#because I tend to make a LOT of trash memes
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Obviously this is game-universe Chief.
Because as we all know, Master Cheeks knows his way around a POW.
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exstasyplague · 10 months
UnPopular Jujutsu Kaisen Opinions (with arguments)
manga spoilers
☆ Yuji is the perfect MC
i've seen a lot of people trashing on him. some say gege writes him poorly and doesn't give him enough scenes, some say he's boring because he doesn't have any fancy cursed techniques. first of all, yuji has been aware of the jujutsu world for 6 months in manga; even less in anime. he doesn't have any OP cliche to him (looking at you Ichigo) and that makes him so much more enjoyable! when he loses he loses for good reasons and when he wins you can feel genuinely happy for him because you know he deserves it. he is a teenager and the shift in his mentalities embodies that perfectly; along with him we discover the cruelty and unfairness of the jujutsu world. at first, especially if you're a shonen watcher, you'd tend to believe he will shift to a high white knight borderline annoying mentality yet he doesn't, the jjk verse doesn't work like that. yuji is able to adapt. he has traits that you'd see in your real life friends: silliness, kindness, idiocy, love for jennifer lawrence etc but also traits that make him a perfect mc: empathy, resiliance, convinction, raw anger. + gege have him some of the HARDEST panels.
ㅡif it's just pain... Yuji Itadori won't ever stop
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also. his last battle with mahito. hands down. best. panels.
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mahito (another well structured villain) RUNNING for his life while yuji walks slowly behind him. if that doesn't show major improvement from the kid he was at the beginning idk what does. that's some MC shit right there man.
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☆ Sukuna is not a fraud
the fraudkuna memes are funny. i admit. i'm sure mahoraga kisses him goodnight and tucks his blankey, however, sukuna is a fucking piece of shit, LOL (i mean it in the best way), my man literally became curse. people expect him to not use the weapons he has to his advantage as if he didn't want megumi from the beginning specifically for using his abilities. a good gun doesn't make you a military tier shooter. it's about the resources, it's about the experience, it's about the aim. "why doesn't he use his curse technique wah wah" — because he knows gojo is strong. unless he isn't absolutely sure he will strip him away from all his gimmicks, he has no reason to flaunt his true powers. sukuna wants to win. he wanted to kill gojo since the beginning of the series. i think the fight is balanced well, sukuna uses his resources and takes the consequences for being a tad too cautious. in the heian era when cursed energy had a purer, rawer output even domain expansions were simple in principles: you're in, i kill you. (line from the manga, btw) his CT is probably straightforward as well with a simple principle so having gojo use his infinity against it and figure out how to strip him naked would make him lose faster than todo called yuji his bestie.
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☆ Gege doesn't hate women
because the unfortunate thing with nobara and yuki getting xd-d by kenjaku, a popular belief seems to be that gege is fond of trashing the women in his series. argument people have for that? "the only one in the spotlight is maki and she's female toji". first of all, if gege hated women he wouldn't write them as he does— each one of his lady characters is incredibly well structured and way beyond the love interest/ gotta be protected trope. mei mei, shoko, utahime, miwa and many others became non-existent, or what? even tengen is a woman. masashi kishimoto (the creator of naruto) is an author i'd say has 0 regards for women since the way most of his girl characters are built is literal dog shit. sakura is naruto's one sided love and a sasuke dickrider, hinata is a stalker that sharts when she sees naruto, karin is a sasuke dickrider, kurenai is asuma's chick and the only two women somewhat ok as a structure are tsunde and temari. (i am a big fan of the naruto series but i am spitting facts, also an avid sakura lover) plus there is a rumour that gege is a woman too and from the way sato sugu is written i'd agree anw
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☆ Kenjaku is the best villain of the series
homie got railed by itadori's papi just for his plan, that's not even aizen level of plotting bro. he got drizzled in jizz and gave birth to yuji 💀
how good that d had to be for him to get impregnated....
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ANYWAY jokes aside, he is very calculated and chill. he is not the strongest but his literal essence is to be a technique stealing leech and well, he's just that. with suguru, even in his villain arc you can empathize. sukuna is cool and straightforward: he wants to massacre people, kill gojo and then enjoy his life slashing random ass people who don't kneel is total submission.
kenjaku? bro, kenjaku has plans over plans and he executes all of them. even in geto's sexy body he still gets hated because there is genuinely nothing likeable about him. not because he's a poorly written character, he's written to be a piece of shit that makes you wanna break the screen when he gets a W and idk about y'all but even when he exorcised mahito i was like "aw hell nah bruh, get your hands off asap". may come as a shock, i know but we're like supposed to hate villains (not me being the biggest sukuna simp even in his crusty dusty OG form🤭) and well, nobody fucking roots for kenjaku. so gojo, go take your boyfriend's body or something fr.
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☆ Yuta is.... mid
hear me out.
i don't hate him— not in the slightest. i hope he will actually have something going on with maki since apparently nobara is afk. i liked his entire rika situation but... bro.
yes, i will be going into the power system 😭I'M SORRY BUT like all he does is copy shit. wow. sure, he's a good copycat. i am not complaining about him being called so powerful and wtv but i don't find anything exciting about his battles and his personality is dead ass boring. do i get happy when he wins? yes. do i hope he'll come and save goatjo? yes. yes. yes. but people call him the real MC and all that shit... not even that— i... nothing in me likes him. my opinions are not absolute. his story is cool. i liked jjk 0 but the only thing that ruins his story is literally his lack of perosnality. and don't come at me for not grasping his depths or whatever. yuta is best fanfic y/n material because he can be turned into bashful stereotype really easily. "omg, best friend power, precious friends made me wanna live ❤️" very sweet HOWEVER very untouching for me. i only liked him when he made maki go all blushy because my girl deserves happiness.
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☆ Toji actually cares about Megumi
is he the good father that would spoil his kid as a ray of sunshine?
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but he chose this. to forget about everything, to abandon his pride, to part himself away from the clan that rejected him and live his life on his own. megumi's mom made shit better for him and she died so his life became shit again. he thought that by entrusting megumi to the zenin clan he would actually be able to make something of himself since he had cursed energy.
also, people tend to forget just how conservative and judgemental the 3 big clans are, maki and mai have been shat on their whole life by the zenins, especially maki. toji went through the same shit if not worse. he wasn't always buff max version of himself, he wasn't born with anything. exactly because he gave up on all the things in his life he was able to reach that type of power and live with some purpose since he failed in everything else.
in the manga he has the option of coming back to life as long as he keeps killing sorcerers, which is his speciality, but he meets megumi, recognises him and kills himself in order to not hurt him. be fr. anciet sorcerers sold their booty holes to kenjaku to get a second chance at life.
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ANYWAY. SADLY i can't post Toji memes since i reached my pic limits.
let me know what you think:) i may make a part 2. feel free to also ask for my opinions about anything in the verse, lol. if you wanna see my fics check my ao3, i promise i don't write in the same braindead way i type. <33
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parti-poppers · 7 months
what are your fav fukalen headcannons that you have?
