#because some musicians are egotistical
autisticwriterblog · 5 months
Marko dancing like a dork (affectionate).
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hazelsmirrorball · 1 year
 Rockstar girlfriend | Hazel Callahan
Rockstar! Hazel Callahan x Popstar! Reader summary: Y/n despises Hazel and due to that they decide to put them together in a PR relationship Warnings: Enemies to lovers! Heavy make out session, English isn’t my main language  a/n: This is going to be several parts, hope you enjoy!
part two. part three. part four.
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There were a few words Y/n could use to describe Hazel Callahan. Annoying, cocky, rude, careless, egotistical, arrogant and the list goes on and on. Y/n could talk for days about her hatred towards the girl but she was aware that the only thing she couldn’t call her was untalented. 
Hazel was an excellent song writer and a perfect musician. She played every single instrument known to mankind and she had a voice of an angel. She had several awards to her name, best song writer, song of the year, best music video, best upcoming artist, Every category that existed, she had won. Y/n would bet that with all the money she had, she probably paid someone just to come to her house to clean her grammys just to get her daily doses of ego up.
 Hazel Callahan had everything. Her band, The Bottoms, was selling hit after hit, becoming one of the best Rock bands to ever exist. Yeah, PJ, Josie and Hazel were talented, she really couldn’t deny that but did they really have to rub it in their faces? It seemed that everywhere Y/n went Hazel seemed to follow her. Billboards in Time Square haunted her, magazines with their recent shoot in her local supermarket made her scream, The band being featured in her favorite show made her break the remote,  the loud mall speaker blaring their music drove Y/n to the edge. Everyone wanted something to do with the band collabs, interviews, photoshoots, hell they even had their own toothbrush line. But the thing that drove Y/n insane was the fact that Hazel’s band was under the same record label and management as Y/n. 
Isabel, Brittney and Y/n made it their life mission to work hard to get to where they were. Sure they didn’t play instruments on stage like The Bottoms or made your ears bleed with the hard rock music but they had managed to make actual good music with dance moves. They were the pop girlies people would die for but due to the fact that Hazel’s mother had something to do with the record company everything related to them always came second. 
Y/n hated Hazel because everything she worked so hard for was pushed to the side because she was mommy's little princess and it drove her insane. She could do elaborate dances, make the best song to mankind and she would still come out second place.  
Y/n wasn’t the best when it came to hiding her feelings, so it was pretty obvious that she couldn’t stand being in a room with Hazel for more than one minute. At first, some people of the management team found out but they simply brushed it off thinking it was some type of petty drama. The higher ups started noticing the glares or scoff Y/n would throw to Hazel’s way. But Y/n had dropped a big one, by writing a song indirectly hitting hatred towards a certain girl. It wasn’t hard for the fans to get the hint, clicking every interview or award show where both girls were seen together. Everything made sense but this caused everyone to start taking sides which wasn’t good for any of the bands. That’s when their PR team went to work and that’s how Y/n found herself straddling Hazel's lap waiting for the paparazzi to show up to take a picture of the two. 
If they wanted people to get out of their business and think that the song wasn’t about her and that she actually tolerated Hazel they needed to be spotted making out. The perfect idea, at least that was how both PR teams made it seem. It was an opportunity for both bands to finally click together and Y/n was getting the short end of the stick. 
Y/n let out a groan, already frustrated in the situation she was in. Her hand rested on Hazel's cheek while Hazel's hands gripped on her waist, her cold rings sending shivers to her spine. They had been straddling each other for the past 45 minutes in Hazel’s car waiting for the paps to show up. 
“When are they getting here? Isabel said that they were going to show up half an hour ago. I’m already done with this shit” She muttered as she attempted to sit straighter, her skirt slowly rising up making Hazel sneak a discreet look. 
“Why are you so eager to leave? I thought we were having fun” Hazel responded sarcastically as she rested a hand on her thigh squeezing it a little to make her stay still.  Y/n looked away from the car window and focused her gaze on Hazel’s blue eyes. 
“Well, I would enjoy spending my weekend on top of someone that I can actually stand, rather than being here with you.” She said, sending her way a fake smile. Hazel rolled her eyes tapping her thigh sending her one of her famous smiles that Y/n was tired of seeing in those damn magazines that stayed near her night stand. 
“Really? I didn’t know you had so much action? By the looks of it you are turned on just by my hand gripping on your thigh. Don’t worry, if you want you can grind on it” She responded with a cocky smirk , making Y/n slap the side of her head making Hazel let out a loud laugh. 
“You really think you're the shit, can you jus..” Y/n got cut off by Hazel placing her thumb on top of her lips, grazing them softly. 
“All you do is bitch and moan with those damn pretty little lips of yours, can’t you do something else?” Hazel said her soft breaths hitting her lips. Y/n could feel the space in the car getting closer as Hazel’s eyes gazed at her lips. “Not so vocal anymore, what happened, cat got your tongue?” 
“You always have to rui..” Y/n started but got cut once again by Hazel’s lips on her. It took Y/n a few for her to kiss back but as a few seconds passed by she finally caught herself kissing back. Both of the girls kissed desperately fighting for dominance or finally letting out that sexual tension that they’ve bottled up for years. 
Hazel's hand reached towards Y/n’s ass, gripping harshly making her moan. Y/n’s hand gripped on Hazel’s hair as she let out a low whimper making Y/n smirked into the kiss. Before she could even think about a comeback, her thoughts got snapped into reality by seeing flash coming towards the window. 
“Don’t worry, I take my job really seriously so don’t take that kiss to heart sweetheart. Take this as excuse about writing a song about me but this time, don’t say I’m a bad kisser” 
part two part three
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worm-on-my-way · 1 year
honestly i feel like when people say noel should have been the angriest boy in town or smth i feel like they deeply misunderstand what they meant by that or what the romantic ideologies even were.
when they call him a romantic they mean it as in the romantic era so i just wanna list some of the stuff cos i have been learning about it and its super interesting
the romantic movement was a protest of sorts towards society moving towards a more modern world, it countered industrialism (factories and big office buildings), urbanization (cities and the removal or changing of land for human habitation), consumerism (the process of buying and selling at large rates) and secularization (lack of spirituality or religion)
the romantics main beliefs centered a lot around the idea of the self, innocence, the deification of untamed nature and a sort of manic expression of emotion, they were artists and poets and writers and musicians who made pieces criticizing the afformentioned topics or praising what they deemed good. (fun fact the romantics actually created the word "sublime" as a way to describe the awe of nature and how it compares to humanity, they were very big on the humans being less than the world around them type mindset)
so to link some of their beliefs to noel,
again they were big on the sense of self so a story that was basically a self insert works very well
monique is a very emotionally driven character, the story was very much focused on the drama of her suffering, every action she made was emotional
the idea of the tragic hero is very much pushed for in moniques story i think because we mainly get to see her side of the story and a lot of sympathy is put on her tending to make her flaws or bad actions justified (the romantics were exremely egotistical)
the setting of the story being post war france and focusing on the grimey dark side of the city that isnt always shown, france is portrayed as a very mournful and angry place with a lot of suffering and that very much alines with the romantic mindset (but also if the positive sides of paris were to be shown it would also make sense refrence 'composed of westmister bridge' by william wordsworth)
the scene of the priest leaning down to monique while she was on her death bed and asking her if she wished to say something to god and her choosing to basically challange or insult him was a good representation of the romantic beliefs towards the christian church, while the romantics were supportive of religion and spirituality they had a lot to say about the church mainly of its corruption as back during that era the church had much higher influence and some of the blame for that could be shoved onto the church.
the idea of innocence also comes up but this time as the lack of it being a negative thing, monique selling her child may also be used as an analogy here
the idea of nature and its basically godly status does not seem to be present in the life of monique but we will take what we can get i suppose
ok my little essay is over i just wanted to rant about this because its so cool anyway go read 'London' by Blake peace out
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venusianc0mplex · 1 year
Children of Apollo
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Children of Apollo are charming, brilliant, and attractive people endless charisma emanating from them. They are rays of sunshine to the masses, people look up to them as if they are looking at the source of all the warmth in this world. They teach everyone how to truly embrace themselves as they are.
