#because i think i might have a better chance at reading books in japanese if they’re children’s books
pleuvoire · 11 months
i am reading temple alley summer by sachiko kashiwaba. it is a kids’/middle grade book about a kid who sees a ghost at night and the next day she is a student at his school and everyone seems to remember her but him. and as it goes on he has to try to protect her against adults who believe that it’s unfair for dead people to get a second chance at life. i’m enjoying it a lot so far, the atmosphere is nice and the suspense has me hooked and the emotionality of a girl who died young getting to be alive again and having a chance to grow up is really getting to me. i’m so nervous that someone might exorcise her at the end, i really want her to survive and get to grow up. this is a really good book. i love middle grade fiction so much
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Damn I'm really like the storyline of this game.But FUCK Leo,if I ever get a chance to smacked the shit out of him, please Chancellor one chance.He fucked with the Mc head, how Alan and Thoma didn't kick him out that car if beyond me, there better than me honestly.Sho isn't much better because he's going along just because he's isn't mean.
Just because there isn't cruelty that doesn't mean kindness.But he's the lesser evil.Makes me sad for Alan.
Let's talk about Lucas I wonder if the soul system is like JJK,like if your twins you share the same soul and that's why the demon took his brother.
Also which character did you pick for your first
I picked Thoma first, but I didn't take screenshots of the opening. Probably gonna use my emulator to take a crack at screencapping all of the boys intros because I am insane and want to pick it apart for lore research.
Twins sharing the same soul/being seen as the same person is very common in Japanese folklore if I understand correctly? But that might just be me overthinking the plot of Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. So yes that's my assumption too, the demon likely took Luca's brother in his place since they technically share a soul.
Now. Let's talk about Leo. The main reason Alan and Thoma didn't immediately kick him out of the car was to not make a scene. Thoma specifically seems to respect the opportunistic sort, and thinks that Leo shows promise if he shapes up. He's skilled with tech, good at reading people, quick on his feet, all of those things are arguably good traits that Vagastrom, and Alan, could really use! Besides it's not like he has enough on either of them to get in their way yet, best to play it cool and walk away with the upper hand. Another thing we learn from this conversation that might be easy to miss is that unlike Twisted Wonderland where each dorm has rules about who should be the leader, Darwick's Administration picks the Captain and Vice Captain of the dorm, and grades seem to be more important to them than say. Whether or not the person has a good character, as we have seen from both Thoma and Leo, is significantly less important.
But if there is one thing I sort of have to point out that I think Alan gets and tries to call him out on, Leo is incredibly short sighted. He sees MC's power as worthless not because it doesn't work but because he already used it and got what he wants from it. He doesn't see anyone other than himself, and maybe Sho, as a person so he doesn't feel any guilt about using MC to get what he wants and then trying to get her kicked out of the school. He's also the only bitch in this house that completely ignores that MC can't leave, he doesn't mention her curse once when talking about her and honestly I don't think he was paying attention enough to remember that she can't leave because of that. Allan makes a point at the end of the Vagastrom book that I really hope is followed up on:
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I sort of read this as applying to his friendship with Sho and his own reputation. Sure, it's all fun and games now while he snatches up the Vice Captain role and still has Sho doing his bidding, but well. Sho does occasionally do what he wants, he didn't go along with Leo's plan, not completely. He didn't outright lie about MC's power, and he hates how Leo keeps asking about why the ghouls made their wish on a demon. He thinks it's wrong, he hates it. Leo's treatment of MC did bother him, and I know he doesn't want MC to die. I don't know how far you or anyone else has made it, but something happens in Book 3 that makes it seem like MC has gone missing, and according to Hyde all of the Frostheim, "and one or two" of the Vagastrom ghouls have to be talked out of going to look for her.
As of right now Leo's only real ally is Sho. If Sho gets fed up with him and stops covering his ass, then Leo has no one, and I don't think that's occurred to him since according to Sho's bio they've been friends since long before Darkwick. Anyway I hope they get divorced and Sho gets to keep his food truck. Like I said, we can run Leo over with it for the insurance money.
Have some Side Notes:
The ring of Solomon, or the ring of wisdom, granted Solomon the power to make demons do his bidding in the original myth. Since ghouls powers come from demons, in some way, shape, or form, my theory is that the ring is likely enhancing the demonic part of them.
The "like doves" supposedly appear when someone is thinking of you positively/likes you. The first people to make these doves appear around MC are Luka and Kaito. The second is Sho, which is honestly why I am a bit softer on him then I should be. The third time it shows up is at the end of Jabberwock's book with all three dorm members present, meaning literally the only bitch in this house who does not respect MC is fucking Leo that dick-
while it isn't specified, Professor Dante appears to be the advisor for both Frostheim and Vagastrom, something I think is more or less confirmed by Hyde being in charge of both Jabberwock and Sinostra. Anyway the point I want to make is that we are missing a dorm if we follow the rule of each advisor being in charge of two, and no I don't mean the two missing characters from Obscuary I mean a whole dorm that seems to have specialized in exorcisms (perhaps of curses 👀):
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My personal theory is that their dorm used to be in the Cathedral we are staying in and that it was destroyed during "the Clash" that's been alluded to in the first part of the story, we don't know much about it other than 1) it was between ghouls, perhaps exclusively 2) there is a spy of some sort Thoma and Alan are looking for that might have had something to do with it and 3) a Frostheim student behaved very badly during the Clash to the point Thoma seems to think they should take some responsibility for it. But that's just my speculation, don't know how much of it's real.
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h4desian · 1 year
I love your fem nostalgia stuff on ao3! Do you by any chance have some headcanons for them?
Anon you have no idea the kind of pandora box you just opened. Sure, I got some!
Fem! Onodera:
She was raised from a very young age to become the spitting image of the ideal japanese wife (yamato nadeshiko) by her mother (her father doesn't mind as much and is fine with who she is already). While she appears to be one at first glance, due to the feminine way she dresses (the kind of feminine a japanese man would like, i.e., modest), she is far from being a traditional woman.
For starters, she sucks at domestic chores. Just like canon Ritsu, her place is a mess. Her cooking skills are a bit more "refined" (her mom pushed her to learn how to cook as a way to become the perfect wife and mother), but it still leaves much to be desired (she is the kind of person who would burn the water).
Also, just like canon Ritsu, she was involved in an arranged married with her childhood friend and the only child of the Kohinatas (Akkun??? Yeah, let's go with that name for now). However, he was already aware of Ritsuko's umm...sapphic inclinations, and is very supportive of her. He is the one who called off the engagement, as Ritsuko's mother has always been more willing to listen to him instead of her own daughter.
As for her name, Ritsuko, I went with that since all sources I found about Ritsu as a name said that it's a guy's name (I'm aware that there are female characters named Ritsu). Also, I've heard that "yamato nadeshiko" women typically have names ending in -ko, so it was perfect.
Her job makes her prefer outfits that prioritize comfort over aesthetics. Even so, she is a fan of fashion (particularly couture fashion), and she likes to try on different outfits when she is all alone. Okay, MAYBE Takano has helped her a little with these "fashion shows" but you get the idea.
Speaking of fashion, she definitely has some lingerie in her closet (think of the most lacey, cutesy, and girly lingerie you could ever image). There is no big reason as to why she has them, she just thinks it makes her look cute. These are hidden as much as possible so that no one can find them.
Just like canon Ritsu, Ritsuko is a literature person. Her favorite genres are mystery and historical fiction.
 Fem! Takano:
Not many differences with canon Takano. Because of her upbringing, she is a very independent person and is not under the pressure to get married and have kids, unlike most japanese women (read: Onodera).
This is more of a general thing: all the Emerald girls (yes, they're all girls in my AU) have different "female tropes" vibes. In Takano's case, she gives femme fatale vibes. While she can be intimidating as a boss (and the reason why she might be seen as one), Takano is a sensitive woman. Onodera knows this better than anybody else.
I named her Masami in my AU. Technically, the feminine version of Masamune is Masako, but I didn’t want to use too many names ending in -ko. Masami is a name with a plethora of writings. In this case, I like this version: 雅美, it means “elegant beauty”. I think it fits her just right.
She never gave too much thought about her sexuality back in high school. There were a lot of guys who liked her, and she even got some confessions and love letters from them. The other girls would say that she was very lucky, but she didn't feel like it was like that. It wasn't until Oda came into the picture that she went "shit I'm gay".
She still has one of the books she borrowed from Onodera back in high school. Ritsuko has completely forgotten about it. You can see it on Takano's bookcase.
Takano is the type of person who could wear anything and would still look good. She shows up in a hoodie and some sweatpants and other women at Marukawa are like "omg fashion icon!!".
You bet your ass she sends Ritsuko pictures of cats snuggling together and write something like "look it's us". She isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. Actually, Onodera doesn’t her want her to stop either.
These are some I have for now, hope you like them :)
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hi I’m back for the milestone match up! :D i’d like to request a romantic match up please❤️
Hi, i’m E! I like to draw, mostly people or characters that i love! If i’m not studying for uni, i’d rather spend my day on learning how to draw instead. My favourite place in the world is the beach. Spending time with my friends and sister is a way for me to recharge after a hard day. I like japanese food way too much, and have a sweet tooth. I’m not bothered by pda. I’m not the best at communicating, so i’d appreciate to have someone who’d order at the mcdonald’s drive thru for me, who’d call first and initiate texts and has the patience to listen to my incoherent thoughts. The easiest way to make me fall in love is to make me laugh.🌸
I love kyojuro because he has all the traits i look for in a partner, but i’m open to suggestions if you think someone else would suit me better! After all, you did make me have a slight crush on sanemi😳🤍
💞: Rengoku Kyojuro
takes a little too long to put sunscreen on your back at the beach. You appreciate his care and concern, aaand you also lowkey worry about looking like someone spilled plain yogurt on you. "Is it all rubbed in?" you huff, struggling to glance over your shoulder at his disturbingly focused expression. "Not quite!" he murmurs, palms smooth and strong along your skin, almost unbalancing you as he presses firmly. "As much as I'm grateful I won't get sunburnt, I really think you've applied enough," you swivel around, eyebrows pinched impatiently. His consequent pout almost makes you feel badly... until you take the sunscreen bottle from his hands, frown deepening, "How much did you use?! I swear it's half empty?! I JUST BOUGHT THIS?!"
enjoys waiting on you, your sister, and (your) friends. Going to a movie? He insists on you all coming home afterwards, because he's excited to cook Japanese cuisine for everyone, "Why spend money eating out when you can have an even better experience at home?" He respects your space and time with them (it gives him a fighting chance to catch up on the book he's reading), and secretly adores when you playfully call him Waiter!
texts you whenever he sees something you might like. Yes or no? and Do you need this/these? and Reminds me of you! are frequently received messages of yours (from him), but you have to be careful! If you say Yes or Yup or Ooh! (synonyms included), then it's practically guaranteed that he'll buy it/them for you. He isn't necessarily impulsive or wasteful, but he keeps tabs on how many pairs of your socks have holes in them, how long it's been since you last treated yourself, and remembers anything you mention in passing.
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straycatboogie · 2 years
2022/09/24 English
When I was a high school student, I accidentally read the book which my classmate was reading. It was Haruki Murakami's "Pinball, 1973" and the first contact. Then, I have read Haruki's books until now (even if I can't say "I always read them"). Indeed, there must be many writers which are better than Haruki. But he is even a unique writer for me. I will probably buy his next book and I guess I can't taste as deep reading as his "Norwegian Wood". It is happy that I am living in the age he lives, and also I can read his works in real-time. I still think so.
Tomorrow, the 25th of September is the anniversary of starting my job. On that day 24 years ago, I had spent half a year as a 'neet', and after that, I began my work relying on the doctor' "you'd better start working for returning to society". Since that, I have worked until now because I have a negative reason as "I have nothing else to do" and also "I want to show the fact that I am not a loser, so I have to stay". Finally, I spent the time without any chance to step up, but now I'm trying to realize the project of my job coach. Ah, unbelievable.
