#been deleting old posts today to clean up
going to be back by the end of this weekend, but also going to be starting from (mostly) scratch on here. gonna be keeping relationships i’ve developed heavily w friends but most threads will be dropped. lmk if you want to keep a certain thread going but yeah, wanna start from mostly zero bc there’s just too much chaos and i need a cleaner slate lol. going to be emptying out my entire ask box and will post a crispy new starter call once im fully back!
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thanatoast250 · 4 months
Every piece of Bloomacncheez has slowly disappeared off the internet. YouTube, Wikia, etc. They’re entitled to their privacy but I’m just curious if they’re okay. Did they finish college? Did they reach their dreams of working in animation? Things I think about some time.
Hey there, Anon
Bloo's DeviantArt is still up along with her Tumblr pages (main and art here) and Twitter, but if she has started using social media again, it isn't under her BMNC moniker.
Her main YouTube page has been down for quite a long time due to some old Copyright issues. This was way back in the old day when Viacom and Universal were hellbent on striking anything and everything that had semblance of their properties, and her page got hit with a bunch of issues from her old parodies. She and I tried to fix it a long time ago but once College time got around, we were both just so busy that we didn't end up getting around to it.
Her Wikia page was deleted because I didn't feel comfortable with how it had been used in the past. When I found out that it existed, I was super excited because it was something I could have worked on and just been a nice thing for her. But I also found out that people were using it to allegedly stalk her; since Wikia/Fandom pages can be edited by anyone, there were anonymous users using it to talk about how she disappeared and how they "found her" and were "watching from the shadows". It was super creepy and I started to clean it up, making the whole wiki nice and pretty and cleaning out as much as I could that would lead people to trying to stalk her or The Classy Peanuts. I became the Content Administrator, so I had full rule over what would and would not be posted, and I made several pages about her, her parodies, characters, and the many people that were either working on or going to work on the stuff (including one for myself that I was going to finish up last).
But the longer I worked on it the more I felt like something was off, and considering Wikia/Fandom doesn't like it when Wikias/Fandom pages are made about IRL people, I reached out and asked a moderator/developer about whether the work I was doing was safe or not, since I didn't want to put either her or any of the other Classy Peanuts (or really anyone) in danger of stalkers and the like. He told me that if that Wikia/Fandom were made today, it would likely be shut down for precisely the reasons/concerns that I had, even though Bloo didn't ever post anything about her IRL life outside of her birthday (I knew about a little bit more about her life, but I never shared any of it, obviously) and there wasn't going to be anything about her or the Peanuts' IRL lives on there. So that being said, I figured that the safest course of action would be to delete the Wikia/Fandom. I have all of the pages downloaded/archived on my computers in the chance that I ever get back in contact with Bloo or one of the Peanuts reaches out to me and says it's okay, but as it stands, the Fandom is down and will not be returning for their safety and respect. So I personally apologize for that.
However, I was informed that I could probably make a page for her on Wikitubia (I think that's what it was called?) because her page has over 10k subscribers, which is the minimum requirement for having a page. I was told that Fandom has more moderation that would help with keeping people from stalking her or posting irrelevant or personal information. It's currently in my ever-growing list of projects, but it'll be up eventually. Probably.
As for the rest of your questions, I can't say. The last time I talked with Bloo was when she was still in college, but she was trying very hard to stay focused and buckle down for everything. There were parts of our interactions and conversations that gave me concerns for her. She was under a lot of stress, and her taking a break from Tumblr (and online in general) was a good thing for her. She was in her final year of college the last time I spoke to her, so I imagine that she did graduate. A lot of her courses and focuses were in Illustration, and she was phenomenal at it, so I like to think that she ended up working what she wanted to. She's a strong person, so I like to believe that she overcame the stresses she was under and did achieve her dreams. At the end of the day, though, I can't give you any direct confirmations though; the last time we talked was back in 2015 or 2016, and her email closed due to inactivity a couple years ago.
The only other people that I can think of that would be able to help you or anyone else more than that are the other Classy Peanuts who knew her IRL because they lived near her and hung out all the time. But the last time I talked to one of the Peanuts they just told me, quote, "if we don't share details about our lives with the public/internet, it means we don't want anyone knowing". Granted, I wasn't exactly level-headed when I asked about it; the last couple conversations I had with Bloo had me concerned for her safety and health, so I was kind of a wreck and very pushy with this person. It's definitely a conversation I could have handled better, though I suppose there's not much I can do about it now.
I think about BMNC a lot, too. I think about all conversations we had, all the times before then where we helped each other get through hardship, all the silly back-and-forths in the early hours on weekdays despite us having classes in the morning, all those fun times. They're good memories and help me keep going when I'm feeling crummy. I still send her Happy Birthday messages on her DA and Tumblr in the off chance she sees them.
I'm sorry I can't be of more help, though. I wish I had more answers for you and all of the people that come to me about it. I don't mind answering questions, I just feel bad that I can't give good and satisfying answers to them.
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kimi240302 · 2 years
Unholy pt. 1
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A/N: First of all, my native language is not English and all of this is sent through an app so that it is English in the end. Secondly I write Smut for the first time and hope you like it. Third, the story of House of Dragons is not followed, it's just about the characters.
A/N2.0: I have already published this story on my old account writerslove2403 , but I could not upload anything there and so I had to make a new account. On the old account is now every story deleted and published here
Summary: Amond's older sister comes back and shows him what he is missing if he continues to be angry with her.
Aemond Targaryen x sister!reader
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: 18+ , first time wrote something like this
Unholy Masterlist / Main Post / House of Dragon Masterlist
" I hear the whispering 'bout the place
that you've been
And how you don't know
how to keep your business clean
Mummy don't know
Daddy's getting hot"
- Unholy
It was rare for the servants to see the king having breakfast together with his family. But when the king felt like it, he ordered it. As was the case today. Silently gathered around the table , which was filled with everything the heart desired , they sat and ate .
" Have you heard anything from Rhaenyra yet?" Alicent looked at her husband with interest. The latter shook his head. " She is in the middle of preparations for the birth of her daughter. The last time I received a raven , she wrote that even my brother could not wait for the end of the pregnancy, although he is on his way!" The king laughed, but immediately became sad again when he looked at the empty seat next to him. Alicent who noticed this , reached out her hand to him and placed it on his . " She will come and visit us after the birth , for sure." Viserys withdrew his hand from his wife and looked at her with a suppressed anger that no one had seen before in the king. Aegon, seeing this, nudged his brother Aemond. Confused, he saw his father looking away from his mother again. As he followed his gaze back to the chair next to him, his heart grew heavy. For years no one had been allowed to sit there. Not since his second born daughter had disappeared from him and his first wife. Everyone knew that it had been her place and so it remained empty. But Aemond did not understand his father's anger, which was directed at his mother.
"Yes, I will see her again." Visery's words were sharp and Alicent knew she should leave him alone. Still, she wanted to keep the peace in the family and tried to grab his hand again, but was stopped by the opening door.
" My king!" The servant who burst in seemed to be out of breath. Viserys looked up at him and when he realized which servant it was, he immediately stood up. " Do you have the information I wanted or are you coming back empty handed?"
Aegon leaned over to his brother and murmured in his brother's ear, "Do you know what he is talking about?" Aemond shook his head and wanted to answer his brother , but his sister interrupted him. " The dragon that was thought lost has found its way back home." Alicent looked back at her daughter. " What are you talking about dear?" Helaena ignored her mother and looked to her father and the messenger.
"The princess fought side by side with Prince Daemon at the Stepstones and won." Viserys looked at the man in front of him as if he had not heard correctly. " Are you sure..." " Father." The king closed his eyes. He had not heard and missed the voice of his second born for so long. The whole family looked to the entrance of the room and froze. Standing before them was the missing daughter and sister. But the young innocent girl that they all remembered with the most beautiful clothes and always with open hair was gone. In her place was a warrior in armor, whose silver hair was tied in an updo, so that it did not disturb them in battle. Alicent rose and wanted to say something, but Viserys preceded her. With quick steps he walked towards his daughter and stopped in front of her.
He placed his right hand on her cheek and his left on Y/N's neck. Carefully he pulled his daughter's face to his and rested his forehead against hers. Hesitantly Y/N hands wrapped around her father's wrists as she enjoyed his warmth.
" You're alive!" Viserys murmured, not quite able to believe that she was really standing in front of him. Y/N nodded, but said nothing. The pain her father had caused when they last saw each other was still deep. "I should never have sent you away..." The king murmured this so that only the two of them could hear. Again the young woman just nodded. " Leave it in the past. Now I am here again." Viserys moved away from his daughter a few centimeters and placed a kiss on her forehead. " I hope you will stay too?" Y/N answered again with a nod and detached herself from her father.
" So the lost sister has returned!" Aemond looked at Y/N searchingly and she at him. Y/N's gaze lingered on his eye patch. She hadn't been there when Luke took his eye and yet she knew from her uncle , who had joined the Stepstones fighting after marrying her older sister, though he had returned to Rhaenyra from time to time he always came back to support his niece. " Aemond!" Alicent looked at her son warningly. He looked deeply into Y/N's eyes once more and disappeared. Sadly she looked after him, because even if she knew that he must be angry with her, she had hoped for something else. "Don't take it badly against him. We just missed you!" Helaena stood in front of her sister to hug her tightly, not caring to reach Y/N's sword and dagger hanging around her waist. Aegon, who had only been watching her silently, was about to open his mouth to say something, but was stopped. " Think carefully about your words little brother." Y/N raised her eyebrow. Defensively, he raised his hands." I just wanted to say that I missed you too sister." Grinning , she hugged him too . "We both know that's not all you wanted to say." She whispered in his ear. "You're right, but your sword looks better on your hip than in my neck."
