#because there wasn't enough art to fill up all the months
krys-loves-otome · 2 years
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2022 Art Summary!
Lot's of color this year, plus more finished projects than in previous years. 2022 was a good art year for me!
Below will be previous years' summaries, for your viewing pleasure.
See you guys in 2023!
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3 notes · View notes
ashwhowrites · 4 months
Wow...I have been sitting and working on this draft for MONTHS. I'm so fucking excited that now it's yours to have. I had this idea back in January and I truly think it's a work of art. I'm excited to share it with you all and I truly hope you enjoy it and love it! I had a blast with this idea, and if you loved it let me know! I'd love to continue this relationship in other requests and parts. I love this dynamic 🫶🏻
Buckle up! We've got a slow burn, tooth rotting fluff, and steamy smut.
⚠️SMUT ( no protection, oral, fingering, missionary sex, cock bulge in stomach, edging and I think that's it? ) Age gap but reader is in 20s
Happy again because of you
Older rockstar Eddie x nanny female reader
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Eddie has grown used to the rockstar life, the constant shows, the tours, and many sleepless nights. He also grew used to his marriage. The love was gone, filled with hatred and annoyance. He doesn't remember the last time they had a conversation, it was all fights and silence. One thing he would always be happy about and never outgrown was his children. He loved being a dad more than he loved being a rockstar. His two sons and daughter were the light of his life.
Y/N had been the Munson's nanny for two years. She was twenty-one and needed a job, it paid very well. Over the past two years, she grew very close to the kids. Brex and Nate were twin boys, standing tall at the age of ten, they were wild and a lot like Eddie. Paisley was five and glued to Y/N's side.
Over the years, she watched Eddie and his wife, Mandy go at each other's throats. They fought a lot and Y/N tried to keep the kids away from it. She was a full-day nanny, with the kids the second they woke up and until they went to bed. She didn't have a family and wasn't social enough for a social life. So the Munson family became her favorite people to be around.... except Mandy.
Mandy didn't like Y/N around but also didn't want to be a parent to her kids. Mandy hated how Eddie got along with Y/N so well. She didn't like how they looked at each other and how much they talked. She couldn't help but notice the spark between them and how much it grew the more they were together.
Y/N couldn't ignore how attracted she was to Eddie. He gave the older rockstar dad a whole sexy alter ego. She tried to push down her feelings when the kids raced to the front door to see him, or when he thanked her for making dinner with a touch to her hand. She tried to ignore the tightness of her thighs when he'd get so passionate about something and he'd talk with his whole body. She loved listening to his soothing voice.
It took briefly two more years before the divorce was finalized. Eddie kept the house, as he was in the main income for it. The boys were twelve and Paisley was seven. Brex and Nate grew more independent and spent time in their rooms. Paisley still adored Y/N and followed her everywhere.
Even though Mandy hired Y/N, she didn't want her service after the divorce. Y/N didn't want to lose her job which provided her with great benefits, so she begged Eddie to let her stay. Eddie agreed because he barely knew how to be a parent. He spent so much time on the road that he wasn't sure what to do.
With Mandy gone and Eddie single, Y/N wanted to make her move. She wasn't sure how fast Eddie could or planned to move on, but she'd hate herself if she had to watch him with another woman again. She didn't want to be aggressive with her moves or creep him out. She had to be smart and read his reactions before it cost her the job.
Eddie groaned in the mirror as he tried to fix his tie. He stood in a black suit with nice shoes. He had to attend an award ceremony, and he hated them. He didn't like to dress up and he didn't know how.
"Need a hand?" Eddie jumped and turned to see Y/N leaning against the door.
"You'd think after years of award ceremonies, that I would know how to work a tie." Eddie chuckled, Y/N laughed with him and walked up to him.
She fixed his collar and positioned his tie. She had never been this close to his face before, breathing in the air he let out. His breath smelled of beer and gum, and his body smelled of whisky cologne. Black eyeliner along his eyes. She wanted to purr at the sight of him. How Mandy messed up this badly was unknown to her.
"It's crazy that you've done this for years because you still look so young," Y/N said, purposely taking her time with the tie. "If you look this attractive at forty-five, I can't help but imagine you at the start of your career."
Eddie blinked several times. He tried to understand why Y/N's voice was slow and deep. She had never spoken so seductively towards him before. He slightly coughed, he was probably imagining things.
"Um well, same hair, so many crop tops with ripped jeans. The crop tops were not the look for me." Eddie laughed as he thought back to it. Y/N smiled at the sparkle in his eyes as he talked about his life.
"Well, rockstar. You are all set," Y/N said, smoothing his jacket down his chest. "For the record, I'd kill to be a fangirl seeing Eddie Munson in a crop top." Eddie felt like the tie got tighter around his throat as she walked out.
Did she just flirt with him?
"How was your day?" Eddie asked, he always made conversation during dinner when it was just the two of them. The boys liked to eat in the living room with the TV, and Paisley wanted to eat with her dolls.
Y/N wasn't mad about the alone time she got, and it gave her the excuse to sit close.
"Good. My friend called and ranted about this older guy she is seeing." Y/N said.
"How old?" Eddie asked as he sipped on his beer.
"I think in his fifties." Y/N shrugged, but Eddie choked on his drink.
"Why the hell would a young girl date someone that much older?" Eddie questioned.
"Sometimes the older ones have this sort of attraction young guys don't," Y/N said, lifting her foot slightly to rub against Eddie's leg. She placed her head on her palm and turned her head as she looked at him.
Eddie stiffened as he felt her foot run up and down his leg. She has to be hitting on him right?
"Do you believe that?" Eddie choked out. Was it inappropriate to ask that? Why did he hope she'd say yes.
"I do, but only with one man in mind." She said, her fingers moved forward to his hand. But then they were interrupted.
Eddie jumped back. He could feel his palms sweating and his throat getting dry. But Y/N seemed cool and collected.
"My boss calls," Y/N joked as she stood up and walked out.
Eddie couldn't help but feel like the air got colder as she walked away. He never once thought of Y/N as more than his kid's nanny. But something in the air shifted and he didn't know what it was.
Eddie tried not to think too much about the interaction with Y/N. He didn't want to read the situation wrong, but he swore it felt like she was flirting.
"PAISLEY! LET'S GO." Eddie yelled as he pushed Brex and Nate out the front door.
"SHE' S COMING!" Y/N yelled, Paisley smacked her lips to mix her lip gloss.
"You ready to go dance?" Y/N asked as she held the small girl's hand. Together they walked down the stairs. Eddie smiled as his little girl walked down the stairs in her ballerina costume. He also couldn't help but admire how gorgeous Y/N looked in her black dress.
"Wow you look incredible," Eddie said in awe as he shamelessly looked Y/N up and down.
"Thank you, Daddy!" Paisley smiled as she let go of Y/N's hand to run to him.
Eddie blushed as he leaned down to pick her up. "You're welcome, sunshine. Ready to go to your performance?"
"Yes!" she squealed, Eddie set her back on the floor and she raced to the car.
Eddie coughed as he walked outside, he held the door open as Y/N passed through. His back was to her as he locked the door. He felt her hand on his shoulder and he felt his palms sweat. He turned the key as she leaned and whispered in his ear.
"Thank you for the compliment, Daddy,"
Eddie felt himself twitch in his dress pants as he heard her heels walk off.
He shifted himself before he walked to the car.
The sun was hot and the absence of wind made everyone on edge. The kids spent all morning screaming at each other. Sometimes when Eddie was away, the kids liked to act up more than usual.
Y/N called for a pool day, and the kids raced to change. She grabbed her bag and dug out her swimsuit, full body coverage since she was around children. But it still flattered her body in a way that made the backyard neighbors stare.
Eddie groaned as the heat smacked his face as he got out of the car. His suit stuck to him in the worst ways, he hated that he had a meeting on the hottest day of the year.
He walked into an empty house but could hear screams and splashes. He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. His fancy shoes echoed against the marble floors as he walked outside.
"DADDY'S HOME!" Paisley cheered
The boys were tossing a football and lost in their world on the other side of the yard.
Y/N chilled in the deep end and swam over to where Eddie stood. She put her hand over her eyes as she looked up, Eddie blocked most of the sun.
She bit her lip as she looked at him. His rolled-up sleeves and expensive watch, with his dress pants.
"Come swim with us, daddy!" Paisley smiled as she swam along the edge of the pool. She plugged her nose and swam under the water.
Eddie smiled back but didn't say anything.
"Yeah, Daddy," Y/N said, her hand slowly running up his leg, "Come swim with us."
Eddie watched as Y/N smirked, her hand rubbing his leg up and down then she gave a soft tug on his pants.
Eddie knew for sure he had to be hitting on him, then. The smirk, the confidence, and the seductive voice. She was doing it all on purpose. And Eddie found himself loving it.
"I gotta go change." Eddie winked, then shoved his hands in his pockets as he turned to walk back into the house.
Y/N watched him leave with a pleased smile.
Eddie was in the studio with the band, but his head was thinking about Y/N. Thinking about her at the kitchen table, her wearing that dress and whispering in his ear, and her wet swimsuit that clung to every curve she had.
"Dude! You messed up again. What's going on? Women trouble with Mandy?" Gareth asked, he was slightly joking but he knew Eddie's ex was exhausting.
"Well...not exactly Mandy." Eddie sighed. "I think the nanny is hitting on me." He put down his guitar and sat on the big couch.
His band took a break and sat with him.
"Why would that be a bad thing?" Tommy asked
"Why would it be a good thing?" Eddie deflected
"Because she's smoking hot!" Gareth laughed. "I've had a thing for her since she started bringing you lunch."
Eddie felt his jaw clench as he looked over at Gareth. A feeling of anger rushed over his body.
"Facts. I mean the girl is in her twenties, you know that's a wild night." Keith laughed as he nudged Eddie's arm.
"Can you stop talking about her like she's a piece of meat?" Eddie snapped, standing on his feet.
"Ooo someone's getting jealous." Gareth teased
"I'm not jealous!" Eddie fired back
"Really? So, since she seems to be into older guys, mind passing along her number?" Keith smirked. The whole band knew Eddie was jealous and that Y/N wasn't the only one pining.
"Yes, I will, because I'm not jealous. Nor am I interested." Eddie scoffed.
"Oh come on. You are going to tell us that you don't have a thing for her? She's throwing herself at you and you keep dodging it? Why?" Gareth pushed. As Eddie's best friend he always knew Eddie more than he knew himself.
"She's my employee, it's wrong," Eddie argued
"It's not. You are single, she's single. She's of age and can make her own decisions. If she wants you, go for it. You were stuck in a shitty marriage, allow yourself to feel good and have fun."
"Mandy would be pissed." Eddie groaned.
"Yeah well you ain't married anymore, not your problem how she feels," Gareth said.
"Doesn't matter because you aren't interested, remember?" Keith added in
"Shut up," Eddie said as he smacked Keith's arm.
It seemed Eddie had a lot to think about.
Eddie felt his heart race out of his chest as he pulled into the driveway. Was he more interested in Y/N than he thought? Was he jealous? He knew for sure that he'd kill any of his friends if they made a move on her.
Was that jealousy?
He walked into the house and Y/N greeted him from her spot on the couch
"How was the studio?" she asked as she got up. She folded the blanket she used.
"I need to talk to you," Y/N froze and looked at Eddie worried
"Everything alright?" she asked
Eddie nodded and walked towards her. She stayed in place as he stood across from her.
"Have you been hitting on me?" He asked, he pushed his hands into his pockets and turned his head to the side, almost mocking her with the question.
Y/N felt very nervous and felt less happy with her recent comments. "Um...uh." she stuttered, she couldn't look at him.
"Don't be nervous, pretty girl. Just want to see if I read your signals right before I ask something." He said, gently rubbing his finger across her cheek.
"Ask me what?" she asked, moving into his hand on her cheek
"Can I take you out on a date? This weekend while Mandy has the kids. No work or anything. Just us two and a nice dinner."
"I'd like that," she said as she smiled
Y/N had never felt so nervous to pull up to Eddie's house. She took a deep breath as she drove through the opening gate.
She wasn't sure what to wear to a nice dinner so she grabbed the same dress that made Eddie stare all night during Paisley's recital. She dressed it up with different jewelry and shoes. Hair and makeup are slightly done.
She was so excited but so anxious. What if she totally screwed this up? He's been on thousands of dates. He's a rockstar, not like he had to impress her. She had to leave the lasting impression and she was worried she wouldn't be able to.
Then she couldn't help but think of Mandy. She knew Eddie didn't love any part of her anymore, but Y/N was the girl after the ex-wife. What if that didn't mean anything? What if it was a rebound?
"There she is," Eddie smiled as he opened the door. She didn't even have to knock, almost like he was waiting right at the door.
She immediately blushed as he handed over a bouquet of red roses.
"Didn't mean to keep you waiting," she said nervously, she grabbed the flowers, loving the way he didn't pull his hand away as their fingers touched.
"No worries at all. I was ready an hour early. First date nerves, I think." He chuckled.
"You are nervous? Why? I'm the one going on a date with a rockstar." She laughed. Some of her nerves were already washing away. She guessed she had forgotten how comfortable she always was around him.
"Because I'm going on a date with a beautiful woman and I have to make sure I don't scare her off." Eddie laughed.
The two smiled like idiots as they stared at each other.
Then a long honk jumped them into reality.
"I guess Mr. Rem is ready to leave." Eddie chuckled, and Y/N laughed with him. Eddie grabbed her hand and gently walked her out the door. He locked it behind him, lacing their fingers again as they walked to the big black SUV.
"Oooo a driver. Definitely the most impressive date I've had." She teased, Eddie blushed and held the back door open for her.
"A girl like you deserves to arrive in style."
But Eddie didn't get the car for that reason...he had some different ideas running through his head when he ordered it.
She settled inside and saw that the driver was blocked off. They truly had the backseats all to themselves. The thought caused her thighs to clench.
Eddie slid in next to her, he knocked twice on the window to the driver and the engine roared to life.
It didn't take long to arrive at the restaurant. The beautiful patio lights lit up the outside. His hand was in hers as they walked through the huge crowd. Cameras flashed everywhere but she was so focused on Eddie.
She couldn't believe she was here, on a date with her boss crush.
They made it to their table. The inside was just as gorgeous as the outside. A private booth for them in the back.
Champagne on the table on a bucket of ice. He had everything prepared and she truly felt special by it all.
There was no awkwardness. Their conversations flowed perfectly as they finally got to talk about themselves. No talk about the kids or his ex. Just a night focused on them getting to know each other.
A few drinks in and she started to feel herself getting warm the longer she looked at him. He had his dress sleeves rolled up and his arms crossed. His biceps practically beg the shirt to tear in half so the muscle could breathe. His expensive watch shined underneath the dim light.
He was telling a story, she felt guilty for not listening as her leg began to move. Her heels touched his foot as she slowly slid it up his shin.
He made a sound, then played it off as a cough as he continued to tell the story.
But the story got harder to remember the more she slid up his leg. He took a sigh of relief when she removed her leg.
His head was straight again as he went back to the story. His moment of relief ended quickly when this time he felt her bare foot working its way up his thigh.
He coughed harder, needing a sip of water as she watched him amused.
He never had a girl make her moves on him. He loved that she wasn't shy to show how bad she wanted him.
He thanked himself for choosing a dark restaurant and tables that made the couple sit intensely close.
He stuttered over his story as she landed her heel on his covered cock. She smirked as she felt the hardness underneath. She pressed down lightly, adding pressure.
He whimpered behind his glass of champagne. Swallowing the liquid with his remaining moans.
"Anything else for you two tonight?" The waiter asked, before a single second passed, Eddie was already answering.
"CHECK, the check please."
Y/N laughed behind her hand as the waiter walked off.
Eddie smirked and ran his hand underneath the table. His soft hand landed on her foot as he slid his hand up and down her shin.
His touch set electricity through her body.
They rushed into the car, the second the door was slammed shut, she was on Eddie's lap.
The two messily made out as the car began to pull off.
They weren't in sync, both hungrily touching each other anywhere. Her hands were all in different directions as their tongues worked together.
His hands slipped under her ass, pushing up her dress. Her underwear-covered cunt was pulsing on top of him. He could feel her heat and wetness against his dark jeans.
She spent months teasing him, and he was ready to get her back.
He softly picked her up, slamming her down on his thigh. She dropped her head back as he used his hands to move her hips. The rough material of his jeans caused her underwear to stick against her cunt. He moved her back and forth, controlling just how much she could move on his thigh.
