#because that's how far back i needed to go for my cabin seven ocs
tsarinatorment · 2 years
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21 years of Camp Half-Blood Beads!
I had a lot of fun designing these; canon events and details have been used where we have them, otherwise it’s all my own creation.  There are two variants of the post-TOA year bead because the top set of beads places The Sun and the Stars as being in the following CHB-year (Sept-Aug) to The Tower of Nero, while the bottom set assumes it takes place in the same CHB-year and that something different occurs the year after instead.
Feel free to borrow the designs, but please credit me if you do!
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coolcattime · 2 months
2, 4, 11, 21, 30!
2 - Who is your newest OC? Why did you make them? 
My newest OC is Winnie! She is a small dark elf (approx 18) who has 10 dozen bees within her body. She's a creepy weird girl who has skills to make her a nightmare being (she's a healer ^-^ )
She likes bees, The Heart (the eldritch thing that is beneath), and helping people. She dislikes wallpaper, swimming, and bad dreams.
Here are some picrews of her! (Note, Winnie is meant to be wearing a little woollen hat but I forgot when doing the picrews) (Picrews HERE and HERE)
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I made her because I was going to play Heart: The City Beneath with friends and therefore needed a new character. She is based on the runaway from darkest dungeon 2 and that real child who said there was a monster that turned out to be 60,000 bees.
4 -  What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
So, I am terrible at identifying different kinds of music and definitely could not figure it out for all of my OCs.
However, @theiratlas did once do a couple of them so and I trust their judgement on this far more than my own so here is that list:
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I also think I can say that Cassidy would like country music - because he is originally from Liminal Horror, a modern set ttrpg, and he was a country singer.
And Sigourney (the other OC originally from Liminal) would be into some sort of punk music because she was originally based on Reko so why not keep that connection going
11 -  Sum up one or more of your wips! 
This answer ended up being longer so it’s under the read more! It’s long because I maybe just give a (very short) summary of every WIP that has any actual writing done (so out of the scripting/planning stage).
21 -  When did you start considering yourself a writer/artist? 
Writer; at like age seven when I got my first nice notebook and started writing stories that made my mum scared. Because even though I really couldn’t stomach the idea of horror movies until age sixteen, I have always been a horror fan (my mum does not appreciate this).
Artist; god knows. Somedays I probably still wouldn’t 😅
30 - How are you doing? <3
Pretty good right now!
11 - The Full Answer
OC Danganronpa AU, Prologue - The prologue of an OC danganronpa AU. Will also certainly will get split into parts if ever finished.
Funger OC, Point of No Return - A scene from the C Route of our OC Termina AU. Rhell's POV of her, Rhys, and Libi killing Medli and Darien.
Mianite Libris Crossover, Jordan POV - A scene that introduces Katherine, Orla, and Idric from Jordan's POV. Features Idric breaking parts of the already mostly ruined Sparksize church because he's incredibly stressed and needs to break something.
Mianite Until Dawn, C3P1 - Ianite, Sonja, Jordan, and Dianite do a seance. Tom and Skipper continue towards the guest cabin
Mianite YTTD, Untitled Document - The prologue of Mianite YTTD. Features a woman asking if you know a majority vote is, a demonstration of the results of a majority vote, and Tom and Jordan walking back late from university.
The Libris Collection, Idric is dead??? - A story about how Medli, Altair, Katherine, and Leontine deal with grief after Idric is apparently disintegrated.
The Libris Collection, Sigourney - Signourney mets the Storyteller is made to tell her own backstory.
The Libris Collection, The Name Ba'lor - Medli and Idric discuss how Idric picked his own last name and Medli talks about walking to change her own last name.
A New Life P2 - The beginning of a second part to A New Life. Capsize has a perfect life with Ianite, but keeps having odd dreams about a strange woman and finds herself forgetting things more and more often.
Ace Attorney AU - On the day when Altair has finally decided to drop out of university, Altair is arrested for murdering their professor.
Blades, Dimitra - Dimitra waits outside of a music longue, hoping to see her girlfriend who suddenly disappeared months ago after an accident on a heist.
Sleeping Curse WIP - Capsize and Redbeard sleeping beauty curse AU. In the present, Redbeard guards the cursed Capsize, lost as to what he's meant to do to wake her up. In the past, Capsize attempts enjoy her last uncursed year, wondering if she'll ever find a "true love" to break the curse that's soon going to strike.
Zombie Leontine AU - In a world where instead of being a cute weird girl, Leontine used her spore powers to create the zombie apocolaypse, Leontine and Katherine meet. Katherine is somehow immune to the spores turning her into a zombie. Leontine is not the monstrous necromancer that she appears to be. (Yes, I made another Beauty and the Beast style story - sue me)
Text Note 4/2 - God swap au. As Tucker and Sonja come back unsuccessful in their attempts to find their goddess, Jordan is unfortunately joined by some friends.
Text Note 7/1 - OC Funger AU. Route A. Altair and Darien rush back to the train after being attacked by a horde of monstrous villagers only to find that nearly everyone has left.
Home and Free, Chp14 - Sonja learns that Capsize has never celebrated the Winter Solistice and is encouraged by Tom to change that fact.
Safety - Capsize wakes up in a cage, and is told by Ianite that her friends imprisoned her to save Ianite.
Mianite W/W Vampire AU. Ianite sees her - Vampire Lord Ianite sees Capsize for the first time.
Under the New Moon, Chp2 - Tucker and Sonja go to Jordan's bar to have a meeting with Capsize, but it unfortunately appears that she's late.
There is almost certainly more, but I'm not dismantling the notebook pile to search through and I'm gonna be honest, I'm sure this will more than suffice.
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virgil-writes · 3 years
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ash & soot
Long before the Winters come into play, a monster stalks the Forbidden Forest that surrounds the Village. Karl Heisenberg is sent to investigate, and heads deeper into darkness to find his prey, a thorn on his side and someone just like him. (Heisenberg x OC)
on AO3: chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven (ao3 only) | chapter eight | chapter nine | chapter ten | chapter eleven | chapter twelve | chapter thirteen (ao3 only, smut)
chapter 12 - cabin fever
SFW, around 5K words.
chapter 13 - liebchen (ao3 only, smut)
The sheets underneath him were worn but comfortable, ancient-looking in design but well taken care of. The bed frame is barely there, mattress a well-placed lattice away from being on the floor. He can’t remember the last time he’s been on a bed, the last time he’d laid his body down at all, for any reason. His back complains every other second, not because of the comfort of the bedding, but because it had gone without for so long. A wonderfully comfortable blanket covers him up to the hips, the soft mattress almost makes him feel like he is floating. Fuck, he really missed having a proper bed now.
He inspects himself carefully, still not fully convinced this is not a fever-induced hallucination. His hand is where it should be, and so is his leg, and every other part of his body that he recalled having before. There are half a dozen new scars that he can count, all healed over perfectly like they’d opened years ago instead of hours, forming a map of stories he would rather not tell. He is shirtless but is wearing pants now, his trench coat and hat nowhere to be found. He pushes the blanket aside to find the damn woolen slippers waiting for him on a woven rug. It doesn’t take him long to realize where he is, but nothing resembles her, no personal belongings on the nightstand, no desk or mirror or even a dresser. It looked as if the room was rarely visited, kept clean but empty, and he wondered if sleep was a foreign concept to her, too.
Hesitant, tentative movements take him down the ladder and into the living room, and he expects to find her hard at work at something or another, humming a tune while she cooks, petting the goat and telling it asinine, cutesy things in a soft voice. But the house is silent and she is nowhere to be found, the dog sits in front of the closed front door and watches his every move. It is not aggressive but watchful, like it had been given the task of keeping an eye on the ailing man and alerting his owner in case anything was amiss.
“I’m fine, fleabag.” He laughs at the dog and gets a huff in response, an acknowledgment, and the shepherd moves from its post at the door to give him passage if he so desires. Heisenberg gives it a well deserved pat on the head as it passes by, tail wagging hesitantly as it tried to make friends with him. He is glad to be alone - if anyone ever used this against him, he would deny it.
A plate awaits him at the dinner table, and despite his intentions of running out of there before she could see him again, breakfast is an offer he cannot bring himself to refuse. Bread and jam, a robust omelet served with sprinkles of cheese and herbs. He can almost see the aroma the coffee has left behind, and finds the pot on the side of the wood stove, cup and saucer set for him nearby.
He eats slowly and in silence, chews thoroughly before swallowing, as if he fears some abrupt movement would rip reality apart and throw him back into the pit of suffering he found himself in the night before. There is no blood, no pain; no sign of the madness he had come so close to drowning in. He is safe and comfortable, there is good food in his belly and a warm hearth to keep the cold at bay. His problems are far and cannot catch him, and maybe if he keeps stalling to finish breakfast he can stay in this bliss forever. The world is quiet outside, and so are his thoughts, for once in his life.
A shirt and sweater are neatly folded and arranged as to call attention on the couch, no doubt to replace his blood-stained, ragged trench coat. He feels naked without it, he muses as he pulls the moss-colored shirt over his head, and it feels awkward not to wear the hat and the glasses. It would be unpleasant if she were to catch him now, free of his usual regalia; he felt that she would see right through him, stare deep into his eyes and find out all he had worked so hard to hide.
He did not feel like Karl Heisenberg, Lord of the Village, powerful mutant capable of unspeakable acts of violence. He was… Karl, middle-aged immortal man who enjoyed tinkering, was a big fan of meat an potatoes and didn’t know what to do when he had time to waste in his hands. Karl, of German origin but Romanian by birth, come from a long line of miners and steel workers. People of few words and fewer luxuries, hardy of constitution and blunt to a fault. He had been content to be those things and nothing more, to carry on what the Heisenbergs had done for centuries, until life dumped him on his head and led him to where he is today.
But not today, because maybe just today he can forget, and let his gracious host distract him with her mystery and the delicate curves of her buttocks. Perhaps tomorrow he would go back to treating her like a tool he would use and discard, but today she would be none the wiser, and neither would he. The fresh air of the mountain and distance from the cramped confines of the factory would do him good, he decided, help reinvigorate his spirit and refresh his ideas, spark some inspiration. And if not, well, the food was excellent and she was easy on the eyes.
A pair of boots that didn’t belong to him were by the door, just the right size to fit him. He had walked all the way up barefoot, he remembers, but he would very much like to know how she seemed to have everything that he needed readily available. Was she clairvoyant alongside being a healer? Did she bleed money that she could buy information on him from the Duke and the apparel to go with it? He opened the door to find her outside, looking like the cat that ate the canary, a couple meters away from the gate that separated her plot of land from the heart of the forest. She had just emerged from amongst the trees, heavy coat over her shoulders and leather boots to keep the ice off her feet. Her hands were free, no basket for foraging or firewood in her arms. No sign of a knife or any other kind of weapon, but judging by the look on her face, he could swear she had just committed murder. Her eyes told him she would not speak of it.
“Good morning, pumpkin,” he began, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest, at least trying to fish an explanation out of her. Instead she pretended to forget the suspicious circumstances and focused on him instead, her face lighting up at the sight of him up and about, like she didn’t expect to see him anytime soon. Had it been that bad?
“Good morning, my lord. Are you well?” Shame and madness aside, he thought, things were going swimmingly. “I hope the accommodations were to your liking.” Once again with the pleasantries, with the caring for what he thought of her hospitality. Did she get a kick out of being so kind? That was the most foolish thing he had ever heard. He tried to come up with a witty response that would catch her off guard, but the night had been long and there was too much tiredness swamping his mind, and all he got was honesty:
“Quite. Hadn’t slept in a bed in decades.” As if to validate his words, he stretched and grunted in approval, pains he did not even realize he’d had gone like magic.
“Well, it remains at your disposal,” was her response as she chuckled, wiping her hands on the embroidered apron before gesturing an invitation. There was dirt on her palms. “It may not be much, but it’ll give you a good night’s rest.” She motioned for him to follow, something he would grow accustomed to.
“You know,” he began, following her into the shed, accepting the shallow basket she handed him. “I bet it’d be even better if you were there with me.” She hummed in approval, a smile as devious as his on her face. The damn woman would always catch him off guard; Heisenberg was not used to being flirted with, words thrown about only half-seriously, only to make the villagers blush and Alcina mad. He had never followed up on any of it, because it was always meant to annoy, and the fact that she not only took him seriously but fired back pulled the rug right from under him. And boy did he like it.
They laughed but spoke no more of it, tension like static in the air, both fully aware the joke had more than a few nuggets of truth to it. A dozen different scenarios ran through his mind, on ways he could take her, mark her, ruin her. Inside the shed, behind the stables, propped on the porch railing. Standing, face pressed against the floor, legs tightly wrapped around his waist. She smirked as she passed by him, smirked like she could tell every image that went through his mind. Smirked like she knew he would not do any of it, that his flirting was just a front and he had never found the courage to take the plunge, not even once. Her wink was the cherry on the cake, the challenge that made his cheeks flush at just the right moment so that she wouldn’t see it.
The morning was spent tending to the animals and the garden, and she instructed him on how to feed the chickens and keep the tiny goat happy. Its name was Prince and it demanded to be treated like royalty, lest the puny humans faced his wrath and for now adorable headbutts. The thing followed him around the whole time, demanded his attention when he collected the eggs from the coop, when he let the horse out of the stable to let it stretch its legs. Only when the weather took a turn for the worse did it scurry off to hide in the pens with its mom, settling down on a nice and dry bundle of hay.
He was put in charge of firewood while she tended the garden. The innuendos were kept to a minimum, but the static never left, and he felt her eyes heavy on him as he brought the axe down, muscles flexing and veins showing on his forearms with the effort. Maybe he ought to do more housework around her, and she’d come around and do his bidding without hesitation.
When the wind blew away his hat, Heisenberg realized there would be no going back to the factory unless he hurried. The storm had been mounting for days now, but he had never been one to pay much attention to the tells of weather; he rarely left his hideout, and with the factory being mostly underground, he would be trapped inside for a few days at best. He had perhaps half an hour for a journey that would take him one or two under such bad weather, and he would have to be lucky for the bridge to hold if it got too bad. She wasted little time paying attention to his inner turmoil, and went about securing the animals instead, making sure they had food, water and a warm place to spend the night. Snow was falling fast by the time she was done, and she ushered him in when he’d stood there too long, snow coming up to his shins already. They brushed off as much as they could on the porch before heading inside, water dripping down their shoulders. There was a long pause as they both watched the storm come down through the living room window, a knowing silence that the day would be long, and the night longer, and neither would be leaving that cabin for at least the next day.
“Well, it seems the bed is yours for the night again, my lord,” were her words as she bolted the door, a hint of joy in her voice. He imagined it was a lonely existence, secluded in the mountains and feared by all, not part of any community and especially not theirs. She always seemed so happy to see him, to see another human whose first instinct wasn’t to attack her. He would pity her if he cared, if his existence wasn’t equally as lonesome, if he hadn’t fashioned it to be exactly what he wished. He’d never needed anyone yapping about everything and nothing in his ears, interrupting his work and diverting his attention from what really mattered. Alcina was insane to have taken in the girls, really; children sounded like an exhausting chore that never ended. He never understood why she always looked so content in spite of it all. His mother always told him one day he would understand, he would want to keep someone close, and then he would want someone else just like them to cherish and love, to teach and share the good and bad moments. He would turn a hundred soon and never quite felt like it; maybe in another hundred years?
His only answer was a lopsided smile, tired and sad, and he tried to brace for the barrage of questions and comments that were certain to come. She was trapped inside her living space with the stranger who emerged from the guts of the forest, come from a village rife with death, where he was sovereign save for Mother dearest. He was the favorite son and the most powerful, gifted with strength and wits and influence and power. Those he could not talk down he could easily buy out, and those he could not buy out he could easily destroy. He was a fabled recluse and rumors ran rampant of the work he’d conduct in his factory, of treasures he kept deep underground. It would be a long day, the first in forever that he would spend so close to another breathing, talking human, and he did not know what to expect aside from a lot of chit-chat and a mounting headache. Surely she would like to know all about him, now that he couldn’t run away from her. Surely she would pry into his motives, pepper in questions about his siblings and the village. A thousand smug answers he conjured in his mind, each snappier than the other, every retort a question thrown back at her. It was only fair, of course; she had thrown much at him, bits and pieces of improbabilities that he couldn’t put together, and if she intended on digging deep, he would do the same.
To his surprise, all she did was leave her boots behind next to him and proceed to ignore him, going about her daily life like he was of no consequence. He found himself stunned, rooted in front of the door with a puzzled expression on his face. She looked at him as if to say well, this is it, make yourself at home and enjoy the day, and once again the domesticity of it all broke him more than words could ever have. He felt weird as he reached for the papers he had brought with him the night before, tucked next to the myriad of books on her shelf. They remained silent when he took a seat at the table and pushed open the schematics to get a better look at them, the potted plant centerpiece serving as a paper weight so he could work properly.
First, she dusted the shelves, reorganized her herb cabinet and found a place for his hat. The curtains were drawn and she took a peek outside, checking on the pens and the stable to make sure the animals would have a comfortable enough day. Then she bound off to a corner of the living room, producing a basket with threads and fabric, yarn and needles that she brought over to the couch. She sat cross-legged, close to the fire, and only spared him a brief glance before tending to her needlework. He felt weird as he reached for the papers he had brought with him the night before, tucked next to the myriad of books on her shelf. They remained silent when he took a seat at the table and pushed open the schematics to get a better look at them, the potted plant centerpiece serving as a paper weight so he could work properly. The first few minutes were nerve-racking, his paranoia telling him he would look away and find her peering curiously over his shoulder, trying to steal away his secrets to use against him as leverage. He read the same words again and again only to realize he hadn’t understood them, eyes turning to her every minute to make sure she still hadn’t moved. She caught him eventually, eyebrow raised in his direction as she tried to make sense of the situation, mouth turning into an “oh” as she jumped off the couch and stood on the tips of her toes to reach the very top of the bookshelf. A minute later and she had brought him a candle and holder, a half-empty box of matches in her other hand. She stood at the other end of the table and pushed it in his direction, still not curious regarding his work, but figuring that, even in daylight, the cabin was dark and he likely was not used to doing things by candlelight. It took him a moment to process and bring the light closer, shocked as he was to see that she intended to leave him to his own devices but cared about his comfort.
The hours were a blur then, when he convinced himself she would not surprise him, and his suspicions were correct; a change of environment had done wonders for his creativity, solutions jumping at him paper after paper, a multitude of new projects and ideas for him to try once he was back at the factory. He can’t remember the last time he had been so productive, the last time he had folded everything in and told himself he was done for the day, because he had done more than enough. She had brought him tea and bread at some point and he had eaten absentmindedly, crumbs and drops of jam staining the papers, but he could not bring himself to care. After tea she had brought him coffee, and then a jug of water, and while he felt a bit like a caged animal being fed periodically, it did wonders to keep his work flowing.
Night had already fallen when he finally took a break, got up to stretch his legs and look around to see just what she had been doing this whole time. Her crafts basket was back in its place, a sock taking shape on the needles. A book abandoned where she was sitting instead, the little witch nowhere near it. Instead she was busy preparing dinner, swaying her hips to a tune but quiet as a mouse, like she was going out of her way to give him peace and quiet. He appreciated it, try as he might to deny it, how she cared without meddling, made herself present but not intruding.
Maybe he should hire her to be his assistant, help him organize the half-done office he had begun building on the upper floors of the factory. She certainly would be great at helping him keep his affairs in order - and by that he meant she would keep him fed, mostly, the one thing he kept forgetting to do and that always set him back. He could provide her with something better than this, surely, her very own quarters with modern wonders such as electricity and proper plumbing, a bathroom of her own, maybe even a fridge. Had she ever seen a fridge before? He imagined she would decorate the place with all manner of silly things that would only serve to gather dust, knickknacks and wreaths and woven things, and that it would smell of flowers and fresh-baked bread. Her responsibilities would include housekeeping and Heisenkeeping - organizing his papers so he wouldn’t lose them, keeping track of all of the family meetings he had to attend, dealing with the Duke for supplies so he wouldn’t have to. He’d reward her handsomely, give her days off, be a good employer unlike his parents had been. Not a bad plan, if he did say so himself.
