#because i refuse to shut up about it
ziggystqrdust · 1 month
In the dream I don’t tell anyone, you put your head in my lap.
In the dream I don’t tell anyone, I’m afraid to wake you up.
(richard siken, crush)
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when the fic’s giving a house in nebraska >>>> (free house n lot haha)
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14dayswithyou · 8 months
💖 Slight 14DWY + Blog Changes! 💖
Leon will now move away from Corland Bay when he’s 10 years old. Originally, I never really put that much thought into it because it won't be explicitly mentioned in the game, but I figured I might as well make it more accurate now ^^;
Teo is now 26 (instead of 27). Again, zero thought went into this aside from wanting a wider range of ages for the cast — but now I want him to be closer to Jae and Violet’s age — especially considering they were all childhood friends and Violet was in the grade below them.
Elanor is now 30 and Kiara is 29. In the 2017 version, Elanor was originally the eldest sister, but it just didn't feel right to change it in the 2020 version. Day 3 will still be lore accurate, but everything on this blog will need to be retconned.
14DWY Purple (unofficial) will now be changing from #A14BF4 to #9D64FD.
Not a change, but adding more clarification: Angel will still attend university (and Jae and Teo will still be their university friend), but whether or not they enrolled will remain ambiguous! Day 1/2 kinda insinuates that they studied something ("Teo attended some of their classes"), but I wanted it to imply that they could've attended orientation and/or took "mock classes" after high school to see what it's like as well. I may change a few lines in the demo (in the future) to reflect that.
I'd like to (hopefully) try to remind everyone that whenever I write about Angel on this blog, they are gender neutral. Because if my ass had a dollar for every time someone assumed they were female because of the cutesy/pink themes or how "soft" I made the MC, I'd have enough money to fund voice actors, translators, custom soundtrack, and pay the $100 Steam fee /hj
Changed the crackpot theory tag into an actual tag!! About time sdghjdg
Also not a change, but to solidify Haruko's appearance + Ren's likeness a bit more... Haruko is supposed to be an anime character with pink/blue hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He's a modern day "sorcerer" (a reference to JJK, not a literal fantasy wizard lmao) from an anime called "Attack on Giants" (another reference to "Attack on Titan"); and is very kind, ditzy, and empathetic. All Ren has copied is his hairstyle, vibe, and demeanour. Ren isn't outright cosplaying Haruko, and it'd take an avid anime enjoyer to notice that Ren is attempting to mimic Haruko.
I'll make a poll one day, but I might change Ren's left sleeve tattoo to the spoiler-free placeholder I used in this artwork. A lot of people seem to prefer it, but I'll wait until the poll to make any final decisions.
I might also make another poll to see if perhaps a new BGM theme would better suit the demo. Because in my mind, the "summer/beach location" = acoustic guitar (rather than piano) — and for some reason I get lo-fi vibes from 14DWY??
I don't think anyone has picked up on this subtle shift yet, but Ren will mainly use "he/him" over "he/they" now (since Haruko is a he/him enjoyer 👍). [REDACTED], however, will still greatly prefer "they/he", and will continue to use them interchangeably.
21/02/24 — or search through Obsidian. (Future Sai here.... I have no clue what this means???? What??? T_T)
I'm gonna cut down on the Teo and Ren bullying on this blog (and in general). I don't find it fun anymore, and it genuinely upsets me when people put down certain characters to make others look better (i.e. "Ren has no ass which makes Leon superior >:)" Just say you like Leon... I beg T_T). It also makes me doubt whether Ren is genuinely a good character or not, and it's gross seeing y'all tear down people who genuinely enjoy Teo. Be kind.
Eventually, I'd like to turn this meme into an event in the 14DWY Discord to help create an actual landlord for Day 3. The current landlord has always been a meme-y placeholder (I thought the idea would be funny), but looking at how the game is currently, I want 14DWY to be more "serious". The current landlord will eventually be turned into an easter egg!!
Whether or not Jae had bottom surgery will now remain ambiguous. Everyone is now free to headcanon whatever they'd like, so long as it's not offensive or too OOC.
