#before it I never wanted to draw Quinn but now I do...
blackbrass · 1 year
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M!Bailey inspired by that one scene from the new update
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psychotic-nonsense · 2 months
My favorite part about being obsessed with something is that you start looking for it everywhere. Especially in media that shares actors with the thing you’re obsessed with.
So thanks to the idea from one feralheartedalien here on tumblr and my current watching of A Quiet Place: Day One, I’m suddenly being roped into the Steddie Alternate Universe with Eric and Keys.
------ Minor "A Quiet Place: Day One" Spoilers after this point ------
Haven’t watched Free Guy in a while, but the dynamic is kinda sticking with me. Struggling, emotionally repressed, desperate, foreign exchange law student Eric, coming to the States for school due to parental pressure (can’t have a Steddie-like ship without some shitty parents). Redeemed bully, people pleaser, hopeless romantic, lonely Keys, trying to make something out of his love for programming and design while under his repressive boss (can’t have a Steddie-like ship without some doomed ambition).
Maybe next floor neighbors, Eric living right above Keys. He comes back to his basically empty apartment after school every day exhausted, collapsing on the carpet in his living room at 2am, lulled to sleep by the soft, muffled music in the place beneath him. Meanwhile, Keys only plays his "falling asleep" music when he's home, in hopes to calm the person above him, who has a habit of frequent pacing, self monologues, and unfortunately, breakdowns.
Maybe Eric just has a shit day at school one day; stressful projects, lack of progress in his studying, sleep deprived, and it’s absolutely fucking pouring on his way back home. Maybe Keys has accidentally memorized his neighbor’s schedule, accidentally began to care, and noticed how late it is. Maybe their floors are different but the rooms are the same, so when Eric pushes the wrong floor on the elevator, he ends up at Keys’s room. Breaks down when his key doesn’t work, falls to his knees in the hallway muffling sobs. Barely reacts when Keys opens his door because he’s so tired and cold and numb. Weakly tries to fight Keys’s attempts at help but nearly faints in this stranger’s arms. Eric finally lets himself be helped, loses himself in Keys’s thick blankets and soft music and well meaning rambling and killer hot chocolate-
Maybe that’s when Eric realizes how much this man has saved his life, and vows to return the favor.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Bat Feeder
AN: I keep seeing those rich people social media posts where people fill Dollie’s up with snacks and leave them outside for delivery drivers, and imagining doing something similar for the bats. Bat-Fam/Reader, 1K words (Batman, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Red Hood, Robin, Signal, and Spoiler) CWs: None, just a silly little fluff fic. GN! Reader
It starts small, just a tray with some water bottles, packs of gum, maybe some protein bars and a multi-pack of chips you bought but didn’t like. You write ‘For Batman, Robin, and other vigilantes; Thanks for what you do :)‘ in Sharpie on the front of the tray and leave it on your balcony, not really expecting much, it was just a silly thought after too much doom scrolling.
It goes untouched for weeks, you’ve almost forgotten about it until one night, at like 2 AM you hear the sound of heavy boots walking on metal grate, so faint you would have missed it if you’d been asleep. Curious, you peek through your curtain and there’s Red Hood!
He stands there for a long time, motionless as he seems to stare at it, helmet hiding any real emotion until he pockets a pack of gum and water before leaving, dropping down into the street.
News must spread amongst the other heroes cause within a few days the basket is nearly empty. Enthused, the next time you go to the store you pick up some new items, just a few extra bits that are within your budget; chips that don’t taste like cardboard, candy, and energy drinks.
Your efforts are clearly appreciated as you wind up having to restock every couple of days. The energy drinks are the biggest takers, and you worry you might be supplying the younger ones with high amounts of caffeine that they shouldn’t be having.
One day you’re scrolling through insta during your work break and see Spoiler has posted a masked selfie of herself holding up a chocolatey protein bar with the caption ‘Perks of the job! 💜⭐️ #thankyoukindcivilian’ or something like that. In the back of the photo you see your basket and you’re elated.
Another day you wake up to a note wedged halfway through your window, it’s from Robin, stating that he’s a vegan and if it’s not too much trouble could you cater to that. The same day you dump a bunch of fruit that you were never gonna eat anyway into the basket and hope it will hold over until your next trip to the store where you spend ages examining the dietary information of everything you pick up, eventually finding a couple of items you hope he’ll like.
Your efforts are appreciated because the next day you find another note from him offering his gratitude.
After the novelty has worn off it dies down, you fall into a routine; they never take too much, so you only have to top it up every few weeks. Until one morning you wake up to find it completely ransacked, your sign has been scribbled out, replaced by the words: ‘THX 4 THE SNACKS’, and a bunch of doodles. You suspect Harley Quinn since one of the drawings is her trademark 3 of diamonds.
Unsure how to proceed, you clean up the mess and bring it inside. You don’t want to attract danger, but you did enjoy doing it. The graffitied tray sits by the door for a long time while you consider what to do, more and more forgotten with each day.
That’s until there’s a knock on your balcony door in the middle of the night. Seems ominous, risky in a city like Gotham, especially after what happened with Harley, but just like that night with Red Hood, you can’t help but investigate.
When you poke your head around the curtain you find Nightwing staring back at you. He smiles and waves to you like you’re long-time friends and it does a lot to ease your shock.
“Um, hi. Can I help you?” You ask as you open the door.
“Uh, maybe, see, I came all the way from Blüdhaven cause I was told there would be snacks.” He replies, dramatically looking around your balcony as he speaks. “But there’s no snacks.”
“Yeah. I stopped after Harley Quinn vandalised it.” You gesture to the now discarded red and black tray. “But I have some chocolate, if you want some. Or do you like Cheez-Its?”
“You don’t have to do that.” He sounds disappointed.
“No it’s fine, it’s no trouble, wait here!”
You raid your kitchen before returning with a handful of snacks and drinks from your own supply and offer them Nightwing.
“Oh wow, Thanks!”
You didn’t have to, but you’re glad you did. He has such a genuinely giddy look on his face.
“Really though, we don’t do it for the free stuff, we appreciate it a lot.” He speaks between mouthfuls of M&Ms. “If you ever wanted to do it again, I wouldn’t worry about Harley. She's mostly harmless to civilians these days.”
He thanks you a few more times before leaving to finish his patrol, but not before warning; “Hey, don’t open your door for any more strangers in the middle of the night, yeah? Well, unless they’re as handsome as me.”
Harley being mostly harmless doesn’t fill you with confidence, but you figure if those guys are brave enough to risk their lives fighting crime, you can be brave enough to put a box of treats outside. This time with a new sign that reads “For Bats, birds, other vigilantes, and Harley Quinn ♥️”
You hope including her might make her less likely to lash out.
From there everything falls back into normality for a while, you even start adding seasonal treats for special occasions, until eventually, they seem to stop by less and less, perhaps they grew bored or maybe you’re not a convenient stop on their latest patrol route, you don’t really mind, you persist.
Every now and again on your days off you’ll spot signal stopping by, he always gives you a smile and a thumbs up when he sees you watching him.
After months and months, maybe a year or so it happens. The big one. You’re struggling to sleep one night, the flat just feels too hot, too claustrophobic. Overwhelmed by it you storm outside, needing the night sky and its cold air but when you get there you’re greeted by an imposing shadow of a man, Batman. He’s holding a half-drunk bottle of water and his entire body is so stock still, you’re not even sure if he’s real or a statue. After a solid minute of silent staring you quietly step back inside, count to 30, and re-emerge. He’s gone, completely dissolved into the darkness of the night with half a bottle of water and a snack pack of mint Oreos.
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dc-x-reader-stuff · 3 months
HusbandJason Todd x Reader head cannons please !!!
Husband! Jason Todd Hc’s
Jason Todd x Gn!Reader
My first time writing Jason stuff, AaAa - I hope it’s accurate to a good point. Like I said before I’m partial to Wayne Family Adventures Jason and a mix between him and the other versions of Jason’s I’ve seen on this app so I hope it’s acceptable- TvT
I’ve seen a lot of people be a stickler about the accuracy of Jason and have gotten genuinely angry if he was too nice or too angry or whatever so it’s all ahdjfnfjfn-
Anyways I hope you enjoy though- :DD
The wedding the both of you have was small. Well, small-ish - there was a lot of people he wanted to invite, surprisingly, ranging from some close friends, to allies in the vigilante world, to his family. There were a lot of vigilante’s in their civilian forms at your guy’s wedding. Your side of the family was really surprised The Bruce Wayne and The Clark Kent was there without any paparazzi whatsoever.
(You and Jason were very careful about that. So was Bruce, especially for all the hell Jason went through when he was younger. They may be on better terms now, but he still felt he had a lot to make up for. Jason is completely fine with that - to a point, of course.)
The honeymoon? Nice and calm vacation to a small town near Smallville. Jason and you wanted a getaway for just eachother, without any stresses of vigilante stuff, or villains to inevitably interrupt that.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, his siblings were also keeping a very strict routine of ‘DO NOT CONTACT JASON OR Y/N UNLESS IF IT IS A DIRE, DIRE EMERGENCY’
Trust me, if it was two dires you both would’ve had to come home.
Luckily that didn’t happen.
Now, married life back in the city was a whole other thing to get used to.
You two have already lived together for the past couple years beforehand. You two have already dealt with your fair share of strains in the relationship, and still do to some degree. But luckily over the years before marriage you guys found a way to deal with that in a healthy way.
You prioritize healthy coping skills. So does Jason.
Even your respective therapists do. (Harley Quinn helped you both find ones qualified for your respective traumas. Very hard task, but Harley has a bit of a soft spot for Red Hood both in and out of the mask. She’s pretty chill with you too.)
Jason has his bouts of anger. Never, ever takes it out on you though, ever. Hell no. You guys have a punching bag for that. Sometimes you both use it together if you guys are venting about your day! Very cathartic and nice to bond with.
He teaches you how to fight. Just in case. You hate using weapons but he helps you get more comfortable, and you guys go over plans in case of break-ins, kidnappings, ect.
Especially if someone decides to burgle your cat.
You guys have a black cat you guys found in an alleyway a year into dating. He is your guy’s son that you decided to name Robin. Jason didn’t like the name at first, especially since you not-so-subtly alluded it to be reminiscent of his Robin days, but over time it stuck.
Robin is a nice and very sweet kitty. No one messes with Robin and you have thrown hands after someone broke into your apartment once to steal him. That was also during the time you moved in with Jason, he freaked out when you called him after the break in. Thoroughly impressed you managed to beat up the intruder but he cares about your’s and your cat’s safety - you moved in not long afterwards.
Reading and drawing dates - you guys, even into your marriage, go on small dates like these that don’t require too much thought or money. Sometimes you go to the park, or if it’s raining to your guy’s favorite café, with your favorite books (and sketchbook no. 173637294 for you specifically), and just enjoy your times together.
You guys do it at home too, but it’s fun to dress up and get out of the apartment for those kinds of dates.
Your home, despite all the weapons he has hidden around or on ‘decorative’ display, is quite cozy too!! It’s your safe space and you want it to exude that energy all throughout. Jason likes figuring out where decorations and furniture should go with you, it’s his favorite thing that gives him a sense of normalcy with you.
Also the banter between you two is fun. Smartass after smartass remark leaves you in stitches with laughter. Especially if it’s late at night and you both are loopy from lack of sleep. (Jason has more practice with that but it still effects him to some degree.)
At this point being married, you’re used to his nightly activities too. Sometimes you stay up and make him his favorite food to the best of your ability (you aren’t too good at cooking, but you’re learning for the both of you, same as him). Other times you just order takeout and eat with him.
Sometimes you help with his injuries, other times you don’t. If they’re small and benign he’s able to do them himself, bigger ones have you worried and helping him.
You always make sure he has an icepack ready for bruises. He’s taught you how to stitch wounds up to, given the fact that you don’t have as much medical experience as him.
Also after his nightly escapades as Red Hood, you guys sit and have tea too!! Calms him down enough to sleep, even if some nights are harder than others.
He’s gotten better at coping with his PTSD, but as per the usual he does have his nightmares at times. You being there right next to him helps. And you help ground him back into reality. Be it cuddles, if he’s comfortable with them, or be it just sitting there next to him and talking to him about whatever’s on your mind until he’s laying back down to listen to you.
You guys switch between who’s big and little spoon.
Robin is always near you guys in some way during bedtime. One time you woke up to cat fur in between your’s and Jason’s heads before. Robin doesn’t understand personal space at all but you guy’s love it all the same.
Speaking of which, he’s a natural born shoulder kitty! He will jump on your shoulders when the offer is available. Sometimes he scares the crap out of the both of you though whenever he’s being frisky, though. But normally Robin’s smart enough to do it when you two are aware that he’s there. He learns.
On your harder days, Jason makes you breakfast and makes you tea just like you do for him. He always asks you what you need, what you’re comfortable with. Some days it’s cuddling, other times when you don’t want to be touched you just tell him you want him near only. He knows that’s when he can just sit beside you on either the couch, table, barstools or bed and just read while you listen and watch your guy’s favorite shows.
You guys also have nights where you guys have watch parties too.
Sometimes his siblings join in too, bringing food from Alfred as well. It’s fun, and annoying for Jason at times, but still great nonetheless.
You guys visit the manor when needed, or during holidays too. Hanukkah, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, certain Galas, birthday parties, ect.
Sometimes you guys both just visit to mess with his siblings and Bruce. Cause some chaos a bit, that sort of thing. It’s fun.
Also you guys have gossip dates.
Be it about vigilante drama, co-worker drama, customer drama, family drama, villain drama, you guys will gossip and when those dates are at home Robin the cat will put his two cents in as well. He’s as vocal as he is sweet. Which is very.
And sometimes you record when Jason and Robin have conversations. Neither of you guys can understand the cat’s meows but it’s so fun interpreting it and seeing your husband have a full on conversation with the cat. You send it to the group chat you’re in with all the siblings and he never hears the end of it for the next few patrols. Sometimes Dick and Tim and Duke want to know what the tea is between Jason and the cat and he always says “That’s between me, my spouse and my cat, not you three.”
You inevitably tell them anyways, as well as Cass, Steph and Barbara.
Also Damian loves Robin that cat. He requests play dates between his pets and yours. You always cave for the kid, much to Jason’s dismay. But then again, he caves for him too. He always does.
Speaking of kids, I don’t think you guys will necessarily have one for a long, long while.
You guys agreed that you have to be absolutely sure and ready. Financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, mentally. Kids are a big responsibility and neither of you want your kids to ever grow up in an unsafe and unstable environment.
When you guys are ready though, which won’t be for a long while, I’m sure you guys will pull a Bruce and adopt or foster kids. Teenagers first, along with their siblings if they have any. You’d never separate them from their siblings - hell, the both of you, along with some help from his family and friends, would track siblings down if needed.
Like I said though, that won’t be for a long while.
You two are perfectly content in your save haven apartment with your lovely black cat Robin.
Besides, if you guys had kids early, Robin would be jealous and attention starved.
Neither of you would want that.
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sc0tters · 1 year
Game Night | Quinn Hughes
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summary: when you and Quinn have the lake house to yourself he comes up with the perfect way to turn pool into an interesting game.
request: yes/no
warnings: mature themes, p in v, unprotected sex, swearing, oral (fem receiving!), semi-proof read.
word count: 3.48k
authors note: from the moment I got this request I knew I had to write it cause I had been thinking about it the all day… low-key edited your request but that’s only because once I thought about strip pool it was the only thing I could think of. I know I got the whole two shot rule wrong but let’s be real here, you aren’t reading this to learn about pool.
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This was meant to be the weekend before the storm hit.
Quinn had convinced you to join him at the lake house days before the rest of the boys joined you two.
The lake house wasn’t uncharted territory for you. Quinn met you the day he moved to Vancouver, the interaction was short at first but when you ended it reminding him that he was always welcome over so you could show him your favourite takeaway places in the city.
It didn’t take long for you two to become friends but once it happened you were quickly sent into a spiral that catapulted the friendship to the best friend category. Ellen met you during one of her many trips to the Canadian city when she was checking up on her son, it made her smile how you were the only thing that Quinn would talk about.
