#because these are both the fandoms i'm rlly involved in
fabled-lady-twilla · 4 months
"So, how's the Jujutsu Kaisen/My Hero Academia fandoms doing right now?"
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Quarterfinals, Match 1
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Balloon and Suitcase (Suitloon) from Inanimate Insanity vs. John Doe and Arthur Lester (Jarthur) from Malevolent!
Propaganda for Suitloon:
I think of them as queerplatonic, because theyre incredibly close and are pretty much each other's support systems. Balloon is Aromantic (technically canon? one of the creators said he was so im rlly hoping it is canon) so this is NOT a romantic ship. They dont have any romantic interactions, but you can spin every scene how you want. I just think they're in a QPR and are heavily supportive and understanding to each other. (Since like. half the people in the show fucking hate Balloon, and not many people seem to like to let Suitcase speak for herself)
Propaganda for Jarthur:
The inherent intimacy of having a guy (John) inside your (Arthur) head who you don't know the history or goals of but still bond over the atrocities you go through in your shared body. And sometimes he's an arsehole but you know that he wants the best for you and it's so much more than any other relationship they could have and in the end they always have eachother and I'm jealous of a sad British man and the voice in his head. They're friends and each others world and everything and I want what they have. OH DID I MENTION THAT ARTHUR IS FUCKINF BLIND AND JOHN IS HIS ONLY ACCESS TO SIGHT? IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Like John always takes such care to describe their surroundings (no seriously he starts waxing poetic). I mean yh he withholds it sometimes but every door has its issues. Anyways yh I love them and they deserve the world.
They are extremely close, both literally and figuratively. John is inside of Arthur's head, and they often fight in ways that have been referred to by the fans as 'divorce moments' but they still very clearly care about and love each other, in a way that is explicitely non-romantic. Their love is desperate and aching and they're not just friends, but they are definitely not dating, and a LOT of the fandom interprets them as queerplatonic.
Oh, the special kind of affection and friendship that can only bloom between a 1930s private detective and the eldritch entity that ends up possessing his eyes and left arm. 95% of this show is Arthur (the detective) bickering with John (the eldritch entity) like an old married couple, and falling in and out of trust with each other. Despite that they are both fiercely loyal to the other and by the point the podcast is at now they seem to trust each other implicitly - Arthur has to rely on John to guide him since John can see out of the eyes of their body and Arthur can't, but when they fall into an abandoned mine and are reunited (long story) they immediately fall back into that old, trusting rhythm. They share a body and their initial goal in the podcast is to be separated, but by the point we're at now they're not too fussed about it. They're making plans to go out to dinner and the movies. Also, Arthur is aro-coded - there's a big emotional arc that involves him accepting the fact that he never had romantic feelings for his wife, even during the birth of their child or her death, and how that doesn't make him a bad person or diminish the love he felt for that child.
They have fought gods together. Also they're positive plural representation. What is there not to love????
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italeean · 1 year
Hello ^^ I’m honestly pretty late, but may I partake in the event?
Name— Suzuni or nickname of Suzu
Description— I enjoy writing stories (though I more often than not find myself daydreaming about what I could write instead lol) and artistic activities such as painting/art & ceramics. Ofc I suck at my hobbies 👍👍 (I think so anyway)
I like,, honestly I have no idea. Daydreaming/picturing scenarios in my mind? I do it rlly often lol, so ig I probably like it? As for dislikes, myself— And rudeness and arrogance lol 
I try to surround myself with people who are both playful/teasy but also decently observant (Warning for mental illness mention— I have depression and consequently may make darker comments at times). I also tend to use a lighthearted and casual tone when talking about serious topics relating to myself (e.g., warning again here, self-death)
Oops that got long, sorry about that :’l
I’m a lee, and as for fandom, either Haikyuu! or My Hero Academia if that’s alright ^^
Relationship— romantic because why not lol
Preferably a male character
Anyhow, have a nice day/evening ^^
Hiiii!! Sorry for the inactivity... again 😅 istg this period is driving me bonkers but I'm also having lots of fun!! Anyway, thanks for participating, I hope you'll like who I matched you up with ❤️🍡 *hands you the usual dango to eat while you read*
🔮 So, for my event your pair is... SHINSOU
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. Sneaky, fairly smug and a little mysterious. Perfect ler material if you ask me 😌 2. I see him as a very caring and careful soul, who doesn't bond with everyone but holds extremely close the ones who manage to gain his trust 3. He would be able to understand if you need help or are struggling mentally, and he'd be there 24/7 for you 4. He could use his quirk to induce relaxation and/or make you fall asleep... obviously if you're comfortable with it and give your consent 5. He would totally get involved in your hobbies! I already see you two painting or doing ceramics together 6. You probably have made a "couple sculpture"... like a heart broken in half and each one of you keeps a half in their bedroom 7. He trained with Aizawa. He knows how to be silent. Expect surprise tickle attacks from any direction at any time~ 8. He'd be extremely happy to read your writings and give you a review about them!! He'd probably use tickling to convince you to let him read them hehe 9. Tickles whenever you say that you suck at what you do! He doesn't tolerate when someone talks badly about someone he loves (even when it's you talking badly about yourself) 10. He finds it extremely cute when you space out and daydream, so instead of interrupting you, he would cuddle up to you and hold you in his arms while you imagine any kind of scenario 11. He probably volunteers cat shelter, and sometimes you join him. Seeing how gentle he is with cats made you fall in love with him all over again. 12. When his insomnia hits hard, he comes to your room and you two end up hanging out together all night long. Or if you fall asleep, he just cuddles you and watches over you, as if he could keep bad dreams away.
