardly.
-After the two of you introduced yourselves, the two of you were quickly close.
-Everyday you’d visit the Medbay when they’re slow and no injured vehicons or others, talking to Breakdown. Knockout would sometimes smirk at Breakdown as he’d talk to you, you didn’t find that out until after you became mates with Breakdown. (I think they’re called conjuxes?? I forgot, ima use mates for now-)
-Speaking of mates, the day finally came when Breakdown confessed to you. He confessed to you a little nervously, I could see him stuttering a bit and rubbing the back of his neck canes with a servo, or fidgeting with his fingers instead. You have got to accept his love bc what he said to you was so adorable 😢
-he’d definitely call you either “love” or just “my spark.” PDA?? Yes, he wants to let others know your his. How he kisses? Pretty passionate. He’d also become protective of you, and he’d BEG you to come to the Medbay since he’s mostly in there all day.
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-when you first arrived he didn’t care or say anything, he literally can’t say anything at all tho so🤷🏻‍♀️ bros a mute💀
-I feel like he’d show you around the Nemesis kinda like how Starscream would. Or, he would go over important things you needed to know by playing a recording of Megatron talking abt that kind of stuff.
-When the day you fought the Autobots for the first time since you joined them he was in awe. A fem like you having strength like that? Ofc he knows he’s stronger tho so.
-The next time you’d see him after your battle he would silently just stand infront of you.
Soundwave standing infront of you, looking down/up at you. “Uhm..Soundwave?..why have you blocked my way..” you ask, he then plays a recording going like, “Y/N-strong-very-strong-it-is-impressive.”
Your optics widened but you just smiled at him, “oh thank you, Soundwave..” he then placed a smiley face on his visor and walked away.
-Everytime there would be a meeting you’d see him plaster a smile on his visor and you’d smile back. He’s too silly.
-I feel like you’d fall first. Why? Idk. He’s too silly to resist. I mean, am I wrong tho???
-When he’d fall for you he’d either confess to you by using a recording, or show you smth he typed on his visor. (Like a poem ykyk)
-he wouldn’t call you any names. Bc. Yk. But he would let you watch some things on his visor when not busy. You found the show, “my little pony.” How? Just know that Megatron may or may not have watched it once and you saw.
-Since Soundwave doesn’t rlly have a mouth you just kiss him on the visor and he’d place a smiley face, holding you around the waist. PDA?? Ehhh…yes. Just maybe not infront of Megatron.
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-illogical my ass once eye mf.
-jk I love this mad scientist <33
-he did not gaf abt ur arrival. At. All. Like he’s busy tryna make some shit in his lab 😢
-but, the first time he ever saw you was when you explored the Nemesis alone and entered his lab.
“What is the purpose of your arrival..” Shockwave asked, “nothing. Just..lookin around..” you say back
-he wanted you OUT. Like go away bitch🙄
-but you didn’t, so you just stayed and started chatting with him as he did work. Sometimes when Shockwave either needed smth yours grab it for him.
-or, when he makes a mistake (which will probably never happen bc he’s a smart ass) you’d correct him. You’d then start talkin abt science things which perks his interest with you. He hates your humor tho.
“Would you like to hear something humorous?” You ask, “no. Jokes are illogical.” He responded, continuing his work.
-honestly it’d take a whileeeee for yall to click. He’d start falling for you eventually tho. His confession wasn’t anything sweet, it was just some straight up confession.
-one day in the lab you wanted to help Shockwave out, and once it got all quiet between yall he literally just blurted, “I’ve grown some feelings for you.” Smth like that.
-of course you felt the same. You had to. He has big boobs😍
-I feel like he’d call you “little one” or “my spark” how he kisses?? Blud don’t got a mouth. You’d kiss his helm tho softly, and PDA?? Only in his lab, he’s kinda serious, but he loves you dearly and would protect you. He’d also make you things himself like gifts! <33
Ok this one’s kinda bad tbh. I’m sorry☹️ I’ll do a pt.3 as soon as I can! Sorry for how late this is too btw!!
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ghostiiess · 9 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - christmas with them!
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synopsis: it's christmas and you spend the holidays with them!
warning: some swear here and there, darren being dirty-minded and pervert, mention of the word ass… i think that’s all? let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
members: all of them
merry (late) christmas everyone! i hope you all day wonderful holidays 🤍 thank you very much for this wonderful year that we had together! i can’t believe it’s actually been one year that i started writing about the boys! 😊 thank you for all the support, the likes and the love!! it is so much appreciated <33 happy new year in advance and may 2024 be the best year for you :)
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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we know oli, we know how he is, we know how boyfriend material he is…
so is it really a surprise if i’m telling you that you would pass an amazing time with him during christmas? not really.
he would spoil you so much!
« what? can’t i treat my girl right? »
he would make sure that you know that you look extraordinary beautiful
he would hype you up so much
« oh my god… you’re so beautiful, omg » he said while covering his mouth with his left hand
he would giggle.
he would also have bought matching pyjamas
« so i got the santa one and you got the reindeer! isn’t it so cute? »
cutest boy alive, no cap (yes im a simp)
he would write the cutest things in your christmas card
“thank you for making the world a kinder place”
“thank you for existing and making me a part of your routine”
“thank you for always being you and always making the world a greater place”
“you’re making fall in love with you more and more everyday”
crying bc he’s so damn sweet 🤧 i love him sm omg
random thoughts: oliver would sing you christmas song
and maybe… he would even ask you to sing with him? lol
oliver would literally heal your inner children, with his family 🥹 in one nsb video (or was it in seb’s? i forgot, sorry) all the nsb boys came to see oli’ and seb’s mom and dad, and omg that was so cute
he’s a gentleman, he’s a golden retriever, he’s a boyfriend material, so of course he would make sure you’re always feeling okay and comfortable around him
« this is our christmas baby. we spend it together, so as much as i really love my family and spending my holidays with them, i want you to be comfortable and happy during this time. so if something isn’t right or you want to take a break, please let me know, alright? »
i just see oliver caressing your back and whispering sweets nothing to you :((
anyways, let this boy give you the best because you truly deserve it <33
(others members’ part under the cut!)
this man’s so funny
sebastian could do anything and it would be funny, i truly don’t know why
so obvs, he would try to pull little pranks on you (not as much as kane, but still)
« babe, look! there’s a mistletoe! looks likes you have to kiss me! »
« babe, you’re supposed to kiss me on the lips not on my cheek! »
“wdym it wasn’t specific enough!! i thought you’d knew what i wanted!”
he would def convince his younger brother (mateo!!!) to pull a prank on you and oli
sebastian would be the type to give you a big, big Christmas gift that is in a box, that box is in another box, and that box is in another box… just to make you wait for the gift
and the gift be like « free pass for a kiss! »
“isn’t this the best gift ever?”