They shine BRIGHT amongst everyone
They naturally know themselves very well by birth
They are extremely artistically gifted
They usually have a very unique sense of style and they own it confidently
They naturally know how to attract attention (for better or worse)
They know how to express themselves in their own unique way
They are usually not scared of anything
They are very loyal friends 
They naturally inspire others to just be themselves
They naturally radiate warmth
They are gifted with visuals that stands out a lot
They are usually gifted in multiple fields of art, not just one
They are very dedicated lovers
They naturally know how to show confidence and not make people around them feel less
They are observant of their environment
Extremely talented musicians
Natural comedian
They draw in massive numbers of fans by just being themselves 
They usually have very nice hair and/or teeth
They give and receive love very naturally 
They are mad geniuses when it comes to art
They are very popular especially as they age
People follow their orders very well
They can teach any art skills to themselves
Extremely spiritually gifted
They KNOW how to move their bodies
They are naturally funny as FUCK
Spiritually protected under sunlight
They naturally work their stage presence very well
Common Themes in the Lives of Apollo Kids
They usually work in the entertainment industry or work as an artist in some ways
They are usually always in the center of some huge friend groups
They usually don’t end up pursuing traditional higher education
They tend to like unusual or unique fashion styles because they see fashion as a form of self-expression
Popularity tends to be their biggest advantage over other people
They are usually very extroverted and speak their mind with ease
A lot of them have troubled relationships with their fathers
They LOVE being the chaser in a relationship, almost to a fault
You usually KNOW when they like you romantically
Emotionally clingy to their lover
Their biggest source of inspiration comes from their romantic experiences
They usually view romantic relationships as the center of their life
Relationships can really make or break them
They are extremely attracted to Hekate kids for some reason (Sun & Moon and it’s usually one-sided from Apollo kids)
They are extremely independent people 
Black sheeps of the family
Sexually open to trying different things
They get d*ckmatized very easily
Head empty when it’s not art or romance related
They are extremely generous to their lover/friends 
They usually end up attracting very good friends into their lives
They all have the YOLO attitude to life 
Can be clumsy with their words 
They love to do funny things to garner attention from people
They usually got the cutest chubby face UwU
Usually have prominent sun/Leo/Scorpio/Libra placements in their astrology chart (sidereal/Vedic)
They prefer an unconventional lifestyle
They are very delightful to work with on sets/stage
Their existence is meant to teach people to embrace themselves as they are
Sometimes genius sometimes VERY VERY DUMB AND CLUELESS
They need a lot of socializing and self-reflection to understand social cues and become more emotionally intelligent in social situations
BAD taste in lovers when they are young
Can idealize romance way too much
Can idealize situations way too much
Their ego can go out of control very easily and believe people should all comply to their standards
Can become narcissistic and extremely egotistical if they don’t receive attention and support for their artistic endeavors
They can do the wrong things to attract attention to them 
Sometimes they become too desperate for fame and agree to the wrong things to achieve recognition 
Can be very one-track minded and forget about people around them
They are self-centered by nature, not maliciously, consideration for others just don’t come natural to them
They can get too stuck to their own opinion and disregard other people’s words of advice
They can be too focused on themselves and end up ignoring people around them that really care about them
Extremely troubled love life cuz they constantly put up with red flags once they are mesmerized
It takes a lot for them to heal from a past relationship
They usually avoid working on their daddy issues or cope by pushing the problems away in their head
A lot of them can come off as patriarchy princesses
Not very girl’s girl until they understand friendships better later on in life
Spiritually less protected at night
Can be BROKE as joke their entire life because they don’t make the most practical financial decisions
The broke artist archetype probably came from them
The men have a hard time understanding women emotionally 
Jumps from lover to lover without self-reflection
Can easily hurt people with their selfishness/inconsideration
Doesn’t become a very considerate person till after 25 
They LOVE to mindlessly chase after someone
Tendency to be too callous at the wrong times
They can be too harsh with their criticisms and end up hurting people around them or make themselves look bad
When you get too close to the sun you WILL feel burned by them
Disclaimer: Everything written above stemmed from my own observations, I'm not claiming to be 100% accurate on everything
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zot3-flopped · 2 months
Sea is such a disingenuous twat. There is NOTHING wrong with being a small artist who is only able to fill theaters or half an arena. But that's not Sea (and other rads) angle. They paint Louis as this super mega star that is on the same level as Harry and the ONLY reason he's not selling out stadiums is because SABOTAGE and NO PROMO and (insert conspiracy bs here)
Nah. Louis can't sing and is an awful performer, that's it. He is LUCKY he got shipped into a tinhat relationship with Harry. It's the only reason he has been able to grift as a solo artist for this long. If he wasn't such an egotist and accepted this truth, I'd respect him more. But no, he acts like he's some successful musician and books stadiums, starts a festival, starts a clothing brand, films a documentary (something even Harry hasn't done). Like??? The hubris. The only people more delusional than Louis about his career are the idiot louies that prop him up.
Another note, excessive promo and opportunities does nothing for a talentless person. Chappell Roan only gaining massive popularity this year because of Coachella, even though she's been singing for years, is testament to that. She was given an amazing opportunity and she blew up. People will always support awesome music and interesting people, even if it takes years for a person to get their chance. Louis has been known for years in the music industry and with the public through his massive SM following, but still hasn't gotten big. Don't need to be a genius to figure out why.
Agree with every word. Louis could have the best team in the world and it wouldn't make any difference because Louis himself would still be useless.
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notadamfromthebible · 3 months
Name: Adam (The Adam from da bible)
Age: Older than humanity itself
Pronouns: dude/bro
Role: Music instructor (Assistant)
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Part time rockstar legend, full time (bastard) badass angel. It's the father of mankind taking a short vacation on earth from his duties as one of heaven's top military players by order of the high Seraphim Sera.
According to Sera, Adam has been taking his cozy spoiled life in heaven for granted and has failed to live up to being a good example of heavenly values lately, so he's been sent to earth to be humbled a little. Now he's stuck at weehawken for the summer, stripped from most of his angelic powers and nothing on his back but his guitar, a single miracle to use in case of an emergency, and an old pocket watch Sera entrusted him to keep safe at all costs(?).
Adam is beyond enthusiastic for the opportunity of spending time in a place that's a total downgrade from the luxurious life he's used to, but at least he gets to kill time by showing mortal kids some good music as their music instructor.
Personality: Adam is the embodiment of toxic masculinity. He's egotistical, rude, cruel, sadistic, unsympathetic, sexist, and an asshole with a God-like complex. He is better And cooler than you in every way. He takes pride in his title as the father of mankind and being the first soul to get into Heaven. Because of that, he expects people to kiss the ground he walks on and feed his ego at any opportunity they get. He's also a skilled musician and won't hesitate to show-off his talent.
Likes: rock, playing his guitar, junk food, BBQ ribs, hot chicks, doing whatever he wants, being praised
Dislikes: demons, holier-than-thou losers, being talked over, not being the center of attention, being ordered around, old timey music, Lucifer Morningstar, his ex wives.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 7 months
i was talking to lestat the other day about poetry. i have a friend whose art i love and admire dearly but their poetry is weakened by their need, or perhaps simply their tendency, to write into their poem an explanation for everything they feel. not a justification necessarily but an overarticulation, more words to carve out the shape of the unspeakable thing
they do not come to me for poetic critique and so i do not give it to them. but in discussing this, and other poets, with lestat i of course had to use poetry to explain my own feeling about why i dont think poems work if you put too much effort into explaining them
as anne carson puts it:
its not that we want to understand everything or even understand anything we want to understand something else
i think this extends to most fields of art. david lynch notoriously refuses to explain his films. many authors disdain readers who try to "solve" their books. i suspect i am a mediocre poet for the same reason i am an altogether skillful cartoonist. there come multiple points in the process of writing (longform) prose where i shake my head and imagine pulling my manuscript out of my readers hands and say no no no i wrote it all wrong, im doing you a disservice by feeding your imagination the wrong thing, let me just show you instead. not out of a lack of faith in my readers sevicable imaginations (though maybe this is the case on my more misanthropic days) so much as a glaring self-consciousness that my words mean less when not juxtaposed against another movement. (and i wonder if musicians and lyricists feel this way towards poetry as i the graphic novelist feel towards novels.) my ability to articulate that "something else" requires more than one axis of imagination. if im feeling bad about myself i will point out that this means i am inefficient and prone to making more work for myself. if i find some generosity and compassion for the plight of the cartoonist i inhabit i will point out that this meaning is multiplicative, and only some stories can come out in this form without suffering some kind of mutilation.
i dislike thought bubbles in multiple levels for multiple reasons, partly because they also overexplain. i wont deny thought bubbles have their placeand im even outright fond of the manga tradition that blends it with narration wherein western comics theyre much more distinct but for the kind of comics i read and write, the characters' inner psyches are the one place i need to go alone, without the author. if i do my job right my comic will help my readers go there on their own path, and thats a privilege solely for them
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is the thought process that Zizi goes through here even able to be articulated in a manner where one word can be put after another in a comprehensible order? if it was, is that more important than the reader moving through these emotions with them, and coming to these conclusions? im not so egotistical to presume i get to tell my readers how to feel or think or understand. its only my hope that through my art they find out what they want to understand something else.
