#because if I'm ever gonna get him back kissing a homie
respectthepetty · 5 months
If there is one way I was going to accept Sing coming between the GL couple in Us, that way was wet.
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Because a wet Sing only reminds me of one thing and one thing only.
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And that's the way I like him.
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mylovenox · 8 months
Okay hear me out on that one!!
Rodrick x FtM reader. But they are like childhood homies who have always been comfortable with physical affection and being flirty for the funsies.
Buuuut 🤭🤭 they are kinda into each other. At some point they talk about kissing and joke around about it. You can plot out the rest 😈 make it silly and dumb pls 🙏
TW: kissing, making out, moaning, whining, saliva, cussing, rude speaking—? I’m dumb as hell so lmk if there’s more🥰🤙🏻
A Childhoods Kiss
You and Rodrick have been the best of friends for ever! You moved to plainview when you were 8 because youre dad said he found a “better” job there.
 Rodrick was 9 when the two of you met and well of course you were still 8, you both met at the local church, he had convinced you to come with him while he left the church since his mom was busy talking to you’re mom.
You both left the church and ran to a near by playground to play at and chat. as you two are running you look over at him and speak.
"What’s your name?" you ask the other boy kindly
he looks at you with a smirk
"I’m Rodrick, what about you?" He asks back
“I’m Y/N!” You respond back with a big nice smile
“Friends??” You ask a bit nervously since you just meant this boy
“Friends.” He says with a grin
you both arrive at the park and start playing an having fun.
but while you two were having the time of you're lives together you're parents were losing their shit tryna find you both.
You two were so busy having fun that you didnt relize that the sun had set and you two were still at the park. You both were kinda panicking a bit, you both ran to the top of the playground to discuss what you were gonna do now.
“Were gonna die here!�� you said panicked
“No were not! Dont say that!” said Rodrick
And he was right because a minute later you guys heard both of youre parents yelling yalls names together. You both dashed the direction you heard youre parents at.
“Y/N!!” yelled you're mom as she ran towards you to wrap you in a tight embrace. Rodrick ran to his mom and she wrapped him up in her arms tightly. all of you guys stayed like that for 10 more mins before both of yalls moms let go. your mom was the first to speak and it was to you.
"Why did you just run off like that?! i was worried sick about you!" she says scolding you.
"i- I'm sorry mom!" is all you could say. and then you heard Rodrick's mom speaking to him.
"I cannot believe you Rodrick- this is so unacceptable! and i hope you didn't drag this poor little boy into it as well?!" she says and points to you.
you and Rodrick look at each other and you could see the little boys eyes filling with tears. you look at his mom and then him before looking at his mom again, you step up a bit and look up at his mom.
"it- it was me..! i made him come along.." you mumble quietly to the lady above you.
"What?!" they all say, you nod and stand in front of Rodrick with a protective arm out to block them from him.
"it was me! not him!" you say a bit louder and you're mom and Rodrick share the same shocked look.
both moms look at each other and sigh before turning back to you both.
"okay well i think its time we all go home" you're mom says softly and Susan Nods (Rodrick's mom duh)
you and Rodrick look at each other and then look at you're moms.
"When can we hang out next?" you ask and Rodrick nods frantically.
both you're moms look at each other before sighing and then walking next to one of their cars to discuss when you two will hang next. you and Rodrick both run back to the swings to play while you wait.
"why'd you do that?" Rodrick asked
"do what?" you said confused before catching on.
"oh- idk, you just seem cool and i didnt want you to get in trouble with youre mom" you say honestly.
the small boy nods with that shit eating grin again
you're parents come back over and look at each before looking at the two of you.
"you two can hang out after school tomorrow" Susan says with a smile. you both look at each other and jump up and down yelling "YAYYY" a bunch.
both of youre parents smile and laugh at the two of you.
"alright cmon lets go" says youre mom with a soft look
you nod and wave bye to you're new friend, he waves back as you both get into different cars and go home which you soon find out he lives right next to you.
Fast forward to morning 🥰
Your mom is now waking you up for school gently.
“Y/N buddy, it’s time to wake up for school!” Your mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs up to your room as she made her way up the stairs.
She knocks on the door twice before coming in
“Cmon Y/N. You’ve got to get up.” She said as rubbed your shoulder softly.
“Remember if you do good at school today you’ll get to hang out with your new friend Rodrick!“
She says with a smile on her face and as soon as you hear that you shoot up from your sleeping. You immediately run over to your dresser and pull out some clothes.
A black tee-shirt with a skull design on it and then plain black sweatpants.
(Fast forward because I’m lazy.)
You finally arrive at school. Your mom waves to you as you get out of the back seat.
“Bye buddy! Have a good day at school! And no fights young man!” She says a bit sternly at the end.
You give her a thumbs up and run into the school building.
Since you’re in elementary you and Rodrick only have one class and luckily you guys had it together! Tho your 5 and he’s 6 🤫….
As soon as you enter you see Rodrick sitting at a table for two, and luckily for you the other seat is empty, so you slowly make your way over
“Hey Rodrick!” “You say softly”
Rodrick looks up and smirks before patting the seat next to him.
“hey Y/N, sit with me!” And obviously you do.
You guys already have thoses little “daily warm ups” with the shapes or animals that you have to add the numbers together and then color in the spots!
You both are working quietly and helping each other on the ones you get stuck on.
“Hey what’s 3+4?” Rodrick would ask you and take a glance at your paper.
You smile and count on your fingers.
Well..if I have 10 fingers! And I first need 3.. you mumble holding up 3 fingers so..3 and add 4 is.. 3..4..5..6..7.. it’s 7! you smile and hold up your fingers
Rodrick grins and nod.
“Thank you” he says with a smile this time.
You nod and smile back.
You both have finished up and go to the teacher to hand your papers in, the teacher tells you it’s free time for now. You both smile and go over to the play-doh desk.
Rodrick grabs red and black and you grab yellow and white.
“What are you making?” You ask Rodrick and he grins and shows you.
It’s a smiley face, the red as the eyes and the black as the smile.
He smirks at you and nudges your side before speaking in a playful voice.
“What about you- what are you making?” You smile and show him.
You’ve made a sun with the yellow and a moon along with stars with the white!
He grins and goes to say something but is cut off my a snarky looking girl who’s dressed in all pink with a shirt that says “I’m just better.”
What are you two doing? She asked with a weird look on her face. You and Rodrick glance at each other and he speaks.
We’re playing with play-doh? He says in a voice “isn’t it obvious voice”
She rolls her eyes and goes to pick up your sun you made but Rodrick quickly grabs her wrist and pulls it away.
What are you doing? You can’t just touch things that aren’t yours?? Rodrick says confused and with a hint of anger.
The little girl pulls her arm back and glares.
“What it’s fine. He’d let me! Wouldn’t you?”
You glance at her and then Rodrick before looking back at the girl and shaking your head while looking at the ground.
She frowns and speaks in an upset tone.
“Why? It’s not like you even made anything cool.” She says coldly. Thoses words hurt you, you liked what you made and hearing someone say that to your face so plainly made it worse.
Rodrick stand up with and upset look on his face.
“It looks great! A lot better than anything you could do!” He says with pure anger in his voice.
The girl glares and stomps her feet before storming off.
You can’t help but blush a little at Rodrick protecting you. He turns to you with a look of sadness but there’s still a hint of anger towards that girl.
“You shouldn’t listen to her, she’s only saying those things because she knows she’d never be able to make smth so cool” he says kindly to you and rubs your back
You smile up at him and nod your head softly.
“Thank you Rodrick, you’re so sweet to me!” You say with a big grin. You can help but think what the teacher had been doing when the little girl was harassing you, but that didn’t matter to you. You had Rodrick who protected you.
Rodrick grins and pinches your sides before getting up and running away, you laugh and chase after him only to be stopped by the damn teacher— so she’s paying attention now??
You had just made it to Rodrick wrapping your arms around his neck from behind when the teacher yelled at you two to sit back down or you wouldn’t get recess. You both grumbled and glanced at each other, you still had your arms around his neck and he didn’t seem to mind, you both dragged yourself back to the play-doh desk to put everything away which meant taking your arms off of him sadly.
Fast forward to recess time🥰🤙🏻
You and Rodrick both race out the doors and to the swings.
“Last one there is a rotten egg!” Rodrick yells, you both grin at each other and race to the swings.
It’s a tie.
“Who won?” Rodrick asks
“I think we both won!” You says with a smile
“It’s a tie then!” You both say at the same time.
You both laugh at that and immediately jump on the swings. You guys are talking and laughing and just having a good time but of course it’s fucking ruined. That same little girl from earlier skips her rude self over to the both of you.
“Hey weirdos! Soooo like what’s yells name btw? Just for my own reasons. I’m Rubyyy” she says in a high pitched voice.
You and Rodrick just glance at each other and then her. Rodrick’s the first to speak, you like that about him because you’re not reallyyy a fan of talking to others first.
“What’s it to you?” He says coldly and with a glare. She just rolls her eyes and walks closer, you both now slowly down on the swings and coming to a stop.
“God why so rude? And because I just wanna know? Am I reallyyyy not aloud to know the kids in my classes names?” She asks with a fake pout.
You and Rodrick exchanged a glance before he speaks first.
I’m Rodrick, and this is Y/N. He says in the same cold tone
“Well does Y/N speak at all or do you do all the talking for him” she says that while looking you up and down.
Rodrick is now pissed Tf off hearing that shit say that, his jaw is tight and his hands are clenched, he goes to take a step forward but you put your arm out in front of him to stop him. He stops and he looks at you with confusion and anger towards Ruby.
You glare at the girl infront of you and speak in a harsh tone.
“I can talk. I just chose not to because I don’t like to. I’m lucky enough to have an amazing friend like Rodrick who will talk for me if I don’t feel comfortable with talking. It’s my first day here and you’ve already treated me like shit.”
Her jaw drops when you cuss at her, she goes to talk but tears fill her eyes with how you just spoke to her. But why would you care? She deserves it— she got what she asked for and seeing her cry just made you happy.
Rodrick looks a bit shocked but grins and shakes his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side.
“Go cry to someone else please” Rodrick says to her with a proud tone from hearing his best friend speak up for himself.
Tears stream down her face as she runs off to her little friends.
Rodrick looks at you with a grin and squeezes your side gently before speaking with pride.
“That was great! I’m proud of you dude!” He says as he looks at his arm still around you and he quickly takes it off of you while blushing a bit.
You smile at his words and reaction to his arm around you. You nod and smile at him.
Yall probably hate me but another fast forward to to getting on the bus to go home.
You take the bus in the afternoon and Rodrick takes the bus in the morning and after, and of course since yall are neighbors you take the same bus together.
You and Rodrick are walking through the big crowd of big kids to get to yalls bus, older kids keep bumping into yall and laughing about it, everytime Rodrick has helped you back up and you’ve done the same for him, it’s getting more crowded as you make your way closer to the bus. You both walk faster and grab onto each others hand, You both pause and and stare for a second before squeezing each others hands tightly and finally getting into the bus.