" You have grown up Valonqar (little brother)." Aemond paused at his sister's voice. He had been hitting one of the dolls alone on the training ground since her arrived several hours ago. Briefly he shook himself and swung the sword again. " Don't you have to be at the party thrown for you and our uncle?" " Daemon has gone back to Dragonstone to Rhaenyra. He wants to be there for the birth of his child." "How can it be that Daemon has a pregnant wife if the war was too long for that." Confused, Y/N looked at Aemond. "He wasn't there the whole time. When I needed him I sent him a raven." " You could write to him , but not to me!?" The next blow of Aemond's sword split the doll in two.
The young woman looked down at the doll. Took one of the training swords and stood in front of her brother. "What are you doing?" " Fight against someone who moves , not against this." Aemond looked at her without any reaction, and in the next moment he was already lashing out with his sword. Y/N dodged his sword and she evaluated Aemond sword with hers. " You seem to hate me..." , again she dodged his sword, ".... I must confess that this genuinely confuses me Aemond." Aemond gave a snort and he grabbed her free wrist to draw her to his chest with a strong jerk . Actually he wanted to place his sword at her neck, but Y/N prevented this with her own sword. She let it go up between their bodies so that Aemond only hit its metal.
"You left without a word! You didn't even say goodbye to me, you just disappeared." He let go of her and once again tried to attack her offensively. " Aemond..." This time he struck in such a way that she dropped her sword. He laid his free hand on the back of her neck and held Y/N ironclad while his sword tip pointed at her throat . "You left me Y/N. So don't expect me to be happy about your return!" Annoyed, Y/N released her held breath. Her hands wandered to Aemond arm that held her neck tightly, loosened it and twisted it so that he let go of his sword and tried to loosen her grip. "Abandoned Aemond? Did you really think I would have left voluntarily?"
" I don't know mandia ( sister). After all, you were just gone!" " Ao doru-borto valītsos! " ( You stupid boy)
Y/N let go of Amond's arm. Not expecting this, he fell forward and was just able to catch himself with his two hands. However, before he could do anything else, Y/N turned him around and made him fall completely. Aemond looked up at his sister and was about to get up to yell at her or walk away from her, he hadn't decided yet, when she sat on top of him and held her dagger to his throat, which she had been hiding in a holster on her back the entire time.
"I was sent away by our father because your mother didn't want me by your side anymore!" Amond's gaze was on the dagger at his throat and not on his sister. " Why would my mother do that , you were the only person I had !" Aemond bit his lower lip as he finally noticed his sister begin to move her hips. His gaze shot from the dagger to her lilac eyes. A grin spread across Y/N's face as she noticed Aemond tense beneath her. "Because your mother knew very well that I would make you mine when the time came." She added a little more pressure just above his middle, causing Aemond to groan. " What is.... " , again he tried to stifle his moan, " What if I didn't want to become yours?"
His hands shot to the dagger , but Y/N was faster. She put more pressure on the dagger and with her hips. Aemond winced and could no longer suppress his moan. Y/N placed her free hand on his neck as Aemond had done to her and pulled him up to her. In doing so, she slid right onto his clothed cock. His hands clawed at her hips as his chest moved faster and faster. His sister's breasts brushed against his chest. Still with the dagger at his neck , her free hand moved to his shoulder. Y/N quickened the pace of her hips a bit and grinned as she realized that Aemond was getting harder underneath her. Her lips lowered to his pulse point. From there she began to spread feather light kisses up to his ear. Aemond's grip on her hips grew stronger and his moans more uncontrollable. At that moment the silver-haired woman wished to be naked with him in her bed instead of dressed on the dirty floor of the training ground. But she wanted to demonstrate to Aemond which of the two had the say in this game.
With her lips reaching Aemon's ear, she slowed her pace and dropped the dagger next to her. She grabbed Aemond's hand and placed it on one of her breasts. Aemond immediately began rubbing them over Y/N's shirt. She closed her eyes and softly moaned his name into her brother's ear , which made his cock twitch under her.
"Ñuha byka dārilaros ( My little prince) did you think I hadn't heard the rumors about you?" Y/N heard his breath catch as he moaned her name, again trying to claw his way into her hips so she would speed up again. " What rumors?" Y/N kissed along his jaw, stopping just before his lips. Aemond looked his sister right in the eye as he began to move his hips towards her to make it clear that he wanted more than this. But again the air remained in his throat when he saw the look of his sister exactly. His skin began to burn, as if fire was about to kill him. " Skorkydoso ao brōzagon ñuha brōzi skori iksā lēda another ābra (As you call my name when you are with another woman)." Aemond stiffened and paused. His eyes widened. He wanted to say something but Y/N just kept talking. " Skorkydoso ao jaelagon bona ñuha ondos se lips renigon ao se daor pōjon(How you wish that my hands and lips touch you and not hers) ..."
Again Aemond groaned. His hands went to her cheeks as he placed his lips on hers. The kiss was filled with desire , anger and the feeling of having missed something for years and when Aemond was sure he was finally getting what he had longed for , his sister stopped. Y/N broke away from him and her hips stopped moving. Confused, Aemond looked at her. " Mandia?" Her thumb passed over his lips. " You said yourself you didn't want to be mine Valonqar." She placed a quick kiss on his lips , stood up , picked up her dagger and left.
Before she left the training ground , Y/N turned to her brother once more. " But we both know Aemond , I am the only one who can ruin you the way you want and need."
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blueberry-beanie · 11 months
Visiting Munich & Die Anstalt
8th October - 10th October 2023
A very, very long story about my first ever visit to Munich to see my favourite satire show Die Anstalt. Features long walks through the city, museum visits, Schloss Nymphenburg and its huge garden and a tale about being in the show's audience and meeting Claus. Many photos included. Bonus anxiety and Deutsche Bahn content. The text was written while I was still in Munich or on my way home.
Saturday, 7th Oct 2023: Packing and Heart Attacks
To say that I've been looking forward to going to Munich doesn't quite cut it. When I was still in school years ago, I used to joke that I'd move to Munich, just because it was so far away. I've actually never visited or even passed by - until today. And now the city feels just a bit more special because of the reason for my visit: I'm going to be in the live audience of one of my favourite satire shows, Die Anstalt. But that will be tomorrow. Before I can tell anything about today, I should probably mention what was going on yesterday, though.
Yesterday I posted a drawing of one of the hosts of Die Anstalt, Claus von Wagner. I was really nervous about it because I thought it's not good enough or maybe I'm really bothering him. On top of that I wrote quite a heartfelt caption and was anxious about that the whole time. Good thing I finished all important tasks before posting, because afterwards I was too nervous about everything: The drawing, the journey, the unknown city and of course going to the show. I barely started packing my bag and didn't eat for the whole day when I suddenly got a notification about a new message.
Needless to say my heart dropped and I actually didn't know what to do and sat down on the carpet. And yes, he shared my story and cheekily attached a little timer until the next show. I temporarily forgot how selecting emotions works and felt everything at once. N and I then later discussed why there was no like on the actual post (there wasn't one the last time either), when suddenly he also liked the post half an hour after he shared the story. I didn't care that this whole thing had only a handful of notes, he liked it and that's all the joy I needed.
Sunday, 8th Oct 2023: First Time In Munich
Unfortunately I had a bit too many emotions and it all got quite late - so it was difficult for me to actually wake up today morning. It definitely got better when I was greeted by Claus' very dorky "go vote" Instagram post. Later I discovered that he deleted yesterday's story in favour of election day. Hm, interesting. But I guess it's valid considering the important and serious topic of today's election in Hessen and Bayern.
The train journey started with buckets of rain, my new cleaned & repaired backpack and actually no problems at all until I got into the actual train to Munich. It turned out that seating reservations being displayed in the train was optional today. So I tried to be a decent person and just let the happy couple sit on my seat and went to find another seemingly unoccupied seat next to some guy. Unfortunately it later turned out to be occupied - so I had to go and get my own reserved seat. The train was very full so the strategy of sitting down somewhere else didn't work out anymore. I had a rather unfortunate conversation with the woman in my seat and felt quite bad afterwards. On the plus side, I had dug out an one hour long talk about childhood books with Claus yesterday and so I had the best time listening to this in the train. He's very nerdy and lovely and it was so entertaining to hear about his childhood adventures, teachers, hometown and about how he reads books occasionally with a Merkel voice to his daughter.
When the train finally arrived in München Hauptbahnhof it was an odd feeling to step outside. Like it has been a long time coming until I would finally arrive here. My first impression of Munich wasn't the best. The train station looked old and was being renovated. I stepped outside to look for the vegan restaurant I had saved in my plans, only to get lost in a rather spooky part of town and stand in front of closed doors. So I decided since it was already almost 2pm that I could go and check into the hostel nearby. That proved no problem and I relaxed for a bit in a rather nice five-bed room with a window into the inner courtyard. Knowing that it's not that easy to find food in Germany on Sundays, I ate some of the food I brought with me and then set out for a walk.
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First I went to the old botanical garden, which was quite small, crowded with a group of cyclists and police with dogs and overall not very nice. Then I saw the first interesting building that turned out to be Landgericht München. From there I walked into the direction of the obelisk of king Ludwig I. I had an one-euro-ticket for the Alte Pinakothek, an art museum, so that's where I went. Somehow they are very strict there. No jacket, no hand bag, wear your bracelet and don't dare coming close to the paintings (which are already protected by glass). So I got stopped by a guard at some point, which has never happened to me before. Oops. But on the plus side I saw some cool art, for example the self portrait of Dürer, some cool Dutch portraiture, Manet, a little bit of Caspar David Friedrich (though Hamburg has a much bigger collection) and even the old friend Canaletto, whose paintings are always so recognisable, was there. Also they had quite some stuff by Rubens, Delacroix and even a few paintings by Van Gogh.