🔮 Tickle scenario
Everyone liked weekends, but you surely had one more reason to enjoy them. Both you and Shinsou were free from school, which only meant one thing: date!
You always did something different: watching anime, making sculptures, painting, chatting, taking walks... one time you even tried to crochet, but he made a mess and got so grumpy that you decided to drop that activity.
That Saturday, you two decided to go at the cat shelter to do some volunteering. It was a really unusual date, but you loved spending time with each other and a ton of purring furballs. Also, the happy, adoring expression on Shinsou's face was so endearing...
The owners of the shelter were extremely nice with you, and they adored how you spent your free time on "volunteering dates". Obviously they made you work a little, but then they let you play with the kitties as much as you wanted! Actually, they let you play until it was closing time... or else you would've never gone back home.
"Hey baby I'm done with Kai, we can go home." Shinsou called for you after leaving a 5-month-old kitten to sleep, but he got no response. He saw you sitting on a chair, your back was facing him. "Baby didn't you hear me? We got-" "Shh!" You suddenly interrupted him.
He raised an eyebrow and approached you, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The new refugee of the cat shelter, who refused even to approach the sweet owners, was cuddled up on your lap and peacefully asleep. "Would you look at that..." the tall teenager smiled, "seems like this little rascal finally chose someone to trust." He was overjoyed to see that furball finally open up.
"Too bad that this human is already busy with someone else~" He reached out to grab the kitten and put him back in his sleeping pillow, but you swatted his hands away. "You're not ruining this moment..!" You whisper-yelled to not disturb the sleepy little angel, "It took me the whole day to get to this point, now we're staying here." You stated, more assertive than ever.
Your boyfriend raised an eyebrow, clearly amused with your antics, "Oh really? Then it would be a shame if a sudden earthquake disrupted your peace~"
You didn't have time to ask him what he meant. A tingly feeling spread throughout your body, making you almost jump and throw away the poor kitten. "Shinsohohou!! Stahap ihihihihit!!" You did your best to keep your legs still and not wake the little furball, but at the same time you desperately tried to swat Shinsou's hands away from your sides.
"But I'm doing nothing, honey... it's just the earthquake." He mused, close enough to your ear to make it tickle, and then blew a raspberry on your neck for good measure. He had to admit, he was a little surprised by how much you were resisting the impulse to squirm away. In other circumstances, you would've already jumped away and hidden somewhere, maybe curled up in a ball.
"Wow, not so squirmy now that you have the little rascal on your lap, huh?" He asked as his fingers played with both sides of your ribcage as if it was a piano, "I think we should name him Giggles... a fitting name related to a wonderful memory like this one..." He thought out loud with the clear intent to tease.
However, the fun had to come to an end. The owners were closing up and you two had to go back to school. He chuckled evilly and without wasting time, he drilled softly under your arms. This time, you couldn't hold back the squeal, which woke up the cat.
"Ah... you're finally awake, Giggles. Did you have a nice rest on my girlfriend's lap?" The violet-haired guy slowly approached the cat, "Now it's time to go to your actual bed, though. But we'll be back soon, alright?" He picked up the little one and laid him on his sleeping pillow and waited for him to fall asleep, then he looked at you and helped you up.
"Come on, say goodbye to giggles and get ready to go, or else I'll let you alone in Aizawa's clutches if we arrive late to UA." He told you with a smug grin on his face. You quickly got ready, not wanting to be scolded by the strict teacher, said goodbye to the owners and got on your way with your boyfriend.
"So... did you have fun on this date, Giggles 2?" Shinsou asked, laughing at how red your face turned, which made you smack his arm in utter embarrassment.
"Shut up..."
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lazaruspiss · 6 months
your ship, character and fandom opinions are so based. i'm also a poly robin shipper so it's nice to see there are more of us here. anyway, i'd love to hear what are your all time favorite dc ships and why, and if you have any headcanons (sfw and nsfw) about them. or you can just ramble about any fic ideas you have, the ones you've mentioned already are very interesting.
thank u for the compliments and also the many things to talk about!! <3 mwah! (readmore added bc of length)
picking a favorite ship is so hard, because im a multishipper and real big on leaving my options open so that i have the most opportunity in any given story!! like, brudick and sladick are both ones i love for dark stories, but they each give such different angles and paths that you can take. all combinations of robins are dear to me for different reasons. and even within the context of one ship, i can usually come up with a lot of different directions that they can go it!!
i can't even say "X is my favorite for Y types of stories" because with a good pairing theres so much you can do with a variety of types of stories!! so. def cant pick a favorite, but i can list some that i like! they mostly involve Dick, bc my biases are quite obivious, lol.