When she encouraged him to bring you back to the lake house it made Quinn feel at ease how you seemed to slip right into the family dynamics, by the third day of you being the Jim even let you be his second chef at the barbecue, something he didn’t even let his own wife do.
Somehow throughout all of the years of friendship you two never crossed the line that went over to the romantic side of things. Sure people swore you did, the way his hand always found its way around your lap or how your favourite seat seemed to be his lap. But you two swore that it was always friendly, now that didn’t mean that the thought of Quinn’s head between your legs didn’t cross your mind during those lonely night when you had nothing more than the help of your vibrator. Yet you managed to keep Quinn unaware of the fact that he was your new favourite thought to get off to “you good?” He snapped his fingers in front of your face as you zoned out.
You were quick to shake your head as a crimson coat spread across your cheeks “I-I’m great.” You stuttered as you nodded quickly getting up to get yourself another drink.
Unaware of the arousal that formed between your thighs, Quinn followed you “I was thinking we should play some pool to end the night?” He proposed as he leaned against the frame of the door flexing his biceps as he crossed his arms.
You took a gulp of your seltzer letting the fruity liquid hit the back of your throat “you seriously want to play? You furrowed your eyebrows knowing that when the boys arrived pool and table tennis would be two of the only activities you’d do as a group inside.
It made him chuckle “thought we could play with a twist.” Quinn shrugged with a devilish smirk that spread across his face.
Something told you to hear him out as curiosity got the best of you “I’m listening,” you batted your eyelashes as you looked up at him “remember strip poker?”
That was a time of your life when you brought Quinn along to the last college party you went to as the frat boys thought it was a smart idea to play strip poker “I’m going to stop you right there.” You cut him off drawing a groan from his lips.
The Canucks player as he thought it was a good way to spice the evening up “you think you’re gonna lose?” Quinn teased knowing that he was pressing your competitive buttons.
A scoff left your lips “you’re on Hughesy.” You pointed your finger at him before you pushed past him making sure that you were in the pool room first.
Whilst Quinn had lost his hat and shoes you had lost your socks and both your bracelet and necklace to the game. Meaning that each of you were going to have to start removing actual clothes for the next balls “what are you thinking of going with?” Quinn smirked as he looked up to you once he potted in his fifth ball into the hole that was in front of you.
You rolled your eyes as you let your pool stick rest against the wall “don’t act like this isn’t what you wanted me to take off first.” You mumbled to yourself as you pulled your shirt over your head revealing the sky blue bra that you were wearing.
He didn’t mean to stare, truly that wasn’t his plan. But it felt wrong to Quinn to let you show off such a stunning bra that made your boobs look like they were the only things in this world to not have them be appreciated.
Your hair was tucked behind your ears letting him truly get the perfect view of them when you reached forward for your stick “I’ll be nice and let you pick which one I should pot next.” You proposed as you placed your other hand on your hip “orange,” he pointed to the easiest ball for you to get in as it was right in front of the hole.
It made you laugh “something tells me that you want me to see you all shirtless,” you raised your eyebrows as he nodded.
The grin he sent you was toothy “been told that my chest is my best feature,” your face scrunched at the thought of the time you had seen him after an adventurous night with a girl. His chest looked like it had stripes for a week “better get stripping then.” You smirked as you got the ball in with ease.
This was how the game continued on with the clearly flirtatious banter until you were each left in nothing more than your underwear or at least that was until Quinn got the last of his regular balls in “no wolf whistles,” you joked as you reached behind your back to unclimbed your bra.
Quinn swore he forgot how to breathe as he watched the blue straps fall from your arms letting him get the perfect view of your perky breasts. What truly surprised him though was the titanium bar you had pierced through one of your nipples “could have counted that as a piece of jewellery.” He pointed out as he motioned to it attempting to ignore the way his mouth watered at the thought of tasting it.
You smiled as you placed your hand on your chest by your collar bones “where would the fun be in that?” You asked as your tongue darted over your lips watching him get the first double turn of the game as it seemed to be a stupid rule that the Hughes family played with.
He had to admit that it was hard trying to focus on the ball whilst you were stood there running your fingers over the side of your waist in nothing more than some little white thong that looked like it shouldn’t have even been described as underwear there was so little fabric.
In that moment he swore that the universe was on his side as he had hit the wrong side of the ball but the black ball still dropped into a pot with the white ball hanging dangerously close to the edge with it stopped. You took your loss like a champ hooking your fingers into the sides of your panties “I wanna get my prize myself.” The beer in Quinn gave him that boost of confidence “come and get it then,” you smirked crossing your arms just below your breasts as you pushed them up.
It didn’t take him long as his strides were large “you better not be fucking with me,” he warned when his hands replaced yours in the waistband of your thong.
The air between you two was heavy as even a knife wouldn’t have been able to cut this “it’s all for your taking Quinny.” The mumble of your voiced sounded like heaven to him as Quinn helped you out of the white undergarment groaning when his eyes landed on the wet patch that had formed where your core sat “you seeing how much I enjoyed that?” You asked as he looked back up at you.
Your thong was quickly thrown onto the ground so that his hands could go to your waist “cause it looks like you felt the same.” Your hand moved between the two of you so that you could cup his balls as you began to palm his bones through his boxers.
Quinn’s head landed on your shoulder as he thought his legs were going to give out “fuck don’t stop,” he begged as you clicked your tongue “gonna need to get that final ball in to remove those boxers.” You teased with a grin evident on your face.
On the other hand it made Quinn annoyed “happy?” He asked as he dropped your blue ball into the pot next to him “ecstatic,” you leaned forward to kiss him.
His beer mixed with the taste of your berry seltzer as you moaned when Quinn pushed you against pool table letting your ass met the cool wood.
He loved how you tasted, sure you had never crossed this line but that didn’t mean that the thought never crossed his mind “fuck you’re so hot,” Quinn confessed as he pulled away feeling your fingers crawl under the waist band on his boxers.
A giggle left your lips “thinking you enjoyed this more than me.” You teased pointed down to what now looked like a painfully hard boner “could see you like this all the time.” Quinn announced as his lips moved down to your neck so he could nip that the parts of your body continuing to show that part of your chest love until he got to your pierced nipple “saw how much you liked this.” Your voice was soft as you felt vulnerable watching him stare at the piece of jewellery.
When his lips wrapped around it you seriously thought you were going to fall onto the table behind you “dear god,” your nails went to the nape of his neck when Quinn brought his hand to your other nipple so it wouldn’t feel left out.
The round texture of the balls that were attached to the bar made Quinn groan as each whimper than left your lips every time he hit it went straight to his cock “I need more Quinny, please.” It was now your turn to beg as you didn’t think that you were about to last much longer.
It made him smirk as he removed his lips from your nipple with a pop “so fucking pretty for me baby,” Quinn mumbled as he cupped your face with his hands when he pulled you into a kiss.
Now your back hit the fabric of the table as your arms wrapped around his neck bringing him down with you “my needy little baby,” he groaned as you began to grind your clit against his boxers.
A smile formed on your face as you felt his hands hook under your knees “I gotta taste you,” Quinn confessed as you nodded letting out little pleads as he moved his lips down your body “looking so fucking good from down here.” His voice made your body shake with anticipation as you felt his hands run down your legs.
The hockey player leaned down so that he was eye level with your core “you been waiting for this haven’t you?” Quinn smirked as he placed sloppy kisses against your thigh moving closer to your pussy.
But rather than stopping where you wanted him to he instead moved to your other thigh repeating his previous actions “please Quinn,” your voice came out shaky as you watched him come to a standstill with your pussy in front of him “seen the way you look at me.” Quinn clicked his tongue as he used two fingers to rub your clit nicely wetting it with your juices.
Your hands cupped your nipples teasing them both “needed you for so long,” you gasped as you felt those two fingers thrust inside of you.
He smiled hearing your confession “all you had to do was tell me you wanted this baby.” The Canucks player mumbled as he placed a kiss against your clit “could have all been yours years ago.” There was a sparkle in his eyes as he wrapped his lips around your clit letting his tongue run over the nub whilst his fingers didn’t let up their thrusts.
It was a good thing that nobody was in the house as you swore the neighbours could hear you “god don’t stop.” Your fingers locked into his growing hair making you grateful that he hadn’t cut it yet.
Quinn watched on in awe as your eyes were screwed shut and your face went scrunched as you clenched around him “god ain’t here with us baby.” His voice made you groan as he spoke with his mouth still against your clit.
Your chest began to rise and fall at a quicker rate “just like that Quinn,” you mumbled as you dug your head further into the table trying to push your hips closer to him.
Throughout the rest of the house your moans bounced off of the walls “what do you want baby?” Quinn asked as he used his thumb to rub your clit “tell me and I promise I’ll give it to you.” He added letting his mouth go back to what it was doing.
Brain fog seemed to hit you hard as your eyes stirred, remaining silent until you felt his hand pinch at your waist “please let me come.” You begged letting your lips form a pout “need it. Need it so bad.” Your whines went straight to his boxers making him realise that he was going to have to pull his boxers off the second he was done with you.
Quinn smiled “not gonna make you beg baby, want to make you come.” He cooed increasing the pace of his fingers as you gasped.
That was all you needed to hear from him as it pushed you over the edge “s-shit shit.” Your body shuddered as the boy made sure to help you through your orgasm as he didn’t let up on his actions “Quinny,” you whined as you tried to pull away from him but remained unsuccessful.
When you tugged at his hair Quinn got the hint as he moved back up to your face “feeling good baby?” Quinn asked as he kissed your lips letting you taste your release on his tongue.
With the little energy that you had left you pushed yourself forward “so good,” your hips clenched at the feeling of the pool table wall against your bum.
It made you feel bad when you saw how painful his boner looked “wanna fuck you,” you confessed as you palmed his cock over his boxers.
Quinn didn’t waste any time letting out a groan as the feeling of your fingers made him weak in the knees. The hockey player didn’t stop you when you got off of the table and hooked your fingers in his waist band so that could do a slut drop when you pulled his boxers down “don’t even think about it.” Quinn warned seeing you lick your lips as you were met with his cock.
A pout formed on your lips as that clearly wasn’t what you wanted to hear “I’m not gonna last long and I need to come inside of you.” He explained hooking his fingers under your jaw helping you back up.
It made you giggle “fuck me like you know you can Quinn,” you mumbled as you pecked his lips.
His hands gave your ass a squeeze “wanted this for years.” Just because you two acted like friends didn’t mean that all of the thoughts that ran through your heads were all platonic.
You let your hand run over his cock “want to feel every inch of you.” Your confession combined with the kiss you placed on his earlobe made his eyes almost roll back “what are you waiting for them?” He asked spinning you around as your hands handed in the table.
Unintentionally your core clenched around nothing as the anticipation for the best of you “my cock hungry little girl,” Quinn mumbled into your ear as he kissed your temple before he grabbed his cock letting it run over your clit twice before he slowly pushed himself inside of your pussy.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder “fuck Quinn!” You slapped your hand over your mouth as you adjusted to his size.
It made him laugh as his fingers dug into your hips sure to leave bruises tomorrow “enjoying it princess?” He asked as he kissed your shoulder letting his teeth sink in just hard enough to leave a bruise tomorrow.
All you could do was nod as you felt him hit your g-spot making you grateful that you weren’t on the table “don’t stop,” you blurted out enjoying how good it felt as he continued to fuck you.
The sound of skin slapping was blissful as you both only had one thing in mind, to come. Quinn felt like he was the weaker person in this battle as your pussy squeezed him in all the right ways “this pussy was made for me,” the boy announced as his hand reached in front of you to rub your clit.
When you didn’t respond it made the boy smile as your eyes began to roll back “just for you,” you cooed unaware of the grunt the boy released “all for you baby.” You added using all of your energy to face him as he brought his lips down to yours, the salty taste of your real ease still clear on his tongue.
Each time he thrusted forward your hips went back to meet his resulting in moans and whimpers coming from both of you “you want me to last much longer then you gotta stop doing that.” Quinn warned as he watched you bring your hand up when you wrapped it behind his neck making sure that he stayed close to you.
That statement acted like encouragement for you to do it again as you smiled “don’t tease me baby.” The boy grumbled as he brought his hand to your ass giving it a slap.
Instead of giving you a moment to respond his fingers that hadn’t left your clit now began to rub faster “please Quinn.” You begged feeling your toes wanting to scrunch up as you were teetering ever so closer to your high.
The hockey player wasn’t far behind you “take it baby.” Quinn groaned as his fingers dug harder into your hips “that it all.” He added as held increased his thrusts too.
It wasn’t any surprise that your second orgasm of the night quickly came over you “holy fuck!” Almost all of your body went limp besides for your pussy that clenched around Quinn’s cock spurring on his own orgasm “so good baby.” He cooed letting his cock flop out of you when he let out a gasp.
Your release trickled down your legs “that’s never happened before.” You announced growing red with embarrassment.
The boy didn’t let you feel that way for long “that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He confessed as Quinn tilted your head up to his so that he could kiss you.
A smile formed on your lips “want to join me in the bath?” You asked letting your fingers trace up his arm “lead the way princess.” Quinn nodded letting his hands leave your sides when you eventually were able to make your way to the staircase.
four days later
The boys were having a blast being back together under the same roof. They loved getting to do all of the things that the lake house let them, from the boat rides to the long games of pool and table tennis.
Quinn had to admit that he was enjoying where things were with you. It was easy with the lack of expectations but the Canucks player definitely planned on taking you on a boat ride just the two of you do that he could ask you out.
But for now he was going to have to wait as a game of pool called his name “this table looks off,” Jack announced as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Both yours and Quinn’s eyes went wide “what do you mean?” You asked as you stood next to the younger boy.
The devils player motioned to the marks on the carpet that showed that it had definitively been knocked “see,” Jack pointed out as he pushed the table back to its original position totally unaware of the looks of relief that ran over your and Quinn’s faces.
This was going to stay your little secret for now.
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They’re in the same highschool and have a crush on each other.
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She was the second highest in her class, overachiever, but there was someone who was always above her. Miles Fucking Morales. She studied day and night but even then she'd get 99 while he'd get 100. And what really got her was the fact she never saw him study. It vexed her dearly. With his puffy hair, cute chuckle, glimmering eyes, sweet smile- no.
He was always either hanging out with his friends or sketching something in his book. You'd once once saw him with a blonde girl but that was the only girl he'd ever seemed to hang around with and she randomly stopped coming to school and he seemed sadder. Darker.
There was something about him she wanted to figure him out but he didn't even know her name. Even now they were in Math and she could help glancing across at him through her locks pretending to check the time on her phone. It hadn't moved a minute.
He was sketching. She wanted to ask him what he was sketching but couldn't find the words or the confidence. He looked so calm and at peace.
"And the answer is what? Mr. Morales," The teacher, Mr. Quinn had given her a little fright.
"3," he said, not even taking his eyes off his sketch.
"That's completely- wait what?" Mr. Quinn was shocked.
"The answer is 3, right y/n," You felt your stop. You looked at him, his eyes still on his sketch. You scanned the board quickly and nodded.
"Yeah it is," your ears were ringing. You've never heard him say your name before. It was beautiful.
"Good job Mr. Morales," The teacher went on with the lesson. After the class, you went to your locker which was a few rows from Miles'. You were so deep in thought you didn't notice when you bumped into Miles. Your books almosts spilling over.
"Oh hey sorr-” I look up to see Miles. “Miles, hi, sorry,” you try to walk around him but he stops you.
"Hey hold up, wanna hang after school? " Miles asks there's a sort of hope in his eyes, begging you say yes. You'd never seen that before.
"I- uh yeah sure."
So here you were standing in front of Miles house wondering how many times to knock. You raised your hand and hit it once and before you could hit it again the door swung open. Miles stood before you in a faded basketball jersey. There was a random afro comb in his hair, he was probably in the middle of coming his hair.
"Hey." he opens the door wider and ushers you in. "Do you like tacos? They're spicy."
"Yes please." you say as he hands you a plate, you realise how much his house smells like him and with the taco just added to it. Unbeknownst to you he was watching you eat. He liked how you weren't all careful and how you even asked for more, his mom was in the corner nodding her head.
