#because someone needs to be the reliable one especially in a place with such high turn-over rates
doctorghoti · 2 years
It feels like the exhaustion is in my soul. Or perhaps exhaustion replaced it.
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cu7ie · 1 year
what do you think toman boys are like in relationships like loyal or nah
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content: discussions of cheating, general relationship head canons and love language discussion towards the end.
I think Mikey doesn't cheat because he's lazy. The kinds of relationships he likes are ones of great emotional depth and the actual physical steps required to find someone suitable, hide it from you or eventually break it off is too much. Doesn't have the mental capacity for that level of espionage, the emotional strength to lie to someone's face like that. Toman Mikey does not have that dog in him, Draken has taught him too well. Bonten Mikey has no problem fucking other people however! Not a sad thought in his mind or tear in his eye, might even think about you while he's going at it and wonder if you'd notice the taste of someone else on his lips when he gets back to ya. Sanzu seems like a hopeless romantic with obsessive and possessive tendencies. I don't think he'd cheat but he also has high expectations and probably strict rules for a partner. Doesn't like overly friendly touches and certain attitudes.
Respectfully, I think Bonten Sanzu fucks other people and will laugh in your face about it. But his inclination to do it more rests solely on the idea of it bothering you; he likes making you upset and to some extent grows irritated with the idea he's so invested in you emotionally that a chunk of his pleasure is derived with tormenting you in such a way, but it's a vicious cycle... He finds a soft body to indulge in, but can't help but think of you while doing it.
Nahoya fucks man. I mean.. like I don't think he really pursues concrete relationships in the first place. He likes something ambiguous he can't put a name to, the fun of it is the attention, you know? It's the assurance of something he can come back to, because if nothing ever starts it can't end.
Souya is the complete opposite of his brother. Sometimes he can put in a lot of faith in little time, and he can turn up with the shit of the stick right - and it's the worst, because he can't help but be so genuine. He's just not a liar, doesn't have it in him really.
I think Draken is very loyal. I don't think he'd cheat like cheating on Emma with you or vice versa.
He's very reliable, he's sticking around just because he thinks it's the proper thing to do. Even if he was in love with someone else entirely, if he has an obligation to a partner he will honor that first and foremost.
I think that Baji is… questionable? It's not emotional cheating he'd participate in, I just feel like he's a simple-minded, high sex drive kinda guy. He'll feel... bad about hurting you so much, but also has trouble comprehending why it might hurt. He loves you, isn't that more important? If you don't care that he has sex with other people, y'all should be cool.
Kazutora is possessive above all. I think he considers you less and more about how he needs to keep you close to him more, and he really does like you, just works harder and not smarter.
I think takemitchy is very loyal.. but idk .... I feel like ....
He's only loyal to Hina because she's the only girl interested in him. I feel like if he had Catherine situation - like there was a girl trying to seduce him away from Hina, he'd eat some shit like that up. He's brainless. Not entirely a dick-thinker but he doesn't always use the right head you know???
Mitsuya and Chifuyu are pretty straight laced. Their dedication to people is obvious in canon relationships and I don't think much changes beyond that! I think they differ in their demonstrations of affection, however:
Mitsuya performs acts of service and is a huge gift giver, especially after he gets into design and fashion in his later years. Too often though, sometimes he can neglect a good old fashioned 'i love you' in favor of grandeur and extravagance. He hopes that in any case, you'll love the things he gives you - knowing he didn't get gifts a lot growing up, it's more important to him than you'd think.
Chifuyu is an opposite to him. He is very open with saying I love you to the point where he'll say it in front of other people and follow it up with a kiss (or six), and most regularly he can be overbearing with his PDA - forgoing gifts to emphasize spending time with you and physically being there for you.
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astro-rainbow777 · 11 months
☀Sun Sign Astrology☀
The Sun represents the ego, where the native wants to succeed in life, motivations, overall attitude & spirit. In which house the sun falls in represents where you put your energy/focus and where you shine like the sun!
☉-Symbol for the Sun in Astrology and Natal Charts Side Note: I am NOT a professional. Please take this with a grain of salt. Take what resonates leave what doesn't. I hope you enjoy.
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Aries Sun: Known for their head strong attitude, passion and Independence. This sun sign enjoy and strive to live an active lifestyle. They are authentic and do not struggle to go after what they want in life. Aries Suns know who they are and where they want to be in life. These natives have a fiery will power that guides them to push through anything (or anyone) that presents as a challenge. These people strive to be a leader in all aspects of their life including their family, romantic, platonic and workplace relationships. Sometimes Aries' can come off selfish and impatient this is because they are meant to live from a place of personal power. They are very assertive with their needs so don't ever worry about them being inauthentic with you. If they want to, they will! Known for their anger, which tends to be sudden and powerful, but dissipates quickly. Overall, an extremely brave sign, they may be impulsive, but an Aries knows better than any other sign that with great risk, comes a great reward! Aries is a cardinal, fire sign.
Sun in 1st: What you see is what you get with Sun in the first. When you walk into a room these people will be the first one you notice. It is important to these people to be a bold, creative and bright personality. They make a strong first impression on everyone they meet and are generally charming and warm. Leadership finds them easily in life, they do not go unnoticed by managers and coworkers. Sun in the first makes friends quickly as well because of their authenticity and popularity. They have a lot of opportunities to succeed in life because people notice their talents and skills immediately. Other individuals view these natives as independent, self aware, and confident. Generally speaking sun in the first house individuals posses a strong presence, put a large focus on themselves, their physicality and their own interests.
Taurus Sun: A stable personality that gravitates towards the creature comforts the world has to offer. Taurus Suns are known for the ability to connect with their five senses; They enjoy comfortable materials, quality food, beautiful music, pleasing aesthetics, and a stable environment surrounding them. These natives are not a fan of change in their lives, chances are they have a consistent group of people in their life, have lived in their home for awhile, and don't change jobs frequently. If it's safe they are loyal and in it for the long haul. Taurus' would rather invest a large amount of energy into something that would last than waste their money, energy, or time on something that won't last. Once they set their minds on something it could take an army to change their direction! They are Stubborn- with a capital S. Taurus Suns high standards and self worth so the chances are that they will value someone else's opinion over theirs is slim to none. However, Taurus' make great lovers and friends because of their reliability, loyalty, and sweet qualities. Taurus is a fixed, earth sign.
Sun in 2nd: This position of the sun can indicate a generous nature, the ability to create stability for yourself, and high self esteem. Sun in the 2nd can make money effortlessly and enjoys living a lavish lifestyle. Just because they enjoy the finer things does not guarantee materialism, however it can manifest that way. They can be financially blessed, especially later in life. Others take note of what they have, their material possessions, and stability. Sun in 2nd shines because of their secure, reliable and loyal nature. Anyone who knows them is aware of their generous and loving nature unless poorly aspected. If there is any malefic aspects to the Sun their can be a tendency towards greed and gluttony. These natives can also be known for their work ethic, cooking, or their voice/singing. They can also just have a high quality and wealthy attitude about them. Sun in second can also manifest as good and moral values.
Gemini Sun: Multifaceted and curious, these individuals know just a little bit about everything. They move through the world as if it's an all you can eat buffet of knowledge, people, places, and opportunities. Gemini's are they messengers of the zodiac, so they might be known for their gossiping habits and talkative qualities. They are brilliant and creative minds with a large variety of interests and hobbies. Gemini's can have a lot of acquaintances because of their playful sense of humor, quick wit and charming nature. Can be great multi taskers and often jump from one thing to the next. They are always mentally active and strive to know everything about everything. Gemini sun's can be deceiving and mischievous about their intentions or to avoid responsibility. Most are aware that they can lack depth and be superficial in their actions. With how many people they talk to it would be odd if they weren't inauthentic with a few of them, although they still are very versatile. They don't like being bored so they'll take a strong liking to you if you are just as funny, entertaining and mentally stimulating as they are. Gemini is a mutable, air sign.
Sun in 3rd: Indicative of a forever student, someone who spent a majority of their time socializing and learning as a kid. There might of been popularity amongst peers in early childhood education or a possibility of being the teacher's pet. Friends and siblings hold a high priority for Sun in the 3rd, as well as going to social events. There is a probability of having a number of hobbies, interests and talents, as well as being the most successful amongst your siblings. They can get noticed easily for their car, sense of humor, intelligence or have a high following on social media. Sun in the 3rd could talk a lot about themselves and their particular interests in communications with others. There is something very captivating about the way that they talk and communicate. These people are great story tellers so writing could be a useful talent or public speaking.
Cancer Sun: Empathetic, caring and sweet; the cancer sun thrives in any emotional interaction. Family has had a big influence on where and what they are doing in life today, even if they don't talk to their family much. Cancer's may have fluctuating mood swings, but they care a lot for the people they love. Family is very important to them, even if they don't talk to their biological family- one of their biggest goals is to initiate a group of people of which they belong to. They are very nostalgic and sentimental, so just know if you ever did something sweet for a cancer, they remember, trust me. Emotions can cloud their judgement at times and if they feel threatened they can lash out unexpectedly. Cancers' are known to have a strong and long memory because they reflect back to the past often. It is also so important for a Cancer to have a safe and comfortable home where they can express their sensitivity openly and freely. A lot of them end up being the matriarch of their families. Cancer is a cardinal, water sign.
Sun in the 4th: The golden child! Family is super important with Sun in the 4th. Everything they do is for their family and home. They might put a lot of time and effort into making their parents proud- even as a grown adult. If there's no family- creating one is of high importance. This placement is indicative of spending a lot of time in their own inner world, feeling comes naturally to these people. They have a genuine care for the wellbeing of others, especially their loved ones. Sun in the 4th is a wonderful host-entertaining their guests, cooking for them, make sure that they a comfortable and have everything they need in their home. They take great pride in their home and are very protective of their loved ones. These individuals will make great parents and will be everything to their children.
Leo Sun: A bright, warm, ray of sunshine to be around! Leo Sun's are known for their joyful and radiant presence. They are generally very creative and fun people to be around. If they are serious about you, and trust me they have options, they will be loyal until the end. Leo's love being in the spotlight and the spotlight love's to shine on them! The sun is at home here after all! The way Leo's express themselves confidently and authentically. Although this sign is naturally the center of attention, they may require a lot of reassurance and validation. They are actually quite sensitive to the criticism of others, especially the their loved ones. Leo's laughter is quite contagious and bountiful, everyone wants to be around a happy Leo sun. It can be hard to have a constructive argument with a Leo because of their pride in arguments; there are times where they genuinely can't get enough of themselves. They are hard workers, self disciplined, and motivated to do anything they want to do. They are brave and generally succeed in whatever areas of life they put their energy.
Sun in 5th: This is a very dramatic and exciting personality! With this Sun placement, the native lives to have fun and be in the limelight. Sun in the 5th makes a charming, flirtatious, and playful personality. They are in touch with their inner child and get along well with children because of it. Their own children will be the center of their universe. There might be a need for attention nd validation from others with Sun in the 5th, or egoism and arrogance if the sun is poorly aspected. Sun in the 5th can also have a lot of talents, be into theatre or any kind of performing arts. They can be very athletic, have great physicality and vitality, or just live everyday like it's their last. These people despise being exploited or humiliated, more so than most. Happiest whenever they are doing anything expressing their creative side, participating in their hobbies, and having fun. They are the life of the party, but may struggle to balance work and play. Overall, very charming, passionate, stylish and expressive placement.
Virgo Sun: These natives are analytical, detail oriented and organized. Virgo's are critical of themselves and others but it always comes from a place of wanting to make something better. They shine the brightest when they are using their intelligence to be of service to others. They are very observant and never miss if you got a new hair cut or spilt coffee on your shirt. They are grounded and realistic in going after their goals and dreams. Virgo suns are not the best about asking for help when they need it because they tend to nitpick themselves. Their humor is self deprecating and sarcastic- but generally they are a very funny sign. Virgos strive for perfection and are willing to strip away anything that does not meet their high standards. They can come off judgmental but they are just trying to help. They can take on a lot of responsibility and be very hard working. Virgo suns tend to be introverted although they communicate well and enjoy conversing with others. They can also enjoy a good intellectual debate, and are great listeners. Virgo is a mutable, earth sign.
