#bear is an abomination and i love it a lot
schmergo · 2 years
A non-exhaustive list of my favorite types of little kids: 1. Little boys who clearly spend a LOT of time with their grandmas/ great-grandmas and say things like "Oh my stars!" and "I will take dainty bites" (for some reason, this type of kid also seems o exclusively wear, like, sports and military themed clothing and have one of those weirdly aggressive little-boy names like Rifle or Rowdy or Butcher.) 2.  Little girls who love and cherish spooky things like skeletons, ghosts, and bugs and treat them like doll babies 3. Kids who proudly exclaim, "I did it!" or "mommy will love this!" while holding up the most hilariously wretched abomination of a project you've ever seen. Honestly just admire the self-esteem. The hand-eye coordination will come later. 4. Kids who find a Good Stick or Big Leaf while outdoors and become inseparable from it, delightedly showing it off to passers-by 5. Very Serious Infants who always seem to be concentrating intently on something and seem to have the weight of the world on their shoulders. 6. Well-traveled sophisticated kids who tell you about eating lavender-flavored gelato in Florence, skiing in Switzerland, and going to their classmate's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese with equal levels of excitement because at the end of the day, they're still just kids 7. Extremely chaotic children who tell you bizarre stories punctuated by fits of giggles that make absolutely no sense. "Once upon a time there was a cow... who turned into a BANANA HEAD!!! And he... had a BUTT! And then there was... there was monkeys and T-Rexes everywhere! And a ninja! I'm going to play on the slide now, okay?" 8. Kids who tell you "facts" that are obviously made up ("Did you know that elephants are the biggest kind of dogs?”), or who tell you how to do basic things because they are used to people teaching them stuff and just assume that's how people interact 9. Kids who get so excited about holidays (including minor holidays like other people's birthdays or St. Patrick's Day) that they get overwhelmed and need to take a nap and end up missing the celebrations anyway. 10. Little toddlers who wear those coats/hats with little ears attached so they look like tiny teddy bears toddling around parking lots.
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transfemmesam · 6 months
supernatural fic rec list
(mostly for me to keep all my favorites together. all on ao3) (be nice, i’ve never made one of these and the format is new to me)
Try asking by @applecrumbledore
Wincest, 7k words, rated T. Outside POV.
“Jerry says he saw them going at it in the back of that car of theirs outside Atlanta last year, I swear to God.” “Listen, man, I don’t like them either, but that’s a low blow. Jerry’s a fucking pervert.”
The sound of dead leaves by clavicular and unhappy_ghost
John/Sam + wincest, 6k words, rated M. Sam POV.
John looks at Sam in a way no father should. Sam aches when Dean smiles. The shadows that loom over Sam Winchester are not just those of the monsters lurking in the night.
Echoes of Hell by The_Nightbreaker
Gen, 35k words, rated M. Sam POV.
It wasn't real. He wasn't in Hell anymore. That's what he tried to tell himself over and over. But two centuries of torture don't disappear in a day. Sam struggles with visions of Hell, fighting to maintain his grip on reality. Dean hates that he can't protect his brother from what isn't real—but curse him if he doesn't try. When the boys stumble on a case with ties to the Devil himself, will they be able to pull themselves together in time to stop the sacrifices? Or will the echoes of Hell finally overtake them? Aka, season 7, but the plot is Hell trauma, not leviathans.
Evening Shadows by withthekeyisking
Gen, 2k words, rated T. Outside POV.
Sam is hallucinating the monster who tortured him for nearly two centuries, Dean feels like he's failing his brother, and a diner waitress bears witness.
Lesser Evils by Dyed_Red
Wincest, 9k words, rated E. Dean POV.
“So you’re just gonna, what – torture us for an hour while your guys hightail it to Buffalo? That’s your master plan here?”  “Oh I can do a lot in an hour or two, Sammy. Like having your surrogate daddy here carve Dean a new face. Like backsliding you off your pretty bandwagon. Like…Seeing how far big brother will go for his sweet baby Sam.”
Prophecy of an Abomination by ashitanoyuki
Gen, 88k words, rated M. Sam POV.
Sam wants to be normal. Sometimes, it's harder than he'd like to keep faith in God. Or: a story of religious!Sam plus powers!Sam culminating in horrifying Sam whump (with eventual comfort to go with the hurt). A character study of the first two seasons that sharply diverges in season two.
he’ll follow me down every street, no matter what my crime by according2thelore
Wincest + Meg/Dean, 17k words, rated M. Dean POV.
“What do you want, Sam?” Sam stands up, so Dean is forced to look up into his face. Sam turns them slowly, so the small of Dean’s back bumps into the polished wood of the counter. “I want…” Sam says, eyes flicking down to Dean’s lips and Dean knows when something is too good to be true, knows that this can’t possibly be real, knows— “Christo.” Dean rasps, just before Sam’s lips land on his, eyes open wide. Sam’s eyes flash black. “Whoops,” Sam says casually. A thread of tension stretches between them, almost interminable, and then they both move at once. The demon in Sam’s body slams Dean back, and Dean crashes against the bar. ~~~ A rework of S2E14 "Born Under a Bad Sign" with Meg!Sam and Dean instead of Jo for WincestWednesday on tumblr's July Event, prompt "Favorite Episode" (with a cameo from the second prompt "Blood")
You’d Have Loved Her (But You Won’t) by punkrock101
Gen, 5k words, rated G. Sam POV. (compiler’s note: this is my personal favorite fic of all time)
Sam never got to tell him. Sam never got to tell anybody.
Flowers in the Impala by Evendar
Wincest, 2k words, rated M. Outside POV.
Kate wants them to be a family - really, she does - but there's something wrong with John's boys.
that’s long enough for now, i think. feel free to reblog with your favorite fics as well
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artist-issues · 5 months
What are the best stories you've seen that have a theme of forgiveness? If not strictly about forgiveness, then any themes along the lines of retribution, redemption arcs, or even "seeing through another's eyes" (I may or may not have rewatched Brother Bear recently lol)
Well, we’ve got all my old standbys. Cinderella, of course, is a story that really has forgiveness in it, because Cinderella wholeheartedly forgives her stepfamily for mistreating her. (Actually, she might be “forbearance,” not forgiveness.) But they’re completely off her hook. I think there’s a really great moment of forgiveness between Nick and Judy in Zootopia that gets overlooked. Frozen, with Anna and Elsa. Brother Bear is a really great example, truly! I love that movie.
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I think some of my other favorites include the original A Star is Born, or even the Judy Garland remake. (Those also might be more “forbearance.”) I think one of the best examples I ever saw of forgiveness was in Avatar: the Last Airbender, which everybody knows:
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And of course, ‘Til We Have Faces and The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis have some of the best-distilled forgiveness moments in any stories, ever. There are sweet ones in The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald, too, though they’re not as dramatic. In Anne’s House of Dreams, by L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s repeated forgiveness of Leslie’s coldheartedness or rudeness is a really simple but awesome example of day-to-day forgiveness.
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I don’t easily think of a lot of good examples of it in stories. Brother Bear definitely has it, because without it, the story doesn’t work—Sitka wouldn’t help Kenai to learn from his wrongs, Kenai would’ve been killed by Denahi, Koda would’ve been left alone—but I don’t think forgiveness is the main focus of the movie. I think it’s a load-bearing component, but not the focus.
You’re making me want to see a movie that really homes in on that!
The thing is, I guess, for forgiveness to be the focus of a movie, there has to be a character that 100% definitely does the complete wrong, inexcusable thing to another character. Something that he deserves to be on the hook for. Then he has to acknowledge that he did the wrong thing and want forgiveness. And then the other character, the one who was wronged, has to willingly acknowledge that wrong and then let the offender off the hook. It’s not just “we’ll pretend this didn’t happen.” It’s both parties acknowledging that wrong was done, and having an exchange that ends in reconciliation. It’s got grace and mercy wrapped up in it.
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Not many movies have true moments like this. Usually, one character is super sorry and the other character just seems to brush off whatever they did with like, a callback to an inside joke or something. (I’m thinking if Treasure Planet, to be honest.) Or, the situation necessitates that they put their conflict aside and work together, and then after the day is saved they sort of “get over” all that and swagger off into the sunset together.
As far as “redemption” goes—gee, all the old standbys! All the ones I mentioned above, plus Star Wars, plus East of Eden (the movie, not the book) plus, of course, my all-time favorite movie, Lilo & Stitch.