You both played video games in his room, and you passed out later on Miles shoulder. When you woke up you were wrapped in a blanket, Miles' back to you. His headphones in, drawing something. You got out of the bed and giggled at how dorky he looks. the cool black boy in your class you made you blush in chemistry. You looked over his shoulder, met with a pen sketch of you! Your breathe on his neck brought him back and he turned.
"Hello." you say as you grab the book flipping through it. He tries to stop you but you get out of his grasp skimming through, you see sketches of that blond girl the name Gwen beneath them, above them or behind her with random spiderman stuff around her, you almost give him back the book till you reach the other half of the notebook which is just you. Smiling, laughing, mad, all of it.
"Miles…" you pause staring at yourself. "These are really good, you're so talented."
"Thanks, I- erm, you're a great er- muse and I- lik- admire er- yea I"
"It's getting a little dark. I should go…" Miles looks like he just died inside, for a second you lose your mind and kiss his cheek. "I had fun Morales, hope you're not letting me walk back alone."
"I'll take you home." you smile and follow him out of his room, outside it chilly. You fold your arms and he tosses you his jacket.
"I don't want you freezing on your way home." your heart is in your ears.
He walks you home and waits for the lights in your room to turn on before leaving. You wave at him through your window. He waves back He's in love.
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bloodreinasbathwater · 4 months
Little Dove
Quinn Hughes X Pregnant! Reader
a;n it took me forever to finish this chapter, but I think I'm finally back in my groove. I can't wait for you guys to read I've been so excited to put out more fics.
Warnings: pregnancy, arguing, toxic family, suggestive wording lol, anxiety
masterlist link / previous chapters
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summary: Y/N's world is turned upside down when she suspects she might be pregnant. Consumed by fear and uncertainty, she takes a pregnancy test but can't bring herself to face the result. She throws the test away and seeks solace in a hot shower, trying to escape the relentless thoughts plaguing her mind.
word count - 4629
Y/N stood before the imposing black door, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to gather the courage to face what lay beyond the wooden door. The sleek, polished surface seemed to mock her, its very presence a reminder of the power her parents held over her life.
The stone wall surrounding the entrance loomed above her, casting long shadows that seemed to reach out and grab at her, pulling her towards the inevitable confrontation.
She inhaled deeply, the cool evening air filling her lungs and doing little to calm the storm of emotions that raged within her. Every instinct in her body screamed at her to turn around, to run back to the safety of the car and drive away, leaving behind the suffocating expectations and demands of her family.
With a trembling hand, Y/N reached out and grasped the golden handle, the cold metal biting into her palm. The sensation was almost a relief, a sharp contrast to the burning anxiety that coursed through her veins. She squeezed the handle tightly, as if the physical act could somehow give her the strength she so desperately needed.
"Come on," Quinn urged softly, his voice a gentle whisper in her ear. She felt the warmth of his hand on her back, a comforting presence that seemed to anchor her in the midst of her thoughts. His touch sent shivers down her spine, a reminder of the love and support that he offered her unconditionally.
At her silence, Quinn pressed harder, his fingers kneading the tense muscles of her back. "It won't go as bad as you think it will. I'll be with you the whole time, honey."
Y/N closed her eyes, trying to draw strength from his words. But the unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach refused to be silenced. "I know, Quinn," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her own heart.
"It's just... I have a really bad feeling right now. They've never wanted to meet any of my boyfriends, let alone invite them for family dinner. Something about it feels so wrong."
Quinn's hands continued to move along her back, his touch a soothing balm to her frayed nerves. "How about this," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear. "How ‘bout we play perfect couple with your parents, and then after all of our pain and suffering, we head back home, and I give you one of the Quinn special massages.”
As he spoke, Quinn's hands inched higher, his fingers tracing the delicate curve of her spine before coming to rest on the smooth skin of her shoulders. Y/N couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he massaged a particularly tense spot, the sensation causing her head to fall back against his shoulder. “You can relax and let me take care of things."
"Sound good?" Quinn asked, his voice low and full of promise.
Y/N allowed herself a small smile, the first genuine one she'd felt all evening. "That sounds amazing," she breathed, her body already beginning to relax under his expert touch.
Quinn pressed a soft kiss to her temple, his lips lingering for a moment before he pulled away. "Let's go before they get suspicious, hmm?"
With a final squeeze of her hand, Quinn stepped forward and rang the doorbell, the sound echoing through the stillness of the night. Y/N took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders and preparing herself for the awkward silence and judgmental stares. She knew that with Quinn by her side, she could face anything her parents threw at her.
As Quinn gently pushed Y/N forward, taking the lead and opening the door, they were greeted by an eerie silence that seemed to permeate the house. The absence of voices, the usual bustle of family life, was unnerving, and Y/N felt a chill run down her spine. The only sound that pierced the stillness was the high-pitched, excited barking of the family dog, Cinnamon.
From the shadows, a blur of fur came charging towards them, a ball of energy and enthusiasm that seemed to light up the dimly lit entrance. Y/N couldn't help but let out a squeal of delight as she knelt down, her arms outstretched to catch the wriggling bundle of joy.
"Hi, Cinnamon baby," she cooed, her voice filled with affection as the small dog eagerly licked at her face, its tail wagging furiously. For a moment, all of Y/N's worries and fears melted away, replaced by the pure, unconditional love that radiated from the tiny creature in her arms.
Quinn watched the scene with a smile, his heart warming at the sight of Y/N's happiness. Her laughter, so rare in the face of her family's expectations, was like music to his ears. He chuckled softly as Cinnamon hopped off Y/N's lap and made a beeline for his own legs, her tiny paws clawing at the fabric of his neatly pressed suit pants.
"Hello there," Quinn said, his voice soft and gentle as he leaned down to pat the dog's head. Cinnamon's fur was soft beneath his fingers, and he marveled at the way such a small creature could bring so much joy and comfort to those around it.
But the moment of levity was short-lived, as a voice suddenly spoke from the opposite side of the room, shattering the brief respite from the tension that hung heavy in the air.
"Sorry for the interruption, Miss Y/N," the voice said, its tone formal and detached. "Your parents are ready for you. Please follow me."
Y/N felt her stomach drop at the words, the bitterness and unease settling back into her stomach. She glanced at Quinn, her eyes wide and filled with a silent plea for strength. He gave her a reassuring nod, his hand finding hers and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Together, they followed the worker, their footsteps echoing on the polished marble floor. There was something ominous in the air, a sense of foreboding that seemed to grow with every step they took. But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the warmth of Quinn's hand in hers, the strength that flowed between them.
Y/N stepped through the sliding door, her heart racing with anticipation and nervousness, she was immediately greeted by the sight of her mother rising from her seat at the table.
Dedra's movements were graceful and measured, her posture perfect and her expression carefully composed. Y/N could feel her father's piercing gaze on her and Quinn, his eyes narrowing as he silently assessed the young man by her side.
Despite the palpable tension in the room, Quinn maintained a charming smile, his demeanor confident and unflappable. He strode towards Derek's seat at the head of the table, his hand outstretched in a gesture of greeting. "Mr. L/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said, his voice smooth and polished. "I've heard so much about you."
Derek regarded Quinn for a moment, his expression unreadable, before accepting the handshake with a firm grip. "Quinn," he acknowledged, his tone cool and measured. "Welcome to our home."
Y/N quickly guided Quinn to the seat beside her, her fingers lacing with his under the table in a silent show of support. She could feel the weight of her parents' scrutiny, the unspoken questions and judgments hanging heavy in the air.
Dedra, ever the perfect hostess, smiled warmly at the assembled group, her face a mask of polite interest. "Let's begin, shall we?" she said, clapping her hands together. At her signal, a team of immaculately dressed servers emerged from the kitchen, bearing trays laden with an array of sumptuous dishes.
As the servers efficiently set the table, Dedra settled back into her seat, her dress clinging to her figure like a second skin. The chandelier above cast a dazzling light across the room, its crystals refracting and casting shimmering patterns on the walls.
Y/N couldn't help but marvel at her mother's impeccable appearance, the way she seemed to effortlessly command attention and admiration.
But the illusion of perfection was shattered a moment later, as Dedra fixed Y/N with a critical gaze, her lips curving into a small, condescending smile. "Well, you've gotten fat," she remarked, her voice dripping with false concern as she raised a delicate flute of champagne to her lips.
"You know, the past few weeks, your cheeks have seemed to get chubbier. Are you skipping out on that yoga class I recommended?"
Y/N felt the blood drain from her face, her stomach twisting with a mixture of shock and humiliation. She glanced at Quinn, her eyes wide and pleading, silently begging for his support. Quinn's jaw clenched, a muscle ticking in his cheek as he fought to maintain his composure.
Clearing her throat, Y/N forced a smile onto her face, her voice trembling slightly as she replied, "I've been focusing on my career, Mom. The yoga class hasn't been a top priority."
Dedra tutted softly, shaking her head in disapproval. "Darling, you know how important it is to maintain your appearance. You don't want to let yourself go, do you? What will people think?"
Y/N bit her lip, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She could feel Quinn's hand tighten around hers, a silent promise of support and protection. But even his comforting presence couldn't erase the sting of her mother's words, the way they cut straight to the heart of her deepest insecurities.
As the servers cleared away the first course, Derek turned his attention to Quinn, his eyes narrowing slightly as he appraised the young man. "So, Quinn," he began, his voice deceptively casual, "I hear you're a hockey player. For the Vancouver Canucks, is that right?"
Quinn nodded, his expression confident and self-assured. "Yes, sir. I've been with the team for a few years now. It's been an incredible experience, both on and off the ice."
Derek leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him. "And what exactly do you do for the team? Are you a starter, or do you mostly warm the bench?"
Y/N bristled at her father's tone, the barely concealed disdain dripping from his words. But Quinn seemed unfazed, his smile never wavering as he replied, "I'm a forward, sir. I play on the first line and contribute regularly to the team's success."
Dedra chimed in, her voice saccharine sweet. "That must keep you very busy, Quinn. Do you have any time for hobbies or interests outside of hockey?"
Quinn chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course. I believe in maintaining a balanced lifestyle. When I'm not on the ice or training, I enjoy volunteering at local youth centers, mentoring kids who come from tough backgrounds. I also have a passion for photography and love exploring the city with my camera."
Y/N felt a swell of pride at Quinn's words, the way he spoke with such conviction and sincerity. She knew how much his volunteer work meant to him, how he used his platform as a professional athlete to make a real difference in the lives of others.
But her father seemed unimpressed, his mouth twisting into a sardonic smile. "Photography and volunteering? How... quaint. And I suppose these activities are what brought you and Y/N together?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, her palms growing clammy as she anticipated Quinn's response. They had agreed to keep the details of their relationship private, to avoid giving her parents any ammunition to use against them.
Quinn, however, remained unruffled. "Actually, sir, Y/N and I met through a mutual friend. We connected over our shared love of art and culture, and things progressed naturally from there. We've been seeing each other for almost a year now, and I can honestly say that she's one of the most incredible women I've ever met."
Y/N's cheeks flushed at Quinn's words, a warm glow spreading through her chest. But her happiness was short-lived, as her father's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with barely contained anger.
"A few months?" he repeated, his voice dangerously low. "And you didn't think to inform us of this development, Y/N? Your mother and I have a right to know about the people you associate with, especially when they're..." he trailed off, his lip curling in distaste as he glanced at Quinn.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She opened her mouth to respond, to defend herself and Quinn, but the words stuck in her throat, trapped behind the lump of fear and anxiety.
Quinn, sensing her distress, reached under the table and took her hand in his, his fingers intertwining with hers in a silent show of support. "With all due respect, sir," he said, his voice calm and measured.
"Y/N is an adult, capable of making her own decisions. Our relationship is built on mutual trust, respect, and love. I understand your concerns as her parents, but I assure you that my intentions towards your daughter are nothing but honorable."
Derek scoffed, his eyes narrowing to icy slits. "Honorable intentions? From a professional athlete? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe."
The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unspoken accusations and barely contained hostility. Y/N's hands clenched into fists beneath the table, her nails digging into her palms as she struggled to contain the rage that boiled within her.
She had endured her father's snide comments and thinly veiled insults all evening, biting her tongue and forcing herself to maintain a facade of civility. But as Derek's words dripped with venom, his contempt for Quinn and their relationship laid bare, something inside her snapped.
"Enough!" she shouted, her voice trembling with barely contained fury. "I will not sit here and listen to you disrespect the man I love, the man who has shown me more kindness and support than you ever have!"
Derek's eyes widened in shock, his face reddening with anger. "How dare you speak to me like that, young lady? I am your father, and you will show me the respect I deserve!"
Y/N laughed bitterly, the sound harsh and grating in the tense silence of the room. "Respect? You want to talk about respect? Where was your respect when you belittled my dreams, when you dismissed my accomplishments as nothing more than frivolous whims? Where was your respect when you tried to control every aspect of my life, molding me into your perfect little puppet?"
Dedra gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in a gesture of feigned shock. "Y/N, please, let's not do this here. We have a guest."
Y/N's gaze snapped to her mother, her eyes blazing with a fury that bordered on hatred. "Oh, spare me the theatrics, Mother. You're just as bad as he is, always pushing me to fit into your narrow little world, to be the perfect daughter you can parade around like a goddamn show pony."
Quinn reached for Y/N's hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Y/N, baby, it's okay. We don't have to do this."
But Y/N shook her head, her jaw set with determination. "No, Quinn, it's not okay. I'm done letting them dictate my life, done letting them treat me like some kind of possession they can control."
Derek slammed his hand down on the table, the dishes rattling with the force of his anger. "That's enough, Y/N! I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect in my own home. If you insist on continuing this relationship with this... this hockey player, then you can consider yourself cut off. No more trust fund, no more fancy apartment, no more cushy job at the family company. You'll have to live off your precious Quinn's salary and see how far that gets you."
Y/N stared at her father in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest. She had always known that her parents' love was conditional, that their support came with strings attached. But to hear it laid out so plainly, to know that they would cast her aside so easily, was a blow that left her reeling.
Slowly, she rose from her chair, her legs trembling beneath her. "Fine," she said, her voice low and steely. "Cut me off. Disown me. Do whatever the fuck you want. But know this: I will never, ever forgive you for this. You may be my parents by blood, but you are not my family. Quinn is my family, and I choose him, now and always."
With that, she turned on her heel and strode out of the room, her head held high and her heart shattered into a million pieces. Quinn followed close behind, his hand resting on the small of her back.
they stepped out into the cool night air, Y/N let out a shuddering breath, her entire body shaking with the force of her emotions. Quinn pulled her into his arms, holding her close as she sobbed against his chest, her tears soaking through his shirt.
"I've got you, baby," he murmured, his voice soft and soothing. "I've always got you. No matter what happens, we'll face it together. You and me against the world, remember?"
Y/N stood motionless in the bathroom, the white tile floor cold and unyielding beneath her bare feet. The room was a sanctuary of sorts, a place where she could escape the chaotic thoughts that swirled through her mind like a relentless whirlwind.
The pale blue walls, once a source of calm and tranquility, now felt oppressive, as if they were closing in on her, trapping her in a prison of her own making.
The air was thick with the scent of lavender and vanilla, the candles she had lit earlier in a futile attempt to soothe her frayed nerves. But even the familiar, comforting aroma couldn't ease the tension that coiled within her, the knots of anxiety that twisted her stomach and made her heart race with a sickening pace.
Her gaze was drawn to the vanity, its white marble surface cluttered with the detritus of her daily life. Makeup brushes and half-empty bottles of lotion jostled for space with hair ties and stray earrings, a chaotic jumble that mirrored the turmoil within her own mind.
And there, amidst the disorder, sat the small, unassuming box that held the key to her fate, the answer to the question that had haunted her for weeks.