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howhow326 · 11 months
ML X BNHA au Part 2!
Part 1 here
Chloe Bourgeois/ Queen Bee
Quirk: Subjection (Chloe's fingernails secrete an organic venom that can paralyze people. People that have Chloe's venom in their system will also obey any verbal commands she gives them. The venom lasts for about one hour.)
On the surface, Chloe Bourgeois is the egotistical daughter of the Mayor of Paris, a menace to the students of her local highschool, and the closet thing Adrien Agreste has to a friend. Beneath the surface, Chloe craves the love of a mother who abandoned her years ago, and takes out her pain on everyone else. Now, when Adrien leaves Paris to study at U.A. in Japan, it is only natural that Chloe follows after him. It is only natural that Chloe Bourgeois will become will become the number one hero, Queen Bee! Maybe then, with hundreds of civilains screaming her name will Chloe finnaly feel wanted...
Chloe's best "friends" : Adrien, Sabrina, Bakugo (but like, as a weird rival thing cuz they act the same)
Nino Lahiffe/ Carapace
Quirk: Bubble (Nino sweats a type of bubble liquid that he can use to create people sized bubbles that can be used as prisons are shields.)
Nino Lahiffe is just a normal boy with a normal life from Paris France. No really, he is completely normal. He wanted to be a DJ before changing it to filmaking, before changing that to being a Pro hero. Initially, Nino chose to U.A. as his hero school to get as far away as possible from Chloe, only to end up in the same class as her again! But this time, he's also in the same class as the world famous model son of a supervillain, a star exchange student from China that got into U.A. based on recomendations, and another exchange student from the Carribbean that Nino is like 75% sure is secretly a famous vigilante??? At least they are nice?!
Nino's best friends: Adrien, Denki, Eijiro, Rikido
Luka Couffaine/ Truth
Quirk: Inner Music (Luka's eardrum can detect the emotions of other people as melodies and harmonies of music.)
Luka Couffaine is the son of the American superstar & Pro Hero, Jagged Stone. While Luka was born in France, he spent most of his life traveling the world with his father after he won custody over him from his mother. Really, the only reason Luka started attending U.A. was because he heard his estranged sister was going their as well. After he's finished with school, Luka plans to become a musician just like his father, and a support hero on the side. But for right now, Luka is looking foreward to making new friends, and talking to those students that keep muttering to themselves.
Luka's best friends: Izuku (he's friend shaped), Juleka, Koji
Max Kanté/ Gamer
Quirk: Robostus (By looking at a Machine, Max can control it remotely. He can so this to multiple machines at once and can even change their software and code if the machine is a computer. His power shuts off if he looks away.)
Max Kanté is, accoding to several tests reaching back to when he was 10 years old, the smartest person in Mali and perhaps even all of West Africa. His intelligence was first demonstrated when he was recorded as creating the worlds first self thinking and feeling A.I., Markov. In schools all around the world wanted him to attend, and he finished most of them before he even turned 15. Now, Max is attending U.A. to finish his study in Hero support items and to gain a hero license. And also, to make some friends the same age as himself...
Max's best friends: Kim, Momo
Kagami Tsurugi/ Ryuko
Quirk: Dragon's Rule (Kagami's horns on her head that allow her to control the forces of lightning, wind, and moisture. Kagami's powers are tied to her emotions, so her mother forces her to keep a tight lid in so she dosen't lose control)
Kagami Tsurugi is the heir to one of the most famous super hero families in Japan, the Tsurugi company. Since birth, Kagami's mother Tomoe has been tirelessly training her to be the next number 1 Pro Hero of Japan and to surpass Allmight... because Tomoe herself last her eyes during a battle with a villain and was forced to retire from hero work. Although Kagami wants to become a pro hero, deep down she feels her mother puts too much pressure on her to be perfect, not allowing her to have many friends and spending all of her time training. Now that Kagami is attending U.A., she gets to meet her biggest rivals in life face to face, but she hopes they could be friends.
Kagami's best friends: Shoto, Iida
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youremyheaven · 5 months
I have prominent Ketu placements, and in my chart, I also have Mercury, Moon, Venus, and Sun. I’ll share my experience with men. I’ve been with a Sun man. Yes, he was fun, but not boyfriend material. He was more involved with his friends than with me. Sun men have ego issues because whenever we fought, he would become egotistical. They do have a lot of pride, so they won’t simp for you. For whatever reason, it’s hard for them to care about your needs. I don’t like Sun men because every Sun man I've dealt with somehow makes it about themselves. Sun men are also oblivious; they don’t consider the consequences of their actions. If you get mad at them, they won’t know why. They aren’t good partners because they want to be chased. I’ve been with a Jupiter man in my teenage years, and he was my first boyfriend, and he was really good to me. I feel like I can be myself with them because they aren’t domineering, and I prefer men who reciprocate because I’m a lover girl. I do like Jupiter men because they are receptive and pretty much husband material. I haven’t had a bad experience with them. I’m currently talking to a few men right now. I’m also having fun with a fellow Moon man, and he’s a bit passive, but I actually enjoy that. It’s a fresh breath of air compared to sun men. I also tend to attract older and mature men. Most of the men I’ve talked to/been with have prominent Saturn placements. That includes my Jupiter and Sun ex and some of the men I’ve been talking to, like the Moon man. I find it hot when they put me in my place. 😂 I’ve had good and bad experiences with Saturn men. With my sun ex, he was more on the controlling side. With my Jupiter ex, he wasn’t controlling but helped me develop maturity, haha, and was super helpful. One thing, I do like about Saturn men is that they can be quite loyal. They prefer monogamous relationships. I also like the company of Saturn women. They are boss bitches and they keep things real, which I appreciate. They don’t play around the bush. I do have some experiences where some of them were total bitches. I’ve talked to a Bharani Moon man who was totally my type at first. He was an artsy guy/musician and has a hot ass voice, but he had a toxic view of love and had too many girl friends. He was lowkey a weirdo, but that might be his Mercury sun? Idk. But yeah, he gave clout chaser vibes because he only wanted to be friends with people that benefited him in a way. Honestly, I don’t really care about him because his actions gave me an ick. I’m also talking to another Venus/Jupiter man, and he makes me feel special because he has high standards and doesn’t tolerate bs. He is quite romantic as well. He does things for me that he won’t do for other people. He also has Saturn in his chart haha. He knows he’s better than others but is pretty humble about it.
Interesting 👀
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girlreviews · 7 months
Review #263: Tracy Chapman, Tracy Chapman
You don’t get artists like Tracy Chapman come along too often, and it’s infuriating when they do, because you see the same old shit play out. People are threatened by their mere presence and the idea that they can make something so incredible, but especially that it might give marginalized people a voice. This record came out the year I was born, so it’s approaching its 36th birthday. It’s both unsurprising and also a little devastating at how relevant it remains in 2024. I’ll start by saying: I love it, her, I always have, and I have so many memories attached to this record. Some so sad and some really sweet, all really tender.
