#my opnion
hemlock-user007 · 11 months
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Teehee. I just really love Jeeves and Wooster.
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dominique1996 · 11 months
Everyone is looking for the 60th anniversairy but it is also sad that we will have to see David Tennant regenerate again.
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peachixd · 8 months
Do you prefer the DB Franchise in Japanese, English or any other language?
Hmmm I think I would get alot of hate for this but probably English, YES I know the original voice for dragon ball characters is JAPANESE but the way how some of the English VA do their respective characters actually feels more..hmm how do you put it, realistic? Like in the English dubs of dragon ball whenever a sad scene comes the voice actors give it their all to actually make it look like a depressing scene, yes maybe the visuals themself are pretty sad, but the character expressing their agony/sorrow makes it altogether more depressing (sorry if you don't understand it i basically am trying to say that some of the English voice actors in dragon ball like Sean for example have such impact in their voice, like so much so that you are actually able to enjoy the character they play as even more.) Ofc this is all just my opinion and there may be some who disagree with it and I'm completely fine with it!
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brotherskane · 1 year
OK ,Now i will rank the commentary section of various sites :
--Webtoon:10/10 Ilove that place 99% of them are hillarious and/or interesting except for the traid of commenty about spending coins but is rare sois a little ok( WARNING: if you wish for redemption arc for all villains you will find some very unpleasant comments in some comics but they are perfectly correct in doing that*cofcof jeff from days of hana, he deserved all that descriptive torture that the comments suggested)
--Youtube : 2/10 toxic trash or boring engagement for 99,9% but that 0,1% is like finding the most beautiful jewerly in the midlle of the sewer and on rare videos that 0,1% becomes 30% from the commentarys .
--Pinterest first part :3/10 for art , simple images and memes because they dont have mor than 5 comments and are very simple comments like "wow" or good art very rarely a commentary is realy interesting just isn't 1/10 because I never saw any type of prejudice i them and taht need be
--Pinterest second part:6/10 for comics screenshots and plot suggestions but sometimes they are equal to pinterest part 1 i also Rewarded them for not demonstrate any prejudice.
--Twitter : I only use him to see cute draws but if the opnion of the other people and my litlle experience are Coherent with the proper tweet experience chernobyl/10 or 00000000000000000/10(sometimes even the cute draws are cringe).
--Reddit:9/10 Sometimes will make you think that you found your people other times that you are the only sane person in earth and sometimes you just fell repulse in relation to certain people.
--Instagram :?/10 I dont care and never saw anyone comment about them so must be meh
--Manwa Scans : 5/10 sometimes they are funny but not the great funny just the normal funny or the meh funny and they tend to be quite contraditory they will put hate in cliche manwas but when a work try to be different from the standard they will say that the author needs make something very cliche so I think they are hostile just to a few cliches.(Warning I merged various sites in that categorie becaise the commentary section of them are very similar I am not judging a site who is named manwa scan)
--wattpad:varies too much but the average rate is 3/10.
--Archive of our own:8/10 Just isn't 10/10 because exist just a few but they are just marvellous when appear in a fanfic it's like find a pretty endangered specie of butterfly in the midlle of your incredible sometimes mundane garden.(Ok ,sometimes they are just cutie and nice but that metaphor describe a lot of them)
--Google play:4,7/5 they are not funny or impressive I just think they make the function of demonstrate if a game is good or bad with decency .
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atwas-meme-ing · 2 years
I think the biggest question I have is, how can Sonic still be so carefree and happy and determined? Like, everyone wonders, how could being tortured on the Death Egg for 6 months not do a number on his head (or even his body)? And he's died at least twice now, yet he shows no signs of trauma or PTSD?
Ignoring the IRL answers of plot armor, continuity errors, and some bad writing, I think the in-canon answer is the fact that he's never lost anyone close to him. At least, not since we first met him in the very first game.
Looks what happens to Sonic every time something happens, or nearly happens, to Tails. Sonic goes a little nuts. Lost World being a prime example. He just loses it. He gets desperate and starts making bad decisions and turning to anyone, even his worst enemy, for help. Heck, we could argue that he was the same way in Frontiers- his friends were trapped in Cyberspace, something that Sage kept telling him was supposed to be dangerous. So he ignored anything telling him that the "sky voice" might be dangerous, whether it was his own instincts or Knuckles flat-out warning him that what Sonic said about the voice was making Knux suspicious. All Sonic cared about was that his friends were in trouble and he was the only one who could help.