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In Lilo & Stitch, you have the ugly little creature who belongs absolutely nowhere, is by definition a blight on nature and an abomination of existence, who was actively created to ruin everything. And he does it, and he takes delight in it. But there’s this little girl who gets pushed down, gets her doll chewed on, gets rejected when she’s most in need of his companionship—and she just keeps on loving him anyway. Because she’s chosen to, not because he did anything to deserve it. And then that infects him. That idea of family—of someone choosing to love you, no matter how ugly you are inside and out, and by choosing to love you, they create a place where you belong. No matter what. And that changes him. A germ from outside of him changes him from a literal world-destroying, home-shattering selfish monster into something new, something adopted, something loved.
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I’d call it a story about committed love and grace, not necessarily redemption—because the focus of the story isn’t really “Stitch does something wrong but then through a process of pain and transformative struggle, redeems that wrong.” That’s not the focus of the story. But it’s still “bad character becomes good.” And I can’t help but talk about Lilo & Stitch once you get me started on it, sorry!
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I think the best redemption stories are some of the ones I’ve listed above, plus East of Eden, Beauty & the Beast, and really, truly Sydney Carton from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities.
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And I think Kylo Ren was well on his way to being one of the best redemption stories of all time, if TROS hadn’t fumbled the ending so clumsily—but that’s another post for another time! I don’t know if this satisfactorily answered your question, but it was fun to ramble about and I’ll tag you if I make another post as more come to mind.
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liliththeimp · 4 months
sum ghosts hc’s :3 pt 1–SFW
Once again back at it with my SAS wife cos my brain is rotting like disintegrating cotton candy so here are some headcannons i made (posted on ao3 but thought they deserved a bit recognition here too lol)
Now these are just some personal hcs ive made or seen that i liked;
the numbered sfw hcs are going to tie into the nsfw hcs, for clarification!!
He loves music, like anything 70’s to 90’s in a sense? Like, sum pink floyd or shinedown (ik but it stuck after an ai chat and i cant fucking let it go-) nu metal, death/black metal, gothic metal, throw in some thrash/groove metal- anything with metal really
Onto my next point, he’s good at guitar, like really good, he has a gibson guitar he named (idfk what he named it, probably after you tho lmao)^1
He’s a straight up asshole, like, blunt calls everyone cunts, he’s just a a British as shoe dude what did you expect. But the funny thing is, if you end up cursing him out like a sailo he will find that as a major turn on ^2
Simple man doesnt like complicated food, just a normal burger and fries and he’ll be grateful. And if you cook good luck he eats like a bear (how else u think he’s bulky???)
He likes winter over any season bc its the opposite of where he’s been, though allergies/sickness do annoy the shit out of him cus he sneeze into his mask and it pisses him off
Likes milkshakes and i won't expand on that.
He’s a big softy for like small gifts, he may not show it but that macaroni necklace he called stupid? He has it on his night stand so it wont get ruined. You got a bracelet you gave him three months ago? He wears it everyday.
Pretty testing and bully-ish, but will just become a stuttering mess when you tame him, the slight blush peeing through his balaclava will give you enough lee way to make him fall in love with you
“blink mf.” 
Stares down new recruits, no exceptions- when he sees you, he ends up staring more
Knows some ASL when he’s not exactly in a talkative mood (not gonna say non-verbal bc, i doesnt fit him? he’s just like middle finger up to say fuck you, thats his sign language lmao)
Pretty big book worm in his free time
Fast learner at anything, i imagine he has a hard time remembering shit bc of his trauma n shit will do that to ya, but if he watched something long enough he can get it down.
Likes some spicy food
Doesn't do video games, he just doesnt think their any fun
OMFG this man- he makes fucking BACON in his GRILLED CHEESE. I argued with him (literally only with a fucking AI bot like some looser but my point still stands;) about how that's an abomination, grilled cheeses are meant for, and paired ONLY with tomato soup, sometimes chicken noodle. but he believes it the most delicious thing, he’s not putting watered down ketchup next to his beautiful creation.
Stubborn and pouts easily, you say something he doesnt realize is a joke he hold onto that grudge. “Why are you so upset right now? What did i do?” He huffed, uncrossing his arms “you didnt hold the door for me and I slammed my face! You didnt even apologize!!” You blinked, lips pressing into a thin line “are you fucking 5.”
his love languages is more quality time than physical touch- but Jesus Christ this man will get clingy af once he trusts you (after he takes off his mask fully 4 the first time, he trusts you with his whole heart- dont break it pwease- hes hes jus a little guy)
Ok really like bully breed dogs, like his favorite.
loves to hold your hand, like if you wrap your hand around two of his fingers specifically, he’ll turn into a blush mess and so so prideful, (like big softy friendly giant who could totally crush you- and he’s like so gentle) ^3
Gives a lot of thought before he compliments you, like studies the way you do things- like, hair clips, clothes, colors, make up, shoes, etc etc, he loves to study your features.
Can cook- like, really good- but ends up ordering takeout or pizza cos he’s lazy
On his trips, like when he get deployed longer than a couple of months, he brings back sand for you from the places he’s been and you have a small shelf full of small files of the sand (unlabeled btw, you just know which is which)
tries not to get angry or lash out or get like, cold or distant with you bc he really cares he’s just scared of fucking up and you leaving once you see how broken he is
Does all those horrible jokes, his voice is slow and gruff and just- gravelly? Like, he talks like the Grimm reaper himself and makes a yo mama joke
Doesn’t know how to ask for attention so he’ll come up behind you and tug a strand of your hair or nudge you- shit he’s thrown pillows at you then stares at you with a straight face “cuddles.”
“Not arguing with a dude with big brown eyes. Like, whatever you say beautiful”
he loves eye contact wen talking about serious shit- like, complimenting you, or saying i love you, he wants you to look him in the face and understand how much he means it….yet you turn into a blushing stuttering mess when he does, and he laughs to himself ^4
Stares at ‘settings’ on his phone to avoid social situations. Argue with the wall.
in the thickest, most unintelligible, uninterpretable British accent possible “YA KNO’ WHAT YOU DIR’Y ‘ITTLE CUNT—”
Incoherent British slang, colonizer alphabet soup if you will.
plays hello kitty island adventure or cooking mama un-ironically
Can’t spell “gynecologist” (geneycologist/ gin-i-colo-gist) or “bologna” (balaonie/ balony)
If there’s ever a baby in the store or something, and the baby is staring at him, he’ll make funny faces (mainly cross his eyes and makes small sounds)
doesn’t think he’ll be a good dad, but still thinks about it- believes he’s not good enough for a family ^5
Anywho continue onto part 2 here for spic stuff you perv >:3
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hakusins · 2 months
Very important question from someone you may or may not know:
Are you interested in Greek Mythology? If so, do you have any favourite gods, goddesses, creatures, and myths? Can we also know why you like them? 🎤
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yeah i like greek mythology a normal amount. bjhEBRJHFBHJERBFJJEBRHF
BUT IN ALL HONESTY, anon - this ask had me running around clawing at my walls screeching and IT DEFINITELY WOKE UP A LOT OF DEMONS THAT WERE SLEEPING IN MY HEAD HJERBFBJHERF i actually had to take the whole day to just calm myself down.
okay now onto your questions! In all honesty, from my very very deep and in depth knowledge of all of them, it is safe to say I can't say i think of any of them as cool or anything. i think they're all assholes one way or another. but i do quite like {oseidon because myths involving him are always the funniest to me JBHREFBJHREF but for goddesses... hm, there's not much but i quite like athena :DDD I honestly don't really have favourite goddesses/gods, but I do have favourite creatures!!!
THE MINOTAUR, ASTERION, IS DEFINITELY MY FAVOURITE !!!! HIS STORY TO ME IS SO TRAGIC, like he was always destined to be a monster - there was no moment since his conception that he could be anything BUT a monster and its just so utterly heartbreaking because this perversion of nature was created just by the gods, so by that principle, shouldn't he be something to be revered? something to be respected? or is it because his mom fucked the sacred bull gifted by Poseidon in order to conceive him that dictates that he is nothing more than a stain on his family, that he was an abomination that shouldn't have been born? bUT NOT ONLY THAT, his creation is the results of the gods' intending to punish King Minos for his arrogance and greed, but they made Queen Pasiphae, his wife, to bear the brunt of the humiliation? Like she's an innocent party in this matter, but she's the one who is forced to bear a half bull child and her husband just gets humiliation? I DONT KNOW ITS JUST, the creature of the Minotaur just fascinates me deeply that I want to nitpick the author or just the person who begun this myth because what was the cultural environment that inspired this myth? Was there a real life event that inspired this? Or was this just a cruel and sick imagination of how mortals think the gods dole out their punishments?
