#bear discourse
universe26comics · 2 months
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-Judge Holden, probably.
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hedgehology · 2 months
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“I don’t simply want peace, I need bad men to suffer!”
I choose the bear.
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thekalpar · 2 months
If a woman gets attacked by a bear, she doesn't have to worry about people deciding it's not fair to punish the bear because he has a promising swimming career ahead of him.
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sunsis · 1 year
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Fandoms will ship two het men who simply breathe next to each other but god forbid a Black woman has a relationship with or even just chemistry with the popular male lead. And this happens in EVERY fandom (see tags for examples) with a prominent Black female character. They were even vehemently against Miles Morales and the Black spider girl (Margo).
It’s just very telling that certain people are suddenly “platonic love/besties/sibling energy only otherwise the show is ruined!!” when the fem character is Black.
It’s ok to not ship characters, but the overwhelming backlash to these specific ones has been so ridiculous and very obviously racially motivated. There are articles now discussing whether harmless shipping of two fictional adult characters is acceptable, and on the cover of them is typically an interracial pairing involving a Black woman…
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audreyii-fic · 4 months
Side note:
In 2014 I spent a lot of time defending purity-culture fandom behavior on Tumblr. "They're young," I said, "and they have the sort of platform we" (millennials) "didn't. We would have posted the same black-and-white things at 15. No need to call them out and embarrass them; as they get more exposed to the world, they'll see the grayscale. It'll sort itself out."
Whoo, was I wrong. I massively misread the dangers in the self-selective ideological isolation of social media. I also did not foresee the effect of transitioning from webboards and Livejournal (where you were expected to define, develop, and defend your media interpretations in nested essay conversations) into streetcorner shouting platforms where conversation is impossible, let alone position refinement.
Ten years later, and not only did the 2014 15-year-olds not grow, 2024 teens are trapped in/have embraced a spiral of extremism that 2014 fandom sowed. Because no one has to look at, and certainly not discuss, anyone else's perspective, fandom discourse has become a rotted, stagnating field of strawmen. Media literacy is dead and this is how you wind up with people posting -- in total sincerity -- that liking a fictional romance between a short adult and a tall adult is endorsing pedophilia.
What a fucking mess.
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nerdylilpeebee · 1 month
Why women choose the bear: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/
Don't care. Still irrational. Most men won't hurt you if you get too close. All bears will hurt you if you get too close.
They are territorial, wild animals.
Also, quite a lot of women are not team bear. XD Quite a lot of women understand how sexist and stupid that choice is.
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ruethrills · 8 months
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
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How I sleep knowing that a large number of people in the world who will never know me believe that my identity is a disorder and/or that I'm either a sad loser who can't get laid or a selfish antisocial asshole who hates people, and that even some LGBTQ+ people refuse to take me and my community seriously because they have a narrow view of what we are like
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radio-audience · 22 days
whenever people don't like a m/f ship, they say "men and women don't always have to be in love!!!"
the internet and fandoms always take actual issues and dilute them until they're meaningless. men and women can be friends, but seems like a lot of people just want to use that phrase as ammo in shipping wars in order to have the moral high ground.
yes this is about sydcarmy. if you don't like the ship for some reason or think their relationship is different, that's fine, but come up with some actual compelling points instead of just saying "sydcarmy shippers are stupid!" or "they don't know how relationships work!" or "men and women don't always have to be in love!" and stop saying that it's going to ruin the show without any real line of reasoning as to how that could possibly ruin the show.
there's no reason to shoot down the possibility of sydcarmy being real yet, except for you being overly emotional about it. you're just going to make yourself angry if/when you get proven wrong, and that doesn't need to happen. it's a good show, stop letting other people and yourself ruin it for you
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miniar · 2 months
My two cents on the Man v.s. Bear discourse is this...
...if you, as a man, feel compelled to argue against the already made choice of bear, you are proving why bear is the correct choice.
What you are doing is standing up, in front of the world, and admitting that you won't take a woman's no for an answer.
You are shamelessly displaying, admitting, that you are exactly the kind of guy that would not just ignore a woman's boundary, but actively chose to violate it, whether it's by continuing to send messages over social media, continuing to harass her in public, or Worse.
You are 100% a part of the problem.
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A lack of occasional bears can occasinally become unbearable, you wouldn't have any would you?
we suppose we can occasionally bear making this one such an occasion for an occasional bear
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andromeda3116 · 2 months
i feel like a lot of Discourse (read: fandom wank) happens in places that have forgotten or never learned the death of the author theory
(which i know is not sacrosanct but it is very useful for handling fandom spaces, particularly fraught ones)
for those who don't know, the death of the author theory goes like this: as far as the work is concerned, the author dropped dead the second that the final word was published, and thus cannot comment, object to, clarify, or expand on anything that is not on the page.
my understanding is that it's most strictly used to mean that that the author's interpretation of the work doesn't matter, but can be expanded to state that nothing which is not on the page matters. imo, the expanded definition is particularly useful for fandoms and needs to be adopted on a larger scale.
because what it means is this:
it doesn't matter what the creator(s) intended. it doesn't matter what they said in an interview. it doesn't matter what the actors think, it doesn't matter what supplemental materials say or imply, even if they're signed off on by the creator(s). it doesn't matter if everyone involved in making it hates your interpretation and says that it's wrong.
they don't get to say that it's wrong. they dropped dead the second the last episode/book ended. their interpretation is simply one more in a vast sea of others.
listen to me, fandom spaces. i am taking your face in both of my hands. embrace the death of the author. you will no longer be bound to the (possibly fickle) words of the creator(s), your interpretation can no longer be the wrong one. if the text can be used to support it in any way, even twisty ways, it's valid. you don't have to jump through hoops to defend it against haters who say you're wrong.
the death of the author. open your heart to it. live it. be free.