Oh lord you don’t even know
I have far too many and I physically can’t pick favorites, so I present you; Pop’s Fukalen Headcanon Masterlist (that hasn’t been updated in a good while)
-They get into dumb stupid trouble a lot, Len cuz he’s overly confident, stubborn and stupid, and Fukase because he’s an agent of chaos
-They casually bully (not really, just tease) each other a lot
-They don’t really need to communicate to cause havoc, they just sorta catch each others dumbass brain waves
-Though Luka is the main English tutor for the Kagamines, Fukase also helps Len with his English a lot
-After Fukase has helped Len with English so much, it became a habit for Fukase to speak English to Len so that he could hear it more and learn, so though it’s not actually necessary it has become natural for them to have conversations where Len speaks Japanese and Fukase speaks English
-Fukase’s kinda jealous of Len’s dance skills but refuses to admit it, instead just saying Len’s a show off (he’s not wrong)
-They’re both gamers and play together a lot, though Fukase leans more towards shooters and Len’s a bit of a rhythm game fanatic
-They played Portal 2 together which consisted of Fukase carrying and Len fucking around bc he wasn’t built for puzzle games
-Fukase says project diva is dumb and not even a good game because he generally doesn’t like rhythm games as he tends to suck at them, but he’s secretly a hardcore project diva fan and plays it a lot
-Similarly, he complains about Sekai being cashgrab trash and just another shitty gacha game but he’s mildly addicted
-Oh and his fave module is Len’s Trickster one because then they have a matching cane and hat vibe goin’ on
-Sometimes when they’re in group chat with friends Fukase and Len will argue, and Fukase will say something like “shut up bb”, earning something like a “lmao you calling him baby that’s kinda gay” from the others, and the response is usually something along the lines of “YOU ALL KNOW ITS SHORT FOR BANANA BOY SHUT THE HELL UP”
-Len makes fun of Fukase’s overly complicated design a lot but had an edgy phase where he thought it was the peek of fashion and secretly wanted to look like him
-Len really likes Fukase’s lower range (especially when paired with his softer voice), but keeps that secret locked up and kept away from everyone and anyone
-Len assumed for ages that Fukase wore eyeliner until he did his makeup once and told him to take it off and Fukase was like “what eyeliner” and Len was like “you’re not wearing eyeliner???”
-Fukase gets super easily cold which is why he wears so many layers, meanwhile Len is that kid that walks around in a t-shirt and shorts all year around, a bit of a living heater if you will. It can either be optimal for cuddling or make it impossible, depends
-They use a lot of different nicknames for each other depending on context- usually Fukase might call Len “Banana Boy”, “Blondie”, “Twink” or “Dumbass” and Len might call Fukase “Clown” “Fuckass” “Fuka” or “Kase”. You’ll probably never catch Fukase saying “Babe” (Banana Boy > BB > Baby/Babe)or Len saying “Fukafuka” (fluffy/soft) out in the open tho
-Fukase and Flower are best friends, and Flower has a habit of giving people nicknames based on flowers. Fukase sorta picked up on this, occasionally calling Len “Buttercup”
-Every time someone asks Fukase how his face got scarred he comes up with the most wild and shocking story he can think of on the spot to get a reaction out of whoever is asking, but none of these manage to shock Len anymore because he’s heard every single one Fukase has managed to conjure up
-Fukase has multiple sorted reference, meme, quote, and random picture folders so he can send whatever he deems perfect in any given situation at any given time. Depending on context Len will more often than not know “oh this person said this, so Fuka is gonna send/show this specific thing in three, two, one- there it is”
-Whenever Len comes over to Fukase he will prioritize saying hi to Point before Fukase. Fukase‘s kinda accepted that Len likes Point more than him
-The way Len treats Point compared to the way Fukase does is night and day- Len holds it like a newborn child talking to the it like it’s a puppy, while Fuka be out here dragging it by a limb sayin “ya stinky”
-Point is their unofficial child probably
-Len likes a lot of Fukase’s original English songs, but knows his own English isn’t the best, at least not compared to Fukase’s, so he only ever jams to them and sings along in private
-Though he makes fun of it a lot, Fukase thinks Len’s English is kinda endearing, but he keeps that to himself
-Fukase has the weird ability to making insults sound like compliments, and compliments sound like insults, and Len is sick of it cuz it makes him very confused and annoyed
-Fukase speaks fluent sarcasm, meanwhile Len’s brain sometimes just short circuits and he can’t pick up on sarcasm whatsoever
-Fukase is a smartass with dumbass energy and Len is a dumbass who tries to have smartass energy (in contrast to Rin, who fully embraces her dumbassness and dumbass energy and thinks Len should too. He insists he isn’t as dumb as her and she’s like “bro you’re literally my reflection”)
-Len legit has a big ego (some describe him as mildly narcissistic) while, Fukase is just great at faking confidence and actually doesn’t think very highly of himself, though Len insists he absolutely should
-Fukase likes cracking self deprecating jokes. He does that more than your average person due to his secretly low confidence
-Len, due to his higher than average confidence, usually doesn’t find self deprecating jokes funny cuz he doesn’t relate to them, and it often takes him a second to get them. Sometimes, if he notices his friends making a lot of them, he’ll get kinda worried and be like “damn you need therapy or smthn?”
-Len sometimes aggressively delivers compliments to Fukase, or whoever he thinks needs them
-Fukase’s terrible at accepting compliments
-Len straight up started giving Fukase self love classes to teach him real confidence
-He also gives Fukase dance lessons, but Fukase usually doesn’t learn much because Len’s too busy showing off. They have fun tho
-Fukase really like when Len has his hair down
-Len’s kind of a mess in the kitchen, so when they have to prepare something themselves Fukase usually does it for the both of them
-When they’re out together they like to get milkshakes/smoothies. If both are almost broke and they gotta share, they compromise and get the banana and strawberry drink. While their fave flavors in general are banana for Len and strawberry for Fukase, they both have come to enjoy the banana and strawberry combo. Sometimes they lie to each other abt being broke just to order it and share
-Len says Wi-Fi Imagination Wild Boy is “their song” but Fukase likes to pretend it doesn’t exist and never happened out of embarrassment
-Len likes having one hand on each side of Fukase’s face because the difference in skin texture on each side feels funny. Fukase says it’s weird that he likes doing that, but doesn’t stop him from squishing his face
-Fukase always ponders how the Cryptons have perfect skin, or well, at least he knows Len does- perfect nails too, great for head scratches
-While Fuka is normally not the biggest fan of surprise physical contact, it’s kinda become a habit of Len to just randomly scratch his head or run his hand through his hair. This is an exception. If you comment on it tho, Fukase will suddenly start acting annoyed by it and smack Len’s hand away. Len teases him a bit for liking it
-Len absolutely adores how fluffy and messy Fukase’s hair is
-Fukase has his reasons for keeping his arm bandages, maybe health, convenience, not wanting to freak people out- but one is because he has a habit of picking at the skin there, which Len is trying to get him to stop doing
-Fukase’s arm picking worries Len, so sometimes he changes Fukase’s bandages for him just to make sure he won’t do it
-Len’s a trans guy and Fukase is one of the few people Len’s comfortable not binding his chest in front of, other than the other Cryptons and Piko (bc Piko’s his best friend)
-Fuka barely needs any sleep getting like 4 hours on average, while is a professional honk mimimier who likes getting his 8 hours of beauty sleep
-Because of Len’s habit of sleeping like a baby and the fact that he’s usually busy as fuck, Fukase always lets him sleep in when they have sleepovers at his place, not having the heart to wake him up
-When they have sleepovers they always end up having an argument a little while after Len starts showing signs of being tired. These basically consist of Len saying “if I go to bed now I know you’re just gonna stay up all night, get your ass to bed now or I’m staying up and annoying you while sleep deprived” and Fukase saying “you look like you’re gonna pass out and you know damn well I won’t be able to sleep for a while, go to bed or I’m carrying your sleepy ass over there“. Which of them wins varies
-Though they both frequently tease each other and are okay with teasing/being teased about pretty much anything, they also know exactly when they’re crossing a line or pushing certain buttons. Sometimes they’ll push the others buttons just a little or see how far they can go, but they always know when to stop and when the other isn’t cool with it anymore
-Fukase adores the horror genre as a whole, while Len’s more easily freaked out but pretends like he has no fear- so, when they’re for example picking out a movie to watch, Fukase might wanna watch a horror movie and Len will be like “Pft of course no problem I’m not a wimp” but then later in the middle of the movie they’ll have to pause and chill together for a bit because Fukase’s like “dude you look like you’re gonna cry maybe let’s not, want some hot coco?”