The first seat is open so you both get in, you sitting by the window and him sitting closes to the walk way, your both still tightly hand in hand.
“Are you okay?” Rodrick asks looking deeply into your e/c.
You nod and use your free hand to brush off your pants from all the falling.
“Yeah, yeah I’m okay..are you?” You ask back concerned.
He smirks and nudges you with the same arm that has the hand your holding.
“Don’t worry about me Y/N, I’m great”
You nod and smile and squeeze his hand as you both sit in silence other than the other kids on the bus screaming and yell.
It takes about 15-20 mins to get to your stop. Once you both see your houses you both stand up and and wait for the bus to stop before getting out, both your moms are at the end of Rodrick’s driveway way, soft smiles on there faces.
You both are still hand in hand and run to your moms to give them hugs.
“How was school kids?” Susan asks with a smile as she nudges your mom’s side and eyes at you and Rodrick holding hands.
“It’s was- alright!” You say with a faint smile.
“Yeah it was alright” Rodrick agrees with you and smiles
Your parents nod and talk for a minute.
“We’re gonna have the play date at our house okay?” Your mom says softly.
You both nod and run inside, you throw your shoes off and hang up your jackets before running up the stairs and into your room.
“This is my room!” You say happily and spin around.
“I really like your room, it’s wicked!” Rodrick says with a smirk”
You smile happily and hop onto your bed sitting down and Rodrick follows close behind.
Oh sorry did I mention this is the same room you guys are talking about theses old memories in?
you guys aren’t 8-9 anymore! You guys are 12-13 Talking about old memories 🤓✌🏻 (I’m aware in the movies he’s 16 but for this it’s different 👿)
(Dont hate me babes🥰🤙🏻)
“RODRICK! If you don’t shut you damn mouth I’m gonna shut you up myself” I say with a hit of playfulness and seriousness, Rodrick has been consistently talking about his drum set for the past 2 hours and tho I love hearing him talk I was busy doing both of our homework.
“Oh yeah? How are you gonna shut my mouth sweet boy?” He says with a shit eating grin.
My face obviously flushes red at what he just said but I keep my eyes on the homework paper.
“With a big’ol’ kiss!” I say with a smirk and plain tone
“Yeah why don’t you?” He says with a fat ass grin
“Mhmm..don’t test me right now Rodrick.” I say a bit upset because the homework is a lot and Rodrick is— well Rodrick. Not that I don’t like it or anything- I love it. I live for it, but right now I’m just overwhelmed and could take a break and blow of steam.
Rodrick then stands up and pulls me up from my desk.
“Rodrick no I need to finish our homework so we don’t fail-“ but I quickly get cut off as he sits down on the bed and pulls me onto his lap and smashing his soft lips into mine, I can’t help but kiss him back because who wouldn’t?! And I’ve liked him for soooo long now.
He runs his hand through my hair and grips it a bit, getting a quiet sound out of me.
He grins as he hears the sound I made and deepens this kiss. I bring my hand to the back of his head to deepen the kiss getting a satisfied groan out of him.
He tugs on my hair getting a quiet moan out of me and he takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues dancing together.
Soft whines and moans filling the room, hands gripping and groping each other. Strings of saliva connected from both your mouths as you pull away to get some air and then smash your lips right back into each other
His hands pull away from your hair and rub circles into your hips and your lips stay connected.
He pushes you down onto your back and his legs straddle your sides as he brings his hand to your cheek and kisses you again, rubbing your cheek softly, a soft whine coming from his lips.
You bring your hand to his hair and tug gently and that just makes him deepen the kiss, you guys continue kissing, the kiss getting deeper and more sloppy until you hear your mom yell for you guys.
“Rodrick! Y/N! Come downstairs it’s dinner time!” Your mom yells
You and Rodrick slowly pull away and wipe your mouths off.
“Cmon..we couldn’t even finish!” Rodrick groans
You on the other hand- are trying to catch your breath and your face is red asf
Rodrick grins and gets off of you and grabs your hand helping you up as you both walk downstairs for dinner and act like nothing happened. 🤗
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sushisocks · 11 months
cmon you cant just say how queercoded sean is and then not expand on itผ(•̀_•́ผ)
My need to constantly talk about Sean MacGuire is really being indulged lately jnhbvbjnbh Thank u dear anon <3
oKAY so like, anon, I will be the FIRST to admit that me calling Sean queercoded might've been a strong choice of words all things considered (especially compared to ACTUALLY explicitly gay Bill Williamson which could go for queercoding considering it's only really explicit if you look for it or catch it). I read Sean as queer in a lot of ways, and that is probably in no small part because I'm queer myself. BUT in my defense, what am I supposed to take away from the developers cuffing Sean's jeans like that?? His queer little swagger???? The outfit with that haircut?????? That is a BISEXUAL MAN if I've ever seen one!!!
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^me rn fr (always, about Sean and Lenny in particular. My gay Lenny headcanon is a lot more solid though, I'll be frank, and I'm honestly waiting to go the fuck off about it properly here some day lmao)
On a more serious note though, I definitely think Sean's admiration for Arthur can be read as a little bit of a crush in certain instances. Not that I particularly ship that pairing, but certain ways Sean responds to Arthur has always had me 🤔🤔 For example (and I'm really gonna out myself and how often i rewatch his missions here) in pouring forth oil, when Arthur gets mad forreal for a sec and threatens Sean (after Sean has a tantrum abt not being invited along which.... come on), and Sean laughs, there is DEFINITELY a crush-related way of reading that interaction & Sean's response. Not to mention the lil lookover Sean gives him I mean COME ON he's not even that subtle!
Not to speak of the fact that the first thing he does after being rescued from bounty hunters is ask Arthur for a hug - how many of yall Arthur Morgan horny ppl wouldn't die to do the same? Sean was ahead of the game. He's one of you, I swear.
I think Sean being queer makes sense with his personality too, as the sort of laid-back and easy-going one. Though I also think, given the time and the fact that I think he's bi, it's probably not smth he's ever thought very hard about? You know, heteronormativity etc etc, him and Karen having their messy thing going on etc etc, but Sean WOULD kiss a homie and not really have a problem with it. He'd just -- not think about it much harder, you know?
It's that same attitude he has, which leads me to believing if given the chance he'd be very gnc. I know I've said it before but I do headcanon that modern au Sean would def fuck around with skirts and makeup and nailpolish, and have a very loose relationship with his gender as a man at best. It makes sense to me, for someone who is both that easygoing, and has that sense of interest in societal issues, to at some point have the realization of 'oh gender roles are made up' and act accordingly, you know?
And then I'm also taken with, and sort of speaking from, this sort of perspective of the gang at large as very queer. Speaking of it in that academic way, as a sort of rejection of normative society - heteronormative society in particular - there's absolutely an inherent queerness to this entire gang of outlaws doing as they will. When being queer has always meant being ostracized from society, it is easy to read characters ostracized from society as queer; in this way, and in my opinion, the queercoding is inherent to this game, and these characters. It's there at the very foundation of their situation and way of living, and it's why I personally am never going to argue against any type of queer headcanon (and why I'm a proponent of many of them myself lol). Me seeing queerness in Sean and Lenny, is no different from me seeing it in Arthur and Charles, or Sadie and Karen, or Hosea and Dutch, or literally ANY other gangmember.
I feel like I went on a tangent here, again, as I am prone to do, BUT my main point is: Sean MacGuire is so so queer bcz I said so, and becuase why the fuck else would he be like that?
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cinamun · 11 months
I had to send an ask because the comment(s) would’ve been too long *cracks knuckles*
I’m apart of the late crew today…but first things first, Life swings us all by our ponytails. This is not the big comfy couch. IRL & pixelated life can get it. ..BUT I’ve been peeping how JayJay moves and let’s take it back a bit when Hope was in her “I wanna fuck Kenji” stage…Do you see how that man handled that situation!? 😩 Like, he literally opened up the conversation (if my memory serves me correctly) then reassured our girl as he conversed/reassured her WHILE HE WAS IN HER GUTS. Slow strokes. Reassuring voice. Baby girl shed a tear. That hit MY soul. (Nonny, i get it if you don’t understand grown folks business…and THAT moment right there was DEFINITELY grown folks business OKAY! Sheeeesh) But, I personally don’t feel someone like/that can do THAT will risk it all for a student that so happens to know tHe CoLtRaNe CyClE. I said before, I know things be falling apart a helluva lot but I want us to be released from the shackles of not being able to trust someone that has pure intentions & a good heart because we’re used to seeing/experiencing the fuck shit. Shit, not to bring up our fallen homie El *pours one out for him* but see how Jay tackled THAT situation!? He’s not playing about our baby girl Hope Diamond.
he’s one of the good ones. You see the bullshit his mama puts herself in and he most definitely sees that too. Jay wants a happy home & a happy life. He’s had enough trauma & he’s not trying to invite that bullshit into his life. We gotta give him credit for that. That’s grown man shit right there. He had an active/loving father. He grew up in a loving household until his father passed. It’s all he talks about…the reason the man loves Coltrane is because of his father. He remembers that love his mom and dad shared. So when he’s staring at the back of Ubrite girls head at those keys, that man is zoning out to the sounds of Coltrane. And I’m pretty sure when he gets home he will run home like a lil school girl and tell his wife that he has a student that has talent & knows her Coltrane. He’s a professor, it’s his job to invest in his students.
There’s definitely piss in the pool when it comes to men but there are trustworthy men out here. Jay is one of those men. Not a gas light or manipulation in sight, Jay loves his wife and family. He is literally the happiest man…misery cheats. Also…also I feel that if it crossed his mind that’s a conversation that he would have with his wife, Jay communicates. He’s not impulsive. That man is a damn good man/husband.
So I’ve said all that to say, what makes you think that they aren’t living and experiencing their happily ever after right now and that he is doing his job to make sure he invests in his students because he wants them to succeed. Home girl popped up and turned in one late paper & all of a sudden black women can’t have nice things. LIKE!? I’m confusion. 😩 But also, every single good show leaves on a “cliff hanger” just to get the mind going. That’s good writing. That makes you want to come back to see what’s gonna happen and it always doesn’t have to be the extreme. Life is about navigating those situations…and that translates to this story *chefs kiss-ly*
Listeeennnnn, Imma ride for JayJay. Literally put on my ski mask and drive the black bus for anyone else who wants to hop on because I don’t play about that one. He’s proven thus far that he’s one of the good ones & I don’t believe his flesh or his mind is weak. THATS A DAMN GOOD MAN SAVANNAH!
but also My eyes perked up when I read “Would you like your plate to go” 👀? Because yes, I would like one also 😂…Girl (you know I’m not the anon because I say it with my full chest, always)…but lemme get a wing plate and TWO ghetosas to go! It’s been a loooong week. 😂😂😂
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That's all I got, I'm fucking speechless!! This is so important and I.....