Ah, once I thought I wanted to change my job, but a friend asked me "Can you work using a foreign language?". "Companies want a person who can translate Japanese into English", she said so. and I gave up saying "Why can I? I have never studied abroad"... now reflecting back on the time, I think it is also unbelievable. Now I use English and express myself on Discord etc. Not watching at the negative reasons which let me think impossible, but betting on the possibilities and doing it anyway. I might need such a spirit. I can be such an overrated person... how do you think?
Now I am 47 years old. What do ordinary 47 people in this world think in their daily life? Do they imagine their end of life? Thinking about improving their career and doing service to their family... I gave up having any career and family and just lived without any plans in my life. Although I feel that I'm exactly getting older because of a lack of energy (today I was thinking about watching Yasujiro Ozu's movie but slept soon). But in my mind, I am still young or just childish. I am just thinking that I want to enjoy my life without any reflection on my age. It is difficult to get ages to step by step.
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eliothochberg · 1 year
Hot Take: the future of acting
A lot of things are changing in entertainment. There is literally an explosion of content, and like all explosions, it can be good and bad.
The good thing is that more and more different kinds of people can have a chance to be on screen. The cost of production going down means that more and more stories can be told without the gatekeeping of big studios and production companies. I have long advocated that if you don't see what you want on screen, for the price of a decent used car, you can make it yourself. That price has gone down.
The downside of all of this, though, is that it's harder to break through the noise and have anyone actually see what you've done. It also means that pay reduces.
But what's next for all of this? I have some predictions:
First, the VO industry for mundane scripts will all but go completely to AI. With the families of famous dead people selling the rights to their voices, and AI getting better and better at mimicking human inflection, if you're in the business of doing the legalese at the end of ads, or phone system messages, or reading audio books, your working days are numbered. I'm less sure about cartoon voices, although I imagine AI versions of that will still get pretty good.
For on screen acting, there are a couple of things I see happening. First, I think performers being asked to do accents is going to disappear. Why? Because of the trend that's been happening of casting directors wanting people who are actually the thing for on screen to be the performers. Casting calls ask for actual dentists, construction workers, etc. Couple that with the (understandable) trend of not wanting to have actors play insert-color-here face, and I think that it won't be long until only people of the role's demographic will be hired for those rolls. I predict, for instance, that "playing plaid face" might become a thing, for instance, as people of Scottish descent will finally have enough of English and American actors trying to do their accent.
Where I'm less sure is if people will be able to act in roles with characters who have conditions that the actor doesn't have. For instance, depression, narcissism, etc. I could, however, definitely see some portion of the population complaining about such a thing, and I'm not sure if you follow the logic all the way that we'd be able to argue.
In a way, though, again, this is good/bad news. On the one hand, it means that acting jobs will be spread around the actor pool, and studios will save money always hiring newer actors. On the other hand, it makes acting less fun the more options you take a way from a performer.
That said, there is no rule that says acting has to be a viable or fun profession.
In my vision of things, actors will eventually be hired because they can memorize lines well and do a character that is basically them for each role. That is happening more and more, except in places where computer graphics are used for the visuals for a character. In those instances, an actor can do whatever they want (assuming the visual is a fantastical or sci-fi being), but still have to be careful not to accidentally mimic a group and portray them in an offensive way.
I also strongly believe that we are maybe 10 years away from being fooled by an AI CGI generated movie, with no live actors, no actual writers, not even a true director in the film sense, but instead a director in the video game sense. I predict this won't be a US or EU movie; probably not Japan, either. Maybe Chinese, Indian, or Eastern European/Russian. There are already CG created people in Korean and Japanese media that initially were passed off as real people. And I'm not entirely convinced that an AI generated film script hasn't already been made (my candidate is The Wandering Earth).
The big issue is that there is still a gap between reality and what we see on screen for CG character close-ups. They are very good right now, but that little bit of failure still gives them away. Once they work out how to make mouths and teeth talking look natural in a close up or extreme close up, after that it won't be long before my prediction comes true.
The question then becomes: why act?
There are still some places to do worthwhile work. Most of them will be in live theater, in my view. Because I predict a collapse of video content in general. Why? Because unless you're watching for nostalgia, there's just too much out there. Once AI driven work becomes possible, a lot of adults will likely check out. Kids may not, but they are becoming less and less discerning, and so true acting won't be that valuable in the video/film/television space.
I also think that once enough human performance is digitally available, a viewer won't need you to entertain them at home. They will just ask the TV for a story to their specifications. They will be able to change the casting partway through. They will be able to cast their friends and family (or close approximates if guardrails are put in) if they want to.
There will be very little reason to prefer human actors for video.
However, I suspect that at least some people will prefer to see performers in person, in real life.
But in truth, unless you're on Twitch or OnlyFans, I kind of think making a living as a performer has its' days numbered.
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kamipyre · 1 year
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@mythvoiced sent in: Sarang has wealth (not... fairly gained) and centuries of time to train her in all manners of performance, meaning that if she wanted to, she could make quite the show out of congratulating Suki for her birthday - it being today is knowledge she shouldn't have first acquired as she did, by the way, but hey, it's her job to know things she shouldn't. Part of it. A small part of it. She could be lavish and obnoxious and pretend it'd suit her. Take her to god knows, and be even more ridiculous. Or she could do this. "So, a little birdie whispered to me that it's your birthday today," Sarang's smile is far too devilish for the occasion, but she's forgotten how to smile softly when she means it. "And I took the liberty of getting you something." She pats the wrapped up bundle next to her, looking suspiciously like four books - the works of Satoshi Kamiya - stacked together and wrapped in... Christmassy wrapping paper. "They didn't have any better wrapping paper on hand." A deep sigh. "I hope you might find the things in here challenging enough to not get bored too quickly, miss origami prodigy~ I got you the Japanese copies, by the way. Figured they'd be better and more... original. Happy birthday, Su-su~" ((;;;; my favourite forensic badass ;;;;;;;;;;;; she deserves everything AND joy on her bday ;;;;;;;;;;;;; HELLO FERRE I HOPE THIS IS ALRIGHT~ Hoping that 1. Suki doesn't own these already and 2. she might vibe with them~)) || the paper machine’s birthday!! ( ft. unprompted. )
There’s A LOT she doesn’t know about Seoul and its people. From the language to the political systems to the layout of the city to even Lee’s food preferences.
( That last one might be the most worrisome of them all considering that at the rate Lee’s going he’ll have starved himself to death before the truth gets the chance to reveal itself… )
But perhaps that is why Suki can’t help but find a sense of…peace within this strange, strange place.
Suki hates mysteries and so, in turn, she loves solving them, putting the pieces together. The process itself, which might be arduous and cumbersome to many, becomes one of comfort. A moment of ambiguity that she can stay in because if nothing has happened yet, then nothing has been decided. Yet.
Of all the mysteries she has yet to understand though, Choi Jing might be the biggest one of them all. Or at the very least, Suki has few, if even any, pieces of evidence to begin with.
Let’s start with the basics: Suki’s birthday. How did Jing figure that one out? There are only three individuals who would most likely be able to figure out the occasion for this particular day. Only three individuals then whom Jing could’ve heard it from.
One. Lee. But he won’t talk to anyone who isn’t related to the case.
Two. Jae-hwan. But as far as Suki is aware, they and Jing don’t know one another.
Three. The Pigeon Man. Again though, she highly doubts Jing would take interest in him. He doesn’t seem very interested in having new company anyways.
With no other pieces of evidence out there, Suki decides that’ll have to be a mystery she'll have to set to the side for the time being.
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“You’re not doing this to win points with me, are you?” She tilts her head. “I already like you.”
Perhaps the bluntness is not needed here, but then again, Choi Jing can be…tricky to read. With a voice as light as air and an appearance to match, one would think she is as delicate as say a flower. One that ought to be cherished and protected.
But looks are deceiving and as far as Suki is concerned, Choi Jing is anything but FRAGILE- what hides behind the delicaity are wolf fangs dripping with blood of her enemies.
Not that Suki thinks Jing has bitten anyone…right?
Either way, Suki shakes her head and unwraps Jing’s gift ( carefully too- don’t want to waste paper! ) only to find the works of the Satoshi Kamiya. The artist whom her father looked up to and now, like father, like daughter, Suki has sought to emulate for years. She had her own set back in Osaka, but at that time, she wasn’t able to complete all the designs Kamiya had set up.
How strange to see them again. Her fingers twitch as she grabs at the wrapping paper, fingers beginning to undo the tape at the seams.
“Challenging?” Suki repeats, eyes sparkling for a moment. A CHALLENGE then! And the fulfillment of a childhood dream. I’ll have them finished by next week, Jing. Just you wait.”
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beforeyoufall-bk · 2 years
 What Is Your Most Valuable Currency?
There Are Many to Choose From
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What is your most valuable currency?
I asked my wife this question and she didn’t know what currency was because it’s not a word she uses often in English. I also did not know the word in Japanese, so there was a long moment of confusion for both of us. Serves me right for asking such an odd question…
Anyway, she eventually figured it out after I started giving examples.
So, after a lengthy discussion about this topic with my wife, there were many options we discussed. Some I had already pondered, others I had wrongfully dismissed. So in this bloviated blogpost, I now feel the compulsion to recount some of them. Feel free to let me know any others I could have considered including.
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1. Time
My knee-jerk answer to this question was time, and I still think it is a good option. It is the one currency on this list that each and every one of you who is reading this, has some to spend. So, thank you very much for spending some of your valuable time reading my blog. It really does mean a lot.
Anyway, back to the topic of time…
Time is also the ultimate equalizer. It does not matter if you are king, president, mayor, CEO, or anyone with any given status of authority or clout over others. It does not matter if you have no home, money, prospects, friends, or anything you may wish you had at this moment. Every moment we spend our time differently than others we have a chance to work our way closer or farther away from something.
For example, if you spend the next few moments walking but someone else spends those same moments in time sitting down and eating a pizza, then you are spending your time in a way that will be better for your health in the long run than they are.
What if you ran when most others are walking? What if you did 1 pushup every hour, when others may not ever think of doing any weight training this week?
What if you spent the next hour writing down your thoughts while someone else spent the next hour watching tv or reading a book, ingesting other’s thoughts?
Both options from all these choices actually reap some benefits from how that time is being spent, which is why time can be so valuable. If you are eating a lot of pizza each day, you may be on your way to being a pizza restaurant critic, a chef, or competitive eater.
We all have this ability to spend time in positive or negative ways in regards to our goals in life. And that is what makes our time such a valuable currency that we all have to spend.
Perhaps the biggest aspect of time that makes it so valuable, is that it also happens to be non-renewable… At least until we finally invent a Flux Capacitor.
We’ve all had a lot of free time on our hands before. Sometimes, it’s not all it is cracked up to be. So there might be a currency that is equally as valuable, less volatile, and maybe even renewable.
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2. Connection/Relationships
What is the value of time if you never connect with anyone? There is a reason that solitary confinement is the harshest punishment they have in prison.
COVID also showed us how valuable our connections with others can be. The stripping away of connections and relationships which we have all worked hard to create and maintain made the pandemic especially terrible for those of us who feel connection or relationships are their most valuable currency.
Even if you have all the time in the world, if you are alone, then all that free time could become a mini form of hell on earth, rendering the valuable currency of time a little less meaningful.
We all know that the circumstances of our family and friends will never be perfect. When connection with others is your most valuable currency, then you may become too dependent upon others for any form of satisfaction or joy in life. And if your connections and relationships with others are miserable, the most valuable currency in your life can become your biggest source of misery.
So, relying on connections will often place large amounts of stress on remaining true to yourself. It can take a lot of self-acceptance, discipline, work, and patience with others, to not allow others affect how valuable your relationships are to you.
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3. Happiness
Perhaps the most valuable currency for you is happiness. It is for many of us. If you have time and connections with others, but are miserable, then who really cares how much time or how many people you are connected with? Happiness would hold a much higher value than both time and connections in a situation like that.
Happiness is too unique to each individual person to have it be considered a reliable currency. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” as they say. So, when one relies on happiness to be their most valuable currency, all other options often become a detriment to their happiness.