-Fukase and Len once started talking about some English tv show and after it came up in conversation Len confessed that he had a hard time following without Japanese subtitles, especially when he wants to sing along to the songs. This lead Fuka to say he could help him if there was anything he needed clarified when watching it, which lead to them watching the show together. Now they’ve developed a habit of watching stuff together so Fukase can help translate and clarify, even though Len doesn’t need it much anymore
-While Len loves doing concerts and performances, he gets very homesick and missed his friends since he’s so social. He’ll text people non stop, though he’s sometimes worried that it gets a little annoying- but Fukase doesn’t mind at all. Len always somehow gives him the ability to watch them live from his home and tells him about how it is and that he misses him, and since Fukase doesn’t have a sleep schedule it usually works wherever Len is. Len also hooked him up with some real nice glowsticks that he furiously waved around when watching
-Since Fukase and especially Len are both pretty dang successful and feel like can’t really comfortably talk about their insecurities or negative feelings regarding their loid status in front of less successful loids, like Piko or Lui, they kinda just talk about it to each other. They bond over it- knowing Piko has it worse, Fuka isn’t as bothered much by his licensing, but is ashamed that his VP doesn’t care for him. And Len, tho almost always feeling like he’s the best he could be, sometimes feels inferior to Rin when remembering that he’s just kind of an add on to her
-Len has little to no insecurities regarding his looks, though he spent like his eye color very much, partially bc he’s often made to wear brighter green or blue contacts for promo stuff. Fukase thinks this is bullshit and Len’s eyes are pretty as hell
-Fukase is disabled, hence the cane, and doesn’t typically mind it too much because it lets him skip out on a lot of stuff in PE and other such things. His one complaint is that he can’t really carry Len bc of his balance, but Len insists it’s ok
-While being a bit of a twig and not a fan of exercise, but he does have a bit of upper body mass because he plays drums and has used crutches/wheelchairs at several points in life. Len’s the more athletic of the two tho and likes to brag about
-Len has dog energy and Fukase has cat energy
-Len bought Fukase a pair of those headphones with cat ears on them. Fukase said it was stupid, asked why he spent money on them and claimed he’d never wear them, but he often uses them at home
-They’ve faked a proposal for free food
-Len kinda doesn’t really know what exactly Fukase is or how he works but also doesn’t really care
-Fukase loves showing Len games that are actually horror games but don’t seem like it at first. Len always gets suspicion and Fukase always goes “nonono this ones’s fine it’s not scary at all I promise” and Len always falls for it
-After Len complained about it enough he finally manages to get Fukase to eat three meals a day (or at least try to). Fukase forgets to every now and again but Len’s usually there to remind him
-Despite the fact that nothing seems to make Len insecure ever, there was one time his perfect skin had a pimple and he refused to come out of his room for almost anything. Fukase had to sit outside his room and convince him it really wasn’t that bad on three separate occasions
-One time when Len and Rin were hanging out with Miku and some popular friends after a concert Fukase borrowed Flower’s motorbike to pick Len up so he’d seem cool. Was very effective on Len but the others were like “lmao you two are dorks” and “Wait is Fukase even allowed to drive that”
-Their friends were genuinely very surprised to find out that they liked each other because they both had this very tsundere-esque, mean, teasing and pulling no punches way of interacting so everyone figured they really disliked each other (both of them were surprised to find that the other liked them back too)
-When Fukase and Moke, who were the last members to join the friend group, first met Len, Fukase really disliked him while Moke adored him. This was in big part because Fukase knew Len’s celebrity image as an arrogant, self obsessed, annoying asshole, and Moke, being very into otaku culture, was a big fan who idolizes him and found his celebrity image to be talented and charming. However, when they actually got to know him, the script completely flipped and Fukase now finds him dumb, but charming, while Moke just finds him unbearable
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liskantope · 1 month
Over half of the bears in the world are American Black Bears, and Being scared of an American Black Bear is the same nearly the same level of silly as being scared of a white tail deer , Yeah it is technically a large mammal and therefore potentially dangerous but come on, just keep your distance ( though it will probably flee if it can, ”) and keep walking. Some Other bears like sun bears, giant pandas, and spectacled bears are even safer.
Sloth bear attacks ( defensive, There diet is like half plants half insects )are common, I’m not sure how to stack them against other bears though because India just has so many people
Asian black bears are between american black bears and brown bears in their tendency to go after non-insect prey, they also have a reputation from like age-of-imperialism white hunters as more ferocious than brown bears? Not sure whether I believe that?
Brown bears ( grizzly’s being the mainland north american subspecies)are very dangerous, second largest species, tend to fight instead of flee ( partially because poor tree climbers?) regularly hunt large animals like elk calves, and especially if they are acclimated to humans and associate humans to food( trash), very dangerous, pick the man
Polar bears, almost entirely carnivorous, largest “land” predator, they consider humans Food pretty much universally in a way no other animal does except maybe some crocodile species , black
The thing of course is we get our pop culture Idea of “ Bears” mainly from Europe, which only Has Brown Bears and polar bears, which are atypically dangerous if not the 2 most dangerous bear species.
~ signed, guy who picks the bear
Thank you for more bear facts! Now I have more bear facts than I know what to do with, that is until I encounter one in the wild and want to know the correct level of fearing-for-my-life. Or if I want to rethink my judgment of the (for the moment still making the rounds as a very popular meme) "man or bear" test, and say that averaging over all types of bear, the danger from a bear might be negligible enough (well, modulo considerations like how bears are distributed geographically, and how bear populations compare) that I should choose the bear for my daughter to find in the woods. Mea culpa, I was probably wrong to assume that a man is the safer option, mainly because bears are apparently a lot less dangerous on average than most of us assume.
If you [general audience "you"] can't tell from my tone, I still hold that the "man or bear" test is obnoxious and, outside of highlighting a highly specific and narrow aspect of gender dynamics, is not the knock-down feminist argument the internet seems to think it is. Sorry, this isn't aimed at the asker, bear facts are cool. Maybe a good thing to come out of this new meme is that we'll all wind up learning a lot more about bears in the surrounding discourse, because God knows it's not going to lead to anything constructive in the arena of gender issues or social justice discourse.