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i hate times up me and all my homies hate times up
also gonna throw the janitor always mops twice in here cuz i wanna hear u talk abt it. disappointment central right there
Oh boy. Disagree. I like BOTH those episodes. Sorry, I know you wanted hate but I can only give love.
I will explain myself.
Times Up: I actually in my drafts have a huge essay about Times Up half finished that I hope to finish some day soon because I have so many thoughts about it but for this post I will try and keep it brief. Key word being TRY as I could talk for days about Times Up haha.
I get a lot of people hate it for shipping reasons but if you take a step back from that it's a really good episode about sexual assault imo. (tw for discussions about fictional sexual assault and how the episode comments on real assault ahead)
The fact that the episode takes place in a sexual assault seminar about workplace sexual harassment highlights the fact that the gang are all coworkers, reminding the audience that that adds a specific dynamic to the ways the gang treat one another, even as lifelong friends. Now, I will talk about the shipping more in that essay I'm writing, but for now I want to talk about the episode outside of that. Each character represents a different version of sexual harassment/assault.
Mac is careless, doing things like lifting Dee into the air by her crotch or trying to kiss Dennis not because he wants to harm either of them, but because he does things without thinking a lot of the time and is very impulsive (which is very in character for him imo!). But regardless of his motivation, those two things are still both sexual harassment.
Charlie thinks he stalked (is it actually canon that he stopped stalking her after they slept together or does he still do it? that was always unclear to me) The Waitress as a sign of love, as a lot of stalkers do. Again, something that's been very consistent with his character. But just like with Mac, his motivation doesn't matter, his actions do.
Frank is of course our stereotypical Quid Pro Quo case, more obviously in your face about the way he harmed women who worked under him at his old company. I get why some wouldn't find the way they use that for comic relief funny, but I personally like the way they handle it--there's never a doubt in anyone's mind that Frank hurt those women, and the joke is always on Frank finally feeling the heat he deserves for what he did to them and not on the victims. It doesn't matter that that was "what the times were like back that", Frank deserves to at the very least feel shitty for what he did. His part also highlights exactly why some states want to get rid of statute of limitation laws--which yeah! They should get rid of them! Because of the exact reason the episode shows--just because it happened years ago doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Dee spends the whole episode on her high horse because she sees the issue as a women vs men issue (as a lot of people do!) and doesn't think that she could ever possibly be persecuted since she's a woman. But that doesn't matter--she's still canonically assaulted multiple men! And I know some people don't like that they had it be that she raped Charlie specifically but I think it was a good writing decision. Here me out. The vast majority of rape is perpetrated by family members or close friends, because those are most often the people who are close enough to us to cause that kind of harm and manipulate victims into staying quiet. The reveal that Dee raped Charlie is another hard hitting point the episode is making about SA--that you can be friends with someone, even have romantic chemistry with them, but that doesn't excuse raping them. Even if, as in Dee's case, she didn't really think about what she was doing or conceptualize it as rape until it was pointed out to her. The point is that none of the characters THINK they are perpetrators, that they all have reasons and excuses that justify the things they do (just like real life perpetrators always have some sort of internal reason justifying their actions), but that doesn't change the facts of what they did. If the fact that all the characters are perpetrators to some degree makes you comfortable--good! It should! It's trying to challenge perceptions about assault, challenge the idea of what a victim looks like, what a perpetrator looks like, how the same person can be both a victim and a perpetrator, and to show how normalized assault is in the gang's lives and in society in general.
Now, savvy readers may have noticed I haven't mentioned Dennis yet. And that's because I think a lot of people misunderstand the way Dennis is being used in this episode, so I wanted to lay the groundwork for his section first. A lot of people dislike that Dennis is the one to point out the flaws of the others and the fact that Dennis is the one who set up the seminar when he's the worst of them all but--that's kind of the point. Dennis commits serial sexual assault and is able to get away with it because he cloaks himself in the progressive language of the MeToo movement and falsifies evidence. Dennis is the most dangerous of all because unlike the others, he DOES understand consent, he is FULLY AWARE that what he's doing is assault and therefor knows exactly what he needs to do to legally hide it. Dennis is NOT supposed to be in the right here. Like the audience surrogates (the people hired to teach the seminar), we are supposed to think Dennis is an idiot and kind of terrifying, not agree with everything he says just because he knows which words to use.
A lot of people call this episode "wildly out of character" but I don't understand that at all--it follows up on things which have been previously established with each character. The whole point is that the world is changing, they can't keep treating people and each other the way they do and keep expecting to get away with it. Even for someone like Dennis who has a whole system of manipulation and all these practiced ways not to get caught Time. Is. UP! The point is that, while Dennis may be better at getting away with shit than the others, that doesn't mean he's safe and that's a good thing. It feels very hopeful to me. And yeah I think it's funny. I know that's very subjective so I don't really know how to explain beyond "it makes me hahaha".
Mops Twice: I'm not sure why this episode would be considered "disappointing" (I'd love to know why you describe it that way!) because I think it's super fun. I love the references to the way old films were edited and shot, I love the whole grey-scale with red thing the episode has going on--it gives it a very unique flavor. I love the costumes, I love the way Charlie's narration is written like he's a detective in an old serial. I love the twist that The Waitress is running things and poisoning people It's so girlboss of her and one of the most fun things they've done with her character imo. I know people don't like that The Waitress is flirty with Charlie, but that's because the episode is from Charlie's perspective, it's how he interprets their probably not at all actually flirty interactions. Plus this episode is just really funny to me. My wife and I quote "bleach, the universal poison antidote" at each other all the time. I love Charlie focused episodes and this is no exception. And I love when they do new and more out there things like this too. I think it's part of what gives the series it's personality and I love it.
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
What would a battle royale with a bunch of Rens look like?
Context: discord server being weird
Canon!Ren would be the second to die because his crocs are in Haruko mode. He'd have to keep up the act until the very end, which honestly wouldn't take long. Also he's a giant pastel beacon who'd be really easy to spot.
[REDACTED] might potentially be the victor since they’re a fan favourite, gives zero fucks, and won't hold back for anything. Might go into streamer mode and livestream the entire event on the dark web, but that would just give others an optimal chance to strike him.
Renren is in a permanent state of being soft and mushy, all because Angel gave him a cute nickname once. No one’s ever done that for him, so it’s all he can think about. Might be one of the first few to die tbh 😭
2017 version!Ren might have a chance at winning because he was written as the scum of the earth and would honestly put chai!ren to shame. He is Teo but worse :^)
Renfrigerator might honestly win this entire thing ngl — but that's only because he's an unsuspecting fridge so no one would notice him 💀
Mer!Ren also has winner potential since he can lure and drown the other Rens in the ocean, but my guy is helpless on land. What's he gonna do? Slither??????? Dehydrate and perish???????? (I know Winndy gave him a human form but this is funnier lmao)
Chai!Ren would not even be allowed in because they’re homophobic, transphobic, wormphobic, a teo kinnie, a war criminal, and a serial cheater.
BadEnd!Ren/Glitch!Ren is another potential winner because he can literally mess with his surroundings, and by extension, the other Ren's around him. But that's only if the Battle Royal takes place within the game.
ezren!ren is too busy kissing his homie goodnight. But fr Ezra might get very protective over his bestie and team up with him, which would ultimately get them both disqualified.
Minecraft [REDACTED] already died once and I'm still not over it. idk how the server is still standing. dio prepare urself u are on my hit list /j
creature!Ren/[REDACTED] is just a silly littol guy… who would want to hurt him? 🥺 dio u are off my hit list
NSFW Alphabet letter W!Ren would be the first to die because all he has is his multiple PP's and a few extra limbs. You think this would give him an advantage, but that'd just creep all the other Ren's out and give them incentive to jump NSFW Alphabet letter!Ren at the same time.
Twitter CEO!Ren and Tumblr CEO!Ren would also not be allowed in because I am physically fighting them myself for wrongfully locking my account and making me go through my shadowban era.
Landlord!Ren isn't real so they wouldn't be in the battle Royale.
If I've missed any, feel free to let me know!!
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tf2yall · 2 years
How mercs react to a very hands-on kind of friend
I'm gonna be honest, at first Scout thinks you're coming on to him. Will draw you aside and explain that he's flattered but he just doesn't like you that way
When you explain that you're just big on casual, platonic touch, Scout is EXCEEDINGLY embarrassed. His face is as red as his shirt
He hides in his room for the next week
After he tries it out for a while, Scout finds out he's absolutely down for platonic touches! Starts instigating high fives and fist bumps and on occasion quickly goes in for a side hug. If you're strong enough to pick him up, he pretends that he hated it, but in truth he wishes you'd do it more often
Probably initiates before you get the chance!
Big of fan of congratulatory back-slaps and shoulder punches
Will affectionately pick you up and toss you around
Play fighting is a form of affection, right?
Affectionately hits you in the face with a shovel
Fellas is it gay to kiss the homies good night? Soldier doesn't think so. Or maybe he does and he doesn't care lol
Loves it! So! Much!!!!
Hugs!!! Cuddles!!! Pyro loves all of it!!
Likes to hold hands and will do it whenever possible <3 If they get really comfortable with you they'll take off their gloves to hold your hand
Very huggy, especially when they're sad. They want comfort :(
Love their stuffed animals and Baloonicorn, but they like holding their friends more
Won't initiate that kind of thing, but doesn't mind if you want to
Will slowly get more comfortable with it and start offering you shoulder pats and back slaps
Heavy gives the best hugs 10/10 very warm and soft
A generally good-natured kind of guy and is just generally cool with however his friends want to show their affections
Demo is a very hands on kind of guy. He loves it when his friends are too!
Toxic masculinity? Fuck what's that, Demo's never heard of it
Lots of backslaps and side hugs and high-fives
Would definitely kiss the homies good night <3
Has the type of relationship where he'll be confused why everyone thinks they're dating while you're literally laying in his lap
Sober Demo doesn't think twice about platonic touches and neither does drunk Demo. Drunk Demo is an overly affectionate ooze lol good luck ever detaching him from you
Engineer doesn't even think twice about it lol
He's also a super tactile person, so if you want to give him a backslap or a high-five or something, Engie's down to reciprocate
Doesn't really like hugs tho. They're just not his thing
Weirdly tho he's fine with platonic snuggling? Come on, come take a nap with him in the sun
Medic's another one of those touchy people
If you're close, he'll grab your hands while he rambles about his experiments, and pick you up and spin you around when they work
Frequent touches, but not long ones. Medic doesn't sit still long enough for that.
