#beck imagine
chronurgy · 4 months
Idk man thinking about Caleb and Astrid and breakdowns. How the one time we see her have a breakdown it's so neat and quiet and private in contrast to Caleb's messy, public, even violent breakdowns. Do you think she looks down on him for not being able to control it? Do you think she resents him because Trent still wants him back even after all of it and she could never get away with something like that (does the specter of the hysterical woman keep her up at night)? Does she envy him because that's what freed him? And does that just cause the resentment to pile even higher because she could never allow herself to fall to pieces like that? Because someone has to stay in control. Someone has to keep it together.
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shrugsinchinese · 2 months
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Wulf doodle page! The implications of other people carrying through a wizard’s Wish, considering that he’s both a wizard and follower of the Raven Queen, just thought that it would be an interesting mix between the Fate Divine and Choices Arcane.
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storiesforallfandoms · 7 months
junker ~ beck oliver;victorious
word count: 2011
request?: no
description: after her car breaks down in front of the dreamy boy’s house, he helps her to fix it
pairing: beck oliver x female!reader
warnings: swearing, one mention of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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“No,” you said to yourself as your car began to slow. “No, no, no!”
You hit your steering wheel in frustration as the car came to a stop in the middle of the road.
This wasn’t the first time you had encountered issues with your shitty excuse for a car. It was definitely because the car was older than your parents. It was a miracle it even started in the first place, which, to be fair, it didn’t most of the time. You had no idea what your parents were thinking in buying you this hunk of junk to be your first car. They didn’t have to buy you a brand new sports car or anything, but they could’ve gotten you something from this decade at least.
You got out o the car to inspect what had happened. You opened the hood of the car and inspected inside. You couldn’t tell if anything was off because it all just looked the same to you. There was probably something, but you weren't exactly knowledgeable on cars.
You exclaimed in frustration and kicked the wheel, followed by a string of expletives as pain exploded from your toes.
“Car troubles?”
You turned to see a boy around your age stood at the end of a driveway.
“It just stopped,” you said. “I have no idea what’s wrong with it.”
You sighed, running a hand over your face as you realized how screwed you were. You were a few blocks away from home, so walking wasn’t necessarily off the table, but it would take you a while to get home. Not to mention you had no idea how you’d get the car back to your place, or off the road at all.
“Here, bring it into my driveway,” the boy said. “I’ll take a look at it.”
“How are we gonna get it into your driveway? It’s like...dead dead.”
He approached the car, taking a quick glance at the still open hood before reaching to close it. “Put it in neutral. I’ll push, you can steer.”
You weren’t sure if that sounded like a good idea - one person pushing a car on their own didn’t seem super doable - but you had no other choices. So, you got back into your car, waiting for him to get in place, then shifted the car into neutral. You started turning the wheel, shifting the car towards the driveway. It took a while, but eventually the two of you had managed to get the car into his driveway. You put it back in park as he came around to pop the hood again.
“I’m Beck, by the way,” he said as you got out of your car.
“(Y/N),” you responded. “Thanks for the help. I thought I was screwed.”
“Why are you driving a junker like this? It must be like, a century old.”
“My parents got it for me when I got my license. Something about wanting to get an older car as my first one until I learn responsibility, I guess?”
“So they gave you a rolling death trap?”
You scoffed. “Yeah, basically. I bet they’ll regret that now.”
Beck leaned in to get a better look at something. “When did they buy it?”
You shrugged. “A few weeks ago, I think.”
“Well, they’ll definitely regret however much money they wasted on this thing. It’s completely dead.”
Your eyes widened. “What?!”
Beck stood back up. “There’s not a single thing that works in this thing now. Engine is toast, battery zapped, starting motor gone. It’s a wonder this thing ever worked in the first place.”
You let out a long groan. As if your luck couldn’t get any worse. What were you supposed to do now without a car? You couldn’t go back to relying on your parents to drive you everywhere, and you certainly were not about to start taking the bus to school again.
“Do you have a phone?” Beck asked.
“It’s dead,” you said. “I was on my way home anyways, I thought I’d be fine.”
“Listen, mine is in my RV. You can use it to call your parents if you want.”
You eyed the silver RV in the yard. “You live in there? When there’s...a house?”
