#beggers can't be choosers and all that
scribbledquillz · 2 years
WIP Whenever
Because sometimes you just wanna share. 😌
Tagging: @siriskulksnerding , @heniareth , @wild-houseplant , @oxygenforthewicked and anyone else who wants in. As always no pressure to participate - but tag me if you do, I wanna see!
This is from the next chapter of my main Revka x Zevran compilation fic. With any luck it will be posted in the next few days. 🤞
Were she any other mark, were this any other moment than now, he would have laughed in the face of such a farce. Was this truly all the Wardens’ famed order had left to offer? Her savagery was impressive, yes, and her willingness to face him alone commendable, if not wise. But where was the artistry? The carefully honed skill her order claimed capable of pushing back the very Blight itself? Not here in this woman, certainly. Brasca - had he desired to die in no better than a tavern brawl, he might have saved himself the trouble and allowed Karrok the chance to claim her contract for his own. 
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Have you ever thought about changing up your wardrobe? You seem to be dressed in the same robes all the time. Of course they look snazzy, don't get me wrong! But do you have other things? Especially when the robes you have on needs to be washed?
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v-tired-queer · 3 months
I'm at a meeting right now and when I registered online, they asked for my preferred name and my pronouns, so I added it, and yet, on my badge, they still put my deadname and my actual name under it. So it isn't even the first name you see on the damn thing.
Why. Just. Why. Like what is the point then?? Like thanks for the effort I guess but omg.
At least they got the pronouns right.
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hanniebaeee · 2 months
The Deal
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Fae! Hyunjin x fem! Reader
Warnings: illness, talking about baby making
Genre: fae au, fluff, suggestive?
Summary: Your best friend Jennie is sick, and all the healers have given up on her. And you make a hard choice of bargaining with a fae to save your friend.
a/n: My entire body is still buzzing with the energy from last night and I don't want this to ever stop 😭 I love these boys so much!!!
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You knew that they were irresistibly beautiful, but you didn't think he would be this irresistible. The fae stood in front of you, his dark eyes and golden hair glimmering under the moonlight. He looked way too arrogant, not something you would normally like, but this one was just....irresistible. Ok sorry.
But the situation was such that none of these things actually mattered. Your best friend Jennie was dying. She had a disease that none of the village healers could understand, and so none of them could help her. She was in a lot of pain and seeing her suffering day after day was torture. Her family has already given up, but not you.
This was your last resort. This just had to work.
This particular fae, Hyunjin, as he told you his name was, had a mischievous smile on his face as he studied you. His eyes swept your body shamelessly, and you want to punch his beautiful face, but you were the one in need here. And beggers can't be choosers.
'Please.' You beg, holding your mother's ruby ring in your hands as an offering. This was all you had of her. Giving it away was hard. But if it would save Jennie, then that's ok.
'I'll do anything. Please save Jennie. She's dying, and the healers say only fae magic can help her now.' You plead.
Hyunjin leaned casually against a gnarled oak tree and eyed you. That smile was still there, as he asked, 'Anything?'
You nod eagerly. 'Yes, anything.'
With sly grin, Hyunjin stepped closer. And you didn't miss the way his eyes twinkled with mischief.
'Very well, Y/N. I'll save your friend, but in exchange, I require your firstborn.'
There was a pause, as you started at the fae in front of you with wide eyes. Your mouth fell open, and your heart raced. Deep inside, you wanted to scream, but then Jennie's cries of pain echoed in your ears.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you whisper, 'Deal.'
Hyunjin nodded in acknowledgment and snapped his finger. And he was gone in a swirl of faerie dust.
You stood under the moonlit clearing in the woods - with hope.
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When you saw Jennie the next day, your heart squeezed in pain. She didn't look any better. And her small whimpers of pain only made you weaker. You never cried over her, but that day you did.
But all of a sudden, she wasn't crying as much as she did before. You watched the color return to her pale cheeks and she was standing on her two feet. Then, taking small steps. And then one day, she was your old Jennie again - with that playful smile and her jokes. You couldn't thank Hyunjin enough.
And when you thought of Hyunjin, it was difficult to think of your deal. How were you ever going to do that?
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You walk back to the clearing in the woods on a full moon night. And there he sat, on a tree stump, looking as ethereal as he did last time, a small smile playing on his plump lips. He had a firefly perched on his fingertip and he held it out towards you.
And just as you took one step closer, he blew. And there were a hundred fireflies all around you. It was the most magical scene you've ever seen. You watch with wide eyes, as they start disappearing one by one, until it is just the two of you again.
'Thank you so much!' You say, your voice, respectful.
Hyunjin just nodded and tilted his head sideways, just watching you.
'Jennie is well now. So now let's talk about our deal.' You say, holding your head high. 'So, when do we get started?'
Hyunjin looked amused and confused altogether.
'Started? Started on what?' He asked, and you wanted to laugh at that look on his pretty face.
'Well, you wanted my firstborn.' You say with a shrug, but Hyunjin doesn't miss the mischievous glint in your eye. 'You didn't expect someone else to do all the hard work, now, did you?'
The fae's expression faltered for a moment there. His frown relaxed, and he gave you a blank stare.
'You actually meant...Oh.'
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth with your hand. You wish that Jennie was here to see this. Oh no, you can't tell her though, she would murder you for doing this in the first place.
'Do you even understand what you're saying, human?' Hyunjin asked, his cheeks colouring, but a hint of arrogance creeping in.
'Made you a deal, didn't I?' You ask, folding your hands against your chest. 'What do you want me to do?'
'If you haven't noticed, there are plenty of good men in your village.' Hyunjin pointed out.
'None I'm interested in making a baby with, sorry.' You say, pursing your lips and shaking your head.
Hyunjin sighed.
'Quick question, what exactly are you planning to do with my baby anyway?' You ask.
Hyunjin looks so done with you already, but he sighs and says, 'That's none of your business. But if you must know, I intend to raise them in the fae court and -'
'You want to raise my baby in the fae court?' Your question has him sighing again. 'Don't you hate humans or something? Then why raise a human baby?'
'Not just any human baby.' Hyunjin muttered under his breath.
'Sounds like you've got it all figured out.' You tease. 'Except for... you know what.'
Hyunjin just glared at you and you laughed again.
'Usually people would cry and beg to let them off the hook for such a deal.' He pointed out. 'You seem surprisingly relaxed about this.'
'Like I said. If you're gonna contribute, I have no reason to keep your child from you.' You say and Hyunjin just laughs.
A beautiful beautiful sound. He starts walking away and you jog to keep up. And as you walk, the fireflies are back again, casting a gentle glow around you.
'So.' Hyunjin began after a moment, his tone teasing and incredibly sexy. 'What does this mean? You want to stay till the baby arrives?'
You glance at him, eyes wide. You didn't really expect him to agree. Seeing you falter had Hyunjin grinning.
'What?' He asked, stopping suddenly and stepping in front of you. 'You wanted this.'
'Of course.' You said, trying to regain your composure. 'You would send me away after the baby arrives?'
'Darling, what do you expect? Hm?' Hyunjin's voice is surprisingly soft and his eyes are fixed on your face.
'Maybe you don't send me away and let me help raise our child. Maybe.' Your own voice is so soft and low, Hyunjin had to lean forward, his face so close to your's so that he could hear.
'Is that what you really want?' He asked. 'Do you understand that once you cross over to my realm you can't just return to your human life? It's complicated and I will not be able to help you come back if you change your mind.'
You nod slowly, trying to get this into your head. So, you will never see Jennie again. Your father won't even notice that you're not there anymore. Just like he doesn't even seem to remember your mother anymore. And the thought of your mother had your heart squeezing. There is nothing in that village for you, except Jennie. She would understand.
Hyunjin seemed to know what you're thinking because he steps closer.
'Are you sure you want to be thinking like that, sweet thing?' He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
'Jennie would understand. She knows I'm... with my mother gone...' You stutter, and Hyunjin just slips that arm around your shoulders.
That's all he said. Your head snapped up, searching his face for mischief.
'Are you serious right now?' You ask, narrowing your eyes at him.
Hyunjin's laughter rang through the trees, echoing magically.
'I suppose so.' He said with a shrug. 'Why not.'
'Do you do this often?' You ask, your heart stopping for a second at that thought.
'Excuse me, who do you think I am?' He asked, looking embarrassed.
'I just want to know what I'm looking at. I'm not great at sharing.' You grumble and Hyunjin laughs again.
'You're something else!' He said, eyes wide with surprise. 'And no. I don't go around picking humans to make babies with, ok? You're the first. And last. No sharing. Happy?'
'Happy.' You confirm and he just shakes his head in disbelief.
You glance back to look at the fireflies hovering around you and Hyunjin as he takes your hand and leads you deeper into the forest.
'Is there a reason you asked me for my firstborn?' You ask suddenly. 'Or, you would've asked this to any woman who may have approached you?'
Hyunjin turns to look at you and says, 'I've had my eyes on a pretty human girl for a while now. I saw her one night, as she came into the woods to cry. And I've seen her almost every day ever since. And then imagine my surprise when she calls out for help.'
You stare at him, shocked.
'It's just my lucky day.' He said with a chuckle and you blush.
'Come on my princess. We have work to do.' He whispers, and you feel goosebumps all over your body as you let him lead you into his world.
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
Sukuna Ryomen x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Enemies2Acquaintences, King!Sukuna, Knight!Reader,
CW: rough sex, dirty talking, 💦ing, unprotected cream🥧, implied 😻 eating, on the bed, against the wall
TW: blackmail
Word Count: 1828 (give or take)
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"For someone that claims to hate me you seem to always find your way back to my castle."
(Y/n) squints at him before groaning heavily and hanging her head in annoyance. She looked up at him, knowing that bargaining was futile, but unfortunately, she was the only one brave enough to speak to Sukuna and return outside unscathed. His only request was that she come alone.
"I do hate you. You're a tyrant and a brute with no sense of mortals or human life. I loathe you as a king and individual."
The King of Curses chuckles, "And it is entertaining to say the least."