He had only forgotten to factor in that she was, still, a powerful, self-described blood witch. He had been entertaining himself with the thoughts of having her around as he watched her prepare dinner; she’d gone hunting in the morning, he realized, two hares hanging upside down from an iron ring. She took one down to place it at the cutting board, its insides clean but pelt still intact. He had no doubt she would be skilled at skinning it; when one lives as long as she has with no contact with the outside world, such skills are necessary for survival. What he did not expect was the way she’d go about it: a firm hand grabbed a handful of fur, gave it a gentle twist and pulled, effortlessly, the entire thing coming off in her hand, no cuts and no tears, neck and head and all. He could see the knife from where he was sitting, placed blade down into the ceramic jug.
Heisenberg bent forward to see better when she did it the second time around, and it was as unexplainable and horrifying as the first. Gross but humane, like she simply coaxed the skin to slide right off the flesh. If the thing had been alive, he imagined it would have been quite painful, a whole human suit in her hand and living flesh left behind. The thought almost makes him gag, a disgusted sound escaping his lips and making her realize she’s not alone. She slowly turns to face him with a sheepish smile, like a child caught red-handed. “Pretend you didn’t see that?” She offers, but he shakes his head no. Not in a million years he would forget the sheer brutality of it. He waits but she doesn’t explain it, goes back to making dinner like nothing had happened.
“Could you do that to something… Bigger, darling?” He approaches her slowly, like a predator carefully stalking its prey, though he feels far from a position of power at the moment. She nods her head yes. “Like, say, a good ole’ human?” He whispers in her ear, a shiver running down her spine at the sudden intrusion and hot breath against her skin, flirting his go-to attempt at getting back the reigns of any situation.
“Want me to test it on you, my lord?” She quips in the same whisper tone, and he is wise enough to back off for now.
“Think I’ll pass.” Before he can run back to his seat, she hands him the smaller, bone-bladed knife and pushes a bowl of potatoes towards him, the sudden motion startling him and eliciting a chuckle out of her. Looks like he’ll have to earn his keep. For a while they work shoulder to shoulder in peaceful silence, save for his grunts of frustration at not being able to peel a potato successfully. It’s been a long time. “You ought to show me what you can do one of these days. I’m awful curious.” She considers it for a second, head moving left and right, knife following the movement.
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” and she doesn’t mean metal bending and knife juggling, he knows. He can’t think of a reason why she would want to see him, truly see him, monstrous appearance and all, but if that’s the price to pay, he’ll gladly do it. It would be good for his ego, too, that priceless look on her face as he shifts into the stuff of nightmares.
There are no more gruesome sneak peeks for the night and soon the stew is ready, he helps set the table and she finds a bottle of wine she’d stashed away for a rainy day. She explains over dinner that he was quite feverish when he arrived, and it’s a wonder he made it through the night. He truly was sturdy, no ifs or buts about it, she said in appreciation. There were cuts and bruises all over him, all shapes and sizes, like he’d fallen through glass. Did he have an accident at the factory? There was genuine concern in her voice, though they both knew that she knew better.
His curiosity gets the better of him and he experiments with a few questions, each answer leaving him further in the dark. How old was she? Somewhere around a hundred and thirty. She remembers being old enough to read around 1902, when she saw the date on a newspaper she fished out of the gutter, but beyond that time was either a blur or she’d been too young to remember. Where did she come from? Not a clue, but she’s been around: she’s seen Italian castles, been to centuries old British pubs. She’s seen the Brandenburg Gate and visited Chateau de Versailles. She’s bathed in the beautiful waters of the Greek coast, made a pilgrimage to the volcanic beaches of Iceland. She’s never made it past the ocean to the Americas or down to the warmer climates of Africa, but time has never been an issue, and she figures she’ll get to it eventually. He asks her why all the wandering, is someone after her? Her breath hitches and her eyes lower, shoulders slump, a deep breath before the replies. Something like that, and he understands maybe it’s best if he doesn’t push.
They returned to the topic of his feverish display once dinner was over, with her cautioning that he had been lucky this time around, lucky that she was home, lucky that he even made it across the bridge and found his way home. Home, her use of the word is deliberate and strokes something warm and fuzzy within him. Disgusting. There was the matter of the shard, he took a sit on the couch as she reached into a drawer to pull out a bundle of clean cloth, and he feigns confusion when she unwraps it to reveal a piece of metal shaped similar to an arrowhead. He recognized it, the shavings of a project he had worked on… Maybe a year ago? It’d been sticking out through his ribs when he arrived, she said, and it looked anything but recent; infection had taken around it, skin red and swollen. She could see that it was agonizingly painful - had he not noticed it at all?
“Ah, so that’s what it was.” He blurted without really meaning to, a humorless chuckle that left her confused. “I’d been feeling this weird poke in my ribs for the longest time - thought I’d broken something.” He shrugs and she nods, clearly aware of their peculiar situations, perhaps now beginning to comprehend just how many layers of fucked up he was made of. “You’re a miracle worker, doll.” His fingers instinctively trace over the spot where the shard had been, nothing there but a scar that had healed remarkably well. “How can I ever repay you?”
Money, gems, jewelry? She didn’t strike him as the materialistic kind. No, she was all about the meaningful gestures, the showing of kindness. There were a few ways he could think of showing his appreciation - slamming her body against the wall to press a hard kiss on her lips, a nice, firm tug on her hair as he nibbled on her neck. Or maybe something softer if she was so inclined, more romantic even, like a well-placed, resounding slap on her ass cheek. “I’ll be sure to think of something, my lord.” Was the answer she gave, though he was sure she meant something else entirely judging by the way she let her coat slide off to reveal her bare shoulders as she set about getting ready for bed. Her hands gathered more and more of her skirt until it’d reached the middle of her thighs, delicate lace adorning the band of her stockings, tiny suspenders disappearing from sight but serving to peak his curiosity. She undid the hooks that kept it in place, fingers threatening to roll the garment down agonizingly slow. Instead she turned to look at her enraptured audience, the pose propping her ass up and so close to his hands. He had thought it had all been an act, carefully orchestrated to put him on edge, but the gasp of surprise she let out told him otherwise. “I am so sorry, my lord.” She quickly let go of it all and stood up straight, a flush running across her face. “I am not used to having visitors.”
“You needn’t stop on account of little ole’ me, darling.” He is quick to say, rich laughter that filled the room with mischief. Heisenberg sprawls further onto the couch, legs parting like an invitation. Best seat in the house, in the whole village even. “I did enjoy it.”
When it was time to say goodnight, he kept his composure and even helped her move one of the pillows and blanket down the ladder. If his mother were alive she would chastise him for not being a gentleman, for not refusing vehemently to let her sleep on an uncomfortable couch instead of her own bed. But the day was over and so were the pleasantries, and he would have to take the time to cleanse her off his mind, ease himself back into his usual mindset. She was impossibly alluring, impossibly annoying, impossibly loving. There was no figuring her out and it seemed there would be no delving deeper in. Playtime was over and it was back to work tomorrow as soon as she storm had passed. He needed to shed away her kindness before it managed to ooze under his skin, but she had no intention of making it any easier on him.
“Here you go,” Heisenberg had no time to stand on ceremony, shoved the pillow in her direction and flashed her a smile to keep up appearances, mind wandering somewhere else, somewhere where he did not care about her. It was better this way. “Good night, sweetheart.”
Even though he tried, he never truly reached that fabled place where she was of no importance. Not that he would ever acknowledge it.
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the-lightning-mage · 3 years
Inquisition OC as a Companion
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I’ve already made a post about some stuff about Holly, but I love the format @little-lightning-lavellan​ made, and it really made me think. The picture is my best attempt at making her on artbreeder. 
You have selected Holly Trevelyan to join your party!
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Specialization: Rift mage
Holly Trevelyan is the second youngest of seven children born to Bann and Lady Trevelyan. Born in 9:12 Dragon, she is also the only mage of the family. She came into her magic when she was 12, and thus spent most of her life in the Circle. Due to the more lax nature of the Ostwick Circle, and her being from a noble family, she was able to regularly send and receive letters. The only person she ever really got letters from is her younger sibling. This caused them to be incredibly close despite the distance.
In her early years she spent most of her time studying healing magic in hopes it would help let her get out of the circle. After lots of discouragement, she ended up giving up on that dream. Instead she focused her studies on storm based magic, as she had always found rain and thunder comforting.
After reading several books, and hearing several accounts as to how much more advanced Tevinter magic could be in certain areas, she had a new goal. She decided to try to harness electrical based magic so that it could be used as an energy source. This path has led to her becoming one of the most powerful storm based mages in Thedas.
When the talks of rebellion began, she was a part of them. She hated being cooped up all the time, and she had heard horror stories of how other mages were treated. When the rebellion began, she was not so involved. She was horrified by the levels of wrathful violence some of her peers employed. She spent a lot of time helping people escape. When she herself did, she knew that the entirety of the rebellion could not be like that, and she seriously considered joining them. Instead she decided to go find her younger sibling. That choice only solidified when she heard of what happened to the Conclave.
She becomes a rift mage because that is what either a. Killed her sibling or b. Almost killed them.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
She arrives in Haven shortly before the party leaves to address the Chantry in Val Royeaux. She shows up not to necessarily join the Inquisition, but in an attempt to find out what happened to her sibling. She can be found just outside the gates near the stables arguing with Cullen, demanding information.
If the Inquisitor is human, and thus her sibling, the conversation to recruit her flows a lot more smoothly. She will then ask to be part of the Inquisition, saying she damn near had a heart attack when she thought they had died, and that they had been apart for far, far too long. If she is refused, the Inquisitor will tell her to go home. There will be a war table mission to ensure she gets there safely. If she is accepted, she rises through the ranks rather quickly due to her skill. Solas will accuse the Inquisitor of nepotism.
If the inquisitor is not human, she will get emtional, wanting to know where her sibling is. She will demand to join the Inquisition to get justice for her fallen sibling. If denied, she will join the rebel mages instead. If they are sided with, she will technically be part of the Inquisition, but not as a companion. If not, she discovers Dorian, gives him what info she has, and flees. If she is accepted, there will be a war table mission to find her sibling’s remains or something they had on them.
In Haven, she can be found near the Inquisitor’s cabin. In Skyhold she can be found in one of the unused towers near Cullen’s office. It will have fancy looking equipment for her experiments.
She can be used to gather rebel mage support.
Approval and Romance
As they are siblings, human Inquisitors will have an easier time gaining approval, but for certain situations, they will face greater disapproval than non-humans. For example, non-humans will get “Holly disapproves” if they conscript the mages instead of treating them as allies, but humans will get “Holly greatly disapproves.”
When it comes to the big decisions, like what to do with the Wardens, who goes into the Well of Sorrows, etc. She tends to take in all of the “what ifs?” and bases her own opinions on that rather than her own morals. She may not like a decision, but if she thinks it will ultimately have the best out come, that is the one she goes with.
She likes to view most things from every angle she can. She prefers more merciful forms of justice, and can tend to be very forgiving. She likes it when the Inquisitor tries their best to understand others, while not necessarily condoning their actions. She likes it when they help those in need, though not as much as Cole does.
She can only be romanced by non human Inquisitors for obvious reasons, and she can be romanced by both men and women. If neither she or Cullen are romanced, they will end up in a relationship together. Instead of having a big romance scene, at high levels of approval, human Inquisitors will get an emotional scene where she tells them just how much she was worried about them.
Her personal quest involves her closest friend from the Circle. He sends her a letter telling her that he alive, and would love to catch up. It turns out to be a ploy, as he betrays her. He can be killed or talked down and shown mercy.
Her romance quest involves taking her to a few different locations throughout Orlais and Ferelden.
High Approval: She stayed with the Inquisition over the last to years as their advisor on matters of the Arcane. She presents them a unique weapon she had been working on in free time. Romance does not change this.
Low Approval if Cullen was romanced: She spent the last two years traveling. Seeing the world she never could see before. She helps and sends word back to the Inquisition when need be.
Low Approval if Cullen was not romanced: She remains with the Inquisition, helping where she can. She spends a lot of time helping Cullen figure out how to best utilize the mages.
Post trespasser: She spends much of her time working, and when she is able to get a working prototype she presents it to whatever Mage authority there is, and gets funding. It helps propel mages into good opinion. Details about her relationship are shared.
Combat Comments
Killing an enemy:
“Block this!”
“Eat ash!”
“You shouldn’t have underestimated me!”
Low health:
“Do we have another healer?”
“Armor failed me.”
Low health Inquisitor and Companions:
“I’m on my way Dorian.”
“Maker, someone help the Seeker.”
“I’ve got you, Varric.”
“Shit... Bull!”
“Cole’s down!”
Approaching camp: “I’ve always want to go camping.” “I’m not expert, but this seems like a lovely place to stop?”
Approaching a High Dragon: “Are they really that big?”
Using an ocularum for the first time: “Are you sure you don’t want me to examine it first?”
Picking up shards after finding the temple: “What are these doing all the way out here?”
Location Comments
Arbor Wilds: “It’s a shame we have to fight here.”
Old Crestwood: “No wonder they’re having problems with undead. Look at all the spirits.” “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Emerald Graves: “Am I the only one who thinks this place is beautiful?” “Wow....”
Emprise du Lion: “This... this is why I wear a cloak.” “I should summon some lightning. Start a fire and destroy the red lyrium. Two birds with one stone.”
Exalted Plains: “They really could not think of a worse name.” “A place that is a monument to humanity’s evil taken over by demons. Ironic.”
The Fallow Mire: “Ugh.” “I think I saw a bug the size of my hand.” “I love nature, but I hate this place.”
Forbidden Oasis: “This place would be nice if it weren’t for the Venatori... and the giant.” “I’m confused. Why is they’re a temple here? Who built it?”
Hinterlands: “Can we visit Redcliffe?” “So much chaos....” “We can help the people here, right?”
Hissing Wastes: “How do I have sand in my armor?” “Dwarven ruins on the surface? This is a dream come true.” “Great. Venatori.”
Storm Coast: “Crossing the Waking Sea was my favorite part of getting here.” “I actually quite like the weather.” “I wonder... is this place more prone to lightning storms?”
Western Approach: “Talk about a wasteland.” “Poison hot springs and chasms into the Deep Roads? At least there are ruins.” “I suppose this is a good place for nefarious deeds.”
Advisor and Companion comments
Blackwall: “She’s very dedicated and has a good heart. She’s what people should think of when they hear “mage.””
Cassandra: “She is very dedicated to the cause, though I worry she might set fire to Skyhold with one of her... experiments.”
Cole: “Trapped. Walled in. Caged like a fancy bird. Not anymore, but she stays because she wants to help. Is helping. She’s good, like her healing spells.”
Cullen: “She’s dedicated, clever, and very, very persistent. She’s been a great help with the mages.”
If in a relationship with her: “She’s... amazing, isn’t she? I’m not sure what she sees in me.”
Dorian: “You don’t find many people so open to new ideas, or people that are that accepting. She is excellent company.”
Iron Bull: “She’s different from the other mages. Too entrenched in her work to boast about it. Way more practical. I have a lot of respect for what she’s trying to do.”
Josephine: “Though I wish we could make better use of her noble ties. She is invaluable, and holds great conversations.”
Leliana: “It’s not often you meet someone who has truly nothing to hide.”
Sera: “I dunno. She makes too much sense for a mage, ya know? At least she’s pretty.”
Solas: “Holly? Ah. We don’t particularly get along, but I approve of what she is trying to do, and has accomplished.”
Varric: “You wouldn’t guess it, but Bookworm is just as good in battle as she is in that tower of hers. Thank the maker it takes a lot to piss her off. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of one of her lightning bolts.”
Vivienne: “I’ll be honest, I do not agree with her on everything, but at least she is loyal. Her work ethic is to be admired as well. She dresses rather simply though.”
At first, everyone thinks Holly is the nickname Varric gave her. It doesn’t match her personality.
While she may not believe Dorian about the time magic, she immediately believes him and Felix about the Venatori. She had heard rumors about them before the events of Hushed Whispers, but nothing concrete enough to tell anyone.
Her relationship with Cullen starts with him asking her if she can soothe headaches. She has somewhat of a reputation for her healing magic, even if she doesn’t use it much.
She is an excellent singer.
Like Solas and Varric, she acts like a parent towards Cole.
If the Inquisitor is a human man who romances Dorian, she’ll tease him for having a type.
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jeongyunhoed · 4 years
Just One Day
Wooyoung/OC Inspired by “Before Midnight” The topics are pretty adult, and when I mean adult, it’s like those conversations about the future, not smutty things. There is implied smut. 
If you haven’t read Just One Night, here it is. This is the second part of the whole word vomit-y story. 
Two years. Two years since Wooyoung met whom he’d now call the love of his life on the train back to the city. Two years since that day their hours-long conversations blossomed into a relationship the next day. The two of them had already settled into a routine, having decided to live together in a small apartment that Jea would always say was a steal given how expensive it was nowadays to live alone. He still kept up with his dance crew’s residency gigs, sometimes in the country, sometimes overseas. He would be away for a few weeks at a time, but he didn’t complain. He loved dancing, and he had his hopes of being able to do this full-time, without another job. What he looked forward to the most after every residency gig was coming home to Jea, and the two of them usually spent that night he’d come home in bed. 
As for her, she managed to get out of her freelancing rut and worked full-time from home. She never expected to take on an administrative job,especially from home, but she took it anyway as it helped her pay the rent and everything she needed. 
But over the past several months, both Wooyoung and Jea were facing separate challenges that led them to be unusually quiet towards each other, sometimes one or both of them would snap. It didn’t lead to one or the other trying to make things right either, as both of them ended up sleeping with the arguments of yesterday and the days before hanging over their heads. Wooyoung was facing the possibility that he may not be allowed to dance as well as he would anymore, after suffering from a minor injury that turned out to have serious consequences if he pushed it further. He was made to take a break. 
Jea was facing with an increased workload as the company she worked for was going through a crisis. The heavy workload caused her to burn out, and the quality of her work, at least according to her bosses, was diminishing. She knew she could be fired or at least placed on probation. Her other bosses weren’t making her job any easier as well as neither seemed to agree on one decision and would rather berate her than help her out. 
They eventually made up, yet knew that there was still some frustration despite being okay again. Jea returned from doing grocery shopping, seeing Wooyoung seated on the couch and watching tv. “I’m home” She quietly announced, taking her shoes off. 
Wooyoung got up upon seeing her. He didn’t say anything and instead helped her with the groceries to bring into the kitchen. “I was going to ask if you wanted to eat out today, but seeing as you’re now back, I guess we could stay in and cook” He suggested, watching her put her bag down and remove her coat to hang. 
“We could still go out to eat, you know. There’s this new restaurant that just opened, maybe we could check it out and see what’s good there” She said, leaning against the counter as Wooyoung approached her. 
“I’ll change my clothes, then” He said, padding into their bedroom to get dressed. 
As soon as he was ready, they left the apartment. “Two years feels like a long time, doesn’t it? Can you believe it? Two years?” She mused when they were finally outside. 
“Seems like forever, yeah” Wooyoung nodded, holding her hand as they walked down the street. “You know, not too long ago, I had this dream, I didn’t get to say it because you were snippy at me that day,” He recalled, squeezing her hand. Jea glanced at him from time to time. “In my dream, we were married, and we had probably six or seven kids because I apparently wanted to make as many babies as I had groupmates,” He chuckled. “But then I kept seeing you cry. You were always crying in the corner while we’d watch those kids eat or play. Whenever I’d go up to you and ask what’s wrong, you just end up disappearing...” He trailed off, his expression falling. 
Jea glanced at him. “It was probably because of those six or seven kids. I can only take so much pain from childbirth” She nudged him. “But maybe it’s because that might be our life together somehow, sometime in the future... that kind of thing scares me a little, I have to admit.” 
“That we’ll have settled down and started a family?” Wooyoung asked. 
