#because it still sort of was between the golden trio in the car
boba-beom · 7 months
your theme looks so pretty bhie! im inlove! 🫠 i love how you incorporate every details from the concept trailer
skl, i don't understand a thing on txt lore, or anything that happened in that recent concept trailer but damn they gave what they had to give! cinematography is insane! its so unique, eerie and emotional, also the boys' acting was so natural. i can agree with you when you say that freeze were they're best and i just can feel that this comeback may just top that. i already see a lot of improvements from freefall and im so here for it!!
im planning to read the little prince, and read more theories about it hehehheeh
yieee thank you bhiee! I thought I’d try smth a little new because my theme’s been the same but different colours hehe so thank youuu >3< I still love the orange hazy type of vibes I get from your theme 🥹 the golden hour of our trio theme with evie hehe
I’ve been a little out of it in terms of txt’s lore, BUT my take on their concept trailer is like everything that before this; all the fairytales, were just their own little story to fulfil their childhood, living a little longer in that phase of not wanting to grow up in a world where we grow up so quickly 😔
their acting was so good, yeonjun and soobin on motorbikes, beomgyu driving the car? just the snippets of their ‘every day lives working’ and then when they come together that’s like their comfort of some sorts.
I can’t wait to read more lore and theories, they’re always so interesting. esp when there are different takes on it! I can’t wait to see the rest of their concepts and when they’ll be releasing these!
I think you’re love little prince, for sure. there are some quotes that have started to make sense for me and the connections between the members and the story.
“it is only with the heart that one eye can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” that with one eye is hueningkai and with the heart eye patch,, I just want to read more lore hehe
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iceswords · 2 months
Livin' Life In The Fast Lane
it was eighty four system hours before the charmony festival would begin when the dreamflux reef section of dreamville was holding a car show. all sorts were on display- from small and round to big and bunky. long and skinny, greens to blues and oranges.
the trio knew together for a few or so days at best but with everything that went down - from discovering what sleepie really was to aventurine making it rain coins and that so called galaxy ranger piercing through the sky with not one sword but two. yanqing had paid close attention to that small detail - one slice of the first sword followed up by a much faster slice of the second. a part of him wanted to know if he could take her in a fight but arlan advised him against it and the woman left penacony before yanqing had went to check out the theme park to find her.
needless to say, those days had felt longer than they had been and the three boys had grown close over traumatic experiences. two of them closer than the others as yanqing and misha slowly became rather comfortable in each other's presence. arlan following as he kept a look out for danger, still serving as aide in the dream's security while also watching over his two friends as misha walked yanqing through the show, holding a book on car facts in one hand while holding the blonde's hand in the other.
as always in the dreamscape, it was the golden hour - that perfect moment right before the sun would rise or right after it would set. a dark sky filled with stars and the tops of towering buildings while that golden glow peeked through ever so slightly. it wasn't warm nor was it cold, the perfect temperature for a stroll but within the presence of the bellboy and lieutenant - it was like the sun and moon themselves had their way down to this planet. both mysterious and having their own kind of warmth but also possessing their own coldness.
for a star to shine so brightly in the vacuum of space, it must burn- and burning was something yanqing long got accustomed to but when the sun and moon were together, it was like nothing else in the world mattered. they could just.. well.. be! like there was no weight on their shoulders.
misha and yanqing - who were the moon and sun in that metaphor - naturally gravited towards each other, even from the beginning, even though they were destined to be apart. for now, in this moment- they were together and that was all that mattered.
" soo.. which one do you want to steal?" jokingly remarked yanqing at one point as the group took a seat somewhere with a glance over the cars on display while misha cling to his arm with head laid on his shoulder, " I mean- 'borrow'"
" yanqing, no!" came arlan's quick reply to even the mere jest of stealing because he knew all too well that joking would most likely lead to yanqing actually taking action if he didn't do anything to stop it, " you can't 'borrow' one of those."
" why not? they're just sitting there.." remarked yanqing as he had a hand laid on top of misha's gloved one while the two sat so close together while arlan stood there, facing the boyfriends. " It's against the rules!" was arlan's retort to which yanqing asked, " says who?" and the answer to that was says arlan or rather- " says me!"
misha watched the two of them in amusement, finding the exchange between yanqing and arlan rather entertaining. if only he had popcorn or had taken clockie along. " oh, come on! look at what we got here. a cloud knight, a security guard and the bellhop. we have all the authority we need." yanqing would pose to the other boy who still wasn't finding this antic of the lieutenant anywhere close to amusing.
" we don't need to get in trouble with the family.. again. you do realize how much of a slap on the wrist you got because you're 'dead', right? meanwhile I have to keep working just to make up for accidentally entering the golden hour when it doesn't specifically say in the handbook that I wasn't old enough to be there." arlan went on some what of a rant as he lectured yanqing about getting into trouble and not getting punished in any kind of way.
it felt more like an electrocution to yanqing and misha would be quick to pick up on that, frowning to himself and gently nuzzling into the taller's shoulder. yanqing just found himself melting and leaning into the affection from his dear sweet skeleton flower. " what? are they going to stop us? I'd like to see them try!" he stated with his eyes more on misha as noses soon touched and nuzzled together while arlan let out a tired sigh though gave a glare at anyone who would have had the thought to bother the two.
" oh, you! always such a trouble maker, aren't you?" mused misha in the middle of the affection as soon another laugh came out when yanqing had his arms around the shorter, " we can always just buy a car, silly!"
" .. that's what you're getting from this!?" exclaimed arlan with a facepalm, waiting for the two boyfriends to be done with their lovebird behavior before clearing his throat and adding on, " you really shouldn't be encouraging him so much, misha."
and yet - somehow under the security guard's ever watchful eye - yanqing would soon purchase his first ever car within the dream. the fastest that he could find in the line up of cars while also a model that you could have the hood down for and also could fit the three of them.
within one system hour or so later, someone had foolishly decided that it was a good idea to let three unsupervised children get into a chevrolet camaro as the result was a sword lunatic who often ignored traffic laws back on his home planet now speeding through the subways and roads of the dreamscape- going as fast as the car would physically go.
with misha up in the front with him, sitting in the passenger seat and reading off from a book on how to drive as yanqing didn't know how and was learning as he went, letting sounds of excitement and joy as he was filled with adrenaline with the wind blowing through his hair.
" yanqing- YANQING!! YOU'RE GONNA CRASH INTO SOMEONE AT THIS RATE!!" exclaimed arlan in the back seat holding on to the straps of his seatbelt for dear life while misha calmly read out loud.
" don't worry about it! misha's got me covered!" yanqing stated confidentially as he kept an ear out for what the bellboy was saying and was proven right as misha kept on flipping through the pages, telling the most relevant information that yanqing would need to know right that second. " see?" the blonde smiled before reaching out and gently scratching misha under the ear like he was a dog or cat, " hǎo háizi!" he happily gave misha words of praise and affection but misha only understood the hand scratch as a sign of a job well done and somewhat picked up on the tone in which yanqing said those xianzhou words.
.. if general jing yuan didn't know that his son was still alive before, he would certainly know now. yanqing didn't get into a car crash or anything but it was safe to say that an unsupervised child with no legal car licence wasn't exactly allowed to drive a car. yanqing would be put into cartoon jail for his cartoon crimes aka he was put into time out without his misha. likely will have to face pastor sunday at some point but it wasn't today. his time out lasted for the longest seven system hours of yanqing's entire life before being able to see misha again.
now there was.. seventy-five system hours and seven minutes until the charmony festival.
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pynkhues · 3 years
any time Shiv does comfort Tom (and it's not just trying to offer sex) she always holds his head to her chest like a mother would for her child? as awkward as she still is with them, she comes off more natural with her brothers
Yeah, exactly!
I feel like it's such a testiment to how good Sarah is as Shiv that she showcases Shiv with these different degrees of vulnerability and intimacy and openness depending on the circumstances, the person, the moment. She's never, ever an open door, but sometimes, especially when someone she loves needs it, she lets them have the key for a minute before she changes the locks.
In so many ways she's been trained to divorce herself from her own emotionality and the show never draws a clean line as to the reasons for that, but I've always seen it as a survival mechanism and a form of self-defense, particularly being so frequently made the only woman in a man's world, and having a hypercritical mother who she sees as having abandoned her.
It creates this really interesting parallel, I think, because I tend to view Kendall and Tom as the two most emotional characters on the show. Of course, Tom seems to have a deeper understanding of what those emotions are than Kendall, who's always operating on varying levels of freefall, haha, but I'm fascinated by the show's choice to have Shiv as the one they both seek comfort from the most. I think there's a lot to be said about it being a statement of the emotional labour expected of women, but I also think Kendall and Tom do it for different reasons.
Sure, their relationships to her are different – Tom's married to her, and Kendall's her brother – but I think more than that, Tom, no matter how much he wants to be a part of the family, will always be an outsider.
There's a reason why Kendall could tell Shiv and Roman what he did to the waiter, even when he could tell no one else, and there's a reason they forgave him, a reason it re-forged their bond. Shiv and her brothers have something Tom won't ever have – they have a shared history steeped in trauma – and Shiv can close the door as often as she wants on them and know they'll still be on the other side, kicking at the doorjam or scratching graffiti in the paint.
It means Shiv can publish a letter saying awful things about her brother and he'll still hug her at his birthday party and it means she can crouch beside him in the dirt at their mother's wedding and, intentionally or not, with her other brother, absolve him of the worst thing he's ever done.
I think she really wanted to bring Tom in, in her own way, especially in s1 and s2, but I think she didn't know how then, and after Tom insinuated that he might leave her in the s2 finale, I think she lost the capacity to. He'd broken a fundamental, fragile trust without even realising that's what he'd done. He'd promised to be with her forever, no matter what, on the other side of that door, but then he'd told her maybe he wouldn't be. That, maybe, he'd walk away.
And I think for her, deep down, she knows he can get his comfort elsewhere. Tom has a mother who tried to protect him with the prenup and he has friends outside of the family, and a past like a hearth to return to. Shiv doesn't have that, and she knows Kendall and Roman and Connor don't have that either, and, again, she knows he could leave. She's seen women leave her father, seen Rava leave Kendall, seen love and then the absence of it, and I think she resents Tom for putting her in the position where she still wants his love.
She still feels vulnerable with Tom, even when he doesn't see her vulnerability, and she tries to give him what he wants – gets him more power, gets him closer to her father – because she's been taught love is transactional, love is a hungry mouth and an outstretched hand – and I don't think she understands that Tom wants more. That Tom maybe doesn't even really want her at all, he wants her name, her title, and a woman she isn't, someone who'll be at home when he gets home, someone who'll stand beside him (behind him, really) but never in front of him, someone warm, someone who needs him, and he can't cope with the fact that she's none of those things at all.
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setterspirit · 4 years
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long time no talk, huh?
❥ ‑‑‑‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑
the game had gone by agonizingly slow for suna, because now that he knew your name, he wanted to know if you were her, his best friend from childhood. he cheered when it called for it, stayed silent when atsumu would serve (really nothing had changed from high school), and searching for you between breaks, hoping to catch sight of you and maybe, depending on how perceptive you were, possibly ask you with his eyes if he could talk to you. eventually he found you, across the stadium, sitting with tsukishima and mai, cheering for both kageyama and hinata.
komori noticed suna’s actions, raising an eyebrow curiously at the fox eyed middle blocker. osamu caught on and mouthed “i’ll explain later” to komori who simply nodded skeptically and let suna continue to stare at you across the way.
between your excited cheering for two fo your favorite people in the whole world, to tsukishima’s annoyed comments about how loud you were cheering, to mai’s laughs as you continued to cheer, you didn’t notice the eyes on you, though in the back of your mind you couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching you. you were just being paranoid though, right? who would be staring at you? and if they were, then why would they be staring at you? it wasn’t something you could explain, so you just shook the feeling off and continued to cheer.
at the end of the game, tsukishima meets up with the rest of his first year volleyball team, you and mai following behind because he’s your ride. you excitedly greeted kageyama and hinata, giving both high fives rather than hugs seeing as they were still sweaty. then tsukishima claims he’s had enough of socializing with his old teammates, waving goodbye to them and gesturing for you and mai to follow. you and mai quickly caught up with the middle blocker, still speaking quietly amongst yourselves as tsukishima led the way to the car, driving you both home before he too, headed for his own home.
suna had seen you leave, following quickly behind the middle blocker and whispering quietly with mai, but he chose not to follow, rather, he stayed with osamu, komori, and washio, greeting atsumu as he came out of the locker rooms followed by sakusa and bokuto. suna smiled and congratulated atsumu on the good game, rolling his eyes when osamu and atsumu started to bicker, just like the old days. sakusa and komori were quietly discussing who knew what, and washio was simply off to the side, having congratulated bokuto already. suna went to stand next to the other middle blocker quietly, waiting for komori to finish up what he needed to so they could go back to the teams home.
komori had finished soon enough, heading over to the pair of middle blockers, waving to osamu as the trio left, getting into komori’s car to head out. suna got into the passenger seat, having beat washio to the door, the latter cursing at suna for stealing that spot.
as soon as they were safely buckled up and on the road, komori couldn’t hold it in anymore, so he finally asked the question that had been burning his mind since he noticed suna’s actions. “suna, what, or who, were you staring at during the breaks?”
“oh-” suna muttered, clearing his throat in shock, surprise etched onto his features because he didn’t know komori had caught him. “um- well, when ‘samu and i went out to get dinner, we went to this soba shop that this group went to as well, and there was a girl there that looked so familiar... then ‘samu said she was at the game and that he got her name and- well, let’s just say...i may or may not know who she is.”
“what do you mean ‘may or may not?’” washio questioned from the backseat, eyebrow raised questioning despite the fact that suna couldn’t see it.
“well, it’s been- over ten years since i last saw her, i mean she has the same name, and there are some small signs like the way she smiles or the way her eyes twinkle that give off the vibe that it’s her, but...” suna replied, glancing out the window, missing the look komori and washio exchanged from the mirror.
“well, since you know the name, try finding her twitter, she might be on twitter,” washio suggested, suna nodding slowly in agreement.
first, he typed in ‘l/n’ to no avail, then ‘l/n y/n’ again to no avail. his last hope, which was a huge stretch considering a lot of people could have your name in their users, was to try ‘y/n.’ just as he was about to give up on his search, he came across your profile, the handle making his eyebrows crease in confusion. clicking on your profile, most of your tweets were about someone named eito, the same eito mentioned in your bio, at least from what suna could guess. from reading your posts, he found that eito was your child, and that you seemed to treasure him more than life itself, not that he could blame you when he came across some photos of you and the little boy.
continuing to scroll through your tweets, he was about to give up all hope when he came across an interesting tweet...
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his heart jumped to his throat as he stared at the tweet. hyōgō, where she used to live before she moved. no, it couldn’t be her, could it? he knew they hadn’t talked for more than ten years, but just how much had you changed since he’d last seen you?
fingers shaking as he pressed the follow button, didn’t catch the quiet question from komori, worry etched into the liberos features when he glanced over to the seemingly nervous suna. rarely had the libero ever seen the middle blockers usually disinterested or lazy facade fall, but whenever it did, it never failed to throw komori for a loop.
suna quickly typed out a message to you, quickly pressing send before he could chicken out and take back his messages. he was terrified for your response, but if you remembered him, if you could somehow reconnect with him, it would all be worth it, nerves and all.
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then he clicked his phone off, though his nerves never eased as he waited for your reply. he was so tempted a few times to go back and delete those messages, but he decided against it, wanting to see for himself if you remembered him or not. little did he know you were already at home, curled up and asleep, aiko having put eito to bed.
when you had arrived home, you profusely thanked the teen for watching over eito on such short notice. she reassured you that it was fine and that she loved coming over to hang out with eito. smiling thankfully, you paid aiko for her services, tipping her a bit extra for the fact she was able to come and babysit on such short notice, before she got a text from her parents to say they were waiting for her to drive her home.
then you started to get ready for bed, going about your nightly routine before you got into bed. no later had your head hit the pillow were you out, quietly snoring peacefully. not too long after you had fallen asleep did your phone ding quietly from it’s place on your nightstand, lighting up the dark room with the light from the small screen.
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boy, would you wake up to a surprise tomorrow morning.
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[ masterlist | three | four | five ]
word count; 1.2k+
fast facts;
fact #1; suna is nervous because it’s been so long since he last saw y/n that he’s not sure if she remembers him or not. not that y/n would be any different. she would be just as nervous if she were in suna’s shoes, if not more nervous.
fact #2; aiko has been babysitting for y/n since eito was a year old. she absolutely adores the child, happy that she’s been able to see the little kid grow up. she was actually the one that found eito when futakuchi had left him at the amusement park. at first she had shaken off the feeling she knew the kid, but upon closer inspection, she found that it was, in fact, eito. she questioned what sort of idiot would leave eito alone at an amusement park until futakuchi had come to get eito. then it all clicked for her. she knew of everyone in y/n’s group, knew how they all were when it came to the little kid.
fact #3; komori has only ever seen suna break down two times, either time not knowing what to do. he usually ends up calling osamu to see what suna needs, as the ex-wing spiker probably knows better what suna needs than he does.
fact #4; y/n has wanted to go back and visit hyōgō a few times since coming back to japan, though she usually gets busy whenever she is able to even think about that, hence the (at first joking) tweet.
✨) summary; l/n y/n is a single mother living with her 5 year old son in sendai. suna rintarō is a professional volleyball player, the middle blocker for the ejp raijin. the msby black jackals vs the schweiden adlers is a game between two of japan’s v league division 1 teams that bring together many old rivals. y/n is dragged to the game by her cousin, tsukishima kei, claiming she needed to get out and do more than just work and take care of her child. reluctantly, she goes along with the usually salty blond — leaving her 5 year old with a babysitter — to watch the game between two of tsukishima’s ex-teammates. suna makes the executive decision that he will be going to the game to support his former teammate and setter, miya atsumu, with komori asking if he could accompany the middle blocker so he could support his cousin, suna readily agrees and they also invite washio to go with them, knowing he’d want to see bokuto as well. a chance encounter at the game of old reunions brings together two old friends and feelings start to re-emerge. follow y/n and suna as they get to know each other again, fend off any unwanted attention, and work through parenthood in “talk about surprises!”
updates every monday!
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Hypothetical TV shows: “Agent Jimmy Woo”
Spin-off series centered on Marvel’s lovable FBI agent, Jimmy Woo (Randall Park). Plot breakdown:
Episode 1
This is mainly an introduction to Jimmy Woo. We learn that he’s a lonely man, living by himself, doesn’t really have that many friends, and is not close to his family. The closest friend he has is Darcy Lewis, continuing their friendship from “WandaVision”. Throughout the episode, Jimmy gets these weird flashbacks that we have no context for. The flashbacks are to establish that Jimmy has some sort of dark past that we haven’t seen. 
