#be careful guys this is how you get demon cooties
zephyrchama · 5 months
Paper cuts come when you least expect them. You thought it was pathetic that a mature human such as yourself couldn't even flip a page without slicing their skin open, but old Devildom books were made of the worst paper. Super thin, and sharp like a blade when touched at the wrong angle.
The small distraction sucked you out of the novel you were reading and back into reality. You shut the book and shook your hand, waiting for the pain to run its course. These actions did not go unnoticed.
"Let me see your hand," Satan murmured. He was suddenly looming over your armchair and gently cupping your fingers.
"It's not bad, don't worry." You were more concerned about the book's pages. Satan's collection had a lot of rare and expensive tomes. The novel in your lap looked fine, but how angry would Satan get if a drop of blood spilled onto it? He might not verbally assault you like he would others, but you feared he'd sulk about it for at least a few weeks.
Satan pulled a square cloth from his back pocket. He paused to stare at it. It looked fine. Maybe a little wrinkled, but nothing that should have made him frown. "My handkerchief is dirty."
He roughly shoved it back into the pocket and instead lifted the hem of his shirt, then lightly blotted at your wound with the still-warm fabric.
"Hey! Nooo, that's just going to make your clothes harder to clean later." You went to jerk your arm back, but Satan's gentle hold turned into an iron grip. Those abs weren't just for show. "It's gonna stain! Knock it off. I can lick it or something."
"Oh, good idea." Satan's shirt slid back down as he dropped it and knelt. He rested his elbows on the seat cushion, one on either side of your legs.
"I can do it! I can do it!" You tried to stop him, but he was already seductively dragging his tongue over your fingertip. "Don't even thi-- ahhh, Satan come on!"
There was far more blood rushing through your face than in the tiny little cut. It astounded you how Satan could pull off an embarrassing action so smoothly, without hesitation.
"Are you done yet?" You didn't know if it had been five seconds or five minutes, but you thought it was long enough.
"Mmh." He mercifully stopped, giving your palm a quick peck. "Move over."
The armchair was meant for one, but it was big and cushy. If you scooted to the side it could probably fit two. "Why?"
Satan was already climbing into the space next to you, raising you onto his legs. "I'm gonna make sure it doesn't happen again. I'll read to you."
He leaned back into the chair, pulling you along with him, and curled an arm around your waist to reach the novel. "So, which page were you on?"
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
Babysitting in the Devildom- Mammon and Levi: MINE! VS ME TOO!
You and Lucifer reached the livingroom, where everyone was supposed to be watching Solomon's magic show.
Supposed to be.
However the only thing that may have resembled a magic show would have been the smoke in the air.
Solomon was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, with a blackened pot of...something. You thanked the stars when you saw that Satan, was in fact not the cause of panic, as Simeon had taken it upon hinself to distract him with more cat videos. Asmo was in the corner, making faces at himself in a mirror you could only assume Solomon had materialized for him. Barbatos was trying to keep Luke calm and Diavolo looked close to tears as he sat on the floor near him. You could hear Beel and Belphie crying from the kitchen, but what concerned you the most were the two little demons quite literally throwing each other across the room.
"That doll is MINE!"
"First of all, she's a figurine, second of all, SHE'S NOT YOURS!"
Leviathan then used his tail to whip Mammon and run to you with what looked to be a plastic Ruri-chan figurine. However, his little legs didn't take him far enough, fast enough, as Mammon used his wings to propel himself forward and tackle Levi to the ground, where they continued to wrestle.
You felt Lucifer shift next to you. Before he was able to say anything to his brothers you knelt down to talk to him again. "Hey Luci. I know you wanted to help me with your brothers, but I need someone who knows how to be a friend. You see Diavolo? He seems kind of nervous being around so many kids he doesn't know. Do you know how you can help him?"
"Of course I do!" He huffed. With his priorities shifted, Lucifer made his way with confidence to Diavolo, as this was all too familiar chaos to him.
Now back to the other two, who were still going at it, however, it was clear Levi was getting tired. Mammon grabbed his wrist.
"Why ya punching yourself, huh? Huh? Why ya punching yourself? Ya see this doll?" Mammon ripped the figurine from Levi's other hand, dangled it in front of him and licked it. "It's MINE now."
"Eww! Levi don't touch it, it has yucky germs now. It has Mammon-cooties!!" Asmo piped up from his little corner.
"Shuddap Asmo! I got the doll now, I got the doll now, it's mine, all MINE!" Mammon danced around gleefully as he waved Ruri-chan through the air. Leviathan retreated to another corner in the room crying.
"What a crybaby! I bet he couldn't ev-"
"Mammon." Your voice rang with a clear warning.
"Uh-oh." Immediately, he started running away from you. You let him run. If he could still do that, then he wasn't badly injured, and Leviathan could be your priority. You gently placed a hand on his back, to which he flinched.
"O-oh, it's just you."
"Are you ok Levi? Did you get hurt?"
"N-no, not really. I just really like Ruri-chan, and Solomon summoned it for me because he told me you used your powers again to help him know what we like but then Mammon came over and tried to take it from me because he wanted to have the biggest toy pile in the universe, but I told him Ruri-chan was not a toy, and he said it looked like a doll and that I don't deserve to have cool toys so I should give it to him and that made me really mad because he does this all the time." Levi took a small, shaky breath. "I'm sorry I'm talking so much. You have better things to do than talk to someone like me.
"Levi, I need you to understand something." He turned so that he could see you a little better, despite having his head on his knees. "What is it?" He whispered, almost aftaid of the answer you would give him. "You are incredible, and I love and appreciate you for who you are. If there's anything you want to talk to me about- good or bad- please do! I love hearing your ideas and I want to help you, ok? Sometimes I might need you to wait a minute, but I will always make the time to listen to you, alright? Also, I can get Solomon to summon some more figurines for you, ok?"
He started crying again. He threw himself at you for a hug. "You're the best!" You held him for a moment before you registered that youstill had to find Mammon, check Beel and Belphie, make sure Lucifer wasn't smothering Diavolo, relieve Barbatos from baby duty, thank Simeon for helping with Satan, and reprimand Solomon for leaving them alone as well as ignoring what you said.
Ok Levi, I'm gonna go talk to Mammon."
"Ok." You stood up, but to your surprise, Levi latched himself to your leg. "If I stay close to you, nobody can spend more time with you than me! Lucifer already got time with you, so I need to have more time than him....even if it means seeing Mammon." You smiled down at him, ruffled his hair, and hobbled over to Barbatos. "Hey Barbatos. Thank you for helping with Luke. I know he can be fussy, I can take him back." Barbatos hesitated. "You know? I kind of like holding the baby. Maybe I can still hold him if I sit down?" You felt a bit of relief as Barbatos situated himself on the couch and reached out to accept Luke again. If he was content with the baby, it gave you two less children to worry about. You glanced over at Diavolo and Lucifer, who had found a deck of cards and were playing a game. They were fine for the time being, so you walked into the kitchen, where Solomon was still trying to make dinner despite the cries of the twins on the floor. You tried to keep yourself calm, as you didn't want to scare the kids by lashing out at the only other caretaker they had.
"Solomon." He stopped stirring the boiling monstrosity he had on the stove and turned to look at you. "What? You were taking a while with Lucifer, so I took the liberty to summon some toys and make dinner. You should be proud of me."
"Excuse me? I gave you very, VERY simple instructions to follow, and because you didn't listen, Mammon and Levi got into a fight, scared Diavolo, and the twins are bawling! Simeon and Barbatos are being more of an adult than you are! And your "dinner" isn't edible, not even by baby Beel standards!" You felt a tug on your pant leg. You hadn't noticed, but the twins had made their way to you, but Levi made it impossible for them to grab the same leg he was on.
Solomon was quiet. You sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you. Let's just order some dinner. Also...do you know if the twins are wearing diapers?" Your face contorted in disgust as one of the twins sat on your foot, to which the texture was unpleasant.
"Great! To make it up to me, you can change them and order dinner. I'm going to go find Mammon."
But I-" you walked away, and headed in the direction Mammon had run, stopping to thank Simeon on the way, and to have Levi readjust hinself on your leg so you could walk faster. You walked for a while, Levi still holding onto your leg. You sighed after about ten minutes of looking. You looked down at Levi. "I guess he'll come back when he's ready, huh?" Levi nodded, then shook his head, leaving you confused. He cleared his throat, tightened his grip on your leg. and whispered, "I have an idea." "I GET TO BE WITH MC AND YOU DON'T! MC'S GONNA GET ME MORE FIGURINES THAN YOU! I GET MORE TIME WITH M-" You were brought down from behind, Levi getting out of the way before you fell on top of him.
"SHUT UP LEVI! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Mammon stood up straight, ready to pounce again in his demon form, while Levi hid behind your recovering form. "MC IS THE COOLEST PERSON WE'VE EVER MET AND YOU MADE THEM ANGRY AT ME! NOW THEY HATE ME, AND LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS GET IN TROUBLE! I ALWAYS DO THE WRONG THING! AND THE ONE PERSON THAT I COULD HAVE TRIED TO BE OK WITH HATES ME! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING LEVI! JUST LIKE ALWAYS, JUst like always..." He choked out the last few words. His eyes were filled with tears he refused to shed in front of Levi. Tiny fists by his side, shoulders raised, and uneven breaths left him as he avoided your eyes. You could feel Levi bristling next to you at the weight of Mammon's accusation. You stood up and ruffled Levi's hair in an attempt to calm him down without using words. He locked eyes with you, and immediately backed down. He hid behind you again, glaring at Mammon, but he wasn't trying to kill him, so you considered it a win. Mammon still wasn't letting himself cry, using his sleeve to stop the tears from rolling down his cheeks. You knelt in front of Mammon and gently turned his face towards you. He stopped swiping at his tears, letting them finally fall as he held your hand in place on his face. You pulled him in to hug him, which he gladly accepted and buried his face into your shoulder. You gently stroked the back of his head while you held him. You stayed like that for a while before you spoke.
He clung onto your shirt tighter, trying to hide his face even more. He started shaking, so you held him a little tighter, hushing him gently. After a few more minutes, you tried again.
"Mammon." His grip tightened again. "Hun, I'm not going to let you go, I just need you to know I'm not mad at you. I know it's hard for you to share. That's ok! I still think you're "THE GREAT MAMMON!!" Nothing will ever change that. I know that you're a good kid." Mammon hadn't moved at all.
"....why? Why are you being so nice? Even my own brothers think I'm a bad kid. I'm always the bad kid. I don't know why, but I always want more. I don't care what it is, but I always want more and I always end up upsetting everyone. So why even try and be a good kid? Lucifer's the good kid, Levi's the shy kid, Asmo's the cute kid, and the twins are the youngest, so it doesn't matter what they do! And they always tell me I'm dumb and scummy! And I am dumb because I don't even know what scummy means! Even Asmo knows! And he's four! I-....I need a friend. Lucifer is already talking to the cool kid in red, the green hair guy likes babies and I don't want to get close to the baby like the other guy......so guess what? You get to be my friend! You're not allowed to say no!!" You blinked a couple times. Kids are confusing. You weren't quite sure how Mammon had reached that topic after just spilling his guts, but you tried to keep up. You didn't want to bring up his other comments again, worried about making him upset. All you knew was that Mammon needed a protection squad, even if said "squad" was just you alone.
"Of course I'll be your friend! Maybe...maybe the "Great Mammon" will even let me be his best friend?" He pushed away from you, flashing his million dollar smile. "Oh, maybe. I'll have to think about it." Levi cleared his throat behind you. "Hey, I thought I was your best friend!!"
"YOU'VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!" Mammon yelled. Levi just nodded. He bit his lip, looking unsure of something, then launched himself at Mammon. You were going to intervene, however, the fighting didn't ensue as you had thought. Instead a very emotional Levi had his arms wrapped around his big brother.
"....You know, if you can be nice, I can share my figurines with you. Then we can have the biggest...um..toy pile in the universe....and you're actually a pretty good big brother when you're not taking my stuff. Remember that time you got my comics back from Lucifer? That was really cool. I want to be cool like you, because I know I'm not anywhere near as cool and-" Your hand on his shoulder was enough to settle him down. Mammon was in a state of shock, then started to boast.
"Of course ya wanna be like me! I'm the Great Mammon! And...uh, you're actually not bad.....ok you're pretty cool too. Thanks for giving me another chance."
And audible sigh of relief left your lips as the three of you made your way back to the main area, where everything seemed relatively calm. Simeon was still keeping an eye on Satan, however he had been dealt into the game Diavolo and Lucifer were playing. Lucifer was sitting almost behind Diavolo in order to distance himself from Satan, and waved, smiled and gave a thumbs up when you walked in. You returned the gestures in turn, and checked on Barbatos, who was playing peek-a-boo with Luke. Asmo was still making faces at himself. Mammon and Levi strted playing nicely together with the toys Solomon had summoned for Mammon. You walked into the kitchen to find that Solomon had cleaned it. You found him on the floor "playing" with the twins. He was summoning food almost non-stop for Beel and Belphie was asleep on the floor next to him.
"Oh, hey." Solomon greeted you. "Hey. How's it going?" You plopped down next to Solomon as he summoned another snack for Beel. You watched in amusement as Beel worked his way through a slice of watermelon that was nearly double his size. "It's fine...I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you." You forgave him and just took in the stillness of the moment.
Again, the stillness of the moment.
And then the yell came.
From Asmo.
You turned to Solomon as Asmo's message rang loud and clear.
Oh boy.
Chapter 5
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Dante (DMC5) x Reader Oneshot
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A nice little fun writing since I’m trying to relax after working so hard today. I hope you guys enjoy it! I’ve been in a very DMC and sons of Sparda mood. Dante belongs to his creators, I’m just an ornery gal making some love to spread.
Warning: Includes mature content, all characters are 18+
Pairing: Dante x Reader (For all my sexy gals out there!)
Small summary: Nero has a best friend named Y/N. Of course, she’s significantly younger than the twins, but safely in her twenties-thirties. However, that doesn’t mean she can’t get along and have fun with the best of them when invited by Nero to come to hang out and party despite being mundane. ;) Continue at your own risk.
“Y/N...I’m telling you, my uncle especially knows how to throw down and party; he’s lots of fun,” Nero smirked, relaxing on the couch with his arm securely around Kyrie. “You mean Dante? Isn’t he like older though?” You rebutted softly. “Yeah, but he’s part demon. C’mon. You know you want to try to party with us.” You paused softly, allowing your mind to process all kinds of fun scenarios and imagining what Nero’s uncle was like. Especially considering how Nero was.
“I guess I could try to party with you guys...You guys like pizza, right?” Nero immediately smiled mischievously at you. “Where the hell’d you learn to ask questions?”
The next thing you knew you were happily dancing to music blaring from the jukebox with Kyrie and Nero, happily had your favorite drink in your hand and had happily scarfed down some pizza at the Devil May Cry office. Nero’s uncle and father hadn’t arrived yet, but you had heard part of the phone call with Nero’s uncle. “There will be at least one sexy babe there, right deadweight?” Nero’s nostrils flared and you saw the flames light in his eyes as you heard a laugh and a different voice snort. “If you mean Kyrie, yeah,” Nero growled and hung up.
You let it slide. Nero was obviously very flustered and fired up now. Kyrie did her best to calm him down, which led to them slow dancing closely. You were beginning to feel awkward and like the third wheel when the doors finally opened. In strolled Dante and Vergil themselves. Soon, a few more invitees also came in.
Vergil wore an extremely disapproving look, but that was definitely aimed more at the party than you. “You must be Nero’s friend, Y/N...I’ve heard of you before,” he spoke calmly. So he was the one that had snorted on the other side with Dante? You spluttered a bit. Of course, he was older, but he didn’t look THAT old. He was quite attractive and well-poised, and as opposed to Dante’s free hair, Vergil’s was swept back carefully out of his face.
“O-Oh! Yes. I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you. You are Nero’s dad, right?” You were pretty sure you had it right but you wanted to be sure. “Indeed, that is the case. If you’ll please pardon me, I don’t have much care for gatherings.” You smiled as you watched him move to grab a slice of pizza and book from the desk before carefully moving upstairs. You could tell he was a bit more reserved than the younger twin, but at least he talked to you!
You turned back to the party and allowed your eyes to travel over the party-goers. Nero and Kyrie were swapping cooties on the couch for a moment before you saw them cautiously slip out the back door. Everyone seemed to be having a fun time. But there was someone missing...You rapidly searched around until your eyes landed on the faded red jacket and the shoulder-length feathery white hair.
You fixed your clothes and hair carefully before moving in to stand beside him. His hands were full with a glass of whiskey and a slice of pizza in the other, but his eyes looked you over once he noticed you there. “Well, hey there toots. And who might you be?”  The blush that fled to your cheeks couldn’t be prevented. “I’m Y/N. And you’re Nero’s uncle?” He was SMOKIN’.
“Yup, that would be me. And you’re Nero’s friend...the one I’ve heard so much about. I hear you’re one feisty little thing, aren’t cha?” An idea struck you and you decided to try it. “Hm...I’m not quite sure, would you maybe care to find out?” you flirted back.  A loud cough swiftly rose from his chest and he took a swig of his drink. “Every time. Damn olives. Are you sure you’re old enough to ride this ride, kiddo? I wouldn’t want Nero to get upset.”
You smirked at him. “Do you see Nero around? I, for one, saw him sneak out with Kyrie just a bit ago. I’m also an adult despite your flattery. Do you need to check my license to make sure I can ride you?” Dante was obviously flabbergasted and nearly coughed again before letting out a laugh. “Nah, toots. I trust you. So, what are you drinking tonight?”
“Ooo, my kinda gal.” The two of you continued back and forth before the tension continued to build to an intolerable level. “Oh, fuck it.” Dante finally caved. The flirting game had extended long enough. His large calloused hand grabbed yours quickly before he pulled you upstairs, and that was it.
Your back hit the door as your mouths melded together feverishly. You pulled at each other’s clothes rapidly and were soon skin to burning skin. Your hands were tangled deeply in his hair when he finally pulled his lips away slowly. “Shit, you’re beautiful. Are you ready?” A quick nod was all the response he needed and smirked.
“Mmph. Upsie daisy. Remember to keep arms and legs inside the ride at all times, or on me~ And most of all, enjoy yourself~” He lifted you up carefully by the thighs and captured your lips again before grinding his hips against your heat slowly. His size and heat was something to marvel at. “Well that’s a mighty warm welcome.” he groaned softly. He placed your body carefully on the bed before looming over you.
Despite being adequately slickened, tears still softly pricked at your eyes as he entered. He moaned, low and dark. “I’m going to make you completely forget those tears. Hang on tight.” He pulled you close and you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck as he began to move. It hurt for a bit before it began to bloom into unfathomable pleasure. He knew what he had and what to do with it.
When he registered your bated breaths and soft moans instead of more tears, he picked up the pace roughly. You couldn’t hold back the moans that left your mouth. The stretch of his girth began to feel so good and he withdrew almost completely before pushing it back in completely. You were also extremely thankful the music was so loud downstairs. “Yeah, are you feeling good now, babe?”
You were beginning to see stars in your vision as the heat in your abdomen grew hotter and hotter with each of his thrusts. Your back arched beneath him and he went even deeper than he had before, and that’s when you completely lost it. With a sharp cry, the climax hit you like a speeding bullet train. Dante moaned as you clenched down on him. “There you go. Fuck, Y/N.”
He began to thrust his hips even faster and you were nearly overstimulated when he pulled out quickly, hand tightly around his throbbing cock. “Shit, hold still.” he moaned out as torrents of hot cum began to spurt from the head of his engorged cock and began to land on your breasts. Dante shuddered and his skin flushed gorgeously. “God, you’re so amazing. Not a fucking word to Nero or any of your friends. Or I will punish and spank you.”
“Dante, you might have to change that punishment.”
“Why’s that, toots?”
“...I like spanking.”
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Wynonna Earp 2x07 Everybody Knows
Click here for previous recaps!
Stray thoughts
1) Okay… the “Previously On…” brings up several interesting points from season 1 – Bobo telling Waverly she’s not even an Earp, and Wynonna not really buying they’ve truly defeated the seven revenants. I hope this doesn’t ruin my figuring things out on my own as I watch this episode…
2) The Creepster’s sisters are pretending they fell asleep like everyone else and that they don’t know about the widows, but Wynonna is not buying it. Trust your instincts, girl.
3) A+ writing.
WYNONNA: Mercedes wasn't Mercedes! Usually, she's a fun bitch, not a bitch bitch, which is like "Whoa, bitch," but - It's a bitch thing.
I also noticed this is how Wynonna deflected and avoided answering Dolls’ questions about her seeing a doctor. But like, when would she have seen one? She found out she was pregnant and then boom! 3 to 6 months passed and they’ve been fighting demons since then, so...
4) I genuinely laughed at this…
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5) Wynonna got a head rush and Dolls immediately called Doc and told him they had a Code Rainbow, and I can’t wait to find out how and when they came up with a code for Wynonna-related situations, and why is it called Rainbow? 
6) The widows are burning Clootie’s head and she whispers “Holliday” and what about the connection between Clootie and Doc? And now someone is coming after Doc?! But they seem to be from the Wild West, like literally? WTF
7) This is the most Wynonna thing a pregnant Wynonna could do…
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8) Dolls and Doc literally dragged a doctor to Wynonna’s to have her checked. Bless them. Also, bless the doctor. She seems like a cool lady who takes no bullshit and genuinely cares about her patient.
9) Doc is coughing… is he… getting his tuberculosis back now that Cootie is dead? Is their bond broken and he’s no longer immortal?
10) This is such a Spike reaction…
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12) Oh lord, Doc is having one of those days where nothing is coming up Doc! Now he’s been marked for capture and execution for a warrant that was filed against him 135 FUCKING YEARS AGO! Damn, these people know how to hold a grudge! Isn’t there a statute of limitations on these things?
13) Waverly is freaking out about Doc not being the dad, and tbh, so am I. He will be totally crushed!
14) And now Wynonna has to break it to him and he’s being the sweetest most perfect gentlemen and I’m crying?
DOC: So… May I ask - are you doing alright? WYNONNA: Of course you can ask. DOC: Things have changed since my day regarding male participation in these matters but I'll be as involved as you desire. No more, no less. All I want, and excuse me for being old-fashioned, is for you to be healthy for you to be as close to happy as possible. And I will do anything, I will give anything to ensure it. WYNONNA: You're such an asshole. DOC: Maybe I said it wrong.
He’s going to get his heartbroken, isn’t he?
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And of course, she didn’t tell him...
JEREMY: I mean, imagine the little rascal if he has Doc's piercing blue eyes and Wynonna's luscious hair. I swear, seriously, we are going to be defenseless against such a glorious creature.
He even wants to babysit their baby, and so do I! But why is he assuming it’s going to be a boy? I’d wager it’s a girl. 
16) You know, everyone gives Jeremy such a hard time, but he’s such a trooper. Accidentally or not, he just found some key evidence to figure out whether Mercedes and her sisters are the widows, okay? And he also figured out the location of the seal before that. He might be a doofus, but he gets shit done and he deserves some respect.
17) Nicole is mommysitting Wynonna and I love it, these two can and should become besties.
18) OMG Waverly just spilled the beans about the baby quite possibly not being Doc’s…
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No, she won’t be better off!!! 
19) So… Wynonna’s alter ego is Aphrodite and she is a stripper who worked at Pussy Willows. Sounds about right. But Wynonna is not about to tell her one-night stand that he might be a baby daddy. Instead… she plans on stealing a glass with his saliva on it to do a paternity test. That is the most rational way to deal with this situation.
20) WTF!
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Is she having a revenant baby?!! Can revenants even have babies?!
21) I died!
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22) And now Dolls is congratulating Doc and it’s like he’s inadvertently rubbing salt in his wound…
23) Nicole is getting hammered because she’s having all of Wynonna’s drinks. And now the revenant shows himself and he seems to be aware he had a one-night stand with the one and only Heir…
24) OMG Jeremy has just locked all them in here with his binding spell, didn’t he? Because they inhaled the thingy he was trying to bind?! This is not looking good for Doc! And Jeremy’s reaction…
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25) Nicole is the cutest and the dumbest drunk but she still has game, I love her.
26) They are literally bound together, like one moves, the others do, too… Please let this last forever…
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27) Or maybe not!
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This whole scene was comedy gold!
28) The Sheriff who is after Doc is a phantom, they cannot hurt him, except… Dolls did? How?!
29) Wynonna just said “Abort! Abort!” and apologized to the baby and I died hahahaha!
30) Well, I guess this whole being bound together has brought some issues to the surface…
DOLLS: This is about a girl? You're the most selfish guy I know. You do whatever you want, whenever you want, and then when you get in trouble, you bring everybody down with you. DOC: Oh, I thought we were gonna be mature about things. I was leaving to face my demons on my own, which is how I work best. DOLLS: Wynonna, that baby, they need you, so this whole lone-wolf shit that you're doing, it ain't gonna cut it. 'Cause guess what, Doc, you're gonna be a daddy. DOC: Well, it is quite possible that I ain't. I reckon that should put your mind at ease.
Dolls does make a great point about Doc needing to stick around for Wynonna and the baby, whether it’s his or not. But I think what Doc was trying to do was take his problems somewhere else and not pile them on Wynonna and possibly put her and the baby in danger. Fleeing is always his first response in the face of trouble, but he has stuck around, hasn’t he?
31) Okay, now they’re facing a whole army of ghosts. That should be a piece of cake.
32) Wynonna now needs to figure out how to deal with the may-be revenant daddy of her might-be heir/revenant baby. Waverly suggests offing him, but… that feels wrong, somehow? It’s the baby’s daddy, after all. Wynonna is looking for an alternative, though.
33) Doc is about to be executed and he’s just told Dolls and Jeremy that he’s not going down without a fight, and like, if they’re still bound, that’s going to be hilarious.
34) Dolls just spoke on behalf of Doc and called him his brother and I’m over here like awwwwwwww! And he literally saved Doc by outranking the Sheriff. He actually pardoned Doc! They’re bros in love!
35) Oh god, I take it back, I take it back! He so does deserve to be shot in the fucking dick!
DOUCHEBAG: I remember that night. You stumbling in all doe-eyed drunk, working those West-coast hips to a little Lana teasing out lap dances for free. WAVERLY: Stop it! DOUCHEBAG: The place was crawling with revenants, and here you were performing for them all. Of course, I was the only one that knew you were the heir. I admit I was hoping you'd be a bit more of a challenge. I always heard you had a mouth on you. And you do. Hmm, baby, one smile from me, and those legs - popped right open. WAVERLY: Shut - your stupid, sexist pie hole! DOUCHEBAG: I believe we were talking - about her pie hole. WAVERLY: Enough. DOUCHEBAG: You see, we always thought the best way to defeat the heir was to kill her, Lucky for us, she's a whore who defeated herself by letting one of us get inside of her.
Bless Wynonna, she shot him. I just can’t believe she let him go that far. She still doesn’t know if the baby was his, though. And I know that plot-wise it would be much more interesting for the baby to be an heir/revenant hybrid, but can it please be Doc’s? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
36) “As Earp as you and me.” Now, that was a trigger…
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Well, it was about damn time this was addressed, right? But like... now I’m afraid Waverly might be an heir/revenant hybrid herself? The douchebag mentioned it had happened once before, right? But then she would be an Earp... 
37) What a fun episode! Damn, this show is always such a wild ride, and I have so much fun watching it! I’ll continue to pray for the baby to be Doc’s, okay? Although I’m 99% it’s going to be the revenant’s because plot twist, am I right? And whose daughter is Waverly? What about her history, indeed? And how did she end up with the Earps? Who is she connected to?
38) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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A list of wild quotes from my freshman year
It’s that time again kids
“Why is it wrong?” “Because it’s wrong?”
“Never get in a rotten egg fight kids”
“Look how veiny my leaf is”
“Coffee is my dad”
“Ariel castrate and the Austrian dickhead”
“Sleep is just death without the commitment”
“Is this a vine?”