His lips were on her neck as she yanked on his hair.
She humped his thigh in bliss. The windows steamed as she panted. His teeth and tongue were on her neck, creating a trail of marks down her exposed chest. The dress was high on her hips as she rubbed herself faster against his thigh.
"Feels good, huh? All those little games," he whispered, his hot breath fanning her ear, "just waiting to get in this exact spot. To be rubbing yourself against me, feeling that orgasm building inside that sweet little stomach. I bet I could fuck you so deep we'd see me inside of you."
She melted at his words. Yanking harder at his hair she picked up her pace.
"Now who's in control?" He challenged, his tongue licked the outside of her ear before he moved back down to her lips.
She whimpered as his tongue swallowed her moans. Her hands came down to slam on his chest as she felt herself getting close.
"Gonna," she breathed out, her eyes closed with bliss, pushing and pushing to feel the orgasm hit her like a truck.
But all she heard was a deep chuckle and the feeling of his hands picking her up from his thigh. He grabbed her left leg and positioned her to straddle his lap.
Her cunt pulsed around nothing as her clit burned with no relief.
She looked down at him, disappointment all in her eyes as she pouted at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, pretty thing. Did you think I was going to let you cum that easy?"
She felt like she could cum from the dark look in his eyes, the glimmer of control shined. His lips turned up into a cocky smirk and she wanted his lips against her cunt more than ever.
"You've got such a long night ahead of you," he said as the car came to a stop.
She fought to catch her breath as he softly pushed her to the seat next to him. She watched as he palmed himself over his jeans before he opened the door. He reached in for her hand, kissing the skin before he helped her out of the car.
She stumbled, the orgasm still on edge between her legs.
Eddie chucked darkly as his hand landed on her ass, walking her to the house.
She wanted to thank the driver but she needed Eddie inside that house.
The second they made it inside, she jumped into his arms. He caught her and slammed her against the closed door. He took a little mercy for himself, allowing himself to rock his hips against hers. The small friction on his cock made him moan, biting her lip.
"Bedroom?" she gasped as she pulled away.
Eddie nodded, out of breath as he softly landed her on her feet. Her knees were weak. "Race you there," Eddie challenged, his laugh in her ear as he took off up the stairs.
She laughed and raced up after him. There was no way she was going to beat him, but instead of admitting defeat, she cheated.
"Ow!" She whimpered, pretending she hurt her ankle as she leaned down to hold it. Eddie froze and turned around. A worried look on his face as he raced back to her. They were at the top of the stairs, his bedroom a straight shot.
"Shit, are you okay? I forgot how much we had to drink." Eddie said, his hand softly rubbing her ankle. He got down on his knees.
"Yes it's just," she trailed off as she pushed her hands against his shoulders, giggling as he landed on his ass. His shocked face as she stood up and raced to the bedroom.
She made it to the bed, Eddie right on her heels. He grabbed her waist and dove them both on his bed. She laughed as he landed on top of her, his arm next to her head as he held his body up.
He laughed with her, he cupped her jaw as he took in the sight of her. Their laughs grew quiet as they stared into each other's eyes.
"What?" she whispered, her eyes dancing between his
"I was always scared I'd never feel happy with someone again. And you are just everything I've always wanted," he whispered. Her heart raced underneath him. She looked up at him with adoration and love.
She didn't have the words to say, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down. He smiled as his lips met hers.
They shared a soft kiss, passionate and sweet. Eddie pulled away and softly kissed down her neck. She hummed in delight as he kissed down her chest, his mature hands pushed up her dress, her stomach bare.
She moaned as he sucked marks on her stomach, he kissed her everywhere. She wiggled in anticipation as his mouth moved near her cunt. He softly kissed her clit over her underwear, loving the way her thighs clamped around his head.
"Patience, darling," he whispered, he reached his left hand up her stomach. He made his way to her chest, easily exposing her breasts from the dress as his mouth continued to kiss her cunt.
She nodded and bit her lip. His left hand played with her chest and nipples as his tongue moved to the inside of her thighs. Her breathing picked up and he could feel the heavy breaths from her stomach against his arm.
"Please, off," she whined, she pushed up her hips. Eddie got the hint and was happy to obey. He kept his left hand busy with her chest, using his right hand and teeth to pull the underwear off her body.
She wished her eyes didn't close with pleasure, she wanted to watch his every move. The sight of his head between her legs was a dream she had way too many times.
"Fuck you look so pretty down there," she praised, a smile on her face as she saw a red blush cover Eddie's cheeks. She wasn't sure why she had such an effect on him, but she loved having him wrapped around her finger.
He was too shy to answer. Busying his lips with something else than talking. His tongue licked up between her folds, he did it over and over. Her hands dove into his hair, she wasn't sure how close he could be but she kept shoving and shoving.
He didn't mind. He loved how badly she wanted this. She locked her ankles behind his head, crying out as his mouth latched on her clit. He softly sucked her clit, humming at the sweet taste of her. He imagined being between these legs so many times, and he wanted to savor every second.
She gasped and moaned, his tongue pushed inside of her, he flicked his tongue up and down, his nose rubbing against her clit. She arched her back, her hips pushed against his face as she began to ride his tongue. He took his left hand and shoved her down. His arm was on her stomach as he pushed her body down. She loved that with one arm, he could snap her hips against the matress.
She tried to listen, she tried to keep her hips down as he ate her out. He removed his tongue, replacing it with his fingers. She whimpered as she finally clenched around something. She was so tight he struggled to slip in and out of her, but he made it work. He forced her cunt to take his three fingers as his tongue worked on her clit.
That same feeling was bubbling in her stomach.
"Please, Eddie, please," she begged
"Dammit," she whined as he pulled back, he slowed down his fingers. Slowly slipping out of her as he pecked her clit one last time. She never had someone eat her out the way he did, or touch her. She couldn't help but not understand how Mandy let him go, but she was glad she did. Because that's what led Eddie to be in between her legs.
"Oh so close, huh?" Eddie mocked, he looked down at her as he stepped off the bed.
"Yes," she whimpered. She watched with hunger as he unbuttoned his shirt. He was teasing her and she could see how much he loved it. His fingers slowly worked through the buttons. His hairy chest and tatted torso came into view. She leaned on her elbows as the shirt fell to the floor. She took in his naked chest, loving the paste of his skin.
She settled on her knees and slowly moved to the edge of the bed. He stood watching as she crawled towards him. Her eyes begged as her hands scraped down his chest and landed on the top of his jeans. His boxers strap poking out, her fingers slid underneath it.
Eddie looked down at her, he traced her cheekbones as he smiled. She took it as a yes, her hands quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He helped her, stepping out of the jeans. He leaned down and pecked her lips. He smiled as her eager hands palmed him over his boxers.
It was clear what she wanted.
He stepped back, taking off his boxers, shoes, and socks. He was bare, and she sat in heels and a pushed-up dress. He didn't like that.
He easily tore off the dress, the seems ripping as the material shredded underneath his hands. She moaned at the sound, loving the way he tossed the dress to the side.
"Leave the heels on," he said, she nodded. She felt shy as he took in her naked body, ranking his eyes up and down. She could see his cock twitch and it made her crave him even more.
She was done waiting. She waited years to have him this way. She spread open her legs, she sucked on her fingers then trailed them down her body. She spread open her folds, inviting him.
He crawled back on the bed, using his hands to push her legs even further apart. He held his cock, teasing her clit as he rubbed his tip up and down against her cunt.
He slowly pushed his tip inside of her, and both moaned in bliss. They finally felt what they had been working for. Eddie rested his body on top of her, using his right hand to hold her hip as he pushed himself further inside of her.
"Fuck you're so big," she whimpered, she never felt herself get so stretched open.
"You can take it," he said softly, his soft lips kissing all over her face. He kept pushing himself, her cunt kept pushing him out but he kept pushing in.
"Y/N" he moaned, loudly. She loved hearing the sound of her name slipping from his lips. He sat fully inside of her, waiting to move as she adjusted.
She had tears in her eyes as it burned.
"Shh, I know, I know. But you are doing so well." he praised, his lips softly pressed against hers. She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down.
She nodded, telling him to move.
He watched her closely as he pulled himself almost completely out of her, then pushed right back in. She moaned as he did it a few times, keeping a slow pace.
She clawed down his back, her nails breaking the skin. He arched his back as he felt the sting, causing his cock to fully push inside of her. Just like he said, he could see a bump in her stomach.
He softly grabbed her hand from his back, placed it on her stomach, and pulled out.
"Keep your hand right there," he said
She nodded, her left hand on her stomach and her right held on to his neck, her nails digging into the skin.
All of a sudden, he snapped his hips forward, his cock instantly filling her whole. She felt something hit her hand, she looked down as Eddie began to thrust. She could see a bump forming then leaving, then coming back. It matched the rhythm of his hips.
She moaned when she realized it was his cock. She could actually see it inside of her.
He picked up his pace as he felt a burn in his stomach. He edged her, but he had been doing it to himself. He needed that release. He fucked inside of her, fast. She felt like she needed to hold on to his shoulders by how fast he fucked her.
She clenched the sheets beneath her as her cunt took it all. She knew she'd be bruised tomorrow and it was so worth it.
His left hand found hers on the sheets, and he laced his hand with hers. She squeezed his hand and he squeezed it twice back.
His right hand went between their bodies and found her clit. And just like the two times before, that feeling settled in her stomach.
She sobbed as she begged. Tears flying down her cheeks as she clenched around his hand and cock.
"I got you," he cooed, he leaned down and placed his lips on hers. He moaned as he tasted her salty tears as they dripped down into the kiss.
Her mouth went slack against his mouth, and with no warning, she came all over his cock. His fingers messily rubbed her clit, and a rush of excitement filled him as her cunt squirted all over his body.
She cried, shook, and screamed as he fucked himself inside of her. She tried to smack his hand away from her clit, but he wanted to get every last drop of that squirt. She was sensitive but obedient to his touch.
The sight of her tears, bruised lips, and his dark pubs covered in her squirt pushed him over the edge.
"Fuck that's it, that's my good girl," he praised, his hands now on her hips, and fucked her as hard as he could. He moaned as he emptied himself inside her.
Her body went limp as he slid out of her. She collapsed into the matress. Her eyes were too heavy to stay open.
Eddie watched as his cum dripped out of her and onto the sheets.
"Looks like I'm gonna need new sheets," Eddie thought out loud. Y/N smiled with her eyes closed.
Eddie slipped away from her, walked to the connected bathroom, and got a warm rag.
He walked back to her, her tired eyes watching him as he cleaned her up. She flinched as the warm rag touched her cunt. Eddie softly cleaned her up and tossed the rag with the mess on the floor. He slipped off her heels and kicked up her legs.
He rested next to her and pulled up the blanket at the end of the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, her head tucked into his neck. Her naked body pressed against his. He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair.
"That was incredible," she said. her fingers traced shapes on his chest.
"I've never felt that amazing in my life," Eddie admitted.
After a few moments of silence, sleep took over as they tangled their bodies together.
Eddie woke up to pounding at the front door. He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the morning sun. Y/N slept peacefully next to him. He crawled out of bed, careful to not wake her up.
He grabbed one of the free sheets and wrapped it around his naked waist. The pounded continued as Eddie made it downstairs.
He ripped open the door and was shocked to see Mandy standing there.
"Finally! I've been pounding for five minutes," Mandy scoffed. She took in Eddie's state. The post-sex hair, the scratches on his chest, and the look in his eyes.
"Who do you have in there?" Mandy asked, she tried to look into the house but Eddie blocked the door.
"None of your business. Why are you here?" He asked.
"Paisley forgot her stuffed animal and last night was hell. I want to sleep tonight so I'm here to pick it up." Mandy said.
"I'll grab it, stay here," Eddie said, he turned around and Mandy couldn't help but feel a burn of jealousy in her stomach. Even more nail marks were down his back.
"Who was she?"
"Who?" Eddie asked, looking around the living room.
Mandy let herself in, and Eddie rolled his eyes.
"The slut who painted your back and chest with her sleezy and cheap nails." Mandy scoffed
Eddie turned around with a glare, "First, I already said it was not your business. And second, she's not a slut."
"Oh, little girlfriend? Gotta stand up and be her little knight and shining armor?"
"Look, we are divorced. My love life has nothing to do with you. Send Paisley in, I don't know where she left it." Eddie sighed
Mandy went out and got Paisley, she excitedly ran to her dad with a smile.
Paisley went up into her room, grabbing Lucy from the corner. As she walked out of her room, she saw Y/N sleeping.
Her screams jolted Y/N awake, a panicked look on her face.
Eddie froze as the words hit the bottom floor.
"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Mandy screamed
Y/N flew out of bed, holding the blanket around her naked body. But she wasn't fast enough.
Mandy was racing up the stairs and Eddie was hot on her heels.
"MANDY DON'T," he screamed
Mandy walked right past Paisley and landed her eyes on Y/N. Her body was covered in Eddie's bed sheets. The dark marks on her neck made Mandy's blood boil.
Eddie sent Pailsey downstairs as he walked in behind Mandy
"Keep your goddman voice down. The children don't need to hear anything. This was the first night we spent together. We haven't been sneaking around or anything. We went on a date and we had sex. We are grown-ups. She wasn't working, she was my date." Eddie explained
"I would never be with Eddie like that with the children around," Y/N said
"You shut your whore mouth." Mandy snapped
"HEY!," Eddie yelled, "You will not speak to her that way. The kids had no idea about us, until now."
"What you think he actually likes you?" Mandy scoffed. Her eyes locked in on Y/N.
Y/N nervously looked at Eddie but his eyes reassured her.
"I do, and I really like him." Y/N stood up for herself.
"You cannot be Eddie's girlfriend and nannying my kids at the same time. I forbid it. I hired you and I can damn well fire you." Mandy snarled
"No! I love this job and I love these kids." Y/N pleaded
"Should have thought of that before you opened your legs."
Y/N looked at Eddie and hated how silent he suddenly became.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but she's right."
Both women looked at Eddie shocked. Mandy couldn't hide her smile as Eddie walked closer to them.
"What?" Y/N whispered, tears filling her eyes.
"I didn't want to have this conversation in front of Mandy, nor us being naked but, I have to fire you," Eddie said as she stood in front of her.
Y/N felt tears fall as she looked at Eddie.
Eddie reached forward and wiped her tears. Eddie placed his thumb on her trembling bottom lip. His other hand cupped her jaw and he softly rubbed her skin.
"Why?" she whispered
"Because I can't pay my girlfriend to hang out with my kids." Eddie smiled.
Y/N felt the relief fill her bones as she smacked Eddie's chest.
"You dick!" She laughed, "You scared the hell out of me."
"What do you say? Quit this job and be my girlfriend. The kids already love you. You can continue to stay here, just in my bed this time. Not the spare room."
"Sounds perfect,"
Eddie beamed down at her and captured her lips in a kiss. It was gentle, short, and sweet.
"I'm still here!" Mandy stomped.
"Why? Paisley got her stuffed animal. You are welcome to leave," Eddie said, letting go of Y/N as he walked over to Mandy.
"Because I still have a day before the kids come home, and I want to spend it fucking my girlfriend," Eddie smirked.
Mandy stomped her way out the door.
"Sounds like we have a busy day," Y/N winked as she tugged the sheet out of Eddie's hands. She bit her lip as she took in the sight of his naked and used body.
"Indeed we do," Eddie said, throwing her back on the bed. She landed with a laugh as he crawled up her body and pushed his lips on hers.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt
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milswrites · 6 months
The Sweetest Company
~ Azriel X Reader
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Summary: When opening your new bakery doesn’t bring as much success as you’d have hoped, Azriel comes to save the day.
Warnings: Like the teeniest bit of angst but it's mainly just fluff :)
The day had finally arrived, one that had been weeks in the making. After long painstaking days filled with re-decorating the crumbling building you had purchased and perfecting the art of baking your recipes, the time had finally come for you to open the doors and share your passion with the rest of the world.
You'd poured your entire heart and soul into this project, spending the last of your savings to make sure that the final result would be everything you had ever dreamed of.
It wasn't just you, of course, who worked tiresomely at making sure that the bakery reflected your vision. After encouraging you to take the leap and pursue your childhood dream, Azriel had stepped up to help with the refurbishment. Spending the rare hours he had free from work with you getting things ready, reassuring you that this big change had been the right decision.