Sun in 6th: Individuals with sun in 6th are healers and need work that gives them purpose. In their work environment, they can bring a lot of joy to others and make whatever job they do more bearable for others. They can have a strong interest in wellness activities such as yoga, eating healthy, meditation, etc.- these people are dedicated to their routines. A lot of these natives work in the medical field, service and hospitality. Sun in the 6th can take on a lot of responsibility at work, they are leaders in the work place. These individuals love pets and animals of all kind. They could struggle with anxiety or mental illness in some way. Their diet could be very important to them as some are known to struggle with IBS or other food sensitivities. This placement is generally concerned with their overall wellbeing- and through healing themselves is where they learn how to heal others. These people are also funny, witty and good humored individuals.
Libra Suns: Likeable and charismatic, Libra suns shine because of their social skills and diplomacy. They are very bubbly and fun to be around. Libras care about their appearance, are very sweet, and avoid the uglier aspects of life. May struggle with being indecisive and may take awhile to come to a conclusion of what they want. This is usually due to the fact that they are trying to be as fair and just as possible. Libras are avoidant of confrontation or conflict of any kind because they struggle with people pleasing. They really care about what other people think of them. At times they can live for other people instead of going after what they want. They thrive in partnerships and may struggle with codependency. Libra suns are generally the best friend type. They can get along with just about anyone because of their peaceful nature. They have a lot of compassion for others and find it easy to see the beauty in others. These natives are very beautiful inside and out. They are the happiest and shine the brightest in a relationship or surrounded by people they love. Libra is a cardinal, air sign.
Sun in 7th: Well known and popular amongst peers, coworkers and family. They put a lot of energy into perfecting their partnerships. Sun in the 7th is a harmonious placement and care about other peoples opinions of them. They are very romantic and sweet individuals and they learn about themselves through other people and their relationships. Can struggle with codependency in their relationships, its super important for them to balance their personal time and time spent with their loved ones. They spend quite a bit of time thinking about others and how their actions will affect others. Sun in the 7th is a good position for a prosperous marriage and success after marriage. They take commitments of all kind very seriously. Can also attract a partner with strong will power, creativity, and passion. This position of the sun is not the best for going after their own wants and needs, although they are known for being a harmonious and pleasing personality to be around.
Scorpio Sun: Intense and mysterious, Scorpios are known for their alluring and deep nature. They don't reveal everything about themselves upon first meeting which makes them very intriguing to others. These people are very attractive and s*xual in nature. They have a striking physicality, strong and intense presence. They command respect and do not let others cross their boundaries. Out of any other sign, this sun sign fears betrayal the most, which makes them skeptical and secretive. This doesn't necessarily mean they are liars, but it takes awhile to develop trusting bond with them. Scorpios are the master of transformation- they aren't the same person they were yesterday. A healthy Scorpio sun is always trying to be a better version of themselves. They love deeply and passionately. If you betray them, they will never forget what you did to them, they hold grudges forever. They can forgive but for them it will never be same as it was. Do not lie to them, they are extremely intuitive and will find out. They suspect the unexpected. Scorpio is a fixed, water sign.
Sun in 8th: Driven to understand the depths of the nature of themselves and others, this placement is not satisfied with service level conversation. Topics of psychology, astrology, the occult, s*x, and other taboo subjects peak their interest. They are magnetic and powerful. Sun in the 8th shines in the unknown and is fascinated with mysterious topics. They have a powerful intuition and deep connection to the universe. People may want to give them things or money all the time. They can be assertive and controlling in conflicts with others, they know how to manipulate the situation in their favor, this is definitely part of their appeal. Striving for deep connections that help them to grow and evolve, Sun in 8th goes through many intense and powerful transformations throughout life. It is possible that they have had a number of traumatic and life altering experiences forcing them to change and adapt ubruptly.
Sagittarius Sun: The average Sagittarius is a carefree spirit always on the hunt to experience something knew. Where they go, what they do and what they learn about life becomes their philosophy. A Sagittarius suns ultimate goal in life is to explore the entire earth, talk to many different people and take on all the opportunities presented their way. They love to debate and experience different belief systems, many of them have a higher understanding of life itself. Truly a pleasure to be around, Sagittarians have a wonderful sense of humor and a larger than life demeanor. Generous, philosophical, and joyful are just few of the abundant qualities they have. Behind the scenes, Sagittarius can be very diligent and passionate workers. They love the chase, so accomplishing that next goal is quite exciting for them! These natives behave similarly in love, it can be hard for them to stay committed to one person for too long. There is a restless energy about them and a lot of Sagittarius’ suffer from FOMO. Although they can be pretty open minded, some are very dogmatic in their beliefs. Sagittarius are very optimistic and bright- they are great at cheering up their loved ones and are inspiring when they give speeches. They are extremely convincing in what they say, but they may not always follow through on their promises. Overall, this is an extremely lucky, honest and confident personality. It’s often hard not to like a Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius is a mutable, fire sign.
Sun in 9th: Happiness comes from Travel, meeting people of a different culture, and learning something new! Sun in 9th individuals shine when they are teaching others about their personal philosophies or topics they are passionate about. They may be well educated and successful in pursuit of higher learning. These natives are often interested in writing and public speaking. Speaking their mind is extremely important to them. Their focus tends to be on the big picture and known for their optimistic, bold worldly views. A big focus for Sun in the 9th house is to chase adventure or the next big thing. They shine the brightest whenever they are being open minded to other peoples perspective and sharing their abstract views on life. Generally, the Sun loves to be in the 9th house because it represents spiritual growth and is also at one of the highest points in the chart. It’s important to them to always be learning, always trying something new or exploring different areas. It’s possible that they take awhile to settle down and life or end up moving abroad. These people life is all about the journey, their purpose is to travel and educate others about their experiences. Although their truth may be objective, it is still valid and worth giving a listen. Sun in 9th is a wise, lucky and optimistic placement to have. If you love these individuals, you must learn how to let them be free.
Capricorn Sun: Responsible, diligent, and powerful, Capricorn suns are a force to be reckoned with. They are often mature for their age and find happiness in working their way to the top and accomplishing their goals. Their attitude is sarcastic and serious- it is possible they come off a cold to others who are more on the emotional side. Often times, these people had to grow up very quickly and had a lot of pressure put on them from a young age. They achieve a lot throughout their lifetime and shine in those areas of life. But don’t get them wrong, they have a fun side, it’s just expressed more with people they are comfortable and close with. The Capricorn Sun motto is slow and steady win the race. You will not see these people half a*sing their projects- they give 100% effort 100% of the time. This is something that Capricorn Suns are and should be proud of. Although they are slow and methodical, they are far from lazy. They are protective of their loved ones and would much rather show their love by actions than tell you how much they love you. With this Sun sign, you want to look at their actions, not their words. Although they are private, they make great friends and are in it for the long haul. They take their relationship’s seriously. Their purpose is to persevere and succeed! Capricorns thrive and in structure and bring order to a chaotic world. Capricorn is a cardinal, earth sign.
Sun in 10th: These individuals are meant to succeed and get a lot of recognition in their professional life. Sun in the 10th individuals gain a lot of power through hard work. They are known for being in the public eye in someway and have a strong reputation. In the work place, they are the leaders, managers and CEO of the company. A lot of celebrities have this placement. Who ever and whatever you do, you are known for it. Beware of seeking outside validation too much. The father may have played a big role in these peoples lives or motivated them to be where they are now. Sun in the 10th want to surround themselves with people who are of high status so that they can embody that energy as well. They shine whenever they are able to show off success and take great pride in their accomplishments. Sun in the 10th will spend a lot of time climbing the career ladder. These people are goal oriented, ambitious and dedicated to their success. They are the happiest when they have a pursuit and have a lot going on them professionally. They care a lot about making money and being powerful. A lot of their priorities revolve around being independent and self sufficient. They are destined for success.
Aquarius Sun: Innovative and unique, no two Aquarius’ are the same! This Sun sign is a natural humanitarian and genuinely wants to make the world a better place. They have a reputation for having an awkward, quirky and out of this world personality. It’s harder for them to relate to others because they see the world much differently than main stream society. Aquarius may come off aloof and detached in social settings, although once others understand them- you will find that they are genius! They are very independent and like to do their own thing, although they can suffer from loneliness at times. A lot of Aquarius feel out of place if they don’t have a higher purpose that they are serving or community to fall back on. Often times they feel misunderstood for their uniqueness and out casted for their differences. There is no one else that can define an Aquarius Sun accurately besides themselves, even their Sun sign is hard to understand and explain to outsiders looking in. They shine whenever they embrace their unique interests and embrace their quirky ideas. The right people will support these aliens and see that they are not a dud- they are special! Aquarius Suns are intelligent, future oriented and will make great discoveries throughout this lifetime! Aquarius is a fixed, air sign.
Sun in 11th: These individuals love belonging to a group of friends or a certain community with similar interests to them. Sun in the 11th have a lot of ideas on how to better society at large and make the world a better place. They may be interested in technology, engineering or other tools that they can use to help humanity. They are progressive and innovative for their time. They highly value their friendships and gain a lot of confidence through their supportive relationships. Sun in 11th is a popularity placement as well, they may be well known from your social media or groups that they belong to. Equality and being non judgmental is important to these individuals. They also might be known for their independent views and detached way of moving about the world. Sun in the 11th are trend setters and very influential people in society. These individuals may have a rare, strong and interesting aesthetic that sets them apart from the rest. Sun in the 11th can stand out for the way that they speak, communicate or their genius intelligence. Others have a hard time understanding them, never knowing what they are going to do next, keeping people on their toes!
Pisces Sun: Compassionate, self sacrificing and magical, Pisces are known for their unconditional, soft, spiritual love. They are imaginative, day dreamers who enjoy art, poetry or anything that pulls them into a different reality. Their an extremely intuitive sign that may pick up on the mood of those around them. They may have a difficult time differentiating their own feeling from others. They genuinely enjoy helping others and they take great pride in the level of love they are able to give. Being empathetic is not an option for them, it is hard for them not to care about everyone and everything. They are very sensitive, which can be overwhelming for them at times. Escapism can be fun for them but if they are not careful they can become to detached from their reality. It is important that they temperament their romanticism for life and relationships so they don’t get taken advantage of. They want to see the good in others and they find it easy to, but if they aren’t careful they could be victim to falling in love with the idea of someone instead of the culprit themselves. Pisces are connected to the universal collective and benefit from a connection to a higher power. They shine when they have a servitude attitude, manipulation does not serve them well. It is important for them to give out of a place of want and not to get something in return. Pisces Suns are great lovers, sweet and spiritual souls.
Sun in 12th: Here, an individual with Sun in the 12th house will dedicate a lot of time to understanding the hidden mysteries of the universe. They understand the spiritual realm better than anybody else. This is a powerful but confusing position for the Sun. The Sun represents what is seen and clear and the 12th represents the unseen and is very mystical in nature. So here the native will have access to a lot of secrets of the universe. Their spirituality may be very important to them. It’s is important that they do not over indulge in dr*gs, alc*hol, or escapist tendencies, for this can be very harmful to the 12th houser and their loved ones. Life can be very dreamy and magical for these people use their power for good. However, they have bad intentions it will be illuminated very quickly and their manipulation will take them down the wrong path. This is how people with this placement do end up isolated, in mental hospitals and and prisons. Although, they can work in mental hospitals, prisons, and find a lot of success in these hidden areas of life. 12th house suns may need a lot of sleep and time to recharge alone to be their happiest. They are known for their low social battery and isolating tendencies. They shine and are their happiest whenever they are using their creative talents and taking great care of their inner world. Sun in 12th is very intuitive, compassionate, selfless individuals; they may be psychic and receive messages through dreams and meditation.
Thank you so much!
Let me know if you relate, disagree or want to add in the comments! I love to hear your feedback. If there is anything you want me to teach or share let me know :)
Have a wonderful rest of your and thanks so much for reading ❤️ I spent a lot time on this one so I really hope y’all like it hehehe
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera, I'm going to need to hear (a lot) more about your reverse harem otome game thoughts. So... give us some imagines about your favorite characters there!