Sonic has a big, soft heart, and it is both his greatest asset and his biggest downfall. As long as everyone he loves is all right, so is he. No matter what happens to him, as long as he knows they'll be waiting for him, he can remain steady, stable, and sane.
But it's scary, too. Because no one, no matter how powerful they are, no matter how pure and noble their heart, can protect everyone all of the time. And Sonic has pretty well taken it on himself to make sure that everyone he loves is safe and well. Which only adds another layer to this whole thing: since Sonic has taken this responsibility on himself, if anything goes wrong, even if there was nothing he could have done to stop it, he will still blame himself. And that belief, that he himself was the reason he lost them, would tear him to shreds more than anything else.
I feel pretty confident that we'll never have to see anything like this, just because Sega can't afford to screw up their biggest asset. The whole fandom would be up in arms if any of the main characters was permanently killed off or otherwise removed.
But it's absolutely terrifying to think about, nonetheless.
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tiffthemarvelnerd · 1 year
It is so sad to me how devided the aos fandom is. We are clearly all very passionate about this show yet some people try to take all the fun out of it (for me at least) by arguing with everybody about their opinion (Ahem: fitz antis). One could argue I am one of those people who states their opinion,yet I try to be as nice as I can.
This fandom being as devided as it is takes a lot of the fun out of it for me. I am sure other people think the same thing. (They must, right?)
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onceiblinked · 2 years
Can you give some examples of how every queer couple in the Greys universe is toxic? That’s a big statement to make without backing it up.
I didn't want to make the post too long at the time, but since you asked, I do have experience in toxic relationships. I'll start with Calzona. At first, their relationship was excellent, and I enjoyed them as a couple, but then Arizona became my least favourite character after her biphobia started showing. They break up multiple times, and that shit sucks; not only that, Callie gets cheated on for the second time! Granted, Arizona was angry at the world and only cheated once, but it doesn't make it better. Callie is genuinely trying her best, and it is entirely valid for her to bring up Sophia’s heritage in a custody battle cause, yes, Callie and Mark didn't have to give her any rights over Sophia. Does it make it right or kind?
No, but valid when you are a person who lost their marriage, trust and best friend and wants to start over with the one person who hasn't made you feel like shit. Next are Nico and Levi. Poor Levi was practically forced out of the closet when his own love interest wasn't! Nico then manipulates him by saying he doesn't love him if he doesn't do what he wants. Then we have Carina and Maya. I genuinely love this couple and thought nothing wrong with it until recent episodes. Maya has always struggled with her dad’s abuse, and I related hard as I have a similar relationship with my mom. Still, I also relate to Carina when it comes to being with someone who is traumatized and struggling with their own issues and damn begging someone to get help when they clearly don't want it sucks and hurts worse than I can explain, and not wanting to go back to that person after that experience is valid. I watched the episode where Maya has a breakthrough, and I love that for her, but if it took her wife leaving, it might not be exactly healthy. I don't hate these characters as characters. People can be good people but have terrible relationships, remember breakups are natural. I again exclude current ships that haven't happened. I also forgot about Penelope I don't think she's toxic, and Kai & Amelia aren’t wlw, and I didn't say all queer relationships so...
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Am I tweeting about a show that was made back in 2009? Yes, Yes I am. But am I going to stop? No.
Those that love the walking dead, will enjoy my tweets.
Those that don’t, wtf is wrong with yall? (Like seriously, who DOESN’T like the walking dead?)
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I hate the "nothing in life matters"damn well it doesn't BUT you best know I'm gonna nickpick the ever loving heck out of the best moments of it nothing will matter and the best things does that's what I call go fuck yourself philosophy I can remake you
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giftstore3539 · 1 year
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irasciblethoughts · 2 years
This meme style is currently one of my favorites this year
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aokuro-san · 2 years
It's the first time I've seen THE ABYSS, even though I already knew her as a child. And I have to say that I know that she has some rhythm failures, but she also has so many unforgettable and REALIST things that... Look, I don't mind: you have to see her at least once. This is precious!💙💙
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twstem · 4 months
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niobiumao3 · 2 months
lmao it's time to make more patronizing posts about how if you read S3's episodes differently you were just fooling yourselves and how omg Tech was mourned plenty you're just reading it wrong
How is it this argument only goes one way. How is it that I can't feel his death was handled, in marketing and in the show, very badly, without that being me just not understanding a narrative, but others can see it as fine and they're perfectly rational? Do you expect anyone to hear that argument and not think 'piss off'?