By no means was this an easy move to make. Whilst baking had always been a hobby of yours, you had never once done it in a professional setting, let alone own running your own business. But Azriel had been your guardian angel, never failing to let you know just how proud of you he was and how pleased the male felt at the fact you were finally sharing your joy with the world.
Which is why after the months of working together to create your dream, you were starting to panic over the fact Azriel had yet to arrive on what was perhaps the most important day of your life.
His absence was as difficult to miss as a hole in your heart. The cruel silence of your empty bakery tormenting you as you told yourself he would be here any minute now. That anyone would be here.
A tediously long two hours had passed without a single customer, and without Azriel there to comfort and reason with you, your anxious thoughts were running wild.
What if you forgot to send out the advertisements? Whilst you remember going round all the other shops in Velaris handing out flyers, what if the keepers laughed behind your back before disposing of them?
What if the one thing you had dreamed of since you were a child had always been destined to fail before it ever even got the chance to open?
It was difficult to keep your tears at bay as you patiently waited for a customer to arrive. Your eyes stinging with tears as you moved to sit down on a chair at one of the empty tables, anxious hands coming to rub together on your lap. Failing to hide the way your gaze filled with hope whenever you watched someone pass by, only for your stare to turn to disappointment as they walked away from your bakery without so much as a glance in your direction.
When three soul-crushing hours had passed still customer-free, and Azriel had yet to make an appearance, you decided enough was enough for one day.
There was only so much embarrassment you could take and with the exhaustion of waking up early to prepare the goods for the day starting to creep in, you made to lock the door and leave to go home and wallow in your defeat.
Turning your back to the window as you allowed your tears to finally fall at the prospect that maybe Azriel didn't turn up because he knew today was going to fail.
Though it was only when you began to pack away your things in the back room of the bakery that you heard a hurried knock at the door. Wiping the silvery tears from your cheeks you composed yourself, opting to take a moment to calm down and gather your wits before moving to answer the door.
However, luck didn't appear to be on your side today as another round of incessant banging broke the silence of the bakery. Frustrated at the rotten day you've had, the impatience of the person outside aggravated you. Curses spilled out from under your breath as you moved through the bakery to the door.
Only to be stunned into silence as you saw who it was waiting for you outside.
Azriel had come.
Tears released from your eyes once more at the joyous realization that Azriel hadn't come alone. No, the male was surrounded by his beaming family and friends, all craning to get a good luck at what was waiting for them inside the bakery.
Even as you turned the latch, your words still failed to come. Your lost ability to speak not returning even as Azriel swept you into his arms, the male pulling back to take in your reddened eyes and trembling lips.
"What happened?" he blurted in concern, cupping your face in his large hands as his searching gaze found your eyes, "Did something go wrong? Why weren't you open?"
You let out a teary chuckle at his worried flurry of questions, moving your shaky hands to grip his own. "I'm perfect. . .it's perfect Az" you promise, because it was impossible to be anything else when the male had brought his entire family along to share in this special day with you. Your heart pleasantly aching with the realisation that he cared enough about this to want to bring them with him.
"Great!" Azriel smiled so widely that his teeth were almost bared, "Better get to it then, we've got customers to serve!"
It was a beautiful chaos, serving Azriel's over eager family. The tables no longer sat empty and the creeping silence had dissipated. Instead the room was filled with satisfied groans and merry conversation. Each member of his family coming back again, and again, and again. All wanting to try a slice of everything you had to offer.
The presence of the High Lord visiting your establishment certainly didn't go unnoticed, pools of willing customers flooded into your shop all with the goal of trying the food that Rhysand was so openly enjoying. Taking their fill of your goods until all the tables were filled and all the evidence of your hard work this morning was gone. The only sign that anything was once there being the smiling face of satisfaction which was worn by everyone in the room.
A slightly red-cheeked Azriel approached you, the male almost panting with exhaustion after helping you with the final rush, that same charming smile taking its place on his face as he spoke, "I think we may need to find you a few new helpers."
"I think I'm going to need to bake more" you laughed in return. Your anxieties from earlier in the day having melted away, a warming smile had now settled on your face in its place.
"Damn" Azriel cursed, a pout forming on his lips as he stared at the empty displays which were once lush with pastries and cakes, "I forgot to put something to the side for me to try. . .If only Cassian didn't eat all the cookies."
"Actually," you grin up at the disappointed male, "I may have something for you!"
You reach under the counter, pulling out a cake which you had meticulously decorated with blueberries. Azriel's eyes grew wide, yet despite his surprise his lips grew into small smirk. "You made this especially for me?" he asked, carefully taking the cake from your waiting hands to admire it.
"A thank you, for helping me achieve my dream. Maybe now we can start working on one of yours instead" you replied, words failing to express just how grateful you were to the male before you. Overwhelmed by just how incredible this opening had turned out to be, all thanks to him.
"I already have everything I want" Azriel answered, hazel eyes locked onto your own, "why wish for more when I already have you."
A rosy blush dusted your cheeks at the shadowsingers words, his stare so intense you could have sworn you were melting.
Slowly leaning forwards, you move to place a gentle kiss on Azriel's equally blushing cheek, only for the hypnotic moment to be broken by the boisterous Lord of Bloodshed.
"Az, you didn't tell me there was some more cake!" he cheered, stealing the plate from Azriel's unsuspecting hands before whisking it away to the table where his family was sat, eyes hungrily staring down the cake made for their brother.
Azriel grabbed your arm to stop you from chasing after the male. His warm lips coming down to meet your cheek, softly kissing you before he moved his mouth to whisper in your ear, "Don't bother. There's something sweeter I've got my eyes on."
Notes: Anyone else picture Az in a cute pink frilly apron or was it just me?
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honouredsatoru · 1 year
Mine, said They.
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— author's note. finally got the courage to write something for yan!satosugu because @nkogneatho hyped me up and i just wanted to give something for disappearing for over a year. not proofread as usual (atp. "not proofread as usual" finna be the way yall recognize my work.) art cr. iku_ju on twt
— warnings. nsfw under "keep reading" tab. yanderes. body worship, dubcon if you squint hard enough. implied subtle psychological break and captivity.
— characters. geto suguru, gojo satoru
— taglist. @noritoshiikamo @sassooda @afortoru @booksweet @laudthingcat @lazy10ieiri @ekaterinatepes @tojisi @tohokuu @peachsayshi @shadowarchon @dearestgojo @starlitheaven @tojisveryown @sixeyesgojo
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yandere gojo and yandere geto who
— loves you so so much. who worships the grounds that touches your feet. no. you do not walk for the earth. the earth is for YOU to walk on.
— loves the shape of your body, their lips never leaving your skin. they praise you so much, from the way your hair shapes your face structure to the way that anklet of yours compliments your skin tone. whenever you let them know of your insecurities, they'd pull you into a tight hug and filled you with nothing but words of reassurance.
"our sweet, beauteous doll! your body is what inspired those in ancient greek and rome to carves their marbles out of. your body is what resembles warmth, love, and what strength is. it is what helped you survive, so don't let those tainted thoughts get to you." said they.
— who gets worried sick when you fall sick, making sure your body doesn't get too hot or gets too cold, making sure that you take your medicines and meals on time, checking up on you whenever you are resting. space? what is that? what if something bad happens to you if they leave your side even for a split second?
— convinced you that staying at home is much better, that you have them to do all the tasks you need. that a gentle angel like you don't need the sun to ruin your skin, you don't need the harsh air to ruin your hair, making it rough. no. their doll mustn't be tainted.
— laughs at your antics when you sulk because you miss the outdoor breeze, the shady skies and the warm sun. okay. maybe once a month would do. there's no harm to that, right?
— adorned their doll with a rose gold necklace set with their birthstones as its pendant, two rings connected your birthstone attached on it, a pair of rose gold earrings, custom made with white pearls. only the best for their darling.
— who fantasizes about you getting pregnant. the thought of your belly swollen as the months pass by, the way you'll whine, cling and depend on them. they fantasized kissing your belly, their fingers tracing hearts over the stretch marks that formed onto your skin, they fantasized you going to lamaze classes, with them taking turns to go with you. oh their darling.
— convinces you that if it wasn't for them, how could you ever learn what love is? you never received attention or any sort of affection growing up so let them warm your heart out with their love. your family? they're your family now. your friends? you've got two best friends. just surrender to them.
yandere gojo and yandere geto who
— has a sadistic streak to them. cocks, lube, vibrators, dildos, soft pink hand cuffs, ball gags, whipped cream, ice cubes, honey, chocolate syrup, whips, melted candle wax, neck ties and ropes, whips, all of that to see just how well your body responds to their method of loving you.
— coerced you into filming your sinful deeds knowing you've a fear of being filmed but hey, nobody's gonna watch them, well... it's just for their eyes. so don't you let your pretty little head worry too much, m'kay?
— licked your tear stained cheeks as you cried, begging for them to stop when it gets too much for you. your chest is filled with bite and love marks, your thighs are shaking too hard for you that it's going to not make you walk straight for the new few days, your cheeks slightly red because they like to slap you and tug your hair when you're being an absolute brat.
yandere geto who
— fucked you stupid while gojo watches, panting salaciously as he admires the view of his bestfriend's cock penetrating that tight, abused hole of yours while you're restrained with an adult door swing.
"god, she looks divine when she can't go nowhere." gojo whispers to himself, with geto's eyes rolling up in pleasure, cursing under his breath about how tight you are, just how well you're taking him in. your thighs and wrists will be slightly bruised but... it's worth it, no?
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all writing belongs to honouredsatoru.
reblogs and interactions are appreciated. ♡
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amymbona · 1 month
What if... Tashi wasn't the only one who suffered from an injury. What if you, a random girl from Stanford, that somehow became close with all three of the messy lovers, went on to have a successful career, that ended within a moment, just like Tashi's.
You became close to Art and Tashi during your Stanford years, having proven yourself as a sweet and yet equally as talent tennis player. Art had a bit of a crush on you, finding it slightly conflicting, especially since the main point of his interest used to be Tashi. The two have introduced you to Patrick as well, as he basically came like an inseparable part of the 2 + 1 pack. Eventually, it was you plus them, them plus you, and you became their little thing.
After Tashi's injury, her and Art's break-up with Patrick and all the events at the end of the school year, you found yourself in the middle of the mess. You couldn't really bear it, the intensity of Tashi's desire fueled by the need to be as close to tennis as possible, Art's indecisive and idiotic persona, and Patrick's bleeding, solving-everythin-by-sex attitude.
You lived with Patrick for a few months, the two of you fucking every so often, but the moment he began slacking off and turning to alcohol and nicotine for comfort, it was enough. Even after Patrick's heartbreaking promises and Art's unsuccessful attempt to reach out, you completely distanced yourself from the three. Then, it was just you.
Unfortunately, you couldn't escape the three fully. Patrick would bombard your phone with long messages and voice mails, sometimes accompanied by low quality videos of him jerking off and saying how much he missed you. He'd show up at your place a few times as well, and you had to physically kick him out. Art and Tashi were equally as difficult to avoid, as they were now the player-coach duo, attending the same matches as you. Luckily, they never spoke to you.
All in all, you were living your life. Yes, with an aching hole in your heart, but tennis was big enough to fill it. Until it leaves a hole even bigger.
"She's trying to get her to twist her own feet. Look, that ankle's gonna roll, I can see it." Tashi mutters anxiously, slipping her own hand into her husband's. The two have been watching your match against some australian player from the bleachers, not liking where it's been going at all.
"Right," Art agreed with a gentle squeeze of Tashi's hand. It really doesn't look good. You're constantly jumping from left to right, and the playstyle characteristic to yourself makes you swing on your right foot while you just move your left one over it from wide to side. They've seen you pull this move at Stanford a million of times, with you insisting it saves breath from moving too far, but they've also heard you whimper when you couldn't walk properly. "We told her to stop doing that ages ago."
And then it happens. A fraction of moment, when something snaps, the top of your foot kissing the pavement, and then you're on the floor, clutching your leg in pain.
Tashi is, surprisingly, is the first person by your side, pushing everyone away and just holding you in her arms. You sob and sob and sob, the weight of it all falling onto you, and the Donaldsons accompany you to the hospital. They stay with your for days and then take you home - to their home - because they know you can't be left alone.
And they call Patrick too, something they have sworn to never do, but eventually Art is the one to break the no contact rule and calls his former best friend. The guy is in their residence within hours, not caring at all that he had to fly from the very other side of the state.
It's almost comical, absurd and ironic even, how your sudden injury cause the three to reconcile. All the fights are long forgotten, and nobody even gets the chance to throw a jab at one another, not when they see you finally asleep in Tashi and Art's bed, clad in one of her silk pyjama sets, your poor, swollen ankle wrapped in a tight layer of white, heavy plaster cast. At that moment, all three of them hold hands and comfort one another because they know that you need them right now, that they have to be strong and mature for you.
You don't speak, you don't eat, and Art has to physically carry you to the bathroom so you can at least take a piss and wash your teeth. After Tashi successfully manages to push a few spoons of mashed potatoes past your lips, Patrick sits next to you for hours, just silently stroking your back and telling you that you're beautiful every so often.
Suddenly, you have everything you have hoped for, everything you missed and mourned, but at what cost? You've lost what was most important to you - your tennis career, even more successful than Tashi's, full of more accomplishments than all the three players combinwd - and what do you have now? Nothing, or everything?
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naomihatake · 10 months
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you can find other zoro fics here: Naomi's archive
pairing: zoro x fem reader
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, consumption of alcohol
summary: One would expect the swordsman to unwind after a battle, but there are times when he can't help but think. Alcohol doesn't always come in handy when a specific crewmate he grew fond of cuddled a tad bit too close to his heart.
word count: 3.3k
theme song: 'Daylight' by David Kushner
A/N: It can be imagined with both anime and opla Zoro. I don't know if he's slightly ooc or not, but I genuinely wanted to dig into this side of a relationship with the swordsman. The awkward times when he's getting used to it and simply accepting everything as a new part of his life.
I didn't forget about my multi chapter fiction, I just didn't find the inspiration for the 8th chapter. I couldn't help but write this for my own comfort and I want to mention that this original art of @tea917339 inspired me (check it out, it's absolutely amazing!!!)
I'm always open for your opinions and comments, so don't be shy about sharing your thoughts with me! <3
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Usually, nights with the Straw Hats were lively, even after battles that left the crew members injured and bleeding. They would pick each other up and cheer up by simply bickering — that's what Zoro thought. 
The same way Luffy's hand extended to help him back on his feet after he plopped down on the ground to rest. The same way Zoro reassured Chopper after the kid tried his best not to get emotional afterwards. The same way Sanji threw some remarks and the swordsman spat back in annoyance. And, for fuck’s sake, Nami reminded him for the tenth time that day he owes her berry for something he completely forgot about. Usopp was sighing in relief every time he remembered they escaped with life again while Robin agreed with a soft smile on her face. Truly, it was almost insane — Zoro wouldn't exactly call that a miracle because he's doubtful of its existence. 
However, he couldn't bring himself to cheer up once the celebration of their victory was over and everyone went into their rooms. He was on the night watch and all he found himself capable of doing was burying in memories of all kinds, be it happy or not. With not enough alcohol in his system yet, it was rather hard to push those thoughts into the back of his head. 
The swordsman sat on the deck, his back resting against the wooden cabin. Hidden from prying eyes, he found peace in the temporary silence. Rare were the times when the crew was so peaceful and it was usually during the night, when they were asleep, because otherwise they would've caused a mayhem. 
The side of his mouth curled upwards at that thought. It was equally annoying and endearing, since in the months spent with them he found a lot of things about himself. Like the fact that he found his crew to be a family, like the way he sometimes found peace even in the chaos caused by them. 
Or like the presence he grew way too fond of along the way. That witch — she truly was one, judging by the effect she had on him. Only a spell could've made his mind get so clouded, only some unknown force could've managed to soften his edges so well. She joined the crew from the first day and he believed that a spell had been casted upon him since the first time they gazed at each other. 
Right. Zoro gulped down. The effect she had on him was equally annoying and pleasant. 
Annoying because he should've focused on his promise to Kuina, not get lost in between fairytales. He wasn't by any means the charming prince riding a white horse and he didn't intend on becoming one anytime soon. It filled him up with feelings unknown to him. Zoro might be a fan of adventures and he had rather insane ideas — as one might say —, but such sentiments were an entirely new path to walk on. 