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I didn't spend a lot of time there though and started walking into the direction of Odeonsplatz. Partly because there is the garden of the Residenz palace, but also because there has been this huge demonstration on the 4th October where both Max and Claus participated. I thought it would be fun to visit the place that I've seen many photos and videos of. Upon arrival I immediately understood how 35.000 people fit there - it's massive. The gardens nearby were small but beautiful, with a round Diana Temple in the middle. A lovely lady played the violin in there and gave the garden such a peaceful vibe.
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Where to go next? I decided to visit the park near the Maximilianeum, where the Bavarian parliament is situated. So I walked past the huge impressive building of the Bayerische Staatskanzlei with it's huge wings of glass. Then I walked past two impressive buildings belonging to the government of Oberbayern and the museum of five continents towards a bridge over the river Isar. Unlike rivers in north Germany this one is very clear, which is probably because its proximity to the mountains the rocky ground.
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The Maximilianeum is a big round building just by the river and I felt more and more as if Bavaria is truly its own little country because of all these monumental buildings. The park was very lovely, but I couldn't explore it fully because it was getting late and my feet were starting to protest along with my shoulders. So I turned around to cross the river at the Friedensengel statue and go back into the direction of Odeonsplatz. On my way I passed by more museums and theatres until I arrived at the tiny park behind the Staatskanzlei and crossed the palace garden again.
At the Odeonsplatz I took a turn into the Theatinerstraße. Suddenly there were many people. It's the center of Munich with fancy restaurants, bars and shops. I walked past the famous Frauenkirche and into the direction of Karlsplatz. Looking at all the people eating and drinking outside in the restaurants I realised I had almost no food at the hostel. So I looked for an affordable place where I could get something quickly and ended up eating a bit of noodles with tofu and veggies at the Karlsplatz. From there it was thankfully only a short trip back to the hostel, during which I listened to a voice message from my school friend Christina (the one I visited in Halle two weeks ago) who wished me lots of fun at Die Anstalt tomorrow.
At the hostel I was greeted by the most annoying shower ever (it turns itself off after ten seconds each time) and fell into bed. The other women in the room weren't very talkative and warned me that they'd get up at 4:30am and 6am respectively. Amazing then, I thought, and fell asleep like a stone at around 10pm. That was a good idea, because the night was loud and restless, but I slept through most of it and woke up in the morning refreshed and ready to go.
Monday, 9th Oct 2023: Palaces and Recreation
Today I woke up at around seven and stayed in bed comfortably until my roommates were done with everything. I got myself ready, ate the last of the food I brought with me and headed out to Schloss Nymphenburg via Tram line 17. It was easy to find and the tram took me right to the palace. Now I've seen some cool palaces in Vienna and London, but this one is truly impressive. It's so wide and the road leading up to it has a canal with huge fishes and some ducks. It's a white building with two huge wings, each of them with a clock tower.
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Inside it was a bit awkward at first because there weren't many visitors at half past nine on a monday morning, and it felt like there were more security guards than visitors. The very first room is immediately the most breathtaking: a huge hall with the most beautiful ceiling and so many ornaments on the walls. The sense of wonder I felt while looking at all the extravagance was constantly accompanied by uneasiness. The amount of wealth needed to build this exceeds my imagination.
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How could anyone live in such a house? How were the people like who lived in such circumstances? How many people had to be exploited to achieve this kind of wealth? I think it's very useful to keep these magnificent places for future generations to enjoy and maybe use for some art and culture but that doesn't mean their existence sits entirely right with me.
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The part of the palace that is publicly open is thankfully not as huge as the palace itself. So after a short while I walked out into the gardens. And if the interior was impressive, the accompanying park is what truly made my day. It is so huge that you can forget you are in a city at all. Its size and the forest and field part reminded me a lot of Hampstead Heath in London, but the massive canal with the fountains in the middle is definitely more like the gardens I saw in Vienna, just even bigger.
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The fun thing about this park is that it's publicly accessible, so people go on walks in groups or go for a run alone, go birdwatching or take their dog out. If you have a ticket like me though, you are allowed into the smaller buildings in the park. As if the massive main palace wasn't big enough, they also had smaller little summer houses there. The first I visited was inspired by Chinese art and adorned with porcelain tiles.
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Then I walked past cascading waterfalls over a bridge to the temple of Apollo, which is set so beautifully at the pond among the trees. Honestly, the whole time I wished I had a horse to ride around in the park since that is clearly what it was meant for. I walked past a beautiful little fountain with a statue of Pan towards the Badenburg. This little house had a huge swimming pool inside that you can look at from a gallery, absolutely insane. I can't imagine how all of this was like when it was still used as it was intended. From there I saw the garden of the little princes with a hut that looks as if it will grow chicken's feet any minute and turn around.
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One of the highlights came in the end: The Marstallmuseum with the carriages, sleighs and everything else that belonged to the royal mews, including two taxidermied horses. I've never seen so many carriages of such colossal and eye-wateringly extravagant quality in one place and I'm wondering how anyone would drive around in these at all. The sleighs looked more like pieces of art than vehicles and the saddles and bits were all so ornamented and beautiful. As a horse-girl I'd be scared to ride on one of these. But please send me my fave horsey Püppi for a turn in the park, thank you.
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When the visit was over it was already half past twelve and I was starving. So I went back to the center and got lost in the absolute maze of the U-Bahn underneath the central station until I finally found the right one that took me two stations further to a vegan Döner place, where I had some lasagna. A good opportunity to buy some groceries (and getting lost once again, I have a talent) before going back to the hostel because my feet were killing me.
Overall I'm starting to get the appeal of this city. I'm sure there are many beautiful places to visit here. I like it much more than Berlin so far and I think if I stayed longer I'd get to know many more cool areas. Too bad that this doesn't matter much, because Munich is the most expensive German city. It's near impossible to find anything here even if you wanted to. Looking at how adventurous it is to get a place in Berlin or Hamburg already… no. But I'd definitely love to visit more often to get to know the place better. Now I'm resting in the hostel and slowly getting very nervous becaur it's almost Monday evening. The Monday evening of all evenings I've waited for during these last five months. It's time to visit Die Anstalt.
Monday, 9th Oct 2023: Die Anstalt
I didn't get too much rest because at around half past four the levels of anxiety had risen to such amounts that I jumped up and went for a very short and hectic walk. Then it was already time to get myself ready. I hid the three fancy chocolate bars I had brought from my university town in my handbag inside a black piece of fabric. This way nobody would see them when checking my bag. I didn't believe I would have the opportunity to hand out any chocolate to anyone, but I'll be damned not to try. Since I already can't bring cake to the studio. (There is a very old interview with Claus in which he talks about loving all kinds of cake "If there was cake on the table right now I'd be eating it and I wouldn't be talking to you. Where is the cake? Cake!") Then it was time to leave for the U-Bahn line 1. I was so nervous that even hours after everything would hurt from being tensed up. At some point I had to change to Tram line 25 in the direction of Grünwald, where the Bavaria Film Studios are situated. As expected, it's a rather fancy part of town with big houses and neat gardens. When we arrived at the studios, there were some more visitors heading in the same direction and I had a short talk with two people who also didn't quite know where to go. Thankfully the Anstalt team had set up signs with arrows leading us around the entire fenced off area to the very back. There some friendly people greeted us and directed us to the right building - studio six which I already knew the look of from several past episodes.
And we were not alone! Already a crowd had assembled outside the entrance tent. I didn't linger outside, although I saw today's guests, the duo Das Geld liegt auf der Fensterbank, Marie standing there. Instead I went inside to the queue that was very small still. I left my coat at the cloakroom they set up there and now it was time to wait a bit. After a while a big guy with a grey beard, who actually reminded me of someone I've seen at Die Anstalt, humorously asked us who was here for the first time and explained to leave all jackets here because it's warm inside and to use the restrooms now because there are none in the studio. Then he said, "Alright, let me check if Max and Claus are ready and then we can start." Shortly after we had a security check and were let inside.
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The studio looked smaller and bigger than on TV at the same time. There were some chairs, but they were all reserved for special guests, as was the 2nd row behind us. So the two couples who queued next to me sat on both of my sides. The woman to my left quickly started a conversation with me about the show and her daughter who studies something like graphic 3D design and about all sorts of things. We figured out that she and her husband had been watching the show for many years and she was surprised I only started this year - and still seemed to know about all the lore. She even remembered the interview of Claus when he went hiking in the mountains with some guy - an interview I know exists but could never listen to because it's no longer online. We got excited about the little details on the set with a living room area, a court room and - of course! - a whiteboard hidden in the left corner. The reserved seats were filled in the last moment by late arrivals and by people from the back - and then it all started.
The following part I translated, because I wrote it down the same evening in German:
Claus was the first to enter the stage before everything started. He appeared to greet us and to raise our mood a bit. He did... not look too amazing - and that was on purpose. Today he was, as the woman next to me said later, a slimy AfD-politician in a bad suit and with a horrible hair style. But he was there and it was really him. It felt surreal to suddenly see him talking and gesturing, making jokes just in front of me. The same voice, the same smile. I was fascinated by the very fact he was suddenly at the same place as me and cursed the TV-cameras that sometimes obscured our view.
He started asking about who came from Munich and who ("that's the more interesting question!") came from the furthest place. Someone actually travelled all the way from Schleswig-Holstein and they got well-deserved applause. Then he started retelling the old joke about Munich being too clean and the Rats visiting the P1 instead. And the story about the parcel shop he already told at the demonstration. Apparently the joke ended with "Please nobody tell him about Deutsche Bahn, or they will want to overthrow the country." Suddenly Max appeared to a lot of applause - because he wore a Greek philosopher costume with a ridiculous wig and beard today and made us guess what it meant. Correct - it was an allegory for Democracy. He also retold his joke from the Demonstration about why not housing refugees in the palaces and private jets of the rich.