“I ate some ice cream and then threw up in an alley way”
“I bleached my hair on a bet”
“Do snakes jump”
“We’re gonna watch the magic school bus”
“She did not consent to that!”
“Is it weird that when I hurt I hurt”
*eats a donut I found under a desk*
“We’re struggling together”
“ooo it’s almost time to skedaddle”
“Grass is a superfood”
“Do moths have penises?”
“We only stan cardboard paper in this town.” “Aka school fries”
“Give me Hayley kiyoko or give me death”
“I’m a pretty cool error too”
“Time can eat me”
“I’m as straight as a dick”
“19 isn’t a real number”
“3 is evil”
“Weird flex but ok” (coming from our 22yr old student teacher who didn’t understand memes)
*faintly in a silent hallway* “PUSSY”
“God is actually an alien, change my mind”
“You promised me you’d throw me out the window”
“Passing period is rebirth”
“Science can meet me in the pit”
“She has 2008 eyebrows”
“What’re you gonna do, send dick pics through audio”
“bro omg nihilism radiates off of u its inspiring”
“I threw up twice, I just wanted to let you know”
“Tell me the secrets of the universe u little knock off kermit”
“so u have a frog in ur head and I have a demonic entity, that’s pretty fuckin wild dude”
“The bubble just suicide bombed two other bubbles”
“Stop hyperventilating into a glove”
“Can u calm down I’m trying to eat my cereal”
*opens the door* “no”
“My teacher drop kicked a mouse” (coming from my cousin who goes to a super elite private catholic school)
“A sweet loving hardass, but a hardass nonetheless.”
“Seductively bites yogurt”
“I don’t wanna work as an exorcist ew”
“I guess it wasn’t traffic”
“I don’t care about your job making fake eggs in the 70s”
“Chug 15 olive oils”
“You’re invalid as a human being”
“I just wanna astral project myself into the sun”
“Can I uninstall my teeth”
“I’m going to remove the roof of my mouth” *takes out retainer*
“I’m craving both death and Oreos right now”
“Can you strangle a fish”
“Honey your dick is holding you back”
“I want wall”
“I was proud of you until you finished your sentence”
“Aside from wanting to uninstall my teeth now I want to uninstall my legs”
“Welcome to the calculator game”
“Last hour I got an open container of applesauce thrown at me”
“He looks like a compacted adult”
“Hot food for TIM”
“Did my mom drug my lasagna”
“What just happened?” “My retainer fell out”
“Why are there beans in my chair”
“Shakespeare was a wild card”
“I want a full complement of death”
“Mr Rice you’re a skinny legend”
“Wack? I haven’t heard that since I was in middle school”
“Carrot got yoted”
*turns around* “ms Elliott looks like a turtle”
“Purchase one cancer”
“A plateau of a person”
“I’m gonna drink stem cells”
“Is I’m too depressed for this an excuse”
“Sparkling water is just cursive water”
“No one cares about your friends stupid leg nipple”
“If you put wings on your snake rat it a goose”
“My eyeballs have low render distance”
“Ah good, no new bloodstains”
“Bruce banner and all 7 of his PhDs are disappointed in me for not paying attention in biology”
“I think Shakespeare had a foot fetish”
“Instead of marrying Romeos corpse she could marry Paris’s corpse”
“I stole a ring pop from the teacher for you, if that isn’t true love I don’t know what is”
“If your feet come off you’re out”
“You’re thick and not in the good way”
“Is that your answer to everything? Use the knife”
“yeet yeet skittly skeet”
“my mike and Ike’s were definitely laced with acid”
“2 + 1 is 3 you’re stupid”
“We’re gonna 2v1 Shakespeare in a Denny’s parking lot at 3am”
“Real homies eat each other’s legs”
“Ok we have a definitive answer, it is necrophilia”
“why isn’t there a copy and paste button for paper”
“Quit throwing it you ding dong”
“Why does the door sound like bagpipes”
“Are you gonna die in my class or something”
“Just so you know I hear in 4 dimensions”
“Why do I always get stuck with the Texas bitches”
“Fuck my math class this is purgatory”
“You would be a door knob”
“I wanna be a chair”
“That just makes my insides happy”
“I smell,,,,,,,,,,,, a Democrat”
“I found a baby!”
“I’d be the Michael Phelps of doggy paddling”
“Shows before hoes”
“Mother I come to you in my time of need, I need money”
“Big boy posters”
“He just yeeted a bike”
“What kind of 3rd grader insult”
“I play croquet!”
“I cry into my skull”
“He has more hair than brain cells”
*as we enter our history class* “Hello Sophia squared!”
“then it’s just pork squared”
“Elbows are the knees of your feet”
“sounds like mentos for demons”
“You can delete my joints but you can’t delete me”
“I’m predisposed to getting my joints deleted”
“He looks like fucking fletcher from ant farm”
“he wants to be a fuckboi but he’s actually a whore”
“We’re all eboys inside”
“The wind is blowing all the hair I don’t have”
*blows whistle aggressively*
*blows whistle* “I bought it off eBay”
“Switch bitches”
*whistle blows* “YOU SUCK”
“Good job mckell you made it to a base” “oh fuck you”
“You have not lived until you’ve had a whole stalk of rhubarb up your ass!”
“If I get kidnapped and the guy is hot just diagnose me with Stockholm syndrome already”
“I am just joints”
“School can vore itself”
“Face like teeth”
“I’m short, unathletic and unwilling to try”
*after getting hit in the face* “are you ok” “no but my glasses are and that’s all that matters”
“your virginity or every single one of your toes”
“Thanos broke my dick”
“I’m sorry I have tits”
“Maybe the ball and trash can have magnets in them, and that’s why it keeps landing on the trash can”
“Dumbass with the fuckin sandals”
“It’s Han Han tiddy croissant, get it right”
“My name is Shaka oovka and I know god”
“But this is raspberry pez”
“Gimme your elbows”
*to my mom* “Geometry is propaganda”
“It’s tissue paper not crack you idiot”
“Jack owes the government all of its money”
“You want my nuts”
“I’d like to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for an imitation of jack”
“because the government is tired of me being gay on the internet so they shut down my phone”
“Don’t lick my son Annora”
“I set a playground on fire”
“Stacy’s mom, damn them tiddies”
“Layla just dipped on me and made out with a 17 year old in the bathroom
*sits down* “I look like a horse girl”
“Freddie Mercury died from cooties”
tagging @eggtissue so she can see our beautiful creation
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mjsparkour · 6 years
One Last Time
show: Chilling adventures of Sabrina
pairing: Rosalind Walker/ Harvey Kinkle
description: "Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart, all I really care is you wake up in my arms." They really should've met much sooner. It's the honesty of it. They're lives intertwine in more than one way, way too often. In Greendale, a seemingly small town where everyone knows everyone, the real stories lie in the lives of the residents. The real story lies in the lives of Harvey Kinkle and Rosalind Walker. Oneshot
They really should've met much sooner. It's the honesty of it. Their lives intertwine in more ways than one, way too often. In Greendale, a seemingly small town where everyone knows everyone, the real stories lie in the lives of the residents.
It's the town where Dorothy Walker took her young daughter, Rosalind Walker to the supermarket every Sunday and the park every Friday. It's where the town folk lived their daily lives in routine and tradition, no matter how suffocating it turned out.
It's where Evelyn Kinkle found herself trapped in a marriage gone sour. So she put in energy toward giving everything to her children, putting Tommy in a shop class on Sundays and taking her youngest Harvey Kinkle to the supermarket with her. When her husbands vice grip on her was just to much, on those days she would take both boys out to the park and they'd play.
In retrospect, they should've met sooner than they did.
It's finally Rosalind's first day at Baxter elementary school that they meet. Six year old, Rosalind Walker, felt like she was going to throw up in the back on her moms new SUV. "Mommy I don't feel so good. My tummy hurts, can we go back home?" Roz says as she pushes up her small glasses with a pout that could get her out of jail if she tried.
"Baby, it's just your nerves. Don't try that pouting stuff with me, you know it only works on your father. You gotta be strong Rosalind." Dorothy says with an amused smirk painted on her lips, reflection bouncing off the rear view mirror.
Roz sucks her teeth, "But mom I don't wanna start a new school, Riverdale wasn't a bad school mommy, I had friends there."
"Well then you'll make new friends. You know your mommy had to get you here so it would be easier for me to pick you up. Mommy doesn't work at Riverdale hospital anymore, so there is going to be some changes. Look at it this way, at least we dont have to change houses, we staying right here in greendale, everyday" She mutters.
"I'm not gonna make any friends with these alien eyes and monster puffs mommy!" The child complains, arms crossing with frown settled in her face, two seen space buns settled on her head golden in the sun streaming through the car window.
Dorothy's eyes narrow and her eyes brows furrow, Roz sat up knowing her mother was upset. "Now you listen to me Rosie, if anybody I mean any body wants to tell you anything about your hair you just tell them that you got that beautiful hair passed down from a long lineage of queens! Women who mattered in this world. Your hair is who you are and that is a smart and beautiful girl, don't you forget that." Her mother rants, as Roz looks out the window to the tall trees and orange leaves on the ground.
"Yes mommy", Roz sighs exasperated as her mother pulls over.
Rosalind's bright yellow shoes reach the pavement and she hears her mother drive away. She sees the students being dropped of by their parents. Some kissing them good bye followed by kids running away and groups of friends together. Rosalind gulps and pushes her glasses up, I don't need nobody, be strong just like mommy said.
Just like that she feels her head rise up along with her chin as she hears the school bell ring and enters with everyone else to the classrooms.
Rosalind just can't believe her luck.
On the first day of all days she meets a really shy girl with brown hair and light freckles on her face, Susie. During snack time they promise to be best friends no matter what, pinkies tied and all.
Then a blonde haired boy with a mean glare pushes Susie as she tries to empty out her lunch tray, leaving the garbage everywhere him and his four other goons laugh.
Roz quickly realizes Susie's only shy because she gets pushed around a lot, she knows a thing or two about bullies too.
"It's okay Rosalind." Susie says from her stance in the floor picking herself up.
It's really not okay Rosalind hears herself say in her head.
Just as she feels her mouth open ready to chew them out and her glare at the boys hardening for hurting her new best friend when a voice calls out "Hey! Leave her alone." A short girl with blonde hair takes a protective stance to Susie, whose trowing the trash with a renewed hope highlighting her features and an awestruck Rosalind.
"Oh I'm so scared what are you gonna do short stack?"
"I'll tell on you Zach Feldman, I'll tell Ms. Morrison you were the one who put the glue on her seat yesterday and not Gary Truman."
"Your such a tattle tale Sabrina Spellman, that's why nobody wants to be your friend and your weird." Kids gathered around the scene playing out in front of the cafeteria, began laughing at her and just as Sabrina was about to turn around, frown on her face.
With a chin tilted upward Rosalind found herself saying, "Oh yeah? I wanna be her friend."
Finding her voice from the background a now confidently smiling Susie says, "Yeah I wanna be her friend too."
"Cool you can all be weirdos together." Zach says getting laugh out of the students once again, the crowd disperses as he walks away but they don't matter. All Rosalind sees are the smiling faces of her new found friends and the beginning of something great.
"You guys can call me Roz."
Then there's him.
It's the next day, Roz was dropped off again waiting for her friends in front of the court yard when she sees softest boy with the softest brown eyes she's ever seen.
Harvey Kinkle likes to think he's a cool guy. His older brother always tells him so, his mother always tells him too so it must be true. So as he's walking to meet his friends on their usual corner in front of the school he doesn't understand why he loses all sense of body functions at the sight of this one girl but he does.
Harvey almost trips on his way to his friends when he sees her because she's just so pretty, it's the only way to explain it other than her having superhero or villain powers and she doesn't look that cool . Two sheen puffs proudly stand atop her head and she looks at him with these round eyes that hold him. When he finally looks away and gets to the guys they laugh and tease.
All the while Roz giggles at the sight of him wondering if he's okay.
"Does Harvey Kinkle have a crush on the new girl?!" A voice calls out, the boys laugh.
"Keep your voice down man!" Harvey says looking around wondering if she's still around.
"Why you don't want her to hear you've got cooties?" Zach yells to the class in the yard from his spot leaning in the tree.
"Shut up no I don't!" Harvey whines at the insistent teasing and the sounds of the young boys laughter.
"Why do you like her anyway? her hair's too big. I bet you could fit two apples in those puff balls." Zach says and the boys laugh.
Harvey looks down at the ground, "Don't talk about her like that." He says weakly.
"What was that Kinkle?"
"Just-just leave her alone Zach." Harvey stutters.
"Aww Harvey likes the new girl." Another boy sang out soon everyone joined in the chant.
"Yeah Harvey likes the new girl" Zach sang, as Harvey's fist clenched.
"No I don't!"
"Oh yeah prove it? Put gum in her stupid hair since you don't like her so much." Zach says with a smirk a chorus of "ohhh" "he's not gonna do it" follows.
Harvey gulped as Zach put a stick of gum in his open palm, "What are you gonna do Kinkle?"
Everyone's in there classrooms and as Harvey walks up to Roz, his hand shakes.
The next thing she knows, she's got gum in her hair, Harvey's eyes are as wide as he thinks there ever gonna get and a slur of apologies follow only to be out voiced by her cries for help with the sticky assailant in her hair. She officially hates this day and Harvey Kinkle.
There all ten when Harvey's mom dies in a horrible car accident. The whole community shows up to the funeral of Evelyn Kinkle and to the house with every different assortment of food imaginable. Harvey is told to stand up straight and is shoved around by his drunk father. Tommy tries to distract him a couple times as he usually does with TV and errands while he cleans up after dad's messes.
In the wake, Sabrina, the pretty blonde girl from school, hugs him for the first time and he's so nervous, hands sweaty, he thinks he's gonna throw up, she gives him a light smile and leaves; a part of him wishes she didn't. Harvey's eyes are still wide and Tommy asks what's wrong when he sees him.
Harvey blinks, "Sabrina Spellman just hugged me."
Tommy chuckles and pats his little brother in the shoulder, "Girl drama already? And here I thought I was gonna have to wait a couple years."
"Shut up Tommy."
Then he sees her and the lightheartedness of the moment passes and he's filled with dread, Harvey stiffens. Noticing once again his brothers expression and where his eyes traveled to he chuckles again, murmuring to himself this time, "Ahh they grow up so fast." Harvey still hears him, his brow furrows and he shoves Tommy off. His laugh provides Harvey with a little solace on such a bleak day.
Harvey knows Tommy would rather put up a front than see how he's really grieving in some ways he's grateful for it and in others, he just wishes he could help. He can't imagine it's easy being the older brother to someone who says they see demons, Harvey shakes the painful memory away, puts the awful shade of red out of his mind.
Harvey's eyes find Rosalind's again and the stiffness of his body returns. It fades when she gives him a sad soft smile across the room that says I'm sorry, Harvey graces her with one of his own and she shrugs.
Harvey breathes, and for the first time in a while for some reason he thought things were gonna be alright.
Flash forward forward a couple years later, there all fourteen and fifteen, and Baxter high school was in full swing and adamant chatter filled the soon to be transformed cafeteria because of the awaiting annual homecoming dance. Three girls sitting in their usual spots in the lunchroom had a conversation of their own regarding the dance while one was in her own head, a million miles away.
"So I was waiting on him to ask me because it seemed like he was, but he just said he had to go home." Sabrina says from her seat opposite Susie and Roz, a pale hand settled under her chin.
"Maybe he was nervous?" Susie replied
"I don't know, I mean he kind of seemed like he was. What do you think Roz?" Sabrina asks, eyes narrowing at her friends unfocused gaze.
"Roz?" Susie calls to her.
"I just think that we are not doing enough for the people out there who really need our help, we are panthers baby. We should be out there doing what we need to do for the good of the people!" Dorothy Walkers voice exclaims into the void of the Walker living room. Roz sits perched at the top of her brown stair case arms loosely wrapped around her figure.
"What we should be doing is looking out for the good of this family! Of course it's important to stay woke and fight the good fight but how long until fighting costs us our lives. Things got dangerous with that life style Baby." Micheal Walker replies to his wife's irrationality, reaching out to her trying to get her to understand.
"Jesus Dorothy we aren't kids anymore, we aren't teenagers, we're raising one and you gotta be there for her."
"You don't tell me what I don't do and do for my daughter okay." Dorothy yells, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
"She's just as much mine as she is yours, don't don't do that. At least I'm acting like it."
"Micheal, I don't wanna hear another word." Dorothy warns.
"Roz!" Susie says again, worried expression on her face, "You okay?"
Roz blinks, back to reality and meets her friends concerned expressions with a complacent one of her own, she tries to tug for a smile, "Yeah guys I'm fine just tired, I'll see you guys at the dance? Yeah?"
As Roz gets up the bell rings, and her friends share a look.
When Roz gets home the air just doesn't feel the same, a once warm cozy place felt desolate and cold.
She's alone in her homecoming dress, awaiting her mom whose been late to just about everything recently.
The heel of her black shoe clanks against the hardwood of the floor as she paces back and forth in her red dress. She sees the bright yellow light of her mothers black SUV in the garage and she gets outside with everything.
"Finally! Mom give me the keys I gotta go." Roz breathes out, palm up awaiting the keys in her hand.
"Oh honey you look beautiful." Her mothers eyes tear up, and Roz drops her awaiting hand looking to her mother confused.
"Mom are you okay?" She asks eyes narrowed.
"How about I drive you honey? Come on get in the car." Dorothy says sniffing huddling her things back in the car as Roz looks to her confused. "Well come on baby wouldn't want you to be late to your first high school dance would you?" Dorothy says on the brink of releasing a set of tears. In all her fourteen years, Roz had never seen her mother cry; no less cry to take her to a school dance so to say she was confused was an understatement.
The car ride is spent in silence. It's composed mainly of moments her mother would look at her for long periods of time and Roz would remind her the light was green and they'd go. They finally get to Baxter high and Dorothy looks to her for what seemed like forever, and cups her cheek, "My beautiful baby, you've grown into such an amazing educated young woman." Roz's eyes widen, okay so my moms officially lost it, she thinks. "Mom what's going on?" Roz asks confused.
"Go on and have a good time, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Make sure to get Susie to drive you home. I'll be taking the car with me."
Roz hand drifts to the door handle, and it sills when she looks back at her mom. Dorothy has tears in her eyes again, "It's alright honey go on."
Roz walks out of he car and doesn't turn back, already fearing the worst as she steps through the school doors to the gym.
Roz gets back home an hour later, feeling an intense aversion to what awaits her. She looks at the simple cobble stone in path and steps leading to her once cozy brick home from Susie's car window and wants so badly to be far away. Susie had been the first of her friends to get her drivers license, never mind the age limit her dad was able to pull a few strings. Most kids in green dale had been learning to drive since they were in car seats.
"Roz are you sure your okay? You've been spacing out all night. We can go to my place? I can call brina and we could have a slumber party? All you'd have to do is go in now and ask your dad." Susie asks her softly.
Roz smiles, and that's why she's the best, "It's cool Susie, I've just got some stuff to deal with my family, my mom was acting weird before she dropped me off. I think we just have to figure stuff out." She lightly smiles, hoping to death she'll believe it.
"Alright Roz but call me if you need anything okay? Also careful on those steps, cobblestones and heels do not mix."
"I will" Roz laughs as she leaves her friends car and makes her way to the door. Moms car isn't in the drive way, huh she notices.
Roz gets in the house and she's greeted the same feeling she got when she came home from school, a cold and desolate energy only thing different this time, her father was here.
That feeling she feared for the worst came back with a vengeance.
Roz rushes up to walk towards him, head in his hands, he looks up to his little girl whose not so little anymore and gives her a weak smile, "Hi honey how was the dance?"
"It was nice. Where's mom?" Roz asks, getting straight to the point. Just like her mother Micheal thought, staring off into space wondering where it all went wrong.
"She left."
"What? where?"Roz asks, a million questions springing to her mind.
"I don't know baby, I just know she isn't coming back."
Roz backs away from her father taking in the news, and walks toward the stairs to her room.
"Rosalind honey...I'm so sor-" Roz already shaking her head frantically as tears form, "No, No dad don't apologize. Its not your fault. I've just got to get to my room."
Roz locks her self in her room, breathes and cries. Cries for the woman who would take her to the supermarket on Sundays, for the woman who told her her hair was beautiful and for the woman who would take her to the park nearly every Friday, The park she thinks. She looks up from her stance on the floor and trades her heels for a pair of sneakers and makes her way out the door.
Her father paces downstairs in the living room, "Rosalind where are you going this time of night?" He says arms crossed, Micheal knows the circumstances of the night are strange but she's still his daughter, in his house.
"Dad I just need to go out for a walk please."
"Bye Dad."
Every now and again Harvey gets a little unsettled by the noise in his house, not that there is much, but the lack of it. His mothers calming pacifying voice is gone and its been years, but his dad never lets him forget it, not that he ever would. Sometimes Tommy's ever patient smile isn't enough. He's got plans and friends and a life. So once and in while Harvey quietly leaves and walks around town, Tommy's at a party and his father is too drunk to notice.
Harvey walks for what feels like hours. He feels his feet wandering of their own volition as he thinks about where he is in life so far. With joy division blaring in his ears, he thinks of Sabrina and her friends. They've all been hanging out as of late ever since him and Susie were paired to do an anatomy project together. Since then he's been like additional member to their group, and then theirs this unspoken thing with Sabrina. He thinks back to being that 10 year old kid with his world collapsing around him, a pretty girl giving him a hug and bringing good feelings to light in a dark place. Harvey suddenly looks down at his shoes in thought, man I shouldn't have chickened out asking her to the dance, he thinks to himself, upset he doesn't know what could've been. Then his thoughts drifted again as the cold front met his face to the other girl at his mothers wake and his chest tightens. Roz forgave him all with a smile, and its not like she hated him because he put gum in her hair when she was six but it was..weird because they never were really, friends.
Suddenly his view is changed by a gate, a view of a baseball field and endless grass, with his childhood playground in sight, with out knowing it Harvey realizes he's made his way to the park where his mom used to take him as a kid. He gets this aching feeling in his chest as he makes his way to the entrance, sometimes he really misses her so much it hurts and he breathes just like she always told him to when things got to much with his father. Harvey sees his condensation from his breath and opens the gate his eyeline immediately going to the swing set, his favorite playground object as a child and then he sees her. Roz and her soft cries are heard as he hesitantly makes his way to the other seat.
Harvey notices she's still wearing her homecoming dress, a short red dress that exposes her shoulders and sneakers, Shouldn't she still be at school? Did something happen there? He wants to check his phone in case Sabrina or Susie texted him something that he didn't see about anything that might've happened tonight but he fights the urge.
"H-Hi Rosalind." She quickly faces the other way and brushes away her tears, breathing deeply she corrects him "it's just Roz, remember" She's corrected him on it during the many times they've all hung out together for some reason it never really sticks.
"Oh sorry." Harvey says more than sorry about just that, but that stupid fateful day he put gum in her hair and about never really trying to talk to her after that.
Harvey looks to her, her thick glasses are off and her face has light pink tint as the autumn breeze picks up carrying her curls around.
"You know I'm really sorry about that day with your hair, I didn't really mean to do it you know I just wanted to fit in with my friends and they're not my friends anymore they haven't for a long time. I'm sorry I let them tease Susie for so long. I-I'm just sorry." She sniffles and finally looks to him, "you don't have to worry about the hair thing I got over that a long time ago." She lets out a breathy laugh, so soft as if it was barely there at all. "But I'm really not the one you should be apologizing to for Susie, that's for her."
"Right" he says meekly as he starts to swing.
They sit in comfortable silence, enjoying the cool air, and swirling yellow and orange leaves. They're both not looking at each other when Roz sneaks a couple glances his way and tells him that her mom left and she was here because this is where she used to take her as a little girl.
Harvey looks away, "You know we really should've met sooner than we did, my mom used to come here with me all the time too." Roz looks at him as if realizing the situation, "Harvey I'm so sorry, I didn't think-"
"It's fine Roz, it was four years ago." Four years that his dad wouldn't let him forget, four years of his brother single handily trying to keep the family together, four years of burying himself in his drawings and music. His mother always loved his drawings.
Again there's a silence for a while, two figures on a swing set in the moonlight just sit. "You know some stupid part of me thought she'd come back here, that she'd just know just where I was and take me back home, take us both back home." Her face is still wet streaked with tears.
Harvey has never had to deal with a crying girl before and his palms start to sweat, he's been hanging around Sabrina more often and thus her friends because they're cool people but he's never felt really accepted by Roz yet, it was good to clean the air. He didn't want to set her off in anyway.
"It's not stupid, to want to see your mom again. It just sucks that some white dude that um..does something to the patriarchy, came in her place." Harvey knows that Roz is all about social justice, her parents especially and he's still learning. She lets out a laugh, a strong one that he can hear this time, he'll count it as a win.
"They hold up the patriarchy, Harvey."
"Oh okay cool." His eyes widen as he says it, and Roz's one eye brow raises, in amusement. "I-I mean not cool like cool but I mean- I get- I unders-" the metal chain of the swing set rattles as Roz laughs with her entire face, eyes crinkling, head tilted back hand holding her stomach.
Leaves swirl around as the cold front comes and her laugh rings in his ear like a bell. She shivers from the cold and Harvey realizes she's still in her homecoming dress, he stands takes of his jacket, Roz looks at him in slight confusion as he puts his jacket on her shoulders. She blushes and remembers the soft brown eyes when they were six. Then she remembers this morning, Sabrina talking about how she wanted Harvey to ask her to the dance. Disappointment blooms in her chest at the realization, everyone with eyes and a pulse knew that Sabrina and Harvey had feelings for each other.
Harvey softly smiles at her while she looks down. The moonlight bouncing off her caramel skin, she puts her glasses back on and stands up. That warm feeling he felt when he was ten comes back again. The one that promised everything was going to be alright. He looks up to her from his seat on the swing set.
"Why didn't you ask Sabrina to the dance?" Roz asks, holding back has never really been one of her strong suits.
It's almost comical how fast his face changes from soft to taken aback. "Well I-" he clears his throat and feels the nervousness crawl back up like a viper, he looks back up to her face, her soft brown eyes and just breathes out, "I was chicken shit." Roz's eyes now widen at his bluntness and she lightly chuckles, Harvey's sweet smile comes back with a comfortable silence.
Roz looks away from him and back at the ground,"I uh gotta go it's getting kinda late and I don't wanna worry my dad. Especially with everything that happened." Its now that she realized the state she left her dad in, head in his hands in all, thinking his wife had left him and now his daughter too? She had to make things better at home.
"Oh uh..do you want me to walk you there?" He says strangely not wanting the moment to end.
"No it's fine." She reply's with a small smile.
"Are you sure?" He inquired further, not unfamiliar to the threat of the dark. Roz's smile unwieldy widens highlighting reassurance, "Looks like Harvey Kinkle isn't too chicken shit to take a girl home and protect her from the big bad darkness." She waves her fingers around and lets out a low "oooo" she giggles as he stands from his seat on the swings and shoves her, small grin placating his features. Soon they're both laughing and shoving each other as they both walk out of the park.
Roz's laughs pan out as they reach the entrance, and soft brown met large almond brown once again, with a light smile she says "Goodnight Harvey, and uh thanks for...this." He feels his head shaking as a response,"Anytime, night Roz.", And he's rooted in the spot, he can't let him self go and they stare until Roz turns around makes her way down the familiar path to her house. Harvey still standing there, on the spot, watching her leave like a creep. He's about to turn around and scold himself when he sees her look back, soft smile still settled on her face and she looks at the ground again toward the path ahead of her.
Harvey watches until he can't see her anymore and finally turns around.
They spend way to much time in the library, Roz helps him with his English homework and every now and then he'll show her a drawing and she'll come up with stories for them.