“Yeah, and with settling down, I’m afraid of a lot of things. Like, will you still put up with me even if my body’s not the way it used to be after having kids? Will you still think I’m attractive or something like the way you thought when we first met? will you still love me at all by that time?” Jea said quietly, somehow feeling her eyes well with tears at the thought. 
Wooyoung squeezed her hand, and the two of them stopped walking. They had reached the restaurant where they were supposed to go. “You’re actually thinking about those?” He said. 
“I have been. I mean, what if we get boring, what if I get boring, what if you get bored of me? What if nothing’s exciting anymore?” Jea said. 
“Why would you think I’d get bored with you?” He asked, a little surprised with what he was hearing. 
“Because I know you love to dance, I know that’s your dream, I know you love dancing more than anything, and knowing that you might not be able to do that as much anymore and that I won’t be able to do anything for you in that area? You’ll get bored with me...” Jea muttered. 
“Are you asking me if I loved dancing more than you? Is that a trick question?” Wooyoung managed to say. “Are you suggesting I valued that more than what I have with you?” 
“Come on, you’re not used to staying in with me for a long period of time. You’re used to being away for weeks at a time that the thought of you having to stay in a lot more than before probably annoys you so much” Jea said. “It’s cabin fever, Wooyoung. We’re getting cabin fever.” 
“It’s not cabin fever, it’s just you being so insecure. You’ve been so insecure that no matter how much I tell you otherwise you still doubt yourself” Wooyoung pointed out, his hand still holding hers tightly. They were getting snippy again, and it made them press on instead of go inside the restaurant. 
There was silence between them as they somehow reached a park. “What happened? Have we kept this in to ourselves for a while?” Wooyoung muttered as they sat down on a bench. He turned to her, hand still holding hers tightly and their fingers laced together. 
“Probably. We don’t talk the way we used to anymore. We’ve already gotten so used to a routine” She said quietly. “Why does it have to be like this? It takes us a while to make up, our arguments about the little things somehow get blown out of proportion, we end up taking out our frustrations with everything and everyone else out on each other.” 
He nodded. “Because we have nothing else to take it out on. Because our ideas about the world have changed in a span of two years, maybe we’ve become so set on ideal things, ideal love, ideal relationship, ideal life, ideal career, that when the veil gets lifted, we get so disillusioned, almost like everything we’ve ever known has become such a joke, a hidden camera prank taken too far.” 
Jea looked down at their hands. The last thing she wanted to do at that moment was to let go, and she knew Wooyoung wasn’t going to. “I once knew a guy, who was charming and sweet, and I felt that I could talk to him, and that when he giggled or laughed, it was the cutest thing.” 
“That’s still me, I’m still that guy” He said. “I’m still that guy you found to be charming and sweet. I’m still that guy you could talk to, and I’m still that guy whose laugh makes you laugh. It’s still me, we’ve just grown” Wooyoung explained. “What we have may not be perfect, but it’s there, it’s real, you and me, we’re real,” 
Jea only sighed, and Wooyoung moved closer. “You know what I’ve noticed now? We’re behaving like a couple that’s been together for more than two years” He whispered. “The problem with couples nowadays is that they let other things get in the way, they don’t make the effort anymore.” 
“That’s because times have changed. It was probably simpler back then, decades ago, probably, maybe before and a little after the war, but things have changed,” Jea said. “Things are a lot harder now, everything ends up like a chore, that we just end up doing out of obligation. We’re like robots in a society controlled by dirty old men.” 
Wooyoung sighed. “Your bosses probably think that way, but I don’t. Is it so bad that we’re growing and changing?” 
“No,” Jea shook her head. “It just means that time is passing by so fast. Even if we behave like two people who have been together for more than two years, for a decade, time still goes by so fast that I’d do anything to make it slow down even just for a day.” 
“Time you spent wasting was never wasted to begin with” Wooyoung murmured as the two of them watched a few kids play at the jungle gym, their parents standing close by to keep an eye on them, yet their arms were linked and they were laughing to themselves about something one of them said. “You make it seem like you’ll only get through this, this whole thing, your fears, alone. You keep forgetting I’m here, facing those things with you whether you want to or not.” 
Jea squeezed his hand, noticing how their fingers were still intertwined. “I wonder how in the world do you put up with me whenever I’m being this shitty to you.” 
“I wonder the same thing, how you can also put up with someone like me,” Wooyoung said. “But when those thoughts come, I just think, at least I know I won’t be alone whenever I feel down about not being able to dance as well as I used to, at least there is someone who will accept me, all of me, even the shitty parts of myself, the things I hate about myself, at least I know you’re there,” He kissed the back of her hand. “You have to always remember that. That we’re in this together, and I promise you, that even if that dream of mine comes true, I’d still always think you were that pretty girl I met on the train.” 
Jea turned to him. “Truth seems stranger than fiction.” 
“Because it’s the universe’s way of telling us that our lives are a lot more interesting than we think” Wooyoung replied. He stood up. “Come, let’s eat. We can talk about how power rangers always dress in their colors” He said, a small smile spread across his face.
Jea stood up as well. “It makes having to dress up easier” She pointed out, a small smile also on her face as he pulled her close while they walked. 
By the afternoon, their clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor, and the two of them looked flushed and spent. Jea’s head was on his chest, and he idly played with her hair as they tried to catch their breaths. “I just realized it’s the weekend” She muttered, her eyes closed. 
“Yeah, and I have plans to make with you” Wooyoung teased. 
“Like what?” 
“Where we could go on a vacation, we could use some time off, go on leave, or just never leave this apartment, or this room, to be exact” 
Jea looked up at him. “Really?” She chuckled. 
“Yeah, because I want to show you how I’d still think you’re the prettiest with or without clothes” A giggle escaped his lips. 
“It’s so hard to find that sexy when you laugh like that, it makes you cute” A playful frown formed on Jea’s lips. 
“Good to know I can be both” Wooyoung laughed and kissed her. Jea suddenly shifted, lifting the covers off of her. “Where are you going?” He asked. 
“We just had sex, we’re both sweaty, we need to take a shower or else we’ll catch a cold” She pointed out, putting only her underwear back on. “Join me, we can go for round two in there” She teased, and Wooyoung got out of bed, excitedly following her to the bathroom. 
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parkerspicedlatte · 5 years
Disconnected-Chapter Seven (Luke Hemmings)
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Summary: In an alternate universe where everyone has a soulmate, Luke and his soulmate share the rarest of them all. Some people have matching tattoos, others feel each others pain/emotions, but mental connections are the least common. The connection that Luke and Lynn share is that they can hear whatever song the other is singing. When they are close together they will be able to hear each others voices but for the meantime, they can only hear the recorded versions.
Pairings: Luke Hemmings x Lynn Corby (OC)
Warnings: A few cuses 
Content: Just you wait...
Featured Songs: None
“Hey, what’s on your schedule for today?” Kylie asked while barging into Lynn’s room through the connecting bathroom door.
“I’ve got laundry, a few errands, and a yoga class in the afternoon, why?”
“Okay let me be a little more specific, what are you doing tonight?” Kylie rephrased.
“Um nothing so far, were you thinking of doing something?” Lynn asked while combing out her strawberry blond hair, dripping fat drops of water from the shower.
“Well my sister is coming in tonight,” Lynn nodded remembering Kylie’s younger sister Avery, the wilder of the two with eyes that made the moon dull. “Well she’s been begging me to take her to the bar downtown-”
“Wait, hold on a minute. You’re not seriously thinking about taking your fourteen year old, underage sister to a bar are you?” Lynn frowned placing both of her hands on both of her hips. Water trickled down her t-shirt.
“And not just any bar, you want to take her to the bar that I am trying to build a reputation in, a reputation that says sweet, mellow, down to earth singer songwriter. Not law breaking alcoholic who brings children to bars.” She said gesturing wildly. Invisible air quotes were dragged through the air with her bare fingers. “I’m not supporting this, no.”
“She’s sixteen but she’ll be seventeen in a few months. Besides she has an ID that says otherwise. Avery can pass for older and you know it, plus it would only be once this visit.” defended Kylie.
“This visit?” Lynn’s head tilted to the side, not believing the words coming out of her roommate’s mouth.
“You know what,” Kylie said. “Just forget I even mentioned it.” she finished, her voice giving hints of anger and frustration.
“Believe me, I will. I can’t believe you even suggested that.”
“I just thought you would want to have some real fun instead of sitting here at home with a stick up your ass.” Kylie mumbled as she exited the room.
Lynn stood there, jaw dropped, shocked at Kylie’s words. They hadn’t had a real fight since they moved in together over a year ago. While that might not have even counted as a fight, Lynn was feeling like their friendship was damaged a little. She knew that she liked to be tidy and tame while Kylie liked to be messy and have her fun. That’s why they worked so well together, they balanced each other out. Together they made an amazing team, but Kylie and Avery were partners in crime, nothing could stop them, which was probably why Kylie had gotten so defensive.
Lynn thought about apologizing but then stopped herself. Why should I have to apologize for something I didn’t do wrong? Kylie is the one who wanted to take her baby sister drinking. I only told her that it was not a responsible thing to do. Kylie is the one who said that I had a stick where the sun doesn’t shine. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be her.
Lynn heard the front door close followed by a car engine roaring up a few moments later. Either way, Lynn was not getting up to go apologize at that moment, especially not for something that she hadn’t done wrong.
“Feel like getting a drink?” Luke asked Ashton, waking the older man that had been sprawled out asleep on the couch.
“A drink, right now?” Ashton sleepily questioned, wiping the residue from his eyes while peering up at the Luke. The man he considered his little brother, despite the height difference.
“Well no, not at the moment. But I want to go downtown and explore a little bit, see a few shops or whatever. I figured I would bribe you to come with me if I promised you a drink at that bar we passed on the way here.” suggested Luke.
“You make me sound like an alcoholic.” Ashton told him.
“So are you in or not?”
Ashton thought about it before giving in. “Alright, I guess I’ll go with ya.”
“Cool. I’m heading out in about half an hour.”
“Goodness Luke, what’s the rush? We’ve got all week.”
“I don’t know.” Luke shrugged. “We haven’t really done anything since we got here which is nice but I’m also feeling a little cabin fevered. I’d like to get out for an afternoon.”
“Well I won’t argue with that.” Ashton yawned and sat up on the couch to reach for his phone on the coffee table to check the time. “What’re Mikey and Calum doing?”
“They left about an hour ago to get a few groceries. They should be back any minute. They’re going to come with us.”
“You sent Michael and Calum out to get groceries? They’re not coming back any time soon.” Ashton stated flopping back onto the couch. “Calum will get lost and Michael won’t have a clue where anything is.”
“They’re adults, they’ll be fine.”
“So are you Luke.” stated Ashton.
“Are you saying that I wouldn’t be able to pick up a few basic groceries?” Luke questions
“No, all I am saying is that there are more efficient ways to shop than the ones you are familiar with.”
“Is that so?”
“You know what I mean.” Ashton looked up at Luke. Luke wasn’t buying anything he was saying. “You have your own ways to do things, and then there are the more normal ways, the ways that take less time.”
“Ashton just stop, you’re digging yourself a hole.”
“Yep.” Ashton shut up immediately.
Luke turned to walk out of the room to put his phone on the charger for a quick top up before they left. He glanced out of the window, watching as a few birds picked through the grass in search for their next meal. Luke thought about how some birds mated for life, about how one would die of malnutrition if something were to happen to the other. Birds had soulmates that they chose for themselves. They didn’t have to play the cruel game that fate had arranged for the human population. The game that had driven some people to believe that it wasn’t worth it, to spend their entire lives looking for someone just because fate said they connected. People over centuries had given up hope. Some had spent their entire lives looking for someone, only to find them and one of the connectors died within days. The thought of it broke Luke’s heart. He’s heart yearned for someone he’d never met before.
Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Michael found themselves wandering the streets of downtown Sadowa. They had parked the rental in a parking lot behind a post office and decided to walk around, enjoying the simplicity and serenity of the town. They’d checked out a few stores that adorned the walkway advertising arts, flowers, wooden carvings and other small trinkets that seemed to cater to cottagers rather than the locals. Calum and Michael bought ice cream in the ice cream and fudge shop while Ashton and Luke had gotten a cardboard box of French fries to share across the road at a restaurant decorated to look like a food truck. They all sat on the longest bench in front of the restaurant and ate in peace. Ashton was taking pictures and posting a few on his Instagram story while Michael tried to get Calum’s ice cream onto Calum’s nose by telling him that the ice cream smelled sweeter than what they had back in LA. He was successful in doing so. Calum had ice cream on not just his nose but his lips and chin as well thanks to the help of Michael’s hand. Snap: another picture for their social media.
Luke people watched, absentmindedly putting the fries in his mouth. He observed as an older couple walked hand in hand with a pair of small children at their sides telling them about their friend from school. Half a dozen boys with shaggy hair and snapbacks who looked to be about twelve or thirteen raced down the mostly empty street on skateboards with one girl in a blue and pink helmet in tow. Two girls with identical wild, dark curly hair giggled as they walked into another store across the street. Everyone around him was happy. The remainder of the sun felt nice on his face. A dog was tied up across the street while its owner went into a store. Luke wondered if his soulmate liked dogs. What would he do if they were afraid of Petunia, or allergic?
Luke was pulled out of his train of thoughts when a little girl approached them with what appeared to be an older sibling or babysitter.
“Hi there.” Calum was the first to speak up.
“Um hi, I’m Amy.” the little girl told them. “Are you guys in a band? My sister went to a concert in Toronto a while ago and you guys look a lot like her pictures.”
“Well Amy, we just so happened to be in a band.” Ashton told her. “We’re called 5 Seconds of Summer. My name is Ashton, this is Calum, Michael and Luke.” They all waved to her smiling; rarely did they have little kids approaching them. “What’s your friend’s name?” Ashton asked referring to older girl who had followed Amy, but hadn’t torn her eyes away from her phone.
“That’s Elizabeth, she’s my cousin. Lizzy’s visiting for the week.” Elizabeth looked up momentarily at the sound of her name but went back to her phone once she saw that she wasn’t needed. “She has a secret special friend that she is texting, but I’m not supposed to know that.” Amy whispered to them making them all laugh.
“Did you want a picture with us to show to your sister then, to make her jealous?” Calum asked. Amy thought about it for a moment before nodding her head eagerly making them laugh once more. She pulled an iPod touch out of her pocket and signalled for them all to squish in close so she could take a picture of them.
“Okay one, two, three pizza rolls.”
“Pizza rolls!” the four of them chanted smiling for the camera. Amy giggled and jumped up and down a few times.
“Okay now your turn.” Luke told her. “That’ll really make her jealous.”
“Okay!” she agreed. “Elizabeth can you come take a picture for me?” Amy asked her cousin pleadingly.
“I’m in the middle of something, later.” the cousin responded.
“That’s okay, we’ll do like one big group selfie.” Michael suggested. The boys all bent down to her height and crowded together, letting Amy in the middle. They took a few pictures and then a few goofy ones. Lastly they took a short video saying hi to Amy’s sister and thanking her for coming to their concert.
After a few minutes, Elizabeth had called Amy back so that they could get home for dinner. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
“So how about that drink?” Ashton nudged Luke gesturing to the small bar across the street. By then the sun had disappeared behind the buildings. Their food was long gone and they’d continued walking with no particular destination in mind.
“You sure you don’t want to get a sandwich first, or maybe a book for some hammock reading.” Luke teased.
“No it’s guys time, get me a beer.”
“So wait a minute, Lynn knows who her soulmate is but she’s not doing anything about it?” Avery questioned her sister as they sipped away on some vodka mix that literally tasted pink.
“She says that just because she has an advantage that it doesn’t mean she should use it.” answers Kylie.
“Bullshit!” stated Avery, “I’d kill to know who my soulmate is. It’s literally all I want in life.”
“I know, I know.”
“So if she knows who they are, but they don’t know who she is, how’d she even figure that out? Did she catch them singing or something?” Avery wondered aloud, half to herself, half to her sister.
“Yeah, something like that. I’m not allowed to give specifics but I can tell you that he’s not from around here.”
“So it’s a ‘he’ then, and he’s not local.” Avery took a long sip of her drink emptying the glass. “Lynn hasn’t really got much to go on now has she? She’s basically got herself any guy who wonders through here. Lynn knows nothing about him but she’s decided to let him go, Ky, that just doesn’t sound like her.”
“Believe me; Lynn knows more about this guy than most people should know about their soulmates before they meet.”
Avery frowned at her sisters words, not quite understanding what she meant. Maybe this guy was in trouble with the law or something. But regardless, wouldn’t she still love him and want to be with him? It’s just not natural to not.
“So she’s heard some not so nice things about him then.” Avery stated questionably.
“No no, not like that.” Kylie said knowing how her little sister thought, “If anything Lynn’s kinda intimidated.”
“But it doesn’t matter.” Avery half slammed her empty glass on the counter out of frustration. Every head turned within a two table radius of them but Avery didn’t care. She was never one to give a damn about others opinions.
“Hey, try to keep it down.” Kylie told Avery, “We’re technically not supposed to be in here so don’t draw any extra attention to us.”
“Kylie! A soulmate is a soulmate and you can’t change it. Lynn is being incredibly stupid to not go after him.” Avery continued her rant, “She’s being selfish. Not only is she hurting herself but she’s also hurting her soulmate. Lynn is being stupid.”
“Avery enough,” Kylie shapely stepped in and put on her big sister face to stop her little sister before she said something worse. Avery had a tendency to speak her mind without giving consideration of other people. “That’s my best friend you’re criticizing, show some respect. You also don’t know the full story. There’s a lot more to it but it’s none of your business so watch it.”
“Kylie are you even listening to yourself? Lynn is-”
“Lynn is taking her time and trying to do what is best for her and Lu- I mean her soulmate. You are in no position to judge her for this. When you are older and both you and your soulmate are ready to meet, then perhaps you will begin to understand how stressful this is for them.”
Avery, as fiery as she was, backed down once she saw how fiercely Kylie was defending Lynn’s decision.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. You’re right.” she sighed subconsciously rubbing her left shoulder, a nervous habbit. “I don’t understand the situation. I guess I got a little jealous of Lynn. Seriously Ky, all I want in life is to find my soulmate and live out our lives happily and healthy.”Kylie had heard Avery say that a million times but this time she was as sincere as she could get.
“I know you do.” Kylie’s voice softened when she saw her sister’s change of attitude. She reached over and placed her hands atop of Avery’s, a communication of emphasis that both of them understood. “You’ll find them, I promise. If we have to ask every single person if they have your matching tattoo then so be it.”
Avery chuckled at the thought. “You know, now I’m really jealous of Lynn because it would be far easier to find her soulamte if they walked by. All she would have to do is match up the voice.” A bartender came over and brought each girl a new drink. “With me, it’s more difficult because I can’t say ‘Hey, take off your shirt and let me see if we have matching tattoos.’”
“Now that would be interesting.”
“My soumate could be right under my nose and I wouldn’t even know it.” Avery pouted.
Before Kylie could respond, her jaw dropped. In walked four young men that were one hundred percent tourists. Clad in leather jackets, half unbuttoned button ups and black boots, there was no way in hell they were locals, along with the fact that Kylie had never seen these people in the small fifteen hundred person town before. But it wasn’t the jackets, boots or even funky styles of hair that caught her attention. It was the piercing blue eyes that belonged to the tallest blond. The blue eyes she recognized to belong to her best friend’s soulmate. In walked Five Seconds of Summer and where the hell was Lynn!
Avery turned to look at what had caught her sister’s attention only for her own jaw to nearly hit the counter. Her head whipped back.
“Is that-”
“Yes, be cool, there’s something I need to tell you.” Kylie commanded, using her eyes to silently beg her sister to listen for once in her life.
“We’ve been talking in this bar for the last hour and you want to tell me something now.” Avery sounded near shrill as she questioned her sister. “Five freaking Seconds of Summer just walked in and I want a picture, tell me after.”
Avery pushed back her bar stool to get up but Kylie was faster. She caught Avery’s wrist before she could leave, squeezing enough to tell Avery that it was serious.