Dick ships: Bruce, Slade, Talia, Slade/Talia, Tim, Jason, Steph, Damian (but it depends a lot on context, i see Dick as being very careful about not taking advantage), any poly robins combo, Slade/Rose, Tara
other ships: Slade/Rose, Slade/Talia, any robins together, Bruce/Talia (but only if Talia is having daddy issues about it), Nyssa/Talia (Nyssa repeatedly kills and revives her to make her understand her anger at Ra's. the rituals. they're intricate i swear-)(but also in arkham knight Nyssa compares her love for Talia to Bruce's explicitly romantic love for Talia and i've never been normal about that), any combo of the Al Ghuls tbh they're so mentally ill about each other
so uhhhhhh. really you could pitch any Dick ship at me and get me talking. if anyone wants to ask about that list ur welcome to lol
fic ideas!!! i have some shorter ones, like a Blackfire/Robin non-con based on that one scene from tt03, but i kinda wanna take this chance to ramble about my longer ideas!
u may have seen some of these, but i have a series called "days without incident" which is a bunch of shorter than usual fics stringing together random semi canon compliant scenes of Dick being in dangerous sexual situations, which are eventually going to end in a rlly angsty fic of Dick being assaulted and just accepting it. it sounds dark, and it is, but due to the length and format they really just serve as quick writing warm-ups more than anything.
DIDick AU. a friend of mine has been on the receiving end of so many DMs of me fleshing out these alter OCs, to the point that it would feel weird if I didn't write anything for it. the problem is that when I think about it, it all revolves around characters and there's no real plot line to use for it. I could just rant about it, bc figuring out what I want to do for a story about them is really tricky. it's also tough bc it's a teeny bit more personal than I usually go for. do /I/ have DID? unclear. I probably wouldn't tell you either way. anyways, it's an idea i want to more with but it's just more complicated to work on than most others.
suicide fic. "Where The Dead Stay Dead", title in reference to this being in a "Jason Stays Dead AU". i want to take a sort of dark comedy direction, but i have trouble controlling how the tone ends up when I write. Dick tries to kill himself post Jason's death + many other bad times but Slade just happens to pop in to try and bother him that day, and is uh. he doesn't know how to feel about it, the kid dying in front of him, but he drags Dick to a safe house and does some made-up comic book science fuckery to give Dick his healing factor. Dick is not very happy about this when he wakes up. the rest of the story follows an arrangement where Dick searches for a way to perma die and is generally a depressed grumpy bitch about everything, and Slade secretly tries to get him to stop doing that while trying to figure out a way to revive Jason. whichever ends up being easier. a lot of it would probably just be about Slade feeling lost with this "new" version of Dick, as well as the two of them swapping stories about dead loved ones and learning how to mourn.
timcel fic. that was the placeholder title, before i settled on "Nature's Order (As Told From Alpha To Beta)", but i still call it the timcel fic for short <3 the alpha in that title is Ra's, and the beta is Tim. the kick off for the story is that Ra's kidnaps omega Dick to use as a human incubator bc he and Talia had a spat that's left him heir-less, and he kidnaps Tim to make Dick more compliant. it's a really extreme take on "right wing alpha male pipeline, but omegaverse". it's gonna be a lot of bad times for Dick <3 i've talked about it so much with my friend that one time they mentioned basing smth partially off of Nature's Order Tim, and I think that's a good sign that I should really be writing this properly at this point. I have started chapter one! but bc it's gonna be a long one I want to get three chapters done before I start posting, bc having a few extra chapters written will help with my nerves a bit.
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sinterblackwell · 1 year
Hi! I read your tags on the aro!LQG post and I wanna talk about it a little if you don't mind? (Disclaimer I'm rlly awkward so if anything sounds rude pls know I don't mean it to be.)
Okay so I feel like when Madam Meiyin talked about SQQ's fated person LQG did think that it was him, because I'm pretty sure no one else knew LBH was still alive by then (cmiiw)? To be fair the traits could be used to describe LQG which is hilarious so it's probably deliberate for comedic effect. When I read about LQG getting more aggravated by Madam Meiyin's prediction, I deadass thought he was just baffled like "why is this random demon telling that I'm SQQ's soulmate??? this is definitely bullshit we shouldn't continue listen to her." and so the rest is history hahah. I had thought it was really funny for LQG to be self-conscious about the prediction and so unhappy about it.
Anyway yeah that's it. Sorry for bothering you I just want to talk :')
first things first, you didn’t bother me at all!! this ask actually made me smile because i don’t engage a lot with the svsss fandom…or just any fandom in general, in discussions so i was happy to see someone reach out to me to just get to talk. second of all, i did a reread of that scene purely to see from a better pov than i did when i first read it and it truly is something.
**what is even more something is how much i write, hence why i put this “keep reading” sign.
hopefully any of it is salvageable :’)
the laughable thing about all this is that i genuinely feel like sqq regarding that scene in that … it just did not occur to me that lqg could possibly have been who madam meiyin was talking about. there was not a single brain-cell that considered lqg was thinking along those lines as you said where he was like “what the hell, is this stranger insinuating i’m sqq’s soulmate?”. while sqq didn’t consider any guys at all, in my case, i think i was very biased bc of how much i love bingqiu that any other character who may have an infatuation with our mc just wasn’t in the cards for me.
reading your own interpretation of that scene, i feel dumb now because it just seems so obvious. i said in my tags of that post you mentioned that that prediction can go both ways and madam meiyin’s words can apply to both lqg & lbh, i think.
“Your fated person has very little interest in others,” Madam Meiyin went on. “But once they find someone, their devotion is absolute.”
“A first-class beauty, peerless among all humans.” Madam Meiyin said with certainty.
i would also say this one below but i’m not too sure, since if we’re applying it to lbh, that “first meeting” would have been when he met sj!sqq, not sy!sqq so idk if the lines are just blurred there.