He chuckled. “I prefer to be on my own. The RV was the only compromise my parents would come to. If you’d rather not come in, I understand. I can bring my phone out instead if it would make you more comfortable.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s okay. It’s starting to get dark, so it’s probably best if I wait inside instead of out here while it gets cold.”
Beck nodded for you to follow him into his trailer. It was a decent size, big enough for one person living there. It was also evident that a teenage boy lived there given the mess. Beck must’ve noticed, too, because he quickly started picking up dirty clothes and laundry from the floor, mumbling something about ignoring the mess. You quietly giggled to yourself.
Beck passed you his phone. You sat down on his couch and dialed your mom’s number first. It rang for a long time before an automated message told you she was away from the phone. You hung up and tried your dad’s number, only to have the same outcome. You rolled your eyes and hung up, handing the phone back to Beck.
“They must be busy,” you said. “God, this sucks. What am I going to do?”
Beck sat down next to you. He was close enough to you that you could feel his shoulder brushing against yours. You were suddenly very aware of your situation: alone in a trailer with a boy who was incredibly cute. A broke down car, no way to get home until your parents answered your calls. You shuffled awkwardly in your seat, looking down at your lap when looking into Beck’s eyes became too much.
“I could drive you home,” he offered. “Then, when your parents are home, you can tell them what happened and where the car is. Then they can decide if they want to come get it, or they can leave it here and I can salvage whatever parts I can from it.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You think there’s anything salvageable from that car?”
“Well...the tires.”
You both laughed. You knew you should be getting home, but part of you also didn’t want to leave yet. Sure, you would still see Beck again whenever your parents decided to come get the car - if they decided to come get the car - but after that you may never see him again. He wasn’t familiar to you, and you were sure you’d remember someone like Beck at your school, so that meant he went to a different school. The likeliness of you two ever crossing paths again were incredibly slim.
But you also couldn’t just invite yourself into his place to stay for a while. You were still a stranger to him, and him to you technically. And you probably should get home so you could charge your phone, just so your parents didn’t start freaking out if they tried to call you and couldn’t get through.
So, you took Beck’s offer and followed him to his car. It was definitely a lot nicer than your old piece of junk. You were almost embarrassed that he had to see what you were driving before. The one silver lining to this whole situation was that your parents might actually buy you a good car after all of this.
You knew it was going to be a short ride to your house, so you had to make the most of it. You looked over at Beck and asked, “So, what school do you go to?”
“Hollywood Arts,” he responded.
“Oh! So that’s why I haven’t seen you around. You’re too busy becoming a big star.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so. Trying to, at least. I’m not a singer like most of the people who attend that school. I’m trying to become an actor after I graduate.”
“Hey, the world needs actors. That doesn’t sound like an impossible dream to achieve.”
He shrugged. You felt like the conversation was drifting away, and you desperately wanted it to keep going.
“I do appreciate what you did for me,” you said. “Most people in LA probably would’ve driven right past me and wished me luck.”
“I couldn’t let you just stay there stranded right in front of my place,” he said. “What kind of a guy would I be if I didn’t offer the pretty girl some help?”
Your face immediately burned at his compliment. You quickly looked away so he wouldn’t see how flustered you were.
“Still, I appreciate it,” you said. “And the ride home. I probably could’ve walked, come to think of it.”
“No way. I wasn’t going to let you walk when I have a perfectly good car that could’ve driven you home.”
“Don’t rub it in.”
He chuckled. You noticed the car slowing to a stop, and when you looked up you saw that you were in front of your house. You almost deflated with disappointment. Your time with Beck was finally, and unfortunately, coming to an end. There was no way you’d be able to see him again, you were sure of that. It was already pretty clear the both of you wouldn’t be running into each other at schooling events, unless you managed to make it out to a performance at Hollywood Arts that Beck just so happened to be starring in.
“This is me,” you said, trying to keep the sadness from your voice.
“So it is,” Beck said with a nod.
You looked down at your lap, trying to stall as much as possible. “Thank you for everything. I don’t know how I can repay you for all of this.”
“You don’t have to.”
“What if I wanted to? I mean, surely there’s something else I could do or give you as a way of saying thanks. Something more than that lump of junk that’s still sat in your driveway.”
He made a face. “No, that’s a terrible thank you gift actually.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m saying I want to give you an actual thank you gift.”
He thought for a moment and you waited patiently for his answer. Finally, he looked back at you and said, “There is something you could give me.”