Most of the episode is “normal”, until Jimmy receives a strange letter to his office. When Jimmy opens the letter, he sees that it’s a picture of a dead man, with the words, “REMEMBER ME, JIM?” smeared in blood in the background. Jimmy immediately realizes who did this and flees the building. As he’s running, he bumps into Darcy, who is here because they were supposed to go out for coffee. Jimmy tries to come up with an excuse, until he sees a couple of shady people approaching him. This leads to a thrilling, John Wick-style fight scene, in which Jimmy takes down all the assassins sent after him.
The episode ends with Darcy staring at him in shock, wondering who is this man standing before her. 
Episode 2 
This episode picks up right after the end of the previous episode. Jimmy and Darcy are on the run, fighting their way through hordes of assassins sent to kill Jimmy. We get a close-quarters combat fight scene, a gunfight, and a car chase, all in the first half of the episode. Eventually, Jimmy and Darcy reach this mysterious location, where they meet a woman who seems to recognize Jimmy. The woman introduces herself as Monica Chang (played by Yunjin Kim), a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and Nick Fury’s ex-wife.
Jimmy says he needs to get out of the country since “Golden Claw” has somehow come back from the dead and is out to get him. Monica then arranges a transport to Madagascar for both Jimmy and Darcy. This is where we get the big reveal; Jimmy Woo is a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who went underground after the events of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”. Golden Claw was Jimmy’s arch-nemesis who he thought he killed years ago. 
As Jimmy and Darcy make their way to Madagascar, Darcy asks Jimmy for the full story. Jimmy figures he has nothing left to lose and starts to recount his past, leading to the next episode.
Episode 3
Flashback episode, set before the events of “The Avengers”. Jimmy Woo is a high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who is close friends with Phil Coulson and Monica Chang. We learn that Jimmy is hunting down Plan Chu, the Golden Claw (played by Joe Taslim). Golden Claw is considered the “Kingpin of Asia” and rules over all the crime syndicates in the continent, from the Yakuza to the Triads to Madripoor. To emphasize this point, although Sharon Carter/Power Broker rules Madripoor, she answers to Golden Claw since he’s the one who helped her take control of the nation.
Due to how powerful and dangerous Golden Claw is, S.H.I.E.L.D. began targeting him, with Jimmy leading the charge. In this episode, we see the end of Jimmy’s operation; S.H.I.E.L.D. leads an assault on Golden Claw’s mansion, which eventually leads to Jimmy facing off against Golden Claw one-on-one. The two men fight, which ends with Jimmy tossing Golden Claw off a cliff. Claw is presumed dead since his body is never found.
Cut to several years later, Jimmy goes underground due to Steve Rogers exposing HYDRA’s existence in S.H.I.E.L.D.. With Nick Fury’s help, he scrubs away his past and takes on a new job as a FBI agent. The episode ends with Jimmy meeting with Scott Lang in “Ant-Man and the Wasp”. 
Post-credits scene: After being tossed off the cliff, Golden Claw is found by Sharon Carter, who was part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. assault. She decides to nurse him back to health, indicating that even before she became the Power Broker, she was a double agent working for the Golden Claw. 
Episode 4
Golden Claw-centric episode, focused on his origin story. We learn Plan Chu was actually born during the First Opium War (1839). He grew up poor and angry at the British for their attacks on China. Eventually, he ends up becoming an apprentice to a mystic/alchemist and learns how to develop elixirs that can grant him special powers. One elixir in particular prolongs his lifespan, explaining how he’s still alive in the modern day. Plan Chu’s master eventually dies from old age. Using the skills he learned, Plan Chu creates his criminal empire and earns the nickname “Golden Claw”. 
In the modern day, Golden Claw, who has fully recovered from his battle with Jimmy Woo, starts targeting all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were part of the operation to kill him. Sharon Carter provides him the names, leading to a sequence where multiple former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are killed by Golden Claw’s mercenaries. Although Jimmy Woo manages to get away, Golden Claw moves on to the next step of his revenge; finding out who ratted him out to S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place, leading to the assault on his mansion. 
Golden Claw learns that the one who betrayed him was Suwan (played by Ali Wong), his grandniece and a leading member of the Triads. Although that’s his family, Golden Claw puts a bounty on Suwan’s head. 
In the B-story, Jimmy and Darcy arrive in Madagascar, where they meet Derek Khanata (played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje), A former Wakandan special forces operative, a S.H.I.E.L.D. ally, and a friend of Jimmy Woo.
Episode 5
In Madagascar, Derek takes Jimmy and Darcy to a hideout in order to discuss battle plans. Derek tells Jimmy that Golden Claw has already killed most of the original S.H.I.E.L.D. team that was sent after him, which enrages Jimmy. Wanting revenge, Jimmy asks if they have any leads on Golden Claw’s whereabouts. Although he’s reluctant to go after Claw, Derek suggests going after M’Demwe (played by Barkhad Abdi), a ruthless warlord who has ties to the Golden Claw. 
Most of this episode is focused on Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek hunting down M’Demwe while avoiding the authorities and Golden Claw mercenaries that are in the area. Eventually, the trio manages to capture M’Demwe, leading to a thrilling car chase. After the chase, M’Demwe says he has no idea where Golden Claw is...but that they can get Golden Claw to come to them. When Darcy asks what does that mean, M’Demwe says that Claw put a bounty on his grandniece’s head. If they get to Suwan first, that could force Golden Claw to come out of hiding. 
Jimmy realizes this is about Suwan, indicating that they had a prior relationship. Jimmy asks M’Demwe where Suwan is and M’Demwe reveals that she’s in Montenegro on vacation. He then has Derek arrange a flight to Montenegro.
In the B-story, Suwan is seen gambling at a fancy casino in Montenegro. Suwan’s bodyguard tells her about the bounty placed on her head, which she waves off. She then says something ominous, that no one can touch her on her property.
Episode 6
Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek arrive in Montenegro. Golden Claw arrives around the same time. This is mostly a character development episode, in preparation for the final showdown. The following interactions occur:
1) Golden Claw meets with Suwan and tells him that he knows she betrayed him. Suwan demands to know why Golden Claw won’t just kill her himself, which Claw can’t answer. Suwan then confirms to herself that Claw can’t bring himself to kill her since he still loves her and that the bounty was his way of pushing the guilt onto someone else. Golden Claw doesn’t say it but he sees Suwan as one of his daughters, which is why he can’t just kill her himself.
2) More Jimmy and Darcy bonding. We learn more about Darcy’s family life and that she hung out with Jimmy for the same reason he hung out with her; she doesn’t have many friends outside of work. 
3) Jimmy meets up with Suwan and reconnects with her. Jimmy says he’s here to protect her but Suwan says he’s here to use her to reach Golden Claw. We learn that in the past, Suwan was sent by Golden Claw to kill Jimmy but ended up falling in love with him. That’s also part of the reason why Suwan betrayed Golden Claw. 
4) Golden Claw meets with Darcy, who doesn’t recognize him, and the two bond over a game of Texas hold’em. This scene is meant to humanize Golden Claw, that he’s not just a power-hungry criminal mastermind. 
5) Suwan and Darcy bonding. This is mainly played for laughs, with Darcy being curious about what this incredibly dangerous Triad boss saw in Jimmy. Suwan interprets Darcy’s interest in her past romance with Jimmy as jealousy, leading to a hilarious misunderstanding.
Episode ends with Jimmy, Darcy, and Derek’s covers being blown, leading to everything going south. Golden Claw and his troops corner the main trio, forcing Suwan to have her guards confront Golden Claw’s mercenaries. With everyone pointing guns at each other, the episode ends on a massive cliffhanger. 
Episode 7
Picking up right after the previous episode, the Mexican standoff between Suwan, Jimmy, and Golden Claw turns into a massive shootout, resulting in several casualties on all sides. Golden Claw’s army is forced to retreat, giving Suwan and Jimmy time to recover. This is the episode where we reach peak John Wick since right after Golden Claw’s retreat, Suwan takes Jimmy into her office in order to prepare for the second wave. Jimmy arms himself to the teeth, leading into the next attack.
Most of this episode is the battle between Suwan’s side and Golden Claw’s side. The battle is seen from these perspectives:
1) Jimmy and Derek at the forefront, fighting against the highly trained Golden Claw mercenaries
2) Darcy going off on her own in order to contact the Montenegro authorities (there’s a subplot where Darcy learns that Golden Claw managed to move the Montenegro police away from the area) 
3) Suwan directing everyone from her office and coming up with the battle plans. 
The big fight in this episode is between Jimmy Woo and Golden Claw’s top mercenary, Harold Kenkoy (played by Michael Bisping). Harold is the series’ secondary antagonist, with his role being similar to Brock Rumlow in “CA: The Winter Soldier”. Jimmy kills Harold after a brutal, one-on-one fight.
The battle ends when Darcy comes through with her mission to contact the Montenegro authorities. Unfortunately, Golden Claw manages to flee and retreats back to Madripoor. Not wanting to go through this again, Jimmy, Darcy, Derek, and Suwan decide to follow him. 
Episode 8 - season finale
As the big finale of the series, Jimmy and friends reconnect with Monica Chang, who brings a team of other former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to assist. On the other side, Golden Claw meets with Sharon Carter and tells her that he’ll be taking over Madripoor while he regroups from his previous loss. Sharon angrily states that he can’t just take her throne, leading to a “betrayal” scene. However, just when you think Sharon has the upper hand, Golden Claw reverses the situation when Sharon’s mercenaries turn against her. Claw says that he’s the one who gave her power and that he could easily take it away. 
Sharon fights through her former mercenaries and joins up with Jimmy Woo. They form a temporary truce when Jimmy tells her that he’s only in Madripoor to stop the Golden Claw once and for all. With Sharon’s help, Jimmy’s side forms a plan to trap Golden Claw. 
Of course, the plan goes awry, leading to Golden Claw closing down the whole country in order to trap Jimmy’s team. With nowhere to go and all the criminals in Madripoor gunning for them, Jimmy goes off on his own to corner Golden Claw. In the midst of all this chaos, Darcy is captured and taken to Claw. Darcy, having bonded with Claw earlier, tries to appeal to his humanity and convince him to give up his revenge quest. Claw refuses and says that he’s justified since S.H.I.E.L.D. was the one who instigated this whole situation. 
After a series of incidents, Jimmy Woo eventually confronts Golden Claw. The two fight, mirroring their fight from years ago. Jimmy wins after managing to fatally shoot Claw in the chest. As Claw dies, the two acknowledge each other, with Claw glad to have been killed by a worthy opponent. Sharon takes back control of Madripoor and, to thank Jimmy for stopping Claw, allows everyone to leave. She also rescinds all the bounties that Golden Claw set up. With that, everyone goes home.
The rest of the episode is just wrapping up the story. Suwan goes back to Montenegro, Derek goes back to Madagascar, and Monica tells Jimmy that she’s founding a new spy agency to fill in the space left by S.H.I.E.L.D. This ends up being the Atlas Foundation, which we’ll see in a future series. Jimmy says he’ll consider joining but for now, he’s going back to his job at the FBI. Season ends with Jimmy and Darcy getting coffee. 
POST-CREDITS SCENE: Jimmy Woo is with Darcy at the coffee shop when he’s approached by a messenger. The messenger tells Jimmy that he was named the sole heir of Golden Claw’s empire. Jimmy says that can’t be true but the messenger confirms this by showing him a copy of Claw’s will. Jimmy stares at the will in shock as he realizes that he’s become the new Kingpin of Asia.  
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kasjophe · 4 years
Since I didn't see anyone do this and I'm currently trying to figure it out.
What if Voldemort died as a baby (or haven't been born at all?)
You get the drill. Might have turn it into headcanon thing at the end a little
Regulus Black would be alive
Harry's parents would be alive
Sirius wouldn't be falsely accused and send to Azkaban
Death Eaters wouldn't exist and so hundreds of people wouldn't have been murdered and tortured for example
As that's said Neville's parents would be able to take care of him
Philosopher's stone would probably still exist
Moaning Myrtle wouldn't get killed by basilisk and so would still be alive
Hagrid wouldn't be falsely accused by Tom Riddle = wouldn't get kicked out of Hogwarts which means his wand wouldn't be snapped and he would be able to get study and so he might have persuade different career than gatekeeper
No death eaters -> Lucius Malfoy could turn out to be more understanding and loving father which means Draco beliefs might have been different, also with that he wouldn't have to go through any trauma he experienced connected with his parents being Voldemort's followers. Obviously he wouldn't turn out to be a lovely soft boy, his family is a long line of spiteful purebloods and there are some expectations put towards him, he still kinda is boy with no choice but it's completely different kind many with strict parents can understand.
Cedric is alive, Harry doesn't participate in Triwizard Tournament
George would still have his ear
No Final Battle of Hogwarts: everyone who lost their life that night is still alive
And so Tonks and Remus and can raise Teddy
Lockhart wouldn't lose his memory = people still think of him as someone amazing and he keeps on scamming people
Harry's children would NOT be named as ridiculously as they were.
Of course marauders would tease Harry about getting sorted and when he was young joke about Slytherins (and one particular) a lot but Harry wouldn't be scared to be sorted to Slytherin and that being said -> possibly end up in Slytherin. (I can go on and write a whole story about how it could have been if everyone was alive)
Time Turners wouldn't get destroyed and so would still exist.
Ron, Harry and Neville would probably meet earlier when they were children
Whole Ron's and Hermione friendship might have not proggress as well as it did since most of the time Golden Trio bonded while saving Hogwarts and Wizarding World starting with fighting the troll in the dungeons.
There might have been no Hedwig at all since it was gift from Hagrid and in real where they're all alive Harry might've never actually befriended him and Potter's family had an owl anyway?
If Sirius didn't go to Azkaban, Remus and he probably would be together, so there would be no Tonks and Remus resulting no Teddy.
Harry having gay™ uncles would feel more comfortable with exploring his sexuality and we all know that boy had a thing for Cedric. And Oliver Wood. And Draco and-
No Howler from Weasleys about flying car since Dobby wouldn't try to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts
No iconic "Oculus Reparo" from Hermione?
Harry would have learned about animagus early in his life and so maybe try himself to become one
We can also assume Harry would meet Draco as a child too. Maybe they would become friends. And here's and interesting scenario that might have done (beside Slytherin Harry) this could've result in -> they're not friends and Harry isn't "the chosen one" Harry never know about Dobby and does not free him. Or if Potter and Malfoy are friends Draco treats Dobby better once Harry notices how badly Dobby's treated. He might try freeing him then and so it happens early.
The stigma around Slytherins isn't as heated as JKR made it and people feel more comfortable embracing their Slytherin side
Dementors don't chase after Harry
Hermione and Harry's friendship probably progressed because Hermione and Draco as originally were head to head with school grades and Harry was simply amused by cheering for Hermione, then also figured she might be great help with studies but saying that Draco would try to get better (aka impress Harry more) so who knows
I mean like I said rivalry in school between Hermione and Draco at some point might have turned into truce thanks to Harry so I guess study sessions together and bonding
No Scabbers so maybe Weasleys got some other animal
Harry trying his best to find marauder's map the first thing when he gets in Hogwarts ?
No ferret Malfoy 😔
No need for harry to sneak out to Hogsmeade
Harry isn't abused - He has no contact (probably) with Dursleys (I mean probably maybe Lily wanted to talk with Petunia at some point and boys played together)
Harry probably would have had different wand
That's it for now, probably will be more in future. Feel free to add more yourself
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mediocre--writing · 4 years
Hey! I'd like to request a Harry x Gryffindor!reader where y/n is a member of the Golden trio (well now quartet) and is basically about her friendship with them and how her and harry eventually fall in love and end up together, like is a slow burn (it can be either a oneshot or headcanons, it's your choice) thank you! 💕
Harry Potter x Gryffindor!Muggleborn!Reader
Summary: You and Harry have been friends since first year, so how will you tell him that you have deeper feelings for him than just friendship?
Word Count: 6665
Warnings: mentions of scars, umbridge (which is a warning for obvious reasons), hints of depression, doing badly in school
Ok I know that this was supposed to be a small headcannon, but I kinda went overboard so now this is 6k... oops!
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so you both met on the train to hogwarts in first year
you physically ran into harry when you were trying to find a spot to sit before the train started moving
you kinda squashed him because, let’s admit it, harry was probably abnormally skinny for an eleven year old and could be pinned down by an aggravated squirrel
but it caused the two of you to have an inside joke and become friends, even before you got to hogwarts
you also became friends with ron weasley on the train ride
he was also a scrawny little twerp, and you felt like a mother looking after two idiotic children
there was also hermione granger, who immediately rubbed you the wrong way
she was bossy and seemed to be a know it all
at the sorting ceremony, harry, ron, and hermione had all gone before you
so you were kinda just chilling in the group of kids that you didn’t talk to on the train, secretly sending all your hopes into getting into gryffindor
thank godric that you did
you all sat together and ate
you also met ron’s brothers: fred, george, and percy, and apparently he had two more, bill and charlie, and a younger sister, ginny
wow his mother made a bold choice
but they were all kind
though fred and george seemed a bit too mischievous for their own good
and percy was kinda snarky
but everyone has their own flaws, and you should look past them
and you and hermione were roommates
(oh my god they were roommates)
so you tried to deal with hermione’s nagging and obsession with success
it’s firmly believed by all the girls in that dorm that if she wasn’t in gryffindor, she probably would have been in slytherin because she was so ambitious 
but school was fun
you all had classes together
because you’re first years and didn’t have electives yet
hermione, of course, was amazing at just about everything
ron and harry were decent at most things, of course they had to learn but they caught on quick
the only class you liked was the flying lessons, but it only happened once  every week
and astronomy
you just liked going out at night and staring at the stars
but who wouldn’t
so hermione tried to help you in class, but she talked far too fast and already knew everything
she was smart, but she wasn’t a good teacher
so you went to harry, because he was doing good in classes and wasn’t psycho-smart
he actually helped a ton more
you were actually passing your classes now
the both of you bonded over quidditch, as he became seeker and you longed to be a chaser for gryffindor
so you went to all his games and cheered him on
(you also tried out in second year and made it, to the shock of most people)
through your first year, things were relatively normal, right up until you discovered the locked room that housed a large, three headed dog
then harry decided it would be a grand idea for you all to go into a trap door underneath the dog
but of course you followed
as you entered, you got past the dog with relative ease, then hermione helped you all out of the devil’s snare
then you got on the broom and caught the key needed to get through the next door
then ron aided in beating the killer chess board
hermione had to carry him back to the main hallway, and up to madam pince
but you went with harry to find the sorcerer's stone
and when you walked into the room, you stopped at the top of the stairs, seeing quirrel
after a few moments of talking, when the fighting broke out, you were hit with a jinx that sent you flying across the room
which knocked you out
so when you woke up in the hospital wing with a few bruises
ron to your left, still asleep
harry to your right, also asleep
you could say that you were a bit confused at the goings-on of the night before
hermione showed up only a few moments later and explained everything from what she knew
when you all left after first year, it’s safe to say a tear may or may not have fallen at the idea of not seeing your friends for a whole three months
but that summer, you were invited to the burrow at the end of summer
and you went
after begging your parents for the entire month prior
but you got there
and you went along with, ron, fred, and george in their dad’s car to go rescue harry
and you almost fell out of the car while trying to pull him inside, away from his porky looking uncle
but you guys were fine
and when you got back to the house
mrs. weasley chewed you all out
except harry
but she gave you quite the talking to because you’d been there for the past few weeks and she was comfortable treating you like her own
which included a good scolding
but it was all ok
because you were all back together
at least you and the boys
but you would see hermione very soon
when you went to diagon alley
but there was a small hiccup in the day
when you ran into the malfoys
you slammed into draco’s back
very hard
and he fell over
and you fell on top of him
and his dad saw it all
and screamed at you in front of everyone in the bookshop
“you filthy, vile, little mudblood!”
