#the troubles increase
doctorghoti · 2 years
It feels like the exhaustion is in my soul. Or perhaps exhaustion replaced it.
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thegreatyin · 4 months
sidenote while im here and i don't think ive ever mentioned it, i love how the entire conceit of evolution is just "you are now someone else's important ambition NPC". the player character is the naturalist's beechwood. we're the companion he gets at the start that canonically follows him around everywhere and he can equip us for +1 zeefaring and +2 friendship. we're the guy he's gonna visit every 4 weeks to get a 62-echo item and a small line of text describing what goofy hijinks we're up to while he's living his own glorious post-ambition life. he's doing knifegate and we are his number one hypeman. he's gonna unlock us as an assistant in his lab and we'll give him lab research and nightmares the whole time we're there. he's just a guy playing his own exclusive entirely different MSQ to the rest of us and i love that so much
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e-adlirez · 5 months
Wellerman is stuck in my head so
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So yes they are singing Wellerman in front of the campfire, they are vibing ✨
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dreamlogic · 7 months
going through another round of "what if i got a cane would my life be easier with a cane should i get a cane" hmmmm
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guardian-of-da-gay · 11 months
Knuckles Wachowski, not used to having to answer to adult authority, has a tendency to disappear and not say where he's going. He doesn't do it to be a bad boy he's just... unintentionally a bad boy. And asking where he's been afterward doesn't really help because it goes something like this:
"So where'd you go?"
"I visited a forest with most impressive trees! I saw a large bird."
"How far away are these impressive trees?"
"Hmm. Not far, I think."
Finally Maddie lends him her fitness tracker with strict orders that he not take it off. She gets up the next morning to see her phone flooded with generic app notifications: Congrats on running 1 mile! Congrats on running 50 miles! Congrats on running 100 miles! Its not even 7am! This is how she finds out he does 'perimeter patrols' multiple times a night.
A week later he cheerfully relays that he visited the impressive trees again. She checks the app. The Redwoods. He's talking about the California Redwoods. A thousand miles away. 'Not far' her ass! Now she's kind of worried where Sonic goes when he reports he's 'going for a run'.
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inamindfarfaraway · 3 months
A Series of Unfortunate Events crossover AU with The Incredibles where the Baudelaires are a family of supers. Bertrand and Beatrice used to be a superhero team, albeit with murky pasts. Syndrome, their former biggest fan, lures them to Nomanisan Island and kills them with the Omnidroid, then has it declared a tragic accident. Their three children are now orphans. Hiding their powers is more important than ever. People who know tend to be less sympathetic and more suspicious and the National Super Agency is inclined to put the quietness of their lives above the quality of them. Good thing that their totally legitimate relative Buddy Pine is around to foster them right away! He’s a brilliant inventor with a billion-dollar company! He even loves superheroes and offers to train the kids in his advanced facility! What could possibly go wrong?
Fourteen-year-old Violet can generate and control electricity. However, she’s inexperienced at doing so in visible, direct ways. Manipulating currents through materials and inside machines or even her own nervous system (stimulating her muscles to keep herself awake, focused or move with more energy, for example) is easier for her. She gets more comfortable producing raw electricity over time, especially when she needs to protect her siblings. She could control other people’s nervous systems, but doesn’t want to. All technology fascinates her. To complement her intuitive mastery of electronics, she has great skill in mechanical engineering and the resourcefulness to invent equipment out of whatever is available. Being a living battery only enhances what she can create. Since extended use of her power raises her hair with static electricity, she wears her hair securely braided and tied with a ribbon.
Twelve-year-old Klaus has extrasensory perception which, based on his highly verbal thought process as an avid bookworm, is attuned to words. He can hear people’s thoughts, but needs to concentrate to search for information below the surface, filter through the vast swathes of irrelevant and interpret the nonverbal thoughts and emotions mixed in. So it’s often like reading an extremely dense book full of words you don’t know. But he can figure those unknowns out through his keen reasoning. He can also mentally sense the presence of physical text nearby, read it even if he can’t see it and scan a space for specific words, for example to find a certain book in a library. Between this and his photographic memory, he’s a fantastic researcher. His eyes glow faintly the harder he pushes his powers. His glasses help to disguise that on top of correcting his vision, refracting the light, so that quirk will only expose him if they’re lost or broken.