what can i say? he loves your kisses (and your hugs)
did you see his stories?? if not, expect him to put (almost) EVERYTHING on his ig/sc stories
he would def watch them all over the holidays too 🫣 don’t tell him i told you that
seb would give you sweet treats, like chocolates, massage, bubble bath if you’re into that kind of thing… things he know that will make you smile and make you feel good
“i could give you another thing to make you feel good…” then he would smirk
“I WASN’T TALKING ABOUT THAT, OMG?!! You are so dirty minded, omg”
anyways like oli, he would be very considerate of your feelings
« you okay, babe? »
« is everything’s alright, baby? »
he cares sm about you
i feel like he would randomly hug/kiss you out of nowhere and smile
« nothing’s wrong, you’re just really pretty »
would def heal your inner child, 100%
the holiday with him would be so funny (and prob iconic too)
ryan’s family sounds so lovely and so cozy… (you wouldn’t be boring at their house)
last year, ryan did a q&a with his sisters and it was super cozy and super relaxing to watch
so i think it would be the same if you spent the holidays with him
lots and lots of animes nights
you’d also be a pro at videogames too
ryan would have matching pyjamas sets for you
« i thought we could wear it during the holidays.. »
he would def hold your hand all along the festivities, like this man’s whipped for you
« what? can’t i hold my pretty girlfriend’s hands? »
his fam would love you sm
ryan would def be a bit jealous that you’re passing more time with grace & ava (his sisters) than him
“can’t you talk with them later? -_-”
“i’m not jealous, what are you talking about?”
would ask his mom to cook your favourites meal :D
« yeah, i asked my mom to cook your favourite! »
ryan who def make videos with you and spend a lot of time with you, including cuddling because even though it doesn’t look like that, ryan’s a simp for your cuddles and your hugs and your kisses
would def put a lot of mistletoe around the house and use the excuse « it’s just for decorating the house »
indeed, he only want to kiss you 24/7
yes, he likes it that much 😌
spending holidays with him seem so fun
trust me, you guys would have matching outfits too lololol
he would literally go to target to shop some matching things with you
and also buy you random things that you probably don’t needed, but that he bought because he thought of you when he saw them
also, i’m just seeing him going to target with you to shop for last minute christmas present
ofc, he would pay for your things
because he’s that gentleman with you
and also bc he never want to see you pay when you’re with him
“it’s the holidays, can’t i spoil my girl?”
“shut up, let me pay for you”
“you’ll pay next time!”
“wdym i said the same thing the last time? i didn’t!”
he would make sure you’re always comfortable, always happy and always smiling
he would hold your hands during dinner if you’re stressed/anxious/nervous
justin seems the type to be super romantic
he would literally give you a christmas card and thank you for every things you did for him
a bit like oli!
“thank you for always making me happy. the world needs more people like you”
he would literally give you cute stuff
like hello kitty stuff bc we all know how jp like hello kitty 🫶🏻
believe it or not, justin’s the biggest simp for his person
so expect a lot of compliments coming towards him
the type to say: “my mom likes you more than me, i’m sure of it”
i can’t tell how much i like this man
yes im a simp, and what abt it? 🤭
would def help your inner child too
he would always try his best to always make you smile/make you happy when you’re with him
he would always support you in anything you do
he would also give you a shoulder to cry on if that’s something you need
“babe… don’t cry…”
“it’s okay, i’m here..”
“idm if my tshirt get wet… i have others tshirts, don’t worry about that baby”
“I’m so so sorry about what happened when you were younger… do you want to talk about it?”
to me, kane’s the definition of the word “fluff” and “comfort”
he would literally make your days brighter with his smile 🤭
no bc his smile is so cute
he would give you ALOT of gifts
his family is kinda a bit rich lol (check their hide n seek video and the price of the mansion… 🤩) so… yeah.
would be the type to buy you plane tickets for a special destination
“wdym?? baby, it’s plane ticket! we’re going to travel together!”
“i know you always wanted to go there, so… i thought it could be the perfect moment to go there together!”
sweetest holidays with him :(
“what do you mean i bought you too much gifts? baby, you deserve it”
he would def make activities with you and his siblings and let you win on purpose
“me? made you win? there’s no way i did that!”
kane would make you do pranks with him on his brothers / sisters
but junior (his younger brother) wouldn’t let that slide so you’d literally do pranks on kane hahaha
“baby, what?? i thought you were on my team!”
“god, and i thought you’d side with me for this prank”
spending holidays with kane seems so great and fun 🫶🏻
the sussiest holiday ever, ngl
i never saw in one nsb videos darren not being dirty minded, sorry not sorry 😭
so i rlly hope you’re not innocent, bc if you are… well, let’s say he won’t let that title up
bc this man says the most random ever things ever and turn them into dirty things, so if you’re still innocent after spending like 2-3 weeks with him… this is impressive
darren could turn everything not suspicious to something very suspicious (but we like him like that 🫶🏻)
would definitely not hide his true ‘personality’ to his family…
atp, i think his fam is aware that their son is dirty-minded
mostly during the Christmas presents part…
“didn’t give you much gift, bc i thought i could be your gift for this year”
“what? didn’t meant in that way… unless..”
“oh yeah!! this present is so cool!! i heard it could hide hickeys pretty well! isn’t that so cool?”
ofc, darren isn’t only naughty and pervert 😂
He’s also very caring and sweet :((
So ofc, if he see you being uncomfortable due to this comment or his moves or anything he’s doing, he would stop
No need to ask him twice
We all know how good dar’ is with cooking, so ofc he would cook something for you and his fam for Christmas
might even do it with you
He would have bought you matching aprons! and you know him…. the images or texts on it would be anything but wholesome
Being with Darren during the holidays also mean he would take good care of you
He would buy you a ton of skincare if that’s something you like
He would also help you with your routine (would never let you sleep with makeup/unclean face)
“Baby, let me take your makeup off”
“let me wash your face”
“Just sit on the counter and let me do the rest, okay?”
“Stop moving!!!”
“Wdym it tickles, baby it’s my fingers…”
“Are you saying my fingers are tickling you? 😏”
Funniest (and sussiest) holidays, I’m telling you
Darren part 2? Jk
This man’s a keeper 🫶🏻
He would make everything so funny, so fun, so cool, like it’s the regie macalino we’re talking about
I think regie would be the same guy he is in the videos, with you
he’s very nonchalant
He would def sleep on your shoulder while his family is opening xmas gifts
“Wdym wake up?? I wasn’t sleeping bruh”
“I was resting my eyes, that’s not the same thing”
He would also try his hardest to make you blush ☺️
And if you can’t blush, he would try his hardest to make you smile
i’m just imagining him, on the other side of the couch, giving winks here and there
“I ain’t doing anything, whatcha talking about?”