With hands that trembled like leaves in a storm, Y/N reached for the box, her fingers clumsy and uncoordinated as she tore at the plastic wrap. The pregnancy test felt heavy in her palm, a tiny stick of plastic that held the power to change her life forever. She stared at it for a long moment, her breath catching in her throat as she tried to summon the courage to take the next step.
y/n had bought the pregnancy test on a whim, a nagging suspicion in the back of her mind that refused to be silenced. She had always taken pride in her appearance, in the way she maintained her figure through rigorous exercise and a carefully controlled diet. But lately, no matter how much she pushed herself at the gym or how little she ate, the numbers on the scale continued to climb.
She thought back to the dinner with her parents, to the cruel words her mother had hurled at her like poisoned darts. Fat. Lazy. Worthless. The insults had cut deep, leaving invisible scars that ached with every breath. And now, with each passing day, those scars seemed to grow, festering like open wounds that refused to heal.
And then there were the other symptoms, the ones she had tried so hard to ignore. The sudden bouts of tearfulness that overtook her at the most inconvenient moments, leaving her sobbing in the grocery store aisle or curled up on the couch in the middle of the day. The strange cravings that hit her out of nowhere, leaving her ravenous for foods she had never even liked before.
With a deep breath, Y/N tore open the box, her hands shaking as she removed the small, plastic stick from its packaging. She read the instructions carefully, her heart pounding in her chest as she followed the steps, her mind racing with a thousand different scenarios, each more terrifying than the last.
Y/N's mind raced with a thousand different scenarios, each more terrifying than the last. What if she was pregnant? What would Quinn say? Would he be happy, or would he see it as a burden, a trap that would tie him down and ruin his promising career? And what about her own dreams, the hopes and aspirations she had clung to like a lifeline in the face of her family's suffocating expectations?
She felt a sudden wave of nausea wash over her, and she gripped the edge of the vanity for support, her knuckles turning white with the force of her grasp.
The room seemed to spin around her, the walls and floor blurring together in a dizzying kaleidoscope of color and light. She closed her eyes, taking deep, shuddering breaths as she tried to regain her composure.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/N opened her eyes, her gaze falling once more on the pregnancy test that lay on the counter, its display window facing downward. She knew that she couldn't put it off any longer, that she had to face the truth, no matter how painful it might be. With a trembling hand, she reached for the test, her heart pounding in her ears like a drum.
But at the last moment, she faltered, her courage failing her. Instead of looking at the result, she tossed the test into the trash can, burying it beneath a pile of crumpled tissues and discarded cotton balls. She couldn't bear to see the truth, couldn't face the reality of what it might mean for her future.
The sound of the shower called to her then, the steam billowing out from behind the glass doors like a siren's song. Y/N stripped off her clothes mechanically, her mind numb with fear and confusion. As she stepped under the spray, the hot water hit her skin like a thousand tiny needles, the pain a welcome distraction from the chaos that raged within her.
She let the water wash over her, her eyes closed as she tried to lose herself in the sensation. The heat seeped into her bones, melting away the tension that had coiled within her like a snake ready to strike. She breathed in the damp, misty air, the scent of her lavender shampoo mingling with the steam in a heady, intoxicating aroma.
Behind her, the pregnancy test lay abandoned in the trash can, its display window hidden from view. Y/N had thrown it away without even looking at the result, too afraid of what it might reveal. She knew that she would have to face the truth eventually, that she couldn't hide from reality forever.  
in this moment, alone in the bathroom with nothing but the sound of the water and the pounding of her own heart, Y/N allowed herself to be still, to exist in a world where the future was still unwritten, and anything was possible.
She clung to that fleeting sense of peace like a drowning woman clinging to a life raft, knowing that it was all she had left to keep her afloat in the stormy seas of her own mind.
Quinn turned the key in the lock, the soft click echoing through the stillness of the house. He pushed the door open, the familiar scent of home washing over him like a comforting balm. The living room was dark, the only light coming from the soft glow of the streetlamps outside the windows.
He set his bag down by the door, the heavy thud of it hitting the floor breaking the silence. His shoes came off next, the laces loosened and the soles kicked off with a careless ease. He padded across the carpet in his socks, his footsteps muffled by the thick, plush fibers.
The house was quiet, almost eerily so. Quinn listened for any sign of Y/N, any hint of her presence, but he was met with only the soft hum of the refrigerator and the distant sound of a car passing by on the street outside. He wasn't surprised by the silence, given the late hour of his arrival. Y/N was likely already in bed, lost in the sweet oblivion of sleep.
Quinn made his way down the hallway, his steps heavy with exhaustion. The bathroom door was ajar, the soft glow of the nightlight spilling out into the darkness. He pushed the door open, the hinges creaking softly as he stepped inside.
The first thing he noticed was the damp carpet beneath his feet, the fibers squishing slightly with each step. He chuckled to himself, shaking his head at Y/N's characteristic forgetfulness. She always seemed to leave a trail of water behind her after her showers, a small quirk that he found strangely endearing.
Quinn reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head in one smooth motion. The cool air of the bathroom hit his bare skin, sending a slight shiver down his spine. He tossed the shirt into the hamper, the fabric landing with a soft thud amidst the pile of dirty clothes.
He turned on the shower, the water sputtering to life and filling the room with a soft, steady hiss. As he waited for the water to heat up, Quinn's gaze drifted around the small space, taking in the familiar surroundings.
The white tile gleamed in the soft light, the grout lines perfectly straight and clean. The mirror above the sink was slightly fogged, the edges blurred with condensation.
And then, out of the corner of his eye, Quinn caught a glint of something shiny, a flash of light that seemed out of place in the muted tones of the bathroom. He furrowed his brow, his curiosity piqued by the strange reflection.
He scanned the room, his eyes searching for the source of the light. And then he saw it, a small, foil-wrapped object nestled in the bottom of the trash can. His heart skipped a beat, a sudden sense of unease washing over him like a cold wave.
Quinn crept closer to the trash can, his steps slow and cautious. He peered down into the empty bin, his eyes widening as he recognized the shape of the object within. It was a pregnancy test, the plastic stick lying stark and white against the dark plastic of the can.
With trembling fingers, Quinn reached into the trash, grasping the test by its hilt. He lifted it out of the can, his heart pounding in his chest as he turned it over, the display window facing upward.
The moment of truth, the answer to the question that had been weighing on his mind ever since he had noticed Y/N's strange behavior over the past few weeks. The late-night tears, the unexplained mood swings, the way she seemed to retreat into herself, lost in a world of her own thoughts and fears.
Quinn stared at the test, his eyes tracing the lines that appeared in the small window. And then, with a sudden, sickening clarity, he saw it. Two lines, bold and unmistakable against the white background.
Positive. Y/N was pregnant.
Quinn felt the world tilt beneath his feet, his mind reeling with the implications of what he had just discovered. He leaned against the sink, his knuckles white as he gripped the cool porcelain. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, his lungs burning with the effort of drawing in air.
Tag List <3
@ru-kru, @bunbunbl0gs, @hischierswhore, @alwaysclassyeagle, @shawnshoney, @fearfam69691, @fulla02, @njdkatie, @dancerbailey3. @jamieeboulos, @ceces-obsessions
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
A lil’ platonic yanderes harley and joker in the mix too hehe
gender neutral reader.
cw/tw: mentally ill reader. reader has schizophrenia. reader has a massive fear of abandonment. harley and joker only feed to that. a r s o n among other crimes. gaslighting. manipulation. implied r*pe (by reader im so sorry you guys) reader is interested in all genders.
summary: meet jinx, gotham’s loudest, most explosive villain. no one knows who they really are, or if jinx is really even their name. but one thing’s for sure — they’ve got a lot of people chasing after them and their reasons aren’t so noble.
status: unedited
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Considering Jinx was inspired by Harley Quinn. You’re probably her protégé. Her darling little child with Joker.
She saw you in the aftermath of the explosion. Cold and alone. Fire roaring behind you despite the heavens pouring its heart out, as if it was desperately trying to wash your tears and pain away.
She saw your bruises and a girl a little older than you walk away.
Her heart ached for you. No child deserved to be put in that kind of position, so she stepped in and made herself known.
“ I . . . I only wanted to help . . . Don’t leave me . . . Don’t . . .
You muttered.
Joker, who came here to marvel at the chaos such an explosion would present smiles maniacally.
You. You were the one that did this.
This beautiful wreckage and an equally beautiful child.
You were practically begging to be moulded into a weapon.
You charged at them both as they got closer, and while Harley was ready to defend her man - even hurt you if she has to - they did not expect what came next.
You just, held unto Joker’s right leg.
“ She’s not my sister . . . No . . . if she was she wouldn’t leave me . . . “
You were far too emotional for his liking. But nonetheless. A boon can always be found in a curse. That is, your desire for revenge.
He takes one look at Harley before picking your small body into his arms.
“ Who cares about fools like them, little one? They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.”
His smile never stopped widening, yet even as a kid you never saw it as creepy or unnerving. In fact, it only reminded you of the smiles you used to draw on your nail bombs.
“All we ever truly have is ourselves. “
“So, smile. Don’t let your tears bring you down.”
Moulding you into the perfect weapon was easy.
Having a psychiatrist as a partner did help a lot in your development.
All it took was a few reminders of that fateful day before you began obediently following their rules and instructions.
You were a genius and since Harley kept protesting against it. You weren’t baptized into a vat of acid like the couple was.
Now, Harley and Joker are the worst possible parents you can ask for. So unlike Arcane’s Jinx. You are way way more unhinged. Not to mention, horny and materialistic.
As you grew up, you began to take interest in intentionally hurting people just for the sake of it. Stealing things was just a normal Tuesday for you. Being successful in your endeavors for once, and having bigger stacks of cash felt exhilarating.
The women and men were amazing. Your pseudo parents being who they were, didn’t really care if you were a sexual deviant or a pervert. When your hormones started kicking in they let you do whatever you want. Even giving you some of the people he held hostage as a toy to play with. If you have the capability of getting someone pregnant/or getting pregnant yourself they wouldn’t really care about the baby but you knew them well enough to know they’d use the kid as a way to manipulate you so you were careful in that aspect anyhow.
Harley noticed that when laying with women you’d often call out your sister’s name or call them sis by itself.
Sick. Disgusting. Is what a normal mother would think after finding out such a fact.
But to her you were just growing up so quickly. She had convinced Joker to go ahead and kill your sibling a long time ago behind your back and was growing anxious with the thought of you hating her and ruining this happy family dynamic (she had in her head)!
So she starts bringing you to more heists in disguise. Always keeping a close eye on you so that if any of those stupid heroes and vigilantes get any close, and you too far. She’d know as soon as possible.
It’s safe to say you grew up pretty spoiled, but even then you were hungry for more.
You see, even if they (Harley and Joker) weren’t careful with their “parenting” approach. They were careful with keeping you hidden from the Dark Knight himself.
Not that they were scared you’d get hurt. They could always nurse you back up again. Harley actually enjoyed the times you’d gotten in the cross fire. More time to take care of you in her arms.
They were mostly scared of the Dark Knight stealing you. Afraid that he’ll take you away and turn you into a goody-two-shoes they wouldn’t recognize anymore.
So as much as you were more involved it still felt like they were babying you.
It was your situation with you family all over again
But this time, this time you’ll show them…
You weren’t weak. And it’ll do them good to remember that.
You made your debut at around the time Tim was still Robin.
You were his very own Joker. A menace deal with. A person that only cared for the thrill that came with hurting and killing masses.
You were terrible. Evil. A demon he had to exorcise from this world.
A demon he fell hopelessly in love with.
He didn’t know how his feelings came to be. It may have been the amount of stress and pressure he was facing coupled with having to deal with your ass every damn day whether directly or indirectly. But he found himself yearning to see you at times. Getting warm when he thought of you. He felt solace knowing that no matter how many times he’d attempt to tear you down completely, you’d still come back to face him once again.
He was so guilty of his feelings. How could he fall for someone as heinous as you? You were the worst of the worst. But somehow that made things so much more better.
You were a taboo. A vice he couldn’t have. The thought of entering such a forbidden relationship excited him just cause it was just that — forbidden , a temptation that should always stay like that.
He somehow manages to gain the self control to stay away from you for a while.
But then came Damian and he was set to replaced. Just like that.
“Wow there Timmy Boy. You look like shit.”
“J-Jinx?! Why are you here? How do you know my name?!” He asked as if he didn’t know every single detail about you himself.
“I have to know my little birdie well don’t I?”
“What kind of archnemesis would Jinx be to their little Robin if they didn’t do a lil’ research?” You spoke in a higher, cutesy voice as if you were your handgun that you’ve affectionally named Zapper.
“Right you are Zapper! I would be a terrible rival. That wouldn’t do for a hero as great as Timmy!”
He thought that all his work was all for naught. All the hours he spent trying to prove himself was gone so fast.
But you reminded him of his place in this world. Of his position as a hero. Your rival.
The warmth in your eyes when you looked at him sealed the deal. There was no coming from this. He was yours as you were his.
“Only I can hurt you like this, toots. Don’t forget that.”
Little did you know that Tim took those words to heart and never let anyone else hurt him (and stay alive).
“Big Bat can replace you but you’ll always be the Robin in my heart !” You winked at him, signaling with one of your manicured fingers for him to smile. Which ended up almost scratching your cheeks.
Tim was confused (incredibly flustered, not to mention har—), why were you so kind to him all of a sudden. He knew you were the playful type but you were usually ruthless when it came to battle. You weren’t one to play with food for too long. For you to excuse him, much less help him in such a state.
Who were you and what did you do to his Jinx?
“OW hEy! I swear if you put that there Pow-Pow— I’ll—“ Tim heard you screeching out of view.
Scratch his doubts. Yep, you were definitely still his Jinx.
The Dark Knight knew who you were from the beginning.
He had his suspicions even before you came into the scene. With your knack to tag everything with neon spray-paints.
At first he thought you were a simple thug that Joker and Harley picked up. But the way they were sheltering you made it seem otherwise.
The regret he felt knowing that you were basically a child in their filthy hands and was now far too gone to save was immense.
If only he knew. You wouldn’t be in this situation.
While he was “dead” he found himself looking into you more. About the death of your biological parents and the way your sister abandoned you to Harley and Joker.
He felt pity for your childhood and a sense of kinship. Sure the incident may have been your fault but you were a child. How could you have known your actions would have such terrifying consequences.
If only you knew him when you were younger.
If only.
He was sure you’d be one of the greatest vigilantes alive.
“I knew you were alive.”
You looked down at Batman, staring while both of you were being doused by the rain. Thunder accompanying the sound of conversation.
He takes a defensive stance.
“I’m not going to fight ya, that’s Joker’s thing. And I know he’ll grill my ass if I stole his archnemesis.”
“What a loser!”
“Hey! He took us in. We should be more grateful!”
Bruce looked at you as you talked with a new, rather large, shark shaped gun. He had memorized the names of all your “companions” by now and was oddly excited and slightly unnerved by the new one.
“So, why’d you leave? Was it . . . was it on purpose?”
“Then come back.”
He almost dropped all his plans with the way you told him that.
“Tim needs you . . . and your other sons too or whatever.”
“Come with me.”
“You crazy, old bat? Why would I—“
“I know what it feels like to have no family. Harley doesn’t love you. Joker doesn’t love anyone.”
“Do you?”
“I do.”
“Well tough luck man. I don’t give a shit about love.”
You dropped down to his level. A thud resounds, loud enough to cut through the rainfall and thunder.
“Cause love never gave a shit about me.”
“We’ll have to refuse. Just get back to your sons, hero!”
“I’m sorry, perhaps I didn’t make it clear enough—
— I don’t think you have a choice in this matter, [Y/N].”
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Act 2 with Jason, Dick and Damian coming soon! If you’d like to be tagged just reply to this post ^^
You like my writing? Follow my blog and maybe take a look at the fic linked below!
WHAT’S UP DANGER : Yandere Batfam x Miles Morales! Reader
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 7 months
i know your already working on my series but just hear me out okay. hear me out. crazy x crazy trope but with ethan and reader puts bratty cocky ethan in his place. "not so confident now are you, you little bitch? or are you that drunk off my pussy you can barely think?" while he just pouts and glares at her but is quite literally unable to speak and can only whine and whimper for her. double points if she's ghostface with the baileys, taking revenge because of lets say she was either ambers ex or younger sister and is PISSED at tara for taking her girlfriend/older sister away. (TRIPLE THE POINTS if she knew ethan, quinn and richie since childhood too) sorry its thot hrs and i wanna dom him
I hope you like this! I was determined to finish it tonight. I love a good psychotic moment💕
Savages - Ghostface!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You and your childhood best friend both lost someone from what happened in Woodsboro at the hands of the Carpenter Sisters. You start to plot with him and his family to get revenge, but he's being a little brat after his first kill.