Oooo there are so many thoughts I have regarding it!!! Allow me to share them below. :D
To start, I imagine it’s a little awkward for you because in your world they’re just characters in a game, so for a while you have to follow the plot and avoid saying anything that may raise eyebrows or evoke suspicion (i.e. you have to live through the game’s events as they happen so you can avoid ruining any of the canon events that must take place in order for appropriate character development and whatnot). But also it’s fun to imagine a reader who is awkwardly trying to avoid raising the romance meters and just wants to enjoy school life with Grim. Alas, that will never be the case, not in this otome! >_<
For a reader who has arrived to twst with the burden of an arranged marriage waiting at home, it may be a little stressful to suddenly find yourself in the middle of a reverse harem romance. Maybe you don’t put forth much effort because you’re more interested in exploring the school and the island itself, but in classic otome logic you keep ending up in all kinds of situations with them. Maybe you don’t want to get too attached to anyone because you’re not sure what will happen once you’re sent home, if such a thing is even possible. It’s not like you can just bring him back to your world to get your parents off your back. But then friendship is a dangerous line to tread because it won’t lead to fluffy and sugary-sweet outcomes. You have to stay within the romance parameters. Too low and he’ll snap. Too high and he’ll snap. So to remain in the middle, you do your best to navigate interactions with ease. You don’t even try to impress, and yet he’s charmed by you.
It's also fun to imagine that the romance starts innocent and sweet at first, but then one of the characters says something about how he'd keep you locked up if he could and then you realize, "Oh, so it's a romance like this..." ^^;;;;;;
Riddle is difficult to romance. Pre-Overblot, that is. Every minor infraction, every instance he catches you with your uniform worn askew, and every moment he sees you associating with the troublemaker that is Ace puts your score in the negatives. Riddle’s more prone to snapping at you when his score is so dreadfully low, vicious and cold as he lays down the Heartslabyul law. You’re collared on many occasions. After his Overblot, he’s softer (especially on you) and it’s very easy to curry favor with him. The smallest things have his romance bar rising, such as when you compliment him or remind him that he’s doing well. You think Riddle struggles with romance because his meter rises and falls often, most likely due to his own uncertainty with this subject. He’s not someone you’d classify as an inherently dangerous love interest. Although he does get immensely controlling and obsessive if the score surpasses its peak.
Trey is a difficult character to read. His meter almost never goes up. At least, you never see it go up with your own eyes. It’s usually after the interaction. You meet again and the bar may have gone up a few points since your last meeting. You suspect Trey loves in secret, coveting from afar. The score rises considerably when you bake with him or when you try his sweets. It’s not wise to fall into this habit because trusting Trey is not a good idea. Keep eating his cooking and you might just find yourself waking up in his room, with Trey sitting nearby and explaining that you “fainted.” There’s more behind that placating smile he shows everyone… He’s prone to gaslighting you terribly if his score peaks, and it’s done out of some twisted form of love. After all, you can trust and rely on someone friendly and reliable like Trey!
Cater’s meter seems broken most days. Sometimes it never budges an inch, remaining at zero. But there are moments where it spikes high, so high it felt like a slap the first time you saw it happen. You never know what the catalyst is for this strange score-spiking. Is Cater truly interested in you, or is he just using the new magic-less student from another world to gain Magicam clout? But then his score always rises when he’s taking photos of you. Maybe there’s more to him than you’ll ever know. Cater is so mysterious. He acts like a bestie, but that unpredictable score of his says otherwise. It’s hard to say whether he’s dangerous or not, but if his score strays too high he may become just a little unstable. :)
Deuce’s meter fills fast. He can’t help falling for you. You’re more than a friend or a best friend. That much is obvious when his bar remains nearly filled the longer you spend hanging out with him. It’s easy for Deuce to love you because he’s been with you since the very beginning, and the two of you attend class together. For this reason, he’s very overprotective of you, occasionally reverting back to his delinquent ways if some guys give you trouble. He tries to avoid this, but if his score is beyond the healthy amount then it happens more often.
Ace is another character who is always in close proximity with you. Like Deuce, he grows closer with you throughout the happenings in the main story. And even outside of that, he continues to attend class and hang out with you. You see a lot of Ace, not only because he's a classmate but also a friend. Ace's romance bar doesn't fluctuate often, and in the beginning stages of your friendship it remains relatively low. But by Scarabia's book, when he and Deuce travel all the way back after getting your SOS text, his bar's score has increased. It seems over the winter break Ace managed to sort out his feelings, and from there he is always bickering with Deuce over little things regarding you.
Leona's bar never budges, mostly because he rarely gets caught up in romantic moments with you. But there have been a few rare happenings. You can never tell what goes through the lion prince's head. Sometimes you impress him, but then he says it's only because no herbivore can possibly be as gullible as you. Yet, oddly enough, there's fondness hidden behind the layers in his words. Once he pat you on the head, muttering some sort of compliment, and then he paused, lifted his hand, and looked at it so strangely. You tease him for it and he scoffs and tells you you're lucky his claws weren't out. Unlikely story, Leona. :) and as he walks away, you spot the meter filling ever so slightly.
Ruggie can't take anything you say or do at face value because he's certain you have some ulterior motive. So when you offer part of your lunch to him or offer to help him with running errands for Leona, he tries to turn you down. Just what is with you and being so good? He doesn't trust that. There must be some other reason you keep offering... But he finds that he doesn't hate your company and it's actually quite enjoyable to have someone to talk to when he's busy with errands. That, and you somehow keep up with his pace. Before he realizes, he's falling. Fast. And it's this sudden, whirlwind attachment that leaves you with a starstruck Ruggie, whose affection meter rises quickly.
Jack is difficult to romance in the beginning. Unlike some of the other characters who warm up to you rather quickly, Jack keeps his distance. Very much a classic lone wolf type. But once he gets to know you better and the two of you reach a level in which you can consider one another friends, he starts to fall for you. Jack is innocent in his affections. He looks out for you and is the first to defend you when anyone gives you trouble. He's teased for acting like a loyal puppy in love, which flusters him greatly, but Jack really does want to protect you and help you out. His romance meter increases in very small increments, but it's clear that he has quite the soft spot for you. He's one of the few characters with a mostly fluffy route.
Azul keeps his heart guarded, so naturally it’ll be a challenge to raise his romance meter. According to canon, he’s interested in you for two main reasons: you’re not from this world and he wants to use Ramshackle as a branch café. Throughout the happenings of book three, where you scheme against him to save your friends (Ace and Deuce’s bars rise because of your efforts) and the rest of the students from eternal servitude, Azul starts to harbor an interest. By the end of the book, when you have a heartfelt one-on-one chat with him in the Atlantica museum, he’s smitten. From then on, his bar is prone to rising and crashing just as fast. Being apart from you seems to have effects on the score, and he has a nasty jealousy streak.
Jade is another character who is difficult to read even with the romance meter. For the time that you know him, it never goes up or down, remaining somewhere between zero and five at most. He is very difficult to romance, namely because he seems to foil every cliché that comes your way. Forgot an umbrella? That's fine; he'll just cast a spell to protect you and him from the rain. Not enough money for lunch? That's unfortunate (for you). If you're truly desperate, you can make a deal with Azul. Bumped into him in the hall? Unlikely. He side-steps you just before you can collide, which leaves you falling face-first on the tile. You were ready to cross him out on your list solely because he feels like an impossible route, but one day you mention something about one of his interests and Jade perks up, his meter filling considerably. Like most of the cast, he wants you all to himself. But then he's also willing to make an exception and share you with Floyd.
Floyd's score starts at the very middle. Even when you meet him and he calls you Shrimpy for the first time, the meter has already filled. It's easy for Floyd to get attached, but it's dangerous because regardless of how high or low the meter is he's still quite obsessed with you. He shows up whenever he wants, sometimes at Ramshackle just to lounge around. His behavior is always sporadic; you get used to his unpredictability. When Floyd's in a bad mood, his score tends to diminish. It's not usually your fault; maybe Floyd saw you with some other students and got jealous. There are a variety of explanations, really. Most days, his meter is overfilled and so as a result he's more prone to picking fights to protect you or monopolizing your time by scaring others off. Like a leech, he clings to you.
Kalim feels like a love at first sight type! He thinks you're so darling the moment he meets you, and he's already wanting to spoil you. Despite his outgoing nature, his bar doesn't seem to rise much. Maybe it's just because he's so overly friendly with everyone that he's yet to see you in that way. But after more than enough romance moments between the both of you, he's wholeheartedly in love. He's the most obvious with his feelings and intentions, but then with the meters it becomes clear to you how everyone feels about you and where they currently stand on a scale. orz but Kalim is different in that he has no shame or embarrassment in approaching you outright to shower you in expensive gifts. He means well, but he doesn't realize just how much he's spoiling you. Although it is nice to be doted on to such an expensive degree.
Jamil is another character whose feelings are tough to read from the romance meter alone. It hardly rises; in fact, you think his score may be in the negatives. For the longest time you think he dislikes you solely because Kalim likes you and that makes his job harder when he has to prepare feast after feast for you. But after you tell Jamil to relax or offer your help or even explain that you don't need an entire feast, he starts to slowly, very slowly, warm up to you. You make the mistake of telling him he'll always be important to someone and that he should just do his best regardless of what others say—that he shouldn't have to diminish his capabilities or qualities just to let someone else overshadow him—and that's the arrow through his heart. Maybe you aren't as bad as he once thought...
Vil is a challenge. He has standards, and when you first meet him he compares you to an unwashed spud. It's clear that if you ever want to pursue a route with Vil you'll have to do something to catch his eye or earn his approval. The two of you likely grow somewhat close during the VDC and even more so during the happenings of book six. Outside of those main story events, you occasionally cross paths with Vil and sometimes you'll talk briefly. These interactions stick with Vil even after you've parted ways, and without even realizing it you occupy his thoughts. He's never had anything like this happen (at least, not when it comes to romantic interests), and if you're able to capture his attention so suddenly like this it must mean something. What that something is, whether love or otherwise, he will find out. And his romance meter will gradually rise as he does so. :)
Rook is a strange case. Everything he says sounds like it comes from an otome, but this sort of romantic flair is normal for the eccentric Rook Hunt. Though it's difficult to understand him and his real feelings, his romance meter is surprisingly honest and, unsurprisingly, just as shameless. It usually spikes when he's observing you from afar or if he's interacting with you in class. Rook is just so fascinated with you. You truly are curious, capturing so many hearts and seeming so unfazed. Just how do you do it? It's quite beautiful! He's already quite obsessive; if anything, the rise in his romance meter just makes him worse.
Epel thinks you're a godsend. You're the first person who didn't call him cute at first meeting! This automatically earns you points, and since he's also a first year like Ace and Deuce you'll likely hang out with him more often. The same applies to the other first years. Epel's interest in you stems from admiration. He genuinely thinks you're a really cool person, and the more time he spends with you, getting to know you and such, the more he falls. He's hoping to win your heart! Although with so many others also vying for your attention, it's a challenge he's determined to undertake.
Idia is difficult to romance only because he never leaves his room, so despite the lack of interaction he's been watching you from the very beginning. His romance meter is stubborn because he can't possibly fathom liking someone who isn't 2D, and yet here he is, salivating over you like you're a rare item in a game. ^^;;; Idia builds up his ideal version of you in his head, which is the only reason that meter rises at all. Of course he absolutely fails talking to you in person, for he's much too shy and anxious to approach you. You actually steal his heart when you smile at him while he talks to you through the text-to-speech program on his tablet. And then you say, "We can start small. Don't push yourself to do something you're not comfortable with." And omg he's going crazy. Who allowed you to say something so cool and so nice and so sweet?! >_< he's overheating because he's so shocked... orz
Malleus is a character who feels like the otome's endgame. He's charmed shortly after your first meeting. It's as if he was destined to fall for you with how quickly his romance meter fills. Despite his sweet and seemingly innocent affections, most of which are friendly because romance is very new to him, your romance moments with him only bring the two of you closer together. You spend a long time in the friend zone because Malleus mistakes every little gesture as something platonic or friendly. He's a little romantically dense at times, so you can never tell if his meter is filling because he likes you as a friend or something more than that. Don't be fooled, though. As sweet as he seems, Malleus is overwhelmed with the instinct to keep you close and forever his. Call it a dragon's nature to hoard or his own fear of being lonely again, but he can't let you go.
Lilia's romance bar remains relatively low because he's more like a spontaneous event. He pops up so randomly, so every encounter with him really does feel like fate. Lilia likely knows of you because you're the human Malleus has been spending time with, and he's so very fond of you. You'll just never know this because it's impossible to know what he thinks of you when he's so mysterious and vague in how he speaks sometimes. But you do have prior knowledge about Lilia (and all of the other characters from playing twst in your world) and so it's not so surprising to suddenly find yourself in an encounter with him. His romance meter usually rises when he sees or hears of how kind you've been to Malleus, Silver, and Sebek. You're just the sweetest. He adores you (too much).