He would def (10000%) says dirty things in front of you and act like he didn’t mean it in that way
“Damn that’s a cool sweater… wonder how it could look on the floor…”
“Why you’re looking at me like that, stop being dirty minded y/n”
Regie would def laugh his ass off because of what he’s doing to you
i just know he would be so proud of himself
btw, during the holidays, expect to go in the snow
Regie’s so cute when he first saw the snow 😔 like give him the chance to see snow again, pls?
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go see the nsb’s video where they go play in the snow lol
He would do snow angels with you 🥹 and call you his angel
“You just did yourself in the snow…”
“eww that so cringey of me, I’m sorry”
“wdym you liked it? damn, you’re a simp for me, bruh”
taglist (open): @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
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ok it's not actually as epic✨ as i thought it would be but here is my episode-title prediction but it's very rough and in note form and no doubt is all over the place and pls feel free to discuss in the replies and ill amend accordingly,,, PLUS i need to go through it again in more detail cross referencing my sideburn theory bc some things might actually belong in other episodes and yeah im exhausted from the sheer speed at which i pulled this together fucking enJOY
(note: now contains mention of the leak, proceed w caution)
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main storyline summary:
OKAY SO LETS START with this article on mr g's blog - scroll to the last two paragraphs - potentially see pre-fall heaven or the immediate moments before/after the fall which when you consider the opening credits begin with crowley climbing out of the pit/aziraphale descending from heaven, AND the BEAUTIFUL (this isn't being discussed enough imo) fall sequence in the hillywood parody, im tentatively suggesting that we might have a cold open of the fall
sosososo in the trailer obvs crowley and muriel are jn heaven and muriel says "you're a demon!!! // im going to get into so much trouble!!!" so WHAT IF DURING THE FALL THEY SMUGGLED CROWLEY OUT OF HEAVEN TO AVOID THE CONFLICT???? and crowley took like the back staircase down so he didn't fall so violently and got to keep his wings and *GUNSHOT* ok so im only like maybe 5% certain it's a flashback after ive rewatched that bit of the trailer oooh maybe 26 times but sTILL imaGINE yeah don't think this anymore, send me an ask if you want to know why bc i cba to write a post explaining
and then presumably a segue? into the first few events ive listed in this post about the start of the second coming idk it might actually be a flashback in another episode hmm yeah actually that seems more likely but anyway
then - present day, gabriel arrives on earth, lost memory/human, "something terrible" in the box that he was meant to deliver to aziraphale (?) that going by that second coming (SC) post i think literally contains jesus
ok update after the gumshoe az pics: so if gabriel is connected to the pub, and by the extension the jukebox, it must be the record that arrives in the box with the address attached, and aziraphale starts looking into it from there????? idk see ep 2
crowley gets evicted, then crowley and shax interaction in the park
presumably an introduction to maggie and nina, plus the "naked man friend" clip
discovery of gabriel at the bookshop, and ensuing argument leading to crowley summoning lightning, and the boys going no contact sob
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main storyline summary:
*edit because my draft didn't save properly and ive only just noticed - believe that this ep has the job minisode
SO following the newest pic release of crowley and aziraphale and the record, which ive gone off about here, i think that the skip doesn't quite happen yet BUT aziraphale obvs has the record which i think god has sent him as a clue and then goes to find crowley to talk about it ✨A cLuE✨ but crowley tells him to fuck off
also crowley is a bartender
THEN we have a present-day time skip, gabriel being a very good assistant in the shop
again after the SC theory i think that gabriel lost the box and instead god somehow sends aziraphale the record and address as a clue
aziraphale (unsure of the genesis here) starts researching the jukebox and the everyday song, presumably buys the record from maggie
aziraphale in the bookshop, looking at the jukebox articles, crowley storms in, "im back" see below!!!
THEN second time aziraphale approaches crowley, pub drink ft crowley in jeans and a nice top™ which i think is actually his work top™, then the clip ✨a cLuE✨
crowley and shax in the bentley having a heart to heart, and i worry that she essentially tempts him into luring goob out of the shop so hell can get to him and crowley can get back his precious 😭 peaceful 😭 existence with aziraphale EDIT FOLLOWING THIS!!! I think she definitely tells him to get chummy with aziraphale again
AND NOW we have the "im back" scene
possibly the beelzebub clip from them in hell? possibly an interaction between them and shax? beelzebub manifests as a fly and plays a game of tag in the bookshop with goob, trying to make up for their failure in losing track of jesus
at some point the other angels come to the bookshop to interrogate aziraphale for if he has seen gabriel, believes he's lying, and resolve to send in their ✨top agent✨
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main storyline summary:
whole "cup of tea" scene, plus crowley removing plants from the bentley "why don't you go by train? you love trains"
possibly muriel feeding back to heaven with her report about aziraphale, his grumpy friend, and his assistant 💓
aziraphale off up to edinburgh in the bentley, possibly crowley has stayed behind to babysit gabriel? (i feel like the 'are you a bookseller too? / not even at gunpoint' interaction was a bit foreshadow-y)
still confused but see above SC theory
was the resurrectionist address already taped to the record when it arrived in the box? NOBODY KNOWSSS
UPDATE 2 re: the meme template prime just gave us: so what IF AZIRAPHALE goes to the pub, asks if theyve seen goob, the pub owner (who is in the meme) says "shhhhh I have some intel meet me at the graveyard at 6", aziraphale goes and they show him a pic of gabriel in the pub like removing the everyday record from the jukebox? bc gabriel removed it and that's why the jukebox is now stuck on that song??? AGHHH now I'm wondering if the pub people got a video of the graveyard fight or a pic of the box or something and that gives aziraphale the indication that the whole thing is centred around the second coming
shax possibly knows that crowley is there, and calls the bookshop? or crowley calls heaven to narc on gabriel? OR aziraphale calls him from the phone crowley possibly lent him and idk but a conversation along the lines "hey crowley so i think a fight with demons caused goob to lose his memory and lmao but i think he also lost jesus!!!
either way crowley uses aziraphale's phone specifically and is obviously looking intently at something
and lastly again i think this has the resurrectionist minisode - fitting given that they decked out a pub in edinburgh with resurrectionist signs etc so that probably triggers a flashback for az when he goes there for the jukebox mystery
no official press photos for this one as far as i know , but possibly????