First and foremost, it bothered him the fact that he wasn't sure he could fulfill both his promises and whatever the fuck was going on between him and the witch. He couldn't pinpoint what was happening, it was all in a blur, even if everything was clearing up whenever he saw her. 
That's when he's reminded why he likes their relationship — what kind of, he didn't know. When he saw her, there were always sparkles in her eyes and the smile on her face would grow wider, lines of happiness appearing on her cheeks. The curl of her lips would make his heart skip a few beats and he would relax his shoulders unconsciously. Eyes filled with joy looked at him as if he was the very reason behind her purest sensations. 
Also, not to mention how warm the depths of his chest felt when she was near. The heat would rise to his cheeks, which he sometimes found uncomfortable, but Zoro never ran away. A side of him wished so badly to go the other way and never look back, ignore her and those stupid damned feelings, but he never gathered enough courage to do so. Every single time, he would remain stuck, with his eyes stuck on her frame and fingers aching to touch and lips tingling to kiss. 
God fucking dammit. 
With a curse rolling off his tongue casually as he closed his eyes, the back of his head collided with the wooden wall he rested his back against. Zoro sat with his knees bent and feet planted onto the floor, only his Wado Ichimoji in his proximity. With its hilt glued to his shoulder, the sheathed sword was in between his fingers. By that time, he held it for comfort.
If that's what he could call it. The swordsman wasn't sure what else to associate it with. Or was it familiarity? The white sword was the only memory he had of a long lost friend and his first home at the dojo, by the side of his sensei. It was the only object tying him to his past, to his beginning, to times when he was much weaker, but determined nonetheless. 
To care about his promise was familiar. Zoro wouldn't give it up — proof was the simple fact that he still achieved to become the strongest swordsman in the world. One day, he will meet Mihawk again and when he does, he will be stronger than the first time he encountered him at Baratie. 
Looking back, it's been so long since. So long since a new life appeared before his eyes and he accepted it with no hesitation. He was a pirate, a Straw Hat, Luffy's first mate. The swordsman swore to help his captain achieve his own dream. 
Those promises were familiar. The erratic heartbeats caused by the witch weren't. The sensation settling in the pits of his stomach when her gentle fingers would brush over his arm weren't. It was foreign and it didn't sit well with him. 
He still saw her face in his dreams sometimes and it was usually her ghost haunting him. Other times, in her place would be one of his friends and each time it was harder to fall asleep. 
When awake, memories of her replayed so vividly in his mind. Swords clashing together and whistling as they cut the air in half. A grin brightening up Kuina's face when he would fall on his butt and cuss her out again. They promised that one of them would become the greatest, but he was the only one capable of that, because her bones lay in a grave somewhere far away. 
Zoro opened his eyes and stared at the night sky with scars scattered all over it. A calming view, even if there was tumult inside of him, hidden in between ribs that broke with each new pump of his heart. His brown eyes fell to the floor and he crossed his arms on top of his knees, gripping the sword tighter. His chest puffed up with air when he inhaled and he let out a heavy sigh. 
“Zoro?” a soft whisper made him jump out of his thoughts. 
The swordsman snapped his head and he was greeted by the sight of someone he didn't even know he was searching for. A side of him wished to say something along the lines of “fuck off” while the other side desperately wanted to soak into her presence. 
A witch, indeed. 
His eyes ran up and down her figure. She didn't seem surprised to find him there, in a rather hidden spot, which meant she didn't search for too long. Did she even search for him or did she also wish to be alone for a while? The first place to search for someone during night shifts was the crows nest. 
She held two bottles of what he guessed to be alcohol and she swung them carefully before stepping closer. His chest tightened and he found it harder to breathe, even if it was inevitably easier than before at the same time. For some reason, she had that effect on him. 
Maybe he knew that reason all too well, but he just avoided thinking of it. 
“You told me we'd drink something together,” she reminded him in that warm voice of hers. 
The sweet melody that calmed his nerves. 
He didn't know what kind of energy radiated off him, but her behavior was far more gentle than usual. She wasn't hesitant, the witch never hesitated around him, she was just mindful of her actions and words. 
He didn't know why for a second he saw understanding in the curl of her lips when she crouched down. Unconsciously, Zoro knitted his eyebrows together in confusion at her gestures. 
The bottles hit the floor and she let go of them. Her eyes sparkled like they always did, but there was something different that time — a warmth they held only when she comforted Chopper or encouraged Usopp. Warmth similar to the shy rays of the sun of the morning, when the cold is still lingering and there's a specific scent in the air. Gentleness he only ever saw in her, because Luffy's kindness was different. 
A warmth so humane that was visible for the crew alone or those in need of it. 
The witch recognized something in his demeanor and Zoro had no clue what that was about. He could only see it in her gaze. 
“I suppose it isn't really the perfect time for me to butt in, hm?” she whispered. 
Like a promise only for him to hear. A secret. 
“How'd you find me here?” he found himself speaking before he thought it through. 
The question made her shrug. 
“I pick up easily on your energy. It's quite unmistakable, y'know?” 
There it was — one of the main reasons why she had the nickname of Witch both on the ship and outside of it. She's spoken about that for a few times and he had to admit he understood what she meant. However, the swordsman only felt those “energies” (as she liked to call them) in specific moments. He remembers that time in Lougetown when everything felt like energy instead of palpable objects, the reason why he won that fight. 
Sometimes he seriously wondered if she hadn't met his sensei at some point in her life. 
“What is it like?” once again, he asked before thinking. 
The witch pulled her lips in a tight line and hummed, gathering the right words to describe it. Her gaze bounced around and she grimaced once, when she probably found her choice of words to be unpleasant or inappropriate — she always scrunched her nose when it was difficult to find the proper terms. 
“It's sharp, but warm. Kind of steady, constantly flickering. For example, Luffy's energy is always all around the place and Chopper's gets out of control easily. Robin has the steadiest energy of all of us, even if it was kind of… strange lately.” 
Zoro arched his eyebrow at the last piece of information and only received a hand waving through the air. 
“Ignore the last part, I'm still figuring it out myself. No need to worry.” 
The swordsman knew the energy she was talking about was different than what he felt when she was in presence, but he wondered if whatever laid in her heart interfered with her ability to distinguish his being from the others. 
He watched as the witch looked at the bottles next to him and then clicked her tongue, deep in thought. 
“I don't know if they'd help you tonight, but I'll let you be.” 
None of those words were accusatory. They were all coming from a place of kindness and patience. 
Suddenly, her fingers curled around his bicep, below the bandana wrapped around his arm. Skin on skin, her touch was hot and pleasant, even if very confusing. 
What was she thinking? 
His puzzled feelings were written on his face. Uncertainty laid in his dark brown eyes and his fingers held onto the sword tighter. He didn't even notice when the grip on his Wado Ichimoji loosened up. 
Her gaze was reassuring as ever and she gently rubbed her thumb into his tensed muscles. 
Zoro had to at least admit to himself that vulnerability was uncomfortable. Without spoken words, she picked up on it. 
“I don't know for sure if I'll get to sleep tonight, so you could cut your night shift in half.” She's having issues with nightmares again? he silently wondered. “I'll be in my room, reading. Do what you see fit.” 
Instantly, she was back on her feet with her back straight and walked away. The swordsman didn't know what happened or what he should understand. 
He was utterly and completely confused. What just happened? 
Oh. The witch gave him space and time to think. She also told him where she was in case he decided to grip at the promise of comfort and hold tightly onto it. The opportunity laid right in front of him and he was the only one to decide whether he used it to his advantage or not. 
Zoro didn't notice when his shoulders relaxed. His body wasn't as tense as a few minutes ago, his back didn't feel as stiff. The exhale he left wasn't heavy anymore. 
The swordsman knew what this was about. Maybe it was the time to just accept his feelings and get on with it. He had to suck it up and deal with it, even if dealing with her wasn't the right way to word it out. It always felt more like she was dealing with him. 
With closed eyes, he remembered the last time her lips brushed by his. Gosh, it was so hot and his blood was bubbling like lava in his veins. It wasn't an accident, he intended on kissing her back with fever, but he had a hard time accepting everything. It was… weird. Facing that reality was troublesome. 
She has yet to lose her patience. The witch remained firm and each one of her questions were answered by gestures instead of words — something familiar for him. She was far more skilled with expressing herself even when sensitive topics came up. 
That was a miracle. Her presence alone could be compared to a miracle because it was completely unexpected and somehow always caressing him the right way. It was scary how accurately she could read him and the same applied to him. 
The sky before his eyes continued to sparkle with stars and he remained still in his place. His fingers caressed the scabbard of his sword as he blinked in the darkness, the chill air of the night invading his lungs. 
It was complicated and so simple at the same time. Zoro knew the answer — he just had to come to terms with it. 
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Just as age promised, the witch sat on the bed in her room with a blanket warming her up. The lamp on the nightstand by her side casted a golden light over the pages of a book sitting in her lap. It was hard to focus on the story — a captivating part of pirate's history, sometime before the appearance of Gold D. Roger.
Her thoughts were followed by the swordsman. Zoro's mood was… sad at best. She didn't expect to find him in that state, but she quickly came to the conclusion that leaving him alone might do him good. 
She tapped her finger over the pages of the old book and clicked her tongue. Was it right to leave him? The witch never saw him in a similar mood and she also realized she didn't know how to help him. There could be a lot of ways to bring him back to earth or at least keep him afloat. Those ways were only known by him. All she could do was guess and hope for the best outcome. 
Heavy footsteps echoed on the other side of the door. When it opened wide, there was Zoro's tall silhouette, his white sword in his hand and one bottle of alcohol in his other. He came closer, his face hard as a stone. The pink hue painting his cheeks was the only detail giving away the fact that he drank one of the bottles she brought hours ago. 
“Why aren't you sleeping yet?” he said with a gruff voice as he plopped down on the mattress. 
There were only a few hours left before the sun would rise up from the sea. 
“You've probably guessed already,” she averted her eyes from his figure. 
“Nightmares again?” 
The witch only nodded, eyes focused on the book. Zoro let the sword against the couch. 
“I won't fall asleep, so you could as well take a night off,” only then she looked at him again. 
His darkened eyes have been locked on her since he entered the valley. The witch wanted to move, to eventually get away from his knowing gaze, but she knew there was no possible way to do it. 
“Are you alright?” she blurted out. 
She had to fill that silence with some kind of conversation. Maybe that wasn't exactly the wisest decision, considering his shoulders visibly tensed and he straightened his back. A frown appeared on her face. She regretted talking. 
The witch figured out he needed more time to sort his thoughts. 
“Why don't you go to sleep?” she tilted her head to the side. “The fight has worn us all out. You could rest for a while.” 
“And you?” 
“We'll be sailing for a few days. I can sleep ‘till afternoon.” 
“Nothing will happen for as long as you're on this ship with us,” the reassurance slipped so easily. “Do you trust us?” 
“More than anything,” the witch responded with a faint smile. 
Several weeks ago, her answer and reaction would've been so different. She made so much progress since she first met them, her trust now fully laying in their palms. Long ago, she would've backed away at such a question and, if they were lucky enough, the witch would admit she “needs time to adjust”. 
At first, all he did was lean close enough for his shoulder to touch hers. The swordsman only intended to enjoy some peace while he shared his booze with the witch. From time to time, she'd gulp from the bottle and then give it back to him before continuing her lecture. After each two minutes, the room would be filled by the rustling of pages. 
It didn't last long until he fell into her trap and tiredness dragged him glued to her. With his head in her lap, Zoro bumped his nose in her thigh. The witch's fingers ran through his hair and he let out an audible exhale, eyes closing instantly. Greeted by darkness, he felt warm not only on the inside. The blanket she curled around herself earlier was now covering his upper body as he sunk into the soft mattress and her. 
One of his hands curled around her knee and he dug his fingers into her flesh. Her leg jerked slightly at the unexpected touch, but when he tried to move away, she muttered a sweet “It's okay”, stopping his movements. 
The oxygen in his lungs was exchanged with her perfume and he bit back a groan. Her voice was like a lullaby, even if there weren't many words rolling off her tongue. Zoro wasn't bothered by the light of the lamp, completely forgetting about the world around him once her fingers continued running through his hair. 
His hand traveled up, until it fully rested on her thigh, the warmth of her body seeping through the thin material of her pants. Truth be told, he's never felt better. 
She was a remedy. His remedy. 
“Good night.”
Zoro heard her whisper solely because he was near her; otherwise he would've confounded it with the night breeze. 
Maybe giving in to her affection isn't that bad. 
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sluttyenthusiast · 4 months
Taking What You Can Get
Patrick Zweig x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of affairs and having children + sad ☹️
(This is absolutely based off of my relationship from real life 🥲)
You loved Patrick, you really did, you had given him the past 8 years of you life, dropping everything to support him in his Tennis career. You had been his perfect housewife without being his wife. Everyone around you start to felt bad for you, your relationship was going nowhere, you told them it was fine but they complained that 8 years of dating was too much for a man who couldn't commit.
You remember the words that came from your closet friends, your friends since college, that you're doing too much of a wife without being treated as such. They knew Patrick, and deep down, you knew it wasn't right. He had been your first, and only boyfriend, and every part of him consumed you, there was no part in your life that he hadn't taken over.
He moved in with you, where you paid the bills and bought the groceries, where he essentially lounged around rent free and occasionally won a tennis match, but you were okay with it, you loved him, you really did.
You loved him so much that you couldn't find it in yourself to be mad at him when he cheated for the first time. If anything, you were angrier at yourself, not understanding why you couldn't be good enough for him.
It was simple in the terms that because of your lack of effort (or so you thought) in your relationship that made it turn to another woman.
Really though, could you blame him? He was probably getting bored, and you'd rather him be satisfied than unhappy with you, so you turned your head and let him continue on.
It continued for months, and it began to take a toll on you. At some point you found yourself confiding to your friends from college, about how you felt and wondered why he was with you for so long if you weren't good enough.
Art and Tashi assured you that you weren't the problem, it had everything to do with the grown man who hadn't matured past 19. Their words comforted you for a bit, and they couldn't help to feel bad, or at least Art.
Over the years you and Patrick had grown close with the married couple, often inviting them over to yours for dinner.
You had all been friends during college but had drifted apart, you were unknowingly the glue that held them together.
They were grateful for you, you always invited them over for home cooked meals and offered to watch their daughter. You just loved playing house for a little bit with Patrick, imagining a life with a child of your own.
You often found yourself in tears while laying in bed after Art and Tashi picked their daughter up, wishing for a life in which you were married with your own baby girl, maybe even a boy. Tears would flow down your cheeks as you watched Patrick's sleeping figure, listening to his breathing as you thought of the life you'll never have. You weren't getting any younger, and somehow, you held out hope, but you knew that Patrick didn't want children, so you didn't bother him with it, he also didn't want marriage, so you pushed everything you wanted aside and settled for what you could have, scared to lose the one good thing you had in your life.
Now you find yourself coming home, speaking out to Patrick about how you had gotten the groceries and planned to make the dinner he had requested. Your voice fell on deaf ears as the grunts and moans from the bedroom filled the house. You knew better than to intervene, so you sluggishly put groceries away, keeping your head down as you refused to cry.
Minutes had passed before you heard soft footsteps, not bothering to look up before you spoke.
"Hey Tashi,"
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bigfootsboytoy · 1 year
A lot of people love to talk about teacher!Steve and I've seen people speculate about him teaching History, or English or Gym. But hear me out...Art Teacher.
Steve Harrington, who took art as an elective in highschool thinking it would be an easy grade, but who ends up actually really enjoying it. He likes the satisfaction of making something and the methodical process of doing it. Later in life he knows he wants to work with kids, but he doesn't think he would be happy trying to teach any of the core subjects like math or English, he never cared for them much himself, and even the classes he liked he wasn't super skilled in. Then he thinks back to that art class, remembers how much he enjoyed himself, and he finds himself taking classes towards a teaching degree a few months later.
After a while, Steve finds himself with a job teaching art at a local middle school. He loves it. He loves working with the kids, even though most of them are little assholes. Apparently, that isn't unique to the party. All young kids are kind of assholes. But they're also funny, and they put thought into the projects he gives them. He always gives them a lot of wiggle-room creatively, giving assignments that focus on certain techniques like painting or working with clay, but allowing them to choose the subject matter themselves. He works alongside them, making his own little projects. He isn't VanGogh by any means, but he kind of likes that. It helps show his students that they can have fun with the art and really make something they can be proud of without worrying about it being perfect or looking like something they would see in a museum. His students adore him. They tease him and make fun of him, but at the end of the day, almost every student who takes his class ends up raving about it to their friends. Parents he meets on occasion love him too. And only partially because he looks hot as hell with his glasses and his paint-stained apron.