I CAN HONESTLY YAP THE SAME WITH MEDUSA, but Medusa had so many chances to not BECOME the gorgon Medusa. Like there could be timelines where Medusa was not a priestess in Athena's temple, where her tragedy began. Medusa could've chosen to be something or someone else and there's a chance she could've escaped her fate. THE MINOTAUR NEVER GOT THAT CHANCE, hell if you asked anyone with a mild knowledge of Greek mythology, no one would know that the Minotaur's name is Asterion! They only know him as the Minotaur, the beast of the Labyrinth.
but for myths, I honestly can't choose - Helen of Troy? Odysseus? Arachne? King Midas? Ixion? Sisyphus? Tantalus? Lycaon? Europa? The foundation of Athens? The birth of Peresphone? Hades and Persephone? Eros and Psyche? Adonis? Narcissus? Jason and the Argonauts? Perseus? Theseus? Heracles? The Titanomachy? The birth of Aphrodite? The Gigantomachy? Atalante? Typhon and Echidna? The birth of Dionysus? The several renditions of the birth of Zagreus? The birth of Hermes? Achilles and Patroclus? The women of the Amazon? The Titans? Pandora's Box? I CAN GO ON BUT THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT !!! I HONESTLY HAVE SO MUCH FUN AND IM LOVING SO MUCH BERJFJBHERJBFEJHRF URHGRGHT please come back to talk to me about greek mythology anon please please please please, i swear i'm normal.
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aesolerin · 5 months
guess what heartwrenching Leper/Jester implications I found out about today!
So, you know how in both DD1 and DD2, various lineups have a chance to have an associated/relevant nickname attached to them? Well, check out this one:
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YEP. For Jester, apparently just being in a lineup with the Leper brings up memories so bitter that they are equivalent to the memories brought to Junia when she's put into lineup with the man who tortured her.
Which like, understandable, insofar as Sarmenti's years in court were legitimately torture and abuse, but Baldwin's connection to those times is a whole lot more tenuous than the connection Vestal has to bitter memories with Flagellant. Leper was a king of his own kingdom, yes, but: 1) it wasn't the kingdom Sarmenti was the court jester for, 2) Baldwin was legitimately a good king unlike the Jester's Tyrant, and 3) Other than the gold and perhaps his bearing, there's nothing about Leper that really screams 'king' and should bring that association to mind for him. And from what little we know, The Tyrant's bearing was likely a whole lot regal. (Unlike Damian's memory association for Junia, as he's still identically batshit compared to how he used to be- he just looks like a corpse now and is afraid of death.)
So, I like to think of this in two potential ways: 1) either it's like Dreams and they met before, and that's what tints it bitter, or 2) it's like how someone once put as a (now paraphrased) caption for a (really good) fancomic about the two (that you should look up, as i can't think enough to find it atm); the bitterness doesn't come from the fact that Baldwin was a king. It's that he wasn't Sarmenti's king, as Baldwin is sure to have been a lot kinder and more appreciative of his skill if only he was at that court instead.
Of course, I may be reading way too much into it, but you know me well enough by now to know that overanalysis is basically my main hobby. xD
You got any thoughts on all this, yourself? If not, no biggie!
oh good heavens that is delicious and painful.
side note, i love a lot of the party combos in DD1 and DD2. where else are you gonna get Clown Car (vestal-jester-jester-jester), Tank 'N Spank (occultist-vestal-crusader-leper), Chain The Beast (plague doctor-bounty hunter-abomination-maa), Fire And Steel (vestal-duelist-runaway-crusader), Insane Clown Posse (grave robber-hwm-maa-jester) and Ballroom Blitz (grave robber-jester-duelist-crusader)?
even though characters don't have special barks for each other (save for Dismas' Lost Crusade barks when looking for his boyfriend Reynauld)- which is understandable as i imagine it would be a massive pain in the ass- this one single party name says a lot about what might be going on in Sarmenti's head. he's fine, don't worry about it. don't worry about the way he stares at Baldwin every free moment. He's Fine.
the 'wishes he was his king' idea is the more likely one, honestly. what kickstarted Dreams for me was the thought that maybe they'd crossed paths at least once, and it still doesn't seem to be a widespread idea from my corner of the fandom. as you pointed out, Baldwin is very much not like the Tyrant Sarmenti knew. a king but not a tyrant. bitter memories indeed.
this is probably how it's meant to be read!! and i love analyzing things, it's fun and painful at the same time
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cilil · 5 months
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Day 6 ~ Loss & Betrayal
𓂃🖋 Characters/pairings: Melkor x Mairon 𓂃🖋 Synopsis: With Melkor trapped in the Void, Mairon can no longer reach him and resorts to addressing him in letters to cope with his situation on Númenor. 𓂃🖋 Warnings: References to/discussion of sexual assault. Also Mairon is a hater 𓂃🖋 Oneshot (~1.2k) | AO3
I made it out of dungeons at last — in body, that is. 
In spirit I have long since been wandering and dreaming to distract myself from the miserable existence that I was subjected to. And subjected myself to; you know as well as I do that at times the long, twisted road of deception is a safer path to tread than brute force. 
I had to let them take me. Though it means little either way. 
The mortal king has, as was to be expected, grown fond of me already. He wants the divine secrets that only our kind has to offer, and more important yet, power and immortality. I promised him all of these things, of course, and he might well get at least a taste of some before I seize victory from his greedy, filthy hands. 
There will be a price to pay, however, that much I know already. Not only the shameful matter of allowing mortals to take me prisoner like a lowly incarnate, but also the realm in itself. 
I despise Númenórë, precious. I hate it. 
It is full of foul, indecent Men, crawling all over the island like the vermin they are. They consume lots of slimy seafood, presumably another "gift" from Ulmo and his ilk, and they audaciously serve me these abominations as well, expecting not only that I should eat them, but also praise their odious cuisine. They love the sea and venture out often, thinking themselves great explorers as if anything they could ever find has not been known for ages untold to us, the makers of this world. They worship our father and the vain Valar who in their eyes are nothing but strange gods they have never seen but bow to nevertheless, while they call us hateful names. 
And yet I must smile and gracefully endure the company of the king and those he surrounds himself with. He has named me his advisor now — a decision he will undoubtedly come to regret, though not a second before my designs for him come to pass and he faces his inevitable doom. 
The queen, it is said, was married to the king against her will, and I can certainly see the utter lack of charm that necessitated a forceful course of action. She does not lie with him willingly, and unfortunately his lust has fallen upon me instead. 
He leers at me when he asks me about our secrets. He corners me when I tell him about power. He touches me when I speak of you. He attempts to hold me when I praise your name. 
He has even had the audacity to call me a servant. 
the king has laid hands on me again. In fact he has only just now exited my chambers, satisfied with his detestable deeds, leaving me to bear the shame and impurity of a mortal's touch. 
I try not to see and not to feel when he comes near me. I try not to recoil or weep or destroy him for the crime of despoiling what belongs only to you. I try not to mourn the loss of our intimacy, long ago though it has been: This form was made for you, made for our love and our pleasure. 
Not for a mortal king.
He grows bolder now, having realised that I will not defend myself, and takes what he wants. And I have to let him. I could, perhaps should destroy him, burn down these chambers, the castle, the entire city with him and flee, but alas, I cannot and will not. For such petty revenge is not enough; the entire realm must fall. 
He does not even have the decency to humbly accept the grace that I show him. He treats me like a common whore, demeans and degrades me, handles me roughly, always takes and takes and takes and never asks. He claims I am nothing but a slave and a prostitute, yet it is him whose mind falls prey to my whispers and whose body cannot resist my beauty. 
I hate it. I hate him. He disgusts me, and no amount of gold or ships or crowns could change that. I need not tell you that only you are King of Kings, and no other could even hope to come close to your glory. I need not tell you that I never wanted any other. 
And yet... no matter how desperately I wish to burn those grasping, grimy, greedy hands whenever it comes into his foolish mind that a mortal could possess a Maia and he reaches for me, I must instead endure. I do not want it. I do not want any of this. But the plan must be executed, so that your enemies will be brought to ruin and returned to the doom you designed for them. 