They were telling us about how the show would go. There would be two cuts ("Then we have a bit more time to change. We used to be live-live before the pandemic and only had one minute. That was a battle backstage, believe me. And since some of us are already a bit older...", Claus said, leaning on Max and grinning.) Claus also urged us to turn off our phones, not just mute them "but really truly turning them off". Of course I did that, too. And the people in front of the court practiced to get up when the judge would arrive and were praised for their services. In the end they started to introduce the guests. Das Geld liegt auf der Fensterbank, Marie (a duo "The money is on the windowsill, Marie") who had a long dialogue what annoyed him about her (so she can do it more often in the future). They also introduced Judith Richter ("We didn't just invite her because of her name!" Richter meaning judge in German) and Matthias Renger, who was there for the first time. At some point later Max said something about Claus' dance moves being horrible. Of course the dancer in question had to demonstrate a few moves, which was hillarious.
Then they prepared to start filming the episode. Everyone settled in the living room set and Claus held this stereotypical slate for all the cameras ("The director makes me do that every time and it never works out so well... That's unsettling to have all these cameras on me at once") and talked to the director . And then the scene started. Claus played the right wing AfD-politician Maximilian Krah, an absolute asshole. A disgusting guy who keeps hitting on everyone around him and lounges on the sofa like he owns the entire country. And drinks champagne. And hits Max straight into the eye. I really flinched, because the loud hitting sound effect and the sudden motion surprised me. Also that's not something you would ever expect from Claus.
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Both of them are great actors. Neither of them read their text from the screens or had a problem remembering something. Claus was being brilliantly horrible in his role. I don't think I've ever seen him act like a complete villain in this way, it was unsettling. During the scene at the court he constantly kept making suggestive comments to the judge and it was sometimes difficult to look at all of this. Please stop talking man, who are you, this is all horrible and I didn't think I'd have to hear such words from your mouth!
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Then he played the overtired Robert Habeck, first falling asleep on the sofa and then kneeling on the carpet with toy bricks. Did someone conceptualise this episode just so I'm alternating between staring, laughing and not being able to look at all of this? In the end they even had a whiteboard scene (of which I sadly didn't see much bc of the damn camera being in my way). There were two breaks indeed for poor Max to change his costume. He played Merz in one of the court scenes and it's so funny how he can resemble him and imitate all of his mannerisms and the voice so well. In the longer break they showed an excerpt from 2016 in which the AfD was a rather unpleasant and murderous baby in its crib. In the end they called on the audience to sign an online petition about making the Federal Institutional Court review a legal ban of the AfD. And then the episode was already over: "Das war die Anstalt!"
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Claus immediately tried messing up his horrible hairstyle as if he really didn't want to resemble that despicable AfD-politician in the slightest. But that wasn't the end of the story. First they bowed and had to come out two more times because we didn't stop clapping and cheering. And then a few apprehensive minutes passed. Would they come out once more? And there they were, both of them. And Max even walked straight up to us with a determined face. He was looking for friends and family in the second row behind us. He did not care much for anyone else, and it appeared he was somehow looking for his daughter? This is how I got to see Max up close, but not talk to him. Therefore I couldn't give him the chocolate. But over there, on the stage, there was Claus. And I knew I had to go there right now, otherwise he may disappear and I won't sleep in peace for the next few months. So I parted with my seat neighbours and shyly went up to the stage. At first he was talking to a woman and then it was time for him to join the others for a group photo on the sofa. That was a whole show by itself. He sat on the backrest and firstly made funny and happy faces, then tried being serious and in the end attempted his most seductive look. That wasn't enough, because he leaned forward too much at some point that he slipped down onto the seat behind the others. Everyone started laughing as he had to get back up on his feet again. Sometimes he's really like a little kid. Some of the visitors were actually taking photos with their phones and then disappeared. So after the photo most of the audience had already gone.
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But as the photo opportunity was over, Claus got up and walked to the left of the stage towards the backstage exit. I was scared that he would disappear in front of my eyes. But a woman came to the rescue and asked him for a photo. I just stood nearby and listened to the conversation about the show and about the AfD. They were discussing whether the courts could really be filled with right-wing judges and they also talked about the ban of NPD not working out years ago.
It was fascinating to listen to this, because of how knowledgeable he is and how he considers several view points in his arguments. About some things he admitted not knowing enough and needing to read about it first. He is a little waterfall, but so smart and thoughtful and also attentive to what the other person says. I was content to watch the conversation unfold in front of me and took in all the little details with his whole behaviour, intonation and gestures all being just as I know them from watching way too many videos. The biggest difference was how he looked like: He seemed smaller, more fragile and very tired. And still he was engaged in the conversation even more than this woman, despite looking like he needed a whole bar of chocolate and at least three days of sleep.
Then the producer made an announcement and asked all of us to be quiet because Max had to repeat a sentence which he somehow didn't say entirely correctly during the show. The three of us stood there together and Claus told us conspirationally "Ah yes, Herr Uthoff forgot his text again... happens all the time. And now this is particularly tricky because he has to repeat it with everyone looking at him." Max confidently repeated the short passage and Claus resumed his conversation with that woman. At some point I also chipped in, despite being really nervous about it. I said something about how satire shows seemingly unite to save our democracy at the moment with the ZDF Magazin Royale just having released two episodes about right wing extremists at the Frankfurt police.
It was really odd to suddenly have him looking me straight into the eyes. What do you mean he sees me and hears me and replies to what I said? Suddenly grammar and vocabulary were very abstract concepts. I have a general difficulty with looking into people's eyes, it is usually very challenging for me, but I really wanted to try. I knew how lucky I was to get to talk to him at all. Eventually the woman left and an older couple approached. The woman asked for a photo, but I offered to take a picture with both of them together with Claus which they gladly accepted and were really happy about it. They did not stay to talk for long and suddenly they also disappeared.
Now it was my turn to say something. I was very glad to have a reason at least. "Excuse me, may I also bother you for a few seconds? I brought something for you if that is ok." He had already kind of turned to go but agreed, "Oh, yes sure." So I got all three chocolate bars from my handbag and gave them to him. He thanked me and I remarked somehow that these are greetings from Sachsen. He was happy that there was some representation from Sachsen and assured me it is still valid, although I'm not actually from there. Then it dawned on him that all three bars are probably not for him and asked to whom else to give them. I said he can decide himself how he wants to distribute them. In response he cheekily hid two of the chocolates behind his back and joked that these will be for him only. I laughed and said that my friend (it was N!) had suggested to give all three of them to him, and he liked that idea very much. During the whole conversation he kept on shuffling them in his hands, a bit as if they were playing cards. Then he said more seriously that they will make up the main stash of sweets in the writers' room when conceptualising the next episode. I told him that I would have brought cake instead of chocolate if that was possible. The reaction to this statement was priceless. In this short moment I could see confusion about why suddenly cake is mentioned, then recognition that yes, it's something he likes indeed and again confusion about whether and how I could know this. He stammered something about "Ah yes, cake... yes, yes indeed", before he told me that Max apparently often brings all sorts of things to the writers room "but sadly not cake". Poor man, I would have brought an entire baking sheet of cake for him.
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I asked him afterwards if I may have a photo together and he immediately agreed. So I reached for my phone and realised it was still turned off! "Oh no, sorry! I listened to what you said and turned off my phone!" He laughed and pretended to be incredulous, "Someone listens to what I say?" I don't know what hit me, but I managed to look him in the eyes and reply in the same joking manner "Yes, of course! I always listen to what you say." "And now we have to wait for three long minutes until it finally turns on again," he quipped with a smirk. Some guy who had joined us in the meantime, saw his opportunity and said "Ah well, then I could quickly ask you something in the meantime!" Claus agreed and they started a conversation about whether forbidding the AfD is really the solution to the problem or rather suppressing the causes or making it worse. In the meantime my phone had turned on again and I just listened to their conversation.
Suddenly a woman called Claus in an impatient tone. Fair enough, around us the technicians and helpers were already taking away chairs and diassembling the equipment. Claus shouted back, "Sorry, sorry! We are still talking. It's my fault, I have been talking way too much again!" The conversation somehow shifted to his (right now nonexistent) solo tours and he said that he is in fact planning to do one. I immediately chipped in, "Oh really? I would love you to go on a solo tour, please!" He said that he actually likes being on the theatre stage much more than "down here" but he hasn't managed to write a program because of family, health and because he writes eight shows for Die Anstalt each year ("And I really write a lot for them!"). I reassured him that a solo tour would be amazing and that I would definitely come to see him. He thanked me and remembered that actually many people have said the same and he really plans on making it happen "before 2025".
The guy wanted to to take his leave and Claus already wanted to say bye, too ("Otherwise I will collapse soon"). But I stood there with wide eyes and my phone and panicked a bit and shyly started "Oh, and the-?" And he remembered about the photo, "Ah yes, of course." That guy offered to take the photo but I said no thanks, I'll manage. And then joked a bit about "at least, if my hands aren't shaking too much", which was true, I was really a bit shaky. But Claus immediately replied "Oh no, it's alright. My hands have been shaky earlier, too." I managed to take a photo and thanked him profusely, also for liking my post. I didn't specify which post, but he understood right away and realisation hit him: "Ohhh, so that was you with the drawing?" "Yes, that's me who has recently been bothering you with drawings on Instagram." "Thank you so much for the drawing. It's great! I wish I could draw, too!" And then it was really time for him to go and we said goodbye. I turned around and realised, that I was pretty much the only crazy person left in the studio and quickly went outside to fetch my coat.