he had his wand pulled in your face and everything
draco was smirking behind him
it was humiliating
the weasleys had your back
the twins came to help you stand up and were glaring at the malfoys
arthur began yelling at lucius
though you were embarrassed, you felt loved all the same
all the girls were obsessing over some gildy-guy
you didn’t find him all that appealing
he seemed too full of himself
but hogwarts was going good that year
besides the little thing with you, ron, and harry stealing a flying car and crashing it into the whomping willow
though it did give you all a bit of street cred given that...
ya know, three 12 year olds stole a flying car and drove it to hogwarts
as mentioned before, you made it onto the gryffindor quidditch team as chaser
you were also benched for half a game for trying to knock malfoy off his broom when he called hermione and you mudbloods while trying to smack talk harry
which didn’t make sense because the slytherins cheat every game and you try to assault one kid and suddenly you're benched
though malfoy doesn’t really say much to your group when your around now
you also got closer to the twins, helping them with pranks and diversions
after the malfoy/bookstore incident, they felt more protective of you
you became like an older sister to ginny
and she always felt like she could open up to you
but she had a weird little book she wouldn’t let you see
as she got worse through the year, you told hermione
but she suggested that you shouldn’t tell her brothers
because maybe she didn’t want anyone knowing
when it was revealed that harry was a parseltongue, you most definitely yelled at people who badmouthed him
you also punched one kid, but you didn’t get a detention for it because the kid was too scared to tell anyone
you and harry were even closer than before
between quidditch and you staying close to him everywhere because you were scared of being petrified
and when hermione got petrified you broke down in the middle of the common room
harry hugged you, a little awkwardly, but he was trying
then ginny got taken down to the chamber
and you felt more numb than anything
so when you, ron, and harry ventured down to the chamber of secrets to find ginny
with lockhart
who wasn’t much help
but ron and lockhart were stuck behind fallen rocks so you and harry went on
and you found ginny
and young voldemort
...or his ghost
either way
it was voldemort
and though you would never tell another soul, he was a lot more handsome when he had his face in tact and looked, well, human
but besides that, he was trying to kill you, harry, and ginny, so his appeal was pushed to the side when you considered that little factor
but as the basilisk chased harry around the chamber, tom riddle had you in a headlock
you were on your knees
and he was basically just forcing you to watch harry be chased by a killer snake
ginny was still passed out after harry defeated the basilisk with the sword of gryffindor, brought by the phoenix, fawkes
you still couldn’t catch your breath after tom riddle had let you go, given that he had been choking you slowly
you hugged harry and were gripping onto the backs of his robes as tight as possible, still feeling light headed and grateful that you actually survived
but you helped harry carry ginny out as quick as possible
ron and lockhart had cleared away most of the rubble, well mostly ron, lockhart was still crazy
when the end of the year came and hermione, among others, were no longer petrified, you enveloped her in the biggest hug imaginable
the train ride back was, once again, a bit sad, but you promised to come over to the burrow during the summer
you went to the leaky cauldron with hermione and her family, since yours didn’t exactly like that you were a witch
they loved you, but all this stuff was to dangerous for their taste
but you and hermione went to the leaky cauldron for a few nights
met the weasleys there for a day of shopping and such
also met harry there, since he was brought by the minister of magic for using magic underaged outside of school
which was kind of a stupid rule
but whatever
you got to spend more time with your friends
because the weasleys were in egypt visiting bill, ron’s older brother,
but you got your little (well, large, really) family back
you and harry talked about everything that the dursley’s had done to him, how he blew up his aunt, and how he was sick and tired of feeling alone during summers
you told him about how your parents were complaining about you leaving for most of the year and, all around, didn’t like magic, like his aunt and uncle
you also talked about how ron’s rat and hermione’s cat were going to kill each other, which meant that ron and hermione would end up killing each other
you never really realized how much you talked to harry until you didn’t get to everyday
on the train ride to hogwarts, you sat with the twins and their friend, lee jordan, and a few of the girls from the quidditch team that you’d known before
you were planning a big prank for the start of the year
harry, ron, and hermione, however, were stuck with an old, sleepy man in their compartment
harry was also moping because you were spending time with the twins
he missed you more than he thought he would and wanted to spend time with you, but he couldn’t just say that
they were your friends too
then the dementors came onto the train, which woke up the old man in their compartment and he was able to fend them off
and harry passed out
and then he woke up a few moments later
with chocolate being shoved in his face
(not a bad way to be woken up)
but the first thing he did was try and get up to look for you
which hermione offered to do so he could rest
in your compartment, you had fallen over, not passed out, but your knees had gone weak and you blacked out for a moment, still awake though
fred and george were on either side of you on the floor
they both had an arm over your shoulder, trying to warm you up
angelina johnson was giving you kind words
and then hermione walked in
your head shot up
“are you all alright?”
“harry passed out,”
there was a chuckle heard from outside the compartment
“potter passed out? some brave gryffindor he is!”
everyone just kinda rolled their eyes and continued to ignore him
“is harry ok?”
“should be, there was a man in there, i assume he was a teacher or something, he had it handled”
“you’re sure he’s alright?”
“yes, he’s perfectly ok, y/n,”
hermione definitely knew about your crush on harry now
she had her suspicions before
but it was just obvious now
hermione left, probably going back to harry and ron
“you wanna go see him?” one of the twins asked from your right in a concerned but also suggestive voice
you shook your head
“i’ll see him at dinner, fred,”
both the twins gasped, along with the others in the compartment
“you can tell us apart?” george asked
yes, that’s right, you had learned the difference between the twins and could tell them apart, something their best friend, lee, couldn’t even do
you were quite proud of yourself
“of course, what do you take me for? your mother?” you chuckled
both the twins knew, at that moment, they’d hit the jackpot
they knew you had a great sense for attention to detail in pranks, but this just showed how much you knew
“how do you know which is which?”
“fred has more freckles, george slouches more when he walks, fred also has a little scar right at the top of his hairline that you can just barely see, but it’s usually how i can tell. also you have sides when you go places together, george is left and fred is right, though i’m sure you’ll change it up from now on to trip me up,”
“ahhh, little y/n, you are a good best friend,” -fred
“lee, take notes,” -george
“fuck all of  you,” -lee
the rest of the ride was not as eventful after that, though the twins were still trying to make you slip up
they left to put their uniforms and asked you to guess who was who, you were correct, they were crybabies about it
when hermione went back to harry, he was a little sad to hear that fred and george were comforting you so closely
lupin kinda smirked because it reminded him of how james would get mad when lily was with other boys
then he wasn’t smirking because he was all sad
when the train got back to hogwarts, you met up with ron and hermione and harry
they told you all about cool professor lupin
third year was great
professor lupin was your favorite professor, which was a similar theme around school
you pranked more people with fred and george
you played quidditch, getting better at your skills when practicing with angelina and katie
lupin grew to love your little quartet
because you were like his friends
hermione reminded him of himself because of her good morals and need to excel in classes, even though she still had her own dark side
ron was like peter, one of the funniest, kindest friends he’d ever seen, while also being underspoken, letting his friends speak first in most situations
james and harry were practically the same person, with their entire personas mirroring the others, though harry was much more modest than james had ever been, but also seemed to have his mischievous side much more hidden than his father, who would boast about his accomplishments and pranks
you reminded him of sirius, with how you always found a way to make others laugh, and your chameleon-like personality that could fit in with multiple groups, you never seemed to be alone, along with the way that you could never seem to wear your uniform correctly: always choosing a t-shirt instead of the button down or regular trainers over the uncomfortable uniform shoes
he made sure to pay extra attention to harry and his friends through the year
you became more popular as you hug out with fred and george more
hermione and ron seemed to bicker more and more like an old married couple
harry was stressing over sirius black constantly, especially after finding out that he was his godfather
you and harry went to see lupin together to discuss what he knew of sirius black, along with just getting your minds cleared
he accepted you both into his office and you all chatted for hours
he also offered to teach you how to cast a patronus, like he had been doing with harry
you gleefully accepted
harry had been at his wits end with malfoy at this point, sick of the taunts and jokes tossed his way
so you and fred and george pranked him
turned his hair red and glittery
only lasted until you washed it out but it was very funny to see him freak out
as patronus practice went on with harry and lupin, you got closer and closer to casting a full patronus, only after your second lesson
during the third time you went, your patronus was cast fully, a mighty lioness that roared loudly as you, harry, and lupin laughed in pure delight at the sight of the mighty beast
you told fred and george what your patronus was and they were jealous, because you got the house mascot and they couldn’t even produce the charm
when the day came that you, harry, ron, and hermione all went down to hagrid’s for buckbeaks’ execution
then scabbers was pulled away by a large black dog
and you all went into the whomping willow
and found sirius black
who was being quite dramatic for a wanted killer
or maybe that was just how killers were
just murdering people but with ✨pizzazz✨
but when lupin turned up, and explained the situation, then ron’s rat turns into peter pettigrew, who was supposed to be dead, then snape showed up
god this was a really long night
once you had everything taken care of (ron was going to be taken to the hospital wing for his leg injury, peter pettigrew was in restraints, it was acknowledged that sirius was framed, and everyone knew lupin was a werewolf) you walked back up to the opening of the whomping willow
then the moon came out
lupin began transforming, everyone backed away slightly, but you were stunned to your spot
sirius and snape were protecting harry ron and hermione
but you were just standing there, watching
peter got away by transforming into a rat, again
lupin was now in full wolf form though, so that was the bigger problem
sirius approached him slowly before lupin turned around quickly, scratching your arm and hand as he ran off, sirius chasing after him in his dog form
but you were scratched by a werewolf
and it hurt
snape had to be a crutch for ron because his leg was messed up
and you were wobbling as you walked from the pain
but you both made it to the hospital wing
pomfrey attended to you first, and she explained, while she worked, that since it was only a scratch, you shouldn’t suffer any detrimental side effects aside from the scarring, which would never go away
it wasn’t too bad after she gave you a few medicines
you worried about hermione and harry, and while ron was being tended to, you glanced out of the windows looking for a peak at your friends
they ended up coming up to the hospital wing after seeing the dementors try to kill sirius, but then they disappeared again, leaving you and ron confused when, just seconds later, they walked through the doors into the hospital wing
but they told you that they saved sirius and buckbeak
school was pretty calm after that
you and harry went to see lupin when you heard that he was quitting
he explained that word got out about him being a werewolf
by snape
the bitch
and that he hurt a student
but he wasn’t aware of that part
until he saw your arm wrapped up
and asked what happened
and he looked like he was going to cry
but you assured him that it didn’t hurt
of course it hurt but you weren’t going to tell him that
for some reason you felt bad that he hurt you
because he was kind and gentle and didn’t deserve the prejudice he got
the scar was healing, but it was from your elbow to the back of your hand, and it was about an inch wide, so there wasn’t much hope of you covering it up or saying it was no big deal
lupin was worried though
how were you going to explain this to your parents?
they were muggles, wouldn’t they pull you out of school?
apparently not, because when, that summer, you were invited to the quidditch world cup with the weasleys and hermione and harry, they let you go
which was very out of character but you didn’t really mind
the quidditch cup was… interesting
you and hermione were pretty spooked afterwards because of the death eater symbol that hung over the crowd
along with the fact that you were muggleborn
but the beginning of the school year was sure to take your mind off of it
the triwizard tournament seemed interesting enough for the older teens to compete in
you couldn’t play quidditch but this was fine
it was a relaxing year to just chill
because you got two months of relative peace until harry’s name was pulled out of the cup and most of the school turned on him
you were still staying close to harry because you trusted him
and you knew that ron wasn’t so much mad at his friend as much as he was a mix of jealous and worried for harry’s safety
you also helped harry train for the first task once you found out what it was
fuckin dragons
you brought him out to the quidditch pitch a few days a week and made him run drills so that he’d be quicker on his feet
ya know
running from a dragon
and you made sure that he knew basic spells
you made hermione research dragons and common ways to get past them
after a little conversation with moody, you also practiced the summoning charm so he could get his broom
you still made sure he was doing running drills because he could always fall
but you included some flying practice
“i don’t care if you're the youngest seeker in a century, harry, this is a dragon!!!! it breathes fire!!!”
because you were helping harry so much
you kinda began slipping in class
just a little
ok maybe a lot
but you were also practicing spells with harry so you were learning like 6/7th year charms
though your teachers didn’t see it that way
so you had to ditch harry a few times due to detentions
mostly with mcgonnangal because she pitied you and how you were worried about your friend dying, which you prioritized over lessons
though snape was getting fed up with you
he was yelling at you more
but you were used to it at this point
the day of the first task you had been with harry in the tent for as long as you could stay there, worried for his safety
to be honest he was getting more nervous because of you
he wanted you to calm down
and you wanted him to live
so it was quite the stressful situation
especially when, while you were sitting on one of the hospital beds moved down there (for precaution) you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and rita skeeter snapped a quick picture
but she got told off by krum
which was kinda refreshing
he was quiet, but he would stand up for what was right
you liked that about him
it reminded you of harry
harry did really well in the task, getting really high marks for his agility and skill on a broom
you gleamed with pride
a few days later, at breakfast, ron had a parcel delivered to him
dress robes
that were beyond hideous
then you heard all about the yule ball
where you had to dress up and converse with the other schools and such
it didn’t sound all that appealing to you
you loved hanging out with friends and such
but you weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea of dressing up for hours on christmas, the day of relaxation
and becuase you didn’t really think that you were gonna go, you gave ron the money your parents sent you for a dress so he could buy new, nice dress robes
he thanked you a million times
you were also helping harry with the egg
let's say that cedric found out about the egg and told harry a bit sooner
so you were trying to get him to swim in the black lake
he wasn’t pleased
but he needed to be quick in the water
he was mad at you for pushing him in one day
but he got over it
hermione was losing her mind because you and harry were basically flirting 
and touching one another with looks of affection
but harry wouldn’t man up and ask you out
and you didn’t believe he would actually like you
hermione about slapped you when you said that
you also told her that you didn’t really want to go because of the elegant air that wasn’t your style
so she made it her personal mission to get you and harry together
she wasn’t subtle
was she ever?
but nothing happene
one day at breakfast, while the boys were complaining about not having dates
fred, who was sitting next to you, asks angelina to the dance to show ron and harry that it was that easy
ron made some snarky comment about how hermione and you wouldn’t have dates
and hermione was mildly offended by ron and stormed off
but you knew he was right
nobody had even asked you
you thought about asking harry
multiple times
but you just knew he wouldn’t want to go with you
especially when he had practically every girl in hogwarts to choose from
so that night, in the common room, you asked george if he had a date
he didn’t
so you went as friends
because you thought of the twins as family
and didn’t like them that way
but you knew that they were a good option, and with george you would be able to joke all night and have a good time
you bought a cheap-ish, but nice, dress from money you’d already had in your trunk
harry was pissed
he knew you liked one of the twins
and he was mad at himself more than anything
but he went with one of the patil twins, ron taking the other
but when you came downstairs to george, looking more gorgeous than ever
with the help of hermione
you wore a dress with short sleeves, which made you slightly insecure because you still had the scar from professor lupin that was a few shades off from your normal skin tone
but hermione, fred, george, and angelina assured you that you were still beautiful
he couldn't take his eyes off you
“potter seems to be staring at you,” george teased
you rolled your eyes and didn’t bother to look back because you didn’t want to be disappointed
the ball was fun
you caught up with the twins since you hadn’t spent much time with them since you were helping harry
the next weeks you were still training with harry
he was still reluctant about getting in the black lake
but he lived
and when, the night before the task, you and hermione disappeared when he had a question, he felt more helpless than ever
he felt even more helpless when, during the task, he could make out your figure at the bottom of the lake, in between hermione and a little blonde girl
after he helped you and the little blonde girl, who turned out to be fleur’s little sister, you and harry were huddled together…. 