Worst of all is the knowledge that the king will be back soon. I must admit now that the potency of my charms has become a double-edged sword: So very effective, so very strong is the desire I inspire within the hearts of weak mortal Men, yet being the object of such desire is a most undignified position to be in. 
He is insatiable, thoroughly ensnared, and I am... afraid. 
My love, 
I am distraught, more than I have ever been. I know not what to say. I wanted to cry out to you, but could not allow your name to be sullied by being spoken while another takes what is yours.
Beloved, I have committed the most unforgivable blasphemy against you and our sacred union. I saw it coming, knew it would happen, prayed for your forgiveness in advance, yet it did nothing to dispel the horror of such acts. 
I had to let a mere mortal violate my beautiful fána. I had to let a false king take me. I had to betray both you and myself for the sake of our perfect revenge. 
I want to burn my fána. I will burn it once I no longer need it. 
Even so, I weep. This is the very same fána that you touched, the one that bears the marks of your love. I desperately want to shed a skin so defiled, but the thought of losing what little I have left of you is unbearable. 
Forgive me, my love. Forgive me for letting a filthy mortal have me. Forgive me for sacrificing what is yours as well as mine. I swear that I did it only for you, for only the thought of you can keep me in this world — the thought of how you will smile when you behold the ruin of our enemies, how you will laugh, how pleased you will be with me. 
I have been trying to cleanse myself with water instead, but it is insufficient. I heated it until it was boiling, but it was not enough. 
I still feel his touch upon me, and it disgusts me. 
And if I shall burn to be rid of this filth upon me, so too shall the king and his entire realm. My flames shall feast upon mortal flesh as tribute for my sacrifice, and death shall claim all who remain until there is no one and nothing left of accursed Númenórë and its king. 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @angbangbaby @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @bluezenzennie @edensrose @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-big-tits @melkors-defense-attorney @sauron-kraut @singleteapot @urwendii
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Indulge my late night Spider-Verse rambing
I really want Beyond the Spider-Verse to have it's big battle that causes Miguel his Face-Turn (that we all know is coming, don't lie) to be between him and Gwen and not him and Miles.
Miguel and Miles barely know each other and the short time they spent together was almost completely antagonistic. They don't have any kind of emotional attachment to each other, and Miles has no reason to care about Miguel having a "come to Jesus" moment. Miguel also hates Miles and doesn't have a reason to give a shit about anything he has to say, especially after the stunt he pulled on the train. Miles' personal battle is with The Spot, a character that has so much invested in Miles' perception of him that he literally became an Eldritch Abomination just to ruin his life because Miles hurt his feelings. Spot is the big emotional threat to Miles, and of course as the story's Big Bad, it's natural that Miles, as the Protagonist, would be the one to bring him down in whatever way the writers decide to go for.
Gwen is a different story. One of the precious few kind things Miguel is shown doing is giving Gwen the means to get away from her traitorous father. There is unfortunately not a lot shown about their relationship afterwards, but from what I can infer, Gwen has contradictory feelings of respect and fear for Miguel, a mirror to how she has contradictory feelings of both rage and love for George. He's her savior so she owes him her loyalty, which she shows by trying to stay away from Miles and keeping him from the truth, but at the same time, based on the conversation she had with Jess while tracking Spot in Miles' dimension, she lives in fear of displeasing him and him sending her home. She also describes him as "a good guy" to Miles but looks visibly shaken when she takes him to meet Miguel, a sign she's not as confident around him as she lets on.
On Miguel's end, the thing that definitely changed his mind about letting Gwen join the Spider Society was hearing her lament that she didn't know how to fix a massive problem she feels is her fault. He sees himself in her, a desperate, broken person who just wanted a loving family but ended up inadvertently ruining everything. He's also a man who is bereft of a daughter seeing a man who still has his daughter turn his back on her and I cannot imagine that not having any bearing on his relationship with Gwen. (Also, if his backstory to the comics is the same as his backstory here, I can imagine the familiarity he felt with her since he was also raised by a less-than-stellar man named George who was connected to Law Enforcment. ☕ 🐸) And the less obvious thing people don't talk about enough is he gained legitimate respect for Gwen's fighting skills after the fight with the Vulture in the Guggenheim and how in sync they can be in battle. He went from bickering with her to being able to follow through on plans she made on the fly without any verbal communication. He even gave her a bit of a compliment afterwards with is "That's what I was gonna do" comment, literally putting her battle acumen on the same level as his own. She also seems pretty used to interacting with him directly, meaning he keeps her around himself. I truly believe he felt she had potential as one of his direct underlings, a possible member of his Inner Circle if you will, if only she would be completely loyal to him!
But she wasn't. Her feelings for Miles eventually superceded her loyalty to Miguel which caused Miles to chase after her and eventually ended up causing the huge clusterfuck that served as the thing that shoved an already mentally unstable Miguel over the edge. Despite it actually being Miguel's fault for both Miles coming to Headquarters (he could have ordered Jess or Gwen take him back instead of confronting him) and his fault Miles was able to escape (he could have paralyzed him instead of MONOLOGUING), he blames Gwen for both problems. How dare she disobey him! After all that he's done for her, how could she choose that mistake over her place in the society?
So, in an act that cements Miguel's complete descent into madness, he undoes the big act of kindness we saw him give her by sending her back to her homeworld, where he knows that she'll either be hunted by her father, or be forced to witness him die. Once again, Gwen feels the sting of being cast aside by someone that was supposed to have her best interests in mind because he blames her for things that weren't even her fault. But before she's gone, she leaves parting words that cut Miguel to his self righteous core. "We are supposed to be the good guys." And you can tell in his tone of voice and his body language that she has affected him deeper than he wants to let on. He keeps his back turned, facing where she was and whispers "we are" in a low voice only meant for himself. He is trying to convince HIMSELF that Gwen is wrong, that he's the hero he thinks he is. But if someone who he felt a kinship with, someone who he showed compassion to, someone who he kept close and watched over and faught alongside and taught is suddenly doubting what he's been telling her, maybe, just MAYBE, he's the problem. The seeds of doubt were planted in him the moment Gwen spoke those words to him.
