#be gone terf
tvmilfs · 1 year
Terfs dont get to participate in the milf polls
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wolfcat-hybrid · 1 year
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thatdamnokie · 2 years
jsyk be-calm is a terf & tagged that post terf safe
ew, gross
tumblr wizards keeping us safe once again
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Seriously though, fuck terfs and radfems who double down on their bullshit and tell other trans people that they're "using the murder of a child" to "further their own agenda", like really Becky?
When we get mad at the abhorrent murder of our own community and try to spread awareness, you tell us that we're disgusting pigs twisting the death of someone into an argument for our benefit, (protecting trans people. How evil, right?) while you pretend to remain ignorant to the fact that YOUR IDEAOLOGY is KILLING CHILDREN ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Make no mistake, they know that accusing us of that makes no sense, but it's the only way for them to argue their way out of being part of a movement that tells others to kill trans people.
They are cowardly hypocrits who need to twist reality to justify their hatred. They will try to gaslight people and shift blame any way they can.
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zzzora · 6 months
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phoenixonwheels · 10 months
If the thing you’re doing boils down to making a community or space less inclusive to other minorities it’s time to sit down and reevaluate where exactly you’ve gone wrong with your life.
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A Thought
If homophobia was eradicated, same-sex-attracted people would have happier, healthier, overall better lives. Any distress gay and bi people experience regarding their sexuality is only because they are targets of prejudice regarding it. Homosexuality is not innately hateful or harmful.
But even if transphobia was eradicated, trans-identified people would still experience distress. To identify as trans or non-binary inherently requires one to hate your body and, by extension, yourself. Trans identity hinges on self-hatred as well as (mental and/or physical) self-harm.
A Thought: Part 2
If sexism was eradicated, this would also benefit same-sex-attracted people as much of homophobia and heteronormativity, concepts that harm gay and bi people, are both based in misogynistic ideas.
But if sexism was eradicated, this would hinder trans-identified people. Our misogynistic concept of gender (or "gender stereotypes" if you prefer) is, """at best,""" a useful tool for trans-identified people to communicate their gender identity to others, or, at worst, a motivator and encourager for people to identify as trans. Either way sexism ends up being reinforced by trans identity because gender itself, a concept that harms women and girls, is based in misogynistic ideas.
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dumplingcatho · 5 months
i will literally never understand how there are utena fans that are terfs. you're telling me you enjoy the girlprince gender fuckery show?? the show whose thesis says gender is a social construct used to enforce violence on people?? that says prince, princess, and witch are limiting gendered roles?? you enjoy all of that and STILL push gender essentialism and say “just be the gender you were assigned” and “trans people/activism are ending feminism”??
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vzajemnik · 24 days
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togo--mimori · 29 days
Scrolled far enough in someones blog to find out they were a terf took unfollowed and deleted that reblog SO QUICK
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audhdnight · 1 month
Here I am just casually scrolling the lgbtq+ section of the Hoopla app, only to come upon the most disgusting transphobic shit I’ve ever see . Why the FUCK is it here??? This is exactly the fucking opposite of what I come to the lgbtq+ section for. What the fuck.
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The book’s description (which made me make a face like when you smell rotten milk) is as follows:
“Irreversible Damage is an exploration of a mystery: Why, in the last decade, has the diagnosis 'gender dysphoria’ transformed from a vanishingly rare affliction, applying almost exclusively to boys and men, to an epidemic among teenage girls?
Author Abigail Shrier presents shocking statistics and stories from real families to show that America and the West have become fertile ground for a 'transgender craze' that has nothing to do with real gender dysphoria and everything to do with our cultural frailty. Teenage girls are taking courses of testosterone and disfiguring their bodies. Parents are undermined; experts are over-relied upon; dissenters in science and medicine are intimidated; free speech truckles under renewed attack; socialized medicine bears hidden consequences; and an intersectional era has arisen in which the desire to escape a dominant identity encourages individuals to take cover in victim groups.
Every person who has ever had a skeptical thought about the sudden rush toward a nonbinary future but been afraid to express it-this book is for you.”