"You're unbearable."
"The last human to say that I turned them into a puddle, you should be praising my generosity, but I digress. You are here because I overheard your little plan with those friends of yours."
(Y/n gasps softly, before composing herself.
"I came to make a deal with you."
He smirks evilly, "Really now?" He sits up straight on his throne, "Never pegged you as the type to negotiate. I'm intrigued by the thought of what you could possibly offer me in return for any of your friends' foolish lives."
"That's what I came to ask; what would you want in return?"
"Something sensible, Sukuna. I'm not killing or allowing you to kill anyone."
He leans back in his chair, feigning empathy in an exaggerated pout.
"Last I checked, you were desperate enough to come to me for help. Not vice versa."
"So what...?"
"Beggers can't be choosers, now can they? With that said, you don't seem to be in any position to be making demands."
"I don't have to do this. But your help is the best way we can win this war without losing more than half our people."
"Oh. If that's all, then no."
"Thank-- I- wait what? Did you just say no?"
"If you don't have to, little one, then I don't either. I should just send you on your way."
He stood up from the large golden throne and walked down the stairs in the opposite direction. His boots reach the floor and as he prepares to walk down the halls of his castle, (Y/n) gives in.
"Alright! Fine, fine, just tell me what you want and we'll go from there!"
He chuckles, knowing he won. He turned on his heels and walked closer and closer to the mortal woman, stepping around and behind her, holding her against his strong, body. His breath ghosted the shell of her ear making her tense with fear.
"How dare you."
"Was it not you that said killing was off the table?" He whispered in her ear, "Other than that, dear I don't desire much else. I already have a kingdom, an army, immense power that your mortal brain will never comprehend... My only desire left is to bed you."
"Absolutely not."
"The way I see it, I am quite the saint for helping you. The only thing I ask in return is to break your puny mortal imagination with ecstasy."
"Pick. something. else. I am not fucking you."
"So vulgar. But in that case, I'll be happy to send you back. Let me know where you're ready."
She stutters in confusion before groaning heavily in exasperation.
"Fine, just know I would never do this if the world wasn't at stake."
"Sticks and stones."
"Let's just get it over with."
After making a meal of the sweetness between her thighs, I stand from my bed and lick my lips clean, savoring every last second as it fades from my taste buds. I stared down at (Y/n)'s trembling form as she panted lightly, knowing she was glaring right back, focusing on every flexing muscle on my upper body making me chuckle at her lack of subtlety.
"Staring is impolite but I won't stop you."
(Y/n)'s cheeks burn with embarrassment, "Fuck off, it's not like I've been devoured by a fucking god before."
"I can tell."
"Whatever, we're finished here."
"Finished?" I chuckle, "I haven't reached my climax yet, darling."
"What, but you said my pleasure!"
"I can't help myself, I have the desire to stretch you apart. Don't worry, I plan to keep my promise after the deal is sealed. But, of course, that implies that they've been sealed first..."
"Ugh. Fine, whatever just...."
She sighed heavily in exasperation before she propped herself on her elbows, boldly staring at me as she spread her beautiful legs apart to reveal her delicious dripping parts to me.
"Just hurry up and get it over with..."
I give a cocky smirk at her newfound eagerness as I rip my pants from my body, making my 10 inches of girth flop out. (Y/n)'s eyes widen, legs tensing in fear as I climb across the bed, large, heavy cock bouncing with every movement until my hips are settled between her deliciously plump thighs. I rub the head of my shaft along her sensitive, saliva-slick bud before I push it past the tight, clenching entrance. Her hole seemed to be already struggling to take it in, but the expression on her face told me she was in pleasure-filled pain.
"All I did was slide in the tip."
"It's just a little th-thick..."
"Hm, but I'm only 3 inches in. Since I 'like' you, I'll be nice this once."
"W-what? What do you--"
"Let's try for at least 6. And don't worry, I don't break the toys I intend to play with for longer than a night."
Before she can question me, anymore, I grab her right hip to hold her still while guiding a few more inches into her, watching as it stretches her hole wider and wider with each new inch. I finally stopped once my tip was pressed tight against her cervix and looked down at her blissed-out face, eyes scanning down to where she was stretched around me.
"Don't tell me you're done already, Lady (Y/n). I've seen you get stabbed worse than this."
"Shut the hell up and just m-move already."
I smile evilly. My hips draw back before plunging back into her, making her throw her head back into my mattress and pull at my sheets. I raise my eyebrows at the sensitivity of her body making the situation that much more surreal. I laugh at the feeling of her pussy desperately clenching around me as her gasps adorably morph into moans. I wrap my hand around her throat, holding tightly to see how her moans sound when her air's been restricted.
"You make the most delicious sounds, (Y/n)."
"Sh-shut... Ngh, y-you don't get to call me that."
"Do you like it?"
"I- ngh... N-no~"
"Well that can't be the truth since you're moaning so very loudly. Tell me honestly; your friends are not here to judge." I lean down to whisper in her ear, "And trust that this night will stay to me, alone."
She wraps her ankles around my waist, inevitably pulling me a couple of inches deeper as she tightens around me and reaches her clmax with a yelp. I looked down at where we were connected and saw a patch of slick on my pelvis. Hmm, that was...mmm. After making sure I had a good grip on her body, I moved our activity across the room and pinned her against the wall, continuing to thrust with my heavy balls slapping and grinding against the plush of her ass with every stroke.
"F-fuck, hah~!" She panted.
"How the mighty have fallen, I recall you saying that you hated me."
"I-- f-fuck- do."
"Oh but darling, that implies you hate all of me. But look at you, against the wall in my room, gushing on my cock. You talk so big, that's what I like about you really."
"Sh-shut up."
"I'd admire your stubbornness more if it wasn't bordering on stupidity. But I do admire this body and brain of yours, not broken yet despite roughly taking 10 inches of a god like it's nothing."
With a raised eyebrow, I push the last inch of my cock inside of (Y/n)'s and make her drop her head to my shoulder. She uses all her willpower to lift her head and look me in the eyes while weakly attempting to push against my hips but she's so weak from pleasure it only makes my hips go faster to spite her efforts.
"Where are you going? You're off the ground, darling, you can't run from me."
"Hm, someone has seemed to go dumb. What happened to that attitude you had when you entered my castle? What happened to that?"
"Y-You fuckin' bastard..."
"You just needed me to fuck it out, didn't you? Don't worry, wench, I'll fuck you back to a state where you can watch your tongue a little better."
I continue drilling into her hole, watching as her enchanting eyes swell with ecstasy-filled tears before rolling back into her skull. I take her back to the bed, placing her ankles on my shoulders and thrusting deeper, even taking it upon myself to softly kiss her calves when she suddenly gushes again making her cunt even easier to slip into while she convulsed and screamed my name.
"There we go, ugh~ even better. that feels really good. It's been forever since I had such a willful, tight lover in my bed."
I start to lose my own mind at the feeling so I grab the headboard to find some semblance of control while she looks for some herself by tugging at the sheets, and babbling incoherently underneath me.
"Will you give me the honor of being the first mortal I happily give my seed to? I need to hear you say it cuz I'm getting ready to put my seed deep inside your womb so you can be mine.”
My cock starts to throb, dripping more and more precum inside her with every slow deep thrust. My lips ghost the shell of her ear while I pant and whine about how good she feels squeezing the life out of my cock. (Y/n)'s breathy whine makes me chuckle between more deep thrusts.
"You ready, mortal?"
"Uh-huh, p-please..."
"That's more like it~” I bury my face into her neck, kissing at the love bite I left earlier, "Ooh that's it."
My balls tense finally ready as hot, thick cum rushes inside her walls, filling up all the space. (Y/n) claws at my back as she trembles underneath at the sudden heat rushing through her insides.
"Oh yesss..." I moaned, "Take it, mmh, take it all just like that, little one."
"Sh-shit, too much...."
"Shh, I know you can.”
My seemingly endless stream of my divine cum continued filling her insides to the brim, making her lower stomach bulge out from the amount I grind into her pussy, sealing every last drop inside. (Y/n) head lolls on the pillows, her mind trying to produce more thoughts or insults as some cum started to seep out in trickles down her thighs. A few more spurts of cum were shot inside and I sighed, finally finished and panting.
"There we are. Now I feel more inclined to help you."
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allaboutnayeli · 1 month
FALLING DEEP | e.de almeida x reader
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summary: all elisa wants after a bad game is you.
author notes: this is a special fic for my bestie @moonystoes 🩷 since this dumb bitch be dying for elisa fics. i changed the whole plot from what she originally wanted, but hey beggers can't be choosers 🤷🏾‍♀️ the rest of yall enjoy too!
contains: elisa de almeida x reader, elisa is lowkey a little insecure about her football skills, fluff/comfort, based after brazil's quarterfinal win at the olympics (might not be accurate so just chill), lesbians being lesbians
playing break from toronto by partynextdoor 🎵
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elisa hates losing. she wouldn't even call herself a competitive person, but it's just something about losing that irritates her. especially when it comes to something she wants so badly, like getting far in the olympics.
after the regular ninety minutes, then nearly nineteen minutes of stoppage time, france just couldn't get a goal into the back of the net. getting a draw then going into penalties would feel way better than just not having a goal at all. at least france would have something to show for themselves, but no, the whistle is blown, and the game is officially over, and elisa's heart feels like it's breaking apart. trying not to cry is a challenge within itself. it's a home crowd, and still france couldn't pull through; it feels a bit embarrassing to elisa. especially as a defender, the french player strongly believes that if her team can't score, then she should be able to stop most goals coming near the net but that's not what happened.
france was messy this match, that can't be denied. the exhaustion of playing games with only a day of rest had gotten to them, and this is the outcome.
time feels like a blur as elisa goes from the bench to the locker room. the tiredness from the tournament is starting to really set in. not just the physical exhaustion but mentally as well. elisa definitely needs a twenty four hour nap when she gets back home.
when everyone is in the locker room, that's when the words of comfort are spoken. elisa can't focus on that much when her brain feels like it's turning to mush, so she just blocks everything out and waits for the talking to stop. her mind drifts off to the only thing (well, person) that could bring her a sense of comfort right now: you.
that soothing voice of yours flows into her mind, distracting her from anything else. you couldn't make it to the match due to work, which elisa isn't even annoyed about anymore. she would be embarrassed out of her mind if you saw that performance of hers in person. even though she knows you will watch the match eventually, that's still better than elisa looking into the crowd and seeing your shining eyes look at her.
fianlly wendie stops talking, elisa gets up to go shower right away. a few others go to the showers as well. the french player takes a shower longer than usual until the water runs cold. when she steps out of the shower, picaud is stepping out of her shower as well.