“What is it?”
“Your number.”
He was holding his phone out to you. You looked from his phone up to his face. You were almost sure this wasn’t real, that you were hallucinating that this was happening. But the longer it took for you to take Beck’s phone and put your number in it, the more his face was starting to show worry. As if you were about to turn him down.
“Yes!” you finally blurted. “I mean...yeah. Yeah, I can...I can do that.”
He seemed amused by your flusteredness. You quickly took his phone and typed in your name and number before handing it back to him.
“You better get your phone charged,” he said. “Otherwise, how am I supposed to try and plan a date with you?”
Oh, he smooth.
You wanted to say something back that was equally as smooth, but you were at a loss for words. Instead, you just nodded your head for a long time, like a crazy person, before finally saying goodbye for real and getting out of his car. You could feel him watching you as you walked up to your front door and let yourself in. He didn’t leave until the door closed behind you, and even then he waited for you to lock it and turn on the light over the door.
Once you were alone, you leaned back against the door and you couldn’t stop the wide smile that broke out across your face.
Okay, at least there were two silver linings to that stupid thing breaking down.
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arabella-strange · 5 months
truly a Liam's PCs' bisexual maelstrom, the one we've long awaited and never dreamed was possible
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merakiui · 10 months
sure savanaclaw treats you well, they're like an entire dorm of big brothers to you...right up until you show up ovulating and then the entire building is drooling. they're trying to be on their best behavior, but that only goes so far when their instincts are howling at them to breed the only female around! leona and ruggie are struggling to keep control of the situation and even sweet boy jack is about to snap. you really should have listened when they said to stay away this week, herbivore.
The beastman horny grip is another type of horny entirely because it has Leona genuinely contemplating kids. T_T and he never does that, but with you smelling so good the idea of seeing you knocked up with his cubs becomes all the more enticing. Jack's taken to exercising more than he usually does in order to keep his mind off of you. It's easier to count reps and laps because it distracts him from the fact that you're so close and fertile and breedable and you could be his life partner forever and............. wait, how many push-ups has it been?
The horny grip is terrible for Ruggie because normally he's so logical and on top of everything. He's realistic about things like starting a family. He can't afford to care for kids of his own, but with you being here (you probably don't even realize you're ovulating, or maybe you do; either way, you're ovulating and he's so distracted) all of his logic is thrown out the window and he just has to do whatever you ask of him so you'll hopefully let him fuck you. orz if ovulation horny is bad, then the beastman horny is even worse. ;;;;
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multifandomsimagine · 2 years
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Imagine Beck and Jade supporting you when you perform
"You could at least clap for the other performers," Beck whispers into Jade's ear as his girlfriend lays her head on his shoulder while leaning against him. The two watch the person onstage finish their number with a flourish and a big smile. The crowd around them burst into applause as some yelled out their support for the performer and cheered loudly while the latter took their bow. Though Beck did not know them, he still clapped politely; Jade made no such move. Instead, she crossed her arm and stared blankly at the stage.
"Why?" Jade lifts her head and turns to Beck, the frown on her face obvious. "I don't care about their performance and I don't want people to think that I do."
"Because it's the polite thing to do." He gestured to the people around them. "They're performing in front of a crowd. It's a big deal."
"They're at a performing arts school. They're in the wrong place if they're afraid of being in front of a crowd." Jade shrugs, eyes darting to the stage when she hears the host announce you as the next performer. She sits up, eyes immediately finding you coming out of the wings of the stage and a small smile appears on her face. "I'm here for [Name]."
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rosemaze-reveries · 1 month
clinging to the only manor guest who makes you feel safe various idv charas + you (platonic)
for @ninacottoncandy
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Here are the reader's traits described in the original ask: You have grown really attached to them and won't let them go, following them like a lost duckling. They're the only one you act energetic around, while you're shy and scared around others. It's later revealed that you were neglected back home resulting in abandonment issues.
🦈 Leo
Leo sees something in you that he can't exactly pinpoint. Maybe you fill a loss that he's tucked into the crevasses of his memory. Maybe you represent a second chance at one of his lingering regrets. Whatever it is, he swears that no harm will come to you as long as he's around.
He sneaks you the universal passcode to the arms factory's exit gates, with instructions written in his messy scrawl: "Play the game. Do what they ask. Use for emergensy only." It's not the first time he's been punished for breaking the rules, but that's a trivial thing if it means protecting you.