One-year-old Sunny has an invulnerable digestive system that can process anything with no ill effects. Glass, poison, fire. Her teeth are superhumanly durable and sharp. But while nothing along the tube from her jaw to her rear end will bleed, burn or break, the rest of her can, therefore she should still be careful how she ingests hazardous things. And just because she can eat and drink everything, doesn’t mean she likes every taste and texture. She actually has a refined palette and prodigious culinary talents.
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vaalthus · 6 months
Convergence Part 1 (spoilers)
*Deep inhale*
*Long exhale*
So to start,
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I have to say I was utterly shocked that Jaania chose not sacrifice any more of her forces to buy her more time weave her spell but after giving it some thought it's an action that makes sense for her. As I mentioned in commenting on the Final Steps release, Jaania is finally able to see that our motivations we're always intended to strive for everyone's sake in the best of ways we knew how. As a result, she's hoping we can see and have faith in the good she's trying to bring about through her ascension.
As such, it makes no sense in her eyes to waste the lives of those who have been so loyal to her in helping her reach this moment when there's a chance their lives can be spared by us and they in turn be able to experience the world she seeks to achieve. Though those same troops would have been more than happy to lay down their lives for her so that world is brought to fruition. It's just a pity Jaania didn't give the order to retreat sooner otherwise the last of the Pelekoans might have survived.
What troubles me is the comments like these:
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It's no secret to anyone that the last of Jaania's forces were those who were most loyal to her and her vision but what I find troubling here is the inevitable aftermath of these people once this conflict reaches its conclusion. As Hansa, pointed out to us in the Awakened Depths, Jaania became a beacon for those who had a simple wish to be achieved: to be free of any and all magical threats that Lore offers. However, it's not just these soldiers that want that, it's the nobles, the farmers, the little guys that have been supporting the Rose all these years across Greenguard and likely still do, sure that number has definitely taken a dive since the start of Book 3 but I doubt it's still insignificant. All of those people will soon find their dreams and the person who was meant to bring back a sense of uninterrupted peace in their lives is about to be dashed. We can only hope their response to this reality is constructive as opposed to the opposite.
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What I've been saying all along folks :3
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Miss me with that "we're not so different you and I" speech.
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I like to think this is the Hero taking all they've learned about the ability to make choices in the Maleurous saga and is just throwing that much needed wisdom back at Jaania who feels the need to instill order in the world.
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This comment is interesting to me because we have seen the Hero effectively try and be everywhere all at once for eveyone's sake, quite almost obsessively I might add, and I feel if Jaania hadn't recently just had a change of heart on her perspective on them, and taken the time to analyze the Hero's deal, she might have been able to more strongly appeal to their need, their desperation, in protecting everyone they can. Not that it would work either way, the Hero's distrust and deep-rooted fear of her, as seen in Fear, showed that getting us on her side was simply not possible.
If she was more predatory, of course, she would have used that aspect against us as every other villain that attacks our psyche has done before. A neat contrast here is what I'm pointing out.
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*sigh* Every single new questionable scene with this woman continues to force me to find comfort in the fact that her and the other Magesters too dependent on the Mana Core Fragment will be dead eventually thanks to Roirr's actions. I truly want to believe there's a positive future for the Shapeless Empire that doesn't involve exploiting its citizens through this agreed upon cycle without violence but the rotting hands of the past never want to let go of control easily.
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Okay technically this right here is the more sensible reasoning, but I stand by what I said! What I like most in this scene is that we simply reaffirm what we've been trying to tell her since this whole mess started with her organization. Everything we bring up about the harm the Rose has done thus far has been consistent and aren't negated by the fact that Jaania, at heart, wants to do what she believes is best for everyone's sake.
What I love even more however is how she averts her eyes the moment we bring up Akanthus because she knows she can't even reasonably, or delusionally for that matter, deny she has made a grave error in judgement in allowing Akanthus' abuses on, well, basically everyone, and soon everything, in his wake. It's that "Yeah, ya got me there look" that just sends warm feelings down my spine.