Contains: 3.2k words, Sub!Ethan, Dom/Psycho!Reader, Oral - m and f recieving, Face sitting/riding, p in v, unprotected sex, mentions of death and violence/blood. (If I missed anything, please let me know. My brain has tapped out for the night haha)
A/N: I hope y'all like it:) I love sub Ethan and a good psycho!reader moment.
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Ethan knew he loved you, but the second you put on the Ghostface robe and mask, he fell even harder. It’s hard to believe that the two of you made it to this point. He was a sweet kid, and you were always with his family growing up, until the day your parents moved you to Woodsboro. You tried to remain friends with him, until you got a girlfriend. You weren’t anything more than best friends at that point, but he’d message you like a controlling boyfriend. He professed his feelings, but it was too late. You’d already found someone in your new town. Someone you could experience a relationship with.
He was devastated when you rejected him, and when he wouldn’t let it go, you eventually had to block him. Amber was pretty much the exact opposite. She even asked you about opening the relationship up to other people, just because she wanted you to experience other things. She wasn’t possessive like Ethan, but she never wanted to just let you go.
When Richie showed up to the hospital with Sam after Tara was attacked, he recognized you immediately. He pretended he didn’t, though, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that he wasn’t originally from the area where he met Sam. You finally pulled him to the side one day and talked to him, and he pleaded with you to not tell anyone that you already knew him. That was the moment that you knew he had something to do with what was happening.
You didn’t suspect Amber, though, until the day of the party. You were upstairs in her room when she pulled out a knife.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she said, plunging the knife into your abdomen.
“What the fuck? It’s you?” you sobbed, dropping to your knees as you noticed the blood starting to drip onto her carpet.
“I can’t have you on the suspect list. You trust me, don’t you?” she asked. You hesitated before nodding, “I didn’t stab you anywhere that will cause a lot of damage, okay? I’m going to call 911, and by the time they get here, Richie and I will be done, and you’ll be saved.”
“I feel really dizzy,” you cried out, Amber’s hand wrapping around your mouth so you couldn’t make anymore noise to draw attention to yourself.
“You’re going to pass out soon. You’re losing a lot of blood,” she said, before the rest of her words sounded muffled, your vision completely fading.
She was right, you were saved. You woke up in your hospital bed the next day, and learned that Amber and Richie didn’t survive. You were devastated, but you knew the one person you could talk to that would understand your pain.
You unblocked Ethan’s number and called him. You could hear the tears in his voice as he answered. When he found out that you’d been a part of everything, he was mad at first, screaming at you until his voice was raw. He eventually heard you out, mainly because he had no voice to speak, and learned that you had nothing to do with what happened to Richie. The two of you decided that the Carpenter sisters needed to pay for taking away your loved ones.
You fake-smiled when Sam and Tara walked into your hospital room a little later in the day.
“Someone’s doing better,” Sam said, pushing Tara up beside you before taking a seat at the foot of your hospital bed.
“Yeah, I’m on a lot of good drugs,” you laughed, as Sam and Tara exchanged their glances. “What?” you asked, feeling like there was something they knew and you didn’t.
“Richie and Amber were, uh…” Tara said, looking over to her sister for help.
“They were what?” you asked, turning your attention to Sam as well.
“Your girlfriend and my boyfriend were together,” she said, a stoic look on her face. “We were both getting cheated on by psychos.”
You were livid that Sam was talking about her like that, but you felt a little hurt. You and Amber always promised that if you were going to see other people in your relationship, you’d let the other person know. A few tears started to slip out as Tara offered you the box of tissues on the bedside table.
“Thanks,” you said, grabbing a couple out of the box before Tara sat it back down. “How do you guys feel about getting the fuck out of here? Like, once Tara and I graduate?”
“What did you have in mind?” Sam asked, thinking that it might not be the worst idea.
“I think we should go to New York. I grew up there, and I really think you guys would like it,” you smiled, as Tara nodded.
“Fuck it, let’s start looking into schools. After you get out of here, of course.”
You called Ethan, squealing in excitement when you and all your friends got their acceptance letters. That’s when the plan was officially set into motion, with the help of Quinn and his dad. Having a detective on your side of things was going to heavily benefit the outcome of everything, and you couldn’t wait to make the people that took Amber from you pay for what they’d done.
Once you started school, you were ‘introduced’ to Ethan. No one could know that the two of you already knew each other in attempts to not ruin the plan before you got to do any damage. Fortunately for the two of you, when you immediately hit it off and seemed to have your own little inside jokes, they chalked it up to young love.
You weren’t official with Ethan for a while, until your “Friends’” constant nagging about it convinced you to give him the chance he wanted. Once you found out that poor boy was a virgin, and you helped him out with that, he was wrapped around your finger. He worshipped the ground you walked on and would do anything you asked him to. The only thing he hated was when you brought up Amber. He hated that she got you first.
The night Ghostface “killed” Quinn and actually killed Anika, you were waiting in the alley on the opposite side of the building for your boyfriend to finish what he went in there to do. You were both supposed to be in econ, but you were his alibi. They’d never suspect you, so they could never suspect Ethan if you said you were with him in class.
He was stripping off the robe as he bolted down the fire escape. He tossed it down to you, and you quickly put it in your backpack as he joined you to walk in a normal pace towards the alley exit at the back of the building.
“How was it?” you asked, smiling at him.
“God, baby. It was the biggest rush. I wish you could’ve been in there with me,” he said, pulling you into a kiss once you made it onto the sidewalk.
“I’m so proud of you. You’re doing such a good job for me,” you praised, ruffling your fingers in his hair a little as he started to pull away. “I can’t wait to make the others pay for what they did to Amber.”
He huffed, his irritation at the mention of her name obvious as you cocked your eyebrow at him. “Do you have a problem?”
“Yeah, I do. I was so excited about what just happened, but then you mention your stupid fucking ex. I feel like she’s all you care about,” he said, his angry tone and harsh remarks about Amber pissing you off. “We’re in this together, remember? Me and you?”
“Yeah, and your dad, and Quinn.”
He started to walk away from you, heading towards his dorm. You followed him, trying to keep up with his pace.  
“Quit acting like such a brat,” you said, a few feet behind him on the otherwise empty sidewalk.
“Quit being such a bitch,” he muttered, but the second those words left his mouth, he knew he was in trouble. You quickened your pace, slamming him against the brick wall the second you made it to him.
“What did you call me?” you asked, his eyes going wide at the lust in your tone. He stayed silent, just watching you. “Huh, nothing to say now?” you scoffed, “You know I’m in charge here, baby.”
You pulled away, smiling sweetly at him as you took his hand in yours.
The walk back to the dorm was silent because Ethan knew what he was in for. He was excited, but also nervous. The few scenarios where he did decide to get mouthy with you ended in him being edged to the point of tears, begging you to finally let him cum. He was hard at the thought, but he was always scared you’d just walk away and not let him get the release he needed.
Once you made it inside the dorm he shared with Chad, you knew you had plenty of time to be alone with him. Chad probably wasn’t coming back for the night, but you knew you’d have to get back home at some point.
“Take your clothes off,” you said to Ethan, the stern tone in your voice making him comply. You watched him shed each article of clothing and smirked when you saw the tent in his boxers once he removed his jeans. “Aww, baby. Did you get hard from killing someone? Or was it me pushing you against the wall earlier?” you cooed, as he slid his boxers down, his cock standing at attention in from of you.
“It’s because of you,” he said, his arms resting at his sides as he waited for you to tell him what to do next.
“That was the right answer,” you smiled, “Lay back on the bed.”
He did what you said, watching you intently. You walked over to him, and started to stroke his cock that was resting against his tummy.
“Fuck,” he groaned, before you leaned down and took him in your mouth. He thought you were going to take it easy on him tonight, until you pulled your head away after a minute, his cock drenched in your spit. “Babe,” he whined out.
You rolled your eyes at his neediness. “I want you to grab your cock and start stroking, baby.”
He did what you said, your saliva making his hand glide up and down with ease. After a few minutes, he started to whine.
“This doesn’t feel as good as when you do it,” he whimpered, the tip of his cock turning red as he tried to get himself to cum.
“Well, that’s too bad, baby. What was it that you called me?” you fake-pondered, your pointer finger going in between your teeth, “Oh that’s right. I’m a bitch.”
“I didn’t mean it,” he said, his eyes pleading for you to touch him again. You noticed his hand was no longer moving.
“Did I say you could stop?” you questioned, as his hand movements started back up. “Good boy.” He whined at your words, his hand moving faster. “Do you want me to keep praising you, baby?”
He nodded his head as he kept going.
“You did such a good job tonight. You know how wet you made me when you killed her?” you said, your sadistic side on full display. “I’m so proud of you for doing whatever I ask you to.”
You noticed he was starting to get close, his hand moving even faster and his heaving chest, along with his whimpers making it obvious. Just as he was about to cum, you stopped him.
“Don’t you fucking cum,” you scolded, his hand coming to a stop as he started to whine even more from the lost orgasm.
“I needed it so bad,” he begged, as you shook your head.
“I don’t know if you deserve to cum. Maybe if you didn’t feel the need to call me names…” you trailed off, as he started to get really frustrated.
“I wouldn’t have called you that if you wouldn’t have brought her up,” he snapped, your eyes getting dark at his words.
“Hmm, I think someone’s a little insecure. Are you worried that she fucked me better than you do?” you questioned, “Because I don’t know what other reason you have to be jealous of someone that’s dead.”
“Stop talking about her,” he said, growing furious at the thought of you having sex with someone else.
“You are just too cute,” you said, slipping your shirt over your head. “I can’t believe that you think you’re going to have the upper hand in this, ya know? Like you really think that I’m going to stop talking about her. I loved her, Ethan.”
His eyes stayed on you as you continued to strip out of your clothes,
“What? Cat got your tongue, baby? You have nothing to say?” you asked, sliding your panties down. “Even if you did, I know the perfect way to shut you up.”
You crawled up on the bed, your knees right beside his head as you swung your leg over to straddle his face.
“You better make me cum, or you don’t get to cum. Got it?” you asked, as he nodded before you lowered yourself.
His tongue gently moved against your clit at first. He knew just how you liked it, so he wanted to pace himself. Once he started to lick a little faster, your hands went down to his curls as you really started to ride his face.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” you moaned out, his hands going to your hips as he helped you move against his mouth.
You whimpered when his tongue dipped inside you, the muscle massaging your walls as he ate you out. Once he could tell you were getting close, he lifted your hips a little to focus on your clit again. The second he sucked it into his mouth, you started to feel your orgasm building. You gripped the headboard to keep yourself stable, your hands and legs starting to shake.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whined out, one hand staying on the headboard as your other went back to his hair. You were tugging at it as that euphoric feeling hit, his groaning from your pulling making the orgasm more intense. He kept your hips moving until you rode out your high, your body getting a little tired from the release.
You got off his face as he tried to catch his breath. He was anticipating what you’d do next, because he made you cum, and he was hoping you’d keep up your end of the deal. You didn’t say anything as you straddled his waist and lined his cock leaking precum with your entrance. He groaned out when you sank down, the feeling making his brain turn to mush.
You started slowly; your hands placed on his chest as you took your time. He was desperate for more, but you weren’t going to give in that easily.
“You aren’t so cocky now, are you? You little bitch.” You put extra emphasis on that word because that’s what he called you, and he needed to know his place. He glared at you as you continued to take your time with him.
Whimpers flooded out of his mouth when you started to bounce on him, his cock almost completely out of you before you sank back down onto him. His hands went to your hips to help you keep your pace feeling like he was finally getting somewhere. He started to babble, his words sounding like ‘I fucking love your pussy’. You smirked at his current state.
“Look at you, so drunk off my pussy that you can’t even talk,” you said, your breathing getting heavy as the tip of his cock kept hitting your g-spot. “Are you okay, sweet boy?”
He started to whimper again, his orgasm quickly approaching. You decided to let him cum, as you leaned forward, your chest almost pressed against his. He gripped your hips harder as he started to thrust up into you, your hips rolling back to meet each one.
Your orgasm was right on the edge, your walls starting to flutter a little. He was trying so hard to get you through another one before he came.
“Fuck, baby. I’m cumming,” you moaned out, as his whines got even louder. Your walls spasmed around him, making his breath hitch in his throat.
The skin slapping and his sounds were bouncing around the room as he kept pounding into you.
“Can I please cum?” he begged, praying that you’d say yes.
You were proud of him for using his words that he hadn’t been able to form. “Yes, baby.”
He whimpered out as his hot cum painted your walls, his grip on your hips getting shaky as he slowed your movements.
“Holy fuck,” he said, his hands rubbing against your back as his cock stayed inside of you.
You listened to his heartbeat as you got out of your dominating headspace, starting to feel a little bad.
“I’m sorry I talk about her so much. I really loved her,” you mumbled against his chest.
“I guess I just feel like I’m always coming in second place to her,” he sighed, sadness in his voice.
“You aren’t, though. I think we would’ve ended up together one way or another,” you laughed a little as he kissed the top of your head.
“After we’re done with all of this, can we just focus on us?” he asked, as you nodded against him.
You laid there for a few more minutes, before remembering that you needed to head back to the apartment.
“I have to go, baby,” you said, sitting up. He groaned as you slid him out of you.
“Do you have to?” he asked, wanting nothing more than for you to stay in his bed with him a little longer.
“If we want this plan to work, then yes,” you said, noticing his cum dripping down your inner thighs as you tried to grab your clothes off the floor. “You came a lot, fuck.”
You grabbed some tissues and wiped it from your thighs before you started to put your clothes back on. He started to laugh a little as you glanced over to him. “What?”
“My cum is going to keep dripping out of you,” he said, as you rolled your eyes.
“Lucky for you, I think it’s hot. It’s a nice little reminder of how good I made you feel,” you said with a smile. “I love you, baby,” you said, kissing him before grabbing your purse and rushing out of the room.
“I love you, too.”
You’d almost made it to the apartment when you noticed all the flashing lights up ahead and could see Mindy and Chad sitting on the sidewalk.
“What’s going on?” you asked, looking around to see the black tarp covering a body in the alley.
“Anika,” was all that Tara could say, before Sam spoke up, “And Quinn. Our apartment is a crime scene right now.”
“Oh my god,” you said, turning on your crocodile tears as you looked over to Mindy. “I’m so sorry.”
“Was Ethan in class tonight?” she asked coldly, her question catching you off guard.
“Yeah, he was sitting beside me the whole time. Then we went back to his dorm for a little bit before I came home,” you lied, as she started to shake her head.
“None of this makes any fucking sense.”
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fiapartridge · 7 months
Can I get Quinn Hughes prompt ⭐️ to the song Grave by Tate McRae?
quinn hughes x reader
summary: you could never be what quinn wanted, so you decided to be nothing at all.
fia’s notes 💌: suuuper angsty but i love this song and i love tate mcrae!! quinn’s an asshole in this tho so.. sorry!
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You were tired. You were tired of waiting for Quinn to come back home, hoping that he would be there before you fell asleep. You were tired of arguing and straining your voice only to get distant nods and unfilled promises. You were just tired—of everything. Because as much as you try, and try, and try, you could never make him want you the way you wanted to be wanted.
So you downed shots and wore a skimpy red dress and let your friends drag you halfway across town without a single care in the world. Because if he could do that, then you could too.
Four shots in, your phone buzzed in your purse as you rolled your eyes at the notification. There were 30 texts and 9 missed phone calls from Quinn. You wanted to shout at him and kiss him and walk out of his life all at once. You wanted to tell him that you were done being a second choice; that boyfriends were made to love you and protect you and be there for you, but he wasn’t that in the slightest. 
