solarpunkswy · 1 year
Remember to avoid fast fashion! Wear the clothes you like, style them in different ways, and make your own fashion choices! We don't need websites and companies like Shein that profit off of the abuse of workers. Thrift and shop locally if you need. Learning how to sew is a rewarding hobby and will allow you to make your own unique accessories as well!
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 5 months
Warning Writers and Artist
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If you see this or something similar in your messages or asking about if your art uses AI or if you use AI for your fics, do not engage them directly.
There is someone going around that is outright accusing people of using AI for works of theirs and asking to prove it. Either through showing their process with a video but the platform they used or the programs and are just being pushy about it. And while it can feel tempting to answer, it is just to get to harass artist and writers into complying about AI in any works. And from a cursory glance, they seem be going after popular blogs/ artists/ or specific ships that are being asked to be questioned. (I will not name which ships as that is not my business but I will tag in ones I am familiar with).
As for the person that asked me this, I will be candid and say this: Asking someone if they use AI in their works is not conductive to ones time. I only have a cursory understanding of AI vs Human in the arts debate as I know there is a lot of discussions about it and yes, it is scary times because of the scraping of fics and art. I considers myself an artist/ writer, so I am a strong believer in human touch as being necessary for any artistic front. But the subject of AI tools is not something I know all details about and cannot provide an answer I would be confident I can provide a suitable answer to this conversation. Also keep in mind - Microsoft and/ google docs use AI for editing purposes or suggestions unless you turn it off, so make of that what you will. (Or if you have a plug in with AI that give a suggestion of what to write in some websites so there is that too).
But if you are the person that I have heard that is going around and asking people for proof of creation - it causing more headaches than good and asking for "proof of it" is also potentially harmful for showing this unnecessary proof. Such as exposing someones computer background information or anything on their computer or names on files linking actual real life people.
There are ways to make sure that art is not scraped - such as artist finding programs to prevent their images from being used for AI searches to writers using sites like Ao3 that offer locking works from getting scrapped from AI that at as guests that are not registered to the system. It is not prefect, but it is a start. If that is what you are looking to accomplish, then promote the good ways to prevent AI from scraping works from content creator and or finding new methods to promote human artist/ writers in fandoms.
Asking me if I use AI is not one of them. And no, I will not be proving myself or showing off my works for anyone's amusement to rile up drama. If you want to ask about my genuine thought process or ideas for fics and concerns if I use AI, ask in the comments below. Let's talk publicly about this.
Otherwise, I see this as just someone trying get me to cause drama before more content comes out for a certain fandom. And I don't have the time nor patience for people looking to cause issues because you are bored.
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findingher · 1 year
A talent for creating difficult situations 🥂 - Rear Window
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thebennettdiaries · 1 year
Ship Bonnie Bennett with all the things and don’t let anyone ever try to take your fan card for it.  One of the amazing things about fandom is the ability to take someone you love, someone you are passionate about and just let her live in ways the show couldn’t be bothered to show.  You can explore so many facets and just have fun.  
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hornyitaliankitty · 5 months
Where would you take me on a date? And what would we do?
Pls, nothing sexual related
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cloned-eyes · 6 months
I can't, the Krampus Tech has me in a headlock and I refuse to get out of it!! 😳😳😳
With that said, is it okay if I write something around the artwork? I have something in my mind and I want to ask permission first before I do. 👉👈
*taps microphone* be free my child, do as you like. Let havoc rain down
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puppetmaker40 · 2 months
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Seriously do. I can attest to being in this tribe and our numbers are vast. You are creative. Everyone is. Cooking? Creative. Being able to see a pile of clothes and a closet and know how you are going to put them in there. Creative. Anyone who says they are not creative are lying to themselves or have been so beat down by being told they can’t or why do they think they can do that or you will never make a living at that. Maybe not at first, but you can practice and learn and get to the point people will pay you for your creativity.
I believe in you even if we never met. I believe in people and their abilities.
Try something creative and you might surprise yourself.
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totallyradicalmucky · 3 months
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Which Sorbette flavor is your favorite?
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tangerinecherrygal · 1 year
TW: Discussion of SA
authors loooove to use SA as a phoenix moment for character growth, when it’s really not. not at all.