From now on, I'll also try my best to remind everyone that Jae is gay and Kiara is lesbian. I tried not to bring it up frequently because I was afraid it'd come across like "being gay" was their only defining personality trait, but I'm tired of people sending in asks that don't apply to these characters ^^;
I might move all of the curiouscat questions to this blog and archive the account. It's becoming too much of a hassle for me to manage 3+ social media accounts sgkshjj
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The way Azirphale is underestimated and practically infantalized by heaven is so closely tied to his femininity and I think we should talk about it more because I just want to shout about how relatable the way he's treated in his workplace is as a woman working in a traditionally male field
It's in all the little niggling comments from your boss about personal things that hold no bearing on your work
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and the assumption that what you're doing must be simple if it was assigned to you
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your work is trivialized
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and you get these the placating smiles when you're told plans and proposals are rejected and passed over
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or when your complaints are dismissed
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and you get more of the same from upper management
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it all feels so frustrating and draining but you're at work so all you can do is take a breathe put on that mask and move on with your day
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It is all so deteimental to your emotional well being and textually, so much of this is tied to Aziraphale's softness, his gayness - his femininity
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The thing about working in an environment and gives you this feeling - of being simultaneously destrought watching your belief in yourself get chipped away but also just so irate becuase you know you don't deserve it - is how it builds. It sinks under your skin and feeds into this indignant dejection until you can have a moment of release - but Azirphale doesn't get to bitch about it over drinks with friends, he doesn't get a lunch break where he can go for a walk and listen to an angry scandi death metal playlist, he doesn't even get the chance to cry about it in the bathroom for 5 minutes before confronting it again
(And I talked a little bit about it in the tags of this beautiful photoset but this all comes into play whenever Crowley dismisses his plans or calls him an idiot. These are purely emotional reactions; I really don't think Crowley means much by it - he respects Aziraphale's opinion and genuinely thinks he's brilliant - but Crowley is so quick to use this terminology when Aziraphale is making a decision Crowley thinks is wrong and he doesn't know how much this hurts Aziraphale. Just like Aziraphale doesn't understand the true impact the Fall had on Crowley, Crowley doesn't understand the ways heaven has been tearing away at Aziraphale's self worth)
Aziraphale has been facing this constant drip of denigration since before the beginning of time and has never released the pressure valve. At this point, he's a bomb waiting to go off
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queerdiazs · 4 months
some of you forget that it was originally going to be eddie and tommy but that storyline fell through so for all you bitching about how we’re never going to have a canon queer eddie… baby he already is. we’re just waiting for his turn.
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transmascutena · 3 months
when someone comes out of episode 31 and 32 still believing nanami is in love with touga
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shannonsketches · 3 months
I personally enjoy that Vegeta's vanity lives on in the fact that you won't catch him dead in SSJ3
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petratherrock · 3 months
Anime-onlys being mad at character(s) because they've got limited info about said character(s) and the character(s) did something wrong to another character or simply not being in the same wavelength with the characters they like more onscreen :
Manga readers who have read the manga many times for years before the anime release, have had discussions and lots of analysis, have had more contents about the characters and now can read nuances behind the characters actions :
I'm gonna kill you 😠
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yugocar · 1 month
"you guys don't understand this about america!" followed by things that the majority of people absolutely understand about america
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Coming back to this because my weakness is submissive older men 🤤
Just the thought of clamping your hands around his neck while you're on top and watching him lose it makes me dizzy.
I absolutely love the thought of fucking yourself on him, grinding your hips back and forth with his length inside you while he whimpers and moans beneath you.
He's surrendered all the control he's ever had. You both know that it'd take very little effort if he decided he wanted to change the dynamic but he has no interest in doing that.
He wants you on top of him, using him for your own pleasure rather than his. He wants you to leave scratches down his chest where your nails have sunk into his skin. He wants flushed, stinging cheeks, reminding him of each little slap you've given him when his eyes flutter shut and he stops looking at you for even a few seconds.
But then one of your hands cups his neck and that feels like an entirely different kind of submission. It's not a painful sensation that he expects when he imagines being submissive in bed; it's dizzying. The light pressure on his neck is delightful but more than anything, it feels like you're fully in control. He's vulnerable like this and he loves it.
"Both hands. Please." He's never sounded so needy and any hesitation you might have felt a few seconds ago melts away. Your other hand joins the first, wrapped around his neck, your fingers squeezing slightly and he looks entirely blissed out underneath you.
"Oh fuck." He groans, thrusting his hips up towards you in a desperate attempt to make sure he's buried as deep inside you as he can manage.
"You're fucking pathetic like this." You tease, adjusting your grip on his neck to remind him exactly where your hands are. You feel his pulse under your fingers and you feel your body flutter at the realisation. "You're losing yourself in me, aren't you?"
His eyes close for a few seconds while he tries to focus on the sensation, rather than the sight of you but that won't do. You take one hand from his neck, slapping his face gently and the rush he feels from the release of pressure is euphoric.