"Okay so she's a zombie mom with a cookie cutter family and they all...murder people in order to give her food to survive!" Roz exclaims marveling at her own brilliance.
Harvey lightly shades a spot on the paper featuring the zombie mom and his expression becomes confused, "Isn't that a show on Netflix though? The Santa Clarita diet?"
"What? No. This is the peak of my creative brilliance is what it is. I'm insulted that you'd think I never take my job as your comic writer seriously." Roz says jokingly hurt.
"You keep stealing storylines and I just might have to fire you Roz." Harvey shrugs, light smile painted on his face as he looks down at his drawing.
"I- Wha, Susie! Is my story a rip off-" Roz starts addressing Susie on the couch a few feet from the table, reading her aunts journal.
"Yes your story is a rip off Santa Clarita diet, frankly I'm appalled. This is lazy writing at its finest." Susie says not once looking away from the book in front of her as she cut Roz off.
Roz indignantly has her mouth open in shock and Harvey laughs, it's a hearty sound she wouldn't mind hearing more often. It's almost as if it happens in slow motion, Harvey is looking at her and she can see his perfect smile, soft brown eyes and upturned lips smiling at her then she's sees those same eyes leave her and look to another pair but this one with a short blonde bob. "Hey guys." Sabrina smiles as she sits with them. Harvey's eyes shine and Roz's stomach flops.
"Harvey I swear on my nana if you pick a romantic comedy for movie night we're not friends anymore." Roz says, exasperated from her seat on Susie's couch, limbs flailing everywhere.
"Agreed, you've picked that genre for the past three Friday's in a row." Susie says in slight concern for her friends taste in movies, as she eats her milk duds from the recliner.
Harvey brings in the two bowls popcorn from the kitchen and smooshes himself between a sleeping Sabrina and an unbothered Roz, "Hey don't judge the superior movie genre selection that brought is us comedic gold like the proposal and couples retreat. They're classics!" He argues looking at Roz' impassive face then to Susie, and gives her a look that says back me up here. She gives one back, not fighting this one bud, good luck.
"I got news for you Harv." oh no Susie thinks, sinking back into the recliner, eating her milk duds awaiting the chaos.
"Rom coms, not better than Horror movies. Like at all," Roz says looking Harvey dead in the eye with her thick rimmed glasses and takes the bowl of popcorn right from his hands, his eyes widen at her statement.
Nope no turning back now, Susie thinks looking between them. She wonders when there gonna figure out this whole thing between them out, it's probably gonna a while, inwardly sighing.
"I'm gonna give you a minute to process what you just said and take that back." Harvey says awaiting her next words. Roz eats a kernel and replies with a confident "Nope." popping the p at the end for emphasis. Harvey nods and smiles a smile that promises mischief and makes his way toward her, "Harv what are you doing?" Roz cautiously says eating another kernel slowly.
Immediate giggles erupt from Roz as Harvey tickles her further into the couch and a lightly snoring Sabrina moves, both Harvey and Roz' heads turn to the sleeping girl, not wanting to disturb her.
"If she woke up that would've totally been your fault" Roz whispers to him, holding his forearms while his hands are still splayed on her hips, both still as to not incite the blonde to wake. "It would not" He whisper yells and their heads turn back to each other and they realize there current position and how close their faces are, Harvey can make out the almond shape of her eyes and Roz can still make out his laugh lines; she wants so badly to trace it but again she realizes where they are and clears her throat. They both look away, Harvey turns his face to Sabrina's sleeping form and says, "At least your not at Sabrina's level of love for horror movies, that would be horrible." His words just oozing fondness and affection at the sleeping girl.
"Yea, I know right." Roz says adjusting herself to the couch more, feeling a familiar swoop at the stomach.
Susie sits up setting the empty box of milk duds on the table, oh yeah were gonna have to wait years, she thinks growing tired at the thought.
There at their usual spot in the back table near the computers in the library, while Roz tries to decode the famous Sir Lancelot and Queen Genevieve poem to Harvey. Endless rows of books surround them and a shroud of papers compiled nicely on the edge of the hardwood brown table.
"So basically Tennyson is saying through the use of endless creative metaphors and personification that Lancelot and Genevieve would do anything for their love and each other even die." Roz sums up with finality looking to Harvey's bewildered expression. "Okay what do you not get?" She asks, a stray hair falls in front of her face as Harvey looks at her he has the strangest powerful urge to push it behind her ear. He quickly realizes that she awaiting his response, when her eyebrows raise, "I uh, Well I just think its about something different that's all." He responds, looking down toward the book.
"What do you mean?" Roz asks, curious on his outlook of the poem. "Well I just think its about finding love in whats in front of him, seeing what he has and giving everything, all of his being toward it and Genevieve receives it."
"So you think Its one sided?"
"I think Lancelot had a lot more to lose in having an affair with the kings wife, I'm saying maybe she was a little selfish."
"Wow your opinion is wrong." Roz says with an incredulous expression on her face, looking away from his gaze and back toward the book.
"What?" He asks in disbelief
"If anyone is being selfish its Lancelot, I mean sleeping with your best friends wife? Come on and he didn't even have to pay for being an adulterer and his "love" for Genevieve with his life you know who did though? Genevieve." Roz huffed.
Harvey looked at her then back down at his copy and started reading,
'She look'd so lovely, as she sway'd
The rein with dainty finger-tips,
A man had given all other bliss,
And all his worldly worth for this,
To waste his whole heart in one kiss
Upon her perfect lips.
There's a stillness after he reads it between them both, she keeps her eyes on her copy and feels as his turns from the page and makes its way up to her face, to met the tug of her gaze and feel the pull they've felt so many times before. Then he speaks, "Maybe its not about what they gave up and who did more wrong than the other but the way he remembered her before they took there last kiss and the way she embraced and accepted him for who he was when it was all said and done." Harvey breathes out, and nervousness crawls back up from his stomach, even though he'd never felt more at ease with Roz than he had with anyone else. The contradicting feelings clashed and their gazes locked again.
A ping sound went off, a notification was heard from the table and both their heads turn fast to the device, "Sorry Roz I forgot to turn it off." He admits with sheepish smile and looks down at the notification, he's never been so relieved to see that Tommy texted him a picture of the grocery list.
Harvey gets his things into his bag and looks down to his phone again careful to avoid the pit of those almond brown eyes that he could fall into, and he rapidly explains his departure, "Sorry I gotta leave but Tommy just sent me this grocery list and I need to get the stuff like now. For dinner and the week and everything. So bye." Harvey says all in one sentence and with a final wave, leaves a confounded Roz in his wake.
Sabrina and Harvey finally become official in the summer after sophomore year and there group has never been closer. They go to the movies, hang out at the library, the bookstore and do normal teenager things of course.
But it's the fact that there are no more secrets between them and everything is out in the open that brings them together. Roz is going blind but gaining the sight, her cunning, Susie is talking to her dead aunt, Harvey saw an actual demon and Sabrina is a witch. However nothing was ever be normal again especially after Roz was finally struck blind.
It happens in the woods when they're on there way to the mines to expel a demon ready to reign loose on the town. The colors of the leaves are just being turned back to green as winter spells it's last goodbye. The brown trails on the ground seem endless and the path toward the mine is covered in branches, "How much longer till we get there?" Susie heaves, chalking this up to bring the only exercise she'll be doing for the year.
"Susie we've been to the mines, how do you not know where we are?" Roz breathes out as they trek through the leaves at a fast pace.
"It's probably the physical exhaustion talking, don't worry we're almost there Susie." Sabrina replies leading her friends, holding Harvey's hand as he trails next to her.
They approach an array of yellow and red signs telling them to keep out, they're at the entrance of the mine. Sabrina looks up to Harvey squeezing his hand. Roz looks at Harvey's empty expression knowing that he's thinking of his brother, he's already lost so much she thinks with a sorrowful expression. Harvey looks away from the cursed entrance and kisses Sabrina's forehead as Roz and Susie gather there bearings and make there way to them.
"I'm so not doing P.E on Monday." Roz curses and Susie breathes in agreement.
They huddle together as Sabrina goes over the plan, "Okay guys so we all stick together, we all know the mine is a maze and this could very well be where the demon is and conveniently where we need to trap it so there's no means to escape." Harvey takes a deep breath and nods
along with the other morals.
"He's going to want to separate us so we're easier to manipulate, he's going to whisper certain truths to your mind but you have to ignore it so we can find him and trap him. Susie I'm gonna need you to keep a look out side the mine in case anyone else comes, Roz I'm gonna need you to touch this inscription to find out where he might be in there and Harvey," Sabrina breathes out, "just stay safe and keep next to me okay?"
He pecks her lightly on the lips, "You got it 'brina." Sabrina smiles at him, and Roz focuses her eyes on the rocks below her.
Sabrina levitates the rocks out of there path as the three of them make there way toward the core of the maze. Roz trails behind the pair, still holding hands and holding up flashlights in their other hands. Are you lost blind girl? A grim scratchy voice echoes out in her mind. "Did you guys hear that?" Roz says.
"Hear what?" Harvey replies turning toward Ros.
"Never mind."
Never mind that your in love with your best friends boyfriend, how pathetic. Roz eyes widen at the raspy scathing voice and suddenly the light of her flashlight gets dimmer and the vision of Sabrina and Harvey in front of her gets blurred.
"Remember Roz we have to ignore the voice it's just trying to manipulate us to let it out." Sabrina cautions.
"Right" Roz breathes out in confusion as her eyes begin to blur out the brown of Harvey's hair, the blue of his jacket and the white light of Sabrina's flashlight.
"Uhh guys I think I'm starting to lose my sight now, I can't see oh my God." Roz says breathing hard now, she can't hear their foot steps anymore. "Guys?!" She yells out.
Roz feels wet tears fall from her eyes, as she whips her head around frantically trying to adjust to seeing nothing in any direction.
Useless, you couldn't even follow your friends and lead them the right way
The voice returns and rings back in her head like a song, she tries to cover her ears and block the sound.
She's gonna hate you when she finds out you know, the witch. She will find out and she'll leave just like your mother and your grandmother did.
The voice brings Roz to her knees as she cries out in full on sobs. The demon is right she's gonna hate me, they all are. They're gonna leave me. She feels the weight of her glasses on her face, they're useless to her now. Just like I'am, useless.
"Roz?" She hears his voice clear ring out before her. Harvey kneels in front of her to see if she's okay as she looks up to follow the sound of his voice. "Roz..your eyes.." he says rooted in the spot at the sight of her, the soft brown he always knew becoming a startling gray .
"I know, I can't see!" She exclaims frantically. The tears roll out once again,and make there way down her cheeks.
You can't see him anymore and you never will again. You'll never see anyone you love again.
Rosalind cried out loud sobs at the insistent demonic voice, "I can't see you." She cries out.
Harvey's heart breaks at the sight of her and hearing her cries, they have to get out of here. "Look Ros, brina found a way out of here, you've been trapped here for three hours okay-"
Roz looks up from her hands and sniffles, "What? no, that's impossible I just lost track of you guys." Her breathing becomes labored again, in out , in out.
No one can save you Rosalind Walker, no one will care.
Roz' eyes shut tightly.
"No Roz listen to me," Harvey says his hands now intertwining with hers, anchoring her to his words "We found the demon and trapped it, it's just all in your head, okay? You got lost, so I came to get you and Sabrina gave me this red yarn so we can get back." He breathes out to her hoping to everything they can make it out of this.
"I need you to slow down your breathing okay? In. Out." Harvey eyes frantically watch over her face trying to calm her breathing.
Roz's greys still in his direction and they shut as she breathes, in. Out.
I'll keep you here with me where you belong, forever. The voice picks at her mind and reverbs.
"Roz..hey, you with me?" Harvey asks his breath fanning across her face, she startles at the proximity and his voice. "Do you still hear it's voice?" He asks brows furrowed, suspecting the reason for there self imposed captivity.
He will never love you the way he does the witch
More unwilling tears roll out, as Roz faces the ground and lets out a meek, "Yes" in response.
"Hey Roz just focus on my voice, just me." Soft yet calloused hands cup her wet cheeks, the red string rests on the right side of her face, tied around his index finger, she holds her breath. She wishes so badly more than ever she could see him. Read the look in his eyes, the curve of his mouth, his laugh lines. Roz wishes so badly she could see him and is at the same time, more than grateful she can no longer see what she can't have.
A beat passes and they breathe together, Harvey feels a tug on his heart and a warmth that burns from his chest to his stomach, it spreads like a wildfire. Then he feels a tug on his hand, more specifically his index finger. Sabrina his mind rings out, putting out the fire in his chest with a swift feeling of guilt taking over his gut. Sabrina had pulled on the yarn signaling the time they had left.
Harvey drops his hands from her face and pulls Roz up, and tugs on her left hand and leads them back out following the string. Roz's heart skipping a beat and feeling heavy with every passing step and turn.
They make it out of the cave and the smell of Sabrina's citrus shampoo wakes her from her spell when her best friend takes her in to her arms. The seemingly endless stream of tears roll down her face once again and her eyes shut close breathing in the scent of her. Sabrina her best friend since she was 6, was embracing her like she was her life line right after she almost kissed her boyfriend. "Its okay, Your okay, You made it out, You did it." She hears Sabrina's voice whisper and Ros feels her eyes shut tighter holding her friend for dear life.
Roz feels Susie's small arms wrap around then both, and a sad smile rests on her face. She feels Harvey's eyes on her like a ray of light, she can't see it but knows the weight of his gaze, right down to the bone, it makes her shiver, must be my cunning, Roz thinks, she hopes.
When they finally let go, and Susie asks her for the millionth time if she's really okay, Roz hears Sabrina swarm Harvey with deep kisses, the rustling of fabric and smacking of lips the main indicator. Roz's eyes find their way downward when she feels Harvey's gaze again, with Sabrina in his arms, it's almost as if the wind whispers with his eyes. A phrase finds it's way between them again,
I'm sorry.
"So you can see the future right?"
"Well not exclusively, sometimes things from the the past and things happening around me now that I wouldn't know about if I didn't have the cunning." Roz tells Harvey, as the sunlight glistens into his room through the cracks of the dark curtains. It's a regular Sunday morning, they had to study for an English test, a break was needed and here she was adjusting the crossed position of her leg on his bed feeling it fall asleep as he absorbs the information. Harvey's across from her on his bed, mirroring her position.
"I wanna know about my future. And I know based on what you just told me that might not be what you see, but I still wanna know." He tells her, eyes alight with a renewed hope.
Roz face contorts to one of caution, " I don't know Harvey, I mean I think letting people know they're future is kind of dangerous don't you think?"
Harvey thinks about it for a second, "Okay so how about this if you think it's something I think I can live without knowing, don't tell me." Roz snorts at his request.
"That's so general how will I know what to tell you?" She exclaims crossing her arms.
"Something I can live with out knowing Roz, hello if I die! Duh." Harvey responds, stating the obvious. He notices her persistent hesitance, "Look you don't have to do it if you're not comfortable." He says in a gentle voice.
"It's not that I just hadn't...thought about you dying is all." She says with a frown on her face.
"I was only kidding Roz, I'm only asking you because I trust you." She can feel his eyes on her again burning through her greys, shame I'll never get to see them Susie always mentions how hot they are. Roz mulls it over in her head again, the pros and cons and ultimately, "I'll do it." She nods before she can talk her self out of it.
"Really? Okay so what do you have to do? Touch me, right? Be careful Roz, I'm spoken for." Harvey says with a playful smirk.
"Famous last words Kinkle, watch it." Roz replies just about sick of him, she imagines the sunlight bounces of his brown hair and how his smile is probably that much brighter because of it and shes just about sick of that too.
She adjusts her legs again and tries to get comfortable, she takes his hand and takes a deep breath, Harvey's even closed his eyes for good measure, "Okay I'm seeing something." She says in a serious tone.
Harveys eyes pop open and he exclaims in excitement, "What?!"
Roz's eyes are still closed and her eye brows furrow, "I see...a bright light...fog...water and oh my- Harvey!"
"What?! What do you see Roz." He says grip on her hand tightening, "I see...aliens! There comin-" she's tackled by Harvey and her giggles interrupt her false proclaims.
"Aliens really Roz?" Harvey says as he sits up a soft smile resting on his features. He pokes her face until she answers, "Really?!"
Roz' giggles don't cease even when she speaks, "That's for the comment." She breathes out, readying her body for an actual reading "Okay, I'm ready to actually tell you now, sorry" Roz says reaching out her hand.
"No your not" Harvey says indignantly taking her hand with a false sour expression, Roz feels her face light up with a warm smile. "Your right I'm not." She takes a deep breath, in. Out, brushing off the memory of the soft hand on her face in the mines, she takes his hand.
"How do you know it's gonna be a girl?" Roz hears a voice echoing in her mind, it's mature and familiar. The view gets easier to see the more she focuses. There's two people sitting on a couch, a woman and a man. She's pregnant.
"Because I just know." He responds, Roz can see his face clearer now, it's Harvey. He's wearing a blue collared shirt and jeans, his brown hair is cut short and he has facial hair; scruff. He reaches out to touch the woman very pregnant stomach.
"So you had Sabrina give Ambrose a call and do his witchy pregnancy gender test thing." Roz realizes why the voice sounds so familiar it's her, Staring at her own future. What the-
"Yep. I mean no-" Harvey sighs as Roz gives him a look, "Okay so I did but I really wanted to know, I couldn't wait until after the baby was born."
"Uh yeah you could've then it would've been like we'd agreed." Roz hears her self say as she pouts at him.
"Come on babe when have we ever done something according to plan?" Harvey pouts back and they meet in the middle faces inches apart.
Roz hears herself sigh somehow in content and exasperation, "You're lucky your cute." She says and their lips finally meet, it's a sweet slow kiss, she feels she's intruding on something even though it's her.
Harvey cups her face as their lips part and looks at her like she's his world as his other hand finds her stomach, Roz looks at her self smiling so big, she doesn't even remember the last time she smiled like that and her heart feels heavy.
"No more calling Sabrina for this type of stuff okay, she's high priestess now. She doesn't have time to make pregnancy house calls." Roz says putting her pointer finger to Harvey's chest making her case known. His hands go up in surrender "okay okay. Just as long as you don't go texting Susie every time the baby kicks, she's on her book tour. She doesn't need he distraction."
"What? I don't do it everytime , I mean-" now Harvey gives her a look and he laughs at his wife's shocked expression, her diamond ring glistens in the sun as he takes her hand. "Honey she told me to tell you to slow down a little bit with the baby talk, you can still talk to her about it, absolutely. But your kinda driving her crazy. Please don't kill me." He says with a flinch proceeding with caution not wanting to test his wife's mood swings.
Roz watches herself look away from her husband in shock, still holding his hand, "well at least I got yo- woah she's eager in there." Roz suddenly feels a fluttering in her stomach and she touches the flat surface, she looks back up at the future version of her. Her and Harvey cooing at their future child, hands interlocked at the stomach.
Roz gasps, opening her eyes, waiting to hear Harvey's voice, "Roz you okay? What happened? What did you see?" He asks as she breathes deeply, wanting more than anything to see those soft brown eyes again, but I guess those eyes are gonna spend the rest of their life looking at me, Roz thinks taken back by the outcome.
She feels Harvey's hesitance to touch her again and his concern so he turns her face toward him, "What happened?"
Roz finds herself smiling, there maybe a million obstacles between them now but shes not going to add one by risking it not happening in telling him what she saw so she leaves it at, "Just something you can live without." She says as she leaves his room.
A beat passes and he jogs behind her trailing to catch up. "What the hell does that mean?"
If only you knew Harvey Kinkle, if only you knew.
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a-queer-seminarian · 6 years
a masterpost of all the sermons i’ve preached
just because i feel like having them all in one place!
all of these links lead to audio of me preaching and a transcipt of the sermon. i include an excerpt from each sermon, and i’ve put the titles of the sermons i’m proudest of in bold.
“The Neighbors Nobody Wants,” Luke 10:25-37
My first sermon! Preached at University Presbyterian Church (now called Grace Presbyterian Church) on July 20, 2016
How often have you put the word Christian in quotation marks when you’re talking about “those Christians”, you know the ones, who claim to serve God with one breath and oppress LGBT people with the next! Those “Christians,” who drive anyone different from them away from their churches and refuse to bake cakes for same sex couples — we put them in quotation marks because we all know they’re not really Christians, am I right? Wrong. Their perspectives may range from mildly dissimilar to fundamentally at odds with our own when it comes to various issues, and yet — we share a God with them. We share a Savior with them, and even more intimately, a Body. They may not like it any more than we do, but we are all part of the Body of Christ. This is even more intimate than being neighbors with them, which is pretty intimate in itself — this is a matter of beating as one heart, listening for the same voice with the same ears, walking the earth with the same feet. It’s hard to admit it, but these are neighbors we have turned away from, have given up on. And these are also neighbors who have been the robbers in our own stories, beating us and denouncing us for being LGBT or even just supporting those who are. And maybe we have good reason for calling them “false” Christians — maybe we do it because they first did it to us. But if any healing will ever happen in this beautiful, bruised, broken Body of Christ, both sides need to drop the quotation marks. No more Christians versus “Christians.” Because what right do we have to judge who is or isn’t really Christian?
“Silence,” Esther 8:9-14
Preached at Louisville Seminary chapel for its More Light (LGBT) service, October 2016
Listen. I know how your heart speeds up when you try to speak up— my heart does too. I know the lump that forms in your throat (that’s Silence, trying to stop you from speaking) and when you speak anyway, maybe people will be mad. Maybe you’ll have to fight. Maybe you’ll even lose. But speak anyway. And if you have to fight, then fight not with swords but with words, not with violence but with love and truth. If we speak, the scars of silences once carried will map themselves into a vision of a future where no one needs to bury themselves to stay alive.
“Called from Conformity into Renewal,” Romans 12 (only a transcript for this one)
Preached at Louisville Seminary chapel for its preach-in service in solidarity with Princeton Theological Seminary during their preach-in in protest of raising the voice of Tim Keller, who is against LGBT+ people and women being ordained, on their campus; April 2017
“Do not be conformed to this world,” they reminded me. “This world,” according to them, was one that was all too lax in terms of sexuality and gender. “This world” celebrated being LGBT to the point that it was practically a trend, so that everyone these days thought they were gay or bi or ace or trans. Wow, I would love to find “this world” these guys claimed to be living in.
“Taking Up the Cross and Finding Life,” Mark 8:27-36 (link leads to a video and transcript instead of audio)
Preached at Louisville Seminary chapel for its More Light (LGBT) service, October 2017
The world tells me these things — my gender, my love— are just my cross to bear – and to bury, that I need to suffer because somehow these things are sins, that’s right – my love, love! the pair of wings God fixed on my shoulders to help me fly to Them is actually a heavy weight, a sin, a sickness – but God knows I have seen far too many of my people nail themselves to that cross, bleed out as you watched to think for a moment that God is the one who placed that cross on our shoulders.
“Song in Babylon: Joy as Resistance,” Jeremiah 29
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on November 26, 2017
Maybe sometimes, resistance is not about big actions, about battles, about outright rebellion. Maybe sometimes, resistance is the simple decision to keep living, to not give those who would see you crushed the satisfaction. God is asking Their chosen to do the impossible -- to keep on farming and having families right there in exile -- because God knows this is what will enable them to survive. God tells the people to multiply in Babylon, and not to decrease – because choosing to waste away in their grief, to flicker and fade into nothing while they wait for God to lead them home, would be the act of surrender. To plant and grow, to celebrate marriages and births and the simple pleasures of daily life – that is the act of resistance.
“Talking to Strangers,” John 4:1-30, 39-42
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on January 28, 2018
I invite you to imagine the kind of person you would be shocked to be asked for something from. For me, it would be a certain brand of Christian. For an extreme version, think of a Westboro Baptist Christian, who literally wants people like me dead. For a less extreme version, I think of my girlfriend’s parents, who shudder at the mere mention of me. I can’t imagine them asking me for water, making me aware of their need. And besides, wouldn’t sharing a cup with me give them, like, queer cooties or something? Reverse the image, now. Whom would you never be caught dead asking for something from? Would I dare to ask one of those types of Christians for water? Or would I decide there’s no use asking, of course they’d never share with the likes of me. Why should I put myself at their mercy like that only to be turned down?
“ ‘Who Sinned?’ -- Re-thinking Disability and Centering the Marginalized in Their Own Stories,” John 9:1-38
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on February 11, 2018
One of the stranger conversations I’ve had in my life involved me mentioning to an acquaintance that I was autistic. I was not prepared for their response: “Oh no! What happened?”I had no clue what answer they were expecting. What happened? Um...I was born?
“I AM the Light of the World,” John 8:12-18
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on February 25, 2018
The light that Jesus brings is not always comfortable. It’s the dentist’s lamp that sears into your eyes, makes your pupils shrink in pain – but is necessary as something that can illuminate the dark recesses of your mouth. Without that light, the dentist won’t be able to identify the buildup of plaque, the wearing down of gums, the signs of cavity. It’s not about judging what you’ve done to your teeth – it’s about making things right. Are you ready to let that light into your life? Are you ready for the transformation it brings?
“I AM the Vine,” John 15
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on March 25, 2018
Saint Catherine of Siena, a nun from the fourteenth century, has a slightly different vision of what it means for Jesus and humanity to be joined as one plant; here are her words: “And you, high eternal Trinity, ...When you saw that this tree could bear no fruit but the fruit of death because it was cut off from you who are life, you came to its rescue with the same love with which you had created it: you engrafted your divinity into the dead tree of our humanity.” ...I appreciate Saint Catherine’s conception of grafting [because] grafting together plants of a different species is tricky business; often,the two prove to be incompatible. But in this story we find that, by some miracle, divinity and humanity are two compatible “plants,” that somehow, our created state can be joined to our Creator’s state. ...
"The Remorseful Cry,” 2 Samuel 18 (that link leads to the transcript; see here for a video recording)
Preached in my basic preaching class on April 1, 2018
We are called to an expansive love, a love that cares for our most distant neighbor as much as our closest friend, a love that extends even over our enemy. If we love in this way, things will get much more complicated, and much messier. After all, if we love the casual acquaintance at work and the stranger on the street as truly as we love our sibling or parent or partner, we’ll be compelled to look and notice how our individual decisions are affecting their lives. We will find that our tiny sphere of personal relationships creates ripples that spread much further out.
“The Wounds of Jesus: Goodness Embodied,” John 20
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on April 8, 2018
Christianity has been deeply influenced by the dualism of Greco-Roman thought, which claims that the spiritual is good and the physical is bad, that we are most godly when we can escape the “cage” of bodily desires. We strip all manner of physicality from our conceptions of heaven, letting it become some abstract realm in the clouds where spirits whiz around free of their bodies. And I totally get the appeal of this vision of heaven – there is a lot that I do not love about my own body. People gender me wrong because of it, for one thing; and it’s susceptible to pain; and my skin and eyes and ears are overly sensitive, often leading to distress; and I absolutely hate getting sick, who doesn’t? ...But this favoring of the spiritual over the physical, glorifying the former and demonizing the latter, cannot be the whole picture – not when God shaped those bodies in the Beginning and called them Good; not when Jesus rose from the dead not only spiritually but bodily.  
“Jesus Gets Schooled,” Mark 7:1-8, 15, 24-30
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on May 6, 2018
In this story the humanity of our divine-and-human Jesus is at the forefront. At first it shows us the ugliest parts of that humanity, the tendency towards prejudice that all of us have...but, thanks to his willingness to hear the woman out we will see this ugliness transform into one of the most beautiful parts of human nature: the ability to learn, to change our minds, to improve ourselves.