"are you feeling alright?" the taller woman says. elisa lets out a hum at the question. she doesn't answer for a moment, changing into a nike tech set. when she's changed, finally she says, "i feel.. okay. it is what it is, you know."
"yeah.. you played good though, don't beat yourself up about it," picaud says.
good.. suree elisa thinks to herself before turning to see picaud is fully dressed as well. the defender shrugs, "you played good too. everyone did, we were just not connecting."
"don't be so hard on yourself. i know how you get," picaud pats elisa's shoulder before leaving out of the showers. elisa doesn't answer but follows after the goalkeeper. the only two left in the locker room beside picaud and elisa is katoto and sakina.
sakina looks up from her phone when the two walk into the locker room, "finally. everybody else is on the bus, so we can go back to the hotel." katoto grabs her bag then picaud and her leave out of the locker room first, leaving sakina and elisa.
the moccoran looks at elisa as the defender puts some of her things into her bag. sakina can clearly see the down mood elisa is in, anyone would be able to just by looking into the defender's eyes. when elisa finishes packing, then makes her way to the door, sakina follows. when the two of them step out of the locker room, sakina speaks, "don't beat yourself up about the match, eli. we all played like shit."
the bluntness of sakina's words makes elisa laugh. sakina laughs, too. the mood lightens a bit as they reach the bus. with them being the last ones to get on the bus, they have to sit next to each other, obviously. the bus is mostly quiet, which is expected after being knocked out of a major tournament at home.
elisa's mood drops again as she closes her eyes. the movement of the bus should be calming her like it usually does, but not this time as all she sees when she closes her eyes is brazil's goal followed her performance in the match before she was benched off. then her mind drifts off to you, and elisa realizes she hasn't texted you since the match ended. the french player wasn't thinking about her phone at all after the match. she especially wasn't thinking about social media, already knowing the team is being tore apart for their performance. good thing she deleted twitter before the match.
anyways, back to you, elisa pulls her phone out of her pocket of her pants. she immediately sees the notifications of the messages you sent to her. seeing that even when you're busy, you still find a way to support her makes elisa feel all warm inside.
y/n 💕
play well my love ❤️❤️
sorry i sent the message late 😓 it's busy over here!!
are the first messages elisa sees. they were obviously sent early on the match. she usually would have seen them at half time, but with the team not playing the best, half time was focused on trying to fix what's going on. she looks at the other messages you sent,
y/n 💕
i finally have some free time
i saw the score 💔 so sorry for you and everyone else baby
i haven't watched the game yet but i'm sure you played well
elisa smiles at the messages. even though they remind her of the entire reason her mood has been down since the last whistle was blown. still, they make her feel better anyways. she reads the rest of your messages that are mostly just checking up on her after noticing she didn't reply to your previous ones then asking her if you can come over to the hotel where france is staying.
y/n 💕
i can sneak into your room once i get off?
elisa 💛
you don't have to sneak but yes okay ❤️❤️
y/n 💕
okay baby ❤️
elisa slips her phone back into her pocket, then leans her head against sakina, who side eyes her but lets it slide. for the rest of the bus ride, elisa just looks at sakina's phone, which is playing some tv show she doesn't care to know.
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the team reaches the hotel, and everybody gets off the bus. everyone make their way to their own hotel rooms (thankfully, france allowed everyone to have their own room) with elisa and sakina exchanging "goodnight"s before going into their hotel rooms.
elisa closes her door behind her, letting out a sigh at finally being able to truly rest. she drops her bag near the closet then slips off her shoes before heading to the bathroom to shower.
forty minutes later, and elisa comes out of the bathroom. she's wearing a robe while letting her hair air dry. elisa doesn't check the time because if she did, she would realize your shift at work ended ten minutes ago and that you're probably on your way over to the hotel.
she absentmindedly changes into some pajamas before going to sit on her bed. elisa only gets a few scrolls on her phone in before hearing a knock at the door. the french player internally groans, not really wanting to deal with anyone right now. still, she gets up and answers the door. her entire mood changes when she sees it's you.
"hi baby," you hug her the moment she opens the door. she hugs back, pulling you into the room. she shifts you two slightly so she can close the door.
after a few more minutes, you pull away from her. a soft smile on your lips as you say, "i didn't even have to sneak in."
"told you so," elisa chuckles, then pecks your forehead. you pucker your lips for an actual kiss, and she obliges, kissing you. the two of you pull away to breathe.
"missed you.." you say while moving away from elisa slightly to slip off your shoes. then you grab her hand and pull her towards the bed. you fall onto it first, then elisa falls right next to you onto the mattress. you giggle before pulling her close, letting her snuggle her face into your neck.
elisa murmurs into the skin there, "missed you more."
the two of you lay in silence after that, you gently playing with her hair. elisa just lets out soft hums as she closes her eyes and enjoys the warmth of your embrace. her mind feels so calm that she doesn't even think about the match or what everyone is saying online. all she has to think about is right now, being with you as your hands play with her hair and she listens to the beating of your heart.
you enjoy the comfortable silence, but you think about the match and its result. you already know how elisa gets after losses; in a mood of blaming herself for mishaps of the game. the french woman truly believes most weight lays on the shoulders of defenders, so when she fumbles it, she feels like shit. you debate in your head whether to say anything about it or not. in the end, you decide it's best to say at least some comforting words. elisa has a bad habit of keeping her emotions to herself and doesn't vent as much as she should.
"so about the match.." your words knock elisa out of the nearly sleep state she was in. she doesn't say anything, but you can feel her slightly grip on your waist.
you continue, "don't put all the blame on yourself, love. it's a team sport at the end of the day."
elisa doesn't reply right away, letting your words sink in. of course, you're the rational one between the two of you. still, she wants to cling to the feelings of self-doubt and regret that linger from a match that ended hours ago.
"i played like shit," is what she ends up saying. her bluntness doest surprise you. based on the score you knew she would feel this way. it makes sense truly. that doesn't mean you agree with the statement.
"you all played like shit obviously," you say, giggling when elisa moves her head from your neck to give you a look, "not in that way, dumbass. i meant that teams have bad days sometimes and sometimes they happen on the days of the most important matches. that's football."
you and elisa shift positions slightly so you two are facing eachother face to face. your noses are kissing and you're looking straight into her eyes. some slight regret lays in her eyes, but at the same time you see some acceptance.
acceptance of the match outcome or her performance? you don't know, but either way it's better than the emotions you knew she felt earlier.
elisa smiles, "you're right.. still it's so frustrating how messy we are when it matters most."
"hm.. rant to me about it?" your right hand goes to her hair, starting to play with it. elisa smiles again before moving slightly to peck your lips.
elisa rants all her frustations out about the national team for nearly a hour. somehow she ends up with her head on your chest. after that, the two of you watch your favorite tv show until you both fall asleep.
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author notes: first fic now that i'm back from my writing break 🫠 this is cute and simple and i hope you guys enjoyed it!
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
A New Dawn
Summary: Fives died...only it's a little more complicated than that.
Word Count: 1114
Warnings: Death, blood, technically character death but it doesn't stick
Characters: ARC Trooper Fives, F! Twi'lek reader
Tagging: @bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98 @Mira-loves-starwars @tiredbi-peach
@dukeoftheblackstar @trixie2023 @kimiheartblade @padawancat97 @falconfeather23435
@etod @n0vqni
A/N: So, I have Fives brain rot and I'm going to make it everyone's problem. But I don't have a whole story in me right now, so have a drabble. Drabbly thing.
Okay. Not so much a drabble, lol.
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Fives died.
He knows he died. He was shot, right through the heart. And, without his armor to protect him, he died. Hell, even with his armor to protect him, he still would have died.
It's a side effect of being shot through the heart, you see.
Anyway. Fives was shot, by his own older brother (rude much), and he was shot through the heart. Ergo. He died.
Simple even.
This is why he finds himself absolutely befuddled when he wakes up and finds himself sitting in the Kamino morgue, with a very healed Y-Incision scar on his chest, and an even more healed blaster starburst over his heart.
First off, since when do the Kaminoans do autopsies on clones?
Second off, since when is a blaster bolt to the heart survivable?
Fives pinches his arm, that's what you're supposed to do when you're dreaming, right? At least, that's what Ahsoka said once.
Of course. This doesn't account for the fact that he's supposed to be dead.
He sits up and looks around. Yup. This is definitely a morgue. All of the dead bodies everywhere kind of make it obvious.
Of course, so far as he's aware the bodies are supposed to be on gurneys, not sprawled across the floor. And he's pretty sure that morgues are supposed to be clean and not look like a scene from a horror movie.
He wonders if he should be concerned about his lack of concern about the dead Kaminaons sprawled around the room. Fives thinks about it for a moment, and then decides that he's in shock and that is why he's not reacting.
Sounds logical, at least.
Fives swings his legs off the side of the table and then pauses. He lifts the sheet that is doing a very poor job of keeping the cold out, actually, and releases a thoughtful hum.
Well yes, of course he's naked. It's kind of hard to do an autopsy on a dressed person. Well. He assumes. He's never actually done an autopsy before. That was more Kix's thing.
Fives looks around the room, there must be something—
Ah! There!
He hops to his feet, being careful to step around both the bodies and the pools of blood, to pull a pair of sweatpants out of a nearby closet. They're clean, which is good enough for him, so he pulls them on.