Silver is the princely type! Your meeting is a typical otome cliché: he's sleeping and wakes up to you standing over him, and the sun shines down on you at just the right angle, which makes you look breathlessly angelic. And...he falls right back asleep, so you end up having to drag him to class so he won't be late. Perhaps that last part isn't very romantic, but Silver is quite touched by your kindness and also apologetic for causing you such trouble. To make it up to you, he wants to do a favor for you, only you insist he doesn't have to. He ends up sticking near you for the entire day until you finally give him something to do so he can repay your kindness. orz and afterwards, his romance meter has risen. <3
Sebek is another difficult route, mainly because of his devotion to Malleus and Lilia. He's very focused on becoming the best possible royal guard, and so it seems like he wants nothing to do with you. He makes it quite clear with how huffy he gets, always calling you "human" and not by your actual name. His romance meter never moves an inch up. If anything, it remains abysmally low. However, the more time you spend with Sebek, constantly correcting him with "It's (Name), not human!" and insisting you and Malleus are only friends when he accuses you of spending so much time with Malleus (which really only happens by chance, mostly), he begins to see new sides of you. Without realizing it, adoration blossoms amidst the many arguments he has with you.
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bobbyfiend · 1 year
I'm a little high so now is the perfect time to write shit.
TW: mention of violence and (briefly) of suicide
Today's shit is: Stop saying Fragile Masculinity unless you know what the fuck you're talking about.
I feel the boldface above is perhaps too aggressive, but whatever. Moving on.
The interwebs seem to think Fragile Masculinity means a man who is fragile. Or a guy who is a douchebag. Or something. IDK. What does it really mean?
Fragile Masculinity (a.k.a. Precarious Manhood) is an academic theory about the nature of "masculinity" in patriarchal societies. From here on out, I'm talking like the theory, so I don't have to say "according to..." 100 times.
Masculinity isn't an innate aspect of a person in this conception; it's a status or identity conferred on certain people (i.e., people who look like "men") by their culture or community.
Your culture gave you masculinity, and it can take it away. Easily. "Fragile Masculinity" means that masculinity, as a concept or identity or social status is hard to achieve and easy to lose. It's fragile, get it?
Femininity or Womanhood, by contrast, is not thought to work the same way, usually. The theory isn't really about women, but writers/theorists comment on the contrast, sometimes: Women in patriarchal societies aren't potential people in charge, or even particularly agentive; they're resources to be utilized. Those resources need to be available at any time, and how they feel about that, or what they've done in their lives to be good resources are less important than mere existence and availability. Women become women, generally, just by growing up and having the "right" biological bits. Even bad women are still women. Even women declared good for nothing but sexual or domestic use are still women. By contrast, men become men (i.e. masculine) by doing the right things, and not doing the wrong ones, and they stay masculine the same way. Masculinity can be lost easily.
How do you lose masculinity? You fuck up. You fail to do the things the culture thinks men should do. You fail to retaliate when another man insults you. Or compliments your girlfriend. Or makes out with your wife. You fail to commit the situation-specific violence your society requires of men. You fail ?o dominate others--especially men--in social interactions. You get dominated--much worse if by a woman. You show insufficient physical strength, or (worse) you show fear of being hurt.
I'll stop with that, now. I think you get the picture.
Or you do things the culture says men should not do: you listen to your gf or wife's thoughts a little too much. You play a sissy sport or no sport at all. You hang with gay people. You are gay people. You are (or seem to be) trans--and yes, the system seems to be rigged so that both MtF and FtM trans people will generally be seen as insufficiently manly.
Getting the picture? You don't become a man just because you get physically older; you have to do things, and you have to not do other things. Otherwise, you're not a man, not really.
And every damn day there will be at least one (and maybe a hundred) tests of your manhood. If you fail to meet any one of them, your "man" status can be damaged or revoked.
Why is that so bad? Because non-men have no place in patriarchal society. Men have a place, weak-ass men sort of have a place, women have a place (most of them, most of the time); non-men do not have a place. Non-men do not receive or deserve anyone's respect or even kindness. Non-men are homo sacer. Hurting them is a great pastime because it both harms someone who should should be ashamed to exist and gives you status points with your buddies (this includes both men and women). "Hurt the outsider" is one of the most reliable methods for bonding with your tribal group. It's even better if the outsider is a traitor, someone who used to be one of you. Outsiders can be hurt because they're outsiders. Traitors should be hurt because they have committed one of the worst possible moral wrongs: they were good group members and then they chose to not be. It's disloyalty to the group. Non-men are traitors so fuck 'em up.
What is a man to do who has been declared "non-man", or just lost some of his man status, or is just worried he might? Maybe he gets the most manly job ever: cop, soldier, WWE wrestler. Maybe he makes sure to commit some extra amounts of culture-sanctioned violence or domination. Maybe he kills himself.
I hope you're getting this. Fragile Masculinity is not a description of some men's insecurities or overcompensation (though it's not totally separate from that). It's a sociological/critical theory about the concept of masculinity itself, and how it works within patriarchal cultures. Masculinity in such a culture is fragile. It's hard to achieve and easy to lose. That has a lot of really bad consequences.
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Obligatory not snakes so don't answer if you don't want to, but I'm just curious about what things you think it's most important to teach your dog? I'm a dog trainer and I'm just always curious about what dog owners think, especially someone who trains other animals
Ooh this is actually really interesting! Obviously the answer will depend on what kind of dog you have, their background, and what your expectations for them are, but here's what I think is most important for my Bilbo.
The basics: a solid sit and down. I expect Bilbo to hold these until I release him, and they're really good for reminding him to be patient and getting him in the zone before we move to something harder.
A good heel. This is very important because Bilbo comes with me everywhere he can, he needs good leash manners!
A reliable emergency recall. Bilbo's recall is good, but I like the peace of mind that comes with having an emergency recall word and knowing that he'll respond to that perfectly 100% of the time.
Take it, leave it, and drop it. A must for any dog like Bilbo who tries to eat anything that will fit in his mouth.
Show me. Bilbo's a smart dog who gets upset about little things very easily. Having a command so he'll show me what's upsetting him is a lifesaver for both of us!
Place and wait/stay. When I tell Bilbo to wait somewhere, I like knowing that he'll do it. We use wait and stay as two distinct commands, with wait being more lenient and stay meaning I don't want him to even twitch.
Some kind of energy-releasing trick. Bilbo's very high-energy so having a command to burn off some of the zoomies is great! We've used several but our go-to is having him spin. He loves that one.
Like I said, this is what's important for me and Bilbo! Every dog will have different needs here. I'd be curious as to what other dog owners think, too!
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leqclerc · 6 months
The entire picture around sainz amazes me. Like how you're going to rate him so high, how you're going to compare him against charles when he has one good race every 8 f1 weekends, how you going to call him better than Hamilton, how you going to say he's the best driver on the grid after max and then turn around and ask "is carlos sainz underrated"
Exactly. It's so funny imo for the media to be like "is CS underrated?" and make his ex/current teammate answer that question (which, like, wtf else are they going to say, they're hardly going to start beef in a press conference with him sitting right there lmao.) If anything he's overrated. As you said, he can be completely anonymous for multiple races in a row but one good weekend and he's suddenly better than Charles and basically on par with Max and should get the Red Bull seat. Not to mention Ferrari must be regretting "getting rid of the wrong driver." Okay? 🤨
Even at his lowest I think he gets a lot of grace. Outside the pool of British drivers he's basically the British pundit/journos golden child; the likes of Lawrence Barretto and Damon Hill consistently prop him up and add to this narrative of him being the "worthier" Ferrari driver, the faster one, the one with more prowess and exemplary leadership skills. Also the "consummate professional and dedicated team player." Yeah, until he starts binning planned strategies or impeding his teammate. 😑
The disappointing thing is, this is and will likely continue to be the mainstream narrative as long as these weekends happen. It's something I've noticed among "casuals" as well — unless you are deeply invested in the Ferrari ecosystem and constantly and closely following the developments, the interviews, the drivers' team radios, etc, the perception is basically: Even when Charles qualifies on pole he loses out to Max, sometimes even in the early laps of the race, and then can't manage to regain the lead, ergo he is ineffective; Carlos, meanwhile, "gets the job done" and, well, wins, ergo he is effective, Ferrari's sole hero, etc.
Obviously there's lots of factors that influence a race weekend or result. Hell, things might have looked different if Ferrari hadn't implemented team orders pretty much as soon as Max was out of the picture. We know this. But a lot of people don't, either through plain ignorance, or because they willingly dismiss the context in favour of the face value results, and the face value results say Carlos is the only non-RB race winner in the past year. And unfortunately the only way for this narrative to change is for Charles to, well, win. (I know we're only three races in and by all accounts Ferrari seem better equipped to challenge Red Bull this year than last year, so he may get a few opportunities to do so, but yeah. Carlos has been undoubtedly very lucky to always be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of the rare Red Bull mishap, and Charles needs to make sure he's putting himself in that position too, especially if the car is struggling in dirty air. Figures that the one time he broke his front row streak Max would have reliability issues 😭)
Also imo the hype is magnified by the fact that he's the someone other than Max that people desperately want to see winning. So much so that the "how" doesn't even matter anymore. The race was objectively boring but a lot of people are hyping it up and artificially bumping up the enjoyment meter just because the end result was a non-Max win. So he's got that on his side as well. But for me, I think how the race is won matters as well. Both times he took advantage of Max/Red Bull having a rare off day. Which, fine, this sport is about luck and capitalizing on these opportunities when they present themselves, I get that. But the real breakthrough will come when Ferrari is able to keep up with and beat Red Bull in the race on merit, not because they just got lucky. The closest we got to that so far is Vegas. If they can do that this year then we can start saying that Red Bull's got serious competition. Making thinkpieces out of hypotheticals because Max had a debilitating, race-ending issue with his car is not it.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Rare Pair Tag Game
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.).
Thanks for the tag @writcraft!!
Tagging: @perverse-idyll, @lizzy0305, @fleetingdesires, @cindle-writes, @serenaew, @tackytigerfic, @sweet-s0rr0w, @broomsticks, @lumosatnight, @indigo-scarf, @the-paper-monkey, @maesterchill, @snapesnailtape, @kellychambliss, @givereadersahug, @coconutice22, @likelightinglass, @crazybutgood, @sugareey-makes-stuff, @anaxandria-writes, @greenmegsnoham, @siriusly-sapphic, @thistlecatfics, @vdoshuand anyone else who wants to play! But no pressure to anyone I tagged, either! 💛
Now....onto the ships!
OTP is Snarry of course! And most of my rare pair loves, or other ships in general, feature DRACO my beloved!
Draco/Sirius: top tier for me because of that juicy, juicy age gap. And a hint of incest for extra flavor, but also isn't too close for comfort. There's the Harry connection (Sirius as the godfather and Draco as the rival), and the war connection (Sirius in the Order and Draco as a teenage Death Eater.) Lots of room for tension. But they're both also very bright and gifted. Sirius is rebellious enough to catch Draco's eye (very "bad boy" of him) and Draco is sassy enough and quick enough to keep Sirius entertained. Plus I see them both as being a bit vain and will both especially love how good they look together. 😉 Basically: lots to explore and lots of potential that I am DYING to play with, and to see played with more! (Really need to do a rec list for them soon....)
Draco/Remus: also really up there for me. Again: the age gap. But also! More to play with. There's again that Harry connection and the war connection we see with Sirius, but the whole dynamic changes with Remus. The pureblood boy raised in pureblood culture and Remus, who is not only a half-blood but a werewolf! Also: poor. Everything about Remus should be "wrong" but I think they could complement each other well. Remus is very smart and has lots of experience with troublesome Marauders....Draco's not going to give him any problems! Remus is patient and experienced and while he is capable of temper, and capable of mischief, he also has quite a stable and reliable presence to him that I think would appeal to Draco. Remus feels like a "safe" choice on a personal, one-on-one level, though their relationship itself would get all sorts of heat from all sides. Remus will find Draco to be endearing, even with all his sass and drama, and in Remus Draco will find love and acceptance he's never truly had before.