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On my way back to the hostel I was still so full of adrenaline and my hands were still shaking. Everything was too much for me and I could not calm down until late at night at around 2am. Not only did I witness the show live, but I also had the huge luck to have met Claus. That I got to look him in the eyes and talk to him is more than I expected. And he even got the chocolate! Psst! I don't mind, you can eat all three of them. I won't tell, I promise. I am a bit worried and guilty about keeping him for so long and hope that the poor guy could get a lot of rest and cake and chocolate to recover. He really looked very tired, despite giving his everything for the show and for everyone who came to talk to him afterwards. I wish that I could have given him a big hug, but we are not at an EE concert where you can receive the prescribed eight hugs a day. That has never been a realistical wish anyway, and I know that very well. And it doesn't matter, because I got so much more than I dared to hope for and I am so thankful and happy.
Tuesday, 10th Oct 2023: A Final Day
Today I realised that I started to really like Munich. Maybe because it reminds me a bit of London. Not necessarily the Biergärten, but the impressive buildings, the wide roads and the wonderful parks. After three days I feel sad to leave this city behind. There are many beautiful things about Munich. In the morning I left around ten and made my way to the Münchener Stadtmuseum. First I got to see the beautiful Marienplatz with so many flowers and beautifully ornamented buildings. Then I got sidetracked a little and ended up at the famous Viktualienmarkt instead. It wasn't overcrowded in the morning and I got to eat an original Bavarian Brezel in the shade of a tree. The Viktualienmarkt has permanent stands with loads of different foods, but I also saw a plant shop and some shops selling souvenirs.
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Then it was time to visit the museum. For students the entrance fee was very cheap and for the money you can enter all exhibitions, not just the permanent one. I enjoyed the chronological permanent exhibition, though I feel like the later history was missing, as they stopped with the end of second world war. Then there was an exhibition about displaced people after the war - it was just one room though and I found the one with a similar topic in Bremen much more educational. I made the mistake to go upstairs to the exhibition of puppets. That was eerie as hell and I quickly got out of there. The reason I wanted to visit in the first place was a temporary exhibition about the rise of the NS party and their mechanisms of executing power. A very interesting, but also dark and scary exhibition, especially since right wing parties are on the rise again. Parts of the exhibition also overlapped with what we learned last semester in media history.
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After that I was quite happy to go outside into the sunshine again. Today was a very sunny and warm day, a perfect ending of a beautiful journey. First I got a smoothie and a banana at an overcrowded supermarket and then I made my way towards the Eisbachwelle, a permanent wave at a bridge in a huge park. Surfers are riding the wave with many spectators watching them. I kept walking to a place called the Monopteros that reminded me of the Apollo temple I'd seen yesterday. From there I had a wonderful view over the park and the city. I discovered afterwards that the Chinese tower was actually in a beer garden (of course) and slowly started to make my way back.
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I passed by the house of arts with a certain golden bar and the P1 club that is famous, although not necessarily with a good name to it, just for being posh.
I went back through the palace garden and passed by the Odeonsplatz one last time. Originally I'd wanted to go and get some food right away but then I thought that maybe looking for some clothing without holes would also be a good idea (I didn't find anything, though). The veggie and rice bowl I got was really good, although a bit sour. And now it was already time to get my backpack that I left at the hostel and board the train. As I'm writing this in the train I'm happy because Claus has liked my comment under his promo post for the show airing on TV this evening. Maybe I'll still get to watch it when I come home... Thanks Munich for such a wonderful time, hopefully I'll be back soon!
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hedonicghost · 6 months
Some little updates:
Made the #🛰 tag for anything that hits the top post page on mobile (starting from today, of course) ((will also likely do this for our other art blogs))
I'm going to go through and delete some old not art posts just for some spring cleaning!
We do promise that we will start streaming (on Fridays) at some point, but we've been unmedicated the last week-ish and we have a nearly-month-long trip coming up, so we might not start yet!
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alarrytale · 1 year
Hi Marte… I just came to talk about Nicholas hahha… I’m obsessed with him ha!!
So I don’t know if you have noticed but he’s been deleting/archiving post on his IG also unfollowing people. I was on Twitter today reading some post and people has noticed this deleting unfollowing pattern during the last days… someone mentioned since he is getting more famous? maybe they’re cleaning his profile? Like his publicist/team whatever to be more “professional” or more Hollywood idk…
I think is just interesting just watching it all unfold … hopefully he stays as nice as he seems to be.
Hi, anon!
Welcome to the 'it hit me out of nowhere like a train and now i have brainrot and all i can think about is him, and i don't understand why i have this obsession with him, it doesn’t make sense' club! I thought this would pass, but it's not. I'm helpless. And i don't have the time for it. He's got me in a chokehold.
I have noticed. Everyone is talking about it. He litterally shot to fame over night. I think he's being adviced by his team to clean out his digital footprint, so they can make him a blank canvas for people to project onto. They are setting him up for widespread fame. I also think they are deleting old tweets to not make people misunderstand him. People might take it out of context (fans weren't fans back then and might misunderstand). They might fear he'll get cancelled before his career has gotten off to a real start. Imagine if the sun was headlining with 'nick galitzine thinks people should be shot' off of this tweet:
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I'm sad about the fact that they're trying to make him bland to make him more attractive to the gp. I think all his social media posts are gold. It shows how multitalented he is, and how relatable he is. The tweets are dead funny and it shows he's got a personality! It's so refreshing compared to other celebs who dosn't dear be themselves. All his tweets are mostly innocuous and as far as i've seen i don't see a good reason to delete them. I think it's a mistake.
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7rashstar · 4 months
i didn’t rly sleep last night yap sesh below the cut
missed mayday festivities because i am debilitatingly socially anxious but then went camping for a friends bday and felt refreshed by being able to see soooo many stars and be outside…(and go on the most extreme hike of my life dude omfg)
while we were camping my digi cam fell out of my pocket when i laid on the ground to look at the sky and stars and it stormed that night and my camera got destroyed. hoping the sd card is salvageable..
creepy had hella ticks on him (including one thats head got stuck in his uhh..wiener lol) went to the vet got em removed in total there were 8 (!!) that we found. he has so much fur man idk there could be some more on him but at least they’d be dead atp because i ALSO finally got a flea tick preventative that he can take monthly. it’s been impossible to get a vet appointment anywhere, especially at the clinic i’ve been taking him to since he was a bb. praying he didn’t contract anything from the ticks…we’ll get a blood test sometime in september-december
bestie soup told me u could see the northern lights in the city last night + they sent me some pics but i pulled a leg muscle skating n it hurt too bad to waddle over to the overpass (plus there’s been several shootings in my neighborhood the past couple weeks outside my building so i don’t rly like going out at night rn anyway)
yesterday oomf texted the gc n said a friend of a friend asked him where to listen to my music online bc they loved my set :’)) the last time i played a show was the beginning of march!!!! that made me feel rly good so now i have more incentive to finally upload things to soundcloud again. might work on that later today…like. might,…finally post something
he said he sent them a link to my old bandcamp and i forgot i never deleted my music there i only scrubbed my sc so i went over n listened to what i posted. it was kinda cute. in 2020 i started using ableton for the first time consistently and actually tried to figure out how to make stuff w it so everything f from that time is like. ahh. i’d do that so different now!! but at the time i was so proud of myself and that makes me feel kinda fuzzy (in a good way) like noticeable artistic growth yanno? n also knowing that version of myself who was constantly suffering and seeking an End still felt excited abt what i was making. it’s cute. my old self is someone ive made peace w and hold close to my heart in the ‘it’s different now and it’s Awesome’ way like fuck yea lil buddy you got clean and made it out alive. that’s sick
some of my old music goes hard asf too tho. a lot of unreleased stuff on my google drive i dug thru after listening to my bandcamp i don’t even rly remember making but i was like :0 !!
i was up until 5:30am working on a flyer !! i wanna make more flyers!! i miss making flyers. i’m outta practice and using procreate bc i don’t have photoshop anymore so still a newbie on the program front but i think. i did a good job and it looks cool so that’s nice
i rly wanna skate but my leg hurts i feel like that spongebob guy
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healingpolyphony · 1 year
TW: ED talk. This post is from me, Jax, not about anyone else in my system.
There’s also pictures of two of my jumping spiders.
I’m at a really weird point in my eating disorder recovery where I can and will eat most of my fear foods with a relatively straight face.
Right now I’m eating soup. Soups always been an okay food, but I’ve also got two slices of bread. Strike one. With butter. Strike two. And I’m the soup itself I’ve added smoked cheddar cheese. Strike three. 100% me in the past would have an absolute meltdown over this. But I’m alright. I’m anxious and I’m feeling disgusted, but I’m pushing past it because it tastes good and I need food, especially cause I’m going to be continuing cleaning in a bit after I let things settle.
I’ve had a lot of things come up recently that’s fucked with my mental health and pushed me towards a relapse. And yeah I’ve definitely come close, and I’ve restricted a bit but nothing massive, so I guess I’ve technically relapsed, but I’m still doing alright.
I found my old ED blogs last night. Blogs plural. I think one was supposed to just be a general space for me, but I was so wrapped up in my ED shit that it leaked (burst) through anyway. I went through them a tiny bit, not even going off the first page, and yikes.
Struggled for a couple of minutes, then deleted them both. Part of me wanted to keep them, partly cause one of them had other things on that weren’t related, but I think I did the right thing? Idk.
Had another big trigger today. One of my biggest tbh. The reason I split. Wanted to throw things and s/h and vomit. But I didn’t. I cried a bit and started cleaning and sorting out the tarantulas and spiders.
And then I made myself food.
