#because this urge applies to so many good shows
sketchysketchiness · 4 months
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Every time I watch Sailor Moon I am struck with the urge to make an illustration for every episode. That is NOT happening, but I did the first episode just to get it out of my system!
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m-ayo-o · 3 months
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18+ oral, reader shaved her 🐱 size kink, cumming in pants, multiple rounds etc...
a shaved pussy for Choso is like a meal served on a silver platter
he doesn't care about body hair, honestly. he loves any kind of pussy.
but when you've freshly shaved it's like you're inviting him to eat you out and it makes him more eager than usual.
you get out of the shower and lie back on the bed, applying various moisturisers and creams to your body, but you're stopped dead in your tracks when he walks in and sees you hairless.
"oh, baby~"
it was a straight up moan and he hasn't even got his hands on you yet.
but it's only a few seconds until you've dropped all of your bottles of cream and his tongue is between your pussy lips, sliding up and down, searching for that cute little pearl of your clit. he circles it and taps it and gets you cumming in minutes, then he switches to licking your pretty pussy all over. after you're covered in his saliva he spreads you and shoves his whole face right between your legs to make out with your pussy.
"mmmm, fuckkk, that's a fresh fucking pussy!!"
he moans into you.
"th-thank youuuuuu--- you taste good, like honey, keep cumming- -ughh-- again, again, please, please--"
he's so satisfied from giving you oral he ruts his body up against the bed and makes himself cum from the friction alone. and the feeling of your perfectly shaved pussy gets him off every time. he pumps his load through his boxers and gets the bed all wet and sticky, but the poor man is still rock hard from looking at you.
he has to strip off his shorts and show you the mess he's made until you're asking him to put it in!
"please, Cho, will you fuck me?"
and you don't have to ask twice because he's already fitting that oversized tip into your entrance and whining that you're too small.
"baby, Cho, 'm not small y-your dick is just--"
he urges you to say it, forcing more of himself inside until you're almost choking on your words.
"s-soo big~~~"
you finally finish when his tip smushes into your walls and buries into you deep and hard.
his balls start smacking you with a heavy rhythm of pumping as he holds you to the bed and forces you to orgasm over his cock too many times to count.
"fuckk- fuck, Chosooo- s-slow down-- please-"
but he can't hear you.
he's staring at that pretty shaved cunt of yours.
he's already cum inside you once.
but he's still hard.
"won't go down- can't fucking stop--"
he starts tearing up as he continues his desperate rutting, fucking another milky load into you.
"one more, plee--ease--" he begs, but you know it won't be just one more. he's going to fuck you till his body gives out.
you've got to be more careful next time you shave.
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bellejolras · 5 months
i don’t mean to go on a rant but I’ve been reading reviews of Poor Things bc i hate being happy and ohhhh my goddddd
spoilers under the cut but I have complaints about people’s (lack of) media literacy
Oh my god okay so first of all, if you haven’t seen a movie how are you going to comment on it. Reading summaries and other people’s reviews only is not sufficient to make an original point. you do not know what you’re talking about. just stop.
Second, the movie is. satirical. Which I thought was obvious from the absurd premise and surreal visuals? This is not supposed to be the real world. Nor is it advocating for all the stuff it shows. In fact, it’s even actively indicting some of what it shows. For example: fucked up power dynamics in sexual relationships exist in the movie, but the movie is not saying they are good, it’s criticizing them. Is this not getting through to people?
Third, and related, it’s not ! just ! about ! a sexy baby !! Partly because again, satire. But also partly because she rapidly goes through childhood & adolescent maturity. And it’s not meant to be, like, linear… the regular laws of empirical data and science do not apply to this world… so she is not in fact, like 6 when she’s having sex but more like 16. Which you could argue is still a minor, and im not disputing that, because again the movie is critical of this part and duncan is a total loser. But there’s a massive difference between the mental development of those two ages. ALSO there’s literally nothing inherently wrong with baby bella autonomously discovering masturbation. That’s extremely normal for little kids, often just as a way of self-soothing because it feels nice and not with any awareness of sexuality. And it’s fine if you thought that was a weird scene! but it’s hardly pedophilia to include in the film when the “baby” in question is in fact played by fully grown adult emma stone and I cannot believe that I’m seeing people accuse this movie of that
Fourth, if you claim your takeaway from this movie is “it wants me to believe that women’s power only exists through their sexuality” then I don’t believe you’ve seen the entire movie (see point 1). Narratively it’s only a means to an end for Bella, and when she gets tired of it, she stops! She gets bored of duncan and reads philosophy! She leaves her sex work career and becomes a medical professional! And, even in the sex scenes, while there are many, they center her and her experience, her pleasure. Yes, her tits are out a lot but the sex scenes are weird, intentionally grotesque without being violent. The montage with duncan is shot through a fisheye lens and literally pans away from the bed to focus on a bird landing in the room. Duncan can proclaim himself the best lover in the world, but he’s really not important to the scene ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In conclusion, I know the people I’m complaining about aren’t going to read this, but just in case, I urge you to learn media literacy. And anyone else who read all of this, thanks lol!! accepting good faith discourse in the notes/replies
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popponn · 6 months
a seat beside you. [isagi yoichi x reader]
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notes: reader's gender unspecified, however mentioned to wear make up to cover up eyebags.
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Isagi Yoichi doesn't really pay attention to many things that are not soccer. But, it was hard not to notice things about his seatmate. The one who was seated a few centimeters away from him every day—
You, the star student everyone relies on.
He knew that this was a way for his teachers to scold him to pay more attention to the class. Because if not so, then there was no reason to purposely put him—a student who is mediocre at most and forgetting assignments at worst—next to a perfect record of equally perfect scores like you. But, it wasn't as if it was a bad thing.
You helped Yoichi a lot by pointing at his textbook to where the teacher was explaining whenever he blanked out, explaining some parts on breaks when he asked, and even at some point you started to teasingly remind him about the homework through text.
All in all, you were very pleasant to have.
But, it truly was hard to not notice some things about you too as time went on.
Sometimes, your shoulder sagged and you had a faraway look on your face. At other times, your laugh comes out just a bit too stilted than usual. And just recently, the eyebags you hid under a tiddly applied makeup started to show up even more often.
At some point, to him, it became so easy to tell whenever you push yourself too much.
Yoichi was not quite sure he was close enough to ask you about things like this. He is just some classmate who happened to have his seat beside you and your number saved in his phone. He was also definitely not the best at reaching out to people effortlessly without any hint of awkwardness. Yoichi's anxious heart urged him to just stay silent—and it would not be wrong. He was simply not crossing the line of 'classmates' between the two of you.
But, it also felt wrong to do that.
You are a kind person. Yoichi didn't know many things about you, but you are indeed someone who helped him even when you didn't have to. You are also the only one who cared enough to ask him about his practice and how he was doing in class—it felt wrong to just ignore everything and watch you keep up the act in silence for whatever reason you might had.
That was why, during that Friday, Yoichi braved himself to ask you, his tone shushed, even as the class started to grow emptier.
"Hey, listen, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... are you okay? You look tired recently, so..."
And when he got a tired smile and a nervous laugh from you, let out through sagged shoulders and a long sigh with a hint of relief mixed in it, Yoichi felt so glad he chose to.
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notes: isagi is an observant person, and there are some people who keep up the "mask" more than anyone else. but don't you think when you are in close proximity with someone every day, you can't really help but notice things about them? isagi is very soccer-headed, but he is kind and not an ungrateful person i think. this thing is a bit more mellow than my usual ones since the main feeling here is "ah, someone who keeps up a mask a lot of time contrasts isagi a lot. but if you think about it, isn't someone like isagi a good match for someone like that too in some degree?". also at the time when i wrote this, my feelings were a bit heavy, but in the end, i still enjoy writing even under such a feeling. I hope to come back to this idea again one day. in the tone of 'developing romance' and such, especially with isagi who seems to understand how it was to accommodate other people. i will think more about this premise again someday, it seems fun to explore more. all in all, think of it as another "more of a prologue meet cute" thing.
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sgiandubh · 25 days
What choice is there for you to make? Caitriona is legally married to Tony. It's her choice not anyone else's. Sure you want to believe Sam and Caitriona secretly have something on, your belief is your choice. Her choice of partner is hers, and it's not Sam, really none of anyone else's concern or approval. Enjoy and celebrate your beliefs, but beliefs are not always rational nor true. No one on this subject knows the truth about Sam, the shippers, the gay onlys, the man whore-tellers, the SamSaviors. No one, which is the way he wants it. No one knows and no one will.
Dear Choice Anon,
Unlike many of your Mordor peers, I feel a half-baked effort towards questioning, in your submission that wants to be cheeky and smart. And is, instead, sophistic and predictable.
I was baking something, in the meanwhile. I always cook when I need to think carefully about something, from a distance. My hands are quite good at it and my brain is free.
And so, I thought. I thought about how you people always feel the urge to cross lanes and come here peddling your #silly wares. I thought about how you came here on a Sunday, Mother's Day on top, and how sad (empty?) life must feel for you. Instead of going out for coffee in town, smelling a rose, baking a cake, laughing around, cheering on your favorite team or hugging Mom, here you are. Battering a perfect unknown person's mailbox, for the sake of a woman who does not even know you exist and, most probably, does not even care. Same applies to S, by the way - but unlike her, he might probably care about you, provided you buy whatever he has to sell.
The Marriage Certificate argument is a fallacy and you know that very well. You grasp at a piece of paper, oblivious to the whole schizophrenic show the Happy Couple puts out there for everyone to see. I can understand that, Anon: you are a conformist, soothed by a black & white reality, even where and when it's plain to see things are anything but. You need reassurance and you hate anything that might reach out of your tiny box, even at the expense of your own critical sense. Congratulations, Anon: you are perfect fodder for all the demagogues out there and so, so easily fooled. I have more thoughts about it, but I am in a cheery enough mood and really unwilling to humiliate you further.
Unless you are S himself (hi? 🤣), his PR or his lawyer, you have no right to presume what he really wants or doesn't want, what he really intends to do and what his thoughts and feelings might be. On any given matter, from the trivial to the important. We can only guess and/or speculate, based on our own life experience, our own critical sense, our understanding of the world. And also based on many other things that are NEVER discussed publicly, which is the right way to do, if you really care about someone's private life. You see, unlike people on your side of the fence and no matter what the Original Troll always says, we never did anything of what you accuse us of. We never started flaming wars just to self inflate our importance (probably because we live rich, loving lives on our own). We never accosted their entourage and then blamed in on 'The Others', without ever substantiating those very serious accusations. And we never came to your lanes to send hate or sow doubt.
Do we make mistakes? Oh, aplenty. We are human, Anon. Come back when you are ready to ask yourself some real questions about all this charade. It is an honest, but almost rhetorical invitation. You won't, simply because you despise the very idea people could think differently and you never, ever wonder why. It would clash with your own fantasy. And this, this is something you will never be ready to face, Anon.
PS: despising the very idea people could think differently also clashes with the very idea of having a choice. The implications of your own shortcoming are much, much wider than this context. But that is not my problem, Anon. After all, you also have a choice to remain as you are, and who am I to hinder you?
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melodymunson · 4 months
Rockstar Eddie Munson x fem reader head canons (feat Steve Harrington)
Adult content ahead. Only 18+ no minors
(This is my first time posting a fic for the Stranger Things fandom on tumblr. Reblogs and feedback/comments are much appreciated.)
ao3 link for the fic
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Corroded Coffin had fans everywhere and people who knew and loved heavy metal became lifelong fans.
Eddie loved to crowd surf, stage dive at any show, and even get into the pit. He was well known by concert promoters and club owners/staff alike.
The first time you saw Eddie play live he connected with you instantly and when it came time to meet the fans he made sure to ask you backstage. Out of all the groupies or fans he could've chosen he picked you.
When Corroded Coffin was the headliner he would put 110% into his performances and you would be sure to take pictures of him and CC because they were the best live band you had ever seen.
Once you got on Eddie's tour bus with your VIP all-access pass he played some unwritten songs and covers for you.
You of course bought all of the band's merch and loved all their designs.
Your job for the band was to help run the soundchecks and sell the band's merch and of course, get big tips from some of the fans.
You loved Eddie for so many reasons and him being a rockstar was just a small part of it. When he was onstage you loved to see his energy as a frontman and lead guitarist.
Most tour dinners were nothing special mainly fast food or easy and fast microwaveable food from the local grocery stores. Sometimes though Eddie took you out to dinner and it was romantic.
Eventually, you and Eddie decided to get matching tattoos of a coffin and his band's logo on your right shoulders.
Neither of you were heavy drinkers but wouldn't turn down free drinks and shots. Eddie's favorite drinks were whiskey and vodka but he loved the occasional beer.
Corroded Coffin toured with some amazing bands including Autopsy, Carnivore, WASP, and Napalm Death.
When you were watching shows with him he would either crowd surf or get into the pit. On occasion, he would hold you during the slow rock ballads.
He may have had a bad boy image to the rest of the world but he was more than a rockstar to you and you understood him completely and he loved how down-to-earth you were.
What started as you being a groupie soon turned into a relationship. It was spontaneous and he was the best mix of gentleman and rockstar.
When guys would look at you he was very protective and made sure to leave his mark and let them know you were his girl only. He would mark you up with hickeys or kiss you and hold you close to him.
You got an "I'm with the band the rules don't apply to me" shirt you would wear to some of the band's shows. He of course got an "I'm in the band the rules don't apply to me shirt" he often wore during some of his shows.
Most of your wardrobe consisted of black clothes and ripped jeans, Corroded Coffin shirts, metal tee shirts, and low-cut tops and fishnets along with platform boots. Spiked jewelry, chokers especially, and spiked bras are also a turn-on for him. Eddie would especially love it when you wore all black and when you chose to pair fishnets, a corset, a leather jacket, and heels together- he almost couldn't resist the urge to rip your clothes off.
He usually pairs a Hellfire Club shirt with cutoff and ripped denim jeans together as well as a denim jacket and Converse chucks or Vans tennis shoes but he always looks good.
He wasn't too much into cover songs but on occasion, the band would be known to cover Metallica and Black Sabbath.
For their headline Halloween hometown show you cosplayed Elvira and he loved it. Eddie went as the devil complete with mask, pitchfork, and cloak.
Neither of you have a particular preference for the type of fan/groupie to hook up with but most of the fans wore dark lipstick and were goth/alternative with low-cut black clothes. He was a sucker for women with pretty eyes though.
So many women threw themselves at both of you and took their tops off at his shows but this was just the normal every-night rockstar occurrence. Bras and underwear thrown at him on the stage happened at every show.
Sex on the tour bus was wild. Whether it be with just Eddie, other girls, men, or couples, you still had a wild and crazy time.
One of your favorite partners was Steve. Even though he was a jock he loved going to Eddies shows and supporting him and he loved to see you. After a few drinks and a joint or two, you and Steddie were fucking in the back of the bus in every position.
All the times you fucked other people together were one-night stands. The important thing was that Eddie was yours and all the sex you had with other people was protected.
He got off on seeing you go down on another woman and please her. For his birthday you let him watch and film you fucking 3 other women. He loved it and came so hard just by jacking off to it.
Being with Eddie and other women on the bus you would either fuck on the couches or in the back room and you could pretty much get them to do whatever you wanted. Being with a rockstar came with its privileges after all.
Sometimes you would just have groupies on the tour bus to suck Eddie off and film them as they did so. They were always willing and eager to please and the whole time Eddie would look right into the camera and smile.
Leather, whips, and bondage were some of Eddie's favorite things as well as pegging and you were willing to oblige and sometimes you were even his dominatrix.
Some of the concerts you attended as VIP because of his rockstar status were Ozzy, Judas Priest, Metallica, ACDC, and Joan Jett & The Blackhearts.
In the recording studio, it was quite the experience especially when he laid down the vocals. He even had you do guest vocals on the album by recording your moans as he fingered and fucked you.
Most of the time you get a chill and relaxed day off just to go do something fun like paintball, play some Dungeons & dragons, go hiking in abandoned places, go to the roller skating rink or the arcade.
Most days after the shows he takes you to the local bar or strip club/burlesque club and tip the dancers very well, have a few drinks, and bring a girl or two back to the bus.
Dustin and the rest of his gang including Will and Eleven go to the local shows and ones that are all ages of course to see Corroded Coffin and Eddie even gives them a special shoutout and side stage access/VIP treatment.
For a while, he had been thinking about getting another guitarist and he decided to hire you. The gift that he presented when you were going to get asked to be in his band was a Fender electric guitar that was purple. He had been teaching you for a while and giving you lessons and would teach you more.