At the end of a project, he has everyone go around and talk about what they made. He isn't picky. They can talk about their favorite part of making it, the story behind it, why they chose certain colors, and parts they struggled with. Any little bit of extra information about the project is enough to get the points. He wasn't expecting them to rope him into it when he first started. Now, he fully expects the questions they ask whenever he shows off a project with them.
The first project is charcoal drawings, and Steve draws a weird looking bat with a crazy mouth and no eyes. He tells the class that a bunch of his family play DND, and they have really vivid imaginations. It isn't a lie.
Next they do sand-art and Steve makes a set of patterns comprised of bright, vivid colors. Oranges and pinks and greens. He tells the class it represents his best friend, who is one of his favorite people in the world. A week later he tells the class that he showed her the sand art and she declared it the ugliest thing she had ever seen, then proceeded to hang it in her room with a bright smile on her face.
During the sculpting unit, he makes a homemade mug, with little fish carved on the side. He tells the class his father-in-law collects mugs, and this one is going to be a birthday gift.
The class seemed to like sculpting, so he does a unit on wire-art. He makes a small wire guitar and a wire ring. The class ask, with shit eating grins, if he's got somebody he's planning on proposing to. He happily tells them he already proposed, this ring is just for fun, since his partner loves to wear them.
Steve's small apartment fills up over the years with tons of art projects gifted to him by his students, paintings and drawings hanging on the walls, and a whole bookshelf dedicated to the 3D work. He remembers that first part class he took sometimes, back when he was just a sad kid who's friends were all assholes, he was a bit of an asshole himself, who didn't know that horrible things existed just under his feet. He thinks back on it fondly enough, but he couldn't be happier that he isn't that kid anymore. He's pretty damn pleased being the teacher now.
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cursedkeyboard · 9 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.3)
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What does Jason do after feeding and giving a home to the brat he stole from the slums of Gotham? Raise the kid lovingly like he wished he'd been raised, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
Pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader
In the beginning, living together wasn't very smooth
Despite your shared pasts, the immediate fondness from Jason, your eagerness for affection and love, you two were still very much strangers
You were hesitant and skittish, often sticking to the guest room Jason said it was yours, since for your entire life you mostly lived by yourself
Jason didn't actually know how to deal with a vulnerable and traumatized child, he wasn't Dick, he didn't have an innate charm that allowed you to be drawn to him easily
But that didn't stop him from trying
Every day, Jason made sure to get you out of your room to eat
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Eating was non-negotiable, even if you were used to only a bite or two a day, he wanted you to eat what you could
You felt sick for the first few days, your body unused to so much water and nutrients, causing it to think something was wrong
Jason almost went insane with worry, rubbing your back, carrying you around, and even refusing to go out when you told him you were fine
From your vomiting, you were anything but
Despite his fear and anxiety, Jason sat down to google all your symptoms and treatments when you finally fell asleep after throwing up again
Pushing the multiple deadly diseases and cancers aside, he learned that your body was just a little overwhelmed and all you two had to do was increase your meals little by little instead of shoving food down your throat
Though he still insisted on you drinking at least five cups of water every day
Then, maybe a week or two later once you two were a little more comfortable around each other
You not feeling like a bother anymore and Jason not eating himself with anxiety
The two of you started spend more time together
Jason cut some of his vigilante work, told Bruce to fuck off when he was questioned, and made sure to take you out to buy a year's worth of clothing using the old man's credit card
You started clinging a bit to him, asking him to teach you how to read and write, seeking validation when you managed to understand a whole page without needing help, asking about his life and past
And Jason always made sure to be honest with you, about the good and the bad because he wanted you to trust him
From experience, he knew that keeping things from you would only cause problems down the line
He'd tell you about his days in the slums while preparing a meal, you at his hip helping him put things in the pot
He'd talk about being a Robin with both fondness and bitterness while he helped with your hair, having done so much research to make sure he treated your type of hair correctly
He'd confess about what happened with the Joker, keeping it slightly less gory than it was
About his mother and Batman
About his death, hell, the pit, the after
He'd tell you everything as the days went on
And you'd sit by his side, cuddling with him, hugging him close when his voice trembled
Jason's hold would often tighten around you when he talked about something that made him sick to his stomach
Especially when it was a story about almost losing someone
Like he thought you'd disappear even in his arms
Like that, the trust between the two of you only grew as weeks turned into months and soon enough those months turned into a year
Jason had returned to his normal patrol hours once you were finally caught up with your studies and managed to put you in middle school
You were so damn excited and Jason knew exactly why
For a kid who was deprived of seemingly boring things since forever, school is a place filled with knowledge and wonder
The very first thing you did when you got home was show him a drawing of your hero the art teacher asked your class to make
Jason cried when he saw a poorly sketched version of Red Hood
He put it up in the fridge after printing it twice
You two definitely started matching, by the way
Jackets, shirts, shorts, hats, even phone cases
Jason never thought he'd be so lame as to buy stuff like that but once the two of you wore the exact same ugly christmas sweater, it was over for him
It was a little embarrassing, especially for you
But when you two went out with the same jackets and an elderly couple complimented the father and kiddo duo, you couldn't help but love it too
It was jarring for Jason, for sure
He didn't really consider himself your father, maybe your guardian or your older brother, but... it wasn't too bad
No, in fact, he kind of liked it
You are his kid
God, the restaurant dates
He'd take you to every food place in Gotham
From the ones that made you two throw up for the entire weekend
To the ones that made Bruce call him after spending eight hundred dollars on golden lobsters
It would be no surprise if you ended up liking burgers the most though
Like kid, like father
If you had any problem in school, Jason wouldn't try to hide away
He got himself a fake identity for the sole purpose of making himself your guardian through more than illegal terms
Doesn't even matter if he was in the middle of a meeting with other rogues, heroes or even his family
Jason would drop everything for you
Especially when you punched the fuck out of little Timmy for saying something bigoted
The dean and the teacher would probably try to make him scold you, telling the two of to you that this violent behavior is unacceptable and should not be rewarded
And Jason would look at them, at little Timmy's infuriated mother, and tell them that if Timmy didn't want to get his shit rocked, he should've kept his mouth shut
Of course, he also threatened them saying he'd let all of Gotham know that they protected and encouraged bigoted behavior from ten year olds
Needless to say, little Timmy didn't bother you after that day
And you also got ice cream after getting a two day suspension
"Did he make a noise?"
"Squealed like a fucking pig."
"That's my fucking kid."
Jason wouldn't let you act spoiled
Sure, he'd spoil you rotten, give you everything he wanted as a kid and what you want
But he knows the important of humility
That doesn't mean he'll let anyone ever try to bully you, though
To be continued...
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Art deco
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Artist!Natasha x Fem!reader
TW: smut, legal age gap, fluff, praise kink, degradation (slight), Top!Nat, Bottom!reader, Nat speaking russian, petnames
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors!
Word count: 1.6k
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I was now living with Natasha Romanoff for nearly a year, and she was still a mystery to me. She was what you would call a real artist. She lived for her art, sometimes I felt like there was nothing more important to her than her art. Luckilyfor me she called me her art. I was her girl, the women she gifted her heart to, her masterpiece, her muse.
The first time we met was because she was searching for a female act model. Her payment was beyond decent, and I was a poor college student who had just hit her twenties. So, I signed up. To be honest I did not expect the artist for who I would be modelling to be so beautiful. Even beautiful wasn't a match for Natasha’s beauty. The first thing I noticed after she had first opened me the door to her big apartment was, how her green eyes were the perfect contrast to her fiery red hair.
She would draw me, touching my skin whenever she was rearranging my pose, I tried to hide my blush whenever she was touching me. But she noticed it, of course she did, she kissed me, and I didn't push her away like I thought would. No, I pulled her closer. I let her devourer me, touch me and fuck me. I should've felt bad, I shouldn't have told her to do the things to me, that she did.
The morning after I still didn't regret it. How could I regret her, when I loved the things, she would whisper to me in that night. When Natasha asked me to take me out a dinner, I said yes. 4 months later she asked me to be her girlfriend and 6 months later I moved in with her and for 5 months she was working on her so-called masterpiece. Something so great that it would overshadow even her most famous works and I wasn't allowed to see it.
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I knock at her door "Natasha, you've been in there for twenty hours now. You need to eat something" I pause and sign "I miss you". After a few minutes she opens the door looking at me confused " TWENTY HOURS... lord I totally forgot the time" She strokes her short red hair. She hugs me pulling me closer to her kissing my forehead. "I'm nearly finished, моя любовь. I just need to add my finishing touch." Natasha grabs my cheeks gently stroking it, while making eye contact with me. "I need my muse in it."
I giggle at her words "First of all you need to eat something" I kiss her cheek softly "I made you Pelmeni and Morozhenoe for dessert" I can see her smiling at me while I grab her hand and take her to the kitchen "You're the best girlfriend I could ever imagine, but I would like something else for dessert you know" She smirks at me. "I love you too."
The dinner was more or less quiet from Natasha’s side she let me go on and on listening to me rant about my professors, exams I had do, or how exhausting it was to work at the local dinner. She would listen to me giving me advise sometimes she would even joke.
"Y/N" Natasha let out a sign "You don't need to work that much, I'm rich I can pay off your student loans. I would love to" She was right, somehow Natasha was always right. Maybe it was her age that made her so wise, or she just was an old soul. "I know, Natty, but I just want to have a small bit of independence."
"I just" she takes my hand in hers gently kissing it "I don't like to see you so sad моя любовь, but enough of that" She stands up taking my hand "I want to show you what I'm currently working on" smile at her walking after her following her into her gallery.
She opened the door me making me step into the large room. It had big windows with a high ceiling making the room appear warmer. Finished and half-finished paintings fill not only the Walls but also the ground. Natasha didn't seem like a messy person, but the room contradicted that statement.
"So, where is this, masterpiece" I ask she comes up right behind me kissing my neck "Right to your feet зайчик" I look down seeing the large canvases laying on the ground without the frame "Natasha, why is frame missing?" She laughs pulling the hem of my blouse out my pants before unbuttoning it "I bet you can figure that out with your pretty head дорогой."  She groans against my neck before turning me around for her lips to meet mine. 
She kisses me passionately and I kiss back with the same passion if not more. Our lips mat like puzzle pieces into each other, like they are meant to be together. Natasha keeps kissing me, pulling me impossibly closer to her. Licking over my lips, asking for permission to enter my mouth, which I didn’t let her have. She groans against my lips.
Her hand travels down my body unzipping my pants before tugging on it pulling off. Before she harshly grabs my ass, squeezing the soft flesh making me moan against her lips. Natasha using this opportunity to slip her tongue into my mouth. We don’t fight for long dominance, I let her have it because I know it would be a losing game.
She trails her kisses down my neck, sucking and biting on it forcing strangled moans from my mouth. “Natasha, please~ touch me” I can practically feel how she smirks against my skin “I am touching you зайчик“. If she keeps calling me nicknames in Russian and I’m going to melt on the spot. I whimper desperately making her smirk only grow wider. Her hands reach to my unhooking my bra pulling it off.
“Lay down for me, моя любовь“ She whispers in my ear biting down on my earlobe making me moan “On~ on the canvas?” I’m breathing heavily at the feeling of her hands kneeling my soft skin “Where else? Like I said, зайчик, I need the finishing touch of my muse”. After her words she keeps kissing my lips helping me lay down on the canvas. The paint under me is cold and in some places still wet.
 Her kisses trail my body down, stopping at my breaths. Taking one of my nipples in her mouth, sucking on it. “Fuck Natty” I moan out throwing. My other boob isn’t neglected, Natashas hand kneels it roughly. She kept sucking on my nipple before biting down making me release a pornographic moan. She keeps kissing and sucking on my skin leaving dark marks behind as if she would want to claim me. Show everyone that I was hers.
Slowly she lowers her kisses to my hips, kissing and nibbling on my skin. It feels like I can’t take her teasing anymore I want more and I want it now. “Natty, come on don’t tease me any longer” I whined out hoping I would make have mercy with me. But she just smiles against my skin “You truly are a slut, so desperate for more, while not thanking me for what I give you. I thought you were my good girl.”
 I can feel how my face reddens at her comment. “I am so sorry, Natty. Please, please fuck me. I’m going to be good so good for you!” She smirks against my skin, lifting my hips slightly to pull down my panties kissing and sucking dark marks onto my thighs. I try to keep my whimpers quiet but fail miserably. Natasha kisses my clit, flicking her tongue over the nob.
I let out desperate moans, grabbing her red hair pulling her closer to my heat. She groans at the slight pain she was feeling on her scalp. “Shit, Tasha, you’re so good” I moan out as she gives me the best pleasure I could imagine. As she moans at my words I feel it vibrating through my body. She pumps one finger inside of me curling and penetrating my hole. “More” I whimper not being able to form sentences in my state of pure pleasure.
She adds a second finger curling it against my g- spot, I scream out in pleasure repeating her name like a prayer. “Fuck Natasha I’m so close, so close” She smiles and fucks me harder. “Cum for me, зайчик“ I cum right after her words with a loud moan of her name. She climbs up my body again whispering sweat nothings in my high built down. My breathing gets calmer as Natasha pulls her fingers out.
“You are so good, so good for me Y/N” She taps her fingers against my legs signalling me to close my legs around her waist. She stands back up holding me in her arms. Natasha looks back down at the painting, that was now smudged in the bottom half from my body. She smiles at me and kisses my head.
“It’s perfect, зайчик“ She smiles at me “Now lets get you cleaned up”
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
CEO of being a DICK - Q.H
REQUEST : For the written idea I was thinking about quinn being kinda mad cuz he learned that maybe a reader's ex from high school is now working at the same company as her and they have been kinda catching up cuz their families used to be friends and he is like sp smart and bbyQ feels like she is spending way too much time with her ex (but they just hang out at working hours yk). So one time she's telling q about her day and he's looking kinda bored and she ask him about his attitude so everything explodes. I let their make up to you😘
"Have the best day at work and I will see you when I get home." you began as you grab your work bag, coffee mug, and the Stanley cup you have filled with ice water all for your long day at work. You worked at a law firm for your high school ex's dad ironically enough you were just thankful your ex didn't care much for the art of law so you had yet to run into him. Things ended on ok terms with both of you understanding that it just wasn't right and neither of you were invested fully into the relationship. "Thank you my love, I think I might go over to Petey's place with some of the guys after morning skate, but I'll text you and I cant wait to hear about your day." Quinn replies. You give him a kiss and a hug and head on your way, on your way to the parking garage of your building you hear your phone go off and you check it to make sure its nothing serious. Hey there, just wanted to give you a quick heads up we have a new part time hire starting today. Since office space is limited we gave him the empty desk in your office for now. Hope that's ok! -xx Tammy. Tammy was your bosses assistant and handled all his client meetings and you always had a sweet spot for her because she was always giving you the heads up for things.
You pull up to work and collect your belongings and head into the office building. It wasn't a big one about 5 offices in total and a lobby with a waiting room for clients and a receptionist named Lanie who had been there for about 7 years. "Hi there Lacey how's it going?" you say greeting the older lady. She waved to you and you continue into your office and are greeted by a familiar voice. "No way YOU are my office buddy?" Your ex exclaimed as you walk in to your little office. "Oh hey there been a while, last time I saw you I thought you didn't care for law" "Yeah but my dad said he would pay me to work a little and answer some calls and I am back in town for a few months so why not.
You went about your day and return home and set your stuff down on the dining room table. As youhead into your shared room with Quinn he's fast asleep and you assume that's why he hasn't responded to any of your texts today. Practice must have been intense and you're sure that the guys still convinced him to go to Petey's place. You take off your heels and start to get changed to go take a shower. "If this is what I knew I would wake up to I would have slept naked." you hear Quinn say. You giggle, pause what you're doing and walk over to him in your skirt and bra. You give him a kiss as he pulls you into his chest, and kisses you all over your head.