“Sit back down.” growled Kylie under her breath, “There’s something I need to tell you about them that involves Lynn and a little bit of us.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Avery arched her eyebrow, clearly indicating that she didn’t believe Kylie.
Kylie leaned over the table to speak to her sister without the listening ears of others. She already didn’t want to tell Avery but it would be the only way to keep her quiet, maybe. If other people found out, it could ruin their moment.
“Promise me you won’t say anything when I tell you.”
“Nope.” Avery shook her head, “You’re up to something. How are you not freaking out? Your first celebrity crush just walked into the bar!”
“Avery I need you to trust me.”
“I don’t get it.”
“Just. Trust. Me. Two zambucca.”
“Two?” Avery repeated questionably.
“Two.” Kylie confirmed.
“Two has never been on the table before meaning that this is serious?” All Kylie could do was nod her head, lost in thought. Serious was an understatement. This was life altering.
Kylie sighed letting go of Avery’s wrist to rub her temples. She glanced over at the vacationing musicians. The three blonds were talking about something that must have been funny because all of them wore three award winning smiles. The one she knew as Calum was looking in Avery and Kylie’s direction seemingly lost in his own mind. After a few seconds he must have realised that he was starring and flashed the girls a nervous half smile before turning back to his group.
“Okay here’s the deal. Lynn’s soulmate just walked in.”
“Lynn’s soulma- wait what? Why are you just telling me no- ohhhh you mean....” Avery nodded her head at the band with eyes as wide as saucers.
“Yup.” Kylie confirmed.
“So that’s why Lynn was so scared to-”
“Well we have to tell her!” Avery whisper shouted.
“No no no, no you can’t.”
“Well why the hell not?” demanded Avery, her hand flew to her left shoulder once more. A nervous habit she’d had since she was still in elementary school.
“It’s Lynn we’re talking about, you know, the only one of us who thinks things through logically. We can’t just call her up and say ‘hey roomie, we just ran into your soulmate, remember him? That guy you’ve been avoiding for about a year. Why don’t you come down and meet him?’ Lynn would freak out. She’s not like us, we do things impulsively, she’s a thinker. Lynn has to think about every step and everything in between. She won’t just jump into things like you and I do.” Kylie finished, reaching for her drink she stole another glance across the bar and then back to Avery.
Avery was silent as she thought about what her older sister had told her, a million ideas running through her head.
“Do you think we should do something? They could be leaving tomorrow, then it’ll be years before Lynn and whoever it is connect.” said Avery, “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me which one is her soulmate would you?”
“Not a chance. I’ve already told you more than I’d like to have.” A few silent moments passed before Avery broke it, not being able to stand the slight tension she felt.
“So what do we do?”
“I have an idea.”
Series Masterlist
Regular Ol’ Masterlist
A/N: would you guys believe me if I told you that there is only one chapter left? Well believe it. Honestly I can’t thank you guys enough. You have been here from start to finish. You’re love and support never goes unnoticed. I know you guys are probably not loving Avery at this point but bear with me, she’ll make a come back in a bit. Then you guys will like her, promise. Thanks for reading,
-xx Reetz
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elenajohansenauthor · 5 years
Fictober 19, Day 2: “Just follow me, I know the area.”
OCs: Tess, protagonist and one half of the eventual romantic pair; Courtney, her best friend; briefly introducing Eugene (Gene), an old high school acquaintance, and a mystery man. Also mentions Nolan, previously established as Tess’ ex.
Project: “hell if I know what to name it yet” new novel idea, original fiction
Potential Triggers: alcohol, set in a bar
Word Count: 1,366
About: Tess checks out the new look of a bar she hasn’t visited in years; her plans for a night hanging out with her friend, alone, are potentially dashed by the appearance of someone they know.
Courtney was waiting patiently outside Tess' building, as promised, when she descended the stairs seven minutes late. She'd dawdled in tidying up the kitchen and rushed through choosing her outfit, then changed her mind entirely when she realized they'd be walking though whatever coating of damp, fallen leaves the sidewalks had acquired since the last time they'd been cleaned. That meant boots, sturdy ones, and not the strappy heeled sandals she'd meant to wear in spite of the cold.
Who was she dressing up for, anyway? She ended up in an oversized cabled sweater, a long flowing skirt, and the boots. Her look said "bookworm in fall," "not usually a bar person," or possibly, "doesn't plan on getting laid tonight."
All three were true.
Courtney, on the other hand, somehow managed to look polished and smart in her skinny jeans and faux snakeskin flats and vintage leather jacket, with her hair in a radical new pixie cut. Which Tess complimented immediately.
Courtney fluffed the front with a smirk. "I know, it's amazing, right? I was getting so tired of the old look." She eyed Tess' hair, long and wavy and completely unstyled. "Ever considered a change yourself? Not necessarily this short, but we could hit the salon this weekend, get your hair done, both get manicures, make a day of it."
She meant well, but Tess shook her head. "I like my hair fine, thanks. The manicures, though, maybe, we'll see."
Tess didn't want an overhaul of her look. She felt like making an effort to change herself, after all she'd been through, was an admission that something about her was the problem in the first place. Nolan hadn't acted that way because Tess needed a new hairstyle or different clothes.
He'd turned out to be a cold-hearted bastard, and nothing Tess did to herself would change that.
They fell into step easily, setting out for the Pig and Whistle. But Tess' apartment was in a completely different part of town as her parents' house, and before long, they were surrounded by buildings she didn't recognize. "Are you sure this is the right way?"
"Just follow me, I know the area."
Tess bit her tongue on the obvious reply, so did she, she'd grown up here, but to be honest, nothing looked familiar from this perspective. Off in the distance stood the water tower, but that was an imperfect landmark, so tall and obvious that you could see it from anywhere in town, which was precisely the problem--it looked the same, looming over them with the spotlights turning it light blue even in the darkness, no matter where Tess stood, here or five streets over.
Eventually they turned a corner and the library appeared beside them, shut down for the night but still known and comforting. Tess oriented herself by it and suddenly knew precisely where they were and how to reach the Pig and Whistle. The knowledge relaxed her stiff shoulders and put the slightest bit more spring in her step, which Courtney noticed.
"Now you seem excited to get there. Finally warming up to the idea?"
Tess laughed. "More like I want to be warm again. This wind is pretty cold!"
Inside the bar was certainly warm enough when they reached it, but also shocking. Tess noted the maximum occupancy sign near the door as they went in--ninety-seven, a specific number so close to one hundred she wondered why it wasn't rounded up. How did they determine these things, anyway? Who made the decision? Courtney opened the door for her and swept her inside, and Tess immediately thought the bar must be full, they wouldn't be allowed in, they couldn't be, there wasn't room to sit or stand or even breathe. Everywhere she looked where people, their warm bodies filling the space with laughter and heat and motion, overlaid with the scent of sweat and beer and woodsmoke.
Courtney took her arm and propelled her toward the bar. "Get me a porter, whatever they've got on draft. I'll find us a table." She slipped her credit card out of the tiny purse on her arm. "For the tab," she said, handing it over before disappearing, being swallowed by the crowd.
One of the bartenders got to her quickly, given the crush of people leaning against the bar. He was tall and lean and brown-skinned, his dark hair cropped almost as short as stubble, and he dressed more like he meant to go pick apples than tend to customers. But his smile was wide and friendly. "What can I get for you?"
She relayed Courtney's order and realized she had to choose something for herself. "Make it two," she added hastily, hoping she'd like it. Once the bartender had traded the two drinks for Courtney's card, Tess grabbed them and let herself get absorbed into the sea of people, drifting however they moved until she reached the edge, a wall where she could scan the room and assess her position. And hopefully find her friend.
Courtney caught her eye and waved from the far corner, where an old pot-bellied wood stove burned merrily.  Tess gripped the glasses more firmly, as they were already beading with condensation. The warmth of the room that had seemed welcoming and cozy when they entered was quickly becoming oppressive. And Courtney's sitting right by a fire. Tess sighed and charged into the fray again.
On the way she smelled so many perfumes and colognes overlaying the faintly metallic scent of sweat underneath. Everyone was dressed for the weather outside--sweaters, leather jackets, even a few wool pea coats she wouldn't have expected to see until true winter set in. Few people had shed them, simply because where could they put them? The row of coat hooks nailed to the wall near the door was pitifully short, and chairs seemed to be few and far between--hard to hang a coat on a stool, which has no back. Half the "tables" were beer barrels fixed with glass tops. The rest were more deserving of the name, but they were filled with empty glasses and scattered bits of board games.
Board games? That's something the old bar would never have bothered with. She and Courtney weren't likely to utilize that amenity--she couldn't imagine indulging in a tipsy game of Battleship--but it fit with the warm-toned wood and rustic decorations and the roaring fire. If not for the crowd, they might have been in someone's family cabin on a visit, in which case an evening of board games sounded just about perfect.
When the sea of people parted again to spit Tess out, much closer to her target than before, she saw that someone else had already found Courtney and was leaning over her, intent on conversation. From the angle, Tess couldn't recognize the man, who seemed to be a comfortably average height with a lean build, even under his own bulky cabled sweater. The rich brown of it nearly matched his curly hair. Without being able to see his face, he looked no more familiar than any other stranger around her. She could only hope her appearance would shoo the unexpected company away, because this evening out wasn't about getting Courtney laid--Tess wasn't going to let herself be ignored in favor of a good-looking guy. If she wanted his number, fine, that was fine, but no more than that.
Before she reached them, another man appeared, carrying two beers of his own in a mirror of Tess' situation. He was shorter, slighter, Asian-featured, and definitely someone Tess knew. Eugene Lane. Goddammit. We weren't supposed to see anyone from high school tonight. Courtney said they don't hang out here.
But there was nothing for it, unless she wanted to disappear into some dark corner with two beers she wasn't even sure she'd like, to drink alone, an obvious target for some dudebro with a Grizzly Adams beard to hit on. She could imagine the negging already. She sighed and shouldered her way past one of them, toward Courtney and the two men, one of whom she still couldn't place. If one was Gene, who did that make the other?
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chewie-redbird · 5 years
Country Love : Part 1 “Home Again”
Author : chewie-redbird
Word Count : 2,397
Warnings : none
Summary : Havana ‘H’ West returns to her hometown of Spence’s Bridge, the home she avoided since her mom’s death two years before. Havana comes back for a much needed vacay, her family’s 39th Annual Weekend Business Break. Back to Ruth’s Inn and Bar, which is run by her family’s friends, the Daniels. Back to where she left her heart, back to the one who is her whole world. Back to him, back to Alex Daniels, back to her ex and his family. The family she cut all ties with after her mom and then her breakup with Alex. Havana is nervous as it will be the first time she will see him since he left her in Kamloops.
Characters : all OC characters (Havana ‘H’ West, Alexander ‘Alex’ Daniels, Ashley ‘Ash’ Daniels, Ruth Daniels, Geogre Daniels, Magnolia Bree, Sam Keller, Heath James, Talia Knight, Angel West, Marisa Yamelst, Tom Yamelst, Ray Yamelst, Hannah Yamelst, Faye Roberts, Ethan Garcia & Aaron Hansen)
A/N : Uh this was a dream I had and thought it be a kewl (cool) story and decided to share it, so hope y’all enjoy it!!!
I haven’t been home in forever…
I miss it…
As I drive by the familiar Fruit Stand on the side of the highway that soon overlooks the small town. I can see my Grandpa Tom’s place on the other side of the river on the rez. My home where I grew up, where my heart is and where I never ever want to leave again after coming here.
As I drive up to the turn off that leads to the middle of this small town called Spence’s Bridge. Nothing big, just a small town where people pass by as the highway runs along the side. You can see the whole town from the highway, it spread into three parts.
The Yamelst Rez is the rez my family lives on, it’s the first part you see when you come into Spence’s Bridge. Its located on the other side of the Thompson River and its where the Thompson and Nicola rivers connect. My grandpa’s house is visible from the highway, the only blue house in the front line of the rez. Up top is my Aunty Barb and Uncle Cliff’s place, with some family spread in between.
The “downtown” area is just the Baits Motel where a scene was shot there for the movie An Unfinished Life. Some homes, the Log Cabin biker bar and then the main attraction, Ruth’s Inn & Bar. The bridge the town’s known for connects the downtown with the other side. A road before the bridge goes down to the post office that used to be the old school.
On the other side of the bridge towards the south is the other rez, simply the South Rez. Here is the Spence’s Bridge Inn, the Community Hall, a thrift shop run by my Aunty Vera. Further down, is the rez part, home to my Aunty Vera’s house and some other homes. Another little thrift shop is here, also a common playground, the old church and a community place.
Ruth’s Inn & Bar was two buildings, a three story inn consisting of twenty rooms; five of which were the presidential suites on the top floor. The Daniel’s bought the land from the Cook’s Ferry Band a long time ago, like seven generations ago. The band office was here but it moved to where the old post office was that also hosts the baseball field. Ruth’s Inn expanded into where people’s homes were, buying them out about four generations ago. Then the bar was built, becoming a separate building itself out back, with a balcony walkway connecting the two buildings. The driveway was connected to the main road, which it went down and snaked back along the bottom of the hill the road was on. Which then leads to a small parking lot, I pulled up to a spot I claimed for myself when I was a teenager. That was located towards the hill near the highway in the far southeast corner.
I parked my beautiful sparkly black with bright red interior 1963 Mercury Comet Convertible. God, I love this car, my Mom bought me this when she went down to Vancouver before my 16th birthday. I have been taken care of it ever since…. Wow... that was like five years ago. A lot has changed since then, my Mom died of sickness two years ago, and I lost the one person I thought was gonna be there for me forever a month after.
I grab my wine red purse I bought my Mom when she was in the hospital, I’ve claimed as to keep her near me. Even though I have her rings on my necklace I bought off the internet, a replica of The Vampire Diaries necklace Elena had. I also got a gold version too, but the chain broke so I keep it at home among the other jewelry. I grab the red and black suitcases that were my Moms, and wheel them into the lobby.
I look around, memories flying at me as I walk through the beautiful sky blue front doors. I look around drinking in the familiar feeling of being here again, it’s been a while. I barely notice when this person comes up to me asking something,
“What? I’m sorry, I was distracted by looking around. My name is Havana West, I have a reservation” I say reaching my hand out to shake theirs,
“Oh you’re Havana! I’ve heard so much about you already, my name is Magnolia Bree. I started to work here a year ago, when my family moved here. Here are your keys, you have three of the presidential suites booked. Everyone is ablazed with talk of the infamous Havana West returning to Ruth’s” Magnolia tells me, with a kind smile as her shoulder length sunshine wavy blonde hair moves every time she does. Her sapphire blue eyes sparkled even inside the lobby. She's wearing a yellow crop top, a size-to-big black and white plaid shirt open over it with white jean shorts. Complete with simple brown boots, a cute gold star necklace and a beautiful small sapphire ring.
“Um, not to seem rude and all, but can you please not call me Havana, it’s the name my Mom had gavin’ me and it’s just...” I simply say with my eyes glossing over, as it was the first time someone called me that since my Mom herself,
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry! I completely forgot what happened! Please forgive me, I just got so excited to meet you I ended up putting my foot in my mouth” Magnolia apologises while smiling sadly as her shoulders tense up,
“It’s okay. You didn’t know, it’s all good, just call me H” I tell her as she seems to relax again.
I smile back at her, seeing as I turn to start to walk up stairs when I hear Magnolia say,
“Sam! Come get H’s bags for her will ya!” she smiles when someone comes into her view, I’ve known that smile,
I’m about to protest when this tall as hell teenager came running up wearing a white tank top, dark wash jeans and cowboy boots. He is sharing her smile as well and it’s clear there is a connection. He’s dark brown hair long enough to cover his hazel eyes messy and all over like he didn’t care.
“No need, I can take my bags up Sam” I try to tell him,
“No, it’s my job ma’am” Sam says grabbing my suitcases as keep Magnolia’s stare,
“Thanks and don’t call me ma’am, I'm only twenty-one” I say laughing walking up the stairs as I hear him fallow,
“Yes ma’am” he says laughing following me up the stairs.
We make it to the little lobby area right above the lobby, meant for the presidential suites. I walk in the middle looking around, seeing the country feel mixed perfectly with the elite taste of a New Yorker.
“Here” I say turning to Sam handing him a twenty dollar bill,
“Thanks H” Sam says smiling, as he turns to head downstairs,
“Hey Sam, take care of her,” I say to him as he looked confused, then understanding what I meant,
“How? And I will” Sam says as he looks at me,
“The smile, I’ve known that smile,” I say as he returns downstairs, leaving me to look around.
Oh yeah I guess I should explain myself abit, my name is Havana West but everyone calls me H, I never felt like an Ava or Ana. I got my name from Cuba’s capital, cause my Mom loved Dirty Dancing : Havana Nights and was apparently conceived from her late B-Day vacay. I was an only child of Angel West, we were very close, everyone says we were more like sisters than mother and daughter. So it devastated me when she got sick and the horrible moment where I had to pull the plug and let her go. Now before you get judgy on me, just know it was a promise I made to my Mom, she told me if it ever came to the point if she lived on a machine or was let go, to let her go because she didn’t want to live on a machine.
I look at the golden keys, we had rooms 3, 4 and 5 to me and my family. I look at them all, rooms 3 and 4 were okay, but room 5 took my breath away. The room was like a dream come true, it was filled with an amazing red with gold and silver highlights throughout the room.
The room leads to a large queen sized bed, covered in a red silk sheet, with gold-sheer curtains over head. Near the door, was the door that lead to the big bathroom, fit for a queen. It had red and gold marble flooring, the counter was the same. The sink was a deep wine red same with the toilet. The towels were red with gold fleur de lis and silver leaves and vines wrapping around them. I look as the walk-in shower’s tiles were red, with silver speckle and big enough to fit five people. Even came with a seat attached to the wall…..huh…..wonder what stories this shower would say if it could.
I leave the bathroom, walking to the middle of the room, seeing the cherry red-stained-wood dressers next to the bed. They had gold handles with silver fleur de lis on the drawers. I start to unpack as I look around, see the wine red couch in front of a big screen TV attached to the wall. A beautiful gold chandelier was above the room making it look classy and elegant.
There was a double doors that lead to a small balcony, the curtains were sheer deep-red with gold fleur de lis and silver leaves and vines wrapping around them. I opened the door, and walked out, looking around as a breeze sent my shoulder-length dark brown roots and platinum-light blonde hair and the curtains to blow around like in a music video. I smile as memories were coming at me like fans when outside a concert of their favourite singer.
I turn to go back in, deciding on walking around for a bit before letting the family who owns this place know I'm here. I leave my room and head downstairs, seeing Magnolia and Sam flirting back and forth. Ah, to be a teen in love again, I know it wasn’t so long since I have been there. But it feels like eons past since I seen him, or even talked with him. It feels weird to no to talk with him... even being this close to him after what happened.
But I shake my head, he’s not the reason I came home, it was my family’s annual get together. But sadly a lot of them can’t make it due to obligations to the family company, W&Y Industries. So it just be my Grandpa Tom, Aunty Marisa, Uncle Stephan, Grandma Darlene, Uncle Raymond and Aunty Hannah. My little cousins Peyton, Ramsey and baby Julia are being taken cared by my assistant Klare at my Grandpa’s for the night. It’s only a five minute drive from here, so it is not bad, they need a night away.
I left the lobby area, it's really this long hallway from the front doors pointing east, towards the back doors that lead to a walk. It was a balcony/cover walkway, with the balcony/cover that lead to the little lobby upstairs for the presidential suites. The balcony/cover walkway leads to the bar out back, I spent many nights here back in highschool. It was the only bar that let sixteen and over, since the other bar, The Log Cabin, was strictly eighteen and over.
But before I went in, I walked the perimeter, a huge field basically of soft grass fenced off. There were flowers and trees all over, my favourite was the willow trees and roses. Rose bushes were lined along the buildings with lavender planted every now and then. Towards the south, there was my favourite spot, it was a fake-natural pool, with two willow trees on the right and left. It wasn’t huge, but not small either, but it was big enough for thirty people to use it…..don’t ask me how I know.