What you saw as most fitting for his next birthday would be a new electric guitar and you got one for him custom-made with his initials and it was blue. He of course loved it and told you it was the best present anyone had ever gotten him.
For his first big band photoshoot, he made sure you went with him and he posed with you scantily clad but very tasteful. You both had your guitars and posed together.
Once Corroded Coffin had made it big you and Eddie got a place of your own. For so long he wanted to be able to move out of the trailer park so he did and you got a nice place that was decorated with so many rock n roll posters, a King sized bed, silk and satin sheets, and curtains/drapery, a music room, a sex room, and even a small custom recording studio.
The new place was missing something and you decided you wanted to get a pet to adopt so you sat Eddie down and talked it over and it wasn't difficult to convince him to get one. Later that week you went to a cat and dog rescue shelter and found the cutest cat that was a tabby.
When you were on tour either Steve and Robin or Dustin would take care of the cat and you and Eddie made sure to bring home lots of toys when you got back.
Once Eddie's band got their big break and finally played a bigger venue and as headliner, he decided to propose to you onstage.
After being newly engaged to Eddie he had a chance to be in a music documentary and brought you along with him for being his biggest muse.
Being with Eddie and in a touring band was what was the best thing for you now and whatever came next you would be ready for it.
tagging @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @chrrymunson @xxhellfirebunnyxx @bimbobaggins69 @reidsbtch @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @lokis-army-77 @imyourdaninow @ali-r3n @harringtonfan4 @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @bunnsandroses @take-everything-you-can @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @steveslittlesunflower @emsgoodthinkin @jadeylovesmarvelxo @lofaewrites @zestychili @s6raphic @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @dollalicia @hopsgirl
lemme know if you want to be added/removed
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bloody-britt26 · 10 months
Hop - Loser Like Me
This is an older fic that I’m just now cross-posting from my Wattpad.
Summary: He was never able to win against his rivals, and he didn't become the champion. He couldn't live up to his older brother's name. He wasn't all that special, he thought. So, why would Hop ever think that you would ever glance at him? You were that sweet, lovable person that worked day in and day out to help better the lives of rescued pokémon. Surely, you wouldn't be interested in a loser like him.
Genre: Fluff + light angst
Pairing: Hop X Rescuer!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Content Warnings: | Hop’s self-deprecating thoughts | Fear of rejection | Mentions of abused pokemon | Swearing | Reader gets slapped once (not by Hop) | Slow burn kinda | Both Hop and Reader are depicted as adults. |
Word Count: 14,741
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Sonia's lab was awfully quiet. At least, that's what Hop thought as he was the only person present in the building. Sonia was out, she had the urge to get out and do a bit of fieldwork for a change. Hop's Dubwool had fallen asleep near his desk quite some time ago.
Hop was seated at his desk, scribbling down various notes about pokémon and the Dynamax phenomenon. Even if he had been studying by Sonia's side for three years now, he still had a lot to learn and discover. There were so many pokémon out there, and there was new knowledge to be gained from them practically every day.
Behind him, the Dynamax readings showed stability, thankfully. Nothing had been out of the ordinary for a long time, but Hop and Sonia had the habit of keeping a close eye on them. Their slight paranoia was understandable due to the damage caused by the actions of Rose and the royal brothers.
Hop's foot tapped away as he wrote, he twirled his pen every so often. Even though Hop had matured quite a bit over the years, sitting still for long periods was still not his forté.
As he finished jotting down the final words of his report, he gathered up all of the sheets to place them in a neat pile. With a sigh, he leaned back to stretch his sore muscles, he had been hunched over his desk for a good amount of time, so it was much needed. Hop let out a small yelp as his computer chair nearly fell back from the pressure he was applying.
Once he stabilized himself, he reached for his Rotom Phone, turning it on so that he could tune into some live battles. He still had a bit of work to do, but he figured that he could take a small break.
He blinked once he saw footage of his best friend in battle. Hop had almost forgotten that today was Victor's exhibition match. Nonetheless, he smiled as he began to watch it.
Victor was battling Bede, and both men were giving it their all. Seeing those two battle it out on the pitch brought back memories from his own gym challenge. After all, the three had been the biggest rivals throughout their journeys.
Victor was a fantastic champion, and perhaps even better than Leon was, Hop thought. Even today, Hop couldn't believe how powerful his childhood friend was, and it seemed as though his strength grew with every passing day.
Victor wasn't just a strong battler, he was inspirational and a good man. He didn't care much about having many sponsors, nor did he go out of his way to partake in interviews. He often donated his prize money to people in need, and he was exceptionally humble.
Even Bede had matured into a decent man. Now the full-time gym leader of Ballonlea, he was a force to be reckoned with for challengers. Although he still kept a facade of toughness, Hop couldn't deny that Bede was much more polite than before. Even if Bede and Hop had never gotten along, Hop thought that it was great that Bede had found his place in the world.
Hop took a glance at his sleeping Dubwool, reaching down to stroke his coat softly. It dawned on him that it's been quite a while since he had battled someone because he was so focused on his studies to become a respectable professor. He hoped that his pokémon weren't too bored with his decision to lessen pokémon battling to focus on research.
However, they seemed to have accepted his choice of career, as did his friends and relatives. Even though being a professor was far from being his original dream, he thought it was fun.
All his life, Hop had wanted to be the champion. He wanted to prove to the region that he was just as good, possibly better than his brother. But that didn't happen, Victor got there first.
He continued to watch Victor's battle on his phone, completely immersed in the confident and enthusiastic energy that Victor displayed. Victor still had five pokémon standing, while Bede was on his last two.
"It's no wonder you became champion, mate," Hop chuckled to himself.
No wonder indeed. Three years later, and Hop had accepted that he never stood a chance of being champion. Not when he was up against Victor. Hop had never been able to defeat Victor, and he always felt like he was lightyears behind his dear friend.
Even today, he felt underwhelming compared to everyone around him. It felt as though his friends, rivals and family were all achieving great success and making names for themselves while he was constantly scribbling notes and watching wild pokémon.
Hop sighed, shaking his head in annoyance at his own thoughts. He knew better than to think so negatively, but the quiet atmosphere of the lab seemed to be the perfect setting to overthink life itself.
He shook his head once more, smiling to himself as a way to convince himself that everything was fine. He was usually so bubbly and energetic, for crying out loud! He loved doing research. It was his new passion, and that's what was important.
Hop grinned as Victor's battle came to a close, ending in a victory for his best friend. Though the outcome didn't surprise him, Hop mentally congratulated him.
As he turned off his phone to get back to work, the door to the lab opened. He didn't fully pay any mind to it as it was most likely Sonia since she was to return around these hours.
"H-Hello? Is there anyone?" A meek voice timidly sounded.
Hop's gaze lifted. That was most definitely not Sonia. He got up from his chair and smoothed his lab coat before heading to the entrance of the lab.
There stood a young, short-haired girl who looked to be more or less ten-years-old. She shyly fiddled with her sweater's sleeves as her gaze was fixated to the ground.
Hop blinked but quickly shook off his surprise to smile at the youngling. "Hi, there! What brings you here?"
"W-Well... is Professor Sonia here? I'm supposed to get my first pokémon today," she said.
Now that Hop thought about it, he did remember Sonia saying something about a girl coming to get her starter today. He had completely forgotten about that.
He looked around nervously, Sonia had most likely lost track of time. It happened to her often whenever she was really into her work, and he really couldn't blame her.
He scratched the back of his head. "R-Right! You must be Annabelle, yeah?"
The little girl nodded in response with a soft smile.
"So, er, the thing is that Sonia isn't here right now..." he said.
Annabelle's smile faltered a bit. "Oh... that's okay. I'll come back. I'm sorry for bothering you," she said.
Hop cringed at the dejected look she had, and before she could turn around and leave, he stopped her.
"Hey, wait! I can give you your pokémon, you don't have to come back later," he said before he could stop himself.
Surely, Sonia wouldn't mind if he took matters into his own hands, right? After all, he felt too bad at the thought of making her wait, he knew all too well just how exciting it was to get your very first pokémon.
"Really? Oh, thank you so much!" She said enthusiastically.
Hop chuckled and motioned her to follow him. "Well, come along. Let's have you meet the little fellows!"
She did as told and followed Hop. He then headed to a shelf where three pokéballs sat. He grabbed them and turned back to Annabelle.
As he called out the pokémon, three familiar faces excitedly made their entrance. Hop couldn't help but smile as the nostalgia hit him as he watched the Grookey, Scorbunny and Sobble all pose adorably.
Annabelle seemed absolutely enamoured with them as well as she cooed at their cuteness.
Hop nodded to himself, it was time for him to put his knowledge to good use. This would be a good way for him to evaluate his performance as a future professor.
"Sobble is just about the most gentle Water-type pokémon out there! It can be pretty sensitive and timid, but don't let that fool you, Sobble is a master of camouflage and silent attacks. It never fails to aim for an opponent's weak spot! She's a little girl!" Hop explained.
Sobble wiggled her fin as she covered her cheeks to hide a little blush. It sounded like she was giggling.
"Scorbunny is a very energetic Fire-type! It's always raring to go and up for a good fight. It's a very confident pokémon who will always do its best to impress and protect its trainer! This little guy is a boy," Hop continued.
Sorbunny bounced in the air, pumping his little paw with a wink. He was trying to showboat a little.
"And lastly, we have the Grass-type, Grookey! It's a very peaceful pokémon with a good sense of leadership. It's a very speedy pokémon that can get quite immersed in battles. This one is a boy!" He concluded.
Grookey wagged his tail, chirping happily with a bright smile as he bounced up and down. He grabbed his stick to tap a little beat onto the tile floor.
"So, which one will you take? Choose wisely. This will be your most trusted partner who will stick by your side throughout your journey no matter what," Hop said.
Annabelle's gaze flicked between the three pokémon, but not for long as she had her eyes set on the little Grookey.
"They're all so cute, but I decided that I wanted a Grookey ages ago!" She said as she crouched to the pokémon's height.
"Would you like to travel with me?" She asked, holding out her hand.
Grookey nodded excitedly as he put his little paws onto her hand. Annabelle giggled at the pokémon's cuteness.
Hop grinned. "Grookey, huh? A great choice. It was the pokémon that I chose to travel with along with Wooloo when I first started."
Annabelle giggled softly, picking up her new Grookey in her arms. "I know. That's why I wanted one, Mr. Hop!"
Hop blinked in surprise as he registered what the young girl had said. "I- Really?"
"Yeah! I always watched your battles with my mummy when you did your gym challenge. You were my favourite trainer, and I want to be just as good as you!" She said.
Hop was at a loss for words. Not only did this child know who he was, but she was admitting that she favoured him as a trainer. He didn't think this could even be a reality. He wasn't that special, he knew that for a fact. Sure, he made it through his gym challenge, but he had always been in both Victor and Leon's shadows, and, in his opinion, rightfully so.
His friends, brother and rivals all outshined him by so much. He didn't have their strength, he knew that as he could never beat a single one of them. Not even once. Hop had since accepted that he was destined to be the weakest person of his entourage.
He definitely felt happiness at knowing that someone thought so highly of him, yet he couldn't help but listen to the little voice at the back of his mind, saying that this sweet girl was making the worst mistake of her life by idolizing such a loser.
Hop chuckled nervously as he scratched at his hair. "A-Ah! Well, I appreciate that, but I'm not that gr-"
He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as Sonia made her frantic appearance into the lab, huffing slightly to catch her breath.
"I am so sorry! I got sidetracked and didn't see time fly!" She said.
Annabelle shook her head. "It's okay, Professor Sonia. Professor Hop gave me a pokémon!" She said as she snuggled her Grookey.
"But I'm not a prof-"
"I can see that!" Sonia chuckled. "Annabelle, dear, what do you say we equip that Rotom Phone of yours with a Pokédex?" She continued.
"Please!" She said, handing Sonia her phone.
"Alright. Hop, why don't you go get some Pokéballs for her while I set this up?" Sonia asked.
Hop nodded. "Of course."
As Hop distanced himself to rummage through some drawers for Pokéballs, Sonia explained to Annabelle the Pokédex's functions. It was just like she had done when he and Victor had first started their journeys.
He found five Pokéballs to get the young girl started on her team, so he headed back to the duo and handed Annabelle the catching devices.
"Here you go. They'll help you get started on your team," he said.
When she took the balls from Hop, he reached into his pocket to grab another one. "Here. This is your Grookey's Pokéball."
"Thank you very much for everything!" She said as she took her starter's Pokéball.
Hop shook his head. "It's our pleasure! Now, get out there and meet tons of pokémon! But remember to stay safe and have fun," he said.
"I will! Thanks again, you two!" She said before exiting the lab with her Grookey still in her arms.
When Annabelle left, Hop sighed in relief, happy that everything went smoothly. He then turned to Sonia, laughing nervously.
"S-Sorry, Professor. I hope you don't mind that I took care of things. I didn't want to make her wait too long, and I didn't know when you would be back," he said.
Sonia shook her head. "No, no, don't worry a thing. I'm glad you did, and by the looks of it, you handled that really well. Proper job!" She said with a grin.
"Thank you... I did my best," Hop said, relieved that he didn't mess anything up.
Sonia glanced at the desk where a large pile of notes sat before turning back to Hop. "Would you like to switch places with me? Arceus knows how much you hate sitting still."
"Yeah, I'll take you up on that. Fieldwork is my favourite kind of work!" He laughed.
Fresh air was definitely needed at the moment. Hopefully, it would help him keep his mind at ease from the negativity that has been plaguing him recently.
"Thank you for having me over, Magnolia. I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced," you said.
Having decided to take a well-deserved break from work, you dropped by Magnolia's home for a visit. You found her company to be warm and homely, which was something you loved, especially when you needed to sit back and relax.
You sat in Magnolia's plant room on one of the comfortable loveseats as the older woman prepared cups of the finest tea she had in her kitchen. The scenery of her home, particularly the room you were in, had you feeling at peace.
Perched atop your head was your beloved Frosmoth. She could get quite heavy, so she made sure to not put her full weight on you. She absolutely refused to be left home alone today, no matter how much you protested. Thankfully, Magnolia didn't mind the presence of the larger moth pokémon, as she was very well-behaved.
Magnolia stepped into the room, a tray in hand and a warm smile upon her features. "Nonsense, dear. You're welcomed in my home at any moment. I don't get to see you nearly as often as I'd like," she said as she set the tea down.
You thanked her as she handed you a cup. "I know, and I'm sorry about that. I feel bad, trust me."
"Don't. It's to be expected with the kind of work you do, and I fully understand. Just know that you're always welcomed to knock on my door should you need anything," she said as she sat across from you.
You smiled. "Thank you. It's nice to have someone I can trust living nearby."
"Of course! You're practically family at this point!" She said, laughing softly.
You truly appreciated it. Your work required your constant presence at home, so you didn't have much time to go out of your way to make close friends, much less someone you could trust. Magnolia was such an understanding and patient woman, and she knew that you didn't mean anything ill by not dropping by all the time. You had your duties, and she accepted that. She was well aware that you cared even if you weren't always around, and for that, you were thankful.
"Speaking of which..." Magnolia started as she set her cup down, "... my granddaughter should be coming over shortly with her assistant."
"O-Oh! Should I leave then? I wouldn't want to be a bother," you said.
"Don't even get that idea. Sonia will be thrilled to see you, you know she adores you!" Magnolia said.
You chuckled at the woman's light scolding. "You're right. It's been a while since I've seen her, or that she's dropped by my place. She's pretty busy now, huh? Being a full-time professor and all."
"She certainly is, though she loves her work. It seems that journeying through Galar a second time was what she needed to discover her true passion," Magnolia said, fondness for her granddaughter could be heard in her voice.
"Sometimes, I think of having another journey myself, but I think I made the right call with the path I ended up taking," you said.
Magnolia nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! What was your original goal again?"
You laughed, shaking your head. "I wanted to be a gym leader of all things."
"Oh, that's right! You know, you're absolutely phenomenal at taking care of pokémon that I just can't even fathom the idea of you as a gym leader," she playfully teased.
"I know, right? Plans change, but that's okay!" You said.
You shivered when you felt your Frosmoth blow a faint gust of frigid air onto you in an attempt to get your attention.
"Are you hungry, Dumpling?" You asked, chuckling at her behaviour.
She let out a small cry in confirmation. So, you reached into your bag, which rested at your feet, and pulled out a plastic container that held Dumpling's favourite food. You held the container right in front of her, letting her sniff it out. Once she did, she happily chowed down.
As you fed your Frosmoth, you heard the front door open, followed by the familiar voice of Sonia.
"Hellooo! I'm here, and I brought Hop!" She called out.
Magnolia smiled. "We're in here, dear!"