Draco/Ron: ah yes my enemies to lovers + opposites attract loves!! Both purebloods, but raised on opposite ends of the spectrum, Draco with the blood supremacy and in high society, with the Weasleys as "blood traitors" and poorer. Draco is the spoiled only child, Ron the sixth of seven children. The Gryffindor & the Slytherin, the Order vs the Death Eaters, and so on and so forth. Both very smart, both pretty temperamental, both pretty competitive. A lot of tension and a lot of fun. It's all SPARKS between them and I can see them both realizing how attracted (if not connected) they are waaaaay too late and being horrified by it which is hilarious. There's a lot of humor potential here, too, with two quick witted men! Also the aesthetic! Red hair and blond hair, blue eyes and gray eyes! 😍 (Listen, I can't lie, the aesthetic is just too good!)
Draco/Charlie: this is a fun one! A lil baby age gap. Plus Draco being the dragon, and Charlie being the dragon keeper. It's obvious but oh so delicious. There's the idea of some initial tension due to their families' history, but one easily moved past since they don't have personal history between them. Plus I see Charlie as very like Remus in being a sorta patient and stolid presence, and someone who can put up with all Draco gives and provides a safe place for him to be himself and be accepted and cared for. Also all the fun potential of postwar Draco escaping England and going to the dragon reserve and training as a healer there!!!! I'm a sucker for those stories, not gonna lie. Charlie is so fun and adventurous and I think he can really brighten Draco's life and help Draco find more of who he is in a safe and non-judgemental place.
Draco/Albus Severus: age gap galore! Dating the son of your childhood nemesis who looks like a mini him?? Too much fun I can't lie. (Also and this is very specific to me, but c'mon....Snarry + Dralbus???? Harry being horrified but also his son is just in the position he was in many moons ago!!!!) (I'm writing a fic like that right now, it's just slow going, but one day!!!! One day it will exist in the world.)
Neville/Percy: This one is hard to explain but like....the awkward romance vibes! Uptight Percy and chill but shy Neville. Neville can respect Percy's rules and standards I think, while Percy can appreciate Neville's strength and skill. Both are people whose contributions are often overlooked or belittled so them appreciating each other and finding that support and respect in each other would do them both a world of good I think!!
Neville/Remus: Age gap! Soft sweet bois. There's not enough of these two out there I swear, and they're both characters I have so much love for!! They're strong and decent and they've both overcome so much in life, and I think they'd have a nice steady and comfortable relationship once they got together.
Hermione/Ginny: It's so hard for me to find fics of these 2 that work for me but I still have so many feelings. They're such competent ladies. Very individual and independent and confident. I love the idea of Hermione being the brains and Ginny being the brawn haha! The bookworm and the athlete!! 😍 All the awkwardness of dating a friend and extra awkwardness if we keep Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione as temporary relationships (until everyone realizes they're gay, of course.) Ugh. There's just so much potential here and I need it!!!!
Ginny/Gwenog: mega rarepair but oh god I love them. 2 athletic ladies!! Plus age gap, at least some sorta age gap. I also love to headcanon Gwenog as a Slytherin and a bit arrogant and playing the story of "don't meet your heroes" with Ginny hero-worshipping Gwenog until they meet and get off on the wrong foot!! But then obviously fall together!!!! I need it I swear. I need to write more of them, maybe in the same universe as Red All Over...🤔
Fleur/Hermione: god I love them. Like with Hermione/Ginny it's putting two very skilled and competent ladies together. Brave and strong and sure in who they are and also their values. Fleur is also pretty dang badass. She was a champion!! I especially adore the idea of Fleur being a good role model for femininity and how it's okay to be fashionable and get dolled up for oneself, but also how women can still be capable while being attractive, and even if she's a little vain there's more to her than just that. And Hermione having to face her own prejudices against more "girly" things. And maybe Fleur having some disdain for Hermione's "know it all" attitude, and them working through bad first impressions and finding someone they can really connect with and have as a teammate in life. I really love the idea of them bonding over activism and Fleur being impressed with Hermione's passion, and sharing her own struggles as being part-Veela and the struggles her Veela family members have dealt with.
Severus/Filch: Age gap! Also: caretaker/student? Yes please. Something about this pair does it for me. Not as a forever love kinda thing, but definitely a special connection for two men who are starved for connection. Think about it: Filch is a Squib working in a magical school! No wonder he's so bitter. And the students don't treat him much better than he treats them, really. Then we have Severus, who is so skilled and so intelligent and so under-appreciated by practically everyone around him. By his peers. By his teachers. Even at home (whether or not Filch knows this), between Tobias not liking magic much, the abuse at least between Eileen and Tobias, but also I like to see Severus as being too bright as a kid and his parents not really knowing what to do with him in general. And then Severus being bullied at school for not being handsome enough or charming enough or having the right connections or having money, etc. And Filch sorta seeing something he relates to, not being appreciated, and himself learning to appreciate how sharp Severus is and how independent and capable he is. And Severus having someone who looks out for him, and who sees him, and having a safe place to be.
(Originally this was numbered but Tumblr tells me I exceeded the character per block limit 😒) (Anyway this next one is number 12 which is a good number to round off on.)
Harry/Scorpius: I've said it before and I'll say it again: Snarry is my husband and Scarry is the hot pool boy I fantasize about. I legitimately feel like I'm cheating on my OTP when they're in other ships but something about Harry/Scorpius draws me in! Part of it is, much like the reason I ship Snarry, I love both Harry and Scorpius so much. And this is Cursed Child Scorpius, the Cinnamon Roll, who is beyond precious and I adore him. Plus you know: age gap + "child of my school nemesis who looks just like him" and you know....+ son's best friend. It's so wrong and awkward and fun!! Especially when it's Scorpius having a massive crush on Harry from basically childhood and Harry eventually seeing him in a new light. PLUS with Snarry being forever in my head and heart, it's the idea of having another love so different from his first, which is softer and sweeter and both are really good but in different ways. And maybe Severus and Scorpius can each hold their own special, unique place in his heart (though I don't dare think long on why Severus might not be in the picture anymore...) Anyway idk Scarry just does it for me and I'm obsessed, but please don't tell my husband (Snarry.)
.....if you made it all the way through this, 10 points to your Hogwarts house.
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lunarwritesthings · 2 years
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We'll Meet Again
Paring: Jeff Hardy × Oc
Fandom: Wwe
Request: Yes, by anon
Summary: Two wrestlers in a relationship. What happens? That's simple, right person, wrong time.
Note: Jeff has never been with Beth in this. nothing against Beth I just thought it would better, this also takes place around the early 2000s
Warning: mention of addiction
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Everyone knows the saying "right person, wrong time". Of course, not everyone believes that. Sometimes you don't really how true that can be until you're in that situation.
Jeff Hardy, the famous high flyer and daredevil was one of the people that didn't believe in the saying. He didn't understand how you could meet the right person at the wrong time. Now it wasn't like Jeff was single, it was quite the opposite actually. Jeff was dating the wonderful Raven better known as Sabien.
Raven a fellow high flyer and daredevil. One that could even rival that of Jeff hardy was someone that believed in the saying "right person wrong time". Raven believes this because they knew Jeff was the one for them. He was the person they saw forever with. They didn't see themselves with anyone else, after all, Raven and Jeff have been dating for a few years.
Raven and Jeff were in a mostly perfect relationship. The one problem they never really had time with each other due to their job. Raven didn't like how little time they and Jeff got together but they would never say anything as they understood why it was like this.
Jeff was affected by the lack of time he got with his partner but he couldn't do much. He'd gain a ton of popularity, so wwe wanted to use him more than before leaving him with not much free time. This however had worn him out. Jeff knew it was affecting the reliability and he felt horrible about it. There was one solution that lived in the back of his mind that he didn't want to go to unless it was absolutely the last choice.
Jeff knew what would happen if this kept up. Of course, he cared about Raven and loved them therefore it'd be unfair to them if Jeff kept them in a relationship that was becoming distant because of how busy he was. There were two very difficult work schedules between the two.
One day it happens. Jeff had gotten even busier and barely responded to messages from Raven. He felt horrible. It was wrong to keep them in a relationship that was basically dead. He cared about Raven too much to do that to them. At this moment, this break-up was about to change a lot for both of them.
Raven had put all of their energy and focus into training and wrestling. Their friends had an idea of what happened. It was hard not to since they stopped talking about Jeff like they used to instead opting to avoid the topic of Jeff altogether. Raven wasn't doing well but that was no surprise. They used to gush about how amazing Jeff was, how much they love him, and how much they saw a future with him. The break-up had hit Raven hard.
How was Jeff handling the break-up? He hadn't even gotten time to process it. He'd been so busy until now. Jeff was worn out and had fallen down a bad spiral, due to this wwe had no choice but to let him go. He'd violated the wellness policy. Having a lot of time for himself, Jeff realized that he made quite a few mistakes. Jeff knew what he needed to do and he was going to achieve those things regardless of what got in the way.
Raven had heard about what happened, they wanted to be there to support Jeff but also knew he needed space to think, so they choose to support him from the shadows. How did they do that? by sending small gifts as encouragement, every gift had a small note with it. Raven was unsure if they wanted Jeff to know it was from them or not. Of course, Raven knew how Jeff was doing. How? Simply, you can't be friends with only one Hardy, especially when you were dating one for a long period of time.
Matt wasn't oblivious to the break-up between Raven and Jeff. Jeff had explained everything to Matt. After that conversation, Matt texted Raven as quickly as he could. He knew how much Jeff meant to them. Matt hadn't seen anyone look at Jeff like Raven did. They always look at Jeff like he was perfect and to Raven he was. If Matt is being honest with himself he saw Raven as a younger sibling and fully thought that one day Jeff and Raven would have gotten married. Honestly, Matt was surprised they weren't already married with how they looked and felt about each other.
Jeff had caused the world to worry when he disappeared for a full year. He didn't wrestle; he didn't post on social media. Why? He was busy getting him and his life together, well partly. He was clean. He was in amazing shape. There was one that had changed over that year and confirmed to him that he was missing one thing.
Jeff Nero Hardy has come to believe in the saying "right person, wrong time". The year of nothing having Raven by his side physically was dreadful. Of course, he knew the random little gifts were from Raven. It always brought a smile to his face to know they were supporting him even if it was from a distance. Yet it had been in this time he realized the mistake in the relationship he'd made and he made sure to fix those things about himself.
How did Raven and the rest of the world find out Jeff was doing amazing? By his music playing and him walking to the ring with a purpose of course. Can there be a Jeff return if it wasn't at least a little shocking and crazy?
Raven was in their locker room watching the show and drawing new wrestling gear when they heard it. His music. Raven's attention snaps to the tv to see a very happy and healthy Jeff Hardy standing on the ramp. They saw the look in his eyes. They knew whatever he was about to say or due had a purpose that was special to him and it was a purpose that only appeared in certain situations, like when he'd talk about his art, music, wrestling, and Raven. Raven paid attention to what Jeff was doing and saying.
Jeff being the very caring person he is explained exactly what happened to the fans, but everyone including Raven and Matt were curious what the one thing he realized he was missing. Raven had a feel it might have to do with them but they were unsure until Jeff answered everyone's curiosity. It was Raven that he was missing in his life. Once again he explained exactly what happened. Jeff refused to leave until he had his best friend and partner by his side again. He know the only way for that to happen was for him to be completely honest and vulnerable so that's exactly what he was.
What Jeff didn't expect was for Raven to come out. Everyone could tell by the shocked look that was mixed with a look of love. Raven had gotten in the ring and stood in front of Jeff. Jeff had just spilled everything he'd been holding back over the year out and for once he had absolutely no clue how Raven would react. Raven hugged Jeff. They didn't say anything until the mic was far enough away so it wouldn't pick anything up. The fans were unsure how to react to what was going on. That was until everyone saw Raven and Jeff looking at each other while smiling and having a look of pure love on their faces.
Jeff was the one to explain the situation in one sentence. "The Hardy boys and Sabien are back together." The fans started going crazy and cheering like crazy. The friends of the two daredevils were extremely happy to finally see the two back together.
Jeff said he refused to leave until he had his best friend and partner by his side again. Now he was perfectly fine with leaving. He had his best friend and love by his side and life felt fucking amazingly perfect.
Jeff and Raven would go on to get married a few years later. Matt walked Raven down the aisle. It was a perfect day. A few years ago their wedding the two would end up with two amazing daughters.