They're also a little big on him, made for an Alpha class vod'e probably. Whatever, beggers can't be choosers and he is not running around naked.
He'll catch a cold.
Fives grabs a sweatshirt as well and is about to pull it on when the door to the morgue slams open. He jumps and whips around. He doesn't have a weapon outside of the sweatshirt, but he can make that work.
The person on the other side of the door let's out a startled shout when she sees him, and she flings a ball of flimsy across the room. It hits Fives in the chest and bounces, uselessly, to the floor.
Fives stares at the paper for a moment, and then he looks at the woman. She's a twi'lek, short and curvy, and she's wearing what looks like scrounged spacer armor.
"Who are you!" She demands as she points at him accusingly.
"I live here, who are you?"
The woman pauses, "You live in the morgue?"
Fives pauses as well, "Do you always answer a question with a question?"
"Do you?" The woman's gaze drifts to his chest and she releases a noise that sounds a lot like that tooka kitten that Tup once tried to smuggle onto the Resolute, "Did someone try to autopsy you!?" She sounds horrified.
Which, Fives thinks, is probably an appropriate response.
"...but...the scars..."
"They didn't try, so far as I can tell. They succeeded."
"I was dead. Shot right through the heart."
"Cool. Cool. Cool cool cool." She says quickly, "So, like, you're a zombie."
Fives tilts his head to consider the comment, "Well, I was dead and now I'm not, so I suppose, following the technical definition, yes. I am."
He finally pulls the sweatshirt on, it's really cold in here actually. "I don't feel like eating your brains though, so no need to worry about that."
"That's awesome." She hasn't taken her eyes off of him, "So, uh, did you do...this?" She asks as she gestures vaguely towards the bodies.
"...they were dead when I woke up."
"So, there's something else here slaughtering people and it's not the actual zombie?"
"So it would appear."
"That's super."
Fives hums noncommittally, "If you bring me to the Jedi, I'll help you escape." He offers, it's a good offer. He's a very talented soldier, in his opinion.
The little twi'lek blinks at him, "Uh...the Jedi are dead. Like. Super dead."
"Ah. Palpatine."
"You are very well versed in the horrors of the galaxy for a zombie." She notes.
"Well, I was killed because I learned Palpatine was going to kill the Jedi."
"Oh. That sucks. It's a shame you weren't able to tell anyone." She offers, before she jumps at a loud crash from the hallway, "Oh. Right."
"What was that?"
"It...might have been an assassin droid."
"Why are assassin droids after you?"
"What?! They're not! Why would you ask me that? What are you, a cop?"
"That wasn't suspicious at all."
"Shush. You're going to get me caught Zombie!"
"My name is Fives."
"That's a number."
"It's a name and it's mine."
She squints at him, and he stares right back at her, and then he jumps when she claps suddenly, "Help me not die and find the stupid thing that I'm looking for here, and I...will take you with me Zombie Fives."
"...To do what?"
"Counteroffer," Fives offers as he leans in and grins sharply, "I save your life, and then you help me murder Palpatine."
Her lower lip juts out childishly, "Counter-counteroffer. You save my life, and I help you meet people who are also trying to kill Palpatine, and then you help me save my family from slavery."
Fives leans back, "Counter-counter-counteroffer. I save your life, you help me kill Palpatine, I help you save your family from slavery, and then you help me save my family from slavery."
"Deal." He stretches, "Give me your blaster and get behind the desk." He grins when she tosses her blaster at him and then jumps behind the desk, just as the door starts glowing.
Fives has been having something of a bad day. His grin sharpens as the assassin droid steps into the room, "Hello misplaced aggression."
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4,10 and 19 ? 👀 (did I do it right ? Or do I have add something to it ?)
4. You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side right? Anything.
10. Let me call you mine just for tonight.
19. Never scare me like that again!
Nope you did it right! Lol Thank you for sending this in ☺️
Hope you don't mind if I use the prison au, it has me in a chokehold 😫 Au belongs to @rius-cave
Lucifer pulled Adam along by the collar of his jumpsuit back to their shared cell. He was fucking pissed at the ex-officer, how stupid can you be?!
Adam was sporting a freshly made black eye, given to him by one of the V gang members. He didn't say anything as he was pulled along, he did what he did for a reason and he'd do it again.
Lucifer all but threw Adam into their cell slamming the door behind them, he waited for the click to be sure the door was locked. Adam sat down on the bed and just waited for the ear full he knew he was in for. Lucifer came up to him and gripped Adam's jaw, making him look Lucifer in the eye. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!! Do you hear me? You could have fucking died!" Lucifer roared, his voice sounded angry, but it was laced with concern.
Adam rolled his eyes which earned him a stronger grip on his jaw. "Like you give a shit." He ground out.
Lucifer glared, the nerve of this prick! "Look," he started "I know you were only trying to get that V asshole off of Anthony, I agree the guy could use a shit kicking for what he does to that kid. But putting yourself in harm's way like that? Val wouldn't think twice about shanking you."
Adam and Anthony or 'Angel' as his street name was, have grown close in the clink. So when Adam saw that fucker smacking his friend around, it set something inside his soul on fire. So he stepped in and shoved the prick into his equally weird friend. That had earned Adam his black eye when Val stood back up. Apparently, he had more in mind than just blackening the ex-officers eye.
Lucifer had stepped in at the last second and stole the shank away and had embedded it into Val's ribcage.
Adam felt his eye throb at the memory. "Well, if you'd have let him, your job here would be done now wouldn't it?"
Lucifer was taken aback by this, but he recovered quickly. "Are you really that stupid? I take my deals very seriously. For as long as I own you, you will not be harmed as much within my power."
Lucifer got closer to his face, his blue eyes boring into Adam's dark brown ones, this close he thought he could see flecks of gold. "You know I'd do anything to keep you by my side, right? Anything." He growled out. What did he have to do to drive the point home?
Adam felt his breath hitch in his throat. Somehow this felt different, like something between has changed. "I don't know, do I know that?" Sure, there had been lingering touches, they showered together for fuck sakes and even shared a weird kiss but they had never done more than that.
"I don't like people touching what belongs to me. You're my bitch, only I can touch you." Lucifer trailed a hand, the one not holding Adam's jaw, down from Adam's neck to the buttons of his jumpsuit toying with them. He undid the top button and smiled when he felt Adam shiver. "Let me call you mine, just for tonight." He whispered against Adams lips.
Yes, he owned this man's ass but he wouldn't force him into any unwanted sexual situations. Lucifer wasn't a monster.
Adam swore the temperature in their cell was turned up to a suffocating degree, he was hot all over. He knew the blonde twink wasn't going to let him fuck him, Lucifer was planning on fucking him. Adam had never been with a man before. He always thought that if he did try to sleep with a man one day, it sure was shit wasn't gonna happen in prison.
Beggers can't be choosers he supposed.
"Okay." Was all he said before Lucifer's lips attached themselves to his own, stealing the air out of his lungs. Adam felt himself being pushed down into the bunk bed, Lucifer crawling on top of him. He felt his jumpsuit being unbuttoned.
Even if this was a mistake, a choice made in the heat of the moment with emotions running too high. Neither could deny afterwards how fucking great it had been.
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shmowder · 2 months
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LARA RAVEL: It's so nice of you to come. Are you tired? Hungry?
LARA RAVEL: You've heard already that all the provision's been destroyed, right? They say it was the infected meat that caused the disease... So now there's no food at all... Only the food we've managed to snatch before it all began... So I have nothing to offer, save for some bread and milk.
Daniil: Thank you, but you don't have to offer me anything. We're not man and wife.
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JESUS DANIIL. She's just offering bread and milk, not a three-way with The Haruspex!! fuck you mean "we're not man and wife" ???? Must you be wedded at the altar in order to receive baked goods and dairy products? Do you also marry your milkman Daniil? Is the local baker your fiancé??
Just take the food and shut up. Oh my god. "We're not man wife." You're starving is what you are!
Beggers can't be choosers, Danya. I would've made you do unspeakable things for that piece of bread, I would've pimped you out at the first opportunity for that 25% hunger removal. Be grateful she's giving it for free.
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loreculus · 2 years
like you were written for me (ii)
summary: in which i read a lot of pretty things that remind me of a lot of genshin impact characters (back by popular demand, tysm for the support! you all own my heart).
featuring: albedo, childe, dainsleif, diluc, itto, kaeya x gn!reader (seperately)
cw: mentions of childe's real name
personal favorites: childe, dainsleif
a/n: i'm sorry for being mia!! school is killing me slowly hard. also,,, sorry for always giving kaeya angst. i don't even mean to, it's just so fitting for him. T^T ALSO! this is x gn!reader but please let me know if they are any pronouns slips that i may have missed :) enjoy loves!! <3
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albedo k. — "from the base of her neck, to the arch of her eyelids, her beauty made a slave of me." adonis.
the air was unsettled as you posed against the rocky perch; a faint breeze working rosiness into your cheeks and goosebumps up your arms. to your back was the ocean blue and to your front was the white of your lover's hair.
albedo sat neatly in the green of the earth, his paintbrush dancing colors across the white canvas in front of him. painting was his passion, and you, his muse. like a true daughter of mnemosyne, you were an endless source of inspiration for him, a constant tickling of his senses and thoughts. he felt like a prisoner, the way your soul captured his own.
but just like he never thought of himself a genius, neither did you consider yourself a model. he almost found it funny, how you could spew praise but never take it. he loved that humble character of yours, but he also wanted to rid you of it. even if for only a moment, he wanted to see you fall for the sight of your image, like he did with each waking moment.
the belly of his brush maneuvered around the portrait, it's bristles staining the linen as it went. various pigments were quick to flood the piece, and it's whiteness soon drowned in the care of it. albedo delicately traced your features into the art, loving the way the brush spiraled over each curve and drifted over every detail. from the base of your neck, to the arch of your eyelids, your beauty made a slave of him.
"albedo, can i finally see it?" your eyes pointed to the eisel.
his lips curved into a soft smile, pleased by your eagerness. he extended his hand towards you, saying, "come here, love."