"We?" Sonia said as she stepped into the room in which you were seated. Once she saw you, her eyes widened in surprise.
"Heya, Sonia!" You said with a bright smile.
"(Y/N), no way! How are you, stranger?" She asked, laughing.
You got up from your seat so that you could give your friend a hug. Dumpling flew off of your head to let you do so.
"I'm doing great! It's been a while, huh?" You said, letting go of her.
"No kidding. I mean, you're a hermit!" She teased.
You rolled her eyes. "Pft. It's not just me. Aren't you always buried in piles of research?" You shot back.
"You got me there," she chuckled. She turned to her grandmother. "You didn't tell me that (Y/N) would be here!"
Magnolia chuckled. "Ah... I wanted to keep it a surprise."
Sonia's eyes then landed on Dumpling. "And you've got Dumpling with you! She looks great!"
Sonia gently approached the pokémon and held out her hand in front of her. Dumpling sniffed her hand, and once she recognized Sonia's scent, she squealed happily and nuzzled her hand.
"Hey, you remember me!" Sonia said as she patted the affectionate moth.
"Of course, she does!" You said.
At that moment, someone cleared their throat. When you glanced at the doorway, you saw who you assumed to be Sonia's assistant.
He had an award-winning smile as he scratched the back of his head in a slightly nervous manner. Though he didn't seem much younger than you, he was pretty tall, more or less six feet. His hair was a lovely shade of purple, which fit rather nicely with his bright, yellow eyes. You were sure you recognized him from somewhere.
Letting go of Dumpling, Sonia clapped her hands together as she headed to her assistant's side.
"Right, you've never met. (Y/N), meet Hop. He's my assistant. Hop, this is (Y/N). They’re a good friend of mine!" She said, introducing the two of you.
Hop grinned at you, holding out his hand for you to shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"
You took his hand. "Right back at you, Hop!"
And then, it clicked.
"Hey, you're the former champion's little brother, right? You were in the challenge, like, three years ago?" You asked.
Hop blinked, a glimmer of surprise flashing in his eyes for a second. "Yeah, actually. You're spot on."
He certainly was not expecting for this stranger to know who he was. Maybe it wouldn't have surprised him if someone recognized him three years ago when he had finished his challenge, but now, he had convinced himself that practically everyone in Galar had forgotten about his existence.
Sonia raised a brow, which made you roll your eyes. "Hey, don't look at me like that. I like to watch the gym battles whenever I have the chance."
Magnolia spoke up. "Hey, now. What are you all standing around for? Why don't you younglings sit down while I go make some more tea? Perhaps some snacks as well?" She said as she stood up.
The three of you nodded in agreement. Hop and Sonia sat next to each other. Before you sat down, you scratched Dumpling's belly and gently guided her to you so she could perch herself atop your head once more.
Hop tilted his head in slight confusion at your interaction with the pokémon, but he didn't question it any further. At least, he tried. He couldn't help but analyze your Frosmoth, blame it on the researcher in him. As he looked at her, he noticed something off about her eyes. A Frosmoth's eyes were usually a deep blue, but yours were somewhat cloudy.
"Is your Frosmoth blind?" He blurted before he could stop himself.
He mentally cringed, hoping that he didn't seem too nosy or impolite by asking such a thing. However, you smiled at him, features clear of any kind of offence.
"She is, actually!" You said, reaching up to pat Dumpling's head.
"(Y/N) takes care of a lot of disabled and injured pokémon. They run their own sanctuary!" Sonia intervened.
At that, Hop's eyes practically lit up with wonder. "Seriously? Wow, that's amazing!"
You chuckled with a light hue of pink coating your cheeks. "Yeah, I do! It's not far from here, actually. Just a few kilometres behind Magnolia's house, there's my house and my sanctuary."
"Wait... really? I didn't even know that there was anything past Magnolia's house," he said, surprised.
"Yeah... it's pretty easy to miss, but that was kind of the point of picking that particular spot. It's just me and the pokémon with little to no disturbances, which is just what these pokémon need," you explained.
Hop nodded at your explanation. He then leaned forward, nearly slamming his hands onto the coffee table excitedly.
"So, what kind of pokémon do you have there?" He asked, eyes shining with interest.
Sonia chuckled, tapping at his shoulder. "Whoa. Simmer down there, Hop."
Hop immediately retracted as he was made aware of his little burst of excitement. He scratched the back of his head, blushing in embarrassment. He felt like a total child.
"S-Sorry about that. I got carried away," he said.
You laughed, waving him off. "No, no, it's totally fine! If anything, I'm glad that you're so interested!"
Taking care of rescued pokémon was your biggest passion, and you had sworn to dedicate yourself to making a difference for pokémon who were in need of a second chance at life. It was your favourite topic to discuss, and meeting people who seemed so excited to hear you speak about your work and experiences was something that made you beyond ecstatic.
You had to be honest with yourself: you were sometimes afraid that people would get bored or annoyed with you since you could never shut up about your sanctuary. You had the habit of always swerving your conversations towards it, and you really couldn't help it.
So, that's why you got along so well with women like Magnolia and Sonia. They were professors, researchers, and they loved to hear about your experiences regarding the pokémon you helped. You could always have great conversations with them.
You knew for a fact that Hop was highly passionate about pokémon. It showed when you watched his battles back then. And to want to become a professor, it took a lot of dedication and love towards these creatures. You were sure that you would get along great with him.
"You see, there are quite a few pokémon that are in my care. They all have their own story, and they are all unique. Every single one of them has a place in my heart, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for them. They're my number one priority in life," you gushed.
Your eyes then widened, and you chuckled nervously as you noticed that you were rambling.
"Ah... sorry. Here I go again, just talking my mouth off," you apologized.
"Wha-? Why are you apologizing?" Hop asked.
Before you could answer, Sonia chimed in. "They're a dummy, that's why. They think that they’ll annoy us if they talk too much about their sanctuary."
"Oh, come on! That's rubbish!" Hop exclaimed. "Can you tell me how you met your Frosmoth... Dumbo, was that it?" He continued.
You chuckled at the way Hop had managed to butcher her name. "It's Dumpling, and I'd be happy to!"
"It wasn't super out of the ordinary, but I met her right outside Circhester when she was just a tiny hatchling Snom, and when I say tiny, I mean it. She was smaller than any other Snom I had seen before, even for a baby. I guessed that she was the runt out of her siblings," you started.
"Oh! That explains why she seems smaller than the typical Frosmoth," he said. "R-Right, carry on!" He quickly added as he noticed that he had accidentally cut you off.
"She was still near her nest when I found her, but her family was nowhere to be seen. The thing that caught my eye, though, was that she was really unstable. She had a hard time walking without bumping into things. I was curious, so I managed to approach her, and she seemed to panic once she sensed that something was approaching, but she was turning in all sorts of directions, and she didn't seem to know where to look," you continued.
"And that's when you understood that she was blind," Hop said, making you nod.
"Yeah. I kept calm and talked to her in a gentle voice. I was really trying to reassure her that everything was alright. When she calmed down, she let me pet her and even pick her up eventually. I tried looking around the route for her family, but I couldn't find them. I guessed that the mother left her behind because she was the weakest, less likely to survive of the hatchings," you said.
You scratched Dumpling's cheek, causing her to nuzzle your hand with a soft, melodic cry sounding from her.
"I just kind of, you know, took her in. I mean... I just couldn't leave her out there. I don't think I would have been able to forgive myself if I left a vulnerable baby out there, you know?" You finished.
Hop grinned. "You should pat yourself on the back, mate! I mean, you gave her a chance, and she looks like she appreciates it a lot."
At Hop's words, Dumpling happily fluttered her wings, little snowflakes emitting from her as she did so.
"O-Oh... it was just the right thing to do!" You said.
"(Y/N), give yourself more credit. A lot of people wouldn't have had the same heart of gold that you had in that situation. It's not everyone who would have wanted to take so much time in helping and caring for an 'imperfect' pokémon," Sonia said, making Hop nod in agreement.
It might have been the first time he's met you, but Hop could immediately say that you were a great person. Lovable, even. His mind raced as he felt that he would love to get to know you some more. You had such a warm and inviting presence that practically pulled him to you.
As you were speaking, he could only find himself being completely pulled into a state of immersion at your words. He certainly didn't miss the way your eyes practically shined with life when you spoke about your meeting with Dumpling. You had so much emotion in your voice, and he found it to be absolutely endearing.
Of course, he knew that his desire to get to know you was most likely one-sided and merely wishful thinking on his part. After all, Hop knew that he wasn't very impressive. He was just an assistant who hasn't done anything remarkable. Surely, you wouldn't spare him a minute.
"Say, Hop," you started, making him snap out of his thoughts.
"How about you come over to my place for a visit whenever you have some free time? I could show you around the sanctuary if you're interested!" You offered.
Sonia nudged him. "You should take her up on that offer. You'll love it, I swear! It's so pretty at her place," She said.
"You really mean that?" He asked.
"Of course!" You said.
Hop was caught off guard by your offer. He didn't expect you to invite a nobody like him to your precious sanctuary. He really hoped that he wouldn't be a waste of time to you.
Still, he couldn't help but grin wildly as he practically bounced in his seat. "That would be amazing! Thanks a bunch, (Y/N)!" He exclaimed.
"Please, it's my pleasure!" You said with a smile. "Would you hand me your phone? I'll give you my phone number so you can text me whenever you want to come over!" You said.
"O-Oh! Right!" Hop said with a light blush.
He pulled out his phone and opened up a new contact page before handing it to you. Hop was definitely surprised, it wasn't everyday that a woman offered him her phone number.
"Alright. Here you go!" You said, handing him back his phone.
"I'm pretty much always at my place, so come on over anytime, honestly. Just let me know so that I don't miss when you ring the doorbell since I'm often outside!" You said.
"Gotcha. Thanks a bunch for the opportunity, (Y/N)," he grinned.
You smiled. Hop's smile and enthusiasm was contagious. You hoped that he would go through with your offer. Hop was precisely the kind of person you wanted to share your work and passion with.
To: (Y/N) 
12:08 P.M
- Hiya! It's Hop, Sonia's assistant from the other day. I have some free time, and I was hoping to maybe come and visit you, maybe?
From: (Y/N) 
12:11 PM
- Hop, hey! I've been waiting for you to hit me up! I'd love for you to visit. Come on over. I can't wait to show you around!
To: (Y/N) 
12:11 PM
- Great! I'm on my way, like, right now. Is that cool with you?
From: (Y/N) 
12:12 PM
- Of course. See you in a bit!
Hop couldn't help the huge, dorky grin on his face as he hurried along the nearly hidden path behind Magnolia's house that led to your sanctuary.
He was beyond excited to get a feel for the kind of life you had as a pokémon rescuer. Plus, he had to be honest with himself: he was excited to see you again. 
He was definitely relieved that you meant it when you had offered him to visit, he had almost expected for your words to be hollow. He wouldn't have blamed you, you probably had better things to do than waste your precious time on him. Still, he was grateful.
And he couldn't help but re-read your messages. Especially the 'I've been waiting for you to hit me up.' It was simple, yet he couldn't deny that it made him feel like he was desirable, like you actually might be interested in his company.
The path to your home was rather bumpy. There were quite a few rocks and branches along the way. He had to slow down a bit as he kept tripping over the various debris on the road. You had really picked one hell of a spot for your sanctuary.
When he finally managed to navigate the narrow path of debris and trees, he came to a gorgeous clearing. There, he saw what was most likely your home, which was situated between a large fenced off area and a berry garden. 
He could already see many trees planted inside the fence, and there seemed to be a second building connected to the area, most likely an indoor area for the pokémon.
Hop grinned as he accelerated towards your house, completely hyped now that he was there and about to experience something entirely new to him.
Your home was a rather small, white farmhouse. It seemed that there were two stories to your home, and there was a small porch with an outdoor swing on it. It looked cozy, and for some reason, it was exactly the kind of house that he would think someone with a rescue would have.
Now at your front door, his hand froze midair as he was about to ring your doorbell. He mentally groaned, was he seriously having second thoughts about everything? 
It's not that he didn't want to visit you. If anything, nothing could make him any happier than visiting you at the moment. What if he was going to slow you down in your work? Hop didn't want you to put your whole day on hold just for him. 
He knew that you had told him that he could drop in anytime, but what if he had caught you at a bad time, and you were simply too nice to turn him away? The more he thought about it, the more he felt like a nuisance.
"Get it together, mate. You're here to have fun and get to know a sweet person better. That's all there is to it," Hop whispered to himself, attempting to calm his nerves.
When he finally rang the doorbell, he immediately heard frantic shuffling coming from inside your house. Barely a few seconds had passed, and you had already opened the door, greeting him with a big grin. You were holding a little Sobble in your arms, one of its front legs was bandaged.
Hop couldn't help but be surprised at the speed you had just displayed. Had you really been waiting for him to such a point? The thought was quickly lost, though. You most likely weren't. At least, not for someone as uninteresting as he was.
"Hop! I'm so glad you came by!" You said, stepping out of your home.
"I'm glad to be here! You're absolutely sure that this okay with you, right? I wouldn't want to be a bother," Hop asked.
He regretted asking as he wanted to keep the outing positive, but he really couldn't help sliding that question in. 
"Don't be silly. Really, I'm happy you're here," you said.
When your tone was laced with such sincerity, Hop couldn't help but grin at you. Perhaps, you truly would enjoy his company.
"Ah... wait. You've got a few leaves in your hair," you said.
You reached your hand to his hair, gently brushing it and causing Hop to slightly squeak in surprise. You couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. It was pretty cute.
"Yeah. I... well, I smashed into a few branches on my way here. I was so hyped that I could barely slow down and look where I was going," Hop admitted.
"Hey, it still happens to me!" You chuckled. 
When you were done brushing the debris out of Hop's hair, you shut the door of your home. 
"Well? Ready?" You asked as you beckoned him to follow you. "Front gate's just this way."
Hop nodded excitedly as he walked by your side. His gaze went to the Sobble that you were still holding.
"So, who's this little fellow?" He asked.
"I call him Dizzy!" You said.
"Yeah... he has a neurological disorder that affects his balance and cognition. He's not super stable on his feet and took a bit of a tumble today. Nothing too drastic, though, just a little scrape!" You explained.
"Whoa, alright. Is it curable, the disorder? S-Sorry if it sounds stupid, I've just never met a pokémon with a neurological problem," Hop asked.
"Not stupid at all. You won't know unless you ask. It can't be cured. It's genetic, and it's there to stay. Unfortunately, Dizzy has the worst level of it, so he has to take medication every day, or else he could get seizures," you said.
Hop frowned at that. "That's... poor thing."
You rubbed Dizzy's head, making him purr in delight. "Yeah... but he's been great!"
You came to a stop so that you could open the main gate of your rescue, holding it out for Hop to go first. You followed after him, shutting the gate afterwards.
"Flygon?" You called out once you were in the perimeter.
Almost instantly, a Flygon dived from the sky, landing right in front of you and Hop. Poor Hop nearly squealed in surprise at the large dragon, especially since it was glaring right at him.
"Hey, hey, ease up! Hop's a friend, he's good!" You cooed, which seemed to calm him.
"Could you take him back to the water area, please?" You asked, handing him the oblivious Sobble.
With a happy cry of his name, the dragon nodded and took to the skies in the direction of the area you had told him.
"You okay there, Hop?" You asked, chuckling at the look on his face.
He quickly shook his head. "Y-Yeah! I just didn't expect you to have a big Flygon around," he said, chuckling.
"Yeah... Flygon's a big help around here!" You said.
"That's pretty sweet."
You nodded in agreement before clasping your hands together. "Now, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" You said enthusiastically.
Barely into your rescue, and it was already bustling with life. Beautiful, healthy plants, flowers and trees bloomed all over the area. It was rather grassy, except for the main pathway. 
Hootoots, Rookidees and Corvisquires were perched atop the branches. Hop could also make out a Leafeon peacefully sleeping in a shaded area. A Galvantula was carefully working on a burrow inside of a cavity in the base of a tree. Its web looked like a work of art.
There were even some berry trees, and a sweet Flapple was knocking ripe berries out of the tree so that a duo of Appletun could snack on them. 
Where large patches of flowers laid, there was a group of Gossifleurs, Eldegoss, Cottonees and Whimsicotts hanging together. Combees, Cutiflies and Ribombees happily twirled around the flowers. 
Hop had to freeze in his steps to let a trio of Nickit, Purrloin and Yamper pass as they seemed to be playing a game of chase with each other.
Your place was gorgeous and immaculate. He felt like he was in a pokémon research lab; only this was a much more natural environment.
"Look at all of 'em..." Hop said, eyes shining in absolute wonder.
You couldn't help but giggle at how cute Hop looked. He was truly in his element. 