But I have something to say about both music critics and general white fragility when it comes to Tracy. Here’s a 1988 review from renowned critic Robert Christgau, self proclaimed “Dean of American Rock Critics” (are American rock critics some kind of authority too? Why’s that? Interesting.):
"Fast Car" is so far-seeing, "Mountains o' Things" so necessary, that it's doubly annoying when she puts her name on begged questions like "Why" and "Talkin' Bout a Revolution." Maybe I should be heartened and so forth that Intelligent Young People are once again pushing naive left-folkie truisms, but she's too good for such condescension--even sings like a natural. Get real, girl. B MINUS”
Where to begin? Firstly, that is the entire review. So you want to talk about condescension, Robert? You can start by referring to Tracy Chapman as a grown woman, which she is, and was, in 1988. And critic you may be, but you’ve never written a review that’s even half as good as Talkin’ Bout A Revolution, which is more relevant today than any of your writing. Why was about apartheid. Maybe you had the luxury of not giving a fuck. Assigning grades? B minus? Get real, boy.
Curious what grade you gave Paul Simon’s Graceland, an album recorded during apartheid, some in South Africa with an array of African musicians who he then toured with. This was both criticized and praised. The point is, it was very political, not in content so much, but in creation. So, when it’s done by an egotistical white man? Listen, I love Graceland but don’t think I won’t be looking into that with some serious side-eye. OH WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE, PAUL SIMON’S 1986 GRACELAND RECEIVED AN A. Fuck all the way off, and then fuck off some more.
This album isn’t for you. Has it ever occurred to you that not every piece of music was made to be consumed by you? And to be declared worthy by you? Jesus fucking Christ, the audacity. She’s singing about poverty, the kind most people will never truly know. The traumatic kind. She’s singing about domestic violence, you know, the kind typically perpetrated by men against women and that too often takes their lives. She’s singing about a tense relationship with the police. She’s singing about escaping dire situations with a glimmer of hope that she might finally belong, that she might finally “be someone”… Only to find herself in seemingly just as dire ones. Do you relate, Robert? Let’s go back to 1988 and you just sit this one out. To be clear, it’s not entirely for me either! But when you have that awareness, you can hear something and still appreciate it. It’s not that hard.
Fast Car was still on the radio a good bit when I was growing up, and again, I think my Mom played this record from time to time. But my real connection to Tracy Chapman came to me in two different ways: VH1’s Pop Up Video, which I watched every single day before I went to school. Over and over, the same episodes. There was an episode that featured Fast Car, and I remember just being floored by the little facts that popped up. Her life had been so unbelievably difficult, with challenge after challenge — which is pretty damn clear in the song. The thing I always remember is that as a young girl, she had saved up her money to buy a guitar, and then her best friend stole it. As stupid as it sounds I think about that all the time. Anyway, this song is special, and everyone knows it, it’s massive, but it’s something different to everyone. Can anyone relate specifically to what she’s describing? Probably somebody, somewhere. Maybe lots of people. But I can tell you that I listened to this song curled up in my bed pretending to be asleep with tears streaming down my face. Wishing that some parts of it weren’t true for me, and wishing that some parts of it were. It’s both a gut punch and a cup of tea between my cold hands.
The second way was Baby Can I Hold You, which, and this kind of cracks me up, was covered by Irish boyband Boyzone in the 90s. Little baby me was pretty into Boyzone, but eventually learned that the original artist was Tracy Chapman. Obviously, her version is better. It hurts my feelings. Is it someone declaring their feelings? Or is it someone communicating the experience of an emotionally unavailable partner, and the words they long to hear? Either way, there’s an ache in it, and it’s beautiful.
Tracy Chapman has been having a major resurgence, because a white male country artist covered Fast Car and as a result an entire new generation of young people are being moved by it. While I kind of wish there wasn’t a cover like this at all, it’s been nice to see Luke Combs give Tracy Chapman the spotlight she deserves and make it her moment. They seem to have a sweet and thoughtful relationship, and he truly loved the record when it came out. He had it on cassette. It was really something to see Tracy on stage at the Grammys smiling, thriving, looking beautiful as ever and singing with that voice just shutting everybody the hell up. I also appreciate that he kept the genders the same in his cover. I’d love to know whether he chose that or whether she insisted upon it. Either way, it was the right call.
Chances are you’ve heard Fast Car, and maybe even Baby Can I Hold You. Don’t be a dweeb, this record is significant and I really believe you’re missing out if you go through your life without listening to it, but it’s your call. I’d like to personally thank Tracy Chapman and VH1’s Pop Up Video for their contributions to my life and the content of my brain. I love you both so very much.
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brainrotting over a purpleswap au where Psychic and Void switch roles but not personalities
Psychic is a rising singer and musician who joined the Dearests' record label way back in its early days, as an expression of loyalty after DD freed him from hell. they were planning on just using his talent to their advantage, probably to advance GF's career, and tossing him aside when they were done with him...but that never happened. DD ended up getting attached to him and keeping him around, and he's become a star in his own right. he's the longest-lasting singer to work with the Dearests, and the oldest.
he knows about the Dearests' corruption and is a willing participant in it all. like his classic counterpart, he's serious and quiet, and has a sarcastic sense of humor. he values loyalty and competence, and has no problem with getting his hands dirty so the Dearests come out on top. he's a bit more outwardly arrogant than classic!Psychic, even condescending to some people, but he genuinely cares for the Dearests and has become close coworkers and friends with Girlfriend. he's still got his mouse companion Jen, but she's probably a brown mouse whereas the original is a very pale grey. just for the heck of it lol
Void is a begrudging servant of the Dearests, along with the Accretions, although they have different roles and Void is still their superior. He hates his job. He still needs an ego check and is fully convinced he's meant to be so much greater. The only reason he's still working under the Dearests is because he's waiting to save up enough that he can leave and start his own career as a singer. He's even willing to take the Accretions along, if they agree to work for him. none of them are as close to the Dearests as classic!Psychic, they're just there. Void's just as egotistical and prone to anger as his original counterpart, but he doesn't have as much of the luxury to show it. he usually ends up taking his frustrations out on the Accretions, when the Dearests aren't around.
Jet is a stray cat that Void found and took in without the Dearests' knowledge. DD hates animals, and GF loves cats. Void doesn't want them to take Jet for any reason, so he makes sure Jet doesn't come by when they can find out. unbeknownst to Void, Psychic knows about the cat that's been coming by to see him but he hasn't bothered to say anything about it.
of course, each knows that the other exists. they don't like each other. lmao
Void resents Psychic for what he sees as having it all, and thinks he could far outdo Psychic in the music industry if he only had the resources. Psychic doesn't care for Void's better-than-you attitude and finds it ill-fitting on a lowly servant. he usually ignores Void, but dislikes the lack of respect V has for the Dearests.
however, everything changes when Boyfriend enters the picture.
Psychic's a little protective of GF, and although he respects her and wants her to make her own choices, he still doesn't like BF. he finds the boy's lack of tact a little reminiscent of Void. Void resents BF for much the same reasons as he does Psychic, but BF is annoying to boot, making him worse in V's opinion. it's at this point that they have a common ground where they can start building their halfhearted friendship.
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chaosandcrimson · 1 month
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no way is that MINNIE DANTES.. they’re a 28-year-old SYNTH notoriously known for being CALAMITOUS & SARDONIC but there are some people who have seen them being WARM-HEARTED  &  RESILIENT.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of cherry-flavoured chapstick, channeling your rage into your music, and the sweet taste of freedom, but that could just be because they’re considered the REBELLIOUS PRINCESS around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
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And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry or hide in the closet
Name: Minnie Magnolia Dantes
FKA: Minerva Magnolia Davenport
Nickname(s): Minnie, Min
DOB: March 30, 2096
Age: 28
FC: Dove Cameron
Height: 5'2"
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Bartender at The Hidden Marigold / Drummer in Elegant Egotist
Relationship Status: Single (Open)
[+] resilient, warm-hearted, quick-thinking [–] obstinate, sardonic, calamitous
tw: parental control, loss of autonomy, bullying
Formerly known as Minerva Davenport, Minnie was the youngest child to her parents by quite a margin—her two older brothers being over a decade her senior. Out of the three, she was the only girl as well as the only Synth.