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piltover-sharpshooter · 3 months
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Tagged By: @witchcraftandburialdirt (Thank you dear!)
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? ━━ This is going to sound incredibly basic, but it was Caitlyn's depiction in the Warriors cinematic. Before that Cait was always shown in her awful stripper parody of herself costume, so seeing her be so cool while at the same time getting the itch to get back into RP was a perfect combination. And I'm glad too, cause I started writing a few moments before she became extremely popular cause of her ASU and Arcane, so I always have some food and inspiration!
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ Not per se? I tend to be open to a lot of stuff depending on the partner I am writing with. If it counts, I guess I don't like being thrusted into a position where I HAVE to write something I'm not comfortable with without my partner having double checked.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ I'm going to be real with you chief, I like writing dumb shit. It's just fun, I try to both have fun with my writing and make others have fun as well. I love angst, I love smut, I love fluff, I adore all of it, but funny stuff? Comedy? Oh that's my jam, I am here for the memes.
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━70% of the time it's usually me talking to other people and a subject with be brought up, like amount of languages learnt, or instruments, and such and I end up thinking how does Cait relate. The other 30% it's actually something I have completly stolen from other media lol. I will just see something that jumps at me and think 'Oh Cait can do that too'
do you write in silence or do you play music?  ━━ I tend to write in silence, if nothing else because listening to music while writing makes my brain's wires get mixed. There are times when I listen to music, but it's more for ideation and inspiration.
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━I tend to wing it! I ask beforehand if we have a plan for the specific thread, and if so I try to steer it in that direction, but for the most part I don't know what I will do until I get behind the keyboard.
do you enjoy shipping?  ━━ Absolutely, I am a ship whore. Clarification, I don't ship with anyone ever, and I do enjoy just a biiiit of preamble, characters meeting and interacting
what’s your alias/name?  ━━ Monkey or Choncc preferably
age? ━━ 27
birthday? ━━ The 25th of October
favorite color? ━━ It changes depending on my mood, but purple
favorite song? ━━ Don't have one! I tend to listen to a lot of stuff until I get bored of it and move on until I decide I can come back to it kek. At the moment my favorite song to listen to is Industry Baby .
last movie you watched? ━━ Madame Web, it was trash, I loved it.
last show you watched? ━━ Dungeon Meshi! Sidenote, WATCH DUNGEON MESHI.
last song you listened to? ━━Molgera's Theme Remix. (Blame @songofsilentechoes I've been listening to it religiously)
favorite food? ━━ Oh fuck, I'm a fat bastard how can I pick ONE?! You have milanesas, pasta carbonara, pizza, and so much more....shit I'll have to go with a classic and say double cheese burger, but that's a tough one and very interchangable.
favorite season? ━━ Winter. FUCK THE HEAT, ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE HEAT. COLD SQUAD FOR LIFE. Unless I'm at the beach
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ Shoutout to my VAMPIRE SQUAD. @thegoldentigress/@nova--spark , @angelicxlly , @heredis-sanguinis and @weapon-turned-jack
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Tagging: @songofsilentechoes @risingshine @undercity-merc @ferinehuntress @shimmerbeasts @playgroundmonsters @blackrosesmatron @darkin-of-shurima @heredis-sanguinis @weapon-turned-jack @nova--spark And whoever else wants to!
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dxmpstr · 9 months
I’m dxmpstr. or dxmpstr mxn. or simply Lukas.
i’m a 21 year old humanoid thing. i use He/Him mostly, but It is good too. like in a creature way. i tend to disconnect myself from humanity sometimes.
i don’t do much. creatively or in life. Ken’s job is just Beach, my job is just Hyperfixate.
i do have my few creative endeavours that i have yet to actually start. i’m hoping this blog will be the kick i need. i have an ao3 account collecting dust because i haven’t actually started writing anything. i can’t draw for shit so writing is what i got. i also make edits every now and then. eventually, i’ll make a master list of all of them and whatever writing stuff i post in the future.
moving on, how about i get into some of those said hyperfixations?
to start, one of the most recent is yakuza/ryu ga gotoku. been into it for only over a year but it’s consumed my entire life. i’m also very into anything hannibal lecter, be it the movies, books, or tv show. i’ve been into that for a few years now. at this point, i’d say Jerma985 has evolved into a hyperfixation for me, im constantly watching his stream archives and clip complications. my earliest hyperfixation i can remember is Invader Zim, i’ve been into it since i was a wee boy (it really explains a lot about how i ended up if you think about it). basically if i have a board (meme or otherwise) on pinterest for it, it’s a hyperfixation. some of the only exceptions to that are the band Trash Boat because they aren’t big enough and Last Podcast on the Left, but that’s made up for with meme pages i follow elsewhere. rapid fire other hyperfixations are Pikmin, Kirby, Katamari, Good Omens, Mr Robot, Pokemon, Hellsing, Hatsune Miku/all the Cryptonloids (and to a smaller degree vocal synth in general) and Project Sekai (Colorful Stage)/Project Diva.
some of my non-hyperfixation interests include: music, video games, reading, anime and manga, cartoons (adult or otherwise), movies, etc.
in terms of music, i really do listen to a bit of everything. some of my favourites are Trash Boat (as previously stated), Jhariah, Babymetal, Oingo Boingo, Fall Out Boy, blink-182, Buck-Tick, Deco*27, Malice Mizer, Atarashi Gakko, and Will Wood (Tapeworms era too).
this is going on way too long. i either suck at talking about myself or i never shut the fuck up about myself. there’s no in between. i’m open to talk about whatever else wasn’t talked about here. like if you wanna know my favorite anime or movies or whatever, just ask. same goes for if you wish to find my other dwellings on the webs.
that’s been my intro. now to go back into hiding until the next time someone needs an omen or a bridge collapse.
my brother did a funky little graphic for his intro but i’m lazy so you just get paragraphs.
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cadybear420 · 3 months
Cadybear's Reviews- Witness
Welcome to the twenty-fourth official Cadybear's Reviews! Today I'll be talking about Witness, which I have ranked on the "Rotting Flesh Tier" at 2 stars out of a possible 10. My last and only playthrough of this was around May 2021.
Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahhahahahhahhahahhaahahhahahahahahhaahahahahahahhahaaaahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha what the fuck were you guys smoking ahahahahahahahahhahahaah
Looking back on it though, this one probably… isn’t the worst. It’s certainly generic and aggravating, but there isn’t really anything about it that is outright offensive. I mean, maybe by the Choices standards of the year it came out, it certainly would be trash tier. But as of late, we’ve gotten some *really* bad stuff that gives this one a run for its money. 
A lot of people tend to deem MC as whiny, spoiled, obnoxious, and a jerk to Cassian. But a few others have pointed out that a lot of MC’s behaviors make sense considering she’s just been through a deeply traumatic event (y’know, witnessing a murder) and so it’s natural for her to be a bit messy and irrational and unpredictable, especially when she’s thrown into a lot of less-than-desirable situations. I mean, after suddenly watching a murder take place right in front of you, who wouldn’t be terrified.