“Your first meeting was unhappy, and there might even have been loathing involved,” said Madam Meiyin. “But after a critical moment, that all began to change, and thoroughly so.”
but i can definitely understand now why the fandom are so rattled when it comes to lqg and his feelings for sqq, whatever they are. it now makes me curious to see fics that explore that, but i’ve also just been very wary of reading any svsss fic that isn’t centered around bingqiu as the main pairing😅
thank you for giving me your thoughts on that scene!! it honestly makes a lot of sense in reflection, and i feel like it definitely hits hard because whoever this “fated soulmate” this madam was talking about was, for both lqg & lbh, it reveals a certain depth in the impact that sqq has had on these two characters that they just end up sort of blurring the lines in this prediction.
which makes what happens during those years where lbh held onto sqq’s corpse and lqg constantly chased after him so much more heavy to think about…..
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jiminrings · 1 year
reading the beyond the story book on pdf because ya bitch is a broke 3rd year college student 💔 and fuck im not even halfway through it and i just stopped by here to say that bts has been through a lot ... i've been an army since 2018 (ly: tear era) and ik the heat they were getting themselves back then since it was just like 5 months after 2017, WHERE THEY WERE HATED BY EVERYBODY ... like seeing them talk about everything behind the scenes of their 10 year journey on the industry is like hell oh lord ... like immediately after they debuted they were already bullied by everyone,,, I MEAN EVERYONE and now im here seeing other stans say that they're the bad ones for telling everything now when it happened like years ago IS SHIT like what the fuck do they not know an autobiography is??? so does that mean if i write a book about what i have achieved through my career like every raw emotion i have been through,,, i'm the bad guy??? for telling what i have been through to get to where i am now??? OH HELL NAH !!! bts are such good people for not letting go of what they have started because they know that we're here by their side always 🥹 i love bts and this fandom so much,,, it gave me a chance to meet good people like you, and everyone else here on tumblr ... it made me see deeper in the surface of what other people say about us and them really ... i really want to tell some spoilers but i'll just drop the link of the pdf version here ... sorry for the rant ms. hannah 😞 i'm just so angry and sad today :(
link for the pdf ver: https://twitter.com/btsmemeories/status/1677957769461374981?s=19
you said it exactly!! i received my book today n i'm both filled with dread and sentimentality to read it because it's literally the record of their youth, n by extension mine as i went thru the years with them :( they've truly been thru so much, inarguably more than every other group out there!!! they were the underdogs + scapegoats of everything they didn't deserve :/ i hate Those People so badddd n like i don't even feel guilty saying i hate both the groups n the fans who've knowingly contributed to all the shit that was thrown at them 🤞🤞 what's rlly funny is that although they didn't name any names, some nugus r just soooo pressed bc they know damn well that their faves r the ones at fault!!! i rlly do love bts n i'll die by that hill because literally No Other group had, has, and will achieve what the tannies have gotten and formed after everything they've been through <3 the community + impact + change they created... the paving n raking n cementing of The Way that enabled everyone else in the industry to have what they do now..... the everything rlly . u can rant anytime to me bae <3 one thing abt me i will have thinkpieces every time bts is involved !!!!!
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genderstarbucks · 8 months
First anon again, i just wanted to say to the other one who brought up the topic about bipoc; you're totally right and i did not think about that, mainly because it was late, so i apologize.
But thats like.. mainly all viv drama. Its confusing. Some of it she did do but some of it is really ???? Is it actually a problem or is she just not great at writing.
Spoilers below.
Another thing people don't like is a different song in episode 4 calling Angel Dust a Loser. But its not meant to be asshole-y, its just meant to be "hey, its okay not to feel positive right now, we both have trauma that makes us feel like losers even if its not the same".
I feel like a majority of it, like all fandoms, people just are hate watching it and its full of hardcore antishippers ( i have no stance on shipcourse ) and its like. Go back to watching MLP if its too much for you?? /nay
Yeah I didn't even think of the bipoc thing until anon mentioned it, good thing they did
A lot of viv drama is basically just stuff that's iffy but doesn't rlly make her a bad person overall, not even comparable to shitfucks like dream
AND YEAH THE HUSK AND ANGEL THING, he was calling him a loser lovingly and was basically saying "you're not okay rn but that's okay"
I didn't watch the whole episode but I listened to loser baby and that's all I know
I'm more anti-leaning on shipcourse but dear god, these anti shippers will literally tell you to kys over ships
A lot of anti shippers I've seen get more involved into it than they should instead of just ignoring it
I don't really like seeing proship stuff, so I'll either just block or ignore but these ppl go off harassing people
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fairymint · 2 years
🎈 How does your muse relate to gender dynamics in their world? Is it different from IRL? (Felix ofc)
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Well, this question falls under optional lore since pokemon is a huge fandom; there are followers I have who write escapism and followers who write dark topics.
But there is lore. Basically, world-building wise, bigotry and gender dynamics stem from the 'Alpha Wolves' cult/ideology, spreading historically from Galar the way it would have IRL, minus the guns; instead they weaponized dogs.
Pokemon seems like a place that is ahead of reality in progressiveness, but only by a little- a consequence of probably many things, such as easier travel, the weapons being living creatures, and a culture of love- ask many IRL an adult and many deem life just being unfair, independent- I don't see that streak in this world; aka i don't see bullies getting far/too violent without a team to back them up.