And now, Gwen has created her own team to directly oppose a man she once felt she owed loyalty to. They are both leaders of their own bands with the same goal of tracking down Miles. They are in direct, opposing postions to each other, both of them with reasons to feel betrayed by the other. The two of them clashing both physically and verbally is the most natural, satisfying outcome of the personal conflict and drama that bound the two of them together the moment Miguel tossed that watch to Gwen.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
𝓱𝓲 💖 (sorry for this asdkjfhjijhj)
im back and i have returned (to everyone's dismay) and i come bearing gifts - i have found the pages where i had my vendetta sequel mc drawn in!! 😈
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here's my first doodle of rei when i was designing him - i didnt have the proper markers to colour him in but i used what markers i could get my hands on at the time lol but i did fuck up his face :( (closeup)
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now i have lots of doodles i drew alongside this fullbody design of his and without further ado >:)
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here are some facts i wrote about him 😊 as well as rei decorating his helmet :D though i'll write it down here if you can't read my messy ass handwriting (sorry about that hsjdhsd) »»————- ★ ————-«« FACTS ABOUT REI 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: ➭ loves all things cutesy and colourful ➭ acts and whines like an actual toddler (because it forces his family to give him attention whenever he's being an actual pain in the ass 💞) ➭ reckless af and hates when people fret over him or protect him (that's his job. 👺) ➭ unironically thinks that blood splatters on his clothes look good on him (rei doesn't care if he's seen covered in blood in public, he can make millions of excuses why it isn't blood >:D) " NO this isn't blood this is paint 😇" " tf did you think this was?? i spilled my kool aid all over my clothes 😪" just to name a few, lol ➭ would honestly sell his soul for a lifetime supply of strawberry milkshakes (this is totally not me projecting myself onto rei when it comes to taro milk tea 💀) »»————- ★ ————-««
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now here's another doodle of rei using his blood manipulation powers 😋 also ignore the pencil text below LMAO
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so i did mention in my first ask about rei that he loves to explode things- yeah um idk if luka and jackal would give their menace of a son explosives or a grenade launcher if they knew that this is how he'd act with them LMFAOO
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i also mentioned that rei makes the best belgian waffles! (send help hes holding me at gunpoint and forcing me to say this) here's rei offering a divine dish of waffles to my vendetta mc, remedy / remi 💕💕 and look at his face! his mouth is practically watering in anticipation to gobble up the waffles! 💗💝💘💓
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okay on a side note- i made some small drawings of rei in a different outfit and was actually gonna include this in the ref but i didnt like it because it looked ugly 😭 so i made a poor life decision to cut these two abominations out and now they're on my phone 💟 (closeups)
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anyways now here have a drawing of rei as demoman from the hit game tf2!!11!1!11!! 😲😳
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(he really looks like a dollarstore demoman lol)
(reference used):
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now if you have been on the internet during its baby phase im sure you may understand the reference i used for this doodle 🤭
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yknow looking back at this downgraded rip off drawing of the original this is actually a shit drawing LMAO (how tf do you draw flames and smoke pls help 💔) now one thing i like to headcanon about rei is that whenever he starts to get frustrated or is having a hard time with carrying out an assassination he decides to do fuck all and blow everything up with literally anything flammable he could find because no target survives being blown to oblivion! (which happens more often than you think...) i like to think while this is an easy way out for rei, it is an absolute nightmare and a headache for the rest of his family 😌 (they probably would have to deal with unwanted attention because rei doesn't give a shit about keeping a low profile and people may tie him to the Morozovs 🤗 they also may struggle to come up with cover stories as these arson incidents become more frequent - because rei is the type of person who values quantity over quality, where he challenges himself to complete multiple assassinations so he can receive praise from his family 😂🤪 and it also doesn't help that he would rather cut corners and take the easy way out when it comes to his work) luka and jackal: " these fires are getting out of hand, we can't keep doing this... " fucking rei: " DAD 1 AND DAD 2!! LOOK!! THATS ME!! THAT BURNING BUILDING, I DID THAT!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD " (reference used):
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now moving on to a somewhat ironic drawing, here's a doodle of rei in a raincoat vibing in the rain ✨(aside from overalls, rei loves to wear raincoats - and would rather wear them instead of wintercoats when it's cold LOL) rei is the type of person to prioritize fashion than comfort :(
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now here's a crappy drawing of cousin bonding time (rei and remedy) tbh i dont really like this scribble lol - this is just filler because i hated empty patches in my paper 🤡
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now, a word from our sponsor; rei himself!! he is presenting his aforementioned homemade waffles in greater detail :) and now, cue the advertisement that totally is not completely false and not just rei's delusional and stubborn ramblings on that he creates the best waffles and that waffle makers are inferior to him ☺️
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Rei's amazing homemade Belgian waffles! ♥ (𝑀𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝒻𝒻𝓁𝑒 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓇!) ♥ 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲! (𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝) ♥ ♥ 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲, 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗹𝗲𝘀 (𝙏𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘, 𝙣𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙡𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙙 >:( ) ♥ ♥ 𝗖𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝘆𝗿𝘂𝗽 >:) (𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡!) ♥ ♥ 𝟷𝟶/𝟷𝟶 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛! (𝙍𝙚𝙞'𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙙𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜! :) ) ♥
i feel like im trying too hard to be funny here, lmao 🤡💀 anyways, here are the full pages of all of the drawings :D
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alright so thats finally all i have - if i somehow get my motivation to draw or do literally anything productive ill start working on my vendetta mc's (remedy) ref sheet 👹 (im sorry for this cesspool of cringe again btw LMAO)
Rei sounds so chaotic and kinda sweet at the same time 😆
Also, I love the lil headcanon about the waffle. You can bet that big bro will boast about how his lil brother can make really good waffles to his friends whenever he hang out or has breakfast with them 🥺
Thank you for sharing all these lovely drawings and headcanons about your upcoming sequel MC 🥰
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nyantodamax145 · 10 months
Let me preface this by saying that I am also part of the demographic of “EN Sucks at Reading”. Well, I can *read*, but I kind of suck at interpreting characters sometimes so bear with me and share your thoughts because I’m very bad at literary analysis and can only understand surface level themes without anyone to guide me but I’m trying my best
And not JUST because my husband played a pivotal role in the event okay
Spoilers under the cut!
I haven’t played through Under Tides yet so I’m missing a teeny bit of context, but oh my god
Laurentina “waking up” and recovering her memories? Alphonso and Garcia doomed to sixty years alone aboard the Stultifera Navis and sailing her towards her slow decay? High Inquisitor Dario’s sacrifice and the light of his lantern refusing the burn out, JORDI being WAY MORE TALENTED THAN HE GIVES HIMSELF CREDIT FOR, STRAIGHT UP REPAIRING A LIGHTHOUSE AND A BOAT BASED ON OLD BLUEPRINTS AND FINDING THE STULTIFERA NAVIS AND SAVING ALL THREE HUNTERS AND IRENE AAAAA
Wait ok let me try to gather my thoughts cause there’s specific things I want to talk about.
Thiago being unwilling to let the Inquisition into his town because he still held a grudge against them ultimately led to his death. He wanted to puppet the Church of the Deep who had infiltrated Gran Faro into pushing the Inquisition out of the town, but was selfish; he wanted to have his cake and eat it too; he wanted to preserve Gran Faro and its legacy, but in the process he let the Seaborn fester and take over the whole place silently, while the Inquisition couldn’t do anything to help because he was simply a stubborn old man. It’s doubly ironic because as Carmen reveals, his Aegir wife was also a part of the Church of the Deep. I would like the theorize that his wife was the one who perpetrated the spread of the Nethersea Brand in Gran Faro, but that’s just headcanon.
Laurentina and Amaia. They’re connected to each other through the Seaborn Cells in their body, and the experiments Specter was put through, and in many ways you could consider Amaia “Specter’s” creator in a sense. Laurentina and Specter really are two different people, and we can see the moment Specter disappears and Laurentina wakes up. But even after Amaia “becomes one” with the Seaborn, Laurentina still calls the abomination by the name of “Amaia”, and I wonder if it’s due to a lingering sense of connection, if only in the sense that they are mortal enemies. It’s kind of like Laurentina knows that Amaia is still in there. Which, well she is, she became part of We Many.
I seem to have missed a critical piece of information regarding Skadi that was covered in Under Tides, so I’ll be skipping over that. Once the Under Tides record restoration comes around I know what I’ll be up to.
JORDI! MY GOD YOU DID SO WELL! Can you imagine piecing together incredibly complex technology only through luck, instinct, and some tattered, centuries old blueprints?! He says he’s an ordinary person but what kind of ordinary person can do all that?! He’s at the very least got incredible skill to interpret old blueprints, and make something as old as that lighthouse to work! Like AAAAAAA I’M PROUD OF YOU ALSO YOU NEED MANY BLANKETS AND SNUGGLES YOU HAVE SO MUCH TRAUMA.
Irene reporting to Dario’s lantern at the very end made me cry ok. She wanted her Maestro to know that she gave it her all, and although the conclusion wasn’t satisfactory she still accomplished a lot. It hurts to know that she had to find out through the very things she was fighting, the things she saw as abominations of sin. It’s like the refused to believe it until she saw Saint Carmen’s face and accepted it.
And the fact that the Stultifera was circling above an Aegir City the whole time… so close, yet so far. The Abyssal Hunters both succeeded and failed, and while they found “home”, they couldn’t return.
There’s… a lot. And I’m no good at literary analysis. I just point out things that I like…
It’s 11 pm, I’m tired, and I’m trying to process everything I just read.
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priafey · 6 months
gwilin's thoughts on the aedra
"Yeah, sure, this guy likes to think he's head honcho. But it's easy to act all tough when you've got the Imperial apparatus at your back."
"We'll all only ever need Arkay twice in our lives: once when we're born and again when we die. Glad he's there to usher us in and out, I guess. Could he do me a solid and get rid of winter?"
"I feel for her. A lot of people got her pegged as the 'sex god', but she's more than that. Though I guess I have her to thank for me getting pegged, so... thank you? And also sorry."
"If you're looking for a divine to worship and you'd like them to Say Words Real Good, Julianos works. I do wonder what his source of power is. Probably the beard..."
"They say she presides over the turning of every tide, and that no twist of fate unravels without her hand. So if she could 'turn the tide' of making a fat sack of septims appear in front of my doorstep, I'd really appreciate it."
"My dad had a little shrine to Mara on our farm. He prayed to her every day in the hopes we'd always have a good harvest.