For example, if happiness was my most valuable currency, I may still need to rely on some connections or relationships in order to be happy. But others who place happiness as their most valuable currency, may not.
Maybe happiness is more like a new and upcoming cryptocurrency… It may be the most valuable thing you ever invested into, but it may also bankrupt you. So before investing into happiness, you might want to read over the white-paper one more time.
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4. Health
This was my wife’s first answer to this question. If you have all the time or connections in the world, it is hard to enjoy life or be happy when your health is waning. So, health is very, very important and could be considered anyone’s most valuable currency.
Your health cannot last. A currency that expires for us all means it cannot be relied on. Imagine a currency where no matter what you do, it will head towards major inflation and in the end become worthless. In reality, it has no value at all. It just symbolizes what value you have or have not attained, but the value itself is not in the currency.
Also, if you are healthy but do not have anything else on this list, it may not be as valuable as it may seem. You would have no free time, have no happiness, and have no connections with people. How valuable is your health really if the cost of maintaining your perfect health would be to lose the other items on this list? You can definitely be miserable despite being amazingly healthy…
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5. Meaning/Purpose (Goals/Dreams)
As mentioned previously, my own knee-jerk reaction for most valuable currency was time. But after I gave this question much thought and discussed it with others, I currently believe the most valuable currency is meaning or purpose. (Both of which often end up taking the form of some sort of goal or dream.)
Every other item on this list would be pointless without a purpose or meaning. If I spend my time playing games all day, but it was for a good purpose, then it now has value. Each and every person I connect to has a meaning or purpose, and that brings value to my life and experiences. If I am happy for happiness’ sake, it eventually becomes hollow. And if I am healthy but have no reason to use my health towards some purpose or goal, then what value did it give me really? I think all other things depend greatly on its meaning or purpose and that is why this one is so valuable no matter who you are.
No matter what purpose/meaning/goal/dream you have, there will be pain, suffering, and failures.
In the most extreme cases, you could overwork yourself to death if you choose a purpose/goal/dream that is too hard or extreme. There will be failures and struggle. And even if we could immediately satisfy our purpose and meaning in life, it would in essence take away all the value it may have.
This may not be a con per se, but the challenge of making this your most valuable currency can certainly make it less desirable than others.
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Conclusion: Why I’m Currently Sticking With Meaning/Purpose/Goals As My Most Valuable Currency
When I first considered publishing a book and becoming a writer, one piece of advice I heard from a professional writer really stuck with me. They said the best advice they could ever give was to just keep writing. While it sounded too simple to be a helpful answer, he then clarified his advice:
“If the first book you wrote is your best, then there is a serious problem. You can only go downhill from there. It means you are not growing as a writer or a person. The way you grow and improve is to keep writing and writing and writing. Making it a habit. And you will naturally improve and grow into the writer you were meant to be. Don’t compare yourself to your ideal-self. Compare yourself to yesterday’s you.”
And that helped me understand why meaning or purpose is still my current most valuable currency. Any time we choose a purpose/meaning/goal/dream, just keep doing it every day, little by little. The value comes from your growth and improvement through trying to reach for your goals, never from getting the goal/dream that you want.
Regardless of whether you ever fully achieve your dream or goal, it still does not mean they have no value. It just means you might want to choose a different goal/dream that won’t make you miserable in the long-run, or get you or anyone else harmed or killed. Yes, that would be quite bad.
Over time, life has shown me that what we believe is our most valuable currency can change as much as the wind changes each hour. But, it is always an interesting question to ponder when you are wondering what dreams or goals you are working towards.
Are there any other currencies that I should have included on this list?
I hope these thoughts are helpful. Thank you so much for reading. I Agape-Love you all.
Until next time, God bless.
This post is based off of my 5 Minutes of Failure video series
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wrathandgreed · 4 years
A crafty MC making goodbye gifts for the demon bros (unromanced and romanced).
Word count: 3.5k
Notes: I’m a huge crafter (knitter, crocheter, spinner, weaver, cross stitcher, etc)  and I’m currently knitting my husband a winter hat, so I started trying to figure out what a crafty MC would make the brothers as goodbye gifts when they go back to the human world.
Also, this got REALLY REALLY long.
This guy is hard to make stuff for. 
His aesthetic is VERY tight and leaves no room for mistakes
So a simple winter scarf, in business-black, is probably the way to go. 
Somewhat lux yarn, cashmere/silk or alpaca/silk, so it has a sheen
He travels to the human world sometimes, and Diavolo has winter themed events in Devildom sometimes, so a scarf isn’t totally impractical.
He would appreciate the amount of time you spent making it, even if he didn’t get a chance to wear it that often.
Let’s get more personal, now. You still have the same problem with his aesthetic, and the fact that if you want to give him something ~~personal~~ he won’t be able to wear it openly. His pride says no.
He’s stern in public, but affectionate in private.
You knit a medium-sized decorative pillow cover for his bed, in his signature wine-red.
It’s simple and elegant and can sit on his bed like it’s something he picked up in a Hellhome Goods store, and only *he* knows it’s a private gift.
After swearing him to secrecy, you get Solomon to help you charm the pillow, so it never pills up or wears out, and it maintains your scent forever. (Actually, it’s fair to say you do this for all of the romanced gifts).
“I thought, you know, if I can’t be there with you every night, something of me can?”
Awkward MC is awkward.
He not only appreciates how much time went into the gift (who knows how busy you are better than Lucifer?) but that you spent that much time thinking about him.
Mr. Acts of Service over here. Every stitch is something you did *for him*
You assume he’ll just leave it on the bed, and maybe, if you’re lucky, it’ll help you be the last thing he thinks of at night and the first thing he thinks of in the morning. 
Maybe he’ll smile when he sees it, and some of his weariness will lift.
Oh, if only you knew.
Mr. “Stern In Public” wraps himself around the pillow every night. Well. Every time he manages to sleep. Which, let’s face it, isn’t every night. 
But when he DOES sleep, it’s with that pillow. If he can’t sleep wrapped around you, this will have to suffice.
Finds he doesn’t sleep well when he travels, because he refuses to bring the pillow with him.
If asked, he says it’s because it’s not important.
But he just doesn’t want to lose it.
It’s too important to him.
You’ve seen this boy’s room.
You’re not spending hours and hours and tons of money making him something.
You love the guy, but you’ve seen how he takes care of his possessions.
Most of what he owns is chucked aside when the next new-shiny comes along.
You know he loves you to bits and he’ll be careful with whatever you give him.
But “careful” has a different definition for Mammon than for some of the others.
So you knit him a hat. A trendy, slightly-too-small hat in black with a small yellow stripe on the brim.
You can use some lux yarn because, for a single-skein project, investing in cashmere or mohair or something isn’t too awful.
It looks really great on him - the fluff of his white hair, the small yellow stripe, then the wash of black as contrast. It makes his eyes pop and his skin look even warmer.
He wears it to a shoot one day and the photographer loves it
Now everyone wants one
But he has the only one because it’s handmade
Suck it, losers!
The Avatar of Greed finally has something everyone else wants that no one else can get!
Yeah, you’ve seen his room. You’ve practically lived in his room. But you know he’ll be careful with anything you give him because he loves you. 
It would break his heart to have to ask you to fix something you made for him.
You know he’s going to suffer when you leave
You want him to know that you’re always there, even if you’re not *there*
So you knit him a sweater
A big, oversized sweater out of super soft chunky wool with tons of texture.
You finish it early so you can wear it around your room for a few weeks. On the rare nights you sleep alone, you sleep in it.
Again, get Solomon to enchant it.
Now it smells like you.
You wouldn’t notice, but a demon’s sense of smell is far stronger.
“I know it’s not, like, fashionable or anything. But it’s comfy and it can be…..a portable hug?”
His face turns red and he winds up stammering. Obviously. So he puts it on to avoid having to look at you.
Chucks it on over his tshirt. He immediately pulls the neckband back up over his face to take a deep inhale from the fabric.
He looks really cute in it
(He looks really cute in anything, let’s face it)
Might start crying.
Hug him pls.
Any night he feels lonely (which is most nights) he wears this sweater. Falls asleep in it half the time.
It really is like a hug, and the boy needs all the hugs he can get.
Out of all the brothers, Levi is the one who will appreciate STUFF. No matter what you make for him, he’ll love it. 
It’s limited edition! No one else has anything like this!
So this boy is getting crocheted plushies.
(They’re called amigurumi, and he’ll appreciate knowing that)
You make a mobile for his room
Hanging from it are little plushies of all his favorite sea creatures
Henry 2.0 is the biggest
But there’s a few jellyfish
A whale
You had to completely invent a pattern for a kraken, and it came out okay!
You had some extra yarn, so you made a few extra jellyfish
They get suction cups. 
Now he has jellyfish in his tanks and outside his tanks
Spends the next hour rigging up the mobile over his tub so he can see them before he goes to sleep and remember how much his true friend cares about him.
This took….time to make.
You had to basically invent two patterns from scratch
There was a LOT of frogging.
And swearing.
When Levi opens the box and pulls aside the tissue paper, there’s two crocheted figures
One of each of you
(The one of you may or may not be dressed as Ruri-Chan)
“You made these…..for me?”
Tell him you made ONE of them for him. You take the one of him and hug it, “This one comes with me. So I’ve still got you.”
(Don’t let him cry!)
(Too late)
Then you show him the best part - each figure has a magnet in one hand.
When they get close to each other, the magnets snap together and the figures hold hands :)
Even though the two amigurumi will be in two separate realms, those magnets will want to find their partner.
Levi is floored - this is just like something out of an anime! Like two halves of a locket or something!
He can’t even find words. Possibly not for the next hour or two.
But he makes the cutest little squeaks and the verbal equivalent of keysmashes.
Like Lucifer, he sleeps with your gift. But he also carries it around his room. It has pride of place on his desk, and he purchases a stand so you can sit with him while he games or does his online schooling.
He talks to it like he would talk to you, especially on busy days when you can’t actually talk to him on the D.D.D.
It eases the feeling that you left Devildom and forgot about him. Eases - just a little - the jealousy of every human in your world who gets to talk to you. Because none of THEM have a handmade you. Just him.
This guy is either the easiest one to make for, or the hardest.
Like, you could make him a stuffed kitty. Or knit him a tie. But he’s not a super sentimental guy (unless romanced) and, in the end, that’s just stuff. His room is FULL of stuff.
Soooooo, you take out your sewing skills and sew him a traditional Sherlock hat - the deerstalker one, the one that never was actually in the books, but is still associated with the character.
The most straightforward of the brothers, Satan is indeed touched that you spent so long making something for him and he tells you so.
Insists he’ll wear it when solving mysteries.
You laugh, but he actually does wear the hat when reading mysteries now. 
It reminds him of the trip to London - how he got to solve an actual mystery, save his brother, and see the sites with his friend.
YouTube made it look so easy.
It’s just paper, right? Paper and thread and a needle. You can sew clothes and stuffed animals. How hard can it be to sew together pages to make a book?
Oh, my sweet summer child.
You considered actually pulping and making your own paper, but after the seventh ruined batch of signatures you’re grateful you talked yourself out of that one.
You also considered an actual leather binding, but go for boards and a more simple Japanese sewing technique. 
This project is the perfect thing to give to Satan - not just because it’s a book, but because making it is causing you SO MUCH RAGE.
Who needs firewood when you have the ruined attempts of your gift?
You may have thrown various attempts on the floor and stomped on them before chucking them in the fire.
It takes weeks but you finally get the book together. Now the REAL work can begin.
Every book the two of you read together. Every book you discussed. Every book you recommended to him. Every single one gets a page - a title, a date, and a discussion of your discussion of the book.
The book itself becomes a tour through your growing relationship.
While not as stern as Lucifer in public, Satan is also definitely fond in private - he’s completely unsurprised to receive a book as a present, but once he begins leafing through it, the semi-smug smile vanishes.
He looks shocked, and his hold on the book gentles.
