#because i'm exhausted
phlesbian · 4 months
can life stop being so hard and sad please and thank
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
I am in the midst of a cry fest, because I am feeling more vulnerable and exposed than I've ever felt. There have been months and months of he-said-she-said going on, and I was doing the best with the information I had.
I am exhausted. I have been dragged into various bits of feuds, and I have been blamed for others, and I've long since reached a point where this has effected my physical and mental health.
I am more exhausted with something always coming up right after the other. I am aware that because of who I've been associated with, I've been blocked, but my dms are open, my discord is available for people who want to talk. I am not closed off, I am willing to talk to people about what is going on.
My personal complaint is my name being used to fuel this in the first place. I am aware that it's been since removed, but I'm still unhappy with being dragged into yet another public callout/spat. For those involved, I am willing to talk to you, please talk to me, because I am tired of being dragged into things without people communicating with me before hand.
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doctortwhohiddles · 2 years
Someone needs to explain to me why doing the exact same tasks I do at work become so much more tiring when I have to do them out of town.
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mayhemchicken-artblog · 5 months
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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girlboyburger · 4 months
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abysskeeper · 1 year
I'm glad I can at least always tell when I should sleep
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cangrellesteponme · 6 months
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emo-batboy · 11 months
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 43 (Masterlist)
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(Part 44)
Me, to myself: I just think the series was better when I posted several times a week because the pacing felt more natural, and it translates better when people binge it.
Also Me, holding two jobs and a bat: If you try to post once a day again, I will disconnect your head from your shoulders—
@bruciemilf guess who’s back
Anyways, folks! :D So I'm thinking of a new upload schedule where I spend a bit preparing the next ten or so parts then post it all in two weeks? I think that would be fun (and much better for my creative process.)
I’ll be posting the next part very soon :) But it's going to be drastically different from what I've done before. Let’s see if anyone can guess why.
Yada yada don’t die LOVE Y’ALL
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Good Morning, World.
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kentucky-daisey · 2 years
a rant about family and dated beliefs, alternatively titled “I’m so tired of trying to explain why people should care about other people and maybe do a little research sometimes”
The holidays are weird because you see family you haven’t seen in months and there’s always a bit of reconciling the person you remember with the person in front of you.
I love my dad, but every time he expresses his opinions about certain things, I realize he’s not quiet as liberal as he insists he is. He’s not a bad person, but his opinions are definitely coloured by his age. It also doesn’t help that he starts each expression of his beliefs with “I haven’t dug too deep into BLANK, but--”. 
This specifically came up when he bought a book about Harry Potter for white elephant and he was surprised no one wanted the book because, you know, JK Rowling is a huge transphobe. A few days later, we were out walking and he brought the book up and, when I explained why no one wanted it, his response was: “Now, I don’t know a lot about JK Rowling, but I respect how she stands by her convictions.” According to him, people are too easy to give in to pressure and apologize when they don’t actually mean it. To which I pointed out that people are upset with her not just because she’s a transphobe (which is shitty and an entirely valid reason not to support her) or that she won’t apologize (which is also shitty), but she’s now doing it unprompted and has apparently discarded her reputation of beloved children’s book author for aggressively transphobic woman who won’t shut up about her deeply upsetting and harmful opinions. There are plenty of shitty people in the public eye who haven’t apologized or who have done so disingenuously (Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Johnny Depp, etc). The difference is that I recognize their shittiness and they have, for the most part, faded into the background, oftentimes shamed into backing off at least enough to be easily ignorable. JK Rowling is not in the same camp. We all know she has awful opinions. People have told her as much. instead of keeping those opinions to herself, as most reasonable people do when they are told that said opinions are entirely out of line, insensitive, and have actively ruined millions of people’s relationship with an important piece of media that was a world wide cultural phenomenon (this is JK specific), she’s doubled down. 
It’s disappointing. On multiple fronts.
1. I’m almost thirty (ugh) and haven’t read Harry Potter in at least a decade. I’m just not interested.
2. JK Rowling’s been very public in her hate and the blanket “people should stand by their convictions” is old fashioned and doesn’t take into account the impact certain people’s convictions/opinions can have and how damaging they can be. How crushing. It’s not that hard to look up.