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main storyline summary:
i think however that this is where muriel is back on earth, potentially rooting around greek street trying to be as nosy as possible
and crowley now loaded in with info hot off the press (lmao aziraphale) knows that the second coming is involved and realises he needs to get into heaven to find out more info which is so james bond of him what a legend
and then WELL WHADDAYA KNOW muriel turns up and therefore im wondering if the above is from crowley's pov - muriel spots him in the shop and gets a tad excited
then - bless their soul - muriel gets coerced into helping crowley infiltrate heaven, or he follows them back to the heaven entrance they're using, and jumps in the lift with them last minute (ie the hitchhiker)
god knows why he's going to heaven in disguise but he's living his best life bless*
ALTERNATIVELY see ep1 about the muriel/crowley scene
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okay i admittedly have no idea on this wtf happens in this one
do they DANCE
rap battle
a lil SMOOCHY SMOOCH??? (NOT the leak one, a different one)
✨everything goes to shit lmao✨
i can't even be bothered write out everything that happens in this episode because i think we can guess the bare essentials - crowley is on the throne in hell, demons attack the bookshop, metatron appears and declares war, aziraphale sharts himself, DEMONS destroy said bookshop and aziraphale's FUCKING HOME
i do feel like EVERY is in here because i reckon aziraphale finds out crowley was betraying him to hell, even if for a good reason, and crowley desperately tries to make aziraphale see that it was "for us, for you aziraphale!!!!", SNOG, and aziraphale tells him to get fucked bc now he can never trust him, crowley said hed never lie to him "obviously, you're a demon" from s1, and the cliffhanger is them being on their OWN own sides @azirafuck back me up here
Update 19/07: and what if aziraphale can't forgive crowley and literally tells him he can't forgive him... and fallssssss?
like I'm SORRY but i need heartbreak like THIS
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emmyrosee · 2 years
AHHH OKAY I’M SO EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT HAWKS FOR A SECOND (this one got long I’m so sorry 😭) [also idk if you’ve seen anything of season 6 yet but his ARMS???]
I’ve just been. Having SO many thoughts about him okay? so many. The one at the front of my mind right now is him and his wings tho.
His wings. I love. And I love even more the fact that he’d definitely use them to bug you. And give you affection. And be so annoying with them. Cause he’s a little shit. But you love it and he knows.
Everyday you’ll randomly have a feather fly to you and stick with you, providing he’s not in another country. How he’d use it? If he’s feeling playful (most of the time bc have you met him) he’d run it over your skin and neck and collarbones to make you laugh a bit and then hide it in your sleeve so no one could see it and end up embarrassing you. He’d also tap you on the shoulder with it and then hide from you to annoy you.
(…back on my playfighting as the 6th love language agenda but… using his feathers during a play fight when you guys are both home. Such a cute thought!!!)
If he’s feeling romantic, he’d run it over your face all slow and gentle like he’d caress your cheek to let you know he’s missing you a lot. OR he’d wrap it around one of your fingers like a ring to let you know he’s there with you even if he’s not PHYSICALLY there.
Out with your friends? He’s flying the feather all around you to tease you and mess up your outfit a bit. Your friends laugh but they don’t miss how happy you are when you finally get hold of it and mindlessly play with it throughout the day.
If you’re particularly sad when he has to leave for a mission, you usually ask for a feather to carry with you and he’s more than happy to provide.
wrapping his wings around you after you’ve had a long day and just want to hide away. HE LOVES YOU AND WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR YOU.
…this got so long I’m SO sorry I just had too much to write about. I love love love him and I hope you enjoyed this one!!
anon <3
God I’m… I’m so wHIPPED GOD.
As much love and warmth as his wings give you, make you feel so safe and just so secure, they’re also the baNE of your existence. Sure, it’s nice when you’re snuggling, and they close around you, and it’s amazing how beautiful they glimmer in the sunlight. They’re warm, provide you with a feeling of physical and emotional safety, you couldn’t imagine your life without them.
He knows the hold his feathers have on you, that you do adore them and the look of them, so yeah, he’ll sacrifice a few to adorn your fingers, add some oomf to whatever you’re wearing, but more than anything, he loves using said feathers against you.
What sucks, is when he goes into work, and he sends one of his feathers up to wake you if you don’t answer his texts, the plumes tickling up your foot that pokes from the covers until you finally wake up.
SENT you’re such an asshole, let me sleep
Keigo 💍 no can do, baby
I know you need your beauty sleep, but I missed you :)
In play fighting- which is a love language okay I don’t make the rules- when he’s got you pinned under his massive frame, he keeps his golden eyes on your writhing, giggly figure, feather flitting over your body and cheeks and all over. Your shoves at his shoulders do nothing to move him, and he’s so entranced by the sight he barely recognizes the tapping of his wrist to tell him you’re really done, coupled with the giggly whines of surrender.
“You’re such a cheater,” you snicker once he finally stops, the wings that were just torturing you now curled around you in a protective manner. “You have whole ass other weapons, why have we not banned quirks in our fights yet?”
“‘Cause you liiiiiiike it,” he teases, nipping at your neck to make you squeal.
“Shut up.”
AND YOURE SO RIGHT, BECAUSE YOU DO LOVE THEM AND HE KNOWS IT, AND HE GETS SCOLDED FOR MISSING ALL OF HIS FEATHERS CONSTANTLY BECAUSE HE LEAVES THEM WITH YOU, AND You’re just like. So sad when he does leave and he has to break it to you that he does need them for this one time, and when your lip starts to wobble and eyes water, he just gnaws at his lip and lets one on each wing go because he’s fuckin’ hawks, he doesn’t need all his feathers what do they think this is?
And the feathers are juuuuust enough to comfort you while he’s gone.
That same feeling of the plumes over your feet in the morning. The way he rubs your cheek mimicked by the softness. The poke on one shoulder to dart away playfully and keeping you from boredom. Ruffling your hair when you go out and hiding away when you try to chase it. The feeling of it draping over your waist to copy his arm over your waist. Wiping your tears when you’re on the phone with him.
“I miss you,” you choke, and before you can reach up to wipe your swelling eyes, his feather does it for you with the softest touch, and you chuckle and nuzzle into the softness. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he hums. “Just don’t blow your nose into it.”
Keigo knows how to take care of you. There’s nothing you wouldn’t trust him with, he knows you and what you need like the back of his hand, and his feathers sometimes are just the best methods to show you that. Even if he’s not physically there, he’s always got something looking out for you.
But even you can’t deny how much you love when he comes home, immediately catching you in his arms when you run into them, his wings enclosing you both in a private manner.
“You’re here,” you whimper, kissing all over his face.
“I am, baby.” He fluffs his feathers out for warmth and for that familiar safe feeling as he uses his muscle memory to get through the house, not daring to think about letting you go or down.