Spyro and Spring say hello to everyone that’s bothered to read the ramble.
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unforth · 1 year
Alright instead of rageposting about white people perpetuating racism problems in cnovel/cdrama fandoms I've channeled my feels into cleaning up some shit I've been doing a bad job at maintaining and feeling horribly guilty about for months or even years. This is probably a healthier use of my current "fuck it." So, for reference, I've:
deleted the kink meme part of the DMBJ kink meme on AO3. This means that the prompts and sign ups and claims are now gone (I'm sorry I didn't give people time to save their prompts, but the reason I didn't do this months ago was that it had many steps and I was being useless about DOING those steps and as I said in the intro paragraph, I'm now at "fuck it" and like. if I can't do it "the right way" I'm today just breaking and doing it "the wrong way" and here we are). The collection and the ten stories in it still exists and anonymity and such are still maintained for people who wanted it, but new prompts and new fills cannot be submitted.
ditto the above for the kink meme part of the SPN kink meme on AO3. The prompts and sign ups and claims are now gone. I also removed myself administrating the Tumblr, though the other two people involved (fpwoper and envydean) do still have access. I realized belatedly that I really should have offered to just leave and let them have it but, again, today is apparently "fuck it" day which means I'm not thinking through the ramifications of my actions which has resulted in some bad fandom citizenry behavior on my part, and again, I truly do apologize. (I've offered to help them reconstruct the challenge part if either of them wants to run it; fpwoper has already said no, I'll see what envydean says and I'll apologize profusely even more and do what I can do fix things if envydean DOES want to take over and make it active again). The collection and the stories written for it still exist; that's about 40 works. Thanks to everyone who participated.
I left @saawek's Star of Solitude event, which I helped run a year and a half ago. Saawek hasn't really been active on Tumblr, but hun if you see this it's nothing at all about you or TGCF I'm just pulling back from things that even seeing them in my blog list has been causing me stress on the daily.
I formally announced that I'll be consolidating @zhenhunartreblogs and @dmbjartreblogs in @cnovelartreblogs, and I've posted to that effect in all three blogs. If you want Zhenhun/Guardian and DMBJ art content from my sideblogs, unfollow the old blogs and follow at cnovelartreblogs, and just black list fandoms you're not interested in - that's the whole reason I tag everything.
I deleted another side blog I haven't been using.
I'm considering deleting @memesforwriters, which I only update maybe once a month, and honestly just typing all this up has I think tipped me over into "fuck it" and I'm going to delete that too. I expect I'll instead reblog relevant memes to the @duckprintspress account, since I have to maintain that regardless.
My last remaining completely inactive Tumblr sideblog is where I'd posted on translated chapter the 2ha manhua. I really would like to be doing more work like that, though hell if I know when I'll have time; I renamed that blog to @unforthfantranslations, and I have vague hopes to translate more of 2ha and to tackle Lie Huo Jiao Chou (which I've never read any version of and would like to). But tbh I probably won't manage any progress on any of that until the fall.
Nothing like a pile of grief to make me say "I'm done feeling guilty about this stuff, like is too short, fuck it I'm gonna make these changes I've been waffling about for ages."
P. S. I opened another window to check how exactly I'd renamed the translation blog and while I had it opened I decided on a compromise with memesforwriters, which is that I'm exporting it, and THEN I'll delete it. And I DMed the Destiel Harlequin mods that I'm done and think we should shut it down. And I spotted a couple Discord servers I'm going to leave.
So yeah. that's the mood today in a (rather large and overly wordy) nutshell.
Apparently when I said yesterday that I'd be quiet, I failed to take into account how I ACTUALLY process grief. In my defense, this is only the...fourth?...time someone I really care about has died in my entire life. (counts of...Arthur, Gil, my grandfather, yeah that's three...of course other people I've cared about have died but no one who I loved and who I felt "I wish I had more time with this person." Like...I wish I'd had more time with Belle but I didn't love her...yeah I'm just babbling now I'm sorry I'm like this today.)
ETA: okay I just left like 6 Discord servers I haven't been using, too. There's only one I'm still like "maybe I shouldn't..." but I know a lot of people in that server and if I really want back in I can ask for invite.
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vimse · 1 year
For the artist ask thingy. 1, 2, 8, 9, 14
Hello!! Sorry for the wait, I wanted to get home to access my pc for an old pic I wanted to share.
1.) What canon character(s) do you love to draw the most? (And why?)
Tech (isn't it obvious? 🤓). I cannot articulate why though. I just get a good feeling when I draw him. I think it has to do with the fact that he's my current fictional crush. However, I do enjoy drawing modern au version of him the most. Why? Even when I don't want to, I have a tendency to comply to canon sources as much as possible. In a modern au, that is not an issue and I have a lot more creative freedom, so that's why I like it. And also he's totally not maybe dead there so 🤷‍♀️😅 also why is he such a good looking model?
2.) What do you think makes your art iconic?
Last time I was active on tumblr, I think I was known for my use of very vibrant and saturated choice of colours. Also I used to highlight the lineart with fully saturated CMY colours. I’ve never seen anyone else do that at the time, so I think it was very recognisable. And since I really like you, I wanna share an old piece of art made in 2016 (looking through old art is embarrassing, but this was probably the peak of my fanart career tbh haha) ❤.
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As of right now though, I don’t feel like my art is iconic in any way. I don’t think I’ve drawn enough to have something recognisable going for me.
8. Are there artists that inspire you (and maybe shaped the way you draw your art)?
This is a hard one 😅 I completely stepped away from art during 2018, and when I returned I sort of just continued on with what I knew from before. But since it had been such a long time, I don’t remember what artists influenced me or shaped my art to make it like it is today. Rather than specific artists, I think I was more inspired by art styles, if that makes sense? I started with anime and manga, and then I tried to transition to a more semi-realistic style as I grew up. I was really into the art of my favourite games at the time, which were Overwatch and World of Warcraft. Also I think the art style of Arcane is so very lovely, I think I’d like to emulate it more in my current paintings.
9. How many drafts you have right now, be honest-
I am HONEST I don’t think I have too many drafts
The Band Batch x 2
Greasy mechanic!Tech
A special something about modern au Tech featuring a certain automobile 👀
Another Tech portrait in funky lighting.
Band au Crosshair (concept: he is smoking (hot))
A little self-indulgent Tech something to comfort my soul
I have a lot more ideas, but those have not made it to the canvas just yet.
14. Funniest thing that happened to you during the drawing process?
In recent time, maybe…that time I posted a sketch of Tech with an exposed neck and shoulders and the absolutely feral responses I got from the denizens of this site 😂 It happened on the art blog, and unfortunately I've deleted the post when I cleaned it up 😢
Thank you so much for sending these! They're good distractions on bad art days, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!!
In case anyone else reads and is interested: Weird questions to ask your local Tumblr artist
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->With the trash sorted and Smiler having grabbed their share of the greenhouse produce, it was time to take care of the rest of the farm chores:
Smiler went and took care of the chickens -- spreading feed, collecting eggs (5 normal ones, hooray!), chatting to a couple of them to keep attention good, the usual -- then joined Victor in the greenhouse to brew up a fresh Sadness Alleviation Lotion. Once that was done, they took Victor's spotted heart frog and tried to breed it with their regular dirt frog to get a spotted dirt frog (both so Victor could use it in potion-brewing and so they could add one to their own collection) -- however, the first attempt only resulted in another dirt frog, so that got turned into a plasma pack. Just have to try again later! They also put out the living room fireplace, because, uh, we don't want a fireplace just randomly burning in this house. I don't think Alice would approve.
Alice, for her part, was put on cow duty -- refilling Moory's feed, cleaning her off, and telling her a joke before milking her. I'm not sure how well the joke went down, judging from Moory's expression in the screenshot, but, uh, Alice tried! And Moory didn't kick over the milk pail when she was milked, so that's something. Alice also emptied out the outside litter box because that was looking NASTY -- I guess having three cats means it DOES fill up quicker! I should upgrade the litter boxes to the zappy kind at this point, they have the cash for it...
And Victor, of course, was banished to the greenhouse to harvest all the remaining produce and tend the plants. XD However, today he actually got a little help -- not only were the bots out and assisting with the watering, weeding, and spraying for bugs, I had Alice and Smiler join him to do the same once they were done with their own chores. The more hands on deck, the better! :D They got everything sorted in good time, and Alice even got the honor of planting the one new plant they'd gotten from all those seed packets the gnomes left around -- a bell pepper! So now they have peppers to offer for sale along with all their other various veggies, fruits, and flowers. :) There was even a little time for flirting and chatting as they finished up -- which I'm sure the trio appreciated, as I have been working them HARD lately.
-->On my end, once all the produce was actually harvested, I went back into Build Mode and started moving around all gnomes that had wandered during Harvestfest -- I sold the duplicates, then put the three "normal" gnomes and the one alien gnome in the four corners of the greenhouse, the pool floatie gnome in the wheelbarrow out front, and the Grim gnome next to Toothy the cowplant. You know, as a warning. Still no sign of my old bunny gnome, though -- I think the game may have deleted it while trying to move it out of its wheelbarrow home. *grumbles* Ah well -- maybe I'll get a new one during a future Harvestfest!