Anyways, Felix is in conflict about gender dynamics as a trans gay man born in the 90s. There's thought patterns, internalized toxicity, that bubbles up and causes him to take caution- I'm leery of strangers IRL that are 'too' nice to me because they might be about to misgender me. I don't wear makeup IRL because i don't pass as male 'enough' and am not comfortable yet. Because he's very small and 'cute' and such, he's not confident that other men will have genuine sexual interest for him- masc4masc gay culture at work, the want to appear more 'adult' and/or earn love. passing as a 'little boy' is both a trans and dwarfism thing;; and just trying to be gender euphoric without being misogynist/transphobic himself.
and, for the sake of my comfort and world building, his transition was fairly quick- i don't really wish to RP 'in-between' states, such as the wait for top surgery, bottom growth, voice dropping, etc.- I've had to drop contact with somebody over clearly preferring him pre-transition, and while i do still relate hard to the nonbinary agenda™️ mid-transition, I'm working on it. I'm not rlly comfortable with they/them due to terfs but i try to be kind/understanding. like, i still have boobs irl and i hate it. i don't trust nsfw themed blogs because the possibility for chaser behaviour ooc is high. consider a lot of that kind of stuff happening offscreen/off the radar. He just sort of reappeared in Alola under a new name and gender- only real exceptions being ORAS and Magikarp Jump with they/them pronouns. But, he's been blessed with very dramatic changes, when some trans guys get Nothing for any one change.
Ideally, he's so comfortable in his masculinity that he likes to be fruity sometimes- but he's still for the time being a bit shy about it, especially compared to my other, more traditionally masculine muses. He's a baby gay growing into his masculinity(/femme queerness), but is recognized as male by society. He's not used to the top energy side of himself; he grew up wanted as a 'bottom'.
IRL wise....i get hit by dysphoria here and there, especially with faceclaims. there's a fine balance between my personal style, looking as young as i do IRL, looking old 'enough'.....and y'know the work involved in finding or drawing shit and fkdgjkd. As well as enough expressions to work with- that's top priority.
facial hair's working wonders for my gender presentation, but I'm waiting for more. I'm waiting for surgery. I'm waiting to be 'There' tbh. my mixed passing is leaning into male.
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hotcat37 · 2 years
Idk if this debate is still as prominent as it used to be (I'm not involved in the Pokémon fandom at all) But the toxicity surrounding Amourshipping, Pokéshipping and Serena is so fcking insane like genuinely. I personally don't like Amourshipping (it's cute but I personally don't rlly see them in a relationship) but it's really not okay how countless people get harassed over this ship??? Which goes on both sides btw. Many Amourshippers are harassed for just harmlessly enjoying art or scenes of them together but a lot of Amourshippers are also extremely forceful abt the pairing and don't tolerate any other Ash x Companion ships.
Regardless of what ship is your OTP sending death threats over pairings that consist of literal 10 year olds is not normal and I wish the fandom could stop and think for a moment abt how awful they treat other fans. Amourshipping is not canon. Pokéshipping is not canon. None of the Ash pairings are canon. It's okay to like ships that are not canon! You don't have to make a 100 essays or try to convince a thousand people that your ship is 'canon' because it doesn't matter. It's also just weird to water the female characters' personalities down to just their supposed love interest. Misty and Serena are more than just their connection with Ash
Summary: people in the Pokémon fanbase who harass others over their ships between elementary aged kids are weirdos and need serious self reflection.
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hi! i was hoping you could help me find this fic? gosh i’m so sorry if you can’t find it because all i have is a vague description of erwin and levi out on a mission through the snow and their both like talking and stuff and they end up kissing and i think sex was involved as well? i’m rlly sorry for the horrible explanation! pls forgive me </3
Hi Anon, I'm pretty sure the fic you're looking for is We Found Each Other in the Dark by @thefangirlingdead. It's a fandom classic that was written way back in 2015, but it's still one of my favourites. And while I'm here, I'm also going to recommend @ladymacbethsspot's gorgeous Cold Snap, which is another wintry favourite ❄️
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doodlebloo · 3 years
I recently found Wedding Bells and And Then You Fell In Love, and let me just say, I can't stop thinking about them! Your writing is so good, and you're amazing at writing in character!
(I've reread them both 4 times now)
I also have a question for you :D
What kind of headcanons do you have for Ranboo's biology? Some little stuff like him having a tail is in your fics, but I wonder how else you see him
Thank for write, and you are very pog <3
Hiii! I'm so glad you liked atyfil :D!
Most of this is sort of in line w the way most of the fandom perceives him or even just his canon portrayal (and also this is all /rp obviously) but:
I really like the idea that he's just a little bit scary at first, like his eyes glow in the dark and his jaw unhinges real far when he yawns and he has horns and a tail and he's 7 feet tall, because I think that makes it all the better once you meet him and realize what a softie he is kekw.