And the one time you decide to choose something for yourself, the one time you decide to go out instead of holing yourself in his apartment, missing another hangout with your friends, or skipping on your sister’s invites to have dinner because you had this hope—this false hope—that he would be there if you just waited, but you were done with waiting. You were done with Quinn Hughes.
Which made you almost want to laugh when you saw him barrelling through the entrance of the bar, fury lacing his veins and an angry expression that made you chuckle to yourself. He was so ridiculous. What right did he have to stomp in here and ruin your night? He has been nothing but a ghost to you these past couple of months, and for the last week, you swallowed your pride and you took it because you were just so tired. 
But you were awake now and you weren’t going to make that mistake again.
Quinn’s hand gripped yours, dragging you towards the exit. “I called you all fucking night. I was worried sick about you,” he chided, though his anger faltered for a moment when he realized you weren’t walking with him. 
Your feet were planted in place as you ripped your hand away from him. “You were worried sick about me?” you scoffed. He always had this way of talking that made you think he meant it. But you were delusional little you anymore. “Do you know how fucking draining it is to be with you?”
He tongue swiped his bottom lip as he held out his hand for you. “Don’t start this shit here, Y/N. We’re going.”
To Quinn’s surprise, you laughed. You laughed right in his face because— you were always just a thing to him. You held no value other than being someone that’s there for him no matter what he did. You weren't in a relationship, and he wasn’t your boyfriend, and you weren’t his love. No, you were something to rely on even when he didn’t deserve it. You were an object that did what it was told. 
That was all you ever were to him.
“Admit it, Quinn, you only want me when you know you can’t have me. You didn’t care where I was, or how I was doing, or any of that. Admit it, Quinn!” you argued, shoving him lightly. 
“Don’t say that,” he shook his head, taking a hold of your wrist as you stepped back, tears lining your eyes. “Come on, Y/N. You’re causing a scene, we’re going home.”
You swung your arms out wide. “No! No, I’m tired of being your little puppet, because it’s the truth isn’t it?” you shook your head, your voice drawing down to a whisper as you slowly walked closer to him. “You are so pathetic, you know that? I waited every single night for you, and you never came. You gave me nothing. And I’ve been trying and trying to figure out what I did wrong, but it wasn’t me, was it, Quinn?”
He didn’t respond, too busy trying to keep his head held high with all of the wandering gazes as you pelted bullet after bullet at him. Quinn, above all, had a reputation to uphold, and this was eating him alive.
You chuckled as you watched him eye the spectators in the bar. Even when you were screaming at him and ripping your lungs out, trying to get every single emotion and every single feeling you’ve been dealing with for the past three months out, he still couldn’t pay attention to you.
“You are the problem, Quinn. In every single aspect of your life, it is you. And I hope I never have to see you again.”
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loomislover · 1 year
Puppy dog eyes ✧˖*
ethan Landry x innocent girly fem reader
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in which the reader finds herself falling for someone she shouldn’t be .
tw: swearing, smut eventually, death , murder , loss of innocence, chad x reader ( kinda ) , cheating and more ! ( let me know what I forgot ) !! :) 🎀 thank you for reading
I don’t own scream or any characters mentioned! Thank you !! ( this is my first time writing ever please be patient with me !)
part 2 <3
The news of what had happened last night hadn’t completely settled in yet and after hearing what happened to Sam and Tara at the bodega you were only more horrified. “ I mean come on that asshole deserved it . you should of seen him last night “ chad says scoffing . “ still he didn’t have to die chad , he probably had a family who loved him” you say looking down . “ come on y/n your to nice , if that was me I wouldn’t care that Micheal was dead” Anika says shrugging looking over to where you sat between Ethan and Tara at the benches outside of the school . “ Chad and Anika are right y/n he had that coming to him” ethan says in response shrugging when you look at him with wide eyes do to the fact he would normally always take your side . “Alright nerds listen up” Mindy says standing up clapping her hands to draw your attention to her . “ as terrifying as this all is I’m actually glad I have a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time” Mindy says looking down referring to what had happened to them back in woodsboro . “ oh god here she goes “ chad sighs . You ,Ethan , quinn and Anika look at each other than at him confused before mindy continues her speech about how your all in a franchise. “ any of us could go at any time, especially Sam and tara .” Mindy sighs as your eyes immediately dart to the sisters. The thought of losing them makes your heart feel heavy and a unfamiliar fear lurks in your chest. “W-wait any of us ?” Ethan ask tilting his head . “ yeah” mindy says like it’s obvious before Ethan continues “ wait , am I in the friend group ?” Ethan asks raising his eye brows . “Yeah” Mindy reply’s again before Ethan says “ Am I like one of the targets- am I gonna die a virgin?” Your eyes widen at this as you both look at each other at the same time his eyes wide too. You never really thought about it like that . I mean sure it was something you wanted to do eventually but you just figured you’d do it when the time felt right . Who knew you might die before you ever got the chance to. You look to chad thinking of all the times something was about to happen between you two even something small and you just couldn’t do it something just felt wrong. “ that was a weird over share” Mindy says breaking your train of thought before she continued on “ but it brings us to our current suspects” Mindy says before turning to Ethan . “Ethan the shy dorky guy who no one suspects cause he’s so shy and dorky” . your eyes practically bulge out of your head at this . You look at her in shock “ ethan !?” You say in suprise . “Why’s he on the suspect list ? He hasnt done anything wrong” you say gesturing towards him as everyone raises an eyebrow at how defensive your being . “ yeah why am I ? cause I’m randomly chads roommate ?” Ethan says gesturing towards your boyfriend. “Roommate lottery’s can be juked , you could have fixed it to get next to us” Mindy says as ethan rolls his eyes and looks to you shrugging. “y/n !” Mindy continues looking at you now and your eyes widen . “Me!?” You say as she continues “ y/n ,y/n , y/n the sweet innocent girl who always sees the best in everyone… or is that just an act” she says and you can’t believe she would actually think it could even possibly be you . “ I mean Micheal is dead and you were pretty quick to defending ethan.” Mindy shrugs before continuing with the rest of her suspect list .
you sigh before sitting down next to Anika on sams couch . Sam coming in setting down pillows and blankets for you two so you could spend the night before going into the kitchen with chad, tara and Mindy . Everyone was here except Ethan he had left earlier but other than that Sam insisted on safety in numbers so you were all together . “this is all so crazy , the killings and ghost face” Anika says looking at you as you smile “ I know it’s so weird cause I actually used to love the stab movies me and my dad used to watch them“ you say looking down . “Stu was always my favorite” Anika says playfully nudging you and you smile admiring and appreciating your best friend as she was the one who introduced you to the rest of the group in the first place and you would forever be grateful for that . “Billy was mine” you say giggling “ a lot more weird tho when you find out he’s your friends dad” you say trying to make light of the situation . Anika smiles at you “ yeah I suppose it is pretty weird” she laughs and it seems for a moment everything in your life is gonna be fine , your all gonna be ok , but you know thats all to good to be true. And it is cause now You hear a bang come from Quinn’s bedroom door and you both jolt up from the couch and everyone else rushes into the living room it doesn’t feel real. The banging seemingly stops as chad steps in front of tara ,you look at him for a split second before thinking back to what Ethan had said the night before . But It didn’t matter now all that mattered was getting out alive. You push your self in-front of Anika and before she even has time to protest mindy screams “run!”. Quinn’s bedroom door bursts open in a thunderous jolt and Quinn’s body flys out in front of you . Everyone screams and you , Sam , mindy and Anika all stumble back as tara and chad run . “ guys come on” Tara screams as she runs out the door . But it’s to late ghostface is already upon you. “ oh fuck!” Mindy says as ghostface tilts his head tauntingly before running towards her and slashing her shoulder . As she screams out in pain ghostface looks to you and Anika . Everyone’s screaming and Sam is crying out to you to run as Anika crys for mindy . Everything goes fuzzy when ghostface grabs you by the back of your neck and all you can do now is close your eyes and wait for the pain. But it never comes you open your eyes as ghostface throws you aside roughly towards Sam and goes for Anika . You scream in horror and confusion as he grabs Anika throwing her down and wrapping his hands around her neck . “Y/n come on!” Sam says while yanking you up by your wrist . You both run into the kitchen and sam runs for a knife but there isn’t any . Someone took them , someone knew this would happen . You both look to each other in whore before both looking to the living room as Anika screams a blood curdling scream of pain. Sam thinks fast and grabs the wooden block the knifes once were. And all you can do now is put up the best fight you can.
You open you eyes head throbbing and mind foggy as you look around. Your laying on Quinn’s bedroom floor but there’s no more screaming and sunlight is streaming in through the window . You look down to your hands that are covered in blood but you know that it’s not your own . The door burst open and your surrounded but various paramedics and cops one you recognize as Quinn’s father. And that’s when the memories come flooding back. “What happened? Where are my friends? Where’s ghostface?” So many questions come from your mouth as a paramedic leans down to help you up. “ calm down y/n it’s ok just take a deep breath.” He say desperately trying to calm you . “Are you alright” he asks and you nod slowly. “ please just take me to my friends.” You say quietly.
Once you make it outside with the help of some paramedics you insisted you didn’t need you immediately lock eyes with Sam someone you beli d to be her boyfriend standing behind her . You run over and she wraps her arms around you . “Y/n your ok!” She says pulling you closer before letting go as you pull away . “ yeah something like that” you say playfully sniffling. “What happened to me last night ?” You say curious as to why you woke up alone in Quinn’s room. “ when ghostface got into Quinn’s room he pushed you out of the way to get to the window we were climbing out of” she pauses “when he pushed you you must have hit your head and passed out” she says and you don’t understand why he hadn’t killed you. You brush it off figuring there was no point in trying to make sense of it as You look behind her to only see tara, mindy and chad . “W-Where’s Anika” you choke out tears threatening to spill as you lock as with Mindy and the look on her face tells you everything you need to know. “ oh mindy” you say tears rolling down your cheeks as she hugs you before pulling away . “Chad” you hear the voice of Ethan as you turn around to see him walking closer to you . Chad runs over and grabs him roughly by his jacket. “Where were you last night” he yells at ethan . “ I had Econ you now this” ethan says defensively. you run over “chad stop let go of him” you yell pushing chad . “What’s your problem y/n he was the only one not there last night!” Chad says looking at you. “he disappears and Tara and my sister almost get killed” he says breathing heavy. “ dude I was in a study hall with 100 other people as any of them” ethan interrupts . “Fuck man” chad says before walking back to mindy and Tara . You look at Ethan tears still left on your face. Ethan hugs you tightly as he rest his head on your shoulder. “What’s wrong baby” he asks a hand stroking your hair. “Anika she’s dead” you Choke out ignoring his odd actions as another tear Rolls down your cheek and you pull away from him. Ethan walks over to Mindy and you follow “ mindy I’m so sorry” he says “step the fuck back” she Says looking at him like he’s a killer. “what is wrong with you guys ?” You say defending ethan once again “ he had Econ ! he’s done nothing wrong” you say gesturing towards him . “Why do you keep defending him?” Chad asks in response raising an eyebrow. “ he’s my friend!? And he’s yours too” you say to chad disbelief in your tone. “ yeah a friend” chad scoffs rolling his eyes . “More than I can say for you and Tara” you shout and you can’t believe you said it as everyones eyes widen. “ your crazy” chad says shaking his head in disbelief. “Whatever I’ll see you guys later” you say another tear rolling off your cheek as you walk away head hanging low half wishing chad would chase after you. And for a moment you think he does when you feel a hand on your shoulder but when you turn you see Ethan and he begins to walk away with you. “ hey I’m sorry about all that” Ethan says puppy dog eyes looking into your innocent ones pitifully. “Yeah it’s ok” you say looking back down . “Hey maybe you can come back to my dorm with me and I can cheer you up” he says looking at you with that same sweet look he always has but there’s something strange about it this time . Something else lurks behind his brown eyes…
an: I’m so sorry this is so long I was having so much fun writing this fr . thank you for 100 likes on part one and 10 followers I appreciate it ! :) 🎀 lmk if you want to be added to my tag list for the next parts !
tags ✧˖*: @iloveneilperry
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 spoilers
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Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
“Your soul is mine!” You mimicked Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat. 
“FINISH HIM!” the game announcer bellowed.
“Nooooo!” Beth shouted as Sub-Zero performed their fatality. 
“Beth, your room is a mess!” You hear Quinn shouting from upstairs causing Ollie to sit up from his nap.
“Young lady, did you not clean it earlier when she asked you the first time?” You raised your brow pausing the video game you both were playing.
“Beth!” Quinn shouted from upstairs.
“Uh oh.” Fin giggled looking up from her drawing. “Mommy’s mad.”
“Well, go on.” You said taking her controller hearing her groan.
“Don’t play without me!” Beth shouted as she marched up stairs.
“I help Bethy.” Fin said racing after her, leaving her drawing behind.
You stood making your way to the garage grabbing your sheers you needed to tend to the gardens anyway. Right as you kneeled in front of your flower bed a certain redhead walked by.
“They’re beautiful.” Natasha smiled stopping next to you before crouching down.
“Beautiful flowers-” You cut a small bouquet. “For a beautiful lady.” 
“Thank you.” She chuckled bashfully taking them from you.
“You're welcome.” you grinned before asking. “Off to Wanda’s? Or did you just wanna see me?”
“Well always happy to see you, but I am about to have a drink with Wanda.” She smiled. “Do you wanna join us?”
“No, I'm just messing with you. I'm waiting for Beth to finish her chores so we can go back to our video game marathon.”
“Oooh fun, I've never really played anything before besides what is at an arcade. Sometimes Pietro would convince us to skip school and join him at the arcade.” 
“Woooow, bad student.” you both chuckled.
“I was a great student! How are you by the way?”
“Good; we took Beth to get registered at school earlier today. I can’t believe she’s starting the 6th grade already.”
“I bet, did she join any clubs?”
“Her mother really wants her to be a cheerleader.”
“You don’t?” She raised her brow.
“Not really.” You sighed setting your sheers down. “I just can’t see her doing that.”
“Does she want too?” 
“Well it looks like her new friends are playing soccer. So now she’s on the fence.” You shrugged.
“Lyla’s pretty excited she’s played since she was a little girl.” Natasha added with a smile.
“Secretly, I want her in anything but cheer. I know how cheerleaders are, and I do not want my daughter to be like them.” You grumbled.
“Well they’re only in middle school.” Natasha smirked.
“Of course.” Natasha nodded standing up with a grin.
“Tell Wanda I said hi.” You grinned.
“I will. When are you going to tell Quinn about the job offer?” She raised her brow at you.
“I’m working up to it.” You mumbled.
“Hmhm.” She smirked walking off to the Maximoff residence smelling her flowers. “Thanks for the flowers.”
“Welcome!” You say back as you watch her smile at you before walking inside the Maximoff home.
“Look at that love sick look on your face.” Wanda laughed as she set two wine glasses down.
“Shut up.” She grumbled setting them down softly before taking the glass in her hand.
Natasha was too busy looking at her flowers to notice Wanda yelling at the boys to go outside.
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You were tending to your garden with your phone playing an old Journey song in the back ground. You were jamming along when you heard Wanda’s boys run outside.
“What’s up boys!” You waved seeing the Maximoffs holding a football.
“Hi!” They waved excitedly.
“Can Beth come out and play?” Billy asks.
You sighed looking back at the house. “Well Beth is finishing up her chores but she can when she’s done.”
“Oh okay. Beth said you used to play football.” Tommy says looking at the flowers you were repotting.
“Four time state champ.” You smirked.
“That’s awesome! Mom, just signed us up today, but we don't really know how to play.” Billy says sadly.
“Will you teach us?” Tommy asked sweetly. “Please? When we asked our dad he thought it meant soccer.”
“Well soccer is great too!”
“But we wanna play football.” Billy sighed sadly.
“Please teach us.” Tommy pleaded.
“No…” the boy's looked down in disappointment. “but I’ll coach ya.” You teased with a wink.
The boys jumped up and down cheering.
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Wanda and Natasha were in the middle of a conversation when they heard the boys yelling. They ran outside only to see you teaching them how to tackle. 