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childe — "that's the trouble with loving a wild thing: you're always left watching the door." edith pattou.
you laid sprawled underneath the covers of your shared bed, cheek pressing against the pillow. though your body sat still, your eyes danced at the door.
ajax was always a busy man—that simply came with his job of being a harbinger. thus, most nights consisted of you under the covers, curtains sheltering you from the moonlight, awaiting his return. most nights, that return never came. but some nights, nights like this one, a certain red-haired loverboy would finally walk through the wooden entryway and join you in your reverie.
his arms were quick to consume you, gently wrapping around your torso. his head found a home in your neck, the tops of his hair pressing against your nose. his affections were typically more dominating, for he much preferred your head to be cradled by his chest, but the fatigue from his work kept him from caring. beggers can't be choosers, as they say.
and it's not as if he could claim to be uncomfortable either, the layering of your bodies was the warmth he needed on any cold snezhnayan night.
ah, snezhnaya. the land of his hearth and home that oddly seperated him from you, his strength and stay. he originally joined the fatui to quench his thirst for battle, to provide a wealth of challenges to test his might; but, it would seem the greatest challenge now was fighting on the battlefield knowing what waited for him at home. though he was still very much enamoured by the feel of his hand clutched around a weapon, the affection he harbored for you grew by the minute.
because who, even a battle-hungry tool like himself, could resist the care of an angel on earth? the warmth of your smile, the softness of your touch? even now, as you both lie together, eyes lightly lidded and minds half-asleep, he finds his self-control depleted and his senses consumed by you. and, though he'd never admit it, he preferred it this way. despite considering himself a weapon, he'd rather fall ill with your love than die by the blade of the enemy.
as you laid there entangled, you both wanted nothing more than to be frozen in time—snuggled so close you shared a heartbeat. but this world was a cruel one, and dreams didn't always come true. a ringing noise from the corner of the bedroom demanded your lover's attention, and he groggily got up to heed it's call. in no more than a minute, ajax's tired expression was off his face and his boots were on his feet. before setting off, he took your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of it, saying, "sorry, love. i'll be home soon."
and then he was gone, out the door in which he came. you were gutted, but it wasn't a new feeling. to be honest, this recurring sentiment kept you company longer than childe did. but you guessed that was just the trouble with loving a wild thing: you were always left watching the door, waiting for him to walk back through it.
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dainsleif — "in the crooks of your body, i find my religion." sappho.
dainsleif was never a holy man, the word itself left a bad taste in his mouth. recently, however, he has found himself following someone like the apostles trailed the lord: you.
how he went from avoiding archons to making one out of you, he had no idea. for all he knew now was the sound of your voice and the way honey escaped your lips; the feel of his fingers between your hair and how he wouldn't mind getting tangled in it; the abyss that was your eyes and drowning in the depth of them.
not that he would ever want you to know that's how he felt. after the despair of his nation and the loss of his mortality, he doesn't want to lift you up only to make you fall. he knows the pain of that feeling all too well. so while you said "hello" like an invitation, he said "goodbye" like a promise. but just as the gods broke their promises, so did he.
the twillight sword, named for his victories in battle, moved so gently as he pressed his body closer to your own. he was a dichotomy of sorts, his own personal paradox, with his person splintered into the roughness of his past and the softness of his future. he slipped an arm around your lower back and brought his other arm to rest over your head against the stone behind you, effectively trapping you between himself and a statue of the seven.
even with the close proximity, the blonde moved nearer still, and his pale hair could practically frame your own face.
"this seems rather sacreligious, does it not?" you breathed.
he gave a quick, indifferent glance to the anemo archon's statue pressing against your back. "i won't ask for his forgiveness. if anything, he would have to beg for mine." his words echoed in your ear and you could swear they were laced with poison.
"so you don't worship a god?"
he merely nodded in negation.
"what if i wanted you to worship me?"
"i would."
"you would?"
"yes," he held your body tighter, your gaze more intensely. "for in the crooks of your body, i find my religion."
in a final push against the stone diety, the knight closed the space between your lips; and, though he had never seen the inside of a church, his kiss was like a desperate prayer; fealty poured from his lips and your knees weakened with the taste of it. he kissed you like his life depended on it, like it was the only means by which he could achieve salvation.
his body consumed you—all you could sense was him. his scent tickled your nose; he smelled like sin. his taste flooded your mouth; he tasted like paradise. he was a cursed child of heaven and hell, and you wanted all of him.
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diluc r. — "i could start fires with what i feel for you." david ramirez.
the hour hand was parallel and darkness consumed the sky. you didn't normally venture out this late, but you were struggling to sleep and desperately needed something besides laying open-eyed in bed to occupy your time. besides, the latern clutched in your left hand kept your vision dependable and your breathing even. did you really have anything to worry about?
yes. a lot of things, actually.
just after a few peaceful minutes alone, you heard crunching coming from behind, it's volume increasing in intensity as the seconds passed you by. it was a group of hilichurls beginning to trail you with their torches ablaze. you inwardly cursed yourself for your rash decisions and lack of preparedness and began your flee away from your pursuers. your heart beat acclerated with each step you took, the pads of your feet were stained with dirt and battered by tiny, loose branches.
you kept your face mostly forwards, only looking back to track your lead on them. but, as if it were someone's dying wish, your toes rammed into the edge of a rock portruding out from the ground and your face high-fived the earth.
with your unexpected (but not surprising) fall, you found yourself surrounded by a gang of fire-wielding hilichurls, all thirsting for blood. your blood, to be specific.
sighing in defeat, you slid your eyelids close and anticipated your end. or at least, a pain of some kind. but that feeling never came. hesistantly, you blinked your eyes open to find a man dressed in black swinging an enflamed claymore at your foes. with this man's sheer might, you kind of felt sorry for the little creatures, even though they tried to kill you mere moments ago. when the figure finished ridding the area of the hilichurls, the moonlight revealed his features as he turned to face you.
your mouth formed an "o" as you chuckled sheepishly, "um, thank you, diluc."
your relationship with the wine tycoon was...complicated. it could perhaps be best described as lot's of actions left undone and lots of words left unsaid.
his anger was tangible as he half-screamed, "why in teyvat are you out in the middle of the woods so late?"
"i couldn't sleep," your voice was barely audible.
though his anger was suffocating, you saw something else in his features besides fury. was it longing? desire? whatever it was, it looked alien on him.
silence was quick to consume the air between you, awkward glances and tense facial expressions the only communication ensuing. only with this quiet did you realize how close you were to him—so close you could cup his jaw with your palm. eventually, your mouth grew an itch that you needed to scratch. gathering confidence, you finally spoke.
"why are you looking at me like that?" your question was a whisper.
"like what?"
"like there's a flame behind your eyes."
"because i could start fires with what i feel for you." his reply was an oath.
he leaned in, lips touching lips, and all time seemed to stop. no longer did you hear the ticking of the clock, all that remained now was the beating of your heart and his. his kiss was heated in the way that made your toes curl and warm in the way that touched your heart at the same time.
he pulled away for a moment to catch his breath, asking, "and who wants to see the person they love mauled to death in the woods?"
as he brought his lips back to yours, you could feel his tounge slip into your mouth, a gentle yet insistent intrusion, and your body melted into his. you ran your fingers through his crimson hair, silently begging for more.
you were already so close—the pads of his fingers pressing desperately into your back, your legs wrapped around his torso, your scents mixing into a new genre of fragerence—but you wanted more. more, more, more.
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itto a. — "his arms became a set of parentheses bracketing the sweetest secret phrase." christina lauren, love and other words
itto reminded you of the time old saying, a bull in a china shop. he was the notoriously clumsy harbinger of misfortune; but, while everyone else thought that to be a deal breaker, you found it to be an endearing part of the "arataki the-one-and-oni itto" package. some of your fondest memories with him were a product of his blundering behavior. one such memory was your first kiss:
waves rocked the wood beneathed your feet. you and itto had been taking a relaxing day trip on the ocean, simply cruising across the waves in each other's company. with the gentle dea breeze caressing your face and the sun's rays warming your skin, it was the most pacific day. until your lover spotted some fish, that is. with the weather as perfect as it was, it was not surprising that the purple-colored fish came out to play, their forms become visible as the neared the sea's surface. itto, his big arms and all, started paddling his palms through the water, thrashing about in an attempt to catch one.
"what in teyvat-" he couldn't see your face, but he could hear the smile in your voice.
"listen, you won't be laughing like that later when i catch you a new pet!"
looking back, he was kind of right—you certainly weren't laughing when this oaf of an oni fell overboard into the water and exclaimed, "help! i can't swim!" despite your shock, you curved your body over the helm of your small, shared boat and attempted to lug himback onboard. you didn't think you could do it, but, albeit arms straining, you managed to fish him out.
despite this feat, you soon realized that you can take an oni out of the water but you can't take the water out of an oni. since his eyes were still lidded even after slapping his face with the force of a thousand suns, you made an emergency decision: positioning yourself over his body, you pressed your lips to his, making your air his air. now, this wasn't as romantic as it sounds—you performed some wild chest compressions immediately afterwards. to your surprise, your rough first-aid skills did the job. itto's lashes slowly parted, revealing those two red eyes you adored so much.
between coughs, your lover exclaimed, "yo, i just had the coolest dream! we we're crusing on a boat and then some fish surfaced the water and then i tried to catch one and then i fell in-" his voice trailed when he saw the pair of humor and concern dancing in your eyes.
"i wasn't dreaming?"
"i almost drowned?"
"you kissed me?"
"it's called CPR, you perv."
"well, could ya' do it again?"
laughing, you folded over the oni, your chest coming to rest on his. hands cupping his cheeks, you pressed a light and playful kiss against his lips. he moved his hands up to your shoulder blades and his arms thus became a set of parenthesis bracketing the sweetest phrase: you. fully trapped in itto's arms, your light pecks grew deeper with each passing second, leaving you breathless when you finally parted.
noticing your dazed expression, he gave you a smug smirk, saying, "told ya' you wouldn't be laughing later."