He just loves to keep you happy. At the end of the day, that’s what it comes down to. if he has his choice, it’ll be him doing it, but on the not-so rare occasion he won’t be there to, his feathers provide just enough of his presence to keep you going and swooning.
Okay- Maybe you could live without them flying down your shirt in search of sensitive areas.
But that’s all part of the package.
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
alright, i am still working on my random self indulgent guidance counsellor jersey hcs ( the kids call him Mr. Bro, which is so iconique to me, like i think the fifth graders were just memeing on him, but it accidentally stuck because the littles heard it and…if that’s ur name once, it’s ur name forever. it’s also Sick, tyvm! )
but anyways here are some random highlights with no context, he is the funniest man alive to me.
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-okay, re: this one, he also puts his hair up everyday ( could u imagine that man’s hair being down, children would be like u look like ARIEL! and get nothing done ) btw, it’s virtually the same dress shirt, blazer, sweater, slacks, gold stan s/star of david necklace stack moment w/ the glasses and the chain…but, to keep it cute, he does wear a different silly tie everyday with a different color pattern or vibe going on. he does get sent a lot of goofy ass ties as presents; it’s a w.
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-mr. bro does just sound like sheila broflovski and i am obsessed with him. he’ll worry about you all day to the point of being physically sick and see you in the hallway and go ‘well clearly, ya don't need the noise cancelling headphones 'cause you're tunin' me out just fine!'
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-he's so cute w/ the little people, he is like aaaa please don't hurt me, spare me, o great and powerful one, i've got two kids and two strays at home ( rip sparky and curb are his kids jysk, annoying rockstar fiance and slightly demonic kindergarten matilda are the strays <3 )
-small domestic ravesey sidebar: jk does wear a cd pin on his blazer sometimes and has a picture of stan on his desk and when he shows kids it and they gasp ( bc stan is extremely beautiful and perfect ) he's like 'oh, god! i know! he's Hideous, right?!' shdlksdd amazing
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-mr. bro says acab is my favorite mr. b hc
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howelljenkins · 9 months
hi this is so random but i need to wax poetic. you have no obligation to reply to this. also i do not mean this in a parasocial way at ALL lmao i recognize that idk you trust. i first found ur blog in 2020 as a eighth grader in lockdown that was completely lost. i had lost my uncle to covid during that time and went from being a stellar student to receding into my shell and watching my grades tank. my shit home situation and undiagnosed depression led to me sinking into any form of escapism possible, mainly thru the form of books. i was super obsessed with perry johnson LMAO at the time and had all the time in the world to look into the fandom. this was around the time the unnamed author was just, like, violently and belligerently racist and scathing to any fans that questioned otherwise. being a tumblrina, i went to this site to see people comment on this, only to find you and ur mutuals were the only people openly discussing how he was just plain vile. i remember how sickened i felt seeing how you and other people of color were getting doxxed and threatened for pointing out what i thought was incredibly obvious. as a rlly sheltered person of color, this was the first time it struck me that the world was lying about how much they were actually willing to stick up for us, as before that i was just stupidly optimistic. anyways bc of that i started checking ur blog like EVERYDAY because of how much your words resonated with me. i was in complete awe of just how witty you were, and how you took no shit from people. granted this was a defense mechanism from crazy ass white fandom bitches but it was still weirdly inspiring. i still remember seeing u pull out the yale trap card so often and being like, oh shit this girl is something else lol thats hysterical. for the rest of high school i would keep up to date with u and specifically ur writing and poetry on promethes. kal i need you to realize your words actually rearranged my brain. the poems about your great grandfather, your mother, your pos friend, of being a horror, to love and to be loved is rest, everything EVERYTHING is etched into my memory. i really feel like i stumbled onto the modern fucking plato or something. anyways my critical thinking skills and love of poetry both are strongly influenced by you. i used to be the kind of person that hated everything and couldnt bear the thought of tolerating this world for another second. but your unyielding positivity and optimism, and insistence that kindness being the more difficult choice is inherently more radical really changed me. ik u didnt invent that or yadda yadda but u really made it seem real. im still learning to take each day slower, to breathe in a little deeper, but the beauty of so many things i previously dismissed is so obvious to me now. that post you made about you and ur mutuals educating a whole generation is so true lol. so just thank you. honestly thank u thank u thank you from the bottom of my heart. im a senior now who just submitted my yale application tonight and thought of you and im a little drunk right now so i think thats why i wrote this whole ass essay but just. like idk. u changed me and idek know you. i made my friend who got into princeton a trap card bc urs was so inspiring lol. anyways i truly hope you have a peaceful happy life and a good night. your soul is really such a beautiful thing and you deserve the world pls never settle for anything less
idc if it’s parasocial i love u and want the best for u and know u will go far and i almost doxxed myself by telling u the city i live in so u could look me up if you’re ever here lol. ik im a stranger or whatever but im proud of u idc ur like my adopted little sibling now. also @taumoeba yale card inspiring generations
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buckysmischief · 1 year
shadow of mine [1/2]
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druig x f!reader
wc: 2.6k
summary: druig was getting bored of babylon, he was ready to take on more adventures. but the shadows in his mind led him down a path, one he never dared to speak out loud (except for maybe to kingo)
an: inspired by the song shadow of mine. i've had this idea in my head for so long & a few suggestions reminded me of it and was inspired to finally write it out! i really hope y'all enjoy :)
also, thank you to @stuckonjbbarnes for literally all your encouragement throughout this whole writing process 💕
570 BC
Babylon was getting boring, Druig didn’t understand why they were even still there. There hadn’t been a Deviant around this area in over a year, why weren’t they headed somewhere new? He thought the same thing everyday while walking through the market with Ajak’s voice echoing in his head, “When Arishem says we can go, that’s when we’ll go.”
Today though, today felt different. He didn’t know if it was good or bad, just that the air felt tingly and everything looked brighter. For a moment he thought about asking Kingo if he noticed anything different but decided not to, the last thing he needed was everyone else to start worrying about something that was probably nothing to begin with.
He actually made himself believe that everything was normal, that was until he started to smell.. something. It wasn’t anything he had ever smelled before, he knew that for a fact, yet it smelled like home - a home he had never known.
Druig followed the smell of what he could only described as cosmic just outside of the market area. You were bent down, back toward him, picking flowers. He didn’t know if he should say something or walk away, what would he say to you anyways?
Before he could decide you had turned around, meeting his gaze like you’ve known him his entire existence. “Hi, I’m Yn.”
“Druig..” he muttered, so unlike him. “You’re not from here are you?”
“No, just traveling. I’m not too sure where I’m going, just trying to find somewhere that feels like home.”
There that word was again, home. He didn’t even know what it meant anymore. The definition he once knew was wiped away, but he knew at that moment he would always think of you when he heard it again. “Babylon doesn’t feel like home?” 