I can’t get over the fact that one of this woman’s biggest complaints is that people are listening too much to the people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about 💀
Also gotta love the emphasis on “this only happened to men before” because as we all know, trans women aren’t really women they’re just men who want to be predators in the women’s bathroom (THIS IS SARCASM I DO NOT ACTUALLY THINK THIS)
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lobotomizedlady · 4 months
It’s always a transwoman bullying a transman and it’s really funny how they’ve said “you’ll never be a man, you’ll always be a woman!1!11!!1” when thy have in their bio “adult human female” while being a whole male😭
...so we aren't allowed to "misgender" those buffalo bill types who are literal rapists, pedophiles, and woman killers, their trans identities are totally valid & they deserve respect & to be put in prison with vulnerable women & if we say otherwise we are Literally Killing Trans Women. but the second a transexual person such as buck steps out of line with the groupthink it's open season for misgendering? like I remember ppl going ape over anyone who called chrischan a He even though he literally admitted that he only transitioned to try and get with lesbians & sexually assaulted his elderly mother (such a womanly thing to do). jesus fucking christ these people are really something else lol. insane levels of hypocrisy
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
truly detest how pcos tags/forums/etc are absolutely crawling with terfs
#(okay to rb but stay in your lane)#maybe i just want to look and see if anyone else has experienced what i went through today without seeing someone going like#'you'll never be a REAL woman because you DON'T HAVE OVARIES#and will NEVER understand the TRUE WOMANLY EXPERIENCE of having A VERY DISRUPTIVE AND COMPLEX ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISORDER'#like i think there are more important (read: actual) targets to direct our frustration at here than#[checks notes] getting mad at a trans woman for saying she relates to some of the problems caused/faced by having pcos#like. idk. the fucking medical system and lack of research/treatment options#(also. christ. reducing every person w pcos into the 'woman' category automatically bc 'ovary'.#even though it's literally an intersex condition. yikes.)#also i don't know about y'all but i don't wish this on anyone? regardless of gender??#i actually don't want trans women to have to experience this in order to be considered a True Woman#because i don't want ANYBODY to have to experience this. it sucks! it's not fucking fun!#i just wanted to try and see if other people have gone through the same thing i have. not expand my blocklist by half a mile tonight.#i wanna talk about me#even though i didn't exactly find what i was looking for (😔) and i had to play fucking whack-a-terf while searching#if there's any bright side to be found it's the number of posts/people affirming pcos as an intersex condition/identity#i saw someone say 'if you don't want the [intersex] umbrella for yourself you don't have to take it#but it's nice to have in the closet for a rainy day'#and. man. yeah.
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cliveguy · 4 months
like obviously my experience is only a fraction of what trans women experience but the way people WITHIN the trans community began to treat me differently when i started taking t really did leave me pretty disillusioned wrt the whole gender anarchy thing... like half of the people that talk about genderfuckery would be sold on terf ideology if it was packaged to them as a queer tumblr post. and i'm not saying that hypothetically with how many times i been dismissed when calling out a cryptoterf only for them to go mask-off a few months later lol. and again, this is all from a trans guy lol, i can't even imagine how much worse it is with transmisogyny layered on top.
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ur-stepdad · 17 days
a bit of context if you're not quite sure how to answer:
the girls in the book Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret would fall into the "very positive" category - they were excited to get their periods and would speak openly with their friends about puberty
a child who obsessed over a fear of menstruation, felt dread when they thought about it, or was deeply in denial about this aspect of puberty, would fall on the "very negative" end
note: anyone being judgmental or hateful/bullying on this post will be blocked (ie. transphobia, disrespect toward intersex people, biological essentialism, etc.)
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ofriceandmen · 11 months
So-called “gender critical” radical feminists are by and large the most obscenely backstabbing, vindictive activists I’ve seen. I think it’s especially precious they can’t seem to comprehend the irony that questioning whether or not a woman is a “real woman” is a categorically anti-feminist talking point which they have appropriated from misogynistic oppressors as it suits them to punch down trans and gender-nonconformist individuals. If you ascribe to gender critical theory you are not a feminist, and you sure as hell aren’t radical because your views are as old hat as it gets. What you are is a hateful bigot, so the least you could do is own it and not portray yourself as being anything other than what you are – an enemy to women and humanity as a whole. Fuck. Off.
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