#because I love causing Cody pain
fiction-vixen · 1 year
Imagine Cody having nightmares of memories he can’t remember. The chip has blocked what and who is in the dreams. But Cody suffers through them almost every night and wakes up with this sense of utter loss. He can’t remember who he lost but he knows they’re everything to him.
But then then chip is removed and all the memories of Order 66 come back. The wave of devastation that hits Cody is too much to handle and he falls to his knees. Because he simply followed orders like a good soldier and had to kill Obi Wan. And he almost wishes for the chip back, so he would have to feel his heart shattering in a million pieces over the loss of Obi Wan. 
But Rex takes his hand and pull Cody to his feet and simply states: “The General is still out there and we’re going to find him.” 
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lightasthesun · 1 month
i heard there was a HUGE outcry for more codywan fic recs...(@tapemonkey21 & @dontbelasagnax lol) so here I am posting another one
As always please mind the tags before diving headfirst into any fic you read and consider sharing your unbridled joy and unhinged thoughts with the writer in the comment section 😉
Desert Box by br1ghtmouth | 7k words
With a chip in his head that has already caused the ruin for which he was made, Cody finds his way to Tatooine in the hopes of tending to the painful layers of memories left behind in his own silt.
Facile Felicity by br1ghtmouth | 14k words
Primary functions are supposed to be useful: survive against all odds; shield one’s battalion; fight until the very last breath. Cody would prefer anything besides the bleeding heart he’s been dealt.
Or: the General makes plans. Cody follows.
Good man of war by scrapathon 🔒| 16k words
During a medic’s first mission with the 212th, everything goes wrong. In the midst of it all, Cody deals with his growing feelings towards General Kenobi.
Across the path by Threebea O(ThreeBea)| 1k words
Cody is inspecting a cave system. He meets his General.
No. Not his General.
“The pathway,” Obi-Wan whispered. “I understand now. C-Commander, I owe you an apology. I am not your General.”
But Obi-Wan isn't the only one that has crossed over into his universe.
Safe in hand by Threebea O(ThreeBea) | 11k words
Cody ends up where all griefstricken people on the run end up in the galaxy far, far away. He makes a life for himself looking for scrap in the deserts of Tatooine.
He always did have a knack for finding Kenobi's lightsaber.
in the middle before I knew that I had begun by tenderjock🔒| 2k words
Obi-Wan beams at him, feeling unbearably fond. His Cody. His darling. Always looking after him.
Cody’s face is very still, just a few inches above his. Obi-Wan reaches out, touches his scar.
“What are you thinking?” he wonders.
OR: as the war stumbles to its end, Obi-Wan is forced to reassess his relationship with his commander.
Floating on a Starless Sea by shadowmaat🔒| 2k words
A cave-in leaves Cody trapped and badly injured. With another contingent of droids on the way there isn't time to try and dig him out. Obi-Wan is forced to make a difficult choice.
when the jebwa flower blooms by mxartbotboy🔒| 10k words
One year since the end of the war, and Cody still hasn’t figured out what to do about Obi-Wan. With Coruscant struggling to make the transition with the New Republic, Cody already has enough on his plate without trying to untangle the knot that is his feelings for the ex-Jedi. Will the tightly twisted flower bud finally bloom?
love without compromise by mxartbotboy🔒(ch.1) |
Cody has a panicked moment with his General and reveals more than he means to.
grip my hand through the pain by The_Last_Kenobi🔒| 2k words
It's all just happened, and yet Cody cannot stop playing it over and over in his head.
The trek into the hills, the deserted path.
His General standing like a human shield between his battalion and a wall of fire.
Panacea by MissyPup | 4k words
Cody has been falling for his General for two years. Two long, war filled years. But he's been able to stay in control of his feelings by just not acknowledging them.
But having to share a bed with the man he's been daydreaming about for two years makes Cody so tense Obi-Wan decides to give him a massage to help out.
Obi-Wan would certainly be the death of him.
Facula by MissyPup | 5k words
Obi-Wan would only be gone for a few days, Cody could handle that alone. Until his thoughts catch up to him thanks to Beru.
Or: How the Kenobi series should have gone because Cody deserves to be there.
Interrobang by MissyPup | 10k words
“I love you.” Cody blurted out so fast that even he was surprised by it.
Obi-Wan leaned back a bit, enough to touch Cody’s cheek and grin, “I love you too, Cody.”
“Keeping this a secret is hard.” Cody admitted, reaching up to grip Obi-Wan’s robes again. “But I know what would happen if anyone found out… Kriff, Rex found out on his own and I thought I was going to-”
coming full circle by catboydogma 🔒| 5k words
Or: five times Obi-Wan has handed Cody his lightsaber and one time Cody handed Obi-Wan his lightsaber
A Hush Sublime by catboydogma | 10k words
When Master Qui-Gon died, Obi-Wan had known him for half his life. He thought—sometimes, distantly, like the artificial Coruscanti sunlight—that he should have told Qui-Gon more often. They hadn’t needed words in living: Qui-Gon was a man of action more than anything else, and they both had difficulties in unspooling the thick vines of feeling inside their chests enough to speak of them. Obi-Wan had loved Qui-Gon. He’d thought, more than once, that that adoring love, of the Initiate that Obi-Wan still was at heart, had been a sign of a terrible and thorny attachment.
that is that + this is this by catboydogma🔒| 8k words
“Here. Drink, Cody. Come on. Don’t die on me now, not when you went to all the trouble to get out here.”
“Didn’t know,” Cody rasped.
“So I shouldn’t be expecting a cavalcade of Imperial stormtroopers to show up here, then?” The man asked, bland as anything.
The Commander gave this the consideration it was due. “No.” “Forgive me if I don’t immediately believe you.” The man’s voice sharpened, but his grip on the Commander stayed gentle, supporting his head even when it lolled back against his will. “When have I ever let you down?” Cody asked.
The man’s breathing hitched. He set Cody back down against the blankets and retreated to his spot several feet away, blaster and charge pack between the two of them like some strange barrier. “When you killed me,” the man said.
repeat, replay, return by Serie11🔒| 3k words
The last time he saw his General, Cody was ordering him shot off a cliff.
Ten years later, and Obi-Wan is in a bacta tank again. Some things, it seems, don’t change; Cody’s feelings among them.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies | 5k words
A brief wry smirk flashes across his face, and as Cody meets his own eyes in the reflection of his drink, it softens. If he had to rationalise it, this anxiety most likely stems from the recent developments with the general.
Something's been off about him ever since he came back from the mission to Kadavo.
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere | 3k words
Cody was lucky, really, that Obi-Wan had lost consciousness during the crash, because otherwise he would never have gotten away with the tender pressure building in his wrist - much less the lance of pain that sliced across his arm every time he adjusted his General’s weight over his shoulder.
I Promise by dontbelasagnax🔒| 6k words
Mace raises an eyebrow almost imperceptibly. He looks over Cody for a solid thirty grueling seconds, evaluating. "Hypothetically," he says in that dry way of his that is nearly impossible to tell whether he's making fun of Cody or teaching him a lesson, "if someone wanted to propose to their partner, they'd bring it up with said partner."
[ OR: Cody has plans. He's going to make a certain Jedi a very happy man. ]
The Lessons Not Yet Learned by meadmeinthemiddle | 23k words
The Force works in mysterious ways. Cody knows this, theoretically, but it all seems so far beyond him that he tends to not pay it any mind.
Little does Cody know, the Force has its claws buried deeper into him than he can possibly imagine - he just hasn't realized it yet.
: (Is to) :: (As) by TamerLorika | 12k words
Cody notices that Kenobi's regard for himself is always clinical and utilitarian. As he ponders a way to break the stalemate, he begins to learn more about the lightsaber that is so often in his hands, and how it relates to the subject of Kenobi's own soul.
for you, only you by dontbelasagnax | 11k words
“What's next for you, my dear, now that you’re a citizen of the Republic?” Obi-Wan tilts his head, expression alight and imploring. “You could get a job and find a place of your own amongst the many levels of Coruscant- or the stars.”
Light Will Prevail by kotekenobii | 3k words
In the aftermath of battle, an exhausted Obi-Wan slips away to watch the sunrise. Worried, Cody seeks him out.
Based on the end of Obi-Wan Kenobi #3.
You're the Only Stim I Need by Captora | 7k words
The five times Marshal Commander Cody brought General Kenobi bad GAR caf and the one time Obi-Wan showed Cody what caf was supposed to taste like.
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chiliger · 1 year
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Commander Cody finds himself in a galaxy that is not his own.
(Okay I had to repost this because my dumb butt deleted the original 🥲. If people don’t mind reblogging this post again I would really appreciate it.)
Ficlet under the cut.
The moment he had realized this wasn’t his galaxy, his dimension, Cody knew this meeting was inevitable. He’d hoped to avoid it, but that feeling in his gut always loved to prove him otherwise.
Standing before him was his face. And no, not the face of a brother. This wasn’t just one of the millions he had grown up with.
This was him. He could feel it.
An alternate version of him, with colder eyes and harder expression. But still, he was Cody. Or rather, he was Kote.
Cody swallowed down a dry lump in his throat, not allowing his own gaze to falter under Kote’s scrutiny. “Please,” he started, hoping that his voice didn’t waver. “I’m not supposed to be here. The Jedi… Our brothers are in danger.”
“Your brothers,” Kote shot back, eyes narrowed. The way he spoke the words sent a chill down Cody’s spine, as though being a Vod was something beneath him. “Why should I care what happens to them?”
Cody’s thoughts froze for half a second, then he blinked hard and shook his head to push pass the shock. Never in a millions years would he dream of hearing a clone say anything along those words, much less from himself.
But this was a version of him. This was Kote Fett, and he was obviously raised under the guidance and views of the Prime. Cody briefly wondered if Boba existed in this dimension before forcing his thoughts back on track. He needed to convince Mand’alor Kote, somehow.
“Look,” he half whispered. “You don’t have to help me. I can find my own way back. You’ll never have to see me again.”
Kote slightly tilted his head, and with it, Cody felt a sharp spike of heat in his head. He gasped and dug his nails into his palms, strengthening his mental shields at the same time as throwing back a spike of his own, causing Kote to stagger one step back.
“Kote,” Prime chided from the side wall, unmoving. It was short and clipped, but his tone carried a low warning with it.
Cody bit back a groan, the sudden headache making him lose focus for a moment. He breathed roughly past the mental pain, instead concentrating on the feel of the cuffs holding his arms up, digging into the skin of his wrists. It was something physical. He could deal with physical.
Kote let out a grunt in acknowledgment, making a quick cut sign with his free hand, the other holding his helmet. He gazed back at Cody, a glint of intrigue now in his eyes. “Huh,” he breathed out.
Cody stared right back, blocking out whatever feelings were suddenly directed at him. “Just… just let me go.”
Kote’s brow furrowed, just enough for Cody to notice. He stepped closer, until they were less then an arm’s length away, face-to-face. His eyes rove over Cody’s face, and Cody could feel him prodding at his shields for a weak point. Cody built up another layer, shutting Kote out.
The Mand’alor blinked, a flash of surprise there and gone. His eyes suddenly grew cold. He spoke, and his voice was barely above a whisper. “Now why would I do that?”
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Crosshair's Character in TBB: A Study
“Loyalty means everything to the clones,”- Anakin Skywalker
I wanted to start my study with this quote because it basically personifies who Crosshair is as a person. Over the course of three seasons (plus CW), there is no doubt that Crosshair is arguably the most well-written and developed member of the Bad Batch. His journey and inner conflict isn’t neatly wrapped up in a little box and tied with a cute bow in only one season. No, his journey spans the entire show. It is very compelling, filled with a deep inner conflict, broken relationships, and the struggle to find one’s self again. In this study, I wanted to look at the major themes of his character and how his relationship to them has changed. 
Crosshair’s strongest and best quality is loyalty. It is everything to him and it’s why he reacts so strongly when the Batch leaves him in “Aftermath.” However, misplaced loyalty is dangerous, especially when it’s blinding. The core struggle of his character, specifically in season 1 and 2, is discovering who is worth his loyalty. Crosshair isn’t the type of person to just save his own skin when things get bad; S3 disputes that multiple times. As rude and off-putting as he can be, Crosshair cares deeply for others. Unfortunately, it’s the choices he makes and where he invests his loyalty that conflict arises. 