-->Oh, and before the gang finished up and headed out to the store, I had to get this one last picture of the kittens being cute by the scratching post. :D Look at how teeny they are! So adorable~
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theatrekidstatus · 1 year
Chapter 4: TW:too much rizz and s/h (fr)
Y/n pov: i wake up and I'm the first one I hide Greg and get changed into this
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Not the book,candle,phone, "cute fit" "thanks" i turn around and see
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"can-t sa-y th-e sa-me" god why did I try to be a smart mouth "can't say much can you" (a/n:bully rizz) "🙄" "no finger?" "🖕🏾" "nah I ment your ring finger" "smo-oth" "like your lips" "ok ca-lm do-wn" "shit my bad" "you're good" "aww there flirting" lin took a pic of us "what the fuck are you doing" "nothing" "can we get breakfast" "sure" "WAIT WHERE IS MY BONNET" jazzy yells "probably in Africa by now" nea says "for real" I add (bonnets are the real Ops)"oh there it is" "everyone get dressed we're getting food" "cool" everyone got dressed up and we went to Waffle House (a/n:shut up) Im getting waffle,bacon,grits, "y'all isn't that waiter kinda cute" jazzy ask
"ooooh jazzy's crushing" "🖕🏽" "hey that's mine thing" the waiter comes over "hello pretty ladies what might you be ordering" "can I get eggs and waffle" pippa asks "can I get bacon eggs and a waffle" nea asks "waffle,bacon,grits,please" jazzy looking at him like a dork "ma'am" "huh" "what would you like" "your number" she whispers "excuse me" "grits and bacon please" "ok "aww" "shut up" 25 minutes later "jazz call your boyfriend over" pip says "oh he's coming over" "ah shit" jazzy wipes food off her faces and puts lip stick back on "do I look ok" "👍🏾" "good" "are you pretty girls ready for the check" "yeah" "oh I think you need this" he puts the plate shit in the middle and gave jazzy a napkin we got to the car "jazzy there something right here" "wait do y'all that's why he gave me the napkin" "🤷🏽‍♀️" "ugh" she pulls it out and squeals "what happened" "he wrote his number on the napkin" "eee" we all squeal "omg he heard me" "damn" "shush y/n this a good thing jazz" nea said we make it back to the theatre "how was y'all food" Lin ask "good" "we all said "jazzy left with a new boyfriend" "I did that shit" "for real twin" "we got 5 hours till rehearsal so let's just chill - and no you can't go back to sleep" "ughhh" we said "wait I saw the cutest puppy on insta imma show y'all" "k" "cool" "sure" I get on my search thing and I see Lin posted it was me and ant "favorite couple" was the caption "🙄" I check the comments "she's so ugly" "he could do better" "ant I thought we were better than this" "she's so fugly" "man Ramos check my dm's you'll move on real quick" I throw my phone and run to the back I took my bag i was crying so hard "I check my bag I found my old blade I was gonna throw it away but it looked REAL helpful right about now I held it to my wrist I hear  long repetitive loud knocks" "y/n please you've been clean for so long please please please the comments aren't true your beautiful and I love you I'll delete the post and all the comments please" Lin cried through the door while trying to break the door "y/n please I love you" I hear it was ... ant he loves me I stand up and open the door Lin ran and hugged me "I love you don't ever scare me like that" I just start crying "let it out sh sh sh let it out come on" he picks me up "y/n are you ok" the girls ask "mhm" I Mutter "today has been a stressful day so everyone can leave and head to my apartment to check on y/n" at the apartment "wait did you want people over DONT LIE" "yeah I love them" "ok..." "I hear a knock at the door" "you're the only without a car yet you're here first and you brought gifts" "can I see her" "sure" "I look up it's ant" "hi do you want some chocolate?" "Hell yeah" he snickers "so you... love me" he looks down "I think so" "I think I LIKE you " "really" "yeah" "do we date now?" "Can we" "sure" he had a little smile "you smile is so cute" "thank you" "look how the table have turned I use to be the nervous one" "I'm not nervous" "what happened to the boy whit w rizz and confidence" he's right here" "wha-" im cut of by his lips on mine I just look at him "im sorry" and ran away Lin came in and I told him everything "I'll call him" "no lin please" "ok" everyone came over and I  said everything from the comments to ant "yn/n I'm sorry"  "it's ok it's been a hard day I kinda wanna eat and sleep" "oh of course" "I'm sorry" "DONT say sorry it's just boundaries" "let's go ya'll" "k" they all left "I made your favorite" "thank you chef Lin" I eat it and the food was really good I hop in bed and sleep my ass off.
Anthony Ramos pov: I wake up i notice y/n is up she's not at my side I go to the bathroom and get ready I see y/n I saw "cute fit" "thanks" "can-t sa-y th-e sa-me"  "can't say much can you" "🙄" "no finger?" "🖕🏾" "nah I ment your ring finger" "smo-oth" "like your lips" "ok ca-lm do-wn" "shit my bad" "you're good" "aww there flirting" lin took a pic of us "what the fuck are you doing" "nothing" "can we get breakfast" "sure" "WAIT WHERE IS MY BONNET" jazzy yells "probably in Africa by now" nea says "for real" y/n added "oh there it is" "everyone get dressed we're getting food" "cool" everyone got dressed up and we went to Waffle House oak was talking bout his plan too ask pippa same with davved and nea "Ramos when are you gonna ask out middle" "WHO?" "y/n" he whispered "ohhh idk why'd you say middle" he just 🖕🏿 me "ohh" "yeah" "y'all are grown men and can't talk to your crush" Chris chimed in "I can't imagine not dating your crush" groff says as he touches Lins hand "yeah baby" "get a booth"
A little later
"how was y'all food" Lin ask "good" "we all said "jazzy left with a new boyfriend" "I did that shit" "for real twin" "we got 5 hours till rehearsal so let's just chill - and no you can't go back to sleep" "ughhh" we said "im so tired I tell the guys" "same" "for real" "yeah" I see y/n running away crying "what happened we ask the girls" "we don't know" i pick up her phone and read some strange comments i was nauseous i show them and Lin said "on no" we run after Lin he dose long repetitive loud knocks" "y/n please you've been clean for so long please please please the comments aren't true your beautiful and I love you I'll delete the post and all the comments please" Lin cried through the door while trying to break the door I was so upset I just yell "y/n please I love you" everyone looked at me and tears down my face as i didn't hear anything from her she and opened the door Lin ran and hugged her "I love you don't ever scare me like that" she just started crying "let it out sh sh sh let it out come on" he picked her up "y/n are you ok" the girls ask "mhm" she muttered Mutter "today has been a stressful day so everyone can leave and head to my apartment to check on y/n at the apartment" "you're the only without a car yet you're here first and you brought gifts" "can I see her" "sure"  "hi do you want some chocolate?" "Hell yeah" he snickers "so you... love me" i look down "I think so" "I think I LIKE you " "really" "yeah" "do we date now?" "Can we" "sure" he had a little smile "you smile is so cute" "thank you" "look how the table have turned I use to be the nervous one" "I'm not nervous" "what happened to the boy whit w rizz and confidence" he's right here" "wha-" im cut of by his lips on mine I just look at her "im sorry" and ran away
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racinggirl · 1 year
When are you gonna post a new lando fic. I love your lando fics :)
Hiii! I will, once I get the requests for it! I’ve done something, and I feel bad about it, but it had to be done. I’ve decided to delete my requests, because almost all of them were from 2022, some of them even one year old. I feel like it wouldn’t be fair to the people that want to send in new requests, so I’ve decided to get a clean start. I’m gonna change the theme, change the aesthetic and I’ll put up a post once I’ve fixed it all, a post that will let everyone know my requests have been opened again.
I won’t stop writing, I’m just gonna fix my account, and hopefully get it done today, I’m working on it right now 🫶🏽
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝟏𝟏.𝟎𝟏.𝟐𝟐 !!
i’ve got a LOT of updates to cover because my blog has changed drastically in the last couple of months so bear with me here. i do ask that if you’re a reader of mine, please take the time to read this post thoroughly, it may answer some questions you may have about what i’m currently or no longer writing for, and it just also has some useful info on upcoming aus and a new possible posting schedule.
but!! before we get into the necessities, i just want to thank you all for 11k followers! 💕 i won’t be doing an event for this milestone because of the timing, and the fact that so many other things will be going on in my blog, but you have no idea how much i appreciate each and every one of you for your reblogs, likes, anons, and support!
☇ 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗮𝗺𝗽 !
if the theme has not already been changed by the time this scheduled post is live, then i will be updating it soon hereafter. that includes graphics & colors for my main header and icon, all of my extra pages, masterlists, pinned post etc etc. please be patient with me because this might also include additions / amendments to information currently on these posts / pages.
☇ 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 !
starting after 11.7.22 to avoid clashing with my birthday blurbs event, i will be implementing a new writing schedule and sticking to it as best i can — twice a week. i will try to have at least one piece of writing posted on Monday, and another on Friday. obviously, it’s never going to be absolute, but i will do my very best to schedule these fics up and keep the schedule going as smoothly as possible.
☇ 𝘂𝗽𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 !
my birthday blurbs event is starting today ( 11.01.22 ) & will run until 11.07.22
i am also prepping a jojo au ( 𝗱è𝗶 𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶 ) to be introduced towards the middle or end of the month.
as i mentioned above, i won’t be doing a celebration for 11k but i will be doing one when i hit 12k!
☇ 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀, 𝗮𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀, 𝗲𝘁𝗰 !
currently, i will be writing for anime *, dc comics, possibly the marauders, matt murdock, and six of crows. requests are only open for anime, though, and the list of who i will and will not write for can be found on my pinned post. once my masterlists are all fixed, it will be clear which fandoms i am actively writing for and which ones i have retired. please respect this.
i have a requests page that you can browse through to see if your request is on there. if it isn’t and it has been longer than 5 days since you sent it out, try sending it again. it may have been accidentally deleted or never went through in the first place.
requests are still held until the fic is finished, but I will be posting the ask separately, letting you know what day your request will be posted. this is just for my sanity lol.
it is my goal to do at least one request per week, and do them all in a timely fashion. once again, your patience is much appreciated.