Once, we had a wildfire spread to our fields. The anguish of watching half a year's worth of work go up in smoke is not something that is easy for me to remember, or articulate. But the wildfire ended up taking care of a locust plague we'd been struggling to contain. They probably would've spread to all the nearby farms, if it hadn't come along.
I like to think that was her doing her best, which I can't fault her for. In her name, I choose to be a little more compassionate than that."
"I'm really torn here. On the one hand, I've never been treated better for my wounds by anyone than by the healers who honed their craft according to his teachings. On the other, Stendarr would exclude those in most dire need of his mercy–the abominations, the monsters. If he is the 'Apologist of Men', does he not recognize that they, too, suffer, as men do? If they can bear the very same wounds of the soul, should they not be treated for the wounds of their flesh?
Actually, nevermind. This guy's an asshole for sure."
"I'm not even gonna lie to you, I forget he exists. Thanks for concentrating all the Empire's wealth in Cyrodiil. Would love for you to change my 14-hour workday situation, if possible."
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asoiafgotcollections · 3 months
One thing that infuriate me about people using Jaime’s willingness to go public with their incestous relationship to say he loved Cersei more than she loves him is that when people hear about Joffrey’s true parentage, Cersei faces the brunt of the reactions. All the consequences are hers to bear. Before the King’s Landing’s riot, a grieving mother called her a “brother fucker” and that was spark that led to the riot. Cersei was in the city when Stannis attacked and he had the intention of killing her and her children for being abominations. She is the one who risked being discovered of not being a virgin, she raised Jaime's children alone (it was so that no one suspected that Jaime was the father but let’s be honest, the dude had 0 interest in being father), she had to bear Jaime’s jealousy and possessiveness after Robert “took his rights” (aka raped her). Then when it was exposed, she was the one who dealt with all the religious fanatics, condemnations and punishment. Even in the fandom, most of the insults, mockeries and dirty jokes are thrown at Cersei. She gets most of the criticism for their relationship and Jaime is the poor victim, the incest condems Cersei and woobifies Jaime. The fandom only cares about Jaime to the point where people have convinced themselves that this relationship benefits Cersei. It does not. Since when an adulterous relationship in a deeply patriarchal society benefits a woman ???
It’s easy for Jaime to push for them to live as man and wife when he hasn’t faced the majority of the consequences.
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Jaime has always been very "woe is me" and it's like, okay your mom died but have you ever thought about anybody else's feelings including your sister wife and little brother whom you love? His love for Cersei and Tyrion is genuine, but there's an empathy chip missing there and it really shows at times.
Generally speaking, I think the underlying opinion a lot of people hold is that love is inherently redeeming and they can't fathom that people can unconditionally love each other without either of them being redeemed. It's an almost religious conception of love and personally, I've always lived by the mantra that redemption is primarily the process by which we recognize we are already redeemed. I don't believe in God because I believe that only a God who could love even Cersei Lannister is a God worth serving, and the only God worth emulating, and that God doesn't exist.
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astarab1aze · 6 months
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✾ Corpse Flower Symbolism - Kaede
I’ve come to associate Kaede with spider lilies pretty heavily, both aesthetically and symbolically. For a few reasons.
Funnily enough, about half the reason is that he’s pretty and dangerous. The whole ‘looks can be decieving’ bit. More than that, he’s a pretty flower in a field of dead ones, the only one still in bloom (considering his family). But I digress - this is just the reason that got things started.
The truth of it is, Kaede is overwhelmingly surrounded by death and made to be responsible for it - to herald it in. Moreover, his inability to protect Terin thereby resulting in his death weighs extraordinarily heavily on him, once more proving his inherent responsibility over death to himself. Proving Kurai and the rest of his clan right about him. It is his fault, it is his cross to bear, it is his blame to take. So there’s a psychological reason for my association. They all blame him, and he believes it, just as well as he kills curse users without remorse and flippantly leads his brother to his death. Just as his inability to sense the lingering ghosts and abominations remaining at the Shikabane estate had led to a second massacre. His inaction, his mediocrity, his absence and inability to ignore his pain - it’s why they’re all dead. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t, but too rigidly determined to fulfill his duty that he can’t help but blame himself too.
The flowers themselves only serve as signifiers of death, and the context needn’t always be violent. Just as he is crushed under the weight of unnecessary expectation, blame, and the like, he is ever and constantly in a state of mourning, especially following Terin’s death. He watched him die, avenged that death with prejudicial brutality, and he curses himself to this day about it, but the fact of the matter is - he is grieving, always. Grieving his brother. Grieving his lost childhood, pushed to become something he never wanted to be. Grieving his humanity, forced to sacrifice friendship and love for the sake of those who blame and blame and blame him. Grieving his mother, his uncles, cousins, aunts, grandparents, missing what too few memories he might still have of them. He saw it all, saw them away. Saw them die. Countless people, watched them all die. So many corpses laid at his feet. He survives as the spider lily, preventing the wild animals from further desecrating what remains of both his family and himself (in the greater scheme).
If we consider his technique set, and especially his relationship with the youkai, I’d think it’s probably fair to say that reincarnation would also play into this a bit. Since Divine Retribution - joint spell with the youkai - has the capacity to eviscerate a soul, remove it from the reincarnation cycle, it effectively goes against the whole ’ greeting of the newly departed to the next cycle ’ thing. It’s a direct contradiction, yes, but I think that’s probably what drives a lot of the above home. The youkai eats, absorbs, and forever halts souls in their cycles. There is no next life. There is no heaven. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. The youkai is an extremely powerful demon, brought on by the love of Kaede’s mother and unbridled hatred for their family, using him to achieve the ultimate goal of slaughtering every sorcerer involved with what happened to her and what they’d done to Kaede. Perhaps this means simply the ’ next life ’ is really just fuel for a viciously angry youkai. She adds a bit of a hellish edge to Kaede’s techniques as well, even moreso than before, so the ’ hell flower ’ thing…I’m just saying.
In a more, I guess, natural sense, the Shikabane estate was once completely overgrown with red spider lilies. So many of their own had died there, buried beneath the grounds, planting a brilliant field of spider lilies above them seemed as good a deterrent as any. Apt, feeding into their collective ego. Kaede, however, always hated them. He hated being reminded of just how much death their family had been responsible for, indulgent in, and how much they’d blamed him for. Likewise, Kurai understood this, so he tried his best to replace them with his favorites instead (he wasn’t always garbage), i.e. hydrangeas. However, he didn’t get them all, meaning death was still on the horizon for their family - which, yeah, definitely, if we consider the second massacre. But I also really think Kaede would probably, after having destroyed the Shikabane estate, have planted spider lilies there again. Prevent both animals and people from messing with it. One mass grave.
Hm, I dunno. I thought my thoughts were a bit better collected than this.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 5
Pages 121-150
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Cody, why do you keep having to have hyper realistic eyes it's unsightly.
So Cody only messes with Mike's trauma around the bite, presumably because it wouldn't work nearly as well on people who didn't see it:
This thing can warp reality to his whims. Which already is a far cry from the powersets we've seen so far.
For whatever reason: Cody Afton is a powerful presence in the bulding.
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Cody is a lot less open to Mike's investigation it seems. Rather snidely remarking "Let's play 20 questions".
His dialogue pops out of his word bubbles quite frequently and he's visibly glitching.
His wording is very specific:
"Cause if he could get his hands on Cody's soul he'd put it in the robot with the LIKNESS of the head crusher"
He's not in the suit that bit him.
Which was something foreshadowed by the two robots having small details wrong:
The teeth and outfits specifically. The suit Cody is in is much more similar to the Freddy we already met back in the first few pages.
Possibly just a straight recolor of that one than the Fredbear animatronic we know took a bite out of Cody.
Rather this suit is one that LOOKS like Fredbear.
Which uh, begs the question: Why was the other one in the poster/the floating head.
Also William wasn't behind this.
Rather some girl was. Wonder who she is...
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The one robot HENRY made...
I didn't bring up Henry before, we don't have much to go off of with him yet, the one robot he made is possessed by a girl, and she has the power to stuff souls into the robots.
This event pisses Cody off as this suit wasn't something he would have chosen for himself.
He's a self described abomination which reflects how he truly feels about himself and his situation. He's also quick to rage.
Cody's soul was fragmented and missing a big chunk...Odd. Wonder what happened to the rest of it...
Cody's body seems to actively warp to a more...realistic bear. He has gums and his teeth grow sharper.
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So "Cody' isn't really "Cody Afton" at all. At least not a direct ghost way...