The Worth of Loyalty
A part of understanding Crosshair is understanding how far he will go for those he’s loyal to. 
“Do you know why they put me in charge? It’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done.”
This line is stone-cold, but remove the context and apply it to Crosshair in general. It speaks volumes. Crosshair isn’t driven by some moral compass like Echo or Omega are. He’s not loyal to some grand cause. He’s loyal to people who’ve earned his respect. He’s loyal to those who value his skills as a sniper. Crosshair will not hesitate to go to extreme lengths for others. He killed Tawi Ames because he is a soldier of the Empire. He dragged a half-dead Mayday back to base because Mayday saved his life and showed him compassion. He went back to Tantiss for Omega because she saved him and he loves her. Crosshair’s journey is about him discovering who is worth that kind of loyalty. Who is worth dragging someone through sheer hell even though the optimal solution would be to just leave them? As Crosshair learns, it’s not the Empire.
The question remains, who is worth his loyalty? The answer is simple: Omega, his brothers, and other kind people such as Mayday and Cody. But Crosshair’s loyalty is severely misguided at first. There are a multitude of reasons as to why. One of the most obvious reasons is due to his fractured relationship with his brothers. By the time the entire Batch reunites in “Return to Kamino,” Crosshair can’t help but voice his pain and anger.
“They don’t leave their own behind… most of the time.” “You weren’t loyal to me.”
Due to the chip, Crosshair doesn’t understand why they left him. Did years of loyalty from Crosshair mean nothing to them? Did their relationship as brothers mean nothing? At that point in the story, he hasn’t realized how damaging the Empire is to him. So, he turns his anger to the group of people who meant more to him than anything else in the entire galaxy. And his anger isn’t completely unjustified. He was deeply hurt and he didn’t know why. Unfortunately, his beliefs about the Empire and struggle with identity push the Batch away. But as Crosshair’s feelings were continually challenged by others and his environment, he started realizing just how deep of a hole he’d gotten himself into. Crosshair’s brand of loyalty is something the chip absolutely would take advantage of. It’s fixating and fierce, hard to break. Only something severe such as removal or damage can break it. 
In S3, we get an exchange between Rampart and Crosshair. Rampart comments that Crosshair used to believe good soldiers followed orders. Crosshair responds that it depends on who’s giving them. This statement is absolutely true. Rampart doubts that Crosshair has changed, but it is Rampart who hasn’t changed. Both were betrayed by the Empire, but only one recognized where he went wrong. Crosshair now understands that his deep and fierce loyalty belongs to those who won’t hurt him or others he cares about. Loyalty is reciprocal and not to be taken for granted. This is a sentiment he shares with Howzer.
“Loyalty meant something to me. But with the Empire it didn’t go both ways.”
But Rampart can’t understand that because he’s only loyal to himself. And when you’re only loyal to yourself, you don’t care who around you falls. 
The Empire: An Environment of Shame
Why doesn’t Crosshair see just how bad the Empire is? That’s an argument I see often, but I think it’s important to understand just how manipulative and demonizing the Empire really is. Crosshair deeply internalizes his identity as a soldier. His value comes from his skills and if he can’t do his job properly, he will be discarded. The Empire is an echo chamber of that insecurity. 
“There are other ways of producing loyal soldiers”- Rampart
Rampart, Tarkin, Nolan… the faces of many imperials who remind Crosshair of what happens if his loyalty falters. He will be discarded. All around him, Crosshair hears the imperials speak about replacing the clones. They speak about the value of loyalty. It pushes him to keep proving his loyalty to the Empire. Crosshair is a sensitive soul despite appearances and he internalizes what others say around him. 
“Not the ones that matter.”- Cross to Hunter about the Empire phasing out clones
If Crosshair can continue fulfilling his purpose, then he will be spared, or at least that’s what he tells himself. We see this in real life too. Social media can influence others by feeding into their egos, only to rip them apart should they step out of line. It’s the same scenario with Crosshair. Rampart mocks Cody’s absence and talks about clone loyalty not being what it was advertised. Crosshair tenses up at his words, clearly bothered, until Rampart asks if he has a problem and then dismisses the issue without a care. The Empire makes Crosshair feel so alone. But he’s a soldier, right? This is where he belongs, right?
Compare that environment to the one put forth by Omega and Mayday. Omega is warm and compassionate. She cares deeply for others, even when that person probably doesn’t deserve it. As Crosshair struggles, Omega remains nothing but encouraging. She believed in him from the very beginning. 
“You’re still more capable than most.”- Omega
Omega’s constant display of loyalty and affection towards him eventually wins Crosshair over. He finds himself in an environment where his fierce devotion is not only reciprocated but goes above and beyond. Mayday shows compassion to Crosshair even though he barely knows him. He also shares Crosshair’s unspoken frustration. The Empire didn’t care about the clones despite them being good soldiers who followed orders. When danger strikes, Mayday doesn’t hesitate to protect Crosshair. Once again, it’s this reciprocated loyalty that shows Crosshair the truth behind the curtain. The Empire is all take and no give. Omega and Mayday display the opposite; they give Crosshair their all and don’t expect him to grovel on his knees for their praise or friendship.
But loyalty is only one major aspect of his character. Crosshair’s willingness to stay with the Empire also stems from his struggle with his identity. Clones are taught to be loyal and the behavioral modification chip only reinforces that notion. For Crosshair, it’s not so easy to just throw away something he grew up his entire life hearing. Thus, he finds himself in conflict between his loyalty to his brothers, loyalty as a clone, and identity as a loyal soldier. It’s so heartbreaking to see him when the chip partially activates. The chip makes him so fixated on Order 66 and yet, he can’t help but still stay by his brothers’ side. It is only when the chip is enhanced that he attacks his brothers. 
The Soldier and the Clone
The moment they are born, the clones are raised to be soldiers. They have no say in their fates, only that they have one purpose in life. Crosshair is no ordinary clone though; he’s labeled as defective for looking and sounding different. However, he has exceptionally sharp vision. One of the first things established about the Bad Batch is that they use unorthodox methods and they’re very showy. They also have a 100% success rate. As a result, Crosshair views himself and his squad as “superior.” As a soldier in the Empire, he expects to get the same recognition. The Empire is fueled by individuals who love feeling powerful. For Crosshair, to get special treatment because he’s a “superior” clone definitely would feed his ego. Unfortunately, the Empire also will pull the plug on anyone at any time. On Kamino, being defective is a death sentence. But Crosshair’s enhancement makes him useful; it’s why he was kept around. Interestingly, the more isolated Crosshair became in his time with the Empire, the more he began to seek companionship with the regs. S2 sees Crosshair shed his views that he’s a “superior” clone. He slowly begins to accept the fact that he and the other clones aren’t actually that different. We see this change in many ways: he tries to sit with the regs, he enjoys going on a mission with Cody, and he quickly gets attached to Mayday. 
Crosshair’s journey of accepting himself as a clone and finding companionship with others outside his squad humbles him and makes him an overall kinder person. It is integral in how he becomes disillusioned with the Empire. The Empire makes him feel so alone. Look at his room in “The Solitary Clone;” it’s no better than his cell on Tantiss. “Nat-borns” don’t understand what it is like to be a clone and his squad isn’t there anymore, so Crosshair turns to “regs.” He starts realizing that their experiences under the Empire aren’t much different from his. It’s Mayday and the mission on Barton IV that really pushes him over the edge. Mayday, a reg, understands him more than he’d like to admit. He’s lonely and feels like his efforts aren’t enough. 
Crosshair has let the Empire mistreat and abuse him for months, but eventually he snaps. He can’t do this anymore. He’s a person. Mayday is a person. Has his and Maydy’s loyalty meant nothing? Has the loyalty of the clones in general meant nothing? 
A clone’s identity is intrinsically tied to being a soldier. Why did Crosshair stay with the Empire? A simple answer is it gave him a purpose. Crosshair deeply internalizes his role as both a sniper and a soldier. He can’t see himself in another role as it is all he has known. What will happen when that’s taken away from him? Crosshair struggles with that exact dilemma. As I said early, being defective and unable to fulfill being a soldier means decommissioning and being discarded. I’ll bet this is why Crosshair struggles breaking away from his soldier mindset. He was taught to be loyal and there is no place for him if he can’t fulfill his purpose. Let’s take a look at his role as a sniper. Crosshair’s role is to wait on the outskirts and observe for danger. He’s supposed to keep his team safe from afar and spot trouble before it strikes. He’s a protector. That role gets shaken when his tremor starts. What happens to Crosshair if he can’t shoot? What happens to his brothers? 
S3 introduces the arc of Crosshair learning to accept help from others and becoming more than a soldier. A sniper is supposed to be distant, a loner, and always on the lookout. Once that role is challenged, suddenly, Crosshair realizes he can’t do this alone. He initially tries via brushing it off or shaking his hand. But it’s not enough. Both Hunter and Omega grow concerned. Omega takes the initiative and gently encourages Crosshair to try meditation with her. Even if it doesn’t work, the fact that he tries already speaks volumes. Throughout the season, Crosshair tries multiple times to do things alone. However, Hunter declines that proposal and says they should work together. The most glaring example is the climax of "The Cavalry Has Arrived." Crosshair is missing his dominant hand, weakened from his injury, and on top of that, it’s pouring rain and Hemlock has handcuffed himself to Omega. It is only through the help of his siblings that Crosshair makes the shot. He did it with the support of his family. 
In relying on his family, Crosshair becomes more than a sniper. He becomes more than a soldier. Even if he had his hand, Crosshair still would’ve had to overcome the huge barrier of making a steady shot. Either way, Crosshair overcomes by accepting the love and help from his family. Looking back, I’m really glad that this was a part of his arc. Crosshair has spent so much of the show alone, having to rely on himself and his skill to survive. But as time passes, he learns that it’s ok to have help. As people, we’re not meant to carry all our burdens alone. Crosshair learns he doesn’t have to remain distant all the time to protect others; sometimes, our greatest strength comes from each other.
The Beauty of Self-Worth
“Omega, don’t risk anything for me. I belong in here.” (This line is one of the most heartbreaking lines in the entire show). “So, I’m doing this alone. It’s what I deserve.”
A smaller, but just as important arc, is Crosshair’s journey of forgiveness. By “Tipping Point,” Crosshair has largely tackled his inner conflict. He knows who deserves his loyalty and who doesn’t. He realizes that he isn’t so different from the other clones. However, the guilt from his actions still lingers. Although he gets his message out, everything else fails. Tech dies, Omega is captured, and he doesn’t know what happened to the others. Crosshair suffers for a long 5 months due to Hemlock’s conditioning. His days are filled with the same mundane (and painful) routine and there is no sign of hope… that is, except for Omega. No matter what happened in the past, Omega undying love for him never yields. 
“None of us belong in here.”- Omega 
Omega’s words are reassuring and they hit Crosshair in a way he doesn’t expect. How can he, who has done these terrible things and has been forgotten by the world, be worth kindness? For all the times he said/did something cruel to Omega, she still came back for him. It’s Omega’s compassion that helps push Crosshair to finding his own self-worth. She loves him when nothing seems to be working for him. She encourages him to talk to his brothers. Crosshair wants to be accepted and belong again with his brothers. But up until that point in the narrative, everything around him seems to tell him the opposite. 
As much as I would’ve liked more from Hunter, I’m still glad he and Crosshair are able to have a conversation. In “The Return,” Crosshair admits how wrong he was. To come to terms with the darker parts of one’s self is important in forgiveness and the courage to do so is immense. There are things in life we as people can all do better. It’s what makes us human. The last time Crosshair interacted with his brother, it devolved into anger and pain-fueled argument. Crosshair so desperately wanted his brothers back, but it had to be on his terms. As the brothers fight again, Hunter antagonizes him into getting answers. A quick “blink and you’ll miss it” moment is that Cross’ hand trembles when Hunter brings up betrayal. Crosshair initially clamps up before biting back, blaming Hunter for Omega’s capture. But as both brothers learn to realize, both of them need to do better. The past hurts immensely because of that broken bond. Now, they have the opportunity to mend it. 