"There's even more of them too! Some might be hiding, and others are in other areas," you said with a small yet proud smirk.
"Bloody hell... this is so cool!" He said. "So, do these pokémon all belong to you?" He asked.
"Not necessarily. Some are still wild pokémon, but they happen to be in my care," you said.
As the two of you kept walking along the path, Hop noticed that there was a lack of human presence in your area. Not a single person other than the two of you was in sight.
"Do.... do you run this all by yourself, (Y/N)?" Hop asked incredulously.
"Well... yes," you said, scratching the back of your head.
"How?! Taking care of pokémon with particular needs can't be an easy feat!" Hop said, mouth agape.
You laughed. "It's definitely something, but knowing that I'm helping pokémon in need, the fatigue is worth it."
"You don't have a single employee? Not even one?" Hop asked, still barely believing it.
"Nope. The closest thing that I have to employees is my team of pokémon that I raised during the gym challenge. I have some stationed in each area of the rescue, so if there are any problems, they'll come to me. I also have my Flygon, who keeps an eye on things from the sky during day time, and my Gengar is on night patrol!" You explained.
"Wow, mate, you sure have a handle on things," he smiled.
And then it hit him. "Wait, you were in the challenge?" He asked.
"Yeah! I wasn't doing it the same year as you though. I didn't get to the end... I met Dumpling, and I was so focused on helping her out that I just, you know, dropped out. But I'm happy I-"
You were cut off by the happy barking of your Growlithe, who was running as fast as she could towards you.
You smiled and crouched to her level, patting her fur as she rapidly and excitedly wagged her tail all the while snuggling you.
"Nubby, my little girl! How are you doing?" You cooed.
Alright. Hop had to compose himself for a few seconds as he nearly melted into a puddle of feelings at the sound of your adorable baby voice.
The more he spoke to you, the more he realized just how incredible you were. Boy, did he feel blessed that you even considered giving him a second of your precious time.
You were leagues above him in so many ways. The two of you had started off the same way: you had both started your lives as mere challengers. You didn't even finish yours, yet you still had managed to become someone. You had a goal, and you were accomplishing incredible things. Meanwhile, Hop had completed his challenge, but he was still utter rubbish who had not managed to do anything impressive of his life.
Your presence, Hop loved it more and more as the minutes went by. But he knew that he didn't deserve it. You shouldn't be associating with a loser like him.
He shook his head, trying to snap himself out of his thoughts, pronto. It was then that he noticed that the Growlithe was missing her right front leg. Only a little nub remained, which was probably why you referred to her as Nubby.
"So, who's this girl?" He asked.
"This is Nubby! Her leg had to be amputated because she had severe trauma where she suffered from too many fractures to the point where it was unfixable," you explained.
Hop crouched down as well, cringing slightly at the thought. "I'm kind of scared to ask what happened to her..." he added, extending his hand.
At that, Nubby bounced to Hop's hand, sniffing it before barking happily once again.
"Yeah... let's just say that her previous owner wasn't a very nice person," you said, a bitter frown on your face as you recalled the memories.
"That's absolute rubbish. How could someone treat a pokémon so poorly?" Hop said.
Nubby began to lick and nuzzle Hop's hand as she wanted some head pats, which is precisely what he did.
"Aw... but you're such a good girl. You didn't deserve that," he cooed.
"She really likes you, Hop! You're a natural with pokémon," You said, laughing softly.
"You think?" He asked with a big grin. His heart practically soared at the compliment.
"Duh! Why wouldn't I?" You said.
"I mean... I've never been a great trainer like my brother or Victor, and I can barely consider myself a professor. I still have a lot to learn, you know?" He said.
Hop instantly cringed as the words left his mouth. He wanted nothing more than to remain positive for the day. After all, he's been adoring every second with you. Yet, Hop couldn't help but let his feelings pour a bit. You just gave him that sentiment of trust that made him want to confide in you.
But, he felt absolutely silly at having unloaded his negativity on you. You didn't deserve to have his self-pity on your shoulders.
However, you just sent him a soft smile before crawling to his side and gently putting your hand on his shoulder. The touch had his stomach fluttering.
"Give yourself more credit, Hop. While Victor was completely destroying everyone, you were the only trainer to give him a run for his money. And you already know so much about pokémon, so imagine in a few years how much of an amazing professor you'll be," you said.
"I-" Hop stuttered, unable to express himself as he felt his face heat up. "Geez, (Y/N), thanks... you're too kind," he said.
"I'm just being factual," you said, grinning at him before standing up.
"Heya, Nubby? I have to finish the tour. Come find me later, and we'll play, okay?" You said.
She barked and nodded. She licked him one last time before pulling away from Hop.  She then bounced off to play with other pokémon.
You extended your hand to Hop, which he took and let you pull him up from the ground. Hop's mind ran wild as he noticed that you had not let go of his hand as you led him through your rescue. You were so casual about it.
As you brought him to the next area, his eyes widened at the gorgeous scenery—a large pond surrounded by rocks, shrubs and trees. There was even a little trickling waterfall. Aquatic plants were surfacing, and the stones had natural moss growing on them.
The little Sobble from earlier seemed like he was having a blast floating on top of a Lotad's head. Little Pyukumukus were chilling on the edges of the rocks, and many fish pokémon happily splashed about. Even non-water type pokémon were running around the area.
"So? What do you think?" You asked.
"What do I think? Mate, it's amazing! If I were a pokémon, I'd never want to leave. How'd you even manage all of this?" He asked, absolutely stunned.
"With a lot of work. My family and I all pitched in to build, landscape and plant everything," you said.
"Bloody hell. You definitely succeeded!" Hop said.
Off in the distance, he saw a more rocky and sandy area. Larvitars were rolling around in the sand. A Sizzlipede and Helioptile were sunbathing on rocks. Hop could also see a large group of Salandits.
"Whoa, you've got a lot of Salandits," he commented.
"Yeah... they tend to be a pretty common pokémon in the rescue," you said.
"Is it because of the Salazzles? I'm pretty sure some Salazzles are pretty ruthless with Salandits. You know, taking all their food and stuff," Hop said.
You grinned. "You're actually spot on, Hop! See? You do know your stuff!"
He blushed again, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. Hop was definitely happy that you were complimenting him. It was a nice, refreshing change from his usual intrusive thoughts.
"They're all males, and they've been starved to the point of near-death because of overly dominant Salazzles. Nature can be just as cruel as humans at times," you said.
You sat down in the shade of a tree. Hop followed, sitting next to you.
"Definitely. But they seem really ha- huh? Is that a shiny Salandit," he asked with wide eyes.
You followed his gaze, and you smiled once you saw the sweet Salandit that he was referring to. The little guy was watching you from afar, yet he made no moves to come to you.
"It is... that would be Blizzard," you said. "Blizzard, sweetie, come over here," you called out.
Blizzard flinched, but he complied. However, he was taking slow, shaky steps, and his posture was excessively nervous, which didn't go unnoticed by Hop.
"Hey... what's wrong with the fellow?" He asked.
"Oh... well, he's petrified of anyone who isn't me," you said.
"O-Oh... maybe I should leave, then? I wouldn't want to cause problems," he said.
You shook your head. "Don't be silly, Hop. You're allowed to stay."
"Can I ask why he's so nervous with people?" Hop asked.
You nodded, sighing at the horrible story. "I happened to be in the area when it all went down, releasing some pokémon who were fit to go back in the wild. A shiny hunter had been looking for a shiny Salandit for months to add to his 'collection.' When he finally found Blizzard, he was outraged that he found a male since they're incapable of evolving. In his fit of rage, the hunter yelled at Blizzard, calling him a worthless piece of shit and kicked him so hard against a rock the poor thing's skull cracked."
"What the hell?!" Hop nearly yelled. 
"I know..." you said.
Blizzard had finally crawled to your hand. He sniffed your hand before rubbing his head against your hand. Hop noticed a few scars on top of the Salandit's head. 
"He seems so sweet," Hop said.
You nodded as you scooped Blizzard into your arms and your lap. He curled up into a bundle, really cuddling up to you as much as he could.
"Hey... thanks again for letting me come here, I mean, look at this place! It's amazing! I could just sit here and watch the pokémon all day," Hop said enthusiastically.
"Well, why don't you drop by more often?" You proposed.
"R-Really? I mean, I'd love to. B-But I wouldn't want to be a bother!" He stuttered, voice laced with surprise.
"Oh, come on! I really enjoyed your company today. It's so nice to have someone as enthusiastic and passionate as you around. Plus, wouldn't it be good for your research? To come here and all?" You said.
"I.... you have a point. I had fun today too, and well, you know..." he said, trailing off near the end as his cheeks erupted in a cherry hue.
Hop was adorable, and you meant it when you said that you'd like to have him over more often. You hoped he would as you definitely had an interest in him blossoming within you.
Hop never expected that a visit to Magnolia's home would make him meet someone like you. Someone he felt at peace and ease with, someone who he sought out their company.
He kept telling himself that he shouldn't be such a burden by dropping in on you so often, but he couldn't help it.
He went to see you whenever possible, and he lived for the moments where he did. Hop was always so mesmerized by all of the pokémon you took care of. You brought so much to his research, even Sonia had noticed.
And today was another day where he was racing down to your home to see you again.
Getting to your place, he immediately saw you on the porch, sitting on your little swing. As he got closer, he noticed that you were holding two little Dreepys. Next to you was Blizzard, who was snuggling against your thigh.
Hop also saw two bottles and blankets placed onto the table next to the swing. You were probably in the midst of caring for the little ones.
You heard footsteps approaching you. Lifting your head, you saw Hop heading your way, a perfect smile upon his face as he waved at you.
"Heya, Hoppers! Come sit with me, you've got to meet these little cuties," you called out.
Upon realizing that Hop was here, the Salandit that had been cuddling you scurried off of the swing to hide behind your feet and under the swing.
Hop frowned at that. Most of the pokémon had gotten used to his presence, and they all let him play and pet them. But it wasn't the case for Blizzard. The poor thing was still terrified of Hop. Not that Hop blamed him.
"Shoot, sorry. I didn't mean to scare him off," Hop apologized, sitting next to you.
You waved off his apology. "It's fine. He'll come around eventually."
"When did you get Dreepys, (Y/N)?" He asked.
"Just the other day. Aren't they cute?" You gushed as you wiggled your fingers at the little ones, causing them to squeal happily.
"They're tiny. Babies?" Hop said.
"Yeah... they're practically newborns. Their mum passed away. Someone contacted me the other day saying that he found the babies near their mum's body," you explained.
Hop frowned. "Poor things. I wonder what happened to the mum."
"I'm not sure. The Dragapult didn't seem to have any wounds, so she may have been sick," you said.
"So, are you going to keep them until they're old enough to fend for themselves? Like what mother Dragapults do?" Hop said.
You smiled. "That's the plan! Unless they decide that they want to stay."
Suddenly, the duo of babies was trying to nibble at your fingers, causing you to retract them before you got chomped.
"They're probably hungry. Why don't we feed them?" You said.
"We? But-" 
Hop was interrupted as you handed him one of the hungry babies. It wiggled its paws excitedly in Hop's arms.
"A-Are you sure, (Y/N)? Maybe you're better off handling things. I don't want to mess anything up," Hop said with an undertone of nervousness.
You couldn't help but frown. This was a recurring problem with Hop. You had noticed that he seemed to think rather lowly of himself ever since you first met him at Magnolia's. At the time, you had brushed off his behaviour as pure nervousness, but you were most definitely wrong. 
Hop put everyone around him on the highest pedestal while he put himself down. He was constantly doubting his abilities and brushing off his accomplishments as if they were nothing. Every so often, he would make pessimistic comments about himself.
His low self-esteem was heartbreaking to you. You thought that Hop was great, and you wished that he could see himself the way you saw him.
"This isn't the first time you've helped me feed a pokémon from the sanctuary, you'll be fine!" You reassured him.
"I- well, alright then," Hop said.
You grabbed the bottles from the table and handed one to Hop. You shook your bottle and held it out to the baby Dreepy who immediately latched onto it.
"Don't tip the bottle too much, so the Dreepy doesn't drink too fast and choke. That's all there is to it!" You said.
Hop stared at you as you fed the baby dragon with a small blush colouring his face. You looked so cute when you took care of pokémon. Your passion and love for what you did really surfaced, and it was so sweet.
The Dreepy that Hop was holding nudged him, wanting food as well. Hop mumbled a small apology to the pokémon for making him wait.
So, Hop copied what you were doing to feed the baby. Hop had never fed a baby dragon before, so this was a pleasant experience.
Your Dreepy was already done eating, and he let out a big yawn. You set the bottle down and grabbed one of the blankets, wrapping him in a little bundle.
"It helps them feel more secure. They usually spend a lot of time in their mother's catapults at this age, so they like being bundled up," you explained.
"You'd make a good parent," Hop blurted, which he instantly regretted.
His blush worsened as he processed the idiotic and embarrassing thing he had just said. What the hell was wrong with him? How in Arceus' name did he come to the conclusion that that was an appropriate thing to say?
"I-I mean I- never mind! J-Just pretend that you didn't hear that!" Hop said, embarrassed.
But, all you did was grin at him. "You really think so?"
He blinked, surprised that you weren't mad or uncomfortable. "Well... yes," he admitted.
You nodded, still smiling. You glanced at his lap and noticed that the baby Dreepy was finished eating and had fallen asleep all curled up in his lap.
"And... you'd definitely be a great dad," you said, winking at him as you held out the other blanket.
Hop's mind practically stopped functioning at your reply, and he would most likely have a heart attack if this kept up.
He grabbed the blanket, and although his hands were a little shaky from what had just transpired, he managed to wrap it around the Dreepy.
"See? You did really well with the Dreepy! Thanks for giving me a hand," you said.
"I-It's my pleasure- huh?" 
Hop paused as he noticed that Blizzard was starting to poke his head out from underneath the swing. The Salandit was looking straight at Hop and tilting his head. He seemed to be intrigued in Hop.
Hop smiled. "Heya, lil' buddy."
You grinned at the scene. Although Blizzard wasn't making any moves to come to Hop, he was starting to recognize Hop as a good person, which was a good thing.
Hop leaned down, holding his hand out to Blizzard. Blizzard continued to stare at Hop's hand, but he ultimately decided to back away a little and hold onto your leg.
"Still not passed the 'no touchy' boundaries, huh? It's alright, take your time," Hop said, sitting upright.
"If anything, I think Blizzard likes you. He's never even tried to make eye contact with others," you said.
"Yeah! He must sense that you're absolutely amazing!" You said.
Hop blushed. "I- thanks, (Y/N)"
Hop never expected that a visit to Magnolia's home would make him meet someone like you. Someone he would end up crushing on, even if he knew that you would never glance at him in that way.
"Hello? Sonia? Hop?" You called out, entering the research lab.
Hop, who was putting away some books on the second story, turned around at the sound of your voice. He grinned when he saw you.
"(Y/N)! Whatcha doing here?" He asked, heading down the stairs.
You hugged him, which he immediately reciprocated. Thankfully for him, you couldn't see the dorky, lovesick smile plastered on his face when you did.
"I was actually dropping off some rare berries by Sonia's request. You know how much she loves making curry," you said, waving a bag around.
Hop took your bag to place it onto the desk for Sonia to grab whenever she came back to the lab. 
He looked back at you, playfully pouting. "Aw... you didn't come here to see me?"
"Well, it might have been an excuse to come and see you," you winked.
You were just joking around, he knew that. You had to be, there was no way you actually meant that. Even if he knew not to put much thought into it, he couldn't help but hang onto the slight sliver of hope that there was some underlying flirtatious message in your comment. 
"But, er, do you mind if I stay with you a bit?" You asked. "I'll leave if you're busy, though," you added.
Hop practically lit up at your desire to stay with him, and he hoped that he didn't seem like such a dork. 
"No, no, I'd be happy for you to stay. I was getting kind of bored any- hey... are you alright?" Hop interrupted himself, smile faltering a bit when he noticed that you looked exhausted.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Perfectly fine," you said.
You mentally cursed yourself for not covering up your fatigued state better. You were completely drained, and that was a big fact, a fact that you tried to push away as best as you could. 
You knew that you needed to rest, yet you were so stubborn and strict with yourself that you continued to work and work until you looked and felt like a wreck. It made you so happy to make your pokémon happy that you had managed to convince yourself that your own health wasn't as crucial as their wellbeing.
The last few days and nights were particularly rough with the baby Dreepys getting up a few times per night. Plus, you had gotten a difficult Toxtricity who was pulled from a sadistic owner. The pokémon was missing an eye, and scars littered his entire body. He was exceptionally aggressive and defensive, and you had spent a lot of time and energy on him to try to ease him up a bit. There was progress, but the rehabilitation would be long.