If he's feeling in a mischievous mood he'll jokingly kiss your wounds better
Don't play with his hair tho :( he just doesn't like anyone to touch it
Spy's actually pretty cool with being touched
You'd expect him not to be, just based on general vibes, but Spy honestly doesn't mind. He's used to a lot of different cultures so if you want to hug him and touch him, Spy's used to it
Will reciprocate in his own way. Probably won't flat out hug you, but will kiss you on the cheeks to greet you and pat you on the back when you've done something impressive
It'll take a very very close relationship for Spy to trust you enough to take his mask off. Once he does, he'll let you play with his hair, and honestly please do, because you'll end up with a puddle of very happy melted Frenchman in your lap
Error 404 Sniper is not responding
You touch him and Sniper just fucking blue screens
This man is so touch starved that he fucking whines the first time you give him an affectionate pat on the arm. Both of you agree never to speak of this again
Will gradually get more comfortable with it, and even start actively seeking it out. He's honestly a very tactile person, so once you break down his barriers, expect to always have him in some way attached to you
Sniper just wants cuddles <3
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harryforvogue · 3 years
Bestie when I say every month I mean every month just like how I read Mia telling Harry she loves him and him not saying a word back. Reading WTSS rn because someone told me going to sleep at 3am was bad luck so I must wait until 4. I do love the sad homie!
oh yeah i've heard about the not wanting to sleep at 3 thing. totally get ya!
and bruv........... that mia andharry thing....
since i'm bored, i'm gonna rank some the worst heartbreaking stuff i've ever written:
10. fleur realizing that harry's kissing her goodbye in the vents and later on fleur getting afraid she's dying after her head injury
9. yasmine telling harry about her accident when they're taking a bath together and her apologizing for being mean to him
8. safiyya crying when she comes home to harry, but he's not there and she cries herself to sleep on his bed
7. harry's letter to annaliese after he gets injured during the war
6. the entirety of the "break up fic"
5. miriam and harry breaking up
4. miriam spiraling when she finds out that harry visited without telling her
3. mia calling harry when they broke up because she missed him
2. mia telling harry she loves him and him not saying anything back
1. harry having a panic attack in wtss and annaliese struggling to help him breathe
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cure-icy-writes · 2 years
Character opinion bingo: Nezuko and/or Alder!
I'm gonna do both honestly because blorbos go brrrrrrr
So first: nezuko!
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Honestly I think that Nezuko's character is a really interesting study in consent and autonomy, and the morality thereof. Because let's face it: her baser demon instincts are telling her to eat people. But the person she was before that would never eat people. And so she's conflicted with the desire to kill versus protect, and Tanjirou is also conflicted as he has to come face to face with the fact that a demon who's tasted human flesh is beyond salvation.
Before getting turned into a demon, Nezuko was just a kind big sister who took care of her family, who was content with that simple lifestyle. And we didn't see much of her, but now she's this unhinged, bloodthirsty creature who has in many ways reverted back to the mind of a child.
But Tanjirou is kind, and he has already lost so much. And he doesn't want to lose her too. And she doesn't want to lose him! And so they make sacrifices. Nezuko chooses to trust him, trust that her brother will take care of her, and sleeps unless she's fighting alongside him. Her mind is hibernating to keep the hunger for blood at bay. And Tanjirou swears to find a solution, to find a cure for her.
I just really like, overall, that Nezuko is portrayed as damaged by the incident but her life has value nonetheless. All lives have value, and Tanjirou doesn't enjoy killing! There's no glory in it. Just...tragedy. But Nezuko's not gonna end up like that.
On a metaphorical level, I think you could read Nezuko's behavior in her demon form as similar to trauma or brain damage-- she lashes out sometimes and needs a high level of support, but she's still a person and she loves and she deserves a choice.
Next: Alder
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I just think this man is a weird dad/grandpa who ends up adopting every kid he runs into. I'm ignoring the anime and looking directly at the manga and pokemas content, particularly the conversations he had with N.
He just reads like a very soft older dude who honestly isn't sure how he got this position. And he cares deeply about pokemon-- so deeply that he's still torn up over the loss of one from a while back. I also think that he's of Hisuian descent, and has heard adventure stories about those days-- he's got a couple heirloom pictures of his ancestors, scarred and worn down from fighting a hostile world.
He doesn't ever want to go back to those days. He wants to wake up late in the morning, get a frankly absurd quantity of breakfast burritos, and drape himself over the couch with his pokemon. He wants to have battles with hopeful and eager kids for a living, giving them advice, hoping that one day he can see them rise to the top. This man has been places. He's known loss and grief, but he's also known joy, and he wants to share that. His ideal day starts with sleeping in and lazing about the house, and includes several picnics in the grass, and at least one play-wrestling session with his pokemon. Sometimes he jokes that he was born in the wrong era, and he'd love to be a hunter-gatherer telling stories around a fire and cuddling the homies. he has an oil painting kit lying around his closet that he never managed to open up despite wanting to learn for a while, but he'd enjoy bob ross.
I also think he kissed one of his friends on a dare when he was a teenager and hasn't thought about it in decades, but one of these days he's gonna get vibe checked with the memory and have a bisexual crisis.
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yes-feratu · 3 years
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maple said to post it, so here. fuck it.
so ive loved alan since i was like. 12 lol but my only ship for him was really only ever vb, but last yr maple and i made an au that has past! alan x matt and...now...i cant stop thinking about them....
so heres a little backstory for them ig?
- Alan's full name is Alan Jimenez, and hes Mexican American
- Hes like 5'5" (short king)
- Matt's full name is Mathieu Williams, and hes French Canadian
- Hes like 6'3" (tall king)
- In this au we made, Alan lost his mom and his dad was a real machismo (mexican brand™️ toxic masculinity) piece of shit, and Matt lost his dad and his mom wasnt mean but she was just....neglectful and overworked to try and support her and Matt, and bc of that they both ended up becoming naughty hooligan children and thats how they met
- Alan fell in love with Matt really early on in their friendship but hes always been really good at pushing his true feelings down
- They fuck regularly as a fwb situation and Alans okay w it because well. Matt fucks a lot but Alan is the only person that Matt goes back to and as long as hes that person in Matts life then hes fine and hes secure
- Alans actually only ever fucked Matt in his life but he acts like hes a super slut bc he doesnt wanna seem clingy and like their fwb situation means more to him than it should
- Alfred and Alan are frat bro homies basically and they met cause Alfred got a part time job working at the mechanic shop that Alan works at
- Then...one day Alfred's brother Matthew transfers to the uni that hr and Matt go to and Alfred's like hey! I actually know this guy that I can set u up w bro! And he sets up a date bw Matthew and Matt
- Alan's shit is rocked and he is extremely jealous because Matthew made Matt smile the first day they met and it literally took Alan 3 yrs in their friendship to get Matt to smile at him and HES GRRR HE HATES HATES HATES KILL KILL MATTHEW
- Basically he can tell that Matt really likes him and he starts getting really obnoxious trying to get Matt to pay attention to him and spend all his time saving his ass after he picked wreckless fights and not be with Matthew, but eventually Matt starta seeing that Alans being even morr obnoxious and twerpish more than usual and he tells him to cut his shit out
- Alan gets really hurt and hes kinda alienated himself from everyone in his jealousy and no one wants to hang w him cause hes being even more unpleasant to be around than he normally is, but when Matt tells him to cut his shit out hes finally like. Well I see I'm not wanted here, fuck it I'm just gonna run away
- Alans always felt like disaplearing one day and he always used to tell Matt about it but Matt always blew it off as stupid shit hed say when they were high
- Then one day Matt gets a call from Alfred and hes super frantic cause Alan told him he was skipping town and as soon as Alfred says that Alans gone Matt just hangs up cause HE KNOWS ALAN WOULD BE THE IDIOT DIP SHIT TO JUST FUCKING LEAVE
- He goes to the apartment they shared and he sees basically everythings intact except a few clothes of Alans are gone and hes obviously not there and he starts freaking out and looking around the city for him
- Matts panicking looking for him till the last bus has left and hes lost all hope of finding him but he tries going to one more skate park in the city just to see if maaaaybe hes there, ajd in the distance he can see a silhouette sitting near the wall and his heart leaps out of his chest
- He goes towards the figure and its Alan sitting looking at the floor and messing with his board and he looks sad and upset. he hears footstels coming towards him and he can see its matts workboots and hes starts talking mad shit like pfft what arr you doing here shouldnt you be worshipping your fuckimg boyfriend? and hes trying to cover it up but its obvious hes sniffling
- finally matt stands in front of him and alan looks up and matt looks LIVID. hes PISSED. he looks like someones abt to die. hes so upset his hands are shaking. and alan gulps cause hes guilty as shit as matt pulls him up and hes preparing to get punched in the face or something but then...he looks matt in the eyes when hes finally pulled to stand up and matts eyes are watering, and matt realizes how terrified hes been feeling and this whole time hes been thinking abt how much he needs alan and he realizes how much he loves him fkr him to be reacting this way
- then matt kisses the life out of him and then pulls away to whisper "dont go." into his ear
- then they go back to the apartment and they have fuckies
- the next day alan shows up to alfreds place and hes like. we worked it out. and hes covered in hickies
- he specifically wears a low cut v neck around matthew the next day so matthew can see with his stupid eyes that HE WON YOU LOSE IDIOT
anyways sorry if this was long i have brainworms 💗
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breanime · 5 years
Congratulations on your 2000 followers IAM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I'm so happy you're getting more appreciation I hope you get much more than this cause you're so talented ❤❤ This event idea is awesome I was gonna suggest it but I was too shy 😘can I request "next contestant " by nickelback with my new baby Rio ( angst that ends in fluff would be great) pleaase ❤❤❤❤❤
*gif not mine*
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Rio eyed you up and down, a frown on his face. He could usually tell how many heads he’s tearing off of assholes by what you were wearing. You were beautiful, obviously, and Rio could understand the lecherous looks you got—he couldn’t blame them. But the rule was: look, don’t touch.
Once they touched, their ass was his.
He rolled his neck, eyes never leaving your form as you walked around the bar, laughing as you carried a drink tray. He wished you’d take the fucking night off so he wouldn’t have to fight off every asshole in town who wanted a piece of you, but no. Your mother had owned the bar, and when she passed it on to you, you became dedicated to making sure it was as successful as it could be. To be fair, it didn’t really matter what you wore—assholes would hit on you regardless, but it seemed like each night it was getting worse.
Which was why he was there.
He hadn’t told you he was coming, and he didn’t make an entrance when he walked in. His guys had told him that the security at the bar had to kick out seven people in the last three days for trying to touch you or bothering you. You’d told Rio that it wasn’t a big deal, and that you were safe—which you were—but he couldn’t let that shit slide. His eyes narrowed as he watched some frat boy stagger over to the DJ. Rio didn’t have to hear him to know what he was saying. The DJ had clocked Rio as soon as he walked in, and Rio watched her eyes widen as the man spoke to her. She looked across the bar at Rio, confirming his suspicions—this prick was asking her what you would say if he tried coming onto you. The guys were always doing that, trying to worm their way into your pants through music. The DJ was a friend of Rio’s, and he knew she knew what was about to go down.
Rio put his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, watching calmly as the frat boy went over to the bar. He pointed towards you as he talked to the bartender, and Rio recognized that move, too. These assholes did that a lot. They thought they’d get inside you with every drink they offered you, and he knew it would never work, but… there was something about this guy that made Rio want to fuck him up. Rio watched the guy walk over to you, and he watched him call out “sup, baby”, and Rio knew why that guy had caught his attention…
He was the next contestant.