I went to sit at the edge, took off my brown boots, rolled up my jeans and dipped my feet in the warm water. Ahhhh, I haven’t done this since, basically two years ago, after my Mom died. I have been busy with schooling, attending Thompson Rivers University, a business diploma program, which was hard work. But I may have thrown myself into it after my Mom, making me lose touch with everyone. Even the one I didn’t mean to cut out, the one I wanted to be near me.
After sitting there for a while, listening to Shania Twain, I got up, shook my legs, rolling down my jeans and put on my boots. I walked into the bar, looking around as memories flooded my mind again. The dance floor was basically the whole floor, with red booths along the walls, big corner booths, a small stage a little ways to the left across from the front door. The bar was still the cherry-red-stained wood, the stools a bright red with silver legs. I see the red door down south from the front door, that lead to the kitchen in the back toward the east.
I look over to the right, see the red stairs that lead up to the VIP section up top. There were two big rooms above the kitchen for groups of people, me and my friends used them for celebrations. Upstairs was also a door that lead to the balcony/walkway that lead outside and connected the Inn with the Bar. Along the room with the dance floor, it was lined with red couches facing the dance floor. With some small gold side tables on the ends of the couches so people could place their drinks or food. I just looked around, still the same old black paint, covered in memories from years uses.
I was lost in thought when I heard a loud scream, a loud thud and then this person comes running and almost tackled me to the ground…..
masterlist : @daydreamingfairy @mummybear @bilesbilinskix @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @obrosey-af @hayley-noelle-salvatore19 @seashellrosekitty uh if you want just ask to be added!!
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again Pt. 2
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“Wishing I could hear your voice again, knowing that I never would” - “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again” from The Phantom of the Opera
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female OC
Word Count: 3k
Summary: We’re really in the plot of Endgame now!
Warnings: Spoilers, angst, some stuff that may make you cry if you care about any of the main characters????
A/N: Okay, so my summer’s been way busier than expected and I’ve been suffering from an extreme loss of motivation. So if y’all have any encouraging words that would rock??? But updates may also be spotty anyways because of my schedule. Also, flashbacks are in italics!
The day was sunny enough. That had to be a good sign. In a little bit of time, everyone would be back. Harper could finally see their best friend, and maybe they could go back to how things used to be before.
Being the youngest out of those in the car, Harper got stuck in the back. Though, Scott was there too. Somehow, Harper didn’t really notice that anyone was doing anything. Looking out the car window, it was easy to get lost in their thoughts. Thoughts about when things were easier. Before something like Thanos was even in the picture.
As they drove closer to the lake house, Harper was starting to realize why they never bothered to come. It was exactly like they thought it was going to be. Too much like all of those easier times. Only, the people who made those times easy were nowhere to be found.
“Annie? You’re up, right?” Harper asked, looking over from their sketchbook.
The girl sat up, a small smile on her face as she was playing with Peter’s hair, “Yeah, usually am.”
There was a beat of silence as Annie continued messing with Peter’s hair. He was already asleep. So was Ned. Harper had tried to get them to stay up, but that clearly didn’t work as evidenced by Ned’s soft snores.
“I don’t know if it’s because it’s four in the morning and I’m delusional, but… do you think there’s anything after we die?” they inquired, closing their book and setting it aside.
Annie stopped messing around with Peter’s hair and thought for a moment, “Well, I don’t really know. I mean, if there is something, I’m positive I’m going to the spot reserved for not so great people. But… it’s also kinda nice thinking someone like Tina actually got to start over.”
“Annie, sweetie, you’re literally a superhero. If there’s an afterlife or something, you’re going to the spot reserved for great people,” Harper insisted.
She laughed a bit, “Right, whatever you say, Harper. You’re always right.”
“Obviously. You can’t be the one always right, the world would spontaneously combust! The responsibility is therefore mine,” they claimed.
It was silly, but Harper really hoped they had been right. Maybe it wouldn’t matter, though. They couldn’t help thinking that Tony had something up his sleeve. Something that would make it so everyone could be saved. Then, they could ask Annie for real, and Annie would probably have an answer of some sort. They hoped so.
No one said very much on the ride over. Not even Scott who seemed to talk as a way to fill up any awkward space. Granted, Harper wasn’t sure if they wanted to talk about much of anything anyways. There was a solid chance it would get to the topic of the people they missed. Because Harper, Natasha, and Steve had five years to try and recover from their losses. Scott barely had a couple of days.
A couple of days after figuring out for certain who died, Harper could barely even get out of bed. Let alone travel across the country and go out on a limb to tell some Avengers that weren’t ever guaranteed to be there and explain how time travel could possibly exist and fix their problems. How Scott was managing this while keeping everything together was beyond them.
Maybe it was just because he didn’t let the grief sink in just yet. Hopefully, it wouldn’t. Then, Harper could brag to Annie about how they met her all-time favorite superhero. There was something gratifying about that picture. Probably because Annie was alive whenever they thought about it.
Before they could really finish that thought, the car was pulled into Tony Stark’s driveway. Harper hadn’t spoken to him since he formally told them that he didn’t need a suit maker or assistant anymore. Unbeknownst to him, Pepper kept Harper on call for different fashion things. It was more of a formality, but it helped Harper know that, if nothing else, Pepper didn’t see a need to cut them off.
Except, something told Harper this could be what finally did that. They knew a little bit about Tony’s daughter. Although, they also knew a little bit about this lake house too. It was a bit too much like Tahoe for their taste. Almost too many memories.
When all of them were sitting around on Tony’s porch, Harper could vaguely hear Scott explaining himself one last time. They couldn’t be bothered to pay complete attention. Honestly, Harper wasn’t sure why they were there. It wasn’t like they had any crazy powers or serious talents to be put to work in any type of time heist.
If Harper stared too hard into space, they almost expected to hear Peter say some weird science fact. Why that mattered so much, they weren’t sure. 
“So… you and Annie?” Harper asked, sitting next to the boy on the couch after unpacking everything.
He nodded, “Yeah. She’s great actually. I mean, I’ve liked her for months, so, I mean, I-I just wasn’t sure if she liked me or-”
“I get it. I’m the best friend. And I know that we kinda met before, but since it looks like this thing you guys got is gonna last for more than a week, then I gotta do the normal best friend thing,” Harper replied, cutting off Peter’s rambling.
Peter looked at them and shook his head, “What best friend thing?”
“Oh, nothing big. Just, if you even so much as consider hurting Annie in any way, shape, or form I will take your right foot and shove it so far up your ass that you choke on it,” they said, giving a light shrug.
His doe eyes went to the size of dinner plates and he scooted away, “Okay, okay, got it. I-I’d never do that,  for the record. I really like her. I mean, I can’t even hurt people that I don’t know, so… I really couldn’t hurt her. Promise.”
Harper laughed, “Oh, relax, I was only warning you. She was right, you get nervous really easily.”
“She says that?”
“Well, among other super top-secret things.”
Peter’s posture loosened up and he leaned forward, “What did she say?”
“It’s gotta be a secret! I’m gonna make some lemonade,” Harper said, getting up from the couch.
“Look, if you guys came for literally any other reason, I really like seeing you guys. There’s seven places set up at the table,” Tony started as the others got up to leave.
Somehow Harper managed to tune everything out. How they did it was unclear. Maybe there were more memories running through their head than they really anticipated. They still hadn’t gotten up. Natasha gave them a look, almost as though she was asking what Harper was doing.
There was a huge choice being offered up. If they didn’t bring up time travel, then they could see Tony and Pepper. But how couldn’t they bring it up? How were Peter and Annie not supposed to come up? They couldn’t just stay. It would bring back too many memories that they couldn’t understand how he didn’t see all of it the same way.
Except, no one ever brought up either of them. Then again, Steve and Natasha and Scott didn’t know Peter or Annie very well. Not enough to genuinely care about their deaths. Definitely not enough to realize how it probably impacted Tony.
“Um… just a sec,” Harper said, waving off Natasha.
Tony looked at them, “It’s been awhile.”
“It’s exactly like Tahoe, don’t you think?” they asked, looking around.
“What do you mean?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You know… this is like when we were all in those cabins. I mean, that was, like, right before shit hit the fan and, well, you know. The snappening.”
“The snappening?”
“Yeah, and you know… I get that you’ve got this super great life with Pepper and your cute little daughter. I’m happy for you, I guess. But it really feels like you forgot all the other important people. I know Peter was important to you, I wasn’t as close, but he was a good friend. And, you know, you talk about not wanting to lose children but you’re conveniently ignoring that chunk of time when you were convinced Annie was your daughter. So, I guess it’s your choice, but some of us just aren’t as lucky as you were. And I’m not gonna make you help with this time heist or whatever, but I want you to know damn well that I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get both of them back. Because we both know they would do the same for us.”
Tony stayed silent for a few moments and sighed, “It’s a suicide mission.”
“Well maybe that’s better than doing nothing. You don’t have to agree, but suicide mission or not, I’m sticking with it,” they moved to stand up.
Tony shook his head, “It’s been five years-”
“Yeah, five years and I still can’t do anything without thinking about my best friend or my family or anything that I used to know before all of this. Some of us never had the means to move on properly. And-”
“Hey, calm down, if you just come in with-”
“Don’t cut me off when I’m clearly in the right here. Don’t cut me off when I tried to grieve properly and talk to you about everything and you would just change the subject. Look, if this doesn’t work out, I don’t lose a whole lot. So I’m doing this and so are the rest of us. I hope you realize that,” they finished, fists clenched as they stood up.
At that point, Tony didn’t say anything as Harper turned and went back to the car. He didn’t try to stop them. Probably because it was apparent that it would have all been for nothing.
Maybe Harper didn’t think they had any useful talent. But they also knew Annie would have been the first to tell them they were wrong about that.
The drive back, Harper never asked about where they were going. They were too wrapped up in thinking about what they brought to the table. Stubbornness sure, and designing for certain. And maybe Harper learned something from the different things Natasha taught them about fighting.
Although, it was starting to concern Harper a little bit once they noticed the route was a little bit different than normal. They weren’t going to the compound, that much was for certain.
When the car was pulled up to a diner, Harper looked around, “What’re we doing?”
“Getting reinforcement,” Natasha replied, “Kind of like a second opinion.”
Scott sighed, “You really think this guy will agree? I mean, he seemed pretty adamant about it.”
“I said he probably would be. But I’m sure as hell not giving up,” Harper replied, “I’ll become some sort of crazy physicist if that’s what it takes at this point.”
With that in mind, the four of them went to the diner. It was a little bit packed, but it was easy to figure out who the aforementioned “reinforcement” was supposed to be. Harper had seen Bruce every once in awhile, but it was always a tiny bit weird to see an oversized, slightly green man. Then again, maybe this was what they had asked for when they started working with one of the Avengers. It was really hard to say.
Again, Harper just couldn’t get themself to focus on what was happening right in front of them. Had they said the right thing to Tony? It was possible that they only made things worse. But if anyone was going to put things into perspective about just who they lost five years ago, Harper knew that Natasha, Steve, and Scott weren’t going to cut it. They tried nibbling at the grilled cheese they ordered, but it was hard to eat when it was clear the fate of their best friend was in the hands of the small group sitting around them.
A couple of kids asking Scott to take a picture of them with Bruce was what forced Harper back into reality. It was pretty clear that Scott hadn’t felt noticed at all. After all, he wasn’t one of the original, New York-based superheroes. Annie had gone through that too when she first moved. That was just another thing Annie would have probably killed to talk to Scott about. After she stopped freaking out over meeting her idol.
That was what would happen right after everyone came back. Maybe the environment would have a couple of kinks in there, getting half of the life from earlier back, but that was okay. There were far worse things going on with only half of everything. 
“You know, I’m a superhero too, Ant-Man?” Scott said, trying to hand back the phone to the kids.
It was a painfully awkward exchange with Bruce trying to get the kids to take a picture with Scott. Something that didn’t work seeing how the kids wanted to back away.
Scott sighed, mumbling, “No one knows who Ant-Man is.”
“Um… if I may, that’s not totally true,” Harper said softly, still keeping an eye on what else was being said.
Scott laughed, “Thanks, but I’m not totally sure you count if you work for the Avengers.”
“Psh… I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about my friend, White Swan, remember? She freaking loved you and thought you were amazing. And when, not if but when, we get everyone back, she’ll  probably take all the selfies in the world with you,” they insisted.
This was what Harper wanted to think about. Not about all the ways things could go wrong, but about all the things that could happen after everyone was back.
Harper gazed down at the paper that Bruce was drawing on. It looked like he was trying to figure out what the suits for time travelling would look like. Red and white with nothing but an exorbitant amount of padding. The whole thing was extremely tacky to say the least.
“Harper’s the fashion expert here,” Natasha said, looking at the design.
Harper nodded, “Yeah, just hand it over here, I think I’ve got some ways I can help to make it better.”
Bruce handed the sheet over to Harper and they looked at it and reached into the pocket of their olive green jacket, “Yeah… I feel like there’s just one tiny improvement to be made,” they paused as they pulled a lighter out and set the paper on fire.
“Woah what?!” Bruce exclaimed.
Harper put the burning paper in a glass of water, “Those suits are fucking hideous. I’m gonna take care of designing.”
Natasha couldn’t stop herself from laughing. Five years working with Harper taught her to expect things like this. Though, with a lot of the regular Avengers things on hold, it was also easy to forget they liked working on these projects.
“But they were functional!” Bruce replied, looking concerned.
Harper rolled their eyes, “Yeah, but on my watch something can look cool and be functional. And you don’t have the original design anymore. So tell me what makes this so functional.”
After getting the basic list of what needed to be put into the suit, Harper swore up and down they would have a better design done and ready to be tried out by tomorrow. Which meant a sleepless night for them and a whole lot of coffee. The sketch didn’t take too long, but getting the materials certainly did. And it wasn’t like they could ask Natasha for help since she was running off trying to get reinforcements.
They assumed “reinforcements” was code for a last-ditch attempt to get Clint back. It was understandable, Harper would have done the same for Annie if the roles were switched like that. Then again, Thor had yet to be seen since that day a few years ago either. 
Some upbeat music played in the background as they worked on building one of the suits. If one got done, then the rest would hopefully be a breeze. Looking at the clock, Harper noticed it was close to midnight and the first suit was halfway done. They would have to pick up the pace.
Their phone started to ring and they picked it up, not looking at the contact. Surely if someone called around midnight, it was something important.
“Hey, Harper… is that a sewing machine?” Ned asked, his voice coming through the speaker.
Harper laughed a bit, “Yep, I’ve got a super huge secret project I’m working on. If it goes right, I think you’re gonna love it.”
“But why can’t you just tell me now?”
“Because there’s a chance this project may end up not working out, and it’s only cool if it works.”
There was a pause as Ned tried to understand what they were getting at, “Well, you asked me to call you, is everything alright?” “Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you that I finally talked to Tony… went as well as you would expect,” they replied, the sewing machine still whirring as they spoke.
“What did you tell him?”
They sighed, “Not a whole lot, just kind of… well, when I went to see him… he’s got this lake house.”
“Like when we were all in Tahoe?”
“Yes! Exactly like that. Except, you know, it’s New York. But it reminded me so much of everything and I kinda snapped. I mean, I feel like I either said the right thing or that I just pissed him off.”
“I’m sure you said the right thing. You know you would’ve said it sooner or later. It’s better you said it earlier while it was daylight and you weren’t drinking anything,” he pointed out.
Harper reached over to get a drink of coffee from a mug balancing haphazardly on their table, “Hey, I drunk dialled you one time. And that was after I turned twenty-one!”
“Still, it could’ve happened again,” Ned pointed out as he listened to the sewing machine start up again, “Do you want me to keep talking to you while you’re doing your project?”
They nodded despite him not being able to see them, “That’d be nice… wait, don’t you work tomorrow? I don’t want you staying up late if-”
“It’s my day off tomorrow. Don’t worry about it. Besides, it’s more important you stay up, so I’m happy to help.”
Tag list (ask if you’d like to be added!): @moonstruckholland @flushings-here @parrkerspeters @twilightparker @gaypanda @lcy-thot @parkerpuffwrites @dolphinsarecuteandstuff @buzzinglee @ijustdontknowsometimes @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy
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purplecloaks · 6 years
Custom Made, Part Forty-Seven
Bjorn x OC, Ubbe x OC, Hvitserk x OC, Sigurd x OC, Ivar x OC
Everything tag: @squirrelacorngliterfarts
Custom made tag: @kingbouji3 @kawennote09 @maybe-a-winchester
           Sigurd is in the doorway sharpening a stick with a knife. I sit next to Ivar. Ubbe is across from us.
           “That is my knife.” Ivar says.
           Sigurd comes in and closes the door.
           “That is my knife.” Ivar repeats.
           “No, it is not.” Sigurd says sitting down on a stool.
           “Give it to me.” Ivar holds his hand out.
           “You’re crazy. It’s not your knife. Father gave me this knife.” Sigurd says.
           “I want it.” Ivar gets down on the floor. “I will kill Lagertha with it. I will kill Lagertha with Father’s knife!”
           “Well, you can’t have it.” Sigurd says.
           “That’s enough!” Ubbe says.
           “Boys, please.” I say.
           Ivar grabs the stool out from under Sigurd. Sigurd falls on his back. He quickly holds the knife as far from Ivar as possible.
           “Give it to me!” Ivar says.
           Ubbe stands up and makes his way over to them. Ivar head butts Sigurd. He falls on his back again.
           Ubbe throws Ivar away from Sigurd. “Get up! Hey!” He says. He pulls Sigurd to his feet. “We have important decisions to make.”
           “As usual, you must tell us how to behave!” Sigurd says.
           “Who else would do it?” Ubbe says.
           Ivar sits back next to me. I check his face for any scratches and then I kiss his lips.
           “I wish Bjorn was here.” Ubbe says.
           “You think he knows about Father?” Sigurd asks.
           “Oh, so, you think that Odin told us, but forgot to tell Bjorn? Hmm?” Ivar says.
           “Hopefully he will be home soon. In the meantime, it is up to us to decide what to do.” Ubbe says.
           “I’m listening, Say something interesting.” Ivar says.
           “You heard what he said, how the little pigs will grunt when they hear how the old boar suffered.” Ubbe says.
           “So now we’re grunting. So what?” Ivar says.
           “We want blood-revenge against Aelle, hmm?” Ubbe asks.
           “Yes.” Sigurd says.
           “Not only against Aelle. I told you, King Ecbert offered our father up like a sacrifice, so we’ll do the same thing to him. That is what Father wanted. That is the message that he wanted me to bring to you.” Ivar says.
“That is so easy to say, Ivar.” Ubbe says.
           “Here he is, the voice of reason.” He stabs table with a knife. “I hate reason.” He gets down on the floor.
           “What do you mean, Ubbe?” Sigurd asks. “I’m listening even if he’s not.” He sits where Ivar was sitting.
           “Aelle has a small kingdom but Ecbert’s kingdom is vast. How do we overcome that when we have never attempted anything like that before?” Ubbe says.
           “W raise an army.” Sigurd says.
           “No, you’re not listening brother.” Ubbe says.
           “We raise a great army. An army bigger than ever before.” Sigurd says.
           Ivar closes the door he was about to go out of. “Sigurd is right. We call in favors. We do deals with Kings and Earls that we hate.” He starts crawling back over to us. “Whatever we have to promise them, we promise. And in the end, we assemble an army twice the size of the army our father took to Paris.”
           “And we declare was on England.” Sigurd says.
           “No. In the name of our dead father, in the name of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of our country, and in the name of Odin, we declare was on the whole world.” Ivar says.
           Later during the end of the feast, Lagertha’s shield maidens are held with knives to their necks. Sigurd is also held. The crowd parts and Ubbe and Ivar are there. Ivar crawls towards Lagertha and Ubbe walks forward. She stands from her throne and picks up a sword. Ubbe holds up his axe. Suddenly the doors break open and Bjorn comes in.