Which is a valid point, but also frustrating since we still have zero agency with this character. We don’t really get much say in how our MC responds to or deals with this trauma, and it would be nice to have options because there are different ways people can respond to trauma. But of course we don’t get that, because writing different possible versions for a MC requires actual effort. 
To add insult to injury, pretty much all the options for MC to behave more rationally (as well as this pre-set childhood backstory about how everything her parents did was for status) are paywalled. Choices certainly isn’t immune to highway robbery and paywalling ridiculous things, even in their best works, but for God’s sake, they make us pay diamonds to even eat anything for breakfast or dodge a taser gun! 
Also, the trope of having a MC being protected by a super muscular bodyguard LI is… so fucking done to me. Especially since this app is generally aimed at straight/wlm audiences. I don’t mind if other people like it, obviously, but I’d like to see it switched up for a change. At least let us have a male MC option for this– seriously, this story is very pointlessly genderlocked (Then again, we’d have one side of the fandom complaining about “taking away one of the few games with female locked playable characters” and another side of the fandom complaining about how the MC is “female coded” because they get protected and rescued by a bodyguard, but those are their problems tbh). 
Okay, so why don’t I consider this one one of the worst? Well, even considering the many, many problems people have justifiably brought up about this– the stiff MC, the ridiculous diamond-walling, the formulaic romance dynamic– while those are all real problems with the story, I don’t any of them are outright offensive. Especially considering a lot of the newer books we’ve been getting like Surrender, FCL, and TBB, which seem to give straight up toxic relationships and behaviors a mere slap on the wrist. 
MC and Cassian’s relationship isn’t something I would call a healthy relationship, but I wouldn’t call it toxic either. So between that and the relationships of the aforementioned books, it’s like choosing between prune juice and bleach. Which is pretty much the difference between Rotting Flesh Tier and PooPoo Tier– the former is the equivalent to prune juice while the latter is the equivalent to bleach. 
And, hey, this one is at least a fun kind of bad. People have memed on this one to hell and back for the ridiculous stuff, such as how eating breakfast is paywalled and “Say I don’t like breakfast” is the free option. It at least gave us some stupid stuff to laugh at that will be remembered in Choices history. 
So overall, it’s not quite the worst. But at best it doesn’t really do anything new or special and is just fun to laugh at, and at worst it’s annoying as all fuck.
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I need advice
There is a rper in my fandom who writes with and is respected by a lot of my mutuals. I used to write with them, but was put off by their interpretation. It was very aggressive and very much 'I hate all these other canon muses my canon muse is the best and deserved to be in the spotlight more'. Writing with them very much feels like I constantly have to capitulate to their stances and humble my muse for them.
One day I saw them making posts one after the other shitting on my character in canon, as well as other characters that are favorite characters of mine, and I softblocked them.
Several months later they follow me again, and keep liking my posts, commenting on my stuff, and sending me memes. I ignored all of them. But they keep doing it. They also comment on my ooc interactions with my mutuals (who are also their mutuals).
I do not know what to do about this. Should I softblock again? Hard block? Or speak with them about it (if so what do I even say).
Normally I would just hardblock, but in the past I have seen them make vagueposts to the effect of "they don't write with me BECAUSE THEY ARE SENSITIVE AND CANT HANDLE MY TAKE". Since we share so many mutuals, I don't doubt for a second they would tell anyone who was curious enough to ask who they are talking about.
I know my blog is more popular than them and it wouldn't lose me followers per se, but that's also why I feel scared to do anything that would set them off. Because suppose they do badmouth me to someone, it might turn my followers against them and I don't want that either.
Maybe I am overthinking it.... what do you think I should do?
Seeing anyone badmouth other muns' versions of a canon character (vaguely or otherwise) would be a surefire way to earn a softblock from me at the very least - although if they're that vocal about things like that, I'm not sure I would've followed them in the first place.
I get that you don't want to start anything and I definitely empathize with that. Confrontation isn't ever fun. Because I tend to be passive about things, I think what I might do is retroactively alter my guidelines to say something to the effect of, 'While I appreciate everyone's right to have their own takes on the character I write as and the other characters in the show, if you excessively trash talk them, then I'd prefer we don't write together" or something along those lines. Then I'd make a post about altering my rules, and I'd probably go ahead and blacklist the person in question. If blacklist isn't effective enough, I'd consider more extreme measures from there.
And really - if you do decide to hard block them - if they bad mouth you and it backfires, then that's on them, not on you. Their decisions are their own. That's like blaming yourself if someone throws something at you, it misses, and bounces back to hit them instead.
Can any of our followers offer/suggest other solutions to the Anon's problem?
~ Mod MJ ~
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wallcrawld · 1 year
MUSE'S INVENTORY. [ original meme from @treasurechestrpmemes​. ]
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rules: list what your muse carries in their pockets or bags in their everyday life. ( optional: explain their significance .) repost, don’t reblog.
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mets keychain — having grown up going to baseball games every year with his uncle ben, pete is a lifelong mets fan. he keeps all of his keys on a mets keychain which may or may not have a spider-man charm on it as well
earbuds — peter still has the earbuds with a cord attached, he likes the security of having them actually be attached to something as he struggles to trust bluetooth ones to stay in his big ears
gum wrappers/straw wrappers/assorted trash - as an official member of the online group 'new yorkers against littering', peter usually has some kind of small piece of trash stuffed into his pockets that he told himself he'd throw away when he saw a trash can and then promptly forgot about
student i.d. — for empire state university ( ESU ). it's used to get into labs/buildings after hours
wallet — thin leather brown wallet. he keeps an old photo of him, may, and ben in it. never enough cash in it. he has an "official spider-man fan club member" card hidden deep within it
daily bugle key fob — programmed it himself. after getting tired of having to get someone let him into the upstairs offices of the building every single time he wanted to drop photos off ( because jonah refused to give him one as he "wasn't a full-time employee" ), peter made one. he got some grief for it but it became pretty evident real quick that it was saving everyone a lot of hassle
bobby pins — with great power comes great responsibility and sometimes, a great need to get through a locked door without breaking it down. he's picked up the skill of how to lock pick after years of watching thieves and with a little bit of advice from none other than black cat. these have been a point of contention in his romantic relationships when discovered as, traditionally, there doesn't appear to be a reason for him to need them. he's used the explanation that they work great to unscrew the panels of his camera when he's without any real tools, which is true, just not the full truth
spider-tracers — a must-have for patrol. small electronic tracers in the shape of a spider that peter can use to track objects, people, or anything else
peter has a backpack problem and by that i mean that he can not hold onto a backpack for very long. he goes through them frequently as they often get dropped and left in various places around the city, nowhere to be found when he goes back for them. he does, however, tend to go for the same style. it's almost always a medium-sized dusty red backpack and every time, without fail, it ends up scratched and a little busted. he keeps little pins and stickers on it, some pertaining to his interests ( science puns + star wars references ) while others are for causes that he supports. if he's on patrol and not wearing his backpack, he'll usually make himself one out of webbing.