"Tell me about your day lover." he says in-between kisses. You tell him the little you can about your day due to privacy laws and mention your ex to which you feel Quinn stiffen under you. Quinn knew about your history with your ex and to be honest the thought of you being with anyone but him made him very angry, it is just how much he truly loved you. You pick your head up and look at him, "Everything ok?" you ask. "Yeah mhm." Quinn replies rolling his eyes. "If I knew my ex would cause you to go mute I wouldn't have brought him up." you say giggling. "Are you actually serious right now?" he replies. You sit up and look at him confused "what do you mean"
"You're literally telling me about how a guy you used to date is working with you in your office and may I mention again you had feelings for this guy??" "Q you cannot seriously be getting mad right now." you say getting the rest of the way undressed getting annoyed with his tone. "Ok so let me fucking call up my ex and go get coffee with her. Then I'll let you know everything we talk about." "Fuck you Quinn Hughes." you replied walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.
You turn on the speaker you have in the bathroom and get in the shower. Glad you have the music on you let the tears flow, you know that Quinn doesn't like the idea of you having shared your self with anyone else but you can't believe he just said that. Could you though... you began thinking and decided that you did in fact owe him an apology and you should have been more considerate in the way you broke the news rather than being casual.
You hear the door open and feel him step in the shower and wrap his arms around you. "I'm really sorry for being a dick like that out there. You don't deserve to be spoken to like that." "No Quinn I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just brought up my ex like that in causal conversation. I know how you feel about that and it was wrong of me." "Then I guess we are both sorry." he says looking down at you. You stand on your tippy toes and press a kiss to his lips. "Well if that offer of sex is still on the table I'm down." he says smiling at you.
AN : Ok hi. my ex is letting my daughter spend the night with him woot woot. Here's my first ever written request. Idk how I feel about it or if I would wanna do another one but yeah.
Hope ya like and lots of luv
xoxoxox, M
tags : @lukey-pookie-hughes43 and @skylershines
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fleet-of-fiction · 9 months
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Jake Kiszka // Female Narrator
Part Five
After a blinding light eradicates mankind, you're left in a desolate and empty world. A year of solitude eliminates all belief that anyone else was left behind. Until a chance encounter on the side of the road. Jake is injured and fighting for his life, but his presence brings a renewed sense of hope. Touch starved and lonely, you need him. And undoubtedly, he needs you too.
"It would be the last man on earth that would end up being mine..."
Explicit sexual content Sex (penetrative & oral) /Foreplay /Blood / Injury / Hunting. / Intense emotions / Death.
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Day 469 ~ Jake
The house sat at the top of a steep incline, up a winding driveway that had begun to be reclaimed by nature. Cracks in the cement where little shrubs had started to grow and leaves that were never blown away. Neglected and abandoned.
It reminded me a little of Josh's house. With pristine edges and white walls, coveted by obscure works of art. Book shelves that were gathering dust and kitchen utensils left out on the surfaces as if the owners had just stepped out of the room.
Amelia seemed to know where she was going. "I found this place a couple of months after I moved into Grandma's cabin."
She led me down a narrow corridor, flanked by a bank of full length windows overlooking a sweeping back yard that was shrouded by trees. Photo's of the family who once lived there sitting on the wall opposite, happy faces forever immortalised for no one else to ever see.
"I hit every house within a 10 mile radius. Looking for supplies, anything that I could use. Food, toiletries. And I was about to leave when I noticed this..."
She stopped at the end of the corridor, leaning against a nondescript door. Her face sincere as she ran hands up my arms, coming to rest around my shoulders.
"We have to take whatever joy we can find in this world." She said, "And if we're lucky, we'll take back some of the joys we had before."
I'd known nothing but joy since I'd almost died. There wasn't a single moment I'd had with her that hadn't made me question whether I would take any of it back to have the world filled with every other person I'd ever loved again.
It was something I'd wrestled with. The notion that I could happily exist in a world I'd come to hate simply because she was in it with me. I was thinking about Josh again when she opened the door, simply because I'd been reminded of him. And the certainty within which I knew I wouldn't take any of it back, even if it meant having him back, drew a conflict within the likes of which I'd never known before.
But it was all for nothing. As I stepped into the room she'd been eager to show me, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I loved her enough to never want the old world back.
"Amelia..." I gasped. "What in the...fuck."
Mounted on an oak panelled wall were an array of vintage guitars. A brazilian board 1959 Gibson Les Paul. Shining in the last rays of the afternoon sun. I reached out and touched it, trembling as my fingers remembered what it felt like to know strings. A custom Fender strat in dark red with a black mottled pattern that looked like spilled paint if you looked too closely. A plain red stratocaster and an acoustic Martin dreadnought with a mahogany neck.
"I know that you said you didn't play anymore. Not without your brothers. But I think you should play again. For them. To them. And maybe somehow, I don't know how insane it might be, but maybe they'll hear you. Wherever they are..."
She was nervous. Biting her lip and wringing her hands in the sleeves of her sweater. Anticipating that I'd reject the sweetness of her idea, of this perfect gift.
"You brought me here because you knew that I would love it, didn't you?" I asked, although it wasn't really a question.
"Is that so bad?" She replied, opening her arms as if I would somehow be mad at her.
The room was decked out with framed vinyls. Some were so old I'd never seen them before. There were a few more guitars leaned up against the opposite wall and a beaten up drum kit in the window. It looked as if it had been played to death, with the cymbals hanging off and the kick drum looked as if one more pound on it would tear it right in half.
"It's not bad at all, why would you think that?" I pulled her into me, her little body slotting into my embrace like it had always meant to be there. "Just because I said I didn't play anymore doesn't mean I wouldn't love this."
She rested her head against my shoulder. Let me sway her back and forth a little. Everything was so eerily quiet. Up here the wind howled a little more than it did around the cabin. It sounded like ghosts were singing to us, begging me to pick up one of those fine old ladies.
"Maybe I'm selfish. Maybe I just wanted to hear you for myself." She looked up at me, resting her lips on my jawline.
"Plenty have paid for the privilege." I replied, "What will you pay me for a private show?"
She raised an eyebrow. "I saved your life. This is you paying me, sweet thing."
She laughed and buried her face into my neck, kissing me there and holding me tight around my waist. Familiar and wholesome. Like she hadn't tried to push me away at all in the beginning.
She was the most incredible woman I had ever known. Her fears were like shadows now, she had this uncanny ability to turn them into her most beloved passions. Once she had been afraid to love me. And now, the ways in which she loved me were making me feel unworthy of it.
"Sometimes I don't think you realise how much you saved me." I told her, casting my eye on the acoustic. "Not just from that car wreck. But from a life of misery."
Of course I would play for her. If not her, then nobody. She made herself comfortable on a shaggy looking bean bag, folding herself into it and resting her head against her curled fist as she regarded me. I pulled the mahogany acoustic down from the wall, not wanting to tend to wires and amps just yet.
I considered coming up with something on the fly, but it had been so long since I had tinkered with strings that my mind began to wander so far away I couldn't make them work. I strummed a little, hearing the notes play out and something weird happened. I thought I'd never feel this ever again, this visceral wave that washed over me to the point of almost growing hard as I felt the back of the guitar against my groin.
Her eyes widened. She wasn't prepared.
"How does it make you feel, to have an audience again?" She asked softly, seductively.
The strings needed tuning a little. I turned the keys at the top of the neck, plucking out chords until they sounded pitch perfect.
"Sexy." I replied, "I always felt sexy whenever I went out on stage. They made me feel sexy. Kinda the same way you are now. Knowing they want to fuck you every time you play for them."
I didn't realise how much I missed the adrenaline. The feral cries of a crowd. Their voices rising in unison. Lights and screaming and the feeling that I might ascend with their love. I'd been someone in my life before. I'd known what it felt like to open my eyes and know I was doing something I loved completely. I hadn't felt like this in what felt like a life time.
"This is who you are, Jake." She uttered, sliding her hand down the curve of her hips. "You can't run from who you are forever."
I felt as if I didn't deserve her. For all she had done for me, for how incredible she was. There was no crowd that could ever compare to the way I felt in that moment playing for her.
"I can't sing our songs like Josh could." I confessed, "I'd be a poor imitation. But I'll try."
I couldn't hold the same power with my voice that my brother could. The part of me that had promised never to play again still sat in the shadows whispering to me that it would never be the same. But louder than that was Amelia's face watching me strum out the first chords of a song that meant everything to me.
"What's it called?" She asked.
Day 469 ~ Amelia
I knew he would love it. I'd all but forgotten about the little music room at the back of the big house on the corner of the road that led into Lafayette. It had meant nothing to me the first time I'd ventured in there. There was nothing in there that was of any use to me.
But today, it was like seeing the sun peek out from a grey cloud. I'd gone from doing everything in my power to ensure that he was never necessary to me, to doing everything in my power just to see him smile.
"It's called Broken Bells." He replied, "Josh used to say that it was about seeing that when things sometimes feel broken most of the time they're just lessons sent to help us see that everything will be alright in the end. I really wish he could be here to see that he was so fucking right."
What would I have done if he hadn't felt the same? I could feel myself dying a little inside at the melancholy way he played. His face expressing his grief. He played so hauntingly beautifully, in a way I hadn't really been prepared for. He closed his eyes and didn't even need to look at the way his fingers moved across the strings. He knew them, and they responded to him so lovingly. Almost as if they were an entity all of their own, able to come when he called.
If he hadn't have loved me in return I'd have been driven mad by it. Every rational bone in my body broken if I'd been forced to live beside him unrequited. I began to understand how lucky and fortunate I was as he began to sing. That he and I were somehow fated. And it wasn't just a coincidence that he was driving past me that day. He was creation and I was necessity. He'd made music for a world that needed to hear it and I'd treated them when they were sick. And for some unfathomable reason, we'd been left behind to exist together in this empty world.
But empty didn't have to mean broken. There was nothing but love in the world again. Nothing but this painful song that made tears spill from my eyes as I watched him and listened. What if this song was the only one being played? And the only one being listened to? I had hope that if anyone else had been left behind that they had somehow managed to find each other and find love within it.
"That was...beautiful." I sobbed, laughing at myself for crying at it.
He put down the guitar and came to me. Launching himself into the bean bag, the scrunchy sound of tiny styrofoam balls moving around as he wiggled into the space beside me.
"It always got an emotional reaction whenever we played it." He sighed, trailing soft palms down the side of my face. "It felt like people resonated with our songs for all different kinds of reasons. But with Broken Bells it always felt we were all on the same page. All of us feeling the same thing at the same time."
How could I have ever doubted him? This beautiful man with his beautiful music?
"I was just thinking, while you were playing it, that I hoped that somewhere out there that other people were listening to songs for the first time. That they'd found each other and found love, even in a world seemingly broken." I countered, feeling the heat of that familiar rush when I knew he was about to make love to me.
"If they aren't, then we have to love for all of those who can't." He said, trailing kisses down my jaw line.
Sometimes it felt silly. The things we said to each other. Things in the dead of night. In the cold light of day. In the middle of the afternoon when he was at his most sleepy, when he would linger in the kitchen looking to score a bowl of stew or soup before curling up on the couch with a book before he would fall asleep.
Even now, I could feel him nuzzle in. Our bodies entwined on the bean bag lazily tracing his thumb over my nipple as he sucked the flesh on my neck into perfect little shapes of his mouth.
"So, you really do like it?" I checked, just wanting to hear him say it one more time.
"Oh, yeah." He yawned, "That Les Paul is coming home with us for sure. And maybe I'll come back for the Strat, too."
I was wearing the black yoga pants I saved for hiking. The ones that I wore to collect fire wood. To muck out the horses and clear out the chicken coop. I never felt particularly sexy in them, or desirable. It felt almost like we'd become accustomed to seeing each other in our most desolate states.
But when he slipped them down around the curve of my ass and hitched me around so I was facing away from him, I was glad that I'd worn them. The way he pressed his hard on into my back and continued to roll my nipple around between his fingers as he breathed harder into my ear was the blessing I'd needed to know that I'd done the right thing.
We were both tired from the hike. Our bodies crying out for rest. The afternoon sun began to slip away, making room for cloud and darkness. I was acutely aware that there was no power in this house. No electricity. No running water. No heat. It was in my mind to interrupt his ministrations with these facts, but as his hand slipped below, coming up into my entrance from behind, I lost all manner of speech.
"You gonna let me thank you properly?" He asked, slaking two fingers inside me slowly. "Be my good girl and let me show you how much I love you?"
I was in no mood to protest. I watched the light outside fade as he ran stripes up my slit and into my clit. Whispering obscenities and freeing himself one handedly as he played with me. Letting his cock rest between his stomach and the curve of my ass, leaking a little against our flesh.
"Can you feel it?" He breathed, "How much I love you?"
It was all I could feel. There was no house. No darkness. No eerie silence as the wind rushed through the trees. Howling like there was someone out there to hear it. Only Jakes breath, the bean bag as it shuffled beneath us, and the sound of my untamed scream as he penetrated me.
He didn't try to quieten me. Buffeting my wild moans with deep thrusts that came like chasms to break me in half. Each time he bottomed out, he savoured it. Taking the briefest of moments to feel me clenched around him before pulling back slowly. The need to fuck and the need to sleep battling it out for supremacy.
"Pretty fucking grateful, aren't you?" I replied, leaning my head back into his waiting mouth.
When he was like this, all in need and eager to satisfy any way that he could, I often thought back to how it had been that first time. On the ground in the mud, knees caked in it and the earth beating in time with us. And how in the time since, we'd leisurely made love on the kitchen floor some mornings. In the shower, just stroking each other to pass the time. Him, on top of me, in the bed we now shared. And me, arms around the trunk of a tree whilst he fucked me from behind out in the woods even though it was still a little cold out there.
"For this pussy? Always." He purred into my ear, like he was serenading me.
I knew that I'd never tire of it. The way he felt inside me. The way he fit so perfectly. I never felt so full, like something had been made just for me. He wasn't just rhythm and blues, he was equipped to make me quiver with the mere mention that he might take me right there and then.
I'd lament it later on. How all my lovers before him had been lacking. How I'd swiped left and right, attended blind dates and settled when I shouldn't have. For men that couldn't make me cum or men who couldn't text me back.
"Mmmmm..." I murmured softly, arching against his quickening pace. "It would be the last man on earth that would end up being mine..."
The gentle laughter that expelled from his mouth against the shell of my ear was like summer rain. Teasing my senses, touch taste and scent. His hair was sweat drenched at his temples, as it often was when he fucked me, and I could taste the salt of it in his kiss.
"She speaks so highly of me." He breathed, "Now let her know no other man will ever have her..."
He would claim me. Over and over again. Even when there was no other to counter his claim. I let his hand wrap around my throat, edging me to the distance it would take to push me over the edge of the world. Thrusting into me so hard my entire body shook. I knew the bean bag had ripped at some point, sending the tiny little white foam balls scattered across the room. But I didn't care.
I'd keep finding them in strange places for weeks afterwards. As he rolled me onto the floor and continued to pound me, vicious and unrelenting. He'd never silenced my mewling cries before, content to let them ring out into the ether.
But not this time. It was like his gratitude couldn't be satisfied until he could hear the one sound he desired. His body raged on top of mine, our clothes half on and half off. His sweaty palm came to rest over my open mouth. Muffling my cries to a dull humm. His eyes silently pleading with me to let them die. And to just listen...
"Hush." He encouraged, resting his mouth against the back of his hand as he continued.
There it was. Against the backdrop of the breeze outside. The sound of how wet I was. His cock hitting my satiated pussy. Moist flesh against moist flesh. The most inconceivable feeling washed over me. This man, the only man that ever was, wanted to silence my mouth only to better hear the sound of my pussy being fucked.
And the drop of his eyelids as he listened had me in another state of being. Half closed and fucked with desire for the way it slipped in and out, wet and completely his.
"Thankyou, my love." He whispered, before he allowed himself to cum.
I was never certain if it was for the music, or the way I let him fuck me. I didn't really care. I let my own orgasm rise moments later, the two of us breathless and spent on the gutted belly of that old bean bag.
Day 470 ~ Amelia
We hunkered down for the night. Choosing to make our way back at first light, gathering all the blankets we could find and sleeping on the couches that were, quite simply, more luxurious than any couch we could have gotten in the cabin.
Jake took the one opposite me, falling asleep first. His gentle snores lulling me into my own dreams. It felt like no time had passed at all before my eyes sprang open, the red of morning creeping in.
I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Taking a moment to recall where I was. This place was eerie, even in daylight. And I wished that there were something, anything...that would remind me that people had once lived here. The ticking of a clock, perhaps. Or the grass being cut outside. I could have laid there a little longer, still tired and drowsy, but I was eager to be gone.