Rather some weird amalgamation of Cody Afton's soul, this suit and rage.
We continue to see his powers are rather disturbing, his ability to warp reality being used once again.
His mimic of Mike has dead eyes which are just, lovely to look at...
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Cody that's unsightly stop it.
He drops Mike into the void. Bye Mike.
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Falling falling here we go.
Funny how he says "Son of a bastard" instead of "Son of a bitch"
Bet that's not relevant at all.
He's still not convinced what he's seeing is REAL. I wouldn't either. Shit is wild.
Cody continues to distance himself from "Cody Afton" by talking in the third person, but I'm going to keep calling him Cody just for simplicity sake.
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I mean.
Considering what we've seen.
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Mike admits to his mission's details further:
He's trying to stop people from dying here.
Mike's cool.
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Few things:
Hi Cody Afton.
People did NOT get this shot: Fucking...he fell...so far. Upside-down and now he's right-side up again. IT'S REALITY WARPING AGHHHHH. ISN'T THAT COOL!? LIKE BRO I FEEL LIKE IT'S COOL!!! Also we're back in Fredbear land you can tell cause of the floor.
Cody's human design here was fun to think of: It's clearly him as a young man compared to when he died as a child..
Cody's eyes are still dead, along with his fingers being tinted black. He's designed to look like a corpse.
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Cody giving warnings and a reality check.
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Someone's trying to scare you straight.
Showing him an end Mike isn't a fan of.
And because I've spoiled this before: Where Mike starts corrupting into Freddy is foreshadowing for smth down the line. Hehehehhehe.
I enjoy the method of "Freddy-fication" is slapping. That's just amusing.
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Hah. He's stubborn.
Notice how Cody doesn't refute Mike's assumption it's William behind what's going on...
He would know after all as an all seeing presence in the building...
Makes sense since he IS the guy who's building the robots with people in em.
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Cody's sad. Aww.
Mike's one determined mother fucker considering everything.
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Haha: He was pissed with that drop kick.
Cody's parting message is just, wonderful. I love Cody. XD
The corruption fades away as Mike falls back down the hole he previously rose/fell from.
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So SOMEBODY'S afraid of their daddy for some reason...
William must be a scary guy if the reality warping demi god is spooked.
Also oh my goodness there were two of them-
Whoever they are, they find this shit hilarious. They seem to be on good terms with Cody whoever they are considering from Cody's words, the "Floating head" with flat teeth is this entity and they co-op scares together.
For people who know game stuff: You know that they laugh like a girl because of the Golden Freddy laughter clips.
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Mike wtf is wrong with your hand?
Also more conformation Mike doesn't smoke and in fact finds it repulsive.
Mike's been asleep? I GUESS.
It's 5 Am now.
Also not a cheeky reference to the FNAF rap in no way is this a cheeky reference-
Okay fine
Yes. There's a lot of FNAF song jokes in this comic. Because I'm a filthy FNAF fan to my core.
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Obviously SOMETHING is going on with the hand Cody messed with...
And oh my. Cody's reputation proceeds him...
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So he's KNOWN stalker gotcha.
That door on the stage I mentioned earlier? That's where this bitch is camping out.
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Imagine just ripping your own head off to get your point across.
It starts to become clear what Cody's personality is outside of just being an ass:
He's an angsty trickster.
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They're playing Minecraft. Because if Bonnie's "Older brother" vibe wasn't apparent before it is now. XD
Which hurts cause of how Cody ended at the hands of his actual older brother Josh.
Also Cody only comes out when there's "A gap in the nightguards"
Aka they're dead and or quit.
It's the nightguards he's avoiding being scene vulnerable in front of.
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People legit have NO READING COMPREHENSION so let me get into Cody/Golden Freddy as a character:
People misconstrued: Anti social with "NOT TALKATIVE" Because people are dumb.
This is what I mean by people have NO READING COMPREHENSION.
Where did Bonnie say Cody "Doesn't talk" Where? I defy you to find that because it's not fucking here.
Nowhere. He never said that.
And I KNOW people were just reading each other's comments on webtoon and ignoring the source text because people REPEATED THE PHRASE WORD FOR WORD
This pissed me off. A lot. Because holy shit how hard is it to read the actual comic to base your ideas off of and NOT other people's comments?????
"He's not exactly the social type if you catch my drift"
"but when he's down there, it means he's avoiding everyone and wants to be alone"
"He only really comes out when there's a gap in night guards"
"I don't think he likes getting caught on camera"
"It's a bit weird he came to see you"
"What I'm getting at is he's a bit shy"
Where in there, did Bonnie say Cody/Golden Freddy doesn't speak?
I'll wait.
Oh wait, it's not there: Because this was pulled out of someone's ass to get an "Actually" on me. Because "Actually"ing authors/comic artists is the biggest thing I notice people LOVE TO DO. For NO REASON.
"Tehehe, I'm so smart I saw through your bad writing, all I had to do was be an idiot to do it! :D"
Stop acting stupid to try and one up authors/artists. You just look dumb as hell I promise.
What Bonnie was ACTUALLY getting at: Is that Cody is anti-social. He avoids people and doesn't like interacting with others unless it's on HIS terms. Because despite all his big talk HE IS SHY. He in fact IS EXTREAMLY TALKATIVE. He MASKS when he does feel empathy through rage and taunts. He WARNS Mike to gtfo for really no other reason than from concern as the mask of not caring and rage slipped. He even REPEATED the advice Bonnie gave: LIVE.
He usually masks his care through terrifying the crap out of people but as we've seen HE WILL TALK TO THEM. The only person we know FOR SURE he has a good relationship with as of this moment IS BONNIE. And he TALKED to Bonnie.
Literally WHERE in these sets of pages could you get "He's not talkative" from??? Where would you assume a character SAID that?
Jesus Christ. This kind of brain dead reading of media just grinds my gears.
Even MIKE refutes the idea Cody is "shy". Which Mike, you don't know Cody that well... He could be shy in most circumstances AS WE SEE IN THE FLASHBACK for all he knows.
Bonnie even seems to KNOW Cody scares the crap out of night guards, considering Cody's appearance to Mike concerns him.
Anyways this was the kind of brain dead "I'm not paying attention to what I'm reading" shit that made me disable comments on the Webtoon of Creations. Because it was JUST shit like this in the comments. I like to call this concept: Comment inbreeding. Because you're just taking ideas from other commenters, when someone was already wrong creating abominations of media inturpritation.
So far, only ONE of my comics vocal fanbase has actually understood EVERYTHING I lay down onto the table: And that's the FSR audience.
Webtoon audiences did this AGAIN with William's character in the side comics. Calling a character who has built complex machinery and hid his crimes from everyone, an idiot, ONLY because he isn't socially skilled.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to compare social skills with intelligence? Like that's straight ableism shit but I digress.
I hated the comments on this comic and like: Again I hate to be an ass who disses their own fans but Jesus Christ what are you a fan of if you don't even get what you're reading and seemingly only read to try and get a "Gotcha" on me??? Why are you searching for flaws where they don't fucking exist?
There's TONS of errors in this comic: mostly art and spelling related ones. Because here's a secret: I CAN'T FUCKING SPELL HALF THE TIME. :D
I think the Creations comics have the MOST design/art errors out of ANY of my comics because I designed some of these bitches way to complex. (Funtime Freddy's colors are one example)
But the dialogue isn't really one of them????
Anyways apologies for the rant. This kind of brain dead analysis/lack of analysis of art (Not even just mine, in general) just pisses me off.
My brother Billy Because he is WAY more into webcomics than me. showed me a comment section on a comic he was reading the other day: Where people were so stupid they didn't realize there was a time skip, and he SHOWED ME where it said there was a timeskip: AND IT WAS IMPOSIBLE TO MISS.
I shit you not: The top 5+ comments on this tapas comic were all about how people were confused because they didn't realize/didn't care to notice there was a time skip.
I feel so sorry for that comic creator and I'm sure they are also in pain over this shit.
Like the method of "Rush to the comments to get an explanation instead of READING" was/is such an issue. Why?
Why can you just read it?
I swear, I felt like the "Rick and Morty is only for high IQ people" but for reals. And that's silly because this comic is A GOOFY ASS FNAF AU.
Sure there's a LOT to it, but it's like, not even an hour read to read the whole thing in one sitting. You can retain information for an hour lmfao. And if you can't over LONG times of waiting for updates: REREAD UPDATES.