“It’s beautiful, don’t get me wrong..” you looked down at the flowers you had just picked and began to intertwine them, “but it just feels like a taste of what home is, what it could be. Does that make sense?”
“Yes,” he smiled, “it makes perfect sense. I think you’ve put into words what I could not, actually. Thank you. Um, how long are you-”
“-I actually have to go, my friends are leaving soon. But um, here.. I made you this.” He took the flower crown from you and put it on his head. “Take care of yourself Druig.”
The thought of never seeing you again sent a pang through his chest. His whole world was knocked off his axis and yet he had never felt more aligned. What was he supposed to do with that?
He could use his powers, but that didn’t feel right either. So he did the only thing he could, he brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it. “Safe travels, Yn. I hope to see you again one day.”
It was night time when Druig got back to the Domo, he never wanted to leave this place more than in that moment. Watching everyone sit around the table laughing together, having a good time.. It felt bittersweet. He thought about what would happen if he snuck away in the middle of the night. Would anyone come looking for him? Would Arishem step in? It didn’t matter, he couldn’t just leave.
So Druig did what he did best, he put on a smirk and made a joke at Ikaris’ expense. He’d unpack the day's events another time.
400 BC
Ikaris and Sersi’s wedding ended up being a huge celebration, the whole city celebrated in the streets. For hours laughter and joy filled the air and Druig couldn’t remember the last time he let himself enjoy the company around him.
He was sitting with Kingo and Makkari, watching Sprite illustrate some of the citizens' favorite stories. It was a position he had been in more than a few thousand times, he could probably tell all of the stories word for word in over a dozen languages at this point, and he loved it. Every bit of it, he loved it. 
Druig didn’t always like his fellow Eternals, and he definitely didn’t agree with how certain things were handled, but at the end of the day they were all each other truly had. He had his opinions of Ikaris and couldn’t quite understand how Sersi could stand to be with him, but he was happy for them and that they each found the person their soul called out to. He tried not to think about how loud his screamed.
“Hey, do you want to take a walk?” Kingo whispered to him. 
Normally Druig would have insisted on waiting until Sprite was done, but he needed some space. “Lead the way.”
He was following Kingo when a familiar scent filled the air, but he quickly wrote it off as a mix between the food, flowers, and sweat. Nevermind that he knew for a fact it was none of those things.
They were almost to the edge of the city when he noticed the stars had more of a sparkle to them, but the mead he had been drinking all night did that sometimes. If the air wasn’t so thick he could have sworn at any minute he’d see… you. “Yn?”
Kingo stopped and turned around. He had only ever heard that came come from Druig’s mouth one time over 100 years ago, “What?”
Druig blinked and you were gone. Except, you had been gone for years.. right?
“Druig,” Kingo looked worried for him, “is this all too much? You looked like you were 1,000 miles away back there and, well..”
“Spit it out, Kingo.”
“You said her name. You never say her name.” 
They were far enough from anyone that could hear, but Druig still didn’t feel like this was the place to talk about it. Truthfully, Druig didn’t want to talk about it at all. What good would it do? “I thought I saw her.”
Pity was written all over Kingo’s face and woven into his words, “Weddings always find a way to bring up old feelings. Maybe it was one of her descendants! That’s totally possible, yeah?”
Druig wasn’t sure if that made him feel better or not, even if that did make the most sense. “Is that what you brought me all this way for?”
“You just looked like you needed some air,” he confessed, “you started getting that glazed look over your eyes again.”
“Nah I’m fine, probably just had too much to drink. I appreciate the sentiment though.” 
When they got back Ikaris and Sersi were nowhere to be found and the celebration had started to settle down for the night. The others were all gathered together, ready to turn in for the night. Before Druig followed them he took one last glance around, he swore to himself he could still feel you near. He was disappointed but not surprised to never find you.
If only he had looked a little harder.
1329 AD
What happened the night of Ikaris and Sersi’s wedding happened again a few dozen more times in the last 1,700 years, it was beginning to drive Druig mad.
He wasn’t sure where they were exactly anymore, they had been all over South America the last few months hunting Deviants. It was just the distraction he needed, over the years he noticed that the only times he felt your presence was when they settled into a town. He tried describing your appearance to some of the townspeople but no one ever knew who you were. He also tried getting creative with his powers a few times but not only did it feel wrong, Ajak was never too far away reminding him that it wasn’t his place to meddle with humans. Even though she wasn’t sure about what he was doing she was still right, that also drove Druig mad.
But they hadn’t been near civilization for weeks, they had just been camping out in the forest. Something about travel, something about keeping people safe.. Druig wasn’t too sure anymore. All he knew was that him and a few others weren’t needed and he was going to take advantage of it.
Ajak and Sprite invited him to walk to town with him but he declined. Phastos stayed behind to work on his new invention, he told Druig he was more than welcome to stay and watch but that he needed to be able to concentrate. “I’m actually going to go for a swim, there's a lake not too far from here.”
He had been floating around for some time, literally soaking in all nature had to offer. It was something he always enjoyed doing when he needed to be alone, which wasn’t as often as you’d think considering he more or less lived with nine other people.
“Druig.” It was a whisper, but he had no idea which direction it came in.
He shot out of the water and began to dry off when he heard his name again. “Druuig, come find me.”
The voice sounded so familiar to him but he couldn’t quite place it. That didn’t matter, his clothes were back on in an instant and he ran to where it was coming from. He was running so fast he didn’t notice his fingertips tingling, how bright it was even though he was headed deeper and deeper into the forest where the coverage was thick, or even cosmic air he was breathing in. He just kept running towards his name. 
It had been a few minutes since he heard anything so he stopped for a breather and surveyed his surroundings; he had to be at least three, maybe five, miles from camp by now. There were no signs of any Deviants around, or people for that matter. Was Sprite pulling some kind of prank on him? “Sprite if this is you it’s not funny, I’m not in the mood for your games today.”
“I’m offended,” a voice came from behind him, your voice, “did you forget about me already?”
He turned around and just looked at you, still half convinced it was a cruel trick Sprite had been playing all along and this was the dramatic finale. Needing to know if this was real, he cupped your face in his hands and was delighted when you didn’t shimmer away. “It’s really you.. how?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, not right now.” You smiled, putting your hands over his. “I can’t stay long, but I’ll answer any question I can.”
That frustrated him to no end but he wasn’t going to waste whatever time he had with you, he released his hands from your face and began walking with you through the forest.
“It has been you I’ve been seeing all these years hasn’t it? So why now, and why all the way out here?” There were hundreds of questions to be asked, but those were the only one’s he could think of at the moment.