"Did I say you could look away?" You tease, putting your hand back on his throat, keeping your grip tight while he shakes his head.
His hands land on your hips, helping you grind back and forth on him, rubbing his length right where you need it. He probably won't get off like this but you absolutely could.
"I want to feel you cum. I need you to squeeze my neck and my cock at the same time." He's fantasised about this and it shows.
"Make me." You were half joking but he starts working your hips faster, setting the pace he knows you like until he stops suddenly, holding your hips still.
"God, I can't cum yet. I don't want this to end." You forgive him this time for closing his eyes, giving him a moment to collect himself before he's back to fucking you on him, begging you to squeeze his neck harder.
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shaunashipman · 4 months
The journalists have been a problem since the screened but they’ve just gotten worse by sticking themselves into fandom discourse when they don’t need to be there at all. This is what one of them tweeted and it made me so angry:
because why are you speaking like this is an objective idea held by the whole fandom? countless fans loved the scene and loved bucktommy. If it didn’t resonate with some that doesn’t mean it’s objectively bad writing. I also cannot for the life of me understand how these scenes are being compared because in one, two of the guys are best friends not a couple and in the other, you have a canon couple and if a canon couple is talking to each other, obviously their flirting will be bold and outright and possibly sexual. The writers want us to know the couple is flirting. They don’t want us to dig deep for it in subtext. These are grown men in a relationship one of whom has been shown to very much enjoy sex and have a kinks already established. God forbid he flirt with his boyfriend and his boyfriend flirts with him beyond a little bat of the eyelashes.
yeah, that's not a journalist, that's a fan who happens to get paid to write about the show. and this is on her professional account? where she posts her actual interviews? babes no, that is literally why you have different personal and professional accounts. it doesn't need to be private/secret, but when you start putting your own biased opinions right next to what is supposed to be unbiased reporting, you lose credibility. if i can't trust you to separate your own feelings on a fucking twitter page then i can't trust you to do so in an interview.
the only people who have expressed an issue with the scene are ones who have found an issue with every aspect of tommy and bucktommy. not sorry, but i'm not listening to the opinions of people who have already decided they aren't going to like the scene before it happens, and can't even admit that.
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princesssarcastia · 6 months
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tumblr is really bad a politics actually. please don't form opinions about political systems on tumblr. oh my god. this made me literally blind with rage and confusion for a second there.
just because the mainstream democratic party has started using "threats to democracy" as part of its campaign strategy this election cycle doesn't mean this is untrue?? please don't let your hatred for mainstream democratic political messaging make you also hate that it has FINALLY cottoned onto the fact that the american right would like us to stop living in a multiracial democracy/pluralistic society. that is a good thing, actually. it's a good thing that mainstream politics are finally willing to acknowledge that one of the two major parties is only interested in trying to destroy the political system we live under, is only interested in shoving gravel down our toilets so they blow up.
we do actually have a democracy. it's not a total direct democracy. there are a shit ton of flaws in the system. this is in part because, in fact, it's a relatively young democracy! I agree with nikole hannah-jones' assertion that the u.s. has only been a democracy for real since the 1960s, when civil rights legislation Black americans fought and died for started going into effect.
which is why this moment, 60 years on, is so important. it's a radical stress-testing of a system that it's important to preserve so that we can continue to make more progress from this point. we have to prove that the system can work this way.
i get it. voting sucks. gerrymandering has backed so many of us into a corner. we've politically and legally incentivized imprisoning members of minority populations so that they can no longer vote. the supreme court actually gutted some of that legislation passed in the 1960s that made us into a real democracy, sending us into the period of backsliding that we're currently in.
do you know how many of the candidates I voted for in my last election won? zero. ZERO. every single one of them lost. I get it, okay? this all sucks! it makes you feel powerless! but you can't let that feeling win.
that feeling is a lie they're trying to sell you so that you give up. so that you stop fighting for the democracy we've got. "bourgeois democracy" get the fuck out of here. oh my god. shut up.
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ratatatastic · 1 month
"Have you ever seen [Barkov] fall? Has he ever fallen? He's never fallen his entire career!" "Uh—It's, uh, funny and I don't know if he'll care that I say this, but he's got those—he doesn't like the blades that you can snap in and out quickly. So when he needs to get his skates done in the middle of a game, he's gotta fully take off his skates, get 'em sharpened and retie them up—which is like one of the few guys in the league, I think, that still do that. So sometimes he'll have absolutely no edge, and he'll just find a way to, like, compensate and get through it—which is incredible." "That kind-of sucks though 'cuz that's like a bad dream to have. You're waiting on something else, like—even if the trainers just like snapped it back in or whatever, like maybe they had something different they can put in there. He probably wouldn't even know!" "[...] this guy's particular. He knows his game and he's goddamn good at it! And we don't say a word so!" "'Barky, we need you out there for the face off! There's two seconds left!'" "That's what I mean! He'll compensate and he'll still look better than all of us! Like if any of us had no edge like that, we'd be screwed, right? And he goes out there and does the Barky things that he does. We're all grateful for it! He's been getting me paid for 10 years now, so."