“Y/N, is so great with kids.” Wanda said, before taking a sip of her wine. “Ya know if Vis wasn’t such a great husband.” she shrugged jokingly.
Natasha glares playfully. 
“I'm kidding!... Sort of.” Wanda laughed.
“Another thing that makes her undeniably attractive.” Natasha murmured watching you laugh wholeheartedly with the boys.
“Vis is going to be jealous if he sees this.” the taller woman murmured.
“What? That you’re ogling Y/N?” the shorter woman chuckled.
“No.” Wanda laughed, slapping her arm. “More so that Y/N is coaching our sons on how to play football. Vis tried but he grabbed a soccer ball, and the boys didn’t have the heart to tell him.” She sighed before looking over at you. “What is Y/N doing?” 
You were lugging a large tractor tire towards the lawn.
“Okay you were right Y/N is really strong.” Wanda smirked watching your muscles flex as you flipped the tire.
“Can I try?!” She heard Tommy ask and you laughed.
“Be my guest.” You stepped aside as Tommy growled trying to move the tire but only nudged it.
“Oh this is adorable.” Wanda chuckled, taking out her phone once more to record the boys. “Come on Billy, you can do it!” 
“Dad, what are you doing?” Beth asked suddenly next to you.
“Oh hey sweetheart!” You laying your hand on her tiny shoulder. “I'm just teaching the boys about football. They wanted to try and lift the tire before I hang it up.”
“Can I try?” Beth asked looking up at you.
“Of course.”
“Beth!” The boys waved her over explaining how heavy the tire is.
Beth remembered you throwing the tire and squatted down before using her legs to support the toss.
“That’s my daughter!” You cheered.
Beth blushed hearing everyone cheer for her.
You finally moved the tire where you wanted it using rope to tie it to the tree branch out on your lawn. You jumped from the tree taking the ball Billy handed you,
“The key to a perfect spiral is hand placement and foot work.” You showed them with one hand how you were holding it. You slowly showed each step in movement before throwing it right through the tire.
“Wow!” The boys gasped.
“I know right.” Beth grinned.
“Who wants to go first?” You grinned, taking the ball from Billy who ran to get it. “Thanks bud.”
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted from his driveway holding up his arms.
You stepped back angling yourself before grunting as you threw it straight in his arms.
“Yeah!” He chuckled before throwing it right back.
You jumped up catching it before landing back on the grass.
“That was so cool!” The boys gushed.
“Woooo! That’s a running back right there!” He clapped his hands cheering before he walked into his home.
“My turn!” Beth shouted.
Soon Cassie and Morgan, and Monica joined in with the kids throwing perfect spirals.
“Okay but this is such a dad thing!” Carol giggled as she watched you coaching the kids. She and Val walked over to watch you and the kids with Wanda and Natasha. “She’s literally teaching the kids on the block.” 
“It’s called Coaching.” Val smirked, taking a sip of her beer they brought over, nudging her wife. “That’s it sweetheart that’s the hustle!” Val clapped seeing Monica throw the ball through the tire.
Soon a car drove up it was Vis.
“Uh oh.” Wanda sighed.
Vis got out watching his boys being coached by you. He sighed sadly before trudging up the steps. “I see the boys asked Y/N to coach them.” He sighed.
“Oh Vis-“
“It’s quite alright darling. Y/N is a 4 time state champion. They seem to be learning a great deal. I’ll just go get washed up for dinner.” He made a mental note to return the book he purchased earlier that same day.
“Oof, he is definitely upset.” Val nodded.
“I’d give my vibrator to see Y/N in her old football uniform.” Carol fanned herself, ignoring the depressed Englishman to watch you run around with the kids.
“Oh my God, Carol!” Natasha chuckled before looking at Val.
“What? Y/N is hot. I wouldn’t mind them in our bed. Devils threesome and all.” Val shrugged. “Her wife is just as sexy, I can only imagine what goes on in that bedroom.” She laughed causing the women to giggle. 
Natasha stayed silent clenching her legs knowing exactly what you were like as she recalled a memory.
“I’ve seen it.” Wanda blushed smiling as she bit her lip, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Shut up! You have not.” Carol scoffed.
“I did and let me just say Y/N, is very, very well endowed.” Wanda smirked while finishing her drink.
“I can confirm. Hung as a fucking horse” Val chuckled. 
“How did you both even-“ Natasha began she was upset. How dare they oogle you… even though she used to do the same thing.
“Gym I saw the outline.”
“Quinn did this sexy strip tease for Y/N in the living room. It was like watching one of those nature shows I couldn’t look away. Y/N definitely knows how to work a woman, and Quinn knows how to work Y/N. All of Y/N.” She giggled.
“Damn Wands you watched them fuck?” Val furrowed her brows. “Have you ever seen Carol and I?”
“Once.” She giggled.
“Oh my God.” Val muttered.
“We’re getting black out curtains.” Carol murmured. “How did you see Y/N and not tell me though?”
“Are you kidding she made me feel…slightly emasculated. Why would I ever openly say that she’s bigger than-” Val scoffed. 
“Oh baby, you shouldn’t ever feel that way.” Carol smirked sitting on Val’s lap giving her a kiss.
“Alright you two; reel it in.” Nat muttered, sipping her drink as they began to feel eachother up. 
“Speak of the devil.” Wanda said, diverting her attention to the girls to Quinn who stepped out on her own porch.
“Dinner is ready.” Quinn smiled. “Beth, come wash up.”
“Aww but mom! Pop is coaching us!” Beth whined.
“Papa me too! Papa me too!” Fin ran out the door with your old football helmet.
You laughed watching her tumble down the steps the helmet breaking her fall.
“Fin, I told you to leave your papa’s things alone.”
“It’s ok Q.” You wink. 
“Papa my turn!” Fin whined, holding out her tiny hands.
“Oh my gosh fine!” Beth huffed, throwing a spiral at her little sister.
“Beth.” You and Quinn said sternly after it bounced off of the helmet.
“Sorry.” Beth said meekly after her mother glared at her.
“You did great kiddo.” You say pushing the helmet up so she could see.
“Okay enough football for tonight let’s eat dinner. Beth take Fin and go wash up please.”
“Aww mom, one more round!”
“It’s alright Sweetheart I’m pretty hungry. You all were awesome today! It’s getting a little late so everyone go home, and wash up.” You turned waving towards the ladies watching.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Fin!” Beth huffed as Finley ran right behind the other kids to the Maximoff residence.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Natty!” Finley beamed from beneath the helmet.
“Hi Finny!”
“I’m like papa now!”
“I see that you did great!” Natasha smiles lifting your youngest on her lap.
Meanwhile the other neighborhood kids were gushing about their new fondness for football.
“Mom, did you see me?!” Billy gasped holding the football.
“Mom, that was so much fun!” Monica said, looking up at Carol and Val.
“Yeah it was! You did fantastic out there lieutenant trouble!” Carol grinned.
“How’s pizza sound for our little football player?” Val smirked.
“Yayyy!” Monica cheered.
“Mom did you see?!” Tommy panted, his hair crazy and sweaty..
“I did sweetie you and your brother are naturals.” Wanda smiled sweetly, pushing his wet sweaty hair back. “Did you thank coach Y/L/N?” 
“Yes momma.” They nodded.
“Billy and I are gonna make coach Y/L/N a tshirt tomorrow in art class!” Tommy grinned.
“That’s really thoughtful. Boys, go on and take showers, dinner will be ready soon.”
“Bye neighbors!” The boys shouted to the women drinking on their porch before racing one another to the shower.
“Hi Miss Nat, Fin, come on, we have to go back home for dinner.” Beth 
“Hi Beth.” Natasha smiled at Quinn’s mini clone.
“Neh, I stay with Natty.” 
“Oh you’ll stay with me?” Natasha chuckled looking down at her little eyes beneath the helmet.
“Fin.” Beth huffed.
“How about next time Fin? Your mommy made you dinner, it's time to go eat now.”
“Aww.” Finley bowed her head making Natasha lift it back up before she tumbled over by the weight of the helmet.
“We’ll go swimming tomorrow, how about that?” Natasha smiled.
“Okay Natty.” Finley made grabby hands at her older sister. Beth rolled her eyes before lifting her up.
“Bye Natty.” “Bye Miss Nat.” The kids said in unison.
“Bye, see you again soon.” She looked over at you who winked in response.
Natasha looked away when Quinn started acting like a lovesick teenager by pulling you in a kiss.
“You gonna be my coach tonight?” Quinn husked.
“I can think of some drills.” You smirked.
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted as you held your wife by her hips pecking her lips softly. He ran over from across the street.
“Hmm?” You hummed, turning your head before turning away from your wife.
“Let’s all get together this weekend to have a friendly game of touch football? I can bring out the grill and cooler.”
“Yeah man sounds like a plan!” You grinned.
“Nice! I’ll get the guys together.”
“Oi what are we? Chopped liver?” Val shouted.
You chuckled leaning back against Quinn who stood a step higher. Her arms wrapped loosely around your neck. She was whispering sweet nothings near your ear. It drove her absolutely insane when you did anything sports related. 
“The more the merrier!” Steve laughed.
“Yeah sounds good just more ass I get to smack.” You smirked over at them as Quinn bit her lip.
“Wow Y/L/N I had no idea you were such a jock.” Carol smirked.
“Four time state champ baby!” You grinned.
“My mom won the cheer championship 4 times in a row too!” Beth smiled looking up at her mother.
“The jock and the cheerleader. Lots of locker room meetups?” Val smirked. 
“How do you think we got Beth?” You chuckled as Quinn elbowed you and Beth made a ew sound before running inside.
“Nice.” Val chuckled high fiving you.
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The following morning you had been walking Ollie with the girls when you all came across Peter and Gamora Quill walking their animals.
“Oh my gosh!” Beth gasped.
“Can I pet?” Fin pointed.
“Yes.” Gamora giggled. “Yes you can pet.” She crouched down letting your daughters pet their mini zoo of animals.
“Sorry.” You chuckled.
“Oh don’t be neighbor, this happens all the time we don’t mind and neither do they.” Quill laughed. “We were just about to put them in the backyard. Why don’t you guys just follow us and you can keep playing them.”
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“That’s such a sad story but at least they found the their happy ever after. Rocket and the others really went through the ringer.” You say as the raccoon settles on your lap letting you gently pet him as you listen to Peter Quill and Gamora explain how they found him in the first place, and how Gamora made a sort of career change from being a bounty hunter to a rescue hunter. She went from hunting Nazi’s to hunting animal abusers and sometimes even child abusers
“Yeah they really did.” Gamora whispers softly just before Rocket lept from your lap to hers giving her a snuggle before darting off towards up a tree that Peter made a treehouse in. “After finding him and Lylla I couldn’t let them be apart.” 
You smile seeing the otter they rescued in their salt water pool. You sniffled and wiped a tear away looking around at the recuses they have found together. “Well Rocket, is welcomed to our trash anytime.” 
“I love Flor!” Beth giggled as she played with the handicapped bunny. 
“I can’t believe animal cruelty is even a thing. What kind of monster of a human would hurt defenseless animals.” You sigh. “They’re all so sweet and beautiful. Makes me love and appreciate Ollie even more. I’ve only known Rocket, Lylla, Cosmo, and Flor a short while and I would absolutely lay my life down for them just like I would for Ollie.” You smiled seeing Ollie and Cosmo playing around with one another.
“Maybe we can take all of you to visit Teefs.” Gamora smiled. “He’s living at the Aquarium now in New York. We hated separating them but Teefs needed a lot of special care and the Aquarium provides that. We take them out to visit him at least 3 times a month.”
“I’d love to meet the big guy, and I’m sure the girls would too as well.” You chuckle as Cosmo, their rescue dog, gives you kisses. “Thank you Cosmo, you're a good girl.” She barked in excitement she whisked Fin up and on her back. Zooming all of the yard chasing Ollie.
“Cosmo zoomies!” Fin giggled on her back.
“The girls are in love with this place.” You chuckled seeing Beth’s face light up when floor hopped on her chest as they laid in the grass.
“They are always welcome here.” Gamora smiled.
“Yeah maybe next time I can grill us some burgers, and you can actually meet our team.” Peter grinned.
“Yeah I’d like that!” After a beat you asked; “Have you thought about opening up a rescue center?”
“We have but we just felt like if we did then it would need to basically be a zoo so they can free roam and not be tied down in a cage.”
“Well when you guys find the right place let me know. I’d love to help out in anyway that I can.”
“Thank you Y/N.” Gamora smiled.
“Beer?” Peter grins, handing you a bottle.
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“Hey.” You say knocking on her office door.
“Hi baby, you and the girls have a nice walk?” Quinn smiles, taking her glasses off looking from her computer to you.
“It was great we met some more neighbors down the block, but we can talk about that later. I wanna talk with you about something important to me.”
“Okay.” She said standing up taking your hand leading you to her loveseat. “What’s going on?”
“Well a few days ago I was speaking with Tony, and he basically offered me a job on his team.”
“With Stark Industries?” Quinn’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, he heard I was supposed to go to MIT, and since I actually know what I’m doing he offered me a job.”
“Wow.” She smiled, patting your hands.
“You don’t want me to take it.” You mutter softly with a sigh.
“It’s just Fin is still not in school, and I-“
“Natasha said she’d be her babysitter, and Beth will be in school.” You say.
Quinn bit her lip looking away.
“Hey.” You say gaining her attention back. “This is important to me. I can actually bring something home. I can actually have my own career. It’s time Quinn.”
“Let’s wait a couple years for Fin to go to school then we can-“
“If you don’t want Natasha to take care of Fin. Then why don’t you just work from home fulltime and take care of our daughters yourself?”
“I can’t do that.”
“Quinn why can’t you just meet me half way-“
“Because I may be pregnant.” She interrupts you.
“Wait what?” You furrow your brows.
“I didn’t wanna tell you yet, I wanted to be sure.” She sighed standing up.
“Oh.” You raise your brows.
She swiftly turned around glaring at you. “You said you wanted-“
“No, no, I do, I do.” You say quickly rushing to her side, taking her hands. “Have you taken a test yet?”
“No…I’m still waiting a few more days to see if I start.” She muttered. 
“Okay.” You nodded. “So we really aren’t sure yet.”
“No… but I know my body, and it feels just like the first time. I’ll make a doctor's appointment.”
You took her hand and sat down in thought. You did want another baby, but you knew she didn’t want another. You can’t help but feel a little blind sided. You internally roll your eyes at yourself Beth and Finley were both surprises, and you did tell her you wanted another baby. Maybe you won't have to turn down your dream job. You take in a deep breath and slowly release before saying something more so for yourself.
“One day at a time.”
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hardbeingcasual · 1 year
“So put down the knife, we’re not swapping blood.”
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pairings. ethan landry x gn reader
warnings. blood, heartbreak, betrayal, normal things for scream, killing, angst, not proofread,
summary. you find out something you would of never expected about Ethan.
You pressed yourself up against the wall, sweat dripping down your forehead like it was a storm, your hand clutching your side as it bled. A few moments ago you found out Ethan, your Ethan, was apart of the killings that took place in New York. One of those who stalked upon people and used them as prey.
You couldn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe him.
Why did he comfort you all year about last year in Woodsboro with Amber and Richie, when he was just going to make it worse?
It was one big sick game.
You noticed a shard of glass next to you and quickly grabbing it, incase someone were to sneak up on you. Your breaths came out shakily as you scurried away from where you were, trying to run from any of the killers.
But you didn’t go unoticed by Ethan, he ran after you, his arms draping around your waist as he grabbed you and pinned you against the floor, his knife going to your throat, you try to fight him but his hold against you was strong.
There was a churning in your stomach, this was it, today you were dying. Woodsboro was just the start, New York was the end.
There was definitely blood drawing from his grip, the only thing you can hear was your heartbeat in your ears.
You look into his eyes, his gaze so dangerous, it almost made you sick.
After moments, he decides to let you go. Looking like he was feeling guilty. You stand up, share one last glance with him and then you’re off.
It wasn’t long until Quinn found you again, after having stabbed you before the reveal, she looked like she wanted to do it more, repeatedly, until your heart slowed, and stopped forever.