“When the Good News Feels Like Bad News,” Amos 7:7-15 and Mark 6:14-29
Preached at Grace Presbyterian Church in Tuscaloosa on July 15, 2008
Following in the footsteps of the prophets is no easy thing – it’s an often uncomfortable, sometimes dangerous or costly, frequently thankless task. People receive the good news like it is bad news – because from the perspective of the world, it is. God’s good news of social norms turned on their heads, of liberation of those who are dehumanized and exploited, demands major changes, changes that will come with losses. We may lose some friendships, some comforts, some unfair advantages in order to reach the new heaven and earth. We will all die a little before we are raised up utterly transformed.
“Radical Rest: The Fourth Commandment,” Exodus 20:1-11
Preached at Covenant Community Church in Louisville on August 19, 2018
It’s my favorite of the Ten Commandments, even though I cannot claim to follow it very well. Who can, these days? Who can say they take off a whole day every week just to rest? It’s impossible, for most of us. ...And that’s why I love the command to rest one day every week: I love it because it seems impossible. Because if we were to achieve it, it would be a radical thing. Because God does not instruct us to have this Sabbath rest only for ourselves, but for “you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.” In the days of the Bible, children were subject to the whims of their father, livestock to their farmers, slaves to their masters–they could only rest if he said they could. ... For God to declare that these people must be allowed to rest alongside the people in power is a command for equity, for justice.
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forksofwisdom · 7 years
Embers of the Sun - chapter 5
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Not beta read!
(Chapter 4) 
Read on ff.net!
Pairing: Bella/Paul, eventual Angela/Leah
Chapter summary: Momma Renée gives good advice, Charlie might not be that oblivious to the going-ons in Forks, Paul proves himself to be handy in a pinch - featuring Bella; the amazing grocery mountaineer and dinner at Billy’s turns into an eye-opening experience.
Chapter 5
Paranoia gripped Bella on the way home from school. The looming forest around Forks seemed to mock her with the horrors she knew lay within, and Bella was pretty miserable by the time she pulled into her driveway. She sat inside her truck for a moment, her keys biting into her skin as she deliberated the chances of Edward Cullen coming to extract vengeance for whatever crime he thought Bella had committed against him. The dark woods behind her house gave her the creeps. Anything could be lurking in the undergrowth while she was none the wiser. She was a sitting duck inside her truck, so she threw caution to the wind and ran inside.
Bella hated to admit it, but that boy scared her more than any wolves that might be running around La Push.
It might seem a little excessive, but Bella didn’t feel safe until she’d locked the doors that were accessible from outside the house and made sure to fasten all windows shut from the inside. She even went as far as securing the tiny one above the bathroom sink. Her overactive imagination went wild when she discovered that the latch on her bedroom window was faulty and it provided her with the scene of Edward sliding her window open in the dead of night, his eyes black eyes and pale skin gleaming in the moonlight. Bella knew for a fact that he could crush her windpipe easily, and envisioned how he’d render her mute while he tore her flesh to shreds.
She shuddered.
The vision had no basis in reality, but it disturbed Bella so much that she tied a thread between the handle on the bottom of her window and the little cactus Renée had given her so that if anyone were to open her window, it would knock the potted plant off the windowsill.
Hopefully, the noise would warn Bella of her inevitable doom.
She changed into her warmest clothes and made herself a piping cup of tea before planting herself on the living room couch to keep vigil. Now, that she had sat down and taken some time to gather herself, Bella wondered if she wasn’t over-reacting. Edward was probably just the typical angry teen who hasn’t grown out of his cootie phase yet. Anemia would explain his pasty skin and his black eyes might have been the result of unfortunate genes. If that turned out to be the case, Bella would just have to suck it up and get used to them.
That didn’t mean she was about to try and become bosom pals with him anytime soon.
The tea burned her tongue and sitting idly with only her thoughts to keep her company was making her antsy. Bella attempted to reign in her anxiety. She scraped her raw taste buds against her teeth, biting into the place where she’d burned herself. The pain grounded her, and she put her mug down and stood up in search of a better distraction.
Bella had inherited the habit of baking when she felt stressed from Renée - without the tendency to turn the kitchen into a disaster zone with ill-advised culinary experiments. She found herself in the kitchen gathering ingredients to make some bread. Her dad didn’t keep his kitchen stocked for unplanned baking, but Bella managed to scavenge what was needed to make a simple herb bread. Charlie had an odd collection of spices and a packet of dried yeast that was at least a decade old but Bella made due, and soon she was punching out her frustration at handsome demon boys by punching the dough.
It was an effective anger release.
Bella was sweating by the time she finished, and the poor dough was bound to be tough after being so abused. She put it away so it could rise and was washing her hands when the phone rang. The jarring noise caught her by surprise, and Bella sprayed water down her front.
“Get a grip!” she chided herself harshly and slammed her hands down on the metal rim of the sink. Her pulse raced with adrenaline, but she quickly grabbed the phone with shaky hands, unsurprised to see the number calling. She cleared her throat and tried to calm her nerves before answering. “Hey, mom.”
“How was school, hon?” Renée’s asked without preamble.
“Fine,” Bella sighed. It was the last thing she wanted to talk about right now, but it was nice to hear her mother’s voice. Renée apparently caught her dark tone and tried to lighten the mood.
“Meet any cute boys?” she teased good-naturedly.
She had no idea.
The image of Paul wearing nothing but shorts and wet from the rain elbowed its way into Bella’s mind, and she blushed as she tried to clean her dirty mind. Edward would have been a close second if he hadn’t terrified the living daylights out of her. She knew her mother was just worried that she would a hard time fitting in, but Bella knew from experience that if she kept her expectations low, there wouldn’t be any disappointment. It had worked in her favor today because she’d been pleasantly surprised when she made a friend. It was a rarity for her to connect so quickly with another person, but Angela was one of the kindest people Bella had ever met. It was hard not to like her.
“Well, there was one, but he turned out to be a complete asshole,” she admitted, thinking of Edward. There was no harm in playing along with her mother. Bella wouldn’t mention his freaky behavior for now, but all bets were off if he tried anything. Charlie would be the first to know what kind of guy was to be her lab partner.
Bella was not the type to go boy-crazy, but she enjoyed the evenings where her and Renée would stay up late and do girl things together. Renée called those times her ‘Bella-bonding’ time. Her liveliness and easygoing nature made it feel like Bella was hanging out with her best friend instead of her mother.
‘Bella-bonding’ had salvaged their relationship, which had been rocky ever since Bella shouldered some of Renée’s responsibility after having grown tired of her ditziness. She was ashamed to admit that she’d started to become resentful of their backward mother-daughter dynamic during junior year in high school and had been tempted to move to Forks then. The stress of keeping up with Renée had taken its toll, and the floodgates had opened when Bella tried to bottle it up. Instead of turning into an argument like Bella had feared it would, her mother had shown herself to be surprisingly sensible and capable of serious discussions. In the end, Bella decided to stay in Phoenix with Renée and Phil, and it was one of the best decisions she’d ever made. Phil helped a lot with taking care of things, and both Renée and Bella had come to rely on him to balance them out. Their bond had strengthened now that Renée was free to chase after whatever caught her fancy and Bella could be herself without drowning in obligations that shouldn’t have fallen on her shoulders in the first place.
“Oh?” Renée asked, intrigued.
“I sat next to him in biology, and I swear, no one’s ever glared at me like that. He acted as if I’d stabbed him with my pencil,” Bella muttered.
“Pay him no mind, Bella. Boys like that aren’t worth your time, and he’s hardly the only guy in town,” Renée reassured her.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Bella agreed quietly. She rubbed her forehead with a sigh. It was true. Edward wasn’t the only guy who’d been on Bella’s mind. Paul was still a mystery she was eager to crack.
“I am? Do you have another boy in mind?” Renée asked mischievously.
“What- I,” Bella spluttered, too flustered to think of a better answer. “No. Yes. Maybe?”
“Now this I got to hear. Who has my girl so wound up that she can’t speak?”
“He’s just a guy I met at the beach,” Bella admitted, omitting to say Paul’s name - there was no need to get ahead of herself. “I thought he was an asshole too at first, but then he smiled at me. I don’t know. He’s just confusing.”
“Have you talked to him?” Renée didn’t bother to hide her amusement at Bella’s frustration.
“No,” Bella admitted grudgingly.
“Well, you better tell me all about him. It’s about time you got some romance in your life,” Renée said encouragingly. Her mother had never understood why Bella was so disinterested in dating. It was so different from what Renée had been like in her youth. Bella was a bit of a homebody, but it wasn’t like she was averse to being in a relationship or falling in love. It was rather that no one in Phoenix had ever shown her any interest.
Maybe Forks could be different?
It occurred to her that she was probably getting her hopes up for nothing. A guy like Paul must have a girlfriend - someone as cool as Leah, or as graceful and beautiful as Alice. How could Bella compare to that? Her mood dampened, and she wanted to crawl underneath her blanket and forget about all the boys she’s ever met. Bella tried to find an excuse to hang up on her mother. “Can we talk about it later? I need to get dinner started.”
“Sure thing, hon,” Renée said quietly, but she knew Bella well enough to recognize the tone in her voice. “I can hear you doubting yourself, Bella. You’re a smart and beautiful girl, and I’m not just saying this as your mother. I know you hate it when I say this, but please try to relax and enjoy life, honey. You spend so much time inside your head and sometimes that negative little goblin distracts you from what’s right in front of you. Put an old mother’s heart at ease and try to make some friends.”
“Really, mom - a negative goblin?“ Bella scoffed, and Renée made a pleased sound at her own wit. "And you’re not old.”
“I know, but before you know it I’ll be speeding around on a scooter while Phil tries to keep up,” she joked and succeeded in drawing another laugh from Bella.
“I love you, mom.”
“Love you too, sweetheart!” Renée said as parting words. Bella held onto the receiver for a moment after the call disconnected and listened to the white noise as she mulled over her mother’s advice.
Relaxation was the furthest thing from her mind. There were too many secrets in this small town, and she had every intention of solving some of them. She put the phone down gently and went to get dinner ready while her bread was baking.
Being eaten by wolves sounded much more heroic than dying in the middle of a biology class.
“You ready to go, Bella?”
Bella looked up when Charlie called her name from the foyer. She was laying the table, the bread and the lasagna she’d cooked was ready to be eaten.
“Go where?” she called back, and there was a pause before Charlie poked his head inside.
“To Billy’s,” he said, raising his brow when he saw the food. Bella gasped when she remembered the invite Charlie had told her about yesterday.
“Oh, no! I completely forgot!” she moaned into her hands and Charlie watched her in bemusement.
“Relax, it’s not the end of the world,” he said. Bella looked at him between her fingers and saw that he was trying not to laugh at her.
“But I made dinner!” She pointed emphatically at the meal she’d prepared, trying to get him to understand how rude and inconsiderate she’d been for having forgotten their plans.
“So? Just leave it there, and we’ll put it in the fridge once it’s cooled,” Charlie said, clearly wondering why Bella was getting so worked up about this. “We’ll eat it tomorrow.”
“Yeah.” Bella rubbed her forehead. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m being silly.”
“No, you’re not. You just had other stuff going on.” Charlie clapped her on the back and went to investigate the bread, sniffing the air. “This smells delicious.”
“Thanks, we’re out of rosemary by the way.” Bella stood up and put the jug of water she’d placed on the table back into the fridge. “I’m coming. Let me grab my coat.”
“Put on some shoes while you’re at it,” Charlie called after her.
They took her truck, and Charlie offered to drive. Bella was tempted to argue but thought better of it and tossed him the key.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Charlie said as Bella was putting on her seatbelt and held up the end he’d sliced off the bread. She shook her head but was surprised when he ripped it into two and handed her the other half.
“Thanks.” She took it and bit into it. It was still warm but a bit too salty for her taste. Charlie evidently didn’t think so because he stuffed his half into his mouth and made a sound of appreciation at the taste.
“Jesus, this is good! Where did you learn how to bake?” he asked. The truck growled to life, and they pulled out of the dive.
“Just a habit.” Bella shrugged, hiding a smile.
“Well, feel free to do it again because this is excellent.” Charlie didn’t give compliments freely, mainly because it made him feel awkward, but when he did it was more often than not about food. His words still touched Bella.
“I will,” she promise.
“We’ll need to stop for gas,” he remarked after looking at the dashboard and Bella heaved a sigh. Another thing she’d forgotten to do today. Charlie looked over at her. “School go okay? You look tired.”
“It was fine.” Bella was relieved that she’d already spoken to her mother. The thought of trying to ‘Bella-bond’ with Charlie was hilarious - he would probably arrest himself before speaking to her about feelings and boys. Bella’s answer was half-hearted at best, and Charlie frowned at her, his worry evident in his gaze, so she tried to reassure him. “I made a new friend. Her name is Angela Weber.”
“That’s great, Bella.” His shoulders slumped and the pinch between his brows smoothed out. “Weber - any relation to Pastor Weber?”
“She’s his daughter,” Bella confirmed.
“He’s a good man,” Charlie said as they pulled up to the gas station.
He stepped out, and Bella sat back. She examined her fingers and fiddled with them restlessly as she remembered the conversation she’d had with Jake on the beach. It was sad to think that anyone in La Push was struggling with addiction. Everyone she’d spoken to there had been incredibly kind to her.
A sudden thought nagged at Bella. Was she a bad person for harboring the desire to meet Paul and find out with kind of person he was even though she was completely turned off by the thought of him being into drugs? It seemed so shallow to pursue her interest despite the massive issue - it was like a terrible idea to enter a relationship with the desire to change one’s partner.
Charlie climbed in, and they were back on the road when Bella realized that there wasn’t anything to backup Jacob’s claim. He’d even told her that he was just repeating rumors. If anyone had answers about any lawbreaking in the area, it would be Charlie. Bella deliberated for a moment about how to bring it up. She settled on the direct approach.
“Hey, dad. Are there any, um, drug-related problems in La Push?”
“Not that I’m aware of - what’s brought this on?” Her line of question visibly surprised him.
“Just something Jake said.” Bella shrugged, unable to meet his gaze, and Charlie sighed.
“Ah, he’s told you about Sam and those boys?”
“So it’s true? I thought you said there weren’t any drugs there.” Disappointment churned in her gut.
“I did. Sam’s got a bad rep, Lord knows why, but he’s never been in trouble with the law. Don’t know much about the other two but I’ve met Mr. Lahote - what’s his boy’s name?” Charlie snapped his finger until he found the name. “Paul or something like that - good man; he used to be a deputy in La Push. Retired now, though.”
“Really? Isn’t he a bit young to be retired? Paul appeared to be around my age.” Bella frowned.
“Poor guy got mauled by a bear about a year ago. It’s amazing the guy’s still breathing, let alone walking. Mind you, he uses a cane to get around these days,” Charlie ran a hand over his face, and Bella notices how the headlights of passing cars made her father look decades older than he was.
“That’s awful!”  The attack must have been gruesome if the trauma still hampered Mr. Lahote’s ability to walk. Bella had never seen the aftermath of an animal attack, but it couldn’t be pretty. Paul’s father must have scars - a constant reminder of the beast that had nearly killed him. Her heart went out to him. It couldn’t have been easy.
“Yeah, there seem to be a lot of bear attacks around there,” Charlie said with quiet speculation. His frustration was evident, and he let out an explosive sigh. “Never found the beast though.”
“Do you think it’s the one beast?” Bella didn’t miss the singular.
“That’s what the expert said,” Charlie revealed. “The odd thing was that he couldn’t pin down exactly what type of animal was behind the attacks. The prints we found when we searched the woods were unlike any bear tracks he’d ever seen - said they were canine looking.”
“Could it be wolves?” Bella asked after a moment of silence. Her pulse had sped up at Charlie’s admission. Whatever had attacked those people was likely still roaming free in the wood. How many unsuspecting hikers have wandered inside and come close to meeting it without being aware of its presence? She felt queasy at the thought. “I saw some paw prints outside Billy’s during our last visit.” Bella couldn’t help wondering what would have happened if she hadn’t seen them and kept going. Would she still be here today?
“You be careful around those woods, Bells. You hear me? There are plenty of creatures in there that could make a meal out of you,” Charlie warned.
“But have there been any wolf attacks?” She needed an answer to the question.
“Naw, with claw, marks the size of the ones I saw on Mr. Lahote; it could only be a bear. They were too big to be made by a wolf,” he said grimly. “Besides, wolves don’t use their claws; they bite their prey.”
Bella hunkered down in her seat and wondered if she counted as prey.
Jacob was standing on the porch when they pulled up into their drive. They returned his wave and got out of the truck.
“They’re here!” Jacob called inside and turned back to them with a smile. “Dad needs me to grab some, uh-” he apparently forgot what it was because he turned to shout inside again. “What was it you needed again, dad?”
“Salmonberry vinaigrette! And grab some paper towels while you’re there Jacob!” came Billy’s voice. “Stop blocking the doorway and let them in!”
“Sure thing, pops!” Jacob laughed and jumped down from the porch. He clapped Charlie on the back in greeting. “Wanna join me, Bella?”
“I think it’s safer if I do - you’ll probably come home with strawberry jam and toilet paper if we let you go alone,” Bella said with wry amusement and Jacob pretended to pout.
“Best not to keep your dad waiting, Jacob,” Charlie said before he went inside.
“C’mon, I’ll drive.” Jacob smiled, and they hopped into Billy’s black truck. The car was equipped with manual controls that catered to Billy’s needs and the drive to the store was laughably short. Jacob looked over at her and drawled. “How’s life?”
“Hectic,” Bella answered truthfully. Her mind was still reeling after Charlie’s revelation, but she wasn’t aware of the pinch forming between her brows that gave away her worry. Jacob raised his eyebrows and evidently thought Bella was in need of a dose of humor. He pulled up in front of the store and turned off the engine.
“Ok, we need a plan of action.” He faced her with a grimness that took her by surprise.
“What is this? Mission impossible?” Bella’s face twisted with bewildered amusement. “I thought we were going shopping?”
“I take my grocery shopping very seriously, Bella.” Jacob’s eyes glimmered with mirth, and he flipped his hair theatrically. “I can’t risk you blowing this operation if your mind isn’t in the game.”
“I’m sorry.” Bella caught on and schooled her face. “What’s the plan, boss?”
“That’s the spirit. We’ll split up to cover more ground - I’ll scout the vinaigrette, and you track down the napkins. Capiche?” He pointed his finger at her.
“Got it. I won’t disappoint you.” Bella nodded with such a severe expression that Jacob broke character when he couldn’t suppress his grin.
They jumped out of the car and walked inside. The bell rang when Jacob pushed the door open, and the girl sitting behind the counter looked up from her book.
“Hey, Jake,” she greeted, and Jacob automatically headed towards her.
“Hey, Patricia.” They were most likely in the same grade, but Bella was on a mission. She wasn’t in the mood to hang around while they exchanged pleasantries. School - and Edward - had exhausted her and her human-interaction meter for the day had reached its limit.
“What kind of napkins, boss?” she asked Jacob quickly.
“One of those white paper towels on a roll.” Jacob gave her a thumbs up as she backed away, heading deeper into the store.
It was much smaller than the one in Forks, but they still had a decent variety. Bella walked past a display of a large lawn mower that was sitting on one of the metal shelves. The isles were narrow, and she searched high and low for the frustratingly elusive napkins. She had to circle the paper product section three times before she finally found them.
It seemed like fate wasn’t on Bella’s side today because the paper towels were on the top shelf and this time there was no stepping stool in sight for her to use. Bella tried jumping at first, and her fingers nudged the packet but ultimately pushed it back and out of sight. She landed with a frustrated huff and backed away, going up onto the tips of her toes to see how far back she’d accidentally pushed it. The packet was up against the wall now, and there was no way she could reach it.
Bella could feel it mocking her.
The shelves were sturdy - the lawn mower could attest to that and Bella hardly weighed as much as that monstrosity. To be on the cautious side, she tried to give the structure a little shake and was satisfied when it didn’t budge. Bella felt a thrill when she heaved herself up. She took great care of watching where she put her feet, remembering the last time she tried to reach for something inside a grocery store. It was much easier to climb instead of stretching up after an object since her weight was more evenly distributed. Or at least that’s what she thought. Bella was almost to the top and rested her right arm on the highest shelf. The paper towels were in sight, and she went on her toes to gain another inch, reaching her left hand toward them.
Almost there.
She started to slip.
“Need a hand there, short-stuff?”
Someone grabbed hold of her thighs and lifted her up like they were doing a cheerleader routine. Bella lurched forward with a yelp but grabbed hold of the paper towels when her face pressed into the plastic wrap. She pulled back, and the hand on her butt steadied her.
“You better get your hands off my ass, Jacob Black.” Bella bit out and froze when he let out a bark of laughter. That was not Jake. She peered down and saw that it was Paul. Her eyes widened as her brain short-circuited, and he smirked up at her.
“You got a hold of it?” Paul asked her and Bella nodded mutely. To his credit, his hands didn’t linger, and he lowered her effortlessly to the ground. Bella swayed as her feet touched the floor and he steadied her. The heat of his palms melted through the fabric of her shirt and warmed her skin. Bella felt a blush crawl up her cheeks.
He let go of her but didn’t seem inclined to move back.
She blinked and gripped the packet of paper towels to her chest as she tried to register the fact that she was standing face to face with Paul Lahote - the guy who she couldn’t seem to get off her mind. He was just as attractive as Bella had predicted, even in the unflattering lighting that seemed to be universal to grocery stores around the country. She couldn’t help but admire his high cheekbones and the sharp ridge of his nose now that she was up close.
It was his eyes that got her.
They were a rich brown, and it was astonishing to Bella how beautiful they were, having always thought her own brown eyes to be rather dull. His gaze was intense, and she felt a thrill run through her as she bore the entirety of his attention. She noticed that he was wearing a shirt for once, a black t-shirt to be exact. His shoulders were broad, and Bella absently noted how fit he looked.
Paul was unfairly hot for a guy wearing jorts and sandals.
“You’re catching flies,” he said with a self-satisfied smirk, and Bella snapped her slackened mouth closed.
“Thanks for the help,” she said begrudgingly, humiliated at having been caught ogling him.
“You’re welcome,” he said and extended his hand for her to take. “Paul Lahote, at your service.”
“Hi.” Bella fumbled with her bounty and took his hand. His palm engulfed her slim hand, and he shook it with exaggerated slowness. Her brows raised at the furnace-like heat Paul radiated and wondered if her hands, which were chronically chilled, felt like the ones of a cold corpse to him. He didn’t seem to mind and was looking at her expectantly. She realized she hadn’t introduced herself and stumbled over her words. “Bella. I’m Bella Swan.”
His warmth lingered when they let go, and Bella curled her fist to her chest, trying to savor the heat.
“So, does Jake touch your ass a lot, Bella?” he asked out of nowhere, and Bella wanted to sink through the floor. Her face burned red as her blush increased.
“What? No!” she sputtered.
“Hey, I had to ask.” He shrugged, and his raised brow told her he was jesting. “It’s not every day a cute girl gets me mixed up with a pipsqueak like Jake.”
“Cute?” Bella drew up a blank at how to respond and repeated the word, her mind latching onto it. Paul thought she was cute.
“Hell, yeah.” He nodded and eyed her shamelessly. Bella stared at him. She’d never met anyone this brazen.
“Thanks?” It came out as more of a question and Paul evidently found it amusing because his stupid smirk widened.
“You’re welcome.”
Bella was woefully inept at flirtation - Paul was undoubtedly hitting on her, even a dense girl like her could see that - and tried to gain some control over the conversation. “Aren’t you cold?” she blurted the first thing that popped into her mind.
Real smooth, Bella.
“I’m hot,” Paul said, and Bella couldn’t help but laugh at how corny the line was. This turn of events was far beyond anything she’d imagined happening for their first conversation. He appeared entirely at ease while she scrambled to find something to say.
“Bella, c’mon we’re late!” It was Jacob. Her mind screamed at him to go away and let her have this moment. She widened her eyes at Jacob pointedly. Couldn’t he see how important this was? He ignored her look and glared at Paul, looking ready to march over to them.
“Thanks for the help, Paul,” Bella said, hoping to prevent the scene Jacob would undoubtedly make if he joined them. Paul didn’t seem perturbed. Jacob was a pipsqueak in his eyes, as he’d worded it, and Bella couldn’t help but agree. Paul looked like he could take care of himself in any fight, verbal or physical.
“I’ll see you around, Bella,” Paul told her and Bella liked the way her name sounded on his lips.
“Yeah, see you, Paul.” She gave him a little wave before turning around and walked reluctantly over to Jacob in half a daze. Her heart fluttered inside her chest, and she squeezed the paper towels close in an attempt to calm it. Paul Lahote had Isabella Swan cute!
“What the hell was that, Bella? ‘I’ll see you around’?” Jacob asked her in a hushed whisper. “I told you he’s trouble. You shouldn’t even have spoken to him!”
“Paul helped me reach those napkins, Jacob. He was nothing but polite to me.” Bella scoffed, trying to suppress her annoyance.
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you,” Jacob grumbled, shooting a dark look over her head. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Paul was still standing in the same spot she’d left him in. His face displayed his annoyance at Jacob’s interruption, but he switched gears when he noticed her looking. Paul waved at her with a grin before turning on his heel and walking out of the store. He hadn’t bought anything.
“You’re overreacting,” Bella said firmly, but Jacob looked like he was about to argue. She forced the paper towels into his chest. “I’m going to wait in the car.”
Paul wasn’t anywhere in sight when she made it out onto the parking lot, and Bella climbed up into Billy’s truck and folded her arms across her chest. She was tempted to sulk at Jacob for having cut her time with Paul short, but the excitement of having spoken to him was too high. He’d called her cute!
Jacob joined her before she had time to analyze the exchange any further. He sighed and drove them to his house before speaking. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. You’re my friend, Bella.”
Bella thawed and punched him lightly in the shoulder. “I know, Jake, but I’m a big girl. Try to dictate me again, and you’ll regret it.”
“Ouch, the girl’s got claws,” Jacob said, clutching his shoulders and stumbling out of the car. Goofball. Bella laughed, and they went inside to showcase their bounty.
“Hey, dad. We got everything you wanted,” Jacob said, waving the grocery bag over his head when they entered the kitchen.
“Good,” Billy said. He was sitting at the dining table with Charlie, his trademark hat absent for once. His long hair was tousled, and he bore a slightly frazzled look.
“Mind if I grab a beer, Bella?” Charlie asked. Bella shook her head, and he snagged the six-pack Billy had placed on the counter. “You want one, Billy?
“No, I’m good. I have an early meeting with the Council tomorrow,” Billy said with a shake of his head.
“Oh, yeah?” Charlie sat down again and faced him. Jacob and Bella hovered by the kitchen counter, exchanging a glance when Billy exhaled wearily.
“We’ve been discussing mitigation plans in case of a hazard.” He gave a wan smile.
‘Hazard?’ Bella mouthed at Jacob, but he shook his head and looked away.
“Anything dire?” Charlie asked, taking a sip of his beer.
“Congress finally listened to our concerns about the high tides and rising Quileute River. They’ve set aside land for us on higher grounds, but it’ll take us years to scrounge up the money we need to fund the move.” Billy rubbed his forehead and Charlie lowered his beer with a nod of understanding. This didn’t appear to be news to him.
“How bad are things looking?” he asked Bill quietly, shooting a glance at Bella who was listening with open curiosity.
“Our school is well within the inundation zone, and we’re going to start running Tsunami drills. We can’t be unprepared if it happens - it could wipe out an entire generation if it should happen during a school day.”
“I didn’t know things were this serious,” Bella breathed. This was terrible - children were at risk!
“It’s the politics that’s making things so difficult,” Billy agreed.
“I didn’t know the tribe was still active,” Bella admitted and flushed at how ignorant her statement sounded.
“The Quileute Tribe is a sovereign nation.” Billy’s tone had taken on an educational note, and Bella listened with rapt attention. “We make decisions on how best to balance community and tradition. We help protect our sacred and ceremonial areas including the preservation of historical artifacts.”
“Billy here is the Chief,” Charlie said in a small attempt to lighten the mood.
“That’s Head Chairman Black to you, sir!” Billy laughed and slapped him on the back.