You had hoped that it would have gone unnoticed by Hop. He was already struggling with his own self-esteem issues, and you didn't want him to worry about you. You wanted him to take care of himself first and foremost. To hell with the state you brought upon yourself.
But, you knew that he wouldn't let it slide. Hop was just as stubborn as you were.
"Have you been sleeping all that well at all, (Y/N)?" He asked.
"Yes!" You said enthusiastically, though your voice cracked as you felt your head pound from how tired you were.
"You should sit down," Hop insisted, gently taking your hand in his to drag you to the couch.
"I swear, I'm fine, Hop," you protested, even though it was apparent that you were lying as you made no effort to stop Hop from sitting you down.
"(Y/N), we both know that's rubbish. I mean, you can barely keep your eyes open," Hop said.
"I... I guess you're right," you sighed, rubbing your eyes and forehead.
Hop put his hands on your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly. "Take it easy on yourself, you poor thing."
You nodded, barely having the energy to even speak properly.
Feeling a bit bolder, Hop wrapped an arm around your shoulders and brought you closer against him. You immediately responded by laying your head on his chest, making him blush at the unexpected action.
"You don't mind, yeah? You're kinda comfy," you said.
"I-It's fine," Hop squeaked.
His heart raced a mile a minute, which you could probably hear. Still, he managed to bring his hand up to your head to run it through your soft hair. He swore that you practically purred at the contact.
"I might fall asleep if you keep doing that," you mumbled.
He chuckled. "Guess I'll keep at it then."
And that's exactly what happened. After a few minutes of innocent cuddling, you had ultimately passed out on him. You seemed so peaceful that Hop didn't bother moving from his spot.
It was also because he enjoyed having you so close to him.
He figured that this was the closest thing to more intimate physical contact he would get with you. So, he wasn't complaining. But he kept telling himself that it was just a coincidence that you happened to fall asleep on him, that it didn't make him special. 
As Hop kept playing with your hair, Sonia had walked into the lab, and the first thing she saw was you and Hop cuddled up against one another.
She stared for a few seconds before smirking. "Well, isn't that just adorable?" She teased.
"It's... not what it looks like," Hop defended rather poorly, cheeks beginning to heat up.
"Oh, right, pardon me. You totally aren't cuddling with (Y/N)," she winked.
"They... they were just really tired and ended up passing out... on me," he said, mumbling the last part.
"I mean... it's not like you're complaining, right?" Sonia said.
"Sonia..." Hop warned.
She ignored him. "Like, you're crazy for them, so it must be a dream come true!"
Hop huffed, red-faced in embarrassment. "Your berries are on the desk..."
"You're not getting out of this that easily," she said.
Hop sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine. No, I don't mind having them like this. Far from it, actually."
Sonia giggled, heading over to the bag of berries. "So, when do you plan on asking them out on an actual date?" She said, rummaging through the bag.
He shrugged. "Not now... or ever."
Sonia turned around, looking at Hop questionably. "Why?"
Hop shrugged again, a sad smile overtaking him. "We're just friends, and that's all we'll be. I know they’ll never like me the way I do, so why risk ruining everything, you know?"
"What makes you say that, Hop?" She asked.
"They just... won't. B-But that's fine!" He said, not wanting to pour his feelings of insecurity to Sonia.
She frowned. "Right... well, you should give it a chance. If anything, I've never seen (Y/N) come to the lab as often as this ever since they met you. I think you've got a good chance."
Hop nodded. However, Sonia's words practically went over his head. He would rather endure a one-sided crush than face the reality of rejection. He was convinced that that's what you would do should he try to say anything about his feelings.
Why would you like him? Hop couldn't find a single reason why you would, and it did shatter his heart to pieces.
Even if he would die to have the chance of calling himself your boyfriend, the shattering feeling of rejection and ruining your friendship weren't things Hop wanted to go through.
Hop was visiting you once more, and he was giving you a hand in handing out food for all of the pokémon. Really, he couldn't have asked for a better way to spend his days; spending time with you, helping you, taking care of pokémon and learning new things.
He was outdoors, near the water and sandy areas of the rescue. You weren't too far from him. He could see you through some trees sitting at a fair distance from your Toxtricity. He could hear you talking about random little things as a tactic to get the pokémon used to your presence.
Glancing at you, he smiled at how determined you looked to get Toxtricity to trust again. There was a small difference in behaviour that was noticeable. The pokémon no longer tried to attack you on sight.
He placed various dishes down for the pokémon that were hanging near the water area, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the little Sobble lose his balance, which had the lizard nearly slip off the rocks.
Hop rushed over to Dizzy, catching him before he could fall and hurt himself. 
"Heya, you've gotta be more careful, mate. You don't want to get hurt again, huh?" He lightly scolded.
Dizzy, still in Hop's arms, tilted his head innocently, not understanding what was going on. Hop chuckled at that and patted Dizzy's head, making him purr in delight.
"Everything alright, Hoppers?" You called out from the trees.
"All good! Just Dizzy being, well, dizzy," Hop replied.
"You sure are a handful, aren't you?" He said to Dizzy. "Not that you mean it, or anything."
Hop set the Sobble back down onto the ground, near all the other pokémon so that he could eat. It was one big, happy family, and all of the pokémon of the area always pitched in to keep an eye on the Sobble whenever possible.
Turning around, Hop blinked in surprise as saw the shiny Salandit slowly crawling over to him. However, Blizzard immediately froze in his tracks when he noticed that Hop saw him.
Hop crouched, holding his hand out. "You have nothing to be afraid of. Trust me, please?"
To his absolute bafflement, Blizzard took more steps forward. They were slow and shaky, but he was approaching Hop nonetheless.
And then, the Salandit sniffed Hop's hand. Going a bit further, Hop rubbed the underside of Blizzard's chin, which he responded by nuzzling Hop's hand, happily wagging his tail.
"See? I'm not so bad, right?" Hop said, making Blizzard nod in agreement.
"Can I help you, sir?" 
Hop stopped petting Blizzard at the sound of your voice, immediately on alert. The tone of your voice sounded very wary, and rightfully so as there was an unknown man in front of you.
You stared at the new presence with caution. Your sanctuary wasn't open to the public, so this man was trespassing.
You didn't like the way that he was looking at you, glaring at you and scanning you with a sneer. He was making you slightly uncomfortable, but you kept your cool. If anything happened that you didn't like, both your Flygon and Hop would be by your side.
And you had a feeling that Hop was keeping an eye on you in the distance. You had noticed how he had started becoming a little protective of you. It was especially noticeable when he scolded you about taking poor care of yourself.
As the man wasn't responding, you spoke up again. "If you don't have any particular business with me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This is private property."
"I've got business with you," he said.
"And that would be..?" You pressed.
"You the bitch who's got my Toxtricity?" He asked.
Your eyes widened. The Toxtricity you had gotten just two weeks ago, this was his previous owner. From the corner of your eye, you saw the pokémon in question flinch. You were, suddenly, feeling very bitter.
"Oh... you mean the Toxtricity that's covered in scars and burn marks? The one that's missing an eye?" You said.
He smirked. "Yeah. That one. I'm here to pick it up. Just hand it over to me, and we ain't gon' have any problems."
"I don't think so," you said, taking a step back as the man stepped forward.
The air felt heavy as the man kept a glare etched on you. He was tall and rather buff. If he had no issues harming his own pokémon for nothing more than sick pleasure, then what would stop him from hurting you?
"I'm not gonna say it again. Hand the fucking thing over if you don't wanna end up like it," he said.
That was enough for Hop.
"Is there a problem?" Hop said as he stepped to your side.
The intruder chuckled, his tone was full of mockery. "This fuckin' stick is your bodyguard? How cute."
"I swear, mate, leave them alone," Hop nearly growled, taking a step forward so he could be in front of you.
"What the fuck do you expect to do- oh... there you are," the man said, glancing off to the side and noticing Toxtricity.
Toxtricity growled at the man, though you could clearly see the poor thing shaking in absolute fear. 
In mockery, the man chuckled and took a few steps towards the panicked pokémon, causing you to panic a bit.
"No! Don't even think of getting close to him," you yelled.
You tried to hurry to Toxtricity before he could, but before you could, the man had smacked you hard enough for you to plunge to the ground.
This caused your Flygon to dive from the sky, snarling at the man as he shielded both you and Toxtricity. As for Hop, utterly furious, he had decided to release one of his most prized pokémon to come to your aid. That's how the intruder found himself sandwiched between a furious Flygon and a powerful Zacian.
"Zacian, Flygon, pin him down! Make sure that this worthless piece of rubbish can't escape," Hop ordered.
The two pokémon were more than happy to comply, the man never stood a chance as Flygon whacked the man with his tail, causing him to fly to Zacian's side where the legendary wolf kept a paw on him to prevent him from escaping. It looked beyond painful, but Hop didn't care.
"Keep him in place, Zacian," Hop said.
Even with the aching pain you felt, you couldn't help but stare at the legendary pokémon in wonder. You knew that Hop had Zacian by his side, but you had never seen it. And looking at it in person, obeying Hop's commands without a single protest was terrific. Hop was truly a great trainer that deserved every ounce of recognition, but you had never doubted that. Not once.
With that, Hop raced to your side, wasting no time in hugging you tightly before helping you back up on your feet.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay? Shit, that's gonna leave a bruise," he said, analyzing your injury.
"I-I'll be-"
"Shit... I'm so sorry I let that happen," he continued, not letting you speak.
"Hop, it's not-"
"Oh fuck... how could I let that happen to you?"
"I'm so stupid. I should have reacted sooner. What was I thinking?"
You hugged him tightly, catching him off guard and causing him to finally cease his frantic, pessimistic comments about himself.
"I'm glad you stepped in when you did. If you hadn't, who knows what would have happened to Toxtricity and me. Thank you," you said.
"B-But... you got hurt," Hop muttered, voice cracking slightly.
"It'll heal. It's not your fault. You're a hero, for all I care," you said, pulling away with a smile.
"I... I'm glad you think so," he said.
He turned back to glare at the piece of shit, still struggling underneath his Zacian's weight. 
"Go inside and clean yourself up. Get a bag of ice, sit down and decompress, okay? I'll call the police so they can come to pick up the trash. I'll stay here until they arrive," he said, turning back to you.
"Okay. Thank you. But... can you, you know, come inside with me after? I don't want to be alone after what happened," you said, cheeks heating a bit.
Hop felt his heart skip a few beats at the fact that you were seeking comfort in him.
He nodded. "Anything for you," he said, smiling nervously at his choice of words, but you didn't seem to mind.
As you distanced yourself from the scene, you couldn't help but smile despite it all. You were so thankful that Hop was there for you, and you knew that you could trust him with everything. He was wonderful.
You stared at yourself in your bedroom mirror, nodding confidently as you felt that you looked presentable. Although you weren't really going for an extravagant look, you looked cute.
There had always been chemistry between you and Hop. Being with him felt natural and right; you had practically instantly clicked. Over the months, your interest in Hop grew and grew until you could confidently say that you had fallen in love with him.
And so, after much consideration and hyping yourself up, you had decided that you would take it upon yourself to make a romantic move on Hop. You were going to ask him on a little date.
You exited your house to head to Wedgehurst, a giddy and warm feeling surfacing. If Hop accepted, you would be the happiest person in Galar.
It's been so long since you've dated anyone, and although you hadn't been actively looking for a significant other, you were happy that you happened to meet Hop.
Hop was the kind of man you'd love to date. He was such a bundle of energy, passion and ambition, which made him stand out from other people you've met. He was such a sweetheart with you, and he obviously cared a lot for you. What more could you ask for?
When you were in front of the lab, you took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. You were excited, but nervous. You nodded to yourself, it was now or never. Entering the lab, you saw Hop lazing on the lab's couch, watching something on his Rotom Phone. You heard some rummaging noises coming from the back of the lab, most likely Sonia.
Hop lifted his gaze, grinning when he saw you heading his way. He set his phone down.
"(Y/N)! Hi! What brings you here?" Hop asked, still grinning.
"Well, I... I'm not bothering you, right?" You asked as feeble attempt to take your time in asking him out.
"Pft. When do you ever bother me?" Hop said.
"Okay. Good, that's good," you said, already feeling your cheeks heat up.
You came here, feeling so confident in yourself, knowing exactly what to say and how to say it, only to transform into a moron when you were in front of Hop.
"Hey... you feeling alright? Are you sick or something?" Hop asked, concern lacing his voice.
"No, no, I'm cool. I just-" you took a deep breath. "You see... there's this really nice café in Turrfield, and well, would you like to go with me?" You finally asked.
Hop blinked, visibly processing your words before blushing madly. "Wait. Are you... are you asking me on a date," he asked, completely shocked.
You giggled. "Well, yes!"
Hop couldn't believe it. Why were you asking him on a date? Of all people that you could choose, you were going for the most significant failure the region had ever seen.
Hop had been pining for you for so long now, but he had convinced himself that this scenario was improbable, impossible, even. This had to be some kind of sick joke, right?
But, you weren't the type of person to do such a thing, to play with someone's feelings. You were better than that.
And that was the problem: you were too good for him. You deserved better, and he knew it. Hop accepted it.
Meanwhile, your heart was practically pounding out of your chest as you waited for Hop's answer. His silence was making you beyond nervous.
Hop shook his head and cleared his throat. "I... I'm sorry, (Y/N), but I'll have to say no."
Your heart shattered in millions of pieces at that. 
"O-Oh..." was all you managed to say.
Hop cringed at the dejected look you had. He didn't mean to hurt you, but hopefully, this would push you to seek someone better than him.
Or maybe it was a ridiculous thought that he was regretting. He regretted it so much, but he couldn't seem to voice his actual feelings. He was so deep in his low self-esteem.
You nodded, averting your gaze from Hop's. "Right. Yeah. That's totally fine!" You said, trying to remain positive, but it was more than evident that your enthusiasm was fake.
"(Y/N), I-" 
"It's fine, really! You don't have to explain yourself. You have every right not to want to go on a date with me," you said, voice quivering.
Hop didn't say anything. There was nothing more that he desired than go out with you. Why couldn't he say anything?
"I'm gonna go now, okay? I'll go do... stuff. I'll see you, right?" You said, already backing away.
Hop bit his lip. "Yeah..."
And you were out the door quicker than you could have imagined. Feelings of humiliation, frustration and heartbreak were taking over you, and you didn't want to stick around for anyone to see your tears.
Hop stared at the door, running his hands through his hair in absolute horror at what he had just done. He initially thought that this was going to be the best option to keep you from dating an absolute nobody, but he was processing what a colossal mistake that was.
Hop hated seeing you upset, he always wanted to see your eyes shine with life. Now, he had never seen you so broken, and he was the cause of it. That stung on so many levels.
"I outta smack you right now. What in the world was that about, Hop?" Sonia exclaimed, stomping over to him.
Sonia interrupted him. "No, you know what? I don't even want to hear your excuses. I thought you liked them!"
"I do like them!" Hop said, flinching at Sonia's tone with him.
"Then, why did you reject them? I don't get it, Hop. They obviously like you!"
"No! You are going to take the day off, and you are going to go see your friend, whose heart you just split, and talk things out with them," Sonia ordered.
Hop bit his lip and nodded. Sonia was right, he fucked up, and he needed to make up for his mistake. He needed to open up to you.
Weren't you, after all, the best person that he could pour his heart to? Weren't you the sweetest, most open-minded and trustworthy person he knew and fell in love with?
Sitting on your living room couch, your Frosmoth cuddled up to you as you cried your heart out. She was trying to make you feel better, and you appreciated her efforts, even if you both knew that your heartbreak wouldn't cure with little cuddles.
You glanced at your front door as someone knocked on it. You ignored it at first, not having the energy to get up, but you eventually caved in as the knocking became more frantic.
You reluctantly stood up, and when you opened up the door, Hop was there, looking as guilty as ever. His eyes seemed glossy, seemingly about to cry himself. You contemplated slamming the door in his face, but you couldn't bring yourself to do that to Hop.
"(Y/N). Can... can I come in?" He asked softly.
You nodded, sidestepping to let him in. The two of you remained silent for what seemed to be an eternity. The air was tense.
Suddenly, Hop tightly wrapped his arms around you, placing your head against his chest. He rested his face in the crook of your neck, and you felt little droplets streaming down your skin.
"I'm... damn it. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)," he muttered. "I'm such an idiot. I just- I didn't want to hurt you like that. I'm the worst."
"I told you, Hop. It's okay if you don't want to go out with me. I'm not forcing you," you whispered.
He pulled away from you, keeping his hands on your shoulders. "But I do want to go out with you."