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Now if you told me at the start of this saga Jaania was going to offer us a bargain to effectively play as the puppeteer god of fate alongside her, I definitely would have called you insane. It's moment I'm sure comes as a complete shock to everyone, it certainly did to me anyway. And honestly why wouldn't it? It's one thing to ask us to stand down and simply allow her to achieve apotheosis but it's a completely different matter to propose to come and play god. But it's one that sadly makes all too much sense.
Jaania has admitted that she has made terrible mistakes and has been too much of an imperfect being in her quest to achieve peace and prosperity for Lore. So better way to accommodate for her ham-fisted actions and judgement so far then to have someone like the Hero to hopefully keep her worse tendencies in check. As opposed to someone like Akanthus or Zadd who would, in all likelihood, make things worse had they been afforded the opportunity. There's another reason I believe she makes this offer but I'll get to that later.
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Nothing else to say here beyond epic callback!
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Out of all the Hero's moments in this quest, I believe this is where their experiences throughout the Maleurous saga shines through the brightest.
In a way, you could argue that, in spite of the obvious chaos that will come with it, Jaania's plan is to instill an eternal order, a Destiny, upon Lore itself, one in which she will insists never ends as she dictates. Yet the Hero knows the importance of others being able to decide the paths they choose to walk, I'd argue they've known that since Calamity, without some transcendental hand to yank them in another direction against their own will. So they certainly would not agree to be the one to dictate the fate of all those that live on Lore let alone allow someone as misguided as Jaania to do it.
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Okay, I think we all knew that the void pearl was too easy a solution to deal with Akanthus and was likely not going to work but there's something absolutely amusing about Hesperrhodos being used a shield to be sent to the Void and then teleport immediately back to Lore without issue since, ya know, Elemental Spirits can just do that at any time. Hell I at least would have thought that thing would have let a monster through or something. The downside to seeing Zvezdana looking completely slack-jawed after these events unfolded is the fact that we still don't have a damned plan to take Akanthus out of commission...so yeah.
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I have to say I love this final appeal Jaania gives to the trio of combatants because it shows a few things. First, that she still fails to understand that her organization was really only giving the illusion of peace to all those the dwelt within range of the Rose's reach and even then only really through the lens of normal humans. Second, it displays that she never truly had a proper grasp on the relationship she fostered with those she worked alongside. Lastly, she places too much hope that wanting the same things is not the same as agreeing ideologically how get those things.
Which inevitably leads to one option: Violence
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I have waited 12. long. years. for this very moment. 12 years spent waiting since we broke free from that ice cap. 8 years I waited since from the first time we saw her again in Timelines. 7 years since the original Gala and our spat. 4 years since dealing with the second rift and I had a deeper appreciation for her mental state which motivates her.
And now I am finally here to fight Jaania one on one. So, you best believe I fought alone to prove which of us was could beat the other!
The following boss fight that ensues is perhaps one of the best thematic story fights in the entire game at this point, as it should be for the antagonist that is the face for this entire saga. I'm quite pleased that devs designed her to be difficult, hell I'm even glad that couldn't easily soul gambit my way out of this one.
In terms of mechanics, it's everything you could expect, Jaania does everything she can to debuff us and each time she fails and has her health cut down in bulk she commands even more strength to take us down, even attempting to go for the old freeze'em solid trick and when that doesn't draw any purchase thanks to Aegis she relies on her new found soul weaving arts to dispatch us. All the while we deal with the tragic music in the background tugging at the heart strings for a conflict that should have been avoided.
How far we've come since the Doom Amulet was our first real challenge in-game for year, eh?
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And can I say how amusing it is that Jaania trapping us in ice is something that could only work once? Aegis apparently always had the means of unfreezing, he simply couldn't due to Draco keeping everyone away from where we were placed. So, with him already being close by to protect our soul from going poof, there's no way he's going to let us get trapped again. Even more amusing is to think about how Jaania is basically using the old ice soul weaver meta to take us on.