“warming up”
he got high marks again for rescuing both you and gabrielle, even though he took a long time to finish
he was tied for first place
you jumped up and hugged him so tight he could barely breathe
you loosened your grip and stared him in the eyes
your faces were so close together you could feel the other’s breath
then ron came up and grabbed harry
it was awkward between you and harry for about a day and a half until you were in the common room together and were joking like old times
after that, you waited until the month before the final task, when you found out it was a maze with creatures and spells
you made harry start running again
he said he was going to curse you
you laughed
but when the task came up, you felt a little weird about everything
things just seemed off
and when harry reappeared with a dead cedric and the triwizard cup and there was a deafning silence between everyone
cedric's father was screaming
you were trying to shove your way down the stands to harry
because he looked numb yet also going through so many emotions
when you finally got to harry he was pulled away by dumbledore, who told you to go back to your friends
you wanted to hit him
but you talked to harry the next day
well, you didn’t talk much
he collapsed, crying the tears he was holding in since the end of the third task
you held him, letting him sob
you started whispering kind words to him when his sobbing became slower and his breathing was more regular
“you don’t need to be, you shouldn’t be sorry, it’s nothing you did, i promise,”
over the summer, not very much happened
until, while you were at the weasleys, harry was attacked by dementors and was being put on trial for using magic outside of school
he came to sirius’ parents old house before his trial, then, after he was free to go back to school, spent the rest of the summer with you, ron, and hermione
you spent a good bit of time over the summer working on prank products with the twins
you got a lot of progress made on the extendable ears and a few of the skiving snackboxes products were almost perfect
while on your way back to school, while ron and hermione were at the prefects carriage, you caught up with harry and what you had been doing over the summer, talking about whatever you didn’t say while at grimmauld place
they talk about how harry is sick of the pity stares he's getting, and that’s just from getting on the train and sitting down
you talk about your adventures with the twins over the summer, how they tried to do side-by-side apparition with you and you puked
the rest of the train ride was mediocre at best, but the real fun started at the end of the first dinner
namely, a woman called delores umbridge, who was the defense teacher
nobody found her likeable, especially after she interrupted dumbledore
nobody interrupts dumbledore
but you wanted to give her a chance
that chance didn’t get you too far
you and the twins were planning to prank her by day 3
she yelled at harry and gave him a torture quill for his punishmet
nasty bitch
but by the end of the fourth day at school, her cat portraits had been let out around the school, milling around in other paintings and it took her a few days to finally put them all back
the best pranks are ones that linger, driving the person mad
she didn't know it was you three, of course she didn’t, she had only been there four days
but she started to catch on when you and the twins were seen whispering in the great hall, writing on a piece of paper that was shoved under a desk and whispering stopped as she walked by
she knew for a fact that it was you three when you had all used the same annoying phrase in class, multiple times, just to drive her mad
your first detention this year, though it was with fred and george, went unknown by your friends
you didn’t want them to worry, since you couldn’t get your hand to stop bleeding when you would stretch or scratch the healing skin, but you had no intentions of stopping your pursuit of pranking
it wasn’t until dumbledore’s army was having their first practice that harry noticed the scabbed writing on your hand, which was written over your werewolf-scratch scar from third year
‘i must respect my superiors’
he got kinda really mad at you when you’d told him that it was from the last 7 detentions with umbridge, though he didn’t know you even had one
quidditch practice was awkward, harry wouldn’t talk to you, unless it was to critique your playing, and the twins weren’t really there to mediate, since they had to practice too
though the awkwardness didn’t last for too long
umbridge had kicked you, harry, fred, and george off the team indefinitely
dumbledore’s army meetings were the only thing to look forward to
though, when you were working on patronus charms, yours was no longer the mighty lion, but a doe that pranced around with grace
hermione pointed out that harry’s was a stag, and yours was a doe, and then she wiggled her eyebrows
you were #confused
you continued getting detentions with umbridge, for speaking out in class or not doing the work
you finally understand a class but it's everything you already knew from first year… but easier
so you just don’t do it
grades can’t get worse
fred and george leave, so you don’t have many people to talk to, besides hermione
harry’s still a bit aggravated with you
but you're starting to get mad at him as well, he keeps talking to cho
and the worst part is that you completely understood
she was pretty and nice and going through something only harry understood at the moment
you talked to hermione about it
she said to confess your feelings
and you were
really you were
until harry came back and told you the good news
he kissed cho
congrats to you
you just avoided him
until he claimed that sirius black was being tortured by voldemort and you, along with select dumbledore’s army members, had to go save him
you were intercepted by the umbridge prats
you punched draco malfoy so hard his nose bled all over his face and robes
which felt like a win, even though you were still caught and brought to her office in a headlock by malfoy
though you all escaped and went off to the ministry of magic, where sirius was
except he wasn’t
but you know who was?
death eaters
totally not the same thing
but you all made it to this room with a huge archway, where you were then put back in a headlock, by a malfoy…. again
you were sick of this family
the order members showed up soon, however, and sirius was actually here this time
and he was standing next to you in front of the arch, fighting
until he was hit by a curse by bellatrix, which caused him to collapse into the veil
you heard harry scream, and he started to sprint towards the veil, but you collided with his body, pushing him away and wrapping your arms around him
you didn’t know what the veil thing was but you didn't think that it was something you came back from
harry was trying to get out of your arms to the veil
he was stronger than he looked, and you ended up pushing him to the floor so he would stop trying to run
the whole battle was a mess, harry had gotten possessed by voldemort, which entailed a lot of screaming and a creepy deep voice coming from harry
as you were all brought back to hogwarts, you were dragging harry’s body over yours, and he was heavier than he looked
but you knew he was tired and out of it, so you bared with it
that summer was the longest of all
harry and you didn’t talk much
neither would make the first move to send a letter
everyone knew voldemort was back
and harry was transported to the burrow by dumbledore
and even though you had been at the burrow most of the summer, including when harry was there the next morning
he still wouldn’t even look at you
you really didn’t know what you did
he was the one who flirted and kissed cho
sure you didn’t tell him about detentions and were kind of the reason that he didn’t chase after sirius to his death
but that didn’t seem like something he should be mad about
not for this long
fred and george opened their shop
and you were proud of them
so so proud because you helped with half the products there
but you couldn’t use the extent of your happiness because harry still wasn’t talking to you
and you felt like death
all the time
that year went relatively quick
you were studying a lot more, mostly to ignore harry, but also because you didn’t have fred and george to occupy your time and had nothing else to do
by the time christmas came around, you hadn’t talked to harry much
maybe a few times in classes that you were in together
but you weren’t in any newt classes with them
oh well i guess
you didn’t make other friends either
you just kinda closed off
didn’t sleep much because you kept thinking about harry
thinking about kissing him
thinking about holding his hand
about joking with him like you used to
about how he must be feeling about everything going on
about how you can’t lose him now
he can’t die because of some no-nose-supremacist
and you looked exactly how you felt, you were sluggish and lethargic, it took you awhile to react when people spoke to you, and your usual charisma wasn’t as prominent
during christmas, fred and george noticed your lack of energy
they tried to cheer you up but you just wanted harry to talk to you
so they did what they did best
smacked some sense into harry
hit him in the head and told him to talk to you
you both sat on the couch awkwardly, neither feeling the air of comfort that you used to have
it took about five minutes of silence before george opened the door and screamed at you both
not any words, just screamed
then shut the door
neither of you could hold in the snorts of laughter from the unsolicited screaming
you turned to face one another at last
“i’m sorry i ignored you”
“me too, i was worried about you and i felt like i couldn’t talk to you but i should have just written you a letter or something because i miss you so much, you don’t even know. after the twins left hogwarts, i always felt lonely and i wasn’t speaking to you for whatever reason and i’ve been doing really dreadful in class so i've been studying but i never retain anything or understand anything and--”
harry grabbed your hands and moved closer to you
“i think i’m in love with you”
“you’re kidding?”
“i think i love you too?”
“yeah, i have been for a while, then we fought, and i didn’t know how to talk to you anymore--”
beforehe could have another word, you crashed your lips to his
it was amazing
you’ve been waiting for this for literal years
the past few months were torture
but everything was alright
things were getting worse out there, with voldemort rising to power, but you could die happy because of this moment
because harry wasn’t just someone who was in love with you, he was your best friend in the world and the only person who made you feel comfortable in any situation
and he loved you back
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Safe House- Tom Felton x Reader: Chapter 2
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A/N: Hello friends! I’m so sorry I haven’t updated anything in so long; life has been CRAZY! But guess what? Yours truly just finished up all her training at the Police Academy so I am now fully a 9-1-1 dispatcher (or 0-0-0 for my Australian friends or 9-9-9 for my UK friends!) In our spare time between calls, as long as we’re still available to take calls, we can do pretty much whatever we want so I hope that means I can still write and update! Unfortunately, I do have to work on Christmas Day this year but I’m still excited for the day! 
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday and I hope 2021 will be 1000000 times better than 2020! And don’t worry, this isn’t the last holiday update I have up my sleeve! ;)
Xxx M
Warnings: FLUFF, pining, longing, Tom being super adorable! 
Word Count: 4,500
Previous Chapter| Holiday Masterlist| Masterlist of all Masterlists
Even though you believed you were going to be in some serious trouble when you got back to work, you were glad you stepped into that car. You were Tom's assistant and he requested your help in a task, so you weren’t really breaking any rules, right? And Tom said you were still working and that he would clear all this up with Mr. Harrington, so why were you still nervous? Was it because you left the property of your place of work still in the clock? Or was it because you were sitting with a rather attractive man inside his car and trusting that he wouldn’t try anything weird, like kidnapping you? Whatever the reason may be, you couldn’t ignore the feeling that you seemed to be taking a ‘leap of Faith’ with going with Tom, yet it all felt right. The subtle sound of Christmas music came from the car's radio and the heat from the vents provided a warming feeling deep within you. It surprised you to know that he had chosen to play Christmas music because you assumed with his schedule, holidays weren’t as important anymore. However, that proved to be untrue as a certain sparkle appeared in his eyes when he pulled into a parking spot, he jumped out of the car and rushed over to your side to help you out.
“Come on love, we have a lot to do if we want to make that tree look less sad!” He exclaims and tugs on your arm, much like a child would do with a parent. You laughed at the tall man, who beamed with a bright smile on his lips, as you struggled to keep up.
“What should we get first?!” He says, enthusiastically to you.
“Maybe more ornaments?” You suggest and his excitement only grows.
“Yes! And then we should get garland to wrap around the ornaments! And the presents!” He bounces on his toes, ever so slightly, but you notice it and think to yourself, how can a 33-year-old be this excited?
You follow him over to a section of the hobby store that was entirely dedicated to Christmas. Shelves were lined with garland, ornaments, lights, light-up statues, everything you could think of to make the holiday one to remember. Both you and Tom began pulling things off the shelves, anything to make his hotel room look more festive for his guests. A part of you wished you were able to be there to enjoy some of these decorations but you knew you were just ‘the help’ so you kept that thought to yourself. When your shopping cart was fully loaded to the rim, you decided to check out. Reaching into your purse for your wallet, you pulled out some cash but Tom put his hand out, indicating you to stop.
“Oh, don’t be silly love, I got this. This is my hotel room we’re decorating and this was my idea, so I’ll pay for it,” He says.
“Yeah, but it is my place of work so it’s only fair I pitch in,” you fight back but it proves to be useless when the total rings up and he already had a credit card inserted into the bottom of the reader.
“Maybe next time,” he shoots you a wink, causing your cheeks to redden before he slips the card out of the reader and back into his wallet. You help grab the bags and load them back into the cart as you head back out to the car. The drive back to the resort was quiet, aside from small talk, which was rather pleasant. Speaking with Tom in a quiet setting was beautiful and calming, something a lot of people don’t get to enjoy if you weren’t in his inner circle. A part of you was felt like any other fan, excited about being in an intimate setting with him, but the other part of you knew you were just doing your job. Gathering the bags in your hands, you follow Tom back into the hotel and into the elevator, where you two were forced to stand nearly squished against each other, thanks to a large number of guests flocking to the car before the doors shut. You felt your cheeks heat up at the close proximity you were to Tom but kept your lips sealed and your thoughts to yourself before the doors opened to the penthouse; everyone else left you sooner.
“Thanks a lot (y/n) for helping me with this. I don’t think I could’ve done it all alone plus it’s more fun to decorate with some company,” Tom says, as he sits the last ornament on the tree. He takes a few steps away from the tree, to take in the glorious sight before him, with you coming to stand beside him.
“It’s my pleasure and this tree looks so much better now,” you comment.
“I think it is because of you, my dear. You are the one who picked out the ornaments so you made this tree this beautiful. Beautiful people tend to make everything around them beautiful too; makes sense if you ask me,” he says, smiling softly at you, eyes glistening in the lights from the tree. His bluish-grey eyes turned another color as they reflected the lights, making him that much more attractive and leaving you in a trance of sorts. It felt like a scene from a movie; no sound, no movement, just you and him staring into one another’s eyes, until being saved by a ringing phone. He swallowed and slowly backed away from you before saying,
“I should probably get that.”
You couldn’t help but frown at his departure but you had to shake the sadness away; you still had a job to do. Looking to the bedroom, you saw him pace back and forth, obviously anxious about something, so you figured that you should go. Finding a scrap piece of paper, you scribbled on it before placing it on the coffee table in the center of the room and grabbing your belongings, leaving the room without him noticing. What am I doing? I work for the guy! How could I be so stupid as to think someone like him would be remotely interested in someone like me? I’m just a hotel worker; not even a fucking manager! You scold yourself as you sliver to the elevator and ride back down to the lobby, where about a dozen or so guests were waiting to check-in. Wishing you had your old job back, you stop to watch the guests wait to check-in, excitement and wonder coming from their faces. The children were why you chose this job. The look of their little faces was the purest form of innocence that you hoped they never lost sight of, but you knew that most of them would lose that wonder as they grew older. The magic of Christmas always fled from the youngest and truest believers as time went on and it hurt your heart. Why couldn’t Christmas be as magical for adults as it was for kids? Sure, the belief of someone flying over the world and delivering presents to every child in one night was gone, but what about the feeling? The excitement you would feel seeing the tree go up or the lights outside? How about all the traditions? When did that all go away and why did it have to?
Tom’s POV
“Sorry about that, (y/n) that was just…” I let my thoughts trail off as I notice the emptiness of the hotel room and the piece of paper folded in half on the coffee table. I go to pick it up, feeling my heart race in my chest as I read;
Thank you for today. I had a really nice time and I’m glad you’re happy with your room now. I forgot I…. had a prior engagement I said I would be at so I had to leave; hope that’s alright. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning with some breakfast and you can give me a rundown on all your plans for the day. I am so sorry incredibly sorry.
Have a goodnight,
I swallowed a lump that had appeared in my throat and crumbled up the paper. So that was it? She only saw today as a requirement for her work? Is that how she saw me? Just as her boss or something? Because she was certainly more to me than just a hotel worker or an assistant; I thought she could tell. Why couldn’t she have just come and talk to me if she had a problem? Did I say something that offended her? Did she not trust me? These questions and more haunted my subconscious as I sigh and get myself ready for bed. I turn off all the lights in the living room before going to brush my teeth. I take out my phone and open my photo gallery, quickly finding the photo of (y/n) I snuck. She looked absolutely beautiful as she was holding a light display, the colors and glitter from the decoration reflecting onto her face. It just slightly illuminated her delicate features and I remember I had sucked in a breath of air, as she had taken all of mine out of my lungs. I smile to myself as I thought back to that moment and now? She’s gone and I can’t imagine why. I decided just to go to bed and I figured I would come up with a solution to getting (y/n) back sooner.
The next morning, I woke up rather early to get ready for my friends. Daniel had called me last night before (y/n) and I…well whatever almost happened with us, is irrelevant now. Finally, after being stuck in Denver for 24 hours, he had called to tell me that he and everyone else were on their way to the resort. Somehow, the former “Golden Trio,” as they were infamously known as, all had no plans and were able to fly out to Colorado for Christmas. Now, we all knew how risky this trip might go, with all of us together around who knows how many fans are staying at the resort, but we hadn’t been together in nearly 20 years. I was glad to be having some of my friends with me again. Because when you work on a project with the same people, every year for 10 years, you gain friends for life.
“Tom, good to see ya, mate!” Daniel said, when I opened the door after hearing a knock on the door.
“Hey guys, glad you all could make it! So sorry to hear about such a delay, though!” I try to sympathize with my friends but I’m sure it fell on deaf ears because they shared a similar look of annoyance as if to say, “like you have any idea what we’ve just been through.”
“Well, it was certainly a nice, warm, welcome to the State of Colorado,” Emma said, sarcasm dripping off her tone of voice.
I smile sadly, trying to avoid further awkwardness, hugging the girl as I feel her sigh, tension dissipating from her muscles.
“Wow Tom, this place is so well decorated! Did you do this by yourself?” Rupert asked as he took in the festive environment of my room.
“Oh no, of course not. I’m not good at decorating at all! I had some help,” I say, smiling at the not-so-distant memory of decorating with (y/n).
“Wait, you hired someone?” Emma asked.
“Not exactly. The resort sent me a…personal assistant of sorts,” I try to explain to the three actors who just had blank expressions on their faces.
“Why would the resort send you an assistant?” Daniel asked.
“I’m not sure, she said it was because the resort wanted to offer their services 24/7,” I explain what reason (y/n) had given me.
“Who’s she?” Rupert asks a light of cheeky demeanor glistened in his eyes.
“Oh (y/n), my assistant,” I say, a grin showing itself on my lips.
“Wow, (y/n) what a beautiful name! She must be really special,” Emma said.
“She is and I’ve only known her for 48 hours. She’s supposed to be coming back today to help out but, now I’m not sure if she’s going to,” I frown, really not sure what was going to happen with (y/n).
I wasn’t quite sure what I felt for (y/n) but I knew I wanted to get to know her better and I wanted to make sure she knew she could trust me. Just then, there was a knock on the door. My heart drops, hoping it was her.
“Good morning, Mr. Felton. I’m here for whatever you need me to help you with,” (y/n) greeted me when I opened the door. What was she saying? I told her she could call me Tom; where is this Mr. Felton crap coming from. Oh, her note. Maybe this is what she was talking about. Maybe she thought she needed to stay professional whenever she was around me; was that why she left suddenly?
“Good morning, Miss (y/l/n). Yes, please come in,” I say, standing to the side so she could come in the room.
“Thank you, well I brought some coffee and a selection of our best food for breakfast from our…” She suddenly stopped talking and she seemed to be frozen in place.
“(y/n) are you alright?” I say, standing closer to her. She was looking directly at the “Golden Trio” that was currently sitting in the living room, chatting away. They all stopped and looked up at her, and smiled at her.
“Hello, you must be (y/n) Tom’s told us all about you,” Emma says, standing from the couch where she sat with Daniel, to shake (y/n)’s hand.
She still seemed to be in some sort of trance until she saw Emma’s hand extended to her.
“Oh yes, sorry, I got a lot on my mind. It’s really nice to meet you, Miss Watson,” (y/n) kept up with the politeness.
“Oh please, call me Emma. Makes me feel so old hearing my last name first,” She says as we all chuckled.
“Well Emma, this is an honor. I am a rather a big fan of your work,” (y/n) complimented.
“Oh, thank you, that’s so sweet,” Emma says, seemingly still not believing she’s as talented as people make her up to be. Sure, she knew she was a talented actress, but she was always humble about it, ever since we were kids. One of the many things people tend to love about her.
“Hey now, you never said you were a fan of mine!” I try joking with my assistant, her cheeks turning red as she avoided my eyes set on her.
“You didn’t ask,” she said, before greeting Daniel and Rupert and telling them how much of a fan of theirs she is.
“Hold on, is this like a Harry Potter reunion?” (y/n) asked, finally letting her guard down a bit.
We all starting laughing as the resort worker just stared at us.
“You can say that,” Rupert said.
“Wow, this is, how long has it been since the four of you have been together for more than just a day” (y/n) asked.
“A good twenty years. We’ve seen each other since then obviously, but in more than just passing than really spending time together. After the eighth movie wrapped up, we all went our separate ways. And considering I was getting into some trouble with fans back home, I decided to get away from all the craziness and I wanted to invite some friends to spend some time with me, so I wouldn’t be alone, you know?” I say, giving the whole background story so (y/n) could fully understand why I was here and why the “Golden Trio” was here, too.
I could tell, just by looking at her, that she was trying hard not to freak out; she really is a big fan, then. It was rather adorable if you ask me. She was biting the corner of her bottom lip, quite harshly too, and her eyes would bounce between the three actors around the fireplace.
“Well, the Harrington Ski Resort is thrilled to have all four of you here, but why did you make the reservation for ten?” (y/n) questions me.
“Well, we have teams of security so they all their own rooms, and then I have a few more friends coming tomorrow so I wanted to make sure everyone had their own space,” I explain.
“Alright, so what plans do you have for today, Mr. Felton?” (y/n) asks and I’ve about had enough of her formalities.
“Um about that, may I speak to you in private please?” I ask and she nods timidly.
“If you all would give us a minute, help yourselves to some food,” (y/n) says, just as a waiter came in the room with carts of food for everyone to share.
“What’s going on, Mr. Felton?” (y/n) said, when I shut the doors to the bedroom.