You jumped when the man slapped your ass. You turned, ready to punch him straight in the jaw, but stopped—Rio beat you to it.
Rio grabbed the guy by the back of the neck and slammed his head into the nearest table. Glass flew everywhere, and the crowd stepped back, more than happy to let Rio do this thing.
“Is that your hand,” Rio asked, a dark grin on his face, “on my girlfriend? Huh? Is that your hand?”
The man squirmed, one eye closed and the other staring up at Rio, wide and full of fear. “I—I—I—”
“I wish you’d do it again,” Rio said, “Yo, you wanna do it again?” He reached down and grabbed the man’s arm, twisting it behind his back. His grin widened when the guy screamed like a little bitch. “Huh? I can’t hear you.”
“No!” He wailed. “No, no! I don’t want to do it again!”
“You sure?” Rio asked, rubbing the man’s face in the spilled beer on the table. He glanced down and noticed a tint of red in the foam. “Cut yourself, homie?” He asked innocently.
“I’m sorry!” The man cried. “I’m sorry, I—”
“Oh, don’t apologize to me,” Rio yanked him upwards by the back of his neck. The man’s face had been cut by the broken glass, and Rio smirked. “Apologize to her,” he said. “Yo! Cut the music! Let everybody hear this bitch!” Rio commanded.
The DJ stopped the music, and you smiled, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Say you’re sorry,” Rio said.
“I’m sorry—”
Rio punched him in the gut, and the man bent over, groaning in pain. He pulled him up by his hair. “Say it like you mean it.”
“I’m sorry,” the guy sobbed, lip quivering, “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend—”
“Wrong!” Rio said cheerfully, punching him in the face. The man fell into a table, and a few of the onlookers clapped. Rio stood over him, putting his hands back in his pockets. “It doesn’t matter if she has a boyfriend,” he turned his head, speaking louder so everyone could hear, “which she does,” he looked back down at the whimpering man, “You don’t run around grabbing ass just because you feel like it,” he went on, “That’s disrespectful. Women aren’t on this planet for your consumption, man. Ain’t you ever read a bell hooks article?” He leaned down, still smiling. “Now apologize to the lady.”
“I’m sorry,” the man sniffled, “I’m so sorry, I won’t ever do that again—to any woman!”
“Aw,” Rio slapped his cheek playfully, “he’s learning.” He stood up, putting an arm around your waist. “Now here’s what we’re gonna do,” he announced, swirling his finger in the air, signaling the DJ to play the music again. She did, and the crowd dispersed, going back to their drinking. “We can take this outside, and you can explain to me why you thought it was acceptable to put your fucking hands on my girl,” Rio offered, “or you can empty your wallet, tip her with everything you got, and walk outta here.” He chuckled. “I mean, either way, you’re leavin’ here limping, but I think one choice is much more generous of me than the other…”
“Yeah, yeah,” the guy took out his wallet, still on the ground, “of course—I’m happy to tip you—ma’mm,” he added.
Rio laughed, kissing the top of your head as you giggled with him. The guy struggled up, already limping, and handed you a wad of cash.
He looked at Rio. “We… Are we good?”
“Oh, hell nah,” Rio laughed again. He plucked the wallet out of his hand and took out his ID. “See, what you’re gonna do now is go to the nearest ATM and empty your account. Then you’re gonna come back here and give it to her to fix this mess you made…and for emotional damage,” Rio looked down at you, “That sound good to you, ma?”
You nodded. “Yup.”
“But—” the guy began.
Rio lifted his shirt, exposing the solid gold pistol in his waistband. “Clock’s tickin’.”
The guy limped out as quick as he could, and Rio nodded to his homie in the back, signaling him to follow the frat boy—just in case.
You reached up and pressed a kiss to Rio’s cheek. “You’re getting soft,” you teased, “a year ago, you would have killed him.”
“Yeah,” Rio grinned, “bein’ in love mellowed me out some.” He leaned down and kissed you. “You’re taking tomorrow off.”
“I love how you don’t ask,” you said, rolling your eyes with a smile.
He slapped your ass, laughing when you yelped. “Please,” he added.
After that night, you joked that Rio wouldn’t need to make any more scenes like that. And for a while, you were right. People remembered the lesson Rio taught that night (the brand new DJ booth he’d bought with the extra money from the frat boy served as a permanent reminder), and the amount of assholes harassing his girls went down significantly. But every once in a while, a new, cocky son of a bitch would swagger in and try to put his hands on you, and Rio would handle it.
He could always see the next contestant coming a mile away.
Thanks for reading! I was gonna do the second verse “I even fear the ladies”, but I feel like Rio would just be hella amused by that, so I stuck with his reaction to males. I hope you liked it! This is the last one for tonight! :)
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sammydem0n64 · 4 years
Heyyyy, sooooooo, hahaaaa, uhhh, would you be willing to ramble about your Human Pokemon AU?? I've always been curious about it and like, whats going on and what the general idea for it is, like, about the characters and other things in general. So yeahhh, honestly you can ramble about whatever you want I'm just REALLY curious about it skjaksjsksjkjs
So my human pokemon AU is like. Basically a combination of several stories all into one? Like there’s twenty things going on at once, some over lap, but most are self contained things!
Probably my favorite Characters of the bunch are the ghosts, especially the Ghost family Story-
For that, Haunter, a wild performer who died via a large stage light, is a ghost who wanders around. He used to have a job at a very popular club owned by Gengar, but got fired cause Oop. Eitherway, he makes friends with the wrong crowds, mostly because he craved attention and love (some good examples are Sableye and Mawile, but that was when he was alive), and some of these pals take him to this “abanonded” Log cabin in the woods to trash for funsies! However, rather quickly in he enters a room and discovers a lone Mimikyu trying to hide.
Naturally of course, hey, rhis is a child! And this place is occupied! So he does a responsible thing and stays with this kiddie Incase any one of his crew tries to burst in, all up until he’s like “Ok brb I’m gonna call this thing off now it should’ve ended like twenty minutes ago-“ but before he can get a word out THE DOOR SWINGS OPEN AND OUT COMES THIS GUY WITH A LATERN WALKS IN AND HES PISSED naturally he uses a shadow ball to get these fuckers out, minus Haunter since he wants to explain himself, but still gets threatened
Until Mimikyu shows up and is like “HEY HEYHEY DAD HES MY FRIEND HE PROTECTED ME FROM ALL THOSE GHOSTS!!!” And then he gets introduced to this dilf: Banette (tho he spells it like Bannet cause he’s difficult and I can’t spell)
Bannet’s whole thing is that when he was really young his parents abandoned him in the woods, and since he was born a ghost (there are two different types of ghost Pokémon in my AU; those who died to become a ghost and those who had ghost parents and thus were born a ghost) he couldn’t starve to death so he was. Forced to wander the woods alone for a long time, only until he was found by Mismagius and taken in as her nephew. Ever since he’s had horrible trust and abandonment issues, and tends to wander the forest in search of any other children who’re lost/abandoned... which is how he found Mimikyu!
So naturally he’s not gonna trust this guy who admits to coming along with the blokes who trashed his place... but Mimikyu likes him, so he gets to visit here and there. Of course this leads to a slow burn where they help each other heal from previous wounds. We also meet other ghosts like Gastly; Gengar’s kid and Gourgeist; Haunter’s Ex coworker
There are others too like Giratina, Yveltal and Hoopa... Giratina’s whole thing is that Arceus suffers from horrible parent disease and had all of their kids raised by the lake guardians, Gira is the youngest, and was the most neglected by their parent... Dialga was the favorite child, and they grew to resent them. All cumulating in an attempt on their life, which got Gira banished!
Yveltal is a similar case, envy took over them, they and Xerneas are technically twins... as this tree spawned thousands of years ago with a cocoon attached, birthing both of these fools at the same time, in which they were both swiftly taken in by Zygarde who acted as an older sibling to them. Yveltal always got the short end of the stick due to being the God of death, everything around them, except the fellow gods, died upon touch, and they were shunned by... everyone, it seemed. Even after Xerneas and Zy’s attempts to help Yveltal... they still turned their back and wound up joining Gira (and then they and Gira kiss)
Hoopa feels personally targeted by Arceus bc they were the ones who took away most of their powers, the one thing they left them being their rings they use to travel across the land. Somehow Arceus didn’t see a mega oversight to this cause Hoopa ended up in the Distortion world because of the rings and basically got adopted by Satan and Vulture!!!
There’s also Mewtwo traveling around trying to find their parent, Mew, alongside Genesect and Melodetta. And a plot of Suicine and Tentacruel being homies... and the legendary birds and legendary beasts having hella beef cause they come from enemy empires, but the gag is... their parents (Ho-Oh and Lugia respectively) are having a secret romance
YEAH tons of shits goin on
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
Lorelai Gilmore, the best mom in the world, prompt list!
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1. "Does he/she have a motorcycle? 'Cause if you're gonna throw your life away he'd better have a motorcycle!"
2. "There's plenty to do tonight that we can be mortified about tomorrow."
3. "So not only did you go to a cop-raided party, but you started the raid?" *Signing* "Then she proceeds to sing, 'Did You Ever Know That You're My Hero?'"
4. "I need caffeine. Whatever form you've got, I haven't had any all day. I'll drink it, shoot it, eat it, snort it, whatever form it's in, gimme."
5. "Seventy-five thousand dollars? Oh my God, that’s like 150 pairs of Jimmy Choos."
6. "There have been very few moments in my life where I have actually wished I had one of those enormous crème pies you can just smash in somebody's face. But this is definitely one of them."
7. "Don't let his family see you. Spiders are vindictive. And this was a really big spider. I think it had a gun."
8. "I thought I knew exactly what I wanted, where I was going, what I was doing and why I was doing. But lately, things seem hazier."
9. "It's all any of us wants, to find a nice person to hang out with until we drop dead. Not a lot to ask!"
10. "If it was physically possible to make love to a hot beverage, this would be the one."
11. "As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible."
12. "My God, I hate her." "Me too." "You have no idea who I'm talking about." "Solidarity."
13. "I don't like problems. I avoid them when I can and I don't like people pointing them out to me."
14. "Everything in my life has something to do with coffee. I believe in a former life, I was coffee."
15. "When I think of blistering thirty-degree burns, I also think of my mother."
16. "976-BITE-ME."
17. "Well, we like our Internet slow, okay? We can turn it on, walk around, dance, make a sandwich. With DSL, there’s no dancing, no walking, and we’d starve. It’d be all work and no play. Have you not seen The Shining, Mom?"
18. "I need coffee in an IV."
19. "It's Friday night, we should be out partying with the homies."
20. "You are full of hate and loathing and I gotta tell you, I love it!"
21. "It's very exciting, but so is eating a gallon of pudding."
22. "Cheeseburger, onion rings, and a list of people who killed their parents and got away with it. I’m looking for heroes."