The Davenports came from old money, and managed to stay rich by investing their significant generational wealth into a handful of companies, all of which became some of the biggest subsidiaries under OmniCorp Holdings.
Her parents were very strict, very controlling, and obsessed with raising the perfect children. Her brothers were both fine, but eventually fell short of their parents' exacting standards; and Minnie was no different, but the big difference between her and them was that she could easily be altered to their liking.
For years, her parents made repeated changes to her mind every time she stepped out of line or did something that they disapproved of. It never seemed to stick, and they were quick to place the blame on the people in her life that they disliked. By far their biggest problem was with her best friend, Mick Dantes, and they were especially unhappy with how close she was to his family.
When Minnie was 14 years old, her parents sent her to boarding school in an effort to get her away from what they deemed to be "harmful" influences. She hated it there, not least because she was relentlessly bullied by other students.
It took her two years to formulate and execute an escape plan with the help of one of the few friends that she had made there. After arriving at Mick's family home, she enrolled in a public school and began the long process of fighting to be emancipated from her parents. What followed was a year of the Davenports refusing to let the Dantes take official custody until they suddenly relented.
Minnie was relieved to finally be free, but also immediately suspicious of their sudden agreement. It took six years for her to discover that the reason they had let her go was because they had recently taken in her niece Julie in her place.
She has spent the last decade building a life away from her biological parents, and the last five years working to free her niece from their clutches. It is a battle that is still technically ongoing, but at least they have managed to get Julie out of the Davenport house and into a position of relative independence.
As for Minnie, she is content with her life as a bartender and musician. She has her parents, her siblings, her band, and her friends, and her only real gripe is that she's extremely unlucky in love. Just truly the worst kind of Disaster Lesbian.
She is the drummer in a punk band called Elegant Egotist. She met her fellow band members, Avi Horowitz and Remington Cerulli, while in public school.
She flips back and forth between having blonde hair and brown hair. She tried red once, but claims that as a redhead she was simply too fiery to function.
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
92: Aquariana // Aquariana
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Aquariana Aquariana 2013, Drag City (Website)
The Source Family were one of the more successful new religions (read: cults) operating in Southern California during the early 1970s. Founded by Father Yod (pronounced “Yoad”; né Jim Baker), a towering, bearded figure with a few alleged murders (via karate chop!) and bank robberies under his robes, the Source Family operated a popular health food restaurant in L.A. and cut dozens of brainstewing psych rock records that have become holy grails to men who physically resemble late period Jerry Garcia. Yod assigned one of his 13 wives (Isis Aquarian, née Charlene Peters) to document the cult’s journey over the years, resulting in an incredible trove of video recordings, some of which were used to assemble 2012’s The Source Family documentary. The footage, much of it eerie and gauzily beautiful, gives us a good idea of what day-to-day life in the Family was like, from its origins to Yod’s corporeal demise in Hawaii following a hang-gliding accident (!).
The Source Family were as close to a prototypical cult of the era as you can get: white robes, buffet approach to Eastern and Western spiritual concepts, illiberal attitudes toward “personal possessions,” semi-involuntary polygamy, institutionalized drug use, etc. If you’ve ever listened to recordings of the sermons of Jim Jones or David Berg, Baker’s hep gibberish will sound strikingly familiar, and indeed, the Source Family followed the standard trajectory—from monogamy to a form of free love that mostly allowed the leader to fuck all the hot girls; from soft notions about kindness and peace to dark mutterings about an imminent apocalypse; from vegetarianism to moral loopholes that sanctioned the killing of dangerous outsiders. The Source Family never went the way of the Peoples Temple because, when faced with a mounting crisis (the cult’s disastrous move to Hawaii), Baker decided to disclaim his godhood instead of doubling down on it. No one knows why he eventually told his followers he was only a man, but I have a hunch: he wasn’t a sawed-off little gnome, and he wasn’t crazy. Unlike his murderous peers, Baker didn’t have much to overcompensate for; he was a huge, built guy who didn’t need a cult to get laid, impose his will, or feel important (though he got off on all of the above). In the end, no one died, and so it feels a little less vulturine to nibble at this particular cult’s artistic output than it does, say, the Manson Family’s.
On that note, let’s turn to the music. Record nerds are always on the lookout for cult music because it often goes extremely hard, be it Manson’s acoustic freak folk, Scientology space jazz, or “Veteran of the Psychic Wars.” The albums the Source Family are known for (released under a variety of names like Ya Ho Wha 13 and Father Yod and the Spirit of ’76) are out-there freeform acid jams in which the cult’s more experienced musicians try to work around frontman Yod’s untrained drumming and bellowing—a member of the No-Neck Blues Band pops up on the 2012 documentary to gush about their records, and you can see why acts like NNCK and Jackie O Motherfucker would lose it for this stuff.
The album we’re looking at today, by contrast, is a solo piano recording from the mid-‘70s by Aquariana, another of Yod’s wives, that went unissued till 2013. Aquariana had a Queen Guinevere-type look, and the liners note that she would frequently spin her own long golden hair into thread to sew and embroider with. A capable pianist with a multi-octave voice, Aquariana’s music could broadly be called folky, but it feels a little more theatrical than that, influenced by show tunes and AM soft rock. Her songs are mostly about love (-ing Father Yod), bearing children (of Father Yod), and the magnificence of Father Yod. It’s midway between devotional music and the type of stuff a medieval bard would be retained to write in praise of an egotistical baron. You can practically see Baker being fed grapes in the producer’s chair while she plays. Though it’s not as overtly weird as Ya Ho Wha 13, there’s still a lot of stuff on Aquariana that no sane producer would’ve allowed, like the way she tunelessly holds and holds and holds her notes on “Oh My Love” and “One Love” until you start to think your record is skipping. That strangeness is why it exerts the particular appeal it does, and it does have a particular downbeat intensity that holds my interest, despite its rudimentary songcraft.
Chicago’s Drag City label was behind the documentary and mid-2010s series of Source Family music reissues. Unlike reissues of, say, Manson-adjacent music, the label was able to work with surviving Family members like Isis Aquarian. This meant of course that they couldn’t dress up the reissues too salaciously (see LIE: The Love & Terror Cult), but Baker’s group already had such a strongly creepy aesthetic that there wasn’t much need to. A designer would be hard-pressed to come up with a more uncanny cover than Aquariana got: the singer at the piano in her ruffled gown with an unreadable expression, the head and shoulders of her husband-father visible behind the instrument, the portrait framed in ornate white fabric. It feels like the work of an outsider trying to underline the cult’s depravity in red pen—yet the composition and cover design were by Yod himself. Make of that what you will.
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spectruminterests · 8 months
“The Lives in Time of Katherine Kaye”
A silly story about my silly OCs! (But there is also Drama and Angst!) I’m posting this in case anyone has heard something about my soulless mad scientist and her chaos-gremlin younger self and wants to know more, or just for anyone who may happen to be interested lol.
This is kinda a draft/summary of the story so far and as such, it’s a mess, but it’s still very long so I’ve put it under a readmore! (TW for (fictional/fantastical) medical stuff, medical procedures without consent, self-harm, internalized ableism of the anti-neurodivergent variety, identity confusion, and child harm/endangerment)
Some characters and a little worldbuilding, before the story gets started:
Beastfolk/Auracai (a weird fantasy race I made up that’s kind of like elves crossed with catpeople):
Beastfolk age at about half the rate of humans and look like normal humans, but with semi-retractable claws, thin catlike tails, red eyes, and sharpened canines.
“Beastfolk” is what humans call them, referencing their “animal” traits. They call themselves Auracai (this is both singular and plural)
They’re originally from another dimension that contacts the human world (the main story’s world) only occasionally - essentially rare but not unheard of immigrants in this world. 
Sometimes people end up in the wrong world by accident, without a way to get home, as travel between worlds is more “randomly/accidentally slipping through the cracks” than intentional, reliable travel.
Beastfolk can sense souls when in direct contact with someone, humans can’t. 