           “If you kill her, my brothers, you’ll have to kill me too.” Bjorn says.
           “Maybe we should.” Ivar says.
           “Shut up.” Ubbe says. “She killed our mother.”
           “I know. You want revenge. So would I. But more importantly, we have to avenge our father. That is why I came back. And that is what we are going to do.” Bjorn says. Lagertha throws down the sword. Ubbe lowers his axe. The shield maidens are let go. I follow Ubbe and Ivar out of the Great Hall.
           Later we’re all in the cabin sitting around the hearth. Margrethe is there. I wrinkle my nose at her.
           “I’m not saying we shouldn’t do it, but think about it. If we…” Sigurd says. He’s interrupted by the doors opening. Hvitserk comes in.
           “Hvitserk!” Ubbe and I call out. We all get up to hug him.
           “Welcome home, brother.” Sigurd says.
           I kiss him. “Welcome home, love.”
           “I heard you freed Margrethe? You want to marry her. I’m glad.” Hvitserk says. He walks over to her and cups her cheek. “Just don’t keep her all to yourself.”
           They all sit down again. I sit in Hvitserk’s lap.
           “It’s good to have you back, brother.” Ubbe says. “Have you heard about Mother?”
           “Yes. Well, you and I, Ubbe, we jumped under the ice because of her. So I don’t quite agree that we should kill Lagertha because of it.” Hvitserk says.
           “Ivar thinks we should.” Ubbe says.
           “Ivar’s crazy. You know that.” Hvitserk says. I smack his chest.
           “Maybe we should wait.” Ubbe says.
           “Until we avenge our father. Someone has to rule Kattegat when we’re away.” Sigurd says.
           “And if we kill Lagertha, we have to kill Bjorn and I don’t want to do that.” Ubbe says.
           “Well maybe you couldn’t do it anyway.” Hvitserk says.
           “Would you want to test me, brother?” Ubbe says.
           I turn and straddle Hvitserk. “I missed you.” I say against his lips.
           “Did you?” He teases. He kisses me slowly.
           I follow Ivar to Floki’s later. He opens the door and lets me go in first.
           “Hello, Floki. Helga.” Ivar says once he closes the door. I wave to both of them.
           “Ivar. Ingrid.” Floki says.
           We go in further into the house. “So, who’s this?” Ivar asks.
           “Her name is Tanaruz.” Helga says.
           “Oh, you brought her back? She’ll make a good slave, I’m sure.” Ivar says.
           “She is not a slave. We are adopting her.” Helga says. “She is my child.”
           “Ah! Well, let’s see.” Ivar holds his hand out to Tanaruz. She starts freaking out.
           “Shh, it’s all right.” Helga says.
           “I won’t hurt you.” Ivar says. He reaches out again. She screams again.
           “It’s all right. Don’t be afraid.” Helga says. She stands up with her and leaves the room.
           “It’s very sweet of you to drag your crippled arse all the way over here to see me.” Floki says. I laugh.
           “Why do you think I want anything from you, you spindly legged, knock-kneed boat-builder?” Ivar says. I laugh again.
           “It’s nice to see how much you’ve matured since I’ve been away.” Floki says.
           “Matured? What, you think I want to be an old fool like you?” Ivar says.
           “The way you behave, dear Ivar, you’ll never get the chance.” Floki says,
           They both start laughing. Floki gets up and runs over to hug Ivar. He sets him on the bed next to me when they’re done hugging and sits next to him.
           “Actually, might be something that you can do for me.” Ivar says.
           “Oh.” Floki says.
           “Now that we’re going to England to fight, it’s about time I didn’t have to crawl about. Especially on the battlefield. I wonder if you could help me, Floki.” Ivar says.
           “I’ll figure something out.” Floki says.
           Ivar smiles. I pinch his cheek.
           “Woman.” He groans.
           “Floki?” I say.
           “Yes Ingrid?” Floki smiles at me.
           “Will you come to our wedding?” I ask him.
           He looks between Ivar and I. “Yes, of course.” He finally says.
           I lean my head against Ivar’s shoulder. “Let’s get married today.”
           “Just like that?” He asks.
           “I don’t need anything special. Just you, my love.” I smile at him.
           He nods in agreement.
           We tell the boys what we are doing. They agree to come.
           “Will you give me away, Ubbe?” I ask.
           “Of course, but I would have thought you would want it to be Bjorn.” Ubbe says.
           I shake my head sadly. He drops it.
           I almost ask to invite Lagertha, but I know what Ivar would say. I also know he would take it as betrayal. So I keep my mouth shut.
           I stand across from Ivar. He’s sitting. People are gathered around us.
           “Who gives this woman away to her new husband?” The priestess asks.
           “I do.” Ubbe says. He hands her the ring Ivar made me.
           She dips them in blood and gives one to Ivar. I hold my hand out and he slips it on me.
           “And so I name you man and wife. And may the gods bless you.” She flicks blood at me. Then at Ivar. “And give you children, and may they keep the wolf from the door.”
           Ivar pulls me down to him and kisses me harshly. Everyone cheers.
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lizartgurl · 6 years
“Back To You” (Aqualad x OC)
Kaldur is bi. Fite me. Allow me to shove a multi-chapter fic of him and my oc in your face because almost no one else seems to want to write about him because it’s “too hard”
Shout-out to @sand-son for your excellent beta-reading input. Comment if you’d like me to tag you in future updates.
Word Count: 2100
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The smooth floors of the Watchtower reflected her frown back up at her as her boots thudded rhythmically. Emma couldn’t tell if it was some very well-polished granite, or if it was some alien material from far, far away.
Right now, she'd rather be in a galaxy far, far away than stuck here.
The Reach were defeated. The Lanterns were escorting them to trial on Rimbor, and she wished she’d bullied Bruce into letting her go with them. Like that would have worked out, but it would be better than what she’d faced every day since the summit.
“Emma!” Wally waved super-fast as she walked past the med-wing. Since he helped his uncle and cousin-from-the-future stop the last of the Reach’s chrysalises, his powers were fading in and out, giving him random burst of hyper-speed at some inopportune moments. When his arm wouldn’t stop waving, Artemis grabbed it to steady him. She fell over from his momentum, and they laughed before kissing.
They were so lucky.
Not breaking her stride, Nightingale managed a smile at two of her oldest friends, and waved. She finally arrived at the conference room, far away from prying eyes and ears in the garden, the cafetorium, or the mission room. She squared her shoulders and knocked.
Bruce opened the door.
“Come in, Nightingale.”
Emma nodded, and softly stepped around her mentor, hugging herself nervously.
The four other Leaguers clustered at one spot at the U-shaped table stood up to greet her.
“Thank you for coming, Nightingale,” Canary smiled warmly, setting a few of Emma’s nerves at ease.
“You’re not in trouble, don’t worry,” She joked. Emma almost laughed, taking the empty seat between Batman and Black Canary.
“Then what is this about?” She asked. The others sat down in silence, and Emma tried to do what Bruce did his best to teacher and analyzed what else they could be asking of her.
Black Canary’s day job was a psychologist, and Emma and her other team members were very open with her about their thoughts and problems. Aside from that, she was also the new chairman of the League. Everything went through her now.
The android Red Tornado used to be her team’s “Den Mother”, she got to know him very well while she lived at the cave that was now blown up. He was usually present whenever the League held counsel with team members, as he provided insight that didn’t typically occur to human minds.
Batman, Bruce, was like her father. Even if he wasn’t her mentor, he was almost always included in top-secret meetings. He was Batman.
Between Red Tornado and Black Canary sat Wildcat, her mentor, and a semi-retired superhero who used to work in the Justice Society with Red Tornado, a precursor to the Justice League. Emma wondered if it had anything to do with the JSA, but she only knew Red Tornado, Doctor Fate somewhat, and now Wildcat.
Aquaman, sitting gravely next to Bruce, was what worried her. Aqualad wasn’t present, but if his King was there, it had to be something to do with him.
Bruce saw her bite her lip, and squeezed her shoulder. Dinah took her hand.
“Aquaman and the League have received a few...disturbing messages in the past couple of weeks,” She said carefully.
“And another two since you entered this room,” Red Tornado updated. Wildcat made a grunt that sounded somewhat like a chuckle.
“What kind of messages?” Emma encouraged, though by Canary’s tone, she took it that they weren’t the most pleasant of memos.
“Threats,” Aquaman sad simply.
Emma blew a bit of hair out of her eyes, “I thought we got those all the time. Isn’t that part of the job? Dealing with ‘threats?”
“Ones directed at the League or at the Earth as a whole, yes, but these were directed towards a specific individual,” Batman said.
“One you seem hesitant to state. Is it me?” Nightingale asked.
Batman raised a brow in her direction.
Aquaman activated his personal screen, projecting an image onto the shared screen for all to see.
The image wasn’t best quality. The lighting and blur suggested it was taken deep underwater. Graffiti was marked on the side of a white stone building in dark black that looked red, striking Emma with a sickening similarity to blood. Where did they get that much?
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t read Atlantean,” She apologized to the King of Atlantis. Her stomach churned as she stared down at polished gray table.
Aquaman stood up, bracing himself against the table.
“Well, editing it very mildly, it says ‘Kill the kama traitor’.”
“And kama means...?” They were dancing around it.
“Emma,” Bruce turned her towards him, his voice gravely serious, “They’re threatening Aqualad.”
Emma swallowed that, as Red Tornado silently played a slideshow of similar threats for her illumination. She stopped counting at fifty-seven, holding her head in her hands as she tried to focus on memorizing the grain of the table. This could not be happening.
“It’s about his undercover mission,” Black Canary explained, as if Emma couldn’t guess.
“Contrary to popular belief, I was aware of Kaldur’s plan. Captain Atom was not very pleased to find out when he did, and neither were my people. Many, specifically the purist sect of Atlantis, refuse to believe that is the case.”
“They want to kill him, Emma,” Canary said. That much was obvious.
“We run into people who want to kill us all the time!” Emma snapped. She tried to even her breathing, and Bruce patted her back calmly.
“Nightingale, they have already tried to assassinate him when he returned home to visit his parents.”
Emma’s breath caught in her throat. Sha’lain’a and Calvin were more than willing to die for their son, they had proved that by raising him for the past twenty years. But they shouldn’t have to, Kaldur wouldn’t want them to.
“I assume you’ve already spoken to Aqualad about this?”
“Yes. And he suggested he take a leave of absence.” Canary said. “Depending on whether this cools down or not, he’d return eventually, or completely drop off the map.”
“Because he always has the best ideas,” Emma leaned back in her chair with a sigh that made her resemble a deflating balloon. She realized that wasn’t the most mature move, but she didn’t particularly care at this point.
“I assume he wants to give me lead of the team, since Nightwing was so eager to give up command after this past year?”
Batman and Canary shared a look. “He actually suggested Batgirl.”
Emma was barely surprised. She wasn’t the most capable of leaders, but she was used to everyone just automatically assuming that she was a good leader because she was trained by Batman and was almost joined at the hip with her little brother. She forgot that Kaldur knew her better than that.
“He volunteered to go alone, but we suggested taking backup.”
“Like pretending to kill Artemis so she could go undercover?” Nightingale couldn’t keep the bitter tone out of her voice.
“Yes,” Canary smoothly continued onward as Aquaman looked around awkwardly.
“Except, this time, we believe Artemis and Wally would like to spend more time together, especially after his near-death experience. We’d ask Miss Martian, but she is on probation until she figures out how to get a handle on her powers again, and Superboy is trying to help us help her with that.”
“And Nightwing?” Emma was afraid of the answer.
“Richard is going step back from the team. Take time to ‘find himself as a hero’.” Bruce spoke up at last.
Of course she was the last to know.
“Any other team members?”
“Kaldur’ahm requested this stay with the senior team members. Rocket has her son to raise, and she and Zatanna both have their cities to protect.” Aquaman stood, his arms folded.
“Just like last time,” Emma grit her teeth, squeezing her arm to keep from lashing out.
Canary squeezed her shoulder. “You can say no, Emma.”
She was very tempted to say no.
But something kept her from saying no. She knew Kaldur as well has he knew her, and Kaldur was too selfless for his own good. Someone had to be there to watch his back.
“I’ll need to think on it.” She said.
“How long would you like?” Canary seemed hopeful about that. This was definitely farther than she expected to get.
“How long can you give me?”
“The JSA has a cabin up in Canada, a very remote area,” Wildcat spoke up at last. So that was why he was here, “We wanted to leave tomorrow.”
Emma held back a groan. “Give me an hour then.”
Without waiting for their okay, she stood and turned, leaving her chair spinning as she all but ran for the door. Out in the hall, with no windows to let you know that you were in space at all, she felt like she could finally breathe,
“Emma,” She didn’t look up at Bruce.
“When did Rick resign?” She asked.
“When we asked him to take on this mission. He’d finally made up his mind, and he planned to formally resign when we called him in.”
Emma was still upset that he’d kept that from her. He was keeping a lot from her lately. She knew full well that he wasn’t required to tell her everything, even though they were siblings. A lot of people didn’t seem to trust her these days. Artemis, Wally, Conner, M’gann, Kaldur. She felt left out of the loop with everyone she used to know so well.
“We didn’t want to ask you, Emma,” Bruce insisted.
“Then why did you?”
“You and Kaldur were very close-”
“Until he betrayed everyone and made us think that he’d killed our friend! Artemis is like my sister, and Kaldur knew that. Richard knew that. Why didn’t they tell us?”
“Sometimes secrets have to be kept,” Bruce said, stepping up to her side.
“Yeah, that was exactly what Rick said when he told us about the whole undercover thing. He really is turning out more like you every day,”
Bruce sighed. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
Before she could think, she spun to face the voice. Her baby brother took off his mask under a look of disapproval from their mentor to talk face-to-face.
“I told Kaldur not to tell you.”
“About what, your little espionage setup?”
“Yes,” Rick said, completely serious, “I didn’t even want to tell Wally about it, if it wasn’t pulling them out of retirement...” He trailed off and shook his head.
“I didn’t know it would take the toll it did.”
“Going undercover at all takes a pretty big toll,” Emma snorted.
“Emma,” Rick interrupted, “He’s sorry. He loves you so much and he’s too nice a guy to tell you.”
Emma scrambled for something to throw back at him. “Well just because he likes me doesn’t mean I like him back!”
Rick’s face deadpanned. “You did for almost six years.”
Emma’s face burned red, and she took a few steps away from the men to think.
“I know you don’t owe him anything, but just let him apologize,” Rick begged.
Aquaman came out of the room next and dashed up the hall, where Kaldur himself came around the corner. Emma tried to avoid looking at him, but she couldn’t help it. He was too wrapped up in talking with his King, anyway.
His dark skin was noticeably paler, illustrating the dark circles beneath his eyes. How long had he been like that?
She had loved him, once. She owed him nothing after all that he did, but Shayera once said that both their hearts were too big for each other, for the world. Emma knew she would feel terrible if something happened to Kaldur that she could have prevented, and she did nothing about it.
She spun on her heel back into the mission room, interrupting Wildcat’s reminiscence with Canary.
“I’ll do it.
“I’ll go with Aqualad.”
The moment she said the words, she knew that Aqualad and his King, along with her brother and her mentor, were watching from the doorway.
Canary smiled in relief. She knew, just as Emma did, that Kaldur would be better off with someone to watch his back.
“Thank you, Nightingale,” She stood up and hugged her tightly.
Wildcat patted her soundly on the back, and pointed to Kaldur, “Now you two kids better get packed. We leave at five am sharp, Eastern Standard Time.”
For the first time in a week, Emma met eyes with Kaldur.
What had she gotten herself into?
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the-jade-cross · 4 years
Fairy of Hogwarts - Chapter 1
*Warning! I wrote this several years ago so it’s kinda short and cringe worthy! My new Draco Malfoy x OC story: A Malfoy’s Potter will be coming out soon! 
"Arya! Ashanya! It's time to come in girls!" their mother called.
The late evening sun was just beginning to fall behind the trees, sending out a reddish color through the sky. The two red haired girls who sat on the grass behind their house looked up. They had decided it was time that they enjoyed the last few days of summer before they had to platform 9 3/4 to bid farewell to their two eldest siblings, Aiden and Austen who were already enrolled in Hogwarts in their second and first years.
They were beautiful twins, even though they were far different from the rest of their family. Arya and Ashanya Gerasimov came from a rather large family, both parents having blue eyes and bright red hair... and all their kids having similar features... flaming red hair and blue eyes. The only way they could tell the two sisters apart was the fact that Ashanya kept her hair cut shorter.
"Coming!" the two girls shouted.
Reaching over, Arya, the younger of the two sisters, grabbed her kitten, Twinkle from the grass and stood up. She reached down and helped pull her sister (Who was older by five minutes) up, who was holding her own kitten, Star.
"Are you going to miss Aiden when he leaves?" Arya asked.
Ashanya, even though she was only five minutes older than her twin, was almost like the mother of the two: protecting Arya, giving her advice and being the more mature of the two since Arya was still such a wee little child at heart, even though they were barely seven.
"Yeah," she admitted, "Not as much as Austen though."
While the twins were as alike as two peas in a pod, one of the greatest differences was who was their favorite big sibling. Holly always went for Austen, their motherly, slightly bossy but lovable big brother while Arya on the other hand, practically adored Aiden. If she wasn't with Ashanya, Arya was following Aiden around like a puppy. Of course, no one could blame her for Aiden was said to be one of the most handsome young boys ever, having the brightest blue eyes and fire red hair and some really sharp features. However, the reason Arya loved him so much and practically idolized him was because Aiden was always there to save her from bullies.
When Arya and Ashanya were three years old, they began showing signs of something out of the norm so they were taken to Hogwarts. They spent a good part of that year there, bonding with all the staff and the professors. They even began to be called the little mascots of Hogwarts. During their time there though, Arya had gotten lost and had been found by a few kids who found it funny that a three year old little girl was wandering about. Aiden had come to her rescue and from then on, he was her favorite big sibling.
"Austen's great," Arya admitted before something caught her eye.
Far off in the distance, she caught sight of what appeared to be a man, but he looked so dark and evil, he couldn't have been a man. His hair was black, his face twisted... he looked like a snake for his tongue kept sticking out like a snake.
"Ashanya who..." Arya started.
Before either girl could process what was happening, the front door of their house flew open and their parents, Austen and Aiden burst out. Asher was right behind with all the rest of their siblings crowding to see.
"Girls get back!" Mr. Jones yelled, running towards the girls with his wife close behind.
Ashanya and Arya began running towards the house.
"Aiden, Austen, protect the girls!" Mrs. Jones yelled. "Asher, keep the kids inside."
Grudgedly, Asher held his younger siblings inside while Aiden and Austen rushed down the stairs towards the twins.
"Stay away from them!" Mr. Jones yelled, bringing out his wand.
The stranger just grinned evilly and raised his own, "Oh I'm just after one... to implement a little pain."
Everything after that seemed to go in slow motion. Austen and Aiden were in mid stride, rushing at full speed with their wands in their hands, rushing to get to their twin sisters. Their mom and dad had skidded to a stop and held up their wands, about to fire protonas charms but the stranger flicked his wand with his hand.
"Avra Kadavra!"
The green light sped from his wand and went straight for a particular red haired little girl who was running alongside her best friend... her twin sister....
Arya didn't know what happened but the next minute she was on the ground, having tripped. Looking up, she saw Aiden rush to her and help her up, hugging her close to him. She saw her parents chase off the stranger who seemed to disappear in a puff of black smoke... and Austen... was kneeling on the ground, his shoulders shaking. Arya already knew what had happened... she didn't need to ask.
rya! Time for breakfast dear!" her mother called from downstairs.
Arya rolled over in bed. In the bedroom that she had to herself. Being the only girl in the family since Ashanya's death, she was the only one who didn't have to share a room.
Sitting up, Arya grabbed her brush and began to brush her red hair, yawning deeply. Twinkle came over and curled up on her lap happily, looking up at her owner. Twinkle was a pure grey cat with almost downy hair and big green eyes.
"Morning," the girl yawned.