But after all of that we prove in the end, with or without aid, to be stronger than Jaania, at least in this exact moment.
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It's a pity though that the moment does not last as expected Jaania will not let it end without fighting at her full potential.
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This right here is the reason I believe Jaania made her initial proposal to us and why I bring up the Maleurous saga. For me at least, it's easy to see the similarities between Jaania and Notha. Both are exceptionally powerful accomplished mages that desperately sought out to change a world that gave them deep rooted traumas that they wished to change that world so that the suffering they experienced could not continue. However, where Notha wanted to bring about chaos to change the order of the world; Jaania is hellbent on imposing order on the chaos the world of Lore and its magic offers its inhabitants. Furthermore, I suspect, unlike Notha, that Jaania cannot bring herself to reconcile with the trauma magic has placed on her life and the people she cared about. Most defining of all though, which will likely be her downfall, is her need to be in control of everything so that she or anyone else might never hurt again.
Antagonists like Jaania are always left in a hard spot. They seek to rid the world of suffering and conflict forever and while that is a noble desire they fail to realize how unfortunately intrinsic those things are to existence. Thusly they bang their heads on a wall until they're bloodied and broken only for that dream they longed for to dissipate before their very eyes.
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And so, her last option is to go full synchronization. I can't guess what happens next here with Jaania. Judging by the increased streaks of white in her hair, her soul is continuing to unravel though I think she's in no worse of a state than Tomix was when he was at the end. I was originally going to say synchronizing with a corrupt spirit created through forbidden magic would spell instant catastrophe for Jaania but then I remembered Aspar was created through the same means, although he was just a fragment, so she might pull off the effect with little issue.
I suppose we must simply wait and see what becomes of our troublesome Arch Magus and where the winds will turn for her ambitions.
And of course, there's still this asshole and the doom device.
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pharawee · 8 months
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Seems like Live in Love the Series is no longer happening with Non Ratchanon. Studio on Fire, the production company behind the series (and Hearth Chindanai's agency? I'm not sure but they do promo for his fanmeeting) just announced that the ship collab between Non and Hearth has ended due to their agencies not being able to agree on common terms.
Non's role will be recast and... I guess that's that.
What in the War of Y?? Copy A Bangkok did say there was going to be a special episode. I just didn't think it was War of Managers in real life.
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moodr1ng · 24 days
i keep having these kinda hilarious nightmares where someone leaves me a 1 star review on etsy and says my stickers are the worst quality theyve ever seen and theyre so disappointed etc. like thats objectively a really funny thing to have as a recurring nightmare esp considering i have a 5 star rating and hundreds of reviews praising the quality dhskejdke
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gamebunny-advance · 5 months
Random Thought
So, a while back I posted a pic of all the Pokemon dudes that I like despite knowing basically nothing about Pokemon, and it's become a very shocking fact to me that despite their apparent popularity, the train dudes do basically nothing in their home game.
#how do i know they do nothing if i don't play pokemon?#because i looked through a playilst of an old chugg/a/conroy LP and they weren't in a single thumbnail for that series#that dude covers EVERYTHING in a series. if they were important they would have been there#i guess side characters are capable of getting large fan bases for basically no reason#but i find it very odd regardless#is it a fun mode?#is there a different piece of media that led to their popularity?#because i have minimal interest in pokemon as a series outside of character/creature design#i don't mind looking up spoilers for it#so i know that ingo in particular got a boost after arceus for *Reasons*#and the inherent tragedy of that story was sure to increase the fans of both#but why the heck were they popular before that?#because them being on my personal list is because#i was bombarded with fanart about them for like 2 months so i was basically suckered into caring about them#anyway. i don't think i'm gonna go through the trouble of updating that graphic#but these are the new pokedudes that would be added to it:#gordie. as per forgetting him the first time.#the principal of the school and his alter ego#the dark type leader of team star#the biology. art. and cooking teacher#larry.#and the professor from pokemon sleep#for the record there are pokegals that i like too but that list is much shorter than thus much less interesting#it's hard for me to get into anime girls because i always feel like they're trying to sell me something#and i'm usually not buying
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no offense but the american concept of "fuck you personally and expect punishment if anything ever happens to you, in or out of your control, that affects your ability to be a perfect worker at all times" is, quite frankly, unhinged
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possamble · 5 months
^ guy who played too much pathfinder kingmaker and dragon age inquisition and can't stop thinking about laios looking at a project with three cards of marcille, kabru, and yaad respectively to choose from
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bigmilkagenda · 6 months
many people are posting about "You don't sound Russian" and "He can read?"