His fingers run down the page, tracing your handwriting on a page particularly precious to him.
Speechless for a few minutes, he finally returns with only “I love it.”
Said so softly and sincerely that you can’t doubt his sincerity.
There are blank pages at the end and he begins to use them to document newer books he’s reading - ones he wants to discuss with you later.
Good luck keeping your gift a secret!
Asmo loves craft and crafty things, so he’s always curious about what you’re making and fascinated with the process.
Probably helps with suggestions for the others, especially for a romanced brother (although WHAT you see in them is beyond him, after all, what can THEY have that Asmo doesn’t?)
Because he seems to pop up out of nowhere, he’s already seen his gift a few times. Thankfully, he thinks you’re making it for yourself.
Bonus, he’s whiny and jealous about it, and obviously wants it for himself. So, score. You know he’ll like it.
It seems simple; a pair of fingerless gloves in his signature hot pink. But the yarn is mohair lace (you’ve cursed at it many, many times for tangling on you) held double with merino/silk black yarn.
The gloves are lacy and airy, sensual and soft. They feel wonderful to wear, and look great with a majority of his outfits. 
He absolutely squeals and hugs you when he opens up the gift - the gift he was so jealous of! Of COURSE you were making it for him this whole time!
Wears them constantly. His Devilgram pics start having a lot of “what am I holding?” themes. Cups of coffee or hot chocolate. Someone else’s hand. A ticket for an absolutely fabulous play. And a LOT of peace signs and finger-hearts  :)
This one requires the cooperation - willing or not - of everyone in the house.
You start with your DDD. That’s easy enough.
Since you’ll need Sol’s help anyway, it’s easy enough to plunder the pictures on his phone, too.
The rest of the brothers you get, one by one. Belphie’s you steal while he’s sleeping, although you found nothing useful on it. Beel just lets you borrow his phone. You ask to borrow Mammon’s while he’s gambling and he doesn’t notice that it takes you an hour to give it back. Satan - the real photographer - must be taken into your confidence - you might need his help later anyway. But he’s particularly close to Asmo, and knows how to keep his mouth shut.
You stalk Lucifer for a few weeks. You ask Satan for advice. You consider asking Diavolo to just order Lucifer to hand over his phone.
Finally you just ask him for it.
Getting a hold of Asmo’s phone is the hardest bit. You have to wait until he’s deep in a spa day, hanging around in his tub with both a sheet mask AND cucumber slices.
Then you make off with his phone. And go through the photos.
His wonderful Devilgram-worthy pictures you ignore. You start looking for the ones that he rejected, but kept. The one where both of you cracked up laughing right before the photo snapped. The one where he dropped his hot chocolate and then stole yours.
The two of you in clay face masks and toe spacers? Yep. The one you took of him with super-wide eyes as he put on mascara? Definitely. Selfies of you two surrounded by his brothers, by Sol, by Simeon, even a few with Luke.
The one Satan took of the two of you dancing at one of Diavolo’s balls, so lost in each other that the rest of the ball might as well not exist? Of course.
You combine them with the ones taken by everyone else in the house.
Culling them for the best takes weeks. Because you don’t just want the ~~prettiest~~ pictures or the ones designed for social media.
You pick the ones with emotional meaning, ones of important events, but mostly you choose pictures of genuine laughter and affection. Ones that show how much the two of you love each other, and how much true friendship exists in the house. 
How much he’s not alone, and how much he is loved. How much the people around him appreciate him.
With Satan and Solomon, you gather and enchant a simple glass cube.
It displays these photos, gently lit up, like the digital picture frames in the human world.
“I want you to remember me,” you say quietly. “I want you to remember how much fun we’ve had, and how much I love you for you.”
Not gonna lie, Asmo cries.
The cube moves around his rooms depending on where he is - it’s by his tub if he’s taking a bath. It’s on his vanity when he’s putting on  his makeup. He credits it with helping his relaxation and makeup game.
It’s always on a nightstand by his bed before he goes to sleep. Sometimes he just lays on his back, puts the cube on his stomach, and watches memories float through it.
What you wanted - for him to remember that he’s loved for more than his sexual prowess - comes true. The pictures remind him of the life he has outside of a bedroom.
He starts spending more time with his brothers. He starts taking more pictures.
His followers appreciate the diversification in his content :)
He appreciates how much you love getting texts of those photos - the not-social-media-ready ones, but the REAL ones.
I mean, you could just bake the guy a dozen cakes.
But then he’d eat them and they’d be gone.
And you can’t make him anything that looks like food, because he’d eat it.
You’ve finished your gifts for half of the brothers before you even figure out what to make for him.
And then it comes to you…..socks.
He’ll use them.
He won’t eat them.
They’re not the most interesting gift, but you’re running out of time.
You actually manage to find a pattern covered with colorwork triangles that mimic his usual shirt.
You get Satan to charm them for you - the problem with handmade socks is that they wear out FAST. Not anymore!
Beel LOVES them.
(To be fair, he’d probably love anything you gave him)
Once he knows they won’t wear out, they become his Game Socks.
Like most athletes, he becomes superstitiously obsessed with the socks, wearing them for absolutely every game he plays.
Is convinced they help him win.
You encounter basically the same problem as above - what on earth to make him?
You want something that reminds him how much you love him, and it absolutely can’t be anything he could even be tempted to eat, because he’d never forgive himself.
You try a number of times to build a small tapestry loom, but that skill seems to be beyond you.
Finally you have to beg Lucifer to pick one up for you in the human world.
Once you get it, you’re off and running.
Now, just because things can’t look like food doesn’t mean it can’t be inspired by it.
Red yarn, the exact juicy red of an apple - but here, just an abstract circle. Mixes of pale cream, yellow, and red in a triangle - an abstract pizza slice. 
Those cookies Barbatos makes? There. The broccoli-cheddar soup you learned to make for her? Now just an orange blob with tiny green squiggles. And on, and on. 
And buried, scattered throughout, little woven hearts.
The hearts are made of slightly different yarn, puffier and thicker, so they stand out just a little bit.
In the end, you have a decent-sized wall hanging, full of texture and shapes that are just reminiscent enough of food to bring a smile to Beel’s face, but not enough to actually be worth eating.
He passes the hanging every day, and every day he brushes his fingers over the yarn or through the fringe; a physical reminder of you.
This guy is probably the easiest one to make things for.
Is it soft? Is it cuddly? Can he use it as a pillow? Can he snuggle it like a stuffed animal? 
Click “yes” on any of those questions, and you have a happy - well, a slightly less annoyed - Belphie.
Which is why you take this as a challenge. The easy answer - a pillow - is BORING. And the other easy answer - a blanket - would take WAY too much time.
So, like Levi, he gets a plushie.
But not just any plushie.
He gets a plushie of Lucifer.
Lucifer…..on a pastel unicorn.
Belphie starts cackling the moment he opens it, which is fair, because you laughed a fair bit designing and making it.
He starts leaving it where Lucifer can find it, then saying that the elder can’t do anything about it, because MC made it and there’s no way he’d want to harm anything made by MC.
Satan tries to steal it.
In the end, an “anonymous” Devilgram is created, dedicated to the “adventures” of this particular plushie.
It’s all fun and games until Diavolo wants one.
Well, for your boyfriend, the time and effort involved in making a blanket is just fine.
You debate endlessly - comprehensive color scheme? Granny squares or stripes? How heavy?
You go with your gut instinct - this isn’t a boy who cares about color schemes or blanket styles.
(Just look at his clothes, seriously.)
He cares about one thing - comfort.
You find the softest, smushiest yarn you can, and a pattern you can tolerate working on for like 100 hours.
You go old-school; a granny square blanket like the ones that pretty much every person had thrown over the couch in the 70s and 80s. The perfect nap blanket.
Black… mostly black, with some bright accent colors. Kind of obnoxious accent colors, actually. You figure it’ll appeal to his (dubious) sense of humor. Also it’ll piss Lucifer off seeing it around the house, clashing with literally everything in the oh-so-perfectly-decorated Gothic interior.
This one requires….special enchantment.
A little bit of ritual, and that blanket will fold up into a tiny square; easy to carry from place to place.
Belphie is torn between wanting to carry it around everywhere, like his pillow, and to leave it in the attic room, always waiting for him.
Depending on his mood, he’ll do one or the other.
But no matter what, he also sleeps juuuust a little bit better under it, snuggled up under your love.
You make him the Lucifer plushie, too. It’s too funny not to :)
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neversetyoufree · 3 years
I read the vanitas manga it's feels like queer bait to me, so many straight kisses but no gay ones? Vanitas & noe dancing is just more bait, Luna is a genderless vampire (non human) and that's it, everything else is bait just like the creator's last work
I've seen other blogs getting similar asks, so to be honest, I suspect that this isn't being sent in good faith. However, on the off-chance that this is a genuine question, or that anyone reading this has similar concerns, I'll try my best to answer this properly.
1. VnC is still a work in progress. Literally anything could happen before the ending, including canon queer people, and given the subtext we've seen so far, there's a part of me that's hopeful for it. If there were ever a shonen manga with a chance to give us legitimate rep among major characters, I feel this could be the one. I'm not going to say that just because a series so far hasn't had any explicit queer relationships, it never will.
I mean hell, just look at the show Hannibal. It's a gay love story, but the main characters spend the first season and a half getting romantically involved with a woman. One of them even gets straight married. These things happen, y'know? And even if we never see a kiss or anything, that doesn't mean something can't still be rep in a meaningful way.
2. As I've said before, even if we never do get more explicit representation than we have right now, this series will still be a very welcoming one to queer people in a way that I think is important. There is a lot of casual, subtle homophobia in the world of fiction, and VnC has had every opportunity to fall into those tropes, but it never does, and I think that's worth something in itself.
I think it’s valuable that we get to see a woman flirting with other women, and the joke isn’t “haha gay girls, that’s weird.” The only joke is how flustered the girls she flirts with get, because Domi is charming and forward. I think it’s valuable that we can see a couple of dudes dancing together, and nobody makes a thing out of it. There’s no commentary about how it looks gay. Neither guy is uncomfortable. They just. ballroom dance, and it’s fine. This may be hard to articulate well, but even if we never get Vanoé romance, and there’s nothing gay about that scene, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still feel queer. I think the more we get to see that kind of casual same sex intimacy, whether it ends up romantic or platonic, the more welcoming the world becomes to actual gay people, because it does a lot to normalize that kind of interaction. So while you may disagree, I think that scene has a lot of worth.
3. I don’t know where you’re from, anon, but personally, I am pretty uncomfortable accusing MochiJun of queerbaiting, because I come from a wildly different cultural context. I am a whole-ass American, and though there are some especially obvious cases that I’ve joked about in the past, I am not qualified to try and have an actual educated discussion about queerbaiting in Japanese media. I’m not educated enough about gay rights and culture there. I don’t know what actual Japanese queer people would and would not consider good rep. I don’t know what issues people there are concerned with.
Plus, like, queerbaiting is a marketing tactic more than anything else. The issue comes from when you try to lure in an audience by signaling that your work is queer, then double back on that promise. It is entirely possible, though rare, perhaps, for an author to write something full of goddamn subtext without fully intending to do that. For a famous example, just look at the original Sherlock Holmes (the books, not the BBC show). A lot of people have read queerness in Sherlock and his relationship with Watson over the years (and funnily enough, Noé and Vani were conceived of as a Holmes and Watson relationship), but I’m not about to accuse Arthur Conan Doyle of queerbaiting, y’know? I’m not convinced that Mochijun has ever tried to hook people in under a false promise/suggestion of rep, which is what the real issue would be.
So like, without a better knowledge of Japanese queer culture/representation and a closer understanding of Mochijun’s own intentions with this series, “bait” is not an accusation I feel either of us should be making, anon.
4. It’s been a while since I last read the series, so perhaps I’m forgetting something, but I am legitimately racking my brain trying to figure out what in Pandora Hearts you’d consider queerbait, and I am coming up empty. The series doesn’t really have any representation in it, but it never tried to suggest that that wouldn’t be the case, and I cannot remember anything that ever toed the line of getting gay. If you’d like to tell me what exactly you mean when you say “just like the creator’s last work,” please feel free, because I am genuinely rather confused.