She quickly changed into a bright, springy outfit, pink slim jeans with matching pink nail polish and pink earrings. She then grabbed a light creamy satin blouse with matching flats and hurried downstairs.
When she arrived in the kitchen, she wasn't surprised to find that all her other siblings were already awake and at the kitchen table, except Asher.
It had been five years since Arya's twin sister Ashanya was murdered in cold blood by a death eater. Since then, the large Gerasimov family had lived in hiding in a country cabin out in the mountains. Arya absolutely loved it, especially since she was allowed to have her own horse and their number of pets (namely cats and owls) was never limited.
Sitting at the head of the table, where their father usually sat was Aiden. Aiden had just recently turned fifteen and was going into his fourth year at Hogwarts. His red hair was spiked up and his blue eyes were unusually blue that morning. He was fair skinned, like all the Gerasimov kids which helped set off his red hair and blue eyes.
Aiden of course, had only gotten more handsome over the years and Austen would come home with all kinds of stories about how girls at Hogwarts were practically swooning over Aiden, though the boy had shown no interest in girls. This personally made Arya happy, since she and Aiden had gotten even closer since Ashanya died and Arya felt better knowing that there wasn't another girl in Aiden's life... at least not yet.
Austen had rounded out into quite a handsome boy of fourteen, going into his fourth year at Hogwarts. His eyes had turned out to be more of a grey than a blue like their father's but he had the full, perfectly shaped lips like their mother, high cheekbones and creamy skin. Of course he inherited the red hair.
"Good morning," Arya yawned, sitting down next to Axel and Aaron.
"Morning," her mom chirped, handing her a plate of eggs and bacon, "Eat up. It's a big day!"
Arya was halfway into her first piece of bacon when she registered what her mom said, "What do you mean?"
She looked at all her siblings to see that Aiden and Austen were trying to not make eye contact with her, but smiling to themselves. Alex and Aaron were grinning ridiculously and all the others were watching Arya constantly.
"What did I do?"
"Oh you didn't do anything wrong Arya!" Aiden chirped, leaning forward and sliding an envelope towards her, "This arrived by owl mail this morning."
Arya slowly peered at the letter and nearly jumped out of her chair when she recognized the handwriting. After Ashanya was killed, Arya was sent to Hogwarts to stay with her 'other family', better known as the professors at Hogwarts. That way they were able to keep a close eye on the girl, in case the death eater wanted to kill Arya as well but also because they had discovered something about Arya that no one had before... Arya wasn't going to be a witch or wizard like the rest of her family.... she was a fairy.
Fairies went extinct almost twenty years prior during Voldemort's reign. He sought to destroy them because they were the witch and wizard's greatest allies. they were twice as strong, ten times more cunning and a thousand times more powerful than any witch or wizard... this was because they had special powers. The only fairies that anyone knew the name of were: Garret, Paulson and Thompson, having the powers of gravity, lightning and fire. When Arya was brought to Hogwarts for her safety after Holly's death, Snape was assigned to make sure that no one was tempering with Arya's brain or her heart.
Snape soon discovered that the girl had elemental powers... but not just one like all the others fairies... but all the elemental powers! No one knew how she was a fairy for it wasn't a genetic thing but Dumbledore knew right away that Arya was destined to be great.Â
"It's my acceptance letter!" Arya hooted, "I'm going to go to Hogwarts!!"
"Arya! Don't forget Twinkle!" Aiden called.
Arya sprinted from her room, across the hall to the small empty room that she and her siblings use as a TV room. There, she found what she was looking for. Her, Axel, Alex, Anthony and Aaron's cats were all sitting comfortably on the window sill, looking out happily at the warm sunshine.
"Twinkle," Arya called to her grey cat, "Time to go! We have to go to Diagon Alley!"
Twinkle obediently hurried to Arya and the girl scooped him up. Rushing back to her room, she allowed Twinkle to climb into her peach pink backpack. Arya quickly finished changing, pulling on a peach dress that came to her ankles in the front and slightly longer in the back with strap sleeves and a brown belt. Over that she pulled on a blue jean jacket and cream colored flats.
She quickly grabbed her traveling backpack which held all the clothes she would use on her free days and her pajamas. Aiden had run Arya through all the things she needed to know about packing and traveling to Hogwarts. he suggested Arya use her black backpack with all the adorable pink embroidery flowers for all the things she would need other than the stuff she would find in Diagon Alley. he then had Arya leave her pink backpack free to carry Twinkle and to fill with all her little accessories. The larger accessories were easier to carry like her cauldron. Since Arya had Twinkle, she didn't have to worry about getting a new pet in Diagon Alley.
Rushing down the stairs, she almost collided with Axel and Anthony
"Oh sorry," Arya excused, placing her bags on the ground to give the two a farewell hug, "I'm going to miss you two."
Axel gave her a tearful hug before Anthony gave her one as well, but didn't say anything.
"I can still write you know," Arya pointed out, causing Anthony to smile at her. "I'll tell you two everything that happens while I'm gone!"
"We'll do that," Axel told her. "And we'll have Balthazar do all the mail carrying."
Arya grinned. Balthazar was technically her owl. After Aiden and Austen returned from Diagon Alley with two owls, their barn was soon full of baby owls all over the place. Of course, their parents couldn't get rid of them if they wanted to avoid the broken hearts of their kids. Balthazar was a jet black owl and wasn't exactly fast, but he could fly much longer and further than all the others.
"You do that."
"Ready to go Arya?" Aiden called from the front door.
"We're ready to go," Austen announced, picking up his orange cat Sam from the window sill and putting him in his bag. he then hurried out onto the front porch to put his owl, Roger, into his cage. Asher grudgedly picked up his mix match colored cat Jewels and shoved her into his backpack before heading off to find his owl Firestorm.
The Gerasimov family had made it a rule that you couldn't take three animals to Hogwarts from home. You could take one pet from home, then get a second pet from Diagon Alley if you wanted. In that case, Arya wasn't allowed to take Balthazar not only because he was the best mail carrier but also because she wanted to get a pet from Diagon Alley as well. Saying her farewells to Balthazar, Arya headed to the car that was sitting at the end of the drive.
Austen was carefully putting his white owl's cage into the back of the care while Asher just left his brown owl's cage near the back. Aiden grabbed Firestorm's cage and his own which held his armadillo, Bunji. Aiden reached out and took Arya's bags for her and placed them in the back while Arya climbed into the car next to Austen.
Asher pushed past the two and took the back seat to himself while Aiden climbed in the front seat next to their dad. Then they were off.
About an hour later, Austen gently woke Arya from her nap to reveal that they had arrived in Diagon Alley. Saying their farewells to their dad, they headed off into the Leaky Cauldron before going into Diagon Alley.
Arya had been to the alley before in her childhood but not recently. She felt like a kid in a candy store as she headed through the stores with her siblings. Soon she got her robes, her cauldron and all the little things she needed. Then, she was off to the wand store.
"Listen Arya," Aiden told her, "Asher and Austen are off to get some potion stuff down the alley. I'm going across the street to get your pet. I'll meet you outside the potion shop okay?"
Arya nodded and headed indoors. The moment she entered, Ollivander considered the girl a moment before smiling.
"Well if it isnt Arya Gerasimov, the last fairy!" he remarked, hurrying over. "Never though I would see you here! You know fairies don't need wands but it never hurts to have one on hand."
Arya puzzled over this as he went searching for few wand options. After trying two that didn't work, Arya spoke up.
"Excuse me, what do you mean that fairies don't need wands?"
Ollivander grinned knowingly, "You know how you are able to control the elements? And not just one but all of them? How you can light a candle with your finger or make the water in your cup move? Well no wizard or witch can do that, but you can also conjure spells, charms and jinxes without a wand! A popular spell is Expeliamus but witches and wizards can only do it with a wand. You my dear, don't need a wand to do that!"
As Ollivander headed off to get another wand, Arya decided to try it out. She considered the man as he headed back with another wand and quickly pointed out him, "Expelliamus!"
Right away, the box shot from Ollivander's hand and landed right in Arya's open palm. The man grinned and clapped his hand while Arya stared in wonder.
"Excellent Miss!"
Five minutes later, after Ollivander asked her to try a few other spells like Stupify, Confundus, Reparo and Leviosa, Arya headed out with her wand.
she stopped on the front steps of the shop to slip her wand into her pink bag and she checked to make sure Twinkle was alright. Deciding it was getting crowded in there for the cat, she allowed her out and held the cat in her arms.
Arya headed down the alley, in search of the potion shop when she collided with someone. The books in her bag went spilling all over the place and she dropped Twinkle who let out a squeal. Arya cringed as her knee struck the cobblestones and probably scraped.
"I'm sorry," Arya apologized, slowly standing up.
As she climbed to her feet, she lifted her eyes and came face to face with a pair of icy grey eyes. The boy before her looked to be about a year or two older than her and taking in the fact that his robes were green, she guessed that this wasn't his first year at Hogwarts. His platinum blond hair was pushed back and honestly, he wasn't bad looking.
"Are you a Weasley?" the boy asked without bothering to introduce himself. "I don't remember any Weasley's having blue eyes and being so pretty."
For a second, Arya felt flattered at his description of her being pretty, but realized that he must have thought her to be related to someone and she didn't like how he spat the name, "No... my name is Arya Gerasimov."
With that, she stuck out her and to shake his. The boy looked at her hand in surprise, then back at her smiling, pretty face in perplexity. Arya didn't know what had him confused but finally he reached out and shook her hand.
"I'm Draco... Draco Malfoy."
Arya smiled, "Cool name."
This seemed to only confuse Draco even more to the point where he was staring at the girl. Arya didn't seem to notice and began to pick up her things. She carefully scooped Twinkle up and held her close.
"Draco, who's this?' a voice asked.
The two looked up to see two boys heading in Draco's direction, both of them looking a little on the heavy side.
"I'm Arya," the girl said, holding her hand out to the two boys.
Instead of the two shaking her hand, they just stared at her in perplexity but the also looked confused as to why she was being so polite.
"This is Crabbe and Goyle," Draco introduced, "This is Arya Gerasimov."
"The girl who doesn't watch where she is going and who is going to get in deep with her brother if she doesn't hurry," Arya finished. "I've got to go. Nice meeting you!"
With that, she hurried off after giving the three boys a wave which they all returned.
"Ronald Weasley!" Professor Mcgonagal called.
The red haired boy climbed up the stairs and Arya watched him. So he's a Weasley. She saw why the boy, Draco had thought she was one because she had run into Fred and George Weasley on the train and all of them had red hair. Easy misunderstanding.
"Gryffindor!" Arya jumped. she had zoned out! Now there were only a few students left.
"Luna Lovegood."
A blond haired girl stepped up and sat down the stool. Minerva set the hat on her head and at once it shouted, "RAVENCLAW!"
Arya smiled. Luna looked like a nice person. Honestly, she had no idea which house she would end up in. Aiden was in Gryffindor and Austen was in Hufflepuff. Asher, who had started a year early was in Slytherin so there was a chance she could end up anywhere.
"Arya Gerasimov!" minerva called.
The girl slowly stepped up and saw that all the professors were smiling at her, even Snape. She smiled back. The professors were like a second family to her. Minerva smiled as she sat down.
"Good luck dear."
she sat the hat on the girl's head and the hat began to talk.
"Ah another Gerasimov.... you're special though. I can sense it. You have the magic and talents of a witch.... but the strength of a wizard... yet.... you are special. You are the last remaining Faerie! Talented in the elements, special to all.... you touch everyone you come near.... you are brave, good for a Gryffindor but too thoughtful and kind to be there. You wouldn't do well in Slytherin.... you're too pure for that.... Hufflepuff would do well but you're also intelligent and not shy.... I would say, RAVENCLAW!"
Arya smiled as the Ravenclaw table went up in cheers. she hopped off the bench and ran over to the table. AT once, Luna held out her hand and Arya shook it.
"Lovely to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"
"Like what?" Arya inquired.
"Oh about your talents," Luna said. "There's a lot in the library about faeries. Also, the professors all know you."
Arya smiled. She was going to like this school!
After the feast, Luna and Arya looped arms and headed to the Ravenclaw dormitory with all the other Ravenclaws.
"So your brothers are Aiden and Austen?" the Patil sisters asked.
Arya nodded and the two girls squealed, "They're so freaking adorable! Especially Austen! Oh he makes your heart melt!"
Arya chuckled and headed into her room. She and Luna shared a room which was nice.
As she was unpacking, an owl landed on her sill and held a message. Taking it, she stroked the bird's nose and he cooed. Arya unrolled the letter and read it in her head.
Ravenclaw huh? That's cool! Shame you weren't put into Slytherin! Ravenclaw is better than Gryffindor though. See you around.
Arya smiled, recognizing the initials as those of Draco. Already she had a close friend in Luna, a pretty good friend in Draco, a friend in Fred and George and in the professors.
She really was going to like Hogwarts.
0 notes
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Characters: Pyotyr Ilych (Male Duskwight Elezen WoL OC), Mhardraga Drystelakwyn (Roegadyn Sea Wolf OC)
Rating/Warnings: T (Sexual Situations, Implied Violence)
Summary: Around 20 years before he joins the Scions and gains the title of Warrior of Light, a young privateer gets some news that will change the course of his life forever
"Oi! Ilych! Cap'n wants to see ye!"
The first mate's rough voice echoed through the hold, to the corner where Pyotyr was currently involved in the rather delicate operation of mixing up a fresh batch of gunpowder. He startled, nearly dropping a rather potent mixture, and only barely catching it at the last minute, he laid it aside very carefully before he turned to answer.
"Seven Hells, Slafsryswyn! Ye could have made me blow up half the ship!"
"But you didn't now, did ye, pretty boy?" The Sea Wolf grinned at him.
"Bah, I guess not. I'll be there soon as I stow this shite."
Slaf raised a hand in acknowledgement and climbed back to the upper decks as Pyotyr busied himself with tucking away the fresh batch. They weren't expecting any more combat until they docked back in Limsa, but they'd nearly depleted their stock taking on that fat Garlean transport, and you never knew when one of their magitek contraptions would show up looking for revenge.
Still, that was a worry for later. With everything put away, he stopped by the rainwater barrel, scooped up a cup, splashed a bit to clean the powder from his hands and face, and reached up to undo the bandanna around his head, letting his long, luxurious hair fall around his shoulders. It was admittedly harder to keep it looking good out at sea, but damned if he didn't try, putting aside part of his share of every haul for special Uldahn oils, keeping a fine bone comb and brush in his personal belongings. And came close enough to succeeding to earn the moniker pretty boy, at that.
With his toilette attended to, he grabbed the ladder out of the hold, bounded up the stairs to the upper decks, and soon stood to knock smartly on the door of the captain's cabin.
"Enter!" her voice barked from behind the thick red door, and Pyotyr opened it, stepping in quickly and closing it behind before turning to grin and fire a casual salute at the captain, "You wanted to see me, Captain?"
The captain sat behind her dining room table, fingers steepled in front of her face as if deep in thought. She broke the pose to gesture to the chair across from her, "Ilych. Sit down, we need to talk."
Pyotyr's face fell a bit, noticing the somber, sober look on his captain's face, a look she rarely put on even in the depths of battle, "Everything alright, Captain?"
"Seven Hells, Darlin, I ain't even sure how to put it." She slumped a bit in the chair, now letting one hand fall to the table as the other cradled her forehead for a moment.
At the sound one of her pet names for him, Pyotyr's stance loosened a bit, and he leaned over to clasp her free hand in his own, "Whatever it is, Mhar, I'm here. You tell me who's throat I gotta slit or who's boat I gotta sink, and I'm on it."
Captain Mhardraga Drystelakwyn raised her head to smirk at Pyotyr at that, "Damn it, Pet. You know I like to do that shite myself. Anyway, it ain't about someone else, not really. It's about us."
"Us...?" Pyotyr looked, lips pursed slightly, eyes shining.
"Oh, don't give me those Dodo eyes, Darling, it ain't even about that. It's... Well, Gods damn me, I'm pregnant."
"Oh, well, that's not too bad, I'm sure we can-" Pyotyr's mouth ran full speed ahead for a few seconds before his brain caught up, "Wait. Pregnant?"
Mhardraga sighed, "Aye. I've had my suspicions fer a few days, but I had Doc come by and check a few things. Ain't many other explanations fit the signs."
"Well. Blow me down. That's. Unexpected..." Pyotyr leaned back in his chair now, his eyes widening as he stared at her.
Mhardraga shook her head, crossed her arms, "Ain't that the understatement of the century."
A Moment of silence, Pyotyr scratched the back of his head, then spoke, "So. What do you want to do?"
"You mean after I keelhaul the Chemist what sold me that bum batch of lambsbane?" She chuckled, "Well. That's the rub, ain't it? Ye know me better than almost anyone on this ship, sides from maybe Slaf. Ye know I ain't the mothering type. I like my freedom. I like to go where I will, do what I want, plunder and explore to my hearts content. Only thing I've ever wanted. A Kid wouldn't really do well with that, y'know?"
"So. After ye visit the chemist, ye visit the hedge witches?"
"Ugh. Maybe, but Doc thinks I might be too far long to just flush em out safely too. Hard to say. Maybe I need to carry the kid out, and if they come out alright, I'll see I can find an orphange on shore to take 'em in."
Pyotyr frowned.
"I know that look, Ilych," Mhardraga reverted to his "serious" on deck name, but his voice was full of fondness, "What're ye thinking?"
"I don't know Mhar, I ran with a few Orphans, back in the day. I saw what their lives were like, heard some pretty bad stories bout some of them orphanages, bad food, bad beds, angry old asses for caretakers, an' everything. I'd have a hard time, knowing my flesh was being put through that."
Mhardraga sighed, "Maybe, but what choice do we have?"
"Well. I could go ashore. Raise the kid meself."
"Listen, Mhar. I know it sounds knee-jerk an all, but... I love this ship. You and Slafs and Doc and the Powder Monkeys and everyone. You've been the best bunch of mates a tar could ask for. An' in some other world, I coulda stayed on this ship til it sunk or I lost my sea legs. But it ain't my life, not like it is fer you. I came out here to lose some heat and 'cuz just about every Limsan street rat tries their hand at it sooner or later. You're out here because this is what ye were born to do. You deserve to be out here. You're the best sailor, the best captain, the best skirmisher, the best carouser, the best, well, damn near everything a pirate should be! And you don't deserve to have to give that up just because some crooked Chemist decided to give you a bum lambsbane order to save himself a few gil! So. Let me go ashore and raise the kid. I'll do right by it."
"You sure about this, Pet? It'll be a lonelier sea without you."
"And I'll miss you, Mhar. I will. But Limsa Lominsa always was my home. I still remember every inch of her back alley. I still know every dive bar and fighting ring. I still miss sitting on the docks next to the fisherman's guild and watching the boats come back in with their catches, or picking pockets down at the Bismarck. Maybe it's about time I went back anyway."
"And how will you feed the brat? Hell, how will you feed yerself? You know if you stay with me I'll keep you rollin' in treasure til your dying day."
Pyotyr chuckled slightly, "Aye, you would, I know. But I ain't helpless either. I've kept the ships books for a few years, and between mixing gunpowder and helpin' Doc out with poultices, I know my way around a chemist's lab alright. I could probably get a job with the Arcanist's guild without too much trouble."
"Ugh. I suppose you're right. You always were too smart for your own good."
"Aaaaaand. If I get enough pull in the guild, and you needed to get something through customs..."
"Pah, where's the fun it that? There's no challenge in just finding some crooked inspector! 'Sides, it'll be my kid you're raising too. I may not be interested in being a mother, but I'm not gonna beggar my own kid by getting their father clapped in irons. I'll smuggle it in the old fashioned way."
"Fine, fine. But the option will be there. You can take the pirate out of the sea, but you can't take- wait, you can't- Um. Hm, that metaphor made more sense in my head. Anyhow, I'll still be a Privateer. Til Death."
Mhar chuckled, "Seven Hells, I'm gonna miss you, Ilych. You were a good lay and a better crewmate, and I won't let no-one say different."