camera — originally this is a canon ftb which is a 35mm film camera ! peter loves the look of film and the amount of control that comes with it but while it's great for photography in a slow, controlled environment, it doesn't quite get the job done when it comes to selling action shots of spidey. after saving up for months, he ends up splurging on a used nikon d500 which he cleans up so that it's in perfect condition. it sets his bank account back enough that he's pretty much on a "rice and beans only" diet for a hot minute but it's totally worth it
backup web shooters — if there's anything he's learned in his time hero-ing, it's that gear fails and breaks, usually when you need it most. he keeps an older, spare set of web shooters in his backpack at all times
spidey suit — if he's not wearing it, he's still got it with him. it's rare that peter goes anywhere without the spider-man suit as it's always when he least expects it that he needs it most
change of clothes — this one is only if he's actively on patrol. he'll stuff a change of clothes into his bag in the event that he needs to de-spidey quickly for any reason, usually this is just the clothes he was wearing over the suit before he changed
physics textbook + science journals — reading material ! peter's been subscribed to the american science journal for as long as he can remember, he's always got the latest issue on him. he keeps a textbook or two on him for uni work, forever trying to find the time to cram his homework into his schedule
steam deck — yet another item in the line of purchases that put him on a rice and beans only diet, peter eventually upgrades his psp to a steam deck which he'll play on patrol, in between crimes
handheld police scanner — can't fight crime if you don't know where the crime's at ! his phone is also programmed with an app that works in the same way, but it's always good to have a backup
snacks — a constantly rotating supply of chips, treats, and goodies for on the go. his diet is relatively terrible but if he wants to feel healthy he'll reach for the trail mix. sometimes he carries around canned food to donate or give away to displaced people in need of it.
tagged: @cybersbyte THANK YOU !! tagging: @proditeur, @vicioushope, @lapinecide, @aercnaut, @masteredlegacy, @magizat, @kryptonfuture, @crowshoots, @jadeslayed, and you !!
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missparker · 10 months
Hiiii, I haven't seen you on the birdsite in ages, so in lieu of, like, conversation, here are ask meme questions!
14 how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
17 What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
66 How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
74 You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Hiiii, the bird app and I are having moral and philosophical disagreements right now but you can always find me on threads, FB, and insta. 
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I am always surprised when people tell me they laughed out loud or cried or had any sort of big emotional response to something I’ve written. And while I know that’s like the goal, there’s no guarantee that what you connect to emotionally is going to hit the same note for another person. Which is to say, I think I do tend to get into the head of a character, or I let them into my head. Is that different? Who knows. I think you have to feel it a little for it to ring true. 
I draw a ton from personal experience, be it conversations I’ve had, situations I’ve been in, things that I’ve felt. I always say that if you’ve read my fic, you probably know me better than anyone I know casually in my real life. Also, it’s real terrifying when someone you know in real life wants to read your fic! Stop perceiving me!
17.  What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
This is so tricky, because there’s no good way that works a) every time and b) for every person. For me, sometimes I have to write through the block and just unclog it with some trash before the good words start flowing again, but also sometimes I need the break and pushing through it only causes more harm. It’s really a matter of knowing yourself and checking in with what you need to keep making good art. Sometimes when I get stuck on a particular story, I know that I need to delete a big chunk of it but I’m stubborn and don’t want to and I spend too much time trying to fix it before ultimately doing what I knew I needed to do all along and just delete it. I think you have to be willing to admit you’ve made a wrong turn somewhere. And sometimes what needs to be deleted doesn’t need to be thrown away forever, but it’s just not right for THIS story. 
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
When it comes to fic, most of the pressure I put onto myself. I’ve learned to just ignore the comments that ask for more, demand updates etc because those don’t serve me in any positive way. I always appreciate when people read and comment, but fic is a gift we give of our time and effort and talent and it’s kind of a “you get what you get when you get it” situation. When I wrote greener grasses, I put myself on a weekly update schedule and I could do it but it was TOUGH. For my latest WIP, it’s months between updates and that’s okay too because it just has to be. 
Now, for writing that gets published, it’s sort of a different can of worms. Deadlines do matter, because you’re just one author working with editors who have their own deadlines and you’re part of a big schedule of authors and editors and if you’re late, it impacts a lot of people. I get a lot more strict with myself about achieving a certain word count every day, setting aside blocks of time to revise, etc. It takes priority over other things for sure. But I treat it like any other job - triage tasks, give it the time it deserves, do my best.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it? 
This is so funny because I think I do kind of have a distinctive style, at least people have said as such to me. One time another fic got posted and someone said it was written in a missparker style and I was like… am I so predictable?! But no, I think it was a compliment. Anyway, my style is domestic and character focused and probably someone is gonna drink coffee and probably someone is gonna go pee and probably it’s gonna start with song lyrics.
Thanks, @sarking!
Get to know your fic writer! | ask box
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erthlyheavn · 1 year
For muns with multiple muses, past and present, on any blog. Fill out the form according to which muse suits each title best. (The same muse can have multiple titles.) Repost and tag. Feel free to add more!
ft: muses from this blog
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Favorite Muse: I'll admit I tend to play favorites with my Hazbin muses. But I think I can narrow it down to Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, and Beelzebub!
Most Character Development: I thiiink either Beelzebub or Charlie.
Trash Muse: Sakuya
The Meme-Lord: Yelis. Definitely Yelis. The kid isn't even ashamed. They love sending memes to their friends and family. Even if the other person won't really get it.
Most Likely to Start a War: Gonna say Eirene solely because while it was unintentional, her very existence started a war in my lore for her.
Worst Personality: Sakuya :U
Best Singer: I got a LOT of muses that can sing, but I'm just gonna say...Christine.
Most Attractive Muse: Too many many pretty women to choose 😔 (but it's probably Beelzebub)
Biggest Heart: Proooobably Charlie? Though I think it might be a tie with Duchess XD
Falls in Love Quickest: Ehhh, I wanna say Niffty or La Brava, but I'm gonna say Marinette.
Most Likely to Drop Their Phone in the Toilet: Marinette xD
Ice Ruler: I guess Byleth would be the closest but she's more stoic than anything.
The Edgelord: Erebus. Though I think he's more brooding than edgy lmao.
Most Tragic Backstory: I might be biased buuuutttt I'm gonna say Niffty. Poor girl has had it rough literally from the moment she was born.
Best Case of Puberty: Erebus.
Most Awkward: Marinette once again.
Busy Bee: Beelzebub. With ruling an entire ring as well as running several businesses, the Queen of Gluttony is a very busy woman.
Most Clueless: Marinette, bless her heart, is probably the most clueless lmao
Most Likely to Forget Their Wallet at Home: Gonna say Beelzebub lmao. Being a queen, people don't usually charge her. Though she always makes sure to come back and pay later.
Best Dressed: Beelzebub.
Biggest Flirt: Summer.
Most Dramatic: Toss up between Sakuya or Beelzebub.
Least Likely to Show Up Late: Vaggie is pretty punctual.
One with Weirdest Habit: Let's just say Novocaine has an interesting...hobby.
Most Likely to Be Caught at the Gym: Vaggie has a strict excercize routine she adheres to to keep her skills sharp.
Tagged by: @reddragon-cowboy
Tagging: Anyone multis that wanna do this!
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brotherskane · 1 year
OK ,Now i will rank the commentary section of various sites :
--Webtoon:10/10 Ilove that place 99% of them are hillarious and/or interesting except for the traid of commenty about spending coins but is rare sois a little ok( WARNING: if you wish for redemption arc for all villains you will find some very unpleasant comments in some comics but they are perfectly correct in doing that*cofcof jeff from days of hana, he deserved all that descriptive torture that the comments suggested)
--Youtube : 2/10 toxic trash or boring engagement for 99,9% but that 0,1% is like finding the most beautiful jewerly in the midlle of the sewer and on rare videos that 0,1% becomes 30% from the commentarys .