Ranboo can touch water and not burn himself, it's only when it stays on his skin for too long that it burns. (Think like how really hot water would affect a human, yk?) Therefore being caught in the rain wouldn't be a death sentence, as long as he could find cover quick enough it'd only be a few burns (as we maybe might see in an upcoming chapter 👀)
Ranboo's perception of colors is a lil off because both his eyes see color differently, I like the idea that one eye sees inverted and the other sees the way that humans would. Toying with the idea that Michael would see in inverted color as well but idk how I feel abt that yet
His armor offers a modest amnt of water protection through enchants. Enough for him to get through the Snowchester Hyperloop with no problems, but not enough to make him immune. It'd basically be the same for him to fall in the ocean as it would falling in lava in the nether - he'd have to use gapples and swim to shore and take a bit to heal himself before he could find help
Ranboo has special enderman hygiene stuff that he's able to make for himself due to his vast riches. It's been a lot of trial and error, but he's eventually found things that work (for example, there's a plant in the nether that he can clean his teeth by chewing, no water involved.) He'll only take a lava bath/normal shower in his armor if he gets rlly dirty, although he does don his armor to help with Michael's bath time occasionally (Michael prefers lava baths sometimes)
I like to think the other Endermen on the smp see Ranboo as sort of a little brother figure, like they look out for him and they will stop by sometimes to drop dirt at his door (which he is very thankful for) and if they notice Ranboo out with Michael sometimes they'll hover nearby just in case they need to fight someone off for him :') I also love the idea that they'll gossip together, they'll tell Ranboo abt the enderman drama and he rants to them abt his life's problems
Speaking of dirt it really does help Ranboo calm down immensely. Because of his silk touch his hands are INCREDIBLY soft, and even without the fact that his brain is sort of hardwired to like carrying things around, the different textures of blocks are just very grounding for him. Sometimes Ranboo will show up to see Michael and literally just pace back and forth across the room while holding him, but it calms Ranboo down and Michael thinks it's fun so it's a win/win
The first time Tubbo saw Ranboo cry he panicked and just started dumping clumps of dirt at his feet to try and make him feel better and Ranboo was so baffled by this that it actually did get him to stop crying just so he could process what was happening ajfjwkzk
I fell in love w the idea that Ranboo has two hearts, mostly bc of how unsettling it'd be to hear TWO heartbeats coming from his chest for the first time. But I also like that bc I think having two circulatory systems would make it a lot easier for Ranboo to regulate temperature and he'd always be able to be warm in Snowchester/The Arctic (until Michael's cold hands get to him at least)
There are some other ideas I rlly like - Ranboo can 100% purr but it actually sounds a bit scary, his pupils dilate like a cat's and you can check the time of day using them, he has night vision, etc, but I feel like those are basically par for the course with Ranboo hcs
This was fun to talk abt ty :)
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phaltu · 3 years
zan, i wanted to ask you something - and i hope you don't mind the lengthy ask, but i'm gonna split this into two (or three). i wanted to ask you this because you are one of my favorite writers in danmei, and i wanted to get your two cents on this. so. if there's one thing that i've noticed in danmei fandom, it's that there seems to be two groups of ppl - i'll call them A & B. A are those who don't necessarily create, who are more there to rlly digest and meta the texts. if they do create 1/
- then they're most likely to be canon compliant, e.g. following mxtx's rules of no switching, no separating. B is what i would call the transformative one, who aren't rlly canon compliant and who break those "rules", so they switch up dynamics or separate the main cp. personally i'm not inclined to switch or separate, but even so, if it's not done because bottoming is seen as "weak", which is another thing altogether, then i think it's all good? and my ask is - 2/
- i've seen ppl in group A diss ppl in group B, calling them stupid for shipping character a of main cp with side character b (regardless of whether or not they want that ship to be canon, which is not usually the case), and even outright saying that ao3 sucks (which is okay, warranted, giving that ao3 lacks in the blocking/reporting feature), but generally i'm just a little.. surprised because i come from fandoms where practices in group B were the norm, ppl would go ham with canon 3/
- and altho both groups are not mutually exclusive, you can have someone who is very canon compliant in their own fics but reads more transformative works, i just. i guess i'm confused (and paranoid) because i don't know what should be, or is the right "approach" re: fandom. on the one hand, i like canon compliant, and do write canon compliant, but on the other, i would also like the wiggle room to create freely. i don't want to be cancelled by group A for having OOC characterization 4/
or get called out for "writing OCs with the characters' faces just pasted onto them". and i know, i get the irony, why am i, a fully grown-adult (ha!) so concerned abt what other ppl on the internet think abt me and my whims? a few years back i was worried i wasn't wild enough with my fics, because i was very canon-compliant, and a few years later i'm worried i'm not canon enough. just - may i ask what is your approach to fandom, in general and in danmei? i know i said only 2-3 asks but ;_; end/
Honestly I think it's all about who you follow! I follow a wide variety of folks and funnily enough, people I mutual'd from one danmei are rigid with canon and people I mutualed from others are WAY more open to being like group B. Both have their pros and cons-- the former, I have to end up seeing ships and concepts and pairings I loathe untagged, and with the latter, I can't run blockchain on their insane friends that rant like they and the author because then I'll accidentally block people I actually like talking with.
anyways my approach in fandom has really...always been to just do my own thing. compared to how I was when I participated in Voltron, I don't really get involved in discussions about characterizations and meta and critical analysis or what not. First, because I like to put that energy towards writing personally, and while others get joy out of it, I don't particularly personally, and second, I pretty much have only 2, 3 friends I talk about the danmei I consume with when it comes to actual headcanons because we're on the same page when it comes to how we interpret texts, so it's fun.
I love making things for fandom and I like consuming things and I love fandom community that way. I love the what-ifs and the horny ideas and what not. But critical analysis and head canons and meta in general is just not my shtick. anything i have to say about the character, i say it through fic which brings me to my last part in this rambling answer which is that as long as the fic feels right to me, it's going to go up.