Jeff and Raven continue to have long, happy wrestling careers. Jeff would later be inducted into the hall of fame by his brother and his partner. That same night Raven was inducted by their brother-in-law and their husband.
A perfect ending to their crazy love story that made two strong believers in "right person, wrong time." For Jeff and Raven had gotten their version of a happy ending.
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oraclemoontarot · 6 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing well!!
May you please do a reading on my future friend, I’d like to know about their physical appearance and how we’d meet!
Thank you in advance!
hii, ofc!! tyy I hope you're doing well too, here's the reading you requested 💗
requested reading ★
who is your future friend ୨୧
cards pulled: ace of swords, queen of wands, high priestess + knight of pentacles
your future friend would be a great conversationalist, there would never be awkward silences, only comfortable ones. they could talk about anything and everything, make witty jokes, and may also love to debate certain topics.
they are the queen of wands - incredibly passionate, warm, exciting, adventurous, caring/supportive, a fighter for those they care about. overall, someone fun and with enthusiasm, they would never say no to spontaneous hang outs or trips.
they are also mysterious and intuitive. they would be able to sense if someone doesn't have the greatest vibe, and may also be interested in things like tarot. they're someone with a lot of depth to them.
overall, with the knight of pentacles, they are a stable and reliable person. if you're ever stuck and in need of help, they would always be by your side and support you in any way that they can. they may also love to buy you special gifts for your birthday or Christmas (if you celebrate it).
their physical appearance ୨୧
cards pulled: six of cups, wheel of fortune, two of cups
they may have a baby face, or look similar to you - there's this comfort or familiarity about them, you may also have a similar style. they may be of mixed race - could have tanned skin, and curly, thick and dark hair. they have very expressive features/gestures, they wouldn't be able to hide their feelings either.
there's something very youthful and expressive about them. they're full of life and energy so they wouldn't be hard to miss as they would light up the entire room and bring attention to them without realising it, but simply because they radiate so much positivity.
how will you meet ୨୧
cards pulled: knight of cups, justice, hanged man + hermit
when the two of you meet, it would be an instant emotional connection and understanding - it would be as though you'd both click like missing puzzle pieces. you may meet in a justice like setting - maybe through volunteering, charity work or a place where the two of you may share similar values. there would be something unexpected about this encounter/day and it would give you a new perspective, especially paired with the hermit after going through self-reflection, you'll have a moment of something similar to enlightenment. maybe interacting with this person may provide you a fresh perspective on something that you may have been thinking about.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
Here’s a request that has something that I don’t often see with MadCom x Reader stuff. 2BDamned, The Auditor, Jebus, and Shreiff trying to comfort/support y/b who has PTSD. How they got the PTSD is a mystery and y/n is unwilling to talk about it as it has deeply affected them, but they do tell the grunts certain things that would trigger it.
Someone else accidentally triggers Y/N and Y/N just goes to 2B/The Auditor/Jebus/Sheriff because they can trust them the most.
This is mostly a hurt/comfort x reader, I hope this prompt is okay with you?
Sure thing!
To say he's surprised when you approach him for comfort was an understatement. 2Bdamned is not much of a comforter, but he's nothing short of civilized. He'll embrace you and ask you if anything happened while you were out before listening to you explain how someone had triggered your PTSD response on purpose before you came back here.
When you admitted to coming to HIM for comfort made 2B feel pride that you trusted him enough to come to him for your problems. He gives you as much comfort as you require while you calm down from your episode. Once you've either gone off to sleep or rest, he silently jots down a footnote on his desk about finding whoever purposely set you off and to run them over with his car.
Jeb was caught off guard when he meets back up with you and finds you in a distressed state when you arrive back to base. Upon questioning you, he discovers that you apparently had a run in with someone who cared nothing about your sensitivity to a certain range of triggers, and how they took advantage of it to tear you down a couple of pegs. Jeb is not surprised in the slightest. Once an enemy or rival sniffs out a weakness, they'll use everything they can to harm you, especially here in Nevada. Hurting someone else doesn't always have to be physical.
He comforts you while you try to unwind from the experience and he slowly tries to talk to you while you lean on him. Jeb is surprised to hear you admit that you came to him out of everyone else because you trusted him the most. To which, he's both flattered and conflicted. But overall, he's relieved that you seem to find him as a source of comfort. He'll stay by your side as long as you need him there, and once you have either calmed down or fallen asleep, would he ever part from you.
Sheriff is stunned the moment you burst through the door to his office and fall into his arms in a tired heap. He's worried about you, as he always tries to look after his folks in any way that he can. But the moment he hears about how you were upset because you had an unpleasant encounter with an individual who didn't care about your sensitive nature, the look on his face soured and he listened to you vent.
Color him surprised when he asked why you decided to swing by his office of all places, that you admit that you trusted him enough to pour your innermost worries out to him. Including how you're feeling right now. Sheriff is no therapist, possibly not even a warrior, but for some reason he always seemed to capture the hearts of the local populace. It seemed that you weren't an exception to his charm either. The sheriff comforts you as much as he can, with usual pep talk and gentle back pats. It's mostly all that he knew how to do. But it seemed to be just what you needed.
The Auditor is many things, yet he lacks a certain grasp on how to be compassionate. However, he was nothing short of observant. So when he took notice of one of his most closely reliable workers slacking, he grew attentive. Upon confronting his worker about their most recent behavior, the worker eventually comes clean about what has occurred when they intermingled with their coworkers. Apparently, one agent seemed to have gotten far too comfortable with digging at others and high ranking members seemed to be no exception. How this agent found out about your sensitivity is lost on the Auditor, but hearing how they clearly upset you with intent seemed to make the employer squint his crimson eyes in disapproval.
The Auditor was not one to be trifled with, but he was already stressed out from trying to perform damage control all around Nevada. The last thing he needed was a mouthy underling impacting the productivity of his agency and other workers. Especially those of higher ranks like yourself. He's not comforting in the slightest, but he does reassure you that he will sleuth out the troublemaker and squash any problems that will arise in the future. In a strange show of kindness, he gives you an extended break (with pay) so that you can go and decompress from your experience. Meanwhile, he heads out to confront the one agent causing all the trouble in your facility.
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jojobee2256 · 2 years
Warnings: abusive parents and siblings (Cinderella style)
(F/S) - favorite style
You were running on three hours of sleep from the night before and an energy drink you found in the car on the way to work. This was a going to be one of the better days. Once you reach the elevators you quickly press the executives floor and start to straighten out your skirt. You had been wearing the same thing for the past two days but again it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for (Y/N) (L/N), the company's very own 'Cinderella'. Everyone who worked here knew about your situation with your stepmother and sisters, how they tricked your dad into handing the company over to your stepmother before suspiciously dying a week later. The nickname stuck pretty quick and you didn't have the time or energy to care anymore. You were left with nothing but they still allowed you to live with them and work in the company that should've been yours. You had become a glorified slave and if you didn't want to be thrown out on the street you'd have to deal with it until you found another job. The real issue was that no one would hire you and you couldn't figure out why, you were lucky if you even got an interview honestly. A lot of the employees pitied you, you could see it in their eyes as you walked by, but anyone who ever tried to help you out was fired soon after.
As you sigh over your bad luck, the elevator arrives and you quickly set everything up for the conference at 9am. It was about 3 hours away but you still had to do the work meant for your step sisters that you couldn't finish yesterday. While working you get a message around 7am from your support group, an online chat room for overworked assistants and secretaries where they can share everything from problems to reliable sources. This became the one place you could call a safe place and you quickly grew close to two other assistants that worked for the same boss. All three of you decided to create a private chat so that you could all share more sensitive matters in confidence.
NeedMeMaid5 - Young master needs morning coffee but the machine broke and I don't know any good coffee shops! He needs me what do I do?!
NotHappyHarpy- That's troublesome, he won't want to work properly if he doesn't get his way.
You think for a moment about the issue while you type into your computer before turning back to your phone to answer.
NoCinderellaHere- How quickly do you need it? I'm guessing he has a taste for strong coffee but it can't just be Starb****, right?
NeedMeMaid5- Yeah! I have to get this for him within twenty minutes! 😖
NoCinderellaHere- Try *****, it should be close enough and they have fantastic coffee. It is expensive though and they do it all by hand each morning, they run out quick so I'd get a move on.
NotHappyHarpy- She rushed out to get it. I'm sure it will be fine, especially since you recommended the place. How has your work been going, I thought you'd be sleeping in since today is supposed to be your day off.
NoCinderellaHere- Very funny, the key word there was 'supposed'. I don't get days off anymore, but I'm fine.
NotHappyHarpy- your 'fine' normally means something along the lines of an energy drink and wrinkled clothes since you didn't sleep the night before right?
NoCinderellaHere- ...Your to intuitive to need this site.
NotHappyHarpy- I'm here because the young master has me doing odd jobs for his lead scientist who needs a babysitter more than an assistant, but your not changing the subject. It's not good for your health if you keep doing this, hows the job search going? Have you tried Donxiquote inc. like we suggested? They are looking for someone like you.
NoCinderellaHere- several times, but not so much as a call back. I hear the CEO is throwing a party soon though and is invitingall the top companies. Maybe I can find a new employer there?
Your stepmother makes her usual loud entrance into the office with her ridiculous high heels and unprofessional, hooker like, dress, which is only rivaled by her bleached blonde hair done up in some trashy 90's hairstyle. She takes one look at you and grows a sour look on her face. Without a word she drops a long list of things that needed to be done today on your desk and leaves to her private office.
You examine the list and quickly realize it was a compiled list you had made of the work that she and your stepsisters were supposed to be doing over the next month or so. On the bottom it said it needed to be done in one and you felt a wave of exhaustion hit you, whether it be from the past few days of work with no sleep or the impact of the oncoming ones you didn't know.
You turn to the chat room to see that NeedMeMaid5 got praised for the delicious coffee and NotHappyHarpy was talking about how they all needed to get together and prepare for the party since they would be going too.
NoCinderellaHere- I would love to finally meet in person! We can meet up an hour before the party. You guys can decide the details, I was just given a list of work I made for the upcoming month that was meant for three other people with a note saying it needed to be done by the end of the week😩 I gotta go.
NeedMeMaid5- They're taking advantage of you! I can help you if you like.
NotHappyHarpy- I don't think she wants to hear about being taken advantage of by you, anyway the young master needs your help for the Barque Works project. As much as we want to help you, Cinderella, you'll have to deal with the wicked stepmother on your own for a bit.
NoCinderellaHere- Don't you start calling me that too! I specifically made this chat name so people would know to not call me that!
NeedMeMaid5- But your just like her! Lol
You grumble and set your phone aside so you can start your work, no prince would be saving you. You were on your own so you had to get yourself out of this mess and it started with doing the impossible. Finishing a months worth of work in a week, bring it.
You did it. A week of straight hell, but it was done. You just were thankful none of the long standing projects were on that list. Those couldn't be done in a week even if the whole company worked on them!
You let out a deep sigh and sink into your chair a bit. Normally you would've screwed such a ridiculous deadline and gone a more reasonable route, but you had a feeling this was some plot to restrict you from doing something , you just couldn't figure out what. After collecting yourself, you look at the time to see you had gotten done in just enough time to meet up with your two friends and get ready for the party. Gathering you belongings with a smile you make your way to the elevator.
"And where are you going?" You turn to see your stepmother and sisters glaring at you from her office door.
"I finished the work so I'm going to leave a bit early to get ready for the Donxiquote party." You were expecting something about how leaving early makes you horrible or how no one would want to see your face at the party, but instead you got laughter.
"Your not done! I was hoping it would be obvious!" Your stepmother says between chuckles. "You have more work to do. I'll give you a list in a bit, but there is no way I'll let someone like you be associated with my daughters and I. Especially at such a big event!" Before you could even put a word I. Your step sister snatched your things and threw them onto your desk, sending papers and the like everywhere. "You'll also have to pick up your awful work space." You quietly move to your desk and start to collect the fallen and misplaced papers. They were far more important than they would ever know, they held information on important clients and the company's assets.
"See you later, sis!" You didn't look back as you hear the elevator arrive and take the wretched trio down. Soon enough though the workers who were nearby started to help you reorganize the mess. You had mass amounts of papers on your desk from before so you gladly accepted the help. You knew they couldn't help when your stepmother or sister were around and the fact that they helped when they could was a great sense of comfort for you.