Before your first game, he brings you a gift, a crude little thing that's obviously handmade. It's a miniature red-and-purple striped rocket chair made for dolls. You find it a little childish, but Leo attaches a story to it: "If bad guy catches you. 1, 2, 3, blast off. Trapped again."
That's a bit grim, but cute, you suppose. You're not sure why he gave it to you, though.
✈️ Charles
As a man of few words and a perpetual poker face, his fondness for you might not be that obvious. But he finds you terribly endearing. He doesn't mind having you in his shadow at all. It won't be long before he starts feeling very protective of you.
In an attempt to get closer to him, one day you ask to try out his jetpack. He's always tinkering with the thing, so he must have a lot to say about it, right? The moment you reach for it, something in Charles snaps, and with a panicked shout he knocks you off it before cradling his device tightly in his arms. With that look of abject terror in his eyes, one would think you were trying to murder his baby. You never thought it was even possible for him to raise his voice like that.
The truth is, he couldn't have cared less about the jetpack. He was worried about losing someone else to his faulty machine. The guilt for frightening you plagues him for weeks after. He dedicates the next few months to working on a device that stabilizes his hand tremors. Not for his own sake, but because he can't bear to disappoint you—he wants to build something safer for you to try, and needs a reliable hand to do it.
🧲 Norton
Finds it bothersome. He has an unspoken agreement with the rest of the manor to steer clear of each other, what’s not clicking for you? He doesn’t exactly radiate sunshine and rainbows. Why you got attached to him of all people is something he can’t wrap his head around.
He won’t go out of his way to talk to you, which you can consider a small mercy from him. If forced he’ll bluntly shut down the idea of being your “protector” or whatever role you’ve arbitrarily assigned to him. He’s not here to babysit anyone, especially not for free. Doesn’t matter what your story is.
It seems like the best way to win his favor is by giving him space. And start hoping he’ll warm up with time. With the manor's stretches of eternity in store for you, you can certainly spare the wait.
🔗 Ada & ❤️‍🩹 Emil
The first time you begin yearning for them remains clear in your memory. They're huddled together over the kitchen stove, morning sun filtering through the open window. Ada explains how to flip an omelette while Emil is paying more attention to her gentle hands than her technique. Once in a while their soft giggles rise above the sound of sizzling oil.
Watching them, suddenly you aren't at the manor anymore. You're in one of those big, bright two-story houses from the stories you read as a child, the ones with the perfect families and happy endings to every trouble that comes their way. Ada and Emil probably don't even realize how picture-perfect they look in this moment, how similar they are to the families you thought only existed once upon a time. Their love makes you jealous, but you crave it just as much.
Sharp as always, Ada is quick to notice you observing them. You fear a round of questioning but instead she says, "Good morning. Do you want something? How do you like your eggs?" and Emil pipes in a second later with "Onions okay?"
It's such a casual sentiment, but it takes you aback. Most manor guests aren't glowing examples of neighborly people, you've learned that the hard way. But your wishful thinking gets the better of you, so you play along. They bring out a plate of your breakfast and sit with you at the table. You remember thinking, even if they are tricking you and these eggs are poisoned and you never wake up again, it would be nice to go with this fairy tale family as your last memory. But you get to enjoy a delicious breakfast and the remaining hours of the day without issue.
The same thing happens the next morning, and the one after that.
Emil's prowess with the frying pan drastically improves as the days go by, and soon he starts waking up ahead of Ada to surprise her. Some days include you, with him gently nudging you out of bed, eager smile on his face as he teaches you all the cooking tricks Ada taught him. He also shows you a notepad he keeps, with lists titled: Ada favorites. Good food for a bad day. Restront menus (make at home). And a new addition: What (Y/N) likes.
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wynandcore · 4 months
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Post-Legacy Beck my beloved
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burning-academia-if · 5 months
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Can I ask how the ROs would react to this situation? (MC is the one asking)
Rook: My guy is sweating LMAO what a way to be cornered about feelings you have spent god knows how long hiding. Tries his best to figure out a way to lie/downplay it, isn't ready for the force of that confession. When he realizes it isn't going to work, and with MC staring at him, clothes sopping wet and heavy, he finally caves. "I...I've wanted you for a very long time."