Katherine Kaye (the main character/characters)
2 versions of her in the story, the emotionless mad scientist adult and the adolescent little chaos gremlin
Has Autism + ADHD + Anxiety
has a much older brother, Theodore, who’s been taking care of them since they ended up in the human world together
KT (the adolescent chaos gremlin version of Katherine)
28 (equivalent of 14)
Mischievous streak
A prankster
Really intense emotions, prone to overreacting
Senior in high school because of weird aging
Amateur singer/songwriter/musician and this is a major part of her personality
goes by KT because “it’s like ‘Katie,’ but cooler!”
Both a STEM nerd and an artist
Dreams of having an impact on the world, both of changing things for the better and of being cool and famous
Self-perception swings with her moods: often confident to the point of arrogance or overconfidence, but during a breakdown she’s full of self-loathing and shame.
Wants to travel, explore, and live a somewhat adventurous life; an ordinary office job would never satisfy her. Boring AF and a total waste of her potential.
Pigtails/twin tails
Likes to act cute to get what she wants
Dr. Kaye (the soulless mad scientist/adult version of Katherine)
Removed her own soul (heart/emotions/creativity/etc.) in an experimental process, which she tested on herself in a frustrated attempt to prove herself and to stop having such intense mood swings + be more productive and “better” without her emotional overreactions.
Ended up getting stuck in the past because she was researching interdimensional travel in an attempt to find a reliable way to get back and forth between the human world and the Auracai world (in this story time travel creates a new timeline/slightly different reality)
creepy ever-present smile (this was a form of masking and a coping mechanism, and remains a habit)
egotistical and doesn’t really realize the extent of it: she thinks that without a soul she’s become perfectly logical and efficient and immune to emotional biases. (This is revealed to be untrue when she has to reevaluate the idea that her current “emotionless” state is an improvement.)
now has really limited emotional range and is coldly logical most of the time
still has a few common emotional states though: excited/passionate/enthusiastic about her work, frustrated/annoyed/exasperated with people who are “not smart enough to see her vision” or “keep getting in the way,” amused at others’ incompetence or at messing with people, and a state of discomfort/guilt/concern about what she’s lost and what things have come to that is usually easily repressed and ignored, triggered by reminders of who she used to be
Really any emotion she feels is almost always mild enough to easily ignore.
Started promoting her soul-removal procedure as a “therapy” for anxiety, depression, various other mood disorders and emotional issues, and autism-related intense mood swings.
tends to dismiss other people as running on “mere irrational emotion”
Age: ~80s (early 40s) (She basically has a midlife crisis after getting stuck in the past lol)
she doesn’t tend to go by her first name and absolutely refuses to answer to the nickname “KT,” even from Ted.
almost completely lost her creative, playful side. No interest in anything artistic, including the music she used to love. “Fun” is not only unnecessary, but largely impossible for her, and anything involving conveying or coping with emotions? Forget it.
KT’s brother/guardian: Theodore Kaye
Perpetually exhausted, at the end of his rope
Nicknamed Ted, rarely goes by his full name Theodore
~ 50 (equivalent of 25)
Responsible because he has to be
Low energy
Autistic (I love giving everyone the ‘tism lol)
Loyal to his sister, has a special connection with the one person who was there for him both before and after getting stuck in a different world
The story so far:
KT sees something about Dr. Kaye in the news and it mentions that she’s Beastfolk, which makes KT think that maybe she and Ted have a relative they didn’t know about. So KT goes on a bit of a wild goose chase trying to contact this person who might just be someone who happens to have the same last name. They meet, and Dr. Kaye explains the time stuff. Ted is looking for help and Dr. Kaye is like “oh yeah should probably do that, younger me will probably be a great collaborator when she’s a little older.” Ted gets the feeling that something is off about Dr. Kaye, but kinda doesn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Clearly, this is his sister, or a version of her anyway, and although KT is a prankster, she’s a good kid. It’d totally be fine to trust her with… herself. Right? Right?
Time passes, Dr. Kaye recommends KT books, KT gets increasingly curious about Dr. Kaye’s weirder habits. She plays pranks on her, thinking her future self will laugh. She’d laugh. Dr. Kaye pretends to be amused the first time, then doesn’t react at all. She doesn’t react to a lot of things, actually, seeming to have no interest in much of anything, not caring about the things KT has liked her entire life. Something must have happened to her in the future that she refuses to discuss in order to create this weird disconnect, right? 
Meanwhile this entire time Dr. Kaye has just been… watching KT be herself, which causes her a slight, odd feeling of discomfort that she can’t seem to explain. 
Beastfolk, unlike humans, can sense someone’s soul when in direct contact with them. Dr. Kaye is careful to avoid touching people and not make it weird, a habit she formed before getting stuck in the past in order to avoid making other Beastfolk uncomfortable with her soullessness, and has become more important now that she’s stuck in the past and is attempting to hide her lack of a soul.  She also usually locks her bedroom door at night, but one night the door is accidentally left unlocked, and KT notices and tries to play a prank by putting a fake bug in Dr. Kaye’s bed while she’s asleep. She touched Dr. Kaye by accident  - she didn’t really mean to violate her boundaries, but she made the necessary contact and what she sensed was terrifying. 
KT: *screams*
Kaye: *wakes up confused* what the hell are you doing???
KT: *too scared to react*
Kaye: I forgot to lock the door, didn’t I? And now you’re in my room staring at me like a deer in headlights. Just what do you think you’re doing?!? 
KT: I, uh, it was just a prank, I didn’t mean to wake you up, you- your soul…
Kaye: *finds the fake bug* you touched me, didn’t you, as you were messing around trying to plant this ridiculous plastic bug for me to find in the morning… and I suppose I should explain things now that the cat is out of the bag, shouldn’t I? 
She explains to KT about removing her soul and KT is horrified, but even more fascinated. She wants to know more, even though she also wants to run very fast in the opposite direction, and her other self is happy to explain.
KT: *holding Dr. Kaye’s hand, still fascinated by the strange emptiness inside of her* Does… does it hurt? Not having a soul, I mean…
Dr. Kaye: It doesn’t hurt anymore… but it did, at first. I won’t lie to you, removing it was… an extremely painful process. Of course, in most cases it’s done under anesthesia… though I obviously didn’t have that option. After the procedure, there’s definitely some pain, some lingering soreness, which is rather unresponsive to painkillers, but the worst of it fades naturally fairly quickly, and in a few weeks it’s entirely gone.  There’s also a certain sense of emptiness, afterwards… it feels like something is missing deep inside of you, which I suppose is true, but it’s a feeling I didn’t find it hard to get used to. That empty feeling never truly goes away, but it’s distressing at first mostly because it’s disconcerting, rather than being painful. It’s something I can sense even now, if I’m thinking about it, but I no longer find it bothersome, and I haven’t for a long time. 
KT: That… kinda makes sense? And you said you don’t really feel emotions anymore? 
Dr. Kaye: Yes, and that’s been an immense relief. No more anxiety, no more meltdowns. 
KT: … no more happiness, though? 
Dr. Kaye: I suppose you could say that… but I would say that might simply be the cost of being free of emotional bias. I do find I sometimes experience mild emotion-like states… I’ve found it unpleasant to be interrupted while I’m working, for example… but such experiences are transient and low in intensity, and as such they are easily dismissed. 
Dr. Kaye then explains her plans to republish her discoveries in this timeline and promote her soul-removal procedure as a “therapy” for a variety of emotional problems, as she did in her own time. KT, understandably, freaks out further. 
Meanwhile Ted starts realizing that something is deeply wrong with Dr. Kaye and wants his sister back. Eventually Dr. Kaye decides her kid self needs her “treatment” a little early because she keeps “being difficult,” as well as wanting to spare her younger self the suffering of having to live with her emotional overreactions. She tries to figure out the best way to present this to KT so she’ll agree to undergo the procedure willingly, but also prepares to do it by force if necessary, convinced that she knows what’s best for them. KT asks Dr. Kaye about her regrets, which with everything makes the repressed issues come back to the forefront. As she tries to say she regrets nothing and to ask KT to follow in her footsteps, these words somehow seem like a lie. KT is horrified, but her screaming and freaking out just solidifies in Dr. Kaye’s mind that she’s overreacting. She lets KT wear out her panic until she breaks down in despairing tears and states that if KT doesn’t stop resisting, she will force her. 