I kicked off the blankets and expected Jake to be laying there, ever the one to wake up last, but my heart fell into my stomach at the sight of the empty couch. Blankets still left precisely where he had kicked them off.
"Jake?!" I called, expecting his voice to filter down the hall from the music room.
"Jake?!" I called again, pulling on my pants and shoes as I made my way through the house.
I expected to find him gathering up all the instruments he wanted to take. Agonising over which ones to take now and which ones to come back for. But there was nothing but the aftermath of what we'd done. And all the guitars were accounted for.
"Jake, this isn't funny." I cried, checking behind the curtains like a child playing hide and seek. "Jake, I'm being serious now!!!"
Panic began to rise in my chest. My heart soaring, making me dizzy as I flew through the house. Room after room coming up empty.
"Jake!!!" I screamed, running now. "Jake please!!!"
Had I ever given myself permission to imagine this, I would have driven myself mad. That one day he would simply vanish, like everyone else had, and truly I would have walked to my death in that moment. I had no desire to live in a world void of the man I loved.
"JACOB!!!" My voice broke on his name as I fell out of the door and into the back yard. "PLEASE!!!!"
I fell to my knees on gravel. Crying. Racking sobs expelled from me as I took fists full of tiny pebbles that cut into my flesh as I squeezed. I felt as if I couldn't breathe. My chest was tight, all the horror of him disappearing coursing through my veins as tears spilled down my flushed cheeks.
"Jake, I can't do this...you have to come back..." I begged, broken and beyond redemption.
In a matter of moments I'd gone from waking up, to screaming on my knees. I'd have thought it a nightmare had I not already endured one. The reality of this feeling was one I knew. Only this time, intensified by a love that had known no bounds. I could live in an empty world before I'd ever known him.
Not anymore.
To be Continued...
@caprisunsister @thewritingbeforesunrise @takenbythemadness @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @edgingthedarkness @velveteencatch @lyndz2names @nina-23-45 @itsafullmoon @vikingisthenewsexy @char289
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crescencestudio · 9 months
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2023: A Year of Connection
Hi everyone!
As I told you last month, this month's "devlog" will be more like an end-of-year recap. For those of you who have known me a while, you'll know that I get ~in my feels~ and Very Nostalgic at the end of the year. And this year is no exception to that.
Looking back on this year, I realize I did much more than I thought I did. The year was filled with so many waves of uncertainty, burnout, and ruts, that I felt like I wasn't accomplishing anything in the moment. Now that the year has actually wrapped up, I can see that was Once Again my imposter syndrome whispering words of sweet nothings into my ears.
In fact, this year, I find that I did Way More than what I did last year. Crazy, considering how busy I remember 2022 being. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
If there is one thing this bitch did, it's fucking write LFMASODIJ. For all my complaining this year of routes taking too long, getting creative ruts, etc., I still wrote (what I consider) a Very Good amount. While I may not have hit my writing goals that I had set out, I still ended up writing around 255k words in total this year. Most of this being for Alaris, and some of it being for my dissertation (LOL) and other side games, like Intertwine and Jam Games.
This number also doesn't include deleted passages, edited passages, etc., so the amount I've spent writing, reviewing, etc. was Significant this year. Here's to hoping that momentum continues into next year and finishing the rest of Alaris!
Side Games
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Something completely unexpected, but that I'll forever be grateful for, was my decision(s) to join game jams this year. It all started with Otojam, a visual novel jam I'd wanted to join for a WHILE.
Intertwine was, without a doubt, one of my most memorable moments from this year. The friends I made/grew closer to during that jam. The people I connected with because of Intertwine. The people I got to work with. Everything about the experience surpassed my expectations, and Van and Summer 2023 will always hold a very special place in my heart because of it. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed that game. It was my first full game I ever released, and I couldn't have been more nervous about it (no literally. I wasn't sleeping and I was nauseous for a week before release).
Knowing there was no "revision" afterwards that I could hide behind or promise that there would be a "better"/"enhanced" version made the release terrifying. But the reception you all gave to it and support from so many friends made me feel so connected and grateful for the community.
The other three side projects were... well, Unexpected. LOL. Before these jams, I'd never wanted to work in team settings, mostly because I have Mad Imposter Syndrome, and I've always imagined I'd be dead weight in any given game dev team. My skills on writing, art, and/or coding alone aren't "exemplary" enough for me to think I, well, deserve to be on a team. But when a couple of short jams were being held by a friend, and teams were being made filled with other friends, I thought maybe I could help, even if it's just to QA/playtest. But I've walked away from each of these experiences learning so much from other talented people and with very dear friends.
Each of these side games truly tested my chops in terms of writing, narrative design, and coding. But I'm glad I challenged myself to take part in each of these experiences because I've walked away with so much more than I would've expected.
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My Heart. My Soul. And at times, My Worst Enemy.
As much as I may have talked about how I Wasn't making progress on this baby. I, in fact, made A LOT of progress:
Art: 15 CGs, Updated Sprites, Kickstarter Artwork
Commissions: 20 BGs, Complete GUI, Personality/Affection Indicators, Editing, Voice Acted Lines, Complete OST (8 Tracks!)
Writing: Three Finished Routes
Shipped Kickstarter Merchandise
I'm going to be Real with you all. I'm not in the mood to recap everything for Alaris in the way I did with everything else LAFKMSDFOIJWOEI. Main reason being, I do that Every Month, and at this point, I would feel like I'm repeating myself for no reason. But let me tell you, when the Enhanced Demo comes out, you will see what I'm talking about with progress made. And I'm excited for the next year when I start getting to show things off (read: Demo Release and Route Beta Releases) now that assets have really come together ^^
I will say, thank you for sticking with this project for so long. It's easy to get bogged down in development when a project like this is as big as it is. It's just as easy to think that no one will care about this by the time I release, or people will start losing their patience with me as development goes on. So I'm forever grateful for how kind, supportive, and patient you all are, especially this year <3
Connections: The True Theme of 2023
If you've made it this far, I'm extremely impressed with you. And to reward you, I'll give you a moment of honesty and vulnerability which, to be frank, I Don't Do as a person and especially with my dev persona LMFAOO ((Before I do, let it be known, CW: mention of death, grief, alcoholism, chronic illness, suicidal thoughts))
Something I don't talk about much is that for all of 2022 and most of 2023, I was not in a good place mentally. At the beginning of 2022, I lost three very important people in my life back-to-back (I'm not exaggerating when I say back-to-back it was within 2 weeks, three separate deaths lol). That, on its own, was hard to deal with. But on top of that, I soon found myself having to cope/help with a family member's chronic illness and another family member's mental health (read: alcoholism, suicidality).
While this isn't a particularly unique situation, it was one that I found myself struggling with pretty severely on top of a pretty demanding work life. And it was a situation I found myself in until about midway through this year. Things have lightened up. I navigate a new life with some pretty severe triggers, and without the presence of some of my most loved ones. But overall, I at least feel like I can breathe and function, which is a state I didn't feel like I could exist in for over a year (and started to believe I may never exist in again).
Because of this new room in my life, I was able to connect with people again, in a more genuine way. I've grown closer to a lot of dev friends, to the point I consider some of them genuine close friends. And IRL, I've been able to reconnect with some of my dearest loved ones. The main reason I bring all of this up is because this year, I felt unbelievably connected to people, whether that was dev friends in the community, people who support my games, and IRL people.
And sometimes, when you interact with people solely online, it's easy to think they don't care as much about you as you do for them. But this has been disproven to me time and time again this year. And I've found myself in a state of appreciation for so many of the people I've been blessed to meet and befriend <3 I felt this especially so during some of the game jams, with the Secret Santa gift exchange, and with my recent Holiday Tree.
So thank you for everyone who has let me take up some space in their life. You literally Do Not Know how much it means to me and impacts me. This year, while I started it in a state of slightly hopelessness and numbness, I find myself ending it with gratitude and connection.
I hope the rest of this year (the very few couple of days we have left LOL) treats everyone well. I'm excited for how we get to start 2024 and what we'll get to experience together <3 Thank you again for the memories and support, love you all very dearly ^^
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jmdbjk · 10 months
Needed a moment to collect.
I hear the winds of the wasteland blowing through my head because it will feel so barren without them. It's not as if we see them in real time everyday...but... I already miss them.
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It's the same feeling I had after the June 2022 Festa dinner. I was so bereft it was mind-blowing. They tried their best to convey what their plan was and to reassure us and they asked us to listen to them and trust them.
Many struggled with that request.
It was slow realizing it wasn't the end and then everything accelerated and these past few weeks/months have been a doozy. Look at what this past year and a half brought us. More Bangtan joy than I thought was possible!
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Now, for me, its just knowing they won't be going about their regular crazy days staying up until dawn, or flying out in the morning just to sleep for the next 10 hours on a plane and land at who knows what time where ever, and hit the ground running. Or going out with their friends to a meat restaurant to just eat, drink and chill. Or working on music or choreo or planning whatever. Or visiting art galleries or museums and stopping for coffee on a beautiful day.
They certainly didn't update us everyday about those things but they did just enough for us to know that's what their lives entail and let us fill in the rest. All that's on pause now.
It is hard to comprehend that Jungkook just wrapped up a very successful solo release just to put it all aside and step away.
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His heartfelt letter was precious. I expect something similar from Jimin.
They knew they were going to do it. We knew to expect it. Still...
This is something they are required to do, they are going to do and they are prepared to do it.
Let them do it in peace, grace and dignity.
They prepared some things for us. Be grateful.
Though it's tough knowing the time has come, I also know that they are not going to let those wasteland winds linger in my head very long. They are already dissipating because we have stuff coming down the pipe:
We heard last year that the Disney+ documentary was going to be a series and here it's coming soon. It will take us through to January.
And now the excitement is through the roof upon learning Jimin and Jungkook are about to head to Japan.
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The MAMA Awards are being held at the Tokyo Dome, Tuesday, Nov. 28. They are leaving today/tomorrow. Plenty of time to relax, have a little down time and vacation, shoot some content, and then accept their awards Tuesday night.
We already know a "travel with Jimin and Jungkook" is coming soon. Should we anticipate a revisit to GCF Tokyo, or maybe something else similar? I love those two so much, they're always on my mind. They've been so sneaky and careful only because they know this is something special for us. Maybe it will come to us following the Disney series. We don't know what content they've got in the can, ready to follow.
Then we will have a few more months before Jin returns next summer.
Jimin and Jungkook. In recent months, I've gotten really good at filtering out the noise. I've sat here with calm understanding about Jimin and Jungkook, seeing them STILL the same with each other in every bit of new content they've shared. I only need my own two eyes and ears to detect that strong bond. They have the thing that is precious between two people. Grand gestures are not necessary and not their style.
They love their fans... that would be us: ARMY... they love us. They want to give us what we want. They live for that. So Jimin brought back his blonde hair, showed us his moons running down his back. And Jungkook stepped out of the shower naked. They KNOW what we want and want to give it to us as best they can! They know we love them and want to show off their chemistry.
Not gonna lie, this past year flew by for me. It was month after month of anticipation. And now here we are at the end of the year.
All the arguing and fighting and ugliness that some engage in is just noise. Our mens are gonna be the good and honest beings they are no matter what anyone says. Listen to them.
We expect them all back mid-year 2025. We expect a wonderful new most beautiful moment in life. We expect the best is yet to come. We expect something amazing and we won't be disappointed. Trust them.
Their plan is already in motion and has been. We wait™️.
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ijustmissyouraccenths · 6 months
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CW: Alcohol use, cursing.
Word count: 3,389
As Olive lay in her empty bedroom, the feeling of loneliness weighed heavy on her. She stared up at the plain, off-white ceiling that seemed to mock her with its emptiness. Thoughts swirled in her head, each one a dagger stabbing at her heart as she contemplated what could have saved her drowning relationship. It had been so long since she had felt truly content. Her ex-boyfriend Harry was not like any other guy she had known. His rise to fame had taken him far from her and their once happy life together. Tour after tour, hotels, buses, interviews, and recording sessions occupied most of his days and nights. Yet he always made time for Olive, even if it meant sacrificing his precious alone time.
Olive didn't mind taking a backseat or being second in line for Harry's attention. After all, she too cherished solitude. But she also loved seeing Harry do what he was born to do - make music. The passion and joy that lit up his face when he played was something she couldn't help but be drawn to. Even now, as their relationship lay shattered and broken, she couldn't deny the magic of watching him create art with his guitar and voice.
Unlike her past relationships, everything with Harry seemed to be going effortlessly well. Their conversations flowed seamlessly, filled with future plans and dreams of marriage, a luxurious apartment on the upper east side, and even talks of what their future daughters would look like. They were both content and had built their home around each other during their three years together.
Olive had given up everything to be with Harry and to keep their home safe. She left her full-time job as a manager at a fancy furniture store to work part-time as a barista on weekends. It wasn't necessary for her to work, but she wanted to contribute in any way she could. Her dedication to their relationship knew no bounds.
Despite their happiness, Olive knew that they had to keep a low profile. The world didn't know about them, and safety was always a top priority. She deleted all of her social media accounts and rarely went out in public with Harry, except for special occasions or parties. In many ways, Olive lived in the shadows, but she didn't mind as long as she had Harry by her side.
The shock of his phone call still reverberated through her body, even four months later. She couldn't believe he ended their relationship with a single phone call on a Saturday night. There were no final kisses, no tearful goodbyes, and not even the courtesy of doing it in person.
And then there was his cold, calculated message: "The bills at the apartment are paid for the next year, so take your time finding a new place. I'm sorry." The words rang in her ears like a broken record, a constant reminder of how easily he had let go of their love.
Now here she lay, in her usual spot on the worn-out couch in the crappy apartment she had found after the break up. The ceiling above her crackled with every movement, adding to the already suffocating atmosphere. But she didn't mind, because it was just another distraction from her thoughts. Thoughts of Harry and how much she missed him.
Despite the fact that he had covered the rent for their old place for the next year, she couldn't bring herself to go back there. Every single thing inside reminded her of him - his toothbrush in the bathroom, his jacket hanging by the door, and all the memories they had shared in every corner of the apartment.
She had given everything for him - her time, her love, her trust - and yet it wasn't enough to keep him by her side. Now she was left with nothing but an empty heart and a hollow home. And as if fate wanted to rub salt into her wounds, her noisy neighbors chose this exact moment to have another one of their infamous domestic disputes.
But amidst all this chaos and heartache, she couldn't help but wonder: where did it all go wrong? Was it something she did or said? Or was their love simply not strong enough to withstand the challenges thrown their way? These questions tormented her every day, as she tried to piece together the shattered remains of their once beautiful relationship.
Olive had been feeling trapped in her own sadness for months, barely leaving her house besides for work. But tonight, she felt a glimmer of excitement as she got ready to go out. It was her best friend's birthday and their small group had managed to snag reservations at the most exclusive sushi bar in Manhattan.
As Olive prepared herself for the night ahead, she couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the days when she used to go out and have fun without a care in the world. With a deep breath, she pushed aside her negative thoughts and focused on getting dressed. She opted for a sophisticated dress that hugged her figure in all the right places, accentuating her curves. She paired it with sleek platform heels that added a touch of glamour to her outfit.
After pulling her hair back into two elegant buns with wispies framing her face, Olive took one last look in the mirror before heading out. Her makeup was soft and natural, enhancing her features without being too overbearing. With a surge of confidence, she smiled at herself and knew that she was ready to take on the night.
With the simple tap of her finger, Olive summoned a sleek and shiny Uber to whisk her away to the restaurant. She settled into the backseat, surrounded by the muted hum of passing cars and the soft padding of the leather seats beneath her. Her driver was friendly and chatty, asking about her job and if she had tried the famous sushi bar before. Despite not being in the mood for conversation, Olive graciously answered each question with a smile. As they weaved through traffic, the city lights blurred together like a kaleidoscope, marking the passing time until they arrived at the restaurant in what felt like mere minutes.
With a sense of anticipation, Olive arrived at the upscale restaurant where her group of friends was already waiting for her. They were laughing and teasing each other, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as their jokes about her tardiness hit close to home. She had a bad habit of agreeing to meet up with them and then not showing up, leaving them waiting and disappointed. But tonight was different - she really wanted to go out and have some fun, she needed this break from her busy life.
As they approached the door, the girls gave their reservation name to the fancy dressed waiter who greeted them with a warm smile. He led them through the bustling restaurant to their secluded table in the back, away from prying eyes.