“I have regrets too, Crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to be better and who knows? There just might be hope for us yet.”- Hunter
Like Omega, Hunter’s words offer reassurance and comfort. Can Crosshair, a person who hurt his family, be worth that forgiveness? Hunter’s words all but confirm that Crosshair is forgiven in his eyes. Crosshair’s struggle to find forgiveness and worth in himself is eased by the people who he cares for the most. Even something simple as a hug from Wrecker catches him off guard, but it’s something that tells him “you’re loved and wanted.” As the vulture leaves the outpost, Crosshair slowly learns to forgive himself for what happened. 
It all culminates in the hug he gets from Omega in “The Cavalry Has Arrived.” Crosshair believed he deserved to die in order to atone. After everything he’s done and been through, does he still deserve a happy ending when it’s all over? Omega’s hug says yes. Tantiss is the heart of his pain and agony. In another world, Crosshair would never have set foot there if he chose differently. Perhaps Omega wouldn’t have suffered there. Perhaps Tech would still be alive… Without any hesitation, Omega wraps her arms around Crosshair and he is shocked. She reaches over to pull Hunter in and Hunter wraps his other arm around Crosshair, holding him close. And without any words, Crosshair leans in and closes his eyes. As the trio begin to head back to the shuttle, it’s Crosshair who reaches out and places his stump on Omega’s shoulder. In doing something as simple as leaning into the embrace, Crosshair accepts the love he is given. He lets himself be loved and understands that he is worthy of that love. 
This isn’t the end of Crosshair’s journey, of course. Crosshair has a very long and difficult road ahead of him. No, his PTSD wasn’t stored in his hand. Cutting off his hand isn’t a magical “cure” for it. Crosshair still has to work through a lot and he will. The big difference is that he knows he doesn’t have to work through it alone. With the help of his family, Crosshair can continue that journey of healing he began in “Bad Territory.” He’s so loved because he’s Crosshair, a brother, a protector, with fierce loyalty that could never be truly broken. 
Anyways, we’ve reached the end of my character study. Thank you all for reading. Crosshair is a very complex character and one who faces many trials. But no matter how many times he falls, he always finds a way to pick himself back up. At the end, he makes it. Crosshair has learned a lot, but I’m grateful that TBB team chose a long and complex route for him. Because guess what? Healing and growing as a person isn’t a “one size fits all” scenario. It’s a messy and difficult process. When all is said and done, Crosshair has one of the best realized redemption arcs in all of Star Wars and I couldn’t be more thrilled with how it played out.
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spiralingemptyness · 9 months
Clone wars hc
Been lurking on tumblr for a bit (while) and decided to throw my own clone wars hc cause the hyperfixation be hyper fixated (sorry for any spelling errors).
Kit Fisto and Obi-Wan are bffs - They both lose their robes and seem to flirt with anything that walks. meaning they have get togethers and give each other flirting advice.
Jocasta Nu and Admrial Yularen are BAMF, and are severly underrated. you don't get away with hurting someone they care about unpunished.
Rex's first thought of ashoka was "that's a child" followed by "that's a child on a battle field" and then "that's a child on a battle field with no clothes, what the kark".
One of the shinies from Monnk's battalion definitely asked Fisto (while high on pain meds) if he lactates and monnk and fisto lost their shit and couldn't stop laughing for 5 min straight.
Kix (and other medics by default) have tranq/hypo guns for any vode or jedi that try to leave med bay when on bed rest.
Fox and Amidala gossip and constantly talks shit about Palpatine
Kit Fisto Smile Supremacy, this man win's best smile, it never fails to cheer someone up.
Rex definitely twirls his guns before putting them in his holsters when he's done using them
Bly is obviously in love with Aayla, and he tries to hide it (and fails miserably) but he's so respectful about loving her and swooning, that Quinlan couldn't even give him a shovel talk.
the clones were absolutely baffled when they met the jedi's
Wolffe and Fox are twins, they might be at each others throats 90% of the time, but if you talk shit about the one of them, the other won't hesitate to beat your ass.
Monnk says the most off handed shit in a dead pan tone (ex. Monnk: well I'm not gonna live, laugh, love this. Fisto, laughing his ass off: I-I'm Sorry? Monnk: I'm just saying this is gonna be a bitch)
Plo Koon is Plo Buir, He's at least adopted the Wolf Pack and Ashoka
the 501st and Ashoka are siblings
Grey adopted Caleb Dume
The Iron Battalion/13th battalion took one look at Cal and immediately adopted him
Ponds isn't dead (cause fuck canon), he found Boba before his schemes could go off and made him a deal, He helps Boba plan the assassination attempts on Windu (he trust his general won't die, but he gave him more headaches) so there's no casualties, but slowly the attempts stop and now Boba just lives in the 91st venator's vents.
The first time Cody picked up Obi-Wan's lightsaber he thought it was so cool, and now he just wants to glue the damn thing into his hand
Hound spoils Grizzer, he absolutely adores the massif
Jesse make sure Kix is actually taking care of himself, and make sure he's not over working (and when necessary, he uses a hypo to make sure Kix sleeps, cause Kix will hold that over his head and pay him back for it)
Fox and Thorn are opposites but they are really close
The corrie guard has a list of all the good and bad senators
The most forms that Monnk and Cody (and occasionally Ponds) fill out are forms for more robes
Cody's name is Kote (but goes by Cody cause so many nat borns mispronounce it) and Obi-Wan randomly asked if that was his name, and Cody was just utterly shocked
After Umbara, Fox say a very traumatized trooper (it's Dogma) who is facing shitty consequences for doing the right thing and adopts him into the guard
After Kix woke up from his stasis and found artoo's (again, fuck canon) he would stay up on nights he couldn't sleep and watch videos of him and his vode from artoo's memory bank
Clones using their Jedi's lightsaber - Cody using Kenobi's lightsaber after he loses it for the millionth time, Rex using it to back ventress away from ashoka, Fox finding quinlan's in a dumpster (with quinlan in said dumpster)
Hound let's grizzer purposely tackle people when he can easily apprehend them because it's funny or because whoever he's chasing pissed him off and he's petty
Yoda is the ultimate menace (like srs palpitine hates his ass, but yoda -and everyone else- hates him even more)
Yoda still keeps in touch with Rys, Jek, and Thire (mainly Thire) after the treaty or smth
The Corrie found Quinlan Vos in a dumpster and now he won't stop bugging them (expecially Fox)
Fox is a walking encyclopedia of every republic laws, you do one minor thing wrong and he can quote every law you broke, word to word
A trooper (let's call him Sharks) from Fisto and Monnk's battalion can just get a group of sharks to gather around, at every planet, every time, without fail
Plo's disappointed dad sigh can make a separatist army fold into defeat
Kenobi absolutely loathes caf, he hates it with a passion
Each high ranking clone officer has to deal with something of their jedi - Cody has to deal with Kenobi flirting with seperatist and losing his lightsaber, Rex has to deal with his general constantly crashing ships, his batshit crazy plans and his general continuously using the force to throw him, Monnk has to deal with his general randomly "shedding" clothes, and all the clones have to deal with their generals and commanders not wearing armor (Except for Jaro Tapal, HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO WEARS ARMOR)
Corrie Guard can sleep standing up, very useful when guarding in the pods during senate meetings
The nice Senators (mainly Chuichi, Amidala, and Organa) and Vos very often get things for the Coruscant Guards, and whenever the guard see's the gifts they are baffled and bamboozled
Rex called dibs on Domino squad after the moon mission
Echo and Fives without hesitation took Tup and Dogma under their wing
Fives, Hardcase and Jesse started a prank war in the 501st that accidently evolved into a GAR wide prank war (with Coruscant being neutral ground, cause the guard doesn't need to deal with that shit, doesn't mean they don't help out)
Fox holds ALL the blackmail, and has multiple informants in every battalion, plus he has the power to withhold caf shipments
Fox also regularly reads his batchmates mission reports to mae sure their ok
The Corrie guard accidently adopted a stray tooka and a loth cat, now they're the guards emotional support animals
Rex keeps complaining about his brothers flirting with their jedi's that he didn't even realized that he third wheeled between Anakin and Padme that he joined their relationship
every mothers or fathers day without fail, shaak ti and plo koon always gets presents and gifts from their children (troopers and cadets.... and ashoka)
Coric is Kix's Ori'vod, he didn't admit it at first but Kix grew on him and well medics stay togeth
Coric purposely avoided being CMO of the 501st because they are hellions, Kix wanted to strangle him after he realized what being CMO of the 501st meant
Rex was on the 212th with Cody when Anakin was still a padawan
Rex hates evals, natural blonde plus Kamino is a recipe for hell. Also he was shocked at Skywalker being nonchalant about his hair, Anakin just though it made him cooler
That's all I have for now, if you see any you've seen before my bad, I honestly just typed the first that came to mind and kinda spiraled from there. I'm just now starting to interact with tumblr, so I might upload more and maybe even some art if I can stay focused long enough.
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 7 months
Hi! *Waves like a weird-o*
You probably already know this, but I absolutely love your writing and you truly are so talented. Please never stop!! Even if you just write for yourself!!!
So I do have a mini request if you don't mind of course. Post-sex cramps? For female reader? Clone of your choice of course and any way you wanna write it; NSFW or NFW.
No rush of course!! Thank you!! ❤️
- Hales
And here is cat + kitten(s) for your troubles. And puppies if you like those better. And a snake if you like those too.
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hiiii friend! *waves back like a weirdo* first of all, thank you so much?? for the kind words?? omg. I appreciate you so much—and the pictures of the baybiessssss! I love all of them, please give them snoot boops for me (if they're yours ofc). anyways, I hope this is somewhat in line with what you envisioned! I opted for the fluff/SFW route because I need that tonight lol enjoy! <3
Comforting Touches
Summary: Some HCs and blurbs about how the commander batch comforts you through some post-sex cramping.
Warnings: no actual sex described but still mature content so 18+, minors get outta here; f!reader, fluff, i guess hurt/comfort?, big strong stoic men being soft and loving
Word Count: 1.1k
dividers by @saradika and @dystopicjumpsuit
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Like with many other things in his life, Cody is nothing if not thorough. Meticulous in the way that he picks you apart and puts you back together, painstaking in the image of self-confidence and dominance that he exudes when he’s intimate with you. 
And just as attentive to your needs after he makes you finish several times. If you wince in pain from the cramps beginning to twist your insides, despite the many orgasms he’d given you, he’s all over that. 
Tilts your head to the sides to check your vitals, gets you meds, and frowns when you try to shoo him off. “You’re not goin’ anywhere until you’re good, cyar’ika.” 
More than anything, you’re just grateful to still be sitting on the edge of his bunk. Between the shakiness in your legs from the strain of having him buried inside you just a few minutes ago, and the pain tugging at your body, you have no energy to stand right now. Cody sighs, a furrow deepening between his brows; you can’t resist the impulse to smooth his skin with your thumb. You trace the outline of his scar when his expression doesn’t relax. 
“Did I cause this?” he asks. Despite the way he tries to hide it, you can hear the concern underlying his words. 
Sighing, you shrug with one shoulder. “Kinda. But it’s okay,” you hurry to assure him. “It’s, um, most often caused by...intense orgasm. Or just intense sex. Happens now and then.” 
He blinks at you, your words clearly taking a moment to compute. Almost unbidden, a small groan escapes him. “O-Oh.” 
“Mhm.” You clench your teeth as another wave of cramps knifes through you. “Worth it.”
He cups your face in one hand, the other resting on your bare thigh, kneading your soft flesh. “Good. Because I can’t promise I won’t be able to keep myself from making you cum like that again.” 
His words are a promise, and you know Cody never breaks promises.
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Listen I know we all think Wolffe is this hard-ass, mean dom (and he is) but he’s also very caring. Hard shell, gooey insides.
The minute you show signs of being in any kind of discomfort he’s right there, cradling you to his chest, smoothing his warm palms over your thighs, pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. 
“Where’s it hurt, mesh’la?” 
You curl in on yourself within Wolffe’s embrace, your body trying to wrap itself around the dull pain blossoming in your center. Though pleasure lingers in your limbs, this unfortunate side-effect of sex occasionally makes an appearance, particularly after a good romp with Wolffe. Normally it’s not so bad, but right now, you just want to squeeze into a ball and sleep until the cramping fades.