which is very fun, but I think it also reveals an important part of both Jon and Gwen's characters:
they each would have voted walrus.
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anonymous-scapegoat · 7 months
my navigation audiobook is describing the process of gluing little stilts to ant legs and i am. so sad. they count their steps to find their way home 🥺 “like little accountants” 🥺 why are u confusing them like that
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fuzzyunicorn · 1 month
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Have the lil Satanists reached their breaking point yet? If not read my tags below
#hahahahahaha prepare 2 reach n re-reach it again & again & again in my Forest as I heal n resurrect u 2 b tortures some more#is the suspense too much??? HAHAHAHAHAHA#do u dumb fucks wanna know y the waiting period keeps getting dragged out?? it’s bc u stupid cunts have subscribed 2 the logic of our hole#we dug is so deep there’s no way @fuzzyunicorn can get us in anymore trouble than we’re already in so let’s keep digging we’ve come this fa#HAHAHAHAHAHA oh noooo no no that poor logic won’t do at all the ante not only ups n ups w the more crimes u lil running dumb scared Satanis#commit#but u also get punished 4 ur ill thoughts so we the Divine r using absolutely everything agaisnt u all there is no cap to ur punishments we#up the severity as u dumb cunts keep doing so we’ll follow suit if u all truly wanted to not increase ur punishments stop#the only way to stop racking up ur karma is to stop not buy keep blowing it out the wazoo in my Forest unlike Hell I don’t have to do manua#labor 2 tortue u like the demons have to I have real Magick & know how to harness & wield it so for instance I can make a decapitation last#4 literal eons & each second that goes by it gets more n more painful & my magick prevents u from passing out unconscious from the pain it#just keeps climbing & I also have magick to mute ur cries of agony so u can’t do nerfin while I can do literally anything I please so pleas#keep giving me more n more reasons 2 up my ante bc I can’t up my ante until u stupid fucks do#so hmm think lil Satanists if everything u do comes back to u at least times 3 & u’ve been using this planet that u think is yours 4 nigh#300 million years so multiply that by 3 & to after that we have to factor in each tiny detail of ur crimes so my oh my ur gonna b swaying#in my Forest for at least the multiplied amount u’ve fucked around here + all of ur crimes & the crimes ur fellow Satanists committed yep u#all like in the military will answer not only 4 ur OWN crimes but also each n every single one of ur brethren (gender neutral) so @ the lil#Satanists who only did one thing hahahahaha guess whatie?? u will answer for every misdeed & ill thought committed n thought by your#comrades so no ur not safe bc u did 1 thing by our logic u did not just do one thing & if this Satanic mess has been playing out 4 close 2#300 million years on this planet alone uhhh that’s a fuck ton of crimes committed & guess WHAT ELSE?? since this isn’t the only planet u#lil Satanists quote on quote conquered & there’s 40 not 9 planets in this solar system alone & there’s more galaxies u did the same thing t#is all being factored into the tally of ur punishments 😭😂 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WOO WHAT A TIME 2 B ALIVE
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anxiously-kk · 11 months
don’t hate me y’all but some people on twitter are mad that felicia would lie for no reason and like i think that’s kinda a reach? clearly she’s a bad ally for cirie but she’s also playing to win. it’s a decent move to make if it works. but ya she lied or sold her out idk which, not cause she’s jealous (she may be idk but it’s not only that) and not for no reason, but because she wants to see herself win not someone else. i know that’s something ciries stan’s have had trouble accepting this season but that is literally the game
(i don’t like it btw but speaking objectively the move has a purpose it’s just one we might not like)
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