“First of all, please, just call me Tom. Second, I read your note last night; what was that about?” I go straight to the point.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Tom.”
“Oh, I think you do (y/n). Yesterday was amazing; I haven’t had that much in so long and we seemed to have been getting on really well. And then we have…well I’m not sure what exactly happened in front of the fireplace but I wouldn’t mind that happening again. But then you just up and leave? And leave a note with a lack of proper explanation. Did I push you into something you weren’t comfortable with? Did I offend you somehow? If I did something wrong, please tell me, so we can try and work it out,” I say, almost pleading with her.
“No, it’s not that,” she says, pacing on the opposite side of the room than me.
“Then what is it? Do you not trust me? Are you uncomfortable being around me?”
“No, it’s not any of that!” She says, a little more frustrated than before.
“Then what?!” I say, just as she had.
“I can’t tell you,” she says, avoiding looking or getting close to me.
“And why not? I don’t understand why you left so suddenly last night or why you can’t even look at me right now,” I say, hearing my voice crack as I grew more desperate for an answer.
“Because how I feel about you right now, is going to get me in trouble. I felt something last night by the fireplace and I can’t allow myself to continue to feel like that. I am your assistant and while I’m here, that’s all I can be. I don’t know what I felt but I know it’s dangerous and I know I can’t keep feeling like that as long as I work for you. Mr. Harrington would surely fire me if he ever found out and I really need this job because I want to become something more than what I am right now. Do you understand?”
Wow, I definitely didn’t expect her to say that now. But she felt something between us last night too? And that’s why she left! She was scared of what she felt at the fireplace last night. I don’t blame her; I felt it too. But she needs to know she can allow herself to feel things.
“Look (y/n) I’m so glad you said something. I felt something last night too and it scared me too. I don’t know what that was either but I liked it and I want to feel that again. As for your job, I know this is so important to you, so I won’t do anything that would jeopardize whatever plans you have for this job; I promise. But, may I suggest something?” I ask and wait for her approval. She simply nodded.
“How about we don’t tell anyone about…whatever we may from this? I want to explore whatever last night was, but only if you want to of course. I think we should start off as friends, a little more intimate than just boss/coworker but I want to really get to know you before we decide to take anything further. Although, I don’t believe we’re going to learn anything about the other that won’t make us want to go further with a friendship, but just in case. How’s that sound?” I reason with her, nervous about how she was going to react. I figured with her confession of some feelings for me, she must agree with my idea.
“I think that sounds perfect, Tom,” she says, smiling up at me. I mirror her expression, finding a smile of my own.
“Would it be weird if I just hugged right now?” I ask, still unsure what to do with this, new information.
“Of course,” she says, slowly moving closer to me until she stood just inches from me. She craned her neck to look up at me. I slowly move closer to her, my arms making their way around her waist. She stood on her toes to grow a few inches higher so she could wrap her arms around my neck. I sighed, content with the feeling of her in my arms. She smelled like peppermint; it reminded me of a candy cane. Her skin was so soft and her hair was sprawled across my face but it didn’t matter. We stayed like that for a while, just staying close to one another and enjoying the warmth from the other until we felt completely content. Pulling away from one another, I smiled at her, her face showing the same happiness as mine had before she spoke up.
“I have a question and you can say no if you want.”
“You haven’t even asked it yet,” I say to her as she nervously wraps some of her hair behind her ear.
“Right, okay, well I wanted to see if maybe since Daniel and Emma and Rupert are here, could we watch some Harry Potter? I know it’s been a long time since any of you have seen the films, but I have so many questions to ask,” she says, pulling on her bottom lip.
“Well, I would love to answer all your questions but we’ll have to ask the others if they’re up for it,” I say fondly to her.
“Oh, wait, work. Do, do you need me to do anything for you?”
“What I need you to do is watch the Philosopher’s Stone with me and my friends,” I grin at her.
“As long as they say it’s okay,” she adds.
“Oh, I’m sure they won’t say no to you, much like I can’t seem to,” I admit, rubbing the back of my neck.
Her cheeks tinted pink, just a bit, but I caught it before it disappeared.
“What about work?” She asks.
“Well, I’ll talk to Mr. Harrington and tell him some chores I need someone else to do for me. I’ll make sure you won’t get in any trouble,” I say to the girl, who’s eyes just light up. I guess I was starting to make an impression on her.
“That would be amazing, Tom, thank you,” she says, coming to me for a second hug. It wasn’t as long as the first one but it meant just as much. They have just been hugs but for me and (y/n) it was our way of expressing our feelings for each other; it was perfect.
We walk back into the main living area where we see the “Golden Trio” deep in a conversation about what the last twenty years have been like.
“Hi guys,” Emma says, looking over to me and (y/n).
“Hi, so (y/n) here has something she would like to ask you guys,” I say, looking to my right to the girl who somehow grew more nervous than I’ve ever seen her.
“Sure sweetheart, what’s on your mind?” Daniel asked, bringing all the attention to (y/n).
“Well, I know you all are probably annoyed with all the questions you’ve gotten over the years about Harry Potter, but I was wondering if you all wouldn’t mind if we watched the first movie together? I have a lot of my own questions I would love to have answers too but if you guys don’t want to go down memory lane again, I completely understand,” (y/n) asks, rather quickly, but I think she still got her point across.
“You’re right, I don’t think any of us have seen those movies in such a long time, and yes, we do get kind of tired of all the questions. We still get asked questions about the film series, even after all these years. However, any friend of Tom’s is a friend of ours, and if you really want to ask questions as we go through the film, then I don’t see what harm that’ll do. It might be embarrassing for us to see ourselves twenty years younger than we are right now, but it might still be fun,” Daniel said, grinning at the other members of the Wizarding World around him.
(y/n) just squeals a bit in excitement and it surprised all of us. “Sorry, I’m just really excited to finally be able to ask all the questions that I’ve had for so many years,”
“Hey, it’s okay. And hell, it’ll be wild seeing ourselves so young. I bet we can still say a lot of the spells too,” Rupert added.
“Oh man, that was going to be one of my questions,” (y/n) said, frowning, before Rupert shot her a quick apology.
“Does someone have the films with them right now?” Emma asks.
“I do,” I say, walking over to the entertainment center that sat under the television.
“You travel with them, don’t you?” (y/n) teased.
“Of course, I do! You never know when you’re going to need to see these!” I say, proud of the work and character I did in those films. It launched a career for all of us and opened so many doors for so many other films or shows. We owe all our credit to our success as actors to those films and if it wasn’t for them, I don’t know what we would be doing now. I couldn’t speak for the others, but I was happy with being able to go back and watch the work we did for so many years, especially having so many people joining the fandom nearly 10 years after the last film was released. I will forever hold Draco in my heart and be grateful that people still respond to him, even in negative ways. I always laugh and apologize when people say they hate him and his attitude because he is the exact opposite of me and I still hope people stick around to know the real me.
Tags: @tloveswriting @angelinathebook @lunalovecroft @hobby27​ @slutforfics​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
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iraniq · 4 years
Imagine: After all this time.
You were dating Draco since 4th year, after he jokingly asked you on the Yule Ball, after a potions class where you made a rather not usual for your being cocky remark...
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But things got serious, and 7th year you were the power couple of Hogwards. Making plabs for your future together. Pansy, in her titles of Draco's childhood bestie, already calked you her sister. He was just explaining you about Pansy's Christmas plans in her new apartment, that her dad bought...
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... When you saw a familiar face walking the hallways.
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It was Bill, one of the Weaselbee, as the Slytherin royals calk them, siblings. You met him after you went to help the illegal undergroud Werefolf group. Before and after full moons they needed healer and help, and your natural powers to calm people down, helped them to ease the pain and fear. With time you and Bill sort of grew closer. And now there was this awkward unspoken thing between you.
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Late winter of 7th year, Draco new there was someting going on about you. He did his best on this Muggle holiday you insisted celebrating - Valentine's Day, usually you'd be head over heals regardless of his efforts, even a candy will be a reason for you to cheer. But lately he happened to fail his attempts to make you smile.
On the other hand Professor Lupin noticed your sudden appearance anywhere where Bill is. Including one time he saw you in a muggle bakery together. Sharing a chocilate pai.
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After this day, you had no choice, but to sat Draco down and explain to him... That... Somehow, you fell in love for someone else...
It was ridiculous to even get the line in your head. Draco accepted you, for who you were, without the usual pureblood horrible attitude you kinda expected as muggleborn. He treated you properly, respectfully as equal in school and personal life. And yes, after all these years of awkward friendship and later an exquisite and deep emotional relationship... Your heart, in spite of all, decided to pick another...
He listened to all you said, held your hand while you cried you thousand appologies to him, explaining you didn't meant to hurt him...
He listened carefully, calmly, although his eyes turn dark gray from the usual sky blue... He asked who, the boy he lost to, was, he rather hissed a laugh when you told him. Got up and hugged you.
- I appreciate your honesty, I ... Will need a little time not to be mad... I would like us to keep in touch ... After all we've been through. But I will appreciat if you keep your distance. You are just a person i know now...
He then left. This was when you broke... Cried, cursed yourself, hated even... But there was no turning back. You could not decieve him and be a blank shell to his wild fire love.
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... You barely slept that night... Knowing how heartbroken you left him be...
Pansy and Blaise never spoke to you, rather mumbling under their breaths, Daphne and Theo nodded at your direction when no one was loking...
It wasn't any better with Bill, his family dissaproved, that he picked you, not that dashing young blonde french coworker of his... Also you were quite too young... What he'd do with a child, when he was suppised to have a family by now... Especially the golden trio, who were quite vocal about their dissaproval.
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Bill, on the other hand, laughed it off. Couldn't care less, he was happy he got this one special person in his life. One who'll accept his scarec face and damn flesh. Not even Molly's beggins to rething, the young rather chikd, than a woman, who'd change her mind once a difficulty appears. Charlie had his back, deffending your relationship. Even the twins were bugging you, but Bill did warned them tho, that there will be consequences!
One summer afternoon in june... Your heart stopped when you saw ...
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Draco was talking to Ron. It was a week before your graduatuon. Unusuall, for Draco to be friendly and laugh with someone he disliked. You haven't spoken with the Malfoy heir in almost 2 months. After him and Ron had a nice chat he walked by you, smiling. A full of pain one, but a smile.
- Ronald said his brother treats you well, although his parents doesn't aprove.
- Neither did yours when we met.
He laughed.
- Mother asks about you, maybe you can come over to visit her some day.
- Will do, afternoon tea?
He nodded, walked away.
Rumour was, Daphne's young sister Astoria, had a crush on Draco for a while, but she was respectfully waiting for the wound to close. She was a cute and smart, carring girl, one who'll trully make him happy... Her pure heart could never... Do what yours did! After all that's what you wanted for him. If it wasn't too painfull to breathe without William, you'd probably just let the "stupid crush" go away, naming it after your "save them all" complex, and stay with the Dragon boy, because he still owned half your heart... A friendship, you not so long time ago, knew would last more than one lifetime, was now over... But he still was very dear to you.
4 years later... You were a Herbology asistant to Professor Sprout, and were about to get married to the handsome ginger cursebreaker.
The early morning classes surprised you with an eagle owl. The Malfoy seal... And invitation, asking you to come, to a baby party. A little picture added - icy blond, blue eyed boy was giggling at the moving paper - Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. The invitation had plus one. You smiled, playing with your engagement ring. Draco would complain, mostly about your ring, how he woukd have bought you way better one. How you weren't treated properly... As you should have.
Then Bill would say, he'd bought you a bugger one if you haven't spend the money on muggle books... That cureently overflooded his not so small apartment. Then they both would laugh and you and Astoria will roll your eyes...
The pain he once had long forgotten... Sometimes in his eyes, you'd see a hint of bitterness... But he'd hide it too well, even from himself, choosing to be a dear friend of yours. Seeing each other trully happy, was indeed a bliss, after all you've been through.
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sepublic · 4 years
Campfire, Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes, Hey Ho Whoa!
           AMELIA IS BACK BABY!!!
           Let me tell you, when I first saw her, I had to do a double-take… Like the way the characters just so casually passed her, I blinked and was like- Wait, was what Amelia?!? And then I realized it was, and I just… WHAT!
           I was a bit afraid we wouldn’t see her, but it seems that she’s our NEW fourth companion, to replace Tuba… RIP to Tuba, you had a good funeral, and given the trajectory this season is going as of now, we… Really won’t see you again, huh?
           Screw you Simon.
           We’ve gotten SO many fascinating revelations in these three episodes… I can’t say I’m surprised at all that Amelia, or at least the revelation of her, would return to help Grace (and maybe Simon) resolve her issues! That was a very neat twist with the massive pile of numbers actually indicating it was AMELIA and her monumental issues, not the Apex! Very clever of the writing team to have us heading towards her the entire time, though it makes me wonder when we’ll get back to the Apex given how we only have TWO episodes left…!
           What’s interesting is that according to Amelia, there’s ‘corrupted code’ in some cars, and apparently this refers to any cars that SHE made while trying to figure out the perfect world? Amelia mentions ‘quarantining’ them, and One-One wants them gone as well… Given what Amelia says about ‘ejecting’ cars, does that mean they’re all transported to the very end of the Infinity Train, and just… thrown off?
           Are there a bunch of cars strewn about somewhere in the wasteland, is there even an END to this Infinity Train??? Or are they all just lumped together and some sort of force-field is placed around them, or some other barrier, to keep the corrupt code from –presumably- infecting the other cars around them?
           It is a bit weird to see One-One insist on getting rid of those cars, though… I hope the denizens inside are okay, especially those corgis! Given his lesson with Tulip about not blaming himself worked, I feel like this is contrary to what he’d learned? Or is he simply allowing those worlds to exist, and remain ‘weird’, while still fixing the corrupted code so it doesn’t spread and disrupt the world of other cars who have their own thing going on? Regardless, as Amelia said… it seems One-One is still working on his issue of viewing passengers as ‘numbers’ to fix, like the cogs of a machine! It seems he’s at least TRYING to be more personable, but, well…
           It seems that Amelia is still working on that sound-motif she’s always had, which is pretty neat! She mentions a ‘pulse’, so I presume it’s sent out from the engine, and when it scans an ‘anomaly’ (AKA anything with corrupted code, including stuff and denizens from the unfinished cars) they’re ejected… Given Amelia mentioning having to quarantine Hazel soon, I imagine this pulse heads out every now and then? Shouldn’t one pulse alone have done the trick, or is there a certain range to them and Amelia has to travel through the cars and activate the pulse from her location, to allow maximum effect?
           Anyhow, Amelia! You know, I mused that Episode 7 of this season would introduce the Book 4 protagonist, given how our previous Episode 7’s worked… Each one established the general idea/setting for our protagonist, as well as a formal introduction! The Chrome Car told us about Lake and her deal with wanting to be her own person, escaping the Flecs… The Mall Car established the Apex and properly introduced us to Simon and Grace…
           So… maybe The Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car re-introduces us to Amelia, while establishing the conflict of the next Book; Fixing the corrupted cars! This is just speculation on my part, of course…
           Back to Amelia, I guess I shouldn’t be all-too surprised that she’s still kind of a jerk, what with the way she just… steamrolls over what Hazel has to say to ‘correct’ her with the proper facts, and whatnot! I’m a little glad, because it doesn’t completely forget that she still has a bigger number than Simon or Grace by FAR… But also upset, because c’mon Amelia, Hazel is a freaking kid! I know you’re trying to erase multiple decades’ of past sins and mistakes, but she doesn’t know!
           I also like seeing her just trash-talk Simon and calling him a child, especially since we know that he and Grace are only eighteen thanks to the Reddit AMA by Owen Dennis… Even if Simon were physically older, mentally he really isn’t! Granted I guess I can’t blame him for THAT, though I can blame him for Tuba’s death…
           I remember when the writers discussed juggling multiple characters, so after seeing Tuba die, I was wondering what was really the point… But I see now! It’s because they ALSO have to handle Amelia as well! And dang, she’s still remarkably callous… She doesn’t remember Grace at all and doesn’t even seem remotely interested… And upon hearing that a cult was started in her honor, she just does NOT care! It really shows that Amelia still has a LOT to work on, that just fixing the broken cars isn’t enough for her…
           It was a bit weird to have our main trio just pass by this obvious, fellow passenger, and just totally ignore them… But given Grace’s rule about ‘not trusting adult passengers’, I guess I’m not surprised? I have to wonder when it was made, and how young she was when it was established; If Grace was a kid and that was part of her apprehension towards adults, and/or they were actually trying to get their numbers down, so she saw them as ‘deceitful’ or whatever! Coupled with adults being less likely to fall for the Apex’s propaganda, and it makes sense…
           What’s really fascinating is that One-One doesn’t even know about the Apex, according to Amelia! Which, given the implied length of the Infinity Train, it really says a lot about how much stuff could’ve happened, completely independent from one another! It almost seems like fate that Simon and Grace encountered so many kids and brought them together… Whereas Tulip didn’t encounter ANY passengers, sans Amelia, on her journey!
           (Well, there was that ONE dude in the next car over who immediately got sent back home. And she was only there for five months, but still!)
           I feel this low-key ties back to what I discussed earlier, about One-One being an ‘ends justifies the means’ sort of person; That the situation with the denizens is less a matter of them dying, and more about what that says about the Apex passengers as people! Of course, he doesn’t even KNOW about them, which honestly blows my mind… He really IS disconnected, huh? I guess Tulip helped make a dent in his metal head, but there’s still a lot of work to go… You know, Amelia’s criticism of One-One seeing passengers as just ‘numbers’ reminds me of what some other fans brought up, on the idea of if whether or not issues can actually be quantified like that!
           Given what Owen said about the train also being wrong sometimes, and I have to wonder if this will be resolved by the end of Book 3… or perhaps Book 4, assuming we get it! Yeah, most of the team has been laid off and the viewings are low, so SERIOUSLY- WATCH on HBO Max, spend actual money on this thing if you want it around because you’re LITERALLY paying for Book 4’s production by this point people! And spread the word!
           Anyhow, looks like other fans were right- Hazel IS a failed creation of Amelia, in this case her attempt to recreate Alrick… Although she implies that Hazel is more than just a ‘clone’ of him, is this referring to Hazel being a little girl, or something else entirely? Is the implication that Hazel would’ve been her and Alrick’s child, because uh… Amelia and Alrick are white. She also mentions a ‘handkerchief’, so what’s THAT about…?! Did she just toss one aside and it glitched into Hazel…?