“I didn’t know that,” Bella admitted.
“That’s enough politics for the day,” Billy said. “Jacob, can you lay the table while I get this darned fish ready for eating?”
“I got you, pops.”
“Can I help with anything?” Bella asked.
“Can you get me a lemon from the fridge?” Billy asked her as he backed from the table. Bella nodded but felt weird about rummaging through the contents of their fridge. It felt like a violation of their privacy in some way. Billy picked up on her discomfort.
“I trust you more with that fridge than Jacob! Feel free to act like you’re at home, Bella. After all, you’re family!” Billy laughed like he was enjoying a private joke. Jacob rolled his eyes at Bella.
Dinner was delicious; salmon and roasted potatoes accompanied the vinaigrette her and Jacob had bought. Desert was apple pie and whipped cream, courtesy of the Clearwaters.
“This was one heck of a meal,” Charlie said, patting his belly with a sigh. Bella agreed.
The shrewd light in Billy’s eyes hadn’t dimmed throughout the entire evening, and he paid more attention to Bella than she’d expected, asking her all kinds of questions. She did her best to answer them, but she feared that her face was stained a permanent red from all the attention she was receiving today.
“It might be good for you to meet more people your age,” Billy said with a nod of encouragement. “There will be a barbeque here next weekend if you’re interested in coming. There won’t be a lot of people - only a couple of family friends. The Clearwaters will be there.”
“Wait, there is?” Jacob asked through a mouthful of pie. His cheeks bulged comically, and Billy sent him a look of despair.
“Chew your food, Jacob. And yes - Sam’s organizing it.”
“As in Sam Uley?” Bella asked. Her interest was piqued. It was very likely that Paul would be there. Billy nodded.
“Of course, you’re invited as well, Charlie,” Billy said, and Charlie raised his beer can in salute. They turned their attention back to Bella. “What do you say, Bella? Are you interested in joining us?”
Did she want to spend an evening with Sam and Paul? Bella didn’t have to think for long.
“Yes, I would be honored to.”
Next chapter: The gym teacher let Bella loose in class, and now she’s sporting a black eye. Bella goes to Sam’s barbeque and realizes that it’s her birthday.
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pinksausageduo · 7 years
bae jinyoung|best friends to lovers|part 1
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member: bae jinyoung genre: fluffy summary: you were best friends with jinyoung but you wanted to be something more but in your mind that’s never gonna happen. but the wanna one boys have a plan to set you two together without either of you knowing let’s hope it won’t be end in a complete disaster requested: yes!! soccer + best friend (can have romance) part 1 | part 2 (final)
you look at the soccer field watching the boys team practice
and you can’t help but smile as jinyoung scores a goal
you cheer for him loudly trying to embarrass him
he looks at you blushes and gives you a heart warming smile and a small wave
you wave back frantically with a huge grin your face
you can see seongwoo lightly nudging him and smirking him while whispering something into his ear
you roll your eyes you’re sure he’s teasing jinyoung about you two again 
and on cue jinyoung blushes bright red
seongwoo looks at you and winks while you just flip him off 
he smirks and chases after the ball once again
jinyoung gives you one last glance and smiling at you which makes your heart flutter 
even tho you’d never admit it did at least not to him
but the game continues and you keep on watching the boys practice
and your thoughts wandered
you and jinyoung were best friends
you had been since primary school 
you both loved soccer with a passion and you were both the star players in striker position of your separate teams (1 all girls, 1 all boys)
it all started when you wanted to join a game of soccer with all the boys
but they wouldn’t allow you to
cause you were a girl and girls have cooties plus they’re not as good as boys
prove them they’re so fucking wrong sister
but jinyoung convinced them to let you play and picked you for his team
he told you “i’m sorry about the other guys, you can take centre attack, prove them you’re amazing okay?”
making you blush and giving him a dazzling smile at him while nodding 
you felt sooo happy that even without jinyoung knowing about your skills at all he still convinced the guys to let you play picked you on his team and gave you the centre spot
you played excellently scoring 3 goals and your team won in the end
as you scored the final goal from half way 
all the guys jaws dropped at your skills
you rushed up and hugged jinyoung tightly whispering into his ear
“thank you for letting me play”
he automatically hugged you back tightly
“of course what are friends for? but i also need to thank you for making us win” he whispered back 
you both break apart smiling and you both knew you were gonna be best friends jinyoung still wanting to stand up for you basically shouted at all the guys
he grinned at you and you couldn’t help just at that moment but admit even then as a primary schooler your heart fluttered just a tiny bit
all the guys grudgingly respected you and in the end you became close friends with all of them by middle school
but you were closest to jinyoung of course 
you both became inseparable 
all classes you had together you sat with him
you became basically another daughter to his parents
and him a son to yours
son in law more like it
you both were each others best friends
he was there for you and you were there for him in every way possible
if you had a breakdown jinyoung could calm you in an instant
if he was upset you could always cheer him up
he’d bring you snacks before and after your soccer practices
and you’d attend as many of his practices cheering him on as much as possible
you both never missed a game when the other was playing
you literally were best friend goals
you guys would help each other out with school, friends, family, relationships everything
both of you had no idea where you both would be without each other
but as you got into high school you weren’t sure your feelings towards jinyoung were entirely just friendly
you just couldn’t think any guys could match up to him 
he knew you inside out back to front
all your secrets, quirks, weird things you do 
he knew all of them 
jinyoung was the sweetest guy you knew and a complete gentleman
always opening doors, trying to buy the meal and you always refused making you guys split the bill
but you didn’t know he never did this with anyone else just with you
you thought that was just him as a person
he always could make you laugh and you had the best time with him
he was also extremely handsome and so many girls liked him it was ridiculous 
but he really didn’t pay attention to them especially when you were around 
but of course you didn’t notice that
you knew he was out of your league 
and he could pick and choose and girl he wanted
which destroyed any and all hope of ever being more than best friends with him
plus he probably only saw you as a sister
mhmm sureeee he did
but all this didn’t stop from you having feelings for him 
they weren’t like constantly in your face since you guys are best friends and you spend so much time with him but they like popped up when 
things happened like 
whenever he went on a date or told you he liked a girl which was still basically never
your heart felt a weird twinge
but you always ignored it 
or whenever you hugged him or he complimented you 
you heart would flutter 
but you were happy with just being jinyoung’s best friend 
hoping your feelings will go away eventually but you were very doubtful you would get over him before high school ended 
you tried to get over him so many times but it never worked the dates the very short relationships could never even hold a candle to you and jinyoungs friendship
as you were totally lost in your thoughts you didn’t realise practice was over
you were snapped out of your thoughts with someone picking you up and putting them on your shoulder 
you automatically knew it was woojin 
he always did that when he wanted something usually money or food
“YAH WOOJIN LET ME DOWN!!!” you screamed while hitting his back
“ONLY IF YOU AGREE IN BEING A CHEERLEADER FOR OUR FINAL GAME” he shouted right back being clearly amused by your antics knowing he won’t let you down 
you groaned at him “for fucks sake woojin you know i hate being happy and perky”
the cheerleaders basically offered you a one game position for the final where you could cheer for the boys 
since you were known to be so close with them
but since then all the guys pestered you about it constantly begging you to agree
but they all had a reason for wanting you to be a cheerleader
they were the ones who even set up a special position for you with a little date bribing and they were done!
how i wish i was good looking how easy my life would be smh 
so basically after they won the game cause they were 100% sure they would
cocky dicks
they were gonna have you and jinyoung in the middle of the field and they’ll start chanting “KISS KISS KISS”
and literally everyone would join cause 
1. people were sick of you two not getting together but being more couple like then actual couples
2. hey who doesn’t like a kiss at the end of a game its cheesy and cute
then y’all kiss get together AND BOOM NEW RELATIONSHIP
also daniel mentioned the other reason for being a cheerleader soon after woojin picked you up
“but you know jinyoung would love to see you in a uniform something short and tight” daniel cheekily butted in 
“FUCKKK OFF DANIEL” you flip him off while he just chuckles at you 
you see all the guys knew of your crush on jinyoung
but they didn’t tell him and you loved them for it
little did you know jinyoung had a crush on you and begged them not to tell you
so they decided not to tell either of you and be good friends 
AND play matchmaker happily 
“awwww y/n pwetty pleaseeee can youu be a cheerleader its only for oneeee game can’t you do that for me” daehwi said cutely with a lot of aegyo and puppy dog eyes
“stop acting cute it’s not going to work you child demon” you scoff back still slumped on woojins shoulder 
“i give up she’s so fucking stubborn” daehwi complains 
“you barely even tried??” guanlin says
“shhhhhh” daehwi shushes him
“LANGUAGE DAEHWII!!!!!” jisung scolded daehwi
“oh come on lay off it jisung he lives in the same house as us” minhyun said with an amused smile 
“he’s still young minhyun!” jisung said scolding him also for his care free attitude
“if you say so” minhyun said while shrugging
mother and father goals 
“IM STILL HERE PARENTS!!!” you say obnoxiously 
“and there goes our least favourite annoying child” jisung sighed 
“of course there is, its you and the favourite is me” guanlin says smirking at you
“why the hell are you the favourite??” woojin asks trying to face guanlin
which meant spinning you around and all the guys trying to dodge your head
“cause he’s the swaggy rapper. duh.” jaehwan says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“NEVERRRRR” jaehwan screams 
making everyone wince at his vocals
in the mean time jinyoung, seongwoo and jihoon come over 
“whats all this about?” jihoon asks 
“basically we’re trying to make y/n agree to be a cheerleader for the final game” woojin says again spinning you around again making you dizzy
“STOP DOING THAT!!” you shout 
everyone laughs and you just pout 
“ahhhh so cheerleader y/n, is this for her to be in something short and tight for jinyoung???” seongwoo said suggestively 
making you and jinyoung blush so hard
but neither of you deny it lol
“HEY THATS WHAT I SAID!!” daniel said grinning brightly 
“YEAH ONGNIEL IS SCIENCE YO!!!” seongwoo shouts happily back
and they do their secret handshake which takes soooo long with the weirdest details like both their butts rubbing against each other, weird faces, complicated hand motions and they finish it with a bro hug 
“i should be part of that, ongnielhwan is science sounds soooooo much better” jaehwan said disappointedly 
“but you have meeee” minhyun said cutely while hugging jaehwan 
“ew get the fuck off” jaehwan bitch glared at minhyun but he still clinged onto him
“y/nnnn please agreee so these idiots can all shut up” jihoon pleaded 
“WHO ARE YOU CALING IDIOTS???!!!” all the guys chorused 
“can y'all just shut the fuck up” jihoon says grumpily
“LANGUAGE!! AGAIN!!” jisung scolded jihoon this time while glaring at minhyun daring him to say anything
minhyun just put his hands up in defeat with a “i didn’t do anything wrong” face
“teenage bloody hormones” sungwoon said rolling his eyes at jihoon 
in the midst of all this mess jinyoung gently lowers you down from woojins shoulder
making you extremely close to him 
everyone’s watching intently like it was some sort of rom-com
and everyone knew you were gonna agree to being a cheerleader cause 
he’ll ask you 
and of course you’ll say yes
and you were also basically in love with him
and all of the guys were just smirking at each other knowing their plan will work out since the hardest bit of it was for you to agree to be a cheerleader
“guanlinah get me some popcorn” sungwoon ordered
“hell no do it yourself” guanlin replied  S.A.S.S.I.L.Y
“F-” sungwoon started to speak but he got interrupted very quickly
“SHHHHHHH” shushed the rest before sungwoon could go on a rant about how the younger generation should treat their elders with respect
and then guanlin would mention something about height
and sungwoon would go full on hulk mode
but you weren’t paying attention all you could hear was your fast beating heart 
jinyoung softly pleaded to you with his adorable chocolate brown eyes staring right into yours “y/n will you please please please be our cheerleader for the game? for us? for me?”
you knew you couldn’t say no to jinyoung especially when he was looking at you like that
“fine” you bitterly said 
which resulted in loud cheering and whooping from the guys
and the most heart warming smile from jinyoung
jinyoung tightly hugged you spinning you around
making you squeal a little and his heart warming at your cute antics 
you hug back with you eyes closed 
you love his hugs so much 
you part with everyone smirking at you two
before you could say anything daehwi comes between you two and hugs jinyoung 
“hes mine” he says cutely poking his tongue at you 
with jinyoung shyly grinning and blushing at you
you can’t help but smile at the two guys you loved them both heaps 
“BUT YOURE MINEEE DAEHWI” you say loudly while grabbing daehwi and tightly hugging/squishing him 
he squealed and laughed while saying 
“i love you too y/n”
everyone but you could see the glint of jealously in jinyoung’s eyes 
even daehwi so he parted with you quickly and silently mouther a sorry to jinyoung
and jinyoung visibly relaxed and mouthed back it’s okay
you were completely oblivious to all of it though
“but you guys better win and you also need to buy me pizza” you warningly say to all the guys 
“DEAL!” they agree happily 
you all prepare to leave and jinyoung wraps his arm around your shoulder while whispering in your ear 
“really thank you for agreeing”
“it’s all good” you say smiling at him 
“i’ll be your cheerleader” you chuckle a little making a cheerleading gesture 
which makes him smile widely at your adorable chuckle and cute pose
“just my cheerleader right?” jinyoung asks 
“just yours” you say sweetly back
BACK FROM MY UNOFFICIAL HIATUS W A CUTIE JINYOUNGG!!!! if y’all want info about the reasons for hiatus, fics to come and MY NEW SERIES please click here. anyways i love jinyoung and there will only be a part 2 to this scenario which will be the game and it’ll be shorter than this and ill be releasing that eventually. BUT THANK YOU FOR READING LOVE YOU ALL FOR STAYING WITH ME AND DONT BE AFRAID TO SEND ME A MESSAGE OR AN ANON!!!
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kneesheee · 7 years
Sweet Pea’s Sapphire
Sapphire ended up spending another week in the hospital because apparently another infraction had been growing. It’d explain the slight burning feeling she had been feeling before that she kept ignoring.
But today, Sapphire was sitting outside of Sweet Pea’s house with a sense of dread. Grammy Sweets had wanted her over for dinner thinking that the reason Sapphire had wound had gotten another infection was because she wasn’t taking proper care of herself.
“You have to go in at some point,” she whispered to herself. She looked down at the light pink blouse she was wearing and acid washed jeans and her white combat boots before she got off her motorcycle. She ran a hand through her hair to try to tame it from the mess the wind made it before continuing up the small pathway.
She bent and petted Hotdog, the Third as he barked and yapped at the sight of her. Sapphire barely had time to knock on the door before SP’s younger triplet brothers attacked her in a hug. She beaned down and smothered each of their faces with kisses and loud smooches.
“Ew, gross, Sapphire,” TJ, the youngest triplet groaned while his brothers MJ and AJ swooned. Sapphire laughed a little before rubbing each of the triplets’ hair.
“Oi! I hope Cerberus haven’t been giving you any trouble,” Mama Sweets called out from her spot at the door. Sapphire snorted at the nickname she and Sweet Pea had given his little brothers.
Sweet Pea
Her heart hurts knowing that she was going to have to sit through a whole dinner pretending like everything was fine between them. Pretending that she didn’t want to fall in his arms and cry. Pretending that she didn’t also want to take the center piece off the table and smash it over his head.
Sapphire shook her head, “No, Ma. They’ve only hugged me, but you know I’m gonna keep an eye out in case anything worse comes.”
She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and didn’t take notice of Mama Sweets zeroing in on her bare wrist. Or how intently she looked at her and could physically see the sadness surrounding her.
AJ grabbed her hand began to pull her to the house, “Come on, Sapphire. We can play Mario Kart. I’m gonna beat you this time.”
I think the fuck not. Mario Kart Champion
“We’ll see about that, AJ,” she replied instead and followed Cerberus into the house. They paused for Mama Sweets to give Sapphire a kiss on the cheek and paused again so that she could speak and hug Grammy Sweets in the kitchen. Sapphire nearly drooled the second she smelled her favorite soup scent wafting in the air before Grammy was shooing her out.
She was pulled down the hallways and MJ had stopped in front of Sweet Pea’s door and said, “Don’t you wanna speak to Sweets?”
I wanna kill him to be honest.
She shook her head quickly and gave them a little smirk, “I’m more interested in beating all of you and keeping my title as the Reigning Champ.”
She knew her deflection work the second the looks of determination dance onto their features before AJ was once again leading her towards their room. The game system had already been set up, so Sapphire took a seat in bean bag chair in front of the television while the boys each took their places back on their beds.
Per usual, she picked Wario because the triplets still hadn’t figured out that he was the fastest one on Mario Kart 8. The board was quickly picked, and they waited the standard few seconds before they began racing.
Of course, she won each round they played. She refused to lose to the little demons. This was just payback for all the pranks they used to pull on her.
When it was time for dinner, the triplets moaned and groaned about Sapphire beating them again. She only laughed and followed them back to the kitchen while carrying TJ on her back. Some would say that he was too big to be being carried around, but honestly, he wasn’t just the youngest of the triplets. He was also the smallest. He was so small that if it weren’t for the fact that three of them were identical, you’d think he was a single.
“Sapphire,” he asked leaning forward a little on her back. “Are you going to start back coming over?”
“Yeah, you haven’t been over in like three weeks,” AJ piped up from in of them. MJ had already run into the kitchen and more than likely claimed his seat and set aside a chair to make sure Sapphire sat beside him.
“Aw, did you guys miss me,” she teased dodging around the question. “I knew you liked me.”
“Don’t be stupid, Sapphire,” TJ groaned. “Girls have cooties.”
“TJ, I am literally carrying you on my back,” she snorted. She set him down as they made it to the dining room, but she froze the second she saw Sweet Pea and Cheryl fucking Blossom sitting at the table.
Great, now I have to pretend that I don’t want to kill both of them.
The second she stepped fully into the room Sweet Pea and Cheryl both turned to look at her. Cheryl sneered at the sight of her and Sapphire childishly stuck her tongue out. She ignored when Sweet Pea scoffed and rolled his eyes as she took her seat in-between MJ and Grammy Sweets seat. Like her actual seat, Grammy has a name tag and everything.
MJ pulled on her sleeve and she leaned down so that he could whisper in her eye, “Who is that and why is she here? Why did Sweet Pea bring her?”
“We have to wait until Ma and Grammy get out here,” she whispered back. He pulled away to look at her in irritation and the look was so adorable to her that she couldn’t help but to tickle his sides and pinch his cheeks.
She hears the small conversation that Sweet Pea and Cheryl were having on their end of the table, but she tuned them out and continued to listen to the sounds of MJ laughter. It was another minute before Grammy and Ma started to come out from the kitchen with the food and Sapphire stood from her seat at the same time as Sweet Pea to help. There was an awkward moment as the two of them looked at each other and the tension spiked darkly before Sapphire felt a small hand on her wrist.
She looked to see MJ staring at her in confusion before she slowly sat down back in her seat. What neither of them had noticed was the looks shared between Grammy and Mama Sweets.
Sweet Pea carried on back into the kitchen to help bring out the rest of the food. Once that was finished and everyone took their seats, they all joined hands for Grammy’s “blessing” of the food.
“I just want to say that,” Grammy paused a little as she looked at Cheryl waiting to gauge her reaction. Sweet Pea, himself, grimaced knowing his current girlfriend wouldn’t be prepared for it. “Me and my baby spent too much damn time slaving over that stove so each every one of you little demons better clean your plates.”
Cheryl’s reaction was priceless. She looked so confused and lost. She had honestly no idea what was going on. Everyone but Sweet Pea ignored her as they began to pass the food around. Sapphire taken care to fix MJ’s plate herself because the little guy can eat to feed three grown men and she wanted some food to take home to her brother.
The table’s conversation was filled with idle chatter, but it was obvious that something was different. Sapphire and Sweet Pea weren’t making teasing remarks across the table at each other. They weren’t talking to each other at all. Sapphire’s eyes flickered around the table to see Grammy and Mama looking confuse to what was going on, so she kept eyes on her plate as she casually asked, “So, Sweet Pea, how long have you been seeing Cheryl?”
Dead silence.
She looks up once again, but this time she makes eye contact with Sweet Pea and a bitter smirk crosses her features at the look of his betrayal. She rose a brow waiting his answer as she casually ate a bite of the spaghetti.
“I thought Sapphire was your girlfriend,” AJ piped up from his seat and both of their heads turned towards him.
“Yeah, that’s why you bought her that bracelet,” MJ stated confused from beside her especially when everyone turned to take notice of her bare wrists. Sapphire sat back in her seat a little and watched as Cerberus bombarded their older brother with questions. She looked to her left to see the calculating look Grammy was shooting between the three teenagers.
“We haven’t been dating for long,” Cheryl said. “Only a few weeks.”
Shouldn’t have said that darling.
“Oh,” Mama Sweets quipped. “How long are a few weeks?”
Since the first week after my stay in the hospital.
“About three weeks, Ma,” Sweet Pea replied, and Sapphire ducked her head to hide the look of heartbreak that crossed her features. She refused to look broken in front of the two of them.
“Three weeks,” Sapphire heard Grammy whisper under her breath. “Three weeks ago, you were telling me about how much you loved Sapphire,” Grammy started, and Sapphire’s head snapped up. She blinked before turning to scowl darkly at Sweet Pea. Its one thing to lie to her. He didn’t have any right to lie to his grandmother. “You were even planning on giving her one of your grandfather’s rings. What changed?”
Sapphire felt her mind go blank. He was planning on giving her one of his grandfather’s rings? No. That couldn’t be true. He was probably just lying to Grammy to make himself feel good.
Sweet Pea squirmed in his seat at the looks of disappointment on his mom and Grammy’s face. He wanted to curse so bad and what made it worse was that Sapphire kept her head ducked the whole time. She took no part in the chaos she had just created.
“Things change, and people change,” he tried to shrug it off, but the look his Grammy was giving him let him know that this wouldn’t be the end of this conversation.
Grammy only hummed and continued to eat her food before she turned to Cheryl and innocently ask, “So will you be inheriting your father’s drug pin?”
Sapphire choked on her soup. Fucking savage.
The triplets were looking around a little confused to what was going on, but Sapphire peeked at Cheryl to see her trying to fight off a scowl. That’s what you get for thinking you could come in here and try to take MY place.
Sapphire broke off a piece of her bread and dunked it in soup before accepting the glass of lemonade that MJ pushed towards her. She took a bite of the bread then took a drink of her lemonade patiently waiting for Cheryl’s answer.
But it never came.
“Excuse me,” Cheryl said as she stood up from the table and walked away. Sweet Pea sighed and took after her. Sapphire almost felt pity towards the girl, but then she remembers that Cheryl started dating her boyfriend while she was in the hospital. If anyone should be getting some pity, it should be her.
“Well that was eventful,” Mama Sweets commented. --
Sapphire had been riding her bike down the roads of the Southside once again ignoring the doctor’s orders to do the exact opposite. She had just turned the corner towards the Whyte Worm when something… or rather someone caught her eye.
               A homeless woman sat on the curve. The No Man’s Land between the Serpents and the Ghoulies territory. She stopped her bike and that’s when she noticed the small homeless kids hiding under boxes a little closer to her.
               Her eyebrows furrowed. There were actual homeless people on the Southside? And she never noticed them? Sapphire shot off a quick text to her publicist before she hoped back onto her bike and continued to the bar as an idea began circulating in her head.
As soon as she got there, she had wanted to leave. Mainly because Tall Boy was outside, and he knew she was under doctor’s orders to not be riding her bike. He gave her the standard disappointed look before snapping his fingers. Two of the older Serpent lackeys came forth and took her bike. She watched them hook it up to the back of Fangs’ car before she gave an innocent smile and slipped inside of the building.
               Sapphire took another second to gaze around her and taking a prideful moment as she noticed all of the chairs and booths that had been added to the bar giving off the 50’s vibe. She continued inside of the bar before making it to where her group of friends were.
               A part of her felt a little guilty. She rarely ever spent time with them anymore. She was always coming up with different excuses to not see them. Heck, she was so deep into her family’s business that she thought the board would die of shock from seeing her so much. Not to mention that she didn’t sit with them in class and stopped eating lunch at school. But she couldn’t be around her friends.
               No, not when the northsiders were always around them. Always coming to the Whyte Worm because its where they can be without being judged and without their parents seeing them.
               Oh, how far the mighty had fallen.
Another reason was because the Northsiders were always around. She felt as she trapped in a never-ending loop from seeing Sweet Pea and Cheryl cuddled up together or her giving him congratulation kisses every time he won a game of pool.
A part of her felt a little smug that he wasn’t winning as many as games as he used to. Guess without her around, his good luck was running out.
Sapphire continued and threw a mocking smirk in Cheryl’s direction when the girl turned to look at her. She even knocked on one of the unoccupied pool tables before she kept walking as the other girl turned away sneering.
The second Sapphire got into the view of her friends... Toni, Fangs, and Jughead were flying out of their seats to hug her. She laughed lightly and hugged them back just as tightly as they were doing her.
“Sapphire,” Fangs started. “It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
She chuckled awkwardly as they pulled away before she was pulled into a hug by her brother. Yes, she has even been managing to avoid him and they live in the same house.
“I actually need a favor,” she laughed awkwardly. The four of them looked at her wondering what it is she wanted before she turned and stood on the closest table to her.
“Get some paper out,” she told them before facing everyone and looking at Joaquin so that he could let out a loud whistle.
Immediately all eyes landed on her and she waited a second for things to quiet down.
“Everyone, now that I have your attention,” she started. “I just want everyone to know that I have a new project going on. This project will not include any buildings being closed down…”
She laughed right alongside everyone else at their loud sighs of relief. “You all know me. You’ve known me since I was a little girl growing up inside of my family’s manor by myself. Most of you had even came to my parent’s funeral. Some of you have babysat me, helped me with homework, and taught me how to cheat at tag.”
“That was me,” Pamela yelled from her seat at the bar. Another laugh went through the crowd.
“You all have accepted me into your family and into your community. Now I want to do the same for other people,” she continued. “I’m actually ashamed to say this, but today was my first time ever seeing homeless people on the streets of the Southside. Its getting closer to winter and I doubt any of them have anywhere to go. And it wasn’t just homeless men and women. There were children on those streets.”
She watched how all of them looked around uneasy. None of them liked the thought of someone living on the streets let alone on the streets during winter. “I’m offering the proposition of opening up Stone Manor to serve as homeless facility for the time being.”
She looked down at her feet to see Toni, Jughead, Quin, and Fangs each with paper in their hands. “I’m asking for your help as my family to help me bring some happiness into their lives. If you do wish to lend a hand, please come forth. Toni has the list for those that can help with food. Fangs, has the list for those to help with clothing. Jughead and Joaquin have the lists for those to help round them up.”
People began to move but she tapped Joaquin’s arm and he let out another loud whistle. “Wait, I’m not finished.”
“Once I leave here, I will be heading straight to Stone Manor to open the doors. I want to do this as soon as possible,” and with that she stepped off the table as everyone rushed forward to crowd around her friends.
I should stay and help with that.
She continued towards the doors and had to pause when she remembered that her bike was locked onto the back of Fangs’ car. But in the next second a smirk crossed her features when she caught sight of her brother’s bike. Sapphire chuckled lightly to herself before pulling out her phone sending a message to Mama and Grammy Sweets to bring basically all the supplies off their shelves promising to transfer money into the store’s account the next day. She pulled out her brother’s key from her keyring and took off down the rode and straight towards her old home.
It didn’t take long for her to get there. And she took a moment to take in the beauty of it. Even eight years later, the lawn was still cut to a crisp and the bushes were freshly wacked. No weeds were in the flower bed.
From the outside, she could almost believe that she grew up in this Manor. But she shook her head quickly and entered the gate code to get in. 6998
She rode the bike through the driveway before making her way up to the door. She pulled out the house key from the keyring and opening the door. She swore it sounded like the house said Welcome Home as she opened it.