I've written some OOC stuff myself but as long as you have the confidence in what you're writing, people are going to be really forgiving. Sometimes when I doubt myself, I think about all the people tweeting wildly incorrect meta with their whole chest talking about how you need reading comprehension if you don't see it their way, and channel the same inner confidence, as misguided as theirs may be.
if someone was to rip me for my characterizations I'd feel hurt for sure but I don't pre-emptively think about it when I'm posting something. If I do, it's kind of a "well if it sucks it sucks I guess" which is part in due to me just getting slapped so much irl that fandom is low on the list of things to spend time having a crisis about
also if you're following anyone that says ao3 sucks just unfollow them. mute them. get rid of them. if they're mutuals mute them. so many mutuals have to cycle through the mute bin for my own sanity and in some cases, our friendship
ANYWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSS long rant over just post that fic!! do it!!!
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soupncrackwrs · 4 years
Okay so I had an idea for an AFTG fic but again I’m horrible at anything that isn’t hc’s so here we are (feel free to make this into a fic if you want just credit me) *Also all pairing in this are platonic besides andreil and mattdan soo, don’t like get out*
This spawned from that fact that one of my 3 PTP’s (platonic trust pairing) in AFTG is Kev and Neil
This is probably my PTP that has the most popularity in the fandom I’d say (my other 2 are Renee/Andrew/Neil and Neil/Dan which are both *really* hard to find ((at least on ao3)) so that sucks) but you’d be surprised how little it gets like actually focused on
Most times, platonic wise, Neil gets shown bonding with The MonstersTM, Allison, or Matt
I just happen to enjoy neil/dan, kev/neil,and renee/andrew/neil more
So I wanted a fic that really showcased kev and neils relationship
Now onto the actual headcanon
So neil and kevin are like best friends
They've been like that for a while
but they also like fucking despise each other
like they love and care deeply for each other and would probably die for the other if the situation called for it
but will that stop them from almost killing each other 24/7?
so they go to college together
along with all the upperclassmen (so matt+dan+allison+renee+seth) but not the monsters
andrew and neil have been together for a bit
they met around the same time kev and neil did so they've been together for a while (also while we're talking abt relationships, i don't ship renison ((am i the only one who believes that renee is a strong aro gal who don't need no man/lady/person)) but if you wanna make this renison, go ahead)
andrew goes to a different college tho ( for some reason i dunno)
and neil doesn't really like sharing stuff abt his personal life
we all know this
but a lot of the stuff he's done in his life involves andrew
so drew is brought up a fair amount
but when the upperclassmen ask who he is neil kinda just smiles and then moves on so they ask kevin and he's like
oh andrew is like one of my bffls he's a ride or die
(obviously not phrased like that)
and the upperclassmen r like 'ok he can be trusted he's a friend'
(little do they know hehhehhe-)
kev is tryna forget all his issues
so he decides to get hella pissed
wasted like he's never been b4
probably cause thea broke up w/ him last week but we don't talk abt that okay shhhhhhh
so he goes to the next party alli throws and
let's say it together kids
gets wasted like he's never been b4
to the point where the upperclassmen don't really know wht to do with him????
so they call up neil like yo pick up kev he's drunk off his ass like always but we think he's doing it cause he's sad this time'
so neil, being the good and sweet angel (not) that he is
goes to pick up kevin
and like he finds him on a coach almost catatonic just rambling to himself
so neil picks him up and drags him away to his car
and ofc all the upperclassmen r trying to help
so while neil is putting kevin into his car kev randomly just stops talking
(which is weird cause he's kept rambling this entire time)
and he looks neil in the eyes and goes
'i love you neil'
and neil just like takes a second
because he's not used to people showing him love even tho so many ppl rlly do love him (this boy is2g-)
and then quietly says
'love you too kev'
and finishes buckling him up
all the upperclassmen have been watching this going on the entire time and they read into in the exact wrong way
(they're trying their best, my baby dumbasses, but they're just wrong)
and think this is a romantic love confession between frenimies *instead* of the declaration of mutual respect and affection between 2 bro's that it is
matt is the first one to voice this after kev and neil leave and he is
he is super excited that his bro has found someone to love just like he found dan and is super excited to like talk abt love and go on double dates n stuff
and every one else agrees
which is why they're all super disappointed that by the time a week goes by, nothing has changed between them
so dan matt and allison decide to do something about it (renee+seth ducking out because'it's rude to meddle' and 'why tf would i care abt jostens love bullshit')
they try to set up kevin and neil a bunch of different time s
once with the offer of a study session that they all say they can't make it to, leaving neil and kevin alone
another time with the offer of kevin and neil going to the movies w/ matt and dan
(neil ends up busy w/ a skype date with andrew that he can't pass up cause they're always so busy and he has to see his boyf so kevin just ends up 3rd wheeling matt and dan)
and once with allison straight up just telling neil that he and kevin should get coffee some time
which neil respond to with
'we already get coffee together?'
so dan matt and alli are stumped
they don't know what to do with these 'lovesick' idiots
they're problem gets solved tho don't you worry
so the next weekend, andrew is gonna come over to psu and stay for like a week
neil is oVER THE MOON
And kevin is really happy too
so the upperclassmen take this to mean that these boys have finally gotten the hint and asked each other out
so imagine they're suprise when the next time the group goes to get lunch (which they do with each other every wednesday )
a super short blond emo joins them
and no one really acknowledges it?!?!?!?!?!?
until renee is just like 'hello andrew, how are you?' knowing smile on her face
and the upperclassmen are just like 'oh it's the famous andrew, that makes sense' but then they're like 'wait how does renee know andrew?!?!'