           Hazel is taking this about as well as you’d expect a child, and I’m wondering if Grace suddenly turning around and calling her ‘null’, only to ask to stay overnight… Means that she has a plan to ditch Simon and hang out with Hazel and Amelia, for the rest of her life? Either way, Simon is apparently taking her ‘betrayal’ to heart… That, or he’s expressing genuine remorse at seeing what he did to Hazel, but probably not. Honestly, the way his character is going it seems like he may go off the deep end…
           OR, maybe not! Because we get some more development on him and THE CAT… Samantha! That’s right, an actual name! I guess I’m not shocked that ‘Samantha’ managed to smuggle some tiny One-Ones out of the Tape Car, and even a miniature player as well! I have to wonder how she finds her stuff, honestly… Considering how vast the Infinity Train is, it’s not out of the question for people to go entire months without encountering others! It’s actually kind of a miracle of fate that The Cat has encountered so many passengers, over and over, across this show…! Given the possibility aired by Mace about some characters being ‘destined’ by the Infinity Train, and I’ve got to wonder…
           It’s interesting that even when Simon is taking his rage out physically, he NEVER goes for The Cat… and she knows this, no less! Not once is she ever scared for her life, instead she’s more concerned for what this has to say about Simon! It’s complicated, all right, and apparently all we know for now is that The Cat accidentally left Simon behind, and ultimately stuck with her choice to prioritize herself! It’s interesting, the idea that even if Simon and The Cat have a better understanding as to why the other did what they did, they won’t ever really ‘forgive’ one another, or reconcile- Just go their separate paths, for now and likely eternity…
           Simon is of course getting mad at Grace for not talking to him and is confused by her changing her mind! A confrontation between the two is inevitable in our last two episodes, and given how we haven’t seen Grace’s number at all… It’s probably low. I can see the two reuniting with the Apex at the end, only for Simon to invoke his larger number to turn them on Grace… Or try to head back to the Apex to do exactly that!
           Still, given how the show is still making the point to delve into his perspective and trauma, and how he STILL won’t harm The Cat… I have to wonder if the season really will end with Grace leaving the Infinity Train, and Simon staying behind to fix his own issues? Of course, what about Hazel… We know she’s a denizen for sure so she can’t leave, right? Unless her fake number can fool One-One… Speaking of which, was Amelia’s number at 337 when she first arrived? Because that seems a bit small for someone who had otherwise hijacked the Infinity Train by then and was making unfinished worlds…
           Back to Amelia, if Simon doesn’t help… I wonder if Book 3 will end with HER taking lead of the Apex and leading them down a new path? It’d be ironic given how she mentioned about not being great with kids, and tie back to her penance… Or, maybe Grace will continue to live with the Apex and help! Maybe Simon will join Amelia… Who knows? Personally I’m fixated on the fact that Amelia just UTTERLY outclasses Simon… I expressed previous appreciation at Tuba being able to defend herself, until you know what…
           But given how Amelia is a lot more savvy, jaded, and cynical about this sort of situation; I think she’s probably safe for now! It’d feel a bit unresolved for Simon to get HER killed off too…
           Overall, a fascinating turn of events, and I can get a good sense of why the episodes were clustered the way they were together, to be released separately! Each does its own little arc… The first one establishing the mood and having Tuba, only for her to die! Then the next one involving Amelia and the fall-out of the Hazel revelation… And the last two episodes will be THE finale, just like it’s traditionally been in the past! I can’t wait to see what happens next…
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FebuWhump Day 5: “Take me instead...”
Warnings: being held at gun point, robbery, hostage situation,
Really unsure about this one and I’m even less sure about the ending.
Miranda is staying late at the pharmacy, taking stock and closing up shop after hours. Technically, Dom isn’t supposed to be inside with her, but everyone looks the other way because, well, it’s Dom and he’s a sweetheart and everyone knows he and Miranda are head over heels for each other.
She’s just about to lock up behind the counter when the bell above the front door jingles.
“I thought you locked that…” Dom says in a low voice, frowning through the darkened shop.
“I did.” Miranda whispers back and there’s tension in her voice. Dom glances at her and she shares a frightened look with him. Her hand dives into her pocket for her phone but before she can pull it out, a trio of dark figures emerge from the aisles around them.
“Shit,” Hisses one of them, “Didn’t think anyone would be here. Ah, ah, ah!” They pull a gun from somewhere, point it at Miranda as she pulls out her phone, “Drop it, honey, or I’ll pop you one. Good, now kick it over here. Thaaattt’s right. Now both a’ you, on your knees, hands behind your heads.”
Dom’s heart is pounding, fear turning his stomach as he eases to the floor. Miranda is right in front of him, frowning in that way that says she’s worried. Her hands are shaking where they’re held behind her and Dom wishes he could hold her, wishes he could say they would be okay.
The thieves are hissing at one another and then one breaks off to go into the still unlocked medicine counter with a bag over their shoulder. Stealing the drugs to sell, then. Perhaps if they got what they wanted then they would just go and leave the two of them in piece. Dom can hear the third guy rattling pill bottles and plastic bags. Miranda looks less afraid and more pissed now and Dom knows she’s thinking about her patients, about the people who need those medicines to survive, to live comfortably.
“Don’t try anything,” Says one of the thieves, keeping a gun trained on them, “I don’t want to but I will shoot you.”
“Sh-shots would just d-draw attention…” Dom murmurs, more to himself than anyone, “The police…”
“Yeah, but it’d also result in one of you getting seriously hurt or killed. Don’t want that, do ya’?”
“You’ve already gotten the attention of the police,” Miranda says darkly and the thieves’ attention snaps to her.
“Whadya mean?” The gun gestures at her and Dom flinches. Miranda is looking at the floor.
“When you forced the bolt on the front of the shop, it triggered a silent alarm.” She explains to the tile, “I don’t—this doesn’t have to be a shootout. Please, just take what you want and go. It’s too dark to see you. You’ll get away just fine. Please.”
“Fuck!” One of them kicks a shelf and knocks over a bunch of bottles and boxes, sending them cascading noisily to the floor. Dom recoils from the noise, shivering, “We’ve probably only got seconds then! Benny! Get the fuck outta there! Sid, go look out for lights n shit!”
There’s a lot of movement and noise and Dom looks helplessly at Miranda. She meets his gaze. He wants to take her hand, wants to squeeze it tightly. He wants to be home, leaning against her on the couch, watching a movie neither of them are paying attention to because they’re too busy looking into each other’s eyes. He wants to be safe and warm and away from here. But most of all he wants her to be far away from here, wants her to safe, wants her to be anywhere but on her knees at the mercy of a gunman.
“Lights comin’!” Shouts a voice from the front of the store. The racing of Dom’s heart kicks up a notch.
The one with the gun starts cursing up a storm, “Benny, come on! Out! Now! We’re screwed!”
“They’re gettin closer!”
“Fuck!” Says the gunman. Then he lurches forward and loops an arm around Miranda’s throat, pressing the muzzle of the gun to her temple.
Dom’s heart stops.
All sound drops out of the world and he can’t breathe as he watches Miranda stumble to her feet, stooped in order to comply with her captor’s movements.
And Miranda, his dear Miranda, strong as sunlight and brilliant as gold, has never looked afraid of anything.
But she looks scared now.
Dom’s voice is still ringing in the empty shop by the time he realizes what he’s said.
Everyone freezes.
Miranda is looking at him in shock and horror. He can feel the eyes of the thieves pinning him to the floor. He doesn’t move, keeps his hands behind his head, tries to speak in a steady voice despite the sickening fear clawing up his throat.
“T-take me instead. I’m—I’m more valuable. I’m the doctor—the head doctor of the ph-pharmacy. She’s just—she’s nothing. Just a—a secretary, basically.” Dom feels like it’s someone else saying the words, someone braver, someone stronger than him, his lips numb and his tongue twisting of its own accord, “So take me instead. I’ll do whatever you want j-just—just please…”
Miranda’s shaking her head slightly, mouthing “no” at him. But he can only see it out of the corner of his eye because he’s afraid if he looks directly at her, then his resolve will break and he will cry. The thieves consider for a moment as the sirens get closer.
Then the gunman pushes Miranda to the floor and strides over to grab a fistful of Dom’s hair, hauling him to his feet, “Aight, tubby, you’re our hostage now. So don’t blame us if the police getcha shot!” Dom trips over his feet, eyes watering with pain as his captor shoves him in front, keeping a tight grip on Dom’s hair and pressing the gun into his side, “Now march! We got places to be!”
Chest heaving, his entire body sick and rebelling against the pressure of the gun digging into his back, Dom fumbles his way up and aisles and out the front door. The thieves bundle him into a car, trapping him in the middle of the backseat between two of them and keeping the gun pressed against him at all times. As the engine rumbles and the car screeches away, Dom twists in his seat to look out the back window.
Miranda is running after them, her golden hair spilling out of her ponytail, her hand reaching out for him even as the car gets farther and farther away.
And then he can’t see her anymore and he slumps back into his seat, afraid and exhausted and his heart breaking.
“Ey Dominic,” Says one of the thieves and there’s a nasty sort of smile in their voice that Dom really doesn’t like. They lean in close to him, lips nearly touching his ear as they whisper,
“You rreeeaaaalllyyyy shoulda stayed away from Dr. Kearny.”
Dom has a split second to wonder how the thieves know his name before the gun goes off, incredibly and ear-splittingly loud in the confined space.
And then everything hurts.
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
Yoongi is waiting at home
OT7 story
Summary: BTS won all of the MAMA daesangs again, yet they appeared to be one member short. Nobody is getting left behind in this Bangtan family, though. So as soon as they can, the rest of the members present the awards to Yoongi at their dorms, suprising him.
A/N: i just needed to write this scene out, its been living in my head rent-free ever since bts swept all daesangs again.... just imagine them coming back to their dorms to surprise yoongi with the awards n stuff....
Warnings: like.. one swear word from jimin, thats it, otherwise just loads of happy sappy stuff! i cried lol. i miss them so much
Wrodcount: 1.3k
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The atmosphere was bubbly. Everyone was vibrating in their souls from excitement and happiness.
It was their second year in a row making a complete sweep of daesang awards at MAMA.
It still felt unreal and they still felt so so grateful to army that made it all possible, alongside their own genius music production.
“Should we tell him we’re coming straight to dorms after this?” Namjoon said as he was holding one of the golden awards, all the boys piling into the big black car, shuffling to make more space.
“No, Hobi, don’t push so much!” yelled Jin in distress to Hoseok who tried desperately to make himself fit into the second row of seats where Joon, Jin and Taehyung sat, already squished together as it is.
“Ugh, fine,” he grumbled but still with a smile never leaving his lips this evening, making his way to the row behind them, sitting together with Jungkook and Jimin.
“We shouldn’t, let’s make it a surprise,” piped in Jimin, looking out of the tinted window as the vehicle started moving.
He was playing with one of the pretty rings on his fingers, spinning it around absentmindedly, thoughts somewhere far away.
“Yeah, I agree,” supported him Jungkook and grinned, in his lap resting three remaining daesangs, his big palms covering almost all of them, making sure they don’t fall.
“Alright, alright, whatever you say, boys,” Namjoon concluded with a smile and kept his eyes steady on the award, it’s gleam reflecting slightly in dimmed lights that were on in the car.
“Can we turn them off?” said quietly Taehyung to their leader, pointing upwards to the lights build up in the core of the car, “I’m kinda tired..”
“Sure, Taehyungie,” Namjoon smiled gently and turned it off with an easy movement of his hand, the inside of the vehicle turning black with a click.
Of course they were tired. All of them. Despite some of the performances being pre-recorded, they still had to wait so long for their turn and perform as well.
It could’ve been more physically exhausting, but MAMA was always emotionally exhausting as well.
Namjoon thought of all the years when they were waiting for the invitation and didn’t get it at all, for all the times when they were in fact invited, but never even got mentioned and to their incredible rise where they’re sweeping all the grand prizes.
/Truly incredible.../ he mused to himself, still looking at the golden object in his strong hand and then shifted his gaze out of the window, following the passing lights that were illuminating the highway they were driving on.
The constant shuffling of the vehicle was calming and made the leader even more prone to sleepiness than he would feel normally, so he just gave in and drifted off to a peaceful nap.
He could. He could finally relax now.
Soon, the space was filled with six different rhythms of snoring as the rest of the members fell asleep as well.
“Hey, we’re here,” Hoseok’s voice echoed through the seats as he was the only one awake, carefully shaking his seat-mate by the shoulder.
Jungkook just gave in to the touch and woke up, sleepily lifting his heavy eyelids and tensing up his arms, feeling the metal awards clanking at each other between his fingers.
/It wasn’t a dream../ the thought went through his mind and only then he looked back at Hoseok, eyes getting wider with realisation.
“Yoongi-hyung!” he exclaimed,looking into his friend’s dark orbs.
“Uh-huh,” Hoseok nodded with a fond smile and then shuffled to open the door, letting the harsh, cold air inside as he got out, Jungkook basically launching himself after his hyung as if he wasn’t just sleeping for three hours.
“What the fuck..” mumbled groggily Jimin beside them, squinting his eyes open and trying to snuggle himself up in more jackets than there actually was.
“Hey, Jimin-ah, come on,” Hoseok patted his shoulder excitedly and then left him alone, picking another target.
By that time Jimin and Namjoon already made it out of the vehicle as well, leaving only Tae and Jin still lost in the dreamland.
“They’re probably sharing the same dream at this point,” Namjoon commented and yawned, grabbing another spare jacket from the car, putting it on.
It was freezing.
“Hoba,” Jin started with an annoyed frown as Hoseok opened the door which was his main pillow, of sorts, and now he almost fell out of the vehicle. Thank god for the belt.
“We’re here, Taehyung,” he said sleepily and shook his friends shoulder firmly and started getting out too.
Finally they all made it out and a stood in front of their dorms entrance.
“Jungkook?” Namjoon looked at the youngest member expectantly with a proud smile and gesturing with his eyes towards the door, as they were getting closer.
He just blinked and looked completely as a lost bunny, nervously biting his lower lip.
Then he nodded and anyone could tell that this group of boys just didn’t even need verbal communication anymore. They just got each other’s intentions most of the time anyways.
Everybody had their pair of keys but Namjoon made a gesture of knocking on the door, miserably failing to hide his smile that showed his gorgeous dimples, revealing how happy he really was at the moment.
They heard a faint “Just a moment!” from the other side and then some shuffling behind the door, until it pushed open and there was standing Yoongi in a fancy suit, just like the rest of them and with a cast over his shoulder.
His eyes widened in surprise as he didn’t even open the door into its full swing, kind of stopping midway, looking at his friends.
His mouth was open in the “o” shape, failing to find words.
“I.. I thought only some of you will show up, since Jin’s family is in town, I didn’t know you’ll all come home..” he rambled incoherently, his dark eyes bouncing from one friend to another to... somewhere lower, where Namjoon was holding a gold award firmly in his hands.
There was a moment of silence when nobody said anything, probably savouring this moment, but after the world stopped to spin, it started just as suddenly literally roll out of control, Hoseok erupting in a high-pitched scream and rushing forward to grab his friend in a tight hug.
“Hyung!” Jungkook basically yelled with a beaming smile, excitedly leaning into his arms somewhere between him and Hobi, the metal awards pressing into his ribs slightly as Yoongi finally with an overwhelmed expression looked down between their pressed bodies and made contact with the prizes, tracing the engraved BTS name on their sides with sparkles that read joy and stars in his eyes.
“Ayo, Sugaaa,” Namjoon leaned in as well, bear hugging the trio with a loud laugh, pushing them all further into the house because his hands were starting to freeze outside.
Then Yoongi could only assume that three more additions to the hug was the rest of the group, everyone yelling some gibberish or everyone talking on top of the other, making it just a big jumble of words that nobody could understand.
His gummy smile was shining on his features as he was getting squished between six other bodies, four daesangs added to the mix, every so often reflecting the light on the walls of their living room.
“I love you, guys,” he mumbled under his breath, the smallest beads of water forming on his eyes, threatening to fall down.
And he cherished them coming back to him way more than the awards.
After all, the gold metal was cold, while their hug made him feel warm inside.
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wat-the-cur · 4 years
The awesome monster bashers for the break down?
Hold onto the rail, buddy, here comes the wave!
Edgar Frog
How do I feel about this character: It should be noted that some of the things I say here, also apply to Alan. These two are like mash and gravy, they go together. So, I got into the Frog brothers, when I watched TLB at quite a troublesome time. I had just watched “Stand By Me” for the first time in years and really enjoyed it, so when I found out the actor who played my favourite character in that film (Feldman) was in TLB, I really wanted to watch it, again. I took immense joy in watching the Frog brothers and I felt immediately inspired by them. Most people who love TLB find the can relate most to the vampires. I fell on the other side of the fence and found I related more to the hunters. 
I was not a life long home-ed kid, but I was home educated for a number of years. These two really brought back memories of living alone inside my own head and meeting other odd little outsiders at meet-ups. I love how they use their favourite media and characters for confidence, not caring what anybody else thinks about them for it. I love their clumsiness and their social awkwardness. Most of all I love that they have that idealism and self-confidence that comes with being young. They are completely certain of what they think is right. In spite of their size, they went into that cave, assured that they could take on four grown men with inhuman strength. Even after they saw Max shove Michael aside, they still tried to stop him without hesitation. Their upbringing seems to have forced them to grow up early in some ways, but in others they have maintained an innocence that it honestly quite lovely. They are what made me take an interest in the role of kids and young adults in horror, as the first to see the evil and the ones to put up the best fight against it. 
As for Edgar himself, if I had to choose between them (which I don’t like doing), I would have to say that he is my favourite. He is obviously quite an awkward sort of kid, but he is not afraid to express himself, or speak his mind. I love the hints of protectiveness we see from him, when he’s holding Sam steady in the caves, or hugging Alan close to him, or standing by Lucy with a raised stake. He really seems like the type who would march into hell armed with a spork, to save his loved ones. It goes without saying that I adore his style. The fluffy hair, the bandanas, the camo. Fantastic! I also thought that his wearing a choker for most of the film was quite unexpected and cute. His outfits seem to mirror his mother’s a few times, which is funny and sweet. 
All of the people I ship romantically with this character: I’m going to be honest, I don’t really ship him with anybody. I will happily read a Sam/Edgar fic, so long as it’s smut free. I have read some super sweet ones. I’ve read some cute Edgar/Zoe ones, too, but I would probably appreciate them more, if I had actually watched the sequels. 
My favourite non-romantic OTP for this character: I tend to think that Edgar sees Alan as his other half (no, not in an incestuous way). A bit like how characters like Spock and Bones act as the two halves of Kirk, I think that Edgar and Alan are two halves of a whole, too. They are not twins, but I believe they are as close as. They likely lived in their own little world for years, before Sam came along. I also really like the friendship between Edgar and Sam, they are just best friends. He would die for that rainbow child. I also think he would be good friends with Lucy and maybe Star. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hm, only two that I can think of right now. First of all, he is not controlling. I see so many fan fictions that portray him as a control freak, who doesn’t consider anyone else’s feelings, including Alan’s and I hate it. He is a natural leader and he is very protective, but he never tries to control anyone else’s life, least if all Alan’s. The other thing is that I headcanon him as coming out as asexual, later in life. This is only unpopular, because I have never seen him interpreted as asexual anywhere else. 
One thing that I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: This sort of goes for both of them, but I would be curious to see what their home life is like. How they interact with their parents, what their room looks like, what their other hobbies are, that type of thing.