Sapphire made her way through the manor as long forgotten memories pushing their way forward as she looked through each room. She remembered her lawyer saying that the cleaners still came every week to keep the manor clean. Sapphire had avoided going anywhere the manor, so it made sense on why she never saw them.
She sighed and made her way towards the breaker room to cut back on all the lights and the ventilation system. Honestly, she was just flicked on all the switches to turn everything that needed to be on. She waited another five minutes before she heard a vehicle pulling up as she makes her way back down the hallways.
She opened the door to see Mama and Grammy Sweets in their family truck with some of the boys from her den pulling up behind them. The triplets jumped out the truck and ran right for her and giving her hugs before running through the hallways of the manor.
“Don’t go too far,” she yelled after them before making her way outside to her den with some of the boxes of supplies. Shampoos and conditioners, soaps and bath wash for sensitive and dry skin, pads and tampons. Medical supplies. She even took notice of the Serpent’s medic pulling up to the manor.
“Come on boys,” Sapphire stated. “I’ll show you where to put these boxes.”
She motioned for not only her den to follow but also for the medic to follow them as Grammy and Mama Sweets unloaded a few more boxes and sat on them on the ground. She led her den into one of the family ballrooms easily making her way to it as if she had been walking those halls forever.
As the boys placed their boxes down and went back to get more, she showed the medic a separate room for them to unload their own supplies in and to set up. While they did that, she headed back towards the front and was rewarded with a small group of beings with bags of food following behind Toni.
Sapphire only nodded as she headed in the direction of the kitchens motioning for Toni and the others to follow her.
“Fangs and his group should be here soon,” Toni told her once they made it to their location. Sapphire smiled at her best friend before she walks back towards the front. She ended having to walk back to the kitchen to lead Grammy and Mama Sweets there before she once again headed for the front right as Fangs and his group were walking in with boxes and big bags filled with clothes.
She leads them towards the ballroom with the supplies from Grammy Sweets’ store. Tall Boy moving into motion ordering everyone to unpack everything and sort them out by sizes and age appropriateness. Fangs had pulled her aside before she moved to leave, “This. This is why you’re basically the Serpent Princess, Saph. You deserve the world. Give it some time. It won’t be long before Sweet Pea comes back to his senses.”
“I’m not doing this for him, Fangs,” she whispered harshly taking it into mind of the people surrounding her.
“I know you’re not,” he stated. “I’m only stating facts. You deserve the world and when he gets his head out his ass, he’ll do his best to give it to you. Otherwise I’ll have to kick his ass.”
She ended up laughing lightly and accepting the kiss on the forehead he gave her as he pulled away, so they could both go back to their respective duties. When she made it to the front, her brother and Jughead (and the Northsiders) were pulling up to the manor with dozens of cars following behind them.
She blinked at the sight. She had only saw a small handful of homeless people, but it was obviously more than she had previously knew. Guilt hit her full force before she pushed away. She was going to make things better for them. She was going to help them.
As they all walked through the doors, she motioned for them to follow her to the ballroom so that they could choose their clothing. She’d wait for everyone to claim what they need before she steps back to let Fangs and Jughead choose rooms for them to stay in. Cause she wasn’t that good at it and she swore the two of them could do a damn well good job when it comes to planning and organizing things together.
As all the kids and adults walked around finding things for them to claim as their own, Sapphire pulled Jughead away and rolled her eyes at blondie with the ponytail.
“I have a proposition for you, JugJug,” she stated as innocently as she could. He rose at brow at her unconvinced, but she only smiled.
“I know since what went down with Mr. P that the Red and Black has been lacking,” she almost trailed off at the sight of Sweet Pea walking into the room with only a muscle shirt on before she abruptly turned away. She cleared her throat before looking back at Jughead.
“How would like to be the new writer and editor for Southside Segments?”
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discord-of-laughter · 7 years
The OC challenge! - Phase 2 & 3
Phase 2 – Getting to know them
Who gets angry-drunk?
Cardia – don’t get her drunk or she will get fierce and you have to stop her from stumbling her way to revenge… also it would be underaged drinking!
Gabriele – actually turns into a reckless drunk but is super easy to anger – handle with care
Loreley – honestly just don’t, at first she’s just grumpy but give her more and she might strip and try to kill someone, preferably all men in the room
Lou – everything he hates about staying in control so much might bubble up but since his powers don’t subside just because of alcohol he becomes extremely dangerous + underaged drinking!
Phionee – you don’t want that. Will arm wrestle and just wrestle everybody and cause havoc also becomes very dominant and might just drag a poor soul to her quarter… that only happened twice and to the same “poor soul” but he looked pretty beaten up the next morning
Vanessa – it takes a while for her to get drunk… but then you better be ready to listen to her lashing out about injustice in the world and if someone is present who has done something bad she’d go and punch him/her… gets a bit better with age and when staying home with her partner but towards the end of the night of her wedding things were close to escalate
Who gets sad-drunk?
Bel – want to have a sobbing demon on your shoulder, get her drunk but be prepared to end up broke because of how much it takes to get her there
Damian – there’s only a short time window between him being drunk enough and passing out to unlock his sad past
Jennifer – that might correlate with the fact that she only gets drunk when someone died to begin with… once she’s done crying though she gets clingy and sweet and wants to slow dance, but will cry again if you don’t comply
Rachel – there has happened a lot to cry about in her life, be nice to her
Skadi – gets all delicate and honest and it is heart-breaking, but dude you can’t afford to get her drunk anyway
Mariana – has a lot of insecurity bottled up and will easily cry if given a reason for it… if not expect some dancing on the counter and less clothes because she feels hot
Who gets happy-drunk?
Allete – ever wanted to hear a femme fatal/female agent giggle, get her a bunch of drinks high in alcohol content and have fun
Jo – she gets totally mushy and easy-going, might want to cuddle though and if you don’t comply she’ll turn into a sad-drunk and wail about being lonely
Ophelia – turns into the sweetest girl imaginable when her defence mechanisms are down, super sweet and kind, a bit clingy though and falls asleep quickly
Kayleigh – thinks everything is funny when drunk – can hold more than one or two drinks though – loves the whole world and takes care of any sad-drunk in her proximity
Jason – best drunk to have at a party, becomes open, jovial, wants to sing and is in for pretty much everything that sounds like fun… becomes the heart of the party quickly and keeps it going
Cain – turns very sweet and soft for a very short while and then pukes his heart out – don’t feed the fish(boy)!
[Deicida doesn’t get drunk at all, she hasn’t the physical capacity for it… don’t give her alcohol though enough and she might just fall over + underaged drinking… kind of… well she looks the part.
Aquila just falls asleep when she gets drunk, so it is hard to tell.
Daniel is a wild card… depending on unknown factors it can be either and any of the above.]
How do they interact with a romantic partner?
For Allete flirting and seduction are part of the job and at first she would be the smoothest person in the world… until she notices that she really caught feelings and then everything gets difficult because all those gestures and tricks she always used suddenly seem bland and not enough. Hands shaking, lips quivering, she’s nervous like a little school girl and it would take a while to get her back to ease. After that she would be a surprisingly dotting girlfriend, but she needs reassurance once in a while that her partner can still stand her and her job and the danger.
Bel would be utterly confused by falling in love and therefore would avoid a potential romantic partner at first + is in need of a therapy session to get things cleared up. Love – that is such a human feeling and… and it makes you catch cooties, right? If said partner still wants her… it’ll take a long time to groom this queen of hell into a romantic partner to be taken seriously… and even then she’d be more like a terribly possessive friend.  
Cardia is the kind who would still blush once in a while after getting together and she’s rather shy around a partner only moving on and forward very slowly… emotionally. But she’s rather romantic deep down and would definitely try her best.  
Jo is not made for a relationship and would laugh off any attempts. She’s just not made for it, friends with benefits sure when she’s not on the road. But everything else… not so much. And she wouldn’t open up either, not because of trust issues just because… she can’t imagine any of this for herself… it scares her… much like being too happy does.
Damian would feel guilty for not having kept the person at arm’s length but he is also so happy that sometimes he just cries after his partner fell asleep. He’s completely shaken and torn but would even change his way if that’s what his partner asks for. In a way it’s puppy love because he wants to give them everything he can as long as he still has time for it. He would hate to make them sad by dying and ends up nervous and anxious about it once in a while… but when that isn’t the case he’s a sweet but teasing boyfriend with a thing for small romantic gestures… that don’t cost much… because he’s still broke, but he tries. 
Deicida would be a bit clingy. But mostly because she doesn’t really know what to do with herself… but she knows that being with this person feels good… after it took her ages to realise it. Because she would never think someone could be attracted to her… also there are the doubts if it’s okay and right… what would her bearer think… isn’t this meant to not work out? All of this while there are tons of conflicting feelings… she’d definitely be a mess, but a cute and blushing one. 
Gabriele wouldn’t want to catch the feelings… they make her weak but… it’s so hard to resist when you just want to cuddle up and let your guard down like her. She wants to be protected, she wants to hold hands… and throw terrible pick-up lines around. To flirt and feed each other ice cream and be sweetheart with some rough edges around her partner. But she can’t not now… maybe never… so in the end she’s out to break another heart.  
Jennifer… sweet forehead kisses, a soft hand on a shoulder, slow dancing… just being together in the same room. Inside jokes and anniversaries, she’d be a soft lover and ready to be swept of her feet too but not one for much public display of affection at all.
Ophelia – kiss her in the rain and she’s yours. No but really, she’d be the best worst girlfriend in the world. A criminal who can get utterly lost in love. She would have a hard time believing she makes the same mistake again but just goes with the flow… she knows she wants her partner before they do themself. She’d be the one to come back after a one-night stand, she wouldn’t beg not for someone to love her, but she really craves some affection, sleeping in someone’s arms again, knowing there is someone able to love her.  
The person who caught Aquila’s eye better is prepared to get swept off their feet and spoiled without being ask. She doesn’t fall in love easily, but she falls hard and turns into the perfect and attentive girlfriend or wife people dream about. If she has set her sight on a person her patience is endless and you can be sure… she’d even kill for you.
Kayleigh wouldn’t know what to do with herself. She can’t fall in love… not in her position and yet… here she is… sweet, maybe making jokes because she doesn’t know what else to do. She only knows love from stories but is open to her own version once she got over the initial doubts… but there are still things she even can’t tell a lover… things even a lover isn’t allowed to do. And Kayleigh would really hope they honour those things she can’t tell and those things she can’t let them do.
Loreley is mistrust issues incarnated. She longs to be in love, to be the world of someone… but she’s utterly afraid that things end up the same again. She couldn’t stand being left behind again, last time she killed others and tried to kill herself only to turn into a myth an mythical spirit in the end. She’d also be a kind of clingy person to a point, but really trying to make her romantic partner and herself happy.
Lou – the shyest and sweetest guy you can imagine. Utterly amazed someone actually wants to be with a time bomb like him but eternally thankful. Also master of shy flirting and then not believing it worked or that his target actually noticed it and picked up on it. Total gentleman too. His partner should be prepared to get a second family along with Lou’s love though.
Phionee is a secretive lover but expect passion behind closed doors. She’s also someone who’d turn down playful flirting, even when it’s coming from her romantic partner the very moment things get serious… she just really doesn’t want to blush or mix up private and public things/life.  
Rachel wouldn’t recognise she’s in love until it’s too late. She’d enjoy being close with someone but prefers a relationship with no strings attached. She’s grey-romantic and considering her life and what she considers her duty to be more important than being with someone… though things happen that make her doubt that mindset at least slightly.  
Human Daniel actually was very affectionate and devoted when in love. But the way he is now he’s more of the possessive kind, wanting to selfishly push through his unrequited feelings this time without actually really carrying for the feelings of his target… or targets… he likes to get what he wants now but it’s not quite clear if that would change if his feelings were answered… it would definitely throw him off at the very least though. [Not that he deserves it or could really be changed though.]
Skadi is aromantic and after an affair gone wrong and a divorce she doesn’t expect anything from this concept of love anymore. But with someone she is very close and who understands her pain she would be very considerate and sweet. Life has left her utterly sore though and all she is looking for is someone able to stand how broken she is. Someone who spends nights on the sofa in silence with her and leans on her shoulder, their existence alone a soothing reminder that life will go on. Someone who provides her with some warmth when sleeping next to her. The idea that she could find anything like love or the happiness that comes with it though seems like a ridiculous concept to her.
Mariana has high hopes in love and a deep-seated need to be loved. Her expectations might be a bit over the top considering the reality she lived in. And she also has a tendency to become slightly obsessed with love aka her romantic partner. She’d act like a very sweet romantic though when in a relationship so maybe slightly overbearing. But if you break up with her... you better be ready for consequences. 
Jason doesn’t like to think about romance too much because it makes him realise that he is kind of lonely. Also, he probably wouldn’t believe if anybody he knew would flirt with him, not in his line of work and such. But once someone gets him to believe it, expect him to blush at first before flirting back relentlessly and enjoying himself to no end. He’s not looking for love though.
Vanessa hasn’t been in love ever before. She wouldn’t know what to expect but would love to find someone who cares about her and wouldn’t mind doing the same. She’d be mostly looking for someone who’d be willing to try things out without making everything too awkward, just someone sweet she’d probably end up dotting on a bit.
Cain has the tendency to idealise the people he loves… and then being disappointed by them. He has a fear of being abandoned and rejection and that can lead to a quick mood swing. When in love he is generally difficult to handle, and he knows it. But the reason for it is mostly that he feels everything so very much and strongly. He also has a tendency to show his love with gestures he then plays down when he realises he might embarrass himself… but he knows some things aren’t right with him and he tries to work on all of it + he really means well.
What do they do for fun?
Allete – secretly likes to get high-class food and has a weakness for cheese, she also likes to sit in small, cozy cafés to read… and she is addicted to speed… not the drug, more like fast cars and such.
Bel – found out early on that she loved to lie to people, since then she has started to learn how to tell fortunes, she’s also surprisingly good at finding stuff of all kind and animals love her, so now she’s getting lost pets back… that and polishing her knives and playfully annoying Maze aka each other.
Cardia – likes to make paper flowers, to explore the surrounding area and card games.
Jo – travel, order strawberry milk shakes and get some souvenirs for the kids. Also, coming home and leaving.
Damian – singing and his music, going for a drink or a bunch… and there’s also the yoga course but shhhh don’t tell anybody.
Deicida – still isn’t quite sure what fun is, but she’s learning to “swim” lately and finds it really enjoyable.
Gabriele – she likes listening to music a lot, just watching some movies and tinkering with stuff. Or talking , eating sweets and having fun with her little makeshift family of kids having a hard time being a mutant and anger issues.
Jennifer – Hardly has time for fun since there is so much work to do. But she likes dressing up nicely and eating out, slow dancing... having a beer at a nice bar with someone she likes to talk to and... does falling asleep with her cat on her lap count as fun?
Ophelia – wrecking a little havoc, riding with the wind, training and just hanging out with people she likes or cares about.
Aquila – she likes singing [she seems to be a trained opera contralto], crossword puzzles and finds much joy in the art of photography.
Kayleigh – loves to play pranks to a certain someone, taking care of the artefacts and… pruning plants though that seems to creep out pretty much everyone who ever watched her.
Loreley – likes to go window shopping and generally to take care of her hair as well as getting into a bar in the middle of nowhere and flirting with the other customers.
Lou – he plays the violin [and actually wants to study music], browsing sweet shops for new sweets and generally staying out of trouble… he’s a trouble magnet though and it usually doesn’t work.
Phionee – surprisingly enough she actually likes plants and she also doesn’t mind a bit of action or a nice drink in a rundown bar on some planet.
Rachel – enjoys being on the road and sleeping while someone else is driving and she always enjoyed her job and figuring out new spells.
Daniel – a stiff drink, a few games with Rachel by his side, the wind in his face, he doesn’t ask for much, but he always liked to play silly computer games while Rachel figures out a new spell now his fun is more of the sadistic and torture kind… or tempting people to do the wrong thing.
Skadi – hunting, having warm tea with someone, ice skating, having someone with a nice voice read to her.
Mariana – dreaming and exploring the dreams of others, also hunting for the perfect cup of coffee.
Jason – training, having a beer after work, getting to know new jokes, there is not much time for fun stuff when he’s doing his job right though.
Vanessa – playing with her pet, trying her hand at baking and since she’s a half-muggle, watching movies.
Cain – training [forgetting all trouble by powering himself out], bathing or swimming aka just chilling in a lot of water, cooking.
Do they like/want kids?
Allete: maybe and not so much, but kids seem to like her.
Bel: hahaha no… and… well they are so gullible that’s nice.
Cardia: yes eventually and… but is kind of awkward around kids.
Jo: no… but wouldn’t say no if one was on the way because she actually adores kids.
Damian: isn’t entirely sure he doesn’t have one already… might want one and is actually absolutely brilliant with kids against what everybody might expect.
Deicida: is pretty sure kids are out of questions, doesn’t know how to deal with humans and kids are even worse than grown-ups or teenagers.
Gabriele: Not for now though she has nothing against kids per se.
Jennifer: Yes she likes kids, but is probably too old to have one of her own by now, wouldn’t have minded being a mother though… but her work seemed more important.
Ophelia: Doesn’t want to think about having kids but gets along just fine with them because they think she is interesting and a bit scary.
Aquila: With the right partner she might think about it… doesn’t get along too well with kids though and finds them mostly annoying.
Kayleigh: Want? Yes… but not biological kids… that seems like a bad idea but one day she might just go and open an orphanage for real, who knows.
Loreley: no… in the past maybe but not anymore and kids tend to not take her seriously and anger her.
Lou: Oh hell yes! Eventually though not right now. He has a big loving family and wants to carry on the tradition, besides kids totally adore him, he’s still working on the being a reasonable adult part though.
Phionee: She feels like she has a kid and she loves him very much even though she’s his adoptive mother at best, more like aunt Phionee, but that doesn’t matter… also there are others that are something like kids to her but only one is still alive… she considers him to be a second son.
Rachel: She’s not found of the though of having a kid for a bunch of different reasons. Besides kids are really annoying and she doesn’t know how to handle them.
Daniel: Before certain events he would have loved to have kids, two or more and was really enthusiastic and patient when interacting with them… but since then things have changed… he still wouldn’t mind having a heir for the Weston Family though.
Skadi: In a way she would want a family of her own… but she is afraid what mixing her race with humans could lead to… she wouldn’t dare, so instead she treats the two teenagers that more or less suddenly appeared in her life kind of motherly… or at least she – who didn’t have a mother she remembers – tries.
Mariana: Maybe… she was a teacher after all… but she also learned how bad the kids can turn out to be, so… maybe, an accident would be a happy accident though and she might end up finally having someone loving her as much as she thinks she deserves it.
Jason: He’s not sure… there just wasn’t a person he wanted to have kids with or raise some with, so he never really thought about it. And he doesn’t have much contact with kids in general either, so he really isn’t sure.
Vanessa: Maybe in the future and with the right person by her side… sure then she’d like to have two kids but that might change until she’s older + she’d need a husband who is good with kids because she isn’t exactly.
Cain: He’s a bit awkward around kids but usually they find him kind of interesting. He doesn’t really want some of his own… but if the right person begged him he’d probably give in and once the kid is there he’d definitely do everything to be a good father.
Do they own pets (if so, what kind?)
No: Cardia, Jo, Damian, Gabriele, Ophelia, Loreley, Lou, Phionee, Rachel, Mariana
Allete has a pretty ragdoll cat uncreatively called “Minette”.
Bel has… a lot of familiars of all kinds.
Deicida has two tiny fish in a huge bowl she adores very much, their names are “Diana & Steve”.
Jennifer has a huge, moody main coon cat called… I wish I was kidding “Lancelot”.
Aquila has gotten herself a parrot much to the dismay of everybody around her but “Shirly” is a really good girl.
Kayleigh has a pet since the magical realm animal incident… she has named the thing “FuFu” but it hates her… so it isn’t actually very much her pet but more or less Wong’s who is better at handling the little rascal.
Skadi did have three wolfhounds while she lived alone in the wilderness, but then S.H.I.E.L.D. showed up and she had to leave them behind… those three know how to make it though.
Jason actually has a turtle his neighbours take care of when he isn’t there. Its name is officially “James Lettuce III.” It’s also his first turtle as should be mentioned.
Vanessa has a pet snake she smuggled into the school, no one has found “Linda” so far, so all is good.
Cain has a bunch of water animals responding to his call that live in front of and under the former boat house he lives in. They aren’t really pets but on the pro side he doesn’t have to take much care of them either.
How do they handle pain/sadness?
Allete: With a blank mask of apparent indifference, but probably already plans to destroy or kill someone. But if she really trusts someone she might admit her pain/sadness.
Bel: Little pain/sadness is met with apathy all the way. Major pain/sadness on the other hand with over the top anger, tears out of rage and… someone will definitely end up dead, so that she can feel better about it.
Cardia: Tears. She knows it’s embarrassing but she probably wouldn’t be able to hold back tears. At least initially and as long as she’s alone or someone is present that she trusts. If only people that she doesn’t trust are around… she’d bit her lips bloody instead in an effort not to cry.
Jo: She’d flee. Just get away… just ignore it, leave it behind until she feels better and no longer like crying. Jo is the kind of person who’d cry in the car with the music at high volume and drive, drive, drive until she feels better.
Damian: He is used to it. There is no point in crying, so he wouldn’t and just shrugs it off. Damian is the type to only cry out of happiness and avoids things and people that hurt him or make him sad.
Deicida: With speechlessness. She can’t even grasp what was done to her or why in an extreme case silent tears stain her cheeks. She’d just be in a shock and probably later cursing Hephaestus name.  
Gabriele: You think you know what an ice queen would be like? You have no idea of how cold Gabriele could get if you hurt her… calculating, merciless and cruel she would be ready to rip someone’s heart out…no… to have someone do it for her watching without the slightest hint of guilt.
Jennifer: She would act like nothing happened… but the moment her job allows it, she orders pasta gorgonzola – her comfort food –, gets a bottle of whiskey all for herself and then cries into both.  
Ophelia: If you hurt her you better prepare to die on the spot. Because she will lash out with utter aggression… except when it is a person she loves… then she just falls silent and leaves for a short episode of crying and more silence and unspoken sadness.
Aquila: Becomes very quiet… and already has made up at least 10 ways to repay the person who hurt her. Torturing them either physically or psychologically. Once she is satisfied, she leaves and never looks back.
Kayleigh: Wide eyes, quivering lips, twitching hand. She loves life… sometimes even people… but if something was done to her she can’t just shrug off she won’t hesitate, a tiny moment of lost control and someone is dead, quickly, efficiently, without a second thought, even though she’ll probably regret it later.
Loreley: Loreley would leave… ponder her pain, turning it over in her mind over and over again and if it is bad enough, then until she breaks… again, seeming all nice and calm… until she leaves, a bloodbath lining her way. 
Lou: Fists clenched, gritting his teeth until his jaw starts trembling… lips pressed together hard… he does everything not to lose control again, everything to make his family proud. Knowing if he opens his mouth… everything he fought so hard for is over and lost. He just swallows whatever it is. Trying to tell himself, that no one is worth it. No one, no matter how much he wants to tell them to go and kill themself.  
Phionee: She would withdraw into herself. She doesn’t say much and there is an unspoken sadness in her eyes. But she wouldn’t do anything about it or tell anybody. In the worst case it would leave her as an empty shell without a purpose or a plan. But usually she would recover eventually and in the meantime, try to carry on like normal. [But thank you marvel for killing nearly everybody she cared about… so now I have to deal with the worst case scenario that is an empty shell with a death wish OC ._.]
Rachel: At first, she would bow her head and hope that it stops. And if that doesn’t work she would try to distract herself by acting reckless. Hoping the adrenalin helps. Last but not least suppression.
Daniel: A short burst of anger at first but with comparably little aggression. He would take some time to recover but generally handles stuff like that well + would busy himself by worrying that Rachel might suffer as well and that he should take care of her… formerly, now: he’ll make sure you regret being alive.
Skadi: She has been cold and merciless… but has become much more vulnerable over time. The pain or sadness eating away at her. But she wouldn’t raise her hand and only cry very few tears when she is alone… but she would have a hard time to just let go of it all.
Mariana: First tears, then unproductive anger and last but not least she would try to walk the high road and meet the matter with a terrible, defensive yet passive-aggressive arrogance.
Jason: For a second his mouth would twitch. But he knows better than to lash out. Secretly he needs reassurance now but a beer with the buddies should be enough to make him feel better and to put things behind him… but whoever caused this better is ready to be treated with spite from now on.
Vanessa: That depends a lot on who hurts her or makes her sad. But a small fit of anger – not very scary – would probably be normal. After that petty revenge and pranks would probably be her way to make herself feel better together with arrogance ~ still a Slytherin after all.
Cain: He’d back down and out. Probably leaves for a while, to recover and maybe even decides to close that door behind himself forever because he is actually rather sensitive and doesn’t handle being treated badly or being hurt very well… he just wants to avoid experiencing the same a second time…neither does he necessarily want to forgive.
What are their best traits?
Allete: passionate, intelligent, quick thinker
Bel: clever, charming, good with animals
Cardia: brave, ready to help, honest
Jo: adventurous, carefree, fun to be with
Damian: charming, loyal, caring
Deicida: brave, protective, kind-hearted  
Gabriele: independent, caring, brave
Jennifer: loyal, dependable, stays calm under pressure, compassionate
Ophelia: actually surprisingly kind under a rough shell, fair, lenient, has that weird talent that makes people sleep better when sleeping beside her
Aquila: cunning, intelligent, confident, perceptive
Kayleigh: humorous, witty, light-hearted, caring
Loreley: dependable, loyal, devoted
Lou: controlled, sweet, gives people a chance and brings out the best in them, honest
Phionee: brave, always doing her best, protective, outspoken
Rachel: smart, skilled, tough
Daniel: was protective, faithful bastion of calm, fighter… still a fighter, gets things done, devoted
Skadi: honest, intuitive, well-meaning, methodical, own moral code, loyal, intelligent, curious
Mariana: diligent, gentle, really wants to help others
Jason: tough, big heart he tries to hide, good listener, clever humour, natural leader
Vanessa: open minded aka candid, protective, curious, sly
Cain: outspoken, fighter, honest, attentive, affectionate, sense of justice, benevolent, dedicated
What are their worst traits?
Allete: manipulative, secretive, you never know if she is telling the truth, especially about her feelings
Bel: nicknamed Lord of Lies, short-tempered, vain when given the chance
Cardia: easy to anger, wary, sensitiv
Jo: restless, commitment issues, preference to run from problems
Damian: influenced by fear, hard time opening up, judgemental
Deicida: tough time to keep her emotions under control, secretly bloodthirsty, resentful
Gabriele: stubborn, out of touch with her feelings, when overwhelmed reacts cold and mean
Jennifer: it’s always head over heart, survivor’s guilt, drowns out her worries in coffee or scotch
Ophelia: moody, no faith in nothing loner despite wanting to be loved, gave up on trying to be good
Aquila: arrogant, manipulative, cold and calculating
Kayleigh: when angered… than devastating, tendency to take things too lightly, give and take mentality to a point
Loreley: vengeful, bitter, wary, emotional mess
Lou: trouble staying in control when angered or tired, attracts trouble, self-doubt, overthinking things
Phionee: too deeply hurt by tragedy, sensitive and troubled by what others think of her, only really cares about her group/family
Rachel: a tendency to come across hostile or heartless, cold, apparently lazy
Daniel: was too easy-going sometimes, willing to sacrifice himself, a bit curt… now possessive, aggressive, violent, mostly heartless
Skadi: quarrelsome, impulsive, stubborn, capricious, sharp-tongued, easily bored, sarcastic, sore
Mariana: trusts and loves too easily, seeks others’ approval a lot, easy to take advantage of
Jason: a bit reckless, hard time to push his emotions away, stubborn, doesn’t accept loss well, tendency to do what he thinks is right… for better or worse
Vanessa: sharp tongue, pranks people she doesn’t like, potentially arrogant attitude and aura, quick to anger
Cain: bears grudges, self-doubt and feeling of not belonging, argumentative, stubborn, tendency to be insensitive, always afraid to be abandoned, trouble with interpersonal relations, easy to anger
Foods: Are they a tea or coffee person? Do they eat meat or are they vegatarian? Spicy or mild? Sweet or sour?
