#because she's me obvi
bigmilk-13 · 22 days
*Team red comes back to HQ from a mission and see Florence making a smoothie in their kitchen*
Carmen: Um... hi Flo?
Florence: Hello, Carmen.
Zack and Ivy: Is that your car out front?
Florence: Yes, and no you cannot drive it or race it.
*Carmen opens her mouth to say something but Florence beats her to it*
Florence, not looking their way, still making her smoothie: Yes, Carmen I am very much alive and yes Shadowsan, I did break in through a window.
Shadowsan and Carmen: How did you-
Florence, avoiding answering questions of how she knew what they were going to ask: Speaking of windows, why don't you ever lock them? I checked every single window and they're all unlocked.
Carmen: Well, no one really knows we live here so...
Florence, with an eyebrow raised: Well I did! You guys are super thieves!
*she takes a deep breath*
Florence: I was trying to make a fucking smoothie but was sidetracked with locking all your windows because yOU DON'T SEEM TO USE THE LOCK WHICH IS VIVIDLY AVAILABLE TO USE!
*Zack and Ivy are quietly dying on the couch as Carmen and Shadowsan are being scolded by their friend*
Florence: Absolutely abhorrent, just plain idiotic behaviours. What else can I expect from you guys honestly.
*Zack and Ivy continue to quietly die from laughter*
Florence: I'm not a big super thief but the reason no one breaks into my home is because I LOCK MY FUCKING WINDOWS
Carmen: Look, we're sorry-
Florence: If I didn't lock your windows for you, Sandiego, this place would have been destroyed. If V.I.L.E found out where your HQ is they would have easily broken in because you DON'T LOCK YOU BLOODY WINDOWS.
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ahollowgrave · 4 months
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Happy Galentine's Day!
Odette has hard candies in her lil' purse! She'll share with you! If you mime catching the kiss she blows you, she might share two. Prudence was blackmailed into this.
Standalones of the girls because I like them so much!
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licantropa · 14 days
it isn’t that ianite didn’t choose capsize to be her champion, it’s that she chose her to be her friend. there’s more freedom to capsize with that title, her actions and words don’t have to be in alignment with ianite’s very core aspects of balance and justice. she doesn’t have to be in agreement with ianite all the time and it must be nice to have someone check you and not have felt fear when doing so. ianite is balance and justice personified and capsize’s own actions can be unjustifiable and biased, yet they still consider the other a friend.
capsize can’t be champion and also ianite’s friend, both of them understand this.
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poisonousquinzel · 5 months
Thinking about how likely it is that BTAS Ivy grew old n spent all of that time fully believing that Harley died. That despite all her efforts and desperation to save her and get her away from Joker she didn't, she couldn't, and she lost her. That Harley died the same day that wretched man did and it became just yet another thing linking her to him for eternity.
thinking about how BTAS Ivy loved her So much and never got the chance to grow old with her, to see her heal and recover, to heal and recover with her
thinking about how much they deserved their happy ending but never got one. how we're seeing & getting their Less Platonic moments in the newer BTAS comics with the impending knowledge that the narrative has already decided it's a fate they'll never truly get to indulge in and savor, that it will always be destined to end in tragedy.
how for some universes a happy ending is given, growing old together is just the future we know is already there awaiting them... but not for them, not for btas harlivy... not the originals, for their story will always be a tragedy.
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
yagami should get his back snapped in half like a toothpick if he wanna fuckin sleep on couches exclusively might as well be doin the same amount of damage
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scalpelsister · 2 years
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goth xid from concept art my beloved,
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
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Strange New Worlds Teaser for 1x08 - The Elysian Kingdom
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boltgunkiller-archive · 4 months
brittana doesn’t need a soulmate au for their soulmateism to be clear and true. despite trying out other people, exploring themselves and even moving to different states/cities they found their way back to each other and Stayed there. because it was the right decision to them
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sea-breeze-19 · 1 year
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gargoyleprincess · 3 months
There are so many types of beauty it can’t even be fully recorded, I have so many beautiful friends and that makes me happy such beauty exists in abundance and that I get to be apart of it. Self love is big and acceptance within community is big too. Healing brings the release of egotistical coping mechanisms like jealousy
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
Do you think Arya will be present in the Stark vs Bolton’s conflict since George told us he intends to use Nymeria’s pack against the Bolton’s Hounds? It would make sense that Arya is present with the foreshadowing of her leading a pack which could be a combination of both the Northmen who support her and Nymeria’s pack
I think the Bolton/Stark conflict will be concluded, or on its way, by the time Arya actually makes it back to Westeros. I go back and forth on the idea of Arya returning North before the end of the story, but regarding her wolfpack going up against Ramsay's dogs...I doubt it? I don't think his Hounds are anywhere close to presenting a true challenge to Nymeria's pack, so there'd really be no stakes. While the numbers are likely exaggerated, I still think it's grown to a formidable size. I also don't see a pack of that size traveling so far, especially when the winter is coming and game is becoming scarce. If they do travel it's more likely that they'll move up the Neck (or thereabouts) given their previous movement pattern. I'm a firm believer that the Long Night won't be fought exclusively in the North, so I can see them serving as a line of defense for fleeing Northerns + against the Others. Either way, If they do end up making it North it's going to be for more than just fighting Ramsay's hounds.
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trans-xianxian · 5 months
ALL MOVED IN TO MY NEW PLACE!!! took us six hours to drive all my shit to the new place, and about three hours to get the rats settled, play furniture tetris, sit on the ground waiting for pizza, sit on the ground eating pizza, put my bed together, play more furniture tetris, and get the bunnies settled, but now I am cozy wozy in my bed hehe :3c unpacking and decorating will commense tomorrow but for now. rest
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lingeringscars · 20 days
idk how to word it but shauna struggling with empathy but not compassion. shauna is an extremely compassionate person, but she struggles putting herself in other positions and feeling other people's emotions. she rolls her eyes and is disgusted with lottie not waking up, but she also is someone who comforted javi, mari, and tai. she can be kind; she is not nice.
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quotergirl19 · 2 years
This is just my daily reminder that I want to see Colin cry next season.
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(Penelope doesn’t see you that way anymore Colin & you only have yourself to blame.)
Thank you & have a lovely day.
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ghostighostly · 8 months
So uh. Things happened. I own this now
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Her name is cherub cause her scales look like angel eyes, also references to multiple fandoms kinda. Yea. Also if it wasnt known this was for my birthday not just a rando snake waltzing into our house :3
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theb0nesofmymind · 5 days
Hey guys, can someone kill my baby daddy’s girlfriend
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