“M’sorry if I hurt you,” Wolffe rumbles in your ear, his voice soft and quiet. “I know I can be rough.” 
“S’not that,” you say with a small smile. “Just...does this when it’s really good.”
“That seems counterintuitive.” 
You bark a short laugh. “Tell that to whoever designed the female human body.” 
Wolffe tucks your head under his chin and presses a large, warm hand over your tummy to act as an impromptu heating pad until the cramps dissipate, his lips pressing chaste, close-mouthed kisses along your neck and shoulders to help distract you. You hum in contentment, drawing lazy circles on his bare hip, relishing how his muscles flex under your touch.
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If the cramps take a bit to set in, and you’re both already re-dressed and ready to go about your days, Fox will still immediately put his very busy schedule on hold to make sure you’re okay. 
Gives you pain meds, extra water, and kisses you sweetly. “Why don’t you lay on the couch here for a bit until you feel better, sarad?” 
If/when you protest, he simply gives you his best deadpan look—which is quite good, considering he’s perfected it through use on his men—and crosses his arms, cocking his hip. 
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, the slight smile tugging at your lips vanishing into a twisted grimace at the next wave of cramping. Fox sighs and ushers you to the old, ratty couch he’d acquired for his office. He guides you to sitting down at the least, and nods in approval when you draw your legs up to your chest and hug your knees to put pressure on your center where the cramps are the worst. 
When he goes to turn away, you reach out to snag his hand, threading your fingers through his. “Fox?” 
“Hm?” He looks down at you, graying curls sweeping over his forehead. 
“Sit with me?” 
“Of course.” He graces you with a soft smile, retreats for just a moment to retrieve his datapad, and settles into the couch next to you. He rests one arm along the back of the couch; you snuggle into his warmth, grateful that he hasn’t yet put on the top half of his armor, and let your eyes drift shut, listening to the rhythmic tap-tap-tap of his fingers over his datapad while he works. You’d be able to fall asleep there, in post-orgasmic near-bliss. 
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Rex realizes that something is amiss the moment that you don’t roll over to cuddle him after he returns from getting you a warm rag to clean off with.
When you simply groan your answer, the post-sex cramps clenching your insides a little more intensely than you’re used to, he’s instantly in Protective Partner Mode. 
“I’ve got you, cyare.” 
With strong, steady hands, Rex gently repositions you on the bed so that you’re lying on your front, before settling his knees to either side of your thighs. His thumbs, calloused and rough, rub slow, comforting circles along your spine, from your butt to your neck and back. Though he knows by now that he can’t do much in the way of helping your cramps aside from offering pain meds (which he retrieves as soon as he realizes what’s going on), he can offer you relaxation of other sorts. 
His practiced hands work away all the knots and kinks in your back, urging your entire body into a state of bliss beyond the post-orgasm glow. 
“How’s this, cyare?” he asks, voice quiet, contemplative. 
“Feels s’good,” you mumble, face smushed into the sheets. “Thank you, Rex.” 
“Always.” He leans over you to press a kiss to the side of your head. “I’d say that I’d stop doing whatever causes these cramps, but—”
“Don’t you dare,” you interrupt, playfully glaring out of the corner of your eyes. “You know damn well the orgasms you give are worth this discomfort.” 
He preens just a little at that, and if he happens to give your butt a squeeze or two while resuming his massage, well, that’s his deal. 
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Ragu: @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @lem-hhn @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @cw80831 @dreamie411 @jedi-hawkins @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl @originalcollectionartistry
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 months
Favorite Liar pt. I
I have yet to see people talk about the physical pain Obi-Wan must have been in during the Hardeen arc. I mean, this man was constantly getting beat up and had dozens of untreated injuries. Not to mention, we saw how much pain he was in during the facial transformation, what about the pain turning back?
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Obi-Wan found it humerous Master Windu and Master Yoda had failed to mention how much this would hurt. But Obi-Wan knew if they kept adding on to the already long list of things that made Obi-Wan want to back out, that he would have. He was already lying far beyond he'd ever wanted to, he'd already hurt all those he loved and he didn't dare ask for forgiveness because had their places been shifted, Obi-Wan would have a hard time accepting an apology all the same. But this, this was just cruel. Returning to Obi-Wan Kenobi was a lot harder than becoming Rako Hardeen.
He would be lying if Obi-Wan had said he hadn't been avoiding Anakin and Ahsoka. He felt their betrayal all throughout the temple, from star systems away he could sense their pain. Pain that he caused. Obi-Wan couldn't stand that truth, he'd hurt them and there wasn't anything he could do to make it alright. His need to help others had only hurt the people he cared the most about. So there Obi-Wan sat, alone in the medical wing of the temple, hidden far from others, where he could hide and no one would see the shame on his face.
He looked out the window, that was all he could do. Upon his initial scan, the droid pointed out his several cracked ribs and the transformation back had left his face swollen and bruised, and the voice changer had left his throat feeling as if he'd swallowed blades. So Obi-Wan laid there, holding himself tightly as he fought the pain that came with each breath, as he prepared himself to swallow and whince at the pain. But he didn't have enough energy to whince, he didn't have enough energy for anything at all.
When hours passed, he woke up and shot up as he grabbed the container on the bedside table. He'd been terribly nauseous and he had yet to be able to keep anything down. Obi-Wan fell back onto the pillows, staring at the wall, he'd asked for privacy and he'd gotten it. Mace nor Yoda had come by since. Plo had left flowers, a rather odd gesture Obi-Wan thought, but appreciated it all the same.
Sitting up, he held his hand closely to his chest, moving slowly to ease his pain. Obi-Wan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he could make it to the chair, Obi-Wan knew he could, it wasn't as if he'd gone through a major trauma, he was fine. He was just in a lot of pain. Nothing to worry about. Swinging his legs over the bed, he braced himself and with another deep breath, Obi-Wan stood up. He was leaning against the bed but he felt he could do this. He could make it to the chair. His left arm was still pressed against his aching chest, but he could make it. Step after step, he could make it- he really almost did.
Obi-Wan took too confident of a step, he felt blades against his lungs and he fell. Obi-Wan whimpered as he opened his eyes. His entire body shaking. He felt a wave of frustration wash over him, he slammed his fist down. "Dammit-" He whinced, eyes flooding with tears as he let out a sob. Obi-Wan shook his head, he shouldn't have done this, he didn't want to be fighting with Anakin, he didn't want Ahsoka to be mad at him, he didn't want his friends avoiding him like the plague. He wanted to be chasing after Ahsoka, finding Anakin in hide-and-seek, he wanted his family close, not held at arms length. He wanted Cody. Most of all, he couldn't stand Cody hating him. He loved him too much.
He'd been so angry with him, and Obi-Wan just stood there, wanting to tell Cody that he loved him, but Obi-Wan would open his mouth to say it but nothing would come out. He had tried to grab Cody's hand and Obi-Wan was still haunted by Cody yanking his hand back. He wasn't strong enough for this. He tried so hard to be okay with losing everyone he loved, he tried so hard not to be swept away by the undercurrent of remorse, but he'd failed so miserably. He cried for Cody, for hours, Cody's anger echoed in his mind, Cody fighting him until his tears caused his anger to resign. Obi-Wan had done his duty as a Jedi, but he'd lost everything, now all he had was himself, and he wouldn't choose to spend the rest of his life with himself. He wasn't someone Obi-Wan liked.
Obi-Wan fell onto his back, gasping for air. He shouldn't have tried to be brave. He should have just stayed in the bed. He shouldn't have tried to be a Jedi, he should've been selfish and let another take upon this task. He couldn't handle all the people he loved being angry at him, he couldn't handle being alone. Obi-Wan closed his eyes, he could feel his entire body shake, he was so cold. But he couldn't get up, he couldn't move his hand, he couldn't even think to use the force. All he could do was lay there and think, think of all he'd done,
Think of all he'd ruined.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Part two here
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antianakin · 2 months
Who’s your favorite Jedi? Clone? Rebel?
I mean, the honest answer for who my favorite Jedi (and I guess this answer works for favorite Rebel too) is Obi-Wan. I loved him as a kid and that nostalgia holds through as an adult. He's funny, he's charismatic, his fight scenes when played by Ewan McGregor are compelling and exciting, and I just think he's neat.
Some runner ups would probably be Kanan Jarrus and Agen Kolar, though. I have a lot of feelings about Kanan and his journey in Rebels. I also was developing a minor soft spot for Bell Zettifar in the High Republic series when I was reading some of the adult novels; it's hard not to root for this poor kid who just never gets a damn break.
My real favorite rebel is probably be Bail Organa, Father of the Rebellion, winner of Best Father of the Century AT LEAST. I adore him a lot.
Runner ups for favorite rebel would probably be Hera and Sabine, but with the caveat that that doesn't count their Ahsoka show versions, obviously. I like the nuance of Hera's relationship with the rebellion and how invested she is in it and how much she's willing to give up for this cause she believes in so wholeheartedly, but also how being a rebel gives her the ability to be a pilot in the way she's always wanted to be and maybe couldn't have had any other way. And I do like the way Sabine sort-of grows into her identity as a rebel in some ways and the way that she starts off as a rebel primarily because it allows her to hit back at people who hurt her and is an outlet for her pain and anger and fear, but then she faces a lot of her fears and her history and her concept of being a rebel starts being less about violence and more about mercy and I really love that.
For favorite clone, I love some of the more obvious answers like Cody and Rex and Fives, but I think the most HONEST answer to this question is probably Dogma. I wish we had a less ambiguous answer as to what happened to him after Umbara, I wish there was a story to follow about who he became after Umbara (if he lived) and how that impacted his view of the Jedi, the Republic, and the clones. I appreciated the nuance of his character, too. He's been raised to view the Jedi as basically omniscient, almost gods, which is where his loyalty to them comes from, which goes along with the idea that he as a clone does not have the right to question them, but it doesn't mean he doesn't care about the other clones and he struggles a lot with having to find that line between loyalty to the Jedi and the affection he does have for his brothers. It's a balance I'm not entirely certain he has even figured out by the end of the Umbara arc, since Krell is ultimately revealed to be a full traitor rather than just kind-of an asshole. Dogma isn't necessarily that affectionate of a person and the care he definitely does have for the other clones kind-of hides underneath a brusque personality and I find that interesting, too, and would've loved to see more of Dogma when they weren't on a mission.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Love and Stubbornness
Here are two ideas to giggle at. 
Now the base of both these ideas starts in the same place, which is why I am putting them together. 
We start mid clones wars. Some mission has come up that has exposed at the very least Cody to a Sith device that causes the person exposed to fall ‘in love’ with the next person they see. If we want to go full bore we can include others up to and including Padme Amidala. The important points are that 1.)Obi Wan is not affected (though he and Cody are in Love, possibly even dating) and 2.)the first person that Cody sees is Anakin, thus it is Anakin that the person that the object made Cody fall in love with.  Including others would be a good way to increase the humor by creating a Gordian knot of random one sided ‘loves’.  
With that Base, here are the Two ideas. 
Idea 1.
They know what this object is meant to do, so Obi Wan braces against the pain of seeing Cody fall in love with someone else. Of loving Anakin, because this thing refocuses from the true object of one's affections to the false feeling created by the object. So he would see Cody loving Anakin in the exact same ways that he showed love to Obi wan. Even if it is temporary (God he hopes it is temporary), it would still hurt. 
Cody looks lovingly at Anakin for precisely 15 seconds.  Then his face hardens, he points at Anakin and goes ‘No!’.  Cody then turns to Obi Wan, dips him, and kisses him. Just straight up out stubborns the Sith object.
I feel like this is even funnier if most of our other main characters are chasing each other around, still under the influence of the Sith Object (it is temporary but lasts several days). 
Much later, after everything is back as it should be, Cody is asked (very officially, because breaking a Sith compulsion is a BIG DEAL) how he did it. Cody shrugs and responds with ‘I reject any reality where I am attracted to General Skywalker.’
No one has any idea what to do with that. 
Idea 2.