I like the concept of Edgar being ordained, that exists in the sequels, so I sort of wish there was a little bit about his faith and how it affects his every day life. 
Alan Frog
How I feel about this character: As I said, a lot of this was covered in the section that applied to both of them. Although I gravitate more towards Edgar, I think it is because he is who I wish I was, rather that who I actually am. I can relate to Alan a lot more than Edgar. I love how spaced out he is a lot of the time and how much he stares at the people around him. I feel like he is daydreaming all the time, which is something I do a lot. He seems to have more of a sense of humour than Edgar, and he seems a lot more boyish and cheerful which is really sweet. He is one of those people who has you on edge at first, but you’d be glad you got to know him, later. Although they both seem to be running on scripts, imitating TV/film characters, Alan seems to be trying to give the impression of being a cool character. Of course, we realise later that he is not cool at all, he is actually super goofy and I love him for it. Again, great fashion sense. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I do ship him with Sam. They are both huge nerds, who make terrible decisions, but they balance each other out really well. They have massive “Hey, that’s my boyfriend, you numpty!” vibes. 
My favourite non-romantic OTP for this character: Edgar, as explained previously. I also think he would forge a strong friendship with Laddie, too. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I see him as the eldest Frog brother, rather than the youngest. He is sometimes interpreted as being quite a depressive character, which is valid, but I see him as just being more introverted. I think he is a generally happier lad than Edgar. 
One thing that I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Okay, I am not 100% against the idea of Alan being turned as an adult, but I haaate that the sequels handled it by having them just split up, rather than stick together. I would have loved to have seen a sequel where the Frogs are still Monster bashers, but they have to deal with Alan’s vampirism. I think it would have made for some great character development, but it also could have been pretty funny. 
Sam Emerson
How I feel about this character: I do not talk about this lad, nearly enough. He is such a cool kid, but also a realistic one. I love that he is more open about his fear of the situation than the Frogs, but he was still fantastically brave. It is brilliant and hilarious that he was actually more use than Michael, despite being so much younger. He was the one who saw that Michael was becoming a vampire, he was the one who called in reinforcements, he was the one who worked out why Max could have been the head vampire, he drove a car full of sleepy vampires back to his house from the caves, he was prepared to fight Max to save his mother knowing it was hopeless and he actually managed to kill Dwayne all on his own without the aid of the Frogs, Michael, Nanook, or sleep. This boy is golden! I love his sharp wit and his no nonsense attitude, but also his fiercely loving nature. I also like how open he is about expressing himself. Even as the Frogs scrutinised his clothes, he was absolutely confident that he looked cool and I admire that. Despite his more mature, he is still very child-like, innocent and bouncy. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Alan, as stated before. I also like the idea that he had bit of a crush on Edgar for a few months early in their relationship, but it faded out and they just became best friends. 
My favourite non-romantic OTP for this character: My favourite relationships of his are with Nanook, Michael and Edgar. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: This is a bit of an odd one, I guess. I tend to imagine him as being quite chubby as an adult. This is for two reasons. For one, I got super annoyed when reading the downright nasty things said about Haim, after he put on weight. I am not in the habit of getting angry on the behalf of other people, especially as I was not sure of the circumstances that lead to his weight gain, or how he, himself felt about it.  That said, I hate this culture of picking apart celebrities, simply because they age and change like everyone else. The other reason is that I, myself am a comfort eater. This is something that I ended up headcanoning both Sam and Alan being. While the habit is not at all healthy one, it is nice to have characters you can relate to in this way. It gives motivation to try and break the habit. I think that Sam would eat more comfort food, to cope with the stress of dealing with monsters as an adult. I don’t mean for this to be dark, or upsetting at all, but I thought you might be interested to hear it. 
One thing that I wish would happen/had happen with this character in canon: I would love to have seen Vamp Sam team up with Frogs, to reform the trio. I think he would have made an absolutely iconic vampire. 
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ubcs-dump · 5 years
Hell yes, tell us abt Mikhail. I bet you have a lot to say!
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Short answer:
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Long answer:
Okay so I will get real with all you guys on this one. I’ll start with a bit of a backstory with this because there is a reason why I love Mikhail so much.
It was about 10 years ago. Imagine a 14 year old me, sitting alone in my dark room. My depression and various other mental illnesses are geting worse every day, they have been dragging me down for years now. I am living with abusive people who love to push me down even further, mocking me and bullying me even though they are considered my family. I was broken. I was in pain. The word ‘s//ui//ci//de’ has been clouding my mind for years now.I just picked up on Resident Evil through parodies of it on youtube. I watched someone play Resident Evil 3 Nemesis online because I remember that we owned that game but I was terrified of Nemesis on the box so I didn’t play it myself.Then I saw Mikhail, how he lay on the seats of the cable car. I could tell he was in pain and I felt deeply sorry for him. But it wasn’t a special feeling because I felt sorry for all the characters in the game. The person who played the game even mocked Mikhail for his looks. At first I laughed along but then there came a specific cutscene.And then Mikhail said something.Just one sentence.One line of dialoge.
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It may just be a line of dialoge for most people. Some tiny bit of character developement sprinkled in for good meassure.But boy.I felt that.Suddenly I felt a deeper connection. It felt like I could see myself in Mikhail. He’s been through hell. He watched his men die in front of him. He is bleeding like crazy. He is in pain. Both mentally and physically. He’s expressing survivors guilt and it’s eating him up on the inside. When he said that line I literally teared up.I felt understood.And when he sacrificed himself to save Carlos and Jill, I cried. Hard. I cried because I was touched by his bravery. I cried because he deserved to live. I cried. Because I looked up to him. Without even realizing it, he became my role model. Mikhail is a kind soul, he is brave, determined, always trying his best, righteous, proud, a real team player and a wonderful leader. He is the kind of person I’ve always wanted to be.He quickly became my favorite character. I still watch all of the cutscenes with him every now and again when I need to hear his voice. I also sometimes browse his REwiki page just because I feel like it. When playing the Mercenaries minigame I always pick him.After meeting him I decided to keep going too. I can’t stop, no matter how broken and in pain I am. These wounds can’t stop me from fighting. I’ll keep fighting because I believe that I can get better if I just keep going. Fighting those demons off. Ignoring everyone who tells me otherwise. After all, I can’t stop just because I’m wounded.Also he is probably my biggest fictional crush ever lol. It’s been almost 10 years and I still can’t forget him and I still love him as much as I did on day 1.
Ever since then Mikhail has been a sort of voice of reason. When I’m feeling lost I ask myself what he would do in my situation. When I notice I haven’t eaten all day again, I’d imagine him trying to give me a pep talk. He became a coping mechanism and comfort character. I’ve been looking up to him for almost 10 years now, which is pretty rare when you know that I have tons of favorite characters that come and go, but he has always been my favorite Resident Evil character ever since that day.
I love everything about him. His backstory is tragic and herioc. He used to be an excellent soldier in the Russian SFSR before the Soviet Union collapsed. His wife was part of a minority who he fought for, causing him to be concidered a terrorist in the Russian Federation. After getting arrested he was approached by Umbrella. He agreed to join them but only if Umbrella does everything they can to ensure amnesty for his men.This just shows how much he cares for his comerades and loved ones. Mikhail joined a guerrilla organization to fight for the independence of the minority group his wife was a part of. He joined Umbrella, not because he himself wanted to be free, but because his men would be free.
I also really really like his relationship with Jill in the game. I could perfectly imagine them as very good friends. The way they talk with each other and how Jill tries to calm Mikhail down and helps and encourages him while also perfectly understanding the state he is in and the feelings and worries that are clouding his mind. I just love it and I demand fanart and fanfiction of a cute platonic relationship between these two. They are cute and precious.I sadly can’t say a lot about his relationships between him and the other members of the Operation-Jackal-Trio.Mikhail and Nikolai don’t interact at all. Which is bullsh*t because Capcom actually wanted them to be brothers and interact. That would have been an amazing addition. I want it back. My fav AU, hands down.Carlos mentions Mikhails name a few times (and by a few I mean two times). Once when explaining what happened and once when Mikhail got attacked in the cable car. I’m a bit sad we didn’t see more of them together. Carlos is certainly worried about Mikhails safety but I really wish they had expanded on that a little. I just wanted to see more interaction in general.
Mikhail also influenced my art. My nickname/pen name is Uby Victor. The ‘Uby’ part comes from the way you say the first two letters of the UBCS. And Victor isn’t hard to guess haha. Some people call me Victor too and I love it!! :3I also own an olive green beret in addition to my UBCS uniform. It’s just a prop and I guess just something I’ve always wanted to own haha. Now I just need to find a way to get the patch.I tried drawing him a few times but I’m an idiot and get flustered when I do so I usually stop before it’s even finished. I will probably never be able to draw him well haha. At least not with that attitude.
He’s also the reason I realized I have a soft spot for Russian accents. Even though Ben Campbell isn’t Russian, his accent is okay and I like his performance.
I could probably rant even more about how much I love Mikhails personality. And his looks.
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Have you seen those eyes??? That is one awesome dark shade of blue. Unrealistic I know but damn. I love them. And his golden hair. I wanna run my hand through it. And those arms. Mmmh. He could throw me across a football field with those and I’d say “Thanks, daddy, please do it again!”. He looks like he gives great hugs too. He’s like a big teddy bear, hence why I call him Mischka all the time haha. Also he is top notch soft daddy material. I’m not the only one with this opinion. Also his crotch. The bulge is big. Just take my word for it. Or take a look for yourself. His full body picture is at the top of this post. You have been warned.
All of this is also why I do not like his R3MAKE version at all. The original RE3: Nemesis Mikhail means so so so much to me. I associate him with recovery. I look up to him and I basically owe him my life. So seeing him be changed that drastically in the R3MAKE just broke my heart. I will stick with the original because that’s the one I like the most.
I could tell more but this is already very long lmao
EDITED tl;dr: Thank you, Mikhail. You’ve helped me more than any living human being ever did. I owe you so much. You’re an angel and I love you.
~ Mod Uby
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Healing Isn’t Easy
Alex’s heart sank when Kyle stood up, his pager buzzing in his hand. Kyle sent him a regretful look before turning to the rest of the group.
“Duty calls.” He held up the pager. “Can someone give me a ride back to town? I rode out here with Liz and Max.”
“Yeah sure,” Rosa answered him as she kicked her legs over the side of the truck and jumped down. “I promised Dad I’d help him out in the diner anyway.”
“Thanks,” Kyle smiled at her. She shrugged him off and stalked off to her car, a hand waving goodbye over her shoulder. Kyle met Alex’s gaze and held it for a beat, a question in his eyes. Alex rolled his eyes and nodded, effectively dismissing Kyle from friend duty for the day. 
Kyle looked over at the trio in the distance before turning back to the trio in front of him. “I’ll have my phone on me in case they need a doctor but please, please only call if it’s a real emergency. I’m skating on thin ice at work as it is. Too many missed days to deal with alien crap.”
“Go to work, Kyle,” Maria told him. “We’ll take care of them if they do something stupid.”
“If?” Kyle arched an eyebrow.
Liz let loose a burst of laughter. “Just go. We’ll keep them alive, promise.”
“Okay,” Kyle paused, “but if-”
Alex reached out and shoved his hip gently. “Go be a doctor, Valenti. We’ve got the aliens. You take care of the humans in this stupid town.”
“Okay,” Kyle repeated, dragging out the word.
“Bye Kyle!” Maria and Liz called in unison.
“Kyle, let’s go!” Rosa yelled out her window, the car already started.
Alex laughed as Kyle hurried away.
The sound of blankets shifting and the cooler moving made Alex turn around. Liz was taking advantage of the sudden free space to make herself comfortable, moving the cooler out of her way and piling blankets between her back and the window as a cushion.
“Are you comfortable yet?” Maria asked, faux anger in her voice as Liz’s shifting forced Maria to move. 
Liz wiggled her butt a few times for good measure before nodding, a smile bright on her face.
“Oh good,” Maria added. “I’d hate it if you were uncomfortable.”
Liz opened her arms and grabbed Maria’s wrist. With a sharp tug, she pulled her half into her lap, the taller woman nearly knocking her over as they collided. They burst into helpless giggles and Alex couldn’t contain his own smile. It was nice to see them laughing, none of them did nearly enough of it these days.
A loud rumble stole their attention a moment later. Alex whipped his head around to stare at the other three members of their little party. They were decently far away, an effort to protect the humans from accidental power bursts, but close enough that they could see them clearly. Michael was yelling something, his arms gesturing wildly while Isobel yelled back. Max stood off to the side, his hands pressed to his head.
“What are the odds all three of them end today with no injuries?” Liz pondered out loud.
“Zero,” Alex replied instantly.
“They don’t always get hurt,” Maria argued. “Unless you count a headache as an injury.”
“They’ve been doing this for over two months now and not once have all three of them left unscathed. Usually one or two have a headache, yeah, but Max has had to heal either Michael or Isobel almost every week. And even then, one of them usually leaves with a scrape or something,” Alex explained, his voice suddenly tight.
He heard Liz sigh behind him and he clenched his fingers tight around the liftgate under his legs. He was trying to be better, he really was. It’s not his fault that his relationship with Maria imploded the second he walked into the Wild Pony looking for Michael and found Maria in his lap with her tongue down his throat. And it’s not his fault that he’s having trouble forgiving and forgetting. He was trying to repair their relationship. It just wasn’t going very well.
In the six weeks that the humans had tagged along with the aliens self-imposed training sessions out in the middle of absolutely nowhere, Liz had taken it upon herself to try and force Alex and Maria to rebuild their relationship. That’s not to say that she wasn’t trying her damnedest elsewhere, it’s just that in town it was a lot easier for one or both of them to make up an excuse to get away. Out here, they had the common goal of making sure the three aliens got home alive and so neither of them stayed away. And Liz took advantage of that.
“What are you wearing on Saturday?” Liz asked after a beat. “I know you both clean up nice so you better show up looking snazzy.” She teased them both.
Alex shrugged a shoulder without turning around. It was the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Crashdown and Liz and her dad were organizing a sort of Grand Re-Opening complete with a party. It wouldn’t be nearly as fancy as the reopening of the UFO Emporium but it was still an Event in their town. Alex was going, that wasn’t even really a decision, but he didn’t really want to dress up. 
“I got this really cute new dress last week,” Maria answered. “It’s the same shade of green as those little aliens on your menu.”
“Way to stick with the theme!” Liz laughed. “Alex? What about you?”
Alex shrugged again. “Don’t know yet. Didn’t think it required planning.”
Liz groaned. “You don’t have anything nice to wear?”
“I didn’t say that. I just said I haven’t planned out an outfit a week in advance. I’ll figure it out on Saturday.”
“But you’re definitely coming?”
Alex looked over his shoulder at her and smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
“Good,” Liz huffed. “It’ll be nice to get everyone together. You and Kyle missed the UFO Emporium opening,” Alex and Maria both stiffened but Liz pushed on, “so it will be nice for the whole group to be there.”
“Yeah,” Alex mumbled as he turned around. “Real nice.”
The sun was starting to set and the desert was swathed in bright streaks of red and pink and orange and that warm golden yellow. Even from this distance, Alex could see how the colors illuminated Michael’s form, almost making him glow. His hat was on the front seat behind Alex and so his curls were left to run wild, the ends catching the light. He was gorgeous and Alex drank his fill. 
More shifting behind him as Liz resituated herself. “Let me know when they’re done,” she told them and Alex turned to see her flat on her back, her sunglasses on her face, and earbuds going into her ears. He barely suppressed a groan. It was an old trick and a dirty one. Liz was done playing mediator between Maria and Alex (not that she’d done much to begin with) and was now leaving the two of them to their own devices. Alex caught a glimpse of Maria’s smile as he turned back around. 
His thoughts wandered as he watched the trio in the distance. The far away sounds of their frustration served as a good white noise and he turned his focus inward.
He’d forgiven Michael. It had taken weeks and a lot of talking, and a lot of yelling if he was being honest, but they’d sorted their shit out and were moving forward. They’d gone on dates and were spending time together, just the two of them, outside of a bed and it was good for them. So why hadn’t he forgiven Maria? Alex didn’t understand it. How he could forgive one of them but not the other. It was the same betrayal.
Only it wasn’t. Not really.
Michael had been dealing with a lot of shit. Between his and Alex’s relationship troubles, the reveal of Noah as a mass murdered and alien manipulator who had been toying with his sister for years, Max shooting at him, and Caulfield, it was no wonder that Michael needed something else. Something easy, something to calm the chaos of his life. It hurt like hell that what he’d needed had apparently been Alex’s best friend, but to a degree, he understood it. And because he understood it, he could forgive it.
Maria, on the other hand, well she was different. Maria had known that Alex was in love with Michael, that he had been for a decade. She’d known it, hell she’d been the one to say it out loud when Alex couldn’t. And after promising him that their one night stand meant nothing and would never be repeated, she’d embarked on a relationship with Michael. In the few conversations they’d attempted to have about it after she and Michael had broken up, Maria had told him that she just wanted to be selfish for once in her life. She was always trying to be there for other people and she just wanted to take something for herself for once. And Alex could understand that, he could, but it didn’t excuse the betrayal he’d felt. As much as he missed his friend, he couldn’t imagine opening up to her again. Not when the last time he did resulted in her sleeping with the love of his life after promising not to.
A cold bottle pressed against his arm startled him enough that he jumped. 
“Woah,” Maria said lightly as she grabbed his wrist to steady him. She let go after a second, her hand coming away like she’d been burned.
Maria cleared her throat and sat down on the edge of the liftgate next to Alex, a careful distance between them. She held out one of the two beers in her hand and Alex took it.
“Liz isn’t very subtle,” Maria remarked idly as she took a sip.
“Nope,” Alex popped the p. He took a long pull, the cold beer refreshing after a hot day.
Maria fiddled with the label on her bottle. “Alex, we can’t keep going like this.”
“I know,” Alex agreed quietly.
“We have the same friends and neither one of us is going anywhere so we have to-”
“I said, I know,” Alex repeated. He closed his eyes at the harshness of his tone. “Sorry.”
She took a sip. “What do you want me to say?”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’ve said that before. But we both know you’re not.”
Maria turned to him, her face unreadable. “I am sorry.”
Alex sighed and looked at her. “If you had the chance to do it all over again, would you do something different?”
Maria looked away.
“Then you’re not sorry. You don’t actually regret doing it, you just regret what happened because of it.” Alex kept his voice quiet. There was no need to yell. Not anymore.
Maria took a deep breath. “Alex, I needed him. Am I sorry that I hurt you? Absolutely and I would do anything to make that right. But am I sorry that I took a chance on something that might have been really good for me? No. And I don’t think it’s fair of you to ask me to be.”
“You knew-”
“I didn’t know shit.” Maria cut him off, her voice hard. Alex looked at her in surprise. “All I knew was that you had a thing with a guy in high school and that ten years later you showed up feeling hopeful. I could sense love coming from you and you admitted that it was because of Michael but that is all that you ever told me. And the only thing Michael ever said was that it was over, that it had been long over.” Alex swallowed hard. It wasn’t wrong but for some reason it hurt to hear her say that Michael had said they were long over.