“KT, listen to me. I’m you. I know what’s best for us. This is for your own good. Now, you can be good and listen to reason, or you can keep fighting and I will have to forcibly sedate you. Either way, when you wake up you won’t have to be sad and scared like this ever again. The pain you might feel now will be nothing compared to all the suffering I’m sparing you.” “W… will… I’m never going play pranks or sing or play music or draw or play pretend ever again will I… but I guess I have to grow up and give that stupid stuff up anyway… I… I have to grow up faster like you and stop that nonsense…”
Dr. Kaye realizes in that moment that she hasn’t done a single creative thing, hasn’t hummed a tune, doodled in the margins of a notebook, made up stories to fall asleep to, anything, since the day she cut out her soul. Is that worthless, or is that something she’s subconsciously missed for a very long time? She remembers that cutting out her own soul was originally an act of desperation and self-hate. She reconsiders everything.
 Meanwhile KT is escaping. She runs home to Ted and cries in his arms. Dr. Kaye realizes that she doesn’t actually want KT to end up like her, and tries to apologize for everything, but is pushed away by Ted. Not wanting to waste this chance to tell her past self what she wishes she’d known, she disappears, but begins to write a diary/memoir of all the regrets she’d never let herself “waste time” dwelling on and all the useful life things she knows from experience that were hard or impossible to find in books. She leaves it for KT one day, around the time of KT’s high school graduation, and KT reads it and tries to find her again. Despite Ted’s deep distrust of Dr. Kaye, they reconnect, originally through email because Ted understandably doesn’t want Dr. Kaye anywhere near his sister. KT really wants to apprentice under Dr. Kaye, as working and training under an experienced mentor is common practice for young people in the Auracai world, and she argues with Ted about it. 
“I thought you really wanted to go to a human university? Wasn’t that your big dream?” “Well kinda, but that was before I met Dr. Kaye! She’d be the perfect mentor because she’s doing so many things and they’re all the things I’m interested in!!!” “Are you completely forgetting that she tried to take your soul?!?? As far as I’m concerned, she’s unstable and dangerous.” “Okay yeah maybe she’s a little unstable but she wouldn’t be dangerous at all to me, she didn’t take my soul because she actually listens to me, remember?” “Katherine. Stop for a moment and listen to yourself. I can’t believe this is a conversation we even need to have.” “I’m trying to listen to myself, that’s kinda the whole point! ;) Someone keeps saying it’s a bad idea!” (KT doesn’t consider herself and Dr. Kaye to be fully one and the same the way Dr. Kaye does, but the joke was far too good for KT to pass up.) “You know what I meant, and it did not involve the potential future you that’s a soulless lunatic!” 
Dr. Kaye starts asking KT for advice on moral and emotional matters, and KT feels needed. Ted begins to relax a little, though he still really doesn’t trust her. Dr. Kaye invites KT to join her on some kind of research trip, and KT sneaks away to do so against Ted’s orders. He is livid with her… but it is a little reassuring that she’s quite unharmed and had a good time. Eventually Ted’s attitude of “I am not letting you walk to your death” softens into “I’m not sure if I can stop you, and it’s really on you if you get hurt after I tried to stop you, but please text me every night with an update on your latest song or art project or whatever or just something about your day, something that’s you, so I know you’re okay.” So KT gets her apprenticeship, and the Katherines end up forming a sort of symbiotic relationship, with Dr. Kaye acting as a mentor, guardian, and voice of reason to KT, and KT acting as Dr. Kaye’s heart and soul and conscience. Dr. Kaye is still soulless but is starting to come to terms with it now… not exactly “okay” but no longer ignoring that there was a loss and more willing to listen to others or at least to her kid self. Although she also likes to say that if she regained her former emotional range now, she’d probably have a heart attack… especially when KT is causing trouble.
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goldleaf-blog · 1 year
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I have become randomly obsessed with Jacob. So I've written a fan fiction about him.
“Something changed in you. You're different. You’ve become Cold. I love you and I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you” Those were the words his father once said. The day that everything changed. 
Jacob Pevsner or who he was originally called Jacob Mystake was once a young inspired musician. Being the son of the Elemental master of Sound he was a master of his work. This brought jealousy among his peers and he was bullied. Being born a dwarf didn’t help ease the torment. 
He tried to control himself. He was a patient man and willing to endure it all if it meant he could graduate from the high school of gifted musicians. But that all went sour when his bully invited his crush on a date. That was when he lost his temper and he assaulted the bully. By assault I mean by smashing his bully’s head with a guitar. This caused a long time of bottled anger to overflow and the oni within him called for blood. 
The school went under lockdown and the authority were called. Jacob was labeled a murderer and a monster, and given his appearance at the time it was hard to deny it. Jacob lost everything. He lost his friends, his school, his reputation and a future music career and it was all because he lost his stupid temper. 
His family helped him escape. But his oni form cost him something of great value to him. His sight. When he woke up he could no longer see the world. It terrified him. 
“What happened to me! Why can't I see anything?!” He cried out. His family came to comfort him. His father and his great great grandmother were there, and yet he could not see them. He only hear their voices. “You embraced your oni form and went on a rampage. Its power has rendered you blind.” His father said. The oni power has destroyed his sight and now his world is nothing but darkness. He began to have a mental breakdown. 
His family had mentioned to him about his oni in-heritage. It was a family secret that ran through the generations. Their ancestor or their great great grandmother Mystake was an oni and she was the root to their gift. But they are one of two families to share her bloodline. The Elemental Master of Scream was also a child of Mystake, having her elemental power split when one of their ancestors had twins. The Master of Scream should have been here, but Mystake lost contact with her years ago. 
Still Jacob was upset. “You lied to me and now I’m blind. Everyone knows I’m a freak. My reputation is ruined. My life is over.” “We didn’t lie to you, we just wanted you to understand that due to our gifts, we just..” His father hesitated, but the words needed to come out. “We are born different compared to the other elemental masters. Therefore we might run into some struggles.” He signed “I’m so sorry this happened to you my son. Perhaps had I helped you in controlling your pride then maybe this wouldn’t have happened " "So it's my fault then?” Jacob said. “Yes and no '' Said Mystake. “You let your pride consume you and you become egotistical and boastful.”
“But I worked so hard to get where I was. I say that pride was well deserved.” Jacob retorted. “And when things didn’t go your way you unleash your fury” continued Mystake “And they deserved it!” Jacob shouted. “They're nothing but thugs in school uniform” “But did they deserve to be hurt? Did that one student deserve to died all because a prized girl was slipping away from you?” Jacob said nothing. He admits that he may went a little too far but the bully did deserve it. What was he to be sorry for? Still, his actions had repercussions. If his life was ruined he would have to start his career all over again. Change his name and clear the state. But in order to do that he would have come clean with himself
First things first. Admit you were wrong. “I guess if you put it that way I did go a little far. I’m really sorry Mystake.” The elderly woman gave him a hug. He couldn’t see her but he could feel her. “All is forgiven Jacob '' Jacob cried when he heard her speak those soft words. He wasn’t expected to be forgiven that easily. But Mystake was a kind, loving and forgiving person. He hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go. He cried into her shoulder letting his emotions pour out. 
“So what happens now?” He asked. “Well Jacob you won’t be able to return to normal  life unless we change your identity” Said his father. “And you might as well give up on your music career” “No” Mystake interrupted “I think he should continue his career. He should follow his passion and go where his heart leads, "Jacob smiled. He was glad to have Mystake's support “And what about my sight?” Jacob asked. “I’m afraid there is no cure for your disability. But perhaps you could use your elemental powers to act as you new vision"
And so Jacob learnt to use the power of sound to see movement through the darkness. Taking his family advice Jacob changed his identity. He changed his appearance and even changed his last name to Pevsner.  He was able to unlock his true potential and he even regained his reputation, though not on the same level that it used to be. 
People have asked him why he is blind and oftentimes he would lie and say he was born with it. But the truth is that people can not know the truth. They can not know the truth behind what was caused by his blind rage. 