Once it was done you say your thanks as they all get ready to leave. You settle into your desk and check your phone. The list your stepmother promised was there along with several messages from your two friends asking where you were.
NoCinderellaHere- Sorry guys. She gave me another stack of work and won't let me go til it's done. Have a good time though, k!
NotHappyHarpy- No way! This is the last straw, we're coming to get you!
NeedMeMaid5- Yeah! We had a surprise for you and everything!
NoCinderellaHere- Guys no, I can't just abandon my duties here.
NotHappyHarpy- They aren't YOUR duties though are they? I'm guessing that wicked stepmother is doing this to keep you away from the party, right? Well we aren't going to let her get away with it.
You sigh and tell them no a final time before setting your phone aside. You never told each other exactly which company you all worked for so it's not like they could find you. You would just apologize tomorrow and be done with it. It's not like you wanted to go to such an amazing event anyway. Without realizing you start to cry a little as you work.
Not even half an hour passes when the elevator rings and in strolls two stunning women. One had light green hair and wore a form fitting snowlike styled designer gown while the other had wavy black hair and wore a ruffled purple gown. Both of them looked like super models fresh off the runway and they were walking straight towards you.
"You really were serious." The green haired woman says as she looks at your piles of paperwork.
"My god, she needs us!" The other days with a smile.
"Wait, are you two..." You look between the two women as realization sets in through your exhausted state. The green haired woman chuckles, breaking her poker face with a smile as she looks down at you.
"For someone who hates her nickname, you live up to it. Consider us your fairy godmothers because your going to our young master's party."
"Wait, your 'young master'?!" You shout in shock. You never got a reply though and before you knew it, you were shoved into a limo and taken to a large building where they put you in a studio bedroom. They pushed you into a bathroom and after showering for the first time in a week they then used you as a dress up doll. You were thrown into a gorgeous (F/C) dress in a (F/S) style. You did manage to learn more about the two women throughout the car ride and dress up process also. Monte was the lead secretary for Doflamingo, the CEO of Donxiquote inc., and was put in charge of babysitting the head scientist there a few years back. Baby5 was his assistant and ran odd jobs for most of the executives and higher ups in the company.
"Alright, finished." Baby5 pulls away from her task of doing your hair, you hadn't had the chance to shower since you started your challenge of finishing the impossible in a week, so you didn't even bother brushing it either and the rats nest atop your head was no joke. You had been washing it in a sink in a restroom with water and dry shampoo the whole time just to keep it decent. The shower did wonders though and whatever wasn't fixed in that blissful waterfall was magically done by the two women. Your skin was clear and smooth thanks to Monte's handiwork while your hair was in a gorgeous style with beautiful ornaments decorating it due to Baby5's delicate hands. When you finally look in the mirror, you didn't even recognize the person staring back at you. She was so surreal.
"We gotta go, the young master is wondering where we are." Monte says as she grabs her purse while looking down at her phone. "He's been quite interested in the woman we always speak so highly of you know." She tells you as you follow her back down to the limo with Baby5 following behind the two of you.
"You told him about me! He's such a big shot, why would he be interested in an overworked assistant like me?!" The two women stop just outside of the limo and stare at you as if you just said the funniest thing in the world.
"(Y/N), you can't be serious! You've been doing the work of four people for the past few years with exceptional results. We had been trying to figure out why a person like you was not able to find a better job when the young master overheard us." Baby5 continues as we make our way to the party a few blocks down.
"He's a remarkable man, he grew curious so he looked into it and found out what we couldn't in a matter of hours." Monet gives a small smile to you.
"So there is a reason why no one will hire me? What is it?" Baby5 and Monet share a look before turning back to you. The limo stops and the driver tells you that you've arrived.
"Let him tell, I'll text him that we've arrived." Monet pulls out her phone again and begins typing away. The door is held open for you and the other two by the driver and you all get out. You didn't realize this event was so big, the flashing of the paparazzi made you feel like it was noon and not night. You followed the two women inside while ignoring the bombardment of questions, instead you were having a conversation all the way to the hall with them. At first you were trying to get them to tell you the reason why you could never find another job, but then it somehow drifted to economics and your ideas on certain companies, investments, and projects that your stepmother never listened to. By the time you reached the hall where the party was taking place the three of you were in such a heated discussion that they barely noticed the looks turned their way while you stayed oblivious.
"-so if someone would just realize this and support Dressrosa they would see that if they took them under the wing of their company all of their connections, land, and workers could be utilized. There is never enough of any of the three in any company after all and Dressrosa has these assets in not only abundance but high quality as well." You were in the middle of explaining how this small company was so valuable despite it being brought under the radar when someone came behind you.
"Fufufufu, what a clever way of looking at it." You turn to see the man of the hour, Doflamingo himself, smiling down at you.
"Ah young master! I got so caught up in our conversation that I forgot to introduce you." Monet moves so that she stood between the two of you with Baby5 at her side. "Young master, this is (Y/N) the one we were talking about. (Y/N), this is our boss. The young master of the Donxiquote family and CEO of Donxiquote inc."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, I really admire your work. To become one of the seven leading companies in the field at such a young age is very impressive." You say while shaking his hand, trying not to let your eyes fall below his face and to the outline of his well toned body that showed through his tuxedo. It wasn't easy either since he towered over you so easily.
"I'm flattered. Baby5 and Monet have told me so much about you and I must say that I am more impressed with you. You might as well be running the company with everything you do, i personally would've killed someone by the third week if they treated me like they do you." You blush a little at his praise.
"It's not that bad, I just need to put up with it until I find another j-" your conversation is interrupted by a loud screech and an arm pulling you back. You stepmother and sisters had pulled you away, after all there was no way they wouldn't have noticed you being here.
"What are you doing here!?!" Your stepmother yelled at you. "Do you wish to embarrass us more than you already do?!" She raises her hand to slap you and you brace yourself for the pain that would soon spread across your face. But it never came, you slowly open yours eyes, not even realizing you had closed them at some point, to see Doflamingo holding your stepmothers arm before she could hit you. A tick mark could be seen on his forehead despite his smile.
"I see what you were talking about Baby5. I thought you were exaggerating a bit, but they truly do treat her like a slave." He releases her arm and your stepmother falls to the ground, clutching where he had held her. Your stepsisters had run off and a large crowd had begun to gather. "(Y/N), do you wish to know why you can't find another job?" You turn your attention back to Doflamingo as he stepped closer to you, effectively canceling any space between the two of you.
"Yes, I would really like to know why no one wants to hire me." Your voice came out steady and strong. More than what you thought you could do in a situation like this.
"It seems that your resume would either be turned down because your current company would call saying you wanted to retract your application or it never got there in the first place." Your eyes widen and then shoot to your stepmother. Without another word you walk straight up to her and punch her with all your might.
"I quit! I am also leaving the house! I love my father, but this is no longer the company he built from the ground up and that place is no longer the place he and my mother raised me. You destroyed them both and I'm not going to let you destroy me!" In your rage you leave the party you were so excited to go to and went straight to the house to pack.
Gather what little belongings you had, you leave an hour later and don't look back. Cinderella waited to be saved, you were done waiting and all those people who teased you with that nickname can shove it up theirs.
It had been two days since you left everything behind. You had left the website that let you contact Baby5 and Monet, you were no longer an assistant and you were now to embarrassed to face anyone at the party that day. You made a big deal in front of Doflamingo too! The thought turns your whole face red with shame and embarrassment every time.
You sigh as you exit the hotel room you've been living in until you can find a more permanent place to stay. You had an interview view today and thinking about the past was not going to help. As you walk out of the building and to your modest car you are stopped in your tracks by the sight of a large limo blocking your way. Baby5 and Monet were talking to people from the hotels management next to it until they saw you.
"(Y/N)!" Baby5 rushes to give you a hug while Monet quickly taps on the glass of the limo door. As you pry off Baby5 and take a large breathe of air that the hug deprived your lungs of, the man himself steps out of the limo.
"You certainly made it hard to find you. Leaving little to nothing left to track you down." Doflamingo walks up to you. "Fufufu, I would expect nothing less of my future second in command though." Without even being able to say another word he swept you of your feet and took you into the limo where you sat firmly on his lap with the reddest face you've ever made. His arm keeping you from moving away even a centimeter.
That day you joined the Donquixote family as their Vice President and the first thing Doflamingo handed you was the papers and power to destroy your step family and take back your fathers company. Soon after, you gained control of Dressrosa. You were successful and respected, no one dared use you.
Currently you were working overtime. Doffy's annual party was tomorrow night and you didn't want anything to bother him. That man was not only your savior, but the one who stole your heart the very day you both met. Monet and Baby5 has told you that tomorrow is going to be even more important that normal because Doffy has something very special planned. If it was special for Doffy then it had to be perfect, no interruptions!
"My doll, what are you still doing here?" You turn away from your computer to see your lover standing behind you. He asked you out within the first month of being in the company.
"Doffy," a warm smile crossing your face. "I thought you already left. I am just making sure nothing will get in the way tomorrow, if you want it to be special then I'll make sure it's perfect!" He chuckles and offers his hand out for you to take. He stole your heart at the party last year but according to him, you stole his long before that when he was looking into you on a whim.
"And my doll being tired tomorrow would be the worst thing possible so come home with me." You take his hand and ride from your chair, making sure to shut down the computer and lock the files in your drawer before leaving. "Tomorrow, Baby5 and Monet will help you get ready. I have some things to do before hand." You nod, leaning into his side as you both walk to the limo outside.
You were in a (F/S) dress much like the one you wore the last time but this one was white with golden lining. Your hair was once again expertly done with specs of gold strategically placed not only in your hair but on your skin as well. Doffy has a habit of going overboard with you, dressing you up to extreme levels and you had gotten used to it over the time you've been together but this was to much. You chatted away with the guests, while keeping an eye out for the man so you could give him a piece of your mind.
"My doll seems unhappy, is something the matter love?" You turn away from your conversation to see Doffy in his stunning suit. He always managed to sneak up on you despite his size and it irked you to no end.
"Of course something's the matter! I feel like I belong in a fairytale! You have gone to far this time, Doffy!" You scold the man, but he only chuckles and leans over to your ear.
"But you are my precious doll, of course I have to make sure your dressed nicely. Besides," he pulls away and stands on one knee, a little box in his hand. "I would love it if this was a fairytale and you could be my queen." He lifts the cover of the box open to reveal a gorgeous gem sitting proudly in the middle of a golden band surrounded by other smaller gems. You gasp and with hold your tears as you look at the ring.
"Oh Doffy," a few tears begin to escape your eyes as words escape you. you nod furiously yes as breathless giggles replace the words. Doffy's grin widens as he puts the ring on you and stands, the hall full of members now clapping and congratulating the two of you. You ignore them though, to happy to care as Doffy showers you with kisses from your hand to your cheek before finally settling on your lips. If this was a fairytale, you didn't care if you were a Cinderella anymore, because you got yourself the best king out there. Who ever needed a prince anyway.
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whencyclopedia · 2 years
Behind the Scenes: Acquiring Images for the Encyclopedia
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IMAGES are an obviously important aspect of a modern encyclopedia and, for this reason, our editors - both full-time and volunteer, dedicate quite a lot of their time to search for, upload, and describe images to illustrate WHE’s articles. We tend to publish two new articles every day and a text of around 3,000 words requires at least six images, both to help the reader visualise aspects of the subject and also to make the webpage visually appealing and not simply present a wall of text. 
The title image of an article is particularly important in enticing people to read the text, especially so on Social Media posts but also as a thumbnail preview on the encyclopedia itself. We need images of a sufficient resolution and our editors must bear in mind that a landscape format typically works better than a vertical one, and that posts on places like Facebook and Twitter tend to crop images at the top and bottom. This latter consideration, if neglected, can lead to readers seeing the midriff of a statue instead of the face, or a stretch of brilliant blue sky but not the monument beneath it. We also like to choose images that reflect a monument or artefact in natural conditions. A night shot of the Colosseum can look wonderful but it is not necessarily helpful to someone who wants to see the different architectural orders used in each level of the amphitheatre.    
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The encyclopedia really has two ways of acquiring images. One is for editors to search the internet to find good-quality images that can be legally republished. Those two requirements are not quite as easy as they sound. Many of the most striking images we come across cannot be used because photographers have copyrighted them and they cannot be republished for any purpose without paying a fee, a fee which WHE cannot really afford given the number of images we require each week for new content. We would also much prefer to publish images that can be reused by readers provided they are not for commercial use. This allows teachers and students to freely use our images in class or for homework and assignments without any problems. 