Pyotyr grinned, "Luckily, I've had no complaints in either department."
Pyotyr laughed at that one, raising his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I deserved that one. But you still got a few months before the kid comes, right? And you got me til then, if you want me."
"Course I want you, Pet. Don't be silly. We'll take these months then, and we'll squeeze everything we can out of 'em. We'll remind the Garleans why they fear the name of Pomona's Privateers. I might need a few months to recover after popping this baby out, and I don't want them to forget in the meantime."
Pyotyr smiled, "Aye, Captain."
A beat,then Mhardraga spoke again, "You got any duties right now, Ilych?"
"Nothing to speak of Captain. I should brew up a few more onzes of Gunpowder, though..."
"Oh, Hang the Gunpowder. We ain't gonna see any action between here and Vylbrand anyway," She said, and leaned back in her chair, one hand reaching lazily up to undo the buckles on her waistcoat, "So. Why don't you stay here, for now? I could use the company."
Pyotyr smiled again, softly, and rising from the table, he gave a mock salute before coming round it to the other side, "Aye, Captain."
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lunaticfringe216 · 7 years
Survival Of The Fittest Ch. 4
Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 4
Riley Webb / AJ Styles
A/N: Sorry this one took so long to post. We’re getting real close to an finale for this one.  This one is a two-parter, from the perspectives of OC Riley Webb and AJ Styles. I also introduce Nikki Cross of Sanity and Akam of the Authors of Pain. OC Shawn Vayne also appears in this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and thanks for reading. If you’d like to be tagged in any fics, drop me a line or leave a comment.
W/C: Approx. 1,300
 Tags: @baleesi  @jackie06xox
Ch. 4 Pt. 1
 *Riley Webb*
           It’s been about four weeks since Sky’s disappearance.  I tell myself she’s okay. She’s strong.  I really believe she can survive anything.
           We’ve been in an abandoned warehouse for about a week now.  Not much contact with anyone. Last time we heard from Regal and the X’s, Shawn haad taken off with Akam and Gargano to look for Sky. I find myself looking at the clouds when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
           ‘Hey.’ I turn around and see Finn. ‘How are ya, babe?’
           ‘Fine. I guess. ‘ I sigh. ‘Just thinking. What’s the word? Any new plans?’
           ‘As a matter of fact…  Dean and Seth are going through rations and supplies. Roman is going through ammunition. You think you could help Becky with the med supplies?’
           ‘Yeah.’ I scratch my head. ‘What’s going on, though?’
           Finn sighs . ‘We’re headin’ out.’ We walk inside the warehouse.  ‘Seth and AJ mentioned a lake, with some cabins not too far from here.’
           I sigh. ‘What about Sky? You don’t think Adam would do anything, do you?’
           “He’s using her.We’re going to find her. There wasn’t much here, so we have to move on. I have to lookout for all of us too, yeah?’
           I sigh as I go to walk away. Right.’
           I don’t think he sensed my agreement. ‘Whoa!’ Finn grabs me by the arm. ‘Why the attitude, Riley?’
           ‘Because, the longer she’s out there…’  I exhale. ‘She could be the best survivalist in the world. Can she survive them?’
           ‘Finn… I got this.’ Finn walks away and AJ is standing next to me. ‘Talk to me.’
           We start walking. ‘Why haven’t we found her yet? I think he’s taking this too lightly.’
           ‘You and me both.’ AJ pulls something from his pocket. ‘Unfortunately, all I have is a gut feeling that she’s okay. I don’t trust Adam.’
           He pulls the knife from it’s sheath. ‘Is that the one Sky gave you?’
           He nods as he looks at his reflection in the bladde.  ‘Yeah. I got Adam’s name on it. ‘ Wewalk over to Becky and the other medic. ‘Riley, don’t worry. We’re going to get Sky back, and everything will be fine/ Stay resilliant.’ He nudges me. ‘Be you.’
           I smile as AJ walks away. ‘Hey Riley.’ Becky taps me on the shoulder. ‘We got inventory. We’re all set.’ I sigh. ‘Ya alright lass?’
           I smile. ‘Yeah.  Ready to get moving, I guess.’
           ‘I know.’ Becky and I start getting the backpacks ready. ‘All we got to do, is stick together, lass. We’ll be alright.’
           We head out in search of the lake, and our new shelter. The whole journey, I hope and pray that my best friend is okay. Our trek leads us to an abandoned military base.
           ‘Gather any supplies or rations you can find.’ Finn walks over to Becky, the other medic, and myself. ‘See what you can find in the infirmary, yeah?’
           The closer we get to the infirmary, the smell of death takes its toll on my nostrils. ‘Dear God!’ I open the door and see two dead bodies on two cots. Who knows how long they’ve been there. Get what you can. I don’t know about you two, but I’m not sleeping here.’
           ‘I’m with you.’
           Becky covers her mouth. ‘The bodies?’
           ‘We’ll ask Finn. Leave them be for now.’
           After we clear out what we can of the infirmary, we meet up with the rest of the crew, at what appears to be at an old command post It’s agreed that the bodies found should be buried, but time is a factor. After a debriefing, a few of us, including myself, grab a bunk to sleep for the night. As my eyes drift shut, I feel a tap on my shoulder.
           “Riley. Wake up. It’s me’
           I open my eyes to see AJ standing over me. ‘AJ? What is it?’
           ‘Shawn is outside with Akam, Nikki and Johnny.’ He sighs. ‘We need a medic. And supplies.’ I put my head in my hands. I believe we should move, but I believe we should stay together.  ‘We think we should start heading to the lake cabin.’
           ‘Why? Your gut?’
           AJ crosses his arms. ‘Because it’s your best friend.’
           ‘Dammit AJ.’ I grab some paper and a pen to leave Finn a note as to where we’ve disappeared to. ‘Is there even a plan?’
           ‘We’ll discuss it with Shawn. ‘ I throw down the pen and follow AJ. ‘Let’s go. Time is the key.’
           ‘This cabin…. The one you and Seth were talking about. ‘ We make it to the outside door. ‘The one Shawn and Sky went to with their dad?’
           AJ nods as we open the door and head outside. The four X’s are waiting for us. Shawn walks up to me, and wraps his huge arms around me. ‘How are you Eiley?’
           I sigh. ‘Ready to find Sky.’
           End Ch. 4 Pt. 1
Ch. 4 Pt. 2
           We make sure everything is in check before heading out. Shawn and Johnny take lead, Nikki and Riley, then Akam and myself  fall in at the end of the line. While we’re walking, Johnny breaks the silence. ‘Why do you think she’s at this cabin?’
           Shawn laughs. ‘First off, not too loud Johnny. My sister is smart. That place is loaded with supplies, for such an emergency. Lead them up there, hole up for a bit.’
           ‘We know they’ll be there.’ I smile as I step over some branches. ‘She’s been leading us all along. Take it was your dad was a smart guy, Shawn.’
           Very. Well, just a couple of miles, not even, guys. We can make it.’
           I wipe some sweat from my forehead. ‘We will.’
           We march on until we get to a highway. Rusted signs, some abandoned military vehicles.  Shawn…’ Riley approaches him. ‘Where are we?’
           I-75.’ He starts checking the vehicles. ‘Not much gas.’ He hops down to the ground. ‘Alright. Grab what supplies you can carry. We get Sky tonight.’
           ‘Hold on!’ I approach Shawn. ‘How are you for sure? I mean, I want to find her more than anything, but we still have to be carefu. We don’t know what that situation is like…’
           ‘We’re gonna be careful.’ Shawn puts his hand on my shoulder. ‘We’re gonna get Sky, and we’ll go back to some kind of normalcy.’ I throw my back pack on.  ‘Alright, everyone, let’s move. Almost there.’
           After a hike through some wood, we make it to the lake where about six or seven cabins ssit. I feel that itch. That urge.  That something inside of me that wants to just come out and go get my girl. I swallow hard. This has to be done right. Not recklessly.  
           ‘AJ!’ I see Shawn leading everyone to a cabin a little further off the lake. ‘Let’s go man!’
           We stop and stakeout for a little bit. I feel my eyes drift shut, followed soon by an all too familiar voice. ‘ ‘No Adam.’ Omega. ‘You’re right brother. As always.’
           I look and see four  gguys following Kenny. ‘Shawn?’
           He nods and puts a hand up to hold fast. ‘Just a second!’
           I get that anxious feeling in my stomach, but my right hand, is still. We wait for Kenny and the other four men to clear out.  ‘What’s the word?’
           ‘Akam, Johnny, out back. Nikki, Riley, each of you take a side. AJ, you and I will take the front. Stay cool, man.’
           I nod as Shawn leads the charge to the front door. As he knocks on the door, I reach for my knife when I hear Adam tell Sky to ‘Stay put. Probably just Kenny.’. When the door opens, Adam’s eyes widen, and I reach for my knife.
           End CH 4
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Just a Little Favor [Alani x Judith]
Day 3: Surprise Kiss for oc kiss week! There are some suggestive content in this but no smut. Not today. 
Heeey, I totally did not forget about ockiss17! I simply thought I could totally juggle several writing projects (spoiler alert: that doesn’t work out exactly as I hoped or planned) so this took longer than I wanted. But I enjoyed writing Judith again and having her interact with @chenria‘s lovely and wonderful Alani, a merchant with commendable taste. I tried my best to insert a surprise kiss in there because Judith is Judith and no one is really surprised when she kisses people. XD I hope you like the little ficlet, @chenria, and I did Alani justice. :)
There were a very few people in Judith’s life that she would easily put their business or personal requests in front of her usual schedule, no matter how inconvenient doing so might be. Her longtime friend and often lover, Savitr Noaldis, one of them. Alani, one of her most favorite, reliable merchants (and also a lover of hers), was another. That was why she wasn’t irritated or cared about receiving anything in return when Alani called her via omnitool about a favor. Besides, knowing her, the favor might turn into one entertaining adventure. Or mishap but either experience would be good and fun enough for her.
Alani was waiting for her at Savitr club, a favorite hang-out of theirs together. Nothing like a place to drink, dance, and jive in while hammering out contract details. After all, Judith saw no harm in mixing business with pleasure.  
“Judith, there you are!” Alani greeted her with a wide beam, giggling a little when the said woman dove forward to a plant a quick peck on her cheek. “Thanks for meeting me here on such short notice. Did you simply came here not because of the favor but because you can’t resist temptation?” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively at the freelance smuggler for extra emphasis.
“Maybe,” Judith admitted with a small chuckle, her grin identical to Alani’s. “However, I couldn’t afford to turn down a friend in need. What seems to be the issue?”
“Well, I picked up some fairly expensive and exotic goods for a client but he’s extremely paranoid and frightened someone will come and steal his property off my ship.”
Judith was no stranger to clients like that. She once had an asari who wanted to her smuggle some old, wild, and highly aggressive animals to her home but insisted during the trip, she had to read asari religious text because the asari believed that would domesticate the beasts, shield them from detection, and also make the so-called pets ‘one with the asari culture’. The reading didn’t work. “Is there any merit to his fears?”
“He has made a few enemies but I don’t believe any one of them would go far enough to attack me, ransack my ship, and then snatch the desired merchandise. But I don’t want to be wrong and look like an idiot of that does happen and have to explain to my client why he won’t be receiving his goods.”
The strawberry blonde vixen nodded understandingly at Alani’s concerns. It never hurt to be overly cautious in both of their line of work. “So you need me to help smuggle your client’s wares to keep them hidden and untraceable until we reach your destination?” That was simple enough. She would barely call this favor, more like offering a helping hand.
Running a hand through her short, raven locks, Alani nodded, adding, “We can use my ship for that because it’s the one he expects to see and has already registered in his security database as a vehicle he can trust.”
“Is this client of yours some zany, rich hermit? Because that would explain a lot.”
Save for why he doesn’t send some muscle to protect his investment but that is none of my concern. What he does with his credits is his own affair.
The lovely, spirited trader shook her head, regaled at the image though. “No, he’s just prosperous right now. However, I will concede he probably is missing a few marbles.” Her lips curled up into a wry smile, wondering how many of the truly bizarre people in the universe seemed to find her and demand for her goods and shipping services. At least she managed to encounter fascinating, fun-loving, and lovely people like Judith. “So, can you help me out? I trust your smuggling skills more than anyone else’s. Plus, I also trust you.”
Judith softened when she heard that, touched by both her words and the gesture of asking for her assistance in the first place, for to her, it displayed how much Alani value her and her abilities. She did not have many comrades in her life, both now and growing up (being imprisoned in a raider ship for seven years often dampened the opportunity for forming lasting friendships). Trust in her did not come easily to some people and she was often so fleeting in many relations. Yet like with Savitr (and Jax, she had to admit), Alani was different. She was fun, adventurous, loved learning something new, but most of all, understanding and considerate. They always had such a wonderful time together and naturally discovering more about each other the longer they hung out together. Alani had her back  and as result, she would always have hers—till the very end.
“Of course I can help,” she replied, patting her friend’s hand. “Just on one condition.”
Alani arched one quizzical brow. There was already the assumption Judith would receive her share of the profits once the transcation was completed so her request couldn’t be about the monety. “What is it?”
The smuggler delivered her an impish, dazzling smile, saying, “You at least have to have one drink with me. C’mon, we are at Savitr’s bar. Might as well have a little bit of fun.”
Her friend and occasional lover laughed at the suggestion, nodding her head in utter agreement as she flagged a pretty turian waitress over. “Deal. I’ll drink to that any day!”  
There was no one as grateful and relieved as she was when Judith decided to inspect her ship early and place the client’s cargo in certain, completely inconspicuous compartments, concealed from the untrained eyes. Even she had trouble finding some of those hidden locations and she knew her own ship like the back of her hand! Still, it put the merchant’s mind at ease that one of the (unofficially) best smugglers in the galaxy was on her side and assisting her. This way, her client’s wares had no risk of getting stolen.
“Ready to go?” she asked, tilting her head at some of the packed luggage the strawberry blonde brought with her.
Judith nodded affirmatively, tossing her bags in the cabin they were sharding (she did have some guest quarters but given to her history with Judith, sleeping apart seemed silly) and double-checked her two pistols that they were functioning properly and there was enough ammo in them to last the trip. Even though Alani was positive the journey would be uneventful, being armed as a merchant and smuggler was never an awful idea, especially if that smuggler was also a biotic. Better they proceed with caution rather than barging into space without protection or defense structures in place. She definitely did not want her ship obtaining any damage over something as  minor as a random volus businessman’s merchandise. Where fancy, rare plants really worth the hassle?  
“Ready when you are, Alani. Let’s not keep your client waiting too long or else he’ll start to suspect us of possible thieves.” she teased, plopping down on the co-pilot chair while Alani assumed control and began the take-off procedures. Traveling in space with Judith… now she fathomed exactly where that might lead her to later on. Maybe that was why she was having trouble keeping her eyes off Judith’s gorgeous, lean, and long legs. Or her shapely ass. Recalling naked images of her also didn’t help either.
As Alani predicted, their journey to her client’s home planet was uneventful. There were no assaults or threats or anyone after the expensive wares, much to their relief. The extra time and lack of stress gave both women time to catch up and get reacquainted with each other (much of that was spent either in bed or testing out the support structure of the other surfaces on the ship). The trader nearly forgot how difficult it could be at times to get her tasks completed when Judith walked around with little to no clothes on. The smuggler simply enjoyed the freedom and choice and didn’t have to worry about anyone peeking in the windows to spy on her nudity. Alani marveled at how comfortable, free, and assertive Judith was with both her body and sexuality. Then again, those traits were some of the reasons why Alani became attracted to her when they first met.
The client was delighted to see his exotic plants unharmed and that no one attempted to board her vessel in order to purloin his purchased goods. Judith couldn’t help but to silently appraise many of the volus’s rare collections or items, sensing he had exquisite taste and might soon wander into slightly illicit territory thanks to those same desires. And when that betided, the volus would need the services of a damn good smuggler.
“As I mentioned before, the additional payment has already been wired to your account. I also have lunch prepared for you and your friend, in case you’re famished.” the volus babbled on, his suit keeping his voice muffled and crackly. He then gestured to Judith. “Is she your assistent?”
The two women shot each other matching grins. “In a sense, yes,” Alani replied. They took their respective seats while the volus hobbled over to a plush, custom-made chair at the center of the table. Judith was most pleased to see a decanter of whisky nearby and merrily helped herself, all the while watching with an amused expression when the volus businessman started openly flirting with Alani, who seemed a little taken aback by his advances.
“I must say, that picture of you on the extranet does you no justice,” her client remarked boldly, filling up his glass with a liquid Judith recognized as a popular wine amongst the volus. “You are simply more stunning in person!”
“Oh, thank you,” Alani responded, nibbling on her second and suddenly, third helping of the finger sandwiches. While she preferred not to be hit on right now, the volus businessman certainly knew how to prepare a spread. The food was amazing!
“I have been working on my gardens and made some additions to them so I am dying to show them off. If you’re not too busy, I can give you a tour of the area.” The alien might be a suit and his face unreadable, but the winking was practically audible. Judith was waiting for him to ask the merchant on a moonlight boat ride for this evening. Suppressing a snicker, she hide her grin with her glass. Next to her, Alani smiled rather awkwardly, pondering how she could politely turn down a slightly inebriated client of hers without damaging the working relationship. The volus seemed a bit smitten with her so there was no harm, yet she definitely did not want to lead him on when she possessed zero amount of attraction for the suit clad alien. She nudged the strawberry blonde woman in the ribs, silently begging her for some help out of this rather sticky, awkward situation. At first, Judith merely sipped her whisky, looking more and more entertained by the second so Alani went to elbow her again, in hopes the second time would catch her attention and she could finally get a little support. Instead, Judith’s hand blocked her bent arm and she turned to face the volus, an exuberant smile stretching across her lips.
“Why, we would love to join you!” she exclaimed with more enthusiasm Alani believed to be possible. She stopped and stared unblinkingly at her companion, wondering the reason for her accepting the invitation for them both was a subtle message to her client that he would not be getting Alani alone. Just when she was about to relax and conclude that was the smuggler’s plan, what Judith did next took her by surprise. She leaned over and planted a quick but loving kiss on her cheek, gifting her a tender look she often used when they laid in bed together, enjoying each other’s warmth and company. “After all, I’ve been telling my girlfriend I always wanted to see some magnificent gardens and heard yours are sight to see. Your offer is quite generous.” Frankly, Judith never heard of his gardens until now but she knew a little white lie and some flattery was harmless and would help stroke the slightly deflated ego of a tipsy businessman.
Alani would have given up almost everything to have the opportunity to glimpse inside her client’s suit and witness his reaction. His baffled, stammering words were regaling enough to do. “Y-your girlfriend?” The volus glanced back and forth from Alani to Judith. “My apologies, then! I didn’t realize you two were a couple. Pardon me and my table manners. I shall happy to grant you both a tour.”
Still beaming, Judith resting her chin on Alani’s shoulder, nuzzling her neck before plucking off a grape and plopping it in her mouth. “Oh, that would be wonderful! Thank you, I’m certain I will love your gardens.” As she expected, the volus puffed up proudly from her praise, bouncing back rather quickly from the realization he had been flirting with a woman already had a partner. He soon started talking quite animatedly about his gardens and all the years it took to bring them into fruition.
“Thank you,” whispered Alani in the middle of one of those conversations, squeezing her friend’s arm appreciatively. “You managed to make this lunch less awkward.”
Smiling softly, Judith patted her hand affectionately. “Think nothing of it. You asked for help, so I delivered. Albeit,” she paused, lowering her voice further to adopt a sultry, suggestive tone, “you could always show me later how thankful you are, if you don’t mind.” Her free hand slipped down to Alani’s thigh, caressing the skin gently and Alani sucked in some air, shocks of heated sensation flooding through her and pooling down to her belly and below. Judith’s touch always had such a tantalizing effect on her.
“You can count it,” she answered with an equal amount of seduction, parting her legs a bit more to offer the strawberry blonde’s fingers more access. As always, there was never a dull moment with Judith.
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