Olive settled into her seat and ordered a Sake, savoring the crisp taste and soothing effect it had on her nerves. The atmosphere was elegant yet lively, filled with the hum of conversation and clinking of glasses. The girls decided to share several sushi rolls for their meal and eagerly placed their orders with the attentive waiter. As they chatted and caught up, Olive couldn't help but feel grateful for this night out with her friends.
As the night wore on, Olive could feel herself slipping further and further away as she continued to drink her sakes. The alcohol burned a trail down her throat, igniting a sense of boldness and freedom within her. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards Harry, although she wasn't sure exactly why.
In a moment of drunken clarity, Olive realized that she needed to call him. She needed to tell him that she was doing just fine without him, and in fact he had done her a favor by breaking up with her. Her fingers fumbled with her phone as she dialed his number, the anticipation building with each ring.
Just as she was about to hang up, he answered. "Olive?" His voice was low and tired, betraying the fact that he must have been woken up by her call from some other part of the world.
"Yeah. Hi, Harry. I just wanted..." Before she could finish her thought, her phone was ripped from her hand and the call abruptly ended.
Confused and slightly annoyed, Olive turned to see her friend standing there with a disapproving look on their face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" they whispered angrily into her ear.
"Telling him off," Olive slurred back defiantly.
"Okay, well, now you can't because I just blocked his number," her friend replied calmly before proceeding to delete his contact information from Olive's phone.
A fire raged inside Olive at being denied the opportunity to confront Harry. But deep down, she knew her friend was right. Her actions were rash and messy, fueled by too much alcohol. And now any chance of closure or confrontation with Harry was gone in the blink of an eye.
Or so she thought. Not more than twenty minutes later, the girls moved their party outside to the patio, eager for some fresh air and a change of scenery. The warm glow of string lights illuminated the area, casting shadows on their faces as they continued to indulge in their drinks. Olive had already downed four Sake shots, feeling the familiar buzz start to take hold. Her friends didn't seem to mind, knowing that a night like this was exactly what she needed to let loose and find herself.
As the group of girls chatted outside, their voices growing louder and more rowdy with each passing minute, the surrounding area suddenly fell quiet. Gasps and murmurs were heard, causing Olive to turn around in confusion. Her eyes widened at the sight of someone she never expected to see again - Harry.
Her heart raced as his intense gaze locked onto hers. Without a word, he strode over to her with purpose, grabbing her arm firmly. "You, me, outside. Now." His tone was laced with anger and resentment, his words cutting through her like a knife. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Olive could do nothing but obey.
As she stood from her chair, Olive's eyes scanned the faces of her friends who watched on with ghostly pale expressions. They knew about her tumultuous past with Harry and the pain it had caused her. But now, as she watched them walk away together, it felt like déjà vu. It seemed history was repeating itself once again.
“I-I uh, how did you know I was here?” Her voice trembled as she spoke, her heart pounding in her chest. She suddenly felt completely sober, the effects of the alcohol dissipating in an instant. She was sure any moment now she would pass out, but not from drinking.
“Your contact was still sharing your location. I tried to call back but you blocked me.” Harry's words were harsh and they sent a shiver down Olive's spine. She couldn't find the right words to say, her mind racing with memories of their past together. She watched as his lips continued to move and remembered what it felt like to kiss him for the last first time - bittersweet and heartbreaking all at once.
Their first date had been a picturesque picnic. She had handcrafted fresh sandwiches, cutting them into perfect triangles and arranging them neatly on a plaid blanket. The fruit was meticulously cut into cute little cubes, adding pops of color to their spread. Everything was carefully wrapped and placed in a wicker basket, like something out of a romantic movie.
As they settled into their cozy spot in the park between their two apartments, the sun shone down warmly and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. The scene felt like it was straight out of a fairy tale.
Mid-bite into a juicy strawberry, Harry leaned in and left a lingering kiss on her cheek. She couldn't resist taking another bite, savoring the sweet taste as he leaned forward and pressed his soft yet slightly chapped lips against hers. As they pulled away, he remarked that she tasted like the fruit she was eating. In that moment, she knew she was falling in love with him.
A heavy silence fell between them, and for a brief moment Harry stopped talking. The weight of their shared memories threatened to pull her under, but she pulled herself back, determined to stay strong. In reality, all she wanted to do was run away and cry, and maybe hide under her bed forever. She had tried to block him out, to push him away, but it never quite worked.
“I didn’t block you,” she whispered timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. “I got drunk and called you to say I moved on. Ally took the phone away when she saw what I was doing.”
Harry's expression remained neutral, his gaze fixed on her face as she spoke.
“Olive, why did you call?” he finally questioned.
She looked up and met his eyes, searching for an answer in the depths of his gaze.
“Harry, why did you break up with me?” Her words hung in the air like a veil of sadness and regret.
As Olive waited for Harry's response, the tension between them was palpable. She could see the conflict swirling behind his eyes, a mixture of emotions she couldn't quite decipher. The park seemed to grow quieter around them, as if the world was holding its breath in anticipation of what would come next.
Harry let out a sigh, running a hand through his tousled hair. "I broke up with you because... because I thought it was for the best," he finally admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.
Olive felt a surge of anger rise within her at his words. "The best for who, Harry? Certainly not for me," she retorted, her voice trembling with suppressed emotion.
He winced slightly at her words, the weight of her pain evident in his expression. "I know I hurt you, Olive. I never meant for things to end this way," he said softly, reaching out as if to touch her but then pulling back just in time.
She looked away, blinking back tears that threatened to spill over. "You have a funny way of showing it," she muttered bitterly.
Harry's gaze softened, full of remorse and longing. "I messed up, Olive. I made a mistake letting you go. I thought I was doing what was right, but all I did was break both of our hearts. I was scared. It had never been this serious with anyone before, so I ran. Ran to protect you, ran because I though that was what I had to do. It wasn’t what I wanted to do though."
Unable to hold back any longer, Olive turned to face him fully, tears streaming down her cheeks. "And now what, Harry? Do you expect me to just forgive and forget? Ive spent the last four months staring at my ceiling wondering what I did wrong. How I could’ve changed things. Why you stopped loving me." she choked out, her voice cracking with emotion.
His eyes met hers with unwavering sincerity. "No, Olive. I don't expect forgiveness. But I hope for a chance to make things right. I think about you constantly and wanted to reach out for a while. I was guilty though. I didn’t want to see you upset so I just stayed away. I miss you though. I miss us. I miss the house we wanted to buy or the little jokes or making you a cuppa tea," he declared earnestly.
As their eyes locked in a silent exchange of raw emotion, Olive felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her heart. Maybe there was still a chance for them to find their way back to each other amidst the tangled mess of their past.
A soft breeze rustled through the trees, stirring the fallen leaves as Olive grappled with Harry's heartfelt confession. She wiped away her tears with a trembling hand and took a deep breath before speaking again.
"Harry, it's not that simple," Olive began, her voice wavering with uncertainty. "I can't just forget all the pain and confusion you caused me. It's not fair to ask me to put myself through that again."
Harry's expression shifted, a mix of understanding and desperation crossing his features. "I know I messed up, Olive. I'm not asking for forgiveness right away. I just want the chance to show you that I've changed, that I'm willing to work through this with you."
Olive gazed at him, searching his eyes for any hint of deceit or insincerity. "How can I trust you again, Harry? How can I be sure that history won't repeat itself?" she questioned, her voice tinged with skepticism.
Harry took a step closer, reaching out a hand tentatively towards Olive's shoulder. "I understand your doubts, Olive. But I promise you, this time will be different. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and make things right between us," he vowed earnestly.
Olive hesitated, torn between the lingering pain of their past and the flicker of hope Harry's words ignited within her. "I need time," she finally whispered, her gaze dropping to the ground as she processed the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her.
Harry nodded solemnly, his hand retreating as he gave her the space she needed to come to terms with everything. "I'll wait for you, Olive. As long as it takes," he assured her softly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of longing and determination.
Harry reached out a hand towards her, a silent plea in his eyes. "I know it won't be easy, Olive. But if there's one thing worth fighting for in this world, it's us. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust and make things right between us."
A sense of vulnerability washed over Olive as she gazed into his eyes, seeing a glimmer of hope reflected back at her. Taking a small step forward to close the gap between them, she whispered softly, "Okay, Harry. Let's take this one step at a time and see where it leads us."
As the words left her lips, a tiny smile formed on Olive's face. Slowly, trembling with emotion and uncertainty, she reached out and took his hand. They stood there, locked in a moment that felt like a lifetime as their fingers intertwined. The world around them faded away, replaced by the warmth of his touch and the memories they shared. They stood there for what seemed like hours, lost in their own thoughts and feelings until finally, Harry broke the silence. "Oliva," he whispered, calling her by her full name for the first time in months. "You know I love you."
Her eyes met his again, softening as she took in the sincerity of his words. She knew he meant it this time, she could feel it in the way he looked at her and held her hand. A shiver ran down her spine at the sound of his voice - it always had that familiar effect on her - but this time, it was different. There was something new in his tone; something promising and earnest that gave her hope. She smiled softly up at him before leaning in slowly to press her lips gently against his own; their first kiss since that fateful night they decided to part ways. It was slow and tentative at first, but soon enough they were lost in each other once more. Their hands tangled up in each other's hair, their bodies pressing closer still as they forgot about everything else around them except for each other. The taste of cherry blossom saké lingered on their tongues as if to remind them both where they were.
A small part of Olive couldn't believe it – how quickly things had changed from anger and hurt to this moment – but another part recognized that there is no point holding on to pain.
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ethrinenexus · 1 year
𝙚𝙣𝙝𝙮𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚'𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙩
✭ 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ⋆ 𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚; ✭ 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚 ⋆ 𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛, 𝙚𝙨𝙩. 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨; ✭ 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 ⋆ 𝙜.𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚; ✭ 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 ⋆ 1483;
⭑ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒
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✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩ 𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙜 ✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩
⭑ let's say that you two have been dating for a few months now, and you thought it wasn't yet the right moment to let him know what you do for a living.
⭑ you had revealed that you make tattoos to sunoo first( he definitely did not threaten you to spill it <.<) and then jake( he happened to be there when you were being threatened by sunoo)
⭑ tho the cat was out of the bag in the same day you told those two , when they were discussing about the newest tattoo of your collection. unfortunately the boys were loud enough to drive a wild heeseung out of his room as he heard them shouting their lungs out from the excitement through his headset.
⭑ and boy was he surprised when he found out, his seemingly cutie pie of a significant other is a tattoo artist???!!
⭑ tho he is surprised, he'd be enthusiastic as hell, because who wouldn't when you were such a wonderful and amazing being who knew how to fill up an empty canvas of a body?
⭑ he'd be like, "babe?!! why was I left out!!!??" with the biggest and most adorable pout you've ever seen in your life. but he'd also be lowkey offended and jealous cause you left him out from the fun?(like 'how dare you?!' and cross his arms).
⭑ you'd literally have to chase after him for three whole days, begging for forgiveness( and maybe bring him to your work shop sometime on the weekend), soothing him.
⭑ asides from him being a little jealous, he is amazed at how you make such realistic yet beautiful designs and, boy is he proud of you. he'd literally claim you're the best on the whole continent if not the world after you show him the rest of your work.
⭑ plus occasional visits at your work with take outs and coffee at random times, mostly on weekends. he'd have this big blanket with your face on it at your work place and drape them over his body whenever you have to work for a long period of time on a client, waiting for you on his phone. and spend the weekends at your work shop.
⭑ also, since his s/o makes such a magnificent body art he'd also want a tattoo on his body. the tattoos he wants will probably be very meaningful and something that will remind him of you. moreover, he will want it on a visible area, like his forearms or the back of his hands( tho you'd have to refuse his antics unfortunately as it can possibly ruin his career).
⭑ all in all, a 10/10 experience with heebaby</333
✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩ 𝙟𝙖𝙮 ✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩
⭒ the way jay found out that you were a tattoo artist was when one of the artists he respects had mentioned you on a live, showing off his newly tattooed forearm to the audience.
⭒ at first he'd be like 'there's no way that y/n makes tattoos' and 'they've never mentioned it to me before, so it must be a coincidence' to 'what if they never mentioned it to me because they weren't comfortable enough with me', like he'd overthink for hours until you come home that night.
⭒ when you arrive, he'd be suspiciously quiet, since he is normally very loud and excited at your arrival. tho you weren't sure of it yet, there was something wrong with your lovely boyfriend. so you sat him down in your kitchen and asked , 'what's wrong love? did I do something to upset you?' to which he replies frantically , 'what?! no. of course not!. it's just that...do you feel comfortable being with me? I me-', 'love. you're rambling again and of course I feel comfortable being with you. why else would I move in with you?, 'well, it's just that a/n was mentioning on live that you tattooed his arms and stuff. and I thought you weren't ready to open up yet..and I got a bit anxious about it', ' of course not love, well we've never talked about before because you never asked silly! and, if anything it's not because I feel uncomfortable talking about it. and thanks for being honest love'
⭒ and god was jay happy to hear those words coming from you. & on forth, he has been visiting on his off day at your work place, even his parents have came to know about it and his dad was super positive about getting a tattoo from you!(no wonder jay's such a gentleman)
⭒ also, since you make tattoos, he also wanted to learn how to do it. safe to say that he's talented in anything he does. just after a few weeks of practice he was able to work in you shop for small sized tattoos & boy were the clients to happy have such a handsome man serving them >.>
✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩ 𝙟𝙖𝙠𝙚 ✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩
⭒ over hyped puppy vibes literally. I mean what'd you expect from such an enthusiastic boy?
⭒ when you two first went on a date you had told him you made body arts for a living and that it was your passion to wipe off the stereotype of tattooists from people's mind.
⭒ puppy was amazed at the sight of you confidently expressing what you love and the reason for it. gosh, he became infatuated with you at that exact moment( who wouldn't?).
⭒ and, he was asking you on a second date that evening. 'hi y/n, it's jake from this noon. if you're okay with it, I'd like to invite you on a date again this week. please tell me when you're free and would it also be possible to see you work sometime? I mean, only if you're cool with that hehehe'. 'it's just that your words left an impression on me and I won't lie to you, I like how passionate you are about the things you love and how you treated me at that cafe and I think you are such an amazing person, so I hope that you will give me the chance to prove that our second date won't be disappointment to you'
⭒ like okay comfort boy?? ;(((, (I'd literally cry on the spot if he said that to me).
⭒ on the second date, you two went to your work shop and you showed how to tattoo on a real body by working on a client(dw, it was a small one so you took only two hour or so) and let him practice on a tattoo dummy whilst you did so.
⭒ and, now he literally boasts to the rest of the boys and engenes that he learnt how to make tattoos and show them the dummy he worked on grinning cutely on live.
⭒ propose & get married already!(gotta push this agenda cuz, we wanna see them flustered .v.)
✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩ 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙣 ✩ ⭑ ✩ ⭑ ✩
⭒ I just know for a fact that the baby would be a bit scared at first but then he'll eventually come around and get a small tattoo on his pinky, like literally( I see the v, y'know)
⭒ so, let's say that you and him just met in a coffee shop, but there's a twist. you have big tattoos on your body and when the clumsy hoon splashes his iced coffee at you, you quickly take off your shirt(dw, you have a t-shirt inside) and boom, the tattoos are revealed. hoon is like' oh my god, I'm so sorry, let m-..........' and the words he were saying gets stuck in his throat because, who is this tattoo god descending upon the mortal realm? and, why have you never showed up until now???!!
⭒ gosh, he'd be so shy since he most likely never ran into people with big tattoos like that. like, he'd be blushing & all while looking at you. and as it looked like he'd be staring at you for a whole day, you took the reign, 'don't you think taking a pic would last longer?' you asked snapping the boy back to reality. 'oh god, I'm so so so sorry, would you like me to get you a new shirt or should we go to a laundry place or something?', 'well your number and a date sounds pretty nice at the moment', 'I-'.
⭒ gosh the rizz is boiling. also, you two went the nearest shop and he bought a new shirt and on forth, hoon had called jay over because everyone needs a jay to function<<3
⭒ he legit won't get closer to you without jay by his side, such a dramatic baby he is. but then, after seeing your displays of work at the body shop, jay is willing to get a tattoo from you?!!, tho it doesn't work( jay legitimately has to persuade hoon that you're not some deity descending upon earth).
⭒ and, with jay's help hoon had managed to score a date with you. safe to say hoon was looking forward to the date</3333
⭑ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒ 𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊 ⭒
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