"Wha-? But you said-"
"I know what I said, and I lied through my teeth," he admitted.
"Why? If you wanted to, then why did you reject me?" You asked, genuinely confused.
"It's going to sound stupid, and it really is, b-but I..." he said, trailing off as he struggled to find the right words.
You took his hand in yours. "Here, let's sit," you said as you guided him to the couch.
You didn't let go of his hand when you sat down, hoping to give him a bit of comfort. You weren't as upset as you were just a few minutes ago, though you were confused and wanted answers.
"I said no because I thought you would be better off with someone else," he admitted.
"Someone else? Why would you think that?" You asked, completely flabbergasted.
"(Y/N), I- damn it. I'm nothing special! You could do so much better than a failure like me. You deserve the best, and I'm not that. I'm talentless rubbish."
Your jaw nearly dropped. It wasn't uncommon for Hop to make small, negative comments about himself, but this was the first time you've heard him degrade himself to such an extent.
"I wanted to be a legend, to surpass my brother and become the champion, but my friend was better than me. Everyone throughout my entire journey was better than me. Everyone is still better than me."
"I haven't accomplished anything, there's nothing to set me apart from others. I figured that the right thing to do was to spare you from the embarrassment that would come with dating Galar's biggest loser..." he squeezed your hand, "... but it would destroy me to see you with someone else, even if I know that you deserve the world. The world that I can't provide."
More tears streamed down his cheeks as all of his darkest thoughts finally came out of him. It was heartbreaking to see Hop in such a state, to voice what he thought of himself. 
You thought none of the things he had just said, and you thought that you had made it obvious over all the time you've spent together. You were always there to give him reassurance, to hype him up when he didn't believe in himself. Hop looked so broken and lost like he didn't know what else to do or think. You couldn't believe that he thought so lowly of himself to the point where he felt that he didn't deserve anything good happening to him.
"Hop, sweetheart, look at me," you said. "How could you even have the audacity to say all these horrible things about yourself?"
"It's the tru-"
"No. You think you're a failure because you didn't become a champion? Please. I don't care that you didn't win. Don't you like what you're doing right now?"
"There! That's all that matters. And for the record, you're phenomenal at what you do. You have so much knowledge about pokémon, and you're a natural with them. I should know, I see the way you are at the sanctuary. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: imagine just how amazing you're going to be as a professor in the future when you're already that good."
Hop wiped at his tears a bit. "You... really think I'm doing okay?"
You smiled. "More than okay! You think you're talentless, that you haven't accomplished anything and that you're not unique? Bullshit. Say that to the Zacian, who chose you as one of the heroes. Say that to Victor, who has a hard time standing against you in battle when no one else can. Say that to the insane amount of progress you've made to become a professor. Heck, you might just become one of the youngest professors!"
"(Y/N)... I- you really think that of me?" He asked, hope lacing his tone.
You nodded, rubbing soothing circles on his hand with your thumb. "Yes, and I really like you, Hop. Without even looking at what you've accomplished, I still like you. You could be the most ordinary person, and I'd still like you. You get what I'm saying? I'm attracted to you as a person for all of your amazing qualities and your adorable quirks. I like you because I feel a connection between us, and I just feel comfortable with you."
Hop chuckled, his bright smile returning to him as he blushed madly. He pulled you into a hug, and you immediately clung onto him.
"Thank you, (Y/N). I needed to talk to someone about this, and I just- thank you. I like you too, a lot. So, so much," he said. He pulled away from you. "So.. about that date?"
You laughed softly, leaning in to plant a small kiss to the corner of his lips. That alone made Hop's mind go blank as he chuckled with a smitten look on his face.
Maybe he wasn't Galar's ultimate winner, but why should he care when he already had everything he needed and wanted? Hop would be damned to let a gem such as yourself go, so he'd be selfish just this once and keep you for himself.
Not that you seemed to mind.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
I’m curious as to how your blog works. In my mind it goes like this: you watch an episode, write down notes as you’re watching, go back to the episode to make screenshots, write down the episode summary/commentary, post it on tumblr, watch the next episode and repeat. But I wonder, do you actually only watch an episode once or do you go through multiple watches (full or partial)? And do you actually not watch the next episode until you’re completely done with the previous one? Regardless of your methods, it’s so much work and I really respect your self-control (I probably would have ended up binging the show.)
I watch, for the first time, with split screen between the show and where I type notes. With my hand hovering over the pause button like a coked out Jeopardy contestant, I pounce on places I want to make a comment, take a screenshot, and note down the time stamp and a vaguely point form, typo-riddled summary of what I want to say. Then it's back to watching. This doesn't quite work in particularly enthralling scenes, where I inevitably end up too involved in the show to remember to pause, in which case I rewind to my last timestamp and rewatch. Same applies if I can't catch a piece of dialogue. For example, in the scene in The Blind Bandit where Toph explains her earthbending, I watched that three or four times through before progressing on to the next scene because I was having difficulty understanding Toph's lines. Then after I've finished watching, I go through and translate my word vomit into something legible, clean up the screenshots if needed, throw in a 'keep reading' break and some tags, and then it's good to go. I watch, take notes, edit, and post all in one session, based on only one watch through (albeit with some scenes repeated if necessary).
This is what I've done for all episodes so far, except The Storm. I lost count of how many times during The Storm I forgot that I was supposed to be taking notes. I was far too sucked in. And then the post autosave function malfunctioned and I hit the wrong button and the whole thing disappeared. Luckily I had an archived version of the text on my hard drive, but I did have to go through and retake the screenshots, so I watched that episode twice through while blogging about it. I've also watched it once since, just for entertainment.
I figure the choppiness this approach inevitably introduces into the viewing experience mimics what it actually would have been like to view these episodes the first time they aired, since (to my knowledge) Nickelodeon had and still has commercial breaks.
And yes! I am resisting the urge to watch ahead. I watch one at a time, usually devoting my evening to it. Sometimes between posts I'll rewatch episodes I've already seen and blogged about. I've seen Bato of the Water Tribe an embarrassing number of times, and episode 1 at least 4 times. But I'm not watching ahead, and I'm doing the closest thing to liveblogging that the medium allows.
I used to do freelance transcription (and may go back), so I'm very used to making a direct line between the content on the screen and my keyboard. It's a useful skill!
It is a lot of work, and I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it, but I enjoy it. I can spend two hours typing up a post and it will feel like 20 minutes.
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pedriscroquettes · 11 months
something fluffy with gio reyna? 🤧🫨
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warnings. fluff, mentions of hockey (lots of them), scally!reader, angst, mentions of dead relatives, grief if you squint, and a very dramatic gio
summary. dyeing your brother’s and his best friend’s hair leads to suppressed feelings the both of you are ready to let out.
a/n. get him some toner omds!!!
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“am i more of a sandy blonde or platinum blonde?” he looked at you seriously, completely depending on your answer.
“look, the two of you agreed to dye your hair and the color every other athlete uses for playoffs is platinums. so, unless y’all want to look dumb in front of a sold out stadium take the platinum.” gio just shook his head and your brother simply agreed.
americans didn’t have culture per se but they had tradition and one of those included teenage boys dyeing their hair an awful shade of blonde during playoffs for their respective sports. hockey boys did it all the time although they tended to lack toner. and now that you looked around the hotel bathroom you realized the boys sitting in front of you also forgot to get some.
“it’s so great that you both ended up professional athletes.” you sighed as you took the dye out of the box.
“hey, i had good grades and even took ap classes. if i’ve lost intelligence it’s a hundred percent because this dumbass has infiltrated his way into our lives.” joe completely threw his best friend under the bus.
“gee thanks. this is why your sister is the better scally sibling. she’s mean but not harsh.” gio scoffed as he placed the towel around his neck.
“i’ve always been the better sibling.” you reply as you grab the vaseline you bought from the bag.
“okay, joe close your eyes.” you instruct your brother and you’re lucky he’s always been the obedient child.
you carefully apply the vaseline along his hairline, behind his ears, and the area around his neck. you’re careful to avoid his mouth or eyes. you’re too focused on not wanting to cause your brother any discomfort you don’t catch gio’s stare. he’s looking at you with so much fervor. he’s always loved the way you don’t hesitate to help your brother out no matter how stupid he’s being. or the way you’d always bring something to his family’s estate in new york because you insisted on never showing up empty handed. oh, how badly he wanted to be joe right now.
“okay, starboy you’re next.” you stand in front of your brothers teammate.
“starboy? you never call me anything like that.” your brother whines.
“oh, sorry didn’t know our family was also involved in a huge scandal because the fans were mad you didn’t play.” you scoff.
gio can’t help but laugh at your joke. if it had been anyone else he’d probably be more than annoyed but for some reason he found it funny coming from you. after all you knew his family and you didn’t care about the rumors or the allegations. you’d claimed to him so many times that you would never speak ill of them on purpose because his family treated you as kin.
“come on, close your eyes.” you urged him.
it was never easy being in close proximity with gio. his bleu de chanel perfume that he probably started using since he was fifteen always found a way to make you nervous. you’d never come to terms with your feelings for the u.s. national always thinking you only felt so giddy around him because you’d never been so close to another boy. but, now that you have had your own share of flings and relationships you realized maybe there was something more. obviously you never acted on those said feelings in respect of your brother’s friendship with him.
not that your brother dictated who you could or couldn’t date but you knew that if you tried anything it could go one way or another. gio’s slow breathing somehow stops you from overthinking. the american boy loves the feeling of your fingers brushing through his hairline and behind his neck. he could get used the feeling. he imagines your hands on his neck after he wins the nations league because one thing he knew for sure is that he would win it.
he almost whines at the loss of contact due to you grabbing the gloves from the kit. the last thing you wanted was remnants of joe and gio’s stupidity all over your palms. you leave the bathroom again this time in search of a bowl to mix the dye unaware of the conversation occurring between your brother and gio.
“so, when are you going to tell her?” joe looked at the borussia player seriously.
“i was thinking about it. maybe after we win would be nice?” he tries to say but instead it comes out half a question.
“right. and if we don’t win?” joe almost whispers the question as if not to jinx them.
“we will.” gio sends him a smirk. “it’s just what if she- fuck it’s going to be all weird. my mom loves her and so does my dad. i can’t afford to lose her friendship.”
“well, we’ve already established that i’m not a problem. i’m always around the two of you all the time so i’m not worried about losing you. it’s just a matter of you confessing to her as corny as that sounds. i don’t know how my sister feels and i may never know if you don’t make a move. just make sure that there won’t be too many mini gio’s because i also have a professional career myself and won’t be able to babysit all the time.” joe laughs.
“babysit who?” you ask as you walk in with a bowl of the mixed dye products.
“uhm, zimmerman’s kids. yeah he brought them to las vegas and was asking around to see if anyone would take care of them while he took his wife out.” joe easily lies.
“okay, well who’s going first?” you ask as the two boys in front of you start rethinking this spontaneous decision.
an hour later you’re waiting patiently as the two of them take turns rinsing their hair. you already know it’s bound to be a disaster because of the lack of toner and the way the boys couldn’t keep still as you applied the product to their hair. for a second you thought you’d make their hair fall off. as the shower turned off you waited anxiously to see the final result. they’d either be the most talked about because it ended out good or bad. as the door opened you couldn’t help but bite your lip at anticipation.
“oh my god. you look exactly like the hockey kids from st. mary’s during playoffs.” you gasped.
“i’ll be sure to send trevor a selfie and add what you said.” gio talked about one of his friends who happened to play professionally in the sport mentioned.
“it’s not bad. it’s kind of-”
“nice?” joe asked
“cool?” gio chimes in.
“i was going to say cunty but yeah sure.” you stood up getting closer to them to analyze your work. you were sort of proud of yourself considering you lacked toner.
“cunty?” the two of them asked in unison.
“yeah, never mind y’all don’t get it so it’s not cunty anymore.” you sighed.
“oh, fuck. christian is coming over i got to go clean my room. i’ll see you both at the stadium later.” your brother suddenly stands up and heads out the room but not before winking at his friend. a wink you somehow don’t see.
“since when does he care about what people think about him? cleaning his room? he must have a crush on pulisic.” you scoff at your brother’s antics.
“do you have a crush on christian?” gio doesn’t mean to sound nosy nor interrogative.
“he’s not ugly but i don’t have a crush on him, no. plus it seems he’s already stolen my brother’s heart.” you chuckle quietly.
“will you be at the final?” he asks.
“why? you don’t want me there? i thought we were friends.” you whine playing with him.
“no, i- i do. i just- it’s just.” he pauses. “i don’t want you there as my friend.”
“oh? did i do something i don’t understand?” you look confused. what did he mean by that?
“no! i mean that- well i’ve known you since i was like an early teen. you’ve been with me through everything hell you were even with me in qatar. you helped me when i thought it was over for me. you were also there to comfort me when we lost the league. i just think that what i feel for you is more than just a platonic feeling. every time i see you it’s like my day can’t get any better. you’re constantly there making me feel better but you’re only there as a friend.” he starts.
“i want you to be there for me as a girlfriend a partner. i don’t just want to lean on your shoulder i want to leave kisses around your neck. fuck. i don’t know if you feel the same or if i over shared but i felt that if i didn’t say this to you all sooner i would die.” he finally stops.
“gio.” you face him. the boy you’ve loved for years. “your friendship with my brother wouldn’t be affected because of this?”
the only thing gio disliked about you was how selfless you were. specifically in moments like these.
“i told him how i felt and he said he’s no one to dictate how we feel. although, he’s worried about third wheeling that is if you like me. if not then this will definitely be awkward.” the two of you laugh.
“well, my dear nepo baby fortunately for you i find you very appealing. i’m not sure if i’m ready to be your girlfriend just yet or anything but i’m willing to give us a chance.” you say.
“how about wearing my jersey to the game tomorrow?” he suggests.
“now, wait a minute. i’m still a scally and as long as my brother represents this country i will be wearing our name thank you very much. but if you win we could possibly think of something else.” you state adamantly.
“so, i only get something if i win?” he questions.
“obviously.” you roll your eyes playfully.
“fine. if we win the competition you’ll dye your hair as well.” he insists.
“absolutely not reyna. i’ll give you a kiss at most.” you offer.
“deal.” he smiles.
“deal.” you shake hands with the newly blonde boy. you really hope this works out because you can’t help losing his friendship nor stop seeing that smile of his that made you feel like a little girl.
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joe carefully helps gio make his way to the stands with his injured leg. although, the injury doesn’t seem to phase the new york native one bit. he’s insistent on making his way towards his family and yours wanting to celebrate the win to the fullest no matter his status. the surreal feeling of winning another competition for his country overtakes the pain he feels as he limps towards your section. with the help of his friend it takes him only six minutes to get to his family.
despite all the turbulent times his family had faced lately they were still the most important people to him. he wasn’t ashamed that they were here nor embarrassed. he hugged them like his life depended on it. he never admitted it publicly but every time his parents said they were proud of him after a win he would get all sappy inside.
“we’re so proud of you and so is he.” his mother told him.
jack. how he missed his brother and wished he was here to witness all the things they should’ve achieved together.
“you okay?” you ask noticing how distant gio was being.
“just thinking about him.” he looks up at the giant screens saying they were champions.
“i believe he would be very happy for you and proud of what you’ve accomplished. but, you knew him best.” you brushed your hand through his hair. a habit of yours that had started when he randomly laid down on your lap during high school.
“well, i know for starters he’s happy that i finally asked you out. i like to think he was very proud when he saw my name on the squad list for qatar and i imagine he would be very happy for me today.” he smiles at the fond memories of his brother.
“i’m sure he would.” you agree with him. “are you okay though? physically?”
“oh, yeah just a few therapy sessions and it should be fine. although my leg is injured my lips aren’t. i’m still waiting on that kiss.” he smirks.
“you’re so corny oh my god.” you smack him playfully.
“oh please have you seen christian’s leaked snapchats? you should be grateful i’m not him. now, about that kiss?” he insists.
“here? in front of your family and the press? wow, you really hate me don’t you?” you ask him jokingly.
“oh, yeah i despise you. this has all been a big plan.” he plays along. “my family loves you already. trust, my mom has already planned our wedding.”
“well, your dad does love me more because my spanish abilities are better than yours and well i would die for your mom. but i’m not sure i’m ready to appear all over the internet.” you play with him.
“it’s not my fault i grew up in a household that only spoke english. anyways, i don’t want to pressure you-”
“come here.” you urge him to get closer to you so you could reach him better.
he scoots a little bit closer so now you’re in a close distance with him. his brown eyes look straight into yours and you internally smile at his features. you hope the gum you’ve been chewing for the past hour comes in handy as you lean down. the kiss is short but sweet. he can’t place his hand on your jaw to deepen it as he needs to maintain his crutches balanced. when you both pull away you notice his rosy cheeks and soon you feel yours heating up.