...you threw him back off the boat.
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kaeya a. — "if you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you." andrea gibson, lord of the butterflies.
a knock on the door stirred you from your slumber. flinging the duvet cover off your body, you wobbled towards to the front door of your mondstadt apartment. with a twist of your hand, the wooden entryway creaked open and revealed a pair of estranged brothers. the red-head stood steadily, acting as a pillar for his younger, highly intoxicated yet somehow concious brother.
"would you take him?"
"why would i not?"
you and diluc gently exchanged the fumbling calvary captain, muttering quiet "goodnights" as you went. kaeya's weight shifted onto to your shoulders and you helped maneuver him to a seat at your kitchen table as the older brother took his leave. your fingers held his chin, forcing his face to look at yours. your eyes searched his face, spotting beads of sweat framing his abnormally pale face. knowing he was in need of water, you swiped your index and middle finger through the air, conjuring a stream of water with your hydro vision. you slowly funnelled the adam's ale into his mouth, letting him swallow every drop.
"would you like something to eat? some toast maybe?" you questioned him softly.
he shook his head in negation, but his eyes betrayed him. you knew he wanted something to munch on, so you turned to prepare him some toast; but, it would appear that even his inebriated reflexes were faster than your sober ones. his hands jumped to your waist, holding you in place between his legs. "you don't have to do that. you should go back to bed," he began, his voice hoarse. "i'll be-"
"fine?" you scoffed. "kaeya, you can't lie and expect me to not notice. diluc of all people just dropped you off on my doorstep like a lost kitten. no, you are not fine. yes, i am getting you some food."
"but you shouldn't have to work yourself up over someone like me."
"someone like you?"
"someone self-destructive and sardonic. a glutton, a gimmick. an intolerable individual."
you gave him a tender smile, "well, you must not be too drunk if you can articulate all those fancy words," you pushed the hair out of his eyes before pressing on. "darling, if you are self-destrutive, let me piece you back together. if you are a glutton, let me give you more to take. if you are a gimmick, let me see the real you. if you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you."
holding his stare, your words echoed through the room. you only hoped it had echoed in his mind too.
begrudgingly, kaeya dropped his hands, allowing you to retrieve something from the kitchen behind you. you topped some sourdough with bananas and honey, serving them on a ceramic plate. you sat with him as he had, using your melody to distract him from the voice inside his head. the conversation was a simple as "is the food okay" and "how was your day," but you could see the tension leave his shoulders with every word that left your lips.
with his last bite, his nerves finally calmed. you prayed this peace would never leave him.
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-> likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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onceuponmyanime · 5 months
Obey Me Devildom
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*I've always wanted to write about little Fluffy segments on the side about how MC felt in a new place like the Devildom with all these people she should be afraid of but finds an odd sense of belonging.
So this is just my small take on it.*
The Always Famished Sixth Born…
"…So, can I eat now?…"
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Getting used to the food down here was getting easier, but I found craving food from home was inevitable given half the things in the Devildom were something a human being shouldn't necessarily consume.
It was a good thing Solomon could help in getting me a few basic ingredients I can work with. Sitting at the far side of the Lunch room at RAD, the smell of home embraced me as I opened my lunch box.
A shadow was cast over the table, making me look up to see Beelzebub standing there.
"What is that?" He pointed at the white mass wrapped in plastic seal.
"It's a pork bun." I'd learned how to make it from a chinese cuisine cookbook, it was an easy enough recipe and the ingredients were staple items in nearly everyones kitchen cupboards. "Would you like to try some?"
I had never seen someones face light up so brightly, and it made me feel a little warm inside.
"You would share with me?" He seemed genuinely surprised that anyone would give up their food willingly. It wasn't really that big of a deal for me.
"You can have it." His eyes went round like saucers.
"You're going to give me all of it?" Already he was munching it down, bite after bite.
"It's not a problem, I can make some more after school."
He looked at me with admiration.
"You MADE this? I've never had something that tastes like this before."
"They're pretty easy to make, I can show you if you want."
"I don't know if you can make enough to feed me." Still, he looked excited. "But I'd love to see you try."
For the first time since coming to RAD, I had someone sitting next to me at lunch time. And it just so happened to be one of the Seven Demon Princes of the Devildom.
I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, not really blaming amy of the other demons for their sudden interest.
"Just because you shared your lunch with me, don't expect me to share mine with you." He frowned at me.
I wasn't counting on it.
"Not to worry. I have other things in my lunch box I can eat." I would really have liked eating the pork bun, but beggers can't be choosers and I was just glad he didn't want to eat me. I watched as he happily ate everything on his lunch tray like it was the last meal he would ever have.
After the custard incident that resulted in my room being remolded and also having Beelzebub offer the other bed in his room, I found him a lot more approachable.
But I also found that he was hiding a lot of things too.
In fact, I had a feeling that all of the brothers were hiding a lot more of themselves not only from me, but from each other.
I've seen the way Beelzebub moons over not hearing from his younger brother, and I know that Belphegor felt the same way given they share such a special bond.
"I have to go to Fangol Practice." Beelzebub announces all of a sudden. "We have a game to get ready for this weekend." I was told Fangol was a lot like football back where I came from, and if I knew anything he definitely had the kind of build for such a contact sport. He gave me a small smile as he stood up. "I'm still holding you to that cooking lesson."
Well there was no way I was getting out of that one now.
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sapphic-agent · 3 days
Vaggie's story would improve alot if she admitted in some form she didn't actually Believe in reformation tbh, and that is what caused a drift between her and Charlie.
Like there is this pre-canon (soft canon now but whaters) comic where the girls meet Angel- He is rude and dismissive, Charlie is too optimistic, and Vaggie is done with his ass. All nice and good- but then there is this page that is kinda funny is retrospect:
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Vaggie, my girl, I understand Angel is a pain to deal with specially on this point of the show, but you are trying to redeem Sinners- people with a bodycount, at least. Drawing the line on "Sex workers that is being an asshole" and deeming him completely unreedameble is not going to help your cause girly 😭 (specially because yes, she clearly had an bias with him being an SW. On a prev panel her and Charlie are arguing about ever talking to him because he was smoking on a corner) literally nobody will want to change if someone that took that as their job gave up on them in five minutes of having an formal conversation. There is no such thing as a good candidate, is Hell and you guys have zero credibility. The good candidate is the one that don't attack you and is at least willing to hear you out. Beggers can't be choosers.
So yeah- have her in some point spill she doesn't believe that is possible to redeem a sinner, that hurt Charlie severally because "she is talking just like dad" who gave up on humanity (and both are fallen angels so they could explore an Bias) , in contrast to Lilith who loved this place- I am sucker for a couple having parallels with one of the people involved's parents.
Anyways the comic also has this page that had nothing to do with the convo, I just thought it was cute. They are adorable actually
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Vaggie is exceptionally judgmental of Sinners, I've noticed. Which doesn't even have to be a bad thing narratively because Lucifer is the same way. But what goes wrong is that the story doesn't confront it the way it does with Lucifer.
Lucifer acknowledged his own prejudice and came around to Charlie's dream because she changed his mind, he says this himself. Vaggie looks down on Sinners and only supports Charlie because she's Charlie. She wants to fulfill Charlie's dream to make her happy (she literally says this in Whatever It Takes), not because she actually believes in what she's doing.
And the show probably won't confront this. I don't think Viv even realizes that this is the way Vaggie's been written. It's something that goes over a lot of people's heads (had a Vaggie defender on one of my posts this morning actually) because she's meant to be the rational to Charlie's irrational.
That last panel is super cute! I love Charlie and Angel's relationship
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denny-artsss · 6 months
was inspired after seeing that one drawing left but
some angst/comfort of gangle and jax being the only ones left (even caine and bubble are somehow gone)
After a unusual Glitch broke into the system, Caine lost control of his powers, therefore being just as defenseless as the humans. One by one they abstracted in a chaotic unsuccessful panic to save themselves. Jax ran up the spiral stairs into the small cafe and sat on the floor behind a counter, covering his ears to block out the screams of terror as he heard his friends being corrupted one by one. Hearing the door of the cafe break open, he embraced himself for the worse. He felt something touch him and he started punching left and right, Gangle dodged it and hugged him tightly to calm him down.
"Its just me Jax- calm down-"
She said feeling him shaking. After a long undetermined amount of time there was silence in the circus like never before. Even the background music stopped.
"They're dead?"
He asked as Gangle looked out the window saying nothing. Jax stood up and rushed down the stairs to look at the huge mess, with Gangle following behind him. They looked down at the top hat and cane, wish is all that was left from Caine. Gangle picked up the cane fixed the mess in the circus, unfortunately she didn't manage to bring the others back.
Jax remained in that shell-shocked state for a long time. No matter how many times Gangle tried to cheer him up, now it felt more lonley than ever.
He barley ate or drank. He mostly slept, mostly in Gangles room. And mostly hanging out with her tho there was not much he was saying.
Tho he didn't like Gangle that much beggers can't be choosers when she was the only person in this giant circus.
(Part 2 if requested, or i could turn this into a fanfic, followers choice👌)
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I like to imagine our new little Grey Friend is the type who has zero friends and Vira is like. The Toxic Best Friend, but also his very first friend ever, so beggers can't be choosers. And the end of the plot we're all like 'you could do SO much better...'
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qrosewinter · 8 months
Description : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3... To be continued.
Summery: Where a girl from New Zealand goes to brooklyn to live with her Auntie and Uncle, mets a brooklyn boy with secrets and a voice like honey with pretty hazel green eyes.
Where a brooklyn boy mets a girl from New Zealand with an accent he's never heard before, who he can't seem to forget.
And a Polynesian girl struggling to find who she is in the concrete jungle of NYC so far from home.
The start of the most unlikely relationship between two people starts to bloom, between a brooklyn boy who's just a little misunderstood.
Will this relationship bloom or stay untouched? Maybe we should let fate take the lead for this one.