The Sith Object does create a permanent feeling of love, but it does not define what shape that love takes (The Sith that created it were just very bad at being evil).  So Cody is still exposed, still sees Anakin first. But instead of a romantic love, Cody immediately goes…”This is my son, he is oblivious and reckless but I love him”
Then he turns to Obi Wan and tells him that they (Cody and Obi Wan) would be adopting Anakin immediately.  Obi Wan is down for it, the Jedi have paperwork that they can adapt. Anakin is baffled but pleased. Frankly being claimed in that way ticks every one of Anakin boxes, plus from Anakin’s perception Cody is now the one bringing Anakin and Obi Wan back together as family.  Cody further endears himself to Anakin by making it clear that everyone knew he was married, no cared and that Padme was also now family, with the protection to prove it.  Even if Obi Wan was not already in love with Cody, the fact that he managed to get Anakin to listen for the first time in what feels like a decade.
Cody very loudly proclaims that Anakin is his son to anyone who will listen (a function of the Sith Object).  At some point someone, a senator or one of Palpatine's aides, points out a little too firmly that Cody cannot adopt Anakin because Cody is not legally a person. And look, the Jedi never forgot that the clones were not legally people (in fact many of them were hoping to get the adoption pushed through, then leverage it to get the clones more rights). 
Anakin had forgotten, or never realized that the clones had no rights.  By this point he had accepted Cody as a father figure (above both Palpatine and Obi Wan; Palpatine had primed Anakin to respond to certain types affection, which Cody delivered a little more easily that Obi Wan-due in part to Sith Object and part due to his direct nature- and that affection lacked the slimy undertone that Palpatine tended to exude-because of the manipulation) so his reaction(in the middle of the Senate Rotunda) to the realization that his newest father was effectively enslaved was…impressive. Also the reason why the senate voted that Anakin, specifically, needs to be assigned a dedicated therapist. 
I have no idea where either idea goes from there but it gave me a giggle. 
I hope someone is inspired to write the full fic.
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dellalyra · 1 year
i get to shy to ask bUTT idk if this is weird but maybe for family formation series reader is in danger OR the fam welcoming baby gojo and reader into the family ?? idk either would be a fun idea
A/N: PLEASE don't be shy to ask getting requests makes me so unbelievably happy you've no idea and I know you said or but... I'm gonna do both of these requests bc I love them both sm :):) i hope u enjoy this one and I’ll post the other one later in the week!!! Thank u sm for these <3 I like doing this series bc it feels like a nice escape from the trauma the manga provides :):)
Summary: The newest addition to the patchwork family arrives, and is welcomed with open arms.
CW: childbirth, pregnancy, fluff, just adorable found family stuff, mild swearing, mentions of Tsumiki being cursed, lots and lots of love.
Recommended Listening:
Can’t Take My Eyes off You - Frankie Valli (Everyone meets Akio/general vibe)
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry (Megumi meets Akio, from Satoru’s POV)
A Kiss to Build A Dream On - Louis Armstrong (the ending)
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Family Formation Part Seven
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13 hours of labour later, a 56cm, 8lb 5oz, white-haired, sparkling blue-eyed bundle of love was laid in your arms. Exhausted, sore, and sweaty but so full of endorphins it all seems trivial. Satoru had been by your side for the full 13 hours, refusing to eat because you couldn’t, laying behind you supporting your back and giving endless encouragement and finally catching your long-awaited baby boy. You had made a list of names throughout your pregnancy and the second you both laid eyes on your son, there was no other name needing consideration, Akio was perfect.
Satoru had cried (a lot) when his baby boy was put into his arms for the first time as Shoko stitched him up and cleaned him. You had point-blank refused to have anyone except Shoko deliver your baby, which was a smart choice given that this child was the amalgamation of the strongest sorcerer and a sorceress wielding one of the most powerful innate cursed techniques- plus, she was your best friend.
After his first bath and being wrapped in the blanket your great-grandmother had made, Akio was settled into your arms as Satoru went to announce the arrival of his darling boy to the people in the waiting room.
He came in and asked if you were ready for visitors and as tired as you were, you couldn’t wait another moment for Akio to meet his family. Your mom was out of the country and rushing home as you were in labour, dropping all sorcery diplomacy and running to her daughters’ side.
‘Let them in one at a time ‘toru.’ You say as he opens the door and calls in the person who you wanted him to meet first.
A spiky head of raven hair appears in the doorway. You smile and tilt the bundle in your arms to face him. “Gumi, I’d like you to meet your baby brother, Akio Ryu Tadashi Gojo.”
Somehow despite the 9 months’ notice, Megumi seems completely shocked.
“Holy shit, he’s real.” He looks between you and Gojo, who laughs a little at the reaction.
“Yeah kiddo, he’s very real. The bruises on my hand from your mom’s squeezing are the painful proof!” He says, waving his slightly blue wrist.
“Shut up, mom did all the real work. Are you okay? Is he okay? Do you need anything?”
“We’re both fine sweet boy, I’m sore but I did just push out a human so I’m sore. Come closer, honey. He wants to see you.”
Megumi grimaces at the thought of your pain, and also with the awkward teenage boy reaction to childbirth. He slowly moves closer, as if him moving to fast will cause the baby to shatter like glass.
“He looks like you, mom.” He says.
“You think? He’s got your dad’s colourings.”
“Nah, he’s too pretty to look anything like dad.”
You let out a huff of laughter as your husband acts out a wound in his chest on your other side.
“Do you want to hold him?”
“Uh… okay.”
The nerves have spiked in him so you scoot over to make room for him to sit on the bed beside you.
“Okay so put your arms like this, and make sure you hold his pretty little head.” Satoru says as he lifts Akio from you and places him into Megumi’s stiff arms. You smile at how cautious your husband is, you’ve been raised surrounded by children and babies so this all feels like second nature to you.
“Hey ‘lil man. I’m Megumi. I’m your brother I guess. I’m gonna show you some really cool stuff when you grow up, and make sure your dad doesn’t turn you into a clone of himself.” Megumi says to the blinking eyes of the baby he holds. You can tell he doesn’t know what to say, so you wrap you arm around your two sons.
“Megumi is gonna be the best big brother, he can show you his shikigami and show you all the cool music and read you the best books. He’s gonna keep you real safe too.” You say.
There’s silence for a minute as Megumi just looks at the baby.
“Tsumiki would have been so excited about you. She was – is, my big sister. So I guess yours too. I hope she meets you someday.” The slight hitch in his voice shows that holding his baby brother is making him realise how Tsumiki must have felt.
“You will meet her, Akio, and she’s gonna love you so much. Just how she loves Megumi.” You kiss the side of his head, and Gojo squeezes his arm around the boys broad shoulders, for once Megumi leans into him and doesn’t push him away.
“Eh, Nobara told me that you give gifts to the baby when they’re born. So I made something. It’s in my bag on the ground if you wanna grab it.”
Satoru leans down and opens it and freezes. He turns to you and pulls out a book. He sits on your other side and lays the book on your lap for you both to see.
In Megumi’s beautiful tidy cursive, on the cover, is written ‘Your Family’ and ask you open it you see photos he must have taken of you, Satoru, himself, Tsumiki, your parents, Yuuji and Nobara, Shoko and Nanami, Yaga and in one photo, in the corner you notice Geto, smiling with his arm around Gojoy, you had both discussed that you would raise your kid to know about his Uncle Geto as the man he was in high school, before the world became too much for him. Yaga makes an appearance too, along with Utahime and the second years. There’s wedding photos from you and Satoru’s big day, ones you remember Shoko taking in high school, photo’s you’ve never seen before from your pregnancy, ones of you and Satoru on missions. You realise that there’s an ‘introduction’ to each family member on each page and you begin to sob reading them.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know you’d cry.” Megumi says, panicking he’d upset you.
“Oh no sweetheart, it’s happy tears. I love it so much, it’s so beautiful. I can’t believe you did this, he can keep it forever now. Thank you, darling boy.” There’s tears in Gojo’s eyes too, behind his small sunglasses as he sweeps you 3 into a hug in his long arms.
“Um, it’s okay, I’m glad you like it. Figured he’d need a roadmap to navigate this mess.” He smirks. “Are you gonna let the others in?”
“Should we FaceTime Yuuta?” Satoru asks.
“No it will be 3am for him, we’ll ring him later. Akio’s not going anywhere.” You say, making sure your newest stray child gets his sleep is important.
“Satoru, godfather next.” You say and Satoru opens the door and waves his hand.
In walks Nanami, suit jacket draped over his arm and glasses tucked into his pocket.
“Akio! This is your Uncle Nanamin!” Satoru joyful waves between the two of them, and the tick in Kento’s jaw makes you laugh, he walks over to you on the bed, Akio now back in your arms and Megumi on the armchair beside you, Satoru standing just staring at his son.
“Congratulations, Y/N, Satoru. You did wonderfully. Was he a healthy size?” Nanami asks, practical as ever.
“8lbs 5oz and 56cm, he got his father’s height.” You say, looking at your towering man.
“And his hair and eyes, but he definitely looks like you, Y/N. He’s too cute to look like Gojo.” He says.
“Is everyone going to say that? I – am offended.” Satoru says pointing at Nanami. You laugh and you hear Megumi snort.
“Kento, we were hoping to ask you a question now you’re here.” You say, looking to Satoru, wanting him to ask.
“We were hoping that you wouldn’t just be Uncle Nanamin, but maybe you would be godfather Nanamin?” He says making a theatrical gesture towards the baby.
For once, the smile on Nanami’s face isn’t hidden.
“I would be honoured, Akio. But please, call me Uncle Kento. I presume Shoko is the godmother.”
“Godmother and doctor who delivered him.” You nod.
Nanami lifts a box from behind him.
“A gift for my godson.” He hands it to Satoru who wastes no time in opening the gift and goes “Wow! That’s so cool!” before he shows it to you, it’s a beautiful wooden box with ‘keepsakes’ engraved on the front.
“Oh Nanami, it’s wonderful, thank you so much! I love it.”
“Of course, shall I let the next guests in?”
He turns and calls in Yuuji and Nobara, who push past each other to get through the door first and you can hear the bickering.
The both gasp when they enter the room.
“Sensei! Y/N! That’s a baby!” Yuuji exclaims and Nobara’s mouth hangs open.
“Great observation Itadori.” Megumi smirks.
“No it’s just like – wow, you made a whole person! Well like a small one but still a person! It’s crazy!” He almost jumps toward you and stares through big brown eyes as Nobara skips toward you.
“Oh my god Sensei he’s so cute!!! His tiny hands!! And feet!! And nose!! What’s his name?? You’re so amazing Y/N!” She says. These two are definitely a different speed from the other two visitors in the room.
“His name is Akio.” You smile.
“Are you okay Y/N? Did it hurt really bad? Is there a way we can help?”
“I’m okay, Yuuji, and the pain was worth it.”
A mouth appears on Yuuji’s face.
“Hmph, the Gojo spawn has arrived I see. You’re stronger than I expected, woman.”
A chorus of ‘shut up Sukuna’ echoes across the room. But you look directly at his cheek and say,
“Thank you, Ryomen.” He sneered and retreated.
“I got you these Y/N!” Yuuji’s smile takes over his whole face as he hands you a huge bouquet of peony roses.
“I remember Gojo was talking about how they’re your favourites but the flower lady laughed when I asked for penises, and Nobara really died laughing so she told me they’re called Peonies.” You and Satoru burst into hysterical laughter at the thought of Itadori asking a florist for penises.
“They are my favourite, thank you honey, they’re so beautiful. Nanami, would you mind putting them in some water for me?” You say and he takes the flowers from Yuuji and you give him a kiss on the cheek.
Nobara whisks out a huge gift bag and says,
“I went shopping and bought some cute baby clothes! Look at these dungarees, they have tiny lions on them!” She shoves the bag at Satoru who nearly tumbles at its size, proving she went way overboard.
“You two are both so sweet, thank you guys. You’re both gonna make great babysitters.”
They both squeal and move to sit on the arms of the chair beside Megumi.
The next people to come in were the second years, Inumaki saying ‘Tsuna!’ As soon as he saw the baby and giving you a thumbs up and pat on the head. Panda began crying because the baby was so cute and small, and Maki immediately asked how you were, telling you she is amazed by your strength and how great you are for delivering a whole child. Toge and Panda had pitched together to buy Akio a stuffed panda and a jellycat riceball. And Maki, in very Maki fashion, brought diapers and wipes. Shoko came to the door next, returning from a rest after delivering your son.