--Pinterest first part :3/10 for art , simple images and memes because they dont have mor than 5 comments and are very simple comments like "wow" or good art very rarely a commentary is realy interesting just isn't 1/10 because I never saw any type of prejudice i them and taht need be
--Pinterest second part:6/10 for comics screenshots and plot suggestions but sometimes they are equal to pinterest part 1 i also Rewarded them for not demonstrate any prejudice.
--Twitter : I only use him to see cute draws but if the opnion of the other people and my litlle experience are Coherent with the proper tweet experience chernobyl/10 or 00000000000000000/10(sometimes even the cute draws are cringe).
--Reddit:9/10 Sometimes will make you think that you found your people other times that you are the only sane person in earth and sometimes you just fell repulse in relation to certain people.
--Instagram :?/10 I dont care and never saw anyone comment about them so must be meh
--Manwa Scans : 5/10 sometimes they are funny but not the great funny just the normal funny or the meh funny and they tend to be quite contraditory they will put hate in cliche manwas but when a work try to be different from the standard they will say that the author needs make something very cliche so I think they are hostile just to a few cliches.(Warning I merged various sites in that categorie becaise the commentary section of them are very similar I am not judging a site who is named manwa scan)
--wattpad:varies too much but the average rate is 3/10.
--Archive of our own:8/10 Just isn't 10/10 because exist just a few but they are just marvellous when appear in a fanfic it's like find a pretty endangered specie of butterfly in the midlle of your incredible sometimes mundane garden.(Ok ,sometimes they are just cutie and nice but that metaphor describe a lot of them)
--Google play:4,7/5 they are not funny or impressive I just think they make the function of demonstrate if a game is good or bad with decency .
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derpylittlenico · 1 year
About the Blogger Ask Meme
tagged by inimitable, resplendent @exlibrisfangirl
Favorite Color?
I'm a sucker for jewel tones, of any kind. My hair is currently mermaid adjacent, with some magenta-pink, teal, teal-blue, blue-purple all kinda up in there. If you're interested? Unicorn was the brand I used. Semi-permanent, layers well. Very pigmented, so you can get intense color by just painting it on your hair, OR blend it in w basic bitch conditioner for a pastel variant.
Favorite Food?
It's hard to choose any one. I've had a lot of realllllly great food in my life, but? A forever fave is definitely gado gado. It's Balinese. Steamed vegetables, tempeh, rice, fried FRESH tofu, served with a flavorful, spicy peanut sauce.
It...depends? Sweet & Spicy? Korean bbq wings. Yes, please. That. Just Spicy? Spicy Miso Ramen, or Thai Curry. The only one that I can't really do is Savory. I'm extremely sensitive to salt.
Last Thing I Googled?
I was double checking the og Buffy series air dates, bc I wanted to check my memory before declaring that yeah, Peter Hale totally would have been the right age demo to be super into it.
Currently Reading?
Endless fic. Nerve pain flare ups in my hands make holding my books unpleasant, sadly. So, I tend to consume fic via primarily podfic. I have too many reccs for this ask, so I'll save that for if anyone asks.
I do read text versions too, but holding my phone can sometimes be a lot when my hands are hurty, so. Before my hands got really bad, though, I was reading my hefty anniversary edition of "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman.
Last Series?
I. Don't want to just say "idk, fic" again, so I'm just gonna use this section to shamelessly recc "The Protector of the Small" series by Tamora Pierce.
Last Movie?
Thor: Love & Thunder.
I was up, wanted to watch something, and am not the type to pan a movie based on movie bros' Strong Opinions tm tm. It was...I mean? Not as good as the last one, but not exactly the world ending failure people were crying about. Christian Bale was a lot, though. A Lot. I'll give them that... they weren't wrong there.
Last Song?
Baby's On Fire (cover) as performed in the movie Velvet Goldmine. It fuckin slaps. It is my entire jam, because I am glam rock trash.
Song Stuck In My Head?
thankfully??? Not a one. I have a brain that hyperfixates. When I let that happen for songs, it will play it on repeat while I'm trying to sleep. So, yeah. I have methods for preventing that.
Something I Want?
For my body to slow its roll on the inflammation train. Ig this is what makes Hashimoto's vs a non autoimmune thyroid disorder ""fun."" When a flare up kicks off, everything goes hog wild. All at once. Like a symphony orchestra of discomfort.
Dream Trip?
Reykjavik, please and thank you. Or the Laplands in Finland. I've been to Bali a few times, and I love it. Costa Rica was beautiful, too. But, like? I just want to be somewhere with polar nights, bc I am weird like that, ig.
Currently Working On?
Self care. I've been doing the caretaker of a caretaker thing for a bit, and my spoons are limited.
2:38 am (lordT. To bed with me)
So, like. To the tagging others bit...
Sorry babes for being my only tags for a response, but I think everyone else I know has done this or been tagged? No pressure to reply, obvs. I just didn't want to let this die on my doorstep
@ceiaofsilence @worldtravellingfly @laternenfisch
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bookworm555 · 2 years
Ship bingo thing: Lancitty (lol ;), DenNor, PruLiet, LietUkr, RusAme, Ameripan, England/Japan (Asakiku? something like that), CanNed, EstLat, SuFin, SasoDei (wanted to go a bit outside the box with some of the Hetalia ships bc I figure you get asked the same ones over and over again)
Thank you for these; I had so much fun with this! :D
*Edit: the newest version of the ship bingo meme doesn't actually have a lot of options in terms of how I ship a lot of these pairings, so I will also add an older one I found, as well, since I can circle more things on that one, XD
Bingo Card One taken from this ask meme
Bingo Card Two taken from this ask meme
Answers under the cut because there are a lot
Bingo Card One:
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I ship this a lot, but unfortunately, not a lot of these bingo options really describe my thoughts on it?
Bingo Card Two:
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*For the 'they can fix each other' one, I mean that in the sense of 'Lance isn't changing himself FOR Kitty, but being around Kitty makes him realize that he wants to change himself', if that makes sense.
Bingo Card One:
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Once again, this one doesn't have many options for how I ship these guys.
Bingo Card Two:
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Haha, you can tell I love this ship, XD (Also: Projection character: Nor [sort of], Attraction character: DEFINITELY Den lkahfksf)
Also, depending on the time period, the characters' emotions, and the plot of a fic, they can either fix each other OR make each other worse. (Or go through both, XD)
And while I am mostly an angst/hurt-comfort/whump reader, I do enjoy fluff with them, as well.
Bingo Card One:
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Bingo Card Two:
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...I have some Thoughts about this one, XDD
I feel like Gil and Toris have a lot of talking to do before they're ready to become friends, much less date. There's clearly a lot of resentment between them.
I'm not sure if I necessarily ship it (in the sense that I wouldn't go out of my way to look for it), but I'd be open to it if it was written in a way I'd find interesting/appealing. (And I mean...I love angst, soo...)
I just tend to ship Toris with others before I think of him with Gilbert.