“I should have talked to you first, yes. Absolutely. I am sorry that I didn’t. But you were gone for ten years and Michael was my friend. We weren’t close but he was still my friend. He was someone I could lean on when I needed it. He was there for me after I put my mom in the home and he was there for me after I got drugged and mind controlled and no one would tell me a damn thing. For the first time in a long time, I had someone to support me and who cared about me and who was attracted to me and I let myself feel the same. You can’t blame me for wanting that for myself, Alex.”
“You’re right,” Alex agreed after a pause. Maria visibly relaxed next to him. “You do deserve to have someone who supports you and who is there for you. And part of me is glad that you found someone like that and that you went after him. Maria, you always put everyone else first and yourself last. You take care of other people and you deserve to have someone take care of you.”
“Thank you.”
“But it doesn’t really change things for me,” Alex continued. “Texas was one thing because I know you didn’t know a thing about me and him. But then you did. And you stood there and you promised me that it meant nothing and that it would never happen again. You promised me, Maria. And you might not have known the extent of our history together but you knew enough to not start something with him.”
“Would you date Max?” Michael cut her off. He felt Liz’s body freeze behind him, a sure sign that she wasn’t actually listening to music. “At any point, no matter how many years down the line, would you date Max? Or would you have enough respect and loyalty to Liz to not go there?”
Maria looked away from him.
“It’s the same damn thing. If you wouldn’t date Max why the fuck was it okay for you to date Michael?”
She took a long swallow from her beer.
“If we were happy together, if we had made it work and made it last, would you be happy for us?” Maria asked, facing him. There were tears glistening in her eyes but her voice didn’t waver. 
“One day, maybe,” Alex told her. “Or at least I’d like to think I’m a big enough person to do that. But I wouldn’t have been able to stick around and watch it.”
Maria froze, her mouth slightly open. This time it was Alex who looked away. He hadn’t meant to admit that. He hadn’t even told Michael that he’d been contemplating a job offer in D.C. because he couldn’t stand to see him and Maria playing happy couple around town.
“Alex,” Liz’s voice was soft but it startled him anyway. She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and though part of him ached to brush her off he didn’t. 
“You never said a word,” Maria said quietly. “The whole time we were dating you never said a word.”
“Why would I?” Alex said quietly. “What would have been the point?”
“The point would be telling me that I was driving you out of town!” Maria shouted, a hand covering her mouth. “Would you have even said goodbye?”
“I never got that far in the planning.” Alex drained the last of his beer.
“You should have told me.”
“Told you what?” Alex turned to her. “That just the sight of you next to him was enough to break my heart let alone having to see you two holding hands on the street or kissing?” He let out a harsh laugh. “What did you think was going to happen, Maria? That I’d be a little upset and then just move on? I couldn’t move on after ten years. I stayed away from this whole town for a decade trying to move on and it didn’t work. Did you think you dating him would be the thing to do it?” Alex shook his head. “What would you have done if I came to you and told you that? If I’d told you that the cost of your relationship with Michael was me leaving Roswell and never coming back?”
“I would’ve ended it!” Maria yelled. “Alex I lost you once to the fucking military, I couldn’t stand it if I was the reason you disappeared forever.”
“Then why did you kiss him? Why did you sleep with him? Why did you date him?”
Maria stared at him, tears streaming down her cheeks and chest heaving with deep breaths. “Because I didn’t know that that would be the consequence. You never said a word to me, before or after and I. Didn’t. Know.” She swallowed. “You asked me if I would do it differently if I had to do it all over again and I said no. Well that was before you told me what the consequences would really be. As awful as this is to say I could handle hurting you a little if it was something that we could get past, if it was something that I could make up to you. But this? If I had known it would lead to this? No, I wouldn’t have done it.”
Alex nodded. He had to swallow a few times to clear the sudden lump in his throat and he looked away while he wiped at the tears on his own face. Liz leaned forward and pressed herself along his back in a weak hug while she stretched out a hand to Maria.
“For what it’s worth, and this may make it worse but, it wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.” Maria told him. “I love him, I do, but not like that. Not in the way that I should’ve if I was going to risk you. He’s my friend, and maybe one day he’ll be my friend again, but nothing more.”
Alex nodded, unable to do anything else. 
“I’m sorry, Alex,” Maria reached out and gripped his hand. Alex met her halfway and squeezed tight. “I want us to get past this, you just need to tell me how.”
“I don’t know if I can trust you again,” Alex told her softly. She tried to pull her hand back but Alex held firm. “But I want to. Maria, you were the one person I stayed in touch with over the ten years I was gone. Even Michael and I didn’t talk as much as you and I did and your friendship got me through some tough times and I don’t want to lose it. I don’t want to lose you. It’s just going to take me a while to come to grips with this.”
“Okay,” Maria told him. She shook their joined hands a little. “Okay.”
Alex’s lips quirked in an imitation of a smile as he tugged her hand and pulled her into him. He wrapped his other arm around her back as she buried her face in his chest, her tears wetting the fabric. 
“Get in here, Elizabeth,” Maria called softly, her voice muffled by Alex’s shirt. Alex saw Liz grin a watery smile before wrapping her arms around the both of them. She pressed a kiss to each of their heads before resting her head on Alex’s shoulder.
“I love both of you so much,” Liz whispered. 
“We love you too,” Alex told her. “Even if you do meddle.”
“Out of love!” Liz protested as she raised her head. “I meddle out of love!”
Maria laughed as she pulled back from Alex. “We appreciate it.”
Liz smiled as she wiped at the tears on both of their faces. “There’s more beer in the cooler if-”
“Yes!” They both cut her off. She laughed and twisted around to grab the beers, handing them to Maria to open. The three drank quietly for a while, all captivated by the confusing spectacle happening around Max, Isobel, and Michael before them. The air seemed to shimmer around the three of them though none of the humans could even begin to theorize as to why.
The silence this time was decidedly more comfortable than it had been earlier, some of the tension gone from between them. It wasn’t perfect, and it wouldn’t be for a while yet, but it was better.
Maria took a long swig of her beer and pulled it from her lips with a wet pop. “Can I ask relationship advice? Or is that a no-go right now?”
“As long as it’s not about Michael,” Alex warned, his voice half teasing, half not. Liz coughed a laugh while Maria shook her head. “Then go ahead.”
“There’s this woman,” she started off.
Liz immediately started crowing while Alex grinned. Maria looked at both of them, confused. “You two already knew I’m bisexual.”
“Yes but you hadn’t admitted to having a thing for Isobel yet,” Liz told her.
“Wha-? Who said-? What are-?” Maria sputtered. 
“You’ve got a bad poker face DeLuca,” Alex told her. 
Liz put a hand on her arm. “Are we wrong? Is it about a woman other than Isobel?”
Maria started to deny it before sighing and nodding. “Is it really that obvious?”
Liz and Alex shared a look before shrugging. “Evidently not to Isobel. She still thinks you hate her,” Alex told her.
Maria furrowed her brow and cocked her head to the side in question. 
“Dinner the other night,” Liz explained. “Isobel was complaining that you still hate her even though now you don’t have any reason to. She seemed really upset about it.”
“About me hating her?”
Alex and Liz hummed in agreement. “Seemed like she wanted you to like her.” Alex almost winked.
Maria took a sip and looked away briefly before eyeing them. “So should I say something? Or would it be weird because of Michael or-?
“I say go for it,” Alex encouraged. “If Michael has a problem with it I’ll tell him to look up hypocrite in the dictionary.”
Liz almost choked on her beer as she started to laugh. “He really wouldn’t have a leg to stand on would he?” She nudged Maria gently. “I say go for it. I’d say what’s the worst that could happen buuuut it’s Isobel.”
Alex shook his head. “She wouldn’t be rude about it. Honestly, the worst that could happen is that she turns you down. But I don’t think she will.”
A wicked grin spread across Liz’s face. “You should do your nails right before you ask her out.”
Alex burst out laughing and Maria looked between them. Liz laughed at the bewildered look on her face. “You never did that with Michael?”
“Did what?”
“The acetone!” Liz scooted so she was closer to the two of them. The three siblings were starting to make their way towards the truck.
“In the nail polish remover? What about it?” Maria was still confused.
“Acetone is like heroin to them,” Alex explained. “If you do your nails right before talking to Isobel, she should still be able to smell it and it works a bit like an aphrodisiac, honestly.”
“Really?” Maria asked. “How did I not know that?”
Alex shrugged, secretly pleased that Michael obviously hadn’t told her. “Give it a shot, see how it works on her.”
“Maybe I will,” Maria agreed.
“Maybe you will, what?” Max asked as they neared. The three humans turned in unison to see the three aliens trudging up to join them. Liz grabbed some water bottles out of the cooler and passed them over. 
Michael eyed the trio warily as he neared but he didn’t say anything about Alex and Maria’s sudden closeness or the levity in the air. Instead he nodded to Liz and Maria and stepped in between Alex’s legs. Alex met his eyes, a silent conversation passing between them wherein Alex assured Michael that he was ok. 
He leaned up to press a kiss to Michael’s lips. It was brief, Alex pulling away to wrinkle his nose at Michael. The man had been out there for several hours and it smelled like it.
Alex opened his mouth to say something but instead had to stifle a moan as Michael’s fingers found the end of his leg and pressed gently above the attachment. He hadn’t realized how sore his leg had gotten sitting there. Thinking about it, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten up and moved around. Michael’s fingers deftly massaged the bits of his leg that he could reach, his powers worming around the prosthetic to massage the rest. Alex groaned and let his head fall to Michael’s chest.
“Ow,” he said weakly.
Michael pressed a kiss into his hair. “Come on, let’s get you home and off that thing.” He stepped away and exchanged some words with his siblings.
Liz hopped down from the truck and Michael saw Maria already halfway to her car. “I’ll see you Saturday?”
Alex smiled and nodded. “See you Saturday.” Alex watched as she and Max got into their car and drove away, Isobel and Maria’s cars following close after. 
Only when they were gone did Michael step back between his legs. “Can you walk to the front seat?” He asked softly.
“I can,” Alex told him. “But I’d rather not.”
Michael rolled his eyes, his face fond. He gripped Alex’s thighs tight and lifted him off the liftgate. Alex pressed a kiss to his neck as Michael carried him around to the passenger seat. 
Alex tugged the door closed and got himself situated while Michael closed the back and made sure all the blankets and coolers were secure before sliding behind the wheel.
“You okay?” He asked before starting the car.
Alex nodded. “We talked. It’s not great but I think we’ll be better. I want us to be better.”
Michael nodded. “I’m glad you’re talking. I know you miss her.”
Alex hummed. “It won’t be easy but healing never is.”
Michael pressed a kiss to his temple and started the truck.  “It’s worth it, though,” he replied as he started to drive away.
“Yeah,” Alex agreed softly. “It will be.”
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lostinfic · 5 years
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5. New York, Fall
Summary: Travel writer/photojournalist AU, slow burn, mutual pining, angst, fluff and adventures around the world.
Pairing: Alec Hardy x Hannah Baxter Rating: Mature Word count: 1.6k
Prologue  |  Chap. 1  |  2  |  3  |  4  | Ao3  
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Hannah was too fond of clothing and accessories to be a minimalist packer. She kept her wardrobe well organized, divided by climates and types of activities, but used creativity to select the right clothes. It was an art. One that began with a theme, a story she wanted her pictures to tell. (She’d once packed only retro-inspired clothes for a long weekend in Paris during which she visited movie-famous locations.) And since, on a cruise, hauling a heavy suitcase around wasn’t an issue, she may have gone a little overboard (pun intended) with the nautical theme: white and navy stripes, tiny anchors, big anchors, sailor collars, mermaids...
“I have nothing to wear,” she whined, dumping half her suitcase on the floor of her cabin.
The ship would dock in Manhattan soon, and she still hadn’t found the perfect outfit to go to Hardy’s photography exhibition. Something that looked irresistible yet like she hadn’t made an effort at all. Not like she worked in a theme park.
The whole thing was ridiculous anyway. Her contract with the cruise line gave her a choice among four destinations and ten dates— she could have gone to Alaska!— but she’d chosen a place she’d already visited on somewhat inconvenient dates in October, just on the off chance she might run into him. He didn’t even know she was going to be there. She couldn’t decide whether to tell him. Whether she wanted to see him again. She didn’t usually keep in touch with people she met abroad. The moments they shared were perfect as they were. Meeting again just wouldn’t be the same. Why ruin a perfectly good memory?
But Alec…
She’d said before she wanted a man who would challenge her, but parachuting or strange foods was what she had in mind, not ethical dilemmas.
At least she had a fantastic leather jacket.
The World Press Photo event took place in Brooklyn whereas the ship docked on the west side of Manhattan. It didn’t look that far on the map but, once again, she’d underestimated distances in America. Google Maps informed her it was an hour-long public transport journey to the building where the conference took place. They docked at 10am, and she had to be back on board by 4pm. What kind of cruise stays only six hours in New York but stays overnight in Nova Scotia?
She was familiar with the subway from previous visits, and seamlessly joined the crowd on the platform. She wore her headphones even if her music barely pierced the metal grinding of the old subway cars. She tapped her feet, at first to the beat of Lana Del Rey, but then out of nervousness. What would she even say to him? Oh, hi, funny meeting you here.
By the time she walked out of the subway station, her skin was clammy and smelled of rust and other people’s sweat. An autumnal breeze refreshed her and chased dead leaves around her feet.
She washed her hands and face, sprayed some perfume on her neck and shook her hair for volume. With a sigh, she blew a strand off her face.
Beside the door, a banner announced: “Alec Hardy, a retrospective”. A black and white portrait of him, with a hand tugging back his hair and an annoyed look on his face, told visitors he didn’t appreciate having the viewfinder turned on him. The lights and shadows in the picture revealed his physical flaws: the fine lines at the corners of his eyes, freckles on his cheeks and nose, even some greying hair at his temples and in his beard. She only ever used black and white to hide a too-red face or unflattering light. He didn’t hide anything, and the photo was stunning.
She read the short biography next to it. Forty-two years old, ten years older than her. She filed the information away. Everything else she knew from looking him up already.
In the high-ceilinged, white room, his photographs, in various sizes, lined the walls and hung from the ceiling to create corridors.
Hannah scanned the crowd of art students, photography enthusiasts and other conference attendees with lanyards around their necks. She didn’t see him, and couldn’t tell which of relief or disappointment swelled in her chest.
The exhibition began with Alec’s early work on the streets of Glasgow in the 90s: poverty, union strikes, and the punk scene. Domestic moments caught through dusty windows, spike-haired lovers in a park, and children playing among burning rubbish bins. She smiled at a self-portrait, his reflection in a broken mirror, an old Leica covered half his face, wire-frame glasses and smoke from a hand-rolled cigarette covered the other half.
Political protests and revolts followed. From Ireland to South Africa. He’d been right in the eye of it, among the armed men, the bleeding noses and mouths shouting for justice. In the rage and lust.
Hannah walked from one to the other, heart beating fast as if watching an action movie. How many times had he been threatened? Held at gunpoint? Kicked and punched? He really made a habit of putting himself in danger’s way. His recklessness scared her, in a good way.
His later work shifted away from the action towards the devastation left in their wake. Destroyed villages, grieving families, scarred men, empty-eyed women. More children featured in his photos. She recognized Pulau Kesuma: a pile of discarded monogrammed hotel towels among flowers, new fishing gear left to rust, an old fisherman with the sea etched on his skin. With every picture, Hannah’s heart grew heavier. By the last photo, tears threatened to ruin her mascara. And yet, something in the way he showcased sunlight gave her hope.
Hannah rounded a corner and gasped: there was a photo of her. Taken at night, darkness hid her face, but she recognized her leg kicking an arch of bioluminescent plankton. She raised her cell phone to take a picture of it and share it on social media, but changed her mind. She looked at it closer. She wasn’t used to seeing herself through someone else’s camera. An image over which she had no control. A moment of unstaged spontaneity. She wasn’t used to feeling humbled. She watched other people’s reaction to it. They didn’t know what it meant.
The picture of her was part of a special section dedicated to his more artistic work. Random snapshots he’d never dedicated an entire series to before now. Breathtaking landscapes, powerful oceans, a colorful Indian wedding, elephants in Thailand, coal-smeared Congolese children smiling bright, several photos of a baby girl. Through his lens, even the streets of London became poetic. And she thought that pain and misery did not diminish the beauty of the world, if anything, the fact that people endured and kept laughing and creating, was all the more wondrous because of it.
She went around the room a second time, always on the lookout for Hardy. She did a double-take at every brown-haired or bearded man, only to be disappointed. Before she knew it, she’d spent more time there than at the Louvre. She lingered in the building for as long as she could, visited the other exhibitions, but had to get back to the port soon. She decided to leave a message in the guest book, leaving it up to fate whether he would see it.
Outside the building, golden sunshine trickled between fiery leaves and alighted every raindrop falling across its beams. Umbrellas bloomed and children laughed, and Hannah was keenly aware that each person around her had their own story, their own unique perspective on life.
Like light shining through a prism, daily life was dissolved into millions of shades by the people experiencing it.
Hannah walked two subway stations farther, fascinated by the city thrumming with life around her.
To capture that variety, she used to write in-depth articles about encounters with one person. She’d gradually abandoned those in favor of shorter pieces for the attention-deficient social media users, and marketing disguised as personal anecdotes. Perhaps she should do that again.
She smiled at the young latina woman walking her dog, but only received a wary look in return.
This strange hyper-awareness followed her on board the cruise ship, but morphed into introspection once alone in her cabin. Seeing Hardy’s journey made her consider her own.
When asked why she started traveling, she always told the same story. She, Ben and Erin formed an inseparable trio of best friends in secondary school. They dreamed of backpacking through Europe. Once in uni, they kept postponing their plans for all sorts of reasons. Unfortunately, Erin died abruptly during their second year. Realizing how short and unpredictable life is, Hannah had packed her bags and left England.
It was a nice story, but it wasn’t the whole truth. She never said how her friend died, that she left even before the funeral, that she stayed too long in Amsterdam to numb her guilt, that there was a reason she didn’t keep in touch with the people she met while traveling.
The rocking waves failed to lull her to sleep. She nearly called Hardy twice, but her longing scared her. Her emotions felt too close to the surface, too easy to bruise.
She wrote all night and deleted the file in the morning.
They docked in Boston next. She filled a travel mug with black coffee and headed off the boat with the firm intention of being her former, professional self. She hadn’t even posted on Instagram yesterday. It really was for the best that she hadn’t encountered Hardy. They had shared a moment in Asia and that was the end of it. She had to focus on rebuilding her reputation after what happened with Elite Travelers.
Outside the cruise terminal, where buses awaited passengers for day tours, the marketing liaison waved her over. Before she’d even said hi to him, someone else called her name.
Her heart melted.
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