23. "Coffee, please, and a shot of cynicism."
24. "My mother — she was here. I can feel it. Smell that? The room smells like guilt and Chanel No. 5."
25. "I'm going to go make out in the coat room. Don't eat my chicken."
26. "Get back in your pajamas, go to bed, eat nothing but gallons of ice cream and tons of pizza, don't take a shower or shave your legs or put on any kind of makeup at all and just sit in the dark and watch a really sad movie and have a good long cry and just wallow. You need to wallow."
27. "You have so many years of screw-ups ahead of you."
28. "I hate when I'm an idiot and don't know it. I like to be aware of my idiocy."
29. "I don't like ultimatums." "I don't like Mondays, but unfortunately they come around eventually."
30. "I'm the Oracle. I carry all the knowledge."
31. "Because my brain is a wild jungle full of scary gibberish."
32. "I'm fine. I'm just being dramatic. It's what I do."
33. "You're very cruel." "Yes, it keeps me young."
34. "Sorry, I see we entered the no-humor zone."
35. "You should identify yourself when you answer the phone." "Sorry, Independence Inn. Major Disappointment speaking. Better?"
36. "Come here. You have some dirt on your forehead. I'm sorry. It's the sign of devil. My mistake."
37. "I love it when I talk and no one listens. Make me think like home."
38. "Repeat after me: I'm completely hopeless."
39. "You are drawing me into your druken world." "It's not a bad place to be, my friend."
40. "He/She's so sexy, smart, funny, and he/she likes coffee."
41. "It's from my mother." "What is it?" "It's heavy. Must be her hopes and dreams for me."
42. "Don't judge what you don't understand."
43. "Do you like coffee?" "Only with my oxygen."
44. "Cats came to my house today. Cause they know I'm a loser and I'm destinated to be alone."
45. "I had a dream about him/her the other night." "Really? Dirty?" "No... Absolutely not. And when you're 21 I'll tell you the real answer."
46. "I think you are acting a little immature." "I'm not acting."
47. "That Lothario there has wormed his way into my daughter's heart and mouth... And for that he must die."
48. "This is bad." "I know. I wish we had popcorn."
49. "You know what the worst part of it was? When you weren't there, part of me wasn't surprise."
50. "You are the man/woman I want to want."
51. "A mistake? A mistake? That is what you call it, a mistake?" "Well, I tried to call it 'Al', but it would only answer to 'mistake'"
52. "Don't you understand that I can't talk to you because it hurts? Don't you understand that?"
53. "It's too much food." "It's not. That's is what we been training for. This is our destiny. This is our finest hour."
54. "Who cares if I'm pretty if I fail my finals." "Okay, you have got this so completely backwards."
55. *One phone on each ear* "Who are you talking to?" "My other two personalities."
56. "He/she kissed you and you say thank you?" "Yes!" "Well, that was very polite."
57. "Decaf." "Never."
58. "I don't think I ever really loved anyone until Name."
59. "I smell snow."
60. "Reality has absolutely no place in our world."
61. "No? No lecture about kissing a boy/girl?" "No. Why, did you do it wrong?"
62. "The drinks fortify us. The drinks give us strength. The drinks get us drunk."
63. "I'm a young, desirable woman/men." *Talking to two cats in the porch.*
64. "Really? You are gonna kiss me now? You are so incredibly predictable."
65. "You threw a frying pan at Name's head without me there? I hate you."
66. "I hate my life."
67. "I have no memory of this whatsoever."
68. "She's very aggressive today." "I think the passive part of her personality is playing hooky."
69. *Reading* "Man, she/he sure used a lot of exclamations points."
70. "I love that you have my eyes and my coffee addiction, my taste in music and movies."
Used them, shared, make a request, have fun with them! ❣️
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showmethesneer · 5 years
P.S. I Still Love You reactions
Moving on to the sequel..
-"what's that crumpled up in your pocket?" I have been hit by the feels and i don't even like Peter
-"he's such a slow reader" i. Am. Dead. LMAO
-"building the anticipation" peter i hate you but i love this, you little shit
-"kiss me like you missed me" lord, fuck.. someone let Noah Centineo say this in the movie? I need it for reasons
-"any GIRL? what BOY do you respect more than me?" Fucking thank you, get that shit straight, girl
-"what a slut! Is she Asian?" I am dead what the fuck LMAO
-Kitty being on season 3 of The Sopranos and Margot being horrified killed me
-Peter taking the microphone to defend Lara Jean and the video is like.. too little too late in my opinion because I've been spoiled by how quickly he acts on it in the movie, but good for him i guess
-Peter ruins his heroic act by being so showy about it afterwards, bragging about how romantic it was and how younger girls were throwing themselves at him.. and how he was able to avoid getting in trouble for it. This is such a turn off, i hate book!Peter
-Peter legitimately showed up at her house without warning her, pressured her to let him in even though she was uncomfortable with her father being home, pressured her to let him stay longer... this is so annoying
-the kid caught masturbating in the locker room... jesus, no.. the horror
-Peter's poem is so sweet and I'm surprised that neither avid reader Lara Jean nor I, goth girl princess, recognized it was Edgar Allan Poe... but it was still a sweet gesture.. and the necklace thing aww
-"are you and Peter doing it?" Jesus Kitty lmao
-"it's like fucking herpes" idk why this is so funny to me but i had to hide my laughter at work
-the letter from John Ambrose McLaren did things to my heart and i swoon
-Peter trying so desperately to say that he masturbates so Lara Jean shouldn't worry about him pressuring her for sex.. without actually saying that he masturbates.. is the funniest thing that this book has ever made me picture him do and i actually feel sorry for the guy
-Lara Jean's love letter to John is like... homie... that's for real and i am shipping them HARD sorry not sorry
-book!Peter is trash and I'm not sorry about that either
-this assassins game is giving me horrifying anxiety but Chris tagging Trevor out is HILARIOUS
-"YOU'RE Lara Jean!" The friend at John's school blowing his spot fuck fuck lmao
-i don't understand how I'm supposed to like Peter at all i literally don't get it, he is a liar and he's possessive and he is a gaslighter like i don't understand what is meant to be appealing about him what the fuck
-listen.. fuck Kitty to be really honest, fuck her for trying to make Lara Jean feel like she's in the wrong for demanding loyalty from Peter
-i genuinely don't understand how they're going to make the sequel movie when 80% of the conflicts in this book are like.. Peter's fault in a way that makes no sense for how they changed his character for the movie adaptation
-John literally took dance lessons for this, I'm so besotted and i will be furious if Lara Jean ever gets back with Peter after the bar has been raised so high.. know your fucking worth, girl
-the "you wanna have your cake and eat it too" assessment ISN'T EVEN ACCURATE i swear to god if this affects her, if she she takes this shit to heart, I'm gonna scream. Peter kept every interaction he had with Genevieve a secret or downplayed it when he and Lara Jean were together and then treated her like she was crazy and selfish whenever she called him on it. I cannot stand him.
-"tacos, nazis, nuns... and Ms. Rothschild" jesus fucking christ Kitty lmao
-"when i get you back..." fuck, Peter stop talking.. what the fuck is wrong with him?
-this is so fucking fake. I hate that Lara Jean is being manipulated into feeling like she was the only one who was preoccupied with Genevieve. If that asshole hadn't been so inconsiderate about how he spent time with her and so oblivious to how spiteful she was, then Lara Jean would have been able to accept their friendship. He is so fake.
-However, "you can break my heart, do whatever you want with it" is a great line. It is wasted on this crap relationship.
-John is the unsung hero of this book and you can never convince me that Peter ever won Lara Jean over in a legitimate way when his competition was this literal angel who seems way more like movie!Peter. Fight me.
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txny-kokiri · 2 years
I've fully relapsed. I just want to be pretty...I just want to feel fucking pretty. I've lost 3lb in one week by starving and I plan on doing it forever. fuck it. I don't care anymore. I hate myself so much I deserve it. Because I'm not fucking good enough for any fucking thing.
I'm so fucking sad I'm so sad. I wish I could fix it but I know I can't. I know I'm the problem I'm always the problem. Why isn't he sweet to me hardly ever anymore... why isn't he affectionate with me like he used to be... he says he used to be "so excited" to be around me and now it's different..it's like he takes me for granted and honestly I don't blame him because I always have some sort of problem. I'm too sensitive. I start drama and fights even though I don't want to..I just want to communicate.....I do...but it makes him feel like a bad person so I can't... I can't... I have to stay quiet I have to keep my mouth shut I don't want him to feel bad.....
He's only lovey with me when he's fucked up.. and that hurts so fucking bad it's making me want drxgs more because that's when I feel the most loved. how did we get like this. We almost never have sex unless he's fucked up or drunk. and when we do it sober it doesn't feel as intimate... as close.. I want that closeness back ... once or twice a month is literally almost never especially when half the time it's because of drxgs that I even get that connection... he used to want me. often. he used to make it known that he was so attracted to me and I've been losing that too for a long time and I know it's because I'm fucking fat I know it's because my body is disgusting so I have to change it. I have to be prettier for him or I'm gonna lose him because I know he would rather be with someone who's hot... and I'm not......not like the bitches he used to follow. or the girls he used to heart react even when we were already together.. I'll never be that pretty how am I gonna keep him... I hate myself so much I hate myself so much...
I hate that I have these thoughts...I want reassurance so bad but how can I ask for it when if I tried it would be "why do you think all these bad things of me" or "sorry I'm a shitty person" or "if I'm so bad why are you with me" or "why do you have to start fights" FUCK IT I have these thoughts because he treats me completely differently than he used to...but I can't even approach it I cannot communicate or speak on things that hurt me I can't fix anything....so I have to keep hurting because I love him so much...and I know....I know if I was better...then I would deserve to be treated the way he used to treat me...I just have to be better.....
I want to ask about K but I can't.. why did he delete the Convo off of his messenger if there was nothing to hide...we were already together at that point... He says nothing happened so then why is it deleted.... Why did he send her those emojis letting her know how hot he thought she was if she was just a homie.... I don't want to think he's lying but he's lied about his past and about drxgs and about contacting his exes and all kinds of things to protect my feelings so what if...what if this is another lie..... But I can't mention that either he will just get mad......god everything hurts I just want it to go back to the way it was...I just want to be able to communicate....in a healthy way.... I just want ...maybe I want too much but I just want to feel like the most important woman in the world to him. I want to feel like I'm precious to him... I want to be fucking babied sometimes. I want to be kissed up on. I want him to look me in my eyes and tell me I'm so beautiful. that he adores me. God. I want to see the love in his eyes the way I used to...what's wrong with me...
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 87) "XX Marks His Spot"
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Colson's firm hand comes down on Luna's bare ass cheek. Holding her rocking hip, he spanks her again in the early morning light.
"Oh SHIIIT, Bunny!!" She cries out as he continues to fuck her.