You grabbed one of his hands, stroking your thumb over his absentmindedly. “I was just checking on you, making sure a Deviant didn’t get you.”
“You know about Deviants?”
“Shhh, let me finish.” You laughed. Suddenly he had a favorite sound. “Like I was saying.. I just wanted to check in on you. As for why here and now, you’re never alone. Do you know how hard it was not to say anything before now? Ajak would immediately know who I am and.. I shouldn’t have even told you that.”
“Ajak? How do you know-? What are you?” He had never been more confused in his life.
You stopped walking, hand still in Druig’s, “You’re smart, you’ll figure it out. Just don’t tell anyone when you do, I’m not supposed to be here and that’ll raise a lot of questions. I can answer why your senses heighten when we’re near each other though, if you want.”
“Oh so that I can know?” He smirked, “Whenever you talk, I’ll listen. Doesn’t matter the topic.”
“We don’t have a word for it, but the humans here do. Soulmates. We’re connected by the cosmos in such a unique way, in a way that we were quite literally designed for each other. We’ve spent every life before this together.” You said it with ease, like it was something you had known and accepted for a while now. He mentally added it to the list of questions he wanted to ask you
You were right before, Druig was smart, but everything you had just said… he knew all of those words and what they meant, but not together. “What?”
Rain started falling through the trees, your sign that it was time to go. “I hate to leave you on that note, but I have to.”
“Wait, one more question.” He pleaded, “Please?”
You paused for a moment, gathering all the self control you had. “Okay one more, but then I really have to leave. Which just so you know, is really hard for me to do when you look at me like that.”
Druig was trying to hide a smile, happy to have another moment with you. No matter how fleeting they were. “If we were made for each other, why are we apart now?”
Your mood went from happy to anger in an instant. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. The obvious answer is Arishem, but then the bigger question is why.”
There was a pause and Druig was going to take full advantage of you not leaving to ask another question, but instead a roar of thunder filled the air. “I really have to go, but I swear to you I will come back and tell you everything I know then. Okay?”
Druig felt like his entire world was being ripped to shreds, how were you just going to leave him after dropping that kind of information on him like that? Information he wasn’t even sure how to understand was possible. He wanted to go with you, everything else going on be damned. Unfortunately he knew that wasn’t a possibility, but he held onto what you said. “Everything?”
“Everything.” You kissed the corner of his mouth and started to back away, knowing you’d see him before he saw you.
It was very rare that Druig couldn’t find the right words to say, not like he had the time to. The rain had started coming down too hard he could barely see five feet in front of him, let alone wherever it was you disappeared to. All he hoped was that you were safe.
His thoughts raced the whole way back to camp. Deviants. Ajak. Soulmates. How did you know about all those things? How were you still alive? The answer was so obvious, but it couldn’t have been true, could it? 
Druig began questioning everything he’s ever known. He wanted to ask Ajak, she had to have some idea of what had just happened. Remembering your warning, he knew that it probably wasn’t a good idea.
The rain had let up by the time he was reunited with the others. Nothing felt the same anymore. If you were what he thought you were, how were you here? Did that mean one day he too would be free of Arishem and his restrictions? Whatever the case would be, Druig tried to find peace in knowing he’d see you again.
part two
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demonstars · 10 months
hey i'm that one anon who was on a mission to peg a george lookalike (https://www.tumblr.com/demonstars/734716156910485504/omg-hi-nsfw-storytime-so-ive-been-hooking-up?source=share) and i'm here to give an update !! 🤓
we met up on monday and had a long conversation about the topic. i ended up directly asking him if he was ever fucked/pegged before (there was a build-up to this question i'm not a fucking animal) and he said "nah". the conversation was surprisingly not uncomfortable at all and when i asked him if he'd be willing to try it he laughed and told me that he'd been thinking about asking me the same thing bc apparently i look like someone who'd be into it lmao (well pretty boy it's not my fault i have a massive spiritual cock). anyway, we set up a date (which was yesterday) and decided to give it a try.
yesterday we spent the whole day together at his place and i didn't peg him but we did some... finger stuff. i'm obviously not getting into details but all i'm gonna say is that he enjoyed it a lot more than putting his dick in me (honestly, same). i thought he'd be nervous but nah he was surprisingly chill like bro you've been blushing giggling kicking your feet at the idea of getting fucked and now you're acting like you do this everyday... slay i guess. and honestly, i was just happy he felt comfortable.
at first, i didn't know what i was doing and i was like "i failed to fulfill my destiny and couldn't lead my boy to the beautiful land of analington💔" but he reassured me and told me i was great so it's all good. he also made me a bomb-ass french onion soup afterward so i think he appreciated my efforts. he also called me "miss peggler" at some point and i'm genuinely not sure if it turned me on or made me want to jump off a bridge.
YEAHH we'll try the pegging thing when we're both ready and fully comfortable since neither of us has ever done it before sooo it's a big deal. but yea it was Great and he's Great hopefully we'll never fall in love or something that would be a fucking disaster.
SORRY FOR THIS LONG ASS ASK???? and thanku for reading????? muah💖
This is really beautiful it brings a tear to my eye. May your journey forward be beautiful and may he someday get some dick
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
synopsis: genshin men play instruments
warnings: not much, possibly spoilers for character backstories, mentions of carpal tunnel
characters: kaeya, zhongli, diluc, childe, kazuha
notes: first headcanons this is very self indulgent bc i play instruments and have played every instrument here (teehee) so these are based off real experiences i really wanted to give someone the bass but i could not think of anyone who would play the bass (i thought of ayato but i feel like he'd prefer a smaller instrument) anyways pls enjoy
•he gives off cello vibes imo
•he'd look so pretty while his hands skillfully worked the even more pretty instrument
•celloists are pretty tall (sometimes ik a couple that r very short) i feel like it suits him
•totally would use his skills to woo someone if he needed
•doesn't play much since he got older due to time and all that stuff
•doesn't own a cello at his own home probs has one at the dawn winery that diluc has tucked away
•loves playing ballads and tangos
•basic man. basic instrument violin (or viola bc he claims he "likes" the instrument, no one likes viola)
•ik a lot of tall ppl who play the tiny instrument so i feel like he'd also be one of those people
•plays ballads and really old songs from the past
•beautiful hands can do a vibrato perfectly
•his violin is sleek made with rosewood (he might've even created it himself)
•hutao begs him to play but he only pulls it out like a party trick lol
piano, i think everyone can agree he plays piano
•big grand piano only the best for the best
•can play any and every song doesn't even need to practice he's one of the freaks who can sight read abnormally well (lucky bastard)
•plays more often than zhongli or kaeya, when adelinde here's the sound of him playing she smiles a little bit, it means it's been a good day for master diluc
•kaeya used to bring him random sheet music and he'd play it for him (or they played the piano and cello together how cute)
•played for his father, he hardly plays now because it reminds diluc of him
•fucking band kid
•i can't decide between a alto sax or tenor sax
•he's one of those annoying shits that plays the star wars theme out of no where bc he just can
•despite that really good at his instrument and would play for his little siblings
•due to yk harbinger stuff he doesn't play anymore but if he could he would play almost everyday
•his fondest memories are him making music for old friends and family
•doesn't clean his spit valve
•reed is chewed up like how does he even play at all
•classical guitar
•he's self taught, when he was younger he didn't have any time for music but when he got older man he went all out
•likes any and every kinda song but plays a lot of spanish songs with good finger style
•also make sup his own songs (whether they sound good or not is debatable)
•can EAT at asturias like YUMMY WE LOVE ASTURIAS
•plays a lot esp on the alcor also can play acoustic but acoustic hurts his fingers
•his hands look so pretty but god they are shredded and they hurt all day that's why he got them bandages he's constantly in pain
•probs gonna get carpal tunnel if he doesn't fix his hand posture
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griefabyss69 · 9 months
THREE!!!!!!!!! OF THEM!!!???