Alette – Coffee, small doses but strong, with sugar. Rarely eats meat, not a vegetarian but just not very fond of meat in general. Mild with a touch of spicy… a very small touch. Neither to the extreme ~ she actually has high standards when it comes to food.
Bel – Liquor? So, none but she surprisingly loves smoothies a lot. Loves meat, could probably live on a meat only diet, if she didn’t like broccoli that much. Spicy, super spicy, the burns your tongue to hell and back spicy. Also, sour is cool. Everything that genuinely gives her other trouble than the ones she has for even a second. She especially likes super sour gum, even better if it’s also spicy.
Cardia – Tea – warming her hands, warming her heart, it comforts her but was hard to get on the Isle. Vegetarian… with the food on the Isle still the better choice. Mild and sweet, the sweeter the better, because she grew up rarely getting anything sweet… because there wasn’t much available and what they had on the Isle wasn’t necessarily affordable for her.
Jo – Strawberry milkshakes!!! But coffee is fine too, with a lot of flavours/syrup though. Jo isn’t a picky eater at all. If it gets her through the day, it’s fine. Would probably die for a homecooked meal though. More on the spicy side for a white woman, but aware that’s not much. Sweet… as you might have guessed already.
Damian – Coffee, black, a dash of sugar. That or the fancy Starbucks stuff – there is no in between. Yes, he does eat meat. He actually places value on being an omnivore though and sometimes feels like meat is everything in the world and sometimes like he never needs it again. Spicy makes him feel alive but his stomach doesn’t like it. And… bitter-sweet. He’d probably say with a wink, pulling a black coloured liquorice lollipop out of his mouth with a grin.
Deicida – Neither – both tastes terrible to her. She doesn’t really care about eating at all… but her body has proofed to accept vegan products more readily. Deicida doesn’t really need to eat though but she can taste and spicy stuff is not up her alley. She finds both sour and sweet interesting though.
Gabriele – Prefers hot chocolate but fruit tea is okay too. Yes, she does eat meat. Mild food, fond of sweet dishes and most kinds of porridge, mush or puree. Kind of sweet tooth, though more in the sweet dish and drinks way than actual sweets or candy. Would probably sell her soul for cheese.
Jennifer – Tea – black. What kind of question is that even. She does eat meat but prefers fish. Mild, she doesn’t care about the burning sensation. Sweet but not particular. She is the chips/crisps over chocolate kind of person. But sour is just not a kind of flavour she cares for at all.  
Ophelia – Tea, herbal, strong, sweet, hot. Doesn’t eat any meat except for chicken, turkey, mutton and goat meat. Doesn’t need meat with every meal though. She likes spicy things alright and has a secret sweet tooth she doesn’t want people to know about.
Aquila – Tea actually, black tea with milk and sugar. It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s cooked well and with the right amount of spices. Not a bad cook herself but loves when others do it for her. Not particularly into spicy food or against it as long as the spiciness doesn’t kill the taste. Sweet-sour actually like sour candies and such or some citrus fruits.
Kayleigh – Both actually. She loves hot drinks in general. She doesn’t eat meat and avoids eggs. Can tolerate traces of it but the whole thing makes her nauseas – it’s not an allergy though but something different. Likes milk a lot though. Minds neither. And sweet ~ amazed by all the sweet things humanity came up with and wants to try everything if possible. No holding back!
Loreley – Coffee with lots of milk but no sugar. Is from a time where only rich people did get to have meat and unlike with the coffee never accustomed. Probably won’t turn it down when offered though but probably wouldn’t go for a meat dish either. Mild – very mild. And obsessed with dark chocolate and ice cream.
Lou – Tries to avoid both. But aunt Isabella’s café de olla is hard to resist. Otherwise raspberry ice tea is his favourite. Overall, he’s not too picky with his food. Likes simple dishes and those with a hundred spices. What is spicy? Doesn’t really have a sense for that, could probably eat cayenne pepper and chilli powder by the spoonful with a shrug… he had worse when aunt Valentina cooked. Is super sensitive too sour stuff though and not particularly fond of overly sweet stuff either. Doesn’t like caramel for example but lollipops are fine. Ironically, would run into even the most obvious trap for pecan pie.  
Phionee – What is coffee… or tea? She’s from outer space, but she likes most kinds of milk. No, she doesn’t eat meat nor vegetables. Has found out supplements and a lot of water and ice work best for her. Needs a lot of salt though and could probably live of nutritious mud. Doesn’t care about spicy or mild, sweet or sour stuff, can’t even taste the latter pair. But she likes food with a bit of crunch. Would love plain cornflakes if she was introduced to them.  
Rachel – Coffee all kinds. But rather as a remedy for exhaustion and fatigue instead of for the pleasure or taste. She doesn’t see the point in avoiding any food as long as it meets her three criteria she’s in for it. 1.) dead – like not moving 2.) done – like fully cooked 3.) not rotten in any form or way… will make an exception for fermentation in many cases though. Mild is less trouble. Sweet promises more energy. Food is mostly fuel and remedies though… secretly really loves pancakes and fried eggs with sweet-chilli-sauce though.
Daniel – Coffee – lots of it and little sweetener. He enjoys the bitter taste and the warmth. Life is short, food is good. As long as it’s warm and good he only picks out mushrooms and olives and has Rachel eat them for him. Generally, eats what he feels like, as long as it isn’t too much. Is okay with spicy stuff, will order mild though when ask so that Rachel can try his food too. Would probably be tempted to sell his own mother for chocolate cake and dark chocolate brownies.
That was before… since then he has mostly stopped caring about food, as long as it keeps him going… also likes spicy and sour much more because they remind him of… something… feelings... ugh such a human and weak thing. 
Skadi – Tea mostly, anything except fruit tea. Also drinks it without sugar and  quite a bit of it, mostly during sleepless nights. She eats a lot of meat actually. And doesn’t like spices very much… maybe a dash of salt at best. But the closer to tasteless and plain food is, the better… has a really hard time with spices in general and tends to get sick from very well-seasoned food or cuisine that uses a lot of spices. Hates takeout because of that. Loves white rice, popcorn and white coloured food in general. Likes salty food best.
Mariana – Coffee. She LOVES coffee. Especially with a bit of hot cocoa mixed into it but generally all kinds of coffee. Mariana doesn’t mind meat and likes spicy food quite a bit. But she rarely has time to cook and relies a lot on take out and such even before the trouble with her mutation. And she also likes sweet things, especially in combination with fruits no matter if it’s sugar, honey, caramel or chocolate.  
Jason – Coffee… lots of sugar, kind of running on it in the morning. And he really enjoys meat and especially a good barbecue. He also likes sea food, and anything made from potatoes a lot. He tries to live a bit healthier than it sounds though and unfortunately isn’t much of a cook himself. He’s pretty good at preparing cold meals and provisions though. And he really likes spicy food even though he is not very good with it – it’s probably kind of a secret masochistic thing. Sweet-sour like in berries aka he likes all kinds of berries a lot.
Vanessa – Tea. Big mugs, with milk and a bit of sugar. She makes the best sandwiches you can imagine without having to try them first to know what ingredients go together well. That does neither exclude nor necessarily include meat. She’s doesn’t really like too spicy food and isn’t generally very good with it – so mild. And sweet, definitely sweet. She prefers baked goods over chocolate and other stuff though. Vanessa loves cherry Bakewell tarts the most, followed by Battenberg cake.
Cain – Tea, herbal is best, but cooled down already. Also iced tea, because he can’t really tolerate carbonated beverages. No, he eats fish and other sea food though. But meat doesn’t feel right in his mouth. Mild, he is kind of sensitive to spicy stuff but that is rarely a problem because he cooks a lot of his meals himself. Both – to a point. Sweet but not artificial sweetness. More like rip fruits or maybe honey. And sour goes well with a bunch of fish dishes… but he doesn’t like anything purely sour.
  <Insert your own questions and answers here!>
Their vice(s) and something they are really good in?
Allete: good food/pearls & going undercover
Bel: vanity/alcohol/lying & fighting, leading armies and dealing with animals
Cardia: sweets & telling stories/tending to flowers
Jo: cowardice/sex & tracking down people
Damian: alcohol/cigarettes/lying/caffeine & singing
Deicida: curiosity/recklessness & dancing
Gabriele: wrath/pride/lust? … hopefully never alcohol & repairing and constructing technical devices/videogames
Jennifer: alcohol/purses & gathering info/patching people up
Ophelia: anger/loss of faith/sweets & origami/taking people’s breath away
Aquila: lying/gambling/pride & poker/manipulating people
Kayleigh: gluttony when given the chance/keeping secrets & taking care of magical artefacts/keeping secrets
Loreley: vengeful/envy/indifference & singing/manipulating people
Lou: indifference/anger to a point but mostly because his anger is so dangerous & music, especially playing the violin
Phionee: according to her own people the words: emotions/lust/narcotics & keeping a place together/stealing/escaping
Rachel: despair/remorse/caffeine & finding cases/magic
Daniel: before: caffeine/pride mostly, now: acedia/wrath & fighting/self-sufficiency/driving
Skadi: pride/distraction/remorse & hunting/skiing/standing the cold
Mariana: jealousy/concealment of wrong doing/caffeine & sleeping/dreaming
Jason: pride/berries/cigarettes when nervos & billiard actually/barbecuing/alcohol tolerance
Vanessa: pranks/bears grudges/pride & making sandwiches/potions and herbology
Cain: anger/pride/fruits/in his eyes being of mixed race & swimming/cooking/healing
Do they have a superpower?
Allete: No. She speaks several languages though.
Bel: Kind of. As one of the kings of hell who only answer to Lucifer himself she has 50 legions of spirits under her command. She is also able to create familiars, is stronger than a normal human, well trained with knives and has a very long lifespan.
Cardia: Yes, but it’s magic. She can find ways and portal that connect places and use them to travel, much like it was common custom in Wonderland before things first went array and then changed forever.  
Jo: Yes – she is a mutant. Her eyes are special. She can determine the strength of everybody she meets due to the number she sees above their heads, has night vision, heat vision and can see far very far and more. She needs reading glasses though.
Damian: No – not exactly. Though the way he can charm and manipulate people might as well be a superpower in the end. But not in general.
Deicida: Yes? Blade legs, would be hard to kill due to her skin, doesn’t really age, long living… all since she has been forged not born. That and that she can draw the blood of gods + transforming between a blade and a more human form.
Gabriele: Yes – she is a mutant. Her power is technopathy. She can communicate with technical devices via her thoughts. Find out what is wrong to repair it later… or pushing them to give it their all one last time and work. Technical devices in general try to do her favours and she can ready electrical signals.  
Jennifer: No – not in the classical sense.
Ophelia: Yes – she is a metahuman and able to control wind and air. She has the potential to be rather powerful but isn’t willing to find out her limits. Also, locking her in a room with poor ventilation aka only air-condition can kill her.
Aquila: No, not really. She is extremely clever and cunning though and actually a book character brought to life by an old magic… too cunning though to have made that known to others and be sent back so far… even though the name she chose is a kind of obvious play on her real name… or so she likes to think. But staying close to the truth often makes it easier to deceive people.
Kayleigh: You could say that. She is kind of goddess and her power is a terrible one. But without her the world would be in trouble too. And despite currently staying on earth she still fulfils her duty and has her “weapon” with her… but even if it did fall into the hands of someone else, her power would wear of the “weapon” quickly and it would soon be just a plain old… of what it is.
Loreley: Yes – she is not a god but an old mythological figure. Like a spirit. She has less powers but still some. Like her voice being able to lure people – mostly men – into danger and death. She also doesn’t really age. The gods are still much more powerful, but she has her own tricks.
Lou: Yes – he is a metahuman. Able to control people with his voice and make them bide to his will. If he leaves they are soon freed from his “spell”. If he stays but doesn’t say anything further, it still takes a lot longer. Lou has to carefully watch what he says to not accidently hurt people by using his power. A power because of which people tend to expect that he just has to be a villain.
Phionee: No, she is an alien and therefore has a few other perks and problems than humans. Like only living about half as long and needing cool temperatures. But aside of that and a tail she doesn’t have any superpowers.
Rachel: Yes and no? Not superpowers but magic. Rachel is a very versed, usually good, witch. Powerful enough so that there are rumours that she surely has a covenant with a demon going. Well it’s not a covenant for sure, but she is still pretty talented.
Daniel: No, originally he was close to peak human condition at best. But now things are different and he has obtained all the powers of a demon… unfortunately by becoming one.
Skadi: Yes, she is a frost giant and the Asgardian goddess of winter, hunting and skiing. Her magical powers controlling ice, snow, blizzards and the like are rather powerful. And she has all the perks of Jotun but also all the trouble. But it’s still a powerful combination.
Mariana: Yes – she is a mutant. Able to dive into the dreams of others while sleeping, to jump between dreams and control them to a point. Marianna can also “store” sleep for later and if she doesn’t actively control it she emits an aura that makes others sleepy. Before things went down she was known to hold night classes at the Institute, gathering the students in a dream and teaching their subconscious directly. She only has access to people that are currently sleeping… but if she kills someone in a dream… they never wake up again.
Jason: No – he’s well trained and fit. But he doesn’t have any superpowers he knows of.
Vanessa: Magic? Like all students at Hogwarts she knows how to conjure a spell, mix a potion, stuff like that. But there is no super outstanding ability people would know of or she would admit to.
Cain: Yes, kind of. Due to his mixed heritage he is able to change between a more human form and that of a merman, scally tail, gills and all. The folk of his mother also seems to know some interesting to potent magic. He is not extremely versed in it though since he opted against dedicating his life to magic and magic alone from a young age on.
What do they really want?
Allete: Peace and prosperity – no matter what she has to do for it.
Bel: Appreciation and acceptance – without having to change completely and the beauty she would get back that way.
Cardia: For her mother to get her meds, the nice normal life the good kids got and traveling [without having to worry about her mum].
Jo: Finding a place and a person to stay without feeling trapped and to keep doing something with her life that feels meaningful.
Damian: Not to die… the love of a certain person… neither of which seems archivable + success as a singer and musician would be nice.
Deicida: To understand emotions and be happy – at least for a while before she has to return to be a sword again.
Gabriele: A place where people like her are save. No more mistreated mutant kid like her and the others… but she has stopped believing in tolerance… so a parallel society maybe? Actually that she could just be normal and have normal problems… not feeling the burden on her shoulders or trying to provide a safe haven for the others.
Jennifer: For everybody to survive… and Kingsman to keep fighting for the right things. Also to be able to act on certain feelings… but that is not an option.
Ophelia: To stop being bad… though she can’t believe in it any longer. Then just to survive and for the irredeemable criminals to die… and she definitely believes that those exist. Also killing the Joker.  
Aquila: To proof that she is better than… but also not to return to her book. She actually likes to be more than a character of a fictional story.
Kayleigh: For life to keep blooming and being able to indulge in all the energy of life. Aka for things never to end and humanity and nature to keep prospering. Also, just to enjoy her disguise as long as she can.  
Loreley: That her sweetheart didn’t cheat on her all those many, many years ago. That her heart could be unbroken and not shattered… but also the power back she once had, when her name was whispered only because men feared her power and woman were mesmerised and scared, of what she could do and did, at the same time.
Lou: To be accepted as “not a villain” would be a start… that people encourage him instead of being so sure he won’t be able to make it anyway. Or to get rid of the power, at least for a bit to be able to tell people to “go to hell” and “I wish you were dead.” Without there being serious consequences. 
Phionee: A place to call home and be accepted for who she is… she had that for a while. Now that her “son(s)” has his own kind of family and place to belong to and the death of an important person in her life all she wants is to die… go out with a bang before her time is up anyway.
Rachel: Have the old days back. Those when she and Daniel were just traveling around hunting things and it wasn’t the end of the world what felt like every second month. She never realised how good and easy it was when her biggest problem was some poltergeist.
Daniel: The tiny bit of humanity left in him might want the same as Rachel does… the rest of him though… a comfortable life, Rachel as his slave/lover and to not be bothered anymore by all this doing good and saving people stuff. Maybe the reign over a small city would be nice too.
Skadi: A place to belong to in a way… and just to heal, slowly, at her own pace. Which means she’s comparably content right now but always afraid that it will just be over as well.
Mariana: Someone to love to and who loves her. Being valued for who she is… also to be accepted back into society and if that doesn’t work to rule it with her fellow mutants. But more than anything she wants to be loved… it seems that easy.
Jason: He’s not so sure about that. For life to be nice and an adventure? To people making it out alive of their missions and others getting better? He doesn’t really ask for much. Just wants to do his best in this life and place, while not forgetting about living and being a human being.
Vanessa: World peace? No but really, she wants for people – including herself – to be able to live a comfortable life, free of fear and filled with tolerance. But for now… just getting done with school and finding a job she likes would be nice. Also, there might be someone she has a crush on… but that’s a different story.
Cain: For people to forget the other half. No matter where he is, they never fully trust him. He always feels like shut out. And the one person he wanted a deeper connection with declined that… staying “just friends” is hard when he never feels like people trust him or want him around. All while all he wants is feeling like he belongs.
Phase 3 - FREEFORM!
Write a story about them (Are they from different worlds; how would they interact if they met up?) Make aesthetic board(s) for one or many. Have a snippet of dialogue between them. Maybe quotes from each of them? Whatever you want!
I might write a story, but later when I have the inspiration and time for it. For now, please enjoy my OC aesthetics with quotes ~
And thank you to @cantankerousintrovertedpumpkin for tagging me in this. Sorry it took me forever but OCs is... kind of thing for me as you might notice and there are so many... and I just couldn’t make up my mind to only chose 5-10 SORRY!!!
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supernatural-squadd · 8 years
Can you make a drabble where Crowley is turned into a little kid & the Winchester's & I have to take care of him using #68 & #130 on the prompt list please?
The King of Hell. Annoying. Charming. And- a toddler? Thanks to his gorgeous and yet creative mother, he was a toddler with daddy issues and a tux. Funny how that shrunk down to size with him.
Of course, a child of his proximity and tiny mind set couldn’t very well tend to their own needs.
“Well we can’t just leave him here.” Out of the three of you, your brothers and yourself, you loved kids. Even if said kid was the King of Hell.
Dean let out a rather loud scoff and did his usual eyebrow half cocked upward look.
“I don’t see why we can’t. This is Crowley we’re talking about.” His crystal clear green eyes were focused anywhere but on you.
Sam, as usual, was doing anything in his power to stay out of this little debut. He learned his lesson the hard way about getting in between a Winchester decision where you and Dean were on opposite sides.
“Sam, you’ve got to agree with me. He’s four years old. We can’t leave him here. Crowley or not. He’s a kid.” Both of your eyes glanced down at the waddling child and scooped him into your flannel covered arms.
Two tiny pale like hands reached up and grabbed hold of your right ear. Your right hand held onto the lower section of his body while his legs wrapped around your right hip. Dean shot you a look of disapproval and disgust. Deep down inside of his stubborn mind he knew you weren’t leaving with out the boy King.
On the way back to the hotel Crowley insisted on sitting directly beside you. Of course, there was no booster seat. Dean said it wasn’t necessary. He was a demon and the King of Hell, safety wasn’t an issue. For some unknown reason you didn’t see him as the King. You saw him as a little boy who was sweet and innocent.
The ride would take a little over an hour from where the four of you were currently located. The man child cuddled up into your side, of course you allowed him to.
From the rear view mirror you saw a set of candy green eyes fluttering shut as the owners head shook away the image.
“I’m gonna be sick.” Dean’s hands tightened on the steering wheel as Baby accelerated in the slightest.
Rolling your eyes you held Crowley’s head with your left hand and kissed his temple.
“Join the club.” Sam couldn’t help but add in.
“Both of you are ridiculous.” Glancing down you saw the tiny set of eyes beside you were shut gently while an innocent body was breathing steadily.
“No, what’s ridiculous is you’re being all lovey dove with mini Hitler back there.” No surprise Dean was acting like this. He was always over dramatic.
“Lower your damn voice. You wake him up, you deal with him.” Grabbing Sam’s jacket resting on the back seat next to you, you lowered it over the sleeping child beside you.
Even though you attempted to do this discreetly, Sam saw it along with Dean.
“Gonna have to bleach that now Sammy.” Dean peaked over at an unamused Sam. “It’s got cooties all over it.”
That next day you made the boys run out to go get necessities.
“How long do you think he’s going to be shorter than he already was?” Sam was finishing tying his shoelaces and sassing you on the side.
“Doesn’t matter how long he’s going to be a kid, munchkins need things day by day. For starters, you’re going to go get a booster seat.” At the last part you looked directly at Dean. “Don’t even give me any grief about it either.”
“Oh come on, Y/n.” Your oldest brother made his way towards you with his arms extended irritatedly. “It’s bad enough we’ve got to pack him around like a lost puppy. I don’t need kid shit-”
Instantly, your eyes shot up at him.
“Language.” As if it really mattered what you said.
“I don’t need kid ‘necessities’ in my backseat.” He finished and sat down opposite bed of Crowley.
“This isn’t a democracy, Dean.” You finished zipping up the small jacket on the King you’d found in a lost and found bin. “Sam? Can you be in charge of getting his vitamins?”
A scoff came from his lips, but he instantly regretted it.
“Vi-ta-mins?” The little lips in front of you repeated what you’d said slowly.
Reaching outward you grabbed his chin and smiled.
“Yes, vitamins. Very good.” Your free hand brushed his hair, messing it up. “You fell asleep on the tub, didn’t you?” The smile you wore was reflected in the foggy tired eyes of the boy in front of you. “Which isn’t natural for a kid of his size and age. Especially when he turned all pale and sick looking. He needs the good stuff.” Both of your eyes glanced back and forth from Sam to Dean, and you bopped Crowley’s nose at the last part.
“Do we really need to go do this?” Apparently Mr. Tall Stuff wasn’t understanding how important this was.
“You know, I get why Crowley calls you Moose now.” Reaching down you scooped him into your arms. “I mean if you guys don’t want to go do it, you can always stay here and babysit…” you got two disapproving looks.
“Be back in an hour or so.” Dean hollered as he walked out the door, not looking back.
“Bring some toys too! Unless you want him playing with your things in replacement.” A wide smile spread on your lips. This was going to be a fun and interesting little experiment
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brokemymeme · 8 years
|| Heathers: The Musical Sentence Meme || 398 Quotes Send in a sentence or send ♡ for a random sentence.
tw for violence, drug use, suicide, nsfw
“I believe I'm a good person.”
“You know, I think there's good in everyone.
“I look around at all these kids I've known all my life and I ask myself--What happened?”
“We were so tiny, happy and shiny.”
“This ain't no high school. This is the Thunderdome.”
“Hold your breath and count the days, we're graduating soon.”
“College will be paradise if I'm not dead by June!”
“I know life can be beautiful.”
“I pray for a better way.”
“If we changed back then, we could change again.”
“We can be beautiful.”
“Wake from this coma, take my diploma, then I can blow this town.”
“Fight the urge to strike a match and send this dump ablaze!”
“What did you say to me, skank?”
“We were kind before; we can be kind once more.”
“We on for movie night?”
“Don't you have it memorized by now?”
“What can I say? I'm a sucker for a happy ending.”
“He is the smartest guy on the football team. Which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf.”
“I'm sorry, are you actually talking to me?”
“I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on my friend.”
“You're a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant.”
“Why do they hate me?”
“Why don't I fight back?”
“Why do I act like such a creep?”
“Why do I cry myself to sleep?”
“Somebody hug me!”
“Somebody fix me! Somebody save me!”
“Send me a sign, God!”
“Give me some hope here! Something to live for!”
“Head cheerleader. Her dad is loaded--he sells engagement rings.”
“No discernible personality, but her mom did pay for implants.”
“She is a mythic bitch.”
“They are solid Teflon; never bothered, never harassed. I would give anything to be like that.”
“I'd like to kidnap ___ and photograph her naked in an abandoned warehouse and leave her tied up for the rats!”
“Maybe you should see a doctor.”
“This is an excellent forgery.”
“I crave a boon.”
“Let me sit at your table at lunch. Just once. No talking necessary.  If people think you guys tolerate me, they'll leave me alone.”
“For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure.”
“You have a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have matching halves. That's very important.”
“Ya know? This could be beautiful. Mascara, maybe some lip gloss, and we're on our way.”
“Let's make her beautiful.”
“Who could survive this?”
“I can't escape this!”
“I think I'm dying!”
“You hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way!”
“Ask me how it feels, looking like hell on wheels.”
“I might be beautiful.”
“When you're beautiful It's a beautiful frickin' day!”
“Are we gonna have a problem? You got a bone to pick?”
“You’ve come so far, why now are you pulling on my dick?”
“I’d normally slap your face off, and everyone here could watch.”
“I’m feeling nice. Here’s some advice. Listen up, biotch!”
“I like lookin’ hot, buying stuff they cannot.
“I like skippin’ gym, scaring her, screwing him.”
“I like kickin’ nerds in the nose!”
“If you lack the balls, you can go play dolls and let your mommy fix you a snack.”
“Come smoke, pound some rum and coke in my Porsha with the quarterback.”
“Honey, whatchu waitin’ for? Welcome to my candy store.”
“It’s time for you to prove you’re not a loser anymore.”
“Guys fall at your feet, pay the check, help you cheat.”
“All you have to do? Say goodbye to Shamoo.”
“That freak’s not your friend, I can tell in the end.”
“If she had your shot, she would leave you to rot.”
“‘Course if you don’t care--Fine! Go braid her hair, maybe Sesame Street is on.”
“Get in my jeep. Let’s go tear up someone’s lawn.”
“You just gotta prove you’re not a pussy anymore.”
“You can join the team or you can bitch and moan.”
“You can live the dream or you can die alone.”
“Keep on testing me and end up like her!”
“Time for you to prove you’re not a lame ass anymore.”
“Why when you see boys fight does it look so horrible, Yet feel so right?”
“I shouldn't watch this crap, that's not who I am, but for this kid--Damn.”
“Hey, Mr. No-name-kid, say who might you be?”
“Could you fight for me?”
“Could you face the crowd, could you be seen with me and still act proud?”
“Could you hold my hand and could you carry me through no mans land.”
“I would fight for you if you would fight for me.”
“Let them drive us underground, I don't care how far.”
“You can set my broken bones and I know CPR.”
“Well, woah, you can punch real good.”
“If some night you're free, wanna fight for me?”
“If you're still alive, I would fight for you.”
“I've been through ten high schools. They start to get blurry.”
“No point in planting your roots, 'cause you're gone in a hurry.”
“My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den, so it's only a matter of when.”
“I don't learn the names, don't bother with faces.”
“Freeze your brain.”
“Happiness comes when everything numbs.”
“Who needs cocaine?”
“Care for a hit?”
“Does your mommy know you eat all this crap?”
“When mom was alive, we lived halfway normal.”
“I learned the world doesn't owe you a cent.”
“You're planning your future, you'll go to some college, and marry a lawyer.”
“The sky's gonna hurt when it falls.”
“You better start building some walls.”
“Shut your eyes tight, till you vanish from sight, let nothing remain.”
“Shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain.”
“Forget who you are, unburden your load, forget in six weeks you'll be back on the road.”
“When the voice in your head says you're better off dead, don't open a vein.”
“You heard it man, it's time to rage!”
“Blast the bass, turn out the light, ain't nobody home tonight!”
“Drink, smoke, it's all cool.”
“Let's get naked in my pool!”
“Punch the wall and start a fight!”
“The folks are gone, it's time for big fun!”