Colson wraps his fingers in her long blonde hair, pulling her towards him. Sliding his large hand around her throat, he watches the sunbeams illuminate her golden hair. Prisms of light bouncing off her tattooed skin. Slightly tightening his grip, he fucks her harder until they both explode. Colson collapsing on top of Luna after expelling inside of her.
"WE CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU!!!" Sam shouts from the other side of the door.
"Then go somewhere FUCKING else!!!" Colson shouts back.
Luna shifts, pushing him off of her as she rolls on to her back. This makes him whine. He likes staying inside of her.
"She's gonna fuck you up for that." Luna tells him as she yawns.
Fingers twisting around the chain of the padlock secured around her neck. Colson scootches over to her, laying his head on her right shoulder. Trying not to stare at her bandage, he looks down. Finding himself tracing the outline of her scorpion and drawing hearts on her toned, tattooed stomach with his index finger.
"I don't give a fuck. I'll fuck you where I want, how I want and make you cum as LOUDLY as I fucking want." He states.
Bringing his mouth to her stomach, he gives her a raspberry. Squealing from the tickle of it, Luna tries to wiggle away. With his grasp on her tight, Luna calls him an Asshole before giving up on the struggle.
"Soon you'll be stuck with This Asshole 'fo liiiiife." Colson grins, lifting his head to kiss her neck.
"Lucky me..." Luna says in a dry tone with a smirk and loving eyes.
"Shut the fuck up." He teases her.
With no one else banging on their door, they stay in bed together. Cuddling, kissing and talking about what they need to do on his day off.
"We should see if we can bribe a maid to clean up this shit hole if Case is coming on tomorrow...." Luna thinks out loud.
They haven't even been on tour for a month and The Bus looks like a crime scene. Even with three females on it, the now seven men do more than outnumber them. Neither of the women are interested in cleaning up after anyone but themselves either. Making The Bus a hazard zone, with even Luna knowing it's not kid friendly.
"What? Like on here alone?" Colson asks with raised eyebrows.
"Noooo. Like I'll sit here if I have to but shit needs to be cleaned, sheets washed. This place is fucking gross." She answers with another yawn.
"Ash never complained." Colson counters her.
"Yeah. Out loud." Luna turns to look at him.
They're tangled in each other under the blanket. Sharing a joint. Arguing semantics as usual. Colson and Luna both have strong personalities and opinions. Rarely holding back from each other.
"Fine..." He rolls his sky blue eyes into his head as he hits the joint.
Luna opening all the windows before they head off The Bus to check in. They're spending the night in Kansas City.
Luna admires the 1920s neoclassic architecture of The Ambassador Hotel as Colson checks them into their suite. Luna popping up beside him to ask about Maid Service.
Neither bother to unpack, they'll be gone by tomorrow night. Colson lighting another joint as soon as they walk through the door.
Luna starts the shower as Colson crushes and lines up their individual pills to start their day. Three 30s for Luna. Three 30XRs for Colson.
Stripping off their clothes, they climb into the hot shower. Water cascading around them as the different drugs swirl through their brains.
Colson lifts Luna up by the ribs, wrapping her wet, naked body around his. Letting the warmth wash over her as he fucks her against the shower wall.
Mouths and tongues sucking the water off each other's necks and shoulders. Her hands roaming his body, nails dragging, fingers pulling at his hair. Colson grips Luna's thick ass, thrusting hard into her as they both cum.
It's a skill they've mastered.... Or so he thinks. Luna usually having two or three small explosions before their Big Bang. His dick is HUGE.... Annnd he definitely knows how to use it.
Once dressed and settled within themselves, everyone reconvenes in Colson and Luna's suit. It's larger than the others, the ten of them having more than enough room to hang out and do whatever they'd like. It is their day off after all.
Rook and AJ set up the PS4 for a Call of Duty marathon with Benny and Bullet. Slim and Baze pull out a mini soundboard. Setting up their laptops alongside them. They have new music they're working on. While Ashleigh, Luna and Sam set up shop for Colson.
The sounds of Oasis float through the air. Wrapped in weed smoke and conversation.
Sitting around a table, they have a system. With a black Sharpie, Colson signs the top right corner of the white Hotel Diablo hoodies him and Ashleigh chose.
Passing them to Luna, who places the correct card inside while boxing it. Writing the initials on the top corner of the outside of the box, she slides it to Ashleigh.
Double checking the initials with the mailing lable, she then slips the package inside it's wrapping. Slapping the addressed sticker on it, she pushes it down the line.
Sam is last. Sealing the packages, double checking the names off on her own list and stacking them by the door to be picked up and shipped.
They have a very efficient system. Keeping Colson's hands full of joints, fresh Sharpies and hoodies, the four of them bang out 82 personally addressed packages. All handled with love in a surprising two hours.
Sighing, Colson leans back in his chair. Lacing his fingers together, he stretches them and his arms out in front of his long body.
"You did it, Sugar." Luna leans over to kiss his tired cheek.
They call each other Whatever after the other night.
"Can you imagine how surprised they're gonna be when they receive these?" She beams.
"God, I love that fucking smile." Colson thinks as he studies Luna's face. Genuinely touched by how she cares for every member of his family. From Casie to those who's names he doesn't know personally.
"I couldn't have done it with out you." He says, leaning towards her to nuzzle and kiss her neck. "Thanks for the idea."
Lifting up, he looks at Sam and Ashleigh. "And a HUGE THANK YOU to you two Boss Ass Bitches. You know I spin because of you, Ash." He smiles over Luna's head to one of his bestfriends, his ONLY sister. "And Sam, I'm really glad you're here with us. You fit right in with The Fam." He grins at her.
The Girls find Colson's words sweet but he's dealing with two major Assholes.
"Awwwww.... My little Baby Booo..." Luna teases him.
"Yeah, I'd fit in a lot better if I didn't have to listen to you two fucking." Sam deadpans with a smile.
Ashleigh is the sweet one. Rising from her seat between Luna and Sam, she hugs Colson from behind.
"I love you, Kells. I know this is hard but you did good. Never have I ever doubted you for a second." She says, kissing his cheek. "Well, maybe a second or two." She laughs.
A smile plays on Luna's lips as she watches them. "I'm so glad he has her.... I really don't know..." Luna's thoughts are interrupted by a bang on the door.
It's Kevin. Colson's Tattoo Guy.
Setting up his gear, Kevin comments that it's nice to see Luna again. Asking how their punk bunny tattoos are holding up, they both show him his work with pride.
Sliding his arm around Luna's waist, Colson grins with glee.
"And you'll never guess, Dawg..." He starts.
"You two are getten' hitched?" Kevin looks up from the area he's sterilizing.
Feeling slightly deflated, Colson asks how He Knows.
"Homie. I knew the two of you were destined for each other that day in The Shop." He states to anyone in ear shots agreement.
Luna grins. Finding his prediction to be heart warming. A slight solidification to what she's always known. If you will.
"Alright.... Fix that shit up!!" Kevin says regarding Colson's hair.
Just then their hotel room phone rings. Luna answering it.
"Yes, I did. Thank you.... Mhmm.... Yes... I'll be down in ten. Thank you again." Luna ends the phone call.
"Who dat?" Colson asks her.
"We got a maid for The Bus...." Luna tells him.
"You what?" Ashleigh asks, in amazement.
"Yeah, Man. It's fucking disgusting. Case can't come into that nonsense..." Luna answers her.
Somehow Ashleigh loves Luna even more at this moment.
"So you're kinda free right now?" Sam perks up to Luna's shrug. "Wanna audition Mikey for Ellen?" She asks, reminding Luna of her need for a bassist.
"Yeah, that'd be perfect." Luna reels back at the easy connection.
"Mind if I come?" Ashleigh nods towards The Boys.
"Bring yo ass, Bitch!!" Luna grins to Ashleigh's cheesing smile.
Luna let's her just BE. Just be Ashleigh. Not a Momager to The Boys. Not a scary real life mom to Ashton. Not a wife. Just Ashleigh. Free. Loose of responsibility. Even if it is just for a moment.
"Imma check this bassist out while The Bus gets cleaned." Luna kisses Colson.
Taking a step back to look at him. He's in the middle of getting a patch shaved off in the back of his head. Running her fingers through her hair, down the back of her skull she touches her own ink. Smiling to herself. They're so much alike but completely fucking different.
"Love you, Kitten. Good luck." He says after their kiss.
Bending his head down so Rook can finish his cut.
"YO!!! You gonna catch one too, right!?!" Slim hollers out.
The Girls turn back. Looking at him inquisitively, not knowing of what he's speaking upon.
"That Fam XX." He dares Luna.
"Sure. But I want my own." She states with a smirks.
Taking a minute to search on her phone. Finding what see wants, she shows Kevin.
"Yeah, no problem... I'll pop it on when you guys get back." He tells her.
Luna smiles at Kevin as she thanks him. He's a really easy going guy. Throwing another I'm Outta Here over her shoulder, she closes the door behind herself, Ashleigh and Sam.
"What the fuck's another one?" Luna rolls her eyes to herself. Although covered in tattoos, they're all special. With their own indication, memory or statement. Luna having no ink that doesn't either tell a personal story or touch her soul. This one following the same code. "Fuck.... It'll be, what? My fourth in less then two months... Third I've gotten with him." She smiles to herself, remembering the day they had fucked in his Rover after their Bunnies. His reaction still making her cheese. "I fucking love him.... I'm actually going to marry him..." Luna's brain topples upon it's self. The whole idea of solidifying one's love through the government being ridiculous to her before. Now.... Now, she oddly wants them tied together in a way she never needed. Luna wants Colson on her name. Documented in history that HE is her husband. "I won't lose him...." She thinks in a heart wrenching way. Like most do when they've seen the edge of the fucking world.
Brain bursting as she silently rides the elevator down with a talkative Sam and Ashleigh.
"I like that they like each other..." Luna smiles to herself as the random positive thought dips inside of her dark head.
"AAahhhh... Mmm.....  Yeeahhhh!!!"
Those are the sounds coming out of Colson's mouth as Kevin tattoos the back of his head.
"Get it Motherfucker!" Colson shouts.
"Shut the fuck up, Ken Keniff!" Kevin fires back, trying to keep Colson's head still.
"Hi! I'm Luna. This is Ashleigh and Sam." Luna greets a brunette named Michelle at the desk with her signature smile.
The four girls exchange pleasantries on their way to The Bus. The other three helping with Michelle's supplies.
"I'm sorry. I hope you don't mind....." Luna trails off.
"No!!! It's no problem!! I actually love you and Kells. Bad Things is like, my favorite song right now! I even have tickets to the show tomorrow night!" Michelle exclaims happily.
"No shit!!" Sam cuts in, nudging Luna with a teasing grin.
"Yeah, I fangirled out a minute when I realized who you guys are." She says a little sheepishly to Luna's equal embarrassment.
Luna and Ashleigh glance at each other. Both almost positive they're thinking the same thing.
Michelle gets to work, pulling their linens first as Ashleigh, Luna and Sam gather on one couch in the front of The Bus. Sam setting up Skype with her friend Mikey.