Fic summary: slow burn, obvious to flirting, a little bit of angst, romance, revenge, anger.
WARNINGS ⚠️: Horrible attempts at slang, Horrible attempts at Spanish, Swearing, Weapons, Gore, Drugs, Alcohol, Mature themes, Spelling mistakes.
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Chapter 2: Am I seeing shit again.
Are you hearing voices again? -Unknown
It's been about 3-4 days since I went to Visions and walked right into someone making a damn fool out of myself, but then again, what's new?
Not gonna lie it wasn't one of my best moments how awkward I felt I mean like, why in hells name did I say 'Have a good day' so god dammed awkwardly, why the fuck did I even say it at all!?
Could have said something like, "Well, sorry about that, but I gotta go, see ya. But not you had to go and say".
'Have a good day?', if I could punch myself so hard right now to make myself forget I ever said that I would, in a heartbeat.
But too bad you can't now can you :/
I'll be starting at Visions next week though, so I guess I have more chances to male myself out to be a fool, they did tell me during my little interview thing or whatever you wanna call it.
They didn't have any dormrooms ready for me at the moment.
so I won't be moving to the dorms anytime soon, which is fair.
I did so happen to start up at that school. What? A little past first term or semester, I think they call it here in America?
I don't know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the education system here, and I still don't understand a damn thing.
But anyway, I won't be put in a dorm room yet until they find an either an empty one or someone without a roommate, which I don't think will happen anytime soon.
But the good news is I don't live very far from school. The bad news is I'd have to wake up earlier to get ready and be out the door before school starts, which sucks ass.
But beggers can't be choosers, so I'll take it, means I won't have to share a room with someone I don't know that's a plus, I guess.
Still don't know how I'll handle seeing that guy. It'll be awkward. That's for
《 ○ 》
"Y/N!" My Auntie lily yelled from the kitchen, and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked away from the little notebook I was writing in seated at my desk.
"Yeah?" I called back out to her as I leaned back in my desk chair, tilting my head towards the door and waiting for a response.
But when I didn't get one, I groaned, frustrated, and rolled my eyes.
I hated when people did that. Even when parents did that, call out your name to get your attention, but don't say a damn thing, so you gotta get up to see what they want.
Only to be asked to do the most simplistic things ever, like pass them the TV remote.
But it's right in front of them on the coffee table, or they don't even remember anymore and tell you never mind.
I got up grumbling to myself under my breath as I walked out of my bedroom.
in the simplest outfit of an oversized black hoodie with a small red and white mushroom on the front over my left breast and two bigger ones on the back, with the words 'Let's take a trip' and just some simple army green shorts that used to be pants before I cut them up into shorts.
My hair was pulled back messily into an attempt at a bun before I gave up and left it as is.
I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, my bare feet barely making any sound on the carpet until I got to the kitchen.
And I leaned against the doorframe. "Yeah?" I said to my auntie, lazily raising an eyebrow at her with my hands stuffed into my hoodie pocket.
"Ah there you are, Me haere koe ki te toa maku ki te tiki i etahi mea maku, he rarangi takuKa taea e koe te haere ki te toa maku, ki te tiki etahi mea, he rarangi taku me etahi moni hei tiki." my Auntie said to me as she said to me as she picked up a list she had written out for me and held it out for me to take, along with a few bills to pay for everything on the list.
I groaned tipping my head back "ko te iwa i te po ka hiahia koe kia haere ahau ki te toa ko ahau anake" I said back to her as I dropped my head forward and took the list and money reluctantly.
"Yes, you'll be fine. Just take a knife and put it in your pocket." My Auntie huffed at me, waving my words off as she turned around to finish putting the dishes away.
I grumbled but didn't complain openly at least as I plucked a semi-sharp knife from the knife block and shoved it into my pocket as I turned and walked back to my room to get my jandels (Flip flops for the Americans :) )
I slipped them on, pulled my hood up over my messy hair shoved the list and money into my pocket along with putting my phone in my back pocket and taking just one earbud out of my JBL case and putting it in my ear.
Before I left the apartment, after going down some stairs out of the apartment building.
I tapped the side of my earbud about two times to skip through the songs I didn't want to listen too until I settled on 'Never enough by Six60' a classic song from a band back home.
"Still can't shake the feelin' in my bones, it won't leave me, it won't let me go," I sung under my breath to myself as I kept walking down the dark empty streets to the store about three blocks away.
It was dark besides a few lightposts lining the streets, some flickering others doing just fine. Brooklyn in the daytime was so different compared to the nighttime.
At night, it was dangerous. You had to keep your guard up, and I wasn't stupid. I knew crime ran wild at night in brooklyn.
I'd seen enough of it on TV, hearing people tall about it, and so on. It's the reason this city had a curfew, and why it kept getting early depending on just how bad it kept getting, and so far, it was getting worse before it's ever going to get better.
The once lively streets looked so much darker, like something out of a horror movie, not a sound besides the faint buzzing of streetlights.
feral cats digging through trash, the odd whisper of something in the alleyways and the sound of TV's playing from inside buildings.
But I wasn't completely dumb, I knew as quiet as it was, as empty as everything seemed around me.
I wasn't actually alone out here tonight, there was others out here, none with good intentions and anyone who did.
well, let's just say they wouldn't be there for long.
which is the reason my aunt made me take a knife with me for self-defense.
And what I knew I had to do was keep an eye out so I was, I kept an eye on my surroundings.
but made sure to make myself look relaxed and not all tense knowing that I'll just draw attention to myself if I did.
I glanced up and around me, though the streets were dangerous at night. I couldn't help but find them strangely beautiful too.
The way the stars just barely, peeked through the clouds in the sky under the pollution in the air, the way the street lights cast light on curtain parts of the streets and slowly left the others bathed in darkness.
The way the colours played off of everything around me was just in a strangely weird and beautiful. It's in its own dark twisted kinda way, of course, but still had a certain charm to it.
"There was a time when you would've given me everything that you own, The only thing you left me was alone.." I sung to myself under my breath as I kept my hands in my pocket.
my right hand gripping the handle of the knife loosely judt in case.
I sighed softly, sqinting my eyes as i looked in front of me.
I was tired from not sleeping properly the past few nights.
for some reason staying up until five in the morning then going to sleep, which yes I know is fucking stupid.
But I just couldn't get to sleep, for some stupid reason or another.
But still, I kept walking. I had just 2 more blocks to go before I hit the store to grab a few things, and then I could go home, collapse in bed, and die until tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
~I guess our time is up, I've given you too much, I just need to keep on movin', cause I still crave your touch, why won't you fade to dust?~
~so I can line you up, enough is never enough (ooh-ooh), enough is never enough(ooh-ooh), with every single does (oh-oh-oh), losin' all control (oh-oh-oh), never is never enough(ooh-ooh)~
( Miles's POV)
Meanwhile, with Miles....
~as I walk though the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at myself and realize there's nothin' left, 'cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long that, even my mama thinks that my mind is gone~
Miles hummed along to the music playing in his ears from his earbuds plugged into his phone shoved I his front pocket, as he he slipped on his jacket, a a dark purple nearing black in the low light of his Uncle's apartment.
Just another night as the prowler, and another night of getting his Mami the supplies she needed for the hospital she worked at.
so underfunded sometimes patients who needed their medicine who didn't get it in time, didn't make it.
~but I ain't never crossed a man who didn't deserve it, me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of, you better watch how ya talkin' and where ya walkin'~
Music was one of the ways Miles pumped himself up as he got ready to go out there with hi mask on, on the streets that he remembered used to be so beautiful before the corruption sunk its claws into his city and with it his Dad.
~or you and your homies might be lined in chalk, I really hate to trip but I gotta loc, as they croak, I see myself in pistol smoke, fool, I'm the kind of G that little homies wanna be like, on my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the steertlights~
Miles clenched his jaw and shook his head, rolling his shoulders.
'Naw ain't got time to think like that, get your in the game Miles' he thought to himself as he finished suiting up, he took one look at himself in the reflection of the windows in his Uncle's living room and stood a little straighter.
~we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've keep spendin' most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've been spendin' most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise~
'I'm gonna make you proud Dad, swear it' Miles thought as he took his earbuds out and unplugged them from his phone the music of 'Gangsta's paradise by Coolio, L.V' spilling from his phone as his mask smoothly slid over his face.Lookingng back at Miles was the prowler in his reflection.
"Ay Neph time to ,go," Uncle Aaron called out from the door, and Miles nodded.
"On my way, Unc," Miles said to Aaron, his voice distorted by the voice changer in his mask as he made his way to the door.
Long since having paused his music as he put his gloves on with a Sharp click.
~look at the situation they got me facin', I can't live a normal life, i was raised by the stripes, so I gotta be down with the hood team, too much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams, I'm an educated fool with money on my mind, got a ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye~
Miles followed Aaron to the rooftop of the apartment, building his clawed hands clenching and unclenching as he walked.
"You remember the plan?" Aaron said, walking in front of miles looking through his phone at the time, before he tucked his phone back in his pocket
"Mm, I remember get the shit be in be out," Miles muttered to his uncle as they made it to the rooftop, and he looked over the buildings around them.
Some had fires going on top of them, others didn't, but you could see the gleam of neon lights of tall skyscraper buildings in the distance and people moving around under the glow of lights shining though there apartment windows.
~I'm a loc'd out gangsta, set trippin' banger, and my homies is down, so don't arouse my anger, fool, death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away~
"Got yo earpiece?" Aaron asked Miles before he got ready to leave, handing Miles a black backpack.
"Yeah, it's in," Miles replied as he shrugged on the bag, Aaron handed him.
"Eyes sharp," Aaron said to Miles, nodding at him, standing back and tapping his earpiece in his own ear to turn it on.
"Mind steady," Miles said back with a nod before he was off using his grappling hook in hand to swing odd through the city under cover of the night towards the docs where a new shipment of medical supplies were waiting.