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Something i find interesting abt sydcarmy is everybody's spontaneous investment in platonic dynamics and making sydcarm its posterchild as if its not completely reasonable that ppl ship two characters with chemistry, narrative and parallels. And doubly, the sudden affinity for a "softer" pairing that very coincidentally relegates syd with a side character and away from the conventional main lead™.
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 1 year
Season 2 and Strange Currencies
A look into Carmy's head and his new inspiration-Syd.
In this theory I'm writing about Carmen's obsessive personality, his actions and needs in Season 2 and his past (Claire) connecting to his future (Syd).
Hopefully this makes sense.
Carmy is one of the most interesting character's I've watched on television. His paranoia, anxiety, his focus. In the midst of chaos, Carmy expects order, his obsession with straight tape, cleaning after his mother as she makes a mess throughout the kitchen. Running behind his brother as he makes a meal for Natalie, Richie, and Carmy.
We know of Carmy's focus and we see this through his relationship with Mikey and his family. He focused so much on his career everything else fell to the wayside.
I believe his focus in high school was Claire.
We get insight in Carmy's fixation of Claire in 2x06 Fishes when Richie mentions drawings throughout high school, much to Carmen's dismay.
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2x09 Omelette, In season 2x09 we see Carmy trying to focus on life outside of cooking, trying to find inspiration through Claire what was once his muse in high school. But such inspiration fails.
Keep in mind the lyrics of the song that plays in the background. The Song strange currencies by R.E.M has two different meanings, one of an unrequited love and the singer's drive to fully love his significant other, though they're on different currencies.
We see this strange currency when Carmy focuses on Syd' suddenly, he's focused on Syd while Syd is focused is on a a star and The Bear's success. I say this new focus is a subconscious action on Carmy's part. After 2x06 Fishes, in 2x08 Carmy's drawings is brought up again, but instead of drawing Claire it's the chaos- The thoughtful chaos menu.
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Thoughtful Chaos Menu- A considerate and new way to view the chaos in his work life, he no longer has to thrive in chaos and obsession and he longs to do something different, to love and find joy in his actions. Claire is simply soundboard used to show what he desires, a healthy look on his life such a new concept of the cannoli and seven fishes that reminds him of a chaotic childhood.
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But such actions are misunderstood by Syd and the Viewer, we believe Claire is taking Carmy's full focus- she did in the past, now it's Syd. Claire represents the need in Carmy to have find joy in intimacy. (2x02 pasta, Carmy focuses on Syd's life as she focuses on her menu). This is a strange currency.
He's not in love with Claire, he can't define what she is to him because his focus lies in Sydney.
He wants to ask about her mom, but per the script she interrupts the question focusing on the dish instead. When he learns later on about Syd;s mother, he feels this is something he should know. How could it be something he should know about when she focused on the menu in Pasta?
Syd is Carmys muse and it's misunderstood that he does not care that much about it anymore. He cares for the restaurant but his drive is different. Carmy is in a different place and Syd has taken ahold of him.
Carmen: You have my full focus.
Syd is Carmen's muse.
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
feuerkindjana replied to your post "More pictures of David at the press night for…"
He looks like he's missing his emotional support pet
@feuerkindjana He really does...
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There is just something about that one red carpet pic in particular, with how smol and vulnerable David looks. I do think it would be lovely if he had Michael on his arm, having him there to handle the photographers and be assertive in the way that David sometimes finds difficult to do himself. Plus David does look a bit cold in the late January chill, so he would probably more than welcome having Michael there to keep him warm. They just seem like they would make the loveliest couple walking the red carpet together...
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nerdylilpeebee · 4 days
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Starting a new thread cuz that one was INSANELY long.
I already explained why I put it that way, I was mocking the people who think it's okay to hate men cuz rape happens.
I was mocking you when I said that. Statistics, piled together by feminists who are notoriously biased and unreliable, claiming violence has gotten slightly higher in recent years does not justify choosing the bear. Never said I didn't believe it, I said feminist's are untrustworthy and it does not justify dehumanization of men.
Oh, I understand there's differences between different types of feminism. XD but in my experience, feminists are all the same. You believe slightly different things, but you're all assholes who hate men and think you're oppressed because violence still happens to women like it does everyone else. I have no respect for any feminist, especially since radfems aren't the only ones who've spread false accusations about me.
Oh no, I think I'm morally superior cuz I'm not a sexist who thinks we should humor sexism just cuz it's trauma-fuelled. I'm morally superior because I don't hate men or think dehumanization of them is suddenly okay because women are afraid of rape.
Okay: they're stupid because death is infinitely worse than rape. They're stupid because most of them think it would be a quick death, or worse they try to act like if they were attacked by bears they would be believed and get justice, when in reality people would call them stupid for provoking a bear and then never hunt the bear down unless it started attacking multiple people or was currently in the process of attacking someone. They're stupid because they come up with bullshit delusions of why it's a good choice to choose the bear, based off false ideas.
Bears will kill you. Unless you know what you're doing AND get lucky, a bear WILL kill you. They are territorial, wild animals. You cannot act like you'll be fine encountering one, because wild animals are unpredictable. Go into an encounter with one thinking data about previous attacks will give you a 100% garuntee of survival and you'll end up mauled. Shit, there were these two women who were taking photos with a bear who was outside their car window, thought he wanted to be friends so they rolled down the window and one of them was fucking MAULED. These are not cuddly creatures you can be friends with, you cannot treat them like a non-threat, let alone as less of a threat than a man!
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