"Damn, I wasn't expecting three pretty ladies..." He teases with a gleaming smile.
Sam laughs at him to Shut Up, introducing Luna and Ashleigh. All saying Hello.
"You get the tracks I sent you?" Sam asks.
"Yeup!" Mikey responds.
He moves his laptop so that he can step back and be fully seen. He's tall and skinny like Colson but has dark features. With the bass across his body, he hits play on the rough track with only Luna singing, drums and guitar begins. Mikey dropping his notes in with the opening chords just as Luna had imagined he should. He's incredible. They listen to his first run. Ashleigh nodding her head to it's roar and strong feminist message. It's the first time she's heard it, feeling hints off their night in Chicago popping through.
"What do you think of the lyrics?" Is one of the first questions Luna asks Mikey before adding "You comfortable backing them as a dude on Daytime TV?"
"Fuck yeah." He replies without hesitation. "There's nothing like this out there right now and it's needed. Plus.... Honestly, it'd be an honor to work with That Brooklyn Bitch."
Luna blushes. Sometimes her heritage and reputation truly embarrass her. Thinking of the song, she asks him to run through it again. Luna singing lowly with him and the track for a better feel.
Once he finishes, Luna looks at Sam giving her a nod. Asking Ashleigh's opinion, she loves the idea of it and wait to hear it completed.
Mikey bullshits with The Girls a bit more. Locking in solid plans to meet early before the show to rehearse and feel their actual energy together. All agreeing to continue practicing. With the chords being simple, none of them are really concerned. All in all it's a productive hour long conversation. Switching from the front to the back of The Bus as Michelle continued cleaning.
Satisfied, Luna steps off The Bus to smoke a cigarette. Ashleigh and Sam behind her.
"How you know him?" Luna turns, asking Sam about her potentially new bassist.
Remember that band Imposters I played with?" Sam asks as she takes a drag. "He was in that."
Thinking back, Luna agrees Yup. She remembers. Liked their vibe too.
"What happened to them?" She asks.
"Lead singer got the guitarist pregnant." Sam shrugs.
"Bummer...." Luna thinks to herself. The idea of getting knocked up turns her stomach as she smokes her cigarette.
"Yo..." Luna says turning to Ashleigh as she leans against The Bus. "You think we can cut Michelle a hoodie? Box it up and leave it at the front desk before we check out?"
Ashleigh laughs. Realizing both had the same idea at the same time.
"Right there with you, Loons." She continues to laugh. "I think you should both sign it though." Giving her opinion.
Luna nods in agreement as Michelle comes walking towards them, across the parking lot with their sheets. Heading back on the The Bus to finish up.
Staying outside for another few minutes while Luna and Sam chain smokes. The Girls talk about Mikey, Ellen and Colson's show tomorrow.
Touching base on Casie coming on The Bus. Luna and Ashleigh agreeing tonight The Boys need to let loose. Getting Whatever out of their systems so shit calms down while she's with them. Ashleigh can't help but hug Luna.
"I'm so glad you're here. Things are so different. There's less randos, Kells is so much chiller. I feel like you have my back on shit I was alone with before... It's just easier." She sighs as Luna squeezes her back.
Colson is a maniac and there are very few with can tell him what do to do, if anyone. Tours before this included much more vandalism, obnoxious antics and tons of random sex.
"No doubt." Luna assures Ashleigh from inside their hug.
"All finished." Michelle pops off with her supplies.
The three girls thanking the young employee. Luna slipping her a $100 tip, telling her she hopes she enjoys the show.
"Ugh!!! You're a genius!!" Ashleigh exclaims.
Arms wide, she inhales the fresh scent of clean as soon as they walk back on to The Bus.
Laughing, they collect their things before heading back into the Ambassador to meet up with The Boys.
"Check it out!!" Colson comes bouncing up to Luna, fingers pointing at his new ink.
"Stand still." She instructs.
Grabbing her camera. She shoots the back of his head. After taking his picture, she studies his lines. They're incredible clean.
"It's perfect." She says, after admiring Kevin's work.
Pulling Colson in for a hug. She asks him how it felt as she rests her head on his chest.
"Yo, I'm not gonna lie. That shit fucking hurt." Colson whines into the top of her head.
"Told you. Like your brain was gonna jitter out of your ears?" She laughs against his chest.
Luna's mentioned the specific pain of a skull tattoo before. This is the first time Colson catches it. Pulling her away slightly, he gives her a cocked eye and furrowed eyebrows.
"That's exactly how it felt... How'd you know that?" He asks her, puzzled.
Luna takes his one hand and places it on the back on her skull. Setting it upon her tattoo.
"Feel right there? I have one for my mom." She explains.
"You lyen'." He teases her. "Lemme see."
"Okay." She shrugs with her arms still around his waist. "Remind me when we're alone. I don't like people knowing I have it..." She trails off.
Luna looks into Colson's eyes with One Look. Nodding, he pulls her back into him. Placing his chin back on top of her head.
It's not rare to catch Luna and Colson simply standing together in a hug. They do it often. Sometimes it's the only thing that quiets the madness surrounding them.
"You ready, Luna?" Kevin's voice invades their private eutopia.
Squeezing him tight. Luna tippy toes to kiss Colson. Throwing her long blonde hair in a top knot, she grabs a seat.
It's a small, slightly detailed piece. Taking maybe a 45mins once Kevin sets the stencil. Choosing a version of the cards they had sent to his fans, Luna gets the XX with a single rose. Behind her right ear. Sitting in the same spot as Colson's.
Kissing her cheek, Colson asks if she likes it. One Look and her beautiful smile tell him Absolutely. There's a special comfort in being able to talk to someone without words. Luna and Colson knowing they're lucky to have that.
The Boys come over to check it out before Kevin wraps it. Slim giving Luna his nod of approval.
"Still better than a stupid name." Luna smirks, sticking her tongue out at Slim.
Teasing him over his comment a few weeks ago regarding the couple's penchant for marking themselves for each other.
"Fucking LunaTic." Slim rolls his eyes and shakes his head at her with a light chuckle.
With both new pieces being protected. Music, smoke and loud conversation fill the large suit. There's so many of them now.
There's The Original Eight plus Sam and Bullet. Kevin's there with a few Roadies and some random girls finding their way also. Alcohol flowing since Kevin first knocked on their hotel door.
Perched on the arm of the couch, Luna's feet are tucked under Colson's thighs. Sharing a joint, she asks him If This'll Change for Her, referring to the atmosphere and Casie.
Resting his arms on her knees, he takes a moment before he speaks.
"Kinda but not really.... You know I don't smoke in front of her and how she kicks it wit me and The Guys so that won't be different... BackStage won't be as crazy but we still gonna ride. It's like anywhere else. I don't hide who I am from my daughter, Loons, but I do wait until she's in bed to turn all the way the fuck up." Colson waits for her reaction.
Luna doesn't have kids so she has no basis in parenting. Only her uneducated, personal opinions. Still, there's something that makes her nervous for Casie to come on tour. She just can't put her finger on it.
"Sooooooo, party our fucking faces off tonight and tone it down while she's with us?" Luna asks.
Colson pulls on her chin to kiss her with a YUP. His sweet lips and words slightly relieve her worries.
"What are we doing tonight guys??" Luna turns, asking Their Crew.
Her words reminding Ashleigh of Michelle. Taking a moment, she leaves the room. Collecting the items for the fan's gift.
Everyone else is throwing out ideas as Ashleigh hands Luna a hoodie, card, Sharpie and packaging. She grins a Thank You.
With a small personal note and a quick explanation to a distracted but inquisitive Colson, Luna uses her knees as a table. Preparing the gift with care and his help as they rejoin the conversation. He doesn't know what he wants to do tonight as she passes it to Ashleigh when she finishes.
Slim wants to know if there's a strip club or gambling. AJ agrees. Baze wants to eat. All agreeing that's a necessity. Rook wants to get fucked up and skate. Ashleigh wants to check out Kansas City's Light District while Sam has been DYING to get into the large jar in The Bus's freezer.
"Let's do it all then." Luna interrupts them. We'll eat first. Grab slushies for dessert. Board over to The Light District for a few drinks... We'll probably be able to find out where the good gambling/stripping is from the locals and then head from there....." Luna throws out with a shrug.
Everyone in the room looks around at each other. Heads slowly begin to nod as the idea of the plan formulates. Devilish grins spreading across their faces.
Rook comes up from behind Luna.
"MAYHEM!!!!!" He shakes her to everyone's laughter.
Catching a nervous Ashleigh's eye, Luna points at her from across the room. Holding her finger in place while never breaking eye contact, she mouths her the words I Got You. A look of relief playing on Ashleigh's face as they smile at each other.
Benny looks at Bullet with an Are You Ready look. Bullet's been with Kells for a long time. Seen and handled a lot of shit with The Band. Yet, he hasn't had the experience of going out with a LunaTic and Her Gunn.
Deciding Yes, tonight will be a See All, Free For All. Rolling hard through Kansas City.
Agreeing to meet in the hotel bar, they split up for their own rooms to get showered and dressed for the night. Finally leaving Colson and Luna alone.
Finding two shower caps for tattoo protection, Luna stands on the lid of the toilet, trying to put one on Colson. Her giggles tickling his ears from behind as they both stand shirtless.
After she hops down and is playing with her own, he suddenly remembers what she said earlier.
"Show me that tat." He requests.
Flipping her head over, she warns him to be careful of the new ink. It takes careful moments for him to fully make out what it is under her mass of hair.
"WARD?" He asks, only knowing Luna's mom died.
Lighting a joint, Luna hops up on the double sink. Patting the open space beside her for him to join.
Sitting together getting high, Luna tells Colson the story of the Life and Death Of Lizard Ward. Choosing to omit one KEY detail. Tonight's not the night for that. She hadn't even intended on tell him about her mother tonight, only choosing to because it blossomed organically.
"Yo. You come from some HARD ass bitches." Colson stares at Luna in awe.
Inhaling the last bit of their joint. She shrugs with a smirk before putting it out.
"Come on." She hops down, placing herself between his legs. "We gotta get ready." She says, pecking his lips.
Colson grips her nipple peircings, with his index finger and thumb. Pulling her in hard for a deep, sloppy kiss. Igniting a hungry fire inside both of them.
Careful of their heads and her gunshot wound, Colson lifts Luna up around his waist. Slowly sliding his huge cock into her tight, wet pussy as she moans for him.
"There's my dirty girl." He husks happily into her ear.
Gripping his shoulders and back as he thrusts himself into her bucking hips. Luna closes her eyes as they pound it out in the shower. Feeling herself about to explode, she wants to grab his hair. Frustrated, she bites down into his neck. Her moans vibrating his throat as she bites down harder, feeling her walls clench in orgasmic pleasure.
"FUUUUUUCK!!!" Colson shouts as he cums inside of her.
"Seems a little bit of pain, makes it feel really good sometimes....."
To be continued....
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