How about this: they're BOTH reads of a narrative informed by people's personal experiences, and neither one is correct, and you thinking it was fine doesn't make it so any more than me thinking it was garbage and bury your disableds.
Cannot believe we're still having this conversation. No view of his narrative is 'objectively correct'. They just are what they are. Stop saying people who think his death sucked and was shitty writing, or who feel there's room for him to have survived, are too engaged or too invested or various other euphemisms for 'irrational'. Please. It's really unnecessary.
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negiwave2000 · 1 month
i may get dragged 4 this but as a gay man i culdnt give 2 shits abt fujoshi's lmao,,,,liek just as long as ur not hating on lesbians or anythting like that im fine with it ......
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mako-neexu · 6 months
"surely this time i will be normal for one day"
[suddenly remembers prison tower is supposed to end you bc goetia planned it but dantes took on the role of being your abbe faria and became your tiny light of hope in this prison of despair because he himself knows better than anyone how it feels to be an innocent soul, to be dragged and trapped in a life of despair, betrayal, and be casted away in a hell where madmen dont come out alive and so saves you by killing him, "the one who escaped the chateau d'lf", he's also summoned initially as a tool to kill you but dantes, initially being just a shadow, made ogawa heim because 'fuck u goetia' and caught feelings seeing guda's iron determination so fought alongside them and against the one who gave him a demon worm in his head. and just as he became your tiny light of hope in prison tower, you get to see him casually admit guda is his "destiny" and saw them as someone who is "radiant" after going through everything with them…like you know, a star. thats why both his np refer to guda in the new saint graph. because a star burns brighter than flames, more dazzlingly than fire that he himself is in awe of you and made a new alt solely because of you, inspired by you, even as he hurt himself by creating a new spirit origin, because his wish is solely for you to see the end of your journey and reach antarctica, because guda is a person -is a living human - who wants to see tomorrow and thus he split himself into two- or rather assigned himself and his other self in the singularity "count of determination (to bring about the 7 tribulations)" and as the "count of regret (you, his worry, who has to go through this harsh journey)". count of determination is the one who enacted the trials, because he is the spirit origin who is a ruthless murderer from his revenge story and thus must make sure guda goes through the merciless trials to go forward, yet count of regret is still worried all the same for guda considering the dangers of creating this world and with cagliostro around and other unpredictable variables, and in this ongoing journey thats why "black shadow" count is still on the look out for you. and in these trials he is both your ally and enemy that you must overcome because he wants!! you!! to move forward!!! even as you face your most trusted betray you, overcoming despair and hatred even as you drown in hopelessness seeing those you love die, overcoming his flames and as he extends a hand out and tempt you into a life where where you are a god of revenge, reaching an end that you hope for- a tomorrow that you want. (because we dont know what happened to the "real" dantes whereas dumas' version wrote that love extinguished his flames, and so left france behind with haydee. a fictional happy end that most likely didnt apply to the real dantes given his attitude to dumas and his version of the story since they never interacted again beyond dumas talking about writing his tale. )
an end that also isnt part of the famous Avenger, Count of Monte Cristo summoned to the grand order, only the popular interpretation/parts that people remember the most engraved in his spirit origin. and for him, this avenger, this part of his life where he is at his lowest who became your tiny light of hope in that prison tower, despite burning with eternal hatred chose love time and time again, save you, help you time and time again, because he doesnt want you to end up like him. one who has lost all things precious to you and so turning into a life of vengeance and blood, burning everything to cinders until you as well consume yourself, losing yourself in the process, becoming an empty shell, quietly dying as emptiness and quietness takeover the aftermath of those flames. you, as radiant as a star, don't deserve that kind of fate. you, his accomplice, his co-conspirator should never succumb to or have that kind of fate where only hate, sorrow and despair awaits you at the end nor does he want your journey to be at a standstill, idle, where you are helpless the more this story- this journey drags on and unable to move forward because of forces beyond your control.]
[through my teeth/clenches my fists] "oh. okay. so we're doing this now. okay."
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