~I'm livin' my life do-or-die, uh, what can I say, I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24?, with way things is goin', I don't know, tell me why are we so blind to see, the ones we hurt are you and me~
Miles weaved in and out of alleyways High above on the air, flipping through the air and rolling along the side of buildings to build momentum as he headed for the docs using his titanium claws to grip onto the ledges of buildings to throw himself forward.
~we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise~
(Y/N's POV)
Seeing the store up ahead, I signed in relief.
"Thank fuck man" I grumbled under my breath as I pushed the door open and walked inside taking the list out of my pocket pocket I picked up a basket nearby from the door.
And started on my walk around the store for the items on the list my Auntie gave me.
"Dried chilli's, tortilla's, milk, bread and a juice" I mumbled under my breath reading over the list with a nod to myself as I repeated over and over in my head what was needed as I shoved the list in my pocket.
I walked around the store, throwing what was needed into the basket, and then, lastly, the juice.
I grunted softly, feeling how heavy the basket was now. The juice was in it.
"Damn," I muttered under my breath, gripping the handles of the basket just a little tighter as I walked towards checkout.
I paused, looking down at a shelf with some lollies on it- sorry, correction candies, my bad, I forgot I was in America.
I snorted softly to myself, amused as I picked up an interesting looking candies I'd never seen before or tired.
"Milk duds? Looks interesting, " I muttered to myself, and with a shurg, I dropped the box in the basket, a little treat for myself when I was walking home.
Making it to checkout, I set my basket on the counter.
"Hi, just these, please," I said politely to the casher, who looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here right now.
I shoved my hands in my hoodie pocket, standing there a little awkwardly as she checked them out for me.
'Mood, I feel you, my G', I thought to myself, glancing up at the girl at the counter, checking out my items for me.
She was actually really pretty, dark skinned with cornrows, and really pretty blue eyes that contrasted beautifully with her skin.
"That'll be $36.50, cash or card?" The girl spoke up a little drly, sounding tired, which is fair, so I didn't hold it against her.
"Cash, thank you," I said to her with a small smile as I counted out two $20's from the cash my Auntie gave to me and handed it to her.
"You wanna a bag?" She asked me as she counted out my change, which came to $3.50 as she handed it to me, and I took it, putting the change in my pocket.
"Yes, please," I said to her as she bagged up my items and handed me the bag.
"Thank you, have a good night," I said to her before I left, more in habit really from growing up in New Zealand, anytime.
"Mm," the girl muttered as she went back to playing on her phone, what she had been doing before I got to check out.
And I once more started on my walk home, glancing up at the sky every once in awhile hoping to see stars but only really managing to see planes or helicopters flying around
I frowned in disappointment before shrugging it off with a sigh.
With the bag of stuff in my left hand, I reached into my pocket with my right hand for my phone and used my fingerprint ID to open it.
I scrolled through my playlists, looking for a song to listen to as I walked, something I was in the mood for.
I scrolled for a bit as I walked every once in awhile looking up to make sure I didn't walk into anything, as I kept scrolling not finding a song I was interested in as I switched between another playlist had.
And when I thought I found a song, I heard the rustling of clothes, pained grunts, and low voices speaking coming up ahead from an alleyway.
I kept walking curiosity peeked, even in my tired state. i couldn't help but be nosey.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket, coming to a stop next to the alleyway, and I turned my head to look down it.
And there was a man being pinned to a wall, an arm against his throat making it hard to breathe for the overweight white man, a hand pinned to the wall by metal claws gleaming in the faint moonlight.
And the one holding the overweight man, he was interesting, to say the least.
Purple and black dominating his outfit, from the shoes to the accessories on his clothes, a mask over his face, like pixels on an old ass box TV, the kind before flat screen TVs, but not really as pixilated as yours think.
And two braids running down the back of his head that looked familiar stopping just past his shoulders.
They both seemed to pause after hearing my foot steps and turned to look at me.
But me being tired, overly exhausted, blinked at them lazily and confused, my brows frowned.
"Fuck I need to sleep more I'm starting to hallucinate again" I grumbled to myself my voice echoing a little down the alleyway as I started walking away rubbing at my eyes unimpressed at myself.
Just chalking what I saw up to my imagination fucking with me for not sleeping properly, honestly wouldn't be the first time, always had a shitty sleeping schedule.
Very few times I'd get the maximum eight hours of sleep, I'd either go to bed between 11pm to about 5am, cause I'm that stupid to stay up that late, only to be pissed off and tired the next day.
I shrugged and let my hand drop from my eyes.
I walked slightly hunched and legs feeling heavy, it felt like my legs were gonna give out on me, but well mama didn't raise no bitch, so we keep on going.
I didn't realise when I started daydreaming, or maybe i was dissociating again?, who knows.
But by the time I snapped out of it, I was home, standing in front of my apartment door, before I ever realized where I was.
"Mm," I mumbled to myself, paying it no mind as I opened the door and stepped inside, kicking off my jandels by the side of the door.
"I'm back," I called out as I walked into the kitchen and dropped the bag on the kitchen counter, digging through it for my milk duds I got.
Once I had the box in hand, I shoved it into my pocket and wondered off to my room.
"Any trouble well you were out, bub!" Lily called out from the living room.
"Nah, it was algoods, Auntie!" I called back out to her as I crawled into bed, flinching just a little when I felt something sharp poke my stomach.
Reaching into my hoodie pocket, I dumped out everything that was in it, from my phone, the change and extra cash I was given, my milk duds, and finally, the knife I forgot I had.
"Forgot about that," I mused to myself as I dumped the change and knife on my bedside table, picked up the box of chocolate covered lollies, and opened the box.I dumpedng a few in my hand before popping them on my mouth and chewing.
I scrunched my nose up at the taste. It wasn't the best candy I'd ever had or lollie for that matter, tasted too well fake to me, far too artificial then anything I'd ever tasted before.
So I dropped the box of sweets on my nightstand and picked up my water bottle. I always left on my bedside table and took a swing to wash out my mouth with a small grimace.
"Well that was disappointing" I muttered to myself setting my water bottle back down, as I picked up my phone and slid down more in my bed to get comfortable as I pulled the blankets up to my neck.
Turning it on, I went onto Tiktok and used the automatic scrolling feature, as well as plugged my phone in as I propped my phone up against the wall.
Watching the random videos that played as my eyes grew heavy.
Before sleep finally claimed me, and I was out like a light.
Miles had just gotten home after taking a bit of a detour after dropping off the supplies at his Mami's hospital.
He grunted as he kicked off his shoes, and dropped his jacket on the floor, taking off the black collar around his neck that held his mask and dropped it into a box he kept all his dad's all accessories and his own.
He stripped off the layers of his Prowler suit and replaced it with his own tank top and some sweats before putting on his purple durag that had little gold crowns on it over his braids.
He then picked up the pieces of his suit and dropped them into a box he took aw, y hidden in his closet.
He then dropped onto his bed with a si. Onene had taken behind his head as he picked up his phone to check for any messages from his mami.
He tapped on his Mami's contact after seeing an unread message from her.
'Gonna be working late again tonight, leftovers are in the microwave, Te amo duerme dormido ❤️'
Miles signed softly, another night shift. Made him glad he cleaned the house before heading over to his uncle's.
He pulled his hand out from behind his hand and started to type a message.
'Te amo Mami, no trabajes tan duro ❤️'
He hit send, plugged his phone in, and shifted to pull his blankets over himself as he rolled over to go to sleep.
'That girl again, huh shame I still ain't know her name,' Miles thought to himself amused.
Remembering how those sleepy tired eyes had looked at him tonight, or should he say the prowler.
How she had looked at the prowler had convinced herself what she'd seen was nothing but hallucinations cause she was so tired.
He was sure he'd see her again, and he knew just like the first time, and the second it'll just be as interesting as the first.
Then maybe, just maybe next time he'd know where she was from, know what that accent she had was.
Until then, he'd sleep. He had school tomorrow after all.
So he shut his eyes, got comfortable, and let himself relax enough to maybe, this time, sleep a full night.
And if not, well, he'd deal with it in the morning.
Hi! Sorry for the delay in this chapter, I'm gonna try and write at least two before I post another and work on a schedule to be able to post them.
I try and work on them when I'm not busy at home, and when I'm not busy at work, I'll let you guys know now. Until then, happy reading.
Ka taea e koe te haere ki te toa maku, ki te tiki etahi mea, he rarangi taku me etahi moni hei tiki. = can you go to the shop for me, and get a few things, i have a list and some money to get them.
ko te iwa i te po ka hiahia koe kia haere ahau ki te toa ko ahau anake = it's nine at night and you want me to go to the store by myself
Te amo duerme dormido = I love you, sleep tight.
Te amo Mami, no trabajes tan duro = I love you Mommy, don't work too hard.
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paper-gold-theories · 10 months
Goldheart has definitely used affection against Flug sometime during battle and Demencia doesn't do anything but eat popcorn and watch
(continuing from this)
Flug, asks Demencia why the hell is she rooting for him and GoldHeart to get together when she hates heroes.
Demencia says yeah, she hates heroes, but she belives that Flug would would be a less of a nag to her if he gets laid.
So beggers can't be choosers.
Or in Demencia's crude words to Flug "will stop acting like he has a stick up his ass all the time to everyone if he gets something else up his ass...", making Flug flustered.
This also made Flug frustrated and asks "Okay, but why GOLDHEART, SPECIFICALLY?!"
And Demencia just shrugs and was like "Flug, I said why, beggars can't be choosers," And further expalins that Flug is a nerd and isn't exactly "Mr. Popular" except for two heroes, so its either "Goldilocks two shoes" or "Miss Heedionda" and Demencia still has a grudge against "Miss Heedionda" for mind controlling Flug and making him punch her in the face. So she chooses the "lesser of two annoyings" out of the two to "ship togther" with Flug, so that Flug will also "understand her one true otp undying love and obsession for Black Hat" and stop nagging and getting in the way of her efforts all the to speed up the S.S. DEMXBH wedding!
Flug got a headache after listening to Demencia's explanation so he just leaves her to her own devices, for now...
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