Beck: "That...isn't how I wanted you to find out." He's a little sheepish, hair dripping water and salt. Still, his eyes on you are warm, and his next words are easy, "I like you, MC. That's why it called my name with your face."
Rhea: She's quiet, fingers combing through her hair. Her eyes remain on the sea the two of you had to fight your way out of. Your eyes burn into her, waiting for a response. Finally, she takes a deep breath, "I don't know when but...I've fallen in love with you." Her eyes raise to yours, the setting sun on the sea reflecting like fire in them. There's a weight to the word 'love' that anchors itself into the very world around you. She doesn't look away.
Zoe: Is so exhausted from the whole ordeal, that they just lay in the sand, clothes dripping wet, and say without thinking, "Because it's...you, obviously." It takes a moment for their brain to catch up with them, and they lurch up into a sitting position, eyes wide at the confession. They don't take it back, but by the look on their face, you know their anxious about your reaction.
Lars: His voice is as flat as ever, although there's a rough quality to it now, after having coughed up a lung full of water, "I think the explanation is pretty obvious." He rings out the water of his shirt, giving a harsh frown towards the sea you've escaped from. "Instead of talking about that right now, we should get to safety. Sirens don't appreciate losing their prey."
???: "When has my world held anyone but you? Did you truly expect another face?" They ask plainly, straining the water out of their hair. Their eyes are downcast, licking at their lips and the salt. "I suppose there never was a chance for a romantic confession between us. We've always had a flair for dramatics, haven't we?"
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Sebastian Stan characters finding out you’re pregnant » Chris Beck
Pairings: Chris Beck x Female Reader
Summary: Chris finds out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: Fluff, language, pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You and Chris found out you were pregnant shortly after you two got home from space.
You two have been dating for a while and got engaged while you guys were in space. You two talked about the future together and kids are in that future.
Chris was beyond excited when he found out he’s going to be a dad. Just as long as you’re the woman pregnant with his baby, that’s all he wants.
The crew congratulating the two of you when they find out.
Chris would go all doctor on you just to make sure everything is fine.
You jokingly saying “Babe, you’re a space doctor, not a baby doctor.”
Chris would buy a plain onesie and get creative and write “Space Baby” with drawings of a bunch of stars, planets, and moons on it.
He would want the baby’s nursery to be space themed and you would want it to be zoo animal themed.
You would buy a plain white t-shirt and creatively write “Space Daddy” on it.
You and Chris coming up with baby names that have something to do with space.
Chris would spend most nights rubbing your baby bump and telling the baby about space.
Chris saying “I love you to the moon and back.” to you and the baby all the time.
You complaining about how fat you look cause of how big your stomach is so Chris says something cute like “Just imagine your belly is a moon and our little star is growing inside of you.” while rubbing his hand against your baby bump.
You not getting much sleep at night sometimes, because the baby is a little too active and Chris has to talk the baby down so you can sleep.
You cry when you feel like you’re bossing Chris around when you ask him for something and he assures you that you’re not being boss.
You sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the nursery and watching Chris build the crib.
Chris taking time off of work towards the end of your pregnancy and after the baby is born.
Over all, you and Chris can’t wait to hold that little bundle of joy in your arms when he or she is born.
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hollowboobtheory · 1 month
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i mean, that's one way to get her to weigh in
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shrugsinchinese · 9 months
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Older Wulfstrid is a yaoi couple in a yuri kind of way
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
ok I had this idea for a beck oliver x fem!reader where like her parents are out of town or something and she goes to becks and like she gets nightmares pretty frequently about her most loved and trusted people hurting her and like he calms her down and just hurt/comfort (current hyperfixation is beck oliver if you couldn't tell lmao)
Nightmares (Beck Oliver x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You spend the night with your boyfriend. He finds out about your nightmares and comforts your through it. Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: When she wakes up from her dream it's described like a panic attack Word Count: 1.3k A/N: I get you I get you, hyperfixations go brrr. I do not specify what the nightmares are about but it can be inferred from the request, I just prefer not to go into detail on it.
Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night that you were going to sleep at your boyfriends, and you were extremely nervous.
You’ve been to his home before, you weren’t nervous because of that. Your hands weren’t shaking because of where he lived, because it was a new place, or anything like that. You were nervous because you had never slept over with your boyfriend before. Due to that, he didn’t know how you slept, what you did at night, etc.