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
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loving my captain face... absolutely smitten with the man hes spent a decade with despite still not being invited to his house... thats love babey oh hes absolutely swinging and kicking his feet
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THE LITTLE SMILE HE MAKES AFTER HE GOES "hes been getting me paid for 10 years now so 😃"
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nandermoenthusiast · 2 months
Re: the latest helluva boss short, i REFUSE to believe that blitzø is bad in the sack. i just refuse that notion all together. i do believe he has zero technique whatsoever though, because he relies heavily on confidence and on his excellent capability of reading people.
See, thats all you need to be a sex god imo. If youre skilled enough at reading peoples reactions properly, you dont need technique because you dont need generalisation, you figure out what that SPECIFIC person likes. and that makes you invaluable to their eyes. i do believe two things, one is that blitzø enjoys cracking open that mistery and exploring what makes someone tick, two is that he is extremely observant and good at reading people/situations (exes and oohs is a great example of this, both in how he clocked the drugged drink right away and how he slept with chaz to get info), aside from also being quite versatile, handy and extremely adaptable.
Third thing i believe is that blitz is also DEFINITELY all over the place, so sometimes he may also be bad at sex because he can also be selfish and self centered, so he may not care enough to pay attention to the other person at times. But he has the capability to be great in bed is all im saying.
So what i believe happens in the short is, first of all as other people have said he has some complicated feelings about this crystal. Because of course. So maybe he doesnt even feel like pleasuring a stupid crystal when he should be pleasuring stolas, thank you very much!! And also the crystal is an inanimate thing, he cant really gauge a reaction from it so he would have to rely solely on technique, which he lacks 😋
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karamazovposting · 2 months
And if I told you Ivan's constant pointless overthinking and lack of action despite his strong moral code as a way to convey how powerless his character feels and straight up is in his life and in his family's situation is incredibly bipolar coded. Then what.
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senseiwu · 4 months
Every time the crystalised discussion on twitter comes back and they get to Lloyd's issues with his father i want to freaking rip my hair out
"Lloyd's in the wrong" "Lloyd was an ass" (<something I literally just saw)
God forbid a child hurt by their parent BE HURT. BE UPSET.
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svtskneecaps · 4 months
you know what i'll say it MIKE AND ROIER ARE THE ONLY ONES I RESPECT these fuckers will rock up and say FUCK english all my homies HATE english they are the only ones i trust and respect these fuckers are like you will hear me speak my language and you will LEARN IT OR DIE and i respect the HELL OUT OF IT dude THANK YOU FOR BEING ENGLISH HATERS brothers THANK YOU FOR NOT SPEAKING ONLY ENGLISH WHEN AMONG ANYONE NOT OF YOUR LANGUAGE GROUP!!!!!!!!
#qsmp#if there are others who also refuse to speak english that i didn't notice i will add them#this excludes the koreans bc they aren't strong in english so it's only half an option for them#(allegedly aren't strong i didn't see them around long enough to come to any real conclusions but i'm told they aren't strong in it)#and also hugo bc he didn't have much time on the server and some people who start out relying on the translations#will swap over to using their english however strong that might be idk his relative strength either bc like korea he wasn't online long 😔#which i also respect because i'm glad they get to practice their nonnative tongue that's cool#but the first multilingual smp with live translation becoming the 'english in a group' server gives me fits#anyway for legal reasons much of this post is hyperbole and exaggeration#but i do love how mike and roier can be consistently relied on to just Not Speak English#block game brainrot#shut up vic#bonus shoutout to foolish who often insists spanish speakers only speak spanish to him#and tries to only speak spanish in return. he's not got broad vocab just yet but for only learning via this and duolingo he's doing amazing#and i have a lot of respect for him for it#(yes i respect everyone for reasons but this post is about the ones who can and do speak Not English on purpose)#(regrettably people like bbh and phil don't count although i still respect their efforts)#ANYWAY SLASH END TAG RANT THIS POST KNOWS WHAT IT'S ABOUT DON'T FIGHT ME
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