“When mom and dad forget to lock the liquor cabinet, it's big fun!”
“So wait, it's lime, then salt, then shot?”
“A hot guy smiled at me, without a trace of mockery!”
“Hey, is that weed? I want a hit.”
“Dreams are coming true when people laugh but not at you!”
“I'm not alone! I'm not afraid!”
“Crack open one more case!”
“I that that's what they call third base."
“Way to show maturity!”
“Quit it jackass, get off of me!”
“Emergency! I just saw some freshman sneaking over the pool fence!”
“You need a jello shot!”
“Here comes the Cootie Squad.”
“Showing up here took some guts. Time to rip them out.”
“Well, who's this pig remind you of? Especially the snout.”
“I wasn't gonna come, but since you took the time to write that sweet note.”
“Why d'you gotta be so weird all the time? People wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal.”
“There's no alcohol in here! Are you trying to poison me?”
“Let the speakers blow, they'll buy another stereo.”
“Our folks got no clue 'bout all the shit their children do.”
“The demon queen of high school has decreed it.”
“Thirty hours to live, how shall i spend them?”
“I don't have to stay and die like cattle.”
“I need it hard, I'm a dead girl walking!”
“I'm in your yard, I'm a dead girl walking!”
“Before they punch my clock, I'm snappin' off your window lock.”
“Got no time to knock, I'm a dead girl walking!”
“What're you doing in my room?”
“Shhhh. Sorry, but I really had to wake you.”
“See, I decided I must ride you till I break you.”
“You're my last meal on death row.”
“Tonight I'm yours, I'm a dead girl walking!”
“Get on all fours, kiss this dead girl walking!”
“I'm hot and pissed and on the pill.”
“Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!”
“And you know, it's 'cause you're beautiful.”
“You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree.”
“So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful.”
“How'd you find my address?”
“I think you tore my mattress!”
“Make this whole town disappear!”
“Think. Long and hard. Conjure her up in your mind. What would she say?”
“What is her final statement to a cold, uncaring planet?”
“Believe it or not, I knew about fear; I knew the way loneliness stung.”
“I hid behind smiles and crazy hot clothes.”
“But, the world, it held me down. It weighed like a concrete prom queen crown.”
“No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings. No one gets her insecurity.”
“I am more than shoulder pads and makeup.”
“No one sees the me inside of me.”
“Jesus, you're making me sound like Air Supply.”
“Keep going. This has to be good enough to fool the cops.”
“They couldn't see past my rockstar mystique, they wouldn't dare look in my eyes.”
“My looks were just like prison bars; they've left me a myriad of scars.”
“No one thinks a pretty girl has substance. That's the curse of popularity.”
“I am more than just a source of handjobs.”
“This is the loveliest suicide note I've ever read.”
“Box up my clothing for Goodwill, and give the poor my Nordic Track.”
“Donate my car to crippled kids, or to those ghetto moms on crack.”
“Give them my hats and my CDs, my pumps, my flats, my three TVs!"
“No one thinks a pretty girl has feelings, but I weep for all I failed to be.”
“Maybe I can help the world by leaving.”
“I never knew about her pain.”
“Her life had hit a rocky patch.”
“Deep down she wasn't cruel or vain.
“She didn't mean to be a snatch!”
“Maybe ___ realized that in order to be happy she had to give up her power.  And the only way to do that was death.”
“My God. Look what we've done. We're breaking through!”
“No one thinks a pretty girl can touch you but she's made us better than we were.”
“___ is dead, but she will live inside me.”
“I'm bigger than John Lennon!”
“___'s gone, but she will live forever!”
“Ugh. You got a left hand? Use it.”
“Don't talk mean like that. You'll hurt their feelings.”
“You make my balls so blue. They're hangin' sadly.”
“What did they do to you that you hate them so?”
“They're all beat up like a tackling dummy!”
“They'll curl up on your face and purr like kittens!”
“We're beggin' you! Don't make my balls so blue.”
“Once you were geeky and nerdy, but they knew you're dirty.”
“Whatever you require they'll do! So take 'em home to meet your parents!”
“They'll wear a suit and tie, and a fancy collar!”
“They'll sing a lullaby: La la la la la!”
“My pants are rubbin' like a hot cheese grater!”
“Look. Booze. Drink!”
“My balls will work for you. They will obey ya!”
“They really need rescue, like Princess Leia!”
“You got no clue how much these two depend on you--Please help them through!”
“My balls are in your court!”
“Please make their dreams come true, and make these balls not blue!”
“They made you cry, but that will end tonight.”
“You are the only thing that's right about this broken world.”
“Go on and cry, but when the morning comes, we'll burn it down and we'll build the world again.”
“Our love is God.”
“I was alone.”
“I was a frozen lake, but then you melted me awake.”
“See, now I'm crying too.”
“You're not alone.”
“When the morning comes, we'll burn away those tears, and raise our city here.”
“How did you guys know it was a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once?”
“Meet me at the cemetery. At dawn.”
“We can start and finish wars.”
“We're what killed the dinosaurs. We're the asteroid that's overdue.”
“The dinosaurs choked on the dust, they died because God said they must.”
“The new world needed room for me and you.”
“I worship you. I'd trade my life for yours.”
“They all will disappear, we'll plant our garden here:”
“And when the morning comes, they'll both be laughing stocks.”
“So let's go hunt some jocks!”
“Take it slow. Strip for me.”
“I was hoping you'd rip my clothes off me, sport.”
“You're just unconscious, right?”
“I don't understand!”
“Stop being a dick!”
“They'll die because we say they must.”
“What the fuck have you done?!”
“We'll make them disappear.”
“I'm going steady, mostly he's awesome If a bit too rock and roll.”
“God, have mercy on my soul.”
“They could have turned out good and now we'll never know.”
“My teen angst bullshit has a body count.”
“It is ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in!”
“They were just two lonely verses in the Lord's great song!”
“I love my dead gay son!”
“Well, the good Lord made the universe, the Lord created man, and I believe it's all a part of his gigantic plan.”
“They were just two stray laces in the Lord's big boots.”
“He loves his dead gay son.”
“They knew damn well those folks would judge 'em, they were desperate to be free!”
“I can't believe that you still refuse to get a clue, after all that we’ve been through.”
“Our jobs are now continuing that work that they begun!”
“We'll teach the world to love.”
“Fine, we’re damaged, really damaged, but that does not make us wise.”
“We’re not special, we’re not different--We don’t choose who lives or dies.”
“Don’t you want a life with me?”
“Can we be seventeen?”
“If you could let me in I could be good with you.”
“People hurt us or they vanish and you’re right that really blows.”
“Don't stop looking in my eyes.”
“So what’s it gonna be? I wanna be with you tonight.”
“Yeah we’re damaged, badly damaged, But your love’s too good to lose.”
“Hold me tighter, Even closer, I’ll stay if I’m what you choose.”
“You’re the one I choose.”
“Deep inside of everyone there's a hot ball of shame. Guilt, regret, anxiety, Fears we dare not name.”
“If we show the ugly parts that we hide away, they turn out to be beautiful by the light of day.”
“Shine a light on your deepest fears.”
“Let in sunlight now and your pain will disappear.”
“Your scars and your flaws, will look lovely because you shine!”
“Everyday's a battlefield when pride's on the line.”
“I attack your weakness and pray you don't see mine.”
“Our love can knock our walls down and unlock all our doors.”
“Who wants to share what's in their heart? No volunteers, fine, I'll start.”
“I live alone. My husband left, My kids are grown.”
“In the 60's love was free, That did not work out well for me.”
“The revolution came and went. Tried to change the world, Barely made a dent.”
“I have struggled with despair.”
“I chant, I prayed, but god's not there.”
“I’m ending our affair.”
“I faked it. Every. Single. Time.
“I float in a boat In a raging black ocean low in the water with nowhere to go.”
“Cold, clammy, and crowded. The people smell desperate--We'll sink any minute, so someone must go.”
“Everyone's pushing! Everyone's fighting!”
“Storms are approaching, there's nowhere to hide!”
“If I say the wrong thing or I wear the wrong outfit, they'll throw me right over the side.”
“Well who made her captain?”
“Still, the weakest must go.”
“The tiniest lifeboat full of people I know.”
“Stupid child proof caps!”
“Aw look, ___'s going to whine all night!”
“You don't deserve to live!”
“Why not kill yourself?”
“Here, have a sedative.”
“Whine, like there's no Santa Claus.”
“You're pathetic because you whine!”
“You whine all night!”
“Your ass is off the team.”
“Go on and bitch and moan.”
“You don't deserve to dream.”
“You're gonna die alone.”
“There was a boy I met in kindergarten. He was sweet, he said that I was smart.”
“I sat and watched him breathing.”
“He didn't care if I was thin or pretty.”
“He was mine until we hit first grade, then he woke up.”
“Last night I dreamed a horse with wings flew down into my home room.”
“Now we're all grown up and we know better, now we recognize the way things are.”
“Certain boys are just for kindergarten. Certain girls are meant to be alone.”
“I believe any dream worth having is a dream that should not have to end.”
“So I'll build a dream that I can live in and this time I'm never waking up.”
“Oh my God. Is she dead?”
“Just another geek trying to imitate the popular people and failing miserably.”
“Keep it together, I knew you would come far.”
“Now you’re truly a Heather, smell how gangsta you are.”
“Feel a bit punchy? She’s not looking so well.”
“Still, you’ve earned that red scrunchie.”
“Come join ___ in hell.”
“We’ve been worried sick! Your friend stopped by, he told us everything!”
“He’s got your handwriting down cold.”
“Please, honey. Talk to us!”
“ I’ve experienced everything you’re going through right now.”
“Guess who’s right down the block?”
“You’re problems seem like life and death—I promise, they’re not.”
“Guess who’s climbing the stairs?”
“Guess who’s picking your lock?”
“You don’t know what my world looks like!”
“Time’s up! Go say your prayers!”
“Too late! He got in!”
“Knock! Knock! Sorry to come through the window.  Dreadful etiquette, I know!”
“All is forgiven baby! “
“Come on, get dressed. You're my date to the pep rally tonight!”
“You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead.”
“Then it hit me like a flash, what if high school went away instead?”
“Those assholes are the key! They’re keeping you away from me!”
“They made you blind, messed up your mind but I can set you free!”
“You left me and I fell apart, I punched the wall and cried.”
“Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful shit inside!”
“So I built a bomb, tonight our school is Vietnam!”
“Let’s guarantee they’ll never see their senior prom!”
“I was meant to be yours!”
“We were meant to be one!”
“Don’t give up on me now! Finish what we’ve begun!”
“In the rubble of their tomb we’ll plant this note explaining why they died!”
“Our burnt bodies may finally get through to you. “
“Your society churns out slaves and blanks, no thanks.”
“We’ll watch the smoke pour out the doors. Bring marshmallows, we’ll make s’mores!”
“We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!”
“I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one!”
“I can’t make this alone! Finish what we’ve begun!”
“You were meant to be mine!”
“I am all that you need!”
“You carved open my heart, can’t just leave me to bleed!”
“Open the door, please.”
“Please, can we not fight anymore?”
“Sure, you’re scared, I’ve been there. I can set you free!”
“Don’t make me come in there! I’m gonna count to three! One! Two--Fuck it!”
“Please don’t leave me alone. You were all I could trust.”
“I can’t do this alone, still I will if I must!”
“I wanted someone strong who could protect me.”
“I let his anger fester and infect me.”
“His solution is a lie.”
“No one here deserves to die except for me and the monster I created.”
“I'm a dead girl walking!”
“Can't hide from me, I'm your dead girl walking!”
“And there's your final bell.”
“It's one more dance and then farewell.”
“Cheek to cheek in hell with a dead girl walking.”
“___ told us you'd just committed suicide!”
“Yeah, well, he's wrong about a lot of things.”
“I threw together a lovely tribute, especially given the short notice.”
“Got no time to talk I'm a dead girl walking!”
“Tell me what's that sound?”
“___ will knock you out and send you straight to hell!”
“Step away from the bomb.”
“This little thing? I'd hardly call this a bomb. This is just to set off the packs of thermals upstairs in the gym. Those are bombs.”
“People are going to look at the ashes of Westerberg and say there's a school that self-destructed not because society didn't care, but because that school was society. “
“The only place Heathers and Marthas can truly get along is in Heaven!”
“I wish your mom had been a little stronger.”
“I wish she stayed around a little longer.”
“I wish your dad were good.”
“I wish grown-ups understood.”
“I wish we met before they convinced you life is war!”
“I wish you'd come with me.”
“I wish I had more TNT!”
“Give a great big yell!”
“I am damaged, far too damaged, but you’re not beyond repair.”
“Stick around here, make things better, ‘cause you beat me fair and square.”
“Please stand back now. ‘Little further.”
“Don’t know what this thing will do.”
“Hope you’ll miss me.”
“Wish you’d kiss me, then you’d know I worship you.”
“I’ll trade my life for yours.”
“And once I disappear, clean up the mess down here.”
“Wait, hold on--Not this way!”
“Our love is God.”
“Say hi to God.”
“Where have you been? People were saying you killed yourself.”
“You look like hell.”
“Hey! What are you doing?!”
“Listen up kids, war is over, brand new sheriff's come to town.”
“We are done with acting evil, we will lay our weapons down.”
“We're all damaged, we're all frightened, we're all freaks but that's alright.”
“We'll endure it, we'll survive it.”
“___, are you free tonight?”
“I'd be honored, if you'd let me be your friend.”
“We can be seventeen, we can learn how to chill.”
“If no one loves me now, some day somebody will.”
“Still time to make things right.”
“One day we'll change the world, but let's kick back tonight.”
“We can be beautiful.”
“Act like we're all still kids, cause this may be our final chance.”
“Celebrate you and I.”
“Maybe we won't grow old and maybe then we'll never die.”
“We'll make it beautiful.”
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notsoginger-weasley · 7 years
Weasley Wanderings and Confessions no. 1
Why can't we love the people around us? See, there are couples on tv that's everyone is obsessed with. "They are so cute together" and "omg I ship them". (I can speak on behalf of this because I am a certifiable fan girl.) Yet these couples on tv we love to see kiss and we love to see what their lives pan out to be. As soon as the people behind the characters begin to date they are cute still for a month or too until they are splashed all over the tabloids. Then surrounded by rumors and the people who called themselves fans have now destroyed potential long term happiness. The same "omg I ship it" people. I don't get it. In high school I met my best friend in the whole world. I tended to hang out more with guys seeing that I had two brothers and a monster of a step sister. I had better experience with boys then I did girls so naturally I gravitated toward them, not only because I was at the age where boys no longer had cooties, but because it was my comfort zone. I wasn't a snob tho. I did hang out with other girls I just didn't pamper or feed into their drama like they wanted me too. (Caysie that's aimed at you dearie). I was pining for about two months at my new schools after a short boy named Glenn. When my sister suggested the floppy haired goofball who looked just like him only taller. See it's also unacceptable to have a crush on someone so short. I looked him up and down from the back seat of my step mom's car and my heart pined after a new boy. Little did I know that new boy became my best friend. That goofy misfit boy decided he liked me in return and it turned my life into something so different. I was the quiet good girl who did as everyone said. A puppet tangled up in strings. And he was headed towards drugs and everything I was told was wrong growing up. When I held his hand in chapel he squirmed and shook. Later as the years went by and my family started to crumble I turned to him for comfort and support. I quit volleyball because I was causing stress and time on my parents for having to drive in and not to mention Char the coach played favorites. Here I think it is that I made the biggest mistake because Talia, thought I quit for Ben. Did she know me? We're we friends? Did I ever confide in her? Again, total strangers. Yet had the audacity to talk about me. To spread rumors and giggle to be the source of their entertainment. When I lost ben for what I thought was the final time. My life was in shambles. My dad wasn't the same man I knew. My step mother had left him. I had to take care of my brother. Someone needed to make sure he kept his schooling up. My dad would drive us home from school, buy microwaveable crap and then "go to bed." Nick had called me fat. The girls at school didn't give a shit about me because I never gave a shit about them. When I lost Ben I lost all my friends too because they were boys and you can't break the bro code. Emily, the only mother I knew at a young age, abandoned me. My sister and confidant and graduated and didn't bother to call. I was left in a room without her bed, without her breathing in the same room next to me to calm my nightmares. Jordan had told me she cut to feel better. I had read that it made you feel better. And I cut. I ripped apart my own flesh to feel good. To get the punishment I deserved for never being good enough for anyone. It was about 12 cuts in on each leg that I started to search for an artery. (Good thing I hadn't taken anatomy yet) Nick was outside in the dirt and came to my bathroom window wanting to show me something. He heard me crying. I drug myself into my room and did the only thing I could thing of. I called Makinzee. She had been to hell and back too. And never judged me for my actions. I called her and told her I what I had done. She told me I should call my mom. That I needed to call her. I told her I loved her and hung up. Nick came into my room. He saw the blood, and the sobbing mess that was his sister and asked why I did it. I didn't have an answer. He looked high and low for bandages and eventually patched me up with some medical tape. It burned so when he left I pulled it off. I called my mom. Told her what I had done and told her to come get me and my brother. That was the best decision I ever made. Before we went to live with my mom we waited for her to make the drive to ramah and I sat on the couch a blanket over my cuts and the tv on to distract. The tears had stopped and the numbness set in. My dad stumbled down stairs. I don't know how he knew but he asked to see what I had done. I said no. And he pulled my blanket away. He was drunk. He didn't say anything. He starred and then let my mother take us. I can't imagine the demons that were upon him that night. Or in the morning for that fact. He called me. He didn't know where we had gone. This was the lowest point in my life and I spent the rest of my high school career clawing my way out of the deep dark tunnel of my thoughts. I got back with Ben. No, I fought to be back with him. And now still he is the main source of people's problems with me. They don't like him so they treat me like shit vicariously. I am sorry that I will not choose you over the only person who has stayed by my side through everything. EVERYTHING. I said horrible things to this boy and without fail he always said he loved me back even when it was hard for him. This is the kind of love that we beg for. That we see on tv. The kind of love that lasts for eternity. The kind that has gone to hell and back. And yet it is annoying. It bugs others. Who are we to judge the happiness of other people. Some people have to fight a hell of a lot harder then others to be happy. I am so incandescently happy with this Man. With my Benjamin because he never uttered a single fowl word against me even after everything I had done. We are all united by one thing and one thing only. Our humanity. And Benjamin has never found fault in mine. And I have so much to learn from him. So I'm sorry I will not choose you over him. I'm sorry I will not throw away the only thing that kept me alive during a time when I desperately wanted out. I'm sorry. Everyone has value to me. We buy into the rumors and fail to see what Is really happening. Rumors are pain afflicted upon others for various reasons. I do not claim to be perfect. I have made so many mistakes. Jordan I am sorry. Yours I regret the most. Sam you did nothing to deserve my hate. Well until you brain washed my brother. Then again I haven't given you a chance. See I'm trying to learn to love as God does. I'm not trying to be high and mighty but I can't keep running like this. I can't run from people who don't like me anymore. I am so flawed and have messed up so much everywhere. But I need to forgive and forget. My heart is heavy but I am still learning so I'll need patience, honesty, and forgiveness from you. Whoever you are. I am human. I am nothing. I've hurt so many. But I am trying. I wish to find love in the people around me.
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lucasflanagan-blog · 8 years
The Best Movies of 2016 According to Me and Only Me
I love movies. I love talking about them, talking shit about them, arguing about them and writing about them. This new blog I'm starting is my attempt to get back to basics with what I like to write about the movies I love and hate and everything else in between the highs and lows. Oscar Sunday is the perfect opportunity to discuss what I loved best about this past year. I saw many movies and still somehow seemed to miss a great deal of what I suspect might be worthwhile movies to check out. This stands as a testament to the strength of this past year -- the strongest in recent memory. But let's cut through the bs and get down to it. 
 First off, I want to highlight how strong a year this was for the horror genre. Something happened and horror movies -- a whole mess of them -- delivered in a legit way. Cooties was the best horror comedy I've seen since Shaun of the Dead. Rainn Wilson ruled nearly every minute of that movie. Adam Wingard did some interesting things with The Blair Witch and while that movie didn't entirely work, it's still a nice entry on Wingard's resume. The same goes for James Wan with The Conjuring 2. Not perfect but still a solid movie. 10 Cloverfield Lane and Green Room might not exactly be horror movies but they both slipped into the genre rather nicely while never being hampered by traditional genre trappings. The Mind's Eye was an extremely weird and crazy as shit little telekinesis movie. The Witch was a terrific exercise in slow building dread while still hiding so much more underneath the surface. Light's Out and Don't Breathe were, on the surface, more traditional fare but over delivered in every conceivable way. Specifically, Don't Breathe which always zigged when you expected a zag. Lastly, The Autopsy of Jane Doe and I'm not saying anything else about this movie except: SEE THIS MOVIE! There is one more horror movie to talk about but it nearly snuck into my top ten and will thus be discussed in this next section.
 Now, getting closer to the main course. In trying to pare down to a top ten, I was shocked at how many movies I was originally considering. This speaks to two things: How many great movies I saw this year and how close some of them were for me. Dr. Strange is definitely the craziest Marvel movie I've seen to date. Lion surprised me with how touched I was by what, on the surface, was a traditional, sappy, awards-bait story. Dev Patel was magnificent in showing the turmoil of going twenty-five years without finding your way home. Hidden Figures was the feel good movie of the year. Fences was crushing and while imperfect in it's pacing and constant tendency toward monologues, which is never great to watch on screen as opposed to seeing it live, the highs were really, REALLY high. Hacksaw Ridge was Mel Gibson's most complete effort as a director since Braveheart and while pretty standard, it was still a handsome production. The Lobster was definitely not for everyone and I'll definitely not be able to recommend it to anyone I know but for me, it totally worked. I found this movie hilarious at times. Is something wrong with me? Don't answer that. Next up is The Wailing, a Korean horror movie about...well, it's a Korean horror movie. It's about the Devil? Maybe? Whatever, the movie was nuts in all the best ways.
 This next group of movies is still in the same boat but were either made by some of my favorite directors or based on or part of something else I adore. Nicolas Winding Refn is a polarizing figure. I find the man to be a genius behind the lens and The Neon Demon felt like him summing up his career to this point while still projecting how he feels about the industry in general. Everybody Wants Some was marketed as a spiritual successor to Dazed and Confused and while that's a fairly accurate tag, the movie speaks more to the bonds of friendship and new love. Linklater is as good a filmmaker as there is working today. Everything he does just works for me. I feel like we speak the same film language. The Jungle Book surprised me. Rudyard Kipling is one of my favorite authors but this movie didn't look special to me in any way upon it's release. Word of mouth led me to an eventual viewing and I was stunned. It's one of the most useful applications of CGI I've ever seen in a movie. Nailed it. Oh Rogue One. I really don't know how this didn't make my top ten list. I love Star Wars and this easily ranks as the third best Star Wars movie ever. The best depiction of Darth Vader ever. Holy shit. Midnight Special made me cry. Hard. On an airplane. In front of a lot of strangers. Michael Shannon is in the discussion of greatest actors of his generation and kills it in this movie. Joel Edgerton has quickly become one of my new favorites and Jeff Nichols is the best filmmaker in the business right now. And finally, the final movie to JUUUUUUST miss making the cut. Arrival. Awesome, quiet, meditative movie and when the pieces of it's puzzle finally fall into place, you're left stunned in the best possible way. And next up for Denis? The Blade Runner sequel. Get psyched. 
 And now for my top ten. (Note: The top three movies were so close and are constantly playing leap frog. As I'm writing this, I still don't know which is going to be number one for me. And yes, I know it's February and nearly March. Don't look here for sense.) 
 Chan-wool Park is a madman. His movies are impeccably designed, ultra violent and perverse as hell. This one was no different. Easily the most gorgeous film of the year and full of twists, innovations, titillation and drama. I respect it more than I love it but I respect the living shit out of this movie. 
 Unlike any superhero movie we've yet seen. Violent, sexually deviant, foul-mouthed in the most horrible way but also smart, superbly written, hilarious, violent, sexually deviant and foul-mouthed in the most horrible way. Deal with it prudes. 
 Ahhhh The Invitation. The most contested movie of the year in my house. My wife hated it which killed me a bit. It'll undoubtedly be brought up in our divorce proceedings. Karyn Kusama reminded me of Hitchcock in this movie. Actually, the best ode to Hitchcock since the man himself. She is now on my list of directors whom I see no matter what. What's it about? Who cares? Karyn Kusama directed it. 
 Shane Black is a legend. How did this movie get ignored this awards season? Not even for it's script? Maybe the tightest script of the year. For sure, the best dialogue. Gosling and Crowe should spend the rest of their careers working with each other. Amazing movie. 
 Another on the list of: HOW DID THIS MOVIE GET IGNORED? Tom Ford is carving out a hell of a place for him in Hollywood. A Single Man was amazing and now with Nocturnal Animals, I suspect studios will be hot after Mr. Ford. Also, how can you go wrong with the three best actors working today in the same movie? Shannon, Gylenhall, and Adams all crush here. Such a nasty slice of noir. We haven't seen noir willing to go full noir like this in a long time. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw one willing to be pitch black like Nocturnal Animals. I love when filmmakers don't give a shit about what an audience might think or like and just go out and make a fucking movie. 
 This is a tough one. It's also another movie that is hard to recommend because it's so soul crushingly sad. But it's also funny and somehow life affirming. It's a great piece of character writing and solid directing by Kenneth Lonergan. Michelle Williams continues to be excellent while Casey Affleck continues to be the best Affleck. Anyone else wondering what Live By Night would have been with Casey playing the lead? 
 And again another member of the WHERE IS THE LOVE CLUB. Mike Mills wrote the best script of the year. I'm willing to debate but there is really no debate. This was the best written movie of the year. Mills is an amazing talent. And then he went and cast so many people I love. Billy Crudup is great. Greta Gerwig, my wife now understands why I have such a crush on her. She is impossibly cool. Elle Fanning is going to be one of the biggest stars in the world very, VERY soon. Remember that. And finally, Annette Benning has never been better. She was robbed! And this is where things get messy/interesting/crazy/nonsense-y? 
 Whoah. This movie was number one on my list for a very long time. Ben Foster gave one of my favorite performances of the year. Jeff Bridges was funny and badass at the same time and Chris Pine was incredibly authentic as a man willing to put literally everything on the line for his family. This was noir and a western at the same time and that ain't easy to pull off. Impeccably written and basically told two separate stories about varying degrees of brotherhood at the same time while still having plenty to say about the haves and have-nots. About ownership, not only about tangible things but also about one's life. I have a brother who'd I'd rob banks for and maybe that's why this movie spoke to me so sweetly but I loved it all the same. 
 This was the most inspiring movie of the year for me. I loved every second of it and maybe down the road this will be remembered by me as the best. I don't know, I have yet to receive my time machine. Gosling is as charismatic as actors get and ditto for Emma Stone. They're both likable nearly to the point of annoyance. Chazelle is a great writer and even better director. He allows his movies to breathe while still managing to fill them to the brim. It's a high wire act few can pull off. 
 This one was just different. I've never seen anything quite like Moonlight. It's the movie which stuck with me the longest after seeing it. I saw it over a month ago and not a day goes by without me thinking about it. The story is timeless and new at the same time. The way Barry Jenkins shot this movie feels revolutionary to me. Everything was shot in hyper color and then drab. Things shoot into and out of focus. It's like seeing a movie with all of your senses. Mahershala Ali gave my favorite performance of the entire year. He was nothing short of extraordinary. Everything about this movie was extraordinary. I liked it upon leaving the theater. I liked it more the following day. I loved it a few days later. And where Hell or High Water and La La Land were, in many ways, equally extraordinary, they were maybe just the best versions of their respective genres that we've seen in years. Moonlight defied genre to just be unforgettable. 
 Enjoy the show everybody.
 RIP Bill Paxton. 
 Love each other.
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