“Mei Mei’s crows just dropped these off, they’re from Utahime and her.” You smiled taking the bags from her. Utahime was on a mission at the moment and couldn’t make it down to see you, but had sent you a beautiful card congratulations you and saying she was happy Satoru could do something right, and a beautiful box of postpartum beauty supplies, stretch mark cream and cooling eye patches included. Mei Mei also sent a card, with a set of the most expensive looking matching satin pyjamas for you and Akio.
Yaga also dropped by, clapping Satoru on the shoulder and whispering, “Well done, my boy.” To him, you knew this meant a lot to Satoru.
Your family had already given you your gift for your son, a cutting from a tree from your family home that your great great great great grandmother planted when her first child was born, using your families innate inherited technique. The tree bloomed soft blue flowers year round, no matter the weather and always seemed to faintly glow at night.
The Gojo clan, they had sent the Gojo heirloom silver rattle which Satoru had once owned as a child. Your mother was due to arrive the following day, and you knew she would be spoiling her 3rd grandchild rotten and you too when she arrived. She loved Satoru, and he loved her, so she was going to stay with you both for a week to help you both ease into the life of new parents, and Satoru couldn’t have squeezed and hugged her tighter when she offered.
After another half an hour, Satoru notices you yawning, with Akio asleep in his arms.
“Okay momma is tired everyone it is time to leave now! You can all come back and fawn over how cute my mini me is some other time.”
After everyone wishes you goodbye and a final kiss on the head for Megumi, who you send back to his dorm with a quiet thank you again for the book, you, Satoru and Akio are left in the peaceful room surrounded by keepsakes and your peonies now on the table beside the bed.
You scoot over to let Satoru into the bed beside you, and he places Akio in the crib beside you both. He squirms under the blanket, careful to be very gentle with you, knowing you’re still tender and aching. He wraps an arm gingerly across your stomach and presses soft kisses into your hairline, you tilt your head up and kiss his soft perfect lips.
“He’s really here, our little boy.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You’re so incredible, I’m in awe of you, I never thought I could love anything as much as I love you and the kids.. Thank you for giving me a family.” He says, pointing to the handmade book beside you both.
“Thank you for making it possible, you deserve the world, ‘Toru.”
And with that, you both curl up, drifting off in each others arms listening to the soft breaths of the baby beside you.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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starryluminary · 8 months
Honestly I want to know your opinion on Nemma. Because honestly I don’t like the ship either and want to see if someone agrees with me.
Oh my god hiiii nerd-chocolate!! I will GLADLY detail why I don’t like nemma. Buckle up cause I’m not exactly normal about this subject
I will preface this by saying I understand why it’s Noah and Emma. I get why if Noah had to have a girlfriend it would be someone who would match his intellect and someone he could hold a competent conversation with. Logically, on paper, I understand. It’s not so much the concept of Noah and Emma dating that I dislike, it’s the execution. The development of the relationship was a train wreck. HERES WHY!!!
From the very beginning Nemma showed problems. The Noah that couldn’t play a game of dodgeball for $100,000 and was so standoffish he could only make a good friend in Owen is now suddenly falling in love at first sight with a girl that did a front flip and I’m just supposed to accept it at face value??
You could argue that it’s been three years and a person could change in three years. I’d like to argue back: this is a cartoon. If the development happened offscreen, it didn’t happen. Noah had a drastic change in personality out of nowhere because they give us no reason to believe otherwise. This is just the beginning. It’s all downhill from here, honey.
This is very much subjective and a personal thing but do you know how irritating his face is.
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It makes me ill. Who is this.
Back on track, Noah is out of character the rest of his time competing (not that he was perfectly in character to begin with.) Both the way he treats Owen and how he acts regarding Emma is not believable to me. He’s tragically mean to Owen almost the entire time and he’s insufferably… inconsistent? When it comes to Emma? Like they didn’t exactly have pinned down how he should act when he’s in love so it changes with every episode.
[I did a bit of research regarding the more important Nemma episodes and their writers, but couldn’t draw any good conclusions from it. I did find out Laurie Elliot wrote both Slap Slap Revolution from World Tour (notorious for the most significant Noco moments of the season) and New Beijinging (where Nemma is at its worst in my opinion.) This isn’t all that relevant but it IS fucking hilarious. The writer responsible for “Cody’s got a tiny sausage!” being made to (co) write a Nemma episode and subsequently butchering it is reeeeeally funny to me.]
On the topic of New Beijinging. I cannot watch this episode uninterrupted and it’s because of Nemma. I despise it. It’s not that I don’t believe Noah would act like a bumbling fool in love… in concept. In CONCEPT, I can buy the failed one liners and the speaking your thoughts out loud and the acting out to try and impress her. In practice it’s so painful to watch. The Noah that said he’s incapable of being embarrassed in his WT biography is now spitting hot food in his love interests face and physically recoiling every time he tries to talk to her. I can’t express through text the pain and anguish it causes me.
This is ALSO after giving her a suave one liner in the previous episode. How does he go from cool and collected to cringing at her I- AAAGGHHHH.
They don’t suddenly get better when the feelings are mutual, either. They just become insufferable together and it’s tragic. This is specifically about Māori or Less and Got Venom? (though admittedly I haven’t gotten that far in my rewatch and don’t remember Got Venom? too vividly. I do know they’re annoying in it even to Owen and Kitty so.) They just become so infatuated with each other they forget the rest of the world exists and while I enjoy the CONCEPT……… it just manages to drag down both characters. At least they treat Emma with a little more respect and have her snap out of the haze to play the damn game but THEY END UP KNOCKING OUT NOAH INSTEAD. Pain agony suffering and woe. Noah going catatonic and leaving Owen to struggle is the worst it gets but he still never truly focuses on the game and even hopes to get kicked off. He won’t even play for Owen.
Do I even have to mention Owen. My poor guy Owen. Owen suffers an unnecessary amount for Nemmas development. It hurts my heart even thinking about it but I’ll list off examples. Ways Owen has suffered for the sake of the relationship include:
Being made to carry dead weight (Noah) on more than one occasion.
Being used as a flotation device, offered by Noah to Emma, after being frozen solid.
Being forced to wait for the sister team, making his team go from first place to seventh.
Being victim to Noah’s snark and insults, which he does to either impress Emma or to reprimand Owen because of something Emma related.
(Side note: have I ever mentioned that RR Noah is my enemy? I feel like I don’t mention it enough)
To wrap this up, I do genuinely believe Nemma could have been great. I don’t hate Nemma cause I thought Noah was gay, or I’m a Noco shipper, or any other superficial reason. I hate it cause it’s a terribly written relationship that had to completely destroy my favorite character of the series to try and make it work. It’s a damn shame, really. I wish I could look past how different Noah is and how badly he treats Owen and how sickly annoying he and Emma can be and just, at the very least, tolerate Nemma. But I can’t, and I never will.
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verosvault · 5 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 2 "Summer Breakdown"
Timestamp: 21:29
Video Length: 4min. & 42sec.
Fabian goes under the Hangvan for the 2nd time! 😭 (Fabian's turn ‣pt.1 | pt.2)
Kristen and Riz trying their hardest to block out Fabian's flirting with Ecaf! 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Ecaf "ACCIDENTALLY" says the name of the night yorb! 💀
Emily gets mad at Brennan again for using his NPCs to say the Night Yorb's name! 😂🤣💀
I love how Fabian is telling his friends not to yell at her! 😭✋
Brennan the DUNGEON MASTER: "Sorry, there's nothing I can do. It's the rules" 😭😭😭
Just imagine a world where Kristen punches Ecaf and Fabian punches Kristen. 😭😭😭
The fact that Ally IMMEDIATELY lies! 😂 "I can't believe he got a NAT20." 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Emily: "Don't you reroll them though, because you're Lou?"
Infinite Lou Points!! For being Brennan's BEST FRIEND!! 😭✋
Lou rolls a 5 on acrobatics and ALLY THROWS LOU'S DICE!!! 😭😭✋✋
Lou adds his modifiers and the result is a 14! 😭
Brennan makes a face and Lou asks Brennan to not make that look cause that's his "I'm sorry I have to do this-" face 😭
Brennan "You know- I'm always rooting for you."
Emily: "Because you make your NPCs say the Night Yorb every single other word."
Brennan just smiling "I have to abide by the rules of the things I choose to do." (I'M CRYING AT THIS QUOTE!! 😭😭✋✋)
Brennan asks Murph to roll 5d10 cause he's the driver and the FACE THAT MURPH MAKES! HIS EXPRESSION IS SO FUNNY TO ME! 😂😂🤣🤣 The times where Murph's dice curse is ACTUALLY GOOD! When he has to roll AGAINST his own party members! 😂🤣💀😭
"the beans are due!" 😂 No more probability smashing!!
Murph laughing and telling Fabian that he needs to stay in the van and put his seatbelt on! 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Fabian has jumped and gone under the hangman twice! 😭✋
All Lou had to do was to roll a 2! And that's exactly what he did! He'd roll a 2 or lower! 😭✋
Brennan: "Can I just say, for anyone watching at home, don't jump out of moving vehicles. Because even if you're so agile, the risk reward-" 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
Lou talking to his dice and telling them that they're embarrassing him on this show! Oh no! 😂🤣😭 Go get new dice Lou! Please! 😭✋
Brennan: "If you roll a Nat1, this is gonna be worse than Cody's turn in Unsleeping City." (The fact that Murph STILL holds the title for worst turn in Dimension20 history means a lot to me! And I couldn't tell or explain to you guys why that is! 😭💀)
Fabian just grabbing his face! The poor boy in so much pain from getting run over! 😭✋
I wonder how Fabian explains what happened to Gorgug later. We most likely will never get that exposition but I can imagine it in my mind! 😂😂🤣🤣💀💀
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rrcenic · 10 months
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this is cody, my lord of the flies oc!! i literally have no idea if this idea is original at all as the only lotf oc i know is @peachtaglia’s oc tommy :’)
STORY (cw/tw for suicide):
when the whole jalph rivalry started, cody never cared about sides. he was too preoccupied with the panic and depression of being stranded. so he stayed with jack, and was a skilled hunter.
instead of hunting for pig like the rest of the boys, cody actually hunted birds! simon made little toys for some of the littluns, and cody was given a slingshot. turns out he had a pretty good aim, and would often hit seagulls or other smaller birds.
jack wasn’t interested in any meat other than pig, and cody wasn’t interested in the chaos and savagery of the group hunt, so soon cody became one of the main food providers for his fellow littluns.
cody was quite attached to simon, and was deeply disturbed after the older boy’s death, and refused to hunt afterwards. he was also right next to roger when he rolled the boulder that killed piggy, and had a close view of the gore.
experiencing piggy’s violent death was cody’s breaking point. he disappeared sometime while the hunters were searching for ralph. in the chaos, no one noticed.
cody’s body was found during the search of the island for any missing survivors. it is believed that he took his own life.
cody struggled with depression, anxiety, and other disorders before his time on the island. his bpd was part of the reason he had originally idolized and grew attached to simon
cody lived with his mother and her roommate (totally not her lesbian lover why would you ever think that)
his favorite animal is a nightingale (partially because i thought it would be funny for a bird hunter to love birds, partially because i hate myself and needed to cause further pain with a good omens reference)
his favorite character is winnie the pooh
his favorite movies are the winnie the pooh backson movie, disney’s tangled, and monsters inc. (i know the book took place way before these. just roll with it)
he likes mashed potatoes :)
he has sensory processing issues, and was often too overwhelmed by the grime and dirt on the island
for a while, cody refused to take off his choir uniform (even in the intense heat) as the familiar soft cloak brought him comfort
he is allergic to shellfish
he is rather quiet in nature
he is one of the only littluns that roger doesn’t hate, as he’s good at doing what he’s told and is good at hunting
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Crosshair and Loyalty
Major spoilers for "The Return"- please tread carefully
Seeing Crosshair in the new episode was everything to me. He's changed so much in so many different ways. And since he's way more talkative and expressive now, we do get to see what's going on in his head. I thought his dialogue in this episode was very interesting and makes me think more about his character.