And if this was, in fact, a bad-faith ask rather than someone legitimately concerned or confused, then it is at this point I’d like to ask you to politely fuck off and please stop messaging people. As I said, I’ve seen at least one other person get a very similar message to this, which makes me suspect that you, anon, might be the same asker, which is honestly quite sad. Do you genuinely have nothing better to do with your time than try to make random strangers on the internet feel bad about the things they like? Is making ill-informed accusations of queerbaiting fun for you? Get a hobby bud.
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theji · 3 years
SDOC 4 Ep 6 Commentary
I thought I would be able to sleep earlier last Sat since SDOC was postponed but nope. Ended up reading till 6+am. What is wrong with me?
• First up. I just wanna exclaim. DD looks so good in this episode. I love his hair!
• Henry and his voice change shenanigan at the beginning where he confused everyone. 😅 But it was sweet that he was trying to console Lay.
• My top vote for the team captain's performance goes to Henry, followed by HG. I usually rank Henry quite low in my books (sorry!) but his team did really well in this ep. HG continues to surprise. Much as I love DD, I have to agree with his own assessment - that his team members lack cohesion. Major props to DD's facial expressions during his performance though.
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• Of the 2x2 battles, my fav goes to Zyko and Ma Xiao Long's. It's a relatively silent performance, but loud in meaning and symbolism. The epitome of quiet strength. I like the flow and concept of succession that they are trying to convey. And DD's reaction. 😆 I also really like Huang Xiao and Ken Ken's. I thought it was brilliant to use the concept of mirroring to show Yin and Yang.
• AC attempting Locking. Good try! I love his personality. It was super awesome to see him pair up with Ibuki. I said it last week but ain't his new haircut cute?
• I've always known DD to be a smart guy but he has high EQ too. You can tell from the way he reacts, not just in SDOC but in other interviews. He has his own pace and he doesn't take the bait even if you try to get him to react to something or react in a certain way. He's not the kind to shoot his mouth off as well. For eg. his reply to Henry's attempted provocation before their battle "Aiyo, what to do?" in that cutesy but slightly annoying way, throwing the ball back to Henry. Like I'm not being rude, I'm still giving a response but I'm not playing your game.
• "I lost. I only got 4 votes." Can see that DD was slightly disappointed at himself and the team but he was still very objective when appraising his team. He knew going into the challenge they had issues. This is something I admire about him. I have no doubt In his head he's thinking how to be better, how to solve the issue etc, rather than feeling down. Compared to season 3 when he ranked last in the captain's first show, where he was visibly disappointed. You can really see his growth and change in attitude in the past year. Like him telling Nelson to do more of a certain dance move, cos that's what the judges like. Him rambling on about how fair this voting system is, despite losing. Now, results are not as important; he's really there to learn. He's more relaxed. Not just in SDOC but like in general, DD seems more cheerful, carefree this year. I love it.
• Hahaha Rochka's sweet revenge against DD. He's probaby the only one who can say that DD's performance is so-so. They're both so good natured.
• It was cool that the foreign judges had short performances.
• Acky San 'Firstly I want to tell everyone, I didn't contribute!'
• Unpopular opinion but I really like Bunta and his style. I had my eye on him since ep 1. The 'best friends' dance that he cheoreographed with Ye Yin was great but this week's performance by the waackers/choreographers was just amazing. Amazing. Truly my fav of the season so far. And the part where he collapsed at the end? Hope to see at least one or two more performances from Bunta before he inevitably gets eliminated. He is so underrated. I hope DD chooses him to join his team as choreographer but I have a feeling he might go for Chun Lin?
• As usual, Xiaoji was so entertaining. Can he join DDU as a co-host?😛 I think he gets undermined a fair bit and relegated to the comic relief sometimes but the guy has some great moves that I hardly see others using. Like the free fall one and the other one where he bounces across horizontally. All these require a lot of core strength and body control.
• I kinda wished they had cued DD to join the Lockers. That would have been amazing and I'm sure DD would have killed it. The boy was so excited the moment the familiar locking music came on. Give him the chance to share the stage with the OG Lockers whom he admires so much, please?
• Next week's ep looks so fun. And we get to see DD and his fav Hammer dance again.
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DD gets it. He really lives and breathe street dance culture. Seeing him get excited over the song choices of the locking performance and reminiscing the times when he used to practice with the same song. Also, DD correctly identifying which member choreographed which segment of the waacker/choreographers group dance says a lot of his observation skills and understanding of the participants' expertise and styles. Also his experience. Also, DD always seem to get the underlying storyline eg. The Japanese theme. And that is why he has gained the attention and respect of the dance community, both from participants within his team and even other teams, in the show and outside. He knows his stuff.
I saw a comment made by a C-BXG, that WYB was a dancer first before an idol. As a child, he learned dancing to become a dancer. Because of his love for dance. Whereas for many others, they learn dancing with the aim of become an idol. That's the difference, and that's why he can relate to the dance community. Cos they have the same experiences. He really gets them.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Comfort (Yuta x you)
a/n : WAIST has gotten a lot of love! Thank you everyone..and this is just another scenario similar to that one. Sorry for being away and unable to post stories as frequent as before, I was caught up with hws and tests. plus my finals are coming. 
So, here is another domestic Yuta... to the Yuta fanfic lovers out there I know @yutahoes @ailoveyuta @2-3-t-i
It's stressful. February is the shortest month of the year, yet it is the most frustrating one, at least for you.
Midterm has just ended and you're drained to the point where you've been lacking sleeps just to finish reading all the chapters, stay awake with coffees to concentrate on the test, and totally holding your scream back when the test ended and the score was not satisfying.
You were even more tired when the materials you read during your sleeping schedule did not make it to the questions.
You thought once the paper is turned over, you can just fly home and jump on your bed to sleep.
No, you have to finish some more labs, homework’s, and finals are coming!
You have been laying down on the sofa, face down on your belly. You did not hear it when the door clicks, and your boyfriend comes to visit you.
"Oh? Nani?" Yuta asks to himself when he steps into the not so tidy room. He knows this small studio room you rent by heart. He always love how you're able to keep the small area clean and tidy the room well to make it spacious. But not today, he's surprised to find your scattered papers and books on the dining table and the study table. Your laptop is still on, and the living room table is messy with some clothes.
Yuta walks silently to the pantry, checking on your trash and refrigerator to check if you've been eating well or not.
His guess was right, you did not eat properly. His eyes scan through the highlighted textbook pages and your neat notes. Yuta sighs as he calmly puts his phone down and begins sorting your notes and piling them up into one stack.
He sees you on the sofa, looking lifeless. You must be asleep, or else you'd already bombarded him with the story of your hectic week.
Yuta just smile when he remembers how he used to work hard like you back then in high school days. Right now, he is an idol and his training is different than yours. He didn't have papers this much, but he is also working as hard as regular students.
Yuta continues his journey to the living room, cleaning up the mess you made and gets on his knee to watch you sleep.
He pushes your hairs away and gasps when his fingers touch your moist warm cheeks and wet eyelashes.
You're crying in your sleep? Or you cried yourself to sleep?
He glances to the clock, it's past dinner already, somewhere around nine. Appropriate for bedtime considering you must've lacked sleep for the last week.
"(Y/n)~" Yuta softly whispers into your ear, then leans in to kiss your head slowly to wake you up.
You stir in your sleep and blink several times before peeking through your hairs to find your boyfriend already looking at you.
You yawn "Ah Yuta- you're-" you pause yawning again "-here."
You try to push yourself from laying down, but there's not much energy from you and you remain slumped on the chair.
Yuta just gives you a small smile before hoisting you up, so you're seated on the sofa properly.
He sits next to you, and you automatically lean to his side.
"How long have you been here?" Your question is still slurred, just like when people get up from sleep.
"Thirty minutes? You're deep asleep on the sofa. Didn't I tell you to sleep on the bed. You'll get sick if you sleep here." He rubs his hand lovingly through your long hair.
You snuggle closer to him and just hum.
Your emotion lately hasn’t been great, something super melancholy is running in your body. Was it the lack of sleep? Homesickness? Missing Yuta? Or just the pressure of performing well in class?
Yuta senses how the atmosphere is down. He regularly comes here to visit you to recharge himself by listening to your lively rants and gossips. It's something new to find you-the battery- to be this sad.
Yuta takes the queue that this is his time to take care of you.
"Are you okay?" He starts by asking you the simple question you always ask him.
You shake your head. Your body is already facing him, one of your leg is folded on the sofa while the other is dangling on the edge. Your arms have already hugged his slightly toned arm and your cheek is on his shoulder.
Yuta clicks his tongue and gently pulls you up his lap. You make yourself comfortable straddling him and lean your face to his chest.
Your small petite figure makes it super easy to fit fully into Yuta's body and you feel yourself calm down as you listen to his calm steady heartbeats.
"Mind to share?" He rakes his fingers through your hair while his other hand is secured around the small of your back. Just resting there to tell you, he is here, and you are safe with him.
You stay silent and remain frozen. You want to share, but you don’t know what’s making you feel this way.
Your eyes focus on the tiny fleece on Yuta’s sweater and your hand fumble with his soft sweater.
You lean into his warm embrace, exhaling all of your tension away and fall completely limp to him.
“I don’t know what is bothering me. Everything just-“ you pause, trying to find the right words, “pile up and suddenly I burst into tears and slept.” You pout, your finger begins to trace random lines on Yuta’s back when you feel his thumb starts grazing over your bare waist. Ah Yuta and his habit, you may be honest and admit you miss this feeling.
“Well, that was you not realizing you’re holding your emotion back too much because you’re too focused on something else.” The Japanese man in his calm deep voice whispers into your ear.
You hum once again and feel soft kisses on your shoulder.
Yuta knows he cannot get things out of your heart if you’re not willing to tell him, or like what you admit… you just don’t know which one is affecting you.
So, he sticks to his one and only way of comforting you, by staying with you and letting you know he is here for you.
His big hand moves from only holding your waist to hugging it and he brings his other free hand to your neck. Gently he pulls you closer to his warmth, you melt yourself into Yuta, into your comfort, your safe place, your home.
Inhaling his scent can already help you breathe better.
Feeling his touch makes you sure he is here and he won’t leave you.
Melting into his body, makes you smile at how perfectly fitting both of you are.
Having Yuta for yourself is like winning the lottery and you’re more than glad to exchange everything in this world for you to be with him again.
You just need Yuta, hugging you, tracing circles on your waist, breathing next to your ear, letting you listen to his heart beat, and kissing your shoulder bit by bit to make yourself feel better and ready.
Yes, ready for a new day, a new chance, a new page.
“Thank you for coming tonight.” you finally broke the comfortable silence.
You pull yourself away from his warmth, thinking that he must feel numb already keeping your body on top of his for almost an hour.
You’re like a koala hugging a tree for dear life!
Yuta smiles and you feel the night is no longer gloomy, not when you have your starry man here with you. He pushes your hair back to your ear and pecks your lips “You could always call me anytime! I’ll find my way back to you.”
You nod “I know, you’re one call away.” You smile, this time it is nothing forced. It’s a natural smile that always appear when you talk about Yuta.
He suddenly wraps your arms around his shoulder and places your legs over his waist. With one swift, he has you in the air hanging on his body.
“Now that you’re smiling already, your body is cold but your face is warm. You’ve skipped meals!” he scolds you as he walks to the kitchen with you on his body. You feel like a little kid getting scolded by their mother.
You blush “How am I warm and cold at the same time?”
He gets flustered at that question but shrugs it off “Your face is warm, I don’t want you to fall sick just because I let you sleep without a proper meal. Your fingertips are cold. How could you skip meals?” he puts you down on the chair and goes to check your food supply.
“Great, you just have eggs and oh ramen.” He picks up two packages and starts boiling the water.
“I’ll bring you to a proper meal tomorrow morning. No rejection or refutation, you need to be healthy despite being so engrossed in studying.”