they ask and renee is just like 'neil gave me his discord. he thought we'd get along well'
-and then they're just like okayyy renee totally has a crush but well let it slideee
at the end of lunch neil is just like 'oh wait i never properly introduced him-' -cause you're a mess, junkie' -fuck off andrew' then just turns to the upperclassmen and says
'guys this is my boyfriend andrew'
and the foxes just silently freak out
because neil is in love with kevin? it's so clear? why did neil go and get a boyf when he has his love right in front of him??????
so after lunch, matt dan and alli ask to talk to neil privately
(andrew, kev,and renee all talk together while seth like, looks at his phone)
and they're like 'neil why'd you get a boyf??'
and neils like 'wdym?'
and alli says 'why'd you get a boyf if your so obviously in love w/ kevin?!'
and neil just LAUGHS at them
straight up cackles
and then the upperclassmen are like whaaaaattttt????
we saw your declaration of love at the party??
and you're both really close and seem to genuinely like and be interested in each other??
what gives????
and neils like
'me n kev are besties
that was a platonic declaration of love
i'm demi and me and drew have been together for like 3 years now'
and the upperclassmen are just like 'ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh sorryyyyyyyyy'
it's the first time alli has ever lost a bet (it was w/ seth abt neils feelings for kevin)
neil tells andrew abt it and the shortie just snorts and is like 'kevin would fuck a racket quicker than he'd fuck you'
neil is like 'i'm basically exy personified tho, soooooo'
drew tells him to shut up
(he does when andrew asks yes or no, just nods his head and smiles)
renee knew all along and is happy for her friends
kevin just wants to play exy he's been deprived the entire post
So yeah that's the entire headcanon. If you want some music to listen to while you write or just in general i recommend "I lost a Friend" by FINNEAS and "Corduroy Dreams" by Rex Orange County. they don't really have anything to do with the story, they're just real good :) Thanks for reading. see y'all later
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uygmoeb · 3 years
Omg no my bean *tucks you in bed* please, PLEASE don't force yourself in replying!! You could easily reply a bit later, I don't mind! Do get better soon with your head hurting? Take something for the headache, drink some water or tea and sleep! Sometimed a good long nap helps this out! Also don't fret about the read more, I legit don't know how to do it on mobile because they updated it so it changed jdjajs
Aw that crew sounds very kind! Im sure with an awesome sauce crew it made things a bit more enjoyable on the job! Ah as for my first language, it is polish! :D I am a polish potato lol
Oohh good question! Hmm, it seems intimidating at first once I realized "wait did I JUST join 3!?" But I think since I am paired up with some pretty cool people *wink, wink* for the event, it made things fun! Like the gift aspect before I got my pairings I was planning the gifts ahead with what to give and how I should do them. One was simple and easy for the idea and the others I had to think a bit on which direction to go for the gifts. So I had a plan per se and once I got to know the beans, it helped things (but making some of the gifts was tricky ngl! Then again I am new to making stuff with gifs involved so that could be why it was more tricky for me) overall I have all gifts made, just need to save them under drafts and post them hehe. But I hope the moa and the other event you are in goes smoothly! I hope you are enjoying them both ♡♡♡ no I completely understand that! That's why for some blogs for some fandoms (who are big names) that I made some mutual bonding i am STILL on anon xD I am so shy to come off anon because like I feel like I can be annoying or boring so anon it is! (Plus we need more nice anons on here)
Oof I misunderstood that I wrote your name wrong djandjaj ignore this dumbo over here lol. Also this wasn't a short response at all! Im ok if you just even post memes as your replies xD don't sweat it, I hope today (or whenever you get this ask and HOPEFULLY do lol) is much more kind to you! ~moa Santa
ok ok i'm back and all good now <3 and believe me, if i didnt want to do something i wouldnt i just like talking to u and having ur ask there when i wake up kshfkj but yeaaah, i definitely got sick after i answered ur last one hskfhjks the headache was just an added bonus of me not wearing my glasses bc im very smart and forget them all the time + being loud with my coworker earlier in the night
yeah they were so so sweet i miss them a bunch, they're nothing like anybody i work with now and i like. really miss them :( i think about moving back and going back to work there.. often... and oh okay that's cool!!
the two i joined still seem intimidating LMAO although now i only have the gift for this one left, lowkey i was horrified to post the other one on my sideblog hskfhfks but the person liked them so <3 OH so u had some pre planning kind of, noted ok will keep in mind, but look at u!! with all ur gifts done!! ngl kinda proud of u, especially since u said some were tricky, i bet they all came out amazing too i rlly can't wait to see what u did !
i'm still scared the gift i'm making now like.. wont be good enough?? idk thats my own doubt ig and considering who it's for im trying so hard to make it perfect and its.. hard with the program im working with lol definitely just going to buy a better program even if it's like a subscription thing if im really going to get back into this hobby like i have been but no really!! i'm even shier with big name blogs like idk why they;re so intimidating but they are skfhgks and yes!! more nice anons for sure, i literally make a point to send at least a few nice anons to my moots a couple times if not more, and thats not counting just the random people i do it too hkfjgks
but yeah!! today was much better once i got up and showered yknow? something abt a really warm shower makes me feel a lot better almost every time lol also,, idk,, i like to give u long responses that way u have stuff to keep the conversation going with, does that make sense?? like, i dont want u to have to pull things out of thin air or to make it harder to talk to me by being dry with my response i guess?? i overthink everything even down to how i have conversations ok it's kinda weird
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