I find it so interesting that loyalty seems to be Crosshair's guiding light. When he latches on to something, he follows through until they turn on him. Loyalty is something he values so much. And I want to talk about it because it does give us a good look at who he is.
I do believe in "Aftermath," he does say that the Empire and Republic were the same to him. My point is, Crosshair isn't guided by some giant moral compass with the needle always pointing towards good or bad the way Echo is. Crosshair follows whoever is loyal to him. And unfortunately, this leads to the Empire.
"I did betray them, after they betrayed me."
As harsh as the truth is, it's still the truth. Crosshair wouldn't have left the Empire if he didn't get the lights turned on for him in "The Outpost." He values himself as a soldier and an exceptional sniper, something the Empire took advantage of. They didn't care who he was, but he was useful so why not right? Crosshair, seeing his skills valued and feeling powerful, jumps right on board. So, some people aren't following the regime and have to be dealt with, that's not my problem (Crosshair, probably). Anyways, Crosshair follows orders even if they're morally dubious because he's a good soldier. He's valued (at least he thinks so), basic needs met, and his skill is put to use. The Empire isn't doing anything to him personally and he's getting rewarded for it by continuing his service and getting that promotion in "Aftermath." And so life is good... until it isn't. Being as stubborn and stoic as he is, vulnerability doesn't come easy to Crosshair. Even if he won't admit it, the Empire is slowly whittling away at his mind. When we meet him in season 2, the cracks are starting to form. He is struggling. But the Empire is still loyal to him so he can push through the pain and keep going, right?
Looking back, Tech's description of Crosshair being "severe and unyielding" is very accurate. Crosshair is a survivor and will do whatever it takes so keep going. That means that other people might get left behind... or so Crosshair likes to tell others. See, here's the thing about Crosshair and loyalty: when he finds someone who's loyal to him and values him and all that, he sticks to them like glue. Oh sure, he will go on and on about how he'll just get himself out when danger strikes, yet, we never see him actually follow through with that. He's such an interesting character because he is guided by that loyalty he feels towards others. Mayday is a good example of this. Mayday stuck by Crosshair the whole time and ultimately saved his life. Crosshair, feeling lonely, grew to care for Mayday. Thus, when Mayday was injured, Cross didn't hesitate to carry him back. Omega works as well. She didn't have a history with Cross like the others. But her plucky attitude and determination to help him caused him to care for her and genuinely love her.
Deep down in the depths of his heart, Crosshair's one and true loyalty is to his family (plus Cody and Mayday). No Empire or Republic could truly ever break that. Even though he did choose the Empire (this is oversimplifying a lot of things), the Batch never fully left his heart or mind.
Crosshair in the second half of season 1 never made a move to kill the Batch. He did some very twisted things such as luring them into a supposed trap only to kill the imperials, but he never physically shot them. Crosshair's anger towards his brother stemmed from the perception that they were disloyal to him (there is some truth in that).
"You weren't loyal to me." "Don't become my enemy." "Crosshair, we never were."
Crosshair's perception of his brothers' actions deeply hurt him. If he didn't care about them anymore, this wouldn't have bothered him to this degree. But, it does bother him. He loves them. He's loyal to them. But they broke that bond first, at least according to him.
I feel that if Crosshair was truly loyal to the Empire, like 100% no inner conflict, he would've easily killed his brothers in season 1 and called it a night. But that's not what we see. Instead, we see a tormented man who still does care for his family, but is led astray by false promises and hurt feelings. Crosshair's loyalty for his family extends across all seasons. In season 2, Crosshair turns on the Empire and then risks his own life to warn the Batch about Hemlock. Season 3 is where we see his loyalty shine even more.
Hunter does not trust Crosshair the way Wrecker does. Even Echo is more or less chill about Cross' return. But Hunter is still very hurt and confused about the whole thing. He doesn't fully understand why Crosshair betrayed the Empire. So, he engages in verbal sparring with his brother, determined to get answers. And Crosshair gets angry; he clamps up and begins to berate Hunter, specifically about how he failed at protecting Omega and all that. But when Hunter's life is thrown into danger by the wyrm, Crosshair doesn't hesitate one bit to rescue him. He cries out for Hunter, desperately trying to get him out of the hole he fell down. Afterwards, Crosshair even becomes willing to open up to Hunter and admits he was wrong about many things. Again, it's that steadfast loyalty and love for his family. The Empire betrayed Crosshair and he didn't look back. Crosshair felt betrayed by the Batch, yet he did look back and wanted to be with them. I also want to point out that Crosshair's hand began to shake when Hunter called him out for turning against them. I do believe the tremor is partially a result from Crosshair's shame and guilt about what happened.
I do think Crosshair's personality is also part of the reason why he didn't go back at the end of season 1. He wasn't ready yet. Crosshair is prideful and very stubborn. If he goes back, it would have to be his choice. He still cares for the Batch and always will, but he still had a lot to learn. Some people, unfortunately, won't learn until they're pushed to their limit and that's what happened to Crosshair. He learned that the loyalty he thought the Empire showed him was actually just an illusion. Meanwhile, the loyalty and love for his family remained. Omega fought so hard to bring him home. Hunter and Wrecker took him back, even if there's still much to work through. Echo accepted him back. They still cared for him.
TLDR: Crosshair follows those who're loyal to him. When he finds someone he's loyal to, he gives them his all. Crosshair loves and cares so fiercely and deeply. He talks a great game, but that man will protect you regardless.
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acknowledge-reigns · 8 months
Apologies (Roman Reigns x OC)
Description: Roman wants to apologize to Jey for the way he treated him in the bloodline but struggles with expressing his feelings of remorse.
Kayfabe compliant, this is story about Roman not Joe.
You can find my other stories here.
And you can read more of Roman and Lilith specifically here.
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Exhausted. He was emotionally exhausted. Lilith gave Roman an encouraging smile as she offered him the glass of Bourbon she'd just poured up for him. Roman's gaze barely leaves the the notebook in his lap. He could do many things. He could spear men twice his size, he could lock in a guillotine in a manner that's practically inescapable, he could break record after record - But to apologize? No. That's different.
"Let me hear it again." Lilith prompted supportively.
Roman sighs and begins to read from his notes, "Jey, I really could've handled things differently and I see how I treated you was unfair..." Roman trailed off, "I can't say this, Lil. I did everything I did for HIM. To elevate him. For our family. Our bloodline. Life isn't fair." Roman said.
"Ro, do you want to fix your relationship with your little cousin or not?' Lilith questioned.
"Of course I do, but I need him to see my side of things too." Roman said.
"Do you think you're struggling to verbalize your emotions because you're afraid of being perceived as weak?" Lilith asked.
Roman thought for a moment, unsure what to say. "I guess that's possible." he shifted uncomfortably. Putting his pride aside wasn't easy. Admitting he could have been a better Tribal Chief at times wasn't easy.
He went through years and years of harassment, of borderline abuse from the WWE Universe before he finally snapped and took what he and his family deserved. Last time he was this vulnerable, the people who were supposed to cheer him on kicked him while he was down.
Seth betrayed him. Hit him in the back with a chair and busted up the shield. He lost his brother that day. Not his friend. His brother. Dean left not long after. Another brother gone. Years pass, he grows fond of Sami Zayn and what does he do? the same thing Seth did. Not just that but in Roman's mind, he successfully turned his cousins against him.
Everybody leaves. No matter how hard he tries. No matter if he's the good guy or the bad guy. That's why he's chosen to simply be THE guy.
The only person he trusts with his heart is Lilith, and even so he's been known to lose sleep wondering if it's a matter of time before he decides she isn't good enough. If he loses the title will she leave? if he's knocked off of the top of the mountain will she still be there?
That's part of why he's so dedicated to extending an olive branch to Jey, even if he feels he's making an absolute fool of himself. He has to be a better man. For Lilith.
"What if you write him an apology letter instead?" Lilith asked.
With that, Roman spent the afternoon penning a letter to his cousin with Lilith by his side soothingly rubbing his broad shoulders for moral support, He sits down at their dining table, a pen in hand and a blank sheet of paper before him. The room is dimly lit, with the soft glow of a candle casting flickering shadows on the walls. Roman begins to pour his emotions onto the paper. He takes a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the flickering flame of the candle, and begins to write his apology.
"Dear Jey,
I hope this letter finds you well. I've been wrestling with my feelings and regrets, and I find myself needing to express them to you. First and foremost, I want to apologize for my actions and the pain they may have caused you. I may not fully understand your decision to team up with Cody Rhodes, but I realize now why you've decided to leave the bloodline.
I want you to know that my love for our family, our bloodline, has always been at the forefront of my decisions. Every step I took, every move I made, was with the intention of protecting and upholding our legacy. But in doing so, I failed to see the impact it had on you, my cousin, my brother.
I am hurt, Jey. Hurt that you chose to align yourself with Cody Rhodes, someone who I perceive as a threat to our bloodline. It felt like a betrayal. I am hurt that you attempted to take my position as tribal chief. I'm hurt that at every turn whether is be with Sami or with Jimmy or even with Cody you failed to choose my side. But looking back, I realize that family is more important than any rivalry or personal agenda.
I want to mend our relationship, to rebuild the bond we once had. We've faced countless challenges together, and I believe we can overcome this as well. Let's set aside our differences and find a way to heal the wounds that have come between us.
I am committed to making amends, to listening to your side of the story, and to understanding your perspective. I value you, Jey, and I want nothing more than to have you back by my side, fighting alongside me in the ring and in life as my right hand man.
Please know that I am here, ready to talk and listen whenever you are. Let's find a way to move forward together, for the sake of our bloodline.
With love and remorse
- Your Tribal Chief, the head of the table, your cousin.
Roman Reigns"
Roman finishes writing and reads the letter aloud, feeling the weight of his words as he fights back tears. He refused to cry. Lilith reaches out and places a comforting hand on his, offering support and reassurance. She believes that this heartfelt letter will serve as a catalyst for their reconciliation, hoping that Jey will see the sincerity in Roman's words. She knew this was far from easy for him.
Roman takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of vulnerability and determination. He knows that this letter is his best chance to convey his true emotions to Jey, to show him how much he values their bond as family. With Lilith's guidance, he revises a few sentences, ensuring that his apology is genuine and heartfelt.
Once satisfied with the final version of the letter, Roman folds it neatly and tucks it into an envelope. He seals it and places it on the kitchen counter, ready to be delivered to Jey.
"You did good, Ro. You should be proud of yourself." Lilith said.
Roman gives a small, appreciative smile. Her words bring a sense of comfort and validation to his anxious mind. He takes a moment to let her words sink in, feeling a glimmer of pride and gratitude for her unwavering support.
"Thank you, Lil," Roman replies, his voice warm with sincerity. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side."
Lilith reaches over and gently squeezes Roman's hand, her eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and affection. "You've shown true growth, Roman. It takes strength to acknowledge our mistakes and make amends. I believe in you, and I know that your heartfelt gesture will make a difference."
"The bloodline means everything to me, family means everything to me. I want nothing more than to have Jey back by my side, fighting together."
Lilith's gaze softens as she listens to Roman's heartfelt words. She understands the depth of his desire to mend his relationship with Jey, to restore the unity and strength of their family. She reaches out to gently brush her fingers against his cheek, offering him a reassuring smile.
"Your sincerity will shine through, and I believe that Jey will see it too. Trust in the bond you share, and give him the time he needs. Remember, apologies are just the beginning. It's through actions and consistent effort that true healing and forgiveness can be achieved."
Roman takes a deep breath and nods allowing Lilith's words to wash over him. Her presence and guidance have been instrumental in his journey towards growth and reconciliation. With newfound determination, he sets his sights on the future, ready to do whatever it takes to rebuild the bond with his cousin and bring their family back together. Roman gives a small smile and leans in for a kiss.
Lilith kisses him back with love and passion, "You've got this, Ro." She said.