3. When you’ve got two queer kids, you think you’d be a little more considerate. I’m admittedly not out in an official capacity, but it’s a pretty open secret in my family and this certainly doesn’t make me want to tell him any time soon.
He also doesn’t get why my sister and I are adamantly against Jordan Peterson and tends to makes light of it every time he brings it up (I’m never the one to do it because why the fuck would I?)
While I entirely believe people have a right to their opinions and can totally stand by them however much they want, not all opinions are created equal and I have every right not to listen to said opinions if I don’t want to. It’s when people’s opinions are harmful or damaging or outright wrong that I have an issue. I am not perfect, but I will always try to do better, and I am not a better person by simply ignoring transphobic or misogynistic or xenophobic etc. opinions, especially when voiced by people with influential and highly visible platforms such as JK Rowling or Jordan Peterson or Marjorie Taylor Greene or Jason Kenney or whoever the fuck else. This is even more important now. The Overton Window has shifted dramatically to the right and people are becoming more and more comfortable saying things regardless of the impact they might have. 
My mum is of the same mindset and even has some questionable opinions when it comes to trans people that are generally exhausting to listen to. The difference is I see her far more often and have gotten very good at steering the conversation away any of the above (she’s very much out of sight out of mind and feels my sister and I are overreacting to the JK stuff without making any effort to look into it). Unfortunately, they are both baby boomers and they’re go to move is to get angry whenever someone disagrees with them.
All of this is to say that everyone has the right to their opinions, but it doesn’t mean they are free from consequence. Things change, society changes. What used to be acceptable, might be looked at in a different light than it used to. If someone has a valid reason for not supporting someone, respect that. Cancel culture is not “that guy disagrees with me about my favourite book/movie/pair of pants”. If a person is getting cancelled (and I really hate using that term), it’s because they’ve done something considered socially/ethically/professionally etc. unacceptable. If a person hates a whole group of people simply for using gender neutral pronouns (Jordan Peterson), not is confused by, but actively hates, they are an asshole and deserve your anger. If a person refuses to acknowledge a person’s chosen gender identity and views them as less than human for it (JK Rowling), they are an asshole and deserve your anger. If a person takes over a company, allows people who were banned for hate speech to return and removes any safeguards that were put in place to make said company usable for as many people as possible while standing up against those who are actively trying to cause harm (Elon Musk), they are an asshole and deserve your anger.
You can love people even if you disagree with them. You can (should) even create boundaries for yourself to maintain your relationships in a way that keeps you safe and comfortable. I would encourage it! It’s up to you to decide what you’re willing to let go and when things have gone a step too far. But it is important, if not necessary, to stand up for what is right and protect those who need it, including yourself. 
Boycott that book/movie/social media site. Punch that Nazi. Vote in your local, provincial, and federal elections. Just make sure to do good, be good, and always try to make the world a little bit of a better place.
Happy holidays.
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bidonicart · 4 months
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never tell your weeb boyfriend you know six languages including Japanese
more snotacon at the comicon
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zykamiliah · 6 months
girl it's not that shen yuan forgives the atrocities, the atrocities were part of the enjoyment while luo binghe was a fictional character, the atrocities gave the fans a hard on because it was a dark power fantasy. but when luo binghe became a REAL person it turned into a REAL issue that's what half the novel is about
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lilybug-02 · 10 months
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Bribed with Chocolate. The way it should be.
Part 22 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
More to come as this is a two-parter. But you know how I am with schedules.
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I think this was an equally possible reaction from Chara.
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daily-odile · 7 months
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a-leg-without-fear · 28 days
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got the feels and wanted to write about it
Ship: Old!Logan Howlett x Mutant!Fem!Reader 🩸
Rating: 13+
Wordcount: 786
Warnings: disease, injury, blood, aging, kind of age gap? (they're roughly the same age but reader doesn't show it), grief
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Your nose scrunched as it was hit by the all-too familiar scent that followed Logan like a shadow. Acrid, sharp, deadly. Seeped into his blood from his metallic bones, poisoning him. Killing him. Leeching his life and healing mutation to where he was a husk of the X-Man he once was.