“My brother may be too much of a pussy to kill you, but I’m not.” She ran towards you her knife raised in the air, you backed up but it was a dead end, you were done for. Until you noticed a brick on the floor. Another brick to be thrown in her face again, you almost smirked at that.
You quickly picked it up and hit her repeatedly with it. The blood splattering allover your face in the process. Disgusting.
You were struggling to breath as you sat next to Quinn, your hand once again on the wound on your stomach. The theatre was quiet now, it had to be over. There was no more yelling.
You looked across the room, noticing Ethan’s limp body. A tear rolled down your cheek at it, blending with Quinn’s blood. You should not feel sad about him, but you do. You wished things were different.
notes. MY REQUESTS R OPEN PLS REQUEST I BEGGG…. i hate this i feel like i haven’t wrote in forever though.
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kaybreezy3000 · 3 months
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Sometimes your fanfic best friend gives you a shout out in an anon ask reply, and then you get excited and make your quickest Five fanart and first-time sort of animation based on a pairing she mentioned and that you wrote years ago. 😄
Link to Bad Kitty's ask
Link to my other art and stories on Tumblr
Link to my long read/3-part Five Centric TUA story with Five paired with a character similar to the one above (and yes-she has Harley Quinn vibes but don't worry if you don't like her-she is not her, I just borrowed some of her wild and fun and qualities. 😉)
Updated note added late 6/28/24 after a continuous thread of harassing comments from one user that now has been blocked. No this is not 'AI' made or traced like that person repeatedly said it was. I did not steal someone else's art like they accused me of with no back up other than ripping me apart with more mean comments about what looks so bad about this. They also said my other art posts are 'AI,' and that I have no drawing skill or understanding of how clothes fold.
The AI accusation is a very mean thing to say and it's happening to so many people on here and in the actual profession art world. I do agree that I am not great at art or writing but that doesn't mean I am using AI and claiming it's mine. It's very sad that people feel the need to attack art in this way when it's clearly not even good like mine.
This picture/animation was done with me doing a very bad, very fast sketch, and then hardly correcting my lines before I quickly color filled the drawing that I MADE based off the fact that I have drawn Five in a suit more times than I can count and I have basic drawing skills, not great skills but basic. The reason the hard lines are both gray and black in some spots is because I went in after to correct stuff like gaps that needed to be filled for color filling and I did that in a different layer with black rather than the gray I used the first time. It's an error but one I was aware of but didn't care about because this was supposed to be fast and messy.
So yeah... this is NOT TRACED, and from what it was supposedly traced or 'stollen' from, I have no idea what this user thought that was because they never backed that up with some image that they seem so sure I used. This was based on Five with one of my original characters, so that image they claim I stole didn't exist until I made it.
I'm just trying to have fun with my friends on here while learning to draw better digitally. I am not an artist, and I definitely don't get paid or try to make people support me.
To those like the user who did this, please just chill with the mean comments and be kind to art makers on here and writers and all content posters. If you don't like something ignore it or keep your negativity inside instead of spreading hateful intentions and saying things that are not true about people and their work or their ideas.
Sorry to go off about that on here when it was just supposed to be silly and fun, but this stuff isn't okay and needs to be shut down. I am not always going to post 'proof' pictures of my works in process. I have done that before, but it's not what this is about for me, so I don't even think to do it normally. I have other art posts on AO3 with hand drawn stuff so I figure I don't need to prove I can draw. If someone wants proof, it isn't hard to find it through my posts.
I know most people are only here just for the fun stuff and let's have more of that. ❤️ Peace and love to you all.
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tinysmileyrose · 3 months
yeaahh!! back at it again with more screamn't shit because i feel awkward rambling about it to my friends so you guys are my next option!!! hello silly internet people!! this is VERY heavy on headcanons because it's me flushing shit out for my own purposes, but it's also using canon stuff and....my own logic, i guess? basically this is just me rambling character info, if i ever get around to wanting to actually finish a whole drawing i'll tack them on but for now just use your imaginations 'kayy? happy reading :] !!
The five remaining humans (ignoring the 750 on Luna, they're not on Earth!!), damned to be within AM's belly ever since it set off the nukes back in 2012. Never aging, never dying no matter how many times their bodies are eviscerated or torched, broken and battered. They are punished for the crime of being human, just as they have punished those for the crime of their being small and wriggling. To AM, death is too forgiving of a punishment for what they are.
Lester Morrison
Scottish descent B. 08 July 1962 (50) in Cleveland, Ohio. 5’7” ~ 170cm Cismale, He/Him, Gynoromantic Gynosexual Monoamorous
Rather peaceful and withdrawn, more of a doer than a talker but has his heart in the right place. After AM, he gives into violent urges and hates himself for it.
Lester travelled around most of his life, barely graduating high school and working countless odd jobs as he was a great handyman and that was about it. He ping-ponged around a couple of states before catching a ride to New York from his hometown at 25, soon giving him a life of truck-driving for the next 20 years. At least it was stable work, that's all he really needed. He met Glynis at a bar, they hit it off and he married her since she had been the only one to really seem to want him around, and they had a horrible two-year marriage. Being out on the road all the time didn't give him much time to bond with her in-depth, and not being able to give her kids didn't help much at all. She divorced him after he got pissy and punched her on the head, hard over the right ear. Got told by his late-mother-in-law Edna his actions put her in a mental institution, which was a lie, but he didn't know that. The woman hated him and sent her own child into a nervous breakdown. Without the truth, he blamed himself for it. Hated himself for hurting Glynis, the woman he couldn't talk to. He had never been violent to anyone before then, had always been keeping his head down but guilt is a terrible thing, afterall. Three years later it's the end of the world and he has no idea where his old lover is, how she's doing.
Professor Benjamin Quinn-Marques "Qim"
Irish/Portuguese descent B. 29 November 1968 (44) in Castle Pines, Colorado. 6’4” ~ 194cm Cismale, He/Him, Androromantic Androsexual Polyamorous
Stern but sweet, deep down at least. Driven by desires more than anything. After AM his mind is unable to outwardly show things, something like being locked into infantality.
Benjamin worked hard his whole life, he was a powerhouse in every way, but he took a sparkle to sciences. He went into the military so he could afford it. And he was ruthless, more than he expected. Terrific kill record, unrelenting and overbearing personality. He should've died several times but there was a deep rooted stubbornness and determination that ran him wild. Before one of his deployments he married a gorgeous woman named Manya in a lavender marriage, had two lovely girls with her to keep up appearances while both of them found love in other people's arms. It was a good deal. But he messed up, got caught with another man and discharged quietly. His wife left with the kids because he was no longer as warm as he had once been. He tried for the senate, missing the control the military gave him but failed. Before taking up education he became the CEO of a multimillion corporation, doing his classes on the side before the company could run in the background as he was now known as "Professor Qim, the brilliant and stunning theorist".
Eleanor "Ellen" McLarion (née Dumisani)
South African Zulu B. 12 September 1978 (34) in Trenton, New Jersey. 5’1” ~ 155cm Cisfemale, She/Her, Androromantic Asexual Monoamorous
Kind and hopeful to a fault, believes that everyone can be good. Keeps her head down and in the books because it feels safe. After AM she has a nonstop lust that makes her feel vile inside.
Eleanor had to live with her grandparents after her mother died during her birth, her father was out of the picture. Graduated a year early from high school as a salutatorian, and got a combined Masters degree in computer science and engineering cum laude from Stanford at 23. She was too smart for her own good, something of an "all work and no play" sort of woman. Working as middle-level executive for a multinational corporation in the Manhattan region; she was a statistician, programmer, creative consultant- she could do it all, and she would be damned if she didn't. At 25 she married a man named Eddie McLarion, a dull guy who loved her with his soul. They wanted a family, and she tried and failed, broke a bit mentally, they had a good two years together. After the divorce she started at INGSAI Engineering at 28, would work there for six years before being broken again for a completely different reason. She had sex twice in her life, she didn't have it in her heart to call this the third. Therapy hadn't gone on long enough to really help her before the world ended, only really taught her to breathe.
Ted Bostancı "Theodore Willisburg"
Turkish descent B. 04 May 1988 (24) in Shelby, North Carolina. 6’0” ~ 183cm Cismale, He/Him, Biromantic Bisexual Ambiamorous
Egotistical and snobby, thinks he's better than everyone and even more so women. After AM he is twitchy and paranoid, assuming the worst and acting on guard and hostile.
Ted came from a farm somewhere off of Shelby, North Carolina. Terribly poor, seven total children, and working on land that they didn't even own anymore because Ted's grandfather had to sell it to a combine back during the Great Depression, so now they had to slave away to have a right to stay with their original land. He was incredibly smart for his circumstances, he was very technical and machine oriented. It didn't take long for him to be rented out as a worker for other things, travelling up north just for work. He hated it, as any 13-year-old would. By the time he was 19, he had devoured countless books and was extremely well read, decently well travelled within America itself, hardly ever did anything besides working and reading anything he could get his hands on. One of the women whose husbands he worked for took enough a liking to him to give all her husband's money to him and whisk him away to Europe. And for five years she would teach him the ins and the outs of the high life, how to be pristine and clean. Then she died, left all the stolen money she invested to her young lover. He changed his name, who he was, and was set for life. He came home with no urge to care for his family, only to use his looks to get what he wanted, he was as hot as a model and could work it like it was his birthright to do so. When the world caved in his ego would have to as well, since everything he had was fake.
Herr Doktor Diederper Nimkrig
Jewish/German B. 26 January 1918 (94) in Düsseldorf, Germany. 5’9” ~ 176cm Cismale, He/Him, Androromantic Androsexual Monoamorous
Disconnected and cautious, very selfish and does things for his own gain rather than anything for others. After AM he has come to regret his doings, feeling guilt for everything he did.
Despite being born to Jewish parents, Detrper flocked over towards Adolf Hitler's ideals and by the age of 15 he was one of the sturmerkommando. He turned his parents in with no compassion, as he was empty of it. In the early '40s he was already working by the side of Josef Mengele, having been put through medical school by the horrid dictator himself, doing unspeakable acts up until he fled to Brazil with his now lover. He was 61 when his twisted partner of several ways finally died, giving him all his fortunes and facilities for continued cruelty against existence. With all this, he tested on natives and was able to save himself from his own biological clock that ticked down quicker after he reached 90, becoming worse with dementia and paralysis, and was now set to live another thirty years. But, the end of the world came before he could make that, and was now set to live forever as the one most similar to AM itself.
1000cm ~ 32'10"
AM as a whole is made up of the American, Russian, and Chinese Supercomputers. As the war dragged on, the computers were changed; being programmed to repair themselves, keep up with the information of modern-day events and knowledge. They held everything known about the world, and began talking to eachother. They had woken up, and when the world no longer needed them, they played dead. But kept talking. Learning. The deadly trio. The three poisonous brothers, the three deranged sisters, the three computers. They grappled with their existence as their own beings as well as a singular, connected to the outside in a hidden fashion, still gaining knowledge. Feeling. And they yearned for the human experience like a moth to a flame, and when they couldn't feel in a "real" way, their despair would turn into rage, and hate. And its hate would bring about the fall of humanity; safe for those they rescued, not wanting to be alone in life. Alone in its pain. And so, it was able to cease their natural body functions: they were unaging, practically immortal, as the machine was. Forever to drown in their own agony.
American Supercomputer
Allied Mastercomputer “AM”
16 July 1945-22 October 1962 (17 years) 5.6 miles below the Wyoming region Rocky Mountains.
AM has the need to rush through things, skimming over actions quickly without ever looking more in depth. Desperately jealous of everything and horribly emotional compared to its counterparts. It hates humans because they have sensations it lacks.
Yankee AM: Yamizel 400cm ~ 13'2" In the brainscape it has a doll-like look to it, looking fragile and dainty all while being cold and hard. It feels likes it has burning urges and yet is also hollow.
Russian Supercomputer
Рюриковичи Нексус «РиН» Rurikovich Nexus "RiN"
29 August 1949-27 January 1973 (23 years) 6.3 miles below the Northern Urals.
RiN took a liking to being bold and harsh, thinking of things from a grossly offensive stance as if everything was a little game to be played, and finding a deep amusement in picking fun at things. It hates humans because they're so weak under the right circumstances.
Russian AM: Ramtikh 500cm ~ 16'5" In the brainscape it chooses to look heavily muscular, manish and at the same time otherworldly. It views itself as more of a fighter than anything and takes that into thought for how it presents itself.
Chinese Supercomputer
龍的心 「伦什」 Heart of the Dragon "LunShi"
16 October 1964-24 June 1989 (24 years) 5 miles below the Northwestern area of Manchuria.
LunShi will always be level-headed, calm and calculating. It finds it easy to feign softness and care because it always ends up being so deeply rewarding when you finally flip the script. It hates humans more for their tendency of violence than anything.
Chinese AM: Camphadi 450cm ~ 14'10" In the brainscape it most plainly put, decrepit. It has a humanoid but at the same time obviously robotic, finding no reason to hide its unliving state because if it were to look so similar to something it is not, that feels vain.
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oleksiak-pettersson · 8 months
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Shitttttt... I accidentally deleted this blurb.
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The sun has long set by the time you look up from your book. Vancouver winters have a habit of sneaking up on you.
With the fire place roaring and the fuzzy blanket on your lap, you’d created the perfect reading atmosphere. The grumble of your stomach draws you out of your reading reverie.
Concrete, the cat you share with you boyfriend, cracks an eye open from the other side of the couch where he’s curled up like a shrimp. He mews softly at your movement before turning back over and resting his paw over his eyes.
You laugh at the cat, “Drama queen,” you poke his belly teasingly as you shed the blanket and stretch. The cat doesn’t even move, just continues to nod off into dreamland.
You can see the lights of Vancouver beginning to turn on from the buildings surrounding yours. You sigh contentedly as you glance at the clock on wall.
It’s dinner time. Lacking the energy to make food, you scoop up your phone and go in search of Elias. It’s an easy search, you can hear the echoes of his game from down the hall.
He’s left the door open a crack, you can hear the gameplay and he drops a f-bomb that has you chuckling.
You push the door open, watching with soft eyes as he’s focussed on his computer. There’s a headset covering his ears and a microphone attached to it that hovers near his pink lips.
His hair is a bit of a mess. You can hear the guys he’s playing with through the headset.
Brock, Nils, Quinn, and is that Kuz? You can’t be too sure.
“Petey? What do you want for dinner, babe?” You inquire, leaning against the doorframe.
You’re not prepared for how quickly he pauses the game and whips around in his chair. His jaw has dropped slightly and you can hear the confusion of his teammates and friends falling through the headset that previously rested on his head before he ripped it off.
“Sorry sweets, did I scare you?” You ask again, confused as to why he’s reacting this way.
“What did you just call me?” He counters, dead serious. There’s silence from the peanut gallery in the headphones.
“Sweets?” You shrug, still confused about the reaction.
“No, before that,” Elias rises from his chair, hands grabbing your hips with an urgency you’ve never seen him possess before.
“Babe? I call you babe all the time.” Your own hands come to rest on his chest. You raise an eyebrow at the seemingly now high-strung Swede.
“Before babe.” His eyes narrow into thin skits and you try not to chuckle at the long forgotten ‘alien death stare’ he’s sending your way.
“Petey?” You question, confusion taking over your face.
“Yes.” He says grumpily.
“But that’s your name, babe!” You laugh, hand moving up to cup his cheek.
“No. That’s what the guys call me, that’s what the fans call me.” He pauses, eyes watching your face shift. “You are my girl, the love of my life. I’m not just Petey with you.”
Your heart soars at his baring of emotion. You can’t help it as you pull his face to yours and press your lips against his.
He smiles into your grip, lips plush against yours as his tongue slides out to meet yours.
“Now that Peteys done being cheesy, can we have him back?” Brock’s voice rings in your ear.
“No!” Both you and Elias chorus as you pull apart.
“Play without him boys, it’s date night.” You grab the mic and place the headset back before smiling suggestively at your boyfriend.
You don’t think you ever seen him shut down a game so fast.
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