You nod “Okay mom-“ you teasingly joke with him.
He giggles “You’re glad I am not your real mom, or I’d already whip you for not eating properly.”
“Actually, if you don’t mind… please accompany me to do grocery shopping tomorrow.” You glance to the empty kitchen racks. You usually have some snacks or popcorns ready, some booster drinks and fun candies. It’s all gone during test prep and you’re too tired to restock them, but now that you have Yuta who can help you carry the things up to the room… you might as well use his help right?
“I love you, Yuta.” You suddenly back hug him and press your cheek into his back. He was way taller, you cannot lean your chin on his shoulder, so this is cute enough.
Your eyes cannot leave how his strong body, but pretty figure looks perfect in an apron, cooking ramen.
He puts the fork down and turns his body to face you. He cups your face and kisses you softly “I love you too, now don’t go too hard on yourself okay? Always know that you have me and I will always be here for you (Y/n)~”
You nod “I am also always here for you, Yuta!”
thank you! cheer up and hold on :D tomorrow will be better :D
have a nice day/night
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 1
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
I: Hello. Can you hear me? Good night. (t/n: He’s replying to a comment.) You can hear me? Hello. Welcome.
I: My tone sounds great today, ***-kun? (t/n: OP commented that his tone sounds great.) Of course I’ll be excited in the beginning of the stream. But only in the beginning.
C: Your voice somehow sounds young.
I: It’s because I just slept.
*Typing on twitter
I: I finally did it. This is a simultaneous worldwide stream. Do you understand it? Ah, I’m so tired. I’m tired of sleeping.
I: I’ll be drinking my coffee. Itadakimasu.
I: It was a long vacation, wasn’t it? When was the last time you guys heard from me? On September…Well, it doesn’t matter.
I: I don’t have anything particular to do for this stream. I just felt like it.
C: I’ve been listening to your streams repeatedly during holiday.
I: Thank you.
C: We last heard from you at the end of August.
I: I see. Thanks.
C: Thank you for your hard work on the manuscript!
I: I did the rough sketches first. I was brainstorming.
*Someone commented on Animal Rap.
I: Animal rap? I actually wanna try this. Actually, I’ve done recording for one video, but won’t it be scary if suddenly in the middle of the stream, animal rap video is uploaded. Without saying anything, suddenly there’s a new animal rap video being uploaded. Won’t it be scary stream?
(t/n: I’m not sure if the translations for this part is correct. He said something more but I haven’t reached this level of Japanese understanding skill. Forgive me.)
C: Animal rap itself is scary, so it’s okay.
I: What a hilarious thing to say. Are you actually afraid of animal then?
C: Have you got vaccinated?
I: Nope, since I’ve been locked up in my house. I want to though. I want to get injected a lot. Around 10 times.
C: Sensei, did you read Berserk chapter 364?
I: Is it the final chapter?
Y****: Let’s inject the head.
I: Nice one, Y****. Well, since Y**** is an introvert at school, he must be a non-popular kid. Because he doesn’t have any friends, he can’t wait to meet me. Is it like that? Hahahaha.
I: I’m not even aware of the things happening around me. I don’t even know when the exhibition in Osaka will open. I want you guys to tell me about me.
C: I’m aiming to be a mangaka, but having someone that can be a mentor for me to learn from is better, as expected?
I: I don’t think so. It depends. In some degree, it’s better to do it by yourself. If you really wanna write a manga and you wanna create an environment that allows you to do so, if there’s a chance to be an assistant, I think it’s better for you to grab it. Because you’re still not familiar with how these things work. I think it’s better to be an assistant first. You don’t have to be one for a long time though.
C: I want to diet. Where should I start?
I: Record your weight. Measure your weight and record it in calendar. Doing that makes you feel conscious about your weight. You’ll probably can lose weight that way.
C: Are you still eating oatmeal?
I: I’ve been eating Onigiri only. 
C: I wanna change job, but I’m anxious to because of the economic situation. Please encourage me!
I: It’s better for you to change job, since you said you wanted to. I think everyone is anxious. There’s no one who isn’t.
C: I’m happy that the JJ illustration that you posted on twitter will be made into goods!
I: Yeah, without my permission. Hahaha. When the illustration was made into goods without my permission, I was like “Eh? This is…”. I’ll stop talking about this. Hahaha. I won’t talk about this.
*Someone commented about Kingdom exhibition.
I: I wanna go to the Kingdom exhibition.
I: What I said just now (about JJ illustration) was a lie. Please forget about it. Are there companies like that? Of course not. I was just joking. If that’s the case, then anybody can freely turn my illustrations into goods. Though there’s a person who sent me the PugMax t-shirt.
C: I wanted to be a mangaka when I was small. As I got older, I only immersed myself in the real world. I’ll be a civil servant starting from next year. I don’t have the courage to challenge myself, so I want to give my unconditional support to those who are.
I: I don’t know how old you are, but you can still draw even if you become a civil servant. Just draw one if you really want to.
C: You have to collect royalty.
I: I do get royalty. I get 5 yen in total.
C: How old will you be this year?
I: 250,000 years old.
C: How are you?
I: Like usual. But I made progress on the manuscript, so I’m relieved. I kinda forgot how to draw it.
C: I thought you were in your 30s.
I: Nope, I’m far older.
C: You haven’t started game streaming?
I: I’m haven’t decided yet for today.
*People were discussing about his age.
I: Doesn’t matter how old I am.
C: Do you prefer women with long hair or short hair?
I: Short hair.
*People commented about Heavy Rain.
I: Oh, you want to see me playing Heavy Rain? I’m okay with that. I’m okay with playing games or anything. I’ll be a yes-man for today. Everyone’s yes-man & toy, Ishida Osushi.
*Someone commented about Animal Rap again.
I: I wanted to say something about this. I’ve done the animal rap video. I only upload videos I’ve received from the animal themselves, not me. But I was afraid to upload it, so I refrained from doing so. I wanna try uploading the video while streaming. That’s what I wanted to say. Well, it doesn’t really matter. I just upload it after I finish streaming. I don’t understand the need to upload the video and streaming at the same time.
(t/n: He said something more, but again, info on Animal rap is hard for me to decipher. I’m really sorry.)
C: What did you watch recently?
I: Movies.
C: There were people who got scared by the fact that Ishida Sui raps.
I: No, you’re wrong. Ishida Sui doesn’t rap. Ishida Sui doesn’t do streaming as well.
C: Do mangakas have the chance to meet women?
I: It depends on the person. The ones who’re locked up in the house won’t. But…That’s right. You might if the workplace has mixed genders. You also have the chance to meet people during party or some sort. I’ll always be at the corner every time I go to parties. It’d be nice if the party was fun and the staffs could enjoy themselves. I also said that I went to parties to take a break, but I hated it.
C: You’re not going to parties?
I: Nope, I won’t. The company doesn’t hold them as well because of the current situation.  Even if I did, I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t really eat the food, and introducing myself to people is tiresome.
I: S****** is here.
S******: Ishida Osushi can become a pro mangaka.
I: I’m aiming for it.
C: Fukuoka suits you, sensei.
I: Somehow, I feel grateful. It’s like you’re telling me that it’s okay for me to live in Kyushu.
(t/n: Kyushu is an island where Fukuoka is located.)
C: Sir Osushi, what do you think of Sir Sui?
I: I have a murderous intent towards him.
C: Does the thumbnail hold any meaning?
I: It does. Look forward to it.
C: Being a streamer suits you (Osushi) better than being a mangaka.
I: Hahaha.
C: The drawings of Neji (JJ character) by Ms. Towada were wonderful!
I: That’s right. Neji drawn by Ms. Towada. I want you guys to tell me something like this. I want you guys to tell me about my current situation. Things like, “would you retweet this?”, “This is JJ’s…”, “The CD’s also…”. Let me change my twitter account. First is Ms. Towada, right? Let’s retweet Ms. Towada’s tweets. I thought of drawing something like this. She drew quite a lot. She drew him more than me. I feel bad having her to draw it. I feel grateful rather than feeling bad. She drew a lot of them. Yonaga’s illustration looks nice. I see… There’s like an incomplete rough drawing. I thought of copying and drawing that illustration. I’ll just retweet this. Tell me what should I retweet next.
C: Is Ms.Towada doing well as well?
I: I talked to her a few days ago.
I: Do read Fool Night.
C: Do you like Aespa? (t/n: Aespa is a kpop girl group. Ishida had drawn one of the members.)
I: The girl caught my attention. I thought she was beautiful.
*Someone commented about his illustration of Ano-chan. (t/n: Ano-chan is a Japanese singer. Ishida had come to her radio programme once, and he did the album cover for her latest album.)
I: Ano-chan! What happened to that? Have you seen the album cover? It’s already out?
*Someone commented about Fool Night.
I: The world in Fool Night is super amazing. It was quite a while ago, the person in charge of the Superior magazine watched one of my streams and asked me if I could write some comments. I was like “Don’t tell me that!” (referring to watching his stream). I hate being seen. But then, I was like “whatever.” I usually turned it down, but I just wrote for this one.
*Someone commented about Wooma (t/n: an illustrator.)
I: Who’s Wooma? Let me check it.
C: Sensei, I’m a good child. So, is it okay for me to sleep?
I: Yes, of course.
C: Sensei, do you smoke?
I: No.
I: Ah, Wooma is the illustrator for the song ‘Usseewa’. Sorry for the lack of knowledge.
C: Do you watch Christopher Nolan’s works?
I: I’m not that familiar with movies, but I may or may not watch it. I’ve been getting into movies lately. I searched for the movies Takahashi Kunimitsu told me about. You tend to watch anything when you’re obsessed with movies, right? I was also obsessed with history for a while after I learned how fun it was from Takahashi Kunimitsu. I’ve been reading 2-3 books on history a day lately.
C: Until what time are you gonna stream?
I: Today is infinite as well. We have another 12 minutes left. Haha. I’ll keep on streaming today. I won’t end the stream today. It may end tomorrow. (t/n: He definitely kept his words.)
C: Sensei, do you like itzy? (t/n: Itzy is another kpop girl group, and Ishida had also drawn one of the members.)
I: Yes.
I: Tomorrow is a holiday? There are people who are not working tomorrow.
C: What are you drinking?
I: Coffee.
C: You only need another 800 people to reach 30,000 subscribers.
I: Yeah. It’s gonna reach 30,000. I have to make an appreciation stream or video for 30,000 subscribers. A lot of youtubers are doing this, so I have to do it too. I wanna do it. Feels like a youtuber. Isn’t it fun? I wonder what should I do for it? What would be fun? Let’s go with this concern first. I get lost if I don’t go one-by-one. It’s one of my bad habits.
*They’re planning on what Ishida should do when he reaches 30,000 subscribers.
C: Show your nails.
I: I don’t do manicure.
C: Heavy Rain.
I: Wanna play Heavy Rain as well.
C: Please let us hear your sneeze.
I: There is such person sometimes. Creepy.
C: Why don’t you play Ghosts n Goblins for now?
I: After the stream, I felt like playing the game. They had something like magical clock, though I forgot the name. The one that double the speed of the game. I really wanted to play that, honestly. Though, it wasn’t suitable for streaming. I thought of playing it in my own time. I really like that kind of games.
C: Will you sing when you reach 30,000?
I: During the previous silent stream, Queen Bee’s song was playing. Those who watched may know. I thought of appearing for a moment and sing and then end the stream. I wouldn’t do it, but I just thought about it. At that time, I wanted to try having just an illustration stream.
C: I’m waiting for an autograph session after the Corona ends.
I: The pandemic probably won’t end for at least 2-3 years.
*Someone wanted him to sing Gaston’s song.
I: Gaston. Singing, huh? Hahaha, why am I having second thoughts? I thought I’m okay with anything.
C: how about a karaoke battle?
I: Karaoke battle, huh?
C: Do you have any piercings?
I: I’m not wearing one right now, but I do have it. (t/n: I didn’t expect him to have a piercing. He’s really different than what I imagined a mangaka to be. XD)
C: I’m hoping for JJ’s song covers!