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juceynightmare · 1 year
pink carnations part 4 - cody rhodes x reader
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pink carnations masterlist
pairing(s): cody rhodes x reader, cody rhodes x brandi rhodes, austin theory x reader
warning(s): hanahaki, implied smut, swearing, cheating, mentions of major character death
genre(s): heavy angst, fluff
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“glad to see you’re awake, ms. l/n.” the doctor began. cody leaned away from your bed, quickly pocketing the rose petal he had taken from y/n. cody, austin, and y/n all turned their gazes towards the doctor. “i do, however, have some news for you. whether you take it as good news or bad news is up to you.” the doctor continues, flipping through the papers that they held in the clipboard. all three physically tensed at the tone of the doctor’s words: expecting the worse to come next, although y/n held little hope in her gaze.
“we had to go through and ‘trim’ the plant growing in your lungs to give you a chance of living. of course, we did not remove the entire plant as we would need your explicit permission to do that, but we did what we could to at least keep you living for another month or so: depending on how rapid the flowers continue to grow.” the doctor explained, essentially killing y/n’s hopes that the reason she had coughed up a petal instead of a flower were because cody loves her. how could she have been so foolish to even think that was a possibility? y/n physically deflated in the hospital bed, sinking further into the mattress. austin looed over at her, clearly catching the woman’s sudden deflated hope. he caught it even before cody did, allowing him to react first.
austin reached for y/n’s hand, taking it in his and lacing their fingers together. the doctor glanced over at their intertwined hands, deciding against asking if y/n knew who was the cause of the flowers: it was obvious after he soon caught the other man in the room also staring down at the intertwined hands. y/n squeezed austin’s hand, meeting his gaze and feeling at ease with the reassuring smile he gave her and completely missing the way cody deflated in his own seat.
“with that being said, we will be giving you at most a week to tell us if you’d like to go through with the surgery or not. i’m sure you’re well aware of the outcome if you choose not to have the surgery, although i cannot make that decision for you. please call the facility as soon as you make that decision.” the doctor said, as they wrote down something on a piece of paper, taking it out afterwards. the doctor handed the paper over to austin, who held it out for y/n to read. “that’s a prescription for some basic medications to treat hanahaki. it’s used to reduce the pain you feel as well as to limit the growth rate of the flowers to turn your coughing fits more manageable. and here’s a doctor’s note to hand to your employer. according to your records, you work as a professional wrestler, correct?” the doctor questioned, looking up at y/n.
y/n looked away from the prescription, meeting the doctor’s gaze. she nodded at his question, not trusting her words in fear that she may say something else. she would have to give up wrestling, she knew that now. y/n could get the surgery and continue wrestling, but that’d also mean forgetting how it felt to love cody. how it felt to be in his arms. how exhiliterating his kisses were and how he seemed to set her skin on fire with every touch.
the doctor handed over the other piece of paper to austin, capping the pen bringing the clipboard down to their side. “i’ll have a nurse come in and take out your iv and you’ll be free to go after you pick up your medicine in the pharmacy. i also wrote down my number on the doctor’s note for you to call when you’ve made your decision on your surgery. take care, ms. l/n.” the doctor left the room not too long after saying their goodbye.
the three sat in the room, air dense and y/n seemingly lost in thought. cody was focused on the way austin held y/n’s hand and rubbed circles into the back of her hand with his thumb, swallowing back what he could only identify as jealousy at the sight. austin was staring at cody, almost seemingly challenging the man to try and do something about the situation. and y/n.. y/n was simply watching the testosterone battle in humor, even more so when cody finally looked up to meet austin’s stare.
there was no way she was getting the surgery. not when she knew how precious it was to be able to fall in love, and knowing that after getting the surgery, she may not be able to even know what the feeling of falling in love is.
it was odd how easy it was for her to come to terms with the fact that she was going to die, and soon. she had began to reminisce on the good times with cody, so much so that she hadn’t realized that the nurse had already come in and taken out y/n’s iv and handed her back her clothes.
cody and austin stood up, cody reaching for y/n’s clothes and holding it out for her to take. “we’ll be outside when you’re ready.” cody told her, seemingly easing up after austin had let go of her hand. the two men left the room, y/n getting out of the hospital bed and changing back into her clothes. she double checked that she had all of her belongings before walking towards the door. when she opened it and stepped out, she caught sight of the two men facing each other and grumbling as if they were arguing lowly amongst themselves - which of course they were. about what, y/n wouldn’t know.
“alright you two, knock it off. i was already suffocating in there with all the testosterone you were both emitting, dont subject everyone else to it.” she mused, watching the two men turn to look at her with sheepish gazes. y/n walked over to them, standing between them and linking her arms with their own. “now, let’s go get my meds and get out of here! you heard the doctor, if i have a month to live then we’re sure as hell not wasting any time!” y/n pulled the two men behind her, missing the way they stared at the back of her head with sad eyes.
that was almost a week ago, in fact, it would be a week officially as soon as tomorrow hits. y/n was still set on her decision to not get the surgery, the doctor’s number already saved in her contacts to let them know that she would not be getting the surgery. however, the fact that she decided to wait the full week before making her final decision was proof of her doubts at her own decision.
not much had changed since she got discharged, besides the fact that austin was often around her now. if cody wasn’t with her, then austin was. and even if cody was with her, austin was usually there. the man had become another friend to y/n, and an enemy of sorts to cody as the two would always butt heads trying to retain y/n’s attention.
stephanie was extremely kind to y/n, allowing her to stick around backstage as per her request although she wouldn’t be allowed to wrestle. of course to not become a dead weight backstage, y/n had taken up a light job of doing the other women’s makeup. that much she could manage, of course.
whenever she coughed up flowers, they hurt less. everything was going smoothly for y/n, and she actually believes that she may make it to over a month before her body gives out on her. although y/n recalls the doctor mentioning that the medicine would slow down the rate at which the flowers grew, y/n had no idea that they would grow so impossibly slow that she was still coughing up a multitude of petals rather than entire flowers like how she was previously.
but perhaps, that’s because of a certain someone.
cody took every moment he could to remind y/n that he loves her. so much so that y/n had began to feel guilty with every repetition of the phrase knowing that brandi was waiting at home for cody and still, very much, pregnant. his touch had lingered on her longer whenever he hugged her, guided her through a crowd, or even when the two would sit next to each other and he’d rest his hand on her thigh. y/n felt even more guilty when she would lean into his touch, blush whenever his kiss on her forehead would travel down to her cheek and increasingly travel dangerously close to her lips.
cody had also taken it upon himself to room with y/n when they would travel to a different city for the night, the two sleeping in different beds but staying up cuddled up together in one bed to talk about the day. and that’s exactly what the two were doing currently.
y/n and cody laid in the hotel bed, still wearing their clothes from that day and watching whatever youtube video she had pulled up on her laptop. she knew cody had a tiring day, especially after wrestling a dark match against austin where the two seemingly wanted to turn it into a real brawl.
y/n had her head and hand rested on cody’s chest, and cody had his armed wrapped around y/n. the laptop was set upon cody’s midsection, offering the two a good viewing angle of the video. eventually, cody reached out to pause the video which earned him a confused look from the woman currently cuddled into his chest.
his heart yearned for y/n, although the guilt eating away at him for cheating on brandi left him with a throbbing headache every night. but even so, y/n had made it obvious she was not going to get the surgery, and cody allowed himself to be selfish.
but above all humanly desires, he wants her to live.
“you should call the doc tomorrow and tell them you want the surgery.” he told her, hating how fast she sat herself up and the warmth of her left him.
y/n turned her body to face cody, sighing before letting herself fall back down to her space beside him. “i don’t want to, you know that cody.”
“but why?” he questioned, closing the laptop and setting it off to his side. he turned over on his side to face her, sinking down further so they could be eye-to-eye on the mattress.
y/n closed her eyes as soon as cody peered into her gaze, unable to look the man in the eyes. “because i don’t want to forget what it’s like to fall in love. i know a guy who went through the surgery, cody. and he doesn’t even know if he’ll ever know the feeling of being in love again! and, and i don’t want to forget what it’s like to be in love with.. you.” she admitted.
two humans sharing the same bed, their bodies innocently intertwined and their hearts beating together in time, but their fates not being alligned. how cruel love can be, cody mused to himself, as he reached up to cup her face in his hands. he watched as she opened her eyes to look at him, those beautiful eyes that cody wishes he could wake up to every morning for the rest of his life.
“but you didn’t know you’d fall in love with me either, but i caught you.” he reminded her, using his thumb to brush her cheek. cody brought their faces closer together, resting his forehead against hers. “how will you know if you’ll know the feeling of falling in love if you don’t even try afterwards? i want you to live, y/n. live and continue loving in a way only you know how to love other people.” cody whispered, not missing the way y/n’s face felt warmer under his palm.
“if there’s anyone who deserves to be in love and to be loved in this world, it’s you y/n. you shouldn’t let the possibility of not falling in love again even let you second guess yourself. because i know you will. after all,” cody paused, pulling away so he could see y/n’s face in his hands. “it’s you who left a y/n shaped hole in my heart which only you could fill. this surgery will save your life for certain, and afterwards, if the universe allows us, i hope your heart returns back to me. everything’s complicated right now but it’ll all work itself out in time. but if you don’t get that surgery, time won’t be on our side. it’s just whether or not you want to take that risk, y/n.”
in this moment, it was just cody and y/n. no one else mattered, just the way the two held each others gaze with so many unsaid phrases and emotions that ran deeper than words can go. they weren’t wwe superstars in that moment, but two hopeful wrestlers only wishing for a better future where the both of them could be happy.
“cody, i don’t know what to say.” y/n whispered, feeling the way her heart felt as if it were about to jump out of her chest, and the way it suddenly felt so easy to breathe as if the flowers in her lungs were no longer there. her head was spinning, his touch on her face lit her ablaze, and their proximity was only tempting y/n to press their bodies further together.
“then don’t say anything, y/n.” cody answered quickly. “just live.” he continued, before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers gently.
oh. she thought as she closed her eyes and melted into the kiss. that’s right, how could she ever forget this feeling. the way her body was lit ablaze by his touch, the way it felt as if there were little sparks being lit in her brain as she kissed him. and as for cody, cody could feel every part of him react when she kissed him back. it was as if a shock of electricity was suddenly shot down through his nerves in the best way possible. he pulled away, not trusting his own instincts to continue to let him get lost in her, not without her permission of course.
“cody, i love you.” she breathed out once he pulled away, opening her eyes to stare into his own. it was as if y/n had reached in and flipped a switch in cody’s mind in that moment. he brought his hand down from her face, pressing it against her shoulder and rolling her over on to her back. cody moved on top of her, using his knees to part her legs and positioning himself between them. his arms were set on either side of her head, and his gaze turned hungry at the little gasp she let out once he pressed his hips against her own.
“i love you, y/n.” cody whispered, fighting back the urge to lean down and kiss her. the two were close to the point of no return, the tension between them being so thick that it made the two of them light-headed.
y/n reached up, wrapping her arms around cody’s neck and wrapping her legs around his waist, earning a warning look from cody. “what about brandi?” y/n whispered, her voice shaky with worry and guilt.
he closed his eyes shut at her question, something like bile creeping up his throat. what about brandi? he questioned himself. cody was certain he was still in love with y/n, but his marriage with brandi who was pregnant with his child only made their entire situation complicated. he wouldn’t even be shocked if brandi had contracted hanahaki either, knowing that he is hopelessly in love with y/n and always has been but potentially realized too late.
“forget about brandi. i told you, everything will work out with time, i promise.” cody whispered, opening his eyes to meet y/n’s worried gaze. “i’m just worried that i realized too late to save you, with the deadline for your surgery being so close. but i have enough trust in our love that after your surgery, i’ll be able to make you fall for me all over again, and this time i’ll still be there to catch you.”
y/n tightened her grip around cody, effectively pulling cody closer down to her. “cody, can you show me how much i should trust in your love?” she whispered, to which cody answered by pressing his lips against hers. she gasped as cody rolled his hips down on to hers, allowing cody to deepen the kiss.
cody ate up her moans as the two got lost in each other, a chorus of “i love you.” filling up the room as the two lovers consummated their love after so many years of dancing around each other.
y/n was first to wake up that morning, her head rising and falling with every breath cody took. she looked up at her lover, smiling to herself before leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips so she didn’t wake cody. she then rolled over on her side and reached for her phone that rested on the bedside table.
|| next part >>
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