☇ 𝗶𝗻𝗯𝗼𝘅 𝗰𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘂𝘁 / 𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗶 & 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘁 !
by the time this is posted, i should be completely finished with my inbox deep clean out. i have been going through and deleting all of the old requests that I’ll never get to, to make my inbox as easy to navigate as possible.
i also will be resetting my emoji anons, to make sure they’re all still present. if you want to keep your emoji, just send me an ask!
☇ 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 & 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 !
commissions will reopen sometime this month! i know that I want to rework pricing and stuff like that.
my patreon is still open, but billing was paused for this month because i’m changing things up. my patreon is mainly for early access, but i will most likely include a monthly exclusive piece, as well. however, until this is decided, monthly payments will be turned off. you can still pledge, if you want!
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octyfish · 2 years
Hey, it’s been awhile, huh?
Some of you may vaguely remember me talking about restructuring the blog back in March of last year (yikes, has it been that long already?), only for not much to really happen. Newer posts popped up on the blog after that as well. What happened?
Well, it’s still happening. Today, in fact as I finally have a free day to sit down and do everything in one go. It’ll just be happening in a different way from what was originally planned.
I’m putting the rest of this under a read more for those who want to skip on the more long-winded explanation. If you’re still here, hi and thanks for reading on.
Like I mentioned above, my original post that talked about restructuring things was made in March of 2021. I obviously never intended for it to drag on for so long, but life gets in the way and honestly I was still unsure what I wanted to do.
In the original post I said that this would be remaining a fnaf-oriented ask blog, just essentially wiped clean and rebooted. This is no longer what I want to do.
When I first was trying to decide what to do with this blog. Should it remain and ask blog or just shift to a more personal one? I thought I would be able to do a reboot of the blog, but the past year has helped to shift my perspective.
I’ve never been a fast artist and I’ve really only slowed down over time. I also have found that I prefer to fill a more “creative support” role and like to help with other peoples’ projects versus helming one of my own. I still have my own ideas and things, but sometimes I have trouble fully forming them so they often stay in my head.
The other reason I’m turning this account into a personal blog instead of making a personal sideblog, is that I’m just bad at making and using sideblogs. You may have seen me over the years accidentally post something meant for a sideblog here or vice versa if you follow one of the side accounts. I am terrible about checking which blog I’m posting to before hitting post. So, to just make it easier for myself why not make the default account a personal one where I can put whatever I want without having to worry about it? Easy. (I also already have side blogs tied to this account, so it’s easier to just make this a personal blog instead of deleting it entirely and having to start over and re-tie the new account to older projects).
So personal blog? Cool, cool. What happens to the old art here and the art on your current art sideblog? Well, as for this account most of the old stuff is getting archived. All ask art has been mostly archived already on a personal external drive. Some posts may stay, mostly older posts that still make me giggle, or older art from others that I reblogged and still enjoy. Some of my own older art that wasn’t explicitly tied to an ask may also stay, but I’m leaving that up to my discretion if it should be kept up or not. More recent art, like last year’s fnaf ar collab will remain up since it’s recent and I want people to still be able to see everyone’s hard work.
As for the art blog, my art will be archived, posts will be reblogged here for cohesion purposes, and then the art blog will be deleted. Since this one is becoming my main blog, having a secondary art blog feels redundant to me. It could be for purely art reblogs, but that’s not how I work. Plus, I want my art blog’s username to become this blog’s new username, soooo it’s gotta go. A post about this will also go up on the art blog at some point, although it’ll be slightly different.
Sorry for being so dormant about this for so long, and sorry if the changes aren’t what you wanted. If you feel like now’s a good time to unfollow go ahead, thanks for sticking around with this blog for however long you may have done so. If you’re going to stick around for the changes, again, thank you. Thanks for putting up with my slow post speed and long periods of dormancy, and thanks for just sticking around as we head into these changes. Hopefully, this shift will bring in a more active blog in 2023.
Thanks again
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unrequited-words · 2 years
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I posted 90 times in 2022
That's 26 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (20%)
72 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 17 of my posts in 2022
#personal - 17 posts
#mine - 17 posts
#s - 17 posts
#my zod - 3 posts
#baby ogaard 😍 - 1 post
#astrid pamela - 1 post
#astridpamelaogaard - 1 post
#this baby truly is a miracle - 1 post
#first time mom - 1 post
#nlo - 1 post
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#this baby truly is a miracle
My Top Posts in 2022:
I haven’t written here in God knows how long. Nothing much has changed. Still at the same job. I make a little more. I pay for everything. Hes still a stay at home dad and work for him is slow. On his line of work he doesn’t make what he should and the job market is fucking trash. I’ve seen it. He’s still looking for work. I realized when I wrote that post back in March of last year he wasn’t cheating then (dirty texting) it started in February.
His first wife who he was in contact with sent him dirty pictures. I looked at the date and it was when I was asleep at four am. I woke up two and a half hours later and got ready for work. I know it was a Saturday. It doesn’t punch me in the gut like it did when I first found out, but it’s still sad that he has a women next to him (me), a brand new baba, and yet he’s dirty texting his first wife while swapping dick pics.
Maybe it was my temper, or because we had fucked? Who knows, it was 18 months ago and I don’t remember. I don’t know why I’m writing this now.
Our kid is two, and she is growing. That’s beside the point. The point is, why do guys cheat even if they have a woman next to them? Sure it’s just dirty pictures and they aren’t fucking, but they might as well be.
He’s sleeping currently. I made him dinner and it’s on his desk cold. I’m thankful for how he helps and I do love him. I just hope I don’t end up being a single mom doing it on my own.
It’s almost six pm and the baby is watching paw patrol. She really likes it. She hasn’t napped at all today and probably won’t. Hopefully I can go to bed in the next four hours so I can get ready for work tomorrow. He may help his brother paint tomorrow. If he does, I have to figure out how I can work a full eight hours with a two year old. I won’t bring this up to him. I’m just like wow he was doing this while I was working.
He was probably drinking vodka at the time which mind you I paid for. I’ve been paying for everything for the last two years. Since he became a stay at home dad in November of 2020. I can do it on my own if I wanted to.
I worked out earlier because he said he was going to. I know I’m a fucking fat loser with no prospects and that’s probably why he cheated because I mumble under my breath and I’m difficult to live with. I don’t speak to anybody except him and two girlfriends who pretty much don’t speak to me unless they text first.
I’ve given up everything to move here and it’s much better than Vegas but is this what I get? I don’t mean to play the victim and there is his side… I’m working at a job I’m starting to hate, never leaving the house unless it’s for groceries and I basically live at home.
I’m happy I have a kid but not happy I got cheated on even if he doesn’t think so. I’ll probably delete this but when he drinks vodka I’m on edge. Will he pass out? Whose watching the kid? It’s this way when I’m working. It’s very fucking stressful and it’s been this way since he stopped working due to his anxiety. He stopped drinking vodka and started on beer but he said to grab wine for me and a bottle for him. It also helps to clean the heads of his vaping which I use too and I KNEW if I got it he’d drink it. I got it Tuesday and the bottle is almost gone.
It doesn’t matter. I’m in a rut and fucking sad. I don’t talk to anybody about it because I trust nobody. I keep to myself. I post pictures of my kid doing cute shit on SM. Other than that I don’t exist. I’ve been here two years and still haven’t had a vacation. I can’t afford it. With the PTO I do have it’s used for being sick. I currently have 14 hours and we can use unpaid work points which I have but I can’t afford that.
Sorry to ramble. I’m just really sad about this shitshow I’ve created and choose to stay on. Not a shitshow I don’t understand why he dirty texted her and I don’t want to have that conversation with him because I don’t have the emotional energy or time to argue. It’ll come down to why are you going through my phone? I wanted photos of my kid that he took, and yet I stumble across p u s s y pictures that are still backed up on your google photos?
Yet, I’m the c u n t if I bring it up. I know I’m playing the victim I’m just like why would you do this when your second wife fucked other dudes and you found out just like I found out. Sure you have kids with her but I’m in the same boat. Just like you I got cheated on except you didn’t fuck the bitch who you sent dick pics to. What’s ironic is the time stamp when I found out her sent his dick pics to her. It was right before I got on my last break.
How is that okay? How are you okay sending dick pics and have your gf who has your kid walk out of her work area and will ask how are you? Do you need anything?
I’m such a fun c k i n g cuck 😒
To be continued
3 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
Fuck, I’m tired. Slept like shit again. Baby woke up one time at six. Finally around 6:40 when my alarm went off. I checked up on her, made coffee and went to work. She’s napping and I’m betting you money she will be up in the next 90 minutes and I don’t get a nap in. Her dad is napping. 87 minutes to go.
Fuck I’m tired 🥱
4 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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When did my tiny 31 weeker turn into this giant two year old 🥹
4 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
There is this game that came out in 2019 called days gone. Husband is playing it and it’s a mix of red dead redemption and GTA 5
It does NOT disappoint.
Minus whoever TF are these writers of the main character did a fucking hack job
And yes, I’m still drunk 🤣
4 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I finally fell asleep around two this morning. The baby woke up around nine and I finally got up (my day off) currently soaking some dishes, the laundry is almost washed and I don’t really feel as hung over as I did when I woke up last night.
This cold is on the tail end as my nose won’t stop running. The fevers are still steady at 99° and no matter the Tylenol, vitamins etc it won’t go away.
My boss messaged me on teams and said I am bonusing on this check again, and it’s more than last month by 10.00 which is fantastic.
We are still working on potty training, and she is still scared of the potty. Maybe by seven she will be fully potty trained 🙄
I had some coffee this morning, but I should just stick to water. My stomach needs to heal from all the alcohol and acid it currently has in it
I can’t wait for naptime later. It’s not even 11 😫
5 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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