I: JJ? JJ’s songs are difficult. It was super hard during the time I did the covers. Seriously, when I heard it back…The cover for the opening theme was scary. I thought my singing ability had increased since I recorded this one the last. A few months ago, I listened to it after a long time, it was…what should I call it? A sutra, no, a curse. Me and JJ’s opening theme. I forgot the title of the song. Jack and something. There were parts in the songs where the female and male characters had to harmonise. To convey that part, I had to cover the song multiple times. I multiplied into 7 people, since I had to record as Kisa as well. When I was recording Kisa’s part, the other version of me at the back, probably Kai, was harmonising with me. I was told to deepen my voice by Mr.Kasama. So embarrassing. The voice was really low. I was drawn by Mr. Kasama’s voice. His voice was really good when he said ‘Broccoli’ for the cm.
*Ishida imitating Mr. Kasama.
I: It’s cooler than this.
*Imitating him once again.
I: I was like “So cool!”
C: Invite the animals that appeared in Animal rap as guests.
I: That’s a good idea. But what would the guests be doing? It’s absolutely hard to do that. It’s hard to invite the animals because of corona.
C: The title is “Jack & Jeanne of Quartz”.
I: Right. Thank you.
C: Won’t you invite Hanae?
I: I won’t. That’s impossible. (t/n: I want to see him playing horror games with Hanae Natsuki.)
Part 2
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straycatboogie · 11 months
2023/07/13 English
BGM: Derrick May - Strings Of Life
Nowadays I started thinking about the relationship between poetry and me by writing/creating my studying poems. I remember this... Once, when I was a college student, a professor said to us that "Please one collection of poems in your bookshelf". As I wrote yesterday in this journal, I notice that there are really few collections of poetry in my bookshelf in the room. And I have never read those books so often, or I should confess that I have to be ashamed with the idea of "OMG! I have completely forgotten this book I am having actually!". For example, Japanese original version of collections of Charles Baudelaire's poems. And Lou Reed's poetry (I have an English version). I forgot those books had existed... In other words, I treated poetry really roughly by now. So I have to face the tradition of poetry from now as modestly as possible (but how long can I keep on doing that effort?). I remembered Toshiko Watanabe's book about poetry. She wrote about the reason why we underrate poetry. Her conclusion was "Through the encountering poetry in school education, we already have an unhappiness". I remember so. I need to read her book again.
Through the school education, we encounter the poetry. It means that we need to read the poetry as "good stuff" because they are already decided as "masterpieces" in textbooks. We read that "good stuff" (or we "have to" or "are forced to" read), and try to read how the poet/author had felt. But Watanabe writes that encountering poems must be more "personal". Through encountering poetry in a "personal" chance within our life, we replace the impact from poetry which can't be decided as "masterpieces" immediately in ourselves naturally. Then poems can be replaced as precious stuff for us. That's the meaning of enjoying poetry... This is the main opinion of her I remember. In other words, poetry might be totally mysterious. We sometimes have to accept those mysterious poems as great stuff... Yes, I have a sympathy with this opinion. I guess the art itself is such a great and mysterious one. Even the Beatles was once really "mysterious" or "enigmatic" for us (I heard like that so I might have made a mistake). Or we can see how The Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds" was treated as nonsense once.
Yes, I am really ignorant. I have learned how I can write my poems from music. About Japanese musicians, I have learned the style of Pizzicato Five, Motoharu Sano, and b-flower. I can also remember the influence of foreign musicians as Momus and Blur. In other words, I have never read any Junzaburo Nishiwaki, Ezra Pound, Dylan Thomas (Sorry! I have to do read them). If I could use cool words to explain, I would say that I had learned the poetry within "urban" situation as "streets". Not from any education, but from pop culture. The poetry within advertisements and magazines. Of course, I won't affirm that completely. If I learned the first step of poetry steadily in schools, I could write better poems... I feel that with reading my "studying poems" I wrote today again). But I have to endure that uncool fact as "my life". That "outsider life of poetry" is my life. I need to "give up" something to survive, and face the limit of my potentiality. That is one of the lessons I have learned in my life. Today, I wrote another poems. Of course, it is just "a study". But I will keep on writing, then it would show its "sprout".
This evening I had a meeting. But... I had gotten so exhausted that I slept a little bit after dinner. Therefore I had to attend too lately at the beginning time of meeting and disturbed the meeting (I'M REALLY SORRY FOR THAT!). After that, although ZOOM had a lot of troubles and I had to face them, I finished my presentation about my "Tokyo Story". Reading Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood", I stepped the Tokyo life I had adored actually. But the reality always win... so I had to do bitter taste of that real life. Other members sent me tender comments, so we enjoyed that meeting with warm vibration. We talked about the 1990s Japanese life (the era the internet had just started, so we had to build our relationships only in real life and it bothered me a lot because I was just a nerd/otaku). We also talked about Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and AUM incidents, At last, I have to face this fact. Everywhere I go, I have to follow myself. I can't run away from myself... so I need to "give up" about this too. I live my life in my style, and that's great enough. Thank you so much for this meeting.
A female friend said “You should check your hairstyle” So I went to the department store to buy a clear file To collect celebs’ pics and think about it for a while After that, I changed my mood by the songs of the Blue Nile
I am certainly feeling that there is a real connection beyond the differences we have, that’s true affection I’ve kept on trying to enrich my precious collection I can say that I am never doing any defection
Next Sunday, I will go to have my hair done I hope it can change me a lot. I wanna run Take it easy, life is just something to have fun
Indeed, at my workplace no one shows any kindness If I change my style, what do they think? It’s clueless Can you see whose style I’ll follow? Please you guess
0 notes
defdaily · 3 years
THE STAR Magazine April 2021 Issue featuring JAY B
Translated by defdaily.
GOT7’s eternally sincere leader JAY B. A friendly interview where you can feel his warm-heartedness.
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*This interview was done in informal language to give off the feeling of two friends chatting*
It has been a while since we last met for GOT7’s feature in 2017.
Right, hi. I’m JAY B. Nice to meet you. Have you eaten?
JAY B has been chosen to be on the cover of THE STAR’s 8th anniversary issue.
Dobby is free now. (Laughs). I’m a freelancer now but I still can’t believe the fact that I was chosen to be on the cover of THE STAR’s anniversary issue. I’m so thankful to THE STAR for choosing me to be on the cover so I worked extra hard during the shoot.
How are you doing these days? We’re curious to know what you have been up to.
A freelancer’s daily life is always similar. I work when there is work and rest when there isn’t. I was busy recently organising this and that to release GOT7’s digital single ENCORE. I took the lead and there were many things I needed to figure out such as paperwork. So I was very proud. The members have all joined agencies but I want to take a little more time and think about it carefully before choosing. I’m still a freelancer.
Does the freelancing life suit you?
I don’t know if it suits me but it’s fun. Now work-related calls come to me directly, so I would be asleep then receive a call. I’d go “Ah I fell asleep for a moment, sorry. What is this about?” (Laughs). Since I do even these kinds of small communications myself, it’s nice and fascinating to realise the value of work and opportunities. If I didn’t have this time and experience, I think I might have not realised the value of work as much. I used to be on edge at times when the managers used to tell me things in the past. But now that I’ve learnt how much processing has been done before the information reached me, I feel sorry. Now I have a heart full of gratitude for opportunities.
I don’t know if it’s because you’re a freelancer now, but you seem much brighter than before.
Dobby is free now. (Laughs) I’m joking. Of course it was very helpful having a company. But now that I do everything myself, I feel more satisfied. I enjoy it.
The GOT7 members have all started solo activities. It must not have been easy for everyone, how did you come to your decision?
Right. It definitely was not easy. The seven of us researched a lot so that we can continue as GOT7 together. But then we thought that we should broaden our view so each of us could end up in a better situation. In the process, what we each wanted changed a little and, there is a future that each person dreams of right? The company said we did everything we could do on our part and that they will cheer us on in the future, that made me feel proud. We are also very thankful to the company. I felt that we received a lot of protection under a large umbrella. After all, the company is like the mother that gave birth to GOT7, so I’m thankful to them and respect them. I also thought a lot and looked into a lot of things about how to continue as GOT7. I also went to the president and asked him for advice, and I greeted and thanked Jinyoungie hyung for everything.
While preparing for new activities, what was the thing most discussed amongst the members?
“So what is it that you want to do?” “So what do you want to do?” We asked that a lot. So everyone said “We have to do it" So I asked again “No, not 'I have to', but do you want to do this? Or do you not want to do this?” If you are going to do something, you should do it properly, right? If you are not going to do something with an active attitude, I think it’s better to not do it. So we all came together and decided to give it a try.
It’s clear that you are GOT7’s leader.
One advice the company president told me was that my talent and effort as a leader starts now. Personally handling matters related to our recent digital single, I felt this “Taking the lead as a leader, I need to really work hard.” There was a lot of pressure, but if I don’t do it, who would. It pushed me to work hard.
You mentioned very clearly in your social media livestream that “GOT7 did not disband.” I felt your affection towards the team, what does GOT7 mean to JAY B?
One extremely important thing in my life. Actually, it’s an indispensable part. I’m thankful for the fact that our team exists. You have to know that because GOT7 existed, we individually exist too. It wouldn't matter if my beginning was as a solo, but my beginning was as GOT7. That's what made me who I am now.
How is Lim Jaebeom different as JAY B within GOT7, JJ Project, Jus2 and ØFFSHORE?
Comprehensively they’re all sides of me but if I have to split them, they would be a novel vibe versus an essay vibe. ØFFSHORE and Def. are all about music I like, regardless of genres, and honest stories I want to tell. As for GOT7, JJ Project and Jus2, we would have a particular concept and make it a bit more fancy.
Most of the songs you have shown on SoundCloud are R&B genres with a groovy feel. Have you ever had a conflict between music you want to do and music you have to do?
I felt that I needed to work harder to prove [myself] to do what I wanted to do. I can’t always be spoon-fed. To prove [myself] I made more GOT7 tracks and sent around 15~20 demos. Later on Jinyoung hyung and the president acknowledged me and said “Jaebeom will take care of the musical aspect. You can trust him with that.” I felt really proud hearing that. I don’t really feel a sense of conflict between the musical differences. From pop and R&B to folk and modern rock, I don't want to draw lines between genres and make music that sounds good.
We are curious about the music JAY B will show alone and what you’ll pursue. What stories do you want to tell?
I want to do a variety of things. Alone, I think I will try mixing genres and do things that are fun and experimental. I can also do R&B pop or Urban genres which I’ve originally liked. But that might change later on.
Is there an artist you’d like to collaborate with in the future?
Someone with a pleasant tone to listen to. Even now, when I listen to music and I like the artist’s tone, I send them a DM asking if they’d like to collaborate. And Korea's top hip hop artist, IU-nim. Do you think it's possible? (Laughs).
Then would you like to send a message to IU?
Suddenly? Um… I will work very hard. If by chance you think my song is alright, I would love for you to add your nice voice to them. (Laughs)
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An appearance that may seem cold with a tsundere charm. But what do you think your real personality is like?
I’m the type that is quiet and calm, but people close to me tell me I’m a weird person. When I cry reading a book or watching a movie, or when I get emotional they say “It’s so weird, it doesn’t suit you.”
Are you the tender type?
I think I just often get hit by waves of emotions.
We’re curious about the lifestyle you seek and your values.
To live each day without any regrets.
Is there a place you’d like to visit after COVID-19 ends?
Kyoto, Japan. It’s a place where there is a lot of Japanese heritage and it’s also pretty.
Recently you have combined your two Instagram accounts @jaybnow.hr and @def.cnvs, what was the reason?
I’m the one doing everything after all, it is just the musical name that was different. I can’t split my body into two. I realised I could combine them into one account and just show the difference within it. And as I get older, it’s hard to manage two accounts. (Laughs). Was I too honest? Now I'm confused about what's what.
Was there any other moment that made you feel old?