You stood at your locker, toying with your bag within it as you chewed on your lip slightly. You tried to take a few deep breaths to prepare yourself. There were only a few more minutes before Beck, your boyfriend, would be at your locker to drive you to his place.
What you didn’t notice was someone sneaking up behind you lightly. The person held onto your shoulders and shook you a bit, “You awake girl?” The person asked, laughing a bit when you jumped.
You turned around with a hand gripping your chest. You swallowed harshly, rolling your eyes as you sighed in relief when you noticed it was just André.
The boy held his stomach, relaxing himself after his prolonged laughter. “Someone’s jumpy, you alright?” He asked, opening his locker that was next to yours.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You spoke quietly, nodding as you grabbed your bag, closing your locker.
André looked you up and down suspiciously with a raised brow, “You don’t look fine.” He stated, closing his own locker, backpack on his shoulder. “Come on, spill it.” He told you, facing you now.
You puffed air out of your cheeks before groaning, “I’m sleeping at Becks tonight.”
The boy across from you nodded, waiting for you to say more before he suddenly hummed sympathetically. “You know they don’t have that dog anymore right?” He asked you, putting a hand on your shoulder gently. “They got rid of it the night Jade put it in their trailer, last year.” He reminded you with a small reassuring smile.
You nodded, “I know, it’s…not about the dog.” You told him honestly, shoulders drooping down. 
“Then, what is it about?”
You chewed the inside of your cheek, looking down, “I don’t sleep well at night, and so…” You trailed off, messing with the fabric of your shirt.
The brown haired boy mumbled a small ‘oh’ before patting your shoulder gently. “It’s hard alone, right?” He asked you, and you of course nodded since you only ever had to deal with it by yourself. “Just remember that you won’t be alone tonight, Beck will be there.
You couldn’t respond to André, not only because you were slightly at a loss for words, but because you felt arms wrap around your waist. 
“Hey.” You heard the word whisper into your ear, a face pressed into the crook of your neck.
You felt your face flush and you couldn’t help the smile that spread onto your face. You held the hands that wrapped around you and leaned into the body behind you, “Hi.” You responded, turning your head to meet the eyes of your boyfriend.
André put his hands up and turned around, “See you guys later!” He called out, not wanting to be alone with the couple.
Beck and you waved goodbye to your friend with a laugh and soon turned to one another.
“You ready?” Beck asked you softly, eyes shining as he admired you, hand stroking your cheek.
You took a deep breath and nodded, lacing his hand with yours. “I’m ready.” You told him, pulling your bag up with your other hand to show him you were all packed up and prepared.
Beck kissed your forehead, placing his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walked out of Hollywood Arts to his car.
Night came quickly, far too quickly for you. It was late, Beck had already gotten ready and was waiting for you in his bed. 
You stood in his bathroom, calming your breaths and splashing your face with water. You looked up at your reflection with tired eyes and sighed, “It’ll be okay.” You mumbled to yourself, “Beck is here, so it’ll be okay.” You tried to remind yourself.
After a while you finally escaped your mind enough to exit the bathroom, your face dry, teeth brushed, breathing pattern calm.
You walked to Becks bedroom and got under the covers, facing him.
He noticed you were now in bed with him, so he placed his phone on the side table, the room filling with darkness as he did so. He scooted close to you, wrapping his arm around you, kissing your forehead gently before whispering “Goodnight.” 
You whispered back a repetition of his words and closed your eyes, falling asleep to the sound of Beck's breathing evening out and his gentle heartbeat.
It was okay, you were okay, everything was okay. You kept trying to repeat that to yourself but it kept getting worse. You could feel your heart beating faster, you were losing your breath, you felt the sweat dripping from your forehead, and worst of all you felt like you couldn’t wake up. You tried to open your eyes, but you couldn’t. You tried to move, but you couldn’t. You tried to yell for someone, anyone, but you couldn’t.
It was black, pitch darkness, and you couldn’t get out of it. You could never get out of it.
You felt something new though, like your body was shaking. That was typical, but it was the way your body was shaking, left and right, with so much force as if someone was pushing you around.
Someone was, Beck was. 
Your eyes snapped open, your body sat upright, your hand went straight to your chest, and your breaths were so quick you couldn’t catch up. You choked out a sob and felt the warm tears stream down your face. You couldn’t see anything, why couldn’t you see anything?