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Oh hey Michael's relevant again.
Mike you're sus.
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People didn't get this either:
Reality is a lie. That's the point of this scene. Cody's affects lingered. Cody's scene was REAL.
Also Mike, you talk like you have personal experience with that.
Bonnie continues to just be a bro.
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That's Jeremy isn't it Mike?
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Mike doesn't seem to see him.
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Butt touch. Touching that butt-
Also funny reference to what Mike said at the start of the comic.
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He cracked guys.
Our boy smiled.
What we know now:
Bonnie is virtually conformed to be this Jeremy person Mike's looking for.
And that means Jeremy is dead.
Mike and Jeremy clearly had a friendly relationship, whoever they were to each other.
So back to why Mike was hanging onto the cigarettes:
Were those for Jeremy? Seems likely. Bonnie's speech pattern seemed to shock Mike the first time they met and Mike's "It's nice to see you again" was clearly directed at Jeremy NOT Bonnie himself.
Jeremy's text here is in green and if you'll remember Bonnie's eyes flashed green when Mike said that.
Anyways funny how it ends here for now. Perfect cut off.
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the-witchs-cafe · 5 months
Hi just wanted to let you know that after finishing the Hop & Hau PMMM posts that I am now drafting a fanfic in my head where
So basically The two Warlocks Sayf and Kinimaka somehow meet, idk how w/ the regional differences but they do
And Sayf is like "well this is a nice barrier, I like it a lot, but I have audience expectations and a legacy to live up to" and Kinimaka is very firm about no disturbance to his heaven
So Sayf does the most logical thing he can do
And just surrounds the weaker warlock's barrier with his own
See? Aren't you so much safer with my protection? If anybody were to enter you heaven and threaten it? I'll just snatch them up and make a spectacle upon which my audience will cheer
(It's basically Hala and the "being to soft on the boy" and sheltering theme all over again yippee!)
And if any of my challenger prove too disappointing, unwilling to fight? Off to you they go
Maybe they set up a routine, where Sayf spends some time in Kinimaka's barrier just to indulge in the escapism of it, then returning to his own barrier when the itch for battle becomes too much
And Kinimaka? Doubt he'd be pleased that Sayf refuses to become lcl one w/ his barrier, but hey at least he comes back routinely, and even gives or takes humans that'd be perfect for either
Friendship/Puppy Love, but you're two Eldritch abominations doomed to drown in despair
I won't be surprised if the more likely outcome was that Sayf and Kinimaka fought and the former won
But hey I like the idea of warlocks/witches/magicians being friendly w/ one another
Will it ever be posted? No but I might as well share the idea
THIS IS??? SO FUCKING ADORABLE???? Ok, ok, analysis hat is back on-
Actually, it is very possible for witches to migrate from one point to another, as presented to us in Magia Record; the issue for when it comes to those within the Pokemon universe, however, is the issue of adaptability and not being aware of how things work in the region they've arrived in due to their despair-clouded minds. For example, if a witch arrived in Alola and targeted another one in a fight, you'd bet the others there won't be so happy (because themes of unity and all, as well as the fact that witches there only target other people and pokemon- not their kin); queue the torches, pitchforks, and cotton candy.
Thankfully, even as a warlock, Sayf still retains his intelligence somewhat- even if it is as much as, let's say, to the levels of Winchester's. I think he'd be able to catch on to how things operate in the region- and even if he made a slip-up, he's tough enough to take on an angry mob of witches before realizing the gravity of his mistake.
As for the two goobers themselves and how they interact, you've captured that SO WELL <3333 I adore the healthy, albeit mutually parasitic, relationship they have going on; Sayf managing to be a hero to at least one person, while Kealamauloa, while disappointed that this new friend of his won't accept eternal happiness, is at least enjoying some company and is appreciative of how he's making his goals easier.
I cannot bear to see how unlucky their victims are gonna be and the kind of whiplash they'll be constantly forced to experience, lmao; one second you've found yourself trapped in a dingy, dim hallway before facing off against a mutilated black sheep donning gladiator armor. However, as you continue running for your life and do everything in your power NOT to engage in a fight with him, he gets so bored and disappointed with you that he just throws you to a nice bright paradise where a friendly dragon resides.
The irony in their situations is also amazing to point out; Sayf's pursuit of glory still hasn't stopped, and Keals is, once more, sheltered in one way or the other.
I also REALLY want them to talk about their problems; the memories of their human lives may be hazy from the madness, but the similarities and contrasts between the way they were both raised - one was emotionally neglected by all but the one person he now sees as his perfect, all-powerful hero, and the other was showered with love- yet that did nothing to stop him from seeing the truth of this world - would make an interesting topic for conversation. I could also see Sayf making sure the flora growing from Keals doesn't get too irritating, and Kealamauloa would try to make sure Sayf isn't suffering too much from his injuries by allowing him to relax and heal every once in a while.
And yep- Sayf would clear if such a fight were to occur. Kealamauloa may be able to wipe a town or even a city clean if he wanted to, but Sayf had managed to screw over all of Galar (whether or not the Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra have been affected is up to ya'll's imaginations). I don't think I've elaborated too much on how exactly that happened aside from the people gradually going cuckoo-bananas, but, as a brief summary- think Roaring Town from the Ash-Veil Lane ARG and, once Sayf was at his full power and the region was in his hands, Hell from 'the (aka Coronation Day) with the trumpets and everything. I also forgot to mention that he did all that without the use of a witch's kiss/warlock's whisper thanks to Hop's powers of creating new memories- sorry for neglecting that detail!
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Yeah- witches being friendly to one another is always a great basis for a tale like this; that's why this blog exists! Personally, I like to reimagine that this blog is a labyrinth that exists within the borders of the multiverse, and witches tend to pass by every once in a while just to share their stories and have a cup of joe every now and then. I'unno, but the idea of eldritch abominations just chilling in a 50's diner was just too cute of an idea to pass up!
Back to our goobers, Keals is already kind enough to most humans and witches that pass by their labyrinth, and so long as Sayf doesn't do anything too stupid and causes shit, the same mercy is extended to him. Have no worries, anon, the possibility of them being pals is there within the canon of this hypothetical AU! In fact, as I've already explained, most witches in Alola prefer to cooperate with one another rather than fight over their own territories.
Overall, you have no idea how receiving this has made my day!! Thank you so, so, so much for this!!! <333
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bellaniebrambles · 2 months
Diary #014
I'm some ones 'pocket' friend. I don't consider myself that small, definitely not in comparison to others. I'm a slightly below average in height, find myself struggling with weight in both gaining too much and then periods of not eating enough.
I was sketching a building Valentine when I was approached. I was busy sketching out a building when this woman just asks 'Will you be my pocket friend?'. I heard this term before, from this very woman. Once while I stood at the saloon I watched this very person make another 'pocket friend'. Sometime ago now…weeks?
In the end, I suppose I made a friend. We'll see. I travel a lot and I often avoid people on purpose… In fact me sketching that very building was me avoiding contact. Just beyond the way was a crowd of people socializing. I wasn't about to walk into that…I'll just draw.
We ended up talking about wild creatures of the world. Dinosaurs that they lied to us are all extinct. Crocodiles still very much roam the swamp and if they aren't a vicious dinosaurs then the books and people lied! I also heard of a horrifying giant snake in that swamp, hells if I want to travel there anymore on my own.
Have you ever heard of a gieraff? Its this wild abomination from Africa! It has long, LONG legs and a LONG neck so it can eat the tops of TREES! Yikes! This man said it was spotted; we assume like those little lizards, and on its head is horns. They run around the flats where this man came from. Creatures as tall as trees?!
My pocket friend tried to draw a picture of it based on the description I was given, by a man who actually lived among these…things! Now just imagine that massive dinosaurs stomping around outside your ranch at night, eating your trees! Red eyes probably…he didn't detail somethings but we can only imagine. Only Satan could have created such a terrifying monster! I hope to never see one. I thought hearing about giant crocodiles and wolves of legendary size was enough to give me nightmares…long legged monsters just grazing in the forests though? No. Absolutely not. I wouldn't travel anymore!
Maybe I'll write a book about all these weird and crazy creatures I hear stories about. 'Little Book of Monsters'. Starting to think maybe these folk tales I love so much are just real…and there really is a man eating revengeful godly bear in the Tall Trees that is unkillable by our modern tools of war. EEK!
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