“by the way i’m going to need some toner.” he smiles up and you simply scoff after playfully smacking him.
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So what is your take on student x teacher this is like itching my brain with a need to know
I think that the student x teacher dynamic is adorable and quite hot, but it's rare to see someone put thought beyond just a teacher and a student. Can't you imagine someone admiring their gym teacher because of how strong they are? The way that their muscles glisten with sweat after joining the students in running a few laps around the track. Or maybe someone thinks that their home economics teacher is just so sweet and approachable, how their food is just so good, how comforting it is to be around them. The fun thing about the variations though is that the teacher's thought process is usually the same, wanting to show love to their favorite student. Not to say that there isn't the rare case of, perhaps an art teacher, seeing a student treat her class like a joke. Seeing them not put any effort into the process of creation. So she takes it upon herself to talk to the girl who has been treating the class like an easy A and tells her that if she starts to apply herself, maybe puts some effort in, she'd let her do a nude portrait of the teacher. The student, though, despite her complete disregard for the class, is completely infatuated with her teacher. So learning that this is her chance to see the body of the woman she has spent many, many lonely nights thinking about makes her put 110% into the class. End-of-the-year roles around and the teacher, who did not expect such a massive change in behavior from the student, is shocked but still holds up her end of the deal. Whispering in the student's ear after class "Come back here after school." The absolute second she can the student runs as fast as her legs can manage back to the classroom and with the amount of confidence only someone her age can have tells her teacher that she's "More than ready to do this." So now the student sits, with her leg bouncing eagerly and her heart thumping with anticipation, sitting in front of her easel and watching as her teacher begins to undress herself. Her body struggles to contain its lustful urges, her mind struggling to contain its lustful thoughts, while her teacher just sits so elegantly waiting for her beauty to be captured by her little artist. But behind the easel, sitting in her seat, the student is shaking as she puts brush to canvas. No thoughts other than those filled with infatuation are held in her mind as she draws. A breaking point is finally reached when she uses her offhand to move her skirt and stroke herself just slightly out of view from her teacher. The soft and muffled moans quickly give the student's desires away. But the teacher just tells her lone pupil "I think we've spent enough time on that pose, so grab another sheet and I'll change position." The student leaping quickly out of her chair and running over to one of the cabinets lining the wall to comply with the demands of her superior. It's only when she turns around to see how her teacher is spreading herself, nervously avoiding eye contact, and face flushed, does she completely stops what she was doing. The teacher, using her fingers to expose herself, sheepishly uttering the words "I know this is what you want to do, so let's just get it done with. . ." Dropping the canvas and running to the woman of her dreams, her cock bulging from her skirt, the student grabs the sides of her teacher's hips and excitedly nods, with the confidence only a girl in love can have.
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poopyballz28 · 11 months
Some Baki characters as middle school kids
wrote this a long while ago, but i tweaked it and now im ready to show it off
remember to like and subscribe
• She's a pretty quiet and timid girl, she doesn't have many friends, and she's usually seen alone with her iPod and headphones in (listening to Vocaloid songs i just know i am the writer here i make the decisions)
• Some girls are definitely envious of her beauty, like she is PRETTY pretty. I wonder what hair products she uses...knowing her though, it'd be silly if she just had naturally flowy, beautiful hair.
• Probably has been asked out by boys several times, she's really cute and has an adorable personality, it's pretty inevitable. She never understands why they like her so much though.
• Always randomly zoning off in the middle of class, looking out the window. Her few friends are a bit concerned but are aware of her lost in the clouds type attitude.
• Forgets to do her homework a lot. Her grades and performance are very good, and that's a definite, but she's just incredibly forgetful. She just gets home and doesn't remember if she has anything to do. She just immediately turns on some anime or pulls out some Shonen Jump when she gets home.
• These hc's are just...my normal hc's for her. Curses. Whatever, it still applies here, DO NOT DEFY ME
• Really reserved and quiet, most of the class is really intimidated by him. Just the way he talks and looks at you with a death glare. It freaks everyone out.
• He's kind of a target for bullying because of how to himself and a bit scary he is, but he doesn't care and doesn't plan to do anything about it. They're always too daunted to insult him to his face. Jack focuses his time on getting stronger, not some losers making fun of him.
• Often scolded for never doing or turning in his work. He just feels he has better things to do. When he does do his work though, he's not exactly the best. His worksheets are surprisingly (or perhaps, unsurprisingly) filled with scribbles and rough little doodles.
• He doesn't really have many "friends", but one immune to his flaws is Kureha. He acts as if Jack is a friend he's known for ages, despite them only meeting during the current school year. He tends to hang out with him and help him out with his homework as well, because lets be real, Jack's grades are not looking too hot.
• The whole class thinks it's strange how out of everyone in the class, those two are the ones who are closest.
• Kureha definitely insists he do some small science experiments on Jack, Jack only complying if it leads to the growth of him getting stronger. It's like a mad scientist and his test subject, except two 12 year olds.
• He's a really popular student. He's attractive (in middle school standards), strong, leader of his own karate club and his dad's the principal of the school. He's almost always surrounded by people wanting to talk or hang out with him.
• Many girls have huge crushes on him, he usually has to let them down though. He's really focused on his karate and fighting and just doesn't particularly want any kind of lover. He's much more interested in running his club than young love. He values friendship more than anything.
• Always urging strong kids to join the karate club. He wants to expand his club as far as possible and spar with anyone worthy. He focuses so much on his club and karate his grades unfortunately suffer. You can't blame him though, everyone in the karate club is really close with each other and it's really endearing how its almost like a big family of middle schoolers in there.
• He's a really smart kid, and is able to excel in a lot of subjects, but he gets the most significant grades in PE class specifically.
• Hangs out with Hector quite a bit, they are almost polar opposites of each other, but hang out anyway. They're always seen doing homework or eating lunch together. He's one of Hector's only friends.
• Also really looks up to Kiyosumi, he thinks his strength and confidence is super admirable. Currently in the middle of trying to get him to join the karate club. He's somewhat becoming more of a delinquent because of how much Kiyosumi is rubbing off on him.
• He's 100% a delinquent who chills at the back of the school and likes to skip his classes. He's well liked by his delinquent disciples who think his fighting is radical.
• He has been suspended multiple times for starting fights and beating up kids for looking at him wrong. He wants any excuse to hurt someone or show off his fighting.
• He's avoided by normal kids in the school but swarmed by other delinquents and juveniles. He's a super cool figure for them. He's just popular enough for Katsumi to take notice.
• Despite the fact there are always students who praise him, he's a very lonely kid. He acknowledges the fact that the people who swarm him don't care about him as a person at all, they just like the idea of a leader with cool fighting abilities. As much as they make his ego swell, they wont be able to purge his hatred for others or even aid his loneliness. No matter how much euphoria will course through his veins and throughout his mind after defeating somebody, that empty feeling will always come barreling back in the end. He would never let anyone know that though. Never.
• That got deep. Wait till you guys find out that was also just a general headcanon for him. Anyway, Kiyosumi fucking LOVES workshop class. He will not skip that shit. This kid has a passion for cars and motorcycles (go figure)
• Katsumi decided to duel with Kiyosumi behind the school, but ended up getting his shit rocked and went flying into some garbage cans. Kiyosumi, (trying to be cool) hits him with a "Beat it, kid." but Katsumi stood up and immediately ushered him to join the karate club after falling victim to his strength.
• Surprisingly, Kiyosumi's grades aren't all that bad. His downfall is just that he always skips or doesn't do his work at all even though he's strangely intelligent (to an extent, of course)
• He's a really quiet kid who's undoubtedly diligent at his work. He doesn't know many people besides Katsumi and a few others.
• You can easily find him in the back of the class studying or reading a book. People look up to how smart he is, he's top of his class. Although he does tend to burn himself out a bit.
• Really passionate in cooking class, he loves making some Chinese dishes with the few ingredients he's provided. Tends to ignore teacher directions so he can make what he wants to.
• A member of the karate club (by Katsumi's request) even though he uses a whole different fighting style. After Katsumi sparred with Retsu and lost, they've been friends and have been training together ever since.
• It's quite shocking to other students how this quiet kid who is usually just reading in the back of the class is such a strong and confident fighter. I imagine many kids watched the fight between Katsumi and him, and he's gained unwanted notoriety for his win. He tried to keep his fighting life on the down low and focus on grades.
• He definitely gets rebellious and immature sometimes, don't get me wrong. Katsumi had him open up a little, and now he's more free with his fighting (even though real battles aren't allowed on school grounds) He isn't afraid to spar with someone if they initiate it, school grounds or not. This kid just really wants to kick some tail.
• Quite the mysterious kid, usually just sitting and watching the view from outside the classroom windows with a blank expression. He's not at all unfamiliar with others talking behind his back or bullying him.
• Stays quiet when he's bullied in somewhere public but if he's ever assaulted alone or off of school grounds, that bully will probably be found with some pretty gnarly knife wounds.
• He doesn't seem to be interested in many things, or even passionate in his grades at all. It's almost like he's there because he has to be.
• He's always showing up to school with nicks or bruises. It's not entirely clear how he gets them or why they appear so frequently, but they certainly don't go unnoticed by others. They don't seem to bother him very much though.
• What I can say for certain though is that this kid is pretty fucking disturbed. Brought a pocket knife to school and shanked someone pretty badly. He was suspended soon after and rumors started to multiply and spread across the playground.
• Tends to run into Retsu by accident and gets partner assignments with him by pure chance. It was extremely awkward the first few times but they both realized they probably need to get used to each others company. They've surprisingly gotten close, Retsu wanting to understand the mystery behind Hector and why he's alone all of the time. Although some of Retsu's prying or questions make Hector a bit nervous. (definitely some home issues going on)
• He also likes being around Katsumi as well. Though, "like" is a strong word, for him at least. Like Retsu, Katsumi also wants to understand Hector. He thinks he's just misunderstood and makes an effort to talk to him even if some of their views on things are vastly different.
• Trademark emo/edgy nervous kid who keeps to himself. He's a little bit of a crybaby, frankly.
• He really likes to draw, you may be able to catch him doodling some cool vkei clothing designs in his notebook. He's pretty embarrassed about them though, he always covers the pages when he thinks someones looking.
• Throughout all of his seemingly timid nature, its clear that some deep issues and hate are slowly brewing inside of him. The overshadowing from his brother and the teasing over his interests are not helping him in that regard either.
• Sometimes gets into small altercations with kids who like to poke fun at him. Kosho really struggles to stand up for himself but whenever he happens to find the courage to, his brother is always a step ahead and ready to protect him. After he deals with that, he proceeds to lecture Kosho about getting into fights and how he should go study for his math quiz next week.
• As much as Kosho loves his brother he wishes he would just...leave him alone sometimes.
• Was able to make friends with Katsumi due to their liking of karate and Katsumi's overall kindness after seeing Kosho sitting alone all of the time. The two have gotten pretty close.
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yae-energy · 11 months
…jotaro with an rnb singer! fiancé? also best part by her and daniel caesar would go with this 🤭
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“you’re the best part”
synopsis: jotaro finally ready to give love a second chance
cast: bodyguard! jotaro x rnb singer! black fem reader (jolyne is mentioned briefly)
universe: modern au?
wc: 1.1k wrds , 5.8k char
cw: angst to comfort (?) happy ending, established relationship, very cheesy (and shitty) writing , mostly proofread (i tried my best y’all but looking at my own work makes me cringe bad)
a/n: bro im so so so mega sorry if this is so trash/not what you asked for 😭 i am not good at actually writing so pls forgive me. i hope you like it tho <3 , also thank you v much for requesting 🫶🏽 mwah.
"utterly breathtaking."
those were the words that you used to describe the blazing hues of orange, yellow, and red that painted the horizon, as the sun ultimately began its descent. causing the sweltering summer heat to finally come to a halt as a result, and instead be replaced with a gentle breeze that danced through the air. wisps of your curls being disturbed in the process whilst your eyes remained glued to the sunset.
upon looking at you, he can't help but wonder why he didn't see it back then, why he didn't pay closer attention to the way the sun beautifully kissed your skin. or how you glowed underneath the moonlight, or even the gentle tone of voice you used whenever you spoke to him.
he felt stupid- foolish, one could say.
why did he wait so long? why did he wait so long to fully relish in the prickly feeling that arose whenever your hand just so happened to glide against his own? or admire how your lips looked whenever you applied your favorite gloss.
sometimes he just can't help but wonder, why?
then the answer clicks.
he simply wasn't allowed to. falling in love with you wasn't in his job description, he was your bodyguard. his job was to protect you, to shield you from the harsh realities of your successful career, and to barricade you from the rush of paparazzi attempting to make their way to you any chance they could. he was excellent at his job, so much so that even he knew to never cross that boundary with you.
he was far too afraid to, far too afraid to hurt you like he had done others in the past. like he had done to his former wife, his daughter even. he wasn't there as much as he should have been and he knew that, no matter how understanding they were about his career and the long, long, hours that came with it. the feeling haunted him.
and for the many, many, years after the fact, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that he harbored deep in his soul. he just couldn't allow that again. he couldn't allow himself to hurt someone else because of his own mistakes. mistakes no one held against him anymore, mistakes jolyne managed to forgive him for long ago.
so why couldn't he do the same for himself? why did he use it as a reminder to keep himself in check? as motivation to keep you as far away from him as possible- not that, that was an easy job in itself. he did work for you after all.
24/7 he was at your beck and call. walking you to all your favorite shops whenever you felt the urge to go, escorting you out of blacked-out vehicles and being your personal buffer between you, and the obnoxiously bright flashes of light being emitted from those large, ugly, cameras.
24/7 he was with you.
and a very large part of himself is livid for waiting so long to appreciate that.
to appreciate how you'd gift him small trinkets to show gratitude for all his hard work. to appreciate how you always made a conscious effort to bring him hearty meals if you noticed he wasn't eating as well as he should've been.
to appreciate how you'd call his name so prettily whenever you needed him for something. and how it sent a kaleidoscope of butterflies to his stomach each and every time.
god, he was foolish, unequivocally so.
and it hurt too much to think about, even for him. you were so kind to him, so sweet and understanding of his past, of all the mistakes he made. you didn't judge him like he judged himself for all those years. and that's when he realized it was time to put that shame and guilt to rest.
to allow himself to feel loved and cared for despite his mistakes- that seemingly everyone forgave him for, but himself.
to allow himself to relish in the way your hands glided against his own.
to allow himself to admire the way you applied your favorite gloss.
to allow himself to be loved by you. and to be loved by you till death did you apart.
utterly breathtaking. those are the words he'd use to describe you.
you were the best part of his morning, evening and night. the best part of his career, and the best part of himself.
which brings him back to the present. all those cherished memories between the two of you acting as his sole motivation for why he was doing this. why he was so nervous as he clutched the comically tiny, black, suede box that held your ring, in his hand.
it was beautiful, just like you.
"a pretty girl needs a pretty ring, dad" were jolyne's wise words that echoed in the back of his mind while ring shopping for you. his heart full of so many emotions that he could barely contain the tears that pricked the corner of his eyes while he stood in the middle of a "tiffany & co."
and even now, as he stood beside you on your shared balcony. watching you as you watched the sunset, slow jazz playing from the vinyl record he got you got Christmas, (doubling as a 2 year anniversary gift.) leaking through the crack in the sliding door.
what was he supposed to say?
not enough words in the dictionary could describe how he felt about you. none of them could describe how utterly beautiful he thought you were. or how you made him feel every time you looked at him, or called out his name for yet another favor he pretended to be annoyed about.
nothing could describe you.
"…wonderful weather we're having…" he began. to which you replied with a short hum, your eyes sparkling like the millions upon millions of stars in the sky.
what was there to say that he hasn't clumsily said already? why did he have to say anything at all? you knew him like the back of your hand. all his good traits- his bad traits, you knew him inside and out and that's what he loved about you.
you knew what he was thinking, what he was feeling, what he wanted to say but just couldn't due to lack of words.
you knew him.
so with that in mind, he decided that words were too much. the way his legs wobbled as he got down on one knee, and the way his sweaty palms opened up the comically tiny, black, suede box should say all it needed to.
that he loved you,
unequivocally so.
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aldebaranlune · 6 days
♊ Other ways in which you might be feeling Jupiter in gemini ♊
Part 1 - Earth rising signs ♉ ♑ ♍
Initially, you might be feeling the shift not because of a blessing in your gemini house, but due to stagnation, stabilization, implementation after maturity, less eventful occurrences of themes in the taurus house. Jupiter in gemini will no longer directly affect your taurus house, capricorn house, and cancer house.