I don’t do much and my whole body aches. In the past, my body wouldn’t get affected by the weather. Now when the weather is gloomy my back hurts and my knees go numb. (Laughs).
I can see that you’re interested in artistic aspects such as photography, painting and fashion etc. Do these things influence your music?
Of course. They affect the way you live in itself. I’m a person who wants to express and leave behind what I feel. Calling myself an artist feels somehow cocky.
What are you interested in recently?
It’s not art but I’m interested in moving around. Living as a freelancer, I spent more time lying down at home, but now I need a fast-paced daily life. I try to wake up in the morning to eat breakfast and nutritional supplements then go outside to photosynthesize and soak in the world. Everyone has to keep moving. (Laughs).
Are you interested in fashion and lifestyle curation and design etc?
I don’t think I’m a person who dresses up exceptionally well, but if someone asks I’d be willing to help.
What would you introduce as JAY B’s preference?
Freedom. Regarding fashion too, I liked vintage and grunge styles but recently I’m interested in work look and amecage styles. My preference keeps changing. I can't define myself clearly either, but I like the sense of being free.
What inspires you?
Many situations and people, my experiences as well as indirect experiences.
How do you have an indirect experience?
Watching movies and reading books. Nowadays I read song lyrics and unfold the scenes in my head. I try to think of various points of view in these one-act plays.
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To JAY B, love is?
Nonexistent. A moment. I don’t know. As you live life, I think falling in love is a momentary emotion. If it lasts long, I think it’s affection not love. I'm a person who has to talk about love, but sometimes I wonder if it’s okay to feel this way. There are also many different forms of love. The love that my parents give me and the love that my fans send me. I’m thankful for everything.
While promoting for 10 years, what was the happiest moment and most lacking point?
I feel like every moment until now has been somehow lacking. Whenever you look back you end up thinking “I should’ve done better back then.” I think everyone feels that way. But I never regret those times I’ve spent. The happiest instance was when I spotted my parents at a fanmeeting and ran to them and held them while singing. It felt like I was boasting to my fans “These people are my father and mother,” and it also felt like I was showing my parents how I was receiving that many fans’ love and support. I'm thankful that the fans looked at my family happily at that moment.
Have you ever had a slump?
I don't think about something if I think I'm going to fall into something serious, but I'm the type who gets stressed out to do something new.
You are loved not only in Korea but also abroad, have you ever thought about why your fans like you so much?
A lot. I just don't understand. I'm not even popular among my friends... Why on earth?
Think of at least one thing.
Maybe it’s because I worked hard steadily? To be honest, during the past 10 years I have never not tried my best on stage. I can say this with confidence. I’m thankful to be able to do what I like as a job. I have told the members about this previously, I’m sorry for not being affectionate to fans onstage. It’s my nature so I can’t help it. But I have never been indifferent as a singer onstage, that is a fact.
Your bucket list that you surely want to achieve this year?
Being healthy mentally and physically. Since the members have started their solo activities this year, I think I should release an album as well.
Any words for the readers?
Everyone, I’m not saying this as a formal greeting but I really want to say thank you. Hmm… How should I put this? Don’t worry since we are not disbanding. That’s why I tried hard to release the digital single. Continuing on I’m going to try my best to do as much as I can. You might feel disappointed at times along the way, and I apologize in advance for that. But what I can promise is that I’m going to do my best. Thank you so much for supporting me for 10 years. You all know this already, but I’m not so good at things like sending hearts and saying thanks affectionately. I just want to speak sincerely. Thank you so much. I hope everyone will be more happy, not just because you like and support us… I could sound arrogant saying it like this but... I hope our fans are sturdy people who will find their own small sources of happiness in their daily lives even if that isn’t us. And I hope everyone is happy. I’m so thankful and I want to ask you to trust me.
Lastly let us know your future plans.
We will try our best to match our times and do GOT7, JJ Project and Jus2 etc. no matter what. Even if our times don’t match somehow, we’ll try our best to gather even 4 or 5 people and return, so don’t worry. And Dobby is free now. (Laughs). I will do my best in everything. I've made a lot of songs and I'm diligently working on songs right now too, so look forward to it. You’ll be able to listen to it soon. Thank you. This has been GOT7 JAY B. Please give lots of love to The Star’s April issue!
Translated by defdaily.
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beewolfwrites · 3 years
An Iron Box - Perfect Portrait
On the off-chance anyone’s still reading this series, I hope you enjoy this update. 
It may be shorter, but it’s a scene between Chishiya and MC/Reader that was in my mind but I never put it into the original fic :) 
You can also find it here on AO3.
If you haven’t read the original, you can find it either pinned to my Tumblr or on AO3 here. 
Thanks so much for reading. It means the world <3
People were so predictable. Even in a world where you can’t trust anyone, they still look for someone to connect with.
It seemed that saving (name) from that awkward situation at the bar did the trick, as afterwards, she clung to Kuina’s side – and by extension, my own. However, there was a slyness in her eyes whenever she looked at me. A calculating curiosity that revealed her distrust for me.
And yet, it didn’t keep her from seeking me out.  
One morning, several days later, I headed downstairs earlier than usual, hoping to enjoy the rare quiet as I ate breakfast.
While the bread from supermarkets was inedible, flour and yeast were perfectly intact, and with the Beach’s over-abundance of electricity, making bread was a favourite pastime for the former-chefs and bakers living here. And so, grabbing two slices of toast from the kitchen, I took a seat at a table in the far corner of what would have been the hotel’s restaurant.
Soon enough, people would filter down from their rooms and the usual circus would begin. But for now, it was silent. Peaceful. I lifted a piece of toast.
‘一緒に朝ご飯食をべないか.’ Do you want to eat breakfast together?
I put the toast down. ‘You’re leaving too big a gap between words. It sounds unnatural.’
Something brushed against my hood as she hovered behind my chair. ‘Teach me to sound natural then.’
‘どうして.’ How come?
Perhaps she would leave soon. If I waited until she disappeared, I might actually be able to enjoy my breakfast in peace.
It’ll be cold by then.
Weighing up the options, I gave in and took a bite of my toast. ‘Because you’ll only learn by speaking it more,’ I said, swallowing. ‘And also because I don’t want to. You should practise on Kuina instead.’
She circled around the table, holding a small bowl of dried fruit in one hand. There was a screech as she pulled out the chair opposite and sat down. I turned away, looking out of the window instead, but in the corner of my eye I could see her watching me, fingers playing with the bowl of fruit. She was still wearing my hoodie.
‘Kuina doesn’t speak English as well as you do.’ She huffed. ‘And if I make a mistake, she doesn’t tell me what’s wrong. I think it’s a Japanese thing. Everyone here is so polite, and nobody wants to correct you if you have bad grammar.’ She paused. ‘But you will.’
So I’m rude enough to correct her, hm?
She wasn’t wrong. But this still wasn’t enough of a reason to make me want to waste my time teaching her a language that she would pick up eventually.
‘You do have terrible grammar,’ I said. ‘You sound like a textbook.’
When she shifted her chair closer, I instinctively leaned away. ‘I know. I probably have a foreigner’s accent too. But I need you to tell me how I can get better.’
She did have an accent, strong yet not unpleasant. And surprisingly, I didn’t mind it. I knew I had an accent whenever I spoke English, but it was only normal. As for not sounding like a cardboard character in a language textbook? Well... she was clever enough to figure it out by herself.
Picking up my second piece of toast, I began to take a bite when a set of fingers wrapped around my forearm.  
And there it was again.
That warmth
It was just like in the pharmacy when her knee had touched mine. That same warmth seeped into my skin, humming under the surface. A shiver ran through my body, and I yanked my wrist away, severing all contact.
For the first time this morning, I looked at her fully, seeing the briefest flicker of astonishment in her expression before it relaxed into idle curiosity. If she was surprised by my reaction, she didn’t comment on it.
Instead, she shifted in her seat, chewing uncomfortably on her dried fruit. ‘By the way, you never told me how you learned English? Did you study abroad?’
The question took me back a few years, to those nights spent in my bedroom as a child, pouring over language textbooks. The one-sided conversations with myself, the books I had spent hours picking apart and translating until the early hours of the morning.  
‘I was bored as a child, so I taught myself a language.’
Her eyes widened. ‘When you say you were a child...’
‘I was seven when I started learning.’
I was seven when I gave the housekeeper some of my pocket money and asked her to buy me an English language dictionary. And even when she asked my father if it was alright, he didn’t once turn to look.
(Name) shook her head in disbelief, and muttered under her breath, ‘that’s insane.’
By now, we were no longer alone. People were filtering in regularly, filling the tables as they chatted with friends about their recent games. I put my headphones in, hoping that she would take a hint and find someone else to have breakfast with. Only, she remained seated, munching on a dried apricot.
‘Perhaps,’ I said, ‘but if a seven-year-old can do better than you, maybe I made a mistake in bringing you here.’
She pulled a face and boldly took one of my headphones out. ‘Maybe you should convince Hatter to let me leave.’
I glanced down at my earbud twirled between her fingers, before meeting that wide-eyed stare. ‘Maybe I don’t want to.’
Maybe you’re too valuable to let go.
There was a moment of quiet where neither of us looked away. She was close enough that I could see the variation of colours in her eyes, and the slight hint of pink washing over her cheeks. So that’s what she was thinking of. How very amusing.
If she had feelings for me, it would certainly be easier to convince her to go into the royal suite. But then again, she would cling to me in that annoying way.
And I don’t have the patience for that.
Breaking eye contact, I retrieved my headphone from her fingers. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea. You’re useful to have here at the Beach. It would be a shame to let you go.’
‘I’d be more useful if you helped me learn Japanese.’
At this, she turned away. For a long moment, neither of us spoke and I was just starting to enjoy the silence when she mumbled, ‘has it occurred to you that you’re the only one I can actually talk to?’
Ch... that’s a lie.
She had Kuina. The two of them got along rather nicely, and (name) was still blissfully unaware that none of it was real.  
Ignoring her comment, I left to take my plate back to the kitchen, but when I re-entered the restaurant area, I noticed that every table was full. That was, except ours. Elbow on the tablecloth, (name’s) hand rested over her mouth, the smallest hint of a frown tugging at the corners. She was staring vacantly at the tiny bowl of half-eaten dried fruit.
‘Has it occurred to you that you’re the only one I can actually talk to?’
Understanding dawned on me. She stuck out like a sore thumb, alone on a table for four.
The other Beach members were avoiding her, probably because they knew only high school English and assumed she wouldn’t be able to speak Japanese. Even when talking to Kuina, I had seen her mixing up the two languages, sometimes struggling to understand small miscommunications.
Her expression reminded me of the Mona Lisa, those trips to the Louvre where I was made to tag along on my parents’ business trips, only to be left in the hands of his uninterested assistant. (Name) wasn’t smiling, but there was something hiding beneath the slight pull of her lips that echoed DaVinci’s painting. It was something uniquely human that I couldn’t seem to read.
It was enigmatic.
But it was also a perfect portrait of isolation. Everyone wants someone to understand them, to be seen for who they really are. And she was no exception.
The thought pulled at me, persistent, but I pushed it well away. If she was isolated, it would come in handy later on. So long as Kuina and I were the only people she could comfortably talk to, she would be more easily swayed into relying on us.
And when I do send her into the Royal Suite, she’ll have no reason not to trust me.
With that thought, I left her there alone in the hotel restaurant.
Later that night, it wasn’t until the clock ticked into the early hours of the morning that the hotel finally fell into a slumber. And it was then that I slipped out into the empty hallways.
The meeting room was lit only by the faint yellow glow of the patio’s outdoor lights. It wasn’t much against the darkness of an empty Tokyo, but it was enough to illuminate the pinboard propped up against the far wall. Names and numbers had been tacked on, all split into groups of four or five in preparation for tomorrow’s games.
My eyes scanned over the board, narrowing down on the one name that stood out in katakana, Niragi’s kanji right beside it.
But it was only when I switched Niragi’s name with my own, that her enigmatic frown appeared behind my eyes once more. That same portrait of isolation that haunted the back of my mind.  
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