Fortunately, as a registered non-profit organisation and educational website, we can legally republish images that many other websites cannot. This is particularly true for museum websites. Being able to republish high-quality images from, say, the British Museum, London or the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York is a great help to our work. These sites have the additional advantage that their image descriptions are very informative and reliable.    
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A second way to acquire images is to receive them from volunteer photographers and our own staff. Some of our volunteers travel extensively and they are a great source of images of unusual places. Our own staff, naturally, have a strong passion for history and in their free-time and holidays, many members of the WHE team take photographs of archaeological sites, buildings, and museum artefacts that can be useful for the encyclopedia.
The advantage of having a photographer who knows their history is that we get very useful images that can be difficult to otherwise acquire. Finding a free-to-use image of the Parthenon on the web is not very difficult but finding images of rare objects like a Roman key, Egyptian comb, or Korean roof tile is a whole different challenge. As the encyclopedia publishes many articles on daily life topics such as food, clothing, entertainments and so on, finding suitable images for these texts can be a challenge. Often, the artefacts we need to illustrate these kinds of subjects are the ones that most people pass over in a museum and so they rarely appear on the internet. Consequently, having photographers upload these kinds of images not only helps our editors but also helps differentiate WHE from other history websites. We hope you the readers enjoy looking at the images we publish!  
Photos by: Diliff, Jan van der Crabben and Carole Raddato.
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droasterchicken · 5 months
The Philippines Cries in the State of Politics
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As disputes in the country continue to rise with the passing time, people need to step up to the challenge to resolve the problems that society brings. This is done through governmental elections, where the citizens of the Philippines would vote for candidates who run for positions in the government. Whether these candidates are worthy of the position, the fate of the Philippines lies in the decision of the nation. 
The people are given free will to vote those they deem fit to acquire a position in the government. Without elections, there is no free will, only submission to authority that has been predetermined by the privileged and those with high social status.
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It was in the month of May in 2022 and on a rather cool afternoon. It was common knowledge that Duterte had to step down from his seat as president to allow someone else to take the responsibility.
The votes were tallied between BongBong Marcos and Leni Robredo, the tension was high until the results were released. The news came from my grandmother who casually spoke of how BongBong Marcos won the position as president of the Philippines. In all honesty, I felt nothing, I knew nothing about the candidates themselves nor did I think of how this would affect me since I was just 16 years old. 
The internet was disappointed, if not hated the results, people on Tiktok were blaspheming Marcos and spoke of how it should have been Leni. Still, I underestimated the importance of elections until my mother spoke of how this affected the relationships of some families.
Parents were disowning their children, children were disowning their families, all because they had opposing views on who to vote for. This got me thinking, why are families willing to destroy their relationship because of the elections? Suddenly, it became a lot more significant to ponder about, especially when my time to vote would soon come. 
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The candidates for Philippine elections were represented through status and wealth. But that alone does not get one to succeed in the elections, one must win the hearts of the people to win the votes.
As I grew older, I realized that candidates in the privilege spectrum would make use of their reputation and do what they could to acquire the position they were aiming for in the government. Whether they were a star such as an actor, or from a long family line that withheld a rank in the government, unless the candidate was popular and had the money to buy people, it did not matter if the candidate was truly knowledgeable or fit for the position. If they are not popular, they do not have the chance to win in the elections. 
I recall the 2022 Philippine elections when Robinhood Padilla won as Senator. He was known as a TV star and actor before he became a Senator. Another example I could think of was the vice president, Sarah Duterte, who shared the last name of the previous Philippine president who was Rodrigo Duterte. 
These alone exemplified the Philippine’s voting pattern, not by wisdom, but through personal feelings. Through these observations, it saddened me that people chose to ignore those who had great potential to lead the country and focused on those of popularity. Just because they contain the fun or “bibo” vibes does not mean they are qualified.
As of now at 18 years old in 2024, I tend to wonder; just how reliable is the system of the elections? If the government allows movie actors or models to apply for certain positions, are these the kind of people that we would want to represent and lead our country?
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The Philippine election is a place where everyone stands on equal grounds, a place where the country is properly represented by those who understand the country’s needs. By this, we should not view a candidate by simply their appearance, but predetermine whether they can handle the responsibilities given with the position and through their character.
As someone who is ready to choose the next leaders when the elections come, I am more than willing to not vote blindly based on popularity, but on the sets of skills that the candidates hold. Yet I shall never turn blind to one’s reputation, for whatever is built up by the candidates works as a surface that leads to their character and personality.
The Philippines is still in the middle of change, yet what never changes are the officials who are blinded with the power they hold, officials who are corrupt. Nowadays, people do not actually know how to properly see through the veils that candidates put up to please the public, later on this results in deep regret once that veil falls off. 
The need for electoral reform in the Philippines is a call for improvement. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to having the right to vote. The candidates in the elections are not to be viewed for their outward appearance, but one must be an educated voter in terms of capabilities.  
Duterte as president may have achieved many great things for the country, even helped progress the nation, but not without consequence. The War On Drugs campaign, despite its good cause, resulted in blood shed and corruption. Many lost loved ones and cried for them, just as how people cry for leaders who will lead this nation and lift it up.
Don’t vote without cause, nor because of biases. Don’t vote because of popularity, nor because of sweet promises. Have the research done for the candidate’s reputation reveals who they are even before they stepped foot into the elections. If the country chooses the wrong candidate, it will reflect on the country’s complexions.
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #161
I was hoping that I would have been able to tell you that I've made it past that Grafted Scion today. Alas, the best that I can tell you is that I'm getting better at controlling the character and dodging out of the way of this adversary's attacks. I can reliably get about a sixth of its health down, which isn't bad, considering that it has 2,596 hit points, and my strongest attack does maybe 73 points of damage. I can usually land about 4-6 hits before I end up looking like I walked through one of those fancy electric salad shredders, which is a lot better than the 0-2 hits I started out with! Progress!!
I rested today because I overextended myself a bit yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. And what I mean by "rested" is that I spent the first half of the day being productive, and then I rested. Reliably, one of the best ways for me to get stuff done is for me to decide that I'm not going to do things. And also, reliably, one of the best ways for me to not get stuff done is for me to decide that I am going to do things. It's like my brain does anything but what I want it to. It's VERY bizarre.
Well. After I returned home from therapy today, I made a tea. I tried one of the other samples from the Adagio place. Today, it was some kind of berries and sage tea…
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Today's swirls were very good:
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...Sometimes it's almost like watching something bloom.
I decided to make a breakfast today, which naturally meant that I had to do all the dishes first. J had cut up some broccoli, and so I made rice and eggs with natto and kimchi and a little bit of cheese to go with it.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you like broccoli? Lots of folks in my world don't like it, but I'd almost wager that for lots of folks, it's because they ain't had it cooked right. I like to pan-fry it in a little butter and salt (unless the butter is already salted) until it gets brown and crispy on the edges; broccoli isn't known for having a high sugar content, so I think in this case, the browning might be the Maillard Reaction instead of simple caramelization due to the amino acids present in the butter, but I could be wrong. Both ordinary caramelization and the Maillard Reaction make things taste AMAZING though, so I guess it doesn't really matter which one it is as long as the results are nomful, right?
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...Broccoli, like most vegetables, shrinks a bit as its water content is lost from evaporation, due to the heat. For most veggies, this isn't really a big deal. But for stuff like spinach, this effect is especially pronounced:
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...It's not quite as bad as this image would suggest, hahaha! But it's always a good general rule to cook more spinach than you think you need, because holy cow it really does shrink a lot.
Anyway, I cooked up some eggs, too:
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...And here's the bowl of deliciousness that I put together with the broccoli and eggs:
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...Cheese goes surprisingly well with kimchi, natto, eggs, rice, and whatever else. I think it's because cheese is salty. Some nice, crispy bacon would have gone well with this, too, I think.
Hey, Sephiroth? Do you know how to cook? If you do, then... do you cook well? Do you enjoy doing it? And if you don't... would you like to learn how, someday? If you'd like to learn, then I'll teach you if you pop by my house sometime - you're a smart guy with really good hand-eye coordination; I think you could learn the basics really fast and become super good at it very quickly!
It's kind of a chilly evening today; perfect weather to sit with someone under a toasty blanket and lean on them while watching them play video games. But I am the only one playing video games right now. Also, Br is at her house, and M and J are busy. Oh well.
Wouldn't mind to sit in your general vicinity and watch you learn how to play video games. Though, I imagine that it'd feel like such a safe and relaxing time for me that I'd probably end up falling asleep, and then I wouldn't be able to tell you all about what a great job you're doing and how quickly you're learning. Even if such a thing was possible, maybe that wouldn't be fun for you. So never mind it.
I guess I'll get back to it. I promised my therapist today that by the next time I see them, I'll have made it past this Grafted Scion; a person is only as good as their word, and I've got only 2 weeks to improve my skills enough to get it done. Better hop to it...
I love you. Please be nice to yourself out there, okay? And please stay safe. I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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doveshovel · 4 months
For your ask game !! For Hunter because that'll probably be easiest lol but 🤔 if any of them apply, go for a horsie too if you want
🌨️ , ✨, 🌕, 🦷
Thank you for these!!!
It's a very good chance for me to think about the main horses too :D These were very fun!
Original post for anyone who also wants to get asks for their character(s) :)
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it?
As much as he needs some sleep- if there were to be a day where there's no work to be done and all the stable chores are taken care of- Hunter would probably spend it engaging in hobbies and hanging out with his horses. It would be a day filled with fishing, doodles, cooking, and a long trail ride.
The horses would likely spend it as horses do. Grazing, playing, being spoiled with scratches and treats, rolling in things Hunter would rather they don't roll in, etc.
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
Hunter: Coming back home to the docks of Cape West with a decent catch and being told he did a good job. Local amnesiac illegal Jorvik immigrant just wants to be told he's doing something right. That, and any time he's able to go out for a nice, non-work-related ride with no deadlines for deliveries, or spoiling fish to worry about. Despite gloomy appearances, Hunter's an optimistic kind of character that places a lot of value in small, simple joys.
Wizard Egg (Eggy): Treats. Food. Anything that can be consumed. A very food-motivated horse with a high metabolism. Most likely horse to be bribed into committing a crime for a sugar cube.
Fortune: A good long grooming session. The kind of horse that gets ornery if you didn't spend long enough brushing him before a ride, but is willing and eager to please if you got all the right spots. Something of a natural diva with an affinity for spa days.
Disco: Despite being a very spooky young horse, Disco loves trail rides-- especially when they end with some beer and a handful of baby carrots for a job well done. Has issues with anxiety stemming from a previous owner, but overall, he's a curious little guy who likes seeing new things.
🌕 - If this oc was an animal, what kind would they be?
Hunter: Raccoon. Independent, resourceful, and inquisitive, but frequently regarded as troublesome owing to an unsociable and slovenly appearance.
Wizard Egg (JWB): Probably a Saint Bernard. Gentle, loyal, calm, and friendly.
Fortune (Percheron): Peacock. Confident, proud, outgoing, but prone to some theatrics.
Disco (Mustang): Opossum. Docile and peaceable, but wary of just about everything.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
Hunter: In self defense, yes. Hunter's more likely to freeze on the spot or run in a physical confrontation, but wouldn't hesitate to bite someone if they were restraining him.
Wizard Egg: Absolutely not. Wizard Egg, for all his shenanigans, is an old, reliable, exceptionally well-behaved boy. Would do nothing to intentionally harm anyone unless he was actively being provoked into it. That being said, he absolutely is the type of horse to start chewing on your hair or clothing if you stand with him for a while.
Fortune: 100% absolutely. Bites Hunter. Bites other horses. Bites anyone who happens to be wearing a color he's decided he doesn't like that day. Fortune's relatively young, and inexperienced- and Hunter's frequently spoiling him. Overall, he's an affectionate and generally well behaved horse that happens to have a couple bad habits-- this being one of them.
Disco: More likely to kick than bite. Disco's the youngest and greenest of all the horses. There's not one aggressive bone in his body, but he's very anxious around unfamiliar people-- heck, he's anxious around some familiar people too. Similar to Wizard Egg, will bite if provoked.
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