It was 29 years to the day since you’d met him. When he'd woken up, terrified, on that chrome stretcher and nearly choked you to death. The blood flowing through his thick arms pumping by your ears and only proving what you’d hypothesized: his blood wasn’t normal.
Logan’s blood ran thicker than every other person’s. Tasted more metallic, more iron in his blood than the rest of the mutants that filled Charles Xavier’s mansion. You had always found Logan’s blood to be tricky to manipulate. Whether it be to stimulate his healing or to form the thick ichor to your desire, it just didn’t want to cooperate.
That same difficulty faced you now as you kneeled in front of your and Logan’s shared bed. The room rattled as another freight train barreled by outside. Dusty picture frames swinging on rusted walls, bottles of medication bouncing on wire shelves, creaking bed groaning under Logan’s weight.
You held a clean rag to a shotgun blast in Logan’s gut. His blood had soaked through two others just like it, now lying in the dented bucket at your feet. A vein in your neck strained as you focused on healing the wound.
“It’s no use, doll. I’ll be fine,” Logan grunted. He tried to wave you off with a withered hand. You smacked it away from your face. A low hum rumbled his chest.
“Shut up, old man,” you said. That earned a rough chuckle from his chapped lips. You glanced up at him from where you knelt between his knees.
If pure reverence was an expression, what painted Logan’s face in broad strokes fit the bill. Crows feet bunched around his hazel eyes, smile lines deepend by his close-lipped smirk, graying eyebrows turned up at the edges. He ran a calloused hand along your unaged cheek.
“Beautiful as the day I met you,” he whispered softly. Grief struck you in the chest like a wooden stake. 
It wasn’t fair. Logan’s adamantium skeleton sucked the life from him, making him age and decay, while you remained the same. Wrinkle-less, youthful, bright-eyed. You would pump your youth into him if you could. 
But you couldn’t.
All you could do was prevent the inevitable. Prevent what once seemed impossible, yet hung over you like a thick fog.
Logan ran his thumb under your eye, collecting a tear that spilled from your clouded eyes. You blinked up at him as a thick lump formed in your throat. Words unspoken passed between the two of you. Adoration, understanding, sorrow. Leaking from the hot tears spilling from your eyes and into Logan’s leathery skin. 
“I love you,” you breathed into his palm. You gave it one last attempt, healing the wound in his stomach. You could just barely feel the edges closing and the skin knitting together. The ligaments running through your neck and shoulder tensed under the effort.
“Love you too, doll,” he replied, using the hand not on your cheek to smooth down your strained muscles. Thinning fingers ran down your shoulder, passing over his borrowed flannel and your bare skin, then wrapped around the hand held to his gut. He laced the digits with yours, “Give it up. I’ll heal the old-fashioned way.”
A sigh rattled your lungs, anguish pooling in your chest like an oil spill. You let Logan drag your hand away from his stomach and to his face. Your crimson-stained fingers traced along the tough skin of his jaw.
“Always taking care of me,” he mumbled. Kind eyes ran across your pained expression. 
He tucked his fingers under your chin and brought your mouth to his. Plump, full lips met chapped skin. You poured your devotion into the kiss, licking into Logan’s mouth and clutching at his white tank top. His fingers dug in your silken hair.
It wasn’t perfect. It never was, when it came to Logan. Nearly thirty years of being together had taught you that fact. He was messy, rude, rough around the edges. Not to mention metal-clawed and built like a fridge.
And yet, despite it all, he was yours. You woke up next to him every morning, went to bed with him every night, much like you’d done ever since you met. Your lives were so intertwined it was hard to tell where you stopped and he began.
You knew, decades after Logan was gone, you’d treasure your intimate connection like nothing else.
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This has absolutely been asked and answered before but, how the hell does bill ciphers species reproduce????? We KNOW he didn't just magically appear out of matter or sumthin cuz we've heard him talk about his mother and seen his parents silhouettes with baby bill, not to mention they're 2d and bill is 3d. Is their eye a mouth and reproductive organ? do they shed their skin to make babies like he does to feed??????? DO THEY JUST SPAWN? I know most people just kinda make him a human so he can get freaky with ford but that's boring cmon
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