(The irony here is that, while they won't become a ship in it, in the sequel to TWL, they'll be forced to work together, and they begrudgingly realize that the other isn't all bad, XDD)
Bingo Card One:
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Bingo Card Two:
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This is such a rarepair, but I love it! -Cries-
They honestly have a lot in common (and I actually wrote a post about that all the way back in 2016); back when I got into the ship aaaages ago, I was confused that there wasn't more content with them!
Recently, though, there's been a surge in art and writing for this ship, which makes me so happy!
Bingo Card One:
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Bingo Card Two:
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WHOOO BOY. Okay. The concept of them as a ship is interesting. (Especially since Alfred IS on Ivan's level, power-dynamic wise.) If Ivan himself had a different personality, I would probably ship this and find it funny at times. However, I don't see Alfred ever getting with someone who treated one of his friends (Toris) like trash.
Though, if that little (well, it's big to me, but you know what I mean) detail aside, the dynamic is interesting.
I feel like Ivan would bring out the worst in Alfred. Which, if handled well, might be something interesting to explore.
I also have read some funny humor-genre fics with them in the past, and I enjoyed them (honestly, I see them being so petty trying to one-up each other XD), so I'll give the ship that. But it's definitely not something I go out of my way to look for.
(Honestly, I don't really ship Ivan with many people, tbh. Mostly Francis and Yao.)
Bingo Card One:
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Bingo Card Two:
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This is such a fun ship! (Exploring both angst and fluff with them is great, XD)
I do tend to prefer AsaKiku a bit more (especially since AmeLiet is basically my OTP XD), but I love Ameripan as well!
I see them as working well together, both platonically or romantically.
AsaKiku (also called IggyPan, I think):
Bingo Card One:
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Bingo Card Two:
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I don't talk about this ship much, but I absolutely love it! It's one of my faves!! (Oh MAN, the AsaKiku shipper in me was fed and happy with all the little moments in Season 7, XD).
...I circled the 'comedic potential' box in the second bingo card because (at least on Arthur's side of things)...three words: Victorian era weeaboos. (Honestly, back in university, when one of my history classes was discussing this, I was like...two seconds away from cracking up laughing.)
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I don't have much to say about this ship, but I like it! I think it's cute and chill! (And I think of them as 'Tulip buddies'!)
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*Note: Eduard is canonly 17, while Raivis is canonly 15 in human age. I don't see any issue shipping them together romantically. (Not to mention, they're immortal...)
GOD. THESE TWO aksjdfhsdf
Whether their relationship is platonic or skews romantic, I don't mind; I just like seeing them as very close! (Bonus points if Ed is aloof at first, but then ends up getting super protective over Raivis as time goes on, to the point where he'll stand up to Ivan for him. [And oooh, even more bonus points if Raivis pushes aside his fear and returns the favor later, sticking up for Eduard!])
I tend to find more stuff where they're platonic, but romance-leaning stuff is cute, too!
If they do become a romantic couple, I see their relationship being super soft, gentle, and slow-moving. (Though with some cheesy romantic stuff like poetry and flowers courtesy of Raivis, XD)
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Everyone who's been following me for awhile knows this, but SuFin is one of my favorite ships in general. I love everything about it!
(And I know a lot of people, including me, focus on the more fluffier aspects of the ship, BUT there is so much potential for angst, too!)
While I definitely prefer romantic SuFin, I have read some interesting fics where their relationship is more...amiable exes, where the two are in relationships with other characters.
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I feel like this explains my thoughts on these two pretty well, XDD.
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dcndrohime · 2 years
Tagged by: @eonsadrft​
Tagging: steal uwu
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NAME: Nina
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I am faster on IMs but i do keep my Discord thing open.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Oof, too many to count by i’ll just put fandoms on there instead. Fandoms; Genshin Impact, Sonic franchise, Legend of Zelda, BNHA, Pokemon, amongst others.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): hmmm, from 14-15 to 28 years old at current, so many years yes. 
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Roleplaying started around Deviantart and Fanfiction, then i hopped to Tumblr.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Eh, improving upon my English and just overall meeting great peoples, especially on the Bnha rp fandom
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Uhhh, policing peoples blogs/ships, jumping on conclusions without legitimate proofs, toxic behaviors really.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Angst, just ANGST, i am trash for that hurt and pain jlnjnfvlrflwldrlg, fluff is a nice touch too, as for smut, i guess as long as it makes sense, i don’t really write it much
PLOTS OR MEMES: i preferably wing things but like, if i do get ideas, i will essentially share them but thinking plots on the go?, eh, i’m not good at it
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: either is fine, though i do end up writing a fair amount even on one liners.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: definitely not mornings, i lurk alot these days but i do tend to feel active late at night or evening hours.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): To an extent, yes. Although, Hinamori is much more coolheaded than i am, because i do have a temper. We do both take no shit tho, haha.
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ciitrinitas · 1 year
for the ask meme: stevetony, thorki, a fate ship of your choice
(in response to this meme.)
steve/tony - C: Not a bad ship.
your enthusiasm for it has endeared it to me! and my god do i see where comics shippers are coming from. you all are eating there. i am most familiar with its mcu permutation, however, and i am still sad to report that i can't quite see the start of it there. a lot of the fallout lands with things like civil war, but the foundation never really sold me. i am very fond of it as sort of like a...nephew of a ship, though! i want to buy it nice gifts for the holidays and on its birthday.
thor/loki - okay, this is a slightly complicated one because my opinion varies on whether i am excluding ragnarok and endgame or not. so, i'll do them separately.
excluding ragnarok and endgame - A: I love it.
the first two thor films are nothing special, but that dynamic just works for me. thor's at his most charming as an impulsive meathead of a prince who learns to temper himself and loki's at his most loki. it's a really great combination of personalities, and the way the constipated emotions boil over in tdw still makes tdw a solid enough watch for me. i love complicated sibling relationships!
including ragnarok and endgame - F: NOTP.
my disdain for ragnarok is something you know well, amanda, so i'll restrain myself from going on a salty rant. but, in short, it dumps everything i had liked about thor's characterization and extra dumps anything enjoyable about his relationship with loki. infinity war was the least decent thor characterization in the mcu, and christ above does endgame just shit the bed it had already fucking shat. loki's back! but not in a form that retains any of his character development. : ) thor's there! but all of his grief is undercut by him being a funny fat joke. : ) there's parts of endgame that are okay, but i increasingly look back on it less fondly. i have zero interest for either thor or any ship involving him that takes cues from these films' characterizations of him.
yu meiren/prince of lanling - B: It’s really cute.
you let me have my pick, so why not go with a really odd rare pair of mine! paisen is married. she is Big Married. she is so married that she's the equivalent to a wife guy--a husband lady. and i do really think how much she loves her husband in any form, including as a four-armed mecha centaur, is incredibly sweet. but it can tend to subsume her character, so i have a slight preference for her interaction with lanling. he's the only other human she ever seemed to form a close bond with, and man, the best part of lb3 is the prologue, imo. they're incredibly cute in summer 5, too. she's just fully herself around him and comfortable even when he is like "yu meiren pls don't be trash talking humans for the fifteenth time today..." he really loves her, and he's her favorite non-xiang yu human, and it's an impossible ship, but gosh dang it, i really like their dynamic!
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