SA survivors shouldn’t be expected to grow from an experience that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. people can definitely grow from the experience through dealing with the trauma, but at the end of the day it’s not just a plot point. it’s a horrible thing that nobody should ever have to go through no matter what. nobody should have to work through their trauma from this bc it. shouldn’t. happen.
there are other things that can drive growth and to paint SA as the only way to achieve that (it happens to female characters especially) is doing a huge disservice to the readers and most importantly the survivors.
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Be kind to yourself creatively
This post is mainly about original characters
So I wrote this sentiment in a collection of tags on a different post, but I wanted to actually write it all down in my own post.
This is the post that triggered my ramble.
On that post I put in my tags something along the lines of sharing your ocs with others helps you grow them because someone might highlight something you hadn't thought about before, which then leads to character growth. I think it then also spiralled me into saying something about making comparisons, and that when I was younger I would often find myself comparing whatever original works/characters/art I had created to other people's and that it stunted my confidence and therefore my creativity.
I suppose the reason I'm rambling about this is because I have been creating original characters for, gosh, years now and I have had a lot of time to make mistakes and I hope that I can offer advice to people who might be starting out or are just feeling a little low about their work!
So, here goes, with the full capacity of my lungs:
Or you'll catch a rogue Goose coming for your knees-
Seriously, be kind, because everyone has to start out somewhere and I will put money on it that no one starts out with a perfectly developed original character or works.
You're allowed to take baby steps.
You're allowed to be rough around the edges.
Never compare whatever you create to anyone else because we are all walking a different path. You may compare your newly born original character to one that has been worked on for years and therefore the comparison is unfair!
Even then, even if you compared two equally fleshed out characters to each other, the comparisons would still be unfair; you know why? Because they are individuals. No one character is the same and creativity is SUBJECTIVE.
So please, whether you've been making original characters for a long time or have only just started, remember this:
Be kind to yourself
Walk your creative path at your own pace <3
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cissy-side-thoughts · 9 months
State of Being Creative
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I am a Creative person.
I have always veered towards the arts. Dance when I was younger in elementary, Singing in my middle school years, Theatre throughout there as well. But the one thing that has always stuck has been Art.
Ever since when I can remember, Art was apart of my life. A craft table at home in my young childhood. My first art teacher in elementary, sparking my interest. Then my long standing Art instructor for six years. Taught so much.
Creating makes me happy. It helps me let go. It’s such an expressive outlet. I’ve been told I have talent for it. Through art blocks and ruts, I perservere.
Writing has grown my creativity as well. This started in my high school years with an excellent Composition instructor. Now I write almost every day. It also makes me happy. I create worlds. For myself. And for others.
Through Art, Writing, and smaller creativities, I have found passion. I have grown Creativity. I was pressured and molded until I became a diamond of expression.
I am a Creative person.
Discussing Strengths Challenge
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smoking-witch · 3 months
I follow accts that 1) post original content, or 2) interact w my original content. // I quietly love on accts that reblog content like mine, bc they'll prolly reblog me at some point. // I block accts that post AI art/plagiarize in general, bc eschew bootlickers
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devenrue · 2 months
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Did I just make an aggressively creative graphic to slap on a bunch of stuff because it's too perfect a phrase not to? Yes, yes I did. You know where to find them.
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ane-doodles · 17 days
Man I would like to know how to write storie-
YOU KNOW WHAT? If anyone wants to write something based on this post, they are totally free to do so...
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peachy-lemon83 · 9 months
This is a notice to all the Link Click fanfic writers out there. I feel like a lot of people are scared to write fanfics before season 2 ends because the show could go a whole other direction at the drop of a hat it seems. (I’m sure it’s more manageable since episode 10 now but still). Fanfics are there to disrupt canon, go in a full opposite direction then canon. Make stories for your theories from episode 2. Write a fic about where you thought we were going 5 episodes ago. It doesn’t matter if it’s not true, if that theory’s been disproven at this point. I want to read all the wild different directions people were thinking about! I want the people who hate season 2 to fix it, to write their own season 2 within their fanfic. Just fully take off with where we left off in season 1, and now you can use bits and pieces from season 2 if you want.
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