“Baby?” You heard a voice from next to you, filled with worry, filled with concern, cracked from…fear? 
You looked over and saw Beck staring at you with eyes wide open. When he noticed you were looking at him, he leaned over and turned on the light, you could see his disheveled appearance, you know you looked no better. 
You wanted to explain, but your throat felt so closed, like you needed to claw at it in order to let anything out. You could only shake your head and continue to cry.
Beck didn’t speak, he just moved closer to you and pulled you to his chest. His arm wrapped around you, his free hand smoothing the top of your head. He placed his cheek on the top of your head with his hand and began to rock, “It’s okay.” He whispered to you as you continued to cry, “I’m here, I’m right here.” 
He didn’t ask you any questions, not even when you stopped crying. He didn’t ask you what happened, what the dream was about, how you dealt with it before. When you stopped crying, looking at him with puffy red eyes, he placed gentle kisses on them as you closed them. He laid down with you, placing your head to his chest, his hand rubbing circles into your back.
Beck didn’t expect you to explain yourself, and he didn’t say anything to push you. He just laid down with you and showed you that he was real, and those nightmares weren’t.
Your boyfriend held you through the entire night, keeping you close to him, whispering reassuring words as you drifted to sleep. It was all new to you, but it was so comforting that you felt you could actually sleep the rest of the night.
Something that also was new, was that your boyfriend left the light on for you. So you could see when you woke up, so you wouldn’t be scared, so you’d be able to see where you were more clearly.
You might’ve still had nightmares, but at least you could go back to sleep after them now.
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rebelliousstories · 3 months
Dating Quentin Beck/ Mysterio…
Relationship: Quentin Beck (Mysterio) x Reader
Fandom: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Light Angst
Word Count: 393
Main Masterlist: Here
Jake Gyllenhaal & Co. Masterlist: Here
Summary: Some headcanons of mine about dating Quentin Beck
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* Quentin doesn’t trust a lot of people. That’s a given.
* But I could see him having his person that all of his self imposed rules go out the door for
* Just one person, his s/o, that he could spill all of his secrets too, brag about inventions, get input on whatever
* You may not have to hate Tony Stark as much as him, but you can’t like him at all either
* I feel like when he gets in after a long night of planning, and it’s already almost 5:00 A.M., he preps stuff to make for breakfast and then goes to bed
* He’s up anyways
* Why should you have to make him food from scratch?
* Tell me why, on that note, he looks like a sweet breakfast man?
* Quentin looks like he might have a side of sausage, bacon, or eggs, but he’s filling up with some pancakes or French toast
* He has two other meals if he remembers to eat in the the day that he can eat savory and heavy protein
* Mornings are for pancakes, coffee, and sitting in his lap to let him feed you
* His love language is definitely acts of service
* Computer won’t work? He’s not only fixed it, but he’s made it run better than before.
* Running late? He warms up the shower so that you can spend that time getting your outfit laid out.
* Quentin needs you to give him praise
* Any comment you make, he will remember throughout the day to keep him from getting physically violent with his team
* Also, if you leave any sticky notes or just notes in general around for him, he cherishes them like they’re made of gold.
* Quentin keeps a box of momentos in a shoe box underneath his bed that had ticket stubs, Polaroids, those aforementioned notes, etc. etc.
* A particular favorite photo of you two from a date to the carnival that was in town is kept in his Mysterio suit
* Fully uses it and a ring to convince everyone that your his wife
* Although if you two are actually married, he just uses a picture from your wedding day and he doesn’t even have to make the paper look old and worn because he traces your face so much and handles it so much that he doesn’t need to do anything extra
* Anyways…
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carraville · 10 months
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Let's talk a little bit about the wedding...
The fucking wedding.
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
could you do a spideypool reader, in far from home when mysterio is about to reveal Peter identity.
mysterio: Spider-Mans name is p….
sword or bullet goes through mysterios skull.
spideypool: No spoilers
Mysterio: Spider-Man is-(buzz) Spider-Man is-!!
Spideypool smacks him across the face with a pole…
He grabs the camera…
Spideypool: no spoilers! But I can tell you Spider-Man is a cool guy and Donnie Darko here is a villain and a fraud. Also he’s a total ripoff of Syndrome’s plan from the Incredibles!
Spideypool drags Mysterio off camera…
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