#because I know
littlemut · 1 year
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i wish i could look at this… and feel Normal™️
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earththings · 11 months
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labelleizzy · 1 year
I have one thing to say to you tonight:
Baby wipes.
Legitimately one of the best things I've found for my depression - survival toolbox.
Crying? Wipe the salt off after it dries. You feel better in like 30 seconds without scratchy Kleenex feeling.
Hot flashes or hot weather? Back of your neck, under arms or boobs
Feel self-hating and gross? Grab a wipe when you do your last pee before bed. Swipe 3 parts: puss 🧑🏻, pits, pussycat. Took me two minutes or less tonight.
No energy to shower or bathe? Swipe the 3 parts while sitting. (Get a second wipe if your feet are dirty)
There are no rules, there is no perfect. Some days... There's just trying to get through it.
Take care.
Your internet auntie Izzy
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desiderium-eden · 14 days
Thinking about Chris.
Chris who will always try to find a path to solving things without violence.
Chris who knows full well that he does not even compare to most of the things out there. But doesn't let that deter him.
Chris who never fights with the intention to injure or harm but always to "push" if that makes sense.
Chris who never goes into a fight with the thought process of "I will take you down" or "I will win" but always "I have to buy time for the real fighters to get here."
Chris who is so shield-coded that it's not even his first thought to use his own body to block attacks but an instinct to do so.
Chris whose relentlessness shows best when he's getting beaten down. Over and over. Because he is the wall. He is the obstacle. And he refuses to break. He cannot afford to break.
Chris who no matter how many times he gets hurt, will never lose that pure heart and desire to protect above all else. Even if it kills him.
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It’s so crazy you literally posted the thing about the whole price daddy kink thing because I was just about to send you this ask asking your opinion on something 😂
So I’m from the south and it’s extremely common (where I’m from anyways) for couples to start calling each other “mama”, “daddy”, or whatever when they have kids. Because 1 it makes it easier for the kids to know who their talking to or about and (for some reason?) parents seems to respond more quickly to the term their kid calls them rather than their own name.
Anyways my brain was on over drive thinking about Price (and a little about Gaz) and I was like hmm I feel like Gaz would be the type to start to call you mama once you either have a kid or the kid gets old enough to start calling you that but I was wondering what you would think of a fic with something like that in it with Price? It wouldn’t be a kink thing at all rather just another way of taking directly to each other or kinda just another form of nickname.
(I really hope this makes sense because I literally dumped this out of my brain so quickly)
No okay because this is entirely different from the daddy kink because this doesn’t make me uncomfortable and it makes sense to me so you’re good. All of this is my opinion ignore it or whatever idc
I am technically form the south as well and as I child I called my mom and dad “mommy and daddy” because that’s who they were to me, and even at my age now I still sometimes do it (especially when I’m having a hard time and need them to comfort me) there’s nothing sexual about it.
It’s different when it’s not in a sexual context, especially when you’re referring to your partner in front of your child as that so they understand “this man is my dad” and if someone sees that as sexual maybe you need to take a step back and think for a moment why you believe that
Using it as a non kink is fine imo, using as a kink is just bleh (to me)
I can’t stand the daddy kink. There’s nothing arousing to me about wanting to call the man who is dicking me down “daddy”. I don’t know why it became a thing, I don’t know why it’s been sexualized but honestly it irks me that it has because it’s literally impossible to enjoy any kind of media without having to see it literally fucking everywhere.
If you enjoy the daddy kink, good for you. Not my cup of tea. But I am so fucking sick and tired of trying to find fics (not just MW2) or any other kind of media that doesn’t have the daddy kink because it’s literally everywhere since a lot of people like to romanticize daddy issues.
Write what you want. I didn’t mean to rant about this and personally don’t have the energy to get into a debate about any of it either rn. My opinion ultimately doesn’t matter I’m just frustrated with the fact that I can’t read Captain John Proce fics without getting slapped in the face by the daddy kink because 1) the author didn’t tag properly and 2) i wouldn’t be able to read any fics if I didn’t read any of the ones that have it since there seem to be none that don’t
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leonightwater25 · 4 months
Everytime i see fanart cabbages, chair, door, chad, femc, death, pancakes. I always go feral and i need it more :D
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ofduskanddreams · 2 years
WHY, literally seven lines into Eris's first pov of the fic, am I getting teary eyed because Nicaise just sauntered over with his little cat bell and joined the conversation!? I never get emotional over my own writing. Send help.
*full disclosure I’m just playing around to get a feel for the characters and the world, what actually ends up being in the final product has not been decided
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I always think it’s funny way people say “You should be ostracized from society” like. That’s exactly what I want. Banish me. Don’t let people visit me, let me live completely alone with only the internet and my cabin as my friend.
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obstinatecondolement · 8 months
Literally hilarious to me that as of now The longest fic I have ever posted to AO3 is a wantonly self-indulgent thing for a miniscule fandom that I wrote and edited in three frantic days almost entirely off the cuff and not any of the things i had fucking outlines and spreadsheets for. And that's overall, not just oneshots or just complete stuff. Number one with a bullet.
And, like... maybe one other person will ever read it, lol. Which is not a woe is me thing, I really do think it's pretty funny. But, again, no one can say I'm not committed to doing my own thing.
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Alex gets sick and Tim gives him one of his shirts in the meantime while his is in the wash. Alex ends up keeping the shirt, occasionally wearing it at other times . Tim never admits it but it drives him crazy
He definitely would try and sneak Alex another one of his shirts, trying to test if Alex would wear this one too. If he even remembers that that had been one of Tim's.
Alex wears it.
Tim is having a mental crisis
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queer-bi-cliche · 1 year
I dislike greatly when fandoms become a jerk off circle around the real people playing in the fandom.
This is currently targeted at the Critical Role/Dimension 20 crowd but you know what? All fandoms. Keep it in your pants, people. Do I understand being attracted to them? Sure and same. But the amount of drooling over people who are definitely not there for that disturbs me.
I'd like to be excluded from this narrative.
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hiimawarish · 10 months
I love the irony of AUs that are like "Bully!Sukuna"
So like
Plain, normal Sukuna? Girl bffr
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seaglassdinosaur · 11 months
There is a certain delight that comes from playing Where Is The Justice for someone who scoffed at the idea of a Death Note musical and watching their distress as they grapple with the realization that this has no right being this good.
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thelostcameron · 1 year
Remember to wear sunscreen when outside, everyone! 😊
Sincerely, An idiot that forgot their sunscreen and is now badly sunburned
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charloootsdrawings · 2 years
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Time: round 4 hours.
Materials: Ibis paint x and a notebook
For this piece I was drawing a reference in my sketchbook and I really liked so then I kind of just made it digitally. Because you know, it was on a notebook which had lines and stuff. This is way better then the other one that I did. A few months ago.
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Okay watching Jun & Jun and I cannot be the only one thinking this
The Best option
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The Good option
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The Worst option
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Like I’m sorry but no I’m not feeling it at all
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