Hello!!! Thank you for asking about this one I'm pretty excited about it! This is a newer WIP - Another steddissy started this year after a conversation with my friend. It's going to be a longer fic, because when I write in Chrissy's POV I'm incapable of keeping it short. This one is already 11K and honestly has just begun LMAO... I'll probably end up breaking it up into two fics because I can see a natural stopping point in the middle of the plot. Her backstory is a little made up in the way that fandom already has taken what little we were given about her and came to it's conclusions. I take the religious trauma of it all a little further, and so while it's not explicit in the text, she is from one of the c*lty sects of christianity, and is at the part of her story/healing where she's making moves to get out of it. Here's a long piece of it bc it's hard enough to decide on what to share!!!: (Contents: allusions to the shitty parts of christianity, rated T for vague horniness, canon levels of drugs)
When Chrissy had become friends with Eddie, she had liked how it seemed like their own private little thing.
Just two people showing each other the craziest stuff they could find from two different worlds - Eddie's were gifts and hers were something Eddie called a blurse, a blessing and a curse.
She had to agree, he gave her proper weed and let her pick through his hidden music collection and let her try on his clothes and -
-tried on her clothes.
And what she gave him in return had been stories, mostly. Things that even deeply into her indoctrination she had known felt weird, wondering if life really was always like that, or at the very least knowing she was never actually going to be what they wanted her to be.
So he cringed and laughed and sometimes got tears in his eyes and didn't even try to hide them and she got to have fun, mostly. Turned on, sometimes, but she thinks that if God didn't want that to happen then he shouldn't have let someone with Eddie's waist try on her cheer skirt.
Anyway, their private little bubble was comfortable and safe and she was trying so hard every day now, to keep the damned thing intact.
It's just that going to the secluded Christian College at the end of town everyday just happened to put her right into Eddie's area, and while everybody else thought she was studying at the library or going for a workout to keep in shape or if they were really out of the loop, on a date with her ex-boyfriend; she was with Eddie.
Yeah, sometimes she studied or did her homework at his place, if reading from the textbook out loud just to watch his smile fall further and further into disgusted horror when she found something really terrible counted as coursework.
Most of the time they shared exactly one joint, sat a respectable amount of inches apart on the couch, and ate whatever new thing he'd been trying out in the trailer's tiny kitchen.
Honestly it made her heart start singing praises that sounded nothing like hymns at all.
The bubble does, eventually, burst.
But it's not her fault, and it's not even Eddie's fault.
Steve Harrington rocks up to the trailer one evening, looking like he bathed in gold as the sun sets behind him, and Eddie's composure crumbles to the ground and rebuilds itself in two quick blinks, all right before her eyes.
Yeah, that has something inside of her withering to hide under a shadow, but it also does something beautiful for her heart anyway. She'd… not known, but maybe hoped, that if Eddie wasn't into her then it'd be because he's gay. Not for her ego or self esteem or anything, being Eddie's friend is like working at a self esteem factory, but because he's just so.
There's just something about him that's outside of everything rigid in her life, and she'd been maybe even too scared to think about it directly, but with how easily he acts around her even when he's being so polite with very particular things, how they can do a little bit of flirting and it's just for fun, even if she thinks way too hard about it later… maybe there's reason for that.
Guys don't just flirt with her and not follow up on it.
So the bubble has burst and Steve Harrington is here, reminding her about the way she also used to get flustered around him, though Eddie's doing a much better version of not letting it to get to him than she'd managed.
Though it wouldn't have been an issue if she'd gotten caught looking too long.
Her breath catches in her throat at the thought of Eddie getting found out and vows to protect him however she can, even though like, she could be reading this whole thing completely wrong.
Eddie protects her though, if not physically then from the first half of her day.
She keeps her eyes off of his bare forearms as he lets Steve in and gives him a familiar spiel, though usually he makes her hide in his room before letting someone in to do a sale. He must trust Steve enough, for some reason.
"Oh, hey! Chrissy, nice to see you," Steve greets her, the stubble on his face adding something extra to his smile that makes her want to put him in a bubble. "You also here for Eddie's… services?"
The way he says it honestly sounds… dirty, and she has to think of Antarctica and keep her breathing slow so she doesn't turn into a human tomato.
If Eddie's services were at all about sex then she'd…
"Sort of," she says, not sure how much Eddie wants him to know, not sure how much she trusts him. "Just a joint."
Steve nods, his smile relaxing into something more genuine at the corners, and it's weird for a second, because the smile before had looked plenty real.
"Nice choice," he says, nodding like he's actually impressed, and that's got to just be for conversation.
"Steve, you wanna stay and smoke with us?" Eddie asks, coming back down the hallway. "I was thinking about ordering a pizza."
Chrissy raises her eyebrows, unable to keep from looking surprised. Today was supposed to be what Eddie said was a perfected recipe day, something he'd been working on and she'd been his audience for.
She'd tried his first attempt and one in the middle, and if he'd improved it anymore since then, she wanted it.
Eddie shoots her a wink - a sorry, thanks for putting up with his bullshit, and a promise to fill her in later all in one.
"That um, honestly sounds good," Steve says, and under Chrissy's scrutiny he looks… just as awkward as Eddie does.
It's like watching seventh graders compliment each other's braces.
She smiles, tosses a piece of hair over her shoulder, and spins to head off down the hall.
"Awesome! I'll be right back," she calls, going into the bathroom so she can try to condense the supernova of what might be affection or even just plain excitement down into three minutes of silent shrieking.
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