♉ ♑ For those who have relevant taurus and capricorn placements (you have these signs in angular houses, and/or have planets especially personal planets in these signs) you might be feeling a lack of action or sudden maturity regarding the themes of your capricorn and taurus house, and the themes of the planets you have there.
The following might change depending on the structure of your birth chart and other transits you are experiencing.
Read the following for your rising sign, but add extra intensity if you also have relevant taurus and capricorn placements.
Earth rising signs
♉ For the taurus rising, you may be experiencing a more solid ground about who you are, a shift from pleasure, religion, enjoyment, a glow up, into more focused on your material life. You may experience life becoming more mundane or boring. You may start to implement your new religious beliefs, deepen your knowledge of foreign languages. On top of that, cancer planets and topics regarding communication and short trips should also become more stable and less eventful. Regarding your virgo placements and your 5th house, you might feel an urge to implement more leisure in your life and you'll want to dedicate yourself to it, however a compromise may be needed into how much time you devote to work and how much for pleasure.
♑ For the capricorn rising, you may be experiencing less get together with friends, less time reading for pleasure, less activities related to fun and to getting to know yourself and your personality, less superficial relationships, less time on dating apps and less focus on looking for a parter for life or for fun, less time for arts and crafts or a more mature implementation pf those themes. Instead of having fun with the exploration you will enjoy the implementation and stability of these themes that you developed in the past year. If you were an amateur actor or a freelance artist, you might be going pro, if you found a new significant other you might become more stable and focus on growing a new routine together. 9th house topics and your virgo planets will be put into action, so you may travel, focus on publishing or reading books, meeting foreign people, having milestones in education. On top of that, cancer planets and themes related to partnerships and 7th house may also be less emphasized.
♍ For the virgo rising, you may start to focus on your identity and how you act and present in the world, based on solid or recently developed religious beliefs, you may go abroad and graduate or start a new course of languages or higher education if you have applied or planned them this previous year. Your 9th house and 5th house topics should mature and it'll be less fun and games and more inti showing the world who you really are and what you do best. Your cancer planets and 11th house topics can suffer from the shift and you might be on a more individualistic streak as opposed to joining groups or friends, but that can be easily mitigated by many possible planets so take this with a grain of salt. You may also be more focused on daily tasks and use less time for leisure and creativity, less hooking ups and less time on dating apps, but I believe it's a good time for the extra push in your studies and career with a more solid view of who you are and what you aspire in life. Your virgo placements will be felt more intensely as well.
Part 2 - Water rising signs (upcoming)
Part 3 - Air rising signs (upcoming)
Part 4 - Fire rising signs (upcoming)
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Information, Understanding and Empathy: A Character Study on Franky, Yuri and Nightfall (Part 1 maybe)
It’s me overthinking again~
It is probably safe to say that these three are the most obsessive characters in the sxf universe. They are all obsessive with the notion of love in very different ways. Yuri wants to be the most important one in Yor’s life. Nightfall wants to marry Twilight. And Franky wants to get laid find a partner.
In a sense they all “know” a lot about their “targets”. Yuri is Yor’s brother. They grow up together. Nightfall is trained by Twilight and probably knows best about his spy self. Franky is a stalker digs out every single piece of information he could find about his love interest(s). And they are certainly good at digging out information - Franky is an informant, Yuri is a secret police and Nightfall is a spy. This is what they do. But somehow they seemingly fail to connect to the ones they love. Having the information itself doesn’t automatically translate to having an understanding of it. Knowing someone doesn’t mean that you connect with them.
In many ways, Franky is like Nightfall - while Nightfall is obsessed with one (1) person, Franky is obsessed with many. They both went to great lengths, trying to get as much info as possible, and they did end up knowing a lot about their taget(s). I feel like this has been stated a lot only about Nightfall, but it also applies to Franky - even if they know that many facts about their target(s), they just don’t seem to connect. Nightfall knows how Twilight operates. She knows the aliases and fake identities he used. She knows (well, knew) his preferences for coffee. And somehow she still can’t really understand him.
Franky, on the other hand, never even gets to really talk to the girl(s) he likes.
The most obvious reason, which happens to be the biggest theme of the story, is that people have a hidden side that they won’t show to other people, even to the ones closest to them. 
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Whereever there is information there is misinformation. Where there are interpretations there are misinterpretations.
Nightfall is in love with the facade of Twilight - she thinks she knows him well, but the fact is Twilight is so entangled in his own lies he is actually still gradually rediscovering himself.
More importantly, they already have had something in mind before even confirming if the info they have in hand is true. As opposed to Twilight’s approach to dealing with his targets:
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Their preconceptions, or expectations, have prevented them from getting a more accurate read on both the persons and the info. At the end, Nightfall, so eager to please Twilight and make him see that she is a better fit as his wife, couldn’t even tell that he’s annoyed at some of her decisions. Franky is so in love with the idea of love itself, his hope that someone will date him overweighs his actual need of connecting with someone. Or maybe this is just his internal conflict in which he refrains from building real connections due to his job but couldn’t resist his urge to just be with someone. It does seem that it doesn’t matter who he is with, and he doesn’t have problems moving on to another one.
And that is weirdly telling about their jobs. Gathering intelligence does give nations and countries a sense of security. But that really doesn’t mean relations can be established out of that. Imagine if the girls Franky is after know about the things he has on them. Sometimes it’s not even about diplomacy. And sometimes it is this false sense of security that makes the heads of states think that a real connection between the countries doesn’t matter as much.
But it still takes more than the information they have to understand and connect with others. And this is where Yuri comes in. Yuri’s situation is very different from Nightfall and Franky, because A. it’s not romantic; and B. it’s not one-sided. Yuri, unlike Nightfall and Franky, was the only one who truly understood and connected with Yor. When the story started, Yuri has moved out as he’s got a job, but he is still mentally stuck in the past. On the other hand, Yor understands it’s time to move on. This is where the disconnection starts.
While the main focus of Spy x Family has always been on a fake family, and how it gradually becomes more real over time, to contrast with the Forgers, there are also these real but dysfunctional families. I’m not talking about the Desmonds who are detached from each other. I’m talking about the Briars here.
The Briars is the polar opposite of the Desmonds. Yor and Yuri love each other, despite all the secrets they keep from each other. However, as Yor moves further away from being a Briar and becomes more and more a Forger, we see Yuri holding onto his previous understanding of Yor.
And that is the trickiest part about family and friends isn’t it? No matter how much you love someone, and how much you understand them, it requires a lot of effort to renew the connection or understanding constantly.
(manga spoiler ahead)
Chapter 68 is really Yuri desperately holding onto the last bit of the Yor he once was so familiar with, and miserably fails. He wants to make food that she used to like, and tries to be the help she used to need, but Yor has moved on. It’s not that Yor is a totally different person now. She still likes apple-flavoured whistle candies, and she still loves her baby brother. It’s just that this is an upgraded Yor and Yuri needs to update the whole system in order to be compatible. Because even real family members who love each other very much don’t get automatically compatible. It takes effort to connect with others.
And that’s why I feel that Ep 24/ Chapter 35 is that important. Twilight was making his observations - basically collecting info and making plans - but if it’s one-sided, Endo wouldn’t make it work. It’s not like Twilight doesn’t know where Yor’s insecurities lie. It’s not that his observations are totally untrue. All the information he has on her doesn’t work unless he speaks to her. In order to truly communicate with Yor, he has to offer a piece of his true self and resonate with her. It is a precious moment because both make themselves vulnerable in order to communicate.
It's interesting because when you look at Yuri and Nightfall, they are relying on the false sense of security they get from their previous observations on Twilight and Yor. They try so hard to puff up to show that they are stronger and better, when this is not what Twilight and Yor even need.
(Might write a part 2 because I still believe that Endo gave Twilight, Yor and Anya different strengths, and you will have to combine their strengths in order to gain real understanding. But that’s it for now. Bye.)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“The Kingston Community Legal Clinic is warning residents after a Landlord and Tenant Board adjudicator decided a landlord was wrongfully attempting to evict their tenant.
“The landlord seeks possession of the rental unit so his mother can live there,” adjudicator Laura Hartslief wrote in her June 28 decision on the fate of Jason Martin’s home in the basement unit of 151 Fraser St. “I am not satisfied that it is more likely than not that she genuinely intends to live there.”
Jordan Morelli, a physics professor at Queen’s University who owns the rental unit, said he is devastated by Hartslief’s decision.
“It’s a complete outrage that we’ve lost this thing because I’ve been trying to get my parents here for two years,” Morelli said. “I really want my parents to be living in there.”
John Done of the Kingston Community Legal Clinic represented Martin at the Landlord and Tenant Board hearing. He said his clinic has seen a significant increase in evictions for landlords to renovate units or to use for their own use — which is what Morelli applied for. In many of those cases, but not all, landlords evict a tenant who is paying a lower rent, renovate the unit, and rent it out again for sometimes double the cost.
Done said that, at first, Martin was resigned to moving out, but when Done saw Martin’s case, he urged him to push back against Morelli.
“These are situations we see all of the time in a Landlord’s Own Use application, and our view is (that) once we start putting these under the microscope, a lot of them don’t have merit,” Done said. “Once Mr. Martin said he would accept our help, then there were, indeed, some things that sort of leaped off the page. … There were the hallmarks of these (types of) landlords’ applications that I don’t think they could show good faith.”
Martin, who on Wednesday said he still couldn’t believe he was successful, said Done worked wonders. Martin said, the stress of the case, which was drawn out over two years due to a scheduling overflow caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has caused Martin to lose five jobs over the two years.
“When I got that decision, I actually had to leave work,” Martin, who has been working steadily at a local fishing tackle manufacturing company since the end of May, said excitedly. “I couldn’t believe it, and I was overwhelmed. I was shaking, I couldn’t talk, my brain went to mush. I’m very happy with the decision.”
Morelli owns a total of 10 units within five properties in Kingston. He said he wanted to use Martin’s apartment as a new home for his mother, Henriette Morelli, who currently lives in a two-bedroom condominium with her husband, Edwin Morelli, in Saskatoon.”
- Steph Crosier, “Tenant wins at board hearing,” Kingston Whig-Standard. Jul 11, 2022. This was a front page story in the print edition.
We are happy that this story is now out in the open for all to see. It won't be the last word on the matter, that's for sure. But it clearly demonstrates why Queen's University professor and faculty association president (as well as former president of the Kingston NDP riding association) Jordan Morelli's N12 eviction notice was thrown out at the LTB. In our opinion, what this stories reveals is that Morelli is willing to exploit the housing crisis for his own financial gain. 
Prior to this instance, there was two previous times where he claimed family members were moving in to units when they never did. He paid these tenants a meagre $3000, money which they quickly burned through with their rent prices hundreds of dollars a month higher. Meanwhile, he charged higher rents to the people moving in: one unit went from $409 to $1150 a month, while another went from $670 to $1200. He made that money back within months. 
Morelli wants to claim he is a victim in all this, and actually goes so far as saying that the landlord tenant laws works well for tenants. But the facts speak for themselves: The LTB rejected his case because they do not believe his story. Additionally, close to 90 percent of tenants at the LTB have no legal representation, and if it weren't for KUT and KCLC supporting Morelli's tenant, Morelli would most likely have someone living in Martin's unit's at double the rent. 
Tenants can win when they stand up and fight. Get to know your neighbours and organize with them! In Martin's case, former tenants stood with Martin to explain what had happened to them after moving out. This sort of solidarity led to Martin staying in his apartment at a rent price he can afford. KUT stands with tenants across the city and will do what we can to help.
- official statement of the Kingston / Katarokwi Union of Tenants, July 12, 2022 (Martin is a member)
/// The tenant union had helped several other tenants of Morelli, who had also been told they would have to move out of his own properties for the same reason of family need, and the communication between tenants allowed them to learn he was using the same line on several tenants - allowing the tenants to resist his efforts or negotiate for better accommodation to leave. Martin’s is the first official victory against this particular landlord, but likely won’t be the last. Of course, Morelli is a self-pitying landlord in all of this, being quoted in the article as saying: “Somehow I’m the bad guy in all of this; they’re trying to paint me as a villain.”  Morelli is hardly the worst landlord in Kingston, Ontario, and nowhere near as powerful as a rental company like Homestead. His tactics are typical of landlords everywhere. The reason why he acts the way he does, and can act the way he does, is at base a structural issue, in which housing is an investment and a means of accumulation rather than a basic right. But Kingston is a smallish town, with a proportionately smallish, vague, fragmented, and often dysfunctional ‘left’, so Morelli’s role has been controversial and increasingly divisive. Notably, it was discovered by the tenant union that his mother, who he has been claiming he was going to move into one of these vacated units, is a retired university professor who likely doesn’t want to live in a tiny basement apartment! 
As the press release from KUT notes, Morelli is a major player in the local political scene, as former riding president for the federal NDP, as secretary of the Kingston and District Labour Council (and had the temerity to send this article to other council members, even after the Council passed a pro-tenant motion!) and at Queen’s University, where he is a professor and head of the faculty association. In those roles, he is a bad faith opponent of tenant rights, student activism, grassroots unionism, and the left-wing of the NDP (as well as the small, overlapping and fractious autonomist, anarchist, communist and decolonial groups in the area). For instance, this was his response to the Ontario government, controlled by Conservatives, capping rent increases!
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If there was any justice in the world or social democracy and labour unionism was not so pathetically degenerated, this kind of coverage should get him kicked out of the KDLC or NDP.
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rohirric-hunter · 3 months
Oh yeah and this is the shortlist of my OCs/stolen canon characters that are going to Umbar:
Leonys. Leonys is getting to Umbar in an unconventional manner and will not be involved with most of the Epic.
Hathellang. I know the devs aren't reading my fanfic because that's illegal*, but I honestly do find it hard to believe, after they wrote the perfect foil for Hathellang in Nakasi. And it's a delightful challenge because while there's a fair chance I couldn't do so well myself, there's a 100% chance I wouldn't have. Like this is not something I would have thought to write, regardless of how perfect it is. And that's always fun to play with!
Indarant. I mentioned at some point the idea of multiclassing her "back" into Loremaster, but wasn't really sure what I would do with that. A really good setup is a sorcerer antagonist who makes a big deal out of drawing his power from nature. Make her face head-on what scared her so much about the power way back when. Also Kholtekh is going to come up to her like, "I think maybe Thorongil might have possibly become a king. What do you think of that?" and she's gonna fully look him in the eyes and say, "He did. What about it?" Like in public. Woman has No Tact. I am still figuring out her in-universe reasons for going, though.
Dahlia and Ferelin. I may or may not have mentioned on here that their big motivation for leaving the Shire was to track down their missing father, who, being a Took, had gone off on an Adventure, as Tooks do, and then never came back before they were born. So they've actually never met him. And spoilers technically but I don't really care -- they do eventually find him, one of the oar-slaves aboard a Corsair ship in Pelargir. Pretty quickly after the Black Gate he goes back to the Shire to see their mother. The twins, dealing with mixed feelings about All That, stay behind and go adventuring with Leonys and Hathellang some more. They need to see some of the things their father saw, and also have some conversations with a certain old friend going by a really stupid name and playing at being a bounty hunter assassin. For character development.
Helegdil. Helegdil is my mariner alt and is specifically being developed to stop this from happening again. Leonys and Hathellang weren't even supposed to go to Gundabad, let alone Umbar. They need to go home before I have to rewrite major parts of Blood of the Covenant on account of it happening years in the future. So the next time the Urge strikes me to throw them at a new questline I am going to do my level best to throw Helegdil at it instead. He's a new character and hasn't told me much about himself yet, but I've got a strong base with some wibbly themes that I can work into whatever stories he ends up in, probably. Heavily inspired by many indulgent fanfics set in post-war Gondor that I read as a kid.
I am putting Candaith in this situation. Candaith has an arc in Blood of the Covenant that I think will benefit from this sort of adventure.
I would really like to put Boromir in this situation too. I don't know how feasible it is from a logistical standpoint, since Imrahil's very good reasons for not going would also apply to him I think. But I have this vague fuzzy idea for what to Do With Boromir post-war and I think this would lead into it very well. That's the trouble with writing an AU that saves characters that die in canon. You have to Do Something with them, especially if, as in this case, parts of the shape of the story after their death are defined by their absence. It can be a lot of heavy lifting.
*It's not illegal actually I don't think but their lawyers will tell them not to do it. For this specific reason. If I was of a less agreeable sort and could produce evidence that they were reading my fanfic then they run the risk of getting sued. I wouldn't win this particular case, I don't think, but getting sued is expensive. And this has happened in the past I think with some TV shows. So unfortunately no fanfic for writers while they're actively writing for a property.
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