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mineofilms · 1 year
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In the realm of heavy metal and hard rock, few voices have resonated with as much power and emotion as that of lead vocalist of Slipknot, Corey Taylor. Shrouded in mystery and adorned with several differently distinctive masks over the years, Taylor has captured the hearts and minds of countless fans worldwide, inspiring the two generations of future metal singers, as well as pissing off just about everyone else alongside him or inside the business. Taylor has earned a reputation for his commanding stage presence and his ability to convey raw emotions through his music. With a unique blend of aggressive screams and melodic vocals, he has carved out a distinct sound that sets him apart in the world of metal.
Corey Taylor has been labeled by many as the greatest rock/metal vocalist of our generation. He has also been labeled by those same many as egotistical, selfish, an asshole, prick, overexposed, overrated, a narcissist and even a thief to some. All by which are subjective except for narcissism. That is a real definitive mental disorder. People use the word out of context more than it is used in pop culture correctly in today’s culture. Taylor is known for his outspoken nature and sometimes, a lot of the times, controversial statements. He has been involved in public feuds with other musicians, made provocative remarks, and expressed strong opinions on various subjects. This outspokenness can polarize opinions and lead to dislike from those who disagree with him or find his attitude abrasive. This last part here is important if he actually is a narcissist or not.
I agree with his musical tastes and even a lot of opinions about music in general that he will share for the most part. I do not dislike him for his style, his singing or even his contributions to the metal community as a whole. However, much like the late 90s and early 00s Phil Anselmo, vocalist of the legendary metal band, Pantera; where all of a sudden Phil would get extremely outspoken and say either disrespectful and/or outrageously incorrect things just to trigger either other people, groups of people (minorities), other bands or the media. I suppose some believed that is what metal was/is? To be an asshole 111% of the time, all-of-the-time.
At some point after “IOWA,” officially Slipknot’s second and heaviest record from 2001, Corey Taylor began to adapt these same traits. Much like in the movie Billy Madison where the Principal tells Billy after a long rant; “Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” That just because Corey Taylor is this big figure in metal, music, and will say something that sounds polished, articulate and intelligent, mind you he writes songs, that just because he will use witty banter doesn’t mean that banter is correct, rational, respectful and we should all bow down to the God of Metal Vocals.
Context and Intentionality go very far with me. So I will think about what Taylor says in whatever quote of the week is and ask, what was the intention of that and in what context was this in? Most of the time I just find what he has to say as just triggering garbage, even if some of it has merit. That, he isn’t trying to make a point or answer the question, but just to be egotistical about it. That his opinion is not an opinion, it is fact and if anyone doesn’t agree we are shit for asking. That is how I have always seen the man, as a man and not just the singer for Slipknot. Musically, well, vocally, what he has done for the industry has set the standard for metal vocals for the next 25-50 years. That can be debated. However, unlikely to be matched or proven to be untrue. I have never felt anything humble coming from the man. He doesn’t seem at all thankful for his good fortunes in music. I have always felt like all us fans are just dollar signs to him. That he doesn’t care about the community parts, he only cares about the industry parts. Those are the parts that enable his ability to keep making money.
Slipknot came on the scene with two crazy albums followed by watered down versions of their style, gaining more popularity with most, but losing some along the way. I was never a Stone Sour fan. I just didn’t care for what they were doing. It sounded like watered down Slipknot with no samples and more traditional percussion work. Would have been fine with an E.P. here/there, but to make this a real side project or band with records and touring completely turned me off. Slipknot, as previously stated, love the first two records. “IOWA,” from 2001, is probably one of the most influential metal records to come out, ever… Are their heavier records? Are their better records? Are there more famous metal records? Yes to all three, but “IOWA” is timeless. We are talking modern day metal. What is happening now, right now, in the now. “IOWA” sounds just as much 2023 than it does 2001. One or even many cannot say that about a lot of rock or metal records that people will call “most influential.” Even Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid.” As great as it is. It sounds the time period. Metallica’s “Black Record.” Same, deal… Even Pantera’s “Vulgar Display of Power” all sound the time period it was released in.
After “IOWA” I could not find another Slipknot song I could like till "Psychosocial," 2008. “The Devil in I,” from 2014. After that "All Out Life," 2018. The last record from the band where just about every song was a banger was "We Are Not Your Kind," 2019. Between all that and after this there is nothing I like from the band. Considering the man is a vocal legend in both music and specifically metal music one would think there would be more out there that I would find favorable. Nearly a 30-year career and only a fraction of what the man has created I can give praise about. Where the rest of it in my opinion is [insert whatever Corey Taylor rant/quote talking shit about someone else and ad almost no context to it just to get a reaction.]
I have been saying all this for 20+ years now. I like the singing talent, but can do without the egotistical tough guy in a metal band attitude. My inflated expectation of the man is I thought he would be more humble. More trying to help local bands or help other really heavy bands that may have trouble getting people to listen due to that heaviness. I expected Corey Taylor to be more positive considering this is the man’s career aka luxury in life. Some of the things he has done to hurt other artists, even fellow band members will never be ignored by people who care and pay attention to things like that.
This Whole Blog is Subjective Here.
It is my opinion based on what I have read, seen, over the years from the singer since I first heard of Slipknot in 1997. Yes, I knew who they were before they were signed to RoadRunner Records. A lot of people who were into underground metal knew who they were. I was a huge fan of the band till “Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)” from 2004 was released. When this hit I was majorly disappointed in the band sonically. I did not like the record nor did I jump on the FM radio bandwagon when they started getting radio play. Back then getting heavy bands on the radio basically meant the band at one time was heavy, but soften it up a bit to get on the radio to sell more records. In Slipknot’s case this style change killed the band for me and from that time to now where I am overly critical of the band’s music and find very little I have been able to honestly love. 2018-2019 was a great year for the band. They released a track in 2018 called, "All Out Life," and it is a real banger of a song. Gets you moving right away and really is a culmination stylistically and sonically of what the band used to sound like before RoadRunner signed them all the way to the “IOWA” years. 2019 the band released the record "We Are Not Your Kind." Just about every song on that record reminds me of those older days of Slipknot where they were the heavy metal standard. Be it MTV popularity through the Nu Metal years to the birthing of metal subgenres like deathcore and metalcore. A return to form, but their last record in 2022, “The End, So Far” is the worst hunk of crap I have heard since Volume 3 and their new single “Bone Church” is an ok track, but seems more like a song for a Rob Zombie movie by Rob Zombie or something. It doesn’t really have the sound but it is ok. The fans that love everything Slipknot will like it, but it sounds to me like something Rob Zombie would do.
This BLOG stems from a social media post where everyone was praising Corey Taylor for being such a cool dude. I do not know this. I do not know the man personally, but I did become interested in why people in general seem to love the guy, while all that I have seen from him makes me not want to support him much. Me being such a metalhead I do not deny the talent and what he has done for metal; but at the same time I will call a dick a dick. If I see a little dick, hopping around from group to group and just saying rude and challenging things and then not respect a counter to that –that we all should bow down to this little dick jumping from group to group being insulting AF, at what point is someone, anyone gonna say something about it?
I didn’t really wanna do a timeline of the guy of everything he has done and said, but rather just explain myself and where my logic is on the subject. Basically, someone asked me why I didn’t like him, as they all did. Well, this is why. I have never once seen Corey Taylor respond to something where he wasn’t talking down to them or us. At some point, ya gotta be decent, right? To someone, anyone, everyone? I don’t know mannnnnnn… Just something about that abrasive attitude all of the time, not some of the time; but all of the time. I do rather appreciate a witty response to a possible nonsense question or loaded question. Hey, I could have this all wrong and Corey could just be a dick to those because that is what they are expecting of him. They ask, what don’t you like about rock music today? And his response would make sense, but I just feel this is an excuse so he can exert his egotistical attitude towards others.
Just because someone, a group, model, celebrity or news network deems a thing to be wrong, bad, evil doesn't mean they themselves are correct, good, right... This opinion was not written by or with the help of AI productivity tools. Less than 60% of ALL web traffic is human... So who exactly are we ALL catering to???
Sjálfssöngurinn (Icelandic) The Egotistical Anthem by David-Angelo Mineo 5/26/2023 1,968 Words
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